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To our families for their never-ending support.

To my wife, Diana, my daughter, Lauren, my son-in-law, Chet, and my son, Alex.

—Dhruv Grewal
To my wife, Marcia, my daughter, Eva, and my son-in-law, Alex.
—Michael Levy
In memory of my marketing mentor, Dr. Gordon McDougall.
Thanks as always to my husband, John.
—Shirley Lichti
About the Authors

Society for Marketing Advances, 2003 American

Marketing Association, Award for Innovative Excellence
in Marketing Education, 1999 Academy of Marketing
Science Great Teachers in Marketing Award, Executive
MBA Teaching Excellence Award (1998), School of
Business Teaching Excellence Awards (1993, 1999), and
Virginia Tech Certificate of Recognition for Outstanding
Teaching (1989).
He has taught executive seminars and courses,
andr worked on research projects with numerous firms
such as Dell, ExxonMobil, IRI, RadioShack, Telcordia,
Khimetrics Profit-Logic, McKinsey, Ericsson, Motorola,
Nextel, FP&L, Lucent, Sabre, Goodyear Tire & Rubber
Company, Sherwin-Williams, and Asahi. He has deliv-
ered seminars in the United States, Europe, Latin
America, and Asia. He has served as an expert witness
or worked as a consultant on numerous legal cases. He
serves on the Board of Directors of Babson Global, and
Courtesy of Dhruv Grewal on the Board of Trustees of Marketing Edge.

Dhruv Grewal, Ph.D. (Virginia Tech), is the Toyota

Chair in Commerce and Electronic Business and a
Professor of Marketing at Babson College. His research
and teaching interests focus on direct marketing and
e-commerce, marketing research, the broad areas of
value-based marketing strategies, services and retail-
ing, and pricing. He is listed in Thomson Reuters’ 2014
World’s Most Influential Scientific Minds list (only eight
from the marketing field and 95 from economics and
business are listed). He is an Honorary Distinguished
Visiting Professor of Retailing and Marketing, Center
for Retailing, Stockholm School of Economics; an Hon­
orary Distinguished Visiting Professor of Retailing and
Marketing, Tecnológico de Monterrey; a GSBE Extramural
Fellow, Maastricht University; a Global Chair in Marketing
at University of Bath; and has been a Visiting Scholar at
Dartmouth College. He has also served as a faculty mem-
ber at the University of Miami, where he was a department
Courtesy of Michael Levy
He has published more than 150 articles in jour-
nals such as the Journal of Retailing, Journal of
Marketing, Journal of Consumer Research, Journal Michael Levy, Ph.D. (Ohio State University), is the Charles
of Marketing Research, and Journal of the Academy Clarke Reynolds Professor of Marketing Emeritus at
of Marketing Science, as well as other journals. He cur- Babson College and CEO of RetailProf LLC. He received
rently serves on numerous editorial review boards, such his Ph.D. in business administration from The Ohio State
as the Jour­nal of Marketing, Journal of the Academy University and his undergraduate and MS degrees in
of Marketing Science, Journal of Marketing Research, business administration from the University of Colorado
Journal of Interactive Marketing, Journal of Business at Boulder. He taught at Southern Methodist University
Research Journal of Public Policy & Marketing, and the before joining the faculty as professor and chair of the
advisory board for Journal of Retailing. marketing department at the University of Miami.
He has won a number of awards for his teach- Professor Levy received the inaugural ACRA
ing: 2017 Robert B. Clarke Outstanding Educator Academic Lifetime Achievement Award presented at
Award, 2010 Academy of Marketing Science Cutco/ the 2015 AMA/ACRA (American Marketing Association/
Vector Distinguished Educator Award in May 2010, American Collegiate Retailing Association) Triennial
2005 Sherwin-Williams Distinguished Teaching Award, Conference, and was recognized for 25 years of
dedicated service to the editorial review board of
the Journal of Retailing in 2011. He won the McGraw
Hill Corporate Achievement Award for Grewal–Levy
Marketing 2e with Connect in the category of excel-
lence in content and analytics (2010); Revision of the
Year for Marketing 2e (Grewal–Levy) from McGraw Hill/
Irwin (2010); the 2009 Lifetime Achievement Award,
American Marketing Association, Retailing Special
Interest Group (SIG); the Babson Faculty Scholarship
Award (2009); and the Distinguished Service Award,
Journal of Retailing (2009) (at winter AMA).
He was rated as one of the best researchers in market-
ing in a survey published in Marketing Educator (Summer
1997). He has developed a strong stream of research in
retailing, business logistics, financial retailing strategy,
pricing, and sales management. He has published over
50 articles in leading marketing and logistics journals,
including the Journal of Retailing, Journal of Marketing, Photo by Ken Jantzi. Courtesy of
Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, and Shirley Lichti.
Journal of Marketing Research. He has served on the edi-
torial review boards of the Journal of Retailing, Journal of
the Academy of Marketing Science, International Journal
of Physical Distribution and Materials Management, a 14-year career with IBM. She has worked in Canada,
International Journal of Business Logistics, ECR Journal, the Caribbean, and Japan.
and European Business Review, and has been on the edi- A dedicated educator, Shirley was recognized with the
torial advisory boards of European Retail Research and 2002 SBE Outstanding Teacher Award. She was honoured
the European Business Review. to be included as one of Laurier’s “Most Popular Professors”
Professor Levy has worked in retailing and related in the Maclean’s Guide to Canadian Universities in 2003,
disciplines throughout his professional life. Prior to his 2004, 2005, and 2006. In 2007, Shirley was recognized by
academic career, he worked for several retailers and a the Ontario Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities
housewares distributor in Colorado. He has performed with The LIFT Award for Teaching Excellence. The Zonta
research projects with many retailers and retail technol- Club of Kitchener-Waterloo presented her with its Women
ogy firms, including Accenture, Federated Department of Achievement Award in 2015.
Stores, Khimetrics (SAP), Mervyn’s, Neiman Marcus, She also runs Marketing Magic, a Waterloo-based
ProfitLogic (Oracle), Zale Corporation, and numerous marketing communication consulting and training com-
law firms. pany. She has been a featured keynote speaker at con-
ferences and has developed and delivered marketing
Shirley Lichti, B.A., M.A., has taught in the School of seminars and workshops for many organizations. Her
Business and Economics (SBE) at Wilfrid Laurier University clients include companies of all sizes, ranging from the
since 1993 as a part-time and full-time instructor. She Stratford Festival to Fortune 500 companies such as
has taught a range of undergraduate and graduate Manulife Financial, Scotiabank, and Lexus Canada.
courses, including Introductory Marketing; Building For more than 10 years, Shirley wrote a regular mar-
and Managing Products, Services, and Brands; Inte- keting column for The Record. She has been an active
grated Marketing Communications; and Consumer board member and volunteer in many organizations,
Behaviour to undergrads and MBA students. Shirley including Communitech, the Business Success for Women
has an extensive background in marketing, advertising, Conference, K-W Business Women’s Association, and the
promotion, and training, which was developed during Sexual Assault Support Centre of Waterloo Region.
Table of Contents
SECTION ONE Assessing the Marketplace 1

1 Overview of Marketing 1
What Is Marketing? 2
Marketing Is About Satisfying Customer Needs and Wants 3
Marketing Entails an Exchange 4
Marketing Requires Marketing Mix Decisions 5
Marketing Can Be Performed by Both Individuals and
Organizations 8
Marketing Impacts Many Stakeholders 9
Sustainable Marketing 1.1 Sustainability and Reputation
Management 9
The Four Orientations of Marketing 10
How Do Firms Become More Value Driven? 11
Gathering and Sharing Information 12
Marketing Analytics 1.1 Location, Location, Analytics: Starbucks’
Use of Data to Place New Stores 12
Balancing Benefits With Costs 13
Building Relationships With Customers 13
Ethical & Societal Dilemma 1.1 Adding Value by Addressing Gender
Inequality in the Coffee Market 14
Connecting With Customers Using Social and Mobile Media 14
Why Is Marketing Important? 15
Marketing Expands Firms’ Global Presence 15
Marketing Is Pervasive Across Marketing Channel Members 16
Marketing Enriches Society 17
Marketing Can Be Entrepreneurial 18
Entrepreneurial Marketing 1.1 Kacee Vasudeva — Serial Entrepreneur 19
Learning Objectives Review 20
Key Terms 21
Concept Review 21
Marketing Applications 21
Marketing Digitally 22
Chapter Case Study: KIND Bars for a Kinder World 22

2 Developing Marketing Strategies and a Marketing Plan 24

What Is a Marketing Strategy? 26
Customer Excellence 27
Operational Excellence 28
Product Excellence 29
Locational Excellence 30
Entrepreneurial Marketing 2.1 Brewing Up a Business:
Tofino Kombucha 30
Multiple Sources of Advantage 31
The Marketing Plan 31
Step 1: Define the Business Mission and Objectives 32
Step 2: Conduct a Situation Analysis 33
viii Table of Contents

Step 3: Identify and Evaluate Opportunities by Using STP (Segmentation,

Targeting, and Positioning) 37
Ethical & Societal Dilemma 2.1 Tempest in a Festive Cup 39
Step 4: Implement Marketing Mix and Allocate Resources 40
Sustainable Marketing 2.1 Demonstrating a Commitment to
Sustainability 42
Step 5: Evaluate Performance by Using Marketing Metrics 42
Marketing Analytics 2.1 The First Name in Predictive Analytics:
Google 44
Strategic Planning Is Not Sequential 45
Growth Strategies 49
Market Penetration 50
Market Development 50
Product Development 50
Diversification 51
Real Marketer Profile: Angela Simpson 52
Learning Objectives Review 52
Key Terms 53
Concept Review 54
Marketing Applications 54
Marketing Digitally 55
Chapter Case Study: The Coffee Wars 55

Appendix 2A: Writing a Marketing Plan 57

3 Analyzing the Marketing Environment 72

A Marketing Environment Analysis Framework 73
Microenvironmental Factors 74
Company Capabilities 75
Competition 75
Entrepreneurial Marketing 3.1 Taking on the Giants:
Bulldog Skincare 76
Corporate Partners 77
Macroenvironmental Factors 77
Culture 77
Demographics 79
Technological Advances 85
Marketing Analytics 3.1 When the Best Is Good Enough: Netflix’s Stellar Predictive
Analytics 86
Economic Situation 88
Political/Legal Environment 89
Social and Natural Trends 91
Sustainable Marketing 3.1 Sneakers From Ocean Plastic Trash 93
Ethical & Societal Dilemma 3.1 Consumers Insist on Healthy Foods — Until
You Mess with the Colour of Their Trix 96
Learning Objectives Review 97
Key Terms 98
Concept Review 98
Marketing Applications 99
Marketing Digitally 99
Chapter Case Study: The Rise of the Electric Car 100
Table of Contents ix

SECTION TWO Understanding the Marketplace 101

4 Consumer Behaviour 101
The Consumer Decision Process 103
Step 1: Need Recognition 103
Step 2: Information Search 104
Step 3: Alternative Evaluation 107
Step 4: Purchase Decision 110
Step 5: Postpurchase 110
Factors Influencing Consumer Buying Decisions 112
Psychological Factors 113
Ethical Societal Dilemma 4.1 “Smart” Toys Raise New
Privacy Concerns 117
Entrepreneurial Marketing 4.1 Juiced for Success: Greenhouse 118
Social Factors 119
Sustainable Marketing 4.1 Consumer Attitude Shift in Support of Sustainable
Packaging 120
Situational Factors 122
Involvement and Consumer Buying Decisions 125
Extended Problem Solving 126
Limited Problem Solving 126
Real Marketer Profile: Ken Harrison 127
Learning Objectives Review 128
Key Terms 129
Concept Review 129
Marketing Applications 130
Marketing Digitally 130
Chapter Case Study: The Battle of the Titans: Amazon Echo vs. Google Home 131

5 Business-to-Business Marketing 133

B2B Markets 135
Manufacturers or Producers 136
Resellers 137
Institutions 137
Government 137
Key Challenges of Reaching B2B Clients 138
Entrepreneurial Marketing 5.1 Fighting Fires
With Drones 139
Differences Between B2B and B2C Markets 140
Ethical & Societal Dilemma 5.1 To Block or Not to Block: The Competing
and Compelling Interests of Advertisers, Users, and Facebook 141
The B2B Buying Process 142
Stage 1: Need Recognition 143
Stage 2: Product Specification 143
Stage 3: RFP Process 143
Stage 4: Proposal Analysis and Supplier Selection 144
Stage 5: Order Specification (Purchase) 144
Stage 6: Vendor Performance Assessment Using Metrics 144
The Buying Centre 145
Organizational Culture 147
x Table of Contents

Building B2B Relationships 148

Buying Situations 150
Learning Objectives Review 152
Key Terms 153
Concept Review 153
Marketing Applications 153
Marketing Digitally 154
Chapter Case Study: Staples: The Big-Box Retailer That Is Also a B2B Powerhouse 154

SECTION THREE Targeting the Marketplace 156

6 Segmentation, Targeting, and Positioning 156
The Segmentation–Targeting–Positioning Process 158
Step 1: Establish Overall Strategy or Objectives 158
Step 2: Segmentation Bases 159
Sustainable Marketing 6.1 Eat Like the World Depends
On It 166
Marketing Analytics 6.1 The Expanding Uses of Data Mining and Analytics in
the Restaurant Industry 168
Step 3: Evaluate Segment Attractiveness 170
Step 4: Select Target Market 174
Entrepreneurial Marketing 6.1 Chez Cora: The Business of Breakfast 177
Step 5: Identify and Develop Positioning Strategy 179
Positioning Methods 180
Ethical & Societal Dilemma 6.1 Walmart’s Low-Priced Organic
Foods 183
Positioning by Using Perceptual Mapping 184
Repositioning 186
Real Marketer Profile: Neetu Godara 187
Learning Objectives Review 188
Key Terms 189
Concept Review 189
Marketing Applications 190
Marketing Digitally 190
Chapter Case Study: Lululemon Sees Men as an Opportunity for Growth 191

7 Marketing Research 193

The Marketing Research Process 195
Step 1: Define the Research Problem and Objectives 196
Step 2: Design the Research Plan 198
Step 3: Collect Data 198
Step 4: Analyze Data and Develop Insights 200
Step 5: Determine the Action Plan 201
Secondary Data 202
Primary Data Collection Techniques 207
Marketing Analytics 7.1 The Under Armour Idea of
“Connected Fitness” 208
Qualitative Research Methods 210
Quantitative Research Methods 214
Sustainable Marketing 7.1 The Automotive Future Looks Green 216
Table of Contents xi

Entrepreneurial Marketing 7.1 Marketing Research on a Shoestring

Budget 220
The Ethics of Using Customer Information 221
Ethical & Societal Dilemma 7.1 Vacuuming Up More
Than Dirt: Information Collected by Roomba 222
Learning Objectives Review 223
Key Terms 224
Concept Review 225
Marketing Applications 225
Marketing Digitally 226
Chapter Case Study: Selfies as Data: Relying on a New Form of Self-Reporting to Gauge
Consumer Behaviour 226

Appendix 7A: Using Secondary Data to Assess Customer Lifetime Value (CLV) 228

SECTION FOUR Value Creation 231

8 Developing New Products 231
Why Do Firms Create New Products? 234
Changing Customer Needs 234
Market Saturation 235
Managing Risk Through Diversity 236
Fashion Cycles 236
Improving Business Relationships 237
Adoption of Innovation 237
Innovators 240
Ethical & Societal Dilemma 8.1 Drones in the Sky, Questions on the Ground 241
Early Adopters 241
Early Majority 242
Late Majority 242
Laggards 242
Using the Adoption Cycle 243
How Firms Develop New Products 245
Idea Generation 245
Marketing Analytics 8.1 Data That Help the Brand and the Customer: GM’s Big
Data Use 247
Concept Testing 249
Product Development 250
Entrepreneurial Marketing 8.1 Bartesian — Premium Cocktails
on Demand 250
Market Testing 252
Sustainable Marketing 8.1 Beyond Meat — Diet for the Whole Planet? 253
Product Launch 254
Evaluation of Results 256
The Product Life Cycle 256
Introduction Stage 257
Growth Stage 258
Maturity Stage 258
Decline Stage 260
The Shape of the Product Life Cycle Curve 261
Strategies Based on Product Life Cycle: Some Caveats 262
xii Table of Contents

Learning Objectives Review 262

Key Terms 263
Concept Review 263
Marketing Applications 263
Marketing Digitally 264
Chapter Case Study: A Toy Company for a New Age: How Mattel Is Reinventing Itself
for Modern Consumers 264

9 Product, Branding, and Packaging Decisions 266

Complexity of Products and Types of Products 268
Complexity of Products 268
Types of Products 269
Product Mix and Product Line Decisions 270
Change Product Mix Breadth and Depth 272
Branding 273
Value of Branding 274
Brand Equity 276
Ethical & Societal Dilemma 9.1 Does Taxing
Sugary Drinks Reduce Obesity? 278
Branding Strategies 281
Brand Ownership 281
Naming Brands and Product Lines 282
Brand Extension 283
Cobranding 285
Brand Licensing 286
Packaging 286
Entrepreneurial Marketing 9.1 Peel-Off Stickers Wow Parents
and Schools — Wowbutter 287
Sustainable Marketing 9.1 Eco-Strips: An Earth-Saving Laundry Solution 289
Labelling 290
Learning Objectives Review 291
Key Terms 292
Concept Review 292
Marketing Applications 292
Marketing Digitally 293
Chapter Case Study: From Counterculture to the Runway: How
Did Birkenstocks Become Fashionable? 293

10 Services: The Intangible Product 296

Sustainable Marketing 10.1 Never Buy Furniture
Again 299
Services Marketing Differs from Product Marketing 300
Intangible 301
Inseparable Production and Consumption 302
Inconsistent 302
Inventory 304
Entrepreneurial Marketing 10.1 velofix Keeps Cyclists
Riding 305
Providing Great Service: The Gaps Model 306
The Knowledge Gap: Knowing What Customers Want 307
The Standards Gap: Setting Service Standards 311
The Delivery Gap: Delivering Service Quality 313
Table of Contents xiii

Marketing Analytics 10.1 Google Analytics Helps Theatres Predict

Attendance, Dealing With Perishability 316
The Communication Gap: Communicating the Service Promise 318
Service Quality and Customer Satisfaction and Loyalty 318
Ethical & Societal Dilemma 10.1 Shoppers Drug Mart Injects
a Little Controversy 319
Service Recovery 320
Listening to the Customer 320
Finding a Fair Solution 321
Resolving Problems Quickly 322
Real Marketer Profile: Paul Maxwell 322
Learning Objectives Review 323
Key Terms 323
Concept Review 323
Marketing Applications 324
Marketing Digitally 324
Chapter Case Study: How AI Is Revolutionizing Customer Service 325

SECTION FIVE Transacting Value 326

11 Pricing Concepts and Strategies: Establishing Value 326
The Importance of Pricing 327
The Five Cs of Pricing 329
Company Objectives 329
Customers 331
Entrepreneurial Marketing 11.1 “Blink Test” Paves the Way
for Setting App Price 332
Marketing Analytics 11.1 Airlines Use Price Elasticities
to Price Tickets 336
Costs 338
Competition 341
Channel Members 342
Considerations for Setting Prices 343
Pricing Methods 343
Cost-Based Methods 343
Competitor-Based Methods 344
Value-Based Methods 344
Sustainable Marketing 11.1 In Pursuit of Plastic-Free Packaging 345
Pricing Strategies 346
Everyday Low Pricing (EDLP) 346
High/Low Pricing 346
New Product Pricing 347
Pricing Tactics 348
Consumer Pricing Tactics 348
Consumer Price Reductions 349
Business-to-Business Pricing Tactics 351
Legal and Ethical Aspects of Pricing 353
Deceptive or Illegal Price Advertising 353
Predatory Pricing 354
Price Discrimination 354
Price Fixing 355
xiv Table of Contents

Ethical & Societal Dilemma 11.1 Bread Price-Fixing Scheme Costs

Consumers 356
Learning Objectives Review 356
Key Terms 357
Concept Review 358
Marketing Applications 358
Marketing Digitally 359
Chapter Case Study: Planet Fitness Pricing for Success 359

SECTION SIX Value Delivery: Designing the Distribution

Channel and Supply Chain 361
12 Distribution Channels 361
The Importance of Distribution 362
Distribution Channels, Supply Chain, and Logistics 363
Entrepreneurial Marketing 12.1 Instant Pot, Not Quite
Instant Success 364
Designing Distribution Channels 366
Channel Structure 366
Ethical & Societal Dilemma 12.1 Advances in Technology
Can Mean Layoffs for Workers 368
Push Versus Pull Distribution Strategies 369
Distribution Intensity 371
Distribution Channels Add Value 373
Marketing Analytics 12.1 Analytics Support Amazon’s Anticipatory
Shipping 375
Managing Distribution Channels 376
Managing Supply Chains Through Strategic Relationships 379
Sustainable Marketing 12.1 Sustainable Clothing Grows Trees 380
Logistics Management: Making Information Flow 382
Data Warehouse 384
Electronic Data Interchange 384
Vendor-Managed Inventory 385
Logistics Management: Making Merchandise Flow 385
Distribution Centres Versus Direct Store Delivery 385
The Distribution (or Fulfillment) Centre 386
Inventory Management Through Just-in-Time Systems 387
Learning Objectives Review 388
Key Terms 389
Concept Review 389
Marketing Applications 389
Marketing Digitally 390
Chapter Case Study: Zara Delivers Fast Fashion 390

13 Retailing and Omnichannel Marketing 393

Choosing Retail Partners 397
Channel Structure 398
Customer Expectations 398
Channel Member Characteristics 399
Identifying Types of Retailers 399
Food Retailers 399
Table of Contents xv

General Merchandise Retailers 401

Ethical & Societal Dilemma 13.1 Outcry as Juul Opens First Retail Vaping
Store 402
Developing a Retail Strategy 406
Product (Merchandise Assortment) 406
Price 407
Promotion 408
Presentation (Store Design and Display) 409
Entrepreneurial Marketing 13.1 Malls Are Becoming a Circus —
Really! 411
Personnel 413
Sustainable Marketing 13.1 MEC Strives for the Smallest
Possible Footprint 414
Place 415
The Internet and Omnichannel Retailing 416
Marketing Analytics 13.1 In-Store and Online Analytics
at IKEA 417
Effective Omnichannel Retailing 420
Real Marketer Profile: Rob Wallace 421
Learning Objectives Review 422
Key Terms 423
Concept Review 423
Marketing Applications 423
Marketing Digitally 424
Chapter Case Study: Aldo, a Retailer With a Conscience and “Sole” 424

SECTION SEVEN Value Communication 427

14 Integrated Marketing Communications 427
Communicating with Consumers 429
The Communication Process 429
How Consumers Perceive Communication 431
Steps in Planning an IMC Campaign 432
1. Identify Target Audience 433
2. Set Objectives 433
3. Determine Budget 435
4. Convey Message 437
5. Evaluate and Select Media 438
6. Create Communication 441
7. Assess Impact Using Marketing Metrics 442
Sustainable Marketing 14.1 Sustainability Ingrained in theturnlab’s
DNA 443
Planning, Implementing, and Evaluating IMC Programs — An Illustration of
Google Advertising 444
Marketing Analytics 14.1 Puma’s Use of Google Analytics 445
Integrated Marketing Communications Tools 447
Advertising 448
Entrepreneurial Marketing 14.1 From Single Mom to Success Story 449
Personal Selling 450
Sales Promotion 450
xvi Table of Contents

Direct Marketing 450

Ethical & Societal Dilemma 14.1 Protecting Consumer Privacy 451
Public Relations 455
Social and Mobile Media 457
Real Marketer Profile: Debra Goldblatt-Sadowski
(rock-it promotions) 461
Learning Objectives Review 462
Key Terms 463
Concept Review 463
Marketing Applications 463
Marketing Digitally 464
Chapter Case Study: The Toyota Supra — It's Back! 464

Appendix 14A: Social and Mobile Media 467

15 Advertising, Sales Promotions, and Personal Selling 479

Advertising 481
The AIDA Model 481
Attention 482
Sustainable Marketing 15.1 Rethink, Re-use: IKEA’s
Lamp 2 484
Advertising Objectives 484
Regulatory and Ethical Issues in Advertising 490
Sales Promotion 492
Consumer Sales Promotions 492
Ethical & Societal Dilemma 15.1 Is Amazon Undercutting
Other Brands with Pop-Up Ads for its Own
Products? 494
Entrepreneurial Marketing 15.1 Happy Effect,
Happy Planet 496
Trade Channel Sales Promotions 498
Using Sales Promotion Tools 498
Evaluating Sales Promotions by Using Marketing
Metrics 500
Personal Selling 500
The Scope and Nature of Personal Selling 501
The Value Added by Personal Selling 502
The Personal Selling Process 503
Step 1: Generate and Qualify Leads 504
Step 2: Preapproach and the Use of CRM
Systems 505
Step 3: Sales Presentation and Overcoming
Objections 506
Step 4: Closing the Sale 507
Step 5: Follow-Up 508
Learning Objectives Review 509
Key Terms 510
Concept Review 510
Marketing Applications 510
Marketing Digitally 511
Chapter Case Study: Making MasterCard Priceless 511
Table of Contents xvii

SECTION EIGHT Marketing in the Global Environment 515

16 Global Marketing 515
Assessing Global Markets 517
Analyzing the Political Environment 518
Analyzing the Economic Environment Using Metrics 521
Analyzing Sociocultural Factors 524
Analyzing Technology and Infrastructure Capabilities 527
The Appeal of the BRIC Countries 528
Choosing a Global Market Entry Strategy 531
Exporting 531
Franchising 532
Entrepreneurial Marketing 16.1 Looking for OpportuniTea 533
Strategic Alliance 534
Joint Venture 534
Direct Investment 535
Choosing a Global Marketing Strategy 536
Target Market: Segmentation, Targeting, and Positioning 536
The Global Marketing Mix 537
Ethical & Societal Dilemma 16.1 Burger Wars in India:
Fast-Food Chains Are Finding Creative Ways to Enter a
No-Beef Environment 537
Sustainable Marketing 16.1 General Mills Commits to
Sustainable Sourcing 539
Ethical Issues in Global Marketing 542
Environmental Concerns 542
Global Labour Issues 543
Impact on Host Country Culture 543
Real Marketer Profile: Marie Ishikawa 544
Learning Objectives Review 545
Key Terms 545
Concept Review 546
Marketing Applications 546
Marketing Digitally 547
Chapter Case Study: The Globalization of Apple 547

17 Ethics and Socially Responsible Marketing 549

The Scope of Marketing Ethics 551
Ethical Issues Associated with Marketing Decisions 551
Creating an Ethical Climate in the Workplace 552
The Influence of Personal Ethics 553
Corporate Social Responsibility 555
Sustainable Marketing 17.1 Cadillac Fairview
Takes the Pledge 556
Consumerism, Ethics, and Socially Responsible Practices 558
Entrepreneurial Marketing 17.1 Third-Wave Coffee Experience
Delivers Purpose and Profit 560
Ethical & Societal Dilemma 17.1 Are Growth and Conscious
Marketing Contradictory? The Challenge for Patagonia 562
A Framework for Ethical Decision Making 563
xviii Table of Contents

Integrating Ethics into Marketing Strategy 566

Planning Phase 566
Implementation Phase 567
Control Phase 568
Understanding Ethics by Using Scenarios 568
Scenario 1: Retailer Lacks Ethical Guidelines 568
Scenario 2: Giving Credit Where Credit Isn’t Due 569
Scenario 3: The Jeweller’s Tarnished Image 569
Scenario 4: No Wonder It’s So Good 569
Scenario 5: Bright Baby’s Bright Idea 570
Learning Objectives Review 570
Key Terms 571
Concept Review 571
Marketing Applications 572
Marketing Digitally 572
Chapter Case Study: Daily Table 573

Glossary GL-1
Chapter Sources CS-1
Endnotes EN-1
Name Index IN-1
Company Index IN-3
Subject Index IN-8
What Is Marketing?

The function of marketing

is multi-faceted, but its
fundamental purpose is to
create value. Consider these

Why do people spend $4.95 for a latte at Starbucks

when they could buy one from Tim Hortons®
for $3.49? The answer lies in marketing brand value:
Starbucks has created a prestige image for its coffee,
food, and other products using grassroots advertising
and innovative marketing tactics such as mobile apps and
rewards programs. When trendsetters embraced the brand,
it didn’t take long for others to follow.

Similarly, why would people pay for bottled water

when they could get it for free from a tap? Companies
such as Aberfoyle Springs, Clearly Canadian, Canadian Springs, and Montclair have
created bottled water products that offer customers the convenience of an easy-
to-carry format. But after years of explosive growth, the industry faced challenges.
Environmental concerns have led to unprecedented criticism related to the sea of
plastic bottles hitting landfill and recycling sites. Many municipalities have banned
bottled water outright. How can the industry continue to flourish while being mindful
of such concerns?

Regardless of your age, your gender, or the city in which you live, you
already know something about marketing. You have been an involved consumer
in the marketing process since childhood when, for example, you accompanied your
mother or father to the grocery store and asked to buy a particular brand of cereal
because you saw a friend eating it or heard about it on television. The prize inside
the box of cereal was of value to you as a child; the nutritional information offered on
the box panel was of value to your mother or father. Once you begin to explore the
many ways in which companies and brands create value for their customers through
marketing, you will also begin to appreciate the complex set of decisions and activities
that are necessary to provide you with the products and services you use every day.
Changes to the Fifth Canadian Edition
The central theme in this book is Marketing Adds Value. Beyond teaching students the principles of marketing, we need
to impress upon them why marketing in and of itself is valuable, regardless of a chosen career direction. Marketing creates
enduring and mutually valuable relationships. It identifies what customers value locally and globally. Without marketing,
it would be difficult for anyone to learn about new products or services. A solid understanding of marketing can help job-
seeking students demonstrate their value to market themselves on graduation. It can help them to embrace the power of
small businesses and entrepreneurship in the Canadian economy. Marketing, Fifth Canadian Edition, is all about the core
concepts and tools that marketers use to create value for customers. Throughout this book you will find many examples that
define how companies create value through branding, packaging, pricing, retailing, service, and advertising. The concept of
value is introduced in Chapter 1 and carried through the entire text.
Special attention was given to the COVID-19 pandemic and its impact on marketers. Chapters were updated to include
current, relevant discussion and examples of how companies were forced to adapt. These chapters include: Chapter 3
"Analyzing The Marketing Environment"; Chapter 4 "Consumer Behaviour"; Chapter 9 "Product, Branding, and Packaging
Decisions"; Chapter 11 "'Pricing Concepts and Strategies: Establishing Value"; Chapter 13 "Retailing and Omnichannel
Marketing"; Chapter 15 "Advertising, Sales Promotions, and Personal Selling"; and Chapter 16 "Global Marketing."

SECTION ONE Assessing the Marketplace

Assessing the Marketplace is the central theme of New Marketing Analytics boxes in Chapters 2 and 3.
Section One, which contains three chapters. Following Easy-to-understand coverage of marketing orienta-
an introduction to marketing in Chapter 1, “Overview of tions in Chapter 1 to help students appreciate the
Marketing,” Chapter 2 (“Developing Marketing Strategies different ways marketing is practised. To lay the
and a Marketing Plan”) focuses on how a firm creates a foundation for following chapters, we have included
marketing plan. A central theme of the chapter is how a short discussion and an example showing how the
firms can effectively create, capture, deliver, and com- four Ps need to be integrated and coordinated into
municate value to their customers. Finally, Chapter 3, a seamless whole rather than treated as individual
“Analyzing the Marketing Environment,” focuses on components of the marketing mix.
how marketers can systematically uncover and evalu- Continued focus on ethics with new Ethical &
ate opportunities. Societal Dilemma boxes in Chapters 1, 2, and 3.
Revised material on marketing strategies to make it
Changes to Section One include: simpler to follow.
New Chapter Vignettes in Chapters 1, 2 and 3. New Real Marketer profile in Chapter 2.
More emphasis on the importance of sustain- Appendix 2A, which walks students through the
able marketing in Chapter 1 with new Sustainable process of writing a marketing plan, and presents a
Marketing boxes in Chapters 1 and 2, and a revised plan’s components.
box in Chapter 3. Expanded emphasis on sustainability in the “Social
New Entrepreneurial Marketing boxes in Chapters 1, and Natural Trends” section in Chapter 3.
2 and 3. New Chapter Case Studies in Chapters 1, 2 and 3.

SECTION TWO Understanding the Marketplace

Understanding the Marketplace is the focus of Section New Sustainable Marketing box in Chapter 4.
Two, which is composed of two chapters. Chapter 4, New Entrepreneurial Marketing box in Chapter 4.
“Consumer Behaviour,” discusses why consumers New Chapter Case Studies in Chapters 4 and 5.
purchase products and services, and highlights the A discussion in Chapter 4 about how marketers can
consumer decision process. Chapter 5, “Business-to- mitigate the various risks associated with the con-
Business Marketing,” looks at why and how business- sumer buying decision.
to-business buying takes place. New Real Marketer profile in Chapter 4.
An expanded focus on smaller companies in
Changes to Section Two include: Chapter 5, reflecting the importance of entrepre-
New Chapter Vignette in Chapter 4. neurship along with the challenges in serving B2B
New Ethical & Societal Dilemma boxes in customers.
Chapters 4 and 5.
Changes to the Fifth Canadian Edition xxi

SECTION THREE Targeting the Marketplace

Targeting the Marketplace is the subject of the Simplified discussion of segmentation in Chapter 6,
third section of the book. Chapter 6, “Segmentation, including new exhibits and a segmentation grid tied
Targeting, and Positioning,” focuses on how firms seg- back to the Chapter Vignette to help students more
ment the marketplace, pick a target market, and then easily grasp the theory.
position their good/service in line with their customers’ New Real Marketer profile in Chapter 6.
needs and wants. Chapter 7, “Marketing Research,” New Marketing Analytics boxes in Chapters 6 and 7.
identifies the various tools and techniques that market- Reorganized Chapter 7 to present the marketing
ers use to uncover these needs and ensure that they research process first, followed by a more in-depth
create goods and services that provide value to their discussion explaining how marketers use research,
target markets. including examples of the types of objectives set
and how the research might be conducted.
Changes to Section Three include: Appendix 7A, “Using Secondary Data to Assess
New Chapter Vignette for Chapter 7. Customer Lifetime Value (CLV),” demonstrates the
New Ethical & Societal Dilemma boxes in Chapters 6 expected financial contribution from a customer to a
and 7. company’s overall profitability over the course of the
New Sustainable Marketing box in Chapter 7. relationship.
New Chapter Case Studies in Chapters 6 and 7.

SECTION Four Value Creation

Value Creation is the topic of discussion in Section New Sustainable Marketing boxes in Chapters 8, 9,
Four’s three chapters. The first two—Chapter 8, and 10.
“Developing New Products,” and Chapter 9, “Product, New Ethical & Societal Dilemma boxes in Chapters
Branding, and Packaging Decisions”—cover the devel- 8 and 10.
opment and management of products and brands. Revised Entrepreneurial Marketing boxes in
While many of the concepts involved in developing Chapters 8 and 10.
and managing services are similar to those of physical New Marketing Analytics boxes in Chapters 8
brands, Chapter 10, “Services: The Intangible Product,” and 10.
addresses the unique challenges of the marketing of New Real Marketer profile in Chapter 10.
services. New Chapter Case Studies in Chapters 8, 9
and Chapter 10.
Changes to Section Four include: A discussion of metrics in Chapter 10, in a section
New Chapter Vignettes in Chapters 8 and 10. titled “Evaluating Service Quality by Using Well-
Established Marketing Metrics.”

SECTION Five Transacting Value

Transacting Value is accomplished within a firm by pric- The following new boxed features: Marketing
ing products and services to bring in money and affect Analytics, Sustainable Marketing, Ethical & Societal
revenues. Chapter 11, “Pricing Concepts and Strategies: Dilemma.
Establishing Value,” examines the importance of set- A discussion of competition including four levels:
ting the right price, the relationship between price oligopolistic competition, monopolistic competition,
and quantity sold, break-even analysis, the impact of pure competition, and monopoly.
price wars, and how the Internet has changed the way A clear delineation between pricing methods, pric-
people shop. ing strategies, and pricing tactics.
A discussion of the impact of currency exchange
Changes to Section Five include: fluctuations on pricing decisions.
A new Chapter Vignette.
xxii Changes to the Fifth Canadian Edition

SECTION SIX Value Delivery: Designing the Distribution Channel

and Supply Chain
Value Delivery is one of the major reasons why New Ethical & Societal Dilemma boxes in Chapters 12
Amazon and Walmart have become the world’s largest and 13.
retailers. Walmart delivers merchandise to stores just New Entrepreneurial Marketing box in Chapter 13.
in time to meet customer demand. Amazon can deliver New Sustainable Marketing box in Chapter 12.
products to customers within hours of the order being New Marketing Analytics boxes in Chapters 12
placed. To achieve this, both have initiated innovative and Chapter 13.
programs with vendors and developed sophisticated Revised Chapter Case Studies in Chapters 12
transportation and warehousing systems. Marketing, and Chapter 13.
Fifth Canadian Edition, devotes two chapters to value New Real Marketer profile in Chapter 13.
delivery. Chapter 12, “Distribution Channels,” takes a The discussion on retailing in Chapter 13 has been
look at marketing channels, distribution strategy, and updated to reflect the rapidly changing Canadian
the supply chain, while Chapter 13, “Retailing and market, with an applied discussion on creating a
Omnichannel Marketing,” concentrates on retailing. retail strategy, and exploring omnichannel strategies.
The last section has been updated to reflect the
Changes to Section Six include: shift from a multi-channel to an omnichannel retail
New Chapter Vignette in Chapters 12. world.

SECTION SEVEN Value Communication

Value Communication today is complex because of New Entrepreneurial Marketing box in Chapter 15.
new technologies that add email, blogs, the Internet, Revised “IMC Tools” section in Chapter 14 expands
and social media to an advertising mix that once uti- the discussion on social media and mobile apps.
lized only radio and television to relay messages to New Chapter Case Study in Chapter 14.
consumers. Marketing, Fifth Canadian Edition, devotes Appendix 14A, “Social and Mobile Media,” expands
two chapters to value communication: Chapter 14, the discussion in Chapter 14 under Integrated
“Integrated Marketing Communications,” Chapter 15, Marketing Communication Tools to further supple-
“Advertising, Sales Promotions, and Personal Selling.” ment the content.
Changes to Section Seven include:
New Chapter Vignettes for Chapters 14 and 15.
New Sustainable Marketing box for Chapters 14 and 15.

SECTION EIGHT Marketing in the Global Environment

Marketing in the Global Environment is done by assessing potentially ethically troubling situations that
most firms at some level. It took less than 10 years for are presented throughout the rest of the book. It can be
Lululemon to transform into a global company and a used to set the tone for ethical material throughout the
great Canadian success story in the athletic and sports- textbook as desired.
wear industry. But even small entrepreneurial firms
are affected because they get their materials, prod- Changes to Section Eight include:
ucts, or services from firms located in other countries. New Chapter Vignettes for Chapters 16 and 17.
Chapter 16, “Global Marketing,” focuses on marketing New Chapter Case Studies for Chapters 16 and 17.
in today’s connected world. Chapter 17, “Ethics and New Ethical & Societal Dilemma box for Chapters
Socially Responsible Marketing,” provides rich illus- 16 and 17.
trations of corporate responsibility and introduces an New Entrepreneurial Marketing box for Chapter 17.
ethical decision-making framework that is useful for New Real Marketer Profile in Chapter 17.
Features Inside Marketing,

n irect s rib ti n

Fifth Canadian Edition to p ovide

d r n

to d a directly wit a re ai e . The use f wh e

In addition to our emphasis on value in Marketing, Fifth Canadian t
it ch
you will also hi
integrated and highlighted coverage of ethics, sustainability, entrepreneurship, services, mar-
ult C ann discipline:
keting analytics, and globalization within the framework of the marketing Di tribut on

Chapters 1 to 17 contain an Ethical & Ethical & Societal Dilemma 12.1

Societal Dilemma box with a com-
pelling ethical discussion and end- Advances in Technology Can Mean flowing smoothly. Reuters reports that there are 110 ware-
houses, 45 sorting centres, and 50 delivery stations in
of-chapter discussion questions that Layoffs for Workers** which Amazon employs more than 125,000 workers. To
force students to consider and evalu- Artificial intelligence (AI) is everywhere. Its benefits for
date, robots make up a tiny part of the overall labour
“force.” They are not precise enough to replace humans.
ate each situation. The Fifth Canadian retailing and consumers are undeniable. Sophisticated However, as technology improves, Amazon may be able
AI functions make it possible for retailers to perform to reduce the number of employees through the use of
Edition contains 14 new Ethical & inventory analyses more rapidly and accurately, as well AI systems that will enable shoppers to place orders on
Societal Dilemma boxes.

Sustainable Marketing 13.1

Sustainable Marketing boxes encour-
age students to consider the environ- MEC Strives for the Smallest
mental concerns that marketers face Possible Footprint***
in bringing new products and services Active outdoor enthusiasts recognize Mountain Equip-
to the market. Many companies have ment Co-Op (MEC) as this country’s leading specialty
retailer for clothing and gear. Founded in 1971, the com-
faced increased scrutiny and criticism pany operates as a member-owned co-op, providing
over the use of plastic packaging and quality products at fair prices. Reporting $462 million
in sales in 2019, MEC has over 5.4 million members, 22
recycling issues. The boxes will help stores, and a robust ecommerce site ( In
students see how consumers are 2007, MEC became the first major Canadian retailer to
become involved with 1% for the Planet, an alliance of
driving smart marketers to more fully businesses in support of outdoor and environmental ini-
tiatives. Through the alliance, 1 percent of all purchases
embrace sustainable practices for the by MEC members help to preserve habitats and support
good of their companies as well as for community projects.
MEC’s Ottawa store was designed to comply with Canada’s
A deep-rooted connection to nature makes sustainabil-
consumers. it i t l t f MEC’ ht d i b i
C2000 Green Building Standards and incorporates 75 percent

For example, in Chapter 13, we discuss

how the goal to leave the world a better place
leadingthan they
su tai ab found
l ty practices it, an
se ing set by the
example t hop founders
s m rch nd se s vi
will i spire oth r companie to fo low suit t believe that aenergy
of Mountain Equipment Co-Op, means no decisions l d are
h made in
ll t the company
l f t int
in par be us
i before k

considering society and the environment.

Entrepreneurial Marketing 2.1

Entrepreneurship. An entrepreneurial spiritenpervades
ure MEC pr duct most ar mar-
Brewing Up a Business: a SCOBY Fermentation creates a product that is
p e u
keting innovations and is necessary to keeppan firms
is one fgrowing and
reputed to help your digestion and overall immune sys
Tofino Kombucha*
only 23 com an es tem Some enthusiasts even refer to t as the “tea of
immorta ity ” The hobby grew into Tofino Kombucha a

healthy. Marketing, Fifth Canadian Edition,it nurtures

b he Fair students
abor Associa i What started as an experiment soon turned nto a hobby
and eventua ly a bus ness for Kelsey Hendricks Her move
company with a m ssion to be “your gateway to bet
ter nutr tion and better health ” As the company grew

entrepreneurial spirit by providing examples

tory au ofits young entre
to Tofino after high school was designed to earn money Hendricks put her accounting stud es aside to focus on
2015 t found ten un so she could go to Wh stler to ski Then she discovered
surf ng got hooked and stayed put After working as a
her business sk lls
Although she stumbled into the business of brew

preneurial firms and successful entrepreneurs such

t d t
asf Aeryon
a d w ked wi ma actu s t
server she started on ine stud es toward her Chartered
Professional Accoun ant (CPA) designation This led to
roles in the District of Tof no f nance department and L ve
ing kombucha her market ng strategy nvo ved doing
th ngs right rom the very beg nning She decided to use

Labs, Greenhouse Juice, Happy Planet, Nature's Path, doing

only prem um ingredients and no arti ic al lavours or
facili y, MEC stopped bu in to Surf a local surf shop
While on maternity leave she experimented with
colours She offers three f avours of kombucha: Ginger
Lemon Jasm ne H biscus and Apr cot Rose Hendr cks

and more.
brew ng kombucha a ermented beverage made a so pursued organic certif cat on which helped Tofino
with tea sugar and a kombucha starter culture called Kombucha grow its sales and expand to other c ties n
the area Initia ly she set her s ghts on V ctor a for her
next target market Partnering with two distributors and

Each chapter contains an Entrepreneurialf otprint,

Marketing box that
a major grocery chain wholesaler a lowed Hendr cks to
publ cly c mmittin to red rapidly expand to all of Vancouver Is and and the Br tish
Columb a lower mainland **

depicts recognizable and interesting young C

entrepreneurial M
Of course kombucha has become a popular trend not
only on Vancouver Island he home of Tof no Kombucha

firms. There are eight new Entrepreneurial Marketing

017 06/2 9 02- 4 M uboxes in
but also around the world Nielsen repor ed that sales of
ta n Equipmen kombucha were up 43 percent n 2018 Project ons for the
g obal kombucha market ndicate sales of $4 46 bi lion

the Fifth Canadian Edition. USD by 2024 Even PepsiCo got nto the market first
by investing n KeVita an organ c kombucha company
in California and then by buying the company outright
W th explosive growth KeVita s ranked number two n
the kombucha market As a re atively young company
Tofino Kombucha offe s hree flavours Ginger Lemon Jasm ne Hendricks won’t be compe ing on that scale just yet
Hib scus and Apricot Rose However she is brewing up new flavours a l part of her
xxiv Features Inside Marketing, Fifth Canadian Edition

Marketing Analytics 1.1

New Marketing Analytics boxes further explore the
explosive growth of tools such as Facebook, and location, location, Analytics: traffic and thus boost chainwide sales. Because the GIS
technology is accessible through desktops and mobile
feature companies that rely on sophisticated data Starbucks’ use of Data to
place New Stores**
devices, location experts in the field also can combine
the high-tech insights with their real-world observations.
analytics to define and refine their approaches to By now, nearly everyone on the planet recognizes the
Not only does the GIS technology help Starbucks
determine the ideal locations for new stores, but it can
their customers and their markets. green mermaid logo that is proudly displayed on every
Starbucks sign, poster, and cup. The ubiquitous cof-
also enable the company to decide which kinds of stores
to open. For example, many of the new stores will feature
fee giant maintains more than 22,500 locations in more drive-through windows; others will be smaller stores,

For example, in Chapter 1, the use of analytics is than 68 countries. But its growth has not been without a strategically placed to provide the greatest customer
few stumbles and bumps in the road. For example, in the convenience. The new approach has proven effective,

presented as a key factor behind how Starbucks last decade, hundreds of newly opened stores had to be according to results that show that the most recently
closed because of their poor performance. In analyzing opened stores, particularly those in the Americas, are con-

determines ideal locations for new stores. how the company got to that point, Patrick O’Hagan, sistently producing great returns and exceeding hurdle
Starbucks’ manager of global market planning, explained rates, the minimum rates of return on a project.
that many of the stores never should have opened.
However, the staff in charge of these location choices had
been inundated with so much data, they were unable to use
them to make profitable decisions. Thus, the Starbucks story
reveals a great deal about the importance of data analytics.
Starbucks began using Atlas, a geographic informa-
tion system (GIS) bui t by Esri in the 1990s. But it has
perfected its applications of the GIS-provided predictive
analytics more recently. For example, the technology
allows Starbucks to evaluate weather, demographics,
population density, proximity to other Starbucks loca-
tions, traffic patterns, and much more to help determine
new store locations. Using the system, Starbucks gets a
graphical summary of the GIS data in map form. These
data include both location information and demographic Starbucks uses geograph c information system (GIS) techno ogy
details, which the software analyzes according to perti- to pinpoint deal locat ons and the types of stores to open in
nent cr teria. The applications a low Starbucks’ staff to those locations

Real Marketer Profile boxes appear in Real Marketer Profile

seven chapters. They focus on the transi-
tion students make from attending post- Debra Goldblatt-Sadowski for more than 300 guests. Our
metrics have been through the
secondary education to applying their (rock-it promotions) roof, with over 10 million media
marketing skills in the “real” world. While With a degree in creative writing from Con- We managed PR efforts
cordia University, I dreamed of becoming
some of the profiles feature relatively a poet and playwright. Tomson Highway,
for Adidas’s VIP All-Star suite,
the hub for the reveal of the
new graduates who are still with their first one of my profs who is an internationally
recognized playwright and novelist, told
2016 All-Star jerseys/footwear,
apparel gifting, and interview
employer, others show the career paths me I was a good writer but he didn’t think I
would be able to cut it. An artist himself, he
destination for Adidas athletes,
including James Harden and
that grads and seasoned veterans have told it straight and didn’t sugar-coat things. Andrew Wiggins. In combination
After graduating, I tried my hand at sales—
taken within a company or in a new role telemarketing and fundraising—and also
with other All-Star events we
handled, including the launch of
at a different organization. did a short stint at a PR agency, working as
an assistant. Then I met a publicist. Hear-
Used with permission of rock it promot ons
new gear such as YEEZY Boost
350 and Pure Boost X, Okayu

For example, in Chapter 14, we discuss

Debra Goldblatt-Sadowski’s phenomenal
ol ey
success story from being a creative-writing grad toe starting
f m pa t ’ spare bed orock-it
m, with n ypromotions, a esPRH
a phone book, fa our
m n m i
agency that works with Adidas, Toronto Fashion Week, and a host of well-known stars
al lov y H
lea ned about R was rough read ng etwork ng nd my o and
such as Emily Blunt, Anthony Hopkins, and Morgan Freeman.
gut in ti t et in my ery
t a I mad in pa job

Reinforcing learning

Learning Objectives
ci itate media re uOBJECTIVES
s s, s cu e al dvanc

Listed at the beginning of each chapter,

Learning Objectives show students the After studying this chapter you should be able to

chapter’s main concepts. These Learning LO1 Define a marketing strategy

Objectives are then presented through- LO2
s, or Describe
to order a the
and thenoft ack
a marketing plan
its delive y. Ap
out the chapter when the concepts are LO3
an e
Analyze a marketing situation using a SWOT analysis
t gories su h as music, c okin tr v llin he r t outdoors
introduced. At the end of each chapter, g too
LO4 studen
Explain CIB a was
firm he i t Ca what
chooses adia consumer
bank to i t odu e an P
to opursue
e ban with
ng its marketing efforts

the Learning Objectives are revisited and LO5

ped Outlineitsthe
eleased ownimplementation
banking app Th of the mark
Andro ti g mix
d Marketpl ase aper
ce has means
encedto increase customer value
reviewed, reinforcing for students the LO6 Describe
l t
how firms
grow their
d t
key sections in the chapter and allowing
them to follow their own progress to know
where they need help.
Features Inside Marketing, Fifth Canadian Edition xxv

Chapter Vignette
On your way to class today, did you grab a bite to eat? If you’re like many students, you did not have enough
time or the ingredients needed to prepare a fresh meal and sit down to eat it. Instead, you might have grabbed
Each chapter begins with a Chapter an energy bar from your cupboard or snagged one from the coffee shop on the way to campus. Why do so many
Vignette that helps to introduce and people rely on these energy bars—pressed rectangles of grains, fruits, nuts, and so forth—rather than other
options as meal replacements or snacks throughout the day?
illustrate some of the main content Your individual answers might vary, but the overriding answer has a lot to do with marketing. Companies that
that follows. These vignettes have produce and sell energy bars work hard to position them as appealing, convenient, tasty, healthy, socially respon-
been carefully selected to pique sible, and energy-dense foods that can help nearly any consumer meet his or her consumption needs. By making
a product that can satisfy a variety of demands consumers have when it comes to a snack, these companies
student interest and are designed ensure that their offerings provide value.
to provide real-world examples of Consider, for example, the umbrella term often used to describe these prepared foods. By highlight-
ing the term energy, marketers inform consumers that they can expect a boost when they eat one of these
how the theory has been applied by products. But energy really is just another word for calories; every food item a human being ever consumes
a variety of companies. There are 13 provides energy.1 Still, with this emphasis, the marketing surrounding energy bars offers a valuable promise to
consumers, namely, that they will be energized and able to continue on with their day after they eat one.
new Chapter Vignettes in the Fifth According to one classification, this market consists of five general types: meal replacement bars, protein
Canadian Edition. bars, whole food bars, snack bars, and others.2 Other classifications are even more specific, reflecting more
detailed, unique benefits, such as paleo, gluten-free, low-carb, low-calorie, and workout-recovery options.3

Unique End-of-Chapter Applications
rg ni con en s of its pr and
duc s, a Exercises
ell as it effo ts to encou

Marketing Applications. Student-testedT at Wilfrid Laurier University and the t m

pos tion itself a the o gan c option in this ma ket, Kashi
University of Ottawa, these questions encourage
Othe bran sstudents
are less nter to stedbecome
in healthy or more
natural o criti-
fer ngs
cal in their thinking of how marketing theory relates
sumers sense
of pleas practice.
e. F r examp At least
, Fibre
One one of
bars might

the Marketing Applications in each chapter poses

on th boxes sp rtanhe Ethical
vy drizzles” &o Societal
chocolate a Dilemma
we l as p e ze
based on material covered in the chapter. the
Marketing Digitally. Each chapter containsTh two exercises
pictures on he boxe that a e n drive
the onl students
pa kaging elemen to
the Internet to apply material covered in the text. For example, in Chapter
By designing th prod cts as single s rve r atively sm 15, l po weons,
b e in c p k
direct students to the Canadian Children’ss h Food & Beverage
h t they can si in a pantry or Advertising
desk drawer for m Initiative
n hs without g
website (;
That may be exactly why you grabbed an energy this
bar onorgani-
your way
y d y c in y ag b a pp a
zation is one of the industry’s self-regulatory
some similar benefit an conveni nce Y t th val e estab i hWe
bodies for children’s advertising db
ask students to choose one of the newss releases
e the appeal o and energydiscuss
bars makeswhat it more the main
ike y that you issue
pted or

was in the case.

Chapter Case Study. Each chapter ends with a case covering a current marketing
idea, concept, or company. The Fifth Canadian Edition WHA includesI 13MAR new cases. ETIN
Award-Winning Technology

McGraw Hill Connect® is an award-winning digital teaching and learning solution that
empowers students to achieve better outcomes and enables instructors to improve efficiency
with seamless course management. Within Connect, students have access to SmartBook®,
McGraw Hill’s adaptive learning and reading resource. SmartBook prompts students with
questions based on the material they are studying. By assessing individual answers, SmartBook
learns what each student knows and it identifies which topics they need to practise, giving
each student a personalized learning experience and path to success.
Connect’s key features also include analytics and reporting, simple assignment manage-
ment, smart grading, the opportunity to post your own resources, and the Connect Instructor
Library, a repository for additional resources to improve student engagement in and out of the

Application-Based Activities
The Connect Application-Based Activities are highly interactive and automatically graded
exercises. They are application-analysis based, allowing students to immerse themselves in a
marketing environment, analyze the situation, and apply their knowledge of marketing strat-
egies. Students progress from understanding basic concepts to assessing and solving complex
real-world scenarios.

iSeeIt! Videos
These brief, contemporary videos offer dynamic student-centred introductions, illustrations,
and animations to guide students through challenging concepts. Ideal for before class as an
introduction, during class to launch or clarify a topic, or after class for formative assessment.

Writing Assignments
The Writing Assignment tool delivers a learning experience to help students improve their
written communication skills and conceptual understanding. As an instructor you can assign,
monitor, grade, and provide feedback on writing more efficiently and effectively.

Test Builder
Available within Connect, Test Builder is a cloud-based tool that enables instructors to format
tests that can be printed or administered within a Learning Management System. Test Builder
offers a modern, streamlined interface for easy content configuration that matches course
needs, without requiring a download.
Test Builder allows you to:
• access all test bank content from a particular title
• easily pinpoint the most relevant content through robust filtering options
• manipulate the order of questions or scramble questions and/or answers
• pin questions to a specific location within a test
• choose the layout and spacing
• add instructions and configure default settings
Test Builder provides a secure interface for better protection of content and allows for
just-in-time updates to flow directly into assessments.
Award-Winning Technology xxvii

Remote Proctoring & Browser-Locking Capabilities

New remote proctoring and browser-locking capabilities, hosted by Proctorio within Connect,
provide control of the assessment environment by enabling security options and verifying the
identity of the student.
Seamlessly integrated within Connect, these services allow instructors to control stu-
dents’ assessment experience by restricting browser activity, recording students’ activity, and
verifying students are doing their own work.
Instant and detailed reporting gives instructors an at-a-glance view of potential academic
integrity concerns, thereby avoiding personal bias and supporting evidence-based claims.

Instructor Resources
• The Test Bank includes more than 2000 multiple-choice, true/false, and short-essay
questions. Each question is categorized according to learning objective, level of Bloom’s
taxonomy, and correct answer.
• The Instructor’s Manual, prepared by text author Shirley Lichti, contains learning
objectives, key terms with definitions, a detailed lecture outline, and suggested classroom
• Microsoft® PowerPoint® Slides include key lecture points and images from the text.
As an aid for instructors who wish to create their own presentations, an Image Bank
containing all visual elements from the text is also available.

I could not have completed this text without the help of others. In particular, I would like to
thank Erin Schilstra, Loral Christie, and Qianjun Qian who worked with me as research assis-
tants and sounding boards. Thanks also to the numerous Wilfrid Laurier University students
and professors who provided feedback on the chapter content, cases, and exercises.
A special thanks to the many talented staff and freelance members at McGraw Hill—Jade
Fair, Amy Rydzanicz, Derek Capitaine, Jessica Barnoski, Jeanette McCurdy, and Emily Park.
You made my job so much easier. It was a pleasure working with you.
I gratefully acknowledge feedback and constructive criticism from marketing colleagues
across Canada.

Paul Curwen Wilfrid Laurier University

Sylvie Plante McMaster University
Ma Zhenfeng Wilfrid Laurier University

I would also like to thank the following individuals who helped adapt, critique, and shape
the ancillary package for the Canadian market: Sheldon Koufman, Durham College; Michael
Madore, University of Lethbridge; and Neil Tracey, Kwantlen Polytechnic University.

Shirley Lichti
SECTION One Assessing the Marketplace

Chapter 1 Overview of Marketing

Chapter 2 Developing Marketing Strategies and a Marketing Plan
Appendix 2A Writing a Marketing Plan
Chapter 3 Analyzing the Marketing Environment

Chapter 1

©HandmadePictures/iStock/Getty Images

Overview of Marketing
Learning Objectives
After studying this chapter you should be able to

LO1 Define the role of marketing and explain its core concepts
LO2 Describe how marketers create value for a product or service
LO3 Summarize the four orientations of marketing
LO4 Understand the importance of marketing both within and outside the firm
2 Section One Assessing the Marketplace

On your way to class today, did you grab a bite to eat? If you’re like many students, you did not have enough
time or the ingredients needed to prepare a fresh meal and sit down to eat it. Instead, you might have grabbed
an energy bar from your cupboard or snagged one from the coffee shop on the way to campus. Why do so many
people rely on these energy bars—pressed rectangles of grains, fruits, nuts, and so forth—rather than other
options as meal replacements or snacks throughout the day?
Your individual answers might vary, but the overriding answer has a lot to do with marketing. Companies that
produce and sell energy bars work hard to position them as appealing, convenient, tasty, healthy, socially respon-
sible, and energy-dense foods that can help nearly any consumer meet his or her consumption needs. By making
a product that can satisfy a variety of demands consumers have when it comes to a snack, these companies
ensure that their offerings provide value.
Consider, for example, the umbrella term often used to describe these prepared foods. By highlight-
ing the term energy, marketers inform consumers that they can expect a boost when they eat one of these
products. But energy really is just another word for calories; every food item a human being ever consumes
provides energy.1 Still, with this emphasis, the marketing surrounding energy bars offers a valuable promise to
consumers, namely, that they will be energized and able to continue on with their day after they eat one.
According to one classification, this market consists of five general types: meal replacement bars, protein
bars, whole food bars, snack bars, and others.2 Other classifications are even more specific, reflecting more
detailed, unique benefits, such as paleo, gluten-free, low-carb, low-calorie, and workout-recovery options.3
Brands leverage other elements to communicate the value of their products. For example, the brand name
adopted by Phyter bars refers to their unique contents: phytonutrient-dense vegetable and fruit purees.4
KIND even puts its healthy bars’ promised benefits right in its brand name. With a positioning that suggests
that consuming these bars supports a healthy lifestyle, KIND’s marketing department emphasizes its n ­ atural
ingredients—along with its commitment to being “kind” and proactively seeking the good of the world
overall5 (as discussed further in the case study that concludes this chapter).
In establishing an even more specific promise of natural ingredients, Kashi’s emphasis is largely on the
organic contents of its products, as well as its efforts to encourage expanded organic production of wheat and
other ingredients. For farmers, switching from conventional to organic methods is costly and time-consuming.
To position itself as the organic option in this market, Kashi has developed a program to help farmers make the
transition, then publicizes this information widely to ensure customers regard it as an appealing choice.6
Other brands are less interested in healthy or natural offerings and more oriented toward appealing to con-
sumers’ sense of pleasure. For example, Fibre One bars might promise the healthy benefit of more fibre, but
General Mills also works hard to communicate their products’ great taste. The bars themselves, and the pictures
on the boxes, sport heavy “drizzles” of chocolate, as well as pretzels, salty nuts, and candy pieces mixed in with
the grains and fruits.7 Even confectionery brands such as Snickers and Mars offer entries in this market, placing
what are essentially candy bars in store aisles next to more protein-dense offerings.8
The pictures on the boxes are not the only packaging elements that are critical to the appeal of energy bars.
By designing the products as single-serve, relatively small portions, the companies provide convenience benefits
for consumers.9 These bars can be easily tucked into a backpack or suitcase. Most of them contain preservatives,
such that they can sit in a pantry or desk drawer for months without going bad.
That may be exactly why you grabbed an energy bar on your way to class today. It was readily available from
your kitchen and easy to stick in your bag. A banana or apple, as well as a conventional candy bar, might offer
some similar benefits and convenience. Yet the value established by good marketing, which helps consumers
see the appeal of energy bars, makes it more likely that you opted for one of these snacks instead.

What Is Marketing?
Unlike other subjects you may have studied, marketing is already very familiar to you. You
start your day by agreeing to do the dishes if your roommate will make the coffee. But doing
the dishes makes you late for class, so you dash out the door, make a quick stop to fill your
car with gas, and grab an energy bar for breakfast. You attend a class that you have chosen
and paid for. After class, you pick up lunch at the cafeteria, which you eat while catching up
Overview of Marketing CHAPTER 1 3

on Instagram posts on your iPad. Then you leave campus, get your hair cut, and check out
a movie. You take a bus to the movie theatre, and listen to new songs with your Spotify sub-
scription. In each example, you acted as the buyer and made a decision about whether you
should spend your time and/or money to receive a particular service or type of merchandise.
If, after you return home from the movie, you decide to sell an old phone on eBay, you have
become a seller. In each of these transactions, you were engaged in marketing.
This chapter will look at the definition of marketing and at how marketing is used to create
value in products or in services. We will examine the interrelated marketing mix, and see how
the four Ps create, transact, communicate, and deliver value. We will look at where marketing
happens and how it has evolved over the years into today’s concept of value-based marketing.
Lastly, we will discuss why marketing is an important function for any successful firm. A set of business practices
The Canadian Marketing Association states that “Marketing is a set of business designed to plan for and
present an organization’s
practices designed to plan for and present an organization’s products or services in ways products or services in
that build effective customer relationships.”10 What does this definition really mean? Good ways that build effective
marketing is not a random activity; it requires thoughtful planning with an emphasis on the customer relationships
ethical implications of any of those decisions on consumers and society in general. Firms marketing plan
develop a marketing plan (see Chapter 2) that specifies their marketing activities for a A written document
composed of an analysis
specific period of time. The marketing plan is broken down into various components—how of the current marketing
the product or service will be conceived or designed, how much it should cost, where and situation, opportunities
how it will be promoted, and how it will get to the consumer. In any exchange, the buyer and threats for the firm,
marketing objectives
and the seller should be satisfied with the value they obtained from a transaction. In our and strategy specified in
earlier example, you should be satisfied or even delighted with the energy bar you bought, terms of the four Ps, action
programs, and projected
and its maker should be satisfied with the amount of money it received from you. The core or pro forma income (and
aspects of marketing are shown in Exhibit 1.1. Let’s see how they look in practice. other financial) statements.

Marketing Is About Satisfying Customer LO1

Needs and Wants
Understanding the marketplace—and especially consumer needs and wants—is funda- need
mental to marketing success. A need is one of the basic necessities of life, such as food, A basic necessity, such as
food, clothing, shelter, or
clothing, shelter, or safety. A want is the particular way in which the person chooses to safety.
The particular way in which
a person chooses to satisfy
Exhibit 1.1 Core Aspects of Marketing a need, which is shaped
by a person’s knowledge,
culture, and personality.

Marketing helps
create value.

Marketing is about
Marketing occurs
satisfying customer
in many settings.
needs and wants.


Marketing can be
performed by both Marketing entails
individuals and an exchange.
organizations. Marketing
requires product,
price, place, and
promotion decisions.
4 Section One Assessing the Marketplace

fulfill his or her need, which is shaped by a person’s

knowledge, culture, and personality. For example,
when we are hungry, we need something to eat.
Some people want a energy bar to satisfy that hunger,
whereas others want a salad and some soup instead. Of
course, needs and wants must be backed by demand,
in order for marketing to be effective. There are many
things you may want, and even need. Demand is dem-
onstrated by your ability and willingness to act on those
needs and wants. The topic of understanding customer
needs is described in detail in Chapter 4, which deals
with consumer behaviour.
To understand customer needs and wants, the
Marketers must identify who will buy their products. Made company must first identify the customers, or market,
from fresh fresh fruits and vegetables, Phyter energy bars for its product or service. In the broadest terms, the
are geared for health-conscious consumers.
market refers to the world of trade. More narrowly,
©McGraw Hill Education
however, the market can be segmented or divided into
market groups of people who are pertinent to an organization for particular reasons. For example,
The groups of people who everyone needs to eat. Still, makers of energy bars need to identify who might buy their
need or want a company’s
products or services products: busy people who want a meal replacement; elite athletes who seek high-calorie
and have the ability and contents; health-conscious consumers who demand high levels of protein and low sugars;
willingness to buy them.
snackers who want a convenient snack and demand great taste, but don't worry about
nutrition; and socially conscious buyers who believe that purchasing an organic product
gives them a way to help farmers.
Although marketers would prefer to sell their products and services to everyone, it
is not practical to do so. Because marketing costs money, good marketers carefully seek
out potential customers who have both an interest in the product and an ability to buy it.
For example, most people need some form of transportation. Some people may like an
target market electric vehicle such as the Tesla Model S, while others might prefer the hybrid Lexus LS
The customer segment or
group to whom the firm
600h L. Both vehicles start at more than $120,000. But Lexus is not interested in everyone
is interested in selling its who wants the LS 600h L, because not everyone can afford to spend that much on a car.
products and services. Instead, Lexus defines its viable target market as those consumers who want and can
exchange afford such a product.11 Although not all companies focus on such a specific and wealthy
The trade of things of value target, all marketers are interested in finding the buyers who are most likely to be inter-
between the buyer and the
seller so that each is better ested in their offerings.
off as a result. The process of how companies segment the market
for their products and services and then choose which
segment to target and how best to reach that segment
is described in Chapter 6. The process of identifying
customer segments the company wants to target with
its products and services requires market research. The
types of market research that help marketers make
good decisions about various aspects of the marketing
mix are discussed in Chapter 7.

Marketing Entails an Exchange

Marketing is about an exchange—the trade of things
of value between the buyer and the seller so that each
is better off as a result. As depicted in Exhibit 1.2,
sellers provide goods or services, then communicate
What type of customer would buy a $120,000 car? and facilitate the delivery of their offering to consum-
VCG/VCG via Getty Images ers. Buyers complete the exchange by giving money
Overview of Marketing CHAPTER 1 5

Exhibit 1.2 Exchange: The Underpinning of Seller—Buyer Relationships

& Delivery

Goods/Services Customers/
Producers Consumers (Buyers)
(Sellers) Money &

and information to the seller. Suppose you see an ad

promoting the HBO series Game of Thrones, only
available for streaming on Crave. The same day, a
friend tweets that he loved the show. You visit IMDB
to check the reviews and see that the show is highly
rated. Then you sign up for a free one-month subscrip-
tion to Crave. You enjoy the first season so much that
you purchase an annual subscription to Crave. Your
payment information is already in the company’s
system. Going forward, Crave's system tracks which
shows you watch and creates personalized recommen-
dations for other shows you might enjoy. This example
shows how Crave uses the valuable information you
provide to facilitate future exchanges and solidify its You can exchange your money on a Crave subscription to
relationship with you. access the latest shows.
Angela Weiss/AFP via Getty Images

Marketing Requires Marketing LO2

Mix Decisions
Marketing traditionally has been divided into a set of four interrelated decisions known
as the marketing mix, or four Ps: product, price, place, and promotion, as shown in marketing mix (four Ps)
Exhibit 1.3.12 Together, the four Ps compose the marketing mix, which is the controllable Product, price, place,
and promotion—the
set of activities that the firm uses to respond to the wants of its target markets. But what controllable set of activities
does each of these elements in the marketing mix entail? that a firm uses to respond
to the wants of its target
Product: Creating Value
The fundamental purpose of marketing is to create value by developing a variety of
offerings—including goods, services, and ideas—to satisfy customer needs. As an example
of the first P, product, consider water. Not too long ago, consumers perceived this basic
commodity as simply water. It came out of a faucet and was consumed for drinking and
washing. But, taking a cue from European firms such as Perrier (France) and San Pellegrino
(Italy), Canadian brands, such as Nestlé Pure Springs and Montclair, have created products
with benefits that consumers find valuable. The same is true of energy bars. Although orig-
inally designed for astronauts in the 1960s, they evolved quickly, starting with PowerBar.
6 Section One Assessing the Marketplace

Exhibit 1.3 Marketing Mix Decisions

Product/Service List Price
Brand Discounts
Size Tra Allowances
Quality ns Costs
lue ac
Features Payment Period
Packaging Credit Terms




Product Price


Promotion Place



Advertising Marketing Channels

at ri

Sales Promotion in Distribution Intensity

gV ve
Personal Selling
alu D e li Locations: retailers,
Public Relations e online
Direct Marketing Supply Chain
Electronic Media Logistics

It was marketed as a dense nutrition option for marathoners and other extreme athletes
goods who must consume massive amounts of calories to maintain their body mass. As Power-
Items that can be Bar flew off the shelves, competitors such as Clif Bar and Balance Bar entered the market.
physically touched.
People liked the idea of eating like an elite athlete, even if they were not one.13 This market
services continued to grow, so new brands designed new products that would appeal to different
Intangible customer
benefits that are produced
audiences. Weight Watchers produced a bar that it touted, mostly to women, as a diet aid.
by people or machines and LÄRABAR and RXBAR promised all-natural, real food ingredients. The many different
cannot be separated from product versions of energy bars each create value in specific ways.
the producer.
Goods are items that you can physically touch. Roots clothing, Nike shoes, Molson
ideas Canadian beer, Kraft Dinner, a KIND or Kashi energy bar, and countless other products
Thoughts, opinions,
philosophies, and are examples of goods. Nike primarily makes shoes, but also adds value to its products. For
intellectual concepts. example, it offers custom designs under its Nike by You brand that increase their fashionable
appeal, and enlists popular celebrities such as Rafael
Nadal to add their names to the designs.
Unlike goods, services are intangible customer
benefits that are produced by people or machines and
cannot be separated from the producer. When people
buy tickets—whether for air travel, a sporting event,
or a movie—they are paying not for the physical ticket
stub but for the experience. Hotels, insurance agencies,
and spas all provide services. Getting money from your
bank by using an ATM or teller is another example of
using a service. In this case, cash machines usually
add value to your banking experience by being conve-
niently located, fast, and easy to use.
Many offerings represent a combination of goods
Rafael Nadal adds value to the Nike brand. and services. When you go to Hakim Optical, for
Shutterstock/pdrocha example, you can have your eyes examined (service)
Overview of Marketing CHAPTER 1 7

and purchase new contact lenses (goods). If you attend a Drake

concert, you can be enthralled by the world-class performance.
At the event, you might buy a shirt or a souvenir. With these tan-
gible goods, you can relive and remember the enjoyment of the
experience over and over again.
Ideas include thoughts, opinions, philosophies, and intel-
lectual concepts that also can be marketed. Groups promoting
bicycle safety go to schools, give talks, and sponsor bike-helmet
poster contests for the members of their primary target market:
children. Then, their secondary target market segment—
parents and siblings—gets involved through interactions with
the young contest participants. The exchange of value occurs
when the children listen to the sponsor’s presentation and wear
their helmets while bicycling, which means they have adopted—
or become “purchasers” of—the safety idea that the group
marketed. In Chapters 8, 9, and 10 of this book, you will learn
much more about the decisions, theories, applications, and
strategies of product and services marketing.

Price: Transacting Value

Everything has a price, though it doesn’t always have to be
monetary. Price, the second P, is everything the buyer gives
up—money, time, energy—in exchange for the product. Market- When you attend a Drake concert, you are paying
ers must determine the price of a product carefully on the basis for a service.
of the potential buyer’s belief about its value. For example, Air Jag Gundu/Getty Images
Canada can take you from Toronto to Vancouver or New York.
The price you pay depends on how far in advance you book the ticket, the
time of year, whether you want to fly economy or business class, and, more
recently, whether or not you have luggage to check. Passengers are charged
a fee if they have more than one piece of checked luggage. If you value the
convenience of buying your ticket at the last minute for a ski trip between
Christmas and New Year’s Day and you want to fly business class, you can
expect to pay four or five times as much as you would for the cheapest
available ticket. That is, you have traded a lower price for convenience. For
marketers, the key to determining prices is figuring out how much custom-
ers are willing to pay so that they are satisfied with the purchase and the
seller achieves a reasonable profit. In Chapter 11, you will learn much more
about pricing concepts, decisions, and strategies.

Place: Delivering Value

The third P, place, describes all the activities necessary to get the prod-
uct from the manufacturer or producer to the right customer when that
customer wants it. For Starbucks, that means expanding its storefronts con-
stantly and proactively, so that it is easy for caffeine junkies to find their
fix. Creative locations, such as kiosks at the baggage claim in airports or
small booths in grocery stores, represent the chain’s effort to improve its
offering on this dimension of the marketing mix. Place deals specifically
with retailing and distribution management. This is also known as supply
chain management, which is the set of approaches and techniques that
Marketing creates value by promoting
firms employ to efficiently and effectively integrate their suppliers, manu- ideas such as bicycle safety.
facturers, warehouses, stores, and other firms involved in the transaction Source: Street Smart, a public safety campaign of
(e.g., transportation companies) into a seamless value chain. Within this Metro, the District of Columbia, Maryland, and Virginia
8 Section One Assessing the Marketplace

price chain, merchandise is produced and distributed in the right quantities, to the right loca-
The overall sacrifice a
consumer is willing to
tions, and at the right time, while minimizing systemwide costs and satisfying the service
make—money, time, levels required by the customers.
energy—to acquire a Many marketing students initially overlook the importance of distribution manage-
specific product or service.
ment because a lot of these activities occur behind the scenes. But without a strong and
efficient distribution system, merchandise isn’t available when or where customers want
it. Then customers are disappointed, and sales and profits suffer. Place or distribution
activities and decisions are discussed in detail in Chapters 12 and 13.

Promotion: Communicating Value

Even the best products and services will go unsold if marketers cannot communicate their
value to customers. The fourth P, promotion, is communication by a marketer that informs,
persuades, and reminds potential buyers about a product or service to influence their opin-
ions or elicit a response. Promotion generally can enhance a product or service’s value. For
example, KIND featured a Pride theme in its bar of the month. It also actively promotes its
products using wording that signals pure, “natural” ingredients. The company believes “if
you can’t pronounce an ingredient, it shouldn’t go into your body.”14
The four Ps work together. Although marketers deliver value through each of the 4Ps
individually, far greater value is delivered to consumers by treating the 4Ps as a whole. That
is, the product or service offered must satisfy the target customers’ specific needs and wants,
be priced appropriately, be available at locations where customers want it, and be promoted
in a manner and through media that are consistent with the target consumers. For instance,
luxury or high-fashion items from retailers such as Coach, Louis Vuitton, and Swarovski
are well made, priced at a premium, available at exclusive locations, and promoted only in
certain media where the advertisements emphasize style, fashion, sex appeal, and so on.

Marketing Can Be Performed by Both

Individuals and Organizations
Imagine how complicated the world would be if you had to buy everything you consumed
directly from producers or manufacturers. You would have to go from farm to farm buying
your food and then from manufacturer to manufacturer to purchase the table, plates, and
utensils you need to eat that food. Fortunately, marketing intermediaries, such as retailers,
accumulate merchandise from producers in large amounts and then sell it to you in smaller
amounts. The process in which businesses sell to consumers is known as B2C (business-to-
B2C (business-to- consumer) marketing, whereas the process of selling merchandise or services from one
consumer) business to another is called B2B (business-to-business) marketing. Some companies,
The process in which
businesses sell to such as General Electric (GE), are engaged in both B2B and B2C marketing at the same
consumers. time. However, with the advent of various auction sites (such as eBay and Kijiji) and pay-
B2B (business-to- ment sites (such as PayPal), consumers have started marketing their products and services
business) to other consumers, which requires a third category in which consumers sell to other con-
The process of selling
merchandise or services
sumers, or C2C (consumer-to-consumer) marketing. Individuals can also undertake
from one business to activities to market themselves. When you apply for a job, for instance, the research you do
another. about the firm, the resumé and cover letter you submit with your application, and the way
C2C (consumer-to- you dress for an interview and conduct yourself during it are all forms of marketing activi-
consumer) ties. Accountants, lawyers, financial planners, physicians, and other professional service
The process in which
consumers sell to other providers also market their services.
consumers. Regardless of whether organizations or individuals are engaged in B2B, B2C, or C2C
social media marketing, one thing seems to be clear: social media has become an integral part of their
Content distributed marketing and communications strategies. Social media is widely used in federal elections
through online and mobile
technologies to facilitate
in Canada, as politicians try to win the hearts and minds of Canadians. Social media will be
interpersonal interactions. explored further in Chapter 14.
Overview of Marketing CHAPTER 1 9

Marketing Impacts Many Stakeholders

Most people think of marketing as a way for firms to make profits, but marketing works
equally well in the nonprofit sector. Think about what influenced your selection of your col-
lege or university, other than family, friends, and convenience. It’s likely that your college
or university has a sophisticated marketing program to attract and retain students. Market-
ing also affects stakeholders, for example, supply chain partners such as wholesalers and
retailers, or intermediaries such as transportation or warehousing companies. All of these
entities market to one another. Manufacturers sell merchandise to retailers, but the retail-
ers often have to convince manufacturers to sell to them. As Sustainable Marketing 1.1
presents, marketers also need to meet consumer expectations if they want to protect
their corporate reputation. You will read much more about sustainability throughout the
textbook. Its importance to consumers and marketers alike is growing exponentially.
Marketing can also benefit society at large. The dairy industry used a very successful,
award-winning campaign with its slogan “Got Milk?” aimed at different target segments. This
campaign not only created high levels of awareness about the benefits of drinking milk, but
also increased milk consumption in various target segments,15 possibly in response to the use
of celebrities, from Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson and Victor Cruz to Miranda Lambert and
Nina Dobrev. Although hugely successful, “Got Milk?” ran its course. It has been replaced with
“Milk Life,” which focuses on milk as a source of protein. The new campaign continues to
benefit the entire dairy industry and promote the benefits of drinking milk to society at large.

Sustainable Marketing 1.1

Sustainability and Reputation governance, and social. This means that sustainability
practices and policies must be embedded in all facets of
Management* the organization, from human resource management to
manufacturing, marketing, production, planning, invest-
Executives today view sustainability as an integral part of ments, and corporate strategy. Also, sustainability must
their marketing strategy. It is also seen as a way to man- involve all employees, in all areas and departments.
age corporate reputation. According to a McKinsey Global Implementing a comprehensive sustainability program is
Survey, 36 percent of executives believe that the main expensive, and so many businesses tend to do the bare
benefit of sustainability is that it improves corporate and minimum or implement low-cost programs.
brand reputation, while less than 20 percent believe that Reputation management as an outcome of sustainability
it improves operational efficiency, lowers costs, presents programs is seen as representing higher value-creation
growth opportunities (new markets and products), or potential to companies than energy or waste reduction.
strengthens competitive position. However, while reputation management is seen as impor-
One of the top reasons for addressing sustainability tant, it can be difficult to define. Companies are begin-
is meeting consumer expectations. Companies that make ning to incorporate activities into key organizational
sustainability programs a priority must ensure that these processes. Some of these activities include external
initiatives are aligned with their mission and business reporting to stakeholders and consumers, policy imple-
goals. Successful companies will embed sustainability mentation around ethical issues, participation in sustain-
into business functions and the very fabric of the organi- ability-focused organizations, and making investments in
zation. That means addressing accountability by putting communities where they operate.
the appropriate measures and staff in place. Yet sustaina- Sustainability leaders foster an organizational culture
bility presents its share of challenges. For example, many that sets a direction for their programs. They also set clear
companies still struggle with program execution. strategies and measurable targets. As sustainability con-
A truly comprehensive and proactive approach to tinues to grow in importance, more companies will focus
sustainability requires businesses to develop practices on performance management, with metrics to measure
and policies around three perspectives: environmental, results, ensuring that their reputation does not suffer.
*M Ramos-González, Mercedes Rubio-Andrés, and Miguel Ángel Sastre-Castillo, Building Corporate Reputation through Sustainable Entrepreneurship:
The Mediating Effect of Ethical Behavior, Sustainability, September 19, 2017, ; “Sustainability’s deepening
imprint,” McKinsey & Company, December 2017,;
“Sustainability’s Strategic Worth: McKinsey Global Survey Results,”
-strategic-worth-mckinsey-global-survey-results (accessed June 20, 2019).
10 Section One Assessing the Marketplace

Now that we’ve examined what marketing is and how it creates value, let’s consider
how it fits into the world of commerce, as well as into society in general.

LO3 The Four Orientations of Marketing

Marketing didn’t get to its current prominence among individuals, corporations, and society at
large overnight. Over the last 100 years, marketing has evolved from an activity designed sim-
ply to produce and sell products to an integral business function aimed at creating value for
consumers and the company’s shareholders. As we have examined marketing practices over
the years, we have observed four different marketing orientations or philosophies: product ori-
entation, sales orientation, market orientation, and value-based orientation (see Exhibit 1.4).

Product Orientation
Product-oriented companies focus on developing and distributing
innovative products with little concern about whether the products
best satisfy customers’ needs. This philosophy is best illustrated by a
famous quote made around the turn of the 20th century by Henry Ford,
the founder of Ford Motor Company, who remarked, “Customers can
have any colour they want so long as it’s black.” Manufacturers believed
that a good product would sell itself, and retail stores typically were
considered places to hold the merchandise until a consumer wanted it.
Companies with a product orientation generally start out by thinking
about the product they want to build; they try selling the product after it
is developed rather than starting with an understanding of the custom-
ers’ needs and then developing a product to satisfy those needs.

Sales Orientation
Companies that have a sales orientation basically view marketing as a
selling function where companies try to sell as many of their products as
possible rather than focus on making products consumers really want.
“Milk Life” replaced the well-known “Got
These firms typically depend on heavy doses of personal selling and adver-
Milk?” campaign, but the ads still create a
high level of awareness for the milk industry. tising to attract new customers. Companies with a selling orientation tend
Used by permission of Campbell Ewald as Agent of
to focus on making a sale or on each transaction rather than building long-
MilkPEP term customer relationships. They generally believe that if consumers try

Exhibit 1.4 Marketing Evolution: Product, Sales, Market, and Value-Based

Turn of the
century 1920 1950 1990

Product Sales Market Value-based marketing

(a): ©Ryan McVay/Getty Images RF; (b): ©CMCD/Getty Images RF; (c): ©Lawrence Manning/Getty Images (d): ©Ryan McVay/Getty Images RF;
(e): ©McGraw Hill Education/Mark Dierker, photographer
Overview of Marketing CHAPTER 1 11

their products, they will like them. The focus of these companies tends to be on the products or
services they have to offer, more than on consumer needs and wants. Profits come from sales
volume rather than from repeat business from satisfied customers.

Market Orientation
Market-oriented companies start out by focusing on what consumers want and need before
they design, make, or attempt to sell their products and services. They believe that custom-
ers have choice and make purchase decisions based on several factors, including quality,
convenience, and price. Basically, “the customer is king,” and the market is a buyer’s mar-
ket since consumers wield tremendous power. In this orientation, marketers’ role is to
understand and respond to the needs of consumers and to do everything possible to satisfy
them. There is a focus on making marketing an integrated process throughout the entire
company rather than just in one department. Satisfied customers become long-term loyal
customers, contributing to bottom-line profitability.

Value-Based Orientation
Most successful firms today are market oriented.16 That means they have gone beyond a
product or sales orientation and have attempted to discover and satisfy their customers’
needs and wants. Some marketing firms recognized that there was more to good marketing.
To compete successfully, they would have to focus on the triple bottom line: people (con-
sumer needs and wants), profits (long-term profitable relationships with customers and
suppliers), and planet (do all this in a way that is socially and environmentally responsible).
Value-based companies provide their customers with greater value than their competitors.
Value reflects the relationship of benefits to costs, or what you get for what you value
give.17 In a marketing context, customers seek a fair return in goods and/or services for their Reflects the relationship of
benefits to costs, or what
hard-earned money and scarce time. They want products or services that meet their specific the consumer gets for what
needs or wants and are offered at a price that they believe provides good value. A creative he or she gives.
way to provide value to customers is to engage in value cocreation.18 In this case, customers
can act as collaborators to create the product or service. When clients work with their
investment advisors, they cocreate their investment portfolios; when Nike allows custom-
ers to custom design their sneakers, they are cocreating.
Every value-based marketing firm must implement its strategy according to what
its customers value. Depending on the specific product or service for sale, these valuable
benefits could include speed, convenience, size, accuracy, price, cost savings, or user-
friendliness. Sometimes providing greater value means providing a lot of merchandise for
relatively little money, such as Subway’s foot-long subs for $5, or a diamond for 40 percent
off the suggested retail price at Costco. But value is in the eye of the beholder and doesn’t
always come inexpensively. Satisfied Louis Vuitton customers probably believe the Vuitton
clothing, bags, or shoes they buy are good value because they have received many benefits
for a reasonable price. Similarly, teenagers may be willing to pay a premium for Apple’s
iPhone because of its extraordinary design and packaging, even though cheaper substitutes
are available. This is the power of marketing in general and branding in particular. Value-
based marketing is examined in greater detail in the following section.

How Do Firms Become More

Value Driven?
Firms become value driven by focusing on four activities. First, they gather vast quanti-
ties of information about their customers and competitors. Then they analyze and share
it across their own organization and with other firms that might be involved in getting the
product or service to the marketplace, such as manufacturers and transportation compa-
nies. Second, they strive to balance their customers’ benefits and costs of their offerings for
themselves, their customers, and society as a whole. Third, they concentrate on building
12 Section One Assessing the Marketplace

relationships with customers. Fourth, they take advantage of new technologies and connect
with their customers using the latest social and mobile media channels.

Gathering and Sharing Information

In a value-based, market-oriented firm, marketers gather and share information about cus-
tomers and competitors. Modern marketers rely on sophisticated data analytics to define and
refine their approaches to their customers and their markets. The growth of big data and the
associated challenges are inescapable, so the Marketing Analytics boxes in this textbook detail
their implications for a wide range of organizations and firms, as well as their customers.
In particular, companies such as Starbucks, Netflix, and Amazon collect massive amounts
of data about how, when, why, where, and what people buy, and then analyze the data to
inform their choices. Marketing Analytics 1.1 gives an account of how Starbucks uses its data
to make critical decisions about one of the four Ps: the place to locate its stores.

Marketing Analytics 1.1

Location, Location, Analytics: traffic and thus boost chainwide sales. Because the GIS
technology is accessible through desktops and mobile
Starbucks’ Use of Data to devices, location experts in the field also can combine
Place New Stores** the high-tech insights with their real-world observations.
Not only does the GIS technology help Starbucks
By now, nearly everyone on the planet recognizes the determine the ideal locations for new stores, but it can
green mermaid logo that is proudly displayed on every also enable the company to decide which kinds of stores
Starbucks sign, poster, and cup. The ubiquitous cof- to open. For example, many of the new stores will ­feature
fee giant maintains more than 22,500 locations in more drive-through windows; others will be smaller stores,
than 68 countries. But its growth has not been without a strategically placed to provide the greatest customer
few stumbles and bumps in the road. For example, in the convenience. The new approach has proven effective,
last decade, hundreds of newly opened stores had to be according to results that show that the most recently
closed because of their poor performance. In ­ analyzing opened stores, particularly those in the Americas, are con-
how the company got to that point, Patrick O’Hagan, sistently producing great returns and exceeding hurdle
Starbucks’ manager of global market planning, explained rates, the minimum rates of return on a project.
that many of the stores never should have opened.
­However, the staff in charge of these location choices had
been inundated with so much data, they were ­unable to use
them to make profitable decisions. Thus, the S ­ tarbucks story
reveals a great deal about the importance of data analytics.
Starbucks began using Atlas, a geographic informa-
tion system (GIS) built by Esri in the 1990s. But it has
perfected its applications of the GIS-provided predictive
analytics more recently. For example, the technology
allows Starbucks to evaluate weather, demographics,
population density, proximity to other Starbucks loca-
tions, traffic patterns, and much more to help determine
new store locations. Using the system, Starbucks gets a
graphical summary of the GIS data in map form. These
data include both location information and demographic Starbucks uses geographic information system (GIS) technology
details, which the software analyzes according to perti- to pinpoint ideal locations and the types of stores to open in
nent criteria. The applications allow Starbucks’ staff to those locations.
pinpoint ideal locations that are likely to attract substantial Bhandol/Alamy Stock Photo

**“Starbucks Company Profile,” Starbucks,; Bernard Marr, “Starbucks:

Using Big Data, Analytics And Artificial Intelligence To Boost Performance,” Forbes, May 28, 2018,
starbucks-using-big-data-analytics-and-artificial-intelligence-to-boost-performance/#12ae983565cd; Anthony Smoak, “Starbucks, Digital and Analytics:
A Perfect Blend,” January 4, 2019,; Mikal Khoso, “Data Analytics
in the Real World: Starbucks,” Northeastern University Level, March 4, 2016,
-world-starbucks/; Barbara Thau, “How Big Data Helps Chains Like Starbucks Pick Store Locations—An (Unsung) Key to Retail Success,” Forbes,
April 24, 2014,
-retail-success/#492c2b4c16db (accessed June 18, 2019).
Overview of Marketing CHAPTER 1 13

Information collected must be integrated

across the company. The fashion designers
for Zara, the Spain-based fashion retailer, for
instance, collect purchase information and
research customer trends to determine what
their customers will want to wear in the next
few weeks; simultaneously, the logisticians—
those persons in charge of getting the mer-
chandise to the stores—use the same purchase
history to forecast sales and allocate appropri-
ate merchandise to individual stores. Sharing
and coordinating such information represents
a critical success factor for any firm. Imag-
ine what might happen if Zara’s advertising
department were to plan a special promotion
Fashion designers for Zara, the Spain-based fashion retailer,
but not share its sales projections with those collect purchase information and research customer trends to
people in charge of creating the merchandise determine what their customers will want to wear in the next few
or getting it to stores. weeks. They share this information with other departments to
forecast sales and coordinate deliveries.
Roberto Machado Noa/LightRocket via Getty Images

Balancing Benefits
With Costs
Value-oriented marketers constantly measure the
benefits that customers perceive against the cost
of their offering. They use available customer
data to find opportunities to better satisfy their
customers’ needs and in turn develop long-term
loyalties. Such a value-based orientation has
helped Canadian Tire and Walmart outperform
other department stores, and WestJet Airlines
and Southwest Airlines outperform mainstream
carriers. IKEA does not have highly paid sales-
people to sell its furniture. Its simple designs
mean customers can easily choose a product and
assemble it themselves. Furniture retailer IKEA focuses on what its customers
value—low prices and great design.
Shutterstock/Michael Gordon

Building Relationships
With Customers
Marketers have developed a relational orientation as they have become aware of the relational orientation
need to think about customers in terms of relationships rather than transactions.19 To A method of building a
relationship with customers
build relationships, firms focus on the lifetime value of the relationship, not how much based on the philosophy
money is made during each transaction. This relationship approach uses a process that buyers and sellers
should develop a long-term
known as customer relationship management (CRM), a business philosophy and relationship.
set of strategies, programs, and systems that focus on identifying and building loyalty
customer relationship
among the firm’s most valued customers.20 Firms that employ CRM systematically col- management (CRM)
lect information about their customers’ needs and then use that information to target A business philosophy and
their best customers with the products, services, and special promotions that appear set of strategies, programs,
and systems that focus on
most important to them. identifying and building
Some companies aim to build relationships that benefit society at large. Ethical & loyalty among the firm’s
Societal Dilemma 1.1 details how one coffee company is seeking to improve the lives of most valued customers.

women throughout the world.

14 Section One Assessing the Marketplace

Ethical & Societal Dilemma 1.1

Adding Value by Addressing Gender a negative into a positive. The company launched a new
brand, City Girl Coffee, dedicated to ensuring the empow-
Inequality in the Coffee Market† erment and employment of women throughout the sup-
ply chain. As a sustainable, responsible coffee company,
Worldwide, the coffee supply chain is dominated by it purchases beans only from cooperatives and farms that
women—not that most marketing in this industry would are owned or managed by women. In addition, it donates
indicate that. Contrary to the images of a male farmer 5 percent of its profits to nonprofit industry groups that
walking a burro along rows of coffee beans in fields, the are committed to supporting women.
reality is that women perform approximately 70 percent In line with these initiatives, City Girl is unapologeti-
of the work involved in getting beans to market and into cally feminine in its marketing. Beyond the brand name,
consumers’ cups. Together with the misleading imagery, the packaging is bright pink and the logo depicts a
gender inequality throughout the supply chain has meant clearly feminine figure on a scooter. The mission state-
that in many places, female farmers are underpaid, ment asserts straightforwardly, “We are bringing aware-
excluded from negotiations, and limited in the competi- ness and equality to the coffee industry.”
tive moves they are allowed to make.
For one small, family-owned gourmet coffee com-
pany, that situation led to the inspiration for a new way to
market its products. A second-generation family member,
Alyza Bohbot, took over Alakef Coffee Roasters from her
parents. Bohbot decided she did not want simply to keep
doing what her parents had done, because she believed
that brand had reached a plateau. It was not growing any-
more, and its marketing and branding had remained the
same for years.
Upon taking over, Bohbot attended a conference
of the International Women’s Coffee Alliance in Seattle.
There she heard a story of a farmer from Colombia who
lost her farm after her husband died because women
were not allowed to make decisions about property. With City Girl Coffee aims to bring equality to the coffee industry for
this growing recognition of the gender inequality that women farmers.
marked her industry, Bohbot realized that she could turn Courtesy of City Girl Coffee

†“About,” City Girl Coffee,; Dan Hyman, “Giving a Family Business a Jolt with a Coffee That Empowers Women,”
The New York Times, December 20, 2017, (accessed June 18, 2019).

Connecting With Customers Using

Social and Mobile Media
Marketers embrace new technologies, such as social and mobile media and more recently
artificial intelligence (AI), to allow them to connect better with their customers and thereby
serve their needs more effectively. Businesses take these tools seriously and include them
in the development of their marketing strategies. In turn, 91 percent of marketers say that
they use social media tools for their businesses21 and 42 percent of global Internet users
access social media using a mobile device.22
While Facebook accounts for almost 70 per cent of social media usage globally23, only
26.3 percent of the world’s population uses Facebook.24 North America and the United
Kingdom may be approaching saturation, but there is still huge growth potential for social
networks. Before users can sign up for Facebook, however, they need access to high-speed
Internet. Other countries continue to experience higher Facebook growth rates as they gain
greater Internet access and as Facebook becomes available in more languages (around 140
currently). The global average Internet penetration rate hovers below 57 percent, with mas-
sive populations in Africa and Asia still limited in their access.25
Overview of Marketing CHAPTER 1 15

Beyond social media sites, online travel agencies such as Expedia, Travelocity, and
Priceline have become the first place that users go to book travel arrangements. In addi-
tion to asking friends and relying on their own experience, 10 percent of travellers turn
to destination websites, 9 percent rely on websites run by specific providers, another
5 percent use social networking, and 4 percent depend on their mobile devices to plan
their trips.26 Almost 150 million bookings, representing 57 percent of all travel bookings,
are made on the Internet. Sixty-five percent of same-day bookings are made from mobile
Customers who book hotels using travel agencies become loyal to the agency that gives
them the lowest prices, rather than to any particular hotel brand. So hotels are using social
media and mobile applications to lure customers back to their specific brands by engaging
in conversations with them and allowing fans of the page to book their hotel reservations
through Facebook. Some hotel chains have mobile applications that allow customers to
make changes to their reservations, shift check-in and check-out times, and add amenities
or services to their stays. The hotels know a lot about their customers, because they collect
information about their previous visits, including the type of room they stayed in, their
preferences (from pillows to drinks consumed from the minibar), and the type of room
service they prefer.
Numerous restaurant chains are exploiting location-based social media applications.
By using location-based apps, customers can find restaurants that cater to their specific
dietary requirements or find restaurants highly rated by Yelp users nearby. The result
is that users are driving the way in which brands and stores are interacting with social

Why Is Marketing Important? LO4

Marketing was once only an afterthought to production. Early marketing philosophy went
something like this: “We’ve made it; now how do we get rid of it?” However, marketing
has not only shifted its focus dramatically, but also evolved into a major business function
that crosses all areas of a firm or organization, as illustrated in Exhibit 1.5. Marketing
advises production about how much of the company’s product to make and then tells
logistics when to ship it. It creates mutually valuable relationships between the company
and the firms from which it buys. It identifies those elements that local customers value
and makes it possible for the firm to expand globally. Marketing has had a significant
impact on consumers as well. Without marketing, it would be difficult for any of us to
learn about new products and services. Understanding marketing can even help you find
a job after you graduate.

Marketing Expands Firms’ Global Presence

A generation ago, Coca-Cola was available in many nations, but Levi’s and most other
North American brands were not. Today, most jeans, including those by Levi Strauss & Co.
and Parasuco, are made in places other than Canada and the United States and are avail-
able nearly everywhere. Thanks to global entertainment venues, cheap foreign travel, and
the Internet, you share many of your consumption behaviours with college and university
students in countries all over the globe. The best fashions, music, and even food trends dis-
seminate rapidly around the world.
Take a look at your next shopping bag. Whether it contains groceries or apparel, you
will find goods from many countries: produce from Mexico, jeans from Italy, and T-shirts
from China. Global manufacturers and retailers continue to make inroads into the Cana-
dian market. Companies such as Honda, Sony, and Heineken sell as well in Canada as
they do in their home countries. Sweden’s fashion retailer H&M operates in 38 countries,
16 Section One Assessing the Marketplace

Exhibit 1.5 Importance of Marketing

Expands Global

Can Be Pervasive Across

Entrepreneurial Organization


Enriches Society

Makes Life Easier Pervasive Across

Supply Chain

(global): Jason Reed/Getty Images RF; (organization): ©Digital Vision/PunchStock; (tailor): Royalty-Free/CORBIS; (supply
chain): Andrew Ward/Life File/Getty Images; (elderly couple): Purestock/SuperStock; (life easier): ©Brand X Pictures/
PunchStock; (society): BananaStock/JupiterImages; (entrepreneurial): Caia Image/Glow Images

including Canada.28 Its upscale competitor, Spain’s Zara, operates in more than 90 coun-
tries, including Canada.29 Starbucks even adjusted its menu to meet customer wants in
the Japanese market more effectively. How does marketing contribute to a company’s
successful global expansion? Understanding customers is critical. Without the knowl-
edge that can be gained by analyzing new customers’ needs and wants on a segment-by-
segment, region-by-region basis—one of marketing’s main tasks—it would be difficult
for a firm to expand globally.

Marketing Is Pervasive Across Marketing

Channel Members
Firms typically do not work in isolation. Manufacturers buy raw materials and components
from suppliers, which they sell to retailers or other businesses after they have turned the
materials into their products (see Exhibit 1.6). Every time materials or products are bought
Overview of Marketing CHAPTER 1 17

Exhibit 1.6 Supply Chain

Raw Material
Manufacturer Distributor Customer

or sold, they are transported to a different location, which sometimes requires that they be
stored in a warehouse operated by yet another organization. The group of firms and set of
techniques and approaches firms use to make and deliver a given set of goods and services
is commonly referred to as a supply chain. Excellent supply chains effectively and effi- supply chain
ciently integrate their supply chain partners—suppliers, manufacturers, warehouses, stores, The group of firms and
set of techniques and
and transportation intermediaries—to produce and distribute goods in the right quantities, approaches firms use to
to the right locations, and at the right time. Supply chain management is discussed in detail make and deliver a given
set of goods and services.
in Chapter 12; for now, let’s consider the value of the supply chain in marketing.
Consider Loblaw, Canada’s largest food distributor, and its relationships with its manu-
facturers and trading partners. In the past, Loblaw’s supply chain system suffered from inef-
ficiencies that drove up its costs substantially.30 For example, inaccurate demand forecasts
led trading partners to stock huge inventory to meet unpredictable demand. Inefficient use
of customer data meant that stock replenishment was made by estimation rather than by
knowing true customer data. Disconnected supply chain systems, limited collaboration,
reduced information sharing, and supply variability led to poor-quality information on
which to base sales forecasts, production plans, and replenishment schemes. The company
made many changes to improve the efficiency of its supply chain. Loblaw’s participation in
a radio frequency identification (RFID) pilot project for the grocery industry conducted by
the Canadian RFID Centre has helped it improve its operations.

Marketing Enriches Society

Should marketing focus on factors other than financial profitability, such as good corpo-
rate citizenry? Many of Canada’s best-known corporations seem to think so, because they
encourage their employees to participate in activities that benefit their communities and
invest heavily in socially responsible actions and charities. When World Wildlife Fund
(WWF) launched its “Spring Things” campaign to promote workplace giving toward envi-
ronmental conservation, HP Canada was one of 40 organizations that championed the
cause. The campaign resulted in a ten-year collaboration that engaged employees and raised
almost $400,000 in the first year.31
Canadian companies recognize that a strong social orientation is in both their and their
customers’ best interests. It shows the consumer that the firm can be trusted with their
business. Also, investors view firms that operate with high levels of corporate responsibility
and ethics as safe investments. Similarly, firms have come to realize that good corporate
citizenship through socially responsible actions should be a priority because it will help
their bottom line in the long run.32 In a world where consumers constantly hear about
negative examples of ethics, the need for companies to live up to their ethical promises
becomes even more important.
18 Section One Assessing the Marketplace

Marketing Can Be Entrepreneurial

Marketing plays a major role in the success of large cor-
porations, and it is also at the centre of the successes of
numerous new ventures initiated by entrepreneurs, or peo-
ple who organize, operate, and assume the risk of a business
venture.33 Key to the success of many such entrepreneurs is
that they launch ventures that aim to satisfy unfilled needs.
Some examples of successful ventures (and their founders)
that understood their customers and added value include:
• Canada Goose (Dani Reiss)
• Steeped Tea (Tonia Jahshan)
Initially, Dani Reiss joined his grandfather’s company
Dani Reiss has grown Canada Goose into a premium
as a way to earn money to travel. Customers who raved
outerwear company sold around the world.
Markian Lozowchuk/Redux Pictures
about the company’s products were responsible for him not
leaving. Since then he has built a brand known for superior
performance and for the company’s longstanding commit-
ment to being made in Canada. High-quality products with
superior performance have propelled sales to almost $600
million.34 You will learn more about Dani Reiss and Canada
Goose in Chapter 9.
Another extraordinary entrepreneur and marketer
is Tonia Jahshan. Sharing her love of tea with friends at
a party in her home turned into a highly successful busi-
ness. The company is valued at over $20 million. With sales
in Canada and the U.S., Steeped Tea was ranked on the
PROFIT 500 list of Canada’s fastest-growing companies.
Jahshan was recognized by Forbes as one of the 6 Entrepre-
neurial Women to Watch.35 Read more about Jahshan and
Tonia Jahshan successfully parlayed her love of tea Steeped Tea in Chapter 16.
from a small business into a global empire worth more Great and distinguished entrepreneurs have a vision
than $20 million. of how certain combinations of products and services can
Photo by Helen Tansey-Sundari Photography, Courtesy of Tonia Jahshan, Sipology.
satisfy unfilled needs. They find and understand a market-
ing opportunity (i.e., the unfilled need), conduct a thorough
examination of the marketplace, and develop and communicate the value of their products
and services to potential consumers. An example of this can be seen in Entrepreneurial
Marketing 1.1.
Overview of Marketing CHAPTER 1 19

Entrepreneurial Marketing 1.1

Kacee Vasudeva — Serial a non-toxic way, including a power bar that d ­ oubles as
a bed bug trap. He then aimed to reduce the spread of
Entrepreneur‡ mosquito-borne diseases such as Zika, West Nile virus,
malaria, ­dengue fever, yellow fever, and ­others. Under
In Canada, over 95 percent of businesses are small. In the brand name GreenStrike, he has launched a ­variety of
fact, small businesses are viewed as the backbone of products to help eliminate ­mosquitoes. The GreenStrike
the ­Canadian economy. Innovation in Canada is driven Mosquito Preventer is the largest. It looks simple—a barrel
by entrepreneurs like Kacee Vasudeva, founder and that holds six litres of water to which an all-natural prod-
president of Maxtech Mosquito Control in W
­ ­ aterloo, uct is added to attract female mosquitoes. While females
Ontario. Vasudeva is a veteran entrepreneur. He started only live for six weeks, they lay up to 30,000 eggs. With
his first company in his garage and later founded GreenStrike, the eggs never hatch because water flushed
­Maxtech Manufacturing, a group though a filter traps the eggs,
of six auto-parts manufactur- and they dry out.
ing plants with peak annual The products are sold through
sales of $100 ­ million. Another Home Hardware, Canadian Tire,
venture, Maxtech Consumer Amazon, and Shopify at prices
Products, designs and manufac- ranging from $79 to $349.
tures hand tools and power tool ­Vasudeva is also pursuing global
accessories. opportunities in China and India.
His auto-parts business went The company has adapted its
into receivership after the reces- product’s marketing mix for the
sion of 2008-2010. The loss didn’t needs and wants of the devel-
dampen Vasudeva’s entrepre- oping world by offering a lower-
neurial zeal. Maxtech Consumer priced unit that can be manually
Products still develops innova- operated.
tive tools for manufacturers. As this example illustrates,
And he launched new compa- the entrepreneurial path some-
nies including Insty-Bit, which times leads in many different
sells countersinks and cutting directions. Although the domes-
tools, and iMagic with a focus tic auto-parts business failed
on smart-home systems and due to the recession, it opened
devices. ­Vasudeva also ventured the door for new ventures that
into public health initiatives. He are leading to global opportu-
began by ­tackling bed bug infes- nities. Given the importance of
tations crippling many hotels Kacee Vasudeva’s GreenStrike Mosquito small businesses in Canada, this
and public places. His company, Preventer drastically reduces the population is the first of many entrepreneur-
Beap Co, created products of disease-carrying mosquitoes. ial marketing examples you'll
that help detect bed bugs in Used with permission of Maxtech Mosquito Control Inc. see in the textbook.

‡Rocco Rossi, “Ford government’s first budget must walk a fine line,” Globe and Mail, April 9, 2019,
/article-pc-partys-first-ontario-budget-must-walk-fine-line; Megan Devlin, “Nearly half of Canadian entrepreneurs struggle to overcome mental-health
issues, national study finds,” Globe and Mail, June 18, 2019,
-mental-health-issues/; “Our Companies,” Maxtech Innovations,; Terry Pender, “Entrepreneur believes mosquito trap
will slow spread of disease,” The Waterloo Region Record, March 5, 2016, page D12; Green Strike, “Who We Are,”
we-are (accessed June 19, 2019).
20 Section One Assessing the Marketplace

Learning Objectives Review

LO1  efine the role of marketing and explain its

D with product innovation, not with satisfying the needs
core concepts of individual consumers, and keep producing with the
assumption that people will buy it. Marketing with this
In definition form, “marketing is a set of business prac- orientation is simply about informing the customer that a
tices designed to plan for and present an organization’s product exists, whether it is used at all.
products or services in ways that build effective customer Firms with a sales orientation rely on a sales team
relationships.” Marketing strives to create value in many to sell. Production is maximized and then heavy doses of
ways. If marketers are to succeed, their customers must personal selling and advertising help distribute and sell
believe that the firm’s products and services are valuable; the product. The role of marketing is focused only on the
that is, the products and services are worth more to the sale of products.
customers than they cost. If a firm has a market orientation, it celebrates the
Marketers also enhance the value of products and customer. Here the customer can decide what is best for
services through various forms of communication, such him or her, based on the attributes of a product or service.
as advertising and personal selling. Through communi- Rather than simply producing and selling, manufacturers
cations, marketers educate and inform customers about with this orientation seek to learn customer needs and
the benefits of their products and services and thereby wants, and design products to fit the customers. Market-
increase their perceived value. ing plays an important role by communicating the differ-
Marketers facilitate the delivery of value by ensuring ent attributes, or value, created by each product.
the right products and services are available when, where, Most successful firms today have transcended other
and in the quantities their customers want. Better market- views and instead support a value-based orientation. In
ers are not concerned about just one transaction with their addition to discovering needs and wants, it is critical to
customers; they recognize the value of loyal customers deliver more value to customers than competitors do.
and strive to develop long-term relationships with them. Value reflects the relationship of benefits to costs, or what
you get for what you give. Marketing plays an integral role
not only in creating and delivering that valuable product,
LO2  escribe how marketers create value
but also in communicating the value, especially in rela-
for a product or service
tion to other products available, and transacting the value
through to customers.
Value represents the relationship of benefits to costs. Firms
can improve their value by increasing benefits, reducing
costs, or both. The best firms integrate a value orientation LO4  nderstand the importance of marketing
into everything they do. If a move doesn’t increase ben- both within and outside the firm
efits or reduce costs, it probably shouldn’t occur.
Firms become value driven by finding out as much Successful firms integrate marketing throughout their
as they can about their customers and those customers’ organizations so that marketing activities coordinate with
needs and wants. They share this information with their other functional areas, such as product design, produc-
partners, both up and down the supply chain, so the entire tion, logistics, and human resources, enabling them to
chain collectively can focus on the customer. The key to get the right product to the right customers at the right
true value-based marketing is the ability to design prod- time. Marketing helps facilitate the smooth flow of goods
ucts and services that achieve the right balance between through the supply chain, all the way from raw materials
benefits and costs—not too little, not too much. to the consumer. From a personal perspective, the mar-
Value-based marketers aren’t necessarily worried keting function facilitates your buying process, and can
about how much money they will make on the next sale. support your career goals.
Instead, they are concerned with developing a lasting Marketing also can be important for society through
relationship with their customers so those customers its embrace of solid, ethical business practices. Firms “do
return again and again. the right thing” when they sponsor charitable events,
seek to reduce negative environmental impacts, and
LO3  ummarize the four orientations
S avoid unethical practices. Such efforts endear the firm to
of marketing customers. Finally, marketing is a cornerstone of entrepre-
neurialism. Many great companies have been founded by
Firms with a product orientation tend to believe that a outstanding marketers, and an entrepreneurial spirit per-
good product will sell itself. Manufacturers are concerned vades the marketing decisions of firms of all sizes.
Overview of Marketing CHAPTER 1 21

Key Terms
■■ B2B (business-to-business) ■■ ideas ■■ relational orientation
■■ B2C (business-to-consumer) ■■ market ■■ services
■■ C2C (consumer-to-consumer) ■■ marketing ■■ social media
■■ customer relationship ■■ marketing mix (four Ps) ■■ supply chain
management (CRM) ■■ marketing plan ■■ target market
■■ exchange ■■ need ■■ value
■■ goods ■■ price ■■ want

concept review
1. What is marketing and why is it important? 7. Today, many marketers are not interested in selling
their products and services to everyone who wants
2. Is the marketing mix (the four Ps) enough to guarantee
them; instead, they want to sell them only to selected
successful marketing? Explain.
target markets. What do you think the main reasons
3. Explain how a strike at one of a company’s supplier are for targeting specific market segments?
firms or a new technology would influence the com-
8. Give reasons why understanding customer needs and
pany’s marketing efforts.
wants is fundamental to marketing success. How can
4. Discuss the main elements of value-based marketing. marketers go about understanding customer needs
List four ways in which marketing helps to create value. and wants?
5. Explain the relationship between customer value and 9. Which marketing orientation would most likely help a
customer satisfaction. company build strong customer relationships that are
profitable? Why?
6. Generally, all companies are in business to generate
profits and increase shareholder value. Yet, the Cana- 10. Explain how customer value is created or increased
dian Marketing Association’s definition of marketing when the company’s marketing department works
does not explicitly mention profits or shareholder closely with other departments within the firm as well
value. Why do you think these are not included in the as with the firm’s suppliers and customers.
definition? Should they be included?

Marketing Applications

1. When apparel manufacturers develop their market- 5. Assume you have been hired by the marketing
ing strategies, do they concentrate on satisfying their department of a major consumer products manu-
customers’ needs or wants? What about a utility com- facturer such as Colgate-Palmolive. You are hav-
pany? A cellphone company? ing lunch with some new colleagues in the finance,
manufacturing, and logistics departments. They are
2. Choose a product that you use every day. Describe
arguing that the company could save millions of dol-
its four Ps.
lars if it just got rid of the marketing department.
3. One of your friends was recently watching TV and saw Develop an argument that would persuade them
an advertisement that she liked. She said, “Wow, that was otherwise.
great marketing!” Was the ad in fact marketing? Why?
6. Why do marketers find it important to embrace soci-
4. Mercedes-Benz manufactures the Smart Car, which sells etal needs and ethical business practices? Provide an
for around $16,000, and the SL65 AMG 2-door Road- example of a societal need or ethical business prac-
ster for over $200,000. Is Mercedes providing the target tice being addressed by a specific marketer.
markets for these cars with a good value? Explain why.
22 Section One Assessing the Marketplace

7. Using the four Ps, discuss how Kashi creates value for 9. As described in this chapter, customer relationship
customers with its Kashi bars. management is a very important aspect of value-based
marketing. Pick any one of Canada’s major retailers—
8. For many consumers, the difference between Dasani
for example, The Bay (, Loblaw (www.
water made by Coca-Cola ( and, or Shoppers Drug Mart (www.shoppers
Aquafina water made by Pepsi (—and explain how it goes about building
is hardly noticeable. However, both companies and
strong relationships with its customers.
their loyal customers would argue that there are
many differences between these two brands of 10. Using the four Ps, discuss how the Apple iBeacon will
water. What is your view? Explain how customer per- create value for customers.
ceptions and emotions may influence the way they
value a company’s product.

marketing digitally

1. Happy Planet (, a Vancouver- 2. Visit the websites for KIND (,
based organic juice producer, is an emerging player in Kashi (, and Snickers and Mars
the organic beverage market. It supplies all of Canada ( bars. What
and some of the United States with organic juice. Visit value do these manufacturers provide customers?
its website and describe how the company delivers How are their value propositions different?
value above and beyond that provided by traditional
grocery retailers. Describe the ways in which the com-
pany communicates this value through its website.

chapter Case study


Among the many energy and snack bars, KIND ( stands out for its
largely successful efforts to apply nearly every aspect of good marketing presented in this
chapter. Its products offer substantial value by satisfying modern consumers’ needs and
wants through an exchange. Its promotions are unique and compelling, and it has estab-
lished its place on store shelves and through mobile channels. Furthermore, the company
embraces a conscious marketing perspective, while also using its customer data to develop
new innovations and promotions.
Consider, to start, how KIND provides product solutions to satisfy customers. Central to
its corporate ethic, KIND asserts that people should not be forced to eat any ingredient that
they cannot pronounce. It excludes artificial sweeteners and preservatives, so for modern
consumers who embrace a healthy lifestyle, it markets a product that they can trust to contain
only “natural” ingredients.36
As it learned more about what consumers want, it expanded its product offerings. Beyond
its initial snack bars, KIND now markets fruit snacks and protein bars. For these selections, its
marketing remains consistent, promising more natural alternatives to conventional versions
of these items.37 The fruit snacks, which are vastly popular among children, contain no added
sugars, preservatives, or genetically engineered ingredients, for example.
To introduce such products to the market, KIND embraces clever promotional tools.
To tout its fruit snacks, it installed a three-storey-high mountain made up of 20,647 kg
(45,485 pounds) of sugar in Times Square, to represent the added sugar that U.S. children
Overview of Marketing CHAPTER 1 23

consume every five minutes. Statues of children

made out of sugar were also featured. Each statue
used 29 kg of sugar, the average amount that an
eight-year-old child consumes each year.38
To get people to try its new protein bar, KIND
took a different tack from its competitors. Its exten-
sive analysis of market data showed that when
­people consider buying a protein bar or think about
switching brands, they often search for phrases like
“best-tasting protein bar” or “protein bars that aren’t
gross.”39 So it developed a product based primarily
on nuts, which it argues will always taste better than
synthetic or processed food blends. Then it under-
took a promotion designed primarily to get people to
try its new product. It offered the first 10,000 visitor
requests to its website a free KIND protein bar—as
well as a bar from a competing company of their To tout its healthy fruit snacks, KIND installed a three-storey-high
choice.40 Consumers received both a KIND Bar and, mountain made up of 20,647 kg of sugar in Times Square. It
for example, a Clif Bar. KIND encouraged them to represented the added sugar that U.S. children consume every
evaluate both options and post their reviews. five minutes.
The online channel represents just one of the ©Brazil Photo Press/Getty Images
places that KIND has leveraged to market its ­protein
bars. Soon after its online promotion, it hosted taste-test events in several cities, where it
handed out samples of both its own and its competitors’ offerings. It described the promo-
tion not as a way to sell more products, but rather as a route to help consumers learn about
a better-tasting bar.
Interest in consumers’ best outcomes is prominent throughout KIND’s marketing, which
consciously embraces the company’s goal and responsibility to “make the world a little
kinder.”41 It defines kindness as more active than simply being nice. To manifest this initiative,
it supports various causes. The KIND Foundation has granted awards worth approximately
$1.1 million to seven people who have acted in ways to improve their communities. The com-
pany’s CEO wrote a book, Do the KIND Thing, with all proceeds from the sales of that text
donated to kindness initiatives.42 The company also prints and issues #kindawesome cards,
which it asks its employees to hand out to random people found engaging in kind action. The
recipients receive special codes on the cards that give them discounts on KIND products.
These are not the only tactics KIND uses, though. First-time visitors to its website can click
a button, which offers them a discount on their first purchase. In exchange for the price cut,
they simply need to fill in their e-mail address. That allows KIND to gather information, which
can be used to track its sales and consumer preferences better, and to develop additional
new products to meet those consumers’ needs and wants.
KIND exemplifies nearly all the elements of marketing that this chapter describes. It is
achieving success in a competitive market that continues to grow, and does so as each brand
seeks to establish a unique position.
1. Describe the target market for KIND bars. In your discussion, explain:
What types of people does KIND sell to?
How does KIND appeal to those different groups of people?
2. Outline KIND's 4Ps.
3. Does KIND act in a socially responsible manner? Explain your answer.
Chapter 2

©Steven Senne/AP Images

Developing Marketing Strategies

and a Marketing Plan
Learning Objectives
After studying this chapter you should be able to
Define a marketing strategy
Describe the elements of a marketing plan
Analyze a marketing situation using a SWOT analysis
Explain how a firm chooses what consumer group(s) to pursue with its marketing efforts
Outline the implementation of the marketing mix as a means to increase customer value
Describe how firms grow their businesses
Developing Marketing Strategies and a Marketing Plan CHAPTER 2 25

PepsiCo is the corporate name of the company that produces and sells popular food and beverage brands such as
Gatorade, Frito-Lay, Tropicana, Quaker, and Mountain Dew. The company began by selling carbonated beverages,
but today it earns most of its revenues and enjoys most of its growth in snacks and food—not drink—categories.
For example, PepsiCo finds opportunity in the growing groups of consumers who search for healthy options,
even when they are consuming guilt-inducing snacks. It offers many “guilt-free” products, spanning baked potato
chips and lower-sodium chips and tortillas. And in the U.S., it offers Off the Eaten Path snacks made from green
peas and pinto beans.1 The acquisition of Bare Foods further diversifies its portfolio, adding baked fruit and veg-
etable snacks.2 Going beyond product innovations, the company also pursues value through novel packaging,
such as smaller packages to help consumers limit their calorie or sodium consumption.3 In these efforts, it seeks
to provide unique and appealing “platforms” for snackers interested in tasty treats, from salty chips to hearty
crackers, from spicy Cheetos to oat bites or Mermaid Confetti granola bars.4
Such versatility and diversity represent key strengths of the broad corporate brand. There are approximately
3,000 different flavour profiles among its intellectual property, which it refers to as its “flavour bank.” These valu-
able resources enable PepsiCo to introduce unique, distinctive flavours for its Lay’s potato chips, from Everything
Bagel with Cream Cheese in the U.S. market to Salmon Teriyaki in Asian markets. To enhance the benefits of
such resources, it also leverages these strengths in marketing efforts that get people talking. While no longer
running in Canada, Lay's in the U.S. still uses its crowdsourced “Do Us a Flavor” contest to encourage fans to pick
their favourite flavours among the unusual options.5 Lay’s Canada introduced limited specialty flavours, including
grilled cheese, pizza, and taco in its StrEATS of the World campaign.6
Of course, it is not the only company seeking to appeal to such consumers. Carbonated beverages remain an
important part of the company’s product portfolio, and in these segments, Coca-Cola and Dr Pepper Snapple are
actively in pursuit of more market share. All three corporations have increased their juice and sports drink offer-
ings, especially as sales of carbonated beverages continue their downward trend. Consumers still want fizz, just
in a healthier form. With sales of seltzer up 42 percent over the past five years, PepsiCo launched its sparkling
water brand, Bubly. Six months later, it bought seltzer-maker Soda Stream.7
Such threats are an inherent aspect of the highly competitive food and beverage market, where companies
also confront rising costs.8 Overall, modern consumer goods and grocery retailing scenarios are challenging. As
PepsiCo’s chair and chief executive officer Indra Nooyi recently acknowledged, “Over my several decades in busi-
ness I have never seen this combination of sustained headwinds across most economies, combined with high
volatility across global financial markets.”9
PepsiCo also has struggled with some formulations, such as the use of aspartame in Diet Pepsi. Studies sug-
gesting its harmful effects led consumers to call for its removal from the recipe. But when PepsiCo did so, fans
also complained about the taste of the reformulated version. In response, it now maintains several diet colas, in
an attempt to appeal to multiple audiences.10 Another weakness stems from its long-standing image as a company
that produces less-than-healthy snack options. As it has tried to expand its organic offerings, it has met with some
resistance. Although sales in this sector finally are starting to increase, it has had to adjust its growth projections
downward when those sales did not expand fast enough to keep shareholders happy.11
All these factors are reinforced and intensified by PepsiCo’s international presence in more than 200 countries.
In these various national markets, it leverages its massive flavour bank to appeal to consumers who might prefer
Yorkshire Pudding or Tikka Masala, rather than salt and vinegar, when they chow down on potato chips. It also enjoys
the power of recognizable brand names and the ability to deliver its products throughout the world. However, even
as the company has noted productivity gains in many international markets, it also has admitted that unfavourable
currency exchanges and wider macroeconomic factors have led to reduced profits in international markets.12
In the face of these challenges and promises, PepsiCo maintains a highly positive outlook. Its guiding phi-
losophy, whether it is developing new products or expanding into new markets, looks for the bright side while
attempting to mitigate any dark sides. As the company’s principal scientist Elizabeth Roark explained, in refer-
ence to healthy snack innovations, “We’re really looking to not only decrease the negatives but also increase the
positives and transform our portfolio in a positive direction.13

In this chapter, we start by discussing marketing strategy, which outlines the specific
actions a firm intends to implement to appeal to potential customers. Then we discuss how
to create a marketing plan, which provides a blueprint for implementing the strategy. The
26 Section One Assessing the Marketplace

chapter concludes with a discussion of strategies firms use to grow. Appendix 2A explains
how to write a marketing plan and provides an annotated example.

LO1 What Is a Marketing Strategy?

marketing strategy A marketing strategy identifies (1) a firm’s target market(s), (2) a related marketing mix—
Identifies a firm’s target the four Ps, and (3) the bases upon which the firm plans to build a sustainable competitive
market(s), a related
marketing mix—the four Ps, advantage. A sustainable competitive advantage is an advantage over the competition
and the bases upon which that is not easily copied and thus can be maintained over a long period of time. A competitive
the firm plans to build a
sustainable competitive
advantage acts like a wall, or barrier, that the firm has built around its position in a market.
advantage. This wall makes it hard for competitors to contact customers inside. Of course, if the marketer
sustainable competitive
has built a wall around an attractive target market, competitors will attempt to break it down.
advantage For Pepsi, this wall involves the bricks of a strong brand and a loyal customer base,
Something the firm can which were built on the foundation of its strong innovative capabilities. Customers around
persistently do better than
its competitors that is not the world know Pepsi and consider it a primary “go-to” brand if they want a refreshing
easily copied and thus can drink. This positioning reflects Pepsi’s careful targeting and marketing mix implemen-
be maintained over a long tation. In terms of the four Ps (as we described them in Chapter 1), Pepsi already has
period of time.
achieved product excellence with its signature colas, Pepsi and Diet Pepsi. It is constantly
adding new products to its product line, like Bubly and 7UP Lemon Lemon.
Furthermore, the Pepsi brand is owned by a parent company, PepsiCo, which owns
many of the top snack brands such as Lay's and Quaker; other cola lines; and additional
beverage products such as Mountain Dew, and Naked—among dozens of others.14 To mar-
ket its products, it relies on an extensive distribution network that places its familiar and
appealing brands in stores in more than 200 countries.15 Its pricing is competitive and stra-
tegic. For example, customers can readily access a quick drink from a Pepsi soda fountain
at a higher price by volume, or they can pay a little less per litre and buy larger, two-litre
bottles to store and consume at home. Central to its promotion efforts are Pepsi’s celebrity
endorsements. It partners with some of the world’s biggest musicians, including Katy Perry,
Beyoncé, and Elton John,16 and sponsors major sports events and leagues, such as the Super
Bowl, as well as the NBA and WNBA, NHL, and NFL.17 And, to enable up-and-coming
artists to more easily reach their fans, Pepsi sponsors its “Sound Drop” music platform that
partners with MTV, Shazam, and iHeartMedia.18
As you will read in the chapter end case, Starbucks and Tim Hortons® have also built
solid foundations that appeal to different target markets. And so, they implement their
marketing mixes—the four Ps—in different ways, with very different marketing strategies.
Although both stores’ customers seek a good cup of coffee and a tasty pastry, Starbucks
attempts to reach customers who want a coffee-drinking experience that includes a warm,
customer excellence
Involves a focus on social atmosphere and personable baristas to make their esoteric drinks. And people are
retaining loyal customers willing to pay relatively high prices for this. Tim Hortons® customers, on the other hand,
and excellent customer aren’t particularly interested in having an experience. They just want a good-tasting cup of
coffee at a fair price, and to get in and out of the store quickly.
operational excellence
There are four overarching strategies that focus on aspects of the marketing mix to
Involves a focus on
efficient operations and create and deliver value and to develop sustainable competitive advantages, as we depict in
excellent supply chain Exhibit 2.1:19
product excellence
• Customer excellence: Focuses on retaining loyal customers and excellent customer
Involves a focus on service.
achieving high-quality
products and effective
• Operational excellence: Achieved through efficient operations and excellent supply
branding and positioning. chain and human resource management.
locational excellence • Product excellence: Having products with high perceived value and effective
Involves a focus on a good branding and positioning.
physical location and
Internet presence. • Locational excellence: Having a good physical location and Internet presence.
Developing Marketing Strategies and a Marketing Plan CHAPTER 2 27

Exhibit 2.1 Macro Strategies for Developing Customer Value


Customer Value


Customer Excellence
Customer excellence is achieved when a firm develops value-based strategies for retaining
loyal customers and provides outstanding customer service.

Retaining Loyal Customers

Sometimes, the methods a firm uses to maintain a sustainable competitive advantage help
attract and maintain loyal customers. For instance, having a strong brand, unique mer-
chandise, and superior customer service all help solidify a loyal customer base. However,
having loyal customers is, in and of itself, an important method of sustaining an advantage
over competitors. Loyalty is more than simply preferring to purchase from one firm instead
of another;20 it means that customers are reluctant to patronize competitive firms. Loyal
customers drink Pepsi, even if Coke goes on sale.
More and more firms realize the value of achieving customer excellence through focus-
ing their strategy on retaining their loyal customers. PepsiCo doesn’t think in terms of sell-
ing a single $8 case of Mountain Dew; instead, it focuses on satisfying the customers who
buy a variety of products to keep in their homes all the time, including Mountain Dew for
the kids, Diet Pepsi for the adults, and Pepsi for guests. It also considers whether those
consumers might want some salty snacks to go with their beverages and how it can help
them combine those desires through the purchase of multiple PepsiCo products. Even if we
just consider cola purchases, it is reasonable to imagine that a household of cola consum-
ers might buy 35 cases of carbonated beverages every year for something like 20 years. In
this scenario, the consumer is not an $8 customer who bought a single case; by combining
all purchases for the family over the years, we determine that this household represents
a $5,000 customer! Viewing customers with a lifetime value perspective, rather than on a
transaction-by-transaction basis, is key to modern customer retention programs.21 We will
examine how the lifetime value of a customer is calculated in Appendix 7A.
28 Section One Assessing the Marketplace

Marketers use several methods to build customer loyalty. One method of achieving
customer loyalty is to create an emotional attachment through loyalty programs. Loyalty
programs, which constitute part of an overall customer relationship management (CRM)
program, prevail in many industries, from airlines to hotels to movie theatres to retail stores.
Canadian households belong to 8.2 loyalty programs on average.22 Although the benefits
of loyalty programs to consumers are limited since only a small percentage of customers
save enough points to claim their rewards, loyalty programs are a boon to marketers. With
such programs, companies can combine membership data with customer purchase data to
develop a deeper understanding of the customer. Companies often use this data to tailor
their offerings to better meet the needs of their loyal customers. For instance, by analyzing
their databases, financial institutions, such as Bank of Montreal, develop profiles of cus-
tomers who have defected in the past and use that information to identify customers who
may defect in the future. Once it identifies these customers, the firm can implement special
retention programs to keep them.

Providing Outstanding Customer Service

Marketers may also build sustainable competitive advantage by offering excellent customer
service,23 though consistently offering excellent service can prove difficult. Customer ser-
vice is provided by employees, and invariably, humans are less consistent than machines.
On every visit, for example, Starbucks must attempt to ensure that every single barista
greets customers in a friendly way and makes drinks consistently. Firms that offer good
customer service must instill its importance in their employees over a long period of time
so that it becomes part of the organizational culture. Although it may take considerable
time and effort to build a reputation for customer service, once a firm has earned a good
service reputation, it can sustain this advantage for a long time because a competitor is hard
pressed to develop a comparable reputation.
Disney offers excellent examples of both of these types of customer excellence. First,
Disney’s MyMagic+ system enables visitors to swipe their MagicBand wristbands to make
purchases, open their hotel room door, get dinner reservations, or check in for rides,
throughout the park and its grounds. The system also enables Disney to collect a remark-
able amount of information about what each guest is doing, at virtually every moment of
his or her visit to its theme parks.24
Second, its customer service is virtually unpar-
alleled. Visitors to Disney parks are greeted by
friendly staff who have been extensively trained
to find ways to provide better service. The training
includes information about how to recognize the
signs that a visitor is lost, so the Disney employee
can offer help locating a destination. It also high-
lights the need to communicate frequently and
collaboratively about every aspect of the park,
so a custodian at one end of the Magic Kingdom
likely knows what time a restaurant on the other
side opens.25

Operational Excellence
Firms achieve operational excellence, the second
Disney’s MyMagic+ system enables users to swipe their way to achieve a sustainable competitive advantage,
MagicBand wristbands to get on rides, make purchases, and through their efficient operations, excellent supply
open their hotel room door. chain management, and strong relationships with
©parrysuwanitch/123RF their suppliers.
Developing Marketing Strategies and a Marketing Plan CHAPTER 2 29

All marketers strive for efficient operations

to get their customers the merchandise they want,
when they want it, in the required quantities, and
at a lower delivered cost than that of their competi-
tors. By so doing, they ensure good value to their
customers, earn profitability for themselves, and
satisfy their customers’ needs. In addition, efficient
operations enable firms to provide their consumers
with lower-priced merchandise. Even if their prices
are not lower than those of the competition, they
may use the additional margin they earn to attract
customers away from competitors by offering even
better service, merchandise assortments, or visual
Firms achieve efficiencies by developing sophis- Amazon’s Prime service offers two-day shipping so customers
ticated distribution and information systems as well can get their orders quickly.
as strong relationships with vendors. Like customer Shutterstock/Jonathan Weiss
relationships, vendor relations must be developed
over the long term and generally cannot be easily undermined by a competitor.26 Further-
more, firms with strong relationships may gain exclusive rights to:
• sell merchandise in a particular region
• obtain special terms of purchase that are not available to competitors
• receive popular merchandise that may be in short supply
The supply chain for Amazon is innovative. Through its high-tech distribution centres, it
can get products to customers quickly. Perhaps you have taken advantage of Amazon’s Prime
shipping program, offering free two-day shipping on all orders for $79 a year. You may even
have paid for overnight delivery with Amazon, or if you live in one of the cities that offer
it, you may have paid for same-day shipping. Attractive shipping options like these make it
tough for other online retailers to compete. Operational excellence is required for Amazon to
execute this program effectively. Not only does it need to have the technology to coordinate
the personal buyers, but it needs to have an effective human resource hiring program that
selects and trains employees capable of going the extra mile to please its customers.

Product Excellence
Product excellence, the third way to achieve a
sustainable competitive advantage, occurs by
having products with high perceived value and
effective branding and positioning. Some firms
have difficulty developing a competitive advan-
tage through their merchandise and service
offerings, especially if competitors can deliver
similar products or services easily. Entrepre-
neurial Marketing 2.1 notes how one company's
focus on premium ingredients and organic cer-
tification helped it stand out. However, others
have been able to maintain their sustainable
competitive advantage by investing in their
brand itself; positioning their product or service
by using a clear, distinctive brand image; and IBM is listed as one of Interbrand’s top global brands.
constantly reinforcing that image through their Shutterstock/drserg
30 Section One Assessing the Marketplace

merchandise, service, and promotion. For instance, RBC Financial Group, Shoppers Drug
Mart, Bell, Tim Hortons®, Molson, and Loblaw are all leaders in their respective industries, at
least in part because they have strong brands and a clear position in the marketplace.27
Top global brands—such as Apple, Google, Microsoft, Coca-Cola, Amazon, Samsung,
Toyota, Facebook, Mercedes, and IBM—lead, at least in part, because they have strong
brands and a clear position in the marketplace.28

Locational Excellence
Location is particularly important for retailers and service providers. Many say that the
three most important things in retailing are location, location, location. Most people will
not walk or drive very far when looking to buy a cup of coffee. A competitive advantage

Entrepreneurial Marketing 2.1

Brewing Up a Business: a SCOBY. Fermentation creates a product that is

reputed to help your digestion and overall immune sys-
Tofino Kombucha* tem. Some enthusiasts even refer to it as the “tea of
immortality.” The hobby grew into Tofino Kombucha, a
What started as an experiment soon turned into a hobby, company with a mission to be “your gateway to bet-
and eventually a business for Kelsey Hendricks. Her move ter nutrition and better health.” As the company grew,
to Tofino after high school was designed to earn money Hendricks put her accounting studies aside to focus on
so she could go to Whistler to ski. Then she discovered her business skills.
surfing, got hooked, and stayed put. After working as a Although she stumbled into the business of brew-
server, she started online studies toward her Chartered ing kombucha, her marketing strategy involved doing
Professional Accountant (CPA) designation. This led to things right from the very beginning. She decided to use
roles in the District of Tofino finance department and Live only premium ingredients and no artificial flavours or
to Surf, a local surf shop. colours. She offers three flavours of kombucha: Ginger
While on maternity leave, she experimented with Lemon, Jasmine Hibiscus, and Apricot Rose. Hendricks
brewing kombucha, a fermented beverage made also pursued organic certification, which helped Tofino
with tea, sugar, and a kombucha starter culture called Kombucha grow its sales and expand to other cities in
the area. Initially, she set her sights on Victoria for her
next target market. Partnering with two distributors and
a major grocery chain wholesaler allowed Hendricks to
rapidly expand to all of Vancouver Island and the British
Columbia lower mainland.**
Of course, kombucha has become a popular trend not
only on Vancouver Island, the home of Tofino Kombucha,
but also around the world. Nielsen reported that sales of
kombucha were up 43 percent in 2018. Projections for the
global kombucha market indicate sales of $4.46 ­billion
USD by 2024. Even PepsiCo got into the market, first
by investing in KeVita, an organic kombucha company
in California, and then by buying the company outright.
With explosive growth, KeVita is ranked number two in
the kombucha market. As a relatively young company,
Tofino Kombucha offers three flavours: Ginger Lemon, Jasmine Hendricks won’t be competing on that scale just yet.
Hibiscus, and Apricot Rose. ­However, she is brewing up new flavours, all part of her
Photo by Sean Fenzl. Courtesy of Tofino Kombucha Inc. marketing strategy for future growth.

KOMBUCHA,” Wickanninish Inn, June 26, 2019,; “Kombucha
Market Projected to Reach $4.46 Billion by 2024: Grand View Research, Inc.,” Canadian Insider, Sept. 26. 2016,
/kombucha-market-projected-to-reach-4-46-billion-by-2024-grand-view-research-inc-; Larissa Zimberoff, “Why Kombucha May Never Make It Really Big,”
Bloomberg, October 5, 2018, (accessed June 28, 2019).
**Update provided by Kelsey Hendricks in a December 5, 2019 email.
Developing Marketing Strategies and a Marketing Plan CHAPTER 2 31

based on location is sustainable because it is not

­easily duplicated. McDonald’s is well known for doing
extensive location analysis. It looks for sites with
maximum market reach, preferably at the corner of
two intersections, since convenience to customers is
a major component in the potential success of new
Tim Hortons® and Starbucks have developed
a strong competitive advantage with their location
selection. They have such a high density of stores in
some markets that it is very difficult for a competi-
tor to enter the market and find good locations. Of
course, when McDonald’s entered the fancy-coffee
drink battle, it did not need to worry too much about
finding new locations; its stores already appeared
nearly everywhere! WestJet Airlines provides good service at a good price—a
good value—and has fun doing it!
Roberto Machado Noa/LightRocket via Getty Images

Multiple Sources of Advantage

In most cases, however, a single strategy, such as low prices or excellent service, is not suf-
ficient to build a sustainable competitive advantage. Firms require multiple approaches
to build a wall around their position that stands as high as possible. For example, WestJet
has achieved success by providing customers with good value that meets their expecta-
tions, offering good customer service, maintaining good customer relations, and offering
great prices. The company has consistently positioned itself as a carrier that provides
good service at a good value—customers get to their destination on time for a reasonable
price. At the same time, its customers don’t have extraordinary expectations and don’t
expect food service, seat assignments, or flights out of certain airports.29 By fulfilling all
of these strategies, WestJet has developed a huge cadre of loyal customers and has built
a very formidable barrier around its position as the value player in the Canadian airline

The Marketing Plan LO2

Effective marketing doesn’t just happen. Firms such as Tim Hortons®, The Bay, and
­ epsiCo carefully plan their marketing strategies to react to changes in the environment,
the competition, and their customers by creating a marketing plan. A marketing plan is
a written document composed of an analysis of the current marketing situation, oppor-
tunities and threats for the firm, marketing objectives and strategy specified in terms of
the four Ps, action programs, and projected or pro forma income (and other financial)
statements.30 The three major phases of the marketing plan are planning, implementa-
tion, and control.31
Although most people do not have a written plan that outlines what they are plan-
ning to accomplish in the next year, and how they expect to do it, firms do need such a
document. It is important that everyone involved in implementing the plan knows what planning phase
Where marketing
the overall objectives for the firm are and how they will be met. Other stakeholders, such executives and other
as investors and potential investors, also want to know what the firm plans to do. A written top managers define the
mission and objectives of
marketing plan also provides a reference point for evaluating whether or not the firm met
the business, and evaluate
its objectives. the situation by assessing
A marketing plan entails five steps, depicted in Exhibit 2.2. The first two steps are in how various players, both
inside and outside the
the planning phase. In Step 1, marketing executives and other top managers define the organization, affect the
mission and objectives of the business. In Step 2, they evaluate the situation by assessing firm’s potential for success.
32 Section One Assessing the Marketplace

Exhibit 2.2 Developing a Marketing Plan

Step 1: Business
Mission & Objectives

Step 2: Situation Analysis

Step 3: Identify Opportunities

Segmentation Targeting Positioning

Implementation Marketing
Phase Strategy
Step 4: Implement Marketing Mix

Product Price Place Promotion

Control Step 5: Evaluate Performance by

Phase Using Marketing Metrics

how various players, both inside and outside the organization, affect the firm’s potential
implementation phase for success. There are two steps in the implementation phase. In Step 3, marketing
Where marketing managers managers identify and evaluate different opportunities by engaging in a process known
identify and evaluate
different opportunities as segmentation, targeting, and positioning (STP). Then, in Step 4, they implement the
by engaging in a process marketing mix by using the four Ps. Finally, Step 5, the control phase, entails evaluating
known as segmentation,
targeting, and positioning.
the performance of the marketing strategy by using marketing metrics and taking any
They then develop and necessary corrective actions.
implement the marketing As indicated in Exhibit 2.2, it is not always necessary to go through the entire process
mix by using the four Ps.
for every evaluation (Step 5). For instance, a firm could evaluate its performance in Step 5,
control phase and then go directly to Step 2 to conduct a situation analysis without redefining its overall
The part of the strategic
marketing planning mission.
process when managers We will first discuss each step involved in developing a marketing plan. Then we
evaluate the performance
consider ways of analyzing a marketing situation, as well as identifying and evaluating
of the marketing strategy
and take any necessary marketing opportunities. We also examine some specific strategies marketers use to grow
corrective actions. a business. Finally, we consider how the implementation of the marketing mix increases
mission statement
customer value. A marketing plan outline and a sample marketing plan are provided in
A broad description of a Appendix 2A, following this chapter.
firm’s objectives and the
scope of activities it plans
to undertake; attempts
to answer two main Step 1: Define the Business Mission
questions: What type of
business is it? and What and Objectives
does it need to do to
accomplish its goals and The mission statement, a broad description of a firm’s objectives and the scope of activi-
objectives? ties it plans to undertake,32 attempts to answer two main questions: What type of business
Developing Marketing Strategies and a Marketing Plan CHAPTER 2 33

Exhibit 2.3 Mission Statements

PepsiCo’s mission is “to provide consumers around the world with delicious, affordable,
convenient and complementary foods and beverages from wholesome breakfasts to
healthy and fun daytime snacks and beverages to evening treats.”**

Coca-Cola’s mission is “To refresh the world . . . To inspire moments of optimism and
happiness . . . To create value and make a difference.Ӡ

The Heart and Stroke Foundation's mission is to “Promote health. Save lives. Enhance

Tim Hortons® states, “We work hard to deliver the highest-quality products and services,
and strive to be a leader in everything we do. It’s that simple.”††

**PepsiCo, “Our Mission & Values,”; Coca-Cola, “Mission,

Vision & Values,” (accessed July 2, 2019).
†Coca-Cola, “Mission, Vision & Values,”
(accessed July 2, 2019)
‡Heart and Stroke, “What we do / Strategy,” (accessed July 2, 2019).
††Tim Hortons, “About Tims,” (accessed July 2, 2019).

are we? and What do we need to do to accomplish our goals and objectives? These funda-
mental business issues must be answered at the highest corporate levels before ­marketing
executives can get involved. Most firms want to maximize ­shareholders’ wealth by
increasing the value of the firm’s stock and paying dividends.33 However, owners of
small, privately held firms frequently have other objectives, such as achieving a specific
level of income and avoiding risks, while not-for-profit organizations set non-monetary
objectives. (See Exhibit 2.3 for several mission statement examples.)
Non-profit organizations, such as the Heart and Stroke Foundation, specify non-­
monetary objectives such as improving the health of Canadians. The Tim Hortons® ­mission
is very focused: delivering superior-quality products and services to customers and being
the quality leader in what it does.34 PepsiCo’s and Coca-Cola’s mission statements are
sufficiently broad to encompass the diversity and global nature of their businesses. For all
these organizations, marketing holds the primary responsibility of enhancing the value
of the company’s products for its customers and other constituents, whether or not the
company pursues profit. Another key goal or objective often embedded in a mission state-
ment is how the firm is building a sustainable competitive advantage.

Step 2: Conduct a Situation Analysis LO3

After developing its mission, a firm next must perform a situation analysis, using a situation analysis (SWOT)
The second step in a
SWOT analysis that assesses both the internal environment with regard to its strengths marketing plan; uses
and weaknesses (internal analysis) and the external environment in terms of its opportu- a SWOT analysis that
nities and threats (external analysis). Situation analysis also includes an examination of assesses both the internal
environment with regard
market trends, customer analysis, and competitive analysis. Additionally, the firms should to its strengths and
assess the opportunities and uncertainties of the marketplace due to changes in cultural, weaknesses and the
­demographic, social, technological, economic, and political forces (CDSTEP). These external environment in
terms of its opportunities
­factors are discussed in Chapter 3. With this information, firms can anticipate and interpret and threats.
change, and then allocate appropriate resources.
A SWOT analysis is designed to help the firm determine areas in which it is strong
and can compete effectively, and areas where it is weak and vulnerable to competitive
attacks. It also enables the firm to understand where it has sustainable competitive
34 Section One Assessing the Marketplace

PepsiCo’s mission statement emphasizes the global nature of its products, whereas Coke’s evokes emotions like
(Left): ©Bloomberg/Getty Images; (Right): Source: The Coca-Cola Company

advantage or unique advantages that cannot be easily copied by competitors and how it
can leverage those advantages in response to new opportunities arising from changes in
its external environment. By understanding its competitive strengths and weaknesses, the
firm will be better positioned to address weaknesses and deal with threats arising from its
external business environment. A SWOT analysis requires the firm to undertake a ­critical
assessment of its resources, capabilities, organization, strategies, and performance in
relation to competitors. Similarly, the firm must conduct a careful analysis of changes
in the environment and understand how they affect its business, whether they represent
threats or opportunities. Strengths and weaknesses are within the control of the firm, and
it can take actions to alleviate weaknesses and consolidate its strengths. Opportunities
and threats are outside the control of the firm; therefore, the firm can decide only how it
wants to respond.
Exhibit 2.4 lists several general elements that are usually examined when conducting
a SWOT analysis. The relevance of specific elements will depend on the nature of the firm.
This list is for illustration purposes and is by no means exhaustive.
Consider how PepsiCo might conduct a SWOT analysis as outlined in Exhibit 2.5.
We focus on PepsiCo here, but we also recognize that its marketing managers might find
it helpful to perform parallel analyses for competitors, such as Coca-Cola. A ­company’s
strengths (Exhibit 2.5, upper left) refer to the positive internal attributes of the firm. In
this example, the strengths we might identify include PepsiCo’s diversified product port-
folio and celebrity endorsements. Pepsi has signed some of the world’s most recognized
musicians and athletes as spokespersons, from Beyoncé to Michael Jordan and David
Beckham. Building on this forte, it launched its own music program, Out of the Blue, that
debuted during a Grammy Awards ceremony. The program aimed to connect fans with
their favourite artists by giving away extravagant trips to major music ­festivals, concerts,
and other fabulous experiences. Another strength comes from its efforts to benefit society,
such as the PepsiCo Foundation’s Global ­Citizenship ­Initiatives, which encourage healthy
lifestyles, clean water, and waste reduction, among other positive goals.35
Every firm has its weaknesses, and PepsiCo is no exception. Weaknesses (Exhibit 2.5,
upper right) are negative attributes of the firm. PepsiCo has much lower global brand
awareness and market share than does its main rival, Coca-Cola.36 Also, PepsiCo’s Aquafina
water brand relies on a public water source. It has faced public criticism and negative press
that jeopardizes its market position and had to acknowledge that Aquafina is simply tap
water in a bottle.37
Developing Marketing Strategies and a Marketing Plan CHAPTER 2 35

Exhibit 2.4 Examples of Elements Considered in a SWOT Analysis

Environment Evaluation

Positive Negative
Internal Strengths Weaknesses
Superior resources and capabilities Little or no brand recognition
Superior management, marketing, technical Lack of financial resources
talent Lack of other resources and capabilities
Strong brand Lack of marketing, management, and technical
Superior product offerings talent
Extensive marketing reach Limited market reach or distribution network
Wide distribution networks (national/global) No proprietary technology
Strong financial resources Poor location
Excellent geographic location Limited customer base or loyalty
Proprietary technologies/intellectual property Lack of credibility
Strong base of loyal customers

External Opportunities Threats

CDSTEP changes that offer opportunities for Political or regulatory changes (e.g., new laws
the firm to serve new markets with existing affecting business or products)
products and/or pursue completely new market New entrants into the industry or market
opportunities New technology that could render existing
Existing firms exit the market because of technology or business practices obsolete
financial or other difficulties (i.e., reduced Natural or human-made disasters
competition) Recession or economic downturn that affects
Acquiring another firm and gaining market consumers’ purchasing power and confidence
access, new customers, new technology and Changes in sociocultural or demographic
expertise, and financial resources trends

Opportunities (Exhibit 2.5, lower left) pertain to positive aspects of the external envi-
ronment. Among PepsiCo’s opportunities is the rising demand for healthy food and drink
options, as we indicated in the opening vignette. That is, the increasing interest in healthier
options gives PepsiCo new opportunities to expand its product lines, ­introduce innovative
new colas that appeal to people’s preferences for premium options, and offer healthier
options as well. For example, even with the public sourcing controversy, ­PepsiCo’s bottled
water brand, Aquafina, and its other health options have seen significant growth.38 Another
notable opportunity for PepsiCo is the growth in global markets for snacks and beverages.

One of PepsiCoʼs strengths is its portfolio of celebrity endorsers such as Beyoncé (left) and David Beckham (right).
(Left): Wenn US/Alamy Stock Photo; (Right): ©Clive Brunskill/Getty Images
36 Section One Assessing the Marketplace

Exhibit 2.5 SWOT Analysis for PepsiCo Versus Coca-Cola

Environment Evaluation

Positive Negative
PepsiCo Internal Strengths Weaknesses
Brand product portfolio Relies heavily on Walmart
Strong celebrity endorsers Relatively lower brand awareness
Complementary products Public scrutiny over practices
Dedication to charitable and
social projects
Large marketing budget

External Opportunities Threats

Health food segments Water scarcity
Expansion due to acquisitions Fluctuations in exchange rates
Ready-to-drink tea and coffee Health concerns may reduce product
market growth demand
Bottled water

Coca-Cola Internal Strengths Weaknesses

High market share Low diversification
Strong brand Few healthy beverages
Customer loyalty
Strong global presence
Supply chain

External Opportunities Threats

Emerging countries Water scarcity
Diversifying products Potential market saturation
Bottled water Changes to labelling regulations
Increasing competition

One of PepsiCo’s Global Citizenship Initiatives is its S.M.A.R.T. program that identifies which Pepsi/
Frito-Lay products are healthier. S.M.A.R.T. stands for five steps that encourage active living and
better food choices: Start with a healthy breakfast; Move more; Add more fruits, vegetables, and
whole grains; Remember to hydrate; and Try lower-calorie or lower-fat foods.
©Kayte Deioma/Zumapress/Newscom
Developing Marketing Strategies and a Marketing Plan CHAPTER 2 37

In particular, it has invested strongly in Brazil, India, and China, as well as in sub-Saharan
Africa.39 If these efforts are successful, PepsiCo can enjoy substantial growth while also
reducing its nearly exclusive reliance on the U.S. market.
Finally, threats (Exhibit 2.5, lower right) represent the negative aspects of the com-
pany’s external environment. Water scarcity is a significant concern because the production
of cola demands substantial amounts of water.40 In addition, increased attention to label-
ling and nutrition facts could threaten to undermine PepsiCo’s appeal.41 Finally, competi-
tion in the snack-food market continues to increase, not just among the existing members
of the market, but also by new entrants that are coming up with innovative, alternative
snacks to appeal to consumers’ specific preferences.42 These are just some of the threats
that PepsiCo is facing.

Step 3: Identify and Evaluate Opportunities LO4

by Using STP (Segmentation, Targeting,
and Positioning)
After completing the situation analysis, the next step is to identify and evaluate oppor- STP
tunities for increasing sales and profits by using STP (segmentation, targeting, and The processes of
positioning). With STP, the firm must first understand customer needs and wants through segmentation, targeting,
and positioning that
market research, then divide the market or customers into distinct subgroups or segments, firms use to identify and
determine which of those segments it should pursue or target, and finally decide how it evaluate opportunities
for increasing sales and
should position its products and services to best meet the needs of those chosen targets. The profits.
criteria to evaluate target segments are discussed in detail in Chapter 6.
market segment
A group of consumers who
Segmentation respond similarly to a firm’s
marketing efforts.
Many types of customers appear in any market, and most firms cannot satisfy everyone’s
needs. For instance, among Internet users, some users do research online, some shop, market segmentation
The process of dividing the
some look for entertainment, and many do all three. Each of these groups might be a market into distinct groups
market segment consisting of consumers who respond similarly to a firm’s market- of customers—where
ing efforts. The process of dividing the market into distinct groups of customers where each individual group
has similar needs, wants,
each individual group has similar needs, wants, or characteristics—who therefore or characteristics—who
might appreciate products or services geared especially for them in similar ways—is therefore might appreciate
products or services
called market segmentation. Let’s look at Hertz, the car rental company. The example geared especially for them
in Exhibit 2.6 reveals that one of the Hertz segments is the Convertible Collection, in similar ways.

Exhibit 2.6 Hertz Market Segmentation

Segment 1 Segment 2 Segment 3 Segment 4 Segment 5

Segments Single thrill Business Environmentally Families Commercial
seekers and gear customers and conscious customers
heads on vacation families who prefer customers
a luxurious ride
Convertible Sedan Collection Green SUV/ Commercial
Collection Collection crossover/4×4 van/truck

Cars Offered Chevrolet Camaro Mercedes Toyota Prius Toyota RAV4 Dodge Ram

Mercedes Benz Cadillac Toyota Camry Ford Flex

38 Section One Assessing the Marketplace

which includes the Chevrolet Camaro and Mercedes Benz SLC, targeting single people
­wanting to have a bit of fun. Its Sedan Collection, featuring the Cadillac and a variety
of ­Mercedes models, targets business customers and families who prefer a luxurious
ride. With its Green Collection of cars, such as the Toyota Prius and Toyota Camry,
Hertz appeals to environmentally conscious customers. It also offers commercial vans
for ­service ­customers.43 Note that Hertz uses a variety of demographic factors—gender,
age, income, interests—to identify customers who might want the Convertible, Sedan,
and Green Collections. But it also applies psychographic or behavioural factors, such
as a need to move possessions across town, to identify likely consumers of its commer-
cial vans. Firms may also segment consumers based on benefits sought or geographic
­factors, which will be discussed in Chapter 6.

After a firm has identified the various market segments it might pursue, it evaluates each
target marketing/ segment’s attractiveness and decides which to pursue by using a process known as target
targeting marketing or targeting. For example, Hertz realizes that its primary appeal for the SUV
The process of evaluating
the attractiveness of Collection centres on young families, so the bulk of its marketing efforts for this business
various segments and then are directed toward that group. Similarly, soft-drink manufacturers also divide their mar-
deciding which to pursue
as a market.
kets into submarkets or segments. Coca-Cola, for instance, makes several different types of
Coke, including regular, Coke Life, and Cherry Coke. Among its diet colas, it targets Coke
Zero to men and Diet Coke to women because men prefer not to be associated with diets. It
also markets Sprite to those who don’t like dark colas, Fruitopia and Minute Maid to more
health-conscious consumers, and Dasani bottled water to purists.

Hertz targets several markets. Its “Convertible Collection” (left) appeals to single people and couples wanting to have
fun; its “Sedan Collection” (right) appeals to its business customers and families who prefer a luxurious ride.
Source: The Hertz Corporation
Developing Marketing Strategies and a Marketing Plan CHAPTER 2 39

Finally, when the firm decides which segments to pursue, it must determine how it wants to
be positioned within those segments. Market positioning involves the process of defining the market positioning
marketing mix variables so that target customers have a clear, distinct, desirable understanding Involves the process of
defining the marketing
of what the product does or represents in comparison with competing products. Hertz positions mix variables so that
itself as a quality car (and truck) rental company that is the first choice for each of its target seg- target customers have a
clear, distinct, desirable
ments. In its marketing communications, it stresses that customers will get peace of mind when understanding of what the
they rent from Hertz, the market leader in the car rental business, and will be able to enjoy their product does or represents
journey (e.g., leisure consumers) and reduce travel time (e.g., business consumers). in comparison with
competing products.
To segment the coffee drinker market, Starbucks uses a variety of methods, including
geography (e.g., college campuses versus shopping/business districts) and benefits (e.g.,
drinkers of caffeinated versus decaffeinated products). After determining which of those
segments represent effective targets, Starbucks positions itself as a firm that develops a vari-
ety of products that match the wants and needs of the different market segments—espresso
drinks, coffees, teas, bottled drinks, pastries, and cooler foods. Even its cups are part of its
positioning; although, not all of its efforts regarding cups are viewed positively, as discussed
in Ethical & Societal Dilemma 2.1.

Ethical & Societal Dilemma 2.1

Tempest in a Festive Cup‡‡ one year, the plain red holiday cup was denounced with
some consumers saying that Starbucks had abandoned
Every November since 1997, Starbucks has introduced Christmas traditions, a decidedly un-Christian move. At
special holiday cups. Their festive designs are a tangi- the same time, at least a few Indian consumers thought
ble reminder of the upcoming holiday season. In recent the plain red cup was a celebration of Diwali. Knowing
years, controversy has followed the cups. For example, consumers practise many religions, Starbucks has never
tried to associate its cup with religious symbols.
The next year, a green cup was used, which some
customers associated with a political agenda. A doodle
on a cup two years later, depicting two people holding
hands, was (mis)interpreted as a same-sex couple. So, in
a bid to avoid controversy, Starbucks returned to its usual
Christmassy theme with four unique designs in 2018.
Along with the four holiday cups, Starbucks also intro-
duced a plain red, reusable cup, available for free one day
only to customers who purchased holiday drinks. Supplies
were limited and stores quickly ran out. Consumers could
later buy the reusable cup for $2.50. Still, this was not the
source of controversy. Instead, it revolved around the fact
that the holiday cups cannot be recycled. While the plastic
in the cup’s polyethylene liner keeps beverages hot and
leak-proof, it is extremely difficult to recycle. While, tech­
nically, they could be sent to special recycling facilities,
one report notes that 99.75 percent of these cups end up
in the garbage. The festive cups do cheer consumers, but
Starbucks introduces new holiday cup designs every year. the fact that they last far longer in landfill sites illustrates
Zhang Peng/LightRocket via Getty Images just how difficult it can be to avoid societal dilemmas.

‡‡Rachel Sugar, “How Starbucks’s annual holiday cup became a battleground for the heart and soul of America,” Vox, Nov 2, 2018,
-goods/2018/11/2/18052550/starbucks-holiday-cup-explained-2018-controversies; Temi Abebowale, “Starbucks’ New Holiday Cups are Here, And Won’t
Cause Much Drama,” delish, Nov 1, 2018,; Lindsay William-Ross, “How to get
a free reusable festive red cup at Starbucks,” Vancouver Courier, November 1, 2018,
-cup-at-starbucks-1.23484411; Julia Mullaney, “All the Controversies Behind Starbucks’ Holiday Cups,” November 2, 2018, Showbiz CheatSheet,; Whitney Filloon and Brenda Houck, “A Brief History of Starbucks’
Holiday Cup Controversies,” Eater, Nov 5, 2018,; Luke Upton, “Seeing
red? Starbucks festive cups face up to growing sustainability questions.” Bio Market Insights, November 21, 2018,
-red-starbucks-festive-cups-face-up-to-growing-sustainability-questions (accessed June 28, 2019).
40 Section One Assessing the Marketplace

After identifying its target segments, a firm must evaluate each of its strategic oppor-
tunities. A method of examining which segments to pursue is described in the Growth
Strategies section later in the chapter. Firms are typically most successful when they focus
on opportunities that build on their strengths relative to those of their competition. In Step
4 of the marketing plan, the firm implements its marketing mix and allocates resources to
different products and services.

LO5 Step 4: Implement Marketing Mix and Allocate

When the firm has identified and evaluated different growth opportunities by performing
an STP analysis, the real action begins. The company has decided what to do, how to do
it, and how many resources the firm should allocate to it. In the fourth step of the plan-
ning process, marketers implement the marketing mix—product, price, promotion, and
place—for each product and service on the basis
Exhibit 2.7 Developing the Marketing Mix of what the company believes its target markets
will value (Exhibit 2.7). At the same time, it makes
important decisions about how it will allocate its
Product & scarce resources to its various products and ser-
Service Price vices. Each element of the four Ps must be fully
Strategy Strategy integrated to achieve a coherent strategy.
Mkt. & Product and Value Creation
Products, which include services, constitute the
Promotion Place
first of the four Ps. Because the key to the suc-
Strategy Strategy
cess of any marketing program is the creation of
value, firms attempt to develop products and ser-
vices that customers perceive as valuable enough
to buy. Dyson fans and space heaters draw in and
redirect surrounding air without potentially dangerous or
fast-spinning blades or visible heating elements. Although
more expensive than conventional fans and space heat-
ers, these sculpturally beautiful appliances are perceived
by consumers to be a valuable alternative to products
that haven’t significantly changed since the early 1900s.
You’ll learn more about product and branding decisions in
Chapters 8 and 9.

Price and Value for Money

The second element of the marketing mix is price. As part
of the exchange process, a firm provides a product or a ser-
vice, or some combination thereof, and in return it receives
money. Value-based marketing requires that firms charge
a price that customers perceive as giving them good value
for the products and services they receive. It is important
for a firm to have a clear focus in terms of what products to
sell, where to buy them, and what methods to use in sell-
ing them. Pricing is the only activity that actually brings
in money by generating revenues. If a price is set too high,
it will not generate much volume. If a price is set too low,
it may result in lower-than-necessary margins and profits.
Dyson creates value with its innovative products. Therefore, marketers should base price on the value that
Courtesy of Dyson Canada Ltd. the customer perceives. Dyson fans retail for $299 or more,
Developing Marketing Strategies and a Marketing Plan CHAPTER 2 41

while conventional fans retail for around $25. Its Super-

sonic hair dryer sells for $499 compared to some that retail
around $30. Customers thus can decide just what they
want from their fan or blow dryer and choose the one at
the price they prefer. Pricing decisions and strategies are
discussed in detail in Chapter 11.

Place and Value Delivery

For the third P, place, the firm must be able to make the
product or service readily accessible when and where the
customer wants it. Consider Lee Valley Tools, a small Ottawa-
based company and one of the world’s leading Internet and
retail suppliers of innovative woodworking and gardening
tools. The company was founded more than 40 years ago as
a catalogue mail-order supplier of woodworking and garden-
ing tools by entrepreneur Leonard Lee. Over the years, Lee
has opened 20 stores across Canada and launched a fully
functional ecommerce website, To make
its products and services accessible to all of its customers, Lee
Valley has integrated its stores and catalogue operations with
its online presence and used place to create value in its deliv- Customers purchase Lee Valley woodworking and
ery process. Through its website, Lee Valley is able to reach gardening tools by catalogue, by phone, online, or
a wider market segment more efficiently and cost-effectively. in store.
Thus, Lee Valley turned the integration of its different chan- Used with permission of Lee Valley Tools Ltd.
nels into a seamless customer experience, a key value driver
for the company.44 Chapters 12 and 13 deal with in-depth place, or distribution, decisions.

Promotion and Value Communication

The fourth P of the marketing mix is promotion. Marketers communicate the value of their
offering, or the value proposition, to their customers through a variety of media, including
TV, radio, magazines, buses, trains, blimps, sales promotion, publicity, the sales force, and
the Internet. It is now possible for firms in out-of-the-way locations to expand their market
area to the whole world. For example, Canadians living in such places as South Africa,
Australia, and New Zealand can order their favourite sporting good products through the
Mountain Equipment Co-Op website, Daily deal websites such as Groupon
offer another way to get the word out. Many smaller companies find that these sites give
them greater name recognition than they ever could have achieved on their own. Retailers
add value to their offerings through their efficient and effective communications strategies,
which will be discussed in more detail in Chapters 14, and 15.
As Sustainable Marketing 2.1 shows, some marketers are greening their marketing
practices to promote that they are socially responsible in their business practices.
Marketers must consider the most efficient and effective methods to communicate
with their customers. This goes back to understanding customers, the value created, and
the message being communicated. Lee Valley uses its website not only to let customers
order tools but also to promote upcoming training seminars that are held in its physical
stores. These seminars teach customers about the use and care of the tools and demonstrate
new, innovative tools being developed. The website also contains a variety of technical
articles on woodworking and gardening that help customers learn more and enjoy their
favourite activities. The regular e-newsletter, which customers sign up for, provides techni-
cal information, trade-show dates, company news, special event dates, and other topics of
interest to woodworkers and gardeners. Customers can even send letters about their experi-
ences with specific tools, which are posted publicly on the company’s website. Lee Valley is
building loyal customer relationships one customer at a time.
42 Section One Assessing the Marketplace

Sustainable Marketing 2.1

Demonstrating a Commitment to For Tim Hortons®, sustainability is about managing

“the personal impact we have in all we do.” It’s a three-
Sustainability§ tiered approach that focuses on individuals, communi-
ties, and the planet. From reducing sodium content in
The idea of sustainable development, or sustainability, muffins to raising money to send children to camp, from
has become popular with environmentalists, non-profit implementing energy saving measures in over 200 res-
organizations, politicians, business executives, the media, taurants to diverting waste from landfill, the company is
and consumers. As a result, more companies are actively committed to making a true difference. The Tim H ­ ortons®
communicating their sustainability programs as part of coffee partnership helps improve lives by providing
their promotional efforts. Certainly there are benefits to technical training to small-scale farmers to increase
companies that embrace sustainability measures. crop yields and manage the land in an environmentally
But what exactly does sustainability mean? As it responsible way. Over 20,000 people in Brazil, Colombia,
turns out, it means different things to different people. A Guatemala, and Honduras have benefited from this
global survey of 1,749 business executives by McKinsey partnership.
& Company reported that 55 percent consider sustain- As consumers have become more aware of the envi-
ability to be about managing environmental issues such ronmental impact of the products and services they use,
as greenhouse-gas emissions, energy efficiency, waste many companies have started to use green marketing
management, green-product development, and water claims as evidence of their commitment to sustainable
conservation. Further, 48 percent say that sustainabil- development. Many consumers buy products labelled as
ity is about governance issues such as complying with “eco-friendly,” “biodegradable,” or “green” without giving
regulations, maintaining ethical practices, and meeting much thought to what the terms mean. Some consumers
accepted industry standards; and 41 percent say that it wonder if they are being “greenwashed.” Their skepti-
includes the management of social issues such as work- cism may be warranted, as there are no laws in Canada
ing conditions and labour standards. No matter how you specifically governing green claims. To counter such
define it, organizations that practise sustainability must skepticism, Tim Hortons® produces an annual Sustain-
strive to conduct their business in such a way as to mini- ability and Responsibility Report to publicly demonstrate
mize harm to the environment, follow good governance its commitment to sustainability. Many other companies
practices, and comply with social standards. featured in this textbook publish similar reports.
§“How Companies Manage Sustainability: McKinsey Global Survey Results,”
McKinsey_Global_Survey_results__2558; Tim Hortons®, “Sustainability and Responsibility 2014 Performance Highlights,” 2014-performance-report
Tim Hortons® sustainability.pdf; Restaurant Brands International,” 2016 Sustainability Report,”
sustainabilityreport.pdf; Jacquelyn Stevens and Marc McAree, “Greenwashing Environmental Claims Give Rise to Legal Liability,”
/docs/default-source/articles/greenwashing-environmental-claims-sept-oct-2014.pdf; Rebecca Harris, “Greenwashing: Cleaning Up By Saving the
World,” (accessed July 1, 2019).

Step 5: Evaluate Performance by Using

Marketing Metrics
The final step in the planning process includes evaluating the results of the strategy and
implementation program by using marketing metrics. A metric is a measuring system that
quantifies a trend, dynamic, or characteristic. Metrics are used to explain why things hap-
pened and to project the future. They make it possible to compare results across regions,
business units, product lines, and time periods. The firm can determine why it achieved
or did not achieve its performance goals with the help of these metrics. Understanding the
causes of the performance—regardless of whether that performance exceeded, met, or fell
below the firm’s goals—enables firms to make appropriate adjustments.
Typically, managers begin by reviewing the implementation programs, and their analy-
sis may indicate that the strategy (or even the mission statement) needs to be reconsidered.
Problems can arise both when firms successfully implement poor strategies and when they
poorly implement good strategies.
Developing Marketing Strategies and a Marketing Plan CHAPTER 2 43

Who Is Accountable for Performance?

At each level of an organization, the business unit and its manager should be held
accountable only for the revenues, expenses, and profits that they can control. Expenses
that affect several levels of the organization, such as the labour and capital expenses
associated with operating a corporate headquarters, shouldn’t be arbitrarily assigned
to lower levels. In the case of a store, for example, it may be appropriate to evaluate
performance objectives based on sales, sales associate productivity, and energy costs. If
the corporate office lowers prices to get rid of merchandise and therefore profits suffer,
then it’s not fair to assess a store manager’s performance based on the resulting decline
in store profit.
Performance evaluations are used to pinpoint problem areas. Reasons that performance
may be above or below planned levels must be examined. If a manager’s performance is
below planned levels, was it because the sales force didn’t do an adequate job, because the
economy took a downward turn, because competition successfully implemented a new
strategy, or because the managers involved in setting the objectives aren’t very good at mak-
ing estimates? The manager should be held accountable only in the case of the inadequate
sales force job or setting inappropriate forecasts.
When it appears that actual performance is going to be below the plan because of
circumstances beyond the manager’s control, the firm can still take action to minimize
the harm. For example, the cereal industry has been beset by a wealth of setbacks due
to trends in the wider consumer environment. People seek to cut carbohydrates out of
their diets, but cereal is mostly carbs. Many consumers are recognizing their allergies
to gluten, but many cereals include wheat as a main ingredient. In response, the largest
cereal maker, General Mills (GM), has called on its competitors to step up their market-
ing efforts to save the industry. Leading the way, it increased its advertising budget by
7 percent and initiated promotional discounts on some of its most popular cereal brands,
including Cheerios.45
In cases like this, marketing managers must ask themselves several relevant questions:
How quickly were plans adjusted? How rapidly and appropriately were pricing and promo-
tional policies modified? In short, did the manager react to salvage an adverse situation, or
did those reactions worsen the situation?

Performance Objectives and Metrics

Many factors contribute to a firm’s overall performance, which makes it hard to find a
single metric to evaluate performance. One approach is to compare a firm’s performance
over time or to competing firms, using common financial metrics such as sales and profits.
Another method of assessing performance is to view the firm’s products or services as a
portfolio. Depending on the firm’s relative performance, the profits from some products or
services are used to fuel growth for others.
With its extensive data, Google claims that it can use a combination of metrics to pre-
dict the performance of a major motion picture, up to a month prior to the date it opens in
theatres. Using search volume for the movie title in combination with several other metrics,
such as the season and whether the movie is a sequel, Google promises a 94 percent accu-
rate prediction of box office performance. Other proprietary metrics include the volume
of clicks on search ads. If, for example, one movie prompted 20,000 more paid clicks than
another film, it is expected to bring in approximately $7.5 million more in revenues during
its opening weekend. Beyond the implications for opening weekend, Google asserts that
weekday searches in the weeks leading up to the release offer better predictors of continued
revenues. That is, if a film fan searches for a movie title on a Tuesday, she or he is more
likely to hold off on seeing the movie, rather than rushing out during opening weekend.46
Google’s extensive analytics abilities support its competitive tactics in other markets, too,
as Marketing Analytics 2.1 describes.
44 Section One Assessing the Marketplace

Marketing Analytics 2.1

The First Name in Predictive for companies to help improve their online presence by
providing insights into customers’ web searching behav-
Analytics: Google§§ iour. In addition, Google has started using its analytics for
more than just its search engine. They were critical to the
In the world of analytics, Google has made a significant development of Android software, Apple’s biggest com-
name for itself because, from the moment it was estab- petitor in the smartphone domain. Now, with the help of
lished, Google has put predictive analytics at the heart its sophisticated analytics, Google is taking on Apple in
of the company. As the most widely used search engine, another domain as well: cars.
Google needs to be able to predict which websites and In Google’s Android boot camp, the company offi-
pages a person is seeking, based on just a few keywords. cially introduced its Android Auto dashboard interface,
Google is so successful at this method that few users which will face off against Apple’s CarPlay. Data analyt-
even bother going to the second page of the results list ics have played a big role in the development of these
in a Google search. Google now offers Google Analytics systems. Study after study has shown how dangerous it
is to drive while using one’s phone. Data even show that
driving while using a smartphone is equatable to driv-
ing while under the influence of alcohol. These startling
results have spurred top phone system manufacturers’
interest in creating dashboard platforms. When Google
debuted Android Auto, it was clear that extensive analyt-
ics went into the development of every feature.
For example, Google developed a driver distraction
lab to learn what tasks people do frequently when driving.
These data informed which functions would be included
and how they would work in the Android Auto system.
According to Google’s studies, no action should take
longer than two seconds, so every function of Android
Auto must be “glanceable.” It was designed with safety in
mind, and so, the interface does not include a “back” but-
ton like the smartphone version. Not only are social media
Data analytics have played a big role in developing Google’s apps blocked, but texting is accessible only through voice
Android Auto dashboard interface to help keep drivers safe commands. With these improvements in the connection
while using electronic dashboard functions. between phones and cars, data analytics are helping make
©David Paul Morris/Bloomberg via Getty Images the world both more convenient and safer.
Aaron M. Kessler and B. X. Chen, “Google and Apple Fight for the Car Dashboard,” The New York Times, February 22, 2015,
/2015/02/23/technology/rivals-google-and-apple-fight-for-the-dashboard.html; Tim Stevens, “2014’s Battle for Dashboard Supremacy: Apple’s CarPlay
vs. Google’s OAA vs. MirrorLink,” CNET, March 4, 2014,
-vs-mirrorlink/; Ronan Glon, “What is Android Auto?” Digital Trends, (accessed July 4, 2019).

Financial Performance Metrics

Some commonly used metrics to assess performance include revenues, or sales, and
profits. For instance, sales are a global measure of a firm’s activity level. A manager
could easily increase sales by lowering prices, but the profit realized on that merchan-
dise (gross margin) would suffer as a result. Clearly, an attempt to maximize one metric
may lower another. Managers must therefore understand how their actions affect mul-
tiple performance metrics. It’s usually unwise to use only one metric because it rarely
tells the whole story.
In addition to assessing the absolute level of sales and profits, a firm may wish to
measure the relative level of sales and profits. For example, a relative metric of sales or
profits is its increase or decrease over the prior year. Additionally, a firm may compare its
growth in sales or profits relative to other benchmark companies (e.g., Coke may compare
itself to Pepsi).
Developing Marketing Strategies and a Marketing Plan CHAPTER 2 45

Exhibit 2.8 Performance Metrics: PepsiCo Versus Coca-Cola***

2017 2018 %Change

PepsiCo Net Sales $63.5B $64.6B 2%
Net Profit $10.5B $10.6B 1%
Net Profit/Net Sales 16.5% 16.4%

Coca-Cola Net Sales $35.4B $31.8B −10%

Net Profit $1.18B $6.73B 469%
Net Profit/Net Sales 3.3% 21.1%

***PepsiCo 10-K report, December 29, 2018,

sfvrsn=35d1d2bc_2 (accessed July 2, 2019). Coca-Cola 10-K report, December 31, 2018,
-10-K.pdf (accessed July 2, 2019).

The metrics used to evaluate a firm vary depending on (1) the level of the organization
at which the decision is made and (2) the resources the manager controls. For example,
while the top executives of a firm have control over all of the firm’s resources and resulting
expenses, a regional sales manager has control over only the sales and expenses generated
by his or her salespeople.
Let’s look at PepsiCo’s sales revenue and profits (after taxes) and compare them with
those of Coca-Cola (Exhibit 2.8).
As corporate consciousness of the importance of social responsibility grows, firms are
starting to report corporate social responsibility metrics in major areas, such as their impact
on the environment, their ability to diversify their workforce, their energy conservation
initiatives, and their policies on protecting the human rights of their employees and the
employees of their suppliers.

Social Responsibility Performance Metrics

As Canadian companies become more convinced of the importance of social responsibility,
we will likely see an increasing number of companies reporting corporate social respon-
sibility metrics, such as their impact on the environment, their ability to diversify their
workforce, their energy conservation initiatives, and their policies on protecting the human
rights of their employees and the employees of their suppliers.

Strategic Planning Is Not Sequential

The planning process in Exhibit 2.2 suggests that managers follow a set sequence when they
make strategic decisions. Namely, after they’ve defined the business mission, they perform
the situation analysis; identify opportunities; evaluate alternatives; set objectives; allocate
resources; develop the implementation plan; and, finally, evaluate their performance and
make adjustments. But actual planning processes can move back and forth among these steps.
For example, a situation analysis may uncover a logical alternative, even though this alterna-
tive might not be included in the mission statement, which would mean that the mission
statement would need to be revised. Or, the development of the implementation plan might
reveal that insufficient resources have been allocated to a particular product for it to achieve
its objective. In that case, the firm would need to either change the objective or increase the
resources; alternatively, the marketer might consider not investing in the product at all.
Now that we have gone through the steps of the strategic marketing planning process,
let’s look at some strategies that have been responsible for making many marketing firms suc-
cessful. First we look at portfolio analysis, and then some product-market growth strategies.
46 Section One Assessing the Marketplace

Portfolio Analysis
strategic business unit
(SBU) In portfolio analysis, management evaluates the firm’s various products and businesses—
A division of the company its “portfolio”—and allocates resources according to which products are expected to be the
that can be managed
somewhat independently most profitable for the firm in the future. Portfolio analysis is typically performed at the
from other divisions since strategic business unit (SBU) or product line level of the firm, though managers can
it markets a specific
also use it to analyze brands or even individual items. A strategic business unit is a division
set of products to a
clearly defined group of of the company that can be managed somewhat independently from other divisions since it
customers. markets a specific set of products to a clearly defined group of customers. For example,
product line Loblaw Companies Limited consists of its general merchandise, drugstores, President’s
A group of products Choice brand, and financial products and services operations.47 Each of these is an SBU.
that consumers may use
together or perceive as A product line, in contrast, is a group of products that consumers may use together or per-
similar in some way. ceive as similar in some way.

Loblaw Companies Limited

Loblaws Valu-Mart Joe Fresh Maxi
Real Canadian Superstore Fortinos Bloorstreet Market Extra Foods
Zehrs Markets Provigo SaveEasy Joe Fresh
No Frills Dominion Wholesale Club PC Financial

The table above shows some of the business lines of Loblaw Companies Limited.

Boston Consulting Group’s Portfolio Analysis

One of the most popular portfolio analysis methods, developed by the Boston Consult-
ing Group (BCG), requires that firms classify all their products into a two-by-two matrix,
as depicted in Exhibit 2.9.48 The circles represent brands, and their sizes are in direct
proportion to the brands’ annual sales—that is, larger circles correspond to higher levels
of sales, and smaller circles indicate lower levels of sales. The horizontal axis repre-
relative market share sents the relative market share. In general, market share is the percentage of a market
A measure of the product’s accounted for by a specific entity,49 and it is used to establish the product’s strength in
strength in a particular
market, defined as the a particular market. It is usually discussed in units, revenue, or sales. A special type of
sales of the focal product market share metric, relative market share, is used in this application because it provides
divided by the sales managers with a product’s relative strength, compared to that of the largest firm in the
achieved by the largest
firm in the industry. industry.50 The vertical axis is the market growth rate, or the annual rate of growth of
the specific market in which the product competes. Market growth rate thus measures
market growth rate how attractive a particular market is. Each quadrant has been named on the basis of the
The annual rate of growth amount of resources it generates for and requires from the firm.
of the specific market
in which the product Stars. Stars (upper left quadrant) occur in high-growth markets and are high-market-
competes. share products. That is, stars often require a heavy resource investment in things such
as promotions and new production facilities to fuel their rapid growth. As their market
growth slows, stars will migrate from heavy users of resources to heavy generators of
resources and become cash cows.
Cash cows. Cash cows (lower left quadrant) are in low-growth markets but are high-
market-share products. Because these products have already received heavy invest-
ments to develop their high market share, they have excess resources that can be spun
off to those products that need it. For example, in Exhibit 2.9, Brand C can use its excess
resources to fund products in the question mark quadrant.
Question marks. Question marks (upper right quadrant) appear in high-growth ­markets
but have relatively low market shares; thus, they are often the most managerially inten-
sive products in that they require significant resources to maintain and potentially
Developing Marketing Strategies and a Marketing Plan CHAPTER 2 47

Exhibit 2.9 Boston Consulting Group Product Portfolio Analysis

HIGH Relative Market Share LOW

Stars Question Marks

Market Growth Rate


Cash Cows Dogs


increase their market share. Managers must decide whether to infuse question marks
with resources generated by the cash cows, so that they can become stars, or withdraw
resources and eventually phase out the products. Brand A, for instance, is currently a
question mark, but by infusing it with resources, the firm hopes to turn it into a star.
Dogs. Dogs (lower right quadrant) are in low-growth markets and have relatively low
market shares. Although they may generate enough resources to sustain themselves,
dogs are not destined for stardom and should be phased out unless they are needed to
complement or boost the sales of another product or for competitive purposes. In this
case, the company has decided to stop making Brand B.
Now let’s look at Apple and some of its products. The four that we will focus our atten-
tion on are:
• iPod • iPhone • iMac • iPad
Let’s consider each of these products with respect to the BCG.
Apple’s iPod enjoyed a staggering absolute market share consistently above 75
­percent, its relative market share is also 100 percent. More than 300 million iPods were
sold in a little over 10 years. However, the company lumped iPod sales in the “other”
­category in its 2015 earnings report. It was the first time in 13 years that exact numbers
sold and revenues earned were not reported.51 While the iPod has been an important
product for Apple, the MP3 market is contracting. The iPod had been a cash cow for
Apple. Although it had been a huge success, it has now been discontinued.
48 Section One Assessing the Marketplace

While Android sales caused sales to slow, the iPhone was still a star with a
high growth rate. By the end of 2015, Apple had sold 78 million units in its fourth
­quarter alone, representing the most profitable quarter ever recorded by any public
company.52 However even stars can fade, and the iPhone may be losing its lustre.
When Apple reported its second-quarter earnings for 2016, the company disclosed
that iPhone sales had fallen by 16 percent over the past year, below 51.2 million
units.53 Even after announcing the iPhone 7 and 7 Plus in the fall, Apple reported
that its annual revenues declined for the first time in 15 years.54 This pattern has not
abated as sales slid to their steepest rate ever in 2019.55 The iPhone remains the
most profitable handheld device in history. With its share hovering at 13 percent of
the global smartphone market since 2014, some analysts feel Apple has hit its peak.56
Can the iPhone regain its star status?
Although popular with graphic designers, the growth rate of the iMac has also
declined. Given that it also has a small relative market share in the desktop market, the
iMac can be tentatively classified as a dog. Should Apple get rid of the iMac? For at least
two reasons, this is probably a bad idea. First, it risks alienating graphic designers and
other Apple loyalists who depend on the iMac. Since these customers may also enjoy
other Apple products, their dissatisfaction might adversely affect sales of these other
products. Second, discontinuing the iMac would leave a gaping hole in its portfolio, and
would therefore hurt its brand image as a computer company. Furthermore, Apple is
performing better than its competitors in this market, where most PC makers have expe-
rienced double-digit declines in recent years.57
Then we have the iPad with an incredible sales growth rate from 2011 to 2012 of
61.6 percent, and sales of approximately 16.1 million units in the first quarter of 2016.58, 59
In 2011, its absolute market share was 59 percent, making it the market leader with a
relative market share of 100 percent.60 Looking at 2012 as a whole, the iPad captured
57 percent of the tablet market (more than 1 out of every 2 tablets sold was an iPad).
But by the end of 2012, its absolute market share had dropped to 51 percent.61 Although
Apple no longer reports unit sales, in 2018 the iPad enjoyed the strongest growth in
six years.62 Where on the BCG matrix would you classify the iPad? Are its recent sales
results enough to make it a star again or is it a question mark?

Like the Dalai Lama, Apple approaches the world by thinking differently.
©Gilles Mingasson/Liaison/Hulton Archive/Getty Images
Developing Marketing Strategies and a Marketing Plan CHAPTER 2 49

As the examples illustrate, even hugely successful products can have a limited life­
span. Over time, yesterday’s star may become tomorrow’s dog. That’s why companies
must continually innovate. As a case in point, Apple’s services revenue continued to rise,
hitting a high of $11.5 billion even as its hardware revenues fell.63 As an example, Apple
Pay recently became the market leader with 47.3 percent of proximity mobile payment
Although quite useful for conceptualizing the resource allocation task, the BCG
approach, and others like it, are often difficult to implement in practice. In particular, it is
difficult to accurately measure both relative market share and industry growth. Further-
more, other measures could easily serve as substitutes to represent a product’s com-
petitive position and the market’s relative attractiveness. Another issue for marketers
is the potential self-fulfilling prophecy of placing a product into a quadrant. As we have
shown in our Apple iPad example, whether it is classified as a star or a question mark
has profound implications on how it is treated and supported within the firm. Question
marks require more marketing and production support.
Because of these limitations, many firms have tempered their use of matrix
approaches to achieve a more balanced way of allocating their resources. Instead of
assigning allocation decisions to the top levels of the organization, many firms start at
lower management levels and employ checks and balances to force managers at each
level of the organizational hierarchy to negotiate with those above and below them to
reach their final decisions.

Growth Strategies LO6

Firms consider pursuing various market segments as part of their overall growth strategies,
which may include the four major strategies shown in Exhibit 2.10.65 The rows distinguish
those opportunities a firm possesses in its current markets from those it has in new mar-
kets, whereas the columns distinguish between the firm’s current marketing offering and
that of a new opportunity. Let’s consider each of them in detail.

Exhibit 2.10 Market/Product and Services Strategies


Current New

Market Penetration Product Development



Market Development Diversification

50 Section One Assessing the Marketplace

Market Penetration
market penetration A market penetration strategy employs the existing marketing mix and focuses the
strategy firm’s efforts on existing customers. Such a growth strategy might be achieved by encourag-
A growth strategy that
employs the existing ing current customers to patronize the firm more often or buy more merchandise on each
marketing mix and focuses visit. A market penetration strategy generally requires greater marketing efforts, such as
the firm’s efforts on existing
increased advertising, additional sales and promotions, or intensified distribution efforts in
market development geographic areas in which the product or service is already sold.
strategy To penetrate its target market, the superhero entertainment giant, Marvel, has
A growth strategy that expanded its movie offerings. In collaboration with several production companies,
employs the existing
marketing offering to reach as well as talented directors and well-known star actors, Marvel has helped bring the
new market segments, X-Men, Spiderman, Iron Man, and other popular characters to the big screen, where
whether domestic or
they confront some relevant, modern-day topics such as discrimination, environmen-
international or segments not
currently served by the firm. tal destruction, and international wars—before ultimately kicking tail and saving the
product development city. These films have grossed massive profits.66 Marvel has further increased its market
strategy penetration by expanding the distribution of its films. Today, Marvel movies can be
A growth strategy that
offers a new product or
seen in theatres, viewed on DVDs, and accessed on streaming services such as Netflix
service to a firm’s current or Disney+.
target market.

Market Development
A market development strategy employs the
existing marketing offering to reach new market
segments, whether domestic or international.
Marvel pursues such a market development strat-
egy when it enhances the viewing of its movies in
global markets. For example, the release of Black
Panther proved to be one of the biggest movies
of all time, grossing more than $1 billion world-
wide, about half of which were international
sales.67 These phenomenal results highlight
the importance of expanding into new market

Product Development
The third growth strategy option, a product
development strategy, offers a new product
or service to a firm’s current target market. For
example, Marvel has launched several success-
ful series on Netflix, including Jessica Jones, The
Defenders, Iron Fist, and Luke Cage.68 Unlike
traditional network providers, Netflix (and its
competitors, such as Hulu or Amazon) allows
viewers to binge watch entire series in one sit-
ting. Binge watching has become a phenomenally
successful pastime for couch potatoes. Netflix has
139 million subscribers worldwide,69 making it
an outstanding new service channel for Marvel
Marvel pursues a market development strategy by releasing character lovers. By developing series designed
Black Panther globally. for this format, Marvel can connect with its cus-
Moviestore collection Ltd/Alamy Stock Photo tomers in a new and important way.
Developing Marketing Strategies and a Marketing Plan CHAPTER 2 51

A diversification strategy, the last of the
growth strategies from Exhibit 2.10, introduces a
new product or service to a market segment that
is currently not served. Diversification opportuni-
ties may be either related or unrelated. In a related
diversification opportunity, the current target
market and/or marketing mix shares something
in common with the new opportunity. In other
words, the firm might be able to purchase from
existing vendors, use the same distribution and/
or management information system, or advertise
in the same magazines to target markets that are
similar to its current consumers. Marvel has pur-
sued related diversification with its home décor,
for example. Collectibles and T-shirts have long
been a staple of the comic market, but Marvel
also has diversified its offerings, expanding to
include lamp shades and throw pillows.70
In contrast, in an unrelated diversification, the
new business lacks any common elements with the
present business. Unrelated diversifications do not
capitalize on core strengths associated with markets
or with products. Thus, they would be viewed as
very risky. For instance, if Marvel ventured into the
child daycare service industry, it would be an unre-
lated diversification because it is so different from
its core business and therefore very risky.
While all four growth strategies present
unique challenges for marketers, a market pen-
Pursuing a product development strategy, Marvel has launched
etration strategy is the easiest to implement since
several series on Netflix including The Defenders.
it focuses on promoting existing products to exist-
ing customers. In this case, marketers know both
their products and markets. With market develop-
ment or product development, marketers have experience with one element and must diversification strategy
learn the other element. Diversification requires marketers to go outside both their cur- A growth strategy whereby
a firm introduces a new
rent products and markets, and the risks of making mistakes are substantially greater product or service to a
with this strategy. The particular growth strategy a company chooses depends on its market segment that it
goals and capabilities, among other things. Also, marketers tend to pursue multiple does not currently serve.
growth strategies simultaneously.
Marketers may also develop strategies for downsizing their business operations downsizing
by either exiting markets or reducing their product portfolios. They may exit markets Exiting markets, reducing
product portfolios, or
or abandon products for many reasons; for example, because they have entered new closing certain businesses
markets where they have little or no experience; diversified into markets or products or store or plant locations.
that do not quite fit with current products, markets, or capabilities; developed products
that offer very little value for customers; or encountered declining demand for some
52 Section One Assessing the Marketplace

Real Marketer Profile

Angela Simpson
I graduated from Wilfrid Laurier’s Bachelor of Business
Administration (BBA) program in 2010. With three Co-Op
terms behind me, I envisioned my career moving in the
direction of brand management within the consumer
packaged goods industry. I’d been interested in brand-
ing for several years before starting my BBA, and with
so many digital channels experiencing growth at this
time, I was excited to apply the theories from my busi-
ness courses to real-world problems using emerging
What I didn’t expect was to become so quickly
focused on a specific channel. Since graduating, I’ve
developed nearly 10 years (and counting!) of experience
in email marketing and automation. Some speculate that Photo by Olga Zwart. Courtesy of Angela Simpson.
email is dead, but I can attest to its ability to contribute

strongly to revenue and business growth. This has been

consistent across all of the roles I’ve held, starting within don’t open, or if the message is completely irrelevant or
the B2B software industry, then moving to an agency poorly timed.
environment, and then into B2C retail at lululemon. In my In a society that expects personalization across all
current role at Thrive Market, an online retailer of natural, brand touchpoints, there are best practices that help
organic and non-GMO groceries and household prod- increase an email’s likelihood of success, and they’re a
ucts, the same best practices and potential results have blend of art and science. Technically speaking, emails
held true. should be coded in a way that looks just as good on a
Of course, not all emails are created equal. Simply mobile device as it does on a laptop; links should work;
sending another to hit a short-term target isn’t always the and images should be an appropriate file size. On the art
best long-term decision. While the return (dollars, traffic, side, non-spammy subject lines, clear calls to action, con-
and sales, for example) may be quickly received, there cise messaging, and relevant, timely content are key.
are costs to consider. Falling open rates, sender reputa- Getting this right comes down to knowing exactly who
tion, and rising unsubscribe rates are consequences of a the audience is. What stage of the customer lifecycle are
poorly managed email strategy. they in? What are their psychographics, demographics,
Furthermore, the ‘spray and pray’ approach (in other and needs right now? How can the email help to solve a
words, mass emailing an entire subscriber list) isn’t nec- problem? In a very noisy world, the more email marketers
essarily one that allows marketers to maximize ROI. Yes, are able to personalize content to demonstrate value, the
it casts the widest net, but that won’t matter if recipients more likely they are to succeed.

Learning Objectives Review

LO1 Define a marketing strategy effective branding and positioning. Finally, locational
excellence entails having a good physical location and
A marketing strategy identifies (1) a firm’s target market(s), Internet presence.
(2) a related marketing mix (four Ps), and (3) the bases
on which the firm plans to build a sustainable competi- LO2 Describe the elements of a marketing plan
tive advantage. Firms use four macro strategies to build
their sustainable competitive advantage. Customer excel- A marketing plan is composed of an analysis of the cur-
lence focuses on retaining loyal customers and excellent rent marketing situation, its objectives, the strategy for
customer service. Operational excellence is achieved the four Ps, and appropriate financial statements. A
through efficient operations and excellent supply chain marketing plan represents the output of a three-phase
and human resource management. Product excellence process: planning, implementation, and control. The
entails having products with high perceived value and planning phase requires that managers first define the
Developing Marketing Strategies and a Marketing Plan CHAPTER 2 53

firm’s mission and vision, which helps to answer the satisfy the needs of those groups better and more prof-
questions “What business are we in now?” and “What itably than competitors. To complete the STP process,
do we intend to be in the future?” In the first phase, plan- firms position their products or services according to the
ning, managers conduct a situation analysis to evalu- marketing mix variables so that target customers have a
ate how various players, both inside and outside the clear, distinctive, and desirable understanding of what the
organization, affect the firm’s potential for success. In product or service does or represents relative to compet-
the second phase, implementation, the firm identifies ing products or services.
and evaluates different opportunities through a process
known as segmentation, targeting, and positioning, and LO5  utline the implementation of the marketing
develops the marketing mix, the four Ps. Specifically, mix as a means to increase customer value
managers focus on implementing the marketing mix,
allocating resources, designing the marketing organiza- The marketing mix consists of the four Ps—product, price,
tion, and developing schedules and action plans. Finally, promotion, and place—and each P contributes to cus-
in the third phase, control, the firm evaluates its perfor- tomer value. To provide value, the firm must offer a mix
mance to determine what worked, what didn’t, and how of products and services at prices its target markets will
performance can be improved in the future. view as indicating good value. Thus, firms make trade-
offs between the first two Ps, product and price, to give
LO3 Analyze a marketing situation using a SWOT customers the best value. The third P, promotion, informs
analysis customers and helps them form a positive image about
the firm and its products and services. The last P, place,
SWOT stands for strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, adds value by getting the appropriate products and ser-
and threats. A SWOT analysis occurs during the second vices to customers when they want them and in the quan-
step in the strategic planning process, the situation analy- tities they need.
sis. By analyzing what the firm is good at (its strengths),
where it could improve (its weaknesses), where in the LO6 Describe how firms grow their businesses
marketplace it might excel (its opportunities), and what is
happening in the marketplace that could harm the firm (its Firms use four basic growth strategies: market penetra-
threats), managers can assess their firm’s situation accu- tion, market development, product development, and
rately and plan its strategy accordingly. diversification. A market penetration strategy directs the
firm’s efforts toward existing customers and uses the
LO4 Explain how a firm chooses what consumer present marketing mix. In other words, it attempts to get
group(s) to pursue with its marketing efforts current customers to buy more. In a market development
strategy, the firm uses its current marketing mix to appeal
Once a firm identifies different marketing opportunities, it to new market segments, as might occur in international
must determine which are the best to pursue. To accom- expansion. A product development growth strategy
plish this task, marketers go through a segmentation, involves offering a new product or service to the firm’s
targeting, and positioning (STP) process. Firms segment current target market. Finally, a diversification strategy
various markets by dividing the total market into those takes place when a firm introduces a new product or ser-
groups of customers with different needs, wants, or char- vice to a new customer segment. Sometimes a diversifica-
acteristics who therefore might appreciate products or tion strategy relates to the firm’s current business, such as
services geared especially toward them. After identifying when a women’s clothing manufacturer starts making and
the different segments, the firm goes after, or targets, cer- selling men’s clothes, but a more risky strategy is when a
tain groups on the basis of the firm’s perceived ability to firm diversifies into a completely unrelated business.

Key Terms
■■ control phase ■■ market positioning ■■ product line
■■ customer excellence ■■ market segment ■■ relative market share
■■ diversification strategy ■■ market segmentation ■■ situation analysis (SWOT)
■■ downsizing ■■ marketing strategy ■■ STP
■■ implementation phase ■■ mission statement ■■ strategic business unit (SBU)
■■ locational excellence ■■ operational excellence ■■ sustainable competitive
■■ market development strategy ■■ planning phase advantage
■■ market growth rate ■■ product development strategy ■■ target marketing/targeting
■■ market penetration strategy ■■ product excellence
54 Section One Assessing the Marketplace

Concept Review

1. Briefly describe the activities involved at each of the 6. Describe the four growth strategies that firms typically
three phases of the marketing planning process: pursue. Use a fast-food restaurant or a grocery chain
(1) planning, (2) implementation, and (3) control. in Canada (e.g., Loblaw, Safeway, or Food Basics) to
illustrate each of the four growth strategies.
2. What is meant by a mission or vision statement? What
purpose does a mission statement serve, and how 7. Of the four growth strategies described in the chapter,
does it influence marketing planning? which is the most risky? Which is the easiest to imple-
ment? Why?
3. What does SWOT mean? List two benefits of SWOT anal-
yses. What do you think the differences are between a 8. Identify and describe the four strategies that firms
SWOT analysis for the entire firm and a SWOT analysis could use to grow their business. What other strat-
for a product? egies could companies use to compete in the
4. What type of information is required to conduct a
SWOT analysis, and where do marketers typically look 9. What are the four components of the BCG matrix?
for this information? When would stars be preferred over cash cows?
5. Why are segmentation, targeting, and positioning 10. Explain why in the BCG matrix all products start out as
(STP) crucial for identifying and evaluating market question marks and end up as either stars, cash cows,
opportunities? How does STP influence the develop- or dogs.
ment of the marketing mix—the four Ps?

Marketing Applications

1. How have PepsiCo and Coca-Cola created sustain- diversification strategy as one of its growth strat­egies.
able competitive advantages for themselves? How successful was the company’s diversification
strategy? What factors do you think account for its
2. Perform a SWOT analysis for your college or university.
success or failure?
3. How does Coca-Cola segment its market? Describe
8. Imagine that you have just developed and launched a
the primary target markets for Coca-Cola. How does it
new sports bike for cycling enthusiasts and your busi-
position its various offerings so that it appeals to these
ness has become an instant success. You would like
different target markets?
to capitalize on this success and fame to grow your
4. Pick your favourite product, service provider, or business. Explain how you would go about expanding
retailer. How do marketers add value to it through the your business over the next three years.
implementation of the four Ps?
9. Using the sports bike scenario from the previous
5. Choose three retailers. You believe the first builds cus- question, describe what kinds of analysis you might
tomer value through product excellence, the second conduct before deciding which growth strategies to
through operational excellence, and the third through implement.
customer excellence. Justify your answer.
10. You and a few of your classmates are planning to
6. Dyson successfully sells its fans and heaters for $150 open a new spa facility near the campus of your uni-
to $400, whereas most conventional fans sell for versity. Explain how you would segment the market
around $25. Explain the value it creates and how this for your services, which segment you would target,
affects the price it can charge. and how you would position your spa to the chosen
target market.
7. Select a company with which you are familiar or
search online to find a company that has pursued a
Developing Marketing Strategies and a Marketing Plan CHAPTER 2 55

Marketing Digitally

1. Petro-Canada is considered a progressive company 2. More and more firms seem to be entering the dating
in terms of its values and the mission statement service industry. Visit eHarmony (
that drives its business. Visit its website (www.petro and tour its website to find the types of activities and and review the portion that discusses the methods such companies use to help match compati-
company, its mission, and its values. Discuss aspects ble couples. Analyze the environment that might affect
of its mission and values that might be considered Internet dating services by using a SWOT analysis.
progressive. Do you believe its progressive attitude
creates a special position in the market that contrib-
utes to a sustainable competitive advantage?

Chapter Case Study

The coffee wars

In the coffee and breakfast market, Starbucks vigorously competes with the likes of Tim
Hortons, Second Cup, and McDonald’s. Competition in the coffee market is ongoing, and
consumer preferences continually change. McDonald’s introduction of McCafé and higher-
quality coffee has eaten into Tim Hortons’ sales, and a poll by Maclean’s suggested it even
surpassed Tim Hortons as Canada’s favourite coffee chain.71 Independent coffeehouses and
smaller regional chains, seen by many as more hip and less commercial, also continually
nip at Starbucks’ heels. The “coffee war” between Starbucks and Tim Hortons is well known
even though they vary dramatically in size and cater to different target markets.
Globally, Starbucks has the highest revenue and highest number of stores, making it the
market leader. However, in Canada, it comes in second, as eight out of ten cups of coffee
sold come from Tim Hortons.72 The company outpaces Starbucks in revenues and number
of locations, with almost 4,000 stores and $8.9 billion in sales compared to Starbucks’ 1,500
stores and $1.8 billion in revenues.73
Within Canada, there are regional differences in the coffee market. On the west coast,
Starbucks is the clear winner, while on the east coast, double-doubles and maple-glazed
donuts rule.74 However, the future may not be always be as rosy for Tim Hortons. In Leger’s
annual survey of corporate reputation, the company dropped to 50th place from fourth the
year before, and same-store sales have fallen for eight consecutive quarters.75 Critics chalk
it up to increased competition from companies like McDonald’s, along with an acrimonious
relationship between Tim Hortons franchisees and Restaurant Brands International (RBI), the
parent company.
Meanwhile, Starbucks has set its sights on growth. The company’s strategic priorities
include accelerated growth in the U.S. and China, expanding its global reach, and sharpen-
ing its focus on increased shareholder returns.76 Its ubiquitous stores are easy to locate and
visit. A recent count showed that the chain maintains more than 30,000 stores, spanning 78
countries.77 By making sure its stores, with their familiar siren logo, are easy to find, Starbucks
guarantees that most people can readily get their coffee fix. For the vast majority of buyers,
an addictive Salted Caramel Mocha, or just a great cup of black coffee, is convenient and
very familiar.
There are plenty of jokes about how Starbucks manages to charge upwards of $5 for a jolt
of caffeine, but a quick glance at its marketing methods and strategies helps explain why it
can do so. The products it sells are appealing to customers and fulfill their needs: They taste
good, are available readily and conveniently, and offer the benefit of helping them wake up
to start their day (or stay awake for a long night of studying). Thus the exchange of money for
coffee—or tea or juice or yogurt or a nice pastry—is a good value for consumers, despite the
relatively high cost.
Starbucks also connects with fans through social marketing channels, including its popular
My Starbucks Idea site. The site is an innovative approach to developing new products. Cus-
tomers share ideas about everything “Starbucks,” from store designs to new drink recipes.
56 Section One Assessing the Marketplace

They can also join one of the many discussions in the customer forums. The site connects
customers to its Twitter and Facebook sites, too, and it also links users to its mobile app.
It allows consumers to order their preferred beverage in advance and pay for their drinks or
other products, then pop into the store to grab their purchases without ever having to wait
in line.
The competition between coffee brands is well established and likely to continue, espe-
cially if Tim Hortons moves toward becoming a more food-centred business. And competi-
tors such as McDonald’s and Second Cup have entered the breakfast, coffee, and espresso
markets, which will necessitate both Starbucks and Tim Hortons to continue coming up with
new ways to retain their existing customer base.
1. Perform a SWOT analysis for Starbucks and Tim Hortons. Based on your analysis, in which
company would you invest? Justify your answer.
2. Which growth strategies have been pursued by Starbucks and Tim Hortons in the past?
Which strategies do you believe will be most successful for the two firms in the future?
3. Which marketing metrics would be most helpful for an executive in charge of developing
new products for a coffee chain?
Appendix 2A: Writing a Marketing Plan

Have a plan. Follow the plan, and you’ll be surprised how successful
you can be. Most people don’t have a plan. That’s why it’s easy to
beat most folks.
—Paul “Bear” Bryant, football coach, University of Alabama

Why Write a Marketing Plan?1

As a student, you likely plan out much in your life—where to meet for dinner, how much
time to spend studying for exams, which courses to take next semester, how to get
home for winter break, and so on. Plans enable us to figure out where we want to go and
how we might get there.
For a firm, the goal is not much different. Any company that wants to succeed
(which means any firm whatsoever) needs to plan for a variety of contingencies, and
marketing represents one of the most significant. A marketing plan—which we defined
in Chapter 2 as a written document composed of an analysis of the current marketing
situation, opportunities and threats for the firm, marketing objectives and strategy speci-
fied in terms of the four Ps, action programs, and projected or pro forma income (and
other financial) statements—enables marketing personnel and the firm as a whole to
understand their own actions, the market in which they operate, their future direction,
and the means to obtain support for new initiatives.2
Because these elements—internal activities, external environments, goals, and
forms of support—differ for every firm, the marketing plan is different for each firm as
well. However, several guidelines apply to marketing plans in general; this appendix
summarizes those points and offers an annotated example.

Marketing Plan Versus Business Plan

Of course, firms consider more than marketing when they make plans and therefore
commonly develop business plans as well. Yet, as this book highlights, marketing con-
stitutes such an important element of business that business plans and marketing plans
coincide in many ways.3 Both marketing and business plans generally encompass the
1. Executive summary
2. Company overview
3. Objectives/goals, usually according to strategic plan and focus
4. Situation analysis
5. STP analysis (market/product/customer analysis)
6. Marketing strategy
7. Financial projections
8. Implementation plan
9. Evaluation and control metrics
58 Section One Assessing the Marketplace

However, a business plan also includes details about R&D and operations, and both docu-
ments may feature details about other key topics, depending on the focus of the company
and the plan.

Structure of a Marketing Plan

This section briefly describes each of the elements of a marketing plan.4

Executive Summary
The executive summary essentially tells the reader why he or she is reading this market-
ing plan—what changes require consideration, what new products need discussion, and
so forth—and suggests possible actions to take in response to the information the plan

Company Overview
In this section, the plan provides a brief description of the company, including perhaps its
mission statement, background, and competitive advantages.

This section offers more specifics about why readers are reading the marketing plan.
What does the company want to achieve, both overall and with this particular market-
ing plan?

Situation Analysis
Recall from Chapter 2 that a situation analysis generally relies on SWOT considerations;
therefore, this section describes the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats
facing the company.

STP Analysis
The analysis proceeds by assessing the market in which the company functions, the prod-
ucts it currently offers or plans to offer in the future, and the characteristics of current or
potential customers.

Marketing Strategy
The marketing strategy may be very specific, especially if the plan pertains to, for example,
a stable product in a familiar market, or it may be somewhat open to varied possibilities,
such as when the firm plans to enter a new market with an innovative product.

Financial Projections
On the basis of the knowledge already obtained, the marketing plan should provide pos-
sible developments and returns on the marketing investments outlined in the marketing
Writing a Marketing Plan appendix 2A 59

Implementation Plan
This portion of the marketing plan includes the timing of promotional activities, when
monitoring will take place, and how expansions likely will proceed.

Evaluation and Control Metrics

The firm must have a means of assessing the marketing plan’s recommendations; the mar-
keting plan therefore must indicate the methods for undertaking this assessment, whether
quantitatively or qualitatively.

The final section(s) offer(s) additional information that might be of benefit, such as a list
of key personnel, data limitations that may influence the findings, and suggestions of the
plan, relevant legislation, and so forth.

Information Sources5
When writing a marketing plan, you likely can turn to a variety of your firm’s in-house
information sources, including annual reports, previous marketing plans, published
mission statements, and so on. In addition, various sources offer suggestions and examples
that may provide you with direction and ideas. Exhibits 7.5 and 7.6 also list many sources
that you may find very helpful.
•—“a knowledge source for marketing” (
• Encyclopedia of American Industries—introduces industry structure; arranged by SIC
and NAICS codes
• Standard & Poor’s NetAdvantage—surveys of more than 50 different industries, with
financial data about companies in each industry
• Investext Plus—brokerage house reports
• IBISWorld—market research on thousands of industries; classified by NAICS code
• Statistics Canada surveys on virtually all aspects of business, the economy, social
statistics, and population data—a vast variety of statistics on a range of topics
• Statistics Canada Census—detailed statistical data gathered every 10 years on all
aspects of the Canadian population
• LifeStyle Market Analyst—lifestyle information about geographic areas, lifestyle
interest groups, and age and income groups
• Mediamark Reporter—information about demographics, lifestyles, product and brand
usage, and advertising media preferences
• Arbitron/Scarborough—local market consumer information for various media in 75
local markets for consumer retail shopping behaviour, product consumption, media
usage, lifestyle behaviour, and demographics
• Simmons Study of Media and Markets—products and consumer characteristics;
various media audiences and their characteristics
60 Section One Assessing the Marketplace

• Rand McNally Commercial Atlas and Marketing Guide—maps and tables

showing demographic, industrial, transportation, railroad, airline, and hospital data
• Annual & 10-K reports from Thomson ONE Banker, Edgar, and LexisNexis—business
descriptions, product listings, distribution channels, possible impact of regulations
and lawsuits, and discussions of strategic issues
• Academic—market research reports on a variety of consumer
• Mintel Reports Database—market research reports focusing on consumer products,
lifestyles, retailing, and international travel industry

Linguistic and Visual Suggestions

Again, recall that all marketing plans differ, because all firms differ. However, just as rules
exist that dictate what makes for good writing, some rules or guidelines apply to all well
written marketing plans.
• Maintain a professional attitude in the writing and presentation.
• Keep descriptions and summaries concise. Get to the point.
• Use standard, edited English.
• Proofread the entire plan multiple times to catch grammatical, spelling, or other such
errors that could dampen the professionalism of the writing.
• Adopt a businesslike tone; avoid flowery or jargon-filled writing.
• Employ direct (rather than passive) and present (rather than past) tense whenever
possible (e.g., “We plan to achieve 30 percent growth in two years” rather than “The
plan was that 30 percent growth would be achieved by the firm within two years”).
• Be positive.
• Avoid meaningless superlatives (e.g., “Our goal is tremendous growth”).
• Be specific; use quantitative information whenever possible.
• Insert graphics to convey important concepts succinctly, including photos, graphs,
illustrations, and charts.
• However, avoid using so many visual elements that they clutter the plan.
• Lay out the plan clearly and logically.
• Organize sections logically, using multiple levels of headings, distinguished
clearly by font differences (e.g., bold for first-level heads, italics for second-level
• Consider the use of bullet points or numbered lists to emphasize important points.
• Exploit modern technology (e.g., graphics software, page-layout software, laser
printers) to ensure that the plan looks professional.
• Adopt an appropriate font to make the text easy to read and visually appealing—avoid
using anything smaller than 10-point font at a minimum.
• Avoid unusual or decorative fonts; stick with a common serif type to make the text
easy to read.
• Consider binding the report with a clear cover and an attractive title page.
• Generally aim for a plan that consists of 15–30 pages.
Writing a Marketing Plan appendix 2A 61

PeopleAhead Marketing
Plan Illustration6

PeopleAhead Marketing Plan: Condensed

Instead of using
separate “Executive
Summary” and
“Company Overview”
sections, this marketing
plan begins with a
general overview that
includes both aspects
and answers the key
questions: “What type
of business are we?”
and “What do we need
to do to accomplish
our objectives?” (see
Chapter 2).

1. Executive SummaryA-1 A-2

As this plan does, a
PeopleAhead focuses on career advancement done right. Instead of making job search a one-time marketing plan should
event, PeopleAhead provides a platform for people to find, advance, and develop their careers start with a positive,
by sharing career goals, discussing professional development plans, and socializing with other upbeat assessment of
professionals.A-2 what the company does
and what it hopes to
PeopleAhead culminates the career advancement experience with its proprietary TrueMatch® continue doing.
technology, which identifies synergies between the companies hiring talent (employers) and
PeopleAhead members (job candidates) who wish to be hired. By anonymously presenting only
prequalified career opportunities to members, who confirm their interest and recommend ­others,
PeopleAhead transforms the ineffective online hiring process into a highly efficient career-­matching A-3
Note the
system. PeopleAhead was founded by Carlos Larracilla and Tom Chevalier to improve people’s lives
personalization of the
by helping them achieve their career aspirations. The vision for PeopleAhead was conceived in company founders,
January 2006, with a notion that personality alignment is critical to matching the right people with which may help readers
the right career opportunities. Since then, the idea has grown and morphed into a company that feel connected to the
matches the right person with the right career opportunity by aligning personality, competencies, company.
experience, and interests.
Tom and CarlosA-3 combine human resources, system development, and sales experience to
deliver a groundbreaking, TrueMatch®-branded talent matching network that makes it easier for A-4
people to achieve their career aspirations and improves the way companies identify individuals who The paragraph provides
will be able to contribute to their long-term success. The organizational chart of PeopleAhead is a general outline of the
available in Appendix A. firm’s objectives; the
bulleted list offers more
2. Strategic Objectives specific goals, and the
subsequent sections go
2.1. Mission into more detail about
PeopleAhead’s mission is to help individuals with career advancement and improve the human capi- the various factors that
may influence these
tal in companies. The site will act as a networking platform for professionals and career matching as objectives.
opposed to job and resumé-posting searches.A-4
62 Section One Assessing the Marketplace

2.2. Goals
• Use brand-matching technology: TrueMatch®
• Build critical mass of users.
• Drive traffic to the website through marketing blitzes.
• Utilize word-of-mouth advertising from satisfied users.

2.3. Business Summary

•  usiness Customers: This group provides PeopleAhead’s revenues. Customers purchase contact
information about the Top Ten PROfiles gleaned from the individual member base that have been
sorted and ranked by the TrueMatch® technology. PeopleAhead will focus on small and medium
A-5 businesses (see Market Segmentation sectionA-5), because these entities are underserved by large
By referring to another competitors in the online recruitment market, and because research shows that this demographic
section, the plan has a less efficient recruitment process that would benefit most readily from PeopleAhead’s ser-
makes clear where
vices. Within this segment, customers include HR managers who are responsible for the sourcing
it is heading and
enables readers to of candidates, functional area managers who require new talent for their team, and executives
cross-reference the whose business objectives rely on human capital and efficiency of operations.
information. • Individual Members: This group does not pay for services but is the main source of data points
for PeopleAhead’s TrueMatch® system. PeopleAhead will focus on building a base of individual
members who range from recent graduates to individuals with 5–7 years of continuous employ-
ment. Ideal members are those who are currently employed or will be graduating within nine
months and are “poised” to make a career change. These individuals can utilize the services to
A-6 the fullest extent and are valuable candidates for business customers.A-6
The plan acknowledges
both a general, 2.4. Competitive Advantage
potential target market •  rueMatch® offers a branded technology, marketed to both business customers and individual
and the ideal targets.
candidates for its “black box” value proposition, which establishes PeopleAhead as the category
leader for recruitment-matching software. This technology provides a point of differentiation
from competitors, which may have technically similar matching software but constantly need to
reinforce their marketing messages with explanations of their value proposition.
• For individual candidates, PeopleAhead will be the favoured career advancement platform
online, where individuals enthusiastically create a history and have connections (invited friends,
A-7 ­coworkers, and mentorsA-7) in place that will make PeopleAhead a staple among their favourite
As Chapter 2 websites. PeopleAhead delivers TrueMatch® career opportunities, professional development plans
suggests, the plan that let people establish a professional record, and valuable career advancement tools, including
notes PeopleAhead’s automatic position feedback, “recommend-a-friend,” and team-based career networking.
sustainable competitive
advantage as part • For business customers, PeopleAhead makes online sourcing and qualification of candidates quick
of its overall mission and efficient by prequalifying potential candidates, seeking recommendations for hard-to-find
statement. individuals, and delivering only the Top 10 most highly qualified candidates who have precon-
firmed interest in the available position. PeopleAhead will be the most effective candidate–
company matching platform available in the market, delivering prequalified, preconfirmed
A-8 candidates.A-8
In discussing both the
external market and the
3. Situation Analysis—Online Recruitment
internal advantages of
PeopleAhead, the plan Online recruitment is the system whereby companies use the web to locate and qualify prospective
carefully distinguishes candidates for available positions. The methods employed by online recruitment service providers to
between individual
serve this market range from resumé aggregation to assessment test application to linking strategies.
job candidates and
businesses, thus However, the common underlying objective is to locate candidates who would not be found by tradi-
differentiating the tional recruitment methods and use computing power to qualify candidates quickly and with more
focus and objectives accuracy than would be possible manually.
according to this
segmentation. 3.1. Industry Analysis
Large online recruitment websites make this a tedious process by requiring companies to search
through many resumés manually to find the “right” candidate. Other sites solicit recommenda-
tions for positions. However, resumés are often “enhanced,” such that almost all candidates appear
qualified, and information found in the resumé or provided through a recommendation is simply
Writing a Marketing Plan appendix 2A 63

insufficient to make an educated hiring decision. Companies need more information and intelligent
Figures provide a
tools that make this screening process more accurate. visually attractive
break in the text and
3.1.1. Market Size
summarize a lot of
The market size for both member segments in 2005 was as follows:A-9 information in an easy-
to-read format.

Individual Members Segments

7.4 M 1.3 M

24.4 M 3.7 M

134.5 M

Senior college students Current employees

Other college students Unemployed
Graduate program

Company Members Segments

0.11 M 0.10 M

1.33 M

5.27 M

Very small enterprises Medium enterprises

Small enterprises Large enterprises

The most critical issue in examining market size is the relationship between the number of
companies and the number of workers employed, because sales are based on the number of positions
(profiles purchased), not the number of companies that use the service.
The following figure shows the number of people employed by each enterprise market segment
as of January 2006, according to the U.S. Department of Labor. This segment information will be use-
ful in defining PeopleAhead’s target market.
64 Section One Assessing the Marketplace

Employment by Enterprise Type

15.4 M

51.7 M 35.1 M

27.3 M

Very small enterprises Medium enterprises

Small enterprises Large enterprises

3.1.2. Market Growth

PeopleAhead will operate in the online recruitment market. The growth of this industry is subject to
two primary constraints: U.S. economic health and online recruitment advertisement adoption rates.
Understanding these constraints will help to identify PeopleAhead’s opportunity. General indicators
suggest the U.S. economy (GDP) will grow at an average annual rate of 4 percent for the next decade.7
Online recruitment advertising is expected to grow by 35 percent per year to reach $7.6 billion by
2010.8 Not only is the market expanding, but it is exhibiting rapid adoption by new entities, as the
A-10 following graph shows.A-10 9
Another visually attractive
graph summarizes
complicated information
easily. The use of high-
Recruitment Advertisement Industry Growth
quality colour can add Revenue
a professional feel to a $10B
marketing plan.

6 $7.6B

2 $2.4B
2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010

Main competitors: Monster,

Total recruitment advertisement
CareerBuilder, and Yahoo/HotJobs
Total online recruitment market

3.1.3. Market Needs

•  he right person for the right position: The right employee for one company or position is not
the same for all others. Companies must locate intelligent individuals with relevant experience,
and prefer people who are aligned with the position requirements in terms of personality, compe-
tencies, and fit with the company culture.
•  rescreening qualification tools: Increasing the number of candidates through online recruit-
ment can be advantageous, but it can also be a hindrance. When sourcing candidates, recruiters
need tools that help them qualify applicants.
•  ime savings: Companies need to complete the online sourcing and qualification of candidates
quickly. Leaving positions unfilled can cause critical performance gaps to emerge within the company.
Writing a Marketing Plan appendix 2A 65

3.1.4. Market TrendsA-11

The methods by which online recruitment service providers deliver candidates has been undergoing Before engaging in
a migration from resumé aggregation and search services such as Monster and CareerBuilder to new a firm-specific SWOT
Web 2.0 methodologies that include passive recruitment, “meta tagging,” and social networking. analysis (see Chapter 2),
The underlying objective of these Web 2.0 services is to allow individuals to remain on a few this marketing plan
assesses the external
trusted websites while enabling companies to access those individuals for financial purposes. In
market environment
parallel, the focus is moving from aggregation of unique visitors toward engaging existing users further and thus
more intensively. Internet users are growing familiar with sites that encourage socializing, collabo­ establishes a basis for
rating, and distributing private information online to help to improve network benefits, and need to the subsequent SWOT
be engaged to maintain contact.

3.2. SWOT Analysis

Positive Negative
Internal Strengths Weaknesses
• I ndustry best practices: The network- •  bsence of industry “influentials”: As a
ing model used by PeopleAhead draws start-up, PeopleAhead does not currently
on the industry accepted “best prac- have resources to attract influential indus-
tices” contact protocols drawn from try managers.
multiple industries, including online • Inability to guarantee critical mass: As
feedback, recruitment, and social net- is true of many Internet companies, the
working and offline professional net- business must solve the “chicken and egg”
working. TrueMatch® software aligns puzzle to build critical mass.
business objectives with appropriate • Verifying efficiency of matching capabili-
candidates. ties: In theory, the system has an absolute
• T eam expertise: The combined talents guarantee of effectiveness; computations
of the founders include human make decisions rather than humans.
resources, system development, sales, However, the matching capabilities must
and marketing. be verified as accurate to gain widespread
• W eb development expertise: People acceptance.
Ahead has partnered with an • Broad target market: Because PeopleAhead
award-winning European software is targeting a wide range of businesses,
development provider. This company the product being developed has not been
provides quality usually reserved for “customized” ideally for each segment.
high-budget projects, at terms that are
favourable for a start-up company.
External Opportunities Threats
• Service gap: Recruiters are not pleased • Convergence: existing competitors may
with current online recruitment form strategic alliances and establish pow-
vendors. erful positions before PeopleAhead can
• Industry gap: Job turnover is every establish itself.
3.5 years per person. • Inability to protect model: Very little intel-
• Demand for productive candidates. lectual property created by online websites
• Online recruitment advertising: is protected by law. Although PeopleAhead
Growing by 35% per year, to reach will pursue aggressive IP protection
$7.6 billion by 2010.A-12 10 strategies, the model could be copied or A-12
• Fragmented business models: mimicked by competitors. Note that the analysis
Online recruitment is fragmented • Inadequate differentiation: Inability to uses outside sources to
by recruitment methodology: active explain our differentiation would relegate support its claims.
(people who need jobs), passive (people PeopleAhead to (unfair) comparisons
who are not looking but would move with competitors. Without differentiation,
if enticed), poised (people unsatisfied PeopleAhead will not be able to create
with jobs they have), and network scale through network effects.
(finding people of interest based on
who or what they know).
66 Section One Assessing the Marketplace

3.3. Competition
 ost online recruitment websites compete in the active recruitment market, including Monster,
CareerBuilder, and Yahoo/HotJobs. The pervasive segment includes job seekers who actively look
for jobs, post their resumés, and search for jobs on company websites. Most active recruiters offer
free services to users and charge companies on a fee basis. Companies can post jobs and search for
candidate resumés in the database (average fee for local searches is $500 and nationwide is $1000). In
this first-generation online recruitment business model, competitors face the challenge to make the
A-13 process more user-friendly and reduce the effort required to make these sites deliver results.A-13
If PeopleAhead chooses
to adopt a competitor- •  onster: is the sixteenth most visited website in the United States, with more than
based pricing strategy 43 million professionals in its viewer base. Monster earns revenue from job postings, access to its
(see Chapter 11), resumé database, and advertisements on websites of partner companies.A-14
detailed information
about how other •  areerbuilder: has experienced 75 percent growth for the past five years.
recruitment firms work This job post/resumé search company uses its media ownership to attract “passive” candidates
will be mandatory. from partner websites. It achieves growth through affiliate partnerships that host job searches on
affiliated web pages, such as Google, MSN, AOL, USA Today, Earthlink, BellSouth, and CNN. Job
posting is the primary activity, sold together with or separately from resumé searches.

A-14 •  assive Recruitment: The second generation of online recruitment locates candidates who are
Information about not necessarily looking for jobs but who could be convinced to move to a new position if the right
competitors’ revenues, opportunity was presented. The most recognized competitors in this category include Jobster,
customers, growth, LinkedIn, and H3 (Appendix B).A-15
and so forth often
is available publicly
through a variety of 3.4. Company AnalysisA-16
sources.  eopleAhead’s mission is simple: improve people’s lives through career advancement. PeopleAhead
recognizes that career advancement means many things to many people and provides a fresh perspec-
tive on career networking that is flexible yet powerful:

A-15 •  sers are not alone: Finding a job is not easy. Why search solo? PeopleAhead unites groups of
For information that friends, coworkers, and mentors to create natural, team-based career discovery.
may not belong in the • J ob posting is not natural: People spend countless hours searching job listings and posting
main text, an appendix resumés, only to be overlooked because their writing style or resumé format does not match
offers an effective
means to provide detail an overburdened recruiter’s preference. Good people make great companies, not resumés.
without distracting PeopleAhead’s TrueMatch® technology matches the right people with the right position. No
readers. posting, no applying—just good, quality matches.
•  rofessionals being professionals: There is a place online for social networking, pet network-
ing, and music networking. So why is there no outlet for career networking online—the activity
that consumes the majority of our professional lives? PeopleAhead is a place where professionals
A-16 share their experiences, achievements, and objectives with other professionals that care and can
This section offers the be found by employers who value their professionalism.
“product” component
of the market/product/
customer analysis.
3.5. Customer AnalysisA-17
Because PeopleAhead’s  eopleAhead’s R&D efforts show that the impetus to improve recruitment effectivity is pervasive and
product is mostly a ser­ that unmet needs revolve around a few core issues: the ability to find qualified talent, establishing a
vice (see Chapter 10),
it focuses on some
fit between the candidate and the company culture, verifying the candidate’s career progression, and
intangible features of its working quickly and cost-effectively. The following customer characteristics represent ideal attributes
offering. that align with PeopleAhead’s service offering. This information might be used in conjunction with
the Marketing Strategy.

3.5.1. Business Customer

The last—and some • I ndustry: Because companies that value human capital are more likely to take a chance on a
would say most startup that promotes professional development, the broadly defined professional services indus-
important—piece of try, including insurance, banking, and consulting, is the primary focus.
the analysis puzzle:
customers. •  unctional area: PeopleAhead’s system identifies “people” people, so positions that require
human interaction are more aligned with system capabilities than those with stringent skill
requirements, sets such as programming or accounting.
•  ize: Large businesses (>1000 employees) have high-volume requirements and demand vendors
with proven track records; small businesses (<25 employees) hire fewer people and may not
justify acquisition costs. PeopleAhead aligns best with medium-sized customers.
Writing a Marketing Plan appendix 2A 67

•  iring need: PeopleAhead serves two types of searches very well: those with too many appli-
Although the
cants and those with too few applicants. By drawing applicants that most systems overlook and introduction to this
delivering only the most qualified applicants, the system assures the right candidate is identified appendix and the plan’s
quickly.A-18 organization suggest
that analyses of
competitors, products,
3.5.2. Individual Member and customers are
•  ackground: People who value professional development and are familiar with computer net-
B separate, as this plan
working technologies; most are likely college educated, motivated by career success, and aware shows, a firm usually
cannot address one
of their professional competencies/deficiencies. without considering
•  ituation: Members should have a professional development plan to share with others who can
S the other. Here, in the
help them achieve their objectives—likely people who are inquisitive about their professional Business Customer
section, the plan notes
future and not content with their current situation. The common industry terminology for this
what PeopleAhead’s
group of people is “poised candidates.”A-19 competitors fail to do
•  utlook: Proactive people who research, plan, self-educate, and talk about their career. Probably
O and therefore why it
the clearest example of proactivity is a student who devotes time, effort, and financial resources offers a more valuable
toward career advancement.

4. Marketing StrategyA-20

4.1. Market Segmentation A-19

Understanding a
4.1.1. Business Customers target customer is not
just about numbers.
•  mall enterprises. Businesses with 10–99 employees. Companies with fewer than 10 employees
S PeopleAhead tries
are categorized as “Very Small Enterprises” and will not be a primary target market. to consider what
customers think and
• Medium enterprises. Businesses with 100–1000 employees.
feel when searching for
4.1.2. Individual Members jobs too.

• Senior college students. Students in the process of searching for a first career.
•  raduate program students. Mid-career candidates searching for new career opportunities, such
as internships, part-time during enrollment, or full-time after graduation. A-20
The plan continues with
•  urrent employees. Persons who are currently employed but are poised to locate better career
C the same segmentation
opportunities. throughout. Here the
• Unemployed. Persons searching for a job not included in previous segments. plan discusses targeting
and what makes each
4.2. Target MarketA-21 segment attractive.

 eopleAhead plans to focus resources on small to medium enterprises (SMEs) in the New England
Metro market, including Boston, Providence, Hartford, Stamford, Norwalk, Worcester, and Spring-
field. Online recruitment companies compete for national recruitment spending, but most job seekers A-21
are locally based, so market penetration is possible by covering a single geographical location. By By already identifying
maintaining this focus, PeopleAhead will be better equipped to build a critical mass of users that rep- key markets in the
resent the job-seeking population and thus improve both users’ and customers’ experience, customer previous section,
the plan provides a
service, and the use of financial resources. foundation for a more
specific targeting
4.3. User PositioningA-22
statement in this
 o the proactive professional, PeopleAhead is career advancement done right—providing a platform
T section.
to discover, plan, and advance careers by uniting friends, coworkers, and mentors with companies
searching for the right talent.A-23

The final step in the STP
process: positioning
for the segmented,
targeted market.

PeopleAhead’s mission
68 Section One Assessing the Marketplace

A-24 5. Marketing MixA-24

Given its own section in
this plan, a discussion 5.1. Products/Services OfferedA-25
of the marketing mix
constitutes a key  he first planned offering is group profiling; users self-associate with groups to share develop-
element of the strategic ment plans. Access to groupings is permission based and similar to social networking. Members
planning process (see will be able to share professional experiences with people they know. Group profiling may
Chapter 2). prompt “voyeur” networking, such that members join to view the profiles of the people they
PeopleAhead will then open group profiling to business customers, who will be granted access
to groups of members to target people they want to hire.
A-25 The next added feature will be user feedback on professional development plans. PeopleAhead
According to well will track data from successful member profile matches to provide feedback for members who have
known marketing not been matched successfully.
concepts, the marketing
mix consists of the four 5.2. Price
Ps: product (service
here), price, place In addition to a basic pricing schedule, PeopleAhead will offer bulk pricing and contract pricing to
(distribution here), and business customers to satisfy unique customer needs. The pricing model is expected to remain con-
promotion. stant, but customer feedback will be analyzed to ensure alignment with their requirements.
Continuing the new customer acquisition plan, PeopleAhead will encourage new trials by offer-
ing promotional pricing to new customers.

5.3. DistributionA-27
•  eopleAhead Challenge: The PeopleAhead Challenge will act as a primary user acquisition strat-
According to well
known marketing egy. Selection will be focused on successful target segments demanded by customers.
concepts, the marketing •  irect Sales: Direct customer contact is the preferred method of communication during the first
mix consists of the four six months. Telesales is the anticipated eventual sales model, due to reduced costs and quicker
Ps: product (service
here), price, place customer sales cycle, but it limits intimacy between the customer and PeopleAhead. During the
(distribution here), and initial stages, intimacy and excellent customer service are more highly desired than reduced cost,
promotion. and direct sales achieve that objective.
• I ndustry Events: Attendance at HR industry and recruitment events will supplement direct sales
A-27 • Challenge Groups: Word-of-mouth distribution by PeopleAhead members.
Making the product
(service) available 5.4. Promotion
where and when •  ublic Profiling: When the product is ready, with proper precautions for protecting competitive
consumers want it
may seem somewhat advantages, PeopleAhead can increase its web presence. Strategies include contributing articles
easier for PeopleAhead to recruitment publishers, writing op/ed pieces, public profiling of the founders on websites such
because of the vast as LinkedIn, ZoomInfo, and blogs.
development of the
Internet; however, •  logger Community Testimonials: Influential users of blogs will be invited to try the system and
the firm still needs to be granted “exclusive” access to the inner workings of the site. A subsequent linking blitz will put
consider how it can opinion pieces in front of recruiters, job seekers, and the investment community.
ensure people know
where and how to •  trategic Alliances: PeopleAhead offers a product that complements the services offered by many
access its offering. large organizations. Partner opportunities exist with
a. universities, colleges, academic institutions
b. professional associations, clubs, industry affiliation groups
c. online associations, groups, blogs
d. professional services firms, outplacement firms, and executive search firms
The plan offers a  trategic alliances serve multiple purposes: They can help PeopleAhead increase public exposure,
specific time frame, increase the user base, expand product offerings, and increase revenue opportunities. These benefits
which recognizes the will be considered and partnerships proposed prior to the official launch. For strategic purposes, Peo-
potential need to make
pleAhead prefers to focus on product development in the near term (three months) and then reassess
changes in the future,
as the market dictates. potential alliances after system efficacy has been proven.A-28
Writing a Marketing Plan appendix 2A 69

6. Financials
 tart-up costs consist primarily of website design and development, legal representation (business
formation, contract negotiation, and intellectual property protection), and general overhead.
PeopleAhead projects start-up expenditures of $70,000 during inception, of which $30,000 has been A-29
funded by the founding team.A-29 The marketing plan
After the website launches, the cost structure will consist of sales agent salaries, general and needs to identify not
only costs, but also
administrative operating costs, and marketing. In the first year, marketing expenses are projected to potential revenues to
be $6250 per month. Monthly overhead likely will reach $24,750 and remain constant.A-30 cover those costs.

A. Projected Income Statement

Pro Forma Income StatementA-31

Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Certain assumptions
or marketing research
Sales $56,453 $2,683,665 $8,170,655 $16,312,843 $30,921,013 form the basis for its
Gross Margin $54,194 $2,316,318 $7,383,829 $14,780,329 $28,244,172 estimation of start-up
Gross Margin % 96.00% 86.31% 90.37% 90.61% 91.34%
Net Profit $(156,906) $717,403 $3,356,768 $7,035,155 $14,180,041

This section contains
Revenue and Net Income Projections a lot of numbers in a
small space; the graphs
and tables help to
depict those numbers
($31M) clearly and visually.

