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All phototypes. All year round.

primelase HR
Extreme power. Prime results. Highest safety
primelase HR
USP (Ultra Short
Three wavelengths Pulse) technology Maximum speed
The primelase HR platform is designed to Thanks to the ultra short pulse technology, The frequency in the repetition of the pulse
work with two different wavelengths (755nm primelase HR is capable of delivering very up to 3Hz when static and 10Hz when
and 810nm) and also with an applicator short pulses with high fluence of energy dynamic, along with the different spot sizes
which has combined wavelengths (810nm, which are perfect for residual hair during we provide (20x9, 30x9 and 30x17) make
940nm + 1060nm) to reduce permanently last sessions. primelase HR one of the fastest, safest,
and safely all kind of hair in all skin most powerful and efficient devices on
phototypes, with the maximum guarantee the market, including last sessions with
and effectiveness. residual hair.

Dra. Hermosín D. Torres

Esthetic Internacional Primelase patient. 32 year old male.
Zone treated: chest

“With more than six years of experience in the “I have had two sessions to remove hair from my
sector, we are able to affirm that, to date, it is the chest with primelase. After the first session, the
most comprehensive, efficient and innovative hair took a month and a half to grow back, during
LASER system of all the ones with which we are the second session I hardly noticed any pain
familiar.” because the amount of hair had greatly reduced
and it was much finer than the first time round. I
am very happy with the treatment because the
decrease in hair is clear.”
The perfect combination for all skin
phototypes throughout the year.

primelase HR
Extreme power. Prime results. Highest safety
Research, knowledge and

Hair Removal
development based on results

USP (Ultra Short Pulse) technology How does primelase HR work?

The USP technology is designed to combine the advantages of solid- primelase HR is characterised by being the only laser diode platform
state LASER with diode LASER, enabling work to be done with a high that makes a combination between SSL (Solid State Laser) and diode
peak power (Up to 4,800W) delivering the energy in ultra short pulses LASER, achieving a mix of advantages:
(up to 3ms).
Maintenance free
No consumables
All skin types
Ultra Short Pulse duration
Compatible with domestic electrical network

It has two work modes that enable the device to be suited to the
individual needs of each patient.

Static mode:
By working at 1, 2 and 3 Hz with high fluence and ultra short pulses,
the speed of the treatment is not reduced and any risk of skin lesions
Faster Longer
High with large interval is avoided. This work mode is indicated for fine hair and residual hair
effectiveness spots between at final sessions and for pale phototypes.
(30x17mm) sessions

3Hz = Any fluence + Any spot

Dynamic mode:
It works at a speed of 10Hz even at high fluence. Indicated for initial
sessions with very dense hair, patients with a low pain threshold and
New diode LASER generation darker phototypes.

The primelase HR platform was developed based on the latest Wave length Work mode Fluence-short pulse duration
advances in aesthetic medicine in addition to all cocoon medical’s
expertise in the development of LASER technology with the aim
of providing greater versatility and precision in treatments. The Spot 10x9 Spot 20x9

combination of its four wavelengths means that all kinds of patients 1Hz, 2Hz, 3Hz 41J/cm2 42J/cm2
can be treated without limitation of phototype, hair type or time of year 10Hz 13J/cm2 13J/cm2
with the maximum effectiveness and security:
30J/cm2-20ms 25J/cm2-20ms
• 755nm: recommended for treating pale skins (phototypes I-III) with Typical power
fine hair. Indicated for removing the residual hair of the last sessions.
Its high peak power makes it the most powerful LASER on the market Typical power
10J/cm2-6ms 8J/cm2-5ms
with this wavelength. Up to 3600W.
• 810nm: recommended for treating all skin phototypes, particularly Spot 10x9 Spot 30x9 Spot 30x17
patients with a great density of hair and first sessions. Its high peak 1Hz, 2Hz, 3Hz 60J/cm2 43J/cm2 21J/cm2
power (Up to 4800W) and the USP technology create a unique 10Hz 18J/cm2 12J/cm2 6J/cm2
combination on the market achieving excellent results with large spots
(30x17mm). Up to 4800W. Typical power 40J/cm2-20ms 25J/cm2-25ms 17J/cm2-24ms
• Combined wavelengths: perfect balance to treat dark phototypes
(III-IV a VI), we have the absorption efficiency of the 810nm wavelength Dinamic 10J/cm2-4ms 8J/cm2-4ms 6J/cm2-7ms
Typical power
and the safety of the 1060nm wavelength. Excellent to arrive to all hair
depths and dark skins.

