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Dante’s Guide to Hell

Game Master’s Guide

Embark on a treacherous journey through the nine circles of Hell,

where unimaginable horrors and otherworldly beings await.

Dante’s Guide to Hell
Template Designer: u/5e_cleric, u/Kaiburr_Kath-Hound Yellowbyte Studios Writers:

Art Designer: Panagiotis Aivazidis using Photoshop, Adobe Fotis Zorbas

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Ethan Williams
Michael Davis
George Haritopoulos

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Table Of Contents
Credits 3 Gluttony - The Eternal Fraud - The Web of
6 Hunger 23 Deception 53
Overview of Inspiration 6 Landscape 23 Landscape 53
Purpose of the Book 6 Architecture and Notable Architecture 53
Diving into the Darkness 6 Landmarks 23 Notable Landmarks 53
Unlocking the Secrets 6 The Ruler of Gluttony 23 Ruler of Fraud 53
Torments and Punishments 23 General Ambiance 53
Tools of Damnation 6 Denizens of Gluttony 24 Denizens of Fraud 53
Embracing the Infernal NPCs of Gluttony 25 NPCs in Fraud 55
Mechanics 6 Quest Hooks in Gluttony 26 Quest Hooks in Fraud 56
Structure of Hell 7 Encounters in Gluttony 28 Encounters in Fraud 57
Limbo 7 Greed - The Avaricious Treachery - The Web of
Lust 7 Abyss 29 Deception 59
Gluttony 7 Landscape and Architecture 29 Architecture and Structure 59
Greed 7 Notable Landmarks 29 Notable Landmarks 59
Anger 7 General Ambiance and Ambiance and Torments 59
Heresy 8 Torments 29 Ruler of Hell: Asmodeus 60
Violence 8 Ruler of Greed: Mammon 29 Denizens of Treachery 61
Fraud 8 Denisens of Greed 30 NPCs of Treachery 61
Treachery 8 NPCs of Greed 31 Quest Hooks in Treachery 63
Demonic Hierarchy 9 Quest Hooks in Greed 32 Encounters in Treachery 65
The Lord of the Nine: Encounters in Greed 34 Systems you can use in Hell 66
Asmodeus 9 Anger - The Flames of Fury 36
Archdukes and Architecture and Notable
1. Corruption and
Damnation 66
Archduchesses 9 Landmarks 36 The Corruption Meter 66
Dukes and Duchesses 9 Ruler of the Circle 36 Stages of Corruption 66
Greater Devils 9 General Ambiance and Increasing Corruption 66
Lesser Devils 9 Torments 36 Decreasing Corruption 66
Demons 10 Infernal Beasts and Corruption Effects 67
Other Infernal Beings 10 Wrathful Entities 36 GM Guidelines for the
Final Words 10 NPCs of Anger 38 Corruption System 68
Limbo - The Eternal Quest Hooks in Anger 39 70
Twilight 11 Encounters in Anger 40 2. Sins and Virtues
System Overview 70
Physical Characteristics 11 Heresy - The Defiance of Choosing Virtues and Sins 70
The Distorted Architecture 11 Divine Order 41 Virtues 71
The Melancholic Ambiance 11 Landscape and Architecture 41 Embracing Virtues 73
Monsters of Limbo 11 Notable Landmarks 41 Sins 74
NPCs in Limbo 13 Ruler of the Circle 41 Indulging in Sins 75
Quest Hooks in Limbo 14 General Ambiance 41 Progression and Unlocking
Encounters in Limbo 15 Powerful Demons, Devils, New Virtues & Sins 76
and Monstrous Creatures 41 Progression and
Lust - The Temptations of
Passion 17 NPCs of Heresy 43 Advancement 76
Landscape 17 Quest Hooks in Heresy 44 Unlocking New Virtues 76
Architecture 17 Encounters in Heresy 45 Fall to New Sins 77
Notable Landmarks 17 Violence - The Abyss of 3. Infernal Contracts 78
General Ambiance 17 Eternal Savagery 47 Acquiring Infernal Contracts 78
Torments and Punishments 17 Landscape and Architecture 47 Components of an Infernal
Seductive Fiends and Notable Landmarks 47 Contract 78
Tormented Souls 17 Ruler of the Circle 47 Balancing the Choices 78
Enigmatic NPCs Amidst the Ambiance 47 Tracking and Enforcing
Tempestuous Desires 19 Denizens of Violence 48 Contracts 78
Quest Hooks for Lust 20 NPCs in Violence 49 Resolution and Fallout 79
Encounters in Lust 21 Quest Hooks in Violence 50 Creating an Infernal
Encounters in Violence 51 Contract 79
Contract Examples 80
4. Circle-Specific Traits 83 GM’s Guide to Hell 94 Uncovering Hidden Lore 97
Limbo 83 1. Tips for Running Hellish Arcane Tomes and
Lust 83 Campaigns 94 Forbidden Knowledge 97
Gluttony 83 Establish the Tone 94 Conversations with Damned
Greed 83 Atmosphere of Despair 94 Souls 98
Anger 84 Sinister Encounters 94 Cryptic Inscriptions and
Heresy 84 Moral Ambiguity 94 Symbolic Codes 98
Violence 84 A World of Suffering 94 Ancient Artifacts and Relics 98
Fraud 84 Foreboding Temptations 94 Hidden Realms and
Moral Ambiguity and Demonic Hierarchies 98
Treachery 84 Dilemmas 95 The Guidance of Scholars
5. Soul Manipulation 85 Shades of Gray 95 and Sages 98
Collecting Souls 85 Sacrifice and Redemption 95 2. Creating Infernal
The Nature of Souls 85 Consequences of Actions 95 Adventures 99
Defeating Powerful Ethical Quandaries 95 Elements of a Great
Creatures 85 Tainted Allies and Adventure 99
Essence Extraction 85 Ambiguous Objectives 95 Adventure Structure 100
Soul Points 86 Redemption vs. Inception 100
Spellcasting with Souls 87 Corruption 95 Descent 100
Soul-Powered Personalized Motivations 95 Redemption or
Spellcasting 87 Quest for Vengeance 95 Damnation 101
Enhancements and Rescue Mission 95 Treasure 101
Effects 87 Forbidden Knowledge 96 Sample Treasure 102
Feat: Soulmancer 87 Redemption 96
Enhancements Example 88 Ascension 96
Artifact Crafting 89 Preservation of Balance 96
Gathering Rare Materials 89 Unleash the Horrors 96
Find and Gather Materials 90 Fiendish Adversaries 97
Designing the Artifact 90 Unique Fiendish Abilities 97
Soul Points Investment 91 Twisted Monstrosities 97
The Crafting Ritual 91 Haunting Undead 97
Soulbound Connection 92 Environmental Hazards 97
Soul Exchange and Trading 93 Psychological Horrors 97
The Marketplace of Souls 93
Soul Valuation 93
Descending into the Abyss
ithin the various realms, where From the agonizing torments of the first circle, Limbo,

tales of heroic endeavors and epic quests to the fiery punishments of the ninth circle, Treachery,
are woven, a new chapter unfolds, you will discover a rich tapestry of dark lore, challenging
delving into the depths of darkness and encounters, and thought-provoking moral quandaries
despair. Welcome to “Dante’s Guide to that will test the mettle of even the most courageous
Hell,” a compendium inspired by the adventurers.
timeless masterpiece, Dante Alighieri’s
“Divine Comedy.” Within these pages, Unlocking the Secrets
Game Masters and players alike will find themselves Within the pages of this guidebook, secrets long
embarking on a treacherous journey through the nine forgotten and hidden will be revealed. Each circle of
circles of Hell, where unimaginable horrors and Hell will be meticulously unveiled, presenting detailed
otherworldly beings await. descriptions of the environment, denizens, and unique
Overview of challenges that await those who dare to venture there.
Legends, myths, and historical accounts interweave to
Inspiration create a rich tapestry of knowledge, enabling you to
“Dante’s Guide to Hell” is a fantastic addition to your breathe life into the darkest corners of this infernal
TTRPG book library, immersing players and Game plane. Whether you seek inspiration for a single session
Masters alike in the dark and treacherous realms of the or an entire campaign, “Dante’s Guide to Hell” will
infernal planes. Inspired by the timeless masterpiece, guide you through the intricate web of secrets, providing
Dante Alighieri’s “Divine Comedy,” this guidebook you with the keys to unlock the mysteries of damnation.
introduces adventurers to the nine circles of Hell, each
teeming with malevolent entities, unfathomable Tools of Damnation
dangers, and moral dilemmas. By delving into the In the depths of Hell, even the most seasoned
depths of this captivating setting, players will embark on adventurers require powerful tools and magical artifacts
epic quests, face moral trials, and unearth ancient to stand against the relentless forces that seek to claim
secrets hidden within the bowels of damnation itself. their souls. “Dante’s Guide to Hell” introduces an array
of infernally inspired magic items that can aid and
Purpose of the Book empower your players as they traverse the treacherous
This guidebook serves as an invaluable resource for landscapes. From weapons forged in the fiery furnaces
Game Masters seeking to create immersive campaigns of Dis to armor infused with the essence of fallen devils,
within the infernal realms. It is designed to provide an these artifacts provide unique abilities and advantages,
extensive and comprehensive overview of each circle of granting the means to combat the darkness that lurks in
Hell, their unique inhabitants, and the intricate every corner of the infernal realms.
mechanics that govern these infernal domains. Whether
you are a seasoned Game Master or a newcomer to the Embracing the
art of storytelling, “Dante’s Guide to Hell” will equip you Infernal Mechanics
with the knowledge, tools, and inspiration needed to Beneath the surface of Hell lies a complex network of
craft unforgettable adventures that challenge the very mechanics that govern the infernal plane. “Dante’s
souls of your players. Guide to Hell” embraces and expands upon these
Diving into the mechanics, providing Game Masters with a host of tools
to enhance their campaigns. From infernal contracts
Darkness that bind mortals to the service of devils, to the
As the Game Master, your role is pivotal in guiding your influence of alignments and morality in this twisted
players through the treacherous and captivating depths realm, the guidebook offers insight into the intricacies
of Hell. “Dante’s Guide to Hell” offers you a of the infernal mechanics. By embracing these
metaphorical descent into this abyssal landscape, mechanics, you can create dynamic and immersive
providing a vivid exploration of each circle and the experiences, forcing your players to confront their own
twisted beings that dwell within. morality and make weighty decisions that may forever
alter their fates.

Structure of Hell
The Nine Rings
n this chapter, we delve into the

intricate hierarchy of Hell as presented by Lust
Dante Alighieri in his timeless work, the As we descend deeper into Hell, we come across the
“Divine Comedy.” Within the fiery depths of this circle of Lust, a domain characterized by unbridled
infernal realm, nine circles await, each passion and desire. Tormented souls eternally whirl in a
representing a different sin and housing its own tempestuous storm, never finding satisfaction or
unique torments. Let us embark on a journey fulfillment. The relentless winds buffet their forms,
through the depths of Hell, exploring the order symbolizing the restless nature of their desires. Lust
and significance of each circle. represents the unrestrained pursuit of pleasure, devoid
of reason or morality.
The first circle of Hell, Limbo, serves as a place of Gluttony
dwelling for virtuous pagans and unbaptized infants. Next, we encounter the circle of Gluttony, where
Within this realm, those who lived righteous lives, yet insatiable hunger and excess manifest in unimaginable
lacked the salvation of Christianity, find solace amidst ways. Here, grotesque creatures wallow in vile sludge,
the gloom. The souls here are not subjected to cruel embodying the consequences of their gluttonous
punishments but are instead forever separated from the indulgences in life. Their distorted bodies bear the
divine presence. They reside in a state of longing, weight of their voracious appetites, forever condemned
forever yearning for redemption that can never be to crave and consume without respite. The torment of
attained. this circle lies in the insatiable longing for sustenance
that can never be satisfied.

Moving deeper into the abyss, we reach the circle of
Greed, where avarice and materialistic desires are
punished. The souls trapped within this circle are
condemned to an eternal struggle, endlessly pushing
heavy weights against one another. They represent the
insatiable hunger for wealth and possessions that
consumed them in life. This circle serves as a stark
reminder of the destructive power of unchecked greed,
as the souls here are forever denied the riches they

As we descend further into the depths of Hell, we arrive
at the circle of Anger, a place of relentless violence and
anger. Here, the wrathful are doomed to spend eternity
submerged in the foul River Styx, a river of boiling
blood. The tormented souls constantly attack and tear at
one another, reflecting the brutality of their rage in life.
They are forever caught in a maelstrom of violence,
unable to escape the consequences of their uncontrolled

Heresy Treachery
Continuing our descent through the nine circles of Hell, Descending to the deepest, darkest depths of Hell, we
we come to the realm of Heresy, where those who held arrive at the final circle—the circle of Treachery. This is
beliefs contrary to the teachings of the Church face the most abhorrent and sinister realm, reserved for
eternal punishment. The atmosphere in this circle is those who betrayed the utmost trust and loyalty. Within
suffocating, filled with thick, acrid smoke that obscures this desolate expanse of ice, souls are trapped in frozen,
vision and stifles breath. Here, souls are trapped in fiery contorted positions, forever tormented by biting winds
tombs, forever burning and writhing in agony. Their and relentless cold. The circle of Treachery is divided
punishment reflects their defiance of divine truth, as into four regions, each representing a specific form of
they rejected the doctrines and tenets that guided them treachery.
towards salvation.
Betrayal of Kin
In this region, those who betrayed their own family
Violence members, blood relations, or close kin find themselves
Descending further into the depths, we reach the circle encased in icy tombs. The frozen tears upon their faces
of Violence, a domain defined by the infliction of harm symbolize the remorse they never expressed during
upon oneself, others, and even nature itself. Within this their lives. They are forever isolated, unable to escape
circle, there are three distinct regions, each assigned to the bitter loneliness and regret that permeate their
a specific type of violence. The souls residing here existence.
endure various forms of torment that mirror their
violent actions in life. Betrayal of Country
Here, the souls of those who betrayed their homeland or
Violence against Others committed acts of treason against their nation endure
Those who committed acts of violence against others the chilling winds of eternal punishment. They are
are submerged in a river of boiling blood, the forever trapped in a frigid wasteland, their bodies
Phlegethon. Here, they relentlessly battle one another, exposed and vulnerable. Their punishment mirrors the
perpetuating the cycle of violence that consumed their unending coldness of their hearts and the devastation
lives. Their punishment serves as a perpetual reminder they caused to their communities.
of the pain they caused to others. Betrayal of Guests
Violence against Self Within this region, the souls of those who violated the
In this portion of the circle, self-destructive individuals sacred bonds of hospitality suffer unimaginable
are transformed into gnarled, thorny trees, their bodies torment. Encased in ice up to their necks, they are left
contorted in perpetual agony. The thorns pierce their to gaze helplessly at the vast, desolate landscape. Their
flesh, representing the torment of their self-inflicted eyes are forever fixed upon a void, representing the
wounds and the suffering they endured by their own absence of trust and the shattered bonds they once held
hand. dear.
Violence against Nature Betrayal of Benefactors
The souls who inflicted harm upon nature are The souls guilty of betraying those who showed them
condemned to a desolate wasteland, forever chased and kindness and generosity endure their punishment
tormented by ferocious beasts. They bear the burden of within the deepest, darkest pits of ice. Submerged in
their destructive actions, experiencing the terror they frozen sludge, they are eternally trapped in a state of
once inflicted upon innocent creatures. helplessness and remorse. Their bodies contorted, their
movements restricted, they are denied any respite from
Fraud their torment.
Further down the infernal descent lies the circle of
Fraud, a realm where deceit and treachery find their As players venture through the nine circles of Hell, they
eternal punishment. Within this circle, the damned are will encounter the inhabitants, confront their
submerged in a lake of boiling pitch, symbolizing the punishments, and face the moral dilemmas that lie
sticky web of lies in which they ensnared others. The within. The intricate hierarchy of Hell serves as a
souls here are trapped in their own distorted forms, backdrop for countless adventures and stories, where
assuming grotesque shapes that reflect the nature of heroes can either succumb to the allure of sin or strive
their deceitful acts. Each soul endures a punishment for redemption amidst the infernal flames.
befitting their specific brand of fraud, perpetually
reminding them of the consequences of their deceit.
Demonic Hierarchy
Power and Authority
ithin the depths of the infernal

Dukes and Duchesses
realm, a rigid hierarchy governs the
malevolent forces that dwell within. Below the Archdukes and Archduchesses are the Dukes
From the supreme ruler of Hell to the and Duchesses of Hell. These influential fiends
lowliest Lesser Devils and demons, this command vast territories within their assigned layers,
chapter explores the intricate web of acting as regional governors and enforcing the will of
power and influence that defines the their superiors. Dukes and Duchesses are often granted
demonic hierarchy in Hell. authority over legions of Lesser Devils, shaping the
destiny of these infernal soldiers and servants.
The Lord of the Nine:
Asmodeus Greater Devils
At the pinnacle of the demonic hierarchy stands Next in the hierarchy come the Greater Devils. These
Asmodeus, the Lord of the Nine Hells. Asmodeus is a formidable fiends are mighty and cunning, wielding
figure of immense power and cunning, revered and powers that make them a force to be reckoned with in
feared by all denizens of Hell. He is the embodiment of the Nine Hells. Greater Devils include fearsome beings
tyranny and law, ruling over the Nine Circles with an such as the Pit Fiends, Erinyes, Horned Devils, and Ice
iron grip. Asmodeus is depicted as a majestic being with Devils. Each type of Greater Devil possesses unique
crimson skin, adorned in regal armor, wielding a abilities and serves specific roles within the infernal
fearsome ruby-tipped infernal spear. His machinations hierarchy.
shape the fate of Hell and its inhabitants. Lesser Devils
Archdukes and Beneath the Greater Devils lie the Lesser Devils, the
Archduchesses foot soldiers and workers of the infernal realm. This
Directly beneath Asmodeus are the Archdukes and category encompasses a wide range of fiendish beings,
Archduchesses, powerful fiends who rule over including Imps, Chain Devils, Bearded Devils, and
individual layers of the Nine Hells. Each Archduke or Spined Devils, among others. Lesser Devils are
Archduchess holds dominion over their respective layer, organized into legions, and their duties include
enforcing their will and serving as the intermediaries maintaining order, executing the will of their superiors,
between Asmodeus and the rest of Hell’s hierarchy. and tormenting souls in the Nine Hells. They serve as
These formidable beings possess tremendous magical the backbone of Hell’s military and workforce.
abilities, political acumen, and legions of loyal followers.

While the hierarchy within the Nine Hells is
predominantly occupied by Devils, the presence of
Demons cannot be ignored. Demons, chaotic and
savage beings originating from the Abyss, often find
themselves conscripted into the infernal hierarchy
through pacts and bargains. They serve as dangerous
mercenaries and agents of chaos within the structured
order of Hell. Demons are not subject to the same level
of hierarchical organization as Devils, and their
alignment with the Nine Hells is tenuous at best.
Other Infernal Beings
Beyond Devils and Demons, Hell is home to various
other infernal beings that occupy niches within the
hierarchy. These include corrupted souls transformed
into fiendish entities, such as Lemures, Nupperibos, and
Merregons. Additionally, unique and powerful beings
known as Hellfire Engines and Infernal Raptures are
forged by the cunning artificers of Hell to serve
specialized functions within the infernal realm.

Final Words
Understanding the intricate hierarchy of Hell is vital for
any adventurer seeking to navigate the treacherous
depths of the Nine Hells. Whether forming alliances,
striking bargains, or facing off against these malevolent
beings, knowledge of the demonic hierarchy provides
insight into the power dynamics and motivations that
drive Hell’s denizens.
While the hierarchy presented here is generally
accepted, it is important to remember that Hell is a
realm of politics, intrigue, and treachery. Power
struggles, rivalries, and betrayals can disrupt the
established order, creating opportunities for ambitious
adventurers or destabilizing the infernal realm itself.

The First Circle of Hell
Limbo - The Eternal Twilight
s adventurers descend into the This distorted architecture is a physical manifestation

depths of Hell, they find themselves of the chaotic nature of Limbo. It reflects the ever-
confronted with the first of the nine shifting and unpredictable nature of the plane, where
circles: Limbo, a realm of eternal nothing remains constant for long. Exploring the
twilight. This desolate plane exists on the twisted corridors and crumbling edifices of Limbo is a
edge of existence, where the boundaries daunting task, as even the most seasoned adventurers
between order and chaos blur, and lost can find themselves disoriented and lost amidst the
souls wander aimlessly in perpetual shifting labyrinth of this realm.
Physical Characteristics The Melancholic Ambiance
The physical characteristics of Limbo are as enigmatic The ambiance of Limbo is one of eternal melancholy
as the souls that inhabit it. The landscape, if it can even and profound isolation. The constant twilight casts an
be called such, is a bewildering expanse that defies ethereal glow, perpetually obscuring details and casting
conventional understanding. In Limbo, the concept of long, haunting shadows. The air carries a faint chill,
solidity and stability is an illusion, as the very fabric of accompanied by an undercurrent of mournful whispers
this plane seems to shift and twist with a disorienting and fragmented cries of despair. Lost souls, trapped in a
fluidity. The ground beneath one’s feet is not solid earth state of perpetual confusion, drift aimlessly, their gazes
but a mélange of shifting colors, amorphous shapes, and vacant and their expressions filled with a sense of
ethereal mists. yearning for something they can no longer grasp.
Limbo lacks distinct landmarks or geographical The presence of lost souls adds to the eerie ambiance
features. There are no towering mountains, no of Limbo. These spirits, forever trapped in a state of
sprawling forests, nor any rivers or lakes. Instead, the indecision and unfulfilled potential, wander the ethereal
ever-present twilight casts an eerie glow over an endless landscape. Their voices echo through the mist,
expanse that seems to extend indefinitely in every murmuring fragments of forgotten memories and
direction. The horizon is a murky gray blur, where the unfinished thoughts. They may offer cryptic guidance to
ethereal mist blends seamlessly with the heavens, adventurers or beg for assistance, their pleas laced with
creating a sense of boundless uncertainty and a sense of longing and regret.
disorientation. The adventurers themselves may find their emotions
affected by the pervasive melancholy of Limbo. The
weight of indecision and the haunting whispers of lost
The Distorted Architecture souls can instill a sense of unease, melancholy, or even
Architecture in Limbo is a surreal and distorted introspection. The very essence of this plane seeps into
reflection of mortal constructions. Structures emerge their consciousness, leaving an indelible mark on their
sporadically from the ethereal mist, their forms as minds and hearts.
fleeting as a dream. Jagged spires reach towards the
heavens only to dissolve and reform elsewhere Monsters of Limbo
moments later. Twisted columns twist and writhe like In the realm of Limbo, where chaos reigns supreme and
living beings, defying the laws of physics. Crumbling souls wander in eternal confusion, the denizens reflect
ruins hover in mid-air, their foundations nonexistent.
In Limbo, architectural features serve as cruel jests, the disarray and unpredictability of their surroundings.
mocking the very concept of stability. Staircases wind Here, powerful demons, devils, and other monstrous
their way upwards, yet lead nowhere, abruptly halting or creatures can be encountered, each embodying a facet
disappearing into thin air. Doors swing open to reveal of the plane’s twisted nature. Beware, for these beings
voids beyond, inviting those who dare to step through are as enigmatic as the plane itself, their motives often
into an endless abyss. Windows offer distorted vistas of inscrutable and their alliances ever-shifting.
alien worlds, their landscapes ever-changing and
foreign. The structures themselves seem to writhe and
shift, as if they possess a perverse sentience, mocking
the notion of order and permanence.

Shadar-Kai Sorcerers
Shadar-Kai sorcerers, shrouded in shadows and bearing
a melancholic demeanor, are denizens of Limbo known
for their mastery over the energies of chaos. They wield
their arcane powers to manipulate the swirling mists
and distorted landscapes, reshaping them to their whim.
Though their intentions may vary, adventurers should
approach with caution, as these enigmatic sorcerers are
prone to capricious acts and unpredictable alliances.
Chaos Titans
Amidst the turbulent landscapes of Limbo, the massive
and formidable Chaos Titans roam. These colossal
creatures, towering over the adventurers, embody the
raw power of chaos and destruction. With limbs that
seem to shift and morph into different forms, Chaos
Titans unleash devastating blows upon those foolish
enough to challenge them. Legends speak of
adventurers who have managed to win the favor of a
Chaos Titan, gaining a powerful ally amidst the ever-
changing chaos.
Manes of Indecision
The souls trapped in Limbo, known as Manes of
Indecision, are spectral entities forever tormented by
their inability to make definitive choices in life. These
ethereal beings exhibit traits of both the living and the
dead, their appearances shifting between clarity and
insubstantiality. Though weakened by their eternal
plight, their confusion can manifest in unpredictable
ways, making them formidable adversaries when
Born from the deepest abysses of Limbo, Nihileths are
grotesque creatures that embody the plane’s essence of
emptiness and nihilism. These monstrosities resemble
twisted amalgamations of shadow, bone, and void, their
forms constantly shifting and contorting. Nihileths
possess the ability to drain the life force of their
opponents, leaving behind an eerie sense of emptiness
and despair. Few dare to face these abominations
willingly, for the touch of a Nihileth can leave a soul
forever lost in the depths of apathy.
Maelstrom Demons
Within the chaotic storms that sweep through Limbo,
the Maelstrom Demons can be found. These malevolent
creatures are formed from the very essence of the
tempests, their bodies swirling masses of dark clouds
and lightning. Maelstrom Demons unleash devastating
storm-based powers, tearing through the fabric of reality
itself. Adventurers who encounter these demonic
entities must be prepared for a battle of tempestuous

The Phantom Duelist
Wandering Specters
The lost souls that drift endlessly through Limbo, In the depths of Limbo, a spectral figure can be found
known as Wandering Specters, bear witness to the engaged in eternal combat, their swordplay an exquisite
plane’s eternal twilight. These ethereal beings embody dance of skill and frustration. The Phantom Duelist
the sadness and confusion of the souls trapped in challenges skilled warriors who dare to cross their path.
Limbo. Wandering Specters, although lacking physical Defeating this restless spirit in a battle of blades could
form, possess an otherworldly aura that can disrupt earn the respect of other lost souls or reveal hidden
magical energies and inflict despair upon those who truths about the nature of personal determination.
cross their path. Their presence can serve as both an The Wandering Oracle
obstacle and an opportunity for adventurers seeking Within the shifting mists of Limbo, the Wandering
answers within the swirling chaos. Oracle wanders, their prophetic words hanging in the
air like whispers of destiny. This mysterious figure
offers glimpses of the future to those who seek
NPCs in Limbo guidance, but the visions granted are often veiled and
In this twilight realm, souls are not condemned for their open to interpretation. The adventurers must navigate
sins but for their failure to embrace a purpose or make the cryptic riddles and symbolic visions of the
definitive choices in life. Here, they languish in eternal Wandering Oracle to uncover vital insights about their
frustration, replaying pivotal moments and grasping at journey.
fragments of lost knowledge and unattained The Sorrowful Sculptor
enlightenment. Lost in the ceaseless twilight of Limbo, the Sorrowful
Elysia the Lost Scholar Sculptor eternally crafts beautiful statues, each one a
Elysia was once a brilliant scholar whose thirst for representation of unattainable perfection. These lifelike
knowledge brought her to the precipice of great creations hold remnants of lost souls, forever trapped
discoveries. Now trapped in Limbo, she endlessly seeks within the stone. The adventurers may find themselves
to unravel the mysteries that eluded her in life. Elysia’s drawn to aid the Sculptor in completing their magnum
fragmented memories and flashes of insight may opus, but the process requires making agonizing
provide the adventurers with valuable information, but choices that mirror the eternal struggle of Limbo itself.
they must tread carefully, as her mind teeters on the The Whirling Dervish
brink of madness. A whirlwind of chaotic energy, the enigmatic figure
Harrow the Wayward Bard known as the Whirling Dervish dances across the
Harrow was a charismatic bard whose songs once shifting planes of Limbo. Their spinning movements
captivated audiences, but his indecisiveness and create brief moments of stability amidst the turmoil,
inability to commit to a single path led to his damnation offering temporary respite for those who can
in Limbo. Now a haunting presence, his melodious synchronize their steps with the Dervish’s rhythm. To
voice echoes through the twisted corridors, luring harness the Dervish’s power, the adventurers must
unsuspecting travelers with promises of guidance and prove their agility and embrace the unpredictable nature
inspiration. However, Harrow’s true intentions remain of Limbo.
shrouded in uncertainty, and his aid may come at a The Cryptic Librarian
heavy price. Deep within the ever-shifting halls of Limbo lies a
hidden library, guarded by the enigmatic Cryptic
The Forsaken Artificer Librarian. This ancient figure possesses vast knowledge
Once a brilliant inventor and master of enchantments, but demands intricate puzzles and riddles to be solved
the Forsaken Artificer now dwells in Limbo, surrounded in exchange for access to their wisdom. Unraveling the
by half-completed creations and shattered dreams. This Librarian’s cryptic challenges unlocks forgotten secrets
enigmatic figure possesses intricate knowledge of of the cosmos, but failure may result in the adventurers
magical artifacts and forbidden crafting techniques. In being lost within the labyrinthine stacks forever.
exchange for assistance, the adventurers must help the
Artificer complete a long-lost masterpiece, one that may
hold the key to their escape from Limbo.

The Echoes of Lost Love
Whispers of past romances permeate the twilight of
Limbo, manifesting as ethereal figures eternally
searching for their lost loves. These Echoes bear
fragments of their former identities and the intense
emotions that once defined their existence. The
adventurers may aid these tormented souls in finding
closure, offering them a chance to move on or, perhaps,
discovering a way to escape Limbo’s clutches.
The Reluctant Guide
A spectral figure, trapped in Limbo for centuries,
reluctantly offers to guide the adventurers through the
treacherous terrain. This enigmatic guide possesses
fragments of knowledge about the circle and its
inhabitants. However, their guidance is cryptic and
often leads to unexpected encounters and trials.
Unraveling the guide’s true intentions and unlocking
their hidden memories may hold the key to unraveling
the mysteries of Limbo.

Quest Hooks in Limbo

The following quest hooks provide Game Masters with
a variety of engaging quests that can be implemented
into their adventures within the Limbo Circle. Each
quest offers unique challenges, opportunities for
exploration, and encounters with both friend and foe,
allowing players to delve deep into the mysteries and
dangers of this chaotic realm.
The Lost Soul’s Plea
Deep within the desolate expanse of Limbo, a lost soul
beckons for help. This soul, once a renowned historian,
possesses crucial knowledge about an ancient artifact
hidden within the Limbo Circle. The party is
approached by a desperate spirit who promises them
this valuable information in exchange for their aid. The
task at hand is to navigate the treacherous landscapes
of Limbo, braving chaotic storms and cunning denizens,
in order to retrieve a forgotten tome that holds the key
to the artifact’s location. But beware, for malevolent
entities also seek this tome, and the party must outwit
or outfight these adversaries to secure the knowledge
and claim the artifact as their own.

The Captive Creator The Unraveling Prophecy
In the heart of Limbo, a brilliant but tormented artist Whispers of a mysterious prophecy echo throughout the
finds themselves trapped within a realm of eternal Limbo Circle, hinting at a world-shaking event that
chaos. This artist’s creations, once considered could alter the very fabric of reality. The party
masterpieces, have come to life and rebelled against encounters an enigmatic oracle, who reveals fragments
their creator, leaving them imprisoned and in dire need of the prophecy and seeks their aid in deciphering its
of rescue. The party is approached by a distraught true meaning. As they delve deeper into the shifting
familiar, seeking aid to free their creator from this chaos of Limbo, the party must gather fragments of
otherworldly prison. To succeed, the party must forgotten lore and interact with peculiar inhabitants to
navigate the shifting labyrinthine galleries of Limbo, unveil the prophecy’s secrets. Along the way, they’ll
confront the artist’s wayward creations, and uncover the encounter factions vying for control of the prophecy’s
key to their salvation—a powerful artifact hidden within outcome, each with their own interpretation and
the depths of the Limbo Circle. But they must hurry, for motives. Unraveling the prophecy becomes a race
with each passing day, the artist’s spirit weakens, and against time as the party must prevent a cataclysmic
their art becomes ever more twisted and destructive. event while navigating the ever-changing nature of the
Limbo Circle.
The Fading Flame
A once-great celestial being has fallen from grace and Encounters in Limbo
now resides in Limbo, stripped of their divine power The Limbo Circle presents adventurers with an array of
and trapped in the form of a flickering flame. This challenging encounters, skill-based puzzles, and
fading flame is the only source of warmth and hope in a intriguing social interactions. As they navigate the
desolate corner of Limbo, providing respite and solace shifting labyrinth, engage in philosophical debates, solve
to lost souls who seek refuge. However, an ancient temporal puzzles, and interact with lost souls and
curse threatens to extinguish the flame, plunging powerful entities, the players will unravel the mysteries
countless lost souls into eternal darkness. The party is of Limbo while testing their abilities and determination.
tasked with protecting and restoring the fading flame, This chapter serves as a guide for Game Masters,
navigating through the tumultuous realms of Limbo to providing detailed descriptions, mechanics, and
uncover the means to break the curse. Along the way, narrative hooks to immerse players in the enigmatic
they will encounter enigmatic entities who hold realm of lost potential.
fragments of the solution, each with their own motives
and demands. Can the party gather the necessary
pieces, solve the puzzle of the curse, and rekindle the Challenging Encounters
flame before all hope is lost? The Shifting Labyrinth: As the adventurers venture
into Limbo, they find themselves trapped within a
The Ascendant Spirit constantly shifting labyrinthine maze. Walls move,
A powerful spirit, long trapped within the Limbo Circle, pathways rearrange, and even gravity seems to
has managed to gather enough energy and knowledge fluctuate. The challenge lies in navigating this ever-
to ascend beyond the realm’s confines. This spirit, now changing landscape, using their wits and skills to
bordering on godhood, seeks champions to aid in their find the way forward while avoiding deadly traps and
final trials before attaining full transcendence. The party encountering lost souls trapped within.
The Echoes of Genius: Within the depths of Limbo,
is chosen by the ascendant spirit and tasked with powerful echoes of long-forgotten geniuses linger,
completing a series of perilous challenges, each manifesting as phantasmal entities. These echoes
representing one of the virtues required for true challenge the players to engage in debates, riddles,
enlightenment. These trials test the party’s courage, and philosophical discussions. Success requires not
wisdom, compassion, and other virtues as they navigate only knowledge and wit but also the ability to
through treacherous landscapes and confront understand and appreciate diverse perspectives.
formidable adversaries. Successfully assisting the Failing to satisfy these echoes may result in negative
ascendant spirit in their transcendence not only grants consequences or missed opportunities.
the party unimaginable rewards but also influences the
balance of power within Limbo itself.

