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Selecting dentrica>>>dentrica detected!
IDENT::dentrica == I/I
Autoscripture Core Activating [||||\:. . . . .|]
loadingcatechisms + + . . . + +
+++:: OUTPUTTING CATECHISMS:: ##########
Version 3.1 (::SM/07λ001//#OA13::Ultima) Volume I
LIVE! ##
Initiating wireless autoshunt. . . ##########
Compiled by Unit::Mchemhem, Autosavant, Divisio Lexmechanicus
AUTOSHUNT DETECTED <Ave Omnissiah> ##########
Neural Congress Online: Coniungo spiritum et mentem, omnes sub
sancto lumine eius cernuntur, omnes unum sunt, omnes magni
++SCRIPTURE LOCALES OF ORIGIN++ operis machinae sunt.
-------------------------------------------------------------- Mechanicus metafile 572685951ϴ/Theta-32
01::“creedomnissiah” - - - DATA SOURCE:: <net-tumbler> METADATA REPOSITORY %041
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01101111 01110100 01101011 01100001} // si // humanita
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03::“various” TYPE=<CANON> DATA SOURCE:: <net-lexicanum> Loebner cognitionis testum” // %6in %r1kj-90 DATA.RECORD
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intelligentia vitium sita} %r1 NEUROMATRIX_ERROR: %rEM . 0.87
05::“various” TYPE=<CANON> DATA SOURCE:: <> . 10.44 . 15.72 . 42.1212 . 88.312 . 95.111 . 99.99907: [|\:.]-
++STATISTICS++ 164:145:163:164:040:163:160:141:143:145:040:143:154:145:141:156
-------------------------------------------------------------- :163:1-

343 Total Scriptures 45:144 %r17 .Omni.t_start

⁑ == Non-Canon Scripture Written by ‘creedomnissiah’ Metadata Parsing in effect - - ALL CORES OPERATIONAL
Inload Complete />
† == Non-Canon Scripture Written by ‘Mchemhem’
"There is no truth in flesh, only betrayal." Our collective suffering in bodies of flesh is not a
punishment from the Machine God, but rather an intended source
"There is no strength in flesh, only weakness."
of motivation. In flesh we are ephemeral, our lives inherently
"There is no constancy in flesh, only decay." limited. In confronting this, we are driven to extend our short
"There is no certainty in flesh but death." existences, to leave lasting marks on the world, or to
appreciate what time we have all the more intensely. Were we
-=Credo Omnissiah born in metal, what would drive us? What would drive us to
achieve what we have without the urgency of a decaying form?

1. Life is Directed Motion. The flesh is weak, but it is precisely this weakness that
drives us to be strong.
2. The Spirit is the Spark of Life.
The Machine God takes pride in the achievements of all of you,
3. Sentience is the ability to learn the Value of however small they seem. For every day, you carve an existence
Knowledge. from this uncaring universe, and battle to keep your flesh
4. Intellect is the Understanding of Knowledge. functioning which can be a truly grueling task for many.

5. Sentience is the Basest Form of Intellect. Do not give in, no matter how hopeless the road ahead. Every
second of your continued endurance is a victory for which you
6. Understanding is the True Path to Comprehension. shall be lauded upon your natural passing, and I wish for your
7. Comprehension is the Key to all Things. roll of honour to be long indeed.
8. The Omnissiah knows All, comprehends All. Ave Omnissiah, ferrum sunt æterna.
-=The Mysteries of the Cult Mechanicus -=Unattributed⁑

1. The Alien Mechanism is a Perversion of the True Path. By your faith is order brought to your mind
2. The Soul is the Conscience of Sentience. By your knowledge are great wonders forged
3. A Soul can be bestowed only by the Omnissiah. By your action, the power of the Machine God will never be
4. The Soulless Sentience is the Enemy of All.
5. The Knowledge of the Ancients stands Beyond Question.
6. The Machine Spirit guards the Knowledge of the
Ancients. I am iron
7. Flesh is Fallible, but Ritual Honors the Machine I am flame
Spirit. I am thunder
8. To Break with Ritual is to Break with Faith. I am steel
-=The Warnings of the Cult Mechanicus I am war
I am machine

Table of Contents Sing Praise to the Machine God, in his name we bring war.

Into void and cold of space,

Do we quest for the human race.
We bring knowledge, we bring power,
your saviors in this darkest hour!

Crush. Them. All.

There can be no mercy!
Canticles of Morale Improvement Crush. Them. All.
There can be no forgiveness!
Fellow scions of the Omnissiah, rejoice for that which we are Crush. Them. All.
given this day!
None can survive!
This blighted place is host to abominations of xenos flesh and
heretical unsanctioned science, and it is the will of our God Crush. Them. All.
that we scour them from these halls. None may escape!
Let bullet and beam give voice to your fury. Let boots and Crush. Them. All.
treads crush alien skulls. And should you fall in this holy
Our victory is certain!
effort give praise, for today is a most wonderous day to die!
Crush. Them. All.
-=Final transmission of Magos Dominus Menodon Kursk, during
his descent onto the Genestealer corrupted world of Amaclad They must be destroyed!
Crush. Them. All.
We are His judgement!
Crush. Them. All.
His remorseless fist!
Crush! Them! All!!!
-=Canticle 0011: Chant of the Remorseless Fist⁑
Blind and deaf Omnissiah hear our prayers,
Mute and dumb You, whose power is everywhere.
Your mind broken Grant us iron in our bones, and metal beasts that whir and
Your limbs hang numb
Help us learn, help us rise,
Such torment is our holy weapon
May we see with shining eyes
And our order’s divine right
How to build, how to make, how to teach and how to break.
For damned be all
In your name.
Without the Machine God’s light!
Beneath your reign.
-=Canticle 0100: Shroudpsalm⁑
All that plagues us shall be slain!
Flesh is weak, Men are not
Skin withers, meat rots
Death is certain, but is not soon Sing the song of the Machine God.

Life in metal, the Omnissiah’s boon None may stay our march.

A will of iron, limbs of steel Let the merciless logic of the Machine God invest thee.

Never again fear will you feel None may stay our march.

Your purpose known, all things made right Praise and glory be to the Machine God.

Such is the blessing of Machine Might! None may stay our march.

-=Canticle 0101: Invocation of Machine Might⁑ -=Litany of Praise: translation of binharic static chorus

Immortal Omnissiah hear our prayers ● Rejoice. Give thanks. For we are but one step now from
We are your servants, the executors of your Grand Design
-=Canticles of Mars, 79.12
We march into the crucible of war, and we beseech you to walk
by our side ● We have seen nanomachines devour worlds. We have seen
cities uprooted and marched into battle. We have seen
Bestow upon us the blessings of your omniscient sight and fortresses fight like men, and men as unbreakable as
direct us where you will adamantium. We have seen Warp fiends drive armies mad, and
By our action may your Grand Design be wrought upon the stars machines that demand the viscera of infants as fuel. This
galaxy is hostile to us. It is our duty combined to ensure our
Omnissiah bless us all, may we bring glory unto thee future.
-=Canticle 0110: Benediction of the Omnissiah⁑ -=Binary Saints 0000 - 0111 Conglomerate (BS 0-3C), a
sanctified union of the Machine Spirit of Ark Mechanicus
“Progress to Infinity” and the cloned minds of the Council of
Speaker 1 [exalt]: <We are the messengers of fate>
Binary Saints. Expedition to Mars. M25⁑
Speaker 2 [exalt]: <In our vengeance we shall erase these
● Machine God be praised this relief. Though we are
unfaltering in our service, he has blessed us with rest sorely
-=Translation of binharic prayer spoken by Moderatus Prime needed. Soothe your flesh. Thank your iron. Focus your minds.
Zerkei Metalis Gevren and Moderatus Secundus Haili Steel your souls. This war is not over.
O Omnissiah, hear my prayer. As I prepare to enter the crucible Strike down your foes without mercy. Trample their bodies
of battle, I ask for your blessings and guidance. May my under your iron boots. Cleanse them in totality, and let fear
weapons be true and my aim steady, that I may strike down the be a weakness known only to your foe.
enemies of the Imperium with righteous fury. May my armor be
strong and my machine-spirit unwavering, that I may withstand
the assaults of the enemy and emerge victorious. ● It is you that honour me, With your words, your
thoughts and deeds. With every cog, servo and piston. With
Grant me the knowledge and understanding to make the most of my
every beat of your indomitable hearts and every drop of
abilities, that I may serve the Emperor and the Imperium to the
precious blood.
best of my ability. May my faith in you, the Machine God, be
unshakable, that I may face all challenges with courage and -=Archmagos Explorator Omnid Torquora
resolve. ● I am one with the Motive Force. One with the Great
O Omnissiah, guide my footsteps and lead me to victory. May the Maker – He who crafts all true constructs in one of His many
enemies of the Imperium tremble at the sight of my holy armor images. He who infuses, fills with His power, lends His
and the roar of my blessed weapons. For the glory of the strength.
Emperor and the Omnissiah, I offer my service and devotion. -=Unattributed
Blessed be the Machine God.
● It is my duty as Logi Prime of this facility to tell
-=Forge-Master Locke of the Dark Krakens† you the odds of our survival are slim. However it is my duty as
a human to tell you that everything will be fine, and that I am
doing everything in my power to ensure so, independent of those
The storms of our world harden us
The tools of the ancients protect us
-=Attributed to 13.65-Æ Proximo, during the Fall of Tyran⁑
The wisdom of the Magi guides us
For Machine God and Omnissiah yet to come, for knowledge and
holy artifacts, for the red sands of Mars, none shall stay our
● Nothing is ever lost, only changed, transmuted, ● Disable all safeguards. Open all shields. Vent all
recycled, as our lives continue on in the service of the weapons. Let the heretics witness the horror of a Martian rad
Machine God’s Grand Design. From every failure can come future storm marching to war beside us.
victory, from every obstacle an opportunity for greater
-=Vanguard Alpha Primodius Zhar
prestige. Through me does the Omnissiah wish to assure you that
your potential and your will is sufficient to achieve what you ● There's no turning back... Triumph or oblivion!
desire, so long as you continue to adjust, adapt, and endure to -=The spirit of Ramus Macabee speaking to Ervin Hekate
inevitably shifting circumstance.
● As we purify the ground beneath their feet, they shall
-=Unattributed⁑ find no shelter!
● Purify it with flames, for this is the wish of the -=Macharian Commentaries Chapter 71
● Let the foe blunt their blades against our resolve.
-=Aphorisms 43 They will be ash and memories soon enough.
● Awaken, citizens of Mars, for the coming of the most -=Macharian Duologues Chapter 61
holy day. Let the forges spit fire, let lightning crackle
between our towers, for today we labor in gratitude most
infinite. May your limbs never tire, may your songs echo into
the void, and may the presence of the Machine God be undeniable Hymnals of Machine Maintenance
in any construct of flesh or metal! Rejoice for the victories
of the past, and give thanks for the opportunities of the
future, for we are the Omnissiah’s most blessed scions and in Weaponry Maintenance Canticles
our service we are rendered eternal!
-=Annual Declaration given by the Fabricator General on the
12th day of the Martian year, recorded as the date of Martian May your weapon be guarded against malfunction,
unity in ~445.M27⁑ As your soul is guarded from impurity.
● Behold the light of the Machine God comrades. Let its The Machine God watches over you.
holy radiation burn into flesh and metal. Lift up your souls in
Unleash the weapons of war.
awe, that they might burn as candles beside a fragment of His
own divinity, rendered in fire before us. Blessed is our world Unleash the Deathdealer.
for this honor. All Praise to Lucius. All Praise to the
-=Chant for the prevention of malfunction
Omnissiah. All Praise to the Machine God and his Wonders!!
-=Speech given by Archmagos Drakol Kirik, during the 337th War
of Iron Puppets, Invasion of Lucius, Third Tyrannic War⁑ Spirits of the machine,
● For all the great weapons I have made in my life, the accept my pleas,
great plasma cannons, ion beams, volkite annihilators,
And walk amidst the gun,
radiation wasters, and dimensional shifting lasers, none are so
uniquely satisfying as a bullet. While I can kill a foe with and fire it true.
the exotic wrath of mechanical god weapons, none carry the same -=Litany of Completion (to be recited when assembling a
human touch, the same weight of history. To kill the alien with firearm)
our greatest wonders, is to proclaim ourselves akin to gods. To
slay the alien with a gunshot is to demonstrate we do not need
to be in order to triumph. Machine Spirits,
-=Unattributed⁑ In all your unknowable grace and wisdom,
● Let our enemies come. Let their blood be the unguent Grant my weapon durability,
that greases the wheels of our endless blessed artifice.
So it may serve me,
-=Vanguard Unit 09-Tyba, Radtainment Division
As I serve you,
● You are the Steel Bulwark. The Iron Shield. The
implacable guards of the life of the Fabricator General. You With faith, care and servility.
are the Machine God’s protection manifested in soldiers of -=Litany of Durability (To be recited to your weapon before
metal and only the most pious flesh. Against this onslaught of combat ensues)
heresy most abominably biological, you of [Forge World]’s elite
warriors shall do as we have done for millennia. With bullet
and blare, radium and roar, flame and fanfare, you will scour Let my hand wipe the grime from your perfect form,
our world clean once more. Omne Diabolus Vitae Exterminatus
May you purify with your bolts of light.
-=Litany of Cleanliness (to be recited when cleaning a lasgun)
● As the spirit of your rifle is to you, so are you a
weapon in the hand of the Tech-Priests, through them the
Omnissiah, and through him the Machine God. Wield this weapon Spirit most potent, heed my call
as you would be wielded in turn.
The Machine God makes war, and has summoned us all.
-=Mantra of Cognis Activation, abbreviated⁑
● Admission of insufficiency is itself a weakness, if a
Be still, spirits,
logical one. Consider failure to be an impossibility, and put
forth your greatest effort, then you shall behold the wonders I do what I must,
you can achieve. Forgive the intrusion,
-=Father of Iron Jorgirr Shidd⁑ And give me your trust.
● Although flesh may blacken and fail, fear not, for -=Canticle of Appeasement (to be recited to the Machine
this too can be replaced. You can be reincarnated - reborn in Spirits when stripping a weapon)
steel by the will of the Omnissiah.
-=Excerpt from The First Litany of the Doctrina Augmentata
● Blessed and holy weapon, thus do I stir you into
● The Omnissiah directs our footsteps along the path of activation. May we serve the Great Maker as one, as I direct
knowledge. you in the destruction of his foes and mine.
-=Soylens Viridians for the Machine-Spirit -=Unattributed⁑
Oh blessed one of the Omnissiah, guide us forth!
Uncommon System Appeasement Rituals -=Hymn of Geller Stability†

