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AirWave Wireless Management Suite

Version 6.4

User Guide

2009 Aruba Networks, Inc. AirWave, Aruba Networks, Aruba Mobility Management System, Bluescanner, For Wireless That Works, Mobile Edge Architecture, People Move. Networks Must Follow, RFProtect, The All Wireless Workplace Is Now Open For Business, Green Island, and The Mobile Edge Company are trademarks of Aruba Networks, Inc. All rights reserved. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. While every effort has been made to ensure technical accuracy, information in this document is subject to change without notice and does not represent a commitment on the part of AirWave Wireless. AirWave Wireless is not connected, affiliated or related to Airwave O2 Limited in any way whatsoever. AirWave Wireless, Inc. 1344 Crossman Ave. Sunnyvale, CA 94089-1113 Phone: (408) 227-4500 Fax: (408) 227-4550

AirWave Wireless Management Suite User Guide | 0510640-01

Copyrights and Revisions | 2



Document Organization Related Documents Text Conventions Contacting AirWave Wireless and Aruba Networks

11 12 13 14

Chapter 1

Introduction to the AirWave Wireless Management Suite

AWMSA Unified Wireless Network Command Center AirWave Management Platform Aruba Configuration VisualRF RAPIDS Master Console and Failover Integrating AWMS into the Network and Organizational Hierarchy

15 16 16 17 17 17 18

Chapter 2

Installing The Airwave Wireless Management Suite

Introduction AWMS Hardware Requirements and Installation Media Installing Linux CentOS 5 (Phase 1) Installing AWMS Software (Phase 2) Getting Started Step 1: Configuring Date and Time, Checking for Prior Installations Date and Time Previous AMP Installations Step 2: Installing AWMS Software, Including AMP Step 3: Checking the AWMS Installation Step 4: Assigning an IP Address to the AWMS System Step 5: Naming the AWMS Network Administration System Step 6: Assigning a Host Name to the AWMS Step 7: Changing the Default Root Password Completing the Installation Configuring and Mapping Port Usage for AWMS AWMS Navigation Basics Status Section Navigation Section Activity Section Help Links in the GUI Common List Settings Buttons and Icons Getting Started with AWMS Completing Initial Login

21 21 22 22 22 23 23 23 24 24 24 25 25 25 25 26 27 28 29 31 31 32 33 35 35

Chapter 3

Configuring the AirWave Wireless Management Suite

Defining General AWMS Server Settings Defining AWMS Network Settings Creating AWMS Users Creating AWMS User Roles

38 44 46 48
Contents | 3

AirWave Wireless Management Suite User Guide | Version 6.4

Enabling AWMS to Manage Your Devices Configuring Communication Settings for Discovered Devices Loading Device Firmware onto AWMS (Optional) Overview of the Device Setup > Upload Files Page Loading Firmware Files to AWMS Using Web Auth Bundles in AWMS Configuring TACACS+ and RADIUS Authentication Configuring TACACS+ Authentication Configuring RADIUS Authentication and Authorization Integrating a RADIUS Accounting Server Configuring Cisco WLSE and WLSE Rogue Scanning Introduction to Cisco WLSE Configuring WLSE Initially in AWMS Adding an ACS Server for WLSE Enabling Rogue Alerts for Cisco WLSE Configuring WLSE to Communicate with APs Discovering Devices Managing Devices Inventory Reporting Defining Access Grouping Configuring IOS APs for WDS Participation WDS Participation Primary or Secondary WDS Configuring ACS for WDS Authentication Configuring Cisco WLSE Rogue Scanning Configuring ACS Servers Integrating AWMS with an Existing Network Management Solution (NMS) Auditing PCI Compliance on the Network Introduction to PCI Requirements PCI Auditing in the AWMS Interface Enabling or Disabling PCI Auditing Deploying WMS Offload Overview of WMS Offload in AWMS General Configuration Tasks Supporting WMS Offload in AWMS Additional Information Supporting WMS Offload

50 51 55 55 57 59 59 59 61 63 64 64 64 65 65 65 65 66 66 66 66 66 66 67 67 67 70 71 73 74 74 75 77 77 77 78

Chapter 4

Configuring and Using Device Groups in AWMS

AWMS Group Overview Important Group Concepts Viewing All Defined Device Groups Editing Columns on the Groups > List Page and Additional Pages Configuring Basic Group Settings What Next? Configuring Group Security Settings Configuring Group SSIDs and VLANs Adding and Configuring Group AAA Servers Configuring Radio Settings for Device Groups An Overview of Cisco WLC Configuration Accessing Cisco WLC Configuration Navigating Cisco WLC Configuration Configuring WLANs for Cisco WLC Devices Defining and Configuring LWAPP AP Groups for Cisco Devices Viewing and Creating AP Groups Configuring Cisco Controller Settings

80 80 81 82 83 91 91 93 98 99 106 106 106 107 109 109 110

4 | Contents

AirWave Wireless Management Suite User Guide | Version 6.4

Configuring Wireless Parameters for Cisco Controllers Configuring Security Parameters and Functions Configuring Management Settings for Cisco Controllers Configuring Group PTMP/WiMAX Settings Configuring Proxim Mesh Radio Settings Configuring Group MAC Access Control Lists Specifying Minimum Firmware Versions for APs in a Group Comparing Device Groups Deleting a Group Changing Multiple Group Configurations Modifying Multiple Devices Using Global Groups for Group Configuration