The Sundered Court: Deep within Limbo lies a Navigating the Fractured Plane: Limbo’s landscape
fragmented and shattered castle, once home to an is fractured, with floating islands, shifting platforms,
ancient and powerful ruler. Here, the players and disconnected fragments. To progress, the
encounter a realm perpetually stuck in a state of players must utilize their acrobatic skills, agility, and
disarray and conflict. They must navigate coordination to traverse these precarious terrains.
treacherous court politics, broker alliances, and Jumping across floating islands, balancing on narrow
resolve disputes among various factions vying for ledges, and avoiding hazardous rifts provide thrilling
power. Success may grant them valuable allies, challenges that test their physical prowess.
while failure could leave them entangled in a web of Dreams and Illusions: Limbo blurs the boundaries
deceit and danger. between reality and illusion. The adventurers
The Ethereal Beast: In the heart of Limbo, an encounter vivid dreams and deceptive illusions that
ethereal monstrosity known as the Astral Serpent challenge their perceptions and mental fortitude.
prowls. This colossal creature defies logic and They must discern what is real and what is illusory,
reason, and its presence distorts reality itself. The relying on their insight, investigation, and ability to
players must engage in a harrowing battle against resist manipulation. Failure to distinguish truth from
the beast, using their combat prowess and strategic fiction may lead to dire consequences or missed
thinking to exploit its weaknesses. Victory not only opportunities.
grants them a significant boon but also restores a
semblance of balance to the chaotic plane. Social Interactions
Parley with the Wandering Souls: Within Limbo’s
Skill-Based Challenges vast expanse, lost souls wander aimlessly, burdened
by their unfulfilled desires and regrets. The players
Temporal Puzzles: Limbo’s erratic nature extends to have the opportunity to engage with these souls,
the very fabric of time. The adventurers encounter offering them solace or guidance. Through
puzzles that require them to manipulate time, such empathetic conversations, they can uncover valuable
as rewinding or fast-forwarding events to unlock information, forge alliances, or even release these
hidden paths or overcome obstacles. Solving these souls from their eternal torment. Succeeding in
temporal puzzles demands keen observation, these interactions may grant the adventurers loyal
deductive reasoning, and the ability to think outside companions or uncover hidden secrets.
the constraints of linear time. Negotiating with the Elemental Architects: Limbo is
shaped by the will of its enigmatic rulers, the
Elemental Architects. These powerful beings
embody chaos and creativity, their motives often
inscrutable. The players must navigate intricate
negotiations, striking deals, and unraveling cryptic
requests to gain their favor or extract vital
knowledge. A successful interaction could result in
gaining unique abilities or acquiring powerful
The Enigmatic Oracle: Deep within the recesses of
Limbo resides an enigmatic oracle, a mysterious
figure with knowledge of past, present, and future.
Players have the opportunity to seek counsel from
the oracle, engaging in thought-provoking
conversations or solving complex riddles. The
answers they receive could guide their path, reveal
hidden truths, or provide cryptic warnings, offering
valuable insights into their journey through Hell.

The Second Circle of Hell
Lust - The Temptations of Passion
he second circle of hell, known

General Ambiance
as Lust, unveils a bewitching and
tempestuous landscape that echoes the The ambiance of Lust is characterized by a seductive
eternal torments of unbridled desires. and entrancing aura, where the whispers of long-
As Dante descends deeper into the forgotten passions echo through the air. Moans of
infernal realm, the air grows dense with pleasure and cries of frustration blend together,
the intoxicating scent of perfume and creating an unsettling symphony that perpetually hangs
the faint whispers of seduction. The in the atmosphere. The air crackles with a charged
surroundings transform into a realm of perpetual energy, mirroring the tumultuous and uncontrollable
twilight, where the sky is obscured by swirling mists nature of unfulfilled desires. It is a realm where illusions
tinged with a fiery crimson hue. Sinful gusts of wind and fantasies intertwine, leading souls astray and
whip through the air, carrying with them the echoing perpetuating their eternal torment.
cries of tormented souls.
Torments and Punishments
The torments within the second circle of Hell reflect the
The landscape of Lust manifests as an expansive plain sin of lust and its consequences. Here, the souls are
that stretches endlessly in all directions. The ground condemned to be forever swept away in a relentless
beneath one’s feet takes on a crimson hue, resembling a whirlwind, symbolizing their inability to control their
mosaic of crushed roses, symbolizing the passion that desires. Their forms are twisted and distorted, stripped
led these souls astray. The earth trembles with an of the beauty they once possessed, forever trapped in a
undercurrent of hidden desires, and the grass, although perpetual state of insatiable longing. These souls are
lush and inviting, conceals treacherous thorns that denied the fulfillment they seek, their desires forever
pierce those who succumb to temptation. out of reach, perpetually denied and tantalizingly close.
In this circle, temptation takes many forms, as lost
Architecture souls are confronted with mirages of their deepest
The architecture within the second circle of Hell is both desires. They are forced to chase after illusions, forever
alluring and deceptive. Exquisite structures rise from grasping at the intangible, only to have their hopes
the ground, evoking a sense of indulgence and dashed and their longing intensified. The punishment
sensuality. Magnificent palaces adorned with intricate lies not only in the eternal denial of their desires but
carvings and delicate arches dominate the landscape. also in the insatiable hunger that consumes them,
However, upon closer inspection, one realizes the leaving them eternally unfulfilled and restless.
palaces are nothing but facades, illusory constructs that
collapse and crumble under the weight of their deceit.
The façades serve as a reminder of the ephemeral Seductive Fiends and
nature of lustful pursuits and the hollowness that lies
beneath. Tormented Souls
Within the torrid depths of Lust, a multitude of
Notable Landmarks malevolent entities and tortured souls dwell, each
Within the circle of Lust, there are certain landmarks embodying the dark allure and pernicious nature of
that capture the essence of its torments. The “Fountain uncontrolled desires. From demons that revel in
of Temptation” stands as a central feature, its glistening temptation to the damned souls trapped in eternal
waters enchanting passersby with their allure, only to longing, the denizens of this circle embody the twisted
transmute into scorching lava upon contact. The consequences of succumbing to carnal cravings. Here,
“Labyrinth of Desires” lures lost souls with its winding we delve into the notable inhabitants that haunt the
paths, leading them deeper into the circle, never to find second circle of Hell.
fulfillment. And the towering “Tower of Seduction”
stands as a constant temptation, drawing souls closer to
their eternal damnation with promises of forbidden

Succubi and Incubi Lilitu, the Temptresses
These seductive fiends, known as succubi and incubi, Lilitu, known as the “Daughters of the Night,” are
are master manipulators of desire. With their alluring demonic temptresses that feed on the desires of
forms and enchanting whispers, they entice mortals and mortals. These nocturnal creatures possess an ethereal
fiends alike, ensnaring them in webs of unquenchable beauty that ensnares the senses, drawing mortals
lust. Succubi and incubi are skilled in the art of deeper into their web of forbidden passions. Lilitu thrive
deception, preying on the weaknesses and on the essence of lustful longings, reveling in the eternal
vulnerabilities of their victims. They serve as cunning torment they inflict upon their victims. Their enchanting
tempters within Lust, leading souls astray and songs and mesmerizing dances haunt the dreams of the
perpetuating their torment. damned, perpetuating their unfulfilled desires.
Erinyes, the Furies Lechery Demons
These avenging spirits, born from the spilled blood of These grotesque entities embody the twisted
the Titans, embody the wrath and vengeance of perversions of lust. With grotesque forms that combine
betrayed lovers. Erinyes, also known as the Furies, take human and animal features, they represent the
pleasure in tormenting those who have committed acts insatiable appetites and distorted cravings that
of infidelity or betrayal in the pursuit of lust. With their consumed them in life. Lechery demons roam the
serpentine hair and eyes seething with fury, they second circle, tormenting the souls trapped within its
administer punishments, ceaselessly pursuing the guilty boundaries. They revel in inflicting physical and
and ensuring that their sins are eternally punished. emotional anguish, taking pleasure in the agony that
arises from unfulfilled desires.

Lustful Spirits Lucien the Alluring
Among the denizens of Lust, countless tormented souls Lucien, an incubus of exceptional charm and cunning,
wander, forever seeking fulfillment that eludes them. revels in the art of manipulation. He offers his services
These lost spirits are condemned to eternal longing, as a guide through Lust, promising to lead players safely
their forms twisted and disfigured by the weight of their if they succumb to his seductive temptations. The price
unfulfilled desires. Each soul bears the burden of their for his assistance, however, may be steeper than they
passionate obsessions, perpetually reliving the initially realize.
moments that led them to damnation. Their anguish
permeates the air, a constant reminder of the Lady Isabella, the Broken
consequences of indulging in uncontrolled lust.
A forlorn spirit trapped within Lust, Lady Isabella
Enigmatic NPCs Amidst mourns the loss of her true love. She seeks aid in
locating a lost artifact that holds the key to her
the Tempestuous liberation from the circle’s torment. Players can choose
to assist her or be wary of her desperation, as her
Desires longing can be both a boon and a curse.
The following NPCs within Lust present players with
complex and morally ambiguous encounters.
Depending on the choices made, they can become Inferno, the Tormentor
valuable allies, sources of knowledge, or treacherous A fearsome lechery demon with an insatiable appetite
foes. Engaging with these enigmatic figures adds depth for inflicting pain, Inferno relishes in tormenting the
and intrigue to the players’ journey through the souls within Lust. His sadistic nature makes him a
tormented realm of Lust. formidable adversary, but cunning players might
manipulate his desires to their advantage, turning him
Valeria the Redeemed into an unwitting ally against other threats.
Once a powerful enchantress, Valeria fell victim to her
own insatiable desires. Now, she seeks redemption and Cassandra, the Veiled Oracle
offers guidance to lost souls in Lust, hoping to spare Cassandra, a mysterious oracle shrouded in veils,
them the eternal torment she endures. She possesses possesses the gift of foresight and offers glimpses into
vast knowledge of the circle’s intricacies and can aid the fates of those who seek her guidance. Players may
players in navigating its treacherous paths. encounter her within the Tower of Seduction, where
she guards ancient prophecies that could hold the key to
Vespera the Enthralling escaping Lust’s grasp.
Vespera is a seductive succubus who straddles the line
between ally and adversary. Driven by a personal
vendetta against a powerful demon lord, she tempts
adventurers with promises of forbidden knowledge and
assistance in exchange for their aid in her quest for
Silas the Lamented Bard
Silas was once a renowned bard who fell prey to his
own passions, losing his soul to Lust. Now a tormented
spirit, he wanders the circle, forever yearning to
complete his final, unfinished composition. Players may
encounter him, and his haunting melodies can either
provide valuable clues or lead them astray.

Dominic, the Chaste
A virtuous paladin who resisted the temptations of Lust
in life, Dominic now serves as a stalwart defender of the
innocent souls trapped within the circle. He aids players
in their quest, providing guidance and assistance in
battling the denizens of Lust.
Aurelia, the Enigmatic
Aurelia is a reclusive artist who sculpts twisted forms
that embody the perils of uncontrolled desires. She
holds the secrets to crafting enchanted artifacts that can
aid players in their journey or, if misused, amplify their
own lustful longings.
Mara, the Wayward Nymph
Mara, a nymph consumed by her own hedonistic
desires, seeks liberation from her eternal torment. She
offers players her knowledge of hidden paths and
concealed dangers within Lust, hoping they can help
break her eternal cycle of longing.

Quest Hooks for Lust

These quest hooks provide Game Masters with a range
of intriguing and morally complex storylines within the
realm of Lust. Each hook explores the themes of desire,
temptation, and the consequences of uncontrolled
passions, allowing players to experience the depths of
this tormented circle while navigating their own inner
The Lost Lovers
A desperate soul approaches the players, begging for
their help in reuniting with their lost love. The lovers
were torn apart by their own lustful actions, and now
the soul seeks assistance in locating a relic that can
grant them a chance at redemption and reunion. The
players must navigate the treacherous paths of Lust,
facing temptations and overcoming obstacles to fulfill
this tragic love story.
The Stolen Artifact
A powerful artifact capable of manipulating desires has
been stolen from a hidden chamber within Lust. The
players are tasked with retrieving it before its corrupting
influence spreads further, causing chaos and ensnaring
more souls. They must navigate the labyrinthine realm,
facing off against cunning adversaries and overcoming
seductive illusions to recover the artifact.

The Curse of Unquenched The Temptation’s Trial
Desires The players encounter Lucien, the Alluring, who
A noble family seeks the aid of the players to lift a curse challenges them to withstand a series of trials designed
that has befallen their bloodline. Generations ago, an to test their resolve against temptation. The trials push
ancestor gave in to their lustful desires, invoking a curse the players to their limits, tempting them with their
that condemns each member of the family to an eternity deepest desires while their true intentions remain
of unfulfilled yearning. The players must delve into Lust, shrouded. Success in this trial may grant valuable
seeking answers and finding a way to break the curse rewards or reveal critical information about the
before it claims another innocent soul. workings of Lust.
The Curse of the Siren’s
The Forbidden Tome
A forbidden tome containing ancient knowledge on A haunting melody echoes through Lust, ensnaring the
harnessing and controlling desires lies hidden within souls trapped within its grasp. The players are sought
the Tower of Seduction. Scholars and sorcerers alike out by a desperate spirit who pleads for help in breaking
desire this powerful artifact, and the players are the curse of the siren’s song, which lures unsuspecting
approached by a clandestine organization that seeks to souls to their doom. To free the souls and lift the curse,
obtain it. They must navigate the hazards of Lust, the players must confront the source of the haunting
avoiding traps and confronting dangerous adversaries to melody and face the dark forces that perpetuate the
secure the tome and decide its fate. cycle of temptation.
The Oracle’s Prophecy
The Guardian’s Betrayal
The players encounter Cassandra, the Veiled Oracle, Dominic, the Chaste Guardian, is accused of a heinous
who reveals a prophecy that foretells a cataclysmic crime he claims he did not commit. The players are
event if certain conditions within Lust are not met. They approached by him, seeking their aid in uncovering the
must unravel the cryptic clues of the prophecy, truth and proving his innocence. They must navigate the
exploring the circle and interacting with its denizens to intricate web of lustful desires, uncover hidden motives,
prevent the imminent disaster. Their actions will and confront powerful adversaries to unveil the true
determine the fate of not only Lust but also the culprit and restore Dominic’s honor.
surrounding circles of Hell.
The Corrupted Innocence
Encounters in Lust
A child’s soul, tragically lost to Lust, lingers within the These tailored encounters and challenges within Lust
second circle. The players are tasked with guiding this immerse players in a world of seduction, temptation,
innocent soul to salvation, shielding it from the and tormented desires, testing their skills, resilience,
seductive allurements that seek to corrupt its purity. and morality. The choices they make and the outcomes
They must navigate the dangers of Lust, evading they achieve will shape the course of their journey
powerful temptations and battling fiends to lead the through this perilous circle of Hell.
child’s soul to a place of peace.
Challenging Encounters
The Bard’s Final Note
Silas, the Lamented Bard, seeks a worthy successor to The Temptation Chamber: The players find
complete his final composition, an opus left unfinished themselves in a seductive chamber filled with
due to his own descent into lustful desires. The players illusions and mirages that tap into their deepest
are chosen as the inheritors of this musical legacy, desires. They must discern reality from illusion and
tasked with finding the scattered verses within Lust and resist the allurements that threaten to consume
performing the composition in its entirety. The them, testing their willpower and ability to stay
completion of the composition holds the key to Silas’ focused.
release and provides a bittersweet resolution to his
tortured existence.

The Siren’s Labyrinth: Within a maze-like labyrinth, Skill-based Challenges
the players are confronted by alluring nymphs and
enchanting sirens who attempt to lead them astray. Temptation’s Puzzle: The players encounter a series
They must navigate the twisting corridors while of intricate puzzles that require them to resist the
resisting the temptations and seductive songs that distractions of tempting illusions while solving
aim to divert them from their intended path. riddles and manipulating mechanisms. Success
The Whirlpool of Lust: The players must cross a depends on their problem-solving skills, attention to
treacherous, churning whirlpool of desire that detail, and ability to stay focused amidst the
threatens to drag them into its depths. They must overwhelming allure of Lust.
use their physical abilities and acrobatic prowess to Seductive Illusions: The players must navigate a
navigate the swirling currents while fending off chamber filled with illusions that distort their
lustful creatures that dwell within, testing their perception of space and reality. They must rely on
agility and combat skills. their insight and perception skills to discern the true
The Masquerade Ball: The players find themselves path and avoid traps set by the denizens of Lust.
in a lavish masquerade ball hosted by demonic Whispering Desires: The players are assailed by
figures and tempters. They must uncover hidden whispers of unfulfilled desires that cloud their
agendas, identify disguised enemies, and interact judgment and weaken their resolve. They must make
with cunning NPCs using their social skills and skill checks to resist the seductive influence and
insight to navigate the intricate web of politics and maintain their clarity of thought as they progress
deceit. through the treacherous realm.

Combat Encounters Social Interactions

Lust’s Legion: The players face off against a horde of The Pact of Temptation: The players are approached
lustful demons and corrupted spirits who swarm by a powerful demon or fiend who offers them a
them relentlessly, attacking with frenzied desires tempting pact, promising rewards and assistance if
and chaotic magic. The relentless assault tests the they give in to their own lustful desires. They must
players’ combat prowess and ability to strategize in engage in persuasive negotiations and roleplay to
the face of overwhelming numbers. determine the terms of the pact and its potential
Erinyes’ Wrath: The players encounter a trio of consequences.
vengeful Erinyes, each embodying a different aspect The Forbidden Tryst: The players encounter a pair of
of betrayed love. These powerful adversaries fight star-crossed lovers who defied the laws of Hell by
with unmatched skill and precision, utilizing their indulging in forbidden love. They must navigate the
supernatural abilities and weapon mastery to exact complexities of their relationship, mediate conflicts,
punishment on those who succumb to lust. and make choices that influence the fate of the
Duel of Seduction: The players are challenged to a lovers, potentially gaining powerful allies or
duel by a seductive incubus or succubus who adversaries in the process.
employs both physical prowess and enchanting Court of Seduction: The players find themselves in a
spells to distract and weaken them. Victory requires court of influential demonic figures and
not only combat skill but also resisting the allure of seductresses. They must engage in political
the fiend’s charm. maneuvering, deception, and charm to navigate the
Lechery Demon’s Lair: The players descend into the court’s intricate social hierarchy, gaining favors,
lair of a monstrous lechery demon, a grotesque entity forging alliances, and uncovering hidden
that embodies the twisted perversions of lust. The information.
demon attacks with primal ferocity and uses foul
magic to corrupt the players’ minds, testing their
resilience and ability to withstand its depraved

The Third Circle of Hell
Gluttony - The Eternal Hunger
he third circle of hell, known as

The Ruler of Gluttony
Gluttony, is a nightmarish realm that
immerses souls in the eternal torment of While no specific ruler presides over the third circle of
insatiable hunger and excessive Hell, it is said that a malevolent force known as
consumption. As Dante descends Belphagor, the Lord of Gluttony, holds sway over this
further into the depths of the infernal realm. Belphagor is an ancient and grotesque entity, a
realm, he encounters a dramatic embodiment of ravenous hunger and unquenchable
transformation in the landscape. The cravings. He is often depicted as a monstrous being,
once jagged and fiery terrain gives way to a grotesque bloated and malformed, with a gaping maw and
wasteland, characterized by a putrid stench and an voracious eyes that constantly seek out new victims.
unsettling atmosphere. Belphagor’s presence can be felt throughout Gluttony,
his influence shaping the torments endured by the
damned souls. He delights in prolonging their suffering,
Landscape intensifying their insatiable hunger and subjecting them
The landscape of Gluttony is desolate and bleak, with to eternal consumption without any satisfaction. The
the ground covered in foul sludge and mounds of souls in Gluttony are trapped in a perpetual cycle of
decaying waste. The air is heavy and suffocating, devouring, their hunger never satiated, and Belphagor
permeated by the sickly-sweet odor of overindulgence revels in their eternal torment.
and gluttonous excess. The skies above are perpetually Torments and Punishments
clouded, casting a dim, sickly greenish hue that adds to In Gluttony, the torments inflicted upon the souls are a
the ominous ambiance of this forsaken realm. reflection of their earthly indulgence and lack of
restraint. Each soul is condemned to an agonizing
Architecture and Notable existence of ceaseless hunger, forever craving
Landmarks nourishment but finding only torment. They are
surrounded by the objects of their gluttony, tantalizing
In Gluttony, there are no grand architectural marvels or food and drink that can never be enjoyed.
imposing structures to be found. Instead, the landscape For some, their punishment takes the form of
is dotted with twisted, gnarled trees, their withered incessant starvation, as they are denied sustenance
branches devoid of any signs of life. These trees, once despite the tantalizing presence of food and drink.
lush and vibrant, have been transformed into grotesque Others are condemned to grotesque excess, their bodies
versions of their former selves, their bark oozing with grotesquely bloated and grotesque, forever gorging
putrefaction and their branches entangled with the themselves on never-ending banquets that offer no
remnants of half-consumed meals. satisfaction.
Amidst the desolation, there are scattered crumbling The punishments vary, but all share the common
ruins of banquet halls and feasting grounds, a grim theme of eternal dissatisfaction. The souls writhe in
reminder of the gluttonous indulgence that took place in agony, their bodies distorted and consumed by their
this circle. These dilapidated structures serve as own insatiable hunger. They are reduced to mere shells
haunting remnants of lavish banquets, now reduced to of their former selves, forever trapped in their own
decaying pillars and broken tables, entangled with the gluttonous desires, their existence a reminder of the
skeletal remains of those who were consumed by their consequences of uncontrolled indulgence.
insatiable appetites. Within Gluttony, the ambient sounds are haunting.
Groans and moans mingle with the desperate cries for
sustenance, echoing throughout the putrid air. The
occasional clattering of shattered plates and the
splattering of spilled food add to the discordant
symphony of suffering that permeates this forsaken

Denizens of Gluttony Hungry Specters
The third circle of Hell, Gluttony, is populated by a Hungry Specters are spectral entities that haunt the
variety of monstrous creatures, demons, and devils, landscapes of Gluttony. These ethereal beings are the
each reflecting the insatiable nature of the sin that remnants of souls consumed by their own gluttonous
condemns them to this wretched realm. These desires during their mortal lives. They appear as
denizens, twisted and corrupted by their gluttonous emaciated figures, their skeletal forms draped in
indulgence, perpetuate the eternal torment experienced tattered rags, their eyes sunken and filled with eternal
by the damned souls who share their fate. hunger. Hungry Specters tirelessly search for
sustenance, forever longing for the nourishment that
will forever elude them. Their touch drains the life force
Gourmand Fiends of the living, leaving behind a sense of unquenchable
Gourmand Fiends are powerful demons that embody hunger.
the essence of gluttony itself. These grotesque beings
possess bloated bodies and voracious appetites, their Otyugh Feasters
every moment consumed by insatiable hunger. They are
adorned with rotting flesh, their forms distorted and Otyugh Feasters are repulsive creatures that dwell
swollen due to excessive feasting. Gourmand Fiends amidst the filth and refuse of Gluttony. These hulking
wield immense strength and possess a wide array of monstrosities are a grotesque combination of
powers, such as the ability to devour their enemies humanoid, beast, and refuse. Covered in matted fur and
whole or unleash torrents of acidic vomit upon their encrusted with waste, their powerful jaws and tentacles
foes. are adapted for consuming all manner of rotting organic
matter. Otyugh Feasters are often found in the midst of
mounds of decaying food, tearing into the remnants
with an insatiable appetite. They are territorial and
fiercely protective of their foul feasting grounds.

Ravenous Imps The Wandering Cook
Ravenous Imps are mischievous and cunning creatures This enigmatic figure is a master of culinary arts,
that revel in the torments of Gluttony. These diminutive forever wandering Gluttony in search of rare
demons are known for their insatiable appetites and ingredients. Though eccentric, the Wandering Cook
their ability to manipulate and exacerbate the hunger of possesses valuable knowledge about the circle’s
others. Ravenous Imps are adept at stealing morsels of dangers and may share powerful recipes or provide
sustenance from the damned souls, leaving them in a unique magical ingredients in exchange for assistance.
state of perpetual craving. They dart through the air
with a supernatural speed, taunting and tormenting Gormund the Massive
their victims with their mocking laughter and teasing Gormund is a half-giant, half-demon brute who serves
gestures. as a guardian of one of the forbidden banquet halls. His
immense strength and unyielding hunger make him a
Gluttonous Giants formidable adversary, but with the right approach,
players might convince him to aid their cause, utilizing
Gluttonous Giants, towering behemoths with insatiable his brawn to overcome other obstacles in Gluttony.
appetites, roam the desolate landscapes of Gluttony.
These colossal creatures are the embodiment of Morga the Insatiable
excessive consumption and indulgence. They possess Morga is a cursed vampire who was banished to
immense strength and wield enormous weapons Gluttony after her eternal thirst drove her to consume
fashioned from salvaged banquet hall debris. an entire village. With her vampiric powers and
Gluttonous Giants are relentless in their pursuit of insatiable hunger for blood, she poses a constant threat
sustenance, capable of devouring entire feasts in a to the souls and travelers within this realm. Players may
single gulp. Their footsteps shake the ground, and their cross paths with her as a powerful adversary or
roars echo throughout the realm, instilling fear and potential ally with hidden agendas.
despair in all who hear them.
Sylphora the Essence Drainer
Sylphora is a deceitful sorceress who has learned to
NPCs of Gluttony harness the unquenchable hunger of Gluttony. She can
These unique NPCs bring depth and complexity to the drain the life force of others to sate her own insatiable
world of Gluttony, offering both allies and enemies for desires. Players must navigate her web of manipulation
the players to engage with, each with their own and avoid becoming mere pawns in her insidious plans.
motivations and challenges to navigate. Their inclusion
enhances the immersive experience of exploring the Brother Greedus
third circle of Hell and provides opportunities for A fallen priest, Brother Greedus was once revered for
memorable encounters and intriguing role-playing his piety but succumbed to the allure of gluttony. Now a
moments. twisted and bloated figure, he preaches false doctrines
Malakai the Starved of indulgence and excess. Players may encounter him
as a charismatic cult leader, leading a group of
Malakai is a tormented soul trapped within Gluttony, misguided followers who worship the sin of gluttony.
condemned to eternal hunger. Despite his wretched
state, he has managed to retain his sanity and seeks Ezekiel the Gastronomancer
redemption. Malakai can provide the players with Ezekiel is a peculiar wizard who has devoted his life to
crucial information about the circle and its inhabitants, mastering the art of gastronomy through magic. With
guiding them through the treacherous paths and his culinary spells and enchanted cooking utensils, he
offering assistance in their quest for escape. can create feasts capable of sating even the most
Voragia the Gluttonous Hag ravenous appetites. Players may seek his aid to
overcome the challenges of Gluttony, but his assistance
Voragia is a powerful and cunning hag who revels in the often comes with a steep price.
gluttony of others. With her hideous appearance and
insatiable appetite, she manipulates and devours the
souls trapped in Gluttony. While she may initially pose
as an ally, the players must navigate her treacherous
schemes to uncover the secrets of this circle.

Larissa the Penitent The Sated Oracle
Larissa was a renowned chef in her mortal life who, A mysterious oracle within Gluttony possesses
consumed by guilt, willingly damned herself to Gluttony. knowledge that can guide the players towards their
As a remorseful soul, she now wanders the circle, ultimate goal of escaping Hell. However, the oracle’s
seeking forgiveness and redemption. Players may aid prophetic visions can only be obtained by sating its
her in her quest for atonement, potentially unlocking insatiable appetite. The players must gather a specific
powerful secrets or gaining her favor. assortment of rare and exotic delicacies from across
Gluttony’s realms to satisfy the oracle’s hunger and
The Grumbling Trio unlock the secrets it holds.
These three bickering and rotund goblins are bound The Forbidden Banquet
together by an enchanted artifact, forever sharing a Whispers of an exclusive and forbidden banquet held by
single insatiable hunger. Each goblin possesses a a secret society of gluttonous nobles echo through
unique skillset, and players may encounter them as a Gluttony. The players are tasked with infiltrating this
quirky but resourceful group that can aid or hinder their elusive gathering, posing as members or servants, to
progress in Gluttony, depending on how they interact uncover a hidden artifact or gather vital information.
with them. However, they must tread carefully, as exposure could
lead to becoming permanent guests of Gluttony
Quest Hooks in
These quest hooks offer diverse and engaging
opportunities for Game Masters to immerse their
players in the world of Gluttony, providing a mix of
exploration, mystery, combat, and moral dilemmas.
Each quest hook brings forth unique challenges and
opportunities for role-playing, allowing players to
confront the consequences of gluttony while striving for
their own goals within the infernal realm.
The Lost Recipe
A desperate soul seeks a legendary recipe that can
break the curse of eternal hunger within Gluttony. The
players must embark on a perilous journey to locate the
ancient tome containing the recipe, braving treacherous
paths, ravenous creatures, and cunning adversaries who
will stop at nothing to prevent the recipe from falling
into the hands of the living.
Feast of the Damned
The players stumble upon an imprisoned soul who
claims to hold the key to a mythical banquet hall within
Gluttony. Legends say that partaking in this feast can
grant immense power or reveal hidden truths. The
players must navigate the labyrinthine halls and
confront the guardians of the feast to claim their
reward, all while resisting the allure of gluttony’s

The Cursed Cookware
A set of enchanted cookware has been scattered
throughout Gluttony, each possessing a unique power
tied to the sin of gluttony. The players are hired to
retrieve these items, sought after by powerful entities
who would exploit their abilities for their own sinister
purposes. The cookware’s magic proves useful but also
comes with a price, tempting the players towards their
own gluttonous desires.
The Starving Village
A nearby village is plagued by a curse that has left its
inhabitants in a perpetual state of hunger. The players
must delve into Gluttony to find the source of the curse
and confront the gluttonous entity responsible. Along
the way, they encounter lost souls, ravenous monsters,
and surreal manifestations of insatiable hunger, all
while racing against time to save the desperate
The Feast of Redemption
A remorseful soul within Gluttony seeks redemption
and wishes to host a feast to help ease the suffering of
the damned. The players must gather rare ingredients,
recruit lost souls to assist in the preparations, and
navigate the treacherous landscape of Gluttony to
ensure the success of this extraordinary event. The feast
may have unforeseen consequences and attract the
attention of powerful entities seeking to disrupt the
soul’s path to redemption.
The Gastronomic Contest
A legendary gastronomic contest is rumored to be held
within Gluttony, where talented cooks from across the
realms of Hell compete for fame and fortune. The
players are invited to participate, representing a sponsor
or entering as independent contenders. They must
showcase their culinary skills, navigate fierce
competition, and uncover the hidden agendas behind
the contest, all while contending with the ever-present
dangers of Gluttony.
The Hunger’s Curse
A curse spreads throughout Gluttony, causing the
hunger of its inhabitants to become insatiable and
uncontrollable. The players are enlisted by a desperate
soul to find a way to lift the curse before it consumes
them all. They must seek out a reclusive witch or
ancient artifact capable of breaking the curse, all while
combating hordes of frenzied and ravenous creatures
driven to madness by their unending hunger.

The Gluttonous Tribunal
The Gluttonous Giants’ Rampage: The Gluttonous
Giants, driven by insatiable hunger, embark on a
The players are summoned to serve as jurors in a trial destructive rampage through a section of Gluttony.
within Gluttony’s infernal courts. They must weigh the The players must confront and subdue these colossal
sins and virtues of accused souls, listening to their pleas beings before they devour everything in their path,
and unraveling the truth amidst the gluttonous dealing with their immense strength and the chaos
debauchery. The verdicts they render could have far- they leave in their wake.
reaching consequences, determining the fate of both the The Ravenous Imp Ambush: The players are
accused and the players themselves in this twisted targeted by a cunning group of Ravenous Imps who
realm of eternal hunger. seek to exploit their hunger and weaknesses. These
mischievous demons employ hit-and-run tactics,
utilizing their agility and magical abilities to torment
Encounters in and hinder the players in combat. Players must stay
vigilant, adapt their strategies, and find ways to
Gluttony neutralize or outsmart the elusive imps.
These suggestions cater to the specific challenges and
themes of Gluttony, allowing players to engage in Skill-based Challenges
encounters and interactions that test their combat
prowess, problem-solving abilities, and social finesse The Gastronomic Puzzle: The players come across a
within the context of the third circle of Hell. magically sealed door that can only be opened by
solving a gastronomic puzzle. They must decipher
intricate recipes, identify rare ingredients, and
Challenging Encounters prepare a specific dish to unlock the door and
The players encounter a progress further into Gluttony.
Navigating the Quicksand Pits: In certain areas of
The Eater of Worlds:
colossal Gourmand Fiend known as the Eater of Gluttony, treacherous quicksand pits dot the
Worlds. This massive demon threatens to consume landscape. Players must use their dexterity and skill
everything in its path, utilizing devastating attacks to carefully traverse these hazards, finding stable
and a voracious appetite that must be constantly footholds or using makeshift platforms to reach their
satisfied. Players must find a way to outsmart or destination without sinking into the muck.
overpower this monstrous creature, using the The Maze of Cravings: The players encounter a
environment and their wits to survive. perplexing maze where each path is marked by
The Endless Banquet: The players stumble upon a
never-ending banquet hall where the food is both tantalizing smells and illusions of mouthwatering
alluring and cursed. They must resist the temptation feasts. They must rely on their perception, intuition,
to indulge in the feast while fending off the Ravenous and wisdom to distinguish real passages from
Imps that guard the hall. The challenge lies in illusory temptations, ensuring they find their way
navigating through the hall’s shifting illusions, through the maze without succumbing to the
finding the source of the curse, and escaping before gluttonous distractions.
they succumb to eternal gluttony.
The Hungry Specter Horde: The players find Social Interactions
themselves surrounded by a horde of Hungry
Specters, their insatiable hunger driving them to The Starving Oracle’s Riddles: The players seek an
drain the life force of anything in their path. The audience with the Sated Oracle, who guards their
players must navigate through the swarm, finding visions and knowledge closely. To gain their favor,
ways to fend off or redirect their attacks while players must engage in a series of riddles and
searching for an escape route. puzzles, proving their wit and intelligence to earn the
oracle’s trust and extract valuable information or
Combat Encounters The Banquet of Deception: The players attend a
The players stumble grand banquet held by influential gluttonous nobles.
Feast of the Otyugh Feasters:
upon a territory claimed by a pack of Otyugh They must navigate the social intricacies and
Feasters. These monstrous creatures fiercely guard political schemes of this opulent event, using their
their feeding grounds, attacking any intruders who charisma, insight, and persuasion to uncover hidden
threaten their feast. Players must engage in tactical agendas, forge alliances, or expose secrets that may
combat, utilizing the environment and their abilities aid their own quests.
to overcome these formidable opponents.

The Fourth Circle of Hell
Greed - The Avaricious Abyss
he 4th circle of hell, known as

General Ambiance and
Greed or the Avaricious Abyss, presents
a chilling spectacle that reflects the Torments
insatiable desires and materialistic The general ambiance of Greed is one of frenzied
obsessions of its inhabitants. As Dante desperation and unquenchable desire. The souls
and his companions descend further trapped within this circle are driven by an eternal
into this circle, they are met with a hunger for wealth, possessions, and material
landscape shrouded in perpetual abundance. Their greed manifests in physical
darkness, illuminated only by a faint, sickly glow deformities, as their bodies contort and morph into
emanating from the restless souls trapped within. The grotesque forms, symbolizing their corrupted souls.
air hangs heavy with an oppressive aura of They claw and scrape at the ground, forever attempting
acquisitiveness, while an incessant cacophony of to accumulate more riches, yet their efforts remain in
whispers, murmurs, and frenzied whispers fills the air, a vain, as the objects they desperately covet slip through
testament to the eternal longing for wealth and their ethereal grasp.
possessions. The torments and punishments inflicted upon the
souls in Greed are both physical and psychological.
Landscape and Architecture These tormented beings are forever plagued by the
insatiable desire to possess what they cannot, and they
The terrain of Greed is characterized by treacherous, are subjected to eternal frustration and torment. They
uneven ground covered in a thick layer of filth and are perpetually burdened with the weight of their
debris. The ground is littered with piles of golden coins, accumulated wealth, forced to carry heavy sacks of gold
glittering gems, and valuable artifacts, remnants of the and jewels upon their hunched backs, their bodies
wealth hoarded by the souls condemned to this circle. eternally bent under the strain. They are constantly
The landscape is marked by deep chasms and harassed by swarms of winged demons, who mock and
bottomless pits, where those consumed by their greed torment them, snatching away their treasures and
and selfishness have fallen into eternal torment. inflicting painful lashes with whips made from twisted
The architecture of Greed is a twisted amalgamation desire.
of opulence and decay. The structures that dot the
landscape resemble grand palaces and mansions, once
symbols of prosperity and power. However, they now Ruler of Greed: Mammon
stand as crumbling ruins, their walls cracked and The ruler of the 4th Circle of Hell, Greed, is Mammon, a
adorned with faded tapestries depicting scenes of greed malevolent and imposing figure who resides within the
and avarice. The once lavish halls and chambers are Tower of Mammon. Mammon is an embodiment of
filled with moldering furniture, shattered vases, and greed itself, a monstrous creature adorned with
tarnished statues, serving as haunting reminders of the glistening gold and precious jewels. With fiery eyes that
transitory nature of material wealth. burn with avarice, Mammon wields his dominion over
the souls trapped in this circle, relishing in their eternal
Notable Landmarks suffering and feeding off their insatiable desires. His
voice echoes through the Avaricious Abyss, whispering
One of the notable landmarks in the Avaricious Abyss is promises of wealth and power to those who would
the Tower of Mammon, an immense structure that succumb to their greed, luring them deeper into the
pierces the sky with its towering height. This twisted darkness.
spire serves as a prison for the ruler of this circle,
Mammon, a malevolent entity born from the collective
greed and avarice of countless souls. The Tower of
Mammon is adorned with gilded ornaments and
exquisite treasures, captivating those who gaze upon it
and fueling their desire for untold riches.