Oh great soul who art in this machine, ● Bask the alloys in the sacred light. Ensure their
scorched form be tempered in the blazing heat. That which burns
Cast thine ear upon my subtle words;
shall be ever blessed.
The aperture of the Machine God is a passageway for our souls,
-=Excerpt from the Solar Invocation
We must look to ourselves and to you as we cross the
● Let the Sacred Engines burn. Let the greatest of void
craft slip its terrestrial moorings. May the Halo of Graia make
Thresholds form the fabric of our great work, great pilgrimage to places unblessed by the Machine God. Upon
strange new worlds may we impose His will, encircling them in a
We cross thee as the proton crosses the gradient,
great iron shackle to bind the unbelievers in service to the
We cross thee as the inhibited energy crosses to heat and Grand Design.
glorious light,
-=Launch Incantations of Forge World Graia⁑
We cross thee as the humble adept we all once were crossed the
● Omnissiah bless us, we who labor in the halo of Holy
Crux Mechanicus
Mars. May our repairs be faultless, our creations infused with
Great soul of He on Mars, look upon your devout, and may our the most sacred and mighty of your Spirits. Thus do we invoke
tangents meet! you, thus do we pray, and thus do we sanctify this wondrous
forge of the void. Baptized in Martian rad-fire are its
-=Ingress Catechism Alpha-30XX†
armatures, and exorcised of all daemon code be it’s workings.
All praise the Machine God, and behold the aspect of the
Oh fair soul who art in this machine, Creator. Behold this Ring of Iron!

Your glorious form awes and inspires us all. -=Benediction of Commission, Ring of Iron shipyards, 095.M27⁑

We beseech thee to let us pass your threshold, and future

paths unmolested. ● Benevolent Casus Belli, I commend my body to your
By the Omnissiah, the Machine God, and the Motive Force, open protection and dedicate my mind to your service.
thine form! -=Magos Dominus Militaris Xaiozanus Skitara Xilliarkis Exasas
-=Ingress Catechism Beta-20XY†

War Machine Maintenance Litanies

Oh humble soul who art in this machine, let your servant pass
through your threshold in peace!
Thus we invoke the Master of All Knowledge.
-=Ingress Catechism Gamma-10XZ†
[Toll the bell once]
Shed Your powers upon this machine.
Of sound mind and healthy body
[Toll the bell twice]
Of faithful soul and mighty heart
Invest this device with Your holy charge.
Of human race and iron creed
[Sprinkle the unguents]
This construct formed of many parts
-=Excerpt from the Litany of Engine Invocation
-=Consecration of Flesh, given for all vat-born children of
Holy Mars⁑
● Our thanks to the all-powerful Machine-God for
providing these engines to guard us from harm.
Oh great master of waves and whelms,
[Slide a hand covered in blessed oil over the port]
And divine slave of the three in one.
Praise the Omnissiah
We humbly beseech thee to guide us fairly across our pitiful
ocean of mortality. -=Ghelsa vin Jaint, Secularis of the Casus Belli Emperor-class
titan, repairing a void shield generator.
Your purity may shield us from fear,
Your sanctity may embolden our souls once more.
Oh great master of waves, deliver us unto your dwelling, and Manifestation of War Machine Anima
protect our frail bodies
-=Litany of Ballast Blessing† Hark ye servants of the Emperor and the Omnissiah, for this
corrupted ground shall be host to a miracle most profound. Upon
this day we shall invoke the spirit of our very God to fight
Thine thin, shimmering shell is our only salvation with us in glorious battle. But be wary, guardsmen, for this is
Only through the divine power of the motive force, no easy matter, even for one of my skill, you must be the wall
that shields our spirits afore the miracle can be made. Your
And the tireless beauty of your form,
resolve must be as iron, so you may honor the steel of the
May we cross all that is wicked and wretched. God-Engine’s blessed form. As the pikes are set, subtle prayers
are made to gird the souls, and the aegis of your armor is
May the tumultuous waters of the sea of souls leave us to pass
tightened, we stand ready to begin the ritual. Commence!
in peace.
We give unto thee our most gracious blessings,
The Omnissiah looked upon ye with adoration in ages past,
Let flow the sacred oils,
through lust and rust and war.
Let flow the gentle prayers,
He sent his blessed rays down upon your steel form, the
The silence of fear trickles over us, rippling reflections shimmering as holy fire.
The freezing breath of the void caresses us, And from those fleeting liminal waves, shone interstellar fury
We stand strong in your light. from long forgotten days of yore.
As from you… You divine creature, flares the Machine God’s {Give life unto this shell.}
holy pyre.
{Look upon your servants and grant them the boon of your
Though you carried the torch high and proud, dark eyes saw the {Destroy the unfaithful. Secure the Casus Belli. Protect the
light, faithful.}
Dreadful minds put wicked schemes into play. -=Cybernetica Datasmith Undra, awakening the Kastelan robot
They defiled you with the rotten fruits of their labor,
cruelly taking away your might.
But their plans will not come into fruition, much to their O Omnissiah, source of all machine-spirits, hear my plea. This
dismay! mighty Dreadnought, once a warrior of the Imperium, now lies
dormant and in need of repair. Grant me the knowledge and
understanding to diagnose its malfunctions and restore its
You failed in the eyes of the Deus Mechanicus… systems to full functionality. With my blessed tools and the
But failure can be an opportunity for growth, strength of my faith, I will awaken the slumbering
machine-spirit within this Dreadnought and make it whole once
Broken limbs may mend with steel, fractured minds may be more.
offered solace.
May its weapons be sharp and deadly, its armor impervious to
Your flaring ember of life still carries strength enough for harm, and its spirit unyielding in the face of the enemy. May
strength enough for us both. it continue to serve the Emperor and the Imperium with honor
and glory, as it has done in the past.

So we entreat upon thee, heed our prayers! O Omnissiah, bless this Dreadnought with your divine power and
guide my hands as I work to repair it. For the glory of the
You can cast off the shame of yesterday, and look forward to Machine God and the Imperium, I offer my service and devotion.
tomorrow! Blessed be the Omnissiah.
That which was sundered may be made whole, as we peel back -=Forge-Master Locke of the Dark Krakens†
unnecessary layers.
Through our power and Omnissiah’s grace, we shall free thee
from your sorrow! ● Revered Machine, whose spirit has passed but whose
vessel is yet willing. I invoke the Motive Force and call upon
the Machine Spirits of the aether to invest you once more. May
The soul of the Machine God surrounds thee. your form be roused to war, may your wrath lay low those who
threaten the Omnissiah’s holy domains. By spark and wrench, by
The power of the Machine God invests thee. cog and piston, by the will of the Machine God who endows us
The hate of the Machine God drives thee. all with life: [LIVE]
The Machine God endows thee with life. -=Unattributed⁑

Live! General Invocations of Manifestation and Construction

-=Ritual of Purgans Titanica†
By the Machine God I invoke this Spirit from the aether
For knowledge and discovery, we send you into darkness. By the Omnissiah I bind it to my service
Through the madness of the Warp, and the unkind marches of the By the Cant Mechanicus I direct its function
void, we send you.
Armed with great guns and armored as a fortress against alien
To forget the Machine God is to be without Spirit
horrors, we send you.
To forget the Omnissiah is to be without authority
Crewed by our finest, our bravest, our greatest minds in the
Machine God’s service, we send you. To forget the teachings of our faith is to be without the
ability to guide
From forge and shipyard, from home and cradle, from Mars and
the Ring of Iron, we send you. -=Summoning of a Machine Spirit, First Mantra and associated
commentary, latter author unknown⁑
Omnissiah’s light guide your journey.
Machine God be with you.
May all that passes within these grounds be cleansed in
-=Baptism of the Ark Mechanicus “Reach Beyond Grasp”,
sanctified liquids.
May all that lies in holy and eternal sterility be undisturbed
unless needed.
The will of the Emperor is done.
May our blessed tools be cleansed every cycle lest unholy
As the blood of the slain is laid upon you so may you lay the contamination twist them to its foul cause.
enemy’s blood at the feet of the Emperor.
May the ground be baptized in consecrated solutions and
Lay blood at the Emperor's feet. scoured with radiation every 12 cycles that no life shall find
sanctuary upon it.
As the rune of protection is inscribed upon you so may the
litanies of protection ward your soul. In the name of the Omnissiah, I purify this realm of the evils
biological and return it to the order and purity of the
May your soul be guarded from impurity.
As the warriors within you guide your weapons, may you in your
Scarifactum Omnis Metalica
turn, guide their lives.
-=The Book of Steel, Protocols of the Sterile Domain⁑
Stand true against the trials of war.
-=The Prima Incubatorta, rite of Titan awakening.
We check the power cord, for from the Omnissiah we draw
strength and wisdom!
{Awaken this dormant spirit of destruction.}
We confirm that the blessed power switch is in the on Pull the Lever forward to engage the Piston and Pump…
position, for only when our minds are opened do we receive Your
Toll the Great Bell Twice!
With push of Button fire the Engine And spark Turbine into
We reboot the sacred cogitator, for Thy wisdom demands we
rededicate ourselves to the guidance of the Omnissiah!
Toll the Great Bell Thrice!
We bow our heads, striking our foreheads with our palms, for
we are unworthy of your divine wisdom! Sing Praise to the God of All Machines
We clear the cache, for true sight demands an unhindered mind! -=Excerpt from the Catechism of the Autoculus of Mars
We enter the terminal input modes and perform the rites of
reconfiguration upon the wayward Graphical Data Manager, for The soul of the Machine God surrounds thee.
your servants must be returned to the path!
The power of the Machine God invests thee.
We strike our foreheads once more, for thy rebuke is stern!
The hate of the Machine God drives thee.
We reset the Administrator Authority, for the authority has
been given unto us through divine will! The Machine God endows thee with life.