110 110 111 111 115 117 118 119 120 120 121 123

Chapter 5

Discovering, Adding, and Managing Devices

Introduction Discovery of Devices Overview Defining Networks for SNMP/HTTP Scanning Adding Networks for SNMP/HTTP Scanning Defining Credentials for SNMP/HTTP Scanning Defining a SNMP/HTTP Scan Set Executing a Scan by Running a Scan Set Manually Adding Individual Devices Adding Devices with the Device Setup > Add Page Adding Access Points, Routers and Switches with a CSV File Adding Universal Devices Assigning Newly Discovered Devices to Groups Overview Adding a Newly Discovered Device to a Group Verifying That Devices Are Added to a Group Troubleshooting a Newly Discovered Device with Down Status Replacing a Broken Device Verifying the Device Configuration Status Moving a Device from Monitor Only to Manage Read/Write Mode Configuring Individual Device Settings Overview of Individual Device Configuration Configuring AP Settings Configuring Device Interfaces Configuring AP Communication Settings Using the AWMS APs/Devices Pages for AP Communication Settings Using Device Folders (Optional) Monitoring APs with the Monitoring and Controller Pages

127 128 128 129 130 131 132 134 134 136 138 138 138 139 139 144 145 146 147 148 148 148 154 154 156 156 157

Chapter 6

Creating and Using Templates

Group Templates Supported Device Templates Template Variables Viewing and Adding Templates Configuring General Template Files and Variables Configuring General Templates Using Template Syntax Using Directives to Eliminate Reporting of Configuration Mismatches Using Conditional Variables in Templates Using Substitution Variables in Templates

166 166 166 166 171 171 173 173 174 174
Contents | 5

AirWave Wireless Management Suite User Guide | Version 6.4

Using AP-Specific Variables Configuring Cisco IOS Templates Applying Startup-config Files WDS Settings in Templates SCP Required Settings in Templates Supporting Multiple Radio Types via a Single IOS Template Configuring Single and Dual-Radio APs via a Single IOS Template Configuring Symbol Controller / HP WESM Templates Configuring Clustering and Redundancy Changing Redundancy Configuration Adding Clustering Members Configuring a Global Template

175 177 177 177 178 178 178 179 181 181 182 182

Chapter 7

Using RAPIDS and Rogue Classification

Overview RAPIDS Tabs Additional Rogue Device Resources Additional Security-Related Topics Monitoring Rogue AP Devices Viewing a Rogue AP Viewing Ignored Rogue Devices Using RAPIDS Workflow to Process Rogue Devices Configuring RAPIDS Using the Basic Configuration Section Using the Classification Options Section Configuring Additional RAPIDS Settings in AMP RAPIDS Rules Controller Classification with WMS Offload Device OUI Score Rogue Device Threat Level Viewing and Configuring RAPIDS Rules Deleting or Editing a Rules Common RAPIDS Rules Enabled by Default Using RAPIDS Rules with Additional AWMS Functions The RAPIDS OUI Score Override

185 185 186 186 186 188 191 192 192 192 194 194 195 195 195 196 196 200 200 200 200

Chapter 8

Performing Daily Administration in AWMS

Introduction Creating and Using Triggers and Alerts Overview of Triggers and Alerts Viewing Triggers Creating New Triggers Setting Triggers for Devices Setting Triggers for Radios Setting Triggers for Discovery Setting Triggers for Users Setting Triggers for RADIUS Authentication Issues Setting Triggers for IDS Events Setting Triggers for AMP Health Delivering Triggered Alerts Viewing Alerts Responding to Alerts Monitoring and Supporting WLAN Users Overview of the Users Pages Monitoring WLAN Users With the Users > Connected and Users > All Pages Supporting Guest WLAN Users With the Users > Guest Users Page

203 204 204 204 204 207 208 210 211 213 214 215 215 216 217 217 218 218 220

6 | Contents

AirWave Wireless Management Suite User Guide | Version 6.4

Overview of the Users > Guest Users Page Supporting Users on Thin AP Networks With the Users > Tags Page Evaluating and Diagnosing User Status and Issues Evaluating User Status with the Users > User Detail Page Using the Deauthenticate User Feature Evaluating User Status with the Users > Diagnostics Page Introduction and Overview of the Diagnostics Page Supporting AWMS Stations with the Master Console Adding a Managed AMP with the Master Console Monitoring and Supporting AWMS with the Home Pages Overview of the Home Pages Monitoring AWMS with the Home > Overview Page Viewing and Updating License Information with the Home > License Page Searching AWMS with the Home > Search Page Accessing AWMS Documentation with the Home > Documentation Page Configuring Your Own User Information with the Home > User Info Page Monitoring and Supporting AWMS with the System Pages Using the System > Status Page Using the System > Event Logs Page Using the System > Configuration Change Jobs Page Using the System > Performance Page Upgrading AWMS Upgrade Instructions Upgrading Without Internet Access Backing Up AWMS Overview of Backups Viewing and Downloading Backups Running Backup on Demand Restoring from a Backup AWMS Failover Navigation Section of AWMS Failover Adding Watched AWMS Stations

220 223 224 224 225 226 226 230 231 234 234 235 237 237 239 240 241 242 243 244 244 247 247 247 247 247 248 248 248 248 249 249

Chapter 9

Creating, Running, and Emailing Reports

Introduction Overview of AWMS Reports Supported Report Types in AWMS Reports > Definitions Page Overview Reports > Generated Page Overview Using Daily Reports Viewing Generated Reports Using Custom Reports Using the Capacity Planning Report Using the Configuration Audit Report Using the Device Summary Report Using the Device Uptime Report Using the IDS Events Report Using the Inventory Report Using the Memory and CPU Utilization Report Using the Network Usage Report Using the New Rogue Devices Report Using the New Users Report Using the PCI Compliance Report Defining and Generating PCI Compliance Reports Using the RADIUS Authentication Issues Report Using the User Session Report Defining Reports