Denisens of Greed gnarled claws and fangs. These fiends act as guardians
Within the 4th Circle of Hell, Greed, a host of and enforcers, ensuring that the souls in Greed remain
malevolent beings dwells amidst the torment and immersed in their suffering. Hoardfiends relish in
eternal longing. Powerful demons, devils, and tearing apart the treasures the damned souls cling to,
monstrous creatures roam this circle, each embodying further fueling their insatiable greed.
the insidious nature of avarice and capitalistic desires. Miserfiends
These entities revel in the suffering of the damned souls
and delight in perpetuating their unending hunger for Miserfiends are cunning devils that thrive on
wealth and possessions. Here are some of the notable manipulating and exploiting the covetousness of the
denizens that plague the Avaricious Abyss: souls within Greed. With their silver tongues and
deceitful charm, they offer false promises of wealth and
prosperity, enticing the damned to commit acts of
Greedspawn betrayal and treachery against their fellow souls.
These grotesque creatures are born from the twisted Miserfiends delight in sowing discord and perpetuating
desires and unquenchable greed of the souls trapped the cycle of greed within the circle.
within Greed. Greedspawn resemble emaciated Succubi of Temptation
humanoids with elongated limbs and skeletal frames.
Their flesh is pale and stretched tightly over their These seductive demons take on alluring forms to prey
skeletal forms, emphasizing their eternal hunger. These upon the desires and lust for power that often
fiends haunt the souls, provoking and tormenting them accompany greed. Succubi of Temptation use their
with constant reminders of their insatiable desires. enchanting beauty to ensnare souls, whispering
promises of unimaginable riches and influence. Once
Hoardfiends entrapped, they drain the life force from their victims,
Ferocious and relentless, Hoardfiends are demons that leaving them weakened and eternally yearning for the
embody the relentless pursuit of material wealth. They unattainable.
possess immense strength and are adorned with sharp,
Molten Guardians Sibyl the Lost Fortune
In the depths of Greed, powerful elemental beings
known as Molten Guardians reside. These towering An enigmatic fortune teller cursed to wander the
entities, comprised of molten gold and shimmering Avaricious Abyss, Sibyl possesses the ability to glimpse
gemstones, serve as both guardians and instruments of fragments of the future. She aids the players by
punishment. They patrol the chasms and pits, their providing cryptic prophecies and hidden insights about
scalding touch searing the souls that dare venture too the dangers and secrets of Greed. However, her visions
close. Molten Guardians are relentless in their pursuit come at a price, and she requires rare and valuable
of order and ensure that the greed-stricken souls endure offerings to share her knowledge.
the agony of their desires.
Baron Rookwood the
The Tempest of Fortune Relentless
A cataclysmic entity that roams the Avaricious Abyss, A half-fiendish bounty hunter, Baron Rookwood
the Tempest of Fortune is an embodiment of the ruthlessly hunts down those who attempt to escape
capricious nature of luck and fate. This swirling storm Greed or challenge the dominion of Mammon. While
of golden coins, jewels, and misshapen treasures carries initially an adversary, players may earn his respect and
a chaotic energy that intensifies the insatiable desires of convince him to join their cause by proving their
the souls it encounters. It taunts and torments them, determination and cunning. As an ally, Rookwood offers
repeatedly teasing them with the illusion of acquiring protection and valuable combat skills.
their most coveted possessions before snatching them
away. Mistress Vexia the Collector
An eccentric and enigmatic tiefling artificer, Mistress
Vexia scours Greed for rare artifacts and curiosities.
NPCs of Greed Her insatiable curiosity drives her to explore the depths
These unique NPCs offer diverse interactions, moral of the Avaricious Abyss, and she offers players her
dilemmas, and opportunities for alliances or conflicts expertise in identifying and unlocking the hidden
during the players’ journey through Greed. They add powers of the treasures they find. However, she
depth, intrigue, and personal quests that intertwine with becomes possessive of the most valuable items and may
the overarching themes of avarice and redemption. turn against the players if they threaten her collection.
Sergeant Gravewind the
Avaricia the Redeemed Jaded
A former wealthy noble who fell victim to the A jaded and weary spirit of a fallen warrior, Sergeant
temptations of greed, Avaricia now serves as a guide for Gravewind once fought for riches but now regrets his
the players. Having learned the error of their ways, past choices. He aids the players by teaching them
Avaricia seeks to help others break free from the combat techniques and providing them with enchanted
shackles of avarice. They provide valuable insight into weapons that can sever the ties between souls and their
navigating the treacherous landscape of Greed and material possessions. Gravewind’s guidance is
share tales of redemption. invaluable but his cynical nature often tests the players’
Lord Crofton the Insatiable Lady Aurelia the Enslaved
A ruthless and ambitious merchant prince in life, Lord Once a wealthy heiress, Lady Aurelia made a pact with
Crofton now exists as a powerful ghost consumed by an a devil to gain eternal youth and beauty. However, she is
insatiable hunger for wealth. He offers valuable now trapped as a thrall in the service of Mammon.
information and resources to the players but demands Players may encounter her while she secretly attempts
they help him amass an extravagant hoard of treasures to find a way to break free from her infernal servitude.
in return. His assistance comes at a cost, and players She offers valuable information about the inner
must navigate the moral dilemma of indulging his workings of Greed and can provide assistance in
avarice. navigating its treacherous politics.

Brother Gideon the adversaries driven by their envy and ambition, players
Enlightened may uncover their tragic backstory and attempt to
redeem them. If successful, the siblings can become
A former cleric of a benevolent deity, Brother Gideon powerful allies with unique abilities tied to their shared
seeks to spread enlightenment and redemption within torment.
the depths of Greed. He assists players by providing
healing and spiritual guidance, helping them resist the Quest Hooks in Greed
temptations of avarice. However, his pacifist nature and Within the depths of the 4th Circle of Hell, Greed, a
disdain for violence may put him at odds with more myriad of quests beckon brave adventurers to venture
ruthless players. into the Avaricious Abyss. These quests offer glimpses
of redemption, opportunities for personal growth, and
Lilith the Whispering the tantalizing allure of unimaginable wealth. As the
Shadow players navigate the treacherous landscape, they will
A cunning rogue and master of deception, Lilith face moral dilemmas, cunning adversaries, and the ever-
operates as a spy and informant within Greed. She can present temptation to succumb to their own desires.
provide players with vital information about the secret Only those with unwavering resolve can hope to unravel
machinations and hidden treasures within the circle. the mysteries of Greed and emerge triumphant.
However, her allegiance is shrouded in mystery, and
players must tread carefully to determine if she can The Lost Heirloom
truly be trusted. A desperate soul pleads for the players’ help in
The Wretched Siblings recovering a cherished family heirloom that was
A pair of tortured souls, twins named Dante and unjustly taken from them by a powerful demon. The
Beatrice, who were condemned to Greed due to their players must navigate the treacherous depths of Greed,
unquenchable thirst for power. While initially outwit cunning adversaries, and confront the demon to
reclaim the stolen artifact. The soul promises a reward
of valuable information about secret passages and
hidden treasures within the circle.

The Offering of Salvation The Guilty Conscience
A group of repentant souls seeks aid in gathering a A remorseful soul seeks absolution for their past crimes
substantial offering to appease Mammon and secure committed out of greed. They enlist the players’ aid in
their release from Greed. The players must navigate the recovering stolen treasures and redistributing them to
perilous terrain, facing off against guardians and greedy those who were wronged. The players must confront
souls alike, to acquire enough precious treasures to the guilty parties, navigate moral dilemmas, and unravel
fulfill the offering. Their success may not only save the a web of greed-fueled corruption while ensuring justice
souls but also gain the players an audience with the is served. Their actions may sway the balance of power
ruler of the circle. within Greed and grant the players allies among the
The Forbidden Bargain
A mysterious figure approaches the players, promising a The Trials of Temptation
way to escape Greed in exchange for retrieving a The players stumble upon a mysterious chamber that
powerful artifact hidden deep within Mammon’s Tower. houses a series of trials designed to test their resistance
The catch is that the artifact is said to corrupt all who to greed. Each trial presents them with tantalizing offers
possess it, and the players must grapple with the moral of wealth and power, but yielding to temptation will
implications of their actions. As they journey through have dire consequences. Overcoming these trials will
treacherous trials and encounters, they must decide if require teamwork, selflessness, and unwavering
the price of freedom is worth the sacrifice. resolve, rewarding the players with potent artifacts and
The Insatiable Hunger
the admiration of souls yearning for redemption.
The players stumble upon a cursed object that feeds on The Lost Masterpiece
the avarice of those who touch it. It gradually drives
them into madness, heightening their greed and A renowned artist’s unfinished masterpiece lies hidden
endangering their souls. To break the curse and save within the depths of Greed. The players are approached
themselves, they must venture into the heart of Greed, by a group of art enthusiasts who believe that
seeking an ancient artifact that can neutralize the completing the artwork could hold the key to breaking
curse’s influence. They must resist temptation while the circle’s hold on their souls. The players must gather
navigating the twisted landscape, facing both physical scattered fragments of the painting, navigate through
and psychological challenges. treacherous galleries and vaults, and confront a
demonic curator who guards the final piece. Completing
The Defiant Rebellion the masterpiece may unlock hidden truths about Greed
The players encounter a group of rebellious souls who and offer insight into its inner workings.
refuse to accept the oppressive rule of Mammon and his
minions. They seek the players’ help in sabotaging key The Wealth of Legends
structures within Greed, weakening the circle’s grip on
its inhabitants. To aid the rebellion, the players must Rumors abound of a legendary treasure hidden within
gather allies, gather intelligence, and orchestrate daring Greed, whispered to grant immense power to its
acts of sabotage while avoiding the watchful eyes of possessor. The players are enticed by the prospect of
Mammon’s enforcers. this mythical wealth and must embark on a perilous
quest to uncover its location. Along the way, they face
The Echoes of Greed trials, solve cryptic puzzles, and confront powerful
A spectral being trapped within Greed possesses an adversaries who guard the treasure. Ultimately, they
ancient tome containing valuable knowledge about must decide if the allure of untold riches is worth the
forbidden rituals. They task the players with locating risk and if they can resist falling prey to their own
and destroying several cursed mirrors scattered desires.
throughout the circle. The mirrors reflect the greed
within those who gaze upon them, magnifying their
desires and driving them deeper into the clutches of the
4th Circle. Destroying the mirrors will weaken the
influence of Greed and grant the players a powerful

Encounters in Greed Combat Encounters
Within the treacherous realm of Greed, the players will The Hoardfiend’s Lair: The players face off against a
face a multitude of challenging encounters that test formidable Hoardfiend, a demon known for its
their mettle, both in combat and in the face of insidious immense strength and ferocity. The battle takes
temptations. From battles against formidable place in a chamber filled with crumbling riches and
adversaries driven by their insatiable desires to skill- collapsing structures, requiring the players to use the
based trials that navigate the labyrinth of material environment strategically to gain an advantage. The
temptation, these encounters will push the players to Hoardfiend attacks relentlessly, using its sharp claws
their limits. Furthermore, social interactions within and brute force, while the players must exploit its
Greed are fraught with infernal bargains and moral vulnerabilities and find ways to weaken its defenses.
dilemmas, as they navigate the court of Mammon and The Miserfiend’s Gambit:* The players are
encounter souls desperate to satiate their own avarice. ambushed by a group of Miserfiends, devilish
Can the players resist the allure of wealth and power, manipulators skilled in deception and combat. These
and find their way through the complex landscape of cunning adversaries use illusionary tactics, traps,
Greed? Only those with strong wills and a steadfast and hit-and-run strategies to wear down the players.
sense of purpose will prevail and continue their perilous The encounter tests the players’ ability to see
journey through the circles of Hell. through the deceit and adapt to the changing
battlefield, as the Miserfiends continuously try to
Challenging Encounters exploit their weaknesses.
The Tempest of Fortune’s Wrath: The players find
Chamber of Temptation: The players come across a themselves caught in a chaotic battle against the
chamber filled with extravagant treasures, but each Tempest of Fortune, a swirling storm of coins and
item is guarded by a deadly trap. They must navigate treasures. The entity lashes out with powerful gusts
the room, avoiding pitfalls, disarming magical traps, of wind, summoning spectral allies and launching
and resisting the allure of the treasures. The projectiles made of gold and jewels. The players
challenge lies in testing their greed and self-control, must navigate the turbulent environment, dodge
as succumbing to the desire for wealth may trigger deadly projectiles, and find opportunities to strike
additional traps or unleash vengeful spirits. back at the tempest, all while resisting the tantalizing
The Molten Forge: Deep within Greed, the players
must confront a massive Molten Guardian, a allure of the treasures it conjures.
towering elemental creature composed of molten
gold and gemstones. The battle takes place in a
chamber filled with scorching lava, forcing the Skill-Based Challenges
players to maneuver strategically to avoid being The players must navigate
engulfed in the fiery depths. They must exploit the The Labyrinth of Desire:
a complex labyrinth filled with illusions and shifting
creature’s vulnerabilities and work together to paths, representing the intricate web of desires
overcome its immense strength and relentless within Greed. They must rely on their keen
assault. perception, deduction, and problem-solving skills to
The Envious Horde: The players stumble upon a
hoard of treasures fiercely guarded by a pack of decipher the true path and avoid falling into traps
Greedspawn. These grotesque creatures, driven by that manipulate their desires. The challenge lies in
their insatiable desires, fight ruthlessly to protect maintaining focus and resisting the distractions that
their ill-gotten wealth. The encounter tests the threaten to lead them astray.
The Precarious Balance: The players encounter a
players’ combat prowess and ability to endure a series of platforms suspended over a bottomless
relentless onslaught. Additionally, the players must abyss. To progress, they must distribute their weight
contend with the temptation to succumb to their own strategically, carefully deciding who stands where to
greed when faced with the allure of the treasures maintain the balance and prevent the platforms from
within reach. tipping. The challenge tests their coordination,
teamwork, and problem-solving abilities as they
navigate the treacherous course and avoid
plummeting into the depths below.

The Trial of Sacrifice: The players face a moral
dilemma, presented with an opportunity to acquire
vast wealth at the expense of someone else’s
suffering. They must navigate a complex social
encounter, weighing the consequences of their
actions and finding ways to attain their goals without
succumbing to the temptations of greed. The
challenge lies in finding a solution that balances
their desires with their principles and the well-being
of others.

Social Interactions
The Infernal Merchant: The players encounter an
otherworldly merchant who offers them exotic and
powerful items in exchange for their souls or acts of
unscrupulous service. The players must engage in
negotiations, leverage their bargaining skills, and
resist the allure of the merchant’s promises. They
must decide if the short-term gains are worth the
long-term consequences and find alternative ways to
acquire the desired items.
The Court of Mammon: The players gain an
audience with Mammon, the ruler of Greed, who is
surrounded by a court of sycophantic souls seeking
his favor. They must navigate the treacherous social
dynamics of the court, utilizing persuasion,
deception, and insight to gather information, forge
alliances, and uncover hidden secrets. The challenge
lies in discerning who can be trusted and making
decisions that align with their goals while navigating
the intricate web of greed and ambition.
The Betrayal of Trust: The players encounter a soul
who promises vital information about a hidden
treasure but is secretly plotting to steal their own
riches. Through conversations, observations, and
insight checks, the players must determine the
individual’s true intentions and decide how to
respond. This social interaction challenges their
ability to read people, make informed choices, and
trust their instincts, all while protecting their own
interests from potential betrayal.

The Fifth Circle of Hell
Anger - The Flames of Fury
he fifth circle of hell, known as It rules over Anger with an iron fist, relishing in the

Anger, presents a dramatic and screams and suffering of the damned, and ensuring that
terrifying landscape that befits the the punishments befit the sins committed by those who
torments within. It is a vast expanse of dwell within this realm.
smoldering plains and turbulent rivers
of molten lava, stretching as far as the General Ambiance and
eye can see. The air is thick with acrid Torments
smoke and the intense heat that
emanates from the fiery depths below, creating an The general ambiance of Anger is one of relentless fury
oppressive and suffocating atmosphere. Jagged rocks and uncontrolled aggression. The air is filled with the
and cliffs rise sporadically, their surfaces scorched and anguished screams of souls tormented by their own
cracked from the perpetual inferno. The ground unquenchable anger. Echoing cries of anguish resonate
trembles beneath one’s feet, a constant reminder of the throughout the landscape, their intensity rising and
seething rage that permeates this realm. falling in accordance with the eruptions of wrath that
periodically surge through this circle.
The torments and punishments within Anger take
Architecture and Notable various forms, each designed to magnify the anger and
Landmarks perpetuate the cycle of suffering. Wrathful souls are
While the physical architecture of Anger is scarce, there bound and suspended over the rivers of lava, their
are a few notable landmarks that serve as focal points bodies perpetually burned but never consumed. They
within this circle of Hell. The most prominent among writhe in eternal torment, their agony fueling the
them is the towering volcano, named Mount Malebolge, infernal flames that consume them. Other torments
which looms ominously at the center of the landscape. include souls being torn apart by demonic entities or
Its fiery peak constantly spews forth plumes of smoke forced to engage in violent and futile battles, forever
and molten lava, casting an eerie glow over the locked in a cycle of rage and conflict.
surrounding area. The volcano serves as a visual
representation of the intense fury that resides within the
souls trapped in this circle. Infernal Beasts and
Additionally, scattered throughout the fiery plains are
jagged rock formations and twisted, charred trees, Wrathful Entities
remnants of the violent outbursts and destructive forces Within the fiery depths of Anger, a myriad of formidable
that define Anger. These twisted remnants stand as creatures and wrathful entities dwell, each reflecting the
testament to the wrathful acts committed in life and seething rage that defines this circle of Hell. From
serve as harbingers of the relentless punishments that powerful demons to vengeful devils, the inhabitants of
await those who dwell here. Anger embody the destructive forces of uncontrolled
fury. Here are some notable denizens that adventurers
Ruler of the Circle may encounter within this fiery domain.
The ruler of Anger, known as the Wrathful Overlord, is Furyfiends
a fearsome entity of immense power and fury. It is said
that the Overlord was once a mortal consumed by These demonic creatures, resembling humanoid figures
uncontrolled rage, transformed by the very forces of wreathed in flickering flames, are the foot soldiers of
Hell into a vengeful being that personifies the eternal the Wrathful Overlord. With their serrated claws and
wrath within this circle. This malevolent figure stands blazing weapons, Furyfiends revel in perpetuating acts
as the embodiment of anger’s darkest manifestations, of violence and torment. They often form ruthless
its appearance reflecting the torment it imposes upon warbands, patrolling the fiery plains and preying upon
the souls under its domain. vulnerable souls who dare to venture too far from the
The Wrathful Overlord is a towering, horned creature safety of the rocks.
wreathed in flames, its eyes burning with an infernal
light. It wields a massive, spiked mace, a symbol of its
authority and capacity for inflicting pain.

Infernal Furies
As embodiments of eternal rage, Infernal Furies are Souls are trapped in a perpetual state of suffering
winged creatures with fiery manes and piercing eyes within Anger. Twisted and deformed by their own fury,
that burn with anger. These avian monstrosities hunt these spectral beings hunger for release from their
souls through the smoky skies, relentlessly pursuing eternal torment. Some may offer valuable information
those who attempt to evade their wrath. Their screeches or assistance to those who can find a way to assuage
echo throughout Anger, striking fear into the hearts of their boundless rage.
even the most resolute adventurers.
Hellish Enforcers
Incendrites Manifestations of the wrathful energies that permeate
Born from the molten rivers of lava that snake through this circle, Hellish Enforcers are towering, heavily
Anger, Incendrites are elemental entities comprised of armored demons adorned with cruel spikes and barbs.
searing fire and volcanic rock. Towering and menacing, Acting as enforcers of the Wrathful Overlord, they
they possess immense strength and are formidable ensure that the torments and punishments within Anger
adversaries. These creatures are bound to the rivers of are duly administered. Their presence strikes terror into
lava, emerging only to unleash their fiery wrath upon the hearts of both damned souls and intruding
any who dare to cross their paths. adventurers alike.

Wrathbound Souls
The tormented spirits of those consumed by
uncontrolled anger in their mortal lives, Wrathbound

NPCs of Anger Asher, the Relentless
Each of these NPCs presents unique opportunities for Executioner
role-playing, moral choices, and quests that delve into Clad in blackened armor and wielding a colossal blade
the themes of anger, redemption, and the consequences wreathed in flames, Asher is a fearsome executioner
of unchecked emotions. Their stories and motivations serving the Wrathful Overlord. Though bound to his
can intertwine with the adventurers’ journey, shaping duty, he secretly despises the endless cycle of suffering
their own paths through the fiery depths of Anger in in Anger. Adventurers may encounter him at a critical
unexpected ways. moment when his loyalties are tested, presenting an
opportunity for an unexpected alliance.
Embera, the Ember Witch
Agnes, the Searing Scribe
A mysterious figure with smoldering eyes and flame- An otherworldly being made of living flame, Agnes
kissed hair, Embera is a powerful sorceress who has possesses vast knowledge about the inner workings of
managed to harness the fiery energies of Anger. She Anger. She maintains a library amidst the scorching
walks a fine line between wrath and control, offering plains, where adventurers can seek her counsel and
guidance to adventurers who seek to navigate this uncover hidden secrets about the realm. However, she
treacherous circle. Her motives remain enigmatic, and demands an exchange of stories or memories in return
her aid comes at a price. for her guidance.
Voragos, the Fallen Paladin Lucius, the Wrathforged
Once a valiant warrior consumed by his own anger, Once a skilled blacksmith consumed by anger, Lucius
Voragos now wanders the plains of Anger as a was transformed into an imposing, fire-infused
remorseful and tormented soul. He seeks redemption construct by infernal forces. He now guards a cache of
and is willing to join forces with adventurers on a quest powerful weapons hidden within a cavern, eager to
to locate a relic that might grant him absolution. challenge any who dare to test their mettle. His true
However, his inner turmoil makes him a volatile desire is to forge a weapon capable of vanquishing his
companion. own wrath.
Isolde, the Spirit of Serenity
Malakai, the Pyrokinetic
An ethereal presence amidst the fiery chaos, Isolde is a
manifestation of calmness and inner peace. She seeks
A charismatic and enigmatic warlock, Malakai has to guide lost souls towards understanding and
made a pact with a malevolent entity of fire and wrath. acceptance, offering a respite from the unending fury of
He possesses the ability to control and manipulate Anger. Adventurers who align themselves with her may
flames, using them as both a weapon and a shield. learn valuable lessons about tempering their own anger.
Though his intentions may be dubious, adventurers can
utilize his unique powers to navigate the treacherous Zephyrus, the Tempest
terrain of Anger. Herald
A storm-themed elemental creature with a fiery temper,
Selene, the Wrathful Specter Zephyrus is both a powerful ally and a dangerous foe.
A spectral being cursed to haunt the fiery plains, Selene He commands the volatile winds and swirling flames of
is a tragic figure whose anger consumes her even in Anger, capable of unleashing devastating tempests upon
death. She yearns for release from her eternal torment enemies or aiding adventurers in traversing the
and may provide valuable information or aid to treacherous terrain.
adventurers who can help her uncover the truth behind Valeria, the Avenger’s Flame
her curse.
An ancient entity born from the collective anger of
countless slain warriors, Valeria is a vengeful spirit
seeking retribution against those who wronged her. She
offers her fiery powers to adventurers who share her
thirst for justice, leading them on a quest to confront a
powerful being responsible for her eternal suffering.

Quest Hooks in Anger The Cursed Anvil
These quest hooks provide a range of objectives and Legends speak of a cursed anvil hidden within Anger,
challenges that can immerse players in the fiery said to possess the ability to forge weapons of
landscape of Anger. Each quest presents opportunities unparalleled power. The adventurers are approached by
for moral dilemmas, character growth, and the a desperate blacksmith seeking to break the curse and
exploration of themes related to anger and its reclaim the anvil. They must brave the dangers of
consequences. Anger, confront the wrathful spirits guarding the anvil,
and find a way to cleanse it of its malevolent
The Fiery Trial enchantment.
The adventurers are approached by Embera, the Ember The Flames of Reckoning
Witch, who promises them valuable information about a
powerful artifact hidden within Anger. In exchange, they A mysterious figure known as the Oracle of Ashes
must undergo a series of trials that test their ability to emerges from the fiery depths, offering visions of a
control their own anger and resist the temptations of cataclysmic event that will be unleashed upon the
wrath. Success in the trials will grant them the mortal realm if a specific soul in Anger is not appeased.
knowledge they seek, while failure may result in dire The party must uncover the identity of this soul and find
consequences. a way to assuage their eternal rage, preventing the
devastating consequences foretold by the Oracle.
The Lost Relic
A desperate ghost named Selene beseeches the party to The Tempest’s Embrace
retrieve a sacred relic that was stolen from her in life. Zephyrus, the Tempest Herald, seeks adventurers
The relic holds the key to her redemption, and it is capable of withstanding his trials and proving
believed to be hidden within the treacherous depths of themselves worthy of his aid. He offers to guide them
Anger. The adventurers must navigate the fiery terrain, through the treacherous winds and scorching flames of
confront wrathful entities, and overcome deadly traps to Anger, but they must first pass tests of endurance,
recover the relic and bring peace to Selene’s tormented agility, and resolve. Only those who pass his trials will
soul. gain his trust and be granted his elemental assistance.
The Wrathful Overlord’s Flames of Atonement
Challenge Voragos, the Fallen Paladin, seeks redemption for the
The Wrathful Overlord himself issues a grim challenge sins committed in his life. He enlists the party’s help in
to the adventurers. They must prove their worth by locating an ancient tome of repentance hidden within
defeating a powerful champion of Anger in a brutal one- Anger. The tome contains the rituals and prayers
on-one combat within the volcanic arena at the heart of needed to cleanse his soul. However, they must be
Mount Malebolge. Success will earn the Overlord’s cautious, for other powerful entities desire the tome’s
favor and possibly a chance to bargain for the release of power and will stop at nothing to claim it.
a trapped soul or a valuable piece of information.
The Burning Legacy
The Enslaved Flames The adventurers stumble upon a hidden enclave of
A group of elemental beings known as the Emberbound rebels within Anger, comprised of souls who refuse to
seeks aid from the adventurers. These enslaved fire succumb to the eternal rage of the circle. These rebels
elementals were forcibly bound and used to fuel the seek allies to ignite a revolution and overthrow the
Wrathful Overlord’s powers. The party must delve into Wrathful Overlord’s rule. The party must navigate the
the heart of Anger, free the Emberbound from their dangers of Anger while recruiting supporters and
torment, and help them regain their elemental form. In strategizing for a climactic uprising against the
return, the Emberbound promise their aid in navigating oppressive ruler.
the dangers of the circle.

The Embered Scales Skill-Based Challenges
A powerful dragon, trapped within the fiery depths of Crossing the River of Ire: The adventurers must
Anger, offers a dangerous bargain to the adventurers. It traverse a treacherous river of molten lava, the River
seeks their help in retrieving a relic that can break its of Ire, to reach a vital location within Anger. They
shackles and restore its freedom. In return, the dragon must use their agility, acrobatics, and clever thinking
pledges its fiery breath and immense power to aid them to navigate a series of floating rocks, unstable
in their future endeavors. However, the retrieval of the bridges, and erupting geysers. Failure risks being
relic may require facing off against wrathful guardians consumed by the scorching flames below.
and navigating treacherous volcanic caverns. The Infernal Puzzle: Within the depths of Anger, the
party comes across an intricate puzzle involving
ancient runes and mechanisms. They must decipher
Encounters in Anger the patterns, manipulate fiery symbols, and endure
These tailored encounters and challenges in Anger the searing heat to unlock the passage to a hidden
present opportunities for dynamic gameplay, testing the chamber or obtain a crucial piece of information.
party’s combat prowess, problem-solving skills, and Social Interactions in
social interactions. Game Masters can adjust the Anger:
difficulty and complexity of these encounters based on
the party’s level and desired gameplay experience. The Ember Council: The adventurers are invited to a
clandestine meeting with the Ember Council, a
Challenging Encounters group of influential spirits and elemental beings
The party encounters a seeking to overthrow the Wrathful Overlord. They
The Wrathforged Sentinel:
massive, heavily armored Wrathforged Sentinel must navigate delicate negotiations, gain the
guarding a key pathway through Anger. Its fiery council’s trust, and decide whether to align
sword crackles with the energy of rage, and its themselves with this rebel faction or pursue their
impenetrable armor makes it a formidable opponent. own objectives within Anger.
Bargaining with the Incendrites: The party
The challenge lies in finding a way to bypass or encounters a group of powerful Incendrites guarding
defeat the sentinel without succumbing to its a hidden treasure or important information. These
relentless assault. elemental entities are willing to trade their secrets or
Inferno Swarm: In the heart of Anger, the
adventurers find themselves surrounded by a assistance in exchange for a significant sacrifice or a
swirling mass of fiery elemental creatures known as promise to carry out a task on their behalf. The
the Inferno Swarm. These creatures attack with challenge lies in negotiating with these fiery
relentless fury, overwhelming the party with their creatures and deciding the cost of their aid.
sheer numbers and volatile flames. The challenge
lies in surviving the onslaught and finding a way to
disperse or control the infernal swarm.
Combat Encounters
The Fiery Colosseum: The party is thrown into a
gladiatorial-style combat within a massive
colosseum, facing off against powerful Furyfiends,
Hellish Enforcers, and other wrathful creatures. The
challenge lies in not only defeating their opponents
but also navigating the shifting terrain of the arena,
avoiding deadly traps, and enduring the scorching
Confronting the Wrathful Overlord: The adventurers
have a climactic showdown with the Wrathful
Overlord himself. This epic battle takes place atop
Mount Malebolge, amidst roiling lava and billowing
smoke. The Overlord employs a combination of
devastating spells, fiery minions, and formidable
martial prowess. The challenge lies in overcoming
the Overlord’s wrathful power and finding a way to
defeat or subdue this mighty foe.
The Sixth Circle of Hell
Heresy - The Defiance of Divine Order
he 6th circle of hell, known as

Ruler of the Circle
Heresy, presents a bleak and desolate
landscape that reflects the eternal Within the 6th Circle of Hell, the ruler is the fallen angel
damnation of those who committed Moloch, an imposing figure wreathed in flames and
heretical acts. This circle is shadow. Moloch, once a mighty and proud celestial
characterized by a sprawling expanse of being, now embodies the wrathful vengeance of the
scorched and cracked earth, devoid of divine against heretics. His fiery gaze penetrates the
any signs of life. The air hangs heavy souls of the condemned, meting out punishments that
with an eerie stillness, carrying the faint whispers of lost reflect the severity of their heretical acts. Moloch’s
souls trapped within its depths. The sky above is a dominion over this circle is absolute, and his presence
perpetual gloom, shrouded in dark clouds that never looms over all who enter, instilling fear and despair in
break to reveal sunlight or starlight. even the most defiant souls.
General Ambiance
Landscape and Architecture The ambiance of the 6th Circle of Hell is one of
The landscape of Heresy is a vast, barren wasteland, oppressive darkness and despair. The constant
stretching as far as the eye can see. Jagged rocks and crackling of flames and the wailing cries of the
twisted, skeletal trees dot the landscape, their twisted tormented souls fill the air, creating an atmosphere of
forms mirroring the tortured souls that dwell within this unrelenting torment. The weight of divine judgment
circle. Rivers of molten lava snake their way through the hangs heavy, casting a pall of hopelessness upon the
desolation, emitting an eerie glow that casts flickering damned. The very essence of Heresy is imbued within
shadows on the parched ground. every inch of this circle, an eternal reminder of the
Amidst the desolation, there are remnants of ancient consequences of challenging the divine order.
structures that bear the scars of divine retribution.
Crumbling temples and dilapidated cathedrals, once
grand symbols of faith, now stand as haunting Powerful Demons,
reminders of the consequences of heresy. These
edifices are now mere shells of their former glory, their Devils, and Monstrous
once vibrant stained glass windows shattered and their
once sacred halls echoing with eternal lamentations. Creatures
Notable Landmarks
Within the 6th Circle of Hell, Heresy, a multitude of
infernal beings and monstrous creatures dwell, each
Within the 6th Circle of Hell, there are several notable embodying the essence of heretical acts and serving as
landmarks that further exemplify the torments and instruments of torment and punishment. These
punishments of heresy. One such landmark is the denizens are twisted and malevolent, their forms
imposing City of Dis, a foreboding fortress that stands warped by the depths of their sins. Here are some
as the gateway to this circle. Surrounded by towering notable inhabitants of this circle:
walls of obsidian, the city serves as a formidable barrier,
preventing passage for those who dare to challenge the Apostate Fiends
divine order. The City of Dis exudes an aura of
malevolence, with its dark spires and twisted These demonic entities take on the guise of fallen
architecture reflecting the twisted beliefs of the heretics clerics, priests, or holy men who have succumbed to
within. heresy. They possess dark divine magic, wielding
Another significant feature is the accursed River Styx, corrupted versions of the powers they once held in life.
a murky and sluggish river that winds its way through With an unholy fervor, they seek to convert and corrupt
the 6th Circle. The River Styx serves as a boundary and others, spreading their blasphemous teachings to
a source of torment, for those who are submerged further damn souls.
within its foul waters are stripped of their memories,
losing their sense of self and becoming eternally
disoriented. The wailing cries of the lost souls trapped
in its currents add to the eerie ambiance, further
emphasizing the dire consequences of heretical actions.
Blasphemous Gargoyles
These grotesque creatures, half-beast and half-statue, Armed with enchanted chains and cruel instruments of
are manifestations of the twisted beliefs and heretical torture, they revel in the anguish they inflict upon their
ideals. They haunt the ruined structures and crumbling victims.
temples of Heresy, their stone-like skin providing them
with impenetrable defenses. Blasphemous Gargoyles Serpent-like Furies
serve as guardians, petrifying intruders who dare to These vengeful and serpentine creatures embody the
challenge their dominion. wrath of the divine against heresy. With scales of
Heretic Scribes
obsidian and eyes ablaze with righteous fury, they
slither through the desolate landscape of Heresy,
These wretched beings are cursed souls trapped relentlessly pursuing and tormenting the souls that
eternally within the tomes and scrolls they once used to dared to defy divine order. Their venomous bites carry
propagate their heretical doctrines. Bound by their own not only physical agony but also searing spiritual
twisted words, they endlessly transcribe their wicked torment.
teachings, their ink-stained hands forever smudged with
the falsehoods they perpetuated in life. Encountering a Lamenting Specters
Heretic Scribe often leads to the temptation of These ghostly apparitions are the tormented souls of
forbidden knowledge but at the risk of damnation. heretics who, in life, misled others through their
heretical beliefs. They appear as ethereal figures,
Sinister Inquisitors endlessly replaying the moments of their fall from grace,
These devilish creatures, known as Inquisitors of Lies, forever burdened by the guilt and regret of their actions.
were once mortal inquisitors who zealously hunted Their anguished wails echo through the desolation, a
heretics during their mortal lives. Now damned haunting reminder of the consequences of straying from
themselves, they continue their relentless pursuit of the path of righteousness.
those who question the established faiths.
NPCs of Heresy Aeliana the Redeemed
These unique NPCs offer a diverse range of allies and Once a renowned theologian who succumbed to
adversaries for players to interact with in the 6th Circle heretical beliefs, Aeliana now seeks redemption. She
of Hell. Their stories, abilities, and motivations add wanders the desolate landscapes of Heresy, searching
depth and complexity to the journey, providing for lost texts that contain the true teachings of the faith.
opportunities for alliances, moral dilemmas, and Aeliana possesses deep knowledge of the circle’s
unexpected twists in the players’ quest to navigate the secrets and can provide valuable insights to the players,
treacherous realm of Heresy. but her own inner struggles may hinder her
Malachi the Relentless Sister Isolde
This stoic and unwavering warrior is a former paladin Once a devout nun, Sister Isolde was wrongly accused
who was condemned for challenging the doctrines of of heresy and exiled to this circle. She serves as a
the divine order. He now wields a mighty sword infused guiding light for lost souls, offering comfort and hope
with holy fire, determined to eradicate heresy in all its amidst the darkness. Sister Isolde possesses extensive
forms. Malachi can be a formidable ally to players, knowledge of the circle’s treacherous paths and can aid
offering his combat prowess and zealous conviction players with her healing abilities and moral guidance.
against the denizens of Heresy.
Lucius the Enigmatic
A mysterious figure with an air of otherworldliness,
Lucius is a trickster spirit trapped in Heresy due to his
manipulation of divine truths. He possesses the ability
to bend reality and navigate the treacherous terrain with
ease. Lucius may assist or hinder players, depending on
his ever-changing whims and the choices they make.
High Inquisitor Elysia
A fearsome devil in the guise of a noblewoman, Elysia
commands a legion of infernal soldiers dedicated to
purging heresy. She offers players a chance to join her
crusade against the damned, providing powerful
resources and aid. However, her zealous fanaticism and
ruthless methods may test the players’ own moral
Vespera the Lost Poet
This melancholic soul was once a celebrated poet who
dared to question divine authority through her verses.
Now trapped in Heresy, she wanders aimlessly,
composing haunting ballads that resonate with the pain
and regret of the damned. Vespera’s words possess an
uncanny power, capable of inspiring or debilitating
those who listen.
Azrael the Gloomweaver
A spectral figure wrapped in tattered robes, Azrael is a
weaver of shadowy illusions. He can manipulate
perceptions and emotions, making him a formidable
adversary or an invaluable ally, depending on the
players’ motives. Azrael harbors a deep resentment for
the divine and seeks to sow chaos within the hierarchy
of belief.