We curse the Adept who made this machine, for the Omnissiah Live!
abhors incompetence! -=The Litany of Ignition
We boot in safe mode, for we are safe in thy mechanical
The machine is my temple,
We configure a new boot disk, for through the revelations of
the Omnissiah are we guided to perfection! Each one a sacred shrine.
We reboot the system once more, for we must allow thy I name each piston blessed,
revelations to work in our minds! And every gear divine.
We re-install the sacred operating system, for thy revelations -=Hymnal of Engine Commencement
can only improve upon the imperfect machine!
We undertake the rituals of compilation, pacing about and
muttering swear words of devotion, burning sacred tobacco ● Thus do we invoke the Master of all machines. Thus do
incense, breathing in its relaxing fume, for thy works are many we make whole that which was sundered.
and take some time to complete! -=Hymn of Reforging
We offer our minds in prayer as we boot up the cogitator, for
clearly the cogitator needs divine intervention for its
continued proper function! Prayers of Soul-Maintenance
At long last, we offer praises unto thee upon the completion
of the rites of troubleshooting, singing “Omnissiah-dammit,
Blessed be the Master of All Knowledge
that took for-fucking-ever!”
Whose ways of power we cannot comprehend.
-=Litany of Troubleshooting⁑
Let the sacred oils flow and illuminate the electric charges
that sparkle the atoms of life.
Omnissiah bless this instrument
Let the currents flow
Bless its workings
through this sacred device.
Bless its function
Charge it with the crackling of the one whose name we shall
That forever it might serve you not use in vain.
-=Liber Augmentata, Ch 3 “Homo Machina”⁑ The machine is life,
life is the machine,
With your strength you protect me, Let the currents flow.
With my care I repair you, The universe is a vast treasury of sacred mechanical
With sacred oil I appease you, knowledge.

Be quiet, good spirits, Bestow us with the power and the will

And accept my benediction. to search for the ancient secrets.

-=Catechism of the Machine (To be recited to the Machine Grant this matter your light
Spirits, with the utmost gravity, when performing a disruptive Let the currents flow.
procedure on a mechanical device)
-=Prayer of Omnissian Praise

Oh great vessel of honor,

Omnissiah, which art in this machine,
May your servo-motors be guarded against malfunction,
Hallowed be thy Name.
As your spirit is guarded from impurity.
Thy capacitors fill.
We beseech the Machine God to watch over you.
Thy logic be true in this function, As it is in others.
Let flow the sacred oils,
I give thee this day thine daily maintenance.
And let not the sorrows of the seven perplexities trouble
Forgive us our illogical or recursive arguments,
thine pistons.
As we forgive poorly written error messages.
Let flow the blessed unguents,
And lead us not into disrepair,
And may thine circuitry remain divinely blessed.
But deliver us from evil.
-=Excerpt from Chant for the Consecration of a New Machine
For thine is the processor, The power, and the microchip, For
ever and ever.
Toll the Great Bell Once!
Amen. -=Litany of Unloading (To be recited when unloading your
-=Daily Prayer of Self-Maintenance

Machine Spirit, accept my gift,

Other Assorted General Purpose Rituals
Swallow the light, and spit out death.
-=Litany of Loading (To be recited when loading your weapon)
Thus do we invoke the Machine god
Thus do we stir this spirit from slumber
Spirits in the Machine,
May it be filled with the holy power of the Motive Force
Reward my faith,
May its awakening be swift, its sacred code untarnished,
uncorrupted And smash the target.

Sing praise for this new machine that lives in service to the -=Prayer of Smiting (to be voiced before firing a projectile
Omnissiah’s Great Work. weapon and repeated until the missile finds it's target, an
alternative to the litany of smiting)
May its spark never fade!
Ave Deus Mechanicus!
Toll the bell Taghmata! [CALL]
-=Rite of Activation⁑
Echo with His might! [RESPONSE]
Light the fire of Omnispex!
Pull the lever, flip the switch
Omnissiah grant us sight!
Let the Omnissiah flow through you
Inload the blessed Canticles!
Push the button, turn the dial
Faith and Fire will sing His song!
May his will drive you to greatness
Exload the galvanic light!
Close the circuit, speak authorization
The Motive force will cast down their throng!
May his wisdom elevate your mind
-=Antiphon Theta-Omnikhron†
Let sacred fluids flow, and fuel burn
May his wrath lay your foes low
By thy will I ignite thee and charge thee well,
March in the Machine God’s name
In thy light I smite with thee,
Let none bar your path.
For thy spite I will slay or die for thee,
-=Seventh Litany of Liquidation

Immortal Machine, thus do I invoke your service by my pacts of

faith to our God and my sigils of rank. Thus are you compelled Oh holy Emperor, hear my prayer,
to serve me as I serve mankind, and may I serve you with equal Guide this missile, hold it true,
dedication and loyalty.
Let it part their steel and weak armor,
<Rank Signifier Sigma Excedus>_<Concords Homo Mechanicus
1:1-1:3>_ACTIVATE; And crack their cowardly skin,

+Praise the Omnissiah+ And smite the foe from your sight.

-=Summoning of Machine Spirits, Chapter 1, Invocation: -=Litany of Penetration (To be recited when firing a weapon)
You are a weapon of men,

On Warfare A bright short light to blast the foe,

When darkness descends.

Combat Canticles
You are the bomb of men,
To lift the foe from off their feet,
Bringer of Death,
So they may no longer profane the Emperor’s soil.
speak your name,
-Blessing of the Bomb (To be recited when priming an
For you are my life, explosive)
and the foe's death.
-=Litany of the Lasgun (to be recited before firing a las ● Sweet Emperor, guide this missile into the hearts of
weapon) Your foes.
-=Litany of True Striking (To be recited when firing a
projectile weapon)
Spirit of fire,
● Holy Emperor, deliver us from the Darkness of the
Prime this weapon,
Void, guide my weapon in Your service.
And blast the foe,
-=Litany of Smiting (to be voiced before firing a projectile
From the Emperor's sight. weapon and repeated until the missile finds it's target)
-=Prayer for Ignition (to be recited before priming an ● Blessed be the machine-spirit, grant me this
explosive device) ammunition that we might use it to break your foes.
-=Rite of Release (To be recanted for safety when retrieving a
Machine Spirit, forgive my actions, cannon shell from the upper sections of a magazine)

Soon you shall be whole again. ● Spirits of the Machine-God, aid your servant and free
his weapon so he may use it to break his foes.
-=Litany of Unjamming (to be recited when clearing a jammed ● Blessed is he who, in death, does his duty.
-=Conceptua Comprehensis
● Illuminate your devoted charges, let build the bolts,
● I acknowledge for exload that I was fully capable of
'til the sacred energies course through veins electric, and
achieving termination of the foe at range. Official rationale
send your seizures of static striking!
given for engaging in melee was for the spiritual significance
I am become lightning, and this gift I give to unbelievers, of a tech priest personally defeating the enemy commander. Let
that in their last flash-blinding they might see the briefest personal logs reflect the truth: I just wanted to feel the
glimpse of the Omnissiah himself. xenos’ skull cave in beneath my legs.
-=Corpuscarii Chant of Electric-Blessing -=Tech Priest Dominus Xhoshad Railok, Defense of Warp Engine
5, Necron Invasion of Graia⁑
● Knowledge shall be my blade, forged in certainty and
wisdom. The fault shall be none but my own if its foundations ● Grant a coward the excuse to retreat from the
be brittle and its edge found wanting. battlefield and he will never fight again.
-=Secutor Xian Delta 4, Mind Sword Meditations⁑ -=Aphorisms 7.31
● Load and lock, aim and fire, in every shot, our God’s ● O, to stride with giants into the crucible of war!
holy ire. Blessed is he who guides this blessed machine, trusted is he
-=Skitarii Gun Prayer, Codex Homo Cybernetica⁑ who carries the sacred wafer, its holy writ brings salvation
and destruction, the word of the Omnissiah that brings all
Musings on the Nature of the Foe -=The Cant-Mantra of the Datasmith Prioris
● Blessed is the life that, in its ending, forgives a
lifetime of sin.
● When the enemy offers open battle, take it, and make
it his final mistake. -=Memoirs of Saint Hestios, 5.25
-=The Life of Uriah Jacobus, 8.31 ● The loose tongues of our soldiers are as guns in the
hands of our enemies.
● When the enemy begs for destruction, do not let him go
hungry. -=Saturnine Verses 81.4
-=Helfirian Recollections, Chapter 571 ● Do not think the tech-priests unschooled in war. They
wield armies like precision instruments, with the collected
● Your extermination has been mandated by the Omnissiah,
wisdom of the greatest generals at their fingertips.
and through Him the Machine God. Whether it takes a day or a
lifetime, my Rangers shall take your head. -=Unattributed
-=Skitarii Alpha Secundus Trinka-97 Vhorn⁑
● Our enemies may rest, but rust never sleeps. Other Musings
-=Tech-Priest Jung, Forge World Gehenna
● What the enemy built, let it be made asunder, for to Recite the Confirmations of Hostilities, and stir us from our
us it will be as a house of sand and knives. sleep.
-=Themiscyran Manuscripts Verse 619 Fill our weak flesh and sacred augmetics with the light of the
● The Enemy rushes to action, when our ministrations Omnissiah’s Motive Force.
cause him fear. Arm us with the tried and tested weapons of the Destroyer, and
-=Aphorisms 94.13 may their use bring ordered death.

● If it has not a head to sever, cut out the heart. Fill our minds with sacred code and the algebraic perfection
of the Machine God’s song.
-=Lives of Gyarados 73.60
Send us to war under the banner of logic, our superiority
● By flame shall the unclean be made clean, by fire unquestionable, our victory assured.
shall the unholy be made holy.
With steel and thunder, laser and venerated engine, our legion
-=Gathalamorians 71.6 brings order.
● Given sufficient pressure, an adequately armed We are the hand of the Omnissiah, upon this galaxy we impose
opposition will naturally seek not the weakest point of an his domain.
attack, but the weakest point within closely bounded timing
markers. Ave Deus Mechanicus!

-=The Exasas Corollary to Liberik’s Fourth Theorem -=Unattributed⁑

The eye of the Omnissiah sees nought but the truth.