20 ($16.3M) ($14.2M)
($8.2M) ($7M)
($2.7M) ($3.4M)
$56K ($0.7M)
Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5

Revenues Net income (profit) Net income (loss)

70 Section One Assessing the Marketplace

7. Implementation Plan
 he launch of PeopleAhead will use a phased approach, beginning with building brand awareness.
Brand awareness should be developed through the founders’ visible presence at professional events,
online searches, membership in professional associations, networking, and strategic alliances. This
visibility will help to gain investment capital.

A-32 7.1. Objective—GrowthA-32

This plan divides the
•  uring the first six months of commercial availability, the primary objective is to expand both the
objectives into three
categories: overall user and customer base to maintain a 100:1 user to customer ratio.
objective, marketing, • Business Customers: Sign 24 regular customers and 72 occasional customers. Execute 117
and financial. Although
position matches.
this is a marketing plan,
it must also include • Individual Members: Convert 10,000 people to PeopleAhead members.
other aspects that
influence marketing, 7.2. Marketing Objectives—Growth
such as financial status. •  eopleAhead Challenge: Pursue groups that were effective during Beta trial and represent a
cohesive set of profiles. Expand and refine the Challenge to reflect lessons learned.
• I ncrease member networking activity: Increase user numbers through networking initiated
by existing members. Improve user experience to promote networking.
• Increase profile completeness: Increase user engagement with platform.
• Generate traffic.
•  ublic relations campaign (PR): Increase awareness of PeopleAhead brand through concen-
trated PR efforts directed at the target market of customers and users.

7.3. Financial Objectives

•  fficient marketing expenditures: 9,000 target users (10,000 year-end total – 1000 during
beta) × $5.00 target acquisition cost = $45,000 budget.
A-33 • Revenue: $482.50 per position × 117 positions = $56,452.50 revenue.A-33
By offering quantitative,
direct goals, 7.4. Key Success Factors
PeopleAhead ensures •  conomical marketing to relevant constituents: PeopleAhead needs to establish commu-
that it can measure its
nication (distribution) channels that pinpoint relevant constituents in a manner consistent with
progress toward those
goals. mission values. Limited by resources, chosen channels must aggregate many relevant eyes with
free, minimal, or deferred costs involved.
•  rafting of brand identity: The contrast between PeopleAhead and competitors lies not only
in product differentiation, but also in the company’s mission statement and delivery. One-time
job search is available from thousands of online recruitment sources. Social networking has been
covered from diverse angles, attracting many different audiences. The challenge is to associate and TrueMatch® technology with “career advancement done right.”
The goal is to become the only company that a person thinks of for long-term career discovery,
advancement, and development.
•  fficient value delivery: The base of customers (both individual and business) needs to
receive the proposed value in a timely manner, with consideration given to quality versus quan-
tity of results, alignment with existing objectives, and overall experience with the PeopleAhead
•  ritical mass of business customers and individual users: The matching process requires
that both customers and users exist in the system from the outset of commercialization. This
need brings to the forefront the “chicken and egg” scenario; establishing either customers or
users requires the other constituent to exist already. The exact number that constitutes “critical
mass” ranges from 100 users per position to 10 users per position, depending on compatibility
between constituencies.
•  ystem effectivity: The ability of PeopleAhead’s TrueMatch® software to provide relevant can-
didate recommendations is critical. The effectiveness of the software depends on the algorithms
that match users with positions and the networking protocol that initiates recommendations
between users and the people they know. Proposing an inappropriate match could jeopardize the
credibility of the system.
Writing a Marketing Plan appendix 2A 71

• I ntellectual property (IP) strategy: PeopleAhead is engaged in two primary segments of

online enterprise: online recruitment and social networking. Existing competitors have made
many efforts to protect their methodologies through U.S. patents. However, precedent has not
been established for the legal assertions made by these companies. As a result, PeopleAhead will
assume an offensive IP strategy, consisting of diligent IP infringement review, patent application
where appropriate, and aggressive trade secret protection of best practices.
•  inancial support: The founders’ investment is sufficient to form the business core and take
delivery of PeopleAhead’s website and software. Financial support will be required to fund opera-
tions, execute the IP strategy, and secure customers and users to meet financial targets. Without
funding, PeopleAhead will not be able to proceed beyond the product development stage.
•  ales process: PeopleAhead’s business model requires the acquisition of both business custom-
ers who have available positions and users who will be matched with those positions. These two
constituents may be reached through different sales processes without overlap.

8. Evaluation and Control

 eopleAhead will evaluate user profiles to identify sets of profiles that are valuable to new business
customers, which will aid in the selection of subsequent target market customers.

8.1. Business CustomerA-34 A-34

The evaluation
 ace-to-face meetings, phone conversations, and email survey contacts with people from a range of
section retains the
industries, company sizes, and functional areas provide a means to (1) build relationships with pro­ segmentation scheme
spective customers, (2) understand customer needs, and (3) ensure alignment between PeopleAhead’s established previously
product and customers’ recruitment preferences. A summary of the key findings is listed here: between business
customers and
•  mployee fit: Will the applicant fit our corporate culture? Will the applicant fit with the team
E individual members.
we’re considering? Will the applicants’ competencies fit with the position requirements?
•  ay for performance: Objections to recruitment services focus not on price (though it is a con-
sideration) but rather on lack of performance.
•  nqualified applicants: Many people who want a job apply, whether they are qualified or not.
Recruiters then must scan resumés and weed out unqualified applicants instead of getting to
know the qualified applicants.
•  ard costs vs. soft costs: Most companies track the recruitment costs of hiring providers, but
few measure the time costs of hiring, opportunity costs of hiring the wrong employee, or pro-
ductivity costs of leaving a position unfilled. Recruitment performance must be easy to measure.
Value selling is difficult in human resources departments.
•  aluable recommendations: Most recruiters use online recruitment as a necessary but ineffec-
tive means of candidate sourcing, secondary to recommendations. Recommendations include the
recommender’s judgment of the candidate’s fit with the available position.

8.2. Individual Members

 eriodic surveys of various prospective users of online recruitment services indicate (1) current
services, (2) methods that work well, and (3) biggest problems with online recruitment providers.
The following is a qualitative summary of the key findings:
•  illingness to try: Careers are important to people; they are averse to spending time uploading
resumé information to online recruitment websites only because of the lack of perceived value.
They will spend time when the career opportunities are perceived as valuable.
•  rustration: Job seekers are frustrated with available online recruitment providers. Networking
is the favoured method for career advancement.
•  ack of differentiation: Regardless of the qualifications a job seeker possesses, it is difficult to
make them evident in a traditional resumé.
•  otivation shift over time: Early professionals are motivated by financial rewards. Mid-career
professionals recommend people because it helps the people they know. Late-career professionals A-35
hope to improve their own job search opportunities. Additional useful
information that might
Appendix A. Organizational Chart of PeopleAhead A-35
clutter the plan should
appear in an appendix.
Appendix B. Competition: Passive Recruiters The appendices are
not included in this
Chapter 3


Analyzing the Marketing

Learning Objectives
After studying this chapter you should be able to
Outline how the factors in a firm’s microenvironment influence its
marketing strategy
Identify the factors in a firm’s macroenvironment and explain how they
influence the overall marketing strategy
Identify important social and natural trends that impact marketing decisions
Analyzing the Marketing Environment CHAPTER 3 73

There are mixed messages coming from Tesla as the first models of the long-promised Model 3 sedan roll off
the production line. The Model 3, with its base price of $45,000, represents an accessible version of the innova-
tive company’s famous (and thus far, very expensive) electric cars. After multiple delays and missed deadlines,
the sedans are finally entering into actual production, such that the environmentally conscious but less wealthy
customers who put their names on waiting lists are receiving delivery.
But even as excitement mounts about the fulfillment of this promise, Tesla’s founder, Elon Musk, is cautioning
that the months ahead will be marked by challenges related to its production capacities. Currently, Tesla has an
estimated 500,000 reservations for Model 3 sedans. Musk anticipates that the company can produce 10,000
cars per week—if everything goes right in the supply chain. But with the recognition that everything going right
is rare, Musk also has suggested that the first six months of production will be “manufacturing hell” and warned
people not to get their hopes up too high. External observers, noting that the company produced only 30 cars in
the month of Musk’s announcement, and 75 the month after that, suggest that even these cautions do not go far
enough. Most indications suggest that Tesla is nowhere close to its target production volume.
This balance between encouraging excitement to sell more cars and dampening expectations to avoid a ser-
vice failure remains a difficult one, though Tesla has walked the tightrope for years. Early predictions suggested
the Model 3 would be ready years ago, so consumers have grown a little accustomed to being disappointed in
their expectations of the company. But the company’s production capacity has finally caught up with its technol-
ogy, even as these technological advances continue to spread throughout and alter the broader automotive
market. Some observers even call the Model 3 a “breakthrough offering”—perhaps not the first electric vehicle,
but the one that will irrevocably change the marketing environment.
Although Tesla seeks to widen its reach by introducing this more affordable version of its electric car, it also
needs to avoid eliminating the market for its more expensive models, such as the existing Model S or the Model
X sport-utility vehicle. This specific balance is complicated by the broader goals that Musk has established for
his company. That is, Tesla seeks to make electric cars (including those produced by brands other than Tesla) the
norm in the vehicle market and eventually drive out gasoline-powered automobiles. Doing so requires it to attract
a vast number of consumers, not just those who can afford the luxury versions of its products.
At the same time, Tesla cannot ignore the impacts of competitors. Most major carmakers have announced
plans to introduce electric or improved hybrid models of their popular brands. For example, Volvo promised that
all its new cars would be hybrids or electric vehicles. Chevrolet already sells the fully electric Bolt, and though its
range at 238 miles is not as great as Tesla’s 310 miles, it is already selling thousands of these currently available
cars to customers every month.1

A Marketing Environment
Analysis Framework
As the chapter vignette notes, marketers who understand and manage the changes in their
marketing environments are able to adapt their product and service offerings to meet new
challenges and opportunities. Marketers get their ideas for new products or services from
monitoring and studying the marketing environment. Loblaw, for example, introduced
Click and Collect, a convenient way for time-starved consumers to order and pick up gro-
ceries, based on its understanding of the marketplace.
Analyzing the marketing environment starts with a SWOT analysis. As noted
in Chapter 2, that analysis helps marketers assess their continued strengths and the
value of their products and services, and any weaknesses resulting from changes in the
marketing environment. A broader analysis that considers other factors such as the
economy, political or legal issues, demographics, and concern for the environment is
also required. Over time, such factors change in importance for companies and their
74 Section One Assessing the Marketplace

Exhibit 3.1 Understanding the Marketing Environment

Culture Demographics

Political/ Consumers Social/Natural


Corporate Competition

Economic Technology

Companies analyze their marketing environment using a framework. At the heart

of the analysis is, as always, the consumer. Consumers may be influenced directly by the
firm’s microenvironment, including the immediate actions of the focal company, the com-
pany’s competition, and the corporate partners that work with the firm to make and sup-
ply products and services to consumers. The firm is—and therefore consumers indirectly
are—influenced by the macroenvironment, which includes influences such as culture and
demographics, as well as social, technological, economic, and political/legal factors. We’ll
discuss each of these components in detail in this chapter and suggest how they interrelate.
Exhibit 3.1 also illustrates these ideas.
Because the consumer is the centre of all marketing efforts, value-based marketing
aims to provide greater value to consumers than competitors offer. The marketing firm
must consider the entire business process from a consumer’s point of view.2 Consumers’
needs and wants, as well as their ability to purchase, are affected by a host of factors
that change and evolve over time. Firms use a variety of tools to keep track of their
competitors’ activities and communicate with their corporate partners. Furthermore,
they monitor their macroenvironment to determine how such factors influence consum-
ers and how they should respond to them. Sometimes, firms can even anticipate trends.
For example, pharmaceutical companies have done an excellent job of monitoring
market trends and consumers, and responding to consumers’ needs. Based on observ-
ing and monitoring the aging baby boomer generation of consumers, they have made
and marketed drugs to lower cholesterol, improve sexual performance, slow aging, and
stem hair loss.

LO1 Microenvironmental Factors

Exhibit 3.2 illustrates the factors affecting consumers’ microenvironment: the company
(i.e., its capabilities), its competition, and its corporate partners.
Analyzing the Marketing Environment CHAPTER 3 75

Exhibit 3.2 Understanding the Microenvironment



Corporate Competition

Company Capabilities
In the firm’s microenvironment, the first factor that affects the consumer is the firm itself.
Successful marketing firms focus their efforts on satisfying customer needs that match their
core competencies. The primary strength of Apple, for instance, originally rested in the
design, manufacture, distribution, and promotion of Macintosh computers. Then Apple
successfully leveraged its core competency in the digital audio player arena first with its
iPod, and then the iPhone, and iPad. The company is now increasing its focus on services
such as Apple Pay, Apple Music, the App Store, and iCloud. Marketers can use an analysis
of the external environment, like the SWOT analysis described in Chapter 2, to categorize
an opportunity as either attractive or unattractive and, if it appears attractive, to assess it
relative to the firm’s existing competencies.

Competition also significantly affects consumers in the microenvironment. Greater com-
petition may mean more choices for consumers, which influences their buying decisions.
It is critical that marketers understand their firm’s competitors, including their strengths,
weaknesses, and likely reactions to the marketing activities their own firm undertakes.
Such questions can become very complicated when one parent company, such as Luxottica,
owns several competing brands, such as Pearle Vision, LensCrafters, and Sunglass Hut. For
example, if Luxottica devotes more of its marketing budget to one brand, the others may
suffer. At the same time, Luxottica must consider the moves of true competitors, especially
as discount retailers such as Walmart expand their optical services offerings.
Watching competitors is a constant effort—and often a serious battle—in many con-
sumer goods categories. No one would want to get caught in the war between the two
razor giants, Gillette and Schick, as each manufacturer works to add ever more blades
to its disposable razors.3 Still, a focus on improving their own razors may have caused
them to underestimate new startups such as Dollar Shave Club and Harry’s. Although
Gillette enjoyed market share of 70 percent a decade ago, Euromonitor reports that its
share has now dropped below 50 percent.4 Likewise, Schick’s share has fallen from 19 to
76 Section One Assessing the Marketplace

15 percent.5 Explosive growth from startups offering subscription programs soon earned
them a 12 percent share of the market, forcing Gillette and Schick to introduce their own
subscription programs. And new competitors are always entering the market as seen in
Entrepreneurial Marketing 3.1.

Entrepreneurial Marketing 3.1

Taking on the Giants: Bulldog Many successful entrepreneurial ventures are acquired
by larger consumer packaged goods companies. For exam-
Skincare* ple, Unilever bought Dollar Shave Club in 2016. Having
caught the attention of Edgewell Personal Care, which owns
The market for male grooming products is booming. At a the Schick brand, Bulldog Skincare likewise has become a
current five-year compound growth rate of 5 percent, rev- part of one of the giant companies it first competed against.
enues are projected to reach $81.2 billion USD by 2024.
Growth has been fuelled by an increased consciousness
in personal wellness along with societal pressures to put
one’s best face forward. For style-conscious men, looking
good has never been easier.
New entrants find a ready market for their products.
Take Bulldog Skincare as an example. The company was
founded by Simon Duffy in London, England, in 2005.
Frustrated with the lack of high-quality, natural skincare
products on the market, he and a partner quit their jobs
and spent the next several years developing products.
By 2010, they were winning awards for Best Men’s Face
Cream. Today, their product line includes face wash and
moisturizers, shower gels and body lotions, as well as
razors, beard-care creams, and oils.
The company’s success propelled it to international
markets. Its products are sold in 14 countries, including
Canada, where it has already earned a 20 percent share
of the market. Bulldog Skincare introduced its products
to Canadians in 2018 by taking over The Fitting Room,
a well-known Toronto barbershop. This allowed men to
try the products and have their questions answered. Con-
sumers can now buy its products online, by subscription,
or at retailers such as Shoppers Drug Mart and Walmart.
From the very start, Bulldog Skincare had a focus on
sustainability. Its website notes that no ingredients from
animal sources are used and that products are certified by
Cruelty Free International. Nor are artificial fragrances or
colours, and microbeads used. In 2019, the company intro-
duced a bamboo razor and celebrated Earth Month with
new packaging made from Brazilian sugarcane. It is the first Bulldog Skincare’s focus on sustainability is evident with
men’s brand to use sugarcane, whose properties are like products such as its bamboo razor.
traditional plastics, but without the environmental impact. Source: Bulldog, Edgewell Personal Care

*“Male Grooming Products Market: Global Industry Trends, Share, Size, Growth, Opportunity and Forecast 2019-2024,” Business Wire, July 3,
2019,; “Bulldog founder
Simon Duffy on life at Grand Union Studios,” Workspace,
-simon-duffy-on-life-at-grand-union; “About Us,” Bulldog Skincare,; Maria Alejandra, “Bulldog Skincare
for Men Launches New Products & Eco-friendly Packaging,” Ottawa Life Magazine, February 27, 2019,
-skincare-for-men-launches-new-products-eco-friendly-packaging?c=5; Jonathan Kim, “This Award-winning Natural Skincare Line for Men Just
Launched in Canada,” StyleDemocracy, February 27, 2018,; “Bulldog Skincare
For Men Kicks Off Earth Month With Launch of New Sustainable Sugarcane Packaging,” Market Watch, April 3, 2019,
/press-release/bulldog-skincare-for-men-kicks-off-earth-month-with-launch-of-new-sustainable-sugarcane-packaging-2019-04-03; Christopher
Lombardo, “There’s room to male groom,” Strategy Magazine, June 18, 2019,
(accessed July 4, 2019).
Analyzing the Marketing Environment CHAPTER 3 77

Corporate Partners
Few firms operate in isolation. For example,
automobile manufacturers collaborate with
suppliers of sheet metal, tire manufacturers,
component part makers, unions, transport
companies, and dealerships to produce and
market their automobiles successfully. Even
firms such as Dell, which makes its own
computers and sells them to customers, must
purchase components, consulting services,
advertising, and transportation from others.
Parties that work with the focal firm are its
corporate partners. Consider an example that
demonstrates the role these partners play and
how they work with the firm to create a sin-
gle, efficient manufacturing system. Unlike
most outdoor clothing manufacturers that
use synthetic, nonrenewable materials, Nau
makes outdoor and ski clothing from renew- Nau works with its corporate partners to develop socially
able sources such as sustainably harvested responsible outdoor (left) and urban (right) apparel.
eucalyptus and recycled plastic bottles. It (left): ©Philipp Nemenz/Cultura/Getty Images; (right): ©PeopleImages/E+/Getty Images
was founded by a team of entrepreneurs who
left companies such as Nike and Patagonia. To develop rugged and beautiful clothing
from sustainable materials, these founders turned to manufacturing partners around the
world to develop new fabrics that are performance-driven and technical. One example of
an innovative fabric used in Nau’s jackets is a blend of recycled polyester and organic cot-
ton that is coated and bonded to recycled polyester knit. The result is a water-resistant,
breathable soft-shell material that is ideal for outdoor activities. To complement the new
fabrics, the company uses only organic cotton and wool from “happy sheep,” provided
by partners in the ranching industry who embrace animal-friendly practices. Further-
more, Nau donates 2 percent of the profit from every sale to charities. Not only does
Nau represent the cutting edge of sustainability and green business, but it also clearly
demonstrates how “going green” can prompt companies to work more closely with their
partners to innovate.6

Macroenvironmental Factors LO2

In addition to understanding the company itself, its competition, and its corporate partners,
marketers must also understand the macroenvironmental factors that operate in the macroenvironmental
external environment, namely, the culture, demographics, social/natural trends, technolog- factors
Aspects of the external
ical advances, economic situation, and political/legal environment, or CDSTEP, as shown environment—culture,
in Exhibit 3.3. demographics, social
trends, technological
advances, economic
situation, and political/legal
environment (CDSTEP)—
Culture that affect companies.

We broadly define culture as the shared meanings, beliefs, morals, values, and cus- culture
The shared meanings,
toms of a group of people.7 Transmitted by words, literature, and institutions, culture beliefs, morals, values,
is passed down from generation to generation and learned over time. You participate and customs of a group
in many cultures. For example, based on your family’s cultural heritage, perhaps your of people.
mealtime traditions include eating rugelach (a traditional Jewish pastry), or sharing
78 Section One Assessing the Marketplace

Exhibit 3.3 The Macroenvironment

Culture Demographics

Political/ Consumers Social/Natural


Economic Technology

corned beef and cabbage to celebrate your Irish ancestry on St. Patrick’s Day. Your
school or workplace also shares its own common culture. In a broader sense, you also
participate in the cultural aspects of the town and country in which you live. The chal-
lenge for marketers is to have products or services identifiable by and relevant to a
particular group of people. Our various cultures influence what, why, how, where, and
when we buy. Two dimensions of culture that marketers must take into account as they
develop their marketing strategies are the culture of the country and that of a region
within a country.

Country Culture
country culture The visible nuances of country culture—such as artifacts, behaviour, dress, symbols,
Easy-to-spot visible physical settings, ceremonies, language differences, colours and tastes, and food prefer-
nuances that are particular
to a country, such as dress, ences—are easy to spot. But the subtle aspects of culture generally are trickier to identify
symbols, ceremonies, and navigate. Disney and other global firms have successfully bridged the cultural gap by
language, colours, and
food preferences, and
producing advertising that appeals to the same target market across countries. The pictures
more subtle aspects, which and copy are the same. The only thing that changes is the language.
are trickier to identify.

Regional Subcultures
The region in which people live in a particular country affects the way they react to dif-
ferent cultural rituals, or even how they refer to a particular product category. A resident
of Quebec is less likely to buy a hot prepared meal or reheatable meal than a resident of
Ontario. This difference is attributed to the province’s rich food culture. Quebecers tend to
be food obsessed, have adventurous palates, buy a wide variety of meats and fine cheeses,
and focus on local products. Foods such as sea buckthorn, game meats, and foie gras are
staples in restaurants.8 The desire of French Canadians to eat well means they spend more
on food and invest more time cooking than Ontario consumers. These kinds of differences
can be the insight that helps a marketer make a strong connection with a consumer, rather
than communicating the same way to all Canadians.
Analyzing the Marketing Environment CHAPTER 3 79

Some firms, like Disney, bridge the cultural gap by using very similar advertising in different
countries, as illustrated by these two ads for The Avengers. The left photo is for the Russian
market; the right photo is for the Chinese market.
(both): ©Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures/Photofest

Another example of a regional subcultural difference is how we refer to our bev-

erages. For instance, 37 percent of Canadians refer to carbonated beverages as soda,
whereas another 40 percent call it pop, and an additional 17 percent call any such bever-
age a “Coke,” even when the drink is a Pepsi. Eat lunch in British Columbia, and you’ll
have the best luck ordering a pop, but if you head to Quebec for dinner, you’d better order
a soft drink. Imagine the difficulty these firms have in developing promotional materials
that transcend regional boundaries.9 demographics
Characteristics of human
populations and segments,
especially those used to
Demographics identify consumer markets,
such as age, gender,
Demographics indicate the characteristics of human populations and segments, especially income, race, ethnicity, and
those used to identify consumer markets. Typical demographics such as age (which includes education.
generational cohorts), gender, income, race, and ethnicity are
readily available from market research firms such as Nielsen,
Ipsos, Leger Marketing, and Statistics Canada. For instance,
Nielsen collects information about TV viewership and sells it
to networks and potential advertisers. The networks then use
this information to set their advertising fees, whereas adver-
tisers use it to choose the best shows on which to advertise.
For a show popular among the desirable 18- to 35-year-old
viewing segment, a network can charge the highest fees. But
advertisers also might want to know whether a show is more
popular with women than men or with urban or rural viewers.
Demographics thus provide an easily understood “snapshot”
of the typical consumer in a specific target market. Marketers position their products and services
In the next few sections, we examine how firms use such differently depending on which generational cohort they
demographics to assess their customers’ needs and position are targeting.
themselves to deliver better value for those customers. Jack Hollingsworth/Getty Images
80 Section One Assessing the Marketplace

Generational Cohorts
generational cohort A group of people of the same generation, a generational cohort, has similar pur-
A group of people of the chase behaviours because they have shared experiences and are in the same stage of life.
same generation who
typically have similar ­Applying age as a basis to identify consumers is quite useful to marketers, as long as it
purchase behaviours is used in conjunction with other consumer characteristics. For instance, baby boomers
because they have shared
experiences and are in the
(people born between 1946 and 1964) and Generation X (people born between 1965 and
same stage of life. 1981) both gravitate toward products and services that foster a casual lifestyle; however,
they tend to do so for different reasons.10 The aging baby boomers, who grew up with
jeans and khakis and brought casual dressing into the business arena, are often trying
to maintain their youth. Gen Xers, in contrast, typically wear jeans and khakis because
they are less impressed with the symbols of conspicuous consumption that their parents
seem to have embraced. Age groups can help to identify appropriate media in which firms
should advertise as well. Although there are many ways to cut the generational pie, we
discuss four major groups shown in Exhibit 3.4: Generation Z, Generation Y, Generation
X, and baby boomers. There is speculation that the cohort of people under the age of
30 could be renamed to the COVID-19 generation, given the high price exacted on this
group due to the pandemic.11

Generation Z/digital Generation Z Members of Generation Z (Gen Z) are also known as digital natives.
natives Born after 1991, people in this group were born into a world that already was
Generational cohort of
people born after 1991. full of electronic gadgets and digital technologies such as the Internet and social
networks. These technologies are being developed and adopted at an unprecedented rate.
Whereas it took 38 years for the radio to be adopted by 50 million people and 13 years
for television, it only took two years for the same number of consumers to sign up for

Generation Y/millennials Generation Y Generation Y, also called millennials or the “echo boom” generation,
Generational cohort of represent just over 4.6 million Canadians, or about 13 percent of the population.12 Born
people born between
1982 and 1991; the biggest between 1982 and 1991, this group ranges from people in their very late 20s to their
cohort since the original late 30s, many of whom have begun their own families.13 Generation Y grew up in a more
postwar baby boom.
media-intensive and brand-conscious era than their parents. Thus, they are more skepti-
cal about what they hear in the media, which makes marketing to this group even more
challenging. If Gen Y members believe the sell is “too hard,” they won’t buy. Regardless

Exhibit 3.4 Generational Cohorts

Generation Z Generation Y Generation X Baby Boomers


Range of birth Born after 1991 1982 to 1991 1965 to 1981 1946 to 1964
Sources: (gen z): ©Pavlo I -; (gen y): ©Muhammad Zafar -; (gen x): ©DreamStockIcons -;
(boomer): ©Maksym Drozd -
Analyzing the Marketing Environment CHAPTER 3 81

of where they live, they watch less TV than an aver-

age household, use the Internet at work for personal
reasons, and expect a healthy option at fast-food
restaurants.14 Gen Yers are Internet and technology
savvy and love digital electronics such as cellphones
and video games.

Generation X The next group, Generation X,

includes people born between 1965 and 1981. This
group represents more than 2.8 million Canadi-
ans, or about 8 percent of the Canadian popula-
tion.15 Unlike their baby boomer parents, Gen X
is the first generation of latchkey kids (those who
grew up in homes in which both parents worked),
and 50 percent of them have divorced parents. Hav-
ing grown up in times of economic recession, they
are more likely than previous generations to carry
higher debt loads, travel the world, and move far
away from their parents.
Gen Xers possess considerable spending
power because they tended to wait to get married
and buy houses later in life. They’re much less
interested in shopping than their parents and are
Digital Natives are always connected.
far more cynical, which tends to make them astute
©aomares/Getty Images
consumers. They demand convenience and tend
to be less likely to believe advertising claims or
what salespeople tell them. Marketing to Gen X is difficult, but word-of-mouth adver- Generation X
tising from people they know and trust can give marketers the credibility needed to Generational cohort of
people born between
market to this cohort. 1965 and 1981.

Baby Boomers After World War II, the birth rate in Canada rose sharply, resulting in
a group known as the baby boomers, who were born between 1946 and 1964. Once the baby boomers
largest cohort of Canadians, they now represent 24 percent of the population. Although the Generational cohort of
people born after World
baby boomer generation spans 18 years, experts agree that its members share several traits War II until 1964.
that set them apart from those born before World War II. They are individualistic, make
leisure time a high priority, believe that they will always be able to take care of themselves,
and have an obsession with maintaining their youth.
The oldest baby boomers have passed age 65 and many have retired. The baby boomers’
quest for youth, in both attitude and appearance, provides a massive market for anti-aging
products, cosmetics, pharmaceuticals, and biotechnology. It is estimated that this pursuit
of youth will push the global market for anti-aging products to more than $331.4 billion by
2021.16 With boomers rapidly aging, salon service providers are recognizing the potential
of positioning themselves as being in the rejuvenation business. Food companies have also
targeted baby boomers with healthier options for cereals, frozen entrees, and snacks that
have low fat, and no cholesterol or sugar.

According to the most recent census data, the median income of Canadian families is
$70,336.17 Canadians may be classified into distinct groups based on their income and
other factors such as background, education, and occupation: upper class, middle class,
working class (or low-income earners), and underclass (at or below poverty). Upper-class
consumers are very affluent, and their spending patterns are not influenced by economic
conditions. They have high discretionary incomes and tend to purchase luxury items. The
82 Section One Assessing the Marketplace

top 10 percent of Canadians have family income in excess of $226,000. They are more
likely to be highly educated and work in managerial and executive roles. About 48 per-
cent of Canadian households are in the upper class.18 Middle-class families earn between
$41,707 and $100,260,19 with the majority tending toward the higher end of this scale.
They can afford a good life most of the time. They tend to be careful about their spend-
ing and are often value conscious. Approximately 38 percent of Canadian households fall
into the middle class. Working-class (or low-income) families represent 14.2 percent of the
population and earn between $17,267 and $41,707, barely sufficient income to cover their
basic needs. According to a report by Statistics Canada, the richest 20 percent of Canadians
spend five or six times more in every shopping category than the poorest 20 percent of
Canadians.20 Family income distribution in Canada varies by province, education level,
gender, and profession. This broad range in incomes creates marketing opportunities at
both the high and low ends of the market.
Although some marketers choose to target only affluent population segments, others
have had great success delivering value to middle- and low-income earners. Consider, for
example, SC Johnson, the parent company of many familiar household brands such as
Glade, Ziploc, Windex, and Raid. In the 1960s, it began establishing locations in impov-
erished countries. Its most successful project has been in Ghana, where SC Johnson uses
a direct-sales model and coaches to teach customers about the benefits of pest control
products and how to use them. Furthermore, SC Johnson sells these products in refillable
containers and bundles them with air fresheners, in an effort to boost sales.21
Another aspect of the income demographic relates to the concept of value. During the
first three decades after World War II, most families experienced real income growth but,
after 1980, growth flattened. Family incomes have stayed slightly ahead of inflation (the
general rate of price increases), but their healthcare costs, property taxes, and tuition bills
have risen much faster than inflation. And so customers are searching for value more than
ever today.

Studies show that higher levels of education lead to better jobs and higher incomes. More-
over, average annual earnings are higher for those with degrees than for those without.
For example, the median earnings for the top 10 percent of Canadians with a bachelor’s
degree were $105,800.22 Those with a college diploma earned on average $38,000, and
those with less than a high school education earned considerably less at $30,900.23 The
median income for immigrants with a university degree was $36,451, and without a uni-
versity degree $27,698.24
For some products, marketers can combine education level with other data such as
occupation and income to obtain quite accurate predictions of purchase behaviour. For
instance, a full-time college or university student with a part-time job may have relatively
little personal income but will spend his or her disposable dollars differently than would a
high school graduate who works in a factory and earns a similar income. College and uni-
versity students tend to be engaged in playing sports and going to nightclubs, whereas the
high school graduate more likely watches sports and goes to bars. Marketers are therefore
quite cognizant of the interaction among education, income, and occupation.

Years ago, gender roles appeared clear, but those male/female roles have been blurred.
This shift in attitude and behaviour affects the way many firms design and promote their
products and services. For example, more firms are careful about gender neutrality in posi-
tioning their products and, furthermore, attempt to transcend gender boundaries whenever
they can.
Analyzing the Marketing Environment CHAPTER 3 83

From cars to copiers, sweaters to sweeteners,

women make the majority of purchasing decisions and
then influence most of the remainder. For instance,
despite the traditional view that hardware stores
appeal mostly to men, women shoppers are so impor-
tant to Rona, the home improvement chain, that the
stores have been designed with women in mind, with
brighter spaces and open floor plans to make it easier
to find things. 25 Furthermore, women now head more
than 20 percent of Canadian households.26 Clearly,
the working women’s segment is a large, complex, and
lucrative market.
But that doesn’t mean marketers have forgotten
about men. The days of commercials that show Mom
alone with the kids are over. To reflect changing family Since women are such an important segment of their
customer base, Rona, the giant home-improvement chain, has
roles, commercials for most children’s gear now include designed its stores with women in mind.
Dad interacting with the kids and being involved in Roberto Machado Noa/LightRocket via Getty Images
purchase decisions. Although the gap has narrowed,
men still earn more money than women. Of 34 industrialized countries, Canada has the
eighth highest gap between the incomes of men versus women. In 2015, women working full
time earned 73.5 cents for every dollar earned by men. This gap was noted across all educa-
tion levels and industry sectors; women with university degrees earned 10–30 percent less
than men. The difference was even larger for Aboriginal and immigrant women.27

Statistics Canada data shows that the ethnic composition of Canada has changed over
the last two decades and will continue to change in the next decade. Canada's original
inhabitants, Indigenous peoples, represent 4.9 percent of the total population.28 Current
research shows that one out of every five Canadians was not born here, and account for
nearly 70 percent of Canada’s population growth. If this trend continues, Canada’s popu-
lation growth will be attributed almost exclusively to immigration by 2030.29 The two
fastest-growing groups are the Chinese (from Hong Kong, mainland China, and Taiwan)
and South Asians (from India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, and Bangladesh). It is estimated
that by 2036, ethnic groups or visible minorities will include 15 million people, almost
42 percent of Canada’s population, because of immi-
gration and increasing birth rates among various
ethnic groups.30 Many new immigrants choose to set-
tle in Montreal, Toronto, or Vancouver; however, areas
such as Calgary, Edmonton, Winnipeg, and London
are growing in popularity. These groups of South
Asians and Chinese are typically young, educated,
and wealthy. Currently, more than a quarter of all vis-
ible minorities in Canada are under 14 years of age;
thus, they are likely to have considerable influence
over the economy in the future. South Asians are the
largest ethnic group in Ontario.31 Unlike immigrant
groups who live primarily in Canada’s most urban
areas, Indigenous peoples live mostly in the territo-
ries, western provinces, and Ontario. This population Women are no longer the only family member doing the
has been growing at a fast pace; from 2006 to 2011, it grocery shopping.
grew by 20.1 percent to 1.5 million people. By 2036, it Jochen Sand/Digital Vision/Getty Images
84 Section One Assessing the Marketplace

Sobeys’ Chalo! FreshCo. store was designed to appeal to the needs of South Asian consumers.
(both): Photos by Aamna Zaheer, Sobeys Inc. Used with permission of Sobeys Capital Incorporated

is estimated the population will reach 2.6 million.32 Will a growing population present new
opportunities for businesses to market to Indigenous peoples?
What does this ethnic demographic shift mean for marketers? Simply put, the grow-
ing number of ethnic groups or visible minorities represents both a challenge and a mar-
keting opportunity. The challenge is for marketers to understand the culture, value, and
spending patterns of the various groups and determine the best way to communicate and
serve them. For example, Nissan started to aim advertising campaigns at South Asians
and focused messages around in-vehicle technology since research has shown that South
Asians like technology.33
In terms of marketing opportunity, it is estimated that ethnic groups spend more than
$42 billion on retail goods and services, and the average Chinese household spends $63,500
per year, compared with the Canadian average of $58,500. Higher income results in spend-
ing more on big-ticket items such as cars, clothing, and home furnishings. Many also have
an affinity for brand-name products because they equate them with quality.34
Recognizing this huge opportunity and believing that much of their future growth will
come from ethnic markets, Canadian grocers have been adapting existing stores and launch-
ing new stores. Loblaws acquired T&T Supermarket in 2009 to reach the Asian market. It
also bought Arz Fine Foods in an effort to attract Middle Eastern consumers. The director
of ethnic merchandising for Save-On-Foods in Surrey, British Columbia, convinced the pro-
duce manager to stock 50 pound bags of onions to meet the needs of large South Asian fam-
ilies. While much smaller bags had not been selling, the first shipment of larger bags sold
out in seven days. The experiment proved the demand for competitively priced large bags
of other high-quality products, including flour, lentils, and spices.35 Heavyweight Sobeys
developed FreshCo to target the unique needs of the ethnic consumer. After converting
existing Price Chopper stores in particularly diverse Brampton and Mississauga markets,
it went on to launch over 90 stores across Ontario, and 11 stores across Western Canada,
with plans for further expansion.36 The concept is a value-driven store with low prices like
No Frills or Food Basics but with a focus on fresh produce, halal meats, and freshly baked
breads (unlike most discount banners) to meet the demands of ethnic clientele. The store
design includes value driven signage, using arrows and yellow and red colours to drive
price perception. Further adapting the FreshCo store format to match the demographics of
the surrounding neighbourhood, it launched Chalo! FreshCo in Brampton in late 2015. It
offers the largest assortment of produce of any FreshCo store. That’s because 30 percent of
its South Asian consumers are vegetarian. Other products designed to meet its shoppers’
unique needs include separate meat counters for halal and non-halal products, more than
100 varieties of rice, and even rice cookers and pressure cookers imported from India.37
Analyzing the Marketing Environment CHAPTER 3 85

Technological Advances
Technological advances have accelerated greatly during the past few decades, improving Technological advances
the value of both products and services. Consumers have constant access to the Internet Technological changes
that have contributed to
everywhere they go via Wi-Fi, mobile hotspots, 4G, and LTE. Smartphones using the iOS the improvement of the
and Android operating systems allow for greater computing, data storage, and communi- value of both products and
services in the past few
cation. Tablet computers and wearable technology have extended mobile computing even decades.
further by offering mobile interfaces in environments that traditionally limited access.
Nearfield communication technology takes payments, coupons, and loyalty card data from
customers as they walk by the scanner.
Spotify highlights the music we should listen to, Amazon tells us what we should
read, and streaming services have changed the way we view TV programs and movies. As
Marketing Analytics 3.1 details, Netflix relies on its advanced technological capabilities
not just to suggest which movies we should watch but also to develop new content that it
is confident we will like.
Mobile devices enhance the customer’s experience by making it easier to interact with
the manufacturer or retailer or other customers, and they add a new channel of access,
which makes customers more loyal and more likely to spend more with a particular retailer.
Shoppers Drug Mart’s applications allow customers to access new flyer offers, load person-
alized coupons, add items to a shopping list, order prescription refills, and set up reminder
New and exciting technologies are entering the market based on three cutting-edge
formats: artificial intelligence, robotics, and the Internet of Things.

Artificial Intelligence
Firms increasingly are experimenting with artificial intelligence (AI) solutions, which artificial intelligence (AI)
Solutions that rely on
rely on computer systems to perform tasks that require human intelligence, such as speech computer systems to
recognition, decision making, or translations. Such experimentation reflects the already perform tasks requiring
vast spread of AI in consumers’ pockets, such as through their smartphones that run Apple’s human intelligence, such
as speech recognition,
Siri, and in their homes, as exemplified by Amazon’s Alexa. In some ways, AI remains at decision making, or
an early stage of development. A recent study by Advertiser Perceptions suggests that “AI translations.
may be more hype than reality for many marketers” and that the pioneers tend to be big
brands with large budgets.38 Marketers that are embracing AI primarily use it for “advanced
customer segmentation, media selection and buying,” and customer engagement.39 They
also recognize that customers already prefer to search on their phones rather than interact
with a salesperson. In the U.S., Macy’s On Call mobile app leverages the abilities of IBM’s
Watson and smartphone location services to help customers navigate stores.40 The app can
recognize language, so customers can ask questions, using natural phrases in English or
Spanish, and the responses likely determine which products they consider, how readily
they find them in stores, and so forth.41
Recent tests conducted by The North Face with an innovative Expert Personal Shopper
program, suggest the great promise of AI for retailing. This program seeks to determine
exactly what consumers seek at the first moment they click onto The North Face’s website
or mobile channel—just like a salesclerk might do when greeting a consumer walking into
a North Face store. By asking questions with progressively increasing detail, the program
(powered by IBM’s famous Watson) selects several items that might meet a shopper’s
needs and presents them onscreen. The two-way communication seeks to feel natural and
organic, rather than imposing selections on the shopper. But before it achieves this status
or devises accurate recommendations, the program first must learn about all the products
available. A sophisticated search assistant is little help if it can’t recognize the meaning
of product descriptions to be able to match items with consumers’ wants. In addition, it
needs to integrate external information that might be pertinent: For a consumer searching
86 Section One Assessing the Marketplace

for a jacket to wear on a ski trip to Banff in December, the program needs to know what
the average temperatures are at that time and place. But as these lessons get learned, this
experiment might predict the future of retailing. The 50,000 customers who worked with
a beta version of the software remained on the site for an average of two minutes longer
than they did without the assistant. They also gave it high ratings for its functionality, and
75 percent of them noted that they would use it again.42

Marketing Analytics 3.1

When the Best Is Good Enough: changed its strategy and its uses of predictive analytics to
focus more on creating original content.
Netflix’s Stellar Predictive Analytics** Netflix challenges traditional approaches to content
development by using data to help make new shows as well
Netflix’s data analytics are ground-breaking. In aca- as production decisions. This approach has almost guaran-
demic circles, its influence has been called a “scientific teed the success of the shows, as evidenced by the release
renaissance.” This is a result of the techniques the com- of the third season of the award-winning series House
pany has pioneered to handle the massive amounts of of Cards. Before this release, the show experienced an
data it deals with and to process payments from across unprecedented increase in fans on Facebook and Twitter,
the world. The power and precision of Netflix’s predic- approximately double the increase that occurred prior to
tive analytics have become such common knowledge the start of the second season. This jump was especially
that even Netflix pokes fun at itself. In one April Fool’s notable because a show’s social growth usually slows after
joke, it revised its recommended television and movie its first or second season. Even though the third season ini-
categories to include classifications such as “TV Shows tially brought some mixed reviews, many viewers already
Where Defiantly Crossed Arms Mean Business!”. Netflix had finished watching the entire season just a week or so
gathers data about every aspect of the viewing process, after its release. House of Cards eventually ended after six
including not just the basics, such as customer ratings, seasons but has been followed with other successful series
searches, time of day and week, and location, but also such as The Crown and Stranger Things.
customer behaviours that take place during the movie,
such as rewinds, fast-forwards, pauses, and how long
they let the credits roll. Going even a step further, Netflix
analyzes every hue of colour contained in the cover art
of the options that it offers and can create a profile of the
average colour of titles viewed by each customer.
Netflix clearly relies on such customer data to create
its hallmark personalized suggestions. But in 2010, Netflix
chose not to enhance its ability to personalize any further.
In 2009, a team of mathematicians created a new algo-
rithm that would have improved Netflix’s personalization by
10 percent, in response to a company-sponsored contest.
But Netflix never implemented the improved algorithm.
Why? There simply wasn’t enough value to be gained from
it. Various studies show that, even for the most personal
choices, including their love lives, people often forgo what
they already know for the thrill of what’s new. Thus, Netflix Netflix relies on its advanced technological capabilities not just to
decided that it could deliver more value to its customers suggest which movies we should watch but also to develop new
by offering something new rather than a personalized content that it is confident we will like.
version of what they wanted yesterday. Accordingly, it has ©Victor J. Blue/Bloomberg/Getty Images

**Scott M. Fulton III, “Netflix Has an Exchange So Complex That It Has Triggered a Scientific Renaissance,” The New Stack, February 24, 2015,; Ben Kunz, “Why Netflix Walked Away from Personalization,”
ThoughtGadgets, January 4, 2014,; Amol Sharma, “Amazon Mines Its Data
Trove to Bet on TV’s Next Hit,” The Wall Street Journal, November 1, 2013,; Derrick Harris, “Netflix Analyzes a Lot of Data about Your
Viewing Habits,” Gigaom, June 14, 2012,; Phil Simon, “Big
Data Lessons from Netflix,” Wired, March 11, 2014,; Marianne Zumberge, “‘House of Cards’ Sees Unusual Social-Media Spike ahead of
Season 3,” Boston Herald, February 27, 2015,; Travis Clark and John Lynch, “103 of Netflix's notable original TV shows, ranked
from worst to best,” Business Insider, June 13, 2019, (accessed July 5, 2019).
Analyzing the Marketing Environment CHAPTER 3 87

Robots in all shapes, sizes, and forms are entering
the marketplace and performing work that previ-
ously was the responsibility of human workers.
Robotics applications are commonly in distribu-
tion and fulfillment centres to fill orders for stores
or individual customers. Retailers also are experi-
menting with delivering products using drones or
driverless cars.43 But it is not limiting robots to the
back office; Walmart has announced plans to roll
out two-foot-tall, shelf-scanning robots that patrol
stores, looking for items that are out of stock or
goods that are incorrectly priced or missing tags.
The information each robot collects then gets com-
Retailers are experimenting with delivering products using drones.
piled and reported to management, so that human
©Ulrich Baumgarten via Getty Images
associates can better target their efforts to keep
things running smoothly. By automating these
repetitive and predictable tasks, Walmart hopes to free up its human staff to provide bet- Robotics
ter customer service and handle tasks that cannot be easily outsourced to robotic labour.44 Robotics applications
typically perform work
Service firms also are using humanoid robots—that is, robots that have humanlike that previously was the
features—at their information desks, such as a department store in Tokyo,45 or to serve responsibility of human
food, such as at a Pizza Hut in Asia.46 The customer service representative in the depart- workers.
ment store has a name (Aiko Chihira) and a backstory that specifies
some of her demographics (e.g., 32 years of age). She also is lifelike
enough that she fools some consumers into believing she is real, as she
bows in welcome and answers their questions. The pizza order taker
is Pepper, a popular robot that looks like a playful robot, rather than a
human, and that has found positions not only in restaurants but also
in various hotels and coffee shops. Such developments result from not
only the desire to reduce the costs of service (i.e., no longer needing
to pay servers), but also, some evidence shows that consumers tend to
order more food when they are served by robots.47

Internet of Things
Firms like iRobot have a long history of developing robotic machines
that help consumers undertake daily chores in the house, such as
vacuuming. But other home appliances are joining and extending this
trend, producing the new notion of the Internet of Things (IoT).
The IoT emerges when multiple “smart devices” with Internet-
connected sensors, such as refrigerators, dishwashers, and coffee
machines, combine the data they have collected to help both consum-
ers and companies consume more efficiently.48 Bosch Home Connect
ovens, Samsung smart washers and dryers, Nest thermostats, Ring
video doorbells, and SimpliSafe’s security system all promise to help
consumers take care of their homes and needs more effectively, usu-
The next time you disembark at the Munich,
ally by linking to apps on people’s smartphones. Sensors in smart
Germany, airport, you may be greeted by
vehicles can gather driving and engine performance data to schedule Josie Pepper, a robot that will answer your
service appointments when the car needs an oil change, and also questions in English about restaurants,
might alert drivers to the threat of critical engine failures or risky driv- shops, and flight operations.
ing conditions.49 ©EyesWideOpen/Getty ImagesInternet of Things
88 Section One Assessing the Marketplace

Internet of Things (IoT) Furthermore, the IoT delivers insightful data to retailers and manufacturers that
The IoT is reflected when
multiple “smart devices”
they can use to optimize their inventories, predict the need for maintenance services,
with Internet-connected and so forth.50 An innovation called the Smart Retail Solution combines dedicated soft-
sensors combine the data ware, wireless devices, and electronic kiosks that function as points of sale to gather
they have collected to
help both consumers and data from consumers, identify tagging or pricing errors, and follow up on employ-
companies consume more ees’ activities to make sure they are performing the tasks that still require human

Economic Situation
economic situation Marketers monitor the general economic situation, both in their home country and
Economic changes that
affect the way consumers
abroad, because it affects the way consumers buy merchandise and spend money. Some
buy merchandise and major factors that influence the state of an economy include the rate of inflation, foreign
spend money; see currency exchange rates, interest rates, and recession.
inflation, foreign currency
fluctuations, interest rates, Inflation refers to the persistent increase in the prices of goods and services.52 Increas-
and recession. ing prices cause the purchasing power of the dollar to decline; in other words, a dollar buys
Inflation less than it used to.
Refers to the persistent In a similar fashion, foreign currency fluctuations can influence consumer spend-
increase in the prices of
ing. For instance, on January 21, 2002, $1.00 CAD was worth $0.6179 USD, the lowest
goods and services.
exchange rate ever between these two currencies.53 In less than four months, the value of the
foreign currency
Canadian dollar relative to the U.S. dollar increased to $0.907154—a 32 percent increase—
Changes in the value of a and by September, the Canadian dollar increased to $1.10. After hovering at parity for two
country’s currency relative years, the Canadian dollar dropped to $0.90 and has continued to fall since then. Rapid
to the currency of another
country; can influence increases in the exchange rate between the currencies of Canada and the United States,
consumer spending. our largest trading partner, have both negative and positive consequences for Canadian
marketers, depending on whether they are exporters or importers and whether they report
their earnings in Canadian or U.S. dollars. The exchange rate changes also have serious
implications for consumers. As the value of the Canadian dollar increases compared with
the U.S. dollar, merchandise made in Canada and exported to the United States becomes
more costly to Americans, and Canadian exporting companies suddenly lose a good chunk
of their cost advantage. However, imports of products made in the United States cost less
for both Canadian importers and consumers.
Another perhaps unexpected result of the strength of the Canadian dollar compared
with the U.S. dollar is that imports of raw material from the United States are cheaper.
During such inflationary times, “made in America” claims become more important,
which means that Canadian manufacturers and U.S. retailers that specialize in Canadian
merchandise must decide whether they should attempt to maintain their profit margins
or accept a lower price to keep their customer base. It is not always easy for marketers
to respond quickly to rapid increases; however, marketers who monitor the economic
environment have the advantage, as they will be able to adjust their strategies if they
foresee the increase.
Interest rates Interest rates represent the cost of borrowing money. For example, when customers
Represent the cost of borrow money from a bank, they agree to pay back the loan, plus the interest that accrues.
borrowing money.
The interest, in effect, is the cost to the customers or the fee the bank charges those custom-
ers for borrowing the money. Likewise, if a customer opens a savings account at a bank, he
or she will earn interest on the amount saved, which means the interest becomes the fee the
consumer gets for “loaning” the money to the bank. If the interest rate goes up, consumers
have an incentive to save more, because they earn more for loaning the bank their money;
when interest rates go down, however, consumers generally borrow more.
For instance, when the Bank of Canada cut its overnight lending rate (the rate at which
it lends to banks) by 4.25 percent to 0.25 percent in April 2009, record numbers of Canadians
took advantage of the historic low interest rates and took out mortgages. The 0.25 percent
interest rate broke the previous record low of 1.12 percent, which had been set in 1958,
Analyzing the Marketing Environment CHAPTER 3 89

50 years earlier. The cut was considered absolutely necessary to

deal with the worsening global economic and financial crisis.
The overnight lending rate at 1.75 percent,55 has made credit
cheap and led to a situation in Canada where the average Cana-
dian income-to-debt ratio is 173.7—that is, for every $1 earned,
Canadians owe $1.73. If this situation continues, it could
impose negative consequences on the economy and ultimately
on consumers and marketers.56
Finally, recession is a period of economic downturn when
the economic growth of the country is negative for at least two
consecutive quarters. We last experienced this in 2008–2009. In
a recession, the stock market declines sharply, unemployment
increases, business and consumer confidence falls, and spend- Tourists from many other countries flock to the
ing by both businesses and consumers is severely reduced. United States to shop because the value of the dollar
is low compared with their own currency.
In recessionary times, consumers alter their spending
Caz Shiba/Digital Vision/Getty Images
patterns by postponing big-ticket or discretionary items and
look for the best deals for items they need. Marketers must
adjust their marketing strategies accordingly. Most marketers try to cut costs, lower prices recession
to keep their existing customers and to attract new customers, and may even introduce A period of economic
downturn when the
slightly lower quality goods or reduce the level of services offered in order to manage economic growth of the
costs. In a recession, some industries do well and others struggle. Marketers must be country is negative for
vigilant in monitoring the environment and understanding the impact that an economic at least two consecutive
downturn has on their business.
How do these four important economic factors—inflation, foreign currency fluc-
tuations, interest rates, and recession—affect a firm’s ability to market goods and ser-
vices? Shifts in the four economic factors make marketing easier for some and harder
for others. For instance, when inflation increases, consumers probably don’t buy less
food, but they may shift their expenditures from expensive steaks to less-expensive
hamburgers. Grocery stores and inexpensive restaurants win, but expensive restaurants
lose. Consumers also buy less discretionary merchandise. For instance, the sale of
expensive jewellery, fancy cars, and extravagant vacations will decrease but, curiously,
the sale of low-cost luxuries, such as personal care products and home entertainment,
tends to increase. It appears that, instead of rewarding themselves with a new Lexus
or a health spa vacation, consumers buy a few cosmetics and stream a movie. As noted
above, lower interest rates encourage more consumers to borrow to finance purchases,
especially of big-ticket or discretionary items such as cars, houses, furniture, and home
entertainment systems. Not surprisingly, the building industry and housing market did
extremely well in the period leading up to the recent recession. As consumers switched
from more- to less-expensive goods and services and demanded greater value, mar-
keters who were able to adjust their offering did much better than those that did not
change their value offering.

Political/Legal Environment
The political/legal environment comprises political parties, government organizations, political/legal
and legislation and laws that promote or inhibit trade and marketing activities. Organiza- environment
Comprises political parties,
tions must fully understand and comply with any legislation regarding fair competition, government organizations,
consumer protection, or industry-specific regulation. Since the turn of the century, the and legislation and laws
that promote or inhibit
government has enacted laws that promote both fair trade and competition by prohibiting trade and marketing
the formation of monopolies or alliances that would damage a competitive marketplace, activities.
fostering fair pricing practices for all suppliers and consumers, and promoting free trade
agreements among foreign nations.
90 Section One Assessing the Marketplace

Legislation also has been enacted to protect consumers in a variety of ways. First, regu-
lations require manufacturers to abstain from false or misleading advertising practices that
might mislead consumers, such as claims that a medication can cure a disease when in fact
it causes other health risks. Second, manufacturers are required to identify and remove
any harmful or hazardous materials (e.g., asbestos) that might place a consumer at risk.
As a result, the Alberta Energy Regulator ordered Nexen to shut down 95 pipelines after
a rupture at the Long Lake oilsands project leaked 5 million litres of bitumen, sand, and
water in the area. The spill was one of the biggest in Alberta’s history.57 Third, organiza-
tions must adhere to fair and reasonable business practices when they communicate with
consumers. For example, Montreal, Maine, and Atlantic Railway (MMA) seems to have
ignored its own safety procedures regarding the use of hand brakes, which resulted in the
fourth deadliest rail accident in Canadian history, killing 42 people and devastating the core
of Lac Megantic.
Last but not least, the government enacts laws focused on specific industries and on con-
sumers. These laws may be geared toward increasing competition, such as the deregulation
of the telephone and energy industries. Or they may be in response to current events or to
achieve specific objectives, such as when the governments of Ontario and British Columbia
introduced the harmonized sales tax (HST) to improve the competitiveness of Canadian
businesses, or when the federal government introduced the one-year home renovation tax
credit to encourage consumers to spend during the recession. Similarly, the government has
developed laws to regulate consumer behaviour, such as banning smoking in some areas,
mandating child car seats, and requiring drivers to use only hands-free cellphones.
Generally, government regulations may have a negative or positive impact on market-
ers. On the positive side, certain laws create an opportunity for marketers to sell more of
their products, as was the case with Bluetooth devices or car seats. Also, regulation may
help to create a level playing field for competition and set standards for marketers to follow.
In other cases, regulation tends to increase the cost of compliance. For example, compli-
ance costs will undoubtedly go up as a result of the federal government’s ban on single-use
plastics. Compliance usually requires more paperwork, time, effort, and money, and may
cause delays when government approval is needed. Some of the most significant legislation
affecting marketing interests appears in Exhibits 3.5 and 3.6.

Exhibit 3.5 Major Federal Legislation to Protect Competition

and Consumers

Access to Information Act Interest Act

Bankruptcy Act Investment Canada Act
Bills of Exchange Act Lobbyist Registration Act
Broadcasting Act Official Languages Act
Canada Agricultural Product Patent Act
Standards Act Personal Information Protection and
Canada Corporations Act Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA)
Canada Dairy Products Act Privacy Act
Canada Human Rights Act Small Loans Act
Canada Small Business Financing Act Standards Council of Canada Act
Competition Act Textile Labelling Act
Consumer Packaging and Labelling Act Trade-Marks Act
Copyright Act True Labelling Act
Criminal Code Weight and Measures Act
Electricity and Gas Inspection Act Winding-up Act
Food and Drugs Act
Income Tax Act
Analyzing the Marketing Environment CHAPTER 3 91

Exhibit 3.6 Marketing Practices Covered by the Competition Act

Law Description
Price fixing Sellers conspire to set the price of a product, usually higher than
it would be in a free market
Price discrimination Charging different prices to different (competing) buyers for
goods of the same quality and of the same quantity
Predatory pricing Pricing that is intended to drive competitors out of the market or
keep competitors from entering the market—usually low prices
Resale price Manufacturers or channel members try to influence the price at
maintenance which the product is sold to subsequent purchasers
Bid rigging Sellers collude to set prices in response to bids or quotations
for products
Misleading advertising All types of advertising about a product or service that are
false or misleading
Bait-and-switch Sellers try to attract customers to their stores by offering a
low price on a product (bait); but, once the customers are in
the store, sellers try to persuade them to buy a higher-priced
item (switch)
Referral selling Incentives offered to consumers to provide the names of other
potential consumers
Distribution (Place)
Refusal to deal A seller refuses to sell products or services to legitimate buyers
Exclusive dealing A seller refuses to sell to other channel members unless that
member agrees to buy exclusively from that particular seller
Pyramid selling Schemes where salespersons are paid to recruit other
salespeople, and each new salesperson pays for the right
to recruit other salespeople, with some of that money going
to earlier recruiters. Participants are often asked to buy a
specific quantity of goods or are knowingly sold unreasonable
quantities of goods and are not allowed to return the goods on
commercially reasonable terms.

Social and Natural Trends LO3

Social and natural trends shape consumer values in Canada, the United States, and around
the world. This includes a greater emphasis on sustainability, climate change action, health
and wellness considerations, diversity, inclusion, gender equality, and more efficient
utilization and distribution of food. A historic agreement of 193 world leaders produced
17 Global Goals of Sustainable Development (Exhibit 3.7).58 These goals highlight social
issues associated with meeting basic needs, such as ensuring consistent, universal access to
sufficient food, clean water, health care, and sanitary living conditions, mainly by eliminat-
ing extreme poverty.59
These trends tend to change over time in their popularity and importance, and savvy
marketers work hard to identify emerging trends to understand whether they present an
opportunity or pose a threat to their business. Here, we discuss a few current social and
natural trends of key importance today. This list is by no means exhaustive but includes
greener consumers, marketing to children, privacy concerns, the time-poor society, and
health and wellness concerns.
92 Section One Assessing the Marketplace

Exhibit 3.7 Global Goals of Sustainable Development

United Nations, “Sustainable Development Goals: 17 Goals to Transform Our World,”
goals/. Copyright ©United Nations. Reprinted with the permission of the United Nations.

Greener Consumers60
Green marketing Green marketing involves a strategic effort by firms to supply customers with environ-
Involves a strategic mentally friendly merchandise. Although this “green” trend is not new, it is growing. Many
effort by firms to
supply customers with consumers, concerned about everything from the purity of air and water to the safety of beef
environmentally friendly and salmon, believe that each person can make a difference in the environment. A study found
merchandise. that more than 90 percent of Canadians feel that individuals can take action to reduce air pol-
lution. More than half of Canadian households now recycle their soft-drink bottles, cardboard
boxes, and newspapers. Even so, Canadians generate 3.2 million tons of plastic waste annually.
Given that only 9 percent of this waste is recycled, there is much more to be done.61 European
consumers are more green. Germans are required by law to recycle bottles, and the European
Union does not allow beef raised on artificial growth hormones to be imported.
In many cities across Canada, the use of pesticides on lawns is banned and many con-
sumers are trying alternative, environmentally friendly lawn care treatment. Many cities
across Canada have introduced the “green bin” program that encourages consumers to
recycle their food and yard waste to make compost for gardening. Many fast-food companies
have announced that they will eliminate plastic straws in response to consumer concerns
about plastic waste not being recycled, or worse, ending up in our oceans. The trend for
green marketing is likely to persist as we still have a long way to go. According to a Confer-
ence Board of Canada report, Canadians produce more garbage than any other country in
the developed world and use almost double the amount of fresh water of other countries.62
The demand for green-oriented products has been a boon to the firms that supply them.
Marketers encourage consumers to replace their older versions of washing machines and
dishwashers with water- and energy-saving models and to invest in phosphate-free laundry
detergent and mercury-free, rechargeable batteries. Canada’s love affair with recycling also
has created markets for recycled building products, packaging, paper goods, and clothing.
Similarly, this higher energy consciousness has spurred the growth of more-efficient appli-
ances, lighting, and heating and cooling systems in homes and offices. Health-conscious
consumers continue to fuel the markets for organic foods, natural cleaning and personal
Analyzing the Marketing Environment CHAPTER 3 93

Sustainable Marketing 3.1

Sneakers From Ocean waste into future products. It is now introducing a line of
recycled clothing and taking steps to become even more
Plastic Trash† sustainable.
Although the recycled-shoe project was intended
The Adidas Group is always looking to make better prod- to kickstart change in ocean health, the Adidas Group
ucts and use innovative manufacturing techniques. To has long been committed to sustainability initiatives. For
show just how much of an impact companies can make, example, it ended the use of plastic microbeads in its
Adidas and Parley for the Oceans launched a sneaker products as of December 2015 and completed the phas-
design made with plastic trash reclaimed from the ocean. ing out of plastic bags in its retail stores in March 2016.
The recycling project helps the Adidas Group meet its Its DryDye project reduces the amount of water needed
ongoing sustainability goals. More importantly, it helps to to manufacture its products. Between 2011 and 2015, a
educate consumers and raise awareness of what can be virtualization project allowed the company to produce
done to stop ocean plastic pollution. 2.4 million fewer samples.
Concerned that the oceans are being destroyed by
plastic, Adidas joined with Parley for the Oceans to show
that ocean waste can be turned into something cool. Eric
Liedtke, the executive board member for global brands
with the Adidas Group, said that the company would pro-
duce 1 million pairs of shoes in 2017 using Parley Ocean
Plastic. Not only did the company achieve this goal, it
sold 5 million pairs in 2018 and were on track to selling
1 million pairs in 2019. Liedtke notes that the partnership
allows the company to tap into new areas, creating inno-
vative materials and products for consumers.
The sneaker is designed with an upper part from
ocean plastic content and a 3D-printed midsole that
uses recycled polyamid and gill net content. Introduced
at the Sustainable Innovation Forum in Paris in Decem-
ber 2015, the timing coincided with the addition of the
ocean movement cause to COP21’s agenda. According Adidas and Parley for the Oceans use waste pulled from the
to one sustainability report, Adidas says the sneaker is ocean to create sustainable sneakers.
not a standalone project. It intends to integrate ocean Krisztian Bocsi/Bloomberg via Getty Images

†Amir Ismael, “Adidas sold 1 million pairs of sneakers made from ocean waste in 2017 — now the company is introducing a line of recycled clothing
and taking steps to become even more sustainable,” Business Insider, May 18, 2018,
-sustainability-2018-5; Juan Hernandez, “Adidas and Parley Up the Ante With Recycled Ocean Waste Shoes in 2019; Vow to Make 11 Million Pairs,”
The Inertia, March 27, 2019,
-11-million-pairs/; “Adidas Test to Sell Shoes Made of Ocean Plastic Was So Successful, They’re Going Even Further,” Good News Network,
March 23, 2019, (accessed July 3, 2019).

care products, air- and water-filtration devices, bottled water, and organic fertilizers.
As discussed in Sustainable Marketing 3.1, sneakers made from ocean waste help educate
consumers about plastic pollution.
For companies selling environmentally friendly products, the green marketing trend
represents a great opportunity. Firms that sell products considered harmful to the environ-
ment may find this trend a threat to their business and must innovate to stay in business.
However, some green options are more expensive than traditional products and initiatives.
Are consumers interested in or willing to pay higher prices for green products? At any aver-
age cost of $220, Parley sneakers are high-priced yet selling well. That means Adidas could
earn a billion dollars while addressing a global environmental problem.63
To promote their greener practices, nearly 500 firms joined the Tropical Forest
Alliance (TFA) 2020,64 which seeks to reduce the deforestation caused by the production of
many consumer products that rely on palm oil, soy, tree pulp, and paper. Brands owned by
Unilever and Mondelēz, two corporate partners in TFA, commit to finding ways to support
94 Section One Assessing the Marketplace

regional production processes that not only limit deforestation but also help ensure the
living standards of farmers in tropical nations. Such commitments appeal to consumers,
but they also may help ensure stable supply chains and potentially reduce production costs.
Are all firms really interested in improving the environment? Or are they disingenu-
ously marketing products or services as environmentally friendly, with the goal of gaining
public approval and sales rather than actually improving the environment? Companies
need to rise above suspicions of “greenwashing.” Consumers often question whether a firm
is spending significantly more money and time advertising being green and operating with
consideration for the environment than actually spending these resources on environmen-
tally sound practices. To show it is a responsible retailer, Rona has adopted a strict scientific
method that monitors a product over all stages of its life cycle: acquisition of materials,
manufacturing, packaging and transportation, and finally, use and end of life.65 The
Sustainable Marketing boxes throughout this book provide many more examples of how
individual Canadians and businesses are taking actions to reduce the harmful effects of
their consumption and production decisions.

Privacy Concerns
More and more consumers worldwide sense a loss of privacy. At the same time that the
Internet has created an explosion of accessibility to consumer information, improvements
in computer storage facilities and the manipulation of information have led to more and
better security and credit-check services. Still, 83 percent of Canadian consumers think
businesses need to do more to protect them against cybersecurity threats and cite con-
cerns about data privacy when making decisions about apps they use and retailers they
buy from.66 Hacking still remains a concern. For example, Ashley Madison website’s
was compromised. The Toronto-based company offered a service to 32 million members
looking for extramarital affairs. These members assumed their email addresses and other
contact information were secure. The breach, which made global news, caused outraged
members to launch a class-action lawsuit. Canada’s privacy commissioner probed the issue
and a criminal investigation was launched. The company suffered huge revenue losses and
Ashley Madison’s founder, Noel Bidermann, stepped down as CEO.67 In 2019, a hacker
accessed data from over six million Canadians and 100 million Americans holding Capital
One credit cards. The breach was the largest in Canadian history. Given security breaches
at Quebec-based Desjardins and retailers such as Winners and Home Depot, it is hardly
surprising that more than three-quarters of Canadians are concerned about the security
and privacy of the information they provide over the Internet.68

The Time-Poor Society

Reaching a target market has always been a major
challenge, but it is made even more complicated by
several trends that increase the difficulty of grabbing
those markets’ attention. First, in the majority of
families, both parents work, and the kids are busier
than ever. For example, on average, Canadians worked
8.9 hours during a typical workday, but 25 percent
said they devote more than 10 hours a day to their
work. That means Canadians have less time for leisure
and to spend with family. Canadian workers spend
about 200 fewer hours with family per year than they
did two decades ago.69
Time-poor consumers multitask to cope with their lack of Second, consumers today have hundreds of
leisure time. shows, programs, and music options available to
©Monkeybusinessimages | them through streaming services such as Netflix,
Analyzing the Marketing Environment CHAPTER 3 95

Apple Music or Spotify, in addition to podcasts,

smartphones, personal computers, and the Internet.
With many shows and programs available, consum-
ers can choose when, where, and what shows they
want to watch or listen to at their convenience. By
fast-forwarding through the commercials, they can
catch an entire one-hour show in approximately
47 minutes, which means they miss all the mes-
sages marketers are attempting to send them.
Third, many consumers attempt to cope with
their lack of leisure time by multitasking: watch-
ing TV or listening to music while talking on the
telephone or doing homework. Their divided atten-
tion means they simply cannot focus as well on the
advertisements that appear in those media. Self-checkout lanes speed the shopping process, but do they
Marketers are thus faced with the challenge of improve customer service?
finding more creative ways to get their marketing Mira/Alamy Stock Photo
messages out to consumers under these ever-
changing media consumption trends. Some marketers have responded to the challenge of
getting consumers’ attention by, for example, moving some of their advertising expendi-
tures from traditional venues such as TV and print media to instant messaging, Internet-
based reviews and ads, social media ads, movie screens, fortune cookies, baggage claim
conveyor belts, billboards, and ads in airports and on taxis, buses, and mass transport
vehicles.70 Retailers are doing their part by making their products available to customers
whenever and wherever they want. For instance, retailers such as The Bay are becoming
full-fledged multi-channel retailers that offer stores, catalogues, and Internet shopping
options. Others, such as Metro, Shoppers Drug Mart, and Walmart, have extended their
hours of operation so that their customers can shop during hours that they aren’t working.
In addition, automated processes such as self-checkout lanes and electronic kiosks speed
the shopping process and provide customers with product and ordering information.
To find and develop methods to make life easier for many diverse consumers in a time-
poor society, marketers often rely on technology, another macroenvironmental factor we
discussed earlier in this section.

Health and Wellness Concerns

Global health concerns such as the COVID-19 virus cause all consumers to be more vigi-
lant. While this latest health pandemic has affected primarily older populations, health
concerns (especially those pertaining to children) are prevalent, critical, and widespread. In
Canada, 61 percent of adults are categorized as obese or overweight.71 In the past 20 years,
child obesity has doubled and teenage obesity tripled in North America, leading to skyrock-
eting rates of high blood pressure, high cholesterol, early signs of heart disease, and Type 2
diabetes among children. In response, the Center for Science and the Public Interest (CSPI)
has proposed Guidelines for Responsible Food Marketing to Children, which outlines a vari-
ety of changes to advertising directed at children. The CSPI notes that children are highly
impressionable, and most food advertising to these young consumers touts high-calorie,
low-nutrition products, associated in advertising with various toys, cartoons, and celebri-
ties. The new guidelines require advertisers to market food in reasonably proportioned
sizes. The advertised food items also must provide basic nutrients, have less than 30 percent
of their total calories from fat, and include no added sweeteners. The advertising also can-
not be aired during children’s programming, and companies cannot link unhealthy foods
with cartoon and celebrity figures. For example, Burger King no longer uses SpongeBob
SquarePants to promote burgers and fries. Other organizations such as the Chronic Disease
96 Section One Assessing the Marketplace

Ethical & Societal Dilemma 3.1

Consumers Insist on Healthy foods when I want to indulge in some nostalgia or have
a sweet treat. Processed foods thus continue to sell well
Foods — Until You Mess with the to consumers who see no need to consider an organic
Colour of Their Trix†† kale chip when Pringles already taste great, or who enjoy
Apple Jacks cereal over organic alternatives because it
What trend watchers and marketing researchers tell us, contains preservatives that help it stay crisper in milk for
over and over, is that consumers are seeking healthier longer.
food options. But when General Mills tried to change the Accordingly, General Mills is not the only food man-
formula for its Trix cereal, using natural and vegetable ufacturer to face problems. When Coca-Cola began
options rather than artificial dyes to create the colouring sweetening some of its drinks with Stevia, a plant-based
of the sugar-laden product, people rejected the switch sweetener, customers complained that the levels of
wholeheartedly. And so, “Trix Classic” will return to store sweetness were not the same. Other companies have
shelves, with the bright colours and strong fruit flavours had better luck; Kraft changed the recipe for its famous
that generations of children have come to love, even macaroni and cheese to eliminate an artificial yellow
as the naturally coloured option remains an alternative dye. It did so without announcing the change, and it
choice on shelves. ensured that it could replicate the signature neon col-
For General Mills, offering the original recipe seemed our of the meal even without the dye. Then, when it
mandatory. On social media and the company website, made the change public, consumers already knew that
consumers complained so bitterly that it knew it would they had tried the new recipe and, in most cases, never
lose them if it only offered the “depressing” naturally noticed a difference.
coloured version. Using turmeric, beets, and purple car- But for most makers of processed foods, especially
rots as ingredients to manufacture its cereal, General those that resonate strongly with consumers’ sense of
Mills came up with a coloured but drab version, vastly nostalgia and childhood memories, changing things rep-
unlike the vibrant version achieved through artificial resents a risk. At the same time, ignoring the demands for
dyes. The clearly visible difference prompted people to healthier production methods could be risky, too. It turns
mourn the loss of a childhood favourite, worry that their out, as a spokesperson for General Mills noted in what
own children would never have the fun of eating Trix, may perhaps be the understatement of the century, con-
and accuse General Mills of selling “basically a salad” sumers “don’t all want the same thing.”
instead of a cereal.
But the switch back to artificial ingredients also creates
a dilemma for the company, which vowed several years
ago to eliminate all artificial flavours and colours from
its cereal products. By switching back to keep customers
happy, General Mills also is going back on a commitment
it publicized widely, which may annoy an entirely different
set of consumers. And so, General Mills continues to sell
the natural version in the hopes that its presence will be
enough to appease cereal eaters with more of a focus on
natural ingredients.
Although this latter group of consumers is influential,
and sales of products that bar artificial dyes and flavour-
ings are growing faster than those of other segments,
food manufacturers clearly cannot ignore the substantial
population of folks who love food produced with artifi-
cial means—always have, always will. Even if about half
of North American consumers indicate that they avoid Some consumers prefer Trix coloured with natural ingredients
artificial colours in their foods due to health concerns, (left), whereas others prefer “Trix Classic” (right).
they also appreciate a sense of balance: I’ll eat healthy (left): ©Michael Neelon/Alamy Stock Photo; (right): ©McGraw Hill
most of the time, so that I can consume some unhealthy Education

††Annie Gasparro, “Silly Rabbit! Original Trix with Artificial Colors Is Back after Customers Revolt,” The Wall Street Journal, September 21, 2017,; Caitlin Dewey, “Consumers Loved
‘All-Natural’—Until Trix Cereal Lost Its Neon-Bright Glow,” The Washington Post, September 23, 2017,
/09/23/consumers-loved-all-natural-until-trix-cereal-lost-its-neon-bright-glow/; Monica Watrous, “Clean Label Not Always the Best Strategy,” Food
Business News, September 26, 2017, (accessed July 3, 2019).
Analyzing the Marketing Environment CHAPTER 3 97

Prevention Alliance of Canada (CDPAC) and health and

citizens’ groups are also working to ensure proper adver-
tising to children.72
Although many consumers have become more
concerned about the health problems associated with
obesity, Ethical & Societal Dilemma 3.1 explains that con-
sumers continue to make unhealthy food choices.
Consumers’ interest in improving their health has
opened up several new markets and niches focused on
healthy living. For example, consumer spending on yoga
classes, mats, and clothing has increased consistently,
leading to an 87 percent increase in yoga product spend-
ing in the last five years.73 Yoga studios actually combine
multiple modern trends: If the economy sours, people face
increasing stress, which they hope to reduce through yoga.
In addition, yoga studios are relatively inexpensive to open
and operate, so entrepreneurs and consumers appreciate
the value for the money they offer. And of course, North
Americans are always on the lookout for exercise methods
that can help them shed pounds and match media images
of athletic prowess. As a result, competition is growing
in this industry and some studios are starting to combine
yoga classes with additional offers to attract clients, such
as smoothie bars, acupuncture, and massages. Health and The practice of yoga is growing as more consumers
wellness concerns have also spurred a number of mobile embrace healthy lifestyles.
apps, many of which help customers get or stay in shape ©Plush Studios/Blend Images LLC.
by tracking exercise, calorie intake, and sleep cycles.

Learning Objectives Review

LO1  utline how the factors in a firm’s

O consultants, and transportation firms to coordinate the
microenvironment influence its extensive process of discovering what customers want
marketing strategy and getting it to them when and where they want it. Each
of these activities—identifying corporate strengths, dis-
The three factors in a firm’s microenvironment are its covering customer needs, and working with corporate
capabilities, corporate partners, and competition. Every- partners—is central to the firm’s marketing strategy and
thing a firm does should utilize its strengths and revolve helps add value to firms’ products and services.
around the customer; without the customer, nothing gets
sold. Firms must discover their customers’ wants and LO2 Identify the factors in a firm’s
needs and then be able to provide a valuable product macroenvironment and explain how they
or service that will satisfy those needs. If there were only influence its overall marketing strategy
one firm and many customers, a marketer’s life would be
simple. But because this set-up rarely occurs, firms must The factors in the firm’s external environment are culture,
monitor their competitors to discover how they might demographics, social and natural trends, technological
be appealing to their customers. Without competitive advances, economic situation, and political/legal envi-
intelligence, a firm’s customers might soon belong to its ronment (CDSTEP). A clear understanding of these fac-
competitors. Though life would certainly be easier with- tors enables marketers to understand whether they pose
out competitors, it would be difficult, if not impossible, threats or present new opportunities.
without corporate partners. Good marketing firms work What are the chances that a fast-food hamburger
closely with their suppliers, marketing research firms, restaurant would be successful in a predominantly Hindu
98 Section One Assessing the Marketplace

neighbourhood? Not very good. Marketers must be sen- Naturally, all firms must abide by the law, but many legal
sitive to such cultural issues to be successful, and then issues also affect marketing directly. These laws can be
they must also consider competitors as well as customer broken into those that pertain to competitive practices,
demographics—age, gender, income, race, ethnicity, and such as antitrust legislation, and those designed to pro-
education—to identify specific customer groups. In any tect consumers from unfair or dangerous practices, such
society, major social and natural trends influence the way as warning labels on cigarette packages.
people live. Understanding these trends can help mar-
keters serve their customers better. At no other time in LO3 Identify important social and natural trends
history has technology moved so rapidly and had such a that impact marketing decisions
pervasive influence on the way we live. Not only do mar-
keters help to develop technologies for practical, every- In any society, major social and natural trends influence
day uses, but technological advances also help marketers the way people live. Social trends have a tremendous
provide consumers with more products and services more impact on what consumers purchase and consume.
quickly and efficiently. The general state of the economy Understanding these trends—such as price sensitivity,
influences how people spend their disposable income. health and wellness, green marketing, privacy issues, and
When the economy is healthy, marketing success comes the time-poor society—can help marketers serve their
relatively easily. But when the economy gets bumpy, only customers better by offering them products and services
well honed marketing skill can yield long-term successes. that closely match their needs and wants.

Key Terms
■■ artificial intelligence (AI) ■■ Generation X ■■ interest rates
■■ baby boomers ■■ Generation Y/millennials ■■ macroenvironmental factors
■■ country culture ■■ Generation Z/digital natives ■■ political/legal environment
■■ culture ■■ generational cohort ■■ recession
■■ demographics ■■ green marketing ■■ robotics
■■ economic situation ■■ inflation ■■ technological advances
■■ foreign currency fluctuations ■■ Internet of Things (IoT)

concept review

1. List the three elements a firm must assess before 7. Why should marketers care about engaging tweens
looking externally (i.e., microenvironmental factors). quickly and sincerely?
2. List and describe the elements of a firm’s macro­ 8. How do changes in the value of the Canadian dollar in
environment. Select a Canadian company that you relation to the U.S. dollar affect Canadian companies
think has done a great job at managing the macro­ that sell to American consumers?
environmental factors and discuss what it has done.
9. Why is understanding cultures and subcultures so
3. List five ways in which baby boomers, Generation X, important in marketing?
and Generation Y are different.
10. The Chinese and South Asian consumer segment is
4. If a store permanently offers extended shopping hours, rapidly growing in Canada. What opportunities and
what macroenvironmental factor(s) is it appealing to? challenges does this trend pose for food and grocery
retailers? What strategies could they use to market
5. List some of the important social and natural trends
effectively to this segment of consumers?
affecting the Canadian market.
6. Besides language, explain why using the same adver-
tisement for Ontario and for Quebec wouldn’t be
equally successful.
Analyzing the Marketing Environment CHAPTER 3 99

Marketing Applications

1. Assume you are going to open a new store selling new technologies for greater empowerment and con-
fitness products. Describe it. Who are your competi- trol, (c) using their time productively when travelling or
tors? What would you do to monitor your competitors’ commuting, and (d) multitasking. Identify and describe
actions? Who are your customers? What are you going some products and services that consumers use to
to do to appeal to them? implement each of these strategies.
2. How do you approach buying a computer differently 9. Identify a company that you believe does a particularly
than your parents would? What about buying an outfit good job of marketing to different cultural groups. Jus-
to wear to a party? How can firms use their knowledge tify your answer.
of different age or generational cohorts to market
10. You have recently been hired by a major department
their products and services better?
store in its marketing department. Your boss informs
3. How can firms use customer demographics such as you that you will supervise a field research study.
income, education, and ethnicity to market to their You arrive at your assigned store and find that the
customers better? study consists of shadowing customers. The store
has set up a “private” shopping event for store credit
4. Identify some of the changes in the gender landscape.
card holders. All who attend must swipe their cards
Describe how they might affect the marketing prac-
to receive the special discount coupon book. The
tices of (a) men’s apparel retailers, (b) do-it-yourself
shadow shoppers (who the store manager hired)
home improvement retailers, and (c) upscale salon
are given hand-held devices loaded with a specific
customer’s information and past purchase behav-
5. Identify some recent technological innovations in the iour. Thus, each shadow shopper knows the name,
marketplace and describe how they have affected address, income, family size, and spending patterns
consumers’ everyday activities. for the customer she or he is observing. You begin to
feel uncomfortable about this study since the consum-
6. Do you feel that firms are invading or could invade ers have no idea they are being tracked, nor do they
your privacy? Why or why not? know the level of confidential information about them
7. Why should Canadian companies selling goods in the that a stranger can access. You are also concerned
United States care about the value of the U.S. dollar? that the shadow customers are not regular employees
or employees of an established marketing research
8. Time-poor consumers have adopted various provider. What, if anything, would or should you do
approaches to “buy” themselves more time, such as about your concerns?
(a) voluntarily simplifying their complex lives, (b) using

marketing digitally

1. Seventh Generation is the leading brand of nontoxic, trends you note, and describe the ways in which the
environmentally safe household products in Canada company’s products address the wants and needs of
(products are sold at Home Depot). Visit Seventh its customers.
Generation’s website (
2. Visit the Cool Hunter ( and
and review the philosophy behind the business. Next,
identify examples that would provide marketers with
review the site to identify the products that the com-
insights regarding social trends.
pany offers. Briefly summarize some of the consumer
100 Section One Assessing the Marketplace

chapter Case study

The Rise of the electric car

One of the most notable social trends affecting consumer behaviour is the idea of going
green. As climate change and environmental concerns increase in their seriousness and
impact, consumers seek to buy green products that might help mitigate or combat the prob-
lem. In response, many companies are developing new green products—including electric
cars. The first electric car was actually built in 1891, but it lost popularity when Henry Ford
introduced the gas-powered Model T. Electric cars regained consumers’ interest as Toyota
developed its Prius in the late 1990s. The original Prius actually was a hybrid, powered by
both gas and electricity; its success prompted other companies such as Honda, General
Motors (GM), Ford, and Chevrolet to innovate their own hybrid models, as well as some all-
electric versions. By the early 2000s, though, all the major automakers had terminated their
all-electric programs. It was not until 2006, when Tesla Motors revealed its Roadster, that a
modern version of the all-electric car became a distinct and appealing possibility.74
Tesla remains the gold standard for electric cars. The Model S all-electric sedan is the
top-ranked ultra-luxury vehicle. Yet its high price has kept the brand from being a very widely
purchased car. For example, a new Tesla Model X starts at $125,000, and models with longer
ranges without recharging start at $167,300.75 Even if more customers might want to pur-
chase an all-electric car, few of them can afford a Tesla. In response, Tesla innovated a less
expensive entry model, the Model 3, starting around $45,000.76 In parallel, other companies
have released their more economical all-electric options: the Chevrolet Bolt starts around
$44,800 and offers a battery life comparable to that of the Tesla Model S.77
General Motors recently decided to compete with Tesla directly. One of Tesla’s greatest
advantages has been its over-the-air software, which automatically and regularly updates the
cars’ software when they are plugged in overnight. As it already installs OnStar as a safety
service standard on any GM vehicle, GM has a large fleet of connected cars at its disposal. It
plans to use OnStar as a means to compete directly with Tesla’s software.78
Furthermore, GM’s latest all-electric car seeks to do more than address just the problem
of climate change; it wants to help drivers overcome the problem of congestion in cities. Its
all-electric E100 will cost only $14,000 before incentives; with the incentives, the paid price
drops to close to $5,000.79 But it is being launched only in China, under the company’s Baojun
brand. The Chinese car market is the largest in the world, and the electric car segment is
the largest growing segment in China, due in part to the subsidies and incentives offered by
the national and local governments.80 Accordingly, China already makes up 40 percent of the
worldwide electric car market.81 The E100 has been designed specifically to meet the needs
of consumers living in Chinese cities, in that it is compact, seats only two adults, and is easy
to maneuver in the heavily populated streets. Furthermore, its top speed is 62 miles per hour,
and its battery can last for about 96 miles, and then takes only about 7.5 hours to charge. It
might not be an ideal option for someone living in a rural area
who needs to travel long distances, but it is perfect for a city
dweller.82 Finally, although the car does not cost much to own,
the E100 still provides some key luxuries: the interior features
a digital dashboard, a seven-inch touchscreen centre console,
and Wi-Fi capabilities.83
Within a week of its announcement, more than 5,000 peo-
ple had registered to buy the first 200 models of the E100,
spurring the company to make another 500 cars available.
Although the E100 will be available only in the Guangxi region
of China in the immediate term, GM plans to expand its avail-
ability throughout the country as soon as possible.84
1. D
 iscuss how specific environmental issues examined in this
Launched in China by General Motors, the inexpensive chapter impact the development and sale of electric cars.
Baojun electric car is designed to overcome the 2. W
 hich market do you believe will be more successful,
problems of congestion in cities. Tesla in North America or GM’s E100 in China? Defend
©Imaginechina via AP Images your answer.
SECTION TWO Understanding the
Chapter 4 Consumer Behaviour
Chapter 5 Business-to-Business Marketing

Chapter 4

Source: L’Oréal

Consumer Behaviour
Learning Objectives
After studying this chapter you should be able to

Describe the steps in the consumer buying decision process
LO2 Identify what determines how much time consumers will spend searching for information
before buying a product or service
LO3 Summarize how psychological, social, and situational factors influence consumers’
buying behaviour
LO4 Explain how involvement influences the consumer buying decision process
102 Section TWO Understanding the Marketplace

When it comes to dyeing their hair, people have specific preferences. For those who do it at home, these prefer-
ences are so specific that some retailers can anticipate precisely when shoppers will need a new box of dye
to hide their grey or which colour-safe shampoos they are likely to buy about 10 days after they undergo the
beauty process.1 Accordingly, retailers can issue coupons and incentives to push beauty patrons to make specific
purchases from their stores.
Such signals make for compelling insights for not just retailers but also manufacturers that seek to sell to these
beauty-conscious, environmentally conscious, trend-conscious consumers. Many brands are pursuing an all-natural or
organic image2, and so in this chapter, we consider in more detail some of the reasons that they might be doing so. The
ultimate driver of brands’ choices and marketing strategies is how consumers behave: what they are doing and what
kinds of products and services they demand to support those behaviours.
For example, many people, and especially younger consumers, have grown wary of applying harsh chemicals to
their scalp every four to six weeks, whether at home or with the help of a professional at a salon. In response, L’Oréal—
the company known for creating the chemical technology that first allowed people to go platinum blonde3—launched
a new line of completely plant-based, vegan dyes.4 The product line, which takes the brand name Botanēa, relies on
natural elements such as indigo to impart vibrant colour to hair. Such options are not only natural but also “retro” in a
sense, because many cultures have long used plants such as henna or indigo to dye clothing and hair and in early
cosmetics products.5
However, the development process has been slow, as L’Oréal seeks to find plants that can produce the vast
range of colours that consumers demand for their hair. Accordingly, the plant-based line initially was introduced
only in salons, not on drugstore shelves. In particular, the current formulations require users to mix the product
using precise measurements, and the company realizes that such precision behaviours might be more than most
consumers are willing to undertake just to use a box of home-treatment hair colour.6
The move also reflects how consumer trends have affected L’Oréal’s business overall. For example, the
rise of selfie culture has meant that more people—and again, especially younger consumers—tend to wear
cosmetics more regularly in their attempts to present a positive image at all times. Thus, the company has
enjoyed growth in its cosmetics sector. But sales of its hair dye lines have stagnated, not just because people
seek to avoid chemicals, but also in response to the fashion trend that embraces grey hair as an attractive
To go along with its natural hair dyes, L’Oréal also has introduced a line of vegan hair care options, under
the brand name Source. This move suggests its determination to retain its global market leadership in the styling
products sector. In addition, it reflects the company’s recognition that it is not just the harsh chemicals that people
seek to avoid; consumers also are embracing natural options more broadly for all of their health and beauty
Beyond product alternatives, L’Oréal also has reacted to the changing ways that many consumers purchase
their cosmetics, moving increasingly into specialty retailer channels such as Sephora, rather than relying solely on
traditional department store counters or drugstore displays.9
Across the board, L’Oréal’s strategic marketing choices reflect its awareness and assessment of how con-
sumers are behaving—including what kind of hair dye they want, where they want it, and how they want to care
for their new colour.

Consumers should be at the heart of all marketing decisions and strategies, a point that has
been emphasized in every chapter so far. Marketers who develop a deep understanding of
consumer needs and wants are able to act even before customers articulate those needs.
Such insights help companies gain strategic competitive advantage over competitors. In
trying to satisfy consumer needs, one particularly difficult challenge for marketers is to
understand consumers’ behaviour—why they prefer one brand, store, or service provider
over another. And how do the factors that influence their purchase behaviour change over
time or with the types of purchases? In some cases, consumer behaviour must change for
products to be successful.
Consumer Behaviour CHAPTER 4 103

We begin this chapter by exploring the process that consumers go through when buying
products and services. Then we discuss the psychological, social, and situational factors that
influence this consumer decision process. We end the chapter with a discussion of how the level
of consumer involvement influences the buying decision process. Throughout the chapter, we
illustrate what firms can do to influence consumers to purchase their products and services.

The Consumer Decision Process LO1

The consumer decision process model represents the steps that consumers go through
before, during, and after making purchases. Because marketers often find it difficult to
determine how consumers make purchasing decisions, it is useful for us to break the pro-
cess into a series of steps and to examine each step individually,10 as in Exhibit 4.1.

Step 1: Need Recognition

The consumer decision process begins when consumers recognize they have an unsatisfied
need and want to go from their needy state to a different, desired state. The greater the dis-
crepancy between these two states, the greater the need recognition will be. For example, need recognition
your stomach tells you that you are hungry, and you would rather not have that particular The beginning of the
consumer decision
feeling. If you are only a little hungry, you may ignore the feeling and decide to eat later. But process; occurs when
if your stomach is growling and you cannot concentrate, the need—the difference between consumers recognize they
your actual (hungry) state and your desired (not hungry) state—is greater, and you’ll want have an unsatisfied need
and want to go from their
to eat immediately to get to your desired state. Consumer needs like these can be classified needy state to a different,
as functional, psychological, or both.11 desired state.

Functional Needs
Functional needs pertain to the performance of a product or service. For years, BMW functional needs
Pertain to the performance
has made functionally superior motorcycles. BMW’s K1600 model has an inline six-
of a product or service.
cylinder motor, something previously available only in BMW automobiles, combined with
a stiff aluminum frame. Thus it offers remarkable power on a lightweight bike, enabling it
to outperform both the best luxury touring bikes, in terms of comfort, and serious sporty
motorcycles, in terms of speed.

Psychological Needs
Psychological needs pertain to the personal gratification consumers associate with a psychological needs
product and/or service. Purses, for instance, provide a functional need: to transport wallets Pertain to the personal
gratification consumers
and other personal items and keep them organized and safe. So why would anyone pay associate with a product or
more than $5,000 for a purse that does not perform these tasks any better than a $100 purse? service.
Because they seek to satisfy psychological needs. For example, Dior offers evening clutches

Exhibit 4.1 The Consumer Decision Process

Need Information Alternative Purchase

Recognition Search Evaluation Decision
104 Section TWO Understanding the Marketplace

costing between $1,650 and $7,700. The most expensive Minaudière purse
features aged, gold-toned metal and embroidered suede lambskin.12 These
bags are often seen on the red carpet, such as when Charlize Theron showed
up at the 2017 Oscars carrying a Dior Minaudière clutch.13 Even though
these bags are not known for being particularly practical, strong demand
for Dior bags persists among women who love exciting (and expensive)
These examples highlight that most goods and services seek to satisfy
both functional and psychological needs, albeit to different degrees. Whereas
the functional characteristics of a BMW K1600 are its main selling point, it
also maintains a fashionable appeal for bikers and comes in several colours to
match buyers’ aesthetic preferences. Dior purses satisfy psychological needs
that overshadow the functional needs, though they still ultimately serve the
function of carrying personal items. You can get a $15 haircut at First Choice
Haircutters or spend $80 or more to get basically the same thing at an upscale
salon. Are the two haircuts objectively different? The answer might vary
depending on which you believe represents a good haircut and good value.
One person might value getting a really good deal; another might enjoy the
extra attention and amenities associated with a fancy salon.
Does a Dior Minaudière clutch, like this Successful marketing requires determining the correct balance of
one carried by Charlize Theron at the functional and psychological needs that best appeals to the firm’s target
2017 Oscars, satisfy psychological or markets. Harley-Davidson, for instance, produces motorcycles that do
functional needs? much more than get their riders to the mall and back. Harleys are a way of
©Jim Ruymen/UPI/Newscom life for motorcycle enthusiasts who want to ride and have fun. Even though
other manufacturers—such as Yamaha, Honda, Suzuki, and Kawasaki—offer functional,
dependable, and fast motorcycles, they cannot compete with the Harley mystique.
So, what can marketers do at the need recognition stage to influence consumer purchase
decisions? Marketers use numerous tactics to either remind customers of a need or create new
needs. Researching and understanding what products and services customers need or want
LO2 and why—these are the first steps in developing appropriate tactics. Common tactics market-
ers employ include using reminder advertising for their products, creating
awareness about a new product and its capabilities, showing how a product
could enhance consumers’ image, and even altering the physical layout of a
store or where products are placed in stores. Placing products near checkout
lanes or placing products that customers buy together near each other means
that when customers come to buy one item (meat), they are reminded of the
other item (freezer bags). That’s why in some grocery stores you will find
Ziploc freezer bags on permanent display in the meat section.

Step 2: Information Search

The second step, after a consumer recognizes a need, is to search for infor-
mation about the various options that exist to satisfy that need. The length
and intensity of the search are based on several factors, including the degree
of perceived risk associated with purchasing the product or service and the
importance of the product to the consumer. If the way your hair is cut is
important to your appearance and self-image, you may engage in an involved
search for the right salon and stylist. Alternatively, an athlete looking for a
buzz cut might go to the closest, most convenient, and cheapest barber shop.
During the COVID-19 pandemic, consumers spent more time searching for
products they could purchase online to avoid having to visit stores in person.
What needs does a BMW K1600 satisfy? Regardless of the required search level, there are two key types of informa-
©ZUMA Press, Inc./Alamy Stock Photo tion: internal and external.
Consumer Behaviour CHAPTER 4 105

Internal Search for Information

In an internal search for information, the buyer examines his or her own memory and internal search for
knowledge about the product or service, gathered through past experiences. For example, information
Occurs when the buyer
every time Katie wants to eat salad for lunch, she and her friends go to Cultures. But if she’s examines his or her own
craving dessert, she heads straight to Cold Stone Creamery. In making these choices, she memory and knowledge
about the product or
relies on her memory of past experiences when she has eaten at these restaurants. service, gathered through
past experiences.
External Search for Information
In an external search for information, the buyer seeks information outside his or her external search for
personal knowledge base to help make the buying decision. Consumers might fill in their information
Occurs when the buyer
personal knowledge gaps by talking with friends, family, or a salesperson. They can also seeks information outside
scour commercial media for unsponsored and (it is hoped) unbiased information, such as his or her personal
knowledge base to help
that available through Consumer Reports, or peruse sponsored media such as magazines, make the buying decision.
TV, or radio. With the explosive growth of smartphones, consumers
can turn to the Internet to search for information in real time sim-
ply because they have their phones with them all the time. Perhaps
the most common sources of external information these days are
online search engines, such as Google and Bing. But to be effective,
those search engines also must ensure that consumers’ searches
lead them to the most informative or helpful sites.
The Internet provides information in various ways. For exam-
ple, while reading a popular magazine, Lauren saw Zendaya, one of
the lead actors of The Greatest Showman, wearing a fantastic outfit
that included a ruffled turtleneck. Lauren pulled out her phone,
went on Instagram, and found a popular fan account that posts
all of Zendaya’s outfits. She found the post from the CFDA/Vogue
Fashion Fund Show, which in turn told her where to purchase the
item she loved. The turtleneck was designed by Teresa Helbig, but
it was extremely expensive. However, Lauren is a savvy shopper,
so when she searched for “Teresa Helbig pink, ruffled turtleneck”
on Google, she found that she could get it at a lower price from
another retailer. Satisfied with that purchase, she continued to flip
through the magazine and saw Reese Witherspoon wearing a pair of
adorable True Religion jeans. This time, she navigated directly to, searched for True Religion jeans, and found those
very jeans on the first page, on sale on Lauren went
to the Amazon store, entered her measurements, and the website
returned recommendations for jeans that would be a good fit for her.
All these examples are external searches for information.
Lauren used the television show’s dedicated site to find a turtleneck
she liked; reading a magazine she found additional style tips; and, Lauren liked the picture of Zendaya wearing a
using the Web, she found jeans that would be a perfect fit for her. ruffled turtleneck in a magazine so much that
All these events took place without Lauren ever leaving her home she searched online to find and purchase it.
to go to the store or try on dozens of pieces of clothing. ©Andrew Burton/Getty Images

Factors Affecting Consumers’ Search Processes

It is important for marketers to understand the many factors that affect consumers’ search
processes. Among them are the following:
• The perceived benefits versus perceived costs of search. Is it worth the time and effort
to search for information about a product or service? For instance, most families
spend a lot of time researching the automobile market before they make a purchase
106 Section TWO Understanding the Marketplace

because cars are a relatively expensive and important purchase with significant safety
implications, whereas families likely spend little time researching which inexpensive
plastic toy car to buy for the youngest member of the family.
internal locus of control • The locus of control. People who have an internal locus of control believe they have
Refers to when consumers some control over the outcomes of their actions, in which case, they generally engage
believe they have some
control over the outcomes in more search activities. With an external locus of control, consumers believe that
of their actions, in which fate or other external factors control all outcomes. In that case, they believe it doesn’t
case, they generally
engage in more search
matter how much information they gather; if they make a wise decision, it isn’t to their
activities. credit, and if they make a poor one, it isn’t their fault. For example, if Bikram believes
external locus of control he can get a better deal when buying his first car, he will conduct an extensive search for
Refers to when consumers information and try to use the information when negotiating his purchase. However, if
believe that fate or other Bikram feels that regardless of what information he has, he can do little to influence the
external factors control all
outcomes. outcome of the deal, he will not engage in an extensive search.
• Actual or perceived risk. Five types of risk associated with purchase decisions can
delay or discourage a purchase: performance, financial, social, physiological, and
psychological. The higher the risk, the more likely the consumer is to engage in
an extended search. As the COVID-19 pandemic evolved, consumers engaged in
extended searches for hard-to-find products (such as disinfectant wipes and rubber
gloves) that would help them avoid the risk of becoming infected.
performance risk Performance risk involves the perceived danger inherent in a poorly performing
Involves the perceived product or service. Examples of performance risk might be the possibility that the
danger inherent in a poorly
performing product or Tesla Model 3 battery takes longer to charge than expected or that Bikram’s sports car
service. does not start on the day he is supposed to take his girlfriend out for a drive.
financial risk Financial risk is risk associated with a monetary outlay and includes the initial cost
Risk associated with a of the purchase, as well as the costs of using the item or service. Car manufacturers,
monetary outlay; includes
the initial cost of the for instance, recognize that extended warranties help alleviate financial risk because
purchase, as well as the consumers fear extensive postpurchase repair costs. For example, Bikram bought
costs of using the item or
service. two additional years of warranty over the manufacturer’s standard “three-year,
60,000-kilometre” coverage for his sports car to reduce his financial risk within the
first five years of buying the car.
social risk Social risk involves the fears that consumers suffer when they worry that others
Involves the fears that might not regard their purchases positively. When buying an outfit, consumers like
consumers suffer when
they worry that others Katie, Bikram’s girlfriend, consider what her friends would think. Alternatively,
might not regard their since a job interview is so important, Katie might make a conscious effort to assert
purchases positively. a distinctive identity or make a statement by buying a unique, more stylish, and
possibly more expensive dress than her friends would typically buy.
physiological risk Physiological risk could also be called safety risk. Whereas performance risk
Risk associated with the involves what might happen if a product does not perform as expected, physiological
fear of an actual harm
should the product not (or safety) risk refers to the fear of actual harm should the product not perform
perform properly. properly. Although physiological risk is typically not an issue with apparel, it can be
an important issue when buying other products, such as a car. External agencies and
government bodies publish safety ratings for cars to help assuage this risk. Consumers
compare the safety records of their various choices because they recognize the real
danger to their well-being if the automobile they purchase fails to perform a basic task,
such as stopping when the driver steps on the brakes. An example of this is the safety
recalls by Honda, Toyota, and Nissan that recalled over 200,000 cars in Canada due to
issues with faulty airbags, which sent pieces of plastic flying when the inflator burst.
psychological risk Finally, a psychological risk is associated with the way people will feel if the product
Associated with the way or service does not convey the right image. For example, Bikram looked up reviews of
people will feel if the
product or service does the various sports cars and asked his friends their opinions because he wanted people
not convey the right image. to perceive his choice as a really good one.
Consumer Behaviour CHAPTER 4 107

Knowing that consumers go through various levels of information research, market-

ers must try to understand the sources customers use to search for information and the
importance of each source. With this knowledge, marketers could implement various
tactics, including providing information about their products or even educating customers
about their product in general or a product category as a way to build trust and credibility
(e.g., teaching consumers about digital cameras or photography while promoting their own
brand of camera). Additionally, marketers must ensure they communicate tactics aimed at
reducing risks to customers. For example, marketers can provide guarantees through which
defective products can be returned for a full refund or replaced at the company’s expense,
or that allow consumers to return products if they are not completely satisfied with them.
Marketers also sometimes reduce the perception of risk by showing consumers that others
have purchased the product and are proud owners or users.

Step 3: Alternative Evaluation

Once consumers have recognized a problem and explored the possible options, they must
sift through the choices available and evaluate the alternatives. Alternative evaluation often
occurs while consumers are engaged in the process of information search. For example, a
vegan consumer might learn about a new brand of yogurt that he or she can immediately
rule out as a viable alternative because it contains unsuitable animal by-products. Consum-
ers forgo alternative evaluations altogether when buying habitual (convenience) products;
you’ll rarely catch a loyal skim-milk drinker buying a carton of full-fat milk.

Attribute Sets
Research has shown that a consumer’s mind organizes and categorizes alternatives to aid
his or her decision process. Because consumers are unlikely to recall all possible alterna-
tives for every purchase decision, marketers tend to focus on only a subset of choices. For
example, retrieval sets are those brands or stores that can be readily brought forth from retrieval sets
memory, whereas a consumer’s evoked set includes only the brands or stores considered Consist of those brands or
stores that can be readily
when making a purchase decision. If a firm can get its brand into a consumer’s evoked set, brought forth from memory.
it has increased the likelihood of purchase and therefore reduced search time because the
evoked set
consumer will think specifically of that brand when considering choices. Includes only the brands
While Katie Smith knows that there are a lot of apparel stores, only Le Château, Ann that consumers consider
when making a purchase
Taylor, The Gap, and Banana Republic are in her retrieval set. as having the style she is look- decision.
ing for. She recalls that Ann Taylor is where her mother shops and The Gap is a favourite

Macy’s is part of the retrieval set of stores available to women for business apparel, but Banana Republic is in the evoked
set for young women looking for business apparel.
(left): ©Ron Antonelli/Bloomberg via Getty Images; (right): Sang Tan/AP Images
108 Section TWO Understanding the Marketplace

of her younger sister. But she is sure that Le Château and Banana Republic carry business
attire she would like, so only those stores are in her evoked set.
evaluative criteria Consumers base their evaluations on a set of important attributes. These evaluative
Consist of a set of salient, criteria consist of a set of important, attributes about a particular product that are used to
or important, attributes
about a particular product compare alternative products. For example, when Katie is looking for her outfit, she might
that are used to compare consider things like the selling price, fit, materials and construction quality, and reputation
alternative products. of the brand. Sometimes it becomes difficult to evaluate different options because there
are so many choices, especially when those choices involve aspects of the garment that are
difficult to evaluate, such as materials and construction quality.
To simplify the decision process, consumers use shortcuts such as determinant attri-
determinant attributes butes and consumer decision rules. Determinant attributes are product or service fea-
Product or service features tures that are important to the buyer and on which competing brands or stores are perceived
that are important to
the buyer and on which to differ.14 Because many important and desirable attributes are equal among the various
competing brands or choices, consumers look for something to differentiate one brand from another. Determi-
stores are perceived to
nant attributes may appear perfectly rational, such as health and nutrition claims offered by
certain foods and beverages, or they may be more subtle and psychologically based, such as
the red soles on a pair of Christian Louboutin heels.
consumer decision rules Consumer decision rules are the set of criteria that consumers use consciously or
The set of criteria
subconsciously to quickly and efficiently select from among several alternatives. These
consumers use consciously
or subconsciously to quickly rules take several different forms: compensatory, noncompensatory, or decision heuristics.
and efficiently select from
among several alternatives.
compensatory A compensatory decision rule assumes that the consumer, when evaluating alternatives,
decision rule trades off one characteristic against another, such that good characteristics compensate for
Is at work when the
consumer is evaluating bad characteristics.15 For instance, when Bikram was looking to buy a new car, he consid-
alternatives and trades off ered several factors, such as mileage, style, price, and accessories. Even if the car’s price is a
one characteristic against little more than Bikram was planning to spend, the superb mileage offsets, or compensates
another, such that good
characteristics compensate for, the higher price.
for bad ones. Although Bikram probably would not go through the formal process of making the
purchasing decision based on the model described in Exhibit 4.2, it illustrates how a com-
pensatory model would work. Bikram assigns weights to each factor depending on their
importance to him. These weights must add up to 1.0. So, for instance, mileage is the most
important with a weight of 0.4, and style is least important with a weight of 0.1. Then
Bikram assigns weights to how well each of the cars might perform, with 1 being very poor,
and 10 being very good. For instance, he thinks Toyota has the best mileage, so he assigns it
a 10. Bikram multiplies each performance rating by its importance rating to get an overall
score for each car. The rating for Toyota in this example is the highest of the three cars
([0.4×10] + [0.1 × 8] + [0.3 × 6] + [0.2 × 8] = 8.2).

Exhibit 4.2 Compensatory Versus Noncompensatory Choices for Buying a Car

Mileage Style Price Accessories Overall Score

Importance Weight 0.4 0.1 0.3 0.2

Toyota 10 8 6 8 8.2

Honda 8 9 8 3 7.1

Nissan 6 8 10 5 7.2
Evaluations are based on a 1 (very poor) to 10 (very good) scale.
Based on the noncompensatory decision rule (based on price), Nissan is the best candidate for purchase.
Consumer Behaviour CHAPTER 4 109

Sometimes, however, consumers use a noncompensatory decision rule, in which they noncompensatory
decision rule
choose a product or service on the basis of a subset of its characteristics, regardless of the
Is at work when consumers
values of its other attributes.16 Thus, Bikram might find a car with a lot of accessories and choose a product or
great mileage that costs considerably more than he is willing to spend, but might reject the service on the basis of a
subset of its characteristics,
car simply on the basis of price. Because the Nissan offers a better price (he rated the price regardless of the values of
of a Toyota as 6 and a Nissan as 10), he decides that the good points of the Toyota do not its other attributes.
compensate for its biggest weakness—a high ticket price. Based on compensatory decision
rules, Bikram should choose the Toyota car; but, using a noncompensatory decision rule,
the prices of the cars, Bikram chose the Honda.
Once consumers have considered the possible alternatives and weighed the pros and
cons, they can move toward a purchase decision.

Decision Heuristics
Not everyone uses compensatory or noncompensatory decision rules. Some people use
decision heuristics, which are mental shortcuts that help them narrow down their decision heuristics
choices. Some examples of these heuristics follow: Mental shortcuts that help
consumers narrow down
choices; examples include
• Price. Consumers can choose the more expensive option, thinking they are getting
price, brand, and product
better quality along with the higher price (“You get what you pay for”), or they might presentation.
buy the product priced in the middle of the alternatives, neither the most expensive
nor the cheapest, thinking that it is a good compromise between the two extremes.17
For example, you know that Boston Pizza is your most expensive option. You also
know that Domino’s Pizza is more expensive than frozen options in the grocery store
but you choose it because it is still a good deal and faster, too.
• Brand. Always buying brand-name goods allows some consumers to feel safe with
their choices. Purchasing a national brand, even if it is more expensive, gives many
consumers the sense that they are buying a higher quality item.18 For example, many
consumers buy more expensive Tylenol or Advil
pain relief tablets over Shoppers Drug Mart’s
Life brand pain tablets because they believe
the former are higher-quality products, despite
identical ingredients in the generic brand.
• Product presentation. Many times, the manner in
which a product is presented can influence the
decision process. For example, two similar homes
that are comparably priced will be perceived quite
differently if one is presented in a perfectly clean
and uncluttered condition, with fresh flowers
and the smell of chocolate chip cookies wafting
through it, whereas the other appears messy, has
too much furniture for the rooms, and emits an
unappealing smell. Consumers want to see that The distinctive style of these lululemon yoga pants is a
some effort has been put into the selling process, determinant attribute that distinguishes the product from
and just the way the product is presented can other brands.
make or break a sale.19 Xaume Olleros/Bloomberg via Getty Images

Marketers can assist consumers in their evaluation process not only by educating them
about the company’s products, but also by providing detailed comparison information on
price, technical specifications, unique features and benefits, and so on. Marketers may even
provide free samples or trials of their products, which may enable consumers to compare
the actual products.
110 Section TWO Understanding the Marketplace

Step 4: Purchase Decision

After evaluating the alternatives, customers are ready to buy. However, they don’t always
patronize the store or purchase the brand or item on which they had originally decided. It
may not be available at the retail store or there may be some other stumbling block. Retail-
ers therefore turn to the conversion rate to measure how well they have converted purchase
intentions into purchases. One method of measuring the conversion rate is the number of
real or virtual abandoned carts in the retailer’s store or on its website.
Retailers use various tactics to increase the chances that customers will convert their
positive evaluations into purchases. They can reduce the number of abandoned carts by
making it easier to purchase merchandise. To create urgency, some companies alert cus-
tomers when an item in their shopping cart is almost sold out. Other online retailers, such
as Gilt, offer items for a specified 36-hour period or until they run out. Many retailers send
reminder emails to visitors about items in carts they have abandoned. To make sure that
shoppers can find everything they want and therefore don’t have to shop elsewhere, Home
Depot is expanding its product lines to feature familiar names such as Martha Stewart and
include more décor and convenience items for the household.
Situational factors can help facilitate purchases: having the merchandise in stock,
offering multiple payment options (e.g., cash, cheque, credit card, debit card, interest-free
loans, no down payment); having many checkout lanes open and placing the checkouts
conveniently in the store; installing digital displays to entertain customers waiting in line;20
and offering tactics such as delivery, price-match guarantee, a warranty, or a simple return
policy. Additional factors that affect whether the purchase decision is made immediately or
later—such as store atmospherics, shopping situation, and temporal states—are discussed
later in this chapter.

Step 5: Postpurchase
The final step of the consumer decision process is postpurchase behaviour. Marketers are
particularly interested in postpurchase behaviour because it entails actual, rather than
potential, customers. Marketers hope to create satisfied customers who become loyal, pur-
chase again, and spread positive word-of-mouth. However, dissatisfied customers are not
likely to patronize the store again and will spread negative word-of-mouth.
There are three possible postpurchase outcomes, as illustrated in Exhibit 4.3: customer
satisfaction, postpurchase cognitive dissonance (buyer’s remorse), and customer loyalty (or

Customer Satisfaction
Setting unrealistically high consumer expectations of the product through advertising, per-
sonal selling, or other types of promotion may lead to higher initial sales, but eventually
it will result in dissatisfaction when the product fails to achieve these high performance
expectations. This failure can lead to dissatisfied customers and the potential for negative
word-of-mouth. (For a related discussion about communication gaps, see Chapter 10.)
Setting customer expectations too low is an equally dangerous strategy. Many retailers
don’t “put their best foot forward”; no matter how good their merchandise and service may
be, if their store is not clean and appealing, customers are not likely to enter.
Marketers can take the following steps to ensure postpurchase satisfaction:
• Build realistic expectations—not too high and not too low—and deliver on those
• Demonstrate correct product use; improper usage can cause dissatisfaction.
• Stand behind the product or service by providing money-back guarantees and
Consumer Behaviour CHAPTER 4 111

Exhibit 4.3 Postpurchase Outcomes

+ Satisfaction

Postpurchase Postpurchase
Outcome Dissonance

+ Customer

• Encourage customer feedback, which cuts down on negative word-of-mouth and

helps marketers adjust their offerings.
• Periodically make contact with customers and thank them for their support. This contact
reminds customers the marketer cares about their business and wants them to be
satisfied. It also provides an opportunity to correct any problems. Customers appreciate
human contact, though it is more expensive for marketers than email or regular mail.

Postpurchase Cognitive Dissonance

Postpurchase dissonance (or buyer’s remorse) is an internal conflict that arises from an postpurchase dissonance
inconsistency between two beliefs, or between beliefs and behaviour. For example, your parents An internal conflict
that arises from an
might have buyer’s remorse after purchasing an expensive TV because they question whether inconsistency between two
they need a TV at all given the ability to stream content via their computers. Postpurchase cogni- beliefs, or between beliefs
tive dissonance is a feeling of regret or guilt, which generally occurs when consumers question and behaviour; buyer’s
the appropriateness of a purchase after their decision has been
made. This usually occurs when consumers feel, for example,
that they made the purchase without all the information they
needed, they were persuaded by a salesperson, or they liked
the good features of the product or service but do not like the
negative aspects of the product or service, or if immediately
following the purchase they see the product or service adver-
tised elsewhere at a better price. Postpurchase dissonance is
especially likely for products that are expensive, infrequently
purchased, highly expressive, and associated with high levels
of risk. The purchase of an expensive Tesla model may cause
some consumers to experience cognitive dissonance.
Aware of the negativity involved with postpurchase
dissonance, marketers direct efforts at consumers after they Consumers often feel dissonance when purchasing
have made the purchase to address the issue. For example, products or services.
after Bikram bought a Honda Civic, Honda Canada sent Shutterstock/Andrei Tudoran
112 Section TWO Understanding the Marketplace

him a letter thanking him for his purchase and positively reinforcing the message that he
made a wise decision by mentioning the high quality of the product’s design and production.
Included with the letter was a customer satisfaction survey that asked about Bikram’s satis-
faction with the dealership, the salesperson, and other aspects of his purchase experience.
Bikram also received additional information about Honda services available to Honda Civic
owners. To reduce the dissonance, Bikram can take several actions:
• Pay attention to positive information about the Honda Civic, such as looking up
reviews by owners and car buffs on the Internet.
• Get positive feedback from friends about his new sports car.
• Seek negative information about sports cars he did not buy. Reading these reviews
makes him feel more comfortable with his purchase decision.

Customer Loyalty
Customer loyalty develops over time with multiple repeat purchases of the product or brand
from the same marketer. In the postpurchase stage of the decision-making process, market-
ers attempt to build and nurture a loyal relationship with their customers from the very first
purchase and with each subsequent purchase. They want customers to be satisfied with
their purchase every time and buy from the same company again. Loyal customers will
buy only certain brands and shop at certain stores, and they do not consider other brands
or firms in their decision. As we explained in Chapter 2, such customers are therefore very
valuable to firms, and marketers have designed customer relationship management (CRM)
programs specifically to retain them.

Undesirable Consumer Behaviour

Although firms want satisfied, loyal customers, sometimes they fail to obtain them. Passive
consumers are those who don’t repeat purchase or who fail to recommend the product to
others. More serious and potentially damaging, however, is negative consumer behaviour,
such as negative word-of-mouth and rumours.
negative word-of-mouth Negative word-of-mouth occurs when consumers spread negative information
Occurs when consumers about a product, service, or store to others. When customers’ expectations are met or even
spread negative
information about a exceeded, they often don’t tell anyone about it. But when consumers believe that they
product, service, or store have been treated unfairly in some way, they usually complain, often to many people.
to others.
The Internet and social media have provided an effective means of spreading negative
word-of-mouth to millions of people instantaneously. To lessen the impact of negative
word-of-mouth, firms provide customer service representatives—whether online, on the
phone, or in stores—to handle and respond to complaints.
Some companies allow customers to post comments and complaints on their social
media sites. For example, Whirlpool set up Facebook pages for its appliance brands,
Maytag, KitchenAid, and Whirlpool. Customers can share their thoughts on these sites
without fear of their negative feedback being deleted. Whirlpool believes it should “keep
the bad” to open up discussions and emphasize the proactive measures the company is
taking to remedy service or product failures. If a customer believes that positive action will
be taken as a result of the complaint, he or she is less likely to complain to family and friends
or through the Internet. (A detailed example of word-of-mouth appears in Chapter 10.)

LO3 Factors Influencing Consumer

Buying Decisions
The consumer decision process can be influenced by several factors, as illustrated in
Exhibit 4.4. First are psychological factors, which are influences internal to the customer,
such as motives, attitudes, perceptions, learning, and lifestyles. Second, social factors, such as
family, reference groups, and culture, also influence the decision process. Third, situational
Consumer Behaviour CHAPTER 4 113

Exhibit 4.4 Factors Affecting the Consumer Decision Process

Motives Psychological Social

Attitudes Factors Consumer Factors Family
Perceptions Reference Groups
Learning Decision Culture
Lifestyle Process


Purchase Situation
Shopping Situation
Temporal State

factors, such as the specific purchase situation, a particular shopping situation, and temporal motive
A need or want that is
states (the time of day), affect the decision process. strong enough to cause
Every decision people make as consumers will take them through some form of the the person to seek
consumer decision process. But, like life itself, this process does not exist in a vacuum. satisfaction.

Psychological Factors
Although marketers themselves can influence purchase decisions, a host
of psychological factors affect the way people receive marketers’ messages.
Among them are motives, attitudes, perceptions, learning, and lifestyles. In
this section, we examine how such psychological factors can influence the
consumer decision process.

In Chapter 1, we argued that marketing is all about satisfying customer needs
and wants. When a need (such as thirst) or a want (such as a Diet Pepsi) is
not satisfied, it motivates us (or drives us) to get satisfaction. So, a motive is
a need or want that is strong enough to cause the person to seek satisfaction.
People have several types of motives. One of the best-known para-
digms for explaining these motive types was developed by Abraham
Maslow more than 70 years ago.21 Maslow categorized five groups of
needs: namely, physiological (e.g., food, water, shelter), safety (e.g., secure
employment, health), love (e.g., friendship, family), esteem (e.g., confi-
In this ad, Subway satisfies the
dence, respect), and self-actualization (people engage in personal growth physiological need for food while
activities and attempt to meet their intellectual, aesthetic, creative, and letting the consumer know that
other such needs). The pyramid in Exhibit 4.5 demonstrates the theoretical healthy eating can also be delicious.
progression of those needs. Source: Subway IP Inc.
114 Section TWO Understanding the Marketplace

Exhibit 4.5 Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs






physiological needs Physiological needs deal with the basic biological necessities of life: food, drink, rest,
Relate to the basic
biological necessities of and shelter. Although for most people in developed countries, these basic needs are generally
life: food, drink, rest, and met, there are those in both developed and less-developed countries who are less fortunate.
shelter. However, everyone remains concerned with meeting these basic needs. Marketers seize
every opportunity to convert these needs into wants by reminding us to eat at Taco Bell,
drink milk, sleep on a Simmons Beautyrest mattress, and stay at a Marriott hotel.
safety needs Safety needs pertain to protection and physical well-being. The marketplace is full
Pertain to protection and of products and services that are designed to make you safer, such as airbags in cars and
physical well-being.
burglar alarms in homes, or healthier, such as vitamins and organic meats and vegetables.
love (social) needs Love (social) needs relate to our interactions with others. Haircuts and makeup make
Relate to our interactions you look more attractive, and deodorants prevent odour. Greeting cards help you express
with others.
your feelings toward others.
esteem needs Esteem needs allow people to satisfy their inner desires. Yoga, meditation, health clubs,
Allow people to satisfy and many books appeal to people’s desires to grow or maintain a happy, satisfied outlook on life.
their inner desires.
Finally, self-actualization occurs when you feel completely satisfied with your life and
self-actualization how you live. You don’t care what others think. You drive a Prius because it suits the person you
Occurs when you feel
completely satisfied with are, not because some celebrity endorses it or because you want others to think better of you.
your life and how you live. Which of these needs applies when a consumer makes a purchase from Starbucks? On
the surface, Starbucks satisfies physiological needs by providing food and drink. But Starbucks
also satisfies safety needs related to healthier living, by publishing the calorie, fat, and sugar
contents of all of its products and offering healthy alternatives, such as a spinach, feta, and egg-
white breakfast wrap. Furthermore, Starbucks satisfies love needs through its powerful focus
on creating relationships with customers: Baristas call each customer by name, and the store
environment encourages customers to sit for a while, talk, and work together while enjoying
their beverages. On the other hand, a young man buying Bulldog Skincare products to boost
his confidence may be motivated by esteem needs. Good marketers add value to their products
or services by nudging people up the needs hierarchy and offering information on as many of
the pyramid needs as they can.
Consumer Behaviour CHAPTER 4 115

We have attitudes about almost everything. For instance, we don’t like
this class, but we do like the instructor. We like where we live, but we
don’t like the weather. An attitude is a person’s enduring evaluation of
his or her feelings about and behavioural tendencies toward an object
or idea. Attitudes are learned and long lasting, and they might develop
over a long period of time, though they can also abruptly change. For
instance, you might like your instructor for much of the semester—
until she returns your first exam. One thing we all have in common
is that our attitudes have the ability to influence our decisions and
An attitude consists of three components. The cognitive component
reflects what we believe to be true, the affective component involves what
we feel about the issue at hand—our like or dislike of something—and the
behavioural component comprises the action(s) we take based on what
we know and feel. For example, Sourabh sees an ad for Bulldog Skincare
that shows a successful young male in a professional setting. His skin looks
smooth and healthy. The ad mentions that Bulldog Skincare has won numer-
ous awards, including one for best men’s face cream. On the basis of this Yoga satisfies self-esteem needs by
advertisement, Sourabh believes that the products must be healthy if they helping people satisfy their inner desires.
are award winning (cognitive component). Watching the young man in ©GoGo Images/age footstock
the ad looking comfortable in his own skin while interacting with senior attitude
managers makes Sourabh feel these products might boost his career (affective). Thus A person’s enduring
encouraged, he goes to the closest Shoppers Drug Mart to make a purchase (behavioural). evaluation of his or
her feelings about and
Ideally, agreement exists among these components. When there is incongruence among the behavioural tendencies
three, however, cognitive dissonance might occur. Suppose that although Sourabh believes that toward an object or
Bulldog Skincare products work well and he likes the feel of the sample he tried at the store, he idea; consists of three
components: cognitive,
buys another brand because it is cheaper. After he uses this product for a few days, he experiences affective, and behavioural.
buyer’s remorse, wishing he had purchased a higher-quality one. cognitive component
Although attitudes are pervasive and usually slow to change, the important fact from a A component of attitude
marketer’s point of view is that they can be influenced and perhaps changed through per- that reflects what a person
believes to be true.
suasive communications and personal experience. Marketing communication—through
affective component
salespeople, advertisements, free samples, or other such methods—can attempt to change A component of attitude
what people believe to be true about a product or service (cognitive) or how they feel toward that reflects what a person
it (affective). If the marketer is successful, the cognitive and affective components work in feels about the issue at
hand—his or her like or
concert to affect behaviour. dislike of something.
behavioural component
Perception A component of attitude
that comprises the actions
Another psychological factor, perception, is the process by which we select, organize, a person takes with regard
and interpret information to form a meaningful picture of the world. Perception is shaped to the issue at hand.
through inputs we take in through the five senses: sight, sound, smell, taste,
and touch. Perception influences our acquisition and consumption of goods
and services as consumers tend to assign meaning to things such as colour,
symbols, taste, and packaging. For example, when Sourabh tried sample
Bulldog Skincare products, he noticed that they smelled great and felt light
on his skin. His perceptions of the brand were very positive as a result. Cul-
ture, tradition, and our overall upbringing determine our perceptual view of
the world as well. Rima has always wanted a Volvo because her best friend
in university had one, and they had a great time driving across the country
together one summer. However, based on past experiences, Eduard has a Different categories of Maslow’s hierarchy
different perception. The boxy design of previous Volvos are seen by Edu- of needs can be satisfied by a visit to
ard as stodgy, unfashionable, and meant to be driven by much older adults. Starbucks.
Volvo has worked hard to overcome this long-standing, negative perceptual ©Jean Baptiste Lacroix/WireImage/Getty Images
116 Section TWO Understanding the Marketplace

perception bias that Eduard and others hold by designing new models and by using promotion to repo-
The process by which
people select, organize,
sition the brand to look, sound, and feel more stylish.
and interpret information to In trying to influence perceptions, marketers must understand and focus on the four
form a meaningful picture components of perception: selective exposure, selective attention, selective comprehension,
of the world.
and selective retention. People who look at the news and sports channels only, but not the
comedy or women’s TV network channels, are engaged in selective exposure because they
are excluding other programs or channels. Similarly, consumers who listen only to mes-
sages that are consistent with their beliefs, and not others, are practising selective atten-
tion. For instance, although someone may look at the sports channel, he or she may watch
hockey, soccer, or baseball but not boxing or wrestling because these may be too violent for
his or her taste. Selective comprehension occurs when consumers interpret a marketing
message in a way that is different from what the marketer intends. For example, a Dolce &
Gabbana ad was intended to be edgy and sexual but consumers felt that it reinforced stereo-
types about rape and degraded women. Knowing this, marketers can target their communi-
cations in those media that maximize exposure to their target market and create messages
that are consistent with their beliefs and attitudes, so that they will pay attention to the
messages and interpret them in the intended way. Finally, selective retention describes the
situation where consumers do not remember all the information they see, read, or hear.
Marketers can provide the information in various other forms such as print, online, and
other displays to reinforce their message.

learning Learning refers to a change in a person’s thought process or behaviour that arises from experi-
Refers to a change in a ence and takes place throughout the consumer decision process. For instance, after Bikram
person’s thought process
or behaviour that arises recognized that he wanted a sports car, he started looking for ads and searching for reviews and
from experience and articles on the Internet. He learned from each new piece of information, so that his thoughts
takes place throughout
the consumer decision
about sports cars were different from what they had been before he had read anything. In addi-
process. tion, Bikram liked the salesperson at the dealership who served him. Bikram learned from this
experience, and it became part of his memory to be used in the future, possibly so he would
recommend the dealership or salesperson to his friends. During his store visit, Sourabh learned
that Bulldog Skincare contains no artificial colours or fragrances. And when he learned that
the company has a Cruelty-Free designation, with no ingredients from animal sources, he was
convinced to try the products. Consumers who shifted to buying groceries online during the
COVID-19 pandemic learned new behavioural habits that are expected to be long-lasting. Hab-
its that form during times of intense activity tend to become stickier.22
Learning affects both attitudes and perceptions. Throughout the buying process, Bikram’s
attitudes shifted. The cognitive component changed for him when he learned that the dealer-
ship offers various additional services at low costs to Honda Civic owners. Once he started
getting the additional services (e.g., free car washes, special rates for car detailing), he real-
ized how much he liked the service, which indicates the affective component, and he then
subscribed to it—the behavioural component. Each time Bikram was exposed to information
about the service, he learned something different that affected his perception of the dealership.
Before he tried it, Bikram hadn’t realized how friendly and helpful the people at the dealership
were; thus, his perception of the dealership service changed through learning.
As consumers learned about potential privacy issues associated with a Bluetooth-
enabled doll, it changed the attitudes and perceptions of the toy among concerned parents,
as detailed in Ethical & Societal Dilemma 4.1.

lifestyle Lifestyle refers to the way consumers spend their time and money to live. For many
Refers to the way
consumers spend their consumers, the question of whether the product or service fits with their actual lifestyle,
time and money. which may be fairly sedentary, or their perceived lifestyle, which might be outdoorsy, is an
Consumer Behaviour CHAPTER 4 117

Ethical Societal Dilemma 4.1

“Smart” Toys Raise New Privacy

Privacy concerns continue to be a hot-button issue for many
consumers. As more smart products enter the home, many
parents wonder just how safe their personal information is
from unscrupulous hackers. Laptops and mobile phones
are typically the types of devices suspected to cause a
breach in security, but a recent announcement from the
German telecommunications watchdog group the Federal
Network Agency caused new concern for many parents.
Could certain smart toys be watching their kids, and thus
being used to steal personal data?
The toy at the centre of the current controversy is
Some parents believe that the Cayla doll can be an
called Cayla. Manufactured by Genesis Toys and distrib- invasion of privacy since it interacts with children by
uted by the Vivid Toy group, Cayla connects to consum- recording their conversations and responding to certain
ers’ smartphones via a Bluetooth connection. She can programmed verbal cues.
interact with children by recording their conversations ©Rob Stothard/Getty Images
and responding to certain programmed verbal cues.
Although some functions require an Internet connection, the manufacturer’s practice of transmitting and storing
many of the conversational abilities do not. The Cayla all recorded voice data prints. The software company
app offers programming that prevents certain content, that stores these voice prints, Nuance Communications,
and parents can add keywords associated with content has reserved the right to use any data it receives as it
they do not want their child to hear. chooses in its marketing efforts. Could parents hear their
Yet many adults still see the doll as a potential men- children’s conversations with their toys broadcast in an
ace. For example, when Cayla is asked if she can keep advertisement someday?
a secret, she says, “I promise not to tell anyone; it’s just Canadian consumers are safe for now as the doll is
between you and me.” Charges have been levelled that not sold here. German telecommunications laws effec-
the unsecured Bluetooth connection could allow hackers tively ban Cayla from future sale in Germany, and the Fed-
to access Cayla’s systems and record the conversations eral Network Agency has urged parents to deactivate any
of children (or parents) in the room. Furthermore, some dolls previously purchased. It is still available in the United
U.S.-based advocacy groups have filed complaints with States; although, some toy retailers, including Walmart,
the Federal Trade Commission, citing concerns about have decided not to carry the doll online or in stores.

*Kimiko de Freytas-Tamura, “The Bright-Eyed Talking Doll That Just Might Be a Spy,” The New York Times, February 17, 2017,
/2017/02/17/technology/cayla-talking-doll-hackers.html; “Frequently Asked Questions,” My Friend Cayla,; Bill C­ happell,
NPR, February 17, 2017,; Christian
Hetrick, “Beware the holiday ‘smart toys’ that spy on your kids,” The Philadelphia Inquirer, December 4, 2018,
-hack-cayla-bear-amazon-fire-20181204.html (accessed July 8, 2019).

important one. Some of the many consumers sporting North Face jackets certainly need the
high-tech, cold-weather gear because they are planning their next hike up Mount Robson
and want to be sure they have sufficient protection against the elements. Others, however,
simply like the image that the jacket conveys—the image that they might be leaving for
their own mountain-climbing expedition any day now—even if the closest they have come
to this trip has been shovelling their driveway. Consumers who pursue an active, healthy
lifestyle, focused around fitness, may purchase Bulldog Skincare products since they fit
their lifestyle. And as seen in Entrepreneurial Marketing 4.1, many people are choosing
organic juice as an expression of their healthy lifestyle.
A person’s perceptions and ability to learn are affected by their social experiences,
which we discuss next. Furthermore, Sustainable Marketing 4.1 shows how consumers’
changing attitudes are influencing their decision to support companies that produce sus-
tainable products.
118 Section TWO Understanding the Marketplace

Entrepreneurial Marketing 4.1

Juiced for Success: Greenhouse** sold for between $10-$12. Expansion to a 35,000-square-
foot facility in Mississauga, Ontario has allowed them to
Emma Knight and Anthony Green discovered cold- bring prices down about 30 percent.
pressed juices while living in L.A. When they visited Consider why people would pay $12 for juice. While
friends back in Toronto, they lamented not being able to cold-pressed juices are healthy, other factors affect
find such juices in their hometown. After brainstorming consumer buying decisions. Psychological factors such
with friends, they decided to bring cold-pressed juice to as motives, attitudes, and lifestyle likely play a role.
Toronto. Working with another co-founder, Hana James,
they opened a small storefront branded as Greenhouse
Juice Co. In keeping with the company mission “to offer
widespread, sustainable access to plant-based nutrition
of the highest quality,” they decided their juices would be
organic and packaged in reusable glass bottles.
In spite of spending almost nothing on marketing, word
spread, inspiring a near cult-like following. It didn’t take long
before the company was forced to move from their tiny
350-square-foot store, which doubled as a production facil-
ity, to much larger quarters. The expansion allowed them
to better meet demand as well as open three new shops.
Their cold-pressed juices are made from organic ingre-
dients that come from local farms. The light filtration pro- Greenhouse uses intriguing product names such as
cess used to extract juice preserves nutrients and enzymes, Farma-C and a line of “greatest hits” to catch the attention
however, has a relatively short shelf life. That means mak- of consumers.
ing juice on a daily basis as opposed to warehousing Courtesy Greenhouse Juice Co.
stock. Today, the company offers six organic, plant-based
product lines. In addition to cold-pressed juice, it offers
kombucha (a fermented tea beverage), almond milk, pro-
biotic hydrators (such as Spicy Lemonade and Chia Seed
Hydrator), shakes, and booster shots. Products are given
intriguing names such as Farma-C, and offered in product
lines with names like greatest hits, days of the week, and
immunity kit. As the company added new product lines,
for example, protein bars and a cookbook inspired by the
company blog, it dropped the word juice from its name and
rebranded to become simply Greenhouse.
With a limited marketing budget, Emma Knight said
they knew they “had to be where people were.” That
led to placing Greenhouse products in cafes, book-
stores, yoga studios, and even flower shops. The strategy
worked. In addition to the 12 company-owned brick and
mortar stores, they now have more than 100 points of sale,
including six shop-in-shops at Pusateri’s Fine Food. In the
Greater Toronto Area, you can also find their products in
Loblaw stores. In 2019, they expanded to the Maritimes
and Western Canada, placing their products in the refrig-
erated section of grocery-store produce departments.
Word of mouth was really key to the company’s
early success, said Knight. They spent money to take
beautiful photos of their products and craft labels, then
posted them on Instagram. Their blog helped drive
organic audience growth and also led to the publication
of a Greenhouse Cookbook and a national tour. Being
named as one of the Brands of the Year for 2018 by
Strategy magazine created even more awareness. Quirky Instagram posts inspired by the success of the
Products have sold well in spite of a high price point. Toronto Raptors keep the brand top of mind.
Initially, a shot of juice was $2 and a 500-ml bottle of juice Courtesy Greenhouse Juice Co.
Consumer Behaviour CHAPTER 4 119

Purchasers may be motivated by esteem or self-­ by 2024. Sales look rosy for Greenhouse based on these
actualization needs as shown in Exhibit 4.5 (Maslow’s projections. Perhaps even more promising is Greenhouse’s
Hierarchy of Needs). Their attitude may be shaped by partnership with Canopy Rivers, a subsidiary of Canopy
an affective component that makes them feel good Growth, to launch a line of cannabidiol (CBD) infused bev-
about the juice, which prompts the behavioural com- erages. Research shows that cannabis has some of the
ponent, resulting in taking action to buy the juice. Life- highest anti-inflammatory potential of any plant. Produc-
style can also play a part because the juice is trendy. ing a non-psychoactive cannabis beverage would posi-
For consumers who are looking for a way to differen- tion Greenhouse as a first-mover in the cannabis-inspired
tiate themselves, buying Greenhouse products lets plant-based wellness market. Knight says the product line
them express their personality. will launch soon after cannabis-based food and beverages
Although no statistics are available for the Canadian become legal in Canada and will necessitate a new distri-
cold-pressed juice market, Wintergreen Research reports bution and promotion strategy since such products will only
that the U.S. market is expected to reach $8.1 billion USD be made available through licensed retailers.
**Phone interview with Emma Knight, Director of Brand and Marketing, Greenhouse Juice, July 19, 2019; Melissa Dunne, “2018 Brands of the Year: Growing
Greenhouse,” Strategy Magazine, October 2018,; Greenhouse Announces
National Expansion Plans, Creation of New Line of CBD Beverages and Strategic Partnership with Canopy Rivers, Greenhouse Juice Media Kit, January 14,
2019,; “About,” Greenhouse Juice,; Melissa Dunne, “Greenhouse has found its
‘glass sipper’,” Stimulant Online, June 25, 2019, (accessed July 10, 2019).

Social Factors
Exhibit 4.4 illustrates that the consumer decision process is also influenced by the exter-
nal, social environment, which consists of the customer’s family, reference groups, and

Many purchase decisions are made about products or services that the entire family will
consume or use. Thus, firms must consider how families make purchase decisions and
understand how various family members might influence these decisions.
When families make purchase decisions, they often consider the needs of all the
family members. In choosing a restaurant, for example, all the family members may par-
ticipate in the decision making. In other situations, however, different members of the
family may take on different roles. For example, Bikram recalled that when he was a kid,
his dad and two older brothers were the ones who looked through car magazines and
Consumer Reports to search for information about a new car. But once the family arrived
at the dealership, his dad, not his brothers, decided which model and colour to buy, and
his mom negotiated the final deal. And older siblings who
use products from Bulldog Skincare, may recommend them
to a younger brother, thus influencing his choice of razor
and shaving cream.
Children and adolescents play an increasingly important
role in family buying decisions. For instance, Canadian youth
indirectly influence family purchases on big-ticket items
such as recreation, vacations, technology, and the family car.
Influencing a group that holds this much spending power
is vitally important. Traditional food retailers are already
caught in a squeeze between Walmart, which lures lower-
income customers, and specialty retailers, such as Whole
Foods, which target the high end. Knowing how children
influence food-buying decisions is a strategic opportunity for Family members often influence buying decisions.
traditional supermarkets and their suppliers to exploit. ThinkStock/JupiterImages
120 Section TWO Understanding the Marketplace

Sustainable Marketing 4.1

Consumer Attitude Shift in Support

of Sustainable Packaging†
Research studies show that consumers overwhelmingly
state their support for companies with sustainable
business practices. Motivated to reduce their environ-
mental impact, consumers are buying and using less.
Millennials, in particular, believe that companies need
to change for the better. Learning plays a big role in
changing consumer habits. Millennials have been taught
about protecting the environment from an early age,
leading to the formation of strong attitudes. For habits
to change, attitudes need to be backed by action, and
millennial buying behaviour demonstrates that they are
embracing sustainable products.
Only a few years ago, 75 percent of them indicated
they wanted these products to perform just as well as
competitive ones, and 70 percent were willing to make
the switch only if the products didn’t cost more. The
tide appears to be shifting in that regard. PwC Canada
surveyed consumers about how sustainability impacts
their shopping behaviour. The study results show that Tide Eco-Box is the first eCommerce
sustainability has become a differentiator for com- Innovation Group product to be launched by
panies. It is now a “must have” to satisfy consumer P&G Fabric Care.
demands, where in the past, it was seen more as a Source: Procter & Gamble
“nice to have” form of corporate social responsibility.
Almost half of the youngest group of consumers sur- manufactured using wind power. In partnership with
veyed, those 18 to 24 years of age, said they would be TerraCycle, even the plastic components can be recy-
willing to spend more on products that had sustainable cled. While this product and program are currently only
packaging. offered in the U.S., it is indicative of where the industry
Consumer packaged goods companies have taken may be headed.
careful note. In response to consumer demand to Consumers want to learn more about sustainable prod-
reduce plastic, Procter & Gamble introduced the Tide ucts and are beginning to realize they have a greater locus
Eco-Box, the first eCommerce Innovation Group prod- of control over their personal impact on the environment.
uct to be launched by P&G Fabric Care. The liquid laun- Sustainable packaging allows people to satisfy esteem
dry detergent is packaged in an outer cardboard box needs and feel better about themselves by reducing the
designed to be compact for shipping and recyclable amount of plastic waste they produce. Purchasing prod-
in most curbside programs. The inner components are ucts, such as laundry detergent, online may be an impor-
made with 60 percent less plastic and include a bag tant factor in determining the trusted points of sale for
with the detergent, measuring cup, nozzle, and nozzle buying sustainable products. Consumer knowledge and
clip. Additionally, the detergent has been reformulated awareness are also important since they affect people’s
to use less water, provide more cleaning power, and is perception and attitudes, and, ultimately, buying decisions.

†Sue McGill, “Taking the Long View of Consumer Habits,” Strategy, November 16, 2015,
consumer-habits/#ixzz3rgqauT6U; “Shifting consumer demands in grocery,” pwc Canada,
insights-2019/shifting-consumer-demands-in-grocery.html ; “P&G Thinks Inside the Box with New Tide Eco-Box,” Canadian Packaging, November 13, 2018,; “Tide Eco-Box Recycling Program,” TerraCycle,; “Tide Liquid Laundry Detergent Eco-Box, Original Scent,” P&G,
/type/liquid/tide-original-eco-box; Christopher Lombardo, “Sustainability and health-led disruptors enter retail,” Strategy, July 10, 2019,
.ca/2019/07/10/sustainability-and-health-focused-disruptors-enter-retail/ (accessed July 16, 2019).
Consumer Behaviour CHAPTER 4 121

Reference Groups
A reference group is one or more persons an individual uses as a basis for comparison reference group
regarding beliefs, feelings, and behaviours. A consumer might have various reference groups, One or more persons an
individual uses as a basis
including family, friends, co-workers, or famous people the consumer would like to emulate. for comparison regarding
These reference groups affect buying decisions by (1) offering information, (2) providing beliefs, feelings, and
rewards for specific purchasing behaviours, and (3) enhancing a consumer’s self-image.
Reference groups provide information to consumers directly through conversation or
indirectly through observation. For example, when Emily, a second-year business student
at the University of British Columbia, saw that almost all her colleagues had an activity
tracker (Fitbit, Jawbone, or Garmin), she quickly decided it was time for her to purchase
a smartphone in order to fit in with her peers. Meanwhile, when her brother Sean saw his
football teammates using Bulldog Skincare face wash in the locker room after games, he
was encouraged to try it as well.
Some reference groups also influence behaviours by rewarding behaviour that meets
with their approval or chastising those who engage in behaviour that doesn’t.
For example, smokers are often criticized by their friends and made to smoke
outside or in restricted areas. Research suggests that consumers who feel ostra-
cized tend to make riskier purchase decisions,24 so ostracizing smokers may
make them smoke more or engage in even riskier behaviours.
Consumers can identify and affiliate with reference groups to create,
enhance, or maintain their self-image. Customers who want to be seen as
“earthy” might buy Birkenstock sandals, whereas those wanting to be seen
as “high fashion” might buy Dior bags.
With the increasing popularity of blogs, more and more people are get-
ting recommendations for products from their favourite bloggers. When
you follow a blog about kittens, you might notice that the author posts a
scathing review of a particular cat tree or strongly recommends a product
that encourages kittens to use their litter boxes. Because this blogger offers
insights you appreciate, you go out to buy the litter-box product but avoid What reference group is evoked by
adding that cat tree to your shopping cart. In realizing the vast influence of these Birkenstock sandals?
this reference group, companies today offer prominent bloggers free prod- Stockdisc/Getty Images RF
ucts and sometimes even pay them to write positive reviews.25
Reference groups are a powerful force, especially among young consumers. The
primary way teens have expressed their personalities has long been through their fashion
choices, which has made them an appealing market for retailers such as Forever 21, H&M,
and American Eagle. The teen market also uses social media, smartphones, and various
apps to communicate and express their self-image.
As a result, teens often look for fast-food restaurant
and coffee shops that offer free Wi-Fi.

We defined culture in Chapter 3 as the shared mean-
ings, beliefs, morals, values, and customs of a group
of people. Your cultural group might be as small
as your reference group at school or as large as the
country in which you live or the religion in which
you participate. For instance, the culture at Bikram’s
university evokes a “high-achiever” attitude. This
reputation influences, to some extent, the way he
spends his leisure time, the types of people he hangs Bloggers can influence their readers to buy or not buy certain
out with, and the kinds of products he buys. Cul- products or services.
ture is one of the most pervasive factors influencing Courtesy of
122 Section TWO Understanding the Marketplace

consumer behaviour. Therefore, marketers must

work hard to understand how it is different not only
in Canada but also in those countries to which they
plan to market their products. Marketing strategies
that may work in Canada or North America may not
work well in Japan or India because consumers in
those countries are culturally different, as discussed
in Chapter 16. Additionally, even within Canada,
there are cultural differences between various
subgroups or subcultures. A subculture is a group of
people whose beliefs and values are different from the
rest of the larger society in which they live. Examples
of subcultures in Canada include French-Canadian
subculture, Chinese-Canadian subculture, South-
Marketers work to understand consumer culture and respond
Asian subculture, and Acadian subculture. Research
with products such as halal meats to meet specific needs.
Colin Mcconnell/ZUMAPRESS/Newscom
has shown that Chinese- and Asian-Canadians prefer
to do business with marketers who truly understand
their culture and needs rather than those who have very superficial ways of acknowledging
their community, which a lot of people in the community find irritating.26
Marketers are working hard to understand how culture affects consumer behaviour
in Canada. For example, Clorox commissioned research on South Asians and Chinese,
the country’s two largest ethnic groups, that showed their tastes and preferences in a
variety of categories. The findings led the company to launch a limited-edition Year of
the Dragon red Brita water filter to celebrate Chinese New Year. It quickly became one
of Clorox’s fastest-selling products, growing sales by 25 percent in January and February
that year.27 Grocers have responded to Canada’s changing cultural makeup by carrying a
much wider selection of ethnically diverse foods on store shelves. These days it’s hard to
find a grocery store that doesn’t carry fresh sushi. The Sobeys store in Thornhill employs
multiple rabbis to oversee the kosher food section to ensure that meat preparation fol-
lows strict Jewish dietary rules and that baked goods are milk-free. Its Brampton store
carries a large selection of East Indian foods, and halal meat is available for Muslim
families in the Malton store.

Situational Factors
Psychological and social factors typically influence the consumer decision process the same
way each time. For example, your motivation to quench your thirst usually drives you to
drink a Pepsi, and your reference group at the workplace coerces you to wear appropri-
situational factors ate attire. But sometimes, situational factors, or factors specific to the situation, override
Factors affecting the (or at least influence) psychological and social issues. These situational factors are related
consumer decision
process; those that are to the purchase and shopping situation, as well as to the temporal state, as illustrated in
specific to the purchase Exhibit 4.4.
and shopping situation
and temporal state that
may override, or at least
influence, psychological
Purchase Situation
and social issues. Customers may be predisposed to purchase certain products or services because of some
underlying psychological trait or social factor, but these factors may change in certain pur-
chase situations. For instance, Priya Persaud, a Vancouverite, considers herself a thrifty,
cautious shopper—someone who likes to get a good deal. But her best friend is celebrating
a birthday, and she wants to buy her some jewellery. If she were shopping for herself, she
might check out the sale counter at People’s Jewellers. But since it is for her best friend, she
went to Tiffany & Co. Why? She did it to purchase something fitting for the special occasion
of a birthday.
Consumer Behaviour CHAPTER 4 123

Situational factors may influence your purchase decisions. If you are buying jewellery for yourself, you might browse the clearance
counter at People’s Jewellers (left). But if you are buying a gift for your best friend’s birthday, you may go to Tiffany & Co (right).
(left): Shutterstock/Andriy Blokhin; (right): ©Victor J. Blue/Bloomberg/Getty Images

Shopping Situation
Consumers might be ready to purchase a product or service but, for a variety of reasons, be
completely derailed once they arrive in the store. Marketers use several techniques to influence
consumers at this choice stage of the decision process. Consider the following techniques:
• Store atmosphere. For most people, the first sense triggered in a new setting is visual.
Some retailers and service providers have developed unique images known as
atmospherics.28 Research has shown that, if used in concert with other aspects of a
retailer’s strategy, music, scent, lighting, and even colour can positively influence the
decision process.29 Some Whole Foods stores have built bars and restaurants inside
their stores, where customers can stop and relax, have a glass of wine or a bite to eat,
but still get their shopping done for the week. Whole Foods has cutting-edge culinary
centres that offer cooking classes in several of its stores. Other grocery-store chains
are following suit; some have a band play in the store on Friday nights, or offer flat-
screen televisions, comfortable chairs, free Wi-Fi hotspots, in-store cooking classes, or
wine-tasting events to create interactive atmospheres that will appeal to customers.30
• Salespeople. Well trained sales personnel can
influence the sale at the point of purchase by
pointing out the advantages of one item over
another and by encouraging multiple purchases.
The salesperson at Tiffany & Co., for instance,
explained to Priya why one necklace was better
than the next and suggested some other pieces
to go with it. Each Apple store features a simple
layout that enables shoppers to play with the
latest gadgets, though the real key to success is
the salespeople. Apple keeps its product lines
relatively minimal so salespeople can become
familiar with every product in the store. For
more technical questions, Apple Geniuses are
available and consultations can be scheduled. A
training manual recently leaked online shows
that the company takes nothing for granted Abercrombie & Fitch stores blast loud dance music
when training its employees, such that it uses through powerful speakers and pump the company’s
role-playing scenarios, lists banned words, and signature cologne, Fierce, into the air.
specifies exactly how to communicate with AP Photo/Rick Bowmer
124 Section TWO Understanding the Marketplace

agitated customers. Although technical expertise

is a must, Apple also looks for salespeople with
“magnetic personalities” and trains them in a
five-point selling technique based on the acronym
APPLE: approach customers warmly, probe politely
to assess their needs, present solutions the customer
can do today, listen and resolve worries the
customer may still have, end by giving the customer
a warm goodbye and invite them back.31
• Crowding. Customers can feel crowded because
there are too many people, too much merchandise,
or lines that are too long. If there are too many
people in a store, some people become distracted
and may even leave.32 Others have difficulty
In-store demonstrations entice people to buy.
Shutterstock/Tyler Olson
purchasing if the merchandise is packed too closely
together. This issue is a particular problem for
shoppers with mobility challenges.
• In-store demonstrations. The taste and smell of new food items may attract people to
try something they normally wouldn’t. Men shopping for skincare products would be
able to learn about Bulldog Skincare offerings and try out samples being demonstrated.
Similarly, some fashion retailers offer “trunk shows,” during which their vendors
show their whole line on a certain day. During these well advertised events, customers
are often enticed to purchase that day because they get special assistance from the
salespeople and can order merchandise that the retailer otherwise does not carry.
• Promotions. Retailers employ various promotional vehicles to influence customers
once they have arrived in the store. For instance, an unadvertised price promotion can
alter a person’s preconceived buying plan. Multi-item discounts, such as “buy one,
get one free” sales, are popular means to get people to buy more than they normally
would. Because many people regard clipping coupons from the newspaper as too
much trouble, some stores make coupons available in the store, on the Internet,
or on mobile devices. Another form of promotion is offering a “free” gift with the
purchase of a good or service. This type of promotion is particularly popular with
cosmetics. Sephora has worked hard to integrate various elements of its shopping
situation to encourage purchase.
• Packaging. It is difficult to make a product stand out in the crowd when it competes
for shelf space with several other brands. Customers spend just a few seconds standing
in front of products as they decide whether to buy them. This problem is particularly
difficult for consumer packaged goods, such as groceries and health and beauty
products. Marketers therefore spend millions of dollars designing and updating their
packages to be more appealing and eye catching. This is why Pringles keeps packaging
its chips in tubes that look very different from competitors’ formless bags.

Temporal State
Our state of mind at any particular time can alter our preconceived notions of what we
are going to purchase. For instance, some people are “morning people,” whereas others
function better at night. In turn, a purchase situation may have different appeal levels
depending on the time of day and the type of person the consumer is. Mood swings can also
alter consumer behaviour. Suppose Priya received a parking ticket just prior to shopping
at Tiffany & Co. It is likely that she would be less receptive to the salesperson’s influence
than if she came into the store in a good mood. Her bad mood may even cause her to have a
less positive postpurchase feeling about the store. Unfortunately, such temporal factors are
usually beyond the control of even the most creative marketer.
Consumer Behaviour CHAPTER 4 125

As we’ve seen, people’s lives are lived in different contexts and consumer decisions are
made in unique contexts. Marketers who understand this fact are better positioned to serve
their target consumers. All the factors that affect the consumer decision process that we
have discussed—psychological factors, social factors, and situational factors—are impacted
by the level of consumer involvement, the subject of the next section.

Involvement and Consumer LO4

Buying Decisions
Consumers engage in two types of buying process/decisions depending on their level of
involvement: extended problem solving for high-priced, risky, infrequent, or highly expres-
sive purchases; and limited problem solving, which includes impulse buying and habitual
purchases/decision making. Involvement is the consumer’s degree of interest in or con- involvement
cern about the product or service.33 Consumers may have different levels of involvement The consumer’s degree
of interest in or concern
for the same type of product. One consumer behaviour theory, the elaboration likelihood about the product or
model illustrated in Exhibit 4.6, proposes that high- and low-involvement consumers pro- service.
cess different aspects of a marketing message or advertisement.
If both types of consumers viewed ads for hybrids produced by Toyota and Ford, the
high-involvement consumer (e.g., Kiara who is researching hybrids) will scrutinize all the
information provided (e.g., gas savings, eco-friendly) and process the key elements of the
message deeply. As a consequence, Kiara, an involved consumer, is likely to either (1) judge
the ad to be truthful and form a favourable impression of the product, or (2) view the mes-
sage as superficial and develop negative product impressions (i.e., her research suggests
that the product is not as good as is being portrayed).
In contrast, a low-involvement consumer will likely process the same advertisement in
a less thorough manner. Such a consumer might pay less attention to the key elements of
the message (e.g., gas savings, eco-friendly) and focus on heuristic elements such as brand
name (Toyota), price, and the presence of a celebrity endorser. The impressions of the low-
involvement consumer are likely to be more superficial.

Exhibit 4.6 Elaboration Likelihood Model

126 Section TWO Understanding the Marketplace

What types of buying decisions does each of these products represent?

(left): ©Digital Vision; (middle): ©The McGraw Hill Companies, Inc./Andrew Resek, photographer; (right): ©Zhi Qi -

Extended Problem Solving

As we noted at the beginning of this chapter, the buying process begins when consumers
recognize that they have an unsatisfied need. Kiara recognized her need to have access to
transportation when she went away to college. She sought information by asking for advice
from her friends, by reading consumer reports, and by researching online. Once she decided
that a car and not a bike or the bus was her best option, she visited several car dealerships
to test drive the models she was interested in and to find out which dealer offered the best
price. Finally, after considerable time and effort spent analyzing her alternatives, Kiara pur-
extended problem chased a Toyota Prius. This process is an example of extended problem solving, which is
solving common when the customer perceives that the purchase decision entails a great deal of risk.
A purchase decision
process during which The potential risks associated with Kiara’s decision to buy her car include financial (Did I pay
the consumer devotes too much?), physiological (Will it keep me safe in an accident?), social (Will my friends think
considerable time and
effort to analyzing
I look cool?), performance (Will the car perform as expected?), and psychological (Will the car
alternatives; often occurs convey the right image of me?) risks. To reduce her perceived risk, Kiara spent a lot of effort
when the consumer searching for information about cars before she actually made her purchase.
perceives that the
purchase decision entails
a great deal of risk. Limited Problem Solving
limited problem solving Limited problem solving occurs during a purchase decision that calls for, at most, a mod-
Occurs during a purchase
decision that calls for, at
erate amount of effort and time. Customers engage in this type of buying process when
most, a moderate amount they have had some prior experience with the product or service and the perceived risk is
of effort and time. moderate. Limited problem solving usually relies on past experience more than on external
information. For some people, even a car purchase could require limited effort.
impulse buying A common type of limited problem solving is impulse buying, a buying decision
A buying decision made
by customers on the
made by customers on the spot when they see the merchandise.34 When Kenon went to the
spot when they see the grocery store to do his weekly shopping, he saw a display case of popcorn and Dr Pepper
merchandise. near the checkout counter. Knowing that some of his friends were coming to his place to
watch a movie later, he stocked up. The popcorn and pop were an impulse purchase. Kenon
didn’t go through the entire decision process; instead, he recognized his need and jumped
directly to the purchase stage without spending any time searching for additional infor-
mation or evaluating alternatives. The grocery store facilitated this impulse purchase by
providing easily accessible cues (i.e., by offering the popcorn and soft drinks in a prominent
display, at an accessible location in the store, and at a reasonable price).
habitual decision making Some purchases require even less thought. Habitual decision making describes a
A purchase decision purchase decision process in which consumers engage with little conscious effort. On her
process in which
consumers engage with way home from the grocery store, for example, Amira drove past a Tim Hortons® and swung
little conscious effort. into the drive-through for a maple pecan danish and an Iced Capp. She did not ponder the
potential benefits of going to Second Cup or Starbucks; rather, she simply reacted to the cue
provided by the sign and engaged in habitual decision making. Marketers strive to attract
and maintain habitual purchasers by creating strong brands and store loyalty (see Chapter 9)
Consumer Behaviour CHAPTER 4 127

Real Marketer Profile

Ken Harrison But I never forgot about restaurants and hospitality. As

a marketer for consumer goods, I was taking functional
My interest in brand building started at an early age. My products and telling a beautiful story about them. As a
Dad was a marketer, and spent his time building some of marketer for restaurants, the entire restaurant experience
the biggest chocolate brands in the country at Nestlé: Kit is the beautiful story that you’re telling. The food, the
Kat, Smarties, Coffee Crisp, drink, the service, the ambiance,
and more. Not only did I get to the feeling that the guest is going
see some big consumer-facing to have from the time they enter
campaigns come to life from your restaurant, and the feeling
the ground up, but also sam- they are going to have when they
ples usually found their way to leave. It’s a limitless playground
our house, and I was hooked for a marketer to work in, which is
in more ways than one. a blessing and a curse. What truly
After spending four years matters to your target? What does
at Wilfrid Laurier University your business do well that sets
in the Business Adminis- you apart? Do these converge?
tration program, exploring What priority are you going to give
every facet of the business Courtesy of Ken Harrison each element of your messaging?
world from Finance to Opera- A passion for understanding
tions to HR and everything in and answering these questions
between, I knew that Marketing was my calling. To me, was what drove me to Recipe Unlimited, where I’ve spent
Marketing is the storytelling of business. You possess the last five years of my career. Recipe is the largest full-
something that fulfills a need—but so does everyone service restaurant company in Canada, and here I have
else. What is your story? Is it compelling, in substance or had the opportunity to lead marketing for Milestones, a
creative? Are you delivering it at the right time, the right premium casual restaurant concept originated in British
place, and to the right person? I find approaching these Columbia in 1989, and Harvey’s, where they have been
questions every day fascinating. making the hamburgers of Canadians “A Beautiful Thing”
So upon graduation, I did what every aspiring mar- since 1959.
keter would do—I accepted a role in . . . Sales? That’s Not only have I had the privilege of working on a pleth-
right—through a multitude of interviews with some of the ora of different projects on these two brands, but I’ve also
biggest marketers in Canada, I heard again and again gotten to see how elements can come together to drive the
how valuable it was for marketers to have a background brand’s overall vision. On a premium brand like Milestones,
in sales. How are you going to be able to understand one might focus on telling a story of delicious, inspirational
how to influence the customer purchase without in-depth food and a modern atmosphere through rich video content,
knowledge of the moment when that purchase occurs? while the Harvey’s message might be one of food quality
I took on that sales role at my Dad’s old stomping and value told through radio spots that have “traffic-stop-
grounds, Nestlé, the world’s largest food and beverage ping” effectiveness, and digital ads targeted for the time
company. My first sales and marketing roles were in the and place when Canadians are hungriest.
B2B side of their business, products that were sold into the After more than 12 years of building these iconic Cana-
food-service industry to service restaurants, hotels, hospi- dian brands, I have now turned my sights to one of the world’s
tals, and any other commercial food-service operation. It most beloved pizza brands as I take on marketing leader-
was here that I fell in love with the restaurant industry. ship for Little Caesars in Canada. What exciting projects lie
I spent a number of years as a marketer in the choco- ahead? I can’t wait to take them on, as I continue to write my
late division at Nestlé, as well, and I loved my time there. story, while telling stories of great brands to Canadians.

because these customers don’t even consider alternative brands or stores. Marketers who
are trying to get consumers to switch to their brands often use marketing tactics that require
greater involvement in the purchase decisions. For instance, toothpaste is a habitual or rou-
tine purchase; however, in attempts to lure customers away from each other’s products,
both Crest and Colgate have developed toothpaste with a variety of ingredients and benefits
designed to get customers to stop and think that all toothpastes are not created equal and
that toothpaste is not just toothpaste—it offers various health benefits. The same thing can
be said of bread and a host of other consumer packaged goods.
128 Section TWO Understanding the Marketplace

Learning Objectives Review

LO1  escribe the steps in the consumer buying

D LO3 Summarize how psychological, social, and
decision process situational factors influence consumers’ buying
The consumer buying process consists of five main
steps: First, during need recognition, consumers First and foremost, firms must design their products and
simply realize they have an unsatisfied need or want services to meet their customers’ wants and needs, but
that they hope to address. Sometimes the needs are understanding certain aspects of consumer behaviour
simple: I need food because I am hungry. Often, how- can help as well. For instance, it is important to under-
ever, they become more complex: I want to buy my stand people’s motives (i.e., what drives them to buy),
girlfriend an engagement ring. Second, they begin to their attitudes (i.e., how they feel about a product or ser-
search for information to determine how to satisfy that vice), and their perceptions (i.e., how information about
need. Generally, the more important the purchase, the that product or service fits into their worldview). Knowl-
more time and effort the consumer will spend on the edge about these psychological characteristics helps
search process. Firms facilitate this search by provid- firms design and provide products and services that their
ing promotional materials and personal selling. Third, customers want and need.
during the alternative evaluation stage, they assess In addition, people don’t live in a vacuum. Consum-
the various options available to them to determine ers are influenced by their family, their reference groups,
which is the best for their purposes. Fourth, the pur- and their culture. Understanding these social groups and
chase stage involves obtaining and using the product. people’s roles within them provides important insights into
Fifth and finally, consumers enter the postpurchase consumers’ buying behaviour. Finally, although consum-
stage, during which they determine whether they are ers already carry a host of psychological and social factors
satisfied or dissatisfied with their choice, or if they along with them on a shopping expedition, certain other
experience postpurchase dissonance. Every marketer factors can influence a purchase at the point of sale. For
wants satisfied customers, but when instead they instance, customers might change their buying behaviour
are confronted with dissatisfied customers who are because the purchase situation is different from the one
in some way unsure about their purchase, marketers they are used to. Also, things can happen to customers,
must proactively turn the situation around. If they both positive and negative, once they are in a store that
don’t, the customer may be gone for good. might alter their preconceived notion of what they plan to
purchase. Finally, people can be just plain finicky, and being
in an unusually good or extremely bad mood can also alter
LO2 Identify what determines how much time
a purchase decision. The more firms understand these
consumers will spend searching for information
psychological, social, and situational factors, the more
before buying a product or service
likely they will be to influence purchase decisions.
A variety of factors affect consumers’ searches for infor-
mation about a potential purchase. First, they consider LO4 Explain how involvement influences the
the time and effort associated with searching versus the consumer buying decision process
benefits derived from the search. Second, people who
have an internal locus of control—those who believe they More involved consumers, who are more interested or
have control over the outcomes of their actions—are more invested in the product or service they are considering,
likely to spend time searching for information than those tend to engage in extended problem solving. They gather
with an external locus of control. Third, consumers who lots of information, scrutinize it carefully, and then make
perceive a high performance, financial, social, physiologi- their decisions with caution, to minimize any risk they may
cal, or psychological risk associated with the purchase confront. In contrast, less involved consumers often engage
will spend relatively more time searching for information in limited problem solving, undertake impulse purchases, or
than those who do not. rely on habit to make their purchase decisions. Some pur-
chasing decisions require limited problem solving because
the perceived risk of the purchase is low or the consumer
has previous experience purchasing the product or service.
Impulse and habitual purchases fall into this category.
Consumer Behaviour CHAPTER 4 129

Key Terms
■■ affective component ■■ functional needs ■■ performance risk
■■ attitude ■■ habitual decision making ■■ physiological needs
■■ behavioural component ■■ impulse buying ■■ physiological risk
■■ cognitive component ■■ internal locus of control ■■ postpurchase dissonance
■■ compensatory decision rule ■■ internal search for information ■■ psychological needs
■■ consumer decision rules ■■ involvement ■■ psychological risk
■■ decision heuristics ■■ learning ■■ reference group
■■ determinant attributes ■■ lifestyle ■■ retrieval sets
■■ esteem needs ■■ limited problem solving ■■ safety needs
■■ evaluative criteria ■■ love (social) needs ■■ self-actualization
■■ evoked set ■■ motive ■■ situational factors
■■ extended problem solving ■■ need recognition ■■ social risk
■■ external locus of control ■■ negative word-of-mouth ■■ specialty goods/services
■■ external search for information ■■ noncompensatory decision rule
■■ financial risk ■■ perception

concept review

1. Give three reasons why it is important for marketers 6. What marketing tactics could be used to break
to understand the factors that influence consumers’ through customers’ selective perception (i.e., selective
purchasing decisions. exposure, selective attention, selective comprehen-
sion, and selective retention)?
2. List the five steps of the consumer buying decision
process. What should be the primary focus of mar- 7. How can marketers use Maslow’s hierarchy of
keting strategy at the alternative evaluation stage? needs model to develop successful marketing
The purchase stage? programs for their target market?
3. What are the primary factors that affect consumers’ 8. Briefly explain how social and situational considera-
search processes? What marketing strategies can tions influence customer buying decisions.
marketers employ to ensure that customers get the
9. Perceived risks are a key determinant of con-
information they need in order to make their shop-
sumer buying decisions. Explain what is meant by
ping decisions?
perceived risks and identify tactics marketers could
4. Briefly explain how the extent of problem solv- use to mitigate these risks.
ing influences consumers’ buying behaviour, and
10. Culture is one of the most important but least
describe four strategies marketers could use to
understood influences on consumer buying
facilitate consumer purchasing in each case. Give
decisions. Explain how marketers can ensure that
examples of products you would classify as high-
their marketing efforts are suited to their cultur-
involvement purchases.
ally diverse target market. What are the challenges
5. Identify and briefly explain the five psychological involved in developing such efforts?
factors that influence consumer buying decisions.
130 Section TWO Understanding the Marketplace

Marketing Applications

1. Does buying Kashi cereal satisfy a consumer’s You decide such an event warrants a completely
functional or psychological need? How might this new outfit. Describe three social factors that might
information help a Kashi brand manager better influence your purchase decision.
promote the product?
8. Trek has designed a new off-road bicycle designed
2. When consumers buy a new notebook computer, to stand up to the rugged conditions of trail riding.
what sort of information search (internal versus Develop a theme for an advertising strategy that
external) would they conduct? If you were a market- covers all three components of attitude.
ing manager for Microsoft, how would you use this
9. What can a marketer do to positively influence a
situation in which a consumer is ready to buy but
3. Explain the factors that affect the amount of time has not yet done so?
and effort a consumer might expend when choos-
10. You were recently hired by a retail and catalogue
ing an oral surgeon to get his or her wisdom teeth
company that promotes itself as a Canadian firm
removed. How would your answer change if the
selling only Canadian-made goods. The products
consumer were looking for a dentist to get a clean-
featured in advertising and in the catalogues tell
ing? How should the office manager for a dental
the stories of the firms that produced the goods in
practice use this information?
Canada. The sales response to the firm’s Made in
4. Explain how a consumer would use decision heuris- Canada position has been incredible and growth
tics to narrow down the choice of restaurants when has been impressive. One day while speaking to a
evaluating different alternatives for a Saturday night vendor, you learn that a shipment of merchandise
outing at a fine restaurant. Give examples of heuris- will be delayed since the product is coming from
tics such as price, brand, and presentation in your overseas and is late. A few days later you hear a
answer. similar story. As it turns out, the firm just barely
earns the Made in Canada label. Although techni-
5. What can retailers do to make sure that they have
cally the products meet the standard to be classi-
satisfied customers after the sale is complete?
fied as Canadian-made, you worry that the firm is
6. Tazo blends exotic green teas, spearmint, and rare not being truthful to its customers. You decide to
herbs to create a tea called Zen. Using Maslow’s write a letter to the vice-president of marketing
hierarchy of needs, explain which need(s) are being detailing your concerns. What would you put in the
fulfilled by this tea. letter?
7. You recently were invited to a formal event at the
home of the president of your university or college.

marketing digitally

1. Visit the Amazon website ( and 2. Companies often emphasize either the functional or
describe the benefits it offers to consumers. Click on the psychological needs their products fulfill. Go to Car and
“Try Prime” button. Which kinds of need appeals does Driver’s website ( and identify a
Amazon use to encourage shoppers to join? Trace how luxury car company that emphasizes functional needs
you might go through the steps in the consumer deci- and one that emphasizes psychological needs.
sion process to make a purchase on Amazon. In which
steps does Amazon excel, and where could it improve?
Consumer Behaviour CHAPTER 4 131

chapter Case study

The battle of the titans: amazon echo vs.

google home
The newest battleground for the tech giants is being fought over smart home devices.
Amazon’s Echo was the first to hit the market in 2014; the smart speaker responds to voice
commands and serves an ever-growing range of purposes, such as music streaming, news
updates, Internet searches for information, grocery lists, joke telling, takeout orders from local
restaurants, and answers to general questions.35 Furthermore, in homes with other smart fea-
tures, Echo and its voice personification, Alexa, allow users to control compatible lights, fans,
thermostats, garage doors, sprinklers, and locks with simple voice commands.36 By 2017,
Alexa even had the ability to call or send texts to the contacts in users’ linked smartphones
through Echo.37
Google’s competing Google Home device did not even hit the shelves until April 2017.38 In
some ways, Google Home is more advanced and “smarter” than Echo. For example, its Web
browsing capabilities are more advanced because it relies on Google’s stellar search engine,
whereas Echo is limited to Wikipedia and Bing. Google Home also can sync its audio playback
with other devices and Google Cast speakers,39 providing better playback and the option to
insert linked devices throughout the house, such that even customers with big homes can
engage in constant interactions with the central device. If a user moves from the downstairs
family room, where a Google Home device is playing music, to the upstairs bedroom, as long
as there is another device there, those elements sync and the user does not miss a beat of
the song. Amazon’s Echo can’t do that.
Overall, though, the two devices have similar functionalities, with some notable differ-
ences in the quality of the services they provide. Perhaps the biggest difference is how
“smart” the devices really are when it comes to responding to users’ requests. In a study
conducted by the digital agency 360i, in which researchers asked each device a series
of 3,000 questions, Google Home was six times more likely to answer requests correctly
than was Echo. Although they did not publish the questions they asked, the superiority
of Google Home likely stems from Google’s access to its advanced search engine. In addi-
tion, Google Home recognizes more colloquial command words. For example, if a consumer
asks Google Home what movies are playing at the nearby theatre, then asks how long it will
take to get “there,” Google Home understands that “there” refers to the theatre, whereas
Echo needs the user to cite the specific theatre name or location.40
Yet in other areas, Amazon’s device takes the lead. Echo is compatible with more smart
devices, including about a half a dozen other smart home devices, whereas Google Home is
compatible with only three.41 Regardless of which brand of smart device people use in their
homes to control things like lights or appliances, they can likely use Echo to help control
those operations. When it comes to ecommerce, Google cannot come close to comparing
with Amazon for product searches or purchases.42 The vast customer insights maintained by
Amazon help it power Echo, such that it is much better at enabling consumers to search for,
find, and purchase the precise products they want at the very moment they realize they need
With its earlier entrance, Amazon also has a leg up on the market already; Echo domi-
nates, with an approximately 70 percent market share.43 Among people who already use
voice assistants—such as Siri on their iPhones—the three-year head start on Echo means
that they likely have already made their purchase, and they are no longer in the market that
might be served by Google Home. Moreover, almost half of all U.S. consumers do not cur-
rently use voice assistants,44 and these customers do not seem interested in buying one for
their homes. Still, growth in smart speakers is partly due to smart voice assistants such as the
ones consumers are already using on their smartphones. Juniper Research estimates “there
will be 8 billion digital voice assistants in use by 2023, up from 2.5 billion in use at the end
of 2018.”45 The ability to access voice assistance on more than one platform is a factor that is
helping to boost growth.
As the first to market, Amazon was able to set the price level for this type of device. Echo
currently costs about $180. When Google entered, it priced Google Home at $130.46 How-
ever, Amazon also has released a smaller, cheaper version, Echo Dot, that costs only $50.
132 Section TWO Understanding the Marketplace

Who will win the smart home device battle: Amazon Echo (left), Google Home (centre), or Apple
HomePod (right)?
(left): Charles Brutlag/Alamy Stock Photo; (centre): Shutterstock/Zapp2Photo; (right): Shutterstock/pianodiaphragm

This new device was a huge hit on Amazon Prime Day, sold at a special price of $35, which
made it the top-selling item on Amazon that day.47 In response, Google cut the cost of
Google Home to $100.48 Later, Google partnered with Spotify to give free Home Minis to
Spotify Premium subscribers.49
Even as this head-to-head competition persists and intensifies, other tech companies have
ventured onto the battlefield. Apple introduced its smart speaker home device, HomePod,
at $349 in January 2018.50 Along with the functions provided by Google Home and Echo,
Apple’s entry features a special focus on music and sound quality. Even its name is evoca-
tive of the revolutionary iPod, which changed the way people listen to music. Although it has
since dropped the price to $29951, it is still the most expensive option.
With only a 6 percent share of the market52, it will remain to be seen if devoted Apple
customers will turn this tide.
1. Trace how you might go through the steps in the consumer decision process if you were
thinking of buying a smart home device.
2. Identify the four determinant attributes that set apart the Amazon, Google, and Apple
smart home devices. Use those attributes to develop a compensatory purchasing model
similar to the one in Exhibit 4.2. Based on your importance and performance ratings,
which product would you buy?
3. Which device features examined in this chapter might have the greatest impact on con-
sumers’ propensity to buy one of these products?
4. After purchasing one of these products, why might you experience postpurchase cogni-
tive dissonance? What might the seller do to help you resolve this dissonance?
Chapter 5

Image of Rosa Scribe (Cree, Norway House) holding a pair of Storyboot Mukluks she produced for Manitobah
Mukluks. Photograph by Vincent Tsang. Used with permission of Manitobah Mukluks.

Business-to-Business Marketing
Learning Objectives
After studying this chapter you should be able to
Describe the nature and composition of B2B markets
Explain the key differences between B2B buying and B2C buying
List the steps in the B2B buying process
Identify the roles within the buying centre
Detail different buying situations

The first store that Ottawa-based Shopify built was its own. Founder Tobias Luke wanted to sell snowboards
online. When he couldn’t find an ecommerce solution that suited his needs, the self-professed computer nerd
built one. Little did he know that he would later abandon his snowboard business and sell his merchant system to
retailers. Today, Shopify has become the leading cloud-based platform for merchants to set up and manage their
stores. The company earned over $1 billion in revenue in 2018, a 59-percent year-over-year increase, making his-
tory as the fastest-growing software-as-a-service company ever.1 Full-year revenues for 2019 surpassed $1.5 bil-
lion USD.2 The company has over 800,000 active stores3 and a mission to make commerce better for everyone.4
134 Section TWO Understanding the Marketplace

Don’t be surprised if you’ve never heard of Shopify. As a B2B brand, the company is well known to mer-
chants, but not consumers. While Shopify’s initial goal was to help retailers set up ecommerce sites, the system
has evolved to merge digital and physical retail, working across multiple channels: brick-and-mortar, pop-up
stores, Web, mobile, and social media.5
Although the Shopify platform is suitable for merchants of all sizes, the company’s focus is on small- to
medium-sized businesses. Given that, the system needed to be very user friendly. Even the smallest merchants
can quickly and easily create landing pages to start their stores. One such example is Manitobah Mukluks. Sean
McMormick, a self-made Métis entrepreneur from Winnipeg, launched the company with Josh Fine in 2008 on a
very limited marketing budget.6
While the pair could have used other commerce platforms, they needed one that let them tell their brand
story. Customers paying upwards of $1,000 for Mukluk boots wanted to learn about Sean’s ancestry and com-
mitment to giving back to Indigenous communities. Other platforms would have helped them sell their goods but
were too expensive and not well suited for storytelling. The decision to go with Shopify helped propel Manitobah
Mukluks from a small business to the fastest growing brand of footwear in Canada, ranking among the top 300
fastest-growing companies on the Profit 500 and Growth 500 lists,7 and competing with large companies such as
Uggs in the global market.8
Shopify’s theme-based system is ideal for businesses entering the world of ecommerce. Professionally
designed online templates make it easy for even the smallest company to create an appealing retail presence.
Most companies start with ready-to-go bundled themes. Merchants can also purchase custom-designed themes
or have their developers design their own. The system is subscription based, usually on a one-month term. Sub-
scription solutions were responsible for driving 43.3 percent of total revenues in 2018.9 Growth like that neces-
sitates excellent customer service since there is no guarantee retailers will continue to use the system. Shopify
invests heavily in training its support team, and customers praise the company for its ability to quickly answer
their questions.10
Innovative marketing programs such as the Build a Business competition attract clients. Tens of thousands of
new businesses entered the eight-month competition, selling more than $250 million worth of products using the
Shopify platform.11 To increase its own bottom line, Shopify realizes it must help merchants achieve higher sales.
Retail tour roadshows, a blog, and Shopify Guru are initiatives geared at educating merchants and propelling
them to higher success. The Shopify Blog has become a top ecommerce and entrepreneurial blog.12
COO Harvey Finkelstein is quoted as saying, “In the future, consumers will dictate to the retailer how they
want to purchase.”13 The insight that retail is increasingly becoming digital led the company to develop part-
nerships with social-media platforms such as Pinterest and Facebook. Integrating its platform with Facebook
Messenger gives merchants the ability to provide live customer support, as well as automatically send order
confirmations and shipping updates. Shopify is also building bots for Messenger so merchants can better engage
with their customers.14 To serve customers at brick-and-mortar locations, Shopify offers a point-of-sale system
and allows merchants to accept mobile payments15 at smaller venues such as farmers’ markets. To further help its
clients grow, the company introduced Shopify Capital, a fast and easy way for merchants to secure financing and
grow their businesses.16 A partnership with Google offering Google Pay, recently added the ability for consumers
to choose their preferred shipping option to simplify the checkout process even further.17
The company opened its first-ever physical location in Los Angeles, a city with over 400 top-performing mer-
chants. The hub allows merchants to see Shopify’s new technology, and get support and education about prod-
ucts services to help their businesses grow.18 It launched Shopify Chat, a native chat function, allowing small- and
medium-sized businesses to offer live conversations to their customers.19 Merchants can also directly advertise to
customers through a new Shopify consumer app that gives shoppers access to a marketplace shopping experi-
ence based on every brand they like. Through the app, consumers will automatically see feeds of featured items
from merchants they purchase from.20 Shopify Balance was announced in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic to
offer small-business owners banking services such as deposit accounts and payment cards. It will launch trials in
the U.S. in late 2020, before being rolled out in Canada.21
Such marketing initiatives helped Shopify grow its employee base threefold from December 2013 to over
1,900 four years later,22 and record 95 percent revenue growth only one year after going public. Today it has
4,000 employees throughout North America and plans to add another 750 employees to its new Toronto office
by 2022.23 It has attracted clients such as Tesla, Red Bull, Allbirds, Kylie Cosmetics, and Ellen DeGeneres. Even
Kanye West uses the platform, selling his clothing line and music through Universal Music Group on Shopify.24
Business-to-Business Marketing CHAPTER 5 135

Business-to-business (B2B) marketing refers to the process of buying and selling goods business-to-business
(B2B) marketing
or services to be used in the production of other goods and services, for consumption by the The process of buying
buying organization, or for resale by wholesalers and retailers. Therefore, B2B marketing and selling goods or
involves manufacturers, (e.g., Levi’s, IBM, Ford) selling to wholesalers that, in turn, sell services to be used in
the production of other
products to retailers. B2B transactions can also involve service firms (e.g., Shopify, UPS, goods and services,
Accenture) that market their services to other businesses but not to the ultimate consumer. for consumption by the
buying organization, or
The distinction between a B2B and a B2C transaction is not the product or service itself;
for resale by wholesalers
rather, it is the ultimate purchaser and user of that product or service. Had your jeans been and retailers.
sold to an industrial supply firm, which then sold them to a custodial firm whose employees
would wear them on the job, the transaction would still be a B2B transaction because the
jeans are being purchased and used by a business rather than by an individual household
In this chapter, we will look at the different types of B2B markets and examine the B2B
buying process with an eye toward how it differs from the B2C buying process, which we
discussed in Chapter 4. Several factors influence the B2B buying process, and we discuss
these as well. Finally, the chapter concludes with a discussion about the role of the Internet
and its influence on the way B2B marketing is conducted.

B2B Markets LO1

Just like organizations that sell directly to final consumers in B2C transactions, B2B
firms focus their efforts on serving specific types of customer markets to create value for
those customers. For instance, Shopify helps small- and medium-sized companies estab-
lish online stores and reach their ultimate target markets. And, recognizing the growing
demand for ever-increasing smartphone connectivity in cars, both Apple (with its CarPlay)
and Google (with its Android-based Open Automotive Alliance) are making deals to inte-
grate their operating systems into cars. Ferrari, Audi, Mercedes-Benz, Volvo, and more all
offer CarPlay in select models, and it can also be added as an aftermarket system; Google’s
platform is compatible with select models from Cadillac, Honda, Hyundai, General Motors,
and more.25
Many firms find it more productive to focus their efforts on key industries or market
segments rather than on ultimate consumers. Cossette Communication Group and BBDO
Canada, two of Canada’s largest advertising agencies, provide advertising, public relations,
and other marketing communications services to large and small business clients across
Canada. Similarly, Canada’s Magna International designs, develops, and manufactures
automotive systems, assemblies, modules, and components primarily for sale to original

Apple (left) and Google (right) both offer smartphone connectivity for specific car manufacturers.
(left): ©Jae C. Hong/AP Images; (right): ©Martin Leissl/Bloomberg via Getty Images
136 Section TWO Understanding the Marketplace

equipment manufacturers (OEMs) of cars and light trucks in North America, Europe, Asia,
South America, and Africa.26
In the chapter opening vignette, we saw how both small and large merchants sell their
products using Shopify’s commerce platform. Basically, manufacturers, resellers, institu-
tions, and governments are all involved in B2B transactions (see Exhibit 5.1). In the next
sections, we describe each of these B2B organizations.

Exhibit 5.1 B2B Markets


Manufacturers Institutions


Manufacturers or Producers
Manufacturers buy raw materials, components, and parts that allow them to manufacture
their own goods. For example, the German-based Volkswagen Group, the largest auto man-
ufacturer in Europe, owns and distributes the Audi, Bentley, Bugatti, Lamborghini, Seat,
Skoda, Scania VW, and VW Commercial Vehicles brands.27 Whereas purchasing agents
formerly spent 70 percent of their time searching for, analyzing, validating, and forwarding
information about parts and components, today they can use VW Group’s ONE.Konzern
Business Platform to communicate with suppliers for all transactions, from procurement
to logistics.
The VW Group is used by 45,600 suppliers engaged in transactions worth nearly $3 bil-
lion.28 Purchasing agents receive product descriptions directly from suppliers online, which
means search processes that used to take two hours now require about nine minutes. Users
of the system receive alerts of potential parts shortages before they occur and thus can
focus on efficiencies instead of redundant paperwork.
IBM provided the consulting services necessary to design the Volkswagen Group’s sys-
tem. IBM, which was once a major manufacturer of computers and related products, now
generates over 90 percent of its profits from its software, consulting, and financing busi-
nesses—all of which are considered services. Like Volkswagen Group, it requires a host of
B2B products and services to support these businesses. For instance, the airlines that IBM
consultants and service providers rely on to shuttle them around the globe also utilize a
mix of products like airplanes and fuel, as well as consulting, legal, and other services.
Business-to-Business Marketing CHAPTER 5 137

Today, many B2B companies are

demanding, as a condition for doing busi-
ness, that suppliers demonstrate social
responsibility by instituting policies and
practices to reduce their carbon footprint.

Resellers are marketing intermediaries
that resell manufactured products with-
out significantly altering their form. For
instance, wholesalers and distributors buy
jeans from Levi Strauss and sell them to
retailers (a B2B transaction), and retail-
ers in turn resell those same jeans to the
ultimate consumer (a B2C transaction).
German-based Volkswagen Group, the largest auto manufacturer in
Wholesalers, distributors, and retailers are
Europe, owns and distributes numerous brands.
all resellers. The Retail Council of Canada
Oliver Hardt/AFP/Getty Images
estimates that there are more than 145,000
retail establishments in Canada, which employ 2.2 million Canadians and generate sales resellers
of $605.9 billion, making the retail industry the country’s largest employer.29 Similarly, the Marketing intermediaries
that resell manufactured
wholesale sector consists of more than 170,000 firms, generating sales of $757 billion in products without
2018.30 The role of wholesalers, retailers, and other intermediaries involved in the distribu- significantly altering their
tion of goods is discussed in greater detail in Chapters 12 and 13.

Institutions—such as hospitals, educational organizations, prisons, religious organizations,
and other non-profit organizations—also purchase all kinds of goods and services for the
people they serve. For instance, there are over 170,000 non-profit organizations in Canada,
employing about 2 million people.31 Public institutions engage in B2B relationships to ful-
fill their needs for capital construction, equipment, supplies, food, and janitorial services.
A public school board with a $40 million annual budget for textbooks has significant buy-
ing power, enabling it to take advantage of bulk discounts that would not be available to
individual schools.

In most countries, the central government tends to be one of the largest purchasers of goods
and services. For example, the Canadian federal government spends about $240 billion
annually on procuring goods and services. If you add in the amounts spent by provin-
cial and municipal governments, as well as the academic, social, and health sectors, this
amount increases to more than $550 billion annually. The bulk of the federal government’s
buying of goods and services is done centrally by Public Works and Government Services
Canada on behalf of more than 85 departments, agencies, Crown corporations, and Spe-
cial Operating Agencies.32 Information about government buying can be obtained from
Business Access Canada or from MERX.33 MERX is the most complete source of Canadian
public tenders, private tenders, U.S. tenders, and private-sector construction news available
in Canada. MERX makes it possible for businesses of any size to have easy and affordable
access to billions of dollars in contracting opportunities with the government of Canada,
participating provincial and municipal governments, the U.S. government, state and local
governments, and the private sector.34
138 Section TWO Understanding the Marketplace

Key Challenges of Reaching

B2B Clients
For marketers to be effective and successful
at B2B marketing, they must master three key
challenges for each business customer they
want to serve. First, marketers must identify
the right persons or decision makers within the
organizations who can authorize or influence
purchases. Second, they must understand the
buying process of each potential client. Third,
they need to identify the factors that influence
the buying process of potential clients. B2B
markets differ in varying degrees on these three
dimensions; hence, marketers must invest the
time and resources to understand these chal-
lenges. For example, institutional buyers, such
as nursing homes and universities, tend to have
relatively small budgets and therefore seek the
best value when buying products and services
for their organizations. That is, if two suppli-
ers are offering roughly similar products, they
may opt for the supplier with the lower price.
Governments, on the other hand, make much
larger purchases, but their buying processes
must not only satisfy strict policy guidelines
and directives set by the government, but also
meet international trade rules set by the World
Trade Organization (WTO) or the United
MERX is the most complete source of public tenders, private States–Mexico–Canada Agreement (USMCA).
tenders, U.S. tenders, and private-sector construction news
Additionally, government purchases are subject
available in Canada.
Reprinted with permission from MERX
to public scrutiny and can be legally challenged
or be cancelled or modified. Governments con-
sider a wide range of factors in their purchases
and may not always buy from the vendor with
the lowest price. Institutional organizations are not under such public scrutiny and rarely
disclose their purchase decisions and practices, although they may try to make their
buying processes transparent. Finally, private-sector companies such as manufacturers,
producers, and resellers rarely, if ever, disclose their buying criteria or buying process.
They are likely to engage in reciprocal buying, a situation where two companies agree to
buy each other’s products as appropriate.
To address the complexity of B2B markets, many companies have salespeople or a
sales team dedicated to specific clients. For instance, many companies wishing to sell to the
government (e.g., IBM, Microsoft) have business–government relations experts or depart-
ments. Some companies rely on business from governments and institutions, as seen in
Entrepreneurial Marketing 5.1.
Let us now explore in a little more detail some of the unique characteristics of B2B
markets that distinguish them from B2C markets. Exhibit 5.2 lists the key characteristics of
B2B and B2C buying behaviour.
Business-to-Business Marketing CHAPTER 5 139

Entrepreneurial Marketing 5.1

Fighting Fires With Drones**

Drones have been used for applications from military
and police surveillance, to search and rescue missions,
to helping victims of natural disasters. You may be famil-
iar with drones because of Amazon, which hopes to use
them to deliver goods to customers through its Prime Air
service. A growing market—global sales for unmanned
aerial vehicles (UAVs) or drones—is estimated at more
than $144 billion USD by 2025.
Waterloo-based Aeryon Labs has been developing
drones since 2007. Founder Dave Kroetsch has always
liked to tinker with electronics and participated in the
International Aerial Robotics Competition while he was
still in high school. After studying engineering at the Aeryon Labs drones were used to assess wildfire
University of Waterloo, he started a robotics business in damage in Fort McMurray in 2016.
a garage with two friends. They knew that drones had COLE BURSTON/AFP via Getty Images
many uses but weren’t sure what the best fit would be.
Cold calls identified land surveyors, power line inspec-
tors, and farmers as potential customers. But early drones
were hard to manoeuvre. After getting feedback from McMurray, Alberta. Equipped with high-resolution
RCMP drug enforcement officers, Aeryon Labs refined its geolocated imagery and thermal infrared sensors,
design to use Google Maps and point-and-click technol- drones were able to measure the heat of the fire in
ogy, making the drones simple for anyone to fly. Fort McMurray and surrounding area. Today, SkyRanger
Kroetsch became the company’s CEO by default. drones are used around the world in public safety
Neither of his partners wanted the job. Together they and industrial operations as well as by 20 militaries in
secured angel funding and got government grants allow- over 30 countries. They are also used for emergency
ing them to launch the Aeryon Scout. Their first customer response, surveying, and mapping.
was the Canadian Military with a million-dollar contract for About half of the company’s business still comes
drones to help rebels fight Gadhafi forces in Libya. Soon from government clients for military applications, with
after, the Ontario Provincial Police started using Scouts sales increasing by 100 percent per year. Kroetsch says
for search and rescue missions as well as highway acci- private-sector growth is promising. Engineers use drones
dent forensics. to inspect bridges and wind turbines, and farmers rely
Business exploded and the company grew from on them to fertilize crops, deal with pests, and identify
three partners to 125 employees. Its newest drone, fields that need irrigation. The company’s exceptional
the SkyRanger, sells for $65,000–$200,000 and is growth led it to being recognized a fourth time as one
being used to inspect power lines in northern Ontario. of Deloitte’s Technology Fast 500 companies. As aviation
SkyRangers’ infrared cameras can identify hot spots authorities continue to adapt regulations to accommo-
before problems occur and power line connections date drone flights, Aeryon Labs’ sky-high growth is likely
fail. Transport Canada granted special permission for to continue. Recently, the company was acquired by Flir
SkyRangers to fly to assess wildfire damage in Fort Systems Inc.

**Murat Yukselir, “Tech From Above, Top Drone Markets by 2020,” The Globe and Mail, May 19, 2016, p. B4; Joanna Pachner, “How Aeryon Labs
Intends to Keep Its Industrial Drone Business Aloft,” Canadian Business, December 3, 2015,
industrial-drones/; Keenan Kusan, “Sudbury’s Rise of the Drones,” The Sudbury Star, April 12, 2016,
rise-of-the-drones; Aeryon Labs blog, “Ventus Geospatial Inc. Approved to Provide UAS Assistance in Fort McMurray Fire Response,” May 10, 2016,; Aeryon Labs, “Local Drones Helping Survey Damage to Fort McMurray,” May 12, 2016,; Government of Canada, “Company Profile – Canadian Company Capabilities, Aeryon
Labs, Inc.,”; Adroit Market
Research, “Drones Market will grow at a CAGR of 40.7% to hit $144.38 Billion by 2025 - Analysis by Trends, Size, Share, Growth Drivers and Business
Opportunities: Adroit Market Research,” west, May 10, 2019,
Research.html; Aeryon, “High-Peformance Drones for Military, Public Safety and Industrial Operators,”; Aeryon, “Aeryon Labs Once
Again Recognized as One of Deloitte’s Technology Fast 500 Companies,” November 16, 2018,
recognized-as-one-of-deloittes-technology-fast-500-companies/; “Global Wind Turbine Inspection Drones Market 2019 – Aeryon Labs, Cyberhawk
Innovations, Hexagon, Strat Aero, UpWind Solutions,”, July 12, 2019,
drones-market-2019-aeryon-labs-cyberhawk-innovations-hexagon-strat-aero-upwind-solutions/108388 (accessed July 22, 2019).
140 Section TWO Understanding the Marketplace

Exhibit 5.2 Characteristics of B2B Buying as Compared With B2C Buying

Market Characteristics
Demand for business products is derived, fluctuates more, and more frequently
Fewer customers, more geographically concentrated, and orders are larger
Demand is more inelastic

Product Characteristics
Products are technical in nature and purchased based on specifications
Mainly raw and semifinished goods are purchased
Heavy emphasis is placed on delivery time, technical assistance, after-sale service, and financing assistance

Buying Process Characteristics

Buying decision is more complex
Buying may involve competitive bidding, negotiated pricing, and complex financial arrangements
Buying involves qualified, professional buyers who follow a more formalized buying process
Buying criteria and objective are specified, as are procedures for evaluating and selecting vendors and products
Multiple people with varied interests participate in purchase decisions
Reciprocal arrangements exist, and negotiations between buyers and sellers are common
Buyers and sellers usually work closely to build close long-term relationships
Online buying over the Internet is common

Marketing Mix Characteristics

Direct selling is the primary form of selling and physical distribution is often essential
Advertising is technical in nature, and promotions emphasize personal selling
Price is often negotiated, inelastic, frequently affected by trade and quantity discounts; price usually includes a
service or maintenance component

LO2 Differences Between B2B and B2C Markets

Market Characteristics
In B2C markets, consumers buy goods to satisfy their own individual or household needs
and are heavily influenced by price, personal tastes, brand reputation, and personal rec-
ommendations of friends and family. In B2B markets, demand for goods and services is
derived demand often derived from B2C sales in the same supply chain. More specifically, derived demand
The linkage between is the linkage between consumers’ demand for a company’s output and its purchase of
consumers’ demand for a
company’s output and its necessary inputs to manufacture or assemble that particular output. For example, if more
purchase of necessary inputs customers want to purchase staplers (a B2C transaction), a company that produces them
to manufacture or assemble
must purchase more metal from its supplier to make additional staplers (a B2B transac-
that particular output.
tion). Thus, demand for raw material and semifinished goods purchased by business firms
tends to fluctuate more, and more frequently. Ethical & Societal Dilemma 5.1 discusses
how participants in B2B transactions sometimes can run into conflict.
In addition, demand in many business markets is inelastic—that is, the total demand for
goods is not affected much by price changes in the short run. For instance, a small increase
in the price for raw denim will not cause a huge drop in the demand for denim in the apparel
industry in the short run. Another characteristic of B2B markets is that the number of busi-
ness buyers is substantially fewer than in B2C markets, and the business buyers are more
concentrated in big cities, towns, and industrial areas. Also, the sizes of the orders are sub-
stantially larger than consumer purchases. For example, Bombardier announced that Delta
Air Lines signed an order for 20 Canadair regional jets, valued at $961 million USD.35

Product Characteristics
In B2B markets, the products ordered are primarily raw materials and semifinished goods
that are processed or assembled into finished goods for the ultimate consumers. For exam-
ple, Dell orders all the computer components from different suppliers and then assembles
Business-to-Business Marketing CHAPTER 5 141

Ethical & Societal Dilemma 5.1

To Block or Not to Block: The Some digital content publishers also are experiment-
ing with anti–ad blocking software, including Forbes,
Competing and Compelling Interests Wired, and The New York Times. Some news out-
of Advertisers, Users, and Facebook† lets seek to solicit the help of users by asking them
to “whitelist” their specific site. This step tells the ad-
Facebook is, obviously, a social-media site. But it also is blocking software to give a free pass to the ads on a
an advertising platform that links advertisers to consum- particular site. To convince users to agree, one pub-
ers, and in this role, a recent move has stakeholders on lisher noted, “We need to spell this out clearly to our
all sides up in arms. users. The journalism they enjoy costs real money and
As a platform, Facebook has to mediate the interests needs to be paid for.”
of advertisers that pay to place their ads on the site versus Advertisers have praised the move toward anti–ad
the interests of users who don’t want their social interac- blocking software, noting that by facilitating their marketing
tions interrupted by various product and service advertise- communications, Facebook and other platforms are ena-
ments. These contradictory goals have prompted technical bling the market to survive. However, companies that cre-
developments in support of both efforts. For example, ad- ate and sell the ad-blocking software regard the move as
blocking software helps consumers limit the number of unacceptable and cite as evidence the limitations it places
advertisements that pop up as they browse websites, on consumers’ ability to define what they will see on their
including Facebook. In turn, anti–ad blocking software computers. Furthermore, some privacy advocates argue
entered the scene, offering a means to alter the signals that the ad-blocking software can serve another function,
that the blocking software uses to identify something as an as a means to limit the amount of tracking that websites can
advertisement. The advertising gets around the ad-blocking do. If the blocks on ad-blocking become strong enough,
software because it doesn’t look like advertising anymore, such privacy protections would disappear, too.
at least to the algorithm used by existing software. Together with these technological efforts to resolve
Facebook is the latest and most prominent adopter the demands of its various stakeholders, Facebook
of the anti–ad blocking software, suggesting that in this added new options to allow users to indicate their adver-
case, it is prioritizing the needs of its advertisers over tising preferences, which it asserts are sufficient to keep
the desires of its consumers. When users visit Facebook customers happy. As a firm that provides a service to con-
through their computers (the technology is different sumers, Facebook appears to be taking a big risk. As a
for mobile access), even if they have sophisticated ad- business that supports other businesses, it might have no
blocking software installed, they will confront ads. other option.

†Mike Isaac, “Facebook Blocks Ad Blockers, but It Strives to Make Ads More Relevant,” The New York Times, August 9, 2016,
2016/08/10/technology/facebook-ad-blockers.html; Jack Marshall, “Facebook Will Force Advertising on Ad-Blocking Users,” The Wall Street Journal,
August 9, 2016,; Mark Scott, “Use of Ad-Blocking Software
Rises by 30% Worldwide,” The New York Times, January 31, 2017, (accessed
July 10, 2019).

the computers before shipping to the final consumer. In certain B2B markets (e.g., aero-
space, medical, pharmaceutical, shipping, defence), the products are very technical and
sophisticated in nature and must conform to technical standards specified by the buyer.
Thus, the raw materials, components, and semifinished goods undergo rigorous testing
before shipping. Also, orders must be delivered on the dates agreed to by both buyers and
sellers. Technical services and financing assistance are important aspects of B2B buying
behaviour. Companies such as Bombardier often provide vendor financing—a practice
where a company provides its customer with a loan that is used to buy goods from the com-
pany.36 In B2C markets, consumers buy finished goods for their own personal consumption.

Buying Process Characteristics

Generally, for routine purchases or small-dollar-value purchases, only one or a few indi-
viduals within a department or the company may be responsible for the buying decision.
However, for purchases of highly technical or complex products involving thousands or mil-
lions of dollars, the buying effort is much more structured, formalized, and professional.
More people are usually involved in complex buying decisions. They are usually technically
142 Section TWO Understanding the Marketplace

trained and qualified professionals, and they represent different interests (e.g., managerial,
technical, and departmental) within the organization. The group of people involved in the
buying decision is often referred to as the buying centre, which is described in detail below.
Most companies have formal policies and procedures to guide buying decisions that must be
closely followed by the people involved in the buying decisions. Examples of such procedures
include rules governing competitive bidding, negotiated pricing, complex financial arrange-
ments, buying criteria, and objectives, as well as procedures for evaluating competitive bids.
Another major difference between B2B and B2C buying lies in the nature of the rela-
tionship between the firm and its suppliers. Generally, the buying decision is based on
negotiations, which for complex purchases could be quite extended. The negotiated con-
tract normally covers a range of concerns, including price, delivery, warranty, technical
specifications, and claim policies. In B2B markets, buyers and sellers strive to develop close
relationships with each other and so will often provide help or advice to ensure a win–win
situation for both parties. For example, Shepherd Thermoforming and Packaging is a lead-
ing Canadian manufacturer of plastic products ranging from hot tubs to Tylenol packaging,
as well as smoke detector covers and other plastic items in your home or car. It noted that
its B2B customers often chose to come in and work with its engineering staff to create the
desired look and product functionality that they needed.
In addition, some firms may engage in reciprocal buying arrangements—a practice
where two firms agree to buy each other’s products and services. Clearly, reciprocal buying
has both negative and positive consequences for both the buying and selling firms involved,
as well as for other suppliers. Two such consequences are that it excludes other vendors
from participating in the buying process and may limit the firms to each other’s products,
which may not be the best thing.

Marketing Mix Characteristics

Another major difference between the typical B2B and B2C transaction is the role of the
salesperson. On the one hand, while salespeople are an important component of the commu-
nications mix for B2C transactions such as sales of real estate, insurance, jewellery, consumer
electronics, and high-end apparel, most fast-moving consumer goods (FMCG) found in gro-
cery and discount stores are not sold with the aid of salespeople. On the other hand, in most
B2B sales, the salesperson is an integral component of the transaction. Pharmaceutical manu-
facturers rely primarily on sales representatives to promote their drugs to doctors. Also, many
manufacturers provide trade and quantity discounts to resellers for carrying their products.

LO3 The B2B Buying Process

The B2B buying process (Exhibit 5.3) parallels the B2C process, though it differs in many
ways. Both start with need recognition, but the information search and alternative evalua-
tion stages are more formal and structured in the B2B process. Typically, B2B buyers specify
their needs in writing and ask potential suppliers to submit formal proposals, whereas

Exhibit 5.3 B2B Buying Process

Proposal Order Vendor

Need Product RFP Analysis Performance
Recognition Specification Process and Supplier Assessment
Selection Using Metrics
Business-to-Business Marketing CHAPTER 5 143

B2C buying decisions are usually made by individuals or families and

sometimes are unplanned or impulsive. For an individual to buy a tablet
computer, all that is required is a trip to the store or a few minutes online
and perhaps some preliminary research about iPads versus competitors.
For a university to buy 1,000 tablet computers, however, it must complete
requisition forms, accept bids from manufacturers, and obtain approval
for the expenditure. The final decision rests with a committee, as is the
case for most B2B buying decisions, which often demand a great deal
of consideration. Finally, in B2C buying situations, customers evaluate
their purchase decision and sometimes experience postpurchase disso-
nance. However, formal performance evaluations of the vendor and the
products sold generally do not occur, as they do in the B2B setting. Let’s
examine all six stages in the context of a hypothetical university buying The first step in the B2B decision process
tablets for students as a resource. is to recognize that the schools need to
purchase 1000 tablets.
Shutterstock/Joseph Branston/Future Publishing

Stage 1: Need Recognition

In the first stage of the B2B buying process, the buying organization recognizes, through
either internal or external sources, that it has an unfilled need. Our hypothetical university
wants to ensure its students are well educated and able to participate in a technologically
connected workforce. It seeks to grant them affordable access to required educational
resources, from textbooks to library access to administrative tasks. The administration of
the university reviews research suggesting that portable devices, including tablet comput-
ers, can enhance students’ in-class learning because they can directly interact with the
materials rather than only hearing information or seeing it on a whiteboard. The tablets
support innovative learning methodologies, such as the uses of interactive clickers in
lecture-based courses. Using this information, the university determines it will issue a
tablet to each of the students entering as its next graduating class.

Stage 2: Product Specification

After recognizing the need and considering alternative solutions, including laptop and
desktop computers, the university writes a list of potential specifications that vendors
might use to develop their proposals. The school’s specifications include screen size, bat-
tery life, processor speed, how the device connects to the Internet, and delivery date. In
addition, the board of directors request that a bundle of educational apps be preloaded
on the tablets, that all other apps be removed, and that each tablet come equipped with a
screen protector, power cord, cover, stand, keyboard, and headphones. The school requests
a three-year service contract that includes replacement within 24 hours for any tablets that
are returned to the vendor for servicing.

Stage 3: RFP Process

The request for proposals (RFP) is a common process through which buying organi- request for proposals (RFP)
zations invite alternative suppliers to bid on supplying their required components or A process through which
buying organizations invite
specifications. The purchasing company may simply post its RFP needs on its website, work alternative suppliers to bid
through various B2B Web portals, or contact potential suppliers directly. Firms may narrow on supplying their required
the process to a few suppliers, often those with which they have existing relationships. In
a recent case, the Royal Ontario Museum in Toronto issued a complicated RFP with an
unprecedented request for caterers who responded to it to pay an annual fee of $10,000 for
up to 10 years to earn points in the assessment process. While the fee might secure a place
on the preferred vendor list, it is not a guarantee of winning any catering business.37
144 Section TWO Understanding the Marketplace

If the school does not have a preferred vendor, it issues an RFP and invites various
tablet suppliers, technology companies, and other interested parties to bid on the contract.
Smaller companies may lack the ability to attract broad attention to their requests, so they
might turn to a Web portal, which is an Internet site whose purpose is to be a major starting
point for users when they connect to the Web. Although there are general portals such as
Yahoo or MSN, B2B partners connect to specialized or niche portals to participate in online
information exchanges and transactions. These exchanges help streamline procurement or
distribution processes. Portals can provide tremendous cost savings because they eliminate
periodic negotiations and routine paperwork, and they offer the means to form a supply
chain that can respond quickly to the buyer’s needs.

Stage 4: Proposal Analysis and Supplier Selection

The buying organization, in conjunction with its critical decision makers, evaluates all the
proposals it receives in response to its RFP. At this stage, the school reviews all proposals
received together with faculty and student government members. Many firms narrow the
process to a few suppliers, often those with whom they have existing relationships, and
discuss key terms of the sale, such as price, quality, delivery, and financing. The university
likely considers the bid by the company that installed computers in its library, assuming that
provider performed well. Some firms have a policy that requires them to negotiate with sev-
eral suppliers, particularly if the product or service represents a critical component or aspect
of the business. This policy keeps suppliers on their toes; they know that the buying firm can
always shift a greater portion of its business to an alternative supplier if it offers better terms.
The school evaluates proposals on the basis of the amount of experience the vendor
has with tablet computers and similar technology products, because it wants to make sure
that its investment is reliable in the short term and flexible enough to accommodate new
apps or updates. In addition, it wants to be sure the technology will remain relevant in the
longer term and not become obsolete. The vendor’s ability to meet its specifications also
is important, because if the processor is too slow, students are unlikely to make use of the
devices. The vendor’s financial position also provides an important indication of whether
the vendor will be able to stay in business.

Stage 5: Order Specification (Purchase)

In the fifth stage, the firm places its order with its preferred supplier (or suppliers). The
order will include a detailed description of the goods, prices, delivery dates, and, in some
cases, penalties if the order is not filled on time. The supplier then sends an acknowl-
edgment that it has received the order and will fill it by the specified date. In the case of
the school’s tablets, the terms are clearly laid out regarding when and how the vendor is
expected to perform any preventive maintenance, who the contact person is for any prob-
lems with delivery or the tablets themselves, and under what circumstances the vendor will
be expected to provide a replacement for a malfunctioning tablet. Issues like maintenance
and replacement are important to the school, because it is not planning to keep an inven-
tory of extra tablets on hand.

Stage 6: Vendor Performance Assessment

Using Metrics
Just as in the consumer buying process, firms analyze their vendors’ performance so they
can make decisions about their future purchases. The difference is that, in a B2B setting,
this analysis is typically more formal and objective. Let’s consider how the school might
Business-to-Business Marketing CHAPTER 5 145

Exhibit 5.4 Evaluating a Vendor’s Performance

Importance ×

[(2) × (3)]
(1) (2) Vendor’s Performance
Key Issues Importance Score Performance
Customer Service 0.4 5 2.0

Issue Resolution 0.2 4 0.8

Delivery 0.1 5 0.5

Quality 0.3 3 0.9

Total 1.0 4.2

evaluate the tablet vendor’s performance, as in Exhibit 5.4, using the following metrics:
delivery (based on promised delivery date), quality, customer service, and issue resolution.
1. The buying team develops a list of issues that it believes are important to consider in
the vendor evaluation.
2. To determine the importance of each issue (column 1), the buying team assigns an
importance score to each (column 2). The more important the issue, the higher its
score, but the importance scores must add up to 1. In this case, the buying team
believes that customer service and quality are most important, whereas the issue
resolution and delivery are comparatively less important.
3. In the third column, the buying team assigns numbers that reflect its judgments
about how well the vendor performs. Using a five-point scale, where 1 equals “poor
performance” and 5 equals “excellent performance,” the school decides that the tablet
vendor performs quite well on all issues except product quality.
4. To calculate an overall performance score in the fourth column, the team combines
the importance of each issue and the vendor’s performance scores by multiplying
them. Because the tablet vendor performed well on the most important issues, when
we add the importance/performance scores in column 4, we find that the overall
evaluation is pretty good—4.2 on a five-point scale.
Although most B2B organizations utilize the buying process described above as a way
to ensure they get the best value for their money, some organizations simply operate based
on a sole source or on longer-term business relationships.

The Buying Centre LO4

The six-stage B2B buying process may be influenced by three factors within the purchasing
organization: the buying centre, the buying organization’s philosophy or corporate culture,
and the buying situation. In most large organizations, several people typically are respon-
sible for the buying decisions. These buying centre participants can range from employees buying centre
who have a formal role in purchasing decisions (e.g., the purchasing or procurement depart- The group of people
typically responsible for
ment), to members of the design team that is specifying the particular equipment or raw the buying decisions in
material needed, to employees who will be using a new machine that is being ordered. All large organizations.
these employees are likely to play different roles in the buying process, which vendors must
understand and adapt to in their marketing and sales efforts.
We can categorize six different buying roles within a typical buying centre (see Exhibit 5.5).
One or more people may take on a certain role, or one person may take on more than one of
146 Section TWO Understanding the Marketplace

Exhibit 5.5 The Buying Centre Roles


Initiator Decider


Gatekeeper Buyer


initiator the following roles: “(1) initiator, the person who first suggests buying the particular product
The buying centre or service; (2) influencer, the person whose views influence other members of the buying
participant who first
suggests buying the centre in making the final decision; (3) decider, the person who ultimately determines any
particular product or service. part of or the entire buying decision—whether to buy, what to buy, how to buy, or where to
influencer buy; (4) buyer, the person who handles the paperwork of the actual purchase; (5) user, the
The buying centre person(s) who consume(s) or use(s) the product or service; and (6) gatekeeper, the person(s)
participant whose views
influence other members of
who control(s) information or access, or both, to decision makers and influencers.”38
the buying centre in making To illustrate how a buying centre operates, consider purchases made by a hospital.
the final decision. Where do hospitals obtain their X-ray machines, syringes, or bedpans? Why are some
decider medical procedures covered in whole or in part by insurance, whereas others are not? Why
The buying centre might your doctor recommend one type of allergy medication instead of another?
participant who ultimately
determines any part of or
the entire buying decision— The Initiator—Your Doctor
whether to buy, what to buy,
how to buy, or where to buy. When you seek treatment from your physician, he or she initiates the buying process by
buyer determining the products and services that will best address and treat your illness or injury.
The buying centre For example, say that you fell backward on your snowboard and, in trying to catch yourself,
participant who handles
the paperwork of the actual
shattered your elbow. You require surgery to mend the affected area, which includes the inser-
purchase. tion of several screws to hold the bones in place. Your doctor promptly notifies the hospital to
user schedule a time for the procedure and specifies the brand of screws she wants for your surgery.
The person who consumes
or uses the product or
service purchased by the The Influencer—The Medical Device Supplier, the Pharmacy
buying centre.
For years, your doctor has been using Mendell bone screws, a slightly higher-priced screw.
gatekeeper Her first introduction to Mendell bone screws came from the company’s sales representa-
The buying centre
participant who controls tive, who visited her office to demonstrate how Mendell’s bone screws were far superior
information or access to those of its competition. Your doctor recognized Mendell as good value. Armed with
to decision makers and
empirical data and case studies, Mendells’s sales rep effectively influenced your doctor’s
decision to use that screw.

The Decider—The Hospital

Even though your doctor requested Mendell bone screws, the hospital ultimately is respon-
sible for deciding whether to buy Mendell bone screws. The hospital supplies the operating
room, instrumentation, and surgical supplies, and therefore, the hospital administrators
Business-to-Business Marketing CHAPTER 5 147

must weigh a variety of factors to determine not only whether the Mendell bone screw is
best for patients, but also whether using Mendell bone screws involves a cost that is justified.

The Buyer—The Hospital’s Materials Manager

The actual buyer of the screws will likely be the hospital’s materials manager, who is
charged with buying and maintaining inventory for the hospital in the most cost-effective
manner. Whereas Mendell bone screws are specific to your type of procedure, other items,
such as gauze and sutures, may be purchased through a group purchasing organization
(GPO), which obtains better prices through volume buying.

The User—The Patient

Ultimately though, the buying process for this procedure will be greatly affected by the
user, namely, you and your broken elbow. If you are uncomfortable with the procedure or
have read about alternative procedures that you prefer, you may decide that Mendell bone
screws are not the best treatment.

The Gatekeeper—The Purchasing Department

The hospital’s purchasing department may believe that Mendell bone screws are too expen-
sive and that other screws deliver equally effective results. Therefore, it might ask the
hospital to reconsider the purchase of the screws.

Organizational Culture
A firm’s organizational culture reflects the set of values, traditions, and customs that organizational culture
guides its managers’ and employees’ behaviour. The firm’s culture often comprises a set of Reflects the set of values,
traditions, and customs that
unspoken guidelines that employees share with one another through various work situa- guides a firm’s employees’
tions. For example, Walmart buyers are not allowed to accept even the smallest gift from a behaviour.
vendor, not even a cup of coffee. This rule highlights the company’s overall corporate cul-
ture: It is a low-cost operator whose buyers must base their decisions only on the products’
and vendors’ merits.

To excite its customers, GE publishes the series "Drone Week," in which a drone visits a GE
facility every day, and streams it live on Facebook.
Source: General Electric Company
148 Section TWO Understanding the Marketplace

At GE, the culture aims to ensure that members and partners regard B2B as a source
of innovation, not a “boring-to-boring” proposition. Rather than lament the relatively less
glamorous B2B processes, GE has “decided we are geeky and we are proud of it.”39 There-
fore, rather than turning to some of the more conventional uses of Instagram, GE relies
on the social-media site to communicate with “its people,” those followers it affectionately
refers to as #AVgeeks. What GE offers to its business customers is mainly advanced technol-
ogy and scientifically based products and services. But those sorts of offerings are exactly
what get geeks excited, so it offers content that they can share with other geeks, as well as
with their own customers. GE was one of the first adopters of Facebook Live, publishing
the series “Drone Week,” in which a drone visited a GE facility every day, and streaming it
autocratic buying centre live on Facebook. GE has also been innovative in its use of Snapchat, publishing Snapchat
A buying centre in which stories from its leadership event “Minds + Machines” using Snap “Spectacles.”40
one person makes the As these examples show, organizational culture can have a profound influence on pur-
decision alone, though
there may be multiple chasing decisions, and corporate buying centre cultures might be divided into four general
participants. types: autocratic, democratic, consultative, and consensus, as illustrated in Exhibit 5.6.
democratic buying centre Knowing which buying centre culture is prevalent in a given organization helps the seller
A buying centre in which decide how to approach that particular client, how and to whom to deliver pertinent infor-
the majority rules in making
decisions. mation, and to whom to make the sales presentations.
consultative buying
In an autocratic buying centre, though there may be multiple participants, one person
centre makes the decision alone, whereas the majority rules in a democratic buying centre. A
A buying centre in which consultative buying centre uses one person to make a decision, but he or she solicits input
one person makes the
decision, but he or she
from others before doing so. Finally, in a consensus buying centre, all members of the team
solicits input from others must reach a collective agreement through which they can support a particular purchase.41
before doing so. Cultures act like living, breathing entities that change and grow, just as organizations
consensus buying centre do. Even within some companies, culture may vary by geography, division, or functional
A buying centre in which department. Whether you are a member of the buying centre or a supplier trying to sell to
all members of the team
must reach a collective it, it is extremely important to understand its culture and the roles of the key players in the
agreement through buying process. Not knowing the roles of the key players in that case could waste a lot of
which they can support a
particular purchase.
time—both yours and the buying centre’s—and could even alienate the real decision maker.

Building B2B Relationships

In B2B contexts, there is a vast variety of ways to enhance relationships, and these methods
seem to be advancing and evolving by the minute. For example, blogs and social media can
build awareness, provide search engine results, educate potential and existing clients about

Exhibit 5.6 Organizational Buying Culture


Buying Consultative

Business-to-Business Marketing CHAPTER 5 149

products or services, and warm up a seemingly cold corporate culture.42 Fiberlink offers
document and mobile enterprise management services. To make its offerings and content
more engaging, it launched a series of fun webinars and video campaigns filled with pop
culture references. One webinar, “Game of Phones,” used comparisons from the popular
HBO series Game of Thrones to highlight the different mobile operating systems and detail
how Fiberlink’s platform could enable business customers to leverage their content on all
of them. Thus Apple, as the current market leader, was presented as the House Lannister;
Android was the House Targaryen because the factors that kept it on the sidelines also have
helped it gain power; and Windows was House Stark because it is “full of battle scars.”
The engaging campaign allowed the company to generate 20 percent more new leads than
previous campaigns had achieved.43
An expert who offers advice and knowledge about products can increase brand aware-
ness, and a blog is a great medium for this information. Web analytics, such as traffic on the
website and the number of comments, can offer tangible evaluations, but a better measure
is how often the blog gets mentioned elsewhere, the media attention it receives, and the
interaction, involvement, intimacy, and influence that it promotes.
The LinkedIn social network is mainly used for professional networking in the B2B mar-
ketplace. Twitter is also valuable for B2B marketers, because they can communicate with other
businesses as often as they want. Companies such as HootSuite and TweetDeck make it easier
for companies using Twitter to manage their followers, update their posts, track analytics, and
even schedule tweets, just as they would to manage a traditional marketing campaign.44
The majority of B2B marketers use white papers for their marketing efforts, and the
majority of B2B buyers regularly read them prior to making a purchase.45 When execu-
tives confront an unfulfilled business need, they normally turn to white papers. Their B2B
partner may have a technologically advanced solution, but buyers have to understand the
solution before they can consider a purchase. A good white paper provides information
about the industry and its challenges in an educational context, rather than a promotional
sense, to avoid seeming like simply propaganda. That is, the goal of white papers is to pro-
vide valuable information that a businessperson can easily understand and that will help
the company address its problems with new solutions.

To make its offerings more engaging, Fiberlink launched a series of fun webinars and video
campaigns, like this one that “plays” with the popular HBO series Game of Thrones.
Source: Mobile Nations
150 Section TWO Understanding the Marketplace

LO5 Buying Situations

The type of buying situation also affects the B2B decision process. Most B2B buying situa-
tions can be categorized into three types: new buys, modified rebuys, and straight rebuys
(see Exhibit 5.7). To illustrate the nuances between these three buying situations, consider
how colleges and universities develop relationships with some of their suppliers.
Most universities negotiate with sports apparel manufacturers, such as Nike, Reebok, and
New Balance, to establish purchasing agreements for their sports teams. Those with successful
sports teams have been very successful in managing these relationships, to the benefit of both
the team and the company. Large universities that win national championships can solicit
sponsorships in exchange for free athletic equipment, whereas less popular teams or smaller
schools typically must accept an upfront sponsorship and then agree to buy from that vendor
for a specified period of time. In exchange for this sponsorship, the vendors gain the right to
sell apparel with the university logo and require the school’s team to purchase only their equip-
ment. Many apparel companies make a significant portion of their revenue through sponsor-
ship deals that grant them the right to sell apparel with popular university logos.
new buy In a new buy situation, a customer purchases a good or service for the first
In a B2B setting, a time,46 which means the buying decision is likely to be quite involved because the buyer
purchase of a good or
service for the first time; or the buying organization does not have any experience with the item. In the B2B context,
the buying decision is the buying centre is likely to proceed through all six steps in the buying process and involve
likely to be quite involved
because the buyer or the
many people in the buying decision. Typical new buys might range from capital equip-
buying organization does ment to components that the firm previously made itself but now has decided to purchase
not have any experience instead. For example, a small university might need to decide which apparel company to
with the item.
approach for a sponsorship. For smaller universities, finding a company that will sponsor
multiple sports teams—such as women’s soccer as well as men’s basketball—is a priority,
though it also must balance other considerations, such as the length of the contract. Some
vendors offer perks to attract new buyers; New Balance offers teams that sign up for long-
term contracts custom fittings for their players’ shoes. Each season, a sales team from New
Balance visits the school and custom fits each player to achieve the best fit possible.
Another example of a new buy occurs in the fashion industry, where runway shows
offer wholesale buyers an opportunity to inspect new lines of clothing and place orders.
Designer sales often occur during private meetings with buyers, both before and after run-
way shows. Buyers meet with the designers, discuss the line, and observe a model wear-
ing the clothing. The buyer’s challenge then is to determine which items will sell best in

Exhibit 5.7 Buying Situations

New Buy


Business-to-Business Marketing CHAPTER 5 151

the retail stores he or she represents while trying to imagine what the item will look like
in regular (as opposed to model) sizes. Buyers must also negotiate purchases for orders
that may not be delivered for as much as six months. Buyers can suggest modifications to
make the clothing more or less expensive or more comfortable for their customers. Buy-
ers and designers recognize the significant value of this relationship, which occasionally
prompts buyers to purchase a few items from a designer, even if those items do not exactly
fit the store’s core customers’ tastes. Doing so ensures that the buyer will have access to the
designer’s collection for the next season.47
In a modified rebuy, the buyer has purchased a similar product in the past but has modified rebuy
decided to change some specifications, such as the desired price, quality level, customer Refers to when the buyer
has purchased a similar
service level, and/or options. Current vendors are likely to have an advantage in acquiring product in the past but has
the sale in a modified rebuy situation, as long as the reason for the modification is not dis- decided to change some
specifications, such as the
satisfaction with the vendor or its products. For example, a university’s sports department desired price, quality level,
might ask Adidas to modify the specifications for its basketball shoes after noticing some customer service level, and
improvements made to the Adidas shoes used by a winning university team. options.
A straight rebuy occurs when the buyer or buying organization simply buys addi- straight rebuy
tional units of products that had previously been purchased. A tremendous amount of B2B Refers to when the buyer
or buying organization
purchases are likely to fall into the straight rebuy category. For example, sports teams need simply buys additional
to repurchase a lot of equipment that is not covered by apparel sponsorships, such as tape units of products that
had previously been
for athletes’ ankles or weights for the weight room. The purchase of bottled water also typi- purchased.
cally involves a straight rebuy from an existing supplier.
These varied types of buying situations call for very different marketing and selling
strategies. The most complex and difficult is the new buy because it requires the buying
organization to make changes to its current practices and purchases. As a result, several
members of the buying centre will likely become involved, and the level of their involvement
will be more intense than in the case of modified and straight rebuys. In new buying situa-
tions, buying centre members also typically spend more time at each stage of the B2B buying
process, similar to the extended decision-making process that consumers use in the B2C
process. In comparison, in modified rebuys, the buyers spend less time at each stage of the
B2B buying process, similar to limited decision making in the B2C process (see Chapter 4).
In straight rebuys, however, the buyer is often the only member of the buying centre
involved in the process. Similar to a consumer’s habitual purchase, straight rebuys often
enable the buyer to recognize the firm’s need and go directly to the fifth step in the B2B
buying process, skipping the product specification, RFP process, and proposal analysis and
supplier selection steps.
Over the course of a B2B relationship, the type of buying process also can change.
The buying process for restaurants appears poised to undergo a significant transformation,
because of the potential merger between Sysco and GFS Canada, two of the country’s larg-
est food distributors. Restaurants that once considered their purchases of hamburger meat
a straight rebuy might find that they need to reconsider the process. Because the merger
would create a single, dominant food supplier, the new company will gain much more
power over pricing. In turn, restaurants might need to enter into a modified rebuy (e.g.,
purchase lower quality hamburger to cut costs).
In various ways, B2B marketing both differs from and mirrors the consumer behaviour
(B2C) process we detailed in Chapter 4. The differences in the six stages of the buying pro-
cess make sense in view of the many unique factors that come into play. The constitution of
the buying centre (initiator, influencer, decider, buyer, user, and gatekeeper), the culture
of the purchasing firm (autocratic, democratic, consultative, or consensus), and the context of
the buying situation (new buy, modified rebuy, straight rebuy) all influence the B2B buying
process in various ways, which means that sellers must be constantly aware of these factors
if they want to be successful in their sales attempts. Finally, just as it has done seemingly
everywhere we look, the Internet has radically changed some elements of the B2B world,
increasing the frequency of both private electronic exchanges and auctions.
152 Section TWO Understanding the Marketplace

Learning Objectives Review

LO1  escribe the nature and composition of

D LO3 List the steps in the B2B buying process
B2B markets
Similar to the B2C buying process, the B2B process con-
The B2B market comprises four groups of organizations: sists of several stages: need recognition, product speci-
manufacturers/producers, resellers, governments, and fication, the RFP process, proposal analysis and supplier
institutions. Manufacturers such as HP and Dell spend selection, order specification (purchase), and vendor
huge amounts to buy raw materials and parts for the performance assessment using metrics. The B2B pro-
computers, printers, and other products they produce. cess tends to be more formalized and structured than the
Similarly, producers such as farmers spend a great deal B2C buying process. Also, suppliers and customers tend
of money to buy fertilizers, seeds, and other agricultural to be more involved in the B2B buying process, which is
products for their crops. Resellers are mainly wholesalers, dependent to a large extent on the close relationships
distributors, and retailers who distribute the goods of between the company and its suppliers and customers.
manufacturers. In Canada, wholesale and retail trades
are among the largest sectors of the economy. The gov- LO4 Identify the roles within the buying centre
ernment sector—federal, provincial, and municipal—in
Canada and in most other countries is the largest buyer The initiator first suggests the purchase. The influencer
in a country. Institutions such as non-profit organiza- affects important people’s perceptions and final deci-
tions, universities, and prisons also spend millions of dol- sions. The decider ultimately determines at least some
lars buying finished products for their organizations and of the buying decision—whether, what, how, or where to
clients. The B2B market is substantially larger than the buy. The buyer handles the details of the actual purchase.
B2C market in terms of both volume and value of their The user consumes or employs the product or service.
purchases. The gatekeeper controls information and access to deci-
sion makers and influencers.
In B2B situations, it is likely that several people, organ-
LO2 Explain the key differences between B2B ized into a buying centre, will be involved in making the
buying and B2C buying purchase decision. The vendor must understand the rela-
tionships among the participants of the buying centre to be
B2B markets are different from B2C markets in terms of effective. A firm’s organizational culture can also influence
(1) the characteristics of market demand; (2) the types, the decision process. For instance, if a firm is trying to sell
value, and volume of products bought; (3) the nature of to a young, high-tech computer component manufacturer,
the buying process, which is more formalized and profes- it might be advised to send salespeople who are fluent in
sional, and involves more people; and (4) the nature of technology-speak and can easily relate to the customer.
the marketing mix—personal and online selling is more Firm culture consists of unspoken guidelines that employ-
prevalent and prices are negotiated and inelastic in the ees share through various work situations. Cultures gener-
short run. At first glance, the B2B buying process looks ally can be classified as autocratic, such that one person
similar to the consumer process described in Chapter 4. makes most decisions; democratic, where the majority
It starts with need recognition and ends with an evalua- rules; consultative, in which one person makes decisions
tion of the product’s or service’s performance. But it is based on the input of others; or consensus, which requires
really quite different, primarily because of its formality. all members of the team to reach collective agreement.
For instance, in the second stage, product specification,
the buying group spells out very specific requirements LO5 Detail different buying situations
for the products or services it wants to purchase. Then,
in the RFP process of the third stage, the buying firm The buying process depends to a great extent on the
announces its need for a product or service and solic- situation. If a firm is purchasing a product or service for
its formal proposals. In the fourth stage, buyers analyze the first time (i.e., new buy), the process is much more
the various proposals and select a supplier. Unlike the involved than if it is engaging in a straight rebuy of the
consumer process, the fifth stage, in which the B2B firm same item again. A modified rebuy falls somewhere in the
places the order, is very formal and spells out every detail middle, such that the buyer wants essentially the same
of the sales contract. thing but with slightly different terms or features.
Business-to-Business Marketing CHAPTER 5 153

Key Terms
■■ autocratic buying centre ■■ decider ■■ new buy
■■ business-to-business (B2B) ■■ democratic buying centre ■■ organizational culture
marketing ■■ derived demand ■■ request for proposals (RFP)
■■ buyer ■■ gatekeeper ■■ resellers
■■ buying centre ■■ influencer ■■ straight rebuy
■■ consensus buying centre ■■ initiator ■■ user
■■ consultative buying centre ■■ modified rebuy

concept review

1. List and discuss the unique characteristics of B2B 6. Explain the concept of the buying centre. What factors
markets relative to B2C markets. may influence the behaviour of the buying centre?
What is the role of gatekeepers in buying centres, and
2. What are the major differences between the con-
how do they influence the buying decision?
sumer buying process discussed in Chapter 4 and the
B2B buying process discussed in this chapter? 7. Explain how understanding the role, structure, and
behaviour of a buying centre may help a marketer sell
3. Explain why all B2B purchases may not go through all
to B2B buyers.
the stages of the B2B buying decision process and
why some may go through the process in a more sys- 8. This book claims that the six-step B2B buying process
tematic and rigorous manner. Give examples of buy- is similar to the five-step B2C buying process. How
ing situations to support your answer. would you go about mapping the B2B process to fit
the B2C process?
4. What are the key bases for distinguishing between
new buys, modified buys, and straight rebuys? Sup- 9. How does understanding the organizational cul-
port your answer with three clear examples. ture and buying centre’s culture of a potential B2B
customer help a salesperson who is targeting that
5. List five specific ways in which the Internet has
enhanced B2B buying and decision making.

Marketing Applications

1. Provide an example of each of the four key types of 2. Mazda is trying to assess the performance of two
B2B organizations. manufacturers that could supply music systems for
its vehicles. Using the information in the table below,
determine which manufacturer Mazda should use.