The Trial of Faith
Caiaphas the Betrayer
The players are summoned by a powerful celestial being
Once a trusted advisor to a righteous king, Caiaphas to participate in a trial of faith within the City of Dis.
succumbed to heresy and orchestrated a coup, leading They must navigate the twisted labyrinth of the city,
to the downfall of a kingdom. He now resides in Heresy, overcoming deadly challenges and facing their own
haunted by guilt and driven by a desire to atone. doubts and temptations. Success in the trial not only
Caiaphas possesses strategic brilliance and can offer grants them the favor of the divine but also reveals a
players invaluable information about the inner workings crucial secret about the circle’s ruler, Moloch.
of this circle.
The Heretic’s Redemption
Seraphina the Ascetic
A renowned religious leader approaches the players,
A ascetic monk who renounced worldly possessions and requesting their aid in redeeming a fallen comrade who
status, Seraphina embodies purity of faith. She lives in has become a powerful heretic in Heresy. The players
solitude amidst the desolation, meditating on the true must venture into the depths of the circle, facing its
essence of divine teachings. Seraphina’s deep spiritual torments and confronting the heretic, with the goal of
insight and mastery of martial arts make her a guiding them back onto the path of righteousness. The
formidable ally, but her severe asceticism may test the journey tests the players’ own convictions and forces
players’ endurance. them to question the nature of redemption.
Alaric the Fallen Scholar The Rebellion
Once a renowned scholar, Alaric was consumed by his A group of rebel souls within Heresy seeks to overthrow
pursuit of forbidden knowledge, leading to his the oppressive rule of Moloch and free the tormented
damnation. He possesses vast knowledge of forbidden souls trapped within this circle. The players are
rituals and ancient texts, which can aid players in their recruited to join the rebellion, gathering allies, devising
quest. However, Alaric’s hunger for forbidden strategies, and executing daring plans to weaken
knowledge may put the players at risk of succumbing to Moloch’s grip on power. They must navigate the
their own temptations. delicate balance between freeing the damned and
avoiding the wrath of the ruler himself.
The Scroll of Salvation
Quest Hooks in Heresy
The following quest hooks provide Game Masters with Legends speak of a mystical scroll hidden within the
a range of engaging and challenging adventures set City of Dis, said to possess the power to free souls from
within the 6th Circle of Hell, Heresy. Each quest eternal damnation. The players are entrusted with
explores different themes, moral dilemmas, and the locating this elusive artifact, braving the city’s dangers
depths of the circle’s torments, allowing players to and outsmarting its denizens to retrieve the scroll.
unravel its secrets and shape the course of their own However, the scroll’s power also attracts the attention
journey through the infernal realm. of other malevolent forces, leading to a dangerous game
of cat-and-mouse within the heart of Heresy.
The Lost Tome The Whispering Tombs
A desperate soul approaches the players, revealing that Mysterious whispers draw the players to a forgotten
an ancient tome containing forbidden knowledge lies burial site within the desolation of Heresy. It is said that
hidden within the depths of Heresy. The soul seeks these tombs hold the restless spirits of long-dead
redemption and tasks the players with retrieving the heretics who guard a cryptic secret. The players must
tome, hoping to destroy it and break free from eternal navigate the tomb’s treacherous traps, solve riddles left
damnation. However, other factions, both infernal and by the deceased, and appease the vengeful spirits to
mortal, are also in pursuit of this dangerous artifact, uncover the secret knowledge hidden within. But
leading to a race against time in the treacherous realm beware, for the spirits may test the players’ faith along
of Heresy. the way.

The Cursed Sermon
A charismatic preacher in the City of Dis has begun
spreading heretical teachings, gaining a dangerous
following. The players are tasked with infiltrating the
preacher’s inner circle, unmasking their true intentions,
and thwarting their plans. This quest explores the
delicate balance between freedom of belief and the
dangers of manipulation, forcing the players to confront
the power of words and the consequences of false
The Forgotten Prophet
An ancient prophet who once foresaw the downfall of a
powerful empire resides within the depths of Heresy.
The players are sought out by a secretive group who
believes that the prophet’s words hold the key to
preventing a cataclysmic event in the mortal realm. To
gain the prophet’s wisdom, the players must endure a
perilous journey through the circle, battling twisted
apparitions and deciphering cryptic visions.
The Fiery Trial
Moloch himself issues a challenge to the players, daring
them to survive a series of deadly trials designed to test
their loyalty and strength. Success in these trials earns
the respect of the ruler and potential leverage to bargain
for the release of a captured ally or valuable
information. However, failure carries dire
consequences, as Moloch is not known for his mercy.
The Pilgrim’s Path
The players encounter a lost soul who claims to possess
a map that reveals a secret path through Heresy,
bypassing its most treacherous regions. This guide
offers to lead the players, promising safe passage and
hidden shortcuts. However, the guide’s true motivations
and the reliability of the map remain uncertain, forcing
the players to make a difficult decision: trust the
enigmatic guide or forge their own path through the
perils of Heresy.

Encounters in Heresy
These tailored encounters, challenges, and social
interactions in the 6th Circle of Hell, Heresy, provide
players with a diverse range of tests and obstacles to
overcome, incorporating the unique aspects of this
infernal realm. They offer opportunities for combat,
skill-based gameplay, and moral choices that shape the
players’ experiences in their journey through the depths
of damnation.

Challenging Encounters Social Interactions
The players come across a The Heretic’s Trial:The players are brought before a
The Fallen Council:
council of powerful heretical sorcerers who seek to tribunal of powerful heretical leaders who preside
harness forbidden magic for their own twisted over an ideological debate. They must engage in
purposes. They must engage in a battle of wits and persuasive arguments, drawing upon their
skill, facing off against each sorcerer’s unique knowledge of religious doctrines and moral
abilities and unraveling their intricate spellcasting reasoning to sway the tribunal’s opinions. The
patterns to overcome the council’s defenses. outcome of the trial not only affects the players’
Veiled Illusions: The players encounter a group of standing but may also shape the circle’s perception
illusions that mimic lost loved ones or figures from of heresy itself.
their past. These illusions aim to deceive and The Bargain with Moloch: The players seek an
manipulate, testing the players’ emotional resilience audience with the ruler of Heresy, Moloch, to
and challenging them to see through the veils of negotiate the release of a captive soul or gain
deception. Overcoming the illusions requires a valuable information. They must navigate a tense
combination of keen perception, logical reasoning, social encounter, weighing their words carefully, and
and a strong sense of self. potentially making difficult decisions to strike a deal
that benefits both parties. The consequences of their
negotiations may have far-reaching ramifications
Combat Encounters within the circle and beyond.
The Burning Serpent: A massive, serpent-like
creature wreathed in flames emerges from the
depths of a chasm, its scales reflecting the tormented
souls trapped within. The players must face this
formidable adversary, evading its fiery attacks,
exploiting its vulnerabilities, and collaborating to
bring it down before they themselves are consumed
by its infernal presence.
The Legion of Apostasy: The players find themselves
surrounded by an army of demonic beings known as
the Legion of Apostasy. Each member of the legion
embodies a different form of heresy, possessing
unique combat abilities and corrupted versions of
divine or arcane magic. The players must fight
strategically, targeting key members of the legion
and disrupting their coordinated assaults.
Skill-Based Challenges
The Abyssal Chasm: The players come across a wide
abyss, its depths shrouded in darkness. To progress,
they must navigate a treacherous series of narrow
ledges and crumbling platforms. The challenge lies
in maintaining balance, overcoming vertigo-inducing
illusions, and timing their jumps and movements to
avoid falling into the abyss.
The Maze of Contradictions: The players find
themselves in a labyrinthine maze where the paths
constantly shift and change. They must rely on their
keen perception and deductive reasoning skills to
discern the true paths from deceptive illusions,
avoiding dead ends and dangerous traps. Navigating
the maze successfully requires careful observation,
critical thinking, and teamwork.

The Seventh Circle of Hell
Violence - The Abyss of Eternal Savagery
he 7th circle of hell, known as Others. It stands as a symbol of the pain inflicted upon

Violence, is a terrifying and desolate others and the weight of guilt borne by those trapped in
place, characterized by its ominous this circle. The Pillar is adorned with countless souls
atmosphere and relentless torment. It is writhing in agony, their forms forever trapped in eternal
a vast, sprawling landscape with jagged torment.
cliffs, deep ravines, and twisted, barren Another landmark is the Abyss of Desolation, located
forests. The sky above is perpetually in the Ring of Violence Against Self. It is an
shrouded in dark, foreboding clouds, unfathomably deep chasm that stretches into darkness,
casting an eerie, sickly green light that adds to the sense representing the despair and self-destructive tendencies
of dread. The air is thick with a sulfurous stench, a of those condemned to this realm. The air around the
constant reminder of the malevolent energy that abyss is suffused with anguished cries and echoes of the
permeates this wretched realm. internal battles waged by the souls who lost their way.
Ruler of the Circle
Landscape and Architecture The ruler of the 7th Circle of Hell, Violence, is Minos, a
The landscape of Violence is marked by a series of fearsome and grotesque figure of judgment. Minos is a
concentric rings, each representing a specific form of colossal being with the body of a serpent and the head
violence and its corresponding punishment. As one of a bull, exuding an aura of authority and power. His
descends deeper into the circle, the severity of the role is to assess the sins of the damned and assign them
torments intensifies. The first ring, called the Ring of their appropriate punishments within this circle. His
Violence Against Others, is a desolate wasteland strewn thunderous voice reverberates through the infernal
with shattered ruins, as if torn apart by the wrath of domain, instilling terror and reminding the condemned
some ancient cataclysm. Jagged rocks and splintered of their eternal fate.
remnants of buildings jut out from the scorched earth, Minos sits upon a mighty throne at the heart of the
serving as reminders of the violent acts committed here. Ring of Violence Against God and Nature, overseeing
Moving inward, the second ring, known as the Ring of the relentless suffering of the damned. His eyes glow
Violence Against Self, is a bleak expanse dominated by with an otherworldly fire, and his scales, each
towering cliffs and treacherous precipices. The tortured representing a sin, intricately detail the depth of
souls here are forced to eternally navigate the depravity committed by those brought before him. With
treacherous terrain, forever seeking a way out but never a solemn and unwavering gaze, Minos dispenses justice,
finding respite. The cliffs are inscribed with haunting ensuring that every transgressor receives their just
messages, testimonies to the internal struggles and self- retribution.
inflicted pain endured by those condemned to this Ambiance
Finally, the central core of Violence is the Ring of The ambiance of Violence is one of unrelenting despair
Violence Against God and Nature. Here, the landscape and anguish. The air is filled with the cacophony of
takes on an even more surreal and nightmarish quality. tormented wails and the shrieks of remorse. A pervasive
Rivers of molten lava cut through twisted forests of sense of dread hangs in the atmosphere, constantly
blackened trees, and monstrous creatures roam freely, reminding both the damned and the visitors of the
their twisted forms reflecting the grotesque eternal consequences of violence. The realm’s twisted
consequences of their violent deeds. The architecture in and distorted landscapes, coupled with the horrifying
this central region is grand yet distorted, with towering punishments and gruesome sights, evoke a feeling of
citadels and fortresses that serve as prisons for the helplessness and grim foreboding.
most heinous offenders. In the 7th Circle of Hell, Violence, the very essence of
violent acts is made tangible, and the torments endured
Notable Landmarks by the condemned reflect the gravity of their
Within the 7th Circle of Hell, there are several notable transgressions. It is a place of perpetual suffering,
landmarks that embody the essence of its torments. One where the forces of darkness and anguish hold sway,
such landmark is the Pillar of Suffering, a towering forever reminding all who enter of the devastating
monolith at the heart of the Ring of Violence Against consequences of violence in all its forms.

Denizens of Violence fangs, and a multitude of wickedly sharp instruments
Within the depths of the 7th Circle of Hell, Violence, protruding from their bodies. They delight in creating
dwell a multitude of sinister and malevolent beings. new methods of suffering and ensuring that each soul
These denizens are drawn to the realm by their receives their own personalized torment.
insatiable appetite for chaos, pain, and the perpetuation
of violence. Among them are powerful demons, devils, Vengeful Shadows
and other monstrous creatures that embody the twisted These shadowy entities are the embodiment of the
nature of this infernal domain. lingering resentments and desires for revenge of those
trapped in Violence. They appear as amorphous, dark
Fury Demons figures with glowing, hate-filled eyes and ethereal
These fearsome demons embody the wrath and tendrils that writhe with malicious intent. Vengeful
uncontrolled anger that fuel acts of violence. They Shadows feed on the negative emotions of the
appear as hulking, muscular creatures with fiery red tormented, exacerbating their desire for vengeance and
skin, blazing eyes, and long, serrated claws. Fury intensifying the cycle of violence.
demons revel in inflicting pain and destruction, eagerly
seeking out souls to torment and feeding on the anguish Houndmasters of Ruin
they provoke. These demonic beings are charged with the task of
hunting down those who commit acts of violence and
Torture Fiends bringing them to their deserved punishment.
Born from the depths of the 7th Circle, Torture Fiends Houndmasters of Ruin manifest as tall, skeletal figures
are sadistic beings with a perverse pleasure in devising draped in tattered, bloodstained cloaks, wielding barbed
and carrying out excruciating torments. Their forms are whips and chains. They command hellish, flesh-tearing
grotesque and twisted, with elongated limbs, sharp hounds with burning eyes, sending them to pursue and
capture those who attempt to escape their fate.

Corrupted Titans Brutus, the Betrayed
Among the most formidable creatures in Violence are
the Corrupted Titans. These towering, grotesque giants A once-famous gladiator betrayed by his own trainer,
were once mighty beings who succumbed to their Brutus roams the depths of Violence seeking revenge
basest violent instincts, corrupting their divine essence. against those who wronged him. With his towering
Their flesh is diseased and rotting, and their eyes glow stature and unparalleled combat prowess, he becomes a
with a malevolent radiance. The Corrupted Titans wield formidable ally to the players, offering his strength and
immense weapons of destruction, crushing anything in tactical knowledge to overcome the numerous
their path and serving as enforcers of the infernal order. challenges in this circle.
Maleficent Tempters Selene, the Vengeful Spirit
Within the 7th Circle, Maleficent Tempters prowl, Selene, a tragic victim of violence, wanders the desolate
exploiting the vulnerability and desperation of souls landscapes of Violence as a restless spirit. She harbors
who find themselves trapped in this realm. These deep resentment and seeks justice against her
demonic seducers take on alluring forms, masking their murderers. While her spectral form limits her physical
true nature. They whisper twisted promises of power, abilities, she possesses ethereal powers that can aid the
vengeance, or escape to those who have lost hope, players in unraveling the mysteries of this realm.
luring them into further acts of violence and
perpetuating the cycle of damnation.
Thaddeus, the Cursed
NPCs in Violence A skilled blacksmith trapped in Violence due to his own
Exploring the treacherous depths of Violence, players violent past, Thaddeus is cursed with an unquenchable
may encounter a variety of unique NPCs—both allies thirst for bloodshed. Despite his affliction, he retains his
and adversaries—who have become entwined in the craftsmanship and can forge powerful weapons and
twisted tapestry of this infernal realm. Each NPC armor for the players in exchange for assistance in
carries their own story, motivations, and secrets, adding finding a way to break his curse.
depth and complexity to the players’ journey through
this circle of Hell. Here are ten examples of these Lady Seraphine, the
intriguing individuals:
Enigmatic Oracle
Lucian the Redeemed Lady Seraphine, a seer shrouded in mystery, possesses
the ability to glimpse fragments of the future within the
Lucian, a repentant former assassin, seeks redemption depths of Violence. Her cryptic prophecies provide
and forgiveness for the countless lives he took in his crucial insights into the players’ quest, though her
previous existence. He offers his skills as a stealthy motives and true nature remain elusive, leaving the
rogue and knowledge of the realm to guide the players, players to question her trustworthiness.
sharing valuable information about hidden passages
and the tactics of his former associates.
Rendak the Mad Executioner
Lysara, the Avenging Seraph Rendak, driven to madness by the horrors of his own
acts of violence, now roams the twisted forests of
Lysara is an angelic being who fell from grace after Violence, endlessly seeking redemption. While his mind
succumbing to her own violent urges. Now she seeks to is fractured, he holds valuable knowledge of secret
restore her divine essence and bring retribution to the pathways and hidden traps, assisting the players in
wicked. While initially aloof and mistrustful, Lysara can navigating the perilous landscape.
become a powerful ally, lending her celestial powers
and combat expertise to the players’ cause.

Veridia, the Temptress of Lord Malachi, the
Shadows Malevolent Warlord
Veridia, a seductive succubus, revels in the pain and Lord Malachi, a ruthless warlord in life, now commands
suffering of others. She offers forbidden knowledge and a legion of demonic warriors within Violence. He seeks
dark bargains to the players, tempting them to embrace to expand his dominion and claims to offer rewards to
the path of violence. Whether the players choose to those who pledge their loyalty. However, his true
resist her allure or succumb to her twisted promises intentions are shrouded in darkness, and his
will shape their journey through Violence. manipulative nature may lead the players astray,
ultimately pitting them against their own allies.
Zephyrus, the Wandering
Zephyrus, a forlorn bard, wanders the desolate ruins of Quest Hooks in
Violence, his haunting melodies echoing through the Violence
air. He weaves tales of sorrow and remorse, channeling Within the nightmarish landscape of Violence, Game
the emotions of the tortured souls around him. His Masters can craft compelling quests that challenge and
enchanting music has the power to inspire the players engage their players. These quest hooks provide
and grant them temporary boons in their battles against opportunities for exploration, combat, moral dilemmas,
the denizens of this circle. and unraveling the mysteries of this treacherous circle
of Hell. Here are several quest hooks that can immerse
players in the depths of Violence:
The Torn Map
The players stumble upon a torn map that hints at a
hidden passage within Violence, leading to a long-lost
artifact of great power. Their quest is to locate the
missing fragments of the map, navigate the perilous
terrain, and ultimately discover the artifact before it falls
into the wrong hands.
The Lost Innocence
A tormented soul trapped within Violence pleads for
help to free their innocent child’s spirit from a vengeful
entity. The players must navigate through the Ring of
Violence Against God and Nature, facing twisted
creatures and solving cryptic puzzles, to reunite the lost
innocence and bring peace to the soul.
The Curse of Regret
A cursed weapon, known to amplify the violent
tendencies of its wielder, has fallen into the possession
of a desperate warrior seeking redemption. The players
must track down the warrior, confront their inner
demons, and find a way to break the curse before the
weapon’s destructive power consumes them and
unleashes chaos upon the realm.

The Trial of Atonement The Key to Redemption
The players are summoned to participate in a grand A fallen celestial, trapped within Violence, possesses a
trial overseen by Minos himself. To prove their worth key that can unlock the gates to salvation for those who
and seek a way out of Violence, they must navigate a prove themselves worthy. The players must navigate the
deadly labyrinth, facing trials that test their resolve, dangerous landscapes, make selfless choices, and face
morality, and ability to resist the allure of violence. powerful adversaries to obtain the key and open the
Failure to pass the trials may result in dire path to potential redemption.
The Betrayed Guardian Encounters in
The spirit of a betrayed guardian, tasked with protecting Violence
a sacred artifact, seeks vengeance against the one who These tailored suggestions for challenging encounters,
wronged them. The players must assist the vengeful combat encounters, skill-based challenges, and social
spirit in tracking down the treacherous individual within interactions within the circle of Violence provide Game
Violence’s twisted landscapes, leading to a climactic Masters with opportunities to test their players’ abilities,
confrontation where the true depths of violence are decision-making skills, and resilience as they navigate
exposed. the torments and perils of this infernal realm.
The Desperate Pact
Challenging Encounters
A powerful demon residing in Violence offers a
dangerous bargain to the players: retrieve a coveted The Raging Inferno: The players must navigate
relic hidden deep within the treacherous core of the through a massive, ever-burning wildfire that engulfs
circle, and in return, the demon will grant them the the landscape of Violence. They must dodge flaming
means to escape this infernal realm. However, the projectiles, avoid collapsing structures, and find a
demon’s true intentions may have devastating way to extinguish the inferno or endure its relentless
consequences, forcing the players to question their own onslaught.
morality. The Trial of Blades: The players find themselves in
an arena surrounded by spectral warriors seeking
The Oracle’s Prophecy eternal combat. To progress, they must defeat wave
after wave of relentless foes while avoiding traps and
The enigmatic oracle of Violence foresees a cataclysmic hazards that emerge from the arena floor.
event that threatens to plunge the entire realm into The Maze of Vengeance: Within a twisted labyrinth,
further chaos. The players must unravel the oracle’s the players must track down a malevolent entity
cryptic prophecies, seek out hidden artifacts, and make while being hunted by vengeful spirits. The maze
crucial choices to avert the impending disaster, all while constantly shifts and reshapes, challenging their
facing the wrath of those who wish to exploit the chaos navigation skills and forcing them to outmaneuver
for their own gain. both the physical obstacles and the relentless
The Forbidden Knowledge
A forbidden tome containing dark secrets of Violence Combat Encounters
has been stolen by a cult seeking to unleash its
destructive power. The players must track down the cult Confrontation with the Corrupted Titan: The players
and retrieve the tome before it falls into the wrong face off against a towering Corrupted Titan, its
hands, navigating through dangerous territories and rotting flesh pulsating with demonic energy. They
confronting the cult’s twisted rituals. must find its weakness while avoiding devastating
attacks and rallying their allies to exploit openings in
The Resentful Guardian its defenses.
Fury Demon Ambush: As the players traverse a
A vengeful guardian of a long-forgotten shrine demands narrow pathway, they are ambushed by a horde of
retribution for the atrocities committed in Violence. The fury demons. The relentless attackers utilize hit-and-
players must gather evidence of the worst offenders run tactics, disappearing into the shadows before
within the circle and confront them, facing the moral reappearing to strike from unexpected angles.
dilemma of whether to deliver justice or grant mercy to
those whose violent actions have damned them.

The Houndmasters’ Assault: A pack of hellish
hounds led by the Houndmasters of Ruin is released
upon the players. They must fend off the relentless
assault, targeting the Houndmasters to disrupt their
control over the beasts while navigating the chaotic
Skill-based Challenges
Balancing Act: The players must navigate a
treacherous series of narrow ledges suspended
above a bottomless chasm. They must carefully time
their movements, utilize their acrobatics or dexterity
skills, and solve intricate puzzles to reach the other
side safely.
Puzzle of Violence: To progress, the players
encounter a complex puzzle that requires them to
decipher violent hieroglyphics, rearrange objects in a
specific order, or find hidden symbols amidst a
chaotic environment. Success reveals a hidden
passage or valuable information.
Race through the Battlefield: The players must
sprint through a battlefield engulfed in combat,
avoiding deadly attacks and hazards. Their speed,
agility, and ability to make split-second decisions
determine whether they reach their objective
Social Interactions
The Betrayed Informant: The players encounter an
informant who possesses crucial information about
an adversary but harbors deep resentment and
mistrust. They must convince the informant of their
sincerity, navigate their emotional trauma, and strike
a delicate balance to gain their cooperation.
Negotiating with the Maleficent Tempter: The
players are enticed by a seductive and manipulative
Maleficent Tempter who offers them valuable
information or resources in exchange for committing
violent acts or betraying their principles. They must
resist the tempter’s allure and find alternative means
to achieve their goals.
Confrontation with Minos: The players face a tense
encounter with Minos, the judge and ruler of
Violence. They must plead their case, navigate his
impartiality, and potentially offer him valuable
information or services to gain his assistance or

The Eighth Circle of Hell
Fraud - The Web of Deception
he 8th circle of hell, known as

Ruler of Fraud
Fraud, presents a foreboding landscape
that strikes fear into the hearts of any The ruler of the 8th Circle of Hell, Fraud, is none other
who dare venture within its confines. than the Malebolge, a cunning and malevolent entity
This circle is characterized by a vast, that embodies the essence of deception. The Malebolge
desolate plain, stretching as far as the is a master manipulator, capable of sowing discord and
eye can see, with a darkened sky falsehoods in the hearts of mortals. This powerful being
perpetually looming overhead. The air is sits atop their throne within the Tower of Deceptions,
heavy with an unsettling stillness, lacking the soothing surrounded by a retinue of fiendish advisors who thrive
whispers of wind found in other realms. The ground on the chaos created by deceit.
beneath one’s feet is dry and cracked, resembling
scorched earth, giving off an eerie sense of desolation
and despair. General Ambiance
The general ambiance of Fraud is one of palpable
Landscape tension and unease. Whispers of falsehoods seem to
hang in the air, their disembodied voices haunting those
The landscape of Fraud is a treacherous terrain, who dare enter this realm. The tormented souls trapped
marked by treacherous sinkholes and mirages that within this circle perpetually wail in anguish, their cries
taunt weary travelers. The ground sporadically shifts, serving as a constant reminder of the consequences of
creating unstable footing, and seemingly solid paths deceit. Shadows dance ominously, casting a perpetual
may give way to treacherous chasms, making navigation twilight over the landscape, intensifying the sense of
an arduous task. Jagged rocks protrude from the earth, foreboding and mistrust that permeates this circle.
their sharp edges symbolizing the harsh nature of deceit Within Fraud, the torments and punishments inflicted
and manipulation that pervades this circle. upon the souls reflect the sins of fraud they committed
in their mortal lives. Each sinner is subjected to a
Architecture personalized torment, meticulously tailored to their
The architecture of Fraud is a macabre reflection of the specific brand of deception and betrayal. From
deceptive nature of its inhabitants. As one ventures engulfing flames of false promises to being forever
deeper into the circle, they will encounter twisted and trapped in a web of their own lies, the punishments
distorted structures, embodying the lies and false serve as a cruel reminder of the consequences of
facades that perpetrators of fraud create. Buildings lean fraudulent actions.
at unnatural angles, their foundations appearing Denizens of Fraud
precarious, mirroring the instability and moral decay
that define this realm. Towers and structures are Within the treacherous depths of the 8th Circle of Hell,
adorned with elaborate ornamentation, but upon closer Fraud, a multitude of powerful demons, devils, and
inspection, they reveal grotesque and deceitful motifs, a monstrous creatures dwell, each embodying the twisted
constant reminder of the sinister nature that lies within. nature of deception and falsehood. These denizens revel
in the suffering of the tormented souls and eagerly await
Notable Landmarks the arrival of new victims to perpetuate their malicious
schemes. Here are some of the notable inhabitants:
Among the notable landmarks in Fraud, one stands out
above the rest - the Tower of Deceptions. This towering Malacoda, the Archdevil of
structure looms over the desolate landscape, its spires Deception
reaching towards the ominous sky. The Tower of Malacoda is a cunning and manipulative archdevil who
Deceptions serves as the center of power within this holds dominion over the lower layers of Fraud. With his
circle, housing the ruler and their court. Its architecture serpentine form, he slithers through the darkened
is a testament to the twisted brilliance of fraud, with
intricate mosaics depicting scenes of betrayal and corridors of the Tower of Deceptions, orchestrating
manipulation adorning its walls. intricate webs of lies and deceit. Malacoda is known for
his silver-tongued persuasion and his ability to corrupt
the hearts of mortals with promises of power and
False Prophetess, the
Succubus Oracle Scribes of False Contracts
This seductive and enigmatic succubus is an oracle of These fiendish creatures take the form of humanoid
deception, gifted with the ability to foretell half-truths beings, their bodies adorned with countless scrolls and
and misleading prophecies. She tempts mortals with parchments. They are responsible for recording and
promises of forbidden knowledge and uses her manipulating the contracts and agreements made
bewitching allure to ensnare their souls. The False within the circle. With their ability to twist and alter the
Prophetess relishes in the chaos and despair caused by terms of these agreements, they ensure that deception
her prophecies, reveling in the downfall of those who remains a constant companion in the realm of Fraud.
fall victim to her manipulations.
Imps of Impersonation
Geryon, the Lord of
Illusions These mischievous imps are masterful shapeshifters,
capable of assuming the appearance of anyone they
Geryon is a monstrous fiend with a serpentine body, choose. They wander through the dark alleys and
covered in shimmering scales and possessing multiple hidden corners of Fraud, assuming the forms of
heads, each whispering tales of deceit. He is the master influential figures, friends, or loved ones to sow seeds of
of illusions and creates deceptive mirages to confuse discord and mistrust. Imps of Impersonation revel in
and mislead those who venture through Fraud. Geryon chaos and confusion, causing relationships to crumble
delights in toying with the minds of intruders, distorting and alliances to dissolve.
their perceptions and ensnaring them within his
elaborate deceptions.
Soul Drainers The Wandering Oracle
These grotesque and spectral beings roam the desolate This enigmatic figure possesses the ability to see
plains of Fraud, hunting for souls to drain of their through any deception. Players may encounter the
vitality. They manifest as emaciated figures with Wandering Oracle at crucial junctions, where they offer
elongated, bony fingers that pierce the essence of their cryptic advice and riddles that lead the adventurers
victims, extracting their life force. These insidious closer to the truth.
creatures sustain themselves by feeding on the life
energy of the deceived and the deceivers, leaving their Ignatius the Infernal Binder
victims weakened and vulnerable. Ignatius is a skilled demonologist who has found a way
Mirror Shades: Enigmatic and malevolent creatures, to harness the power of the fiends within Fraud. He can
the Mirror Shades take the form of floating, ethereal aid the players by summoning and binding lesser
masks that reflect the innermost desires and fears of demons to serve as temporary allies in battles against
those who encounter them. They manipulate more powerful adversaries.
perceptions, distorting reality to further their deceitful
machinations. Mirror Shades are often found near the Alessandra the Mirror
sinkholes and treacherous paths of Fraud, luring
unsuspecting travelers to their doom by promising Whisperer
visions of what they desire most. Alessandra is a mysterious figure who has spent
decades studying the Mirror Shades of Fraud. She has
developed an uncanny ability to communicate with
NPCs in Fraud these creatures, and her insight proves invaluable when
navigating the illusions and deceptions of the circle.
Each of these unique NPCs adds depth and complexity
to the journey through Fraud, offering opportunities for Vorenus the Lost Soul
alliances, moral choices, and unexpected twists. Players
must navigate the web of deceit surrounding these Vorenus is a tormented soul who fell victim to his own
characters, determining who can be trusted and who fraudulent schemes. He now wanders aimlessly,
may lead them astray. desperate to find redemption. Although haunted by his
past, Vorenus possesses crucial knowledge about
Lucius the Redeemed hidden shortcuts and traps within the realm.
Lucius, a former master of deception, now seeks Cassandra the Tragic Muse
redemption within the depths of Fraud. He guides
adventurers through the treacherous terrain, sharing his Cassandra is a ghostly figure, forever trapped within
knowledge of the circle’s secrets and warning against Fraud due to her ill-fated love affair with a deceitful
the snares of deceit that lie in wait. noble. She aids the players by providing hauntingly
accurate visions of the consequences of their choices,
Lady Seraphina the helping them avoid the pitfalls of manipulation.
Enchantress Seraphel the Unforgiving
Lady Seraphina is a powerful enchantress who was Judge
wrongly accused of fraud in her mortal life. She offers
her magical expertise to the players, assisting them in Seraphel is an otherworldly judge who has taken it
deciphering arcane puzzles and uncovering hidden upon themselves to deliver justice to the souls of Fraud.
passages within the Tower of Deceptions. They challenge the players with moral dilemmas,
testing their resolve and punishing those who succumb
Alistair the Betrayer to the allure of deception.
Alistair is a notorious figure within Fraud, known for his The Masked Harlequin
past betrayals and manipulations. While initially an
adversary, Alistair can become a reluctant ally, A mysterious and unpredictable jester who serves as a
providing crucial information about the inner workings trickster figure within Fraud. The Masked Harlequin
of the circle in exchange for his freedom. possesses an intricate knowledge of the realm’s secrets
and can provide valuable information in exchange for
whimsical tasks or riddles.

