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The “Greg Mandel Trilogy” Karl Schroeder

Mindstar Rising Ventus
Eclipse Phase took inspiration from many A Quantum Murder Dan Simmons
sources that deserve recognition and The Nano Flower Endymion
credit. Gamemasters may find these useful James Hogan Fall of Endymion

for ideas for adventures and campaigns. Voyage from Yesteryear Fall of Hyperion
Nancy Kress Hyperion
FICTION Beggars in Spain Llium
K. C. Alexander Ursula LeGuin Olympos
Necrotech The Dispossessed Neal Stephenson
Neal Asher The Left Hand of Darkness Diamond Age
Gridlinked Ken MacLeod Seveneves
Skinner The “Fall Revolution” series Bruce Sterling
Ian Banks The Star Fraction Caryatids
Consider Phlebas The Stone Canal Crystal Express
Excession The Cassini Division Holy Fire
The Hydrogen Sonata The Sky Road Schismatrix Plus
Inversions Newton’s Wake Charles Stross
Look to Windward Richard Morgan Accelerando
Matter The “Takeshi Kovacs” series Glasshouse
The Player of Games Altered Carbon Halting State
The State of the Art Broken Angels Iron Sunrise
Surface Detail Woken Furies Neptune's Brood
The Use of Weapons Thirteen Rule 34
Greg Bear Linda Nagata Saturn's Children
Moving Mars The Bohr Maker Singularity Sky
Queen of Angels Deception Well Toast
Slant Limit of Vision Daniel Suarez
David Brin Tech Heaven Daemon
Earth Vast Freedom
Kiln People Ramez Naam Influx
Startide Rising Apex Karen Traviss
Sundiver Crux City of Pearl
The Uplift War Nexus Vernor Vinge
James S. A. Corey Annalee Newitz Across Realtime
Abaddon's Gate Autonomous The Children of the Sky
Caliban's War Ada Palmer A Deepness in the Sky
Leviathan Wakes Seven Surrenders A Fire Upon The Deep
Paul Di Filippo The Will to Battle Rainbow’s End
Ribofunk Too Like the Lightning True Names and Other Dangers
Cory Doctorow Frederick Pohl Elisabeth Vonarburg
Down and Out in the Magic Kingdom Gateway Slow Engines of Time
Eastern Standard Tribe Alastair Reynolds Peter Watts
Walkaway Absolution Gap Blindsight
Greg Egan Chasm City Echopraxia
Axiomatic Diamond Dogs, Turquoise Days “Rifters’ Trilogy”
Diaspora Elysium Fire Starfish
Distress Galactic North Maelstrom
Permutation City The Prefect Behemoth (ß-Max + Seppuku)
Quarantine Pushing Ice Scott Westerfeld
Warren Ellis Redemption Ark The Risen Empire
Crooked Little Vein Revelation Space The Killing of Worlds
Kathleen Ann Goonan Douglas Richards Walter Jon Williams
Crescent City Rhapsody Infinity Born Aristoi
Light Music Kim Stanley Robinson Angel Station
Mississippi Blues 2312 Implied Spaces
Queen City Jazz The “Mars Trilogy” Voice of the Whirlwind
Peter Hamilton Red Mars David Zindell
The “Commonwealth Saga” Blue Mars The Broken God
Pandora’s Star Green Mars Neverness
Judas Unleashed The Martians War in Heaven
Red Moon The Wild

418¹ References
GRAPHIC NOVELS The Marching Plague
Richard Dawkins
Blue Planet
Burning Empires
Jamie Delano The Selfish Gene Call of Cthulhu
Narcopolis K. Eric Drexler Cybergeneration
Warren Ellis Engines of Creation: The Coming Era of Dawning Star
Doktor Sleepless Nanotechnology Delta Green
Doom 2099 Freeman Dyson Fate
Global Frequency Disturbing the Universe FreeMarket
Ministry of Space Imagined Worlds Gamma World
Ocean Ann Finkbeiner GURPS: Transhuman Space
Transmetropolitan The Jasons Morrow Project
Jonathan Hickman Imaginary Weapons Numenera
Transhuman Joel Garreau Paranoia
Grant Morrison Radical Evolution Shadowrun
The Filth Peter Gelderloos Shock: Social Science Fiction
The Invisibles Anarchy Works Traveller
Masamune Shirow Adam Greenfield
Ghost in the Shell Everyware: The Dawning Age of MOVIES & TELEVISION
Ghost in the Shell 1.5: Human-Error Ubiquitous Computing AI
Processor Robin Hanson Alien series
Ghost in the Shell 2: Man/Machine The Age of Em Altered Carbon
Interface James Hughes Alita: Battle Angel
Adam Warren Citizen Cyborg Andromeda
Iron Man: Hypervelocity Peter Kropotkin Babylon 5 and Crusade
Makoto Yukimura The Conquest of Bread Big O
Planetes Mutual Aid Black Mirror
Science and Anarchism Blade Runner and Blade Runner 2049
NON-FICTION Ray Kurzweil Chappie
Ronald Bailey The Singularity is Near Cowboy Bebop
Liberation Biology Howard Rheingold District 9
Susan Blackmore Smart Mobs: The Next Social Revolution Dollhouse
The Meme Machine John Robb Dreamcatcher
Murray Bookchin Brave New War Elysium
Post-Scarcity Anarchism Clay Shirky Ergo Proxy
Cynthia Brezeal Here Comes Everybody Ex Machina
Designing Sociable Robots Bruce Sterling The Expanse
Nick Bostrom Shaping Things Firefly and Serenity
Superintelligence Tomorrow Now: Envisioning the Next Gattaca
David Brin Fifty Years Ghost in the Shell (everything)
The Transparent Society Gregory Stock Gravity
Richard Brodie Redesigning Humans: Our Inevitable Hardcore Henry
Virus of the Mind: The New Science of the Genetic Future The Island
Meme Kelly and Zach Weinersmith Jekyll

James Brook and Ian Boal (eds) Soonish Limitless
Resisting the Virtual Life Charles Wohlforth and Amanda R. Love, Death, and Robots
Rodney Brooks Hendrix The Martian
Flesh and Machines: How Robots Will Beyond Earth Moon
Change Us Simon Young Pandorum
Cambrian Intelligence: The Early History Designer Evolution: A Transhumanist Planetes
of the New AI Manifesto Sleep Dealer
Critical Art Ensemble Solaris
Digital Resistance Stargate and Stargate: Atlantis
Electronic Civil Disobedience Sunshine
The Electronic Disturbance Upgrade
Flesh Machine Uzumaki

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