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Note: Before filling up this application Form, carefully Read the terms and condition for employment and

detail thereof.


The Manager,

M/s Digidios Payments Services Private Limited

Address- IHDP Business ParkC-4, Sector 127 Noida UP -201304

1. Name…………………………………………Name of Father/Husband……………………………...………

2. Nationality……………………………………Religion……………………………………………………………

3. Date of Birth……...………………………….Married/Unmarried………………………………...…………..

4. Height……………………………………………. Weight………………….…………......................................

5. Present Address …………………….

Permanent Address ………………………………………………...

6. Service or Post applied for ………..……………………………………………………………………………….

7. Detail of educational qualification:

Name of School or University or Examination Division Subject
College Board Passed

8. Experience and other qualification:-

Organization Post Service or learning Pay Details Reason for leaving

period Service & date

9. Language Knowledge

Can speak Can write Can read




10. Your dependent

Name Age Relation Occupation, if any

11. Relative if any working in this organization.

Name Father’s Name Post Department

12. Have you served before in this organization, if so?

When recruited Pay Department When left the work Reason for leaving
the work

13. Give names, occupation & address of two persons who are not related to you and to whom we may write for
reference regarding you.

Name Details Address

Organization/designation and Contact

14. Are you a member of provident fund scheme, or not?..............................................................

If Yes:

Account No…………………………………...………….Last payment made………………………………..

Year……………………Company Details…………………………………………………………………………

Address of Provident Funds Office………………………………

15. If you are a member of E.S.I then give the following details.

Name of Organization…………………………………………………………………………..………………..

E.S.I. No………………….……………….Office…………………………………………………………...

16. Details of hobbies:



17. Have you suffered from any infectious disease during the past ten years?

Name of disease…………………………Year…………………..During of illness……………….…..

18. Were you convicted for any crime? If convicted then for what period and for which

19. Is there any dispute or litigation pending with your any previous employer? If so please
Give full details.






Terms of Employment

1. No employee will be considered permanent until he is declared permanent in writing.

2. The service of any leaner/substitute/temporary/casual employee can be terminated at any time or at a specified
time without any notice or assigning any reason.
3. Permanent employee can leave the service by giving one month notice of by paying one month’s pay in lieu
thereof. Similarly Company can also terminate the services of an employee by giving one month’s notice or for
one month’s pay in lieu thereof.
4. Company can on their own accord, transfer or send on deputation any of her/his employee to any of its
Department, office, head office or in any factory to sister concern factory of the Company and office. For this an
employee will not to be entitled to any other emolument. On transfer proceeding on deputation, an employee will
abide by the rules of that concern.
5. Company can suspend any employee of any misconduct and can lay-off for any reason whatsoever.
6. On attending the age of 58 years an employee will be retired without any notice.
7. If any employee remains absent continuously for 8 days without her/his leave sanctioned then her/his name will
be removed from the attendance register and shall be kept in the register for substitutes.
8. During the course of his/her employment in the Company an employee should, not take any employment or
profession without taking permission from the Company he should not disclose the secretes of the Company and
should protect the interest of the Company.
9. An employee will gate the facilities for leave according to the current rules of the Company.
10. An employee shall have to obey fully the rules and applicable standing orders etc. of the Company.
11. Without giving 14 days notice an employee shall neither go on strike not take part in a strike? If there is any kind
of strike without giving any notice then the services of the employee shall be considered as terminated without any
notice or consequence on taking disciplinary action against him/her. The management can terminate him/her
12. If an employee remains absent from his/her duty to any kind of infectious disease or due to long illness or from
time to time remains absent continuously for two months then service of that employee will be terminated without
giving any notice.
13. After issuing order for removing the employees from the services of the company or after the expiry of one
month of that order, the employee will have no right to proceed against the company for industrial dispute.
14. Every employee will inform the company on the change of his/her full address. I t will be considered as lack of
duties by the employee for not doing so. And the company has to correspond with the employee it will correspond
on last address given by the employee and all responsibility for not receive the letter will rest on the employee
15. The employee will not refuse to work on Over Time under any circumstances.
16. The management will correspond with the employee by hand and the employee will have to receive the letter. In
case of refusal to receive, it will be pasted on the notice Board of the Factory and it will be assumed that the
employee has received the letter.

I declare on oath that the above mentioned details given by me are true I have read and understood all the terms and
conditions of employment and I accept them. If any of the above mentioned information is proved false then the company
may at nay time remove me from the service without giving any notice thereof.

Date…………………………………. Signature of the applicant/

Thumb Impression


Applicant is selected / rejected.

Applicant…………………………………….is appointed in the post of …………………………………...

……………………………………………………………………………………..on total pay of Rs…………...
……………………………………………….per day / per month (consolidated)

Appointment of the Applicant as learner / Substitute / Temporary / Probationer / Casual is for…

…………………………………………………………day / month / year which will automatically be increased for
……………………………………… / month / year if he / she is not removed from service.

Signature of Applicant / Thumb Impression

For M/s Digidios Payments Services Private Limited



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