Quest Hooks in Fraud
These quest hooks provide Game Masters with a variety
of engaging storylines and opportunities to explore the
themes of deception, redemption, and moral choices
within the realm of Fraud. Whether the players choose
to be heroes, agents of chaos, or something in between,
their actions will have far-reaching consequences in the
twisted depths of Hell.
The Fallen Artifact
A powerful artifact of truth and deception has fallen into
the hands of a notorious fraudster within Fraud. The
players are tasked with retrieving the artifact before it is
used to unleash chaos upon the realms. They must
navigate the intricate webs of deceit and betrayal to
uncover the artifact’s location and outsmart the cunning
guardian who protects it.
The Innocent Accused
An innocent soul has been wrongfully accused of fraud
and sentenced to eternal torment within Fraud. The
players are approached by a desperate family member
or a sympathetic spirit seeking their help in proving the
soul’s innocence. To succeed, they must gather
evidence, unravel the true culprit behind the framing,
and confront the Malebolge to secure the innocent
soul’s release.
The Deception Pact
A powerful devil offers the players a tempting deal - they
must assist in manipulating a key event within Fraud to
ensure the devil’s rise in power. The adventurers are
torn between their moral compass and the rewards the
devil promises. They must make difficult choices while
navigating the intricate politics and dangers of Fraud,
all while considering the consequences of their actions.
The Forgotten Tome
A long-lost tome containing forbidden knowledge about
the inner workings of Fraud resurfaces. Various
factions within the circle vie for its possession, seeking
to exploit its secrets. The players are tasked with
locating and safeguarding the tome, all while avoiding
the clutches of those who would use its power for their
own wicked schemes.
The Master of Illusions
Geryon, the Lord of Illusions, has abducted a loved one
of one of the players, using their captive as leverage to
force the adventurers into serving his dark agenda. The
players must delve deep into Fraud, overcoming
treacherous illusions and navigating the Tower of
Deceptions to rescue their loved one and thwart
Geryon’s plans.
The Contract of Souls Encounters in Fraud
A nefarious scribe of false contracts approaches the These encounters, challenges, and social interactions
players, offering them a chance to reclaim a lost soul within the circle of Fraud provide a diverse range of
trapped within the depths of Fraud. However, fulfilling tests for the players, blending combat, exploration,
the contract comes at a steep price - they must acquire a puzzle-solving, and diplomacy. They will need to be
set of rare and valuable artifacts scattered throughout vigilant, adaptable, and perceptive to navigate the
the circle, all while avoiding the attention of other intricate web of deceit and emerge victorious from the
deceitful entities who also desire the artifacts. depths of Hell.

The Prophecy of Betrayal Challenging Encounters

The False Prophetess delivers a prophecy foretelling a Illusory Maze: The adventurers find themselves
cataclysmic event that will plunge Fraud into eternal trapped within a complex maze filled with shifting
chaos. The players must unravel the cryptic clues of the walls and illusory paths. They must use their wits
prophecy, seeking allies and gathering ancient artifacts and perception skills to discern the true route while
to prevent the prophecy’s fulfillment. Along the way, evading dangerous traps and encounters with
they encounter various factions that either aid or hinder mirage-like enemies that vanish upon contact.
Treacherous Bridge: A narrow, crumbling bridge
their quest for stability. spans a chasm infested with treacherous spirits. As
the players attempt to cross, the spirits manifest and
The Corrupted Court attack, using illusions and ethereal powers to
confuse and disorient the adventurers. They must
The court of the Malebolge has been infiltrated by a balance careful footwork, combat skills, and
powerful demon seeking to sow discord and seize dispelling illusions to survive the harrowing journey.
control. The players must navigate the intricate web of Betrayal of Shadows: The players encounter a group
deceit within the court, gathering evidence of the of shadowy figures who offer assistance in navigating
infiltrator’s treachery and rallying loyal allies to expose Fraud. However, these figures are actually Imps of
the imposter and restore order. Impersonation in disguise, seeking to lead the
adventurers astray and into the clutches of their
demonic masters. The players must rely on their
The Rite of Redemption insight, investigation, and persuasion skills to
A group of repentant souls trapped in Fraud seek a uncover the deception and turn the tables on their
chance at redemption. The players must embark on a foes.
Trial of Truth: In a grand courtroom setting, the
perilous journey to retrieve sacred relics scattered players are accused of heinous crimes they did not
throughout the circle. These relics hold the key to commit. They must gather evidence, present
performing a ritual that could grant these souls a convincing arguments, and cross-examine witnesses
chance to escape their eternal torment and find to prove their innocence. The court is filled with
redemption. cunning adversaries who will manipulate
testimonies and present false evidence, challenging
The Curse of Truth the players’ abilities in persuasion, investigation, and
The players stumble upon a cursed artifact that compels
anyone who possesses it to speak only the truth,
regardless of the consequences. They must navigate the Combat Encounters
dangers of Fraud while dealing with the challenges of
absolute honesty, all while seeking a way to break the Scribes’ Ambush: A group of fiendish Scribes of
curse before it leads them and others to ruin. False Contracts and their demonic minions lay an
ambush for the adventurers. The scribes manipulate
the battlefield with illusory barriers, while their
minions engage in physical combat. The players
must strategize, dispel illusions, and focus their
attacks on the scribes to break through the enemy

Spectral Swarm: The players find themselves Negotiating with Shadows: The players must engage
surrounded by a swarm of Soul Drainers, spectral in negotiations or bargaining with the enigmatic
beings hungry for life force. These ethereal foes Masked Harlequin. The Harlequin speaks in riddles,
phase in and out of the material plane, making them metaphors, and veiled language, testing the players’
difficult to hit. The players must utilize area-of-effect Insight, Persuasion, and Deception skills. Success in
spells and coordinate their attacks to fend off the these negotiations can unlock valuable information
relentless swarm while protecting their own life or resources, while failure may lead to dire
force. consequences.
Serpent’s Ensnare: Malacoda, the Archdevil of
Deception, unleashes his serpentine form upon the Social Interactions
players. With venomous strikes and mind-altering The adventurers must navigate the
illusions, Malacoda tests the adventurers’ combat Court Intrigues:
treacherous politics and power struggles within the
skills and their ability to resist his manipulations. court of the Malebolge. They engage in
The encounter requires a combination of agility, conversations with cunning courtiers, forge
spellcasting, and strong mental fortitude to alliances, and uncover hidden agendas. Persuasion,
overcome the Archdevil’s deadly tricks. Insight, and Deception skills are crucial as they
determine whom to trust, when to reveal their own
secrets, and how to manipulate the court to their
Skill-Based Challenges advantage.
Bargaining with Fiends: The players find themselves
Riddle of Reflection: The players encounter a set of in a tense negotiation with powerful demons or
enchanted mirrors that must be solved to proceed. devils within Fraud. These infernal beings offer deals
Each mirror presents a riddle or a puzzle that and contracts with tempting rewards, but the players
requires logic, deduction, and keen observation. must carefully consider the fine print and the
Incorrect answers may trigger traps or summon potential consequences. Charisma-based skills such
adversaries, while solving them correctly unlocks as Persuasion and Insight are vital in navigating
passages or reveals hidden treasures. these perilous exchanges and avoiding being
Maze of Illusions: The adventurers must navigate a
labyrinthine maze filled with illusory walls and ensnared by malevolent pacts.
Unmasking Deceivers: The adventurers encounter
shifting paths. They must rely on their Survival and NPCs who present themselves as allies but harbor
Investigation skills to discern the true path while sinister intentions. Through careful observation,
avoiding dead ends and traps. Clues scattered probing questions, and successful Insight checks, the
throughout the maze and interaction with NPCs can players must unveil their true motives and intentions.
aid them in deciphering the correct route. Failure to identify these deceivers may result in
deadly ambushes or inadvertently aiding the forces
of Fraud.

The Ninth Circle of Hell
Treachery - The Web of Deception
escending into the depths of hell,

Ambiance and Torments
adventurers find themselves in the most
dreaded and chilling realm of all— the ninth The general ambiance of the ninth circle is one of
circle, the circle of Treachery. Here, the profound desolation and bone-chilling despair. The
landscape is a desolate expanse of biting winds, carrying the echoes of distant wails, create
unending ice and bone-chilling winds. The an eerie symphony that fills the air. The very
air is thick with an eerie stillness, broken atmosphere is heavy with a sense of hopelessness and
only by the distant echoes of anguished remorse, as the treacherous souls are trapped in eternal
cries. The ground beneath their feet is an icy sheet, torment, unable to escape the frozen confines of their
treacherously slippery and unforgiving. As far as the eye punishments.
can see, the landscape is devoid of life, with only the
frozen forms of tormented souls as a reminder of the Each region within the circle of Treachery manifests its
eternal suffering that unfolds in this wretched place. own unique form of torment, further intensifying the
anguish experienced by the condemned souls:
Architecture and Structure Betrayal of Kin: In this desolate region, the mournful
cries of the souls resonate, frozen tears forever
The architecture of the circle of Treachery reflects the etched upon their faces. They remain encased in icy
despair and isolation that permeate this forsaken realm. tombs, forever cut off from the warmth and comfort
Jagged ice formations rise like frozen stalagmites, of familial bonds, engulfed by an unending solitude
forming twisted spires and razor-sharp peaks that and the weight of their unexpressed remorse.
pierce the frigid sky. Sinister, ice-encased structures, Betrayal of Country: The souls who betrayed their
resembling grotesque fortresses and prisons, stand as homeland or committed acts of treason are left
testament to the eternal punishment endured by the exposed in a frigid wasteland. They endure the
treacherous souls. These structures, once symbols of relentless assault of freezing winds, mirroring the
power and grandeur, are now frozen in time, forever coldness of their hearts and the devastation they
locked in a state of decay and desolation. brought upon their communities. Their bodies, once
protective and proud, now stand vulnerable and
Notable Landmarks Betrayal of Guests: Within this region, souls who
One of the most prominent landmarks within the circle violated the sacred bonds of hospitality suffer
of Treachery is the towering Citadel of Betrayal. This unimaginable torment. Their frozen forms are
fortress-like structure, forged from solid ice, serves as immersed up to their necks in ice, their gaze fixed
the seat of power for the ruler of this realm, Asmodeus, upon a void symbolizing shattered trust. They are
the Archduke of Hell. The Citadel looms ominously, its forever imprisoned, unable to escape the
icy walls adorned with grotesque sculptures that depict consequences of their treacherous acts.
scenes of treachery and betrayal. It is said that within its Betrayal of Benefactors: The souls guilty of betraying
heart lies the Chamber of Eternal Judgement, where the those who showed them kindness and generosity
souls of the damned face their final reckoning. endure their punishment in the deepest, darkest pits
Another notable landmark is the River Cocytus, a vast of ice. Submerged in frozen sludge, their bodies
frozen river that winds its way through the circle. This contorted and their movements restricted, they are
river, forged from the tears of the betrayed, serves as a condemned to a state of perpetual helplessness and
constant reminder of the anguish and sorrow that remorse. Here, they experience the absence of the
pervade this realm. The souls condemned to this circle compassion they once received, forever denied any
are forced to traverse its treacherous icy currents, respite from their torment.
forever tormented by the biting cold and icy grip of the
river’s flow.

Ruler of Hell: Asmodeus
Asmodeus, the Archduke of Hell and ruler of the ninth Within the Citadel of Betrayal, Asmodeus presides over
circle, is an embodiment of treachery and deceit. the Chamber of Eternal Judgement. Here, he holds
Cloaked in shadow and draped in icy regalia, he exudes court, passing judgment upon the souls brought before
an aura of malevolence and cunning. Asmodeus him. With his piercing gaze and wicked intellect, he
possesses an unmatched intellect and manipulative uncovers the depths of their treachery, ensuring that
prowess, using his influence to ensure the eternal their punishments align with the gravity of their crimes.
suffering and damnation of the treacherous souls under Souls are subjected to intense scrutiny and
his dominion. From his icy throne within the Citadel of interrogation, forced to relive their acts of betrayal as
Betrayal, he orchestrates the intricate web of Asmodeus seeks to extract every ounce of remorse from
punishments and torments that perpetuate the cycle of their tormented spirits.
treachery in this realm. Asmodeus’s power and dominion extend beyond the
Asmodeus wields immense power, his very presence mortal realm and into the intricate politics of Hell itself.
casting a chilling pall over the entire circle of Treachery. He is a master strategist, manipulating and
He is surrounded by a legion of loyal and fearsome maneuvering within the infernal hierarchy, always
fiendish servants, known as the Frozen Shadows, who working towards expanding his influence and ensuring
enforce his will and carry out his bidding. Asmodeus’s the perpetuation of treachery within the cosmic order.
influence extends beyond the confines of the ninth His ambitions are vast, and his knowledge of secrets
circle, reaching into other realms of Hell and the mortal and hidden truths is unparalleled.
world, ensuring that treachery and betrayal remain While many fear and revile Asmodeus for his
potent forces in the grand tapestry of existence. malevolence, there are those who view him as a
Asmodeus is a master of manipulation and necessary evil, a force that keeps treachery in check and
temptation, preying upon the vulnerabilities and serves as a cautionary tale for those who would stray
weaknesses of mortals. He offers whispered promises from the path of loyalty and honor. His presence in the
of power, wealth, and influence to those who are willing ninth circle is a constant reminder of the consequences
to surrender their integrity and betray the bonds of of betrayal and the eternal price one pays for violating
trust. It is through these pacts and bargains that he the bonds of trust.
expands his influence and ensures a constant supply of
souls to populate his realm of Treachery.

Denizens of Treachery Gelid Gargoyles
The ninth circle, the circle of Treachery, is home to a These grotesque stone guardians have been twisted by
host of powerful demons, devils, and monstrous the dark magic that permeates the realm of Treachery.
creatures, each embodying the essence of treachery and Animated by the essence of treacherous souls, Gelid
betrayal. These denizens revel in the suffering of souls Gargoyles patrol the frozen landscape, their stony
and eagerly carry out the punishments dictated by their visages twisted into sadistic grins. They possess
ruler, Asmodeus. Here are some notable inhabitants of supernatural strength and the ability to freeze their
this treacherous realm: victims with a touch, turning them into icy statues as a
cruel reminder of their treachery.
Frozen Shadows
These fiendish servants of Asmodeus are enigmatic and Sirens of Deception
sinister entities. Cloaked in icy darkness, they possess
an ethereal quality, flitting through the icy winds with Beautiful and seductive, the Sirens of Deception lure
supernatural grace. The Frozen Shadows are unwary souls with their enchanting voices. They sing
Asmodeus’s enforcers, meting out punishments and haunting melodies that echo through the icy winds, their
ensuring the souls remain trapped in their frozen songs weaving tales of false promises and deceit. Once
torment. They possess razor-sharp claws and a chilling entranced, victims are led astray, their trust exploited as
touch that can freeze the very souls of their victims. they are ensnared by the treacherous melodies.
Frost Giants
Towering over the icy landscape, the Frost Giants are NPCs of Treachery
formidable guardians of the ninth circle. These hulking These unique NPCs provide players with a diverse
creatures are embodiments of raw power and cold fury. range of allies and enemies, each with their own stories,
They are tasked with maintaining order and preventing motivations, and abilities. Interacting with them can
any attempts to escape or disrupt the punishments lead to unexpected alliances, intriguing quests, and
within Treachery. Armed with massive weapons and pivotal moments of decision within the treacherous
encased in frost-imbued armor, Frost Giants strike fear realm of the ninth circle.
into the hearts of even the bravest adventurers. Elysia the Remorseful
Soul Drainers Elysia was once a renowned noble who betrayed her
own family for personal gain. Now trapped in the icy
These vampiric creatures of the lower planes embody tombs of Betrayal of Kin, she seeks redemption and
the insidious nature of treachery. Soul Drainers possess offers guidance to those who show genuine remorse for
the ability to drain the life force and essence of their past actions. Though tortured by her own guilt,
tormented souls, feeding off their suffering to sustain Elysia possesses valuable knowledge of the circle and
their own existence. With their elongated claws and can aid players with insight and strategies.
leathery wings, they prowl the icy wastes, hunting for
souls to sate their insatiable hunger. Lord Vaelith the Traitor-
Ice Spiders Once a respected ruler, Lord Vaelith succumbed to
Dwelling within the cavernous crevices and tunnels of treachery and betrayed his entire kingdom. Now
the ninth circle, Ice Spiders are monstrous arachnids transformed into a spectral figure, he haunts the halls of
imbued with elemental frost magic. These creatures the Citadel of Betrayal, seeking absolution that forever
weave intricate webs of icy strands, capturing souls and eludes him. Players may encounter him as a tragic
using them as sustenance. The venomous bite of an Ice figure, torn between regret and the remnants of his
Spider can induce numbing cold, paralyzing victims as former ambition.
they become entangled in the frosty embrace of the
spider’s web.

Captain Raskor, the Frozen
A legendary military leader who turned against his own
army, Captain Raskor now commands a legion of
undead soldiers in the Betrayal of Country. He is a
formidable adversary, skilled in strategic warfare, and
seeks to expand his undead army by enslaving the souls
of those who dare to challenge him.
Lady Ophelia, Mistress of
A captivating and cunning succubus, Lady Ophelia
thrives on exploiting the desires and weaknesses of
others. She offers temptations and deals in exchange
for loyalty, only to manipulate her victims and lead them
further into treacherous paths. Players may encounter
her as an enigmatic ally or a seductive adversary.
Master Aldric, the Betrayer’s
Master Aldric was once a trusted advisor to a great
noble, but he orchestrated their downfall through a web
of treachery. Now a rogue and assassin, he lurks in the
shadows of the Citadel of Betrayal, offering his services
to those who can meet his steep price. Players may
encounter him as a dangerous contact who can provide
information or perform covert tasks.
Icara, the Frost Witch
Icara is an ancient and powerful sorceress, whose
hunger for power led her to betray her coven and
embrace forbidden magic. She resides in an isolated
tower within the circle, surrounded by elemental
guardians. Players may seek her guidance or face her as
a formidable adversary with mastery over ice and frost
The Warden, Keeper of the
The Warden is an enigmatic entity tasked with guarding
the region of Betrayal of Guests. With a gaze that
pierces the soul, the Warden ensures that the souls
trapped within this region never forget their
transgressions. Players may encounter the Warden as a
cryptic ally who holds the key to unlocking ancient
secrets or as a relentless antagonist.

Malachi the Unrepentant The Traitor’s Codex
A ruthless and treacherous rogue, Malachi revels in his A mysterious book, rumored to contain the names of
own betrayal of benefactors. He roams the deepest pits countless betrayers, has surfaced within the Citadel of
of ice, preying on lost souls and reveling in their Betrayal. The players are tasked with retrieving the
suffering. Players may come across him as a codex before it falls into the wrong hands. They must
charismatic rogue who offers information or as a deadly navigate treacherous chambers, outwit cunning traps,
opponent who uses his deceptive charm to gain the and confront powerful adversaries seeking to exploit the
upper hand. secrets held within the codex.
Valeria the Redeemed Shattered Allegiances
Valeria was once a powerful enchantress who used her A powerful devil from a rival circle of Hell seeks to forge
magical abilities for selfish gain, betraying her mentor. an alliance with Asmodeus, challenging his authority in
Consumed by remorse, she now seeks redemption and the realm of Treachery. The players are approached by
has dedicated herself to aiding the souls trapped within a desperate group of souls who implore them to prevent
the circle of Treachery. Players may encounter her as a this unholy alliance. They must gather evidence of the
guide who can unravel the mysteries of the realm and devil’s treachery, infiltrate the devil’s stronghold, and
offer assistance in their quests. disrupt the negotiations before an alliance is formed.
The Nameless Specter The Frozen Pact
A tragic figure with no memory of their past, the Asmodeus offers a deal to the players, promising them a
Nameless Specter roams the frozen wastes, searching chance at redemption and escape from Hell. However,
for answers to their own betrayal. Players may the terms of the pact involve committing an act of
encounter this mysterious NPC as a lost soul seeking treachery against a powerful celestial being. The players
redemption or as a formidable adversary driven by must grapple with the moral dilemma of betraying
unknown motivations. another in order to secure their own freedom, all while
navigating the treacherous landscape and avoiding the
watchful eyes of the celestial realm.
Quest Hooks in The Betrayer’s Trial
Treachery As a test of loyalty, Asmodeus tasks the players with
These quest hooks provide Game Masters with a variety capturing a notorious traitor who has managed to
of engaging storylines and challenges that players can escape the clutches of the ninth circle. They must track
undertake within the Circle of Treachery. Each quest down the elusive fugitive through treacherous regions,
offers opportunities for exploration, moral dilemmas, facing off against their allies-turned-adversaries and
and the exploration of themes surrounding betrayal, making difficult choices along the way. The ultimate
redemption, and the consequences of one’s actions in a challenge lies in deciding the fate of the traitor once
realm defined by treachery. they are captured.
The Veil of Remorse
Redemption’s Embrace A hidden sanctuary exists within the circle of Treachery,
A tormented soul in the Betrayal of Kin seeks a place where the remorseful souls can find solace and
redemption and begs the players to find an artifact temporary respite from their eternal torment. The
hidden within the icy depths. This artifact holds the key players are approached by a group of desperate souls
to their release and redemption. The players must who seek their aid in protecting the sanctuary from
navigate treacherous terrain, face the wrath of frost external threats. They must defend the sanctuary
giants, and decipher cryptic clues to locate the artifact against relentless assaults, uncover the secrets of its
and decide the fate of the remorseful soul. creation, and make decisions that challenge their own
notions of forgiveness and redemption.

The Frozen Oracle
Legends speak of an ancient oracle who possesses the
knowledge to reveal the true nature of treachery and the
means to break the cycle of damnation. The players
embark on a perilous journey to locate the Frozen
Oracle, braving treacherous trials, confronting
formidable guardians, and deciphering cryptic
prophecies. Their encounters with the oracle will test
their resolve and offer insights that could reshape the
destiny of the souls trapped in the ninth circle.

The Unbroken Vow

A group of souls, bound together by an unbreakable vow
of loyalty, seeks the players’ assistance in restoring their
shattered oath. They must retrieve the fragments of
their oath scattered throughout the regions of the circle
and reunite the souls with their lost sense of trust.
Along the way, they must navigate treacherous
alliances, confront betrayers seeking to exploit their
vulnerability, and decide the fate of those who broke
their sacred vow.

The Treachery’s Legacy

An ancient artifact of immense power lies hidden within
the depths of the ninth circle. The players are tasked
with recovering this artifact before it falls into the wrong
hands. However, they soon discover that the artifact has
the ability to corrupt and amplify the treacherous
tendencies of those who possess it. The players must
resist its allure, outwit treacherous adversaries, and
decide whether to destroy or harness its power.

The Shadows of Betrayal

A group of shadowy figures known as the “Shades of
Betrayal” has emerged within the circle, seeking to
exploit the treachery of souls for their own sinister
purposes. The players are approached by a betrayed
soul who possesses vital information about the Shades’
plans. They must infiltrate the clandestine organization,
expose their true intentions, and put an end to their
nefarious schemes before they unleash chaos upon the
realm of Treachery.

Encounters in Skill-based Challenges
Treachery Betrayal’s Puzzle: In a hidden chamber of Betrayal of
These tailored encounters and challenges within the Kin, the players encounter a complex puzzle guarded
Circle of Treachery provide a range of exciting by ancient spirits. Solving the puzzle requires
gameplay opportunities, allowing players to test their deciphering clues, manipulating frozen mechanisms,
combat skills, problem-solving abilities, and diplomatic and navigating through a series of icy obstacles.
finesse in the face of treacherous adversaries and moral Success unlocks a hidden path and rewards the
dile dilemmas. players with valuable information or a powerful
The Veiled Labyrinth: Within the Citadel of Betrayal,
Challenging Encounters the players must navigate a maze-like labyrinth with
Whispering Shadows: In the frigid wastelands of shifting corridors and treacherous traps. The
Betrayal of Country, the players must navigate a labyrinth is infused with illusion magic, making it
treacherous maze of shifting ice formations while difficult to discern reality from deception. The
being pursued by a pack of vengeful specters. These players must use their observational skills, problem-
ethereal shadows constantly whisper deceitful solving abilities, and teamwork to find their way to
secrets and illusions, making it difficult for the the heart of the labyrinth and confront the
players to trust their senses and find their way to treacherous guardian that awaits them.
The Frozen Betrayers: Deep within the pits of
Betrayal of Benefactors, the players come face to Social Interactions
face with a group of powerful souls who were once
betrayed by those they trusted. Each soul wields The Bargain of Asmodeus: Asmodeus offers the
unique abilities tied to their past betrayals, making players a deal they can’t refuse—an opportunity to
them formidable adversaries. The players must escape Hell and return to the mortal realm.
outsmart and defeat these vengeful spirits, all while However, accepting the deal comes at a price. The
grappling with their own sense of guilt and the players must engage in a tense negotiation with the
consequences of their actions. Lord of the Nine Hells, carefully choosing their
words, making persuasive arguments, and navigating
the treacherous waters of infernal politics. The
Combat Encounters
outcome of this social interaction can have far-
reaching consequences for the players and the realm
The Traitor’s Legion: The players must confront of Treachery.
Captain Raskor and his undead army in a large-scale The Remorseful Oracle: Players seek an audience
battle within the frozen tundra of Betrayal of with the mysterious Remorseful Oracle, who holds
Country. The relentless onslaught of skeletal the key to unlocking the secrets of redemption within
soldiers, coupled with Raskor’s tactical genius, the circle. To gain the Oracle’s trust, they must
pushes the players’ combat abilities to their limits. engage in a series of philosophical debates, prove
Victory lies in strategic positioning, teamwork, and their genuine remorse for past actions, and
exploiting the weaknesses of the undead forces. demonstrate their commitment to breaking the cycle
The Devil’s Gambit: Asmodeus, ruler of the Circle of of treachery. Success grants them valuable insights,
Treachery, challenges the players to a deadly duel of guidance, and potential allies in their quest for
wits and combat. In a grand arena filled with redemption.
treacherous traps and illusions, the players must
outmaneuver and outfight the cunning and powerful
archduke. This encounter tests their combat
prowess, tactical decision-making, and ability to
resist the temptations and manipulations of the Lord
of the Nine Hells.

Systems you can use in Hell
1. Corruption and Damnation
ithin the depths of hell, a

Stage 4: Enveloping Darkness
malevolent force courses through the The character’s corruption becomes increasingly
very essence of its inhabitants. As evident and challenging to resist. Their moral compass
adventurers venture into the treacherous may waver, and the dark powers they possess grow
circles of the underworld, they are stronger, demanding greater sacrifices in return for
exposed to this infernal influence, which their use.
can slowly corrupt their souls. “Dante’s
Guide to Hell” introduces a unique Stage 5: Abyssal Convergence
corruption mechanic designed to track the characters’ At this final stage, the character teeters on the brink of
exposure to the taint of Hell, granting them dark powers damnation. Their corruption is almost complete, with
while simultaneously putting their alignment and sanity the infernal energies merging seamlessly with their
at risk. essence. They have become a conduit for the very
essence of Hell, wielding dark power but risking losing
their identity and soul.
The Corruption Meter Increasing Corruption
The Corruption Meter is a pivotal aspect of the
corruption mechanic. This meter serves as a tangible The Corruption Meter can be increased through various
representation of a character’s increasing exposure to means, primarily tied to the character’s interactions
the infernal energies and tracks their descent into with Hell and its denizens. Here are some examples of
corruption. Let us delve into the stages of the how corruption can be heightened:
Corruption Meter and explore the methods by which it
can be increased or decreased. Exposure to Infernal Entities
Interacting with demons, devils, or other denizens of
Stages of Corruption Hell can expose the character to their corrupting
influence. Direct communication, bargaining, or forming
The Corruption Meter consists of five stages, each pacts with these entities can accelerate corruption.
representing a different level of corruption. These
stages are designed to reflect the gradual progression of Dark Deeds
the character’s corruption, showcasing the increasing Committing morally ambiguous or outright evil acts,
influence of Hell over their soul. The number of stages such as torture, betrayal, or wanton destruction, can
may vary based on the desired depth of corruption contribute to the character’s corruption. Engaging in
within your campaign, but a common structure could acts aligned with the values of Hell can hasten their
include the following stages: descent.
Stage 1: Tainted Shadows Unearthly Artifacts
The character begins to feel the first subtle whispers of Discovering and wielding artifacts infused with infernal
the infernal influence. Their actions and choices may power can expose characters to a concentrated dose of
start to exhibit slight hints of darkness, though the corruption. The allure of such artifacts may tempt them
corruption remains relatively mild at this stage. into utilizing their dark capabilities.
Stage 2: Lingering Malevolence Decreasing Corruption
The character’s exposure to the infernal taint deepens, While corruption typically tends to rise, characters may
and its influence becomes more pronounced. Their seek redemption or actively work to resist the infernal
abilities may start to manifest glimpses of dark power, taint. Here are some ways in which corruption can be
granting them new options while sowing the seeds of decreased:
moral conflict.
Acts of Virtue
Stage 3: Veiled Corruption
The character finds themselves straddling the line Performing selfless acts, demonstrating compassion,
between their original virtues and the allure of their and upholding moral values aligned with good can
newfound dark abilities. The infernal corruption gradually diminish corruption. These acts of virtue
permeates their actions, altering their perception and symbolize the character’s resistance against the
subtly pushing them towards darker choices. temptations of Hell.

Holy Grounds Stage 2: Lingering
Seeking solace within sacred places, such as Malevolence
consecrated temples or realms of divine influence, can
temporarily shield characters from the corrupting forces As the character’s corruption deepens, the dark powers
of Hell, providing them a respite and an opportunity to bestowed upon them become more pronounced.
regain their purity. Examples of corruption effects at this stage might
Cleansing Rituals
Characters may undertake quests or rituals specifically Infernal Spellcasting: The character gains access to
designed to cleanse their souls of corruption. These a limited repertoire of infernal spells, allowing them
quests could involve recovering sacred relics, seeking to harness and channel the destructive energies of
guidance from wise spiritual figures, or undergoing Hell.
trials that test their resolve. Dark Pact: The character can form a pact with a
specific demon or devil, gaining a dark patron who
bestows additional powers and abilities, albeit with
potential strings attached.
Corruption Effects Maleficent Presence: The character’s mere presence
As characters progress through the stages of the exudes an aura that unnerves and disturbs those
Corruption Meter, they unlock increasingly potent dark around them, potentially imposing penalties on the
powers while facing the risk of losing alignment and rolls and morale of nearby enemies.
sanity. Let us delve into the corruption effects Stage 3: Veiled Corruption
associated with each stage, highlighting the benefits and
drawbacks that come with embracing the infernal taint. At this stage, the character finds themselves teetering
Stage 1: Tainted Shadows on the edge of their original virtues, their actions tainted
by the corrupting forces within. Examples of corruption
At this stage, the character begins to experience the effects at this stage might include:
initial effects of corruption. The powers granted by their
growing connection to Hell are relatively subtle. Infernal Transformation: The character undergoes a
Examples of corruption effects at this stage might physical alteration, manifesting demonic features or
include: subtle signs of their infernal connection. This
transformation may grant them enhanced abilities or
Minor Infernal Resilience: The character gains senses.
resistance to fire damage or a slight boost to their Temptation’s Whispers: The character begins to hear
saving throws against demonic or fiendish effects. the enticing whispers of the infernal forces,
Fiendish Insight: The character gains glimpses of providing them with cunning insights or subtle
infernal knowledge, such as recognizing demonic suggestions that can aid them but also threaten their
symbols or detecting hidden evil presence. alignment.
Sinister Aura: The character’s presence becomes Soul Syphon: The character can temporarily draw
tinged with a subtle aura of darkness, evoking upon the life force of defeated enemies, restoring
unease in those sensitive to such energies. their own vitality or replenishing their spellcasting

Stage 4: Enveloping Darkness GM Guidelines for the
As the character’s corruption nears completion, their Corruption System
alignment and sanity become perilously fragile. Implementing the corruption mechanic requires
Examples of corruption effects at this stage might thoughtful guidance from the Game Master to ensure an
include: engaging and balanced gameplay experience. By
Dark Eruption: The character gains the ability to
adhering to the following guidelines as a GM, you can
channel raw infernal power, unleashing devastating effectively incorporate the corruption mechanic into
attacks that can decimate their foes but risk your campaign, creating an immersive and morally
collateral damage or harm to innocent bystanders. complex experience for your players as they navigate
Damning Influence: The character’s presence exerts
the treacherous depths of Hell.
a subtle influence on those around them, making it Setting the Tone
easier for them to manipulate or persuade others to Establish the tone of the campaign early on,
darker deeds. emphasizing the dark and morally complex nature of
Soul Shackle: The character can temporarily bind Hell. Clearly communicate to your players that
the souls of defeated enemies, using them as a corruption will be a central theme, and encourage them
source of power to enhance their own abilities or to explore the moral dilemmas and internal struggles
bolster their defenses. that arise from embracing or resisting the infernal taint.
Communication and Consent
Stage 5: Abyssal Convergence Ensure open communication with your players
regarding the corruption mechanic. Discuss their
At the final stage of corruption, the character is on the comfort levels, boundaries, and expectations regarding
precipice of damnation, their identity and soul at the themes of corruption, alignment shifts, and potentially
mercy of the infernal powers they have embraced. disturbing content. Obtain their consent before delving
Examples of corruption effects at this stage might into the darker aspects of the campaign.
include: Balancing Corruption
Infernal Ascension: The character achieves a Strike a careful balance between the benefits and
grotesque or awe-inspiring transformation, drawbacks of corruption. Assess the power level of
becoming a vessel of pure infernal power. They gain corruption effects at each stage, considering the overall
access to extraordinary abilities, potentially rivaling balance of encounters and the impact on party
the might of lesser devils or demons. dynamics. Aim for a sense of progression and challenge
Covenant of Damnation: The character forges an while avoiding overwhelming power discrepancies
unbreakable pact with a powerful fiend, becoming an between corrupted and non-corrupted characters.
agent of Hell and gaining dominion over lesser
infernal entities. This pact grants them immense Alignment and Roleplaying
power but at the cost of their autonomy and moral Encourage players to explore the internal conflicts and
compass. roleplay the ethical dilemmas associated with
Soul Corruption: The character’s presence alone corruption. Discuss alignment shifts and how they can
corrupts the souls of those around them, turning affect character development and interactions with
once-virtuous individuals into potential minions or NPCs and party members. Ensure that alignment
allies of the infernal forces. changes are meaningful and reflect the character’s
evolving moral compass.
Temptations and Consequences
Present characters with temptations that can accelerate
corruption or grant short-term advantages. Incorporate
NPCs or entities within Hell who actively seek to
manipulate and corrupt the characters. Highlight the
potential consequences of succumbing to corruption,
such as strained relationships, loss of reputation, or
turning into adversaries for the party.