Table for Marketing Application Question 2

Performance Evaluation of Brands

Manufacturer A’s Manufacturer B’s
Issues Importance Weights Performance Performance
Sound 0.4 5 3
Cost 0.3 2 4
Delivery time 0.1 2 2
Brand cachet 0.2 5 1
Total 1
Note: Performance is rated on a 5-point scale, where 1 is “Poor” and 5 is “Excellent.”
154 Section TWO Understanding the Marketplace

3. Imagine you have written this book and are going to 8. You have recently been hired by IBM Cognos Analytics
attempt to sell it to your school. Identify the six mem- as a salesperson for its suite of business intelligence
bers of the buying centre. What role would each play applications. Pick one prospective company you plan
in the decision process? Rank them in terms of how to sell to and explain how you would go about identi-
much influence they would have on the decision, with fying the persons in the different roles in the buying
1 being most influential and 6 being least influential. centre for the chosen company. How would you try to
Will this ranking be different in other situations? target the needs of the different members in the buy-
ing centre?
4. Provide an example of the three types of buying situ-
ations that the bookstore at your school might face 9. IBM Cognos Analytics has developed a new busi-
when buying textbooks. ness intelligence application that it would like to sell
to some of its existing customers. You are part of the
5. Describe the organizational culture at your school or
sales team. How would your approach to selling to an
job. How is it different from the one at the last school
existing customer be different from selling to a new
you attended or the last job you had?
6. Nike manufactures shoes and sportswear. How has
10. You have just started to work in the purchasing office
the Internet changed the way this company communi-
of a major pharmaceutical firm. The purchasing man-
cates with its suppliers and retail customers?
ager has asked you to assist in writing an RFP for a
7. What are the major differences between the consumer major purchase. The manager gives you a sheet
buying process (discussed in Chapter 4) and the B2B detailing the specifications for the RFP. While read-
buying process discussed in this chapter? Use buying ing the specifications, you realize that they have been
iPads for personal use versus buying more than 100 written to be extremely favourable to one bidder. How
iPads for a firm to illustrate the key points. should you handle this situation?

marketing digitally

1. Browse the Public Services and Procurement Canada the primary task of helping the company move
website ( to learn more about into the B2B marketplace, selling its merchandise
how you may sell goods and services to the federal primarily to government departments. Explain how
government. Using the information on the website, you would go about getting Mark’s ready to do
describe the buying process used by the federal gov- business with the Canadian government. Hint: You
ernment, and explain how the electronic tendering will find helpful information on the following
system supports buying and selling between Cana- websites: Public Services and Procurement Canada
dian companies and the government of Canada. (, Public Works and Gov-
ernment Services Canada (,
2. Mark’s, a Canadian company that currently oper-
and Innovation, Science and Economic Develop-
ates mainly in the B2C market, has hired you as
ment Canada (
its government–business relations officer with

chapter Case study


Probably every reader of this book has visited a Staples store or its website at least once,
needing to stock up on back-to-school supplies, grab a roll of packing tape, or take a look at
the newest printers available on the market. Clearly, selling to individual consumers is impor-
tant to Staples. But some of its greatest growth and some of its most important marketing
efforts relate to its Staples Advantage division, which provides business customers with con-
venient services and support.
This support may be most valuable for small businesses, which often lack the resources to
manage all their various functions on their own. Staples Advantage provides companies with
the behind-the-scenes supplies that are necessary to keep the doors open: coffee machines,
sugar, and creamer to stock employee break rooms; janitorial supplies and floor mats that
keep the place looking clean; paper towels and soap dispensers in restrooms; and office
Business-to-Business Marketing CHAPTER 5 155

equipment to ensure that workers can keep their files organized and their workspaces pro-
ductive.48 To facilitate these offerings, Staples has equipped its B2B sales associates in the
field with iPads that are loaded with a virtual assistant. Rather than relying on their recall or
a bulky product catalogue, they can depend on the virtual tool to determine which type of
furniture polish will save their business clients the most money while still enabling them to
keep all their surfaces free of dirt.49
To appeal even more to these small-business owners and provide them with not just office
supplies but also ideas on how to run their offices, Staples has introduced the Quick Wins
app. The app tracks the small businesses’ performances on a range of measures, includ-
ing social-media engagement, website traffic, and financial metrics, all in one place. In this
case, the innovative offering is a clear response to customer demand. Through its research,
Staples determined that approximately 41 percent of its small-business customers expressed
their need for help with these measures of performance, but they also did not know which
metrics were most important or how to measure them accurately. Worried about their ability
to keep up with the information, respondents to Staples’ surveys also noted that they would
prefer for all the information to be available in one easy-to-read dashboard. In helping busi-
ness customers track key data regularly, Staples promises to develop customized, specific
suggestions for how the business customers can expand their firms and increase business.
Furthermore, through the Quick Wins app, users can interact with other small-business own-
ers, seeking answers and support from their peers.50
Once they determine their performance, small-business owners identify sources of
improvement. Pursuing such improvements often requires new investments, especially mon-
etary ones—a resource that many small-business owners usually lack. According to Statistics
Canada, almost 48 percent of working Canadians are employed by or own small businesses.
Many of these business struggle with cash flow and accessing needed capital to keep their
companies running.51 Therefore, Staples’ latest service introduction is Lendio, an online
financing arm that facilitates loans for these customers. Accessing the loan forms through
Staples’ main website, business customers can provide the necessary information quickly
and easily.52 Lendio then forwards the information to a relevant lender and maintains the
financing agreement. In just a few months, Lendio had facilitated close to $1.5 million in loans
to small firms.53
By spreading and expanding its B2B offerings, Staples effectively protects against
upheaval in any one market. Sales that it categorizes as B2B account for approximately one-
third of its $23 billion in annual revenue. The revenues earned through Lendio, for example,
are still just a tiny percentage of those totals, but by adding this service, Staples achieves two
critical goals. First, it establishes itself as a source for such services, so the contributions to
its bottom line might grow over time. Second, it makes sure that it is available for every need
that a business customer might have. By doing so, Staples becomes a true partner that busi-
nesses turn to so that they can serve their own customers.
1. Imagine a small business that has long bought its office supplies from Staples. It reads
about Lendio and considers whether to ask for a loan. What kind of buying situation has
this small business entered?
2. What attributes should this small business use to evaluate Staples as a vendor? What
about Lendio? Using those attributes for Staples and Lendio, perform two separate ven-
dor analyses.
SECTION three Targeting the Marketplace

Chapter 6 Segmentation, Targeting, and Positioning

Chapter 7 Marketing Research
Appendix 7A Using Secondary Data to Assess Customer Lifetime Value (CLV)

Chapter 6

Used with permission of SoCIAL LITE Vodka

Segmentation, Targeting,
and Positioning
Learning Objectives
After studying this chapter you should be able to
Describe the bases marketers use to segment a market
Identify the criteria for determining the attractiveness of a segment and whether it is
worth pursuing (targeting)
Explain the differences among targeting strategies: undifferentiated, differentiated,
concentrated, or micromarketing
Define positioning and describe how firms do it
Segmentation, Targeting, and Positioning CHAPTER 6 157

Segmentation is key to identifying the right target markets. As a start-up company, SoCIAL LITE Vodka knew
it had to be extremely focused on segmentation. Its alcoholic beverages were made with 100 percent natural
flavours, were unsweetened, and had only 80 calories. Two great flavours were available: Lemon Cucumber Mint
and Lime Ginger. SoCIAL LITE co-founder Neetu Godara said they had to very quickly identify who would fall in
love with the products.1
You might think it would be easy to determine the target market for a new alcoholic drink. In this day and
age of heightened health-consciousness, SoCIAL LITE Vodka is the type of product that could appeal to a wide
variety of consumers. So it would seem like an obvious choice to use a psychographic approach to segment the
market, based on health and wellness. Sugar is in the news every day and it’s not hard to find groups of people
who read labels when shopping for new products.
Although the product appeals primarily to women, SoCIAL LITE Vodka was started in Toronto by two
men—Dan Beach and Kevin Folk—in their kitchen as they were mixing drinks. They wanted to be able to
enjoy a drink that wouldn’t impact their ability to go for a long run the following day. Given their Ontario
roots, you might wonder why the entrepreneurs decided to launch their product in Alberta. After all, other
geographical regions in the country offer much higher population density. Godara says Alberta was chosen
because liquor stores there are privately owned, not government-owned, which makes it easier to get prod-
ucts listed. Still, there were challenges. With 1,400 independently owned locations, it took a lot of phone
calls to convince store managers to carry the products.
Logistically it would have been far easier to sell into the Ontario market via government-owned Liquor Con-
trol Board of Ontario (LCBO) stores. And the Ontario geography was on their radar from day one. But convincing
the LCBO was a slow process. In the meantime, the Alberta launch allowed SoCIAL LITE to get its products into
affluent urban centres such as Calgary and Edmonton. Success in Alberta paved the way to move farther west
into British Columbia, where the liquor market is half publicly and half privately owned. Three years later, after
seeing sales results that proved the market for the products in Western Canada, the LCBO agreed to list SoCIAL
LITE Vodka.
For SoCIAL LITE, segmentation bases such as psychographics or geographics were an important part of
identifying and describing potential target markets. But marketers need to consider more than just one segmen-
tation base to find the right target markets. Godara notes that, demographically, you can target whomever you
like. For example, an ideal target market might include women in their mid-thirties to late fifties. But you also need
to consider if their psychographic profile indicates that they seek out healthy products and carefully watch what
they eat.
When segmenting the overall market, Godara says you also need to consider the retail environment in
which your product will sell. The reality is that the ready-to-drink category skews heavily to a younger crowd.
If you stop to think about store placement, ready-to-drink products are found in the cooler aisle. And the vast
majority of traffic in that aisle is under the age of 25. While older women matched the demographic profile
for the products, behaviourally, it was going to be harder to attract them in-store. Age became an important
demographic variable, together with a focus on psychographics in SoCIAL LITE’s segmentation analysis.
Multiple target markets were identified, with “Socialite Andy” being primary. You will read more about other
segments later in the chapter.
Having identified appropriate target markets, the company turned its marketing efforts to positioning its prod-
ucts in the minds of target consumers. SoCIAL LITE Vodka focuses on functional benefits and taste, as a way to
socialize without regret—have fun without having to worry about calories, sugar, artificial ingredients, or gluten.
With benefits like these, Godara knew that SoCIAL LITE would soon be on everyone’s lips. Competitors took note,
too. And in spite of over 20 brands now offering unsweetened vodka beverages, SoCIAL LITE is LCBO’s fastest
growing with over 234 percent growth in the last year.2

In Chapter 1, we learned that marketing is about satisfying consumers’ wants and needs.
A company could make one type of beverage and hope that every customer would buy
it, but that’s the kind of mistake that causes companies to go out of business. Beverage
manufacturers could analyze the market to determine the different types of drinks people
want and then make several varieties that cater to specific groups. It is not enough just to
158 Section Three Targeting the Marketplace

make the product, however. Drink manufacturers, such as SoCIAL LITE, must position
their products in the minds of their target market so those consumers understand why
a particular drink meets their needs better than competitive brands do. Chapter 3 noted
how companies analyze their markets and the environment around them to determine the
different kinds of products and services people want. This process requires a plan, as we
discussed in Chapter 2. As you might recall, the third step of this plan is identifying and
evaluating opportunities by performing a segmentation, targeting, and positioning (STP)
analysis. This chapter now expands on that very analysis.
In the chapter vignette, SoCIAL LITE identified the various groups, or market seg-
ments, of people who would respond similarly to the firm’s marketing efforts. Those who
like low-calorie drinks are one market segment; people who prefer drinks with higher alco-
hol content constitute a different segment. After evaluating the attractiveness of different
market segments, SoCIAL LITE decided to concentrate its new product line on one group
of consumers—its target market—because it believed it could satisfy this group’s needs bet-
ter than its competitors could.
Once the target market was identified, SoCIAL LITE had to convince members of the
targeted group that, when trying a new drink, their choice should be SoCIAL LITE Vodka.
It achieved this task by defining the marketing mix variables so that the target custom-
ers had a clear, distinctive, desirable understanding of what the product or services do or
represent, relative to competing products. To achieve its market positioning, SoCIAL LITE
designed messaging that has positioned its vodka drinks as low-calorie, healthy, and sin-
free. Packaging was prominently used in all advertising efforts so customers would be able
to recall SoCIAL LITE Vodka at the need recognition stage of the consumer buying process
described in Chapter 4. The company has also made sure that the drinks are available most
places its customers would want to buy them.

The Segmentation–Targeting–
Positioning Process
In this chapter, we discuss how a firm conducts a market segmentation or STP analysis. We
start by discussing market segmentation, or how a segmentation strategy fits into a firm’s
overall strategy and objectives and which segments are worth pursuing. Then we consider
how to choose a target market or markets by evaluating each segment’s attractiveness and,
on the basis of this evaluation, choosing which segment or segments to pursue. Finally,
we describe how a firm develops its positioning strategy. The segmentation, targeting, and
positioning process is shown in Exhibit 6.1.

Step 1: Establish Overall Strategy or Objectives

As discussed in Chapter 2, the first step in the planning process is to articulate the
mission and the objectives of the company’s marketing strategy clearly. The segmen-
tation strategy must then be consistent with and derived from the firm’s mission and
objectives, as well as its current situation—its strengths, weaknesses, opportunities,
and threats (SWOT). SoCIAL LITE’s objective, for instance, is to gain trial in a very
competitive market. The company recognized that its strengths were its health and
wellness functional attributes and its ability to place new products on retailers’ shelves.
Its primary weaknesses were that it was not a recognized brand and the company had
a limited promotional budget. Attracting a share of new customers in this large and
profitable market segment before mainstream competitors followed suit offered a great
Segmentation, Targeting, and Positioning CHAPTER 6 159

opportunity, though following through on that opportunity could lead to the threat of
competitive retaliation. To make use of its strengths, SoCIAL LITE decided to look at
segments that would benefit from its health and wellness attributes, which is clearly
consistent with its overall strategy and objectives.
Now let’s take a look at the methods, or bases, that can be used to segment the market.

Step 2: Segmentation Bases LO1

The second step in the segmentation process is to use a formal approach to segment the
market. This step develops descriptions of the different target market segments—and
their needs, wants, and characteristics—using a variety of segmentation bases. This helps geographic segmentation
firms better understand the profile of the customers in each segment. With this informa- The grouping of
consumers on the basis
tion, they can distinguish the customer similarities within a segment and dissimilarities of where they live.
across segments. Beverage marketers, for instance, have broken up the carbonated-
beverage landscape into caffeinated or decaffeinated,
regular or diet, and with or without alcohol. This
segmentation method is based on the benefits that Exhibit 6.1 The Segmentation–Targeting–
Positioning Process
consumers derive from the products.
Marketers use various segmentation bases, includ-
ing geographic, demographic, psychographic, and
behavioural, or a combination of these segmentation
approaches when defining consumer target markets
Step 1: or
(see Exhibit 6.2). Refer back to Chapter 5 for examples
of how businesses segment their markets. Chapter 16
will address how marketers approach segmentation in
global markets. Segmentation

Step 2:
Geographic Segmentation bases
Geographic segmentation organizes customers into
groups on the basis of where they live. Thus, a mar-
ket could be grouped by country (Canada, Germany,
China), by region (Atlantic Canada, Western Canada), Evaluate
by areas within a region (province, city, neighbour- Step 3: segment
hoods, area codes), or by climate and topography attractiveness
(warm, cold and snowy, mountainous). For example,
SoCIAL LITE launched its products in Western Can- Targeting
ada first and then moved to Ontario. Not surprisingly,
geographic segmentation is most useful for companies
whose products satisfy needs that vary by region. Step 4: target
Firms can provide the same basic goods or services market
to all segments even if they market globally or nation-
ally, but better marketers make adjustments to meet
the needs of smaller geographic groups. For instance,
a national grocery-store chain, such as Sobeys or
Identify and
Loblaws, runs similar stores with similar assortments
in various locations across Canada. Within those Step 5: Positioning
similar stores, though, a significant percentage of the
assortment of goods will vary by region, city, or even
neighbourhood, depending on the different needs of
the customers who surround each location.
160 Section Three Targeting the Marketplace

Exhibit 6.2 Bases for Segmenting Markets

Segmentation Base Sample Segments

Geographic Continent (North America, Asia, Europe, Africa), country, region
(West Coast, Prairies, Central, Maritimes), province, city, urban,
suburban, rural, climate

Demographic Age, gender, income, education, occupation, race, marital status,

family size, family life cycle, religion, ethnic background (African,
Asian, Indian, Caribbean, European, Indigenous, Middle Eastern),
generational cohort (baby boomer, Generation X, Generation Y),
home ownership

Psychographic Lifestyle (Innovators, Thinkers, Achievers, Experiencers,

Believers, Strivers, Makers, Survivors), personality/self-concept
(conservative, liberal, adventuresome, outgoing, health- and
fitness-conscious), socioeconomic status

Behavioural Benefits sought (convenience, economy, prestige, quality, speed,

service, environmental impact), usage (heavy, moderate, light,
non-user, ex-user, potential user, first-time user), loyalty (not loyal,
somewhat loyal, completely loyal)

Consider a new superstore in Surrey, British Columbia, designed to cater specifically to

the surrounding Southeast Asian (Punjabi) neighbourhood. In the produce section, piles of
shiny, green pasilla chiles sit beside paddle-shaped cactus leaves and bumpy, brown yucca
roots. At the meat counter, a customer greets a clerk in Punjabi and asks him to marinate
some meat.

Demographic Segmentation
demographic Demographic segmentation groups consumers according to who they are using easily
measured, objective characteristics such as age, gender, income, education, race, occupa-
The grouping of
consumers according to tion, religion, marital status, family size, family life cycle, and home ownership. These
easily measured, objective variables represent the most common means to define segments because they are easy
characteristics such as
age, gender, income, and to identify. As discussed in Chapter 3, generational cohorts are often used by marketers,
education. and millennials are often targeted. In another example, car makers often consider mar-
ket segments defined by their income levels. Kellogg’s uses age to define segments for its
line of breakfast cereals. Froot Loops and Rice Krispies are for kids, while Special K and
All-Bran are for adults. In addition, demographically segmented markets are easy to reach.
For instance, if McCain Foods or Pizza Hut wants to advertise its newest pizza to kids, it
can easily determine that the best place for TV ads would be on Nickelodeon or the Disney
Channel. By considering the viewer profiles of various TV shows, McCain and Pizza Hut
can find those that fit their target market’s demographic profile.
Gender plays a very important role in how most firms market products and services.
For instance, TV viewing habits vary significantly between men and women. Men tend to
channel surf—switching quickly from channel to channel—and watch prime-time shows
that are action oriented and feature physically attractive cast members. Women, in con-
trast, tend to view shows to which they can personally relate through the situational plot
or characters and those recommended by friends. Print media are similar: A company such
as Proactiv, which seeks to appeal to both men and women worried about the condition
of their skin, carefully considers the gender-based appeal of different magazines when it
purchases advertising space.
However, demographics may not be useful for defining the target segments for other
companies. For example, demographics are poor predictors of the users of activewear, such
Segmentation, Targeting, and Positioning CHAPTER 6 161

as yoga pants or athletic shoes. At one time, firms such as Nike assumed that activewear
would be purchased exclusively by young, active people, but the health and fitness trend
has led people of all ages to buy such merchandise. Even relatively inactive consumers of
all ages, incomes, and education levels find activewear more comfortable than traditional
street clothes. Some companies focus on gender as a way to grow their revenues, as you will
read in the chapter end case on lululemon.
Because it is relatively easy to gather information, demographic variables are often
used for segmenting markets. Depending on the nature of the product and market, how-
ever, marketers may find it more advantageous to combine demographic segmentation
with other segmentation bases, described below, to derive a richer understanding of their
potential customers. Rethinking some stereotypical ideas about who is buying thus has
become a relatively common trend among firms that once thought their target market was
well defined.

Psychographic Segmentation
Of the various methods for segmenting, or breaking down the market, psychographics is psychographics
the one that delves into how consumers actually describe themselves, or how they live. As This segmentation base
delves into how consumers
you read in the opening vignette, SoCIAL LITE Vodka targets people whose psychographic describe themselves;
profile indicates that they are health conscious and carefully choose what they eat and allows people to describe
themselves by using
drink. Usually marketers determine (through demographics, buying patterns, or usage) those characteristics that
into which segment an individual consumer falls. Psychographics studies how people self- help them choose how
select, as it were, based on characteristics that help them choose how they occupy their they occupy their time
(behaviour) and what
time and what underlying psychological reasons determine those choices.3 For example, a underlying psychological
person might have a strong need for inclusion or belonging, which motivates him or her to reasons determine those
seek out activities and interests that involve others, which then influences the products he
or she buys to fit in with the group. If a consumer becomes attached to a group that enjoys
literary discussions, she or he is motivated to buy the latest books and spend time in stores
such as Indigo. Such self-segmentation by the consumer could be very valuable knowledge

Marketers such as MEC want their ads to appeal to one’s self-concept. “I’m like them, so I
should buy their products.”
Photo by Felix Rioux and Mountain Equipment Co-Op (MEC)
162 Section Three Targeting the Marketplace

for bookstore managers trying to find new ways of attracting customers. As you will read
in the chapter case study, when determining what ads customers see on its site, Netflix
focuses on what viewers like and then shows options that match those interests. Determin-
ing psychographics involves knowing and understanding three components: self-values,
self-concept, and lifestyles.
self-values Self-values are life goals, not just the goals one wants to accomplish in a day. They are
Goals for life, not just the overriding desires that drive how a person lives his or her life. Examples of self-value
the goals one wants
to accomplish in a
goals might include self-respect, self-fulfillment, or a sense of belonging. This motivation
day; a component of causes people to develop self-images of how they want to be and then determine a way
psychographics that refers of life that will help them arrive at these ultimate goals. From a marketing point of view,
to overriding desires that
drive how a person lives self-values help determine the benefits the target market may be looking for from a prod-
his or her life. uct. Lexus uses the tagline “Amazing in Motion” and BMW uses “‘Designed for Driving
Pleasure” and “The Ultimate Driving Machine” to target these values. In this sense, the
underlying, fundamental, personal need that pushes a person to seek out certain products
or brands stems from his or her desire to fulfill a self-value, or goal.
self-concept People’s self-image, or self-concept, is the image people have of themselves.4 A person
The image a person who has a goal to belong may see, or want to see, himself or herself as a fun-loving, gregari-
has of himself or
herself; a component of
ous type whom people wish to be around. Marketers can make use of this image through
psychographics. communications that show their products being used by groups of laughing people who
are having a good time. The connection emerges between the group fun and the product
being shown and connotes a certain lifestyle that many consumers seek. TV commercials
for dating services such as eHarmony use this technique to sell their services. L’Oréal uses
the tagline, “Because I’m Worth It,” for its hair colour products.
Such tactics need to balance the ideal with the realistic. Advertisements for men’s
underwear tend to feature salacious shots of incredibly cut men, usually with shaved
chests. But in making this appeal to women who might purchase briefs, boxers, and T-shirts
for their husbands or partners, underwear marketers forgot about men as their underlying
target market. And these male shoppers have long felt uncomfortable in stores, reaching
for a box featuring a nearly naked man. Rather than being aspirational, the models had
become so outside the norm that they seemed like a cruel taunt. Thus, a recent advertis-
ing campaign by the men’s underwear brand 2(x)ist features a handsome but not “perfect”
model, wearing a robe that covers most of his body. The Mack Weldon brand offers up
another handsome but slightly goofy model, who trips while trying to take off his pants to
reveal his underwear.5
lifestyles Lifestyles, the third component of people’s psychographic makeup, are the ways we
Lifestyles are how we live live.6 If values provide an end goal and self-concept is the way one sees oneself in the con-
our lives to achieve goals.
text of that goal, lifestyles are how we live our lives to achieve goals. Someone with a strong
sense of belonging who sees himself as a “people person” will probably live in a well popu-
lated area that allows for many activities. He likely will join clubs or partake in activities
that attract like-minded people. This gives marketers a built-in target group with similar
interests and buying desires. Lululemon quickly built a global empire of sportswear cloth-
ing and accessories based not on demographics but on the philosophy of a healthy, bal-
anced, fun-filled lifestyle. Likewise, SoCIAL LITE has targeted people who live a healthy,
active lifestyle and recently added the words “Be Social, Live Lite” on its cans to clearly
make the point that its products are about a lifestyle.7
One of the most storied lifestyles in North American legend is the Harley way of life.
The open road, wind in your hair, rebelling against convention—the image nearly always
depicted the same way it was decades ago by actor Dennis Hopper in the movie Easy Rider.
But the notions of freedom, rebellion, and standing out from a crowd vastly appeal to all
sorts of people. In response, Harley-Davidson has shifted its STP methods to define four tar-
get markets that include men older than 35 years, young adults 18–34 years, women older
than 35 years, and men and women older than 35 years.8 For millennials, for example, it
has partnered with social influencers such as Jessica Haggett, the founder of an all-female
Segmentation, Targeting, and Positioning CHAPTER 6 163

On the left is its core segment consisting of men older than 35 years. The ad on the right targets women older than
35 years.
Source: H-D U.S.A, LLC

motorcycle club, and actor, producer, and model Jason Momoa to be the voice of the com-
pany on social media. Furthermore, it is focusing its advertising efforts on popular events
such as the X Games and the Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC.) Harley-Davidson
has even introduced a virtual reality game, Crew 2, that allows players to virtually weave
through city streets on a motorcycle. It is also expanding the number of stores with its rid-
ing academy, which now has almost 250 locations, to teach millennials how to ride and to
make sure they feel comfortable on a motorcycle.9
The most widely used tool to support such psychographic segmentation efforts is the
Values and Lifestyle Survey (VALS™), owned and operated by Strategic Business Insights VALS
(SBI).10 Adults aged 18 and older are classified into one of eight segments, based on answers A psychological tool
developed by Strategic
to the VALS™ survey and proprietary algorithm ( Business Insights that
vals/presurvey.shtml). The vertical dimension of the VALS™ framework indicates level of classifies consumers
resources, including income, education, curiosity, energy level, and degree of innovation. into eight segments:
Innovators, Thinkers,
The upper segments (Innovators, Thinkers, Achievers, Experiencers) have more resources Believers, Achievers,
and are more innovative than those at the bottom (Believers, Makers, Strivers, Survivors). Strivers, Experiencers,
Makers, and Survivors.
The horizontal dimension shows the segment’s primary psychological motivation.
Consumers buy products and services because of their primary motivations—that is, how
they see themselves in the world and how that self-image governs their activities. The three
universal primary motivations are ideals, achievement, and self-expression. People who
are motivated by ideals (e.g., Thinkers, Believers) are guided by knowledge and principles,
whereas those who are motivated by achievement (e.g., Achievers, Strivers) look for prod-
ucts and services that demonstrate success to their peers. Exhibit 6.3 provides a description
of the VALS™ types. You can view a visual comparison of these types on the SBI website
164 Section Three Targeting the Marketplace

Exhibit 6.3 Description of VALS™ Categories

Innovators Thinkers Believers Achievers

Successful, sophisticated, Old guard, respect Hold conservative belief Goal-oriented
take-charge people authority systems, deep-rooted professionals
High-esteem Well-educated moral codes View money as source
Change leaders, open Mature, satisfied, Value family, religion, of authority
to new ideas and comfortable community Deep commitment to
technology Carefully research and Value stability career, family
Actively seek new plan before taking Dislike ambiguity Respect authority and
information action Not looking to change the status quo
Experiment with Appreciate historical society Active consumers
confidence, future perspective Predictable, loyal Favour prestige
oriented Act in accordance with consumers products, conscious of
Problem-solvers what’s right Choose familiar products, peers
Active consumers, Not influenced by latest established brands Embrace technology
cultivated tastes trends with productivity benefits

Strivers Experiencers Makers Survivors

Live in the moment Seek variety, excitement Practical people with Oldest consumers
Trendy, fun-loving Enthusiastic, impulsive constructive skills Cautious, risk averse,
Money defines success consumers Strong mechanical and feel world is changing
Favour stylish products "Want it all" mentality automotive interests too fast
Revolving rates of tempo- Active in sports and Traditional views of Concern for safety,
rary unemployment social activities family, work, gender roles security
Looking for a better life, Heightened sense of Protect what they see as Comfortable with routine
not easily achieved visual stimulation theirs and the familiar
Active yet impulsive Keep up with latest Value self-sufficiency Loyal to favourite brands
consumers fashions Suspicious of new ideas Laggards in technology
Want to look good, Unimpressed with Focus on needs vs.
have cool stuff material possessions wants

Source: Strategic Business Insights (SBI), The VALS™ Types.

VALS™ explores the intersection of psychology, demographics, and lifestyle. It enables

firms to identify target segments on the basis of their underlying motivations. For instance,
a European auto manufacturer used VALS™ to identify online, mobile applications that
would appeal to affluent, early-adopter consumers within the next five years. The VALS™
analysis enabled the company to prioritize the most promising applications to develop.
In another case, VALS™ was used to help a medical centre identify those customers most
interested in and able to afford cosmetic surgery. Based on the underlying motivations of its
target customers, the centre’s ad agency developed a campaign that was so successful it had
to be pulled early to avoid overbooking at the surgical centre.
Firms are finding that psychographic segmentation systems like VALS™ are a very
good complement to demographics to produce an in-depth profile and predict consumer
behaviour. For instance, first-year college students and some day labourers may share simi-
lar demographics such as their age, education, and income, but they spend their income
quite differently because of their very different mindsets. Likewise, Harpreet and Javinder
are both 30 years old, married, and college graduates. From a demographic standpoint they
are the same, yet Harpreet is risk averse while Javinder is a risk taker. Harpreet is socially
conscious. Javinder is focused on himself. Lumping these two men in the same target mar-
ket does not make sense because they think and act very differently.
There are limitations to using psychographic segmentation, however. Psychograph-
ics are more expensive as a way to identify potential customers. With demographics, for
example, a firm such as Nike can easily identify its customers as men or women and then
direct its marketing strategies to each group differently. The problem is that not all men are
Segmentation, Targeting, and Positioning CHAPTER 6 165

It is just as easy to identify Thinkers (left) as it is Makers (right). A person is given the VALS™ questionnaire, and the VALS™
program at SRIC-BI runs the answers through the computer for scoring to determine the VALS™ type.
(left): Sam Edwards/Getty Images; (right): Huntstock/Getty Images

alike, as we saw with Harpreet and Javinder. Women are not all alike either! Since it can be
expensive to identify and target “Thinkers” versus “Makers,” psychographic segmentation
is often used in conjunction with other segmentation methods.11

Behavioural Segmentation
Behavioural segmentation groups consumers on the basis of why they buy, how often, behavioural
and how they plan to use the products or services. Each segmentation base addresses specific segmentation
Groups consumers based
aspects related to consumers. How geographic segmentation differs from demographic is on the benefits they derive
perhaps more obvious than how psychographic versus behavioural segmentation is applied. from products or services,
their usage rate, their
To make it easier to remember how each base is used, refer to Exhibit 6.4. loyalty, and the occasion.
As mentioned above, behavioural segmentation looks at the benefits consumers are
looking for in a product or service, their usage rates (in other words, how often they buy or
use the product or service,) how loyal they are to it, and the occasion for which the product
or service is used. For example, some universities consider interest in sustainability initia-
tives as a way to segment and target both students and their parents. Because marketing
is about satisfying consumers’ needs and wants, dividing the market into segments whose
needs and wants are best satisfied by the product benefits can be very powerful. It is also
relatively easy to portray a product’s or service’s benefits in the firm’s communication strat- occasion segmentation
egies: usage rates of products or services, user status, and loyalty. Some companies track Groups consumers based
on when they purchase
consumer behaviour and use it for better customer experiences or interactions with the or consume a product or
firm. For example, Amazon makes recommendations to customers while they are brows- service.
ing its site by matching their profiles to those of
other customers. Exhibit 6.4 Segmentation Bases Simplified
Behavioural segmentation based on when
a product or service is purchased or consumed Segmentation Base Simplification
is called occasion segmentation. Moores
Geographic Where do they live?
Clothing for Men uses this type of segmentation
to develop its merchandise selection and its pro- Demographic Who are they?
motions. Sometimes men need a suit for their
Psychographic How do they live?
everyday work, but other suits are expressly
What is their lifestyle?
for special occasions, like a prom or a wedding.
Snack food companies like Frito-Lay also make Behavioural Why do they buy?
and promote snacks for various occasions— How often?
How do they plan to use the products?
individual servings of potato chips for a snack
on the run, but 255 gram bags for parties.
166 Section Three Targeting the Marketplace

benefit segmentation As mentioned previously, benefit segmentation considers the benefits customers
Groups consumers based are looking for from products or services. Because marketing is all about satisfying needs
on the benefits they derive
from products or services. and wants, dividing the market into segments according to which consumers’ needs and
wants your offerings can best satisfy makes a lot of sense. An excellent illustration of
benefit segmentation can be found in the Royal Bank of Canada. Although it considers
that its customers may be defined in a number of ways, its primary categorization centres
on the benefits that customers seek from a bank. RBC divides personal (i.e., nonbusiness)
customers into five primary benefit groups: Youth, Nexus, Borrowers/Builders, Wealth
Accumulators, and Wealth Preservers.12 As the names of these segments suggest, RBC
approaches them according to the benefits these customers want their banks to provide,
such as the accumulation or the preservation of their wealth.
As discussed in Sustainable Marketing 6.1, Nature's Path understood that consumers
wanted the benefits associated with eating organic foods.

Sustainable Marketing 6.1

Eat Like the World Depends On It*

A degree in English literature, psychology, and Sanskrit may
not seem to be a typical path to running an organic busi-
ness built on sustainability. However, this is the experience
that Ratana Stephens had when she joined her husband
Arran Stephens in running their four vegetarian restaurants,
opening one of the first natural and organic grocery stores
in Canada, and later launching Nature's Path Organic
Foods. From the very beginning, the couple believed in the
benefit of organic farming and healthy eating.
The banks were not quite as convinced and refused
to lend them money. One of their suppliers loaned them
$250,000 to help them get off the ground. Since then,
Nature’s Path has grown into a $400-million company. The mission of Nature’s Path is based on sustainability
And that supplier who gave them the loan? It now receives and protecting the planet.
$34 million in orders from the company every year. Courtesy of Nature's Path Foods
The company started by offering organic cereals,
which were well received by consumers interested in the sustainability, and say, “We have an urgent responsibility
benefits of healthy foods. Since those early days, it has to protect our planet.” The company's mission is rooted
expanded its product line to include granola, oatmeal, in the triple bottom line and leaving the earth better than
toaster pastries, waffles, and granola bars. Along with the they found it. The family-owned company hosts annual
Nature’s Path brand, it also introduced product lines such “foodraisers” and supports local food banks. In the last
as EnviroKidz®, Love Crunch®, Que Pasa, and Qi’a®. 10 years, more than $27,000,000 USD worth of cash and
The mission for EnviroKidz is saving animals one food has been donated. In 2018, Nature’s Path was the
breakfast at a time, and in the last 10 years alone, $4 million only food manufacturing company to earn zero-waste
USD has been donated to animal partners around the certification at all its multinational sites. By 2025, all of
world. Love Crunch® was the outcome of a wedding the company’s packaging will be either reusable, recycla-
favour for guests at the wedding of Stephens' son. ble, or compostable. It is also the first organic company to
Guests loved the crunchy granola so much that Nature’s sign a partnership with Loop to offer reusable packaging.
Path added it as a new product. Named for chia, which Ratana Stephens has been recognized as one of
means strength, the Qi’a® brand uses superfoods such British Columbia’s most influential women. She has also
as hemp, buckwheat, coconut, and of course, chia seeds. been named as one of Canada’s top 10 female entrepre-
Nature’s Path doesn’t just offer great-tasting organic neurs, a well-deserved honour for someone whose motto
products. Ratana and Arran Stephens are firm believers in is to “Always challenge the status quo.”
*Dawn Calleja, “Nature’s Path co-CEO Ratana Stephens on how she got the funding to start her multimillion-dollar business,” Globe and Mail,
December 4, 2018,
funding-to/; Nature’s Path, “A Sustainable Food Future,”; Nature’s Path, “Using our food to inspire action and
implement solutions,”; Nature’s Path, “Our Family,”
our-path/our-family/ (accessed July 12, 2019).
Segmentation, Targeting, and Positioning CHAPTER 6 167

Hollywood is a constant and effective practitioner of benefit segmentation. Although

all movies may seem to provide the same service—entertainment for a few hours—film
producers know that people visit the theatre or stream films to get a variety of benefits, and
so they market them accordingly. Need a laugh? Try the latest comedy. Want to cry and then
feel warm and fuzzy? Take in a romance. By the time you leave the theatre, you will feel
happy because the lead characters are sure to have overcome their differences to find love.
Firms have long known that it pays to retain loyal customers. Loyal customers are those
who feel so strongly that the firm can meet their relevant needs so well that other competi-
tors are virtually excluded from their consideration. These customers buy almost exclusively
from the firm. Loyal customers are the most profitable in the long term.13 In light of the high
cost of finding new customers and the profitability of loyal customers, today’s companies
are using loyalty segmentation and investing in retention and loyalty initiatives to retain loyalty segmentation
Strategy of investing
their most profitable customers. Canadians are crazy about loyalty cards, with nearly 9 in in retention and loyalty
10 adults (87 percent) actively participating in at least one loyalty program, whether it’s retail initiatives to retain the
or air travel. Loyalty-card participation cuts across all demographics; for instance, 96 per- firm’s most profitable
cent of affluent consumers actively participate in a loyalty program, 78 percent of young
adults (18 to 25 years old), 90 percent of seniors (60 years or older), and 95 percent of women
(25 to 49) do as well. Grocery stores have embraced this concept, too. For example, Loblaw
rolled out a digital loyalty program, PC Optimum, that allows the company to target and
reward loyal customers with offers tied to their specific needs.
Spotify customers can be very loyal to their favourite genre of music. With over 1,300
genres available, you might be surprised to learn that heavy metal music inspires the highest
level of loyalty. Pop trails far behind in second place, and folk is a distant third. Although many
people view metal listeners as dangerous and destructive, a personality study conducted by
the Harriet Watt University in Scotland showed that they are open minded, curious, risk tak-
ers, and skeptical of authority, and have far more emotional stability than pop fans. Imagine
how useful these insights are to Spotify when analyzing its members’ preferences.14
As outlined in Marketing Analytics 6.1, the restaurant industry has started to use data
mining to learn more about the types of food and service customers want.
Usage rate (heavy users, regular users, light users, occasional users) can also act as a usage rate
segmentation variable. For example, fast-food restaurants often use promotional coupons How often a person uses
the product or service:
to target occasional visitors to their restaurant or to entice people who have never visited occasional, light, regular, or
their restaurant to come in and try their food and services. Of course, they hope those same heavy users.
people will return and become regular customers.
And airlines definitely pamper their frequent flyers. At Air Canada, the customers who
have flown the most miles with the company, the “Super Elite,” receive a distinctive card,
personalized Air Canada Super Elite luggage tags, special access to Aeroplan reward seats,
priority reservation waitlist, preferred seat selection, Air Canada concierge service, priority
airport check-in, extra checked-baggage allowance, priority boarding, guaranteed reserva-
tions for full-fare tickets, and priority baggage handling, among other benefits.15 None of
these special services is available to the occasional flyer.

Using Multiple Segmentation Methods

Although all segmentation methods are useful, each has its unique advantages and dis-
advantages. For example, segmenting by demographics and geography is easy because
information about who the customers are and where they are located is readily available, but
these characteristics don’t help marketers determine their customer needs. Because “birds
of a feather flock together,” companies use a combination of geographic, demographic, segmentation
and lifestyle characteristics, called geodemographic segmentation, to classify consum- The grouping of
ers. Consumers in the same neighbourhoods tend to buy the same types of cars, appliances, consumers on the basis
of a combination of
and apparel; shop at the same types of retailers; and respond similarly to media and promo- geographic, demographic,
tions. One tool used by Canada Post for geodemographic segmentation in Canada is PSYTE and lifestyle characteristics.
168 Section Three Targeting the Marketplace

Marketing Analytics 6.1

The Expanding Uses of Data restaurant managers and hosts can ensure that they rec-
ognize diners on sight, and welcome them personally,
Mining and Analytics in the even if they are not regular customers.
Restaurant Industry** For consumers, such operations offer clear benefits.
Being known by restaurant staffers gives consumers a
When Damian Mogavero, a restaurant group CFO, real- sense of importance. Furthermore, a vegetarian diner
ized the vast need for improved data analytics in the would not have to listen to a long list of meat-oriented
restaurant sector, he decided to found a new kind of specials, for example, but instead might receive informa-
technology company, Avero. It is dedicated to helping tion about alternative menu options that the chef could
approximately 40,000 restaurants around the world with create. If the restaurant also uses these data to enhance
their data needs. Specifically, Avero collects data from its operations, consumers likely would enjoy shorter wait
restaurants and provides them with meaningful insights times and less chance of popular menu items selling out
on everything from customer service to menus. Its dedi- before they can place their order. For the restaurants, the
cated server mentoring program helps improve servers’ benefits stem from their ability to provide such services
skills and ability. It also provides novel insights into how to customers. The results should include reduced oper-
weather might affect business, which food items are sell- ational costs, more streamlined service provision, and
ing the best, and which raw materials represent the most increased sales.
expensive costs for each restaurant. But concerns persist, even among these benefits. For
Avero is just one of the many companies offering consumers, these systems entail gathering substantial
advanced data analytics support for restaurants. Other amounts of data, with few means to opt out of providing
t systems being developed for the restaurant industry col- that information. If customers make a reservation and pay
lect the vast information that diners provide with every with a credit card, the company has a lot of information
meal, including the types of food they prefer, with whom already, and they can do little to stop a restaurant manager
they socialize, the time of day they like to eat, how often from searching for their name online. Thus privacy con-
they eat out rather than at home, and so on. These sys- cerns are paramount. For restaurants, in addition to being
tems make recommendations for the restaurants to expensive, the systems could lead to an over-reliance on
improve their service, such as by ensuring a particular data, undermining the personal touch that often leads to
menu item is in stock on the day and time that they can service success. Ultimately, personalized service requires
expect consumers to order it. By also integrating infor- a personal touch. Yet that touch might become far more
mation from consumers’ social-media pages, high-end effective if it is underlain by advanced data analytics.
**Karen Stabiner, “To Survive in Tough Times, Restaurants Turn to Data-Mining,” The New York Times, August 25, 2017,
dining/restaurant-software-analytics-data-mining.html; “How Data Analytics Is Becoming a ‘Moneyball’ for Restaurants,” CBS News, February 4, 2017,; “About,” Damian Mogavero,
index-1; “Restaurant Software Solutions,” Avero, (accessed July 15, 2019).

cluster profiles. The PSYTE system groups all neighbourhoods in Canada into 60 different
lifestyles clusters with specific locations. The information in Exhibit 6.5 describes three
PSYTE clusters PSYTE clusters.16 PRIZM, a segmentation system developed by Environics Analytics,
The grouping of all groups Canadians into one of 68 lifestyle types—with names such as Cosmopolitan Elite,
neighbourhoods in Canada
into 60 different lifestyles Diverse City, La Vie Est Belle, and Lunch at Tim’s—and is also widely used in Canada. The
clusters. system provides a Canadian segmentation model that has linked geodemographics to other
data, such as psychographics, incorporating “Social Values” data from Environics Research
with demographics and product preferences to explain consumer behaviour.17
Geodemographic segmentation can be particularly useful for retailers because custom-
ers typically patronize stores within or close to their neighbourhood. Thus, retailers can use
geodemographic segmentation to tailor each store’s assortment to the preferences of the local
community. If a toy-store chain discovers that one of its stores is surrounded by a less affluent
segment, “Big Sky Families,” it can adjust its offerings to include less expensive merchan-
dise. This kind of segmentation is also useful for finding new locations; retailers identify their
“best” locations and determine what type of people live in the area surrounding those stores,
according to the geodemographic clusters. They can then find other potential locations where
similar segments reside. Geodemographic systems, such as PSYTE and PRIZM, can also help
marketers track and compare sales performance among various clusters in different locations.
Segmentation, Targeting, and Positioning CHAPTER 6 169

Exhibit 6.5 PRIZM Lifestyle Types

Lifestyle Type

Description The most urban of all the The young families who moved With a population that’s more
segments, Urban Digerati is into starter homes a decade than two-thirds visible minority
a collection of younger, tech- ago are growing up. In Heritage and nearly 30 percent speaking
savvy singles concentrated Hubs, these now middle- a non-official language at
in the downtown apartment aged families have crafted home, the tech-savvy members
buildings of two cities: Toronto comfortable lifestyles—often of Young & Connected
and Montreal. Reflecting two thanks to dual incomes—in encompass a broad mix of
emerging demographic trends— suburban communities slowly cultural backgrounds. Younger
the increasing urbanization being absorbed by the urban immigrants from the Caribbean,
of Canada and the growth of sprawl. Nearly 85 percent of Africa, and Asia have all made
high-rise neighbourhoods— residents live in houses built their way to these inner-city
Urban Digerati offers residents since 1990. While the housing neighbourhoods mostly in
a vibrant vertical world, with stock is mixed, one-quarter Toronto and other big cities.
bedrooms in the clouds live in row houses—about four These days, the populace
and a lively social scene on times the national average. skews younger, with two-thirds
the ground. Upper-middle- Reflecting the increasing of residents under the age of
income, highly educated, diversity of the nation’s suburbs, 45. Their downscale incomes,
and culturally diverse, Urban more than 40 percent of modest educations, and
Digerati neighbourhoods are households contain immigrants, uncertain jobs create significant
typically filled with recently though no one cultural group challenges for the segment’s
built high-rise apartments and dominates. Family-filled households, more than a
condos located near fitness Heritage Hubs households quarter of which are lone-parent
clubs, clothing boutiques, and score high for participating families—among the highest
all types of bars—from wine to in basketball, swimming, and in the nation. Despite tight
coffee to microbrew. Because hockey. On weekends, families budgets, research shows that
many residents have yet to head to theme parks, zoos, Young & Connected members
start families, they have the and aquariums. With their enjoy active social lives, with
time and discretionary income international roots, families high rates for dining at Mexican
to pursue active social lives, here are seasoned travellers, and Asian restaurants, going
going dancing and bar-hopping, often visiting China, Florida, out to bars and nightclubs,
as well as hitting film festivals and Jamaica. To save money, and frequenting baseball and
and food and wine shows. A vacations are frequently booked basketball games. With their
group that likes to be viewed through discount online travel children, they shoot hoops at a
as trend-setters, they turn to services at all-inclusive resorts. local court and visit amusement
online shopping to purchase the parks and water parks. And for a
latest fashion and electronics. night out, they take in the latest
They have also made their action or family flick on the
health and wellness a priority, silver screen with their family or
taking aerobics and yoga/ friends.
Pilates classes. But they’re not
merely acquisitive materialists;
many are globally conscious
consumers who support the arts
and are actively involved in their

Source: Used by permission of Environics Analytics

170 Section Three Targeting the Marketplace

Knowing what benefits customers are seeking or how the product or service fits a
particular lifestyle is important for designing an overall marketing strategy, but such
segmentation schemes present a problem for marketers attempting to identify specifically
which customers are seeking these benefits. Thus, firms often employ a combination of
segmentation methods, using demographics and geography, as discussed above, to identify
and target marketing communications to their customers, and then using benefits or life-
styles to design the product or service and the substance of the marketing message.
Segmentation grids can be a useful tool when trying to identify possible target markets,
describe them using segmentation bases, and determine the most attractive segments to
pursue. Refer to Exhibit 6.6 for an example of a segmentation grid for SoCIAL LITE Vodka.

LO2 Step 3: Evaluate Segment Attractiveness

The third step in the segmentation process involves evaluating the attractiveness of
the various target market segments. To undertake this evaluation, marketers first must
determine whether the target market is worth pursuing by using several descriptive
criteria: Is the segment identifiable, reachable, responsive, and substantial and profitable?
(See Exhibit 6.7.)

Exhibit 6.6 Segmentation Grid for SoCIAL LITE Vodka

Segment 1 Segment 2 Segment 3

(Primary) (Secondary) (Tertiary)

Segmentation Base Socialite Andy Looking for LITE Liz Fitness and Diet Seekers
Geographic Urbanite, Campus Urban/suburban areas Urban/suburban areas in
Where do they live? in Ontario, Alberta, and Ontario, Alberta, and British
British Columbia Columbia

Demographic Women Women Men and women

Income <$50K
Who are they? Ages 19–34 Ages 25–55 Ages 25+

Professionals Income

Psychographic Fun-loving party type, into Mindful shopper of what Proactively seek out “better
How do they live? yoga, running. Always she eats and drinks. Reads for you” products that fit their
What is their lifestyle? on top of trends. Enjoys labels and avoids negative active and clean lifestyle.
fashion, pop culture, ingredients. Tries to cook Active on social media
weekends with friends at fresh and local. Active, posting everything from gym
barbecues, concerts, and works out, successful but selfies to new gluten-free
parties. doesn’t take herself too recipes and latest protein
seriously. powder find. Still encourage
things that support a
balanced lifestyle.

Behavioural Very loyal to products she Wants to have a good time Super loyal to new finds
Why do they buy? likes, e.g., low calorie, all and drink with friends but that fit lifestyle. Brand
How often? natural, no added sugar. without the high calorie advocates for products they
How do they plan Influencer, likes introducing and sugar content of other love online. Niche segments
to use the products/ her network to new drinks. include:
services? products and trends. Wants single serve – Fitness buffs looking for
Always searching for new refreshments. healthy options
taste sensations. – Sugar-free dieters (paleo)
who avoid sugary drinks
– Gluten-free community
to deal with health
Segmentation, Targeting, and Positioning CHAPTER 6 171

Exhibit 6.7 Evaluation of Segment Attractiveness

Identifiable Reachable


and Profitable

Firms must determine who is within their market to be able to design products or services
to meet their needs. It is equally important to ensure that the segments are distinct from
one another because too much overlap between segments means that distinct marketing
strategies aren’t necessary to meet segment members’ needs.
The Gap has identified several distinct segments to pursue. Recognizing that many
of its core customers had families, The Gap opened GapKids and babyGap. Its research
also indicated an opportunity to compete with Victoria’s Secret in the women’s intimate
apparel market, so it opened GapBody. Finally, though The Gap is largely successful with
middle-of-the-road customers, it was too expensive for some customers and not fashion-
forward enough for others. Its Old Navy and Banana Republic stores appeal better to
these markets.

The best product or service cannot have any impact if that market cannot be reached (or
accessed) through persuasive communications and product distribution. Consumers must
know the product or service exists, understand what it can do for them, and recognize how
to buy it.
La Senza is one of Canada’s leading specialty retailers of women’s lingerie and apparel.
It is composed of La Senza Lingerie, La Senza Express, La Senza Spirit, and,
and it sells through stores and the Internet. The company simply uses its website to attract
its targeted customers to explore its merchandise and fashions so that they can be comfort-
able and knowledgeable when they visit the physical stores to shop. Advertisements appear
in media that are consistent with the lifestyle La Senza is trying to portray: lively, attractive,
stylish, fun, and cool.
172 Section Three Targeting the Marketplace

Firms trying to reach university students have a much more

difficult time because students’ media habits are quite diverse,
and generally they are cynical about firms that try too hard to
sell to them. High-end fashion jeans companies, for instance,
often underpromote their lines or promote them very subtly
through traditional media because if their customers start to
believe the brand is too mainstream, they won’t buy it. Other
hard-to-reach segments are composed of people with disabili-
ties or those whose religious beliefs restrict their media choices.
For example, Amish Mennonites eschew TV, radio, and the

For a segmentation strategy to be successful, the customers in the
segment must react similarly and positively to the firm’s offering. If,
through its distinctive competencies, the firm cannot provide prod-
ucts or services to that segment, it should not target it. For instance,
suppose La Senza is considering introducing a line of formal dress
wear for its large and very lucrative 18- to 35-year-old customer seg-
ment. People in this market are currently purchasing formal dress
wear at stores such as The Bay, Holt Renfrew, and Les Ailes de la
Mode (Wings of Fashion). In contrast, La Senza has built a reputa-
tion for carrying a full range of intimate, stylish, and sexy daywear
La Senza must ensure that any new segment it and sleepwear bras, panties, camisoles, pyjamas, and nightshirts
considers is identifiable, reachable, responsive, and competes best in this apparel line. Although the formal dress-
substantial, and profitable.
wear segment meets all the other criteria for a successful segment,
Chris Rout/Alamy Stock Photo
La Senza should not pursue it because the market probably will not
be responsive to it.

The Gap has identified several distinct segments to pursue. Two of its brands: Gap (left) and
GapKids (right) appeal to different target markets.
(left): The McGraw Hill Companies, Inc./Andrew Resek, photographer; (right): Andrew Walters/Alamy Stock Photo
Segmentation, Targeting, and Positioning CHAPTER 6 173

Substantial and Profitable

Once the firm has identified its potential target markets, it needs to measure their size and
growth potential. If a market is too small or its buying power is insignificant, it won’t gener-
ate sufficient profits or be able to support the marketing mix activities. As China’s economy
started growing, there were not enough middle-class car buyers to push foreign automakers
to design an entry-level vehicle. It was only after that group reached substantial numbers
that it became worthwhile for foreign producers to market to these identified consumers.
Marketers must also focus their assessments on the potential profitability of each
segment, both current and future. For example, now that cannabis has been legalized in
Canada, data show that consumers aged 45-54 spend more per purchase than younger con-
sumers. The 19-24 age group spends $55 on average compared to $107 by the older group.18
However, that doesn’t mean that cannabis retailers should make older consumers their
focus. Some key factors to keep in mind in any analysis include market growth (current
size and expected growth rate), market competitiveness (number of competitors, entry bar-
riers, product substitutes), and market access (ease of developing or accessing distribution
channels and brand familiarity). Some straightforward calculations can help illustrate the
profitability of a segment:19

Segment profitability = (Segment size × Segment adoption percentage ×

Purchase behaviour × Profit margin percentage) – Fixed costs
Segment size = Number of people in the segment
 egment adoption percentage = Percentage of customers in the segment who are likely
to adopt the product/service
 urchase behaviour = Purchase price × Number of times the customer would buy the
product or service during a given time period
Profit margin percentage = (Selling price – Variable costs) ÷ Selling price
 ixed costs = Advertising expenditure, rent, utilities, insurance, administration,
To illustrate how a business might determine a segment’s profitability, consider
Camillo’s start-up lawn service. He is trying to determine whether to target homeowners or
businesses in a small prairie town. Exhibit 6.8 estimates the profitability of the two target

Which segment will be more profitable to Mark’s: its traditional market for industrial workwear
(left), or the top-line casual apparel segment (right)?
(both): Trademarks of Canadian Tire Corporation, Limited used under licence.
174 Section Three Targeting the Marketplace

markets. The homeowner segment is much larger than the business segment, but there
are already several lawn services with established customers. There is much less competi-
tion in the business segment. So, the segment adoption rate for the homeowner segment
is only 1 percent, compared with 20 percent for the business segment. Camillo can charge
a much higher price to businesses, and they utilize lawn services more frequently. The
profit margin for the business segment is higher as well because Camillo can use large
equipment to cut the grass and therefore save on variable labour costs. However, the fixed
costs for purchasing and maintaining the large equipment are much higher for the busi-
ness segment. Furthermore, he needs to spend more money obtaining and maintaining
the business customers, whereas he would use less expensive door-to-door flyers to reach
household customers. On the basis of these informed predictions, Camillo decides the busi-
ness segment is more profitable for his lawn service.
Using this formula, several segments could appear to be equally profitable. In some
cases, it is more accurate to evaluate the profitability of a segment over the lifetime of one
of its typical customers—that is, through customer lifetime value (CLV), the total value of
purchases of the customer over a lifetime of patronage. For example, Ken Danns has been
a loyal Costco customer for the last five years, spending about $300 per week at Costco.
He plans to continue patronizing Costco for at least another five years. To Costco, Ken
Danns is not a $300 customer but a $156,000 customer if he patronizes Costco for 10 years
($300 × 52 weeks × 10 years). To address the issue of CLV, marketers consider factors such
as how long the customer will remain loyal to the firm, the defection rate (percentage of
customers who switch on a yearly basis), the costs of replacing lost customers (advertis-
ing, promotion), whether customers will buy more or more-expensive merchandise in
the future, and other such factors. They would also consider the time value of money. See
Appendix 7A for more details on determining the lifetime value of customers.
Now that we’ve evaluated each segment’s attractiveness (Step 3), we can select the tar-
get markets to pursue (Step 4).

LO3 Step 4: Select Target Market

The fourth step in the STP process is selecting a target market. The key factor likely to affect
this decision is the marketer’s ability to pursue such an opportunity or target segment.
Thus, as we mentioned in Chapter 2, a firm is likely to assess both the attractiveness of the
opportunity (opportunities and threats based on the SWOT analysis—i.e., profitability of

Exhibit 6.8 Profitability of Two Market Segments for Camillo’s Lawn Service

Homeowners Businesses
Segment size 75,000 1,000

Segment adoption percentage 1% 20%

Purchase behaviour
Purchase price $100 $500
Frequency of purchase 12 times 20 times

Profit margin percentage 60% 80%

Fixed costs $400,000 $1,000,000

Segment profit $140,000 $600,000

Segmentation, Targeting, and Positioning CHAPTER 6 175

Exhibit 6.9 Targeting Strategies

Mass or Undifferentiated Differentiated


(top left): © Digital Vision; (top right): © BananaStock/PunchStock; (bottom left): © Jose Luis Pelaez Inc/Blend Images LLC;
(bottom right): © Digital Vision.

the segment) and its own competencies (strengths and weaknesses based on SWOT analy-
sis) very carefully.
Determining how to select target markets is not always straightforward. Exhibit 6.9
illustrates several targeting strategies, which are now discussed in more detail.

Undifferentiated Targeting Strategy, or Mass Marketing

When everyone might be considered a potential user of its product, a firm uses an
undifferentiated targeting strategy (mass marketing) (see Exhibit 6.9). If the product undifferentiated
or service is perceived to provide the same benefits to everyone, there simply is no need to targeting strategy
(mass marketing)
develop separate strategies for different groups. Although not a common strategy in today’s A marketing strategy a
complex marketplace, an undifferentiated strategy can be effective for very basic items, firm can use if the product
such as salt, sugar, or greeting cards. However, even those firms that offer salt, sugar, or or service is perceived to
provide the same benefits
greeting cards now are trying to differentiate their products. to everyone, with no
An undifferentiated strategy also is common among smaller firms that offer products need to develop separate
strategies for different
or services that consumers perceive to be indistinguishable, such as a neighbourhood bak- groups.
ery. But again, more marketing-savvy entrepreneurs typically try to differentiate themselves
in the marketplace. The corner bakery thus becomes “Kettleman’s Bagel” or “The Great
Canadian Bagel.” By making their commodity-like products appear special, these compa-
nies add value for the customer and differentiate themselves from their competition.
176 Section Three Targeting the Marketplace

What about gasoline? Everyone with a car needs it. Yet gasoline companies have
vigorously moved from an undifferentiated strategy to a differentiated one by segment-
ing their market into low-, medium-, and high-octane gasoline users. Esso even uses its
Speedpass to differentiate its quick service to consumers: With just a swipe at the pump
with Speedpass, you are ready to pump gas—no need to swipe cards, enter personal infor-
mation, or sign receipts. Plus, customers earn Esso Extra points or Aeroplan Miles on
every eligible purchase made at Esso. Points can be redeemed for gas, car washes, snacks,
and travel rewards.

Differentiated Targeting Strategy

differentiated targeting Firms using a differentiated targeting strategy target several market segments with
A strategy through which a a different offering for each (see Exhibit 6.9). La Senza, for instance, employs three store
firm targets several market formats—La Senza, La Senza Spirit, and La Senza Express—to appeal to three different
segments with a different segments respectively: (1) confident, fashion-forward 18- to 35-year-old women; (2) women
offering for each.
looking for activewear and yoga and workout gear; and (3) women looking for the ultimate
destination for bras and panties for everyday and trend-forward styles.20 In a similar fash-
ion, Adidas Group appeals to various segments through its various companies, including
Adidas Reebok (athletic shoes), Rockport (comfortable walking shoes), and TaylorMade–
Adidas Golf lines of clothing and footwear.
Firms embrace differentiated segmentation because it helps them obtain a bigger
share of the market and increase the market for their products overall. The more retail
formats La Senza develops to reach different market segments, the more apparel and
accessories it can and will sell. Offering several different lingerie lines enables La Senza
to appeal to more customer segments than if it had just one line. Furthermore, provid-
ing products or services that appeal to multiple segments helps diversify the business,
thereby lowering the company’s overall risk. For example, if a line directed toward
one segment is performing poorly, the impact on the firm’s profitability can be offset
by revenue from another line that is doing well. But a differentiated strategy can be
expensive. Consider La Senza’s investment in accessories alone. The firm must develop,
manufacture, transport, store, and promote the accessories separately for each of its
store concepts.
Condé Nast has more than 20 niche magazines focused on different aspects of
life—from Vogue for fashionistas to Bon Appetit for foodies to GQ for fashion-conscious
men to The New Yorker for literature lovers to Golf Digest for those who walk the
links. Firms embrace differentiated targeting because it helps them obtain a bigger
share of the market and increase the market for their products overall. Readers of
Golf Digest probably are unlike readers of Architectural Digest in their interests, or
demographically, such as regarding gender, age, and income. Providing products
or services that appeal to multiple segments helps diversify the business and therefore
lowers the company’s overall risk. Even if one magazine suffers a circulation decline,
the impact on the firm’s profitability can be offset by revenue from another publication
that continues to do well.

Concentrated (Niche) Targeting Strategy

When an organization selects a single, primary target market and focuses all its energies
concentrated (or niche) on providing a product to fit that market’s needs, it is using a concentrated (or niche)
targeting strategy targeting strategy (see Exhibit 6.9). Entrepreneurial start-up ventures often benefit from
A marketing strategy of using a concentrated strategy, which allows them to employ their limited resources more
selecting a single, primary
target market and focusing efficiently. The story of Cora’s restaurants in Entrepreneurial Marketing 6.1 is an example
all energies on providing a of a niche strategy since it focuses on serving breakfast and lunch only; restaurants are
product to fit that market’s
needs. open only until 3 p.m.
Segmentation, Targeting, and Positioning CHAPTER 6 177

Entrepreneurial Marketing 6.1

Chez Cora: The Business of

When Cora Tsouflidou became a single mother to three
teenage children, she bought a small eatery, worked
hard, tripled its value, and sold it. From there she worked
her way up from a hostess to the general manager in a
well known Montreal restaurant, mastering her food ser-
vice industry knowledge along the way.†
These skills served her well when she bought a
defunct 29-seat snack bar in Montreal’s Ville St-Laurent
in 1987 and launched the first Chez Cora restaurant.
Plates garnished with a variety of artistically presented
fresh fruits made Cora’s dishes both unique and popular.
Her homey, healthy food was a hit, which led to franchis-
ing Chez Cora in Quebec, followed by franchising Cora
Breakfast and Lunch across the rest of the country. Today,
there are more than 130 Cora restaurants across Canada,
all of which have traditional family-style breakfast and
lunch menus featuring new dishes created and tested by
Cora herself.
When deciding to open a new franchise, the company Cora Breakfast and Lunch serves up nutritious meals
starts with a demographic analysis to determine whether featuring a variety of colourful fruits.
there are enough people in an area to feed a Cora res- Used with permission of Cora Franchise Group Inc.

taurant.†† Psychographics and behavioural segmentation A unique strategy attracts franchisees based on their
are also important to identify and attract customers who desired lifestyle. Restaurants serve only breakfast and
are interested in healthy eating and want the benefit of lunch and thus are open between 6 a.m. and 3 p.m., an
nutritious meals. To make it easy for consumers to find approach born out of necessity from Cora’s early days as
restaurants in different geographies, Cora’s launched an a single mom. These hours are considerably shorter than
app that finds the nearest restaurant and presents spe- most restaurant operations and thus appeal to franchisees,
cial offers.‡ allowing them to spend more time with their families.
†“The Founder,” (accessed June 7, 2010).
††Sabritir Ghosh, “Made to Order,” Report on [Small] Business (September 2009),
franchising/made-to-order/article1265158 (accessed July 1, 2014).
‡Cora, “You can now download the Cora mobile app on your phone!,”
mobile-application-on-your-phone-18 (accessed July 12, 2019).

Newton Running has concentrated its targeting strategy on runners—but not all run-
ners. It focuses only on those who prefer to land on their forefeet while running, a style that
recently has been suggested to be more natural, efficient, and less injury-prone than the
style encouraged by more traditional running shoes with their heel-first construction and
substantial cushioning. In comparison, though it also is known for its running shoes, Nike
uses a differentiated targeting strategy (recall the opening vignette about Nike in Chapter 2).
It makes shoes for segments that include basketball and football players and skateboarders,
as well as fashion-conscious white-collar workers, with its subsidiary brand Cole Haan.

Take a look at your collection of belts. Have you ever had a belt made to match your exact
specifications? When a firm tailors a product or service to suit an individual customer’s micromarketing
wants or needs, it is undertaking an extreme form of segmentation called micromarketing (one-to-one)
(one-to-one) (see Exhibit 6.9). Small producers and service providers generally can tailor A form of segmentation
that tailors a product or
their offering to individual customers more easily, whereas it is far more difficult for larger service to suit an individual
companies to achieve this degree of segmentation. Nonetheless, companies such as Dell and customer’s wants or needs.
178 Section Three Targeting the Marketplace

Lands’ End have capitalized on Internet technologies to offer custom prod-

ucts. Lands’ End used to let customers choose from a variety of options in the
fabric, type of collar, sleeve, and shape, and based on the customer’s specific
measurements—but it halted this service when it could not manage to achieve
profitable sales. Dell allowed customers to choose the size, colour, and speed
of their laptops, though it has backed off its promotions and limits the choice
of software included.
Firms that interact on a one-to-one basis with many people to create
custom-made products or services (such as Build-A-Bear Workshop), are
engaged in mass customization, providing one-to-one marketing to the
masses. Sport Chek offers several options to consumers who want custom
products. A Reebok “build-your-own” sneaker kiosk lets consumers create
their own designs, which are shipped to them four to six weeks later. Sports
fans can create a custom Toronto Maple Leafs, Toronto Blue Jays, or Team
Canada jersey that includes the name and number of their favourite player.22
The Internet facilitates such a targeting strategy. Companies can cater to
very small segments, sometimes as small as one customer at a time, relatively
efficiently and inexpensively (e.g., mortgage and insurance sites provide per-
sonalized quotes). An Internet-based company can offer one-to-one service
more inexpensively than can other venues, such as retail stores or telephone-
based businesses. For example, frequent fliers of Air Canada can check prices
and choose special services online at a fraction of the cost that the company
would incur for a phone consultation with a ticket agent.
The Internet also simplifies customer identification. Cookies (or small
text files a website stores in a visitor’s browser) provide a unique identification
Newton Running uses a concentrated
segmentation strategy—not all of each potential customer who visits, and they detail how the customer has
runners, but those who want to searched the site. Amazon is renowned for the algorithms it uses to provide
improve their running form. recommendations for related products to customers as they browse the site,
Source: Newton Running which match customer profiles to those of other customers. The marketing

mass customization
The practice of interacting
on a one-to-one basis with
many people to create
custom-made products or
services; providing one-
to-one marketing to the

Build-A-Bear lets
customers design their
own stuffed furry friend
with unique clothes,
accessories, sounds,
and the name printed
on its birth certificate.
Courtesy of Build-A-Bear
Workshop, Inc.
Segmentation, Targeting, and Positioning CHAPTER 6 179

Mars’ M&M’s site allows

customers to customize
their candy.
Source: Mars, Inc.

strategy is customized in real time, using known and accurate data about the customer.
Customers can even do the work themselves, both to view items for themselves and to find
the perfect gifts for others. Mars’ M&M’s site ( lets customers custom-
ize their own M&M’s with personalized greetings, including messages for birthday parties,
sporting events, graduations, and weddings—even wedding proposals!
The degree to which firms should target their markets—from no segmentation to one
segment to multiple segments to one-to-one segments—depends on the balance the firm
wants to achieve between the added perceived customer value that segmentation can offer
and its cost.

Step 5: Identify and Develop Positioning Strategy LO4

The last step in developing a market segmentation strategy is positioning. Positioning is positioning
the mental picture or perception—the thoughts, feelings, and impressions—that people The mental picture that
people have about a
have about a company and its products and brands relative to competing products, brands, company and its products
or companies. This mental picture is formed from multiple sources such as friends, family, or services relative to
relatives, and reference groups; published articles in magazines and newspapers; reports
and stories from radio, TV, and the Internet; as well as the customer’s own experience.
Regardless of whether companies want them to or not, consumers form their own ideas
and feelings about a product or brand, and it is those very ideas and emotions that drive
them toward or away from a brand or company. The positioning strategy can help commu-
nicate the firm’s or the product’s value proposition, which communicates the customer value proposition
benefits to be received from a product or service and thereby provides reasons for want- Communicates the
customer benefits to be
ing to purchase it. For example, SoCIAL LITE Vodka offers consumers a way to socialize received from a product or
without regret. Positioning is one of the most important but difficult and least understood service and the reason(s)
for wanting to buy it.
aspects of marketing strategy development. Why?
It is not easy to shape consumers’ perceptions in the way marketers may want. It is also
difficult because, while marketers must keep their positioning fresh to keep abreast of the
ever-changing marketplace, consumers’ perceptions are enduring and do not change easily.
Positioning is very risky for marketers because if it is not done correctly, the brand may not
succeed in the marketplace. Effective positioning requires that marketers not only shape
their customers’ thinking and feelings, but also evolve these feelings as they reposition their
products and brands to keep up with the dynamic marketplace. For example, Old Spice suc-
cessfully repositioned itself from “your father’s after-shave” to a fresh new product sought
by younger consumers. It is now a leading brand offering soap, body wash, body spray,
shave gel, deodorant, and antiperspirant products.
180 Section Three Targeting the Marketplace

Exhibit 6.10 Positioning Statement Elements

Gatorade 7-Up
Target market For athletes around the world For noncola consumers

Offering name or brand Gatorade 7-Up

Product/service category is the sports drink is a noncaffeinated soft drink

or concept

Unique point of representing the heart and that is light, refreshing,

difference/benefit soul of athleticism. Unlike lemon-lime flavoured. Unlike
water, it gives the fuel for colas it has a crisp, clean,
working muscles, fluid for and refreshing taste.
hydration, and electrolytes
to help replace what is lost
in sweat before, during, and
after activity to get the most
out of your body.

A firm’s positioning strategies must focus on the value a product or service offers the
target consumer, or how it is better than competitors’ products and services. When position-
ing against competitors, the objective is to play up how the brand being marketed provides
the desired benefits better than those of competitors. Positioning strategies are realized by
positioning statement communicating particular messages (i.e., the positioning statement) in persuasive com-
Expresses how a company munications through different media.
wants to be perceived by
consumers. In Exhibit 6.10, we illustrate some elements of a positioning statement as follows:
1. target market
2. offering name or brand
3. product/service category or concept
4. unique point of difference/benefits
Let’s focus on a couple of well-known products—Gatorade and 7-Up—and their poten-
tial value propositions (brackets added to separate the components):
• Gatorade:23 For [athletes around the world] [Gatorade] is the [sports drink] that
[represents the heart and soul of athleticism. Unlike water, it gives the fuel for
working muscles, fluid for hydration, and electrolytes to help replace what is lost in
sweat before, during, and after activity to get the most out of your body].
• 7-Up:24 For [noncola consumers] [7-Up] is a [noncaffeinated soft drink] that [is light,
refreshing, lemon-lime flavoured. Unlike colas, it has a crisp, clean, and refreshing

Positioning Methods
Usually, firms position their products and services based on different methods such as
value, product attributes, benefits and symbolism, and competition. Let’s explore each of
these in a bit more detail.

Value is a popular positioning method because the relationship of price to quality is
among the most important considerations for consumers when they make a purchase
Segmentation, Targeting, and Positioning CHAPTER 6 181

KIND and PowerBar both offer their respective target markets a good value. KIND bars (left) are made with natural
ingredients, all of which are pronounceable, thus supporting a healthy lifestyle. PowerBars (right) are protein bars
designed to improve the performance of athletes.
(both): ©McGraw Hill Education

decision. Some energy bar users buy only KIND bars because they are made with all-
natural ingredients, have no artificial preservatives or sweeteners, come in a multitude of
varieties (including its original nut-based products, fruit snacks, and protein bars), and are
a relatively healthy snack option. Consistent with the values of many in its target market,
it embraces a conscious marketing perspective. Importantly, it has attempted to provide a
better-tasting alternative to competing energy bars like PowerBars. PowerBars, while also
healthy and nutritious, appeal to endurance athletes and endurance athlete wannabees by
providing high-protein energy bars designed to replenish vital nutrients to tired muscles.
Recall from our discussion in Chapter 1, value means different things to different people.
Both KIND and PowerBars provide value to their respective target markets.
Value does not necessarily mean low priced. For example, in the kids’ toy market, Mega
Bloks uses a low-price, value-based strategy, whereas its competitor, Lego, relies on a high-
price positioning strategy. Watchmaker Patek Philippe uses the advertising tagline, “You
never actually own a Patek Philippe. You merely take care of it for the next generation,” to
encourage buyers to consider the watch's value as an investment.25 Other brands that rely
on a similar idea of luxury value include Hermès, Chanel, and Mercedes-Benz.
Some companies claim that they are offering the same value for much less money.
This type of positioning is common among wireless service providers (e.g., Rogers, Bell,
TELUS), cable/satellite TV and radio providers (Sirius, Rogers), electronics retailers (Best
Buy), and department stores (The Bay). Companies such as Internet Superstore,,
and TigerDirect emphasize that consumers are getting the best computer deals anywhere
and at much lower prices. Finally, companies may use value positioning to let consumers
know that while they are getting much less, they are also paying much less. WestJet, dollar
stores (e.g., Buck or Two, Dollarama), and countless retailers targeting cost-conscious con-
sumers commonly use this strategy.

Product Attributes
Another common positioning strategy focuses on those attributes that are most important
to the target market. Volvo traditionally positioned itself for the safety-conscious driver but
now wants to stretch its safety image to one focused on driving performance and excite-
ment. With its all-wheel-drive Quattro, Audi has positioned itself on performance and
handling. Targeting a different market, Subaru positions its all-wheel drive slightly differ-
ently, instead focusing on safety and handling.
Positioning strategies that are based on product attributes tend to focus on product
leadership, emphasizing dimensions such as innovation, quality, performance, design,
and reliability. 3M and HP focus on their innovations, while Rockport focuses on com-
fort and a wide selection of shoes for all occasions. Cora’s, a product-attributes success
story, is able to compete in the highly competitive restaurant market by attracting a
target market that wants a healthy and homey breakfast or lunch (see Entrepreneurial
Marketing 6.1).
182 Section Three Targeting the Marketplace

Audi features the all-wheel-drive Quattro, which is positioned to appeal to those wanting great
performance and handling, particularly on snowy and icy roads.

Benefits and Symbolism

This type of positioning emphasizes the benefits of the brand as well as the psychological
meaning of the brand to consumers. For example, SoCIAL LITE Vodka is positioned on
its functional benefits. It tastes great, has only 80 calories and no sugar, and is 100 percent
natural. Lolë is about technical but versatile clothing in a casual, modern style, and strikes a
balance between active life and social life, nature and urban lifestyle, well-being and energy.
La Senza Express is the ultimate destination dedicated to bras and panties. The meanings
created by these brands are often the reasons consumers buy them rather than lesser-
known brands that sometimes offer similar benefits or quality. For established companies,
a well known symbol can also be used as a positioning tool, especially to appeal to loyal
customers. What comes to mind when you think of Colonel Sanders, the Jolly Green Giant,
the Gerber Baby, or Tony the Tiger? Or consider the Nike swoosh or the Ralph Lauren polo
player. These symbols are so strong and well known that they create a position for the brand
that distinguishes it from its competition. Many symbols are registered trademarks that are
legally protected by the companies that developed them.

Firms can choose to position their products or services head-to-head against a specific
competitor or an entire product/service classification on similar attributes within the tar-
get market. Using head-to-head positioning, Avis positioned itself alongside Hertz with its
message “We try harder.” Ranked second in the rental car market, Avis used this approach
for more than 50 years. Head-to-head positioning can lead to price wars such as the “cola
wars” and “cellphone wars,” which are good for consumers but bad for businesses. Market-
ers must be careful that they don’t position their product too closely to their competition
because they risk confusing customers or facing legal challenges. If, for instance, their
package or logo looks too much like a competitor’s, they might be opening themselves up
to a trademark infringement lawsuit. Numerous store brands have been challenged for
having packaging confusingly similar to that of national brands. McDonald’s, for example,
Segmentation, Targeting, and Positioning CHAPTER 6 183

sues anyone who uses the Mc prefix. It sued Quality Inns International when it named its
no-frills chain McSleep Inns.26 However, courts have allowed parody jeans for full-figured
women to be sold under the Lardashe label, despite the objections of Jordache jeans.
Firms can also choose a differentiation strategy by going after a less competitive, smaller
market niche.27 For instance, Goodrich tires were promoted as “The Other Guys,” or the ones
without the blimp, to set them apart from Goodyear tires. McDonald’s, which has long been
known as the world’s number-one beef burger joint, has responded to industry critics and health-
conscious consumers by improving the “health of its menu” with more healthy choices such as
salads and chicken sandwiches. In doing so, it tried to avoid competition with arch-rivals Wendy’s
and Burger King while minimizing the impact of cannibalization of its existing menu items.
As Ethical & Societal Dilemma 6.1 notes, Walmart positions itself as the low-cost
leader, even when selling typically premium priced organic products.

Ethical & Societal Dilemma 6.1

Walmart’s Low-Priced Organic

One word can strike fear into the heart of any small
retailer: Walmart! Because it enjoys massive economies
of scale, Walmart’s entry into a market can cause trem-
ors for even other large retailers, because somehow it
always manages to underprice everyone else. Over the
years, Walmart has gone from being a consumer-goods
giant to becoming a large grocer as well.
Walmart’s target markets are generally price conscious
and it positions itself as the low-cost leader. To attract
even more customers to its stores, the company is looking
to gain a substantial share of the lucrative organic food
market. Organic products are typically sold at a premium,
but Walmart says its customers “will be able to purchase
organic at non-organic prices.” In-house research indi- To attract new customers, Walmart is offering organic
cated that consumers would overwhelmingly purchase products at non-organic prices.
organic products if they cost less, so Walmart responded. © McGraw Hill Education
But how can Walmart afford to offer organic products
at nonorganic prices? The Organic Consumers Associa- industrial model, Walmart can achieve economies of scale.
tion worries that prices can only be lowered by putting Working with larger farms and processing plants that cater
pressure on standards for what is considered organic. only to organic food production can save time, labour, and
It says that action amounts to the politicization of the money—by a margin of as much as 20–30 percent.
organic food industry. And while prices have come down As promising as this sounds, some consumers ques-
due to more farms being certified organic, demand still tion if Walmart’s foray into organics will hurt small farm-
outpaces supply in many categories. ers and cheapen the concept. Since the premise requires
Walmart's plan is to collaborate with WildOats to high-quality organic products at nonorganic prices, to
deliver organic items through an atypical “bigger is bet- ensure that they can stock shelves to meet demand,
ter” mentality. Yet, organic foods typically come from company executives will have to lock suppliers into long-
small farms, which send their products out to be pro- term agreements. Others worry that, in addition to pur-
cessed at facilities that simultaneously process conven- chasing from huge industrial farms, Walmart may try to
tional foods. The switches from organic to conventional influence regulators to water down standards or focus on
processing and back again require a great deal of labour, cheap imports. All of this is at odds with the values and
which increases costs and prices. By switching to a large ethics of many small organic farmers.
‡‡Elizabeth A. Harris and Stephanie Strom, “Walmart to Sell Organic Food, Undercutting Big Brands,” The New York Times, April 10, 2014, www.nytimes.
com; Dan Charles, “Can Wal-Mart Really Make Organic Food Cheap for Everyone?” NPR, April 19, 2014,; Steven Overly, “Wal-Mart
Plans to Bring Its Compete-on-Price Approach to Organic Food: Here’s How,” The Washington Post, April 10, 2014,; Wayne
Roberts, “Organic Delusions: Wal-Mart’s Foray into Organics,” Organic Consumers Association,
wal-marts-foray-organics; Associated Press, “Good News if you buy organic food – it’s getting cheaper,” Jan 24, 2019, Market Watch www.marketwatch.
com/story/heres-why-prices-of-organic-food-are-dropping-2019-01-24 (accessed July 12, 2019).
184 Section Three Targeting the Marketplace

Market Leadership
Instead of positioning head-to-head, companies, especially well-established market leaders,
may emphasize their leadership position within their industry. Canadian companies such
as RBC Royal Bank, Loblaw, and Canadian Tire, and global companies such as Amazon,
Intel, HP, Google, and eBay, play up their status as market leaders in their respective indus-
try. All of these companies are already the leader in their industry and so consumers often
perceive them as setting the standards of their industry.

Positioning by Using Perceptual Mapping

Now that we’ve identified the various methods firms use to position their products and
services, let’s look at the steps they go through to establish that position. When developing
a positioning strategy, firms go through six important steps. Before you read about these
perceptual map steps, though, take a look at Exhibit 6.11. A perceptual map displays, in two or more
Displays, in two or more dimensions, the position of products or brands in the consumer’s mind. We have chosen
dimensions, the position of
products or brands in the two dimensions for illustrative purposes: sweet versus light taste (vertical) and less natural
consumer’s mind. versus healthy (horizontal). Although the beverage industry is quite complex, we have sim-
plified the diagram to include only a few players in the market. The position of each brand
ideal point is denoted by a small circle, and the numbered circles denote a consumer’s ideal point—
The position at which where a particular market segment’s ideal product would lie on the map. The larger the
a particular market
segment’s ideal product numbered circle, the larger the market size.
would lie on a perceptual To derive a perceptual map such as this, marketers follow steps.
1. Determine consumers’ perceptions and evaluations of the firm’s product or service
in relation to competitors. Marketers determine their brand’s position by asking
consumers a series of questions about their and competitors’ products. For instance,
they might ask how the consumer uses the existing product or services, what items
the consumer regards as alternative sources to satisfy his or her needs, what the
person likes or dislikes about the brand in relation to competitors, and what might
make that person choose one brand over another. Exhibit 6.11A depicts the six
products using two dimensions (light taste–sweet taste; and less natural–healthy).

Exhibit 6.11A Perceptual Maps Exhibit 6.11B Perceptual Maps

Chart B
Chart A Sweet taste
Sweet taste

Pepsi Powerade 2
Less natural 4
Propel Fitness 3
Bottled water

Light taste
Light taste
Target market size indicated by size of oval
Segmentation, Targeting, and Positioning CHAPTER 6 185

2. Identify the market’s ideal points and size. On a perceptual map, marketers can
represent the size of current and potential markets. For example, Exhibit 6.11B uses
different sized ovals that correspond to the market size. Ideal point 1 represents the
largest market, so if the firm does not already have a product positioned close to this
point, it should consider an introduction. Point 3 is the smallest market, so there are
relatively few customers who want a healthy, light-tasting drink. This is not to suggest
that this market should be ignored; however, the company might want to consider a
niche- rather than mass-market strategy for this group of consumers.
3. Identify competitors’ positions. When the firm understands how its customers view
its brand relative to competitors’, it must study how those same competitors position
themselves. For instance, Powerade positions itself closely to Gatorade, which means
they appear next to each other on the perceptual map and appeal to target market 2.
(See Exhibit 6.11C.) They are also often found next to each other on store shelves, are
similarly priced, and are viewed by customers as sports drinks. Gatorade knows that
its sports drink is perceived to be more like Powerade than like its own Propel Fitness
Water (located near target market 3), or Coke (target market 1).
4. Determine consumer preferences. The firm knows what the consumer thinks of the
products or services in the marketplace and their positions relative to one another.
Now it must find out what the consumer really wants—that is, determine the “ideal”
product or service that appeals to each market. For example, a huge market exists for
traditional Gatorade, and that market is shared by Powerade. Gatorade also recognizes
a market, depicted as the ideal product for segment 4 on the perceptual map, of
consumers who would prefer a less sweet, less calorie-laden drink that offers the
same rejuvenating properties as Gatorade. Currently, no product is adequately serving
market 4.
5. Select the position. Continuing with the Gatorade example, the company has three
choices to appeal to the “less sweet sports drink” target market 4. It could develop
a new product to meet the needs of market 4. (See Exhibit 6.11D.) Alternatively, it
could adjust or reposition its marketing approach—its product and promotion—to
sell original Gatorade to market 4. Finally, it could ignore what target market 4 really

Exhibit 6.11C Perceptual Maps Exhibit 6.11D Perceptual Maps

Chart C
Chart D
Sweet taste
Sweet taste
Pepsi Powerade Coke
Pepsi Powerade
1 2 Gatorade #2: Gatorade
1 2 repositions itself
#1: Gatorade
introduces new
Less product
Healthy Less Gatorade
natural 4 Healthy
natural 4
3 Fitness Propel Fitness
3 Water
Water Bottled water
Bottled water

Light taste
Light taste
186 Section Three Targeting the Marketplace

wants and hope that consumers will be attracted to the original Gatorade because it is
closer to their ideal product than anything else on the market.
6. Monitor the positioning strategy. Markets are not stagnant. Consumers’ tastes shift,
and competitors react to those shifts. Attempting to maintain the same position year
after year can spell disaster for any company. Thus, firms must always view the first
three steps of the positioning process as ongoing, with adjustments made in step 4 as

Sometimes firms try to change their positioning. In its earliest days, Skechers was mostly a
lifestyle brand, with hip styles and vibrant designs that appealed to young trendsetters and
hipsters, both men and women. When it realized that older consumers wanted hip lifestyle
shoes too, it introduced its Shape-Up line and repositioned its image accordingly. CoverGirl
realized that consumers were becoming more diverse, and some of its consumers viewed
makeup as a means of self-expression. Since not only women were using its products, the
brand shifted its positioning away from its “Easy, Breezy, Beautiful” tagline to “I Am What
I Make Up.”28 Tiffany & Co. has long been known for luxury jewellery that is most often
purchased by wealthy individuals. In the 1990s, the company, following a trend of “afford-
able luxury,” tried to reposition by expanding its product assortment to appeal more to the
middle class. Tiffany introduced a silver charm bracelet priced at $110 that became very
popular with teenagers and resulted in explosive sales growth for the company. Although it
was a financial success, at least in the short term, the image of inexpensive silver jewellery
alienated older, more affluent customers who now viewed Tiffany as a common brand. In
response, the company increased prices on its silver products by 30 percent in an attempt to
reclaim its position as a luxury jeweller.
Good marketers constantly reevaluate their brand’s position to determine when to
reposition it. Companies should reposition their brands to keep up with changes in the
marketplace or to put a fresh spin on their stale and stodgy brand. Many companies that
operate on the idea “If it ain’t broke, then don’t fix it” often find out too late that their brand
needs a serious makeover. The result is that their positioning is so badly damaged that it
takes years and huge budgets to rebuild. Proactive companies change or tinker with their
positioning to keep up with market dynamics. For example, for most of General Electric
Company’s history, its positioning was based on product—“We Bring Good Things to

Gatorade with football player Jason Taylor (left) and Powerade with soccer player David Beckham (right) are positioned to
compete for target market 3 in Exhibit 6.11.
(left): Doug Benc/Getty Images; (right): Ezra Shaw/Getty Images
Segmentation, Targeting, and Positioning CHAPTER 6 187

Life”—which served GE very well. GE replaced that positioning with one that focuses on its
rich history of innovation: “Imagination at Work.”29
Brand repositioning (rebranding) refers to a strategy in which marketers change brand repositioning
a brand’s focus to target new markets or realign the brand’s core emphasis with chang- (rebranding)
A strategy in which
ing market preferences.30 Although repositioning can improve the brand’s fit with its marketers change a
target segment or boost the vitality of old brands, it is not without costs and risks. brand’s focus to target
new markets or realign
Firms often need to spend tremendous amounts of money to make tangible changes to the brand’s core emphasis
the product and packages, as well as intangible changes to the brand’s image through with changing market
various forms of promotion. These costs may not be recovered if the repositioned brand preferences.
and messages are not credible to the consumer or if the firm has mistaken a fad for a
long-term market trend.
Repositioning can change the quality image of the brand, as noted earlier in the Tiffany
example. However, WestJet successfully repositioned itself from a no-frills low-cost leader
to a considerably higher quality airline by adding luxuries such as leather seats and seat-
back LCD TV screens. Repositioning can breathe life into old brands.

Real Marketer Profile

Neetu Godara ’90s when sugar was in its heyday. So,

in 2014, we launched the first unsweet-
I often reflect on my career and think ened RTD in North America, made with
about the journey that has led me to this a clean ingredient list of vodka, soda,
point. From my early experiences as an and natural flavours, clearly laid out on
Assistant Brand Manager working on our transparent packaging. SoCIAL LITE
major multi-national brands at PepsiCo Vodka had no sugar, no carbs, and it
Canada to building a business from the didn’t give you a sugar headache the
ground up as the Co-Founder of SoCIAL next day. At its core, this is the secret
LITE Vodka. behind SoCIAL LITE’s rapid growth
I feel I have a unique perspective on and success. We had a real consumer
brand building, having played on both insight, and a product that filled a gap in
teams David and Goliath. Working for the marketplace.
a large CPG firm gave me the funda- Since we brought SoCIAL LITE to
mentals in business analytics, marketing market, we have been laser focused
discipline, leadership and teamwork. Courtesy of Neetu Godara on building our fan base. SoCIAL LITE
The skills I took from “big CPG” appeals to fit and active people, with
has helped tremendously as an entrepreneur, but jump- varied demographics, who share a common goal of hav-
ing into the world of a start-up has helped me build an ing fun and staying healthy. We leverage in-store, digital,
entirely new set of tools. As an entrepreneur, you wear and experiential marketing as our primary ways to build
many hats. In the beginning, you work across all business our tribe.
functions, working on everything from customer meet- A real consumer insight, a focus on building our audi-
ings to contracts and payroll to product development. ence, and a long-term vision that allows for a strong pipe-
Over the course of my career, I have spent many line of innovation are a few key things we focus on as a
years bringing new products to market. new brand in the market.
When we were starting SoCIAL LITE Vodka, we saw Managing complex multi-national brands challenges
that vodka sodas had soared in popularity with our you to manage large teams and complex operations and
friends and at bars across the country. However, if you uphold global standards of world-class marketing. Tak-
wanted a convenient pre-mixed drink, everything on the ing the chance to build a brand from the ground up gives
market was sugar-laden, artificial, and had zero appeal to you the opportunity to control your destiny, drive your
health-conscious consumers. vision, and test your perseverance. My path was to learn
It felt like nearly every food and beverage category first, and leap into entrepreneurship second, but I truly
had been disrupted with better-for-you innovation, but believe there is no right path. There is only a path that is
the ready-to-drink (RTD) sector was still reminiscent of the right for you.
188 Section Three Targeting the Marketplace

Learning Objectives Review

LO1  escribe the bases marketers use to

D segmentation at all and works for only products or ser-
segment a market vices that most consumers consider to be commodities.
The difference between a differentiated and a concen-
There is really no one “best” method to segment a mar- trated strategy is that the differentiated approach targets
ket. Firms choose from various segmentation bases multiple segments, whereas the concentrated approach
depending on the type of product/service they offer and targets only one. Larger firms with multiple product/
their goals for the segmentation strategy. For instance, if service offerings generally use a differentiated strategy;
the firm wants to identify its customers easily, geographic smaller firms or those with a limited product/service offer-
or demographic segmentation likely will work best. But if ing often use a concentrated strategy. Firms that employ
the firm is trying to dig deeper into why customers might a micromarketing or one-to-one marketing strategy tailor
buy its offering, then lifestyle, benefits, and loyalty seg- their product/service offering to each customer—that
mentation work best. Geodemographic segmentation is, it is custom-made. In the past, micromarketing was
provides a nice blend of geographic, demographic, and reserved primarily for artisans, tailors, or other craft-
psychographic approaches. Typically, a combination of speople who would make items exactly as the customer
several segmentation methods is most effective. wanted. Recently, however, larger manufacturers and
retailers have begun experimenting with custom-made
merchandise as well. Service providers, in contrast, are
LO2 Identify the criteria for determining the
largely familiar with customizing their offering. Hair salons
attractiveness of a segment and whether
could not flourish if every customer got the same cut.
it is worth pursuing (targeting)

Marketers use several criteria to assess a segment’s LO4  efine positioning and describe how firms
attractiveness. First, the customer should be identifi- do it
able—companies must know what types of people are in
the market so they can direct their efforts appropriately. Positioning is the “P” in the STP (segmentation, targeting,
Second, the market must be reachable—the firm must be and positioning) process. It refers to how customers think
able to reach the segment through effective communi- about a product, service, or brand in the market relative to
cations and distribution. Third, the firm must be respon- competitors’ offerings. Firms position their products and
sive to the needs of customers in a segment. It must be services according to several criteria. Some focus on their
able to deliver a product or service that the segment will offering’s value—customers get a lot for what the prod-
embrace. Finally, the market must be substantial enough uct or service costs. Others determine the most important
to be worth pursuing. If relatively few people appear in a product attributes for customers and position their offer-
segment, it is probably not cost-effective to direct special ing on the basis of those attributes. Benefits and symbols
marketing mix efforts toward them. Additionally, the seg- can also be used for positioning, though few products
ment must be profitable, both in the near term and over or services are associated with symbols that are com-
the lifetime of the customer. pelling enough to drive people to buy. Companies may
also use their dominant position in their market—market
LO3 Explain the differences among targeting leadership—to position their products or services. Finally,
strategies: undifferentiated, differentiated, competition is one of the most common positioning meth-
concentrated, or micromarketing ods and relies on the favourable comparison of the firm’s
offering with the products or services marketed by com-
Firms use a targeting strategy after they have identified petitors (head-to-head). Companies may also choose to
the segments. An undifferentiated strategy is really no compete by differentiating their value proposition.
Segmentation, Targeting, and Positioning CHAPTER 6 189

Key Terms
■■ behavioural segmentation ■■ ideal point ■■ psychographics
■■ benefit segmentation ■■ lifestyles ■■ PSYTE clusters
■■ brand repositioning (rebranding) ■■ loyalty segmentation ■■ self-concept
■■ concentrated (or niche) targeting ■■ mass customization ■■ self-values
strategy ■■ micromarketing (one-to-one) ■■ undifferentiated targeting strategy
■■ demographic segmentation ■■ occasion segmentation (mass marketing)
■■ differentiated targeting strategy ■■ perceptual map ■■ usage rate
■■ geodemographic segmentation ■■ positioning ■■ VALS™
■■ geographic segmentation ■■ positioning statement ■■ value proposition

concept review

1. How do segmentation, targeting, and positioning add 6. Explain the difference between positioning and a
value to a company’s value proposition? positioning statement. Why do you think market-
ers find market positioning one of the most difficult
2. Outline the steps in the STP process. What are some
aspects of the STP process? How can marketers try to
of the key decisions marketers have to make at each
influence the positioning of their products or services
in the marketplace?
3. List the bases that can be used to segment a market
7. List four types of strategies companies could use to
for a product or service. Which of these bases is con-
position their products or services in the marketplace.
sidered to be the most difficult to use and which is the
When Home Depot says, “You Can Do It. We Can
easiest? Why?
Help,” for what type of positioning is it striving?
4. Describe the segmentation bases you think Coca-Cola
8. What is a perceptual map? How is it used in devel-
used to develop its target segment. What kinds of
oping positioning strategies or identifying market
products do you think this segment was buying before
Coca-Cola introduced its Coke Zero brand? Thinking
back to the consumer buying decision process, what 9. Why should marketers consider repositioning their
kinds of strategies do you think were necessary to get brand? Explain what is meant by repositioning and the
this segment to switch to Coke Zero? major challenges and risks inherent in repositioning.
5. List the four types of targeting strategies companies 10. An online news article suggests that Sony will launch the
can use to serve selected market segments. What PlayStation 5 game console with a “Play has no limits”
are the main points to consider before selecting one positioning. The focus is on lightning speed and a power-
or more of these strategies? What are the advan- ful CPU to rewrite the rules of what a PlayStation console
tages and disadvantages of each strategy, and how can do. Do you think that Sony can do this successfully?
can competitors influence the strategy a company Give reasons. Do you think consumers will ever see the
chooses? PlayStation as a computer? Why or why not?
190 Section Three Targeting the Marketplace

Marketing Applications
1. What segmentation methods would you suggest for a overall strategy, (b) characteristics of the target mar-
small entrepreneur starting her own business selling ket, (c) why that target market is attractive, and (d) the
gourmet chocolates? Justify why you would recom- positioning strategy. Provide justifications for your
mend those methods. decisions.
2. You have been asked to identify various segments 9. Think of a specific company or organization that
in the market and then a potential targeting strategy. uses various types of promotional material to market
Describe the segments for a pet supply store. Justify its offerings. (The Internet, magazine ads, newspa-
the best targeting strategy to use. per ads, catalogues, newspaper inserts, direct mail
pieces, and flyers might all be sources of promotional
3. For what types of products would you use demo-
materials.) Locate two or three promotional pieces for
graphic segmentation? How about psychographic
the company and use them as a basis to analyze the
segmentation? Explain how these products differ.
segment(s) being targeted. Describe the basic seg-
4. How and why would a retailer use micromarket- mentation strategy reflected in these materials, and
ing? What advantages would micromarketing have for describe characteristics of the target market accord-
that retailer over other targeting strategies such as dif- ing to the materials. Be sure to include a copy of all
ferentiated or concentrated? the materials used in the analysis.
5. You have been asked to evaluate the attractiveness 10. You have been hired recently by a large bank in its
of several potential market segments. What criteria credit card marketing division. The bank has rela-
should you use to evaluate those segments? Why are tionships with a large number of colleges and uni-
these appropriate criteria? versities and prints a wide variety of credit cards
featuring college and university logos, images, and
6. A small-business owner is trying to evaluate the prof- the like. You have been asked to oversee the imple-
itability of different segments. What are the key fac- mentation of a new program targeting first-year
tors he or she must consider? For how long should the students at the schools with which the bank has a
business owner conduct the evaluation? relationship. The bank has already purchased the
7. Think about the various soft drink brands that you names and home addresses of the incoming stu-
know (e.g., Coke, Pepsi, 7-Up, Gatorade, Powerade). dents. You have been told that no credit checks will
How do those brands position themselves in the be required for these cards as long as the student
market? is older than 18 years of age. The bank plans a first-
day-of-school marketing blitz that includes free hats,
8. Put yourself in the position of an entrepreneur who is T-shirts, and book promotions, as well as free pizza,
developing a new product to introduce into the mar- if the students simply fill out an application. Do you
ket. Briefly describe the product. Then, develop the think it is a good idea to offer this program to these
segmentation, targeting, and positioning strategy for new students?
marketing the new product. Be sure to discuss (a) the

marketing digitally

1. Go to the L’Oréal Canada website (, link to complete the VALS survey. After you submit
and try to describe the segmentation approach it uses your responses, a screen will display your primary
to group customers. Apply the vocabulary presented and secondary VALS types. Click on the coloured
in this chapter to describe its segmentation strat- names of each segment to get additional informa-
egy. Then click on “Haircare,” and look for “EverPure tion about them, and print out your results. Assess
Shampoo.” Who do you think is the target market for the extent to which these results reflect your
this product? How would you describe L’Oréal’s product lifestyle, and identify which characteristics accu-
positioning in Canada? rately reflect your interests and activities and which
do not.
2. Go to the VALS website (www.strategicbusiness, and click on the
Segmentation, Targeting, and Positioning CHAPTER 6 191

chapter Case study

lululemon Sees Men as an

Opportunity for Growth
Glowing reports of the successful expansion by
lululemon into menswear mainly focus on how the
brand—long known primarily for the yoga pants it
designed for women—has broadened its market
by targeting men, too. But in reality, the success
of the strategy derives from more than a simple
gender-based segmentation. That is, lululemon
does more than derive products for and market to
men or women. It establishes segments within these
categories that enable it to identify precise needs
and desires, then provide greater value by meeting
those needs for each specific segment of buyers.
Let’s start with the basic gender segmenta-
tion. When it comes to athletic gear, whether for
working out or just lounging around, the physical
differences between women and men make this
segmentation evident. Women need sports bras Well-known to women, lululemon has low brand awareness with
and prefer yoga pants that are flattering and func- men, something the company is working hard to change.
tional. Accordingly, lululemon constantly seeks Shutterstock/Jonathan Weiss
to introduce different models and versions of
both tops and bottoms for women, to keep them
But men don’t need bras, and their wants and needs when it comes to pants also dif-
fer from those of women. lululemon’s most popular men’s pant, and its “best-kept secret,”
reflects those desires. That is, the ABC pant promises a significantly improved level of com-
fort for wearers (we will leave it to you to figure out the slightly risqué meaning of ABC).32
But as it sought to increase sales, the brand also realized there was more room for expan-
sion among the segment of men who work out and need athletic gear. Accordingly, it initi-
ated a new design round, creating outerwear pieces that were novel and innovative and
thus could support the requirements of various outdoor enthusiasts.33 For example, the Einn
Shell and the Surge Thermo Vest are designed to work together, for people in really cold
climates, or separately, for those in warmer areas. Each piece also allows wearers to increase
or decrease the warmth provided by their gear with simple adjustments. The vest design puts
more warmth at the chest but provides more breathability in the back, and a snap located
right at the sternum level can be easily opened (if the wearer gets hot) or closed (once the
cold start getting in). For segments of guys who sweat a lot, for example, such options can
be invaluable.
Beyond the designs, its marketing tactics resonate with various segments of male con-
sumers. A series of advertisements, under the “Strength to Be” campaign, encourage men to
reconsider what it means to be strong by presenting diverse opinions from a range of people.
The goal is to encourage men to move beyond simple notions of physical strength. Accord-
ing to one of the company’s brand directors, lululemon aims to “empower people to blaze
their own trail, rather than conform to traditional stereotypes and archetypes.”34
The marketing communication moves beyond conventional or limited views of masculin-
ity. For example, the spot featuring the Olympic boxer Orlando Cruz certainly displays his
muscles, but the focus is on the strength he displayed in being the first professional boxer
to come out as gay while still fighting.35 Another spot in the campaign, featuring the commu-
nity organizer Ibn Ali Miller, suggests that being a “real man” requires a desire to be better,
along with a sense of humility and humanity. The advertisement shows Miller working out
(e.g., crunches, sit-ups), then transitions seamlessly into depictions of him performing a ritual
Islamic salah, or prayer, in which he prostrates himself.
Furthermore, lululemon recognizes that segmentation can refer to more than just who a
person is or how she or he self-identifies. Thus, it has expanded its efforts to reach customers
192 Section Three Targeting the Marketplace

who prefer to shop through its website, and have improved the site’s navigability.36 With
these efforts, it also can reach new segments of consumers in Asia, including Chinese con-
sumers who already shop more frequently online and through mobile channels than do their
Canadian or American counterparts.37 These consumers also are exhibiting increasing inter-
est in health and wellness, in response to Chinese government–provided health plans that
encourage people to exercise more. In support of this global targeting, lululemon made its
presence very visible on Alibaba on the most recent Singles’ Day (November 11, when young
Chinese people celebrate their single status, often by purchasing extravagant or fun gifts for
themselves), earning unprecedented foreign sales as a result.38
Even the supply chain for the company is using a segmentation approach. To enhance
efficiencies and get products to all segments of consumers faster, it separates its supply
chain into unique segments, each of which can be ramped up to increase supply as needed.
Then the fabrics that are most popular in various geographic locations get sent to the most
appropriate manufacturing facilities.39
As a result of these varied tactics to enhance its segmentation and targeting, lululemon
has exceeded recent predictions of its performance. The sales bumps occur across the
board but mainly come from the menswear items. For example, a remarkable 21 percent of
purchases by men came from new customers.40 The appeal to these guys—who previously
assumed that lululemon was only for women—is strategic and targeted. And it seemingly is
working. In a recent survey, men expressed far more positive views of the brand than they
had previously, and more of them had made purchases from it.41
Nevertheless, in spite of increased sales of menswear, lululemon recently closed its men’s
only stores in Toronto and New York City less than two years after opening.42 Brand aware-
ness of lululemon is low with men; still, the company is not abandoning them. In fact, mens-
wear revenues, which currently account for 20 percent of annual revenue, are projected to
double by 2023.43
1. Sales of lululemon menswear are good, but brand awareness remains low. How could the
company leverage its strength in the women’s market to address this?
2. What other segmentation bases could lululemon use to better appeal to men? Discuss
why your approach would be effective.
3. Based on the different needs and wants of men, recommend a positioning method that
would be appropriate for selling menswear.
Chapter 7

Shutterstock/Nada Sertic

Marketing Research
Learning Objectives
After studying this chapter you should be able to
LO1 Identify the five steps in the marketing research process
LO2 Describe the various secondary data sources
LO3 Describe primary data collection techniques and summarize the differences between
secondary data and primary data
LO4 Outline ethical issues firms encounter when conducting marketing research
194 Section three Targeting the Marketplace

To research a market, every company needs data about it. Marketing research encompasses a range of tech-
niques and options, as this chapter will make clear. But a key direction that modern companies are taking involves
leveraging what has come to be known as “big data.” These are the data gathered and integrated by advanced
technology applications and tools, and they allow even companies that have been researching their markets for
literally centuries to gain new insights and understanding of their customers.
Take American Express as an example. To appeal to both customers and merchants, it has long investigated
what will make its offers valuable to them. For example, in the 1980s, it relied on what was then called an “expert
system” to determine which transactions were most likely to be fraudulent and issue recommendations to human
monitors about whether to approve big purchases.1
These human analysts also are a long-standing tradition for American Express, which over the years has
established a staff of approximately 1,500 data scientists to ensure that it can handle all the marketing research
data it gathers.2 These scientists have a lot more material to work with these days, though, especially as the credit
card company shifts its focus from assessments of previous transactions to predictions of future ones.3 It also is
expanding its central offerings. Rather than just providing credit for customers, American Express increasingly
sees itself as a provider that facilitates connections between customers and the merchants from which they want
to buy.4
It gathers data from its customer relationship management systems, websites, and mobile apps to predict
what customers want. By leveraging these data, American Express alters its offers and promotions virtually in real
time, such that each contact with a customer reflects his or her most recent activity.5 For example, it can review
customers’ purchases and then recommend a local restaurant that they are likely to enjoy, where they can use
their card. Location-based services in the American Express app also enable the company to issue real-time
­coupons according to customers’ locations.6 American Express asserts that it can anticipate the termination of
nearly one-quarter of the accounts that will close in any particular quarter, too, meaning that it can engage in
proactive efforts either to retain the customer or to reduce its own expensive efforts if the customer appears
­destined to leave.7 Furthermore, it has constant in-depth contact with merchants. As partners in serving their
shared customers, it can gather purchase data from their systems. These resulting data span literally millions
of businesses and even more customers, meaning that American Express, overall, makes billions of marketing-
related decisions daily.8 For its merchant partners, the company also offers support for their marketing research
analyses. For example, a benchmarking tool allows companies to determine how well they are performing among
millions of American Express customers, segmented in various ways, relative to their competitors.
Finally, in an effort that benefits both merchants and customers, American Express leverages its advanced
marketing research and data analysis capabilities to anticipate, identify, and avoid fraud. Such abilities are
­particularly valuable in the credit card industry because fraud threatens all members of the market. Therefore,
American Express’ proprietary machine learning model integrates data from a wide range of sources, coming
from both members and merchants, to identify suspicious transactions within milliseconds. For this identification,
it relies on comparisons with its vast database of existing purchases. Because it can do so nearly immediately,
American Express has saved its markets an estimated $2 billion by avoiding fraudulent transactions.9 But in addi-
tion to saving them money, American Express has developed its fraud detection skills to such an extent that it
does not need to contact customers to approve every purchase, which would risk annoying them.10

marketing research A key prerequisite to successful decision making, marketing research consists of a set
A set of techniques and of techniques and principles for systematically collecting, recording, analyzing, and inter­
principles for systematically
collecting, recording, preting data that can aid decision makers involved in marketing goods, services, or ideas.11
analyzing, and interpreting When marketing managers attempt to develop their strategies, marketing research can
data that can aid decision
makers involved in
provide valuable information that will help them make segmentation, positioning, ­product,
marketing goods, services, place, price, and promotion decisions. Marketing research is also key to understanding
or ideas. ­topics such as competition (Chapter 3); consumer and B2B buying behaviour (Chapters 4
and 5); global marketing and cultural differences (Chapter 16); and new product devel­
opment, branding, and customer service (Chapters 8, 9, and 10). It is also important for
assessing the effectiveness of pricing, promotions, and product and service delivery stra­
tegies (Chapters 11, 12, 13, 14, and 15).
Marketing Research CHAPTER 7 195

This chapter discusses the five steps in the

marketing research process. Then, we evaluate the
various types of data used in marketing research,
and data collection methods. We will also examine
the circumstances under which it is ethical to col­
lect and use customer information in marketing
Firms invest millions of dollars in market­­­
ing research every year, and Canada’s market
research industry is valued at just under a half-
billion dollars. Some of the major ­players in
Canada’s multi-million-dollar market research
and polling industry include the Angus Reid
Institute, COMPAS, Harris/Decima, EKOS Research
Associates, Ipsos-Reid, Léger Marketing, Pollara
Politicians and non-profit organizations do research to understand
Strategic Insights, and the Strategic Counsel. In their constituencies.
addition, there are ­foreign-owned firms with Chris Batson/Alamy Stock Photo
offices in Canada, such as Nielsen Canada and
Forrester Research. Why do marketers find this research valuable? First, it helps reduce
some of the uncertainty under which they currently operate. Successful managers know
when research might help their decision making and take appropriate steps to acquire the
information they need. Second, marketing research provides a crucial link between firms
and their environments, which enables firms to be customer oriented because they build
their strategies by using customer input and continual feedback. Third, by constantly
monitoring their competitors, firms can anticipate and respond quickly to competitive
moves. Fourth, ongoing marketing research can identify emerging opportunities and new
and improved ways of satisfying consumer needs and wants from changes in the external
If you think market research is applicable only to corporate or retailing ventures, think
again. Non-profit organizations and governments also use research to serve their constitu­
encies better. Political parties have been slicing and dicing the voting public for decades to
determine relevant messages for different demographics. Politicians desperately want to
understand who makes up the voting public to determine how to reach them. They want
to know not only your political views but also your media habits, such as what magazines
you subscribe to, so they can target you more effectively. To do so, they rely on the five-step
marketing research process we describe in this chapter. We also discuss some of the ethical
implications of collecting and using information. In Appendix 7A, we detail the concept of
customer lifetime value (CLV), a popular metric to determine a customer’s value to a firm.

The Marketing Research Process LO1

Managers consider several factors before embarking on a marketing research project. First,
will the research be useful and provide insights beyond what the managers already know
and reduce uncertainty associated with the project? Second, is top management committed
to the project and willing to abide by the results of the research? Related to both of these
questions is the value of the research. Marketing research can be very expensive, and if the
results won’t be useful or management does not abide by the findings, it represents a waste
of money. Third, should the marketing research project be small or large? A project might
involve a simple analysis of data that the firm already has, or it could be an in-depth assess­
ment that costs hundreds of thousands of dollars and takes months to complete.
The marketing research process itself consists of five steps, as shown in Exhibit 7.1.
Although the stages of the marketing research process are shown as a step-by-step
196 Section three Targeting the Marketplace

Exhibit 7.1 The Marketing Research Process

Define Research Design the Collect Analyze Data Determine

Problem and Research Data and Develop Action
Objectives Plan Insights Plan

progression, of course, research doesn’t always happen this way. Sometimes, researchers
go back and forth from one step to another as the need arises. For example, marketers
may establish a specific research objective, which they follow with data collection and pre­
liminary analysis. If they uncover new information during the data collection step or if the
findings of the analysis spotlight new research needs, they might redefine their objectives
and begin again from a new starting point.
Another important requirement before embarking on a research project, is to plan the
entire project in advance. When setting up a questionnaire, marketers should consider the
data collection process and anticipate the types of analyses that might produce meaning­
ful results for decision makers. For example, open-ended questions on a questionnaire can
slow down the coding process and make it difficult to run some sophisticated statistical
analyses. If the decision makers want a sophisticated analysis fast, a questionnaire filled
with open-ended questions may not be the best choice. By planning the entire research pro­
cess well in advance of starting the project, researchers can avoid unnecessary alterations
to the research plan as they move through the process. Now let’s examine each step of the
research process in more detail.

Step 1: Define the Research Problem and Objectives

Because research is both expensive and time consuming, it is important to establish in
advance exactly what problem needs to be solved. Correctly defining the problem is one
of the most important elements of the marketing research process. To underscore the
importance of this first step, some marketing researchers claim that this aspect is the most
difficult of the marketing research process. Why? It’s like the “iceberg principle.” While the
tip may look obvious, much of the iceberg (or the cause of the problem) may not be easily
visible. If you define the problem incorrectly, you will more than likely end up with the
wrong solution even though the rest of the process is done perfectly. On the contrary, if you
define the problem correctly but fail to carry out the rest of the process correctly, you may
end up with misleading or even useless results.
Once the research problem is defined, marketers must specify the research objectives
or questions to be answered. Marketing research efforts and resources can be wasted if
the research objectives are poorly defined.12 Poor design arises from three major sources:
basing research on irrelevant research questions, focusing on research questions that mar­
keting research cannot answer, or addressing research questions to which the answers are
already known.
Consider the following scenario: McDonald’s is the global leader in the fast-food
­market, with more than 36,000 stores in over 100 countries, earning over $21 billion in
annual revenues.13 It wants a better understanding of its customers’ experience. It also
needs to understand how customers view the experience at Wendy’s, a main competitor
Marketing Research CHAPTER 7 197

operating in 30 countries, with annual revenues of approximately $1.5 billion.14 McDonald’s

hopes to gain some insight into how it should set a price for and market its latest combo
meal of a hamburger, fries, and drink. Any one of these objectives could initiate a research
project. The complexity of the project that the company eventually undertakes depends on
how much time and resources it has available, as well as the amount of in-depth knowledge
it needs. Research objectives are driven by business issues that companies want to examine,
and a wide variety of testing methods and inputs can be used, as shown in Exhibit 7.2.
When conducting research, it’s also important to separate the symptoms of a problem from
the actual problem. For example, Pria, the owner of a small clothing store in downtown Ottawa
that caters to girls between the ages of 10 and 16, thought that the declining sales she was

Exhibit 7.2 Research Objectives

Business Issue Research Objectives Testing Method Inputs Needed

Evaluate new launch Gain consumer feedback on new product Concept testing Product concepts
idea ideas including image and
Can also be used to evaluate changes to description, group of
an existing product qualified consumers
Evaluate new flavour Measure consumer purchase intent for Central location Product concepts
of cereal against new launch with actual live product in a test (CLT) including image and
other flavours central, controlled environment description, control
product samples, new
product samples, group
of qualified consumers
Test new flavour Measure consumer purchase intent for Home usage test Product concepts
of cookies or a new launch with actual live product in their (HUT) including image and
new formulation of typical daily life description, actual
laundry detergent product samples, group
of qualified consumers
Measure the effect Quantitatively measure product appeal Restager Product concepts for
of a major product before and after the change research current and new product,
change, like branding May also include qualitative feedback on including image and
or significant specific areas description, group of
downsizing qualified consumers
Predict success Measure consumer purchase intent for and Packaging testing Product packaging
of new packaging appeal of packaging redesign including current and
design new designs, group of
qualified consumers
Assess consumer Understand consumer opinions and self- Usage and Formal questionnaire,
attitudes and reported behaviours on a category of attitude study group of qualified
behaviours on a products: what they choose and avoid, consumers
particular category why, when, where, and how it is consumed
such as snack foods
Map out how a Collect real-time observations of an Live consumer Discussion guide,
consumer shops individual in your specific target market immersion moderator, consumer
the dairy aisle in a performing a specific task (one at a time)
grocery store
Evaluate new idea Gain qualitative feedback on a small Focus group Discussion guide,
for communications number of topics; for example, determine advertising samples,
campaign preference between Campaign A and B moderator, focus group
A moderator will guide the discussion participants (4–10 at a
but the participants are free to give any time)
feedback they’d like
198 Section three Targeting the Marketplace

observing in her store were due to inadequate or poor advertis­

ing. She increased her advertising and promotions to boost sales
and regain her lost customers. Unfortunately, this effort provided
only temporary benefits, and the declining sales continued after
the promotions ended. After hiring a marketing researcher, Pria
realized that the declining sales were just a symptom of the real
problem: outdated merchandise. She learned that the current
target market of 10- to 16-year-olds is quite different from their
predecessors, the girls who were this age when Pria first opened
her store.

Step 2: Design the Research Plan

After researchers have defined the problem to be addressed,
the second step is to design the market research plan. In this
step, researchers identify the type of data needed and deter­
mine the type of research necessary to collect it. Recall that
McDonald’s assesses its customers’ market
experience by examining available data, and then the objectives of the project drive the type of data needed, as
asks customers about their experience with products outlined in Step 1. Let’s look at how this second step works
like Happy Meals. using the McDonald’s customer experience. McDonald’s
Michael Neelon(misc)/Alamy Stock Photo needs to ask its customers about their McDonald’s experience.
However, because people don’t always tell the whole truth in
surveys, the company also may want to observe customers to see how they actually enter
the stores, interact with employees, and consume the product.
The project’s design might begin with available data, such as information that shows
that people with children often come into the restaurants at lunchtime and order Happy
Meals. Then McDonald’s market researchers can start to ask customers specific questions
about their McDonald’s experience.

Step 3: Collect Data

Data collection begins only after the research design process. Based on the design of the
secondary data project, data can be collected from secondary or primary data sources. Secondary data are
Pieces of information that pieces of information that have been collected prior to the start of the focal research project.
have been collected prior
to the start of the focal Secondary data include both external and internal data sources. Primary data, in contrast,
project. are those data collected to address specific research needs. Some common primary data col­
primary data lection methods include focus groups, in-depth interviews, and surveys. More discussion
Data collected to address on secondary and primary data follows later in the chapter.
the specific research
needs/questions currently
For our hypothetical fast-food scenario, McDonald’s may decide to get relevant second­
under investigation. ary data from external providers such as National Purchase Diary Panel and Nielsen. The
Some primary data data might include the prices of different ingredients, sales figures, growth or decline in the
collection methods include
focus groups, in-depth category, and advertising and promotional spending. McDonald’s is likely to gather perti­
interviews, and surveys. nent data about sales from its franchisees. However, it also wants competitor data, overall
food consumption data, and other information about the quick service restaurant category,
which it likely obtains from appropriate syndicated data providers. Based on the data, it
might decide to follow up with some primary data using a survey.
No company can ask every customer their opinions or observe every customer, so research­
ers must choose a group of customers who represent the customers of interest, or a sample,
and then generalize their opinions to describe all customers with the same characteristics. They
may choose the sample participants at random to represent the entire customer market. Or they
may choose to select the sample on the basis of some characteristic, such as whether they have
children, so they can research the experience associated with buying a Happy Meal.
Marketing researchers use various methods of asking questions to measure the issues
they are tackling. Different types of scales are used to measure certain concepts such as
Marketing Research CHAPTER 7 199

attitudes, perceived quality, perceived value, loyalty, and convenience. In our hypotheti­
cal McDonald’s scenario, assume the research team has developed a questionnaire (see
Exhibit 7.3), using a few different types of questions. Section A measures the customer’s
experience in McDonald’s; Section B measures the customer’s experience in Wendy’s;

Exhibit 7.3 A Hypothetical Fast-Food Survey

Please take a few minutes to tell us about your experience at McDonald’s and Wendy’s. For each question, please
respond by checking the box that applies or writing your response in the space provided.

Please Evaluate Your Experience

A. McDonald’s Neither
Strongly Agree nor Strongly
Disagree Disagree Disagree Agree Agree

1 2 3 4 5
McDonald’s food tastes good

McDonald’s is clean ✓
McDonald’s has low prices ✓

B. Wendy’s Neither
Strongly Agree nor Strongly
Disagree Disagree Disagree Agree Agree

1 2 3 4 5
Wendy’s food tastes good

Wendy’s is clean ✓
Wendy’s has low prices ✓

C. McDonald’s

In the last month, how many Never 1–2 times 3–4 times More than 5 times
times have you been to
McDonald’s? How often did you
order breakfast items?

If McDonald’s offered breakfast

items all the time, how often
would you order them outside
of normal breakfast times in a
typical month?

On average, how much do $ _______________________

you spend during each visit to

What is your favourite item at _______________________________________________________________


D. Please Tell Us About Yourself

What is your age? Under 16 17–24 25–35 36+

What is your gender? Male Female Non-Binary

200 Section three Targeting the Marketplace

Section C measures the customer’s habits at McDonald’s; and Section D measures customer
Furthermore, suppose the research team administered the survey to 1000 customers.
The results of the first question, “McDonald’s food tastes good,” were as follows:

1 2 3 4 5

Strongly Neither Agree

Disagree Disagree nor Disagree Agree Strongly Agree
N = 50 N = 50 N = 100 N = 300 N = 500

Their responses are indicated by “N = .” Marketers could report several metrics, but
two common metrics would be that 80 percent [(300 + 500)/1,000] of respondents had high

that satisfaction was high because the mean was 4.15 [(50 × 1 + 50 × 2 + 100 × 3 + 300 ×
satisfaction since they responded to “Agree” or “Strongly Agree.” It could also be reported

4 + 500 × 5)/1,000] on the 5-point scale.

Step 4: Analyze Data and Develop Insights

The next step in the marketing research process—analyzing and interpreting the data—
should be both thorough and methodical. To generate meaningful information, researchers
data analyze and make use of the collected data. In this context, data can be defined as raw
Raw numbers or other numbers or other pieces of factual information that, on their own, have limited value to
factual information of
limited value. marketers. However, when the data are interpreted, they become information, which
results from organizing, analyzing, and interpreting the data, and putting it into a form that
Data that has been is useful to marketing decision makers. For example, a checkout scanner in a grocery store
organized, analyzed, collects sales data about individual consumer purchases. Not until those data are catego­
interpreted, and converted
into a useful form for
rized and examined do they provide information about which products and services were
decision makers. purchased together or how an in-store promotional activity translated into sales.
For example, a cologne producer learns from secondary data sources that its product
is priced lower than its competition; it spends more money on traditional advertising in
fashion magazines; and it is slowly losing market share to a new upstart competitor. Putting
these disparate data points together provides information that indicates the need to find out
what is so good about the competitor’s new cologne. The firm commissions a series of focus
groups, which is useful in developing a survey of users of its cologne and of its ­competitor.
The survey provides conclusive information that the firm uses to change its strategy. In
particular, it found that its product’s scent was a little too strong and wasn’t as appealing
to its younger target market. It also discovered that peers have a tremendous influence
on scent preferences. So the company decided to tone down the scent and reapportion its
promotional budget to include more innovative social media initiatives through Facebook,
Snapchat, and YouTube. Data analysis might be as simple as calculating the average pur­
chases of different customer segments or as complex as forecasting sales by market segment
by using elaborate statistical techniques.
For the McDonald’s example, we can summarize the results of the survey (from
Exhibit 7.3) in Exhibit 7.4. McDonald’s and Wendy’s scored approximately the same on
the cleanliness of the restaurant, but McDonald’s had lower prices, while Wendy’s food
tasted better. McDonald’s may want to improve the taste of its food to better compete with
The purpose of converting data to information is to describe, explain, predict, and/or
evaluate a particular situation and then use it to develop insights. For example, Pria, the
downtown Ottawa-based retailer of tween clothing, learned that her core customers live
in various suburbs around downtown. This piece of data takes on new meaning when she
Marketing Research CHAPTER 7 201

Exhibit 7.4 Survey Results for McDonald’s and Wendy’s


Cleanliness Taste Low Price

learns that none of these customers was drawn to her store by a clever and expensive direct
mail campaign. By analyzing data she collected through a survey, she discovered that her
core customers are working professionals who are drawn to the store when they walk by it
on their way to and from work, not people from the upscale apartments in the downtown
region whom she targeted with her direct mail advertisements.
It is important for market researchers to analyze and interpret the data in an objec­
tive manner. They should not try to hide or sugar-coat findings that are different from
what they had hoped for. Misinterpreting the findings or manipulating the statistics to
suit the researcher’s hunch or prediction could lead to the wrong decision, which could
have ­serious consequences for marketers. The temptation to lie with statistics is something
­market researchers must always be aware of and try to avoid.

Step 5: Determine the Action Plan

In the final phase of the marketing research process, the analyst prepares the results and
presents them to decision makers, who undertake appropriate marketing actions and strat­
egies. A typical marketing research presentation includes an executive summary, the body
of the report (which discusses the research objectives, methodology used, and detailed find­
ings), the conclusions, the limitations, and appropriate supplemental tables, figures, and
appendices. Reports should use a style appropriate to the audience, be devoid of technical
jargon, and include recommendations that managers can actually implement.
Let’s go back to the hypothetical McDonald’s scenario. According to the research find­
ings, the company is doing fine in terms of cleanliness (as are its competitors); it is per­
ceived to have lower prices; and the taste of its food could be improved. It also found that
of those customers who purchased breakfast items relatively frequently (at least three times
per month), 35 percent would go frequently for breakfast outside the normal breakfast
times. Also, of those who never ordered breakfast items, 25 percent would order breakfast
items outside the normal breakfast times occasionally (at least once a month). Using this
analysis and insights gained, McDonald’s might consider hiring gourmet chefs as consul­
tants to improve the menu and offerings. It could highlight its efforts to improve the taste of
the food and add desired offerings (e.g., breakfast items) in its marketing communications
and promotions. McDonald’s should also consider performing additional pricing research
to determine whether its lower prices are positively impacting sales and profits, or whether
it should price more competitively with Wendy’s. Now let’s take a closer look at sources of
secondary and primary data.
202 Section three Targeting the Marketplace

LO2 Secondary Data

A marketing research project often begins with a review of the relevant secondary data.
Secondary data might come from free or very inexpensive external sources such as census
data, information from trade associations, books, journal articles, and reports published in
magazines and newspapers. Although readily accessible, these inexpensive sources may not
be specific or timely enough to solve the marketer’s research needs and objectives. Firms
also can purchase more specific or applicable secondary data from specialized research
firms. Finally, secondary sources can be accessed through internal sources, including the
company’s sales invoices, customer lists, and other reports generated by the company itself.
In political settings, such secondary data can be critical for candidates running for
office. Major political parties develop proprietary databases that contain vast information
about voters, broken down by demographic and geographic information. Before a local pol­
itician, canvasser, or poll taker even knocks on doors in a neighbourhood, he or she likely
knows which houses are inhabited by retirees, who has a subscription to The Globe and
Mail, and for whom the residents said they voted in the last election. All these traits can give
hints about the voters’ likely concerns, which a good politician can address immediately
upon knocking on the door. Information gleaned can be documented in a database so lists
can be generated later. For example, households may be noted as friendly but not support­
ing the party in an upcoming election because they don’t like its record on the environment.
If the party makes announcements regarding the environment, it can reach out to people in
data mining
its database to ensure they are informed. Such research also can dictate tactics for design­
The use of statistical ing broader campaign materials, or zero in on very specific issues. Social media campaigns
analysis tools to search are a growing mechanism used to interact with potential voters in a more timely manner
for patterns in data or
relationships among than more traditional methods. Monitoring tweets after a major address by a candidate, for
variables. instance, would provide instant feedback and direction for future communications.

Internal Secondary Data

One of the most valuable resources firms have at their disposal is their
rich cache of customer information and purchase history. However, it
can be difficult to make sense of the millions or even billions of pieces
of individual data, which are stored in large computer files called data
warehouses. For this reason, firms find it necessary to use data-mining
techniques to extract valuable information from their databases.
Data mining uses a variety of statistical analysis tools to uncover
previously unknown patterns in the data or relationships among
variables. Some retailers try to customize their product and service
offerings to match the needs of their customers. For instance, the
U.K. grocer Tesco uses its loyalty card to collect massive amounts of
information about its individual customers. Every time a loyalty card
member buys something, the card is scanned, and the store captures
key purchase data specific to that member. But these specific data are
basically useless until Tesco mines and analyzes them to identify three
income groups: upscale, middle income, and less affluent. With this
mined information, Tesco has been able to create appealing private-
label product offerings for each group, according to their preferences,
and began targeting promotions to each customer according to his or
her income classification.
Marketers use data-mining techniques to
determine what items people buy at the same If you watch content on Netflix, your viewing habits become valu­
time, so those items can be promoted and able data that are added to a global database and mined for insights.
displayed together. The algorithm at the core of the Netflix software records every action
©McGraw Hill Education subscribers take, allowing the company to analyze what content you
Marketing Research CHAPTER 7 203

watch, at what time of day, and how much you watch at a given time. Correlations can
then be established (for example, between actors and movies, movie genres, or actors them­
selves) and used to make recommendations to subscribers. The software also identifies what
scenes in an episode or movie are watched the most, and if scenes get skipped, which can
then be compared to user reviews and ratings. Although collecting data from one person
would not prove very helpful, a wealth of data can be mined from 81 million subscribers.
Data mining can also enable a home improvement retailer such as Lowe’s to learn that,
25 percent of the time, customers buying a garden hose also purchase a sprinkler. With
such information, the retailer may decide to put the garden hoses next to the sprinklers
in the store. Outside the retail realm, an investment firm might use statistical techniques
to group clients according to their income, age, types of securities purchased, and prior
investment experience. This categorization identifies different segments to which the firm
can offer valuable packages that meet their specific needs. The firm also can tailor sepa­
rate marketing programs to each of these segments. By analyzing the enormous amount of
information that they possess about their customers, companies have developed statistical
models that help identify when a customer is dissatisfied with his or her service. Once the
company identifies an unhappy customer, it can follow up and proactively address that
customer’s issues. By mining customer data and information, the company also reduces its
churn levels. Churn is the number of participants who discontinue use of a service, divided
by the average number of total participants.
Overall, firms hope to use data mining to generate customer-based analytics that they
can apply to their strategic decision making, and thereby make good customers better, and
make better customers their best. Firms can also use secondary data to assess the profit­
ability of their customers by determining the customer lifetime value (CLV). We offer more
details about calculating CLV in Appendix 7A.
Big Data The field of marketing research has seen enormous changes in the last few big data
years because of (1) the increase in the amounts of data to which retailers, service provid­ Refers to extremely large
quantities of data that
ers, and manufacturers have access; (2) their ability to collect these data from transactions, companies have access to
customer relationship management (CRM) systems, websites, and social media platforms but are unable to handle
using conventional data
that firms increasingly use to engage with their customers;16 (3) the ease of collecting and management and data-
storing these data; (4) the computing ability readily available to manipulate data in real mining software.
time; and (5) access to in-house or available software to convert the data into valuable
decision-making insights using analytic dashboards.
To specify this explosion of data, which firms have access to but cannot handle using
conventional data management and data-mining software, the term big data has arisen
in the popular media. Leading firms such as Amazon, Netflix, Google, Nordstrom, Tesco,
American Express, and Walmart are already converting their big data into customer
insights, and this list keeps growing.17
Amazon may be the poster child for big data. Any Amazon shopper is familiar with its
recommendation engine, which notes what the consumer is purchasing, analyzes purchase
patterns by similar customers, and suggests other items the customer might enjoy, as well
as what other people who bought the focal item also added to their shopping carts.18 With
more than 310 million active customers and billions of pieces of shopping data,19 Amazon
certainly qualifies as a big-data user; its item-to-item collaborative filtering helps it deter­
mine which relevant products to suggest, generating almost one-third of its sales.20
To enable these efforts, firms such as SAP, Splunk, and GoodData offer a host of soft­
ware solutions to help firms better integrate their data, visualize them, and then move from
data to real-time insights.21 The suite of options previously were available only to the largest
firms, but with costs falling they are now more accessible to smaller firms.
The big-data explosion also stems from the growth of online and social media. In
response, Google, Facebook, and Twitter all provide analytic dashboards designed to help
their customers understand their own Web traffic. In particular, Google has developed tre­
mendous marketing analytical capabilities that it makes available to partner firms. Google
204 Section three Targeting the Marketplace

helps firms attract customer traffic to their sites through the use of more relevant keywords,
the purchase of Google AdWords, and better conversion methods.22 Using Google Analytics,
Puma has gained insights into which online content and products most engaged its Web
visitors, while also defining where these visitors lived. With these visitor behavioural data
in hand, Puma has revised its website to be more dynamic ( and has cre­
ated unique identifiers for its various product categories (e.g., PUMA Golf), targeting them
in accordance with the home region of the visitor.23

External Secondary Data

Some sources of external secondary data can be accessed quickly and at relatively low cost.
For example, Statistics Canada data on retail trade provides information about sales of dif­
ferent types of retail establishments either free or inexpensively. These patterns may be the
only accurate sources available to a new small business that wants to determine the size of
its potential market. For such a firm, gathering accurate and comprehensive data on its own
would be quite difficult. Researchers must ensure that the secondary data they use, especially
from external sources, are current and relevant, and can shed light on the research problem or
objectives. More examples of external secondary data are listed in Exhibits 7.5 and 7.6.
Sometimes, however, secondary data are not adequate to meet researchers’ needs.
Because the data initially were acquired for some purpose other than the research question
at hand, they may not be completely relevant. For instance, Statistics Canada’s Census is
a great source for demographic data about a particular market area, and it can be easily
accessed at a low cost. However, the data are collected only every 10 years, so they quickly
become outdated. For example, if a firm were interested in opening a retail flooring store in
2018, it would have to rely on Statistics Canada Census data collected in 2011, which would
be seven years old. If it hoped to locate in an area where housing starts are projected to
grow rapidly in the next three to four years, these data would not include any of these new
housing developments and thus would not provide much in the way of insights.
Although the secondary data described above are either free or inexpensive and can
be quickly accessed, it may not always be adequate to answer the research objective. Under
these circumstances, marketers may find it useful to purchase external secondary data
syndicated data called syndicated data, which are data available for a fee from commercial research firms
Data available for a fee such as IRI, National Purchase Diary Panel, Nielsen, and Léger Marketing. Exhibit 7.6 con­
from commercial research
firms such as Symphony tains information about various firms that provide syndicated data. For our hypothetical
IRI Group, National Diary cologne example, the pertinent data available from these sources might include the prices
Panel, Nielsen, and Léger of various colognes, sales figures, growth or decline in the category, and advertising and
promotional spending. Consumer packaged-goods firms that sell to wholesalers often lack
the means to gather pertinent data directly from the retailers that sell their products to
consumers, which makes syndicated data a valuable resource for them. Some syndicated
data providers also offer information about shifting brand preferences and product usage in
households, which they gather from consumer panels.
scanner data Scanner data are obtained from scanner readings of UPC codes at checkout counters
A type of quantitative and used in quantitative research. Whenever you go into your local grocery store, your pur­
research that uses data
obtained from scanner chases are rung up by using scanner systems. The data from these purchases are likely to be
readings of UPC codes at acquired by leading marketing research firms, such as Nielsen. They use this information to
checkout counters. help leading consumer packaged-goods firms (e.g., Kellogg’s, Pepsi, and Kraft) assess what
panel data is happening in the marketplace. For example, a firm can determine what happened to
A type of quantitative sales when it reduced its price by 10 percent in a given month. Did sales increase, decrease,
research that involves
or stay the same?
collecting information from
a group of consumers Panel data is information collected from a group of consumers (the panel) over
(the panel) over time; data time. The data collected from the panelists often include records of what they have
collected may be from
a survey or a record of purchased (i.e., secondary data), as well as their responses to survey questions that the
purchases. client gives to the panel to ask the panelists (i.e., primary data). Secondary panel data
Marketing Research CHAPTER 7 205

Exhibit 7.5 Sample List of Sources for Secondary Data*

Guides, Indexes, and Directories Statistics Canada and Other Government

Business Periodicals Index Publications
Canadian Almanac and Directory Annual Retail Trade
Canadian News Index Canadian Economic Observer
Canadian Periodical Index Canada Yearbook
Canadian Small Business Index and Family Expenditure Guide
Directory Market Research Handbook
Canadian Trade Index Statistics Canada Catalogue
Directory of Canadian Associations Western Economic Diversification Canada
Fraser’s Canadian Trade Directory Ontario Ministry for Economic Development
Predicasts F&S Index and Trade
Scott’s Directories Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade
Standard Periodical Directory U.S. Census

Periodicals and Newspapers Trade Sources

Advertising Age Aberdeen Research
Adweek Nielsen
American Demographics Conference Board of Canada
Business Horizons Dun & Bradstreet Canada
Canadian Business Financial Post Publishing
Canadian Consumer Find/SVP
Canadian Grocer Gale Research
Financial Post Interactive Advertising Bureau
Financial Post Magazine Jupiter Research
Forbes Forrester Research
Fortune MacLean Hunter Research Bureau
The Globe and Mail MapInfo Canada
Harvard Business Review Predicasts International
Journal of Advertising
Journal of Marketing Management Online Sources
Journal of Personal Selling and Sales Websites of competitors
Management White papers from industry associations
Journal of Small Business Management Search engines
Marketing Magazine Industry publication websites
Marketing & Media Decisions Competitive annual reports
Marketing News Business and strategy sites (e.g.,
Sales and Marketing Management
The Wall Street Journal News alerts and online news searches
(e.g., Google Alerts)
Databases Finance sites for publicly traded companies
CANSIM (Statistics Canada) (e.g., Yahoo! Finance)
CompuServe Wikipedia (Always validate data from here!)
Dialog The Free Library (
Dow Jones

*Adapted from Crane, Kerin, Hartley, Berkowitz, and Rudelius, Marketing, 6th Canadian ed. (Whitby, ON:
McGraw-Hill Ryerson, 2007).

might show that when Diet Pepsi is offered at a deep discount, 80 percent of usual Diet
Coke consumers switch to Diet Pepsi. Primary panel data could give insights into what
they think of each option.
Léger Marketing, one of the largest Canadian-owned independent marketing
research and polling firms, has an online panel of 350,000 people that represents various
206 Section three Targeting the Marketplace

Exhibit 7.6 Syndicated Data Providers in Canada and the United States and Their Services

Bureau of Broadcast Measurement Provides broadcast measurement and consumer behaviour data, as well
( as intelligence to broadcasters, advertisers, and agencies on audience
behaviours during and after broadcasts.

GfK Mediamark Research Inc. Supplies multimedia audience research pertaining to media and
( marketing planning for advertised brands.

GfK NOP ( The mKids US research study tracks mobile telephone ownership and
usage, brand affinities, and entertainment habits of American youth
between 12 and 19 years of age.

Ipsos Canada, Harris/Decima, Léger Provides polling services and marketing research on all aspects of
Marketing, Angus Reid, SES Research, marketing, including loyalty, branding, media analysis, pricing, position,
EKOS Research Associates, The Strategic image enhancement, customer satisfaction, focus groups, online panels,
Counsel, Pollara, and COMPAS and surveys across many industries.

J.D. Power and Associates Widely known for its automotive ratings, the company produces quality
( and customer satisfaction research for a variety of industries.

National Purchase Diary Group Tracking services provide information about product movement and
( consumer behaviour in a variety of industries.

Nielsen ( With its market measurement services, the company tracks data on the
sales of consumer packaged goods, gathered at the point of sale in
retail stores of all types and sizes.

Print Measurement Bureau ( Provides single-source data on print readership, non-print media
exposure, product usage, and lifestyles of Canadians. It uses an
annual sample of 24,000 to measure the readership of more than 115
publications and consumer usage of more than 2,500 products and

Research and Markets Promotes itself as a “one-stop shop” for market research and data from
( most leading publishers, consultants, and analysts.

Roper Centre for Public Opinion Research The General Social Survey is one of the United States’ longest-running
( surveys of social, cultural, and political indicators.

Simmons Market Research Bureau Reports on the products American consumers buy, the brands they
( prefer, and their lifestyles, attitudes, and media preferences.

Yankelovich ( The MONITOR tracks the consumer attitudes, values, and lifestyles
shaping the American marketplace.

consumer segments of the Canadian population. This impressive panel makes it possible
for Léger Marketing to complete surveys among the general public and more specific con­
sumer segments. It is therefore hardly surprising that Léger Marketing can offer market­
ers 48-hour service—a solution for businesses and decision makers who wish to receive
reliable information quickly from a large representative sample of consumers regarding
their marketing campaigns, products, and brands. Léger Marketing offers its clients stra­
tegic advice in a wide array of areas, including media and advertising analysis, marketing
planning, market research, product launch, segmentation analysis, positioning, customer
satisfaction and loyalty strategies, pricing and packaging strategies, mystery shoppers,
and image assessment. It also offers website analytics, which marketers can use to evalu­
ate and improve the performance of their websites.24
Overall though, both panel and scanner data provide firms with a comprehensive
picture of what consumers are buying or not buying. The key difference between scan­
ner research and panel research is how the data get aggregated. Scanner research typically
Marketing Research CHAPTER 7 207

Syndicated external secondary data are acquired from scanner readings of UPC codes at
checkout counters (left) and from panel data collected from consumers that electronically
record their purchases (right).
(left): ©Glow Images/Getty Images; (right): ©Stephen Barnes/Bowline Images/Alamy Stock Photo

focuses on weekly consumption of a particular product at a given unit of analysis (e.g.,

individual store, chain, region); panel research focuses on the total weekly consumption by
a particular person or household. We discuss how marketing researchers use panel data to
answer specific research questions further in the primary data section.
Remember, when it comes to secondary data, marketers must pay careful attention
to how the secondary data were collected. Despite the great deal of data available on the
Internet and elsewhere, easy access does not ensure that the data are trustworthy. Without
knowing the research design—for instance, information pertaining to the purpose of the
research, sample size, respondents, response rate, questions asked, and so on—researchers
could make wrong or misleading inferences or conclusions. The Internet is a huge reposi­
tory of all sorts of information about consumers, including shopping behaviours, attitudes,
perceptions, and even emotions. Marketers are increasingly relying on technologies to
mine this data to help them learn more about customers so they can serve them better. In
Appendix 7A, we explain how secondary data can be used to assess customer lifetime value
(CLV), a popular marketing metric to determine a customer’s value to a firm.

Primary Data Collection Techniques LO3

In many cases, the information researchers need is available only through primary data,
or data collected to address the specific research needs/questions currently under inves­
tigation. Marketers collect primary data by using a variety of means, such as observing
consumer behaviour, conducting focus groups, or surveying customers by using the mail,
the telephone, in-person interviews, or the Internet. Primary data collection can help
eliminate some of the problems inherent to secondary data. Depending on the nature of
the research problem, the primary data collection can use a qualitative or a quantitative
approach. Marketing Analytics 7.1 highlights how Under Armour uses a variety of quanti­
tative data sources to inform its decisions.
A major advantage of primary research is that it can be tailored to fit the research ques­
tions; however, it also has its own set of disadvantages. For one thing, it is usually more costly
to collect primary than secondary data, and the collection typically takes longer. Furthermore,
208 Section three Targeting the Marketplace

Marketing Analytics 7.1

The Under Armour Idea of

“Connected Fitness”**
With the goal of helping athletes—both professional
and weekend warriors—improve their performance,
Under Armour seeks to leverage its extensive marketing
research and big-data capabilities to track and suggest
improvements to people’s sleep, exercise, and eating
habits. In this sense, it is moving beyond functioning as
a product company that sells shoes and workout gear to
enter the marketing analytics field to sell the promise of
helping customers feel and perform better.
These options derive from a range of data that the com-
pany collects from consumers. For example, it purchased Under Armour is more than just an athletic clothing
and gear company. It adds customer value by using
several existing health tracking apps (e.g., MapMyFitness,
surveys and data-mining techniques to track and
MyFitnessPal, MapMyRun), integrating them under its suggest improvements to people’s sleep, exercise,
in-house efforts. By combining their capabilities, Under and eating habits.
Armour allows its customers to track their sleep patterns, ©Thearon W. Henderson/Getty Images
then combine that information with their precise perfor-
mance on their runs the next morning. The combined data Such research-based insights suggest new ways for
in turn can lead to specific recommendations on how to Under Armour to interact with customers. For example, it
maximize run time or distance by altering the person’s can encourage athletes to link their fitness apps with their
approach to getting to sleep. MapMyRun allows runners to friends’, so that the running partners can encourage and
access gait coaching tools. motivate each other. It can inspire more casual exercisers
But these technology tools are not the only option by showing them that even the most dedicated athletes
Under Armour has for collecting customer data. It also sometimes struggle to get themselves out the door for
uses extensive customer surveys that reveal notable an exercise regimen. And it hopes to add l­ocation-based
insights. For example, a recent survey indicated that services soon, such that it might recommend where
­middle-aged male runners (45–54 years) ran approxi- ­people can stop on their runs to grab a quick bite to eat or
mately 22 percent longer distances than those between drink—establishing a kind of motivation that sometimes is
the ages of 18 and 24 years. But in addition, nearly half possible only through snacks. Based on its research, the
of the long-distance runners surveyed indicated that company firmly believes that these sorts of services and
they struggled to motivate themselves to get started on benefits are what customers today are willing to pay for,
their runs. and it’s betting its future on data, rather than on sneakers.

**John Kell, “How Under Armour Wants to Use Data to Make You Healthier,” Fortune, April 5, 2016,
healthier/; “Connected Fitness,” Under Armour,; Larry Dignan, “UnderArmour CEO: Connected fitness
unit logs $120 million in 2018 revenue, brings consumer insights,” ZDNet, February 13, 2019,
fitness-unit-logs-120-million-in-2018-revenue-brings-consumer-insights/ (accessed July 16, 2019).

marketers often require extensive training and experience to design and collect primary data
that are unbiased, valid, and reliable. For a summary of the advantages and disadvantages of
each type of research, see Exhibit 7.7. Biased data results when, for example, the sample does
not represent the entire population, researchers inject their own biases by the way they ask
questions or try to get respondents to answer in specific ways, or the respondents may be the
qualitative research wrong people or provide answers they think researchers want to hear.
Exploratory in nature,
qualitative research is Exploratory in nature, qualitative research uses broad, open-ended questions to
more informal. It uses understand the phenomenon of interest. It provides initial information that helps the
broad, open-ended
researcher more clearly formulate the research problem or objectives. Qualitative research
question methods,
including observation, is more informal than quantitative research methods and includes observation, in-depth
in-depth interviews, interviews, focus groups, and following social media sites (see Exhibit 7.8 left side).
and focus groups, and
following social-media Data collection through primary research requires that the researcher make ­several
sites. important decisions, including which methods to use (see Exhibit 7.8 for a list of
Marketing Research CHAPTER 7 209

Exhibit 7.7 Advantages and Disadvantages of Secondary and Primary Research

Type Examples Advantages Disadvantages

Secondary Census data Saves time in collecting Information may not be precisely relevant
Research Sales invoices data because they are to information needs
Internet information readily available Information may not be as timely as
Books Reduces data collection needed
Journal articles costs Sources may not be original; therefore,
Syndicated data usefulness is an issue
Methodologies for collecting data may
not be relevant or may contain bias in the
subject matter

Primary Observed consumer Is specific to the Information is usually more costly to

Research behaviour immediate data needs collect
Focus groups and topic at hand Data typically takes longer to collect
In-depth interviews Offers behavioural It often requires more sophisticated
Surveys insights generally training and experience to design and
Experiments not available from collect unbiased, valid, and reliable data
secondary research

­ ethods), what types of sampling plans are best in light of the research objective, what
types of research instruments (e.g., questionnaire, observation) to use, how the research
instrument should be designed (described below), and how best to contact potential
respondents (telephone, online, in person, or by mail). Improper execution of any of
these important aspects of primary data collection could seriously reduce the reliability
and validity of the research study.
Simply put, reliability is the extent to which you will get the same result if the study reliability
is repeated in identical situations.25 For example, on a Saturday in August, you randomly The extent to which the
same result is achieved
stop shoppers in a mall and ask them to fill out a short questionnaire about why they when a study is repeated
shop at that particular mall. Let’s say your data analysis shows that they shop at that mall in identical situations.
because they get very good deals. Now, if you were to repeat the study in the same mall,
using the same questionnaire, on another Saturday, and randomly ask shoppers to fill out
the questionnaire, you should find the same result: people shop at the mall because they
get good deals. If you found otherwise, then the reliability of your study is called into
­question. Validity is the extent to which the study actually measures what it is supposed validity
to ­measure.26 For example, suppose you want to measure consumers’ trust in online The extent to which a
study measures what it is
retailers by using a questionnaire. Validity seeks to determine whether the questions you supposed to measure.
asked on the questionnaire actually measure online trust or if they measure some other

Exhibit 7.8 Qualitative Versus Quantitative Data Collection

Qualitative Research Quantitative Research

Observation In-Depth Interviews Experiments Survey

Focus Groups Social Media Scanner Panel
210 Section three Targeting the Marketplace

construct. It is important to note that a market research study must be both reliable and
valid for it to be useful.
One very important aspect of market research that can affect the reliability and validity
of a study is the sampling plan. Often it is too difficult, impractical, or costly to study the
sample entire group of consumers, so marketers usually select a sample, a segment or subset of the
A segment or subset of the population that adequately represents the entire population of interest. For example, if you
population that adequately
represents the entire are interested in studying the loyalty of Canadian teenage boys to brand-name clothing,
population of interest. then your population is all Canadian teenage boys and your sample is the small subset of
boys selected for your study. How you select the sample is also very important. Three impor­
tant questions that must be answered are (1) who should be surveyed, (2) how big should
the sample be, and (3) what types of sampling procedures should be used. For example,
simple random sampling (uses a subset of a statistical population with each person having
the equal probability to be selected), convenience sampling (subjects are selected on the
basis of accessibility and proximity to the researcher), stratified sampling (the population
is divided into smaller groups, or strata), or cluster sampling (the population is formed into
separate groups, or clusters). Each of these sampling procedures has its advantages and dis­
advantages, and the decision as to which one to use will depend on the research objectives
of the study. Although there is a formula in statistics to calculate required sample size, as
a rule of thumb, sample sizes should be large enough to ensure the reliability of the study.
Generally, larger samples tend to yield more reliable results up to a certain point.
Once the firm has gained preliminary insights from doing qualitative research, it is
quantitative research likely to engage in quantitative research, which are structured responses that can be
Structured responses that ­statistically tested. Quantitative research provides the information needed to confirm
can be statistically tested
to confirm insights and insights generated via qualitative research of secondary data, allowing managers to ­pursue
hypotheses generated appropriate courses of action. For marketing researchers, quantitative research offers a
via qualitative research or
secondary data.
means to confirm implicit hunches through surveys, formal studies such as specific experi­
ments, scanner and panel data, or some combination of these (see Exhibit 7.8, right side).
hypothesis Quantitative research also enables researchers to test their prediction or hypothesis, which
A statement or proposition is a statement or proposition predicting a particular relationship among multiple variables.
predicting a particular
relationship among The following sentence is an example of a hypothesis. “Customer satisfaction leads to or is
multiple variables that positively related to customer loyalty.”
can be tested through
We now examine each of these primary data collection techniques, starting with the
qualitative and ending with the quantitative. Many research projects use qualitative research
as the first phase of the research process and then follow it up with quantitative research.

Qualitative Research Methods

observation The observation research method entails examining purchase and consumption behaviours
A qualitative research through personal means or the use of technology, such as a video camera or by tracking con­
method that entails
examining purchase and sumers’ movements electronically as they move through a store. For example, researchers
consumption behaviours might observe customers while they shop or when they go about their daily lives, during
through personal or video
camera scrutiny.
which processes they use a variety of products. Observation can last for a very brief period of
time (e.g., two hours watching teenagers shop for clothing in the mall), or it may take days or
weeks (e.g., researchers live with families to observe their use of products). When consumers
are unable to articulate their experiences, observation research becomes particularly useful.
How else could researchers determine which educational toys babies choose to play with or
confirm purchase details that consumers might not be able to recall accurately?
An observational method Ethnography is an observational method that studies people in their daily lives and
that studies people in their activities in their homes, work, and communities. It is often used to determine how con­
daily lives and activities
in their homes, work, and sumers might use a product, and yields insights and intimate details that respondents may
communities. not be able to articulate or otherwise share. It is increasingly being used by companies
Marketing Research CHAPTER 7 211

Using Microsoft Kinect sensors, firms like Shopperception create heat maps of shopper
interactions with the products (touches, pick-ups, and returns). The red represents the hot
zones where shoppers touch the most, yellow less, and blue not at all.
Source: Shopperception

(e.g., Unilever, P&G, Miller Brewing Co.). Ethnographic studies require highly trained
researchers who often use video cameras, audio recording devices, and diaries to keep
detailed records of their observations. Analysis of ethnographic data requires very expe­
rienced and knowledgeable market researchers to make sense of hours of video or audio
recordings, or a volume of notes from the researcher’s diary.
Although traditionally firms might videotape customers’ movements, Microsoft’s
Kinect sensors are providing a less intrusive option. Discreetly embedded in aisles of retail
stores, the sensors provide three-dimensional spatial recognition. Retailers and their sup­
pliers can unobtrusively track the amount of time people spend in front of a shelf, which
products they touch or pick up, the products they return to shelves, and finally what they
add to their carts for purchase.27 The data gathered can be used to improve store layouts
because they can identify causes of slow-selling merchandise, such as poor shelf place­
ment. By studying customers’ movements, marketers can also learn where customers pause
or move quickly or where there is congestion. This information can help them decide if
the layout and merchandise placement is operating
as expected, such as whether new or promoted mer­
chandise is getting the attention it deserves.
Observation may be the best—and is sometimes
the only—way to determine how consumers might
use a product, and therefore is useful for design­
ing and marketing it. Unilever has found success
in developing countries by requiring managers to
spend a month living in a village during their first
year with the company. By watching customers in
Thailand, Unilever recognized the fallacy of its
assumption that the poorest consumers were only
interested in buying only necessities. So it worked
with retailers to develop stores that offer a wide
variety of Unilever products as well as other ser­
By watching customers in rural Thailand, Unilever recognized
vices such as “food corners” and washing machines. the poorest consumers were interested in more than just buying
Furthermore, its Platinum store initiative offers an necessities, so it introduced Sunsilk hair products, which are
urban shopping experience to rural customers by available in many countries throughout the world.
offering more products, better layouts, and ATMs.28 Agencja Fotograficzna Caro/Alamy Stock Photo
212 Section three Targeting the Marketplace

Social Media
Social-media sites are a booming source of data for marketers. Marketers have realized
that social media can provide valuable information that could aid their marketing research
and strategy endeavours. In particular, contributors to social-media sites rarely are shy
about providing their opinions about the firm’s products or its competitors’ offerings. If
companies can monitor, gather, and mine these vast social-media data, they can learn a
lot about their customers’ likes, dislikes, and preferences. They then might cross-reference
such social-media commentary with consumers’ past purchases to derive a better sense of
what they want. Customers also appear keen to submit their opinions about their friends’
purchases, interests, polls, and blogs.
Blogs in particular represent valuable sources of marketing research insights. Marketers
are paying attention to online reviews about everything from restaurants to running shoes
to recycling. The Truth About Cars blog is known for its unflinchingly objective reviews of
various makes and models, as well as discussions about the industry as a whole, marketing
tactics, and global competition, among other topics.29 Analyzing the content of this blog, and
others like it, provides an excellent source of ideas and information for auto industry execu­
tives. Another creative use of social media for marketing research involves building online
communities for companies. Sephora’s virtual community (an online ­network of people
who communicate about specific topics), Beauty Talk, is a massive beauty forum. It allows
customers to ask questions, join groups, live chat with other customers, get advice, and post
pictures wearing products. Uploaded customer photos are then linked to the product pages
of the featured products. Customers can also filter information based on their interests. This
community gives Sephora a lot of data about customer preferences and where the customers
need help, and allows the company to address many customer service issues. Therefore, the
community lowers customer service costs and heightens customer engagement.30
Facebook polls can be used to collect a wealth of data ranging from single-question
polls to customer satisfaction surveys. The polls are easy for even the smallest company to
use and very affordable at between $96 and $336 per year, depending on the plan ­chosen.31
Twitter recently introduced a new research initiative to allow ­advertisers to recruit respon­
dents and design and collect research insights from its ­Twitter Insiders program. Both
qualitative and quantitative options
are available, from forum-like environ­
ments to surveys. The research can also
be linked to participants’ behaviour,
such as what they tweet, whom they
follow, and what tweets they like.32
Noting these various opportunities
and market research sources online,
many ­companies—including Ford
Motor Co., PepsiCo, Coca-Cola, and
WestJet Airlines—have added “heads
of social media” to their management
teams. These managers take responsi­
bility for scanning the Web for blogs,
postings, tweets, or Facebook posts in
which customers mention their experi­
ence with a brand. By staying abreast
of this continuous stream of informa­
tion, companies can gather the most
Sephora’s blog, Beauty Talk, is a valuable source of marketing research up-to-date news about their company,
insights. This virtual community allows customers to ask questions, join products, and services, as well as
groups, live chat with other customers, get advice, and post pictures. their competitors’. These social-media
Source: Sephora USA, Inc. searches allow companies to learn
Marketing Research CHAPTER 7 213

Exhibit 7.9 Pros and Cons of Using Social Media in Research†

Pros Result Cons Result

Large accessible sample Greater objectivity Not a statistically Could skew findings
representative sample

People of all ages use social Wider sample, greater Feedback may not be Not useful to research problem
media representation well thought out

Large amount of information Easier to find data Anonymity Could encourage extreme
posted on social media sites related to your brand opinions and comments

Very current feedback High relevance No depth of information Cannot distinguish differences
about consumer among consumers

Consumers freely offer No interviewer bias Conversations are No opportunity to probe for
opinions and insights observed only more detail

Can search for and filter data More timely No consent to study data Potential ethical issues

†Adapted from Kieran Griffiths, “Social Media in Research: Pros and Cons,” May 17, 2012,
Media-in-Research--Pros-and-Cons (accessed July 2, 2014), Mike Moran, “Will Social Media Listening Replace Market Research,” April 4, 2011, (accessed July 2, 2014).

about customers’ perceptions and resolve customer complaints they may never have
heard about through other channels.33 Social media has its pros and cons, as seen in
Exhibit 7.9, and is best used in combination with other research techniques.
The data gathered through the searches also undergo careful analyses: Are customer
sentiments generally positive, negative, or neutral? What sort of intensity or interest levels
do they imply? How many customers are talking about the firm’s products, and how many
focus instead on competitors’? This data analysis is understandably challenging, consider­
ing the amount of data available online. However, monitoring consumer sentiments has
grown easier with the development of social-media monitoring platforms.
Sysomos is steadily becoming one of the most sought-after firms for monitoring cus­
tomers using sentiment mining. Using social-media sites like Facebook, Twitter, and online
blogs, Sysomos and other firms collect consumer comments about companies and their
products. The data are then analyzed to distill customer attitudes toward and preferences
for products and advertising campaigns. Scouring millions of sites by combining automated
online search tools with text analysis techniques, sentiment mining yields qualitative data
that provide new insight into what consumers really think. Companies plugged into this
real-time information can become more nimble, allowing for quick changes in a product
roll-out or a new advertising campaign. Another novel use of social media to collect mar­
keting information is to encourage or even pay people to share their activities in selfies, as
the chapter end case explains. Some companies take it a step further, by joining the online
conversation with customers, a process called social engagement.34

In-Depth Interviews
In an in-depth interview, trained researchers ask questions, listen to and record the in-depth interview
answers, and then pose additional questions to clarify or expand on a particular issue. For A research technique in
which trained researchers
instance, in addition to simply watching teenagers shop for apparel, interviewers might ask questions, listen to
stop them one at a time in the mall to ask them a few questions, such as “We noticed that and record the answers,
and then pose additional
you went into and came out of Aritzia very quickly, and without buying anything. Why questions to clarify or
was that?” If the subject responds that no one had bothered to wait on her, the inter­ expand on a particular
viewer might ask a follow-up question, such as “Oh? Has that happened to you before?” issue.
or “Do you expect sales assistance in that store?” The results often provide insights that
help managers better understand the nature of their industry, as well as important trends
214 Section three Targeting the Marketplace

and consumer preferences, which can be invaluable for

developing marketing strategies.
In-depth interviews can provide a historical context for
the phenomenon of interest, particularly when they include
industry experts or experienced consumers. They also can
communicate how people really feel about a product or
­service at the individual level, a level that rarely emerges
from other methods that use group discussions. Finally, mar­
keters can use the results of in-depth interviews to develop
­surveys. In-depth interviews are relatively expensive and time
consuming, however; one interview may cost $200 or more,
depending on its length and the characteristics of the people
used in the sample. For instance, if the sample requires medi­
A consumer is being interviewed.
cal doctors, the costs of getting interviews will be higher than
©McGraw Hill Education/John Flournoy
they would be for intercepting teenagers at a mall.

Focus Group Interviews

focus group In a focus group, a small group of persons (usually 8 to 12) comes together for an in-depth dis­
A research technique in cussion about a particular topic. Using an unstructured method of inquiry, a trained moderator
which a small group of
persons (usually 8 to 12) guides the conversation on the basis of a predetermined general outline of the topics of interest.
comes together for an Researchers usually make video or audio recordings of the interactions so that they can care­
in-depth discussion about
a particular topic, with the
fully comb through the interviews later to catch any patterns of verbal or nonverbal responses.
conversation guided by a In particular, focus groups gather qualitative data about initial reactions to a new or
trained moderator using existing product or service, opinions about different competitive offerings, or reactions to
an unstructured method
of inquiry. marketing stimuli, like a new ad campaign or point-of-purchase display materials.
To obtain new information to help it continue its innovative success derived from its
introduction of low-sodium choices, Campbell’s Soup conducted extensive focus groups
with female shoppers who indicated they would buy ready-to-eat soups. The groups clearly
revealed the women’s top priorities: a nutritious soup that contained the ingredients they
would use if they made soup. They wanted, for example, white-meat chicken, fresh veg­
etables, and sea salt. In addition, focus group participants were equally clear about what
they did not want, like high-fructose corn syrup, MSG, and other ingredients whose names
they could not even pronounce.35
The growth of online technology, as well as computer and video capabilities, has pro­
vided tremendous benefits for focus group research, which now often takes place online.
Online focus groups offer a secure site as a platform for companies to listen in on focus
groups and even interact with consumers, without anyone having to travel. The client com­
pany not only saves costs but also gains access to a broader range of potential customers who
live in various neighbourhoods, provinces, or even countries. Some companies automati­
cally record all the online interactions, and can provide detailed transcripts of consumers’
comments and responses. However, these online focus groups rarely include video feeds,
so companies lose some important information that can be gleaned from body language.

Quantitative Research Methods

Quantitative research is intended to verify insights and to aid decision makers in selecting a
specific course of action.36 Quantitative research can be descriptive in nature, such as when
it profiles a typical user or non-user of a particular brand according to a survey. It can also be
experimental, such as when a soft-drink producer conducts a taste test to determine which
formulation of a green, high-caffeine drink is preferred by customers. Quantitative research
can also be collected from the merchandise that is scanned at a store, or from a group of cus­
tomers, known as a panel, who record all of their purchases. In this section, we will discuss
the following quantitative research techniques: survey, panel, and experimental.
Marketing Research CHAPTER 7 215

Survey Research
Arguably, a survey is the most popular type of quantitative, primary data collection method
used in marketing research. It is widely used to study consumers’ attitudes, preferences,
behaviours, and knowledge about products and brands. It is generally more cost-effective than
other methods for reaching a large sample of consumers. With the one-year anniversary of the
legalization of marijuana approaching, Statistics Canada conducted a survey to understand
usage. Its National Cannabis Survey reported that 17.5 percent of Canadians (5.3 million
people) 15 years of age and older had used cannabis in the previous three months.37 Hockey
Canada and Bauer Hockey wanted to understand why more children were not playing hockey.
Surveys of 875 families in Ontario and Nova Scotia revealed some interesting findings: the
game was viewed as not fun, too time consuming, not affordable, and having safety concerns.38
Pilot programs to “Grow the Game” have since been launched to change attitudes and attract
new players. A BrandSpark survey of over 16,000 Canadians found that 67 percent look for
products that make life easier, and 69 percent say they want to live healthier and eat better.39
Survey questionnaires usually yield quantitative data that can be easily analyzed by
using sophisticated statistical methods to examine the relationships among variables. How­ survey
ever, surveys suffer from a few shortcomings. Consumers may be unable to answer some of A systematic means of
collecting information
the questions on the questionnaire, may not be able to recall the information, or may even from people using a
interpret the questions differently than the researchers intended. Some may even try to questionnaire.
answer the questions according to what they think the researchers want. Another big prob­ questionnaire
lem, especially in the data analysis phase, is when respondents answer some but not all of A form that features a set
the questions on the questionnaire. Incomplete data makes the analysis and interpretation of questions designed
to gather information
of the data more complicated and tricky. Sustainable Marketing 7.1 demonstrates how diffi­ from respondents and
cult it can sometimes be to interpret results from multiple surveys when making decisions. thereby accomplish the
researchers’ objectives;
A survey is a systematic means of collecting information from people that generally uses questions can be either
a questionnaire. A questionnaire is a form of survey that features a set of questions designed unstructured or structured.
to gather information from respondents and thereby accomplish the ­researchers’ objectives. unstructured questions
Survey questionnaires can take different forms: done by phone, mail, or fax; delivered via Open-ended questions
the Internet; or even conducted in person, for example, mall intercepts. ­Individual questions that allow respondents to
answer in their own words.
on a questionnaire can be either unstructured or structured. Unstructured questions are
open-ended and allow respondents to answer in their own words. An unstructured question structured questions
Closed-ended questions
like “What are the most important characteristics for choosing a brand of shampoo?” yields for which a discrete set
an unstructured response. However, the same question could be posed to respondents in a of response alternatives,
or specific answers, is
structured format by providing a fixed set of response categories (such as price, fragrance, provided for respondents
ability to clean, and dandruff control) and then asking respondents to rate the importance of to evaluate.
each. Structured questions thus are closed-ended
questions for which a discrete set of response alterna­
tives, or specific answers, is provided for respondents
to evaluate (see Exhibit 7.10).
Developing a questionnaire is part art and part
science. The questions must be carefully designed
to address the specific set of research questions.
Moreover, for a questionnaire to produce meaning­
ful results, its questions cannot be misleading in
any fashion (e.g., open to multiple interpretations),
and they must address only one issue at a time.
Furthermore, they must be worded in vocabulary
that will be familiar and comfortable to those being
surveyed. More specifically, the questions should
be sequenced appropriately: general questions first,
more specific questions next, and demographic Survey research uses questionnaires to collect primary data.
questions at the end. Finally, the layout and appear­ Questions can be either unstructured or structured.
ance of the questionnaire must be professional and Enis Izgi/kasayizgi/E+/Getty Images
216 Section three Targeting the Marketplace

Sustainable Marketing 7.1

The Automotive Future Looks

A study conducted by Kanetix, a company that sells
online auto insurance, found that many Canadians were
thinking green for their next vehicle purchase. Of nearly
3,800 people surveyed, almost half of them, 48.7 per-
cent, said they would consider buying an electric or
hybrid car.
For some consumers, provincial rebates are a moti-
vating factor to go green. The survey found that resi-
dents of British Columbia, who pay around $1.70 a litre
for gas, are most likely to consider an electric vehicle, at
74 percent of everyone polled. The province currently
offers a rebate of up to $5,000. And when you add in the Consumers say they want one but are confused about
the different options for plug-in electric vehicles.
$5,000 federal government incentive, it’s easy to see
why electric vehicles have been in short supply at B.C.
auto dealers. In Quebec, where an $8,000 cash-back A study conducted by Simon Fraser University in
rebate is available, 45 percent of consumers said they Vancouver drives this point home. Researchers there
would lean green. And, in spite of no provincial incen- discovered that many consumers don’t really understand
tives, residents of Nova Scotia expressed high levels of all the green options available. When it comes to plug-
interest. Gas and electricity don't mix in oil-rich Alberta. in cars, there are two main types: plug-in hybrid electric
With gas available for less than $1 a litre, consumers vehicles (PHEV) and battery electric vehicles (BEV). Few
there were the least likely consumers to consider an consumers were able to correctly identify the differences
electric or hybrid vehicle. between fueling the Toyota Prius, Chevrolet Volt, and
Based on these results, the future looks green. ­Nissan Leaf. In spite of stated intentions reported in other
However, the auto market is complex and consumers surveys, consumption of electric vehicles in C ­ anada
don’t always follow through on their stated intentions. makes up only 1.9 percent of all new vehicle sales.
For example, a survey conducted by Ipsos-Reid and ­Compared to Norway, where 20 percent of all new cars
Offsetters, a Canadian provider of sustainability and sold are plug-in electric, Canada lags far behind.
carbon-management solutions, reported that 64 percent With falling battery costs, one report says that by
of consumers polled are ready to drive a hydrogen 2025 purchasing electric cars will cost less than con-
fuel-cell vehicle (FCV). However, although the majority ventional vehicles. The Global Electric Vehicles Outlook
of people want a car that is not fueled by gasoline, not estimates that by 2030 there will be 130 million electric
everyone is ready to embrace traditional battery electric vehicles on the roads. By 2040, Bloomberg expects
vehicles. While the appetite for new technology is strong, 57 percent of the 100 million passenger vehicles sold
consumers still express concern over sticker shock and will be electric. For now, even though Canadians say
range anxiety. Marketers need to carefully evaluate they want more environmentally friendly vehicle options,
research data to determine what people say as opposed marketers should carefully interpret all the data before
to what they actually do. declaring that the future is green.
††Rebecca Harris, “Canadians Thinking Green for Next Car Purchase (Survey),” Marketing Magazine, April 26, 2016,
consumer/canadians-thinking-green-for-next-car-purchase-survey-173084; Clean Tech Canada, “Canadians Believe Hydrogen Fuel Cell Vehicles,
Not Battery Electrics, the Way of the Future,” August 11, 2015,
vehicles-not-battery-electrics-the-way-of-the-future-152695/; Peter Cheney, “Study Shows Why Canadians Aren’t Buying Green Cars,” The Globe and
Mail, May 9, 2016,;
“Cost of electric vehicles to fall below conventional cars by 2025, report says,” Cleantech, May 30, 2017,
technology/cost-electric-vehicles-fall-conventional-cars-2025-report-says-194128/; Mia Rabson, “Electric vehicle sales growing, but supply, lack of
knowledge remain barriers,” Cleantech, August 21, 2018,
lack-of-knowledge-remain-barriers-218030/; “Canadians want to see electric vehicles become mainstream over gasoline, poll finds,” CBC, March 14,
2019,; Coleman Molnar’ “Total rebates
of up to $10,000 cause EV supply shortage amongst B.C. dealers,” Driving, May 23, 2019,
federal-rebates-cause-ev-supply-shortage-amongst-b-c-dealers; Joanna Kyriazis & Dan Woynillowicz, “The Canadian government is making smart
investments in electric vehicles,” National Observer, June 17, 2019,
smart-investments-electric-vehicles; “Electric Vehicle Outlook,” BloombergNEF,; Mark Richardson,
“Suck it up – if you own a car in 10 years, it’ll probably be electric,” The Globe and Mail, July 16, 2019,
article-suck-it-up-if-you-own-a-car-in-10-years-itll-probably-be-electric/; Doug Firby, “Electric vehicles still face an uphill battle in Canada oil country,”
The Globe and Mail, July 17, 2019,
(accessed July 19, 2019).
Marketing Research CHAPTER 7 217

Exhibit 7.10 Structured Versus Unstructured Response

We are working for a consumer packaged-good company and are interested in
understanding more about your shampoo usage.

1. What are the most important characteristics for choosing a brand of



2. Please rate the importance of the following shampoo attributes.

Very Unimportant Very Important

Price 1 2 3 4 5
Fragrance 1 2 3 4 5
Ability to clean 1 2 3 4 5
Dandruff control 1 2 3 4 5

easy to follow, with appropriate instructions in suitable places. For some tips on what to
avoid when designing a questionnaire, see Exhibit 7.11.
Similar to focus groups, marketing surveys can be conducted either online or offline,
but online marketing surveys offer researchers the chance to develop a database quickly,
with many responses. Web surveys have steadily grown as a percentage of all quantitative
surveys. Online surveys have a lot to offer marketers with tight deadlines and small budgets.
Many online survey tools let researchers quickly design a survey, launch it, download
the data, and analyze the data even as the survey is progressing, as well as at the end of the
data collection. SurveyMonkey and Qualtrics are two popular online survey tools with vastly
different capabilities, services, and pricing models. Online surveys have a lot to offer mar­
keters with tight deadlines and small budgets.40 Response rates are relatively high. ­Typical
response rates run from 1 to 2 percent for mail and 10 to 15 percent for phone ­surveys.

Exhibit 7.11 What to Avoid When Designing a Questionnaire‡

Issue Good Question Bad Question

Avoid questions the respondent When was the last time you went to the How much money did you spend
cannot easily or accurately answer. grocery store? on groceries last month?

Avoid sensitive questions unless Do you take vitamins? Do you dye your hair?
they are absolutely necessary.

Avoid double-barrelled questions, 1. Do you like to shop for clothing? Do you like to shop for clothing
which refer to more than one issue 2. Do you like to shop for food? and food?
with only one set of responses.

Avoid leading questions, which steer Please rate how safe you believe a Volvo is the safest car on the
respondents to a particular response, Volvo is on a scale of 1 to 10, with 1 being road, right?
irrespective of their true beliefs. not safe and 10 being very safe.

Avoid one-sided questions that To what extent do you feel that fast food Fast food is responsible for adult
present only one side of the issue. contributes to adult obesity? obesity: Agree/Disagree
1: Does not contribute, 5: Main cause

‡Adapted from A. Parasuraman, Dhruv Grewal, and R. Krishnan, Marketing Research, 2nd ed. (Boston, MA: Houghton Mifflin, 2007), Ch. 10.
218 Section three Targeting the Marketplace

For online surveys, in contrast, the response rate can reach

30 to 35 percent, or even higher in B2B research. It is inex­
pensive. An average 20-minute phone interview can cost
$30 to $40, compared with $7 to $10 for an online interview.
Costs likely will continue to fall more as users become more
familiar with the online survey process. Results are pro­
cessed and received quickly. Reports and summaries can be
developed in real time and delivered directly to managers
in simple, easy-to-digest reports, complete with colour,
graphics, and charts. Traditional phone or mail surveys
require laborious data collection, tabulation, summary, and
distribution before anyone can grasp their results.
The Internet can also be used to collect data other than
Online marketing surveys enable researchers to develop
a database quickly, with many responses at a relatively
that available from quantitative surveys. If consumers give
low cost. a firm permission to market to them, the firm can collect
©McGraw Hill Education/John Flournoy data about their usage of its website and other Internet
applications. In addition, open-ended questionnaires can
be used to collect more in-depth qualitative data. Diverse online survey software—such as
Qualtrics, SurveyMonkey, and Zoomerang—makes it very easy to draft an online survey
using questions from existing survey libraries. A survey link can be sent easily in an email
to potential respondents or panelists, as well as posted on specific sites that are likely to
attract the target audience or people who are willing to perform online work. For example,
Amazon’s Mechanical Turk website ( offers a platform where developers
can post surveys and connect them with workers who will provide feedback.

Panel- and Scanner-Based Research

As previously discussed, panel and scanner research can be either secondary or primary.
In this section, we consider the use of a panel to collect primary data. Shaw Media wanted
to collect insights for three of its channels: Global Television, HGTV, and Food Network
Canada. To do this, it needed to understand attitudes and purchase intention toward
brands featured in the programming and advertising. Online panels of 5,000 people for
each channel41 now help collect feedback used to enhance Shaw’s offerings. Walmart’s
Asda subsidiary in the United Kingdom uses an 18,000-customer panel it calls “Pulse of the
Nation” to help it determine which products to carry. Asda sends emails to each participant
with product images and descriptions of potential new products. The customers’ responses
indicate whether they think the product should be carried in the stores. As an incentive to
participate, Asda automatically enters respondents in a draw for free prizes.42

Experimental Research
experimental research Experimental research is a type of quantitative research that systematically manipu­
A type of quantitative lates one or more variables to determine which variable(s) have a causal effect on another
research that
systematically manipulates ­variable. In the hypothetical McDonald’s example, the research team was trying to deter­
one or more variables to mine the most profitable price for a new combo item (a hamburger, fries, and a drink).
determine which variable
has a causal effect on
Assume that the fixed cost of developing the item is $300,000, and the variable cost, which
another variable. is primarily composed of the cost of the food itself, is $2.00. McDonald’s puts the item on
the menu at four different prices in four different markets (see Exhibit 7.12). In general, the
more expensive the item, the less it will sell. But, by running this experiment, the restaurant
chain determines that the most profitable item is the second least expensive item ($5.00).
These findings suggest that some people may have believed the most expensive item ($7.00)
was too expensive, so they refused to buy it. The least expensive item ($4.00) sold fairly
well, but McDonald’s did not make as much money on each item sold. In this experiment,
the changes in price likely caused the changes in quantities sold and therefore affected the
restaurant’s profitability.
Marketing Research CHAPTER 7 219

Exhibit 7.12 Hypothetical Pricing Experiment for McDonald’s

1 2 3 4 5
Total Cost of Units
Sold ($300,000

(Col. 1 × Col. 2) (Col. 3 — Col. 4)

Market Demand at Total Revenue Fixed Cost; $2.00/ Total Profits
Market Unit Price Price (in Units) Unit Variable Cost)
1 $4 200,000 $800,000 $700,000 $100,000

2 5 150,000 750,000 600,000 150,000

3 6 100,000 600,000 500,000 100,000

4 7 50,000 350,000 400,000 (50,000)

Firms are also actively using experimental techniques on Facebook. Once a firm has
created its Facebook page, it can devise advertisements and rely on Facebook’s targeting
options to deliver those ads to the most appropriate customer segments. To make sure
the communication is just right, companies can experiment with alternative versions
and identify which advertisement is most effective. State Bicycle Co., a manufacturer in
Arizona, needed to determine what other interests its customers had, as well as who its main
competitors were. Therefore, it tested a range of ads, targeting customers who searched for
different bands (e.g., did more Arcade Fire or Passion Pit fans click their link?) and other
bicycle manufacturers. With this information, it devised new contests and offerings on its
own homepage to attract more of the visitors who were likely to buy.43 Facebook tries to
help its corporate clients enhance their own customers’ engagement and influence through
a variety of options: check-ins, asking for customer comments, sharing information with
friends, and so on.44 It measures all these forms of data, contributing even further to the
information businesses have about their page visitors.

Using an experiment, McDonald’s would test the price of new menu items to determine which
is the most profitable.
©Mary Altaffer/AP Images
220 Section three Targeting the Marketplace

Now that we have discussed the various secondary and primary data collection meth­
ods, we can see that both primary data and secondary data have certain inherent advantages
and disadvantages. Regardless of how marketers collect data, research can be an expensive
process for entrepreneurs working on a limited budget. Entrepreneurial Marketing 7.1 sug­
gests a host of avenues entrepreneurs might pursue.

Entrepreneurial Marketing 7.1

Marketing Research on or,

both of which provide sales and expense numbers,
a Shoestring Budget in addition to other important information in the
footnotes. In Canada, most public companies file
Imagine your company needs some research to be con- securities documents and information on the System
ducted but has a relatively small budget. Fortunately, for Electronic Document Analysis and Retrieval
marketing research does not have to have a high price (SEDAR) (
tag, though it always takes drive and knowledge. Here University Libraries Electronic Databases. Most
are some ways to uncover the information you and your Canadian universities subscribe to several electronic
company might need without breaking the bank. business databases that provide information on
Objective: What is it that you need to know? Canadian companies. These databases are usually
accessible remotely by students, staff, and alumni at
Network. Use the directory on your cellphone to call no cost to users. A sample of these databases includes
friends and professional colleagues. In most cases, Canadian Business Resource, Canadian Business
researchers probably already know people in the & Current Affairs Database, Factiva, Financial Post
industry who will be able to share their knowledge. databases,, Mergent Online,
They can help marketers determine what their Mergent WebReports, ProQuest Asian Business and
objectives should be in upcoming research projects. Reference, and ProQuest European Business. Many
Customer Analysis: Who are your customers, and what of these databases provide company profiles, financial
do they want? data, contact information, and short stories or case
studies on company successes, failures, and innovations.
Customers. Talk with current and prospective customers. Personal Visits. If competitors are smaller mom-and-
Ask them the right questions, and they will provide the pop stores, visit them. Hang out in front of the store
necessary answers. This approach is remarkably cheap armed with a pad and paper and count the number of
because it needs only the researcher’s labour, though people who walk in. Then calculate the percentage of
it will require a large time commitment. Marketers need people who walk out having purchased something. Use
to take care how they ask the questions; people tend to logic and judgment. Have the customers purchased items
provide answers that they think the questioner wants to that appear to have high profit margins? Find out where
hear or that seem socially acceptable. and what competitors are advertising.
Online. Use a search engine such as Google by typing Focus Groups, Surveys, and Analyst Reports: What
in some appropriate keywords. detailed information can you gather?
Statistics Canada. Statistics Canada is an important
source of information. At, industry, Be specific. Determine precisely what information is
demographic, and economic reports are accessible required; it is very costly to pay for research that does
for free. Although not known for its ease of use, the not assist in a decision or provide strategic direction.
website offers a wealth of information. Surveys. Determine what form will provide the most
value. Phone surveys cost about $40 per interview,
Competitive Analysis: What are your competitors doing? mailings average from $5,000 to $15,000 for 200
Secondary Sources: Many are listed in Exhibit 7.5 in this responses, and email and Internet-based surveys are
chapter. usually much cheaper.
Focus Groups. Although focus groups can be more
Websites. Visit competitors’ websites, if they have expensive, there are ways to cut corners. Develop the
them. Learn about their products and services, pricing, questions in-house, and don’t outsource the moderator
management teams, and philosophies. Read their or facility. It is important, however, to find the right
press releases. You can even infer what parts of the participants.
businesses are thriving by reading their career pages. Analyst Reports. Prewritten reports, covering a broad
SEC Filings. If competitors are public companies price range and a wide variety of questions, are
in the United States, they are required to file 10K available for purchase from the hundreds of companies
forms annually with the U.S. Securities and Exchange that write and sell reports. Two of the best known are
Commission (SEC). Search for SEC filings by using and
Marketing Research CHAPTER 7 221

the Ethics of Using Customer LO4

As we will note in Chapter 17, upholding strong business ethics requires more than a token
nod to ethics in the mission statement. A strong ethical orientation must be an integral part
of a firm’s marketing strategy and decision making. In Chapter 17, we will discuss how
marketers have a duty to understand and address the concerns of the various stakeholders
in the firm.
Many firms voluntarily notify their customers that any information provided to them
will be kept confidential and not given or sold to any other firm. As more firms adopt
advanced marketing research technology, such as neuromarketing and facial recognition
software, they also are working to ensure they receive permission from consumers. For
example, Coca-Cola’s neuromarketing experiments will record participants’ faces as they
watch advertisements or prototypes, then assess how their eyes moved, when they smiled
or frowned, and so on—but only after those participants have agreed to be recorded.45
As technology continues to advance, the potential threats to consumers’ personal
information grow in number and intensity. Marketing researchers must be vigilant to
avoid abusing their access to these data. From charitable giving to medical records to
Internet tracking, consumers are more anxious than ever about preserving their funda­
mental right to privacy. They also demand increasing control over the information that
has been collected about them. A potentially troubling ethical issue is how the Roomba
robotic vacuums can collect information inside people’s homes, as discussed in Ethical &
Societal Dilemma 7.1. Marketing researchers must be careful to avoid abusing their access
to these data. Unauthorized sharing of customer data with third parties or for purposes
other than legitimate company business is a serious breach of customer trust. Also, mar­
keters must take every step possible to protect customer data from security breaches from
hackers and other unauthorized individuals. In the event of a security breach, the com­
pany must quickly notify its affected customers and state clearly what steps it is taking to
protect their data and privacy.
Many firms voluntarily notify their customers that any information provided to them
will be kept confidential and not given or sold to any other firm. As more firms adopt
advanced marketing research technology, they also are working to ensure they receive per­
mission from consumers. More and more, consumers want to be assured that they have
control over the information that has been collected about them through various means,
such as a website or product registration or rebate form. Consumers’ anxiety has become
so intense that the Canadian government has implemented various regulations, such as
the Privacy Act, that govern the collection, use, disclosure, and retention of personal infor­
mation by federal government institutions, and the Personal Information Protection and
Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA), which governs the collection, use, disclosure, and
retention of personal information by certain parts of the private sector.46 When conducting
marketing research, researchers must assure respondents that the information they provide
will be treated as confidential and used solely for the purpose of research. Without such
assurances, consumers will be reluctant to provide honest responses to marketing research
inquiries or even agree to participate in the first place.
It is extremely important to adhere to ethical practices when conducting marketing
research. The Canadian Marketing Association, for example, provides three guidelines for
conducting marketing research: (1) it prohibits selling or fundraising under the guise of
conducting research, (2) it supports maintaining research integrity by avoiding misrepre­
sentation or the omission of pertinent research data, and (3) it encourages the fair treat­
ment of clients and suppliers. Numerous codes of conduct written by various marketing
research societies all reinforce the duty of researchers to respect the rights of the subjects
in the course of their research. The bottom line: Marketing research should be used only to
produce unbiased, factual information.
222 Section three Targeting the Marketplace

Ethical & Societal Dilemma 7.1

Vacuuming Up More Than Dirt:

Information Collected by Roomba‡‡
Many consumers leave their houses in the morning to
go to work or school with their automatic vacuum turned
on so that when they arrive home, they are pleased to
find their floors clean and dirt-free. But to function effec-
tively, these robotic vacuums, such as those sold by
iRobot under the brand name Roomba, must develop
maps of the layout of people’s homes, so that they can
propel themselves down hallways and avoid bumping
into walls. Is there a privacy concern associated with
devices that “vacuum up” that sort of information? Would you allow a Roomba vacuum cleaner to collect
The question became particularly salient when the information about the layout of your home, and then sell
chief executive of iRobot allegedly noted that the company that information to other companies?
was working on a deal to share information about con- David Gabis/Alamy Stock Photo

sumers’ homes with outside companies such as ­Amazon

or Google. The company quickly retracted the assertion, remotely scheduling when it runs, customizing cleaning
claiming that what the executive really meant was that it features, or being able to control it through a smart-home
may be possible, in the future and only with customers’ assistant. While some people worry about their homes
consent, to share such information. But the genie was out being mapped, an iRobot communications representative
of the proverbial bottle. In response, observers expressed stressed that the vacuum does not know where specific
their concerns that, as a Roomba learns the layout of the items are, only that there is a boundary or obstruction it
house, it can gather all sorts of other information, too. It cannot pass in a room such as a couch or bed. Still, some
knows if there are pets in the house, based on the amount company’s robots tested by AVTest were able to create
of animal hair it encounters. Very likely, it learns if there detailed maps showing room layouts as well as doors
are children, according to whether it bumps into a lot of and windows that were visible.
toys. With such information, marketers could target spe- Legal precedent has established that citizens have a
cific pet- or child-related offerings to customers. Another legitimate expectation of privacy within their own homes.
opportunity could arise if the Roomba were able to discern But what happens when they invite a robot to make a
that, say, the dining room contained only two chairs. Mar- map of those homes? Are their claims to privacy auto-
keters likely would be very interested in such information matically subverted?
because it could prompt them to issue a good deal on a
new dining-room suite.
The overall layout of the home also might provide
information about other consumer characteristics, such
as an estimated income level. Combined with loca-
tion information, these data draw a quite accurate and
detailed picture of the consumer—more detailed than
some users might be comfortable sharing, either with
iRobot or the marketing partners with which it might
someday share the data.
Although iRobot is quick to assure users that it would
never share these data without permission, external
observers note that the concerns go beyond immedi-
ate owners. If a homeowner agrees to share her or his
house’s layout, but then sells the home, the information
already has been shared. The new owner may not agree
to such dispersion of the information, but it already has
taken place.
In response to such concerns, some customers are
deciding to disconnect their vacuum from the Internet Some of the robots tested by AVTest were able to
altogether. But in turning off the Wi-Fi, they lose the ability create detailed maps showing room layouts.
to leverage certain features offered by the app, such as Courtesy of AV-TEST GmbH
Marketing Research CHAPTER 7 223

‡‡Maggie Astor, “Your Roomba May Be Mapping Your Home, Collecting Data That Could Be Shared,” The New York Times, July 25, 2017, www.nytimes.
com/2017/07/25/technology/roomba-irobot-data-privacy.html; Alex Hern, “Roomba Maker May Share Maps of Users’ Homes with Google, Amazon or
Apple,” The Guardian, July 25, 2017,
apple-irobot-robot-vacuum; Allen St. John, “How to Keep a Roomba Vacuum Cleaner from Collecting Data about Your Home,” Consumer Reports,
July 13, 2017,; Brian Jackson,
“Do iRobot’s cloud-stored maps of my home represent a major privacy risk?” IT World Canada, December 4, 2018,
do-irobots-cloud-stored-maps-of-my-home-represent-a-major-privacy-risk/412628; “Robot vacuums undergo a security check: trustworthy helpers
around the house or chatty cleaning appliances?,” AVTest, January 30, 2019,
trustworthy-helpers-around-the-house-or-chatty-cleaning-appli/ (accessed July 16, 2019).

Laws have yet to catch up with advances in other areas, including social media,
neuromarketing, and facial recognition software. As we noted previously in this chapter,
social media have grown into an important resource for marketing researchers because
consumers are so willing and likely to share their attitudes and opinions there. In this case,
protecting consumers’ privacy is mainly up to the consumer.
In contrast, consumers have little control over facial recognition software, which
allows companies to detect demographic information based on consumers' appearances.
For example, Kellogg’s used facial recognition software to record participants’ faces as they
watched three different ads for its Crunchy Nut cereal. It then assessed when they smiled
or frowned and their overall positive versus negative response—but only after those partici­
pants had agreed to be recorded. Kellogg’s was then able to promote the ad that was most
widely liked.47
On Facebook, face detection software applied to photographs eliminates the need for
users to continue to tag the same people multiple times. It also stores all users’ ­biometric
data. Biometric data include one or more physical traits such as facial characteristics, iris
scans, or fingerprints. Facebookers can turn off the facial detection function, but their
biometric data is still collected. In Germany, with its strict privacy laws, regulators have
demanded that Facebook stop collecting any biometric data.
Going even deeper than using biometric data, neuromarketing claims the ability to
read consumers’ minds, using wireless electroencephalogram (EEG) scanners that measure
the involuntary brainwaves that occur when they view a product, advertisement, or brand
images. Such insights would be invaluable for marketers to discover what truly appeals to
consumers. For example, based on results of a series of neuromarketing studies, Frito-Lay
discovered that shiny potato chip bags invoked feelings of guilt. Therefore, it switched its
packaging to matte bags and its potato chips sales grew.48
But as anyone who has ever seen a science-fiction movie can imagine, the potential
for abuses of such tools is immense. And a key question remains: Do any consumers want
marketers reading their brain waves and then marketing goods and services to them in a
manner that bypasses their conscious thoughts?

Learning Objectives Review

LO1 Identify the five steps in the marketing project because, quite simply, the research must answer
research process those questions that are important for making decisions.
In Step 2, designing the research plan, researchers iden-
There are five steps in the marketing research process. tify the types of data that are needed, whether primary
Step 1 is to define the research problem and objectives, or secondary, on the basis of the objectives of the pro-
which sounds so simple that managers often gloss over it. ject from Step 1, and then determine the type of research
However, this step is crucial to the success of any research that enables them to collect those data. Step 3 involves
224 Section three Targeting the Marketplace

deciding on the data collection process and collecting include observation, social media, in-depth interviews,
the data. Depending on the research objectives and the focus groups and projective techniques. Quantitative
findings from the secondary data search, researchers will research is used to verify the insights gained from explor-
choose either qualitative or quantitative research. Quali- atory qualitative research and to aid in choosing a course
tative research usually involves observation, in-depth of action. Techniques used for primary quantitative
interviews, or projective techniques, whereas if the pro- research include surveys (both offline and online), panel
ject calls for conclusive research, the researchers may data, and experiments. With both types of research, the
perform a survey or an experiment, or use panel data. specific methods managers choose depends foremost
Step 4 is to analyze and interpret the data, and Step 5 is on the marketing research objectives, which must be bal-
to present an action plan. Although these steps appear to anced by other considerations such as costs, timeliness,
progress in a linear fashion, researchers often work back- and usefulness of the results.
ward through the process as they learn at each step. Compared with primary research, secondary
research is quicker, easier, and generally less expen-
LO2 Describe the various secondary data sources sive. The ability to use secondary data also requires less
methodological expertise. However, because second-
Secondary data are pieces of information that have been ary research is collected for reasons other than those
collected from other sources, such as the Census, inter- pertaining to the specific problem at hand, the informa-
nal company sources, the Internet, books, articles, trade tion may be dated, biased, or simply not specific enough
associations, or syndicated data services. Research pro- to answer the research questions. Primary research, in
jects typically start with secondary research, which pro- contrast, can be designed to answer very specific ques-
vides a background for what information is already known tions, but it also tends to be more expensive and time
and what research has been done previously. External consuming.
secondary data are pieces of information that have been
collected from other sources, such as Statistics Canada,  utline ethical issues firms encounter when
the Internet, books, articles, magazines, newspapers,
conducting marketing research
trade associations, scanner data, panel data, or syndi-
cated data services. Internal secondary data are derived Marketing researchers have obligations to their sub-
from internal company records such as sales, customer jects and to society to behave in an ethical manner.
lists, and other company reports. Marketing researchers should gain permission to col-
lect information on consumers, and it should be for
 escribe primary data collection techniques
D the sole purpose of conducting marketing research
and summarize the differences between endeavours. Information should not be collected under
secondary data and primary data the guise of marketing research when the intent is to
sell products or to fundraise. In addition, marketers
Primary data are collected to address specific research must take responsibility for protecting any information
needs. Techniques used for primary qualitative research they collect.

Key Terms
■■ big data ■■ marketing research ■■ scanner data
■■ data ■■ observation ■■ secondary data
■■ data mining ■■ panel data ■■ structured questions
■■ ethnography ■■ primary data ■■ survey
■■ experimental research ■■ qualitative research ■■ syndicated data
■■ focus group ■■ quantitative research ■■ unstructured questions
■■ hypothesis ■■ questionnaire ■■ validity
■■ in-depth interview ■■ reliability
■■ information ■■ sample
Marketing Research CHAPTER 7 225

concept review

1. Is marketing research really necessary? Defend your 6. Marketing research is designed to help marketers
answer. make better decisions on various aspects of their busi-
nesses. The quality of research findings is as good as
2. Briefly describe the steps in the marketing research
the quality of the data on which they are based. What
process. Explain why it is important to clearly define
are some things marketers could do to ensure that
the research problem and objectives from the very
they obtain the best quality data?
outset of the process.
7. Explain the main advantages and disadvantages of
3. What is the difference between secondary and pri-
using the Internet for marketing research versus con-
mary data? What are some of the advantages of each
ventional offline methods.
type of data? When should each type of data be used?
8. Identify and explain the ways in which the design of a
4. In data collection methods, researchers may choose
market research study could reduce the reliability and
between qualitative research methods and quantita-
validity of the study. Can a market research study that
tive research methods, or use both methods. What
has high reliability lack validity? Can a study that has
considerations guide their choice of data collection
high validity lack reliability? Explain your answers.
9. What do you think are some of the differences
5. Today, information and communications technolo-
between qualitative data collection methods, which
gies (ICT), including the Internet, are changing not
are mainly exploratory, and quantitative research
only the way marketing is practised, but also how
methods, which are more conclusive in nature? Which
market research is conducted. In response, many
type of method should a researcher prefer and why?
companies are using a wide variety of observational
methods (e.g., GPS, RFID, video cameras, audio 10. Explain some of the problems and challenges market
devices, ethnography) to gather customer data. researchers face in the data analysis and interpreta-
Discuss the ethical issues underlying the increas- tion stage of the marketing research process. Should
ing use of observational research methods that use they report these problems when presenting their
technology. action plan? Why or why not?

Marketing Applications

1. A large department store collects data about what its and Facebook Insights to decide if it should open the
customers buy and stores these data in a data ware- new store?
house. If you were the store’s buyer for children’s
clothing, what would you want to know from the data 5. A consumer packaged-goods company (e.g., Pepsi)
warehouse that would help you be a more successful has just developed a new beverage. The company
buyer? needs to estimate the demand for such a product.
What sources of syndicated data could it explore?
2. A consumer packaged-goods company (e.g., Pepsi)
has just developed a new beverage. The company 6. A bank manager notices that by the time customers
needs to estimate the demand for such a new ­product. get to the teller, they seem irritated and impatient. She
What sources of syndicated data could it explore? wants to investigate the problem further, so she hires
you to design a research project to figure out what is
3. Marketing researchers do not always go through the bothering the customers. The bank wants two studies:
steps in the marketing research process in sequential (a) several focus groups of its customers, and (b) an
order. Provide an example of a research project that online survey of 500 customers. Which study is quali-
might not follow this sequence. tative and which is quantitative?
4. A sunglasses retailer is trying to determine if there is a 7. Grocery chains such as Loblaws track consumers’
significant market for its merchandise in a specific mall purchasing habits through store loyalty cards. These
location where it is considering opening a store. It has cards collect purchasing data and build consumer
an active Facebook page where customers routinely ­profiles. How can grocers such as Loblaws use these
visit to get coupons and comment on the latest sun- data to create value for the firm and consumers? Which
glasses offered. How can this retailer use Facebook study was qualitative and which was quantitative?
226 Section three Targeting the Marketplace

8. Suppose Domino’s Pizza wants to open a new What are some secondary sources of information
restaurant. What are some secondary sources of that might be used to conduct research on this topic?
information that might be used to conduct research Describe how these sources might be used. Describe a
on potential new locations? Describe how these method you could use to gather primary research data
sources might be used. Describe a method Domino’s about the topic. Would you recommend a specific order
could use to gather primary research on prospec- in obtaining each of these types of data? Explain your
tive locations. Do you think Domino’s should answer.
conduct the primary or secondary source research
10. Identify a nonprofit organization that might use market-
first? Why?
ing research, and describe one example of a meaning-
9. Suppose your university or college wants to modify its ful research project that it might conduct. Discuss the
course scheduling procedures to better serve students. steps it should undertake in this project.

marketing digitally

1. Go to the website of either The Harris Poll (https:// 2. Select two online survey tools (e.g., SurveyMonkey, or Ipsos Canada (, Qualtrics, Zoomerang, or SurveyGizmo) and com-
which administer public opinion polls. Search the site pare and contrast them in terms of their features,
for results from any recent survey that are available capabilities, ease of use, support service, pricing
for free. Print out the results. Identify the objective(s) models, clientele, and any other characteristics you
of the survey. Discuss one of the major findings, and think would be useful for a market researcher to
provide an interpretation of the data. know.

chapter Case study

Selfies as Data: Relying on a New Form of Self-

Reporting to Gauge Consumer Behaviour49
When marketers search for insights into how and when consumers use their products, they
face a few seemingly insurmountable challenges. It is hard to gauge what consumers do in
the privacy of their own homes, because it isn’t as if a marketer can place a hidden camera in
someone’s bedroom. They can ask questions, but people often don’t tell the full truth about
what they do, whether because they’re embarrassed to admit what their late-night snacks
really consist of, or because they just plain don’t remember how they go about the mundane
task of brushing their teeth.
But that sort of behavioural information is exactly what marketing researchers need to be
able to design new products that can meet people’s actual needs, as well as to communicate
with those users in the most effective ways. And here’s where the selfie—that ubiquitous,
popular form of communication—is making all the difference. Selfies have skyrocketed in
popularity since 2013 when the term was added to modern dictionaries. In some cases, the
phenomenon has been taken to extremes as people have died or been critically injured in
pursuit of the perfect selfie.
Some companies have found a way to monetize selfies. By paying consumers small fees
to take selfies as they perform basic, mundane tasks, these companies are enabling prod-
uct firms to gain research insights with totally new and far more accurate views of what their
customers are doing. For example, Crest asked users registered with Pay Your Selfie to take
shots of themselves using various Crest-branded products. The collection of thousands of
pictures revealed a notable insight that was totally new to Crest. A lot of people brush their
teeth between 4:00 and 6:00 p.m. Through a little more analysis with some additional data,
Marketing Research CHAPTER 7 227

the company realized they were getting ready to go out for

social events after work. They wanted fresh breath for happy
hour! The insight has prompted Crest to initiate a completely
new campaign to target and emphasize the benefits of sev-
eral of its products for just such purposes.
When Freshii, a healthy fast-food chain, asked users to
depict themselves eating healthy snacks on the go, it was a
little surprised by just how many people snapped shots as they
ate Snickers bars. This evidence of consumer behaviour and
consumer perceptions showed the company that people’s
definitions of “healthy” are broader than it expected. Snickers
might take note of the information as well. Evidently, people
see this candy as somehow healthier than other candy bars, a
benefit that it could readily leverage in its advertising.
Alex Blair, who owns four Freshii restaurants, was an early Paying consumers to take selfies of themselves using
customer of Pay Your Selfie. According to Blair, photos pro- products provides new insights into how products are
vide qualitative data that is very different than numbers. For used.
example, they reveal favourite foods, ingredients that could be ©franckreporter/E+/Getty Images
added to menu items, as well as the time of day that people
Selfie requests by other clients of the data-gathering service involve basic tasks, such as
cleaning a bathroom or buying a particular brand of toothpaste in a store. In addition to tradi-
tional marketing insights, the selfie-based data can help companies decide appropriate new
locations and market segments for their stores and products. For example, if people mostly
show themselves consuming the firm’s products in their offices, the company likely should
expand into business districts rather than near residential neighborhoods. When a call for
selfies of people eating breakfast showed that top choices for millennials included Pop Tarts
and Froot Loops, Kellogg’s may have changed its advertising to target them, rather than the
young children who have traditionally made up its target market.
Users who upload their selfies receive a relatively nominal payment: from about 20 cents
to $1 for each verified picture. To be verified, the shot needs to complete the assigned task
and be visible and appropriate. That last criterion has been an interesting challenge for some
companies. As selfie-takers become more and more comfortable with the idea of sharing pic-
tures of themselves performing everyday tasks, many of them are providing pictures in which
toothpaste is running down their chins. Of course, that’s information that marketers can use,
too: 11 percent of the men who participated in the toothpaste task were not wearing shirts in
their selfies. What might toothpaste producers learn from that sort of intimate information? It’s
not the kind of information you could access from Nielsen.
In a new twist on selfies, one company is giving products away in return for the power of
posted images from consumers. In a Dirty Lemon store in Manhattan, anyone can walk in,
grab a drink, and leave–without paying a cent. Its health-focused products are not cheap.
For example, an activated-charcoal daily detox drink sells for over $10 for a 473-ml bottle.
Customers are expected to send Dirty Lemon a text to say they have taken a drink, but pay-
ment is voluntary. The company is hoping that customers will also capture images of its drink
coolers when taking photos in front of its large, selfie-friendly wall. It’s unconventional, and
perhaps just one more way of paying consumers for their selfies.
1. Paying for selfies is one way to collect qualitative data. What other qualitative research
methods could work for companies looking to collect consumer insights like the ones
from paid selfies?
2. Describe how quantitative research methods could be used to capture consumer insights.
3. Think about some of the selfies you have posted. What could a market researcher learn
about you as a consumer from these photos?
Appendix 7A: Using Secondary Data to
Assess Customer Lifetime Value (CLV)

This appendix examines how secondary data from customer transactions can help
customer lifetime determine the value of a customer over time. Specifically, customer lifetime value (CLV)
value (CLV) refers to the expected financial contribution from a particular customer to the firm’s prof-
The expected financial
contribution from a
its over the course of their relationship.1
particular customer to To estimate CLV, firms use past behaviours to forecast future purchases, the gross
the firm’s profits over the margin from these purchases, and the costs associated with servicing the customers.
course of their relationship.
Some costs associated with maintaining customer relationships include communicating
with customers through advertising, personal selling, or other promotional vehicles to
acquire their business initially and then retain it over time.
Measures of CLV typically apply to a group or segment of customers and use avail-
able secondary data. A basic formula for CLV,2 with the assumption that revenues and
profits arrive at the start of the year, is as follows:

​∑ ​​ ​T​  ​ ​[Profit at t × Retention ratet–1]​

CLV = _________________________
t–1 ​​ – Acquisition costs
(1 + i)
​​  t=1

To implement this CLV formula, we must answer the following questions:

1. How many years (t) can we expect to do business with a customer? The total num-
ber of years is denoted by T.
2. What can we expect the annual profits to be from an individual customer or an aver-
age customer? These profits are based on sales minus the costs of merchandise
and the costs of serving and retaining the customer.
3. What is the retention rate, that is, the average percentage of customers who con-
tinue to purchase from the firm from one time period to another? A 90-percent
retention rate means that if we have 100 customers in the first year, we will have 90
of those at the beginning of the second year.
4. What is the discount rate (i)? The discount rate is based on the idea that a dollar
is worth less in the future than it is today, so the company can use it to adjust
future profits and determine a customer’s value today for the customer’s pur-

profits at the beginning of year 2 are worth only $90.91(=100/(1 + 0.1)) at the
chases in the future. For example, if the discount rate is 10 percent, $100 in

beginning of year 1.
Consider Gregory Missoni, a fairly new client of Very Clean Cleaners who switched from
his other dry cleaner because Very Clean sent him $100 worth of coupons in a direct

Greg just picked up his $200 shirt from Very Clean and found that the dry cleaner had
broken a brown button and replaced it with a white button. When he complained, the clerk
acted as if it was no big deal. Greg explained to the clerk that it was a very expensive shirt
that deserved more careful handling and then asked to speak with the manager. At this
point, how important is it that the manager makes sure Greg is satisfied, so that he will
Using Secondary Data to Assess Customer Lifetime Value (CLV) appendix 7A 229

continue to bring his dry cleaning to Very Clean Cleaners? To answer this question, the
manager uses the following information:
• It cost Very Clean $100 to acquire Greg as a customer. Thus, the acquisition cost
is $100.
• Very Clean expects Greg to remain a client for 5 years (time horizon T = 5 years).
• Very Clean expects to make a $1,000 profit each year from Greg’s dry cleaning.
• On average, 10 percent of customers defect to another cleaner each year. Therefore,
the expected retention rate is 90 percent.
• The discount rate is 10 percent per year (i in this illustration). For simplicity, Very
Clean assumes all profits are accrued at the beginning of the year.
Applying the formula, such that CLV equals the profits from years 1 to 5, less the acqui-
sition costs, we obtain the following:

$1,000 × (0.90)1 ______________

$1,000 × (0.90)0 ______________ $1,000 × (0.90)2
CLV = ​ ______________
    ​+ ​      ​+ ​      ​
(1 + 0.1)0 (1 + 0.1)1 (1 + 0.1)2
Year 1 Year 2 Year 3
$1,000 × (0.90)4 ​
$1,000 × (0.90)3 ​ ______________
 ​+ ​​ 
​+ ______________
​         ​− $100
(1 + 0.1)3 (1 + 0.1)4
Year 4 Year 5
CLV = $1,000 + $818.2 + $669.4 + $547.7 + $448.1 – $100 = $3,383.40

Let’s see how the formula works. The expected profit from Greg is $1,000 per year. Very
Clean assumes profits accrue at the beginning of the year, so the profits for the first year
equal $1,000; they are not affected by the retention rate or the discount rate.
However, the retention and discount rates have effects on the profits for the sub-
sequent time periods. In the second year, the retention rate, which Very Clean deter-
mined was 90 percent (i.e., 90 percent of customers continue to do business with it),
modifies profits, such that expected profits in the second year equal $1,000 × 90% =
$900. Moreover, the discount rate is applied such that the profits received in the second
year are worth less than if they had been received in the first year. Therefore, the $900
received at the beginning of the second year must be divided by 1.1, which is equivalent
to $818.20.
Using similar calculations for the third year, the expected profits adjusted for retention
are $1,000 × 0.9 × 0.9 = $810. The discount rate then reduces the profit to $810 ÷ 1.12 =
$669.40 in today’s dollars. (Note that the discount rate is squared because it refers to two
years in the future.) After calculating the adjusted and discounted profits for the fourth
and fifth years in similar fashion, we realize that the sum of estimated discounted profits
for five years is $3,483.40. However, we still must subtract the $100 spent to acquire Greg,
which provides a CLV of $3,383.40.
According to this analysis, it would be a good idea for the manager to take a long-term
perspective when evaluating how to respond to Greg’s complaint about his button. Greg
cannot be viewed as a $2.50 customer, as he would be if Very Clean determined his value
based on the cost of laundering his shirt, nor should he be viewed as a $200 customer, based
on the cost of the shirt. He actually is worth a lot more than that.
For illustrative purposes, we have simplified the CLV calculations in this example. We
assumed that the average profits remain constant at $1,000. But firms usually expect profits
to grow over time, or else grow, level off, and then perhaps decline. Retention costs, such as
special promotions used to keep Greg coming back, also do not appear in our illustration,
though such additional costs would reduce annual profits and CLV. Finally, we assume a
230 Section three Targeting the Marketplace

five-year time horizon; the CLV obviously would differ for longer or shorter periods. For
an infinite time horizon, with first period payments upfront, the formula becomes fairly

​  Retention
CLV = Profits × ​ 1 + _______________________________  ​ ​− Acquisition cost
[ ($1 + Discount rate + Retention rate) ]
0.9    ​ ​− $100
= $1,000​ 1 + ​ _____________
[ (1 + 0.1 − 0.9) ]
= $1,000 × (1 + 4.5) − $100

= $5,500 − $100 = $5,400

This illustration thus explains how firms can use secondary data to calculate CLV; it
further demonstrates the importance of knowing a customer’s lifetime value when execut-
ing marketing tactics and strategies.
SECTION FOUR Value Creation

Chapter 8 Developing New Products

Chapter 9 Product, Branding, and Packaging Decisions
Chapter 10 Services: The Intangible Product

Chapter 8

Courtesy of North

Developing New Products

Learning Objectives
After studying this chapter you should be able to

LO1 Identify the reasons firms create new products

LO2 Describe the diffusion of innovation theory and how managers can use it to make
product line decisions

LO3 List the stages involved in developing new products and services

LO4 Describe the product life cycle and summarize how it is used to make product
line decisions
232 Section FOUR Value Creation

Excitement ran high with the introduction of Google Glass in 2013. The company actively embraces innovation
and many people speculated that Google’s glass was half full. Even before the product was available, everyone
seemed to know what Google Glass was and have an opinion about its efficacy, appeal, and look. The wearable
product allowed users to surf the Internet and gather information simply by looking up and to the right. They could
swipe their finger over a sensor behind their ears to pull up a Google map and navigate, take pictures, or initiate
the embedded Bluetooth technology to make a call.1
Early pricing for Google Glass ranged from $1,500 to $2,000 USD. That limited sales to early adopters, the
most dedicated tech geeks, and those with plenty of disposable income. Ultimately, the market proved to be
more diverse. Consumers wanted multiple colours, and more function such as games, tools and music. Prices
were slashed to attract more buyers. Even optimists had to agree that the glass was half empty when Google
ceased production in late 2015.
Still, the innovative concept behind smart glasses lives on. Today, there are similar products on the market or
under development. For example, smart-glass technology is used in HoloLens by Microsoft, Blade by Vuzix, and
One Creator’s Edition by Magic Leap. Apple is also believed to be working on a product that will sync with its iPhone.2
A report from BBC Research, projecting smart glasses sales valued at $9.3 billion USD in 2022,3 helps to explain
why companies continue to enter the market long after Google failed.
Thalmic Labs, based in Kitchener, Ontario, is one of those companies. Now rebranded as North Inc., the com-
pany introduced smart glasses, called Focals, in late 2018. Text messages, email, Uber notifications, calendars,
weather, sports scores, and turn-by-turn navigational help are projected on the lenses.4 Another unique feature
of the glasses is the ability for consumers to order Focals with prescription lenses. Amazon Alexa enables voice-
activated commands.
One thing the glasses don’t have is a camera. North recognized that privacy was a big issue with Google
Glass. Users could record others without their permission or add face recognition software to identify others. Pri-
vacy experts worried about the potential abuses in private-seeming locations in public places, such as restrooms
and changing rooms. And so North made the decision not to include a camera.
Unlike Google Glass, which was heavy and unattractive, Focals are light and stylish. North enlisted the help
of eyeglass designers to ensure that consumers would want to wear its smart glasses. According to co-founder,
Aaron Grant, the product was “insanely challenging to build because we took this design-first approach, where
we built this as eyewear first, and then figured out how to fit the technology in, rather than a tech-first approach
and try to pretty it up.”5
Since the product’s introduction, North added new functions such as support for Spotify, and a “rewind”
feature that captures voice notes via the built-in microphone and then emails users audio files and transcribed
text notes.6 With cash infusions of over $170 million from the Amazon Alexa Fund and Intel Capital,7 the company
seemed poised for success.
The real question remains—are consumers ready for smart glasses? To be successful, new products need
to diffuse beyond innovators and early adopters. Google faced a number of problems in the effort to diffuse
its wearable technology globally. While consumers viewed
Google Glass as cool, they weren’t sure why they needed
it. Companies need to make it clear to consumers what
problem their product will solve.8 For North, the answer to
the “why” behind Focals is being able to stay connected to
the digital world without having to continually look down at
your phone.9
It remained to be seen as to whether North could
convince consumers that Focals were the answer. In
the first year on the market, prices were reduced from
$999 to $699. (As a privately owned company, no sales
data is available.) More concerning is that the company
laid off about 150 employees in early 2019. Still, analysts
continued to rave about the stylish design of Focals and
the slick software. One analyst went so far as to write Focals by North project images onto the lenses
that “North may have cracked the nut on smart glasses of the smartglasses.
with Focals.”10 Courtesy of North
Developing New Products CHAPTER 8 233

The company halted production of the original glasses as it prepared to launch a new line with a narrower
protective arm and a higher-resolution display.11 Less than six months later, in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic,
plans for the second generation of glasses was halted when Google parent Alphabet acquired North Inc. Although
Google stopped making Glass as a consumer product, as it turns out, the company has been selling it for industrial
use.12 And while the future of smart glasses is unknown, there may still be hope that the glass is half full.

Few three-letter words are more exciting than “new.” It brings forth an image of freshness,
adventure, and excitement. Yet “new” is also a complex term when it comes to market
offerings, because it might mean adding something new to an existing product, introducing
a flavour never offered before, or relying on different packaging that provides added value.
But the most exhilarating type of new product is something never seen before. Thousands
of patent applications pursue this elusive prize: a successful and truly innovative new
To think about how new products once changed the world, imagine living 200 years
ago. You cook your meals on a stove fuelled by coal or wood. As a student, you do your
homework by hand, illuminated only by candlelight. To get to school, you hike along
unpaved roads to reach a small, cold, basic classroom with just a few classmates who listen
to a lecture from a teacher writing on a blackboard.
Today you finish your homework on a laptop with word-processing software that
appears to have a mind of its own and corrects your spelling automatically. Your climate-
controlled room has ample electric lighting. While you work on your laptop, you can also
talk with a friend by using the hands-free headset of your phone. As you drive to school,
you pick up fast food from a convenient drive-through window while browsing or listen-
ing to your personal selection of songs playing through your car speakers, connected by
Bluetooth to your smartphone. Your friend calls to discuss a slight change to an assign-
ment, so you pull over to grab your iPhone, make the necessary changes, and email the
assignment from your phone to your professor. When you arrive at university, you sit in a
200-person classroom where you plug in your laptop, take notes on it, and use it to digitally
record the lecture. The professor adds notes on the day’s PowerPoint presentations by using
her tablet computer. You have already downloaded the PowerPoint presentations and add
similar notes through your own laptop. After class, to complete your planning for a last-
minute party, you invite to your friends and ask for responses to get a head count. Then
you text your roommate, telling her to get food and drinks for the right number of people,
which she orders through an online grocer that will deliver later in the day.
Our lives are defined by the many new products and services developed through sci-
entific and technological advances and by the added features included in products we have
always used.
This chapter deals with the first P in the marketing mix: product, specifically new
products. As a key element of a firm’s marketing mix (four Ps) strategies, product strategies
are central to the creation of value for the consumer. A product is anything that is of value product
to a consumer and can be offered through a marketing exchange. In addition to goods (such Anything that is of value
to a consumer and can
as toothpaste) or services (such as a haircut), products might also be places (e.g., Whistler, be offered through a
British Columbia), ideas (e.g., “stop smoking”), organizations (e.g., Canadian Blood marketing exchange.
Services), people (e.g., Drake), or communities (e.g., Instagram) that create value for con-
sumers in their respective competitive marketing arenas.
Product branding and packaging will be examined in Chapter 9. Now we explore how
companies add value to firms’ product and service offerings through innovation. We also
look at the process firms go through to develop new products and services. We conclude
the chapter with an examination of how new products and services are adopted by the
market and how firms change their marketing mix as the product or service moves through
its life cycle.
234 Section FOUR Value Creation

LO1 Why Do Firms Create New Products?

New market offerings provide value to both firms and customers.
But the degree to which they do so depends on how new they really
are. When we say “new product,” we don’t necessarily mean that
the product has never existed before. Completely new-to-the-market
products represent less than 10 percent of all new product introduc-
tions each year. (Refer to Sustainable Marketing 8.1 for an example
of a “new product” that improves on an existing concept.) It is more
useful to think of the degree of newness of a product on a continuum
from “new-to-the-world”—as the Amazon Echo smart speakers
are—to “slightly repositioned,” such as when Kraft’s Capri Sun brand
The Amazon Echo is truly a new-to-the-world of ready-to-drink beverages, were repackaged in a bigger pouch to
innovation. appeal more to teens. Regardless of where on the continuum a new
Shutterstock/seewhatmitchsee product fits, firms have to innovate.
Innovation is the process by which ideas are transformed into
innovation new products and services that will help firms grow. Without innovation and its resulting
The process by which
ideas are transformed into
new products and services, firms would have only two choices: continue to market current
new products and services products to current customers, or take the same product to another market with similar
that will help firms grow. customers.
Although innovation strategies may not work in the short run—some estimates
indicate that only about 3 percent of new products actually succeed—overriding long-
term reasons compel firms to introduce new products and
services. Firms innovate for a number of reasons, as we
discuss next.

Changing Customer Needs

When they add new products to their offerings, firms can
create and deliver value more effectively by satisfying
the changing needs of their current and new customers,
or simply by keeping customers from getting bored with
the current product or service offering. For example,
Unilever’s Dove Beauty Bar product line successfully
extended the brand into hair, face, and skin-care lines, all
under the Dove umbrella. Today, Dove loyalists can enjoy
not only bar soap, but also antiperspirants and deodor-
ants, moisturizing lotions, cleansers, toners, shampoo,
conditioner, and much more.13 Sometimes, companies can
identify problems and develop products that customers
never knew they needed. For example, a car wash offers
a basic wash; a wash and polish; or a wash, polish, and
undercarriage wash. Customers may never have thought
about washing the undercarriage of their car prior to
their exposure to the new service offering. In other cases,
the firms take a well-known offering and innovate to
make it more interesting, as Dyson has done for the vac-
Dyson added value by taking a well-known product, uum cleaner. According to the company’s history, James
the vacuum cleaner, and redesigning it so that it won’t Dyson caught sight of a local sawmill that used a cyclone
lose suction. to collect sawdust from the air, and then decided to apply
Courtesy of Dyson Canada Ltd. the concept to a vacuum cleaner so he could create a
Developing New Products CHAPTER 8 235

vacuum that won’t lose suction. The experience he had

developing and protecting his innovative technology
also formed the company’s present innovation process,
which relies heavily on secrecy, protection of ideas, and
risk taking.
As customers age, it sometimes can intensify the
demand for innovation. The World Health Organization
says that 2 billion people will be older than 60 years of age
by 2050, and yet most inventors ignore this growing market
segment. At 91 years of age, Barbara Beskind took it upon
herself to improve one of the most common items used by
older adults: the cane. Traditional canes require the user
to lean on them, promoting poor posture. Beskind’s walk-
ing sticks instead have rockers on the bottom that users
can push off against, and they are made from modified ski
poles. In turn, they promote a proper posture and a more
natural walking gait.14
Legislation can bring innovation to address customer
needs, too. The legalization of cannabis opened up new
markets for Grow Daddy Canada, which sells grow lights,
kits, seeds, and nutrients to consumers who can now
legally grow up to four cannabis plants. Based in Stratford,
How can a walking stick be improved? 91-year-old Barbara
PEI, the company has seen sales increase by 60 percent
Beskind did it by developing walking sticks that have
since October 2017. A two-step legislation process meant rockers on the bottoms that users can push off against.

that producers had to wait for Health Canada to draft © IDEO

regulations before entering the cannabis edibles market.
That didn’t stop Neal Brothers Foods Inc. from planning a
line of cannabis-infused snacks. Partnered with Newstrike Brands Ltd., it announced the
first agreement between a Canadian food company and a cannabis grower to create edible
products.16 Craft breweries and other beverage makers are also positioning themselves in
preparation for the changes in legislation. Another innovation comes from Folium Labs, a
nutraceutical products manufacturer. It introduced LIVLI, a supplement which contains
no CBD or THC, but is designed to help offset the negative cognitive and physical effects
associated with cannabis use.17

Market Saturation
The longer a product exists in the marketplace, the more likely it is that the market will
become saturated. Without new products or services, the value of the firm will ultimately
decline. Imagine, for example, if car companies simply expected that people would keep
their cars until they stopped running.18 If that were the case, there would be no need to
come up with new and innovative models; companies could just stick with the models that
sell well. But few consumers actually keep the same car that long. Even those who want to
stay with the same make and model often want something new, just to add some variety to
their lives. So car companies revamp their models every year, whether by including new
features, such as an automatic parking system or a more powerful engine, or by redesigning
the entire look of the vehicle. The firms sustain their growth by getting consumers excited
by the new looks and new features, prompting many car buyers to exchange their old vehi-
cle years before its functional life is over.
Saturated markets can also offer opportunities for a company that is willing to adopt a new
process or mentality. At one point in time, mass marketers would not even consider entering
236 Section FOUR Value Creation

a market that they believed would not

earn at least $50 million. But General
Mills is looking to niche markets for its
future growth. Whereas only 1 percent
of the North American population suf-
fers from celiac disease—a condition
that damages the digestive system when
sufferers ingest gluten—a much higher
percentage of consumers say they want
to reduce or eliminate gluten, a wheat
protein, from their diet. As awareness
increases, those percentages are grow-
ing, such that the North American
market could be worth up to $10 bil-
lion.19 General Mills has created more
than 600 gluten-free products, including
both variations on its regular offerings,
like oatmeal and Chex cereals, as well
as Lärabars and Betty Crocker baking
General Mills has created more than 600 gluten-free products in response to mixes.20
the growing market.
© McGraw Hill Education/Evelyn Nicole Kirksey, photographer

Managing Risk Through Diversity

Through innovation, firms often create a broader portfolio of products, which helps them
diversify their risk and enhance firm value better than a single product can.21 If some prod-
ucts in a portfolio are doing poorly, others may be doing well. Tapping innovative ideas
allows companies to create new products to add to their existing portfolio. Firms with mul-
tiple products are better able to withstand external shocks, including changes in consumer
preferences or intensive competitive activity. For this reason, firms such as 3M demand
that a specific percentage of their sales each year must come from new products introduced
within the previous few years. And, in the cereal aisle, Kellogg’s offers many variations of
its long-standing basic Special K product, including cereal bars and protein shakes. This
diversification enables the company to achieve better results than it would with just one
kind of Special K cereal.

Fashion Cycles
In industries that rely on fashion trends and experience short product life cycles—
including apparel, arts, books, and software—most sales come from new products. For
example, a motion picture generates most of its theatre, DVD, and cable TV revenues
within a year of its release. If the same selection of books were always available for sale,
with no new titles, there would be no reason to buy more. Consumers of computer soft-
ware and video games demand new products because once they have “beaten” the game,
they want to be challenged by another game or experience the most recent version, as
the remarkable sales of successive versions of the Call of Duty game exemplify.22 In the
case of apparel, fashion designers typically produce entirely new product selections a
few times per year.
Developing New Products CHAPTER 8 237

To generate sales, apparel fashion Video games like Call of Duty Infinite Warfare are “fashionable” because
designers produce entirely new product consumers demand new versions. Once they “beat” the game, they want
selections a few times a year. to be challenged with a new experience.
Zou Zheng Xinhua News Agency/Newscom © Chesnot/Getty Images

Improving Business Relationships

New products do not always target end consumers; sometimes they function to improve
relationships with suppliers. For example, Walmart asked its suppliers for data on all
of their products, even the ones not sold by the retail giant. When customers search
online or ask in stores for products that Walmart doesn’t sell, it compiles a list of fre-
quently requested products. With these data from suppliers, Walmart can work quickly
with these suppliers to get these products on its shelves. Furthermore, Walmart can
use these data to work with suppliers to develop new products that they do not already

Adoption of Innovation LO2

diffusion of innovation
The process by which an innovation—whether a product or a service—spreads through-
The process by which
out a market group, over time and over various categories of adopters, is referred to as the use of an innovation,
diffusion of innovation24 or adoption of innovation. The theory surrounding diffusion or whether a product
or a service, spreads
adoption of innovation helps marketers understand the rate at which consumers are likely throughout a market group
to adopt a new product or service. It also gives them a means to identify potential markets over time and over various
for their new products or services and predict their potential sales, even before they intro- categories of adopters.

duce the innovations. pioneers

Truly new product introductions, that is, new-to-the-world products that create new New product introductions
that establish a completely
markets, can add tremendous value to firms. These new products, services, or processes new market or radically
are called pioneers, or breakthroughs, because they establish a completely new mar- change both the rules of
competition and consumer
ket or radically change both the rules of competition and consumer preferences in a preferences in a market;
market.25 The Apple iPod was a pioneer product. Not only did it change the way people also called breakthroughs.
238 Section FOUR Value Creation

Apple has released several pioneer products in recent years, including the Apple Watch.
© prykhodov/123RF

listen to music, but it also created an entirely new industry devoted to accessories, such
as cases, earbuds, docking stations, and speakers. Although Apple offers many of these
accessories itself, other companies have jumped on the bandwagon, ensuring that you
could strap your iPod to your arm while on the move or insert it into the base of a desk
lamp equipped with speakers to get music and light from your desk. And while the iPod
is no longer sold, it launched other notable pioneers, such as the iPhone, Apple Music,
and Apple Watch.
disruptive innovations Disruptive innovations, while new, are generally simpler, are less sophisticated, and
New product introductions may be less expensive than existing products or services. As an example, Netflix’s introduc-
that are simpler, less
sophisticated, and tion of streaming video disrupted the movie rental industry. The company gained share at
usually less expensive the expense of entrenched competitors such as Blockbuster, which eventually closed all its
than existing products or
Canadian locations.
Pioneers have the advantage of being first movers; as the first to create the market
first movers
Product pioneers that are
or product category, they become readily recognizable to consumers and often establish
the first to create a market a commanding and early market share lead. Studies have found that market pioneers can
or product category, command a greater market share over a longer time period than later entrants can.26 Yet
making them readily
recognizable to consumers not all pioneers succeed. In many cases, imitators capitalize on the weaknesses of pio-
and thus establishing a neers and subsequently gain advantage in the market. Because pioneering products and
commanding and early brands face the uphill task of establishing the market alone, they pave the way for fol-
market share lead.
lowers, as noted in the smart glasses example in the opening vignette. Companies like
North can spend less of their marketing effort creating demand for the product category,
and instead focus directly on creating demand for their specific brand. Also, because the
pioneer is the first product in the market, it often has a less-sophisticated design and
may be priced relatively higher, leaving room for better and lower-priced competitive
An important question to ask is, why is the failure rate of new products so high?
One of the main reasons is the failure to assess the market properly by neglecting to
Developing New Products CHAPTER 8 239

do appropriate product testing, targeting the

wrong segment, and/or having poor position-
ing. As many as 95 percent of all consumer
goods fail. Why? There are many reasons. Most
commonly, they offer consumers too few ben-
efits, are too complex, or require substantial
learning and effort. Sometimes bad timing is
responsible—that is, new products or services
are introduced at a time when consumers are
not ready for them. Firms may also overextend
their abilities or competencies by venturing into
products or services that are inconsistent with
their brand image and/or value proposition.
We discuss some infamous product failures in
Exhibit 8.1.
Even if they succeed, new-to-the-world Google Glass failed because of privacy concerns, system bugs,
and being banned from public spaces.
products are not adopted by everyone at the same
time. Rather, they diffuse or spread through a
population in a process known as diffusion or adoption of innovation.

Exhibit 8.1 llustrative Product Failures

Product Concept Why It Failed

Google Glass In 2012, Google announced the next big Although tech circles were excited about the
innovation in wearable technology, Google product, privacy concerns, system bugs, and
Glass, glasses with smartphone technology. being banned from public spaces prevented
the product from living up to expectations.
Development was stopped in 2015.
Heinz EZ Squirt Ketchup In 2000, H. J. Heinz Company introduced Although initially successful, consumers lost
artificially coloured ketchup with a narrow interest after three years. The colours were
nozzle, ideal for drawing on food, in colours simply not appealing on food.
such as green and purple.
Apple Newton Launched in 1993, with a price tag of more The Newton concept was ahead of its time.
than $700, the Apple Newton was one of Unfortunately, due to its bulky size and
the first PDAs (personal digital assistants), ridicule by comedians, the Newton lasted
which then led the way for the Palm Pilot, only until 1998.
BlackBerry, and iPad.
New Coke In response to growing market pressure, Coke underestimated consumers’ affinity
Coca-Cola launched a reformulated version to the original formulation and their
of its classic cola in 1985. unwillingness to change. It was pulled from
shelves three months after its introduction.
Sony Betamax In 1975, Sony bet big on the Betamax, one Unfortunately, the next year, JVC launched
of the first ever mass-produced home video the VHS player, leading to a format war
recording systems. similar to the Blu-ray and HD-DVD format
wars of 2006.
Colgate Kitchen Entrees Colgate launched a line of frozen dinners. The association of toothpaste with a
Apparently the idea was that consumers chicken stir fry was something customers
would enjoy eating a Colgate meal and then did not find appetizing.
using Colgate on their toothbrush afterward.
240 Section FOUR Value Creation

Exhibit 8.2 Consumer Adoption Cycle

Innovators Early Early Late Laggards

2.5% Adopters Majority Majority 16%
13.5% 34% 34%

Time of Adoption of the Innovation

As the consumer adoption cycle in Exhibit 8.2 shows, the number of users of an inno-
vative product or service spreads through the population over time and generally follows
a bell-shaped curve. A few people buy the product or service at first, then increasingly
more buy, and finally fewer people buy as the degree of the diffusion slows. For example,
it took close to 20 years to get about 90 percent of Canadians to use automated teller
machines (ATMs), and it only took five years for more than 60 percent of Canadians to
adopt the Internet. Comparing the iPod and Sony Walkman, Merrill Lynch analyst Steve
Milunovich observes that after only 2.5 years, iPod shipments were approximately 1 mil-
lion units ahead of the Walkman’s pace after being on the market for the same period of
time in the 1980s, when the Walkman was first released.27 Apple’s iPad reached 1 million
units in its first 28 days—less than half the 74 days it took for the iPhone to reach the
same milestone.28
Purchasers can be divided into five groups—innovators, early adopters, early majority,
late majority, and laggards—according to how soon they buy the product after it has been

Inovators Innovators are those buyers who want to be the first on the block to have the new prod-
Those buyers who want to uct or service. These buyers enjoy taking risks, are regarded as highly knowledgeable, and
be the first to have the new
product or service. are not price sensitive. You probably know someone who is an innovator—or perhaps you
are one for a particular product or service category. For example, the person who stood
in line for days to be sure to get a ticket for the very first showing of the latest superhero
movie is an innovator in that context. Consumers who fly drones off their back porches
are likely innovators, too (a development noted in Ethical & Societal Dilemma 8.1).
Firms that invest in the latest technology, either to use in their products or services or to
make the firm more efficient, also are considered innovators. Typically, innovators keep
themselves very well informed about the product category by subscribing to trade and
specialty magazines, talking to other “experts,” visiting product-specific blogs and forums
that cover the latest cool products, and attending product-related forums, seminars, and
special events. Typically, innovators represent only about 2.5 percent of the total market
for any new product or service.
Developing New Products CHAPTER 8 241

Ethical & Societal Dilemma 8.1

Drones in the Sky, Questions

on the Ground*
As some of the hottest gadgets on the market, per-
sonal drones are selling in record numbers worldwide.
Although the biggest market remains the United States,
consumers in Europe and China also find them irresist-
ible, using them for fun, photography, and videography.
For more serious-minded and business users, drones
also have a variety of critical purposes, from Amazon’s
proposed package delivery to hurricane and storm-
tracking efforts to military uses.
Or consider their applications at construction sites.
Construction crews now can send drones hundreds of
feet in the air to take up-to-the-minute digital images, map Drones are among the hottest new products on the
market, particularly at gadget retailers.
the progress of the construction, and identify where to
© Kimihiro Hoshino/AFP/Getty Images
install solar panels or other elements—without requiring
any member of the crew to risk life and limb by climbing
multiple stories and dangling a tape measure to get the to establish massive “armies” of small devices that could
information. Then those data can be shared with manag- swarm battlefields, leads some observers to suggest a
ers and clients throughout the world, without requiring serious ethical crisis with potentially global implications.
them to visit the site itself. Transport Canada introduced legislation to put strict
But along with these notable benefits for businesses regulations in place regarding the use of drones. Pri-
and consumers, the uses of drones have created some vacy was not the driving force behind the legislation.
new privacy and ethical concerns. Unfortunately, drones Rather, the intent was primarily to ensure that drones
enable unethical users to capture unsolicited and unwar- would not be used recklessly or in ways that might be
ranted images of others, intruding on the privacy and dangerous to aviation safety. In the United States, a
threatening the safety of some of their subjects. From recently proposed bill would establish specific privacy
stories of people spying on their neighbours to a drone protections in relation to drones. The challenge any
that landed on the White House lawn, serious concerns law faces, though, is finding a way to impose reason-
surrounding the use of private drones continue without a able privacy limits, without hindering the useful, effec-
clear resolution. Furthermore, evidence that some national tive, and fun applications of these innovative devices by
governments are seeking to extend their uses of drones, ethical businesses and consumers.

*Nick Madigan, “Need a Quick Inspection of a 58-Story Tower? Send a Drone,” The New York Times, August 14, 2018,
business/drones-real-estate-construction.html; Amia Srinivasan, “What Termites Can Teach Us,” The New Yorker, September 17, 2018, www.newyorker.
com/magazine/2018/09/17/what-termites-can-teach-us; April Glaser, “Federal Privacy Laws Won’t Necessarily Protect You from Spying Devices,”
Recode net, March 15, 2017; Elizabeth Thompson, “New rules for drones: Pilot certificates, avoiding airports—and no drunk droning,” CBC, Jan. 9, 2019, (accessed July 22, 2019).

Innovators are crucial to the success of any new product or service because they help
the product gain market acceptance. Through talking and spreading positive word-of-
mouth about the new product, they prove instrumental in bringing in the next adopter
category, known as early adopters.

Early Adopters early adopters

The second group of
The second subgroup that begins to use a product or service innovation is the early consumers in the diffusion
adopters. They generally don’t like to take as much risk as innovators but instead wait of innovation model, after
and purchase the product after careful review. Early adopters tend to enjoy novelty innovators, to use a product
or service innovation;
and often are regarded as the opinion leaders for particular product categories. This generally don’t like to take
market waits for the first reviews of the latest movie before purchasing a ticket, though as much risk as innovators.
242 Section FOUR Value Creation

they likely still go a week or two after it opens. They don’t

stand in line to grab the first PlayStation VR headset; only
after reading the innovators’ complaints and praises do
they decide whether it is worth the cost. But most of them
go ahead and purchase products just the same.
This group, which represents about 13.5 percent of all
buyers in the market, acts as opinion leaders and spreads
the word. As a result, early adopters are crucial for bring-
ing the other three buyer categories to the market. If the
early adopter group is relatively small, the number of
people who ultimately adopt the innovation likely will also
be small.

Early adopters of the PlayStation VR headset typically Early Majority

wait for reviews before they purchase.
© Noam Galai/Getty Images for Sony Interactive Entertainment
The early majority, which represents approximately
34 percent of the population, is crucial because few new
early majority products and services can be profitable until this large group
A group of consumers in buys them. If the group never becomes large enough, the product or service typically fails.
the diffusion of innovation
model that represents
The early majority group differs in many ways from buyers in the first two stages. Its
approximately 34 percent members don’t like to take as much risk and therefore tend to wait until “the bugs” are
of the population; members worked out of a particular product or service. If we continue our application to movies,
don’t like to take much risk
and therefore tend to wait this group probably streams the latest Marvel movie when it first becomes available for
until bugs are worked out. streaming. Thus, they experience little risk, because all the reviews are in, and their costs
are lower because they’re streaming the movie instead of going
to the theatre. When early-majority customers enter the market,
the number of competitors in the marketplace usually also has
reached its peak, so these buyers have many different price and
quality choices.

Late Majority
At 34 percent of the market, the late majority is the last group of
buyers to enter a new product market; when they do, the product
has achieved its full market potential. Perhaps these movie watch-
ers wait until the latest movie is available on Netflix or when it
finally comes to cable television. Either way, they watch the movie
long after the other consumers interested in it have already seen it.
By the time the late majority enters the market, sales tend to level
off or may be in decline.

Laggards make up roughly 16 percent of the market. These
consumers like to avoid change and rely on traditional products
until they are no longer available.29 In some cases, laggards may
never adopt a certain product or service. When the sequel to
Star Wars: The Force Awakens eventually shows up on regular
Early majority members would probably wait to see
the latest Guardians of the Galaxy movie. They TV networks, they might watch it. Other examples of laggards
may assess movie reviews and whether the cost to are households that still use flip phones versus smartphones
stream it will be lower than seeing it at the theatre. or listen to music on CDs because they do not subscribe to any
ZCHE/Supplied by WENN/Newscom music streaming service.
Developing New Products CHAPTER 8 243

late majority
Using the Adoption Cycle The last group of buyers
to enter a new product
Using the diffusion of innovation theory or adoption cycle, firms can predict which types of market.
customers will buy their new product or service immediately after its introduction, as well
as later, as the product gets more and more accepted by the market. With this knowledge, Consumers who like to
the firm can develop effective promotion, pricing, and other marketing strategies to push avoid change and rely
acceptance within each customer group. on traditional products
until they are no longer
Although they are not as flashy as wearable tech or the latest iPhone, everyone uses available.
cleaning supplies. Often the innovators who adopt new cleaning products are the ones who
are the most fanatical about cleaning. Firms conduct in-depth research into how people
clean their homes to identify such segments. This research finds that some people are so
obsessive about cleaning that they spend nearly 20 hours every week doing it, while oth-
ers are so reluctant that they avoid cleaning as much as they can; their average weekly
cleaning time is about 2.5 hours.30 Consumers have a wealth of options to choose from
when purchasing cleaning products such as scrubbers, sprays, vacuums, and dusters. Thus,
in the vacuum-cleaner market, manufacturers recognize that the segment of consumers
who will spend substantial amounts for the most technologically advanced, powerful, easy-
to-maneuver machines, such as the latest Dyson model, are likely to be the segment of
consumers that is most fixated on cleaning.31 But another segment just wants some basic
suction to get the grit out of their rugs.
However, because different products are adopted at different rates, marketers must
understand what the diffusion curve for the new product looks like, as well as the charac-
teristics of the target customers in each stage of the diffusion. For example, the market-
ing decisions for ereaders are notably different from the parallel decisions for electronic
books. When the ereaders first emerged on the market, the price of ebooks was a fraction
of the price of hardcover versions—a policy that made sense to consumers. But as ereaders
have grown increasingly popular and widespread, the price of ebooks has become compa-
rable to, and in some cases higher than, the price of the hardcover versions.32 The speed
with which products are adopted depends on several product characteristics, illustrated
in Exhibit 8.3.

