Construction of Building Superstructure Syllabus Template

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Technical Trainer: Name

Office number:


Delivery Method: Online/Classroom/Workshop/Construction site/Industry Attachment

Number of hours: 120

Required Resources: Name any textbooks, tools, or PPE that learners need to possess.

Unit Description

This unit specifies the competencies required to construct building superstructure. It entails
interpreting working drawings, estimating and costing materials and supplies, setting out
superstructure elements and constructing superstructure walls, constructing reinforced concrete
columns, constructing masonry in-fills with opening sandcasting suspended slabs and beams.
Learning Outcomes
1. Interpret working drawings
2. Estimate and cost materials and supplies
3. Set-out superstructure elements
4. Construct superstructure walls
5. Construct reinforced concrete columns
6. Construct masonry wall with openings
7. Cast suspended floor slabs and beams

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Approach to Learning

This unit uses a variety of approaches to emphasize practical skills including active learning
strategies such as work in peers/teams, practical work in class, videos, peer feedback, learning
activities, case studies and self-reflection exercises and construction project.

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Unit Assessments

You are required to complete the following graded assessments and to practice your skills before
being graded.

Assessments Value Dates

Written test To be confirmed by the

Practical demonstration To be confirmed by the
Competent/Not Yet Competent
(As of Date)

This unit will be assessed at two levels: internally and externally. Internal assessment is
conducted by the trainer who is monitored by an accredited verifier. Assessment is monitored by
It is recommended keep a record of your work by maintaining a portfolio that you can use to
showcase your skills to potential employers.

Academic Honesty

Any work that you submit in this unit must be your own and must be created specifically for the
unit for which it is being submitted.

Policies and Procedures

For more information about grades, academic misconduct and policies, please visit:

Workload Expectation

This is a 120 hours unit running over a period of 15 weeks. Expect to spend an average of 8
hours a week on unit tasks.


Your attendance is strongly encouraged but not graded. Should you have a scheduled absence,
please let your instructor know with as much notice as possible. The instructor will not review

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the information that you missed. It’s strongly recommended that you find a “study buddy” who
can catch you up on any missed content.

Grading System

If the candidate is deemed competent, they will receive a Record of Achievement.

To attain the National Certificate for Masonry in Level 4 the candidate must demonstrate
competence in all course units.


This course schedule outlines some of the activities in the course. See above for specific
assignment due dates.

Date Topic Learning Activities & Assignments

 Classroom Discussions
 Presentation
• Working drawings  Demonstration
Week 1 • Scales  Observation
• Measurements  Practice
Lessons 1,2,
• Construction symbols  Questions and answer
3 and 4
 Make short notes – small white boards
 Report writing
 Peer work/review/assessment
 Classroom Discussions
 Presentation
• Working drawings  Demonstration
Week 2 • Scales  Observation
• Measurements  Practice
Lessons 5, 6,
• Construction symbols  Questions and answer
7 and 8
 Make short notes – small white boards
 Report writing
 Peer work/review/assessment
Week 3 • PPEs  Classroom Discussions
• Working drawings  Presentation
Lessons 9, • Walling techniques  Demonstration
10, 11 and • Tools and equipment  Observation
12  Practice
• Use, care and
maintenance of tools  Questions and answer
and equipment  Make short notes – small white boards

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Date Topic Learning Activities & Assignments

• Storage  Report writing

• Reference points  Peer work/review/assessment
• Measurements
• Screeding
• PPEs  Classroom Discussions
• Working drawings  Presentation
• Walling techniques  Demonstration
Week 4 • Tools and equipment  Observation
• Use, care and  Practice
Lessons 13, maintenance of tools  Questions and answer
14, 15 and and equipment  Make short notes – small white boards
16 • Storage  Report writing
 Peer work/review/assessment
• Reference points
• Measurements
• Screeding
• Written text  Classroom/Workshop Discussions
• PPEs  Workshop activities
• Working drawings  Demonstration
• Walling techniques  Observation
Week 5
• Tools and equipment  Practice
• Use, care and  Questions and answer
Lessons 17,
maintenance of tools  Report writing
18, 19 and
and equipment  Peer work/review/assessment
• Storage
• Reference points
• Measurements
• Screeding
Week 6 • PPEs  Classroom/Workshop Discussions
• Working drawings  Workshop activities
Lessons 21, • Walling techniques  Demonstration
22, 23 and • Tools and equipment  Observation
24 • Use, care and  Practice
maintenance of tools  Questions and answer
and equipment  Make short notes – small white boards
• Storage  Peer work/review/assessment
• Reference points
• Measurements

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Date Topic Learning Activities & Assignments

• Screeding
• Measurements  Workshop/Construction site
• Setting out columns  Practice
Week 7 • Formwork  Questions and answer
• Reinforcements  Peer work/review/assessment
Lessons 25,
• Structural drawings
26, 27 and
• Casting
• Curing
• Alignments
• Measurements  Workshop/Construction site
• Setting out columns  Practice
Week 8 • Formwork  Questions and answer
• Reinforcements  Peer work/review/assessment
Lessons 29,
• Structural drawings
30, 31 and
• Casting
• Curing
• Alignments
Week 9  Workshop/Construction site
 Practice
Lessons 34, Practical test 1  Questions and answer
35, 36 and  Peer work/review/assessment
Week 10 • Working drawings  Workshop/Construction site
• Wall units  Practice
Lessons 38, • Wall types  Questions and answer
39, 40 and • Opening
 Peer work/review/assessment
• Levelling
• Alignment
• Water
• Curing
• Screeding