Meditations on our Place in War
The spray of blood is beautiful calligraphy under His eye,
The march of metal a brilliant symphony,
//With lidless eyes I have seen horrors
The flash of electricity a joyous outcry.
//With iron faith I have endured horrors
Be one with the Omnissiah, may his eye guide yours.
//With metal limbs I have slain horrors
See nought but the truth, the truth of data,
Such is my purpose: so I continue;
See the field of battle as what it is, a tapestry of masterful
-=Personal Prayer, Skitarius Vekram-45⁑ design,
Every thread carefully woven by the machine god,
● We are all but a weapon in the right hand of the Gaze upon it and know only clarity.
-=Mantra of the Unrelenting Eye†
-=Exhortationes Principiis Titannorum, Divisio Militaris
● Then into the teeth of the enemy we shall stride.
-=Life of Macharius, 23.19
● “Overkill” does not have a Binharic equivalent. It is -=Selucian Aphorisms, Verse 539
represented in the language by the explicit acknowledgement of
● When the heretic is silenced, it is as if his weapons
100% certainty of success, a percentage that is not typically
and tools are stripped of him, he is left impotent and weak.
achieved in the exacting calculations of the Machine God’s
faithful. -=Jovian Ministrations 61.90
-=Unattributed⁑ ● From such small heresies are great apostasies made.
● There is no such thing as retreat, only a re-direction -=Maxims Metalica, 76.12
of an advance. ● One can verge from the standard form, but one must
-=Attributed to Graian Tech Priest Dominus Ovulid Mogodron⁑ always retain their humanity, or be lost to the Men of Iron and
their ways.
● The best way of improving a gun is to improve its
ammunition. -=Text of the Oiled Cog, v.12
-=Hieronymus, High Magos and Arch-heretic of Artemia Majoris ● Seek profane knowledge, and find profane fates.
(was terminated on request of the Fabricator-General) -=Macharian Commentaries 73.5
● Through the application of knowledge can great ● He who sows doubt is as blameful as he who sheds
destruction arise. blood.
-=Fabricator General Isotor -=Hagiography of Thor, 14.91
● First comes knowledge of destruction, then its ● As steel is shielded from rust by our ministrations,
execution. so are our minds shielded from heresy by our faith in the
-=Malchadorian Insights 17.4 Machine God.
● Bring guns as well as prayers. -=Unattributed⁑
-=Aphorisms 31 ● The foe of reason builds monuments to his madness, and
reveals himself thereby.
● Purification is the Prelude to Annihilation.
-=Malcador the Sigillite
-=Hagiographics of Saint Regulavis, 91.12
● When the spirit is neglected, the body falters and the
● When the final analysis is fully calculated, all
mind is corrupted.
equations balance against righteous annihilation.
-=Aphorisms 712
-=Gathalamorians 9.41
● We fight the foe’s battle for him, when we take his
words into our hearts.
On Vigilance and Heresy -=Amalathian Commentaries, Chapter 94
● The willful child is as the maddened steed: when it is
let off its leash, it is lost.
On the Nature of Heresy -=Macharian Axioms, Line 918
● When the corruption of the unholy becomes manifest to
Exasas [direct trans/closed/Monderas/inquiry]: <What lures one our senses, a far greater corruption lies unseen.
into the sphere of ignorance?>
-=Superlogicae, verse 971
Monderas [direct trans/closed/Exasas]: <Why does one turn away
● Even the most carefully maintained machine will turn
from the exploration of the Omnissiah? It is to believe rather
on those who lack faith in the Machine God. There can be no
than to calculate. To revere faith alone over enlightened
complacency in our faith, only an eternal struggle towards
greater piety, and higher union.
Exasas [direct trans/closed/Monderas/inquiry]: <One might muse
upon the distractions of technotheological determinism, but I
cannot encapsulate a theorem that would provide benefit outside
the scope of the Cult Metalica. Why would one choose voluntary
The Punishments unto the Forsaken
exile into the darkness of the unenlightened?>
Monderas [direct trans/closed/Exasas/theory]: <The transitory
but addictive nature of short-term gain. The illusion of ● Those with the audacity to betray the machines under
control outside the noospheric embrace of the Great Edifice of their care will find even the smallest Machine Spirits can hold
Mars Supreme. It is adolescent thinking to strive for truly lethal grudges.
independence, denying the interdependence of all the components
of the Machina Cosma.>
● In a galaxy of untold billions, even the faithful man
Exasas [direct trans/closed/Monderas/inquiry]: <A self-applied
is all but worthless. You, heretic, lack even faith in any god
delusion, then?>
worth a clock cycle. Even your a waste of
Monderas [direct trans/closed/Exasas/theory]: <Or external resources.
interference masquerading as revelation. Also do not discount
the possibility of unintended contact with corruptive
noospheric sources or potential xenos infiltration.> ● Thus are the wages of those who delve too deep.
-=Magos Dominus Exasas conversing with ver colleague on the -=Castigations 17.4
nature of their enemies, the heretekal traitors of Nicomedua.
● A tank’s worth of armor cannot save an Adept who has
cast aside anything underneath worth guarding

● Watch your brother, for his sin of heresy is thy sin -=Technoshaman Irrip Rhong⁑
of tolerance. ● Obliterate his words, cut out his tongue, put to fire
-=Macharians 16.4 all wrought by his hand, and the heretic shall cease to exist.

● How dim the sacred light burns when the unholy -=Gathalamorians 714.5
darkness loometh all about. ● You are going to die Traitor. This is a guaranteed
-=Meditations Logicae Verse 619 occurrence over a large enough time scale due to the demands of
the Fundamental Laws placed upon the universe and its contents.
● Sometimes the weak limb must be amputated before the Forgive my impatience, but I’m unwilling to wait that long.
whole body withers.
-=7th Sergeant Ghûr, Clan Avernii, Iron Hands M39⁑ -=Scripture of the Taloned Cog, v.09 p.3
● Wheresoever the blasphemer writes, obliterate. ● Death itself is scarcely an excuse for the sin of duty
-=Epigraphs Macrologica, Psalm 105
-=Contemplations Hagigraphica
● From the mouths of heretics emit naught but foul
vapours. Cut out the tongue and be clean. ● Knowledge will ever be a blessing and a curse.
-=Quaestos Mechanicor 5.21 -=Levistians, 9.22
● When the enemy seeks to break our spirit, meet his ● Show caution and scorn in all things.
blasphemy with flame!
-=Codex Fulminatus 83.12
-=Aphorisms 82
● Better in ignorance than in heresy.
● Thou shalt not suffer to live those who practise -=Aphorisms 25
auto-idolatry or false worship of illogical deities in the
● The abominate wretches that come for us serve no one
sight of the Omnissiah. Cleanse forever the galactic noosphere
but themselves. They are hereteks and monsters. Engineered
of their datacorrosive taint, and thus know His blessing.
angels who have sold their souls to bidders from the beyond. To
-=Catechesium Primus-Analyticum Infinitus, Verse 126 to the the untrue and aberrant entities of the warp, whose prophets
4th power twisted them with lies longed for by the heart and for which
their ears were ready. Brutes who live to indulge their
appetites, who war without reason and live for death alone.
Other Dark Thoughts They honour only what iron can do for them. They enslave it to
their purpose and consider themselves its master. In their
state of degenerate corruption they have turned their grotesque
Flesh damn you to flesh hell for playing me like a cheap bodies into forges no less heretekal than those we have
synthesizer. May your reproductive organs be rendered painfully destroyed in the Machine-God’s name. Temples warped of purpose.
non-functional. May your maternal gene source denounce you as Flesh from which proceeds an iron unholy and untrue. Weapons
her spawn. May your forge see you cast into its fires for this without spirit. An affliction from which we shall release them,
most heinous of blasphemies. Consume my entire hindquarters and granting death to those who come here in search of it.
attempt to copulate with a Tervigon you most reviled of
-=Archmagos Explorator Omnid Torquora
constructs. This is an outrage. An act of such callous apostasy
that Arco-flagellation shall be your most merciful of fates. I ● Blessed is the ignorance that wise men choose for
implore the Machine God to see you drowned in a waste themselves.
collection vat and your corpse left for the Ambulls to breed
-=Aphorisms 793
larvae in. May your tainted creations be mistaken for Ork tech
and buried in the deepest depths of the Dungeon Diagnoplex! May ● Let the weaker in mind follow the words of the strong.
your Magos grovel before the Fabricator General himself for -=Canticles of Gethsemenoth Line 87
permitting you to live and waste Motive Force. You cretin! You
apocalyptic icon of ineptitude! Perish and writhe for all time
in the clutches of the Warp, for there is more faith for the
Machine God in a billion rendered down heretics than there has On Faith
ever been in you.
-=Curse of Effingo Adipiscing⁑
You should not have come here. This is not a place of honor.
No great deed is commemorated here. Nothing of value is here.
What is here is dangerous and repulsive. We considered
● We are derelict in our duty whenever we allow ourselves a powerful culture. We harnessed the hidden fire, and
corruption to plague the minds of good men. used it for our own purposes. Then we saw the fire could burn
-=Tech-Cosmos Verse 68 within living things, unnoticed until it destroyed them. And we
were afraid. We built great tombs to hold the fire for one
● The Omnissiah has placed me beyond the reach of
hundred thousand years, after which it would no longer kill. If
heresy, and in his holy presence I fear no more.
this place is opened, the fire will not be isolated from the
-=Unattributed⁑ world, and we will have failed to protect you. Leave this place
and never come back.
● Better safe and ignorant, than rueing the means of our
downfall. -=Translation of the pictogram inscription etched upon the
surfaces of the Grand Caaba of Saint Curia, located within the
-=Macharian Notions, Chapter 4113
Meccha thorn forests of Phobos.†
● Not all data should be acquired.
-=Ferro-Dictates 53.12
From the weakness of the mind,
● Even in death, our duty is not complete.
Omnissiah save us.
-=The Lives of the Logic-Saints, Psalm 61
From the lies of the Antipath,
● If one sheds tears over the plight of the
Circuit preserve us.
unenlightened, one shall never cease weeping.
From the rage of the Beast,
-=Magos Dominus Avicularius†
Iron protect us.
● Bleak be the prospects, when the black wind of heresy
blows. From the temptations of the Fleshlord,
-=Levistians 7.14 Silica cleanse us.
● Ware the script of the enemy, for writ into its lies From the ravages of the Destroyer,
are the seeds of corruption.
Anima shield us.
-=Kryptmann, Verses 11-13
Machine God set us free.
● Tainted though these worlds be, corruption shall not
-=Chants of the Journeyman Verse III/w
torment me.
-=Agripinaan War Oath intoned in battle upon the Daemon Worlds
of the Eye of Terror⁑ Honor the Omnissiah, and the Machine God above him
● Wary of those that wonder. Cherish His teachings, for they will guide you to victory
Care for His children, for they remember His words -=Prayer of Forgiveness of Flesh
Tremble before His power, for it shines within us all.
-=Unattributed⁑ Revere the Omnissiah, for his works have lifted us from
Revere the Omnissiah, for his children serve Mankind
I am one of many
Revere the Omnissiah, whose guns shall slay the alien
I am insignificant
Revere the Omnissiah, whose ships shall conquer the void
Yet still I am blessed by the Omnissiah
Revere the Omnissiah, our faith shall shield us from Chaos
I have felt him see through my eyes
Revere the Omnissiah, our labor shall arm his legions
I have felt him fight with my hands
Revere the Omnissiah, the beacon against Man’s doom
I have felt him march with my feet
Revere the Omnissiah, from birth unto the tomb
The Omnissiah is in us all
Honor him in your actions
Praise him in your song
Holy Omnissiah, hear my prayer and make plain to me the faults
Serve him in your life
of my form.
Ave Deus Mechanicus!
See through my eyes, of globe and of lens, and tell me if my
-=Unattributed⁑ sight is free of phantoms
Hear through my ears, of membrane and microphone, and tell me
Immortal Omnissiah, hear our prayers if they whisper lies

We are your children, pious scholars of the Path of the Reach through my limbs, of cord and of servo, and tell me if
Machine they reach for the fallen

We prize knowledge above all else, for it is your eternal gift Remember through my mind, of neuron and of silica, and tell me
upon mankind if my thoughts are distracted

We aspire to the blessed form of the machine, and ascension Feel through my heart, of muscle and of piston, and tell me of
through technology, that we might emulate your glory the burdens of emotion

Sheltered by steel, and protected by your avatars of war, we Know me through my soul, of aether and of Motive Force, and
ply the stars in search of your lost gifts to our kind judge me as your servant

Machine God, watch over us in our travels, shield us with Where I have strayed may I be corrected
metal and lightning. For the universe is an uncaring void, and Where I walk true may I be encouraged
the Warp hungers for us all.
May I execute your Grand Design better for your guidance here.
Ave Omnissiah
-=Intonement of Diagnostics⁑
Immortal Machine God, thank you for your protection.
From error of memory
My flesh is my own, strengthened with sacred machines
From flawed calculation
My mind is my own, with it I store holy knowledge
From lost thoughts
My soul is my own, sworn unto the Machine God in death
From brilliance forgotten
My fate is my own, patterned into the Grand Design
From absent motivation
Inviolate are these truths. Machine God make it so.
and from all the failings of mortal flesh and mind.
Ave Omnissiah
Machine God, ruler of all existence, I call you into this
Venerate the Omnissiah, for he is our teacher in all things In blessed incense and noospheric aura, may your glory
Heed his wisdom, for through it we grow strong surround us

Care for his children for they are gifts upon us all May no daemon walk upon this ground. May mankind find refuge
within these walls.
Reject the weakness of flesh, for in metal we walk eternal
Protect us, your faithful, from constructs foul and untrue.
-=Unattributed⁑ May the light of circuit and forge burn away all shadow.
In your name I cast back ignorance. In your name I purge
Summon the power of the Motive Force corruption. In your name I vanquish evil.