Redemption and Salvation
Provide opportunities for characters to seek redemption
and salvation, should they choose to resist or purge the
infernal taint. Introduce quests, mentors, or holy
artifacts that can aid characters on their journey
towards purity. Design challenges and trials that test
their resolve and offer the chance to reverse or mitigate
the effects of corruption.
Psychological and Roleplaying
Include psychological challenges that test the
characters’ sanity as they become more corrupted. Use
roleplaying opportunities to portray the internal
struggles, intrusive thoughts, and haunting visions that
result from their connection to Hell. Ensure that the
narrative acknowledges the toll this corruption takes on
the characters’ mental well-being.
Narrative Integration
Integrate the corruption mechanic into the broader
narrative of your campaign. Explore how the characters’
corruption impacts the unfolding story, the reactions of
NPCs, and the consequences of their actions. Consider
tie-ins with major villains or conflicts within Hell,
creating a sense of personal investment and long-term
Customization and Player Agency
Allow players to have agency over their character’s
corruption journey. Provide opportunities for them to
shape the corruption effects, collaborate on the
narrative aspects, and customize their dark powers
within the framework of the corruption mechanic. This
fosters player engagement and investment in their
character’s development.
Evolving Campaign World
Consider how the corruption mechanic might impact
the campaign world beyond the immediate party.
Determine the wider consequences of a character’s
corruption, such as the spreading influence of Hell, the
reactions of religious orders, or the emergence of rival
factions seeking to combat or exploit the growing

Systems you can use in Hell
2. Sins and Virtues
e present a unique system to The choices made by characters in regard to virtues and

mirror Dante Alighieri’s exploration of sins also impact their interactions with the denizens of
moral virtues and sins. This system Hell. NPCs within the infernal realms may respond
allows players to delve into the depths of differently based on a character’s moral alignment and
their characters’ souls, confronting and their commitment to virtues or sins. Some demons or
overcoming their own vices and devils may be more inclined to bargain or deceive those
temptations. By embracing virtues or who have succumbed to particular sins, while others
resisting sins, characters can gain unique may be more receptive to those who embody virtues.
abilities or resistances tied to their moral choices. In addition to the role-playing and narrative aspects,
the Sins and Virtues system also introduces new
System Overview mechanical options for characters. Players can select
The system of Sins and Virtues provides a framework virtues and sins as character traits during character
for moral development and character growth, offering a creation, providing unique bonuses or abilities from the
compelling narrative and mechanical options for start. Furthermore, as characters progress, they have
players. It encourages introspection and exploration of the opportunity to unlock additional virtues or sins
the ethical dimensions of their characters, adding depth through quests, personal growth, or significant moral
and complexity to their role-playing experience. choices made during their journeys.
To implement the Sins and Virtues system, players Choosing Virtues and Sins
are presented with a list of virtues and sins, inspired by
Dante’s “Divine Comedy” and tailored to fit the world of During character creation, players have the opportunity
TTRPG. These virtues encompass qualities such as to choose one virtue and one sin for their character.
Courage, Wisdom, Charity, and Justice, while the sins These choices reflect the initial moral compass of the
embody vices like Greed, Wrath, Envy, and Lust. Each character and lay the foundation for their journey
virtue and sin is accompanied by a description, outlining through the infernal realms. The selected virtues and
its essence and the potential consequences of sins grant the character an initial benefit related to their
embracing or resisting it. alignment.
Throughout their adventures, characters will
encounter situations and temptations that challenge
their moral fiber. When faced with a moral dilemma,
players must make choices that align with either a
virtue or a sin. These choices carry weight and influence
the character’s development, shaping their abilities,
resistances, and the overall narrative.
By embracing virtues, characters gain access to
unique abilities and powers that reflect the essence of
the chosen virtue. For example, a character who
embraces the virtue of Courage may gain bonuses to
saving throws against fear effects, or they may have the
ability to inspire their allies in times of crisis.
Embracing virtues not only enhances a character’s
capabilities but also reflects their growth as paragons of
On the other hand, characters who don’t resist their
sins suffer penalties and negative effects associated
with those sins. For instance, a character who doesn’t
resist the sin of Greed may have disadvantage on
Wisdom (Perception) checks made to notice non-
treasure-related details in their surroundings. Resisting
sins showcases a character’s ability to overcome their
darker impulses and maintain their moral compass.

Virtues Charity
The character embodies selflessness, generosity, and
When choosing a virtue for their character, players have kindness towards others.
a range of options to reflect their character’s moral Initial Bonus: +1 bonus to Charisma (Persuasion)
alignment and desired focus. checks when attempting to help others.
Advancement Bonuses
The character exhibits bravery and fearlessness in the
face of danger. Healing Touch: The character gains the ability to
Initial Bonus: +1 bonus to saving throws against fear cast the Cure Wounds spell once per long rest as a
effects. 1st-level spell without expending a spell slot.
Aura of Compassion: Allies within 10 feet of the
Advancement Bonuses character gain resistance to necrotic damage.
Sacrificial Shield: Once per long rest, as a reaction
As an action, the character
Ability to inspire allies:
when an ally within 5 feet is targeted by an attack,
can inspire allies within 30 feet, granting them a +2 the character can interpose themselves, taking the
bonus to attack rolls or saving throws for 1 minute. attack’s damage instead.
This ability can be used a number of times equal to
the character’s proficiency bonus, and it refreshes
after a long rest. Justice
Resistance to Fear: The character gains advantage The character upholds fairness, righteousness, and
on saving throws against fear effects. moral integrity.
Indomitable Will: Once per long rest, the character Initial Bonus: +1 bonus to Charisma (Intimidation)
can choose to automatically succeed on a saving checks when attempting to intimidate wrongdoers.
throw against a fear effect.
Advancement Bonuses
Wisdom Vengeful Strike: The character deals additional
The character possesses deep insight, perception, and damage equal to their proficiency bonus when they
understanding. hit a creature that has dealt damage to an ally within
Initial Bonus: +1 bonus to Wisdom saving throws. the past round.
Divine Judgement: Once per long rest, the character
Advancement Bonuses can channel their righteous fury, granting them
The character gains proficiency in the advantage on attack rolls and resistance to damage
Keen Senses:
Perception skill. for 1 minute.
Just Protector: The character gains the ability to cast
Intuitive Mind: The character has advantage on
Insight checks to detect deception or hidden motives. the Sanctuary spell once per long rest without
Wisdom’s Guidance: Once per long rest, the
expending a spell slot.
character can gain advantage on any Wisdom-based
ability check or saving throw. Temperance
The character displays self-control, moderation, and
Initial Bonus: +1 bonus to Constitution saving throws.

Advancement Bonuses

Inner Balance: The character gains advantage on

saving throws against being charmed or frightened.
Steadfast Mind: The character has advantage on
concentration checks to maintain spells.
Resilient Body: The character gains resistance to
poison damage.

The character embodies truthfulness, sincerity, and The character demonstrates modesty, selflessness, and
integrity. a lack of pride.
Initial Bonus: +1 bonus to Wisdom (Insight) checks
Initial Bonus: +1 bonus to Wisdom (Insight) checks
when detecting lies. when assessing others’ intentions.
Advancement Bonuses
Advancement Bonuses

The character emanates an aura of Unassuming Presence: The character has advantage
Aura of Truth:
honesty, granting advantage on Charisma on Dexterity (Stealth) checks made to hide or blend
(Persuasion) checks when telling the truth. into a crowd.
Evasive Maneuvers: The character gains a +1 bonus
Unwavering Vow: Once per long rest, the character
can reroll a failed saving throw against a charm or to AC when not wearing heavy armor.
Inner Serenity: Once per long rest, the character can
illusion effect. expend hit dice to regain hit points as a bonus action.
Just Judge: The character gains the ability to cast the
Zone of Truth spell once per long rest without
expending a spell slot. Loyalty
The character displays unwavering allegiance,
Hope trustworthiness, and devotion.
Initial Bonus: +1 bonus to Charisma (Persuasion)
The character embraces optimism, positivity, and checks when reinforcing bonds of loyalty.
Initial Bonus: +1 bonus to Charisma (Persuasion) Advancement Bonuses
checks when inspiring hope in others.
Shield Ally: As a reaction, the character can
Advancement Bonuses interpose themselves to grant disadvantage on an
The character gains the ability to attack roll against an adjacent ally.
Inspiring Loyalty: The character gains a bonus to
Beacon of Hope:
cast the Lesser Restoration spell once per long rest saving throws against being charmed or frightened
as a 1st-level spell without expending a spell slot. equal to their proficiency bonus.
Inspiring Presence: Allies within 10 feet of the
Unyielding Bond: Once per long rest, the character
character have advantage on saving throws against can transfer damage taken by an adjacent ally to
being frightened. themselves.
Radiant Resilience: Once per long rest, the character
can gain temporary hit points equal to their
Charisma modifier as a bonus action.
The character seeks wisdom, education, and intellectual
Initial Bonus: +1 bonus to Intelligence checks when
recalling information or conducting research.
Advancement Bonuses

Keen Mind: The character gains proficiency in one

Intelligence-based skill of their choice.
Scholar’s Insight: The character can add their
proficiency bonus to Intelligence saving throws
against magical effects.
Lorekeeper: Once per short rest, the character can
gain advantage on a knowledge-based skill check.

Embracing Virtues
Embracing Virtues allows players to actively choose a
path of moral righteousness for their characters.
Embracing virtues is an ongoing process that requires
consistent commitment and character development. By
actively incorporating these elements into the gameplay,
players can create rich and meaningful narratives
centered around moral choices and the character’s
journey towards moral excellence. Here are some ways
in which players can accomplish embracing virtues
within the game:
Role-playing: Players can embody the chosen virtue
through their character’s actions, dialogue, and
decision-making. They can actively seek opportunities to
demonstrate courage, wisdom, charity, or any other
virtue they have selected. This can be achieved by
engaging in selfless acts, displaying empathy and
compassion, making fair and just choices, or exhibiting
the characteristic traits associated with the chosen
Quests and Challenges: The Game Master can design
quests and challenges that specifically test the
character’s commitment to their chosen virtue. These
quests can present moral dilemmas, where the
character must make difficult choices that align with
their virtue. For example, a character who chose Justice
may face a situation where they must choose between
exacting revenge or offering forgiveness to an
Virtue Trials: Characters can undergo specific trials
or tests that are tailored to their chosen virtue. These
trials can be physical, mental, or spiritual in nature and
require the character to demonstrate their commitment
to the virtue. For example, a character who chose
Temperance may undergo a trial where they must resist
the temptations of indulgence or excess.
Virtue Interactions: Characters can engage with
NPCs or entities within the game world who embody or
challenge their chosen virtue. Interactions with virtuous
mentors, wise sages, or divine beings can provide
guidance and opportunities for character growth.
Conversely, encounters with characters who embody
vices or temptations can test the character’s resolve and
provide opportunities for moral growth.
Virtue Milestones: Characters can have milestones or
significant moments in their journeys that mark their
progress in embracing their chosen virtue. These
milestones can be tied to character development, such
as gaining a new ability or bonus, or unlocking a unique
story arc related to their chosen virtue.

Sins Envy
The character is consumed by jealousy and an
Sins and their associated drawbacks provide players unhealthy desire for what others possess.
with opportunities for role-playing inner struggles and Initial Drawback: The character has disadvantage on
character growth. They serve as cautionary elements, Wisdom (Insight) checks when detecting their own envy
reminding players of the consequences of indulging in or jealousy.
immoral behaviors and encouraging them to make
difficult moral choices throughout their journey through Advancement Drawbacks
Resentful Focus: The character has disadvantage on
Greed attack rolls and ability checks against a target they
The character is consumed by an insatiable desire for are envious of.
wealth and possessions. Self-Destruction: Once per long rest, the character
Initial Drawback: The character has disadvantage on must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw or be
Charisma (Persuasion) checks when interacting with compelled to sabotage a party member’s success or
NPCs who value selflessness or generosity. possession.
Advancement Drawbacks
Material Obsession: The character’s movement The character is prone to laziness, procrastination, and
speed is reduced by 10 feet while carrying more than a lack of initiative.
their carrying capacity allows. Initial Drawback: The character has disadvantage on
Covetous Distraction: The character has Dexterity saving throws made to avoid sudden dangers
disadvantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks made or traps.
to notice non-treasure-related details in their
surroundings. Advancement Drawbacks

Lethargic Reflexes: The character has disadvantage

Wrath on initiative rolls.
The character is prone to uncontrolled anger and Apathetic Mind: The character has disadvantage on
violent outbursts. Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma saving throws
Initial Drawback: The character has disadvantage on against spells and effects that require mental acuity.
Charisma (Persuasion) checks when attempting to calm
or negotiate peacefully. Lust
Advancement Drawbacks The character is consumed by intense desire and sexual
Unbridled Fury: The character has disadvantage on Initial Drawback: The character has disadvantage on
attack rolls and ability checks for 1 round after being Wisdom (Insight) checks made to see through seductive
hit by an attack. or manipulative behavior.
Instability: The character has disadvantage on
Wisdom saving throws to resist being charmed or Advancement Drawbacks
frightened. Distraction of Desires: The character has
disadvantage on Concentration checks to maintain
spells when in the presence of an object of desire.
Vulnerable to Temptation: The character has
disadvantage on saving throws against spells or
effects that induce charm or seduction.

The character is excessively arrogant and believes The character is overwhelmed by sadness,
themselves to be superior to others. hopelessness, and a lack of motivation.
Initial Drawback: The character has disadvantage on
Initial Drawback: The character has disadvantage on
Wisdom (Insight) checks made to detect flattery or Charisma (Persuasion) checks when attempting to
insincere compliments. inspire hope or uplift others.
Advancement Drawbacks
Advancement Drawbacks

The character has disadvantage on ability Apathetic Aura: Allies within 10 feet of the character
checks made to cooperate with others in group have disadvantage on saving throws against being
activities or team efforts. frightened or charmed.
Emotionally Fragile: The character has disadvantage
Overconfident Blunder: Once per long rest, the
character must succeed on a Charisma saving throw on Wisdom saving throws against spells or effects
or suffer a critical failure on their next attack roll or that induce fear or sadness.
ability check.
The character is inclined to betray allies or break
Gluttony commitments for personal gain.
The character indulges in excessive consumption of Initial Drawback: The character has disadvantage on
food, drink, or other substances. Wisdom (Insight) checks when attempting to gauge
Initial Drawback: The character has disadvantage on someone’s loyalty or intentions.
Constitution saving throws against poison or disease
effects. Advancement Drawbacks

Tarnished Reputation: The character has

Advancement Drawbacks
disadvantage on Charisma (Persuasion) checks
The character must consume twice when dealing with individuals who are aware of their
the normal amount of rations or suffer one level of history of betrayal.
exhaustion per day. Isolation and Distrust: The character has
Weighted Burden: The character’s maximum disadvantage on Charisma (Persuasion) checks
carrying capacity is reduced by 25%. made to form new alliances or gain trust.
Indulging in Sins
The character habitually lies, deceives, and manipulates Indulging in sins presents players with the opportunity
others for personal gain. to explore the darker aspects of their characters.
Initial Drawback: The character has disadvantage on
However, it is important to balance the allure of sinful
Charisma (Persuasion) checks when attempting to behavior with the inherent drawbacks and
convince others of their trustworthiness. consequences. Here’s a way to incorporate indulging in
sins into the game mechanics:
Advancement Drawbacks Temptation Checks: When a character is faced with a
situation that tempts them to indulge in a sin, the player
Web of Lies: The character has disadvantage on can make a Temptation Check. This check can be based
Wisdom (Insight) checks made to detect lies or on a relevant ability score, such as Wisdom or
hidden motives in others. Charisma, modified by the character’s proficiency
Fractured Trust: The character has disadvantage on bonus. The DC for the check is determined by the
Charisma (Intimidation) checks when attempting to severity of the temptation and the character’s current
intimidate someone who has witnessed their deceit. moral standing.
Consequences of Failure: If the player fails the
Temptation Check, their character succumbs to the sin
and experiences its associated drawbacks. These
drawbacks can range from temporary penalties to
lasting consequences. For example, a character who
indulges in Greed may suffer a penalty to their
movement speed or find themselves compelled to steal
valuable items.
Advancement Drawbacks: As the character
repeatedly indulges in a particular sin, they accumulate Progression and
advancement drawbacks, as detailed in the previous Unlocking New
response. These drawbacks represent the deepening
effects of the sin on the character’s personality, abilities, Virtues & Sins
and interactions with the world. They can include In the Sins and Virtues system, characters have the
penalties to checks, saving throws, or other mechanics opportunity to progress and unlock new virtues or, in
that reflect the character’s descent into moral decay. some cases, fall into new sins. The progression
Redemption Opportunities: You may also provide mechanics are designed to reflect the character’s moral
redemption opportunities for characters who have development and the consequences of their choices.
embraced sins. Through quests, encounters, or personal Here’s how progression and unlocking new virtues or
growth arcs, characters can have the chance to redeem sins work:
themselves and overcome the drawbacks associated
with their sins. These opportunities may require the
character to undertake challenging tasks, make difficult Progression and
choices, or seek guidance from virtuous mentors. Advancement
Role-playing and Character Development: Indulging
in sins should be accompanied by meaningful role- As characters progress through their adventures and
playing and character development. Players should engage in moral choices, they earn Virtue Points (VP) or
explore the motivations, conflicts, and internal struggles Sin Points (SP) based on their actions and decisions.
of their characters as they yield to sinful temptations. These points represent the character’s moral standing
This can involve engaging in morally ambiguous and can be tracked on a Virtue-Sin scale.
scenarios, interacting with NPCs who embody vices, or Virtue Points (VP): Characters earn VP by embodying
navigating complex moral dilemmas. virtues, making morally righteous choices, and actively
Narrative Consequences: Indulging in sins should resisting sins. VP represents the character’s
have narrative consequences that reflect the character’s commitment to virtuous behavior and their growth in
moral choices. The world and its inhabitants may moral strength.
respond differently to characters who have succumbed Sin Points (SP): Characters earn SP by indulging in
to sins, leading to altered interactions, quest outcomes, sins, making morally questionable decisions, and
or even shifts in alignment. These consequences can succumbing to temptations. SP represents the
provide opportunities for character growth, redemption character’s descent into moral corruption and the allure
arcs, or explorations of the consequences of moral of darker influences.
Unlocking New Virtues
When a character accumulates a certain amount of VP,
they have the opportunity to unlock a new virtue,
reflecting their personal growth and commitment to
moral righteousness. The specific VP threshold
required for unlocking a new virtue can be set by the
Game Master based on the pacing of the campaign.
Typically, a significant moral choice or a series of
virtuous actions could trigger the unlocking of a new
When a new virtue is unlocked, the character gains
access to the associated initial bonus and can start
accumulating VP in that virtue to unlock its
advancement bonuses. This encourages players to
continue embodying and exploring the virtues present in
the game.

Fall to New Sins
Conversely, when a character accumulates a certain
amount of SP, they risk falling into a new sin,
representing their moral decline and susceptibility to
darker influences. Falling into a new sin can occur
through a series of morally questionable decisions,
succumbing to temptations aligned with a particular sin,
or engaging in actions contrary to the virtues they have
previously embraced.
When a character falls into a new sin, they suffer the
associated initial drawback and begin accumulating SP
in that sin. This creates challenges for the character, as
they must now actively resist the allure of their new sin
to avoid further moral deterioration.
Advancement Drawbacks
In addition to the initial drawbacks associated with a
sin, characters gain advancement drawbacks as they
accumulate more SP in a particular sin. Advancement
drawbacks represent the deepening negative
consequences and challenges faced by characters who
further embrace their sins.
The advancement drawbacks can include increased
penalties to ability checks, saving throws, or other
aspects of gameplay that reflect the corrupting influence
of the sin. These drawbacks serve as a reminder of the
character’s moral descent and present opportunities for
role-playing inner conflicts and redemption arcs.
Redemption and Breaking the Cycle
Characters who have fallen into new sins can seek
redemption and strive to break the cycle of moral
decline. This can be achieved through significant acts of
repentance, self-reflection, and actively resisting the
allure of their sins. The specific path to redemption and
breaking the cycle of sin should be discussed and
determined collaboratively between the player and the
Game Master.
Redemption arcs offer compelling character
development opportunities and can be tied to specific
quests or narrative arcs within the campaign.
Successful redemption might result in the character
shedding their sins and unlocking a new virtue,
reflecting their newfound moral strength and personal

Systems you can use in Hell
3. Infernal Contracts
he infernal contracts system The consequences of

Consequences of Failure:
introduces an intriguing mechanic that failure serve as a cautionary reminder to the
allows players to engage in infernal characters of the gravity of their infernal bargain.
bargains within the nine circles of Hell. These consequences can include the loss of their
These contracts serve as a means for soul, eternal damnation, a curse that afflicts them or
characters to trade their souls, services, their loved ones, or an ever-increasing debt owed to
or even specific tasks in exchange for a powerful infernal entity. The severity of the
power, items, or knowledge. However, consequences should match the importance of the
these deals come with both enticing benefits and dire contract and the power involved.
consequences, creating a compelling choice for players Signatories and Witnesses: Infernal contracts
to make. require the signatures of both the mortal character
and an infernal representative. The representative
Acquiring Infernal can be a powerful devil, a seductive succubus, or any
Contracts other fiendish entity capable of entering into such
agreements. Witnesses might include other fiends,
Discovering Contracts: Infernal contracts can be enslaved souls, or demonic creatures. These
discovered in various ways throughout Hell. They signatures bind the contract magically and ensure its
may be hidden in ancient libraries filled with enforceability.
forbidden knowledge, offered by powerful fiends
seeking mortal aid, or found within the labyrinthine
halls of infernal bureaucracy. Balancing the Choices
Opportunities and Temptations: Game Masters can
present infernal contracts as intriguing opportunities Moral Dilemmas: Characters must carefully weigh
for the players, tantalizing them with promises of the risks and rewards of entering into infernal
great rewards and tempting bargains. The contracts contracts. Game Masters should emphasize the
should align with the desires, motivations, and potential benefits, but also make it clear that these
weaknesses of the characters, making them difficult come at a significant cost. Players may need to
to resist. sacrifice their principles, commit heinous acts, or
Campaign Integration: The acquisition of infernal
endure lasting consequences to fulfill their end of the
contracts can be seamlessly integrated into the bargain.
Long-Term Ramifications: Game Masters should
campaign’s narrative, introducing plot hooks, present the characters with the long-term
personal quests, or moral dilemmas that drive the implications of their choices. They can introduce
story forward. moral quandaries, strained relationships with allies
Components of an Infernal or deities, or even the attention and interference of
rival fiends seeking to exploit or manipulate the
Contract characters’ newfound power.
Player Agency: It is crucial to give players agency in
Offered Boon: The offered boon is the reward accepting or rejecting infernal contracts. While the
promised to the character upon fulfilling the terms of allure of power and rewards may be strong, the
the infernal contract. It should be something highly ultimate decision should be in the hands of the
desirable, such as a unique and powerful magic item, players, allowing them to define their characters’
forbidden knowledge that grants new abilities or paths and shape the narrative.
spells, or even the fulfillment of a long-cherished
Stipulations: Stipulations outline the specific tasks, Tracking and Enforcing
favors, or services the character must perform to Contracts
fulfill the contract. These tasks should be
challenging, aligning with the nature of Hell and Task Progression: Once an infernal contract is
testing the characters’ skills, resolve, and morality. accepted, the Game Master tracks the stipulations
Examples include retrieving an artifact from a and the character’s progress toward their
dangerous demon’s lair, manipulating events to completion. This adds a sense of urgency and a
ensure the fall of a specific soul, or toppling a rival focused narrative thread to the campaign.
infernal power.
Obstacles and Challenges: The Game Master can
introduce obstacles, rival parties, or fiends seeking to
thwart the character’s efforts, creating suspenseful
encounters and challenges along the way.
Infernal Intervention: Fiends involved in the contract
may try to influence the character’s choices,
manipulate events, or test their loyalty. These
interventions create dynamic and engaging
interactions within the campaign.
Resolution and Fallout
Boon Reward: When the character successfully
fulfills the stipulations of an infernal contract, they
should receive the promised boon. This reward can
significantly impact their power, abilities, or story
progression, reflecting the fulfillment of their infernal
Consequences Unveiled: The consequences of the
infernal contract should also come into play.
Characters may face moral dilemmas arising from
their actions, strained relationships with allies,
deities, or factions, or the attention of rival fiends
seeking to exploit or manipulate their newfound
Character Development: The resolution of an
infernal contract presents an opportunity for
character growth and development. It allows players
to explore the consequences of their choices and
make meaningful decisions that shape their
characters’ identities and alignments.
Creating an Infernal
When creating an infernal contract for your campaign
using the mechanics presented above, you can follow
these steps to quickly develop a compelling and morally
challenging pact:
Boon: Determine the offered boon—a powerful
reward that entices the character to accept the contract.
This could be a magical artifact, forbidden knowledge, a
unique ability, or any other reward that aligns with the
character’s desires and motivations.
Stipulations: Establish the stipulations—the tasks,
favors, or services the character must fulfill to complete
the contract. Consider challenges that test the
character’s skills, ethics, or relationships. Stipulations
can involve retrieving rare items, committing morally
questionable acts, influencing significant events, or
interacting with powerful entities.
Consequences: Outline the dire consequences of
failure. These consequences should be substantial and
reflect the gravity of the infernal pact. Potential
outcomes include the loss of one’s soul, eternal
damnation, the curse of a powerful fiend, or an ever-
increasing debt to infernal forces.
Signatories and Witnesses: Determine the infernal
representative who enters into the contract, such as a
devil, demon, or other fiendish being. Consider
additional witnesses who validate the contract’s legality,
such as enslaved souls, demonic creatures, or lesser
fiends. These signatures and witnesses imbue the Infernal Contract II
contract with magical binding properties. The Forbidden Tome

Contract Examples Offered Boon

the character will be granted access to
the “Book of Shadows,” a forbidden grimoire filled
with dark and arcane knowledge. This book grants
Infernal Contract I the character additional spells, the ability to perform
rituals with greater potency, and insight into
The Pact of Eternal Vigilance ancient secrets of forbidden magic.
Offered Boon Stipulations
the character will be granted a set of 1. The character must retrieve a vial of pure demonic ichor
obsidian armor known as the “Infernal Sentinel.”
from the heart of the Blood Furnace, a seething cauldron
This armor enhances the character’s durability and
of demonic power.
grants resistance against fire and necrotic damage. It
2. The character must successfully deceive a powerful
also provides the ability to sense nearby demonic
archmage into providing a sacred relic of immense
presence and the power to unleash devastating
magical power.
infernal flames upon their enemies.
3. The character must sacrifice their most cherished
Stipulations possession, an item of great sentimental value, in a ritual
1. The character must slay a high-ranking demon lord and that binds their fate to the Book of Shadows.
bring forth their severed horn as proof of their demise.
2. The character must swear an oath to forever hunt and Consequences of Failure
eradicate any demons who dare to threaten the balance should the character fail to fulfill the
of power in Hell. stipulations of this contract, the Book of Shadows
will become a conduit of corruption, slowly warping
Consequences of Failure
their mind and soul. Additionally, they will be
should the character fail to fulfill the plagued by nightmarish visions and hunted by a
stipulations of this contract, the Infernal Sentinel
relentless group of demon hunters seeking to destroy
armor will turn against them, draining their life
the tainted grimoire.
force and causing excruciating pain. Additionally,
their name will be cursed and whispered among the Signatories and Witnesses
demons, attracting the attention of vengeful fiends the character’s signature is required,
seeking to exact their revenge. along with the signature of Mephistopheles, an
Signatories and Witnesses influential devil lord who holds vast knowledge of
the character’s signature is required, infernal secrets. Witnesses to the contract include a
group of fiendish librarians and a tortured soul who
along with the signature of Lilithrax, a cunning
succubus who holds dominion over a layer of the has suffered the consequences of breaking a previous
infernal contract.
Abyss. Witnesses to the contract include a group of
lesser demons, bound to Lilithrax’s service, and a
tortured soul who has suffered the consequences of
breaking a previous infernal contract.

Infernal Contract III Infernal Contract IV
The Symphony of Damnation The Scales of Damnation

Offered Boon Offered Boon

the character will be granted mastery the character will be granted the
over a unique and potent school of infernal magic, “Infernal Balance,” a mystical artifact that grants
known as “The Fiend’s Cadence.” This mastery the ability to manipulate the forces of good and evil.
grants the character access to forbidden spells, the This artifact allows the character to dispel or
ability to command lesser demons, and resistance to enhance celestial and infernal magic, detect hidden
demonic mental manipulation. celestial or infernal entities, and gain resistance
against radiant and necrotic damage.
1. The character must compose and perform a symphony, Stipulations
using infernal instruments crafted from the bones of 1. The character must gather seven artifacts, each
damned souls. This symphony must be played before an representing one of the Seven Virtues, stolen from the
audience of demons and evoke emotions of despair and hands of angelic guardians.
chaos. 2. The character must incite a war between two rival
2. The character must gather the tears of a celestial being, celestial factions, causing strife and discord among their
captured in a vial of pure sorrow, from the Elysian ranks.
Fields. 3. The character must deliver a blow to the very heart of a
3. The character must offer a tribute of a hundred souls to divine temple, desecrating its sanctity and defiling its
the Abyss, harvested from a battle they themselves sacred grounds.
Consequences of Failure
Consequences of Failure should the character fail to fulfill the
should the character fail to fulfill the stipulations of this contract, the Infernal Balance
stipulations of this contract, their connection to the will turn against them, draining their life force and
Fiend’s Cadence will be severed, rendering them causing a constant state of imbalance and turmoil
unable to cast infernal spells. Additionally, their within their being. Additionally, their name will be
name will be whispered among the demons as a cursed and whispered among celestial beings,
failed composer, attracting ridicule and scorn from attracting the attention of vengeful angels seeking
fiendish entities. retribution.

Signatories and Witnesses Signatories and Witnesses

the character’s signature is required, the character’s signature is required,
along with the signature of Belial, a powerful demon along with the signature of Asmodeus, the ruler of
prince known for his love of discordant music. the Nine Hells and the embodiment of lawful evil.
Witnesses to the contract include a group of enslaved Witnesses to the contract include a group of infernal
souls and a tormented soul who has suffered the advisors and a tormented soul who has suffered the
consequences of breaking a previous infernal consequences of breaking a previous infernal
contract. contract.

Infernal Contract V
The Pact of Unending Shadows

Offered Boon
the character will be granted the
ability to harness the dark powers of shadows and
become a “Shadowwraith.” This transformation
grants the character enhanced stealth and agility,
the ability to move through shadows and darkness
effortlessly, and the power to invoke tendrils of
darkness to ensnare and subdue enemies.
1. The character must steal a fragment of the unholy
artifact known as the “Eternal Nightshade” from the
inner sanctum of a powerful vampire lord.
2. The character must acquire the essence of a rare and
dangerous creature known as the “Umbral Serpent,”
found deep within the Abyss. This essence must be
captured in a specially crafted phylactery.
3. The character must embrace their own darkest fears and
confront their personal demons in a ritual that requires
them to delve into their own subconscious mind,
traversing a treacherous dreamscape.

Consequences of Failure
should the character fail to fulfill the
stipulations of this contract, their transformation
into a Shadowwraith will be incomplete and
unstable. They will experience intense pain and
struggle to control their shadowy powers, becoming
a target for both celestial and infernal entities
seeking to exploit their vulnerability.

Signatories and Witnesses

the character’s signature is required,
along with the signature of Nyxandra, a mysterious
and enigmatic succubus who is rumored to have ties
to the Shadow Plane. Witnesses to the contract
include a group of shadowy beings known as the
Umbral Court and a tormented soul who has
suffered the consequences of breaking a previous
infernal contract.

Systems you can use in Hell
4. Circle-Specific Traits
ach circle of hell presents

unique challenges, hazards, and Gluttony
supernatural effects that Game In the circle of Gluttony, insatiable hunger reigns
Masters can incorporate into their supreme, and grotesque feasts consume both body and
campaigns. These circle-specific traits soul. The circle-specific traits of Gluttony include:
serve to immerse players in the Consuming Miasma: A noxious miasma hangs in the
horrors of the infernal realm and air, causing disadvantage on Constitution saving
provide opportunities for strategic throws and Constitution-based skill checks.
gameplay and narrative exploration. Here, we delve into Ravenous Hunger: The environment intensifies
the intricate details of each circle, outlining the distinct hunger, imposing disadvantage on Wisdom saving
environmental hazards and supernatural effects that throws against effects that manipulate or control
await adventurers brave enough to venture into the food and sustenance.
depths of Hell. Digestive Quagmire: The ground becomes a

Limbo treacherous morass of digestive fluids and sticky

substances. Movement speed is halved, and
In the realm of Limbo, where souls reside in eternal creatures must succeed on Strength saving throws
neutrality, the environment is characterized by constant to avoid becoming stuck or restrained.
flux and uncertainty. The circle-specific traits of Limbo
Shifting Grounds: The terrain constantly changes,
making movement unpredictable. Players may need The realm of Greed is a place of material obsession and
to succeed on Dexterity saving throws to maintain unquenchable avarice, where wealth and possessions
balance or risk falling prone. rule. The circle-specific traits of Greed include:
Ephemeral Structures: Structures and pathways are Cursed Treasure: The treasures found in Greed’s
transient, appearing and disappearing at random. realm are cursed, bringing misfortune and
Adventurers must make careful decisions about misfortune to those who lay their hands on them.
when and where to step, lest they be left stranded or Players must make Wisdom saving throws to resist
trapped. the allure of these treasures or suffer ill effects.
Anomalous Time: Time in Limbo operates on its Trapped Wealth: The wealth within Greed’s domain
own erratic rhythm, causing spells and effects that is often trapped or guarded. Disarming traps or
rely on timing to become unreliable. Spells with overcoming guardian creatures becomes an integral
durations may fluctuate or expire prematurely. part of navigating this realm.
Weight of Fortune: The air becomes heavy with the
Lust weight of accumulated wealth, imposing
The circle of Lust is a seductive and dangerous realm disadvantage on Dexterity saving throws and
where desire consumes all. The circle-specific traits of Dexterity-based skill checks.
Lust include:
Enthralling Charms: The air is thick with seductive
energy, causing advantage on Charisma-based skill
checks but imposing disadvantage on Wisdom
saving throws against charm effects.
Illusory Shrouds: The environment is cloaked in
illusions, making it difficult to discern reality.
Perception checks are required to see through the
illusions and identify hidden threats.
Tempting Desires: Sensual temptations abound,
distracting and impairing adventurers. Players may
need to make Wisdom saving throws to resist the
allure and maintain focus on their objectives.

Anger Weapon’s Wrath: Weapons gain malevolent
The circle of Anger is a realm of unrestrained fury and sentience, becoming more difficult to control.
uncontrolled rage, where violence and aggression are Characters may need to make Strength saving
the dominant forces. The circle-specific traits of Anger throws to maintain a grip on their weapons during
include: combat.
Volatile Energy: The environment crackles with
volatile energy, causing random surges of elemental Fraud
forces. Players must be prepared to dodge sudden In the circle of Fraud, deceit and treachery reign
bursts of fire, lightning, or other destructive energies. supreme, and illusions and trickery abound. The circle-
Rage Echoes: The anger and violence of the souls in
this realm echo throughout the environment, specific traits of Fraud include:
amplifying emotions. Characters must succeed on Deceptive Veils: The environment is filled with
Wisdom saving throws to resist becoming enraged illusory disguises and false appearances, requiring
themselves or succumbing to fits of anger. Perception checks to discern the truth or identify
Shattered Structures: The realm is filled with hidden enemies.
shattered and crumbling structures, making it Sapping Shadows: Shadows drain vitality and
difficult to find stable footing. Acrobatics or Athletics weaken characters, causing disadvantage on
checks are required to traverse the treacherous Strength saving throws and Strength-based skill
terrain. checks.
Mirror Mirage: Mirrors and reflective surfaces
distort reality, creating false reflections and tricking
Heresy characters’ senses. Wisdom saving throws are
In the circle of Heresy, souls are condemned for their required to see through the illusions and determine
beliefs and rejection of divine truth. The circle-specific the true nature of things.
traits of Heresy include:
Blasphemous Whispers: The air is filled with Treachery
unsettling whispers, causing disadvantage on The circle of Treachery is the deepest and most
Wisdom (Perception) checks to hear distant sounds treacherous realm of Hell, reserved for those who
or detect hidden threats. betray trust and commit acts of ultimate betrayal. The
Distorted Reality: The environment warps and
distorts, making it challenging to distinguish friend circle-specific traits of Treachery include:
from foe. Wisdom saving throws are required to Frozen Betrayal: The environment is bitterly cold,
properly identify and target creatures. and treacherous winds whip through the air.
Punishing Flames: Flames of divine retribution burn Characters must succeed on Constitution saving
with intensity, causing disadvantage on Dexterity throws or suffer cold damage and exhaustion.
saving throws and Dexterity-based skill checks made Whispering Betrayers: Voices of past betrayers fill
within the realm. the air, causing Wisdom saving throws to resist
being influenced or swayed by their manipulations.
Shifting Loyalties: The loyalties of allies become
Violence uncertain and malleable. Players may need to
The circle of Violence is a brutal and merciless domain succeed on Charisma saving throws to maintain
where bloodshed and harm are the currency of power. control over summoned creatures or convince NPCs
The circle-specific traits of Violence include: to remain loyal.
Blood-soaked Ground: The ground is saturated with
blood, causing movement to be difficult and halving
movement speed. Strength saving throws may be
required to break free from the sticky ground.
Lingering Agony: The cries and suffering of
tormented souls echo through the realm, causing
Wisdom saving throws to resist being overcome with
empathy or fear.