Week 11 • Working drawings  Workshop/Construction site

• Wall units  Practice
Lessons 42, • Wall types  Questions and answer
43, 44 and • Opening
 Peer work/review/assessment
• Levelling
• Alignment
• Water
• Curing

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Date Topic Learning Activities & Assignments

• Screeding

Week 12 • Suspended floors  Workshop/Construction site

• Beams  Practice
Lessons 46, • Formwork  Questions and answer
47, 48 and • Reinforcements  Peer work/review/assessment
49 • Structural drawings
• Reference points
• Levelling
• Alignment
Week 13 • Suspended floors  Workshop/Construction site
• Beams  Practice
Lessons 50, • Formwork  Questions and answer
51, 52 and • Reinforcements  Peer work/review/assessment
53 • Structural drawings
• Reference points
• Levelling
• Alignment
Week 14 • Suspended floors  Workshop/Construction site
• Beams  Practice
Lessons 54, • Formwork  Questions and answer
55, 56 and • Reinforcements  Peer work/review/assessment
57 • Structural drawings
• Reference points
• Levelling
• Alignment
Week 15  Workshop/Construction site
 Practice
Lessons 58, Practical test 2  Questions and answer
59, 60 and  Peer work/review/assessment

Checklists and Rubrics

Practical assessments will be evaluated with the following checklists.

Items to be evaluated: Yes No Comments

Set-out building super structure (10%)

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Items to be evaluated: Yes No Comments
1. Personal Protective Equipment is identified and
used in line with occupational safety and health
regulations. (1%)
2. Masonry tools and equipment are used and
maintained based on manufacturer’s
instructions. (1%)
3. Preliminary preparation activities are carried out
as per drawings and standard procedures. (1%)
4. Reference points are located on the floor slab as
per drawings. (1%)
5. Measurements are transferred from profile
boards to the floor slab according to drawings
and standard procedures. (1%)
6. Measurement and square-ness are checked based
on standard procedure. (1%)
7. Profile lines are marked on the floor slab
according to the drawings. (1%)
8. Column kickers are casted as per the standard
procedures. (1%)
9. Wall screeding is done as per working drawings
and specification. (1%)
10. Masonry tools and equipment are maintained
and stored based on manufacturer’s instructions
and best practice. (1%)
Prepare, position and cast columns (15%)

11. Measurements are transferred to the floor slab

based on specifications. (2%)
12. Formwork is prepared and positioned based on
working drawings and standard procedure. (2%)
13. Reinforcement bars are prepared and positioned
based on working drawings and based on
specifications. (2%)
14. Columns are casted based on working drawings
and specifications. (3%)
15. Columns vertical alignment is checked as per
standard procedures. (3%)
16. Columns are cured as per standard procedure.
Construct super-structure walling (15%)

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Items to be evaluated: Yes No Comments
17. Superstructure walling units are identified based on
specifications. (2%)
18. Wall openings are marked based on working
drawings and specifications. (2%)
19. Masonry in-fills are constructed as per working
drawings and best practice. (2%)
20. Masonry works horizontal and vertical alignment is
checked as per standard procedures. (3%)
21. Masonry in-fills are cured as per standard procedure.
15.Superstructure walling units are identified based on
specifications. (3%)
Construct suspended floor slab and beams (20%)

16. Measurements for the floor slab(s) and the beams are
transferred from the reference point and marked as
per working drawing. (3%)
17. Formwork is prepared and positioned based on
working drawings and standard procedure. (3%)
18. Reinforcement bars are prepared, positioned and
fixed based on working drawings and based on
specifications. (3%)
19. Beams and slabs are casted based on working
drawings and specifications. (3%)
20. Slab and beams levelness and horizontal alignment
is checked as per standard procedures. (4%)
21. Slab and beams are cured as per standard
procedure. (4%)


Masonry wall with openings: Yes No Comments

1)Appearance: -- -- ---

 The sauce has a brown color without any

dark specks or debris (the exact shade of
brown depends on the recipe and ingredients)
 The color is also affected by the color of the
base stock as per the recipe used.
 Demiglaçe is translucent and highly glossy
with a noticeable body,

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2) Aroma: -- -- ---

 A pleasant roasted or caramel aroma, The

aroma clearly reflected the ingredients and
cooking method (Roasting) used as per the
recipe utilized.
 No burnt smell and the aroma is not
overwhelmed by the garnish, mirepoix etc.
3) Consistency:

 The thickness corresponded with the

Specific type of brown sauce and the recipe
4) Flavor: -- -- ---

 Taste test; the aromatics, mirepoix, and

tomatoes should not overpower the main
 The sauce has a full, rich flavor.
 The flavor reflected the ingredients and
cooking method utilized as per the recipe.
 No bitter or burnt flavors
5) Quantity: -- -- ---

 Scaled the sauce, the quantity produced

matches the recipe utilized.

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