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DRAFT – October 5, 2023

Special Education Action Plan

1) Houston ISD will improve the initial evaluation timelines.
2) Houston ISD will improve the annual ARD and 3 year evaluation timelines.
3) Houston ISD will improve communication and monitoring reports.
4) Houston ISD will improve the quality of instruction for all students receiving special
education services.

1) Houston ISD will improve the initial evaluation timeline.

Indicators of success:
● Maintain 100% compliance on the initial timeline for initial evaluations for Special
● Decrease missed initial eligibility ARD timelines from 515 out of 4033 (13%) in
2022-2023 SY to 0 for the 2023-2024 SY.
● 100% of identified staff will complete the Child Find online course.

Specific actions:

● Special Education Unit teams will provide Division Executive Directors bi-
weekly reports to monitor % of students identified with disabilities for each
● All district staff will be required to complete the TEA Child Find module virtually
as evident in OneSource by the end of November or within 30 days of hire.
● Communicate Child Find process to the community through media platforms such
as Facebook, X, and website at least twice per semester.
● Conduct an analysis of 5 surrounding districts by the end of October and revise
current compensation plans to attract and retain evaluation staff and related
service providers for the 2024-2025 SY.
● Special Education Unit Teams provide Division Superintendents weekly reports
from the IEP system which includes upcoming timelines for initial ARD
● Newly designed Special Education Unit teams (six teams per division), provide
targeted support to campuses with timelines on a weekly basis.

Not for Circulation

2) Houston ISD will improve the annual ARD and 3 year evaluation

Indicators of success:

● Increase compliance of 3 year evaluation ARD timelines from 80.6% in May of

2023 to 100% for the 2023-2024 SY.
● Increase annual ARD timelines from 97.91% for the 2022-2023 SY to 100% for
the 2023-2024 SY.

Specific actions:
● Newly designed Special Education Unit teams (six teams per division), provide
targeted support to campuses with timelines weekly.
● Special Education Unit Teams provide Division Superintendents weekly reports
from the IEP system which includes upcoming timelines for re-evaluations.
● Special Education Unit Teams will create a folder audit process by the end of
October to include a random sampling of students with IEPs beginning
implementation in November.
● Special Education Unit Teams will conduct folder audits monthly beginning
November 2023 and support and ensure corrective actions are taken within two
weeks of identification.

3) Houston ISD will improve communication with stakeholders and

provide monitoring reports for special education.

Indicators of success:
● Parents/guardians will receive timely responses to concerns related to their students’
special education supports and services, as evidenced by an increase in the percentage
of concerns addressed within five school days from 61% for the 2022-2023 SY to 90%
for the 2023-2024 SY.
● HISD will decrease the number of substantiated instances of complaints/grievances
(district or campus level) related to in-district transfers involving specialized
programming from 97 instances to 50 instances.

Specific actions:

● Communicate and train campus principals on the enrollment process for students
who require specialized programming by the end of October.
● Special Education Unit Teams provide Division Superintendents weekly reports
from the IEP system which includes Child Find and upcoming timelines for re

● Executive Directors of Special Education will ensure parent/guardians receive
timely responses (within 5 school days) related to their special education supports
and services.
● Deputy Chief of Special Education will provide the Superintendent with quarterly
updates on Key Action Items.
● The Special Education Executive Team along with the Division Team will conduct
an Annual Parent Summit within each Division to be held by March 2024.

4) Houston ISD will improve the quality of instruction for all students
receiving Special Education services.

Indicators of success:

● By the end of year data collection for 2023-2024 SY, the gap between K- 1 general
education students and students who receive special education services will decrease by
5% in reading from BOY to EOY in F, D, and C1 schools.
● By the end of the year data collection, the average 2-8 students who receive special
education services in F, D and C1 schools will demonstrate at least 1.4 times the
national average on the NWEA MAP assessments in reading, math and science
(students on alternate curriculum will not be included)

Specific actions:

● Provide science of reading instruction for K-8 students receiving special

education services who are not proficient in reading in F, D and C1 schools.
● Special Education Department and Professional Development Department
will conduct independent quarterly spot observations of Special Education
resource teachers and calibrate with Principals to improve the quality of
instruction of Special Education teachers.
● Analyze NWEA MAP data at BOY, MOY and EOY to determine progress
of students with IEPS and conduct review ARDs as necessary.
● Special Education and general education teachers will provide
accommodations as outlined in assigned students individualized education
programs as evidenced by spot observations.
● Special Education Department will monitor the completion of progress
reports for students with IEPS in alignment with grading cycles.
● Support the training of Principals to meet SPED compliance indicators
outlined in the Principal evaluation rubric for special education.


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