Systems you can use in Hell
5. Soul Manipulation
ithin the depths of hell, souls

Essence Extraction
hold immense power and significance.
This mechanic introduces a system that The process of essence extraction is a delicate and
allows players to manipulate and harness crucial step in collecting souls within the infernal
souls as a valuable resource for various realms. This intricate art requires players to carefully
purposes such as spellcasting, artifact harvest the departing soul of a defeated foe and bind it
crafting, or bartering with infernal to a container known as a Soul Vessel. The success of
entities. By delving into the intricacies of the extraction depends on a combination of skill,
this system, players can immerse themselves in the dark preparation, and perhaps a touch of fate.
arts of soul manipulation, with both risks and rewards
awaiting them. Preparing for Extraction
Before engaging in essence extraction, players must
Collecting Souls make adequate preparations. This includes possessing
To begin their journey into soul manipulation, players a suitable Soul Vessel, a vessel specifically designed to
must first gather souls. Souls can be obtained through contain and stabilize souls. These vessels can take
various means, such as defeating powerful crea-tures, various forms, such as intricately carved gemstones,
capturing the essence of fallen foes, or discovering ornate amulets adorned with infernal symbols, or even
hidden caches within the infernal realms. Each soul specially crafted vials. Each vessel possesses unique
collected possesses its own unique properties, which properties that aid in the containment and preservation
can influence the effects and potential of the of souls.
manipulation process. The Extraction Ritual
The Nature of Souls Once the defeated foe’s soul is on the verge of
departing, players must initiate the extraction ritual
Souls, the ethereal essence of mortal beings, are swiftly. The exact nature of the ritual may vary based on
encapsulations of memories, experiences, and the personal preferences, cultural practices, or acquired
essence of life itself. In the infernal realms, souls knowledge. Typically, the ritual involves a combination
possess a unique resonance, carrying within them a of somatic gestures, spoken incantations, and the
profound connection to the eternal suffering and activation of arcane or divine symbols to create a
torments of Hell. Each soul is distinct, shaped by the conduit for capturing the essence of the departing soul.
individual’s life and the circumstances of their demise.
Souls can range from the common and mundane to the Skill Check: Essence Extraction
To determine the success of the essence extraction,
rare and extraordinary, with each type holding varying Game Masters can introduce a skill check, allowing
degrees of power and potential. players to use their characters’ abilities and expertise.
Defeating Powerful The appropriate skill for this check could vary
depending on the character’s class, background, or the
Creatures GM’s discretion. Skills such as Arcana, Religion, or
One method of acquiring souls is by overcoming even a specialized Soul Manipulation skill could be
formidable foes that inhabit the infernal realms. These utilized.
creatures may include demonic entities, infernal When the essence extraction skill check is initiated,
constructs, or tormented souls transformed into players roll a d20 and add relevant modifiers to the roll.
monstrous abominations. The more powerful the These modifiers could include proficiency bonuses,
adversary, the greater the potential reward in terms of ability modifiers (such as Intelligence for an Arcana
the quality and quantity of souls obtained. However, it is check or Wisdom for a Religion check), or any other
crucial to approach such encounters with caution, as bonuses granted by class features, feats, or magical
these creatures are often fiercely territorial and possess items. The DC of the check is determined by the rarity
dangerous abilities born from the depths of Hell itself. or power of the soul being extracted, as well as the
circumstances surrounding the extraction.

Consequences of Failure
Failure to successfully extract a soul can have dire
consequences. Depending on the circumstances and the
Game Master’s discretion, consequences may range
from the soul dissipating into the chaotic energies of
Hell, causing an infernal backlash, or alerting nearby
infernal entities to the player’s presence. These
consequences should serve as meaningful challenges,
encouraging players to approach essence extraction
with caution and precision.
Success and Soul Binding
If the essence extraction is successful, the departing
soul is captured within the Soul Vessel, bound by the
rituals performed and the skills of the players. The
soul’s ethereal energies stabilize within the vessel,
preserving it for further manipulation or other purposes.
Soul Points
The concept of Soul Points can be introduced to
quantify the potency and rarity of collected souls. By
utilizing a table based on the power and rarity of souls,
players can gain a clearer understanding of the potential
these souls hold and the impact they can have on their
manipulative endeavors.
The Soul Points Table provides a structured system
for determining the value and potential of collected
souls. This table categorizes souls based on their power,
rarity, and the benefits they offer when utilized in soul
Soul Points Table
Soul Rarity Soul Points
Common 3
Uncommon 8
Rare 13
Very Rare 18
Legendary 23

Assigning Soul Points

When a soul is successfully extracted and contained
within a Soul Vessel, players can consult the Soul
Points Table to determine the number of Soul Points
associated with that particular soul. This number
represents the soul’s inherent power and its potential
impact on various aspects of soul manipulation, such as
spellcasting, artifact crafting, or bartering with infernal

Spellcasting with Tier 3 Enhancements (11+ Soul
Souls Soul Fusion: By expending a significant
In the depths of Hell, the manipulation of souls extends number of Soul Points, players can merge
to the realm of spellcasting, allowing players to augment their own essence with that of the captured
their magical abilities through the infusion of captured souls, temporarily gaining heightened magical
souls. By expending Soul Points, players can imbue abilities or accessing unique spellcasting
their spells with greater potency or unlock additional effects.
effects, delving into the dark arts of soul manipulation Reality Manipulation: Souls of legendary
and reaping the rewards of their infernal endeavors. power can grant access to reality-bending
abilities, enabling the manipulation of space,
Soul-Powered Spellcasting time, or the fabric of the infernal realm itself.
Spell Transcendence: By sacrificing an
When preparing or casting spells, players have the extraordinary number of Soul Points, players
option to utilize the power of souls to enhance their can temporarily transcend the limitations of
magical abilities. By expending Soul Points from their mortal spellcasting, unleashing cataclysmic
collected souls, players can tap into the ethereal energy and awe-inspiring magical phenomena.
contained within the souls to augment their spells. The
number of Soul Points required for each spell
enhancement is determined by the Game Master, based Feat: Soulmancer
on the desired balance and impact on gameplay.
Prerequisite: Ability to cast spells, proficiency in Arcana
Enhancements and Effects or Religion
The use of souls as a catalyst for spellcasting allows The Soulmancer feat represents a deep understanding
players to unlock a variety of enhancements and effects. and mastery of soul manipulation. This feat grants you
These enhancements can be categorized into different the following benefits:
tiers based on the number of Soul Points expended and
the associated benefits: Enhanced Spell Potency. When you choose to
expend Soul Points to enhance the potency of your
Tier 1 Enhancements (1-5 Soul
spells, you gain the following benefits:
Increased Spell Potency: Expending a small The damage dealt by your spell increases by
number of Soul Points can amplify the 1d4 per Soul Point expended.
damage, range, or duration of a spell. The saving throw DC for your spell increases
Elemental Infusion: By infusing a spell with a by 1 for each 2 Soul Points expended.
compatible soul, players can add elemental The spell’s range is extended by 5 feet per
damage or alter the spell’s damage type. Soul Point expended.
Additional Targets: Souls can grant the ability
to target additional creatures or expand the Soul Point Mastery. When you collect a soul, you
area of effect for spells. gain an additional 2 Soul Points beyond those
determined by the Soul Points Table.
Tier 2 Enhancements (6-10 Soul
Enhanced Control: Souls can grant greater
precision and control over spellcasting,
allowing players to modify the trajectory or
target of a spell mid-casting.
Lingering Effects: Spells can leave residual
effects that persist beyond their normal
duration, such as ongoing damage or
debilitating conditions.
Bypassing Resistances: Souls can empower
spells to overcome resistances or immunities,
allowing them to affect normally resilient
creatures or bypass magical defenses.

Bypassing Resistances
Enhancements Example
Chromatic Orb: The spell allows the player to select
multiple damage types, bypassing resistances, for
Tier 1 Enhancements: every 3 Soul Points expended.
Disintegrate: The spell ignores any resistance or
Increased Spell Potency immunity to force damage for every 4 Soul Points
Fireball: The radius of the fireball increases by 10 expended.
feet for each Soul Point expended. Cone of Cold: The damage increases by 2d8 cold
Magic Missile: Each missile deals an additional 1d4 damage for every Soul Point expended.
force damage for every 2 Soul Points expended.
Cure Wounds: The amount of healing increases by Tier 3 Enhancements:
1d8 hit points for every 2 Soul Points expended.
Elemental Infusion Soul Fusion
Lightning Bolt: The damage type changes to cold, Fire Storm: The area of effect doubles, and creatures
and affected creatures must make a Constitution caught within the spell must make a Dexterity saving
saving throw or be slowed for 1 round for each Soul throw or be stunned for 1 round for every 5 Soul
Point expended. Points expended.
Scorching Ray: Each ray gains an additional 1d6 fire Power Word Kill: The spell automatically succeeds
damage for every 2 Soul Points expended. against any creature with a number of hit points
Acid Arrow: The damage over time increases by 1d4 equal to or fewer than 50 times the number of Soul
acid damage for every Soul Point expended. Points expended.
Meteor Swarm: The number of meteors summoned
Additional Targets doubles, and the damage increases by 2d6 fire
Sleep: The spell affects an additional number of hit damage for every 5 Soul Points expended.
points equal to 5 times the number of Soul Points Reality Manipulation
expended. The duration of the spell increases to 1
Thunderwave: The number of creatures affected Time Stop:
increases by 1 for every Soul Point expended. round for every 10 Soul Points expended, and the
Entangle: The area of effect expands by 5 feet for player gains an additional action for each round of
each Soul Point expended. stopped time.
Plane Shift: The player gains the ability to target an
additional creature for every 5 Soul Points
Tier 2 Enhancements: expended, teleporting them to a different plane of
Enhanced Control Wish: The player can cast any 7th-level spell without
Ray of Frost: The range of the spell doubles, and the expending a spell slot or material components for
target’s speed is reduced by an additional 10 feet for every 15 Soul Points expended.
every 2 Soul Points expended.
Charm Person: The duration increases by 1 hour for
Spell Transcendence
every 3 Soul Points expended. Meteor Swarm: The meteors gain an additional
Misty Step: The range of teleportation doubles, and 10d6 fire damage, and the area of effect expands to a
the player gains advantage on the next attack made 10-mile radius for every 20 Soul Points expended.
after teleporting for every 4 Soul Points expended. Power Word Kill: The spell automatically succeeds
against any creature with a number of hit points
Lingering Effects equal to or fewer than 100 times the number of Soul
Cloud of Daggers: The damage continues for an Points expended.
additional round for every 2 Soul Points expended. True Resurrection: The spell can restore life to any
Web: The duration of the webs lasts for 1 additional creature, regardless of how long they have been
minute for every 3 Soul Points expended. dead, for every 25 Soul Points expended.
Moonbeam: The damage increases by 1d10 radiant
damage for every Soul Point expended.

Artifact Crafting
Artifact crafting allows players to create extraordinary
items infused with the essence of souls. The process of
artifact crafting involves combining purified souls, rare
materials found within the infernal realms, and a careful
expenditure of Soul Points to imbue the resulting
artifacts with unique and powerful properties.
Gathering Rare Materials
Before delving into the crafting process, players must
seek out rare materials within the depths of Hell. These
materials can include infernal ores, enchanted gems,
rare flora found in the infernal landscapes, or the
remnants of fallen celestial beings.
These materials possess unique properties and can
be found in specific locations or obtained through
encounters with infernal entities. Acquiring these rare
materials involves exploration, skillful observation, and
sometimes even negotiating with otherworldly beings.
Here are some examples of rare materials, along with
ways to find and gather them:
Infernal Ores
Brimstone Ore: Found in volcanic regions or near
sulfurous geysers, brimstone ore exudes a pungent
odor and is infused with latent infernal energy. It can
enhance the fire-based properties of an artifact.
Stygian Iron: Hidden within the riverbanks of the
River Styx, stygian iron possesses a blackened hue
and is known for its incredible strength. It can imbue
an artifact with resistance against physical damage.
Enchanted Gems:
idian Shard: Found in the remnants of shattered
infernal idols or within the lairs of powerful demon
lords, obsidian shards are infused with dark magic.
They can enhance the artifact’s spellcasting abilities
or grant protection against necrotic energies.
Soulstone: These rare gems can be acquired by
extracting the condensed essence of trapped souls
from spectral wellsprings or haunted locations.
Soulstones have a swirling, ethereal glow and can
amplify the powers of an artifact connected to soul
Infernal Flora:
Hellfire Orchid: These radiant, fiery flowers blossom
in the heart of lava-filled caverns or near volcanic
vents. Their petals can be harvested and ground into
a potent powder, imbuing an artifact with fiery
Bloodvine: Thriving in regions soaked with the blood
of fallen warriors, the bloodvine possesses thorny
tendrils and crimson blossoms. Its sap, when
collected, can provide regenerative properties to an
artifact or offer resistance to necrotic damage.
Celestial Remnants: Conceptualization
Fallen Star Fragment: Occasionally, celestial bodies The first step in designing an artifact is to conceive a
crash into the deepest circles of Hell. The remnants clear vision of its purpose and role within the game.
of these fallen stars contain trace amounts of Players should consider the character’s motivations, the
celestial energy, which can be harnessed to bestow campaign’s themes, and the challenges they expect to
divine properties on an artifact. face in the infernal realms. Is the artifact meant to aid in
Angelic Feather: Found in areas where celestial combat, offer utility in exploration, provide defensive
beings have met their demise, angelic feathers capabilities, or serve as a key element in unraveling the
possess a celestial radiance and can imbue an mysteries of Hell? Determining the primary function of
artifact with radiant or holy powers. the artifact helps guide subsequent design decisions.
Desired Effects
Find and Gather Materials Once the purpose is defined, players can brainstorm the
Finding and gathering these rare materials involves specific effects they desire for the artifact. This can
skillful exploration and observation. Game Masters can include enhancements to the character’s abilities,
introduce skill checks to determine a character’s granting unique spells or abilities, bestowing
success in locating or obtaining these materials. The resistances or immunities, or providing utility in specific
appropriate skills for these checks could include situations. The effects should align with the artifact’s
Survival, Investigation, Arcana, or even specific skills purpose and contribute to the character’s growth and
tied to the character’s background or class. story arc. Game Masters can offer guidance and suggest
balanced effects to ensure the artifact remains engaging
Locating Rare Materials without overpowering the game.
Survival: Characters proficient in Survival can use Collaborative Design
their tracking abilities to search for signs of rare Artifact designing is a collaborative process between
materials. They might notice subtle shifts in the players and the Game Master. Open communication
environment, follow the scent of brimstone, or ensures that the artifact’s abilities are well-integrated
identify the unique flora indicative of a particular into the campaign and don’t disrupt the balance of
material. gameplay. Game Masters can provide guidance on
Investigation: Characters skilled in Investigation can
meticulously examine their surroundings, searching balancing the artifact’s power level and suggest
for hidden caches, investigating ancient ruins, or modifications or alternative effects that align with the
deciphering cryptic clues that lead to rare materials. artifact’s theme. Collaborative design ensures the
artifact becomes an integral part of the player’s journey
through the infernal realms.
Gathering Rare Materials:
Nature: Characters proficient in Nature can gather Custom Effects or Existing Options
flora or handle minerals with expertise, ensuring the Players can create custom effects for their artifact,
materials are carefully harvested without damage or reflecting the unique nature of soul-infused creations.
contamination. These effects can be developed in conjunction with the
Sleight of Hand: Characters skilled in Sleight of Game Master or selected from existing options within
Hand can navigate treacherous terrain or disarm the official rulebooks. Custom effects allow for
traps while collecting the materials, ensuring their personalization and customization, while existing
safe extraction. options provide a framework to ensure balance and
consistency within the game mechanics.
Aesthetics and Lore
Designing the Artifact Designing an artifact isn’t solely about its mechanical
The process of designing an artifact in “Dante’s Guide effects. Players should also consider the artifact’s
to Hell” involves envisioning a powerful and unique item appearance, symbolic significance, and the lore
infused with the essence of captured souls. This phase surrounding its creation. Is it an ornate sword adorned
of artifact crafting allows players to tap into their with infernal engravings? A mystical amulet containing
creativity, considering the purpose, abilities, and a trapped soul? A set of armor with fiery motifs?
aesthetics of the artifact they wish to create. Consider how the artifact’s aesthetics and lore align
with the character’s backstory, the infernal realms, and
the campaign’s overarching narrative.

Invocation of Infernal Energies
Soul Points Investment
To begin the ritual, the player invokes the presence of
When crafting artifacts, the investment of Soul Points infernal energies by reciting incantations specific to the
plays a crucial role in determining the potency and infernal realms. These incantations may be drawn from
uniqueness of the resulting item. The following table ancient texts or discovered through extensive research
provides a guideline for the number of Soul Points or interactions with knowledgeable beings within Hell.
required based on the rarity of the artifact being crafted. The words resonate with the fabric of the infernal
Game Masters can adjust the numbers to fit the desired planes, attracting the attention of powerful entities or
balance and pacing of their campaign. tapping into the latent energies dwelling within.
Soul Points Investment Table Alignment of Rare Materials
Artifact Rarity Soul Points Investment The rare materials gathered during the artifact crafting
Common 1-3 process are carefully aligned within the ritual circle.
Uncommon 4-6 Each material is placed with intent and purpose,
Rare 7 - 10 forming a geometric pattern that symbolizes the desired
Very Rare 11 - 15 attributes and effects of the artifact. The arrangement
Legendary 16 - 20 may correspond to specific elements, cosmic
alignments, or the representation of infernal beings
The table serves as a framework for determining the associated with the artifact’s purpose.
level of investment needed for different rarities of
artifacts. Game Masters and players should consider Fusion of Souls and Materials
factors such as the intended power level of the With the infernal energies present and the rare
campaign, the significance of the artifact in the materials aligned, the wielder invokes the captured
narrative, and the abilities and effects the artifact will souls, calling upon their essence to merge with the
bestow upon its wielder. materials. This step requires a deep connection to the
When crafting an artifact, players refer to the table to Soul Vessels containing the captured souls, allowing the
determine the appropriate range of Soul Points wielder to channel their energies into the ritual. The
required. This range represents the investment needed souls’ essence is released from their containment,
to harness the full potential of the captured souls and flowing into the materials and blending with their innate
infuse them into the artifact during the crafting process. properties.
It is important to note that the exact number of Soul
Points within the range can be determined by the Game
Master, considering the rarity of the souls used, the Conduit of Power
significance of the artifact, and the balance of power As the souls’ essence infuses the rare materials, the
within the campaign. This allows for flexibility and wielder acts as a conduit, channeling their own arcane
customization while ensuring that the investment of or divine power to guide the fusion process. This
Soul Points remains meaningful and impactful. convergence of energies weaves a complex web of
The Crafting Ritual magical resonance, entwining the souls, materials, and
the wielder’s own essence. The wielder’s focus and
The crafting ritual is a pivotal moment in artifact control are paramount during this phase, as they
creation, where the wielder channels their arcane or navigate the delicate balance of energies, ensuring
divine power to merge the essence of captured souls harmonious fusion rather than volatile disruption.
with rare materials. This intricate process requires a
deep understanding of infernal energies, precise Sealing the Ritual
movements, and the utilization of unique incantations Once the fusion is complete, the wielder finalizes the
and symbols. crafting ritual by uttering a concluding incantation or
Preparation performing a closing gesture. This act solidifies the
Before commencing the crafting ritual, the player must bond between the artifact, the souls’ essence, and the
gather the necessary materials and create a sacred wielder’s attunement. The artifact radiates with
space conducive to channeling infernal energies. This newfound power, its unique properties now fully
may involve setting up a ritual circle adorned with realized and ready to serve the wielder’s purpose.
symbolic representations of the infernal realms, lighting
candles or incense associated with the realm of souls,
or creating a harmonious ambiance to foster a
connection with the essence of captured souls.
Soulbound Connection These shared experiences can provide valuable insights,
guidance, or unique abilities tied to the artifact’s
The soulbound connection is an inherent aspect of purpose, allowing the wielder to tap into the collective
artifacts created through soul manipulation. This wisdom of the souls.
connection manifests as an eternal bond between the
artifact, the souls infused within it, and the wielder. Soul Guardians
Let’s explore the characteristics and implications of the The souls infused within the artifact act as guardians,
soulbound connection: protecting its power and purpose. They maintain a
vigilant presence, often manifesting as ethereal echoes
Attunement and Bond or spectral entities that watch over the artifact and its
Upon completion of the crafting ritual, the wielder wielder. This protective presence can provide warnings,
attunes to the artifact, establishing a deep and offer assistance in times of need, or react to threats and
unbreakable connection. This connection allows the malevolent forces seeking to corrupt or destroy the
wielder to wield and access the artifact’s power, artifact.
attuning their own essence to the souls infused within it.
The attunement process is unique to each individual, Resilience and Reliability
often accompanied by intense sensations, ethereal The soulbound connection ensures the artifact’s
whispers, or resonating energies. resilience and reliability. It resists attempts at
tampering, corruption, or duplication. The artifact
Shared Experiences and Memories becomes uniquely intertwined with the wielder’s
The souls infused within the artifact leave a residual essence, adapting and responding to their needs and
imprint of their experiences and knowledge. As the intentions. This bond provides a level of control and
wielder becomes further attuned to the artifact, they influence over the artifact’s abilities, making it a
may experience fleeting glimpses of the souls’ dependable and powerful tool in the hands of the
memories, emotions, or echoes of their existence. chosen wielder.

Soul Exchange and Soul Points to GP Conversion
When players possess a certain number of Soul Points,
Trading they can consult the Soul Valuation Table to assess the
Within the twisted realms of Hell, the allure of souls is a approximate gold piece value associated with their
currency that entices infernal entities and otherworldly accumulated souls. This valuation reflects the potency,
beings. Soul Exchange and Trading mechanics allow rarity, and inherent power of the souls they have
players to delve into the intricate world of soul obtained.
commerce, offering them opportunities to trade souls, To convert Soul Points into gold pieces, players can
acquire rare or specialized souls, and unlock greater multiply the number of Soul Points they wish to
powers for their manipulative endeavors. Soul Points exchange by the corresponding GP value from the Soul
play a crucial role in determining the value and Valuation Table. For example, if a player wishes to
exchange rate of souls, adding depth and strategic convert 8 Soul Points into gold pieces, they would
decision-making to these transactions. multiply 8 by 50 GP, resulting in a total value of 400
The introduction of Soul Valuation adds a layer of
The Marketplace of Souls versatility to the acquired Soul Points. Players can
Hell is home to a vibrant marketplace where souls are utilize the converted gold pieces to purchase items,
bartered, traded, and sought after by various entities. services, or information within the infernal realms. This
Players may encounter merchants, demons, devilish opens up opportunities for engaging with merchants,
brokers, or even enigmatic beings who preside over the acquiring rare materials, commissioning services from
soul exchange. These encounters can take place in skilled artisans, or investing in infernal contacts.
bustling infernal bazaars, hidden lairs, or secretive Economy and Adjustments
gatherings, each with its own rules, customs, and The Game Master has the flexibility to adjust the Soul
dangers. Valuation Table to suit the campaign’s economy and
balance the progression of the game. Factors such as
Soul Valuation the scarcity of gold within Hell, the influence of
powerful entities on the economy, or the availability of
Determining the value of Soul Points in terms of gold valuable resources can all impact the exchange rate.
pieces (GP) provides players with a tangible measure of These adjustments should be made with careful
the worth of their collected souls. This valuation system consideration, ensuring that the value of Soul Points
allows for the conversion of Soul Points into a currency remains meaningful while maintaining a balanced
that can be used for purchasing items, services, or gameplay experience.
making investments within the infernal realms. A table
can be introduced to establish a standardized exchange
rate, providing players with a clear understanding of the
monetary value associated with their acquired Soul
Soul Valuation Table
The Soul Valuation Table establishes a conversion rate
between Soul Points and gold pieces, offering players a
reference for evaluating the worth of their accumulated
souls. The table can be adjusted to reflect the specific
campaign’s economy, balancing the value of souls with
the overall game progression.
Soul Valuation Table
Soul Points Gold Piece (GP) Value
1-5 10
6 - 10 50
11 - 15 100
16 - 20 200
21 - 25 500

GM’s Guide to Hell
1. Tips for Running Hellish Campaigns
unning a campaign set in hell can be

Sinister Encounters
a thrilling and challenging experience for
both Game Masters and players. In Hell, danger lurks around every corner. Populate the
Remember, a Hellish campaign should be infernal realm with creatures of malevolence and
challenging but rewarding. It delves into cruelty. Demons and devils should exude an aura of
darker themes, explores the nature of good menace, their presence instilling fear in the hearts of
and evil, and tests the characters’ resolve. even the bravest adventurers. When describing
By incorporating the following tips, you encounters, focus on the gruesome details— the stench
can create a memorable and immersive journey through of decay, the haunting wails of tortured souls, and the
the nine circles of Hell in your campaign. eerie silence broken only by distant screams. This will
help create a sense of unease and reinforce the sinister
nature of the campaign.
Establish the Tone
Establishing the right tone is crucial when running a Moral Ambiguity
campaign set in Hell. It sets the stage for the dark and
treacherous journey that awaits your players, One of the defining aspects of Hell is the blurred line
immersing them in the grim atmosphere of the infernal between good and evil. Portray the moral ambiguity of
realm. the infernal realm by showcasing characters and
creatures who are neither wholly virtuous nor
Atmosphere of Despair irredeemably wicked. Present complex dilemmas that
From the moment your players enter Hell, make it clear challenge your players’ moral compass and force them
that hope is scarce and despair reigns supreme. to make difficult choices. By blurring the lines of
Describe the air as heavy and suffocating, with an morality, you can engage your players in thought-
oppressive sense of dread hanging in the atmosphere. provoking scenarios that explore the depths of their
Depict the landscape as desolate and foreboding, with characters’ values and beliefs.
twisted and jagged terrain that mirrors the tormented
souls trapped within. Through vivid descriptions, A World of Suffering
emphasize the hopelessness of the situation and the
constant threat of damnation. Hell is a place of punishment and torment. Describe the
suffering that souls endure in each circle, illustrating
the consequences of their actions in life. Depict the
relentless agony and the endless cycles of punishment
that souls undergo. Emphasize the physical and
psychological anguish, the cries of anguish echoing
through the twisted corridors of Hell. This portrayal
reinforces the severity of the setting and the dire
consequences that await those who venture into its
Foreboding Temptations
Temptation is a constant presence in Hell. Demons and
devils will seek to exploit the weaknesses and desires of
your players’ characters. Craft scenarios where
characters are tempted to trade their souls for power,
freedom, or temporary respite from the torment. These
temptations should come at a high price, reminding the
players of the ever-present danger of damnation. By
weaving these temptations throughout the campaign,
you deepen the sense of moral peril and highlight the
character’s inner struggles.

Moral Ambiguity and Tainted Allies and
Ambiguous Objectives
One of the defining aspects of a campaign set in Hell is Introduce allies who are tainted by darkness or whose
the moral ambiguity and dilemmas that players will motivations are questionable. These allies may provide
encounter. The infernal realm is a place where the crucial assistance in navigating the treacherous realms
concepts of good and evil become blurred, and of Hell but come with their own hidden agendas.
characters must grapple with difficult choices that test Players must decide whether to trust them or be wary of
their convictions and values. their true intentions. This uncertainty adds an extra
As a Game Master, you have the power to create layer of moral complexity and suspense to the
intricate moral dilemmas that force players to confront campaign.
their own beliefs and make decisions with far-reaching
consequences. Redemption vs. Corruption
Provide opportunities for characters to redeem
Shades of Gray themselves or be tempted further into darkness.
Characters who have committed morally questionable
Present situations where the line between right and acts may be offered chances at redemption, but at a
wrong is not clearly defined. Introduce characters who steep price. Similarly, those who strive to maintain their
are neither wholly good nor irredeemably evil. Allow moral compass may face increasing temptations and
players to interact with morally complex NPCs, some of trials. This dynamic struggle between redemption and
whom may have committed terrible deeds but harbor corruption can become a central theme of the
genuine remorse. By challenging traditional notions of campaign, shaping the characters’ arcs and personal
good and evil, you can encourage players to explore the growth.
complexities of morality.
Sacrifice and Redemption Personalized
Explore themes of sacrifice and redemption. Present Motivations
characters with opportunities to save innocent souls One of the key elements to consider when running a
from damnation, but at great personal cost. Will they campaign set in Hell is to ensure that each player’s
sacrifice their own safety or even their own souls to save character has a strong and personalized motivation for
others? Such choices can lead to powerful character venturing into the infernal realm. These motivations
growth and emotional depth, as players grapple with the should be deeply rooted in their character’s backstory,
weight of their decisions. desires, or beliefs, providing a driving force that
Consequences of Actions
compels them to face the perils of Hell.
Emphasize that every action has consequences, both Quest for Vengeance
intended and unintended. Characters may be tempted to The character might have suffered a great injustice or
take shortcuts or make morally compromising choices loss at the hands of a devil or demon. Seeking revenge
for personal gain, but these actions should have lasting becomes their primary motivation, as they are
effects. Show them that their decisions ripple through determined to confront their tormentor and bring them
the fabric of the Hellish realm, impacting not only to justice. This motivation can fuel their journey through
themselves but also the fates of others. Hell as they hunt down their nemesis, overcoming
Ethical Quandaries
numerous challenges and obstacles along the way.
Present players with ethical quandaries that challenge Rescue Mission
their preconceived notions. For example, they may A loved one’s soul might be trapped in Hell, and the
encounter a desperate soul who begs for release from character embarks on a perilous rescue mission to save
their torment. Should the characters provide mercy and them from eternal damnation. This motivation creates a
end the suffering, knowing that it might damn the soul powerful emotional connection for the character and
to a worse fate? Or should they uphold their moral adds a sense of urgency to their actions. As they
principles and let the tormented soul endure? These traverse the treacherous circles of Hell, they must
dilemmas can lead to heated discussions and moral navigate through the clutches of demons and confront
debates among the players, enriching the gameplay the moral dilemmas that arise in their path.

Forbidden Knowledge
The character may be driven by an insatiable thirst for
knowledge and forbidden secrets. They believe that
within the depths of Hell lie ancient texts, hidden lore,
and dark secrets waiting to be uncovered. Their
motivation to explore Hell stems from their desire to
unlock the mysteries of the infernal realm and gain
insights that could alter the course of history or enhance
their own power.
The character might carry a burden of guilt, having
committed a grave sin or past misdeeds. Their
motivation to journey through Hell is rooted in the
desire to seek redemption, to find a way to atone for
their actions and cleanse their soul. This quest for
redemption can be deeply personal and may involve
facing past allies turned enemies or making difficult
choices that test their resolve.
Ambition and a thirst for power might drive the
character to venture into Hell. They seek to claim a
relic, harness the infernal energies, or strike a pact with
a powerful entity that will grant them unparalleled
abilities. Their motivation revolves around rising above
mortal limitations and ascending to a higher state of
being. However, the pursuit of power in Hell is fraught
with dangers and temptations that can lead to
Preservation of Balance
The character might have a deep-rooted belief in
maintaining the balance between the forces of good and
evil. Their motivation lies in preventing the denizens of
Hell from encroaching upon the mortal realm, ensuring
that the balance is upheld. This character may act as a
righteous crusader, tirelessly fighting against the
demonic hordes and unraveling the schemes that
threaten the fabric of existence.

Unleash the Horrors

Unleashing the Horrors of Hell is a crucial aspect of
creating an immersive and terrifying campaign for your
players. Within the infernal realm, countless creatures
of unspeakable horror await, ready to challenge and
threaten the characters. Here are some ideas to help
you unleash the horrors of Hell in your campaign:

Environmental Hazards
Fiendish Adversaries
Hell itself is a treacherous and hostile environment,
The denizens of Hell are primarily composed of with dangers lurking in every crevice. Leverage the
demons, devils, and other malevolent entities. These infernal landscapes to create environmental hazards
fiends come in various forms, each more sinister and that challenge the characters. Lava pits, scorching heat,
deadly than the last. Demons, with their chaotic nature, acidic swamps, and bone-chilling cold can pose constant
can embody the sheer brutality and violence of the threats. Combine these hazards with encounters to
infernal realm. Devils, on the other hand, are masters of create dynamic battles where players must navigate
manipulation and deception, using their intellect and treacherous terrain while fending off relentless fiends.
cunning to further their nefarious agendas. Tailor By incorporating environmental hazards, you can
encounters to showcase the unique abilities and traits of heighten the tension and sense of peril in your Hellish
different fiends, making each battle a formidable campaign.
challenge for the players.
Psychological Horrors
Unique Fiendish Abilities
In Hell, the horrors extend beyond physical threats.
To make encounters truly horrifying, emphasize the Explore psychological terrors to unsettle and challenge
fiends’ unique abilities and powers. Demons might your players. The constant presence of evil, the
possess abilities that cause madness, inflict vicious cacophony of tormented souls, and the whispers of
wounds that refuse to heal, or corrupt the environment demonic voices can wear down the characters’ sanity.
around them. Devils, on the other hand, excel at Use atmospheric descriptions, eerie sounds, and
manipulation, employing insidious spells, deceitful haunting visions to immerse your players in the
illusions, and unholy pacts to entangle the characters in psychological torment of the infernal realm. Illusions
their web of intrigue. Introduce fiends with distinctive that prey on their deepest fears or encounters with
features, such as poisonous barbs, acidic breath, or the vengeful spirits can leave lasting psychological scars,
ability to regenerate, making each encounter a adding layers of horror to your campaign.
memorable and terrifying experience.
Twisted Monstrosities Uncovering Hidden
Beyond demons and devils, Hell is home to a plethora of Lore
twisted monstrosities born from the darkest corners of One of the intriguing aspects of a Hellish campaign is
the abyss. These abominations can be the result of the opportunity for players to delve into the depths of
failed experiments, demonic corruption, or the infernal lore and uncover hidden knowledge. Exploring
amalgamation of tortured souls. Design unique and the secrets and mysteries of Hell can add depth,
grotesque creatures, such as flesh golems stitched intrigue, and a sense of discovery to your campaign.
together from the remnants of damned souls or
demonic aberrations with tentacles and maws that defy Arcane Tomes and Forbidden
comprehension. Use vivid descriptions to showcase
their repulsive appearance, evoking a sense of dread Knowledge
and revulsion in your players. Within the depths of Hell lie ancient tomes, scrolls, and
Haunting Undead texts brimming with forbidden knowledge. Characters
proficient in Arcana can uncover and decipher these
The influence of Hell extends beyond fiends and arcane writings, gaining insights into infernal rituals,
monstrosities. Undead creatures are often found in the demonic contracts, or the true nature of the Nine Hells.
lower circles, their souls forever trapped in a macabre Make these tomes accessible through quests,
dance between life and death. Incorporate undead encounters with knowledgeable NPCs, or hidden in
creatures into your Hellish campaign to add an extra secluded libraries guarded by powerful denizens of Hell.
layer of horror. Wraiths, specters, and undead knights Unveiling the secrets within these texts can grant the
cursed to eternal servitude make formidable foes for the characters unique abilities, insights, or even a path to
characters. Their eerie presence and otherworldly challenge the lords of Hell themselves.
abilities can contribute to a sense of impending doom
and existential dread.