USP + High fluence + High speed

Exclusive technology

Hair Removal
and constant innovation

Spot variety: maximum precision and maximum power crystal freeze

Thanks to the ultra short pulse, primelase HR can work with different This system carries out an ongoing measuring process of the input
spot sizes obtaining the best results and adapting to all types of areas and output of the coolant flow of the liquid of the cooling of the laser
and patient characteristics. head.

Therefore, “crystal freeze” guarantees a constant temperature of 5 °C

at the tip of the handpiece, independently of the hours it has been
Perfect pulse delivery used and the temperature of the room, allowing it to work with high
power and big spot sizes guaranteeing the safety of the treatment.
The primelase HR platform works with a square pulse system which
allows a perfect pulse to be delivered. cocoon medical guarantees
the deliver of the energy in each millisecond of the pulse duration
obtaining a regular warming of the hair, avoiding any possibility of
secondary risks and helping to achieve the best results.

Perfect pulse = maximum effectiveness + maximum speed Cooling system

755 810 810

nm nm nm

20x9 30x9 30x17 20x9

3600W 4800W 4800W 4000W

ultra short pulse for a more

effective hair removal.
Hair Removal
primelase HR effect

Patient data 1: Immediately after treatment

Phototype II
Applicator: Spot 20x9
16J/ 3Hz/ 20ms
Mode: Static
Date: 12/02/2016

Patient data 2: Immediately after treatment

Phototype IV
Applicator: Spot 30x9
8J/ 10Hz/ 3ms
Mode: Dynamic
Date: 19/01/2016

Patient data 3: Immediately after treatment

Phototype VI
Applicator: Spot 10x9
12J/ 7Hz/ 4ms
Mode: Dynamic
Date: 20/11/2015
Hair Removal
New generation of diode LASER. The latest progresses in the aesthetic medicine field.
Versatility with ultra-high power (4800W) which combines 4 wavelengths (755, 810, 940 and 1060nm) and 4 spots (10x9, 20x9, 30x9
and 30x17mm²), in order to treat all kind of phototypes, hair type, body area or season of the year, with the maximum safety, profitability
and efficacy in all treatments.

Technical specifications
Platform Primelase HR
Type of device Diode LASER hair removal device
Type of LASER Pulse Diode
LASER emission Direct by quartz prism
Technical characteristics
Maximum electrical peak power 10000W
Maximum energy 300J
Operation Static Mode Static: 1-2-3Hz
Operation Dynamic Mode Dynamic: 5-10Hz
Pulse Duration 3-400ms
Programed parameters Yes
Power supply Single phase, 100-240V
Network frequency 50-60Hz
Nominal power 2800W
Maximum power 3300W
Maximum intensity 13A

Technical characteristics of diode laser

Maximum peak power 4800W
Wavelength 755nm, 810nm, 940nm and 1060nm
Spot Size 20x9, 30x9 and 30x17
Fluence According to treatment protocols
Cooling crystal freeze refrigeration contact cooling (+5 ºC)
Directive mdd Class IIb
Class. according to iec 60825-1 Class IV LASER
Class. according to iec 60601-1 Class I, type BF
CE marking CE 0120
Guarantee 1 year

Physical characteristics
Dimensions 1140x480x550mm
Screen Touchscreen 10, 4 “
Weight 75 Kg
Work Range 18-30 ºC
Storage 2-50 ºC <90% humidity (without condensation)
feeling the innovation


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Customer Service:
PASSATGE MASOLIVER, 24-28 T. +34 934 764 887
08005 BARCELONA, SPAIN. [email protected] 0 1 2 0

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