251 252 252 253 255 256 256 257 258 259 261 263 265 266 267 268 269 271 272 273 274 275 278
Contents | 7

AirWave Wireless Management Suite User Guide | Version 6.4

Emailing and Exporting Reports Emailing Reports in General Email Applications Emailing Reports to Smarthost Exporting Reports to XML

282 282 282 282

Chapter 10

Using the AWMS Helpdesk

Introduction AWMS Helpdesk Overview Monitoring Incidents with Helpdesk Creating a New Incident with Helpdesk Creating New Snapshots or Incident Relationships Using the Helpdesk Tab with an Existing Remedy Server

283 283 284 285 286 287

Appendix A

Package Management for AWMS

Yum for AWMS Package Management System Advisories for AWMS

291 291

Appendix B

Third-Party Security Integration for AWMS

Introduction Bluesocket Integration Requirements Bluesocket Configuration ReefEdge Integration Requirements ReefEdge Configuration HP ProCurve 700wl Series Secure Access Controllers Integration Requirements Example Network Configuration HP ProCurve 700wl Series Configuration

293 293 293 293 294 294 294 295 295 295 296

Appendix C

Access Point Notes

Resetting Cisco (VxWorks) Access Points Introduction Connecting to the AP Determining the Boot-Block Version Resetting the AP (for Boot-Block Versions from 1.02 to 11.06) Resetting the AP (for Boot-Block Versions 11.07 and Higher) IOS Dual Radio Template Speed Issues Related to IOS Firmware Upgrades AWMS Firmware Upgrade Process

297 297 297 297 298 298 299 300 300

Appendix D

Initiating a Support Connection

Network Requirements Procedure

301 301

Appendix E

Cisco Clean Access Integration (Perfigo)

Requirements Adding AWMS as RADIUS Accounting Server Configuring Data in Accounting Packets

303 303 303

Appendix F Appendix G

HP Insight Install Instructions for AWMS Servers Installing AWMS on VMware ESX (3i v. 3.5)
Creating a New Virtual Machine to Run AWMS Installing AWMS on the Virtual Machine AWMS Post-Installation Issues on VMware

305 307
307 307 308

8 | Contents

AirWave Wireless Management Suite User Guide | Version 6.4

Appendix H

Third-Party Copyright Information

Copyright Notices Packages Net::IP: Net-SNMP: Crypt::DES perl module (used by Net::SNMP): Perl-Net-IP: Berkeley DB 1.85: SWFObject v. 1.5: mod_auth_tacacs - TACACS+ authentication module:

309 309 309 309 312 313 314 314 314



AirWave Wireless Management Suite User Guide | Version 6.4

Contents | 9

10 | Contents

AirWave Wireless Management Suite User Guide | Version 6.4


This preface provides an overview of this document, a list of general documentation supporting AWMS Version 6.4, and contact information for AirWave Wireless with the following sections:

Document Organization Related Documents Text Conventions Contacting AirWave Wireless and Aruba Networks

Document Organization
This user guide includes instructions and examples of the graphical user interface (GUI) for installation, configuration, and daily operation of the AirWave Wireless Management Suite, Version 6.4. This includes wide deployment of wireless access points (APs), device administration, rogue detection and classification, wireless controller devices, security, reports, and additional features of AWMS 6.4. Table 1 Document Organization and Purposes Chapter
Chapter 1, Introduction to the AirWave Wireless Management Suite Chapter 2, Installing The Airwave Wireless Management Suite Chapter 3, Configuring the AirWave Wireless Management Suite Chapter 4, Configuring and Using Device Groups in AWMS Chapter 5, Discovering, Adding, and Managing Devices Chapter 6, Creating and Using Templates Chapter 7, Using RAPIDS and Rogue Classification Chapter 8, Performing Daily Administration in AWMS Chapter 9, Creating, Running, and Emailing Reports Chapter 10, Using the AWMS Helpdesk

Introduces and presents the AirWave Wireless Management Suite, Version 6.4, AWMS components, and general network functions. Describes system and network requirements, Linux OS installation, and AWMS installation. Describes the primary and required configurations for startup and launch of AWMS 6.4, with frequently used optional configurations. Describes configuration and deployment for group device profiles.

Describes how to discover and manage devices on the network.

Describes and illustrates the use of templates in group and global device configuration. Describes the RAPIDS module of AWMS, and enhanced rogue classification supported in AWMS 6.4. Describes common daily operations and tools in AWMS 6.4, to include general user administration, the use of triggers and alerts, network monitoring, and backups. Describes AWMS reports, scheduling and generation options, and distribution of reports from AWMS 6.4. Describes how to use the AWMS 6.4 Helpdesk GUI and related functions.

Appendix A, Package Management for AWMS Describes the Yum packaging management system, and provides advisories on alternative methods that may cause issues with AWMS. Appendix B, Third-Party Security Integration for AWMS Describes additional and optional security configurations in AWMS Version 6.4.

AirWave Wireless Management Suite User Guide | Version 6.4

Preface | 11

Table 1 Document Organization and Purposes Chapter

Appendix C, Access Point Notes Appendix D, Initiating a Support Connection Appendix E, Cisco Clean Access Integration (Perfigo) Appendix F, HP Insight Install Instructions for AWMS Servers Appendix G, Installing AWMS on VMware ESX (3i v. 3.5)

Provides guidelines and suggestions for Access Point devices in AWMS. Provides instructions about how to create and use a support connection between AWMS and AirWave Wireless Support. Provides instructions for integrating Cisco Clean Access within AWMS.