Conversations with Damned Characters can embark on quests to recover these
Souls artifacts, drawing them closer to the truth behind Hell’s
enigmas. However, acquiring such objects may also
The tormented souls trapped in Hell have experienced attract the attention of powerful entities who seek to
unimaginable horrors and possess firsthand knowledge reclaim them or prevent their knowledge from falling
of the infernal realm. Characters skilled in Persuasion into mortal hands.
or Insight can engage in conversations with these
damned souls, extracting fragments of information Hidden Realms and Demonic
about the hierarchy of Hell, the methods of its rulers, or Hierarchies
the weaknesses of particular demons. Interacting with Hell is a vast and intricate realm, consisting of multiple
these souls can provide invaluable clues and hints, but
be cautious, for their words may be tainted with despair, layers and realms, each ruled by different demonic
deception, or their own personal agenda. entities. Characters who venture deep into Hell can
uncover hidden pathways, secret portals, or divine
Cryptic Inscriptions and prophecies that reveal the structure and hierarchy of the
Symbolic Codes infernal domains. Through their exploration, they may
learn of the intricate power struggles, alliances, and
Throughout Hell, hidden inscriptions and symbolic rivalries among the denizens of Hell, presenting
codes can be found etched into the walls, floors, or opportunities to forge alliances, exploit weaknesses, or
objects of the infernal landscape. These cryptic challenge the established order.
messages, in languages like Infernal or Abyssal, can
contain clues to hidden locations, rituals, or prophetic The Guidance of Scholars
warnings. Characters proficient in Investigation or and Sages
Decipher Script can unravel these enigmatic codes,
unraveling the ancient secrets of Hell and unlocking Scholars, sages, and knowledgeable NPCs can serve as
paths to previously inaccessible areas or sources of invaluable allies in the quest for infernal lore.
power. Characters may encounter wise wizards, pious clerics,
or cunning tiefling scholars who have dedicated their
Ancient Artifacts and Relics lives to studying Hell and its dark secrets. These NPCs
can provide guidance, research materials, or even
Scattered throughout Hell are remnants of forgotten accompany the party on their journey, sharing their
civilizations, relics of power, and artifacts imbued with knowledge and assisting in uncovering hidden lore.
infernal energies. These artifacts can hold significant However, beware of the personal motivations and
historical and metaphysical value, shedding light on the agendas these individuals may have, as not all
past or granting the wielder unique abilities. knowledge seekers have the purest intentions.
GM’s Guide to Hell
2. Creating Infernal Adventures
ithin these pages, we delve into captivating and unpredictable narrative, where even the

the art of creating infernal adventures most seasoned adventurers will find themselves
that will test the mettle of even the surprised and enthralled.
bravest adventurers. Drawing inspiration
from Dante Alighieri’s “Divine Comedy,” A Clear Emphasis on the Present
this chapter provides Game Masters with When traversing the circles of Hell, it is easy for
the tools, guidance, and inspiration to adventurers to become overwhelmed by the weight of
bring the nine circles of Hell to life. the past or the dread of the future. However, a great
In this chapter, you will find a wealth of resources to infernal adventure maintains a clear focus on the
aid you in crafting thrilling and immersive adventures present. By immersing players in the vivid descriptions
set in the infernal realm. From the bleak depths of the of their surroundings, emphasizing the immediate
First Circle, Limbo, to the tormenting fires of the Ninth challenges they face, and highlighting the urgent nature
Circle, Treachery, each circle of Hell presents its own of their quest, Game Masters can ensure that each
unique challenges, denizens, and opportunities for moment feels alive and consequential. This approach
storytelling. Whether your players seek to rescue a lost heightens tension and fosters a sense of urgency,
soul, uncover the secrets of damned artifacts, or intensifying the players’ immersion within the infernal
confront powerful infernal overlords, this chapter will realms.
serve as your guide through the treacherous landscape
of Hell. Heroes Who Make a Difference
In the darkest corners of Hell, heroes are needed more
Elements of a Great than ever. A compelling adventure requires protagonists
who matter, whose choices and actions shape the
Adventure course of events within the infernal realms. By crafting
The best adventures have several things in common. intricate backstories and motivations for the player
characters, Game Masters can anchor their adventures
A Credible Menace in the personal growth and development of the heroes.
Within the depths of Hell, Game Masters must create Whether it is through moral dilemmas, difficult
adventures that instill a sense of dread and danger in sacrifices, or pivotal moments of redemption, the
the hearts of their players. The first key element to players’ characters should feel like integral pieces of the
achieving this is the presence of a credible threat. unfolding narrative, with their choices carrying weight
Whether it be a fearsome demon lord, a powerful cult and consequence.
seeking to unleash chaos, or a malevolent entity lurking
in the shadows, the threat must be believable and Unexpected Revelations
capable of evoking genuine concern. By crafting Within the labyrinthine landscape of Hell, surprises
adversaries with distinct motivations, personalities, and await at every turn. Incorporating unexpected
strengths, Game Masters can ensure that the players’ revelations into an infernal adventure creates moments
journey through the infernal realms is fraught with peril of awe, shock, and wonder for the players. These
and the constant need for strategic decision-making. surprises can manifest as the sudden appearance of a
long-lost ally, the unmasking of a hidden traitor, or the
Familiar Tropes with Ingenious discovery of a hidden pathway leading to untold secrets.
Twists By weaving these unforeseen twists into the fabric of
While Hell is a realm unlike any other, it is not devoid of the adventure, Game Masters can keep players on their
familiar tropes and archetypes. However, to make the toes, eager to explore the depths of Hell and uncover its
adventures within Dante’s Guide to Hell truly many enigmatic layers.
memorable, it is crucial to infuse these familiar
elements with clever twists. Delve into the depths of Navigating with Purpose - The
creative storytelling by reimagining classic themes and Importance of Useful Maps
adding unexpected layers of complexity. By subverting As adventurers traverse the treacherous circles of Hell,
expectations and introducing unique variations, Game they require reliable maps to guide their path. Useful
Masters can engage their players in a maps play a crucial role in immersing players within the
infernal realm, providing them with a visual
representation of the perils that lie ahead. Detailed

cartography allows Game Masters to depict the unique
terrain, intricate layouts of demonic fortresses, and the
geography of each circle of Hell. These maps become
indispensable tools for both the players and the Game
Master, aiding in strategic planning, enhancing
immersion, and facilitating memorable encounters
within the infernal landscape.
Adventure Structure
Like every story, a typical adventure has a beginning, a
middle, and an end.
Every infernal adventure needs a strong foundation to
captivate and engage both the Game Master and the
players. In this section, we delve into the crucial
elements that make up the beginning of a journey
through the Nine Circles of Hell.
The Gateway to Hell
At the outset of your infernal adventure, it is essential to
establish a compelling entry point that beckons the
characters into the depths of Hell. This can be achieved
through a variety of means, such as:
A Cryptic Invitation: The characters receive a
mysterious message, bearing an ancient symbol
associated with Hell, inviting them to venture into
the infernal realm. The sender’s identity and motives
remain unknown, instilling curiosity and a sense of
A Damning Prophecy: A prophecy foretells the
characters’ unavoidable fate of descending into Hell.
They might seek ways to alter or fulfill the prophecy,
but the path ahead lies through the nine circles,
leaving them little choice but to embrace their
A Personal Tragedy: The characters experience a
profound loss or encounter a dire threat that leads
them to pursue vengeance or redemption. This tragic
event becomes the catalyst for their journey into the
depths of Hell.
Whichever approach you choose, ensure that the
Gateway to Hell entices the characters, fuels their
motivations, and ignites their curiosity, setting the stage
for the harrowing adventures to come.
Once the characters have entered the infernal domain,
they must navigate the treacherous path through the
Nine Circles of Hell. This section focuses on the middle
part of the adventure, where challenges and encounters
abound, testing the characters’ mettle and resolve.

The Triumph of Virtue: Redemption is a rare and
The Perils of the Infernal Realm precious outcome in the infernal realm. Characters
As the characters journey through the Nine Circles, they who have embraced virtuous acts and resisted the
will face a wide array of perils, including demonic seductions of Hell may find an opportunity to ascend
hordes, labyrinthine landscapes, and cunning denizens from the depths and leave a lasting impact on this
of Hell. Each circle presents distinct challenges and malevolent realm.
thematic encounters, designed to push the characters to
their limits. Some possible perils include:
Infernal Beasts: Monstrous creatures from the
darkest depths of Hell emerge to test the characters’ In the treacherous depths of the infernal realms, where
combat prowess and strategic thinking. From the malevolent forces and eternal damnation reign
vicious Cerberus guarding the gates to the seductive supreme, hidden treasures of unimaginable power and
succubi tempting the unwary, these encounters both nefarious allure await daring adventurers. As a Game
terrify and enthrall. Master, it is your role to populate the infernal
Environmental Hazards: The Nine Circles are rife landscapes with unique and captivating treasures that
with treacherous landscapes that pose threats both tempt and challenge those brave enough to venture
beyond the creatures that dwell there. Boiling rivers through the nine circles of Hell. This section delves into
of blood, freezing lakes of ice, and suffocating mists the art of creating infernal treasures, ensuring that your
of toxic fumes add layers of danger and urgency to players’ rewards are as memorable and diabolical as the
the characters’ journey. realms they explore.
Moral Dilemmas: Hell is a realm where sins and
virtues are magnified, and characters may find The Temptation of Infernal Riches
themselves confronted with profound moral choices. The infernal realms are abundant with treasures that
These dilemmas force the characters to question reflect the twisted desires and malicious intent of the
their own values and motivations, with each decision denizens of Hell. While conventional riches like gold
potentially shaping their fate and the outcomes of and gems may still be found, it is the esoteric artifacts
their adventure. and sinister relics that truly define infernal treasure.
Such items may have once belonged to powerful fiends
Redemption or Damnation or ill-fated souls, bearing a tainted history and
supernatural properties that both enthrall and corrupt.
As the characters approach the climax of their infernal
odyssey, the choices they have made and the trials they
have overcome culminate in a climactic finale. This Unique Magic Items
section explores the ending of the adventure, where Infernal treasure should captivate the imagination and
redemption or damnation awaits the characters. provide the players with tools to face the harrowing
challenges that lie ahead. These unique magic items
The Heart of Hell often carry a distinct aura, resonating with the energy of
At the heart of Hell lies the ultimate test for the the plane itself.
characters, a confrontation that will determine their
fate. This final encounter should be epic and
challenging, demanding the full extent of the characters’ Sinister Relics
abilities, both physical and emotional. In the depths of Hell, remnants of ancient rituals,
forbidden texts, and cursed relics lie concealed, holding
Archdukes and Demon Lords: The characters might immense power for those who dare to claim them.
face off against powerful Archdukes ruling over the These sinister artifacts are often connected to the
Nine Circles or notorious Demon Lords seeking to denizens of specific circles, embodying their essence
expand their infernal dominion. These formidable and granting unique abilities to those who possess
adversaries possess unique abilities, followers, and them.
diabolical plans that the characters must thwart.
The Temptation of Power: Hell is a realm of
temptation, and the characters may be offered
immense power or unimaginable rewards in
exchange for their loyalty or surrender. The allure of
such offers can test the characters’ resolve, leading
them to question their principles and ultimately
decide their own destinies.

Sample Treasure
Here are a few treasure examples to spark your
Circlet of Infernal Dominion
Wondrous item, artifact (requires attunement by a
creature of evil alignment)

The Circlet of Infernal Dominion is a sinister and

coveted artifact that symbolizes the dominion of evil
within the depths of Hell. It is said to have been crafted
by a malevolent archdevil, imbued with the essence of
the Nine Hells itself. This circlet serves as a corrupt
beacon of power, calling forth fiends and amplifying the
wicked ambitions of its wearer.
The Circlet of Infernal Dominion appears as a twisted
band of obsidian adorned with intricate, demonic sigils. Destroying the Circlet. The Circlet of Infernal
Only a creature of evil alignment who is attuned to the Dominion is a powerful artifact, nearly indestructible by
circlet can wear it and harness its malefic abilities. Once conventional means. However, it is rumored that a
attuned, the circlet becomes irremovable unless the celestial artifact of immense power, blessed by deities of
wearer willingly breaks their alignment or loses their goodness, has the potential to counteract the corrupting
connection to evil. essence of the circlet. Such a counterbalance could
Summon Fiends. As the attuned wearer of the Circlet
of Infernal Dominion, you gain the ability to summon weaken or even destroy the circlet, severing its
fiends to aid you in battle. Once per day, as an action, connection to the infernal realms and restoring balance
you can summon a fiend of CR 6 or lower. The to the wearer’s soul.
summoned fiend appears within 60 feet of you and is
under your control for 1 hour, obeying your commands Blade of Stygian Shadows
to the best of its abilities. The type of fiend summoned
depends on the wearer’s level of malevolence and the Weapon (any sword), legendary (requires attunement)

circumstances surrounding the summoning. The Blade of Stygian Shadows is a legendary weapon
Malefic Empowerment. While wearing the Circlet of forged from the remnants of the River Styx itself,
Infernal Dominion, your spells and abilities fueled by harnessed by powerful shadowy forces lurking within
evil energy become more potent. Whenever you deal the depths of the underworld. This wicked blade exudes
damage with a spell or class feature that deals necrotic, an aura of darkness and grants its wielder unparalleled
fire, or poison damage, you can roll an additional mastery over shadows, enabling them to strike with
damage die of the same type and add it to the damage deadly precision and invoke the mysteries of the
dealt. underworld.
Aura of Fear. The Circlet of Infernal Dominion The Blade of Stygian Shadows appears as a sleek,
emanates an aura of fear that strikes terror into the obsidian-hued sword with a blade that seems to absorb
hearts of those around you. While wearing the circlet, light. When attuned to the blade, the wielder becomes
you gain advantage on Charisma (Intimidation) checks enshrouded in an ephemeral, swirling cloak of shadow
made to interact with evil creatures. In addition, any that wraps around their form, further enhancing their
enemy within 30 feet of you that can see you must make connection to the darkness.
a Wisdom saving throw (DC 17) at the start of its turn. Shadowstrike. While wielding the Blade of Stygian
On a failed save, the creature becomes frightened for 1 Shadows, you gain the ability to harness the essence of
minute. It can repeat the saving throw at the end of each shadows in your attacks. When you hit a creature with
of its turns, ending the effect on a success. this weapon, it deals an additional 2d8 necrotic damage.
Corrupting Influence. Once attuned to the Circlet of Additionally, you can choose to have the damage dealt
Infernal Dominion, your alignment shifts towards a by this weapon be considered necrotic instead of its
more evil disposition. This shift can affect your behavior regular damage type.
and decision-making, potentially leading to malevolent Shadow Veil. As an action, you can command the
actions and choices. Furthermore, the circlet’s Blade of Stygian Shadows to envelop you in an
corrupting influence makes it difficult for spells and impenetrable cloak of shadows. While the Shadow Veil
abilities that would normally detect or cleanse evil is active, you gain advantage on Dexterity (Stealth)
alignments to accurately perceive or remove its effect on checks, and you can move through dim light and
darkness as if they were difficult terrain. You are also Shield of Acheron’s Resilience
heavily obscured to creatures relying on darkvision to Armor (shield), legendary (requires attunement)
see you. The Shadow Veil lasts for 1 minute and can be
used once per long rest. The Shield of Acheron’s Resilience is an ancient artifact
Whispering Blade. The Blade of Stygian Shadows forged from the impenetrable darkness that permeates
holds an ancient knowledge of the underworld and the the plane of Acheron, home to the lawful and warlike
secrets whispered by lost souls. While attuned to the fiends. Crafted by master artificers of the infernal realm,
blade, you gain proficiency in the Deception and this shield embodies the indomitable fortitude and
Intimidation skills. In addition, you have advantage on tactical prowess that prevail in the midst of relentless
Charisma (Intimidation) checks made against creatures conflict.
that can understand your spoken language. The Shield of Acheron’s Resilience takes the
Shadow Step. By expending a charge from the Blade form of a large, imposing shield
of Stygian Shadows, you gain the ability to traverse the crafted from an obsidian-like
shadows themselves. As a bonus action, you can material that seems to absorb
teleport up to 60 feet to an unoccupied space you can light. Intricate
see that is also in dim light or darkness. You can use patterns resembling
this feature a number of times equal to your proficiency disciplined armies
bonus, and all expended charges are restored after a engaged in battle are
long rest. etched into its
Soul Reaper. The Blade of Stygian Shadows has a surface, radiating an
thirst for souls. Whenever you reduce a creature to 0 hit aura of militaristic power.
points with this weapon, you regain hit points equal to Infernal Defense.
half your maximum hit points. Additionally, you can While wielding the
choose to slay a creature outright if it is incapacitated Shield of Acheron’s
and has fewer hit points than your maximum hit points. Resilience, you gain a
The creature must succeed on a DC 18 Constitution +3 bonus to your AC. In
saving throw or die instantly, its soul drawn into the addition, when you take the
depths of the underworld. Dodge action, you can choose
Destroying the Blade. The Blade of Stygian Shadows one creature you can see
is an incredibly resilient weapon, tied to the essence of within 30 feet of you. Until
the River Styx. However, it is rumored that the blade’s the start of your next turn, that
connection to the shadows can be severed by exposing creature has disadvantage on attack
it to the pure radiance of a celestial being, bathing it in rolls against targets other than you
divine light. Only the most powerful artifacts or deific and has advantage on saving throws against
interventions possess the capability to shatter the Blade effects that would cause it to be charmed or
of Stygian Shadows, rendering it nothing more than a frightened.
shattered remnant of darkness. Resilient Parry. When a creature makes a melee
attack against you and misses while you are wielding
the Shield of Acheron’s Resilience, you can use your
reaction to make a melee weapon attack against that
creature. If this attack hits, it deals an additional 1d10
force damage.
Commanding Presence. The Shield of Acheron’s
Resilience radiates an aura of authority and battlefield
command. While attuned to the shield, you gain
proficiency in the Intimidation skill. In addition, as an
action, you can bolster your allies’ resolve. Choose a
number of creatures you can see within 30 feet of you,
up to a maximum of your Charisma modifier (minimum
of one). Each chosen creature gains temporary hit
points equal to your Charisma modifier + your
proficiency bonus.
Rallying Beacon. By expending a charge from the
Shield of Acheron’s Resilience, you can activate its rally
beacon. As an action, you plant the shield into the
ground, creating a 30-foot-radius sphere of magical
energy centered on you. This sphere lasts for 1 minute

and provides the following benefits to you and your
allies within it:
Creatures have advantage on saving throws against
being charmed or frightened.
Allies regain hit points equal to your Charisma
modifier at the start of their turn if they have half or
fewer of their hit points remaining.
Allies have advantage on Strength and Constitution
saving throws.
The Shield of Acheron’s Resilience has 3 charges,
and all expended charges are restored after a long rest.
Destroying the Shield. The Shield of Acheron’s
Resilience is a formidable artifact, infused with the
essence of Acheron’s military might. However, it is
believed that the shield can be destroyed if exposed to
the pure essence of chaos from Limbo, as the volatile
nature of that plane has the potential to unravel the
disciplined order embedded within the shield’s
structure. Only the most chaotic and destructive forces
of the multiverse possess the capability to sunder the
Shield of Acheron’s Resilience, rendering it nothing
more than shattered remnants of shattered discipline.
Ring of Infernal Bargains
contract typically carries dire consequences, ranging
Ring, legendary (requires attunement) from the loss of magical powers to curses or even
The Ring of Infernal Bargains is a legendary artifact eternal damnation.
Mastery of Deception. While attuned to the Ring of
associated with the treacherous dealings and pacts Infernal Bargains, you gain proficiency in the Deception
made within the depths of Hell. Crafted by ancient skill. In addition, you have advantage on Charisma
fiendish artisans, this ring embodies the essence of (Deception) checks made to deceive or manipulate
infernal negotiation, granting its wearer the ability to others in the context of agreements, negotiations, or
strike deals with otherworldly entities and manipulate deals.
the terms of such arrangements. Searing Retribution. The Ring of Infernal Bargains
The Ring of Infernal Bargains appears as a band of protects its wearer from treachery and deceit. If a
polished obsidian adorned with intricate, swirling creature attempts to harm you or break an agreement
infernal runes. When attuned to the ring, a faint glow made while you are attuned to the ring, they suffer
emanates from the runes, serving as a constant searing pain. The offending creature takes 4d10 fire
reminder of the dark forces at play. damage and must succeed on a Constitution saving
Infernal Pacts. While wearing the Ring of Infernal
Bargains, you gain the ability to negotiate and form throw (DC 18) or be blinded for 1 minute. The creature
pacts with extraplanar entities. As an action, you can can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its
attempt to make a pact with a creature of fiendish turns, ending the blindness on a success.
Forbidden Knowledge. The Ring of Infernal Bargains
nature, such as a devil or demon, or any other entity holds forbidden secrets and occult lore. While wearing
willing to enter into such agreements. The terms of the the ring, you gain proficiency in the Arcana skill, and
pact are subject to the GM’s discretion, but they can you can comprehend and decipher any written
include the exchange of knowledge, favors, or even the language, including secret codes or hidden messages.
granting of magical abilities. The success and Destroying the Ring. The Ring of Infernal Bargains is
consequences of the pact depend on the nature of the an ancient artifact infused with dark magic. However, it
entity and the terms agreed upon. is rumored that the ring’s power can be nullified by
Soulbound Contract. The Ring of Infernal Bargains
enables the wearer to bind a willing creature to a exposing it to the pure radiance of a divine artifact,
contractual agreement. As an action, you can create a imbued with the essence of celestial purity. The radiant
magical contract that both parties must willingly sign. energy could purify the dark magic within the ring,
The terms and conditions of the contract are severing its connection to the infernal realm and
determined by the wearer, and the consequences of rendering it nothing more than an inert band of
breaching the contract can be specified. Breaking the obsidian.

Unveiling the Lies. By expending a charge from the
Gaze of Malebolge Gaze of Malebolge, you can use its power to expose the
Wondrous item, legendary (requires attunement) lies and deception of a creature or an illusion. As an
The Gaze of Malebolge is a legendary artifact that action, you target a creature or an illusion within 60 feet
draws its power from the seventh circle of Hell, of you. The target must make a Charisma saving throw
Malebolge, where liars, deceivers, and traitors are (DC 18) or be affected as if by the spell True Seeing for
condemned. Crafted by dark forces, this sinister item 1 minute. The gaze has 3 charges, and all expended
grants its attuned user the ability to perceive truths charges are restored after a long rest.
Forbidden Knowledge. The Gaze of Malebolge holds
hidden beneath layers of deception, punishing those hidden knowledge regarding betrayal, deceit, and the
who dare to betray their trust. consequences of treachery. While attuned to the gaze,
The Gaze of Malebolge takes the form of a small, you gain proficiency in the Insight skill, and you can
blood-red crystal orb set within a silver frame adorned read and comprehend any written text, even if it is in a
with twisted symbols of deception and treachery. When language you do not know.
attuned to the gaze, the crystal glows with an ominous Destroying the Gaze. The Gaze of Malebolge is a
crimson light, reflecting the malicious power it powerful artifact infused with the essence of betrayal
possesses. and deception. It is believed that the only way to destroy
Truthsayer’s Sight. While attuned to the Gaze of the gaze is to immerse it in the waters of the River
Malebolge, you gain the ability to see through lies and Lethe, erasing the malevolent power contained within
illusions. As an action, you can activate the gaze, and purging it of its ability to unveil the lies and deceit of
allowing you to perceive a creature’s true intentions and others.
detect any falsehoods or hidden motives. For the
duration of 1 minute, you have advantage on Wisdom
(Insight) checks and can automatically detect if a Harp of Stygian Lament
creature is lying or concealing information from you. Wondrous item, very rare (requires attunement by a
Additionally, you can read a creature’s surface thoughts bard)
if they fail a Wisdom saving throw (DC 18).
Deceiver’s Bane. The Gaze of Malebolge strikes fear The Harp of Stygian Lament is a hauntingly beautiful
into the hearts of those who would deceive or betray its musical instrument that resonates with the melancholic
attuned user. Whenever a creature within 30 feet of you essence of the River Styx. Crafted from ebony wood and
attempts to deceive you, break a promise, or act in a adorned with silver filigree depicting mournful figures
treacherous manner, the crystal orb pulses with and swirling currents, this harp possesses the power to
malevolent energy. The offending creature must evoke profound emotions and tap into the depths of
succeed on a Wisdom saving throw (DC 18) or be sorrow and despair.
frightened for 1 minute. The creature can repeat the Melancholic Melodies. While attuned to the Harp of
saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the Stygian Lament, you gain proficiency with the harp if
frightened condition on a success. you didn’t already have it. When you play the harp, your
Aura of Betrayal. While attuned to the Gaze of musical compositions have a profound impact on the
Malebolge, you radiate an aura of distrust that unnerves emotions of those who listen. Creatures that can hear
those around you. Creatures within 10 feet of you have your music must make a Wisdom saving throw (DC 15)
disadvantage on Charisma (Deception) checks and or be affected by the calm emotions spell for as long as
Charisma (Persuasion) checks made against you or you continue playing and for an additional minute
your allies. thereafter.
Lamenting Echoes. The Harp of Stygian Lament
grants you the ability to summon ethereal echoes of
sorrowful spirits. As an action, you can strum the harp,
releasing haunting echoes that manifest as spectral
figures within a 30-foot radius centered on you. These
spirits linger for 1 minute, providing the following
Enemies within the radius have disadvantage on
attack rolls against you and your allies.
Allies within the radius gain resistance to necrotic
Once you use this feature, you can’t use it again until
you complete a short or long rest.

Cloak of Phlegethon’s Embrace
Wondrous item, rare (requires attunement)

The Cloak of Phlegethon’s Embrace is a radiant

garment infused with the fiery essence of the River
Phlegethon, one of the infernal rivers of Hell. Woven
from shimmering red and orange threads, this cloak
provides protection against flame and harnesses the
destructive power of fire.
Infernal Resistance. While wearing the Cloak of
Phlegethon’s Embrace, you have resistance to fire
Flames of Phlegethon. As a bonus action, you
can cause the cloak to erupt in flames, shedding
bright light in a 10-foot radius and dim light for an
additional 10 feet. While the flames are active, you gain
the following benefits:
You have resistance to cold damage.
Any creature that hits you with a melee attack while
within 5 feet of you takes fire damage equal to your
Charisma modifier (minimum 1).
The flames last for 1 minute or until you use a bonus
action to extinguish them. Once you use this feature,
you can’t use it again until you finish a short or long
Harmony of Despair. By playing a mournful dirge on Fiery Retribution. The Cloak of Phlegethon’s
the Harp of Stygian Lament for 1 minute, you can tap Embrace retaliates against those who would harm you.
into the depths of despair and channel its power. At the Whenever a creature hits you with a melee attack, it
end of the performance, you choose one of the following takes fire damage equal to your level. This feature
effects to occur within a 60-foot radius centered on you: doesn’t activate if you are incapacitated.
Immunity to Heat. The Cloak of Phlegethon’s
Each hostile creature must make a Wisdom saving Embrace provides protection from extreme heat and
throw (DC 17) or suffer disadvantage on attack rolls allows you to withstand fiery environments without
and ability checks for 1 minute. harm. You are immune to the harmful effects of non-
Each friendly creature gains temporary hit points magical heat, such as extreme temperatures or
equal to your bard level + your Charisma modifier. exposure to flames.
Destroying the Cloak. The Cloak of Phlegethon’s
Once you use this feature, you can’t use it again until Embrace is sustained by the infernal energy of the River
you complete a long rest. Phlegethon. To destroy the cloak, it must be submerged
Instruments of the Damned. The Harp of Stygian
Lament is deeply attuned to the essence of the Nine in the freezing waters of the River Cocytus, a river
Hells. While attuned to the harp, you have advantage on associated with intense cold. The icy waters would
Charisma (Intimidation) checks made against fiends extinguish the fiery essence within the cloak, rendering
and undead creatures. In addition, your spells and it powerless and mundane.
magical effects that deal necrotic damage ignore
resistance to necrotic damage.
Destroying the Harp. The Harp of Stygian Lament
possesses a dark, lingering power tied to the River Styx.
Legends speak of a sacred pool within the realm of the
celestial planes, a pool blessed by the essence of pure
compassion and divine harmony. Immerging the harp
within this pool would neutralize its connection to the
River Styx and restore it to its original form, severing its
ties to the forces of despair and melancholy.

Vial of Avernus Elixir
Potion, rare
The Vial of Avernus Elixir is a rare potion created
using infernal alchemy and imbued with the essence of
the first layer of Hell, Limbo. This crimson liquid grants
temporary invulnerability and enhances physical
abilities, allowing the imbiber to endure the perils of the
infernal realm.
When consumed, the Vial of Avernus Elixir bestows
the following effects, which last for 1 hour:
The drinker gains resistance to all damage, except
for psychic damage.
The drinker’s Strength score increases by 4, to a
maximum of 24, and they have advantage on
Strength saving throws and Strength checks.
The drinker’s movement speed increases by 10 feet.
Infernal Consequence. After the effects of the Vial of
Avernus Elixir wear off, the drinker suffers a backlash
from the infernal energy within. The drinker takes 4d6
psychic damage and must make a Wisdom saving throw Infernal Mask of Disguise
(DC 15) or be frightened for 1 minute. The frightened Wondrous item, rare (requires attunement)
creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each The Infernal Mask of Disguise is a macabre and
of its turns, ending the condition on a success. mysterious artifact that allows the wearer to assume the
Destroying the Vial. The Vial of Avernus Elixir is a appearance of a denizen of the Nine Hells. Crafted from
potent alchemical creation infused with the essence of darkened steel and adorned with intricate devilish
Hell itself. To destroy the vial, it must be immersed in motifs, this mask grants the power to deceive and
the holy waters of a celestial fountain, purifying the infiltrate the infernal realms.
infernal energy within and rendering the elixir inert and Infernal Visage. While wearing the Infernal Mask of
devoid of its empowering properties. Disguise, you can use an action to cast the disguise self
spell, but the spell allows you to assume the appearance
of a devil or other fiendish creature from the Nine Hells.
The illusion is so convincing that it grants you
advantage on Charisma (Deception) checks made to
pass yourself off as a native inhabitant of the Nine Hells.
The spell lasts for 1 hour, and you can use this feature
once per short or long rest.
Infernal Tongue. While attuned to the Infernal Mask
of Disguise, you can understand and speak Infernal
fluently, as if you were a native speaker.
Fiendish Aura. The Infernal Mask of Disguise exudes
an aura of infernal energy that helps conceal your true
nature. While wearing the mask, you have advantage on
Charisma (Intimidation) checks made against creatures
that can see your face.
Mask of the Pit Fiend. As an action, you can invoke
the true power of the Infernal Mask of Disguise,
transforming your appearance into that of a fearsome
Pit Fiend. This transformation lasts for 1 minute, during
which time you gain the following benefits:
Your Strength and Charisma scores increase by 2, to
a maximum of 24.
You gain resistance to fire and poison damage.
You have advantage on saving throws against being
charmed or frightened.

You can use your action to unleash a terrifying roar, Curse of Agony: The target takes 1d8 psychic
forcing each creature of your choice within 30 feet of damage at the start of each of its turns.
you to make a Wisdom saving throw (DC 15) or be The curse lasts for 1 minute or until the target
frightened for 1 minute. The frightened creature can succeeds on a saving throw at the end of its turn, ending
repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its the curse.
turns, ending the condition on a success. Malefic Resilience. The Malediction Shard grants you
Once you use this feature, you can’t use it again until protection against curses and negative effects. You have
you complete a long rest. advantage on saving throws against curses, and any
Destroying the Mask. The Infernal Mask of Disguise curse or negative effect currently affecting you is
draws its power from the infernal essence of the Nine suppressed while you are attuned to the shard.
Hells. Legends speak of a sacred flame that burns Destroying the Shard. The Malediction Shard is a
eternally within the heart of Mount Celestia, the divine resilient artifact, crafted from the darkest energies of
plane of righteousness and goodness. Imbuing the mask Hell. However, there are rumored ways to destroy its
in this holy flame would purify it, severing its ties to the malevolent power. One method is to immerse the shard
infernal realms and rendering it an ordinary, mundane in the holy waters of a divine font, such as those found
piece of steel. in sacred temples or the tears shed by celestial beings.
The shard must remain submerged for 24 hours to
cleanse it of its corruption and render it inert.
Malediction Shard Alternatively, it is said that the shard’s power can be
Wondrous item, very rare (requires attunement) shattered by the purest strike of a celestial weapon,
The Malediction Shard is a twisted fragment of dark such as a weapon blessed by a celestial deity or forged
energy, hailing from the deepest recesses of Hell. It is a in the heavens themselves. The weapon must strike the
jagged, obsidian shard pulsating with malevolent power. shard with unwavering righteousness, delivering a
This cursed artifact possesses the ability to unleash single, decisive blow that severs its connection to the
devastating curses upon your foes and amplify your own infernal realm.
dark magic.
Cursed Empowerment. While attuned to the
Malediction Shard, you gain the ability to channel its
dark power to enhance your spells. Whenever you cast a
spell that deals necrotic or psychic damage, you can
choose to reroll any 1s on the damage dice. Additionally,
when you roll damage for a spell and the result is its
maximum possible result, roll the damage again and
add it to the total.
Aura of Desolation. As an action, you can activate the
Malediction Shard to create an aura of desolation
around you. The aura extends 30 feet from you in all
directions and lasts for 1 minute or until you use a
bonus action to dismiss it. While the aura is active, any
enemy that starts its turn within the aura or enters it for
the first time on a turn must make a Wisdom saving
throw (DC 17) or have disadvantage on attack rolls,
ability checks, and saving throws for 1 minute. A
creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each
of its turns, ending the effect on a success.
Curseweaver. The Malediction Shard allows you to
infuse your spells with potent curses. Whenever you
cast a spell that targets a creature, you can choose to
impose a curse upon the target. The target must make a
Wisdom saving throw (DC 17) or be affected by one of
the following curses of your choice:
Curse of Weakness: The target’s Strength score is
reduced by 4 for the duration of the curse.
Curse of Despair: The target has disadvantage on
saving throws against being frightened and charmed.

Dante’s Guide

to Hell
Within the various realms, where tales of heroic
endeavors and epic quests are woven, a new
chapter unfolds, delving into the depths of
darkness and despair. Welcome to “Dante’s Guide
to Hell”, a compendium inspired by the timeless
masterpiece, Dante Alighieri’s “Divine Comedy”.

This guidebook serves as an invaluable resource

for Game Masters seeking to create immersive
campaigns within the infernal realms. It is
designed to provide an extensive and
comprehensive overview of each circle of Hell,
their unique inhabitants, and the intricate
mechanics that govern these infernal domains.
Whether you are a seasoned Game Master or a
newcomer to the art of storytelling, “Dante’s
Guide to Hell” will equip you with the knowledge,
tools, and inspiration needed to craft
unforgettable adventures that challenge the very
souls of your players.

Embark on a treacherous journey through the nine

circles of Hell, where unimaginable horrors and
otherworldly beings await!

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