Exhibit 8.3 Factors Affecting Product Diffusion Speed


Relative Affecting
Advantage Product

244 Section FOUR Value Creation

Relative Advantage
If a product is perceived to be better than substitutes, then
the diffusion will be relatively quick. As advertising for
Swiffer products emphasizes, its mops and dusters prom-
ise to make cleaning faster, easier, and more efficient. In
featuring real families, it seeks to highlight the relative
advantage for all types of cleaners. Older people who
might once have gotten on their hands and knees to scrub
the floor can now rely on the design of the cleaning pads
on the end of the mop to get the job done. Their children,
who have never been very good at cleaning, can swipe a
few surfaces and get the house looking clean before their
Products like the Swiffer have a relative advantage
over the competition because they make cleaning
parents visit. And a man who has lost an arm to cancer
faster, easier, and more efficient, especially for seniors can still help his family keep the house clean, because the
and other consumers with mobility issues. duster does not require him to use a spray or climb a lad-
Sara Stathas / Alamy Stock Photo der to dust the ceiling fan.33

A diffusion process may be faster or slower, depending on various consumer features,
including international cultural differences. Electrolux’s latest bagless vacuums offer a key
innovation: They solve the age-old problem of how to empty the chamber without having
a cloud of particles fly out. They do this by compacting the dirt into a “pellet.” To make the
product more compatible with the needs of people in different cultures, it is made in various
sizes. The North American version offers a carpet nozzle with a motor, to deal with the dirt
accumulated in larger, often carpeted homes. Because in many Asian “megacities” consumers
live in tiny apartments, Electrolux has introduced a smaller version that is also very quiet.34
Similarly, the ritual of “having a coffee” is well ingrained in many cultures, including
Canadian culture. “Having a coffee” is consistent with people’s past behaviour, their needs,
and their values. Since people are accustomed to drinking coffee, it has been relatively
easy for Starbucks to acquire customers in Canada. The diffusion has been much slower in
countries such as China and Japan, where tea has been the traditional drink.

When products are easily observed, their benefits or uses are easily communicated to others,
which enhances the diffusion process. To demonstrate to consumers why they should spend
$400 on a blender, Blendtec launched an extensive YouTube campaign titled “Will It Blend?”
to demonstrate the effectiveness of the blender. In each video, a spokesperson in a white lab
coat blends a different product in the Blendtec—iPads, baseballs, Justin Bieber’s autobiog-
raphy, you name it—and gives visible proof to consumers of the quality of the product. The
humour and innovativeness of this product demonstration has caused these videos to go
viral, with over 290 million views and 880,000 subscribers.35 Yet some cleaning products face
a serious challenge in making their innovations widely observable, because few consumers
spend a lot of time talking about the products that are of a more personal nature, such as
what they use to clean their toilets. Even a great product might diffuse more slowly if people
feel uncomfortable talking about what they perceive to be involved in their personal care.

Complexity and Trialability

Products that are relatively less complex are also relatively easy to try. These products will gener-
ally diffuse more quickly than those that are not. In the cleaning products range, it is far easier
to pick up a new spray cleaner at the grocery store to try at home than it is to assess and test a
Developing New Products CHAPTER 8 245

new vacuum. In response, manufacturers seek ways to help people conduct trials. For example,
Dyson’s displays in national retailers such as Bed, Bath, & Beyond often include floor space that
allows shoppers to run the machine to see how well the roller ball works or watch it pick up dirt.
The diffusion of innovation theory thus comes into play in the immediate and long-
term aftermath of a new product or service introduction. But before the introduction, firms
must actually develop those new offerings. Therefore, in the next section, we detail the
process by which most firms develop new products and services and how they initially
introduce them into the market.

How Firms Develop New Products LO3

The new-product development process begins with the generation of new product ideas and
culminates in the launch of the new product and the evaluation of its success. The stages of the
new-product development process, along with the important objectives of each stage, are sum-
marized in Exhibit 8.4. Although this exhibit depicts linear and sequential stages, in reality, the
process is iterative, consisting of a number of feedback loops at various stages. Generally, the
process is a team effort with the new product team composed of members from various func-
tions: marketing, design, engineering, manufacturing, procurement, and finance, all of which
play different roles at different stages of the process. Marketing plays a crucial role in the new-
product development process by communicating customer needs and wants and marketplace
preferences and attitudes to the research and development (R&D) and engineering group.
Bear in mind that it’s not always necessary to take a new product through each stage
in the process. Substantially new products will likely follow the process fairly closely, while
products imitating a successful product from a competitor, having a low development cost,
or involving incremental changes (such as line extensions) may skip one or more steps. For
example, P&G launched its Folgers brand of decaffeinated crystal coffee without market
testing. Although skipping stages in the new-product development process is very risky,
companies often do it to reduce costs or launch new products quickly.

Idea Generation
To generate ideas for new products, a firm can use its own internal R&D efforts, collaborate
with other firms and institutions, license technology from research-intensive firms, brain-
storm, research competitors’ products and services, and/or conduct consumer research.
Sometimes new product ideas come from employees, customers, suppliers, and partners,
or are generated by attending trade shows and conferences. Companies also generate ideas
by using reverse engineering or, in more extreme cases, even by digging through a competi-
tor’s garbage. Firms that want to be pioneers rely more extensively on R&D efforts, whereas
those that tend to adopt a follower strategy are more likely to scan the market for ideas.
Let’s look at each of these idea sources.

Exhibit 8.4 The Product Development Process

Testing the new
Development of Development of Testing the actual Full-scale performance of
product idea
viable new prototypes and/or products in a few commercialization the new product
among a set
product ideas the product test markets of the product and making
of potential
customers appropriate
246 Section FOUR Value Creation

Where do you think the idea for a waterproof tablet from Fujitsu came from? Internal R&D,
licensing, brainstorming, outsourcing, competitors’ products, customer input, or a combination?
Odd Andersen/AFP/Getty Images

Internal Research and Development

Many firms have their own R&D departments, in which scientists work to solve complex
problems and develop new ideas.36 Historically, firms such as IBM in the computer industry,
Black and Decker in the consumer goods industry, and Merck and Pfizer in the pharmaceu-
ticals industry have relied on R&D efforts for their new products. In other industries—such
as software, music, and motion pictures—product development efforts also tend to come
from internal ideas and investments. 3M is known for innovation and has product offerings
spanning an incredible range of categories from health care to highway safety, and from
office and pet-care products to fly-fishing equipment and solar film. Because the company
is committed to providing useful, new products to customers, 3M reinvests a significant
percentage of its revenues in research and allows its researchers to spend time pursuing
their own interests. Marketing Analytics 8.1, outlines how General Motors leverages the
data it gathers from customers as a sort of internal research source to support its designs.
The product development costs for firms are quite high, but the resulting new prod-
uct or service has a good chance of being a technological or market breakthrough. Firms
expect such products to generate enough revenue and profits to make the costs of R&D
worthwhile; however, R&D investments generally are considered continuous investments,
so firms may lose money on a few new products. In the long run though, these firms are
betting that a few extremely successful new products, often known as blockbusters, can
generate enough revenues and profits to cover the losses from other introductions that
might not fare so well.
Some global firms also are taking an approach called “reverse innovation.” They turn to
subsidiaries in less developed markets for new product ideas. Samsung’s ActivWash wash-
ing machine was designed specifically for the Indian market. However, the top-loading
machine is now one of most popular washers in South Korea, where front-loading machines
dominated the market previously. The ActivWash machine has become so popular in South
Korea that one is sold every two minutes. Unilever’s Pureit water purifier was also initially
developed for the Indian population; however, it is now available in 13 countries including
China, Brazil, and Mexico.37
Developing New Products CHAPTER 8 247

Marketing Analytics 8.1

Data That Help the Brand and analyses of these data will likely define the cars found on
the roads of the future. Connected cars communicate with
the Customer: GM’s Big Data Use** the manufacturers directly through 4G or LTE. Currently,
there are 55 million of these cars on the road, with 77 mil-
With brands such as Chevrolet and Cadillac, General lion projected by 2022. That will result in connected cars
Motors (GM) is well-known in the auto industry. It was one constituting 73 percent of passenger vehicles sold. With
of the companies hit the hardest by the 2008 recession, OnStar, its subscription-based, in-car security system, GM
following which it filed for bankruptcy and received a has an advantage in this effort. It already uses OnStar
government bailout. In 2012, GM announced a new busi- for remote communication and diagnoses of problems.
ness strategy, a major component of which was more This gives it real-time information, which GM can use to
efficient and effective uses of big data. The importance improve its future car designs, even as the predictive
of analytics again came to centre stage in 2013, when diagnosis and preventive maintenance offer customers
the company faced legal allegations regarding the recall value by saving them money or preventing them from
of the Chevy Cobalt. After the crisis, GM stressed the being stranded by a car that won’t start.
importance of big data even more and promised that
analytics would be at the heart of all its future product
In particular, data analytics at GM support the devel-
opment of new cars. Through GM’s centralized data
warehouse, it can analyze trends in both production and
customer behaviour. Furthermore, GM manufacturer data
can be segmented at the individual vehicle identification
number (VIN) level and then analyzed to improve qual-
ity and safety. For example, manufacturer data analytics
helped GM develop tools that reduce the complexity
associated with the mechanics of vehicle design. General
Motors also collects data about its sales and dealer-
ships and uses these data to create detailed customer
profiles. The level of customer insight that these profiles
offer enables GM to develop new products that provide
customers with value. For example, GM’s applied market General Motors uses its OnStar system for remote
information influenced its development of high-efficiency communication with customers and diagnoses of
products that help reduce pollution. problems. It analyzes the data it collects from its OnStar
All of this is just the start. “Connected cars” are gen- database to support the development of new cars.
erating even more data for the car industry, and the ©Bloomberg/Getty Images

**Chris Murphy, “GM’s Data Strategy Pushed to Center Stage,” Information Week, March 27, 2014,
insights-and-innovation/gms-data-strategy-pushed-to-center-stage/d/d-id/1127921; Mark van Rijmenam, “Three Use Cases of How General Motors
Applies Big Data to Become Profitable Again,” DataFloq, August 25, 2014,
be/257; Jonathan H. Owen, David J. VanderVeen, and Lerinda L. Frost, “General Motors: Using O.R. to Meet Auto Industry Challenges and Provide
Value to Customers and the Company,” Informs Online, December 2013; Mark Fulton, “Five Critical Challenges Facing the Automotive Industry, A
Guide for Strategic Planners,” HIS Automotive, (accessed July 22, 2019).

For many new scientific and technological products, firms buy the rights to use the tech-
nology or ideas from other research-intensive firms through a licensing agreement. This
approach saves the high costs of in-house R&D, but it means that the firm is banking on a
solution that already exists but has not been marketed. Some of the largest recent licensing
deals in the pharmaceutical industry are for potential weight-loss solutions. In separate
deals, one worth $1.4 billion and another worth $1.1 billion, two big pharmaceutical firms
licensed the marketing rights for new products developed by small biotechnology firms to
combat obesity.38
248 Section FOUR Value Creation

Firms often engage in brainstorming sessions during which a group works together to gen-
erate ideas. One of the key characteristics of a brainstorming session is that no idea can be
immediately accepted or rejected. The moderator of the session may channel participants’
attention to specific product features and attributes, performance expectations, or packag-
ing. Only at the end of the session do the members vote on the best ideas or combinations
of ideas. Those ideas that receive the most votes are carried forward to the next stage of the
product development process.

When companies have trouble moving through these steps alone, they turn to outsourcing,
and hire external companies to help generate ideas to develop new products and services.
IDEO, a design firm, provides a service that helps clients generate new product and service
ideas in industries such as health care, toys, and computers. IDEO employs anthropologists,
graphic designers, engineers, and psychologists whose special skills help foster creativity
and innovation. Google Creative Lab wanted to create an interactive experience to help
reverse engineering children learn to code. In collaboration with IDEO, a new tool was developed based on
Involves taking apart a
competitor’s product, physical blocks to teach kids coding skills. The design revolved around a variety of blocks,
analyzing it, and creating each with specific shapes and functions. The children were able to play with the blocks,
an improved product that combining and rearranging them to create a set of instructions that could be used to con-
does not infringe on the
competitor’s patents, if any trol toys, robots or speakers. And because Project Bloks is an open platform, educators and
exist. developers around the world can build on it and fit it into their curricula.39

Competitors’ Products
A new product entry by a competitor may trigger a market
opportunity for a firm, which can use reverse engineering to
understand the competitor’s product and then bring an improved
version to market. Reverse engineering involves taking apart
a competitor’s product, analyzing it, and creating an improved
product that does not infringe on the competitor’s patents, if
any exist. This copycat approach to new product development
is widespread and practised by even the most research-intensive
firms. Copycat consumer goods show up in grocery and drug-
store products, as well as in technologically more complex
products such as automobiles and computers.

Customer Input
Listening to the customer in both B2B and B2C markets is essen-
tial for successful idea generation. Because customers for B2B
products are relatively few in number, firms can follow their use of
products closely and survey them often for suggestions and ideas
to improve those products. The firm’s design and development
team then works on these suggestions, sometimes in consultation
with the customer. This joint effort between the selling firm and
the customer significantly increases the probability that the cus-
Customers are an important source of new product
tomer eventually will buy the new product.
ideas. General Mills solicited input from consumers
to find out which flavours they like best, and Green Customer input in B2C markets comes from a variety of
Giant Roasted Veggie Tortilla Chips was one of the sources, though increasingly through social media. By monitor-
winners. ing online feedback, whether requested by the firm or provided
Source: General Mills voluntarily in customer reviews, companies can get better ideas
Developing New Products CHAPTER 8 249

about new products or necessary changes to existing ones. The recent intro-
duction of Green Giant snack chips provides a good example of using inputs
from various types of partners. General Mills (which owns the Green Giant
brand) heard a pitch for a new vegetable-based snack chip from its sup-
plier Shearer’s Chips. The chip manufacturer developed 10 options for its
business customer, General Mills. Then General Mills solicited input from
its end consumers to find out which flavours they might like best. Online
reviews suggested the need for a much zestier version of the roasted veg-
etable tortilla chips, which ultimately appeared on store shelves.40
In some cases, consumers may not expressly demand a new product,
though their behaviour demonstrates their desire for it. For example, Home
Depot conducted some in-home research with consumers to see where they
might have unexpressed needs. Although women never mentioned their
need, the researchers realized that many women engaged in heavy-duty
gardening tasks wound up struggling with the bulky, heavy buckets they
were using to transport dirt and fertilizer to different areas of the yard. In In response to consumers’ input, the
partnership with a design firm, it thus developed the Big Gripper bucket Big Gripper bucket was designed to
with a more ergonomic handle, a secondary grip on the side (to make it make it easier to handle.
easier to tip the bucket), and another grip on the bottom. In this case, Home Source: Leaktite Corporation
Depot has improved on a product that has not changed notably in decades,
lead users
by observing how people use it.41
Innovative product users
Another particularly successful customer input approach is to analyze lead users, those who modify existing products
innovative product users who modify existing products according to their own ideas to suit according to their own ideas
to suit their specific needs.
their specific needs.42 If lead users customize the firm’s products, other customers might wish
to do so as well. Studying lead users helps the firm understand general market trends that concepts
Brief written descriptions
might be just on the horizon. Manufacturers and retailers of fashion products often spot new of a product or service;
trends by noticing how trendsetters have altered their clothing and shoes. Designers of high- its technology, working
fashion jeans distress their products in different ways depending on signals they pick up “on principles, and forms; and
what customer needs it
the street.” One season, jeans appear with whiskers; the next, holes; the next, paint spots. would satisfy.
At the end of the idea-generation stage, the firm should have several ideas that it can concept testing
take forward to the next stage: concept testing. The process in which a
concept statement that
describes a product or a
service is presented to
Concept Testing potential buyers or users to
obtain their reactions.
Ideas with potential are developed further into concepts,
which in this context refers to brief written descriptions
of the product; its technology, working principles, and
forms; and what customer needs it would satisfy.43 A con-
cept might also include visual images of what the product
would look like.
Concept testing refers to the process in which a con-
cept statement is presented to potential buyers representative
of the target market or users to obtain their reactions. These
reactions enable the developer to estimate the sales value
of the product or service concept, possibly make changes
to enhance its sales value, and determine whether the idea
is worth further development.44 If the concept fails to meet
customers’ expectations, it is doubtful it would succeed if it
Innovative customers called “lead users” are especially
were to be produced and marketed. Because concept testing influential in the fashion industry because designers
occurs very early in the new-product introduction process, frequently change their designs based on trends they
even before a real product has been made, it helps the firm see on the street.
avoid the costs of unnecessary product development. Big Cheese Photo/SuperStock
250 Section FOUR Value Creation

The concept for an electric scooter might be written as follows:

The product is a lightweight electric scooter that can be easily folded and taken with
you inside a building or on public transportation. The scooter weighs 25 pounds [11 kg].
It travels at speeds of up to 15 miles [24 km] per hour and can go about 12 miles [19 km] on
a single charge. The scooter can be recharged in about two hours from a standard electric
outlet. The scooter is easy to ride and has simple controls—just an accelerator button and
a brake. It sells for $299.45

Concept testing progresses along the research techniques described in Chapter 7. The
firm likely starts with qualitative research, such as in-depth interviews or focus groups, to
test the concept, after which it can undertake quantitative research through Internet or
mall-intercept surveys. Video clips on the Internet might show a virtual prototype and the
way the product or service works so that potential customers can evaluate it.46 In a mall-
intercept survey, an interviewer would provide a description of the concept to the respon-
dent and then ask several questions to obtain his or her feedback.
The most important question pertains to the respondent’s purchase intentions if the
product or service were to be made available. Marketers also should ask whether the prod-
uct would satisfy a need that other products currently are not meeting. Depending on the
type of product or service, researchers might also ask about the expected frequency of pur-
chase, how much customers would buy, whether they would buy it for themselves or as a
gift, when they would buy, and whether the price information (if provided) indicates a good
value. In addition, marketers usually collect some demographic information so they can
analyze which consumer segments are likely to be most interested in the product.
Some concepts never make it past this stage, particularly if respondents seem uninter-
product development ested. Those that do receive high evaluations from potential consumers, however, move on
Entails a process of to the next step, product development.
balancing various
engineering, manufacturing,
marketing, and economic
considerations to develop a Product Development
Product development, or product design, entails a process of balancing various engineer-
prototype ing, manufacturing, marketing, and economic considerations to develop a product’s form
The first physical form or
service description of a and features or a service’s features. An engineering team develops a product prototype that
new product, still in rough is based on research findings from the previous concept testing step, as well as their own
or tentative form, that
knowledge about materials and technology. A prototype is the first physical form or service
has the same properties
as a new product but is description of a new product, still in rough or tentative form, that has the same properties
produced through different as a new product but is produced through different manufacturing processes, sometimes
manufacturing processes,
sometimes even crafted even crafted individually.47 As discussed in Entrepreneurial Marketing 8.1, sometimes
individually. many iterations are needed to come up with a design that works.

Entrepreneurial Marketing 8.1

Bartesian — Premium Cocktails easy. Testing the concept and creating a prototype proved
to be a lot harder. The original prototype, P1, was really
on Demand† just a retrofitted coffee machine—a very minimalistic
device. The basic idea for the product didn’t change much
Sometimes the quest for a new venture leads in strange over time; however, the design and target market did.
directions. For Bryan Fedorak, the path moved from edu- Fedorak and his partner originally thought that the target
cational toys for children to cocktails. Fedorak graduated market would be female college and university students.
from mechanical engineering and later went on to do an Research through customer discovery sessions showed
MBA. With the help of Velocity Garage, a unique program that their market was indeed female, albeit older and more
for start-up businesses offered through the University of affluent—essentially the “hostess with the mostest.”
Waterloo, he was able to launch Bartesian with a partner. A trade show allowed them to collect more feedback
Their idea was a Keurig-like machine that would make and reactions from potential customers as well as get
cocktails instead of coffee. Coming up with the idea was more input on how people might use the unit. From there
Developing New Products CHAPTER 8 251

a foam core model. Until this point, the cost to develop

prototypes was very low. That was about to change.
The key to prototyping was to always be testing. Along
the way, they discovered that users didn’t always know
what type of glass to use for certain drinks (e.g., a tall glass
is needed for a highball, otherwise the glass will overflow).
And so the Bartesian unit was designed to tell customers
the best glass to use for the drink they select. The P5 pro-
totype cost $2,000 and helped advance the design, but
the team still wasn’t happy with the way it looked. Realiz-
ing they were not industrial designers, they hired Swedish
designers who came up with a great concept, P6. Another
$5,000 was invested. However, it eventually led to the final
prototype, P7. The $5,000 spent on this iteration included
touchscreen controls to avoid potential problems with
sticky buttons that could stop working. That might seem
like a lot of prototypes and a lot of expense, but given the
high fixed costs to begin production, Fedorak absolutely
had to be certain the design was perfected before starting
the manufacturing process.
While the hardware prototype was being developed,
Fedorak’s team was also working with a mixologist to
create special drink pods for the machine. The taste had
to be authentic, which meant using real ingredients, not
drink crystals. The key was to come up with pods (just
like a Keurig machine) that provided the drink flavour.
Oh, and the pods had to be recyclable. Since selling
alcohol would create regulatory challenges, Bartesian
was designed to let consumers use their own gin, vodka,
Bartesian lets consumers make their own cocktails as
rum, or tequila in the built-in reservoirs. Each drink pod
easily as making a cup of coffee. Six different cocktails
are available currently. has a barcode which tells the machine what drink is
being made. Bartesian automatically measures the right
Used with permission of Bartesian,
amount of alcohol; although, consumers can tell the sys-
tem to make a drink stronger if desired. Six cocktails are
they came up with a second prototype, P2, which was the being launched, including three classics (Margarita, Cos-
first working functional model. Fedorak says it was really mopolitan, Sex on the Beach) and three unique flavours
ugly, and made from scrap plywood, but it was sufficient (Zest Martini, Bartesian Breeze, and Uptown Rocks).
to prove the concept. Having passed that hurdle, the The partners secured a deal with Beam Suntory after
team faced design challenges and so applied to take part appearing on Dragons’ Den. The company invested
in HAX, a hardware accelerator program in Shenzhen, in their product and also signed a three-year licensing
China. It allowed them to build more prototypes much agreement that lets Bartesian co-brand its mix capsules
faster than was possible in Canada. Over a four-month using Suntory’s established name.†† Although Fedorak
period in Shenzhen, Fedorak, his co-founder, and a co-op recently left the company, the tooling work to develop
student worked on P3, which was still pretty ugly but prototypes is being used by a Hamilton Beach factory in
proved the mechanical concept. That was followed by P4, China to manufacture the hardware.

Many prototypes were developed before Bartesian was finalized. P1, P2, P4, and P5 protoypes are shown here.
Used with permission of Bartesian,

†All information presented in Entrepreneurial Marketing 8.1 comes from personal interviews with Bryan Fedorak, co-founder of Bartesian and “About,”
Bartesian, (accessed July 22, 2019).
††Ed McKinley, “Finally, A Useful Robot!,” LuckBox magazine, April 27, 2019,
robot/ (accessed July 22, 2019).
252 Section FOUR Value Creation

Product prototypes are usually tested through alpha

and beta testing. In alpha testing, the firm attempts to
determine whether the product will perform according
to its design and whether it satisfies the need for which
it was intended.48 Rather than using potential consum-
ers, alpha tests usually take place in the firm’s R&D
department. For instance, Ben & Jerry’s alpha tests all its
proposed new ice-cream flavours on its own employees
at its corporate headquarters in Vermont.
In contrast, beta testing uses potential consum-
ers, who examine the product prototype in a “real use”
setting to determine its functionality, performance,
potential problems, and other issues specific to its use.
The firm might develop several prototype products that
Ben & Jerry’s uses alpha testing with its own employees to it gives to users, and then survey those users to deter-
make sure its products have the right taste and feel.
mine whether the product worked as intended and to
AP Photo/Nick Wass
identify any issues that need resolution.
The Internet has made recruiting beta testers easier than ever. Through sites such as
Betabound (, anyone can sign up to become beta testers for products
alpha testing from companies such as Dell, Kodak, and TomTom. To further automate the beta-testing
An attempt by the firm
to determine whether
process, YouEye is developing eye-tracking technology that works with an individual’s
a product will perform webcam. Instead of needing to spend thousands of dollars on eye-tracking equipment and
according to its design and having customers come into labs, firms will be able to utilize everyday webcams to track not
whether it satisfies the need
for which it was intended; only what a person attends to on a computer screen, but also his or her emotional reactions
occurs in the firm’s R&D to these products.49
beta testing
Having potential consumers
examine a product prototype
Market Testing
in a real-use setting to The firm has developed its new product or service and tested the prototypes. Now it must
determine its functionality,
performance, potential test the market for the new product with a trial batch of products although, as mentioned
problems, and other issues earlier, companies sometimes skip this step because of competitive, timing, or cost pres-
specific to its use. sures. These tests can take two forms: premarket testing or test marketing.

Premarket Tests
premarket tests Firms conduct premarket tests before they actually bring a product or service to market
Conducted before a product to determine how many customers will try and then continue to use the product or service
or service is brought to
market to determine how according to a small group of potential consumers. One popular proprietary premarket test
many customers will try and version is called Nielsen BASES. During the test, potential customers are exposed to the
then continue to use it.
marketing mix variables, such as the advertising, and then surveyed and given a sample of
the product to try.50 After some period of time, during which the potential customers try
the product, they are surveyed about whether they would buy/use the product again. This
second survey indicates an estimation of the probability of a consumer’s repeat purchase.
From these data, the firm generates a sales estimate for the new product that enables it to
decide whether to introduce the product, abandon it, redesign it before introduction, or
revise the marketing plan. An early evaluation of this sort—that is, before the product is
introduced to the whole market—saves marketers the costs of a nationwide launch if the
product fails.
Sometimes firms simulate a product or service introduction,51 in which case poten-
tial customers view the advertising of various currently available products or services,
along with advertising for the new product or service. They receive money to buy the
product or service from a simulated environment, such as a mock Web page or store, and
respond to a survey after they make their purchases. This test thus can determine the
effectiveness of a firm’s advertising as well as the expected trial rates for the new product.
Developing New Products CHAPTER 8 253

Sustainable Marketing 8.1

Beyond Meat — Diet and B.C.‡‡ The following week, McDonald’s announced that
it would partner with Beyond Meat to test the P.L.T. (Plant,
for the Whole Planet?‡ Lettuce, Tomato) burger at 28 restaurants in Southwest
Ontario. The test will determine whether to introduce the
In 1971, Frances Moore Lappé wrote Diet for a Small new product at more locations in Canada and globally.
Planet. The book made a case for adopting a vegetarian According to Nicola Pitman, McDonald’s Canada director
diet, based on the negative environmental impact of meat of menu innovation and management, the company always
production, which she viewed as wasteful and contribut- looks at trends when it comes to product innovation.§
ing to global food scarcity. Decades later, her book is still As consumers reduce the amount of meat in their diet,
changing the way people eat. Although the percentage food companies are introducing more plant-based alter-
of vegans in Canada is only 2.3 percent, with vegetarians natives. Some consumers are making the change based
slightly higher at 7 percent, the number of flexitarians, peo- on health concerns, while others do so for ethical reasons.
ple who identity as semi-vegetarian, is growing rapidly and Plant-based foods are seen as healthier and more envi-
projected to reach 10 million within five years. One study ronmentally sustainable. Research shows that 87 percent
reports that almost 85 percent of Canadians eat one veg- of farmland is used to produce meat and dairy, and that
etarian meal a month now, with half doing so once a week. produces 60 percent of agricultural greenhouse gas emis-
That is good news for plant-based food company, sions. However, meat and dairy provide only 37 percent of
Beyond Meat. It is on a mission to create The Future the protein and 18 percent of the calories we eat. Raising
of Protein®, to improve human health, have a positive animals is just plain inefficient. It takes five to seven kilo-
impact on climate change, improve animal welfare, and grams of grain to produce just one kilogram of beef.
address constraints on global resources. Fast-food chain A study by the University of Michigan reported on the
A&W partnered with Beyond Meat in 2018 to introduce environmental impact of the Beyond Burger. Its life-cycle
the Beyond Burger at its 850 locations. Demand was analysis found that production of the burger reduced
high, with more than 90,000 burgers sold in the first greenhouse gas emissions by 90 percent, and used
three days. Many of its restaurants were sold out for 93 percent less land, 99 percent less water, and only half
weeks, unable to keep up with demand. The new burger the energy needed to produce a conventional beef burger.
was so popular that A&W quickly moved to add a Beyond The pea protein used in Beyond Meat products is consid-
Meat breakfast sandwich to its offerings. erably more sustainable than meat. The real-life impact is
Only a few months later, Tim Hortons added a line of that if consumers were to switch one of the three burgers
breakfast sandwiches and wraps using Beyond Meat sau- they eat per week for a Beyond Burger, over one year “it
sage substitutes. It started testing the new products at 60 would be like taking 12 million cars off the road and saving
locations in the Greater Toronto Area (GTA) in the sum- enough energy to power 2.3 million homes.”
mer of 2019, with plans to expand the offering across the Frances Moore Lappé’s Diet for a Small Planet started
country. However, just three months later, it took Beyond an environmental eating revolution. Beyond Meat now
Burgers off its menus and removed Beyond Meat breakfast wants consumers to change their diets and do their part
sandwiches in all locations with the exception of Ontario for the whole planet.
‡Katrina Fox, “This Vegan Brand Just Proved That Plant-Based Burgers Are More Sustainable Than Those Made Of Beef,” Forbes, Sept. 26, 2018,
beef/2/#236ed3146553; Josh Kolm, “A&W adds another Beyond Meat option,” Strategy, Feb. 28, 2019,
another-beyond-meat-option; Brenda Bouw, “How investors could profit from consumers’ hunger for meat alternatives,” The Globe and Mail, April 16,
2019,; Justin
Dallaire, “Innovation Monitor: Tim Hortons adds Beyond Meat to its menu,” Strategy, May 21, 2019,
monitor-tim-hortons-adds-beyond-meat-to-its-menu; Jason McBride, “What the skyrocketing popularity of Beyond Meat means for our planet,” Macleans,
July 12, 2019,; “Our Mission,” Beyond
Meat, (accessed July 23, 2019).
Dan Healing, “Tim Hortons cutting Beyond Meat products from thousands of Canadian locations,” The Canadian Press, September 18, 2019, (accessed September 18, 2019).
Susan Krashinsky Robertson, “McDonald’s taps Ontario as test market to launch Beyond Meat burger,” The Globe and Mail, September 26, 2019,; Josh Kolm, “McDonald’s puts
Beyond Meat on the menu,” Strategy, September 26, 2019, (accessed
September 26, 2019).

Test Marketing
test marketing
A method of determining the success potential of a new product, test marketing intro- Introduces a new product
duces the offering to a limited geographical area (usually a few cities) prior to a national or service to a limited
geographical area (usually
launch. Test marketing is a strong predictor of product success because the firm can study a few cities) prior to a
actual purchase behaviour, which is more reliable than a simulated test. A test-marketing national launch.
254 Section FOUR Value Creation

effort uses all the elements of the marketing mix. It includes pro-
motions such as advertising and coupons, just as if the product
were being introduced nationally, and the product appears in tar-
geted retail outlets, with appropriate pricing. On the basis of the
results of the test marketing, the firm can estimate demand for the
entire market. Test marketing is widely used by fast-food chains
such as Tim Hortons as noted in Sustainable Marketing 8.1.
Test marketing costs more and takes longer than premarket
tests, which may provide an advantage to competitors that could get
a similar or better product to market first. For this reason, some firms
might launch new products without extensive consumer testing and
rely instead on intuition, instincts, and guts.52 However, test mar-
Is the 3D experience worth the price? keting offers a key advantage: The firm can study actual consumer
Shutterstock/Serhii Bobyk behaviour, which is more reliable than a simulated test. Beer makers
and other product companies like testing in Calgary. As a test market,
Calgary offers an attractive demographic in terms of income levels, lifestyle, and a relatively
youthful population. Other cities often used for test markets include London, Ontario, because
its population is reflective of a “typical” Canadian city. That might be why Tim Hortons® tested
its Dark Roast coffee in London as well as in Columbus, Ohio.53 Winnipeg is a good location to
test shampoos and skin lotions for dry skin because of its long, cold winters.

Product Launch
If the market testing returns with positive results, the firm is ready to introduce the product to
the entire market. This is the most critical step in the new product introduction and requires
tremendous financial resources and extensive coordination of all aspects of the marketing
mix. If the new product launch is a failure, it may be difficult for the product—and perhaps
the firm—to recover. For example, though the number of 3D movie theatres continues to
grow, ticket sales for these offerings first levelled off and now have started to decline. The
introduction of the new technology was popular enough that sellers invested heavily in
building more than 15,000 3D screens, and Hollywood promised a wider range of 3D film
options. But if—as appears to be the case—moviegoers have decided that the realistic, three-
dimensional images are not worth the higher ticket price, such investments might be painful
for both movie studios and movie theatres.54 In the food and beverage industry, where new
product failure rates are as high as 78 percent, Kraft minimizes its risk through a new product
development process that includes consumer research. Some products show great promise
after launch though, as Exhibit 8.5 describes.

Exhibit 8.5 Best New Products***

Below is a sampling of winners as voted by Canadians in the Product of the Year Awards.

Product Company Category

L’Oréal Magic Paris Invisible Dry Shampoo L’Oréal Dry Shampoo
T-fal ActiFry Genius T-fal Small Kitchen Appliances
CHI Easy Steam Garment Cleaner CHI Household Products
Longo’s Signature Cauliflower Crust Spinach Longo’s Frozen Foods
Alfredo Pizza

Source: Product of the Year Management. (accessed July 23, 2019).

***Product of the Year is the world’s largest consumer-voted award for product innovation and publishes a list
of best new products launched each year ( The products listed were winners in the
2018 Product of the Year Awards, a competition judged by thousands of Canadian consumers coast to coast.
Developing New Products CHAPTER 8 255

So what does a product launch involve? First, the firm confirms its target market(s) and
decides how the product will be positioned. This is done using research it has gathered on
consumer perceptions and tests it has conducted, as well as any competitive considerations.
Then, the firm finalizes the remaining marketing mix variables for the new product, includ-
ing the marketing budget for the first year.55

The test results help the firm determine an appropriate integrated marketing communica-
tions strategy.56 Promotion for new products is required at each link in the supply chain. If
the products are not sold and stocked by retailers, no amount of promotion to consumers
will sell the products. Trade promotions, which are promotions to wholesalers or retailers
to get them to purchase the new products often combine introductory price promotions,
special events, and personal selling. Introductory price promotions are limited-duration,
lower-than-normal prices designed to provide retailers with an incentive to try the products.
Manufacturers also use promotion to generate demand for new products with consum-
ers. If a manufacturer can create demand for the product among consumers, those consumers
will go to retailers asking for it (pull demand; see Chapter 12), further inducing retailers to
carry the product. These promotions are often coupled with short-term price reductions, cou-
pons, or rebates. Sometimes manufacturers promote new products in advance of the product
launch to create excitement with potential customers as well as to measure the likely demand,
so they have appropriate supply available. Automobile and motorcycle manufacturers, for
instance, advertise their new products months before they are available on the dealers’ floors.

The manufacturer coordinates the delivery and storage of the new products with its retailers
to ensure that a product is available for sale when the customer wants it, at the stores the cus-
tomer is expecting to find it, and in sufficient quantities to meet demand. The firm must have
an adequate quantity of products available for shipment and to keep in stock at relevant stores.
The product offering should also be as complete as possible. For example, a firm launching a
new printer should ensure it has an adequate supply of the related cartridges or toners.
Accessibility is also key. Interested consumers can purchase an iPhone from any Bell,
Rogers, or TELUS wireless product location. This accessibility not only provides the new
product in a convenient location, but also allows the opportunity for tailored customer ser-
vice and subscription to appropriate service plans.

Like the promotion of new products, setting prices is a supply chain–wide decision. Manu-
facturers must decide at what price they would like products to sell to consumers on the
basis of the factors discussed in Chapter 11. They often encourage retailers to sell at a speci-
fied price known as the manufacturer’s suggested retail price (MSRP). Although retailers
often don’t abide by the MSRP, manufacturers can withhold benefits such as paying for all
or part of a promotion or even refusing to deliver merchandise to noncomplying retailers.
The firm needs to ensure that it gets the price right. It is sometimes easier to start with a
higher price and offer promotions (e.g., coupons, rebates), and then over time, lower the
price than it is to introduce the new product at a low price and then try to raise it.

The timing of the launch may be important, depending on the product.57 Hollywood stu-
dios typically release movies targeted toward general audiences (i.e., those rated G or PG)
during the summer when children are out of school. New automobile models traditionally
are released for sale during September, and fashion products are launched just before the
season of the year for which they are intended.
256 Section FOUR Value Creation

Evaluation of Results
After the product has been launched, marketers must undertake a critical post-launch
review to determine whether the product and its launch were a success or a failure and
what additional resources or changes to the marketing mix are needed, if any. Some prod-
ucts never make it out of the introduction stage and are almost laughable in retrospect.
Bic underwear?58 Harley-Davidson perfume? Alcohol-free beer for pets? Firms measure
the success of a new product by three interrelated factors: (1) its satisfaction of technical
requirements, such as performance; (2) customer acceptance; and (3) its satisfaction of the
firm’s financial requirements, such as sales and profits.59 If the product is not performing
sufficiently well, poor customer acceptance will result, which in turn leads to poor financial
performance. The product life cycle, discussed in the next section, helps marketers manage
their product’s marketing mix during and after its introduction.

LO4 The Product Life Cycle

product life cycle The product life cycle (PLC) defines the stages that new products move through as they enter,
Defines the stages that new get established in, and ultimately leave the marketplace. This cycle offers marketers a starting
products move through as
they enter, get established
point for their strategy planning. Exhibit 8.6A illustrates a typical product life cycle, including
in, and ultimately leave the the industry sales and profits over time. In their life cycles, products pass through four stages:
marketplace and thereby introduction, growth, maturity, and decline. When innovators start buying the product, the
offers marketers a starting
point for their strategy product enters the introduction stage of its life cycle. In the growth stage, the product gains
planning. acceptance, demand and sales increase, and competitors emerge in the product category. In
introduction stage the maturity stage, industry sales reach their peak, so firms try to rejuvenate their products
Stage of the product life by adding new features or repositioning them. If these efforts succeed, the product achieves
cycle when innovators start new life.60 If not, it goes into the decline stage and eventually exits the market.
buying the product.
Not every product follows the same life cycle curve. Many products, such as home appli-
growth stage
ances, stay in the maturity period for a very long time. Manufacturers may add features to
Stage of the product life
cycle when the product dishwashers, but the mature product category remains essentially the same. It seems unlikely
gains acceptance, demand to enter the decline stage unless some innovative, superior solution comes along to replace it.
and sales increase, and
competitors emerge in the
product category.
maturity stage Exhibit 8.6A Product Life Cycle
Stage of the product life
cycle when industry sales
reach their peak, so firms
try to rejuvenate their Introduction Growth Maturity Decline
products by adding new
features or repositioning
decline stage
Stage of the product life Dollars
cycle when sales decline $ Sales
and the product eventually
exits the market.



Developing New Products CHAPTER 8 257

Characteristics of Different Stages

Exhibit 8.6B of the Product Life Cycle

Introduction Growth Maturity Decline

Sales Low Rising Peak Declining
Profits Negative or low Rapidly rising Peak to Declining
Typical Innovators Early adopters Late majority Laggards
Consumers and early
Competitors One or few Few but High number Low number
(number of increasing of competitors of competitors
firms and and competitive and products
products) products

The product life cycle also offers a useful tool for managers to analyze the types of
strategies that may be required over the life of their products. Even the strategic emphasis
of a firm and its marketing mix (four Ps) strategies can be adapted from insights about the
characteristics of each stage of the cycle, as we summarize in Exhibit 8.6B.
Let’s look at each of these stages in depth.

Introduction Stage
The introduction stage for a new, innovative product or service usually starts with a
single firm, and innovators are the ones to try the new offering. Some new-to-the-world
products and services that defined their own product category and industry include the
telephone (invented by Alexander Graham Bell in 1876), the transistor semiconductor (Bell
Laboratories in 1947), the Walkman portable cassette player (Sony in 1979), the Internet
browser (Netscape in 1994), iTunes (Apple in 2001), BlackBerry (RIM in 2003), Blu-ray (Sony
in 2006), iPad (Apple in 2010), and the Amazon Echo smart speaker (Amazon in 2015).
Sensing the viability and commercialization possibilities of this market-creating new prod-
uct, other firms soon enter the market with similar or improved products at lower prices.
The same pattern holds for less innovative products such as apparel, some music, or even a
new soft-drink flavour. The introduction stage is characterized by initial losses to the firm
because of its high start-up costs and low levels of sales revenue as the product begins to take
off. If the product is successful, firms may start seeing profits toward the end of this stage.

These new-to-the-world products defined their own product category and industry. The
telephone (left) was invented in 1876, and the Sony Walkman (right) came out in 1979.
(left): © Kasiden/; (right): Comstock Images/Alamy Stock Photo
258 Section FOUR Value Creation

Growth Stage
The growth stage of the product life cycle is marked by a growing number of product adopt-
ers, rapid growth in industry sales, and increases in both the number of competitors and
the number of available product versions.61 The market becomes more segmented and con-
sumer preferences more varied, which increases the potential for new markets or new uses
of the product or service.62
Also during the growth stage, firms attempt to reach new consumers by studying
their preferences and producing different product variations—varied colours, styles, or
features—which enables them to segment the market more precisely. The goal of this
segmentation is to ride the rising sales trend and firmly establish the firm’s brand, so as
not to be outdone by competitors. In recognizing the growing demand for and appeal of
organic products, many food manufacturers are working hard to become the first brand
that consumers think of when they consider organic products. Del Monte was the first of
the major canned-vegetable sellers to go organic, releasing organic versions of its tomatoes,
green beans, corn, and sweet peas, along with an organic chicken broth product under its
College Inn line. The cans feature bold “organic” banners across the front and promise that
no pesticides were used to produce the food items. Even though Del Monte products have
been around for more than 100 years, in this growth category, the company must work to
establish its distinctive appeal, in the organic market in particular.63
As firms ride the crest of increasing industry sales, profits in the growth stage also
rise because of the economies of scale associated with manufacturing and marketing costs,
especially promotion and advertising. At the same time, firms that have not yet established
a stronghold in the market, even in narrow segments, may decide to exit in what is referred
to as an “industry shakeout.”

Maturity Stage
The maturity stage of the product life cycle is characterized by
the adoption of the product by the late majority and intense
competition for market share among firms. Marketing costs
(e.g., promotion, distribution) increase as these firms vigor-
ously defend their market share against competitors. At the
same time, they face intense competition on price as the average
price of the product falls substantially compared with the shifts
during the previous two stages of the life cycle. Lower prices
and increased marketing costs begin to erode the profit margins
for many firms. In the later phases of the maturity stage, the
market has become quite saturated, and practically all potential
customers for the product have already adopted the product.
Such saturated markets are prevalent in developed countries;
in Canada, most consumer packaged goods found in grocery and
discount stores are already in the maturity stage. For example, in the
well-established hair-care product market, consumer goods compa-
nies constantly search for innovations to set themselves apart and
extend the time in which they maintain their position in the matu-
rity stage. Observing the popularity of new skin-care products, hair-
care manufacturers have integrated similar product benefits to their
products. These companies have introduced anti-aging shampoos
and conditioners, prewash hair masks, serums, and multiple-step
Recognizing that shampoo is a mature product solutions that go beyond the old mantra of wash, rinse, and repeat.
category, Alterna and other manufacturers have Firms may pursue several strategies during this stage to
introduced anti-aging hair products. increase their customer base and/or defend their market share,
Source: Alterna Haircare such as entering into new markets and market segments and
Developing New Products CHAPTER 8 259

Exhibit 8.7 Strategies for Extending the Product Life Cycle

Strategy Example
Develop new uses for products Baking soda is now promoted for deodorizing
refrigerators, as an environmentally friendly cleaning
product, and much more.
Modify the product:
Change quality Add graphite to tennis racquets and golf clubs.
Boost performance Enhance computer chip speed.
Alter appearance Modify packaging; change colours; or introduce a
new scent.
Increase frequency of use Dentyne gum is promoted as a way to help clean
your teeth when you can’t brush after a meal.
Increase the number of users Tums have always contained calcium, but when this
fact was promoted, people concerned about bone
density began to purchase the product.
Find new users Club Med introduced vacations geared to baby
boomers, seniors, golfers, and those looking for
cruises after some of their original target market of
swinging singles got married and had children.
Reposition product Suntan lotion has evolved to become sunscreen
Vitamin D is sold as a cancer deterrent.
Tweak marketing strategy Greeting cards are sold in supermarkets.
Upscale cosmetics are sold in drug stores.

developing new products or promotions. See Exhibit 8.7 for additional strategies for extend-
ing the maturity stage of the product life cycle.

Entry Into New Markets or Market Segments

Because the market is saturated at this point, firms may attempt to enter new geographical
markets, including international markets (as we will discuss in Chapter 16), that may be
less saturated. For example, Whirlpool has started manufacturing washing machines for
Brazil, China, and India that it prices lower than those it sells in North America; this is to
attract the large consumer base of lower-income consumers in those countries.64 In many
developing economies, the large and growing proportion of middle-class households is just
beginning to buy the home, kitchen, and entertainment appliances that have been fairly
standard in Canadian households for several decades.
However, even in mature markets, firms may be able to find new market segments. Laun-
dry may be a mundane chore that most people dislike, but it is also a huge marketing oppor-
tunity. New product development tends to focus on the detergent delivery methods. In North
America, laundry tablets have never been very popular (consumers prefer to pour their liquid
detergent and thus control the amount they add to each load). In spite of this, P&G successfully
introduced Tide Pods, boosting sales and making Tide the company’s first billion-dollar brand.65
New market opportunities also may emerge through simple product design changes,
such as in the market for “wipes.” Just a few years ago, baby wipes accounted for most of the
sales of personal wipes, but P&G’s Oil of Olay Facial Cleansing Cloths and Unilever’s Ponds
Age-Defying wipes have gained significant market share.66 In the household sector, products
such as P&G’s Swiffer, the electrostatic wipe for cleaning floors, expanded the market greatly.
Clorox has added premoistened Armor All wipes to its do-it-yourself car-cleaning line67, and
the Clorox® ToiletWand™ for consumers who don’t enjoy unsightly and unsanitary toilet
brushes hanging around in their bathrooms.68 Although the household cleaning and cosmetic
markets are both well established and mature, marketers working in these product categories
saw trends early and moved to create new products that offer value for consumers.
260 Section FOUR Value Creation

Development of New Products

Despite market saturation, firms continually
introduce new products with improved features
or find new uses for existing products because
they need constant innovation and product pro-
liferation to defend market share during intense
competition. Firms such as 3M, P&G, and HP,
for instance, continuously introduce new prod-
ucts. Innovations by such firms ensure that they
are able to retain or grow their respective market
shares. Hallmark, which has been the hallmark
name for greeting cards for a long time, is trying a
variety of innovations. They include customizable
greeting cards, plates, and interactive storybooks
that can be personalized for various recipients, as
well as a “thought for the day” 3D sign featuring
the beloved card character Maxine.

Hallmark is trying a variety of innovative new products including Decline Stage

this “thought for the day” 3D sign featuring beloved card Firms with products in the decline stage either
character Maxine. position themselves for a niche segment of die-
©McGraw Hill Education
hard consumers or those with special needs, or
they completely exit the market. The few laggards
who have not yet tried the product or service enter the market at this stage. Take vinyl long-
playing records (LPs) for example. In an age of Internet-downloaded music in MP3 and other
formats, it may seem surprising that vinyl records are still made and sold. Sales of vinyl LPs
had been declining for 15 years. Still, about 2 million are sold in the United States each year.
In Canada, vinyl sales declined from $913,000 in 2000 to $608,000 three years later.69 Since
then, however, vinyl records have been on the rebound. According to Nielsen Music, 517,400
vinyl records were sold in Canada in 2015, 30 percent higher than the year before. The
numbers continue to grow and in 2018,
Canadians bought over 1,000,000 records,
while sales of digital tracks fell 18 percent
from the year before.70
Die-hard music lovers prefer the
unique sound of a vinyl record to the
digital sound of CDs and music in other
formats. Because the grooves in vinyl
records create sound waves that are
similar to those of a live performance,
and therefore provide a more authentic
sound, nightclub DJs, discerning music
listeners, and collectors prefer them.
Even some younger listeners have been
buying vinyl records, influenced perhaps
by their parents’ collections, the sound,
or simply the uniqueness of an LP. In
Edmonton, independent and high-
After years of falling sales, die-hard music lovers who prefer vinyl, long- profile bands alike are competing for
playing records are helping to revive the category. limited record-pressing resources, a sign
© Bellafotosolo/ that vinyl is in vogue again.71
Developing New Products CHAPTER 8 261

The nostalgia factor associated with the old albums has given new life to the older
medium that has caused a problem and created an opportunity. No one had made new
record-pressing machines since vinyl first went out of favour, forcing long waits for those
who wanted to create vinyl records. Toronto-based Viryl Technologies has since seized the
opportunity by designing a fully modernized, automated press to satisfy pent up demand.72

The Shape of the Product Life Cycle Curve

In theory, the product life-cycle curve is assumed to be bell-shaped with regard to sales
and profits. In reality, however, each product or service has its own individual shape; some
move more rapidly through their product life cycles than others, depending on how differ-
ent the product or service is from products currently in the market and how valuable it is to
the consumer. New products and services that consumers accept very quickly have higher
consumer adoption rates very early in their product life cycles and move faster across the
various stages.
For example, Microsoft’s Xbox Kinect motion sensor transformed gaming by allowing
players to ditch traditional controllers. Kinect moved faster than other tech and gaming
products through the life-cycle curve. Within 60 days of being released, 8 million units
were sold, breaking the Guinness World Record for the fastest-selling consumer electronic
device. However, just one year later the product seemed to reach maturity, and after two
years it reached the decline stage.73
Lastly, as shown in Exhibit 8.8, the type of product affects variations in the shape of the
product life-cycle curve. When first introduced, microwave ovens were considered high-
learning products and spent much longer in the introduction stage than subsequent low-
learning products such as microwave popcorn. Fads move through the stages very quickly,
while fashion products tend to be cyclical in nature. For example, wide ties for men and suit
lapels may be out of style today but may well become fashionable again in the future.

Exhibit 8.8 Variations on the Product Life Cycle Curve

A. High-Learning Product B. Low-Learning Product



Time Time

C. Fashion Product D. Fad Product



Time Time
262 Section FOUR Value Creation

Strategies Based on Product Life Cycle: Some Caveats

Although the product life-cycle concept provides a starting point for managers to think
about the strategy they want to implement during each stage of the life cycle of a product,
this tool must be used with care. The most challenging part of applying the product life-
cycle concept is that managers do not know exactly what shape each product’s life cycle
will take, so there is no way to know precisely what stage a product is in. If, for example,
a product experiences several seasons of declining sales, a manager may decide that it has
moved from the growth stage to the decline stage and stop promoting the product. As a
result, of course, sales decline further. The manager then believes he or she made the right
decision because the product continues to follow a predetermined life cycle. But what if
the original sales decline was due to a poor strategy or increased competition—issues that
could have been addressed with positive marketing support? In this case, the product life-
cycle decision became a self-fulfilling prophecy, and a growth product was doomed to an
unnecessary decline.74 Fortunately, new research, based on the history of dozens of con-
sumer products, suggests that the product life-cycle concept is indeed a valid idea, and new
analytical tools now provide rules for detecting the key turning points in the cycle.

Learning Objectives Review

LO1 Identify the reasons firms create new products LO3  ist the stages involved in developing new
products and services
Firms need to innovate to respond to changing customer
needs, prevent decline in sales, avoid market satura- When firms develop new products, they go through several
tion, diversify their risk, and respond to short product life steps. First, they generate ideas for the product or service
cycles. This is especially true in industries such as fash- by using several alternative techniques, such as internal
ion, apparel, arts, books, and software markets, where research and development, licensing, brainstorming, track-
most sales come from new products. New products and ing competitors’ products or services, and working with cus-
services keep current customers coming back for more tomers. Second, firms test their concepts by either describing
and induce new customers into the market. Risky, new-to- the idea of the new product or service to potential customers
the-world products have tremendous potential because or showing them images of what the product would look like.
they are the first in the market to offer something that has Third, the design process entails determining what the prod-
never before been available. uct or service will actually include and provide. Fourth, firms
test-market their designs. Fifth, if everything goes well in the
LO2  escribe the diffusion of innovation theory
D test market, the product is launched. Sixth, firms must evalu-
and how managers can use it to make ate the new product or service to determine its success.
product line decisions
LO4  escribe the product life cycle and
The diffusion of innovation theory helps firms predict summarize how it is used to make product
which types of customers will buy their products or ser- line decisions
vices immediately upon introduction and as those prod-
ucts and services gain more acceptance in the market. The product life cycle helps firms make marketing mix deci-
Innovators are those buyers who want to be the first to sions on the basis of the product’s stage in its life cycle. In
have the new product or service. Early adopters do not the introduction stage, companies attempt to gain a strong
take as much risk as innovators but instead wait and pur- foothold in the market quickly by appealing to innovators.
chase the product after careful review. The members of During the growth stage, the objective is to establish the
the early majority really don’t like to take risks and there- brand firmly. When the product reaches the maturity stage,
fore tend to wait until “the bugs” have been worked out firms compete intensely for market share, and many poten-
of a particular product or service. The late majority are tial customers already own the product or use the service.
buyers who purchase the product after it has achieved Eventually, most products enter the decline phase, during
its full market potential. Finally, laggards like to avoid which firms withdraw marketing support and eventually
change and rely on traditional products until they are phase out the product. Knowing where a product or service
no longer available. Laggards may never adopt a certain is in its life cycle helps managers determine its specific strat-
product or service. egy at any given point in time.
Developing New Products CHAPTER 8 263

Key Terms

■■ alpha testing ■■ first movers ■■ pioneers

■■ beta testing ■■ growth stage ■■ premarket test
■■ concepts ■■ innovation ■■ product
■■ concept testing ■■ innovators ■■ product development (product
■■ decline stage ■■ introduction stage design)
■■ diffusion of innovation ■■ laggards ■■ product life cycle
■■ disruptive innovations ■■ late majority ■■ prototype
■■ early adopters ■■ lead users ■■ reverse engineering
■■ early majority ■■ maturity stage ■■ test marketing

concept review

1. Explain how new product or service innovations add 6. What other factors besides the product itself does a
value to the firm. company need to finalize during the product launch
2. Sketch and describe the diffusion of innovation curve.
How can marketers use the information provided by 7. Do all products go through each and every stage of
this curve to make marketing strategies and decisions? this process? Explain your answer.
3. Identify and discuss the factors that influence the 8. What is the product life cycle (PLC)? Describe the char-
adoption of new products. acteristics of each stage of the PLC in terms of sales,
profits, typical consumers, competition, and four Ps
4. List the steps in the new product development pro-
cess. Describe some of the sources companies use to
generate ideas for new products at the beginning of 9. Describe some of the strategies companies can use to
this process. extend the life of a mature product.
5. Why might a company need to exercise caution dur- 10. Explain why the product life cycle is not a fail-proof
ing the test-marketing stage of the new development tool in managing products.

Marketing Applications

1. Some people think that a product should be consid- testing discussion in this chapter, describe how you
ered “new” only if it is completely new to the market would conduct a concept test for this product or service.
and has never existed before. Describe or give exam-
6. How does the Internet help companies gain customer
ples of other types of new products.
input on their existing and new products?
2. What are some advantages or disadvantages for
7. Nature’s Path is about to introduce a type of granola
companies that are the first to introduce products that
and is in the market-testing phase of the new-product
create new markets?
development process. Describe two ways that
3. If for question 2 you answered that you see advan- Nature’s Path might conduct initial market testing prior
tages, explain why some new products fail. to launching this new product.
4. Identify and describe the ways that companies gener- 8. What shampoo do you use? What stage of the product
ate new product ideas. Which of these ways involve life cycle is it in? Is the shampoo manufacturer’s mar-
the customer? How can firms assess the value of the keting strategy—its four Ps—consistent with the prod-
ideas that customers generate? uct’s stage in its life cycle? Explain.
5. Describe an example of a new product or service that 9. Android Wear is a new category of wearable com-
is targeted at the student market. Using the concept puting devices that link to android smartphones.
264 Section FOUR Value Creation

How quickly do you think this product will diffuse interested in cosmetics and have money to spend on
among the Canadian population? Describe the types them. The decision is made to create a line of tween
of people that you expect will be in each of the diffu- cosmetics based on the existing adult line. As the prod-
sion of innovation stages. uct moves through development, you begin to notice
that the team seems to lean toward a very edgy and
10. You have recently been hired by a cosmetics company
sexual theme for the line, including naming the various
for its product development group. The firm’s brand
lines “Envy,” “Desire,” “Prowl,” and “Fatal Attraction.”
is a top-selling, high-end line of cosmetics. The head
You begin to wonder if this concept is too much for girls
of the development team has just presented research
in the targeted age group. Explain your thoughts.
that shows that tween girls, aged 9 to 12, are very

Marketing Digitally

1. Visit Tesla’s website ( and explore the 2. The automotive industry is constantly adding new
range of products it produces. What do its product and different products to cars and trucks. Conduct
groups have in common? Which factors have influ- an Internet or library database search for and discuss
enced Tesla’s creation of its newest products? two innovative new automotive technologies that are
changing the industry.

chapter Case study


To get modern kids engaged with a toy, it likely requires more than what conventional products
have offered. A simple doll is no longer enough to grab the attention of young consumers
who are constantly bombarded with entertainment options through their mobile devices. For
Mattel, this trend suggests the need to reinvent itself as a technology, rather than consumer
product company, even as it continues to expand and differentiate its product lines.
The CEO of Mattel, Ynon Kreiz, came from a tech background and has proposed a goal
to define the firm as a “future-proofed kid-experience company” that will focus on digital
content, learning activities, and smart toys as its primary value offerings. Mattel will still sell
Hot Wheels and Barbie dolls, but the focus will be on how consumers can interact with those
products across multiple platforms, not just with the physical items themselves.
At the same time, Mattel recognizes that its focus
also needs to be on making the toys fun. Many new
technology-driven toys seem to prioritize the technol-
ogy over the fun, such as the Mattel-owned Fisher-Price
Code-a-Pillar, designed to help teach children how to
code. Although the idea behind the toy makes sense,
few children wanted to play with it. So Mattel is look-
ing to better integrate increased and advanced tech-
nology into toys that emphasize storytelling, including
Barbie, so that the young consumers can invent and
create their own forms of enjoyable play.
These relatively radical shifts come on the heels of
some turmoil in Mattel’s performance. It fired its previ-
ous CEO and had been functioning under temporary
leadership before hiring the current CEO away from
Google. Despite a couple of good sales quarters,
overall its revenues were falling. Even the typically
beneficial holiday shopping seasons have been weak
New products are the lifeblood of firms like Mattel, so it in recent years. An excess of inventory after the most
introduced 15 new Ken dolls featuring three body types, as well recent holidays forced Mattel to offer deep discounts
as ethnic diversity, various skin tones, clothing, and hairstyles. to move the items. Still, its entertainment-related busi-
© Mandel Ngan/AFP/Getty Images ness rose 58 percent in the past year, largely due to
Developing New Products CHAPTER 8 265

the introduction of Cars 3–related toys. However, such licensed toys offer lower margins than
Mattel’s original toys, so it is in the company’s best interest to produce and sell more original
product lines, like Barbie.
Accordingly, Mattel has no intentions to stop producing some of its best-known products.
Instead, together with its technology orientation, Mattel is seeking to update the image of its
dolls, most notably with its introduction of a wider variety of Ken dolls in its Fashionistas line.
The 15 new dolls feature three general body types, as well as far greater diversity in apparent
ethnicities, skin tones, clothing, and hairstyles. The goal is to appeal more to diverse modern
consumers, such as those who might believe that a “man bun” is exactly the kind of style that
Barbie’s boyfriend needs to sport.
Such diversity initiatives also inform a line of 12 dolls, designed to represent the top female
wrestlers with the WWE. Thus, young female fans can pose their favourite wrestler Charlotte
Flair in a flying leap off the ropes or have Nikki and Brie Bella collaborating to bring down an
opponent. This line purposefully and explicitly does not feature any men, encouraging girls
to embrace new roles that subvert traditional gender stereotypes.75 Mattel also launched
Robotics Engineer Barbie to pique the interest of girls in careers in STEM fields. It partnered
with a gaming company, Tynker, to create Barbie-inspired coding skills exercises.76
As Barbie approached her 60th birthday, Mattel introduced a doll featuring the image of
Canadian Olympic figure skater, Tessa Virtue, in its “Role Models” series.77 The company
hopes to inspire young girls by honouring women who have broken boundaries. New, more
diverse product offerings include dolls in wheelchairs and some with prosthetic limbs, to bet-
ter reflect real life. Barbie has been around for decades. Recent changes have helped propel
retail sales to their highest level in five years78, keeping Barbie firmly entrenched in the minds
and hearts of tomorrow’s children, too.
1. Based on the product development process described in this chapter, choose one of the
new products discussed in the case and explain how it might flow through the different
steps in the process.
2. Using the product life cycle, discuss what stage the product you chose in question 1 fits in.
Evaluate Mattel’s strategy for the product based on its current life cycle stage.
Chapter 9

Project Atigi Collection

Used by permission of Canada Goose Inc.

Product, Branding,
and Packaging Decisions
Learning Objectives
After studying this chapter you should be able to

LO1 Describe the components of a product

LO2 Identify the types of consumer products
LO3 Explain the difference between a product mix’s breadth and a product line’s depth
LO4 Identify the advantages that brands provide firms and consumers
LO5 Summarize the components of brand equity
LO6 Describe the types of branding strategies used by firms
LO7 State how a product’s packaging and label contribute to a firm’s overall strategy
Product, Branding, and Packaging Decisions CHAPTER 9 267

Look around. You see them everywhere: in remote communities, in heavily populated business districts, on uni-
versity campuses, and now even in Shanghai. From humble roots as a product designed to protect people who
worked in extreme cold conditions, Canada Goose parkas have now also become a fashion statement for the
urban chic. Fusing function with fashion while staying true to its heritage, Canada Goose offers the highest quality
outerwear in the world. CEO Dani Reiss took a stereotypical image of Canada as a cold, inhospitable place, and
built a luxury brand that is known around the world.
The brand has undergone a lot of change since 1957 when Sam Tick started Metro Sportswear Ltd., in
Toronto, making clothing and outerwear for automotive and industrial companies. In 1970, the company moved
into down-filled manufacturing and began producing a wide range of down-filled jackets for private-label brands
such as Eddie Bauer, L.L. Bean, and others. The company went on to make its own down-filled parkas, known
at first as Snow Goose1 and then as Canada Goose—all made entirely in Canada.
In 1997, Tick’s grandson, Dani Reiss, joined the company to earn money to travel. He stayed on after listening
to consumers tell him how much they loved the made-in-Canada coats. Filled with goose and duck down and
trimmed with coyote fur, the coats are designed with the company’s mission in mind: to free people from the cold,
no matter where they live, and empower them to experience more from life. The coats have become so popular
that a holographic badge was added to prevent counterfeiting.
In spite of that, the company regularly finds Canada Goose branded bathing suits, pants, and even tents (all
items the company has never made) for sale around the world. Last year it found numerous fakes, including 30,000
online ads, which it had removed, as well as 1,700 websites claiming to be official sites or selling legitimate products.2
Consumers seek products with authentic stories and love the mythology of Canada, the Arctic, wide-open
spaces, and the polar bear.3 Reiss says that “Made in Canada” is a brand differentiator. Visit the Canada Goose
website and you’ll see stories of Yukon Quest dogsledders, world-class mountaineers, and adventure athletes who
swear by the brand. In the early days, Reiss spread word of mouth by giving jackets to bouncers who stood outside
in the cold for long periods. Canada Goose has also been used in the film industry, outfitting film crews on movie sets
where it is cold. The parkas have been featured in movies such as Spectre, Manchester by the Sea, and X-Men 2.4 A
partnership with Fairmont Hotels has outfitted all door attendants and porters with a Canada Goose jacket, making
the brand very visible. A Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Edition cover featuring supermodel Kate Upton photographed
in Antarctica wearing a Canada Goose parka and skimpy bikini bottom created a social-media storm. Consumers
love to share their own stories on platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter, helping to make Canada Goose a
Canadian success story. A five-minute film about the company, featuring real adventurers wearing the iconic parkas,
won a Gold Lion in Design at Cannes 2016, further fuelling global publicity for the brand.5
In the past decade, sales have grown more than 4,000 percent, with no signs of slowing. Sales last year soared
past $830 million, growing 40.5 percent year over year.6 The growth is especially impressive when you consider
that Canadian fashion retail sales have fallen by 2 percent since 2017, and coat sales declined by 10 percent.7 While
the company took a hit during the COVID-19 pandemic, CEO Dani Reiss is optimistic about the future.8 Canada
Goose has not only created a valued product, but has also built strong brand equity, high customer awareness, and
intense loyalty.
Consumers value the “Made in Canada” label and Canada Goose’s longstanding commitment not to manufacture
outside of the country. That commitment helped during the COVID-19 pandemic, as it allowed the company to react
much faster than if it had to rely on offshore suppliers9 and should help as the company expands beyond cold-weather
gear. A three-minute video featuring ultra-marathon runner Ray Zahab10 was used to help launch its new line of ultra-
lightweight jackets. Reiss says that Canada Goose has built its brand on proprietary fabrics and performance and that
the line is a sign of things to come. He plans to launch more windbreakers, raincoats, and ultra-lightweight items in
the future, as well as other products suited for urban environments.11 Fans can check out these products in standalone
Canada Goose stores in Yorkdale Shopping Centre in Toronto and in New York’s SoHo area. Products resulting from
collaboration with Drake’s OVO brand, Levi’s, and Wings + Horns will extend the company’s own seasonal collections.12
The company released its Project Atigi collection as part of an entrepreneurship program to create economic
opportunities for women in Canada’s north. Parkas in the new collection were designed by tailors in nine com-
munities in Inuvialuit, Nunatsiavut, Nunavut, and Nunavik. The women earn a commission for their designs, and
profits from sales go to Inuit Tapiriiit Kanatami, an organization with a mission to improve life in Inuit communi-
ties.13 The collection demonstrates Canada Goose’s commitment to corporate social responsibility and its support
for northern communities. More recently, it announced plans to make its parkas with reclaimed fur in 2022 and to
start a consumer buy-back program for fur.14
268 Section FOUR Value Creation

This chapter is the second that deals with the first P in the marketing mix: product. In the
last chapter, you learned that developing new products is key to a firm’s marketing mix and
central to the creation of value for consumers. Continuing our discussion, we now explore
how companies add value to their offerings by developing an assortment of products and
product lines and by creating strong brands.
The chapter begins with a discussion of the complexity and types of products. Next,
we examine how firms adjust their product lines to meet and respond to changing market
conditions. Then we turn our attention to branding: Why are brands valuable to the firm,
and what are the different branding strategies firms use? We can’t underestimate the value
of a product’s packaging and labelling in product strategies and promotion. Packaging and
labelling must send out a strong message from the shelf, and so the final section of this
chapter examines packaging and labelling issues.

LO1 Complexity of Products and Types

of Products
Complexity of Products
There is more to a product than its physical characteristics or its basic service function. Market-
ers involved with the development, design, and sale of products think of them in an interrelated
core customer value fashion, as depicted in Exhibit 9.1. At the centre is the core customer value, which defines the
The basic problem-solving basic problem-solving benefits that consumers are seeking. When Canada Goose makes coats,
benefits that consumers
are seeking. when Mars manufactures M&M’s, and when Trek designs its bicycles, this is their core ques-
tion: “What are customers looking for?” Do people buy Canada Goose jackets for extreme cold
weather defence or because they want to make a fashion statement? With Mars, is it a sweet,
great-tasting snack, or is it an energy boost? With Trek, is the bike being used for basic green
transportation (a cruiser), or is it for speed and excitement (a road, hybrid, or mountain bike)?
Marketers convert core customer value into an actual product. Attributes such as the
brand name, features/design, quality level, and packaging are considered, though the
importance of these attributes varies depending on the product. The Trek Madone 9 Series
features a carbon frame that is light, stiff, and comfortable; an advanced shifting system;
and other high-tech features. Not only is it beautiful to look at, but customers also can
choose from three different fits: pro, performance, and touring. And, as you read earlier,

Exhibit 9.1 Product Complexity

Actual Product
Brand-Name Packaging
Quality Level Features/Design


Associated Services
Product Warranty
Product Support

(left): Photodisc/Getty Images

RF; (right): Michael Blann/
Digital Vision/Getty Images
Product, Branding, and Packaging Decisions CHAPTER 9 269

Canada Goose converts attributes such as goose

down, coyote fur, and premium materials to offer
customers value in coats with superior warmth.
The associated services in Exhibit 9.1, also
referred to as the augmented product, include
the nonphysical aspects of the product, such as
product warranties, financing, product support,
and after-sale service. For example, Canada Goose
coats come with a lifetime warranty for defects in
materials. The number of associated services varies
depending on the product. The associated services
for a package of M&M’s may include only a cus-
tomer complaint line, which means they are rela-
tively less important than the associated services
The Trek Madone 9 Series is positioned as “see how fastest feels.”
for a Trek bicycle. The frame of the Madone 9
Series bicycle is guaranteed for the lifetime of the
original owner. Trek sells its bikes only to shops that have the expertise to properly service associated services (or
augmented product)
them. Every possible consumer question is answered on Trek’s comprehensive website. The nonphysical attributes
Trek even has a financing program that allows customers to purchase a new bike on credit. of the product, including
When developing or changing a product, marketers start with the core customer value product warranties,
financing, product support,
to determine what their potential customers are seeking. Then they make the actual physical and after-sale service.
product and add associated services to round out the offering.

Types of Products LO2

Marketers consider the types of products they are designing and selling because that
impacts how they promote, price, and distribute their products. There are two primary cat-
egories of products and services based on who is buying them: consumers or businesses
(Chapter 5 discusses products for businesses).
Consumer products are products and services used by people for their personal use. consumer products
Marketers further classify these products by the way they are used and purchased. Products and services
used by people for their
personal use.
Specialty Products/Services
Specialty goods/services are products or services toward which customers show such a strong specialty goods/services
preference that they will expend considerable effort to search for the best suppliers. Road bike Products or services
toward which the customer
enthusiasts, like those interested in the Trek Madone 9 Series, will devote lots of time and effort shows a strong preference
to selecting just the right bike. Other examples might include luxury cars, legal or medical and for which he or she
will expend considerable
professionals, or designer apparel. Canada Goose can be considered a specialty product. The
effort to search for the best
extensive process used to approve authorized retailers helps maintain a premium image.15 suppliers.

Shopping Products/Services
Shopping goods/services are products or services—such as furniture, apparel, fragrances, shopping goods/services
appliances, and travel alternatives—for which consumers will spend a fair amount of time Products or services—such
as apparel, fragrances,
comparing alternatives. When people need new sneakers, for instance, they will go from and appliances—for which
store to store shopping—trying shoes on, comparing alternatives, and chatting with sales- consumers will spend time
people. Canada Goose jackets may become a shopping product as more authorized retailers comparing alternatives.

and freestanding stores are added.

convenience goods/
Convenience Products/Services Products or services for
Convenience goods/services are those products or services for which the consumer is not which the consumer is
not willing to spend any
willing to spend any effort to evaluate prior to purchase. They are frequently purchased com- effort to evaluate prior to
modity items, usually bought with very little thought, such as common beverages, bread, or soap. purchase.
270 Section FOUR Value Creation

A medical professional is a specialty service. Apparel is a shopping product. Soft drinks are
a convenience product. Insurance is an unsought service.
(top left): Comstock Images/SuperStock RF; (top right): Big Cheese Photo/SuperStock RF; (bottom left): © McGraw Hill
Education/Jill Braaten, photographer; (bottom right): numbeos/E+/Getty Images RF

Unsought Products/Services
Unsought products/services are products consumers either do not normally think of buy-
ing (e.g., funeral services, fire extinguishers) or do not know about. Because of their very
nature, these products require lots of marketing effort and various forms of promotion.
When new-to-the-world products, such as GPS systems, are first introduced, they often rep-
resent unsought products. Do you have cold hands and don’t know what to do about it? You
product mix
The complete set of all must not yet have heard of HeatMax HotHands Hand Warmers, air-activated packets that
products offered by a firm. provide warmth for up to 10 hours.

LO3 Product Mix and Product

Line Decisions
product lines
Groups of associated The complete set of all products offered by a firm is called its product mix. Colgate-Palmolive’s
items, such as those that product mix is shown in Exhibit 9.2. The product mix typically consists of various product
consumers use together or
think of as part of a group lines, which are groups of associated items, such as items that consumers use together or think
of similar products. of as part of a group of similar products. Colgate-Palmolive’s product lines include oral care,
personal care, household care, fabric care, and pet nutrition. While the main focus for Canada
product category
An assortment of items Goose is jackets, its product lines also include snow pants, hats, and gloves.
that the customer sees as Within each product line, there are often multiple product categories. A product
reasonable substitutes for
category is an assortment of items that the customer sees as reasonable substitutes for
one another.
one another. For example, in the oral care product line, Colgate-Palmolive offers sev-
eral categories with a variety of offerings to choose from in each: toothpaste, whitening
The names, terms, designs,
symbols, or any other products, toothbrushes, kids’ oral-care products, floss, and oral first aid. Each category
features that identify one within a product line may use the same or different brands. For instance, Colgate-
seller’s good or service as
distinct from those of other Palmolive offers several brands of toothbrushes (e.g., 360°, Motion Whitening, Massager,
sellers. Navigator).
Product, Branding, and Packaging Decisions CHAPTER 9 271

Exhibit 9.2 Colgate-Palmolive Product Mix

Product Lines
Product line breadth
Oral Care Personal Care Home Care Pet Nutrition
Product Toothpaste (Colgate Total) Deodorants (Speed Stick) Dishwashing liquid Hill’s Pet Nutrition,
Categories Toothbrush (Colgate Plus) Bar soap (Irish Spring) (Palmolive) Inc.—subsidiary

Kids’ products (Colgate Body wash (Soft Soap) Automatic dishwashing Dog and cat food
Barbie Bubble Fruit liquid (Palmolive) (Science Diet)
Hand wash (Soft Soap)
toothpaste) Household cleaners Dog and cat food
Men’s toiletries (Skin (Ajax) (Ideal Balance)
Product line depth

Whitening products Bracer Aftershave)

(Colgate Simply White) Dish wipes (Palmolive) Dog and cat food
Floss (Colgate Total Soap (Murphy Oil) (Prescription)
Dental Floss) Fabric softener (Fleecy) Dog and cat food
Oral first aid (Colgate (Healthy Advantage)

Source: Colgate-Palmolive Company,

The product mix reflects the breadth and depth of a company’s product lines. A
firm’s product mix breadth (sometimes also referred to as variety) represents the product mix breadth
number of product lines offered by the firm; Colgate-Palmolive has four, as indicated The number of product
lines, or variety, offered by
by the four columns in Exhibit 9.2. Product line depth, in contrast, is the number of the firm.
product categories within a product line. Within Colgate-Palmolive’s oral-care line, for
product line depth
example, it offers toothpaste, toothbrushes, kids’ products, and so forth. Its pet nutri- The number of products
tion product line, however, comprises fewer offerings and therefore has less depth. In within a product line.
our Canada Goose example, Arctic Program jackets, parkas, vests, mountaineer jack-
ets, bomber jackets, hoodies, trench coats, and rain shells show product line depth for
Within each product category are a number of individual items called stock keeping stock keeping units
units (SKUs), which are the smallest unit available for inventory control. For instance, (SKUs)
Individual items within
within the toothpaste category, Colgate-Palmolive offers 49 Colgate SKUs that represent each product category; the
various sizes, flavours, and configurations of Colgate Total, Colgate Optic White, Colgate smallest unit available for
inventory control.
Enamel Health, and Colgate Sensitive Pro Relief.16 Each individual product is a unique
SKU. The 100 millilitre size of Colgate Total Clean Mint is one SKU, while the 100 milli­
litre package of Colgate 2-in-1 Whitening is a second SKU. The same size package of
Colgate Sensitive Whitening represents a third SKU. The category depth is the number
of SKUs within a category. Each SKU has its own unique universal product code (UPC)
as well.
However, adding unlimited numbers of new products can have adverse consequences.
Too much variety in the product mix is often too costly to maintain, and having too many
brands may dilute the overall reputation. In the past several years, for example, Revlon
undertook a significant restructuring. It introduced a new line, Vital Radiance, aimed at
women over the age of 45 years. But this line cut into the sales of its other brands and
harmed its reputation among younger consumers, so Revlon eliminated the Vital Radiance
line, to refocus on those products and markets that were doing well.17
So why do firms change their product mix’s breadth or depth?
272 Section FOUR Value Creation

Change Product Mix Breadth and Depth

Exhibit 9.3 offers a hypothetical example of a company with four product lines in its prod-
uct mix. Firms may change their product mix breadth by either adding to or deleting from
product lines or by increasing or decreasing product line depth.

Increase Breadth
Firms often add new product lines to capture new or evolving markets, increase sales, and
compete in new venues (e.g., addition of Product Line D in Exhibit 9.3). With the introduc-
tion of VIA Ready Brew, Starbucks changed the way people thought about instant coffee.
The new line was expected to produce more than a billion dollars in sales.18 And when the
company learned that more than 60 percent of its consumers enjoyed flavoured coffee, it
introduced Natural Fusions, a line of premium coffee available for sale in grocery stores in
vanilla, cinnamon, and caramel flavours. As part of Starbucks’ business strategy, it was a
natural way to grow its consumer products business.19

Decrease Breadth
Sometimes it is necessary to delete entire product lines to address changing market condi-
tions or meet internal strategic priorities (e.g., deletion of Product Line C in Exhibit 9.3). For
example, SC Johnson sold off many products in its skin-care line, including its successful
Aveeno brand, to Johnson & Johnson.20 The firm no longer competes in the skin-care busi-
ness but it remains a strong competitor in its original product lines, such as home cleaning
(Pledge, Windex), air care (Glade), and home storage (Saran, Ziploc).21

Exhibit 9.3 Changes to a Product Mix

Product Line A Product Line B Product Line C Product Line D

A1 B1 C1 D1

A2 B2 C2 D2

A3 B3 D3

A4 B4 D4



Added depth: Decreased depth: Decreased depth: Added depth:

New product A4 Dropped products Dropped product New line
B5 and B6 line C (C1 and C2) (D1, D2, D3 and D4)
Product, Branding, and Packaging Decisions CHAPTER 9 273

Increase Depth
Firms may add new products within a line to address changing
consumer preferences or preempt competitors while boosting
sales (e.g., addition of A4 in Exhibit 9.3). For Häagen-Dazs
brand ice cream, adding new flavours such as Banana Peanut
Butter Chip, Honey Salted Caramel Almond, and Midnight
Cookies & Cream enables it to appeal to its variety-seeking
customers. The product is still essentially the same (ice cream),
but the availability of over 45 different flavours significantly
increases the product line’s depth.22

Decrease Depth
From time to time, it is necessary to delete product categories
to realign resources (e.g., deletion of B5 and B6 in Exhibit 9.3).
The decision to delete products is never taken lightly. Gener-
ally, substantial investments have been made to develop the
brand and manufacture the products. Yet firms often make
pruning decisions regularly to eliminate unprofitable items and Häagen-Dazs has increased its product line depth by
re­focus their marketing efforts on more profitable items. When adding new flavours such as Banana Peanut Butter
Procter & Gamble (P&G) announced that it would be merging, Chip, Honey Salted Caramel Almond, and Midnight
eliminating, or selling many of its brands and keeping only the Cookies & Cream.
top-performing 70–80 brand names, it seemed that the histori- © McGraw Hill Education
cally underperforming Duracell brand would be cut. However,
merchandising efforts, such as signing an exclusive distribution agreement with Sam’s Club,
pushed Duracell’s annual sales up to $2.3 billion, guaranteeing its continuation as a P&G
brand. This shift exemplifies the challenges of brand and product-line choices. An under­
performing brand today might become a superior revenue generator a year later.23

A company lives or dies based on brand awareness. Consumers can’t buy products that they
don’t know exist. Even if the overall brand name is familiar, it won’t help sales of individ-
ual products unless consumers know what products are available under that name. Sports
fans have long been familiar with the rallying cry for Under Armour and its line of athletic
gear: “Protect This House.” But when the company chose to refresh its tagline, it undertook
a massive ad campaign to introduce a new slogan, “I Will.” In addition to extensive online
and outdoor advertising, Under Armour intensified its brand-
ing efforts by signing top athletes such as golfer Jordan Spieth,
New England Patriots quarterback Tom Brady, and Washington
Nationals baseball star Bryce Harper, who got the biggest endorse-
ment deal for an MLB player.24
Branding provides a way for a firm to differentiate its pro­­
duct offerings from those of its competitors. Both Snapple and
Tropicana make and sell fruit drinks; yet a consumer may choose
one over the other because of the associations that the brands
evoke. Brand names, logos, symbols, characters, slogans, jingles,
and even distinctive packages constitute the various brand
elements firms use,25 which they usually choose to be easy
for consumers to recognize and remember. For example, most Under Armour is using its new slogan, “I will,”
consumers are aware of the Nike swoosh logo and would recog- and top athletes like golfer Jordan Spieth in its
nize it even if the word Nike did not appear on the product or in advertising to help promote its brand.
an advertisement. Exhibit 9.4 summarizes these brand elements. Source: Under Armour, Inc.
274 Section FOUR Value Creation

Exhibit 9.4 What Makes a Brand?

Brand Element Description

Brand name The spoken component of branding, it can either describe the
product or service/product characteristics and/or be composed of
words invented or derived from colloquial or contemporary language.
Examples include Comfort Inn (suggests product characteristics),
Apple (no association with the product), or Accenture (invented term).
URLs (uniform The location of pages on the Internet, which often substitutes for
resource locators) the firm’s name, such as Toyota ( or Ben & Jerry’s
or domain names (
Logos and symbols Logos are visual branding elements that stand for corporate names or
trademarks. Symbols are logos without words. Examples include the
Nike swoosh and the Mercedes star.
Characters Brand symbols that could be human, animal, or animated. Examples
include the Pillsbury Doughboy and Rice Krispies’ Snap, Crackle,
and Pop.
Slogans Short phrases used to describe the brand or persuade consumers
about some characteristics of the brand. Examples include State Farm’s
“Like A Good Neighbor” and Tim Hortons®’ “Always Fresh.”
Jingles Audio messages about the brand that are composed of words or
distinctive music. Examples are Intel’s four-note sound signature that
accompanies the “Intel Inside” slogan.

LO4 Value of Branding

Brands add value to merchandise and services beyond physical and functional characteris-
tics or the pure act of performing the service.26 Let’s examine some ways in which brands
add value for both customers and the firm (see Exhibit 9.5).

Exhibit 9.5 Value of Branding

Brands Facilitate Purchasing
Brands are often easily recognized by consumers and,
because they signify a certain quality level and con-
Brands tain familiar attributes, brands help consumers make
Facilitate quick decisions.27 Imagine how much time it would
Purchasing take to buy groceries if the brands on the shelves
Brands were unfamiliar! The cola market is a particularly
Brands Impact Establish
Market Value strong example of this benefit. Some people think
cola is cola, such that one brand is not too different
Value of from another. But branding has made it easy for Pepsi
Branding drinkers to find the familiar logo on the store shelf and
Brands more likely that they simply buy one of Pepsi’s other
Brands Are Protect from products, should they decide to switch to a diet soda
Assets Competition or a flavoured version. From promotions, past pur-
chases, or information from friends and family, they
Brands Reduce recognize the offering before they even read any text
Marketing Costs on the label, and they likely possess a perception of
the brand’s level of quality, how it tastes, whether it is
a good value, and, most importantly, whether they like
it and want to buy it.
Product, Branding, and Packaging Decisions CHAPTER 9 275

Brands Establish Loyalty

Over time and with continued use, consumers learn to trust
certain brands. They know, for instance, that Band-Aid® ban-
dages always perform in the exact same way. Many customers
become loyal to certain brands and wouldn’t consider switching
brands. In some cases, they may feel a strong affinity to certain
brands. For instance, Coca-Cola drinkers don’t drink Pepsi,
and wouldn’t touch a Dr Pepper. Other consumers are loyal to
Canada Goose and feel as though they are part of a club.28 And
loyal fans help build buzz. As a result of this loyalty, these com-
panies can maintain great depth in their product lines since
their customers will buy other brands within their product mix.

Brands Protect From Competition

and Price Competition
Strong brands are somewhat protected from competition and
price competition. Because such brands are more established
in the market and have a more loyal customer base, neither
competitive pressures on price nor retail-level competition is
as threatening to the firm. Lacoste is known for its golf shirts.
Although many similar brands are available and some retailers
offer their own brands, Lacoste is perceived to be of superior
quality and garners a certain status among its users, and, there-
fore, can command a premium price. Likewise, consumers
willingly pay a premium for Canada Goose jackets, which are
Characters like Tony the Tiger help build a brand.
recognized as a best-of-breed brand.
© Sheila Fitzgerald/Shutterstock

Brands Reduce Marketing Costs

Firms with well-known brands can spend relatively less on marketing costs than firms
with little-known brands because the brand sells itself. People have become familiar with
Lululemon’s white, stylized “A” logo, so its advertisements don’t need to explain what the
company is or what it does. People just know. The popularity of Canada Goose, spread by
word-of-mouth and supported by partnerships and sponsorships, reduces the need to invest
in a lot of print advertising.29

Tiffany & Co. works hard to protect its brand, including its The fact that consumers are familiar with Lululemon as
famous blue box. a brand helps the company reduce marketing costs.
Simon Lord/Alamy Stock Photo John Greim/LightRocket via Getty Images
276 Section FOUR Value Creation

Brands Are Assets

Brands are also assets that can be legally protected through trademarks and copyrights and thus
constitute a unique ownership for the firm. Firms sometimes have to fight to keep their brands
“pure.” Rolex and Canada Goose are ever watchful to ensure that the value of their brands is not
diluted with counterfeit merchandise or sales through unauthorized dealers. Likewise, Tiffany
& Co.’s iconic blue box is instantly recognizable and associated with high-quality items.

Brands Impact Market Value

Having well-known brands can have a direct impact on the company’s bottom line. The value of
a company is its overall monetary worth, comprising a vast number of assets. When the brand
loses value, it also threatens other assets. RadioShack was once the first destination for con-
sumers seeking a Walkman or boom box. The loss of brand value as it struggled to maintain
relevance as a provider of modern, cutting-edge technology pushed it to close approximately
500 stores and pursue an aggressive strategy to rebrand and gain back some of the value.30
The value of a brand can be calculated by assessing the earning potential of the brand
over 12 months;31 see examples of Canada’s most valuable brands in Exhibit 9.6.

LO5 Brand Equity

To understand branding, we look at three areas: brand equity (which consists of brand aware-
ness, perceived value, brand associations, and brand loyalty); brand ownership; and brand
brand equity names, as illustrated in Exhibit 9.7. The value of a brand translates into brand equity, or the
The set of assets and set of assets and liabilities linked to a brand that add to or subtract from the value provided
liabilities linked to a brand
that add to or subtract from by the product or service.32 Brand health must be actively managed to maintain a positive
the value provided by the image. A recall of Lululemon yoga pants, for example, could hurt brand equity in the absence
product or service.
of corrective action. Apple ranks number one on the Best Global Brands list with a value of
$234.2 billion; Coca-Cola is fifth with $63.4 billion. McDonald’s is ninth, with a value of just
over $45 billion.33 Like the physical possessions of a firm, brands are assets the firm can build,
manage, and harness over time to increase its revenue, profitability, and overall value. Firms
spend millions of dollars on promotion, advertising, and other marketing efforts throughout

Exhibit 9.6 Canada’s 10 Most Valuable Brands*

2019 Brand Value

Rank Brand Sector ($ Million CDN)
1 Royal Bank of Canada Financial Services 22.7
2 TD Bank Financial Services 18.3
3 Scotiabank Financial Services 14.7
4 Bank of Montreal Financial Services 13.3
5 CIBC Financial Services 10.3
6 Bell Telecom 10.3
7 Telus Telecom 8.9
8 Brookfield Financial Services 8.8
9 Rogers Telecom 8.7
10 CircleK Convenience Stores 7.6
Source: Brand Finance®, “Canada's Top 10 Most Valuable Brands,” May 1, 2019, p. 9.,

*“Canada's Top 100 Most Valuable Brands Revealed,” May 1, 2019,
top-100-most-valuable-brands-revealed-895891021.html (accessed July 26, 2019).
Product, Branding, and Packaging Decisions CHAPTER 9 277

Exhibit 9.7 Brand Overview


Brand Brand
Ownership Name
Strategies Strategies

 Manufacturer or  Corporate or
 Brand Awareness
National Brand Family Brand
 Perceived Value
 Store or Private  Corporate and
 Brand Associations
Label Product Line Brand
 Brand Loyalty
 Generic  Individual

a brand’s life cycle. This can sometimes cause regulators to react if spending comes close to
crossing ethical lines, as described in Ethical & Societal Dilemma 9.1. Marketing expenditures
allocated carefully can result in greater brand recognition, awareness, and consumer loyalty
for the brand, enhancing overall brand equity.
How do we know how “good” a brand is, or how much equity it has? Experts look at
four aspects of a brand to determine its equity: brand awareness, perceived value, brand
associations, and brand loyalty.

Brand Awareness
Brand awareness measures how many consumers in a market are familiar with the brand brand awareness
and what it stands for, and have an opinion about that brand. The more customers are aware Measures how many
consumers in a market
of or familiar with a brand, the easier their decision-making process will be. Familiarity are familiar with the brand
matters most for products that are bought without much thought, such as soap or chew- and what it stands for;
created through repeated
ing gum. However, brand awareness is also important for infrequently purchased items
exposures of the various
or items the consumer has never purchased before. Many new brands were introduced to brand elements (brand
consumers when cannabis was legalized in Canada. Imagine how difficult it must have name, logo, symbol,
character, packaging,
been to purchase a product whose name you had never heard of before and for which strict or slogan) in the firm’s
advertising restrictions were in place that made building brand awareness difficult. communications to
If the consumer recognizes the brand, it probably has attributes that make it valu- consumers.

able.34 For those who have never purchased a Toyota, for instance, just being aware of
the brand can help facilitate a purchase. Certain brands gain such predominance in a
particular product market over time that they become synonymous with the product
itself; that is, the brand name starts being used as the generic product category. Examples
include Kleenex tissue, Clorox bleach, Band-Aid bandages, and the Google search engine.
Companies must be vigilant in protecting their brand names, because if they are used
so generically, over time, the brand itself can lose its trademark status. Thermos, tram-
poline, linoleum, and yo-yo are all examples of brands that lost their trademark status.
278 Section FOUR Value Creation

Ethical & Societal Dilemma 9.1

Does Taxing Sugary Drinks Reduce was rescinded less than a year after being passed, the
proposed sugar tax was abandoned. Mexico added a
Obesity?** 10 percent tax on sugary drinks in 2014. The U.K. govern-
ment also proceeded with its tax on sweetened drinks
Obesity rates are often highest in the nations and regions and Philadelphia became the first major U.S. city to
that drink the most soda. The sugary, high-calorie ver- impose a tax on soft drinks, in 2016. Ireland and South
sions of popular carbonated beverage brands in turn Africa have also proposed taxing sugary drinks. Senators
have been widely blamed for the growing rates of obe- filed a report on obesity in Canada that recommended
sity, especially among children. Those complaints also similar taxes. Diabetes Canada has also called for higher
are growing as brands expand outside the United States taxes on sugary beverages. According to a Mintel survey,
and potentially threaten the long-term health of children 69 percent of Canadians are concerned about the impact
across the globe. of sugar on their overall health.
To fight obesity, Denmark planned to introduce a tax Although it strongly maintains that sodas are not
on sugary drinks. However, when its tax on fatty foods the main culprit in rising obesity rates, Coca-Cola has
acknowledged its own limited responsibility and there-
fore vowed not to advertise in settings in which children
make up more than 35 percent of the anticipated audi-
ence (previously, it set this standard at 50 percent). Coke
ads have disappeared from cartoon networks and youth-
oriented shows, children’s magazines, and so forth.
In addition to its commitment not to advertise directly
to children younger than 12 years of age, Coke has
invested in initiatives to promote more physical activity
and to encourage consumers to consider lower-calorie
alternatives, whether Diet Coke or Minute Maid juices
(which Coca-Cola also owns). Beyond advertising, Coke’s
new product development efforts are largely focused
on identifying and integrating natural low-calorie sweet-
eners. In some countries, its packaging also will feature
more prominent information about calorie contents. The
soft-drink industry prefers these types of actions over
additional taxes.
Does taxing sugary drinks work? Malaysia recently
became one of more than 40 countries to pass some sort
of tax on sugary drinks. Many governments have tried
this approach and most found taxing did not yield the
desired effect. Sales of soft drinks fell for two years after
the tax was introduced in Mexico but have rebounded
since then. With such mixed results, should Canada con-
Should Coca-Cola and other consumer packaged goods sider imposing a sugar tax? For the moment, the govern-
companies be allowed to advertise to children? ment has indicated it will not proceed with this course
GL Archive/Alamy Stock Photo of action.

**Tiffany Hsu, “Coca-Cola Anti-Obesity Promises Include No Advertising to Kids,” Los Angeles Times, May 8, 2013,; Mike
Esterl and Paul Ziobro, “Coke to Limit Ads to Kids, Push Diet Drinks,” The Wall Street Journal,; Henriette Jacobsen, “Denmark
Scraps Its Infamous Fat Tax After Only One Year,”, February 21, 2016,
scraps-its-infamous-fat-tax-after-only-one-year/; Ivana Kottasova, “UK to Charge Soda Tax on Sugary Drinks,” CNN Money, April 4, 2016,; “Philadelphia Becomes First Major US City With a Soda Tax,” The Guardian, June 16, 2016, www.; Patrick Luciani, “Soda Tax Would Leave Canadians Poorer, but No
Healthier,” The Financial Post, May 11, 2016,
but-no-healthier (accessed June 21, 2016); Harmeet Singh, “Canadians Concerned About Sugar’s Impact on Health,” StrategyOnline, February 15,
2017,; Amanda Jones, J. Lennert Veerman & David
586EBAD7BCF96835F3FA10; Peter Zimonjic, Katie Simpson, “No tax on sugary drinks in federal Liberal platform, says health minister,” May 28, 2019,; Nielsen, “Hitting the Sweet Spot,” July 18, 2019,
article/2019/hitting-the-sweet-spot (accessed July 25, 2019).
Product, Branding, and Packaging Decisions CHAPTER 9 279

These brands are so strong that they have become synonymous with the product itself.
© McGraw Hill Education

Aspirin has become a generic brand in the United States; however, it remains a registered
trademark in Canada.35
Marketers create brand awareness through repeated exposures of the various brand
elements (brand name, logo, symbol, character, packaging, or slogan) in the firm’s commu-
nications to consumers. Such communication media include advertising and promotions,
personal selling, sponsorship and event marketing, publicity, public relations, and social
media (see Chapters 14, 15, and 16). Because consumer awareness is one of the most impor-
tant elements in creating a strong brand, firms are willing to spend tremendous amounts of
money advertising the brand, including more than $5 million for just one 30-second spot on
TV during the Super Bowl.

Perceived Value
Brand awareness alone does not ensure a strong brand. Consumers could be aware of a
brand but have a negative opinion of its value or the firm’s reputation. Perceived value perceived value
is the relationship between a product or service’s benefits and its cost. Customers usually The relationship between
a product or service’s
determine the offering’s value in relationship to that of its close competitors. If they feel benefits and its cost.
an inexpensive brand is about the same quality as a premium brand, the
perceived value of the cheaper choice is high. Many private-label brands
are less expensive than brands developed by manufacturers. These brands,
commonly found in supermarkets or drugstores, have seen a rise in popular-
ity in recent years because of their high perceived value. With so many new
cannabis products on the market, little brand awareness, and wide-ranging
prices, it may be challenging for marketers to demonstrate the perceived
value of one product over another.
Retailers such as Joe Fresh and Giant Tiger specialize in providing
great value. Certainly, merchandise at these stores is not always of the
highest possible quality, and the apparel is not the most fashion-forward.
First Choice Haircutters, a national
But customers don’t necessarily want to buy a wastebasket that will last haircutting chain, provides its
for 50 years and be suitable for display in a living room, nor do they need customers with great value because
to show up at school looking like they came from a fashion-show run- the haircut is better than good and the
way. Instead, they want products to do what they were designed to do and price is more than reasonable.
be available at a reasonable price. First Choice Haircutters, a national Marc Romanelli/Blend Images LLC
280 Section FOUR Value Creation

haircutting chain, provides “Affordable, Professional Haircare”—usually at one-half to

one-third of salon prices. Its customers perceive the chain to be a great value because the
haircut is better than good and the price is more than reasonable.

Brand Associations
brand associations Brand associations reflect the mental links that consumers make between a brand and its
The mental links that key product attributes, such as a logo, slogan, or famous personality. WeedMD entered the
consumers make between
a brand and its key product recreational cannabis market with the product name Color. The company wanted consumers
attributes; can involve a to associate the brand with an open-ended, less polarizing view of a world that is black and
logo, slogan, or famous
white, and to recognize that every individual’s experience with cannabis is unique.36 Brand
associations often result from a firm’s advertising and promotion efforts. Given the restric-
tive rules in place for cannabis marketers, Color’s packaging design will need to convey a
sense of openness. Associations with specific attributes help create differentiation between
the brand and its competitors. For example, Toyota’s hybrid car, the Prius, is known for being
economical, stylish, and good for the environment. Volvo stresses that its cars are made with
consumer safety in mind. Firms also attempt to create specific associations for their brands
with positive consumer emotions, such as fun, friendship, good feelings, family gatherings,
and parties. Until recently, State Farm Insurance used the slogan “Like a good neighbor, State
Farm is there.” Hallmark Cards associates its brand with helping people show they care about
quality: “When you care enough to send the very best.”
Firms sometimes even develop a personality for their brands, as if the brand were human.
brand personality Brand personality refers to a set of human characteristics associated with a brand37 that has
Refers to a set of human symbolic or self-expressive meanings for consumers.38 Brand personality elements include
characteristics associated
with a brand, which has male, female, young, old, fun loving, and conservative, as well as qualities such as fresh,
symbolic or self-expressive smooth, round, clean, or floral. McDonald’s has created a fun-loving, youth-oriented brand
meanings for consumers.
personality with its golden arches, brightly lit and coloured restaurants, exciting and youthful
packaging and advertising, and spokesperson and mascot Ronald McDonald, the clown.

Brand Loyalty
brand loyalty Brand loyalty occurs when a consumer buys the same brand’s product or service again and
Occurs when a consumer again over time. As a result, brand-loyal customers are an important source of value for firms.
buys the same brand’s
product or service First, such consumers are often less sensitive to price. In return, firms sometimes reward loyal
consumers with loyalty or customer relationship management (CRM) programs, such as points
repeatedly over time rather
than buying from multiple
that customers can redeem for extra discounts or free services, advance notice of sale items, and
suppliers within the same
category. invitations to special events sponsored by the company. Second, the marketing costs of reaching
loyal consumers are much lower because the firm does not have to spend money on advertising
and promotion campaigns to attract these customers. Loyal consumers simply do not need per-
suasion or an extra push to buy the firm’s brands. Third, loyal
customers tend to praise the virtues of their favourite products,
retailers, or services. This positive word-of-mouth reaches
potential customers and reinforces the perceived value at no
cost to the firm. Fourth, a high level of brand loyalty insulates
the firm from competition because, as we noted in Chapter 2,
brand-loyal customers do not switch to competitors’ brands,
even when provided with a variety of incentives.
Brand loyalty is not always easy to achieve, though.
In most cases, it requires substantially better quality or
a distinctive promise. For example, lifetime satisfaction
guarantees are expensive to maintain. They mean that any
Dove rewarded consumers for their loyalty with double customer, at any time, can come back to the company to
Optimum points at Shoppers Drug Mart. complain about some feature they find unappealing, even if
Shutterstock/AlenKadr the item was purchased decades before. They are accordingly
Product, Branding, and Packaging Decisions CHAPTER 9 281

quite rare. But, for the companies that offer them—such as The North Face, Craftsman, and
Darn Tough socks—unconditional guarantees evoke tremendous loyalty. Even if customers
never need to replace one of these products, knowing that the company is willing to offer
the guarantee makes them more likely to purchase a related item from the same brand.39

Branding Strategies
Firms institute a variety of brand-related strategies to create and manage key brand assets,
such as deciding to own the brands, establishing a branding policy, extending the brand
name to other products and markets, cooperatively using the brand name with that of
another firm, and licensing the brand to other firms.

Brand Ownership LO6

Brands can be owned by any firm in the supply chain, whether manufacturers, wholesalers,
or retailers. There are three basic brand ownership strategies: manufacturer brands, pri-
vate-label or store brands, and generic brands (see Exhibit 9.8). Manufacturer brands are manufacturer brands
owned and managed by the manufacturer, and include Nike, Mountain Dew, KitchenAid, Brands owned and
managed by the
and Marriott. With these brands, the manufacturer develops the merchandise, produces it manufacturer.
to ensure consistent quality, and invests in a marketing program to establish an appealing
brand image. The majority of the brands marketed in Canada are manufacturer brands.
Manufacturing firms spend millions of dollars each year to promote their brands. By own-
ing their brands, manufacturers retain more control over their marketing strategy, are able
to choose the appropriate market segments and positioning for the brand, and can build the
brand and thereby create their own brand equity. private-label brands
Brands that are owned and managed by retailers, in contrast, are called private-label (store brands)
brands (store brands). Some manufacturers prefer to make only private-label merchan- Brands developed and
marketed by a retailer and
dise because the costs of branding and marketing their own products are prohibitive, available only from that
whereas other firms manufacture both their own brand and merchandise for other brands retailer.

Exhibit 9.8 Brand Ownership Strategies


actu e Generic

vate Label or
ore Brand
282 Section FOUR Value Creation

or retailers. President’s Choice, a private label developed and marketed by Canada’s largest
food distributor, offers high-quality products at moderate prices and is becoming a lifestyle
brand.40 In the past, sales of private-label brands were limited. But more recently, more
retailers have developed their own store brands and use them to establish a distinctive
identity. Private-label brands are particularly common in supermarkets, discount stores,
and drugstores. Their popularity among consumers depends on several factors, including
consumer preferences for a lower-cost brand and the trust consumers have in the store
and its brand. Such private-label brands, especially those marketed by large chains such as
Walmart and Costco, are fast gaining in popularity and consumer loyalty. After 31 years,
President’s Choice Decadent Chocolate Chip Cookies are still Loblaw’s best-selling cook-
ies.41 Private-label brands have also gained popularity in apparel and other categories found
in department and specialty stores. The Bay, for instance, provides several store brands,
including Beaumark, Mantles, Truly, and Togo.
generic Generic products are those sold without brand names, typically in commodities
A product sold without markets. For instance, shoppers can purchase unbranded salt, grains, produce, meat, or
a brand name, typically in
commodities markets. nuts in grocery stores. Hardware stores often sell unbranded screws, nuts, and lumber.
However, even in these markets, the popularity and acceptance of generic products has
declined. Consumers question the quality and origin of the products, and retailers have
found better profit potential and the ability to build brand equity with manufacturer and
store brands. For example, many fruits and vegetables sold through supermarket chains
now carry either the manufacturer’s brand name (e.g., Dole bananas) or the store’s. No
Name was originally launched as a generic brand by Loblaw in 1978. Over the years, it
expanded from 16 products to over 2600,42 and has evolved to join the ranks of other
Loblaw private-label brands.

family brand
The use of a combination
Naming Brands and Product Lines
of the company brand Although there is no simple way to decide how to name a brand or a product line, the more
name and individual brand
the products vary in their usage or performance, the more likely it is that the firm should use
name to distinguish a firm’s
products. individual brands. For example, General Motors utilizes several different individual brands
(Cadillac, Chevrolet, GMC), each catering to very
different target markets and meeting different
Exhibit 9.9 Brand Name Strategies needs. Hyundai, on the other hand, utilizes only
one brand since usage and level of performance are
relatively homogeneous. Firms use several very dif-
ferent strategies to name their brands and product
Brand lines (see Exhibit 9.9).
Family Brands
A firm also can use its corporate name to brand
similar product lines and products. For example,
Kellogg’s incorporates its company name into the
brand name for its cereal brands (e.g., Kellogg’s
Individual Corn Flakes, Kellogg’s Froot Loops, Kellogg’s Rice
Krispies), helping to maintain its powerhouse sta-
tus on grocery store shelves. Kraft Foods also uses
its family brand name prominently on its cheese,
pasta, and condiment brands (e.g., Kraft Macaroni
& Cheese, Kraft Singles, Kraft Mayo).When all
Family brand products in a line are sold under one family brand,
individual brands benefit from the overall aware-
ness associated with the family name.
Product, Branding, and Packaging Decisions CHAPTER 9 283

Individual Brands
A firm can use individual brand names for each of
its products. While Kraft makes good use of the fam-
ily branding strategy, it allows other products, such
as Philadelphia cream cheese, Jell-O, Oscar Mayer,
and Planters nuts, to keep their individual identi-
ties. Some companies primarily use individual brands.
For example, in its house and home products line,
P&G markets various detergent products (Tide, Gain,
Cheer, Downy, Febreze), paper products (Bounty,
Charmin), household cleaners (Mr. Clean, Swiffer),
and dishwashing products (Cascade, Dawn, Joy).
Furthermore, it markets brands in various other prod-
uct lines, such as personal and beauty products (Olay, Kraft uses a family branding strategy in which several
Old Spice, Secret, CoverGirl), health and wellness product lines are sold under one name.
products (Pepto-Bismol, Oral-B, Puffs), and baby prod- © McGraw Hill Education/Evelyn Nicole Kirksey, photographer
ucts (Pampers).43 Similarly, Loblaw operates across
Canada under the following brands: Atlantic Superstore, Dominion, Extra Foods, Fortinos, individual brand
Loblaws, Maxi, No Frills, Provigo, Your Independent Grocer, and Zehrs. Sobeys operates The use of individual brand
names for each of a firm’s
under the following retail banners: Sobeys, IGA Extra, IGA, Foodland, FreshCo, and Price products.
Chopper. Individual brands allow a company to compete within one category, for example,
laundry detergent, offering a variety of products to different target markets. And if one
brand experiences problems, other products with unique brand names are protected from
any negative association with the failed brand.

Choosing a Name
What’s in a name? When it comes to naming new products, companies should consider the
following desirable qualities: (1) The brand name should be descriptive and suggestive of
benefits and qualities associated with the product. For example, the name Sunkist evokes
images of oranges ripening on the trees kissed by the sun. (2) The brand name should be
easy to pronounce, recognize, and remember, such as Tide, Crest, or Kodak. (3) The com-
pany should be able to register the brand name as a trademark and legally protect it. (4) For
companies looking to global markets, the brand name should be easy to translate into other
languages. Starbucks invited Canadians to submit names for a new Blonde Roast coffee.
The winning name was True North Blend, reflecting the stunning geography, vast land-
scape, and spirit of Canada.
Sometimes a change of name is in order. Vancouver’s Backwoods Brewery had been
selling its beer to restaurants and bars for nearly a decade when it decided to rebrand as
Dead Frog. Competing against wacky wine names such as Fat Bastard and Cat’s Pee on a
Gooseberry Bush, beer marketing had been pretty conservative. The company wanted a
memorable but irreverent name that would appeal to a younger audience.44 And chances
are that a band called Rainbow Butt Monkeys never would have become a hit sensation.
While it may have been memorable, band members received a better reception after they
changed their name to Finger Eleven.

Brand Extension
A brand extension refers to the use of the same brand name for new products being intro- brand extension
duced to the same or new markets.45 The dental hygiene market, for instance, is full of The use of the same brand
name for new products
brand extensions; Colgate, Crest, and Butler all sell toothpaste, toothbrushes, and other being introduced to the
dental hygiene products. Roots has extended its brand from athletic clothing to leather same or new markets.
bags, yoga wear and accessories, and even a line of baby clothes. Brand extensions are also
284 Section FOUR Value Creation

common in global expansions. For example, Coca-

Cola, Nike, Starbucks, and Levi’s are sold the world
over under the same name.
There are several advantages to using the same
brand name for new products. First, because the
brand name is already well established, such as the
Canada Goose example discussed in the chapter
vignette, the firm can spend less in developing con-
sumer brand awareness and brand associations for
the new product.46 The Braun brand started selling
Brand extensions are often used for complementary products kitchen appliances (coffeemakers, toasters, food
such as chips and dips. processors, blenders, juicers), and then extended
© Michael J. Hruby into various other product categories, including
shaving (dry razors, beard care), beauty care (cordless hair stylers), oral care (power
toothbrushes), and steam irons.47
Second, if the brand is known for its high quality, that perception will carry over to the
new product. Consumers who had not used the Neutrogena brand before trying the brand
extension, Neutrogena Wave Power Cleanser, might be encouraged to try Neutrogena’s core
product line of cleansers and moisturizing lotions, especially if their experience with Wave
has been positive.48
Third, when brand extensions are used for complementary products, a synergy exists
between the two products that can increase overall sales. For example, Frito-Lay markets
both chips and dips under its Frito-Lay and Doritos brand names.49 When people buy the
chips, they tend to buy the dips as well.
brand dilution Not all brand extensions are successful, however. Some can dilute brand equity.50 Brand
Occurs when a brand dilution occurs when the brand extension adversely affects consumer perceptions about the
extension adversely affects
consumer perceptions attributes the core brand is believed to hold.51 For example, Bic wrongly thought that since
about the attributes the people wanted its disposable lighters and razors, they would also want disposable underwear.
core brand is believed to
While Life Savers soft drinks did well in prelaunch taste tests, they didn’t do well in subse-
quent sales. And Zippo believed that its iconic lighter design would be an appealing design
for a woman’s perfume. Although the perfume didn’t smell like
lighter fluid, it turns out lighters aren’t something that many
women want to associate with perfume.
To prevent the potentially negative consequences of
brand extensions, firms must consider the following caveats:
• Marketers should carefully evaluate the fit between
the product class of the core brand and that of the
extension.52 If the fit between the product categories is
high, consumers will consider the extension credible,
and the brand association will be stronger for the
extension. When Starbucks introduced VIA, its line of
instant coffee, it made sense to consumers.
• Firms should carefully evaluate consumer perceptions
of the attributes of the core brand and seek out similar
attributes for the extension, because brand-specific
associations are very important for extensions.53 For
example, if HP printers were associated with reliability,
performance, and value, consumers would expect the
same brand-specific attributes in other products that
Zippo suffered brand dilution when it extended its
carried the HP brand name.
brand by introducing a perfume for women. It turns
out that women don’t associate lighters with perfume. • Firms should refrain from extending the brand name
© McGraw Hill Education to too many products and product categories to avoid
Product, Branding, and Packaging Decisions CHAPTER 9 285

Brand extensions can be risky. Kate Spade opened Kate Spade Saturday stores to offer lower-
priced versions of its designs, but closed them within two years.
© Morgan Dessalles/

diluting the brand and damaging brand equity. When it was founded, the Kate Spade
brand offered aspirational luxury, selling nearly luxury handbags for $2,000 instead
of $20,000. Kate Spade sought to expand its reach, opening a range of Kate Spade
Saturday stores as well as Jack Spade shops for men to offer lower-priced versions
of its designs. Within two years though, the company closed all these stand-alone
storefronts and integrated remaining inventory into its traditional stores.54
• Firms should consider whether the brand extension will be distanced from the core
brand, especially if the firm wants to use some but not all of the existing brand associa-
tions. Marriott has budget, mid-tier, and luxury hotels. Its luxury hotels, including the
Ritz-Carlton, Edition, and Renaissance, do not use the name Marriott at all.55

Cobranding is the practice of marketing two or more brands together, on the same package cobranding
or promotion. Primarily because of credit card companies, such as Visa and MasterCard, the The practice of marketing
two or more brands
practice has greatly increased in the past decade. Airlines were among the first to cobrand together, on the same
with credit card companies (such as the CIBC Aeroplan Visa Card). Recently, firms in other package or promotion.
industries (such as banking, retail, and restaurants) have begun forming similar alliances,
resulting in cards such as BMO Mosaic MasterCard, TD Gold Visa, and President’s Choice
MasterCard, to name a few.
Cobranding enhances consumers’ perceptions of product quality by signalling other­
wise unobservable product quality through links between the firm’s brand and a well-
known quality brand. For example, Yum Brands frequently combines two or more of its
restaurant chains—including A&W, KFC, Long John Silver’s, Pizza Hut, and Taco Bell—
into one store space. This cobranding strategy is designed to appeal to diverse market seg-
ments and extend the hours in which each restaurant attracts customers. Loblaw partnered
with Mattel in a cobranding agreement for its affordable fashion line, Joe Fresh, to create
a limited-edition collection of Barbie-branded sleepwear and underwear.56 Tim Hortons®
286 Section FOUR Value Creation

found that its customers responded enthusiastically to its efforts to cobrand with Cold
Stone Creamery ice cream in the United States. It tested and then launched the concept in
its Canadian stores, though, later discontinued the brand in Canada.57
However, there are some risks to cobranding, especially when customers for each of
the brands are vastly different. For example, the Burger King and Häagen-Dazs cobranding
strategy failed because the customer profiles for the brands were too different.58 Cobrand-
ing may also fail when there are financial disputes or conflicts of interest.

Brand Licensing
brand licensing Brand licensing is a contractual arrangement between firms, whereby one firm allows
A contractual arrangement another to use its brand name, logo, symbols, and/or characters in exchange for a nego-
between firms, whereby one
firm allows another to use its tiated fee.59 Brand licensing is common for toys, apparel, accessories, and entertainment
brand name, logo, symbols, products, such as video games. The firm that provides the right to use its brand (licensor)
or characters in exchange
for a negotiated fee.
obtains revenues through royalty payments from the firm that has obtained the right to use
the brand (licensee). These royalty payments sometimes take the form of an upfront, lump-
sum licensing fee or may be based on the dollar value of sales of the licensed merchandise.
Several aspects of a brand can be licensed. Popular apparel designers, such as Ralph
Lauren, Calvin Klein, and Eddie Bauer, and luxury goods manufacturers often license the
right to use their brand name on a variety of products. The Porsche name is used by Grundig
radios and also appears on watches, luggage sets, and tennis racquets. The computer world
has even capitalized on the Porsche brand name with the game Need for Speed: Porsche
Unleashed. One very popular form of licensing is the use of characters created in books and
other media. Such entertainment licensing has generated tremendous revenues for movie
studios such as Disney and Lucas Films. Star Wars memorabilia has been continually suc-
cessful since the first film was released in the 1970s. A long-standing staple of licensing has
been major league sports teams that play in the NBA, NFL, NHL, or MLB.
Licensing is an effective form of attracting visibility for the brand and thereby building
brand equity while also generating additional revenue. There are, however, some risks asso-
ciated with it. For the licensor, the major risk is the dilution of its brand equity through over­
exposure of the brand, especially if the brand name and characters are used inappropriately.60

LO7 Packaging
Packaging is an important brand element with more tangible or physical benefits than
the other brand elements because packages come in different types and offer a variety of
benefits to consumers, manufacturers, and retailers. Packaging attracts the consumer’s
attention, enables products to stand out from their competitors, and offers a promotional
tool (e.g., “NEW” and “IMPROVED” promises on labels). It also allows the same product
to appeal to different markets with different sizes, such that convenience stores stock little
packages that travellers can buy at the last minute, whereas Costco sells extra-large ver-
sions of products. As discussed in Entrepreneurial Marketing 9.1, packaging plays a key
role in launching a new product.
Packaging also serves to protect products. Wrappers and exterior cartons protect eggs
from being broken, and they help prevent tampering with products such as toothpaste.
Packaging provides the UPC label used by retail scanners, and it provides contents, direc-
tions, and other additional product information. The package can also be an important
marketing tool for the manufacturer if it is used to convey the brand’s positioning. Cosmet-
ics giant Estée Lauder considers packaging to be key to brand image—if its packaging is
beautiful and perfectly executed, consumers have more confidence in the products inside.61
Packaging is considered by many marketers to be the last frontier in advertising because
of its role in promoting products to consumers on the floor of the store at the point of
Product, Branding, and Packaging Decisions CHAPTER 9 287

Entrepreneurial Marketing 9.1

Peel-Off Stickers Wow Parents

and Schools — Wowbutter†
Having family members with peanut allergies led
to the development of a product that tasted just
like peanut butter but was made from roasted
soybeans. The Mahon family owned and oper-
ated a farming business in Staffa, which is in
South Western Ontario. Wanting to add value to
his cash crops, Barry Mahon started selling prod-
ucts aimed at end consumers in the early 1990s.
For example, he added a processing line to con-
vert his oat crops into rolled oats, which the family
sold to high-end hotels.
Shortly after Barry’s son Scott graduated as
a mechanical engineer, he joined the business.
Scott thought that peanut-free spreads being
sold at the time were terrible. He saw the oppor-
tunity to make a better product and designed a Each jar of Wowbutter comes with 16 peel-off stickers that identify a
special roasting process for soybeans the fam- child’s lunch as being nut free.
ily grew. Originally the spread was sold as a Courtesy of Wowbutter, Hilton Whole Grain Millers Ltd.
private-label product. Unhappy with the way it
was being marketed, the family took full control
in 2009 and turned the product into a manufacturer’s promoted as “Safe for School.” Jars are labelled as 100%
brand. They came up with the brand name after everyone peanut free and nut free. In addition, to make school lunch
who tasted it said “Wow!” Parents and children liked both identification easy, each jar comes with sixteen peel-off
the name and the fact that it tastes just like peanut butter. stickers that say "Made with Wowbutter—100% Peanut
In spite of the fact that the product was peanut-free, & Nut Free.” Parents can attach the stickers to sandwich
there were roadblocks in gaining acceptance. Parents containers and bags so teachers and others can readily
loved the product, however, school boards expressed see that their child’s lunch is safe and not made with pea-
concern. Given that Wowbutter looks and smells so nut butter. The stickers have gone a long way to build
much like peanut butter, many schools told parents that trust. Recently, the company rounded out the product line
even alternative spreads would not be permitted in their by offering Wowbutter in single-serving to-go cups, avail-
children’s lunches. That was frustrating for the Mahons. able in packs of five.
Dealing with peanut allergies in their own family, they Scott Mahon says that making Wowbutter their own
understand the importance of being socially responsible brand was the best thing they ever did. It is now the only
and they work hard to educate people about the severity product the company makes. Employing four family mem-
of peanut allergies. bers and eight other workers, the Mahons sell millions of
New packaging and labelling provided a solution that jars of Wowbutter annually, with sales of over $5 million in
addressed the concerns of school boards. The product is Canada and the U.S.
†“Bans on nut-free spreads in schools frustrate parents,” CTV News, Sep. 25. 2014,
frustrate-parents-1.2023653; “Wowbutter still a risk for students with allergies, says parent,” CBC News, October 13, 2014,
canada/newfoundland-labrador/wowbutter-still-a-risk-for-students-with-allergies-says-parent-1.2796999; “New Safe-for-School WOWBUTTER Label
Prevents Peanut Allergy Problems,” WOWBUTTER, October 1, 2015,
Peanut-Allergy-Problems.pdf; “School Lunch identification of WOWBUTTER is easy with our new AWARD WINNING identification stickers included
with every jar!,” WOWBUTTER,; Diane Jermyn, “Family business sticks with Wowbutter through thick and thin,”
The Globe and Mail, October 15, 2018,
(accessed July 26, 2019).

purchase. Packaging may also affect consumers’ emotions and drive impulse buying. The
shapes of fragrance, perfume, and deodorant bottles and containers are good examples of
marketers extending the use of packaging beyond a distribution function to encourage pur-
chase and differentiation. Many children also pressure their parents to buy products, like
breakfast cereal, more because of the packaging than for the product.
288 Section FOUR Value Creation

Recently, it seems as if single–use plastic has

become enemy number one. Indeed, even the Queen
has banned plastic bottles and straws from Buck-
ingham Palace, Balmoral Castle, and ten other royal
homes.62 Research indicates that the bulk of plastic
trash that was cleaned up from Canadian shorelines
could be traced to five companies: Nestlé, Tim Hortons,
PepsiCo, the Coca-Cola Company, and McDonald’s.63
Consider that as more people live alone, more single-
serve products that use more packaging are purchased.
Studies show that almost half of plastic waste results
from packaging. Add in the increase in food spending
outside grocery stores, and it’s easy to understand why
the issue of plastic trash is on consumers’ minds. Yet
Consumers love the edible spoons at Kawartha Dairy's ice
cream stores. there can be a disconnect between expressing concern
TUF Candy Inc., for the environment and demonstrating a willingness
to put their money where their mouth is. While a study
by Asia Pulp and Paper found that 27 percent of consumers surveyed agreed they would
pay up to 10 percent more for sustainably packaged products,64 a study by Dalhousie
University found that nearly 90 percent of consumers were unwilling to pay substantially
more for green packaging.65
More companies are moving toward sustainable packaging, as noted in Sustainable
Marketing 9.1. Leaders in this area include Coca-Cola, L’Oréal, and P&G. P&G is using
the first shampoo bottles that are fully recyclable and made from plastic waste recovered
from beaches for its brand Head & Shoulders. Fast-food companies are also taking action.
McDonald’s is testing wooden cutlery and stir sticks, as well as paper straws and napkins
with recycled fibre.66 Starbucks has rolled out recyclable, lightweight, strawless lids for
cold drinks. Some companies are even experimenting with edible packaging. For example,
Kawartha Dairy in Bobcaygeon, Ontario offered edible
spoons in three of its ice cream stores. Manufactured
by Candy Cutlery in Markham, Ontario, the spoons
sold for $1 and were such a hit that the dairy plans to
roll them out at all ten location next season.67 Pepsi
announced it is planning to test market Aquafina water
in cans in an effort to see if consumers would accept
packaging that is better for the environment. Given
that only 9 percent of the world’s plastic gets recycled,
cans make sense. Studies show that 67 percent of alu-
minum consumers buy is reused.68
Packaging can also be used in other subtler ways to
help suppliers save costs. When the costs of producing
a product rise significantly, manufacturers are faced
with either raising prices (something customers don’t
usually like) or reducing the amount of product sold
in a package. For example, beauty subscription boxes
have recently popularized smaller packaging for beauty
products, prompting MAC Cosmetics to produce a col-
lection of miniaturized products, Little MAC, with
each piece costing only $10 or $12.69 Chobani reduced
To answer consumers’ call for sustainable packaging, P&G’s the size of its Greek yogurt containers from 6 ounces to
Head & Shoulders shampoo bottles are fully recyclable and 5.3 ounces without changing the price. Although there
made from plastic waste recovered from beaches. was a time when customers might not have noticed
Source: Procter & Gamble this 12 percent decrease, today consumers are very
Product, Branding, and Packaging Decisions CHAPTER 9 289

Sustainable Marketing 9.1

Eco-Strips: An Earth-Saving
Laundry Solution††
Laundry is not the most exciting topic for consumers. Yet it
is of great interest to consumer packaged goods compa-
nies. Globally, the laundry detergent market is valued at over
$133 billion U.S. The laundry detergent category has seen
a lot of innovation over the years from dry powder, to liquid,
and pods. One of the reasons behind some product formu-
lation changes has to do with global concern about water
scarcity. New products often replace chemicals tradition-
ally used in laundry detergent with ingredients that are less
water dependent. Companies have introduced concentrated
detergents that contain far less water and offer more loads
per container. That has allowed them to shrink the amount
of plastic used in packaging, also reducing shipping costs.
With more than 30 billion loads of laundry done in
North America annually, environmental impacts help to
spur innovation. As the clear market share leader, P&G has
more than double the sales of its nearest competitor. That
makes it extremely difficult for new companies to break Eco-Strips offer a convenient, eco-friendly, and space-saving
into the market. Yet that’s exactly what Vancouver-based alternative to traditional laundry detergents. Each strip contains
Tru Earth set out to do. Ryan McKenzie, one of the compa- one pre-measured dose of detergent.
ny’s co-owners, was looking for ways to reduce his carbon Courtesy of Tru Earth
footprint in all aspects of his life. Consumables, such as
laundry detergents, were a huge challenge. He was keen the household and how much laundry is done, consum-
to tackle it, and so product development of a more envi- ers can choose to receive delivery from once a month, to
ronmentally friendly product, Eco-Strips, began in 2016. once every two or three months. There is no charge for
Eco-Strips launched in April 2019 and look like small, the subscription, which can be cancelled at any time, and
very dense fabric-softener sheets. The strips, which feel shipping through Canada Post is included in the price.
a bit like fruit leather, contain ultra-concentrated, environ- Using only social media (primarily Facebook and
mentally friendly, pre-measured doses of laundry deter- Instagram) to spread the word, Tru Earth received 600
gent. Just take a strip out of the package and throw it subscriptions in the first two weeks that Eco-Strips were
in the laundry with your clothes. Eco-Strips weigh in at available. Could Eco-Strips ever be a rival to products like
less than three grams each, making their footprint dra- Tide? According to Dr. Karen Correia da Silva, a social
matically smaller than powder or liquid detergents. Not scientist who studies shifts in culture and behaviour,
only is the detergent itself eco-friendly, the space-saving “Sustainable products are rarely market leaders.” Prod-
packaging is bio-degradable. That adds up to eliminating uct performance is paramount. That’s crucial for Eco-
one billion plastic laundry detergent bottles, resulting in strips, which have proven cleaning power, are paraben
CO2 reductions that amount to planting nine million trees and phosphate free, have no added dyes or chlorine
or removing 27 million cars from the road for one day. bleach, and are certified hypoallergenic and vegan. While
The laundry sector is extremely difficult to break into. it may never be a market leader, Canadian Business
The fight for shelf space is long and expensive. That’s magazine has named the company the second-fastest-
why McKenzie decided against taking a traditional route growing startup in the country. And one last advantage
to distributing Eco-Strips. Instead, the company sells the for Tru Earth? It holds a patent for how the strips are
product online by subscription. Depending on the size of manufactured.
††Phone interview with Ryan McKenzie Co-Owner Tru Earth; “What Are Tru Earth Laundry Eco-Strips?,”; Maria Coronado Robles, “Water
Scarcity Fuelling Product Innovation in Laundry Detergents,” Euromonitor International, April 15, 2016,
fuelling-product-innovation-in-laundry-detergents/; Grand View Research, “Laundry Detergent Market Analysis By Product (Powder, Liquid, Fabric
Softeners, Detergent Tablets), By Application (Household, Industrial or Institutional), By Regions, and Segment Forecasts, 2018-2025, Nov 2017, www.; Liam O’Connell, “Sales of the leading liquid laundry detergent brands of the
United States in 2018 (in million U.S. dollars),” Statista, July 22, 2019,
united-states/; Georgina Fuller, “Subscription suds: can a detergent-by-post model challenge the big brands?,” The Guardian, Nov. 16, 2018, www. (accessed July 27,
2019), “Tru Earth Declared Canada’s 2nd Fastest Growing Startup Overall and Fastest Growing CPG Startup by Canadian Business Magazine,”
Business Wire, October 15, 2020,
canadas-2nd-fastest-growing-startup-overall-and-fastest-growing-cpg-startup-by-canadian-business-magazine (accessed Nov. 6, 2020).
290 Section FOUR Value Creation

To combat rising costs, manufacturers like MAC Cosmetics produce a collection of miniaturized
products, Little MAC, with each piece costing only $10 or $12.
© McGraw Hill Education

aware that everything from cleansing tissues to ice cream containers is shrinking. Today’s
customers are more empowered as well. As soon as Chobani's newer, smaller packages hit
store shelves, customers took to Twitter and Facebook and immediately began complaining
about the change, further raising awareness of the packaging change.70

Labels on products and packages provide information that consumers need for their pur-
chase decisions and consumption of the products. In that they identify the product and
brand, labels are also an important element of branding and
can be used for promotion. The information required on
them must comply with general and industry-specific laws
and regulations, including the constituents or ingredients
contained in the product, where the product was made,
directions for use, and/or safety precautions.
Many labelling requirements stem from various laws,
including the Competition Act, the Consumer Packaging
and Labelling Act and Regulations, the Food and Drugs Act,
and the Hazardous Materials Act. Several federal agencies,
industry groups, and consumer watchdogs carefully moni-
tor product labels. The Food and Drugs Act regulates the
information on food, drugs, and cosmetics package labels.
Quaker Canada had to wait for Health Canada approval
before it could state on its labels that oat fibre helps reduce
cholesterol. The Consumer Packaging and Labelling Act
The packaging and label for siggi's® yogurt highlights covers food products and ensures that the claims made by
that the yogurt contains 18 grams of protein per the manufacturer are true and that labels accurately reflect
175-gram serving. ingredients and quantities. All this has to be done in both of
Source: Parmalat Canada Canada’s official languages, French and English.
Product, Branding, and Packaging Decisions CHAPTER 9 291

A product label is much more than just a sticker on the package; it is a communication
tool. Many of the elements on the label are required by laws and regulations (i.e., ingredi-
ents, fat content, sodium content, serving size, calories), but other elements of the label
remain within the control of the manufacturer. How manufacturers use labels to commu-
nicate the benefits of their products to consumers varies by the product. For example, the
labelling for siggi's® yogurt highlights that the yogurt contains 18 grams of protein per 175-
gram serving. Many other products highlight other specific ingredients, vitamin content,
or nutrient content. This focus signals to consumers that the product offers these benefits.
Although often overlooked, the importance of the label as a communication tool should
not be underestimated.

Learning Objectives Review

LO1 Describe the components of a product help sell the product. Finally, brands have real market
value as a company asset.
The product itself is important but so are its associated
services, such as support or financing. Other elements LO5 Summarize the components of brand equity
combine to produce the core customer value of a prod-
uct: the brand name, quality level, packaging, and addi- Brand equity summarizes the value that a brand adds to—
tional features. or subtracts from—the offering’s value. It comprises brand
awareness, or how many consumers in the market are
LO2 Identify the types of consumer products familiar with the brand; brand associations, which are the
links consumers make between the brand and its image;
These products tend to be classified into four groups: and brand loyalty, which occurs when a consumer will buy
specialty, shopping, convenience, and unsought prod- only that brand’s offer. Brand equity also encompasses
ucts. Each classification involves a different purchase situ- the concept of perceived value, which is a subjective
ation and consumer goal. measure that consumers develop to assess the costs of
obtaining the brand.
LO3 Explain the difference between a product
mix’s breadth and a product line’s depth LO6  escribe the types of branding strategies
used by firms
Breadth, or variety, entails the number of product lines
that a company offers. Depth involves the number of Firms use a variety of strategies to manage their brands.
categories in one specific product line. Firms grow their First, they must decide whether to offer manufacturer,
product lines by adding either new product categories private-label, or generic brands. Second, they have a
or new SKUs within a product category. The decision to choice of using an overall corporate brand or a collection
add products should be made carefully. Excessive prod- of product line or individual brands. Third, to reach new
uct line expansions can confuse consumers and dilute the markets or extend their current market, they can extend
appeal of the brand’s core products. Sometimes products their current brands to new products. Fourth, firms can
or product lines become unprofitable, the firm’s priorities cobrand with another brand to create sales and profit syn-
change, or consumer preferences shift. When this hap- ergies for both. Fifth, firms with strong brands have the
pens, firms must prune their product lines by deleting opportunity to license their brands to other firms.
items or possibly even entire product categories.
LO7 State how a product’s packaging and label
LO4 Identify the advantages that brands provide contribute to a firm’s overall strategy
firms and consumers
Like brands, packaging and labels help sell the product
Brands facilitate the consumer search process. Some cus- and facilitate its use. The package holds the product, and
tomers are loyal to certain brands, which essentially pro- its label provides product information. The package also
tects those brands from competition. In addition, brands provides additional consumer information on its label and
are valuable in a legal sense, in that trademarks and facilitates transportation and storage for both retailers
copyrights protect firms from counterfeiters and knock-off and their customers. Labels have become increasingly
artists. Firms with well-known brands can spend relatively important to consumers because they supply important
less on marketing because the brand and its associations safety, nutritional, and product usage information.
292 Section FOUR Value Creation

Key Terms
■■ associated services (or ■■ brands ■■ private-label brands (store brands)
augmented product) ■■ cobranding ■■ product category
■■ brand associations ■■ consumer products ■■ product line depth
■■ brand awareness ■■ convenience goods/services ■■ product lines
■■ brand dilution ■■ core customer value ■■ product mix
■■ brand equity ■■ family brand ■■ product mix breadth
■■ brand extension ■■ generic ■■ shopping goods/services
■■ brand licensing ■■ individual brand ■■ specialty goods/services
■■ brand loyalty ■■ manufacturer brands ■■ stock keeping units (SKUs)
■■ brand personality ■■ perceived value

concept review

1. Explain the differences between product mix breadth 6. What are the advantages of using the same brand
and product line depth. Why is understanding this dif- name and extending it to new products?
ference important?
7. Explain how brand licensing differs from cobranding.
2. Explain why branding is important to marketers. What
8. What is cobranding? When does it make sense for a
value do customers derive from purchasing and using
company to use a cobranding strategy?
brand name products?
9. Explain how marketers increase the value of their
3. What is brand equity? Describe the strategies marketers
product offering through packaging. Discuss the
could employ to increase the value of their brand equity.
ethical issues surrounding product packaging
4. Differentiate between a manufacturer’s brand, store and labelling. How might some of these issues be
brand, and generic brand. Should retailers carry all resolved?
three types of brands? Why?
10. Explain how labelling could be used as a marketing
5. Describe the desirable qualities companies should weapon rather than just to provide legally required
consider when choosing product names. information.

Marketing Applications

1. Prepared foods at Whole Foods Market, the world’s 5. Are you loyal to any brands? If so, pick one and explain
largest retailer of organic foods, are very profitable. To why you believe you are loyal, beyond that you simply
make them even more profitable, suggest two strat- like the brand. If not, pick a brand that you like and
egies that would alter the product mix breadth and explain how you would feel and act differently toward
depth. the brand if you were loyal to it.
2. Visit a grocery store and look for Colgate Total tooth- 6. Ford Motor Company owns several brands: Ford,
paste on the shelves. How many different SKUs Lincoln, Mercury, and Aston Martin. Within each brand
(including all sizes and flavour variations) are sold at are many models, each of which has a unique identify-
the store? What are the advantages and disadvan- ing name. Wouldn’t it be easier to just identify them all
tages of having so many different variations? as Fords? Justify your answer.
3. Suppose you have just been hired by a jewellery man- 7. Unlike Ford Motor Company, BMW has only one
ufacturer as a marketing consultant. The manufacturer brand and gives each car it makes a number instead
has been making private-label jewellery for 75 years of a name, for example, the BMW Series 3, Series 5,
but is thinking about developing its own brand of jew- or Series 7. What are the advantages to BMW of this
ellery. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of approach?
such a strategy.
8. Consumers have become increasingly aware of the
4. Identify a specific brand that has developed a high amount of packaging that is used for certain products
level of brand equity. What specific aspects of that and the possible environmental impact of disposing
brand establish its brand equity? of packaging materials into the natural environment.
Product, Branding, and Packaging Decisions CHAPTER 9 293

Choose a product that you believe should change its expanded its production capacity. You have an appoint-
packaging. How would you change the packaging? ment with the manager of a local grocery chain. The
Do you feel these changes would make the product manager is familiar with the bakery’s products and is
more desirable for consumers? excited about the possibility of having them in the store.
He has asked you to come up with a plan to package
9. Do you think all food sold in a grocery store should
your products in a way that makes them attractive to
have an ingredient and nutrition label? Consider the
shoppers, keeps baked goods fresh, and uses the least
perspectives of consumers, the manufacturer, and
amount of packaging possible to satisfy even the most
the store.
stringent environmentalist. You’ve never had to deal
10. You are hired by a small bakery interested in distribut- with this issue before. At the bakery, goods are packed
ing its product through supermarkets. The market for in paper bags after being selected from protective
the bakery’s products has been steadily growing, and it glass displays. Come up with a package that works for
is time to expand distribution now that the bakery has the retailer and is affordable for the bakery.

marketing digitally

1. Visit the P&G website ( Identify and briefly 2. Visit the Sephora website ( Explore
describe its different product lines. Now identify one the Sephora Collection, which is their private-label
of its product categories, and discuss the depth of brand. How does Sephora position this brand in the
that particular category. market vis-à-vis the national brands?

chapter Case study


Hippies wear them. Rebels, dropouts from conventional consumer-
ism, flower children—these are all images traditionally associated with
Birkenstocks, the clunky, cork-soled sandals that have been issuing
forth from German factories for 240 years. Although the company has
introduced a few variations, such as a clog or rubberized straps, the look
of a Birkenstock is immediately recognizable and little changed from its
humble beginnings.71
All these features suggest it is a poor candidate as a fashion product.
Rather than changing every season, the footwear has stayed largely the
same. Rather than focusing on the appearance of the offering, the product
design stems solely from considerations of comfort and orthopedic safety.
Furthermore, they continue to be made in relatively expensive German fac-
tories rather than having production shipped overseas to lower the costs.
Considering these factors, it seems strange that Vogue has called
Birks “sexy” and Glamour named it the shoe of the summer recently. One
writer went so far as to proclaim Birkenstocks as the summer’s sexiest
shoes.72 Explanations for this newfound popularity with fashion’s elite
are varied and unproven. One fashion blogger explained that after years
of wearing only uncomfortable, tight, high-heeled shoes, slipping on a
pair of Birkenstocks was a life-changing experiment in comfort, so she
could not imagine going back. Other fashion leaders, including Manolo
Blahnik—known for his sky-high heels and creative shoe designs—has
offered his endorsement, asserting that as long as the wearers have nice Birkenstock has gone high fashion. Pictured
toes and a good pedicure, the sandals can look nice. here is British-American actress Lily Collins
The approval from these fashion leaders has led more and more sporting the 240-year-old brand on her feet.
famous people to name-drop the brand. At the 2019 Oscar Awards, © OPC/ZOJ/WENN/Newscom
294 Section FOUR Value Creation

At the 2019 Oscar Awards, Frances McDormand wore specially created acid-
yellow Birkenstocks with her Valentino gown.
Kevin Winter/Getty Images

Frances McDormand wore specially created acid-yellow Birkenstocks with her Valentino
gown. When asked about her choice of footwear, McDormand responded by saying her
“aesthetic perception always allowed gentle contrasts, as the one between a Haute Couture
gown and a casual sandal may appear to be. I see no contradiction in this.”73
The shift certainly did not result from a conscious effort by Birkenstock though. Rather,
it caught the company somewhat by surprise, because it had been doing business the
same way it had for more than two centuries. It has a virtually nonexistent marketing
budget, does not advertise widely, and did not pursue the endorsements it has received
from fashion trendsetters. Its CEO asserts that the popularity is a reaffirmation of a basic,
and seemingly outdated, marketing lesson: Build a great product, and people will seek it
out on their own.
Still, the company is not immune to the appeal of being known as fashionable. Accord-
ingly, it is happy to tout its mentions in popular media on the Birkenstock website. It also
has developed a nice collection of Instagram shots that emphasize its diverse assortment
of options. Along with fashion shots of models wearing its silver sandals with high-fashion
dresses, it also features hikers in remote locations, sporting its comfortable-looking, well-
worn footwear.
The combination of great products and strong branding has been highly effective.
Birkenstock’s sales have grown between 40 percent to 50 percent over the past year in
different regions of the world, and it estimates that it will sell 20 million pairs annually in the
coming years. That’s a lot of toes to show.74

1. Visit the company website ( and identify and describe the different
product lines that it markets.
2. Describe its product line breadth.
3. Review the different product categories in each of the company’s product lines. Which
has the greatest depth? Which has the least?
4. How has the company positioned its brand? How does it go about communicating its
Chapter 10

(both): Used with permission of Blythe Cowbell Brewery

Services: The Intangible Product

Learning Objectives
After studying this chapter you should be able to
Describe how marketing a service differs from marketing a product by applying the
principles of intangibility, inseparability, inconsistency, and inventory
Outline the four gaps in the Gaps model used to understand and manage
customer expectations
Describe strategies that firms can use to help employees provide better service
Identify three service recovery strategies

Steven and David Sparling had long careers with one of Canada’s largest propane retailers, Sparling’s Propane,
a business their family owned for two generations. When it was sold to Parkland Fuel Corporation in 2013,1 the
Sparlings went looking for new challenges. The result was Cowbell Brewing Co., a brewery, restaurant, and enter-
tainment venue located on 120 acres of land at the corner of two highways in Blyth, Ontario. A location in the heart
of rural farmland may not seem like the most logical site for a brewery. The choice was rooted in family history.
After World War II, Sparling’s father, Grant, moved to Blyth and operated several small businesses. He made
it a point to quietly repay the local townsfolk for their support over the years. And now Steven Sparling and his
son, Grant Sparling II, are continuing this family tradition by supporting the local economy and helping to build
a strong community.2 David is championing a revitalization in the village. The company has already created 170
jobs, a point of pride for Sparling who notes that previously most young people left the area due to a lack of jobs.
Cowbell Brewing brings 150,000 guests a year to Blyth, a town of only 1,000 residents. The brewery team works
with local farmers, producers, and suppliers to provide truly local farm-to-table food3 for its restaurant and further
encourage economic development.
Services: The Intangible Product CHAPTER 10 297

The main building is 26,000 square feet and includes the brewery, a restaurant, and a number of rooms with
names like Thresher’s Hall, The Loft, and Cowbell Cellar. The venue can be used for conferences, weddings, team
events, or other private functions and celebrations. In fact, the company hosted 318 events in 365 days last year.
Plans are in the works for an outdoor amphitheatre with space for 15,000 people that can be used for live music,
and cultural and athletic events. The building, which has 45-foot-high ceilings, was designed using 'grand old barn'
architecture and used more than 600 renewably sourced beams from British Columbia. Rustic barn doors are used
throughout the building, along with a cowbell motif, including cowbells displayed as wind chimes on walls. On hot
days, customers can sit outside and enjoy one of many craft beers or order wood-fired pizza and other items from
the restaurant. When the weather turns colder, customers can sit inside and warm themselves in front of a beautiful
stone fireplace. A touch of local history and whimsy is noted in the names that Cowbell gives its craft beers: Absent
Landlord, Doc Perdue’s Bobcat, and Lorna Bray Fly Girl. In addition to selling its beers onsite, it also sells online, by
subscription, and through the Liquor Control Board of Ontario (LCBO) and the Beer Store.
Committed to sustainability, Cowbell is North America’s first carbon-neutral brewery. All the equipment used
in the brewery was designed to conserve energy and resources.4 Given its location in a small town, the brewery
needs to work around the limitations of local water supply. Cowbell’s water is sourced from its onsite well. The
company also built its own wastewater plant to ensure there is no impact from effluents on the municipal system.
In addition, as of 2019, Cowbell had planted trees to offset carbon emissions.
Everything in Cowbell Brewing’s design and operations helps it to deal with the challenges of being a service
business. The hand-crafted interior of the building complements the craft beers being sold and enhances the
overall atmosphere. Tangibility is further added by the murals and video kiosks throughout the building, which
educate customers about sustainability measures in place. Customers can even take photos by the Cowbell bar-
rels as they leave to preserve the memory, stop by the store to buy Cowbell merchandise, and take home some
of their favourite beer. The video kiosks ensure consistency since the message is always delivered exactly as the
company intended, with just the right amount of enthusiasm. That frees up the well-trained staff to focus on bar
and restaurant patrons. Managing perishability of space is easier given so many different room options available
in the building. Managing scarce inventory of time may be more of an issue. As more bus tours full of tourists trav-
elling to the Blyth Festival Theatre or Stratford Festival Theatre arrive, Cowbell is often booked and busy months
in advance. Locals sometimes complain about the difficulty in getting reservations!
The company culture was built on a strong commitment to community and doing the right thing. From
the day Cowbell Brewing opened, it has donated 5 cents from the sale of every pint and can to its Greener
Pastures Community Fund, which supports the Canadian Centre for Rural Creativity and four children’s hospitals
in Ontario.5 Additionally, it was the first brewery in Canada to receive gold-level certification from the Rick Hansen
Foundation for accessibility measures throughout the venue.6
Lastly, with 120 acres of land available, Cowbell has plans for a working farm, growing ingredients for the
beer and the restaurant. As one writer noted, No one has ever done this before.7

In this chapter, we examine the unique characteristics of services that differentiate them
from products. Then we discuss how companies can provide great service and use elements
in the Gaps model to help them meet customer expectations. Lastly, we look at how compa-
nies can recover from inevitable service failures.
Whereas a service is any intangible offering that involves an act, performance, or service
effort that cannot be physically possessed, customer service specifically refers to human Any intangible offering
that cannot be physically
or mechanical activities firms undertake to help satisfy their customers’ needs and wants. possessed.
By providing good customer service, firms add value to their products.
customer service
Exhibit 10.1 illustrates the continuum from a pure service to a pure product. For exam- Specifically refers to human
ple, some businesses install tires (pure service) while others only sell them (pure product). or mechanical activities
firms undertake to help
And some companies, like Cowbell Brewing, lie somewhere in the middle and include
satisfy their customers’
some service and some product. Still other firms sell products with an “embedded” service needs and wants.
element (e.g., restaurants). Some pure service companies operate in the online or mobile
world, for example, dating app firms such as Tinder. As we noted in Chapter 2, even firms

Exhibit 10.1 The Service-Product Continuum

Dry Grocery
Doctor Hotel Restaurant Specialty
Cleaners Store

Service Dominant Product Dominant

(doctor): Ariel Skelley/Getty Images; (hotel): Onoky/SuperStock; (dry cleaners): The McGraw Hill Companies, Inc./Andrew Resek, photographer; (restaurant):
John A. Rizzo/Getty Images; (apparel store): Charles Bowman/Alamy Stock Photo; (grocery store): Photodisc; Brand X Pictures/Getty Images.

engaged primarily in selling a product, such as apparel stores, typically view service as a
means to maintain a sustainable competitive advantage. This chapter takes an inclusive
view of services as anything from pure service businesses to a business that uses service as
a differentiating tool to help it sell physical products.
Economies of developed countries such as Canada have become increasingly depen-
dent on services. For example, the service sector fuels the Canadian economy, accounting
for the lion’s share of jobs (more than 80 percent of the population works in services8), and
is growing far faster than goods-producing industries.

Specialized services like personal training are thriving.

Chris Clinton/Getty Images
Services: The Intangible Product CHAPTER 10 299

The current list of Fortune 500 companies contains more service companies and fewer
manufacturers than it did in previous decades.9 Many product-based companies are add-
ing to or expanding their services offerings. For example, as iPhone sales plateau, Apple
is expanding its services, which now subscribe to make up the company’s second largest
source of revenue. Along with Apple Music, consumers can access hundreds of popular
magazines and newspapers through AppleNews+, watch original television content on
AppleTV+, subscribe to Apple Arcade to play games, and pay for it all with an Apple credit
card.10 Retailers are also looking for ways to add services. MEC (Mountain Equipment
Co-op), which sells outdoor gear, recently launched MEC Adventures, offering special-
ized travel experiences. Tours include a multi-sport adventure in New Zealand, cycling in
Vietnam, or a food and wine hiking trip on the Amalfi Coast in Italy.11 And, recognizing
that people are time-poor, IKEA Canada introduced TaskRabbit, an in-home service to
assemble furniture bought at one of its Ontario stores.12
This dependence and the growth of service-oriented economies in developed countries
have emerged for several reasons. First, it is generally less expensive for firms to manufac-
ture their products in less-developed countries. Even if the goods are finished in Canada,
some of their components likely were produced elsewhere. In turn, the proportion of
service production to goods production in Canada, and other similar economies, has
steadily increased over time.

Sustainable Marketing 10.1

Never Buy Furniture Again* against the $1499 purchase cost. Subscribers can return
furniture or cancel their memberships any time. That’s
Younger consumers are not nearly as concerned with tan- also ideal for home stagers and real-estate agents who
gible possessions as previous generations. That includes can access great-looking furniture on a short-term basis
furniture. And so Daniel and Joshua Simair, the two broth- for clients who are selling their homes.
ers who built the successful SkiptheDishes app, have Sustainability is at the heart of the subscription
turned their attention to their next venture—furniture sub- model. Items don’t end up in landfills since Pivot takes
scriptions. Pivot Furniture launched in September 2018, them back when consumers no longer want them and
offering its services to residents in Simair’s hometown of repairs items if needed so they can be rented out again.
Winnipeg, as well as Saskatoon. Customers who use the Unlike consumers who may throw a couch out when it
monthly subscription service can furnish every room in starts to wear, Pivot can recover it to give it new life. It
their home with high-quality couches, beds, dining-room intentionally chooses materials that can be restored
tables and chairs, even wine racks. As they relocate, they or repurposed. To further protect the environment, the
can simply return the items they have rented rather than company will ensure that items are properly recycled
deal with the hassle of moving the furniture. when they are beyond repair.
Traditional furniture sales rely on expensive show- Furniture rental is not a new concept. Two companies,
rooms because people like to touch and feel items to get Feather and Fernish, offer subscription services in the
a sense of how they would look in their own homes. As U.S. However, the category has not exactly taken off. That
a result, convincing consumers to buy furniture online is may be about to change. Rent the Runway, which offers
quite difficult. Pivot’s subscription model does away with designer clothing subscriptions, recently partnered with
the need for showrooms because, if members don’t love West Elm to offer home décor items on a rental basis.
what they receive, they can send the items back and try And IKEA has announced that it will test furniture rentals
something else. A monthly membership is $9.99 and cov- in 30 countries.
ers delivery, assembly, and taking items apart for their Pivot Furniture has quickly grown to more than 100
return. Each item has a separate fee associated with it. employees and opened a Calgary location. Now it is look-
For example, the monthly rate for a coffee table is $4.99 ing to expand to more cities, hoping consumers in other
and a couch is $15.99. If consumers love a couch and locations will value the ability to effortlessly source and
want to keep it, they can apply subscription payments change the furniture in their homes as their needs change.

*Justin Dallaire, “The Disruptors: Pivot brings subscriptions to furniture,” Strategy, May 28, 2019,
pivot-brings-subscriptions-to-furniture; Brenda Bouw, “SkipTheDishes founders launch subscription furniture service,” The Globe and Mail, April 12,
2019,; Pivot
Furniture, “Frequently Asked Questions,” (accessed July 28, 2019).

Second, people place a high value on convenience and leisure. Most households have
little time for household maintenance tasks, and many are willing to pay others to do their
chores, for example, cleaning up dog waste from their yards. As discussed in Sustainable
Marketing 10.1, some consumers pay a monthly fee for the convenience of having good
quality furniture in their homes.
Third, as the world has become more complicated, people are demanding more spe-
cialized services—everything from plumbers to personal trainers, from massage therapists
to tax preparation specialists, from lawyers to travel and leisure specialists and even to
healthcare providers. The aging population in particular has increased the need for health-
care specialists, including doctors, nurses, and caregivers in assisted-living facilities and
nursing homes, and many of those consumers want their specialists to provide personal-
ized, dedicated services.

LO1 Services Marketing Differs from

Product Marketing
The marketing of services differs from product marketing because of four fundamental dif-
ferences unique to services: they are intangible, inseparable, variable, and perishable.13 To
help remember these differences, think of them as the four Is of services in that they are
Intangible, Inseparable from their providers, Inconsistent (variable), and cannot be held
in Inventory (perishable). (See Exhibit 10.2.) These differences make marketing services
considerably more challenging than marketing products. This section examines these four
differences and discusses how they affect marketing strategies.

Exhibit 10.2 Core Differences Between Services and Goods


Intangible Characteristics Inconsistent

Services: The Intangible Product CHAPTER 10 301

As the title of this chapter implies, the most fundamental difference between products and
services is that services are intangible; they cannot be touched, tasted, or seen like a pure intangible
product can. When you get a physical examination, you see and hear the doctor, but the A characteristic of a
service; it cannot be
service itself is intangible. This intangibility can prove highly challenging to marketers. For touched, tasted, or seen
instance, it makes it difficult to convey the benefits of services. Try describing whether the like a pure product can.
experience of visiting your dentist was good or bad and why. Service providers (e.g., phy-
sicians, dentists) offer cues to help their customers experience and perceive their service
more positively, such as a waiting room stocked with TV sets, computer games, and toys for
children; upscale beverages; and comfortable chairs to create an atmosphere that appeals
to the target market.
Similarly, Starbucks has always enhanced its service offering by providing a comfort-
able and cozy atmosphere for drinking coffee, working, reading, or chatting with friends.
It adds tangibility to its service by creating a warm and inviting environment and offer-
ing free Wi-Fi to customers nationwide. RBC Royal Bank offers clients myFinanceTracker,
an online financial management tool that tracks expenses, categorizes transactions, and
provides advanced budgeting capabilities for personal banking and credit card accounts.14
The tool improves RBC’s service offering and adds tangibility to the banking experience by
helping clients save time and money.
A service that can’t be shown directly to potential customers is difficult to promote.
Marketers must therefore creatively employ symbols and images to promote and sell ser-
vices, as Walt Disney World does in using its advertising to evoke images of happy families
and nostalgic memories of Mickey Mouse and previous visits to the theme park. Likewise,
Cirque du Soleil, considered Canada’s top cultural export, adds tangibility to its perfor-
mances with mesmerizing staged acrobatics, which are backed by a live orchestra playing
an original score. The entire circus experience is carefully coordinated to create memorable
impressions—the portable toilets on its big-top sites even have running water.15 Fans can
also buy a wide variety of Cirque du Soleil branded merchandise (e.g., music, videos, books,
clothing, and accessories) to extend their positive memories of the performances. In another
example, professional medical services provide appropriate images of personnel doing their
jobs in white coats surrounded by high-tech equipment. Dentists provide patients with
tangible evidence of their visits in the form of free toothbrushes. Educational institutions
promote the quality of their services by touting their famous faculty and alumni, as well
as their accreditations. They also often use
images of happy students sitting spellbound in
front of a fascinating professor or going on to
lucrative careers of their own.
Because of the intangibility of services,
the images marketers use reinforce the benefit
or value that a service provides. Professional
service providers—such as doctors, lawyers,
accountants, and consultants—depend heavily
on consumers’ perceptions of their integrity
and trustworthiness. Yet the promotional cam-
paigns some of these professionals use have
been criticized by their peers and consumer
welfare groups. Tension is created when service
providers such as personal injury lawyers use
aggressive marketing tactics to attract clients
to their service but still attempt to maintain a At Starbucks, customers can have a drink, meet with friends, and
perception of integrity and trustworthiness, or surf the Internet by using the stores’ free Wi-Fi access.
when invasion of privacy becomes an issue. RosaIreneBetancourt 3/Alamy Stock Photo

Inseparable Production and Consumption

Unlike a pair of jeans that may have been made months before their purchase, services
are produced and consumed at the same time—that is, service and consumption are
inseparable inseparable. When getting a haircut, the customer not only is present but may also partici-
A characteristic of a pate in the service process. Furthermore, the interaction with the service provider may have
service: it is produced
and consumed at the an important impact on the customer’s perception of the service outcome. If the hairstylist
same time—that is, service appears to be having fun while cutting hair, it may affect the experience positively. Because
and consumption are
service production can’t be separated from consumption, astute service marketers provide
opportunities for their customers to get directly involved in the service. Healthcare provid-
ers have found, for instance, that the more control they allow their patients in determining
their course of treatment, the more satisfied those patients are.
Because the service is inseparable from its consumption, customers rarely have the
opportunity to try the service before they purchase it. And after the service has been per-
formed, it can’t be returned. Imagine telling your dentist that you want a “test” cavity filled
before he or she starts drilling a real one, or asking to try out a new look before your stylist
lops several inches off your hair. Because the purchase risk in these scenarios can be rela-
tively high, services sometimes provide extended warranties and 100-percent satisfaction
guarantees, such as First Choice Haircutters, which promotes “Affordable, Professional
Haircare. Guaranteed.” The Choice Hotels chain states: “When you choose to stay at a
Comfort Inn, Comfort Suites, Quality, Clarion, or Sleep Inn hotel, we are committed to
making you feel understood, welcome, and important.”16

The more humans that are needed to provide a service, the more likely that the service’s
inconsistent quality will be inconsistent or variable. A hair stylist may give bad haircuts in the morning
A characteristic of a because he or she went out the night before; yet, that stylist may still offer a better service
service: its quality may vary
because it is provided by than the undertrained stylist working at the next station. A restaurant, which offers a mix-
humans. ture of services and products, generally can control its food quality but not the variability in
food preparation or delivery. If a consumer has a problem with a product, it can be replaced,
remade, destroyed, or, if it is already in the supply chain, recalled. In many cases, the prob-
lem can even be fixed before the product gets into consumers’ hands. But an inferior service
can’t be recalled; by the time the firm recognizes a problem, the damage has been done.

Training and Standardization

Some marketers of services strive to reduce
service inconsistency through training and
standardization. Enterprise Rent-a-Car, for
instance, has worked to standardize its service
delivery across North America and, to that end,
provides extensive training to its associates.
Go to any Enterprise outlet at any airport and
chances are you will be greeted in the same per-
sonalized way. The airport shuttle drivers will
load and unload your bags. When you get off the
shuttle, you will be greeted by name, and your
Enterprise Rent-a-Car reduces its service inconsistency through car will be ready to go in minutes. This smooth
training and standardization. You get the same great service and pleasant service transaction is the result of
everywhere you go. the company’s very specific service standards
Joe Raedle/Getty Images and excellent training program.
Services: The Intangible Product CHAPTER 10 303

Marketers also can use the inconsis-

tent nature of services to their advantage.
A micromarketing segmentation strategy
can customize a service to meet custom-
ers’ needs exactly (see Chapter 6). Exer-
cise facilities might generally provide the
same weights, machines, and mats, but at
Planet Fitness, customers know that the
gym explicitly seeks to offer a laid back,
less intense setting. Planet Fitness actively
avoids targeting hardcore gym rats with its
service offering. Instead, local storefronts
offer pizza nights and bowls of free Tootsie
Rolls, varying the details to match the
needs and preferences of their local mem-
bers. Thus, each gym seeks to live up to the
chain’s overall promise to make going to
Service offerings from Planet Fitness are customized to customers’ needs.
exercise a pleasant experience, rather than
Bernard Weil/Toronto Star via Getty Images
an intimidation festival.17

Replace People With Machines

In an alternative approach, some service providers tackle the inconsistency issue by replac-
ing people with machines. For simple transactions such as getting cash, using an automated
teller machine (ATM) is usually quicker and more convenient—and less variable—than
waiting in line for a bank teller. Self-checkout machines are mul-
tiplying in grocery and discount stores at blistering speed. Even
libraries are installing self-checkout machines for books. Canadi-
ans are accustomed to serving themselves and quickly adopt new
technology. An Ipsos-Reid/NCR study showed that 56 percent of
Canadians are more likely to shop at stores with self-service than
those without.18 Yet not everyone embraces the idea of replacing
a human with a machine. Sometimes the technology does not
perform adequately, resulting in customer dissatisfaction and
queuing problems.
Self-checkouts can be successful and increase customer loy-
alty, because they appeal to shoppers who want to move quickly
and believe they can zip through checkouts faster by using the
machines. Although expensive, the machines reduce labour
costs; one cashier can oversee the operation of four to eight
self-checkouts. And the machines don’t have to be trained—nor
do they ever come to work late or with a bad attitude, thereby
reducing service inconsistency. Airlines routinely encourage self
check-in. Even McDonald’s offers self-ordering systems at most
locations. In an early experiment, it found that customers spent
30 percent more when using the self-serve kiosks, making the
systems a good investment.19

Internet-Enabled Kiosks
Many retailers have installed Internet-enabled kiosks. In addition
to offering customers the opportunity to order merchandise not Do self-checkout machines increase or reduce
available in the store, kiosks can provide routine customer ser- consumers’ perception of service?
vice, freeing employees to deal with more demanding customer Caro/Alamy Stock Photo

requests and problems and reducing service variability. For example, customers can use
kiosks to locate merchandise in the store and determine whether specific products, brands,
and sizes are available. Kiosks can also be used to automate existing store services, such as
gift-registry management, rain checks, film drop-off, credit applications, and preordering
service for bakeries and delicatessens.
The Internet has reduced service inconsistency in several areas. Customers can pur-
chase travel items (e.g., airline tickets, hotel rooms, rental cars), concert and movie tickets,
insurance, mortgages, and merchandise directly via the Internet or by cellphone. Cineplex
launched mobile applications to allow customers to buy movie tickets faster. The apps not
only reduce inconsistency for moviegoers, but also reduce costs for theatres. And if the cus-
tomer wants more information than is available online, websites provide ways to contact
customer service personnel by email, telephone, or live chat. The app has been downloaded
14.6 million times, with over 780 million app sessions.20
Beyond online benefits, the Internet has also reduced service inconsistency. Many
Canadian YMCA locations use FitLinxx, a computerized system, to track their clients’
workout performance. At the YMCA of Simcoe/Muskoka in Barrie, members establish
goals, workouts, and schedules, and receive detailed workout programs (e.g., at least
14 abdominal muscle workouts pop up when users select “abs”). FitLinxx learns users’
programs, coaches them individually throughout workouts, and tracks progress over
time. The system not only has health benefits for users, who always get a consistent
workout, but also has boosted customer retention, and users typically exercise more
often than average.21

inventory Services are perishable because they cannot be held in inventory or stored for use in
A characteristic of a the future. You can’t stockpile a yoga class like you could a six-pack of beer, for instance.
service: it is perishable
and cannot be stored in The perishability of services provides both challenges and opportunities to marketers
inventory for future use. in terms of the critical task of matching demand and supply. As long as the demand
for and the supply of the service match closely, there is no problem; but, unfortunately,
this perfect matching rarely occurs. A ski area, for instance, can be open as long as
there is snow, even at night, but demand peaks on weekends and holidays, so ski areas
often offer less expensive tickets during off-peak periods to stimulate demand. Airlines,
cruise ships, movie theatres, and restaurants confront similar challenges and attack
them in similar ways. Airlines offer promotional pricing to encourage people to book
flights during the off-season, and movie theatres routinely discount matinee showings
when demand is typically lower. Looking to increase facility usage and reach new audi-
ences, Cineplex Galaxy started broadcasting NHL games live in Canadian cities. For
some hockey fans, it’s the next best thing to being there, and with tickets priced at
$10.95, fans paid only a fraction of the cost of watching, for example, the Toronto Maple
Leafs at the Air Canada Centre, which costs between $80 and $381 a ticket.22 Cineplex
followed with livestreaming of concerts such as Mötley Crüe, Metropolitan Opera
performances, WWE events, and other shows. Gaming fans can rent theatre space for
private gaming sessions to indulge in two hours of playing Halo, Assassin’s Creed or
other Xbox games.
Balancing the ups and downs of demand and capacity is challenging. As noted earlier,
unlike products, services cannot be stockpiled in inventory. For services companies, excess
demand results in having to turn customers away in peak periods, while excess capacity
may mean less desirable expense-to-revenue ratios. For example, dental hygienists, rent,
and other expenses still need to be paid even if customers forget their appointments, so den-
tal offices maximize capacity by making advance reminder calls to patients or by charging
cancellation fees to clients who do not show up for their appointments without adequate
notice. Hotel reservation systems offer guaranteed late arrivals, ensuring that revenue is
Services: The Intangible Product CHAPTER 10 305

Entrepreneurial Marketing 10.1

velofix Keeps Cyclists Riding**

Avid cyclists, whether they use their bikes for commuting
or for pleasure, know that, like cars, bikes need to be
tuned up from time to time. But getting your bike ser-
viced can take one to two weeks, plus you have to get
your bike to and from the shop. That frustration led three
Vancouver friends and avid cyclists to launch velofix.
Chris Guillemet, Davide Xausa, and Boris Martin came
up with the idea of a mobile repair service that would
go to the customer’s location based on their own cycling
They started with a full-service shop housed in a van
with all the tools, bike parts, and technical expertise to
service just about any kind of bike. Given that a bike can velofix lets avid cyclists save time and ride more.
have as many as 500 parts, a van could carry $25,000 to Used with permission of velofix
$35,000 worth of inventory. Cyclists can book appoint-
ments online or via a 1-800 number to suit their sched-
ules. Depending on the work that needs to be done, an and convenience. Customers are encouraged to take a
appointment can take one to two hours. test ride when the mechanic is finished so they can be
The mobile service concept took off. Sales in the first comfortable that their bike works well. To further deal
year exceeded expectations by 120 percent and led the with inseparability, a 100-percent guarantee for service
partners to consider franchising to quickly grow the busi- ensures they will be satisfied and helps to de-risk the
ness. Fourteen franchises were sold the very first year. decision to try the service. A comprehensive training
Only two years later, velofix grew to over 50 franchises. program for franchisees is in place to ensure consistency
Today, with more than 100 locations across Canada and of service, whether it is related to online booking, the
the United States, velofix is North America’s largest fleet repair work, or payment processing. All lead mechanics
of mobile bike shops. The company has been recognized are professionally certified and must maintain minimum
with numerous awards including the EY (Ernst & Young) certification levels.
Entrepreneur of the Year in 2018 and in feature articles A proprietary cloud-based scheduling system han-
in The New York Times, Entrepreneur magazine, and dles online booking and route optimization. This lets
Fastest Growing Franchises. With the global increase in mechanics deal with perishability. The more efficient
cycling, the company is well positioned for future growth. their route is, the more bikes they can service. The sys-
As a service-based business, velofix must deal with tem also lets them know what types of bikes need to be
the four Is every day. To address intangibility, it allows repaired, enabling them to have the right parts in the van.
customers to stay in the van while the repairs are being The system was designed for efficiency and to save time
performed. That way, the client can see exactly what for the mobile service. But the velofix tagline, “Save time.
the mechanic is doing and even learn a little about bike Ride more.” is not just about fixing bikes, it’s also an atti-
repair. Each van is equipped with an espresso machine, tude that allows people to spend more time enjoying a
free Wi-Fi, and a flat-screen TV for customer comfort healthy, environmentally friendly way of life.

**Velofix, “About Us,”; “ Velofix Announces 50th Franchise Sold,” June 8, 2016,
sold/; Bob Vrbanac, “Shifting Into High Gear,” The Waterloo Chronicle, May 11, 2016,
high-gear/; BDC, “Franchising Accelerates Growth for Bike Repair Firm,”
pages/one-company-growth-story.aspx; Mary Teresa Bitti, “How a $300,000 Dragons’ Den Deal Is Setting Velofix on the Road to Growth,” The
Financial Post, November 30, 2014,;
Velofix, “velofix Announces Growth Financing from MacKinnon, Bennett & Company ,” May 17, 2019,
announces-growth-financing-from-mackinnon-bennett-company/ (accessed July 30, 2019).

not forfeited by holding rooms until very late in the day. Dealing with the ups and downs
of weather can also pose a challenge to some businesses, for example ski resorts or out-
door water parks. As discussed in Entrepreneurial Marketing 10.1, velofix uses cloud-based
software for scheduling and route optimization to ensure its mobile bicycle repair service
operates at capacity.

Since services are perishable, service providers such as ski areas offer less expensive tickets
at night to stimulate demand.
© Buddy Mays/Corbis/Getty Images

LO2 Providing Great Service: The Gaps

Certainly, providing great service is not easy, and it requires a diligent effort to analyze service
service gap processes step by step in order to improve them. We now examine what is known as the Gaps
Results when a service fails
to meet the expectations model, which is designed to highlight those areas where customers believe they are getting
that customers have about fewer or poorer services than they expect (the gaps) and how these gaps can be closed.
how it should be delivered.
Customers have certain expectations about how a service should be delivered. When the
knowledge gap
delivery of that service fails to meet those expectations, a service gap results. The Gaps model
Reflects the difference
between customers’ (Exhibit 10.3) is designed to encourage the systematic examination of all aspects of the service
expectations and the delivery process and prescribe the steps needed to develop an optimal service strategy.23
firm’s perception of those
expectations. As Exhibit 10.3 shows, there are four service gaps:
standards gap 1. The knowledge gap reflects the difference between customers’ expectations and
Pertains to the difference
between the firm’s the firm’s perception of those customer expectations. Firms can close this gap by
perceptions of customers’ matching customer expectations with actual service through research.
expectations and the
service standards it sets. 2. The standards gap pertains to the difference between the firm’s perceptions of
delivery gap customers’ expectations and the service standards it sets. Firms can narrow this gap
The difference between by setting appropriate service standards and measuring service performance.
the firm’s service standards
and the actual service it 3. The delivery gap is the difference between the firm’s service standards and the actual
provides to customers. service it provides to customers. This gap can be closed by getting employees to meet
communication gap or exceed service standards.
Refers to the difference
between the actual service 4. The communication gap refers to the difference between the actual service provided
provided to customers to customers and the service that the firm’s promotion program promises. Generally
and the service that the
firm’s promotion program firms can close this gap if they are more realistic about the services they can provide
promises. and manage customer expectations effectively.
Services: The Intangible Product CHAPTER 10 307

Exhibit 10.3 Gap Model for Improving Service

Customer Management Standards Retailer

expectations perceptions specifying communications
for service of customer service to about service
quality expectations be delivered quality

Knowledge Gap Standards Gap Delivery Gap Communication Gap

Sources: Michael Levy and Barton Weitz, Retailing Management, 6th ed. (Burr Ridge, IL: McGraw Hill, 2007). Adapted from
Valerie Zeithaml, A. Parasuraman, and Leonard Berry, Delivering Quality Customer Service (New York: The Free Press,
1990) and Valerie Zeithaml, Leonard Berry, and A. Parasuraman, “Communication and Control Processes in the Delivery
of Service Quality,” Journal of Marketing 52, no. 2 (April 1988), pp. 35–48.

As we discuss the four gaps, we will apply them to the experience that Marcia Kessler
had with a motel in Muskoka, Ontario. She saw an ad for a weekend package that quoted a
very reasonable daily rate and listed the amenities available at Paradise Motel: free babysitting
services, a piano bar with a nightly singer, a free continental breakfast, a heated swimming
pool, and newly decorated rooms. When she booked the room, Marcia discovered that the
price advertised was not available during the weekend, and a three-day minimum stay was
required. After checking in with a very unpleasant person at the front desk, Marcia and her
husband found that their room appeared to have last been updated in 1950 and had not been
cleaned. When she complained, all she got was attitude from the assistant manager. Resigned
to the fact that they were slated to spend the weekend, she decided to go for a swim. Unfor-
tunately, the water was “heated” by Georgian Bay and hovered at around 10 degrees. No
one was using the babysitting services because
there were few young children at the resort. It
turns out that the piano bar singer was the sec-
ond cousin of the owner, and he couldn’t carry
a tune, let alone play the piano very well. The
continental breakfast must have come all the
way from another continent, because every-
thing was stale and tasteless. Marcia couldn’t
wait to get home.

The Knowledge Gap:

Knowing What Customers
An important early step in providing good
service is knowing what the customer wants. What service gaps did Marcia experience while on vacation at the
It doesn’t pay to invest in services that don’t Paradise Motel in Muskoka?
improve customer satisfaction. To reduce the National Geographic Creative/Alamy Stock Photo

knowledge gap, firms must understand the customers’ expectations. To understand these
expectations, firms undertake customer research and increase the interaction and commu-
nication between managers and employees.

Understanding Customer Expectations

Customers’ expectations are based on their knowledge and experiences.24 Marcia’s expecta-
tions were that her room would be ready and clean when she got there, the swimming pool
would be heated, the singer would be able to sing, and the breakfast would be fresh. That is not
a lot to expect, but in this extreme example, the Paradise Motel was suffering a severe knowl-
edge gap, perhaps based on its assumption that being on a lake in Muskoka was enough. If the
resort never understood her expectations, it is unlikely it would ever be able to meet them.
Expectations vary according to the type of service. Marcia’s expectations might have
been higher, for instance, if she were staying at a Fairmont rather than the Paradise Motel.
At a Fairmont, she might expect employees to know her by name, be aware of her dietary
preferences, and have placed fresh fruit of her choice and fresh-cut flowers in her room
before she arrived. At the Paradise Motel, she expected easy check-in/checkout, easy access
to a major highway, a clean room with a comfortable bed, and a TV, at a bare minimum.
People’s expectations also vary depending on the situation. Marcia may be satisfied
with both of the preceding hotel properties, depending on the circumstances. If she were
travelling on business, the Paradise Motel might be fine (had the room been clean and mod-
ern), but if she were celebrating her wedding anniversary, she probably would prefer the
Fairmont. Regardless of these choices, however, the service provider needs to know and
understand the expectations of the customers in its target market.

Evaluating Service Quality by Using Well-Established

Marketing Metrics
To meet or exceed customers’ expectations, marketers must determine what those expectations
service quality are. Yet because of their intangibility, the service quality, or customers’ perceptions of how
Customers’ perceptions well a service meets or exceeds their expectations, often is difficult for customers to evaluate.25
of how well a service
meets or exceeds their Customers generally use five distinct service dimensions to determine overall service
expectations. quality: reliability, responsiveness, assurance, empathy, and tangibles (Exhibit 10.4).
If you were to apply the five service dimensions to your own decision-making process
when you selected a university—which provides the service of education—you might find
results like those in Exhibit 10.5.
If your expectations include an individualized experience at a state-of-the-art institu-
tion, perhaps University B is a better alternative for you. But if you are relying heavily on
academic performance and career placement from your university experience, then
University A might be a better choice. If a strong culture and tradition are important to
you, University A offers this type of environment. What were your expectations, and how
did your university choices fall within these service dimensions?
Marketing research (see Chapter 7) provides a means to better understand consumers’
service expectations and their perceptions of service quality. This research can be extensive
and expensive, or it can be integrated into a firm’s everyday interactions with customers.
Today, most service firms have developed voice-of-customer programs and employ ongoing
marketing research to assess how well they are meeting their customers’ expectations.
voice-of-customer (VOC) A systematic voice-of-customer (VOC) program collects customer insights and
intelligence to influence and drive business decisions. For instance, Aeroplan uses online
An ongoing marketing
research system that surveys and conducts in-person “kitchen table” meetings with selected members, asking
collects customer them everything from what their redemption experience is like to what new services and
insights and intelligence
to influence and drive improvements they’d like to see.26 Apple CEO Tim Cook reads up to 100 customer emails a
business decisions. day, demonstrating the importance of listening to the voice of the customer.27
Services: The Intangible Product CHAPTER 10 309

Exhibit 10.4 Building Blocks of Service Quality

The ability to perform the
service dependably and

The willingness to help
customers and provide
prompt service.

The knowledge of and courtesy
by employees and their ability to
convey trust and confidence.

The caring, individualized
attention provided to

The appearance of physical
facilities, equipment, personnel,
and communication materials.

Exhibit 10.5 Collegiate Service Dimensions

University A University B
Reliability Offers sound curriculum with Curriculum covers all the basics but
extensive placement services and important courses are not always
internships. available. Career placement is
haphazard at best.
Responsiveness Slow to respond to application. Very Quick response during application
structured visitation policy. Rather process. Open visitation policy.
inflexible with regard to personal Offers variety of campus resources
inquiries or additional meetings. to help with decision making.
Assurance Staff seems very confident in Informal staff conveys enthusiasm
reputation and services. for institution.
Empathy Seems to process student body as Very interested in providing
a whole rather than according to a unique experience for each
individual needs or concerns. student.
Tangibles Very traditional campus with old- New campus with modern
world look and feel. Facilities are architecture. Campus is less
manicured. Dorm rooms are large, manicured. Dorm rooms are zone of tolerance
The area between
but bathrooms are a little old. spacious with newer bathrooms.
customers’ expectations
regarding their desired
service and the minimum
level of acceptable
service—that is, the
The concept of the zone of tolerance refers to the area between customers’ expecta- difference between what
tions regarding their desired service and the minimum level of acceptable service—that the customer really wants
and what he or she will
is, the difference between what the customer really wants and what he or she will accept accept before going
before going elsewhere. It is an important marketing metric to evaluate how well firms elsewhere.

perform on the five service quality dimensions (Exhibit 10.4). To define the zone of toler-
ance, firms ask a series of questions about each service quality dimension that relate to:
• the desired and expected level of service for each dimension, from low to high
• customers’ perceptions of how well the focal service performs and how well a
competitive service performs, from low to high
• the importance of each service quality dimension.
Exhibit 10.6 illustrates the results of such an analysis for Lou’s Local Diner, a family-
owned restaurant. The rankings on the left are based on a 9-point scale, on which 1 is low
and 9 is high. The length of each box illustrates the zone of tolerance for each service qual-
ity dimension. For instance, according to the length of the reliability box, customers expect
a fairly high level of reliability (top of the box) and will also accept only a fairly high level
of reliability (bottom of the box). On the other end of the scale, customers expect a high
level of assurance (top of the box) but will accept a fairly low level (bottom of the box). This
difference is to be expected, because the customers also were asked to assign an importance
score to the five service quality dimensions so that the total equals 100 percent (see bottom
of Exhibit 10.6). Looking at the average importance score, we conclude that reliability is
relatively important to these customers, but assurance is not. So customers have a fairly
narrow zone of tolerance for service dimensions that are fairly important to them and a
wider range of tolerance for those service dimensions that are less important. Also note that
Lou’s Local Diner always rates higher than its primary competitor, Well-Known National
Chain, on each dimension.
Further note that Well-Known National Chain scores below the zone of tolerance
on the tangibles dimension, meaning that customers are not willing to accept the way
the restaurant looks and smells. Lou’s Local Diner, in contrast, performs above the zone
of tolerance on the responsiveness dimension—maybe even too well. Lou’s may wish to
conduct further research to verify which responsiveness aspects it is performing so well,
and then consider toning those aspects down. For example, being responsive to customers’

Exhibit 10.6 Customers’ Evaluation of Service Quality

Lou’s Local Diner

9-Point Well-known
Scale National Chain
5 Zone of

Reliability Tangibles Assurance
Responsiveness Empathy

Importance 40 points 25 points 20 points 10 points 5 points Total=100 points

Dimensions of Service Quality
Note: The scale ranges from a 9, indicating very high service quality on a given
service quality dimension, to a 1, indicating very low service quality.
Services: The Intangible Product CHAPTER 10 311

desires to have a diner that serves

breakfast 24 hours a day can be
expensive and may not add any
further value to Lou’s Local Diner,
because customers would accept
more limited times.
A very straightforward and
inexpensive method of collecting
consumers’ perceptions of service
quality is to gather them at the
time of the sale. Service providers
can ask customers how they liked Lou’s Local Diner always rates higher than its primary competitor, Well-Known
the service—though custom- National Chain, on each service quality dimension.
ers often are hesitant to provide © McGraw Hill Education/Gideon Kindall
negative feedback directly to the
person who provided the service—or distribute a simple questionnaire. Starbucks cus-
tomers can rate their experience by visiting the Web survey whose Internet address is
at the bottom of their receipt. Using this method, a customer does not have to make the
complaint directly to the barista who may have caused the problem, but Starbucks still
gets almost instantaneous feedback. The company must take care not to lose much of
this information, which can happen if there is no effective mechanism for filtering it up
to the key decision makers. Furthermore, in some cases, customers cannot effectively
evaluate the service until several days or weeks later. Automobile dealers, for instance,
often call their customers a week after they perform a service like an oil change to assess
their service quality.
Another excellent method for assessing customers’ expectations is the implementation
of rating systems such as the ones used by Uber and Airbnb. Both users and service provid-
ers can be rated, which is added incentive to use the system. And of course, companies
should make effective use of customer-complaint behaviour. Even if complaints are han-
dled effectively to solve customers’ problems, the essence of the complaint is too often lost
on managers. For instance, an airline established a policy that customer service reps could
not discuss any issues involving fees to travel agents with customers. So when a customer
calls to complain about these fees, the representative just changes the subject, and manage-
ment therefore never finds out about the complaint.28
Even firms with the best formal research mechanisms in place must put managers on
the front lines occasionally to interact directly with the customers. The late Sam Walton,
founder of Walmart, participated in and advocated for this strategy, which is known as
“management by walking around.” Unless the managers who make the service quality
decisions know what their service providers are facing every day, and unless they can talk
directly to the customers with whom those service providers interact, any customer service
program they create will not be as good as it could be.

The Standards Gap: Setting Service Standards LO3

Suppose that, because of a number of complaints or because business was falling off, the
Paradise Motel in Muskoka set out to determine its customers’ service expectations and
gained a pretty good idea of them. Its work is still far from over; the next step is to set
its service standards and develop systems to ensure high-quality service. How can it make
sure that every room is cleaned by an optimum time of day in the eyes of the customers?
Or that food is checked for freshness and quality every day? Firms need to set high service
standards, enforce these standards, and train employees on how to perform their tasks to
these standards. Managers must lead by example and demonstrate high service standards,
which will permeate throughout the organization.

Achieving Service Goals Through Training

To consistently deliver service that meets customers’ expectations,
firms must set specific, measurable goals. For instance, the Paradise
Motel may find it most efficient to start cleaning rooms at 8:00 a.m. and
finish by 5:00 p.m. But many guests want to sleep late and new arrivals
want to get into their room as soon as they arrive, often before 5:00. A
customer-oriented standard would mandate that the rooms get cleaned
between 10:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m.
Service providers generally want to do a good job, as long as they
know what is expected of them. Motel employees should be shown,
for instance, exactly how managers expect them to clean a room and
what specific tasks they are responsible for performing.
The employees must be thoroughly trained not only to complete
their specific tasks but also to know how to treat guests, and the man-
ager needs to set an example of high service standards, which will
permeate throughout the organization. The kind of attitude Marcia
got, for instance, when she registered a complaint with the assistant
manager at the Paradise Motel is not a recipe for generating repeat
customers and should not be tolerated. For front-line service employ-
ees under stress, however, pleasant interactions with customers do not
always come naturally. Although people can be taught specific tasks
Service providers, like this room-service related to their jobs, this is not easily extended to interpersonal rela-
delivery person at a hotel, generally want to tions. It is simply not enough to tell employees to “be nice” or “do
do a good job, but they need to be trained to what customers want.” A quality goal should be specific: “Greet every
know exactly what a good job entails.
customer you encounter with ‘Good morning/afternoon/evening, sir
Chris Ryan/OJO Images/Getty Images
or ma’am.’ Try to greet customers by name.”
In extreme cases, such training becomes even more crucial. From
long ticket lines to cancelled flights to lost baggage, customer service incidents are on the
rise in the airline industry. Faced with mounting complaints, airlines are responding with
better employee training geared toward identifying and defusing potentially explosive situ-
ations. For example, Delta Airlines has implemented a “Customer First” training program
for its ground operations, customer service agents, flight attendants, and pilots that man-
dates specific performance measures and standardized practices throughout Delta’s service
areas. Policies for service during delays, such as providing snacks on board or trucking food
out to waiting planes and offering status updates every 15 minutes, have given employees
the tools and guidelines they need to better service their customers. Delta also added diver-
sity training to reduce tensions between passengers and crew members.29

Commitment to Service Quality

Service providers take their cues from management. If managers strive for excellent
service, treat their customers well, and demand the same attitudes from everyone in
the organization, it is likely employees will do the same. Clive Beddoe, former WestJet
Chairman of the Board of Directors and former president and CEO, has been named as
one of Canada’s most admired CEOs. The award was founded by Waterstone Human
Capital and recognizes individuals who have “achieved significant accomplishments in
their career—specifically focusing on those that have fostered a culture within their orga-
nization that enhances performance and sustains a competitive advantage.”30 WestJet’s
legendary reputation for customer service has resulted in revenues of over $4.7 billion
and years of record-breaking net earnings.31 This commitment to service quality has
been modelled by company executives from the start. When WestJet launched in 1996,
executive vice-president Don Bell spent a lot of time in the airline’s call centre, fielding
questions and booking flights for customers.32
Services: The Intangible Product CHAPTER 10 313

Employees who understand that operating on time is a critical component to service

quality and to guest experience work hard to improve on-time performance. In 2016,
82.7 percent of WestJet flights arrived within 15 minutes of their scheduled time.33 WestJet
sales agents also strive to provide the highest standard of customer service. Their efforts
were recognized when Skytrax named WestJet the second-best low-cost airline in North
America.34 An employee profit-sharing plan provides rewards beyond public recognition.
The vast majority of employees belong to the WestJet Employee Share Purchase Plan, mak-
ing them owners of the company and giving them all the more reason to ensure high levels of
service quality. This has resulted in WestJet’s being named as one of Canada’s Best Employers
and in its induction into Canada’s Most Admired Corporate Cultures Hall of Fame.

The Delivery Gap: Delivering Service Quality

The delivery gap is where “the rubber meets the road,” where the customer directly inter-
acts with the service provider. Even if there are no other gaps, a delivery gap always results
in a service failure. Marcia experienced several delivery gaps at the Paradise Motel. It could
have been that the unclean room, the assistant manager’s attitude, the unheated swimming
pool, the poor piano bar singer, and the stale food resulted from unforeseen or unusual
circumstances. Although some of these issues (such as an unclean room or the attitude
Marcia encountered) should have been avoided, it is possible that the motel had a power
outage resulting in the unheated swimming pool, the regular piano bar singer was ill, and
the breakfast was stale because of a missed delivery. The maid could not vacuum the room
because of the lack of power, and the assistant manager felt beset on all sides by these
problems. But the result was a lost customer. Even if there are no other gaps, a delivery gap
always results in a service failure.
Delivery gaps can be reduced when employees are empowered to spontaneously act in
the customers’ and the firm’s best interests when problems or crises are experienced. Such
empowerment might have saved the day for Marcia and the Paradise Motel. Empowerment
means employees are supported in their efforts so they can do their jobs effectively.35 Tech-
nology can also be employed to reduce delivery gaps (see Exhibit 10.7).
Empowering Service Providers In the context of service
delivery, means allowing
In this context, empowerment means allowing employees to make decisions about how employees to make
decisions about how
service is provided to customers. When front-line employees are authorized to make deci- service is provided to
sions to help their customers, service quality generally improves. Best Buy, for instance, customers.

Exhibit 10.7 Methods to Reduce Delivery Gaps

Empower Reduce
Employees Delivery

Support &

has re-engineered its organizational structure to

empower employees to be more involved in the
day-to-day running of the business and to make
adjustments as necessary. The new employee-
centric culture has helped Best Buy significantly
lower its employee turnover rate. Happy employ-
ees make for happy customers.36
However, empowering service providers can
be difficult and costly. In cases where the service
is very repetitive and routine, such as at a fast-
food restaurant, it might be easier and more effi-
cient for service providers to follow a few simple
rules. For instance, if a customer doesn’t like his
hamburger, ask him what he would like instead
or offer him a refund. If an exceptional circum-
stance that does not fit the rules arises, then a
manager should handle the issue.
The Keg is successful, in part, because it empowers its employees
to satisfy customers. Empowerment becomes more important
Shutterstock/Elena Berd
when price points edge higher and services
are more individualized. The Keg Steakhouse
& Bar hires the best staff and empowers them
through superlative training programs. Staff members are professional—their friendli-
ness, warmth, personality, and enthusiasm are all part of the Keg dining experience. It
is because of this that The Keg has been consistently recognized as one of the 50 Best
Employers in Canada.37

Providing Support and Incentives

A service provider’s job can often be difficult, especially when customers are unpleas-
ant or less than reasonable. This is basic. But the service provider cannot be rude or
offensive just because the customer is. The old cliché “service with a smile” remains
the best approach, but for this to work, employees must feel supported. To ensure that
service is delivered properly, management needs to support service providers and give
them incentives.
First, managers and co-workers should provide emotional support to service provid-
ers by demonstrating a concern for their well-being and by standing behind their deci-
sions. Because it can be very disconcerting when a waiter is abused by a customer who
believes her food was improperly prepared, for instance, restaurant managers must be
supportive and understanding and work to help employees get through their often emo-
tional reaction to the berating they experienced. Such support can extend to empowering
the server to rectify the situation by giving the customer new food and a free dessert, in
which case the manager must stand behind the waiter’s decision, not punish her for giv-
ing away too much.
Second, service providers require instrumental support—the systems and equipment
to deliver the service properly. Many retailers provide state-of-the-art instrumental support
for their service providers. In-store kiosks help sales associates provide more detailed and
complete product information and enable them to make sales of merchandise that is either
not carried in the store or temporarily out of stock.
Third, the support that managers provide must be consistent throughout the organiza-
tion. Patients expect physicians to provide great patient care by using state-of-the-art proce-
dures and medications; yet many doctors must squeeze more people into their office hours.
These conflicting goals can be so frustrating and emotionally draining on physicians and
other healthcare providers that some have found work outside medicine.
Services: The Intangible Product CHAPTER 10 315

Finally, a key part of any customer service program is providing rewards to employees
for excellent service. Numerous firms have developed a service reputation by ensuring
that their employees are themselves recognized for recognizing the value the firm places
on customer service. Travelocity, for example, features employees who champion the cus-
tomer service experience in a weekly email. Believing that engaged employees are the key
to customer satisfaction, it works to create an atmosphere that reinforces the commitment
to customers by encouraging employees to nominate colleagues who exemplify its com-
mitment to customers. Through constant feedback about who is serving the customer best,
as well as smaller events such as monthly lunches with the CEO for selected employees,
Travelocity creates a business environment that recognizes and rewards customer service
with a Customer First Guarantee.38 The results for Travelocity have been a wealth of
awards, such as a top ranking for overall satisfaction in J.D. Power’s Online Travel Agency
Satisfaction Report.39

Using Technology
Technology has become an increasingly important means of facilitating the delivery of
services. In the past decade, firms have invested heavily in technologies that have enabled
customers to buy more quickly, more easily, and with more information than in the past.
Electronic kiosks, for instance, have found their way into many service venues. Ticketing
kiosks at airports allow customers to get boarding passes and seat assignments, often in less
than a minute. As previously noted, electronic kiosks and other technologies can reduce
the inconsistency of providing a service. Kiosks and self-checkout machines can also help
close the delivery gap.
Web-enabled services have also changed the way firms do business. Marsha
Vanwynsberghe found the Waterloo, Ontario, region too small a market for her life
adversity coaching service for parents of drug-addicted children. Offering one-on-one
or group sessions online allowed her to reach a much broader audience in a timely,
convenient manner. It also provided a level of anonymity to parents who wanted to
avoid being shamed by friends and relatives when dealing with the issue. The need for
convenience has driven some fitness companies and personal trainers to offer online
classes and services. In Bolton, Ontario, Lee-Anne Simpson teaches a variety of classes
via Skype through her company, Revive Fitness Training and Wellness Centre. And in
Steinbach, Manitoba, Tami Tyson holds live online bootcamps that have been a hit with
new mothers who can’t get away from the house for conventional gym workouts.40
Using technology to facilitate service delivery can provide many benefits, such as access
to a wider variety of services, a greater degree of control by the customer over the services,
and the ability to obtain information. Management also benefits from the increased effi-
ciency in service processes through reduced servicing costs and, in some cases, can develop
a competitive advantage over less service-oriented competitors. Marketing Analytics 10.1
highlights how technology can be used to reach and engage customers.
Technological advances that help close the delivery gap are expanding. Salons and cos-
metics counters use kiosks to show customers how they would look with different beauty
products and various hair colours. Stores enable customers to scan price tags and then have
a kiosk recommend complementary items. Touchscreen order kiosks have been installed at
many McDonald’s locations.41
Some markets are being irrevocably altered by the introduction of advanced technolo-
gies, including self-service, virtual reality, holograms, and robots. The implications for pro-
viding customer service are especially notable. Markets for service robots, for example, are
expected to be worth more than $1.5 billion within a few years.42 The integration of these
technologies into service settings, in turn, alters the elements that distinguish services from
products. For example, when an automated agent provides the service, it may be much
more consistent than is the case when humans provide it.

Marketing Analytics 10.1

Google Analytics Helps Theatres

Predict Attendance, Dealing With
When a lot of moviegoers search for a film's trailer the
month before the movie is released, it foreshadows a big-
ger opening weekend. Such a claim might seem some-
what self-evident, but Google has announced that it has
the means to quantify this effect and thereby help movie
studios predict their profits, up to a month prior to the
opening day. Information like that can help theatres deter-
mine how many screens they should devote to the movie
and helps them to balance demand against capacity.
Google asserts that search volume for the movie title
(combined with a few other metrics, such as the season
and whether the movie is a franchise) offers a 94-percent
accurate prediction of box office performance. Other pro-
prietary information that Google can use to predict success
includes the volume of clicks on search ads. If, for exam-
ple, one movie prompted 20,000 more paid clicks than
another film, it will bring in approximately $7.5 million more
in revenues during its opening weekend. Furthermore, the
search effects are not limited to Google; social-media sites
and YouTube searches reveal similar predictive informa-
tion. From its analysis, Google recommends that studios
need to go beyond just a one-week window, because
studying the search and click trends for a month increases
the accuracy and power of its predictions significantly.
Moving beyond the implications for opening week-
end, Google claims that weekday searches in the weeks
leading up to the release offer better predictors of contin- Google Analytics are used to predict the success of movies,
ued revenues. That is, if a film fan searches for a movie helping theatres deal with the perishability aspect of their
title on a Tuesday, she or he is more likely to hold off on service.
seeing the movie, rather than rushing out during open- Jesse Grant/Getty Images for Disney
ing weekend. Google also notes that nearly half of all
moviegoers choose the film they will see that night on to more precisely determine consumer intent for new
the same day. Thus, studios need to maintain a market- movie releases.
ing presence far past opening day to be sure to catch Google is not alone in predicting movie outcomes.
the laggard customers’ attention. That helps theatres Companies such as Cinelytic, ScriptBook, Vault, and
deal with the perishability of their service, since they can Pilot all promise that their machine learning software will
increase the number of showtimes accordingly to ensure help movie companies. For example, Cinelytic’s software
that capacity crowds can be accommodated. can swap actors in and out to determine the difference
20th Century Fox has been using Google tools, such between a flop versus smash hit. Vault says it can tell which
as Cloud Machine Learning Engine, to help predict the age group will watch the movie based on online reactions
success of its movies since the release of The Greatest to trailers. And Pilot says it can predict box office success
Showman in 2017. The studio says that Google helps it up to a year and half in advance before a movie released.

†Kirsten Acuna, “Google Says It Can Predict Which Films Will Be Huge Box Office Hits,” Business Insider, June 6, 2013,
au/google-study-can-predict-success-of-movies-2013-6; Miguel Campo-Rembado and Sona Oakley, “How 20th Century Fox uses ML to predict a
movie audience,” Google Cloud, October 29, 2018,
predict-a-movie-audience; James Vincent, “Hollywood is Quietly Using AI to Decide Which Movies to Make,” The Verge, May 28, 2019, www.theverge.
com/2019/5/28/18637135/hollywood-ai-film-decision-script-analysis-data-machine-learning (accessed July 28, 2019).
Services: The Intangible Product CHAPTER 10 317

Exhibit 10.8 How Technology Is Augmenting the Human Effort

High human effort

High Tech,
High Effort
Low Tech,
High Effort Doctors working
with a robot to
remotely deliver

Low technology High technology

Low Tech,
High Tech,
Low Effort
Low Effort
Humanoid robots
Self-service kiosks

Low human effort

A straightforward way to think about how such advanced technologies are likely to
affect the marketing of services in the future is to distinguish them along two dimensions:
more traditional interactions with humans, such as with a front-line service person, and
interaction with technology, such as a computer or a robot. Combining these two dimen-
sions produces the four-cell matrix shown in Exhibit 10.8.
Each quadrant represents a different type of service interaction. The Low Tech, Low Effort
quadrant represents traditional service delivery technologies provided by ATMs, self-service
kiosks, or self-scanning devices, where the effort provided by both humans and technology are
low. Accordingly, the inseparability of production and consumption becomes less prominent
(refer back to Exhibit 10.1); an ATM can make the cash available at any time, not just when
the bank is open. The Low Tech, High Effort quadrant defines situations in which humans have
a strong presence, but the role of technology is less so, such as when a patient chats with a
medical professional through Skype. The technology facilitates the interaction and can address
some of the challenges of service intangibility by making access to human providers easier.
In contrast, the High Tech, Low Effort quadrant describes situations in which technol-
ogy is extremely prominent, but less human effort is required. In this case, the technology
deliberately and effectively engages with the consumer. This quadrant includes service
technologies like interacting with humanoid service robots, or chatbots, which already
appear in some hospitality settings. For example, various hotel chains have added robotic
concierges that can answer guests’ questions, provide recommendations for nearby
restaurants, or deliver room service requests to guests’ rooms.43
Finally, the High Tech, High Effort quadrant represents situations in which both human
effort and technology are critical. In these cases, advanced technologies meaningfully
supplement people’s abilities to provide services. These applications currently appear to
be most promising in healthcare settings, where human doctors can rely on robotic and
virtual technologies to reduce the chances of mistakes or process more information, such
that together they provide optimal service levels.

Although technological advances can help close the delivery gap, they can cause prob-
lems as well. Some customers either do not embrace the idea of replacing a human with a
machine for business interactions or have problems using the technology, such as super-
market self-checkout devices that are too challenging for some customers. In other cases,
the technology may not perform adequately, such as ATMs that run out of money or are out
of order.

The Communication Gap: Communicating

the Service Promise
Poor communication between marketers and their customers can result in a mismatch
between an ad campaign’s or a salesperson’s promises and the service the firm can actually
offer. Although firms have difficulty controlling service quality because it can vary from
day to day and from provider to provider, they have nearly constant control over how they
communicate their service package to their customers. This control involves a significant
responsibility, as Ethical & Societal Dilemma 10.1 notes.
If a firm promises more than it can deliver, customers’ expectations won’t be met. An
advertisement may lure a customer into a service situation once, but if the service doesn’t
deliver on the promise, the customer may never return. Dissatisfied customers also are
likely to tell others about the underperforming service, using word-of-mouth or, increas-
ingly, the Internet, which has become an important channel for dissatisfied customers to
vent their frustrations.
The communication gap can be reduced by managing customer expectations. Suppose
you need an operation, and the surgeon explains, “You’ll be out of the hospital in five days
and back to your normal routine in a month.” You have the surgery and feel well enough
to leave the hospital three days later. Two weeks after that, you’re playing tennis again.
Clearly, you will tend to think your surgeon is a genius. However, regardless of the opera-
tion’s success, if you had to stay in the hospital for 10 days and it took you two months to
recover, you would undoubtedly be upset.
A relatively easy way to manage customer expectations considers both the time the
expectation is created and the time the service is provided. Expectations typically are
created through promotions, whether in advertising or personal selling. For instance, if
a salesperson promises a client that work can be performed in one day, and it actually
takes a week, the client will be disappointed. However, if the salesperson coordinates
the work with those responsible for the service delivery, the client’s expectations likely
will be met.
Customer expectations can also be managed when the service is delivered. Recorded
messages can tell customers who have telephoned a company how many minutes they will
have to wait before the next operator is available. Sellers automatically inform online cus-
tomers of any items that are out of stock. Whether online or in a store, retailers can warn
their customers to shop early during a sale because supplies of the sale item are limited.
People are generally reasonable when they are warned that some aspect of the service may
be below their expectations. They just don’t like surprises!

Service Quality and Customer Satisfaction and Loyalty

Good service quality leads to satisfied and loyal customers. As we discussed in Chapter 4,
customers inevitably wind up their purchase decision process by undertaking a postpurchase
evaluation. This evaluation after the purchase may produce three outcomes: customer satis-
faction, postpurchase dissonance, and customer loyalty (see again Exhibit 4.3 in Chapter 4).
Dissonance may just be a passing emotion that is overcome; we will discuss recovery from an
actual service failure in the next section. Satisfaction, on the other hand, often leads to loyalty.
Services: The Intangible Product CHAPTER 10 319

Ethical & Societal Dilemma 10.1

Shoppers Drug Mart Injects people with Botox. Consumers need to understand that
not everyone who offers injections is qualified to do so.
a Little Controversy†† Still, with the market for cosmetic dermatology
expected to double to $2 billion in the next five years,
Most consumers visit a drugstore with a goal to main- it is no surprise that companies such as Shoppers Drug
tain or improve their level of health and wellness. And Mart see an opportunity to offer such services. The com-
now, Canada’s largest drugstore chain has added a new pany notes that experienced nurse practitioners will be
wrinkle, or rather a service to remove wrinkles. Shoppers in charge of the clinics. That does not satisfy doctors and
Drug Mart opened its first beauty clinic in Oakville in late medical groups who feel that Shoppers Drug Mart should
2018 to test the introduction of cosmetic treatment ser- have doctors supervise staff who administer injections.
vices including injections of Botox and skin fillers as well Some medical practitioners wonder if it is a case of sacri-
as laser therapy. A second clinic opened in Toronto in ficing patient care in return for profits.
the spring of 2019. Unlike most of the cosmetic products On the plus side for Shoppers Drug Mart, consumers
the company offers, such services are not inexpensive. already trust the brand as a source of beauty products.
For example, skin resurfacing is $150 and, if you want And, as an added incentive, consumers who are PC
plump lips, one syringe of fillers will set you back $550. Optimum members can earn points on the services they
The most expensive offering is laser skin rejuvenation at use at the clinics.
a cost of $800.
While cosmetic dermatology treatments have been
increasing in popularity, some people question if the “need”
for these services is being driven by ageism. Do consumers
really need to look as if they are only 40 years old when they
may be decades older? Sarah Draper, Shoppers Drug Mart’s
senior director of healthcare and partnerships and innova-
tion, says the company wants to demystify the services and
allow everyone to see what the next level of beauty might
be. Perhaps it is ageism. More serious concerns come from
medical associations ,which have expressed dismay over
offering such services in a drugstore, where they are not
supervised by a doctor. Richard Bendor-Samuel is a Halifax
plastic surgeon and president of the Canadian Society for
Aesthetic Plastic Surgery. He says it is frightening to see
retailers get into medical treatments.
As these cosmetic procedures become normalized,
demand and availability have increased. However, in
recent years, news outlets have regularly reported on
'Botox gone bad' stories. For example, a woman from Shoppers Drug Mart will plump up your lips with one syringe of
Brampton, Ontario was charged with fraud after having fillers for $550.
misrepresented herself as a nurse and injecting three Jutta Klee/Getty Images

††Marina Strauss, “Shoppers Drug Mart to test cosmetic injection clinics,” The Globe and Mail, December 19, 2018,
business/article-shoppers-drug-mart-to-test-cosmetic-injection-clinics; Caitlin Agnew, “With drugstores getting into the Botox business, is the stigma
around cosmetic procedures changing?,” The Globe and Mail, April 1, 2019,
into-the-botox-business-is-the-stigma-around; Justin Dallaire, “Shoppers Drug Mart aims to make cosmetic dermatology approachable,” Strategy,
July 15, 2019, (accessed July 28, 2019).

Assuming that customers do not experience the service gaps that we have discussed,
they should be more or less satisfied. A service provider that does a good job one year is
likely to keep customers satisfied the next year, too. Some of the best service providers year
after year include Amazon, Zappos, L.L. Bean, and Nordstrom. Forrester compiles cus-
tomer experience (CX) scores that analyze the quality and effectiveness of brands treatment
of customers and Forrester also looks at the impact on brand loyalty. Topping the list of this
year’s national survey are Fairmont Hotels & Resorts, Mountain Equipment Co-op, and
Chapters/Indigo. While that is good news, Forrester noted the worrisome finding that 76%
of brands had stagnated, showing little or no improvement in their scores.44

Amazon Prime's $119/year delivery service helps create Nordstrom consistently is ranked at the top of customer
customer loyalty and satisfaction. satisfaction surveys.
Web Pix/Alamy Stock Photo © Ben Nelms/Bloomberg via Getty Images

If a firm not only minimizes but eliminates any service gaps, customers are likely to
exhibit significant loyalty to that firm. Customers want to continue receiving such superior
service and have no desire to go elsewhere for the offerings it provides them.

LO2 Service Recovery

Despite a firm’s best efforts, sometimes service providers fail to meet customer expectations.
When this happens, the best course of action is to attempt to make amends with the cus-
tomer and learn from the experience. Of course, it is best to avoid a service failure altogether,
but when it does occur, the firm has a unique opportunity to demonstrate its customer com-
mitment. Effective service recovery efforts can significantly increase customer satisfaction,
purchase intentions, and positive word-of-mouth, though customers’ postrecovery satisfac-
tion levels are usually lower than their satisfaction level prior to the service failure.
Remember the Paradise Motel in Muskoka? It could have made amends with Marcia
Kessler after its service failures if it had taken some relatively simple, immediate steps: the
assistant manager could have apologized for his bad behaviour and quickly upgraded her
to a suite and/or given her a free night’s lodging for a future stay. The motel could also have
given her a free lunch or dinner to make up for the bad breakfast. None of these actions
would have cost the motel much money. Had it used the customer lifetime value approach
we described in Chapter 6, the motel would have realized that by not taking action, it lost
Marcia as a customer forever. Over the next few years, she could have been responsible
for several thousand dollars in sales. Instead, Marcia is likely to spread negative word-of-
mouth about the motel to her friends and family and through social media like,
because of its failure to recover. Quite simply, effective service recovery entails (1) listening
to the customer, (2) providing a fair solution, and (3) resolving the problem quickly.45

Listening to the Customer

Firms often don’t find out about service failures until a customer complains. Whether the
firm has a formal complaint department or the complaint is offered directly to the service
provider, the customer must have the opportunity to air the complaint completely, and the
firm must listen carefully to what he or she is saying.
Customers can become very emotional about a service failure, whether the failure is
serious (a botched surgical operation) or minor (the wrong change at a restaurant). In many
cases, the customer may just want to be heard, and the service provider should give the cus-
tomer all the time he or she needs to “get it out.” The very process of describing a perceived
Services: The Intangible Product CHAPTER 10 321

wrong to a sympathetic listener is therapeutic in and of itself. Service provid-

ers therefore should welcome the opportunity to be that sympathetic ear,
listen carefully, and appear eager to rectify the situation to ensure it doesn’t
happen again.46
When the company and the customer work together, the outcome is
often better than either could achieve alone. This co-creation logic applies
especially well to service recovery. A service failure is a negative experience,
but when customers participate in its resolution, it results in a more positive
outcome than simply listening to their complaint and providing a pre­
approved set of potential solutions that may satisfy them.
Suppose, for instance, that when you arrived at the airport in Vancouver, your
flight had been overbooked and you were bumped. Of course, good customer ser-
vice required the ticket agent to listen to your frustration and help provide a fair
solution. But the most obvious potential solution from the airline’s perspective
might not have been the best solution for you. It might have been inclined to put
you on the next available flight, which would be a red-eye that left at midnight
and got you to Montreal at 6:30 a.m. But if you don’t sleep well on planes and
you have an important business meeting the next afternoon, the best solution
from your perspective would be to have the airline put you up in an airport hotel
so you can get a good night’s sleep and then put you on an early morning flight When a service failure occurs, such as
that would get you to Montreal in time for your meeting, well rested and ready to receiving a poor meal at a restaurant,
go. Thus, by working closely with you to understand your needs, the ticket agent goodwill can be recovered by giving
would be able to co-create a great solution to the service failure. the customer a free dessert.
Shutterstock/Dmytro Zinkevych

Finding a Fair Solution

Most people realize that mistakes happen. But when they happen, customers want to be
treated fairly. Their perception of what fair means is based on their previous experience
with other firms, how they have seen other customers treated, material they have read, and
stories recounted by their friends.
Fairness relates to a customer’s perception of the benefits he or she received compared
with the costs (inconvenience or loss). Customers want to be compensated a fair amount for
a perceived loss that resulted from a service failure. If, for instance, a person arrives at the
airport gate and finds her flight is overbooked, she may believe that taking the next flight that
day and receiving a travel voucher is adequate compensation for the inconvenience. But if no
flights are available until the next day, the traveller may require additional compensation, such
as overnight accommodations, meals, and a round-
trip ticket to be used at a later date.
The key to fairness, of course, is listening care-
fully to the customer. One customer, travelling on
vacation, may be satisfied with a travel voucher,
whereas another may need to get to the destina-
tion on time because of a business appointment.
Regardless of how the problem is solved, customers
typically want tangible restitution—in this case, to
get to their destination—not just an apology. If pro-
viding a tangible restitution isn’t possible, the next
best thing is to assure the customer that steps are
being taken to prevent the failure from recurring.
With regard to complaints, customers care
about the fairness of the process used to resolve
them. Customers want efficient complaint proce- When handling returns or other services issues, it is important to
dures over whose outcomes they have some influ- use procedures that are perceived to be fair by the customers.
ence. They tend to believe they have been treated allesalltag/Alamy Stock Photo

fairly if the service providers follow specific company guidelines. A rigid adherence to rules
can have damaging effects. Have you ever returned an item to a store, even a very inexpensive
item, and been told that the return needed a manager’s approval? The process likely took sev-
eral minutes and irritated everyone in the checkout line. As we noted previously, service pro-
viders should be empowered with some procedural flexibility to solve customer complaints.

Resolving Problems Quickly

The longer it takes to resolve a service failure, the more irritated the customer will become
and the more people he or she is likely to tell about the problem. To resolve service failures
quickly, firms need clear policies, adequate training for their employees, and empowered
employees. Extended health care insurance companies, for instance, have made a concerted
effort in recent years to avoid service failures that occur because customers’ insurance
claims have not been handled quickly or to the customers’ satisfaction.
Companies should welcome complaints, make it easy for customers to provide feed-
back, and listen carefully to what customers have to say. Although customers may be com-
plaining, they are nevertheless exhibiting a degree of loyalty and a genuine desire to get
their problem fixed. Of customers who do complain, 56–70 percent will do business with
the company again if the complaint is resolved. That goes up to 96 percent if the complaint
is resolved quickly! The speed of social-media connections puts increasing pressure on pro-
viders to resolve any failures as fast as possible.
It may seem overly simple, but to recover effectively from service failures, firms must
not only listen to the customers’ complaints but also act on them. It is the implementation
of this simple rule that offers firms such challenges.

Real Marketer Profile

Paul Maxwell A major source of marketing for my

business came from continuously sell-
“Think of something you could do ing our story to the local media. Due
every day for the rest of your life, to the unique blend of services my
then find a way to make it profitable.” I business offered, it attracted a wide
coined this quote shortly after I opened demographic of patrons, everyone
the doors to my business “Maxwell's from young children to mature adults.
Music House” back in May of 2008. I Word of mouth quickly spread about
attended Wilfrid Laurier University from Maxwell's, and I was fortunate to win
2003–2007 and graduated with an a series of awards, including being
Honours Bachelor of Business Admin- named “Young Entrepreneur of the
istration with a focus on Marketing & Year” through the Kitchener-Waterloo
Entrepreneurship and a minor in music. Chamber of Commerce, in both 2009
Maxwell’s Music House ran from and 2011.
Courtesy of Paul Maxwell In 2014, Maxwell's went through
2008-2014 in the same plaza as Phil’s
(a popular student hotspot) at 220 King a major expansion and re-brand, direct­­­
Street North, in Waterloo. We provided a unique blend of ing our focus to concerts and events. “Maxwell's Concerts
services offering music lessons, rehearsal space, rockstar & Events” opened at 35 University Avenue East in
camps, special needs music education, a live music venue Waterloo, in December of that year. We have since
with a capacity of 80 guests, and even a community radio hosted hundreds of events at our new location for both
station in our later years of operation. Social media was new acclaimed bands/artists as well as local corporations.
at this time and not used as frequently in advertising efforts, Our marketing strategy has had to grow and evolve over
so we focused a lot of our attention on “guerrilla marketing” the past 11 years in order to stay current and relevant. To
tactics. I remember my wife and I would print off bright flyers successfully promote each event, I roll out a 14-step
for our Rockstar Camp and put them on all the minivans at marketing plan with a heavy focus on social-media mar-
the mall and in the parking lots of sports complexes when keting, mailing-list engagement, community partnerships,
children ages 7-13 were playing. and creating “calls to action.”
Services: The Intangible Product CHAPTER 10 323

Learning Objectives Review

LO1  escribe how marketing a service differs

D gap refers to the difference between the actual service
from marketing a product by applying the provided to customers and the service that the firm’s
principles of intangibility, inseparability, promotion program promises.
inconsistency, and inventory
LO3  escribe strategies that firms can use to
First and foremost, services are intangible—they cannot help employees provide better service
be seen or touched—which makes it difficult to describe a
service’s benefits or promote it to others. Service providers First, appropriate service standards and measurements of
attempt to reduce the impact of the service’s intangibility by service performance help close the standards gap. Firms
enhancing its delivery with more tangible attributes, such as need to demonstrate a strong commitment to service by
a nice atmosphere or price benefits. Second, services are setting high standards and enforcing these standards,
produced and consumed at the same time. Third, services and to lead by example. Next, they should provide training
are more inconsistent than products, though service to employees regarding how to do their job and interact
providers attempt to reduce this variability through stand- with customers to address the delivery gap. Then, they
ardization, training, service bundling, and technology. can empower service providers to solve service issues
Fourth, because services can’t be stockpiled, marketers and problems and provide employees with both emo-
provide incentives to stagger demand over time. tional support and the tools they need to do a good job.
The service program should be consistent throughout
LO2  utline the four gaps in the Gaps model
O the organization. Service providers need incentives that
used to understand and manage customer encourage employees to do a good job. Lastly, firms close
expectations the communications gap by managing customer expecta-
tions and promising only what they can deliver.
A knowledge gap occurs when marketers don’t under-
stand what their customers want. They may not be provid- LO4 Identify three service recovery strategies
ing customers enough or the right service, in which case
customers will be disappointed. To understand customer In the best-case scenario, the service does not fail in
expectations, marketers analyze service quality through the first place. But failures are inevitable. When they do
comprehensive studies and by interacting with custom- happen, the firm must make amends to the customer by
ers. The standards gap is the difference between the (1) listening and involving the customer in the service
firm’s perceptions of customers’ expectations and the recovery, (2) finding a fair solution to the problem that
service standards it sets. The delivery gap is the differ- compensates the customer for the failure and follows
ence between the firm’s service standards and the actual procedures that the customer believes are fair, and
service it provides to customers. The communication (3) resolving the problem quickly.

Key Terms
■■ communication gap ■■ inseparable ■■ service gap
■■ customer service ■■ intangible ■■ service quality
■■ delivery gap ■■ inventory ■■ standards gap
■■ empowerment ■■ knowledge gap ■■ voice-of-customer (VOC) program
■■ inconsistent ■■ service ■■ zone of tolerance

Concept Review

1. Describe the four dimensions in which services mar- 3. Discuss the actions companies can implement to
keting is different from product marketing. minimize the potential negative impact of service
inconsistency on the delivery of customer service.
2. Why is intangibility described as the most fundamental
difference between products and services? 4. How can companies deal with the perishability of their

5. Identify the components of the Gaps model. Describe 8. Discuss why underpromising and overdelivering is an
each component and explain the strategies companies important way to control the communication gap.
can implement to reduce the gaps in service delivery.
9. What is meant by service recovery? How can companies
6. Describe the five dimensions of service quality that use service recovery to ensure that a service failure does
consumers often use to judge the quality of a service not lead to a lost customer?
10. Explain the differences between distributive and
7. Explain how the use of technology can help compa- procedural fairness in the context of service recovery.
nies deliver higher quality service.

Marketing Applications

1. Those companies from which you purchase products had been empowered by an employer to do so. What
and services are not pure sellers of services, nor are should the service provider have done?
they pure sellers of products. What services does a
7. What types of support and incentives could your uni-
department store provide? What goods does a dentist
versity or college provide advisors to help make them
more attentive to students’ needs?
2. You have been sitting in the waiting room of your
8. What mobile apps do you use that help facilitate your
doctor’s office for an hour. With the knowledge that
transactions with specific retailers or service provid-
products are different from services, develop a list
ers? Would you rather use the apps or engage in a
of the things the office manager could do to improve
face-to-face relationship with a person? How, if at all,
the overall service delivery. Consider how the office
would your parents’ answers to these two questions
might overcome problems of intangibility, inseparabil-
differ from yours?
ity, inconsistency, and inventory issues associated with
services. 9. A local health club is running a promotional campaign
that promises you can lose an inch a month off your
3. You have conducted a zone of tolerance analysis for
waist if you join the club and follow its program. How
your local pizzeria. You find that the lengths of the reli-
might this claim cause a communication gap? What
ability and responsiveness boxes are much greater
should the club do to avoid a service failure?
than those of the other three service quality dimen-
sions. You also find that the pizzeria is positioned 10. You are hired by a career consulting firm that promises
above the zone box on reliability but below the box on to market new graduates to high-paying employers.
responsiveness. What should you tell the manager of The firm provides potential clients with an impressive
the pizzeria to do? client list. It charges the clients a fee, and then a sepa-
rate finder’s fee if the client gets a position. The firm
4. Assume you were hired by the Paradise Motel to help
aggressively markets its services and has a large
assess its service quality. How would you go about
client base. You learn that the firm simply takes any
undertaking this project?
submitted resumés and posts them to a variety of
5. What should a restaurant server do who is faced with online job search engines. The firm never actually
an irate customer who has received undercooked food contacts any companies on its clients’ behalf. The
after a long wait? How can the server avoid a service CEO, himself a recent university grad, tells you that the
failure by being empowered? What should the server firm never promises to contact potential employees,
do? only that the firm has access to employers and will
distribute clients’ resumés. What do you think of the
6. Describe a specific situation in which a service pro-
career consulting firm’s practices?
vider could have avoided a service failure if he or she

Marketing Digitally

1. What services does WestJet offer ( 2. Evaluate the ease with which you can make hotel reser-
Compare its services to those offered by Air Canada vations when using Fairmont’s online reservation system
( by using the five service qual- ( Check out the hotel’s privacy policy.
ity dimensions (tangibility, responsiveness, reliability, Are you comfortable with its use of cookies to identify
assurance, and empathy). visitors when they return to the site?
Services: The Intangible Product CHAPTER 10 325

Chapter Case Study


Much of the talk surrounding robots in the workforce has centred on robots performing manufac-
turing jobs or taking the place of cashiers. But the expanding capabilities for artificial intelligence
(AI) mean that robots are spreading into other fields, such as sales and marketing. Chatbots—
whose software enables them to converse with human counterparts—have been around since
1966,47 though only recently did they become part of consumers’ lives. Early chatbots, such as
AOL Instant Messenger’s SmarterChild, were not particularly sophisticated, though, limiting both
their ability to understand the nuances of human conversation and their appeal in practice.48
As AI technology continues to advance, these limits are disappearing. A chatbot designed by
Conversica effectively communicates with customers to generate sales. Companies that sign up
with Conversica can pick the name and gender of their chatbot. Then, as sales leads come in to
the company, the dedicated chatbot gets in touch with the customer via e-mail or text message. If
the customer shows interest, this chatbot puts them in contact with a human representative who
can close the deal.49 The use of this tool for the initial contact with customers frees sales repre-
sentatives from having to generate leads; they can devote all their time to interacting with custom-
ers who are actually interested in buying, instead of wasting time with unproductive cold-calling.
Since its founding in 2007, Conversica has grown to 140 employees who serve more than
1,100 customers in various industries, including automotive, education, finance, insurance, real
estate, and technology sectors. Its corporate customers include IBM, CenturyLink, and Fiat
Chrysler of America.50 To date, its chatbots have sent approximately 250 million messages.51
With this technology, Conversica also collects data that help make its software even more
efficient. But the data do more than suggest ways to improve the chatbots’ communication;
they also reveal consumer preferences. For example, using female names from the 1980s
and 1990s, such as Ashley and Stephanie, for the chatbots makes them more popular than
those with other names. Jennifer is the hardest-working chatbot, according to how many
leads it develops; Marie is the most engaging.52
At a Connecticut auto dealer, a chatbot named Holly responds within four or five minutes
to every potential lead. Approximately 60 percent of these contacted leads then respond,
which prompts a connection with human sales associates. The dealer’s ultimate goal is to
engage customers in some sort of relationship with a sales associate, and Holly has helped
it increase this form of customer engagement significantly. Furthermore, customers do not
recognize that they have been talking to a chatbot; they often come to the dealership and
ask for Holly specifically, though she is never in.53 Other businesses report that their chatbots
have received thank-you cards or flowers.54
Auto dealers are not alone in using AI to reduce the workload for their representatives.
Toronto-based Wealthsimple offers robo-advisory services. Leveraging AI lets it automate pro-
cesses that would take human advisors a lot of time and frees them up to provide higher-value
services, for example, tax or income planning.55 Canada’s big six banks initially discounted this
approach. However, the fact that more than 75% of consumers manage their finances online
today prompted TD, National Bank, and BMO to introduce chatbots56 to expand the online ser-
vices they can offer clients.
In Singapore, Singtel opened its first pop-up telecom store with no live staff. A roving Live Bot
guides customers around the UNBOXED store and establishes a livestream chat with remote
members of Singtel’s customer service team. The Live Bot is equipped with facial recognition,
enabling it to identify existing customers.57 Because the store is unmanned, customers can shop
24 hours a day and purchase by scanning the product’s QR code or using one of the self-serve
kiosks. Products can be picked up from secure SingPost lockers called POPStations.
The success and growing capabilities of chatbot software and AI will allow it to be adopted by
more organizations. Companies may expand its applications into customer support and service
functions, as well as expanding the conversations to languages other than English.

1. Apply the Gaps model to see how chatbots help provide customer service.
2. With what service quality dimensions can chatbots help a firm?

Chapter 11 Pricing Concepts and Strategies: Establishing Value

Chapter 11

Pricing Concepts and Strategies:

Establishing Value
Learning Objectives
After studying this chapter you should be able to

LO1 Explain what price is and its importance in

establishing value in marketing
LO2 Illustrate how the five Cs—company objectives,
customers, costs, competition, and channel
members—influence pricing decisions
LO3 Understand the considerations for setting
prices; three pricing methods (e.g., cost-based
methods, competitor-based methods, and
value-based methods); and various strategies
(e.g., EDLP, high/low, and new product pricing)
used in marketing
LO4 Identify pricing tactics targeted to channel
members and consumers

©Stephen Lovekin/Getty Images

LO5 Summarize the legal and ethical issues
for 20th Century Fox involved in pricing

The leadership changes at Tiffany & Co., the jewellery line known for its signature blue boxes, are symbolic of the
struggles and challenges that many luxury brands face today. Those struggles led to the firing of one CEO and
the hiring of another in 2017. Since then, the brand has shown healthy increases in annual revenues and launched
a new, modern jewellery collection.1
Luxury markets are defined largely by their prices, which are set high specifically to signal their exclusivity
and high quality. But high prices limit market growth because only the “lucky few” can afford them. Furthermore,
even wealthy shoppers may grow price conscious; overall luxury goods sales recently dropped for the first time
since 2009. Several years back, in an attempt to reach more customers, Tiffany expanded its product lines,
Pricing Concepts and Strategies: Establishing Value CHAPTER 11 327

seeking to attract some customers who could afford to spend a few hundred dollars, but
not thousands, on a beautiful trinket or gift for themselves or a loved one.
But by adding a range of lower-priced products, Tiffany risked its reputation for
exclusive items and put its luxury status at stake. Nearly half of its sales revenues started
coming from items with an average price of $530—really low for a luxury brand. Con-
sumers looking for something special instead started considering brands like Cartier,
where “You’d be hard pressed to find anything… for $500.”
At the same time as it adjusted its pricing strategy, Tiffany & Co. also was expand-
ing its marketing efforts and sales channels. Rather than being available only in the
310 dedicated, branded stores, the products started selling on the fashion website
Net-a-Porter and in other boutique retail stores. The marketing campaigns also appeared
more widely in various communication channels. As a result, some parties came to
believe the famous Tiffany blue was even being overused, being used for everything
imaginable instead of maintaining its exclusivity and cachet.
By the same token, when the fired CEO sought to limit the use of the blue, critics
also assailed the choice as a failure to respect the company’s long history and tradition.
Such criticisms also arose in response to the announcement that Lady Gaga would
be the new face of the brand; unfair comparisons suggested that she was no Audrey
Hepburn, the famous actress who helped make the retailer a familiar name by starring in
the film version of Breakfast at Tiffany’s.
Tiffany & Co. owns much of the production processes it uses to create its goods. Unlike
most jewellers, it polishes and finishes its own gemstones, and it maintains agreements
with diamond miners to purchase minimum amounts each year. Although this approach
helps the company guarantee the quality of its products, it also can create inventory issues.
For example, even if it has no pressing need for more diamonds, it must purchase them
under the terms of its contract. In that case, Tiffany & Co. could find itself forced to lower
prices to clear inventory—a most un-luxury move for a luxury brand.2 The recent sale of
Tiffany to French luxury goods maker LVMH may help to put a new shine on the brand.3

The Importance of Pricing LO1

Although knowing how consumers arrive at their perceptions of value is critical to develop-
ing successful pricing strategies, sellers also must consider other factors—which is why
developing a good pricing strategy is such a formidable challenge to all firms. Do it right
and the rewards to the firm will be substantial. Do it wrong and failure will be swift and
severe. But even if a pricing strategy is implemented well, consumers, economic conditions,
markets, competitors, government regulations, and even a firm’s own products change con-
stantly—and that means that a good pricing strategy today may not remain an effective
pricing strategy tomorrow.
So much rides on marketers setting the right price, so it’s important to understand the
role price plays in the marketing mix. We start by explaining what “price” is as a marketing
concept, why it is important, how marketers set pricing objectives, and how various factors
influence price setting. Then, we extend this foundation by focusing on specific pricing strat-
egies as well as the psychological aspects of pricing. Lastly, we describe various B2B and con-
sumer pricing tactics and some important legal and ethical issues associated with pricing.
Imagine that a consumer realizes that to save money on a particular item, she will have
to drive an additional 20 kilometres. She may judge that her time and travel costs are not
worth the savings, so even though the price tag is higher at a nearby store, she judges the
overall cost of buying the product there to be lower. To include aspects of price such as this,
we define price as the overall sacrifice a consumer is willing to make to acquire a specific
product or service. This sacrifice usually includes the money that must be paid to the seller
328 Section FIVE Transacting Value

to acquire the item but it also may involve other sacrifices, whether nonmonetary (such
as the value of the time necessary to acquire the product or service) or monetary (such as
travel costs, taxes, and shipping costs), all of which the buyer must give up to take posses-
sion of the product.4 It’s useful to think of overall price like this to see how the narrower
sense of purchase price fits in.
Consumers judge the benefits a product delivers against the sacrifice necessary to
obtain it, and then make a purchase decision based on this overall judgment of value. A
great but overpriced product can be judged as low in value and may not sell as well as
an inferior but well-priced item. In turn, we cannot define price without referring to the
product or service associated with it. The key to successful pricing is to match the product
or service with the consumer’s value perceptions.
Price is the only element of the marketing mix that generates revenue. Every other ele-
ment in the marketing mix may be perfect but, with the wrong price, sales simply will not
occur. Research has consistently shown that consumers usually rank price as one of the most
important factors in their purchase decisions.5 Coming up with the “right” price is never easy.
If firms can price their products or services too high, can they price them too low as well? Quite
simply, yes. A price set too low may signal low quality, poor performance, or other negative
attributes about the product or service. Consumers don’t necessarily want a low price all the
time or for all products. Rather, they want high value, which may come with a relatively high
or low price, depending on the bundle of benefits the product or service delivers. Deeply dis-
counted pricing may bring in new customers, but it can cause retailers and manufacturers to
lose money. And it may also negatively impact perceived positioning of the product or service.
Knowing that price is so critical to success, why don’t managers put greater emphasis
on it as a strategic decision variable? Price is the most challenging of the four Ps to manage,
partly because it is often the least understood. Historically, managers have treated price as
an afterthought to their marketing strategy, setting prices according to what competitors
were charging or, worse yet, by adding up their costs and tacking on a desired profit to set
the sales price. Prices rarely changed except in response to radical shifts in market condi-
tions. Even today, pricing decisions often fail to reflect our current understanding of the
role of price in the marketing mix.
Moreover, managers have held an overly simplistic view of the role of price, consider-
ing it simply the amount of money a consumer must part with to acquire a product or
service. We now know that price is not only a sacrifice but also an information cue as
well. That is, consumers use the price of a
product or service to judge its quality,6 par-
ticularly when they are less knowledgeable
about the product category. For example,
most college and university students know
little about fine wine, so if a student found
herself in the Vintages section of the liquor
store and had to make a decision about
which bottle to purchase, she might judge
the quality of the various options accord-
ing to their prices and assume that a higher
price means higher quality.
In summary, marketers should view
pricing decisions as a strategic opportunity
to create value rather than as an after-
thought to the rest of the marketing mix.
Price communicates more than how much
When shopping for wine, most of us infer that a higher price means a product or service costs; it can signal qual-
higher quality. ity, or lack thereof. Let’s now turn to the
Shutterstock/Jasminko Ibrakovic five basic components of pricing strategies.
Pricing Concepts and Strategies: Establishing Value CHAPTER 11 329

The Five Cs of Pricing LO2

Successful pricing strategies are built through the five critical components: company objec-
tives, customers, costs, competition, and channel members (see Exhibit 11.1). We examine
these components in some detail because each makes a significant contribution to formu-
lating good pricing decisions.7 To start, the first step is to develop the company’s pricing

Company Objectives
By now, you know that different firms embrace different goals. Walmart, for example, wants
to be seen as a value-based company and so uses everyday low pricing (EDLP), whereas
Holt Renfrew’s high prices reflect its high-fashion image.
Each firm embraces an objective that fits with where management thinks the firm
needs to go to be successful, in whatever way they define success. These specific objectives
usually reflect how the firm intends to grow. Do managers want it to grow by increasing
profits, increasing sales, decreasing competition, or building customer satisfaction?
Company objectives are not as simple as they might first appear; they often can be
expressed in slightly different forms that mean very different things. Exhibit 11.2 intro-
duces some common company objectives and examples of their implications for pricing profit orientation
strategies. These objectives are not always mutually exclusive, because a firm may embrace A company objective that
two or more noncompeting objectives. can be implemented by
focusing on target profit
pricing, maximizing profits,
Profit Orientation or target return pricing.
target profit pricing
Even though all company objectives may ultimately be oriented toward making a profit,
A pricing strategy
firms implement a profit orientation by focusing on target profit pricing, maximizing implemented by firms
profits, or target return pricing. when they have a
particular profit goal as
• Firms usually implement target profit pricing when they have a particular profit their overriding concern;
uses price to stimulate a
goal as their overriding concern. To meet this targeted profit objective, firms use price certain level of sales at a
to stimulate a certain level of sales at a certain profit per unit. certain profit per unit.

Exhibit 11.1 Five Cs of Pricing



Objectives VALUE


330 Section FIVE Transacting Value

Exhibit 11.2 Company Objectives and Pricing Strategy Implications

Company Objective Examples of Pricing Strategy Implications

Profit oriented Institute a company-wide policy that all products must provide for at least an 18-percent
profit margin to reach a particular profit goal for the firm.
Sales oriented Set prices very low to generate new sales and take sales away from competitors, even
if profits suffer.
Competitor oriented Set prices very low to discourage more competitors from entering the market.
Set prices higher than competitors to signal higher quality or market leadership.
Match competitor prices to show similar value.
Customer oriented Target a market segment of consumers who highly value a particular product benefit and set
prices relatively high (referred to as premium pricing).

maximizing profits strategy

A mathematical model that • The maximizing profits strategy relies primarily on economic theory. If a firm
captures all the factors can accurately specify a mathematical model that captures all the factors required
required to explain and
to explain and predict sales and profits, it should be able to identify the price at
predict sales and profits,
which should be able to which its profits are maximized. Gathering the data on all these relevant factors
identify the price at which and coming up with an accurate mathematical model is an extremely difficult
its profits are maximized.
target return pricing
A pricing strategy
• Other firms, less concerned with the absolute level of profits and more interested in
implemented by firms the rate at which their profits are generated relative to their investments, typically
less concerned with the use target return pricing and other pricing strategies designed to produce a specific
absolute level of profits and
more interested in the rate return on their investment.
at which their profits are
generated relative to their
investments; designed to Sales Orientation
produce a specific return
on investment, usually Firms using a sales orientation to set prices believe that increasing sales will help the firm
expressed as a percentage more than increasing profits. For example, a new health club might focus on unit sales or
of sales.
market share and therefore be willing to set a lower membership fee and accept less profit
sales orientation at first. In contrast, a high-end jewellery store, such as Tiffany & Co., might focus on dollar
A company objective
sales and maintain higher prices. This store relies on its prestige image, as well as the image
based on the belief that
increasing sales will help of its suppliers, to generate sales. Even though it sells fewer units, it can still generate high
the firm more than will dollar sales levels.
increasing profits.
Some firms may be more concerned about their overall
market share than about dollar sales per se because they
believe that market share better reflects their success rela-
tive to the market conditions than do sales alone. A firm
may set low prices to discourage new firms from entering
the market, encourage current firms to leave the market,
take market share away from competitors—all to gain over-
all market share. For example, Apple's streaming music
service launched at $10/month with a free three-month
trial to compete with Spotify and Rdio. Based on Apple’s
lower cost for adding multiple users, Spotify adjusted its
prices to match Apple Music.8 Rdio, which was acquired
by Pandora, no longer streams music. While Spotify has a
free version of its service, Apple only offers a paid version
Tiffany & Co. keeps its prices high even during a to fans after their initial three-month trial is up.9 Amazon
recession to protect its prestigious image, symbolized also offers a paid version of its music streaming at $7.99/
by its famous blue box. month and is expected to be the fastest-growing audio ser-
Felix Choo/Alamy Stock Photo vice this year.10
Pricing Concepts and Strategies: Establishing Value CHAPTER 11 331

Adopting a market share objective does not always imply setting low prices. Rarely
is the lowest-price offering the dominant brand in a given market. Heinz ketchup,
Philadelphia cream cheese, Crest toothpaste, and Nike athletic shoes have all dominated
their markets, yet all are premium-priced brands. Thus, companies can gain market share
simply by offering a high-quality product at a fair price, as long as they generate high-value
perceptions among consumers. Although the concept of value is not overtly expressed in
sales-oriented strategies, it is at least implicit because, for sales to increase, consumers must
see greater value.