Provides instructions for installing HP Insight on AWMS 6.4 servers. Provides instructions for an alternative installation option on VMware ESX for AWMS Version 6.4.

Appendix H, Third-Party Copyright Information Presents multiple copyright statements from multiple equipment vendors that interoperate with AWMS Version 6.4. Index Provides extensive citation of and links to document topics, with emphasis on the AWMS 6.4 GUI and tasks relating to AWMS 6.4 installation and operation.

Related Documents
The following documentation supports the AirWave Wireless Management Suite, Version 6.4: AirWave Wireless Management Suite / AirWave Management Platform

Release Notes for the AirWave Wireless Management Suite, Version 6.4 Aruba Configuration Guide, AWMS Version 6.4 AirWave Wireless Management Suite Knowledge Base Quickstart Guide User Guide (this document) Supported APs/Devices Supported Firmware Versions Interfacing With AWMS

VisualRF and VisualRF Plan

Release Notes for the AirWave Wireless VisualRF Module, Version 6.4 Overview Page VisualRF User Guide VisualRF Plan User Guide Overview Page AirWave Management Client User Guide Download AirWave Management Client Choosing the Right Server Hardware Helpdesk Guide: Troubleshooting WLAN Issues Converting Cisco IOS APs to LWAPP Aruba and AirWave Best Practices Guide

AWMS Integration Matrix State and Statistical XML API Documentation Location XML API Documentation

NMS Integration


See AMP Setup NMS Download AWMS Trap MIB AWMS/NMS Integration Guide

AMPWatch Widget

Best Practice Guides

AMPWatch is a widget for the Yahoo! Widget Engine Download AMPWatch

12 | Preface

AirWave Wireless Management Suite User Guide | Version 6.4

Text Conventions
The following conventions are used throughout this manual to emphasize important concepts: Table 2 Text Conventions Type Style
Italics System items

This style is used to emphasize important terms and to mark the titles of books. This fixed-width font depicts the following: Sample screen output System prompts Filenames, software devices, and specific commands when mentioned in the text

Commands <Arguments>

In the command examples, this bold font depicts text that you must type exactly as shown. In the command examples, italicized text within angle brackets represents items that you should replace with information appropriate to your specific situation. For example: # send <text message> In this example, you would type send at the system prompt exactly as shown, followed by the text of the message you wish to send. Do not type the angle brackets. In the command examples, items enclosed in brackets are optional. Do not type the brackets. In the command examples, items within curled braces and separated by a vertical bar represent the available choices. Enter only one choice. Do not type the braces or bars.

[Optional] {Item A | Item B}

This document uses the following notice icons to emphasize advisories for certain actions, configurations, or concepts:

Indicates helpful suggestions, pertinent information, and important things to remember.



Indicates a risk of damage to your hardware or loss of data.

Indicates a risk of personal injury or death.


AirWave Wireless Management Suite User Guide | Version 6.4

Preface | 13

Contacting AirWave Wireless and Aruba Networks

Online Contact and Support
Main Website Email Contact

AirWave Wireless Sales AirWave Wireless Technical Support Aruba Networks general information Aruba Networks Sales Aruba Networks Technical Support in the Americas and APAC Aruba Networks Technical Support in the EMEA

[email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

WSIRT Email [email protected] Please email details of any security problem found in an AirWave or Aruba product.

Telephone Contact and Support

AirWave Wireless Corporate Headquarters FAX Support

+1 (408) 227-4500 +1 (408) 227-4550

United States Universal Free Phone Service Number (UIFN): Australia, Canada, China, France, Germany, Hong Kong, Ireland, Israel, Japan, Korea, Singapore, South Africa, Taiwan, and the UK. All Other Countries

800-WI-FI-LAN (800-943-4526) +800-4WIFI-LAN (+800-49434-526)

+1 (408) 754-1200

14 | Preface

AirWave Wireless Management Suite User Guide | Version 6.4

Chapter 1
Introduction to the AirWave Wireless Management Suite

Thank you for choosing the AirWave Wireless Management Suite (AWMS), featuring the AirWave Management Platform (AMP) as the centerpiece of wireless network management. AWMS makes it easy and efficient to manage your wireless network by combining industry-leading functionality with an intuitive user interface, enabling network administrators and helpdesk staff to support and control even the largest wireless networks in the world. This User Guide provides instructions for the installation, configuration, and operation of the AirWave Wireless Management Suite. This chapter contains the following topics:

AWMSA Unified Wireless Network Command Center AirWave Management Platform VisualRF RAPIDS Master Console and Failover Integrating AWMS into the Network and Organizational Hierarchy

If you have any questions or comments, please contact AirWave Technical Support at [email protected] or 866-943-4267 (866-WiFi-AMP).