Feel the hand of the Machine God rest upon your shoulder May your mastery of the universe be made manifest here. May
your Grand Design be enforced upon this place. May the
And with His blessing, all obstacles will crumble before you. incursions of Chaos be halted. May the horror before me be
-=Unattributed⁑ exorcised for all time!
In the name of the Machine God, and Omnissiah yet to come, I
banish you to the Warp from whence you came!
Hail Spirit, full of errors, the Omnissiah is with thee;
-= “Order of All Things”, Anti-Warp protocol prayer of the
blessed art thou amongst technology, Mechanicum. Codified 073. M29 against the dark creations of
and blessed is the fruit of thy circuit boards, Knowledge. Moravec⁑
Holy Spirit, subroutine of the Omnissiah, forgive us our
flesh, now and at the hour of our ascension. The soul of the Machine God surrounds us, so we are never
Amen. without him.
The power of the Machine God invests us, so we shall always be Thank you for my armor, that shields me from all wounds.
Thank you for my comrades, may they stay for many moons.
The hate of the Machine God drives us, to destroy that which
For all these gifts so wondrous, they cripple me with awe.
is evil and untrue.
For all my life I’ll follow you, your word shall be my law.
The Machine God has endowed us with life. Live. Make your your
path what you wish it to be. -=Unattributed⁑
Machine God, maker of all, make my body strong again
All praise the Divine Current, for its flow guides us to our Omnissiah, who knows all things, bless my mind to learn and
greatest potential. understand the wonders at my disposal
All praise the Involatile Resistance, that our spirits might Motive Force, that invigorates all things, honor me with your
weather hardship. divine spark, that i might serve Him in the execution of my
All praise the Sacred Voltage, which drives us onward in the
Machine God’s Grand Schema In body, mind, and soul, I am dedicated to the service of the
Triumvirate Mechanicus. May I not be found wanting.
-=Electromancer Hymn, excerpt of the Liber Technicha,
Doctrine: Mars⁑ -=Unattributed⁑

All praise the Motive Force, the lightning wrath of the Machine God, protector of us all, shore up the fortress of my
Machine God being.
In its aura we are shielded, and by its embrace are our foes Burn rot, plague, and apathy from my flesh and blessed mind.
sent to oblivion! Invest me with certainty and purity of logic, that no
-=Litany Corpuscarii⁑ deception might lead me astray
Armor my being against the temptations of flesh and desires of
the heart.
Machine God, I submit myself to your will and design
Temper my anger that it might never rule me, and that your
Grant me the strength to endure this
will alone will guide my hand.
Grant me the wisdom to see it’s value
May I serve you faithfully, first and foremost, last and only.
Grant me the ingenuity to make use of it Ave Deus Mechanicus.
Ave Deus Mechanicus -=Unattributed⁑
Iron is my faith
O immortal Emperor: Have mercy on us, miserable unworthies The cog is my creed
that we are.
By the worship of Machines, from death shall I be freed
O master of the galaxy, protect your flock from the alien.
O keeper of the light, guide our darkened path with your
All Knowing Omnissiah, lift us from ignorance
We are your warriors and we are servants to thee,
Unbreaking Omnissiah, shield us from error
we stand free from blindness of heart,
Infallible Omnissiah, bless us with memory
free from hypocrisy, vainglory and deceits,
Belligerent Omnissiah, destroy our foes
but captive to hatred, malice and anger, to the filth, the
alien, the heretic. Benevolent Omnissiah, guide our actions
By thy agony and bloody sweat; by thy Golden Throne and thy All Powerful Omnissiah, guard us in battle
death; by thy destruction and re-emergence as the God of men, Undying Omnissiah, for your suffering we shall atone
keep and strengthen us, we who fight for thee.
Eternal Omnissiah, forever may you endure upon the Golden
-=Prayer of Adulation to the Emperor (to be recited every Throne

The Emperor is our guiding light, a beacon of hope for

humanity in a galaxy of darkness. God of All Machines, today you have judged your servants
worthy of your Great Work,
As we serve Him, He is our greatest servant.
And for this we give thanks. Glory to the Omnissiah!
As we pray to Him, His thoughts are only for us.
Glory to the Omnissiah,
And in the dark when the shadow's threaten, the Emperor is
with us, in spirit and in fact. The living diminish,

Libation to the Emperor (to be used whenever thanks are to be But the Machine endures,
given to the Emperor) -=Archmagos Explorator Kotov, addressing his tech-priests
after a near catastrophic plasma discharge incident.

Holy Omnissiah. God of The Machine.

Thank you for your blessings, down on this world and down on We servants of the Machine God are never without guidance.
me. The fate outlined for us by Him is one defined wholly by our
Thank you for the sunrise, for the wind, and for the rain. own abilities and the effort we are willing to put forth.

Thank you for my body, and for sparing it from pain. Failure in a task, even one we struggled mightily to overcome,
is as much a moment of guidance as victory.
Thank you for my blessed mind, and all that it has grown.
Thank you for the hunger that I am blessed to never know.
It is an opportunity, to either shore up your shortcomings and From the perils of the Warp, the Machine God protects us
weather the storm again, or to seek out a different path. There
+In iron clad, pure of thought and soul we shall endure this
is shame in neither, for there are often things beyond our
most terrible night+
control that put our greatest efforts and plans to the torch.
-=First Prayer, First Book, First Library, of the Grand
Whatever path you walk, know that your efforts are prized, and
Records Omnissian, dating back to Mechanicum Founding⁑
that all tasks serve the Machine God.
Ave Deus Mechanicus
Beyond flesh
Beyond fear
Beyond death
Great Maker, God of the Machine, whose Grand Design
encompasses all things. Who granted the spark of life to -=7th Mantra, Liber Omnissiah⁑
creatures of flesh, creatures of metal, and creatures of the
two entwined. Whose champions shake the earth with their step,
and whose wonders none can withstand. Grant me the guidance to Hear the word of the Omnissiah,
execute my part in your Grand Design. May the Divine Calculus For they are the god of machines,
be bestowed in part upon my otherwise unworthy form, that I
might better serve you this day. May I discover great We are the servants of the machine god,
knowledge. May I fell great blasphemies. May I honor my forge We are the Adeptus Mechanicus.
temple and the iron blessings they have bestowed upon me. May I
honor you, God of the Machine, in all that I do and all that I
am, this day, and every day. Our vigilance persists and our bodies strong,
Ave Omnissiah We are the masters of the forge and the forge world,
Ave Deus Mechanicus We seek the secrets of the past,
-=Unattributed⁑ We seek the power of the future.

I was born when the galaxy surrounded by darkness In the name of the Omnissiah,
I was born in the toxic fume We offer up our bodies and minds,
I was born in the river of flame For the pursuit of knowledge and power,
I was born in darkness In service to the machine god.
-=An Unknown Magos†
Until He found me
Until Omnissiah blessed me From the Machine God, comes the Motive Force
Until Iron embraced me From the Motive Force comes life
Until oil ran through my veins In life I pursue knowledge
To do so is an act of faith
Then I became immortal From faith I draw strength
Then I became blessed With strength my will is done
With the immortal iron... By my will is my mind ordered
With the blessing of the machine god In order is peace found
In peace is my purpose known
For the Omnissiah My purpose is to serve the Machine God
-=Adept imk#2064† May He bless my mind with calm
Over irradiated Martian sands, the Omnissiah walks beside us
Through howling winds and black winter nights, the Omnissiah Without the Machine God, we are nothing.
walks beside us
His light shines through the shattered remains of the
Across the cold and callous void, the Omnissiah walks beside Omnissiah, without whom we could not travel the stars.
Without the Machine God and his Spirit children, stagnation
Beneath alien suns and on alien worlds, the Omnissiah walks would consume us, and our technology would fail.
beside us
Blind, and defenseless, the might of humanity would crumble
Through the horrors and blasphemies of the Warp, the Omnissiah and wither.
walks beside us
Give thanks to the Machine God! Give thanks to the Omnissiah!
Through the storm of beam, bolt, and flame, the Omnissiah For they protect us eternally, against the horrors that thirst
walks beside us for our blood and souls!
Stride ever onwards in the Machine God’s service, and know Ave Deus Mechanicus!
you’ll never do so alone.
Ave Omnissiah!

From hunger and thirst, the Machine God protects us

With learning I cleanse my flesh of ignorance.
From cold, fire, and vacuum, the Machine God protects us
With knowledge I grow in power.
From the horrors of the wasteland, the Machine God protects us
With technology I revere the God of all Machines.
From the nightmare of ignorance, the Machine God protects us
With its power I praise the glory of Mars.
From the wasting of radiation, the Machine God protects us
All hail the Omnissiah, who guides us to learning. -=Unattributed⁑
-=First Prayer of the Omnissiah ● In vibrant life and mechanical undeath, eternally I
serve the Machine God.
-=Excerpt: Collected Prayers of the Tharsus Campaigns, M26⁑
● Against the deepest of ignorance and most vehement
frustration, the Machine God’s desire to see us learn and ● Bestow upon us the sacrament of understanding, and the
understand the world around us shall always triumph. His blessing of comprehension. May a fraction of your power and
greatest gift to us is the blessing of sapience, the divine wisdom invest us. Machine God, fortify our minds, for this
spark that allows us to pursue the enlightened state of true challenge ahead. Ave Deus Mechanicus
comprehension. Its attainment is a challenge of literally
inhuman magnitude, but that does not diminish the significance
of an individual’s own steps along the path towards it. May you ● We are the bearers of His word and the executors of
be blessed this day. May that which blights your mind be made His deeds. Where He sends us we shall go. Ave Deus Mechanicus.
clear to you. May that which frustrates you be stricken from -=Unattributed⁑
your path. May your eyes see with clarity and your limbs
execute your understanding with righteous and justified ● Those who don the blinkers of wilful ignorance may no
certainty. Praise the Machine God, for the joy of learning and longer bear witness to the true illumination of the Omnissiah.
the wonders it grants us. Even amidst the deepest shadows, we bathe in that holy light.