Competitor Orientation
When firms undertake a competitor orientation, they strategize according to the premise competitor orientation
that they should measure themselves primarily against their competition. Some firms focus A company objective
based on the premise that
on competitive parity, which means they set prices that are similar to those of their major the firm should measure
competitors. Value is only implicitly considered in competitor-oriented strategies, in the itself primarily against its
sense that competitors may be using value as part of their pricing strategies, so copying
their strategy might provide value. competitive parity
A firm’s strategy of setting
prices that are similar to
those of major competitors.
Customer Orientation customer orientation
A customer orientation explicitly invokes the concept of value. Sometimes a firm may Pricing orientation that
explicitly invokes the
attempt to increase value by focusing on customer satisfaction and setting prices to match concept of customer value
consumer expectations. Or a firm can use a “no-haggle” price structure to make the pur- and setting prices to match
chase process simpler and easier for consumers, thereby lowering the overall price and consumer expectations.
ultimately increasing value. Some car companies have embraced the “no-haggle” price
policy to do just that. Other companies make it easy for consumers to pay by offering a
variety of payment methods including mobile wallet apps.
Firms also may offer very high-priced, “state-of-the-art” products or services
in full anticipation of limited sales. These offerings are designed to enhance the
company’s reputation and image and thereby increase the company’s value in the
minds of consumers. For example, Paradigm, a Canadian speaker manufacturer
in Mississauga, Ontario, produces what many audiophiles consider a high-value
product, offering speakers priced as low as $320 per pair. However, Paradigm also
offers a high-end pair of Persona9H speakers for $19,000. Although few people
will spend $19,000 on a pair of speakers, this “statement” speaker communicates
what the company is capable of and can increase the image of the firm and the
rest of its products—even that $320 pair of speakers. Setting prices with a close
eye to how consumers develop their perceptions of value can often be the most
effective pricing strategy, especially if it is supported by consistent advertising
and distribution strategies.
After a company has a good grasp on its overall objectives, it must implement
pricing strategies that enable it to achieve those objectives. As the second step in
this process, the firm should look toward consumer demand to lay the foundation
for its pricing strategy.

The second C of the five Cs of pricing is the most important because it is about
understanding consumers’ reactions to different prices. Consumers want value Can you tell the difference
and, as you may recall, price is half of the value equation. Look at how two young between the $19,000 and the
women with vision set pricing for a new construction app in Entrepreneurial $320 Paradigm speaker?
Marketing 11.1. Source: Paradigm Electronics, Inc.
332 Section FIVE Transacting Value

Entrepreneurial Marketing 11.1

“Blink Test” Paves a sales call with a contractor hoping

he could be convinced to pay $10/
the Way for Setting month for the app. In reality, she was
App Price prepared to let him have it at no cost
since he would be a beta customer.
Sometimes the most important part When she presented the price, she
of setting a price for your product or carefully watched for the “blink test.”
service is learning to read prospec- In other words, would the contrac-
tive customers’ reactions. Lauren tor balk at the price? He did. But he
Lake and Mallorie Brodie decided quickly followed with a loud guffaw,
they wanted to be entrepreneurs and agreed to the price. That same
while they were finishing their studies Mallorie Brodie and Lauren Lake used customer is now generating revenues
at the University of Western Ontario the “blink test” to set prices when they of $60,000 a year.†
in London. Equipped with degrees in first started to sell their construction app Since then, Bridgit’s developers have
structural engineering and business, to companies. learned a lot about pricing. They now
the two partners founded Bridgit in Used with permission of Bridgit, use a model that ranges from $900 to
December 2012 to improve commu- $4,000 per month based on project size.
nication on construction sites. Support packages are priced separate­ly, generating more
Their market research was unusual but effective. revenue for the company.
While at university they used to go “crane hunting” early In a few short years, Bridgit has won numerous
in the mornings to locate job sites. Once there, they awards. It was named to Canadian Innovation Exchange’s
spent a lot of time talking to contractors and learned that top 20 list of Canada’s most innovative companies work-
to-do lists were often tracked using sticky notes, plans ing in digital media and information and communication
scribbled on walls, Excel spreadsheets, and emails.* The technology, and won big at Google’s very first Entrepre-
partners came up with an idea to create a mobile app to neurs Demo Day Women’s Edition. With over 450 compet-
automate the communication process. They developed itors, Bridgit was the lone Canadian company, yet landed
an early prototype which they tested on site, tweaked, one of 11 spots in the finals.†† The app is now used by hun-
and re-tested until it met the needs of the users. dreds of contractors and construction teams in Canada
One contractor could end up managing thousands of and the U.S. In 2019, the company raised $6.2 million in
tasks and 30 to 50 subcontractors. For example, in a new funding, which will be used for R&D and to expand opera-
condo, windows, appliances, and crown moulding need tions in the United States.‡ Two months later, it received
to be installed. It’s inevitable that some things will need another $750,000 from FedDev Ontario to support future
to be fixed, requiring an updated installation schedule growth.‡‡ Only five months later, the company received
and lots of communication with subcontractors. Bridgit’s an additional $1.5 million from CIBC Innovation Banking
mobile app automates all of this. On site, a project man- to support the launch of the company’s second product,
ager can simply take a photo of the task that requires Bridgit Bench. The achievements of Mallorie Brodie and
attention and note the location and responsible stake- Lauren Lake resulted in them being named to the 2019
holder, and the app automatically sends the information Forbes Manufacturing and Industry 30 Under 30.

out to all of the subcontractors involved.** Usage of Bridgit’s solutions increased during the
After thorough field testing, the challenge was to COVID-19 pandemic as construction companies looked to
convince contractors to buy the app. How do you put a fine-tune their operations and guard their margins. Even in the
price on better work flow, improved communication, and midst of the pandemic, Bridgit continued to raise venture capi-
not having tasks fall through the cracks? Lauren set up tal, as construction giant Autodesk invested $9.4 million.***
*Clare O’Connor, “Two 24-Year-Old Women Raise $1.7M for Tech to Streamline Construction Projects,” April 22, 2016,
womenintheworld/2016/04/22/meet-the-24-year-old-women-streamlining-the-construction-industry/ (accessed July 4, 2016).
**Peter Nowak, “How BridgIt’s App Keeps Big Construction Projects on Time and Budget,” Canadian Business, July 15, 2015, www.canadianbusiness.
com/innovation/waterloo-startups-2015-bridgit/ (accessed July 4, 2016).
†Lauren Lake, Keynote Speech at WIMin Ideathon, University of Waterloo, March 5, 2016.
††Deidre Kelly, “Graduates’ App for Tracking Construction Defects Takes Off,” The Globe and Mail, December 24, 2014,
report-on-business/small-business/sb-growth/the-challenge/graduates-app-for-tracking-construction-defects-takes-off/article22164725/; Andrea
Bellemare and Danielle Kappele, “Kitchener Construction Tech Firm Bridgit Raises $2.2 Million in Seed Funding,” CBC News,
canada/kitchener-waterloo/kitchener-construction-tech-firm-bridgit-raises-2-2-million-in-seed-funding-1.3544552 (accessed July 4, 2016).
‡Josh O’Kane, “Ontario construction software firm Bridgit raises $6.2-million,” The Globe and Mail, March 18, 2019,
business/small-business/money/article-ontario-construction-software-firm-bridgit-raises-62-million/ (accessed July 26, 2019).
‡‡“Bridgit Receives $750,000 Investment from FedDev Ontario”, Betakit, May 22, 2019,
feddev-ontario/ (accessed July 26, 2019).
Isabelle Kirkwood, “Bridgit Raises $1.6 Million From CIBC Innovation Banking,” betakit, August 9, 2019,
from-cibc-innovation-banking (accessed August 9, 2019).
***Sean Silcoff, “Autodesk takes ownership stake in Canadian construction software company Bridgit,” The Globe and Mail, July 14, 2020, www. (accessed July 14, 2020).
Pricing Concepts and Strategies: Establishing Value CHAPTER 11 333

Exhibit 11.3 Demand Curves for Tooth Whitening Kits

Price $

25 Demand increases as
price decreases

P2 15
P1 10

2.5 5 7.5 10 12.5 Quantity
Q2 Q1 Demanded
(00 000s)

To determine how firms account for consumers’ preferences when they develop pricing
strategies, we must first lay a foundation of traditional economic theory that helps explain
how prices are related to demand (consumers’ desire for products) and how managers can
incorporate this knowledge into their pricing strategies.

Demand Curves and Pricing

A demand curve shows how many units of a product or service consumers will demand demand curve
during a specific period of time at different prices. Although we call them “curves,” demand Shows how many units
of a product or service
curves can be either straight or curved, as Exhibit 11.3 shows. Of course, any static demand consumers will demand
curve assumes that everything else remains unchanged. For example, marketers creating a during a specific period at
demand curve must assume that the firm will not increase its expenditures on advertising different prices.

and that the economy will not change in any significant way.
Exhibit 11.3 illustrates the common downward-sloping demand curve in which, as
price increases, demand for the product or service decreases. In this case, consumers will
buy more tooth whitening kits as the price decreases. We can expect to uncover a demand
curve similar to this one for many, if not most, products and services.
The horizontal axis measures the quantity demanded for the kits in units and plots
it against the various price possibilities indicated on the vertical axis. Each point on the
demand curve then represents the quantity demanded at a specific price. So, in this instance,
if the price of a kit is $10 per unit (P1), the demand is 1,000,000 units (Q1), but if the price
were set at $15 (P2), the demand would be only 500,000 units (Q2). The firm will sell far more
kits at $10 each than at $15 each. Why? Because of the greater value this price point offers.
Knowing the demand curve for a product or service enables a firm to examine different
prices in terms of the resulting demand and relative to its overall objective. In our preceding
example, the tooth whitening kit distributor will generate a total of $10,000,000 in sales at the
$10 price ($10 × 1,000,000 units) and $7,500,000 in sales at the $15 price ($15 × 500,000 units). In
this case, given only the two choices of $10 or $15, the $10 price is preferable as long as the firm
wants to maximize its sales in terms of dollars and units. But what about a firm that is more inter-
ested in profit? To calculate profit, it must consider its costs, which we cover in the next section.
Interestingly enough, not all products or services follow the downward-sloping demand
curve for all levels of price depicted in Exhibit 11.3. Consider prestige products or prestige products or
services, which consumers purchase for their status rather than their functionality. The
Those that consumers
higher the price, the greater the status associated with it and the greater the exclusivity, purchase for status rather
because fewer people can afford to purchase it. French luxury goods manufacturer and than functionality.
334 Section FIVE Transacting Value

Hermès uses prestige pricing for its handbags, like this one that sold for more than $300,000
at auction, which is more than $20,000 above the standard retail price.
©Lam Yik Fei/The New York Times/Redux Pictures

retailer Hermès is known for making expensive leather goods. But paying $300,168 for a
handbag at auction, which is more than the standard retail price of $280,000, is extraordi-
nary, and not for the casual shopper. Of course, the matte Himalayan crocodile handbag was
finished using white-gold hardware set with 245 F-colour diamonds.11 With prestige prod-
ucts or services, a higher price may lead to a greater quantity sold—up to a certain point.
When customers value the increase in prestige more than the price differential between the
prestige product and other products, the prestige product attains the greater value overall.
Exhibit 11.4 illustrates a demand curve for a hypothetical prestige service, such as
a Caribbean cruise. As the graph indicates, when the price increases from $1,000 (P1) to
$5,000 (P2), the quantity demanded actually increases from 200,000 (Q1) to 500,000 (Q2)
units. However, when the price increases to $8,000 (P3), the demand then decreases to
300,000 (Q3) units, after peaking at about 500,000.

Exhibit 11.4 Prestige Product Demand Curve

P3 8

Demand increases as


price decreases

P2 5

Demand decreases as
P1 1 price decreases
100 200 300 400 500 Quantity
Q1 Q3 Q2 Demanded
(in 000s)
Pricing Concepts and Strategies: Establishing Value CHAPTER 11 335

Although the firm likely will earn more profit selling 300,000 cruises at $8,000 each
than 500,000 cruises at $5,000 each, we do not know for sure until we consider costs. How-
ever, we do know that more consumers are willing to book the cruise as the price increases
initially from $1,000 to $5,000 and that most consumers will choose an alternative vacation
as the price increases further from $5,000 to $8,000.

Price Elasticity of Demand

Although we now know something about how consumers react to different price levels,
we still need to determine how consumers respond to actual changes in price. Con-
sumers are generally less sensitive to price increases for necessary items, such as milk,
because they have to purchase these items even if the price climbs. When the price of
milk goes up, demand does not fall significantly. However, if the price of steak rises
beyond a certain point, people will buy less because there are many substitutes. Mar-
keters need to know how consumers will respond to a price increase (or decrease) for price elasticity of demand
a specific product or brand so they can determine whether it makes sense for them to Measures how changes in
a price affect the quantity
raise or lower prices. of the product demanded;
Price elasticity of demand measures how changes in a price affect the quantity of specifically, the ratio of
the product demanded. We can calculate it with the following formula: the percentage change
in quantity demanded to

% change in quantity demanded

Price elasticity of demand = ​​ _______________________
the percentage change in

% change in price
Refers to a market for a
In general, the market for a product or service is price sensitive (or elastic) when product or service that
is price sensitive; that is,
the price elasticity is less than –1: that is, when a 1 percent decrease in price produces relatively small changes
more than a 1 percent increase in the quantity sold. In an elastic scenario, relatively small in price will generate
changes in price will generate fairly large changes in the quantity demanded, so if a firm is fairly large changes in the
quantity demanded.
trying to increase its sales, it can do so by lowering prices.
The market for a product is generally viewed as price insensitive (or inelastic) when inelastic
Refers to a market for a
its price elasticity is greater than –1: that is, when a 1 percent decrease in price results in product or service that is
less than a 1 percent increase in quantity sold. Generally, if a firm must raise prices, it is price insensitive; that is,
relatively small changes
helpful to do so with inelastic products or services because in such a market, fewer custom- in price will not generate
ers will stop buying or reduce their purchases—customers just don’t notice or care about large changes in the
the lower price. quantity demanded.

Consumers are less sensitive to the price of milk (left) than to steak (right). When the price of milk goes up, demand does
not fall significantly because people still need to buy milk. However, if the price of steak rises beyond a certain point,
people will buy less because they can turn to the many substitutes for steak.
(left): Shutterstock/Korta; (right): Spencer Platt/Getty Images
336 Section FIVE Transacting Value

Consumers are generally more sensitive to price increases than to price decreases.12 Also,
the price elasticity of demand usually changes at different points in the demand curve unless
the curve is actually a straight line, as in Exhibit 11.3. For instance, a prestige product or service,
such as our Caribbean cruise example in Exhibit 11.4, enjoys a highly inelastic demand curve
up to a certain point, so price increases do not affect sales significantly. But when the price
reaches that certain point, consumers start turning to other alternatives because the value of
the cruise has finally been reduced by the extremely high price. Ideally, firms could maximize
their profits if they charged as much as each customer was willing to pay. The travel industry
and airlines realize this benefit particularly well, as Marketing Analytics 11.1 explains.
The Canadian economy has experienced the full force of this elasticity phenomenon.
Over the past decade, the Canadian dollar has fluctuated against the U.S. dollar. For
example, in 2011, the exchange rate hovered near parity before falling to $0.90 in 2014. By
mid-2019 the exchange rate was $0.76. An American family that travelled to Canada on a
two-week vacation in 2011 with a $5,000 USD budget likely enjoyed a nice trip. However,
eight years later, the same family would have spent far less because of currency fluctua-
tions. Not surprisingly, the low dollar encourages American travel and is a boon to tourism.

Marketing Analytics 11.1

Airlines Use Price Elasticities

to Price Tickets§§
The airline industry has been using analytics to influence
pricing for decades. Early implementers of data-based
pricing strategies, such as American Airlines, enjoyed a
significant advantage over their competitors who main-
tained a single, flat rate for all tickets. By predicting
demand for each particular flight, American Airlines could
price different tickets at different rates and ensure that it
sold as many tickets as possible. For example, when its
analytics system identified which tickets might not sell,
American Airlines began offering those seats at a sig-
nificant discount, but it increased the rates for seats that
KAYAK predicts when travel prices will change based on the
were very likely to be purchased. information it processes each day.
Despite the great deals offered and the resultant
Source:, KAYAK is part of Booking Holdings Inc.
benefits for firms as well as customers, the use of stra­
tegic pricing analytics can require time-consuming hunts use of these analytics. American Airlines’ pricing strat-
for the best deal. To combat the hassle of searching for egy grew so effective that every other airline faced an
airline deals, many service providers have introduced obvious choice: Adopt it or go out of business. Some
travel booking sites. Some are specific to a particular of the popularity of data-based pricing is the result of
airline; others compile pricing information about various a key feature that it provides: It allows customers the
flights between two locations to make the price compar- freedom to determine the price they will pay. Travellers
ison evident and convenient for the customer. KAYAK well know that they will find vast discrepancies in flight
has taken it a step further and has begun implement- prices, depending on when they travel (spring break or
ing predictive pricing analytics of its own in the form of the off-season?), when they book (Tuesday nights or Sat-
its price forecast feature. KAYAK takes information from urday mornings?), and where they want to sit (pay a lot
the billions of requests for travel information that it pro- extra for first class, a little extra for the exit row, or just
cesses each day and then predicts whether the price the base fare for a middle seat?). Customers can weigh
for a given destination on a particular date is likely to go the value of the convenience of these various factors for
up or down over the next seven days. It computes the themselves and then select the flight that best fits their
accuracy of its predictions daily in an effort to perfect its own individual needs.
“A Look Back: How Predictive Analytics Transformed the Airline Industry,” Cusotra,
analytics/basic/predictive-analytics-and-the-airline-industry; “Price Trends & Tips Explanation,” KAYAK, 2019,
explanation (accessed August 2, 2019).
Pricing Concepts and Strategies: Establishing Value CHAPTER 11 337

Travelling to Canada
on vacation is much
less expensive for
Americans today than
it was a decade ago
because of currency
robertharding/Alamy Stock

Factors Influencing Price Elasticity of Demand

We have illustrated how price elasticity of demand varies across different products and at dif- income effect
ferent points along a demand curve, as well as how it can change over time. What causes these Refers to the change in
differences in the price elasticity of demand? We discuss a few of the more important factors next. the quantity of a product
demanded by consumers
because of a change in
Income Effect. Generally, as people’s income increases, their spending behaviour changes:
their income.
They tend to shift their demand from lower-priced products to higher-priced alternatives.
substitution effect
That is, consumers may buy steak instead of ground beef and splurge on a movie a week
Refers to consumers’
instead of one per month. In turn, when the economy is good and consumers’ incomes are ability to substitute other
rising overall, the price elasticity of steak or movies may actually drop, even though the products for the focal
brand, thus increasing the
price remains constant. Conversely, when incomes drop, consumers turn to less expensive price elasticity of demand
alternatives or purchase less. This income effect refers to the change in the quantity of a for the focal brand.
product demanded by consumers because of a change in their income.
Substitution Effect. The substitution effect refers to
con­­­­­­sumers’ ability to substitute other products for the focal
brand. The greater the availability of substitute products, the
higher the price elasticity of demand for any given product
will be. For example, there are many close substitutes for the
various brands of peanut butter. If Kraft raises its prices, many
consumers will turn to Jif, President’s Choice, or another
brand because they can easily find lower-priced substitutes.
Extremely brand-loyal consumers, however, are willing to pay
a higher price because in their minds, Kraft still offers better
value than the competing brands.
Keep in mind that marketing plays a critical role in mak-
ing consumers brand loyal, making the price elasticity of
demand for some brands very low. For example, Polo Ralph
If there are many close substitutes for a product,
Lauren sells millions of its classic polo shirts at $85, while
customers will be sensitive to small price changes,
shirts of equal quality but without the polo player logo sell and the product will be highly price elastic. If, for
for much less. Getting consumers to believe that a particular instance, Kraft raises its price, many customers will
brand is unique or extraordinary in some way makes other switch to another brand.
brands seem less substitutable. Felix Choo/Alamy Stock Photo
338 Section FIVE Transacting Value

cross-price elasticity Price Elasticity. Cross-price elasticity is the percentage change in the quantity of
The percentage change
in demand for Product A
Product A demanded compared with the percentage change in price in Product B. For
that occurs in response to example, when the price of coffee pods dropped rapidly, the demand for single-serve coffee
a percentage change in machines, such as Keurig and Nespresso, also increased rapidly. Products such as coffee
price of Product B.
pods and single-serve coffee machines are complementary products, which are products
complementary products whose demands are positively related, such that they rise or fall together. In other words, a
Products whose demand
curves are positively percentage increase in the quantity demanded for Product A results in a percentage increase
related, such that they in the quantity demanded for Product B.13 However, when the price for regular coffee mak-
rise or fall together; a
ers dropped, the demand for Keurig machines went down, so regular coffee makers and
percentage increase in
demand for one results in Keurig or Nespresso machines are substitute products because changes in their demand
a percentage increase in are negatively related. Today, shopping bots like and have
demand for the other.
made it much easier for people to shop for substitutable products like consumer electron-
substitute products ics, which has affected the price elasticity of demand.
Products for which
changes in demand are Clearly, knowing how prices affect sales is important, but it cannot give us the
negatively related—that whole picture. To know how profitable a pricing strategy will be, we must also consider the
is, a percentage increase third C, costs.
in the quantity demanded
for Product A results in a
percentage decrease in
the quantity demanded for
Product B.
To make effective pricing decisions, firms must understand their cost structures so they
can determine the degree to which their products or services will be profitable at different
prices. In general, prices should not be based on costs because consumers make purchase
decisions based on their perceived value; they care little about the firm’s costs to produce
and sell a product or deliver a service. Consumers use just the price they must pay and the
benefits they may receive to judge value; they will not pay a higher price for an inferior
product simply because the firm cannot be as cost-efficient as its competitors.
If, for instance, a bike helmet is available at both Sportchek and Walmart, most con-
sumers would buy it at Walmart, where it likely will be priced lower. But many consumers
see additional benefits to shopping at Sportchek because it also offers a good selection of
other sports accessories, and they can get help from knowledgeable staff. If consumers did
not value these benefits, Sportchek would not survive.
Although companies incur many different types of costs as a natural part of doing busi-
ness, there are two primary cost categories: variable and fixed.

Variable Costs
variable costs Variable costs are those costs, primarily labour and materials, that vary with produc-
Those costs, primarily tion volume. As a firm produces more or less of a good or service, the total variable costs
labour and materials,
that vary with production increase or decrease at the same time. Because each unit of the product produced incurs
volume. the same cost, marketers generally express variable costs on a per-unit basis. For a compact
disc manufacturer, the variable costs include the labour needed to burn each CD; the costs
of the blank CDs, jewel cases, and labels; and royalties paid to the artist. Each of these costs
is incurred each time the producer makes a new CD.
In the service industry, variable costs are far more complex. For example, banks must
pay a fee for each mobile wallet transaction, adding more cost as increasing numbers of
consumers choose to pay using their phones. Likewise, a hotel incurs certain variable costs
each time it rents a room, including the costs associated with the labour and supplies nec-
essary to clean and restock the room. Note that the hotel does not incur these costs if the
room is not booked. Suppose that a particular hotel calculates its total variable costs to be
$20 per room; each time it rents a room, it incurs $20 in variable costs. If the hotel rents
out 100 rooms on a given night, the total variable cost is $2,000 (= $20/room × 100 rooms).
Variable costs tend to change depending on the quantity produced. If a record pro-
ducer creates five CDs, it must pay a set amount for each one. If it makes 500, though, it can
Pricing Concepts and Strategies: Establishing Value CHAPTER 11 339

probably get the discs at a lower price by buying in bulk. Though it’s not always the case,
variable costs per unit may go up or down (for all units) with significant changes in volume.

Fixed Costs
Fixed costs are those costs that remain essentially at the same level, regardless of any fixed costs
changes in the volume of production. Typically, these costs include items such as rent, Those costs that remain
essentially at the same
utilities, insurance, administrative salaries (for executives and higher-level managers), and level, regardless of any
the depreciation of the physical plant and equipment. Across reasonable fluctuations in changes in the volume of
production volume, these costs remain stable; whether the producer makes five or 500 CDs,
the rent it pays for the building in which it burns the CDs remains unchanged.

Total Cost
Finally, the total cost is simply the sum of the variable and fixed costs. For example, in total cost
one year, our hypothetical hotel incurred $100,000 in fixed costs. We also know that because The sum of the variable
and fixed costs.
the hotel booked 10,000 room nights, its total variable cost is $200,000 (= 10,000 room
nights × $20/room). Thus, its total cost is $300,000.
Next, we illustrate how to use these costs in simple analyses that can inform manage-
rial decision making about setting prices.

Break-Even Analysis and Decision Making

A useful technique that enables managers to examine the relationships among cost,
price, revenue, and profit over different levels of production and sales is called break-even
analysis. Central to this analysis is the determination of the break-even point, or the break-even point
point at which the number of units sold generates just enough revenue to equal the total The point at which the
number of units sold
costs. At this point, profits are zero. Profit represents the difference between the total cost generates just enough
and the total revenue (Total revenue or sales = Selling price of each unit sold × Number of revenue to equal the total
costs; at this point, profits
units sold). Although profit can indicate how much money the firm is making or losing at are zero.
a single period of time, it cannot tell managers how many units a firm must produce and
sell before it stops losing money and at least breaks even.
How do we determine the break-even point? Let’s use the hotel example to illustrate
the break-even analysis. Exhibit 11.5 presents the various cost and revenue information we
have discussed in a graphic format.

Exhibit 11.5 Break-Even Analysis

Revenue &

$125,000 Variable Costs
Break-Even ($20/night)

Fixed Costs

Fixed Costs
1,250 Units
Break-Even Quantity
(1,250 rooms)
340 Section FIVE Transacting Value

Recall that the fixed costs are $100,000 and the variable costs are $20/room rented. If the
rooms rent for $100 per night, how many rooms must the hotel rent over the course of a year to
break even? If we study the graph, we find the break-even point at 1,250, which means that the
hotel must rent 1,250 rooms before its revenues equal its costs. If it rents fewer rooms, it loses
money; if it rents more, it makes a profit. To determine the break-even point in units mathemat-
contribution per unit ically, we must consider fixed costs and the contribution per unit, which is the price less the
Equals the price less the variable cost per unit. We use the following formula to calculate the break-even point in units:
Break-even point (units) = ​​ __________________
variable cost per unit;

Contribution per unit

variable used to determine
the break-even point in units.

In this case,

     ​​= 1,250 room nights

Break-even point (units) =​​ _______________
$100 − $20 = $80

When the hotel has crossed that break-even point of 1,250 rooms, it will then
start earning profit at the same rate of the contribution per unit. So if the hotel rents
2,500 rooms—which is 1,250 rooms more than the break-even point—its profit will be
$100,000 (= 1,250 rooms × $80 contribution per unit). Bear in mind that hotels are limited
by the number of rooms they have to offer and the number of days in a year. So if this hotel
had 50 rooms, it would need a full house 25 days of the year.
Although a break-even analysis cannot actually help managers set prices, it does help
them assess their pricing strategies because it clarifies the conditions in which different
prices may make a product or service profitable. It becomes an even more powerful tool
when performed on a range of possible prices for comparative purposes. For example, the
hotel management could analyze various prices, not just $100, to determine how many
hotel rooms it would have to rent at what price to make a $200,000 profit.
Naturally, however, a break-even analysis has limitations. First, it is unlikely that a hotel has
one specific price that it charges for each and every room, so the price it would use in its break-
even analysis probably represents an average price that attempts to account for these variances.
Second, prices often get reduced as quantity increases because the costs decrease, so
firms must perform several break-even analyses at different quantities.
Third, a break-even analysis cannot indicate for sure how many rooms will be rented
or, in the case of products, how many units will sell at a given price. It tells the firm only
what its costs, revenues, and profitability will be given a set price and an assumed quantity.
To determine how many units the firm actually will sell, it must bring in the demand esti-
mates we discussed previously.

In a hotel, the cost of the physical structure, including the lobby, is fixed—it is incurred even if no rooms are rented. The
costs to clean towels and sheets are variable—the more rooms that are rented, the more the costs.
(left): Erik Isakson/Getty Image; (right): Eric Audras/Onoky/SuperStock
Pricing Concepts and Strategies: Establishing Value CHAPTER 11 341

Four Levels of Competition: Can you match each photo to its respective type of competi-
tion? Because the fourth C, competition, has a profound impact on pricing strategies, we
use this section to focus on its effect, as well as on how competitors react to certain pric-
ing strategies. There are four levels of competition—monopoly, oligopoly, monopolistic
competition, and pure competition—and each has its own set of pricing challenges and
opportunities (see Exhibit 11.6).
Four Levels of Competition: Can you match each photo below to its respective type
of competition?
In a monopoly, only one firm provides the product or service in a particular industry, monopoly
and as such results in less price competition. For example, in the utilities industry, there Occurs when only one
firm provides the product
is only one provider of power in each region of the country—for example, Hydro One in or service in a particular
most of Ontario and SaskPower in Saskatchewan. Power companies operate more effi- industry.
ciently when there is one service provider, so the government regulates the pricing of util-
ity monopolies to prevent them from raising prices uncontrollably. Some near monopolies
include SiriusXM radio and Alphabet (parent company of Google). As the only satellite
radio option, SiriusXM has a monopoly-like position and can set prices as it sees fit.
However, it is in competition with music streaming sites such as Pandora and Spotify,
which keep prices in check. Alphabet has a near monopoly on search engines, controlling
92 percent of the market.14 Monopolies have had a long history in the United States, where
they are regulated and can be dismantled through antitrust laws to protect customers from
paying overly high prices for goods and services.15

Exhibit 11.6 Four Levels of Competition: Can you match each photo
to its respective type of competition?

Less Price Competition More Price Competition

Monopoly Oligopoly
One firm controls
A handful of firms
the market control the market Firms

Monopolistic Competition Pure Competition

Many firms selling Many firms selling Many
differentiated products commodities for the Firms
at different prices same prices

(clocks): milos luzanin/Alamy Stock Photo; (corn): Corbis RF; (plane): Ingram Publishing/SuperStock;
(power pylon): Steve Allen/Getty Images
342 Section FIVE Transacting Value

oligopoly When a market is an oligopoly, only a few firms dominate. Firms typically change
Occurs when only a few
firms dominate a market.
their prices in reaction to competition to avoid upsetting an otherwise stable competitive
environment. Often-cited examples of oligopolistic markets include the banking industry,
the retail gasoline industry, and commercial airline travel.
price war Sometimes reactions to prices in oligopolistic markets can result in a price war,
Occurs when two or more which occurs when two or more firms compete primarily by lowering their prices. Price
firms compete primarily by
lowering their prices. wars often appear in the airline industry when a low-cost provider enters a market in
which established carriers already exist. But what motivates firms to enter price wars?16 In
the airline example, the new entrants might want to gain market share, whereas the estab-
lished airlines drop their prices to preserve their market share. Other reasons include
avoiding the appearance of being insensitive to consumers and simply overreacting to a
price decrease offered by competitors. In many cases, companies do not need to respond to
price cuts with price cuts of their own17 because consumers do not buy solely on the basis
of price. Better service, higher quality, and brand loyalty might be used as competitive
strategies instead.
monopolistic competition Monopolistic competition occurs when many firms are competing for customers in a
Occurs when many firms given market but their products are differentiated. When so many firms compete, product dif-
sell closely related but not
homogeneous products; ferentiation rather than a strict pricing competition tends to appeal to consumers. This form
these products may be of competition is the most common. Hundreds of firms make sunglasses, and the market is
viewed as substitutes but
are not perfect substitutes.
highly differentiated. Ray-Ban offers its iconic, thick-rimmed, black Wayfarer-style sunglasses.
Oakley sells ones that are sporty, while Prada and Gucci focus on fashion and prestige.
pure competition With pure competition, consumers perceive a large number of sellers of standard-
Occurs when different ized products or commodities as substitutable, such as grains, spices, gold, or minerals. In
companies sell commodity
products that consumers such markets, price usually is set according to the laws of supply and demand. For example,
perceive as substitutable; wheat is wheat, so it does not matter to a commercial bakery whose wheat it buys. How-
price usually is set
according to the laws of
ever, the secret to pricing success in a pure competition market is not necessarily to offer
supply and demand. the lowest price because doing so might create a price war and erode profits. Instead, some
firms have brilliantly decommoditized their products. For example, coffee beans used to
be regarded as all the same, and then Juan Valdez and the Colombian Coffee Growers
Federation made their “100% Colombian Coffee” special, ensuring that coffee drinkers
now know the difference between those beans and everything else.
When a commodity can be differentiated somehow, even if simply by a sticker or logo,
there is an opportunity for consumers to identify it as distinct from the rest, and in this case,
firms can at least partially extricate their product from a pure-competitive market.

Channel Members
Channel members—manufacturers, wholesalers, and retailers—can have different per-
spectives when it comes to pricing strategies. Consider a manufacturer that is focused
on increasing the image and reputation of its brand but working with a retailer that is

The sunglasses market is characterized by monopolistic competition with hundreds of firms with differentiated products.
Ray-Ban’s Wayfarer sunglasses (left) are classic, Oakley’s sunglasses (middle) are sporty, and Gucci’s sunglasses (right)
are very, very fashionable.
(left): Dean Atkins/Alamy Stock Photo; (middle): Chris Wilson/Alamy Stock Photo; (right): Stefano Rellandini/Alamy Stock Photo
Pricing Concepts and Strategies: Establishing Value CHAPTER 11 343

primarily concerned with increasing its sales.

The manufacturer may desire to keep prices
higher to convey a better image, whereas the
retailer wants lower prices and will accept
lower profits to move the product, regardless of
consumers’ impressions of the brand. Unless
channel members carefully communicate their
pricing goals and select channel partners that
agree with them, conflict will surely arise.
Channels can be very difficult to manage,
and distribution outside normal channels does
occur. A grey market, for example, employs
irregular but not necessarily illegal methods;
generally, it legally circumvents authorized
channels of distribution to sell goods at prices
lower than those intended by the manufac- TV sets and other consumer electronics are commonly sold in the
grey market.
turer.18 Many manufacturers of consumer
Shutterstock/Vladislav Kochelaevskiy
electronics therefore require retailers to sign
an agreement that demands certain activities
(and prohibits others) before they may become authorized dealers. But if a retailer has
too many high-definition TVs in stock, it may sell them at just above its own cost to an grey market
unauthorized discount dealer. This move places the merchandise on the street at prices Employs irregular but not
necessarily illegal methods;
far below what authorized dealers can charge, and in the long term, it may tarnish the generally, it legally
image of the manufacturer if the discount dealer fails to provide sufficient return policies, circumvents authorized
channels of distribution to
support, service, and so forth.
sell goods at prices lower
To discourage this type of grey-market distribution, some manufacturers have resorted than those intended by the
to large disclaimers on their websites, packaging, and other communications to warn con- manufacturer.
sumers that the manufacturer’s product warranty becomes null and void unless the item
has been purchased from an authorized dealer.

Considerations for setting Prices LO3

Coming up with the “right” price is never easy. If the Apple Watch had been priced at a low
point initially, how might it have affected future sales? Firms embrace different objectives,
face different market conditions, and operate in different ways; thus, they employ unique
pricing strategies that seem best for the particular set of circumstances in which they find
themselves. Even a single firm needs different strategies across its products and services
and over time as market conditions change. The choice of a pricing strategy is specific to
the product/service and target market. Although firms tend to rely on similar strategies
when they can, each product or service requires its own specific strategy because no two are
ever exactly the same in terms of the marketing mix. In this section, we discuss three dif-
ferent approaches to developing pricing strategies: cost-based methods, competitor-based
methods, and value-based methods.

Pricing Methods cost-based pricing

Cost-Based Methods Determines the final price
to charge by starting
As its name implies, a cost-based pricing method determines the final price to charge with the cost, without
by starting with the cost. Cost-based methods do not recognize the role that consumers recognizing the role that
consumers or competitors’
or competitors’ prices play in the marketplace. Although relatively simple compared with prices play in the
other methods used to set prices, cost-based pricing requires that all costs can be identified marketplace.
344 Section FIVE Transacting Value

and calculated on a per-unit basis. Moreover, the process assumes that these costs will not
vary much for different levels of production. If they do, the price might need to be raised or
lowered according to the production level. Thus, with cost-based pricing, prices are usually
set on the basis of estimates of average costs.

Competitor-Based Methods
Most firms know that consumers compare the prices of their products with the different
competitor-based pricing product/price combinations competitors offer. Thus, using a competitor-based pricing
method, they may set their prices to reflect the way they want consumers to interpret
An approach that attempts
to reflect how the firm their own prices relative to the competitors’ offerings. Setting prices at the same level as or
wants consumers to very close to a competitor’s price signals to consumers that the product is similar, whereas
interpret its products
relative to the competitors’
setting prices much higher signals greater features, better quality, or some other valued
offerings. benefit. When McDonald’s offers free coffee promotions, it forces rivals such as Tim
Hortons® to reduce prices and accept lower profits. This was a strategic price promotion
for McDonald’s, since it helped double its market share to 11.5 percent of the out-of-home
coffee market.19 Gillette slashed prices in an effort to stave off defections to low-priced
online rivals such as Dollar Shave Club and Harry’s. P&G and other consumer packaged
goods companies cut prices for years in a bid to stoke demand; however, most have since
switched course, raising prices and boosting profits.20

Value-Based Methods
value-based pricing A value-based pricing method is an approach to setting prices that focuses on the overall
method value of the product offering as perceived by the consumer. Consumers determine value
Focuses on the overall
value of the product by comparing the benefits they expect the product to deliver with the sacrifice they will
offering as perceived by need to make to acquire the product. Of course, different consumers perceive value differ-
consumers, who determine
value by comparing the
ently. When Vancouver band Wintermitts went on tour, it offered CDs for sale at $10. In an
benefits they expect the attempt to encourage fans to access the band’s music digitally, download cards were priced
product to deliver with the at $5. To band members’ surprise, they sold out of CDs and sold only half as many down-
sacrifice they will need
to make to acquire the load cards as expected.21 Customers who purchased cannabis on the first day it was legally
product. available, were not price sensitive. It was a function of novelty perhaps; however, over
95 percent of consumers purchasing products were unfamiliar with the brands.22 Associat-
ing value with cannabis will be challenging in light of marketing restrictions on packaging
and advertising. Adding to the challenge will be the availability of cheaper black-market
products. Value is definitely subjective. As noted in Sustainable Marketing 11.1, many con-
sumers want companies to reduce plastic packaging; however, not everyone places a high
enough value on this desire to warrant paying higher prices. So how does a manager use
value-based pricing methods? We consider two key approaches.

Improvement Value Method

With this method, the manager must estimate the improvement value of a new product
improvement value or service. This improvement value represents an estimate of how much more (or less)
Represents an estimate of consumers are willing to pay for a product relative to other comparable products. For
how much more (or less)
consumers are willing to example, suppose a major telecommunications company has developed a new cellphone.
pay for a product relative Customers could be surveyed to assess the new product relative to existing products on
to other comparable
dimensions such as clarity, range, security, battery life, and ease of use, to provide an
estimate of how much better it is, or its improvement value. Cinemas understand that
moviegoers will pay more for improved viewing experiences: about $3 more for 3D and
a $7 premium for IMAX. Premium tickets account for 46 percent of box-office sales for
Pricing Concepts and Strategies: Establishing Value CHAPTER 11 345

Sustainable Marketing 11.1

In Pursuit of Plastic-Free
Plastic packaging has become a dilemma for food
manufacturers. At the heart of this issue is cost. Plastic
is considerably cheaper than environmentally friendly
alternatives. The issue is compounded by the increase in
popularity of single-serve sizes, ready-to-eat foods, and
portable packaging, all of which require more packaging,
resulting in yet more plastic waste.
Research conducted by Dalhousie University repor­
ted that while 93.1 percent of Canadians want less plastic
in their lives, only 23.2 percent are willing to pay more
for food packaging that is reusable. In a separate study,
Nanos Research found that 56 percent of Canadians
are in favour of an outright ban on single-use plastics. In
spite of this, fewer than one third of the people polled Consumers can get President’s Choice Decadent Chocolate
said they would be willing to pay even 5 percent more for Chip Cookies in a reusable metal container through the Loop
alternative packaging, and 25 percent of those surveyed program.
indicated they would not pay any extra. So, while many Source: Loblaw Companies Limited
people believe that a ban on plastics must be part of the
pollution solution, they are not yet ready to pay for the of people in Quebec, Ontario, and the Atlantic provinces
solution. also favour a ban. TerraCycle’s Loop program offers a
In an effort to reduce plastic pollution, the federal solution by packaging food in durable, reusable con
government is considering banning some plastic prod- tainers. As the largest food retailer in Canada, Loblaw
ucts, for example, bags, straws, and cutlery. The plastics has the necessary sales volume to support such an ini-
industry is expected to push back. Already the Canadian tiative and announced plans to pilot Loop’s program in
Plastic Bag Association has challenged bans in some cit- Toronto in 2020. Consumers will order select products
ies. It met with success in Victoria, where the city council online for delivery or pickup at Click and Collect stores.
had previously voted to ban plastic bags. A ruling by the Empty containers will be collected, cleaned, and refilled
B.C. Court of Appeal stated that the ban was beyond the for reuse. Costs for consumers are unknown at this point;
city’s jurisdiction. however, Loop usually charges an initial deposit on the
In Canada, 65 percent of residents in British Colum- containers. It remains to be seen if the same consumers
bia support a total ban on single-use plastic. The majority who expressed a desire for plastic-free packaging will
put their money where their mouths are.
†††Megan Devlin, “Ontario’s plan to transfer recycling costs to companies could raise prices for consumers, experts say,” The Globe and Mail, June 10,
2019,; Janice Dickson, “Majority of
Canadians support a ban on single-use plastics: poll,” The Globe and Mail, July 15, 2019,
canadians-support-a-ban-on-single-use-plastics-poll/; Sylvain Charlebois and Tony Walker, “Canadians want less plastic. But will they pay the price?,”
The Globe and Mail, June 11, 2019,; “Loblaw
joins Loop to bring reusable packaging program to Canada,” Canadian Grocer, June 6, 2019,
to-bring-reusable-packaging-program-to-canada-87730 (accessed July 15, 2019).

Cost of Ownership Method

Another value-based method for setting prices determines the total cost of owning the
product over its useful life. Using the cost of ownership method, consumers may be will- cost of ownership
ing to pay more for a particular product because, over its entire lifetime, it will eventually method
A value-based method
cost less to own than a cheaper alternative.24 for setting prices that
Consider, for example, that an energy-efficient fluorescent light bulb costs $3 and determines the total cost of
owning the product over its
is expected to last 6,000 hours. Alternatively, a conventional light bulb costs $1 but its
useful life.
average life is only 1,500 hours. Even though the fluorescent bulb is expected to last
four times longer than a conventional bulb, it costs only three times as much. Using the
346 Section FIVE Transacting Value

cost of ownership method, and considering the

cost per hour, the fluorescent bulb manufacturer
could charge $4 for each bulb to give it an equiva-
lent cost to a conventional bulb. However, given
its research indicated that many consumers would
be reluctant to spend $4 for a bulb, the manufac-
turer chose to charge only $3, thereby offering
customers greater value.
Although value-based pricing strategies can
be quite effective, they also necessitate a great deal
of consumer research to be implemented success-
fully. Sellers must know how consumers in different
market segments will attach value to the benefits
delivered by their products. They also must account
Is the improvement value of compact fluorescent light bulbs for changes in consumer attitudes because the way
sufficiently greater than other types so that a higher price can customers perceive value today may not be the way
be charged for them? they perceive it tomorrow.
©Ozmedia |

Pricing Strategies
Understanding the psychology underlying the way consumers arrive at their perceptions,
make judgments, and finally invoke a choice is critical to effective pricing strategies, so
marketers must examine some of the more important psychological processes that influ-
ence consumers’ reactions to and use of price. When consumers see a price, they place it in
a category, such as “expensive,” “a deal,” “cheap,” “overpriced,” or “fair.”
In this section, we discuss a number of commonly used pricing strategies—including
everyday low pricing (EDLP), high/low pricing, and new product pricing.

Everyday Low Pricing (EDLP)

everyday low pricing With an everyday low pricing (EDLP) strategy, companies stress the continuity of their
(EDLP) retail prices at a level somewhere between the regular, nonsale price and the deep-discount
A strategy companies use
to emphasize the continuity sale prices their competitors may offer.25 By reducing consumers’ search costs, EDLP adds
of their retail prices at a value; consumers can spend less of their valuable time comparing prices, including sale
level somewhere between prices, at different stores. For example, Walmart relies on EDLP to communicate to con-
the regular, nonsale price
and the deep-discount sale sumers that, for any given group of frequently purchased items, its prices are lower than
prices their competitors those of any other company in that market. This claim does not necessarily mean that every
may offer.
item that consumers may purchase will be priced lower at Walmart than anywhere else—in
fact, some competitive retailers will offer lower prices on some items. However, on average,
Walmart’s prices tend to be lower.
But even this categorization gets more complicated, in that it needs to include quality
perceptions as well. Some consumers perceive that stores that use EDLP carry lower quality
goods, whereas high/low pricing stores tend to carry better quality items. In part, this percep-
tion forms because consumers view the initial price at a high/low store as the reference price.
In the end, however, the consumer’s decision, once again and as always, comes down to value.

high/low pricing
A pricing strategy that
High/Low Pricing
relies on the promotion of Alternatively, some retailers prefer a high/low pricing strategy, which relies on the pro-
sales, during which prices
are temporarily reduced to motion of sales, during which prices are temporarily reduced to encourage purchases. In
encourage purchases. the end, which consumers prefer which strategy depends on how those consumers evaluate
Pricing Concepts and Strategies: Establishing Value CHAPTER 11 347

prices and quality. Some prefer not to expend the time to find the lowest price and favour
EDLP as an efficient way to get low prices. Alternatively, other consumers may relish the
challenge of getting the lowest price or be so price sensitive that they are willing to expend
the time and effort to seek out the lowest price every time.

New Product Pricing

Developing pricing strategies for new products is one of the most challenging tasks a man-
ager can undertake. When the new product is just another “me-too” product, similar to
what already appears on the market, this job is somewhat easier because the product’s
approximate value has already been established. But when the product is truly innovative,
or what we call “new to the world,” determining consumers’ perceptions of its value and
pricing it accordingly becomes far more difficult. Let’s turn our attention to two distinct
pricing strategies for new products: price skimming and market penetration pricing.

Price Skimming
In many markets, and particularly for new and innovative products or services, innova-
tors and early adopters (see Chapter 8) are willing to pay a higher price to obtain the new
product or service. This strategy, known as price skimming, appeals to these segments price skimming
of consumers who are willing to pay the premium price to have the innovation first. This A strategy of selling a new
product or service at a high
tactic is particularly common in technology markets, where sellers know that fans will wait price that innovators and
in line for hours, desperate to be among the first to own the newest version. These innova- early adopters are willing
tors are willing to pay top dollar to get the new product and its exciting enhancements. to pay to obtain it; after the
high-price market segment
After this high-price market segment becomes saturated and sales begin to slow down, becomes saturated and
companies generally lower the price to capture (or skim) the next most price-sensitive sales begin to slow down,
the firm generally lowers
market segment, which is willing to pay a somewhat lower price. For example, when the the price to capture (or
Apple Watch was first released, the most affordable option, the Apple Watch Sport, started skim) the next most price-
at $349.26 Although consumers were slow to embrace the new and expensive technology, sensitive segment.
enough early adopters purchased them that wearable technology has penetrated wider tar-
get markets, and sales for such technologies continue to grow. The Apple Watch now starts
at $279, while competitors’ smartwatches start at just $149.27 This process can continue
until the demand for the product has been satisfied, even at the lowest price points. Luxury
products are often an exception. For example, Louis Vuitton does not lower the price of its
bags, but rather keeps prices high to support its prestige image.
For price skimming to work, the product or service
must be perceived as breaking new ground in some way,
offering consumers new benefits currently unavailable in
alternative products. Firms use skimming strategies for
a variety of reasons. Some may start by pricing relatively
high to signal high quality to the market. Others may
decide to price high at first to limit demand, which gives
them time to build their production capacities. Similarly,
some firms employ a skimming strategy to try to quickly
earn back some of the high R&D investments they made
for the new product. Finally, firms employ skimming
strategies to test consumers’ price sensitivity. A firm that
prices too high can always lower the price; but, if the price
is initially set too low, it is almost impossible to raise it Apple uses a price skimming strategy. The Apple Watch
Sport (left) started at $349, but now sells for $279, which
without significant consumer resistance.
is still higher than competitors like Misfit (right) that start
For a skimming pricing strategy to be successful, com- at just $149.
petitors cannot be able to enter the market easily; other- (left): Shutterstock/Alexey Boldin/; (right): ©Olly Curtis/MacFormat
wise, price competition will likely force lower prices and Magazine via Getty Image
348 Section FIVE Transacting Value

undermine the whole strategy. Competitors might be prevented from entering the market
through patent protections, their inability to copy the innovation (because it is complex to
manufacture, its raw materials are hard to get, or the product relies on proprietary technol-
ogy), or the high costs of entry.
Skimming strategies also face a significant potential drawback in the relatively
high unit costs often associated with producing small volumes of products. Therefore,
firms must consider the trade-off between earning a higher price and suffering higher
production costs. Price skimming also can cause discontent for consumers. Those who
pay a higher price to purchase the latest Apple Watch may feel cheated if the prices
drop quickly.

Market Penetration Pricing

market penetration Instead of setting the price high, firms using market penetration pricing set the initial
pricing price low for the introduction of the new product or service. Their objective is to build sales,
A pricing strategy of setting
the initial price low for the market share, and profits quickly. The low market penetration price encourages consumers
introduction of the new to purchase the product immediately. With price skimming, profits are generated through
product or service, with the
margin, whereas with penetration pricing, profits flow through volume. Although it is not
objective of building sales,
market share, and profits always the case, many firms expect the unit cost to drop significantly as the accumulated
quickly. volume sold increases, an effect known as the experience curve effect. With this effect,
experience curve effect as sales continue to grow, the costs continue to drop, allowing even further reductions in
Refers to the drop in unit the price.
cost as the accumulated
volume sold increases; as In addition to offering the potential to build sales, market share, and profits, penetra-
sales continue to grow, tion pricing discourages competitors from entering the market because the profit margin is
the costs continue to drop, relatively low. Furthermore, if the costs to produce the product drop because of the accu-
allowing even further
reductions in the price. mulated volume, competitors that enter the market later will face higher unit costs, at least
until their volume catches up with the early entrant.
A penetration strategy also has its drawbacks. First, the firm must have the capacity to
satisfy a rapid rise in demand—or at least be able to add that capacity quickly. Second, low
price does not signal high quality. Of course, a price below their expectations decreases the
risk for consumers to purchase the product and test its quality for themselves. Third, firms
should avoid a penetration pricing strategy if some segments of the market are willing to
pay more for the product; otherwise, the firm is just “leaving money on the table.”

LO4 Pricing Tactics

It is important to distinguish clearly between pricing strategies and pricing tactics. A
pricing strategy is a long-term approach to setting prices broadly in an integrative effort
(across all the firm’s products) based on the five Cs (company objectives, customers, costs,
pricing tactics competition, and channel members) of pricing. Pricing tactics, in contrast, offer short-
Short-term methods, in term methods to focus on select components of the five Cs. Generally, a pricing tactic
contrast to long-term
pricing strategies, used represents either a short-term response to a competitive threat (e.g., lowering price tempo-
to focus on company rarily to meet a competitor’s price reduction) or a broadly accepted method of calculating
objectives, customers, a final price for the customer that is short-term in nature. We separate our discussion of
costs, competition, or
channel members; can be pricing tactics into those aimed at end consumers and those directed at intermediaries in a
responses to competitive business-to-business (B2B) setting.
threats (e.g., lowering
price temporarily to meet
a competitor’s price
reduction) or broadly Consumer Pricing Tactics
accepted methods of
calculating a final price for When firms sell their products and services directly to consumers, rather than to other
the customer that is short- businesses, the pricing tactics they use naturally differ. In this section, we analyze some
term in nature.
tactics for products and services aimed directly at consumers: price lining, price bundling,
and leader pricing (see Exhibit 11.7).
Pricing Concepts and Strategies: Establishing Value CHAPTER 11 349

Exhibit 11.7 Pricing Tactics Aimed at Consumers

Price lining Establishing a price floor and a price ceiling for an entire line of similar products and then
setting price points in between to represent distinct differences in quality.
Price bundling Pricing of more than one product for a single, lower price.
Leader pricing Building store traffic by aggressively pricing and advertising a regularly purchased item,
often priced at or just above the store’s cost.

Price Lining
When marketers establish a price floor and a price ceiling for an entire line of similar prod-
ucts and then set a few other price points in between to represent distinct differences in
quality, the tactic is called price lining. price lining
Consider the specific price lines used by Moores Clothing for Men. The firm prices its Consumer market pricing
tactic of establishing a
sports jackets at different price points. For example, its house brand, Joseph & Feiss, sells price floor and a price
for around $119. Move up to a middle-range price point, and you can buy an Alfred Sung ceiling for an entire line
of similar products and
jacket for between $159 and $199. At the top end of the line, you can find a pure wool then setting a few other
Pronto Uomo sports jacket for $229. price points in between
While it may be difficult to determine which is the better jacket, having options at dif- to represent distinct
differences in quality.
ferent price points means Moores can satisfy a range of tastes and budgets.

Price Bundling
If your parents changed their high-speed Internet connection, did they also get cable TV
and telephone? If so, they probably paid less than if they got the three services separately.
This practice of selling more than one product for a single, lower price is called price price bundling
bundling. Firms bundle products together to encourage customers to stock up so they Consumer pricing tactic
of selling more than one
won’t purchase competing brands, to encourage trial of a new product, or to provide an product for a single,
incentive to purchase a less desirable product or service to obtain a more desirable one lower price than the
items would cost sold
in the same bundle. Some landlords use price bundling in apartments and include separately; can be used
Internet services in the monthly rent. It can result in a lower overall price, which helps to sell slow-moving items,
attract tenants. to encourage customers
to stock up so they won’t
purchase competing
brands, to encourage trial
Leader Pricing of a new product, or to
provide an incentive to
Leader pricing is a tactic that attempts to build store traffic by aggressively pricing and
purchase a less desirable
advertising a regularly purchased item, often priced at or just above the store’s cost. The product or service to
rationale behind this tactic is that, while in the store to get the great deal on, say, milk, obtain a more desirable
one in the same bundle.
the consumer will also probably pick up other items he or she needs. The store has priced
these items at higher profit margins, so their purchase will more than cover the lower leader pricing
Consumer pricing tactic
markup on the milk. Imagine the marketing potential of various combinations of prod- that attempts to build store
ucts; the store uses leader pricing on cocktail sauce, which gives employees the perfect traffic by aggressively
opportunity to ask, “How about a pound of fresh shrimp to go with the cocktail sauce pricing and advertising a
regularly purchased item,
you’re purchasing?” often priced at or just
above the store’s cost.

Consumer Price Reductions

The final price a customer pays for a product or service often has been adjusted from the
original price because marketers have used various techniques designed to enhance value.
Some of these techniques include markdowns, quantity discounts, coupons, and rebates.
350 Section FIVE Transacting Value

Markdowns are the reductions retailers take on the
initial selling price of the product or service.28 An
integral component of the high/low pricing strategy
we described previously, markdowns enable retailers
to get rid of slow-moving or obsolete merchandise,
sell seasonal items after the appropriate season, and
match competitors’ prices on specific merchandise.
Retailers must get rid of merchandise that isn’t
selling because holding on to such items hurts the
retailer’s image and ties up money in inventory that
Customers get a size discount for buying larger sizes. With
could be used more productively elsewhere.
Cheerios, the larger the box, the less it costs per gram.
Retailers also use markdowns to promote
©Michael J. Hruby
merchandise and increase sales. Particularly when
used in conjunction with promotions, markdowns
Reductions retailers take can increase traffic into the store, which many retailers view as half the battle. Once
on the initial selling price of customers are in the store, retailers always hope they will purchase other products at
the product or service.
regular prices.
size discount
The most common
implementation of a Quantity Discounts for Consumers
quantity discount at the We have already discussed how firms use quantity discounts in the B2B marketplace, but
consumer level; the larger
the quantity bought, the the most common implementation of a quantity discount at the consumer level is the size
less the cost per unit (e.g., discount. For example, there are three sizes of General Mills’ popular cereal Cheerios:
per gram).
425 gram, 575 gram, and 1.5-kilogram boxes, priced at approximately $4.19, $4.49, and
coupon $6.89, respectively. The larger the quantity, the lower the cost per gram, which means the
Provides a stated discount
to consumers on the final manufacturer is providing a quantity discount. Most grocery stores now post the price per
selling price of a specific 100 grams on the shelves so consumers can easily compare value for money. The goal of
item; the retailer handles this tactic is to encourage consumers to purchase larger quantities each time they buy. In
the discount.
turn, these consumers are less likely to switch brands and often tend to consume more
rebate of the product, depending on the product usage characteristics. Typically, buying a larger
A consumer discount in
which a portion of the package of toilet tissue does not mean consumers will use it faster, but buying a larger box
purchase price is returned of cereal may encourage them to eat more of it or to eat it more often.29
to the buyer in cash; the
manufacturer, not the
retailer, issues the refund.
Coupons and Rebates
Coupons and rebates both provide discounts to consum-
ers on the final selling price. However, for the coupon,
the retailer handles the discount, whereas the manufac-
turer issues the refund in the case of the rebate, which is
defined as a portion of the purchase price returned to the
buyer in the form of cash.
The goal of coupons is to prompt consumers to try
a product, reward loyal customers, or encourage repur-
chases. By saving the consumer money, firms add value
to their products. Whereas a coupon provides instant sav-
ings when presented, a rebate promises savings, usually
mailed to the consumer at some later date. The “hassle
factor” for rebates is higher than for coupons; the con-
sumer must first buy the item during a specified time
Coupons offer a discount on the price of specific items period, then mail in the required documentation—which
when they’re purchased. usually includes the original sales receipt—and finally
Karen Bleier/AFP via Getty Images wait four to six weeks (or more!) for a cheque to arrive.
Pricing Concepts and Strategies: Establishing Value CHAPTER 11 351

Although consumers may believe this process adds value when the potential rebate is
$50, they might question whether a rebate for a couple of dollars is worth their time and
effort. From the marketer’s viewpoint, however, rebates offer greater control than cou-
pons and provide valuable customer information. Coupons and rebates are considered
to be sales promotion tools as well as pricing tactics, so you’ll read more about them in
Chapter 15.

Business-to-Business Pricing Tactics

The pricing tactics employed in B2B settings differ significantly from those used in con-
sumer markets. Among the most prominent are seasonal and cash discounts, allowances,
quantity discounts, and uniform delivered versus geographic pricing (see Exhibit 11.8).

Seasonal Discounts
A seasonal discount is an additional reduction offered as an incentive to retailers to order seasonal discount
merchandise in advance of the normal buying season. For instance, Lennox may offer Pricing tactic of offering
an additional reduction as
its air-conditioning dealers an additional seasonal discount if they place their orders and an incentive to retailers
receive delivery before April 1, prior to the warm months when air-conditioner sales are to order merchandise in
advance of the normal
highest. If it can ship earlier in the season, Lennox can plan its production schedules more buying season.
easily and lessen its finished goods inventory. Its dealers, however, must weigh the benefits
of a larger profit because of the discount versus the extra cost of carrying the inventory for
a longer period of time.

Cash Discounts
A cash discount reduces the invoice cost if the buyer pays the invoice prior to the end of cash discount
the discount period. Typically, it is expressed in the form of a percentage, such as “3/10, Tactic of offering a
reduction in the invoice
n/30,” or “3 percent, 10 days, net 30,” all of which means the buyer can take a 3-percent cost if the buyer pays the
discount on the total amount of the invoice if the bill is paid within 10 days of the invoice invoice prior to the end of
the discount period.
date; otherwise, the full, or net, amount is due within 30 days. Why do B2B sellers offer
cash discounts to customers? By encouraging early payment, they benefit from the time
value of money. Getting money earlier rather than later enables the firm to either invest the
money to earn a return on it or to avoid borrowing money and paying interest on it. In both
instances, the firm is better off financially.

Exhibit 11.8 B2B Pricing Tactics

Seasonal discounts An additional reduction offered as an incentive to retailers to order merchandise in advance
of the normal buying season.
Cash discounts An additional reduction that reduces the invoice cost if the buyer pays the invoice prior to
the end of the discount period.
Allowances Advertising or listing allowances (additional price reductions) offered in return for specific
behaviours. Advertising allowances are offered to retailers if they agree to feature the
manufacturer’s product in their advertising and promotional efforts. Listing allowances are
offered to get new products into stores or to gain more or better shelf space.
Quantity discounts Providing a reduced price according to the amount purchased.
Uniform delivered With uniform delivered pricing, the shipper charges one rate, no matter where the buyer
versus geographic is located. With geographic pricing, different prices are charged depending on the
pricing geographical delivery area.
352 Section FIVE Transacting Value

Another pricing tactic that lowers the final cost to channel members is allowances, such as
advertising allowance advertising or listing allowances, offered in return for specific behaviours. An advertising
Tactic of offering a price allowance offers a price reduction to channel members if they agree to feature the manu-
reduction to channel
members if they agree to facturer’s product in their advertising and promotional efforts. Listing allowances are
feature the manufacturer’s fees paid to retailers simply to get new products into stores or to gain more or better shelf
product in their advertising
space for their products. Some argue that listing allowances are unethical because they put
and promotional efforts.
small manufacturers that cannot readily afford allowances at a competitive disadvantage.
listing allowances
Demanding large listing allowances could be considered a form of bribery—that is, paying
Fees paid to retailers
simply to get new products off the retailer to get preferential treatment.
into stores or to gain more
or better shelf space for
their products.
Quantity Discounts
quantity discount A quantity discount provides a reduced price according to the amount purchased.
Pricing tactic of offering a The more the buyer purchases, the higher the discount and, of course, the greater
reduced price according to
the amount purchased; the the value.
more the buyer purchases, A cumulative quantity discount uses the amount purchased over a specified time
the higher the discount
and, of course, the greater
period and usually involves several transactions. This type of discount encourages resellers
the value. to maintain their current supplier because the cost to switch must include the loss of the
cumulative quantity discount. For example, automobile dealers often attempt to meet a quota or a sales goal for
discount a specific period, such as a quarter or a year. If they meet their quotas, they earn discounts
Pricing tactic that offers on all the cars they purchased from the manufacturer during that period in the form of a
a discount based on the
amount purchased over rebate cheque. For this very reason, you will often find good deals on cars at the end of
a specified period and a quarter or fiscal year. If the dealership can just sell a few more cars to meet its quota,
usually involves several
the rebate earned can be substantial, so taking a few hundred dollars less on those last
few cars is well worth the opportunity to receive a rebate worth many times the amount of
the losses.
noncumulative quantity A noncumulative quantity discount, though still a quantity discount, is based only
discount on the amount purchased in a single order. Therefore, it provides the buyer with an incen-
Pricing tactic that offers
a discount based on only tive to purchase more merchandise immediately. Such larger, less frequent orders can save
the amount purchased in a manufacturers order processing, sales, and transportation expenses. For example, a jeans
single order.
store might get a 40-percent discount off the manufacturer’s suggested retail price for plac-
ing a $500 order; a 50-percent discount for an order of $501 to $4,999; and a 60-percent
discount for an order greater than $5,000.

Uniform Delivered Versus Geographic Pricing

These pricing tactics are specific to shipping, which represents a major cost for many
uniform delivered pricing manufacturers. With a uniform delivered pricing tactic, the shipper charges one rate, no
The shipper charges one matter where the buyer is located, which makes things very simple for both the seller and
rate, no matter where the
buyer is located. the buyer. Geographic pricing, however, sets different prices depending on a geographical
division of the delivery areas. For example, a manufacturer based in Montreal might divide
geographic pricing
The setting of different Canada into five different zones and use different shipping rates for each zone to reflect
prices depending on a the average shipping cost for customers located therein. This way, each customer in a zone
geographical division of
the delivery areas.
is charged the same cost for shipping. Geographic pricing can be advantageous to the ship-
per because it reflects the actual shipping charges more closely than uniform delivered
pricing can.
With so many different pricing strategies and tactics, it is no wonder that unscrupulous
firms find ample opportunity to engage in pricing practices that can hurt consumers. We
now take a look at some of the legal and ethical implications of pricing.
Pricing Concepts and Strategies: Establishing Value CHAPTER 11 353

Legal and Ethical Aspects of Pricing LO5

Prices tend to fluctuate naturally and respond to varying market conditions. Though we
rarely see firms attempting to control the market in terms of product quality or advertising,
they often engage in pricing practices that can unfairly reduce competition or harm con-
sumers directly through fraud and deception. A host of laws and regulations at the federal,
provincial, and municipal levels attempt to prevent unfair pricing practices, but some are
poorly enforced, and others are difficult to prove.

Deceptive or Illegal Price Advertising

Although it is always illegal and unethical to lie in advertising, a certain amount of
“puffery” is typically allowed (see Chapter 15). But price advertisements should never
deceive consumers to the point of causing harm. For
example, a local car dealer’s advertising that it had the
“best deals in town” would likely be considered puffery.
In contrast, advertising “the lowest prices, guaranteed”
makes a very specific claim and, if not true, can be
considered deceptive.

Deceptive Reference Prices

Reference prices create reference points for the buyer
against which to compare the selling price. For example,
Winners provides external reference prices, in smaller
print to reflect how much consumers would have to pay
for a comparable product elsewhere. The price of $50.00
Is this a legitimate sale or is the retailer using deceptive
is contrasted against the Winners price of only $29.99. reference prices?
If the reference price is bona fide, the advertisement is Alex Segre/Alamy Stock Photo
informative. If the reference price has been inflated or is
just plain fictitious, however, the advertisement is decep-
tive and may cause harm to consumers. The Competition Bureau is investigating Hudson’s
Bay regarding deceptive mattress pricing. It advertised certain mattresses and sets as being
on sale. Yet, since they were never offered at a higher “regular” price for any length of time,
consumers are not getting a genuine discount.30 But
it is not easy to determine whether a reference price
is bona fide. If an advertisement specifies a “regular
price,” what qualifies as regular? How many units must
the store sell at this price for it to be a bona fide regular
price? Finally, what if the store offers the item for sale
at the regular price but customers do not buy any? Can
it still be considered a regular price? The Competition
Bureau determines the regular price by using one of two
tests: a volume test, which demonstrated that a substan-
tial quantity of products were sold at the price noted
or higher; and a time test, which necessitates products
being sold at the regular price for a substantial period Winners shows its price and then compares it to how much
of time.31 The Better Business Bureau suggests that if a the product would cost elsewhere to set a reference price
seller is going to label a price as a regular price, at least in consumers’ minds.
50 percent of the sales have occurred at that price. ©AKD Photography
354 Section FIVE Transacting Value

Loss Leader Pricing

As we discussed previously, leader pricing is a legitimate attempt to build store traffic by
loss leader pricing pricing a regularly purchased item aggressively but still above the store’s cost. Loss leader
Loss leader pricing takes pricing takes this tactic one step further by lowering the price below the store’s cost. No
the tactic of leader pricing
one step further by doubt you have seen “buy one, get one free” offers at grocery and discount stores. Unless
lowering the price below the markup for the item is 100 percent of the cost, these sales obviously do not generate
the store’s cost.
enough revenue from the sale of one unit to cover the store’s cost, which means it has
essentially priced the total for both items below cost.

Bait and Switch

Another form of deceptive price advertising occurs when sellers advertise items for a very
bait and switch low price without the intent to really sell any. This bait and switch tactic is a deceptive
A deceptive practice of practice because the store lures customers in with a very low price on an item (the bait),
luring customers into
the store with a very low only to aggressively pressure these customers into purchasing a higher-priced item (the
advertised price on an switch) by disparaging the low-priced item, comparing it unfavourably with the higher-
item (the bait), only to
aggressively pressure
priced model, or professing an inadequate supply of the lower-priced item. Again, the laws
them into purchasing a against bait and switch practices are difficult to enforce because salespeople, simply as a
higher-priced item (the function of their jobs, are always trying to get customers to trade up to a higher-priced
switch) by disparaging the
low-priced item, comparing it model without necessarily deliberately baiting them. The key to proving deception centres
unfavourably with the higher- on the intent of the seller, which is also difficult to prove.
priced model, or professing
an inadequate supply of the
lower-priced item.
Predatory Pricing
When a firm sets a very low price for one or more of its products with the intent to drive
predatory pricing its competition out of business, it is using predatory pricing. Predatory pricing is ille-
A firm’s practice of setting gal under the Competition Act because it constrains free trade and represents a form of
a very low price for one
or more of its products unfair competition. It also tends to promote a concentrated market with a few dominant
with the intent of driving firms (an oligopoly). But again, predation is difficult to prove. First, one must demonstrate
its competition out of
business; illegal under the
intent—that is, that the firm intended to drive out its competition or prevent competitors
Competition Act. from entering the market. Second, the complainant must prove that the firm charged prices
lower than its average cost, an equally difficult task.
The issue of predatory pricing has arisen recently because of complaints against
WestJet Airline’s discount carrier, Swoop. Flair Airlines claimed that pricing that WestJet
offered on some Swoop routes was designed put them out of business. Flair was forced to stop
offering its Edmonton to Hamilton route when Swoop priced its flights at only $69 including
all taxes and airport fees.32 Although it can be challenging to differentiate predatory pricing
from competitive pricing, Canada’s Competition Bureau has launched an investigation.

Price Discrimination
There are many forms of price discrimination, but only some of them are considered
illegal under the Competition Act. When firms sell the same product to different resell-
price discrimination ers (wholesalers, distributors, or retailers) at different prices, it can be considered price
The practice of selling the discrimination; usually, larger firms receive lower prices.
same product to different We have already discussed the use of quantity discounts, which is a legitimate method of
resellers (wholesalers,
distributors, or retailers) or charging different prices to different customers on the basis of the quantity they purchase. The
to the ultimate consumer legality of this tactic stems from the assumption that it costs less to sell and service 1,000 units
at different prices; some,
but not all, forms of price to one customer than 100 units to 10 customers. But quantity discounts must be available to
discrimination are illegal. all customers and not be structured in such a way that they consistently and obviously favour
one or a few buyers over others. Still, some marketers have found ways to get around these
rules, for example, by offering “preferred member” pricing. The Competition Act requires
companies to demonstrate only that their price discounts do not restrict competition. While
Pricing Concepts and Strategies: Establishing Value CHAPTER 11 355

Is this price discrimination illegal?

©McGraw Hill Education/Evelyn Nicole Kirksey, photographer

quantity discounts may be a grey area, it is perfectly legitimate to charge a different price to
a reseller if the firm is attempting to meet a specific competitor’s price. In addition, a barter
agreement, in which buyers and sellers negotiate a mutually agreed upon price, is common-
place and absolutely legal in retail settings such as car sales and collectibles markets.

Price Fixing
Price fixing is the practice of colluding with other firms to control prices. The former price fixing
head of Nestlé Canada and two other executives were criminally charged with price fixing The practice of colluding
with other firms to control
after a six-year investigation by the Competition Bureau. Charges were also laid against prices.
Cadbury Adams Canada, Mars Canada, and Hershey Canada for colluding with Nestlé to
horizontal price fixing
raise prices of chocolate products. Penalties for price fixing include fines of up to $25 million Occurs when competitors
and up to 14 years in prison.33 The four companies denied the allegations yet agreed to pay that produce and sell
competing products
$23.2 million to settle the lawsuit.34
collude, or work together,
This particular case of price fixing is especially interesting because it includes both to control prices,
horizontal and vertical price fixing. Horizontal price fixing occurs when competitors that effectively taking price out
of the decision process for
produce and sell competing products collude, or work together, to control prices, effectively consumers.
taking price out of the decision process for consumers. This practice clearly reduces com-
vertical price fixing
petition and is illegal. The major tobacco companies also have been accused of colluding Occurs when parties at
to fix the prices of cigarettes worldwide.35 As a general rule of thumb, competing firms different levels of the
should refrain from discussing prices or terms and conditions of sale with competitors. If same marketing channel
(e.g., manufacturers and
firms want to know competitors’ prices, they can look at a competitor’s advertisements, its retailers) collude to control
websites, or its stores. the prices passed on to
Vertical price fixing occurs when parties at different levels of the same market-
ing channel (e.g., manufacturers and retailers) collude to control the prices passed on manufacturer’s
suggested retail price
to consumers. Manufacturers often encourage retailers to sell their merchandise at a (MSRP)
specific price, known as the manufacturer’s suggested retail price (MSRP). Manu- Manufacturers encourage
facturers set MSRPs to reduce retail price competition among retailers, stimulate retail- retailers to sell their
merchandise at a specific
ers to provide complementary services, and support the manufacturer’s merchandise. price.
Manufacturers enforce MSRPs by withholding benefits such as cooperative advertising
or even refusing to deliver merchandise to noncomplying retailers. As you will read
in Ethical & Societal Dilemma 11.1, Canada’s Competition Bureau is investigating
seven companies for allegations of bread price fixing.
As these legal issues clearly demonstrate, pricing
decisions involve many ethical considerations. In deter-
mining both their pricing strategies and their pricing tac-
tics, marketers must always balance their goal of inducing
customers (through price) to find value, and their need
to deal honestly and fairly with those same customers.
Whether another business or an individual consumer, Mars, maker of Snickers, and its competitor, Nestlé, were
buyers can be influenced by a variety of pricing methods; accused of collaborating with independent wholesalers to
it is up to marketers to determine which of these methods bump up the prices of their chocolates to a fixed level.
works best for the seller, the buyer, and the community. ©McGraw Hill/Mark Dierker, photographer
356 Section FIVE Transacting Value

Ethical & Societal Dilemma 11.1

Bread Price-Fixing Scheme Costs The penalties for price fixing are up to $25 million in
fines and jail time of up to 14 years, or both. So you might
Consumers‡‡‡ wonder what the outcome was in this case. Because
Loblaw voluntarily divulged its part in the wrongdoing,
George Weston Ltd. owns Weston Bread, along with and cooperated with the Competition Bureau’s investiga-
Loblaw and other grocery stores. In March 2015, the com- tion, it avoided any criminal charges or fines. As a good-
pany admitted to Canada’s Competition Bureau that it will gesture, it offered affected consumers a $25 gift card.
had participated in a 14-year price-fixing scheme to raise Not all consumers were easily able to determine which
the price of bread. Weston Bakeries, which is owned by products were purchased, let alone how much extra
Loblaw, and Canada Bread control about 80 percent they might have paid over the 14 year period. Since most
of the bread market in Canada. Loblaw named Canada households spend hundreds of dollars a year on bread
Bread, Sobeys, Metro, and others as co-conspirators in products, critics accused Loblaw of using the gift card as
the scheme. The CEOs of Sobeys and Metro publicly a marketing tool to placate consumers.
denied violating the Competition Act. In 14 years, bread And while the Competition Bureau obtained warrants
prices were raised 15 times at an average of cost of to search offices of some grocers, the bread price-fixing
10 cents per loaf. That amounted to the cost of bread investigation ended with no conclusion of wrongdoing
going up by 117%, more than double the rate of the con- and no charges were laid.
sumer price index for such products.
‡‡‡Marina Strauss, “Bread price-fixing scandal reveals rift between Canada’s big grocers,” The Globe and Mail, February 1, 2018, www.theglobeandmail.
com/report-on-business/bread-price-fixing-scandal-reveals-rift-between-canadas-big-grocers/article37826902; “Bread price-fixing: Investigation
into at least 7 companies,” CBC, December 21, 2017,
investigation-into-at-least-7-companies-1.4458469; “Loblaw parent company alerted competition watchdog to bread price-fixing,” Canadian Press,
December 19, 2017,; Jeff Gray, “Chocolate Bar Price-Fixing Case Against Mars
Dropped by Prosecutors,” The Globe and Mail, September 10, 2015,
chocolate-price-fixing-charges-dropped-against-mars-others/article26308396/ (accessed August 5, 2019).

Learning Objectives Review

LO1  xplain what price is and its importance in

E of demand are two related tools that marketers use to
establishing value in marketing gauge customers’ sensitivity to price changes. Custom-
ers’ income and the availability of substitute products
Price is the only element of the marketing mix that gener- also influence customers’ reaction to price changes.
ates revenues. It is also half the value equation. Although (3) Costs are a major determinant of pricing. Cost of pro-
costs and other factors should be taken into considera- ducing a good helps marketers determine the possible
tion when setting prices, the most important factor is how prices they can charge and the levels of profitability they
the customer views the price in relationship to what he or can expect. Break-even analysis is a helpful tool that is
she receives. used to help marketers determine the price level at
which the number of units sold exactly covers the cost
of producing the good. (4) Competition influences pricing
LO2 Illustrate how the five Cs—company
because a firm usually pays close attention and reacts to
objectives, customers, costs, competition,
a competitor’s moves. Intense competition may produce
and channel members—influence pricing
price wars. The level of competition is usually determined
by the market structure of the industry; that is, whether
the industry structure features a monopoly, an oligopoly,
Successful pricing strategies are built on the five Cs—
monopolistic competition, or pure competition. (5) Channel
company objectives, customers, costs, competition, and
members—manufacturers, wholesalers, and retailers—
channel members. (1) Company goals and objectives set
influence prices because they play a key role in getting
the framework for pricing strategies. Companies focusing
the product to the final consumer, and they are independ-
on image set high prices, while those that focus on value
ent and usually have their own objectives and competi-
tend to use everyday low prices. (2) Understanding cus-
tive situation to deal with. The company may want to set
tomers’ reactions to different prices helps marketers set
a certain price level for its products in order to reflect
prices that are consistent with their customers’ attitudes
quality and value, but retailers may decide they want
and preferences. The demand curve and price elasticity
Pricing Concepts and Strategies: Establishing Value CHAPTER 11 357

to move more volume and so reduce the price, hence prices to infer a price–quality relationship. Marketers
the possibility for conflict. Also, manufacturers may give often use price skimming or penetration pricing when
discounts to channel members, which may influence the they introduce new products in the marketplace based on
price the ultimate consumer pays. the nature of the product and their marketing goals; for
example, whether they want to gain market share, show
LO3  nderstand the considerations for setting
U price leadership, or signal innovation.
prices; three pricing methods (e.g., cost-
based methods, competitor-based methods, LO4 Identify pricing tactics targeted to channel
and value-based methods); and various members and consumers
strategies (e.g., EDLP, high/low, and new
product pricing) used in marketing Pricing tactics focus more on the short-term aspects of
the five Cs of pricing. Companies may use a wide vari-
The various methods of setting prices have their own ety of pricing tactics from two categories: (1) pricing tac-
sets of advantages and disadvantages. The fixed per- tics aimed at consumers, and (2) business-to-business
centage and markup approaches are quick and easy but pricing tactics and discounts. Pricing tactics aimed at
fail to reflect the competitive environment or consumer consumers include price lining, price bundling, leader
demand. Although it is always advisable to be aware of pricing, markdowns, quantity discounts, and coupons and
what competitors are doing, using competitor-based rebates. B2B pricing tactics and discounts usually include
pricing should not occur in isolation without considering seasonal discounts, cash discounts, allowances, quantity
consumers’ reactions. Taking a value-based approach to discounts, and uniform delivered or geographic pricing.
pricing, whether the improvement value or the total cost
of ownership, in conjunction with these other methods LO5  ummarize the legal and ethical issues
provides a nicely balanced method of setting prices. involved in pricing
Companies tend to use different pricing strategies for
different products or different markets. Pricing strategies There are almost as many ways to get into trouble by set-
are a long-term approach to pricing products. The vari- ting or changing a price as there are pricing strategies
ous pricing methods can be grouped into three broad cat- and tactics. Three of the most common legal issues per-
egories: cost-based, competitor-based, and value-based. tain to advertising deceptive prices. (1) Deceptive refer-
Cost-based methods are based on the firm ascertaining ence prices: If a firm compares a reduced price with a
the cost of producing and marketing the product, and “regular” or reference price, it must actually have sold
then adding some markup for profit. Competitor-based that product or service at the regular price. (2) Loss leader
pricing is based on a firm understanding what competitors pricing: Advertising the sale of products priced below the
are doing and reacting accordingly. Firms may choose to retailer’s cost constitutes an unfair competitive practice.
set prices below, at, or above competitors’ prices. Value- (3) Bait and switch advertising constitutes an unfair com-
based pricing is based on a firm understanding consum- petitive practice. Predatory pricing, or setting a very low
ers’ perceptions of value as reflected in the price of the price in order to drive the competition out of business, is
product (e.g., cheap, expensive, bargain). Consumers’ illegal. Charging different prices to different customers is
assessments of value may be influenced by their refer- sometimes, but not always, illegal, whereas any collusion
ence prices of similar products or may use marketers’ among firms to fix prices is always illegal.

Key Terms
■■ advertising allowance ■■ demand curve ■■ manufacturer’s suggested retail
■■ bait and switch ■■ elastic price (MSRP)
■■ break-even point ■■ everyday low pricing (EDLP) ■■ markdowns
■■ cash discount ■■ experience curve effect ■■ market penetration pricing
■■ competitive parity ■■ fixed costs ■■ maximizing profits strategy
■■ competitor-based pricing method ■■ geographic pricing ■■ monopolistic competition
■■ competitor orientation ■■ grey market ■■ monopoly
■■ complementary products ■■ high/low pricing ■■ noncumulative quantity discount
■■ contribution per unit ■■ horizontal price fixing ■■ oligopoly
■■ cost-based pricing method ■■ improvement value ■■ predatory pricing
■■ cost of ownership method ■■ income effect ■■ prestige products or services
■■ coupon ■■ inelastic ■■ price bundling
■■ cross-price elasticity ■■ leader pricing ■■ price discrimination
■■ cumulative quantity discount ■■ listing allowances ■■ price elasticity of demand
■■ customer orientation ■■ loss leader pricing ■■ price fixing
358 Section FIVE Transacting Value

■■ price lining ■■ rebate ■■ target return pricing

■■ price skimming ■■ sales orientation ■■ total cost
■■ price war ■■ seasonal discount ■■ uniform delivered pricing
■■ pricing tactics ■■ size discount ■■ value-based pricing method
■■ profit orientation ■■ substitute products ■■ variable costs
■■ pure competition ■■ substitution effect ■■ vertical price fixing
■■ quantity discount ■■ target profit pricing

concept review
1. Explain the importance of pricing in the marketing mix 6. How has the Internet changed the way some people
from the perspective of the firm and the consumer. use price to make purchasing decisions?
2. List the five Cs of pricing. Which one do you consider 7. What is the major difference between pricing stra­
to be the most important and why? tegies and pricing tactics? Give three examples of each.
3. Explain how companies try to determine consumers’ 8. Explain how psychological factors may influence a
sensitivity to price changes. What factors influence firm’s pricing strategy.
their price sensitivity?
9. In what conditions should a price skimming strategy
4. Why is it important for firms to determine costs when be used? When is it appropriate to use a market pen-
setting prices? etration strategy?
5. Why does a company need to understand a product’s 10. Explain the four types of illegal or unethical pricing
break-even point? practices.

Marketing Applications

1. You and your two roommates are starting a pet a new battery that uses zinc-air technology. The unit
grooming service to help put yourself through univer- costs for the zinc-air battery are as follows: battery
sity. There are two other well-established pet services housing, $8; materials, $6; and direct labour, $6 per
in your area. Should you set your price higher or lower unit. Retooling the existing factory facilities to manu-
than that of the competition? Justify your answer. facture the zinc-air batteries amounts to an additional
$1 million in equipment costs. Annual fixed costs
2. One roommate believes the most important objective
include sales, marketing, and advertising expenses
in setting prices for the new pet grooming business
of $1 million; general and administrative expenses of
is to generate a large profit, while keeping an eye on
$1 million; and other fixed costs totalling $2 million.
your competitors’ prices; the other roommate believes
it is important to maximize sales and set prices accord- a. What is the total per-unit variable cost associated
ing to what your customers expect to pay. Who is right with the new battery?
and why?
b. What are the total fixed costs for the new battery?
3. Assume you have decided to buy an advertisement in
the local newspaper to publicize your new pet grooming c. If the price for the new battery was set at $35, what
service. The cost of the ad is $1000. You have decided would the break-even point be?
to charge $40 for a dog grooming, and you want to 6. How do pricing strategies vary across markets that are
make $20 on each dog. How many dogs do you have to characterized by monopoly, oligopoly, monopolistic
groom to break even on the cost of the ad? What is your competition, and pure competition?
break-even point if you charge $50 per dog?
7. Many firms operating over the Internet have been
4. On your weekly grocery shopping trip, you notice that experimenting with charging different consumers
the price of ground beef has gone up 50 cents a kilo- different prices for the same product or service; this
gram. How will this price increase affect the demand practice is legal. Since stores in different parts of the
for ground beef, ground turkey, and hamburger buns? country might have different prices, some websites
Explain your answer in terms of the price elasticity of require postal code information before providing
demand. prices. Why would retailers charge different prices
5. Zinc Energy Resources Co., a new division of a major in different markets or postal codes? Is it ethical for
battery manufacturing company, recently patented retailers to do so? Is it a good business practice?
Pricing Concepts and Strategies: Establishing Value CHAPTER 11 359

8. As the product manager for Whirlpool’s line of washing and who is harmed from such a grey market transac-
machines, you are in charge of pricing new products. tion: you, Samsung, Best Buy, and the local store.
Your product team has developed a revolutionary new
10. Imagine that you are the newly hired brand manager
washing machine that relies on radically new technol-
for a restaurant that is about to open. Both the local
ogy and requires very little water to get clothes clean.
newspaper and a gourmet food magazine recently ran
This technology will likely be difficult for your competi-
articles about your new head chef, calling her one of
tion to copy. Should you adopt a skimming or a pen-
the best young chefs in the country. In response to
etration pricing strategy? Justify your answer.
these positive reviews, the company wants to position
9. Suppose you are in the market for a new Samsung 4K its brand as a premium, gourmet restaurant. Your boss
television. You see one advertised at a locally owned asks what price you should charge for the chef’s sig-
store for $300 less than it costs at Best Buy. The sales- nature filet mignon dish. Other restaurants in the area
person at the local store tells you that the television charge around $40 for their own filet offerings. What
came from another retailer in another province that steps might you take to determine what the new price
had too many units of that model. Explain who benefits should be?

Marketing Digitally

1. Several different pricing models can be found on the 2. Prices can vary depending on the market being served.
Internet. Each model appeals to different customer Because Dell sells its computers directly to consumers
groups. Go to and try to buy this book. all around the world, the Dell website makes it easy to
What pricing options and prices are available? Do you compare prices for various markets. Go to
believe that everyone will choose the least expensive com. Begin on the Dell Canada site and determine the
option? Why or why not? Now go to price of a 3000 Series All-in-One desktop computer.
Is there more than one price available for this book? Next, go to the Dell U.K. website and another country
If so, what are those prices? If you had to buy another of your choice to find the price of the same computer.
copy of this book, where would you buy it, and why (If you need to convert currency, go to
would you buy it there? How does the price of the desktop computer vary?
What would account for these differences in price?

Chapter Case Study

Planet Fitness pricing for success36

How does going completely against the grain of a typical fitness club strategy lead to suc-
cess? That’s the question that Planet Fitness appears uniquely positioned to answer. Most
health clubs provide members with vast and seemingly valuable extra amenities, such as
child care, juice bars, protein supplements, on-staff professional trainers, and a broad range
of fitness classes.37 But many customers find the prices too high because they see little value
in some of these amenities. Further reducing the value of traditional gym memberships,
many consumers regard the social aspects unpleasant and off-putting—whether that means
observing others with nearly perfect bodies posturing in the mirror or listening to grunting
exercisers huff with every lift.
While its competitors target upscale fitness buffs working on their six-pack abs, Planet
Fitness successfully pursues an entirely different market: those who do not really enjoy going
to the gym but know they need to do so to stay healthy. These exercisers are unlikely to hit
the gym five or six times a week, making conventional gym memberships, which demand
yearly contracts and fees of $49 to $95 per month, appear more expensive on a per-visit
basis. Planet Fitness’s formula is different: At $10 a month, the membership offers good value,
even if customers get to the club only a couple of times each week.38
In combination with its low price point, Planet Fitness promises a clean, friendly, laid-
back workout environment featuring brand-name cardiovascular and strength equipment.
Although it does not have the high-end amenities its competitors promise (e.g., pools,
juice bars), the club maintains the key elements its members want: brand-name equipment,
un­limited fitness training, flat-screen televisions, and large locker rooms. Its customers know
360 Section FIVE Transacting Value

from its advertising that they can expect a non-intimidating workout environment, or as Planet
Fitness promises, “No gymtimidation. No lunks. Just $10 a month.”39 With its foundation in the
idea that simple is better,40 Planet Fitness has become the fastest-growing full-sized fitness
club in the United States.
For those who want a little more, Planet Fitness also offers a premium PF BlackCard
membership for $21.99 a month, which promises access to nearly all the clubs in the Planet
Fitness chain, unlimited guest privileges, use of tanning and massage chairs, and half-priced
In addition to these in-club benefits, Planet Fitness’s growth has been reinforced by its
effective location strategy and marketing efforts that focus on attracting new customers. The
low-cost monthly membership makes it easy to draw new members. Because most members
come in only a couple of times each week, Planet Fitness also enjoys operating efficiencies
and economies of scale, achieved by welcoming a high volume of members on any one
day.42 Helping its expansion efforts is access to space abandoned by brick-and-mortar retail-
ers. It will open 225 new locations this year and at least some will be in vacant Toys R Us and
Sears sites.43
Planet Fitness treats customers like real people. What kind of fitness club offers members
pizza on the first Monday of every month, bagels on the first Tuesday, and Tootsie Rolls on
a regular basis?44 It even launched a ‘Teen Summer Challenge” that invited Canadian teens
ages 15 to 18 to work out at no charge. This is the kind of gym that has over 1,800 loca-
tions,45 attracts more than 12.5 million members, and has system-wide sales approaching
$600 million.46
1. What benefits do customers receive in return for the sacrifice they make when buying a
membership at Planet Fitness?
2. How does this benefit–sacrifice ratio give Planet Fitness a competitive advantage in its
3. Given its price strategy, why is it essential for Planet Fitness to continually attract new
members? Do its high-end pricing competitors face the same need? Why or why not?
SECTION SIX Value Delivery: Designing
the Distribution Channel
and Supply Chain
Chapter 12 Distribution Channels
Chapter 13 Retailing and Omnichannel Marketing

Chapter 12

Source:, Inc.

Distribution Channels
Learning Objectives
After studying this chapter you should be able to

LO1 Explain the importance of distribution and the interrelationships among distribution
channels, supply chain management, and logistics management
LO2 Describe distribution channel design and management decisions and strategies
LO3 Identify how distribution channels add value to businesses and consumers
LO4 Explain how logistics management affects distribution strategy
362 Section SIX Value Delivery: Designing the Distribution Channel and Supply Chain

At one time, popular brand manufacturers held great sway over their physical retail partners. They could insist
on certain display rules, demand massive shelf space, and dictate the sale prices of their popular items. Nike, as
one of the most popular brands of footwear and athletic apparel, was also among the most demanding, requiring
retailers such as Foot Locker to follow strict rules if they wanted to receive its products in their stores.
The arrival of Amazon brought changes to retail markets, but initially, those changes were not enough to
convince Nike that it should sell through the site. For years, Nike resisted providing products for Amazon to sell
its shoppers, believing that its popularity meant that it did not need to rely on an external channel. Manufacturers
have less control over the presentation of their products on Amazon, and Nike worried about damage to its brand
image and differentiation if its cool shoes and gear were presented in the plain product pages used by Amazon
for all products.
What Nike did not realize was that its shoes were going to be on Amazon anyway, whether it provided them
directly or not. With the growth of third-party sellers on Amazon, there is plenty of Nike gear to be had through the
site—so much so that Nike is the most purchased apparel brand on all of Amazon.1 There are no laws or regula-
tions that limit people from obtaining goods legally and then reselling them through Amazon. Amazon works to
police these sellers to prevent the spread of grey market or counterfeit products, but it would be impossible to
monitor every one of them.
Nike was losing sales to Amazon, despite its efforts to spurn any sort of relationship with the retailer.
­Recognizing that it could not win this battle, Nike decided that it would supply Amazon with a flood of merchan-
dise, in the hope of beating out some of the third-party sellers with which it was competing for customers. In
return for receiving the product line, Amazon promised to redouble its efforts to eliminate counterfeit items from
its site, and imposed limitations that would keep third-party sellers from offering certain Nike products at all. In
the aftermath of the pilot program, it appeared as though the strategy was working to cut down on third-party
resellers on Amazon.
Two years into the pilot project, Nike decided to end it. Even though Amazon removed third-party seller
listings, Nike found that the listings showed up under new names. Nike will focus on growing ecommerce sales
on its own. With its enormous reach and high demand, Nike has the advantage of being selective as to where
and how its products are distributed.2 Customers will seek them out. Not all brands have this kind of marketing
Nike is taking on the bots and counterfeiters on its own platforms. With its new SNKRS app, Nike relies on
augmented reality to sell specific, widely sought-after sneakers. Beyond just creating an interactive experience
with the customer, this program has helped eliminate bots from making purchases.3

In this chapter, we discuss the third P, place, which includes all activities required to get
the right product to the right customer when that customer wants it. Students of market-
ing often overlook or underestimate the importance of place in the marketing mix simply
because it happens behind the scenes. Yet distribution channels, or place, add value for
customers because they get products to customers efficiently: quickly and at low cost.
We begin by understanding the importance of distribution, how distribution channels
are designed, how they are structured, and how they are managed. Then we move to a
discussion of the supply chain and the critical role it plays in distribution strategy. We end
the chapter by examining how logistics management integrates activities from the efficient
flow of raw materials through to the delivery of finished goods.

LO1 The Importance of Distribution

So far in this book, we’ve examined how companies conduct in-depth market research,
gain insights into consumer and business behaviour, carefully segment markets and select
the best target markets, develop new products and services, and set prices that signal good
value. However, even if they execute these activities flawlessly, if they are unable to secure
placement of their products in appropriate outlets, in sufficient quantities exactly when
customers want them, they are likely to fail.
Distribution Channels CHAPTER 12 363

Convincing wholesalers and retailers to carry

new products can prove to be more difficult than
you might think. For example, a typical grocery
store may carry between 30,000 and 40,000 different
items. But a good number of these would have to
be cleared off the shelves to make room for all the
new foods, beverages, household goods, pet prod-
ucts, and other miscellaneous items launched each
year. With dozens of new products being introduced
each day, the fight for shelf space is fierce. For many
companies, distribution is not only difficult but also
expensive, and involves paying listing fees to get
shelf space, as we discuss later in the chapter.
All goods and services organizations need a
well-thought-out distribution strategy to convince
retailers to carry their products. Walmart is a mas-
sive retailer, and many of its products come from
partners such as Procter & Gamble (P&G). Walmart
needs P&G to supply it with toothpaste, diapers,
paper towels, and other consumer goods. But P&G
also desperately needs Walmart to agree to stock its
products because the retailer represents its ­largest
purchaser, accounting for $9 billion in annual
sales.4 When P&G introduces a totally new product,
such as teeth-whitening strips, it has to convince
Walmart to create space in its stores for the innova-
tion without giving up too much space for its other
For other wholesalers and manufacturers, the
effort to convince Walmart to stock their products
could be more challenging because they lack the
leverage and power of P&G. For example, Brown When P&G introduces new products, it has to convince Walmart
Betty Dessert Boutique, a small bakery, wanted to to create space in its stores without giving up too much space
put its sweet potato pie in Walmart stores, but first for its other products.
it had to get Walmart to buy what it was selling.5 ©Tom Uhlman/AP Images
Walmart agreed to give them a trial in 300 stores but
provided no marketing support. Brown Betty Dessert Boutique had to adhere to strict pack-
aging, labelling, and shipping requirements. To track sales, it relied on Walmart’s Internet-
based Retail Link system. It was an expensive gamble, all for a test, but if it could succeed in
Walmart stores, the company could be well on its way to prosperity.
As seen in Entrepreneurial Marketing 12.1, a good distribution strategy that is
integrated with other marketing mix elements is key to the successful launch of a new

Distribution Channels, Supply Chain, and Logistics

People often talk about distribution channel management, supply chain management, and
logistics management as if they were the same thing. A distribution channel transfers distribution channel
the ownership of goods and moves them from the point of production to the point of con- The institutions that
transfer the ownership
sumption, most often to retailers. As such, it consists of all the institutions and marketing of goods and move
activities in the marketing process.6 Distribution channels are a part of the overall supply goods from the point of
production to the point
chain. As indicated in Exhibit 12.1, distribution channels make products available to con- of consumption.
sumers, whether they are individuals or businesses. In some cases, companies use direct
364 Section SIX Value Delivery: Designing the Distribution Channel and Supply Chain

Entrepreneurial Marketing 12.1

Instant Pot, Not Quite Instant

Very few companies achieve high levels of success without
traditional advertising. Instant Brands, located in Kanata,
Ontario, is a rare exception. Founder Robert Wang created
the Instant Pot after being laid off as a software engineer
at Nortel. Armed with a PhD in computer science and the
knowledge that every family struggled with the challenge
of putting dinner on the table, he came up with a product
to make food preparation faster and easier. Wang first tried
to sell the Instant Pot to retailers in 2010 but did not have
instant success. Retailers had never heard of the product
and consumers were skeptical of the need for yet another
The Instant Pot offers a multitude of functions to make meal
kitchen gadget, especially one they thought offered similar
preparation fast and easy.
function to their existing pressure cookers.
Shutterstock/Stephanie Frey
Then Wang discovered Amazon’s order fulfillment
­service. For $40 a month, he got visibility for his new
product on the world’s largest online retail site. It didn’t will even bake a cake or connect to Wi-Fi to allow you to
take long for the Instant Pot to catch the attention of food start dinner from your phone.
writers. With no traditional advertising budget, Wang Understanding the influence of Instant Pot fans, Wang
connected with cookbook writers and food bloggers, reads almost every review on Amazon and the 1.6 million-
and even sent products to influential chefs for testing. member Facebook page. He collects valuable insights
­Combined with Wang’s marketing smarts, social media, about how consumers use the products and collects
and the power of Amazon, the Instant Pot became a best- ideas for new features. User feedback is regularly incor-
selling product. It didn’t take long before major depart- porated in new models, which helped Instant Pot become
ment stores started carrying Instant Pots. Since the one of Amazon’s top-ranked consumer goods for three
company is privately held, it does not release financial consecutive years. It has been a bestseller during Black
data; however, it says that it first turned a profit in 2013 Friday sales, and more than 300,000 units were sold
and that sales have doubled every year since then. ­during Amazon Prime Day in 2018.
The Instant Pot started out as a pressure cooker with Wang continues to innovate. The new Instant Pot
a microprocessor. Coming from a tech background where Ace 60 Blender works as a blender, and can also cook
new models were introduced every 12 to 18 months, and purée vegetables. It has already become the best-
Wang did the same with Instant Pot, regularly adding selling blender at Walmart. And to help Instant Brands
more function to the product. Today there are models grow its presence in brick-and-mortar retail stores and
that work as a pressure cooker, rice cooker, slow cooker, get access to global markets, it recently merged with
sauté pan, sous vide, and yogurt maker. Newer versions Corelle Brands, the maker of Pyrex cookware.
*Andrew Duffy, “The Ottawa inventor behind Instant Pot is coming for the rest of your kitchen,” The Ottawa Citizen, March 4, 2019,
com/business/local-business/the-ottawa-inventor-behind-instant-pot-is-coming-for-the-rest-of-your-kitchen; Susan Krashinsky, “Canadian company
behind the Instant Pot merges with the maker of Pyrex,” The Globe and Mail, March 4, 2019,
company-behind-the-instant-pot-merges-with-the-maker-of-pyrex/; Instant Brands, “About,”
pot/; David Sali, “Amazon favourite Instant Pot cooking up new inventions in Kanata,” Ottawa Business Journal, Oct. 16, 2018,
amazon-favourite-instant-pot-cooking-new-inventions-kanata (accessed August 6, 2019).

supply chain management

Refers to a set of approaches market channels to deliver their goods to consumers; in other instances, distribution is
and techniques firms accomplished indirectly through the use of intermediaries.
employ to efficiently and
effectively integrate their As we noted in Chapter 1, supply chain management refers to a set of approaches
suppliers, manufacturers, and techniques firms employ to efficiently and effectively integrate their suppliers, manu-
warehouses, stores, and
facturers, warehouses, stores, and transportation intermediaries into a seamless value
transportation intermediaries
into a seamless value chain chain in which merchandise is produced and distributed in the right quantities, to the right
in which merchandise is locations, and at the right time, as well as to minimize system-wide costs while ­satisfying
produced and distributed in
the right quantities, to the right the service levels their customers require. The need to do this well is paramount. After
locations, and at the right time. Canada legalized cannabis, suppliers and sellers were plagued by chronic shortages,
Distribution Channels CHAPTER 12 365

Exhibit 12.1 Supply Chain Management


Supply Chain
Inbound flow of raw
suppliers and
materials and parts
suppliers networks

Logistics Management
Producers flow of materials
and information

Distribution Channels
Outbound flow of
wholesalers/retailers finished products


preventing them from meeting customer demand. Industry insiders predict the shortage
could last for years.7 While some provinces are turning a profit, the Ontario Cannabis Retail
Corp. reported a loss of $42 million after its first year of operations, largely due to stocking
products consumers did not want, at high prices that could not compete with black market
Supply chain management takes a system-wide approach to coordinating the flow of
merchandise and includes both distribution management and logistics management. Zara,
a well-known global specialty apparel chain, has a completely integrated supply chain
because the company owns or at least has considerable control over each phase. It not only
owns most of its stores, but also produces the majority of its clothes and makes more than
40 percent of its fabric. As a result, it is able to conceive of, design, manufacture, transport,
and ultimately sell high-fashion apparel much more quickly and efficiently than any of its
major competitors.
A simplified supply chain would be one in which manufacturers make products and
sell them to intermediaries such as retailers or wholesalers. This chain becomes much more
complicated if we include suppliers of materials to manufacturers and all of the manu-
facturers, wholesalers, and stores in a typical supply chain. Wholesalers buy products wholesalers
from manufacturers and resell them to retailers, who sell products directly to consumers. Those firms engaged in
buying, taking title to, often
Manufacturers ship to a wholesaler, or, in the case of many multi-store retailers, to the storing, and physically
retailer’s distribution centre or directly to stores. The more intermediaries that are involved handling goods in large
quantities, and then
in the supply chain, the greater the complexity and number of transactions involved for a reselling the goods (usually
company to reach consumers. in smaller quantities) to
Although the above discussion reflects the typical flow of manufactured goods, many retailers or industrial or
business users.
variations to this supply chain exist. Some retail chains, such as Home Depot and Costco,
function as both retailers and wholesalers; they act as retailers when they sell to consumers retailers
Sell products directly to
directly and as wholesalers when they sell to other businesses, such as building contractors consumers.
or restaurant owners. When manufacturers such as Dell or Avon sell directly to consumers,
they are performing both production and retailing activities. Amazon has added its own
366 Section SIX Value Delivery: Designing the Distribution Channel and Supply Chain

private-label brand for electronics, food, detergent, and diapers, performing both produc-
tion and retailing roles. When Dell sells directly to a university or business, it becomes
a business-to-business (B2B) transaction, but when it sells to the students or employees
individually, it is a business-to-consumer (B2C) operation.
Supply chain management focuses on the relationships among members of the supply
chain and distribution channel and the need to coordinate efforts to provide customers
with the best value.
logistics management Logistics management describes the integration of two or more activities to plan,
The integration of two implement, and control the efficient flow of raw materials, in-process inventory, and ­finished
or more activities for the
purpose of planning, goods from the point of origin to the point of consumption. These activities may include,
implementing, and but are not limited to, customer service, demand forecasting, distribution communications,
controlling the efficient
flow of raw materials,
inventory control, materials handling, order processing, parts and service support, plant and
in-process inventory, and warehouse site selection, procurement, packaging, return goods handling, salvage and scrap
finished goods from the disposal, traffic and transportation, and warehousing and storage.9
point of origin to the point
of consumption. Distribution channel management, supply chain management, and logistics manage-
ment are related but have been handled differently in the past. The management of distribu-
tion channels has traditionally been the responsibility of marketing departments, under the
direction of a marketing vice-president. Someone with responsibility for distribution chan-
nels in a consumer packaged goods company would manage the relationship with retailers
such as Loblaw or Shoppers Drug Mart. Logistics was traditionally the responsibility of
operations, under a vice-president of operations. Although their goals were similar, these
departments often saw solutions differently, and sometimes worked at cross-purposes. For
instance, the marketing department’s goal might have been to make sales, whereas logistics
wanted to keep costs low. Firms have come to realize that there is tremendous opportunity
in coordinating marketing and logistics activities not only within a firm, but also through-
out the supply chain.

LO2 Designing Distribution Channels

Channel Structure
When a firm is just starting out or entering a new market, it doesn’t typically have the option
of designing the “best” distribution channel structure—that is, choosing from whom it buys
or to whom it sells. A new sporting goods retailer may not have the option of carrying all
the manufacturer lines it wants, because other competing retailers in its market might carry
the same products. Some manufacturers won’t want to sell to this new retailer initially
because its credit isn’t established. On the other hand, a small specialty sporting goods man-
ufacturer may not be able to get shelf space in major stores like Sport Chek because its line is
unproven and the products might duplicate lines that the retailer already carries. Chapter 13
discusses how manufacturers choose their retail partners in more depth.
Every company must develop a distribution strategy for how it will sell goods to
­consumers. The distribution system may take the form of direct distribution, indirect distri-
bution, or multi-channel distribution, or some combination of these forms.

Direct Distribution
As shown in Exhibit 12.2, there are no intermediaries between the buyer and the seller in
direct distribution channels. Typically, the seller is a manufacturer, such as when a car-
pentry business sells bookcases through its own store and online to individual consumers.
The seller also can be an individual, such as when a knitter sells blankets and scarves at
craft fairs, on Etsy, and through eBay. Other companies—such as, Avon,
and Tupperware—use a direct-only model. Some companies choose direct distribution to
avoid the high cost of using retailers. For example, retail outlets such as Canadian Tire,
Distribution Channels CHAPTER 12 367

Exhibit 12.2 Direct and Indirect Distribution

Direct channel Indirect channel Indirect channel

One intermediary Two intermediaries

Manufacturer Manufacturer Manufacturer


Retailer Retailer

Customer Customer Customer

the ­Hudson’s Bay Company, or Crate and Barrel command a 50-percent margin on some
products, which dramatically lowers profits for manufacturers.
Clearly (formerly Clearly Contacts) uses a direct model to sell glasses and contact lenses.
When the buyer is another business, such as when Boeing sells planes to Air ­Canada, the
marketing channel still is direct, but in this case, the transaction is a business-to-business
one. Some companies may be forced to distribute
their goods directly because they are unable to
secure shelf space in retail outlets or are unable to
pay the high listing fees demanded by retailers for
the shelf space.
Today, people increasingly use online channels
to purchase consumer goods such as diapers, deter-
gent, and paper towels. Seeking to enhance its direct-
to-consumer online sales, P&G is ­hoping consumers
will buy its products rather than ­adding them to a
repeat purchase list on Amazon or at In
so doing, it could boost its margins since no retailer
is needed. It launched its Gillette On Demand so cus-
tomers can make a one-time purchase or subscribe
for monthly razor blade refills.10 In addition, it could
undercut any retailer on price because it would not
To dissuade customers from purchasing razor blades from
need to maintain retail stores. ­Considering the long- online retailers, P&G started Gillette On Demand so customers
standing, close relationship between P&G and its can make a one-time purchase or subscribe for monthly razor
largest retail partner, Walmart, such a move might blade refills directly from the manufacturer.
make for some awkward strategy meetings between Source: Procter & Gamble
368 Section SIX Value Delivery: Designing the Distribution Channel and Supply Chain

the two companies in the near future. Shipping directly required P&G to build a new dis-
tribution centre, that it staffs and operates to get products to customers quickly. As Ethical
& Societal Dilemma 12.1 notes, the technology needed to make this happen can have other

Indirect Distribution
With indirect distribution channels, one or more intermediaries work with manufacturers
to provide goods and services to consumers. In some cases, there may be only one inter-
mediary involved. Many automotive manufacturers, such as Ford and General Motors, use
indirect distribution with dealers acting as the retailer. Typically only one ­intermediary
is used in the case of large retailers such as the Hudson’s Bay Company. While selling
­products through retailers adds costs to a company due to the margins that need to be paid
to them, retail outlets can reach a much broader market. Wholesalers are often used when
a company does not buy in sufficient quantity to make it cost-effective for a manufacturer
to deal directly with a retailer. The use of wholesalers is quite common for low-cost or low-
unit value items such as candy and chips.

Multi-Channel Distribution
Today, many companies are embracing a multi-channel, or hybrid, approach to distribution.
As shown in Exhibit 12.3, companies such as Sony are better able to reach both consumers
and business customers by using a combination of both direct and indirect distribution

Ethical & Societal Dilemma 12.1

Advances in Technology Can Mean flowing smoothly. Reuters reports that there are 110 ware-
houses, 45 sorting centres, and 50 delivery stations in
Layoffs for Workers** which Amazon employs more than 125,000 workers. To
date, robots make up a tiny part of the overall labour
Artificial intelligence (AI) is everywhere. Its benefits for “force.” They are not precise enough to replace humans.
retailing and consumers are undeniable. Sophisticated However, as technology improves, Amazon may be able
AI functions make it possible for retailers to perform to reduce the number of employees through the use of
inventory analyses more rapidly and accurately, as well AI systems that will enable shoppers to place orders on
as provide accurate and personalized customer service their own, pay for them without any assistance, and have
more efficiently. But the expansion of AI throughout them delivered by drones.
retail ­settings also threatens another critical group: the It is impossible to predict the future precisely—some
employees who currently perform those tasks. AI applications may never find widespread acceptance,
The retail industry employs vast numbers of e
­ mployees. and technologies such as driverless cars still need years
If those jobs can be performed by AI systems, it could of testing before they are safe to use widely. But it also is
result in higher unemployment rates. A recent government hard to contest the notion that AI is spreading further and
report suggests that cashiers and drivers are particularly further, so that someday soon, some workers will have to
threatened as innovations such as automatic checkouts find other ways to earn a living. If they cannot do so, the
and driverless cars come closer to reality. vast increase in unemployment rates would threaten the
Already, Amazon requires only half as many workers entire economy and depress consumer spending overall.
to sell the same amount of merchandise compared with The solution likely will require new forms of job train-
conventional retailers. It has pioneered the use of robots ing, job creation in other sectors, and possibly expanded
to pick up items in warehouses and move them on to the social safety nets. Unfortunately, such long-term (and
next part of the logistics chain. These AI-enabled robots expensive) initiatives are often hard to begin, until it’s
know exactly what to bring and when to keep orders almost too late.
**SCDigest, “Supply Chain News: Goya Foods Shows Path to Success for Mid-Market Companies from New Supply Chain Planning Tools,” July 13, 2011,; Alina Selyukh, “Optimized Prime: How AI And Anticipation Power Amazon's 1-Hour Deliveries,” npr, November 21, 2018,
2018/11/21/660168325/optimized-prime-how-ai-and-anticipation-power-amazons-1-hour-deliveries; Nick Statt, “Amazon says fully automated shipping
warehouses are at least a decade away,” The Verge, May 1, 2019,
10-years-away (accessed August 6, 2019).
Distribution Channels CHAPTER 12 369

Exhibit 12.3 Multi-Channel Distribution

catalogues, direct marketing

Consumer Segment 1

Retailers Consumer Segment 2


Distributors Dealers Business Segment 1

sales force
Business Segment 2

channels. In very large cities, Sony may sell directly via its own branded stores, while in
other areas, it may sell indirectly through retailers such as Best Buy. Some companies
engage a sales force to deliver products to customers, while others pursue a direct market-
ing approach through the use of catalogues. Lee Valley Tools sells directly at its retail stores
as well as online and through the use of catalogues.

Push Versus Pull Distribution Strategies

When developing its distribution strategy, a company may choose to use a push market- push marketing strategy
Designed to increase
ing strategy or a pull marketing strategy as illustrated in Exhibit 12.4. With a push demand by focusing on
strategy, a manufacturer focuses its promotional efforts—for example, personal selling or wholesalers, distributors, or
sales promotion—on channel members to convince them to carry its product. This strategy salespeople, who push the
product to consumers via
literally pushes the product through distribution channels to end consumers. As mentioned distribution channels.
earlier, companies often need to pay listing fees to get shelf space.
pull marketing strategy
Manufacturers can pay thousands of dollars in listing fees to have their products Designed to get
stocked. Many large grocery-store chains charge listing fees that cover their costs in consumers to pull the
re­arranging the store shelves and the warehouse, plus the administration costs associated product into the supply
chain by demanding that
with adding a new product. Listing fees can determine whether an item gets placed at eye retailers carry it.
level or down on a bottom shelf where it’s harder to find. In Canada, listing fees can range
from a few hundred dollars, to $25,000 per item per store, to $1 million per item per ­grocery
chain.11 The fee depends on many variables, including potential sales volume, trade allow-
ances, product promotion offered (e.g., samples, in-store demos, promotional pricing, co-op
advertising), product category, and company size. Grocery retailers know that large com-
panies such as Kraft or Colgate-Palmolive can afford listing fees. However, some category
leaders don’t have to pay them because retailers know they simply must stock popular
products such as Coke and Tide. To get shelf space, companies need to get retailers onside
and show them how their product can help them grow a category, bring new consumers to
the category, or add to their profit.
While Walmart does not charge listing fees per se, it does charge a business devel-
opment fee ranging from 3 to 5 percent in return for in-store promotion and shelf
­placement. It is set to impose an additional 1.25 percent on the cost of goods it purchases
from suppliers and 5 percent for products sold on its online site. The company says its
new infrastructure development fee will help offset the $3.5 billion it will invest in stores
370 Section SIX Value Delivery: Designing the Distribution Channel and Supply Chain

Exhibit 12.4 Push Versus Pull Marketing Strategies


Listing Manufacturer Wholesaler / Retailer Consumer

& contests
for sales


Wholesaler / Retailer Consumer
social media,
store displays

and its online network in the next five years.12 The fee will put even more stress on razor-
thin supplier margins.
You may be surprised to learn that Amazon also uses listing fees. For example, it can
cost a toy company as much as $2 million to be included on Amazon’s Holiday Toy List. The
more money it pays, the more prominence its products will have on Amazon’s site.13 Gift
lists have become a well-known way for toy manufacturers to reach
buyers during peak holiday buying, when the majority of their
sales are made. Walmart charges toy companies $10,000 per month
for a spot on its toy list during the holiday season.14
Sometimes, if channel members are reluctant to stock new
products, manufacturers may use a pull strategy. In this case,
promotional efforts are directed at consumers to build demand
for products that, in turn, may convince retailers to carry them.
­Consumers who see TV commercials or print advertisements
or who receive direct mail information or coupons regarding
new products may approach local retailers and request that they
stock these products, thus pulling them through the distribution
Martin’s used a sampling campaign as part of a One of Canada’s leading growers and packers, Martin’s ­Family
pull strategy to launch Apple Chips to consumers. Fruit Farm in Elmira, Ontario, produces and distributes apples
Used by permission of Martin’s Family Fruit Farm and apple cider. The company decided to diversify and access new
Distribution Channels CHAPTER 12 371

markets and suppliers. It came up with a concept that lets it use imperfect apples to produce
dried apple “chips” made from apples sliced into circles and then ­dehydrated. The chips are
all-natural, fat free, gluten free, wheat free, dairy free, and vegan. They contain no preserva-
tives, artificial colouring, or sugar, and have only 100 calories for 25 grams. To be accepted
on grocery-store shelves, the company had to prove that consumer demand for healthier
snacks would translate to sales of its Apple Chips. Working with ­Vancouver advertising
agency BrandFX, the company launched a sampling campaign targeting 45,000 GoodLife
Fitness members and also sent the product home with 35,000 children in Ontario daycare
centres.15 This pull strategy reached the target market of ­nutrition-conscious parents and
helped pave the way for a distribution agreement with Loblaws, which agreed to carry
Apple Chips at 37 Real Canadian Superstores.16 Since then, distribution has expanded, and
consumers can buy the product at Starbucks and Costco in Canada and Sam’s Club in the
United States.17

Distribution Intensity
When setting up distribution for the first time or introducing new products, firms decide
the appropriate level of distribution intensity—the number of channel members to use distribution intensity
at each level of the supply chain. Distribution intensity commonly is divided into three The number of channel
members to use at each
levels: intensive, selective, and exclusive (see Exhibit 12.5). Although increased sales and level of the supply chain.
access to more consumers is often desirable, that’s not always the case. Over the years,
companies such as Walmart and Esso have asked to carry M&M Food Market products.
These retailers would have dramatically expanded the company’s distribution intensity;
however, the company decided against such deals, sensing the move would ultimately hurt
the brand. M&M Food Market prides itself on offering high quality, whereas retailers such
as Walmart focus on low price.

Intensive Distribution intensive distribution

A strategy designed to
An intensive distribution strategy is designed to get products into as many outlets as get products into as many
possible. Most consumer packaged-goods companies—such as PepsiCo, P&G, Kraft, and outlets as possible.

Exhibit 12.5 Distribution Intensity

Intensive Selective Exclusive

(Walmart): Shutterstock/DayOwl; (Loblaws) Pat Holmes/Alamy Stock Photo; (Shoppers): Shutterstock/Lester Balajadia (Hudson’s Bay): Douglas Carr/
Alamy Stock Photo; (Simons): Goran Bogicevic/Alamy Stock Photo; (Tiffany): Shutterstock/Christian Mueller; (Cartier): Keith Mayhew/SOPA Images/
LightRocket via Getty Images
372 Section SIX Value Delivery: Designing the Distribution Channel and Supply Chain

most other nationally branded products found in grocery and discount stores—strive for
and often achieve intensive distribution. PepsiCo, for instance, wants its product available
everywhere: grocery stores, convenience stores, restaurants, and vending machines. Timex
watches, starting at around $60, can also be found in many locations. The more exposure
these products get, the more they sell.
exclusive distribution
Strategy of granting
exclusive rights to sell
to one or very few retail Exclusive Distribution
customers so no other Manufacturers also might use an exclusive distribution policy by granting exclusive
customers can sell
a particular brand. geographic territories to one or very few retail customers so no other retailers in the
selective distribution
­territory can sell a particular brand. Exclusive distribution can benefit manufacturers by
Lies between the intensive assuring them that the most appropriate customers represent their products. Cosmetics
and exclusive distribution firms such as Estée Lauder, for instance, limit their distribution to a few select, higher-end
strategies; uses a few
selected customers in retailers in each region. They believe that selling their products to drugstores, discount
a territory. stores, and grocery stores would weaken their image. Likewise, Rolex watches are sold
only by high-end jewellers and a few retail outlets, in keeping with
their prestigious brand image. In some cases, limiting distribution
can limit sales. Nespresso invented the single-serve capsule coffee
machine and sells the pods only in a direct-to-consumer model
through its own physical and online stores. In spite of competi-
tion from new entrants such as Kraft (Tassimo), Green Mountain
(Keurig K-Cup), and Starbucks (Verismo), Nespresso refuses to
sell in grocery stores and mass merchants. This notable absence
on retail shelves has led other brands to introduce pods that fit
Nespresso machines,18 thus impacting sales potential.
In cases of limited supply or when a firm is just starting out, pro-
viding an exclusive territory to one customer helps ensure enough
inventory to offer the customer an adequate selection. For instance,
Cervélo is a Canadian bicycle manufacturer that makes lightweight
racing bikes. It selects its authorized dealers carefully. By controlling
sales territories, it guarantees dealers adequate supply, which gives
them a strong incentive to push Cervélo’s products. Dealers know there
will be no competing retailers to cut prices, so their profit margins are
protected, which also gives them an incentive to carry more inventory
and use extra advertising, personal selling, and sales promotions.

Selective Distribution
Between the intensive and exclusive distribution strategies lies selec-
tive distribution, which uses a few selected customers in a territory.
Similar to exclusive distribution, selective distribution helps a seller
maintain a particular image and control the flow of merchandise
into an area, so many shopping goods manufacturers use it. Recall
that shopping goods are those products for which consumers are
willing to spend time comparing alternatives, such as most apparel
items; home items such as branded pots and pans, sheets, and towels;
Most consumer packaged-goods companies, branded hardware and tools; and consumer electronics. Seiko uses
such as PepsiCo (top), strive for intensive a selective distribution strategy for its watches to match its more
distribution—they want to be everywhere.
upscale image and pricing. Retailers still have a strong incentive to
But cosmetics firms such as Estée Lauder
(bottom) use an exclusive distribution strategy sell the products but not to the same extent as if they had an exclusive
by limiting distribution to a few select, higher- territory.
end retailers in each region. Four interrelated activities emerge in supply chain management:
(top): Shutterstock/Niloo; (bottom): Shutterstock/TY Lim making information flow, managing the relationships among supply
Distribution Channels CHAPTER 12 373

chain partners, making merchandise flow, and managing inventory. In the next few sec-
tions, we examine these remaining activities.

Distribution Channels Add Value LO3

Why would a manufacturer want to use a wholesaler or a retailer? Don’t these supply chain
members just cut into their profits? Wouldn’t it be cheaper for consumers to buy directly from
manufacturers? In a simple agrarian economy, the best supply chain may in fact ­follow a
direct route from manufacturer to consumer: the consumer goes to the farm and buys food
directly from the farmer. Before the consumer can eat the food, it needs to be cooked. Most
consumers don’t know how to make a stove so must rely on a stove manufacturer, who has
the necessary knowledge to buy raw materials and components from various
suppliers, make the stove, and then make it available for sale. If the stove
maker isn’t located near the consumer, the stove must be transported to
where the consumer has access to it. To complicate matters, the consumer
may want to view a choice of stoves, hear about all their features, and have
the stove delivered and installed.
Each participant in the supply chain adds value. The components manu-
facturer helps the stove manufacturer by supplying parts and ­materials. The
stove maker then turns the components into the stove. The transportation
company gets the stove to the retailer. The retailer stores the stove until
the customer wants it, educates the customer about product features, and
­delivers and installs the stove. At each step, the stove becomes more costly
but also more valuable to the consumer.
Exhibits 12.6A and 12.6B show how using supply chain partners can
provide value overall. Exhibit 12.6A shows three manufacturers, each
of which sells directly to three consumers in a system that requires nine
­transactions. Each transaction costs money—for example, the manufac-
turer must fill the order, package it, write up the paperwork, and ship it—
and each cost is passed on to the customer. Exhibit 12.6B shows the same
three manufacturers and consumers; but, this time they go through a single
retailer. The number of transactions falls to six, and as transactions are How many companies are involved
eliminated, the supply chain becomes more efficient, which adds value for in making and getting a stove to your
customers by making it more convenient and less expensive to purchase kitchen?
merchandise. Thinkstock/Alamy Stock Photo

Exhibit 12.6A Direct Supply Chain With No Retailer

3 3 3
374 Section SIX Value Delivery: Designing the Distribution Channel and Supply Chain

Exhibit 12.6B Indirect Supply Chain With Retailer

1 3
to 3
Consumer 1 1 1


When products are designed and manufactured, how and when the critical components
reach the factory must be coordinated with production. The sales department must coordi-
distribution centre nate its delivery promises with the factory or distribution centres. A distribution centre—a
A facility for the receipt, facility for the receipt, storage, and redistribution of goods to company stores or customers—
storage, and redistribution
of goods to company may be operated by retailers, manufacturers, or distribution specialists.19 Amazon operates a
stores or customers; number of fulfillment and distribution centres as well as sortation centres that can speed up
may be operated by delivery of products even further. Marketing Analytics 12.1 details how Amazon is attempt-
retailers, manufacturers, or
distribution specialists. ing to do just this. Advertising and promotion must be coordinated with all departments
that control inventory and transportation. There is no faster way to lose credibility with
­customers than to promise deliveries or run a
promotion and then not have the merchandise
when the customer expects it.
Distribution channels are composed of var-
ious entities that are buying, such as retailers or
wholesalers; selling, such as manufacturers or
wholesalers; or helping facilitate the exchange,
such as transportation companies. Like interac-
tions between people, these relationships can
range from close working partnerships to one-
time arrangements. In almost all cases, though,
they occur because the parties want something
from one another. For instance, Home Depot
wants hammers from Stanley Tool Company;
Stanley wants an opportunity to sell its tools to
the public; and both companies want UPS to
Home Depot and Stanley Tool Company have a mutually beneficial
partnership. Home Depot buys tools from Stanley because its deliver the merchandise.
customers find value in Stanley products. Stanley sells tools to Home Each channel member performs a special-
Depot because it has established an excellent market for its products. ized role. If one member believes that another
REUTERS/Brian Snyder/Alamy Stock Photo isn’t doing its job correctly or efficiently, it
Distribution Channels CHAPTER 12 375

Marketing Analytics 12.1

Analytics Support Amazon’s

Anticipatory Shipping†
Already well established as an efficient shipper of orders,
Amazon continues to seek to do even better. Currently,
Amazon receives an order, labels and packages it, loads
it onto a delivery truck (run by UPS or the U.S. Postal
Service, depending on the day and delivery details), and

waits for confirmation that this third-party logistics provider

has delivered the product directly to the customer’s door.
In this traditional process, the online retail giant seeks to
improve by adding more warehouses that can provide
more customers with overnight or same-day delivery.
Now a striking innovation aims to reinvent the s­ upply With Amazon’s “anticipatory shipping” system, packages are
chain completely, to benefit customers as well as itself. shipped before the customer even adds the item to his or her
Amazon recently applied for and received a patent for virtual cart.
its “anticipatory shipping” system, which starts ready- ©Richard Lautens/Toronto Star via Getty Images
ing packages for delivery before the customer even
adds the item to his or her virtual cart. With anticipatory can offer. Amazon is using big data paired with predictive
shipping, Amazon boxes and ships out products that it analytics to determine demand and edge out its rivals.
expects ­customers will want, according to their previous Artificial intelligence is like steroids for Amazon’s fore-
purchases, in the belief that they are likely to order them casting, helping it to pare down the time needed to pack
soon. To determine what to ship, Amazon uses informa- and ship products. With the move to same-day delivery,
tion from customers’ previous orders, product searches, and even delivery within one hour, every minute counts.
shopping cart contents, and previous returns. Analysts expect the system to integrate with Alexa
This innovation promises to be particularly beneficial to order products automatically or on a set schedule.
for popular books, movies, and games, which people However, critics caution that when Amazon’s algorithms
clearly have announced their desire to have in hand the are incorrect, the necessary returns could grow rapidly
very day they are released. If Amazon can get it to their to become quite costly. In response, Amazon has sug-
homes on that same day, it might discourage customers gested that it might simply convert any unwanted deliv-
from visiting physical retail locations because their wait eries into gifts, to build goodwill among customers who
times would be even shorter than brick-and-mortar stores receive a desirable new order for no cost.
†Taylor Soper, “Amazon’s Dominance of Online Shopping Starts with Product Searches, Study Shows,” GeekWire, October 6, 2015; Greg Besinger,
“Amazon Wants to Ship Your Package before You Buy It,” The Wall Street Journal, January 17, 2014,; Megan Ray Nichols, “Amazon
Wants to Use Predictive Analytics to Offer Anticipatory Shipping,” Smart Data Collective, January 16, 2018,
wants-predictive-analytics-offer-anticipatory-shipping/; Alina Selyukh, “Optimized Prime: How AI And Anticipation Power Amazon’s 1-Hour Deliveries,”
npr, November 21, 2018, (accessed
August 6, 2019).

usually can replace that member. So, if Stanley isn’t getting good service from UPS, it can
switch to FedEx. Likewise, if Home Depot believes its customers don’t perceive Stanley
tools to be a good value, it may buy from another tool company such as Hitachi, Skil, or
others. Home Depot could even decide to make its own tools or use its own trucks to pick
up tools from Stanley. However, even if a channel member is replaced, the function it per-
formed remains, so someone needs to complete it.
As the Chapter Case Study notes, Zara gains its competitive advantage by bringing
fashions to the store and its customers much faster than other clothing retailers. It holds
minimal inventory, produces new fashions quickly, and rarely gets stuck with old inventory.
Deliveries are made to stores once a week, and the clothes rarely remain on shelves for
more than a week. But this speedy system is not limited to the retail side; Zara also takes
only four to five weeks to design a new collection and then about a week to manufacture
it, so it continually cycles through its inventory of fabric and materials needed to make its
376 Section SIX Value Delivery: Designing the Distribution Channel and Supply Chain

Exhibit 12.7 Functions Performed by Intermediaries

Transactional Function

Buying Purchase goods for resale to other intermediaries or


Risk taking Own inventory that can become outdated

Promotion Promote products to attract consumers

Selling Transact with potential customers

Logistical Function

Physical distribution Transport goods to point of purchase

Risk taking Maintain inventory and protect goods

Facilitating Function

Gathering information Share competitive intelligence about customers or other

channel members

Financing Extend credit and other financial services to consumers

clothing. Its competitors, in comparison, need an average of six months to design a new
collection and another three weeks to manufacture it.
Distribution channels perform a variety of transactional, logistical, and facilitating
functions, as noted in Exhibit 12.7. One important role played by intermediaries is to reduce
the number of marketplace contacts, resulting in more efficient systems. ­Intermediaries also
match the requirements of individual consumers to the goods that manufacturers ­produce;
handle physical distribution and storage of goods, making them available for customers to
purchase; facilitate searches by both buyers and sellers; and standardize exchange trans­
actions. While channel functions may shift from one intermediary or channel member to
another, it’s important to recognize that they cannot be eliminated. As noted in the Home
Depot example above, these functions must be completed by some organization to get the
right products to the right customers when they want them.

Managing Distribution Channels

Like any large, complicated system, a distribution channel is difficult to manage. Whether
the balance of power rests with large retailers like Walmart or with large manufacturers like
Procter & Gamble, channel members benefit by working together to develop and imple-
ment their channel strategy. If a distribution channel is to run efficiently, the participating
members must cooperate. Oftentimes, however, channel members have conflicting goals.
For instance, Stanley wants Home Depot to carry all its tools but not those of its competi-
tors so that Stanley can maximize its sales. But Home Depot carries a mix of tool brands so
it can maximize the sales in its tool category. When channel members are not in agreement
channel conflict about their goals, roles, or rewards, channel conflict results.
Results when supply Avoiding vertical channel conflicts demands open, honest communication. Buyers and
chain members are not
in agreement about their vendors all must understand what drives the other party’s business, their roles in the rela-
goals, roles, or rewards. tionship, each firm’s strategies, and any problems that might arise over the course of the
relationship. Target experiences a conflict with Amazon because of its Vendor Flex ­program
with Procter & Gamble (P&G). Amazon benefits from the program, which lowers its
Distribution Channels CHAPTER 12 377

transportation costs, but Target believes that it gives

its competitor an unfair advantage. Amazon and
P&G recognize that it is in their common interest to
remain profitable business partners. ­Amazon’s cus-
tomers demand and expect to find P&G products on
its website; P&G needs the sales generated through
Amazon. Amazon cannot demand prices so low
that P&G cannot make money, and P&G must be
flexible enough to accommodate the needs of this
important customer. With a common goal, both
firms then have the incentive to cooperate, because
they know that by doing so, each will boost its sales.

Managing Channels Through

Vertical Marketing Systems Amazon and Procter & Gamble recognize that it is in their
Although conflict is likely to occur in any distribu- common interest to remain profitable business partners.
tion channel, it is generally more pronounced when Daniel Mihailescu/AFP/Getty Images
the channel members are independent entities.
Distribution channels that are more closely aligned, whether by contract or by ownership,
share common goals and therefore are less prone to conflict.
In an independent distribution channel (the left panel of Exhibit 12.8), the several
independent members—a manufacturer, a wholesaler, and a retailer—each attempt to
satisfy their own objectives and maximize their own profits, often at the expense of the
other members. None of the participants has any control over the others. Before any sort of
relationship develops, or in one-time interactions, both parties likely try to extract as much
profit from the deal as possible. After the deal is consummated, neither party feels any
responsibility to the other.
Over time, though, many parties develop a relationship marked by routinized, auto- vertical marketing system
matic transactions, such as those that take place between Walmart and P&G. Walmart’s A supply chain in which
customers come to expect P&G products in stores, and P&G depends on Walmart to buy a the members act as a
unified system; there are
good portion of its output. This scenario represents the first phase of a vertical market- three types: administrated,
ing system (the right panel of Exhibit 12.8) in which the members act as a unified system contractual, and corporate.

Exhibit 12.8 Independent Versus Vertical Distribution Channel

Independent Marketing Vertical Marketing

Channel Channel

Manufacturer Manufacturer

Wholesaler Wholesaler

Retailer Retailer

Consumer Consumer
378 Section SIX Value Delivery: Designing the Distribution Channel and Supply Chain

because they realize that each party can maximize its individual benefits by working
together to make the distribution system more efficient rather than working individually
or at cross-purposes. Three types of vertical marketing systems—administered, contractual,
and corporate—reflect increasing phases of formalization and control. The more formal the
vertical marketing system, the less likely conflict is to ensue.

Administered Vertical Marketing System Walmart’s various marketing channel relation-

administered vertical ships offer examples of different forms of an administered vertical marketing system.
marketing system There is no common ownership or contractual relationship, but the dominant channel ­member
A supply chain system
in which there is no controls or holds the balance of power. Because of its size and relative power, Walmart can
common ownership and easily impose controls on small companies, such as Brown Betty ­Dessert ­Boutique, but with
no contractual relationship,
large, powerful suppliers such as P&G, the control is more balanced between parties. Power
but the dominant channel
member controls the in a marketing channel exists when one firm has the means or ability to dictate the actions
channel relationship. of another member at a different level of distribution. A retailer like Walmart exercises its
power over suppliers in several ways. With its reward power, Walmart offers rewards (often a
monetary incentive) if wholesalers or manufacturers will do what Walmart wants. Coercive
power arises when Walmart punishes or threatens to punish the other channel member for
not undertaking certain tasks, such as if it were to delay payment for a late delivery. Walmart
may also have referent power if the supplier desperately wants to be associated with Walmart,
because being known as an important Walmart supplier enables the company to attract other
retailers’ business. As Walmart deals with suppliers, it likely exerts multiple types of power to
influence their behaviours. If either party dislikes the way the relationship is going, though,
it can simply walk away.

Contractual Vertical Marketing System Over time, members of the supply chain may
formalize their relationship by entering into contracts that dictate various terms, such as
how much Walmart will buy each month and at what price, as well as the penalties for
contractual vertical late deliveries. In a contractual vertical marketing system like this, independent firms
marketing system at different levels of the supply chain join together through contracts to obtain economies
A system in which
independent firms at of scale and coordination and to reduce conflict.20
different levels of the Franchising is the most common type of contractual vertical marketing system; fran-
supply chain join together
chising companies and their franchisees account for $100 billion annually to the Canadian
through contracts to obtain
economies of scale and economy and creates jobs for more than 1.9 million people.21 Franchising is a contractual
coordination and to reduce agreement between a franchisor and a franchisee that allows the franchisee to operate a retail
outlet, using a name and format developed and supported by the franchisor. Exhibit 12.9 lists
franchising some of Canada’s favourite franchises.
A contractual agreement
between a franchisor and In a franchise contract, the franchisee pays a lump sum plus a royalty on all sales in
a franchisee that allows return for the right to operate a business in a specific location. The franchisee also agrees
the franchisee to operate a to operate the outlet in accordance with the procedures prescribed by the franchisor. The
retail outlet, using a name
and format developed franchisor typically provides assistance in locating and building the business, developing
and supported by the the products or services sold, training the managers, and advertising. To maintain the fran-
chisee’s reputation, the franchisor also makes sure that all outlets provide the same quality
of services and products.
A franchise system combines the entrepreneurial advantages of owning a business with
the efficiencies of vertical marketing systems that function under single ownership (a corpo-
corporate vertical rate system, as we discuss next). Franchisees are motivated to make their stores successful
marketing system because they receive the profits, after they pay the royalty to the franchisor. The franchisor
A system in which the
parent company has
is motivated to develop new products, services, and systems and to promote the franchise
complete control and can because it receives royalties on all sales. Advertising, product development, and system devel-
dictate the priorities and opment are all done efficiently by the franchisor, with costs shared by all franchisees.
objectives of the supply
chain; it may own facilities
such as manufacturing Corporate Vertical Marketing System In a corporate vertical marketing system,
plants, warehouse facilities,
the parent company has complete control and can dictate the priorities and objectives
retail outlets, and design
studios. of the marketing channel because it owns multiple segments of the channel, such as
Distribution Channels CHAPTER 12 379

Exhibit 12.9 The 10 Largest Franchises in Canada

Rank Franchise Type Number of Outlets

1 Tim Hortons® Coffee, doughnuts, sandwiches 3,665

2 Subway Submarine sandwiches, salads 3,200

3 McDonald’s Hamburgers, chicken, salads 1,400

4 Jan-Pro Cleaning Systems Commercial janitorial services 1,281

5 A&W Food Services Hamburgers, onion rings, root beer 803

6 Remax Real estate 785

7 Pizza Pizza Pizza, wings, fries 724

8 KFC Fried chicken 650

9 Dairy Queen Canada Ice cream, desserts 602

10 Country Style Foods Coffee, doughnuts, bakery items 500

Source: “Canada’s Top 100 Franchises,”

manufacturing plants, warehouse facilities, and retail outlets. By virtue of its ownership
and resulting control, potential conflict among segments of the channel is lessened.
Warby Parker, an eyeglass retailer based in New York, represents a corporate vertical
marketing system because it designs its own glasses in-house rather than having contrac-
tual relationships with other firms, and it operates its own retail and online stores selling its
products.22 With this corporate ownership structure, it is able to achieve critical cost savings
needed to sell its products at low prices.

Managing Supply Chains Through Strategic

There is more to managing supply chains than simply exercising power over other mem-
bers in an administered system or establishing a contractual or corporate vertical marketing
system. There is also a human side. As shown in Sustainable Marketing 12.1, some compa-
nies make their supply chain decisions based on their concern for the environment.

Warby Parker represents a corporate vertical marketing system because it designs its own glasses and operates
its retail stores.
Source: Warby Parker
380 Section SIX Value Delivery: Designing the Distribution Channel and Supply Chain

Sustainable Marketing 12.1

Sustainable Clothing Grows Trees††

When Saskatchewan brothers Kalen and Derrick
­Elmsley and their friend David Luba realized that there
was no option for consumers to buy clothing and give
back to society, they decided to do something about it.
Social responsibility and concern for the environment
were foremost in their minds when they started tentree
International, which makes T-shirts, tank tops, hats, and
They came up with a unique approach to demon-
strate that their company is socially responsible in a way
that also gives customers the opportunity to contribute to
­sustainability. For every item it sells, the company plants
ten trees. At the outset, it was important for tentree to
source a manufacturer close to home to avoid environ-
mental issues related to shipping and oil consumption.
Of course, local production increases the costs of the
clothing. And it costs about $3 to plant ten trees, and so
the company’s clothing sells for up to $6 more at retail-
ers than comparable clothing. As the company grew, it
needed more capacity and expanded production to five For every T-shirt sold, tentree International plants ten trees.
different countries. It ensures all clothing is produced in a Used with permission of tentree International
responsible manner in partnership with carefully chosen
mills and factories in order to make a positive impact on Although the trio had been operational for only three
the environment. months when they appeared on CBC’s Dragons’ Den,
In spite of this increase, Kalen Elmsley says it not they had already earned revenues of $120,000. While
been an issue—there has been no pushback from some of the Dragons were skeptical, Bruce Croxon and
consumers on price. It helps that tentree’s products Arlene Dickinson were sold. Since tentree made the
are tagged with the message “Ten trees are planted pitch, it has secured distribution at 300 retailers across
for every item purchased,” which helps to attract an Canada and has expanded to the United States, ­having
audience of socially and/or environmentally enlight- successfully tested the waters for online sales. One
ened consumers. In Canada, trees are planted near other outcome of their appearance on Dragons’ Den is
­Edenwold, about 30 minutes outside Regina. Through that they were nominated as one of the top 10 “Game
a partnership with eden reforestation and several other ­Changing” pitches from the first eight seasons.
organizations, tentree plants trees in eight countries, tentree was formally recognized when it won the
including Canada, the United States, Madagascar, Saskatchewan Young Professional and Entrepreneurs
­Senegal, Nepal, Indonesia, Cambodia, and Haiti. In the Volta award. It was also showcased during ­Saskatchewan
interest of sustainability, it has been very strategic about Fashion Week as a hot new design company. More
the type of trees being planted, based in each location, importantly, says Elmsley, its sustainability efforts resulted
and consults with local organizations to understand the in planting over 400,000 trees in the company’s first year
particular needs and challenges in each country. In the of operation, contributing to the financial, social, and
future, tentree’s customers may be able to visit its web- environmental bottom line. Today, more than 30 million
site to indicate the country in which they wish to have trees have been planted, with the goal to plant 1 billion
trees planted. trees by 2030.
††tentree, “ethical manufacturing,”; tentree, “tentree blog,”
weve-planted-more-than-25-million-trees; tentree, “progress,” (accessed August 6, 2019).

In a conventional distribution channel, relationships between members often are

based on the argument over the split of the profit pie: if one party gets ahead, the other
party falls behind. Sometimes this type of transactional approach is acceptable if the par-
ties have no interest in a long-term relationship. For example, if Walmart believes that
ergonomic pens are just a short-term fad, it may only be interested in purchasing once. In
that case, it might seek to get the best one-time price it can, even if doing so means that
Distribution Channels CHAPTER 12 381

the supplier will make very little money and therefore might not want to sell to Walmart
again. On the other hand, if Harry Rosen sees a trend for very narrow white belts, it
would be interested in purchasing from a vendor with whom an ongoing relationship
would be built. Harry Rosen would not purchase from a vendor on a one-time basis just
to get a one-time good price, because long-term relationship building is important to the
company’s business practices.
Frequently, firms seek a strategic relationship (partnering relationship), in strategic relationship
which the supply chain members are committed to maintaining the relationship over the (partnering relationship)
A supply chain relationship
long term and investing in opportunities that are mutually beneficial. In a conventional that the members are
or administered supply chain, there are significant incentives to establish a strategic rela- committed to maintaining
long-term, investing in
tionship, even without contracts or ownership relationships. Both parties benefit because opportunities that are
the size of the profit pie has increased, so both the buyer and the seller increase their mutually beneficial;
sales and profits. These strategic relationships are created explicitly to uncover and exploit requires mutual trust, open
communication, common
joint opportunities, so members depend on and trust each other heavily; share goals and goals, and credible
agree on how to accomplish those goals; and are willing to take risks, share confidential commitments.
information, and make significant investments for the sake of the relationship. ­Successful
strategic relationships require mutual trust, open communication, common goals, and
credible commitments.

Mutual Trust
Mutual trust holds a strategic relationship together. Trust is the belief that a partner is
­honest (i.e., is reliable, stands by its word, is sincere, fulfills obligations) and is benevo-
lent (i.e., is concerned about the other party’s welfare). When vendors and buyers trust
each other, they’re more willing to share relevant ideas, clarify goals and problems, and
communicate efficiently. Information shared between the parties thus becomes increas-
ingly comprehensive, accurate, and timely. With trust, there’s also less need for the supply
chain members to constantly monitor and check up on each other’s actions, because each
believes the other won’t take advantage, even given the opportunity. Although it is impor-
tant in all relationships, monitoring supply chain members becomes particularly pertinent
when suppliers are located in less-developed countries, where issues such as the use of
child labour, poor working conditions, and below-subsistence wages have become a shared

Open Communication
To share information, develop sales forecasts together, and coordinate deliveries, Harry
Rosen and its suppliers maintain open and honest communication. This maintenance may
sound easy in principle, but most businesses don’t tend to share information with their
business partners. But open, honest communication is key to developing successful rela-
tionships because supply chain members need to understand what is driving each other’s
business, their roles in the relationship, each firm’s strategies, and any problems that arise
over the course of the relationship.

Common Goals
Supply chain members must have common goals for a successful relationship to develop.
Shared goals give both members of the relationship an incentive to pool their strengths
and abilities and exploit potential opportunities together. For example, Harry Rosen and its
local suppliers recognize that it is in their common interest to be strategic partners. Harry
Rosen needs the quick response local manufacturers afford, and those manufacturers rec-
ognize that if they can keep Harry Rosen happy, they will have more than enough business
for years to come. So, if Harry Rosen needs a special production run to make an emergency
shipment, suppliers will work to meet the challenge. If one of Harry Rosen’s suppliers has
382 Section SIX Value Delivery: Designing the Distribution Channel and Supply Chain

Harry Rosen grew from a single 46-square-metre Toronto tailor shop to a national upscale
menswear chain. It works hard to develop strategic partnerships with its suppliers based on
mutual trust, open communications, common goals, and credible commitments.
Used with permission of Harry Rosen Inc.

difficulty getting a particular fabric or financing its inventory, it is in Harry Rosen’s best
interest to help it because they are committed to the same goals in the long run.

Credible Commitments
Successful relationships develop because both parties make credible commitments to, or
tangible investments in, the relationship. These commitments involve spending money to
improve the products or services provided to the customer. For example, if Harry Rosen
makes a financial commitment to its suppliers to help them develop state-of-the-art
­manufacturing facilities and computer systems for improved communication, it is making
a credible commitment—putting its money where its mouth is. As previously described,
Amazon and P&G have worked closely to set up their Vendor Flex program, enabling
Amazon to operate fulfillment centres within P&G’s own warehouses and thereby lower
transportation expenses.
Similar to many other elements of marketing, managing the supply chain can seem
like an easy task at first glance: Put the merchandise in the right place at the right time.
The various elements and actors involved in a supply chain create unique and compelling
complexities and require that firms work carefully to ensure that they are achieving the
most efficient and effective chain possible.

LO4 Logistics Management:

Making Information Flow
Information flows from the customer to stores, to and from distribution centres, possibly to
and from wholesalers, to and from product manufacturers, and then on to the producers of
any components and the suppliers of raw materials. To simplify our discussion and because
information flows are similar in other supply chain links and B2B channels, we shorten
Distribution Channels CHAPTER 12 383

Exhibit 12.10 Information Flows

1 3


©Ken Wolter |

the supply chain in this section to exclude wholesalers, as well as the link from suppliers
to manufacturers. Exhibit 12.10 illustrates the flow of information that starts when a cus-
tomer buys a Sony HDTV at Best Buy. The flow follows these steps:
• Flow 1 (Customer to Store). The sales associate at Best Buy scans the universal universal product code
product code (UPC) tag (the black and white bar code found on most (UPC)
The black and white
merchandise) on the HDTV packaging, and the customer receives a receipt. The bar code found on most
UPC tag contains a 13-digit code that includes the manufacturer of an item and merchandise.
information about special packaging and special promotions. In the future, RFID
tags (Radio Frequency Identification tags, discussed later in this chapter) may
replace UPC codes.
• Flow 2 (Store to Buyer). The point-of-sale (POS) terminal records the purchase
information and electronically sends it to the buyer at Best Buy’s corporate office.
The sales information is incorporated into an inventory management system and
used to monitor and analyze sales and to decide to reorder more HDTVs, change a
price, or plan a promotion. Buyers also send information to stores on overall sales
for the chain, how to display merchandise, upcoming promotions, and so on.
• Flow 3 (Buyer to Manufacturer). The purchase information from each Best Buy store
is typically aggregated by the retailer as a whole, which creates an order for new
merchandise and sends it to Sony. The buyer at Best Buy may also communicate
directly with Sony to get information and negotiate prices, shipping dates,
promotional events, or other merchandise-related issues.
384 Section SIX Value Delivery: Designing the Distribution Channel and Supply Chain

• Flow 4 (Store to Manufacturer). In some situations, the sales transaction data are
sent directly from the store to the manufacturer, and the manufacturer decides
when to ship more merchandise to the distribution centres and the stores. In other
situations, especially when merchandise is reordered frequently, the ordering process
is done automatically, bypassing the buyers. By working together, the retailer and
manufacturer can better satisfy customer needs.
• Flow 5 (Store to Distribution Centre). Stores also communicate with the Best Buy
distribution centre to coordinate deliveries and check inventory status. When the
store inventory drops to a specified level, more HDTVs are shipped to the store and
the shipment is sent to the Best Buy computer system.
In Flow 3, the retailer and manufacturer exchange business documents through a
­system called electronic data interchange.

Data Warehouse
Purchase data collected at the point of sale (Flow 2 in Exhibit 12.10) goes into a huge data-
base known as a data warehouse. The information stored in the data warehouse is accessible
on various dimensions and levels. Using the data warehouse, the CEO can not only learn
how the corporation is generally doing but also look at the data aggregated by quarter for
a merchandise division, a region of the country, or the total corporation. A buyer may be
more interested in a particular manufacturer in a certain store on a particular day. Analysts
from various levels of the retail operation extract information from the data warehouse to
make a plethora of marketing decisions about developing and replenishing merchandise
In some cases, manufacturers also have access to this data warehouse. They commu-
nicate with retailers by using electronic data interchange and use supply chain systems
known as vendor-managed inventory.

Electronic Data Interchange

electronic data Electronic data interchange (EDI) is the computer-to-computer exchange of business
interchange (EDI) documents from a retailer to a vendor and back. In addition to sales data, purchase orders,
The computer-to-computer
exchange of business invoices, and data about returned merchandise can be transmitted back and forth. With
documents from a retailer EDI, vendors can transmit information about on-hand inventory status, vendor promo-
to a vendor and back.
tions, and cost changes to the retailer, as well as information about purchase order changes,
order status, retail prices, and transportation routings.
Many retailers now require vendors to provide them with notification of deliveries
advanced shipping notice before they take place by using an advanced shipping notice, an electronic document
An electronic document that the supplier sends the retailer in advance of a shipment to tell the retailer exactly what
that the supplier sends
the retailer in advance of a to expect in the shipment. If the advanced shipping notice is accurate, the retailer can
shipment to tell the retailer dispense with opening all the received cartons and checking in merchandise. With EDI,
exactly what to expect in
the shipment.
vendors can transmit information about on-hand inventory status, vendor promotions, and
cost changes to the retailer, as well as information about purchase order changes, order
status, retail prices, and transportation routings.
The use of EDI provides three main benefits to supply chain members. First, EDI
reduces the cycle time, or the time between the decision to place an order and the receipt
of merchandise. When EDI is used, information flows more quickly, which means that
inventory turnover is higher. Second, EDI improves the overall quality of communications
through better record keeping; fewer errors in inputting and receiving an order; and less
human error in the interpretation of data. Third, the data transmitted by EDI are in a com-
puter-readable format that can be easily analyzed and used for a variety of tasks, ranging
from evaluating vendor delivery performance to automating reorder processes.
Distribution Channels CHAPTER 12 385

Vendor-Managed Inventory
Vendor-managed inventory (VMI) is an approach for improving marketing channel vendor-managed
efficiency in which the manufacturer is responsible for maintaining the retailer’s inventory inventory (VMI)
An approach in which
levels in each of its stores. By sharing the data in the retailer’s data warehouse and com- the manufacturer
municating that information via EDI, the manufacturer automatically sends merchandise is responsible for
replenishing inventory to
to the retailer’s store or distribution or fulfillment centre when the inventory at the store meet retailers’ needs.
reaches a pre-specified level.
In ideal conditions, the manufacturer replenishes inventories in quantities that meet
the retailer’s immediate demand, reducing stockouts with minimal inventory. In addi-
tion to providing a better match between retail demand and supply, VMI can reduce the
vendor’s and the retailer’s costs. Manufacturers’ salespeople no longer need to spend time
generating orders on items that are already in the stores, and their role shifts to selling new
items and maintaining relationships. Retail buyers and planners no longer need to monitor
inventory levels and place orders.

Logistics Management: Making

Merchandise Flow
To explore the different types of merchandise flows, consider the following scenario.
Exhibit 12.11 illustrates the merchandise flow steps.
Merchandise is shipped from Sony to Best Buy’s distribution centres or from Sony
directly to stores. If the merchandise goes through distribution centres, it is then shipped to
stores and then to the customer.

Distribution Centres Versus Direct Store Delivery

Manufacturers can ship merchandise directly to a retailer’s stores—direct store delivery—
or to its distribution centres. Although manufacturers and retailers may collaborate, the
ultimate decision is usually up to the retailer and depends on the characteristics of the mer-
chandise and the nature of demand. To determine which distribution system—distribution

Exhibit 12.11 Merchandise Flows

3 4

Distribution Stores Customers



386 Section SIX Value Delivery: Designing the Distribution Channel and Supply Chain

centres or direct store delivery—is better, retailers consider the total cost associated with
each alternative and the customer service criterion of having the right merchandise at the
store when the customer wants to buy it.

The Distribution (or Fulfillment) Centre

The distribution centre performs the following activities: management of inbound transpor-
tation; receiving and checking; storing and cross-docking; getting merchandise floor-ready;
ticketing and marking; preparing to ship merchandise to stores; and shipping merchandise
to stores. Fulfillment centres perform the same functions, but because they deliver directly
to customers, rather than to stores, they do not have to get merchandise floor-ready.

Inbound Transportation
dispatcher Because its distribution centres typically are quite busy, a dispatcher—the person who
The person who coordinates deliveries to Best Buy’s distribution centres—assigns a time slot for each
coordinates deliveries to
distribution centres. shipment of HDTVs to arrive. If the truck misses the time slot, it is fined. Although many
manufacturers pay transportation expenses, some retailers negotiate with their vendors
to absorb this expense. These retailers believe they can lower net merchandise cost and
control their merchandise flow better if they negotiate directly with truck companies and
consolidate shipments from many vendors.

Receiving and Checking Using UPC or RFID

Receiving refers to the process of recording the receipt of merchandise as it arrives at a distribu-
tion centre or store. Checking is the process of going through the goods upon receipt to ensure
that they arrived undamaged and that the merchandise ordered was the merchandise received.
Today, many distribution systems use EDI designed to minimize, if not eliminate, these
processes. The advance shipping notice tells the distribution centre what should be in each
radio frequency box. The recipient scans the UPC label on the shipping carton or the radio frequency iden-
identification (RFID) tags
Tiny computer chips that
tification tag, which identifies the carton’s contents, and those contents then are automati-
automatically transmit cally counted as being received and checked. Radio frequency identification (RFID)
to a special scanner all tags are tiny computer chips that automatically transmit to a special scanner all the infor-
the information about a
container’s contents or mation about a container’s contents or individual products. A key advantage of RFID is
individual products. that it eliminates the need to handle items individually by enabling distribution centres
and stores to receive whole truckloads of mer-
chandise without having to check each carton
in. The tags also act as passive tracking devices,
signalling their presence over a radio frequency
when they pass within a few metres of a spe-
cial scanner. The tags have long been used
in high-cost applications, such as automated
highway toll systems and security identification
badges. As the cost of the tags and implementa-
tion technology has decreased, their uses have
become more prevalent in retail supply chain

Storing and Cross-Docking

After the merchandise is received and checked,
Robots are often used to help prepare merchandise to be shipped it is either stored or cross-docked. A traditional
to stores. distribution centre is a warehouse in which
©David Paul Morris/Bloomberg via Getty Images merchandise is unloaded from trucks and
Distribution Channels CHAPTER 12 387

placed on racks or shelves for storage. When the merchandise is needed in the stores, a
worker goes to the rack, picks up a carton, and places it on a conveyor system that routes
the carton merchandise to the loading dock of a truck going to the store.
Using a cross-docking distribution centre, cartons are prepackaged for a specific store.
The merchandise already contains price and theft detection tags. Because the merchandise
is ready for sale, it is placed on a conveyor system that routes it from the unloading dock at
which it was received to the loading dock for the truck going to the specific store—hence
the term cross-docked. The cartons are routed on the conveyor system automatically by
sensors that read the UPC or RFID label on the cartons. Cross-docked merchandise is in the
distribution centre only for a few hours before it is shipped to the stores.
Merchandise sales rate and degree of perishability or fashionability typically determine
whether cartons are cross-docked or stored. For instance, because Sony’s HDTVs sell so
quickly, it is in Best Buy’s interest not to store them in a distribution centre. Similarly, cross-
docking is preferable for fashion apparel or perishable meat or produce.

Getting Merchandise Floor-Ready

Floor-ready merchandise is merchandise that is ready to be placed on the selling floor
immediately. Getting merchandise floor-ready entails ticketing, marking, and, in the case
of apparel, placing garments on hangers. Ticketing and marking refers to creating price and
identification labels and placing them on the merchandise. It is more efficient for a retailer just-in-time (JIT)
to perform these activities at a distribution centre than in its stores because the work is time inventory systems
Inventory management
consuming and messy. Some retailers require their suppliers to ship merchandise floor- systems designed to
ready, thus totally eliminating this expensive, time-consuming process for themselves. deliver less merchandise
on a more frequent basis
than traditional inventory
Shipping Merchandise to Stores systems; the firm gets the
merchandise “just in time”
Shipping merchandise to stores is quite complex for multistore chains. A Best Buy dis- for it to be used in the
tribution centre will run approximately 100 trucks to its stores per day. To handle such manufacture of another
product; also known
complex transportation problems, distribution centres use a sophisticated routing and as quick-response (QR)
scheduling computer system that considers the rate of sales in the store, road conditions, systems in retailing.
and transportation operating constraints to develop the most efficient routes possible. quick-response (QR)
As a result, stores receive an accurate estimated time of arrival, and the supply chain An inventory management
system used in retailing;
maximizes vehicle use.
merchandise is received
just in time for sale when
the customer wants it.
Inventory Management
Through Just-in-Time Systems
Customers demand specific SKUs, and they want to
be able to buy them when needed. At the same time,
firms can’t afford to carry more than they really
need of an SKU, because to do so is very expen-
sive. Suppose, for instance, that a shoe store carries
$1 million worth of inventory at its own expense.
Experts estimate that it would cost 20–40 percent of
the value of the inventory, or $200,000 to $400,000
per year, to hold that inventory! So firms must bal-
ance having enough inventory to satisfy customer
demands with not having more than they need.
To help reconcile these seemingly conflicting
goals, many firms have adopted just-in-time inventory In a cross-docking distribution centre, merchandise moves from
systems. Just-in-time (JIT) inventory ­systems, vendors’ trucks to the retailer’s delivery trucks in a matter of hours.
also known as quick-response (QR) systems in ©Michael Nagle/Bloomberg via Getty Images
388 Section SIX Value Delivery: Designing the Distribution Channel and Supply Chain

retailing, are inventory management systems designed to deliver less merchandise on a more
frequent basis than traditional inventory systems. The firm gets the merchandise “just in
time” for it to be used in the manufacture of another product (in the case of parts or compo-
nents) or for sale when the customer wants it (in the case of consumer goods). The benefits
lead time of a JIT system include reduced lead time (by eliminating the need for paper transactions
The amount of time by mail and overnight deliveries), increased product availability, and lower inventory invest-
between the recognition
that an order needs to be ment. JIT systems lower inventory investments, but product availability actually increases.
placed and the arrival of Although firms achieve great benefits from a JIT system, it is not without its costs. The
the needed merchandise
at the seller’s store, ready
distribution function becomes much more complicated with more frequent deliveries. With
for sale. greater order frequency also come smaller orders, which are more expensive to transport
and more difficult to coordinate. Therefore, JIT systems require a strong commitment by
the firm and its vendors to cooperate, share data, and develop systems.
For more on JIT inventory systems, see the Chapter Case Study, “Zara Delivers Fast

Learning Objectives Review

LO1 Explain the importance of distribution and image or are not large enough to sell to everyone tend to
the interrelationships among distribution use an exclusive distribution strategy. Somewhere in the
channels, supply chain management, and middle lies a selective distribution strategy.
logistics management
LO3 Identify how distribution channels add value
Companies cannot take the distribution of products for
to businesses and consumers
granted. Appropriate distribution channels must be iden-
tified and channel members need to be convinced to Without distribution channels, consumers would be
carry these new products, both of which are integral to a forced to find raw materials, manufacture products, and
successful distribution strategy. A distribution channel is somehow get them to where they could be used, all on
the set of institutions and marketing activities that trans- their own. Each channel member adds value to the prod-
fer the ownership of goods and move goods from the uct by performing one of these functions. Supply chain
manufacturer or producer to the consumer. Supply chain management creates value for each firm in the chain and
management refers to the effort to coordinate suppliers, helps bind together many company functions, including
manufacturers, warehouses, stores, and transportation manufacturing, inventory management, transportation,
intermediaries so that the merchandise the customer advertising, and marketing.
wants is produced in the right quantities and sent to the
right locations at the time the customer wants it. In this LO4 Explain how logistics management affects
sense, the supply chain is considered to be longer and distribution strategy
covers more aspects of the distribution strategy since it
extends backward to include suppliers. Logistics concen- For a supply chain to operate properly, the flow of infor-
trates on the physical movement and control of the prod- mation and merchandise must be coordinated, and s­ upply
ucts, whereas supply chain management includes the chain members must work together to their mutual b ­ enefit.
managerial aspects of the process as well. In more sophisticated supply chains, information flows
seamlessly between supply chain members through EDI.
 escribe distribution channel design and
D Many of the best supply chains use a JIT or QR inventory
LO2 management system, which provides the right amount
management decisions and strategies
of inventory just when it is needed. The JIT systems thus
Sometimes, particularly when firms are starting out, com- improve product availability and reduce inventory invest-
panies cannot choose their ideal partners but instead ments. The increasing use of RFID technology is expected
take any partners they can get to obtain the materials to have a revolutionary impact on distribution channels,
or customers they need. In general, the larger and more supply chain management, and logistics management in
sophisticated the company, the more likely it is to perform the future. The expectation is that the overall system of
some supply chain activities itself rather than use third- producing and delivering will become much more sophisti-
party intermediaries. When deciding on the distribution cated and efficient.
channel structure, firms can choose from direct, indirect, The more closely aligned the supply chain members
and multi-channel distribution. Firms that want as much are with each other, the less likely it is that there will be sig-
market exposure as possible use intensive distribution, nificant conflict. An administered supply chain occurs when
whereas firms that either want to maintain an exclusive a dominant and powerful supply chain member has control
Distribution Channels CHAPTER 12 389

over the other members. In a contractual s­ upply chain (e.g., can be effectively managed through strong relationships
franchising), coordination and ­control are dictated by con- developed with supply chain ­partners. To create such rela-
tractual relationships between ­members. Corporate supply tionships, the partners must trust each other, communicate
chains can operate relatively smoothly because one firm openly, have compatible goals, and be willing to invest in
owns the various levels of the chains. Supply chains also each other’s success.

Key Terms
■■ administered vertical marketing ■■ distribution intensity ■■ radio frequency identification
system ■■ electronic data interchange (EDI) (RFID) tags
■■ advanced shipping notice ■■ exclusive distribution ■■ retailers
■■ channel conflict ■■ franchising ■■ selective distribution
■■ contractual vertical marketing ■■ intensive distribution ■■ strategic relationship (partnering
system ■■ just-in-time (JIT) inventory systems relationship)
■■ corporate vertical marketing ■■ lead time ■■ supply chain management
system ■■ logistics management ■■ universal product code (UPC)
■■ dispatcher ■■ pull marketing strategy ■■ vendor-managed inventory (VMI)
■■ distribution centre ■■ push marketing strategy ■■ vertical marketing system
■■ distribution channel ■■ quick-response (QR) ■■ wholesalers

concept review

1. Explain why having a well-thought-out distribution 6. Explain intensive, selective, and exclusive distribution
strategy is important to a company’s success. intensity. Under what circumstances would it be best
to use each of these strategies?
2. Explain the factors that must be considered when
designing a distribution strategy. 7. Describe how companies manage distribution chan-
3. Explain the differences between direct, indirect, and nels by using vertical marketing systems.
multi-channel distribution systems. What role do tech-
8. Explain how supply chain management and logistics
nologies and consumer behaviour play in the rise of
management add value to a company’s consumer
multi-channel distribution?
4. Describe the functions performed by intermediaries.
Why would companies choose to have intermediar- 9. Explain how supply chain management improves mar-
ies fulfill these functions rather than perform them keting activities.
10. What are the major elements of a logistics manage-
5. Explain how customer expectations and channel member ment system? Explain the benefits of a well run just-in-
characteristics impact a company’s distribution strategy. time inventory management system.

Marketing Applications

1. Explain distribution strategy and identify the major grocery chain. The manager is familiar with the bak-
activities that distribution channels, supply chain, and ery’s products and is excited about the possibility of
logistics management involve. Identify several ways having them in the store. He presents the contract
that supply chain management adds value to a com- and you notice a $10,000 fee for stocking the product.
pany’s offerings, with regard to both consumers and When you ask about the fee, you are told it is simply
business partners. the cost of doing business and that the bigger baker-
ies are not in favour of adding your product line to the
2. You are hired by a small bakery that is interested in chain. You know that the bakery cannot afford to pay
distributing its product through supermarkets. The the fee. What should you do now?
market for the bakery’s products has been ­steadily
growing, and it is time to expand distribution now 3. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of Dell’s
that the bakery has expanded its production ­capacity. decision to change from using a direct distribution
You have an appointment with the manager of a local strategy to a multi-channel approach to distribution.
390 Section SIX Value Delivery: Designing the Distribution Channel and Supply Chain

4. Research the “Buy Local” trend and discuss how in the distribution centre rather than having retail store
growing consumer awareness of shipping costs and staff members do it in the stores. Provide the logic
environmental concerns has led to a push for more behind your answer.
locally produced foods.
9. Why would a large company like Lenovo want to
5. Give an example of a retailer that participates in an develop strategic partnerships with locally owned run-
independent (conventional) supply chain and one ning shoe stores? Describe what Lenovo would have
involved in a vertical marketing system. Discuss the to do to maintain such relationships.
advantages and disadvantages of each. 10. You are hired as an assistant brand manager for a
6. In what ways can the flow of information be managed popular consumer product. One day in an emergency
in the supply chain? How can the ready flow of infor- meeting, the brand manager informs the group that
mation increase a firm’s operating efficiencies? there is a problem with one of the suppliers and that
she has decided to send you over to the manufactur-
7. Describe how B2B transactions might employ EDI to pro- ing facilities to investigate the problem. When you
cess purchase information. Considering the information arrive at the plant, you learn that a key supplier has
discussed in Chapter 5 about B2B buying situations, become increasingly unreliable in terms of quality and
determine which buying situation (new task, modified delivery. You ask the plant manager why he doesn’t
rebuy, or straight rebuy) would most likely align with the switch suppliers since this is becoming a major prob-
use of EDI technology. Justify your answer. lem for your brand. He informs you that the troubled
8. Discuss the advantages to a retailer such as Sport supplier is his cousin, whose wife has been very ill,
Chek of expending the time and effort to get merchan- and he just can’t switch right now. What course of
dise floor-ready at either the point of manufacture or action should you take?

marketing digitally

1. Dell is considered exemplary in its ability to manage its 2. The Chapter Case Study examines how Zara, a
supply chain efficiently. Go to the company’s website division of Inditex, successfully manages its supply
(, and go through the process of config- chain. Visit Inditex’s website (, and
uring a computer to purchase. Print a summary of the review the company’s commitment to social respon-
computer system you have designed, making note of sibility, particularly the section that pertains to its
the delivery date and price. Describe how Dell has revo- code of conduct. Considering the discussion in this
lutionized computer sales and delivery. Is there any indi- chapter about strategic relationships, how does
cation that Dell has partnered with other companies to Inditex address the factors necessary for mutually
sell peripheral equipment such as printers or scanners? beneficial partnerships according to its code of
How would this partnership add value to customers? conduct?

chapter Case study

Zara Delivers Fast Fashion23

In the fast fashion retail business strategy, supply chain management processes serve to
introduce fashionable merchandise rapidly, such that stores can respond immediately to cus-
tomer demand for merchandise. This was pioneered by Zara, a global specialty apparel chain
located in La Coruna, Spain. It has also been adopted by other retailers, including American
Apparel, H&M (headquartered in Sweden) and TopShop (United Kingdom).
The approach is particularly effective for specialty apparel retailers that target fashion-
conscious consumers who simply must have the latest looks—but they want to do so on a
very limited budget. These shoppers load up on new fast fashions every few weeks, instead
of purchasing a few higher-priced basics every few months.
To fit with such short cycles and meet customers’ demands, the fast fashion process starts
with the receipt of timely information from store managers. At Zara, store managers always
have their reporting devices literally in hand. These handheld devices, which are linked
directly to the company’s corporate office in Spain, enable daily reports on what customers
are buying (or not) and what they are asking for but not finding.
For example, customers might want a purple version of a pink shirt that they see on
the shop floor. Managers immediately pass the information on to the designers in Spain.
Distribution Channels CHAPTER 12 391

Those designers then communicate electronically

with the factory that produces fabric for shirts. This
factory starts up its automated equipment, which is
run by assemblers who live in close proximity to the
factory. (The undyed fabric comes from Asia, where
Zara finds inexpensive sources, and then bulk ships
fabric to Spain and Portugal to be manufactured
into apparel.) The robots in the company’s 14 highly
automated factories start cutting out shirts and
­mixing purple dye. For final construction, a n ­ etwork
of small assemblers, located near the ­factories in
­Galicia, Spain, and northern Portugal, takes respon-
sibility for making the final product. Finally, to ensure
timely delivery, the shirts get shipped by truck to
stores in Europe and by air express to stores in the
rest of the world. Zara production is so efficient,
it can get a new product from design to the sales
floor in only 10 days. Since Zara now operates in Zara’s competitive advantage in specialty apparel retailing is
96 ­markets, its parent company Inditex works with based on its efficient supply chain that delivers fashionable
over 7,200 ­factories worldwide to deliver products merchandise to its stores frequently.
to stores; however, most of its clothing is still made Shutterstock/Sorbis
in Spain and nearby countries.24

The Benefits of Fast Fashion for Zara

Zara’s main advantage over its competitors, such as The Gap and H&M, has resulted from its
highly responsive and tightly organized supply chain. Unlike these competitors, Zara selects
factory locations that are in close geographic proximity to the company’s headquarters in
Spain. Although this approach increases labour costs, compared with outsourced production
in lower-cost countries in Asia, it also improves communication, reduces shipping costs and
time, and reduces the time before new fashions appear in stores. It also gives Zara the flex-
ibility to modify its operations in one supply chain function to expedite processes in another,
such as pricing or tagging. It might hang merchandise on racks in the warehouse so that
store employees can move apparel directly from delivery to the sales floor. And it can do all
this because it maintains complete control over the entire process.
A big key to Zara’s success is the fact that it does much of its production in-house and
ensures that its factories reserve 85 percent of their capacity to make adjustments during the
season. That allows ultimate flexibility in the variety of products they can launch, as well as
how much and how often it can be produced. Additionally, it only locks in about half of a new
line for the start of the season to allow popular items to be produced during the season and
quickly shipped to stores.25
Furthermore, instead of shipping new products a few times a season, as many of its com-
petitors do, Zara makes deliveries to every one of its stores every few days. The purple shirts
would be in stores in two weeks—compared with the several months it would take most depart-
ment stores and other specialty apparel stores to accomplish the same feat. Because its fast
fashion system also ensures shorter lead times, it’s less likely that any Zara store will be out of
stock before the next sweater shipment arrives. Limiting the stock in stores can even create a
sense of scarcity among its customers. If they don’t buy now, the item might not be available
next time they visit the store. By producing and shipping in these small quantities, Zara can
quickly recover from its (rare) fashion faux pas.
Finally, the efficiency of its supply chain means Zara rarely has to discount merchandise
that is not selling. At Zara, the number of items that end up marked down is about half the
industry average. Even with these results, Zara still manages to introduce around 10,000 new
designs and 40,000 new SKUs each year.

Moving Too Fast? The Negative Effects

of Fast Fashion
Despite some strong signals of success—including a 10-percent increase in same-store sales,
and a 12-percent increase in net sales26—Zara started to outgrow its own strategy. By their
392 Section SIX Value Delivery: Designing the Distribution Channel and Supply Chain

very nature, fashion trends change rapidly and constantly, and so must the merchandise on
Zara’s shop floors. Faced with disappointed customers, some sales managers ordered extra
quantities of hot items to avoid stockouts. Even with this attempt to circumvent the replenish-
ment system, some stores still suffered from stockouts, because they received fewer units
than they had ordered when overall demand exceeded inventory levels. For some items, Zara
confronted perhaps the most frustrating scenario in a supply chain: inventory sat unused,
eating up storage costs at one location, even as another store desperately pleaded for the
same inventory to meet its customers’ demands.
One way Zara is trying to meet more customer needs is by investing in its in-store pickup for
online orders. Zara’s fast fashion model is the perfect fit for online shoppers because it can always
offer something new. Because Zara designed its ordering platforms for small store orders, it is
able to process online orders in much the same way. Home delivery can create a hurdle, and by
emphasizing in-store pickup, Zara can avoid delivery challenges. One way it is improving in-store
pickup is with self-service pickup kiosks that can hold up to 4,000 packages.27
As noted earlier, the company launches as many as 10,000 new styles annually, with
a range of colours and sizes, resulting in hundreds of thousands of SKUs in the system.
Counting replenishment orders, which are received twice weekly, Zara’s average shipping
total reached nearly 2.5 million items per week, all coming from the company’s distribution
centre. Its legendary supply chain efficiency thus was in danger of a clogged artery.
In response, Zara has adopted some new mathematical processes that turn human
experience and mountains of data into actionable information. These models factor in store
managers’ unique requests for merchandise replenishments, together with historical trends
in the sales of the same item. Merchandise display practices have been altered, such as
removing all sizes of a garment from the sales floor if a popular size is not available. This
practice helps reduce customer frustration, in that they never see an item that might not
be available in their size. It also diminishes shipping; if the medium size is unavailable, the
small and large sizes do not get shipped either. Instead, these remaining sizes head toward
the stores that still have all sizes in stock, so they can be available to customers there.
Zara is also making more effective uses of RFID technology. Because Zara manufacturers
its own clothing, it can insert RFID tags into the security tags that already appear on each
piece of clothing. Thus the very act of inserting the tags becomes viable as a parallel step to
the attachment of the security tags. In contrast, retailers that previously tried to insert RFID
tags struggled to find efficient methods and had trouble deciding exactly when in the supply
chain they should be inserted. Walmart, for example, demanded that suppliers add them, but
suppliers balked at the added expense associated with the additional step.28
By including the RFID elements within the security tags, Zara has found a way to reuse the
still relatively expensive RFID technology. In previous experiments, the tags left the store with
customers who purchased the related item. At Zara, employees remove the security tag as
they check out customers, so the RFID chips also stay in the store, available for reuse.
These methods give Zara a distinct advantage. The task of taking inventory has become
so much faster and easier that Zara can perform it every six weeks instead of twice a year,
as is common in the industry. Rather than actively scanning each item’s bar code, inventory
­takers simply walk through the store with an RFID device that passively gathers information
from each rack. In turn, its inventory tracking is significantly more accurate, and it knows
exactly what styles and items are selling best (or worst).
Growth, costs, market demand, and technology advances all can push retail executives
to rethink their business processes. But truly savvy managers search for ways to optimize
operations, even when business is running smoothly. As Zara learned, current approaches
will not necessarily work tomorrow.
1. How does an individual firm like Zara manage a supply chain? How does it get new prod-
ucts from design to store so quickly?
2. What are some of the ways that Zara’s supply chain management system has helped
create value for its customers? Provide specific examples.
3. What challenges did Zara’s focus on supply chain efficiency create? Are all such systems
destined to suffer such “growing pains”?
Chapter 13

Trademarks of Canadian Tire Corporation, Limited used under licence.

Retailing and Omnichannel

Learning Objectives
After studying this chapter you should be able to
Outline the considerations associated with choosing retail partners
Identify what types of retailers are available to distribute products
Describe the components of a retail strategy building on the four Ps to create value
for consumers
Identify the benefits and challenges of omnichannel retailing
394 Section six Value Delivery: Designing the Distribution Channel and Supply Chain

Canadian Tire Corporation (CTC) provides customers with everything they need for the jobs and joys of life in
Canada. The company started with a single store called Hamilton Tire and Garage Limited in Toronto, which was
purchased by brothers A.J. and J.W. Billes in 1922. They renamed the company Canadian Tire Corporation in 1927
and grew it into a powerhouse.
Almost a century later, Canadian Tire Corporation has become a family of companies that includes ­Canadian Tire
Retail, Canadian Tire Financial Services, Sport Chek, Hockey Experts, Sports Experts, National Sports, A
­ tmosphere,
Mark’s, Party City Canada, Helly Hansen, Canadian Tire Gas+, PartSource, CT Real Estate Investment Trust, and
Canadian Tire Jumpstart Charities.
● Canadian Tire has a network of approximately 500 retail stores across Canada that offer everything from
automotive parts and services to sports, leisure, home products, and a strong network of private-label
● As the financial services arm of Canadian Tire Corporation, Ltd., Canadian Tire Bank (CTB) is primarily
engaged in marketing the Triangle™ Card portfolio to four million card members.2 Triangle credit cards are
accepted at more than 24 million locations worldwide and offer customers the ability to collect e-Canadian
Tire ‘Money’™.
●● Sport Chek is the largest and only national sporting goods retailer in Canada, with over 400 locations3
across multiple banners. The company sells a vast assortment of sports-related products, from athletic
footwear to athletic/leisure apparel, and to the equipment required for performing a favourite sport.
● Mark’s, known as L’Équipeur in Quebec, is one of Canada’s leading apparel and footwear retailers. Since it
was founded in 1977, Mark’s has evolved from one small store in Calgary to over 380 stores across Canada.
● Canadian Tire Gas+ is one of Canada’s largest independent gasoline retailers, pumping more than 1 billion
litres of gasoline each year at approximately 295 outlets4 nationwide.
● PartSource, launched in 1999, is an automotive parts specialty chain with approximately 90 corporate
specialty stores staffed by experts to meet the needs of professional automotive installers and serious
● CT Real Estate Investment Trust is an unincorporated, closed-end real estate investment trust formed to
own income-producing commercial properties primarily located in Canada.
● Canadian Tire Jumpstart Charities is a national charity dedicated to helping kids overcome financial
and accessibility barriers to sport and recreation. Jumpstart helps eligible families cover the costs of
registration, transportation, and equipment, and provides funding to selected organizations for recreational
infrastructure and programming.5
Canadian Tire Corporation, through its various businesses, employs more than 65,000 people and earned
revenues of $14.06 billion in 2018.6 It is one of the most trusted brands in Canada, has been called one of the best
brands and most successful companies in Canada, and has earned a spot on Canada’s Top 10 Most Reputable
Brands every year for well over a decade.7 It has a unique assortment of products and services, a modern store
network, and global sourcing capabilities. The company does an excellent job of leveraging its trusted brand
across its multiple businesses. Because of Canadian Tire’s level of success over the years, one wonders about its
secret for success and whether it has always been smooth sailing for the company.
Canadian Tire has received lumps, bumps, and bruises on several occasions. For example, in 1982, Canadian
Tire debuted in the United States, but the venture failed miserably, and by 1985, the company was forced to
­ ithdraw.8 In 1992, the company decided to take another stab at the U.S. market under the name Auto Source.
It also failed, and the company bailed out in 1995, after three years and huge losses.9 Despite these and other
challenges, Canadian Tire has emerged as a successful and well-managed business, part of Canadian culture,
and found in virtually every community across the country. Its success has been attributed to CTC’s strong brand,
vision, good strategic planning, and excellent execution of its marketing strategies.
When global giants Walmart, Home Depot, and Lowe's entered the already crowded Canadian market, many
industry analysts feared that their deep pockets and aggressive business strategies would spell the end of Cana-
dian Tire Corporation. However, it not only has held its own against these global behemoths, but has steadily
grown. The company has responded to advancing technology by integrating its website into its physical store
operations and upgrading its information technology and communication infrastructure. Its acquisition in 2001
Retailing and Omnichannel Marketing CHAPTER 13 395

of Mark’s Work Wearhouse (now called simply Mark’s) allowed it to pursue a broader target market, including
women. Expansion continued in 2011 with the purchase of the Forzani Group (now Sport Chek), Helly Hansen
in 2018, and Party City’s 65 Canadian locations in 2019.10 Party City's product line will be available in Canadian
Tire stores, along with access to items in its catalogue and licensed products from international brands such as
Canadian Tire’s wide variety of products had resulted in stores that were hard to navigate. In 2015, it launched
a new showcase store in Edmonton, featuring varied shelf sizes, better sight lines, more natural light, and a
cleaner overall look. Over 100 digital screens facilitate locating items and let customers watch tutorial videos
to identify the right tools and products needed for projects. Virtual reality simulators allow shoppers to see how
furniture would look in a backyard setting. A car simulator lets them test tires in different weather conditions.11 The
effort paid off when the Edmonton store won the Best In-Store Experience and Design Award at the Retail Council
of Canada’s Excellence in Retailing Awards.12
To reach consumers in a competitive retail environment, the company has invested heavily in the digital
realm. After years of not producing a catalogue, it reintroduced one—The WOW Guide—with a digital twist, com-
bining print and online features.
Canadian Tire has implemented, then abandoned, ecommerce in the past. When it returned again, it
was with a focus on integrating the digital side with the in-store experience, allowing customers to do their
research and shop in whatever manner suits them best. The company uses sophisticated analytics tools
to personalize email offers, track online purchases, and make merchandising decisions.13 Customers can
choose to have purchases shipped to their homes or opt for click-and-collect. The company found that
30 percent of click-and-collect customers add more products when in store to pick up their online order.14
During the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020, huge changes in buying behaviour occurred. The company saw
growth of 80 percent in online sales at Canadian Tire stores and a 44-percent combined increase across
all banners.15 President and CEO Greg Hicks says that change is expediting upgrades to the company’s
ecommerce sites.
Canadian Tire’s retail innovations have created sustainable competitive advantage for almost a century. Now,
can it stay relevant for the next 100 years?

Retailing sits at the end of the supply chain, where marketing meets the consumer. But
there is far more to retailing than just manufacturing a product and making it available to
customers. It is primarily the retailer’s responsibility to make sure that customers’ expec-
tations are fulfilled. This chapter extends the discussion of supply chain management
from Chapter 12 by examining why and how manufacturers use retailers. We explain how
manufacturers choose retailers to carry their products, and we discuss the types of retailers
currently operating in Canada. Then we examine how retailers create value by imple-
menting marketing mix strategies. We follow this with a discussion of how omnichannel
options are changing the face of retailing and the ongoing evolution toward omnichannel
Retailing is defined as the set of business activities that add value to products and retailing
services sold to consumers for their personal or family use. Our definition of retailing The set of business
activities that add value
includes products bought at stores, through catalogues, and over the Internet, as well as to products and services
services such as fast-food restaurants, airlines, and hotels. Some retailers claim they sell at sold to consumers for
“wholesale” prices, but if they sell to customers for their personal use, they are still retail- their personal or family
use; includes products
ers, regardless of their prices. Wholesalers (see Chapter 12) buy products from manufactur- bought at stores, through
ers and resell them to retailers or industrial or business users. catalogues, and over
the Internet, as well as
Retailing today is changing, both in Canada and around the world. No longer do services such as fast-food
manufacturers rule many marketing channels, as they once did. Retailers such as Walmart, restaurants, airlines, and
Costco, Carrefour (a French hypermarket), Home Depot, Loblaws, and Metro (a German hotels.

retail conglomerate)16—the largest retailers in the world—dictate to their suppliers what

should be made, how it should be configured, when it should be delivered, and, to some
396 Section six Value Delivery: Designing the Distribution Channel and Supply Chain

extent, what it should cost. These

retailers are clearly in the driver’s seat.
Retailing in the aggregate is a big
business. Virtually every penny you
personally spend, except for taxes,
goes to retailers. Food, rent, cloth-
ing, tuition, insurance, and haircuts
are all either retail services or goods
provided by retailers. Even non-profit
organizations such as The Salvation
Army, Goodwill Industries, and the
Ontario Science Centre have retail
operations. Canadian retail sales in
2018 were $605 billion,17 representing
more than 145,000 retail stores. Retail-
ing is Canada’s third-largest industry
by size, employing approximately
2 million people.18
Even non-profit organizations such as The Salvation Army have retail During the COVID-19 pandemic,
retailers around the world faced seis-
Shutterstock/Martin Good
mic downturns in revenue. As essen-
tial service providers, grocery and drug stores were insulated from this downturn, with
many stores shifting their focus to online sales. The overall impact of the pandemic remains
to be seen; although, it will almost certainly result in major shift in how retailers operate.
While sales in Canada rebounded in mid 2020, economists expressed concerns that the
road back to normal will be difficult.19
This chapter examines how and why manufacturers use retailers. The manufacturer’s
strategy depends on its overall market power and on how consistent a new product or prod-
uct line is with its current offerings.
Exhibit 13.1 illustrates four factors manufacturers consider when developing stra­
tegies for working with retailers.20 In choosing retail partners, the first factor, manufac-
turers assess how likely it is for certain retailers to carry their products. Manufacturers
also consider where their target customers expect to find the products, because those are
exactly the stores in which they want to place their products. The overall size and level of
sophistication of the manufacturer will determine how many of the supply chain functions
it performs and how many it will hand off to other channel members such as wholesal-
ers (see Chapter 12). Finally, the type and availability of the product and the image the

Exhibit 13.1 Factors for Establishing a Relationship With Retailers

Choosing Identifying Developing Managing

Retail Types of a Retail a Multichannel
Partners Retailers Strategy Strategy
Retailing and Omnichannel Marketing CHAPTER 13 397

manufacturer wishes to portray will determine how many retailers within a geographic
region will carry the products.
For the second factor, manufacturers identify the types of retailers that would be
appropriate to carry their products. Although the choice is often obvious—such as a
supermarket for fresh produce—manufacturers may have a choice of retailer types for
some products.
As we discussed in Chapter 12, a hallmark of a strong distribution channel is that
manufacturers and retailers coordinate their efforts. In the third factor, manufacturers and
retailers therefore develop their strategy by implementing retailing's six Ps: product, price,
place, promotion, presentation, and personnel.
Finally, many retailers and some manufacturers are exploring a multichannel multichannel strategy
strategy in which they sell in more than one channel (e.g., store, catalogue, kiosk, and Selling in more than
one channel (e.g., store,
Internet). The fourth factor therefore consists of examining the circumstances in which catalogue, kiosk, and
sellers may prefer to adopt a particular strategy. Although these factors are listed consecu- Internet).
tively, manufacturers may consider them all simultaneously or in a different order.

Choosing Retail Partners LO1

Imagine trying to buy a suit for a job interview without being able to visit a retailer. You
would have to figure out exactly what size, colour, and style of suit you wanted. Then you’d
have to contact various manufacturers, whether in person, by phone, or over the Internet,
and order the suit. Assuming it fit you reasonably well, you might still need to take it to a
tailor to have the sleeves shortened. Then you’d have to go through the same process for a
shirt or blouse, accessories, and shoes. It would not be very convenient.
Retailers such as Moores Clothing for Men create value by pulling it all together for
you. The store offers a broad selection of suits, shirts, ties, and other accessories that it has
carefully chosen in advance. You can see, touch, and try on each item while in the store.
You can buy one suit or shirt at a time or buy several shirts to go with your new suit. Finally,
the store provides a salesperson to help you coordinate your outfit and a tailor to make the
whole thing fit perfectly.
When choosing retail partners, manufacturers consider the basic channel structure,
where their target customers expect to find the products, and channel member character-
istics. A manufacturer’s strategy depends
on its overall market power, and how con-
sistent a new product or line is with cur-
rent offerings. As discussed in Chapter 12,
distribution intensity is also a factor to be
considered. Think about the following
• Scenario 1: Cosmetics conglomerate
Estée Lauder’s subsidiary brand MAC
is introducing a new line of mascara.
• Scenario 2: Coach, well known for its
women’s handbags, is introducing a
line of men’s leather goods, apparel,
shoes, and accessories—products not
previously in its assortment.
• Scenario 3: Britt, a young Moores Clothing for Men creates value by helping its customers put it
entrepreneur, is launching a new line all together. Its wardrobe consultants provide fashion advice, and their
of environmentally friendly (green) tailors make sure everything fits properly.
hair-care products. ©Lars A. Niki
398 Section six Value Delivery: Designing the Distribution Channel and Supply Chain

Each of these scenarios is different and

requires the manufacturer to consider differ-
ent alternatives for reaching its target markets
through retailers.

Channel Structure
The level of difficulty a manufacturer has in
getting retailers to purchase its products is
determined by the degree to which the chan-
nel is vertically integrated, as described in
Chapter 12; the degree to which the manu-
facturer has a strong brand or is otherwise
desirable in the market; and the relative power
of the manufacturer and retailer.
MAC will use different criteria than either Coach for Men or Britt’s Scenario 1 represents a corporate verti-
green cosmetics for placing products in retail stores. cal marketing system. Because MAC is made
Shutterstock/TY Lim by Estée Lauder and operates its own stores,
when the new mascara line is introduced, the
stores will simply receive the new line automatically. They have no choice. In contrast,
Revlon would have a much more difficult time getting Shoppers Drug Mart to buy a new
mascara line because these supply chain partners are not vertically integrated.
When an established firm such as Coach enters a new market with men’s leather
goods, apparel, shoes, and accessories, as is the case in Scenario 2, it cannot just place the
products with any retailer. It must determine where its customers would expect to find
higher-end scarves, leather goods, and accessories, and then use its established relation-
ships with women’s handbag buyers, the power of its brand, and its overall reputation to
leverage its position in this new product area.
In Scenario 3, our young entrepreneur Britt would have an even more difficult time
getting a retailer to buy and sell her green hair-care line, because she lacks power in the
marketplace—she is small, and her brand is unknown. It would be difficult to get buy-
ers to see her, let alone consider her line. She might face relatively high listing fees (see
Chapter 12) just to get space on retailers’ shelves. But like Coach in Scenario 2, when choos-
ing retailers to which to sell, Britt should consider where the end customer expects to find
her products, as well as some important retailer

Customer Expectations
Retailers should know customer preferences
regarding manufacturers. In contrast, manufac-
turers need to know where their target market
customers expect to find their products and those
of their competitors. Customers generally expect
to find certain products at some stores but not
at others. For example, Estée Lauder and Coach
would not choose to sell to Giant Tiger because
their customers would not expect to shop at this
store for high-end cosmetics or leather goods.
Coach partners with retailers to help conveniently deliver its Instead, such stores might carry less-expensive
products to satisfied customers. cosmetic brands, such as Revlon and Maybelline,
Shutterstock/TY Lim or even discontinued lines. But Coach customers
Retailing and Omnichannel Marketing CHAPTER 13 399

would definitely expect to find the brand’s clothing offerings at major department stores
and at Coach stores.
Companies need to stay abreast of changes in where customers buy products and what
products they request, and then change their distribution strategies accordingly. As an
example, Fitbit is both an electronic device and a fitness tool. Due to the nature of its prod-
uct, the company distributes through electronics stores (Best Buy and The Source), sport-
ing goods stores (Atmosphere and Sport Chek) and even Chapters, which has increased its
electronics offerings.
Amazon has an advantage here. It already tracks your online buying habits and uses
this data to attract advertisers. For example, a chain of physical therapy centres used online
ads to target people near its locations who purchased knee braces on Amazon. And a finan-
cial services company searching for customers for its retirement advisory services, placed
ads aimed at middle-aged people who ordered personal finance books from Amazon.21

Channel Member Characteristics

Several factors pertaining to the channel members themselves will help determine the
channel structure. Generally, the larger and more sophisticated the channel member, the
less likely it is to use supply chain intermediaries. Britt will probably use a group of inde-
pendent salespeople to help sell her green hair-care line, whereas a large manufacturer
such as Estée Lauder will use its own sales force that already has existing relationships in
the industry. In the same way, an independent grocery store might buy merchandise from
a wholesaler, but Walmart, the world’s largest grocer, buys only directly from the manufac-
turer. Larger firms often find that by performing the channel functions themselves, they
can gain more control, be more efficient, and save money.
As we noted in Chapter 12, like any large, complicated system, a distribution channel
is difficult to manage. Whether the balance of power rests with large retailers like Walmart
or with large manufacturers like P&G, channel members benefit by working together to
develop and implement their channel strategy. In the next section, we explore the different
types of retailers with an eye toward which would be most appropriate for each of our sce-
narios: MAC Cosmetics, Coach’s products for men, and Britt’s new line of environmentally
friendly hair-care products.

Identifying Types of Retailers LO2

Although it may seem clear which type of retailer Coach and Britt may wish to pursue
when attempting to place their new lines, the choice is not always straightforward.
Manufacturers need to understand the general characteristics of different types of
retailers so they can determine the best channels for their product. For instance, the
characteristics of a retailer that are important to a food manufacturer may be quite
different from those of a cosmetics manufacturer. In the next few sections, we examine
the various types of retailers, identify some major players, and discuss some of the
issues facing each type.

Food Retailers
The food retailing landscape is changing dramatically. Not too long ago, people shopped
for food primarily at traditional grocery stores. Today, however, you can buy food at
drugstores, discount stores, warehouse clubs, and convenience stores. Pharmacy chains
such as Shoppers Drug Mart offer milk, bread, and even fresh fruit in some locations.
Walmart and the Real Canadian Superstore both provide supercentres whose product
mix contains 30–40 percent food items. With its purchase of Whole Foods, even Amazon
400 Section six Value Delivery: Designing the Distribution Channel and Supply Chain

is getting into the grocery business. To stay competi-

tive, Loblaw has tested ecommerce sales and launched
its “Click & Collect” program to allow customers to
order online and pick up the order at their convenience.
Walmart, which wants to become the leading grocery
store in Canada, quickly followed suit, launching a
similar pick-up service. Time-strapped consumers can
have items delivered to their homes. However, research
shows that consumers tend to rely on online grocers for
lower profit margin non-perishable items versus fresh
fruit and vegetables or meat. That translates to slim
margins for delivery ­services like Instacart that only
earn $4–$7 per order.22
Food sales represent about 50 percent of the total
Instacart lets customers place online grocery orders for sales in warehouse clubs such as Costco. Convenience
delivery to their homes. stores now offer more than a slushie and gasoline; for
©Peter Dasilva/The New York Times/Redux Pictures example, Petro-Canada Neighbours stores provide
upscale sandwiches and salads. And retailers such as
Walmart and IKEA have in-store restaurants, making it easy for customers to shop lon-
conventional ger. And, of course, restaurants also compete for consumers’ food dollars. With restaurant
supermarket growth slowing, grocery stores represent an opportunity to increase distribution for fast-
Offers groceries, meat, and
produce with limited sales food chains such as Tim Hortons, which introduced chili and three soups to retailers such
of nonfood items, such as as Sobeys, FreshCo, and Shoppers Drug Mart.23
health and beauty aids and
general merchandise, in
The characteristics of the three major categories of food retailers—the conventional
a self-service format. supermarket, the big-box food retailer, and the convenience store—are summarized in
Exhibit 13.2.
big-box food retailer
Comes in three types: All this competition can mean trouble for traditional grocery stores. Yet some con-
supercentre, hypermarket, tinue to thrive because they offer their target customers great value—they are conveniently
and warehouse club; located, make shopping easy, have fair prices, and find special products and services that
larger than a conventional
supermarket; carries both are important to their customers. Pete’s Fine Foods, a Halifax-based grocery store, effec-
food and nonfood items. tively competes on selection and service. Knowledgeable staff members offer information

Exhibit 13.2 Food Retailer Characteristics

Category Description Examples

Conventional Offers groceries, meat, and produce, Safeway is a popular supermarket in Western
supermarket with limited sales of nonfood items, such Canada; Sobeys is common in Central
as health and beauty aids and general Canada and on the East Coast.
merchandise, in a self-service format.

Big-box food retailer Comes in three types: supercentres, Supercentres and warehouse clubs are
hypermarkets, and warehouse clubs. popular in Canada, whereas hypermarkets
Larger than conventional supermarkets, tend to flourish in Europe and South America.
they carry both food and nonfood items. Hypermarkets (Carrefour) and warehouse
clubs (Costco) generally carry a greater
percentage of food.

Convenience store Provides a limited number of items at Stores such as 7-Eleven generally charge
convenient locations in small stores with higher prices than most other types of food
speedy checkout. stores. Many convenience stores also sell
gasoline, which accounts for more than
55 percent of their annual sales.
Retailing and Omnichannel Marketing CHAPTER 13 401

about the selection of produce, storage, and cooking tips, and an in-house registered dieti-
tian helps shoppers understand which foods can re-energize their health.24

General Merchandise Retailers

The main types of general merchandise retailers are discount stores, specialty stores, general merchandise
category specialists, department stores, drugstores, off-price retailers, and extreme-value
May be discount stores,
retailers. Many of these general merchandise retailers sell through multiple channels, such specialty stores, category
as the Internet and catalogues, as discussed later in this chapter. specialists, department
stores, drugstores, off-price
retailers, or extreme-value
Discount Stores retailers; may sell through
multiple channels, such as
A discount store offers a broad variety of merchandise, limited service, and low prices. the Internet and catalogues.
Walmart and Giant Tiger dominate the discount store industry in Canada and vie for simi-
discount store
lar target markets. But because their competencies are slightly distinct, they both can Offers a broad variety
survive. Walmart pioneered the everyday low-price concept, and its efficient operations of merchandise, limited
have allowed it to offer the lowest-priced basket of merchandise in every market in which it service, and low prices.
competes—which doesn’t necessarily mean that Walmart has the lowest price on every
item in every market. But it does try to be the lowest across a wide variety. While it has
evolved to a supercentre format in some locations, industry experts still consider it a dis-
count store. Giant Tiger sells a large volume of merchandise at everyday low prices. It aims
to offer everything a customer could want, all under one roof, including a large assortment
of casual clothing and footwear, groceries, cleaning supplies, housewares, toys, and health
and beauty products.

Specialty Stores
Specialty stores concentrate on a limited number of complementary merchandise catego- specialty stores
ries in relatively small stores. These stores tailor their retail strategy toward very specific Concentrate on a limited
number of complementary
market segments by offering deep but narrow assortments and sales associate expertise. For merchandise categories in
example, Walking on a Cloud is a Canadian-owned and -operated footwear retailer. Its a relatively small store.
stores feature an extensive collection of fashionable, quality footwear for women, men, and
children, suitable for everything from
outdoor activities to the work environ-
ment. Some specialty stores come with
concerns as noted in in Ethical & Soci-
etal Dilemma 13.1. But, with the
legalization of marijuana, many con-
sumers cheered the opening of new
specialty stores offering a variety of
cannabis products and accessories.
Estée Lauder’s MAC line of cos-
metics sells in the company’s own
retail specialty stores, as well as in
some department stores. Specialty
stores would be excellent outlets for the
new lines by Estée Lauder and Britt.
Customers likely expect to find Coach’s
line of men’s leather goods and acces-
sories in men’s apparel, gift, or leather People love to shop at Giant Tiger stores because their merchandise is
stores. Britt’s line of green hair-care inexpensive, the stores are conveniently located and easy to shop in, and
products would fit nicely in a specialty treasures are found every day among the basics.
store such as Sephora. Used with permission of Giant Tiger Stores Limited
402 Section six Value Delivery: Designing the Distribution Channel and Supply Chain

Ethical & Societal Dilemma 13.1

Outcry as Juul Opens First Retail Although Juul says it views youth vaping as “com-
pletely unacceptable,” the minimalist design of its prod-
Vaping Store* uct appeals to a young target market. Some ­critics have
pointed out that the packaging mimics the colours used
Canada legalized vaping in May of 2018. One e-cigarette by Marlboro cigarettes. Juul executives claim they are not
maker, Juul, has quickly emerged as the leading ­vaping marketing to youth and have shut down the company’s
brand in Canada, capturing a 78-percent share of the Facebook and Instagram pages to combat underage
­market. Just as quickly, concerns have been raised that use. Still, in one high school, the principal estimates that
its products contain higher levels of nicotine than in the half of the students use e-cigarettes, many of which are
past. An online study that straddled the month before and Juul products.††† And with no telltale smell, vaping can be
just after Juul launched in Canadian stores found that the discrete enough that some high-school students have
­number of young vapers aged 16 to 19 nearly doubled admitted to doing it in class.
from 2017 to 2018. Both the increase and the fact that Juul products are carried in about 11,000 stores in
minors are vaping (the legal smoking age in Canada is 19) Canada. Its first retail store in North America, which
are worrisome. recently opened in Toronto, has stoked concerns about
the harms of vaping. Along with banning fruity flavours
that appeal to youth, Health Canada announced severe
advertising restrictions for e-cigarettes. The Canadian
federal government will ban e-cigarette ads in places
where young ­people would see them, including social
media, convenience stores, and public transit.** To further

Critics have noted that Juul’s packaging mimics An ad in The Globe and Mail to promote the
colours used by Marlborough. opening of Juul’s Toronto store.
Sources: (left): JUUL Labs; (right): Philip Morris USA Inc. Source: JUUL Labs
Retailing and Omnichannel Marketing CHAPTER 13 403

limit exposure, no advertising is allowed at retail stores, as a result of vaping in the U.S.† The people affected
in print publications, or on websites or social-media sites were young–19 years old on a ­ verage–and healthy, with
frequented by youth. one third of them under the age of 18. Most of them
The fact remains, the popularity of e-cigarettes means purchased their products on the black market.†† In lung
many youth are becoming addicted to ­nicotine. Although sample tests, researchers found a link between the ill-
the number of teen vapers has doubled since May 2018, ness and Vitamin E acetate, a cutting agent used in illicit
more teens still smoke than vape. That raised fears about THC vaping products.‡ The U.S. Food and Drug Admin-
vaping leading to smoking and led to calls for an out- istration plans to develop guidelines that would ban all
right ban on e-­cigarettes as well as action to raise the flavoured e-cigarette products. Other countries, includ-
legal smoking age to 21. More alarming is the news that ing Australia, Singapore, Brazil, India, and China, have
dozens of people have died and thousands became sick banned e-cigarettes.‡‡

*Adina Bresge, “Juul opens store in Toronto amid outcry about rise of teen vaping,” The Associated Press, July 29, 2019,
juul-opens-store-in-toronto-amid-outcry-about-rise-of-teen-vaping-1.4528256; Carly Weeks, “Health Canada proposes stricter advertising rules to
address youth vaping,” The Globe and Mail, February 5, 2019,
rules-to-address-youth/; André Picard, “Banning e-cigarettes is not the way to address fears about the harms of vaping,” The Globe and Mail, July 2, 2019
(accessed August 11, 2019).
†††“U.S. e-cigarette maker Juul facing mounting scrutiny by state attorneys-general,” The Globe and Mail, August 29, 2019,
business/international-business/article-us-e-cigarette-maker-juul-facing-mounting-scrutiny-by-state/ (accessed Sept. 3, 2019).
**Carly Weeks, “Ottawa to ban e-cigarette ads in bid to curb youth vaping use,” The Globe and Mail, December 19, 2019,
canada/article-vaping-teens-regulations-e-cigarettes-nicotine-vaping-ban (accessed December 22, 2019).
†Carly Weeks, “Canada’s first vaping-related illness reported in London, Ont.,” The Globe and Mail, September 18, 2019,
canada/article-canadas-first-vaping-related-illness-reported-in-ontario; Andre Picard, “A dual challenge: Preventing teen vaping and encouraging adult
harm-reduction,” The Globe and Mail, November 18, 2019,
encouraging-adult-harm/ (accessed November 19, 2019)
††Andre Picard, “Banning vaping is not the way to address the worrying outbreak of related lung disease,” The Globe and Mail, Sept. 9, 2019, www.the (accessed Sept. 10, 2019).
‡Julie Steenhuysen, " U.S. CDC reports 'breakthrough' in vaping lung injury probe as cases top 2,000,” Reuters, November 9, 2019,
article/us-health-vaping-cdc/u-s-cdc-reports-breakthrough-in-vaping-lung-injury-probe-as-cases-top-2000-idUSKBN1XI26R (accessed November 13, 2019).
‡‡Matthew Perrone, “Trump administration plans to ban flavours used in e-cigarettes,” The Globe and Mail, September 11, 2019, www.theglobeandmail.
com/world/us-politics/article-trump-administration-announces-plans-to-ban-flavored-e-cigarettes-from/; Ari Altstedter and Bibhudatta Pradhan, Tide
Turns Against Vaping as India Bans Sales, China Sites Pull Juul, Bloomberg, September 18, 2019,
bans-e-cigarettes-amid-global-concern-over-health-risks (accessed September 19, 2019).

Sephora, France’s leading perfume and cosmetic chain—a division of the luxury
goods conglomerate LVMH (Louis Vuitton–Moët Hennessy)—is an example of an inno-
vative specialty store concept. In Canada, prestigious cosmetics are typically sold in
department stores. Each brand has a separate counter, and a commissioned salesperson
is stationed behind the counter to help customers. Sephora is a cosmetics and perfume
­specialty store offering a deep assortment in a self-service, 550- to 840-square-metre
­format. Its stores provide more than 15 000 SKUs and more than 200 brands, including its
own, private-label brand. Merchandise is grouped by product category, with the brands
displayed alphabetically so customers can locate them easily. Customers are free to shop
and experiment on their own. Product testing is encouraged. The knowledgeable sales-
people, always available to assist customers, are paid a salary by Sephora, unlike depart-
ment store cosmetic salespeople, who are compensated in part by incentives provided
by the vendors. The low-key, open-sell environment results in customers spending more
time shopping.

Category Specialists
A category specialist offers a narrow variety but a deep assortment of merchandise. Some category specialist
are like large specialty stores, such as Paderno (home and kitchen tools) or ­Chapters Indigo Offers a narrow variety
but a deep assortment of
(books); others resemble discount stores in appearance and have similar low prices but merchandise.
offer a more concentrated assortment of goods, such as Best Buy (consumer electronics) or
Home Depot (home improvement). Most category specialists use a self-service approach,
404 Section six Value Delivery: Designing the Distribution Channel and Supply Chain

but some, such as Home Depot, provide extensive

customer service. Because category specialists offer
such an extensive assortment in a particular cate-
gory, they can so overwhelm the category that other
retailers have difficulty competing; in these cases,
the specialist is frequently called a category killer.
Using their category dominance, these retailers are
able to exploit their buying power to negotiate low

Department Stores
Department stores are retailers that carry many dif-
ferent types of merchandise (broad variety) and lots
of items within each type (deep assortment), offer
Estée Lauder’s MAC Cosmetics lines sell in specialty stores.
©Astrid Stawiarz/Getty Images for MAC Cosmetics
some customer services, and are organized into
separate departments to display their merchandise.
Department stores often resemble a collection of
category killer specialty shops, including women’s, men’s, and children’s clothing and accessories; home
Offers an extensive furnishings and furniture; and kitchenwares and small appliances.
assortment in a particular
category, so overwhelming Some observers argue that the era of the department store has come to an end. With
the category that other the demise of Eaton’s and Sears, the largest remaining department store chain in Canada
retailers have difficulty
is the Hudson’s Bay Company. Other store chains are very diverse. Some, such as Saks
OFF Fifth, carry less expensive products and compete more closely with discount stores,
whereas others, such as Holt Renfrew, sell expensive, exclusive merchandise and compete
with high-end specialty store chains. Founded in 1840, higher-end fashion retailer Simons
has been rapidly expanding outside of its home province of Quebec with new stores in
drugstore Ontario, Alberta, and British Columbia.
A specialty store that
concentrates on health
Department stores have lost market share to specialty stores, discount stores, and
and personal grooming ­category specialists in recent years. They seem to have gotten stuck in the middle,
merchandise, though between those retailers that provide a better value at lower prices and those that offer
pharmaceuticals may
represent more than more ­complete and fashionable assortments and better customer service, according to
60 percent of its sales. consumer perceptions. But they are fighting back with a vengeance. Hudson’s Bay has
begun placing a greater emphasis on high-fashion,
private-label merchandise than it did in the past.
Facing a flood of American rivals (including
­Nordstrom, Nordstrom Rack, Bloomingdales, and
J. Crew) that have opened Canadian locations,
both Holt Renfrew and Hudson’s Bay leapt into the
discount category. Holt’s launched hr2 stores in
Brossard, Quebec, and Vaughan, Ontario, offering
leading brands at discount prices, however, closed
both in mid-2017.25 Hudson’s Bay unveiled its first
outlet store outside Toronto featuring “mid-tier”
brands such as Calvin Klein, Guess, and DKNY,
followed by a second store in Montreal. However,
one year later, both outlets were closed.26

Stores such as Home Depot are known as category specialists
because they offer a narrow variety but a deep assortment of A drugstore is a specialty store that concentrates
merchandise. on health and personal grooming merchandise,
Lawrence K. Ho/Los Angeles Times via Getty Images though pharmaceuticals often represent more than
Retailing and Omnichannel Marketing CHAPTER 13 405

60 percent of its sales. The largest drugstore chains in Canada—Shoppers Drug Mart
(Pharmaprix in Quebec), Jean Coutu, PharmaSave, and London Drugs—face a major
challenge because of the low margins they earn on prescription drugs; health insurance
companies and government programs pay most of the cost of many prescriptions, and the
health insurance companies negotiate substantially lower prices with drugstores. These
drugstores therefore are attempting to make up for their lost profits on prescriptions by
concentrating their efforts on nonpharmaceutical products. Shoppers Drug Mart has rede-
signed its cosmetic counters as Beauty Boutiques to capitalize on attractive profit margins
from cosmetic products. It has even added clinics offering cosmetic treatment services such
as laser therapy and injections of Botox or skin fillers. General merchandise has long been
a staple in drugstores, but food, particularly fresh food such as milk and fruit, has become a
relatively new addition to their assortment.

Off-Price Retailers
An off-price retailer—such as Winners, Designer Depot, Marshalls, and HomeSense— off-price retailer
offers an inconsistent assortment of merchandise at relatively low prices. They typically A type of retailer that
offers an inconsistent
buy from manufacturers or other retailers with excess inventory or at the end of a season assortment of merchandise
for one-quarter to one-fifth the original wholesale price. Because of the way these ­retailers at relatively low prices.
buy, customers can never be confident that the same type of merchandise will be in stock
each time they visit the store. Different bargains also will be available on each visit. To
improve their offerings’ consistency, some off-price retailers complement their opportu-
nistically bought merchandise with merchandise purchased at regular wholesale prices.
In addition to their low prices, the key to off-price retailers’ success is the treasure hunt
extreme-value retailer
environment they create. Customers often make purchase decisions based on price tags
A general merchandise
that are compared to “regular” retail prices. However, these comparisons can sometimes discount store found in
be misleading. lower-income urban or
rural areas.
Extreme-value retailers, such as Dollarama, are a subset of off-price retailers and one of
the fastest-growing retailing segments. An extreme-value retailer is a general merchan- services retailers
Firms that primarily sell
dise discount store found in a lower-income urban or rural area. They are much smaller services rather than
than traditional discount stores, usually less than 840 square metres. merchandise.

Services Retailers
The retail firms discussed in the previous sections
sell products to consumers. However, services
retailers, or firms that primarily sell services rather
than merchandise, are a large and growing part of
the retail industry. Consider a typical Saturday:
After a bagel and cup of coffee at a nearby Great
Canadian Bagel, you go to the laundromat to wash
and dry your clothes, drop off a suit at a dry cleaner,
have a prescription filled at a Rexall drugstore, and
make your way to Jiffy Lube to have your car’s oil
changed. In a hurry, you drive through a Burger
King so you can eat lunch quickly and be on time
for your haircut at Supercuts. By mid-afternoon,
you’re ready for a workout at the YMCA. After stop-
ping at home for a change of clothes, you’re off to
dinner, a movie, and dancing with a friend. Finally,
to end your day, you buy a caffè latte at Starbucks, Shoppers Drug Mart has opened numerous Beauty Boutiques
having interacted with 10 different services retailers to capitalize on attractive profit margins from cosmetics.
during the day. Source: Shoppers Drug Mart Corporation
406 Section six Value Delivery: Designing the Distribution Channel and Supply Chain

There are a wide variety of services retailers, along with some national companies,
that provide these services. These companies are retailers because they sell goods and
services to consumers. However, some are not just retailers. For example, airlines, banks,
hotels, and insurance and express-mail companies sell their services to businesses as well
as consumers.
Organizations such as banks, hospitals, health spas, legal clinics, entertainment firms,
and universities that offer services to consumers traditionally have not considered them-
selves retailers. Yet due to increased competition, these organizations are adopting retailing
principles to attract customers and satisfy their needs.
Several trends suggest considerable future growth in services retailing. For example,
the aging population will increase demand for healthcare services. Younger people are also
spending more time and money on health and fitness. Busy parents in two-income fami-
lies are willing to pay to have their homes cleaned, lawns maintained, clothes washed and
pressed, and meals prepared so they can spend more time with their families.

LO3 Developing a Retail Strategy

In a time when more and more Canadian consumers are value conscious, retailers need strat-
egies that deliver. Today’s consumers shop at any retailer or through any retailing channel
they feel provides the best value for their money. And the lines between the different types of
retailers are increasingly becoming blurred as retailers expand the range of their merchandise
and services. For example, Walmart (and, to a lesser extent, Shoppers Drug Mart) has moved
into the grocery business. Thus, it is extremely important for retailers to develop effective
retailing strategies and market positioning in order to differentiate themselves in the increas-
ingly competitive landscape and give customers a compelling reason to shop at their stores.
In developing an effective retailing strategy, many of the principles we discussed in
Chapter 6 on segmentation, targeting, and positioning can be very helpful. Retailers must
first obtain a deep understanding of the consumers in their markets—their attitudes,
behaviours, and preferences. Then they must use this knowledge of their consumers to
develop market segments and select those segments they want to serve. Retailers that try to
be all things to all people often end up not being able to serve any particular segment appro-
priately and soon find themselves in serious trouble. Once the target market is selected,
retail mix retailers must develop the retail mix. This includes the four Ps: product (merchandise
Product (merchandise assortment), pricing, promotion, and place. And because so much of the marketing in the
assortment), pricing,
promotion, place, retailing world takes place in physical stores, we have added two additional Ps: personnel
personnel, and and presentation (store design and display.) These elements must be closely coordinated so
presentation (store that they portray a consistent and clear positioning such that consumers know what type of
design and display)
strategies to reach and customers the retailer is targeting and how it wants to serve them. For example, a retailer
serve consumers. such as Harry Rosen, which wants to be perceived as a high-end clothing retailer, carries
high-quality clothing, offers personalized services, and charges premium prices for its mer-
chandise. Harry Rosen’s store image and atmospherics (presentation) also portray an image
of affluence and professionalism—an image that is consistent with its customers’ percep-
tions of themselves.
Like other marketers, retailers perform important functions that increase the value of
products and services they sell to consumers. We now examine in more detail how retailers
develop the retail mix.

Product (Merchandise Assortment)

A typical grocery store carries 30,000 to 40,000 different items; a regional department
store might carry as many as 200,000. Providing the right mix of merchandise and ser-
vices that satisfies the needs of the target market is one of retailers’ most fundamental
Retailing and Omnichannel Marketing CHAPTER 13 407

activities. Offering assortments gives customers choice and helps attract new and
existing customers: Loblaw has created many different store formats for different
­target customers. For example, Loblaw’s Real Canadian Superstores are for ­customers
who want high-quality products, a wide range of product assortments, and high lev-
els of ­service, and are willing to pay a premium, but Loblaw’s No Frills stores are for
­customers who want to pay much lower prices and don’t mind narrower product assort-
ments and less service.
Hudson’s Bay added designer shoe lines to its mix when its analysis showed that
footwear sales trends were rising, while clothing and accessory sales were falling.27 It
is now the top seller of women’s shoes in Canada. To further boost sales, it will focus
on shoes and other key areas including clothing, handbags, jewellery, and ­cosmetics.28
Staples added more upscale headphones, such as Beats by Dre and Monster, which
resulted in double-digit sales increases.29 Likewise, the merchandise strategy at
­Chapters Indigo stores has moved away from books and gift items to home decor, elec-
tronics, and higher-end toys such as American Girl dolls. Not all changes are success-
ful, however. HMV Canada shook up music retailing with the addition of headphones,
books, gadgets, and clothing designed to attract teens and 20-somethings looking to
make a fashion statement into its stores. And still, the chain was put into receivership,
closing all its stores in 2017.30
Manufacturers don’t like to store inventory because their factories and warehouses
are typically not available to customers. Consumers don’t want to store more than they
need because it takes up too much space. Neither group likes to store inventory that
isn’t being used because doing so ties up money that could be used for something else.
Retailers thus provide value to both manufacturers and customers by performing the
storage function, though many retailers are beginning to push their suppliers to hold
the inventory until they need it. (Recall our discussion of just-in-time inventory ­systems
in Chapter 12.)
It is difficult for retailers to distinguish themselves from their competitors through
the merchandise they carry because competitors can purchase and sell many of the same
popular brands. So, many retailers have developed private-label brands (also called store
brands), which are products developed and marketed by a retailer and available only from
that retailer. For example, if you
want House & Home bedding, you
have to go to Hudson’s Bay.

Price helps define the value of
both the merchandise and the ser-
vice, and the general price range
of a particular store helps define
its image. Although both Banana
Republic and Old Navy are owned
by The Gap, their images could
not be more different. Banana
Republic prices its merchandise
to attract young professionals,
whereas Old Navy aims to satisfy
trendy, price-sensitive consum-
ers. Thus, when a manufacturer Many retailers have developed private-label brands to differentiate their
considers which of these stores is merchandise.
most appropriate for its new line Shutterstock/crystalfoto
408 Section six Value Delivery: Designing the Distribution Channel and Supply Chain

of scarves and accessories, it must keep customers’ perceived images of these retailers’
price–quality relationship in mind.
As we showed in Chapter 11, there is much more to pricing than simply adding
a markup onto a product’s cost. Manufacturers must consider at what price they will
sell the product to retailers so that both the manufacturer and the retailer can make a
reasonable profit. At the same time, both the manufacturer and the retailer are con-
cerned about what the customer is willing to pay. Clothing retailers address this in part
by displaying new arrivals at the front of the store where fashion forward customers
browse. Price sensitive customers likely head straight to the sale racks at the back of
the store.
Technology can shape customer expectations of price by enabling them to quickly and
easily access information. Canadian Tire launched a mobile app that allows in-store shop-
pers to scan product bar codes to get price, availability, and product information, as well as
ratings and reviews by other customers. Shoppers can also access the Canadian Tire weekly
flyer to check out current sales and special pricing or to get alerts when items on their wish
list go on sale.31 The app also allows customers to shop using a mobile device and then pick
up in-store.
Retailers that provide great value, such as Costco, were once known largely as a des-
tination for monthly stock-up trips. But today, they have penetrated the weekly shopping
routine. Consumers of all ages, nearly all income groups, and practically all segments have
undertaken the “shift to value.” Consumers have fundamentally changed their reference
points for both price and quality, such that they have been trained to expect significantly
lower prices from many retailers.
Price must always be aligned with the other elements of the retail mix: product,
promotion, place, personnel, and presentation. For instance, you would not expect to
pay $20 for a chocolate bar sold in your local grocery store, but a limited-edition bar
made of fine Belgian dark chocolate, packaged in a gold-plated keepsake box, and sold
at Holt Renfrew might be a real steal at $20.

Retailers and manufacturers know that good promotion, both within their retail environ-
ments and in the media, can mean the difference between flat sales and a growing consumer
base. Advertising in traditional media such as newspapers, magazines, and television con-
tinues to be important to get customers into the
stores. Increasingly, electronic communications are
being used for promotions. In the store, however,
retailers use displays and signs, placed at the point
of purchase or in strategic areas such as the ends of
aisles (known as end caps), to inform customers and
stimulate purchases of the featured products.
Technology is expanding the ways in which
retailers can reach customers with their promotional
message. For example, customers can access a retail-
er’s website using a variety of devices, ranging from
a computer to a mobile device. However, the typical
retailer’s website is not designed to accommodate a
mobile device’s small screen and slower download
speeds. As a result, companies such as Sephora have
Costco attracts people of all ages and income brackets as developed special sites for users to access through
consumers shift to value retailers. mobile devices. As noted earlier, Canadian Tire has
Michael Brochstein/SOPA Images/LightRocket via Getty Images created a specialized app to enable mobile device
Retailing and Omnichannel Marketing CHAPTER 13 409

users to shop or obtain more merchandise

A coordinated effort between the man-
ufacturer and retailer helps guarantee that
the customer receives a cohesive message.
The extent to which manufacturers work
with their retailers to coordinate promo-
tional activities can ensure that both the
manufacturer and the retailer can maintain
their consistent images. For example,
Coach for Men might work with its most
important retailers to develop advertising
and point-of-sale signs. It may even help
defray the costs of advertising by paying all
or a portion of the advertising’s production
and media costs, an agreement called
cooperative (co-op) advertising.
Store credit cards and gift cards are
more subtle forms of promotion that also
facilitate shopping. Retailers also might
offer pricing promotions—such as cou-
pons, rebates, in-store or online discounts, The Canadian Tire app lets customers easily shop from mobile devices.
or perhaps buy-one-get-one-free offers—to Trademarks of Canadian Tire Corporation, Limited used under licence.
attract consumers and stimulate sales.
These promotions play a very important role in driving traffic to retail locations, increas- cooperative (co-op)
ing the average purchase size, and creating opportunities for repeat purchases. But retail advertising
An agreement between
promotions also are valuable to customers; they inform customers about what is new and a manufacturer and retailer
available and how much it costs. in which the manufacturer
Augmented reality is being used by more and more retailers to attract customers to agrees to defray some
advertising costs.
their stores. For example, both large and small retailers leveraged the Pokémon Go app
when it first launched. Lowes Canada
used augmented reality technology to
allow customers using an iPhone to see
3D renderings of Maytag appliances.
From the comfort of their homes,
users were able to not only view refrig-
erators, washers, and dryers, but also
open and close doors and get a feel for
how the appliances worked.32

Presentation (Store
Design and Display)
In addition to more traditional forms
of promotion, many retailers are
devoting more resources to their
overall retail environment as a means
to promote and showcase what the
store has to offer. Their displays of Retailers used augmented reality apps such as Pokémon Go to attract
merchandise, both in the store and in shoppers to their stores.
windows, have become an important Shutterstock/Artissara
410 Section six Value Delivery: Designing the Distribution Channel and Supply Chain

form of promotion. For example, ­Shoppers Drug Mart has rede-

signed its cosmetics counters as Beauty ­Boutiques. Since many
shopping activities can be rather mundane, those retailers that can
distinguish themselves with unusual and exciting store atmospher-
ics add value to the shopping experience. A Consumer Insights
Study by PwC Global found that consumer interest in having better
information means that merchandise displays should become more
interactive as end caps with passive video displays evolve into per-
sonalized displays designed to catch the eye of consumers.33 Tesla’s
stores are set up with interactive displays. Customers can configure
their own vehicle using a touchscreen and then view their design
on an 85-inch video wall when they have finished.34 In a decid-
edly different take on atmospherics, Cirque du Soleil has brought
a theatrical element to malls as you will read in Entrepreneurial
Marketing 13.1.
My Virtual Model overcomes the limitations Smart mirrors have been introduced by retailers such as Neiman
associated with trying on clothing. Marcus and ­Nordstrom. The mirrors allow customers to take photos of
Used by permission of themselves in an outfit and then view side-by-side images35 for com-
parison to determine which outfit they like the best.
Retailers continue to improve their “shopability” by providing more convenient store
layouts and shopping experiences that make the task faster, easier, or more interesting.
The Body Shop has embraced a concept known as “entertailing” to provide stories behind
products and a more interactive experience that encourages customers to stay in stores
longer.36 Apple Stores have used experiential retailing by giving customers something to
touch, read, or play with, at their Genius Bars. At Sport Chek, technology is transform-
ing the in-store experience with the launch of digital walls that allow browsers to learn
more about its products. For example, by picking up two Nike shoes that are connected
to a gaming controller, customers can compare features; get in-depth product information
such as sizes and colours available; and even learn about the performance of athletes who
wear the shoes.37 Customers can even use a video camera on the treadmill to record their
stride and gait and then replay the video in slow motion to analyze leg inclination and foot
angle.38 The digital signage is intended to inspire and enhance the customer service experi-
ence. The strategy translated to sales that were running 150 percent higher than expected.39
Manufacturers actively work to obtain appropriate placement on shelves and displays
in strategic areas such as the point-of-purchase (POP) or the end of aisles. Lighting, colour,
and music are used to highlight merchandise and create a mood that will attract the store’s
target markets. The taste and smell of new food items may attract people to try something
they normally wouldn’t. So, some retailers provide edible samples and encourage pleasant
aromas to circulate through the store. Similarly, some retailers offer trunk shows, during
which their vendors show their whole line of merchandise on a certain day. During these
well-advertised events, customers are often enticed to purchase that day because they get
special assistance from the salespeople and can order merchandise that the retailer other-
wise does not carry.
Consider the British outerwear retailer Hunter’s new flagship store in Tokyo. This
two-storey store brings the British countryside to Japan. The first floor evokes a forest
with “birch trees” that appear to reach the ceiling. The second floor is themed like a tra-
ditional hedge garden, featuring LED-lit hedges. Furthermore, a large screen highlights
brand campaigns, recent local and global events, as well as regular weather updates
from the UK, which is accompanied by a custom soundscape that includes heavy rain
and thunderstorms.40
Various theories have been developed to explain the structure and evolution of the
retail industry.41 The Wheel of Retailing (shown in Exhibit 13.3) offers one view of how new
Retailing and Omnichannel Marketing CHAPTER 13 411

Entrepreneurial Marketing 13.1

Malls Are Becoming a Circus —

Cirque du Soleil started as a group of 20 street perform-
ers in Quebec in 1984. Under the keen eye of founder
Guy Laliberté, who has been involved in the creation of
every show, it has evolved into a world-class entertain-
ment company. Today more than 180 million people in
60 countries have been wowed by a decidedly different
take on circus arts. Laliberté achieved success by sharply
focusing on trends. And so it is not surprising that Cirque
du Soleil took notice of the changing retail environment.
CREACTIVE is retail with a theatrical element designed
No longer simply a destination for clothing and
to entertain consumers in a mall environment.
groceries, shopping malls are moving toward being
Source: Cirque du Soleil Entertainment Group
entertainment centres, a change born out of necessity.
Coresight Research predicts that, by 2023, store clo-
sures will increase by 20 percent. In recent years, it notes family entertainment in large 24,000-square-foot spaces.
that consumers have redirected $139 billion in spend- CREACTIVE participants will get to try acrobatic and artis-
ing toward experiences. By 2023, it says an additional tic activities such as aerial parkour, wire and trampoline,
$78 billion will flow toward discretionary spending at the bungee jumping, mask design, and dancing. Malls love
expense of conventional retail purchases. the idea because it gives consumers a new reason to
With the closure of mall anchor stores such as ­Target visit. And once they are there, hopefully they will stay
and Sears, developers have searched for ways to fill the for a while, perhaps grab something to eat, or browse in
empty spaces and attract consumers who are spend- some of the retail stores.
ing more on entertainment. And if you are already a Cirque du Soleil’s first CREACTIVE location is in
world-class entertainment company, what better way Vaughan Mills just north of Toronto, in partnership with
to reach new and larger audiences than by taking your Ivanhoé Cambridge, a Canadian mall real estate com-
show to the mall? Cirque du Soleil calls its new concept pany. It’s a very different approach to atmospherics and
­CREACTIVE, an immersive, participative experience that gives a whole new meaning to retail as theatre.
gives fans an unique insider’s perspective, letting them The COVID-19 pandemic forced Cirque du Soleil to
jump on stage and imagine what it would be like to be shut down all performances globally. It filed for and has
one of the performers. since emerged from creditor protection as new inves-
The concept is already offered at Club Med loca- tors came forward with a plan to rekindle the brand and
tions in Provence, France, as well as Punta Cana, restore international recognition.††† It is uncertain whether
Dominican Republic. The move to malls will offer indoor mall expansion will continue.
“Press Kits,” Cirque du Soleil Entertainment Group,; “Cirque du Soleil Is Coming to Shopping Malls in 2019,”
Brand Channel, June 15, 2018,; “Deep Dive: The Mall Is Not Dead, Part 3—Five
Predictions for Five Years Out,” Coresight Research, May 17, 2018,
-for-five-years-out/ (accessed August 10, 2019).
†††Nicholas van Praet and Andrew Willis, "Cirque du Soleil creditors win control of company after higher bids fail to materialize," The Globe and Mail,
August 18, 2020,; Nicholas van Praet, “Cirque
du Soleil hopes to restart live shows next spring after emerging from bankruptcy,” The Globe and Mail, November 24, 2020, (accessed November 24, 2020).

forms of retail outlets compete in the market. Generally, retailers enter with low prices, low
margins, and low status. Over time, they add more and more service and other improve-
ments and thus are able to raise prices, earn higher margins, and achieve higher status with
consumers. For example, the first menu at McDonald’s offered only hamburgers, french
fries, and milkshakes for takeout. Today, McDonald’s has a wide and varied menu, upscale
coffee, indoor seating, Wi-Fi access, play areas for children, and even table service in some
In the Wheel of Retailing concept, as stores add services and improvements, expand
the mix of merchandise carried, and upgrade their facilities, costs are generally added to
412 Section six Value Delivery: Designing the Distribution Channel and Supply Chain

Exhibit 13.3 The Wheel of Retailing

As more time passes,

outlet adds still
more services
2. Outlet now has 3. Outlet now has
Higher prices Still higher prices
Higher margins Still higher margins
Higher status Still higher status

As time
outlet Passage of Time

4. New form of outlet

1. Outlet starts with
enters retailing
Low prices
environment with
Low margins
characteristics of
Low status
outlet Box 1

the day-to-day operations, which results in higher prices. This change opens up opportuni-
ties for new lean, mean entrants at the beginning of the wheel.
In some Canadian McDonald’s outlets, unappealing plastic is being replaced by taste-
ful colours and natural materials, fireplaces, flat-screen TVs, leather chairs, and modern
lighting fixtures. Stores are being redesigned, featuring up to four different zones geared
to the needs of different target markets; for example, a high-traffic zone for people on the
go, a comfortable seating area where customers can linger, and an area specifically for
families and large groups.42 The retrofit is linked to McDonald’s strategy to gain a large
part of the specialty beverage market, which is dominated by retailers such as Starbucks
and Second Cup. By introducing upscale coffee and comfortable seating, McDonald’s can
earn higher margins and gain higher status. These innovations have enabled McDonald’s
to continue to serve its existing loyal customers and reach out to new target segments
while ­charging competitive prices—key factors for successful retailing. Thus, it is hardly
surprising that McDonald’s continues to dominate its industry and stave off competition
from new entrants.
Even beer stores across Canada are sprucing up their outlets in an attempt to
improve the customer experience. In British Columbia, signature stores now offer
broader ­selection and better presentation of products. To refresh the store experience
in ­Manitoba, the government has opened new express and mini-stores. You can browse
product selection on wall-mounted tablets in Ontario stores that feature upbeat music
and trained staff who suggest food pairings for your beer. Whenever a lease comes up for
renewal, the Société des alcools du Québec invests heavily in improving the look of the
Retailing and Omnichannel Marketing CHAPTER 13 413

McDonald’s redesigned restaurant (right) in Scarborough, Ontario, is considerably more upscale compared to early
restaurants (left).
(left): James Leynse/Corbis via Getty Images; (right): Heorshe/Alamy Stock Photo

stores. Although most storefronts in Nova Scotia were renovated years ago, the focus is
now on the back area, in pursuit of a browsing experience that doesn’t feel like being in a
warehouse. And in Prince Edward Island, a rebranding effort has taken place to provide a
new name, new colours, and new store layout and design.43
A variety of factors influence whether customers will actually buy once they are in the
store; some of these are quite subtle. Consumers’ perceptions of value and their subsequent
patronage are heavily influenced by their perceptions of the store’s “look and feel.” Con-
sider the difference between having coffee at Tim Hortons® versus Second Cup. In which
outlet would you rather spend time socializing with your friends? Music, colour, scent,
and crowding can also significantly impact the overall shopping experience. The extent
to which stores offer a more pleasant shopping experience fosters a good mood, resulting
in greater spending. As Sustainable Marketing 13.1 notes, some retailers are committing
to publicly stated sustainability measures to help both their stores and their customers
embrace greener practices.

Personal selling and customer service representatives are also part of the overall promo-
tional package. Retailers must provide services that make it easier to buy and use products.
Well-trained sales personnel can influence the sale at the point of purchase by educating
consumers about product attributes, pointing out the advantages of one item over another,
and encouraging multiple purchases, whether in the store, on the phone, or on the Inter-
net. They can also facilitate the sale of products or services that consumers perceive as
complicated, risky, or expensive, such as an air conditioning unit or a diamond ring. Manu-
facturers can play an important role in getting retail sales and service associates prepared
to sell their products. Estée Lauder, for example, could conduct seminars about how to use
and sell a new line of cosmetics. In some retail firms, these salesperson and customer ser-
vice functions are being augmented, or even replaced, by technology used through in-store
kiosks, the Internet, or self-checkout lanes.
414 Section six Value Delivery: Designing the Distribution Channel and Supply Chain

Sustainable Marketing 13.1

MEC Strives for the Smallest

Possible Footprint***
Active outdoor enthusiasts recognize Mountain Equip-
ment Co-Op (MEC) as this country’s leading specialty
retailer for clothing and gear. Founded in 1971, the com-
pany operates as a member-owned co-op, providing
quality products at fair prices. Reporting $462 million
in sales in 2019, MEC has over 5.4 million members, 22
stores, and a robust ecommerce site ( In
2007, MEC became the first major Canadian retailer to
become involved with 1% for the Planet, an alliance of
businesses in support of outdoor and environmental ini-
tiatives. Through the alliance, 1 percent of all purchases
by MEC members help to preserve habitats and support
community projects.
MEC’s Ottawa store was designed to comply with Canada’s
A deep-rooted connection to nature makes sustainabil-
C2000 Green Building Standards and incorporates 75 percent
ity an integral part of MEC’s approach to doing business. of the materials in the site’s existing building.
With a goal to leave the world a better place than they found
Used with permission of Mountain Equipment Co-Op (MEC)
it, the company’s managers make no decisions before
considering society and the environment. MEC embraces
leading sustainability practices, setting an example it hopes
will inspire other companies to follow suit. It believes that energy use and diverting waste. It cut out unnecessary
quality products have the smallest possible footprint, evi- packaging, limits glue, and uses recyclable materials.
denced by its expanded assortment of Fair Trade Certified Single-use shopping bags were eliminated in stores in
clothing from two to 32 styles. In an effort to minimize the 2008. Although it had produced a hard-copy catalogue
environmental and health impacts of manufacturing, MEC for years, it stopped doing so in 2011, saving 300,000
works closely with Bluesign, an organization that sets best kilograms of paper annually. With its willingness to
-practice standards for the textile industry. repair items, donate usable products, and take back or
Collaboration with supply chain members is helping recycle items such as batteries and bike tires, MEC was
MEC to improve both social and environmental perfor- able to divert 1.9 million pounds of waste in 2019.
mance. For example, its Responsible Sourcing Program Continuous improvements are made to green
ensures MEC products are made in safe conditions in its buildings and stores, eight of which have been
locations that implement fair labour practices. The com- designed to LEED Gold Standards, and one to a LEED
pany is one of only 23 companies globally to be accred- platinum model. Many green features have been incor-
ited by the Fair Labor Association, an organization porated, including the use of reclaimed materials,
formed to protect the rights of workers. In conducting fac- motion sensors to turn off lights in unoccupied areas,
tory audits in 2015, it found ten unacceptable violations solar panels, rainwater collection on roofs, and the
and worked with manufacturers to resolve them. After reduction of wastewater through composting toilets.
repeated fruitless efforts to address two violations at one In 2019, MEC was recognized by MediaCorp as one
facility, MEC stopped doing business there. A toll-free of Canada’s greenest employers and also named as
hotline, Clear Voice Services, allows employees to report the most trusted brand by the Gustavson Brand Trust
grievances and concerns. Index. If you visit a store, you can take a self-guided
MEC has set aggressive goals for reducing its carbon Green Building Tour to see other sustainable features
footprint, publicly committing to reducing emissions from at work.