AWMSA Unified Wireless Network Command Center

AWMS is the only network management software that offers you a single intelligent console from which to monitor, analyze, and configure wireless networks in automatic fashion. Whether your wireless network is simple or a large, complex, multi-vendor installation, AWMS manages it all. Figure 1 AirWaveYour Wireless Command Center

AirWave Wireless Management Suite User Guide | Version 6.4

Introduction to the AirWave Wireless Management Suite | 15

The AirWave Wireless Management Suite supports hardware from leading wireless vendors, including Aruba Networks, Avaya, Cisco (Aironet and WLC), Colubris Networks, Enterasys, Juniper Networks, LANCOM Systems, Meru, Nomadix, Nortel, ProCurve by HP, Proxim, Symbol, Trapeze, Tropos, and many others. The components of the AirWave Wireless Management Suite are as follows:

AirWave Management Platform (AMP) wireless network management software, including the Aruba Configuration feature that supports global ArubaOS configuration and Aruba controllers VisualRF location and RF mapping software module RAPIDS rogue access point detection software module AirWave Master Console and Failover Servers for scalability and high-availability

AirWave Management Platform

The AirWave Management Platform (AMP) is the centerpiece of the AirWave Wireless Management Solution (AWMS) wireless network management solution, offering the following functions and benefits:

Core network management functionality:

Network discovery Configuration of APs & controllers Automated compliance audits Firmware distribution Monitoring of every device and user connected to the wireless network Real-time and historical trend reports

Granular administrative access

Role-based (for example, Administrator contrasted with Help Desk) Network segment (for example, "Retail Store" network contrasted with "Corporate HQ" network)

Flexible device support

Thin, thick, mesh and WiMAX network architecture Multi-vendor support Current and legacy hardware support

Aruba Configuration
AWMS supports global configuration of ArubaOS (AOS). AOS is the operating system, software suite, and application engine that operates Aruba mobility controllers and centralizes control over the entire mobile environment. The AOS Wizards, the AOS command-line interface (CLI), and the AOS WebUI have been the primary means by which to configure and deploy AOS. For a complete description of AOS, refer to the AOS User Guide. AWMS consolidates ArubaOS configuration and pushes global Aruba configurations from within AWMS. Two new pages introduced in AWMS Version 6.3 support Aruba Configuration:

Device Setup > Aruba Configuration Groups > Aruba Config

AWMS also introduces new settings and functionality on additional pages in support of Aruba Configuration. For additional information that includes a comprehensive inventory of all pages and settings that support Aruba Configuration, refer to the new Aruba Configuration Guide.

16 | Introduction to the AirWave Wireless Management Suite

AirWave Wireless Management Suite User Guide | Version 6.4

VisualRF is a powerful tool for monitoring and managing Radio Frequency (RF) dynamics within your wireless network, to include the following functions and benefits:

Accurate location information for all wireless users and devices Up-to-date heat maps and channel maps for RF diagnostics

Adjusts for building materials. Supports multiple antenna types.

Floor plan, building, and campus views Visual display of errors and alerts Easy import of existing floor plans and building maps

RAPIDS is a powerful and easy-to-use tool for monitoring and managing security on your wireless network, to include the following features and benefits:

Automatic detection of unauthorized wireless devices Rogue device classification that supports multiple methods of rogue detection Wireless detection:

Uses authorized wireless APs to report other devices within range. Calculates and displays rogue location on VisualRF map.

Wired network detection:

Discovers Rogue APs located beyond the range of authorized APs/sensors. Queries routers and switches. Ranks devices according to the likelihood they are rogues. Multiple tests to eliminate false positive results. Provides rogue discovery that identifies the switch and port to which a rogue device is connected.

Master Console and Failover

The AWMS Master Console and Failover tools enable network-wide information in easy-to-understand presentation, to entail operational information and high-availability for failover scenarios. The benefits of these tools include the following:

Provides network-wide visibility, even when the WLAN grows to 50,000+ devices. Executive Portal allows executives to view high-level usage and performance data. Aggregated Alerts Failover

Many-to-one failover One-to-one failover

The Master Console and Failover servers can be configured with a Device Down trigger that generates an alert if communication is lost. In addition to generating an alert, the Master Console or Failover server can also send email or NMS notifications about the event. See Using Triggers and Alerts on page232.

AirWave Wireless Management Suite User Guide | Version 6.4

Introduction to the AirWave Wireless Management Suite | 17

Integrating AWMS into the Network and Organizational Hierarchy

AWMS generally resides in the NOC and communicates with various components of your WLAN infrastructure. In basic deployments, AWMS communicates solely with indoor wireless access points and WLAN controllers over the wired network. In more complex deployments AWMS seamlessly integrates and communicates with authentication servers, accounting servers, TACACS+ servers, routers, switches, network management servers, wireless IDS solutions, help systems, indoor wireless access points, mesh devices, and WiMAX devices. AWMS has the flexibility to manage devices on local networks, remote networks, and networks using Network Address Translation (NAT). AWMS communicates over-the-air or over-the-wire utilizing a variety of protocols. Figure 2 Integrating AWMS into the Network

The power, performance, and usability of the AWMS solution become more apparent when considering the diverse components within a Wireless LAN. Table 1 itemizes such network components, as an example. Table 1 Components of a Wireless LAN

Autonomous AP Thin AP WLAN Controller NMS RADIUS Auth. RADIUS Accounting Wireless Gateways TACACS+ Routers/Switches

Standalone device which performs radio and authentication functions Radio-only device coupled with WLAN Controller to perform authentication Used in conjunction with Thin APs to coordinate authentication and roaming Network Management Systems and Event Correlation (OpenView, Tivoli, and so forth) RADIUS Authentication servers (Funk, FreeRADIUS, ACS, or IAS) AWMS itself serves as a RADIUS accounting client Provide HTML redirect and/or wireless VPNs Used to authenticated AWMS administrative users Provide AWMS with data for user information and AP and Rogue discovery

18 | Introduction to the AirWave Wireless Management Suite

AirWave Wireless Management Suite User Guide | Version 6.4

Table 1 Components of a Wireless LAN

Help Desk Systems Rogue APs Remedy EPICOR


Unauthorized APs not registered in AWMS' database of managed APs

The flexibility of AWMS enables it to integrate seamlessly into your business hierarchy as well as your network topology. AWMS facilitates various administrative roles to match each individual user's role and responsibility. Further flexibility and administrative power include the following benefits:

A Help Desk user may be given read-only access to monitoring data without being permitted to make configuration changes. A U.S.-based network engineer may be given read-write access to manage device configurations in North America, but not to control devices in the rest of the world. A security auditor may be given read-write access to configure security policies across the entire WLAN. NOC personnel may be give read-only access to monitoring all devices from the Master Console.