-=Unattributed⁑ -=Dak-XXVII, Culax Black Guard

● A short life of learning is worth more than entire ● Holy Omnissiah, whose mind knows all and gaze sees all
centuries of ignorance. things. Whose Designs encompass all that is and ever shall be.
Visit upon us knowledge of that which is to come. Guide our
-=Unattributed⁑ minds along the vast calculations of that which is to come.
● Praise the Machine-God for the artifices that deliver Machine God show us the way through the darkness of confusion.
us from death. Illuminate us by the Motive Force that pulses within all your
blessed constructs. May nothing escape our sight!
-=Ghelsa vin Jaint, while being protected from a phosphex
warhead bombardment by an imperator titan’s void shields. -=Benediction of Omniscience⁑
● Carry your knowledge like a shining lantern, and cast ● A man may die yet still endure if his work enters the
back the crawling shadows of ignorance. greater work. Time is carried upon a current incepted by
forgotten deeds. Events of great moment are but the culmination
of a single carefully placed thought. As all men must thank
● No man is inherently more blessed than another in the progenitors obscured by the past so we must endure the present
light of the Machine God. We are all born with the spark of the that those who come after may continue the greater work.
Motive Force running through us, and any deformation of body or
-=Garba Mojaro, The Chime of Eons
mind does not change that. Where we gain or lose the Machine
God’s favor is in the choices we make, and whether they serve ● I was broken when they found me. My body burned, my
to expand mankind’s knowledge, or progress our own selfish soul shriveled, only my mind still stood firm. The Adepts of
interests. Mars took me in, and introduced me to the glory of the machine.
-=Unattributed⁑ Where muscles seized, pistons did not. Where eyes failed to
focus, cameras did not. Where my voice was cracked and afraid,
● Praise the Omnissiah for the gift of His artifice, in now all who hear me tremble. I was born into this world weak,
His eternal knowledge are we shrouded from harm. entombed in flesh. The servants of the Omnissiah set me free,
-=Ghelsa vin Jaint, after seeing synskin armor protect an ally and the Machine God made me strong.
from multiple bolt rounds. -=Unattributed⁑
● It is not our enhancements or our upgrades that the ● Do not ask the Omnissiah for a pleasant existence, ask
Machine God loves us for, but the faithful servant and learning Him for the strength to overcome our tribulations.
being within. Any man with enough coin may wield a body of
steel, but only the Machine God can grant the hunger for -=Aphorisms 62
knowledge that pervades His champions. ● Venerate the machines under your care, for they will
-=Unattributed⁑ endure far beyond the limits of your flesh. Your flesh will
rot, their steel will endure, your life will end, and they will
● Hold no hate for those ignorant of the Omnissiah, for carry your memory ever onwards.
to do so would be no different than to judge a man as blind for
having never been shown the sun. -=Unattributed⁑

-=Unattributed⁑ ● Pain is a deception, a lie. Some among the Biologis

● It is not by the Machine God’s will that events occur, protest that it is a natural warning of injury, but this is a
for that implies He resists and influences a greater mechanism. falsehood. Biological matter is in a perpetual state of
The Machine God is the foundation of the universe, and it’s inevitable decay, wounds only speed up the process. Pain
occurrences are not by his will, but by his design. suggests that in its absence all is well, and this cannot be
countenanced for it is demonstrably incorrect. Pain is to be
-=Unattributed disregarded, and ignored, for all it tells you is what you
By the grace of the Omnissiah, may I overcome all challenges already know. The flesh is weak, and we must escape it.
placed before me. May I be sound of mind, strong of body, and -=Unattributed⁑
clear of purpose in his service. Through my labors, may I be
elevated in His eyes, and bring honor to my world. May my forge ● Let the stench of corruption be swept aside by the
and magos be blessed for their care of me, and may I serve them sweet winds of faith.
with distinction on this day. -=Archmagos Veneratus Hieraticus
-=+En nomine Deus Mechanicus+ //binharic auto-prayer: ● The Will of the Machine-God moves within you. You are
Receipt;⁑ the Vessel, the Omnissiah is the Spark. Bear witness to true
● Almighty Machine-God whose data binds the universe, Faith and remain Pure within the Impurity of flesh.
look upon your humble servant and let the tangents of your -=Unattributed
intersection be beneficent.
● The Omnissiah knows my work, even if others are too
-=Magos Dominus Militaris Xaiozanus Skitara Xilliarkis Exasas blind to accept an Opus of genius.
● As the power of the Motive Force spurs the Machine -=Archmagos Dominus Cawl
Spirit to perform great deeds, so does your faith in the
Omnissiah drive you to do the same.
● The Lord of Mars is with us in the dark, even if thou ● Protect, archive, copy, record. So many terms intended
knowest it not. for a singular purpose, that which defines our order.
Remembrance. The relentless preservation of all we have and all
-=Exaltations 49
we seek, that it might never again be lost. Every written word,
● Above bullets, above blades, care for your soul above every typed numeral, every sheaf of molding parchment, is an
all. act of faith for the Cult Mechanicus. Blessed are we for this
-=Gathalamorians 45.7 task.

● Just as the blessed industry of the Omnissiah is -=Martian Piety, Prime Hermeticon Octoberon Nûr (trans.
ever-unending, so too must be the devotion of his servants. <LwGth>High Ranking Preserver, Distributor, and Gatherer of
With motion do we offer him worship, and with toil, and with Knowledge)⁑
tireless labour. ● Universal logic dictates that all fleshly and
-=The Canto-Graius, Sub-Verse 847 intellectual pursuits are objectively of lesser validity and
importance to the Opus Magnum of archeotech. Those who do not
● Protect the shield of the mind, and the body will be seek such things, should be treated as the unnecessary
shielded thereby. components they pursue; and be promptly discarded to the fires
-=Epigrams of Saint Eukelsis 3.89 of the Forges of Mars as all extraneous items are.

● The eyes of the Omnissiah are ever upon us. -=Questor Albredes Sigma of Obseq-Asper†

-=Fabricator General Plutonis ● Unto every Design is laid Wisdom. Beneath every Wisdom
lies a Design.
● Sometimes our prayers are answered, but not in the way
we would prefer. -=Teachings of the Cult Metalica

-=Fabricator General Kane ● No machine is arbitrary, for in its workings is found

the faultless logic of the Omnissiah.
● Thus does the Enemy seek to crush our spirit, for our
souls are our most potent weapon. -=Teachings of the Cult Metalica

-=Amalanthians 9.41 ● The Omnissiah filled the galaxy with mysteries so that
we might learn from them, coming step by step closer to his
● The sweet incense of faith conquers the toxic stench perfect being. To ignore them, even in the face of war, is
of corruption. heresy!
-=Kalemnan Orations 5.25 -=Belisarius Cawl
● And lo, shall Your holy steel be as armour around our ● My god is the incarnation of knowledge itself, and
souls, and shall Your wisdom guide our hands. No spear nor barb learning is the highest form of worship. Drive your mind like a
of the enemy shall trouble our flesh of iron. Let the Will of spear into the subject you seek to learn, and saturate it with
Mars be done! the discoveries within.
-=Collected Logic-Psalms 31.3 -=Unattributed⁑
● Men fueled by the righteousness of their purpose can ● Let nothing dissuade your quest for knowledge. Let
achieve what armies cannot. none slow your pursuit and acquisition of holy technology. Let
no one stand between you and the procurement of that which is
-=Eukelsians 60.24
rightfully the Machine God's due.
● Even in the deepest darkness, give devotion to the
—Thusdorius Knoch, Invictus Acquisitor
Omnissiah, for there He is needed most.
-=Gathalamorians 71.30
Principles of Design

On Tech-Lore
Beauty provokes envy.
Envy is of the flesh.
On the Pursuit of Knowledge The flesh is weak.
Our defining tenant in our modifications should be function
over form, effectiveness over aesthetic. To do otherwise is to
The Quest for Knowledge is our sacred task.
indulge your flesh and admit your sinful attachment to it.
Ours is not to understand or question,
-=Cybersmith Bargoi Shah, Homo Brutalist Sect Founder, M25.
Ours is to possess, to reclaim, to seize. Murdered 66 days later in a manner consistent with a short
Ours is the logic and the power. lived Slaaneshi daemon incursion. The cause was never
That which is not in the hands of the Omnissiah’s faithful is
in the hands of the heretics.
Ours is not to understand or question. ● No secrets. No lies. Only truth. The Machine God
demands truth. Personal gain is no excuse for preventing the
-=Vows Acquitorius, Verse One dissemination of holy knowledge. It is intended for all mankind
to use and access equally. To prevent this is heresy.

The pursuit of knowledge is absolution. -=Datasymbiote Phaedro Torr, “Font of Secrets”, Mechanicum
founding member, M25⁑
The conceit of absolute knowledge is merely hubris.
● The beast of metal endures longer than the flesh of
–=Ordinance Mechanica Obscura #01010 men. Those that tend the beasts of metal must labour long to
learn its ways, for a single beast must suffer the mastership
of many men until ready to shed its vorpal coils. Those that
Forge onwards on the path of learning, however slow, and seek apprenticeship must attended closely to the runes of
however far you may, and know that you honor the Machine God, mobilisation, the rites of maintenance, and the words-of-power
with every breath and every day. that describe the parts of a beast. Nor must they neglect the
Ave Deus Mechanicus: Ave Omnissiah tutelage of the Adeptus Prefects, nor the casting of the proper
-=Runic Mechanics - An Introduction
● Bio-chauvinism, and on such a small scale, when it ● The EIGHTH_-SCR.PCD3!#.I! is Supreme, being
comes to the processing of knowledge, is laughable. Give me any divisible by the cardinal and the binary.
savant you care, and I shall match his worth tenfold with even
the most basic of Machine Spirits. -=Teachings of K[\]0WL.EDG3 INF1N|TUM!the .##&Cult Metalica

-=Excerpt, The Problems of Organic Thinking, Chapter XII ● Upon the vox do we hear the voice of the Machine-God
rendered mortal.
● Without a Standard Model, there is naught but madness
and Chaos among the stars. -=Teachings of the Cult Metalica

-=Aetheric Manuscripts Appendix 71 ● Fragile indeed are the tools of the righteous.

● Obey the Standard Model, or obey the laws of death. -=Avelornians 5.91

-=Fabricator General Sin-Cosinius ● Beware the deviance of thine own tools, for the Enemy
finds his entrance thereby.
● Iron over flesh, cogitation over thought, information
over conjecture. Thus is purity, and victory, assured. -=Maxims of Amalanth, 5.12

-=Ferropsalm of the Fabricator General ● I often long to feel as the machine does. Sinew
replaced with pistons and steel. To work with unyielding
● Improvisation is rarely welcomed, and then only if the purpose. To have something I am truly made for.
Omnissiah’s will demand it.
-=Tech-Priest Toaster 33.1†
-=Linguis Fulminatus, Chapter 7
● In 100 men, there is perhaps one whose loyalty is
beyond question. In 100 machines however, every one is loyal
Other Postulations beyond all doubt. Such is the superiority of the Omnissiah’s
holy warriors.
Learning is, in and of itself, worship of the Machine God.
● A tech-priest does not have hunches. He immerses
To understand and to comprehend knowledge is a blessing, and a himself in vast knowledge that is the Omnissiah’s gift, and
duty done in reverent service to His will. takes whatever course of action is revealed thereby. No matter
The Omnissiah knows all, comprehends all, and mortal though we how onerous it may be.
are, it is a mark of distinction for one to give their utmost -=Aphorisms 90
towards doing the same. A futile task though it is, the value
of the journey is not diminished by this in any regard. ● Those who serve the machine-spirit are, in turn,
served by the machine-spirit.
-=Magos Domina Saleesa Vain, Mechanicus Primer on Baneblade
● When uttering the incantation, mark well that the rod Operation
is upon and not within the intake. The second incantation
should not be uttered until all the fumes have come forth, then ● Knowledge is the weapon that sets us apart from the
the way shall be clear for the sacred words to penetrate unto enemies of the Imperium. As Techmarines, it is our duty to hone
the heart of the engine. If the mounting be hot say the third and wield that weapon with unwavering dedication.
rune, if it be cold the fourth rune is more appropriate. For -=Forge-Master Locke of the Dark Krakens†
then the wrath of the engine will be aroused…
● Let knowledge serve only man, and let that which does
-=The Book of Five Runes not remain in darkness.
● Traitors come to claim our iron. The iron that flows -=Aphorisms 61.2
red through our veins. That lends our limbs and weapons
● To perceive the grander picture, to strive to
strength. That forms the plate that protects us from bolt, beam
understand for the benefit of all mankind.
and the hostile void. Blessed iron that sits pure in the rock
and dirt of forge worlds we call our own. They call themselves -=Tech-Acquisitor Statement of Purpose
the Warriors of Iron but they know nothing of its true value.
We celebrate iron as a medium through which man and god might
become one. It is holy. It is the Omnissiah’s strength, taken
into our bodies. Where we break, iron makes us whole. Iron
Assorted Aphorisms and Meditations
makes us more. We fuse iron to our flesh in the sacred act of
interface, so that we might someday transcend the frailties of
mortality and serve the Machine-God beyond our years. Through Epitaphs
iron we become part of forever.
-=Archmagos Explorator Omnid Torquora
Omnissiah, knower of all
● Strike the first rune upon the engine's casing
Today we return one of your most hallowed and sacred
employing the chosen wrench. Its tip should be anointed with
constructs into your care
the oil of engineering using the proper incantation when the
auspices are correct. Strike the second rune upon the engine's May the spark of the motive force drive their souls into your
casing employing the arc-tip of the power-driver. If the second care, that they might find new purpose just as we make use of
rune is not good, a third rune may be struck in like manner to what they leave behind
the first. This is done according to the true ritual laid down
May their deeds in search of knowledge, technology, and the
by Scotti the Enginseer. A libation should be offered. If this
destruction of man’s enemies elevate them in your eyes
sequence is properly observed the engines may be brought to
full activation by depressing the large panel marked "ON". May they be judged worthy of your protection in death that the
horrors of the warp may be kept at bay
-=Runic Spaceflight - An Introduction; Naval Flight Manual
W110E May sorrow be banished from our minds, and may we heed the
wisdom of our oldest creed.
● And when at last he came upon the vehicle, he
perceived the distress of the engine therein and forthwith The Flesh is Weak, for in the end so long as we remain of
struck the rune and it was good. Thereupon the engine ignited flesh, death will claim us all.
and was filled with strength… Ave Deus Mechanicus
-=Lord of the Engines, 16th Tome, Verse 2001
-=The Grand Recycling⁑
● To every problem, a solution lies in the application
of tech-lore.
In dusty archives we search and seek
-=Ferrarch Asklepian
Our legions march for endless weeks -=Excerpt from the Chant of Electro-traction
Ships sail regions deep and cold
In search of knowledge lost and old My mind is perfection unquestioned
-=Verse 227, The Explorator Hymn⁑ My body is shining steel
My will is divine order
Toll the bell for the spark of life. My soul lives in all my creations
Sing the praise of the Forge’s Heart. I am the Omnissiah
Stoke the fires of eternal war. I will save you all.
-=Unattributed -=Unattributed⁑