***“Consolidated Financial Statements,” MOUNTAIN EQUIPMENT CO-OPERATIVE, June 7, 2019,

/2017/06/2019-02-24-Mountain-Equipment-Co-Op-FS-AR_digital-signatures.pdf; MEC, “Our Roots,”; MEC, “2018-19
Scorecard,”; Justin Dallaire, “MEC tops the 2019 Gustavson Brand Trust Index,” Strategy, May 1, 2019, (accessed August 10, 2019).
Retailing and Omnichannel Marketing CHAPTER 13 415

Each Apple store features a simple layout that

enables shoppers to play with the latest gadgets,
though the real key to success is the salespeople.
Apple keeps its product lines narrow, so salespeople
can become familiar with every product in the store.
For more technical questions, Apple Geniuses are
available, and consultations can be scheduled. The
company takes nothing for granted when training
its employees, such that it uses role-playing scenar-
ios, lists banned words, and specifies exactly how to
communicate with agitated customers. Although
technical expertise is a must, Apple also looks for
salespeople with “magnetic personalities” and trains
them in a five-point selling technique: approach
customers warmly, probe politely to assess their
needs, present solutions the customer can do Apple’s personnel is a key factor in its stores’ success. The
today, listen and resolve worries the customer may salespeople and Apple Geniuses are very knowledgeable.
still have, end by giving the customer a warm good- ©Michael Short/Bloomberg via Getty Images
bye and invite them back.44
Traditionally, retailers treated all their customers the same. Today, the most success-
ful retailers concentrate on providing more value to their best customers. The knowledge
retailers gain from their store personnel, the Internet browsing and buying activities of
customers, and the data they collect on customer shopping habits can be used in customer
relationship management (CRM). Using this information, retailers may modify product,
price, and/or promotion in an attempt to increase their share of wallet—the percentage share of wallet
of the customer’s purchases made from that particular retailer. For instance, multi-channel The percentage of the
customer’s purchases
retailers use consumer information collected from the customers’ Internet browsing and made from a particular
buying behaviour to send personalized emails promoting specific products or services. retailer.
Retailers may also offer special discounts to good customers to make them even more loyal.

Retailers already have realized that conve-
nience is a key ingredient to success, and an
important aspect of this success is convenient
locations. As the old cliché claims, the three
most important things in retailing are “location,
location, location.” Great locations provide a
competitive advantage that few rivals can dupli-
cate. Although fashion retailer Zara spends
almost nothing on advertising, it invests heavily
in locating its shops in venues that offer beauty
and historical appeal.45 And once Starbucks
saturates a market by opening in the best loca-
tions, it will be difficult for a new competitor to
break into that same market—where would it
put its stores?
In pursuit of better and better locations,
retailers are experimenting with different
options to reach their target markets. Canada’s To offer more convenience, some Shoppers Drug Mart stores are
largest drugstore retailer, Shoppers Drug Mart, open 24 hours a day so customers can pick up prescriptions or other
now has some stores that are open 24 hours items at any time.
a day so customers can pick up prescriptions Shutterstock/Jeff Whyte
416 Section six Value Delivery: Designing the Distribution Channel and Supply Chain

and other items at any time. P&G took the store to consumers when it opened a virtual
store in Toronto’s Union Station. Partnering with, the month-long initiative pre-
sented consumers with photos of products with QR codes that could be scanned, allowing
them to order 120 different items and have them delivered to their homes at no cost.46 It
followed with another mobile exercise that launched mobile stores in 50 Toronto bus
shelters offering P&G personal care, baby, and beauty items from Walmart. The shopping
experience let consumers turn idle time waiting for the bus into productive time, order-
ing products on the go.47 IKEA recognizes that as more consumers are living in cities and
forgoing car ownership, it is hard for them to shop in its big box stores. To satisfy demand
from urban consumers, the retailer is opening smaller stores in the heart of cities such as
Madrid and New York City, with plans for Toronto as well.48 And although IKEA’s new
seven-storey retail outlet being built in Vienna is not small format, it is a nod to urban
shoppers who are expected to arrive by foot or public transit, and as such, has no parking

LO4 the internet and Omnichannel

So far in this chapter, we have explored the most traditional method for a manufacturer to
get merchandise to the ultimate consumer, namely, through retailers. There are, however,
other options. A manufacturer can sell directly to consumers by using its own stores,
kiosks, catalogues, or the Internet. As more consumers embrace a variety of channels
omnichannel available for browsing and purchasing, retailers must develop an omnichannel strategy
A strategy that creates to create a consistent experience across all channels. For example, Canadian fast-food
a consistent experience
for consumers across all chain Pizza Pizza gives customers the choice of ordering in-store, by phone, on the com-
distribution channels. pany’s website, a mobile site, and through a free app for the iPhone, iPad, and Android
smartphones. The app lets customers order and pay for their pizza and then track the
guaranteed delivery time.50

Pizza Pizza offers customers a seamless way to order across all channels.
Source: Pizza Pizza
Retailing and Omnichannel Marketing CHAPTER 13 417

In this section, we examine how the Internet has improved retailers’ ability to
serve their customers and build a competitive advantage. More and more Canadians
are embracing ecommerce. During the COVID-19 pandemic, online ordering became
critical for consumers as they self-isolated for extended periods of time. Forecasts pre-
dict that online retail sales in Canada will reach $55.4 billion by 2023, representing
10 ­percent of all Canadian retail sales.51 The addition of the Internet channel to tradi-
tional store-based retailers has improved their ability to serve their customers and build
a competitive advantage in several ways. According to Marketing Analytics 13.1, IKEA
effectively exemplifies these benefits.
First, the addition of an Internet channel has the potential to offer a greater selection
of products. Second, an Internet channel enables retailers to provide customers with more
personalized information about products and services. Third, it offers sellers the unique
opportunity to collect information about consumer shopping behaviour—information that
they can use to improve the shopping experience across all channels. Finally, the Internet
channel allows sellers to enter new markets economically.

Marketing Analytics 13.1

In-Store and Online Analytics These social media–derived insights suggest channels
and routes for improving consumers’ perceptions of the
at IKEA§§ brand. The influences of these analytics on many of IKEA’s
online actions are evident. For example, remember when
IKEA’s affordable, ready-to-assemble product line has “The Dress” became a vastly and inexplicably trending
made it the go-to place for furnishing a new home, apart- topic–was it white and gold or black and blue? No one
ment, or room. Much of its success stems from its unique could agree, and IKEA rapidly leveraged the social-media
store layouts, which force shoppers to walk past virtually sensation to plug its products by using the hashtag
every product offered, as displayed in sample rooms that #TheDress. Its social-media video series, “Square Metre
have been modeled to inspire their design ideas. The lay- Challenge,” got millions of views from consumers looking
out also helps IKEA recognize which sorts of displays of to maximize tiny living spaces using IKEA products.
what types of products prompt purchases—a sort of ele-
mental analytics that benefits its strategy. So when IKEA
first decided to launch its website, it already recognized
the importance of analytics as vital information that would
enable it to serve its customers better.
Initially, IKEA’s analytics-oriented focus was on website
development. With its massive product range, the retailer
had to find ways to discover pertinent patterns in con-
sumers’ product navigation and selection approaches. As
it gathered this information, IKEA could begin to revise
its site and successfully design a Web page that encour-
aged customers to slow down during their online brows-
ing, which would expose them to new products, design
ideas, and other services the company offers, but without
ever sacrificing the convenience they demanded.
Having achieved that goal, IKEA turned its focus to
increasing its online presence. For this feat, it needed IKEA’s analytics are used for website development and to
to do more than analyze data that it had gathered from improve its social media presence.
its own site. It needed data from social networking sites. ©Sergio Dionisio/Bloomberg/Getty Images

Huge Inc., “Master Plan: IKEA,” Huge Inc., 2012; Case Studies, “IKEA and Brandwatch: Embedding Social across the Enterprise,” PerformanceIN,

March 9, 2015; “IKEA: A Data Matching Love Story,” Cream Global, 2012; Matt Kwong, “Building Your Career in Hashtags,” Toronto Star, March
16, 2015; James Ainsworth, “IKEA Speaks the Language of Emoticons,” SmartData Collective, February 12, 2015; Gulsen Erkilic, “IKEA’s Digital
Marketing Strategy: 8 Things to Know About the Company’s Success,” Dan Digital Network Agency, January 14, 2019, (accessed August 10, 2019).
418 Section six Value Delivery: Designing the Distribution Channel and Supply Chain

Consumers who shop at omnichannel retailers—retailers that sell merchandise in more than one retail channel (such as a
catalogue (right), the Internet (centre) or a Canadian store (left)—typically buy more than those who shop in only one retail
Trademarks of Canadian Tire Corporation, Limited used under licence.

Although offering an electronic channel may draw away some sales from other chan-
nels, using it with other channels can result in consumers making more total purchases
from the seller.

Deeper and Broader Selection

One benefit of the Internet channel is the vast number of alternatives available to consum-
ers without stores having to grow their aisles or increase their square footage. By shopping
on the Internet, consumers can easily “visit” and select merchandise from a broader array of
retailers. People living in London, Ontario, can shop electronically at Harrod’s in London,
England, in less time than it takes them to visit their local supermarket. Websites typi-
cally offer deeper assortments of merchandise (more colours, brands, and sizes) than are
available in stores or catalogues. This expanded offering enables them to satisfy consumer
demand for less popular styles, colours, or sizes and still keep their overall inventory costs
low. Many retailers also offer a broader assortment (more categories) on their websites., for instance, offers soft drinks and cleaning supplies, which are not available
in stores, so that its business customers will view it as a one-stop shop.

More Information to Evaluate Merchandise

Using an Internet channel, firms can provide as much information as each customer wants
and more information than he or she could get through store or catalogue channels. Cus-
tomers can drill down through Web pages until they have enough information to make a
purchase decision. Unlike in catalogues, the information on an electronic channel database
can be frequently updated and will always be available—24/7, 365 days per year. Further-
more, the cost of adding information to an Internet channel is likely to be far less than the
cost of continually training sales associates.
The depth of information available on a website even can provide solutions to customer
problems. Home Depot walks its online customers through the steps of installation and
repair projects, thereby giving do-it-yourselfers confidence prior to tackling home improve-
ment tasks. The directions include the level of difficulty and a list of the tools and materials
needed to complete the project successfully.

The most significant potential benefit of the Internet channel is its ability to personal-
ize promotions and services for each customer economically. Canadian consumers are
Retailing and Omnichannel Marketing CHAPTER 13 419

increasingly embracing personalized offers received on their smartphones, with 82 percent

saying they like to get detailed product information while they are in stores shopping.52

Personalized Customer Service Traditional Internet channel approaches for responding

to customer questions—such as frequently asked questions (FAQ) pages and offering a
toll-free number or email address to ask questions—often do not provide the timely infor-
mation customers are seeking. To improve customer service from an electronic channel,
many firms offer live, online chats. The online chat feature provides customers with the
opportunity to click a button at any time and have an instant messaging email or voice
conversation with a customer service representative. This technology also enables firms
to send a proactive chat invitation to customers on the site. Virgin Airlines programs its
chat windows to appear at the moment a customer chooses a flight, because its goal is
to upsell buyers a more expensive fare.53 Other online retailers use metrics such as the
amount of time the visitor has spent on the site or number of repeat visits to determine
when to invite customers to chat. More retailers are starting to use emerging technolo-
gies such as chatbots to engage consumers. In addition to being a customer service tool,
chatbots can also be used to collect customer data, including the customer’s location and
buying preferences.54

Personalized Offering The interactive nature of the Internet also provides an opportu-
nity for retailers to personalize their offerings for each of their customers. Using cookies
that provide identifying information, enhances the shopping experience by
serving up personalized homepages with information about books and other products of
interest based on visitors’ past purchases. will also send interested customers
customized email messages that notify them that their favourite author or recording artist
has published a new book or released a new CD. Another personalized offering that online
retailers are able to present to customers is recommendations of complementary merchan-
dise. Just as a well-trained salesperson would make recommendations to customers prior
to checkout, an interactive Web page can make suggestions to the shopper about items that
he or she might like to see, such as what other customers who bought the same item also
Some omnichannel retailers are able to personalize promotions and Internet home­
pages on the basis of several attributes tied to the shopper’s current or previous Web
­sessions, such as the time of day, time zone as determined by a computer’s IP address, and
assumed gender. However, some consumers worry about this ability to collect informa-
tion about purchase histories, personal information, and search behaviour on the Internet.
How will this information be used in the future? Will it be sold to other firms, or will the
consumer receive unwanted promotional materials online or in the mail?

Expanded Market Presence

With the Internet’s low entry costs and constantly improving search engines and shopping
bots, smaller niche sources for hard-to-find products, collectibles, and hobbies can expand
their trade area—the geographical area that contains the potential customers of a particular
retailer or shopping centre—from a few city blocks to the world. The Internet has facilitated
market expansions by traditional retailers as well. Not only can a customer in Zurich shop
online at or Lee Valley Tools Ltd. (, but a Staples customer
can buy a computer online and pick it up at the store. In addition to increasing sales by
expanding the current customer base and attracting new customers, omnichannel retailers
can achieve economies of scale by coordinating their buying and logistics activities across
channels and consolidating their marketing information and activities. Generally, consum-
ers who shop at omnichannel retailers typically buy more than those who shop in only one
retail channel.
420 Section six Value Delivery: Designing the Distribution Channel and Supply Chain

Effective Omnichannel Retailing

Consumers want a seamless experience when interacting with omnichannel retailers. They
want to be recognized by a retailer, whether they interact with a sales associate, the retailer’s
website, or the retailer’s call centre by telephone. Customers want to buy a product through
the retailer’s Internet or catalogue channels and pick it up or return it to a local store; find
out if a product offered on the Internet channel is available at a local store; and, when
unable to find a product in a store, determine if it is available for home delivery through the
retailer’s Internet channel.
Retailers also need to offer mobile services. A study by Accenture found that 44 percent
of Canadians want to use their mobile devices to access retail services. Although real-time
in-store promotions are highly desired, only 7 percent of retailers are able to do this. And
while shoppers want to scan products with their mobile devices, scanning capabilities
are provided by only 17 percent of retailers.55 When it comes to the shopping experience,
mobile devices have evolved from nice to have to mandatory.
Providing this seamless experience for customers is not easy. Because each of the chan-
nels is somewhat different, a critical decision facing omnichannel retailers is the degree to
which they should or are able to integrate the operations of the channels.56 To determine
how much integration is best, each retailer must address issues such as integrated CRM,
brand image, pricing, and the supply chain.
Adding an electronic channel is particularly attractive to firms with strong brand
names but limited locations and distribution. For example, retailers such as Harrod’s,
IKEA, and Harry Rosen are widely known for offering unique, high-quality merchandise,
but they require customers to travel to England or major cities to buy many of the items
they carry. Interestingly, most of these store-based retailers currently are omnichannel
retailers through their successful catalogue and Internet offerings. Harry Rosen has annual
sales of around $300 million. While its ecommerce sales make up only a small portion of
overall revenues, president Larry Rosen feels they could increase to 10 percent over time.57
There are challenges and advantages in selling merchandise via the Internet. When
you buy products from brick-and-mortar stores, some critical information might include
“touch-and-feel” attributes, such as how a shirt fits, how the ice cream flavour tastes, or
how the perfume smells. This information cannot be experienced via the Internet. As a
result, retailers strive for “look-and-see” attributes, such as colour, style, and grams of
carbohydrates. Fit can be predicted if the apparel has consistent sizing and the consumer
has learned over time which size to buy from a particular brand. Because of the problems
of providing touch-and-feel information, apparel retailers experience return rates of more
than 20 percent on purchases made through an electronic channel but only 10 percent for
purchases made in stores. Whereas some products, such as apparel, can be difficult for cus-
tomers to purchase over the Internet because of their need to touch, feel, and try on these
products, Amazon’s offerings do well in the worldwide Internet marketplace.

Integrated CRM
Effective omnichannel operations require an integrated customer relationship management
(CRM) system with a centralized customer data warehouse that houses a complete history
of each customer’s interaction with the retailer, regardless of whether the sale occurred in a
store, on the Internet, or on the telephone.58 This information storehouse allows retailers to
efficiently handle complaints, expedite returns, target future promotions, and provide a seam-
less experience for customers when they interact with the retailer through multiple channels.

Brand Image
Retailers need to provide a consistent brand image across all channels. For example, MEC
reinforces its image of selling high-quality, environmentally friendly sports equipment
Retailing and Omnichannel Marketing CHAPTER 13 421

in its stores, catalogues, and website. Each of these channels emphasizes function, not
fashion, in the descriptions of MEC’s products. Its position about taking care of the envi-
ronment is communicated by carefully lighting its stores and using recycled polyester
and organic, rather than pesticide-intensive, cotton in many of its clothes. A positive
omnichannel experience yields results. According to Sandy Treagus, chief financial
­officer for MEC, “Our ecommerce presence has had a profound impact on our retail
stores, and vice versa.”59

Pricing represents another difficult decision for an omnichannel retailer. Customers expect
pricing consistency for the same SKU across channels (excluding shipping charges and
sales tax). However, in some cases, retailers need to adjust their pricing strategy because of
the competition they face in different channels. Retailers with stores in multiple markets

Real Marketer Profile

Rob Wallace brand proposition is rooted in

helping our customers with supe-
For the past 26 years, I have been a part rior customer service and a high
of the family at Home Hardware. As a level of product knowledge. In
student, I started in the warehouse in fact, we have 99.7% brand rec-
1993, which, unknowingly at the time, ognition among Canadians. They
was the beginning of an incredible know us, they like us, and they
career with an iconic Canadian brand. trust us. However, it is critical
The values and culture of this company our brand continues to evolve
are the key factors that resonate with so and adapt to customer shop-
many Canadians and are the very rea- ping behaviours, advanced retail
sons I have made Home Hardware my analytics, increased promotional
home for so many years. intensity, digital marketing and
As the Vice-President of Marketing, eCommerce. As we evolve, we
I am responsible for Home Hardware’s need to keep our brand relevant
overall go-to-market strategy, as well as among new Canadians who did
leading a dynamic team accountable for not grow up with Home H­ ardware.
its execution. Together, we have built To win customers today, we need
strong brand awareness and enhanced Courtesy of Rob Wallace to deliver a consistent and dif-
Home’s reputation, while driving sales ferentiated shopping experience.
for the company’s multi-banner retail network. We need to future-proof our brand, becoming more
More than just a job, my relationship with this com- relevant and engaging with younger cohorts, while at
pany has been an integral part of my life. Those who are the same time retaining our core customers. With an
familiar with Home Hardware know that, as an organi- omnichannel approach, we must meet our customers
zation, we are driven by more than just the bottom line. across all channels.
Our staff and dealers care about helping people, build- Throughout Home’s journey, we’ve had taglines such
ing relationships, providing retail excellence, and serving as “Home of the Handyman,” “Help is Close to Home,”
our communities–a corporate culture established by our and “Home Owners helping Homeowners,” before the
founding partners over 50 years ago, and that still guides introduction of our current tagline, “Here’s How.” The
and inspires us today. message has always remained the same. Whether our
It is an honour to lead the marketing division for customers come to us for building, renovating, decorat-
a company that has not only built an iconic Cana- ing, or repairing, we are committed to helping. The entre-
dian brand but has also fostered an incredible culture preneurial spirit of our individually owned stores enables
focused on helping Canadians with all their projects us to do this.
big and small. Home’s brand has been built on a Our founder, Walter Hachborn, was regularly remind-
reputation for helping. We value wide product selec- ing the team, “we’re not in the hardware business; we’re
tions and high-quality products, but our differentiated in the people business.”
422 Section six Value Delivery: Designing the Distribution Channel and Supply Chain

often set different prices for the same merchandise to compete better with local stores. Cus-
tomers generally are not aware of these price differences because they are only exposed
to the prices in their local markets. However, omnichannel retailers may have difficulties
sustaining these regional price differences when customers can easily check prices on the

Supply Chain
Omnichannel retailers struggle to provide an integrated shopping experience across all
their channels because unique skills and resources are needed to manage each channel.
For example, store-based retail chains operate and manage many stores, each requiring
the management of inventory and people. With Internet and catalogue operations, inven-
tory and telephone salespeople instead are typically centralized in one or two locations.
Also, retail distribution centres (DCs) supporting a store channel are designed to ship many
cartons of merchandise to stores. In contrast, the DCs supporting a catalogue and Inter-
net channel are designed to ship a few items to individual customers. The difference in
shipping orientation for the two types of operations requires a completely different type of
distribution centre.
Due to these operational differences, many store-based retailers have a separate orga-
nization to manage their Internet and catalogue operations. But as the omnichannel opera-
tion matures, retailers tend to integrate all operations under one organization. Walmart
initially had separate organizations for its Internet channel but subsequently integrated
them with stores and catalogues.

Learning Objectives Review

LO1  utline the considerations associated with

O LO3  escribe the components of a retail strategy
choosing retail partners building on the four Ps to create value for
Because manufacturers want their offerings available
where, when, and in the form that customers prefer, they To develop a coordinated strategy—which represents a
must consider whether customers expect to find their key goal for an effective channel partnership between
products at specific retailers. For example, customers retailers and manufacturers—these functions need to
probably do not expect, or want, to find a value-priced consider the four Ps. Retailers provide customers with
product at a luxury retailer. The manufacturer also must a choice of merchandise in the quantities they want to
consider the basic channel structure in which it functions, buy and services that facilitate the sale and use of those
along with the characteristics of the members of that products. They offer convenient locations to shop and
channel. Finally, manufacturers need to determine the an atmosphere and presentation that enhance the shop-
distribution intensity they prefer. ping experience. Promotions, both in the store and out-
side, provide customers with information. Finally, price
LO2 Identify what types of retailers are available provides signals to the customer about the image of the
to distribute products store, its merchandise, and its services.

Retailers generally fall into one of two categories: food LO4 Identify the benefits and challenges
retailers and general merchandise retailers. Each of the of omnichannel retailing
categories consists of various formats, including supermar-
kets, supercentres, warehouse clubs, convenience stores, The various types of retail channels—stores, kiosks,
department stores, discount stores, specialty retailers, catalogues, and the Internet—offer their own benefits
drugstores, category specialists, extreme-value retailers, and limitations, including those related to availability,
and off-price stores. convenience, and safety, among others. If a retailer
Retailing and Omnichannel Marketing CHAPTER 13 423

adopts an omnichannel strategy, it can exploit the must organize their operations carefully to ensure an
benefits and mitigate the limitations of each channel integrated customer experience. In particular, they have
and expand its overall market presence. Furthermore, to have an integrated CRM system, and determine how
an omnichannel strategy offers the chance to gain a to maintain a consistent brand image across the vari-
greater share of customers’ wallets and more insight ous channels, whether to charge the same or different
into their buying behaviour. Of course, there are chal- prices, and how best to deliver merchandise to multiple
lenges as well. To function in multiple channels, retailers channels.

Key Terms
■■ big-box food retailer ■■ drugstore ■■ retail mix
■■ category killer ■■ extreme-value retailer ■■ retailing
■■ category specialist ■■ general merchandise retailers ■■ services retailers
■■ conventional supermarket ■■ off-price retailer ■■ share of wallet
■■ cooperative (co-op) advertising ■■ omnichannel ■■ specialty stores
■■ discount store ■■ multichannel strategy

concept review

1. Describe the factors that manufacturers must consider 7. In this chapter, we discuss the fact that researchers
when choosing retail partners. have found that store image and atmospherics exert a
huge impact on customers’ shopping behaviour. What
2. How would a manufacturer’s strategy for choosing a
are the key elements of a store’s atmospherics and
retailer change depending on its overall market power
image, and why do you think they affect consumers
and the consistency of the new product with existing
so strongly?
8. Explain how the Internet has helped reshape retail
3. Discuss the types of retailers that operate in Canada
marketing strategies. What are some of the unique
and identify some of the issues facing each type.
advantages of physical store retailing, website selling,
4. Generally merchandise retailers are classified into and kiosks?
several different groups such as discount stores, spe-
9. Discuss the advantages of multichannel retailing from
cialty stores, category killers, and so on. However, it
the perspectives of both retailers and consumers.
seems that increasingly many of these retailers are
looking quite similar. Why is this so, and what factors 10. Explain why it is important for retailers to develop
may explain this trend? effective retailing strategy and positioning. How do
retailers develop such a strategy? (Hint: Look at the
5. How do marketers use the four Ps to create value in
various store formats of Loblaw or any national gro-
cery chain.)
6. Does Reebok pursue an intensive, an exclusive, or a
selective distribution intensity strategy? Would you
suggest any changes to this strategy?

Marketing Applications

1. Imagine that you designed a high-end line of clothing to which brick-and-mortar retailers are threatened by
and accessories. Which factors should you consider Internet-only retailers with regard to these factors.
when choosing retail partners? What type of retailer
4. Some argue that retailers can be eliminated from the
would you choose as a partner? Why?
distribution channel because they add only costs to
2. Why don’t traditional department stores have the the final product without creating any value-added
same strong appeal to Canadian consumers that they services in the process. Do you agree with this per-
once enjoyed during their height in the last half of the spective? Is it likely that consumers will make most
20th century? Discuss which types of retailers are purchases directly from manufacturers in the near
now competing with department stores. future? Provide justification for your answers.
3. What do retailers do to increase the value of prod- 5. Assume that Adidas, the shoe manufacturer, has
ucts and services for consumers? Discuss the extent decided to sell expensive wristwatches for men and
424 Section six Value Delivery: Designing the Distribution Channel and Supply Chain

women. What factors should it consider when devel- 8. Why have so many brick-and-mortar retailers adopted
oping its strategy for choosing retail partners? an omnichannel strategy?
6. Identify three categories of products especially suited 9. You can purchase apparel at a discount store, spe-
for sale on the Internet. Identify three categories that cialty store, category specialist, off-price retailer,
are not currently suitable for sale on the Internet. Jus- department store, or Internet-only store. From which
tify your choices. of these types of stores do you shop? Explain why you
prefer one type over another.
7. How do and provide
value to their customers beyond the physical prod- 10. Search the Internet for a product you want to buy. Are
ucts that they sell? Identify some of the ways that the there differences in the prices, shipping charges, or
companies have overcome the inhibitors to success- return policies among the different retailers offering the
ful Internet retailing. product? From which retailer would you buy? Explain
the criteria you would use to make the decision.

marketing digitally

1. Companies such as Lee Valley Tools have expanded 2. Select a familiar omnichannel retailer. Evaluate its
their offerings beyond their original channels to sell website in terms of how well it provides value to its
through multiple channels. Visit the company’s web- customers. Do you believe that offering multiple sell-
site ( and determine in which ing channels to customers enhances their shopping
channels it operates (Internet, stores, and/or cata- experience? How does it help the retailer? Explain
logue). Discuss the advantages of using a multichan- your answer.
nel strategy over a single-channel strategy.

chapter Case study

ALDO, a Retailer with a Conscience and “Sole”

The philosophy of Canadian shoe retailer Aldo is to inspire and move forward. With over
3,000 points of sale in 100 countries, the company wants to be seen as a key player in
the world of fashion, footwear, and accessories.60 Aldo Bensadoun launched his business in
Montreal by selling shoes in concessions located in Le Château stores. His first standalone
store opened in 1978, followed by stores in the United States in 1993, and overseas two years
later, with its first franchise store in Israel.61
The son of a shoe merchant whose grandfather was a cobbler, Bensadoun was guided
by a set of values that focused on compassion and ethics. His goal was to create a brand
that has a conscience, one that cares. This commitment to society is evidenced through its
Aldo Fights Aids campaign, an initiative started in 1985 when many retailers were reluctant to
take a stand on the disease. Numerous other causes supported include War Child, Two Ten
­Foundation, and cancer research and awareness foundations.62
Canada’s retail footwear industry, valued at $7.4 billion, is expected to grow to $8.9 billion
by 2022. While fashion-conscious men have propelled sales by 10 percent, the all-important
women’s market has fallen by 0.9 percent.63 Competition has dramatically increased—fewer
shoppers are visiting physical stores; fashion and department stores such as Zara, H&M, and
Hudson’s Bay are stocking more shoes; and low-cost rivals are attracting price-conscious
consumers. Many clothing retailers have aggressively added to their footwear selection,
increasing sales from 0.2 percent to 5 percent of projected revenues.64
Consumers expect Aldo to be in its own branded stores as well as other fashion retailers
and online. That’s why the company sells its products through Nordstrom, Hudson’s Bay,
­Zappos, and Amazon.65 Of course, selling via other outlets means fewer opportunities to
interact with shoppers directly. To get better insights on what customers want, Aldo uses tools
from Salesforce. Its Service Cloud tool lets customer service reps quickly access customer
Retailing and Omnichannel Marketing CHAPTER 13 425

Aldo Bensadoun founded his company with a desire to be seen as a brand that cares. Aldo
Fights Aids is just one of many philanthropic initiatives the retailer supports.
(both): Used with permission of The ALDO Group Inc.

data and respond to their questions in real time. Through the Marketing Cloud tool, Aldo can
join in social-media conversations related to its brand.66
In 2014, Patrik Fisk took over as the company’s CEO, launching international expansion
plans and high-tech store changes projected to double its business in five years. Already
recognized as an early adopter of ecommerce technology, Aldo has built on its digital prow-
ess through consumer-facing solutions. A suite of mobile apps lets shoppers digitally inter-
act with the brand. Customers can browse and access the collection by size, colour, or key
silhouettes, along with user-friendly self-service tools, which allow for try-on requests.67 The
Aldo Connected Store app allows customers to scan boots or bags for more product and
style information.68 The mobile app and virtual shelf features lifestyle content with fully styled
imagery to inspire customers and help them visualize ways to style the collection into their
own wardrobe. Apps are designed to enhance the shopping experience while providing Aldo
with the opportunity to offer better service.
David Bensadoun, named CEO in 2017, continues to tweak the company’s retail strategy
involving redesigning its brick-and-mortar stores. Aldo is seen as being very savvy and rec-
ognizing trends faster than other retailers, which makes it an attractive tenant according to
Cadillac Fairview, one of Canada’s largest enclosed-mall owners. Aldo invested more than
$500 million in store renovations, new systems, and staff education.69 Digital screens and
tablets were added to stores. Mobile features heavily in all of Aldo’s stores, including its new
“connected store” at the Westfield World Trade Center in New York. When app subscribers
enter the store, alerts are sent to sales staff with information about past purchases, items in
their digital carts, and also an estimate of the person’s lifetime value as an Aldo customer.70
Staff is being trained to bring the pair of shoes requested plus a second pair that matches
consumers’ specific needs, for example, a sandal that matches the style of a high-heeled
pump. They can also view store inventory in real-time through a mobile app that recom-
mends alternatives if the item is not in stock. And although mall traffic has been falling, in
some cases as much as 10 percent, Aldo is not worried about fewer browsers in its stores.
Most consumers do their research before arriving at a store, make targeted trips, are more
focused when shopping, and arrive ready to purchase.71
The company considers social media as frontline contact with customers. It received many
questions from social-media followers about where to buy the beautiful products they were engag-
ing with and Aldo wanted to provide a seamless solution. A social commerce solution developed
by Curalate, Like2Buy was rolled out offering a shoppable storefront to consumers. Aldo later
paired that function with Shoppable Instagram, which gives retailers the ability to directly sell to
customers. Like2Buy allows Aldo to research and rank influencers and Curalate-Fanreel, a user-
generated content tool, has helped increase average order size by more than 20 percent.72
426 Section six Value Delivery: Designing the Distribution Channel and Supply Chain

Aldo has heavily invested in store renovations, new systems, and staff training, and has
introduced apps that blend the online experience with that of shopping in a physical store.
Photo by Luciana Pampalone. Used with permission of The ALDO Group Inc.

Aldo has come a long way in the past four decades. Today it is able to deliver new prod-
ucts in less than a year, sometimes in less than three months, to locations around the world,
introducing new products in stores each month. The company has synced its in-store, online,
and mobile platforms to create a consistent, personalized, and seamless omnichannel experi-
ence for shoppers. Aldo knows that 70 percent of its customers browse online, then come
to the store, and that 25 percent buy online but opt for in-store pickup.73 For customers who
want their online orders shipped to their homes, Aldo uses an AI solution to optimize ship-
ments. Custom rules created within the system allow orders to be sourced from the most
profitable locations. For example, while the closest store may have inventory in stock, the
order could be shipped from another store that is preparing to mark the item down.74
Built on a foundation of ethics and compassion, Aldo has successfully navigated choppy retail
waters while meeting sustainability goals. In 2017, the company offset 100% of carbon emissions
produced by all of its stores, offices, and distribution centres and will continue to meet this com-
mitment in the future. That accomplishment earned it a designation by South Pole, as the world’s
first fashion footwear and accessories company to be certified as climate neutral.75
In the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020, Aldo filed for creditor protection in Canada,
the U.S., and Switzerland.76 This step became necessary to allow it to restructure and stabilize its
business while stores have been forced to close. The pandemic has been a very challenging time
for retailers. Aldo, recognized as a good corporate citizen, one that cares, and one with “sole,” is
now working to transform its business once again to survive this unexpected downturn.
1. Assess the role of consumer expectations in Aldo’s success as a footwear retailer.
2. How has Aldo used technology to differentiate it from other footwear retailers in a
crowded, competitive marketplace?
3. CEO David Bensadoun developed a new retail strategy for Aldo to increase value for
customers. Discuss how specific changes made to the four Ps and personnel will help the
company to attract more customers online and in stores.
4. While other retailers focus on pricing, Aldo has invested in staff training and introducing
global styles. Discuss how the company can increase sales and the level of customer
service through non-traditional initiatives like this.
Section seven Value Communication

Chapter 14 Integrated Marketing Communications

Appendix 14A Social and Mobile Media
Chapter 15 Advertising, Sales Promotions, and Personal Selling

Chapter 14

Source: L’Oréal Canada

Integrated Marketing
Learning Objectives
After studying this chapter you should be able to
Outline the process that firms use to communicate with consumers
List the steps in planning an integrated marketing communications campaign
Describe what appeals advertisers use to get customers’ attention
Identify how firms determine which media to use
Summarize how firms measure integrated marketing communications success
Explain the six tools of integrated marketing communications campaigns
428 Section seven Value Communication

Founded in 1909, L’Oréal is the world’s largest cosmetic company operating in 130 countries around the
world.1 Headquartered in Montreal, L’Oréal Canada is the industry leader offering cosmetics, hair care and
colour, skin care, and sun protection products. For over a century, the company has been dedicated to the
business of beauty. When it comes to marketing communications, the company is always looking for new ways
to get its message to consumers. As an example, for International Women’s Day, it shone a light on women who
used the company’s “Because I’m Worth It” tagline to make a personal statement on a massive digital billboard
at Yonge-Dundas Square in Toronto. The billboard featured photos and quotes from company employees,
as well Women of Worth nominees and L’Oréal-UNESCO For Women in Science award winners. Women who
passed by the billboard also had a chance to have their photo and unique statement of worth displayed on the
In decades past, cosmetic companies made heavy use of television spots and glossy print ads to reach their
target markets. Today, digital marketing and social media have revolutionized how companies communicate with,
listen to, and learn from customers. The influence is far-reaching, whether firms are selling online or in stores,
providing services or products, or dealing primarily with consumers or business customers. L’Oréal realized that
digital and mobile technologies have fundamentally changed media consumption and how consumers develop
brand preferences. The company works hard to leverage the power of digital marketing to ensure that it adds
value to consumers, providing tips and tools to help them select hair colour products, find makeup tips, and
interact with others for inspiration.3
Because digital and mobile channels enable anyone to play around with images of themselves with various
hairstyles or colours, L’Oréal integrates these capabilities with its existing marketing, thanks to new technology-
enabled options.4 With the Makeup Genius app, it lets people scan their own faces, then get recommendations
for different cosmetic products or mixes of shades.5 The app considers approximately 60 facial characteristics,
and tracks what consumers do when they are using it. In turn, it can provide personalized, customized rec-
ommendations. With these insights, L’Oréal gains critical, detailed information about what the approximately
20 million users of the app want and need.
With the realization that most customers start searching online, the company is collaborating with Google to
determine which specific questions they have when they start their search.6 The insights they gain reveal that a
key target audience of people want to try contouring but lack the time or dedication to spend hours learning how
to do it. The launch of the company’s Maybelline Master Contour line of products coincided with the release of
a series of videos on YouTube that provide quick tips, with the promise of great contouring in just three simple
steps. The videos in the series, which have reached more than 9 million people, are personalized to people with
various skin types and colours to make the intimidating process of contouring easier, more appealing, and more
accessible. L’Oréal’s ads and videos are tested on important metrics. For example, viewability, reach, scale, and
sales lift are measured for YouTube campaigns.7
In the past, the company relied on celebrity spokespersons and brand ambassadors. Remember those Jennifer
Aniston “Because you’re worth it” ads? Today L’Oréal knows that consumers relate more to influencers who look like
them.8 It partnered with dubdub, a Toronto tech company, to accelerate its influencer marketing programs. Using a
new video application, dubcandy, influencers can make any video content they create shoppable. This gives L’Oréal
the ability to measure sales directly attributable to specific influencers and refine messaging used to reach new
target audiences for videos they create in-house. Vice-President and CMO Stéphanie Bérubé says that dubcandy
is helping to convert content into e-commerce sales and to “launch a new compensation model that will be directly
linked to the influencer’s branded content reach and engagement.”9
By showing viewers videos of people who look like them, L’Oréal places viewers in a sort of narrative or story,
enabling them to imagine themselves with great contours, a stylish haircut, or a perfect lipstick colour. By giving
viewers fast but clear insights about what its products can do for them, L’Oréal engages them and encourages
them to learn more. Today, consumers’ attention is limited, so L’Oréal embraces the appeal of bumper ads—short
messages that appear before a video.10 Testing short, six-second ads ensures L’Oréal’s focus on clear messaging
and having a unique value proposition. It designs these short marketing communications and expands them into
longer forms if needed,11 reflecting the interests, habits, and preferences of consumers.
Personalization is central to L’Oréal’s entire strategy. With digital marketing, it can go even further with its
efforts to provide value to consumers.
Integrated Marketing Communications CHAPTER 14 429

Throughout the last six chapters, we focused our attention on how firms create value by
developing products and services and delivering them to consumers when and where they
want to buy them. However, consumers are not likely to come flocking to new products
and services unless they are aware of them. Marketers must consider how to communicate
the value of a new product and/or service—or more specifically, the value proposition—to
the target market. The chapter vignette about L’Oréal Canada illustrates the importance
of using a variety of communication strategies to increase with consumers. Let’s begin by
examining what integrated marketing communications is, how it has developed, and how
it contributes to value creation.
Integrated marketing communications (IMC) represents the promotion dimen- integrated marketing
sion of the four Ps. It encompasses a variety of communication disciplines—advertising, communications (IMC)
Represents the promotion
personal selling, sales promotion, public relations, direct marketing, digital, social and dimension of the four
mobile media—in combination to provide clarity, consistency, and maximum communi- Ps; encompasses a
variety of communication
cative impact.12 Instead of separate marketing communication elements with no unified disciplines—general
control, IMC programs regard each of the firm’s marketing communications elements as advertising, personal
part of a whole, each of which offers a different means to connect with the target audi- selling, sales promotion,
public relations, direct
ence. This integration of elements provides the firm with the best means to reach the target marketing, and digital
audience with the desired message, and it enhances the value story by offering a clear and media—in combination
consistent message. to provide clarity,
consistency, and maximum
There are three components in any IMC strategy: the consumer or target market, communicative impact.
the channels or vehicles through which the message is communicated, and the evalua-
tion of the results of the communication. In the first section of this chapter, we focus on
consumers, examining the communication process: how consumers receive communica-
tions, and how the delivery of that communication affects a message’s form and content.
The second section identifies the steps involved in planning successful campaigns, from
identifying a target audience to creating an actual ad and assessing its performance.
Although we apply these steps specifically to advertising, the same process can be used
when planning sales promotions, direct marketing, public relations, and social or mobile
campaigns. We also consider how the level of complexity in IMC strategies leads mar-
keters to design new ways to measure the results of IMC campaigns. Our last section
examines the six distinct tools of IMC—advertising, personal selling, sales promotion,
direct marketing, public relations, and social and mobile media—and how each is used
in an overall IMC strategy.

Communicating with Consumers LO1

As the number of communication media has increased, the task of understanding how
best to reach target consumers has become far more complex. In this section, we examine
a model that describes how communications go from the firm to the consumer, and the
factors that affect the way the consumer perceives the message. Then we look at how mar-
keting communications influence consumers, from making them aware that a product or
service exists to moving them to buy.

The Communication Process

Exhibit 14.1 illustrates the communication process. Let’s first define each component and
then discuss how they interact.

The Sender The firm from which an
The message originates from the sender, who must be clearly identified to the intended IMC message originates;
the sender must be clearly
audience. Pepsi is always looking to communicate in new ways with customers. With its identified to the intended
emoji campaign, Pepsi established itself as a source of fun and of different emojis that audience.
430 Section seven Value Communication

Exhibit 14.1 The Communication Process

Noise from the Environment

Sender (Firm) Transmitter Receiver (Consumer)

Encodes Message Decodes Message
Channel (Media)


people could use in their daily activities. The Pepsi identity remained clear because they
consistently highlighted the familiar blue, red, and white colour scheme and logo images—
and portrayed happy consumers. People who saw and used the emojis knew precisely
which company made them available.

The Transmitter
The sender works with the creative department, whether in-house or from a marketing (or
advertising) agency, to develop marketing communications. Pepsi developed new mobile

Pepsi emojis encode the message that the iconic drink is associated with fun times and
activities when people might likely drink carbonated beverages.
Source: PepsiCo, Inc.
Integrated Marketing Communications CHAPTER 14 431

and social-media tools, together with websites, mobile apps, flyers, in-store displays, and transmitter
An agent or intermediary
televised commercials, to tout its brands and what they offer as the transmitter. with which the sender
works to develop the
marketing communications;
Encoding for example, a firm’s
creative department or an
Encoding means converting the sender’s ideas into a message, which could be verbal,
advertising agency.
visual, or both. The Pepsi emojis signal fun times and activities during which people
might be likely to drink carbonated beverages; the grinning face wearing sunglasses and
The process of converting
headphones, as if it is ready to head to the beach, is one such emoji. Although a picture the sender’s ideas into a
is worth a thousand words, the most important facet of encoding is not what is sent but message, which could be
verbal, visual, or both.
rather what is received. Consumers must receive information that makes them want to
try the new emojis, use Pepsi-linked symbols to communicate with their friends, and
continue to purchase new versions of the beverages.

The Communication Channel

The communication channel is the medium—print, broadcast, the Internet—that car- communication channel
ries the message. Pepsi could transmit through TV, radio, and various print ads, but for its The medium—print,
broadcast, the Internet—
emoji campaign, it also made vast use of social media. The media chosen must be appropri- that carries the message.
ate to connect itself (the sender) with its desired recipient. Because the company believes
its target market is broad, Pepsi has placed its products in mainstream, popular movies.

The Receiver
The receiver is the person who reads, hears, or sees and processes the information con- receiver
tained in the message or advertisement. The sender, of course, hopes that the person The person who reads,
hears, or sees and
receiving it will be the one for whom it was originally intended. Pepsi wants its message processes the information
received and decoded properly by a broad population that includes teens, young adults, contained in the message
or advertisement.
and families. Decoding refers to the process by which the receiver interprets the sender’s
message. decoding
The process by which the
receiver interprets the
Noise sender’s message.

Noise is any interference that stems from competing messages, a lack of clarity in the mes- noise
Any interference that
sage, or a flaw in the medium, and it poses a problem for all communication channels. stems from competing
Pepsi may choose to advertise in newspapers that its target market doesn’t read, which messages, a lack of clarity
in the message, or a flaw
means the rate at which the message is received by those to whom it has relevance has
in the medium; a problem
been slowed considerably. As we have already defined, encoding is what the sender intends for all communication
to say, and decoding is what the receiver hears. If there is a difference between them, it is channels.
probably due to noise.

Feedback Loop
The feedback loop allows the receiver to communicate with the sender and thereby feedback loop
informs the sender whether the message was received and decoded properly. Feedback Allows the receiver to
communicate with the
can take many forms: a customer’s purchase of the item, a complaint or compliment, the sender and thereby
redemption of a coupon or rebate, a tweet about a product, and so on. informs the sender
whether the message was
received and decoded
How Consumers Perceive Communication
The actual communication process is not as simple as the model in Exhibit 14.1 implies.
Each receiver may interpret the sender’s message differently, and senders often adjust their
message according to the medium used and the receivers’ level of knowledge about the
product or service. And in spite of marketers’ best efforts to create clear messages, consum-
ers may not always respond as expected.
432 Section seven Value Communication

Receivers Decode Messages

Each receiver decodes a message in his or her own
way, which is not necessarily the way the sender
intended. Different people shown the same mes-
sage will often take radically different meanings
from it. For example, what does the giant billboard
shown here convey to you?
If you are a user of this brand, it may convey
satisfaction. If you recently went on a diet and
gave up your favourite foods, it may convey dis-
may or a sense of loss. If you have chosen to be a
non-user, it may convey some disgust. If you are
a recently terminated employee, it may convey
anger. The sender has little, if any, control over
what meaning any individual receiver will take
from the message.

Senders Adjust Messages According

to the Medium and Receivers’ Traits
Different media communicate in very different
ways. So marketers make adjustments to their
messages and media depending on whether they
want to communicate with suppliers, sharehold-
ers, customers, or the general public.13 Kellogg’s
would not, for instance, send the same message to
its shareholders in a targeted email as it would to its
consumers on Saturday morning TV.
Now that we’ve examined various aspects of
the communication process, let’s look at the steps in
Consumers will perceive this giant billboard differently depending
on their level of knowledge and attitude toward the brand. planning an IMC campaign that achieves the organi-
©imago stock&people/Newscom
zation’s strategic objectives.

LO2 Steps in Planning an IMC Campaign

Designing a successful IMC campaign requires a great deal of planning. Exhibit 14.2 shows
some of the key steps in the planning process, each of which helps ensure that the intended
message reaches the right audience and has the desired effect. As mentioned earlier, these
steps can be used for all IMC tools. Let’s examine each of these steps as they pertain to
developing a campaign.

Exhibit 14.2 Steps in Planning an IMC Campaign

1. Identify 5. Evaluate
2. Set 3. Determine 4. Convey 6. Create 7. Assess
Target and Select
Objectives Budget Message Communication Impact
Audience Media
Integrated Marketing Communications CHAPTER 14 433

1. Identify Target Audience

The success of any campaign depends on how well
the advertiser can identify its target audience. Firms
conduct research to identify their target audience,
and then use the information they gain to set the
tone for the advertising program and help them
select the media they will use to deliver the mes-
sage to that audience. SoCIAL LITE Vodka, which
you read about in Chapter 6, identified segments
that include health-seeking individuals as the target
audiences for its campaigns.
During this research, firms must keep in mind
that their target audience may or may not be the
same as current users of the product. Puma knows
that FIFA fans likely are at least familiar with its Who is the target audience for this ad: men or women?
offerings, even if they do not currently purchase Source: KCWW. Trademarks of Kimberly-Clark Worldwide, Inc. © KCWW.
sports gear from Puma. Thus some advertisements
feature the international football (or soccer) star Jozy Altidore to encourage them to buy
more of the brand’s products.14 But teenaged pop music fans might be less likely to pay
attention to sporting goods, so Puma also brought in Selena Gomez to put her name on its
Phenom line and appear in related advertising.15

2. Set Objectives
Advertising objectives are derived from the overall objectives of the marketing program and
clarify the specific goals that the ads are designed to accomplish. Firms need to understand
the outcome they hope to achieve before they begin. Objectives, or goals, are crucial since they
will later serve as the standard against which success or failure is measured. These objectives
can be short-term, such as generating inquiries, increasing awareness, and prompting trial. Or
they can be long-term in nature, such as increasing sales, market share, and customer loyalty.
Increasing donations to support research efforts is the primary and long-term goal of Ovarian
Cancer Canada campaigns but, in the short term, the non-profit needs to increase awareness
of the disease. For SoCIAL LITE Vodka, campaign objectives revolved around driving trial
among its health-conscious target markets. Both short- and long-term goals should be explicitly
defined and measured. We discuss how firms measure IMC success later in this chapter.

Puma uses different ads to appeal to different target markets. Jozy Altidore (left) appeals to soccer fans, whereas Selena
Gomez (right) attracts teenaged pop music fans.
Source: (both): PUMA NA
434 Section seven Value Communication

Exhibit 14.3 Sample Marketing Goals and Related Campaigns*

Company and Campaign Goals Target Market Media Used Outcome

ASICS Branch out beyond serious Even split males Television and print 17% increase
It's a big world. Go run it. runner market segment and and females, ads, online advertising in sales
target casual runners. aged 30–49
Columbia Sportswear Showcase Columbia’s 60% males, Print ads, mobile media, 11% increase
Company technical innovation ability. aged 20–59 social media, videos, in sales
Tested Tough online advertising
BMW Highlight the new Mostly men, Social media, blog Posts reached
#Driving Luxury technology of the aged 35 and up posts, videos up to 13,500 likes
redesigned 7 Series sedan. on Instagram
*Sources: “ASICS Launches New Global Advertising Campaign, Inspiring People Everywhere to Run with ‘It’s, a big world. Go run it,’” PR Newswire,
February 19, 2015; ASICS, 2015 Annual Report, ASICS, February 12, 2016; Karl Greenberg, “Columbia’s New Global Campaign Is ‘Tested Tough,’”
Marketing Daily, October 7, 2015; Columbia Sportswear, 2015 Annual Report, Columbia Sportswear, 2016; “BMW’s Instagram Influencer Marketing
Campaign,” Mediakix.

Exhibit 14.3 outlines some campaign goals for a variety of companies as well as the
target markets, media used, and outcomes.
All marketing communications aim to achieve certain objectives: to inform, persuade, and
remind customers. These objectives are examined in more depth in Chapter 15. Communica-
tion objectives also need to consider focus—for example, does the company hope to stimulate
demand for a new product or service or to increase awareness for the company in general?
In Chapter 12, you learned about using push or pull marketing in determining distri-
bution channel strategy. When setting objectives, the overarching strategy used is one of
push versus pull. However, marketers also have to consider other factors, such as the nature
of the market (consumer versus business), the nature of the product (simple versus techno-
logically complex), and the stage in the product life cycle (PLC). Generally, when advertis-
ing to consumers, the objective is a pull strategy in which the goal is to get consumers to
pull the product into the supply chain by demanding that retailers carry it. Push strategies
also exist and are designed to increase demand by focusing on wholesalers, distributors,

Columbia Sportswear Company’s “Tested Tough” campaign’s goal is to showcase Columbia’s

technical innovation ability, here featuring its 93-year-old chairwoman Gert Boyle.
Source: Columbia Sportswear Company
Integrated Marketing Communications CHAPTER 14 435

or salespeople, who push the product to consumers via distribution channels. These cam-
paigns attempt to motivate the seller to highlight the product, rather than the products of
competitors, and thereby push the product onto consumers.
Once the campaign’s objectives are defined, the firm sets the advertising budget. objective-and-task
An IMC budgeting
method that determines
3. Determine Budget the cost required to
undertake specific tasks to
Firms use a variety of methods to plan their IMC budgets (see Exhibit 14.4). Because all accomplish communication
the methods of setting a promotional budget have both advantages and disadvantages, no objectives; process
one method should be used in isolation. Budgeting is not a simple process. It may take entails setting objectives,
choosing media, and
several rounds of negotiations among the company’s managers, who are each competing determining costs.
for resources for their own areas of responsibility.
competitive parity
The objective-and-task method determines the budget required to undertake specific method
tasks to accomplish communication objectives. To use this method, marketers first establish A method of determining
a communications budget
a set of communication objectives, and then determine which media best reach the target in which the firm’s share
market and how much it will cost to run the number and types of communications necessary of the communication
to achieve the objectives. This process—set objectives, choose media, and determine costs— expenses is in line with its
market share.
must be repeated for each product or service. The sum of all the individual communication
plan budgets becomes the firm’s total marketing communications budget. percentage-of-sales
In addition to the objective-and-task method, three rule-of-thumb methods—competitive A method of determining
parity method, percentage-of-sales method, and affordable method of budgeting—can a communications budget
that is based on a fixed
be used to set budgets.
percentage of forecasted
These rule-of-thumb methods use prior sales and communication activities to deter- sales.
mine the present communication budget. Although they are easy to implement, they obvi- affordable method
ously have various limitations, as noted in Exhibit 14.4. While small companies often use A method of determining
the affordable budgeting method, it generally results in underspending and thus may not a communications budget
based on what is left over
accomplish the company’s sales objectives. Large companies such as Coca-Cola and PepsiCo after other operating costs
may use the competitive parity method. However, this method is setting a budget based on have been covered.

Exhibit 14.4 Budgeting Methods

Method Definition Limitations

Objective and The communication budget is set based on It can be difficult to identify the specific tasks that
Task the cost of specific tasks required to achieve will achieve the objectives and, as a result, it is
stated communication objectives. the most difficult method to use.
Competitive A method of determining a communications Prevents firms from exploiting the unique
Parity budget in which the firm’s share of the opportunities or problems they confront in a market.
communication expenses is in line with its If all competitors use this method to set
market share. communication budgets, their market shares will
stay approximately the same over time.
Percentage of A method of determining a communications Assumes the percentage used in the past, or by
Sales budget that is based on a fixed percentage competitors, is still appropriate for the firm.
of forecasted sales. For example, a company Does not take into account new plans (e.g., to
with $2.5 million in projected sales that introduce a new line of products in the current
allocates 3.5% to advertising would have a year).
budget of $87,500.
Affordable Marketers forecast their sales and expenses, Assumes communication expenses do not
Budgeting excluding communication, during the stimulate sales and profit.
budgeting period. The difference between
the forecast sales, minus expenses plus
desired profit is applied to the communication
budget (i.e., the budget is the money available
after operating costs and profits).
436 Section seven Value Communication

Exhibit 14.5  dvertising Spending as a Percentage of Sales for Illustrative Product


Petroleum refining 0.2
Computers and office equipment 0.5
Business services 0.5
Dairy products 0.6
Investment advice 2.1
Motor vehicles and car bodies 2.6
Beverages 3.8
Footwear (except rubber) 4.4
Malt beverages 5.4
Cable and other pay-TV services 6.3
Games and toys, excluding dolls 7.9
Sporting and athletic goods 9.4
Dolls and stuffed toys 11.9
Soap and detergent 12.3
Perfume and cosmetics 21.5
Transportation services 33

Grocery stores 0.7
Hotels and motels 1.3
Eating places 1.9
Women’s clothing stores 3.5
Catalogue, mail-order houses 3.9
Furniture stores 4.6
Amusement parks 6.2

5 10 15 20 25 30 35
Advertising as a percentage of sales

**“2018 Advertising Ratios,” Schonfeld and Associates, (accessed

August 18, 2019).

market share, which may result in PepsiCo being outspent. The percentage-of-sales method
is popular as well, and standard percentages are sometimes used in some product catego-
ries, as shown in Exhibit 14.5. Since everyone needs to eat, the grocery industry needs to
spend only a small percentage—around 1 percent—of its revenues on advertising, whereas
the toy and game industry must spend about 11 percent. Although alcoholic drink makers
spend around 13 percent of revenues on advertising,16 SoCIAL LITE Vodka spent consider-
ably less to launch its product, relying more heavily on publicity to get its message out.
When selecting the various budgeting methods for marketing communications, firms
must first consider the role that advertising plays in their attempt to meet their overall pro-
motional objectives. Second, advertising expenditures vary over the course of the PLC, with
considerably higher levels of spending during the introduction stage. Third, the nature of
the market and the product influence the size of advertising budgets. For example, advertis-
ing for Starbucks is much lower than other outlets because of its high awareness and exten-
sive use of PR. In the highly competitive consumer packaged goods industry, spending by
firms such as P&G is around 11 percent of sales.17
The nature of the market also determines the amount of money spent on advertising. For
instance, less money is spent on advertising in B2B marketing contexts than in B2C markets.
Personal selling, as we discuss in Chapter 15, likely is more important in B2B markets.
Integrated Marketing Communications CHAPTER 14 437

4. Convey Message LO3

In this step, marketers determine what they want to convey about the product or service.
First, the firm determines the key message it wants to communicate to the target audience.
Second, the firm decides what appeal would most effectively convey the message. We pre-
sent these decisions sequentially but, in reality, they must be considered simultaneously.

The Message
The message provides the target audience with reasons to respond in the desired way. A
logical starting point for deciding on the advertising message is to tout the key benefits of the
product or service. The message should communicate the product’s problem-solving ability
clearly and in a compelling fashion. In this context, advertisers must remember that products
and services solve problems, whether real or perceived. That is, people are not looking for
1/4-inch drill bits; they are looking for 1/4-inch holes.18 Because there are many ways to make
a 1/4-inch hole, a firm such as Black and Decker must convey to consumers that its drill bit
is the best way to get that hole. An equally compelling message used by SoCIAL LITE Vodka
focused on functional benefits and communicating the drink’s great taste.
Another common strategy differentiates a product by establishing its unique benefits.
This distinction forms the basis for the unique selling proposition (USP), which is often unique selling
the common theme or slogan in an advertising campaign. Briefly, a good USP communi- proposition (USP)
A strategy of differentiating
cates the unique attributes of the product and thereby becomes a snapshot of the entire a product by communicating
campaign. Some of the most famous USPs include the following: Ford, “Built Tough”; Red its unique attributes; often
becomes the common
Bull, “Gives You Wings”; Oreo, “Milk’s Favorite Cookie”; Nike, “Just Do It.” theme or slogan in the
The selling proposition communicated by the advertising must be not only unique to entire advertising campaign.
the brand, but also meaningful to the consumer; it furthermore must be sustainable over
time, even with repetition.

The Appeal
Advertisers use different appeals to portray their product or service to persuade consumers
to purchase them. Although advertising tends to combine the types of appeals into two
broad categories (rational and emotional), moral appeals are sometimes considered as a rational appeal
third category. Marketers, especially those who work in non-profit organizations, often Helps consumers make
use this type of message. Since moral appeals can be rational or emotional, they are not purchase decisions by
offering factual information
addressed as a separate category. and strong arguments
built around relevant
Rational Appeals issues that encourage
A rational appeal helps consumers make purchase decisions by offering factual infor- consumers to evaluate the
brand favourably on the
mation and strong arguments built around relevant issues that encourage consumers to basis of the key benefits it
evaluate the brand favourably on the basis of the key benefits it provides.19 Rational appeals provides.
focus on consumers’ sense of reasoning, logic, and learning. Kimberly-Clark, for example,
relies heavily on rational appeals to sell Kleenex Anti-Viral
Tissues. It is advertised as having a moisture-activated
middle layer that is scientifically proven to kill cold and
flu viruses. When moisture from a runny nose, cough,
or sneeze comes in contact with Kleenex Anti-Viral Tis-
sues’ special middle layer, 99.9% of cold and flu viruses are
trapped and killed within 15 minutes.20
This appeal is perfectly suited to this type of product.
The source of its competitive advantage is a tangible fea-
ture of the product. By stressing the superior benefits of
this product over regular facial tissue, the advertising copy
directly delivers a rational persuasive message. Unique selling propositions like this one by Oreo send
powerful messages about the benefits of their offerings.
Source: Mondelēz Global LLC
438 Section seven Value Communication

The UK insurance agency John Lewis uses a tender emotional appeal in an ad featuring a little
girl dancing to “Tiny Dancer” while almost breaking everything in the room.
Source: John Lewis Home Insurance

Emotional Appeals
emotional appeal An emotional appeal aims to satisfy consumers’ emotional desires rather than their utili-
Aims to satisfy consumers’ tarian needs. The key to a successful emotional appeal is the use of emotion to create a bond
emotional desires rather
than their utilitarian needs. between the consumer and the brand. For example, think about Coca-Cola’s use of polar
bears in its ads. The emotions most often invoked in advertising include fear appeal and
humour appeal, but also safety, happiness, love (or sex), comfort, and nostalgia. In its adver-
tising, the UK insurance agency John Lewis highlights what really makes homeowner’s
insurance important, like the daughter in a family who simply must dance to “Tiny Dancer”
but whose embellished twirls and leaps put everything in the home at risk of being broken.
Companies must pay attention to cultural influences because humour is not perceived the
same way across different cultural groups and sexual appeals are taboo in some cultures.
Although the term emotion often conveys the image of tears, many other effective
emotional appeals are used in advertising, ranging from sex appeal (e.g., Axe Body Spray),
need for affiliation, need for guidance (e.g., Betty Crocker), and need for attention (e.g.,
cosmetics). People need a sense of self-esteem, so advertisements for Bowflex and Jenny
Craig tend to feature celebrities or regular people talking about how much better they feel
about themselves after they’ve used the exercise equipment, joined the program, and lost
weight. Weight-loss ads also tend to play a bit on consumers’ fears, showing “before and
after” pictures as if the heavier version were a horror to behold.

LO4 5. Evaluate and Select Media

The content of an advertisement is tied closely to the characteristics of the media that firms
media planning select to carry the message, and vice versa. Media planning refers to the process of evaluat-
The process of evaluating
and selecting the media ing and selecting the media mix—the combination of the media used and the frequency of
mix that will deliver a clear, advertising in each medium—that will deliver a clear, consistent, compelling message to the
consistent, compelling
intended audience.21 For example, IKEA may determine that a heavy dose of television, radio,
message to the intended
audience. print, and billboards is appropriate for the back-to-school selling season between August and
media mix
September each year. As a small company, SoCIAL LITE Vodka selectively used print and
The combination of the digital ads to make its target audiences aware of where its products could be purchased.
media used and the Because the media buy (the purchase of airtime or print pages) is generally the larg-
frequency of advertising in
each medium. est expense in the advertising budget, marketers must make their decisions carefully. TV
advertising is by far the most expensive. Total ad spending in Canada is $13.6 billion per
media buy
The purchase of airtime or year. With the exception of online advertising, which has grown dramatically, advertising
print pages. expenditures per medium have remained relatively constant over time: TV, 23.5 percent;
Integrated Marketing Communications CHAPTER 14 439

newspapers, 13.1 percent; radio, 11 percent; magazines, 1.3 percent; and online, 49.8 per-
cent. Other media, such as out-of-home advertising (e.g., billboards, bus wraps, posters)
account for the remainder.22 To characterize these various types of media, we again use a
dichotomy: mass and niche media.
mass media
Mass and Niche Media Channels, such as national
Mass media channels include national newspapers, magazines, radio, and television, and newspapers, magazines,
radio, and television, that
are ideal for reaching large numbers of anonymous audience members. Niche media chan- are ideal for reaching large
nels are more focused and are generally used to reach narrower segments, often with unique numbers of anonymous
audience members.
demographic characteristics or interests. Specialty TV channels, direct mail, and specialty
magazines such as Skateboarding or CosmoGirl all provide examples of niche media. In niche media
Channels that are
some cases, niche media offer advertisers the opportunity to change and even personalize focused and generally
their messages, which is generally not an option with mass media. For example, magazine used to reach narrow
advertisers can print response cards with the name of the subscriber already on the card or segments, often with
unique demographic
change advertisements to reflect local differences, such as climate or preferences. characteristics or interests.
paid media
Paid, Owned, Earned Media Media such as TV, print,
radio, or display ads used
Marketers know that they must use a combination of media when implementing their IMC
to reach mass markets.
plans. As shown in Exhibit 14.6, they use paid media such as TV, print, radio, or display
owned media
ads to reach mass markets. Paid media is created and controlled by the advertiser. Owned
Media controlled by the
media, such as a website, is also controlled by the advertiser. Other forms of owned media advertiser, such as its
include a company’s blog, YouTube channel, or Facebook fan page. While there are costs website, Facebook fan
page, or YouTube channel.
associated with these media, they are less expensive than paid media. Lastly, earned media
comes as a result of word-of-mouth, buzz, or publicity. Customers, the public, or the press earned media
Media that results from
become the media channel. Brand mentions are given voluntarily by customers, the public, word-of-mouth, buzz, or
or the press, and so the company “earns” the visibility. publicity.

Exhibit 14.6 Paid, Owned, Earned Media

Used with permission of IAB Canada.

440 Section seven Value Communication

Exhibit 14.7 Types of Media Available for Advertising

Medium Advantages Disadvantages

Television Wide reach High cost

Incorporates sound and video Multitude of channel and program options may
increase awareness of competitors’ products

Radio Relatively inexpensive No video, which limits presentation

Selectively targeted Consumers give less focused attention
Wide reach Exposure periods are short

Magazines Very targeted Relatively inflexible

Subscribers pass along to others Long lead times

Newspapers Flexible Expensive in some markets

Timely Ads have short lifespan
Can localize

Digital Social Can be linked to detailed content Becoming cluttered

Mobile Highly flexible and interactive Ads may be blocked by software
Allows for specific targeting

Out-of-Home Relatively inexpensive Not easily targeted

Offers opportunities for repeat exposure Placement problems in some markets
Exposure time is very short

Direct Marketing Highly targeted Cost can vary depending on type of direct
Allows for personalization marketing used
Direct mail is more expensive than newer media

Choosing the Right Medium

For each class of media, each alternative has specific characteristics that make it suitable
for meeting specific objectives (see Exhibit 14.7). For example, consumers use different
media for different purposes, to which advertisers should match their messages. Television
is used primarily for escapism and entertainment, so most TV advertising relies on a mix
of visual and auditory techniques. Out-of-home advertising can also be effectively used to
deliver a message.
Communication media also vary in their ability to reach the desired audience. For
instance, radio is a good medium for products such as grocery purchases or fast food
because many consumers decide what to purchase either on the way to the store or while in
the store. Because many people listen to the radio in their cars, it becomes a highly effective
means to reach consumers at a crucial point in their decision process. Mobile advertis-
ing also is becoming more important. Each medium also varies in its reach and frequency.
Advertisers can determine how effective their media mix has been in reaching their target
audience by calculating the total gross rating points (GRP) (Reach × Frequency) of the
advertising schedule, which we discuss later in this chapter.
The cost of each medium differs as well, with television being the most expensive.
Many marketers are shifting their budgets to more digital media as a result. For exam-
ple, Mondelēz, which owns the Oreo brand, has been steadily shifting its budget toward
digital media based on research that indicates the ROI is higher. In 2019, Lee Jeans
doubled its digital budget from 40 percent to 80 percent of its total ad spend.23 Accord-
ing to the Television Bureau of Canada's most recent data, advertising expenditures
in Canada reached $13.6 billion, with a breakdown as follows: TV $3.26 billion; news­
papers, $1.8 billion; Internet, $6.9 billion; radio, $1.5 billion; magazines, $0.18 billion;
and out-of-home $0.64 billion.24
Integrated Marketing Communications CHAPTER 14 441

MINI Cooper sets a light tone using humour to effectively deliver its advertising messages.
Horizons WWP/Alamy Stock Photo

Determining the Advertising Schedule

Another important decision for the media planner is the advertising schedule, which advertising schedule
specifies the timing and duration of advertising. There are three types of schedules: Specifies the timing and
duration of advertising.
• A continuous advertising schedule runs steadily throughout the year and continuous advertising
therefore is suited to products and services that are consumed continually at relatively schedule
steady rates and that require a steady level of persuasive or reminder advertising. For Runs steadily throughout
the year and therefore is
example, P&G advertises its Tide brand of laundry detergent continuously. suited to products and
services that are consumed
• A flighting advertising schedule refers to one implemented in spurts, with periods
continually at relatively
of heavy advertising followed by periods of no advertising. This pattern generally steady rates and that require
functions for products whose demand fluctuates, such as suntan lotion, which a steady level of persuasive
or reminder advertising.
manufacturers may advertise heavily in the months leading up to and during the
summer. flighting advertising
• A pulsing advertising schedule combines the continuous and flighting schedules Implemented in spurts,
by maintaining a base level of advertising but increasing advertising intensity with periods of heavy
advertising followed by
during certain periods. For example, furniture retailer IKEA advertises throughout periods of no advertising.
the year but boosts its advertising expenditures to promote school supplies in
pulsing advertising
August. schedule
Combines the continuous
and flighting schedules by
maintaining a base level of
6. Create Communication advertising but increasing
advertising intensity during
After the marketer has decided on the message, type of ad, and appeal, its attention must certain periods.
shift to the actual creation of the advertisement. During this step, the message and appeal
are translated creatively into words, pictures, colours, and/or music. Often, the execution
style for the ad will dictate the type of medium used to deliver the message. For example,
crash tests demonstrating the safety of cars often rely on the visual impact of the crash. This
style of execution works only on television. Therefore, it is common for advertisers to make
decisions about their message and appeal, the appropriate medium, and the best execution
442 Section seven Value Communication

To convey a certain image, advertisers may use television and magazines. To promote
price, they can use newspapers and radio. To appeal to specific target markets, they can use
digital media. When using multiple media to deliver the same message, however, adver-
tisers must maintain consistency across the execution styles—that is, integrated market-
ing—so the different executions deliver a consistent and compelling message to the target
Although creativity plays a major role in the execution stage, advertisers must be care-
ful not to let their creativity overshadow the message. Whatever the execution style, the
advertisement must be able to attract the audience’s attention, provide a reason for the
audience to spend its time viewing the advertisement, and accomplish what it set out to
do. In the end, the execution style must match the medium and objectives. An additional
complication in Canada is the necessity to design some advertising messages in two offi-
cial languages. And, as mentioned earlier, Canada’s multicultural population means that
companies must carefully consider cultural influences so as not to alienate groups through
inappropriate messages.
Print advertising can be especially difficult because it is a static medium: it has no
sound, no motion, and only one dimension. Instead, print relies on several key components
that appear in most ads: the headline, or large type designed to draw attention and be read
first; the body copy, which represents the main text portion of the ad; the background for the
ad, usually a single colour; the foreground, which refers to everything that appears on top
of the background, and the branding, which identifies the sponsor of the ad. The advertiser
must convey its message by using compelling visuals and limited text.

LO5 7. Assess Impact Using Marketing Metrics

The effectiveness of an advertising campaign must be assessed before, during, and after
the campaign has run. Each step in the IMC process can be measured to determine how
effective it has been at motivating consumers to move to the next step in the buying pro-
pretesting cess. Pretesting refers to assessments performed before an ad campaign is implemented to
Assessments performed ensure that the various elements are working in an integrated fashion and doing what they
before an ad campaign
is implemented to are intended to do.25 Tracking includes monitoring key indicators, such as daily or weekly
ensure that the various sales volume, while the advertisement is running to shed light on any problems with the
elements are working
in an integrated fashion
message or the medium. Post-testing is the evaluation of the campaign’s impact after it
and doing what they are has been implemented. At this last stage, advertisers assess the sales and/or communica-
intended to do. tion impact of the advertisement or campaign.
tracking Measuring sales impact can be especially challenging because of the many influences
Includes monitoring key other than advertising on consumers’ choices, purchase behaviour, and attitudes. These
indicators, such as daily
or weekly sales volume, influences include the level of competitors’ advertising, economic conditions in the target
while the advertisement market, sociocultural changes, and even the weather, all of which can influence consumer
is running to shed light purchasing behaviour. Advertisers must try to identify these influences and isolate those of
on any problems with the
message or the medium. the particular advertising campaign.
For frequently purchased consumer goods in the maturity stage of the PLC, such as
The evaluation of an IMC cola, sales volume offers a good indicator of advertising effectiveness. Because their sales
campaign’s impact after it are relatively stable, and if we assume that the other elements of the marketing mix and
has been implemented.
the environment have not changed, we can attribute changes in sales volume to changes in
For other types of goods in other stages of the PLC, sales data offer but one of the
many indicators that marketers need to examine to determine advertising effectiveness. For
instance, SoCIAL LITE Vodka measured feedback from consumers (which was 90 plus per-
cent positive), trial-to-purchase conversion metrics, and sales data that indicated 20 cases
of its drinks were sold in a four-hour period.
In high-growth markets, sales growth alone can be misleading because the market
as a whole is growing. In such a situation, marketers measure sales relative to those of
Integrated Marketing Communications CHAPTER 14 443

competitors to determine their relative market share. Some product categories experience
so many influences that it is almost impossible to identify advertising’s contribution to any
individual consumer’s choice to purchase a particular product. This is especially true for
products such as cigarettes and alcohol or those with potentially negative health conse-
quences, such as fast food or high-sugar breakfast cereals.
Because of the cumulative effect of marketing communications, it may take several
exposures before consumers are moved to buy, so firms cannot expect too much too soon.
They must invest in the marketing communications campaign with the idea that it may
not reach its full potential for some time. One internal campaign to increase an advertis-
ing agency’s environmental scorecard wasn’t measured by conventional methods. Instead,
as presented in Sustainable Marketing 14.1, success was measured by how good it made
employees feel about the company.

Sustainable Marketing 14.1

Sustainability Ingrained in
theturnlab's DNA†
When it comes to advertising agencies, sustainable prac-
tices are not generally what comes to mind. Yet Toronto-
based theturnlab has woven sustainability into its DNA.†† It
has created a green office and pays employees to bike to
work. The agency’s tagline, “We want to turn the tide,”‡ is
applied to social good, not just developing market-
ing campaigns for clients such as Bullfrog Power, CAA,
Mattamy Homes, Yamaha, Metro Convention Centre, and
World Wildlife Fund.
A multi-million-dollar agency, theturnlab uses sustain-
able building practices throughout its offices, including
theturnlab offices use recycled and reclaimed materials
incorporating recycled and reclaimed materials wherever wherever possible.
possible. Ultra-low wattage LED lighting is supplemented
Used with permission of theturnlab
by lots of natural lighting. A green roof was added, com-
plete with a community garden that allows staff to grow
fresh produce. Even its power is sustainable, as it is pro- theturnlab’s co-founders, Howard Chang, received the
vided by Bullfrog Power.‡‡ Food for client and employee Clean50 Award for the agency’s commitment to using
events is sourced from local and organic companies. entirely green energy, convincing many clients to con-
Even office equipment is sourced from ethical and sus- vert media to digital from paper, and supporting a host
tainable vendors. of social causes including health, nutrition, and fitness.§
The agency’s efforts have not gone unnoticed. Part ad The agency has been recognized for its corpo-
agency, part consultancy, and part technology company, rate social responsibility efforts as well. For example, it
theturnlab has earned B-Corp certification for corporate donates 10 percent of staff billable hours to clients with
social and environmental responsibility. It is 100 per- social causes, and it supports numerous charities. While
cent carbon neutral, runs on 100 percent green energy, Chang acknowledges that individually these initiatives
and is 100 percent committed to protecting the planet. may not make a big difference, cumulatively they help to
Fewer than 110 companies in Canada and 900 compa- “move the needle.”§§ And everyone benefits when com-
nies globally have received this seal of approval. One of panies make a commitment to sustainability.
†Information for this Sustainability Marketing box provided by Malina Kaija, co-founder theturnlab in a phone interview, September 20, 2019.
††Top Drawer, “Sustainability,” (accessed August 3, 2016).
‡The Turn Lab, “About,” (accessed August 15, 2019).
‡‡Howard Chang, “Corporate Social Responsibility—Marketing Hype or Real Change?” October 27, 2011,
/corporate-social-responsibility-marketing-hype-or-real-change/ (accessed August 3, 2016).
Michelle Dipardo, “Top Drawer Creative Sets Up Shop for a Good Cause,” Marketing Magazine, January 7, 2015,
/advertising/top-drawer-creative-sets-up-shop-for-a-good-cause-134241 (accessed August 3, 2016).
444 Section seven Value Communication

Traditional Media
When measuring IMC success, the firm should examine when and how often consumers
have been exposed to various marketing communications. Specifically, firms use measures
of frequency and reach to gauge consumers’ exposure to marketing communications. For
most products and situations, a single exposure to a communication is not enough to gener-
frequency ate the desired response. Therefore, marketers measure the frequency of exposure—how
Measure of how often the often the target audience is exposed to a communication within a specified period of time.
target audience is exposed
to a communication within The other measure used to determine consumers’ exposure to marketing communications
a specified period of time. is reach, which describes the percentage of the target population exposed to a specific
reach marketing communication, such as an advertisement, at least once. Marketing commu-
Measure of consumers’ nications managers usually state their media objectives in terms of gross rating points
exposure to marketing
communications; the
(GRP), which represents reach multiplied by frequency (GRP = Reach × Frequency). This
percentage of the target measure can be used for various media advertising—print, radio, or television.
population exposed to GRP can be measured for print, radio, or television but, when comparing the calculations,
a specific marketing
communication, such as they must refer to the same medium. Suppose that Unilever, the maker of Sunsilk, places five
an advertisement, at least advertisements in Flare magazine, which reaches 50 percent of the “fashion forward” target
segment. The total GRP generated by these five magazine ads is 50 reach × 5 advertisements =
gross rating points (GRP) 250 GRP. Now suppose that Sunsilk includes 15 TV ads as part of the same campaign, run dur-
Measure used for various
media advertising—print,
ing the program Schitt's Creek, which has a rating of 9.2, meaning 9.2 percent of the popula-
radio, or television; GRP = tion watches the show. The total GRP generated by these 15 advertisements is 138 (9.2 reach ×
Reach × Frequency. 15 ads = 138 GRP). However, ads typically appear during more than one TV program, so the
total GRP equals the sum of the GRPs generated by all of the programs.

Digital Media
Firms in Canada spend over $6.9 billion annually on online advertising, which includes
paid search, display ads, email, and sponsorships.26 Although GRP is an adequate measure
for TV and radio ads, assessing the effectiveness of any digital communications efforts in
an IMC campaign generally requires Web tracking software to indicate how much time
click-through tracking viewers spend on particular Web pages and the number of pages they view. Click-through
Measures how many times tracking measures how many times users click on banner advertising on websites. All
users click on banner
advertising on websites. these performance metrics can be easily measured and assessed by using tools such as
Google Analytics. Marketing Analytics 14.1 describes how Puma makes use of Google
Analytics. Facebook also helps companies see who has been visiting their fan pages, what
these people are doing on the fan pages, and who is clicking on their ads. By keeping track
of who is visiting their fan pages, marketers can get to know these visitors and better cus-
tomize the material on these pages for them.

Planning, Implementing, and Evaluating IMC

Programs — An Illustration of Google Advertising
Imagine a hypothetical upscale sneaker store in New York City, called Transit, that is
modelled after vintage New York City subway trains. Transit’s target market is young, well-
educated, hip men and women aged 17–34 years. The owner’s experience indicates the
importance of personal selling for this market because they (1) make large purchases, and
(2) seek considerable information before making a decision. Jay Oliver, the owner, spends
part of his communication budget on training his sales associates. Oliver has realized that
his communication budget is considerably less than that of other sneaker stores in the area.
He has therefore decided to concentrate his limited budget on a specific segment and use
digital media exclusively in his IMC program.
The IMC program Oliver has developed emphasizes his store’s distinctive image and
uses his website, social shopping, and some interesting community-building techniques.
Integrated Marketing Communications CHAPTER 14 445

Marketing Analytics 14.1

Puma’s Use of Google Analytics***

The international sports brand Puma offers clothing and
accessories alongside its iconic shoes. It enjoys contin-
ued success mainly because it has turned to analytics to
define its integrated marketing strategies and develop its
advertising. When Puma first partnered with Google Ana-
lytics, its primary goals were to showcase the breadth of
its products online and centralize its online presence. But
to compete in the modern age among customers who are
accustomed to shopping anywhere at any time, it needed
to do more than update its website. Thus, Puma inte-
grated its advertising with its online marketing strategy to
devise an overall branded content online strategy.
The insights gained from Google Analytics drive The insights gained from Google Analytics were used to
these new advertising and online strategies. For exam- launch a photo-driven site with profiles of famous athletes such
ple, Puma launched a new photo-driven site with multiple as Olympian Usain Bolt and introduce the brand’s “Forever
profiles of famous athletes such as Olympian Usain Bolt Faster” campaign used in television commercials and social
and soccer star Mario Balotelli. Instead of traditional Web media campaigns.
formats, the site weaves the featured apparel together © Jamie McCarthy/Getty Images
with "buy" buttons that appear interspersed throughout
the content. The new site also was integrated with the product line individually, Puma came to recognize exactly
brand’s “Forever Faster” campaign—a campaign that also which products and lines were most popular. This analy-
featured the same athletes in television commercials and sis in turn revealed the need to improve the visibility of
social media campaigns. Although is still a rel- its women’s lines. To address this need, Puma decided
atively small player in the online world, it saw a significant to add inspirational women to its list of celebrity endorse-
increase in engagement and the number of site visits as a ments, alongside the mostly male athletes it had been
result of these efforts. featuring. In the hope of reaching more young female
Google Analytics also helped Puma develop another customers, for example, Puma named Rihanna as a brand
aspect of its marketing strategy: By analyzing each ambassador and creative director of its women’s line.
***Sources: Google Analytics, “Case Study: Puma Kicks Up Order Rate 7% with Insights from Google Analytics and Viget,” 2013; Caitlin Carter, “Rihanna
Signs on as Puma’s New Creative Director,” Music Times, December 16, 2014; Puma, “Rihanna: Gamechanger,”; Lucia Moses, “Inside Puma’s
Branded Content Strategy,” Digiday, December 15, 2014; Aaron Ricadela, “Puma’s Marketing Strategy Is a Whole New Ball Game,”Business World,
September 19, 2014; Larissa Faw, “Puma Adds New Channels to Its ‘Forever Faster’ Campaign,” Media Post, August 26, 2014.

For instance, he has an extensive customer database as part of his CRM system from which
he draws information for matching new merchandise with his customers’ past purchase
behaviours and little personal nuggets of information that sales associates have collected
on the customers. He then emails specific customers information about new products that
he believes they will be interested in. He also encourages customers to use blogs hosted on
his website. Customers chat about the “hot” new sneakers, club events, and races. He does
everything with a strong sense of style.
To reach new customers, he uses search engine marketing (SEM). In particular, he search engine marketing
uses Google AdWords, a search engine marketing tool that allows advertisers to show up in the (SEM)
Uses tools such as Google
Sponsored Links section of the search results page based on the keywords potential customers AdWords to increase the
use (see the sponsored link section in the right-hand column of the Google screen grab). visibility of websites in
search engine results.
Oliver must determine the best keywords to use for his sponsored link advertising pro-
gram. Some potential customers might search using the keywords, “sneakers,” “sneakers in
New York City,” “athletic shoes,” or other such versions. Using Google AdWords, Oliver can
assess the effectiveness of his advertising expenditures by measuring the reach, relevance,
and return on investment for each of the keywords that potential customers used during
their Internet searches.
446 Section seven Value Communication

Advertisers pay Google to show up in the Sponsored Link section in the right-hand column of
this screen grab.
Google and the Google logo are registered trademarks of Google LLC, used with permission.

impressions To estimate reach, Oliver uses the number of impressions (the number of times the
The number of times an ad ad appears in front of the user) and the click-through rate (CTR). To calculate CTR, he
appears to a user.
takes the number of times a user clicks on an ad and divides it by the number of impres-
click-through rate (CTR) sions. For example, if a sponsored link was delivered 100 times and 10 people clicked on
The number of times a user
clicks on an ad divided by it, then the number of impressions is 100, the number of clicks is 10, and the CTR would
the number of impressions. be 10 percent.
The relevance of the ad describes how useful an ad message is to the consumer doing
the search. Google provides a measure of relevance through its AdWords system using a
quality score. The quality score looks at a variety of factors to measure how relevant a key-
word is to an ad’s text and to a user’s search query. In general, a high-quality score means
that a keyword will trigger ads in a higher position and at a lower cost per click.27 In a
search for “sneaker store,” the Transit ad showed up fourth, suggesting high relevance.
return on investment Using the following formula, Oliver also can determine an ad’s return on invest-
(ROI) ment (ROI):
Used to measure the
benefit of an investment,
ROI is calculated by Sales revenue − Advertising cost
dividing the gain of an ROI =
investment by its cost. Advertising cost

For the two keyword searches in Exhibit 14.8, Oliver finds how much the advertising
cost him (Column 3), the sales produced as a result (Column 4), and the ROI (Column 6).
For “sneaker store,” the Transit website had a lot more clicks (110) than the clicks
received from “New York City sneakers” (40) (Column 2). Even though the sales were
lower for the keywords “sneaker store” at $35/day, versus $40/day for the keywords

Exhibit 14.8 ROI Assessment

(1) (2) (3) (4) Net Sales Revenue (6)
Keyword Clicks Cost Sales (Col. 4) – Cost (Col. 3) ROI = (Col. 5 ÷ Col. 3) × 100
Sneaker store 110 $10/day $35/day $25 250%
New York City sneakers 40 $25/day $40/day $15 60%
Integrated Marketing Communications CHAPTER 14 447

Exhibit 14.9 Program Effectiveness Results

Communication Before 6 Months One Year

Objective Questions Campaign After After
Awareness (% What stores sell 38% 46% 52%
mentioning store) sneakers?
Knowledge (% Which stores would 9 17 24
giving outstanding you rate outstanding
rating for sales on the following
assistance) characteristics?
Attitude (% first On your next shopping 13 15 19
choice) trip for sneakers,
which store would you
visit first?
Visit (% visited Which of the following 8 15 19
store) stores have you
been to?

“New York City sneakers,” the ROI was much greater for the “sneaker store” keyword
combination. In the future, Oliver should continue this keyword combination, in addi-
tion to producing others that are similar to it, in the hope that he will attain an even
greater return on investment.
To evaluate his IMC program, Oliver compares the results of the program with his
objectives (Exhibit 14.9). To measure his program’s effectiveness, he conducted an inex-
pensive online survey using the questions in Exhibit 14.9, which shows the survey results
for one year. The results show a steady increase in awareness, knowledge of the store, and
choice of the store as a primary source of sneakers. This research provides evidence that the
IMC program was conveying the intended message to the target audience.
As IMC programs become more sophisticated, measurement is not the only concern.
Marketers need to worry about a host of legal and ethical issues, which we will examine
in the next chapter. Now that we’ve examined the steps in planning integrated marketing
communications, let’s look at the specific tools used in creating IMC campaigns.

Integrated Marketing Communications LO6

For any communications campaign to succeed, the firm must deliver the right message to
the right audience through the right media. Reaching the right audience is becoming more
difficult, however, as the media environment grows more complicated. No single commu-
nication channel is better than another. The goal of IMC tools is to use them in such a way
that the sum exceeds the total of the parts.
Advances in technology have led to a variety of new media options, such as satel-
lite radio, pop-up and banner ads, brand-sponsored websites, and text messaging, all of
which vie for consumers’ attention. There is a proliferation of TV stations. Print media
have grown and become more specialized. In Canada, there are currently 101 daily
newspapers, 1,060 community newspapers, more than 1,300 consumer magazines, and
694 business publications.28 This proliferation of media has led many firms to shift their
promotional dollars from advertising to direct marketing, website development, product
placements, and other forms of promotion in search of the best way to deliver messages
to their target audiences.
448 Section seven Value Communication

Exhibit 14.10 Integrated Marketing Communications Tools

Social and Mobile Advertising P

Print (newspapers,
Media magazines)
Social media
Mobile media

Direct mail Sales

S calls
Catalogues Telemarketing
DRTV Online/Offline
Direct Marketing Personal Selling

Media relations Deals
News releases Premiums
Press kits Samples
Annual reports Loyalty programs
Public Relations Sales Promotion POP displays

We now examine the individual tools of IMC and the way each contributes to a suc-
cessful IMC campaign (see Exhibit 14.10). Most of these tools work along a continuum
from passive to interactive and can be used either offline or online. Some tools—advertis-
ing, personal selling, and sales promotion—appear in detail in the next chapter, and so we
discuss them only briefly here.

advertising Perhaps the most visible of the IMC components, advertising is a paid form of commu-
A paid form of nication from an identifiable source, delivered through a communication channel, and
communication from
an identifiable source, designed to persuade the receiver to take some action, now or in the future. Traditionally,
delivered through a advertising has been passive and offline; however, these days advertising is increasingly
communication channel,
and designed to persuade
placed online and is interactive. For instance, print ads in newspapers and magazines are
the receiver to take some offline, with customers simply viewing them (passive). In contrast, banner ads, Web-based
action, now or in the future. contests, or online coupons are all offered online and require customers to provide some
information or take some action (interactive).
In Chapter 15, we discuss the purpose of advertising and its various types, but for now,
we note that advertising is extremely effective for creating awareness of a product or ser-
vice and generating interest. Advertising can also be used to remind consumers of existing
brands. For example, McDonald’s “I’m Lovin’ It” ads helped revitalize interest in the com-
pany’s products, driving both traffic and sales.
Advertising can entice consumers into a conversation with marketers. However, adver-
tising must break through the clutter of other messages to reach its intended audience. In
the past decade, advertising’s share of total promotional dollars has fallen as the budgets
for social and mobile media, sales promotion, direct marketing, and public relations have
increased, resulting in a more balanced approach to the use of marketing communications
elements. Entrepreneurial Marketing 14.1 examines a marketing firm run by an entrepre-
neur with a dragon legacy.
Integrated Marketing Communications CHAPTER 14 449

Entrepreneurial Marketing 14.1

From Single Mom to Success Story

Advertising and sales promotion is all about persuasion.
According to Arlene Dickinson, CEO of Venture Commu-
nications and author of Persuasion, in business and in life
it’s important to be honest and authentic and to under-
stand that “persuasion doesn’t involve tricks, coercion, or
shading the truth.”†††
Born in South Africa, Dickinson immigrated to Canada
when she was only three years old. She did well academ-
ically and finished high school early at age 16. Although
her father wanted her to attend university, having grown
up in a strict Mormon household, Arlene’s goal was to get
married and have children. She married at 19 and had
four children in quick succession. When the marriage fell
apart, she worked at almost every job imaginable. Her
sales experience led to an offer to join Venture Commu-
nications in 1988, working without pay for two years. Ten
years later, she bought the company.
Since then, she has grown the business from a small,
local firm based in Calgary to one of the largest inde- Arlene Dickinson grew Venture Communications
pendent marketing firms in Canada.‡‡‡ Clients include into one of the largest independent marketing
organizations such as Cenovus and Toyota. An out-of- firms in Canada.
home campaign for Travel Alberta aimed to make the Tara Walton/Toronto Star via Getty Images
province the number-one choice for Ontario skiers. Tactics
included station domination at Toronto’s Union Station and make mistakes. You never know what’s around the cor-
resulted in traffic to the Travel Alberta website increasing ner if you just put yourself out there.”*§ Looking back, she
by over 150 percent.§§§ says one of her marketing blunders was passing up on
Dickinson is also the CEO of Arlene Dickinson Enter- the opportunity to work with a snowboard company. She
prises (ADE) and, companies she launched in thought snowboards were just a fad and wouldn’t last.
late 2012 that work to invest in, serve, and support entre- The experience taught her to pay attention to trends and
preneurs. In her second book, All In: You, Your Business, to bear in mind that just because she didn’t like some-
Your Life, she shares insights into the cost of her success— thing didn’t mean others would feel the same.**†
sacrifices to relationships, vacations forgone—to deal with Today, Dickinson is perhaps best known for her role
business issues.*† In the fall of 2018, she partnered with as one of the venture capitalists on the CBC television
Jann Arden to launch a weekly podcast, THE BUSINESS series Dragons’ Den, where she has appeared for more
OF LIFE, a business and lifestyle series on topics including than eleven seasons, as well as her roles on The Big
entrepreneurship, writing, relationships, and navigating life Decision and Recipe to Riches. Companies that pitch on
challenges.*‡ the shows are often looking for just the kind of market-
From single mom living in poverty to self-made mil- ing expertise Arlene Dickinson brings to deals. To help
lionaire, Dickinson is a Canadian success story. Although early-stage healthcare and food-sector companies get
she has won numerous awards and been ranked as one mentoring and leadership assistance as well as access to
of PROFIT Magazine’s Top 100 Women Entrepreneurs investment funds, she set up District Ventures Accelera-
many years in a row, Dickinson is quick to admit that she’s tor in Calgary. An entrepreneur at heart, Dickinson views
made mistakes. “Go out there and try. Don’t be afraid to the accelerator centre “like pouring water on the seed.”**‡
†††Arlene Dickinson, Persuasion (Harper Collins Publishers, 2011), p . 12.
‡‡‡Sarah Hamspon, “Arlene Dickinson Proves ‘Emotion’ Doesn’t Have to Be a Dirty Word,” The Globe and Mail, September 26, 2011, www (accessed August 5, 2016).
“We’ll Move Mountains for You,” Venture Communications, (accessed August 1, 2013).
*†Carmel Kilkenny, “Arlene Dickinson Honoured With Doctorate at John Molson School of Business,”
-honoured-with-doctorate-at-john-molson-school-of-business/ (accessed August 5, 2016).
*§"Persuasion Book Launch for Arlene Dickinson (Sept. 2011),”
(accessed August 6, 2013).
**†“Arlene Dickinson: What Was Your Worst Marketing Blunder and What Did You Learn from It?” Financial Post, July 29, 2013,
.com/2013/07/29/arlene-dickinson-what-was-your-worst-marketing-blunder-and-what-did-you-learn-from-it (accessed August 5, 2016).
**‡Peter Kuitenbrouwer, “Life After the Den: Arlene Dickinson Heads Home to Calgary With a Dragon’s Legacy,” Financial Post, May 15, 2015, http:// (accessed August 4, 2016).
450 Section seven Value Communication

Personal Selling
personal selling Personal selling is the two-way flow of communication between a buyer and a seller that
The two-way flow of is designed to influence the buyer’s purchase decision. Personal selling can take place in
communication between
a buyer and a seller that is various settings: face to face, video teleconferencing, on the telephone, or over the Internet.
designed to influence the Although consumers don’t often interact with professional salespeople, personal selling
buyer’s purchase decision.
represents an important component of many IMC programs, especially in business-to-
business (B2B) settings.
The cost of communicating directly with a potential customer is quite high compared
with other forms of promotion, but it is simply the best and most efficient way to sell cer-
tain products and services. Customers can buy many products and services without the
help of a salesperson, but salespeople simplify the buying process by providing information
and services that save customers time and effort. In many cases, sales representatives add
significant value, which makes the added expense of employing them worthwhile. Chapter
15 devotes more attention to personal selling.

Sales Promotion
sales promotions Sales promotions are special incentives or excitement-building programs that encourage
Special incentives or the purchase of a product or service, such as coupons, rebates, contests, free samples, and
programs that encourage point-of-purchase displays. While some sales promotions are offline (e.g., printed cou-
the purchase of a product pons or contest entries), others are online (e.g., ecoupons downloaded to a smartphone).
or service, such as
coupons, rebates, contests,
Marketers typically design these incentives for use in conjunction with other advertising
free samples, and point-of- or personal selling programs. Many sales promotions, such as free samples or point-of-
purchase displays. purchase displays, are designed to build short-term sales; though others, such as contests
and sweepstakes, have become integral components of firms’ CRM programs as means to
build customer loyalty. We discuss such sales promotions in more detail in Chapter 15.

Direct Marketing
The component of IMC that has received the greatest increase in aggregate spending
direct marketing recently is direct marketing, or marketing that communicates directly with target cus-
Marketing that tomers to generate a response or transaction.29 Unlike mass media, which communicate
communicates directly
with target customers to to a wide audience, direct marketing allows for personalization of the message, a key
generate a response or advantage. Direct marketing contains a variety of traditional and new forms of market-
ing communication initiatives, including offline forms such as direct mail, direct response
TV commercials (infomercials), catalogues, and kiosks, as well as online technologies
such as email, mobile, and podcasts. Digital technologies have had a profound effect on
direct marketing initiatives. Email, for instance, can be directed to specific consumers to
inform them about new merchandise and
special promotions, confirm receipt of an
order, and indicate when an order has been
shipped. Currently available technologies
also mean handheld devices can function
as a payment medium: Just tap your smart-
phone, and the transaction occurs in much
the same way it occurs with a credit card.
Direct marketing has four defining
characteristics: it is targeted, motivates
an action, is measurable, and can provide
information for the development of a
Direct marketers now use mobile devices to reach potential customers. marketing database.30 It is an information-
© Maksym Yemelyanov | driven process that enables marketers to
Integrated Marketing Communications CHAPTER 14 451

narrowly target the appropriate audiences. For example, a company selling a health sup-
plement can use direct marketing to reach only people who subscribe to health-related
magazines in an effort to motivate them to take action, such as calling a toll-free number,
visiting a website, or placing a mail order. The company can easily measure the response for
each magazine by using uniquely assigned coded coupons, toll-free numbers, or Internet
microsites. The use of response-generating direct marketing forms (such as direct mail,
direct response television, or telemarketing) can provide meaningful results and allow the
evaluation of a marketing campaign in a timely manner.31
Direct marketing offers benefits to both buyers and sellers. Companies that use direct
marketing campaigns appreciate the ability to sell to a much wider target audience than
could be reached with traditional marketing channels. In comparison to personal selling
or mass media advertising, the cost of reaching consumers is much lower with direct mar-
keting. As mentioned earlier, one of the defining characteristics of direct marketing is its
measurability—campaigns can be closely monitored to track results. Measurability means
marketers know who responds to their campaigns, allowing them to build rich databases
that can be used to cross-sell, tailor offers, and create specific promotions geared to indi-
vidual customers in future campaigns.
The increased use of customer databases has enabled marketers to identify and track
consumers over time and across purchase situations, which has contributed to the rapid
growth of direct marketing. Marketers have been able to build these databases thanks to
consumers’ increased use of credit and debit cards, store-specific credit and loyalty cards,
and online shopping, all of which require the buyer to give the seller personal information
that becomes part of its database. Because firms understand customers’ purchases better
when they possess such information, they can more easily focus their direct marketing
efforts appropriately. Ethical & Societal Dilemma 14.1 describes how companies are target-
ing consumers with promotions based on their purchasing behaviour, which is sometimes
seen as an infringement on their privacy.

Ethical & Societal Dilemma 14.1

Protecting Consumer Privacy Accountability Organizations are responsible for per-

sonal information collected and must
The digital age has allowed companies to more narrowly designate an individual to be account-
target consumers. Is this a good thing? Maybe. But what able for compliance.
if, through data mining efforts based on Web browsing Identifying Companies must identify the pur-
activity, a retailer is able to determine that a woman is Purposes poses for which personal information
pregnant and send ads and coupons for baby-related is collected at or before the time it is
products directly to her? The father of a U.S. teen who collected.
received such promotions was justifiably upset.**§ A Con-
Consent Individuals must consent to the col-
sumer Privacy Bill of Rights was passed to protect people
lection, use, or disclosure of personal
from changes to how firms now use data collected from
In Canada, consumers are protected against such Limiting Only information that is necessary for
infringements of privacy by the federal Personal Informa- Collection the stated purposes may be collected.
tion Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA). Limiting Use, Organizations may not use or disclose
The Act has three fundamental objectives: transparency Disclosure, personal information for purposes
regarding how personal information will be used, that and Retention other than those for which it was col-
information will not be used for anything other than the lected, unless individual consent is
stated purpose, and that only directly relevant informa- given or as required by law. The infor-
tion to the declared purpose should be collected.†* These mation may only be retained for the
objectives are further broken down as 10 privacy princi- time needed to fulfill its purpose.
ples shown here.

(continued )
452 Section seven Value Communication

Ethical & Societal Dilemma 14.1 (continued )

ads for similar devices on other websites. The Office of
Accuracy Personal information must be as accu-
the Privacy Commissioner of Canada investigated and
rate, complete, and current as needed
found that Google had not complied with its privacy law.†§
to satisfy collection purposes.
To allow consumers to get information and more
Safeguards Security safeguards must be imple- easily opt out of targeted ads, the Digital Advertising
mented appropriate to the sensitivity Alliance of Canada (DAAC) has launched Ad Choices.‡*
of the information. Ads that are presented to consumers based on their
Openness Individuals must be informed about an search behaviour are noted with a special icon, an “i”
organization’s policies and practices inside a blue triangle. Consumers will still receive ads, but
regarding the management of per- those ads won’t be targeted based on browsing history.
sonal information. The federal government also passed the Canadian Anti-
Spam Legislation (CASL) to help citizens deal with unwanted
Individual Individuals must be informed of the
email and reduce harm from ecommerce threats. The legis-
Access existence, use, and disclosure of per-
lation came into effect in July 2014 and requires companies
sonal information and have access
that send electronic communication to ensure that they
to it on request. Individuals can chal-
have consent from the recipient, that they clearly identify
lenge the accuracy and completeness
the sender of communications, and that they provide an
of information to have it amended if
unsubscribe mechanism.‡† Rogers Media paid a $200,000
fine after consumers complained about receiving emails
Challenging Individuals can voice concerns to the with a non-working unsubscribe function.‡§
Compliance designated individual accountable for Are consumers’ personal privacy rights being unjustly
the organization’s compliance.†‡ invaded by firms that provide them with targeted promo-
tions based on their browsing habits? Or are the marketing
PIPEDA aims to protect consumer privacy, however, firms engaged in these activities just providing them with
violations still occur. For example, a man who searched helpful information that may make their buying decisions
for sleep apnea devices complained after he received more efficient?
**§Kashmir Hill, “How Target Figured Out a Teen Girl Was Pregnant Before Her Father Did,” Forbes, February 16, 2012,
/kashmirhill/2012/02/16/how-target-figured-out-a-teen-girl-was-pregnant-before-her-father-did/2/#1c06695c71cc (accessed August 3, 2016).
†*Yves Faguy, “Privacy in the Age of Big Data,” National, November 11, 2014,
-the-age-of-Big-Data.aspx (accessed August 3, 2016).
†‡Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada, “Legal information Related to PIPEDA,” (accessed August 3,
†§Susan Krashinsky, “Google Broke Canada’s Privacy Laws With Targeted Health Ads, Watchdog Says,” January 15, 2014,
technology/tech-news/google-broke-canadas-privacy-laws-with-targeted-ads-regulator-says/article16343346/ (accessed August 3, 2016).
‡*Susan Krashinsky, “Advertisers to Open Up on Web-Usage Data Collection, Targeted Advertising,” The Globe and Mail, September 17, 2013,
article14390838/#dashboard/follows/ (accessed August 3, 2016).
‡†CRTC, “Frequently Asked Questions About Canada’s Anti-Spam Legislation,” (accessed August 5, 2016).
‡§“Rogers to Pay $200,000 Fine Under CRTC's Anti Spam Law,” Canadian Press, November 23, 2015,
-pay-200000-fine-under-crtcs-anti-spam-law-162131 (accessed August 8, 2016).

As shown in Exhibit 14.11, direct marketing can take a number of forms, including direct
mail/email, catalogues, direct response TV, and kiosks. We focus on the first four forms here.

Direct Mail/Email
direct mail/email We consider direct mail/email primarily as targeted forms of communication distributed
A targeted form of to a prospective consumer’s mailbox or inbox. Mailing lists are a critical component of direct
communication distributed
to a prospective customer’s mail. Choose the wrong list and your promotion will be perceived as “junk mail” since
mailbox or inbox. the information and offer will not be targeted to the appropriate audience. Canada Post
research shows that Canadian households receive an average of 27 pieces of direct mail per
week. In spite of such high volumes, addressed mail continues to be welcomed by Canadi-
ans. Recipients are twice as likely to notice and read direct mail than email, and 81 percent
are likely to read it the day it is received.32 Studies consistently report that consumers are
more receptive to direct mail than email. Most of us receive far more email marketing mes-
sages, not all of which are welcome. (As noted in Ethical & Societal Dilemma 14.1, tough
Integrated Marketing Communications CHAPTER 14 453

Exhibit 14.11 Forms of Direct Marketing

Direct Response TV Direct Mail/Email

Forms of
Direct Marketing

Kiosk Catalogue

(top left): RosaIreneBetancourt 8/Alamy Stock Photo; (top right): Stockbyte/Punchstock Images; (bottom left): Jack
Hollingsworth/Getty Images; (bottom right): © McGraw Hill Education/Christopher Kerrigan

new anti-spam legislation, CASL, is in effect in Canada to protect residents from unwanted
electronic communication.) And today, 55 percent of marketing emails are received and
opened on mobile devices, making it critical for marketers to ensure their messages are
optimized for mobile platforms.33
According to the Direct Marketing Association, direct mail generates $12 of revenue
for every dollar invested. For direct mail to be effective, a good contact list is a must and a
good offer is also needed to compel consumers to take immediate action. Good offers must
be relevant both to consumers and to the product, and are important whether a company is
promoting products to consumers or to businesses. But offers don’t always involve selling
a product. Registered charities rely on direct mail in their fundraising efforts. For example,
the Heart and Stroke Foundation of Canada, which receives no operational funding from
government sources, uses direct mail extensively to promote its cause. The Foundation’s
Heart & Stroke Lottery has been running for more than 20 years and has raised more than
$242 million in donations.34

Many companies use catalogues to strategically build their business. They represent a
medium that Canadians accept, with 80 percent welcoming retail catalogues into their
homes. After receiving a catalogue, one-third of Canadians make a purchase online, in a
store, or by phone. Plus, research shows that consumers who have looked at a catalogue
before going to a company’s website spend 109 percent more time on the site than other
visitors and buy more expensive items.35 Typically, catalogues have been mailed, which can
454 Section seven Value Communication

become an issue as a company grows. At one time, MEC selectively

mailed catalogues to about 200,000 of its customers; however, it now
only produces a digital version because of the cost and environmen-
tal impact. Today, most companies with physical catalogues, such as
Staples, also offer online catalogues. The IKEA catalogue is so well
known and liked that it has become a key part of the company's IMC
strategy. However, its new catalogue will only be available online and
in stores as it will discontinue delivery to people's homes.36 Canadian
Tire replaced its physical catalogue with an online one, however has
since reintroduced a paper version. Despite the ease of online shop-
ping, the vast majority of Canadians still prefer hard-copy catalogues.
These are particularly important for companies with no brick-and-
mortar locations.

Direct Response TV
Direct response TV (DRTV) refers to TV commercials or infomer-
The IKEA catalogue is a key part of its IMC
strategy and allows consumers to purchase
cials with a strong call to action, usually via a toll-free number, return
a wide variety of products. mail address, or website. Although many people may question the
Source: Inter IKEA Systems B.V. 2020 effectiveness of this form of direct marketing, DRTV and the Shopping
Channel have historically been two of the most welcome forms
of direct marketing among Canadians. DRTV accounts for about
direct response TV 25 percent of all TV commercials, with the top purchases being exercise products, diet/
(DRTV) health/weight merchandise, videos, and beauty products/cosmetics.37
TV commercials or Most DRTV ads have short 60- and 120-second formats or are much longer 30-minute
infomercials with a strong
call to action. infomercials. For many people, the term infomercial conjures up images of a late-night TV
promoter telling them how the product slices and dices better than anything on the market.
Most infomercials appear to be selling products that seem too good to be true: fitness rou-
tines that promise to melt the pounds away, a miracle knife so sharp you’ll never have to buy
another, or rejuvenating face creams that magically erase wrinkles. Some products, such as
the Food Saver vacuum sealing system, are sold only using DRTV and not in retail outlets.
DRTV is used for its power to drive results not only through infomercials, but also in
shorter-format ads. SickKids Foundation launched a campaign to build brand awareness
and attract new donors. A compelling, emotional message was developed that told the story
of children who were being treated at SickKids Hospital. With a strong call to action, ads
in this campaign have proven to be among the most powerful tools of touching hearts and
minds and acquiring donors. Its Better Tomorrows “Life Unpaused” campaign increased
donations by 370 percent.38

As discussed in Chapter 10, digital kiosks can be used to facilitate the way services com-
panies deliver their services to customers; for example, allowing passengers at airports to
quickly print prebooked tickets. However, kiosks can also be used to sell both services and
products to end consumers. For example, after you print your ticket at an airport kiosk, you
can get a 10-minute manicure at another kiosk while you wait for your flight. Some kiosks
are temporary, such as the kiosks that are set up in malls primarily to sell seasonal gift items.
Others kiosks are permanent. For example, Dell’s mall kiosks allow shoppers to talk to a
Dell representative face-to-face and find the computer that’s just right for them. Consumers
can customize their PC, order it, and have it shipped directly to their homes. In Ontario,
Virgin Mobile unveiled a network of mall kiosks, which it may use to sell other Virgin
products and services in the future. Real estate companies such as Century 21 use kiosks in
malls where thousands of potential buyers can connect with property listings. Kiosks from
Hallmark allow customers to create their own personalized cards, and McDonald’s kiosks
Integrated Marketing Communications CHAPTER 14 455

let customers order personalized hamburgers and toppings. Disposable cameras and batter-
ies are available at kiosks throughout the Rogers Centre in Toronto.39 Business marketers
use kiosks as well, particularly at trade shows to collect sales leads and to provide informa-
tion on their products.

Public Relations
Public relations (PR) is the organizational function that manages the firm’s communica- public relations (PR)
tions to achieve a variety of objectives, including building and maintaining a positive image, The organizational function
that manages the firm’s
handling or heading off unfavourable stories or events, and maintaining positive relation- communications to achieve
ships with the media. Like advertising, this tactic is relatively passive in that customers do a variety of objectives,
including building and
not have to take any action to receive it. However, PR efforts span both offline and online
maintaining a positive
media. PR activities support the other promotional efforts by the firm by generating “free” image, handling or heading
media attention and general goodwill. off unfavourable stories or
events, and maintaining
While it can be very difficult to convince the media to write about a company or its positive relationships with
products and services, this media attention can be crucial to a company’s success. As a the media.
relatively new company with a limited marketing budget, SoCIAL LITE Vodka relied heav-
ily on PR to get awareness. It was successful in getting coverage on TV (Breakfast Television,
CityLine, The Social, Dragons’ Den, Food Network, Women’s Network), in print (National
Post, The Toronto Star, The Globe & Mail, Marketing Magazine, Strategy Magazine), and
numerous online blogs related to entrepreneurs, fitness, fashion, lifestyle, and business. It
doesn’t hurt to have help from former Dragons’ Den marketing expert Arlene Dickinson,
who has appeared at launch parties and done media interviews.
In essence, PR is the free placement of a company’s message in the media. In the past,
many companies used PR primarily to communicate with the news media, hoping their
messages would be picked up. Today, PR is more about connecting with consumers and
interacting in the hopes of having a conversation.40 Electric-car maker Tesla spends mini-
mally on advertising because it benefits from PR resulting from media coverage, bloggers,
and word-of-mouth. Unilever’s Dove Campaign for Real Beauty demonstrates the viral
power of digital media to quickly spread a message and generate a wealth of valuable pub-
licity. Its “Evolution” film generated over $150 million in unpaid media impressions. Its
“Real Beauty Sketches” video was the most-watched online ad ever, generating more than
163 million YouTube views.41
Car Heaven’s support of Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD) Canada illustrates
how using a combination of promotional and PR campaigns can enhance a firm’s image
while supporting a worthwhile cause.42 The Car Heaven program gives car owners a way to
conveniently dispose of old vehicles by towing them at no charge to a recycling facility. The
proceeds from the scrap metal are donated to MADD Canada and donors receive charitable
tax receipts.43 The program creates a positive association between the brand and a social
cause, in this case, prevention of drunk driving. This form of promotional campaign, called
cause-related marketing, refers to commercial activity in which businesses and charities cause-related marketing
form a partnership to market an image, product, or service for their mutual benefit.44 Commercial activity in
which businesses and
Designers vie to have celebrities, especially those nominated for awards, wear their charities form a partnership
fashions on the red carpet. Their brands offer intangible benefits, not just functional ben- to market an image,
product, or service for their
efits. Events such as the Oscars, with its 35 million annual viewers, provide an unparalleled mutual benefit; a type of
opportunity to showcase the emotional benefits of the brand and make others want to be promotional campaign.
a part of it. Thus, the celebrities whom designers pursue and offer their items to are those
who will sell the most or provide the best iconic images. Saoirse Ronan’s great popularity
meant that she could wear Versace to the Golden Globes, then switch to Calvin Klein for
the Academy Awards, and garner press for both design firms.45
The placement of designer apparel at media events benefits both the designer and the
celebrity. And neither happens by accident. PR people on both sides help orchestrate the
events to get the maximum benefit for both parties.
456 Section seven Value Communication

Saoirse Ronan’s great popularity meant that she could wear Versace to the Golden Globes (left), then switch to Calvin Klein
for the Academy Awards (right), and garner press for both design firms.
(left): ©Venturelli/WireImage/Getty Images; (right): ©Steve Granitz/WireImage/Getty Images

Good PR has always been an important success factor. Over the years, the importance
of PR has grown, as the cost of other forms of marketing communications has increased. At
the same time, the influence of PR has become more powerful, as consumers have become
increasingly skeptical of marketing claims made in other media.46 In many instances, con-
sumers view media coverage generated through PR as more credible and objective than any
other aspects of an IMC program, because the firm does not “buy” the space in print media
or time on radio or television.
For example, TOMS Shoes, a company founded by Blake Mycoskie, illustrates how
a well-orchestrated IMC effort, using a combination of promotional and PR campaigns,
can enhance a firm’s image while supporting a worthwhile cause.47 Mycoskie took tradi-
tional Argentinean shoes, known as alpargatas, and began selling and marketing them
to consumers outside the generally impoverished nation in which they originated. The
company’s website proclaims that Mycoskie’s inspiration was simple. Noting the comfort
of the shoes and the extreme poverty of Argentina, he promises that “With every pair
you purchase, TOMS will give a pair of new shoes to a child in need.” This message is
found on his website and other press vehicles, including a mention as the “Good Guy
event sponsorship of the Month” in O, The Oprah Winfrey Magazine. TOMS Shoes embraces cause-related
A popular PR tool; occurs
marketing. The company is not just about making and selling shoes, but also partners
when corporations
support various activities with groups such as Insight Argentina, an organization offering volunteer activities in
(financially or otherwise), Argentina to help that area address its most pressing social issues.48
usually in the cultural or
sports and entertainment Another very popular PR tool is event sponsorship. Event sponsorship occurs when
sectors. corporations support various activities (financially or otherwise), usually in the cultural
Integrated Marketing Communications CHAPTER 14 457

or sports and entertainment sectors. For example,

Subaru sponsors the Subaru Ironman Canada Triathlon,
regarded as one of the best Ironman events in the world.
The race helps Subaru promote its vehicles, which, like
athletes, must possess both the versatility to excel in a
variety of environments and the durability to outlast the
competition. Red Bull is a frequent sponsor of various
kinds of sports events, such as Red Bull Air Race and
numerous extreme sports events (e.g., cliff diving).
Some PR initiatives can even be playful. Financial ser-
vices company Wealthsimple set the media world abuzz
by announcing that it had acquired the naming rights
for a new stadium in downtown Toronto. The stadium,
located just south of the CN Tower was real—really tiny, Part of Red Bull’s PR toolkit is its event sponsorship of a cliff
diving event.
too. Although just 5 feet by 3 feet, the Wealthsimple Tiny
James Davies/Alamy Stock Photo
Stadium had tiny fans seated inside, and was equipped
with jumbotrons, Wi-Fi, and a courtside camera. Stadium naming rights cost $156 million on

average. The tiny stadium conveyed the message that the company’s fees are also tiny, and was
sure to attract attention in a high-traffic location, with the tiniest budget possible.
Firms often distribute a PR toolkit to communicate with various audiences. Some
toolkit elements are designed to inform specific groups directly, whereas others are created
to generate media attention and disseminate information. We depict the various elements
of a PR toolkit in Exhibit 14.12.

Social and Mobile Media

The Internet has had a dramatic impact on how marketers communicate with their cus-
tomers. Digital media tools range from simple website content to far more interactive
features such as corporate blogs, online games, text messaging, social media, and mobile
apps. Unlike other IMC tools, these digital media forms were designed only for the online
world. Marketers use them because they can be targeted to specific customer segments, digital media
Tools ranging from
their impact can be easily and quickly measured in real time, modifications can be quickly
simple website content
made to increase their effectiveness, and customers can be engaged to forward the message to far more interactive
to their social networks. In Canada, $8.8 billion or 53.5 percent of total ad spending was features such as corporate
blogs, online games, text
digital as of 2019 and is projected to grow to $12.75 billion by 2023, representing 63 percent messaging, social media,
of all advertising dollars spent.50 and mobile apps.

The Wealthsimple Tiny Stadium garnered a lot of buzz for the company and conveyed an important message about its tiny fees.
Source: (both): Wealthsimple Technologies Inc.
458 Section seven Value Communication

Exhibit 14.12 Elements of a PR Toolkit

PR Element Function
Publications: brochures, special- Inform various constituencies about the activities of the
purpose single-issue publications organization and highlight specific areas of expertise
such as books
Video and audio: programs, public Highlight the organization or support cause-related
service announcements marketing efforts
Annual reports Give required financial performance data and inform
investors and others about the unique activities of the
Media relations: press kits, Generate news coverage of the organization’s activities
news releases, speeches, event or products/services
Digital media: websites, email Websites can contain all the previously mentioned
campaigns toolbox elements, while email directs PR efforts to
specific target groups

Firms have increased their emphasis on communicating with customers through their
websites. They use them to build their brand image and educate customers about their prod-
ucts or services and where they can be purchased. They also promote their social and mobile
platforms on their websites, encouraging consumers to follow them on these channels. Retailers
and some manufacturers sell merchandise directly to consumers online. Many firms encourage
customers to post reviews of products they have bought or used and even have visitors to their
websites rate the quality of the reviews. Research has shown that these online product reviews
increase customer loyalty and provide a competitive advantage for sites that offer them.51
In the next section, we examine blogs, social and mobile media.

blog (weblog) A blog (weblog) contains periodic posts on a common Web page. A well-received blog can
A web page that contains communicate trends, promote special events, create positive word-of-mouth, connect cus-
periodic posts; corporate
blogs are a new form of tomers by forming a community, increase sales, improve customer satisfaction because the
marketing communications. company can respond directly to customers’ comments, and develop a long-term relation-
ship with the company. By its very nature, a blog is supposed to be transparent and contain
authors’ honest observations, which can help customers determine their trust and loyalty
levels. Nowadays, blogs are becoming more interactive as the communication between
bloggers and customers has increased.

Social Media
social media Social media is media content distributed through social interactions. We introduce the
Content distributed topic here and expand our discussion in Appendix 14A. Although there is a broad spec-
through online and mobile
technologies to facilitate trum of online communities and social networking sites, the most popular are Facebook,
interpersonal interactions. LinkedIn, Instagram, Twitter, and Snapchat.52 In these online sites, consumers review,
communicate about, and aggregate information about products, prices, and promotions.
These social media also allow users to interact among themselves (e.g., form a community),
as well as provide other like-minded consumers (i.e., members of their community) and
marketers with their thoughts and evaluations about a firm’s products or services. Social
media helps facilitate the consumer decision process (Chapter 4) by encouraging need rec-
ognition, information search, alternative evaluation, purchase, and postpurchase reviews.
Social-media marketers can use the 4E framework (Excite, Education, Experience, and
Engage) to engage their customers in a proactive dialogue. You can read more about the
Integrated Marketing Communications CHAPTER 14 459

Exhibit 14.13 Types of Social Media

Social media

Social Media- Thought-

network sites sharing sites sharing sites

Social network sites, e.g., Facebook and LinkedIn; Media-sharing sites, e.g.,
YouTube and Instagram; Thought-sharing sites, e.g., blogs and Twitter.

4E Framework in Appendix 14A. When it comes to social media, there is considerably more
transparency and honesty than in most other forms of marketing communication. And,
because members share so much personal information, marketers can tailor messages and
applications to very specific and desirable target markets. For example, most universities
and colleges use Facebook groups and student-made videos on YouTube (commissioned
and paid for by the university) to recruit future students.
As noted in Exhibit 14.13, there are three main types of social media. You can read
more detail about each type in Appendix 14A.

Types of Social Networks

Social Network Sites
Social network sites are an excellent way for marketers to create excitement, the first of the
four Es. People can interact with friends (e.g., Facebook, Snapchat) or business acquaintances
(e.g., LinkedIn). Although the amount of time people spend on such sites varies, research
indicates that they are widely used, between one to four hours every day.

Media-Sharing Sites
The Internet has the ability to connect people more easily and in more ways than have ever
been possible before. Media-sharing sites explicitly rely on this capability to enable users to
share content they have generated, from videos on YouTube, Vimeo, and Tik Tok to pictures on
Instagram and Pinterest. In terms of the 4E framework (see Appendix 14A), companies use such
sites to highlight how consumers can experience their goods or services, as well as to encourage
consumers to engage with the firm, its other social-media outlets, and other consumers.

Thought-Sharing Sites
Thought-sharing sites consist of different types of blogs: corporate, professional, personal,
and micro. From the perspective of the 4E framework (see Appendix 14A), blogs and pod-
casts are particularly effective at educating and engaging users, and in many cases, enhance
their experience with the products and services being discussed.
In the past two decades, marketers have developed websites and other methods to com-
municate information about and to sell their goods and services. Their quest for new ways
to improve, integrate, and enhance these outcomes has resulted in a confluence of social,
mobile, and online marketing. Exhibit 14.14 is a brief summary of how these forces align
with the 4E framework. It highlights how social network and mobile applications and the
associated relevant offers are ideal for stimulating excitement in the offers. In particular,
460 Section seven Value Communication

Exhibit 14.14 Social and Mobile Tool Use from the 4E Lens

Excite Educate Experience Engage



sharing sites


mobile location-based apps are exciting because they provide customers with highly relevant
offers when they are in close proximity to the retailer or service provider, or they can even
be used to provide competitive offers. Media-sharing sites (e.g., YouTube and Instagram) are
excellent social-media tools that provide customers with visual experiences of other customers
or professionals who are using these goods and services. They also provide customers with an
opportunity to engage with the firms as well as their own social network by posting their own
experiences (i.e., uploading videos), as well as sharing their thoughts (blogs and Twitter posts).
Finally, thought-sharing sites, like blogs, are excellent for providing customer education.

Mobile Marketing
Smartphones have become far more than tools to place calls; they offer a kind of mobile
computer with the ability to obtain sports scores, weather, music, videos, and text mes-
sages, as well as purchase merchandise. Marketing success rests on integrating marketing
communications with fun, useful apps that are consistent with these consumer attitudes
toward mobile devices. In response, firms are steadily improving customers’ potential expe-
rience with their mobile interface.
Although most consumers use computers, 70 percent of the time they spend on social
media is via their mobile phones.53 Of the more than 100 million people who have smartphones
in North America, approximately half make purchases on them. In this huge market, consum-
ers generally are younger and wealthier than others who own older-model mobile phones (or
none at all). For example, more than 50 percent of mobile retail consumers earn at least $75,000
annually. Not surprisingly, mobile ad spending is growing fast. By 2020, mobile spending was
projected to reach more than $6 billion, representing 43 percent of total media spending.54

Mobile Apps
Mobile marketing is marketing through wireless handheld devices, such as cellular tele-
phones. In Canada the average person has 25 apps on their phone.55 Even though 92 per-
cent of apps downloaded are free, 194 billion apps were downloaded in 2018, generating
revenues of $462 billion USD.56 (You can read about app pricing models in Appendix 14A.)
As mobile app downloads continue to grow, mobile marketing will become even more
significant. Although a large number of people in every age group own smartphones, the
highest ownership is for young adults and teens. And what are they doing on their phones?
About 90 percent of their mobile time is spent using apps.57
Integrated Marketing Communications CHAPTER 14 461

Real Marketer Profile

Debra Goldblatt-Sadowski for more than 300 guests. Our

metrics have been through the
(rock-it promotions) roof, with over 10 million media
With a degree in creative writing from Con- We managed PR efforts
cordia University, I dreamed of becoming for Adidas’s VIP All-Star suite,
a poet and playwright. Tomson Highway, the hub for the reveal of the
one of my profs who is an internationally 2016 All-Star jerseys/footwear,
recognized playwright and novelist, told apparel gifting, and interview
me I was a good writer but he didn’t think I destination for Adidas athletes,
would be able to cut it. An artist himself, he including James Harden and
told it straight and didn’t sugar-coat things. Andrew Wiggins. In combination
After graduating, I tried my hand at sales— with other All-Star events we
telemarketing and fundraising—and also handled, including the launch of
did a short stint at a PR agency, working as new gear such as YEEZY Boost
Used with permission of rock-it promotions
an assistant. Then I met a publicist. Hear- 350 and Pure Boost X, Okayu
ing about what she did, I thought, “Isn’t this neat!” I could generated over 264,232,057 media impressions.
write and I could represent artists from the business side I’ve had the good fortune to work with stars such as Sir
of things. Anthony Hopkins, Gerard Butler, Jane Seymour, Emily Blunt,
When my mom got sick, I wanted to spend time with Woody Harrelson, Scott Speedman, Morgan Freeman, and
her. So, in January 2000, I started rock-it promotions out Sarah Polley. Sir Anthony Hopkins will always be one of my
of my parents’ spare bedroom, with only a phone book, favourites. He is a true gentleman. Morgan Freeman was
a fax machine, and tons of determination. Everything I also lovely. He rubbed my belly when I was pregnant with
learned about PR was through reading, networking, and my son and gave me his blessing on the name I chose.
gut instinct. Yet, in my very first year, I made more money My proudest career accomplishment is being awarded
than I’d made in past jobs. the W100 by Profit and Chatelaine magazines, naming me
In 2005, I launched Tastemakers, a full-service prod- one of Canada’s top female entrepreneurs. Considering I
uct placement company specializing in celebrity gifting, didn’t take a course in business and started my company out
at the Toronto International Film Festival (TIFF). Although of my parents’ spare bedroom, that was a major milestone.
there were “swag lounges” in the United States, no one If I had to give advice to students who wanted to work
was offering this service in Canada. Over a decade later, in the field, I’d tell them this is much more than a 9-to-5
Tastemakers is well recognized at TIFF and other high- job, so don’t try to make it one. To be really successful
profile events. Although it is a separate endeavour from in PR, you have to read, watch, listen, and talk—all the
rock-it, the lounge works because of our close ties to PR time. It’s terrible that some students don’t read widely. In
and our marketing experience. this business, you have to read everything—newspapers,
One of my favourite projects has been Toronto Fashion magazines, trade publications. If you don’t love reading,
Week. We’ve been the Fashion Design Council of Cana- this isn’t the right business for you because that’s what
da’s agency of record and have managed publicity for clients want, is to be read. You have to get to know the
Fashion Week for over 20 seasons. Our job was to grow media. You can’t pitch stories to people you don’t know.
the event, building national and international awareness. Make no mistake, you can generate all the impressions in
We facilitate media requests, secure all advance media the world, but if the client doesn’t see the needle move,
coverage, and manage media and industry accreditation the company will move on to another agency.

Apps are used for a variety of purposes, from games and advertising to business appli-
cations, or even to order a pizza and then track its delivery. Apple’s App Store boasts the
world’s largest collection of mobile apps, with more than 2,000,000 applications, including a
wide range of categories such as music, cooking, travelling, the great outdoors, business, and
learning tools for students. CIBC was the first Canadian bank to introduce an iPhone banking
app that allows customers to access their bank accounts. Since then, every major bank has
developed and released its own banking app. The Android Marketplace has experienced huge
growth, making it one of the fastest-growing mobile application stores on the market today.
Technology will continue to improve, and other new means of communicating with
consumers will undoubtedly be added to the IMC media mix.
462 Section seven Value Communication

Learning Objectives Review

LO1  utline the process that firms use to

O LO5  ummarize how firms measure integrated
communicate with consumers marketing communications success

On the surface, marketing communications look simple: Planning an IMC budget should encompass a combina-
People become aware of a product or service, then grow tion of factors. The process could start by setting the
interested, then desire it, and finally take an action such overall IMC budget as a percentage of sales. Then, the
as purchasing it. But it isn’t quite that simple. First, there firm might examine what other firms are spending on simi-
is the cumulative effect of marketing communications, or lar product categories. When it gets down to planning the
messages a company has sent to consumers. Even ads budget for individual product categories or items, the firm
from the past help influence consumers’ actions in the should set its objectives for the campaign and allocate
future. Second, messages are encoded, and everyone enough money to meet those objectives.
interprets commercial messages differently, thus making Marketers rely on a mix of traditional and nontraditional
it difficult for a marketer to be assured that a particu- measures to determine IMC success. Because potential
lar, clear signal is getting through. Third, to be effective, customers generally need to be exposed to IMC mes-
marketers must adjust their messages to fit the media, sages several times before they will buy, firms estimate the
or communications channel, and the receiver’s knowl- degree to which customers are exposed to a message by
edge level. Lastly, consumers receive and decode the multiplying frequency (the number of times an audience is
messages. exposed to a message) by reach (the percentage of the
target population exposed to a specific marketing commu-
LO2  ist the steps in planning an integrated
L nication). Measuring Internet IMC effectiveness requires
marketing communications campaign different measures, such as click-through tracking, which
measures how many times users click on banner advertis-
Firms (1) identify their target market; (2) set objectives; ing on websites.
(3) determine the budget; (4) convey the message;
(5) evaluate and select the media; (6) create the communi-
cation; and (7) assess the impact of the ad. LO6 Explain the six tools of integrated marketing
communications campaigns
LO3  escribe what appeals advertisers use to get
The six tools of IMC campaigns are advertising, per-
customers’ attention
sonal selling, sales promotions, direct marketing, public
relations, and digital media. In the past, most of a firm’s
Advertising appeals are either rational or emotional.
promotional budget was spent on advertising. Although
Rational appeals influence purchase decisions with fac-
advertising still demands a sizable portion, other media
tual information and strong arguments built on relevant
channels have taken up a substantial chunk of the total
key benefits that encourage consumers to evaluate the
budget. While the cost of personal selling to reach poten-
brand favourably. Emotional appeals indicate how the
tial customers directly is quite high, it remains the best
product satisfies emotional desires rather than utilitarian
and most efficient way to sell certain products and ser-
vices. Sales promotions are incentives or programs
that promote immediate purchase. Many drive sales in
LO4 Identify how firms determine which media the short run, while others exist as part of a company’s
to use customer loyalty programs. Direct marketing expendi-
tures are growing because the number of direct market-
Firms can use mass media channels such as newspapers ing media options has increased in recent years; direct
or television to reach large numbers of anonymous audi- mail, infomercials, alternative media such as catalogues,
ence members. Niche media, such as cable TV, direct and other new communication technologies such as
mail, and specialty magazines, are generally used to smartphones are all expanding. Public relations also has
reach narrower segments with unique demographic char- become increasingly important as other media forms
acteristics or interests. When choosing the media, firms become more expensive and as consumers grow more
must match their objectives to the media. Also, certain skeptical of commercial messages. Finally, digital media
media are better at reaching a particular target audience have spawned innovative new ways to promote products
than others. and services.
Integrated Marketing Communications CHAPTER 14 463

Key Terms
■■ advertising ■■ event sponsorship ■■ personal selling
■■ advertising schedule ■■ feedback loop ■■ post-testing
■■ affordable method ■■ flighting advertising schedule ■■ pretesting
■■ blog (weblog) ■■ frequency ■■ public relations (PR)
■■ cause-related marketing ■■ gross rating points (GRP) ■■ pulsing advertising schedule
■■ click-through rate ■■ impressions ■■ rational appeal
■■ click-through tracking ■■ integrated marketing ■■ reach
■■ communication channel communications (IMC) ■■ receiver
■■ competitive parity method ■■ mass media ■■ return on investment (ROI)
■■ continuous advertising schedule ■■ media buy ■■ sales promotions
■■ decoding ■■ media mix ■■ search engine marketing (SEM)
■■ direct mail/email ■■ media planning ■■ sender
■■ direct marketing ■■ niche media ■■ social media
■■ direct response TV (DRTV) ■■ noise ■■ tracking
■■ digital media ■■ objective-and-task method ■■ transmitter
■■ earned media ■■ owned media ■■ unique selling proposition (USP)
■■ emotional appeal ■■ paid media
■■ encoding ■■ percentage-of-sales method

concept review

1. Briefly describe the marketing communication pro- these media changing the nature of the communica-
cess and identify the possible sources of noise at tion between the firm and its customers?
each stage of the process.
7. What are the steps involved in developing an IMC
2. What is meant by integrated marketing communications? campaign? Briefly explain each step.
3. Describe the IMC tools marketers use in campaigns. 8. Describe why a company would use a pull strategy ver-
sus a push strategy in its marketing communications.
4. Explain the differences between advertising and sales
promotion. 9. Briefly describe the two main appeals of advertising.
5. Describe some of the elements in a PR toolkit. Why 10. Explain the three different ways marketers measure
would a company include PR in its IMC mix? the success of their marketing communications. What
types of information does each method provide?
6. Identify some of the key digital media that marketers
use to communicate with their customers. How are

Marketing Applications

1. The designer jean company Juicy Couture has 3. Suppose a snack company introduces a new prod-
embarked on a new IMC strategy. It has chosen to uct called SumSeeds—sunflower seeds with energy
advertise on the NBC Nightly News and in Time mag- boosters like caffeine, taurine, lysine, and ginseng.
azine. The message is designed to announce new How would you expect this product’s IMC program to
styles for the season and uses a 17-year-old model. differ from that for regular sunflower seeds sold as a
Evaluate this strategy. snack?
2. It is holiday time, and you have decided to purchase 4. Bernard’s, a local furniture company, targets its mar-
a jewellery item for a friend at Birks. Evaluate how the keting at college and university students with apart-
company’s advertising, personal selling, public rela- ments and at households of young people purchasing
tions, and digital media might influence your purchase their first furniture items. If you worked for Bernard’s,
decision. How might the relative importance of each what type of media would you use for your advertising
of these IMC tools be different if one of your older campaign? Justify your answer.
relatives were making the purchase?
464 Section seven Value Communication

5. Should Bernard’s use continuous, pulsing, or flighting explains, “It’s really simple; just increase the budget
for its advertising schedule? Why? 5 percent over last year’s.” Evaluate your manager’s
6. Social media, such as Instagram, are some of the
newest tools that firms are using in public relations 9. Imagine that you work for Puma and are tasked with
programs. Visit Red Bull’s Instagram account and producing an IMC campaign with a goal of increas-
browse through its recent posts. How is Red Bull using ing market share by three percent. First, you decide
Instagram in its public relations program? How does to use traditional and online advertising and public
its public relations program impact other aspects of its relations to achieve this goal. Finally, you determine
marketing communications? the cost of each product to determine the communi-
cations budget. What type of IMC budgeting process
7. Procter & Gamble sends new parents home from
are you using? Evaluate your strategy compared to a
the hospital with a sample of Pampers diapers, and
competitive parity budgeting process.
it has started sending Fusion ProGlide razors to each
young man in America on his 18th birthday. What are 10. You heard a friend talking about GNC’s healthy drinks
the likely goals of such marketing tactics? How could and decided to visit its website. Assume that GNC used
Procter & Gamble measure how well it has achieved the services of behavioural advertising firm Tacoda to
these goals with its free giveaways? track how consumers move through its website and
to create more targeted advertising. Would you view
8. As an intern for Michelin tires, you have been asked
these efforts as an invasion of privacy? Do you believe
to develop an IMC budget. The objective of the IMC
this action constitutes an ethical IMC strategy? How
strategy is to raise Michelin’s market share by 5 per-
will it affect your attitude toward GNC and the likeli-
cent in Canada in the next 18 months. Your manager
hood that you will purchase its products?

marketing digitally

1. View the website of Taxi (, a well-known 2. The Canadian Marketing Association (CMA) is the
IMC consulting firm. The site contains a lot of informa- primary source of information about direct market-
tion about what IMC is and how it can be used effec- ing activities for both academics and practitioners.
tively by a wide variety of companies. Of particular The website for the CMA ( contains
interest is the Work section. Locate the Work link, view information about direct marketing practices and self-
a video, and discuss the following: What were the regulation. How many different target markets does
goals of the IMC campaign? Which IMC components the CMA address on its home page? What services
were used in that particular campaign? How do those does the CMA provide for consumers? Why do you
components contribute to the success of the IMC think it offers those services?
campaign in achieving its stated goals?

chapter Case study

tHe toyota supra — it’s back!

Toyota has been a staple in the automobile industry since it was established over 80 years
ago. In 2019, Toyota was the largest automobile manufacturer in terms of global sales. Fur-
thermore, its net revenue in 2019 was over ¥30 billion (over $371 million CDN).58 One of its
best-known cars, the Camry, was launched in the late 1980s and has been a centrepiece of
its lineup ever since. However, dependable cars like this have left Toyota with a less-than-
flashy image among customers, until now.
With a campaign theme “This is our Sport,” Toyota has brought back the legendary Supra.
The original car gained notoriety for is starring role in the highest grossing film of 2001, The
Fast and the Furious.59 The 2020 GR Supra was unveiled at the 2019 Detroit Motor Show.
Toyota’s sports-car heritage is evident in the design of the new car, which was developed in
cooperation with BMW. In fact, the Supra shares the same 335 horsepower engine as BMW’s
Z4.60 With top speeds of 155 miles per hour, the car is sure to make a few hearts race.
Integrated Marketing Communications CHAPTER 14 465

The 2020 GR Supra was designed with sports car fans in mind.
Source: Toyota Motor Sales, USA, Inc.; Agency: Saatchi & Saatchi

Toyota’s North American VP of Marketing, Ed Laukes, says the new campaign “highlights
the thrill of getting to know the 2020 GR Supra and a rediscovered appreciation for the
simple joy of driving.”61 Messaging for the 2020 GR Supra (GR stands for Gazoo Racing,
which is Toyota’s motorsports partner) highlights power, precision, and performance in a
bid to inspire sports-car fans to check out what Toyota is hoping will be the car of their
To promote the Supra’s release, an integrated marketing communication campaign was
launched, featuring digital, out-of-home, and TV ads.62 The ads will air across motorsports
TV programming and will also play on social-media sites including YouTube, Facebook,
Instagram, and Twitter. One ad plays the Julie Andrews’s song, ‘Getting to Know You’ as
drivers get to know the Supra while racing around the iconic Road Atlanta track. Other ads
that are 6, 15, and 30 seconds in length demonstrate the sleek, stylish power of the newly
launched sports car.
Print advertising is being used in car magazines. For example, in Motor Trend and
Road & Track, a pull-out poster will be inserted. Ads in Road & Track feature a QR code

Sports car fans will find a pull-out poster in Motor Toyota was the exclusive auto partner of Sports Illustrated’s
Trend and Road & Track magazines. Fashionable 50, honouring the world’s most stylish athletes.
Source: Toyota Motor Sales, USA, Inc. Source: Toyota Motor Sales, USA, Inc.
466 Section seven Value Communication

that launches an augmented-reality experience that lets readers virtually see the Supra
in their own driveways.63 Out-of-home plans include ads in movie theatres, digital radio
spots, and high-impact billboards in 17 markets. Some custom brand integrations are
planned as well, with GQ and Twitter’s @MarvelLIVE. And Toyota was the exclusive auto
partner of Fashionable 50, Sports Illustrated’s annual event that honours the world’s
most stylish athletes.64
As Ed Laukes noted in press interviews, the return of the Supra was “a long time coming,
and it’s well worth the wait.”65 The manufacturer’s suggested retail price of $64,90066 might
give some sports car fans pause, but with overall sales up 15.9% in July67 when the car was
launched, the return of the Supra might ensure winning sales figures.
1. Based on the information in the case, how would you describe the primary target market
Toyota is trying to reach?
2. Which appeal is Toyota using to communicate its marketing messages?
3. Discuss how Toyota might have used integrated marketing communication tools that
were not part of the campaign to launch the Supra.
Appendix 14A: Social and Mobile Media

This appendix expands the discussion from Chapter 14 on Social and Mobile Media. As
we have seen throughout the book, social media has become an integral component
of any integrated marketing communications strategy. The term social media refers to
content distributed through online and mobile technologies to facilitate interpersonal
interactions. These media utilize various firms that offer services or tools to help con-
sumers and firms build connections. Through these connections, marketers and cus-
tomers share information of all forms—from their thoughts about products or images to
uploaded pictures, music, and videos.
The changes and advances in social, mobile, and online technologies have created
a perfect storm, forcing firms to change how they communicate with their customers.
Traditional ways to market their products—using brick-and-mortar stores, traditional
mass media (e.g., print, television, radio), and other sales promotional vehicles (e.g., mail,
telemarketing)—are no longer sufficient for many firms. The presence of social, mobile,
and online marketing is steadily expanding relative to these more traditional forms of
integrated marketing communication (IMC).

The 4E Framework for Social Media

The changing role of traditional media, sales promotions, and retail, coupled with the new
media of social, mobile, and online, has led to a different way of thinking about the objec-
tives of marketing communications using the 4E framework:
• Excite customers with relevant offers.
• Educate them about the offering.
• Help them Experience products, whether directly or indirectly.
• Give them an opportunity to Engage with their social network.

Exhibit 14A.1 The 4E Framework for Social Media


Educate Engage


©Jose Luis Pelaez Inc/Blend Images LLC

468 SECTION SEVEN Value Communication

Excite the Customer

Marketers use many kinds of social media–related offers to excite customers, including
mobile applications and games to get customers excited about an idea, product, brand, or
company. Firms actively use social networks like Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest to com-
municate deals that are likely to excite consumers, such as a Groupon price promotion that
is disseminated through the social networks of already-interested consumers.
To excite customers, an offer must be relevant to its targeted customer. Relevancy can
be achieved by providing personalized offers, which are determined through insights and
information obtained from customer relationship management and/or loyalty programs.
To obtain these insights and information, the firm might use online analytic tools such as
Google Analytics or a listening system such as those provided by through its
Radian6 platform.
To drive awareness about serious developing-world problems, non-profit Water Is Life
launched a “Hashtag Killer” campaign in which it took aim at the #firstworldproblems
hashtag and Twitter meme. It began by creating a video on YouTube in which Haitians
read tweets that had been tagged as #firstworldproblems. For example, a child sitting on
a mound of dirt said, “I hate when my leather seats aren’t heated.” Amazingly, Haitians
engaged with the campaign and offered consolation to people with tweets such as, “I’m
sorry your leather seats weren’t heated . . . I hope your day gets better!” The campaign was
a remarkable success—individuals donated over 1 million days of clean water.
In some cases, location-based software and applications help bring the offer to the cus-
tomers when they are in the process of making a purchase decision. For instance, Staples
may provide a loyal customer with a relevant coupon based on previous purchases through
his or her mobile phone, while he or she is in the store—a very relevant and, it is hoped,
exciting experience.

Staples excites its customers by giving them instant rewards through their mobile phones,
while they are in the store.
Source: Staples, Inc.
Social and Mobile Media appendix 14A 469

Educate the Customer

An imperative of well-designed social-media marketing offers is that they have a clear call
to action: To draw customers through their computers, tablets, and mobile devices into
online websites or traditional retail stores. When potential customers arrive at the websites
or stores, the marketer has a golden opportunity to educate them about its value proposition
and communicate the offered benefits. Some of this information may be new, but in some
cases, education is all about reminding people about what they already know. Therefore, by
engaging in appropriate education, marketers are expanding the overlap of the benefits that
they provide with the benefits that customers require. In this sense, the second E of the 4E
framework constitutes a method to develop a sustainable competitive advantage.
Several social-media tools are critical in helping marketers educate their potential cus-
tomers, such as blogs and blogging tools (e.g., WordPress and Twitter), all-in-one marketing
software (HubSpot), and YouTube, as well as lesser-known options, such as Schedulicity.

Experience the Product or Service

Although most of the top videos on YouTube are funny, silly, or otherwise entertaining,
the site’s most useful contribution may be the vivid information it provides about a firm’s
goods and services—how they work, how to use them, and where they can be obtained.
YouTube and similar sites can come relatively close to simulating real experiences. Such
benefits are very common for products that have long been sold online—so much so that
we might forget that it used to be difficult to assess these products before buying them. But
today, consumers can download a chapter of a new book onto their tablet before buying it.
They can try out a software option for a month before buying it. They often view tutorials
on everything from how to purchase caviar to what to look for in cowboy boots. Being able
to experience a product before buying it has expanded the market significantly.
For other offerings, such as services, social media again offer experience-based infor-
mation that was not previously available unless consumers bought and tried the product
or service. Home Depot has long been a source for do-it-yourselfers (DIYers). But if eager
customers forget what the salesclerk said about installing a newly purchased water heater,
they can check the retailer’s website ( to
get detailed, in-depth instructions. They
also will find a section that enables them
to chat with other users who might have
run into similar problems in their own
installation projects.
Sephora has perfected the art of
customer service in-store, online, and
in social media. Customers know they
can find beauty advice and makeovers
in Sephora stores. But they can also
visit for information. The
advice section contains nearly 1 million
conversations among Sephora custom-
ers, and to facilitate these conversa-
tional experiences, Sephora suggests a
featured topic each week, asking con-
tributors to indicate their favourite eye-
brow products, for example. The how-to Sephora maintains its own YouTube channel with dedicated videos that
section contains video tutorials by cus- encourage customers to experience specific product lines, such as the
tomers who offer testimonials about “Kat Von D playlist.”
their experiences, as well as by beauty ©Steve Jennings/Getty Images
470 SECTION SEVEN Value Communication

professionals who describe how viewers can achieve similar experiences with their hair,
nail, makeup, and skincare beauty tools.1 For customers seeking an experience in other
settings, Sephora also maintains its own YouTube channel featuring not only all the tutorial
videos but also dedicated videos that encourage them to experience specific product lines,
such as the “Kat Von D playlist.”2

Engage the Customer

In a sense, the first three Es set the stage for the last one: engaging the customer. With
engagement comes action, the potential for a relationship, and possibly even loyalty and
commitment. Through social-media tools such as blogging and microblogging, custom-
ers actively engage with firms and their own social networks. Such engagement can be
negative or positive. Positively engaged consumers tend to be more profitable consumers,
purchasing 20–40 percent more than less engaged customers.3
But negative engagement has the potential to be even more damaging than positive
engagement is beneficial. In the aftermath of Hurricane Sandy, for example, The Gap and
American Apparel each sought to promote online sales. American Apparel sent out an
email blast to customers on the East Coast, promising 20 percent off all online purchases,
“in case you’re bored during the storm.” The Gap instead relied on Twitter, posting the
notice, “Stay safe! We’ll be doing lots of shopping today. How about you?” In
both cases, consumers reacted angrily and rapidly. On Twitter, thousands of them com-
plained that the promotions exhibited “tackiness” and a lack of consideration for the very
real threat facing people affected by the storm. The story also made it into mainstream
media, prompting the retailers to issue apologies and explanations.4 When McDonald’s
launched a Twitter campaign to highlight its supply chain, using the hashtag #McDstories,
the vagueness of the hashtag allowed consumers to move the conversation in a very dif-
ferent direction, sharing horror stories about their negative experiences eating at the fast-
food chain.5
Next, let’s look at the role of various social-media tools in shaping the 4E framework
for social media.

Categories Of Social Media

Consider your own Snapchat or Instagram account. Are all your real-life friends your
online friends, too? Do you actually know all your online friends? In all likelihood, you
have online friends you’ve never met, and your circle of virtual friends may be larger than
the number of people you see regularly or talk to personally. Accordingly, the audience
for marketers is bigger on social-media sites than through other, more traditional forms of
media. Such a huge potential audience has captured the attention of marketers. Spending
on social media continues to rise. Global spending on paid social advertising is projected to
increase to over $37 billion in 2020, while spending in the United States is expected to reach
almost $27 billion.6
Marketers rely on the three types of social media: social network sites, media-sharing
sites, and thought-sharing sites (or blogs) to achieve three objectives. First, members pro-
mote themselves to gain more friends. Second, the sites promote themselves to get more
members. Third, outside companies promote their products and services to appeal to the
potential consumers that are active on the sites.

Social Network Sites

As noted in Chapter 14, social network sites are an excellent way for marketers to create
Social and Mobile Media appendix 14A 471

On this well-known social-network platform, more than 1.6 billion active users give com-
panies a forum for interacting with their fans. In Canada, over 24 million people have a
Facebook account and 87 percent of them access it least once a week, with the same per-
centage using a phone or tablet to access their accounts.7 In fact, Canadians have higher
daily Facebook usage at 71 percent than the global daily average.8 This fact not only lets
individual users connect with others but also gives marketers the ability to carefully target
their audience.
Companies have access to the same features that regular users do, including a “wall”
where they can post company updates, photos, and videos or participate in a discussion
board. Through this form of free exposure, the company can post content and informa-
tion regarding products, events, news, or promotions that might be exciting to customers.
Only the followers of its page generally have access to such information, so the company
can specifically target its fans. Successful companies on Facebook attempt to excite their
customers regularly.
In an attempt to extend the viral reach of posts, Facebook added the use of hashtags in
late 2013. Trending topics were added in 2014 in an attempt to turn Facebook into more of a
news discovery platform. Later, Facebook added an “autoplay” feature on videos and video
ads. Increasingly more important for the company, mobile ads now make up 94 percent of
its advertising revenues.9
Display advertising with Facebook ads targets specific groups of people, according to
their profile information, browsing histories, and other preferences. If online users reveal
an interest in ski equipment or Burton snowboards, marketers can target both groups.
Facebook offers a variation on more traditional forms of promotion, with the promise of
more accurate targeting and segmentation. But being effective and relevant on Facebook is
not simply a matter of shifting an offline ad into social network sites.

Snapchat—the picture-sharing and chat app—has reached 190 million daily users, surpass-
ing Twitter in only four years of operation.10 Snapchat has grown quickly, supported by its
popularity among youth. On any given day, the app is used by 73 percent of consumers aged
18–24 in the United States.11 Snapchat has made communicating into more of a game by
letting people send selfies and short videos. It has allowed people to use filters to swap faces
in a photo, transform themselves into puppies, and distort users’ faces in silly ways.
Some brands are creating Snapchat accounts and sharing content with their followers.
Tiffany & Co. was the first luxury brand to do so. The jewellery brand has launched branded
geofilters, which are live at all 93 of its stores across the United States, and is also investing
in video ads as it builds its presence under the handle @Tiffanyofficial.12 The goal is to
attract Generation Y users (millennials born between 1982 and 1991) and Gen Z Snapchat
users (born in 1992 and after), who may not be Tiffany shoppers today but may aspire to be
brand loyalists tomorrow.

A professional—instead of casual or friendship-based—site, LinkedIn allows users to share
their professional lives. With more than 467 million users, it is a place where users can
post their resumés, network with other professionals, and search for jobs.13 It is not the
place where you will see games such as Candy Crush or FarmVille; instead, users post to
question-and-answer forums, do job searches, and post personal intellectual property, such
as presentations they have given.
The professional networking benefits of LinkedIn are particularly beneficial for
small-business owners. More than 12 million of LinkedIn’s users are small-business
472 SECTION SEVEN Value Communication

owners, making it an excellent resource for

entrepreneurs to network with like-minded
firms, identify the best vendors, or build
brand reputation by participating in Linke-
dIn’s professional association groups. With
more than 26 million company pages on
LinkedIn, it also offers a great place to pros-
pect for new business customers, and keep
an eye on and get key information about

Media-Sharing Sites
Media-sharing sites explicitly rely on enabling
users to share content they have generated,
from videos on YouTube, Vimeo, and TikTok,
to pictures on Instagram and Pinterest. Compa-
nies use these sites to highlight how consumers
can experience their goods or services, and
to encourage consumers to engage with the
firm, its other social-media outlets, and other
Marketers are increasingly investing in
online video. According to eMarketer research,
in 2019, Canadian advertisers spend $8.8 on
digital advertising, equating to 53.5 percent
of their total ad budgets, with video spend-
ing increasing by 23.3 percent.15 Taulia uses
video to increase qualified leads for its cloud
invoicing and supplier financing offerings.
LinkedIn is an excellent place to begin your search for a Working with the world’s leading video market-
marketing job. ing platform, Vidyard in Kitchener, Ontario,
LinkedIn; photos: (left to right): Joan Vicent Canto Roig/Getty Images; Siri Stafford/Getty Taulia discovered that “it’s easier to get people
Images; Shutterstock/Tiffany Bryant; Shutterstock/Jacob Lund; MStudioImages/Getty
Images; (top right): Morsa Images/Getty Images
to press play and watch a minute-long video”
than it is to convince them to download a white
paper.16 Knowing it would be difficult to make
one video suited for everyone, Taulia creates separate videos to appeal to each audience it
serves. By narrowcasting humorous videos that target the company’s audience types and
buying personas, it gets better sales results. Testing shows that 79 percent of its viewers
watched one video in its entirety. That’s a key point. According to Unruly, viewer enjoy-
ment increases purchase intent by 97 percent.17 Video helps leverage social capital to build
brand identity and relationships.18 And, according to a study done by Twitter, adding video
boosts retweet rates by 28 percent.19
Because video and social media are a perfect match, Vidyard has a solution that meshes
them. Most companies don’t know what to do with all their videos, which can get lost in a
black hole when hosted on YouTube or Vimeo.20 Through a Vidyard app, users can put their
entire video library on the HootSuite dashboard and add video to any social post directly
from HootSuite. Measurement of video performance can track metrics such as number of
views, click-through rates, attention spans, and shares on social-media sites. Being able to
see how much of the video was watched and when/if it was stopped helps to determine
what content is striking a chord with viewers. And the inherent trackability shows market-
ers whether a video posted to Facebook is engaging consumers more effectively than on
Twitter or other social-media platforms.
Social and Mobile Media appendix 14A 473

While video is a natural fit for social media, companies can use it to enhance customer
service, too. By monitoring social media, companies may see tweets from customers who
can’t figure out how to use a product. Companies could respond and include a video that
helps customers better understand how the product functions.

On this video-sharing social-media platform, users upload, share, and view videos. This
medium gives companies a chance to express themselves in a different way than they have
in the past. YouTube videos also show up in Google searches, making YouTube an appeal-
ing vehicle for retailers.21 The site’s demographics indicate visitors are of the age range most
appealing to retailers, and racially reflective of the wider population.22
YouTube also provides an effective medium for hosting contests and posting instruc-
tional videos. The Home Depot attracts more than 4,400 viewers with an array of videos
detailing new products available in stores, as well as instructional do-it-yourself videos, like
“How-to Tips for Mowing Your Lawn” or “How to Repair a Toilet.”23 These videos maintain
the core identity of the Home Depot brand while also adding value for consumers, who
learn useful ways to improve their homes. As a good example of IMC, Home Depot reinforces
its brand image and makes itself more relevant to the consumer’s life.
Companies can broadcast from their own channel, that is, a YouTube site that con-
tains content relevant only to the company’s own products.24 For example, Home Shopping
Network (HSN) offers consumers an interesting vehicle to utilize the 4E framework—
excite, educate, experience, and engage—using a multi-channel strategy with its television
channel as its central focus. As competition in this field has increased, HSN has added
to its communication arsenal an ecommerce site, and Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and
Pinterest, which are all integrated across each platform and into the live TV segment. But
perhaps the most powerful tool it has added is its dedicated YouTube channel, which it
exploits to reach target shoppers in an exciting way that maximizes the value of its media
content. Products promoted on HSN are available on YouTube almost immediately after
they appear on television. Then HSN marketers can use the information gathered from
YouTube to target direct-mail campaigns. For example, HSN could send jewellery promo-
tions to households that viewed the YouTube video clip for a necklace. Consumer responses
are monitored 24/7 and measured against hourly sales goals.

More than one billion people have downloaded the Instagram app, with 500 million using
it on a daily basis to take photos of themselves or their surroundings.25 The app enables
them to add fun filters, such as causing the picture to look as if it were taken by an old
Polaroid camera. Then they can upload the artistic creation to various social-networking
sites, including Twitter, Tumblr, and Facebook.
The name of this app evokes the founders’ idea of its use: a sort of modern-day, imme-
diate telegram.26 It was effective enough that it has attracted the attention of some of the
most famous names in media sharing, including Justin Bieber, Kim Kardashian, and Tony
Hawk—which increased its popularity even more. Recognizing the value of a mobile
option, Facebook purchased Instagram in 2012. For the first time, the social-media giant
promised not to absorb its purchase, but to allow Instagram to continue functioning much
as it had been all along.27
Instagram later added video-sharing capabilities as well, though another app had
beaten it to that punch. Vine, which was purchased by Twitter in 2012, let users capture and
share six-second videos. Although Vine was later shut down, advertisers have embraced
such videos, finding that the short time limit appeals to consumers. People are ready to
share a quick video, far more so than a longer commercial, which enhances the chances of
a marketing campaign going viral.28
474 SECTION SEVEN Value Communication

Influencers and businesses can tag specific products in photos and users can easily
view the product name, price, descriptions, and can see the provider's website. A different
feature is the “swipe up” feature, where large accounts can link a website to their stories, so
that people can easily shop a look, buy tickets, or watch a video.

Advertising revenue associated with podcasts is expected to grow at a 30-percent annual rate and
hit $1.6 billion by 2022.29 Almost one third of Canadian Internet users listen to podcasts, and
36 percent of consumers listen to them monthly.30 Advertisers embrace podcasts for the ability
to hyper-target audiences. And if you have well-liked podcast such as Sharkpreneur by Kevin
Harrington, you can get exposure with hundreds of thousands of business owners.31 Linking
episodes to a website provides SEO benefits that make it easier for consumers to find you.

Thought-Sharing Sites
Thought-sharing sites consist of different types of blogs: corporate, professional, personal,
and micro. In terms of the 4E framework, blogs are particularly effective at educating and
engaging users, and in many cases, enhance their experience with the products and ser-
vices being discussed.

Once confined to a journal or diary in a person’s room, the blog (shortened from “web log”)
on the Internet has allowed us to air our thoughts to the world through thought-sharing
websites. For corporations, the comment section allows marketing managers to create a
two-way dialogue directly with the end users. The wide availability of free blogging tools
such as WordPress, Blogger, and TypePad, which enable non-technically oriented people to
create their own blogs, has made blogging a very popular pastime. There are 471.6 million
Tumblr blogs and 76.5 million WordPress blogs alone.32
Companies have responded to this interest and now have several ways to include blog-
ging in their social-media marketing strategy. Blogs provide firms with the opportunity to
educate their customers about their offerings, and to engage them by responding to their
communications, both positive and negative. The reach that marketers have to their cus-
tomers from blogs can be categorized by the level of control they offer. Corporate blogs,
which are created by the companies themselves, have the highest level of control, because
to a large degree, they can control the content posted on them. Of course, blogs also allow
customers to respond to posts, so the content can never be completely controlled, but mar-
keting managers have a good opportunity to pepper their blogs with the messages they
wish their customers to see. The best corporate blogs illustrate the importance of engaging
customers around the core brand tenets without being overly concerned with a hard sell.
Starbucks ( uses its blog for new product development by
generating new product and experience ideas from its customers. General Electric (www. educates customers through its blog by telling entertaining stories geared at
getting customers to realize it sells more than just light bulbs.33
From a marketing perspective, professional blogs are those written by people who review
and give recommendations on products and services. Marketers often offer free products or
provide modest remuneration to top-rated professional bloggers, in the hopes of getting a
good product review. Marketers have less control over professional bloggers than they do
their own corporate blogs. But consumers seem to trust professional bloggers’ reviews much
more than corporate blogs and other more traditional media, like advertising. Such trust may
be fleeting, however, as more consumers realize that professional bloggers are often compen-
sated for positive reviews. “Mommy Blogs,” a particularly popular type of professional blog,
feature advice and product recommendations from one parent to many others.
Social and Mobile Media appendix 14A 475

Finally, personal blogs are written by people who receive no products or remunera-
tion for their efforts. Thus, of the various types of blogs, marketers have the lowest level of
control over this type. However, personal blogs are useful for monitoring what is going on
in the marketplace and for responding to customer complaints or compliments.

As the name implies, a microblog differs from a traditional blog in size—short sentences,
short videos, or individual images. On the most popular microblogging site, Twitter, users
are limited to 280-character messages. In spite of this, most tweets still come in at less than
35 characters.34 Twitter provides another option for companies to educate their custom-
ers by providing corporate and product information, and to engage them by providing a
platform for two-way communications. Even companies that may have once resisted social
media have realized that Twitter is an important communications channel. However,
growth in new users has slowed and is projected to increase at only 2 percent by 2020.
Growth is virtually stagnant in the 12–17 year range according to, while the
total number of all monthly users has fallen to 321 million people.35
As much as Twitter can help build a firm’s brand image, though, it can also tarnish
it instantly. Firms have to watch out for hacked Twitter accounts or ill-considered tweets.
And Twitter can also act as an international, rapidly spread complaint forum. Companies
also need to consider the frequency of their tweets since overcommunication can have
negative effects on a brand. A central problem for companies is ownership of relevant
Twitter handles and responsibility for outgoing Twitter communication. If Twitter con-
trol is shared by a lot of people, the message usually gets muddled. But if only one or two
people are in charge, the need to respond to the vast number of incoming tweets might
become overwhelming. Different companies thus manage their Twitter strategies in vari-
ous ways.
Whole Foods tries to develop a broader engagement with customers by interacting with
its 4.4 million Twitter followers. It instituted a weekly Twitter chat, for an hour every Thurs-
day, during which Whole Foods representatives discuss topics such as holiday menu plan-
ning and healthy eating. Many Whole Foods stores also have their own Twitter accounts to
answer questions directly related to their stores.
In contrast, Best Buy hires an army of specialists to manage its Twitter accounts:
not just the main account @Best Buy, but also @BestBuy_Deals, @GeekSquad, and
@BestBuyNews. The specialists who work Best Buy’s help desk also will answer questions
through Twitter, at @Twelpforce. Users who tweet the help desk receive an almost instant
response from one of Best Buy’s 3,000 employees who have signed up to participate on the
task force, which further helps showcase the broad spectrum of expertise available through
Best Buy.36
For small companies with limited marketing budgets, the use of tweeted promotional
messages is particularly appealing. A local bakery tweeted, “Two new scones: Lemon Blue-
berry and Chorizo Cheddar!” and received responses from 400 Twitter followers—a huge
captive audience for a local entity.

Understanding Mobile Applications

App Pricing Models
A key decision for firms producing apps is what to charge for them. There are four basic
ways of generating revenue from apps—ad-supported apps, freemium apps, paid apps, and
paid apps with in-app purchases.
Ad-supported apps are free to download, but place ads on the screen when using
the program to generate revenue. Although there are many of these types of apps, the
476 SECTION SEVEN Value Communication

majority of app revenue is generated from the remaining three pricing models, dis-
cussed next.
Freemium apps are apps that are free to download but include in-app purchases. In-
app purchases are when a game or app prompts or allows customers to make small “micro-
purchases” to enhance an app or game. Common examples include extra lives, bonus maps,
in-game currency, a subscription, and unique character unlocks. In Candy Crush Saga, you
get five lives to play in the game. When you lose a life, it takes 30 minutes in real-life time
to get that life back. If you’re playing a particularly hard level and lose all your lives in
minutes, you’ll have to wait two and a half hours to play again. This is where in-app pur-
chases come in. For just $0.99, you can get all five lives back immediately so you can keep
playing.37 Candy Crush Saga is estimated to earn the developer $4 million a day in revenue
from in-app purchases.38
The remaining two pricing models are paid apps and paid apps with in-app pur-
chases. Paid apps charge the customer an up-front price to download the app ($0.99 is
the most common), but offer full functionality once downloaded. Similar to the freemium
model, paid apps with in-app purchases require the consumer to pay initially to download
the app and then offer the ability to buy additional functionality.
Which is the best pricing model? Time will tell, but it appears that freemium apps may
be the winner. Free apps with in-app purchases make up the vast majority of revenue from
Apple’s App Store in 8 of 10 app categories. According to Distimo, a research firm spe-
cializing in the mobile app market, 71 percent of apps in Apple’s App Store implement a
freemium pricing model, and 92 percent of revenues from Apple’s App Store and 98 percent
from Google’s Play App Store come from freemium pricing.39 Apple’s App Store continues
to be the market leader, generating $25.5 billion in the first half of 2019 from premium apps
and in-app purchases, 80 percent higher revenue than Google’s store.40 In terms of the 4E
framework, mobile marketing is particularly useful for creating excitement with consumers
at the time of sale.

Apps Meet Seven Primary Needs

According to the Harvard Business Review, apps meet seven primary needs: to find “me
time,” socialize, shop, accomplish, prepare, discover, and self-express. We will briefly
discuss each of these needs, as well as popular apps that have been developed to attract
customers with these needs.

Need for “Me Time”

Although we need to organize, accomplish, and
socialize, we also need to have time set aside just
for us—to be unproductive. The most popular
need is all about entertainment and relaxation.
Not surprisingly, people spend the most time
each month seeking fun—about 46 percent of
their smartphone time—by watching TV and
movies, playing games, and reading.41 Com-
mon apps for watching videos include Netflix,
YouTube, and Hulu. For reading, there’s Kindle
for adults and storybook apps like Nighty Night
HD for children. The most popular game on
the planet had been Candy Crush Saga, with
With more than 500,000,000 downloads, Candy Crush Saga clearly more than 500 million downloads. The latest
fulfills for many people an important need for unproductive “me time.” hot game is Helix Jump, with over 200 million
©Gabriel Bouys/AFP/Getty Images downloads in only one year.42
Social and Mobile Media appendix 14A 477

Need to Socialize
Consumers want to stay connected with their friends, and apps can help people achieve
this goal. The average person spends about 19 percent of their smartphone time interacting
with friends (and the rest of the world).43 Although we are all familiar with Twitter and
Facebook, a number of specialized apps to interact through different mediums exist as well.
The app Vine allows users to share mini-movies on Twitter; Skype and Zoom allow people
to place video calls; Tumblr and Pinterest focus on image sharing; and Snapchat sends
pictures and videos that are automatically deleted a few seconds after opening. In China,
the social networking app Weixin (pronounced way-SHEEN) allows users to send videos,
photos, messages, Web links, status updates, and news; it has been released as WeChat in
the United States. Weixin has had a faster adoption rate than either Facebook or Twitter,
with more than 300 million users in only three years.44

Need to Shop
Customers demand to be able to shop when and where they want. Shopping apps allow
consumers not only to make purchases from a smartphone 24/7, but also to do many
other tasks such as comparing prices and creating grocery lists. The average person
spends about 12 percent of his or her smartphone time shopping.45 When out shopping,
smartphone users no longer have to go from store to store, or to stop at home to go online
and compare prices. A process called showrooming enables customers to scan a product
in a store and instantly compare the prices online to see whether a better deal is available.
Using the showrooming Amazon app, if the Amazon price is better, the customer can buy
the product online with a single click. The grocery app Out of Milk has brought social to
grocery lists; users can create a grocery (or any other type) list and sync it automatically
with everyone else’s devices in the same household. Out of bread? No need to call and ask
someone to pick it up next time he or she is at the store; just put it in the app and it will
appear in the grocery list.

Need to Accomplish
Consumers live busy lives and look to mobile apps to help them manage their activities
and goals. On average, people spend about 11 percent of their smartphone time using apps
to accomplish something, including managing finances, increasing overall health, and
enhancing productivity.46 Consumers trying to get in shape and live a healthy lifestyle can
download MyFitnessPal, as more than 19 million people world-
wide have done. It allows users to create a profile and track their
daily exercise, create a food diary to track calories, and track
weight loss. The app also adds a social component by enabling
people to post their success at, for instance, keeping below a tar-
get calorie level. Additionally, the app can interact with a number
of products, including FitBit, Jawbone UP, and iHealth Wireless
Scales. For people seeking instead to accomplish a financial goal
or create a budget, the app allows customers to see all
of their account balances and transactions across banks and credit
cards in one convenient place.

Need to Prepare
As our lives get busier and faster paced, the need to keep orga-
nized and make quick decisions continues to grow. Apps meet this
need by helping us prepare and plan. Users spend about 7 percent MyFitnessPal fulfills the common need to
of their smartphone time using apps like calendars, trip planners, accomplish weight loss.
and flight trackers.47 Kayak, a free app on all major platforms, Source: MyFitnessPal, Inc.
478 SECTION SEVEN Value Communication

provides a convenient way for people to plan trips. Kayak allows users to find flights, hotels,
and rental cars and compare prices across hundreds of travel sites to find the best deals. Once
the trip is booked, travellers can get up-to-the-minute information on flight statuses, and if
there is a problem with a flight, the app has the phone numbers for all major airlines. Cloud-
based file storage apps like Dropbox and Google Drive allow customers to store files in the
cloud and access them from any device. Finally, Business Calendar helps people plan their
day with an interactive calendar that integrates multiple calendars (e.g., Google Calendar,
Outlook Calendar) and allows users to link an event to people in their contact list and put a
daily agenda widget on their smartphone home screen.

Need to Discover
Apps also help fulfill our need for information, to know what’s going on around us, and to
open our minds to new ideas. This need is met through news and weather apps, on which
people spend about 4 percent of their smartphone time.48 One of the most popular apps
for news and information is Flipboard, a unique app that produces a full-screen magazine
aggregating a number of news and entertainment sources based on user-defined topics
such as top stories, entertainment, local news, and business news. The app also adds a
social component by allowing the reader to send stories to friends or post on Facebook.

Need to Self-Express
Finally, individuals have diverse interests and tastes and, as a result, have a need for apps
that are tailored to their hobbies and passions. Surprisingly, the average person spends only
about 1 percent of his or her smartphone time engaging in personal interests.49 For the
beginning astronomer, Google’s SkyMap allows users to
hold their smartphones up to the sky and, using GPS and
compass data, the app shows them what they are look-
ing at. Want to know how to use a badger brush while
shaving? How about finding people who love balloon
animals as much as you? TapaTalk aggregates tens of
thousands of interest groups into a single app, making
it easy to connect aficionados of just about any interest
or hobby.
As you can see, apps can meet several needs at once.
Sharing an interesting story with friends via Flipboard
can meet the needs of discovery and socialization. When
a person looks at the latest 4K TVs sold on Amazon just
for fun, she can be meeting three needs—me time, dis-
covery, and shopping. Consider the person who purchases
Chinese food via GrubHub’s app on her ride home; she’s
Not only does Flipboard aggregate all of the news not only shopping, but also avoiding making dinner to get
important to you in one place, but its unique format gives some extra me time. With this information in mind, apps
the app the look and feel of a printed magazine. (and advertising within those apps) can be designed and
Alliance Images/Alamy Stock Photo targeted in ways that better apply the four Es.
Chapter 15

Source: Tim Hortons®, Restaurant Brands International Inc.

Advertising, Sales Promotions,

and Personal Selling
Learning Objectives
After studying this chapter you should be able to
Describe advertising and three objectives of advertising
Summarize the regulatory and ethical issues of concern to advertisers
Explain how sales promotions supplement a firm’s IMC strategy
Describe personal selling and how it adds value for customers
Identify the steps in the personal selling process
480 SECTION SEVEN Value Communication

Coffee is more popular than tap water and is the drink of choice for 72 percent of Canadians, who drink it every
day. In fact, Canadians have the third-highest coffee consumption in the world, drinking 152 litres per person
annually.1 With over 3,665 restaurants across the country, Tim Hortons is a brand many consumers gravitate
toward.2 Having convenient locations and a variety of product offerings helped Tim Hortons become the second-
largest quick-serve chain in Canada and the leading coffee chain as measured by gross sales.3 Advertising, pub-
lic relations, and sales promotions are key components of its overall marketing plan.
The company differentiates itself through its community involvement as a sponsor of Timbit minor sports.
Its Children’s Foundation highlights some of the company’s corporate social responsibility initiatives. Store
owners hold annual Camp Days, donating coffee sales and collecting public donations to help send children
from economically disadvantaged families to camp. The Tim Hortons Coffee Partnership has been working
for almost a decade to improve the lives of coffee growers in South America. The company publicly reports
on sustainability and responsibility efforts, is committed to building more LEED Certified restaurants4, and, as
part of a pilot project, allows owners of electric vehicles to charge their cars at no cost.5
It connects with consumers on social media through Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest, and rolled out
TimmyMe, a mobile app designed to simplify orders for office workers when it’s their turn to go for a “Timmy
Run.” The company even rolled out its own TV channel, TimsTV, streaming news, weather, and sports con-
tent, as well as programming to highlight its community activities such as free skating or swimming dates and
Camp Day.6 And it continually improves its product offerings, introducing premium espresso coffees made
with freshly ground beans and steamed milk.
To ensure consumers keep coming back, Tim Hortons runs promotions, such as Roll Up the Rim, which
has been running for over 30 years. However, recently this well-loved tradition has come under scrutiny due
to the environmental impact of the 300 million disposable cups the contest uses. Tim Hortons has been
singled out as one of the largest generators of garbage along with McDonald's, PepisCo, Coca-Cola, and
Nestlé.7 In spite of increasing the number of prizes to be won in a bid to improve sales, Tim Hortons same-
store sales fell. Overall results were also lower than analyst expectations.8 After the contest ended, Tim
Hortons announced that Roll up the Rim will be revamped in the future to move it online.9 A digital contest
would allow consumers to use their own cups; although, the tactile experience of rolling up the rim would be
lost. The company plans to use disposable cups for the first two weeks of its next contest. After that, custom-
ers can play using the digital contest. Those who bring reusable cups will get extra chances to win prizes.10
For years, Tim Hortons was ranked near the top of the list by the Reputation Institute’s survey of Cana-
da’s top brands. However, even stars can fall out favour—the company did not make the top 50 list for the
first time in 2018 and dropped even further in 2019.11 Merging with Burger King, a foreign-owned company,
didn’t sit well with Canadian consumers. A $500 million class-action lawsuit was launched by franchisees
against parent company Restaurant Brands International, followed by vocal and public disputes about the
company’s treatment of its workforce.
The company is working to turn things around, starting with a move to settle disputes with franchisees.
Moving beyond the brand’s hockey roots, a new campaign featuring singer Shawn Mendes celebrates his
modest upbringing in Pickering, Ontario, rise to fame, and the Canadian values he represents.12 An “innova-
tion café” (pictured) was opened in downtown Toronto to test new menu options such as nitro-infused cold-
brew coffee and handcrafted Dream Donuts. The café also features technology innovations like wireless
charging and a 98-inch 4K video wall.13 Its recent Camp Day promotions brought deeper meaning to sending
kids to camp by putting the focus on true stories of adults whose camp experiences gave them the boost
they needed to succeed.14 And during the NBA Finals in 2019, Tim Hortons made a superfan, not coffee,
the star. An ad told the story of Nav Bhatia, who immigrated to Canada, fell in love with basketball, and has
held the same seat at Raptors’ home games for 24 years. The message was one of unity, loyalty, and true
Canadian spirit15, all reasons why consumers love the brand. While the company works to manage this love,
Susan Weaver, a marketing expert and managing of Pearl Strategy & Innovation Design, believes that a com-
bination of new product innovations and advertising, and the new loyalty program, should help Tim Hortons
to achieve more consistent sales results moving forward.16
Advertising, Sales Promotions, and Personal Selling CHAPTER 15 481

In the previous chapter, we discussed the tools of integrated marketing communications

(IMC) and the steps involved in planning a campaign. While we briefly touched on all of
these tools in Chapter 14, we now focus more attention on three elements in particular:
advertising, sales promotions, and personal selling. We begin by introducing the AIDA
model, which is the process, or mental stages, marketers try to move consumers through
as they are making purchase decisions. As a consumer, you are exposed only to the end
product—for example, a finished advertisement—yet many decisions must take place before
you actually get to see an ad. We discuss some of these decisions, starting with determining
the advertising objectives and the focus of advertisements. We consider some of the regulatory
and ethical issues in advertising and those arising from the use of new forms of marketing
communications. Then we move on to examine sales promotions and how they add value
both as consumer promotions and in the trade channel. The chapter concludes with an exam-
ination of how companies use personal selling to influence the buyer’s purchase.

As we saw in Chapter 14, marketing communication is not a straightforward process. After
being exposed to an advertisement, consumers go through several steps before actually
buying or taking some other action. There is not always a direct link between a particular
marketing communication and a consumer’s purchase.
AIDA model
A common model of the
The AIDA Model series of mental stages
through which consumers
To create effective advertising, marketers must understand how marketing communications move as a result of
work. Generally, marketing communications move consumers step-wise through a series of marketing communications:
Attention leads to Interest,
mental stages, for which there are several models. The most common is the AIDA model which leads to Desire,
(Exhibit 15.1),17 which suggests that Attention leads to Interest, which leads to Desire, which leads to Action.

Exhibit 15.1 The AIDA Model





Think Feel Do
482 SECTION SEVEN Value Communication

which leads to Action. At each stage, the consumer makes judgments about whether to
take the next step in the process. Customers actually have three types of responses, so the
AIDA model is also known as the “think, feel, do” model. In making a purchase decision,
consumers go through each of the AIDA steps to some degree, but the steps may not always
follow the AIDA order. For instance, during an impulse purchase, consumers may “feel”
and “do” before they “think.”

Even the best marketing communication can be wasted if the sender doesn’t gain the attention
of the consumer first. Brand awareness refers to a potential customer’s ability to recognize or
recall that the brand name is a particular type of retailer or product/service. As such, brand
awareness is the strength of the link between the brand name and the type of merchandise
or service in the minds of customers. Coca-Cola already has excellent brand awareness and
might not have to focus as much effort on this step when it wants to introduce a new flavour.
In contrast, when Ovarian Cancer Canada wanted to raise its profile with potential donors,
it needed an edgy message to get people to stop and consider its cause, and so it launched
a campaign called “Ladyballs.” Likewise, in a public service campaign against domestic
violence, the nonprofit organization Women’s Aid used interactive billboards, picturing a
battered woman’s face and the words “Look At Me.” When people walking by stopped to
look, facial recognition software embedded in the billboard recognized their actions, and
the picture changed, such that the bruises healed. The creative approach not only attracted
people’s attention but also resonated with the underlying message—namely, that attention to
a societal problem can be meaningful for solving the problem.18
There are a number of awareness metrics, from aided recall to top-of-mind awareness.
aided recall Aided recall occurs when consumers recognize the brand when its name is presented
Occurs when consumers to them. Top-of-mind awareness, the highest level of awareness, occurs when a brand
recognize the brand when
its name is presented to has a prominent place in people’s memories that triggers a response without them having
them. to put any thought into it. For example, Harley-Davidson has top-of-mind awareness if a
top-of-mind awareness consumer responds “Harley” when asked about motorcycles. High top-of-mind awareness
A prominent place in means that a particular brand will probably be carefully considered when customers decide
people’s memories that
triggers a response without to shop for that product or service. Manufacturers, retailers, and service providers build
them having to put any top-of-mind awareness by having memorable names; repeatedly exposing their name to
thought into it. customers through advertising, locations, and sponsorships; and using memorable symbols.
As an example of memorable symbols, imagine two smaller circles, sitting on opposite
sides atop a larger circle. Did you think of Mickey Mouse ears and Disney? The company
uses images to ensure that its name comes easily
to the front of young consumers’ minds. Whether
they are individual acts like Austin Mahone,
Lucy Hale, or Demi Lovato or groups such as R5
and Lemonade Mouth, Disney starts off its stars
with Disney Channel shows, records them on
the Disney-owned Hollywood Record label, plays
the songs in heavy rotation on Radio Disney and
Disney movie soundtracks, organizes concert
tours with Disney-owned Buena Vista Concerts,
and sells tie-in merchandise throughout Disney
stores. Each of these marketing elements reminds
the various segments of the target market about
both the brand (e.g., “One Direction,” “Forever
This billboard will get your attention. Produced by the nonprofit
organization Women's Aid, this interactive billboard for battered women
In Your Mind”) and their owner, Disney. With
changes as people walk by and notice. The bruises heal. this multi-channel approach, Disney gets the
Source: same “product” into more markets than would be
Advertising, Sales Promotions, and Personal Selling CHAPTER 15 483

possible with a more conservative approach—further building

top-of-mind awareness for both Disney and its stars.19

Once the consumer is aware that the company or product exists,
communication must work to increase his or her interest level. It
isn’t enough to let people know that the product exists; consum-
ers must be persuaded that it is a product worth investigating.
When Volkswagen was suffering as a result of an emissions
scandal, it launched marketing campaigns with its new tagline
“Think New!” And it introduced new family-friendly SUVs and
EVs, designed specifically to appeal to younger car buyers who
value high-tech features, such as smartphone integration and
convenient services such as Apple CarPlay and Google Android
Auto. The ad’s messages include attributes that are of interest to
the target audience—young drivers who want a car that is fun to
be in and fun to drive. Disney increases interest in an upcoming
tour or record by including a mention, whether casual or not, in
the stars’ television shows. Because the primary target market
for the tour is also probably watching the show, the message gets
received by the correct recipient.

If consumers watch Fox’s Empire or visit Fox’s website
After the firm has piqued the interest of its target market, to see what Cookie wore on the show, they might, in
the goal of subsequent messages should move the consumer turn, actually purchase the Empire original soundtrack on
from “I like it” to “I want it.” If Bella Thorne, star of the Freeform iTunes.
(owned by Disney) show Famous in Love, appears on Good ©Fox Network/Photofest

Morning America and talks about her upcoming album,

the viewing audience is more likely to tune in to the next
Famous in Love episode, watch her old Disney show, Shake
It Up, or even purchase some of her music.

The ultimate goal of any marketing communication is
to drive the receiver to action. If the message has caught
consumers’ attention and made them interested enough to
consider the product as a means to satisfy a specific desire
of theirs, they likely will act on that interest by making a
purchase. Sustainable Marketing 15.1 discusses how IKEA’s
Lamp ad got consumer attention and interest, hopefully
leading them to desire and action. If consumers watch
Fox’s Empire or visit Fox’s website to see what Cookie
The recurrent presence of De Beers’ advertising campaign
wore on the show, they might in turn actually purchase for diamond jewellery resonates with consumers over
the Empire original soundtrack on iTunes. time. So, when the occasion arises to buy jewellery for
oneself or for a loved one, the consumer will think of
The Lagged Effect diamonds.
Source: De Beers
Sometimes consumers don’t act immediately after receiv-
ing a marketing communication because of the lagged
effect—a delayed response to a marketing communication campaign. It generally takes lagged effect
A delayed response to a
multiple exposures to an ad before a consumer fully processes its message. In turn, measur- marketing communication
ing the effect of a current campaign becomes more difficult because of the possible lagged campaign.
484 SECTION SEVEN Value Communication

Sustainable Marketing 15.1

Rethink, Re-use: IKEA's Lamp 2*

In 2002, IKEA’s U.S. ad agency, Crispin Porter + Bogusky,
created a heartwarming ad called “The Lamp.” The dark
colours and sad music in the ad struck a deep emotional
chord with viewers who felt sorry for the lamp abandoned
on the curb in the rain. The ad ended with Swedish actor
Jonas Fornander saying, “Many of you feel bad for this
lamp. That is because you’re crazy. It has no feelings. And
the new one is much better.” The ad concept was to con-
vince consumers it was okay to replace possessions you
The Lamp ad struck an emotional chord with viewers who felt
didn’t like with new ones—from IKEA, of course. Beyond
sorry for it being abandoned on the curb in the rain.
creating an emotional connection with viewers, it also
Source: Inter IKEA Systems B.V. 2020
won numerous industry awards including the Film Grand
Prix at Cannes. tea parties, playing board games, and even making
Fast forward 16 years, and priorities have changed for shadow puppets on the wall. As in the original ad, Jonas
both IKEA and consumers. The company unveiled a new Fornander appears at the end. But this time he tells view-
strategy, “People + Planet,” highlighting its environmental ers that it’s not crazy if they feel happy for the lamp,
and sustainability goals to 2030. In addition to eliminating because “reusing things is much better.”
single-use plastics from its in-store restaurants, there is The ad taps into consumer desire and willingness
a focus on creating products with longer lifespans, built to reuse products, even buy used ones. With Canada’s
with fully recyclable or sustainable materials. second­hand market valued at $28.5 billion, IKEA saw an
IKEA and its Canadian ad agency, Rethink, rolled out opportunity. It ran searches on sites like Kijiji to determine
a “Beautiful Possibilities” brand platform. One of the “pos- just how much furniture came from its stores. In a given
sibilities” noted is sustainability. Then Rethink rethought week the average ranged from 12 to 14 percent. It is now
‘The Lamp’ ad to focus on responsible consumerism. partnering with Kijiji in a pilot to sell display models, returns,
‘Lamp 2’ opens with the same dreary colours and an or damaged goods. It launched a program for consumers
abandoned lamp on the curb in the rain. The difference to return gently used IKEA furniture for an in-store credit
though is that this time a little girl wanders by, puts the and received more than 23,000 items, exceeding com-
lamp in her wagon, and takes it home. She gives it a pany expectations. The program keeps usable goods from
new LED bulb and a new life. The ad shows the many being sent to landfill sites and brings consumers back
uses the little girl finds for the lamp including reading, to its stores.
*Susan Krashinsky Robertson, “IKEA’s new Canadian ad reflects a strategic shift,” The Globe and Mail, September 9, 2018, www.theglobeandmail
.com/business/article-ikeas-new-canadian-ad-reflects-a-strategic-shift/; Josh Kolm, “IKEA reuses a classic spot,” Strategy, September 10, 2018, http://; Jeff Beer, “Check out Ikea’s smart sequel to Spike Jonze’s classic 2002 lamp ad,” Fast
Company, September 10, 2018,; Pete
Evans, “Ikea’s latest pitch: Bring back your used furniture to sell for store credit,” CBC, November 15, 2018,
-used-furniture-1.4907069; Justin Dallaire, “IKEA creates ‘stuff monster’ to promote decluttering,” Strategy, September 19, 2019, strategyonline
.ca/2019/09/19/ikea-creates-stuff-monster-to-promote-decluttering (accessed September 19, 2019).

response to a previous one. The recurrent presence of De Beers’ advertising campaign for
diamond jewellery resonates with consumers over time. So when the occasion arises to buy
jewellery for oneself or for a loved one, the consumer will think of diamonds. But De Beers
doesn’t know if any particular marketing communication will lead consumers to check out
or purchase a new diamond.

LO1 Advertising Objectives

As noted in Chapter 14, advertising is a paid form of communication from an identifiable
source, delivered through a communication channel, and designed to persuade the receiver
to take some action, now or in the future.20 This definition provides some important distinc-
tions between advertising and other forms of promotion, which we discussed in the previous
chapter. First, unlike public relations, advertising is not free; someone has paid—with
Advertising, Sales Promotions, and Personal Selling CHAPTER 15 485

money, trade, or other means—to get the message shown. Second,

advertising must be carried by some medium: television, radio,
print, the Internet, T-shirts, sidewalks, and so on. Third, legally, the
source of the message must be known or knowable. Fourth, adver-
tising represents a persuasive form of communication, designed to
get the consumer to take some action. That desired action can range
from “Don’t drink and drive” to “Buy Molson Canadian beer.”
Some activities that are called advertising really are not, such as
word-of-mouth advertising. Even political advertising technically is
not advertising because it is not for commercial purposes and thus is
not regulated in the same manner as true advertising.
Advertising encompasses an enormous industry and clearly is
the most visible form of marketing communications—so much so
that many people think of marketing and advertising as synonymous.
Global advertising expenditures are projected to exceed $628.6 bil-
lion. It is not just a perception that advertising is everywhere; it is
Yet, how many of the advertisements that you were exposed to
yesterday do you remember today? Probably not more than three or
four. As you learned in Chapter 4, perception is a highly selective
process. Consumers simply screen out messages that are not rele- Informative advertising was used to change the
vant to them. When you notice an advertisement, you may not react brand perception for AutotrTRADER.
to it; or, even if you react to it, you may not remember it later. If you Used with permission of autoTRADER.
remember seeing it, you still may not remember the brand or sponsor of the advertisement.
Worse yet (from the advertiser’s point of view), you may remember it as an advertisement
for another brand.
To get you to remember their ad and the brand, advertisers must first get your atten-
tion. As we discussed in Chapter 14, the increasing number of communication channels
and changes in consumers’ media usage have made the job of advertisers far more dif-
ficult. As the chapter vignette demonstrated, advertisers attempt to use creativity and a mix
of promotional elements that offer better opportunities to reach their target markets. As a
consumer, you are exposed only to the end product: the finished advertisement. But a lot of
work must take place before you actually get to see an ad.
As mentioned in Chapter 14, all advertising campaigns aim to achieve certain objec-
tives: to inform, persuade, and remind customers. Another way of looking at advertising
objectives is to examine an ad’s focus. Is the ad designed to stimulate demand for a particu-
lar product or service, or is its focus, more broadly, the institution in general? Marketers
use ads to stimulate demand for a product category or an entire industry, or for a specific
brand, firm, or item. Let’s look at the broad overall objectives of informing, persuading, and

Informative Advertising
Informative advertising communicates to create and build brand awareness, with informative advertising
the ultimate goal of moving the consumer through the buying cycle to a purchase. Such Communication used to
create and build brand
advertising helps determine some important early stages of the product life cycle (PLC; see awareness, with the
Chapter 8), particularly when consumers have little information about the specific product ultimate goal of moving
the consumer through the
or type of product. Retailers often use informative advertising to tell their customers about buying cycle to a purchase.
an upcoming sales event or the arrival of new merchandise. Toyota used informative adver-
tising to ensure consumers were aware of the 2020 GR Supra, as discussed in the chapter
case from Chapter 14.
The Canadian National Institute for the Blind (CNIB) works with people who are blind
or visually impaired to get rehabilitation support and help them lead more independent
486 SECTION SEVEN Value Communication

lives. Part of the registered charity’s mandate includes public educa-

tion efforts with the goal of eliminating avoidable sight loss. To help
achieve this objective, it launched a campaign to inform consumers
that the sun’s UV rays are the leading cause of vision loss in Can-
ada.22 While many people love the sun, its rays are dangerous, increas-
ing the risk of developing cataracts, macular degeneration, and other
serious eye problems. The ad cited statistics to inform Canadians that
one in two of them did not realize the need to wear sunglasses even
in the shade and urged them to wear UV protective sunglasses even
on cloudy days. The campaign was also promoted on social media,
including on a Facebook page that reflected a daily weather forecast
for the city of your choice.

Persuasive Advertising
When a product has gained a certain level of brand awareness,
firms use persuasive advertising to motivate consumers to take
action. Persuasive advertising generally occurs in the growth and
early maturity stages of the PLC, when competition is most intense,
The Canadian National Institute for the Blind uses and attempts to accelerate the market’s acceptance of the product.
informative advertising to warn consumers of the In later stages of the PLC, persuasive advertising may be used to
damage the sun’s UV rays could do to their eyes.
reposition an established brand such as Axe by persuading consum-
Source: Canadian National Institute for the Blind (CNIB)
ers to change their existing perceptions of the advertised product or
Volkswagen, which is using advertising to persuade consumers to
persuasive advertising trust it again after recent scandals. It shelved its long-running “Das
Communication used to
motivate consumers to
Auto” tagline in favour of “Think New!” as the company tries to rebuild its brand. Prior
take action. to the emissions scandal, Volkswagen relied heavily on its so-called clean diesel vehi-
reminder advertising cles to appeal to environmentally conscious consumers. About 20 percent of total North
Communication used American sales featured such vehicles. Losing this market, as well as contending with
to remind consumers of
a product or to prompt
an overall decrease in VW sales, made it hard to turn the page. In an effort to start anew,
repurchases, especially for it is spending aggressively on advertising, highlighting new vehicle offerings. With a
products that have gained consistent core message, it wants to leverage nostalgia for the brand, and outline what
market acceptance and
are in the maturity stage of it stands for and where the company wants to go in the future. Cosmetic firms such as
their life cycle. Lancôme often use persuasive advertising to convince consumers to take action, switch
brands,23 try a new product, or even
continue to buy the advertised product.

Reminder Advertising
Finally, reminder advertising is com-
munication used to remind consumers
of a product or to prompt repurchases,
especially for products that have gained
market acceptance and are in the matu-
rity stage of their life cycle. For example,
if you decide to buy tissues, do you care-
fully consider all the options, comparing
their sizes, prices, and performance, or
do you just grab the first thing you see
on the shelf? When your grocery store
Volkswagen is using a new advertising campaign, “Think New!” to try to persuade places a display of Kleenex facial tissues
consumers to trust it again after recent scandals. on the end of the paper products aisle, it
Source: Volkswagen of America, Inc. relies on your top-of-mind awareness of
Advertising, Sales Promotions, and Personal Selling CHAPTER 15 487

the Kleenex brand, which the manufacturer has

achieved through advertising. That is, Kleenex
tissue maintains a prominent place in people’s
memories and triggers their response, without
their having to put any thought into it. The adver-
tising and the end-cap display thus prompt you,
and many other consumers, to respond by buying
a package, just the response Kleenex hoped to
Although most children grow up drink-
ing milk, consumption drops during the teen
years and into adulthood. In the past, many
campaigns have focused on winning back these
In-store signage and billboards were all part of a campaign to remind
consumers. However, a new initiative by the consumers to buy milk.
Strategic Milk Alliance (members include the Used with permission of Strategic Milk Alliance
BC Dairy Association, Alberta Milk, SaskMilk,
Dairy Farmers of Manitoba, and Dairy Farmers of Canada) hopes to attract new parents.
Research provided two key insights. First, since milk is always located at the back corner
of stores, it’s easy to miss or forget. Second, focus groups conducted by DDB Canada
found that consumers believe that some foods simply taste better when paired with
milk.24 To capitalize on these insights, point of sale signs were placed strategically in
stores—for example, in the cookie aisle—to evoke childhood memories of eating milk
and cookies. The message was, literally, if it tasted great then, it will still taste great now.
Nostalgia was further developed in television, radio, print, and billboard ads. A contest,
called “Milk Your Moments,” encouraged consumers to share photos of themselves or of
other family members depicting memorable childhood moments.25

Focus of Advertisements
To help determine the focus for advertisements, many companies consider the stages in
the AIDA model discussed earlier. Some companies will focus their efforts on attracting
awareness, for example, in the case of a new product introduction. If consumers are already
aware of a product or service, the company will need to build interest and then desire.
Lastly, they need to ensure that consumers will be motivated to take action as a result of the
company’s advertising efforts.
The ad campaign’s objectives determine the specific ad’s focus. Product-focused product-focused
advertisements are used to inform, persuade, or remind consumers about a specific advertisements
Used to inform, persuade,
product or service. For example, Coke ads are designed to generate sales for Coca-Cola. or remind consumers
The focus of institutional advertisements is to inform, persuade, and remind consum- about a specific product or
ers about issues related to places, politics, an industry, or a particular corporation. Some
advertisements are designed to generate demand for the product category (e.g., the “All institutional
You Need Is Cheese” campaign) or an entire industry (e.g., the Strategic Milk Alliance), advertisements
while others are designed to generate demand for a specific brand (e.g., Cracker Barrel Used to inform, persuade,
and remind consumers
cheese), firm (e.g., Kraft), or item. An ongoing and well-known institutional adver- about issues related to
tising campaign promotes GE’s Ecomagination. The program has invested millions places, politics, an industry,
or a particular corporation.
of dollars toward cleaner technologies, including water purification technology and
lower-emissions aircraft engines, and the development of cleaner energy such as wind
and solar power.
Perhaps the best-known campaign to build demand for a product category is the long-
running institutional campaign “Got Milk?” which encouraged milk consumption by
appealing to consumers’ needs to affiliate with the milk-mustached celebrities shown in
the ads.26 One campaign, as exemplified in the ad with Taylor Swift, promised that consum-
ing milk will help people get more B vitamins and protein. Most ads highlight the beneficial
488 SECTION SEVEN Value Communication

The GE Ecomagination program is institutional advertising in that it promotes the company and its “green”
programs, not specific products.
Source: General Electric

product placement properties of milk for building strong bones, which reflects an informative appeal, com-
Inclusion of a product in bined with a mild emotional fear appeal in its assertion that failing to drink milk can lead
nontraditional situations,
such as in a scene in a to medical problems.
movie or TV program.
Product Placement
When marketers use product placement, they include
their product in nontraditional situations, such as in a
scene in a movie or TV program. The first visible movie
product placement was Hershey’s Reese’s Pieces in the
film ET. The product actually became part of the story­
line, offered the candy high levels of visibility, and
resulted in a large increase in sales.27 Although Hershey’s
did not pay to place Reese’s Pieces in ET, other firms have
been more than willing to shell out for product place-
ments. Companies spend approximately $11.44 billion28
on product placements in television and movies annually
(e.g., Mercedes in the film Jurassic World). Coca-Cola
reportedly paid $10 million to gain product placements
and advertising space on American Idol,29 stepping away
after 13 seasons.
The hard part is determining which movies will be
successes. For Apple, the challenge is a little less strin-
gent, because U.S. film directors seem to love its sleek
white laptops, ear-budded iPods, and ubiquitous iPhones.
More than one-third of all top-grossing films at the box
office—129 of 374 movies—have included Apple-branded
products in the past decade. Appearances include popu-
lar offerings as well as critically acclaimed broadcasts,
from an episode of Modern Family viewed exclusively
through Apple products to more nefarious uses depicted
in Billions.30 Apple is also unique in that until recently it
The “Got Milk?” institutional advertising campaign is used
to encourage milk consumption, appealing to consumers by claimed it did not pay for product placement beyond sup-
associating it with milk-mustached celebrities like Taylor Swift. plying the devices, nor does it comment on film appear-
Used by permission of Campbell Ewald as Agent for MilkPEP. ances. However, in 2017 Apple officially sponsored an
Advertising, Sales Promotions, and Personal Selling CHAPTER 15 489

episode of Saturday Night Live in which its products were featured, and also sponsored
Fox’s new show, 9-1-1. An analytics firm that estimates the dollar value of product place-
ments reported that Apple’s five-minute screen time in Disney’s Zootopia alone was worth
about $5 million.31 In 2018, it was the most visible product placement brand, appearing
in 52 movies for three and half hours of screen time.32 While Apple seems to reap those
rewards without always paying for placements, not all companies are so lucky.
Other companies have also been lucky enough not to pay for product placement. When-
ever Sophie Grégoire Trudeau appears in public, the media reports on what she has been wear-
ing (e.g., Ava shoes from Zvelle, dresses from Canadian designers Jay Godfrey and Wayne Clark,
a white coat made of baby alpaca hair from Sentaler, accessories from WANT Les Essentiels).33
Toronto-based designer Lucian Matis said sales of his line went up 2,500 percent after Grégoire
Trudeau was photographed in two of his dresses during a visit to the White House. Dubbed “the
Sophie effect,” the ensuing publicity has been a boon to Canadian designers. However, there
are far more examples of paid placement, especially in music videos where product placement
revenues exceed $20 million annually.34 Lady Gaga, Jennifer Lopez, Britney Spears, Eminem,
and numerous other artists have all promoted products through their videos.

Public Service Announcements

A special class of demand advertising is the public service announcement (PSA), which public service
focuses on public welfare and generally is sponsored by non-profit institutions, civic groups, announcement (PSA)
Advertising that focuses
religious organizations, trade associations, or political groups.35 PSAs represent a form of on public welfare and
social marketing, which is the application of marketing principles to a social issue to generally is sponsored
by non-profit institutions,
bring about attitudinal and behavioural change among the general public or a specific civic groups, religious
population segment. Because PSAs are a special class of advertising, under the Canadian organizations, trade
Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission rules, broadcasters must devote associations, or political
groups; a form of social
a specific amount of free airtime to them. Some of the most successful PSA campaigns marketing.
include wildfire prevention (Smokey the Bear), teen drug-use awareness (Partnership for a
Drug Free Canada), and breast cancer screening (Breast Cancer Society of Canada). social marketing
The application of
Because they often are designed by top advertising agencies for non-profit clients, PSAs marketing principles to a
usually are quite creative and stylistically appealing. For example, what is your reaction to social issue to bring about
the Rethink Breast Cancer images below? attitudinal and behavioural
change among the
Regardless of whether the advertising campaign’s objective is to inform, persuade, or general public or a specific
remind, or to focus on a particular product or the institution in general, each campaign’s population segment.
objectives must be specific and measurable. For a brand-awareness campaign, for example,
the objective might be to increase brand awareness among the target market by 50 percent

Public service advertising, for causes such as breast cancer awareness, focus on public welfare and
generally are sponsored by non-profit institutions.
Used with permission of Rethink Breast Cancer
490 SECTION SEVEN Value Communication

within six months. Another campaign’s goal may be to persuade 10 percent of a competi-
tor’s customers to switch to the advertised brand.

LO2 Regulatory and Ethical Issues

in Advertising
IMC brings together many diverse forms of communication under one umbrella. But, in
Canada, each form of communication media traditionally has been regulated separately.
For example, rather than ban cigarette advertising completely, the federal 1997 Tobacco
Act imposed numerous restrictions, including a phased-in ban on tobacco sponsorship
of events. However, an amendment to Bill C-32 has long since put an end to all print
advertising.36 Companies are allowed to advertise in places where only people over the age
of 18 are permitted and in magazines where adults account for more than 85 percent of their
readership.37 Although cannabis has been legalized in Canada, there are strict regulations
around the way companies market their products, including not appealing to under-
age consumers. The Cannabis Act prohibits advertising on TV or radio, using emotional
associations, testimonials, endorsements, or sponsorships, and linking products to sports
marketing or lifestyles that are glamorous or exciting.38 These restrictions will dramatically
cramp the creative style of companies trying to establish their brands with consumers.
We begin this section by detailing the various agencies that regulate the different forms
and media for advertising. Then we discuss some controversies surrounding new forms of
potential deception.
In Canada, the regulation of advertising involves a complex mix of formal laws and
informal restrictions designed to protect consumers from deceptive practices. Many federal
and provincial laws, as well as a wide range of self-regulatory agencies and agreements,
affect advertising (see Exhibit 15.2). The primary federal agencies that regulate advertising
activities are the Competition Bureau, the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunica-
tions Commission (CRTC), the Food and Drugs Act, and Advertising Standards Canada. In
addition to these agencies, marketers must adhere to other pieces of legislation, such as the
Consumer Packaging and Labelling Act and the Tobacco Act.

Exhibit 15.2  Agencies That Regulate Advertising

Agency/Legislation General Purpose Specific Jurisdiction

Competition Bureau Enforces federal laws that ensure Enforces laws relating to misleading advertising
Canada/The Competition businesses in Canada operate in a and deceptive marketing practices.
Act (1986) fair and equitable manner.

Canadian Radio-television Regulates and supervises Enforces restrictions on broadcasting material.

and Telecommunications all aspects of the Canadian Also administers codes that have an impact on
Commission (CRTC; 1968) broadcasting system, and regulates specific categories of advertising; for example,
telecommunications common the Code for Broadcast Advertising of Alcoholic
carriers and service providers that Beverages.
fall under federal jurisdiction.

Health Canada/Food and Regulates food, drugs, cosmetics, Establishes standards and requirements for the
Drugs Act (1954) and medical devices. safety and sanitation of products. Regulates the
labelling of food products pertaining to nutrition
labelling, nutrient content, and health claims.

Advertising Standards Monitors voluntary advertising Administers the Canadian Code of Advertising
Canada (ASC; 1957) industry codes. Standards, the Gender Portrayal Guidelines, and
the Broadcast Code for Advertising to Children.
Advertising, Sales Promotions, and Personal Selling CHAPTER 15 491

Health Canada passed legislation effective in 2021 to restrict advertising of unhealthy

food to children in an attempt to deal with rising obesity rates.39 A study by Heart &
Stroke Foundation Canada found that three quarters of Canadian children aged 7 to
17 are exposed to ads 111 times a week for ultra-processed foods and drinks as well as
those high in fat, salt, and sugar.40 Children in the study wore eye-tracking glasses while
using favourite social-media apps, and frequently saw ads from McDonald’s, Starbucks,
PepsiCo, Mars, and Coca-Cola promoting fast foods, sugary drinks, candy, chocolate,
and snacks.41
In the quest for innovative ways to reach consumers, some marketers have been
accused of deceptive advertising, which is a representation, omission, act, or practice in deceptive advertising
an advertisement that is likely to mislead consumers acting reasonably under the circum- A representation, omission,
act, or practice in an
stances. The Competition Bureau enforces the Competition Act, the most comprehensive advertisement that is likely
legislation affecting the marketing activities of companies in Canada. The Competition Act to mislead consumers
acting reasonably under
maintains and encourages competition while protecting consumers from misleading and the circumstances.
deceptive advertising practices. Rogers Communications promised “fewer dropped calls”
when it launched its discount cellphone service, Chatr. The Competition Bureau charged
Rogers with false advertising when the company failed to back up its claims, and The
Competition Bureau imposed a $10 million fine.42 More recently the Competition Bureau
accused Moose Knuckles, which makes high-end winter jackets, with deceptive market-
ing over its “Made in Canada” claims when it was discovered that Moose Knuckles’ coats
were primarily made in Vietnam and other Asian countries. Canadian law dictates that the
“Made in Canada” claim can only be made if 51 percent of the cost of producing or manu-
facturing a product is incurred in Canada, or the product is labelled as “Made in Canada
with imported parts.”43
The CRTC controls the advertising industry and governs broadcast media and licens-
ing. The CRTC must approve all TV and radio advertisements before they can be broad-
cast. The Food and Drugs Act prohibits the advertising or selling of unsafe or misbranded
foods, cosmetics, and drugs. It also requires companies to adhere to regulations regarding
health claims. Although used for many years in the United States, diet-related health
claims for food products (related to risk reduction of heart disease, cancer, osteoporo-
sis, and high blood pressure) have only recently been allowed in Canada. The Consumer
Packaging and Labelling Act requires manufacturers, packagers, and distributors to dis-
close full information about their products. All prepackaged products must be labelled
in both French and English and bear the quantity in metric and imperial for weight,
volume, or other measures.
Many product categories fall under self-regulatory restrictions or guidelines. For
example, Advertising Standards Canada (ASC) is a self-regulating body that monitors
voluntary industry codes. Advertising to children is regulated primarily through self-
regulatory mechanisms designed by ASC and its Broadcast Code for Advertising to
Children. The exception is the province of Quebec, where all advertising to children
under the age of 13 is prohibited under the Quebec Consumer Protection Act. Mes-
sages with no promotional or selling intent are protected by the Charter of Rights and
Recently, to make matters even more complicated for advertisers whose products
sell in the United States, the offices of state attorneys general have begun to assert
their authority to regulate advertising in their states. The European Union also has
increased its regulation of advertising for EU member nations. Many of these state
and European regulations are more restrictive than existing federal or self-regulatory
Another difference between advertising regulations in Canada and the European puffery
Union pertains to puffery, the legal exaggeration of praise, stopping just short of decep- The legal exaggeration of
praise, stopping just short
tion, lavished on a product. In Canada, consumers are viewed as rational and capable of of deception, lavished on
evaluating advertising claims. Does a certain sneaker brand really make you run faster a product.
492 SECTION SEVEN Value Communication

and jump higher? When claims that it leads

to “better first dates,” it is puffery because better is a sub-
jective measure. But if it claims that it produces “more
second dates,” it must be able to back up its numerical,
quantitative assertion. Even cartoon bears must follow the
rules: Charmin’s animated spokes-characters need to be
drawn with a few pieces of toilet paper on their rears, instead
of none, to ensure that Charmin’s claims extend only to leav-
ing less toilet paper behind than other brands (puffery), not
eliminating the problem altogether (deception).

Sales Promotion LO3

Advertising rarely provides the only means to communicate

with target customers. As we discussed in Chapter 14, a nat-
ural link appears between advertising and sales promotion.
Sales promotions are special incentives or excitement-
building programs that encourage consumers to purchase
a particular product or service, typically used in conjunc-
tion with other advertising or personal selling programs. In
the context of IMC campaigns, advertising generally cre-
ates attention, interest, and desire, while the value in sales
Is this billboard ad an example of puffery or deception? promotions is in closing the deal. Many sales promotions,
Image Courtesy of The Advertising Archives such as free samples or point-of-purchase (POP) displays,
attempt to build short-term sales, whereas others, such as
loyalty programs, contests, and sweepstakes, have become
integral components of firms’ long-term customer relationship management (CRM) pro-
grams, which they use to build customer loyalty. In this section, we examine the various
tools firms use for their sales promotions and how those tools complement the advertiser’s
efforts to achieve its strategic objectives.
The tools of any sales promotion can be focused on either channel members, such as
wholesalers or retailers, or end-user consumers. Just as we delineated for advertising, when
sales promotions are targeted at channel members, the marketer is employing a push strat-
egy; when it targets consumers themselves, it is using a pull strategy. Some sales promotion
tools can be used with either a push or pull strategy. We now consider each of the tools and
how they are used.

Consumer Sales Promotions

Exhibit 15.3 displays the many different types of tools used in consumer sales promotions,
along with their advantages and disadvantages. We will discuss how marketers choose
which tool to use based on their specific marketing objectives. Then, we examine some
ways in which IMC programs make use of sales promotions.

A coupon offers a discount on the price of specific items when they’re purchased. Coupons
are issued by manufacturers and retailers in newspapers, magazines, and free-standing
inserts, on products, on shelves, at the cash register, over the Internet, and by mail to
stimulate demand. They are commonly used in supermarkets, but other retailers, such
as department stores and restaurants, also use coupons to pull customers away from the
competition. Some retailers even accept coupons from competitors. More than 6.8 billion
Advertising, Sales Promotions, and Personal Selling CHAPTER 15 493

Exhibit 15.3 Types of Consumer Sales Promotions

Promotion Objective Advantages Disadvantages

Coupons Stimulate demand. Encourage retailer support. Have low redemption rates.
Allow for direct tracing of sales. Have high cost.
Deals Encourage trial. Reduce consumer risk. May reduce perception of
Retaliate against competitive value.

Premiums Build goodwill. Increase perception of value. Result in consumers who

buy for the premium, not the
Have to be carefully managed.

Contests Increase consumer Generate excitement. Require creativity.

involvement. Must be monitored.

Sweepstakes Encourage higher Minimize brand switching Sales often decline afterward.
consumption. among existing consumers.

Samples Encourage trial. Offer direct involvement. Have high cost to the firm.

Loyalty Programs Encourage repurchase. Create loyalty. Have high cost to the firm.

POP Displays Increase brand trial. Provide high visibility. Difficult to get a good location
Provide in-store support. in the store.
Can be costly to the firm.

Rebates Stimulate demand. Increase value perception. Are easily copied by

May just advance future sales.

coupons are distributed every year in Canada, driving over $750 million in sales.44 While
redemption rates average around 2 percent, rates vary dramatically depending on how con-
sumers obtain the coupon. A segment of the market, the diehard “coupon clippers,” devote
a great deal of time and effort to searching for, clipping, and redeeming coupons. Many
coupon clippers have streamlined this process by using the Internet, which offers entire
forums dedicated to coupon sharing and management (e.g., Smart Canucks). Coupons
carried in newspapers, magazines, in-store displays, and direct mail have very low redemp-
tion rates of only 1–2 percent, whereas those downloaded from the Internet experience a
56-percent redemption rate. The reason for this dramatic difference is that consumers seek
out online coupons for specific items or stores, whereas many people who have no interest
in purchasing the product receive traditional coupons. While using customer data to create
more targeted promotions has resulted in higher redemption rates, it has also increased
their expense.
Some coupons, whether printed from the Internet or sent to mobile phones, also con-
tain information about the customer who uses them.45 The bar code may identify the cus-
tomer, his or her Internet address, Facebook page information, and even the search terms deal
the customer used to find the coupon in the first place. These new breeds of coupons may A type of short-term price
look standard, but they offer up a startling amount of data, which promises benefits for reduction that can take
several forms, such as a
advertisers who want to target their marketing more closely. “featured price” (a price
lower than the regular
price); a “buy one, get one
Deals free” offer; or a certain
percentage “more free”
A deal refers generally to a type of short-term price reduction that can take several forms, offer contained in larger
such as a “featured price” (a price lower than the regular price); a “buy one, get one free” packaging.
494 SECTION SEVEN Value Communication

Ethical & Societal Dilemma 15.1

Is Amazon Undercutting Other touting the alternative had any effects on sales of the
targeted products. It also claimed that not all the lower-
Brands with Pop-Up Ads for its priced options were Amazon-branded products, though
Own Products?** without clarifying which other brands were featured in
the pop-up windows.
Imagine you need batteries. You’re a modern consumer, For sellers on Amazon, the experiment likely appears
so of course, you turn to Amazon to order them and somewhat threatening. Several national brand manu-
have them delivered to you. When enter your search cri- facturers declined to comment, but the CEO of Nested
teria, the site returns several options, and you click on Naturals acknowledged concerns. The experiment implies
24-pack option offered by your preferred name brand, that it will need to find a way to compete directly with
say, Energizer. But before you can put it in your cart, a Amazon, as both a retailing giant and its primary channel
pop-up message appears on screen, promising a lower to reach customers. Noting that approximately 85 percent
price on a similar product—namely, private-label Amazon of its sales came through Amazon, the executive cited
batteries. You can click to ignore that offer, or you can the company’s “stomach of steel” when it came to work-
switch to it. What do you do? ing with Amazon. It has little choice but to continue sell-
Amazon is betting that, at the very least, you consider ing through the site, so it must put up with such “sneaky”
the cheaper option. It tested this prediction recently, in a lim- tactics.
ited experiment that imposed such pop-up ads on several Other tactics and tests have raised similar concerns.
product pages. Some of the affected products were national For example, Amazon ran a short-lived test of some
brands, like Energizer batteries and Glad trash bags. Others sponsored advertisements on registries that appeared
were offerings from smaller companies, like a sleep aid sold as if consumers had selected certain items to request
by Canadian supplement company, Nested Naturals. for their baby or wedding shower. The settings made it
Asserting that the experiment was not a form of nearly impossible to determine if expectant parents were
advertising, but rather an effort to determine the best actually requesting that their friends purchase large dia-
way to help consumers find lower-priced offerings, per packages or if the promotion was sponsored by Kim-
Amazon carefully limited the span of the test to selected berly Clark.
products and only some consumers. That is, some cus- Overall, these tests and experiments reinforce Amazon’s
tomers shopping for Energizer batteries might not have existing reputation: It is an innovative retailer, willing to try
seen the pop-up window, while others did. In line with lots of different things to meet its customers’ needs more
its reputation for closely guarding its strategic choices effectively. It also is an aggressive competitor, willing to lev-
though, Amazon would not confirm how many brands erage the power it wields over the suppliers that appear on
were subjected to the experiment, how it chose which its site to ensure it dominates them, even as they continue
consumers would see the pop-up offerings, or whether to need it.

**Jay Green, “Amazon Tests Pop-Up Feature Touting Its Lower-Priced Products,” The Wall Street Journal, March 15, 2019,
/amazon-tests-pop-up-feature-touting-its-lower-priced-products-11552655614; Robert Williams, “Amazon tests app pop-ups touting private-label
goods, Mobile Marketer, March 18, 2019,
(accessed August 19, 2019).

offer; or a percentage “more free” offer contained in larger packaging. Another form of a
deal involves a special financing arrangement, such as reduced percentage interest rates or
extended repayment terms. Deals encourage trial because they lower the risk for consum-
ers by reducing the cost of the good. As seen in Ethical & Societal Dilemma 15.1, when
consumers search for products on Amazon, they may be offered deals on the company's
private-label products.
But deals can also alter perceptions of value—a short-term price reduction may signal
a different price/quality relationship than would be ideal from the manufacturer’s perspec-
tive. As Old Spice learned, offering too many deals can offset likely gains. Its popular “Old
Spice Guy” campaign attracted consumer attention through funny television commercials
and interactive online campaigns, and sales of Old Spice jumped. But the company offered
so many “buy one, get one free” deals at the same time that the potential profit impact
of the great ads was essentially eliminated by the costs of the deals.46 Even beer makers
Advertising, Sales Promotions, and Personal Selling CHAPTER 15 495

are rethinking case giveaways such as free golf

balls, t-shirts, and sunglasses, finding that such
deals rarely pay off. Consumers often stock up
just to get the promotional items, which does
not increase sales in the long term.47 Worse yet,
it encourages switching brands to whichever
company has the best “prize inside” that week.

A premium offers an item for free or at a bar-
gain price to reward some type of behaviour,
such as buying, sampling, or testing. These
rewards build goodwill among consumers, who Although the “Old Spice Guy” IMC campaign generated sales, its “buy one,
often perceive high value in them. Premiums get one free” deals were too costly and therefore diminished the profit
can be distributed in a variety of ways. They impact of the ads.
can be included in the product packaging, such Source: Procter & Gamble
as the toys inside cereal boxes; placed visibly
on the package, such as a coupon for free milk on a box of Cheerios; handed out in the premium
store; or delivered in the mail, such as the free perfume offers that Victoria’s Secret mails to An item offered for free
or at a bargain price to
customers. reward some type of
Furthermore, premiums can be very effective if they are consistent with the brand’s behaviour, such as buying,
message and image and highly desirable to the target market. Finding a premium that sampling, or testing.
meets these criteria at a reasonable cost can be a serious challenge. At fast-food restaurants
such as McDonald’s and Burger King, for instance, the average child’s meal costs around
$5, while the average premium distributed costs less than 50 cents. McDonald’s may be
forced to rethink its Happy Meal toys given backlash from consumer groups about the envi-
ronmental impact of plastic. In the U.K., McDonald’s is testing books, soft toys, and board
games, as well as looking for ways to make its toys from materials that can be more easily

A contest refers to a brand-sponsored competition that requires some form of skill or contest
effort. In Canada, you cannot give a prize away by chance alone. There must also be a skill A brand-sponsored
competition that requires
component, which is why skill-testing questions are used, making the game one of mixed some form of skill or effort.
chance and skill. The effort required by these contests often keeps participation lower than
that for other forms of promotion.
Contests are often used to drive sales, draw attention to a company’s initiatives, and
even promote environmental causes. For example, the annual Roll Up the Rim contest
by Tim Hortons is used to increase sales by encouraging consumers to try their luck regu-
larly during the contest period.
To be effective, contests must be advertised and enjoy high levels of retailer or dealer
support. Contests are often run to drive up a company's membership database and increase
store traffic. Such contests provide a wealth of valuable consumer data. In some cases, con-
tests can even be used to shine a light on a company’s guiding principles as highlighted in
Entrepreneurial Marketing 15.1.

A form of sales promotion that offers prizes based on a chance drawing of entrants’ names, sweepstakes
sweepstakes do not require the entrant to complete a task other than buying a ticket or A form of sales promotion
that offers prizes based
completing a form. Often the key benefit of sweepstakes is that they encourage current con- on a chance drawing of
sumers to consume more if the sweepstakes form appears inside the packaging or with the entrants’ names.
496 SECTION SEVEN Value Communication

Entrepreneurial Marketing 15.1

Happy Effect, Happy Planet† In partnership with Farafena, a social enterprise com-
pany that works with over 800 female farmers in Afri-
Starting with a just a blender and some big dreams, Randal can villages, Happy Planet launched the “Happy Effect”
Ius and his friend Gregor Robertson, set out to share their contest. The women grow superfoods, such as moringa
love of freshly made juices. They and baobab, which are turned into powders and used as
formed Happy Planet in Vancouver, ingredients in Happy Planet’s
in 1994. When Robertson left in 2005 smoothies. (Baobab is a nutri-
to enter politics, Ius took the reins. tionally dense fruit traditionally
The company has steadily introduced harvested using bamboo sticks
new products, including smoothies and a knife. Moringa is a leaf
and fresh soups. It also sells organic rich in protein, B vitamins, iron,
dairy products in its creamery division. and antioxidants.) Under the
Today, Happy Planet is the leading red caps on specially marked
all-natural food and drink company in smoothies, consumers will find
Canada. a code that will let them enter
The company’s tagline “feel good The “Happy Effect” campaign and contest focus the contest for a chance to win
food” is supported by its extensive on the good that comes of supporting ethically a trip for two to Mali, Africa dur-
search to find the best ingredients produced superfoods. ing the baobab harvest.
from sources who farm in an ethical Courtesy of Happy Planet Foods Inc. Not your usual contest, the
and sustainable way. To shine a light “Happy Effect” draws atten-
on the good that comes of consumers supporting ethi- tion to the company’s guiding
cally produced superfoods, it launched a digital campaign principles of doing good abroad. A first for this type of
called “Happy Effect.” It was a way for the company to let giveaway, the contest also helps consumers to better
consumers learn more about the “power of purchase.” understand the Happy Planet brand story.

†Christopher Lombardo, “Happy Planet puts on a smiling face,” Strategy, April 17, 2019,
-face; Happy Planet, “Feel Good Ingredients,”; Jen St. Denis, “Life Lessons: Randal Ius,” BIV, December 9, 2013,
/article/2013/12/life-lessons-randal-ius; Western Grocer, “HAPPY PLANET AND FARAFENA ANNOUNCE PARTNERSHIP BY GIVING AWAY A TRIP TO
AFRICA,” May 19, 2019, (accessed August 21, 2019).

product. Unlike contests, sweepstakes winners are determined by a random draw. Reader’s
Offers potential customers
Digest Canada runs an annual national sweepstakes for which it invites both subscribers
the opportunity to try a and others to enter.
product or service before
they make a buying decision.
Sampling offers potential customers the oppor-
tunity to try a product or service before they
make a buying decision. Distributing samples
is one of the most costly sales promotion tools
but also one of the most effective. Quick-service
restaurants and grocery stores frequently use
sampling. For instance, McDonald’s offers
free coffee a couple of times a year to attract
customers to its outlets. Costco uses so many
samples that customers can eat an entire meal
while shopping. Sometimes trial-size samples
come in the mail or are distributed in stores.
SoCIAL LITE Vodka used heavy sampling at
LCBO stores to gain awareness and trial of its
SoCIAL LITE Vodka offered samples of its products at LCBO stores to raise products. Nespresso gives full-size servings in
awareness and trial. stylish glass mugs, bringing a premium feel to
Used with permission of SoCIAL LITE Vodka its samples. Many companies use pop-up stores
Advertising, Sales Promotions, and Personal Selling CHAPTER 15 497

for sampling purposes. For instance, Campbell’s opened a pop-up restaurant on Queen
Street in Toronto to let customers sample dishes made with a variety of its soup products.
The goal was to demonstrate how soup could be used as an ingredient. Product samples
were also given out so consumers could recreate dishes such as Thai Chicken & Rice Khao
Soi curry at home.49

Loyalty Programs
As part of a sales promotion program, a loyalty program is specifically designed to retain loyalty program
customers by offering premiums or other incentives to customers who make multiple pur- Specifically designed
to retain customers by
chases over time. Well-designed loyalty programs encourage consumers to increase their offering premiums or other
engagement and purchases. Starbucks Rewards is one example consumers seem to love. incentives to customers
who make multiple
Not surprisingly, Tim Hortons launched its own loyalty program in response. Such sales
purchases over time.
promotions are growing increasingly popular and are often tied to long-term CRM systems.
In Canada, some of the most popular loyalty programs include Canadian Tire “Money,”
Aeroplan, Air Miles, and the PC Optimum program.

Point-of-Purchase Displays
A point-of-purchase (POP) display is a merchandise display located at the point of pur- point-of-purchase (POP)
chase, such as at the checkout counter in a grocery store. Marketers spend almost as much display
A merchandise display
on POP materials as they do on consumer magazine advertising, but the key to a successful located at the point of
POP is to make the display “pop out” in a crowded store. In addition, manufacturers must purchase, such as at the
checkout counter in a
encourage retailers to feature and use the POP displays to maximize their investments. grocery store.
Lindt Canada launched an illustrated storybook app based on its iconic Gold Bunny just in
time for Easter. “The Bell That Rang in Easter” told the story of a little girl and a bunny in
a way that allowed families to discuss values such as giving, love, and friendship. For every
story downloaded, Lindt donated $1 to The Children’s Aid Foundation. To promote the
story and sales of the Gold Bunny, a 1,400-square-foot point-of-purchase display featuring
life-sized scenes from the book was used at Mississauga’s Square One. The story is still
available for download from the App Store and Google Play.50

Rebates are a particular type of price reduction in which a portion of the purchase price is
returned by the seller to the buyer. Many products, such as consumer electronics, now offer
significant mail-in rebates that may lower the
price of the item significantly. Firms offer such
generous rebates because the likelihood that
consumers will actually apply for the rebate is
low, even though consumers indicate that rebate
offers are a factor in their purchase decisions.
The firms thus garner considerable value from
rebates because they attract consumers with a
minimal risk that the firm will have to pay off all
the rebates offered.
Heavy rebate users, such as Best Buy, have
changed their approach. As with any promo-
tional tool, too much of a good thing can be a
problem. Best Buy found that consumers were
becoming increasingly annoyed by having to
mail in the rebate forms and wait to receive their POP displays are merchandise displays located at the point of purchase,
money. Many were requesting that the rebate such as at the checkout counter in a grocery store.
be given at the time of purchase and wondering RosaIreneBetancourt 5/Alamy Stock Photo
498 SECTION SEVEN Value Communication

why this immediate reduction was not possible. In addition, a growing number of lawsuits
claim rebate cheques were never sent to consumers and that rebate offers contain overly
detailed clauses that cause consumers to have to submit and resubmit their claims. Best
Buy has since put an end to mail-in rebates.51

Trade Channel Sales Promotions

Although sales promotions are often associated with coupons, contests, and other consumer
tactics, far more money is spent on trade channel sales promotions than on consumer sales
promotions. Trade channel promotions help convince retailers and wholesalers to stock
a new brand, give it eye-level shelf space, and promote it in their flyers and other adver-
tisements. Many types of consumer sales promotions can be used for channel members,
including discounts and allowances, cooperative advertising, and sales force training.

Discounts and Allowances

Discounts and allowances are effective incentives used to maintain or increase inventory
levels in the distribution channel. Manufacturers sometimes offer a case allowance, for
example, a discount or dollar amount taken off each case ordered during a specific time
period. Alternatively, retailers may receive a set quantity of products free, for example, one
case at no charge with an order of 10 cases. A merchandise allowance may be offered in
return for extra in-store support or for the retailer’s featuring the product in some way. For
instance, if a store agreed to run an ad with a coupon promoting a specific product, the
merchandise allowance may provide a discounted case price for orders received during the
promotional period.

Cooperative Advertising
One of the important functions retailers perform is promoting products to consumers.
Cooperative (co-op) advertising helps to compensate trade channel members for money
they spend promoting products and encourages them to feature products more often. Gen-
erally, manufacturers will pay 50 percent of the cost of advertising up to an agreed-upon
limit. This limit is usually determined based on the amount of business a retailer does with
a manufacturer. To ensure high-quality advertisements are placed at the local level, some
companies will provide a selection of final ads to choose from, ready to place in a variety of
media or adapt as necessary.

Sales Force Training

Because retailers have contact with end consumers and are ultimately responsible for selling
the products they carry, manufacturers may offer to train the retailer’s sales staff. This train-
ing gives a company’s sales force more in-depth product knowledge, which enhances their
confidence in the product and increases the likelihood of future sales. When VitalScience
Corp. launched its Dermaglow skincare line, it trained cosmeticians at Shoppers Drug
Mart, since they were the staff members who would most likely field questions about the
new product. Other training activities might include providing manuals or brochures, sales
meetings, or field visits. Manufacturers sometimes run contests to help motivate trade
channel members to sell their products.

Using Sales Promotion Tools

Marketers must be careful in their use of promotions, especially those that focus on lower-
ing prices. Depending on the item, consumers may stock up when items are offered at a
lower price, which simply shifts sales from the future to now and thereby leads to short-run
Advertising, Sales Promotions, and Personal Selling CHAPTER 15 499

benefits at the expense of long-term sales stability. For instance, using sales promotions
such as coupons to stimulate sales of household cleaning supplies may cause consumers
to stockpile the products and decrease demand for those products in the future. But a simi-
lar promotion used with a perishable product such as Danone yogurt should increase its
demand at the expense of competitors like Yoplait.
The tools connected to sales promotions are as varied as the imaginations of the mar-
keters who devise them, and new forms are constantly popping up. Take, for example,
pop-up stores—such as the one Shoppers Drug Mart launched in downtown Toronto to pop-up stores
promote its Beauty Project campaign. The pop-up, hosted by The Real Housewives of Beverly Temporary storefronts that
exist for only a limited time
Hills star, Erika Jayne, let consumers try products at swatching stations and attend master- and generally focus on a
classes run by beauty experts.52 Equally appealing to Toronto consumers was the chance new product or a limited
group of products offered
to make their own custom Kit Kat bars at a “Chocolatory” pop-up. Designed to promote by a retailer, manufacturer,
the Kit Kat Ruby, a new pink chocolate bar, fans were able to choose from three types of or service provider; give
chocolate, three of 16 additional flavours, and even select customized packaging.53 consumers a chance to
interact with the brand and
Pop-up stores only exist for a limited time and generally focus on a new product or a build brand awareness.
limited group of products offered by a retailer, manufacturer, or service provider. These
temporary storefronts give consumers a chance to interact with the brand and build brand
awareness, but are not designed primarily to sell products. Most companies hope that con-
sumers who visit a pop-up will later buy from retailers that carry the products.
Retailers tend not to mind manufacturers’ pop-up stores because most are designed to
drive traffic to the retailers through giveaways of coupons and samples. Because pop-ups
are short lived, they don’t pose any long-term competition to retailers or cause channel
Many firms are also realizing the value of cross-promoting, when two or more firms cross-promoting
join together to reach a specific target market. To achieve a successful cross-promotion, the Efforts of two or more firms
joining together to reach a
two products must appeal to the same target market and together create value for consum- specific target market.
ers. J. Crew has teamed up with several famous brands—including Lacoste, Timex, New
Balance, and Adidas—to offer well-known products in J. Crew stores and on its website.
The goal of any sales promotion is to create value for both the consumers and the firm.
By understanding the needs of its customers, as well as how best to entice them to purchase
or consume a particular product or service, a firm can develop promotional messages and
events that are of interest to and achieve the desired response from those customers. Tra-
ditionally, the role of sales promotion has been to generate short-term results, whereas the

Chocolate lovers got to create custom Kit Kat bars at the Chocolatory in Toronto.
(both): Media in Canada, “Spotted! Kit Kat breaks the mould” by Bree Rody, June 7, 2018. ©Brunico Communications Ltd. Reprinted with permission. https:// (Accessed: February 10, 2020.)
500 SECTION SEVEN Value Communication

goal of advertising was to generate long-term results. As this chapter demonstrates, though,
both sales promotion and advertising can generate both long- and short-term effects. The
effective combination of both types of activities leads to impressive results for the firm and
the consumers.

Evaluating Sales Promotions by Using Marketing

Many sales promotion opportunities undertaken by retailers are initiated by manufactur-
ers. For example, Sharp might offer the following special promotion to Costco: During a
one-week period, Costco can order 37-inch Sharp Aquos LCD HDTVs at $300 below the
standard wholesale price. However, if Costco elects to buy these HDTVs at the discounted
price, then it must feature them prominently on its Web page for $1099.00 ($325 below the
suggested retail price). In addition, Costco must agree to purchase enough of this particular
model to have front-of-store displays in each of its stores.
Before Costco decides whether to accept such a trade promotion and promote the
Sharp HDTV to its customers, it needs to assess the promotion’s impact on its own profit-
ability. Such a promotion may be effective for Sharp but not for Costco.
To evaluate a trade promotion, retailers consider
• the realized margin from the promotion
• the cost of the additional inventory carried because of buying more than the normal
amount of the product
• the potential increase in sales from the promoted merchandise
• the long-term impact on sales of the promotion
• the potential loss suffered when customers switch to the promoted merchandise from
more profitable TVs
• the additional sales made to customers attracted to the store by the promotion
When the HDTV’s price is reduced to $1099.00, Costco will sell more Sharp HDTVs
than it normally does. But Costco’s margin on the HDTVs will be less because the required
retail discount of $325 is not offset by the normal wholesale discount of $300. In addi-
tion, Costco might suffer losses because the promotion encourages customers to buy these
special HDTVs, which have a lower margin than Costco makes on its other HDTVs. In
contrast, the promotion may attract customers who do not normally purchase electronics at
Costco but who will visit to buy the Sharp HDTV at the discounted price. These customers
might buy additional merchandise, providing a sales gain to the store that it would not have
realized if it had not promoted this item.

LO4 Personal Selling

Almost everyone is engaged in some form of selling. On a personal level, you sell your
ideas or opinions to your friends, family, employers, and professors. Even if you have no
interest in personal selling as a career, a strong grounding in the topic will help you in
numerous career choices. Consider, for instance, Tony, a very successful labour attorney. He
worked his way through university, selling alpaca sweaters to fraternities across the coun-
try. Although he loved his part-time job, D’Souza decided to become an attorney. When
asked whether he misses selling, he said, “I use my selling skills every day. I have to sell
new clients on the idea that I’m the best attorney for the job. I have to sell my partners on
Advertising, Sales Promotions, and Personal Selling CHAPTER 15 501

my legal point of view. I even use selling skills when I’m talking to a
judge or jury.” In this chapter, though, we take a straightforward busi-
ness perspective on selling.

The Scope and Nature of

Personal Selling
Personal selling is the two-way flow of communication between a
buyer (or buyers) and a seller that is designed to influence the buyer’s
purchase decision. Personal selling can take place in various situations:
face to face, via video teleconferencing, on the telephone, or over the
Internet. More than a million people are employed in sales positions in
Canada, including those involved in B2B transactions—such as manu-
Many salespeople now rely on virtual offices,
facturers’ representatives selling to retailers or other businesses—and which enable them to communicate via the
those completing B2C transactions—such as retail salespeople, real Internet with colleagues and customers.
estate agents, and insurance agents. Salespeople are referred to in ©Stanley Fellerman/Corbis
many ways: as sales representatives or reps, account executives, or
agents. And, as Tony D’Souza found, most professions rely on personal
selling to some degree.
Salespeople don’t always get the best coverage in popular media. In Arthur Miller’s play
Death of a Salesman, the main character, Willy Loman, leads a pathetic existence and suf-
fers from the loneliness inherent in being a travelling salesman.54 Unfortunately, this powerful
Pulitzer Prize–winning piece of literature weighs heavily on our collective consciousness and
often overshadows the millions of hard-working professional salespeople who have fulfilling
and rewarding careers and who add value to their firm and provide value
for their customers.
Professional selling can be a satisfying career for several rea-
sons. First, many people love the lifestyle. Salespeople are typi-
cally out on their own. Although they occasionally work with their
managers and other colleagues, salespeople are usually responsible
for planning their own day. This flexibility translates into an easier
balance between work and family than many office-bound jobs can
offer. Many salespeople now rely on virtual offices, which enable
them to communicate via the Internet with colleagues and custom-
ers. Because salespeople are evaluated primarily on the results they
produce, as long as they meet and exceed their goals, they experience
little day-to-day supervision.
Second, the variety of the job often attracts people to sales. Every
day is different, bringing different clients and customers, often in a
variety of places. Their issues and problems and the solutions to those
problems all differ and require creativity.
Third, professional selling and sales management can be a very
lucrative career. Sales is among the highest-paying careers for college
and university graduates, and compensation often includes perks, such
as the use of a company car and bonuses for high performance. A top
performer can have a total compensation package of more than $150,000;
even lower-level salespeople can make well over $50,000. Although the A good CRM system provides salespeople with
monetary compensation can be significant, the satisfaction of being the information they need to suggest specific
involved in interesting, challenging, and creative work is rewarding in items and services to individual customers.
and of itself. ©Photographerlondon/
502 SECTION SEVEN Value Communication

Fourth, because salespeople are the front-line emissaries for their firm, they are very
visible to management. Because it is fairly straightforward for management to identify top
performers, those high-performing salespeople who aspire to management positions are in
a good position to be promoted.
Although personal selling is an essential part of many firms’ IMC strategy, it offers its
own unique contribution to the four Ps. Sales is usually a separate and influential function
in companies, one that has a significant impact on the design and execution of marketing
mix components. Today, sales teams are becoming a vital link to customers and consum-
ers, especially through data insights and personalization of programs and promotions.
Because of the one-to-one nature of sales, a salesperson is in a unique position to customize
a message for a specific buyer—a preplanned sales presentation or demonstration can be
altered at any time as the need arises. In a personal selling situation, the salesperson can
probe the buyer for his or her potential reservations about a product or service, educate
the buyer when appropriate, and ask for the order at the appropriate time. Unlike other
types of promotion, the sales presentation can be directed toward those customers with the
highest potential. This highly directed approach to promotion is important because experts
estimate that the average cost of a single B2B sales call is about $600.55

The Value Added by Personal Selling

Why have salespeople in the supply chain? They are expensive and can be a challenge to
manage. Some firms, such as retailers, have made the decision not to use a sales force and
become, for the most part, almost completely self-service. Other firms have turned to the
Internet and technology to lower the costs of personal selling. Those that use personal sell-
ing as part of their IMC program do so because it adds value to their product or service
mix—that is, personal selling is worth more than it costs. Personal selling adds value by
building relationships, educating and providing advice, and saving customers time and
simplifying things for them.56

Salespeople Build Relationships

As we discussed in Chapter 12, building strong distribution channel relationships is a criti-
cal success factor. Who in the organization is better equipped to manage this relationship
than the salesperson, the firm’s front-line representative? The most successful salespeople
are those who build strong relationships with their customers—a rule that holds across all
sorts of sales. That is, whether you are selling yourself as a job candidate, a product pro-
duced by your company, or a concept to a client, your sale is not successful if it leads to just
a one-time transaction. Instead, good salespeople take a long-term perspective. Building on
relationship selling the strategic relationship concept introduced in Chapter 12, relationship selling is a sales
A sales philosophy and philosophy and process that emphasizes a commitment to maintaining the relationship
process that emphasizes a
commitment to maintaining over the long term and investing in opportunities that are beneficial to all parties. Relation-
the relationship over the ship salespeople work with their customers to find mutually beneficial solutions to their
long term and investing
in opportunities that are
wants and needs.
mutually beneficial to all
Salespeople Educate and Provide Advice
Imagine how difficult it would be to buy a new suit, a diamond engagement ring, or a
plasma TV without the help of a salesperson. Similarly, UPS wouldn’t dream of investing
in a new fleet of airplanes without the benefit of Boeing’s selling team. Sure, it could be
done, but customers see the value in and are willing to pay indirectly for the education
and advice salespeople provide. Retail salespeople can provide valuable information about
how a garment fits, new fashions, or directions for operating products. Boeing’s sales team
can provide UPS with technical information about the aircraft, as well as the economic
justification for the purchase.
Advertising, Sales Promotions, and Personal Selling CHAPTER 15 503

Five years ago, many observers thought that travel agents and other service providers
would be replaced by more efficient Internet services, and the Internet has certainly changed
the way many consumers make travel decisions. Thousands use sites such as and or visit airlines, rail companies, hotels, and car rental firms online to make
reservations directly. But when planning to visit an exotic locale or booking a complicated trip
or cruise, or for those who don’t feel comfortable buying online, travel agents add significant
value. They can help with itineraries, give helpful tips, and even save the customer money.