Figure 3 illustrates the wide variety of benefits that AWMS supports within the organization. Figure 3 Integrating AWMS into your Corporate Hierarchy

AirWave Wireless Management Suite User Guide | Version 6.4

Introduction to the AirWave Wireless Management Suite | 19

20 | Introduction to the AirWave Wireless Management Suite

AirWave Wireless Management Suite User Guide | Version 6.4

Chapter 2
Installing The Airwave Wireless Management Suite

This chapter contains information and procedures to install and launch the AirWave Wireless Management Suite. This chapter contains the following topics: AWMS Hardware Requirements and Installation Media Installing Linux CentOS 5 (Phase 1) Installing AWMS Software (Phase 2)

Step 1: Configuring Date and Time, Checking for Prior Installations Step 2: Installing AWMS Software, Including AMP Step 3: Checking the AWMS Installation Step 4: Assigning an IP Address to the AWMS System Step 5: Naming the AWMS Network Administration System Step 6: Assigning a Host Name to the AWMS Step 7: Changing the Default Root Password Completing the Installation

Configuring and Mapping Port Usage for AWMS AWMS Navigation Basics

Status Section Navigation Section Activity Section Help Links in the GUI Buttons and Icons

Getting Started with AWMS

Completing Initial Login


AWMS does not support downgrading to older versions of the code. Significant data would be lost or compromised in such a downgrade. In unusual circumstances involving return to a prior AWMS version, the recommended approach is to perform a fresh installation of the prior AWMS version, then to restore data from a pre-upgrade backup.

AWMS Hardware Requirements and Installation Media

The AWMS installation CD includes all software (including the Linux OS) required to complete the installation of the AirWave Wireless Management Suite. AWMS supports any hardware that is RedHat Enterprise Linux 5 certified. AWMS hardware requirements vary by version. As additional features are added to AWMS, increased hardware resources become necessary. For the most recent hardware requirements, download the AMP Hardware Sizing Guide from the Home > Documentation page, or contact AirWave Support at [email protected] or 866-WiFi-AMP for additional details.
AirWave Wireless Management Suite User Guide | Version 6.4 Installing The Airwave Wireless Management Suite | 21

Installing Linux CentOS 5 (Phase 1)

Perform the following steps to install the Linux CentOS 5 operating system. The Linux installation is a prerequisite to installing AWMS Version 6.4 on the network management system.

This procedure erases the hard drive(s) on the server.


1. Insert the AWMS installation CD-ROM into the drive and boot the server. 2. If this is a new installation of the AWMS software, type install and press Enter.

When you press Enter, all existing data on the hard drive is erased.

To configure the partitions manually, type expert and press Enter. The following message appears on the screen.
Welcome to AirWave AMP Installer Phase I - To install a new AirWave AMP, type install <ENTER>. WARNING: This will ERASE all data on your hard drive. - To install AirWave AMP and manually configure hard drive settings, type expert <ENTER>. For information and support, please contact AirWave Wireless: Phone: +1 408 419-4089 (or 866-WiFi-AMP) Email:[email protected]) boot:

AMP is intended to operate as a soft appliance. Other applications should not run on the same installation. Additionally, local shell users can access data on AMP, so it is important to restrict access to the shell only to authorized users. 1. Allow the installation process to continue in automatic fashion. Installing the CentOS software (Phase I) takes 10 to 20 minutes to complete. This process formats the hard drive and launches Anaconda to install all necessary packages. Anaconda gauges the progress of the installation. Upon completion, the system automatically reboots and ejects the installation CD. 2. Remove the CD from the drive and store in a safe location.

Installing AWMS Software (Phase 2)

Getting Started
After the reboot, the GRUB screen appears. Figure 4 illustrates the AWMS GRUB screen. Figure 4 GRUB Screen

22 | Installing The Airwave Wireless Management Suite

AirWave Wireless Management Suite User Guide | Version 6.4

1. Press Enter or wait six seconds, and the system automatically loads the smp kernel. 2. When the kernel is loaded, log into the server using the following credentials:

login = root password = admin

3. Start the AWMS software installation script by executing the ./amp-install command. Type ./amp-install at the command prompt and press Enter to execute the script.

Step 1: Configuring Date and Time, Checking for Prior Installations

Date and Time
The following message appears, and this step ensures the proper date and time are set on the server.
------------------------ Date and Time Configuration -----------------Current Time: Fri Nov 21 09:18:12 PST 2008 1) Change Date and Time 2) Change Time Zone 0) Finish

Ensure that you enter the accurate date and time during this process. Errors will arise later in the installation if the specified date varies significantly from the actual date. 1. Select 1 to set the date and select 2 to set the time zone. Press Enter after each configuration to return to the message menu above.


Changing these settings after the installation can cause a loss of graphical data, and you should avoid delayed configuration.

2. Press 0 to complete the configuration of date and time information, and to continue to the next step.

Previous AMP Installations

The following message appears after date and time are set.
Welcome to AMP Installer Phase 2 STEP 1: Checking for previous AMP installations

If a previous version of AMP software is not discovered, the installation program automatically proceeds to Step 2: Installing AWMS Software, Including AMP on page24. If a previous version of the software is discovered, the following message appears on the screen.
The installation program discovered a previous version of the software. Would you like to reinstall AMP? This will erase AMP's database. Reinstall (y/n)?