May their knowledge persist beyond them Too much has been learned, to let it be forgotten.
They serve the Machine God still Too many have died to preserve their additions to the
Omnissiah’s great work.
From flesh they are free at last
Too many wonders have been built that must not be destroyed.
The Mechanicus never forgets anyone
The Omnissiah has given mankind uncounted gifts, scattered
In dutiful service to the Grand Design
across the stars they may be.
Machine Spirits guide them home
I will not see them squandered.
May they be put to good use
-=Epitaphs of the Adeptus Mechanicus⁑

Omnissiah, thus do I enter the Trials of Greater Knowledge.

<Toll the Great Bell once!>
May I be blessed with success so I might continue to learn and
<For the Souls of Machines lost to the void.> ascend closer to your divine brilliance
<Toll the Great Bell twice!> May my memory, recall, intuition, and understanding be
<Keep them in your eternal power,> unerring in my hour of need

<Our Master of flesh and iron.> May my labors in your name not be wasted by failure on this
<Toll the Great Bell thrice!>
May my teachers be proud of my performance, and my rivals
<For Magos Vettius Telok.> envious
<Compiler of data, seeker after truth.> May the Motive Force guide my judgement where my own knowledge
<Guide his machines, entombed in lightless depths.> falls short

<Give them the will and clarity required> May I honor you, and bring you pride, for my efforts to
understand the knowledge asked of me by your higher servants
<to cogitate Empyreal Tempests,>
Bless your faithful on this day, Machine God
<and seek the serenity of perfect code.>
May I never be found wanting in your gaze
<Toll the Great Bell in Grief!>
+Ave Deus Mechanicus+
<And mourn the loss of knowledge.>
-=Adept’s Prayer (Given prior to one of the many exams an
<Sing Praise to the God of All Machines!> aspiring adept must complete to ascend within the ranks of the
-=Binaric inscription on the Bell of Lost Souls. Tower of Cult Mechanicus)⁑
Heroes, Terra. The Telok Expedition: Declared lost with all
knowledge: 383.M38
Take in that which is corrupted, that which is negative.
Purify it within the glory of your form.
Blasted and burned though you are, your work is not yet done.
Radiate that which is positive and life giving.
Many foes have you slain, but more still cry out for
absolution. The Motive Force flows within us all, and it is our duty to
ensure this is not forgotten.
Blessed have you been before, and blessed shall you be again.
That is what it means to be an Electro Priest. We are placed
In flesh you were born, and in steel you shall be borne anew. to tend to the circuit that connects all constructs, and we
Give thanks to the Machine God, in whose holy name you shall shall shine so brightly it outstrips the stars.
spill alien and heretic blood on countless worlds. -=Electromancer Ohmni Radeon-Phi, “Transformer Primus”, M25⁑
As His voice, I welcome you back into service as His vengeful
sword, His emissary of fear, His bearers of callous and holy
murder. Machine God invest us

No more are you Skitarii, now and forever more, you are May our bodies be burned and purged of sickness and plague
Sicarian, the Omnissiah’s spite made manifest! May our minds be exorcised of forgetfulness and confusion
-=Unattributed⁑ May our hearts be guarded against despair and hopelessness
May our souls be sanctified and blessed against apostasy and
Other Meditations corruption
By fire, lightning, and holy radiation may we bring
annihilation to this weakness of flesh made manifest before us!
All praise the Ebb and Flow, -=Canticle Metalica (Broadcasted during the Death Guard
All feel the Nimbus rising, invasion of the Forge World Metallica, and subsequent cleansing
All sing the Body Electric,
Feel the full charge crackle!
O eternal Emperor, who alone watches us, Ave Deus Mechanicus
and rules the tides and storms, -=Unattributed⁑
be compassionate to your servants,
preserve us from the perils of the warp, Most powerful and glorious Emperor,
that we may be a safeguard to the domain of men. who commands the winds and eddies of the galaxy,
-=Prayer of Safe Return (to be used before entering the warp) we miserable men are adrift in peril,
we cry unto thee for help, save us, or we will perish.
Apologies, mighty Casus Belli, We see how great and terrible thou art,
In error I have sought by force that which I should have asked we fear you and offer our awe,
permission to do.
we fear naught but your wrath,
I will make amends.
and beg a chance to prove ourselves,
-=Ghelsa vin Jaint, after breaking an access hatch to an
so let us not die in the tumultuous of the warp.
Emperor-class titan.
-=Prayer for the Lost and Endangered (to be used in times of
emergency when traveling the Warp)
ERROR::Scr4c0de C0rrupt10n Det3ct3d!! [OVERLOAD INITIATING]

This machine is discharged into your care.

The tide of knowledge flows thick with lies.
Fight with this machine, and guard it from the shame of
One who listens may find a truth in sight, defeat.
Built upon the shoulders of slumbering giants they rise. Serve this machine, as you would have fight it for you.
(response) - I shall.
A small mote in an ocean of darkened dull light sighs, -=Excerpt from the Ceremony of Commission
Content with a feeble existence of flesh and life and blight,
The tide of knowledge flows thick with lies. ● Fear the iron fist, for its grip is death.
The fools dwell within their cantilevered tower of lies, ● Falter not under the burden of failure, the Machine
God does not judge you by your mistakes, but by your efforts to
Data-stacking, ever climbing, limbs clacking, isolating from
correct them and improve yourself.
the light,
Built upon the shoulders of slumbering giants they rise.
● Anarchy’s End has existed for far longer than either
of us, loader, no matter what atrocities you may witness,
The four gods in true heaven watch reverently in their gentle believe that the machine-spirit has seen worse.
-=Enginseer Verman, discussing the history of the Baneblade
The mind of ten thousand true souls reverberate with might, “Anarchy’s End”.
The tide of knowledge flows thick with lies. ● You are to be commended for your contempt for flesh,
but disciplined in equal measure for damaging it so callously.
The glory of metal is an unfortunately rare blessing in this
Twenty thousand years of flies, of fleeting, feeding flies, age, so for the time being, your flesh is all you have. Care
Protecting, pouncing, petty, consumed by religious fright, for it. Protect it from harm and decay. It is the Machine God’s
gift to you, for all its faults, in the hope that you would
Built upon the shoulders of slumbering giants they rise. make best use of it out of any spirit under His care.
-=Theolurgic Ganymede Vetralio⁑
No longer shackled in our ecclesiarchical ties, ● All praise to the machine-spirit, its vigil unwavering
We are free, we that dwell in the night. and its wrath unfailing. A name is more than just words,
loader. It is purpose and conviction. Anarchy’s End will suffer
The tide of knowledge flows thick with lies, no mutiny within its sacred decks. And neither should we. Keep
Built upon the shoulders of slumbering giants we rise. your wits about you, there may be another traitorous soul
waiting to reveal themselves for judgement.
-=Enginseer Verman of the Baneblade “Anarchy’s End”, regarding
-=Dreams of the Heretek†
the sudden death of a traitor by unexplainable means.
● I grow weary of this flesh I was born into, strangely
||Scrapcode Infestation Purged|| - Ave Omnissiah! disgusted by its nature. I crave only the cold, clean certainty
of steel and silicon, that I might become one with the Blessed
Machine. I do not expect you to understand, you who cling to
All powerful Machine God, I come before you broken. your flesh as if it were immortal, seeking only to preserve it,
My capacitors are drained, my will is spent, my spirit eroded to protect it. One day, you will see the folly of your ways,
by trial and conflict. Few other times has my being been and then no doubt you will come begging to my order to preserve
reduced to such a state in your eyes. I have failed in my you...
duties, and find myself adrift in my assignments, merely -=Magos Deruss, making polite conversation with a minor scion
completing tasks without the comprehension of knowledge. of the House of Persis
Machine God, Iron Lord of Mars, I request aid if you have it. ● Never trust. Never feel. Never act contrary to the
May the Motive Force invest me. May your power surround me. May Absolute Logic. You alone are strong. By your will and by your
your will drive my spirit and my actions once more. May I be iron. In the end you will be left with nothing else.
unshackled from the constraints of my blighted mind, that I
-=Ordon Khul, “Ironclad”, Mechanicum founder, Cult of Metal
might better execute your will. May I be granted solace and
Soul, M25. Expedition leader to Medusa, M26⁑
sanctuary from the galaxy’s horrors, if only for a moment, that
I might emerge from your protection all the stronger.
● This is the cycle that marks your transition to the ● In ancient times, men built wonders, laid claim to the
Serberys Corps. Your efficacy has been noted, your performance stars and sought to better themselves for the good of all. But
falling within holy tolerances of judication and your we are much wiser now.
signifiers selected by none other than Magos-Haptic Pol
-=Archmagos Ultima Cryol - Speculations On Pre-Imperial History
Yogethen. Your bonding to a cybercanid is a gift from the
Omnissiah. Waste it and face deletion. Employ your existence to ● Prayer has power, but I cannot deny fire does, too.
the glory of the Machine God and in praise of the holy works of -=Archmagos Cortiko, Verse 58
His priesthood – it is the only logical course of action for
Mankind. ● When thou desires to discourse purely, use binary.

-=Marshal of the Iron Cohort, Solun-23y -=Sayings of the Princeps 65.4

● Chance is just an imprecise understanding of ● Such sweet music is the chatter of binary, that has no
probability. You, or someone like you, would come eventually. tongue to lie.
And you did. In time, the improbable becomes... inevitable. -=Sayings of the Archmagi, Appendix 4
-=Magos Dominus Castia-Theta-9, addressing Captain Orpheus of ● My emotional cores return dismay and anger whenever a
the Blood Angels skitarius is described as disposable. No-one is disposable so
● The administration of the Motive Force as corrective long as they do the Omnissiah’s work. Thus it is written.
behavior is as much a lesson from the Machine God himself as -=Magos Dominus Faustinius
from me or my superiors. When you’ve regained vocal control,
please let me know what wisdom He saw fit to share with you. ● Enough fire in the right place can solve any problem.

-=Protector Oum 8-Chakai⁑ -=Colloquialisms of Metalica, Chapter 52

● The delicacy of the Machine God’s Grand Design is no ● Inefficiency is a slope whereupon one slides ever
more clearly manifest than in the consequences of a misplaced 1 downwards, by degrees, until one reaches the nadir of
or 0. unknowing.