Salespeople Save Time and Simplify Buying

Time is money! Customers perceive value in time and labour savings. In many grocery and
drugstore chains, salespeople employed by the vendor supplying merchandise straighten
stock, set up displays, assess inventory levels, and write orders. In some cases, such as with
baked goods or soft drinks, salespeople and truck drivers even bring in the merchandise
and stock the shelves. These are all tasks that retail employees would otherwise have
to do. To appeal to end customers, manufacturers might send salespeople into stores to
provide cooking demonstrations or free samples in the case of grocery stores, or trunk or
made-to-measure shows in the case of apparel or shoe retailers. In this case, the vendor
increases convenience for both its immediate customer (the retailer) and the end consumer.

The Personal Selling Process LO5

Although selling may appear to be a rather straightforward process, successful salespeople

follow several steps. Depending on the sales situation and the buyer’s readiness to pur-
chase, the salesperson may not use every step, and the time required for each step will vary
depending on the situation. For instance, if a customer goes into The Bay already prepared
to purchase some khaki pants, the selling process will be fairly quick. But if Dell is attempt-
ing to sell personal computers for the first time to a university, the process may take several
months. With this in mind, let’s examine each step of the selling process (see Exhibit 15.4).

Exhibit 15.4 The Personal Selling Process

Generate and Qualify Leads


Sales Presentations
and Overcoming

Closing the Sale

504 SECTION SEVEN Value Communication

Step 1: Generate and Qualify Leads

The first step in the selling process is to generate a list of potential customers (leads) and
leads assess their potential (qualify). Salespeople who already have an established relationship
A list of potential customers.
with a customer will skip this step, and it is not used extensively in retail settings. In B2B
The process of assessing
situations, however, it is important to work continually to find new and potentially profit-
the potential of sales leads. able customers.
Salespeople can discover potential leads by talking to their current customers,
doing research on the Internet, and networking at events such as industry conferences
or chamber of commerce meetings. The Internet and sites like LinkedIn have been a
boon for generating and qualifying leads. For instance, salespeople can gather infor-
mation collected on the firm’s website or Google a few keywords and instantly gener-
ate enough potential leads to keep them busy for weeks. Another excellent forum for
trade shows finding leads is trade shows, which are major events attended by buyers who choose
Major events attended to be exposed to products and services offered by potential suppliers in an industry.
by buyers who choose to
be exposed to products Consumer electronics buyers always make sure that they attend the annual Interna-
and services offered by tional Consumer Electronics Show (CES) in Las Vegas, the world’s largest trade show
potential suppliers in an
for consumer technology. The most recent show was attended by 175,000 people, such
as vendors, developers, and suppliers of consumer-technology hardware, content, tech-
nology delivery systems, and related products and services.57 Vendor exhibits took up
2.9 million net square feet of exhibit space, showcasing the very latest products and
cold calls services. Vendors often use CES to introduce new products, including the first cam-
A method of prospecting corder (1981), high-definition television (HDTV, 1998), Internet protocol television
in which salespeople (IP TV, 2005), and 3D printers (2104).58
telephone or go to see
potential customers Cold calls are a method of prospecting in which salespeople telephone or go to see
without appointments. potential customers without appointments. Telemarketing is similar to a cold call, but it
telemarketing always occurs over the telephone. Sometimes professional telemarketing firms, rather than
A method of prospecting the firm’s salespeople, make such calls. However, cold calls and telemarketing have become
in which salespeople
telephone potential less popular than they were in the past. First, the success rate is fairly low because the poten-
customers. tial customer’s need has not been established ahead of time. As a result, these methods can
be very expensive. Second, both federal
and provincial governments have begun
to regulate the activities of telemarketers.
Federal rules prohibit telemarketing to con-
sumers whose telephone numbers appear
on the national Do-Not-Call List, which
is maintained by the Canadian Marketing
Association. Over 13 million Canadians
have added their numbers to this list. CRTC
has levied more than $3.6 million in fines
since 2008. SiriusXM and Toronto Breeze
Air Duct Cleaning were both fined59 for
calling people on the list. Even for those
consumers whose telephone numbers are
not on the list, the rules prohibit calling
before 8:00 a.m. or after 9:00 p.m. (in the
consumer’s time zone) or after the con-
sumer has told the telemarketer not to call.
Federal rules also prohibit unsolicited fax
A great place to generate leads is at a trade show.
messages and unsolicited telephone calls,
George Doyle/Stockbyte/Getty Images
as well as email messages to cellphones.
Advertising, Sales Promotions, and Personal Selling CHAPTER 15 505

After salespeople generate leads, they must qualify those leads by determining
whether it is worthwhile to pursue them and attempt to turn the leads into customers.
In a retail setting, qualifying potential can be a very dangerous and potentially illegal
practice. Retail salespeople should never assume that a person in the store doesn’t fit
the store’s image or cannot afford to purchase there. Imagine going to an upscale jewel-
lery store to purchase an engagement ring, only to be snubbed because you are dressed
in your everyday, casual clothes. But in B2B settings, where the costs of preparing and
making a presentation can be substantial, the seller must assess a lead’s potential. Sales-
people should consider, for instance, whether the potential customer’s needs pertain to a
product or a service. They should also assess whether the lead has the financial resources
to pay for the product or service.

Step 2: Preapproach and the Use of CRM Systems

The preapproach occurs prior to meeting the customer for the first time and extends preapproach
the qualification of leads procedure described in Step 1. Although the salesperson has In the personal selling
process, occurs prior to
learned about the customer during the qualification stage, in this step, he or she must meeting the customer for
conduct additional research and develop plans for meeting with the customer. Suppose, the first time and extends
the qualification of leads
for example, that a management consulting firm wants to sell a bank a new system for procedure; in this step,
finding chequing account errors. The consulting firm’s salesperson should first find out the salesperson conducts
everything possible about the bank: How many cheques does it process? What system is additional research and
develops plans for meeting
the bank using now? What are the benefits of the consultant’s proposed system compared with the customer.
with the competition? The answers to these questions provide the basis for establishing
value for the customer. In the past, this customer information, if it was available at all,
was typically included in a manual system that each individual salesperson kept, using
a notebook or a series of cards. Today, salespeople often can access all this information
immediately and conveniently from their firm’s customer relationship management
(CRM) system.
CRM programs have several components, starting with a customer database. Whether
the salesperson is working for a retail store or managing a selling team for an aerospace
contractor, she or he can record transaction information, customer contact information,
customer preferences, and market segment information about the customer. Once the
data has been analyzed and CRM pro-
grams developed, salespeople can help
implement the programs. For instance,
bankers use a “high-touch approach” in
which they frequently call on their best
customers or contact them by phone. A
salesperson can contact customers when
there are new products or changes to
existing product lines. He or she can probe
customers about what they liked or dis-
liked about their recent transactions with
the firm. Or the purpose of the call can be
purely social. If done properly, customers
will feel special and important when a
salesperson calls just to see how things are
Having done the additional research, Retail salespeople should never assume that a person in the store doesn t fit the
the salesperson establishes goals for meet- store’s image or cannot afford to purchase there.
ing with the customer; it is important that Big Cheese Photo/SuperStock
506 SECTION SEVEN Value Communication

he or she knows ahead of time exactly what should be accomplished. For instance, the
consulting firm’s salesperson can’t expect to get a commitment from the bank that it will
buy on the first visit. But a demonstration of the system and a short presentation about how
the system would benefit the customer would be appropriate.

Step 3: Sales Presentation and Overcoming

The Presentation
Once all the background information has been obtained and the objectives for the meet-
ing are set, the salesperson is ready for a person-to-person meeting. Let’s continue with
our bank example. During the first part of the meeting, the salesperson needs to get to
know the customer, get his or her attention, and create interest in the presentation to fol-
low. The beginning of the presentation may be the most important part of the entire selling
process, because this is when the salesperson establishes exactly where the customer is in
her or his buying process (see Exhibit 15.5). (For a refresher on the B2B buying process,
see Chapter 5.) Suppose, for instance, the bank is in the first stage of the buying process,
need recognition. It would not be prudent for the salesperson to discuss the pros and cons
of different potential suppliers because doing so would assume that the customer already

Exhibit 15.5 Aligning the Personal Selling Process with the B2B Buying Process

Personal Selling Process B2B Buying Process

Generate and Qualify Leads Need Recognition

Preapproach Product Specification

Sales Presentation
and Overcoming RFP Process

Proposal Analysis
Closing the Sale and Supplier

Follow-Up Order Specification

Performance Assessment
Advertising, Sales Promotions, and Personal Selling CHAPTER 15 507

had reached Stage 4, proposal analysis and supplier selection. By asking a series of ques-
tions, however, the salesperson can assess the bank’s need for the product or service and
adapt or customize the presentation to match the customer’s need and stage in the decision
Asking questions is only half the battle; carefully listening to the answers is equally
important. Some salespeople, particularly inexperienced ones, believe that to be in control,
they must do all the talking. Yet it is impossible to really understand where the customer
stands without listening carefully. What if the COO says, “It seems kind of expensive”? If
the salesperson isn’t listening carefully, he or she won’t pick up on the subtle nuances of
what the customer is really thinking. In this case, it probably means that the COO doesn’t
see the value in the offering.
When the salesperson has a good feel for where the customer stands, she or he can
apply that knowledge to help the customer solve the problem or satisfy the need. The
salesperson might begin by explaining the features or characteristics of the system that
will reduce chequing account errors. It may not be obvious, based solely on these features,
however, that the system adds value beyond the bank’s current practices. Using the answers
to some of the questions the customer posed earlier in the meeting, the salesperson can
clarify the product’s advantages over current or past practices, as well as the overall benefits
of adopting the new system. The salesperson might explain, for instance, that the bank can
expect a 20-percent decrease in chequing account errors and that, based on the size of the
bank and the number of cheques it processes per year, this improvement would represent
$2 million in annual savings. Because the system costs $150,000 per year and will take only
three weeks to integrate into the current system, it will add significant and almost immedi-
ate value.

Handling Objections
An integral part of the sales presentation is handling objections that the buyer might have
about the product or service. Although objections can arise during any stage of the selling
process, they are very likely to occur during the sales presentation. Customers may raise
objections pertaining to a variety of issues, but they usually relate in some way to value,
such as that the price is too high for the level of quality or service.
Good salespeople know the types of objections buyers are likely to raise. They may
know, for instance, that their service is slower than competitors’ or that their selection is
limited. Although not all objections can be forestalled, effective salespeople can anticipate
and handle some of them. For example, when the bank COO said the cheque service seemed
expensive, the salesperson was ready with information about how quickly the investment
would be recouped.
Similar to other aspects of the selling process, the best way to handle objections is
to relax and listen, and then to ask questions to clarify any reservations. For example,
the salesperson could respond to the COO’s objection by asking, “How much do you
think the bank is losing through chequing account errors?” Her answer might open up
a conversation about the positive trends in a cost/benefit analysis. Such questions are
usually more effective than trying to prove the customer’s objection is not valid because
the latter approach implies the salesperson isn’t really listening and could lead to an

Step 4: Closing the Sale

Closing the sale means obtaining a commitment from the customer to make a purchase. closing the sale
Without a successful close, the salesperson goes away empty-handed, so many salespeople Obtaining a commitment
from the customer to make
find this part of the sales process very stressful. Although losing a sale is never pleas- a purchase.
ant, salespeople who are involved in a relationship with their customers must view any
508 SECTION SEVEN Value Communication

particular sales presentation as part of the progression

toward ultimately making the sale. An unsuccessful
close on one day may just be a means of laying the
groundwork for a successful close the next meeting.
Although we have presented the selling process
in a series of steps, closing the sale rarely follows
the other steps so neatly. However, good salespeople
listen carefully to what potential customers say and
pay attention to their body language. Reading these
signals carefully can help salespeople achieve an early
close. Suppose that our hypothetical bank, rather than
being in the first step of the buying process, was in
the final step of negotiation and selection. An astute
Good salespeople, particularly in difficult selling situations such as salesperson will pick up on these signals and ask for
telesales, don t easily take no for an answer. They keep trying until the sale.
they get a yes.
PeopleImages/E+/Getty Images

Step 5: Follow-Up
With relationship selling, the sale is never really over, even after it has been made. The
attitudes customers develop after the sale become the basis for how they will purchase in
the future. The follow-up therefore offers a prime opportunity for a salesperson to solidify
the customer relationship through great service quality. Let’s apply the five service quality
dimensions we discussed in Chapter 10 to the follow-up:61
• Reliability. The salesperson and the supporting organization must deliver the right
product or service on time.
• Responsiveness. The salesperson and support group must be ready to deal quickly with
any issue, question, or problem that may arise.
• Assurance. Customers must be assured through adequate guarantees that their
purchase will perform as expected.
• Empathy. The salesperson and support group must have a good understanding of the
problems and issues faced by their customers. Otherwise, they cannot give them what
they want.
• Tangibles. Because tangibles reflect the physical characteristics of the seller’s business,
such as its website, marketing communications, and delivery materials, their
influence is more subtle than that of the other four service quality dimensions. That
doesn’t mean it is any less important. Retail customers are generally more pleased
with a purchase if it is carefully wrapped in nice paper instead of being haphazardly
thrown into a crumpled plastic bag. The tangibles offer a signal that the product is of
high quality, even though the packaging has nothing to do with the product’s actual
When customers’ expectations are not met, they often complain—about deliver-
ies, the billing amount or process, the product’s performance, or after-sale services
such as installation or training. Effectively handling complaints is critical to the future
of the relationship. As we noted in Chapter 10, the best way to handle complaints is to
listen to the customer, provide a fair solution to the problem, and resolve the problem
The best way to nip a post-sale problem in the bud is to check with the customer right
after he or she takes possession of the product or immediately after the service has been
Advertising, Sales Promotions, and Personal Selling CHAPTER 15 509

completed. This speed demonstrates responsiveness and empathy; it also shows the cus-
tomer that the salesperson and the firm care about customer satisfaction. Finally, a post-
sale follow-up call, email, or letter takes the salesperson back to the first step in the sales
process for initiating a new order and sustaining the relationship.
Personal selling is an integral component of some firms’ IMC strategy. Although it
doesn’t make sense for all firms, it is widely used in B2B markets, as well as in B2C markets
in which the price of the merchandise is relatively high and customers need some one-to-
one assistance before they can buy. Because of the relatively high expense of maintaining
a personal selling force, it is important that salespeople be adequately trained, motivated,
and compensated.

Learning Objectives Review

LO1  escribe advertising and three objectives of

D marketing programs, in which the identity of the sponsor
advertising of an activity or event is intentionally kept from prospec-
tive customers, can be considered deceptive promotional
Advertising is a paid form of communication from an practices.
identifiable source, delivered through a communication
channel, that is designed to persuade consumers to take Explain how sales promotions supplement a
action. All advertising campaigns are designed to either firm’s IMC strategy
inform, persuade, or remind customers. Ads can also be
used to stimulate demand for a particular category or Sales promotions are special incentives or excitement-
industry, or for a specific brand, firm, or item. building programs that encourage purchase and include
coupons, rebates, contests, free samples, and POP
Summarize the regulatory and ethical issues displays. They either push sales through the channel,
of concern to advertisers as is the case with contests directed toward retail sales­
people, or pull sales through the channel, as coupons and
Advertising is regulated by a plethora of federal and rebates do. Sales promotions usually occur in conjunction
provincial agencies. The most important agencies are with other elements of a firm’s IMC strategy, such as price
the Competition Bureau, which protects consumers promotions or loyalty programs. Trade channel sales pro-
against general deceptive advertising; the Canadian motions include discounts and allowances, co-op adver­
Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission, tising, and sales force training.
which has jurisdiction over radio, television, wire, satellite,
and cable, and covers issues regarding the use of tobacco  escribe personal selling and how it adds
products; and Health Canada, whose Food and Drugs Act value for customers
regulates food, drugs, cosmetics, and medical devices.
Advertising Standards Canada maintains a strict broadcast Personal selling is the two-way flow of communication
code regarding advertising to children. between a buyer and a seller and can take place in a
If a message is designed to promote or sell a product variety of situations. Although the cost of an average B2B
or service, it is generally considered to have an economic sales call is considerable (about $600), many firms believe
motivation, but if the message has no promotional or sell- they couldn’t do business without their sales force. Cus-
ing intent, it is fully protected by the Charter of Rights and tomers can buy many products and services without the
Freedoms. The line becomes blurred, however, when nor- help of a salesperson, but in many other cases, it is worth
mally noncommercial venues are used to sell something. the extra cost built into the price of a product to be edu-
Another practice that is causing a stir emerges when the cated about the product or to get valuable advice. Sales-
sender of a commercial message is not clearly identified. people can also simplify the buying process and therefore
Activities such as using bogus websites or certain stealth save the customer time and hassle.
510 SECTION SEVEN Value Communication

LO5 Identify the steps in the personal selling and the customer. Through discussion and by asking
process questions, the salesperson learns where the customer is
in the buying process and tailors the discussion around
Although we discuss selling in terms of steps, it truly what the firm’s product or service can do to meet that
represents a process, and the time spent in each step customer’s needs. During the fourth step, closing the
varies according to the situation. In the first step, the sale, the salesperson asks for the order. Finally, during
salesperson generates a list of viable customers. During the follow-up, the salesperson and support staff solidify
the second step, the preapproach, the salesperson gath- a long-term relationship by making sure the customer is
ers information about the customer and prepares for satisfied with the purchase and by addressing any com-
the presentation. The third step, the sales presentation, plaints. The follow-up therefore sets the stage for the
consists of a personal meeting between the salesperson next purchase.

Key Terms
■■ AIDA model ■■ leads ■■ puffery
■■ aided recall ■■ loyalty program ■■ qualify
■■ closing the sale ■■ persuasive advertising ■■ relationship selling
■■ cold calls ■■ point-of-purchase (POP) display ■■ reminder advertising
■■ contest ■■ pop-up stores ■■ sampling
■■ cross-promoting ■■ preapproach ■■ social marketing
■■ deal ■■ premium ■■ sweepstakes
■■ deceptive advertising ■■ product placement ■■ telemarketing
■■ informative advertising ■■ product-focused advertisements ■■ top-of-mind awareness
■■ institutional advertisements ■■ public service announcement ■■ trade shows
■■ lagged effect (PSA)

concept review

1. What is advertising? 7. Describe the different kinds of sales promotions

targeted to distribution channel members. Why are
2. What is the AIDA model? How does the AIDA model
these trade channel promotions necessary? Are they
facilitate the planning and execution of marketing
8. What is personal selling? Describe the steps in the
3. What are the three primary objectives of advertising?
personal selling process. Which stage do you con-
4. List and explain some of the potential regulatory and sider to be the most important and why?
ethical issues firms should consider when developing
9. What is sales management? Why is sales manage-
their marketing communications strategy.
ment considered a complicated task?
5. What is sales promotion? What are the main objec-
10. What are the main considerations involved in recruit-
tives of sales promotion?
ing, training, and compensating salespeople?
6. List six different kinds of consumer sales promotion
tactics and discuss the advantages and disadvan-
tages of each.

Marketing Applications

1. Choose one of the ads featured in this book. What are 2. Using the steps in the AIDA model, explain why a
the objectives of this ad? Does the ad have more than potential consumer who views advertising by designer
one objective? Explain your answer. jean company Parasuco may not be ready to go out
and purchase a new pair of jeans.
Advertising, Sales Promotions, and Personal Selling CHAPTER 15 511

3. Suppose Lexus is introducing a new line of light practice. What information should you include in your
trucks and has already created the advertising cam- letter?
paign. How would you assess the effectiveness of the
8. Consider all the diet products that are currently adver-
tised on television today, including weight-loss supple-
4. Suppose now Lexus is planning a sales promotion ments, weight-loss programs, and fitness equipment.
campaign to augment its advertising campaign for the Do you believe that some of these ads overstate what
new line of light trucks. Which sales promotion tools the product or service can actually do?
do you believe would be the most effective? Why?
9. Choose an industry or a specific company that you
5. How would the Lexus sales promotion differ if it was would like to work for as a salesperson. How would
geared to a business organization with a fleet of you generate and qualify leads?
company-owned trucks?
10. You have taken a summer job in the windows and doors
6. Choose an ad that you believe unreasonably over- department of a large home improvement store. During
states what the product or service can do. (If you can’t sales training, you learn about the products, how best to
think of a real ad, make one up.) Explain whether the address customers’ needs, why the lifetime value of the
ad is actually deceptive or just puffery. How would customer concept is so important to a store like this, and
your answer change if you lived in France? how to sell customers the best product to fit their needs
regardless of price point. One day your manager informs
7. You are invited to your six-year-old niece’s birthday
you that you are to recommend Smith Windows to every
party and bring her the new superhero doll being
window customer. Smith Windows are more expensive
advertised on TV. She’s thrilled when she unwraps the
than other brands and don’t really provide superior
gift but is in tears a short time later because her new
benefit except in limited circumstances. The manager
doll is broken. She explains that, on TV, the doll flies
is insistent that you recommend Smith Windows. Not
and does karate kicks, but when she tried to play with
knowing what else to do, you recommend Smith
the doll this way, it broke. You decide to call the manu-
Windows to customers who would have been better
facturer, and a representative tells you he is sorry your
served by lower-cost windows. The manager rewards
niece is so upset but that the ad clearly states the doll
you with a sales award. Later, the manager tells you that
does not fly. The next time you see the televised ad,
he received an all-expenses-paid cruise for his family
you notice very small print at the bottom of the screen
from Smith Windows. What, if anything, should you do
that states the doll does not fly. You decide to write
with this information?
a letter to Advertising Standards Canada about this

marketing digitally

1. Go to the website for the Canadian Children’s Food & 2. Go to and identify five of the
Beverage Advertising Initiative, one of the industry’s self- products featured. How effective are coupons for
regulatory bodies for children’s advertising, at https:// selling these products? Why? What are the benefits to the seller of using over other IMC
Click on “About the CAI” to learn more about the activi- options? How do you think makes
ties of CAI. Now look under the “Media Releases and money?
Announcements” link. Choose one of the news releases
and discuss what the main issue was in the case.

Chapter Case Study

Making MasterCard Priceless

How do you pay for books, clothing, groceries, or travel? For many consumers, the answer is
MasterCard, which has 200 million cards in circulation.62 Yet, despite the credit card’s popu-
larity, it lags behind its major competitor, Visa, by 135 million cards. It is also outstripped by
American Express for both monthly and annual purchases and spending volume. Because
MasterCard’s primary function is to process transactions between each customer’s bank and
each merchant’s bank, the company must appeal to two customer bases to build market
share: the merchants who accept MasterCard for payment, and the purchasers who use the
512 SECTION SEVEN Value Communication

card. These audiences are closely related, which implies that a single campaign can target
both, likely even for an extended period. However, even the most successful campaigns can
grow stale.
In 1997, MasterCard International and the advertising agency McCann Erickson Worldwide
launched the emotion-based “Priceless” campaign, which celebrated life’s most precious
moments with the tagline, “There are some things money can’t buy. For everything else,
there’s MasterCard.”63 The campaign was hugely successful, saving MasterCard from dis-
aster, even in direct competition with the more widely accepted Visa card. Let’s look at how
MasterCard evolved to where it is today.

Expanding Services to Meet Market Demand

In 1966, a group of California banks created a member-owned association called the Inter-
bank Card Association. This association grew its services, changing its name to MasterCard
in 1979 to reflect a commitment to international growth.64 As it reached new markets across
the globe, MasterCard also focused on technology innovation to help make economic trans-
actions faster, more convenient, and more secure. The company acquired interest in the
international credit card EuroCard (known today as Europay International), as well as Cirrus,
a worldwide interbank network that links MasterCard, Maestro, and Diner’s Club credit, debit,
and prepaid cards to an international network of ATMs. The company also added fraud/risk
management providers to its network of services.
Today MasterCard’s technology platform can handle
more than 160 million transactions every hour with a 99.9
percent reliability rate,65 and the company has issued a
contactless (or smart) card that communicates with ter-
minals via radio waves. This payment method does not
require a signature and can be a card or key fob that is
tapped rather than swiped; it also appears as a smart-
phone app. To provide even more value to customers,
the company has added sophisticated consulting and
information services that help merchants gain insight
into consumer spending, according to their transaction
data and in-depth analyses.66 These efforts have dove-
tailed with changes in consumer behaviour as shoppers
have begun relying more on electronic payment options
and less on paper-based currency.

“Priceless” Revisited
MasterCard began its “Priceless” campaign by identi-
fying its target audience, which in this case was con-
sumers. Hoping to persuade shoppers to keep their
MasterCard at the top of their wallets, the campaign
stressed the relationship between the card and expe-
riences, as opposed to possessions. In early television
ads, the narration linked the price of beauty parlour
visits and new outfits to the “priceless” expression on
an ex-boyfriend’s face at a reunion, to create positive
self-assessment feelings.67 In another, the costs of
tickets, refreshments, and souvenirs at a game were
tied to the “priceless” opportunity for meaningful con-
versation between father and son, to invoke both hap-
piness and love.68 The “Priceless” campaign included
various promotions and competitions, in addition to
these television spots.
In 2004, “Priceless” print ads took a new tack,
The MasterCard “Priceless” IMC campaign has been going strong for weaving well-known retailers into the ads, together
more than 20 years, continuously adjusting to appeal to different target with MasterCard’s theme. These retailers—which rep-
markets through multiple media channels. resented another of MasterCard’s target audiences—
Source: MasterCard received value from the prominent placement of their
Advertising, Sales Promotions, and Personal Selling CHAPTER 15 513

names and product images in the ads. Messaging moved from the general to the specific;
an ad showing a teenaged rock band playing in a garage that might once have said,
“Extra-long extension cord: $11; Moving them out of the living room: Priceless,” was modi-
fied to indicate that the extension cord was from Radio Shack. The result was a form of
symbiotic marketing in which well-known brand names helped attract consumer attention
to MasterCard ads, and each brand appeared to be endorsing the other.69

Magic Moments
However, even the most successful campaigns can grow stale. As consumer values and
needs changed and the marketplace evolved, MasterCard faced a new challenge: how to
retain customer loyalty and brand identification while reinvigorating its advertising. The solu-
tion was four experiential platforms, designed to create priceless experiences, as opposed to
simply celebrating priceless moments.
The evolution in the “Priceless” campaign started with “Priceless Cities,” an expanded
campaign launched in July 2011. This platform concentrates on the world’s key cities, and
MasterCard is spending hundreds of millions of dollars on experiences that are espe-
cially curated for members in 45 of those cities.70 The campaign kicked off initially in
New York, offering cardholders special experiences in major cities that can be shared
with family and friends.71 A few months later, the campaign made its debut in Toronto,
where MasterCard piqued the interest of consumers by placing a huge vault in Maple
Leaf Square. Messaging invited Torontonians to discover what was inside the vault and
their city, and tweet about it using #unlockTO.72 Designed to provide busy consumers
with memorable opportunities in the realms of sports, music, entertainment, shopping,
travel, arts, culture, and dining out, the campaign offers exclusive discounts and experi-
ences for MasterCard holders. Promotions included $10 off the CN Tower EdgeWalk, $50
off Porter Airlines flights, and 20 percent off Ontario Science Centre admission.73 The
idea, says MasterCard’s chief marketing officer, is to transform consumers’ perception
of the card from simply part of a priceless moment to being the force that enables such
At the 2014 GRAMMYS, with brand ambassador Justin Timberlake, MasterCard unveiled
#PricelessSurprises—a brand platform built to deliver surprises, big and small, to members.
By tweeting with #PricelessSurprises, or using their MasterCard, cardholders could be sur-
prised with anything from headphones to once-in-a-lifetime experiences—like spending a
day with Justin Timberlake.74 Since the 2014 GRAMMY night, #PricelessSurprises has been
incorporated into all social activities—connecting with consumers through the things they
are passionate about. This platform has rapidly become one of MasterCard’s most suc-
cessful initiatives. Cardholders used #PricelessSurprises over 877,000 times.75 According
to MasterCard’s chief marketing officer, Raja Rajamannar, in just over a year of running the
campaign, MasterCard created more than a quarter of a million surprises and expanded the
campaign into different regions around the world, leveraging music and sports stars and
their 4,000 event sponsorships.76
In 2018, MasterCard pulled from the social climate to innovate the “Priceless” cam-
paign with “Start Something Priceless.” This new spin on the campaign focuses on peo-
ple believing they can fuel change, and that actions small or large can improve the world.
Thus, these ads encourage customers to do the things they’ve been meaning to do, such
as reading or exercising more. The new campaign premiered at the GRAMMYS with a
music video in which the artists sing about the struggles they’ve overcome, and it ends
with the words “Let nothing stop you” across the screen.77 “Start Something Priceless” is
more than an ad campaign; it is a call to action for its customers. As such, MasterCard is
using the hashtag #StartSomethingPriceless on various social-media sites to encourage
people to share the passion or purpose they are committed to pursue. As part of the cam-
paign, MasterCard is also taking the call to action with its initiatives that include chari-
ties such as the World Food Programme and Stand Up to Cancer. For example, in Paris,
MasterCard unveiled an interactive billboard that allowed customers to donate meals to
hungry children.78
Marketers must continuously evaluate their campaigns and update them to ensure
they are effectively communicating with their customers. New channels like social mar-
keting can change shopping behaviours, creating opportunities that must be considered
514 SECTION SEVEN Value Communication

as part of any marketing strategy. And so, MasterCard regularly tests the strength of its
“Priceless” campaign.79 Doing so has allowed it to move from simply observing priceless
moments to actually enabling experiences that matter to consumers. MasterCard knows
that even the best ideas need new infusions and innovations to keep appealing to their
1. What is the primary objective of the “Priceless” campaign?
2. How can MasterCard integrate the “Priceless” campaign into a public relations program?
3. Which sales promotion tactics could MasterCard employ?
SECTION Eight Marketing in the Global
Chapter 16 Global Marketing
Chapter 17 Ethics and Socially Responsible Marketing

Chapter 16

Source: Starbucks

Global Marketing
Learning Objectives
After studying this chapter you should be able to

LO1 Explain the components of global market assessments
LO2 Understand the marketing opportunities in BRIC countries
LO3 Describe the various global market entry strategies
LO4 List the similarities and differences between a domestic marketing strategy and a global
marketing strategy

LO5 Explain how ethical issues affect global marketing practices
516 Section Eight Marketing in the Global Environment

The 78th country in which Starbucks has opened is also the first
place that the idea for Starbucks originated. As the chain’s well-
known story has noted, Howard Schultz loved the espresso cul-
ture in Italy and sought to bring it to the United States. However,
Schultz’s version of the coffee culture and experience that has
made Starbucks into a global juggernaut is quite different from the
traditional version of espresso consumption in Italy. That is raising
questions about just how successful this latest international expan-
sion will be.1
In Italy, an espresso break means heading over to a small bar,
where consumers receive small cups with saucers of strong coffee,
which is usually consumed quickly while standing up. Italians drink
as many as five espressos a day and often treat them like tequila
shots rather than a drink to slowly savour.2 They might chat for a
few moments about the weather, the football league, or politics,
but after a few minutes, the bar owner might even shoo them out
the door to make room for the next consumers.
Nevertheless, Starbucks opened two stores in Milan in late
2018 with an Italian licensee, and a Reserve Roastery3, a larger,
Arnold Coffee already offers “The American higher-end store where customers can see the entire coffee-
Coffee Experience” in its Italian stores. making process from roasting to brewing. It found a classic venue
©Alessia Pierdomenico/Getty Images to open its roastery–a historic building that once served as a
post office. The opulent interior features a 30-foot Tuscan marble
counter, and accents of pink stone, wood, and bronze. Candoglia
marble, sourced from the same quarry as Milan’s historic Duomo cathedral located just blocks away, was laid on
the floor using a traditional Palladiana flooring pattern and warmed with radiant heating.4
The Starbucks experience is totally different, of course. For some traditionalists, the expectation that Italians
would linger over sweetened drinks with made-up names, served in paper cups, is not just absurd but also a little
horrifying. Paper cups! Italy has one of the most developed coffee cultures in the world. The locals revere their
coffee and don’t take kindly to others trying to change their culture.5 Some people were especially incensed over
prices that were much higher than normal for Milan, expressing concern that the entry of Starbucks might drive
up prices at other coffee shops.6
Evidence suggests that there is room for both traditional bars and third-space venues like Starbucks. Arnold
Coffee is a four-store chain in Italy that has adopted the Starbucks model, offering free Wi-Fi, bagels and brown-
ies, and cinnamon caffè lattes. Even its motto highlights its distinction, laying claim to offering “The American Cof-
fee Experience.” Especially for younger consumers, as one student explained, “The experience at the traditional
Italian bar, downing an espresso in two seconds, isn’t what I’m looking for. I need a place like this to study or meet
friends or just relax.”
That is precisely what Starbucks offers, so the company expresses confidence in the expansion. At the same
time as offering its Americanized approach to coffee, it is also making some nods to local preferences. To start,
in Italy, Starbucks emphasizes espresso more than it does in other international locations, where coffee drinkers
prefer something a little lighter. It also relies on local farmers to source milk and some of its food options.
Choosing Milan, Italy’s centre of fashion and finance, was an astute move as the city is more modern than
Naples and Rome, which are seen as the coffee snob capitals.7 For Starbucks, coffee is all about spending time
with friends, not just getting a quick fix of caffeine. Still, purists raised their eyebrows when confronted with
Starbucks’ seven different cup sizes (in Italy there is only one cup size.) Colourful and playful drinks named for
zombies and unicorns must have been yet another jolt to their cherished coffee culture.
Will the mermaid logo appear on corners of cities throughout Italy, next to the espresso bars that line the
streets today? It remains to be seen if Starbucks can give Italy’s espresso culture a jolt.
Global Marketing CHAPTER 16 517

Increasing globalization affects all companies—large, small, medium, and entrepreneurial—

in Canada, and around the world. Many Canadian companies find themselves becoming part
of the global supply chain. Competition is no longer local, provincial, or even national; it is
global. Canadian companies have to compete with other global companies not only for raw
materials, labour, knowledge, and other inputs, but also for markets for their products. Few
people think about how globalization impacts their daily lives, but take a minute to read the
labels on the clothing you are wearing right now. Chances are that most of the items, even if
they carry Canadian or U.S. brand names, were manufactured in another part of the world.
In Canada, the market has evolved from a system of local and provincial marketplaces,
to national markets, to geographically regional markets (e.g., Canada and the United States
together), to international markets, and finally to global markets. According to the Govern-
ment of Canada and the Business Development Bank of Canada, globalization refers to the globalization
Refers to the increased
increased flow of goods, services, people, technology, capital, information, and ideas around flow of goods, services,
the world. Its impacts are economic, political, social, cultural, and environmental.8 Global people, technology, capital,
markets are the result of several fundamental changes, such as reductions or eliminations of information, and ideas
around the world; has
trade barriers by country governments, the decreasing concerns of distance and time with economic, political, social,
regard to moving products and ideas across countries, the standardization of laws across cultural, and environmental
borders, and globally integrated production processes. For instance, consider the Lululemon
pants you own. It is possible that Lululemon Athletica buys its raw materials from a supplier
in one country and its sewing machines and washers from a supplier in another country,
while its workers come from a third country, and its marketers are placed in several coun-
tries around the world where its pants are sold (i.e., customers are spread across the globe).
Globalization has not only created economies of scale because of the global scale in
which research, production, and marketing are performed, but also made it possible for
many niche markets that are not profitable at the provincial or national level to become
profitable at the global level. Some companies may find the Canadian market too small to
be profitable for their products and yet they may still be able to serve niche markets profit-
ably on a global scale. And many Canadian companies are part of the global supply chain,
supplying inputs and raw materials rather than marketing finished products.
These fundamental changes have paved the way for marketing to flourish in other
countries. The elimination of trade barriers and other governmental actions, for instance,
allows goods and ideas to move quickly and efficiently around the world, which in turn
facilitates the quick delivery of goods to better meet the needs of global consumers. As
a consequence, consumers have easy access to global products and services. When we
walk into a toy store, we expect to find Lego from Denmark. In the local sporting goods
store, we anticipate finding running shoes made in China by the German firm Adidas.
In the grocery store, we demand out-of-season produce like blueberries from Chile in
January. Or consider how a $12 digital camera for your keychain, made in Taiwan, could
be produced, transported halfway around the world, and sold for so little money at your
local Walmart. These are the questions we will be examining in this chapter.
We begin by looking at how firms assess the potential of a given market, with par-
ticular attention to Brazil, Russia, India, and China (collectively known as “the BRIC
countries”). We’ll see how firms assess the potential of a given market, make decisions to
go global, and choose markets in which to sell globally. Then we explore how to build the
marketing mix for global products and consider some of the ethical issues of globalization.

LO1 Assessing Global Markets

Because of globalization, marketers are presented with a variety of opportunities, and firms
must assess the viability of a variety of international markets. This assessment is done
through an environmental analysis similar to what is described in Chapter 3. As illustrated
in Exhibit 16.1, four sets of factors are often used to assess a country’s market: Political,
Economic, Sociocultural, and Technology and infrastructure factors. The acronym PEST is
518 Section Eight Marketing in the Global Environment

Exhibit 16.1 Components of a Country Market Assessment

Boycott nd

Political Economic

& Sociocultural
Infrastructure Analysis
Commerce Masculinity

used as shorthand to refer to these factors. Analysis of these four factors offers marketers
a more complete picture of a country’s potential as a market for products and services.
Although we describe each factor separately, it is important to note that marketers consider
them together in order to obtain a complete picture of a country’s marketing potential. In
fact, marketers often have to make trade-offs between these factors when entering or doing
business in a foreign market. For instance, Canadian oil and mining companies may enter
markets where the economic opportunity is great but the political risks are higher.

Analyzing the Political Environment

Governmental actions, as well as the actions of non-governmental political groups, can
significantly influence firms’ ability to sell goods and services, because they often result in
laws or other regulations that either promote the growth of the global market or close off
the country and inhibit growth.
Policies aimed at restricting trade and global mar-
Exhibit 16.2 Government Actions keting are called protectionist policies, and those that
encourage global trade and marketing are referred to
as trade liberalization policies. During the COVID-
19 pandemic, export restrictions on medical supplies
such as personal protective equipment (PPE) were
Tariff Quota introduced in some countries, which escalated global
trade protectionism.9 When the White Spot restau-
rant chain, based in Vancouver, opened its first Asian
location in Hong Kong, it did not face restrictions.
Trade Government However, CEO Warren Earhart says that the company
Sanction Actions evaluates new markets on a country-by-country basis
since countries have different rules that need to be
considered. For example, Thailand and South Korea
Trade Exchange have protectionist policies regarding the importation
Agreement Control of beef products.10 In this section, we discuss vari-
ous forms of protectionist and liberalization policies.
These issues include trade sanctions such as tariffs,
quotas, boycotts, exchange controls, and trade agree-
ments (see Exhibit 16.2).
Global Marketing CHAPTER 16 519

Trade Sanctions
Trade sanctions are penalties or restrictions imposed by one country over another coun- trade sanctions
try for importing and exporting goods, services, and investments. Canada placed sanctions Penalties or restrictions
imposed by one country
on Crimea after Russia’s illegal annexation of this region of the Ukraine.11 The European over another country for
Union recently extended its economic sanctions against Russia due to the ongoing tur- importing and exporting
of goods, services, and
moil in the Ukraine.12 An embargo is a form of trade sanction that prohibits trading with a investments.
certain country or trading in specific goods (e.g., oil embargo) by other signatory countries.

A tariff (or duty) is a tax levied on a good imported into a country. In most cases, tariffs tariff (or duty)
are intended to make imported goods more expensive and thus less competitive with domes- A tax levied on a good
imported into a country.
tic products, which in turn protects domestic industries from foreign competition. In other
cases, tariffs might be imposed to penalize another country for trade practices that the home
country views as unfair. For example, companies wishing to export dairy products to Canada
face a whopping 240 percent tariff put in place to protect Canadian dairy farmers. In 2002,
the United States imposed a 9.31 percent duty on Canadian softwood lumber exported to
the United States because the U.S. softwood industry claimed that Canada was subsidizing
Canadian softwood lumber and Canadian lumber producers were dumping (selling a good dumping
in a foreign market at a price that is lower than its domestic price or below its cost) low-cost The practice of selling a
good in a foreign market
softwood lumber on the U.S. market. The tariffs were increased to 20 percent during the at a price that is lower than
Trump presidency, further raising the prices of Canadian lumber sold in the United States, its domestic price or below
its cost.
making it difficult for Canadian companies to compete with U.S. lumber producers.13
The Government of Canada made Canada a tariff-free zone for industrial manufactur-
ers by eliminating all tariffs on machinery, equipment, and goods imported into Canada for
further manufacturing. The elimination of tariffs along with $450 million in tax relief gives
small and medium-sized manufacturers a competitive advantage.14

A quota designates the maximum quantity of a product that may be brought into a country quota
during a specified time period. Many Canadian quotas on foreign-made textiles were elimi- Designates the maximum
quantity of a product that
nated in 2005, which reduced the cost of imported apparel products sold in Canada. It opened may be brought into a
the floodgates for garments made in Bangladesh. Some firms chose to pass the bulk of these country during a specified
time period.
savings on to consumers—in Walmart’s case, 75 percent of them—whereas others, such as
clothing retailer bebe, planned to share only 25 percent and keep the rest as profit.15 While
some quotas, for example those on foreign-made textiles, have been eliminated, Canada has
a long history of maintaining supply management quotas on dairy, poultry, and eggs.16
Tariffs and quotas can impose a potentially devastating blow on a firm’s ability to sell
products in another country—a lesson that the United Kingdom discovered in the after-
math of its Brexit vote. Tariffs artificially raise prices and therefore lower demand, and quo-
tas reduce the availability of imported merchandise. Conversely, tariffs and quotas benefit
domestically made products because they reduce foreign competition. In the case of soft-
wood lumber being exported from Canada to the U.S., tariffs and quotas benefit U.S. lumber
producers and reduce competition from Canadian lumber producers. Unfortunately, U.S.
consumers end up paying higher prices for U.S. softwood lumber rather than benefiting
from cheaper Canadian lumber, and Canadian lumber producers lost huge market share.

A boycott pertains to a group’s refusal to deal commercially with an organization to protest boycott
against its policies. Boycotts might be called by governments or non-governmental organiza- A group’s refusal to deal
commercially with some
tions, such as trade unions, or human-rights or environmental groups. For example, the United organization to protest
States has only recently eased economic sanctions imposed against Cuba. Both the United against its policies.
States and Canada have imposed sanctions on Iran.
520 Section Eight Marketing in the Global Environment

Exchange Control
Exchange control refers to the regulation of a
country’s currency exchange rate, the measure
of how much one currency is worth in relation to
another.17 A designated agency in each country,
often the central bank, sets the rules for currency
exchange. In Canada, the Bank of Canada sets the
rules for the currency exchange rates. The value
of the Canadian dollar against the U.S. dollar has
been a roller coaster over the past two decades. It
increased significantly, from around $0.60 CDN
for $1.00 USD in 2001, to $1.10 CDN in Novem-
ber 2007. The exchange rate held steady at par
until 2014 when it slipped to $0.90. Since then, it
continued its slide to $0.69 in January 2016 before
improving to around $0.78 where it sits in 2020.
The increase in value of the Canadian dollar against the U.S. The fluctuating Canadian dollar has a twofold
dollar has made Canadian exports to the United States less effect on the ability of Canadian firms to conduct
expensive, and imports from the United States more expensive. global business. For Canadian firms that depend
Bank note image used with the permission of the Bank of Canada/Images de billet
on U.S. imports of finished products, raw materials,
de banque utilisées avec la permission de la Banque du Canada
or services, the cost of doing business has gone
up dramatically with the low Canadian dollar.
exchange control However, U.S. buyers find the costs of Canadian goods and services less expensive than
Refers to the regulation they were before. This tends to have a positive impact on Canadian manufacturing
of a country’s currency
exchange rate. exports to the United States, as Americans will find that their dollar can buy them more
in Canada, while Canadians find that they can buy less in the United States with their
exchange rate
The measure of how much Canadian dollars.
one currency is worth in
relation to another.

Trade Agreements
Marketers must consider the trade agreements to which a particular country is a
trade agreement signatory or the trading bloc to which it belongs. A trade agreement is an intergovern-
Intergovernmental mental agreement designed to manage and promote trade activities for a specific region,
agreement designed to
manage and promote and a trading bloc consists of those countries that have signed the particular trade
trade activities for specific agreement.18
Some major trade agreements cover two-thirds of the world’s international trade:
trading bloc the European Union (EU), the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA), the
Consists of those countries
that have signed a
Central America Free Trade Agreement (CAFTA), Mercosur, and the Association of South-
particular trade agreement. east Asian Nations (ASEAN).19 These trade agreements are summarized in Exhibit 16.3.
The European Union represents the highest level of integration across individual nations,
whereas, the other agreements vary in their integration levels. The United Kingdom had
been an EU member until a 2016 BREXIT referendum saw British citizens vote in favour
of leaving. A Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) trade deal was proposed in late 2015 between
Australia, Brunei, Canada, Chile, Japan, Malaysia, Mexico, New Zealand, Peru, Singapore,
the United States, and Vietnam. However, this latest free trade agreement has yet to be
These trading blocs affect how Canadian firms can conduct business in the mem-
ber countries. Some critics contend that such blocs confer an unfair advantage on their
member nations because they offer favourable terms for trade, whereas others believe
they stimulate economies by lowering trade barriers and allowing higher levels of foreign
Global Marketing CHAPTER 16 521

Exhibit 16.3 Trade Agreements

Name Countries

European Union 27 member countries include: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria,

Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia,
Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland,
Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands,
Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, and
Sweden. There are five official candidate countries to
join the EU: Macedonia, Serbia, Turkey, Montenegro, and
Albania. Bosnia and Herzegovina and Kosovo are also
potential candidates.

USMCA Canada, Mexico, the United States

CAFTA Costa Rica, the Dominican Republic, El Salvador,

Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, the United States

Mercosur Full members: Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay, Uruguay,


ASEAN Brunei, Darussalam, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia,

Myanmar, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Vietnam

Political Risk Analysis

Before a company decides to engage in global marketing, it must conduct a politi-
cal risk analysis—assessing the level of political, socioeconomic, and security risks
of doing business with a country. Such analysis usually involves weighing the likeli-
hood of certain events (such as change in government, violence, and the imposition
of restrictive trade policies) taking place over a specific period of time. This type of
analysis requires sophisticated expertise, which most companies do not possess. Thus,
they rely on government agencies (e.g., Export Development Canada; Department of
Foreign Affairs, Trade, and Development)
and private companies that specialize in
political risk analysis to provide information
and guidance. Political risk analysis helps
to reduce the risk of a company losing its
investment or goods and the possibility of
harm to its employees.

Analyzing the Economic

Environment Using Metrics
The greater the wealth of people in a country,
generally, the better the opportunity a firm will
have in that particular country. A firm con-
ducting an economic analysis of a country’s
market must look at three major economic fac-
tors: general economic environment, market The European Union has resulted in lowering trade barriers and
size and population growth, and real income strengthening global relationships among member nations.
(see Exhibit 16.4). ©Digital Vision/Getty Images
522 Section Eight Marketing in the Global Environment

Exhibit 16.4 Economic Analysis

Evaluating the General Economic Environment

Generally, healthy economies provide better opportunities for global marketing expansions.
A firm can measure the relative health of a particular country’s economy in several ways.
Each way offers a slightly different view, and some may be more useful for some products
and services than for others.
trade deficit To determine the market potential for its particular product or service, a firm should
Results when a country use as many measures as it can obtain. One measure is the relative level of imports
imports more goods than and exports. Canada had enjoyed a trade surplus until 2009, when the trade balance shifted
it exports.
into a deficit as the cost of imports rose.21 The United States has run trade deficits since
trade surplus 1976 due to high volumes of imported oil and consumer products.22 A trade deficit means
Results when a country
exports more goods than that the country imports more goods than it exports. Firms would prefer to manufacture
it imports. in a country, such as Canada, that has a trade surplus, or a higher level of exports than
gross domestic product imports, because it signals a greater opportunity to export products to more markets.
(GDP) The most common way to gauge the size and market potential of an economy, and
The market value of
the goods and services
therefore the potential the country has for global marketing, is to use standardized mea-
produced by a country in a sures of output. One of the most widely used measures is gross domestic product (GDP),
year; the most widely used which is defined as the market value of the goods and services produced by a country in
standardized measure of
output. a year. So what does the size of a country’s GDP have to do with global marketing? GDP
growth means that production and consumption in the country is expanding, therefore,
purchasing power parity
(PPP) there are greater marketing opportunities for most goods and services. When GDP growth
A theory that states that is slowing, it means that the economy is contracting, or that production and consumption
if the exchange rates
are falling, and marketing opportunities for certain goods and services will decline.
of two countries are in
equilibrium, a product Another frequently used measure of an overall economy is the purchasing power
purchased in one will cost parity (PPP), a theory that states that if the exchange rates of two countries are in equi-
the same in the other,
expressed in the same librium, a product purchased in one will cost the same in the other, expressed in the same
currency. currency.23 A novel measure that employs PPP to assess the relative economic buying
Global Marketing CHAPTER 16 523

power among nations is The Economist’s Big Mac Index, which suggests that exchange rates
should adjust to equalize the cost of a basket of goods and services, wherever it is bought
around the world. Using McDonald’s Big Mac, the index shows that the cheapest burger
is in Ukraine, where it costs $1.57, compared with an average Canadian price of $4.60.
This difference implies that the Ukrainian hryvnia is undervalued by 68.8 percent: that is,
the hryvnia is priced too low relative to the Canadian dollar. In this case, the undervalued
hryvnia makes Ukraine’s exports to Canada cheaper than they would otherwise be, thereby
providing an unfair trade advantage to Ukraine. It also makes Canadian exports to Ukraine
more expensive.
These various metrics help marketers understand the relative wealth of a particular
country; however, as scholars have argued, they may not give a full picture of the eco-
nomic health of a country because they are based solely on material output. As a corol-
lary measure to those described previously, the United Nations has developed the human human development
development index (HDI), a composite measure of three indicators of the quality of index (HDI)
A composite measure of
life in different countries: life expectancy at birth; educational attainment; and whether three indicators of the
the average incomes, according to PPP estimates, are sufficient to meet the basic needs of quality of life in different
life in that country. For marketers, these measures determine the lifestyle elements that countries: life expectancy
at birth, educational
ultimately drive consumption (recall that Chapter 4 discussed the influence of consumer attainment, and whether
lifestyle on consumption). The HDI is scaled from 0 to 1: those countries that score lower the average incomes are
sufficient to meet the
than 0.5 are classified as nations with low human development, those that score 0.5 to 0.8 basic needs of life in that
have medium development, and those that score above 0.8 are classified as having high country.
human development.
These macroeconomic measures provide a snapshot of a particular country at any one
point in time. Because they are standardized measures, it is possible to compare countries
across time and to identify those that are experiencing economic growth and increased
Although an understanding of the macroeconomic environment is crucial for manag-
ers facing a market entry decision, of equal importance is the understanding of economic
metrics of individual income and household size.

Evaluating Market Size and Population

Growth Rate
Global population has been growing dramatically since the turn
of the 20th century. It is estimated that by 2050, the world popula-
tion will reach 9.7 billion people.24 From a marketing perspective,
however, growth has not been equally dispersed. Less developed
nations, by and large, are experiencing rapid population growth,
while many developed countries are experiencing either zero or
negative natural population growth. Population growth in many
developed countries, such as Canada, is attributed to high levels
of immigration. The countries with the highest purchasing power
today may become less attractive in the future for many products
and services because of stagnated growth. And the BRIC countries
are likely to be the source of most market growth.
In response, consumer goods companies are paying close
attention to the strong demand in BRIC nations. Procter & Gamble,
which enjoyed a strong advantage in the Chinese market, is
expanding aggressively into India and Brazil. P&G’s hair-care
products have gained more market share in Brazil than any other “Minute Maid Pulpy Super Milky” combines fruit
global competitor.25 In India, big-name Western firms are compet- juice, milk powder, whey protein, and coconut
ing for sales of laundry products, with Unilever leading the way at bits for the Chinese market.
a 38 percent share of the market.26 In some cases, the companies Weng lei/Imaginechina via AP Images
524 Section Eight Marketing in the Global Environment

will sell the same products in China and in North Amer-

ica; in other situations, they are creating new products
to meet Chinese consumers’ tastes. The “Minute Maid
Pulpy Super Milky” combines fruit juice, milk powder,
whey protein, and coconut bits.
Another aspect related to population and growth
pertains to the distribution of the population within
a particular region; namely, is the population located
primarily in rural or urban areas? This distinction deter-
mines where and how products and services can be deliv-
ered. Long supply chains, in which goods pass through
many hands, are necessary to reach rural populations
and therefore add costs to products. India’s 1.2 billion
To increase consumption of Coca-Cola in rural India, the people live overwhelmingly in rural areas, though the
company lowered its price to the equivalent of about
population is moving toward urban areas to meet the
40 cents per bottle.
demands of the growing industrial and service centres
©Rob Elliot/AFP/Getty Images
located in major cities such as Bangalore and New Delhi.
This population shift, perhaps not surprisingly, is accompanied by rapid growth in the
middle class.27 Relatively careful banking policies and minimal dependence on exports have
helped protect India from the global financial crisis. The business impacts of these combined
trends of increasing urbanization, a growing middle class, a degree of protectionism by the
central government, and a youthful populace make India an absolutely enormous market
for consumer goods.

Evaluating Real Income

Firms can make adjustments to an existing product or change the price to meet the unique
needs of a particular country’s market. Such shifts are particularly common for low-priced
consumer goods. In settings where consumers earn very low wages, the market is known as
the “bottom of the pyramid.” That is, there is a large, impoverished population that still wants
and needs consumer goods but cannot pay the prices that the fewer, wealthier consumers in
developed nations can. To increase consumption of Coca-Cola in rural India, the company
lowered its price to the equivalent of about 40 cents per bottle; Cadbury International intro-
duced the Dairy Milk Shots for the equivalent of about 4 cents.28 Textbook publishers sell
paperback versions of Canadian books for a fraction of the Canadian price to countries where
students would not otherwise be able to afford a text. But pricing adjustments aren’t only
for inexpensive products. Fashion and jewellery manufacturers also make downward adjust-
ments to their prices in countries where the incomes of their target markets cannot support
higher prices. Nor is price the only factor that companies adjust to appeal to lower income
markets. Haier sells washing machines that also have the capacity to wash vegetables to
Chinese consumers who confront limited access to resources, such as water and electricity.29

Analyzing Sociocultural Factors

Understanding another country’s culture is crucial to the success of any global marketing
initiative. Culture (or the set of values, guiding beliefs, understandings, and ways of doing
things shared by members of a society) exists on two levels: visible artifacts (e.g., behaviour,
dress, symbols, physical settings, ceremonies), and underlying values (thought processes,
beliefs, and assumptions). Visible artifacts are easy to recognize, but businesses often find
it more difficult to understand the underlying values of a culture and appropriately adapt
their marketing strategies to them, a challenge that Starbucks is taking very seriously in its
effort to penetrate the Italian espresso market.30
For example, though the opening of China’s market to foreign brands has been a boon,
it also represents a very risky proposition for firms that forget to take their international
Global Marketing CHAPTER 16 525

expansion seriously enough. And, when Porsche filmed

an advertisement in which its vehicles drove over the
Great Wall of China, Chinese consumers were left more
confused than intrigued. The ancient site had little in com-
mon with Porsche’s own storied history. It also had little
to do with Uncle Ben’s rice or FedEx, but that did not stop
those brands from featuring the Great Wall in their adver-
tising either. By the same token, there are few benefits in
hiring Westerners to introduce brands to Chinese audi-
ences who are unfamiliar with the spokespeople. Marks
& Spencer paid substantial sums to hire Oscar-winner
Emma Thompson to appear in Chinese advertisements,
but because few Chinese consumers knew who she was,
those investments were likely wasted.31 There may be
no completely right answer to this dilemma, but global
Entering the Chinese market can be difficult. This Porsche
marketers clearly must be aware of the regulations and ad left more Chinese consumers confused than intrigued
cultural norms of the countries they enter. because the Great Wall of China has little in common with
Even global companies with many years of experi- Porsche.
ence operating in a country occasionally end up offend- Source: Porsche AG
ing their customers, which causes the companies huge
embarrassment, lost sales, and financial losses. Several examples of these cultural gaffes are
presented in this section for illustrative purposes.
To address or avoid such issues, one important cultural classification scheme that firms
can use is Geert Hofstede’s cultural dimensions concept, which sheds more light on these
underlying values. Hofstede believes cultures differ on six dimensions:32
1. Power distance. Willingness to accept social inequality as natural.
2. Uncertainty avoidance. The extent to which the society relies on orderliness, consistency,
structure, and formalized procedures to address situations that arise in daily life.
3. Individualism. Perceived obligation to and dependence on groups.
4. Masculinity. The extent to which dominant values are male oriented. A lower
masculinity ranking indicates that men and women are treated equally in all aspects
of society; a higher masculinity ranking suggests that men dominate in positions of
5. Time orientation. Short- versus long-term orientation. A country that tends to have a
long-term orientation values long-term commitments and is willing to accept a longer
time horizon for, say, the success of a new product introduction.
6. Indulgence. The extent to which society allows for the gratification of fun and
enjoyment needs or else suppresses and regulates such pursuits.34
To illustrate two of the six dimensions, consider the data and graph in Exhibit 16.5.
Power distance is on the vertical axis and individualism is on the horizontal axis. Sev-
eral Latin American countries cluster high on power distance but low on individualism;
Canada, the United States, Australia, and the United Kingdom, in contrast, cluster high
on individualism but low on power distance. Using this information, firms should expect
that if they design a marketing campaign that stresses equality and individualism, it will
be well accepted in the English-speaking countries, all other factors being equal. The
same campaign, however, might not be as well received in Latin American countries.
China scores very high on its time orientation but low in individualism; India has
medium to high levels on all six dimensions; and Russia posts notably high uncertainty
avoidance and power distance scores. Hofstede is careful to warn that these scores are infor-
mative only in a comparative sense, but marketers clearly can use them to design strategies
for the varied, promising, BRIC growth markets.35
526 Section Eight Marketing in the Global Environment

Exhibit 16.5 Country Clusters


80 Venezuela
Brazil Poland
Ecuador El Salvador
Power Distance

60 Colombia
Chile Czech Republic

United States
40 Hungary
Finland Ireland United Kingdom
Germany Sweden
20 Switzerland
Norway Denmark

0 20 40 60 80 100

Sources: Geert Hofstede, Gert Jan Hofstede, and Michael Minkov, Cultures and Organizations, Software of the Mind,
Third Revised Edition, McGraw Hill 2010, ISBN: 0-07-166418-1. ©Geert Hofstede B.V. quoted with permission.

Another means of classifying cultures distin-

guishes them according to the importance of verbal
communication.36 In Canada, the United States, and
most European countries, business relationships are
governed by what is said and written down, often
through formal contracts. In countries such as China
and South Korea, however, most relationships rely
on nonverbal cues, so that the situation or context
means much more than mere words. For instance,
business relationships in China often are formalized
by just a handshake, and trust and honour are often
more important than legal arrangements.
Overall, culture affects every aspect of consumer
behaviour: why people buy; who is in charge of buy-
In Israel, McDonald’s kosher restaurants use the blue and white ing decisions; and how, when, and where people
colours of Israel’s flag. shop. Essentially, understanding consumer behaviour
David Silverman/Getty Images is about understanding consumers’ culture, particu-
larly in global marketing. For example, in India, McDonald’s sells its Maharajah Mac made
from chicken instead of beef because the cow is sacred in Hindu culture. In Israel, McDonald’s
kosher restaurants use the blue and white colours of Israel’s flag instead of the yellow and
infrastructure red of its Golden Arches.37 Similarly, Coca-Cola developed a new drink, Vitango, to be sold in
The basic facilities, Africa, and P&G developed its Nutristar for Venezuelan consumers.38 Both companies claim
services, and installations
that their soft drinks have special health benefits for their customers in these markets.
needed for a community
or society to function, The challenge for marketers is that culture is very subtle, and a failure to recognize the subtle-
such as transportation and ties could lead to very embarrassing and costly mistakes. The following examples illustrate what
communications systems,
water and power lines, and happens when marketers have a poor understanding of the culture of their global markets.39
public institutions such as
schools, post offices, and • Coca-Cola mixed English with New Zealand’s indigenous language te reo Maori on
prisons. vending machines, which said “Kia ora, Mate.” It translated to “Hello Death.”
Global Marketing CHAPTER 16 527

Ads from Steimatzky, the oldest and largest bookstore chain in Israel, illustrate marketing along one of Hofstede’s cultural
dimensions: one is highly feminine (left) and the other masculine (right).
Source: Agency: ACW Grey Tel-Aviv, Israel; Production Company: We Do Production; Photographer: Shai Yehezkelli.

• A Tesco store in London, England advertised “Smokey

Bacon Flavour” Pringles potato chips with the message
Ramadan Mubarak. Devotees of the Muslim faith do
not eat pork products.
• A cartoon image showed Malala Yousafzai being shot,
recovering in hospital and going on to win the Nobel
Peace Prize in a print ad for Kurl-On mattresses. The
mattress promises consumers it will help them “bounce
• Hitler ice cream was introduced in India featuring a
photo of Adolf Hitler wearing a brown jacket.
• Yellow Pages ran out-of-home transit ads in Toronto with
the headline “Find out if Bi Bim Bap tastes as fun as it Business relationships in China often are formalized by
sounds.” A bowl of noodles was shown. However, Bi Bim just a handshake, and trust and honour are often more
Bap is a rice dish. important than legal arrangements.
Jacobs Stock Photography/Getty Images

Analyzing Technology and Infrastructure Capabilities

The next component of any market assessment is a technology and infrastructure analysis.
Infrastructure is defined as the basic facilities, services, and installations needed for a com-
munity or society to function, such as transportation and communications systems, water
and power lines, and public institutions such as schools, post offices, and prisons.
528 Section Eight Marketing in the Global Environment

Marketers are especially concerned with four

key elements of a country’s infrastructure: trans-
portation, distribution channels, communications,
and commerce. First, there must be a system to
transport goods throughout the various markets
and to consumers in geographically dispersed
marketplaces. Second, distribution channels
must exist to deliver products in a timely manner
and at a reasonable cost. Third, communications
systems, particularly media access, must be suf-
ficiently developed to allow consumers to find
information about the products and services avail-
able in the marketplace. Fourth, the commercial
infrastructure consists of the legal, banking, and
regulatory systems that allow markets to function.
For a country to be a viable option for a new market entry, firms Marketers—especially those that are interested in off-
must assess its transportation, distribution channels, communications,
shoring research, production, and marketing—will be
and commerce.
AP Photo/Greg Baker
particularly interested in the technical sophistication
of the workforce of the country. Generally, a more
sophisticated workforce means that a higher proportion of product design, develop-
ment, and marketing activities can be decentralized to the foreign country.

LO2 The Appeal of the BRIC Countries

Changes in technology, especially communications, have been a driving force for growth
in global markets for decades. The telegraph, radio, television, computer, and Internet have
increasingly connected distant parts of the world. Today, communication is instantaneous.
Sounds and images from across the globe are delivered to TV sets, radios, and computers in
real time, which enables receivers in all parts of the world to observe
how others live, work, and play. Perhaps the greatest change fac-
ing the global community in recent years has been the growth and
expansion of four countries that together have come to be known
as the BRIC countries: Brazil, Russia, India, and China. Some com-
mentators suggest adding South Africa, to make BRICS, because of
that nation’s remarkable transformation into a functioning democ-
racy.40 The inspiring changes to South Africa suggest its increasing
promise as a market, but its relatively smaller size leads us to focus
on the four BRIC nations, with seemingly the greatest potential for
growth, here. Let’s examine each in turn.

Long a regional powerhouse, Brazil has weathered and even
thrived during the most recent economic storm has transformed
it into a global contender. Brazil is the world’s eighth largest econ-
omy.42 Although a recession caused the country to have a negative
growth rate in 2016, it has slowly grown with economic growth
at 2.5 percent in 2019.43 Brazil’s impressive economic growth in
the 21st century largely can be attributed to the expansion of its
literate population and the imposition of social programs that have
Like other countries in which McDonald’s thrives, allowed more than half of the 209 million Brazilians to enter the
Brazil has a strong and growing middle class. middle class.44 This large South American democracy also wel-
Bloomberg/Getty Images comes foreign investors.
Global Marketing CHAPTER 16 529

Relations with Russia are a little more complicated than for Brazil. Since the fall of the former
Soviet Union, Russia has undergone multiple up- and downturns in its economy. However,
its overall growth prospects appear promising, especially as a consumer market. Long denied
access to consumer goods, the well-educated population of 142 million exhibits strong demand
for North American products and brands. In particular, the number of Russian Internet users,
currently at 108.7 million, is growing, making Russia Europe’s largest Internet market. The
country spent 18 years negotiating to finally enter the World Trade Organization (WTO) to
improve trade relations with other countries. In 2015, it ranked as one of the top countries in
terms of retail growth; even though economic and political issues challenge its retail growth
prospects, the market simply is too big for most firms to disregard. Yet Russia still faces an
aging population and low birthrate. If these trends persist, Russia’s population could decline by
one-third in the next half-century. At the same time, corruption is widespread, creating ethical
dilemmas for firms trying to market their goods and services. Furthermore, international sanc-
tions on Russia, in response to its occupation of Ukraine and its involvement in the Middle East,
and fluctuations in oil prices threaten the country with a financial crisis.46
In which of the BRIC countries does each of the classic structures below reside?

(left): ©Travelif/iStock Exclusive/Getty Images; (right): ©McGraw Hill Education/Barry Barker, photographer

(left): ©Steve Allen/Getty Images; (right): ©Martin Child/Getty Images

530 Section Eight Marketing in the Global Environment

With more than 1.3 billion people, or approximately
15 percent of the world’s population, together with
expanding middle and upper classes, India is one of the
world’s fastest-growing markets. With a median age of
28.1 years, India has one of the youngest populations
in the world. Its young inhabitants increasingly are
adopting global attitudes while living in growing urban
centres and shopping at large malls. The well-edu-
cated, modern generation is largely fluent in English,
and the highly skilled workforce holds great attraction
for firms that hope to expand using local talent, espe-
cially in technical fields.
India’s retail environment is still dominated by mil-
lions of small stores, and lacks modern supply chain man-
agement facilities and systems.48 Recent changes by the
Indian government, however, have the potential to signifi-
cantly modernize the retail landscape, as the description
in the opening vignette suggested. For example, foreign
retailers that carry multiple brands, like Walmart, are now
allowed to own up to 51 percent of joint ventures in India,
whereas previously these retailers were permitted only
to enter into wholesale joint ventures. Also, retailers that
carry only their own brand, like Reebok, can now own
100 percent of their Indian businesses, prompting brands
such as Skechers to plan on opening 400–500 more out-
lets in India in the next five years.49 India is also projected
Recent changes in India have the potential to modernize to become the fastest-growing ecommerce market in the
the retail landscape. Adidas, for example, can now own world, with ecommerce sales forecast to reach $120 billion
100 percent of its Indian business. in 2020.50
©Brent Lewin/Bloomberg via Getty Images

For much of the 20th century, China experienced for-
eign occupation, civil unrest, and a strict one-party
communist regime. However, since 1978, China’s
leadership, while maintaining communist political
ideals, has embraced market-oriented economic
development, which has led to startlingly rapid
gains. For many Chinese, recent developments have
dramatically improved their living standards and
their levels of personal freedom. Increasing liberal-
ization in the economy has prompted a large increase
in China’s Global Retail Development Index (GRDI).
Even as growth in its gross domestic product (GDP)
has slowed, China maintains a thriving retail mar-
China’s population has been aging as a result of its one-child policy,
and will likely continue to do so for many years, even though the ket, likely to reach the $8 trillion mark and surpass
government has recently rescinded the policy and will now allow the United States as the world’s largest.52
two children per couple. Yet the country continues to suffer from drasti-
©Tang Ming Tung/Getty Images cally unequal economic distribution, which has led
Global Marketing CHAPTER 16 531

to a significant migrant workforce who subsist on part-time, low-paying jobs. These work-
ers were hit hard by the global financial crisis, which reduced demand for Chinese exports
for the first time in years. Furthermore, actual growth of the 1.3 billion-strong Chinese
population slowed as a result of government regulations that previously limited families
to one child. As a result, population growth has slowed. China is expected expected to fall
to second place, behind India, as the world’s most populous country by 2024.53 Although
its median age of 37.3 years is still slightly younger than that in North America currently,
China's population is aging. In spite of the central government policy changes, the effects
of the original regulations are likely to persist for generations to come.

Choosing a Global Market Entry LO3

When a firm has concluded its assessment analysis of the most viable markets for its products
and services, it must then conduct an internal assessment of its capabilities. As we discussed
in Chapter 2, this analysis includes an assessment of the firm’s access to capital, the current
markets it serves, its manufacturing capacity, its proprietary assets, and the commitment of
its management to the proposed strategy. These factors ultimately contribute to the success
or failure of a market expansion strategy, whether at home or in a foreign market. After these
internal market assessments, it is time for the firm to choose its entry strategy.
A firm can choose from many approaches when it decides to enter a new market. These
approaches vary according to the level of risk the firm is willing to take. Many firms actually
follow a progression in which they begin with less risky strategies to enter their first foreign
markets and move to increasingly risky strategies as they gain confidence in their abilities,
as illustrated in Exhibit 16.6. Generally, profit potential increases with higher levels of risks.
We examine these different approaches that marketers take when entering global markets,
beginning with the least risky.

Exporting exporting
Producing goods in one
Exporting means producing goods in one country (exporting country) and selling them in country and selling them
another (host country). This entry strategy requires the least financial risk but also allows for in another.
only a limited return to the exporting firm. Global
expansion often begins when a firm receives an Exhibit 16.6 Entry Strategies
order for its product or service from another coun- investment
Control Direct
try, in which case it faces little risk because it can
demand payment before it ships the merchandise. Joint venture
By the same token, it is difficult to achieve econo-
tegic alliance
mies of scale when everything has to be shipped St r a
internationally. The Swiss watchmaker Rolex sells Fran
relatively small numbers of expensive watches all
po r t i ng
over the world. Because its transportation costs Ex
are relatively small compared with the cost of the
watches, the best way for it to service any market
is to export from Switzerland. Exporting generally
provides less employment for citizens of the host
country than either joint venture or direct invest-
ment. During the COVID-19 pandemic, global
exports plunged and were expected to be more
consequential than those resulting from past trade
wars or natural disasters.54 Risk
532 Section Eight Marketing in the Global Environment

Indirect exporting Exporting may take two forms: indirect or direct. Indirect exporting occurs when
Indirect exporting occurs
when the exporting firm
the exporting firm sells its goods in the host country through an intermediary. Ossetra
sells its goods in the Wondrous Earth in Newfoundland produces an organic skincare line that uses water from
host country through an local icebergs. It has distributors in the United States, Greece, Hong Kong, and South Korea,
ensuring the company is in compliance with international regulations.55 This approach
carries the least risk but probably returns the least profit for the exporting company. This
approach is likely to be used when the company has limited contacts in the foreign country
Direct exporting but wants to market to that country. Direct exporting is when the exporting company
is when the exporting sells its products in the host country directly, without the intermediaries. This approach
company sells its products
in the host country directly carries more risk and offers greater returns to the exporting firm than indirect exporting.
without the intermediaries. For example, Christie Digital, a firm based in Kitchener, Ontario, manufactures a variety
of display technologies and solutions for cinemas, large audience environments, control
rooms, business presentations, training facilities, 3D and virtual reality, simulation, edu-
cation, media, and government. Christie has installed more than 100,000 projection solu-
tions in the United States, the United Kingdom, Japan, China, and many other countries
around the world.56 Similarly, IBM sells its intelligence tools and applications to businesses
around the world by using its own sales force. Entrepreneurial Marketing 16.1 describes
how Steeped Tea successfully entered the U.S. market using a direct sales model.
In Canada, the top five Canadian exporters account for 25 percent of Canada’s
exports, and the top 50 Canadian exporters account for 50 percent of Canada’s exports.
The remaining 45,210 exporters are responsible for the remaining 50 percent. Almost
three-quarters (72.6 percent) of Canadian exporters had exports of less than $1 million.
More than two-thirds of Canada’s exports come from two sectors: energy and motor

Franchising is a contractual agreement between a firm (the franchisor) and another firm
or individual (the franchisee). A franchising contract allows the franchisee to operate a
business—a retail product or service firm or a B2B provider—using a name and format
developed and supported by the franchisor. Many of the best-known retailers in Canada
are also successful global franchisers, including McDonald’s, Pizza Hut, Tim Hortons,
Domino’s Pizza, KFC, and Holiday Inn, all of which have found that global franchising
entails lower risks and requires less investment
than does opening units owned wholly by the firm.
Tim Hortons has over 4,400 stores in Canada, the
United States, and the Middle East, and has also
recently headed to the U.K., Philippines, Mexico,
and China.58
However, with franchising, firms have limited
control over the market operations in the foreign
country, potential profit is reduced because it must
be split with the franchisee, and, once the franchise
is established, there is always the threat that the fran-
chisee will break away and operate as a competitor
under a different name. White Spot, one of Canada’s
oldest restaurant chains, successfully used franchis-
ing to expand its operations into Asia. To protect its
brand reputation, it provides experienced supervisors
and “off the shelf” marketing programs to ensure
Rolex exports its watches to countries all over the world from its consistency.59 In Canada, more than 40,000 franchi-
factory in Switzerland. sees employ over 1.9 million people and generate in
Shutterstock/Jeafish Ping excess of $100 billion in annual sales.60
Global Marketing CHAPTER 16 533

Entrepreneurial Marketing 16.1

Looking for OpportuniTea*

After water, tea is the most consumed beverage in the
world. Tonia Jahshan fell in love with tea while on vaca-
tion with her husband. She shared her love of tea with
friends at a party in her home, serving them a variety
of loose-leaf blends and talking about tea’s amazing
health benefits. When people started asking her to
hold parties in their homes, Steeped Tea was born. It
Steeped Tea’s consultants work on a direct sales model in
didn’t take long for her Hamilton, Ontario business to
Canada and in the United States.
become a veritable tempest in a teapot. Only 15 months
Used with permission of Steeped Tea
after hosting her first event, she was doing 15 parties a
month. in northeast Michigan, Ohio, and New York State, but also
To help manage the rapid growth, Tonia got her hus- in Florida, California, and Hawaii.
band, Hatem, involved in her business. With his chemis- Hatem Jahshan says the beauty of direct sales is
try degree, chemical engineering degree, and MBA, you that it builds from word-of-mouth. He expected to have
might question his fit for the tea business. However, he 3,000 consultants in the United States within two years.
had also owned three Subway franchises. Based on this Since growth can take off quickly, he knew they needed
experience, Hatem felt that franchising wasn’t the best to be prepared. As orders grew, they needed to find new
approach to expansion. Instead, they opted for a direct suppliers—they were completely buying out the sup-
sales model based on commission. Six years later, Tonia ply of small companies. Today, they source tea from all
had 500 consultants in Canada selling the company’s around the world, buying it in lots, six months in advance
loose-leaf teas and tea accessories. of when they need it. Even with such long lead times, it
Consultants present Steeped Tea’s products at par- can be difficult to forecast demand or know if suppliers
ties and facilitate sales to consumers. Creativity is will run out.
encouraged, with some consultants using themes, such Tonia Jahshan was recognized by Forbes as one
as MarTEAni, to drive sales beyond the $500 party aver- of their “6 Entrepreneurial Women To Watch,” having
age. There are strict guidelines about what consultants grown her start-up into a business with annual sales
can and cannot say. For example, they are not allowed of over $20 million. The company rebranded in 2018
to comment on health issues and must refer consum- as Sipology by Steeped Tea and now has over 6,000
ers to their doctors. All consultants have the option to “sipologists” (formerly called consultants) and 52 cor-
upgrade the services they receive from Steeped Tea to porate team members. It has added new product lines,
set up their own personal site with an online shopping including matcha powders, kombucha, teas that change
cart and the ability to send newsletters. A party manage- colours, and a medicinal line it calls HEAL-THY-SELF.†
ment system lets consultants set up a website for hosts Sipologists are no longer limited to tea parties and can
to do evites and collect orders from people who can’t offer tea bars and wellness events. The company will
attend the party. soon be selling scoby starters to complement its komu-
Ranked number 27 on the PROFIT 500 list of Can- cha product line, and so kombucha workshops are also
ada’s fastest-growing companies, Tonia was ready to a possibility.
expand to the U.S. market. Knowing she would need One of the biggest challenges entering the U.S. mar-
help, she pitched her story on CBC’s Dragons’ Den. With ket was getting FDA approval, because tea is a food
impressive annual sales of $1.3 million, she earned finan- product. And although they have received calls about
cial backing from David Chilton and Jim Treliving. David expanding to the United Kingdom, since it has a whole
Chilton even got his daughter to sign up as a consultant different set of standards, Steeped Tea is not actively
to test the business model.** In the first month and a half, pursuing this option. For now, the company’s focus is on
Steeped Tea signed up 60 U.S. consultants, most of them steeping strong TEAms in North America.
*This Entrepreneurial Marketing box was written with information gathered in a telephone interview with Hatem Jahshan, CEO, Steeped Tea, June 21, 2013.
**Telephone interview with David Chilton, July 16, 2013.
†Jenny Vetter, “Sipology by Steeped Tea, Direct Selling News, March 1, 2019, (accessed August 27,
534 Section Eight Marketing in the Global Environment

KFC and Pizza Hut

are successful global
(left): ©Yang zheng/AP
Images; (right): ©Zhou junx-
iang/AP Images

Strategic Alliance
strategic alliance A strategic alliance is a collaborative relationship between independent firms, though
A collaborative the partnering firms do not create an equity partnership; that is, they do not invest in one
relationship between
independent firms, though another. For example, the music streaming service Spotify, with headquarters in Sweden,
the partnering firms do and the ride-sharing app Uber, with headquarters in San Francisco, have a strategic alliance,
not create an equity
partnership; that is, they
which allows Uber customers to use Spotify to control the music during their ride; although,
do not invest in one each company still operates independently. In fact, Uber has alliances with other music ser-
another. vices, such as Pandora. Because not all Uber drivers have Spotify, and not all Spotify listeners
use Uber, this alliance allows each company to reach new potential customers.61

Joint Venture
joint venture A joint venture is formed when a firm entering a new market pools its resources with
Formed when a firm those of a local firm to form a new company in which ownership, control, and profits are
entering a new market
pools its resources with shared. In addition to sharing the financial burden, the local partner offers the foreign
those of a local firm to form entrant greater understanding of the market and access to resources such as vendors and
a new company in which
real estate. Some countries require joint ownership of firms entering their domestic mar-
ownership, control, and
profits are shared. kets, as is the case with the new regulations affecting multi-line retailers entering India,
though many of these restrictions have loosened as a result of WTO negotiations and ever-
increasing globalization pressures.

Spotify and the ride-sharing app Uber have a strategic alliance that allows Uber customers to
use Spotify to control the music during their ride.
(left): © Shutterstock/tanuha2001; (right): © Emmanuel Dunand/AFP/Getty Images
Global Marketing CHAPTER 16 535

Tesco—the U.K. supermarket, finance, telecom, and insurance superstar—entered

China, which usually requires joint ownership from entering firms. Through a joint ven-
ture, it purchased a 50-percent share in Ting Hsin—which owns and operates the 25-store
hypermarket chain Hymall. More recently, it combined 131 stores with China Resource
Enterprise (CRE) to become the country’s largest food retailer.62 Problems with joint ven-
tures can arise if the political situation changes, if the partners disagree, if the government
places restrictions on the firm’s ability to move its profits out of the foreign country and
back to its home country, or if the objectives, responsibilities, and benefits of the venture
are not clearly defined from the outset. Conflicts could also arise if larger partners benefit
more than smaller partners, which could threaten the venture. Differences in organiza-
tional cultures, management styles, and leadership, as well as disagreements about market-
ing and investment policies could seriously affect the performance of the venture.
Two variants of joint ventures are contract manufacturing and management contract-
ing. Contract manufacturing is when a foreign firm contracts with a local firm in the host
market to manufacture the product. For example, NutraLab Canada is a contract manufac-
turer that has provided original equipment manufacture (OEM) and private-label service for
vitamin, natural health, and dietary supplement products for more than 15 years.63 NutraLab
Canada produces many of the pharmaceutical softgels, capsules, liquid, and tablets that we
Management contracting occurs when the domestic firm provides management con-
sulting and advice to a foreign firm. For example, many Canadian technology companies
will supply their technology to firms and governments in developing countries with a spe-
cific agreement that only the Canadian supplier can maintain the technology or provide
know-how regarding technology use and repair. Management contracting is a low-risk
method of entering a country’s market without setting up operations in the country. It also
generates returns immediately upon execution of the agreement. Management contracting
tends to be long-term since it extends over the life of the technology.

Direct Investment
Direct investment requires a firm to maintain 100 percent ownership of its plants, opera- direct investment
tion facilities, and offices in a foreign country, often through the formation of wholly owned When a firm maintains 100
percent ownership of its
subsidiaries. This entry strategy requires the highest level of investment and exposes the plants, operation facilities,
firm to significant risks, including the loss of its operating and/or initial investments. A and offices in a foreign
country, often through the
dramatic economic downturn caused by a natural disaster or war, political instability, or
formation of wholly owned
changes in the country’s laws can increase a foreign entrant’s risk considerably. Many firms subsidiaries.
believe that in certain markets these potential risks are outweighed by the high potential
returns; with this strategy, none of the potential profits must be shared with other firms. In
addition to the high potential returns, direct investment offers the firm complete control
over its operations in the foreign country.
Hundreds of Canadian mining, manufacturing, and technology companies have direct
investments in several countries around the world. For example, Barrick Gold is the world’s
largest gold producer, with a portfolio of 25 operating mines, and advanced exploration and
development projects in South America, North America, Africa, and Australia. Similarly,
Bombardier has production and engineering sites in 28 countries including all the BRICs.64
Although we often tend to think of direct investment flowing from more to less devel-
oped economies, the dynamic international market means that sometimes it goes the other
way. The computer maker Lenovo started in China but has since expanded. In addition to
purchasing IBM’s PC division and Motorola’s handset business unit, it established parallel
headquarters in both Beijing and North Carolina.
As we noted, each of these entry strategies entails different levels of risk and rewards
for the foreign entrant. But even after a firm has determined how much risk it is willing to
take, and therefore how it will enter a new global market, it still must establish its market-
ing strategy, as we discuss in the next section.
536 Section Eight Marketing in the Global Environment

China-based Lenovo
purchased U.S.-based
IBM’s PC division and
Motorola’s handset
business unit, and has
parallel headquarters in
both Beijing and North
Source: Lenovo

LO4 Choosing a Global Marketing

Just like any other marketing strategy, a global marketing strategy includes two compo-
nents: determining the target market(s) to pursue, and developing a marketing mix that
will sustain a competitive advantage over time. In this section, we examine marketing
strategy as it relates specifically to global markets.

Target Market: Segmentation, Targeting,

and Positioning
Global segmentation, targeting, and positioning (STP) is more complicated than
domestic STP, as discussed in Chapter 6, for several reasons. First, firms considering
a global expansion have much more difficulty understanding the cultural nuances of
other countries. Second, subcultures within each country also must be considered.
Third, consumers often view products and their role as consumers differently in dif-
ferent countries. A product or service often must be positioned differently in different
Clearly, an eyewear provider in Vancouver, originally set up online operations to sell
contact lenses to Canadian consumers. A decade later, it diversified by adding eyeglasses,
a category with rapid growth that now accounts for 25 percent of its revenues. Based on
data showing that the number of American consumers over 50 years old would increase
by 19 percent in the next 10 years, it set up a new division,, to meet demand
from boomers needing glasses. After only three years, sales to the United States made up
16 percent of the company’s revenues.65
When a firm identifies its positioning within the market, it then must decide how to
implement its marketing strategies by using the marketing mix. Just as firms adjust their
products and services to meet the needs of national target markets, they must alter their
marketing mix to serve the needs of global markets.
Global Marketing CHAPTER 16 537

The Global Marketing Mix

The PEST factors described earlier in this chapter, as well as consumers’ psychological,
social, and situational factors, influence how marketers configure the marketing mix and
implement their marketing strategy. In this section, we explore the four Ps (product, place,
promotion, price) from a global perspective.

Global Product or Service Strategies

There are three potential global product strategies:
• Sell the same product or service in both the home country market and the host country.
• Sell a product or service similar to that sold in the home country but include minor
• Sell totally new products or services.
The strategy a firm chooses depends on the needs of the target market. The level of
economic development and differences in product and technical standards help determine
the need for product adaptation. Cultural differences such as food preferences, language,
and religion also play a role in product strategy planning. Respecting such differences is an
important ethical choice, too, as burger restaurants have learned as they seek ways to access
the Indian consumer market, according to Ethical & Societal Dilemma 16.1.

Ethical & Societal Dilemma 16.1

Burger Wars in India: Fast-Food

Chains Are Finding Creative Ways
to Enter a No-Beef Environment††
In the Hindu religion, the predominant belief system in
India, cows are sacred, and eating beef is strictly forbidden.
This foundational belief may make it seem as if hamburger
joints would never be able to gain a foothold in India. But
the massive growth and potential of the nation’s consumer
market has proved irresistible, leading the restaurants sim-
ply to get a little more creative in their offerings.
Wendy’s first Indian store features mutton and veggie
burgers, and the buns are sprinkled with local flavours Fast-food chains like McDonald’s adapt to the no-beef culture
such as turmeric, coriander, and chilies. But the menu in India with vegetarian and chicken options.
is not the only thing that sets the Indian Wendy’s apart. ©Douglas E. Curran/AFP/Getty Images
Servers bring meals to customers at their tables, on china
plates, and the store environment is more like a casual and Johnny Rockets have prompted predictions of a
restaurant than a traditional fast-food outpost. The burger burger war. Not to be left out, even Dunkin’ Donuts stores
chain has two stores in India so far, but it plans to go “loca- in India serve some type of burger because doughnuts
tion by location,” opening new stores slowly and carefully have not proved popular enough.
to ensure their success. Ultimately, the Indian franchise The flavours and ingredients contained in the versions
hopes that Wendy’s India will be as big as Wendy’s USA. of burgers offered by the different chains are widely var-
The road to success will not be smooth, though. ied. Some rely on chicken offerings, with smoky chipotle
­Wendy’s is not the only prominent chain seeking access flavouring, barbecue bacon additions, or a tandoori-style
to Indian consumers. McDonald’s entered relatively early preparation. Others integrate other types of meat, but
and is currently the market leader, but it has not stopped some are purely vegetarian. Thus, the burger wars fea-
there. It recently announced plans to create burger-type ture some notable differentiation among the combatants.
versions of popular Indian dishes such as masala dosa. Whether any or all of them will emerge victorious remains
More recent entries by Burger King, Carl’s Jr., Fatburger, to be seen.
††Angela Doland, “How Wendy’s Is Building a Beefless Burger Brand for India,” Advertising Age, May 29, 2015; “When Fast Food Gets an Indian Twist,”
BBC News, January 17, 2017; “Coming Soon at McDonald’s: A Masala Dosa Burger and Anda Bhurji,” Business Standard, January 11, 2017.
538 Section Eight Marketing in the Global Environment

Same Product or Service The most typical method of intro-

ducing a product outside the home country is to sell the same
product or service in other countries. When Apple launches
new iPhones, it does not customize them for global consum-
ers, even though they are are available in 115 countries. This
approach has helped Apple establish a strong identity as a
brand. No matter where you live, you have a similar view
of the Apple brand. However, although Apple products are
universal, the customer service offered in Apple stores is
localized to the region, which helps create customer loyalty.66

Similar Product or Service with Minor Adaptations In

varied cultural settings, bringing even the simplest consumer
goods to new markets can be challenging. Campbell’s dis-
Campbell's research found that Russians eat a lot of covered that though Russia and China are two of the largest
soup, and they want time-saving preparation help. So markets for soup in the world, cooks in those countries have
it developed broths to enable cooks to prepare soups
unique demands. Chinese consumers drink 320 billion bowls
with their own flair.
of soup each year, and Russian buyers consume 32 billion
Source: Campbell Soup Company
servings. However, Chinese cooks generally refuse to resort
to canned soup; though the average Chinese consumer eats
soup five times each week, he or she also takes great pride in preparing it personally with
fresh ingredients. In contrast, Russian consumers, though they demand very high quality
in their soups, had grown tired of spending hours preparing their homemade broths. To
identify opportunities in these markets, Campbell sent teams of social anthropologists to
study how Chinese and Russian cooks prepare and consume soup. When it faced further
hurdles, it entered into a joint venture with the Swire soup company in China. Its efforts in
glocalization Russia never panned out, forcing Campbell to withdraw after around four years. Even with
When firms offer extensive, devoted efforts by an industry giant, global marketing remains a challenge.67
standardized products
globally and change Nestlé creates unique flavours of Kit Kat for Japanese consumers; in Japan, Kit Kat
promotional campaigns is one of the top confectionery brands. By creating flavours that reflect the local produce
geared to local markets.
and tastes of different regions of Japan, Nestlé aims to promote its unique Kit Kat bars
as regional souvenirs. Kit Kat varieties now range from yubari melon
from Hokkaido Island, to green beans and cherries from Tohoku in
northeastern Japan, to yuzu fruit and red potatoes from Kyushu/
Okinawa region at the southernmost tip of the country. The Kanto
region, including Tokyo, contributed the sweet potato, blueberry, and
soy sauce flavours. Wasabi-flavoured white chocolate Kit Kat is also
quite popular with Japanese consumers.68
The level of economic development also affects the global product
strategy because it relates directly to consumer buying behaviour. Consum-
ers in developed countries tend to demand more attributes in their prod-
ucts than do consumers in less-developed countries. In Canada, Honda
does not offer its line of “urban” motorcycles, available in Mexico, China,
and India, because the product line resembles a motor scooter more than a
motorcycle, which does not tend to appeal to consumers. Motorcycles sold
in North America have more horsepower and bigger frames and come
with an array of options that are not offered in other countries.
Referred to as glocalization, some firms also standardize their
products globally but use different promotional campaigns to sell
them. The original Pringles potato chip product remains the same
globally, as do the images and themes of the promotional campaign,
Today you can buy Kit Kat in a wide variety with limited language adaptations for local markets; although, Eng-
of sizes and flavours. lish is used whenever possible. However, the company does change
Shutterstock/Phurinee Chinakathum Pringles’ flavours in different countries, including paprika-flavoured
Global Marketing CHAPTER 16 539

Sustainable Marketing 16.1

General Mills Commits to impact from a sourcing standpoint. In order to reach this
goal, General Mills tailors its approach to each ingredient
Sustainable Sourcing and geography to improve the economic, environmental,
and social sustainability of each ingredient’s production.
Agriculture is among the greatest contributors to global Part way through 2018, it had been successful in sus-
warming, emitting more greenhouse gases than all our tainably sourcing 85 percent of the ingredients.‡‡‡ Vanilla
cars, trucks, trains, and airplanes combined.‡ Agriculture is a challenge coming in at the bottom of the list, with
alone produces up to 35 percent of the world’s green- only 32 percent of total volume coming from sustainable
house gas emissions and uses 70 percent of the water.‡‡ sources. To improve this, General Mills invested in local
With the global population expected to reach 9 bil- communities in Madagascar—where more than 90 percent
lion people by 2050, food production is required to of the world’s vanilla is produced and where the vanilla
increase by 70 percent to feed the additional 2.3 billion used in Häagen-Dazs ice cream is grown.§§§ The biggest
mouths.§ Today, the biggest players in the agriculture issues come from the small family-operated farms that har-
industry have the opportunity to have significant impact on vest vanilla beans, the food security of those communities,
the sustainability of these practices going into the future. and the quality of ingredients they deliver.
General Mills has taken a proactive approach to ensure Since the start of the initiative, General Mills has launched
that it operates a sustainable business. The company has a program in the village of Belambo, located in Madagascar’s
announced a commitment to cut its emissions by 28 per- Sava region, to train farming families about vanilla produc-
cent across the entire value chain by 2025.*** To do this, tion practices.*† Farmers who know how to cure the vanilla
General Mills continues to invest in energy efficiency and they grow significantly increase their earnings. To combat
clean energy innovation at its manufacturing facilities, as food insecurity in the area, the company also funded the
well as to search for and make changes from farm to fork. construction of a storage warehouse in Belambo that makes
Over the long term beyond 2025, General Mills aims to rice available to local families year-round at lower prices,
achieve sustainable emission levels in line with scientific improving the reliability of their source of food.
consensus by 2050, which requires a reduction of 50– By spearheading these initiatives, General Mills has
70 percent in absolute emissions across the value chain.§§ become a role model in sustainability for other consumer
Perhaps its most significant goal is its commitment to packaged goods companies. It was recognized by CDP
sustainably source 100 percent of its 10 priority ingredients (Carbon Disclosure Project), a non-profit environmental
by 2020.††† These 10 ingredients—which include vanilla, impact agency as a global leader in corporate sustain-
cocoa, palm oil and sugarcane—represent over 41 percent ability in 2019, one of only two companies in the food
of General Mills’ annual raw material purchases and are sector worldwide to receive the highest scores for both
ingredients the company believes can have the greatest climate change and water security.*‡
‡Jonathan Foley, “Feed the World,” National Geographic, (accessed August 19, 2016).
Andrew Winston, “How General Mills and Kellogg Are Tackling Greenhouse Gas Emissions,” Harvard Business Review, June 2, 2016,
2016/06/how-general-mills-and-kellogg-are-tackling-greenhouse-gas-emissions (access August 19, 2016).
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, “2050: A Third More Mouths to Feed,”
(accessed August 19, 2016).
***Shannon Heine, “General Mills Makes New Commitment on Climate Change,” Taste of General Mills, August 31, 2015,
com/2015/08/general-mills-makes-new-commitment-on-climate-change/ (accessed August 19, 2016).
John Church, “Inside the General Mills Roadmap to a Sustainable Food Future,” The Guardian, October 23, 2015,
business/2015/oct/23/general-mills-sustainable-supply-chain-un-climate-conference-paris (accessed August 19, 2016).
†††General Mills, “Sustainable Sourcing,” (accessed August 19, 2016).
‡‡‡General Mills, “Sustainable Sourcing,” (accessed August 27, 2019).
General Mills, “Vanilla,” (accessed August 19, 2016).
*‡General Mills, “General Mills Recognized as Global Leader in Corporate Sustainability,” Cision, Jan. 22, 2019,
general-mills-recognized-as-global-leader-in-corporate-sustainability-300782233.html (accessed August 22, 2019).

chips, which are sold in Italy and Germany.69 McCain Foods, which markets frozen potato
specialties in 100 countries, localizes its product by, for instance, calling french fries chips
in the United Kingdom and developing local advertising for markets by region.70
Manufacturers are not the only ones that must adapt their offering. On the retail side,
for example, Whole Foods is making shopping an experience in the United Kingdom to com-
pete with the local organic supermarket chains. And as Sustainable Marketing 16.1 notes,
General Mills has committed to sustainable sourcing of the key ingredients it uses in its
products around the world.
540 Section Eight Marketing in the Global Environment

Totally New Product or Service The level of economic development and cultural tastes
also affects global product strategy because it relates directly to consumer behaviour. For
example, although you are likely to know Heinz for its tomato ketchup, as you travelled
the globe, you would find it sells many unique products in different countries. If you taste
the ketchup in the Philippines, you’ll be surprised to find it’s made with bananas instead of
tomatoes (and sold under Heinz’s Jufran label). In many East Asian countries, Heinz com-
petes by selling soy sauce. The size of the package varies by country as well. Likewise, when
Tim Hortons entered China, it introduced brand-new products such as matcha, congee,
and salted-egg yolk timbits.71

Global Pricing Strategies

Determining the selling price in the global marketplace is an extremely difficult
task.72 (Refer back to Chapter 11 for a refresher on pricing.) Many countries still have
rules governing the competitive marketplace, including those that affect pricing. In most
European countries, retailers can’t sell below cost, and they can’t advertise reduced prices
in advance of sales or discount items until they have been on shelves for more than two
weeks. For firms such as Walmart and other discounters, these restrictions threaten their
core competitive positioning as the lowest-cost provider in the market. Other issues,
such as tariffs, quotas, antidumping laws, and currency exchange policies, can also affect
pricing decisions.73
Competitive factors influence global pricing in the same way they do home country
pricing, but because a firm’s products or services may not have the same positioning in the
Pringles sometimes
changes flavours to global marketplace as they do in its home country, market prices must be adjusted to reflect
reflect local tastes the local pricing structure. Spain’s fashion retailer Zara, for instance, is relatively inexpen-
and demand, such as sive in the European Union but is priced about 40 percent higher in North America, putting
with these paprika- it right in the middle of its moderately priced competition.74 Zara is dedicated to keeping
flavoured chips sold in production in Spain but it also needs to get its fashions to the consumers in a timely man-
Italy and Germany. ner. As a result, it incurs additional transportation expenses, which it passes on to its North
Whitebox Media/Mediablitzim-
ages/Alamy Stock Photo
American customers. Finally, as we discussed earlier in this chapter, currency fluctuations
impact global pricing strategies.

Global Distribution Strategies

Global distribution networks form complex value
chains that involve intermediaries, exporters,
importers, and different transportation systems.
(Refer back to Chapter 12 for a refresher on distribu-
tion.) These additional intermediaries typically add
cost and ultimately increase the final selling price
of a product. As a result of these cost factors, con-
stant pressure exists to shorten distribution channels
wherever possible.
The number of firms the seller needs to deal
with in order to get its merchandise to the con-
sumer determines the complexity of a channel. In
most developing countries, manufacturers must go
through many different types of distribution chan-
nels to get their products to end users, who often
Zara is relatively inexpensive in its home country, Spain, but is lack adequate transportation to shop at central shop-
more expensive in North America because of transportation ping areas or large malls. Therefore, these consum-
expenses and currency fluctuations. ers shop near their homes at small, family-owned
©Denis Doyle/Bloomberg via Getty Images retail outlets. To reach these small retail outlets,
Global Marketing CHAPTER 16 541

most of which are located far from major rail stations

or roads, marketers have devised a variety of creative
solutions. Unilever’s strategy in India is a prime
example of how a global company can adopt its dis-
tribution network to fit local conditions. ­Unilever
has trained 113,000 Indian women to serve as dis-
tributors, who in turn extended Unilever’s reach
to 100,000 villages and their 3 million residents all
across India. The program generates $250 million
each year in villages that otherwise would be too
costly to serve.75 Likewise, Tupperware parties offer
an acceptable way for women in Indonesia—where
the traditional culture discourages women’s partici-
pation in the workforce—to sell and distribute the
plastic food-storage containers, benefiting both the Tupperware provides an acceptable way for women in
firm and these entrepreneurs.76 Indonesia to make money, because the traditional culture
discourages women’s participation in the workforce.
©Lam Yik Fei/The New York Times/Redux Pictures
Global Communication Strategies
The major challenge in developing a global communication strategy (refer back to Chapter 14
for a refresher on IMC) is identifying the elements that need to be adapted to be effective in
the global marketplace. For instance, literacy levels vary dramatically across the globe. Con-
sider again the BRIC nations: In India, approximately 29 percent of the adult population is
illiterate (and for Indian women, the illiteracy rate surpasses 50 percent), compared with
7.4 percent in Brazil, 3.6 percent in China, and less than half a percent in Russia.77 And
even though Japan has one of the world’s most sophisticated digital-media markets, Nestlé
originally took a low-tech route to promote its unique flavours of Kit Kat, which started
out as souvenirs in railway stations, airports, and expressway service shop areas. Nestlé
was struck by the discovery that Kit Kat sounds similar to the Japanese phrase Kitto Katsu,
which means “surely win.” The company realized the chocolate bar could be paired with
the tradition of sending students good-luck wishes before they take tough higher-education
entrance exams. So it partnered with Japan’s postal service to create Kit Mail, a postcard-like
product sold only at the post office that could be mailed to students as an edible good-luck
charm. It proved to be a great distribution channel at the outset with no competition. Today,
consumers can buy Kit Kat everywhere in the country.
Differences in language, customs, and culture also complicate marketers’ ability to
communicate with customers in various countries. Language can be particularly vexing
for advertisers. For example, in the United Kingdom and Australia, a thong is a sandal;
whereas in Canada, it can also be an undergarment. To avoid the potential embarrass-
ment that language confusion can cause, firms spend millions of dollars to develop brand
names that have no pre-existing meaning in any known language, such as Accenture
(a management consulting firm) or Avaya (a subsidiary of Lucent Technologies, formerly
Bell Labs).
Within many countries, there are multiple variants on a language. Some firms choose
names that sound similar to their English-language names, such as Nike, whose Chinese
brand name is pronounced nai ke. Others focus on the meanings of the characters, such
that Citibank is known as hui qi yinhang, which means “star-spangled banner bank.” Still
other firms, such as Mercedes-Benz, have adapted their names for each language: peng zee
in Cantonese for Hong Kong, peng chi in Mandarin for Taiwan, and ben chi in Mandarin
for mainland China. Naming is a constant challenge in China, especially to avoid the threat
that a brand name evokes unwanted connotations, such as when Microsoft realized that the
sound of its search engine name, Bing, meant “virus” in China—not the best image for an
online company!78
542 Section Eight Marketing in the Global Environment

Even with all these differences, many products

and services serve the same needs and wants glob-
ally with little or no adaptation in their form or
message. Firms whose products have global appeal
can run global advertising campaigns, and sim-
ply translate the wording in the ads and product
labelling. Other products require a more localized
approach because of cultural and religious dif-
ferences. In a classic advertisement for Longines
watches, a woman’s bare arm and hand appear,
with a watch on her wrist. The advertisement was
considered too risqué for predominantly Muslim
countries, where women’s bare arms are never dis-
played in public. The company changed the adver-
Nike's Chinese brand name is pronounced nai-ke, which is very tisement to show a gloved arm and hand wearing
similar to the English pronunciation, and means “Enduring and the same watch.
Persevering.” Even among English speakers, there can be sig-
©Shiho Fukada/Redux Pictures
nificant differences in the effectiveness of advertis-
ing campaigns. Take the popular “What Happens in
Vegas Stays in Vegas” advertising campaign, which has been very successful and spawned
numerous copycat slogans in the United States. Essentially, the U.S. mass market thought
the provocative campaign pushed the envelope, but just far enough to be entertaining.
However, when the Las Vegas tourism group extended its advertising to the United King-
dom, it found that the ad campaign was not nearly as effective. After conducting focus
groups, the group found that British consumers did not find the advertisements edgy
enough for their more irreverent British tastes. In response, the advertising agency began
studying British slang and phrases to find ways to make the campaign even sexier and
more provocative.79
Regulatory actions in the host country can also affect communication strategies. For
example, the WTO has become involved in several cases that involve firms’ rights to use
certain names and affiliations for their products and promotions. Several products in the
European Union have established worldwide brand recognition on the basis of where they
are made. For instance, the European Union currently allows only ham made in Parma,
Italy, to be called Parma ham and sparkling wine made in the Champagne region of France
to be called Champagne.

LO5 Ethical Issues in Global Marketing

Although ethical issues abound domestically, an extra layer of complexity arises for
global marketing. Firms that market globally must recognize that they are, in essence,
visitors in another country and, as such, must be aware of the ethical concerns of their
potential customers, both at home and abroad. In this section, we examine three areas of
environmental concerns particular concern: environmental concerns, labour issues, and impact on host country
Include, but are not culture.
limited to, the excessive
use of natural resources
and energy, refuse from
manufacturing processes,
excess trash created
by consumer goods
Environmental Concerns
packages, and hard-to- People throughout the world are worried about the amount of waste being generated,
dispose-of products such
as tires, cellphones, and especially in developed countries. Current environmental concerns include, but are not
computer monitors. limited to, the excessive use of natural resources and energy, refuse from manufacturing
Global Marketing CHAPTER 16 543

processes, excess trash created by consumer goods packages, and hard-to-

dispose-of products such as tires, cellphones, and computer monitors.
Many developed countries produce almost two tonnes of household
and industrial waste per person per year!80 Although developing countries
do not produce nearly the same level of waste, much of the waste in these
areas is not properly disposed of.

Global Labour Issues

Global labour issues, especially concerns about working conditions and
wages paid to factory workers in developing countries, have become increas-
ingly prominent. Many large U.S. firms (such as Nike, PepsiCo, and Walmart)
have been questioned by various groups, including non-­governmental orga- Many developed countries produce
nizations and human rights activists, about the degree to which workers the almost two tonnes of household and
companies employ are paid less than a living wage or forced to work long industrial waste per person per year
hours in poor working conditions. that requires proper disposal.
In this context, high prices offer no guarantee of a supply chain free ©Digital Vision/PunchStock
of sweatshops. Apple has been questioned repeatedly about the working global labour issues
conditions in the manufacturing plants that produce iPods and iPhones. Even though Include concerns about
working conditions and
iPod boxes proudly state that the music player was designed in California, the entire wages paid to factory
manufacturing process has been subcontracted to Taiwanese and Chinese manufac- workers in developing
turers.81 Because Apple does not own the plants in which its goods are produced, it
cultural imperialism
must negotiate with factory owners to improve or ensure adequate working condi- The belief that one’s own
tions and wages, while at the same time attempting to get the cheapest prices. Because culture is superior to that of
Apple negotiates very hard on price, suppliers sometimes try to make money by paying other nations; can take the
form of an active, formal
labourers less, making them work long hours, or providing unsafe working condi- policy or a more subtle
tions. Labour conditions for Chinese workers in “iPod city” became general attitude.
so deplorable at one point that several high-profile strikes were held
to protest working conditions, and many Chinese workers resorted to
committing suicide.

Impact on Host Country Culture

The final ethical issue involves cultural imperialism, or the belief
that one’s own culture is superior to that of other nations. Cul-
tural imperialism can take the form of an active, formal policy or a
more subtle general attitude.82 Critics of U.S. firms entering foreign
markets claim that U.S. products and services overwhelm the local
culture, often replacing its foods, music, movies, and traditions with
those of the West. When Costco opened its first store in Shanghai,
China, it had to close early due to huge crowds that caused traffic
jams in the area and public safety issues. Would-be shoppers were
warned they might have to wait as long as three hours just to find a
parking spot.83
Since 2011, clerics in Iran have forbidden the celebration of Valen-
tine’s Day, saying it represents decadent Western culture.84 Despite strict
Iranian laws regarding the interactions of men and women, especially
unmarried men and women, Valentine’s Day has become a popular When Western firms enter foreign
holiday among the youth market. These Iranians were exposed to Valen- markets, they must be cognizant of the
tine’s Day through the Internet and satellite television, two information host country’s culture.
sources the government cannot control. Holiday-themed products arrive Hi Brow Arabia/Alamy Stock Photo
544 Section Eight Marketing in the Global Environment

through underground distribution channels and are displayed in local shops. Risking legal
action, florists, gift shops, and restaurants make special accommodations for the holiday.
Western tradition or not, Iranian youth want love and happiness and are expressing it by
embracing the holiday.
For other Iranians though, this type of celebration represents a threat to Iran’s culture
and the desire to hold on to traditional cultural values and ways of life. There is no simple
way to resolve these dilemmas. Firms that enter new markets simply must tread lightly to
ensure that their business practices, products, and services do not create any unnecessary
friction or offence in the host country.

Real Marketer Profile

Marie Ishikawa of Google, but it was not compa-

rable to the user awareness and
Upon graduating from Wilfrid reliance Google had established
Laurier University with a BBA in the U.S.
Co-op degree, I returned to Now, three years after I joined
my origins in Tokyo to work at the company, I am the market-
Google Japan. Though I would ing lead for YouTube Originals
be starting in sales, my dream in Japan, while also maintaining
remained to work in marketing my position in Sales as a Google
strategy one day. Ads Account Manager. YouTube
Throughout my co-op terms, Originals is a part of YouTube
I had the opportunity of working Premium, a monthly subscription
in a variety of companies, includ- service that launched in Japan
ing Automobili Lamborghini and in November 2018. Being late
Expedia. During these terms, I to the game, it has been a chal-
discovered the joy and excite- lenge to catch up to the market
ment of working in marketing, leaders such as Spotify, LINE
and felt quite certain that this Music, and Amazon Music.
was my career path. The prob- This role all started from the
lem remained, however, that I famous “20% project” at Google,
did not know what industry or where employees are encour-
company would be the best aged to allocate 20 percent of
fit; so I decided to define the their work time to side projects
criteria of my job search: Courtesy of Marie Ishikawa to encourage an innovative and
collaborative company culture.
1. I want to work at a company that is becoming the I dove into YouTube Originals with no prior experience
market leader. in show marketing, but was made responsible for crea-
2. I want to work on a product that is unique—price tive asset development (show key art, trailer), and go-to-
should not be the key differentiator. market strategy (positioning and targeting, promotional
3. I want to work on a product that is essential to events, and media/social planning).
one’s life. The largest challenge we experienced while enter-
ing the Japanese market was addressing and adapt-
Though I did not know why that company should ing to local challenges while maintaining alignment
be Google exactly, I did know that I could not live with- with YouTube’s global brand. Most of our marketing
out Google. I could not travel the world without Google campaigns have consistent messaging across all mar-
Maps. I could not communicate with my parents in Japan kets, but Japan has different challenges that need to
without Gmail. And most importantly, I could not com- be addressed, such as low brand awareness, low user
plete most of my homework at Laurier without Google and advertiser trust, and a nascent market for stream-
Search and Google Translate to help me address the ing services. These aspects require a balance between
language barrier. With that being said, Google still had Google’s ideology of “users first”—not making money
a long way to go in Japan compared to North America— off a product that is not right for the user—and maintain-
Yahoo was the dominant search engine and Apple Map ing a brand. This balance is what it means to truly be a
was the dominant maps platform in Japan. People knew “global” brand.
Global Marketing CHAPTER 16 545

Learning Objectives Review

LO1  xplain the components of global market

E other firms already operating in the host country share the
assessments risk and obtain knowledge about the market and how to
do business there. A strategic alliance is similar to a joint
First, firms must determine whether a proposed country venture, but the relationship is not as formal. A less risky
has a political and legal environment that favours business. method of entering a new market is franchising, in which,
Second, firms must assess the general economic environ- similar to domestic franchise agreements, the franchisor
ment. For instance, countries with a trade surplus, strong allows the franchisee to operate a business using its name
domestic and national products, population growth, and and strategy in return for a fee. The least risky method of
income growth tend to be favourable prospects. Third, entering another country is exporting.
firms should be cognizant of the sociocultural differences
between their home and host countries and adapt to those LO4  ist the similarities and differences between
differences to ensure successful business relationships. a domestic marketing strategy and a global
Fourth, firms should assess a country’s technology and marketing strategy
infrastructure capabilities. To be successful in a particular
country, the firm must have access to adequate transporta- The essence of a global marketing strategy is no differ-
tion, distribution channels, and communications. ent than that of a domestic strategy. The firm starts by
identifying its target markets, chooses specific markets to
LO2  nderstand the marketing opportunities in
U pursue, and crafts a strategy to meet the needs of those
BRIC countries markets. However, additional issues make global expan-
sion more difficult. For instance, the company needs to
Technology, particularly in the communication field, has ask the following questions: Should the product or ser-
facilitated the growth of global markets. Firms can com- vice be altered to fit the new market better? Does the firm
municate with their suppliers and customers instantane- need to change the way it prices its products in differ-
ously, easily take advantage of production efficiencies ent countries? What is the best way to get the product or
in other countries, and bring together parts and finished service to the new customers? How should the firm com-
goods from all over the globe. Four countries that pro- municate its product or service offering in other countries?
vide tremendous marketing opportunities are the BRIC
nations—Brazil, Russia, India, and China. These countries LO5  xplain how ethical issues affect global
have large populations that are increasingly interested in marketing practices
the latest goods and services.
In particular, firms must be cognizant of the impact their
LO3  escribe the various global market entry
D businesses have on the environment. When producing
strategies merchandise or employing service personnel in another
country, companies must be certain that the working
Firms have several options for entering a new country, conditions and wages are fair and adequate, even if the
each with a different level of risk and control. Direct invest- workers are employed by a third party. Finally, marketers
ment is the most risky but also has the potential to be the must be sensitive to the impact their business has on the
most lucrative. Firms that engage in a joint venture with culture of the host country.

Key Terms

■■ boycott ■■ global labour issues ■■ quota

■■ cultural imperialism ■■ globalization ■■ strategic alliance
■■ direct investment ■■ glocalization ■■ tariff (or duty)
■■ direct exporting ■■ gross domestic product (GDP) ■■ trade agreement
■■ dumping ■■ human development index (HDI) ■■ trade deficit
■■ environmental concerns ■■ indirect exporting ■■ trade sanctions
■■ exchange control ■■ infrastructure ■■ trade surplus
■■ exchange rate ■■ joint venture ■■ trading bloc
■■ exporting ■■ purchasing power parity (PPP)
546 Section Eight Marketing in the Global Environment

Concept Review

1. What is globalization? What are the factors that 7. What is political risk? Why is it important to assess
­facilitate globalization? Explain how globalization has political risk? How is political risk assessed? List two or
influenced marketing in Canada. three organizations in Canada that provide marketers
with political risk assessments.
2. List and describe the four components of market
assessments that firms must conduct to evaluate the 8. Protectionist policies restrict trade and global mar-
viability of different global markets. keting, while trade agreements facilitate global
­marketing. Explain the reasons a country may want to
3. Which of the four components of market assessment
impose protectionist policies in some industries and
do you think are often most difficult to assess? Why?
liberalize other industries.
4. List the five types of strategies companies can use
9. Explain how measures such as GDP, PPP (e.g., the Big
to enter global markets. Compare these strategies in
Mac Index), and HDI help marketers decide whether
terms of level of risk, expected return, and control.
to enter a global market. What are the weaknesses of
5. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of using a these measures?
global product strategy (i.e., offering the same product
10. Explain how useful Hofstede’s six dimensions of cul-
both at home and in overseas markets).
ture are to our understanding of different cultures
6. What are the primary considerations marketers should around the world. Where and how can marketers
use in deciding whether to customize the four Ps to learn about the culture of a country to which they are
specific markets? interested in marketing?

Marketing Applications

1. Of the four BRIC markets, explain why you think one 7. Provide an example of a potentially ethically troubling
country might be more welcoming to Lululemon than practice by a foreign firm doing business in Canada.
8. Many Canadian and United States–based firms are
2. Cervélo is a high-end Canadian bicycle manufac- relocating their production facilities and services over-
turer. Assume the company is considering entering seas (outsourcing or offshoring). Why do you believe
the United Kingdom and Chinese markets. When they are doing so? Do the benefits outweigh the
doing its market assessment, what economic factors potential losses of Canadian and U.S. jobs? Why or
should Cervélo consider when making its decision? why not?
Which market do you expect will be more lucrative for
9. Assume you work for a Canadian-based financial ser-
­Cervélo? Why?
vices firm that positions itself as having experts that
3. Now consider the political, economic, and legal sys- personally manage the clients’ accounts. The clients
tems of China versus the United Kingdom. Explain are unaware that most of the tax preparation work, the
why you think one country might be more hospitable bookkeeping, and other record keeping is done by a
to Cervélo than the other. company in India. The local office simply reviews the file
and signs the cover letters. Yet, as your manager pointed
4. Colgate-Palmolive sells products in many countries
out, there is still only one person who manages each
throughout the world. How would you expect its mar-
account. After recent news stories about the practice of
ket position to differ in those countries compared with
offshoring sensitive transactions such as tax preparation,
that in Canada?
clients have been commenting about how grateful they
5. How would Colgate-Palmolive vary its marketing are to have a local firm. What, if anything, should you tell
strategies for product lines in low-income, emerging your clients about the firm’s practice of offshoring?
markets? Discuss using each of the elements of the
10. Canadian companies such as Tim Hortons and
marketing mix.
Lululemon have expanded their global presence
6. What is cultural imperialism? Why would a recording through company-owned stores. In what instances
company such as Def Jam Recordings need to be might these companies consider using joint ventures
aware of and sensitive to this issue? as their global market entry strategy into new markets?
Global Marketing CHAPTER 16 547

Marketing Digitally

1. For many small businesses, the idea of entering a for- 2. McCain Foods is a global brand, but it alters its prod-
eign market is frightening. The Government of Canada ucts and promotions to accommodate local tastes in
and most provincial and territorial governments now each country. Go to and visit the Cana-
offer assistance designed specifically for small-­business dian website. Then go to
owners. Two such government departments are contact-us and check out the websites for McCain in
Foreign Affairs and International Trade Canada (DFAIT) South America, the United States, and France. How
and Industry Canada. Visit Industry Canada’s Canada are these websites different from the Canadian site?
Business website at and What products are different? What promotional ele-
examine the types of services it provides for Canadian ments are different?
businesses wishing to do business in a foreign country.
Evaluate the usefulness of the information provided.

Chapter Case Study


Expanding into global markets is nearly a necessity for most modern companies, especially
those that seek to put their products and services in as many people’s hands as possible.
Take Apple for example. The goal of the tech giant is essentially to drive every other tech-
nology provider out of the market. It wants consumers to rely solely on iPhones for all their
smartphone needs (and Apple Watches for their connected timepieces, and iPads for their
tablets, and so on).
To make that happen, Apple has had to pursue international markets almost from its begin-
ning. But doing so creates a wealth of challenges, along with the opportunities that arise.
Among the most notable challenges is deciding how to market products in different mar-
kets. Is it best to use a single, consistent strategy around the globe, or should marketing
campaigns be targeted, such that they vary in different locales? For many years, Apple chose
the former route. Its strong brand image and appealing advertising might appear in differ-
ent languages—in a strategy known as localizing—but the message remained similar across
the board. It sought a reputation as a sophisticated, tech-savvy, and cool product to own,
whether the consumer buying it was in Vancouver or New Delhi or Mexico City.85
Today, though, it has shifted gears and created a wider array of marketing communica-
tions to target individual markets with dedicated appeals. For example, the “Meu Bloco na
Rua” (loosely translated as “My Block on the Street”) campaign plays only in Brazil, touting
the latest iPhone in a Carnival-themed string of advertising. At
the same time, it has shifted more of its focus to online and
mobile marketing channels, rather than television, to ensure
that it can reach every corner of the globe at no extra cost.86
Another key factor in global expansions relates to the prices
that people are willing or able to pay across different nations.
Whereas consumers in developed economies might be ready
to shell out close to $1,000 for the latest iPhone, such a price
point is utterly out of reach for millions of people who live in
poverty or near poverty. Yet these millions of consumers are a
critical target market because smartphones have saturated the
developed markets. There are not many new customers in the
United States or Europe to attract; if Apple is to become truly
ubiquitous, it needs to find new buyers in India, China, Brazil,
throughout Africa, and so forth. Sales of iPhones have declined in China as cheaper
In particular, Apple needs to convince the more than 2 bil- Android phones hit the market.
lion potential consumers in China and India, with their rising ©VCG via Getty Images
548 Section Eight Marketing in the Global Environment

incomes and purchasing power, to start off with an iPhone, not a competitive Android prod-
uct, then keep them coming back.87 History shows that once a consumer has committed to a
particular phone and platform, she or he is less likely to switch to a different platform. Thus, a
first-mover advantage is critical in global markets.
But in this effort, Apple has hit something of a roadblock. It continues to maintain its high
price points, whether in developed, developing, or underdeveloped economies. There are
several reasons to do so, including the effort to maintain its sophisticated, aspirational image.
In addition, one analyst estimated that raising the average sale price on an iPhone by $10
would increase Apple’s profit by $723 million, even if it never added another customer (but
retained all its current ones).88
Still, if the goal is global dominance, Apple’s price points might put it at a disadvantage.
There are many competitors seeking the same consumers, and in 2016, its sales in China
dropped a substantial 16 percent as people jumped ship and adopted Android phone mod-
els. These data are especially remarkable considering that, in just 2015, many observers were
arguing that Apple’s brilliant entry strategy for China—in which it partnered with a national
mobile network and thus gained immediate access to 760 million subscribers—would be the
key to its persistent and consistent success.89 Since then, sales have flatlined in developed
markets and declined further in China for an overall decline of 5 percent year-over-year.90
Perhaps it can learn from its experience in its efforts to enter India, though. For example, it
has opened around 100 stores throughout India, using a franchise model that can rely on the
Apple brand but still provide local expertise. It also has started discussions with government
officials to open manufacturing plants in the nation, which would enable it to avoid some
duties on products that thus far have had to be imported into the country.91 It is pursuing a
similar deal in Indonesia, where it invested $44 million to create a research and development
centre that it hopes will lead the government to allow it to sell there.92
Still, the challenges remain. For years Apple was a premium brand that only rarely offered
price promotions. It seemed that the company could raise prices year after year and con-
sumers would line up to buy new models. However, it offered a $300 discount on its newest
model of iPhone just before Christmas in 2018 and curtailed production.93 The company gets
65 percent of its revenue from iPhone sales and so this resistance from consumers must be
worrisome. It announced that it would not provide sales numbers going forward, which will
make it difficult to gauge success. Competitive pressures and the global slowdown in sales of
smartphones may have been behind the iPhone 11 being introduced with cheaper pricing.94
Designing promotions and pricing structures that span the globe and appeal to consumers
around the world may continue to vex Apple. In the end, it has no choice but to pursue those
consumers in global markets.
1. Which economic factors have helped Apple’s global expansion?
2. How might switching to a distribution strategy based on a franchise model in India and
Indonesia affect its tight control of it brand image?
3. Do you think Apple has reached the upper threshold of what most consumers are willing
to pay for a new iPhone?
Chapter 17

Ethics and Socially

Responsible Marketing
Learning Objectives
After studying this chapter you should be able to

LO1 Identify why marketers should be concerned

about ethics

LO2 Distinguish between ethics and social


LO3 Describe consumerism and explain how it

fosters ethical and socially responsible
business practices

LO4 Identify the four steps in ethical decision


LO5 Outline how ethics and social responsibility

can be integrated into a firm’s marketing strategy

©Editorial Image, LLC

The market for more natural and organic beauty products is booming, with growth expected to double from $11 billion
in 2016 to $22 billion by 2024.1 Thousands of beauty and personal-care products vie to be perceived as the most
natural or most organic. In many cases, those claims are overstated. The shampoo may be made from the same
ingredients as “regular” shampoo; It’s just that the bottle features pictures of natural wildflowers, for example.
In developing its Love Beauty and Planet line, Unilever has gone well beyond such a superficial approach,
ensuring that a sustainability philosophy underlies every element of the products sold under that brand. From the
product formulations to the packaging to the promotions used, Unilever has embraced a sustainable and envi-
ronmental focus as a core element to the very essence of the brand.2 Consider the four Ps (which we introduced
in Chapter 1) as they apply to Love Beauty and Planet.
Product The products under the Love Beauty and Planet label promise to be ethically sourced and made
from natural ingredients.3 Its perfumes are vegan and never tested on animals.4 But many brands make simi-
lar claims. To distinguish itself and establish its sustainability credentials, Unilever also has pursued innovative
benefits. For example, a novel technology integrated into the hair conditioner allows it to be rinsed out of users’
hair faster. (The molecules scatter when hit by water, pushing the product out of hair more quickly.) As a result,
consumers can take shorter showers, which conserves water.5 Another innovation, a showerless cleansing mist,
makes it possible for people to freshen up without using any water whatsoever.
Price Although the innovative, all-natural products are priced higher than conventional shampoos, condition-
ers, and cleansers, Love Beauty and Planet is not a luxury brand with astronomical prices that make it impossible
for everyday consumers to embrace the sustainability initiative. Instead, the price points around $6–$9 seek
to encourage like-minded consumers to try the products but still feel good about their purchases.6 The brand
550 Section eight Marketing in the Global Environment

also highlights that the price reflects its voluntary, self-imposed carbon tax. That is, for every carbon ton produced
to manufacture Love Beauty and Planet products, Unilever will contribute an extra $40 to the Carbon Tax Fund.7
Its pricing strategy explicitly acknowledges and demonstrates how and why the sustainable products cost a little
more than conventional versions.
Place Unilever is a massive international conglomerate, but for Love Beauty and Planet, it relies on somewhat
limited distribution channels, such as ecommerce and drugstores that already have a reputation for selling natu-
ral and organic products. The goal is to help consumers who find such options appealing discover the products
on their own. Rather than pushing Love Beauty and Planet on every store shelf, it will be something special that
sustainability-conscious consumers can take pride in finding.8 By the same token, if it proves popular, Unilever
has relationships with major retailers so it can ensure consumers’ ready access to the responsible products.
Promotion To get consumers interested and convince them to investigate the innovative offering, Love
Beauty and Planet uses packaging that matches its sustainable philosophy. But it isn’t stopping at using colours
or images conventionally associated with sustainability. All the bottles are made from completely recycled plastic
and are fully recyclable themselves. In another innovation, Unilever designed labels that can be removed easily,
so that there is less threat of contamination in the recycling process.9
Although the Love Beauty and Planet line offers a coherent sustainability initiative, Unilever has commit-
ted itself to environmental responsibility across its portfolio. It has published the Unilever Sustainable Living
Plan, enumerating its dedication to reducing the environmental impact of its products by half within the next few
decades (along with improving the health of society and ensuring the livelihoods of the people who work for it, as
two other prongs of the plan).10 It explicitly aims to separate the growth of the business from growing damage to
the environment through a conscious approach to production and distribution. That sort of conscious pursuit of
environmental responsibility spans every element of Love Beauty and Planet, suggesting that Unilever is offering
consumers truly ethical sustainability and a way to feel good about their consumption—as well as a means to
smell nice.

Which is the more important corporate objective: making a profit, or obtaining and
keeping customers?11 This question underlies a primary dilemma that marketers have
long faced. At one point, they might have argued that profit was the primary goal of any
firm. But over time, firms—and society as a whole—came to agree that corporations
have social responsibilities to a range of stakeholders that they must meet. Although
firms cannot stay in business without earning a profit, using profit as the sole guiding
light for corporate action can lead to short-term decisions that may in fact cause the firm
to lose customers in the long run. The balancing act may turn out to be the quest to place
the company on the firmest footing possible. This question leads into the primary ethical
dilemma facing managers; that is, how to balance shareholder interests with the needs
of society.
Doing so can be harder than it sounds, especially because the goals of different
shareholder groups often can be at odds. For example, employees in the coal industry
want to keep their jobs; consumers want cheap energy; society wants clean, sustainable
energy; and shareholders who own stock in a coal company want to earn profits. But those
goals often come in conflict because coal will never be a clean or sustainable energy, so
to satisfy society, shareholders by definition would lose their source of income. Accord-
ingly, some industries and companies resist the idea that they need to acknowledge the
impact of their actions on others. However, in the long term, if customers believe they
can no longer trust a company or that the company is not acting responsibly, they will
no longer support that company by purchasing its products or services or investing in
its stock.
Many industries face similar ethical dilemmas and seek to find appropriate balances.
In the past two decades, most processed foods (e.g., cereals, salad dressings) have con-
tained ingredients made from plants whose DNA has been manipulated in a laboratory.
To weather frosts better and produce a greater yield of crops, tomatoes are spliced with
Ethics and Socially Responsible Marketing CHAPTER 17 551

salmon genes, for example. Such genetically modified organisms, or GMOs, appear in a
majority of the foods that consumers eat daily, yet most people remain unaware of their
presence because Health Canada does not require GMO food product labelling.12 The
ethical question for food manufacturers is whether they label their products as contain-
ing GMOs. On one hand, many consumers express a preference to know and worry about
potential negative health effects (though no available scientific evidence has confirmed
this threat). On the other hand, genetic modifications increase crop yields and lower
production costs, and avoiding a GMO label could help companies sell more of their
products. Most food manufacturers seem to be fighting GMO labelling. However, in 2014,
General Mills decided to make some of its products, such as Cheerios, completely free
of GMOs, and has been disclosing all bioengineered ingredients on its packaging since
As these examples show, sometimes the ethical dilemma has as much to do with defin-
ing our terms as with what the products contain. But even if the question seems to be one
of terminology, if customers believe that they can no longer trust a company or that the
company is not acting responsibly, they will no longer support it by purchasing its products
or services or investing in its stock. For marketers, the firm’s ability to build and maintain
consumer trust by conducting ethical transactions must be of paramount importance.
In this chapter, we start by examining what marketing ethics is and why behaving ethi-
cally is so important to successful marketing. We then discuss how firms can create an ethical
climate among employees and how individual behaviour can affect the ability of the firm to
act ethically. Next, we discuss how consumers contribute to the corporate social responsibil-
ity (CSR) decisions that businesses make. To help you make ethical marketing decisions, we
also provide a framework for ethical decision making, and then examine some ethical issues
within the context of the strategic marketing planning process (from Chapter 2). Finally, we
present some scenarios that highlight typical ethical challenges marketing managers often
must face.

The Scope of Marketing Ethics

Business ethics is concerned with distinguishing between right and wrong actions and business ethics
decisions that might arise in a business setting. Marketing ethics, in contrast, examines Concerned with
distinguishing between
ethical situations that are specific to the domain of marketing, including societal, global, or right and wrong actions
individual consumer issues.14 Because the marketing profession often is singled out among and decisions that might
arise in a business setting.
business disciplines as the root cause of a host of ethical concerns (e.g., unethical advertis-
ing or the promotion of shoddy products), anyone involved in marketing activities must marketing ethics
Refers to those ethical
recognize the ethical implications of their actions. These can involve societal issues, such problems that are specific
as the sale of products or services that may damage the environment; global issues, such as to the domain of marketing.
the use of sweatshops and child labour; and individual consumer issues, such as deceptive
advertising and the marketing of dangerous products.

Ethical Issues Associated LO1

with Marketing Decisions

Unlike other business functions, such as accounting or finance, people in marketing inter-
act directly with the public. Because they are so much in the public eye, it should not be
surprising that marketing and sales professionals sometimes rank poorly in ratings of the
most trusted professions. In a recent Gallup survey, most professions were rated much
higher than marketing: advertising practitioners fared only slightly better than car sales-
people and telemarketers (see Exhibit 17.1).15 For marketers, who depend on the long-term
trust of their customers, this low ranking is very disappointing.
552 Section eight Marketing in the Global Environment

Exhibit 17.1 Attitudes About Ethical Standards of Various Professionals

High Approval (>60%) Low Approval (<15%)

Nurses Stockbrokers

Pharmacists Advertising Practitioners

Medical Doctors Car Salespeople

High School Teachers Telemarketers

Source: Adapted from Gallup Poll, “Nurses Again Outpace Other Professions for Honesty, Ethics” by Megan
Brenan. December 20, 2018.

Yet there is some good news. In a recent survey, it was found that almost three-
quarters of Canadians pay attention to issues related to corporate ethics and social
responsibility and believe that firms have a responsibility to actively engage in doing
good for society.16 Many consumers remain highly skeptical of business, however, and
especially of marketing. But because the marketing function interacts with so many
entities outside the firm on a regular basis, it has a tremendous opportunity to build
the public’s trust. As many marketing executives correctly believe, creating an ethical
climate that establishes the health and well-being of consumers as the firm’s number-
ethical climate one priority just makes good business sense.
The set of values within a
marketing firm, or in the
marketing division of any
firm, that guides decision
Creating an Ethical Climate in the Workplace
making and behaviour. The process of creating a strong ethical climate within a marketing firm (or in
the marketing division of any firm) includes having a set of values that guides deci-
sion making and behaviour. In 1943, General Robert Wood
Johnson of Johnson & Johnson (J&J) wrote and published
the company’s first “credo”—a one-page document out-
lining the firm’s commitments and responsibilities to its
various stakeholders.17 The J&J credo can be summarized as

We believe our first responsibility is to doctors, nurses,

patients, mothers, fathers, and all others who use our prod-
ucts and services. We are responsible to our employees. We
must respect their dignity and recognize their merit. Com-
pensation must be fair and adequate and working conditions
clean, orderly, and safe. We are responsible to the communi-
ties in which we live and work and to the world community
as well. Our final responsibility is to our stockholders. When
we operate according to these principles, the stockholders
should realize a fair return.

Today, J&J continues to follow this credo in its daily busi-

ness practices, as was evidenced by the infamous Tylenol recall.
In the 1980s, seven people taking Tylenol died of cyanide poi-
soning. Without worrying initially about whether the poison got
Johnson & Johnson, maker of Tylenol, continues to into the products during production or on the shelf, J&J imme-
act in accordance with its 1943 credo. diately and voluntarily withdrew all Tylenol from the market
Eric Misko/McGraw Hill Education until it could ensure its products’ safety.
Ethics and Socially Responsible Marketing CHAPTER 17 553

J&J responded to new limits on dosages of acetaminophen (the active ingredient in

Tylenol) by reassuring consumers that they were safe—as long as they followed the dosage
instructions on the packaging.18 In advertising communications that touted Tylenol as “the
safest brand of pain reliever you can choose,” J&J also was careful to remind people that
taking more than the recommended dosage could cause serious liver damage.
Everyone within the firm must share the same understanding of these values and how
they translate into the business activities of the firm, and they must share a consistent
language to discuss them. Once the values are understood, the firm must develop a set
of explicit rules and implicit understandings that govern all the firm’s transactions. Top
management must commit to establishing an ethical climate, but employees throughout
the firm also must be dedicated because the roots of ethical conflict often are the competing
values of individuals. Each individual holds her or his own set of values, and sometimes
those values result in conflicts between employees or even within them. For instance, a
salesperson may feel pressure to make a sale because her family depends on her for sup-
port; but, at the same time, she may feel that the product she is selling is not appropriate for
a particular customer. Once the rules are in place, there must be a system of controls that
rewards appropriate behaviour—that is, behaviour consistent with the firm’s values—and
punishes inappropriate behaviour.
Like companies that develop and apply their own ethical codes, many professions,
including marketing, have their own codes of ethics that firms and individuals in the
profession agree to abide by. The generally accepted code in marketing, developed by
the Canadian Marketing Association (CMA; see Exhibit 17.2), flows from general norms
of conduct to specific values to which marketers should aspire. Each subarea within
marketing—such as marketing research, advertising, pricing, and so forth—has its own
code of ethics that deals with the specific issues that arise when conducting business in
those areas.
Now we examine the role of the individuals within the firm and how they contribute
to the firm’s ethical climate.

The Influence of Personal Ethics

Every firm is made up of individuals, each with his or her own needs and desires. Let’s look
at why people may make unethical decisions and how firms can establish a process for deci-
sion making that ensures individuals choose ethical alternatives instead.

Why People Act Unethically

Every individual is a product of his or her culture,
upbringing, genes, and various other influences. In
spite of these factors, however, people do continue to
grow emotionally in their understanding of what is
and is not ethical behaviour. For example, a six-year-
old child might think nothing of bonking a brother on
the head with a toy, but adults are expected to recog-
nize that violence is an unethical means of interacting
with others. All of us vary in the way we view various
situations, depending on our own level of understand-
ing about ethical dilemmas.
Imagine that a brand manager for a car company
discovers, from conversations with a member of the What is the “real” price? Did the manager bring the clothing
development team, that the hot new energy-efficient in at an artificially high level and then immediately mark it
hybrid model set to go into full production shortly down?
has a potentially dangerous design flaw. The brand Jeff Pachoud/AFP via Getty Images
554 Section eight Marketing in the Global Environment

Exhibit 17.2 Canadian Marketing Association’s Code of Ethics


B. Purpose of CMA Code of Ethics and Standards of Practice

The CMA Code of Ethics and Standards of Practice (the “Code”) is designed to establish and maintain standards for
the conduct of marketing in Canada.

Marketers acknowledge that the establishment and maintenance of high standards of practice are a fundamental
responsibility to the public, essential to winning and holding consumer confidence, and the foundation of a successful
and independent marketing industry in Canada.

Members of the Canadian Marketing Association recognize an obligation—to the consumers and the businesses they
serve, to the integrity of the discipline in which they operate and to each other—to practise to the highest standards
of honesty, truth, accuracy, fairness and professionalism.

E. Responsibility for Marketing Communications

Marketers are responsible for the content of their marketing communications and the practices of their suppliers and
advertising agencies when in the course of executing marketing communications on their behalf. This responsibility
extends to suppliers which are not CMA members.

H. Overarching Ethical Principles

H2 Truthfulness: Marketing communications must be clear and truthful. Marketers must not knowingly make a
representation to a consumer or business that is false or misleading.

I. Universal Marketing Practices

These practices apply regardless of industry sector, sub-discipline or marketing medium employed.

I1 Accuracy of Representation
I1.1 Marketers must not misrepresent a product, service or marketing program and must not mislead by statement or
manner of demonstration or comparison.

I2 Clarity
Marketing communications must be executed in a manner that is simple and easy to understand.

I5 Disguise
I5.1 Marketers should identify themselves and must not engage in marketing communications in the guise of one
purpose when the intent is a different purpose.

J. Protection of Personal Privacy

All consumer marketers must abide by the Personal Information Protection and Electronics Documents Act (PIPEDA),
and/or applicable provincial privacy laws and the following ten Privacy Principles from the National Standard of
Canada and five additional requirements as outlined in this section.

J5 Source of Personal Information

Marketers must provide consumers with the source of their personal information, upon request.

L. Special Considerations in Marketing to Teenagers

L2 Responsibility
Marketing to teenagers imposes special responsibilities on marketers. Marketers will use discretion and sensitivity in
marketing to teenagers, to address the age, knowledge, sophistication and maturity of teenagers. Marketers should
exercise caution that they do not take advantage of or exploit teenagers.

P. Protection of the Environment

Marketers recognize and acknowledge a continuing responsibility to manage their businesses to minimize
environmental impact.

Q. Enforcement Procedures for the CMA Code of Ethics and Standards of Practice
Q1 Upon receipt of a consumer complaint regarding violation of this Code, whether regarding a member or a
non-member, the Canadian Marketing Association will contact the organization and use the Association’s internal
mediation procedures to attempt to resolve the consumer complaint.

Source: Adapted from “Code of Ethics and Standards of Practice,” Canadian Marketing Association,
Ethics and Socially Responsible Marketing CHAPTER 17 555

manager can (1) delay production and remedy the design flaw, which pushes produc-
tion off schedule, delays revenue, and may result in layoffs and loss of a bonus, or
(2) stay on schedule, put the flawed design into production, and hope it does not result
in injuries to consumers and loss of revenue for the firm. This type of dilemma, and
its competing outcomes, occurs nearly every day in thousands of different business
When asked in a survey whether they had seen any unethical behaviour among
their colleagues, chief marketing officers responded that they had observed employ-
ees participating in high-pressure, misleading, or deceptive sales tactics (45 percent);
misrepresenting company earnings, sales, and/or revenues (35 percent); withholding
or destroying information that could hurt company sales or image (32 percent); and
conducting false or misleading advertising (31 percent).19 Did all the marketers in these
situations view their actions as unethical? In making marketing decisions, managers are
often faced with the dilemma between doing what is beneficial for them and possibly the
firm in the short run, and doing what is right and beneficial for the firm and society in
the long run.
For instance, a manager might feel confident that earnings will increase in the next
few months and therefore believe it benefits himself, his branch, and his employees to
exaggerate current earnings just a little. Another manager might feel considerable pres-
sure to increase sales in a retail store, so she brings in some new merchandise, marks
it at an artificially high price, and then immediately puts it on sale. Consumers are
deceived into thinking they are getting a good deal because they view the initial price as
the “real” price. Each decision may have been justifiable at the time for the individual,
but each decision would have potentially serious ethical and legal consequences for the
To avoid such dire consequences, the short-term goals of each employee must be
aligned with the long-term goals of the firm. In our hybrid car example, the brand
manager’s short-term drive to receive a bonus conflicted with the firm’s long-term aim
of providing consumers with safe, reliable cars. To align personal and corporate goals,
firms need to have a strong ethical climate; explicit rules for governing a firm’s transac-
tions, including a code of ethics; and a system for rewarding and punishing behaviour.
In the next section, we discuss this link between ethics and social responsibility by

Corporate Social Responsibility LO2

Although no single, established definition of the concept exists, the Government of Canada
defines corporate social responsibility (CSR) as the voluntary activities undertaken by corporate social
a company to operate in an economically, socially, and environmentally sustainable man- responsibility (CSR)
Refers to the voluntary
ner.20 For a company to act in a socially responsible manner, the employees within the activities undertaken by
company must also maintain high ethical standards and recognize how their individual a company to operate in
an economically, socially,
decisions lead to the collective actions of the firm. Firms with strong ethical climates tend and environmentally
to be more socially responsible. sustainable manner.
Today, virtually all large and well-known companies engage in some form of CSR.
These initiatives include establishing corporate charitable foundations, supporting and
associating with existing non-profit groups, supporting minority activities, and fol-
lowing responsible marketing, sales, and production practices. Social responsibility is
even one of the key measures that Fortune magazine uses to create its list of the most
admired companies. One of those companies is Cadillac Fairview, described in Sustain-
able Marketing 17.1.
Some economists and social commentators suggest that CSR is unnecessary, that the
goal of any corporation in a capitalist economy is single and simple: Make money.21 How does
it benefit the company or its shareholders if a company worries about such unquantifiable
556 Section eight Marketing in the Global Environment

Sustainable Marketing 17.1

Cadillac Fairview Takes the Pledge youth empowerment initiatives, events, and celebrations
across CF’s retail properties nationwide, giving young peo-
The back-to-school season often starts with a trip to the ple an opportunity to get involved in communities where
mall to buy a cornucopia of new school supplies, a new CF operates.
wardrobe, and fresh kicks. Unfortunately, for many Cana- The campaign was the first of many efforts. The month
dian families, even the basic necessities can be a chal- preceding the start of the school year, CF shopping cen-
lenge to obtain. In 2016, Cadillac Fairview partnered with tres across the country displayed colourful interactive
WE, a movement that brings people together and gives pledge-walls where participants were able to learn more
them the tools to change the world locally and glob- about five causes: Education, Health, Hunger, Environ-
ally. The goal was to inspire Canadian youth and remind ment, and Shelter.†† Visitors could take a pledge, joining a
young Canadians shopping for the start of the new school movement of caring and compassionate people to show
year of big-picture issues that affect local, national, and their commitment to improving the communities around
global communities.* them. Along with taking the pledge, visitors were encour-
Cadillac Fairview is the owner of 72 properties in Can- aged to take a selfie in front of the cause of their choice,
ada, including the CF Toronto Eaton Centre.** This partner- and share their commitment to change on social media
ship with WE was part of CF’s youth-focused philanthropy with the campaign hashtag #WhoWillYouBe. Participants
platform aimed at inspiring and empowering today’s youth, who used the hashtag and tagged their local CF shopping
and represents an important part of CF’s corporate social centre received a limited-edition enamel pin representing
responsibility strategy and core values.† It supports several the cause they pledged to support.

*Sonya Fatah, “Cadillac Fairview Pledges to Do Good,” Strategy Online, August 15, 2016,
-to-paint-a-bigger-picture/ (accessed August 20, 2016).
**Cadillac Fairview, “About Cadillac Fairview,” (accessed August 20, 2016).
†Cadillac Fairview, “Cadillac Fairview Invests in Future Community Leaders,” June 8, 2016,
Cadillac-Fairview-Invests-in-Future-Community-Leaders.html (accessed August 20, 2016).
††Cadillac Fairview, “Cadillac Fairview Launches National ‘Back to School’ Campaign at Retail Properties,” August 9, 2016,
en_CA/news/Cadillac_Fairview_launches_national_back_to_school_campaign_at_retail_properties.html (accessed August 21, 2016).

issues as being a good citizen? But the fallout from the most recent global economic crisis
seems to have pushed economists to repudiate this school of thought.
However, it is important to distinguish between ethical business practices and corporate
social responsibility programs. Ideally, firms should implement programs that are socially
responsible, and employees should act in an ethically responsible manner (see Exhibit 17.3,
upper left quadrant). Danone yogurt, for example, has long supported internal research into
healthy eating, which supports its ethical commitment to bring “health food to as many
people as possible.”22 It is also socially responsible since it donates food and money to the
hunger-relief charity Feeding America, encourages employees to volunteer in their communi-
ties, holds annual “Children’s Day” outreach programs, and tries to reduce its environmental
Being socially responsible generally means going above and beyond the norms of
corporate ethical behaviour. For example, a firm’s employees may conduct their activities
in an ethically acceptable manner but still not be considered socially responsible because
their activities have little or no impact on anyone other than their closest stakeholders:
their customers, employees, and shareholders (Exhibit 17.3, upper right quadrant). In this
case, employees would not, for instance, be involved in volunteer activities to clean up a
local park, coach the community’s youth baseball league, or take part in any other socially
responsible activities that improve the communities in which the company operates.
Likewise, some firms that are perceived as socially responsible can still take actions
that are viewed as unethical (Exhibit 17.3, lower left quadrant). For instance, a firm might
be considered socially responsible because it makes generous donations to charities but is
simultaneously involved in questionable business practices. Walmart offers an interesting
example in this discussion. The retail giant has been widely criticized as the worst-paying
company in the United States.23 Yet it also engages in extensive CSR programs across the
Ethics and Socially Responsible Marketing CHAPTER 17 557

Exhibit 17.3 Ethics Versus Social Responsibility

Socially Responsible Socially Irresponsible

Ethical firm not involved


Both ethical and socially

with the larger

Questionable firm
Neither ethical nor
practices, yet donates a
socially responsible
lot to the community

triple bottom line. It has committed to reducing its carbon footprint (environmental per-
formance), donates more than $1 billion in cash and in-kind items to charitable causes
per year (social performance), and still earns strong profits (economic performance).24
The worst situation, of course, is when firms behave both unethically and in a socially
irresponsible manner (Exhibit 17.3, lower right quadrant). For example, Premier Fitness
Club was fined $130,000 for nearly 40 violations of the Employment Standards Act (ESA
2000) in connection with wages owed to former employees, and paid a $200,000 settlement
to the Competition Bureau for misleading advertising.25 After facing numerous lawsuits
from trade creditors, the company was forced into receivership. Both the Walmart and
Premier Fitness examples go against the norms of socially acceptable business practices.
Consumers and investors increasingly appear to want to purchase products and services
from and invest in companies that act in socially responsible ways. According to the Confer-
ence Board of Canada, CSR is the business issue of the 21st century. The importance of CSR
is underlined by the finding that a majority of Canadians have rewarded or punished compa-
nies for their corporate citizenship. A driving push
behind having a social purpose is the competitive
advantage it represents for businesses, as 55 percent
of Canadians prefer to buy from companies whose
purpose reflects their personal values.26 Purpose
revolves around having a meaningful commitment
to important issues, not just responding to the
issue of the day. A survey by Edelman found that
88 percent of millennials report that social causes
are important to them, and 87 percent of them
say it is the responsibility of big brands to make
the world a better place.27 Nielsen’s Global Survey
on Corporate Social Responsibility indicated that
consumers were more willing to buy products and
services from companies with programs that give
back to society. A recent survey of 1,000 Canadians
found that 70 percent of them were more likely to Walmart employees protest low wages.
buy from companies which supported charities.28 Shutterstock/Marie Kanger Born
558 Section eight Marketing in the Global Environment

Pepsi recognizes that it makes good business

sense to adopt the principles of sustainable devel-
opment, which could provide short- and long-
term returns for its shareholders, clients, and
employees, while preserving the environment
for future generations. For example, it partnered
with the NFL and others in an effort to make the
2018 Super Bowl a near-zero-waste event. After
the game, 91 percent of the 69 tons of trash gen-
erated was recovered, composted, and recycled.29
Pepsi’s business depends on access to water, and
many countries it operates in experience high
Every year, coffee sold on Tim Hortons®’ Camp Day® helps ensure water stress. It has set aggressive goals for water
that thousands of children are able to go to camp.
usage to improve efficiency by 25 percent in direct
Source: Restaurant Brands International Inc. All Tim Hortons® trademarks referenced
herein are owned by Tim Hortons®. operations and replenish 100 percent of the water
consumed in the manufacturing process in high-
water-risk areas by 2025.30
Companies earn both tangible and intangible benefits for acting in a socially desir-
able manner because it just makes good business sense to take actions that benefit
society. Consider, for example, companies such as Tim Hortons® and HP Canada, which
have established strong programs to support Canadian children. The Tim Horton Chil-
dren’s Foundation was established in 1974 to honour Tim Horton’s love for children
and his desire to help those less fortunate. To support this initiative, Tim Hortons® res-
taurant owners hold an annual Camp Day, donating coffee sales and collecting public
donations. In 2019, more than $9.9 million was raised on Camp Day, which helped to
send 14,000 children from low-income families to camp.31
Corporations such as Pepsi, Tim Hortons®, Sleep Country Canada, and many others
increasingly include socially responsible programs when planning and defining their stra-
tegic initiatives. Unfortunately, being a socially responsible corporation does not ensure
that all members of the firm or all subunits within it will act ethically; rather, it means only
that the firm is committing time and resources to projects in the community that may not
directly relate to generating profit.

LO3 Consumerism, Ethics, and Socially

Responsible Practices
Companies that do not pay sufficient attention to ethical conduct and strong corporate
responsibility are often targeted by consumer groups and other advocacy groups, which
generate negative publicity and sometimes even boycott their products. Consumer Reports
and Lemon Aid are two key publications that are dedicated to informing and protecting con-
sumers from harmful products and poor business practices by marketers. Consumer Reports
consumerism states its mission as “We test, inform, and protect.” Consumerism—a social movement
A social movement aimed aimed at protecting consumers from business practices that infringe upon their rights—
at protecting consumers
from business practices and enhanced environmental awareness and activism are two key factors that have been
that infringe upon their driving the trend toward greater CSR in Canada. Today, most Canadian companies have
CSR policies and projects that support their communities. Exhibit 17.4 provides several
illustrations of the CSR programs undertaken by major firms.
Many companies have established CSR programs that enable consumers to safely dis-
pose of the products they buy in order to minimize the harmful effects on the environment.
For example, MEC offers a recycling program where customers can bring their worn-out
polyester garments back to a store to be recycled into new items.32 Similarly, personal
computer vendors such as Dell and Hewlett-Packard collect used equipment for recycling.
Ethics and Socially Responsible Marketing CHAPTER 17 559

Exhibit 17.4 Examples of CSR Programs

Company Illustration of CSR Program Developed non-profit Simple Pay Donation system to help non-
profits raise money easily
BMW Light Up Hope and BMW’s Children’s Safety programs
Coca-Cola Spent $102 million through The Coca-Cola Campaign, focusing
on water stewardship, healthy and active lifestyles, community
recycling, and education
FedEx Transported more than 67 planes’ worth of aid to disaster victims

General Electric Ecomagination campaign, GE Volunteers Foundation

Google funds for pro-profit entrepreneurship in Africa, Google

China Social Innovation Cup for College Students
McDonald’s 99 percent of fish come from MSC-fisheries, transitioning to
sustainable food and packaging sources, Ronald McDonald House
Procter & Gamble Live, Learn, and Thrive improves the lives of children worldwide

Starbucks Develops ecologically friendly growing practices, LEED certified stores

All HP laser cartridges come with instructions for returning the old cartridges. Cellphone
manufacturers promote recycling of old phones and batteries, encouraging consumers to
drop them off at collection depots across the country.
FedEx has implemented social responsibility initiatives in several ways,33 including:
• Charitable donations. Through its “Delivering for Good” program, FedEx has donated
more than 3.5 million pounds of delivery weight valued at $4.7 million for disaster
relief efforts around the globe.
• Diversity. FedEx maintains formal groups to ensure it meets global diversity standards.
For example, its Employment Pathways Program develops and promotes diversity
programs within the company to create meaningful employment opportunities for
underserved populations.
• Fuel conservation. FedEx surpassed its goal to boost vehicle fuel efficiency by 30 percent,
five years ahead of schedule. It reduced overall mileage through route optimization,
replaced older vehicles with new, efficient models, and introduced alternative fuel
vehicles to its fleet.
• Volunteerism. Almost 16,000 employees participate in FedEx Cares Week, supporting
charitable and community needs where they live and work.
Consumers increasingly want to purchase products and services from companies
that act in socially responsible ways. Most large companies understand this and actively
promote their efforts. Guelph-based The Co-operators, a cooperatively owned insurance
company, has built a reputation for caring about its members’ needs and the quality of
life in their communities. Safety-related events such as car-seat inspection clinics and
bike safety rodeos, and anti–drinking and driving initiatives are funded by its Community
Economic Development program, which granted $549,000 to 23 organizations in 2018.34
It also donated over $2 million through its corporate giving program to support social
enterprises, charities and non-profit organizations.35
Some companies have social responsibility woven into the very fabric of their business,
as Entrepreneurial Marketing 17.1 demonstrates.
560 Section eight Marketing in the Global Environment

Entrepreneurial Marketing 17.1

Third-Wave Coffee Experience

Delivers Purpose and Profit§
Peter Pesce has had a long history with coffee. In 1978, he
opened a specialty roasting company, Bourbon Coffee,
eventually earning a reputation as an expert cupper. The
company did so well, he was approached by Kraft, which
bought the business from him a decade later. Although
he worked with Kraft for a while, he missed the independ-
ence of running his own business and left in 1995 to start
Reunion Island Coffee. It got its start in a modest facil-
ity in Mississauga, Ontario. Since then, it has moved to
Oakville, has rebranded as Reunion Coffee Roasters, and
roasts about 4 million pounds of coffee a year.
Pesce has lived through several waves in the coffee busi-
ness. He says that in the first wave, consumers did not pay
much attention to the source of their coffee or how it was
prepared. That started to change in the second wave when Reunion Coffee Roasters publishes a Sustainability Report,
Starbucks came to Canada. Today, Reunion Coffee is proud demonstrating its commitment to this part of its business.
to be part of the third wave of coffee roasters who have Used with permission of Reunion Coffee Roasters
taken things a step further. Pesce says that today “the coffee
experience is all about being fully traceable from farm to cup, firm believer in living wages for the farmers who grow the
with an emphasis on quality, sustainability, and certifications.” coffee, as well as fair trade and ethical sourcing.
Sustainability has always been a key part of Reunion Adam Pesce’s focus on sustainability led him to make
Coffee Roaster's business. In 2013, it earned a Certified B unique distribution decisions. Instead of working with
Corp designation, buying coffee from sustainably respon- mass retailers, he decided to focus on small, like-minded
sible farms, and walking the fine line to balance purpose companies. Its customer list includes many trendsetting
with profit, with respect to its impact on the overall envi- cafés, boutique hotels like The Drake, highly ranked inde-
ronment. As a Bullfrog Power customer, its power usage pendent restaurants, and fine-food outlets such as Fiesta
is 100 percent carbon-free—the largest coffee roaster Farms and Pusateri’s. Customers can purchase from
in Canada to be able to make this claim. Among other Reunion Coffee Roaster’s flagship cafe located in Toron-
awards, in 2018, Reunion Coffee Roasters was recognized to’s Roncesvalles Village. And for coffee lovers who want
for being one of the country’s greenest employers. to ensure they get their beans on a regular basis, Reunion
In 2019, Pesce’s son, Adam, took over as the com- offers a monthly subscription program. These lucky cus-
pany’s president along with the mission of providing sus- tomers often get to sample limited-release coffees that
tainable coffee, from seed to cup. Like his father, he is a are not offered for sale in other locations.
Nick Brown, “Announcing the 2015 Macro Roaster of the Year: Reunion Island Coffee Roasters,” Daily Coffee News, October 17, 2014, https://; [1]Christopher Lombardo, “Reunion
Coffee balances purpose and profit,” Strategy, July 19, 2019,; Reunion
Coffee, “About Us,” (accessed August 29, 2019).

When companies embrace CSR, they appeal not only to their shareholders but also to
their key stakeholders, including their own employees, consumers, the marketplace, and
society at large. Let’s consider each of these stakeholder categories to understand the mean-
ing and effects of corporate social responsibility in the modern marketing arena, as well as
how CSR ultimately can benefit the firm that undertakes it.

Perhaps the most basic corporate social responsibility to employees is to ensure a safe work-
ing environment, free of threats to their physical safety, health, or well-being. In some cases,
though, this basic level of safety seems insufficient to achieve responsibility to workers. For
example, more firms today realize that happy employee families make happy and produc-
tive employees, so they are offering new benefits and options, such as on-site daycare36 or
Ethics and Socially Responsible Marketing CHAPTER 17 561

flextime arrangements. In 2015, American outdoor retailer REI rethought its practices and
determined that living up to its higher purpose of helping people enjoy outdoor adventures,
meant closing its stores on Thanksgiving and on Black Friday. Although closing meant that
REI lost sales, the culture in the firm emphasized that employees should be enjoying time
outdoors with their families, too.37 Feedback by employees and customers was so positive
that REI has made the closure an annual practice.

Especially as changes in the marketing environment emerge, firms must consider the
effects on the customers who currently patronize them and future customers whom they
are targeting. Corporate social responsibility programs must take such shifts and trends
into account and react to them quickly. Some trends receiving substantial attention today
include respecting and protecting privacy in an electronic world and offering environmen-
tally friendly products. When conscious marketing takes on such pertinent issues, it often
increases consumer awareness of the firm, which can lead to better brand equity and sales
in the long run. The Walt Disney Company appears to be a strong proponent. In one year,
Disney gave more than $400 million to charity. It has also donated 23.1 million books, and
its employees have donated 2.9 million hours of their time through Disney’s VoluntEAR
program since 2012. Reflecting its higher purpose of ensuring the happiness and enjoyment
of children, Disney has partnered with Give Kids the World, and its employees have reno-
vated 88 vacation villas that the charitable organization offers to the families of children
with life-threatening illnesses, so that they can take life-affirming vacations.38
Other efforts work to ensure the healthfulness of products, especially those aimed at
children. ParticipACTION Canada has helped launch a variety of initiatives to help develop
a healthier way of life through an active lifestyle, offering tools and programs for teenagers
and corporations.39 The goal of such programs is to increase consumer awareness of the
need to make healthier, more active choices. These efforts ultimately benefit consumers, too,
who not only gain additional consumption choices but also suffer less risk of the dangers
associated with inactivity.

When one firm in the industry leads the way toward CSR, its partners and competitors
often have no choice but to follow—or run the risk of being left behind. To address issues
such as global warming, water scarcity, and energy consumption, GE uses a program it calls
ecomagination. Reflecting the company’s higher purpose, ecomagination encompasses
a business strategy comprising four commitments: to double investment in clean R&D,
increase revenues from ecomagination products, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and
inform the public about these issues.40 When confronted with such initiatives, other energy
companies are forced to make a decision: continue as they have been doing, or adopt more
responsible practices themselves. In either case, the initiating firm enjoys an advantage by
gaining a reputation for being on the cutting edge of CSR efforts.

Firms expend considerable time and energy engaging in activities aimed at improving the
overall community and the physical environment. According to a McKinsey survey, it is
increasingly important for company leaders to work with outside stakeholders41 who have
come to expect it. That is, in a broad sense, companies cannot ignore societal demands that
they act responsibly. A firm that fails to do so causes damage to all the preceding stake-
holders, as well as itself, putting 30 percent of corporate earnings at risk. Perhaps the most
famous recent example is Volkswagen. After news broke about its emissions testing scandal,
the company’s stock price plummeted almost 35 percent in only two days.42 Society quickly
punished Volkswagen for its actions, resulting in damage to its corporate reputation, profits,
562 Section eight Marketing in the Global Environment

Ethical & Societal Dilemma 17.1

Are Growth and Conscious Market-

ing Contradictory? The Challenge
for Patagonia***
Hikers, adventurers, and even just folks who want a good
jacket have long trusted Patagonia to provide high-quality
gear that will stand up to the elements, last for years, and
allow them to feel good about their socially responsible con-
sumption. These habits are largely based on Patagonia’s
clear promise to customers: It vows to “Build the best prod-
uct, cause no unnecessary harm, use business to inspire,
and implement solutions to the environmental crisis.”
But sometimes missions are easier to state than they
are to fulfill. For Patagonia, the challenge has been that
it builds such good products that the company is grow-
ing. Growth creates expanded supply chain needs. For As Patagonia expands, it is often difficult to live up to its
example, Patagonia spent three years developing a mission statement.
new woolen long-underwear line that proved extremely Source: Patagonia
popular with customers in cold weather climates. Thus,
its demand for wool expanded, leading the company to practice that many people regard as ethically indefensible,
enter into a contract with a network of 160 different wool creating another challenge for the company.
suppliers from South America. Such an expansive net- Nor are the challenges limited to animal welfare con-
work makes it extremely difficult to monitor all the prac- cerns. Labour issues affect Patagonia, as they do most
tices of all the farms raising the sheep that provide the clothing brands that outsource their production to global
wool. But if Patagonia also promises to cause no harm, factories. For Patagonia, a key ethical challenge arose
then it must be responsible for that monitoring, as PETA when it discovered that workers had been required to pay
pointed out when it captured video of terrible animal bribes before they could get work in its Taiwanese facto-
abuses at some of the farms that provided the wool for ries. Although Patagonia responded by reimbursing the
Patagonia. The brand agreed; it dropped its contract with workers for any of the unethical bribes they were forced
the wool supply network, halted production on its new to pay, the incident raised renewed awareness of the diffi-
long-underwear line, and sought new sources for wool. culty associated with keeping track of the ethical practices
But how many sales did it lose in the process? adopted in each factory or farm around the world.
By establishing its broad mission, Patagonia essen- Patagonia has implemented new, more stringent stand-
tially promises to be socially responsible on every level, ards and policies in its supply chain, including a collabora-
even if it is not primarily an animal welfare organization, for tive effort to establish a “Responsible Wool Standard” for
example. Thus, when evidence surfaced that the geese the entire industry. Yet the conscious marketing issues
that supplied down for its jackets also were sources of appear poised to become even more difficult and intense,
foie gras for a totally separate company, observers held because Patagonia still is making the best products it can.
Patagonia responsible. In this case, its supply chain in no Its profits have tripled in the past few years, meaning that it
way encouraged the force-feeding of the geese. Whether needs to keep expanding its supply chains to ensure it has
fat or thin, geese provide the down that Patagonia was enough products to satisfy these customers, seeking the
purchasing. But it was supporting, even if indirectly, a best options that it has promised them.
***Erica E. Phillips, “Patagonia’s Balancing Act: Chasing Mass-Market Appeal While Doing No Harm,” The Wall Street Journal, August 17, 2016, www; Jamie Feldman, “Patagonia Just Made
Another Major Move to Save the Earth and Your Wallet,” Huffington Post, January 30, 2017,
8066e4b02772c4e81e8d; Patagonia, "Patagonia’s Mission Statement," (accessed August 29, 2019).

and outlook for the future. Broader society, a key stakeholder, demands that companies act
responsibly; companies cannot ignore this—a lesson that Patagonia learned well, as Ethical &
Societal Dilemma 17.1 describes.

Are consumers doing their part to promote and support various CSR programs
aimed at protecting the environment? While consumers are concerned about ethical
Ethics and Socially Responsible Marketing CHAPTER 17 563

behaviour, today they are also interested in understanding the overall environmental
impact of a company’s products. Single-use plastics are an obvious and visible form
of waste, but recently, food waste has become a part of public consciousness as you
will read in the chapter end case. Canadians waste about 400 kilograms of food each
every year.43 When you buy a new cellphone, do you first consider what will happen
to your old one? What do you think? Should marketers take more responsibility for
educating consumers on the downside of consumption, or is it up to consumers to take
a proactive role?

A Framework for Ethical Decision Making LO4

We cannot expect every member of a firm to always act ethically. However, a framework
for ethical decision making can help move people to work toward common ethical goals.
Exhibit 17.5 outlines a simple framework for ethical decision making. Let’s consider each
of the steps.

Step 1: Identify Issues

The first step is to identify the issue. For illustrative purposes, we’ll investigate the use (or
misuse) of data collected from consumers by a marketing research firm. One of the issues
that might arise is the way the data are collected. For instance, are the respondents told
about the real purpose of the study? Another issue questions whether the results are going
to be used in a way that might mislead or even harm the public.

Step 2: Gather Information and Identify Stakeholders

In this step, the firm focuses on gathering facts that are important to the ethical issue,
including all relevant legal information. To get a complete picture, the firm must also iden-
tify and have discussions with the individuals and groups that have a stake in how the issue
is resolved.
Stakeholders typically include the firm’s current and retired employees, suppliers, the
government, customer groups, shareholders, environmentalists, and members of the com-
munity in which the firm operates. Beyond these, many firms now also analyze the needs
of the industry and the global community, as well as one-off stakeholders, such as future
generations, and the natural environment itself.

Step 3: Brainstorm and Evaluate Alternatives

After the marketing firm has identified the stakeholders and their issues and gathered
the available data, all parties relevant to the decision should come together to brainstorm
any alternative courses of action. In our example, these might include halting the market
research project, making responses anonymous, instituting training on the CMA’s Code
of Ethics for all researchers, and so forth. Management then reviews and refines these
alternatives, leading to the final step.

Exhibit 17.5 Ethical Decision-Making Framework

Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4

Gather Brainstorm Choose a
Identify Information and Evaluate Course of
Issues and Identify Alternatives Action
564 Section eight Marketing in the Global Environment

Step 4: Choose a Course of Action

The objective of this last step is to weigh the various alternatives and choose a course
of action that generates the best solution for the stakeholders by using ethical practices.
Management will rank the alternatives in order of preference, clearly establishing the
advantages and disadvantages of each. It is also crucial to investigate any potential legal
issues associated with each alternative. Of course, any illegal activity should immediately
be rejected.
To choose the appropriate course of action, marketing managers will evaluate each
alternative by using a process something like the sample ethical decision-making metric in
Exhibit 17.6. Marketers’ task here is to ensure that they have applied all relevant decision-
making criteria and to assess their level of confidence that the decision being made meets
those stated criteria. A marketer who isn’t confident about the decision should re-examine
the other alternatives.
Using Exhibit 17.6, you can gauge your own ethical response. If your scores tend to
be in the low numbers (1 and 2), then the situation is not an ethically troubling situation
for you. If, in contrast, your scores tend to be in the high numbers (6 and 7), it is ethically
troubling and you know it. If your scores are scattered or in the middle numbers, you need
to step back and reflect on how you wish to proceed. At the end of the chapter, you will find
a series of ethical scenarios designed to assist you in developing your skills at identifying
ethical issues. Use Exhibit 17.6 to help you evaluate these scenarios.
In using such an ethical metric or framework, decision makers must consider the rel-
evant ethical issues, evaluate the alternatives, and then choose a course of action that will
help them avoid serious ethical lapses.

Exhibit 17.6 Ethical Decision-Making Metric


Yes Maybe No
Test 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
1. The Publicity Test
Would I want to see this action that I’m about to take
described on the front page of the local paper or in a
national magazine?
2. The Moral Mentor Test
Would the person I admire the most engage in this activity?
3. The Admired Observer Test
Would I want the person I admire most to see me doing this?
4. The Transparency Test
Could I give a clear explanation for the action I’m
contemplating, including an honest and transparent account
of all my motives, that would satisfy a fair and dispassionate
moral judge?
5. The Person in the Mirror Test
Will I be able to look at myself in the mirror and respect the
person I see there?
6. The Golden Rule Test
Would I like to be on the receiving end of this action and all
its potential consequences?
Source: Adapted from Tom Morris, The Art of Achievement: Mastering the 7 Cs of Success in Business and in Life (Kansas City, MO: Andrews
McMeel Publishing, 2002); (accessed July 27, 2017).
Ethics and Socially Responsible Marketing CHAPTER 17 565

Next, let’s illustrate how the ethical decision-making metric in Exhibit 17.6 can be used
to make ethical business decisions.
Myra Jansen, the head cook at Confederation High School in Anytown, Canada, has
had enough. Reports showing that children rarely eat enough vegetables have combined
with studies that indicate school kids have a limited amount of time to eat their lunches.
The combination has led to increasing obesity rates and troublesome reports about the
long-term effects. Jansen has therefore decided that the tater-tots and hot dogs are out.
Vegetables and healthy proteins are in.
The problem, of course, is getting the kids to eat raw vegetables, plant proteins, and
lean meat. For many teenagers, recommending that they eat healthy food at lunch is akin to
calling detention a play date. But Myra has a plan: She’s going to reformulate various menu
items using different ingredients, and just never tell the students. Thus, the regular hot
dogs will be replaced with turkey or soy dogs. The hash browns will contain more nutrient-
dense sweet potatoes instead of the vitamin-deficient regular spuds they used to be made
out of. She is convinced she can make such switches for most of the menu items, and none
of the children needs to know.
Most of the kitchen staff is on board with the idea and even have suggested other pos-
sible menu switches that would benefit the students by ensuring that they received a well-
balanced meal at school. When apprised of the idea, school board members got very excited
and praised Myra for her innovative thinking. But the community liaison for the school,
whose job it is to communicate with parents and other members of the community, is not
so sure. Salim Gibran is nervous about how students will react when they learn that they
have been deceived. He also has two small children of his own, one of whom has a severe
wheat allergy. Thus, the Gibrans are extremely cautious about eating out, always asking for
a detailed, specific list of ingredients for anything they order.
Using his training in ethical decision making, Salim sits down to evaluate his alterna-
tives, beginning with identifying possible options available to the school district, as well
as the various stakeholders that might be impacted by the decision. He comes up with the
following list:

1. Switch out the food without telling students.

2. Leave menus as they are.
3. Switch out the food ingredients but also tell students exactly what is in each item in
the cafeteria.

To make a clear recommendation to the board about what would be the best ethical
choice, Salim decides to evaluate each alternative using a series of questions similar to
those in Exhibit 17.6.
Question 1: Would I want to see this action described on the front page of the local
paper? The school board’s reaction caused Salim to think that the larger community would
appreciate the effort to improve students’ health. Thus, option 1 appears best for these
stakeholders, and possibly for society, which may reduce the prevalence of obesity among
these students. However, he shudders to think about how angry students might be if they
learned they had been tricked. They also likely are accustomed to their menu as it is and,
therefore, they would prefer option 2.
Question 2: Would the person I admire most engage in this activity, and would I
want him or her seeing me engage in this activity? For most of his life, Salim has held
up Mahatma Gandhi as his ideal for how to act in the world. For Mahatma Gandhi,
truth was an absolute concept, not something that could be changed depending on the
situation. Therefore, Salim believes Mahatma Gandhi would strongly disapprove of
option 1. However, Mahatma Gandhi also worried about the ethics of eating and took
care to avoid food choices that had negative effects on society, so he might reject option 2
as well.
566 Section eight Marketing in the Global Environment

Question 3: Can I give a clear explanation for my action, including an honest account
of my motives? In thinking about his children, Salim realizes that he is prioritizing their
needs, more so than the needs of other children, such as those who struggle with weight
issues. That is, he worries that his daughter might unknowingly be exposed to wheat in a
school cafeteria, so he prefers option 3.
Question 4: Will I be able to look at myself in the mirror and respect what I see? By
bringing up the ethics of this decision, even when it seems as if everyone else has agreed
with it, Salim feels confident that he has taken the right first step. The option chosen is still
important, but it is a group decision, and Salim thinks he is doing his part.
Question 5: Would I want to be on the receiving end of this action and its consequences?
Salim struggles most with this question. He remembers the junk foods he chose when he was
in college, and the 10 kilograms he put on as a result. He wishes now that his parents had
given him rules to follow about what to eat at school. But he also remembers how rebellious
he was and knows that he probably would not have followed those rules. And at the same
time, he hates the idea that someone could give him food to eat with falsified ingredients.
On the basis of this exercise, Salim decides that he wants to recommend option 3 to the
school board. When he does so, Myra Jansen protests loudly: “This is ridiculous! I know
better what kids should be eating, and I know too that some community liaison has no
idea what they are willing to eat. You’ve got to trick them to get them to eat right.” Another
school board member agrees, noting, “They’re just kids. They don’t necessarily have the
same rights as adults, so we are allowed to decide what’s best for them. And hiding the
healthy ingredients to get the kids to eat healthy foods is what’s best.”
So what does the school board decide?

LO5 Integrating Ethics into

Marketing Strategy
Ethical decision making is not a simple process, though it
can get easier as decision makers within the firm become
accustomed to thinking about the ethical implications of their
actions from a strategic perspective. In this section, we exam-
ine how ethical decision making can be integrated into the
strategic marketing planning process introduced in Chapter 2.
The questions vary at each stage of the strategic mar-
keting planning process. For instance, in the planning stage,
the firm will decide what level of commitment to its ethical
policies and standards it is willing to declare publicly. In the
implementation stage, the tone of the questions switches
from “Can we serve the market with the firm’s products or
services in an ethically responsible manner?” to “Should
we be engaging in particular marketing practices?” The
key task in the control phase is to ensure that all potential
ethical issues raised during the planning process have been
addressed and that all employees of the firm have acted ethi-
cally. Let’s take a closer look at how ethics can be integrated
at each stage of the strategic marketing planning process.

Planning Phase
Ben & Jerry’s mission statement is known for reflecting Marketers can introduce ethics at the beginning of the
its strong ethical climate. planning process simply by including ethical statements in
Shutterstock/TravnikovStudio the firm’s mission statement. Many Canadian firms such
Ethics and Socially Responsible Marketing CHAPTER 17 567

as RBC, Sleep Country, and others have clearly articulated ethi-

cal and corporate social responsibility policies and programs,
recognizing that profits and social responsibility go hand in
hand. Some firms use mission statements that include ethical
precepts for shaping the organization. The mission statements
from organizations such as The Body Shop and Ben & Jerry’s
are known for reflecting strong ethical climates. The mission
statement for natural skincare company Burt’s Bees is to “cre-
ate natural, Earth-friendly personal care products formulated
to help you maximize your well-being and that of the world
around you,”44 reflecting not only what is good for its customers
but also what is good for society in general.
Even large firms such as General Mills provide a statement
of values that defines the priorities of the organization and its
commitment to promoting those values in all that the firm does.
Every year, General Mills issues a Global Responsibility Report
discussing how the firm has performed against its own standards
of ethical conduct.45

Implementation Phase
In the implementation phase of the marketing strategy, when
firms are identifying potential markets and ways to deliver the
four Ps to them, companies must consider several ethical issues.
Sometimes a firm’s choice of target market and how it pursues it
can lead to charges of unethical behaviour. For instance, Molson General Mills switched to whole grains in all its
Brewery launched a Facebook campaign targeted toward uni- breakfast cereal lines to improve dietary benefits.
versity and college students in which it asked them to post party ©McGraw Hill Education/Jill Braaten
pictures, which it would use to identify the “top party school.”
This effort not only encouraged underage drinking but also
deeply irritated universities across Canada and the United States, which had little interest
in being thus identified. Although these student groups might have been responsive to the
firm’s efforts, they did not represent an appropriate target market.
The question of resource allocation in the implementation phase can be an ethical
minefield, and perhaps no business is more susceptible to charges of unethical resource
allocation than the pharmaceutical industry. For example, AIDS activists claim that phar-
maceutical companies are not doing enough to develop affordable drugs for underdevel-
oped countries to treat AIDS among their poor citizens. Some public-health officials also
have sounded alarm bells about the lack of research into the next generation of antibiotics,
at a time when bacteria continue to become increasingly resistant to existing drugs. Critics
of the pharmaceutical industry can also point to the increasing number of “lifestyle” drugs,
such as those for erectile dysfunction, obesity, male-pattern baldness, nail fungus, and
such, as possible causes for the lack of new treatments for serious diseases, even though the
pharmaceutical companies vehemently deny that they have been transferring assets from
research on treatments for life-threatening illnesses to fund lifestyle drugs.
Sourcing decisions are another problem area for some firms, such as companies choos-
ing to do business with factories in Bangladesh. Charges that they use sweatshop labour
to produce their goods have been made against many well-known companies. Locating
production in an underdeveloped country can make economic sense, because it allows the
company to take advantage of the lower production costs offered in poorer nations, but it
also raises a host of ethical issues, the most prominent of which deals with responsibility.
Who is responsible for ensuring that the workers in the factories that produce the goods
are treated fairly and paid a living wage? Environmental organizations have also joined the
568 Section eight Marketing in the Global Environment

attack recently, noting that many overseas factories do not maintain the highest environ-
mental standards.
Once the strategy is implemented, controls must be in place to be certain that the firm
has actually done what it has set out to do. These activities take place in the next phase of
the strategic marketing planning process.

Control Phase
During the control phase of the strategic marketing planning process, managers must
be evaluated on their actions from an ethical perspective. Systems must be in place to
check whether each ethical issue raised in the planning process was actually successfully
implemented. Systems used in the control phase must also react to change. The emer-
gence of new technologies and new markets ensures that new ethical issues continually
arise. In particular, people expect to be able to move normally in public spaces without
their location being recorded for subsequent use. Yet marketers regularly collect data on
people’s location through purchase transactions and posts on social and mobile sites such
as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, and YouTube. Additionally, several retailers’
credit card systems have been violated, resulting in the theft of consumer data, the most
egregious of which were the estimated 143 million at Equifax (the credit rating company)
in 2017, and the Marriott credit card breach affecting 500 million people in 2018.
Many firms have emergency response plans in place just in case they ever encounter a
situation similar to the Tylenol tampering case or an industrial accident at a manufactur-
ing plant. Firms that respond in the first few hours of a crisis with an organized plan and
compassion for those affected suffer fewer long-term negative effects on their reputation,
credibility, and level of trust among consumers.
Ethics remains a crucial component of the strategic marketing planning process and
should be incorporated into all the firm’s decision making.

Understanding Ethics
by Using Scenarios
In this section, we present a series of ethical scenarios designed to assist you in develop-
ing your skills at identifying ethical issues. There is no one right answer to the dilemmas
below, just as there will be no “correct” answers to many of the ethical situations you will
face throughout your career. Instead, these scenarios can help you develop your sensitivity
toward ethical issues, as well as your ethical reasoning skills.
Exhibit 17.6 provides simple tests to assist you in evaluating these scenarios. By asking
yourself these simple questions, you can gauge your own ethical response.

Scenario 1: Retailer Lacks Ethical Guidelines

Renata has been working at Peavy’s Bridal for less than a year now. Her sales figures have
never been competitive with those of her coworkers, and the sales manager has called her
in for several meetings to discuss her inability to close the sale. Things look desperate; in
the last meeting, the sales manager told her that if she did not meet her quota next month,
the company would likely have to fire her.
In considering how she might improve her methods and sales, Renata turned to
another salesperson, namely, the one with the most experience in the store. Marilyn has
been with Peavy’s for nearly 30 years, and she virtually always gets the sale. But how?
“Let me tell you something, sweetie,” Marilyn tells her. “Every bride-to-be wants one
thing: to look beautiful on her wedding day, so everyone gasps when they first see her. And
Ethics and Socially Responsible Marketing CHAPTER 17 569

hey, the husband is going to think she looks great. But let’s be honest here—not everyone
is all that beautiful. So you have to convince them that they look great in one, and only one,
dress. And that dress had better be the most expensive one they try, or they won’t believe
you anyway! And then you have to show them how much better they look with a veil. And
some shoes. And a tiara . . . you get the picture! I mean, they need all that stuff, anyway, so
why shouldn’t we make them feel good while they’re here and let them buy from us?”
Should she follow Marilyn’s advice and save her job?

Scenario 2: Giving Credit Where Credit Isn’t Due

A catalogue retailer that carries home wares and children’s items (such as children’s furni-
ture, clothing, and toys) was seeking a way to reach a new audience and stop the declining
sales and revenue trends it was suffering. A market research firm hired by the cataloguer
identified a new but potentially risky market: lower-income single parents. The new market
seems attractive because of the large number of single parents, but most of these homes are
severely constrained in terms of their monetary resources.
The research firm proposed that the cataloguer offer a generous credit policy that would
allow consumers to purchase up to $500 worth of merchandise on credit without a credit
check, provided they sign up for direct payment of their credit account from a chequing
account. Because these are high-risk consumers, the credit accounts would carry extremely
high interest rates. The research firm believes that even with losses, enough accounts will
be paid off to make the venture extremely profitable for the catalogue retailer.
Should the cataloguer pursue this new strategy?

Scenario 3: The Jeweller’s Tarnished Image

Sparkle Gem Jewellers, a family-owned and -operated costume jewellery manufacturing
business, traditionally sold its products only to wholesalers. Recently however, Sparkle Gem
was approached by the charismatic Barb Stephens, who convinced the owners to begin
selling through a network of distributors she had organized. The distributors recruited indi-
viduals to host “jewellery parties” in their homes. Sparkle Gem’s owners, the Billing family,
has been thrilled with the revenue generated by these home parties and started making
plans for the expansion of the distributor network.
However, Mrs. Billing just received a letter from a jewellery party customer, who
expressed sympathy for her loss. Mrs. Billing was concerned and contacted the letter writer,
who told her that Barb Stephens had come to the jewellery party at her church and told
the story of Sparkle Gem. According to Barb’s story, Mrs. Billing was a young widow strug-
gling to keep her business together after her husband died on a missionary trip. The writer
had purchased $200 worth of jewellery at the party and told Mrs. Billing that she hoped it
helped. Mrs. Billing was stunned. She and her very much alive husband had just celebrated
their 50th wedding anniversary.
What should Mrs. Billing do now?

Scenario 4: No Wonder It’s So Good

Enjoy Cola is a new product produced by ABC Beverage and marketed with the slogan
“Relax with Enjoy.” Unlike other colas on the market, Enjoy does not contain caffeine and
therefore is positioned as the perfect beverage to end the day or for a slow-paced weekend,
and as a means to help consumers relax and unwind. The market response has been tre-
mendous, and sales of Enjoy have been growing rapidly, especially among women.
ABC Beverage decided not to list on the ingredient label that Enjoy contains a small
amount of alcohol because the government does not require it to do so unless the alcohol
content is more than 1 percent.
570 Section eight Marketing in the Global Environment

Mia Rodriquez, the marketing director for Enjoy, only recently learned that Enjoy con-
tains small amounts of alcohol and is troubled about ABC’s failure to disclose this informa-
tion on the ingredients list. If the alcohol content is less than 1 percent, the beverage is not
an alcoholic beverage. But she worries about the impact of this omission on consumers
who have alcohol sensitivities or those who shouldn’t be consuming alcohol, such as preg-
nant women, recovering alcoholics, and children.
What should Mia do? What would you do in Mia’s place?

Scenario 5: Bright Baby’s Bright Idea

Bartok Manufacturing produces a line of infant toys under the Bright Baby brand label. The
Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) recently issued a recall order for the Bright
Baby car seat gym, a very popular product. According to the CPSC, the gym contains small
parts that present a choking hazard. The CEO of Bartok Manufacturing, Bill Bartok, called
an executive meeting to determine the firm’s strategy in response to the recall.
Mike Henderson, Bartok’s CFO, stated that the recall could cost as much as $1 million in
lost revenue from the Bright Baby line. Noting that there had been no deaths or injuries from
the product, just the potential for injury, Mike proposed that the remaining inventory of car seat
gyms be sold in Mexico, where there are no rules such as the CPSC’s. Sue Tyler, the marketing
director for Bartok, recommended that the product be repackaged and sold in Mexico under a
different brand name so that the Bright Baby name would not be associated with the product.
Bill, though a bit leery of the plan, agreed to go along with it to avoid the monetary losses.
What would you have recommended to the CEO?

Learning Objectives Review

Identify why marketers should be concerned hurricane. Socially responsible firms try to conduct their
LO1  business operations in such a way as to eliminate or mini-
about ethics
mize the negative impacts on the natural environment
The most important reason to worry about making ethi- and vulnerable groups of consumers such as children,
cally correct decisions is that it is simply the right thing to elderly people, and people with disabilities. They also
do! Being a part of an ethically responsible firm should be inform consumers of potential harmful effects of their
important to every employee, but it is particularly impor- products, promote their products and services in a truth-
tant to marketers because they interact most directly with ful and responsible way, and are quick to take corrective
customers and suppliers, which offers them a multitude actions when deficiencies in their products and services
of opportunities to address ethically challenged issues. are revealed.
It is often challenging to make ethically correct decisions
because they can conflict with other personal or corporate  escribe consumerism and explain how
objectives. LO3
it fosters ethical and socially responsible
business practices
LO2  istinguish between ethics and social
responsibility Consumers can pressure businesses to practise ethical
and socially responsible behaviour in a variety of ways.
Individuals and firms can (and should) act ethically, but They can protest poor practices, boycott companies’
the outcome of their acts may not affect anyone other products or services, and publicly call for higher ethical
than the firm’s immediate stakeholders, such as its standards. In addition, consumers encourage companies
employees, customers, and suppliers. To be socially to be socially responsible by supporting those companies
responsible, a firm also must take actions that benefit that have strong ethical practices. Consumerism—a social
the community in a larger sense, such as helping peo- movement aimed at protecting consumers from busi-
ple who have been affected by a natural disaster like a ness practices that infringe upon their rights—has been
Ethics and Socially Responsible Marketing CHAPTER 17 571

a major force driving the trends of increased ethics and evaluation questionnaire, such as the one in Exhibit 18.6.
CSR. Unfortunately, many consumers are not making full Firms could also recognize and reward employees for
use of the CSR programs established by corporations and making ethical decisions.
governments to foster greater environmental responsibil-
ity. Marketers must also be aware that consumers have Outline how ethics and social responsibility
levelled ethical and social criticisms against marketing, LO5 
can be integrated into a firm’s marketing
especially when marketers breach the trust of consumers strategy
with inappropriate business practices.
Firms can ensure that ethics and social responsibility issues
LO4 Identify the four steps in ethical decision are an integral part of their planning processes. These con-
making siderations even could be integrated into the firm’s mission
statement, as long as top management commits to support-
First, firms can include ethics and social responsibility ing a strong ethical climate within the organization. When
in their corporate mission. Second, they should insti- considering their marketing strategy, firms should ask not
tute policies and procedures to ensure that everyone only “Can we implement a certain policy?” but also “Should
working for the firm is acting in an ethically respon- we do it?” Firms should hold their marketing mix—the four
sible manner. Third, firms can model their ethical poli- Ps—to the highest standard of social responsibility; that is,
cies after a well-established code of ethics, such as the they must develop safe products, price their products fairly
one provided by the Canadian Marketing Association. at all times, promote them truthfully, and distribute without
The ethical decision framework described in this chap- undue discrimination. Finally, in the control phase, market-
ter could be used as a template for developing policies ers must determine whether they truly have acted in an
and procedures. Fourth, when making ethically sensitive ethical and socially responsible manner. If not, they should
decisions, firms can utilize an ethical decision-making quickly rectify the situation.

Key Terms
■■ business ethics ■■ corporate social responsibility ■■ ethical climate
■■ consumerism (CSR) ■■ marketing ethics

concept review

1. Explain the meaning of ethics and corporate social behaviour and good corporate social responsibility in
responsibility in marketing. What are the main differ- Canadian companies?
ences between ethics and social responsibility?
7. Is it ever possible to eliminate or reduce the social and
2. List four factors that determine whether an individual ethical criticisms of marketing? What actions might
or firm will act ethically. List the different ways firms help in this regard?
could demonstrate their commitment to corporate
social responsibility. 8. Problems can arise when businesses from one culture
(e.g., the United States) operate in another culture (e.g.,
3. Describe how firms can integrate ethics and corporate China) that has vastly different ethical standards. Google
social responsibility into their marketing strategy. can be seen as trying to impose its ethical standards on
China and meddling in China’s domestic politics. Do you
4. Explain how the use of a sustainability scorecard could
agree with this perception? Should North American firms
add value to a company in the eyes of its consumers.
abide by the standards of foreign countries even though
5. Is it possible for companies that have a code of ethics they may conflict with North American standards?
to behave unethically? How might this happen?
9. Many commentators suggest that socially responsible
6. What is consumerism? Name two organizations that marketing is not simply a fad but can actually enhance
you think are at the forefront of consumerism in the revenues and profitability of a firm. Explain how
Canada. How has consumerism helped foster ethical socially responsible marketing may contribute to
572 Section eight Marketing in the Global Environment

improved revenues and profitability. Can you name and environmentally responsible ways, either through
one or two firms in Canada that explicitly make the recycling or by taking the used product to a retailer
claim that their corporate social responsibility efforts or depot. Yet tonnes of recyclable materials end up in
have resulted in increased revenues and profitability? landfills all across Canada. What factors do you think
might explain the behaviours of consumers who do not
10. Many marketers have developed programs to help dispose of their products in an environmentally friendly
consumers dispose of their products after use in safe manner?

Marketing Applications

1. Why are marketers likely to be faced with more ethical is to profitably sell good-tasting, healthy products and
dilemmas than members of other functional areas of to better society.” Although its products are organic,
the firm, such as finance, accounting, or real estate? they are also high in calories. The company gives a
small portion of its profits to United Way. Evaluate the
2. Develop an argument for why a cosmetics firm should
mission statement.
build and maintain an ethical climate.
7. The granola company described in Question 6 is
3. An insurance company gives generously to charities and
thinking about starting an advertising campaign
sponsors cancer awareness programs. It also makes it
directed at children that would air on Saturday morn-
difficult for elderly consumers to make claims on policies
ing television. Explain why you think it should or
that they have owned for years. Evaluate this company
should not do so.
from an ethical and social responsibility perspective.
8. Discuss why marketers use Internet cookies and the
4. A clothing company gives generously to charities
potential ethical issues this practice creates.
and sponsors donation drives to help lower-income
teen girls get reasonably priced prom dresses. It also 9. A women’s clothing retailer has been found guilty of
locates its manufacturing plants in countries with few misleading pricing practices. In spite of significant
labour laws, such that it does not know if children are fines, its pricing practices remain unchanged. Explain
working in its factories, and works to prevent union how consumerism could force the company to act
activity among its employees. Evaluate this company more ethically in the future.
from an ethical and social responsibility perspective.
10. Choose a company that you believe is particularly
5. Based on the evaluation you developed for Question 4, socially responsible that is not discussed in this
provide responses to the ethical decision-making met- chapter. How do you justify your choice? What coun-
ric from Exhibit 17.6. Provide a rationale for your score terarguments might someone make to suggest that
for each question. your chosen company is not responsible? Consider
all key stakeholders in developing both sides of the
6. A company that makes granola and other “healthful”
snacks has the following mission statement: “Our goal

Marketing Digitally

1. Perhaps no subdiscipline of marketing receives more box. Discuss the results of your search. How many dif-
scrutiny regarding ethical compliance than direct ferent ways did you find that the CMA was involved in
marketing, a form of nonstore retailing in which cus- assisting consumers and the industry to create a more
tomers are exposed to and purchase merchandise ethical marketplace?
or services through an impersonal medium such as
telephone, mail, or the Internet.46 Ethical issues in 2. An increasing number of firms are stating their strong
direct marketing cover a broad spectrum because commitment to corporate social responsibility initia-
this means of selling is conducted through all forms of tives. The Corporate Social Responsibility Newswire
communication. The Canadian Marketing Association service keeps track of these various initiatives and
(CMA) takes ethics very seriously and has several pro- posts stories on its website about what various corpo-
grams to ensure that its member organizations comply rations are doing. Go to and choose
with its Code of Ethics. Go to the CMA website (www. one story. Write a description of the corporation and and type the word ethics into the search the initiative.
Ethics and Socially Responsible Marketing CHAPTER 17 573

chapter Case study

Daily Table
The growing social trends surrounding organic foods and healthy eating have helped com-
panies such as Whole Foods and Trader Joe’s become power players in the grocery market.
But the high price of organic food remains a hurdle to expanding this market, especially to
include lower-income families. Trader Joe’s has positioned itself as a lower-cost option, yet the
prices it charges still keep it out of reach of many working families. In response, the company’s
former president, Doug Rauch, decided to open a new kind of health-food store in 2015. Daily
Table, a non-profit, membership-based grocery store, sells fresh produce and prepackaged
meals at affordable prices.47 It operates one store in Dorchester, Massachusetts, a moderate-
to low-income suburb of Boston. It has expansion plans sighted for New York, Los Angeles,
Detroit, and San Francisco.48
The innovative approach to groceries seeks to address several elements of the “food
paradox” simultaneously. First, hunger is a major problem worldwide. One in six Americans
can be categorized as hungry, and according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, nearly
50 million Americans—including 7.9 million children—are “food insecure.” Yet nearly one-
third of the nation’s annual food supply, or 133 billion pounds, goes uneaten. Grocery stores
that offer high-quality food tend to cater to wealthier consumers, and they discard more than
$165 billion worth of food annually, often simply because it has minor aesthetic flaws or blem-
ishes. According to the Environmental Protection Agency, food waste is the single biggest
source of waste in municipal landfills.
Not only are people from low-income sectors at risk of going hungry, but they also lack
reliable access to nutritious and affordable food. In turn, they often suffer health problems
related to their poor diets, including diabetes, heart disease, anemia, and so forth. Some
communities don’t have access to traditional grocery stores, thus smaller family-owned
stores often fill this gap and may sell overripe produce. However, as the only healthy option
available, those retailers can mark up the prices, such that the food sells at double the price it
would go for in conventional grocery stores. That is, the people who most desperately need
healthy food cannot access it.49
To address all these issues at once, Daily Table works with conventional supermarkets
and restaurants to recover food that otherwise would go to waste. These relationships ben-
efit both parties; the supermarket or restaurant reduces the margins of its losses by up to
half, and Daily Table receives inventory for its shelves. It also visits local farms and fisher-
ies to source excess produce and fish. For example, when New England enjoyed a bumper
crop of apples in a recent season, Daily Table partnered with the non-profit Boston Area
Gleaners to obtain more than 10,000 pounds of excess fruit that otherwise would have rot-
ted. The apples, brought from local farms, sold for $0.49 a pound. The fish wholesaler and
distributor John Nagle Co. brings its excess cuts of fresh fish to Daily Table every few weeks.
Daily Table can then sell the swordfish, ahi tuna, and salmon,
which can normally cost as much as $30 a pound, for as little
as $5.99 a pound.50
Such prices certainly are appealing, but they might not be
enough to overcome perhaps the greatest competition Daily
Table faces: namely, the fast-food chains that provide fast, plen-
tiful, easy food service options for lower-income families. To
enhance its competitive standing, Daily Table introduced pre-
pared meals, starting at $1.79, with sides ranging from $0.50 to
$1.00. The grab-and-go, ready-to-eat meals are ideal for some
families, though for others, Daily Table also encourages pur-
chases of convenient, ready-to-cook meals. Some of the tasty
ready-to-cook meals also get prepared in the stores’ kitchens,
on-site. Rather than the high-fat, high-sodium choices at fast-
food restaurants, these alternatives give consumers greater
access to wider choices of fresh food, rich in nutrients.51 Daily Table is a non-profit membership-based grocery
Beyond these choices, Daily Table also works to ensure store that sells fresh produce and prepackaged
that it provides its primary customers with a sense of dignity. meals at affordable prices.
Low-income consumers often sense a stigma associated with ©Jessica Rinaldi/The Boston Globe via Getty Images
574 Section eight Marketing in the Global Environment

visiting food pantries or soup kitchens. Daily Table cannot risk leading customers to feel as
if they are receiving charity when they shop there. Although its prices are vastly discounted,
it charges for all the food it sells. This strategy has another benefit, in that it increases the
chances that Daily Table can survive as a self-sustaining business. In another tactic to avoid
the stigma of charity, Daily Table’s store environment looks like any other trendy super-
market, with clean aisles, wooden crates to display the fresh produce, a friendly vibe, and
windows that look into the kitchen area.52
Finally, it identifies its valued customers as members. To ensure it primarily serves the com-
munity in surrounding neighborhoods, Daily Table established membership standards. The
first time customers visit, they must share some basic information to receive their (free) mem-
bership. On subsequent visits, they provide their zip code and phone number, which confirms
their membership, without any need for a physical membership card. Checking for whether
customers are from the local neighborhood may raise some privacy concerns, but Daily Table
assures customers that no such information is ever shared with outside institutions.53
Still, Daily Table has faced some challenges, as well as some criticisms. The first intro-
duction of the concept led to concerns that it would sell expired produce that conventional
supermarkets could not sell by law. According to this view, the store is a sort of dump-
ing ground for food rejected by the rich and affluent, discarded and left as crumbs for the
poor.54 In response, Daily Table cites a report from the Natural Resources Defense Council
and Harvard Law School that reveals that “sell by” and “best by” dates on food actually pro-
vide little relevant information because the dates are mostly unregulated. Therefore, Daily
Table calls its food “rescued” instead of “expired.”55 Regardless of what it is called, sell-
ing officially expired food creates several legal and regulatory challenges for Daily Table.
By working with regulatory authorities, it acquires the necessary permits, though the back-
and-forth interactions with bureaucratic institutions often hinder the smooth functioning of
its business model. The retailer also largely depends on grants and donations to keep its
prices low. The resulting financial constraints require Daily Table to rely on word-of-mouth
marketing; many consumers still have not heard of it.
1. How does Daily Table compare to Whole Foods and the conventional supermarket where
you shop on the principles of ethical behaviour?
2. How does Daily Table address the needs of each of the different stakeholder groups:
employees, customers, marketplace, society, and environment?

administered vertical marketing system A supply chain model, or professing an inadequate supply of the lower-
system in which there is no common ownership and no priced item.
contractual relationship, but the dominant channel member behavioural component A component of attitude that
controls the channel relationship. comprises the actions a person takes with regard to the issue
advanced shipping notice An electronic document that the at hand.
supplier sends the retailer in advance of a shipment to tell the behavioural segmentation Groups consumers based on the
retailer exactly what to expect in the shipment. benefits they derive from products or services, their usage
advertising A paid form of communication from an identifiable rate, their loyalty, and the occasion.
source, delivered through a communication channel, and benefit segmentation Groups consumers based on the
designed to persuade the receiver to take some action, now benefits they derive from products or services.
or in the future.
beta testing Having potential consumers examine a product
advertising allowance Tactic of offering a price reduction to prototype in a real-use setting to determine its functionality,
channel members if they agree to feature the manufacturer’s performance, potential problems, and other issues specific
product in their advertising and promotional efforts. to its use.
advertising schedule Specifies the timing and duration of big data Refers to extremely large quantities of data that
advertising. companies have access to but are unable to handle using
affective component A component of attitude that reflects conventional data management and data-mining software.
what a person feels about the issue at hand—his or her like or big-box food retailer Comes in three types: supercentre,
dislike of something. hypermarket, and warehouse club; larger than a conventional
affordable method A method of determining a supermarket; carries both food and nonfood items.
communications budget based on what is left over after other blog (weblog) A web page that contains periodic posts;
operating costs have been covered. corporate blogs are a new form of marketing communications.
AIDA model A common model of the series of mental stages boycott A group’s refusal to deal commercially with some
through which consumers move as a result of marketing organization to protest against its policies.
communications: Attention leads to Interest, which leads to
Desire, which leads to Action. brand associations The mental links that consumers make
between a brand and its key product attributes; can involve a
aided recall Occurs when consumers recognize the brand logo, slogan, or famous personality.
when its name is presented to them.
brand awareness Measures how many consumers in a
alpha testing An attempt by the firm to determine whether market are familiar with the brand and what it stands for;
a product will perform according to its design and whether created through repeated exposures of the various brand
it satisfies the need for which it was intended; occurs in the elements (brand name, logo, symbol, character, packaging, or
firm’s R&D department. slogan) in the firm’s communications to consumers.
artificial intelligence (AI) Solutions that rely on computer brand dilution Occurs when a brand extension adversely
systems to perform tasks requiring human intelligence, such affects consumer perceptions about the attributes the core
as speech recognition, decision making, or translations. brand is believed to hold.
associated services (or augmented product) The nonphysical brand equity The set of assets and liabilities linked to a brand
attributes of the product, including product warranties, that add to or subtract from the value provided by the product
financing, product support, and after-sale service. or service.
attitude A person’s enduring evaluation of his or her feelings brand extension The use of the same brand name for new
about and behavioural tendencies toward an object or idea; products being introduced to the same or new markets.
consists of three components: cognitive, affective, and
behavioural. brand licensing A contractual arrangement between firms,
whereby one firm allows another to use its brand name, logo,
autocratic buying centre A buying centre in which one symbols, or characters in exchange for a negotiated fee.
person makes the decision alone, though there may be
brand loyalty Occurs when a consumer buys the same
multiple participants.
brand’s product or service repeatedly over time rather than
B2B (business-to-business) The process of selling merchandise buying from multiple suppliers within the same category.
or services from one business to another.
brand personality Refers to a set of human characteristics
B2C (business-to-consumer) The process in which businesses associated with a brand, which has symbolic or self-expressive
sell to consumers. meanings for consumers.
baby boomers Generational cohort of people born after World brand repositioning (rebranding) A strategy in which
War II until 1964. marketers change a brand’s focus to target new markets
bait and switch A deceptive practice of luring customers or realign the brand’s core emphasis with changing market
into the store with a very low advertised price on an item preferences.
(the bait), only to aggressively pressure them into purchasing brands The names, terms, designs, symbols, or any other
a higher-priced item (the switch) by disparaging the low- features that identify one seller’s good or service as distinct
priced item, comparing it unfavourably with the higher-priced from those of other sellers.
GL-2 Glossary

break-even point The point at which the number of units sold competitor orientation A company objective based on the
generates just enough revenue to equal the total costs; at this premise that the firm should measure itself primarily against
point, profits are zero. its competition.
business ethics Concerned with distinguishing between right competitor-based pricing method An approach that attempts
and wrong actions and decisions that might arise in a business to reflect how the firm wants consumers to interpret its
setting. products relative to the competitors’ offerings.
business-to-business (B2B) marketing The process of buying complementary products Products whose demand curves
and selling goods or services to be used in the production of are positively related, such that they rise or fall together;
other goods and services, for consumption by the buying a percentage increase in demand for one results in a
organization, or for resale by wholesalers and retailers. percentage increase in demand for the other.
buyer The buying centre participant who handles the concentrated (or niche) targeting strategy A marketing
paperwork of the actual purchase. strategy of selecting a single, primary target market and
buying centre The group of people typically responsible for focusing all energies on providing a product to fit that market’s
the buying decisions in large organizations. needs.

C2C (consumer-to-consumer) The process in which consumers concept testing The process in which a concept statement
sell to other consumers. that describes a product or a service is presented to potential
buyers or users to obtain their reactions.
cash discount Tactic of offering a reduction in the invoice
cost if the buyer pays the invoice prior to the end of the concepts Brief written descriptions of a product or service; its
discount period. technology, working principles, and forms; and what customer
needs it would satisfy.
category killer Offers an extensive assortment in a particular
category, so overwhelming the category that other retailers consensus buying centre A buying centre in which all
have difficulty competing. members of the team must reach a collective agreement
through which they can support a particular purchase.
category specialist Offers a narrow variety but a deep
assortment of merchandise. consultative buying centre A buying centre in which one
person makes the decision, but he or she solicits input from
cause-related marketing Commercial activity in which
others before doing so.
businesses and charities form a partnership to market an
image, product, or service for their mutual benefit; a type of consumer decision rules The set of criteria consumers use
promotional campaign. consciously or subconsciously to quickly and efficiently select
from among several alternatives.
channel conflict Results when supply chain members are not
in agreement about their goals, roles, or rewards. consumer products Products and services used by people
for their personal use.
click-through rate (CTR) The number of times a user clicks on
an ad divided by the number of impressions. consumerism A social movement aimed at protecting
click-through tracking Measures how many times users click consumers from business practices that infringe upon their
on banner advertising on websites. rights.

closing the sale Obtaining a commitment from the customer contest A brand-sponsored competition that requires some
to make a purchase. form of skill or effort.

cobranding The practice of marketing two or more brands continuous advertising schedule Runs steadily throughout
together, on the same package or promotion. the year and therefore is suited to products and services
that are consumed continually at relatively steady rates
cognitive component A component of attitude that reflects and that require a steady level of persuasive or reminder
what a person believes to be true. advertising.
cold calls A method of prospecting in which salespeople contractual vertical marketing system A system in which
telephone or go to see potential customers without independent firms at different levels of the supply chain join
appointments. together through contracts to obtain economies of scale and
communication channel The medium—print, broadcast, the coordination and to reduce conflict.
Internet—that carries the message. contribution per unit Equals the price less the variable cost
communication gap Refers to the difference between the per unit; variable used to determine the break-even point in
actual service provided to customers and the service that the units.
firm’s promotion program promises. control phase The part of the strategic marketing planning
compensatory decision rule Is at work when the consumer process when managers evaluate the performance of the
is evaluating alternatives and trades off one characteristic marketing strategy and take any necessary corrective actions.
against another, such that good characteristics compensate
convenience goods/services Products or services for which
for bad ones.
the consumer is not willing to spend any effort to evaluate
competitive parity A firm’s strategy of setting prices that are prior to purchase.
similar to those of major competitors.
conventional supermarket Offers groceries, meat, and
competitive parity method A method of determining a produce with limited sales of nonfood items, such as health
communications budget in which the firm’s share of the and beauty aids and general merchandise, in a self-service
communication expenses is in line with its market share. format.
Glossary GL-3

cooperative (co-op) advertising An agreement between a deal A type of short-term price reduction that can take
manufacturer and retailer in which the manufacturer agrees to several forms, such as a “featured price” (a price lower than
defray some advertising costs. the regular price); a “buy one, get one free” offer; or a certain
core customer value The basic problem-solving benefits that percentage “more free” offer contained in larger packaging.
consumers are seeking. deceptive advertising A representation, omission, act, or
corporate social responsibility (CSR) Refers to the practice in an advertisement that is likely to mislead consumers
voluntary activities undertaken by a company to operate in acting reasonably under the circumstances.
an economically, socially, and environmentally sustainable decider The buying centre participant who ultimately
manner. determines any part of or the entire buying decision—whether
corporate vertical marketing system A system in which to buy, what to buy, how to buy, or where to buy.
the parent company has complete control and can dictate decision heuristics Mental shortcuts that help consumers
the priorities and objectives of the supply chain; it may own narrow down choices; examples include price, brand, and
facilities such as manufacturing plants, warehouse facilities, product presentation.
retail outlets, and design studios. decline stage Stage of the product life cycle when sales
cost of ownership method A value-based method for setting decline and the product eventually exits the market.
prices that determines the total cost of owning the product decoding The process by which the receiver interprets the
over its useful life. sender’s message.
cost-based pricing method Determines the final price to delivery gap The difference between the firm’s service
charge by starting with the cost, without recognizing the role standards and the actual service it provides to customers.
that consumers or competitors’ prices play in the marketplace.
demand curve Shows how many units of a product or service
country culture Easy-to-spot visible nuances that are consumers will demand during a specific period at different
particular to a country, such as dress, symbols, ceremonies, prices.
language, colours, and food preferences, and more subtle
aspects, which are trickier to identify. democratic buying centre A buying centre in which the
majority rules in making decisions.
coupon Provides a stated discount to consumers on the
final selling price of a specific item; the retailer handles the demographic segmentation The grouping of consumers
discount. according to easily measured, objective characteristics such
as age, gender, income, and education.
cross-price elasticity The percentage change in demand for
Product A that occurs in response to a percentage change in demographics Characteristics of human populations and
price of Product B. segments, especially those used to identify consumer markets,
such as age, gender, income, race, ethnicity, and education.
cross-promoting Efforts of two or more firms joining together
to reach a specific target market. derived demand The linkage between consumers’ demand
for a company’s output and its purchase of necessary inputs
cultural imperialism The belief that one’s own culture is to manufacture or assemble that particular output.
superior to that of other nations; can take the form of an active,
formal policy or a more subtle general attitude. determinant attributes Product or service features that are
important to the buyer and on which competing brands or
culture The shared meanings, beliefs, morals, values, and stores are perceived to differ.
customs of a group of people.
differentiated targeting strategy A strategy through which a
cumulative quantity discount Pricing tactic that offers a firm targets several market segments with a different offering
discount based on the amount purchased over a specified for each.
period and usually involves several transactions.
diffusion of innovation The process by which the use of
customer excellence Involves a focus on retaining loyal an innovation, whether a product or a service, spreads
customers and excellent customer service. throughout a market group over time and over various
customer lifetime value (CLV) The expected financial categories of adopters.
contribution from a particular customer to the firm’s profits digital media Tools ranging from simple website content to
over the course of their relationship. far more interactive features such as corporate blogs, online
customer orientation Pricing orientation that explicitly games, text messaging, social media, and mobile apps.
invokes the concept of customer value and setting prices to direct exporting is when the exporting company sells its
match consumer expectations. products in the host country directly without the intermediaries.
customer relationship management (CRM) A business direct investment When a firm maintains 100 percent
philosophy and set of strategies, programs, and systems that ownership of its plants, operation facilities, and offices in a
focus on identifying and building loyalty among the firm’s most foreign country, often through the formation of wholly owned
valued customers. subsidiaries.
customer service Specifically refers to human or mechanical direct mail/email A targeted form of communication
activities firms undertake to help satisfy their customers’ distributed to a prospective customer’s mailbox or inbox.
needs and wants.
direct marketing Marketing that communicates directly with
data Raw numbers or other factual information of limited value. target customers to generate a response or transaction.
data mining The use of statistical analysis tools to search for direct response TV (DRTV) TV commercials or infomercials
patterns in data or relationships among variables. with a strong call to action.
GL-4 Glossary

discount store Offers a broad variety of merchandise, limited esteem needs Allow people to satisfy their inner desires.
service, and low prices. ethical climate The set of values within a marketing firm, or in
dispatcher The person who coordinates deliveries to the marketing division of any firm, that guides decision making
distribution centres. and behaviour.
disruptive innovations New product introductions that are ethnography An observational method that studies people
simpler, less sophisticated, and usually less expensive than in their daily lives and activities in their homes, work, and
existing products or services. communities.
distribution centre A facility for the receipt, storage, and evaluative criteria Consist of a set of salient, or important,
redistribution of goods to company stores or customers; attributes about a particular product that are used to compare
may be operated by retailers, manufacturers, or distribution alternative products.
specialists. event sponsorship A popular PR tool; occurs when
distribution channel The institutions that transfer the corporations support various activities (financially or otherwise),
ownership of goods and move goods from the point of usually in the cultural or sports and entertainment sectors.
production to the point of consumption. everyday low pricing (EDLP) A strategy companies use
distribution intensity The number of channel members to to emphasize the continuity of their retail prices at a level
use at each level of the supply chain. somewhere between the regular, nonsale price and the deep-
discount sale prices their competitors may offer.
diversification strategy A growth strategy whereby a firm
introduces a new product or service to a market segment that evoked set Includes only the brands that consumers consider
it does not currently serve. when making a purchase decision.
downsizing Exiting markets, reducing product portfolios, or exchange The trade of things of value between the buyer and
closing certain businesses or store or plant locations. the seller so that each is better off as a result.
drugstore A specialty store that concentrates on health and exchange control Refers to the regulation of a country’s
personal grooming merchandise, though pharmaceuticals currency exchange rate.
may represent more than 60 percent of its sales. exchange rate The measure of how much one currency is
dumping The practice of selling a good in a foreign market worth in relation to another.
at a price that is lower than its domestic price or below its exclusive distribution Strategy of granting exclusive rights to
cost. sell to one or very few retail customers so no other customers
early adopters The second group of consumers in the can sell a particular brand.
diffusion of innovation model, after innovators, to use a experience curve effect Refers to the drop in unit cost as
product or service innovation; generally don’t like to take as the accumulated volume sold increases; as sales continue
much risk as innovators. to grow, the costs continue to drop, allowing even further
early majority A group of consumers in the diffusion of reductions in the price.
innovation model that represents approximately 34 percent experimental research A type of quantitative research that
of the population; members don’t like to take much risk and systematically manipulates one or more variables to determine
therefore tend to wait until bugs are worked out. which variable has a causal effect on another variable.
earned media Media that results from word-of-mouth, buzz, exporting Producing goods in one country and selling them
or publicity. in another.
economic situation Economic changes that affect the way extended problem solving A purchase decision process
consumers buy merchandise and spend money; see inflation, during which the consumer devotes considerable time
foreign currency fluctuations, interest rates, and recession. and effort to analyzing alternatives; often occurs when the
elastic Refers to a market for a product or service that is price consumer perceives that the purchase decision entails a great
sensitive; that is, relatively small changes in price will generate deal of risk.
fairly large changes in the quantity demanded. external locus of control Refers to when consumers believe
electronic data interchange (EDI) The computer-to-computer that fate or other external factors control all outcomes.
exchange of business documents from a retailer to a vendor external search for information Occurs when the buyer
and back. seeks information outside his or her personal knowledge base
emotional appeal Aims to satisfy consumers’ emotional to help make the buying decision.
desires rather than their utilitarian needs. extreme-value retailer A general merchandise discount store
empowerment In the context of service delivery, means found in lower-income urban or rural areas.
allowing employees to make decisions about how service is family brand The use of a combination of the company
provided to customers. brand name and individual brand name to distinguish a firm’s
encoding The process of converting the sender’s ideas into a products.
message, which could be verbal, visual, or both. feedback loop Allows the receiver to communicate with the
environmental concerns Include, but are not limited to, the sender and thereby informs the sender whether the message
excessive use of natural resources and energy, refuse from was received and decoded properly.
manufacturing processes, excess trash created by consumer financial risk Risk associated with a monetary outlay; includes
goods packages, and hard-to-dispose-of products such as the initial cost of the purchase, as well as the costs of using
tires, cellphones, and computer monitors. the item or service.
Glossary GL-5

first movers Product pioneers that are the first to create a glocalization When firms offer standardized products globally
market or product category, making them readily recognizable and change promotional campaigns geared to local markets.
to consumers and thus establishing a commanding and early goods Items that can be physically touched.
market share lead.
green marketing Involves a strategic effort by firms to supply
fixed costs Those costs that remain essentially at the same customers with environmentally friendly merchandise.
level, regardless of any changes in the volume of production.
grey market Employs irregular but not necessarily illegal
flighting advertising schedule Implemented in spurts, with methods; generally, it legally circumvents authorized channels
periods of heavy advertising followed by periods of no of distribution to sell goods at prices lower than those
advertising. intended by the manufacturer.
focus group A research technique in which a small group gross domestic product (GDP) The market value of the
of persons (usually 8 to 12) comes together for an in-depth goods and services produced by a country in a year; the most
discussion about a particular topic, with the conversation widely used standardized measure of output.
guided by a trained moderator using an unstructured method
of inquiry. gross rating points (GRP) Measure used for various media
advertising—print, radio, or television; GRP = Reach ×
foreign currency fluctuations Changes in the value of a Frequency.
country’s currency relative to the currency of another country;
can influence consumer spending. growth stage Stage of the product life cycle when the
product gains acceptance, demand and sales increase, and
franchising A contractual agreement between a franchisor competitors emerge in the product category.
and a franchisee that allows the franchisee to operate a retail
outlet, using a name and format developed and supported by habitual decision making A purchase decision process in
the franchisor. which consumers engage with little conscious effort.

frequency Measure of how often the target audience is high/low pricing A pricing strategy that relies on the
exposed to a communication within a specified period of time. promotion of sales, during which prices are temporarily
reduced to encourage purchases.
functional needs Pertain to the performance of a product or
service. horizontal price fixing Occurs when competitors that produce
and sell competing products collude, or work together, to
gatekeeper The buying centre participant who controls control prices, effectively taking price out of the decision
information or access to decision makers and influencers. process for consumers.
general merchandise retailers May be discount stores, human development index (HDI) A composite measure of
specialty stores, category specialists, department stores, three indicators of the quality of life in different countries: life
drugstores, off-price retailers, or extreme-value retailers; expectancy at birth, educational attainment, and whether the
may sell through multiple channels, such as the Internet and average incomes are sufficient to meet the basic needs of life
catalogues. in that country.
Generation X Generational cohort of people born between hypothesis A statement or proposition predicting a particular
1965 and 1981. relationship among multiple variables that can be tested
Generation Y/millennials Generational cohort of people born through research.
between 1982 and 1991; the biggest cohort since the original ideal point The position at which a particular market segment’s
postwar baby boom. ideal product would lie on a perceptual map.
Generation Z/digital natives Generational cohort of people ideas Thoughts, opinions, philosophies, and intellectual
born after 1991. concepts.
generational cohort A group of people of the same generation implementation phase Where marketing managers identify
who typically have similar purchase behaviours because they and evaluate different opportunities by engaging in a process
have shared experiences and are in the same stage of life. known as segmentation, targeting, and positioning. They then
generic A product sold without a brand name, typically in develop and implement the marketing mix by using the four Ps.
commodities markets. impressions The number of times an ad appears to a user.
geodemographic segmentation The grouping of consumers improvement value Represents an estimate of how much
on the basis of a combination of geographic, demographic, more (or less) consumers are willing to pay for a product
and lifestyle characteristics. relative to other comparable products.
geographic pricing The setting of different prices depending impulse buying A buying decision made by customers on the
on a geographical division of the delivery areas. spot when they see the merchandise.
geographic segmentation The grouping of consumers on the income effect Refers to the change in the quantity of a
basis of where they live. product demanded by consumers because of a change in
global labour issues Include concerns about working their income.
conditions and wages paid to factory workers in developing inconsistent A characteristic of a service: its quality may vary
countries. because it is provided by humans.
globalization Refers to the increased flow of goods, services, in-depth interview A research technique in which trained
people, technology, capital, information, and ideas around researchers ask questions, listen to and record the answers,
the world; has economic, political, social, cultural, and and then pose additional questions to clarify or expand on a
environmental impacts. particular issue.
GL-6 Glossary

indirect exporting Indirect exporting occurs when the introduction stage Stage of the product life cycle when
exporting firm sells its goods in the host country through an innovators start buying the product.
intermediary. inventory A characteristic of a service: it is perishable and
individual brand The use of individual brand names for each cannot be stored in inventory for future use.
of a firm’s products. involvement The consumer’s degree of interest in or concern
inelastic Refers to a market for a product or service that is about the product or service.
price insensitive; that is, relatively small changes in price will joint venture Formed when a firm entering a new market
not generate large changes in the quantity demanded. pools its resources with those of a local firm to form a new
inflation Refers to the persistent increase in the prices of company in which ownership, control, and profits are shared.
goods and services. just-in-time (JIT) inventory systems Inventory management
influencer The buying centre participant whose views systems designed to deliver less merchandise on a more
influence other members of the buying centre in making the frequent basis than traditional inventory systems; the firm
final decision. gets the merchandise “just in time” for it to be used in
the manufacture of another product; also known as quick-
information Data that has been organized, analyzed,
response (QR) systems in retailing.
interpreted, and converted into a useful form for decision
makers. knowledge gap Reflects the difference between customers’
expectations and the firm’s perception of those expectations.
informative advertising Communication used to create and
build brand awareness, with the ultimate goal of moving the laggards Consumers who like to avoid change and rely on
consumer through the buying cycle to a purchase. traditional products until they are no longer available.
infrastructure The basic facilities, services, and installations lagged effect A delayed response to a marketing communication
needed for a community or society to function, such as campaign.
transportation and communications systems, water and power late majority The last group of buyers to enter a new product
lines, and public institutions such as schools, post offices, and market.
lead time The amount of time between the recognition that
initiator The buying centre participant who first suggests an order needs to be placed and the arrival of the needed
buying the particular product or service. merchandise at the seller’s store, ready for sale.
innovation The process by which ideas are transformed into lead users Innovative product users who modify existing
new products and services that will help firms grow. products according to their own ideas to suit their specific needs.
innovators Those buyers who want to be the first to have the leader pricing Consumer pricing tactic that attempts to build
new product or service. store traffic by aggressively pricing and advertising a regularly
inseparable A characteristic of a service: it is produced and purchased item, often priced at or just above the store’s cost.
consumed at the same time—that is, service and consumption leads A list of potential customers.
are inseparable.
learning Refers to a change in a person’s thought process
institutional advertisements Used to inform, persuade, and or behaviour that arises from experience and takes place
remind consumers about issues related to places, politics, an throughout the consumer decision process.
industry, or a particular corporation.
lifestyle Refers to the way consumers spend their time and
intangible A characteristic of a service; it cannot be touched, money.
tasted, or seen like a pure product can.
lifestyles Lifestyles are how we live our lives to achieve goals.
integrated marketing communications (IMC) Represents the
promotion dimension of the four Ps; encompasses a variety limited problem solving Occurs during a purchase decision
of communication disciplines—general advertising, personal that calls for, at most, a moderate amount of effort and time.
selling, sales promotion, public relations, direct marketing, and listing allowances Fees paid to retailers simply to get new
digital media—in combination to provide clarity, consistency, products into stores or to gain more or better shelf space for
and maximum communicative impact. their products.
intensive distribution A strategy designed to get products locational excellence Involves a focus on a good physical
into as many outlets as possible. location and Internet presence.
interest rates Represent the cost of borrowing money. logistics management The integration of two or more
internal locus of control Refers to when consumers believe activities for the purpose of planning, implementing, and
they have some control over the outcomes of their actions, controlling the efficient flow of raw materials, in-process
in which case, they generally engage in more search inventory, and finished goods from the point of origin to the
activities. point of consumption.

internal search for information Occurs when the buyer loss leader pricing Loss leader pricing takes the tactic of
examines his or her own memory and knowledge about the leader pricing one step further by lowering the price below
product or service, gathered through past experiences. the store’s cost.