1. Type y and press Enter to proceed.


This action erases the current database, including all historical information. To ensure that the AWMS database is backed up prior to reinstallation, answer `n` at the prompt above and contact your Value Added Reseller or directly contact AirWave Support.

AirWave Wireless Management Suite User Guide | Version 6.4

Installing The Airwave Wireless Management Suite | 23

Step 2: Installing AWMS Software, Including AMP

The following message appears while AMP software is transferred and compiled.
STEP 2: Installing AMP software This will take a few minutes. Press Alt-F9 to see detailed messages. Press Alt-F1 return to this screen.

This step requires no user input, but you have the option of monitoring progress in more detail should you wish to do so:

To view detailed output from the AWMS software installer, press Alt-F9 or Ctrl-Alt-F9. Pressing Alt-F1 or Ctrl-Alt-F1 returns you to the main console.

Step 3: Checking the AWMS Installation

After the AWMS software installation is complete, the following message appears:
STEP 3: Checking AMP installation Database is up. AMP is running version: (version number)

This step requires no user input. Proceed to the next step as prompted to do so.

Step 4: Assigning an IP Address to the AWMS System

While the AWMS primary network interface accepts a DHCP address initially during installation, AWMS does not function when launched unless a static IP is assigned. Complete these tasks to assign the static IP address. The following message appears:
STEP 4: Assigning AMP's address AMP must be configured with a static IP. --------------- Primary Network Interface Configuration ------------1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 9) 0) IP Address : Netmask : Gateway : Primary DNS : Secondary DNS:

Commit Changes Exit (discard changes)

If you want to configure a second network interface, please use AMP's web interface, AMP Setup --> Network Tab

1. Enter the network information.

The Secondary DNS setting is an optional field.


2. Commit the changes by typing 9 and pressing Enter. To discard the changes, type 0 and press Enter.

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Step 5: Naming the AWMS Network Administration System

Upon completion of the previous step, the following message appears.
STEP 5: Naming AMP AMP's name is currently set to: New AirWave Management Platform Please enter a name for your AMP:

1. At the prompt, enter a name for your AWMS server and press Enter.

Step 6: Assigning a Host Name to the AWMS

Upon completion of the previous step, the following message appears on the screen.
STEP 6: Assigning AMP's hostname Does AMP have a valid DNS name on your network (y/n)?

1. If AWMS does not have a valid host name on the network, enter `n` at the prompt. The following message appears:
Generating SSL certificate for < IP Address >

2. If AWMS does have a valid host name on the network, enter `y` at the prompt. The following message appears:
Enter AMP's DNS name:

3. Type the AWMS DNS name and press Enter. The following message appears:
Generating SSL certificate for < IP Address >

Proceed to the next step as the system prompts you.

Step 7: Changing the Default Root Password

Upon completion of the prior step, the following message appears.
STEP 7: Changing default root password. You will now change the password for the 'root' shell user. Changing password for user root. New Password:

1. Enter the new root password and press Enter. The Linux root password is similar to a Windows administrator password. The root user is a super user who has full access to all commands and directories on the computer. AirWave recommends keeping this password as secure as possible because it allows full access to the machine. This password is not often needed on a day-to-day basis, but is required to perform AWMS upgrades and advanced troubleshooting. If you lose this password, contact AirWave Support for instructions on resetting it.

Completing the Installation

Upon completion of all previous steps, the following message appears.
CONGRATULATIONS! AMP is configured properly. To access AMP web console, browse to https://<IP Address> Login with the following credentials: Username: admin Password: admin

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For additional support, contact your Value Added Reseller or AirWave directly by phone at +1 408 419-4089 (US Toll-Free 866-WiFi-AMP) or by email at [email protected].

To view the Phase 1 installation log file, type cat /root/install.log. To view the Phase 2 installation log file, type cat /tmp/amp-install.log. To access the AWMS GUI, enter the AWMS IP address in the address bar of any modern browser. The AWMS GUI then prompts for your license key. If you are entering a dedicated Master Console or AWMS Failover license, refer to Supporting AWMS Stations with the Master Console on page230 for additional information.

Configuring and Mapping Port Usage for AWMS

The following diagram itemizes the communication protocols and ports necessary for AWMS to communicate with wireless LAN infrastructure devices, including access points (APs), controllers, routers, switches, and RADIUS servers. Assign or adjust port usage on the network administration system as required to support these components. Table 2 AWMS Protocol and Port Chart Port
21 22 22 22 22 23 23 25 49 53 69 80 80 80 161 162 162 443 443 443



Configure devices and FW distribution Configure devices Configure AMP from CLI Support connection (optional) Transfer configuration files or FW Configure devices Support connection (Optional) Support email (optional) AMP Administrative Authentication DNS lookup from AMP Transfer configuration files or FW Configure devices Firmware upgrades Support connection (optional) Get and Set operations Traps from devices Traps from AMP Web management WLSE polling Support connection (optional)

Dataflow Direction
> > < > < > > > > > < > < > > < > < > >

Device Type
Legacy AP (Cisco 4800) APs or controllers Laptop or workstation AirWave support home office APs or controllers APs or controllers AirWave support home office AirWave support email server Cisco TACACS+ DNS Server APs or Controllers Legacy APs Colubris devices AirWave support home office APs or controllers APs or controllers NMS Laptop or workstation WLSE AirWave support home office

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Table 2 AWMS Protocol and Port Chart (Continued) Port