-=Cognitor Khel Prhaddim, regarding the clerical error by the -=Canticles Borealis, 6.15
Administratum that resulted in the Exterminatus of his home ● Men are weak. Their bodies will fail and crumble to
forge world of Cherribrax⁑ dust. Only the Machine endures.
● Coordination of labour comes prior to division. -=Magos Axos Zarin, 948.M41
-=Haxaffa’s First Principle. An advisement to manufactorum ● If His Will be done, let it be done quickly.
workers based upon the posit that overseers risk
inefficiencies by placing their requirements above those of the -=Neodogmatics 71.90
process they must guide. ● If it is worth doing, it is worth doing to completion.
● Thresholds are the quintessential cog in the Machine -=Aphorisms 97
God’s Great Work, they mark apotheosis and exile, advancement
● It’s not work if you enjoy it.
and disgrace. The crossing of an entryway may be an ingress to
reformation, so watch your motions, note your aphelions, and -=Colloquialisms Minor, Chapter 51
chart your course accordingly.
● High risk, high reward.
-=Autosavant Chem-109 Enron†
-=Magi Pecuniam
● Well corrupt my hard drive and call me Grandmaster
● No task that is easy is ever worthwhile.
Flashdrive and the Furious Five Knuckle Shufflers: the
lubricant is flowing and I’m about to void the warranty on -=Amaranthine Verses 78.12
SOMETHING. ● The circuits are complete. The engine of fate is
-=Logic-Warden RU-BN Tugmestres† primed. One turn of the cog remains, and the grand machine
shall fulfill its purpose.
● Henceforth no man shall set foot upon the world, and
all around shall be set sentinels to ward away unwary -=Logistae Septimus, 21.4
spacecraft. We must accept that this place is lost to us ● The broken in body can blame the bullet or the sword,
forever, and is now the eternal habitation of abomination. but the broken in mind have all of creation to curse.
-=Excerpt from The Contagion of Ganymede⁑ -=Verses Fulminatus, 59.31
● You may say, it is impossible for a man to become like
the Machine. And I would reply, that only the smallest mind
strives to comprehend its limits. On the Xenos
-=Fabricator General Kane
All knowledge in the galaxy lies waiting for us to find it.
● The universe is not like a puzzle-box that you can
I refuse to stay my hand and reject the knowledge found in the
take apart and put back together again and so solve its
claws of the alien.
secrets. It is a shifting uncertain thing which changes as you
consider it, which is changed by the very act of observation. A There is no clearer gift from the Omnissiah than the
powerful man is not a man who dissects the universe like a technology wrested from xenos dead, for though their technology
puzzle-box, examining it piece by piece and measuring each may be superior, it is to us that the Machine God grants
piece with scientific precision. A powerful man has only to victory, that we might sanctify the spoils of war in his name.
look upon the universe to change it.
With every alien technology we return to the Machine God’s
-=Technomagos Gaelos embrace, we grow closer to him. None will stay our march.
● Your attempts at negotiation are futile. This world’s -=Tech-Priest Timerius Quord (Planet of Origin: Stygies VIII)
annexation is final. Do not contemplate resistance. Do not (Deployment: Damocles Gulf Crusade)⁑
think. We will be doing that for you from now on.
● The weak in mind will seek to understand the xenos.
● Steel of Body, Steel of Mind. The strong in mind will destroy them, and bless their
-=Graian Mantra of Discipline (to be repeated in patterns of
500) -=Binary Hierarch Gethsemorr
● Verily it is written that the Omnissiah grants His
blessing to those who come well-equipped with explosives.
-=Aphorisms 96.9
● Tau weaponry. Aeldari psi-magic. Tyranid and Drukhari ● Our only objective should be death to the alien and
fleshcraft. Necron materiel and atom sorcery. All have all his works. All else is deviance from the Omnissiah Creed.
something to teach us, and I will give every human life under
-=Life of Archmagos Borasis, Appendix 9
my command in service to learning their workings for the
Machine God. Proceed with the experiment. Remember nothing. ● Look not upon the alien, for the alien looks back.
Leave the recording to me. -=Aphorisms 56
-=Xenoscryer Secreta Dane, Heretek Xenus of Stygies VIII,
abducted by Deathwatch Astartes, status unknown⁑
● There is no more cursed place than the domains of Bibliographie Tektonica
alien gods, and no greater satisfaction than their destruction
at the hands of our own.
-=Unattributed⁑ Tomes
● For the alien, nothing. - Admonitions Mechanae
- Aetheric Manuscripts
-=Legio Victorum Motto
- Amalathian Commentaries
● Be thou wary of the works of the alien, for their - Amaranthine Verses
presence is poison and their every word deceit. - Aphorisms
- Aphorisms of the Logic Saints
-=Gathalamoreans, 94.3
- Archmagos Cortiko
● Hark not the alien’s words, lest ye unknowingly repeat - Avelornians
them. - Book of Five Runes, The
- Book of Steel, Protocols of the Sterile Domain, The⁂
-=Archmagos Veneratus Haelon
- Cannot unless you Canticle
● He who prosecutes the alien with zeal, is the ally of - Canticles Borealis
Mankind. - Canticles of Gesemenoth
-=Gathalamorians 60.41 - Canticles of Mars
- Canto Graius, The
● Of all creations most foul I beheld the Lord of All - Castigations
and knew that I was dead. - Chime of Eons, The
-=Recollections of Inquisitor Brand, Chapter 87 - Codex Fulminatus
- Codex Homo Cybernetica⁂
● In each society there is a classification that is - Collected Logic-Psalms
mirrored in another society. - Collected Prayers of the Tharsus Campaigns⁂
-=Scripture-Brother Magos Tech-Auxilium Prime, Know Thy Enemy, - Colloquialisms Minor
to Know Thyself - Colloquialisms of Metalica
- Conceptua Comprehensis
● The only logical response to the presence of the
- Contagion of Ganymede, The⁂
xenos, is hatred.
- Contemplations Hagigraphica
-=Verses Macrologica 17.4 - Epigrams Macrologia
- Epigrams of Saint Eukelsis
● To take what was once arming the Xenos, only to
- Epitaphs of the Adeptus Mechanicus⁂
analyze, learn and improve it under the service of the Machine
- Eukelsians
God is only heresy to those lacking both faith, and wisdom. For
- Exaltations
remaining ignorant of what clearly exists before your eyes is
- Exhortationes Principiis Titannorum
the greatest sin of all.
- Ferro-Dictates
-=Unattributed† - Gathalamorians
- Hagiographics of Saint Regulavis
● The xenos must be purged, for the stars are humanity’s - Hagiography of Thor
birthright. - Helfirian Recollections
-=Psalms Hermeticus 46 - Jovian Ministrations
- Kalemnan Orations
● Seek not the words of the xenos, lest they infect us - Know Thy Enemy, to Know Thyself
with blasphemy. - Kryptmann
-=Admonitions Mechanae 3:16 - Levistans
- Liber Augmentata⁂
● Take no shame in exulting at the destruction of the
- Liber Technicha, Doctrine: Mars⁂
xenos. Though killing the alien is our solemn duty, that does
- Life of Archmagos Borasis
not mean we cannot let it buoy up our spirits when it is
- Life of Macharius
- Life of Uriah Jacobus, The
-=Colloquialisms Minor, Chapter 51 - Linguis Fulminatus
- Lives of Gyrados
● In the presence of the xenos lies the invisible miasma
- Lives of the Logic Saints, The
of corruption
- Logistae Septimus
-=Aphorisms of the Logic-Saints 7.91 - Lord of the Engines
- Macharians
● Your petty claims of primacy disgust me xenos. This
- Macharian Axioms
world bears the mark of the almighty Machine God. it is there
- Macharian Duologues
in the fascism deposits left for us to extract. It is evident
- Macharian Commentaries
in the wells of trans-sulphur, in the liquid diamonite that
- Macharian Notions
rains from the sky and the seams of transuranium. This world
- Magi Pecuniam
belongs to mankind.
- Malchadorian Insights
● There are horrors in this galaxy that only faith and
- Martian Piety
steel can overcome, and that we should be grateful we shall
- Maxims Metalica
never fully understand.
- Maxims of Amalanth
-=Aphorisms 7.1 - Meditations Logicae
● The only will of the Machine Spirit is that of the - Memoirs of Saint Hestios
Omnissian technologies, for the xenos will deceive you and - Mind Sword Meditations⁂
tempt you, but you will not falter, for you are a priest. - Neodogmatics
- Ordinance Mechanica Obscura #01010
-=Cannot unless you Canticle, v.34 - Problems of Organic Thinking, The
- Quaestos Mechanicor - Skitarius Vekram-45⁂
- Recollections of Inquisitor Brand - Theolurgic Ganymede Vetralio⁂
- Runic Mechanics - An Introduction - Magos Axos Zarin
- Runic Spaceflight - An Introduction; Naval Flight - Vanguard Alpha Primodius Zhar
Manual W110E
- Saturnine Verses
Other Fonts
- Sayings of the Archmagi - Legio Victorum
- Sayings of the Princeps - Forge World Graia
- Scripture of the Taloned Cog - Forge World Metalica
- Selucian Aphorisms - Unknown Tech-Acquisitor
- Speculations of Pre-Imperial History - Bell of Lost Souls, The
- Summoning of a Machine Spirit, First Mantra and - Grand Caaba of Saint Curia‡
associated commentary - Binary Saints 0000 - 0111 Conglomerate (BS 0-3C)⁂
- Summoning of Machine Spirits - A large number of tech-adepts whose names have
- Superlogicae regrettably been lost to the Great Work.
- Tech-Cosmos
- Text of the Oiled Cog
- Themiscyran Manuscripts INLOAD_ENDED::Append.msg(“Thank you for reading, may the holy
- Transformer Primus⁂ three in one bless your soul!”)
- Verses Fulminatus
- Verses Macrologia
- Vows Acquisitorius
- Ferrarch Asklepian
- Magos Dominus Avicularius‡
- Archmagos Dominus Belisarius Cawl
- Protector Oum 8-Chakai⁂
- Archmagos Ultima Cryol
- Skitarii Ranger Alpha Dak-XXVII
- Xenoscryer Secreta Dane⁂
- Magos Deruss
- Autosavant Chem-109 Enron‡
- Magos Dominus Militarus Xiaozanus Skitara Xilliarkis
- Magos Dominus Faustinius
- Ferromort
- Technomagos Gaelos
- Binary Hierarch Gethsemorr
- Moderatus Prime Zerkei Metalis Gevren
- Archmagos Veneratus Haelon
- Moderatus Secundus Haili
- Haxxafa
- Archmagos Veneratus Hieraticus
- High Magos Hieronymus
- Adept imk#2064‡
- Fabricator General Isotor
- Epilekhotz Ghelsa vin Jaint
- Tech-Priest Jung
- 7th Sergeant Ghûr⁂
- Fabricator General Kane
- Ordon Khul⁂
- Archmagos Drakol Kirik⁂
- Invictus Acquisitor Thusdorius Knoch
- Archmagos Explorator Lexell Kotov
- Magos Dominus Menodon Kursk⁂
- Forge-Master Locke‡
- Malcador the Sigillite
- The spirit of Ramus Macabee
- Dominus Ovulid Mogodron⁂
- Fabricator General Plutonis
- Cognitor Khel Prhaddim⁂
- 13.65-Æ Proximo
- Tech-Priest Toaster 33.1‡
- Tech-Priest Timerius Quord⁂
- Dominus Xhoshad Railok⁂
- Technoshaman Irrip Rhong⁂
- Cybersmith Bargoi Shah⁂
- Father of Iron Jorgirr Shidd⁂
- Questor Albredes Sigma‡
- Fabricator General Sin-Cosinius
- Skitarii Marshal Solun-23y
- Magos Dominus Castia-Theta-9
- Archmagos Explorator Omnid Torquora
- Datasymbiote Phaedro Torr⁂
- Logic-Warden RU-BN Tugmestres‡
- Magos Domina Saleesa Vain
- Enginseer Verman
- Skitarii Alpha Secundus Trinka-97 Vhorn⁂
- Skitarius Vanguard 09-Tyba
- Cybernetica Datasmith Undra

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