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RULE 2 – CAUSE OF ACTION-ANSWERS • annulment of marriage, or

• correction of entries in the birth

1. Sec. 5, Rules of Court, a party may assert certificate.
many causes of action as he may have
against an opposing party subject to the In an action in personam, jurisdiction over
conditions. The joinder may be allowed in the person of the defendant is necessary for
the RTC provided that one of the cause of the court to validly try and decide the case.
action falls within the jurisdiction of the said
court. In a preceding in rem or quasi in rem,
jurisdiction over the person of the
2. The principal action of the petitioners defendant is not a prerequisite to confer
namely breach of contract or MOA is a real jurisdiction on the court, provided that the
action. Hence, the action should have been latter has jurisdiction over the res.
filed where the property is located, RTC of
Paranaque. 7. In order to sustain a dismissal on the
ground of lack of cause of action, the
3. While the rule allows the petitioner to insufficiency must appear on the face of the
assert many causes of action as he may complaint.
have against an opposing party, there
should be some unity in the problem 8. The test of sufficiency of the facts, to
presented, subject always to the restriction constitute cause of action is WON, the court
regarding jurisdiction, venue and joinder of can render a valid judgement in accordance
parties. with the prayer of the complaint.

4. Joinder of the causes of action may 9. A cause of action is the act or omission by
involve the same or different parties. In this which a party violates a right of another.
case, the joinder involves different parties,
there must be a question of fact or of law Elements: (RDA)
common to both parties joined, arising out (1) a right existing in favor of the
of the same or series of transaction. plaintiff
(2) a duty on the part of the defendant
5. Whether or not the trial court acquired to respect the plaintiff's right
jurisdiction over the person of petitioner (3) an act or omission of the defendant
and her minor child depends on the nature in violation of such right.
of private respondent's action, that is, in
personam, in rem or quasi in rem.

6. The nature of the private respondent’s

action is an action in rem, which is directed
against the thing itself and not at a person.
Petitions directed against the “thing” itself
or the res, are concerned in the status of a
• like a petition for adoption,
7. A corporation cannot be allowed to file
personal actions in a place other than its
RULE 4 – VENUE principal place of business UNLESS such a place
is also the residence of a co-plaintiff or a
1. Real actions must be instituted in the Court defendant.
of First Instance of the province where the
property or any part thereof lies. Personal 8. Section 1 of Rule 4 of Rules of
Court. Venue of real actions. — Actions
actions may be instituted in the Court of First
affecting title to or possession of real property,
Instance where the defendant or any of the or interest therein, shall be commenced and
defendants resides or may be found, or where tried in the proper court which has jurisdiction
the plaintiff or any of the plaintiffs resides, at over the area wherein the real property
the election of the plaintiff. involved, or a portion thereof, is situated.

the action filed by petitioner was for annulment 9. Section 2 of Rule 4 of the Rules of Court- All other
or recession of a sale of real property is a real actions may be commenced and tried where the
action. Its prime objective is to recover the said defendants or any of the defendants resides or may
be found, or where the plaintiff or any of the
real property. An action to annul the
plaintiffs resides, at the election of the plaintiff. The
foreclosure sale is an action affecting the title of choice of venue for personal actions is given to the
the property sold. It is therefore a real action, in plaintiff/petitioners. The option of the plaintiff is
which the proper venue is the place where the either the place where the defendant resides or the
real property in controversy is located/lies. place where the plaintiff resides.

2. The New Rules of Court provides that when 10. Resides means the place of abode, whether
“the action is not upon a written contract, then permanent or temporary. Domicile means a
in the municipality where the defendant or any permanent or legal residence.
of the defendants resides or may be served
with summons.” 11. In the present case, it uses the word “MAY”
at the back of their contract. The word “MAY”
3. RESIDENCE of a corporation is the place is merely permissive and it confer discretion to
both parties. Since the complaint has been filed
where its principal office is established.
in the Court of First Instance of Pampanga,
where the plaintiff resides, the venue of action
4. The fact that there are branch offices in some (considering that it is a personal action) is
parts of the country does not mean that it can properly laid in accordance with Section 2 (b),
be sued in any of these places. To allow an Rule 4 of the Rules of Court.
action to be instituted in any place where a
corporate entity has its branch offices, it would 12. NO. Polytrade Doctrine applied in this case.
create confusion and inconvenience to the The doctrine states that, as long as the
corporation. stipulation does not set qualifying or restrictive
words to indicate that the agreed place is the
5. A corporation is a resident of the place only and exclusively the venue of the action, the
where its principal office is located as stated in parties still has the option of choosing the venue.
the articles of incorporation.
Under Rule 4 of Rules of Court, the venue of
6. Actions cannot be file against a corporation any personal action is where the defendants or
in any place where the corporation maintains any of the defendants resides or may be
its branch offices. found, or where the plaintiff or any of the
plaintiffs resides, at the election of the plaintiff.
13. Moto proprio (on one’s own inititiative) venue stipulation contained in the written
dismissal of complaint on the ground of improper instrument/agreement and should be filed in
venue is plain error. Venue relates to trial not to accordance with the general rules on venue.
jurisdiction, touches more of the convenience of the
parties rather that the substance of the case.

In the instant case, the petitioner’s action is a real Petitioner’s complaint directly assails the
action. However the RTC of Rizal would still have validity of the contracts, claiming forgery in
jurisdiction over the case. Pursuant to Sec. 19 of BP their execution. Thus, petitioner cannot be
129, the RTC shall exercised exclusive original expected to comply with the venue
jurisdiction over "all civil actions which involve the
stipulation. Petitioner filed his complaint in
title to, or possession of, real property, or any
RTC City of Manila where the subject property
interest therein . . ." The private respondent fails to
is located.
challenge timely the venue in a motion to dismiss
and allows the trial to be held and render decision.
Technically speaking, the venue was wrong, but
maybe acceptable for the convenience of the

14. An action or proceeding is commenced by the

filing of the complaint or other initiatory pleading.
The act of the plaintiff (or petitioner) of filing the
complaint (or other appropriate pleading) — by
which he signifies his submission to the court’s
power and authority — that jurisdiction is acquired
by the court over his person. On the other hand,
jurisdiction over the person of the defendant is
obtained, as above stated, by the service of
summons or other coercive process upon him or by
his voluntary submission to the authority of the

15. A preliminary attachment may be defined,

paraphrasing the Rules of Court, as the provisional
remedy in virtue of which a plaintiff or other proper
party may, at the commencement of the action or at
any time thereafter, have the property of the
adverse party taken into the custody of the court as
security for the satisfaction of any judgment that
may be recovered.

16. Ruling that the cancellation of mortgage contract

is a personal action if the mortgagee (lender) has not
foreclosed the mortgage and the mortgagor
(borrower) is in possession of the property.

Pursuant to the Rules of Court – Venue of Personal

Actions - actions may be brought in the place of
residence of the plaintiff or defendant.

17. The SC ruled that a complaint directly

assailing the validity of the written instrument
itself, should not be bound by the exclusive

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