Internet of Things (IoT) The IoT is reflected when multiple love (social) needs Relate to our interactions with others.
“smart devices” with Internet-connected sensors combine loyalty program Specifically designed to retain customers by
the data they have collected to help both consumers and offering premiums or other incentives to customers who make
companies consume more efficiently. multiple purchases over time.
Glossary GL-7

loyalty segmentation Strategy of investing in retention and mass customization The practice of interacting on a one-to-
loyalty initiatives to retain the firm’s most profitable customers. one basis with many people to create custom-made products
macroenvironmental factors Aspects of the external envi- or services; providing one-to-one marketing to the masses.
ronment—culture, demographics, social trends, technological mass media Channels, such as national newspapers,
advances, economic situation, and political/legal environment magazines, radio, and television, that are ideal for reaching
(CDSTEP)—that affect companies. large numbers of anonymous audience members.
manufacturer brands Brands owned and managed by the maturity stage Stage of the product life cycle when industry
manufacturer. sales reach their peak, so firms try to rejuvenate their products
manufacturer’s suggested retail price (MSRP) Manufacturers by adding new features or repositioning them.
encourage retailers to sell their merchandise at a specific price. maximizing profits strategy A mathematical model that
markdowns Reductions retailers take on the initial selling captures all the factors required to explain and predict sales
price of the product or service. and profits, which should be able to identify the price at which
its profits are maximized.
market The groups of people who need or want a company’s
products or services and have the ability and willingness to media buy The purchase of airtime or print pages.
buy them. media mix The combination of the media used and the
market development strategy A growth strategy that frequency of advertising in each medium.
employs the existing marketing offering to reach new market media planning The process of evaluating and selecting
segments, whether domestic or international or segments not the media mix that will deliver a clear, consistent, compelling
currently served by the firm. message to the intended audience.
market growth rate The annual rate of growth of the specific micromarketing (one-to-one) A form of segmentation that
market in which the product competes. tailors a product or service to suit an individual customer’s
market penetration pricing A pricing strategy of setting the wants or needs.
initial price low for the introduction of the new product or mission statement A broad description of a firm’s objectives
service, with the objective of building sales, market share, and and the scope of activities it plans to undertake; attempts
profits quickly. to answer two main questions: What type of business is it?
market penetration strategy A growth strategy that employs and What does it need to do to accomplish its goals and
the existing marketing mix and focuses the firm’s efforts on objectives?
existing customers. modified rebuy Refers to when the buyer has purchased
market positioning Involves the process of defining the a similar product in the past but has decided to change
marketing mix variables so that target customers have a clear, some specifications, such as the desired price, quality level,
distinct, desirable understanding of what the product does or customer service level, and options.
represents in comparison with competing products. monopolistic competition Occurs when many firms sell
market segment A group of consumers who respond similarly closely related but not homogeneous products; these products
to a firm’s marketing efforts. may be viewed as substitutes but are not perfect substitutes.
market segmentation The process of dividing the market into monopoly Occurs when only one firm provides the product or
distinct groups of customers—where each individual group service in a particular industry.
has similar needs, wants, or characteristics—who therefore motive A need or want that is strong enough to cause the
might appreciate products or services geared especially for person to seek satisfaction.
them in similar ways.
multichannel strategy Selling in more than one channel (e.g.,
marketing A set of business practices designed to plan for store, catalogue, kiosk, and Internet).
and present an organization’s products or services in ways
that build effective customer relationships. need A basic necessity, such as food, clothing, shelter, or safety.
marketing ethics Refers to those ethical problems that are need recognition The beginning of the consumer decision
specific to the domain of marketing. process; occurs when consumers recognize they have an
unsatisfied need and want to go from their needy state to a
marketing mix (four Ps) Product, price, place, and promotion—
different, desired state.
the controllable set of activities that a firm uses to respond to
the wants of its target markets. negative word-of-mouth Occurs when consumers spread
negative information about a product, service, or store to
marketing plan A written document composed of an analysis
of the current marketing situation, opportunities and threats
for the firm, marketing objectives and strategy specified in new buy In a B2B setting, a purchase of a good or service for
terms of the four Ps, action programs, and projected or pro the first time; the buying decision is likely to be quite involved
forma income (and other financial) statements. because the buyer or the buying organization does not have
any experience with the item.
marketing research A set of techniques and principles for
systematically collecting, recording, analyzing, and interpreting niche media Channels that are focused and generally used
data that can aid decision makers involved in marketing to reach narrow segments, often with unique demographic
goods, services, or ideas. characteristics or interests.
marketing strategy Identifies a firm’s target market(s), a noise Any interference that stems from competing messages,
related marketing mix—the four Ps, and the bases upon which a lack of clarity in the message, or a flaw in the medium; a
the firm plans to build a sustainable competitive advantage. problem for all communication channels.
GL-8 Glossary

noncompensatory decision rule Is at work when consumers and evaluate the situation by assessing how various players,
choose a product or service on the basis of a subset of its both inside and outside the organization, affect the firm’s
characteristics, regardless of the values of its other attributes. potential for success.
noncumulative quantity discount Pricing tactic that offers a point-of-purchase (POP) display A merchandise display
discount based on only the amount purchased in a single order. located at the point of purchase, such as at the checkout
objective-and-task method An IMC budgeting method that counter in a grocery store.
determines the cost required to undertake specific tasks to political/legal environment Comprises political parties,
accomplish communication objectives; process entails setting government organizations, and legislation and laws that
objectives, choosing media, and determining costs. promote or inhibit trade and marketing activities.
observation A qualitative research method that entails pop-up stores Temporary storefronts that exist for only a
examining purchase and consumption behaviours through limited time and generally focus on a new product or a limited
personal or video camera scrutiny. group of products offered by a retailer, manufacturer, or
occasion segmentation Groups consumers based on when service provider; give consumers a chance to interact with the
they purchase or consume a product or service. brand and build brand awareness.

off-price retailer A type of retailer that offers an inconsistent positioning The mental picture that people have about a
assortment of merchandise at relatively low prices. company and its products or services relative to competitors.

oligopoly Occurs when only a few firms dominate a market. positioning statement Expresses how a company wants to
be perceived by consumers.
omnichannel A strategy that creates a consistent experience
for consumers across all distribution channels. postpurchase dissonance An internal conflict that arises from
an inconsistency between two beliefs, or between beliefs and
operational excellence Involves a focus on efficient operations behaviour; buyer’s remorse.
and excellent supply chain management.
post-testing The evaluation of an IMC campaign’s impact
organizational culture Reflects the set of values, traditions, after it has been implemented.
and customs that guides a firm’s employees’ behaviour.
preapproach In the personal selling process, occurs prior
owned media Media controlled by the advertiser, such as its to meeting the customer for the first time and extends the
website, Facebook fan page, or YouTube channel. qualification of leads procedure; in this step, the salesperson
paid media Media such as TV, print, radio, or display ads used conducts additional research and develops plans for meeting
to reach mass markets. with the customer.
panel data A type of quantitative research that involves predatory pricing A firm’s practice of setting a very low price
collecting information from a group of consumers (the panel) for one or more of its products with the intent of driving its
over time; data collected may be from a survey or a record of competition out of business; illegal under the Competition Act.
premarket tests Conducted before a product or service is
perceived value The relationship between a product or brought to market to determine how many customers will try
service’s benefits and its cost. and then continue to use it.
percentage-of-sales method A method of determining a premium An item offered for free or at a bargain price to
communications budget that is based on a fixed percentage reward some type of behaviour, such as buying, sampling, or
of forecasted sales. testing.
perception The process by which people select, organize, and prestige products or services Those that consumers
interpret information to form a meaningful picture of the world. purchase for status rather than functionality.
perceptual map Displays, in two or more dimensions, the pretesting Assessments performed before an ad campaign is
position of products or brands in the consumer’s mind. implemented to ensure that the various elements are working in
performance risk Involves the perceived danger inherent in a an integrated fashion and doing what they are intended to do.
poorly performing product or service. price The overall sacrifice a consumer is willing to make—
personal selling The two-way flow of communication between money, time, energy—to acquire a specific product or service.
a buyer and a seller that is designed to influence the buyer’s price bundling Consumer pricing tactic of selling more than
purchase decision. one product for a single, lower price than the items would
persuasive advertising Communication used to motivate cost sold separately; can be used to sell slow-moving items,
consumers to take action. to encourage customers to stock up so they won’t purchase
competing brands, to encourage trial of a new product, or to
physiological needs Relate to the basic biological necessities provide an incentive to purchase a less desirable product or
of life: food, drink, rest, and shelter. service to obtain a more desirable one in the same bundle.
physiological risk Risk associated with the fear of an actual price discrimination The practice of selling the same product
harm should the product not perform properly. to different resellers (wholesalers, distributors, or retailers) or
pioneers New product introductions that establish a to the ultimate consumer at different prices; some, but not all,
completely new market or radically change both the rules forms of price discrimination are illegal.
of competition and consumer preferences in a market; also price elasticity of demand Measures how changes in a price
called breakthroughs. affect the quantity of the product demanded; specifically, the
planning phase Where marketing executives and other top ratio of the percentage change in quantity demanded to the
managers define the mission and objectives of the business, percentage change in price.
Glossary GL-9

price fixing The practice of colluding with other firms to profit orientation A company objective that can be
control prices. implemented by focusing on target profit pricing, maximizing
profits, or target return pricing.
price lining Consumer market pricing tactic of establishing
a price floor and a price ceiling for an entire line of similar prototype The first physical form or service description of
products and then setting a few other price points in between a new product, still in rough or tentative form, that has the
to represent distinct differences in quality. same properties as a new product but is produced through
different manufacturing processes, sometimes even crafted
price skimming A strategy of selling a new product or service
at a high price that innovators and early adopters are willing to
pay to obtain it; after the high-price market segment becomes psychographics This segmentation base delves into how
saturated and sales begin to slow down, the firm generally consumers describe themselves; allows people to describe
lowers the price to capture (or skim) the next most price- themselves by using those characteristics that help them
sensitive segment. choose how they occupy their time (behaviour) and what
underlying psychological reasons determine those choices.
price war Occurs when two or more firms compete primarily
by lowering their prices. psychological needs Pertain to the personal gratification
consumers associate with a product or service.
pricing tactics Short-term methods, in contrast to long-term
pricing strategies, used to focus on company objectives, psychological risk Associated with the way people will feel if
customers, costs, competition, or channel members; can the product or service does not convey the right image.
be responses to competitive threats (e.g., lowering price PSYTE clusters The grouping of all neighbourhoods in
temporarily to meet a competitor’s price reduction) or broadly Canada into 60 different lifestyles clusters.
accepted methods of calculating a final price for the customer
that is short-term in nature. public relations (PR) The organizational function that
manages the firm’s communications to achieve a variety
primary data Data collected to address the specific research of objectives, including building and maintaining a positive
needs/questions currently under investigation. Some primary image, handling or heading off unfavourable stories or events,
data collection methods include focus groups, in-depth and maintaining positive relationships with the media.
interviews, and surveys.
public service announcement (PSA) Advertising that focuses
private-label brands (store brands) Brands developed and on public welfare and generally is sponsored by non-profit
marketed by a retailer and available only from that retailer. institutions, civic groups, religious organizations, trade
product Anything that is of value to a consumer and can be associations, or political groups; a form of social marketing.
offered through a marketing exchange. puffery The legal exaggeration of praise, stopping just short
product category An assortment of items that the customer of deception, lavished on a product.
sees as reasonable substitutes for one another. pull marketing strategy Designed to get consumers to pull
product development Entails a process of balancing various the product into the supply chain by demanding that retailers
engineering, manufacturing, marketing, and economic carry it.
considerations to develop a product. pulsing advertising schedule Combines the continuous and
product development strategy A growth strategy that flighting schedules by maintaining a base level of advertising
offers a new product or service to a firm’s current target but increasing advertising intensity during certain periods.
market. purchasing power parity (PPP) A theory that states that if the
product excellence Involves a focus on achieving high-quality exchange rates of two countries are in equilibrium, a product
products and effective branding and positioning. purchased in one will cost the same in the other, expressed in
the same currency.
product life cycle Defines the stages that new products move
through as they enter, get established in, and ultimately leave pure competition Occurs when different companies sell
the marketplace and thereby offers marketers a starting point commodity products that consumers perceive as substitutable;
for their strategy planning. price usually is set according to the laws of supply and
product line A group of products that consumers may use
together or perceive as similar in some way. push marketing strategy Designed to increase demand by
focusing on wholesalers, distributors, or salespeople, who
product line depth The number of products within a product
push the product to consumers via distribution channels.
qualify The process of assessing the potential of sales leads.
product lines Groups of associated items, such as those
that consumers use together or think of as part of a group of qualitative research Exploratory in nature, qualitative
similar products. research is more informal. It uses broad, open-ended question
methods, including observation, in-depth interviews, and
product mix The complete set of all products offered by a
focus groups, and following social-media sites.
quantitative research Structured responses that can be
product mix breadth The number of product lines, or variety,
statistically tested to confirm insights and hypotheses
offered by the firm.
generated via qualitative research or secondary data.
product placement Inclusion of a product in nontraditional
quantity discount Pricing tactic of offering a reduced price
situations, such as in a scene in a movie or TV program.
according to the amount purchased; the more the buyer
product-focused advertisements Used to inform, persuade, purchases, the higher the discount and, of course, the greater
or remind consumers about a specific product or service. the value.
GL-10 Glossary

questionnaire A form that features a set of questions retailing The set of business activities that add value to
designed to gather information from respondents and thereby products and services sold to consumers for their personal
accomplish the researchers’ objectives; questions can be or family use; includes products bought at stores, through
either unstructured or structured. catalogues, and over the Internet, as well as services such as
quick-response (QR) An inventory management system used fast-food restaurants, airlines, and hotels.
in retailing; merchandise is received just in time for sale when retrieval sets Consist of those brands or stores that can be
the customer wants it. readily brought forth from memory.
quota Designates the maximum quantity of a product that return on investment (ROI) Used to measure the benefit of
may be brought into a country during a specified time period. an investment, ROI is calculated by dividing the gain of an
investment by its cost.
radio frequency identification (RFID) tags Tiny computer
chips that automatically transmit to a special scanner all reverse engineering Involves taking apart a competitor’s
the information about a container’s contents or individual product, analyzing it, and creating an improved product that
products. does not infringe on the competitor’s patents, if any exist.
rational appeal Helps consumers make purchase decisions robotics Robotics applications typically perform work that
by offering factual information and strong arguments built previously was the responsibility of human workers.
around relevant issues that encourage consumers to evaluate safety needs Pertain to protection and physical well-being.
the brand favourably on the basis of the key benefits it
provides. sales orientation A company objective based on the belief
that increasing sales will help the firm more than will increasing
reach Measure of consumers’ exposure to marketing profits.
communications; the percentage of the target population
exposed to a specific marketing communication, such as an sales promotions Special incentives or excitement-building
advertisement, at least once. programs that encourage the purchase of a product or
service, such as coupons, rebates, contests, free samples, and
rebate A consumer discount in which a portion of the purchase point-of-purchase displays.
price is returned to the buyer in cash; the manufacturer, not
the retailer, issues the refund. sample A segment or subset of the population that adequately
represents the entire population of interest.
receiver The person who reads, hears, or sees and processes
the information contained in the message or advertisement. sampling Offers potential customers the opportunity to try a
product or service before they make a buying decision.
recession A period of economic downturn when the economic
growth of the country is negative for at least two consecutive scanner data A type of quantitative research that uses data
quarters. obtained from scanner readings of UPC codes at checkout
reference group One or more persons an individual uses
as a basis for comparison regarding beliefs, feelings, and search engine marketing (SEM) Uses tools such as Google
behaviours. AdWords to increase the visibility of websites in search engine
relational orientation A method of building a relationship
with customers based on the philosophy that buyers and seasonal discount Pricing tactic of offering an additional
sellers should develop a long-term relationship. reduction as an incentive to retailers to order merchandise in
advance of the normal buying season.
relationship selling A sales philosophy and process that
emphasizes a commitment to maintaining the relationship secondary data Pieces of information that have been
over the long term and investing in opportunities that are collected prior to the start of the focal project.
mutually beneficial to all parties. selective distribution Lies between the intensive and
relative market share A measure of the product’s strength in exclusive distribution strategies; uses a few selected
a particular market, defined as the sales of the focal product customers in a territory.
divided by the sales achieved by the largest firm in the self-actualization Occurs when you feel completely satisfied
industry. with your life and how you live.
reliability The extent to which the same result is achieved self-concept The image a person has of himself or herself; a
when a study is repeated in identical situations. component of psychographics.
reminder advertising Communication used to remind self-values Goals for life, not just the goals one wants to
consumers of a product or to prompt repurchases, especially accomplish in a day; a component of psychographics that
for products that have gained market acceptance and are in refers to overriding desires that drive how a person lives his
the maturity stage of their life cycle. or her life.
request for proposals (RFP) A process through which buying sender The firm from which an IMC message originates; the
organizations invite alternative suppliers to bid on supplying sender must be clearly identified to the intended audience.
their required components. service Any intangible offering that cannot be physically
resellers Marketing intermediaries that resell manufactured possessed.
products without significantly altering their form. service gap Results when a service fails to meet the
retail mix Product (merchandise assortment), pricing, expectations that customers have about how it should be
promotion, place, personnel, and presentation (store design delivered.
and display) strategies to reach and serve consumers. service quality Customers’ perceptions of how well a service
retailers Sell products directly to consumers. meets or exceeds their expectations.
Glossary GL-11

services Intangible customer benefits that are produced by structured questions Closed-ended questions for which a
people or machines and cannot be separated from the producer. discrete set of response alternatives, or specific answers, is
services retailers Firms that primarily sell services rather than provided for respondents to evaluate.
merchandise. substitute products Products for which changes in demand
share of wallet The percentage of the customer’s purchases are negatively related—that is, a percentage increase in the
made from a particular retailer. quantity demanded for Product A results in a percentage
decrease in the quantity demanded for Product B.
shopping goods/services Products or services—such as
apparel, fragrances, and appliances—for which consumers substitution effect Refers to consumers’ ability to substitute
will spend time comparing alternatives. other products for the focal brand, thus increasing the price
elasticity of demand for the focal brand.
situation analysis (SWOT) The second step in a marketing
plan; uses a SWOT analysis that assesses both the internal supply chain The group of firms and set of techniques and
environment with regard to its strengths and weaknesses approaches firms use to make and deliver a given set of
and the external environment in terms of its opportunities goods and services.
and threats. supply chain management Refers to a set of approaches
situational factors Factors affecting the consumer decision and techniques firms employ to efficiently and effectively
process; those that are specific to the purchase and shopping integrate their suppliers, manufacturers, warehouses, stores,
situation and temporal state that may override, or at least and transportation intermediaries into a seamless value
influence, psychological and social issues. chain in which merchandise is produced and distributed in
the right quantities, to the right locations, and at the right
size discount The most common implementation of a quantity time.
discount at the consumer level; the larger the quantity bought,
the less the cost per unit (e.g., per gram). survey A systematic means of collecting information from
people using a questionnaire.
social marketing The application of marketing principles to a
social issue to bring about attitudinal and behavioural change sustainable competitive advantage Something the firm can
among the general public or a specific population segment. persistently do better than its competitors that is not easily
copied and thus can be maintained over a long period of
social media Content distributed through online and mobile time.
technologies to facilitate interpersonal interactions.
sweepstakes A form of sales promotion that offers prizes
social risk Involves the fears that consumers suffer when they based on a chance drawing of entrants’ names.
worry that others might not regard their purchases positively.
syndicated data Data available for a fee from commercial
specialty goods/services Products or services toward which research firms such as Symphony IRI Group, National Diary
the customer shows a strong preference and for which he Panel, Nielsen, and Léger Marketing.
or she will expend considerable effort to search for the best
suppliers. target market The customer segment or group to whom the
firm is interested in selling its products and services.
specialty stores Concentrate on a limited number of
complementary merchandise categories in a relatively small target marketing/targeting The process of evaluating the
store. attractiveness of various segments and then deciding which
to pursue as a market.
standards gap Pertains to the difference between the firm’s
perceptions of customers’ expectations and the service target profit pricing A pricing strategy implemented by firms
standards it sets. when they have a particular profit goal as their overriding
concern; uses price to stimulate a certain level of sales at a
stock keeping units (SKUs) Individual items within each certain profit per unit.
product category; the smallest unit available for inventory
control. target return pricing A pricing strategy implemented by firms
less concerned with the absolute level of profits and more
STP The processes of segmentation, targeting, and interested in the rate at which their profits are generated
positioning that firms use to identify and evaluate opportunities relative to their investments; designed to produce a specific
for increasing sales and profits. return on investment, usually expressed as a percentage of
straight rebuy Refers to when the buyer or buying sales.
organization simply buys additional units of products that had tariff (or duty) A tax levied on a good imported into a country.
previously been purchased.
technological advances Technological changes that have
strategic alliance A collaborative relationship between contributed to the improvement of the value of both products
independent firms, though the partnering firms do not create and services in the past few decades.
an equity partnership; that is, they do not invest in one another.
telemarketing A method of prospecting in which salespeople
strategic business unit (SBU) A division of the company telephone potential customers.
that can be managed somewhat independently from other
divisions since it markets a specific set of products to a clearly test marketing Introduces a new product or service to a
defined group of customers. limited geographical area (usually a few cities) prior to a
national launch.
strategic relationship (partnering relationship) A supply
chain relationship that the members are committed to top-of-mind awareness A prominent place in people’s
maintaining long-term, investing in opportunities that are memories that triggers a response without them having to put
mutually beneficial; requires mutual trust, open communication, any thought into it.
common goals, and credible commitments. total cost The sum of the variable and fixed costs.
GL-12 Glossary

tracking Includes monitoring key indicators, such as daily or VALS A psychological tool developed by Strategic Business
weekly sales volume, while the advertisement is running to Insights that classifies consumers into eight segments: Innovators,
shed light on any problems with the message or the medium. Thinkers, Believers, Achievers, Strivers, Experiencers, Makers,
trade agreement Intergovernmental agreement designed to and Survivors.
manage and promote trade activities for specific regions. value Reflects the relationship of benefits to costs, or what
trade deficit Results when a country imports more goods the consumer gets for what he or she gives.
than it exports. value proposition Communicates the customer benefits to
trade sanctions Penalties or restrictions imposed by one be received from a product or service and the reason(s) for
country over another country for importing and exporting of wanting to buy it.
goods, services, and investments. value-based pricing method Focuses on the overall value
trade shows Major events attended by buyers who choose of the product offering as perceived by consumers, who
to be exposed to products and services offered by potential determine value by comparing the benefits they expect the
suppliers in an industry. product to deliver with the sacrifice they will need to make to
acquire the product.
trade surplus Results when a country exports more goods
than it imports. variable costs Those costs, primarily labour and materials,
that vary with production volume.
trading bloc Consists of those countries that have signed a
particular trade agreement. vendor-managed inventory (VMI) An approach in which the
manufacturer is responsible for replenishing inventory to meet
transmitter An agent or intermediary with which the sender
retailers’ needs.
works to develop the marketing communications; for example,
a firm’s creative department or an advertising agency. vertical marketing system A supply chain in which the
undifferentiated targeting strategy (mass marketing) A members act as a unified system; there are three types:
marketing strategy a firm can use if the product or service is administrated, contractual, and corporate.
perceived to provide the same benefits to everyone, with no vertical price fixing Occurs when parties at different levels of
need to develop separate strategies for different groups. the same marketing channel (e.g., manufacturers and retailers)
uniform delivered pricing The shipper charges one rate, no collude to control the prices passed on to consumers.
matter where the buyer is located. voice-of-customer (VOC) program An ongoing marketing
unique selling proposition (USP) A strategy of differentiating a research system that collects customer insights and
product by communicating its unique attributes; often becomes intelligence to influence and drive business decisions.
the common theme or slogan in the entire advertising campaign. want The particular way in which a person chooses to satisfy
universal product code (UPC) The black and white bar code a need, which is shaped by a person’s knowledge, culture,
found on most merchandise. and personality.
unstructured questions Open-ended questions that allow wholesalers Those firms engaged in buying, taking title
respondents to answer in their own words. to, often storing, and physically handling goods in large
quantities, and then reselling the goods (usually in smaller
usage rate How often a person uses the product or service:
quantities) to retailers or industrial or business users.
occasional, light, regular, or heavy users.
zone of tolerance The area between customers’ expectations
user The person who consumes or uses the product or
regarding their desired service and the minimum level of
service purchased by the buying centre.
acceptable service—that is, the difference between what the
validity The extent to which a study measures what it is customer really wants and what he or she will accept before
supposed to measure. going elsewhere.
CHapter sources

Chapter 8 Chapter 9
Exhibit 8.1 Source: Michael Sauter, Samuel Stebbins, Exhibit 9.4 Source: Adapted from Kevin Lane Keller,
Evan Comen, and Thomas Frohlich, “50 Worst Strategic Brand Management, 4th ed. (Upper Saddle
Product Flops of All Time,” 24/7 Wall St, April 14, 2017, River, NJ: Prentice Hall, 2012).
-worst-product-flops-of-all-time/. Chapter 17
Exhibit 8.2 Source: Adapted from Everett M. Rodgers, Exhibit 17.4 Source: Adapted from Fortune, “The
Diffusion of Innovation (New York: The Free Press, World’s Most Admired Companies,”
1983), p. 247. com/magazines/fortune/most-admired.

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February 9, 2018, 17. Dhruv Grewal, Kent B. Monroe, and R. Krishnan, “The Effects
-research-industry-today/nutritional-bars-market-insights-2017 of Price Comparison Advertising on Buyers’ Perceptions
-2023—health—wellness-awareness-and-trend-boosting-the of Acquisition Value and Transaction Value,” Journal of
-industry-growth-at-global-stage (accessed June 18, 2019). Marketing 62 (April 1998), pp. 46–60; Kent B. Monroe,
Pricing: Making Profitable Decisions, 3rd ed. (New York:
3. Patricia Bannan, “The Top 12 Energy Bars for Every Occasion
McGraw-Hill, 2004).
(Post-Workout, Gluten-Free and More),”,
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/1011284-12-toprecommended-energy-bars-occasion/ “Understanding the Co-Creation Effect: When Does
(accessed June 18, 2019). Collaborating With Customers Provide a Lift to Service
Recovery?” Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science
4. Abby Reisner, “These Aren t Your Typical Energy Bars,”
40, no. 6 (2012), pp. 771–90; Sigurd Troye and Magne
Tasting Table, February 20, 2018,
Supphellen, “Consumer Participation in Coproduction: ‘I
Made It Myself’ Effects on Consumers’ Sensory Perceptions
-Phyter.pdf (accessed June 18, 2019).
and Evaluations of Outcome and Input Product,” Journal of
5. “Do the Kind Thing for Your Body, Your Taste Buds, and the Marketing 76 (March 2012), pp. 33–46.
World,” KIND,, (accessed
19. Anita Luo and V. Kumar, “Recovering Hidden Buyer–Seller
June 18, 2019).
Relationship States to Measure the Return on Marketing
6. Heather Clancy, “Kashi Steps Up Purchases from Farms Investment in Business-to-Business Markets,” Journal of
Transitioning to Organic,” GreenBiz, February 27, 2017, https:// Marketing Research 50, no. 1 (2013), pp. 143–60; V. Kumar and Denish Shah, “Can Marketing Lift Stock Prices?” Sloan
-transitioning-organics; “One Box at a Time: Kashi Expands Management Review 52, no. 4 (2011), pp. 24–26; V. Kumar
Product Portfolio to Support Organic Farmland,” PRNewsire, et al., “Is Market Orientation a Source of Sustainable
February 22, 2017, Competitive Advantage or Simply the Cost of Competing?”
-releases/one-box-at-a-time-kashi-expands-product-portfolio Journal of Marketing 75 (January 2011), pp. 16–30; Stephen
-to-support-organic-farmland-300410792.html (accessed A. Samaha, Robert W. Palmatier, and Rajiv P. Dant, “Poisoning
June 18, 2019). Relationships: Perceived Unfairness in Channels of
7. Eric Schroeder, “Bars: Boom or Bust?,” Food Business News, Distribution,” Journal of Marketing 75 (May 2011), pp. 99–117.
November 27, 2017, 20. Rajendra K. Srivastava, Tasadduq A. Shervani, and Liam
/articles/10951-bars-boom-or-bust (accessed June 18, 2019). Fahey, “Marketing, Business Processes, and Shareholder
8. “Nutritional Bars Market Insights 2017–2023,” Industry Value: An Embedded View of Marketing Activities and the
Today, February 9, 2018, Discipline of Marketing,” Journal of Marketing 63 (special
-research-industry-today/nutritional-bars-market-insights-2017 issue, 1999), pp. 168–179; R. Venkatesan and V. Kumar, “A
-2023—health—wellness-awareness-and-trend-boosting-the Customer Lifetime Value Framework for Customer Selections
-industry-growth-at-global-stage (accessed June 18, 2019). and Resource Allocation Strategy,” Journal of Marketing 68,
no. 4 (October 2004), pp. 106–125; V. Kumar, G. Ramani, and
9. Ibid.
T. Bohling, “Customer Lifetime Value Approaches and Best
10. The Canadian Marketing Association, Practice Applications,” Journal of Interactive Marketing 18,
org/regulatory/code-of-ethics (accessed May 31, 2016). More no. 3 (Summer 2004), pp. 60–72; and J. Thomas, W. Reinartz,
discussion on Marketing is provided by Stephen L. Vargo and V. Kumar, “Getting the Most Out of All Your Customers,”
and Robert F. Lusch, “Evolving to a New Dominant Logic for Harvard Business Review (July–August 2004), pp. 116–123.
Marketing,” Journal of Marketing 68 (January 2004), pp. 1–17;
21. “Social media Marketing usage rate in the United States,”
and George S. Day, John Deighton, Das Narayandas, Evert
Gummesson, Shelby D. Hunt, C.K. Prahalad, Roland T. Rust,
-trands-of-social-media-platforms-in-marketing/ (accessed
and Steven M. Shugan, “Invited Commentaries on ‘Evolving to
June 25, 2019).
a New Dominant Logic for Marketing,’” Journal of Marketing
68 (January 2004), pp. 18–27. Also see W. Stephen Brown et 22. “Digital Around the World in 2019,) We Are Social, January 30,
al., “Marketing Renaissance: Opportunities and Imperatives 2019,
for Improving Marketing Thought, Practice, and Infrastructure,” -global-internet-use-accelerates (accessed June 25, 2019).
Journal of Marketing, 69, no. 4 (2005), pp. 1–25. 23. “Social Media Stats Worldwide,” Statcounter,
11. “The 2019 LS Hybrid,” Lexus, (accessed June 25, 2019).
/LS-hybrid (accessed June 24, 2019). 24. “Facebook Users in the World,” Internet World Stats, https://
12. The idea of the four Ps was conceptualized by E. Jerome (accessed
McCarthy, Basic Marketing: A Managerial Approach June 25, 2019).
(Homewood, IL: Richard D. Irwin, 1960). Also see Walter 25. “Internet Usage Statistics,” May 2019, Internet World Stats,
van Watershoot and Christophe Van den Bulte, “The 4P (accessed June 25, 2019).
Classification of the Marketing Mix Revisited,” Journal of
26. U.S. Travel Association, “Travel Facts and Statistics,” http://
Marketing 56 (October 1992), pp. 83–93.
13. Jaya Saxena, Man Repeller, January 10, 2018,
27. “Internet Travel Hotel Booking Statistics,” DATE, Statistic
Brain Research Institute,
(accessed June 24, 2019).
-travel-booking-statistics (accessed June 25, 2019).
14. Saxena, “Energy Bars Tell the Story of a Nation Obsessed
28. Hennes & Mauritz AB, (accessed May 22,
wtih Food.”
EN-2 Endnotes

29. Zara,

=11108 (accessed June 25, 2019). -snacks-strategy (accessed June 27, 2019).
30. Example based on Loblaw Company Limited Supply Chain 4. “Quaker Harvest Orchard Apple & Cinnamon Oat Bites,”
Management, Quaker,
/patenime/intro.htm (accessed March 29, 2007). -harvest-orchard-apple-cinnamon-oat-bites; “Quaker Chewy
31. WWF, “Companies We Work With,” Mermaid Confetti Chip Granola bars,” Quaker,
“Partnering for Good: A Case Study of a Transformational -confetti-chip-granola-bars (accessed July 1, 2019).
10-Year Partnership,” WWF-Canada and HP Canada, https:// 5. Brittany W, “Crowdsourcing Your Next Chip Flavor: Lay’s “Do Us A Flavor” Campaign”, HBS Digital Initiative, March 24,
-partnering-for-good-case-study.pdf (accessed June 25, 2018,
2019). -your-next-chip-flavor-lays-do-us-a-flavor-campaign/; Monica
32. “Understanding the Power Behind Today’s Leading Watrous, “How Frito-Lay is Making its Products Healthier,”
Brands—2011 Harris Poll EquiTrend,” Food Business News, November 20, 2017,; Calvert, “Corporate Responsibility
and Investor Confidence Survey,” November 18, 2003: http:// -its-products-healthier (accessed June 28, 2019). Also see the Trustees of Boston 6. Diana Chan, “Lay’ StrEATS of the World,” Foodology, April 13,
College, “The State of Corporate Citizenship in the United 2018,
States: 2003,” July 2003; Luisa Kroll and Allison Fass, “The (accessed June 28, 2019).
World’s Billionaires,” (accessed 7. Abha Bhattarai, “Is soda pop over? Pepsi buys seltzer-maker
March 29, 2007). SodaStream for US$3.2B,” The Washington Post, Aug 20,
33. 2018,
(accessed May 16, 2005). -pop-over-pepsi-buys-seltzer-maker-sodastream-for-us-3-2b/
34. “Canada Goose’s annual revenue from FY 2015 to FYI 2018 (accessed July 5, 2019).
(in 1,000 Canadian dollars) Statista, April 19, 2019, https:// 8. PepsiCo, “2018 PepsiCo Annual Report,” February 15, 2019,
-goose-clothing/ (accessed June 27, 2019). /2018-annual-report.pdf?sfvrsn=35d1d2bc_2 (accessed
35. Maria Pinelli, “6 Entrepreneurial Women to Watch,” Forbes, June 27, 2019).
March 15, 2015, 9. Watrous, “Inside PepsiCo’s Snacking Strategy.”
-influential-female-entrepreneurs/ (accessed June 27, 2019). 10. Kaplan, ““PepsiCo Turns to Premium Snacks to Fuel Growth.”
36. “Do the Kind Thing for Your Body, Your Taste Buds, & the (accessed June 27, 2019).
World,” KIND, 11. Watrous, “Inside PepsiCo’s Snacking Strategy”; “2018
(accessed June 18, 2019). PepsiCo Annual Report.”
37. Tanya Dua, “Kind Snacks is Venturing Outside of Nutrition 12. Watrous, “How Frito-Lay is Making its Products Healthier.”
Bars for the First Time Ever—and it Should Terrify
Welch’s,” Business Insider, August 22, 2017, 13. Watrous, “How Frito-Lay is Making its Products Healthier.” 14. PepsiCo, “Product Information,”
-nutrition-bars-for-the-first-time-ever-and-it-should-terrify /brands/product-information (accessed July 3, 2019).
-Welchs/articleshow/60175706.cms (accessed June 18, 2019). 15. PepsiCo, “About the Company,”
38. Ibid. /about/about-the-company (accessed July 3, 2019).
39. Patty Odell, “KIND Challenges Competitors with Taste Tests,” 16. Allison Aubrey, “This Is How Much Celebrities Get Paid to
Chief Marketer, January 17, 2018, Endorse Soda and Unhealthy Food,” NPR, June 7, 2016, www
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June 18, 2019). -much-celebrities-get-paid-to-endorse-soda-and-unhealthy
40. Tanya Dua, “Kind is Sending Out Its Competitors’ Products to -food; Robert Klara, “Why Celebrities Want to Be in PepsiCo’s
10,000 Consumers in an Edgy Marketing Stunt.” Ads,” Advertising Age, June 8, 2015.
41. “Make the World a Little Kinder,” KIND, 17. Beth Kowitt, “PepsiCo Nabs NBA Sponsorship Rights from (accessed June 18, 2019). Coca-Cola,” Fortune, April 13, 2015; E. J. Schultz, “Coke Takes
Over from Pepsi as MLB Sponsor,” Advertising Age, March 31,
42. Ibid. 2017.
18. PepsiCo, “Pepsi Launches the Sound Drop to Identify
Chapter 2 and Support the Next Generation of Breaking Artists in
1. Jennifer Kaplan, “PepsiCo Turns to Premium Snacks to Fuel Partnership with iHeartMedia, Shazam and MTV,” August 24,
Growth,” Bloomberg, July 11, 2017, 2016,
.com/news/articles/2017-07-11/pepsico-profits-from-more -the-sound-drop-to-identify-and-support-the-next-generation
-expensive-chips-and-soft-drinks; -of-bre08242016 (accessed July 3, 2019).
/Purpose/HumanSustainability/HS_ENG_FLC.html; “PepsiCo 19. Michael Treacy and Fred Wiersema, The Disciplines of Market
launches new snack range,” Inside FMCG, March 27, 2019, Leaders (Reading, MA: Addison Wesley, 1995). 20. V. Kumar et al., “Establishing Profitable Customer Loyalty
-new-snack-range/; “Purpose,” PepsiCo Canada,
for Multinational Companies in the Emerging Economies: A
Conceptual Framework,” Journal of International Marketing
.html (accessed July 1, 2019).
21 (March 2013), pp. 57–80; Yuping Liu-Thompkins and Leona
2. Julie Cresswell, “PepsiCo to Acquire the Fruit and Veggie Tam, “Not All Repeat Customers Are the Same: Designing
Snack Maker Bare Foods, The New York Times, May 25, Effective Cross-Selling Promotion on the Basis of Attitudinal
2018, Loyalty and Habit,” Journal of Marketing 77 (September 2013),
/dealbook/pepsico-bare-foods.html (accessed July 1, 2019). pp. 21–36.
3. Monica Watrous, “Inside PepsiCo’s Snacks Strategy,” 21. Melea Press and Eric J. Arnould, “How Does Organizational
Food and Business News, February 11, 2016, Identification Form? A Consumer Behavior Perspective,”
Endnotes EN-3

Journal of Consumer Research 38 (December 2011), pp. 650– 39. PepsiCo, “About the Company,”
66. /about/about-the-company (accessed July 2, 2019).
22. “The Top 15 Canadian Loyalty Rewards Programs,” Greedy 40. PepsiCo, “PepsiCo Exceeds Global Water Stewardship
Rates, December 10, 2018, Goals,” August 29, 2016; Brian Dumaine, “The Water
/the-top-15-canadian-loyalty-rewards-programs/ (accessed Conservation Challenge of Coke vs. Pepsi,” Fortune, August
July 3, 2019). 20, 2015,;
23. Valarie A. Zeithaml, Mary Jo Bitner, and Dwayne D. Gremler, PepsiCo, “Water 2018,”
Services Marketing: Integrating Customer Focus Across the /esg-topics-policies/2018-cdp-water-response.pdf?sfvrsn
Firm, 5th ed. (Burr Ridge, IL: McGraw-Irwin, 2009). =c5c36f59_4 (accessed July 2, 2019).
24. Brooks Barnes, “At Disney Parks, a Bracelet Meant to Build 41. Martin Caballero, “FDA Issues Draft Guidance on New
Loyalty (and Sales),” The New York Times, January 7, 2013;” Nutrition Facts Label,” BevNET, January 4, 2017, www.bevnet
Disney Vacation Planning Magic Is at Your Fingertips,” Disney, .com/news/2017/fda-issues-draft-guidance-new-nutrition -facts-label; Ilan Brat and Mike Esterl, “FDA Proposes Placing
-disney-experience/my-magic-plus/ (accessed July 3, 2019), Sugar Guide on Food Labels,” The Wall Street Journal,
July 24, 2015,
25. Carmine Gallo, “Customer Service the Disney Way,” Forbes, -added-sugar-on-food-labels-1437774370.
April 14, 2011.
42. Angelica LaVito, “Millennials Like Small Food Companies,
26. James R. Stock, Stefanie L. Boyer, and Tracy Harmon, but Big Brands Aren’t Dead—Yet,” CNBC, June 15, 2017;
“Research Opportunities in Supply Chain Management,” Stephanie Strom, “Small Food Brands, Big Successes,” The
Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 2010, 38, no. 1, New York Times, August 24, 2015,
pp. 32–41. Also see articles in a special issue edited by John /08/26/dining/start-up-food-business-changing-appetites
T. Mentzer and Greg Gundlach, “Exploring the Relationship .html?_r=0.
Between Marketing and Supply Chain Management:
Introduction to the Special Issue,” Journal of the Academy of 43.
Marketing Science, 2010, 38, no. 1, pp. 1–4.
27. “Best Canadian Brands 2014,” Interbrand,
44. (accessed April 30, 2007);
“Conversations on Working and Well-Being: Working by the
-Brands-2014.pdf (accessed February 9, 2017).
Golden Rule: Lee Valley Tools,”
28. Interbrand, “Best Global Brands,” /social/lee_valley.html (accessed April 30, 2007); “Lee Valley
com/best-brands/best-global-brands/2018/ (accessed July 2, Tools Case Study,”
2019). /lee-valley-tools-case-study (accessed April 30, 2007); “A
29. WestJet Airlines, (accessed April 23, Visit to Lee Valley Tools: A Company Built on Innovation and
2011); Customer Service,”
/23/c8051.html (accessed June 16, 2014). /shot643.shtml (accessed June 16, 2014).
30. “Marketing Plan,” American Marketing Association Dictionary, 45. Annie Gasparro, “In the Low-Carb Age, Does Cereal Have a Future?” The Wall Street Journal, September 19, 2013.
(accessed February 9, 2017). 46. Kirsten Acuna, “Google Says It Can Predict Which Films Will
31. Donald Lehman and Russell Winer, Analysis for Marketing Be Huge Box Office Hits,” Business Insider, June 6, 2013.
Planning, 7th ed. (Burr Ridge, IL: McGraw-Hill/Irwin, 2008). 47. (accessed April 30,
32. Andrew Campbell, “Mission Statements,” Long Range 2007). ® President’s Choice, PC Financial, PC are registered
Planning 30 (1997), pp. 931–933. trademarks of Loblaws Inc., used with permission.
33. Alfred Rappaport, Creating Shareholder Value: The New 48. This discussion is adapted from Roger A. Kerin, Steven W.
Standard for Business Performance (New York: Wiley, Hartley, and William Rudelius, Marketing, 10th ed. (Burr Ridge,
1988); Robert C. Higgins and Roger A. Kerin, “Managing IL: McGraw-Hill/Irwin, 2011).
the Growth–Financial Policy Nexus in Marketing,” Journal 49. Farris et al., Marketing Metrics: 50+ Metrics Every Executive
of Marketing 59, no. 3 (1983), pp. 19–47; and Roger Kerin, Should Master (Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall, 2006),
Vijay Mahajan, and P. Rajan Varadarajan, Contemporary p . 17.
Perspectives on Strategic Market Planning (Boston: Allyn & 50. Relative market share = Brand’s market share ÷ Largest com-
Bacon, 1991), Chapter 6. petitor’s market share. If, on the one hand, there are only two
34. Tim Hortons®, “About Us,” products in a market, A and B, and product B has 90 percent
/about/faq.html (accessed April 23, 2011). market share, then A’s relative market share is 10 ÷ 90 = 11.1
35. PepsiCo, “Philanthropy,” percent. If, on the other hand, B has only 50 percent market
/philanthropy (accessed July 2, 2019). share, then A’s relative market share is 10 ÷ 50 = 20 percent.
Farris et al., Marketing Metrics, p . 19.
36. Danielle Wiener-Bronner, “Why Coke is winning the cola
wars,” CNN, February 21, 2018, 51. Silconbeat, “Apple Drops iPods From Earnings Report,”
.html (accessed July 2, 2019). -from-earnings-report/ (accessed April 26, 2016).
37. RT, “PepsiCo Admits Public Source Origins of Its Aquafina 52. Fortune, “How Many iPhones Did Apple Sell Last Quarter?”
Bottled Water,” Oct 28, 2015,
-aquafina-tap-water-origins/ (accessed July 2, 2019). -sales/ (accessed April 26, 2016).
38. Kate Taylor, “The Future of Coke and Pepsi Depends on This 53. Shane Dingman, “iPhone Sales Show First-Ever Decline”, The
Unlikely Beverage,” Business Insider, April 25, 2016, https:// Globe and Mail, April 26, 2016, .com/report-on-business/rob-commentary/executive-insight
-water-2016-4; Trefis Team, “Non-Carbonated Beverages /apple-iphone-sales-show-first-ever-decline-amid-challenging
Spearhead Growth for PepsiCo’s North America Business,” -quarter/article29766216/ (accessed April 26, 2016).
Forbes, December 10, 2015, 54. Kif Leswing, “Apple Shares Sink on First Annual Drop in
/greatspeculations/2015/12/10/non-carbonated-beverages Revenue Since 2001,” Business Insider, October 25, 2016,
(accessed July 2, 2019). -2016-10 (accessed January 13, 2017).
EN-4 Endnotes

55. “Apple iPhone sales drop at record pace,” BBC News, May 1, 72. Arwa Mahdawi, “What happened to Tim Hortons? The
2019, downfall of Canada’s brand,” The Guardian, July 9, 2018,
(accessed July 2, 2019).
56. Josh O’Kane, “Has the iPhone reached its peak?” The Globe -canada-coffee-brand-popularity-downfall (accessed July 1,
and Mail, November 24, 2018, 2019).
.com/business/article-has-the-iphone-reached-its-peak-apple 73. S. Lock, “Number of Starbucks stores in Canada from 2005
-at-a-crossroads-as-smartphone/ (accessed July 3, 2019). to 2018,” Statista, Nov 20, 2018,
57. Katie Collins, “Apple Mac Sales Down, but the Broader PC /statistics/218392/number-of-starbucks-stores-in-canada/
Market Is Even Worse,” CNET, October 9, 2015, www.cnet (accessed July 1, 2019).
.com/news/apple-mac-sales-reportedly-hit-two-year-low/; Juli 74. “Are Canadian millennials drinking more Starbucks or Tim
Clover, “Apple;s Mac Sales Drop in Q4 2018 Amid Worldwide Hortons?,” Dished, Dec 4, 2018,
PC Shipment Decline, January 10, 2019, /koho-millennials-coffee-starbucks-tims (accessed July 1,
.com/2019/01/10/apple-mac-sales-drop-q4-2018/ (accessed 2019).
July 2, 2019). 75. Arwa Mahdawi, “What happened to Tim Hortons? The
58. “Apple Reports Record Results,” Apple, January 23, 2013, downfall of Canada’s brand.” 76. Starbucks, “Infographic: Starbucks Reports Q2 Fiscal 2019
-Record-Results.html (accessed June 16, 2014). Results,” April 25, 2019.
59. “Global Apple iPad Sales From Third Fiscal Quarter of 2010 /press/2019/infographic-starbucks-reports-q2-fiscal-2019
to First Fiscal Quarter of 2016 (in Million Units),” (accessed -results/ (accessed July 1, 2019).
April 26, 2016). 77. Ibid.
60. “Media Tablet Shipments Outpace Fourth Quarter Targets;
Strong Demand for New iPad and Other Forthcoming
Products Leads to Increase in 2012 Forecast, According to Appendix 2A
IDC,” IDC, March 13, 2012, 1. This appendix was written by Tom Chevalier, Britt Hackmann,
.jsp?containerId=prUS23371312 (accessed May 24, 2013). and Elisabeth Nevins Caswell in conjunction with the text-
book authors (Dhruv Grewal and Michael Levy) for class
61. “Low Cost Products Drive Forecast Increases in Tablet
discussion; it was not written as an illustration of effective or
Market, According to IDC,” IDC, March 12, 2013,
ineffective Marketing practices. (accessed
May 24, 2013). 2. “How to Write a Marketing Plan,”
62. Jeremy Horwitz, “Apple reports $58 billion in Q2 2019
-plan.htm (accessed June 16, 2014); also see “Marketing Plan
revenue, services hit $11.5 billion,” VB, April 30, 2019, https:// Online,” (accessed
-revenue/ (accessed July 2, 2019). May 16, 2008); “Marketing Plan,”
org/Market.html (accessed May 18, 2008).
63. Ibid.
3. Roger Kerin, Steven Hartley, and William Rudelius, Marketing
64. “Apple Pay Overtakes Starbucks as Top Mobile Payment App (New York: McGraw-Hill/Irwin, 2008), p . 53.
in the US,”, October 23, 2019, 4. Kerin, Hartley, and Rudelius, p . 54; “How to Write a Marketing
-top-mobile-payment-app-in-the-us?ecid=NL1014 (accessed Plan.”
October 24, 2019). 5. This list of sources largely comes from the Babson College
Library Guide May 12, 2008,
65. Kerin, Mahajan, and Varadarajan, Contemporary Perspectives
/research/marketing plan.cfm (accessed May 15, 2008).
on Strategic Market Planning; see also Susan Mudambi, “A
Topology of Strategic Choice in Marketing,” International Journal Special thanks to Nancy Dlott.
of Market & Distribution Management (1994), pp. 22–25. 6. This Marketing plan presents an abbreviated version of the
66. Devin Leonard, “Calling All Superheroes,” Fortune, May 23, actual plan for PeopleAhead. Some information has been
2007; Box Office Mojo, “X-Men (2000),” www.boxofficemojo changed to maintain confidentiality.
.com/movies/?id=xmen.htm. 7. Publishers’ and Advertising Directors’ Conference,
September, 21, 2005.
67. “Black Panther’ Surpasses $1 Billion in Sales After China
Debut,” Bloomberg, March 10, 2018. 8. Mintel International Group, “Online Recruitment–US,”
January 1, 2005, (accessed
68. Patrick Cavanaugh, “Netflix Orders a Second Season of
September 1, 2005).
‘Marvel’s Daredevil,’”, April 21, 2015; Todd
Spangler, “Netflix, Marvel Pick ‘Luke Cage’ Showrunner, Cheo 9. Corzen Inc., (accessed May 17,
Hodari Coker,” Variety, March 31, 2015. 2004).
69. “Number of Netflix paying streaming subscribers in the 10. Mintel International Group, “Online Recruitment–US.”
United States from 3rd quarter 2011 to 1st quarter 2019 (in
millions)”, Statista, Chapter 3
/quarterly-number-of-netflix-streaming-subscribers-in-the-us/ 1. Tim Higgins, “Tesla Model 3 Arrives as Elon Musk Warns of
(accessed July 2, 2019). ‘Manufacturing Hell,’” The Wall Street Journal, July 29,
70. Marvel, “Home Décor,” 2017, tesla-model-3-arrives-as-elon-musk-tries-to-manage
/mn/1000206/ (accessed July 3, 2019). -expectations-1501234208.htm; Ben Levisohn, “How Tesla’s
71. Terra Cioflfe, “The results are in: Tim Hortons is no longer Model 3 Is Like Apple’s iPhone. Really,” Barron’s, September
Canadians’ favourite coffee shops.” Macleans, Oct 22, 2017. 12, 2017, -3-is-like-apples-iphone-really-1505236614; Matthew DeBord,
-hortons-is-no-longer-canadas-favourite-coffee-shop/; Hollie “Tesla Is Taking a Long Time to Ramp Up Production for the
Shaw, ``McDonald’s $1 coffee and higher-priced menu items Model 3—Here’s Why,” Business Insider, September 13, 2017,
challenge Tim Hortons’ dominance``, Financial Post, May 1,
2018, -slow-ramp-2017-9 (accessed July 3, 2019).
-1-coffee-and-higher-priced-menu-items-challenge-tim-hortons 2. Peter F. Drucker, The Essential Drucker (New York:
-dominance (accessed July 1, 2019). HarperCollins, 2001).
Endnotes EN-5

3. Linda Doell, “In Razor vs. Razor, Neither Gillette Nor Schick 20. “The Daily—Survey of Household Spending, 2015,” Statistics
Gains Edge With Ad Watchdog,” March 17, 2011, Canada, January 27, 2017, -quotidien/170127/dq170127a-eng.htm; “Shares of total
-nor-schick-gains-edge-with. expenditure of major spending categories y income
4. “Startups shook up the sleepy razor market. Here’s what’s quinitile, Canada, 2015,” Statistics Canada, January 27, 2017,
next,” CNBC, Sept 26, 2018,
/26/startups-shook-up-the-sleepy-razor-market-whats-next .htm (accessed Sept. 13, 2017).
.html (accessed July 4, 2019). 21. Erik Simanis and Duncan Duke, “Profits at the Bottom of
5. Dennis Green, “Gillette is facing a new threat from one of its the Pyramid,” Harvard Business Review, October 2014,
oldest rivals,” Business Insider, May 24, 2017, -pyramid.
-oldest-rival-schick-2017-5; Kaitlyn Tiffany, “The absurd quest 22. “Education and Occupation of High-Income Canadians,”
to make the “best” razor,” Vox, Dec 11, 2018, Statistics Canada, December 23, 2015,
-dollar-shave-club (accessed July 3, 2019). _2-eng.cfm (accessed May 3, 2016).
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7. Michael Solomon, Consumer Behavior: Buying, Having and January 30, 2013,
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8. Danielle Schalk, “La Belle Cuisine: Examining Quebec’s Rich 24. “Median Earnings of Recent Immigrants and Canadian
Food Culture,” Foodservice and Hospitality, April 28, 2017, Born Earners, Both Sexes, Aged 25 to 54 With or Without University Degree, 2005, For Canada, Provinces and
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9. John Feto, “Name Games,” American Demographics, anchored_object__“ro_u4c3cins8e4e”?><?__anchored
February 15, 2003. _object__“ro_u4c3cins8e4f”?>6/dp-pd/hlt/97-563/T802-eng
10. “Orthodox,” American Demographics, May 2004, p . 35; .cfm?Lang=E&T=802&GH=4&SC=13&SO=99&O=A (accessed
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Across Generations of Young Canadians: Are Millennials 25. Bethany Clough, “Home-Improvement Store Empowers
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14. Noah Rubin Brier, “Move Over Prime-Time!” American 30. “Ethnic Diversity and Immigration,” Statistics Canada,
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EN-6 Endnotes

35. Raizel Robin, “How Grocers Are Aiming to Connect With .ca/2019/04/fad-press-release-2019-04-24/ (accessed July 4,
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May 4, 2016). Matter?” Financial Post, March 31, 2017,
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2016). -statistics-debt-to-income-makes-a-lot-of-noise-but-does-it
37. James Cowan, “How FreshCo Is Connecting With South -really-matter (accessed June 6, 2017); David Parkinson,
Asian Shoppers,” Canadian Business, November 23, 2015, “Canadian Household Debt Soars to Yet Another Record,” The Globe and Mail, March 11, 2016,
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May 4, 2016). /canadians-debt-burden-still-growing-hits-record-in-fourth
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marketers, study says,” Marketing Dive, March 9, 2020, 2019,” Reuters, June 13, 2019, ca/news/5385688/canada-household-debt-q1-2019/
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of Retailing and Retailing Education,” Journal of Marketing 58. “The 17 Goals,” The Global Goals,;
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Humans in More Stores,” RetailWire, October 27, 2017. and Mail, May 14, 2019.
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46. Sophie Curtis, “Pizza Hut Hires Robot Waiters to Take Orders $1 Billion Helping Solve The Problem Of Ocean Plastic,”
and Process Payments at Its Fast-Food Restaurants,” The Forbes, Oct 29, 2018,
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-robot-waiters-8045172. -will-make-1-billion-helping-solve-the-problem-of-ocean
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Endnotes EN-7

69. Martin Peers, “Buddy, Can You Spare Some Time?” The Wall
Street Journal, January 26, 2004: B1, B3. -turns-to-plant-based-hair-dye-as-natural-cosmetics-thrive
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71. Lauren Vogel, “Overweight or overfat? Many Canadians are 5. Jill Ettinger, “L’Oréal Goes Retro (and Vegan) with Natural
both,” CMAJ, August 31, 2017, Henna-Based Hair Dye,” EcoSalon, December 14, 2017, http://
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72. Ibid. 6. White, “L’Oréal Turns to Plant-Based Hair Dye.”
73. “Yoga Statistics,” 7. Williams, “Platinum Blonde Creator L’Oréal Goes Vegan.”
(accessed June 30, 2014). 8. Ibid.
74. PBS, “Timeline: History of the Electric Car,”, October 30, 9. Khadeeja Safdar and Sharon Terlep, “As Sephora Adds
2009, Products, Rivalry Heats Up at Its Stores,” The Wall Street
75. Brad Bennett, “Tesla drops Canadian Model S and X prices Journal, January 8, 2017,
alongside Model 3 price cut,” mobilesyrup. March 1, 2019, /as-sephora-adds-products-rivalry-heats-up-at-its-stores -1483876801 (accessed July 8, 2019).
-model-s-x-prices/ (accessed July 3, 2019). 10. For a detailed discussion of customer behaviour, see Michael
76. “Model 3,” Tesla, R. Solomon, Consumer Behavior: Buying, Having, and Being,
(accessed July 3, 2019). 11th ed. (Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Prentice Hall, 2014).
77. “Bolt EV,” Chevrolet, 11. Liz C. Wang et al., “Can a Retail Web Site Be Social?”
/bolt-ev (accessed July 3, 2019). Journal of Marketing 71, no. 3 (2007), pp. 143–57; Barry
Babin, William Darden, and Mitch Griffin, “Work and/or Fun:
78. Matthew DeBord, “GM Is Targeting Tesla in an Area Where Measuring Hedonic and Utilitarian Shopping Value,” Journal
Tesla Dominates All Other Automakers,” Business Insider, of Consumer Research 20 (March 1994), pp. 644–56.
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79. Peter Valdes-Dapena, “GM Is Selling a $5,000 Electric Car 13. Amanda Mull, “The Best Red Carpet Clutches of the 2017
in China,” CNNMoney, August 8, 2017, Academy Awards,” Purse Blog, February 27, 2017, www
(accessed July 3, 2019). -clutches/ (accessed July 9, 2019).
80. Tycho De Feijter, “5 Stunning Facts about the Chinese 14. The term determinance was first coined by James Myers and
Car Market You Need to Know,” Forbes, May 16, 2016, Mark Alpert nearly three decades ago. 15. Marsha Chan. “I Want a Mazda! Or A Honda… Maybe,”
-things-you-need-to-know-about-the-chinese-car Medium, February 29, 2016,
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81. Valdes-Dapena, “GM Is Selling a $5,000 Electric Car in -480e5e5baa34 (accessed July 14, 2020).
China.” 16. Caroline Goukens, Siegfried Dewitte, and Luk Warlop,
82. Ibid.; Thomas Tamblyn, “GM Just Unveiled a $5,000 Electric “Me, Myself, and My Choices: The Influence of Private Self-
Car for China,” Huffington Post (UK), August 11, 2017, https:// Awareness on Choice,” Journal of Marketing Research 46, no. 5 (October 2009), pp. 682–92.
-electric-car-for-china_uk_598c7421e4b0449ed5085f9a 17. Paul S. Richardson, Alan S. Dick, and Arun K. Jain, “Extrinsic
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83. Tamblyn, “GM Just Unveiled a $5,000 Electric Car for China.” Quality,” Journal of Marketing 58 (October 1994), pp. 28–36;
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Constraints on Consumers’ Judgments of Prices and
Michael Holder, “GM Unveils Low-Cost Electric Car,” Business
Products,” Journal of Consumer Research 30 (June 2003),
Green, August 11, 2017,
pp. 92–104.
(accessed July 3, 2019). 18. Merrie Brucks, Valerie A. Zeithaml, and Gillian Naylor, “Price
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Chapter 4 Science 28, no. 3 (2000), pp. 359–374; Niraj Dawar and Philip
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a Stunning Makeover,” Advertising Age, April 5, 2017, “Sally Name, Price, Physical Appearance, and Retailer Reputation
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/311580 (accessed July 8, 2019). Marketing 56 (April 1992), pp. 57–71; Dhruv Grewal and
Julie Baker, “Do Retail Store Environmental Factors Affect
3. Robert Williams, “Platinum Blonde Creator L’Oréal Goes Consumers’ Price Acceptability? An Empirical Examination,”
Vegan with New Hair Dye,” Bloomberg, December 13, 2017, International Journal of Research in Marketing 11 (1994), pp. 107–115; Eric R. Spangenberg, Ayn E. Crowley, and
-rides-natural-trend-with-plant-based-hair-coloring (accessed Pamela W. Henderson, “Improving the Store Environment: Do
July 8, 2019). Olfactory Cues Affect Evaluations and Behaviors?” Journal
4. Sarah White, “L’Oréal Turns to Plant-Based Hair Dye as of Marketing 60 (April 1996), pp. 67–80; Kirk L. Wakefield
Natural Cosmetics Thrive,” Reuters, December 13, 2017, and Jeffrey G. Blodgett, “Customer Response to Intangible
EN-8 Endnotes

and Tangible Service Factors,” Psychology and Marketing 16 32. Julie Baker et al., “Wait Expectations, Store Atmosphere and
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& Row, 1970); “Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs,” Business Balls, Hill/Irwin, 2007); Michael R. Solomon, Consumer Behavior: Buying, Having, and Being (Toronto: Prentice Hall, 2009).
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Disclosure,” Blog Paws, September 5, 2013,; see sites that recruit bloggers to do paid 37. Amazon, “Alexa Calling & Messaging,”
reviews:, /b?node=16713667011; Todd Haselton, “The Amazon Echo, Just Made Home Phones Cool Again. Here’s How to Make
Calls with Alexa,” CNBC, May 11, 2017,
26. Rebecca Harris, “Skin Deep, Canada’s Big Banks Have Taken /05/11/how-to-make-calls-with-amazons-alexa.html (accessed
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40. Black, “Google Home vs. Amazon Echo”; John Patrick Pullen,
29. Anna S. Mattila and Jochen Wirtz, “Congruency of Scent “Google Outsmarts Amazon Alexa in 3,000 Question Quiz,”
and Music as a Driver of In-Store Evaluations and Behavior,” Fortune, June 23, 2017,
Journal of Retailing 77, no. 2 (Summer 2001), pp. 273–289; -home-amazon-alexa-smarter/ (accessed July 8, 2019).
Teresa A. Summers and Paulette R. Hebert, “Shedding
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on Consumer Behavior,” Journal of Business Research 42. Pullen, “Google Outsmarts Amazon Alexa in 3,000 Question
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“Environmental Color, Consumer Feelings, and Purchase speaker, typically an Amazon Echo,” TechCrunch, March 8,
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Louis Capella, “Effects of Music in Service Environments: A -echo/ (accessed July 8, 2019).
Field Study,” Journal of Services Marketing 10, no. 2 (1996),
pp. 26–41; Richard F. Yalch and Eric R. Spangenberg, “The 44. Nick Vega, “Amazon’s Echo Dot Is Outselling Google
Effects of Music in a Retail Setting on Real and Perceived Home—But Many Consumers Aren t Convinced They Need
Shopping Times,” Journal of Business Research 49, no. 2 a Voice Assistant,” Business Insider, June 29, 2017, www
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Jean-Charles Chebat, “The Impact of Music on Consumers’ -outselling-google-home-by-large-margin-2017-6 (accessed
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and Michael Levy, “An Experimental Approach to Making speaker, typically an Amazon Echo.”
Retail Store Environmental Decisions,” Journal of Retailing 46. Jenny McGrath, “Apple HomePod vs. Amazon Echo vs.
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“Scents in the Marketplace: Explaining a Fraction of Olfaction,” 47. Nat Levy, “Amazon Echo Devices Are Top Prime Day Sellers,
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31. Carmine Gallo, “Apple’s Secret Employee Training Manual Amazon Prime Day 2017,” Business Insider, July 12, 2017,
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30, 2012. -amazon-prime-day-2017 (accessed July 8, 2019).
Endnotes EN-9

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28, 2020,
2. Shradha Singh, “Shopify shares rise on improved forecast,”
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3. Shopify, “About,” (accessed
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5. Shopify, “Investor FQs,” .pdf; Shopify, “About,” (accessed
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6. Shopify Plus, “How Manitobah Mukluks Uses Shopify Plus “Shopify opens new office in Toronto with plans to double
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7. “PROFIT 500: The Complete Ranking of Canada’s Fastest- 24. Shane Dingman, “Shopify Slumps on First Quarter
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27. Martin Hofmann, Emily-Sue Sloane, and Elena Malykhina,
9. Shopify, “Consolidated Financial Statements.” “VW Revs Its B2B Engine,” Optimize, March 2004, pp. 22–26,
10. Nate Shivar, “Shopify Review: Pros & Cons of Using Shopify
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.com/2748/shopify-review-pros-cons-of-using-shopify-for 28. Volkswagen, “Welcome to the ONE.Kozern Business Platform,”
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11. Shopify, “2015 Annual Report,” /homepage/homepage.html (accessed July 11, 2019).
/financial-reports/default.aspx (accessed May 28, 2016). 29. Retail Council of Canada, “Retail by the Numbers,” June 2019,
12. Ibid.
13. James Cowan, “Shopify COO Harvey Finkelstein on the
(accessed July 11, 2019).
Future of Digital Retail,” Canadian Business, March 10, 2016, 30. Statistics Canada, “The Daily – Wholesale Trade December
/shopify-coo-harley-finkelstein/ (accessed May 28, 2016). 2018,” February 21, 2019,
/daily-quotidien/190221/dq190221a-eng.htm (accessed July 11,
14. Jeff Fraser, “Tech Player of the Year 2015: Shopify,” Marketing
Magazine, February 4, 2016,
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May 28, 2016). /research-and-impact/sector-impact; Imagine Canada,
EN-10 Endnotes

“Annual Report 2018,” 50. Mike Troy, “Staples’ New Digital Tool to Help Small Biz,”
-we-are/annual-report (accessed July 11, 2019). Retailing Today, January 4, 2016,
32. (accessed April 24, 2011). .com/news/staples-new-digital-tool-help-small-biz/; “This new
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June 3, 2011). /staples-app-will-help-small-businesses-grow-2016-11
34. “Canadian Public Tenders,” MERX, (accessed July 10, 2019).
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35. Nicholas Van Praet, “Bombardier wins Delta order for 20 Financing Needs,” Leaseworld, July 30, 2018, https://
regional jets,” The Globe and Mail, June 20, 2018, -financing/ (accessed July 10, 2019).
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36. “Bombardier Bank,” ness-loans/ (accessed July 10, 2019).
.jsp?content=20040329_59236_59236 (accessed April 24, 53. Paul Demery, “Staples Connects Growing Businesses with Its
2011). Online Financing Service,” Internet Retailer, May 28, 2015,
37. Michael Posner, “ROM Asks Caterers for Preferred-List
Fee,” The Globe and Mail, October 22, 2012, -connects-growing-businesses-its-online-financing-se/, (accessed July 10, 2019).
(accessed July 1, 2014).
Chapter 6
php. These definitions are provided by 1. Information in this opening vignette comes from personal (the American Marketing Association’s website). Interviews with Neetu Godara, co-founder of SoCIAL LITE
We have bolded our key terms. Vodka, in May and June of 2016.
39. E. J. Schultz, “GE Tells the Secret of Making Geeky Cool,” 2. Neetu Godara, “Social Lite Vodka continues to innovate,
Advertising Age, October 5, 2013, Strategy, July 9, 2019,
/special-report-ana-annual-meeting-2013/ge-making-geeky /social-lite-vodka-continues-to-innovate (accessed July 9,
-cool/244603/ (accessed May 29, 2017). 2019).
40. Charlotte Rogers, “GE’s CMO on Redefining B2B Marketing at 3. Michael R. Solomon, Consumer Behavior: Buying, Having,
the ‘Pretty Damn Cool’ Brand,” Marketing Week, January 11, and Being, 10th ed. (Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall,
2017, 2012).
-cmo-redefining-marketing/. 4. Rosellina Ferraro, Amna Kirmani, and Ted Matherly, “Look
41. Amber Bowerman, The Economics of Donation, at Me! Look at Me! Conspicuous Brand Usage, Self–Brand Connection, and Dilution,” Journal of Marketing Research 50,
-donations (accessed April 25, 2011); Value Village, no. 4 (2013), pp. 477–88; Keith Wilcox and Andrew T. Stephen,
“Are Close Friends the Enemy? Online Social Networks, Self-
Esteem, and Self-Control,” Journal of Consumer Research 40,
(accessed April 25, 2011).
no. 1 (2013), pp. 90–103.
42. Kimberly Maul, “More B-to-B Companies Find That Social
5. Eric Wilson, “Less Ab, More Flab,” The New York Times, May
Media Is an Essential Business Platform,”,
22, 2013.
June 2009; Ellis Booker, “B-to-B Marketers Apply Analytics to
Social Media,” BtoB, April 12, 2010; Elisabeth A. Sullivan, “A 6. Michael R. Solomon, Consumer Behavior: Buying, Having,
Long Slog,” Marketing News, February 28, 2009. and Being, 10th ed. (Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall,
43. Erin Hogg, “Case Study—B2B Content Marketing: Video
Campaign Leveraging Pop Culture Lifts New Leads 7. Justin Dallaire, “Inside the ‘better-for-you’ beverage alcohol
Generated 20%,” Marketing Sherpa, February 4, 2015, www boom,” Strategy, May 12, 2020, /2020/05/12/inside-the-better-for-you-beverage-alcohol
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44. (accessed July 20, 2010). 8. James M. Hagerty, “Harley, With Macho Intact, Tries to Court
More Women,” The Wall Street Journal, October 31, 2011,
45. Daniel B. Honigman, “Make a Statement,” Marketing News
May 1, 2008.
576655244217556816.html#articleTabs%3Darticle (accessed
46. Fabiana Ferreira et al., “The Transition From Products to July 1, 2014); Harley-Davidson, “Global Customer Focus,”
Solutions: External Business Model Fit and Dynamics,”
Industrial Marketing Management 42, no. 7 (2013), pp. 1093– &p5irol-demographics.
1101; Mark W. Johnston and Greg W. Marshall, Contemporary 9. T. L. Stanley, “Harley-Davidson Is Trying to Cultivate
Selling: Building Relationships, Creating Value (Routledge,
Millennials While Catering to Loyalists,” Adweek, October 2,
2013); Barton A. Weitz, Stephen B. Castleberry, and John F.
2017; Ivan Moreno, “Amid Sales Drop, Harley-Davidson Wants
Tanner, Selling Building Partnerships, 6th ed. (Burr Ridge, IL:
to Teach More Women to Ride,” Chicago Tribune, December
McGraw-Hill /Irwin, 2005), p . 93.
28, 2017.
47. Maggie Hira, “How Does a Fashion Buyer Spend a Workday?” 10. VALS1, the original lifestyle survey, assessed general values; U.S. Department of Labor, and lifestyles. The VALS survey focuses more on values and lifestyles related to consumer behaviour and thus
48. “Staples Business Advantage,” has more commercial applications. Another lifestyle (accessed July 10, 2019). segmentation system is Yankelovich’s Monitor Mindbase
49. Robert Hackett, “Staples, Never Stationary,” Forbes, March 9, (
2015, 11. “Segmentation and Targeting,”
-stationary/ (accessed July 10, 2019).; Carson J. Sandy, Samuel D. Gosling, and
Endnotes EN-11

John Durant, “Predicting Consumer Behavior and Media 29. “GE Canada,” General Electric,
Preferences: The Comparative Validity of Personality Traits (accessed July 12, 2019).
and Demographic Variables,” Psychology & Marketing 30, 30. Stephen Brown, Robert V. Kozinets, and John F. Sherry Jr.,
no. 11 (2013), pp. 937–49. “Teaching Old Brands New Tricks: Retro Branding and the
12. Kathleen Krhialla, “CRM Case Study: The Analytics That Revival of Brand Meaning,” Journal of Marketing 67, no. 2
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“Revisiting the Satisfaction–Loyalty Relationship: Empirical -athletica-pushes-forward-with-ambitious.aspx (accessed
Generalizations and Directions for Future Research,” July 14, 2019).
Journal of Retailing 89, no. 3 (2013), pp. 246–62; Irit 32. Adrianne Pasquarelli, “lululemon Woos Men with First
Nitzan and Barak Libai, “Social Effects on Customer Campaign,” Advertising Age, September 17, 2017, https://
Retention,” Journal of Marketing 75, no. 6 (November 2011),
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14. Terry O’Reilly, “Persuasive Perks: The World of Loyalty 33. CH Studio, “lululemon Taps Deep Design Expertise to Create
Programs,” The Age of Persuasion, New Outerwear for Men,” Cool Hunting, November 26, 2016,
=&mediaIds=2689446465&contentarea=radio&subsection1 (accessed July 14. 2019).
_influence&contenttype=audio (accessed May 26, 2016). 34. Erik Oster, “lululemon Is Redefining What Strength Means in
Its First Campaign for Men,” Adweek, September 14, 2017,
(accessed June 7, 2017). -redefining-what-strength-means-in-its-first-campaign-for
16. “PSYTE Canada Advantage Cluster Descriptions,” http:// -men/ (accessed July 14, 2019). (accessed 35. Ibid.
February 9, 2017).
36. Ballard, “lululemon athletica Pushes Forward.”
17. “Prizm5,” Environics Analytics,
37. Ibid.
/environics/; “Prizm5,” Tetrad, 38. Lauren Thomas, “lululemon’s Laurent Potdevin Sees Huge
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-following-legalization (accessed July 15, 2019). 39. Beth Wright, “lululemon Switches Supply Chain Focus to
Speed,” just-style, September 4, 2017,
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Rules,” in Inside the Mind of Textbook Marketing (Boston: -speed_id131566.aspx (accessed July 14, 2019).
Aspatore Inc., 2003), pp. 79–96.
40. Thomas, “lululemon’s Laurent Potdevin Sees Huge
20. (accessed June 3, 2016). Potential.”
21. B. Joseph Pine, Mass Customization: The New Frontier in 41. Emily Bary, “Why Men Are Flocking to lululemon,” Barron’s
Business Competition (Cambridge, MA: Harvard Business Next, August 28, 2017,
School Publishing, 1999); James H. Gilmore and B. Joseph -men-are-flocking-to-lululemon-1503957860 (accessed
Pine, eds., Markets of One: Creating Customer-Unique Value July 14, 2019).
Through Mass Customization (Cambridge, MA: Harvard
Business School Publishing, 2000). 42. Olivia Rockeman and Sandrine Rastello, “Lululemon quietly
closes its men’s-only stores after short-lived runs,”
22. Kristin Laird, “High Wired Retail,” Marketing Magazine, Bloomberg News, June 19, 2019,
February 25, 2013, p . 14.
23. “Frequently Asked Questions,” -quietly-closes-its-mens-only-stores-after-short-lived-runs
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February 9, 2017). 43. Marina Strauss, “Lululemon plans to double men’s business,
24. “7UP,” expand internationally under new boss,” The Globe and Mail,
(accessed February 9, 2017). April 24, 2019,
25. Allen Adamson, “Pitch Your Luxury Offering as an ‘Investment -internationally-under (accessed July 14, 2019).
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-branding-cmo-network-allen-adamson.html. Chapter 7
26. “McDonald’s Legal Cases,” 1. Thomas H. Davenport and Randy Bean, “How P&G and
/McDonald’s_legal_cases (accessed December 18, 2007). American Express Are Approaching AI,” Harvard Business
Review, March 31, 2017.
27. Crane et al., Marketing (6th Can. ed.) (Whitby, ON: McGraw-
Hill Ryerson, 2006), p . 243. 2. Ibid.
28. “Successful brand repositioning examples designed to 3. Eleanor O’Neill, “10 Companies That Are Using Big Data,” CA
reach a greater consumer audience,” shopkick insights, Today, September 23, 2016, /10-companies-using-big-data (accessed July 16, 2019).
-repositioning-examples-designed-to-reach-a-greater 4. Bernard Marr, “American Express Charges into the World
-consumer-audience-slp/ (accessed July 12, 2019). of Big Data,” Data Informed, January 16, 2016,
EN-12 Endnotes 22. Google, “Analytic Guide,”

-data/; Bernard Marr, “American Express: How Big Data And 23. Google, “Puma Kicks Up Order Rate 7% With Insights From
Machine Learning Benefits Consumers And Merchants,” Google Analytics and Viget,” case study, 2013.
Bernard Marr & Co.,
.asp?contentID=1263 (accessed July 16, 2019). 24. “Léger Analytics,” Léger,
/serviceglobalexperience (accessed February 9, 2017).
5. Alexandra Levit, “Big Data Analytics Doesn t Have to Be
Intimidating,” American Express Open Forum, August 4, 2017, 25. Edward G. Carmines and Richard A. Zeller, Reliability and Validity Assessment (Quantitative Applications in the Social
/articles/big-data-analytics-doesnt-have-to-be-intimidating/ Sciences) (London, UK: Sage University Press, 1979).
(accessed July 16, 2019). 26. Carmines and Zeller, Reliability and Validity Assessment.
6. Marr, “American Express: How Big Data And Machine 27. “In Retail Stores, Research Tool Uses Kinect to Track
Learning Benefits Consumers And Merchants.” Shoppers’ Behavior,” Retail, December 29, 2011,
7. O’Neill, “10 Companies That Are Using Big Data.”
8. Marr, “American Express: How Big Data And Machine 28. Vijay Mahajan, “How Unilever Reaches Rural Consumers in
Learning Benefits Consumers And Merchants.” Emerging Markets,” Harvard Business Review, December 14,
9. Marr, “American Express Charges into the World of Big
29. “The Truth About Cars,”
10. Davenport and Bean, “How P&G and American Express Are
(accessed February 9, 2017).
Approaching AI.”
30. Michael Brenner, “5 Examples of Brilliant Brand Communities
11. A. Parasuraman, Dhruv Grewal, and R. Krishnan, Marketing
That Are Shaping the Online World,” Marketing Insider Group,
Research (Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 2004), p . 9.
May 1, 2017,
12. Erhard K. Valentin, “Commentary: Marketing Research -marketing/5-examples-brilliant-brand-communities-shaping
Pitfalls in Product Development,” Journal of Product & Brand -online-world/; “Beauty Insider Community,” Sephora, www
Management 3, no. 4–6 (1994), pp. 66–69. (accessed July 17, 2019).
13. McDonald’s Corporation, “About Us,” 31. Facebook, “Polls for Facebook,”; McDonald’s Corporation, (accessed June 8, 2006).
“2018 Annual Report: Consolidated Operating Results,”
32. George Slefo, “Twitter Turns 12,000 Users Into Quick-
Research Panel for Marketers,” Advertising Age, June 8, 2016,
/McDonalds_2018_Annual_Report.pdf (accessed July 18,
/304351 (accessed June 8, 2016).
33. Sarah Needleman, “For Companies, a Tweet in Time Can
14. The Wendy’s Company, “Company,”
Avert PR Mess,” The Wall Street Journal, August 3, 2009.
.com/who-we-are; The Wendy’s Company, “2018 Annual
Report,” June 4, 2019, 34. Rachael King, “Sentiment Analysis Gives Companies Insight
/financials/annual-report-and-proxy/default.aspx (accessed Into Consumer Opinion,” Bloomberg BusinessWeek, March 1,
July 18, 2019). 2011,
15. Detailed illustrations of scales are provided in two books: /feb2011/tc20110228_366762.htm
Gordon C. Bruner, Marketing Scales Handbook, Volume 35. “Campbell’s Select Harvest Soups Top 2009 IRI New Product
V: A Compilation of Multi-Item Measures (Carbondale, IL: Pacesetters List: Second Time in Three Years That Campbell’s
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G. Netemeyer, Handbook of Marketing Scales: Multi-
Item Measures for Marketing and Consumer Behavior -top-2009-iri-new-product-pacesetters-list-2010-03-23?
Research (Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications, 1999). reflink5MW_news_stmp.
Sources for the scales used in the exhibit are Dhruv 36. Adapted from A. Parasuraman, D. Grewal, and R. Krishnan,
Grewal, Gopalkrishnan Iyer, Jerry Gotlieb, and Michael Levy, Marketing Research (Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 2004),
“Developing a Deeper Understanding of Post-Purchase p . 64.
Perceived Risk and Repeat Purchase Behavioral Intentions
in a Service Setting,” Journal of the Academy of Marketing 37. The Conference Board of Canada, “The Origins of Cannabis
Science 35, no. 2 (2007), pp. 250–258; Anthony Miyazaki, in Canada,”
Dhruv Grewal, and Ronald C. Goodstein, “The Effect of /the-origins-of-cannabis (accessed August 27, 2019).
Multiple Extrinsic Cues on Quality Perceptions: A Matter of 38. Dan Ralph, “Canadian Families Shunning Hockey, Survey
Consistency,” Journal of Consumer Research 32 (June 2005), Finds,” The Globe and Mail, August 2, 2013, p . S4.
pp. 146–153. 39. Daniel Calabretta, “What are Canadians’ favourite new
16. Jeff Kelly, “Big Data: Hadoop, Business, Analytics, and products?,” Strategy, Feb 26, 2020,
Beyond,” Wikibon, February 5, 2014, .ca/2020/02/26/what-are-canadians-favourite-new-products
17. Rachel Wolfson, “Retailers Using Big Data: The Secret -2 (accessed Feb 26, 2020).
Behind Amazon and Nordstrom’s Success,” Big Data News, 40. Floyd J. Fowler, Survey Research Methods (Thousand Oaks,
December 11, 2014, CA: Sage, 2009); Don A. Dillman, Glenn Phelps, Robert
18. “How Amazon Is Leveraging Big Data,” BigData Startups, Tortora, Karen Swift, Julie Kohrell, Jodi Berck, and Benjamin L. Messer, “Response Rate and Measurement Differences in
-leveraging-big-data/. Mixed-Mode Surveys Using Mail, Telephone, Interactive Voice
Response (IVR) and the Internet,” Social Science Research 38
19. “Number of Active Amazon Customer Accounts Worldwide (March 2009), pp. 1–18.
from 1st Quarter 2013 to 1st Quarter 2016 (in Millions),”
Statista, 2018. 41. Chris Powell, “Shaw Establishes New Online Research Tool
the Viewers Lounge,” Marketing Magazine, February 12,
20. Wolfson, “Retailers Using Big Data.” 2014,
21. Quentin Hardy, “Big Data Picks Up the Pace,” The New York /shaw-establishes-new-online-research-tool-the-viewers
Times, March 5, 2014, -lounge-100742 (accessed July 2, 2014).
Endnotes EN-13

42. (accessed April 15, 2010); Joel Warady, Magazine of Management and Applications 16, no. 3
“Asda Takes the ‘Pulse of the Nation,’” Retail Wire (July 16, (Fall 2004), pp. 28–34; V. Kumar, G. Ramani, and T. Bohling,
2009). “Customer Lifetime Value Approaches and Best Practice
43. Facebook, “State Bicycle Co.: Building a Strong Customer Applications,” Journal of Interactive Marketing 18, no. 3
Base,” case study, (Summer 2004), pp. 60–72; J. Thomas, Werner Reinartz,
/success/state-bicycle (accessed June 8, 2016). and V. Kumar, “Getting the Most out of All Your Customers,”
Harvard Business Review (July–August 2004), pp. 116–123;
44. Facebook, “Grow Your Business Online,” Werner Reinartz and V. Kumar, “The Impact of Customer (accessed June 8, Relationship Characteristics on Profitable Lifetime Duration,”
2016). Journal of Marketing 67 (January 2003), pp. 77–99;
45. Roger Dooley, “NeuroMarketing: For Coke, It’s the Real Werner Reinartz and V. Kumar, “The Mismanagement of
Thing,” Forbes, March 7, 2013, Customer Loyalty,” Harvard Business Review (July 2002),
(accessed June 8, 2016). pp. 86–97; W. Reinartz and V. Kumar, “On the Profitability
46. “Privacy Laws in Canada,” Office of the Privacy of Long Lifetime Customers: An Empirical Investigation
Commissioner of Canada, and Implications for Marketing,” Journal of Marketing 64
/en/privacy-topics/privacy-laws-in-canada/ (accessed (October 2000), pp. 17–32.
February 9, 2017). 2. We have made some minor adjustments to the formula
47. E. J. Schultz, “Facial-Recognition Lets Marketers Gauge suggested by Gupta et al., “Modeling Customer Lifetime
Consumers’ Real Responses to Ads,” Advertising Age, May 18, Value.”
2015, 3. Sunil Gupta and Donald R. Lehmann, Managing
-marketers-gauge-real-responses/298635/. Customers as Investments (Philadelphia, PA: Wharton
48. A. K. Ahuja, “How Big Brands Are Using Neuromarketing to School Publishing, 2005); Gupta et al., “Modeling Customer
Stay Bold,” LinkedIn, October 27, 2017, Lifetime Value.”
-a-k-ahuja; Philip Mahler, “15 Powerful Examples of Neuro
Marketing in Action,” Imotions, March 7, 2017,
Chapter 8
1. David Pogue, “Google Glass and the Future of Technology,”
49. Courtney Rubin, “What Do Consumers Want? Look at
The New York Times, September 13, 2012,
Their Selfies,” The New York Times, May 7, 2016, https:// (accessed June 15, 2016).
-consumers-want-look-at-their-selfies.html; Heather Clancy, 2. Adam Isaak, “These $600 smart glasses backed by Amazon
“This Marketing Startup Pays People to Take Selfies,” and Intel are the best yet — but they still don’t do enough,”
Fortune, July 13, 2016, CNBC, April 24, 2019,
/pay-your-selfie-marketing-tech/; Erin Griffith, “Paying Is /north-focals-smart-glasses-backed-by-amazon-intel-dont-do
Voluntary at This Selfie-Friendly Store,” The New York -enough.html (accessed July 22, 2019).
Times, Sept. 13, 2018, 3. Josh O’Kane, “Waterloo wearables startup Thalmic Labs
/09/13/technology/dirty-lemon-drug-store.html; Dalvin changes its name, turns focus to smart glasses,” The Globe
Brown, “Perfect selfies are all over Facebook, Instagram and Mail, Oct 23, 2018
and Snapchat. They’re killing us,” USA Today, May 22, /business/article-waterloo-wearables-startup-turns-its-focus
2019, -to-glasses/ (accessed July 22, 2019).
/22/why-you-take-selfies-and-how-its-dangerous 4. Jordan Crook, “Focals by North review: The future is
/3691366002/ (accessed July 18, 2019). (almost) here,” TechCrunch, June 18, 2019, https://
-future-is-almost-here/; Josh Kolm, “Can North resurrect
APPENDIX 7A smart glasses with a consumer focus?” Strategy, October
1. V. Kumar, A. Petersen, and R.P. Leone, “How Valuable Is the 23, 2018,
Word of Mouth?” Harvard Business Review (October 2007), -resurrect-smart-glasses-with-a-consumer-focus (accessed
pp. 139–146; V. Kumar and Morris George, “Measuring and July 22, 2019).
Maximizing Customer Equity: A Critical Analysis,” Journal 5. Craig Daniels, “FROM THALMIC LABS TO NORTH INC: Q &
of the Academy of Marketing Science 35, no. 2 (June A WITH AARON GRANTCO-FOUNDER TALKS ABOUT HIS
2007), pp. 157–171; V. Kumar, Denish Shah, and Rajkumar COMPANY’S NEW WEARABLE PRODUCT CALLED FOCALS,”
Venkatesan, “Managing Retailer Profitability: One Customer Communitech, Oct 23, 2018,
at a Time!” Journal of Retailing 82, no. 4 (October 2006), /from-thalmic-labs-to-north-inc-q-a-with-aaron-grant (accessed
pp. 277–294; V. Kumar, “Profitable Relationships,” Marketing July 22, 2019).
Research: A Magazine of Management and Applications 18,
no. 3 (Fall 2006), pp. 41–46; V. Kumar, “Customer Lifetime 6. Ashley Carman, “Smart glasses company North announces
Value: A Databased Approach,” Journal of Relationship new, essential features for Focals,” The Verge, April 6, 2019,
Marketing 5, no. 2/3 (2006), pp. 7–35; Sunil Gupta et al.,
“Modeling Customer Lifetime Value,” Journal of Service -smart-glasses-update-software-spotify-navigation-features
Research 9 (November 2006), pp. 139–155; V. Kumar, R. (accessed July 22, 2019).
Venkatesan, and Werner Reinartz, “Knowing What to Sell, 7. “About Us,” North, (accessed
When and to Whom,” Harvard Business Review (March July 22, 2019).
2006), pp. 131–137; Werner Reinartz, J. Thomas, and V. 8. Ian Altman, “Why Google Glass Failed and Why Apple Watch
Kumar, “Balancing Acquisition and Retention Resources to Could Too,” Forbes, April 28, 2015,
Maximize Profitability,” Journal of Marketing 69 (January /sites/ianaltman/2015/04/28/why-google-glass-failed-and
2005), pp. 63–79; R. Venkatesan and V. Kumar, “A -why-apple-watch-could-too/2/#3bb9eddb5103 (accessed
Customer Lifetime Value Framework for Customer June 15, 2016).
Selection and Resource Allocation Strategy,” Journal
of Marketing 68 (October 2004), pp. 106–125; V. Kumar 9. Jordan Crook, “Focals by North review: The future is (almost)
and J. Andrew Petersen, “Maximizing ROI or Profitability: here.”
Is One Better Than the Other,” Marketing Research: A 10. Ibid.
EN-14 Endnotes

11. Josh O’Kane, “Kitchener-based North Inc. halts sales and Analysis and Strategic Implications,” Management Science
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36. Subin Im and John P. Workman Jr., “Market Orientation,
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Creativity, and New Product Performance in High-
18. Koen Pauwels et al., “New Products, Sales Promotions, and Technology Firms,” Journal of Marketing 68, no. 2 (April
Firm Value: The Case of the Automobile Industry,” Journal of 2004), p . 114.
Marketing 68, no. 4 (October 2004), p . 142.
37. Shubham Mukherjee and Nmrata Singh, “Reverse Innovation
19. Elaine Watson, “What’s the Size of the US Gluten-Free Prize? 2.0: More MNCs Take India’s Frugal Engineering Global,” The
$490m, $5bn, or $10bn?” Food Navigator USA, February 17, Times of India, July 22, 2015,
2014, (accessed June 14, .com/business/india-business/Reverse-innovation-2-0-More
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/Story-content/Health/GlutenFree (accessed July 23, 2019). 38. Stefan Stremersch and Walter Van Dyck, “Marketing
21. Kalpesh Kaushik Desai and Kevin Lane Keller, “The Effects of the Life Sciences: A New Framework and Research
of Ingredient Branding Strategies on Host Brand Agenda for a Nascent Field,” Journal of Marketing 73 (July
Extendibility,” Journal of Marketing 66, no. 1 (January 2002), 2009), pp. 4–30; Brady Huggett, John Hodgson, and Riku
pp. 73–93. Lähteenmäki, “Public Biotech 2010—The Numbers,” Nature
Biotechnology 29 (2011), pp. 585–91,
22. Erik Kain, “‘Madden NFL 25’ Sales Down Over Last Year, First
Week Still Tops 1M Units,” Forbes, September 5, 2013, http:// 39. “For Kids, A New Tactile Way to Learn Coding,” IDEO Case (accessed June 14, 2016). Study,
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July 23, 2019). 2016).
24. (accessed September 18, 41. Josephy Flaherty, “How Home Depot Copied Apple to Build
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“What Will the Future Bring? Dominance, Technology 42.
Expectations, and Radical Innovation,” Journal of Marketing (accessed November 12, 2004); Eric von Hippel, “Successful
67, no. 3 (July 2003), pp. 1–18; Harald J. van Heerde, Carl Industrial Products From Consumers’ Ideas,” Journal of
F. Mela, and Puneet Manchanda, “The Dynamic Effect Marketing 42, no. 1 (January 1978), pp. 39–49; Eric von
of Innovation on Market Structure,” Journal of Marketing Hippel, “Lead Users: A Source of Novel Product Concepts,”
Research 41, no. 2 (May 2004), pp. 166–183. Management Science 32 (1986), pp. 791–805; Eric von
26. Philip Kotler, Marketing Management, 11th ed. (Upper Saddle Hippel, The Sources of Innovation (New York:
River, NJ: Prentice-Hall, 2003), pp. 330–331. Kotler’s work Oxford University Press, 1988); Glen L. Urban and Eric
was based on the following research: William T. Robinson von Hippel, “Lead User Analysis for the Development of
and Claes Fornell, “Sources of Market Pioneer Advantages in Industrial Products,” Management Science 34 (May 1988),
Consumer Goods Industries,” Journal of Marketing Research pp. 569–582.
22, no. 3 (August 1985), pp. 305–317; Glen L. Urban et al., 43. Karl T. Ulrich and Steven D. Eppinger, Product Design and
“Market Share Rewards to Pioneering Brands: An Empirical Development, 2nd ed. (Boston: Irwin-McGraw-Hill, 2000).
Endnotes EN-15

44. (accessed September 18, 69. (accessed June

2006). 12, 2007).
45. Ulrich and Eppinger, Product Design and Development, p . 166. 70. J Derek Antonio, “Canada: Nielsen Year End Music Report
46. Ely Dahan and V. Srinivasan, “The Predictive Power of 2018,” Nielsen, January 30, 2019,
Internet-Based Product Concept Testing Using Visual .ca/blogs/news/canada-nielsen-year-end-music-report-2018
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2006). (accessed June 12, 2007).
48. Ulrich and Eppinger, Product Design and Development. 72. Josh O’Kane, “Vinyl Revival: Canadian Company Reinvents
the Record Pressing Plant,” The Globe and Mail, February 4,
49. Frederic Lardinois, Tech Crunch, May 7, 2013, 2016, (accessed June 14, 2016). /small-business/startups/canadian-firm-comes-to-the
50. -rescue-of-vinyl-lovers-by-building-new-pressing-machines
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51. Kotler, Marketing Management. 73. Larry Downes and Paul Nunes, “The Faster a New Technology
52. Patricia Sellers, “P&G: Teaching an Old Dog New Tricks,” Takes Off, the Harder It Falls,” Wired, January 3, 2014, www
Fortune (May 31, 2004), pp. 166–180.
53. “Tim Hortons® Tests Its First New Coffee Blend in 49 Years,” 74. Kevin J. Clancy and Peter C. Krieg, “Product Life Cycle: A
The Globe and Mail, October 28, 2013, Dangerous Idea,” Brandweek, March 1, 2004, p . 26; Nariman K. Dhalla and Sonia Yuseph, “Forget the Product Life-Cycle
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(accessed July 2, 2014). p . 102ff.
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August 11, 2013, (accessed /article/cmo-strategy/mattel-adds-diverse-ken-dolls-barbie
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Transformation,” Advertising Age, June 14, 2017,
55. Product Development Management Association, The PDMA
.com/article/cmo-strategy/mattel-pickup/309408; Danny
Handbook of New Product Development, 2nd ed., Kenneth K.
Vena, “Mattel Struggles as Barbie Gets Dumped,” The Motley
Kahn, ed. (New York: John Wiley & Sons, 2004).
Fool, July 31, 2017,
56. Ashwin W. Joshi and Sanjay Sharma, “Customer Knowledge /07/31/mattel-struggles-as-barbie-gets-dumped.aspx; Sydney
Development: Antecedents and Impact on New Product Greene, “,” USA Today, July 21, 2017,
Success,” Journal of Marketing 68, no. 4 (October 2004), .com/story/money/nation-now/2017/07/21/girls-can-now
p . 47. -get-their-taste-wrestling-thanks-new-line-female-wrestling
57. Yuhong Wu, Sridhar Balasubramanian, and Vijay Mahajan, /498632001/; Kirsten Korosec, “How Mattel Plans to Win
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Delayed?” Journal of Marketing 68, no. 2 (April 2004), p . 101.
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Marketing Planning, 6th ed. (Boston: McGraw-Hill/Irwin, 78. Nathalie Atkinson, “Barbie at 60: All work and no play?,” The
2004). Globe and Mail, March 3, 2019,
62. Urban and Hauser, Design and Marketing. (accessed July 22, 2019).
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1. Josh O’Kane, “Canada Goose CEO’s ‘Aha’ Moment: ‘I realized
64. Miriam Jordan and Jonathan Karp, “Machines for the Masses; the brand was real,’” The Globe and Mail, April 11, 2013, http://
Whirlpool Aims Cheap Washer at Brazil, India and China;
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EN-16 Endnotes

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7. Megan Hynes, “Enter the Parka Wars,” Strategy, September Measuring, and Managing Brand Equity, 4th ed. (Upper
28, 2018, Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall, 2012); David A. Aaker, Building
-parka-wars (accessed July 25, 2019). Strong Brands (New York: Simon & Schuster, 2012).
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10. Adrienne Pasquarelli, “Canada Goose Wants Shoppers to February 25, 2010,
Know It’s More Than Just Parkas,” Advertising Age, April 20, /report-on-business/rob-magazine/year-of-the-goose
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Flavored Coffee in Grocery Stores Nationwide,” of Marketing Research 34, no. 3 (August 1997), pp. 347–356. (accessed
May 30, 2010). 38. Kevin Lane Keller, “Conceptualizing, Measuring, and
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20. “J&J to Buy Skin Care Business,” The Wall Street Journal, Marketing 57, no. 1 (January 1993), pp. 1–22.
December 18, 1998: 1.
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23. Jack Neff, “As P&G Looks to Cut More Than Half Its Brands, Brand,” Marketing Magazine, September 18, 2014, http://
Which Should Go?,” Advertising Age, August 4, 2014, https://
Endnotes EN-17

-to-make-pc-a-lifestyle-brand-124926 (accessed June 21, 56. Kristen Laird, “Joe Fresh Begins Relationship With Barbie,”
41. “The President’s Choice® The Decadent® Chocolate Chip .jsp?content=20101103_164846_9592 (accessed April 27,
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Products Have Shown Canadians They Don’t Have to 58. Aaker, Building Strong Brands.
Trade Quality for Price,” January 13, 2016, 59. Keller, Strategic Brand Management.
-no-namer-products-have-shown-canadians-they-dont 60. Keller, Strategic Brand Management.
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June 16, 2016). Company of the Year: Excellence in Packaging,” Beauty
43. P&G, “All Brands,” (accessed February 9, Packaging, January 27, 2014,
2017). .com/issues/2014-01/view_features/the-estee-lauder
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.jsp?content=20060914_102950_5424 (accessed June 7, 62. Gayle Macdonald, “The Ultimate if zero-waste: edible pack-
2007). aging,” The Globe and Mail, October 31, 2018,
45. For recent research on brand extensions, see Subramanian
-in-zero-waste-edible-packaging/ (accessed July 27, 2019).
Balachander and Sanjoy Ghose, “Reciprocal Spillover
Effects: A Strategic Benefit of Brand Extensions,” Journal of 63. Sylvain Charlebois, “Food packaging shakeup needed,”
Marketing 67, no. 1 (January 2003), pp. 4–13; Kalpesh Kaushik Waterloo Region Record, October 8, 2018 http://
Desai and Kevin Lane Keller, “The Effects of Ingredient
Branding Strategies on Host Brand Extendibility,” Journal of /20181018/textview (accessed October 8, 2018).
Marketing 66, no. 1 (January 2002), pp. 73–93; Tom Meyvis 64. Christopher Lombardo, “Eco-watch: Brands tackle sustainable
and Chris Janiszewski, “When Are Broader Brands Stronger packaging,” Strategy, March 5, 2019,
Brands? An Accessibility Perspective on the Success of .ca/2019/03/05/eco-watch-brands-tackle-sustainable
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65. Jeff Lewis, “Shoppers seek out green alternatives to single-
46. David Aaker, Aaker on Branding: 20 Principles That Drive use food packaging, but aren t willing to pay a premium,
Success (Morgan James, 2014); Aaker, Building Strong study finds,” The Globe and Mail, June 6, 2019,
47. Braun, “Shop All Products,” -green-alternatives-to-single-use-food-packaging-but/
/products (accessed June 22, 2016). (accessed July 27, 2019).
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J. Fox, and Srinivas K. Reddy, “The Impact of Brand Extension concept restos,” Strategy, June 20, 2019,
Introduction on Choice,” Journal of Marketing 65, no. 3 .ca/2019/06/20/mcdonalds-goes-green-with-new-concept
(2001), pp. 1–15. -restos (accessed July 27, 2019).
49. Frito-Lay, “Snacks,” (accessed 67. Gayle Macdonald, “The Ultimate if zero-waste: edible
February 8, 2017). packaging,” The Globe and Mail, October 31, 2018, https://
50. Rosellina Ferraro, Amna Kirmani, and Ted Matherly, “Look
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at Me! Look at Me! Conspicuous Brand Usage, Self–Brand
Connection, and Dilution,” Journal of Marketing Research
50, no. 4 (August 2013), pp. 477–88; Sanjay Sood and 68. David Yaffe-Bellany, “Would You Drink Water Out of a Can?
Kevin Lane Keller, “The Effects of Brand Name Structure Pepsi Wants to Find Out,” The New York Times, June 27,
on Brand Extension Evaluations and Parent Brand Dilution,” 2019,
Journal of Marketing Research 49, no. 3 (June 2012), -aquafina-water-cans.html (accessed July 27, 2019).
pp. 373–82. 69. Eleanor Dwyer, “Small Pack Sizes See Growth in the U.S.,”
51. Ferraro et al., “Look at Me!”; Sharon Ng, “Cultural Orientation Beauty Packaging, December 19, 2016,
and Brand Dilution: Impact of Motivation Level and Extension
Typicality,” Journal of Marketing Research 47, no. 1 (February /small-pack-sizes-see-growth-in-the-us (accessed July 25, 2019).
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52. Susan Spiggle, Hang T. Nguyen, and Mary Caravella. “More Grocery Case,” CNBC, January 4, 2014,
Than Fit: Brand Extension Authenticity,” Journal of Marketing .com/2014/01/04/chobani-yogurt-is-latest-victim-in-shrinking
Research 49, no. 6 (2012), pp. 967–83; Franziska Völckner -grocery-case.html (accessed June 23, 2016).
et al., “The Role of Parent Brand Quality for Service Brand 71. Rebecca Mead, “Sole Cycle,” The New Yorker, March 23,
Extension Success,” Journal of Service Research 13, no. 4 2015,
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53. Mario Marsicano, “Cheetos Lip Balm & More Bizarre Brand 72. Lou Stoppard, “Why Birkenstocks are summer’s sexiest
Extensions,” The Wall Street Journal, July 15, 2009. shoes. Really,” Financial Times, May 31, 2019,
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55. Marriott, “Explore Our Brands,” 73. Birkenstock, “PIERPAOLO PICCIOLI AND FRANCES
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EN-18 Endnotes

FOR THE 2019 ACADEMY AWARDS,” February 25, 2019, 15. Konrad Yakabuski, “The Greatest Canadian Company on Earth,” Report on Business Magazine (September 2007), p . 57.
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a personal visit to Cowbell Brewing, a personal conversa- 19. Megan Griffith-Greene, “Self-Checkouts: Who Really Benefits
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Rick Hansen Foundation, February 5, 2019, 20. Cineplex, “2016 First Quarter,” March 31, 2016,
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5. Cowbell, “Greener Pastures Community Fund,” https:// June 29, 2016). (accessed July 29, 2019). 22. Andrew Willis, “Sports Fan Munchies Fatten Cineplex’s
6. Madeline Barber, “Brewing Accessibility with Cowbell Brewing.” Bottom Line,”
7. “Cowbell Brewery might be Ontario’s most ambitious beer /LAC.20070104.RCINEPLEX04/TPStory/Entertainment; “Air
venture yet,” Ben’s Beer Blog, August 2, 2017, https:// Canada Centre Tickets,” .com (accessed March 1, 2017).
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July 29, 2019). tions draws heavily from Michael Levy and Barton A. Weitz,
8. “Service Sector Key to Canada’s Economic Growth, Bank of Retailing Management, 6th ed. (Burr Ridge, IL: Irwin/McGraw-
Canada Governor Says,” The Canadian Press, November 28, Hill, 2007) and also is based on Deon Nel and Leyland Pitt,
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March 1, 2017). Zeithaml, Parasuraman, and Berry, Delivering Quality
Customer Service; Valerie Zeithaml, Leonard Berry, and A.
9. Fortune, “Fortune 500: 2017,” Parasuraman, “Communication and Control Processes in the
/fortune-500-companies-list-top/; Mark Perry, “Fortune Delivery of Service Quality,” Journal of Marketing 52, no. 2
500 Firms in 1955 v. 2015; Only 12% Remain, Thanks to (April 1988), pp. 35–48.
the Creative Destruction That Fuels Economic Prosperity,”
AEldeas, October 12, 2015, 24. Velitchka D. Kaltcheva, Robert D. Winsor, and A. Parasuraman,
-500-firms-in-1955-vs-2015-only-12-remain-thanks-to-the “Do Customer Relationships Mitigate or Amplify Failure
-creative-destruction-that-fuels-economic-growth/; Fortune Responses?” Journal of Business Research 66, no. 4 (2013),
“Introducing the 2019 Fortune 500,” pp. 525–32; Ruth N. Bolton, Anders Gustafsson, Janet
/fortune500/ (accessed July 28, 2019). McColl-Kennedy, Nancy J. Sirianni, and K. Tse David, “Small
Details That Make Big Differences: A Radical Approach to
10. Josh O’Kane, “Apple Music catching up in streaming wars,”
Consumption Experience as a Firm’s Differentiating Strategy,”
The Globe and Mail, December 30, 2018,
Journal of Service Management 25, no. 2 (2014), pp. 253–74;
Lance A. Bettencourt, Stephen W. Brown, and Nancy J.
-up-in-streaming-wars/; Lisa Richwine and Stephen Nellis,
Sirianni, “The Secret to True Service Innovation,” Business
“Apple enters video streaming, taking aim at Netflix and
Horizons 56, no. 1 (2013), pp. 13–22.
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Endnotes EN-19

2017, Performance,” European Journal of Marketing 47, no. 5/6

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31. WestJet, “2018 Annual Report,” pp. 133–50; Anne L. Roggeveen, Michael Tsiros, and Dhruv
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November 25, 2019, 16. A. R. Rao, M.E. Bergen, and S. Davis, “How to Fight a Price
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Formats,” Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science 41, 2017).
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Say About Ethics,” Trade Extensions, July 30, 2014, http:// Even as it Raises Prices,” The Wall Street Journal, July 30, 2019,
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13. “Dictionary,” American Marketing Association, 77, no. 4 (2013), pp. 104–17; Sha Yang and Priya Raghubir, “Can Bottles Speak Volumes? The Effect of Package Shape
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Endnotes EN-21

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Products From Amazon in E-Commerce Pivot,” Bloomberg,
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3. Laura Stevens and Sara Germano, “Nike Thought It Didn’t
Need Amazon—Then the Ground Shifted,” The Wall Street
ing-in-canada/article12380660; “Price-fixing,” Government of
Journal, June 28, 2017,
Canada, February 22, 2018,
-nike-resisted-amazons-dominance-for-years-and (accessed
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Action,” Canadian Press, September 16, 2013, -exec-on-selling-on-amazon-2017-9; Nike, “Nike+ SNKRS Augments the Sneaker Drop,” Nike, June 23, 2017, https://
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August 2, 2019).
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Southern Maine) in conjunction with the textbook authors Dhruv 4. Barrett J. Brunsman, “P&G brand director for Walmart joins
Grewal and Michael Levy, as a basis for class discussion rather C-Suite of e-commerce strategy firm,” Cincinnati Business
than to illustrate effective or ineffective Marketing practices. Courier, Jan. 3 2019, 2015,
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-continues-successful-growth-puerto-rico-expansion Buyer Tells All,” Forbes, May 11, 2017; Kenneth Hilario,
(accessed July 3, 2016). “Northern Liberties Woman-Owned Bakery to Close,
38. Planet Fitness, “Welcome to Planet Fitness,” Shift Focus,” Philadelphia Business Journal, September (accessed July 3, 2016). 19, 2016.
39. Andrew Adam Newman, “A Gym for People Who Don’t Like 6. American Marketing Association Dictionary,
Gyms,” The New York Times, January 3, 2013 (accessed .org/resources/Pages/Dictionary.aspx?dLetter=D (accessed
July 3, 2016). March 9, 2017).
40. Judith Ohikuare, “The Secret of Planet Fitness’s Success,” 7. Peter Armstrong, “Canada’s chronic shortage of legal canna-
Inc., February 2013, bis expected to drag out for years,” CBC News, Jan. 23, 2019,
(accessed July 3, 2016). -shortage-years-1.4988195 (accessed August 9, 2019).
41. Planet Fitness, “Memberships,” 8. Mark Rendell, “Ontario studies greater private-sector role in
/gym-memberships (accessed July 26, 2019). cannabis distribution”, The Globe and Mail, October 21, 2019,
42. Beth Kowitt, “The Southwest Airlines of the Gym Business,” -ontario-studies-greater-private-sector-role-in-cannabis
Fortune,November 21, 2013, -distribution/ (accessed October 24, 2019).
-southwest-airlines-of-the-gym-business/ (accessed July 3, 2016).
9. American Marketing Association Dictionary,
43. Nathaniel Meyersohn, “Planet Fitness is moving into old
org/resources/Pages/Dictionary.aspx?dLetter=L. Definition
Toys ‘R’ Us and Sears stores” CNN Business, May 6, 2019,
from the Council of Logistics Management. (accessed March
9, 2017).
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10. BI Intelligence, “Procter & Gamble Launches Direct-to-
44. Newman, “A Gym for People.”
Consumer Subscription Business,” Business Insider, July 26,
45. Mallory Schlossberg, “The Fastest-Growing Gym in America 2016,
has $10 Memberships and Gives Out Free Pizza, Bagels, and -launches-direct-to-consumer-subscription-business-2016-7;
Candy,” Business Insider, December 12, 2015, Gillette, “Gillette on Demand,” (accessed August 6, 2019).
-2015-10; Planet Fitness, “About Planet Fitness,” https://
11. Shirley Lichti, “Listing Fees Can Decide a Food Product’s; “Planet Fitness
to Open its Doors to Teens For Free All Summer Long,”
-a-products-fate.html (accessed March 9, 2017).
-fitness-to-open-its-doors-to-teens-for-free-all-summer 12. Susan Krashinsky Robertson, “Walmart to impose new fees
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46. Anthony Dominic, “Planet Fitness Opens 230 New Clubs, Globe and Mail, July 28, 2020,
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(accessed October 17, 2019). com/articles/at-zara-fast-fashion-meets-smarter-inventory
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Shelves,” Marketing Magazine, July 2, 2013, Chapter 13
-apple-snack-on-ontario-shelves-82737 (accessed July 18, 1. The details that follow were provided by Teresa Cugliari at
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19. American Marketing Association Dictionary, 6. Mediacorp Canada, “Canadian Tire Corporation Limited,”
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20. American Marketing Association Dictionary, to 2018 (in billion Canadian dollars),”
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22. Rachel Sam, “Warby Parker: No Blind Spots for the Company 8. “Canadian Tire Corporation, Limited,”
That’s Revolutionizing Eyewear,” Harvard Business School
Open Knowledge, December 7, 2015, -Corporation-Limited.html (accessed July 28, 2016).
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23. Ben Latham, “How Retailers Can Learn from Fast Fashion assets,” Strategy, August 8, 2019,
to Beat the Weather,” RetailWeek, April 20, 2016; Vertica /2019/08/08/canadian-tire-to-buy-party-citys-canadian-assets
Bhardwaj and Ann Fairhurst, “Fast Fashion: Response to (accessed August 12, 2019).
Changes in the Fashion Industry,” International Review of 11. Josh Kolm, “Canadian Tire Navigates a Reinvention,”
Retail, Distribution and Consumer Research 20 (February Strategy Online, July 8, 2015,
2010), pp. 165–73; Felipe Caro et al., “Zara Uses Operations /2015/07/08/canadian-tire-navigates-a-reinvention (accessed
Research to Reengineer Its Global Distribution Process,” March 12, 2017).
Interfaces 40 (2010), pp. 71–84; Carmen Lopez and Ying
Fan, “Case Study: Internationalisation of the Spanish Fashion 12. Canadian Tire, “Awards & Recognition,”
Brand Zara,” Journal of Fashion Marketing and Management
13, no. 2 (2009), pp. 279–96. .aspx (accessed July 28, 2016).
24. Inditex, “2018 Annual Report,” 13. Marina Strauss, “Canadian Tire back in the e-commerce
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25. TradeGecko, “Zara supply chain analysis - the secret behind -is-back-in-the-e-commerce-game-as-service-quietly/
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cret-to-retail-success (accessed August 6, 2019). 14. Ibid.
26. Laura Heller, “Why Zara Is the Most Exciting Retailer Today,” 15. Susan Krashinsky Robertson, “Canadian Tire sees permanent
Forbes, March 15, 2017, shift in online shopping habits in wake of COVID-19
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You,” Business Insider, December 12, 2017, 16. National Retail Federation, “Top 50 Global Retailers,” March 1, 2019,
zara-2017-12; Dow Jones Newswire, “How Zara Is Defying a (accessed August 11, 2019).
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slump (accessed August 8, 2019). -eng.htm (accessed August 11, 2019).
Endnotes EN-23

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versions of menu items in competitive market,” The Globe /article12098883 (accessed March 12, 2017).
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-versions-of-menu-items-in-2/ (accessed October 10, Digital With New Square One Store,” The Toronto Star,
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24. Pete’s Fine Foods,; Patricia Brooks, -square-one-store.html (accessed July 25, 2016).
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first-outlet-store-near-toronto-85013; Amanda Phuong, 2011,
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11, 2016, /article593454/ (accessed March 12, 2017).
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30. Marina Strauss, “HMV Moves Beyond Music,” The Globe and Brand Without Advertising,” Advertising Age, August 19,
Mail, June 14, 2010: B1; Canadian Press, “Struggling HMV 2013,
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27, 2017, CBC News, 2013).
/struggling-hmv-canada-goes-into-receivership-set-to 46. Matt Semansky, “ Opens Virtual Store in Toronto,”
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EN-24 Endnotes 58. Hongshuang (Alice) Li and P. K. Kannan, “Attributing

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Toronto core as consumers crave convenience,” The Globe 59. “Demystifying the Online Shopper.”
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2019). & Milestones,”
49. Innovation of the Day: IKEA, TrendWatching, Jan. 22, 2020, .html (accessed August 11, 2019). 61. Marina Strauss, “Aldo’s Reboot,” The Globe and Mail, March
(accessed Jan, 27, 2020). 14, 2016,
50. Amit Shilton, “Convenience Is Key for Pizza Pizza’s New App,” /aldos-reboot-a-shoe-giants-bold-next-steps/article29191757/
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(accessed August 12, 2019). /indicators/people/community_engagement/giving_back
51. Forrester, “ Forrester Analytics: Online Retail Forecast, 2018 (accessed August 11, 2019).
To 2023 (Canada),” June 28, 2018, 63. “Aldo’s Reboot,”; Craig Patterson, “Unprecedented Footwear
com/report/Forrester+Analytics+Online+Retail+Forecast+2 Retail Competition in Canada,” Retail Insider, June 5,
018+To+2023+Canada/-/E-RES143847; Lily Varon, “Driving 2018,
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Recommendations,” Retail Council of Canada, June 22, 2018, Euromonitor, “Footwear in Canada,” March 2019, https:// (accessed
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U.S. dollars),” Statista, Jan. 16, 2019, for Shoes,” The Globe and Mail, February 27, 2014, http://
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52. Jeff Fraser, “Infographic: Canadians Want In-Store Mobile
Offers, But Only If They’re Relevant,” Marketing Magazine, 65. “Aldo’s Reboot.”
July 19, 2013, 66. Salesforce, “Aldo Steps Into the Future of Retail With
-news/infographic-canadians-want-in-store-mobile-offers-but Salesforce,”
-only-if-theyre-relevant-84006; Accenture Consulting, “Retail /aldo.jsp (accessed August 1, 2016).
Customers Are Shouting—Are You Adapting?” February 1, 67. Jennie Bell, “5 Things You Should Know About Aldo Group,”
2016, Footwear News, August 10, 2015,
__/us-en/_acnmedia/PDF-7/Accenture-Adaptive-Retail /2015/business/retail/aldo-group-shoes-stores-growth
-Research-Executive-Summary-V2.pdf%20-%20zoom=50 -initiatives-50729/; Bryan Pearson, “We Have A Bot For
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53. Sherice Jacobs, “3 Ways Live Chat Software Can Improve In Context,” Forbes, May 25, 2016,
Your Conversion Rates,” The Daily Egg, July 23, 2013, http:// /sites/bryanpearson/2016/05/25/we-have-a-bot-for-that-how (accessed July 31, 2016). -aldo-frank-oak-put-the-shopper-experience-in-context
54. Blake Droesch, “Consumers Are More Likely to Use /#1838280b72ea (accessed August 1, 2016), and with direct
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(accessed August 11, 2019). 69. “Aldo’s Reboot.”
55. Accenture Consulting, “Retail Customers Are Shouting—Are 70. Russ Martin, “How Aldo Is Merging Retail Tech With Brick
You Adapting?” February 1, 2016, and Mortar,” Marketing Magazine, October 11, 2016, http://
/Accenture-Adaptive-Retail-Research-Executive-Summary -tech-with-brick-and-mortar-184286 (accessed March 12,
-V2.pdf%20-%20zoom=50; Rebecca Harris, “Retailers Failing 2017).
to Deliver on Mobile Services (Study),” Marketing Magazine,
February 16, 2016, 71. Ibid.
/retailers-failing-to-deliver-on-mobile-services-study-168125 72. Dan Berthiaume, “CSA Exclusive: Aldo follows up on early
(accessed July 31, 2016). steps toward Instagram shopping,” CSA, August 9, 2019,
56. Christian Homburg, Josef Vollmayr, and Alexander Hahn,
“Firm Value Creation Through Major Channel Expansions: -aldo-follows-up-on-early-steps-toward-instagram-shopping/
Evidence From an Event Study in the United States, Germany, (accessed August 11, 2019).
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org/10.1509/jm.12.0179. Store Customer Journey,” Forbes, May 2, 2018, https://
57. Marina Strauss. “New Boxes on the Block,” The Globe
and Mail, August 3, 2013: B7; Hollie Shaw, “Online Sales /aldos-fresh-take-on-the-online-to-in-store-customer
Complement Brick-and-Mortar Retail, Harry Rosen CEO Says,” -journey/#499053f07df4 (accessed August 11, 2019).
Financial Post, August 1, 2013, 74. Dan Berthiaume, “Aldo optimizes shipping from store in
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2016). (accessed August 11, 2019).
Endnotes EN-25

75. Aldo, Corporate Social Responsibility, (in Million U.S. Dollars),” Statista, August 31, 2018,
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for creditor protection,” The Globe and Mail, May 7, 2020, Free Press, 1986). 19. George E. Belch and Michael A. Belch, Advertising and
-retailer-aldo-files-for-creditor-protection (accessed May 7, Promotion: An Integrated Marketing Communications
2020). Perspective, 10th ed. (New York: McGraw-Hill Education,
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4. Alexandra Gibbs and Tania Bryer, “L’Oréal CEO: Beauty’s -content/uploads/2018/05/thinktv-NAV-Advertising
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-ai-artificial-intelligence/index.html (accessed August 14, 2019). tion (accessed March 13, 2017).
6. Gulin-Merle, “L’Oréal’s Digital Transformation.” 28. Canadian Media Directors’ Council, “Media Digest,”
7. Kim Larson, “How L’Oréal, a Century-Old Company, Uses 2016 2017,”
Experimentation to Succeed in the Digital Age,” Think with uploads/2017/01/cmdc-media-digest-2017.pdf?8766fc;
Google, August 2017, “Magazine Industry Profile,” Ontario Creates, April 4, 2019,
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Influencer Marketing Program,” Cision, Dec. 12, 2016, https:// Communications Perspective (New York: McGraw-Hill, 2015).
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asp?adref=semsrch&semid=104 (accessed August 14, 2014).
10. Gulin-Merle, “L’Oréal’s Digital Transformation.”
31. Canadian Media Directors’ Council, “Media Digest.”
11. Kim Larson, “How L’Oréal, a Century-Old Company, Uses
Experimentation to Succeed in the Digital Age.” 32. Canada Post, “Breaking Through the Noise,”
12. Terence Shimp and J. Craig Andrews, Advertising Promotion EN_150626.pdf (accessed August 2, 2016).
and Other Aspects of Integrated Marketing Communications
(Boston: Cengage Learning, 2013). 33. Campaign Monitor, “7 Stats That Will Make You Rethink
Mobile Email,” July 2019,
13. Shimp and Andrews, Advertising Promotion and Other mobile-now-preferred-platform-reading-email-half-email-
Aspects of Integrated Marketing Communications. opens/ (accessed August 3, 2019).
14. Michael Long, “Jozy Altidore Becomes Face of Puma in 34. Sharon Brown, “The Heart & Stroke Lottery’s Winning
North America,” Sports Pro, November 30, 2017, www. Formula,” DM Magazine, November 23, 2018, ca/64652-2/ (accessed August 13, 2019).
puma-in-north-america (accessed August 12, 2019).
35. Canada Post, “Small Is Beautiful, if You Want to Break
15. Puma, “Introducing Phenom Worn by Selena Gomez,” https:// Through the Holiday Marketing Clutter,” October 16, 2015, (accessed August 12,
2019). page?article=2015/10/16/mini-catalogues_brea&cattype=busi-
16. Schonfeld and Associates, Inc., “2015 Ad-to-Sales Ratios,” ness&cat=directmail (accessed August 2, 2016). 36. IKEA, “It’s the most wonderful time of the year - the 2020
(accessed August 4, 2016). IKEA Catalogue is almost here!,” July 31, 2019, CISION,
17. P&G, “Financial Highlights,” 2018 Annual Report and Proxy, -wonderful-time-of-the-year-the-2020-ikea-catalogue
KeyGenPage=209707; M. Shahbandeh, “Advertising -is-almost-here--827083474.html (accessed August 13,
Expenditures of Procter & Gamble Worldwide From 2011 to 2018 2019).
EN-26 Endnotes

37. “Direct Response Television,” 56. Mansoor Iqbal, “App Download and Usage Statistics (2019), (accessed June 26, 2007). Business of Apps, August 7, 2019,
38. “Unpausing SickKids’ Lives,” Strategy Magazine, November/ .com/data/app-statistics/ (accessed August 14, 2019).
December 2016, 57. Ian Blair, “Mobile App Download and Usage Statistics (2019),”
awards-2016-shortlists-part-three/ (accessed March 13, 2017). buildfire, (accessed August
39. “About Rogers Centre—Venue Policies,” 14, 2019). (accessed March 58. “FY2019 Financial Results,” Toyota Motor Company, May 8,
13, 2017). 2019,
40. Emily Wexler, “Marketer Survey 2012,” Strategy -results/2019_4q_presentation_en.pdf; Benjamin Elisha
Magazine, December 7, 2012, Sawe, “The World’s Biggest Automobile Companies.”
ca/2012/12/07/2012-marketer-survey (accessed August 14, WorldAtlas, Jun. 7, 2019,
2014). -the-world-s-biggest-automobile-companies.html. (accessed
August 14, 2019).
41. “Real Beauty Shines Through: Dove Wins Titanium Grand Prix
163 Million Views on YouTube,” Google Think Insights, http:// 59. Peter Valdes-Dapena,” Toyota brings back the fast and sporty Supra,” CNN Business, January 14, 2019,
sketches.html (accessed August 14, 2014). .com/2019/01/14/business/toyota-supra/index.html (accessed
August 14, 2019).
42. MADD, “Car Heaven,” (ac-
cessed August 4, 2016). 60. Ibid.
43. MADD Canada, “Cause Related Marketing,” 61. Ethan Jackob Craft, “How Toyota is Marketing Supra’s
ca/madd2/en/giving/giving_cause_related_programs.html Comeback,” Advertising Age, July 15, 2019,
(accessed March 13, 2017). .com/article/digital/how-toyota-marketing-supras-comeback
/2183416 (accessed August 14, 2019).
44. Jackie Huba, “A Just Cause Creating Emotional Connections
62. Ibid.
With Customers,”
63. “Toyota launches “This Is Our Sport” 2020 GR Supra cam-
45. Barry Samaha, “The Best-Dressed Celebrities at the Oscars
paign by Saatchi & Saatchi,” Marketing Communication News,
2018,” Forbes, March 5, 2018,; Erika
July 16, 2019,
Harwood “All the 2018 Golden Globes Red Carpet Looks,”
Vanity Fair, January 7, 2018,
-saatchi/; Simon Dumenco, “The Toyota Supra Gets a Sexy
46. Diego Rinallo and Suman Basuroy, “Does Advertising Pin-up Poster in Road & Track,” Advertising Age, August 14,
Spending Influence Media Coverage of the Advertiser?” 2019,
Journal of Marketing 73 (November 2009), pp. 33–46; Carl -sexy-pin-poster-road-track/2191556 (accessed August 14,
Obermiller and Eric R. Spangenberg, “On the Origin and 2019).
Distinctness of Skepticism Toward Advertising,” Marketing
64. “Toyota launches “This Is Our Sport” 2020 GR Supra cam-
Letters 11, no. 4 (2000), p . 311.
paign by Saatchi & Saatchi.”
47. “Improving Lives,” TOMS Shoes,
65. Ethan Jackob Craft, “How Toyota is Marketing Supra’s
/improving-lives (accessed March 13, 2017).
48. “Insight Argentina,” One World 365,
66. Toyota, “It’s a Supra Kind of Day,” July 22, 2019,
.org/company/insight-argentina (accessed March 13, 2017).
49. Kristyn Anthony, “Spotted! How a tiny stadium makes a big (accessed August 12, 2019).
financial point,” Media in Canada, August 19, 2019, http://
67. TMCC, “Toyota Canada Inc. Reports Increase in Overall
Sales for July, up 15.9%,” August 1, 2019,
-makes-a-big-financial-point; Wealthsimple, “The Stadium
We Were Born to Sponsor,” August 15, 2019,
-in-overall-sales-for-july-up-159 (accessed August 14, 2019).
(accessed August 19, 2019).
Appendix 14A
50. Paul Briggs, “Digital Ad Spending 2019 Canada,” eMarketer
.com, March 28, 2019, 1.
/canada-digital-ad-spending-2019 (accessed August 15, 2019). 2. (accessed March 22, 2017).
51. Yubo Chen, Scott Fay, and Qi Wang, “The Role of Marketing 3. Chris Barry, Rob Markey, Eric Almquist, and Chris Brahm
in Social Media: How Online Consumer Reviews Evolve,” (2011), “Putting Social Media to Work,” Bain & Co.
Journal of Interactive Marketing 25, no. 2 (May 2011), 4. Tim Nudd, “American Apparel, Gap Blasted for Hurricane
pp. 85–94. Sandy Ad Fails,” Adweek, October 30, 2012.
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Canada,” Canadians Internet, June 30, 2019, https:// HubSpot, March 12, 2015, /marketing/hilarious-twitter-brand-hashtag-fails (accessed
-canada/ (accessed August 16, 2019). March 22, 2107).
53. Yoram Wurmser, “Time Spent With Media2019,” eMarketer 6. A. Guttman, “Social network advertising spending worldwide
.com, May 30, 2019, from 2016 to 2020 (in billion U.S. dollars),” Statista, August 9,
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55. Josh Kolm, “More Canadians want less tech,” Strategy, 7. Ian Hardy, “Facebook Canada Head Jordan Banks Says
August 1, 2019, the Social Network Is ‘Just Getting Started’,” mobile syrup,
-canadians-want-less-tech (accessed August 15, 2019). April 29, 2016,
Endnotes EN-27

-canada-head-jordan-banks-says-the-social-network-is-just 23. David H. Freedman, “Debating the Merits of Facebook and

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/canada-digital-ad-spending-2019 (accessed August 15, 32. “Word Press Statistics,” DMR,
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Video to Be the Most Remarkable Supplier Financing Statista, July 9, 2019,
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17. Ibid. 33. Mark W. Schaefer, “The 10 Best Corporate Blogs in the
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18. Jennifer Pepper, “Jill Rowley: Leveraging Video for Social
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35. “Twitter’s Share of US Social Network Users Is Dropping,”
20. Candace So, “Vidyard Adds HootSuite Hookup to Its Video, August 15, 2016,
Marketing Integration Powers,” August 15, 2013, /Article/Twitters-Share-of-US-Social-Network-Users-Dropping /1014343?ecid=NL1003; Paige Cooper, “28 Twitter Statistics
-video-marketing-integration-powers/41928 (accessed All Marketers Need to Know in 2019,” Hootsuite, January
August 15, 2014). 16, 2019,; Jacob
21. M.P. Mueller, “Small Businesses That Understand Social Kastrenakes, “Twitter keeps losing monthly users, so it’s
Media,” The New York Times, July 11, 2011, going to stop sharing how many,” The Verge, February 7, 2019,
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Media,” The New York Times, July 11, 2011, 36. Marketing Charts Staff, “Majority of Top Brands Tweeting At Least 30 Times Per Week,” August 19, 2013,
-social-media (accessed November 24, 2020).
EN-28 Endnotes

-tweeting-at-least-30-times-per-week-35991 (accessed 6. Alicia Androich, “TimsTV Coming Soon to More Restaurants,”

August 14, 2016). Marketing Magazine, January 9, 2014,
37. Ashley Feinberg, “I Just Spent $236 on Candy Crush, Help,” .ca/news/marketer-news/timstv-soon-coming-to-more
Gizmodo, August 7, 2013, -restaurants-97952 (accessed August 20, 2019).
38. Natalie Clayton, “Candy Crush games bringing in almost 7. Sylvain Charlebois, “Tim Hortons ‘Roll Up The Rim’ needs an
$4 million a day,”, August 31, 2019, https:// environmental reboot,” Waterloo Region Record, February 8, 2019, P. B6,
-bringing-in-almost-4-million-a-day-in-2018/ (accessed /epaper/viewer.aspx (accessed August 19, 2019).
August 15, 2019). 8. Marina Strauss, “Tim Hortons to reboot Roll Up the Rim pro-
39. Josh Wolonick, “Here’s How Big the In-App Purchases Market motion after latest program disappoints,” The Globe and Mail,
Is for Apple and Google,” Minyanville, January 16, 2014, http:// April 29, 2019, /article-tim-hortons-to-reboot-roll-up-the-rim-promotion-after
-latest-program; Sylvain Charlebois, “Tim Hortons’s Roll Up
40. “Apple’s App Store generated 80% more revenue than the Rim revamp comes way too late to prevent brand dam-
Google Play with a third as many installs in first half of 2019,” age,” The Globe and Mail, April 30, 2019,
appleinsider, July 3, 2019,
/19/07/03/apples-app-store-generated-80-more-revenue -hortonss-roll-up-the-rim-revamp-comes-way-too-late-to
-than-google-play-with-a-third-as-many-installs-in-first-half -prevent/ (accessed August 19, 2019). [iii]
-fewof-2019 (accessed August 16, 2019).
9. Rajeshni Naidu-Ghelanim, Can Tim Hortons really revamp
41. “Vision Statement: How People Really Use Mobile,” roll-up-the-rim without rims to roll up?,” BNN Bloomberg,
Harvard Business Review, January–February 2013, https:// May 3, 2019, (accessed -really-revamp-roll-up-the-rim-without-rims-to-roll-up-1.1253537
August 14, 2016). (accessed August 19, 2019).
42. Craig Chapple, “Helix Jump case study, key retention data, 10. Susan Krashinsky Robertson, “Tim Hortons to give away
and Candy Crush Friends Saga tops the charts,” Pocket roughly two-million resuable cups as part of Roll Up the Rim
Gamer, October 29, 2018, revamp,” The Globe and Mail, February 18, 2020, https://
-and-candy-crush-friends-saga-tops-the-charts/entry/1/ -give-away-roughly-two-million-reusable-cups-as-part-of/;
(accessed August 16, 2019.) Josh Kolm, “Tim Hortons ‘modernizes’ Roll Up The Rim to
43. Ibid. be more sustainable,” Strategy, February 19, 2020, https://
44. David Barboza, “A Popular Chinese Social Networking App
Blazes Its Own Path,” The New York Times, January 20, -up-the-rim-to-be-more-sustainable/ (accessed February 19,
2014. 2020).
45. “Vision Statement: How People Really Use Mobile.” 11. Vicky Valet, “Canada’s Most Reputable Companies
2018,” Forbes, May 18, 2018,
46. Ibid. /sites/vickyvalet/2018/05/23/canadas-most-reputable
47. Ibid. -companies-2018; Reputation Institute, “Are Canadian
48. Ibid. Companies Maintaining Reputation Stability 2019 Canada
RepTrak,” May 2, 2019,
49. “Vision Statement: How People Really Use Mobile.” .com/reptrak-reports/canada-reptrak-2019-2 (accessed
August 19, 2019).
Chapter 15 12. Justin Dallaire, “Tim Hortons looks beyond hockey with Shawn
Mendes,” Strategy, August 29, 2019,
1. Sylvain Charlebois, “Beyond coffee? Molecular agriculture .ca/2019/08/29/tim-hortons-looks-beyond-hockey-with
means your morning coffee could soon be made in a -shawn-mendes (accessed Sept. 3, 2019).
lab,” The Globe and Mail, Sept. 3. 2019, 13. Tim Hortons, “Tim Hortons® to open the company’s first-of
-coffee-molecular-agriculture-means-your-morning-coffee -its-kind innovation café in Toronto,” Cision, July 23, 2019,
-could/ (accessed Sept. 3, 2019).
2. Tim Hortons Corporate, “Fresh Facts”, -toronto-843641602.html (accessed August 20, 2019).
.com/ca/en/corporate/fresh-facts.php#!open_flyout (accessed
August 20, 2019). 14. Josh Kolm, “Tim Hortons increases its push behind Camp
Day,” Strategy, June 5, 2019,
3. S. Lock, “Tim Hortons restaurants in Canada and the United /06/05/tim-hortons-increases-its-push-behind-camp-day/
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the limelight,” Strategy, June 13, 2019,
4. Canada Newswire, “Tim Hortons Celebrates Earth Day with .ca/2019/06/13/tim-hortons-places-raptors-superfan-in-the
Its First LEED Certified Restaurant,” -limelight/ (accessed August 19, 2019).
-with-its-first-leed-certified-restaurant; Tim Hortons, “Our 16. Justin Dallaire, “A look at Tim Hortons`yearlong turnaround,”
Performance: The Planet,” Strategy, July 16, 2019, /breaking-down-tim-hortons-yearlong-turnaround/ (accessed
(accessed August 19, 2019). August 19, 2019).
5. Canada Newswire, “Tim Hortons Announces Electric Vehicle 17. E.K. Strong, The Psychology of Selling (New York: McGraw-
Charging Station Pilot in Canada,” Hill, 1925).
/en/story/1113505/tim-hortons-announces-electric-vehicle 18. Leonie Roderick, “The Marketing Year: The Top Campaigns of
-charging-station-pilot-in-canada; Tim Hortons, “Tim Hortons 2015,” Marketing Week, December 4, 2015, www.marketingweek
Expands Electric Vehicle Charging Station Pilot,” .com/2015/12/04/the-marketing-year-the-top-campaigns-of -2015/; Adam Davidi, “The Best Ads of 2015: The Professionals
(accessed August 19, 2019). Pick Their Favourites,” The Guardian, December 4, 2015,
Endnotes EN-29
-advertising-2015-favourite. /economy/growth/the-sophie-gregoire-trudeau-coat-a
19. Belinda Luscombe, “How Disney Builds Stars,” Time, -canadian-fashion-success-story/article30900639/
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2016). Greatest (and Worst) Product Placement of All Time,”
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2013). (accessed August 10,
23. Tulin Erdem, Michael Keane, and Baohong Sun, “The Impact
of Advertising on Consumer Price Sensitivity in Experience 37. Grant Robertson, “Tobacco Ban Stays, But Expect Ad Blitz
Goods Markets,” Quantitative Marketing and Economics Anyway,”
6 (June 2008), pp. 139–76; Xiaojing Yang and Robert E. tobacco-ban-stays-but-expect-ad-blitz-anyway/article1088391/
Smith, “Beyond Attention Effects: Modeling the Persuasive (accessed March 14, 2017).
and Emotional Effects of Advertising Creativity,” Marketing 38. Susan Krashinsky Robertson, “Marketing group releases
Science 28 (September/October 2009), pp. 935–49; Matthew guide as cannabis sector wrestles with new advertising
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28. Michelle Castillo, “That bucket of KFC in ‘Stranger Things’ is
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not a coincidence: Why product placement is back in vogue”,
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EN-30 Endnotes

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The Beauty Project,” Strategy, August 12. 2019, http:// Place,” The New York Times, July 7, 2011;
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.com/7th/pricelesssurprises (accessed August 11, 2016).
55. 4DSales, “The Cost of a Sales Call,” October 22, 2012, http:// (accessed August 11, 75. Ibid.
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56. Bill Stinnett, Think Like Your Customer, 1st ed. (Burr Ridge, IL: Digital Age,” M&M Global, September 30, 2015, http://
McGraw-Hill, 2004).
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Security Measures for CES 2016,” com/press-releases/make-2018-your-year-of-action-start
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Motivation, and Adaptive Behavior: A Framework for /May 2016, pp. 44–48,
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63., “1998—Commercial—Mastercard—Class 28, 2017,
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2019). coffee?” ; Jessica Stewart, “Starbucks Uses Opulent Design
67., “MasterCard Class Reunion Commercial 1998,” to Attract Coffee Lovers to Its First Italian Store,” My Modern (accessed Met, September 11, 2018,
August 19, 2019). -milan-opening/ (accessed August 28, 2019).
Endnotes EN-31

5. Jenna Wang, “Why it Took Starbucks 47 Years To Open A Steve Perez, Macroeconomics: Principles and Tools, 8th ed.
Store In Italy,” Forbes, Sept. 13, 2018, (Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall, 2013).
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7. Jenna Wang, “Why it Took Starbucks 47 Years To Open A (accessed August 26, 2019).
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8. Business Development Bank of Canada, 2016,
(accessed March 25, 2017). /report (accessed August 18, 2016).
9. “COVID-19 Global Supply Chain Disruptions A Catalyst for 27. “The Rise of India’s Middle New Class,” The Times of India,
Long-Term Changes?,” The Conference Board of Canada, July 25, 2016,
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10. (accessed April 25, 2011); Patrick 28. Sonya Misquitta, “Cadbury Redefines Cheap Luxury—
Brethour, “Burgers Go From Burnaby to Bangkok” (interview Marketing to India’s Poor, Candy Maker Sells Small Bites for
with Warren Erhart, president of White Spot Restaurants), Pennies,” The Wall Street Journal, p . B4, June 8, 2009,
-business/start/franchising/burgers-go-from-burnaby-to (accessed August 15, 2014).
-bangkok/article1336289 (accessed March 25, 2017). 29. Melissa Ip, “Bottom of the Pyramid—a Decade of
11. Government of Canada, “Canadian Sanctions Related to Observations,” Social Enterprise Buzz,January 21, 2013,
Ukraine,” July 24, 2019,
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12. Reuters, “EU Extends Economic Sanctions on Russia Until International Marketing, 17th ed. (New York: McGraw-Hill,
2020,” The Moscow Times, June 21, 2019, 2015); Danielle Medina Walker and Thomas Walker, Doing Business Internationally: The Guide to Cross-Cultural
sanctions-on-russia-until-2020-a66095 (accessed August 26, Success, 2nd ed. (Princeton, NJ: Trade Management
2019). Corporation, 2003).
13. Global Affairs Canada, “Softwood Lumber,” May 7, 2019, www 31. Angela Doland, “Six Cringeworthy Blunders Brands Make in China,” Advertising Age, July 8, 2014,
/index.aspx?lang=eng (accessed August 28, 2019). /article/global-news/6-cringeworthy-blunders-brands-china
/294017/ (accessed August 26, 2019).
14. “Canada Eliminates All Tariffs on Machinery, Equipment
and Inputs Used in Industrial Mfg,” Manufacturing and 32. For a website dedicated to Hofstede’s research, seehttp://
Automation, April 20, 2015, For research specific to Canada,
/industry-news/news/5148-canada-eliminates-all-tariffs-on see
-machinery-equipment-and-inputs-used-in-industrial-mfg 33. (accessed September 10,
(accessed August 16, 2016). 2006).
15. 34. Note that the time orientation and indulgence dimensions
=10000103&sid=ajtpC2UYVKwk&refer=us. are relatively more recent additions to the categorization.
16. Government of Canada, “Allocation and administration of tariff See Geert Hofstede, “Dimensions of National Cultures,” http://
rate quotas for dairy, poultry and egg products,” May 6, 2019, 6d-model-of-national-culture/ (accessed March 25, 2017).
/TRQ-CT/index.aspx?lang=eng (accessed August 28, 2019). 35. The Hofstede Centre,
17. Wikipedia, “Exchange Rate,” .html (accessed August 18, 2016).
/Exchange_rate. 36. James W. Carey, Communication as Culture, rev. ed. (New
18. “Trade Agreements,” Office of the United States Trade York: Routledge, 2009).
Representative, (accessed 37. World Jewish Congress, “McDonald’s Changes Logo in Israel
March 25, 2017). to Show That Its Food Is Kosher,” March 13, 2006,
-in-israel-to-show-that-its-food-is-kosher (accessed March 25,
20. Bill Curry, “The ABCs of TPP,” The Globe and Mail, January 25, 2017).
/international-business/what-is-tpp-understanding-the-new 38. Betsy McKay, “Procter & Gamble, Coca-Cola
-pacific-tradedeal/article26648948/ (accessed August 18, Formulate Vitamin Drinks for Developing Countries,”
2016). The Wall Street Journal,
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22. “US Balance of Trade,” Trading Economics, Mike Fromowitz, “Hall of Shame: More multicultural brand (accessed blunders,” Campaign US, February 10, 2017,
August 18, 2016).
23. -brand-blunders/1423941 (accessed August 26,
Resources/GNIPC.pdf; Arthur O’Sullivan, Steven Sheffrin, and 2019).
EN-32 Endnotes

40. The Economist, “Why Is South Africa Included in the BRICS?” 57. “Canada’s State of Trade: Trade and Investment Update—
March 29, 2013, 2015,” Global Affairs Canada,
-explains/. .ca/economist-economiste/performance/state-point/state
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2019). Strategy Online, July 28, 2016,
42. Prableen Bajpai, “The World’s Top 10 Economies,” .ca/2016/07/28/tim-hortons-heads-to-southeast-asia; Jeromy
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44. Asher Levine, “Brazil’s ‘New Middle Class’ Struggles as .com/ca/en/corporate/news-release.php?id=11415 (accessed
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46. Liz Stark and Maegan Vazquez, “US to Maintain Russia -bangkok/article1336289; Chuck Chiang, “Triple O’s to Open
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Says,” CNN, December 7, 2017; U.S. Department of State,
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Looks Bleak without Economic and Political Reform,” The (accessed August 27, 2019).
Guardian, July 5, 2017; Paul Gregory, “A Russian Crisis
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World Factbook, 2014).
-world-factbook/geos/ch.html (accessed August 27, 2019).
66. Francoise Hovivian, “Globalization: Apple’s One-Size-Fits
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New York Times, June 1, 2015.
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assumption – and Canada is paying the price,” The Globe
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and Mail, June 11, 2019,
Journal, June 29, 2011,
24052702304447804576414202460491210.html (accessed
-assumption-and-canada/ (accessed August 27, 2019).
August 20, 2014).
54. World Trade Organization, “Trade Set to Plunge as COVID-19
68. Normandy Madden, “Soy-Sauce-Flavored Kit Kats? In Japan,
Pandemic Upends Global Economy,” News release, April 8,
They’re No. 1,”
2020, pres20_e
_id=142461 (accessed March 25, 2017).
/pr855_e.htm; Donnan, Shawn, Christoph Rauwald, Joe
Deaux, and Ian King, “A Covid-19 Supply Chain Shock Born in 69.
China Is Going Global,” Bloomberg, March 20, 2020, https:// 70. “McCain Around the World,” news/articles/2020-03-20/a-covid-19 -the-world (accessed March 25, 2017).
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April 27, 2020). 71. Marina Strauss and Nathan Vanderklippe, “Salted egg-
yolk Timbit and ‘matcha’ latte: How Tim Hortons plans to
55. Lisa Evans, “Skin-Care Company Finds Canada Is Just the stick-handle its way into the Chinese market,” The Globe and
Tip of the Iceberg,” The Globe and Mail, October 25, 2012, Mail, February 25, 2019, /business/article-tim-hortons-enters-china-market-with-first
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Endnotes EN-33

72. Silvia Fabiana et al., eds., Pricing Decisions in the Euro Era: 86. Ibid.
How Firms Set Prices and Why (Oxford: Oxford University 87. Tim Culpan, “Chindia Needs One More Thing from Apple,”
Press, 2007); Cateora et al., International Marketing. Bloomberg Businessweek, September 13, 2017,
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Dentiste Mueller, “The Behavioural Homogeneity Evaluation -one-more-thing-from-apple (accessed August 27, 2019).
Framework: Multi-Level Evaluations of Consumer Involvement 88. Shira Ovide, “Think You Won’t Pay $1,000? Apple’s Prices Are
in International Segmentation,” Journal of International Going Up Anyway,” Bloomberg Gadfly, September 12, 2017,
Business Studies 38 (2007), pp. 746–63; Terry Clark, Masaaki
Kotabe, and Dan Rajaratnam, “Exchange Rate Pass-Through /think-you-wont-pay-us1000-apples-prices-go-up-anyway
and International Pricing Strategy: A Conceptual Framework -video/1464003 (accessed August 27, 2019).
and Research Propositions,” Journal of International Business
Studies 30, no. 2 (1999), pp. 249–68. 89. Reem Nasr, “Apple’s Success in China Can Teach US Firms a
Lot,” CNBC, January 29, 2015,
74. “Zara: Worldwide Pricing Strategy Revealed by Study,” /06/19/apple-is-the-big-tech-firm-most-at-risk-from-a-us-china
Fashion Network, June 26, 2015, -trade-war.html (accessed August 27, 2019).
-study,544318.html#.V7ZtevkrJaQ (accessed August 18, 2016). 90. “Apple Is Focusing More on Emerging Markets,” Business
Insider, December 21, 2016,
75. “India: Creating Rural Entrepreneurs,” .com/apple-focuses-more-on-emerging-markets-2016-12
.com; Unilever, “Making Sustainable Living Commonplace, (accessed August 27, 2019).
Annual Report and Accounts 2018,”
/Images/unilever-annual-report-and-accounts-2018_tcm244 91. Harsh Chauhan, “Apple Makes a Smart Move to Expand in
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76. Joe Cochrane, “Tupperware’s Sweet Spot Shifts to -move-to-expand-in-this-huge-ma.aspx (accessed August 27,
Indonesia,” The New York Times, February 28, 2015, www 2019).
92. “Apple Is Focusing More on Emerging Markets.”
77. Central Intelligence Agency, The World Factbook, https:// 93. Jefferson Graham, “Did Apple retail prices get too high in
/2103.html (accessed August 18, 2016). 2018? Consumers say yes.,” USA Today, December 29, 2018,
78. Michael Wines, “Picking Brand Names in Asia Is a Business /did-apple-retail-prices-get-too-high-2018-consumers-say
Itself,” Ad Age, November 11, 2011, -way-yes/2432445002/ (accessed August 27, 2019).
-pdf.html?ref5asia; Brand Channel, 94. Tasmin McMahon, “Apple unveils new streaming service
.com. targeting Netflix, Amazon Prime,” The Globe and Mail,
September 10, 2019,
79. Joan Voight, “How to Customize Your U.S. Branding Effort to /business/article-apples-new-streaming-service-targets
Work Around the World,” Adweek, September 3, 2008. -netflix-amazon-prime/ (accessed September 11, 2019).
80. Paul Muggeridge, “Which Countries Produce the Most
Waste?” World Economic Forum, August 20, 2015, https://
-the-most-waste/ (accessed March 25, 2017). Chapter 17
81. Bruce Einhorn, “Apple’s Chinese Supply Lines,” 1. Jennifer Horn, “The clean beauty movement gains momen-
BusinessWeek, January 8, 2008; “Responsible Supplier tum,” Strategy, September 17, 2019,
Management,”; .ca/2019/09/17/the-clean-beauty-movement-gains-momentum
Shai Oster, “Behind the Scenes at Apple’s Controversial (accessed September 17, 2019).
China iPhone Factory,” Chicago Tribune, April 26, 2016, http:// 2. Jack Neff, “Why Unilever Needs Love Beauty and Planet,” Advertising Age, December 11, 2017,
-apple-china-iphone-factory-20160426-story.html (accessed /article/cmo-strategy/unilever-love-beauty-planet-brands
March 25, 2017). /311580 (accessed August 29, 2019).
82. Theresa Weynand Tobin, “Cultural Imperialism,” Encyclopedia 3. Alyssa Hardy, “,” Teen Vogue, December 13, 2017, https://
Britannica, June 29, 2016,
/cultural-imperialism (accessed March 25, 2017). -brand-love-beauty-and-planet (accessed August 29, 2019).
83. Reuters, “Costco’s first China store forced to close early 4. Neff, “Why Unilever Needs Love Beauty and Planet.”
due to overwhelming traffic,” The Globe and Mail, 5. Aimee Lutkin, “Unilever’s New Beauty Line Is Good for Your
August 27, 2019, Face and the Planet,” Green Matters, December 12, 2017,
/article-costcos-first-china-store-forced-to-close-early /unilver-eco-beauty (accessed August 29, 2019).
-due-to-overwhelming/ (accessed August 27, 2019).
6. Neff, “Why Unilever Needs Love Beauty and Planet.”
84. “Valentine’s Day Is Now a Crime in Iran,” New York Post,
February 13, 2016, 7. Hardy, “Unilever Launches Sustainable Drugstore Brand.”
-decadent-valentines-day-celebrations-a-crime/; Cristina 8. Neff, “Why Unilever Needs Love Beauty and Planet.”
Maza, “Valentine’s Day Celebrated in Iran with Gifts, 9. Lutkin, “Unilever’s New Beauty Line.”
Flowers, and House Parties Despite Police Crackdown,”
Newsweek, Feb. 14, 2019, 10. Unilever, “Sustainable Living,”
/valentines-day-celebrated-iran-police-806844 (accessed /sustainable-living/ (accessed August 29, 2019).
August 27, 2019). 11. Theodore Levitt, Marketing Imagination (Detroit, MI: The Free
85. Patrick Coffee, “Apple Shifts Global Marketing Strategy, Press, 1983).
Restructures Its Relationship with TBWA/Media Arts Lab,” 12. Lois Abraham, “Canada Won’t Be Following U.S. in Labelling
Adweek, February 17, 2017, GMO Food Products,” The Star, March 30, 2016,
-on-digital-and-regional-campaigns/ (accessed August 27, -us-in-labelling-gmo-food-products.html (accessed December 14,
2019). 2020).
EN-34 Endnotes

13. Laura Parker, “The GMO Labeling Battle Is Heating Up— 28. Christopher Lombardo, “Challenges remain for brands transi-
Here’s Why,” National Geographic, January 11, 2014; Stefanie tioning from CSR to purpose-led.”
Strom, “Major Grocer to Label Foods With Gene-Modified 29. PepsiCo, “Performance with Purpose,” (Waste: Getting to Zero
Content,” The New York Times, March 8, 2013; “Our at Super Bowl LII, P. 25),
Commitment to GMO Transparency,” Whole Foods, /album/sustainability-report/2017-csr/pepsico_2017_csr.pdf (accessed August 29, 2019).
-transparency; General Mills, “On GMOs,”; General 30. PepsiCo, “Environmental, Social & Governance Topics: Water,”
Mills, “Do you use GMO ingredients in your products?,” (accessed (accessed August 29, 2019).
August 28, 2019). 31. Tim Hortons®, “Tim Hortons Camp Day Raises $9.9 Million!,”
14. For a detailed discussion on ethical and societal issues, see
An Introduction to Business Ethics, 5th edition, by Joseph php?id=7630 (accessed August 28, 2019).
Desjardins (McGraw-Hill Education), or Business Ethics: 32. “Our Environmental Commitment,” Mountain Equipment
Decision Making for Personal Integrity & Social Responsibility Co-Op,
by Laura Hartman, Joseph Desardins, and Chris MacDonald -commitment/ (accessed August 23, 2016).
(McGraw-Hill Education). 33. FedEx, “FedEx Cares,”
15. Gallup, “Honesty/Ethics in Professions,” -cares/overview (accessed August 29, 2019).
.com/poll/1654/honesty-ethics-professions.aspx (accessed 34. The Cooperators, “Community Economic Development (CED)
August 23, 2016). Funds,”
16. Rebecca Harris, “Consumers Expect Brands to Do Social /ced.aspx (accessed August 29, 2019).
Good,” Marketing Magazine, February 2, 2016, 35. The Cooperators, “Corporate Giving Program,”
-to-do-social-good-study-167090 (accessed August 23, .aspx (accessed August 29, 2019).
2016). 36. Rana Florida, “The Case for On-Site Day Care,” Fast
17. Johnson & Johnson, “Our Credo Values,” Company, October 1, 2014,
/about-jnj/jnj-credo (accessed March 26, 2017). /3036419/the-case-for-onsite-daycare (accessed August 30,
18. Vanessa O’Connell and Shirley Wang, “J&J Acts Fast on
Tylenol,” The Wall Street Journal, July 9, 2009. 37. Aaron Katersky and Susannah Kim, “Slew of Retailers Say
No to Black Friday,” ABC News, October 27, 2015, https://
19. BSR (a global non-profit organization that works with a
network of more than 250 member companies and other /story?id=34760968 (accessed August 30, 2019).
partners to build a just and sustainable world)
.org (accessed March 25, 2017). 38. Disney, “VoluntEARS,”
.com. This survey was conducted in 2006; more recent /voluntears/; Disney, “Philanthropy,”
reports suggest that 49 percent of respondents to a 2009; Give Kids the World Village, Walt
survey reported having seen ethical misconduct overall. Disney World,”; Disney,
See Ethics Resource Center, “2009 National Business Ethics “Disney Cast Members Create An ‘Extreme Village Makeover’
Survey,” for Give Kids the World,”
20. Global Affairs Canada, “Corporate Social Responsibility,” -extreme-village-makeover-for-give-kids-the-world/#photo-5 (accessed August 28, 2019).
lang=eng (accessed August 23, 2016). 39. ParticipACTION Canada, “Our Strategic Goals,” (accessed August 23,
21. The most famous proponent of this view was Milton 2016).
Friedman. See, for example, Capitalism and Freedom
40. Mike Hower, “GE Renews Ecomagination Initiative, Commits
(Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2002) or Free to
$25B to CleanTech R&D by 2020,” March 4, 2014,
Choose: A Personal Statement (Orlando, FL: Harcourt, 1990).
22. “Our Heritage,” Danone, _hower/ge_renews_ecomagination_initiative_commits_25
-mission-in-action/our-heritage/ (accessed March 26, 2017). _b_clean_tech_rd_20; GE, “Ecomagination,”
23. Thomas C. Frohlich, Michael B. Sauter, and Sam Stebbins, (accessed August 28, 2019).
“Companies Paying Americans the Least,”, 41. McKinsey, “How to Reinvent the External-Affairs Function,”
September 3, 2015. July 2016,
24. Ibid. /strategy-and-corporate-finance/our-insights/how-to-reinvent
-the-external-affairs-function (accessed August 23, 2016).
25. “Premier Fitness Fined $130,000 Over Failure to Pay
Employees on Time,” Hamilton Spectator, January 24, 2012, 42. John Browne, “Here’s a Better Way for Companies to Tackle Big Social Problems,” Harvard Business Review, March 30,
-fined-130-000-over-failure-to-pay-employees-on-time/ 2016,
(accessed August 23, 2016). -companies-to-tackle-big-social-problems (accessed
August 23, 2016).
26. Justin Dallaire, “‘Purpose’ crucial to how consumers view
43. Christopher Lombardo, “A report from Nourish Food
companies,” Strategy, Jan. 28, 2019,
Marketing shows how waste-reduction trends align with
concerns about diet and convenience,” Strategy, Feb. 21,
-study/; Christopher Lombardo, “Challenges remain for brands
transitioning from CSR to purpose-led,” Strategy, March 19,
-thinking-more-broadly-about-ethical-consumption/ (accessed
August 28, 2019).
-for-brands-transitioning-from-csr-to-purpose-led/ (accessed
August 29, 2019). 44. “Our Mission and Vision,” Burt’s Bees,
.ca/c/root-our-mission-and-vision-burt-s-bees.html (accessed
27. Josh Kolm, “Unilever gives everyday purchases a social
August 24, 2016).
impact,” Strategy, August 16, 2019,
/2019/08/16/unilever-spotlights-the-positive-impacts-of 45. “Responsibility,” General Mills,
-everyday-purchases (accessed August 29, 2019). /en/Responsibility/Overview (accessed August 24, 2016).
Endnotes EN-35

46. Carolyn Hotchkiss, “Business Ethics: One Slide Cases,” -set-open-dorchester/CBzBHC1RsEOVCSgOFa0p9O/story

Babson College, Wellesley, Massachusetts, 2004; http:// .html (accessed August 29, 2019). 52. Mark Winne, “The Daily Table: Is This What We Really Need?,”
(accessed August 25, 2006); Beacon Broadside, June 30, 2015, www.beaconbroadside
.com/live/mg-dictionary,php?SearchFor=direct+marketing .com/broadside/2015/06/the-daily-table-is-this-what-we
&Searched=1 (accessed August 5, 2005). -really-need.html; Mott, “Daily Table Supermarket Specializes
47. Daily Table, “About Us,” in Food Past Its Prime” (accessed August 29, 2019).
-story/ (accessed August 29, 2019). 53. Daily Table, “Membership,”
48. Ibid. -member/; Steve Holt, “Whether You Call It ‘Rescued’ or
49. Ron Mott, “Daily Table Supermarket Specializes in Food Past ‘Expired,’ Old Food Is a Tough Sell,” TakePart, June 11, 2015,
Its Prime,” NBC News, June 29, 2015,
/nightly-news/food-past-its-prime-supermarket-specializes (accessed August 29, 2019).
-expired-food-n383826; Yvonne Abraham, “Waste Not, Hunger 54. Brad Tuttle, “Former Trader Joe’s Exec Opens Super
Not,” Boston Globe, June 13, 2015, Cheap Nonprofit Supermarket,” Time Money, June 4, 2015,
-cleverly-reuses-food-waste/bhZZSacW4xqaij5UrkeKbM -supermarket/; Steve Holt, “Did Doug Rauch Just Fix
/story.html (accessed August 29, 2019). Food Deserts and Food Waste?,” Edible Boston, www
50. Lindsay Abrams, “‘Expired’ Food Is Good for You: A
Supermarket Exec’s Bold Business Gamble,” Salon, -deserts-and-food-waste?rq=Daily%20Table (accessed
January 20, 2014, August 30, 2019).
_is_good_for_you_a_supermarket_execs_bold_business 55. Abrams, “‘Expired’ Food Is Good for You”; Hayley Peterson,
_gamble/ (accessed August 29, 2019). “A former Trader Joe’s executive is leading a revolution in
51. Taryn Luna, “Nonprofit Grocery Store Set to Open in cheap groceries,” Business Insider, June 6, 2015, www
Dorchester,” Boston Globe, May 22, 2015, www.bostonglobe
.com/business/2015/05/21/nonprofit-daily-table-grocery-store -table-2015-6 (accessed August 30, 2019).
name index

A Folk, Kevin, 157 Laukes, Ed, 465, 466

Altidore, Jozy, 433 Ford, Henry, 10, 100 Lee, Leonard, 41
Andrews, Julie, 465 Fornander, Jonas, 484 Lopez, Jennifer, 489
Freeman, Morgan, 461 Lovato, Demi, 482
Luba, David, 380
B Luke, Tobias, 133
Balotelli, Mario, 445
Beach, Dan, 157 Gandhi, Mahatma, 565
Godara, Neetu, 157, 187 M
Beckham, David, 34, 35
Godfrey, Jay, 489 Mahon, Barry, 287
Beddoe, Clive, 312
Goldblatt-Sadowski, Debra, 461 Mahon, Scott, 287
Bell, Alexander Graham, 257
Gomez, Selena, 433 Mahone, Austin, 482
Bell, Don, 312
Grant, Aaron, 232 Martin, Boris, 305
Bella, Brie, 265
Green, Anthony, 118 Maslow, Abraham, 113
Bella, Nikki, 265
Gregoire Trudeau, Sophie, 489 Matis, Lucian, 489
Bendor-Samuel, Richard, 319
Guillemet, Chris, 305 Maxwell, Paul, 322
Bensadoun, Aldo, 424, 425
McDormand, Frances, 294
Bensadoun, David, 425
H McKenzie, Ryan, 289
Beskind, Barbara, 235
McMormick Sean, 134
Beyoncé, 26, 34, 35 Hachborn, Walter, 421
Mendes, Shawn, 480
Bhatia, Nav, 480 Haggett, Jessica, 162
Miller, Arthur, 501
Bidermann, Noel, 94 Hale, Lucy, 482
Miller, Ibn Ali, 191
Bieber, Justin, 473 Harden, James, 461 Milunovich, Steve, 240
Billes, A. J., 394 Harper, Bryce, 273 Mogavero, Damian, 168
Billes, J. W., 394 Harrelson, Woody, 461 Momoa, Jason, 163
Blahnik, Manolo, 293 Harrington, Kevin, 474 Musk, Elon, 73
Blair, Alex, 227 Harrison, Ken, 127 Mycoskie, Blake, 456
Blunt, Emily, 461 Hawk, Tony, 473
Bohbot, Alyza, 14 Helbig, Teresa, 105
Bolt, Usain, 445
Hendricks, Kelsey, 30
Brady, Tom, 273 Hicks, Greg, 395 Nooyi, Indra, 25
Brodie, Mallorie, 332 Highway, Tomson, 461
Butler, Gerard, 461 Hitler, Adolf, 527 O
Hofstede, Geert, 525 O’Hagan, Patrick, 12
C Hopkins, Sir Anthony, 461
Chang, Howard, 443 Hopper, Dennis, 162 P
Chilton, David, 533 Perry, Katy, 26
Clark, Wayne, 489 I Persau, Priya, 122–124
Collins, Lily, 293 Ishikawa, Marie, 544 Pesce, Adam, 560
Cook, Tim, 308 Ius, Randall, 496 Pesce, Peter, 560
Correia da Silva, Karen, 289 Pitman, Nicola, 253
Croxon, Bruce, 380 J Polley, Sarah, 461
Cruz, Orlando, 191 Jahshan, Hatem, 533
Cruz, Victor, 9 Jahshan, Tonia, 18, 533 Q
James, Hana, 118 Queen Elizabeth II, 288
D Jayne, Erika, 499
DeGeneres, Ellen, 134 John, Elton, 26 R
Dickinson, Arlene, 380, 449, 455 Johnson, Dwayne “The Rock,” 9
Rajamannar, Raja, 513
Dobrev, Nina, 9 Johnson, General Robert Wood, 552
Rauch, Doug, 573
Drake, 7, 233 Jordan, Michael, 34
Reiss, Dani, 18, 267
Draper, Sarah, 319
Roark, Elizabeth, 25
K Robertson, Gregor, 496
E Kardashian, Kim, 473 Ronan, Saoirse, 455, 456
Earhart, Warren, 518 Kessler, Marcia, 307, 320 Rosen, Larry, 420
Elmsley, Derrick, 380 Knight, Emma, 118, 119
Elmsley, Kalen, 380 Kreiz, Ynon, 264 S
Eminem, 489 Kroetsch, Dave, 139
Schultz, Howard, 516
Seymour, Jane, 461
F L Simair, Daniel, 299
Fedorak, Bryan, 250–251 Lady Gaga, 327, 489 Simair, Joshua, 299
Fine, Josh, 134 Lake, Lauren, 332 Simpson, Angela, 52
Finkelstein, Harvey, 134 Laliberté, Guy, 411 Simpson, Lee-Anne, 315
Fisk, Patrik, 425 Lambert, Miranda, 9 Sparling, David, 296–297
Flair, Charlotte, 265 Lappé, Frances Moore, 253 Sparling, Grant, 296
IN-2 Name Index

Sparling, Steven, 296–297 Tick, Sam, 267 West, Kanye, 134

Spears, Britney, 489 Timberlake, Justin, 513 Wiggins, Andrew, 461
Speedman, Scott, 461 Treagus, Sandy, 421 Witherspoon, Reese, 105
Spieth, Jordan, 273 Treliving, Jim, 533
Stephens, Arran, 166 Tsouflidou, Cora, 177 X
Stephens, Ratana, 166 Tyson, Tami, 315 Xausa, Davide, 305
Stewart, Martha, 110
Suntory, Beam, 251 V Y
Swift, Taylor, 487–488 Vanwynsberghe, Marsha, 315 Yousafzai, Malala, 527
Vasudeva, Kacee, 19
Theron, Charlize, 104 W
Thompson, Emma, 525 Zendaya, 105
Wallace, Rob, 421
Thorne, Bella, 483 Weaver, Susan, 480
company index

A Band-Aid, 275, 277 Cadillac, 38, 135, 247

A&W Food Services, 253, 379 Bank of Canada, 88 Cadillac Fairview, 555, 556
Abercrombie & Fitch, 123 Bank of Montreal, 28, 276, 285, 325 Call of Duty, 236, 237
Accenture, 135, 274, 420, 541 Barrick Gold, 535 Calvin Klein, 286, 455, 456
Adidas, 93, 176, 461, 499, 517 Bartesian, 250–251 Cambridge, 411
Advertiser Perceptions, 85 Bauer Hockey, 215 Campbell’s Soup, 214, 497, 538
Advil, 109 BBDO Canada, 135 Canada Bread, 356
Aeroplan, 176 Beap Co., 19 Canada Goose, 18, 267, 268, 269, 271,
Aeryon Labs, 139 Beats by Dre, 407 275, 276, 284
Air Canada, 7, 167, 178, 367 Bed, Bath & Beyond, 245 Canada Post, 167, 452
Air Miles, 497 Bell, 30, 181, 255, 276 Canadian Blood Services, 233
Airbnb, 311 Bell Laboratories, 257, 541 Canadian Business & Current Affairs
Alakef Coffee Roasters, 14 Ben & Jerry’s, 252, 274, 567 Database, 220
Aldo, 424–426 Bentley, 136 Canadian Business Magazine, 289
Alibaba, 192 Best Buy, 181, 313–314, 369, 383–387, Canadian Business Resource, 220
Allbirds, 134 399, 403, 475, 497–498 Canadian Children’s Food & Beverage
Alphabet, 341 Betabound, 252 Advertising Initiative, 511
Alterna, 258 Beyond Meat, 253 Canadian Centre for Rural Creativity,
Better Business Bureau, 353 297
Amazon, 12, 19, 29, 30, 50, 85, 131–132,
Bic, 284 Canadian Innovation Exchange, 332
139, 178, 184, 203, 218, 232, 234,
Bing, 105, 541 Canadian Marketing Association, 3,
257, 319, 320, 330, 362, 364, 365,
Birkenstock, 121, 293–295 221, 464, 505, 553, 554, 572
367, 368, 370, 374, 375, 376–377,, 338 Canadian National Institute for the
382, 399, 419, 420, 424, 477, 494,
Black and Decker, 246, 437 Blind (CNIB), 485–486
Blendtec, 244 Canadian Plastic Bag Association, 345
American Airlines, 336
Blockbuster, 238 Canadian RFID Centre, 17
American Apparel, 390, 470
Blogger, 474 Canadian Society for Aesthetic Plastic
American Eagle, 121
Bloomberg, 216 Surgery, 319
American Express, 194, 203, 511
Bloomingdales, 404 Canadian Tire, 13, 19, 184, 366, 393–
Android, 44, 48, 149, 483
BMW, 103, 104, 162, 292, 434, 464, 559 395, 408–409, 418, 419, 454, 497
Android Marketplace, 461
Boeing, 502 Canadian Tire Financial Services, 394
Angus Reid Institute, 195, 206
Bombardier, 140 Candy Cutlery, 288
Ann Taylor, 107
Bosch Home Connect, 87 Canopy Rivers, 119
AOL, 325
Boston Consulting Group (BCG), 46–49 Capital One, 94
Apple, 11, 30, 44, 47–49, 75, 95, 123,
Boston Pizza, 109 Carbon Disclosure Project, 539
124, 131–132, 135, 143, 149, 238,
Bourbon Coffee, 560 Carl’s Jr., 537
239, 240, 257, 274, 276, 299, 308,
Bowflex, 438 Carrefour, 395, 400
330, 343, 347, 348, 410, 415, 461,
BrandFX, 371 Center for Science and the Public
476, 483, 488–489, 538, 543,
BrandSpark, 215 Interest (CSPI), 95
Braun, 284 CenturyLink, 325
Arbitron/Scarborough, 59
Breast Cancer Society of Canada, 489 Cervélo, 372
Arcade Fire, 219
Bridgit, 332 CFDA/Vogue Fashion Fund Show, 105
Aritzia, 213
Britt, 397, 398, 399, 401 Chanel, 181
Arlene Dickinson Enterprises, 449
Brookfield, 276 Chapters Indigo, 319, 399, 403, 407,
Arnold Coffee, 516
Brown Betty Dessert Boutique, 363, Charmin, 492
Asda, 218
378 Chevrolet, 38, 73, 100, 216, 247
Ashley Madison, 94
Buck or Two, 181 CHI, 254
Asia Pulp and Paper, 288
Bugatti, 136 China Resource Enterprise (CRE), 535
ASICS, 434
Build-a-Bear Workshop, 178 Chobani, 288, 290
Aspirin, 279
Bulldog Skincare, 76, 114–117, 119, 121, 124 Choice Hotels, 302
Atlas, 12
Christie Digital, 532
Atmosphere, 399 Bullfrog Power, 560
Chronic Disease Prevention Alliance of
Audi, 135, 136, 181, 182 Bureau of Broadcasting 286, 206
Canada (CDPAC), 95, 97
Auto Source, 394 Burger King, 95, 183, 480, 495, 537
CIBC, 276, 285, 461
Autodesk, 332 Burton, 471
Cinelytic, 316
Automobil Lamborghini, 544 Burt’s Bees, 567
Cineplex, 304, 344, 485 Business Access Canada, 137
CircleK, 276
Avero, 168 Business Development Bank of
Cirque du Soleil, 301, 410, 411
Avon, 365, 366 Canada, 517
Citibank, 541
Axe, 486 Butler, 283
City Girl Coffee, 14, 181
Clearly, 367, 536
B Clorox, 122, 259, 277
Backwoods Brewery, 283 C Club Med, 259
Balance Bar, 6 Cadbury Adams, 355 Coach, 8, 397, 398, 399, 401, 409
Banana Republic, 107, 108, 407 Cadbury International, 524, 536
IN-4 Company Index

Coca-Cola, 15, 25, 27, 30, 33, 34, 36, Domino’s Pizza, 109, 532 General Electric (GE), 8, 148, 186–187,
38, 44–45, 79, 96, 205, 212, 221, Dr Pepper Snapple, 25, 126, 275 474, 487, 488, 559, 561
239, 275, 276, 278, 284, 288, 435, Dunkin’ Donuts, 537 General Mills (GM), 2, 43, 96, 236, 249,
438, 480, 487, 488, 491, 524, 526, Dyson, 40–41, 234, 245 350, 539, 551, 567
559 General Motors, 100, 135, 246, 247,
Cold Stone Creamery, 105, 286 E 282,
Colgate-Palmolive, 127, 239, 270–271, eBay, 184, 366 Genesis Toys, 117
283, 292, 369 Edelman, 557 George Weston Ltd., 356
Colombian Coffee Growers Federation, Eddie Bauer, 267, 286 GfK Mediamark Research Inc., 206
342 Edgar, 60 GfK NOP, 206
Columbia Sportswear, 434 eHarmony, 162 GFS Canada, 151
Comfort Inn, 274 EKOS Research Associates, 195, 206 Giant Tiger, 279, 398, 401
COMPAS, 195, 206 Gillette, 75–76, 344
Electrolux, 244
Competition Bureau, 353, 355, 356 Gilt, 110
eMarketer, 472, 475
Condé Nast, 176 Glamour, 293
Enterprise Rent-a-Car, 302
Conference Board of Canada, 92, 557 Global Electric Vehicles Outlook, 216
Environics Analytics, 168
Consumer Reports, 105, 119 GoodData, 203
Equifax, 568
Conversica, 325 GoodLife Fitness, 371
Ernst & Young, 305
Cora Breakfast and Lunch, 176, 177, 181 Goodrich, 183
Esso, 176, 371
Corelle Brands, 364 Goodwill Industries, 396
Estée Lauder, 286, 372, 397, 398, 399,
Coresight Research, 411 Google, 30, 43–44, 105, 131–132, 134,
401, 413
Corporate Social Responsibility 135, 184, 203–204, 232–233, 239,
Etsy, 366
Newswire, 572 248, 264, 277, 316, 332, 341, 444,
Expedia, 15, 503, 544
CosmoGirl, 439 445, 446, 468, 476, 477–478, 483,
Cossette Communication Group, 135 544, 559
Costco, 11, 174, 282, 286, 365, 371, F Great Canadian Bagel, 405
395, 400, 408, 500, 543 Facebook, 14, 15, 30, 80, 112, 134, 141, Greenhouse Juice Co., 118–119
Country Style Foods, 379 203, 212, 213, 219, 223, 267, 290, Groupon, 41, 468
CoverGirl, 186 444, 459, 468, 471, 473, 477 Grow Daddy Canada, 235
Cowbell Brewing Co., 296–297 Factiva, 220 Grundig, 286
Cracker Barrel, 487 Fair Labor Association, 414 Gucci, 342
Craftsman, 281 Fairmont Hotels, 267, 319, 324
Crate and Barrel, 367 Farafena, 496 H
Crave, 5 Fashion Design Council of Canada, 461
H. J. Heinz Company, 239, 331, 540
Crest, 127, 226–227, 283, 331 Fatburger, 537
H&M, 15, 121, 390, 391, 424
Crispin Porter + Bogusky, 484 Feather, 299
Häagen-Dazs, 273, 286
Cruelty Free International, 76 FedDev Ontario, 332
Haier, 524
CT Real Estate Investment Trust, 394 Federal Network Agency, 117
Hakim Optical, 6
Cultures, 105 Federal Trade Commission, 117
Hallmark Cards, 260, 280
Curalate, 425 FedEx, 375, 559
Happy Planet, 496
Fernish, 299
Harley-Davidson, 104, 162–163, 482
D Ferrari, 135
Harley Watt University, 167
Fiat Chrysler, 325
Daily Table, 573–574 Harris/Decima, 195, 206
Fiberlink, 149
Dairy Queen Canada, 379 Harrod’s, 418, 420
Fibre One, 2
Dalhousie University, 288, 345 Harry Rosen, 381–382, 406, 420
Fiesta Farms, 560
Danone, 499, 556 Harry’s, 75, 344
Financial Post Publishing, 220
Darn Tough Socks, 281 Harvard Business Review, 476
First Choice Haircutters, 104, 279–280,
DDB Canada, 487 Harvey’s, 127
De Beers, 484 HBO, 5, 149
Fitbit, 121
Del Monte, 258 Health Canada, 235, 290, 402, 490,
Flair Airlines, 354
Dell, 77, 140, 177, 252, 359, 365, 366, 551
Flir Systems Inc., 139
390, 454, 503, 558 Heart and Stroke Foundation, 33, 453,
Food and Drug Administration, 403
Deloitte, 139 491
Foot Locker, 362
Delta Airlines, 140, 312 HeatMax, 270
Ford Motor, 10, 100, 125, 135, 212, 292,
Dentyne, 259 Heineken, 15
Designer Depot, 405 437 Helly Hansen, 395
Desjardins, 94 Forever 21, 121 Hermès, 181, 334
Diabetes Canada, 278 Forrester Research, 195, 319 Hershey Canada, 488
Dior, 104, 121 Fortune, 299, 555 Hertz, 37–39, 182,
Direct Marketing Association, 453 Forzani Group, 395 HMV, 407
Dirty Lemon, 227 Fox, 483 Hockey Canada, 215
Disney, 28, 50, 78, 79, 160, 286, 301, FreshCo, 400 Holiday Inn, 532
482–483, 489, 561 Freshii, 227 Hollywood Record, 482
District Ventures Accelerator, 449 Frito-Lay, 165, 223, 284 Holt Renfrew, 172, 404, 408
Dolce & Gabbana, 116 Home Depot, 94, 110, 249, 365, 374,
Dole, 282 G 375, 376, 394, 395, 403, 404, 418,
Dollar Shave Club, 75, 76, 344 Garmin, 121 469, 473
Dollarama, 181, 405 Gatorade, 180, 185–186 Home Hardware, 19, 421
Company Index IN-5

Home Shopping Network (HSN), 473 Kijiji, 484 MasterCard, 285, 511–514
HomeSense, 405 Kimberly-Clark, 437, 494, 492
Honda, 15, 100, 104, 106, 108, 110–111, KIND, 2, 6, 8, 22–23, 181 Mattel, 264–265, 285
116, 135, 538 Kleenex, 277, 486–487 Maxtech Consumer Products, 19
HootSuite, 149, 472, 59 Maxtech Manufacturing, 19
HP Canada, 17, 81, 184, 260, 284, Kodak, 252 Maxtech Mosquito Control, 19
558–559 Kraft Foods, 6, 204, 234, 254, 282, McCain Foods, 160, 539, 547
HubSpot, 469 283, 337, 369, 371, 372, 487, 560 McCann Erickson Worldwide, 512
Hudson’s Bay Company, 31, 95, 172, Kurl-On, 527 McDonald’s, 31, 55–56, 182–183,
181, 282, 353, 367, 368, 404, 407, Kylie Cosmetics, 134 196–201, 218–219, 253, 276, 280,
424, 503 288, 303, 315, 344, 379, 411–412,
Hulu, 476 L 448, 454, 480, 491, 495, 496, 523,
Hunter, 410 526, 532, 537, 559
Hydro One, 341 La Senza, 171, 172, 176, 182 McKinsey & Company, 9, 42, 561
Hyundai, 135 Lacoste, 275, 499 MEC (Mountain Equipment Co-Op), 41,
Lamborghini, 136 299, 319, 414, 420–421, 454, 558
I Lancôme, 486 Mechanical Turk, 218
Lands’ End, 178 MediaCorp, 414
IBISWorld, 59 LÄRABAR, 6
IBM, 29, 30, 85, 135, 136, 246, 325, Mediamark Reporter, 59
Le Château, 107, 108, 424 Mega Bloks, 181
532, 535, 536 Lee Jeans, 440
IDEO, 248 Mercedes-Benz, 30, 38, 135, 181, 274,
Lee Valley Tools, 41–42, 369, 419 488, 541
iHeartMedia, 26 Léger Marketing, 55, 79, 195, 204–206
IKEA, 13, 299, 416, 417, 420, 438, 441, Merck, 246
Lego, 517 Mergent, 220
454, 483, 484 Lendio, 155
iMagic, 19 Merrill Lynch, 240
Lennox, 351 MERX, 137, 138
IMAX, 344 Lenovo, 535, 536
IMDB, 5 Metro, 95, 395
Les Ailes de la Mode, 172 Metro Sportswear Ltd., 267
Instagram, 118, 267, 458, 459, 460, Levi Strauss & Co., 15, 135, 137, 284
472, 473–474 Microsoft, 30, 149, 211, 232, 233, 261,
Lexus, 4, 162 541
Instant Brands, 364 Life Savers, 284
Insty-Bit, 19 Milestones, 127
LifeStyle Market Analyst, 59 Miller Brewing Co., 211
Intel, 184, 274 Lindt Canada, 497
Intel Capital, 232 Mintel, 60, 278
LinkedIn, 149, 458, 459, 471–472, 504 MLB, 286
Interbank Card Association, 512 Liquor Control Board of Ontario
Internet Superstore, 181 Molson, 6, 30, 567
(LCBO), 157, 297 Mondelēz, 440, 497
Inuit Tapiriiit Kanatami, 267 L.L. Bean, 267, 319
Investext Plus, 59 Monster, 407
Loblaw, 17, 30, 46, 84, 118, 159, 167, 184, Montclair, 5
Ipsos-Reid, 79, 195, 206, 216, 303 282, 283, 285, 345, 356, 366, 371,
IRI, 204 Montreal, Maine, and Atlantic Railway
395, 400, 407, 497 (MMA), 90
iRobot, 87, 222 London Drugs, 405 Moores Clothing for Men, 165, 349,
Longines, 542 397
J Longo’s, 254 Moose Knuckles, 491
J. Crew, 404, 499 L’Oréal, 102, 162, 254, 288, 428, 429 Motorola, 535, 536
Jan-Pro Cleaning Systems, 379 Louis Vuitton, 8, 11, 347 Mountain Dew, 281
Jawbone, 121 Lowes, 203, 394, 409 MSN, 144
J.D. Power and Associates, 315 Lucas Films, 286 MTV, 26
Jean Coutu, 405 Lucent Technologies, 541
Jenny Craig, 438 Lululemon, 52, 162, 191–192, 275, 27, N
Joe Fresh, 279, 285 5176
Luxottica, 75 Nanos Research, 345
John Lewis, 438
LVMH, 327, 403 National Bank, 325
Johnny Rockets, 537
National Purchase Diary Group, 198,
Johnson & Johnson, 552–553
204, 206
Jordache, 183 M Nature’s Path, 166
Juul, 402–403
M&M Food Market, 371 Nau, 77
Mack Weldon, 162 NBA, 26, 286
K Macy’s, 85 Neiman Marcus, 410
Kanetix, 216 MagicLeap, 232 Nespresso, 338, 372, 496
Kashi, 2, 6 Magna International, 135 Nest, 87
Kate Spade, 285 Manitobah Mukluks, 134 Nested Naturals, 494
Kawartha Dairy, 288, 60, 220 Nestlé, 5, 127, 288, 355, 480, 499, 538,
Kawasaki, 104 Marks & Spencer, 525 541
KAYAK, 336 Mark’s Work Wearhouse, 394–395 NetAdvantage, 59
Kellogg, 160, 204, 223, 227, 236, 274, Marriot, 114, 281, 285, 568 Net-a-Porter, 327
275, 282, 432 Mars, 2, 179, 268, 355, 491 Netflix, 12, 50, 85, 86, 94, 202–203,
Keurig Green Mountain, 338, 372 Marshalls, 405 242, 476
KeVita, 30 Martin’s Family Fruit Farm, 370–371 Netscape, 257
KFC, 379, 532 Marvel, 50–51 Neutrogena, 284
IN-6 Company Index

New Balance, 150, 499 Pizza Hut, 87, 160, 532 S

Newstrike Brands Ltd., 235 Pizza Pizza, 379, 416 Safeway, 400
Newton Running, 177 Planet Fitness, 303, 359–360 Saks OFF Fifth, 404
Nexen, 90 Pollara Strategic Insights, 195, 206 Salesforce, 424, 468
NFL, 26, 279, 286, 558 Polo Ralph Lauren, 337 Sam’s Club, 273, 371
NHL, 26, 286, 304 Porsche, 286, 525 Samsung, 30, 246, 359, 492
Nickelodeon, 160 Powerade, 184, 185, 186, 190 San Pellegrino, 5
Nielsen Canada, 79, 195, 198, 204, PowerBar, 5, 6, 181 SAP, 203
206, 252, 557 Prada, 342, SaskPower, 341
Nielsen Music, 260 Premier Fitness Club, 557 Save-On-Foods, 84
Nike, 6, 11, 77, 150, 164, 177, 182, 273,, 338 SC Johnson, 82, 272
274, 281, 284, 331, 362, 437, 541, Priceline, 15 Schedulicity, 469
543 Pringles, 124, 527, 538, 539 Schick, 75–76
Nissan, 84, 106, 109, 216 Print Measurement Bureau, 206 Scotiabank, 276
Nordstrom, 203, 319, 320, 404, 410, Procter & Gamble, 1120, 62, 211, 245, ScriptBook, 316
424 259, 260, 273, 283, 288, 289, 293, Seat, 136
North Inc., 232–233, 238 344, 363, 367, 368, 371, 376–378, Second Cup, 55–56, 126, 412, 413
NutraLab Canada, 535 382, 416, 441, 523, 526, 559 Securities and Exchange Commission
ProQuest, 220 (SEC), 220
O Public Works and Government Services Sentaler, 489
Canada, 137 Sephora, 102, 124, 212, 401, 403,
Oakley, 342 Puma, 433, 444, 445
Offsetters, 216 469–470
Pusateri’s Fine Foods, 118, 560 SES Research, 206
Old Navy, 407 PwC Canada, 120, 410
Old Spice, 179, 494, 495 7-Eleven, 400
Ontario Cannabis Retail Corp., 365 7-Up, 180
Ontario Science Centre, 396 Q Sharp, 500
Oreo, 437 Quaker Canada, 290 Shaw Media, 218
Organic Consumers Association, 183 Quality Inns International, 183 Shazam, 26
Ossetra Wondrous Earth, 532 Qualtrics, 217, 218 Shepherd Thermoforming and
Out of Milk, 477 Packaging, 142
Ovarian Cancer Canada, 433, 482 Shopify, 19, 133–136
R Shoppers Drug Mart, 30, 76, 85, 95,
RadioShack, 276 109, 115, 280, 319, 366, 398, 399,
P Ralph Lauren, 182, 286 400, 405, 406, 410, 415, 498, 499
Paderno, 403 Rand McNally Commercial Atlas and Shopping Channel, 454
Pandora, 341 Marketing Guide, 60 Shopzilla, 105
Paradigm, 331 Ray-Ban, 342 SickKids Foundation, 454
Paradise Motel, 307–308, 311–313, 320 RBC Financial Group, 30 siggi’s, 291
Parasuco, 15 Rdio, 330 Simmons Beautyrest, 114
Parkland Fuel Corporation, 296 Reader’s Digest Canada, 496 Simmons Market Research Bureau,
Parley for the Oceans, 93 Recipe Unlimited, 127 206
ParticipACTION Canada, 561 Red Bull, 134, 437, 457 Simmons Study of Media and Markets,
Partnership for a Drug Free Canada, Reebok, 150, 176, 178, 530 59
489 REI, 561 Simon Fraser University, 216
PartSource, 394 Remax, 379 Simons, 404
Party City, 395 Rent the Runway, 299 SimpliSafe, 87
Patagonia, 77, 562 Research and Markets, 206 Singtel, 325
Patek Philippe, 181 Restaurant Brands International (RBI), SiriusXM, 181, 341, 505
PayPal, 8 55, 480 Skateboarding, 439
Pearl Strategy & Innovation Design, Rethink, 484 Skechers, 186, 530
480 Reunion Coffee Roasters, 560 SkiptheDishes, 299
PeopleAhead, 61–71 Revive Fitness Training and Wellness Skoda, 136
People’s Jewellers, 122, 123 Centre, 315 Skype, 315, 317, 477
PepsiCo, 25–27, 30, 31, 33–37, 44–45, Revlon, 271 Skytrax, 313
79, 187, 204–205, 212, 274, 288, Rick Hansen Foundation, 297 Sleep Country Canada, 558, 567
371, 372, 430, 431, 435, 436, 480, RIM, 257 Smart Canucks, 493
491, 543, 558 Ring, 87 Smart Retail Solution, 88
Perrier, 5 rock-it promotions, 461, 511
Pete’s Fine Foods, 400 Rockport, 176 Snapchat, 148, 458, 459, 471, 477
Petro-Canada Neighbours, 400 Rogers, 181, 255, 276, 452, 491 Snapple, 273
Pfizer, 246 Rolex, 276, 372, 531 Snickers, 2, 227
Pharmaprix, 405 Rona, 83, 94 Sobeys, 84, 122, 159, 400
PharmaSave, 405 Roots, 6 SoCIAL LITE, 156–159, 161, 162, 170,
Philadelphia, 331 Roper Centre for Public Opinion 179, 182, 187, 433, 436, 437, 438,
Phyter, 2 Research, 206 442, 455, 496
Pillsbury, 274 Royal Bank of Canada, 166, 184, 276, Société des alcools du Québec, 412
Pilot, 316 301, 567 Sony, 15, 239, 240, 242, 257, 368, 369,
Pinterest, 134, 459, 468, 472 Royal Ontario Museum, 143 383, 385, 387
Pivot Furniture, 299 RXBAR, 6 Southwest Airlines, 13
Company Index IN-7

Splunk, 203 Tiffany & Co., 122–124, 186, 187, 276, Vivid Toy, 117
SportChek, 178, 338, 366, 394–395, 326–327, 330, 471 Vogue, 293
399, 410 TigerDirect, 181, 366 Volkswagen, 136, 137, 483, 486
Sports Illustrated, 267 TikTok, 459, 472 Volvo, 73, 115, 135, 181
Spotify, 85, 95, 167, 232, 330, 341, Tim Hortons, 26, 30, 31, 33, 42, 55–56, Vuzix, 232
534 126, 253, 254, 274, 285–286, 288,
Standard & Poor’s, 59 344, 379, 400, 413, 480, 495, 497, W
Stanley Tool Company, 374–375, 376 532, 540, 558
Staples, 154–155, 419, 454, 468 Tim Hortons Children’s Foundation, Walking on a Cloud, 401
Star Wars, 242 480, 558 Walmart, 13, 75, 76, 87, 95, 117, 119,
Starbucks, 7, 12, 16, 26, 28, 31, 39, Tim Hortons Coffee Partnership, 480 147, 183, 203, 218, 237, 282, 311,
55–56, 114, 272, 283, 284, 288, Timex, 499 338, 346, 363, 367, 369, 370, 371,
301, 371, 372, 405, 412, 415, 474, Tinder, 297 377, 378, 380, 394, 395, 399, 400,
491, 497, 516, 524, 559 Ting Hsin, 535 401, 406, 416, 519, 530, 540, 543,
State Bicycle Co., 219 Tofino Kombucha, 30 556–557
State Farm, 274, 280 TOMS Shoes, 456 WANT Les Essentiels, 489
Statistics Canada, 59, 79, 82, 83, 155, TomTom, 252 Warby Parker, 379
204, 215 TopShop, 390 Water Is Life, 468
Steeped Tea, 18, 532, 533 Toronto Breeze Air Duct Cleaning, 505 Waterstone Human Capital, 312
Strategic Business Insights (SBI), 163 Toyota, 30, 38, 106, 108, 125, 126, 216, Wayfarer, 342
Strategic Milk Alliance, 487 274, 277, 280, 464–466, 485 Wealthsimple, 325, 457
Strategy, 118 Trader Joe’s, 573 WeChat, 477
Subaru, 457 Transport Canada, 139, 241 WeedMD, 280
Subway, 11, 113, 379 Travelocity, 15, 315, 503 Weight Watchers, 6
Supercuts, 405 Trek, 268, 269 Weixin, 477
SurveyMonkey, 217, 218 Tropical Forest Alliance (TFA), 93, 416
Suzuki, 104 Tropicana, 273 Wendy’s, 183, 199–201, 537
Swarovski, 8 Tru Earth, 289 WestJet Airlines, 13, 31, 181, 187, 212,
Sysco, 151 True Religion, 105 312–313, 324, 354
Sysomos, 213 Tumblr, 473, 474, 477 Weston Bread, 356
System for Electronic Document Tums, 259 Whirlpool, 112, 259, 359
Analysis and Retrieval (SEDAR), Tupperware, 366, 541 White Spot, 518, 532
220 TweetDeck, 149 Whole Foods, 119, 123, 292, 399, 475,
20th Century Fox, 316 539, 573
Twitter, 149, 203, 212, 213, 267, 290, WildOats, 183
T 458, 468, 469, 470, 473, 475, 477 Winners, 94, 353, 405
Tylenol, 109, 142 Wintergreen Research, 119
Taco Bell, 114
TypePad, 474 Wintermitts, 344
Target, 377
WNBA, 26
Tastemakers, 461
Women’s Aid, 482
Taulia, 472 U WordPress, 469, 474
TaylorMade, 176
Uber, 311, 534 World Trade Organization (WTO), 138
Taxi, 464
Uggs, 134 World Wildlife Fund (WWF), 17
TD Bank, 276, 285, 325
Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC), Wowbutter, 287
Television Bureau of Canada, 440
TELUS, 181, 255, 276
Under Armour, 207, 208, 273
tentree, 380
Unilever, 76, 211, 234, 246, 259, 444,
TerraCycle, 120, 345 Yahoo, 144
455, 523, 541, 549–550
Tesco, 202, 203, 527, 535 Yamaha, 104
Universal Music Group, 134
Tesla, 4, 73, 100, 106, 134, 410, 455 Yankelovich, 206
Unruly, 472
T-fal, 254 Yellow Pages, 527
UPS, 135, 375, 502
Thalmic Labs, 232 Yelp, 15
The Beer Store, 297 YMCA, 304, 405
The Body Shop, 410, 567 V
Yoplait, 499
The Children’s Aid Foundation, 497 Valentino, 294 YouEye, 252
The Co-operators, 559 Vaughan Mills, 411 YouTube, 244, 459, 460, 469, 470, 472,
The Fitting Room, 76 Vault, 316 473, 476, 544
The Gap, 107, 171, 391, 407, 470 Velocity Garage, 250 Yum Brands, 285
The Globe and Mail, 202 velofix, 305
The Keg Steakhouse, 314 Venture Communications, 449
The North Face, 85, 117, 281 Versace, 445, 456 Z
The Retail Council of Canada, 137 Victoria’s Secret, 495, 319, 375, 424
The Salvation Army, 396 Vidyard, 472 Zara, 13, 16, 365, 390–392, 415, 424,
The Source, 399 Vimeo, 459, 472 540
The Strategic Counsel, 195, 206 Vine, 472, 473, 477 Ziploc, 104
The Truth About Cars, 212 Virgin Airlines, 419 Zippo, 284
theturnlab, 443 Virgin Mobile, 454 Zoom, 477
Thomson ONE Banker, 60 Viryl Technologies, 261 Zoomerang, 218
3M, 181, 246, 260 Visa, 285, 511 Zvelle, 489
Thrive Market, 52 VitalScience Corp., 498
Subject index

A autocratic buying centre, 148, 151 brand equity. see brand equity
achievers, 163–164 automated teller machines (ATMs), 303 brand name, 274, 282–283
action, 483 competition and, 274, 275
actual product, 268 B dilution, 284
actual risk, 106 B2B (business-to-business) elements, 274
administered vertical marketing vs. B2C, 140–142 extension, 283–285
system, 378 buying process. see B2B buying family brand, 282
advanced shipping notice, 384 process habitual decision making, 126–127
advertising. see also integrated definition, 8 individual brand, 283
marketing communications (IMC); institutions, 137 labelling, 290–291
sales promotion; social media manufacturers, 150 licensing, 286
advertising schedule, 441 marketing, 135, 138 loyalty and, 274, 275, 280–281
AIDA model, 481–484 markets. see B2B markets market value and, 274, 276
cooperative (co-op) advertising, 409, pricing tactics, 351–352 marketing costs and, 274, 275, 280
498 producers, 136–137 omnichannel strategy, 420–421
deceptive advertising, 491 B2B buying process. see also B2B overview of, 277
deceptive reference prices, 353 (business-to-business) ownership, 281–282
definition, 448 vs. B2C, 140–141 packaging, 286–290
digital social mobile, 440 building relationships, 148–149 perception of communication,
direct marketing, 440 buying centre, 145–149 431–432
focus of, 487–488 buying situations, 150–151 personality, 280
IMC tool, 448 ethics, 141 purchasing and, 274
informative, 485–486 organizational culture, 147–148 services marketing, 301
magazine, 440 personal selling and, 507 value, 274–276
newspaper, 440 B2B markets. see also B2B (business- brand associations, 280, 284
objectives/goals, 484–485 to-business) brand awareness, 277, 279, 284,
outdoor advertising, 440, 448 vs. B2C markets, 140–142 482–483
persuasive, 486 buying process, 142–145 brand dilution, 284
print advertising, 448 challenges, 138 brand equity. see also brand;
product placement and, 488–489 customer input and product branding
public service announcements, development, 248–249 brand associations, 280
489–490 described, 135–136 brand awareness, 277, 279
radio advertising, 440, 448 government, 137 brand loyalty, 280–281
regulatory/ethical issues, 490–492 institutions, 137 brand personality, 280
reminder advertising, 486–487 manufacturers, 136–137 definition, 276
sales promotion and, 492–500 fresellers, 137 licensing, 286
schedule, 441 B2C (business-to-consumer) perceived value, 279–280
sustainability, 484 customer input and product brand extension, 283–285
television advertising, 440, 448 development, 248–249 brand licensing, 286
types of media, 440 definition, 8 brand loyalty, 274, 275, 279–280
advertising allowance, 352 market characteristics, 140 brand name, 274. see also brand
advertising schedule, 441 baby boomers, 80, 81 brand naming, 282–283
Advertising Standards Canada, background, 442 brand ownership, 281–282
490–491 bait and switch, 354 brand personality, 280
affective component, 115 BCG matrix, 46–49 brand repositioning (rebranding), 187
affordable method, 435–436 behavioural component, 115 brand value, 274–276. see also brand
AIDA model, 481 behavioural segmentation, 160, equity
aided recall, 482 165–167, 177 branding. see also brand
allowances, 351, 352, 498 believers, 163–164 awareness, 277, 279
alpha testing, 252 benefit segmentation, 166, 300 brand equity, 276–277
analyst reports, 220 beta testing, 252 brand extension, 283–285
annual reports, 448, 458 big data, 203–204, 247 brand licensing, 286
anticipatory shipping, 375 Big Mac Index, 523 brand naming, 282–283
appendix, 59 big-box food retailer, 400 brand ownership, 281–282
artificial intelligence (AI), 85–86, 325, Bill C-32, 490 cobranding, 285–286
368 biometric data, 223 described, 273
ASEAN, 520–521 blockbusters, 246 print advertising, 442
associated services, 269 bloggers, 121, 212 rebranding, 187
Association of Southeast Asian Nations blogs (weblog), 448, 458, 474–475 strategies, 281–286
(ASEAN), 520–521 boycott, 519 value of, 274–276
assurance, 308–309, 508 brainstorming, 248 brands, 270. see also product line;
attention, 482–483 brand. see also branding product mix
attitude, 115 alternative evaluation, 110 Brazil, 528
attribute sets, 107–108 as an asset, 274, 276 break-even analysis, 339–340
augmented product, 269 attribute sets, 107–108 break-even point, 340
augmented reality, 409 awareness, 277, 279, 284, 482–483 BREXIT, 520
Subject Index IN-9

BRIC countries common goals and strategic consumer buying decision process.
cultural dimensions, 525 relationships, 381–382 see buying decision process
global marketing, 528–531 communication. see integrated consumer decision rules, 108
IMC strategies, 541 marketing communications (IMC) consumer feedback, 195, 213
market growth rate, 523–524 communication and strategic consumer legislation, 90
Broadcasting Code for Advertising to relationships, 381 Consumer Packaging and Labelling
Children, 491 communication channel, 431 Act, 290, 490–491
Business Calendar, 478 communication creation, 431–432 consumer perception of
business ethics, 551. see also ethics communication gap, 306, 307, 318. see communication, 431–432
business plan vs. marketing plan, also Gaps model consumer price reductions, 349–351
57–58 communication process, 429–431 consumer pricing tactics, 348–352
business-to-business (B2B) marketing, company capabilities, 75 Consumer Privacy Bill of Rights, 451
135. see also B2B (business-to- company objectives and pricing, 329–331 consumer products, 269
business) company overview, 58 Consumer Reports, 558
buyer, 146, 147 compatibility, 244 consumer sales promotions. see also
buyer’s remorse, 110–111, 116 compensatory decision rule, 108 sales promotion
buying centre, 145–149 competition. see also competitive contests, 493, 495
buying decision process intelligence (CI) coupons, 492–493
alternative evaluation, 103, 107–109 brand, 274, 275 deals, 493–495
extended problem solving, 126 brand loyalty, 280–281 entrepreneurship, 496
family buying decision process, 119 competitor orientation pricing, 331 loyalty programs, 493, 497
information search, 103, 104–107 legislation, 90 POP displays, 493, 497
involvement, 125 microenvironment, 75–76 premiums, 493, 495
limited problem solving, 126–127 perceived value, 279–280 rebate, 493, 497–498
need recognition, 103–104 positioning, 182–183 samples, 493, 496–497
postpurchase, 103, 110–112 predatory pricing, 354 sweepstakes, 493, 495–496
psychological factors of, 113–117 price fixing, 355 consumerism, 558
purchase decision, 103, 110 pricing and, 329, 341–342 contests, 493, 495
situational factors, 113, 122–125 Competition Act, 90, 91, 290, 353–355 continuous advertising schedule, 441
social factors, 113, 119 Competition Bureau, 490–491 contract manufacturing, 535
buying process, B2B vs. B2C, 140–142 competitive intelligence (CI). see also contractual vertical marketing system,
buying situations, 150–151 competition 378
marketing research, 194–195 contribution per unit, 340
C strategies for, 75–76 control phase. see also evaluation and
C2C (consumer-to-consumer), 8 competitive parity, 331 control metrics
CAFTA, 520–521 competitive parity method, 435–436 definition, 32
Canadian Anti-Spam Legislation competitor orientation, 331 marketing plan, 32
(CASL), 452 competitor-based pricing method, 344 marketing strategy with ethics, 568
Canadian Marketing Association (CMA), complementary products, 284, 338 convenience goods/services, 269
553–554 concentrated (or niche) targeting convenience store, 400
Canadian Radio-television and strategy, 176–177 conventional supermarket, 400
Telecommunications Commission concept testing, 245, 249–250 conversion rate, 110
(CRTC), 490–491 concepts, 249 cooperative (co-op) advertising, 409,
Candy Crush Saga, 476, 477 consensus buying centre, 148, 151 498
Cannabis Act, 490 consultative buying centre, 148, 151 copyright, 276
cash cows, 46 consumer adoption cycle core customer value, 268–269
cash discount, 351 compatibility, 244 corporate partners, 77
catalogues, 418, 418, 420, 448, 453– complexity, 243 corporate social responsibility (CSR)
454 diffusion speed, 243 consumerism, 558
category killer, 404 early adopters, 240, 241–242 customers, 561
category specialists, 403–404 early majority, 240, 242 definition, 555
cause-related marketing, 455 innovators, 240–241 described, 555–558
CDSTEP, 33, 77 laggards, 240, 242 employees, 560–561
Central America Free Trade Agreement late majority, 240, 242 ethics scenarios, 568–570
(CAFTA), 520–521 observability, 244 ethics vs., 556–557
channel conflict, 376 relative advantage, 244 marketplace, 561
channel member characteristics, 399 using, 244–245 programs, 558–559
channel members and pricing, 342– consumer awareness, 277, 279, 284 society and, 561–562
343 consumer behaviour corporate vertical marketing system,
channel structure, 398 buying decision process, 103–112 378–379
characters, 274, 286 extended problem solving, 126 cost of ownership method, 345–346
China, 525, 530–531, 541 involvement, 125–127 cost-based pricing method, 343–344
churn, 203 limited problem solving, 126–127 costs and pricing, 329, 338–340,
click-through rate (CTR), 446 psychological factors and buying 343–344, 347–348
click-through tracking, 444 decision, 113–117 country culture, 78
closing the sale, 508 situational factors and buying coupons, 350–351, 409, 448,
cobranding, 285–286 decision, 113, 122–125 492–493
cognitive component, 115 social factors and buying decision, credible commitments and strategic
cold calls, 505 113, 119–122 relationships, 382
IN-10 Subject Index

cross-docking, 386–387 demographics fulfillment centre vs., 386

cross-price elasticity, 338 definition, 79 inbound transportation, 386
cross-promoting, 499 education, 82 just-in-time (JIT) inventory systems,
crowding, 124 ethnicity, 83–84 387–388
cultural dimensions, 525 franchising, 177 radio frequency identification (RFID),
cultural imperialism, 543–544 gender, 82–83 386
culture, 77–79, 121–122 generational cohorts, 80–81 shipping to stores, 387
cumulative quantity discount, 352 income, 81–82 storing, 386–387
customer evaluation, 308–311 department stores, 404 ticketing and marking, 387
customer excellence, 26, 27–28 derived demand, 140 distribution channel. see also logistics
customer expectations designing distribution channels. see management; supply chain
choosing retail partners, 398–399 distribution channel design management
communication gap, 318 desire, 483 channel conflict, 376
delivery gap, 313–318 determinant attributes, 108 choosing retail partners, 398
service quality, 308 diffusion of innovation definition, 363
service recovery, 320–322 consumer adoption cycle, 243–245 designing. see distribution channel
service standards, 311–313 definition, 237 design
customer input and product disruptive innovations, 238 distribution centre. see distribution
development, 248–249 first movers, 238 centre
customer lifetime value (CLV), 195, 203, pioneers, 238 functions, 376
207, 228–230 product failures, 239 global markets, 540–541
customer loyalty. see loyalty speed of, 243–245 managing of, 376–379
customer orientation, 331 Digital Advertising Alliance of Canada supply chain and, 363, 366
customer relationship management (DAAC), 452 vertical distribution channel, 377–379
(CRM). see also loyalty digital media distribution channel design
big data, 203–204 blogs, 458 channel structure, 366–369
brand loyalty, 280–281 definition, 457 direct distribution, 366–368
definition, 13 IMC tool, 448 distribution intensity, 371–373
marketing strategy, 28 mobile marketing, 460–461 indirect distribution, 367, 368
omnichannel strategy, 420 public relations, 458 multi-channel distribution, 368–369
personal selling, 502–503, 505– social media, 458–460 push vs. pull distribution strategies,
506 websites, 458 369–371
postpurchase, 112 digital natives, 80 distribution intensity, 371–373, 397
retailing strategy, 415 digital social mobile, 440 distribution strategies global, 540–541
customer satisfaction, 110–111, 318–320 dilution, 284 distributors, multi-channel, 369
customer service, 28, 297, 325, 419 direct distribution, 366–368 diversification strategy, 49, 51
customer value, 26–31 direct exporting, 532 dogs, 47
customer-complaint behaviour, 311 direct investment, 535 downsizing, 51
customers and pricing direct mail, 448 Dragons’ Den, 251, 305, 380, 449, 455,
demand curves, 333–335 direct mail/email, 452–453 533
entrepreneurship, 332 direct marketing drones, 139, 147, 148
five Cs of pricing, 329 advertising, 440 Dropbox, 478
price elasticity of demand, 335–338 benefits, 451 drugstore, 404–405
reference pricing, 346 catalogues, 448, 453–454 dumping, 519
characteristics, 450–451
D definition, 450 E
data, 200 direct mail/email, 448, 452–453 early adopters, 240, 241–242, 257
data analysis, 196, 200–201 direct response TV (DRTV), 448, 454 early majority, 240, 242, 257
data collection, 196, 198–200 ethics, 451–452 earned media, 439
data mining, 202–203 forms, 453 ecomagination, 561
data warehouse, 384 IMC tool, 448 ecommerce, 530
dealers, 369, 372 kiosks, 448, 454–455 economic environment analysis
deals, 448, 493–495 public relations, 448, 455–457 Big Mac Index, 523
Death of a Salesman, 501 direct response TV (DRTV), 448, 454 global market assessment, 518,
deceptive advertising, 491 direct sales, 533 521–524
deceptive reference prices, 353 discount store, 401 gross domestic product (GDP), 522
decider, 146–147 discounts, 498 human development index (HDI), 523
decision heuristics, 109 dispatcher, 386 market size/population growth rate,
decline stage, 256, 257, 260–261 display, 409–413 523–524
decoding, 431, 432 disruptive innovations, 238 purchasing power parity, 522
delivery gap. see also Gaps model distribution, 362–363. see also real income levels, 524
definition, 306, 307 logistics management; supply chain; trade deficit, 522
empowerment, 313–314 supply chain management trade surplus, 522
service failure, 313, 320–322 distribution centre economic situation, 77, 88–89
support and incentives, 314–315 cross-docking, 386–387 education, 82, 160
technology, 315, 317–318 definition, 374 elastic, 335
demand curve, 333 direct store delivery vs., 285 electric vehicles, 100
democratic buying centre, 148, 151 dispatcher, 386 electroencephalogram (EEG) scanners,
demographic segmentation, 160–161 floor-ready merchandise, 387 223
Subject Index IN-11

electronic data interchange (EDI), 384 everyday low pricing (EDLP), 329, 346 G
embargo, 519 evoked set, 107–108 Gaps model
emotional appeal, 438 exchange, 4–5 communication gap, 306, 307, 318
empathy, 308–309, 508 exchange control, 520 definition, 306–307
empowerment, 313–314 exchange rate, 520 delivery gap, 306, 307, 313–318
encoding, 431 exclusive distribution, 371, 372 knowledge gap, 306–311
end caps, 408, 487 executive summary, 58, 61 service gap, 306–307, 319
“entertailing,” 410 experience curve effect, 348 service recovery, 320–322
entrepreneurship experiencers, 163–164 standards gap, 306, 307, 311–313
consumer sales promotions, 496 experimental research, 218–220 gatekeeper, 146, 147
distribution, 364 exporting, 531–532 gender, 82–83, 160–161
global markets, 533 extended problem solving, 126 gender inequality, 14
marketing, 18 external locus of control, 106 general merchandise retailers
marketing research, 220 external search for information, 104, category killer, 404
packaging, 287 105 category specialists, 403–404
presentation, 411 external secondary data, 204–207 department stores, 404
pricing, 332 extreme-value retailer, 405 discount stores, 401
prototype, 250, 252 drugstores, 404–405
sales promotion, 449 F off-price retailers, 405
service as inventory, 304–305 Facebook, 471 services retailers, 405–406
social responsibility, 120 facial recognition software, 221, 223 specialty stores, 401, 403
sustainability, 560 fairness, 321–322 Generation X, 80, 81
environmental concerns, 542–543 family brand, 282 Generation Y, 80–81
esteem needs, 114, 119 family buying decision process, 119 Generation Z, 80
ethical climate, 552–553 fashion product, 261 generational cohorts, 80–81, 160
ethical decision making framework, fast fashion, 390–392 generic brands, 282
563–566 feedback loop, 431 genetically modified organisms
ethical marketing strategy, 566–568 financial performance and marketing (GMOs), 550–551
ethical standards in professions, 552 plan, 44–45 geodemographic segmentation,
ethics financial projections, 58, 69 167–170
advertising, 490–492, 494 financial risk, 106 geographic pricing, 351, 352
B2B buying process, 141 first movers, 238 geographic segmentation, 159–160,
business ethics, 551 FitBit, 477 165
code of, CMA, 554 five Cs of pricing, 329, 331, 348 global communication strategies,
communication gap, 319 fixed costs, 339, 340 541–542
corporate social responsibility vs., flighting advertising schedule, 441 Global Goals of Sustainable
556–557 Flipboard, 478 Development, 91, 92
ethical climate, 552–553 floor-ready merchandise, 387 global distribution strategies, 540–541
framework for ethical decision focus group, 214, 220 global labour issues, 543
making, 563–566 follow-up to sale, 508–509 global market assessment. see also
gender inequality, 14 Food and Drugs Act, 290, 490–491 macroenvironmental factors
global marketing and, 542–544 food retailers, 399–401 economic environment analysis, 518,
growth and conscious marketing, 562 foreground, 442 521–524
location-based social media, 15 4E framework PEST diagram, 518
marketing decisions, 551–558 educate the customer, 467, 469 political environment analysis,
marketing ethics, 551 engage the customer, 467, 470 518–521
marketing research, 221, 223 excite the customer, 467, 468 sociocultural factors analysis, 518,
marketing strategy with, 566–568 experience the product/service, 467, 524–527
metric for ethical decision making, 469–470 technology and infrastructure
564 illustration, 467 capabilities, 518, 527–528
obesity and sugary drinks, 278 media-sharing sites and, 472–474 global market entry strategy
organics, 183 mobile app pricing, 475–476 direct investment, 535
personal ethics, 553, 555 social media, 467–470 exporting, 531–532
PIPEDA, 221 foreign currency fluctuations, 88 franchising, 532
pricing and, 353–356 four Ps. see also marketing mix; place; joint venture, 534–535
privacy concerns, 451–452 pricing; product; promotion risk, 531
scenarios, 568–570 definition, 5 strategic alliance, 534
supply chain management, 368 global marketing mix, 537 global marketing
vaping store, 402–403 IMC tool, 429 BRIC countries, 528–531
ethnicity, 83–84 implementation phase, 40, 397 entrepreneurship, 533
ethnography, 210–211 marketing plan, 5–8, 31, 57 ethical issues, 542–544
European Union (EU), 520–521 marketing strategy, 26 global market assessment. see global
evaluation and control metrics, 59, 71. personal selling, 502 market assessment
see also control phase; marketing value and, 5–8 global market entry strategy, 531–
metrics franchising, 378, 532 535
evaluation of buying alternatives, 103, freemium apps, 476 global marketing strategy, 536–542
107–109 frequency, 444 globalization, 517
evaluative criteria, 108 fulfillment centre, 386 sustainability, 539
event sponsorship, 456–457 functional needs, 103 global marketing mix, 537–542
IN-12 Subject Index

global marketing strategy indirect distribution, 367, 368 internal search for information, 104, 105
communication strategies, 541–542 indirect exporting, 532 internal secondary data, 202–204
global marketing mix, 537–541 individual brand, 283 International Consumer Electronics
target market, 536 individualism, 525 Show (CES), 504
global presence and marketing, 15–16 indulgence, 525 Internet channel, 417, 420–422
global pricing strategies, 540 inelastic, 335 Internet-enabled kiosks, 303–304
global product strategies, 537–540 inflation, 88 Internet of Things (IoT), 87–88
globalization, 517 influencer, 146 introduction stage, 256, 257
glocalization, 538 infomercials, 454 introductory-price promotions, 255
goals/objectives, 58 information, 200 inventory
goods, 6 information flow, logistics management distribution centre, 385–386
Google Drive, 478 data warehouse, 384 merchandise flow, 385–387
government, 137 electronic data interchange, 384 retailing strategy, 407
green marketing, 92–94 illustration of steps, 383–384 service as, 300, 304–305
grey market, 343 universal product code (UPC), 383 vendor-managed inventory (VMI), 385
gross domestic product (GDP), 522 vendor-managed inventory (VMI), 385 involvement, 125
gross rating points (GRP), 444 informative advertising, 485–486
growth stage, 256, 257, 258 infrastructure, 527 J
growth strategies infrastructure capabilities, 527–528 Jawbone UP, 477
definition, 49 initiator, 146 jingles, 274
diversification, 49, 51 innovation JIT systems, 387–388
downsizing, 51 customer need, 234–235 joint venture, 534–535
market development, 49, 50 definition, 234 just-in-time systems, 387–388
market penetration, 49, 50 diffusion of innovation, 237–245
product development, 49, 50 fashion trends, 236
GrubHub, 478 market saturation, 235–236
Guidelines for Responsible Food risk management, 236 Kayak, 477
Marketing to Children, 95 supplier relationships, 237 Kindle, 476
innovators, 163–164, 240–241, 257 kiosks, 416, 448, 454–455
H inseparable, 300, 302 knowledge gap. see also Gaps model
Instagram, 473–474 customer expectations, 308
habitual decision making, 126–127 definition, 306, 307
Hazardous Materials Act, 290 institutional advertisements, 487
institutions, 137 service quality, 308–311
headline, 442
health and wellness concern, 95, 97 in-store demonstrations, 124
Heritage Hubs, 169 intangible, 300–301 L
high-involvement consumer, 125 integrated marketing communications labelling, 290–291. see also packaging
high-learning product, 261 (IMC). see also promotion laggards, 240, 257, 260
high/low pricing, 346–347, 350 advertising, 448. see also advertising lagged effect, 483–484
HootSuite, 472 advertising schedule, 441 late majority, 257, 258
horizontal price fixing, 355 appeal, 437–438 lead time, 388
Hulu, 476 budget planning, 435–436 lead users, 249
human development index (HDI), 523 communication creation, 441–442 leader pricing, 349, 354
hypothesis, 210 communication process, 429–431 leads, 504–505
definition, 429 learning, 116
digital media, 457–461 Lemon Aid, 558
I direct marketing, 448, 450–455 licensing, 247
idea generation, 245–249 global communication strategies, lifestyle, 116–117, 162–163, 177
ideal point, 184–185 541–542 limited problem solving, 126–127
ideas, 6, 7 illustration, 444–447 listing allowances, 352
identifiability, 171 impact assessment, 442–444 listing fees, 369–370
iHealth Wireless Scales, 477 media selection, 438–441 locational excellence, 26, 30–31
images, 301 message, 437 location-based social media, 14–15
implementation phase objectives/goals setting, 433–435 locus of control, 106
definition, 32 perception of communication, logistics management. see also
implementation plan, 59, 70–71 431–432 distribution channel; supply chain
marketing mix and, 32, 42 personal selling, 448, 450 management
marketing plan and, 32 public relations, 448, 455–457 definition, 366
marketing strategy with ethics, sales promotion, 448, 450 distribution centre, 385–387
567–568 social and mobile media, 448 information flow, 382–385
STP, 37–40 steps for planning, 432 just-in-time systems, 387
impressions, 446 sustainability, 443 merchandise flow, 385–388
improvement value, 344 target identification, 433 supply chain and, 366
impulse buying, 126 intensive distribution, 371–372 logo, 274, 286
income, 81–82, 160 interest, 483 loss leader pricing, 354
income effect, 337 interest rates, 88 love (social) needs, 114
inconsistent, 300, 302–304 intermediaries’ functions, 376 low-involvement consumer, 125
independent distribution channel, 377 internal locus of control, 106 low-learning product, 261
in-depth interview, 213–214 internal research and development, loyalty. see also customer relationship
India, 523–524, 529–530, 548 246 management (CRM)
Subject Index IN-13

brand, 274, 275, 280–281 evolution of, 10 structure, 58–59

cards, 202 good corporate citizenship, 17 writing guidelines, 60
data mining, 202–203 impact, 9 marketing research
habitual decision making, 126–127 importance of, 15–18 concept testing, 249–250
IMC tool, 448 legislation, 90, 91 data collection, 195, 198–200
marketing strategy, 27–28 products. see product definition, 194
postpurchase, 103, 113 services. see services marketing entrepreneurship, 220
postpurchase dissonance, 111–112 supply chain, 16–17 ethics, 221, 223
pricing tactics, 351–352 sustainability. see sustainable objectives, 197
programs, 493, 497 marketing process. see marketing research
segmentation, 167 marketing analytics process
service quality, 318–320 anticipatory shipping, 375 secondary data, 202–207
loyalty cards, 202 attendance, 316 voice-of-customer (VOC) program,
loyalty programs, 493, 497 big data, 247 308
loyalty segmentation, 167 connected fitness, 208 marketing research process
data mining, 168 action plan, 196, 201
M Google Analytics, 316, 445 considerations, 195–196
macroenvironmental factors. see in-store and online analytics, 417 data, 200
also global market assessment; location, 12 data analysis, 196, 200–201
marketing environment perishability, 316 designing, 196, 198
culture, 77–79 predictive analytics, 44, 86 illustration, 196
definition, 77 price elasticity, 336 information, 200
demographics, 77, 78, 80–81 marketing communication, 115. primary data, 198
economic situation, 77, 78, 88–89 see also integrated marketing problem definition/objectives, 196–
illustration, 78 communications (IMC) 198
marketing environment and, 74 marketing costs, 274, 275, 280 secondary data, 198
political/legal environment, 77, 78, marketing environment. see also marketing strategy. see also marketing
89–90 global market assessment; plan
social/natural trends, 77, 78, 91–97 macroenvironmental factors customer excellence, 26–28
technological advances, 77, 78, illustration, 74 definition, 26, 58
85–88 macroenvironmental factors, 77–97 ethical, 566–568
magazine advertising, 440 marketing strategy and, 73–74 example, 67
makers, 163–164 microenvironmental factors, 74–77 locational excellence, 26, 30–31
management contracting, 535 marketing ethics, 551. see also ethics marketing environment and, 73–74
manufacturer brands, 281 marketing metrics marketing plan, 31
manufacturers control phase, 32 marketing systems, 377–379
B2B (business-to-business), evaluation and, 42–45 multiple sources of advantage, 31
136–137 impact assessment, 442–444 operational excellence, 26, 28–29
independent vs. vertical distribution marketing plan, 59 product excellence, 26, 29–30
channel, 377 sales promotion evaluation, 500 push vs. pull strategies, 369–371
multi-channel distribution, 369 service quality, 308–311 sustainable competitive advantage
multichannel strategy, 397 marketing mix and, 26
promotion, 255 B2B vs. B2C markets, 142 marketing systems, 377–379
push vs. pull distribution strategies, decisions, 6 marking, 387
369–371 definition, 5–8 masculinity, 525
retailer’s relationship with, 395–397. example, 68 Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, 113–114,
see also retailing global, 537–542 119
manufacturer’s suggested retail price implementation phase, 40–42 mass customization, 178
(MSRP), 255, 355 marketing strategy and, 26 mass marketing (undifferentiated
markdowns, 350 place, 362. see also place targeting strategy), 175–176
market. see also global market price. see pricing mass media, 439
assessment; macroenvironmental product. see product development maturity stage, 256, 257, 258–260
factors; marketing environment product launch, 254–255 maximizing profits strategy, 330
B2B vs. B2C, 140 promotion. see promotion media buy, 438–439
definition, 4 test marketing, 253–254 media mix, 438
orientation, 11 marketing orientations, 10–11 media planning, 438
market development strategy, 49, 50 marketing plan. see also marketing media relations, 448
market growth rate, 46 strategy media-sharing sites
market leadership, 184 business plan vs., 57–58 described, 459
market penetration pricing, 348 control phase, 32, 42–45 4E framework and, 460, 472–473
market penetration strategy, 49, 50, definition, 3, 31, 56 Instagram, 473–474
348 example, 61–71 podcasts, 474
market positioning, 39–40 implementation phase, 32, 40–42 YouTube, 473
market segment, 37 information sources, 59–60 merchandise assortment, 406–407.
market segmentation, 37 marketing strategy, 32 see also product
market share, 330 mission statement, 32–33 merchandise flow
market testing, 252–254 planning phase, 31–37 dispatcher, 386
marketing. see also global marketing portfolio analysis, 46–49 distribution centres vs. direct store
definition, 3 sequencing, 45 delivery, 385–386
IN-14 Subject Index

merchandise flow (Continued) observability, 244 marketing mix and, 7–8

distribution (fulfillment) centre, observation, 210–211 promotion, 255
386–387 occasion segmentation, 65 retailing strategy, 415–416
illustration, 385 off-price retailer, 405 planning phase
inbound transportation, 386 oligopoly, 341, 342 definition, 31
radio frequency identification (RFID) omnichannel, 416 marketing plan and, 32
tags, 386 omnichannel strategy marketing strategy with ethics,
storing and cross-docking, 386–387 catalogue benefits, 417, 418 566–567
ticketing and marking, 387 definition, 416 mission statement, 32–33
UPC labels, 386 effectiveness of, 420–422 situation analysis, 33–37
Mercosur, 520–521 Internet channel benefits, 416–419 podcasts, 474
microblogs, 475 kiosk benefits, 416, 417–419 point-of-purchase (POP) display, 448,
microenvironment. see also global mobile marketing, 420 493, 497
market assessment; marketing omnichannel, 416 political environment
environment store channel benefits, 417–418 boycott, 519
company capabilities, 75 online ads, 448 dumping, 519
competition, 75–76 operational excellence, 26, 28–29 exchange control, 520
corporate partners, 77 order specification, 144 government actions, 517, 518
marketing environment and, 74, 75 organizational culture, 147–148, 151 political risk analysis, 521
micromarketing (one-to-one), 175, orientations of marketing, 10–11 protectionist policies, 518
177–179 outdoor advertising, 440, 448 quotas, 519
middle-class, 82 outsourcing development, 248 tariff (or duty), 519
millennials owned media, 439 trade agreements, 520–521
Generation Y, 80–81 trade sanctions, 519
media and, 80 P political parties, 195, 202
sustainable business practices, 120 packaging, 124, 290–291 political/legal environment, 77, 78,
mission statement, 32–33 paid media, 439 89–90
mobile applications panel data, 204–205 POP displays, 448, 493, 497
costs, 338 partnering relationship, 381 pop-up stores, 499
engaging customers, 470 perceived benefits versus perceived portfolio analysis
IMC tool, 448, 460–461 costs of search, 105–106 BCG matrix, 46–49
needs met by, 476–478 perceived risk, 106 definition, 46
pricing models, 475–476 perceived value, 279–280 product line, 46
promotion, 124 percentage-of-sales method, 435–436 positioning. see also segmentation;
mobile marketing, 460–461 perception, 115–116, 284 target market; targeting
modified rebuy, 150, 151 perceptual map, 184–186 definition, 179
monopolistic competition, 341, 342 performance evaluation, 43 global marketing, 536
monopoly, 341 performance objectives, 43 ideal point, 184–185
motive, 113, 118 performance risk, 106 market positioning, 39–40
MSRP, 255 personal ethics, 553, 555 methods, 180–184
multichannel strategy, 397 Personal Information Protection and perceptual mapping, 184–186
mutual trust and strategic relationships, Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA), repositioning, 186–187
381 221, 451 statement, 180
MyFitnessPal, 477 personal selling STP analysis, 159
B2B buying process, 507 value proposition, 179
N closing a sale, 508 positioning statement, 180
cold calls, 505 postpurchase, 103, 110–112
need postpurchase dissonance, 111–112
buying decision and, 113–114 definition, 450
educating/advising, 502–503 post-testing, 442
buying decision process, 103–104 power distance, 525
definition, 3 efficiencies of, 503
follow-up, 508–509 predatory pricing, 354
need recognition, 103, 143 predictive analytics, 86
negative word-of-mouth, 112 handling objections, 507–508
IMC tool, 448 preferred member pricing, 354–355
neuromarketing, 223 premarket tests, 252
new buy, 150–151 leads, 504–505
nature of, 501–502 premiums, 448, 493, 495
new product pricing, 347–348 presentation (store design and display),
news releases, 448, 458 preapproach, 505–506
the presentation, 506–507 409–413
newspaper advertising, 440 press kits, 448, 458
niche media, 439 process illustration, 503
relationship selling, 502 prestige products or services, 333–334
niche targeting strategy, 176–177, 260 pretesting, 442
Nielsen BASES, 252 telemarketing, 505
trade shows, 504 price. see also pricing
noise, 431 alternative evaluation, 109
noncompensatory decision rule, 109 personalization, 418–419
personnel, 413, 415 implementation phase, 40–41
noncumulative quantity discount, 352 importance of, 327–328
non-profit organizations, 195 Persuasion, 449
persuasive advertising, 486 marketing mix and, 7
physiological risk, 106 promotion, 255
O pioneers, 238 retailing strategy, 407–408
objective-and-task method, 435–436 place. see also distribution price bundling, 349
objectives/goals, 58, 433–435 implementation phase, 41 price discrimination, 354–355
Subject Index IN-15

price elasticity of demand, 335–338 B2B vs. B2C, 140–141 product mix. see also brand; product
price fixing, 355 branding. see branding line
price lining, 349 category, 270 changes to breadth, 272
price skimming, 347–348 complexity, 268–269 changes to depth, 273
price war, 342 definition, 233 definition, 270
pricing. see also price development. see product illustration, 271, 272
channel members, 342–343 development product category, 270
company objectives, 329–331 excellence, 26, 29–30 product lines. see product lines
competition, 329, 341–342 global product strategy, 537–540 product mix breadth, 271
costs, 329, 338–340 implementation phase, 40 stock keeping units (SKUs), 271
customers and, 329, 331–338 marketing mix and, 5–7 product mix breadth, 271
demand curves, 333–335 product development, 233–256 product orientation, 10
entrepreneurship, 332 product life cycle. see product life product packaging. see packaging
ethical and legal issues, 353–356 cycle product placement, 211, 488–489. see
five Cs, 329 product line, 46 also place
global pricing strategies, 540 product packaging. see packaging product presentation, 109, 409–413
importance of, 327–328 retailing strategy, 406–407 product specification, 143
market share, 330 service continuum, 297–298 product types, 269–270
methods, 343–346 types, 269–270 product-focused advertisements, 487
omnichannel strategy, 421–422 product attributes, 181 profit orientation, 329–330
price elasticity of demand, 335–338 product branding. see branding; profitability, 173–174, 340
price war, 342 brands promotion. see also advertising;
strategies for, 346–348 product category, 270 integrated marketing
tactics, 348–352 product complexity, 268–269 communications (IMC); sales
tactics vs. strategies, 348 product development promotion
technological advances, 408 concept testing, 245, 249–250 buying decision process, 124
pricing methods customer need, 234–235 implementation phase, 41–42
competitor-based pricing method, definition, 245, 250, 252 marketing mix and, 5, 8
344 evaluation, 245, 255, 256 mobile apps, 124
cost of ownership method, 345 fashion trends, 236 place, 255
cost-based pricing method, 343–344 idea generation, 245–249 price, 255
improvement value method, 344 innovation. see innovation product launch, 255
sustainability, 345 innovation adoption, 237–245 retailing strategy, 408–409
value-based methods, 344–345 market saturation, 235–236 sponsorship, 7
pricing strategies market testing, 245, 252–254 technological advances, 408–409
everyday low pricing (EDLP), 346 product, 233 timing, 255
high/low pricing, 346–347 product failures, 239 proposal analysis, 144
market penetration pricing, 348 product launch, 245, 254–255 protectionist policies, 518. see also
new product pricing, 347–348 product life cycle, 260 political/legal environment
price skimming, 347 prototype, 250, 252 prototype, 250, 252
pricing tactics vs., 348 risk management, 236 psychographics
reference pricing, 346 strategy, 50 definition, 161
pricing tactics supplier relationships, 237 franchising, 177
B2B pricing tactics, 351–352 sustainability, 234 lifestyle, 162–163
consumer price reductions, 349–351 product development strategy, 49, 50 segmentation base, 165
consumer pricing tactics, 348–349 product excellence, 26, 29–30 self-concept, 162
coupons, 350–351 product failures, 239 self-values, 162
definition, 348 product launch, 245, 254–255, 256 STP analysis, 160
pricing strategies vs., 348 product life cycle VALS, 163–166
rebates, 350–351 curve shape variations, 261 psychological factors and buying
primary data decline stage, 256, 257, 260–61 decision
definition, 198 definition, 256 attitude, 115
facial recognition software, 221, 223 growth stage, 256, 257, 258 learning, 116
qualitative research, 208, 209, ideas for extending, 258–259 lifestyle, 116–117
210–214 illustration, 256 Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, 113–114
quantitative research, 209, 210, introduction stage, 256, 257 motives, 113–114
214–220 maturity stage, 256, 257, 258–260 perception, 115–116
reliability, 209 strategies based on, 262 psychological needs, 103–104, 114
sample, 210 product line. see also brand; product psychological risk, 106
secondary data vs., 204–205, 209 mix PSYTE clusters, 167–168
validity, 209 changes to depth, 273 public relations (PR), 448, 455–457
print advertising, 448 definition, 46, 270 public service announcement (PSA),
privacy concerns and marketing, 94, product category, 270 489–490
451–452 product line depth, 271 puffery, 353, 491
private-label brands, 279, 281, 407 stock keeping units (SKUs), 271 pull marketing strategy, 369, 370, 434
PRIZM, 168, 169 product line depth, 271 pulsing advertising schedule, 441
producers, 136–137 product lines, 282–283 purchase decision, 103, 110. see also
product product marketing vs. services buying decision process
attributes, 181 marketing, 300 purchase situation, 122
IN-16 Subject Index

purchasing power parity, 522 retailers. see also retailing IMC tool, 448, 450
pure competition, 341, 342 choosing retail partners, 395, 397– pop-up stores, 499
push marketing strategy, 369, 370, 434 399 trade channel sales promotion, 498
definition, 365 salespeople, 142. see also personal
Q factors for establishing relationship, selling
395 samples, 210, 448, 493
QR systems, 387–388 food retailers, 399–401 sampling, 496–497
qualify, 504 general merchandise retailers, 401, scanner data, 204
qualitative research 403–406 scanner research, 218
definition, 208 identifying types, 396 search and the buying decision
ethnography, 210–211 independent vs. vertical distribution process, 103, 104–107
focus group, 214 channel, 377 search engine marketing (SEM), 445
in-depth interview, 213–214 manufacturers’ relationship with, seasonal discount, 351
observation, 210–211 395–397. see also retailing secondary data
reliability, 209 multi-channel distribution, 369 big data, 203–204
sample, 210 multi-channel strategy, 397 customer lifetime value (CLV), 203,
social media, 212–213 push vs. pull distribution strategies, 207, 228–230
validity, 209 369–371 data mining, 202–203
quality and market share, 330, 348 retailing strategy, 406–416 definition, 198
quality and pricing, 327–328 wholesalers vs., 395 entrepreneurship, 220
quantitative research retailing. see also retailers external secondary data, 204–207
definition, 210 choosing retail partners, 397–399 internal secondary data, 202–204
experimental research, 218–220 definition, 395 marketing research and, 202
hypothesis, 210 ethics, 402–403 panel data, 204–205
panel research, 218 identifying types of retailers, 395 primary data vs., 204–205, 207
surveys, 215–218 nature of, 395 scanner data, 204
quantity discounts, 350 strategies for. see retailing strategy sources, 202, 205
Quebec Consumer Protection Act, 491 types of retailers, 399–406 syndicated data, 204
question marks, 46–47 Wheel of Retailing, 410–412 segmentation. see also positioning;
questionnaire, 215, 217–218 retailing strategy target market; targeting
quick-response (QR) systems, 387–388 personnel, 413, 415 behavioural base, 160, 165–167
quota, 519 place, 415–416 benefit base, 166
presentation (store design and demographic base, 160–161, 165
R display), 409–413 geodemographic base, 167–170
radio advertising, 440, 448 price, 407–408 geographic base, 159–160, 165
radio frequency identification (RFID), product, 406–407 global marketing, 536
386 promotion, 408–409 grid example, 170
ratings systems, 311 retail mix, 406 loyalty base, 167
rational appeal, 437 share of wallet, 415 market segmentation, 37–38
reach, 444 sustainability, 414 occasion base, 166
reachability, of segment, 171–172 retrieval sets, 107 psychographic base, 160, 161–165
rebate, 350–351, 409, 448, 493, return on investment (ROI), 446–447 segment evaluation, 170–174
497–498 reverse engineering, 248 STP analysis, 159
rebranding, 187 reverse innovation, 246 strategy/objectives, 158–159
receiver, 431 RFP process, 143–144 usage rate, 167
recession, 89 risk, 106, 126 VALS, 163–165
reciprocal buying, 142 robotics, 87 selective attention, 116
reference group, 121 royalty payments, 286 selective comprehension, 116
reference pricing, 346, 353 Russia, 519, 528–529, 538 selective distribution, 371, 372–373
regulatory/ethical issues in advertising, selective exposure, 116
490–492 S selective retention, 116
related diversification opportunity, 51 safety needs, 114 self-actualization, 114, 119
relational orientation, 13 sales calls, 448 self-checkouts, 303
relationship selling, 502 sales force training, 498 self-concept, 162
relative advantage, 244 sales orientation, 10–11 self-values, 162
relative market share, 46 sales oriented, 330–331 sender, 429–430
reliability, 209, 308–309, 508 sales people, 123–124 sentiment mining, 213
reminder advertising, 486–487 sales presentation, 506–507 service. see also services marketing
repositioning, 186–187 sales promotion. see also customer service, 28, 297
reputation management, 9 advertising; integrated marketing definition, 297
request for proposals (RFP), 143–144 communications (IMC); promotion; dependence on, 298–299
resellers, 137 social media Gaps model, 306–320
resolving problems, 322 advertising and, 491 product continuum, 297–298
responsiveness consumer sales promotions, 492–498 quality. see service quality
personal selling, 508 coupons and rebates, 350–351 service gap, 306–307. see also Gaps
of segment, 172 cross-promoting, 499 model
service quality, 308–309 definition, 450 service quality
retail mix, 406. see also retailing entrepreneurship, 449 building blocks, 309
strategy evaluation metrics, 500 commitment to, 312–313
Subject Index IN-17

customer evaluation, 310 media-sharing sites, 470, 472–474 retailers, 365, 374. see also retailers
customer expectations, 308 owned media, 439 value and, 373
customer satisfaction and loyalty, paid media, 439 wholesalers, 365
318–320 social network sites, 470–472 supply chain management. see also
definition, 308 thought-sharing sites, 470, 474–475 logistics management
delivering, 313–318 social needs, 114 definition, 7, 363
dimensions of, 309 social network sites ethics and, 368
Gaps model, 306–320 described, 459 illustration, 365
service recovery, 320–322 Facebook, 471 strategic relationships, 379–382
zone of tolerance, 309–310 LinkedIn, 471–472 sustainability, 380
service quality commitment, 312–313 Snapchat, 471 surveys, 199, 215–218, 220, 252
service training, 312 social responsibility, 120. see also survivors, 163–164
services, 6 corporate social responsibility (CSR) sustainability. see also sustainable
services marketing social responsibility performance, 45 marketing
Gaps model, 306–320 social responsibility vs. ethics, 556– advertising, 484
inconsistent, 300, 302–304 557 corporate social responsibility, 556,
inseparable production/consumption, social risk, 106 560
300, 302 social trends global marketing, 539
intangible, 300, 301 green marketing, 92–94 integrated marketing communications
people replacements, 303 health and wellness concern, 95, 97 (IMC), 443
product marketing vs., 300 macroenvironmental factors, 77, 78 packaging, 288, 289
service as inventory, 300, 304–305 privacy, 94 presentation (store design and
service recovery, 320–322 time-poor society, 94–95 display), 414
training and standardization, sociocultural factors analysis pricing, 345
302–303 cultural dimensions, 525 product development, 234
services retailers, 405–406 global market assessment, 518 service, 299
share of wallet, 415 verbal/nonverbal communication, supply chain management, 380
“shift to value,” 408 526 sustainable business practices, 120
shopping goods/services, 269 visible artifacts of, 524 sustainable competitive advantage
shopping situation, 123–124 specialty goods/services, 269 customer excellence, 26, 27–28
showrooming, 477 specialty stores, 401, 403 definition, 26
simulated product or service, 252 sponsorship, 7 locational excellence, 26, 30–31
situation analysis stakeholders, 9 marketing strategy and, 26
definition, 33–37, 58 standards gap, 306, 307, 311–313. see multiple sources of advantage, 31
example, 62–67 also Gaps model operational excellence, 26, 28–29
SWOT analysis, 33–37, 65 stars, 46 product excellence, 26, 29–30
situational factors and buying decision stock keeping units (SKUs), 271 sustainable development, 92
definition, 122 storage, 374, 376 sustainable marketing. see also
illustration, 113 store atmosphere, 123 sustainability
purchase situation, 122 store brands, 281–282 clothing, 380
shopping situation, 123–124 store credit cards, 409 reputation management, 9
temporal state, 124–125 store design, 409–413 sweepstakes, 467, 495–496
size discount, 350 storing, 386–387 SWOT analysis, 33–37, 65. see also
SkyMap, 478 STP. see also positioning; situation analysis
Skype, 477 segmentation; targeting symbolism, 182
slogans, 274 analysis, 58, 158–159 symbols, 274, 286, 301
Snapchat, 471 definition, 37–40, 58 syndicated data, 204
social engagement, 213 global marketing, 536
social factors and buying decision STP analysis, 58, 158–159 T
culture, 121–122 straight rebuy, 150, 151 tangibles, 308–309, 508
family, 119 strategic alliance, 534 TapaTalk, 478
illustration, 113 strategic business unit (SBU), 46 target market. see also positioning;
reference groups, 121 strategic objectives, 61–62 segmentation; targeting
social marketing, 489 strategic relationship (partnering definition, 4
social media relationship), 381 global marketing, 536
4E framework, 460, 467–470 strivers, 163–164 integrated marketing communications
categories of. see social media structured questions, 215, 217 (IMC), 433
categories subculture, 78–79, 122 marketing mix, 5
customer input and product substitute products, 338 target marketing, 38. see also targeting
development, 248–249 substitution effect, 337 target profit pricing, 329
definition, 8, 458 supplier selection, 144 target return pricing, 330
IMC tool, 448, 458–459 supply chain. see also distribution; targeting. see also positioning; target
marketing and, 14–15 logistics management; supply chain market
marketing research, 212–213 management concentrated strategy, 176–177
mobile applications, 475–478 definition, 16–17, 363–364 definition, 38
social network sites, 459–460 direct, 373 differentiated strategy, 176
social responsibility, 567 distribution channel and, 363 global marketing, 536
social media categories indirect, 374 identifiability, 171
earned media, 439 omnichannel strategy, 422 illustration, 171
IN-18 Subject Index

integrated marketing communications trade sanctions, 519 value-based pricing, 344

(IMC), 433 trade shows, 504 value cocreation, 11
mass/undifferentiated strategy, trade surplus, 522 value communication, 6, 8
175–176 trademark, 276, 277, 279 value creation, 5–7, 40
micromarketing/one-to-one strategy, trading bloc, 520 value delivery, 6, 7–8
175, 177–179 training and standardization, 302–303 value proposition, 179
profitability, 173–174 transmitter, 430–431 value transaction, 6, 7
reachability, 171–172 Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), value-based orientation, 11
responsiveness, 172–173 520–521 value-based pricing method, 344
STP analysis, 159 Values and Lifestyle Survey, 163–165
tariff (or duty), 519 U vaping, 402–403
technological advances uncertainty avoidance, 525 variable costs, 338–339, 340
artificial intelligence, 85–86 undifferentiated targeting strategy vendor-managed inventory (VMI), 385
definition, 85 (mass marketing), 175–176 vendor performance assessment, 144–145
delivery gap, 315, 317–318 uniform delivered pricing, 351, 352 vertical distribution channel, 377–379
Internet of Things, 87–88 unique selling proposition (USP), 437 vertical marketing system, 377–379
macroenvironmental factors, 77, 78 United States-Mexico-Canada vertical price fixing, 355
presentation (store design and Agreement (USMCA), 520–521 video, 472
display), 410 universal product code (UPC), 383, Vine, 473, 477
pricing, 407–408 386 voice-of-customer (VOC) program, 308
promotion, 408–409 unrelated diversification opportunity, 51
robotics, 87 unsought products/services, 270 W
technology capabilities, 527–528 unstructured questions, 215, 217
telemarketing, 448, 505 want, 3. see also need
UPC codes. see panel data web surveys, 215
television advertising, 440, 448 upper-class, 81
temporal state, 124–125 website analytics, 206
Urban Digerati, 169 websites as IMC tool, 458
test marketing, 253–254 URLs, 274
The Greatest Showman, 105 Weixin, 477
usage rate, 167 Wheel of Retailing, 410–412
“think, feel, do” model, 482 user, 146, 147
Thinkers, 163–164 wholesalers
USMCA, 520–521 definition, 365
thought-sharing sites, 459–460,
474–475 independent vs. vertical distribution
ticketing, 387
V channel, 377
time and consumer buying decision, validity, 209 indirect distribution, 368
104–107 VALS, 163–165 push vs. pull distribution strategies,
time orientation, 525 value 369–371
time-poor society, 94–95 benefit–cost balance, 13 retailers vs., 395
timing, 255 definition, 11 working-class, 82
Tobacco Act, 490 improvement value pricing, 344
top-of-mind awareness, 482 information gathering and sharing, Y
total cost, 339 12–13 Young & Connected, 169
tracking, 442 positioning, 180–181 YouTube, 473
trade agreement, 520–521 pricing and, 327–328
trade channel sales promotion, 498 relational orientation, 13
trade deficit, 522 social media and, 14–15 Z
trade promotions, 255 supply chain and, 366 zone of tolerance, 309–310

Dedication: Chapter from Marketing, Fifth Edition by Grewal, Levy, Lichti, 2021 v
About the Authors: Chapter from Marketing, Fifth Edition by Grewal, Levy, Lichti, 2021 vi
Detailed Contents: Chapter from Marketing, Fifth Edition by Grewal, Levy, Lichti, 2021 ix
What Is Marketing?: Chapter from Marketing, Fifth Edition by Grewal, Levy, Lichti, 2021 xxi
Changes to the Fifth Canadian Edition: Chapter from Marketing, Fifth Edition by Grewal, Levy, Lichti, 2021
Features Inside Marketing, Fifth Canadian Edition: Chapter from Marketing, Fifth Edition by Grewal, Levy,
Lichti, 2021 xxv
Award-Winning Technology: Chapter from Marketing, Fifth Edition by Grewal, Levy, Lichti, 2021 xxviii
Acknowledgments: Chapter from Marketing, Fifth Edition by Grewal, Levy, Lichti, 2021 xxxi
1. Assessing the Marketplace 1
1. Overview of Marketing: Chapter 1 from Marketing, Fifth Edition by Grewal, Levy, Lichti, 2021 3
2. Developing Marketing Strategies and a Marketing Plan: Chapter 2 from Marketing, Fifth Edition by
Grewal, Levy, Lichti, 2021 26
Appendix 2A: Writing a Marketing Plan: Appendix 2A from Marketing, Fifth Edition by Grewal, Levy, Lichti,
2021 59
3. Analyzing the Marketing Environment: Chapter 3 from Marketing, Fifth Edition by Grewal, Levy, Lichti, 2021

2. Understanding the Marketplace 103

4. Consumer Behaviour: Chapter 4 from Marketing, Fifth Edition by Grewal, Levy, Lichti, 2021 105
5. Business-to-Business Marketing: Chapter 5 from Marketing, Fifth Edition by Grewal, Levy, Lichti, 2021 138
3. Targeting the Marketplace 161
6. Segmentation, Targeting, and Positioning: Chapter 6 from Marketing, Fifth Edition by Grewal, Levy, Lichti,
2021 162
7. Marketing Research: Chapter 7 from Marketing, Fifth Edition by Grewal, Levy, Lichti, 2021 199
Appendix 7A: Using Secondary Data to Assess Customer Lifetime Value (CLV): Appendix 7A from
Marketing, Fifth Edition by Grewal, Levy, Lichti, 2021 234
4. Value Creation 237
8. Developing New Products: Chapter 8 from Marketing, Fifth Edition by Grewal, Levy, Lichti, 2021 239
9. Product, Branding, and Packaging Decisions: Chapter 9 from Marketing, Fifth Edition by Grewal, Levy,
Lichti, 2021 274
10. Services: The Intangible Product: Chapter 10 from Marketing, Fifth Edition by Grewal, Levy, Lichti, 2021

5. Transacting Value 335
11. Pricing Concepts and Strategies: Establishing Value: Chapter 11 from Marketing, Fifth Edition by Grewal,
Levy, Lichti, 2021 336
6. Value Delivery: Designing the Distribution Channel and Supply Chain 371
12. Distribution Channels: Chapter 12 from Marketing, Fifth Edition by Grewal, Levy, Lichti, 2021 373
13. Retailing and Omnichannel Marketing: Chapter 13 from Marketing, Fifth Edition by Grewal, Levy, Lichti, 2021

7. Value Communication 439

14. Integrated Marketing Communications: Chapter 14 from Marketing, Fifth Edition by Grewal, Levy, Lichti, 2021
Appendix 14A: Social and Mobile Media: Appendix 14A from Marketing, Fifth Edition by Grewal, Levy, Lichti,
2021 481
15. Advertising, Sales Promotions, and Personal Selling: Chapter 15 from Marketing, Fifth Edition by Grewal,
Levy, Lichti, 2021 493
8. Marketing in the Global Environment 529
16. Global Marketing: Chapter 16 from Marketing, Fifth Edition by Grewal, Levy, Lichti, 2021 531
17. Ethics and Socially Responsible Marketing: Chapter 17 from Marketing, Fifth Edition by Grewal, Levy, Lichti,
2021 565
Glossary: Chapter from Marketing, Fifth Edition by Grewal, Levy, Lichti, 2021 591
Chapter Sources: Chapter from Marketing, Fifth Edition by Grewal, Levy, Lichti, 2021 603
Endnotes: Chapter from Marketing, Fifth Edition by Grewal, Levy, Lichti, 2021 605
Name Index: Chapter from Marketing, Fifth Edition by Grewal, Levy, Lichti, 2021 641
Company Index: Chapter from Marketing, Fifth Edition by Grewal, Levy, Lichti, 2021 643
Subject Index: Chapter from Marketing, Fifth Edition by Grewal, Levy, Lichti, 2021 649


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