1701 1741 1813 1813 1813 2002 5050 8211



AP and rogue discovery WLSE polling Retrieve client authentication info Retrieve client authentication info Outbound from AMP to a RADIUS server for AMP administrator authentication Retrieve client authentication info Real Time Location Feed Real Time Feed Ping Probe

Dataflow Direction
> > < < > > < <> >

Device Type
WLSE WLSE Accounting Server AP or Controllers RADIUS server ACS Aruba thin APs Aruba controllers APs or controllers

AWMS Navigation Basics

Every AWMS page contains three basic sections, as follows:

Status Section Navigation Section Activity Section

The AWMS pages also contain Help links with GUI-specific help information and certain standard action buttons. Figure 5 illustrates these sections. Figure 5 Home > Overview Page Illustration

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Status Section
The Status section provides a snapshot view of overall WLAN performance and provides direct links for immediate access to key system components. The Status section remains at the top of all pages in the AMP and RAPIDS modules. AWMS 6.4 introduces the ability to customize the contents of the Status section from the Home > User Info page, to include support for both wireless and wired network components. Refer to Configuring Your Own User Information with the Home > User Info Page on page240. The table below describes these elements in further detail. Table 3 Status Section Components of the AWMS Graphical User Interface (GUI) Field
New Devices

The number of wireless APs or wireless LAN switches/controllers that have been discovered by AWMS but not yet managed by network administrators. When you click this link, AWMS directs you to a page that displays a detailed list of devices awaiting authorization. The number of managed, authorized devices that are currently responding to AWMS' requests. When you click this link, AWMS will direct you to a page that displays a detailed list of all Up devices. The number of managed, authorized devices that are not currently responding to AWMS' SNMP requests. When you click this link, AWMS will direct you to a page that displays a detailed list of all "Down" devices. The total number of Mismatched devices. A device is considered mismatched when the desired configuration in AWMS does not match the actual device configuration read from the device. The number of devices that have been classified by the RAPIDS rules engine above the threshold defined on the Home > User Info page. The number of wireless users currently associated to the wireless network via all the APs managed by AWMS. When you click this link, AWMS directs you to a page that contains a list of users that are associated. Displays the number of non-acknowledged AWMS alerts generated by user-configured triggers. When you click this link, AWMS directs you to a page containing a detailed list of active alerts. When triggers are given a severity of Critical, they generate Severe Alerts. When a Severe Alert exists, a new component appears at the right of the Status field in bold red font. Only users configured on the Home > User Info page to be enabled to view critical alerts can see Severe Alerts. The functionality of Severe Alerts is the same as that described above for Alerts. However, unlike Alerts, the Severe Alerts section is hidden if there are no Severe Alerts. You can support statistics for any combination of the following device types: Autonomous APs Controllers Routers/Switches Thin APs Universal Devices Refer to Configuring Your Own User Information with the Home > User Info Page on page240. Search performs partial string searches on a large number of fields including the notes, version, secondary version, radio serial number, device serial number, LAN MAC, radio MAC and apparent IP of all the APs as well as the client MAC, VPN user, LAN IP, VPN IP fields.

Up (Wired, Wireless, and combined) Down (Wired, Wireless, and combined) Mismatched




Severe Alerts (conditional)

Device Types to Include in Header Stats


Many of the graphs in AWMS are flash-based, which allows you change graph attributes.

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Figure 6 Flash Graphs on the Home Overview Page

This flash-enabled GUI allows for custom settings and adjustments, and the following examples illustrate some changes you can make or functions that are supported:

Drag the slider at the bottom of the screen to move the scope of the graph between one year ago and the current time. Deselect checkboxes to change the data displayed on each graph. The button with green arrows refreshes data on the graph. The Show All link displays all of the available checkboxes supporting the flash graphs. Once a change to the slider bars or to the display boxes has been made, the same change can be applied to all other flash graphs with an apply button (appears on mouse-over only). For non-flash graphs, click the graph to open a popup window that shows historical data.

A non-flash version of the AWMS user page is available if desired; instead of flash it uses the RRD graphs that were used in AMP through the 5.3 Version. Contact AirWave support for more information on activating this feature in the AWMS database.

Navigation Section
The Navigation Section displays tabs to all main GUI pages within the AWMS. The top bar is a static navigation bar containing tabs for the main components of AWMS, while the lower bar is context-sensitive and displays the sub-menus for the highlighted tab. Table 4 Components and Sub-Menus of the AWMS Navigation Screen Main Tab

The Home pages provide basic AWMS information including system name, host name, IP address, current time, running time, and software version. The Home page also provides a central point for network status information and monitoring tools, giving graphical display of network activity. The Home > Overview page provides links to many of the most frequent tools in AWMS. For additional information, refer to Monitoring and Supporting AWMS with the Home Pages on page234.


Overview Search Documentation License User Info


The Helpdesk pages provide an interface for support and diagnostic tools. For additional information refer to Chapter 10, Using the AWMS Helpdesk on page283.

Incidents Setup

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Table 4 Components and Sub-Menus of the AWMS Navigation Screen (Continued) Main Tab

The Groups pages provide information on the logical "groups" of devices that have been established for efficient monitoring and configuration. For additional information, see Chapter 4, Configuring and Using Device Groups in AWMS on page79. NOTE: Some of the focused sub-menus will not appear for all groups. Focused sub-menus are visible based on the device type field on the Groups > Basic page. This sub-menu is the first page to appear when adding or editing groups. NOTE: When individual device configurations are specified, device-level settings override the Group-level settings to which a device belongs.


List Focused Sub-Menus Monitor Basic Templates Security SSIDs AAA Servers Radio Aruba Config Cisco WLC Config PTMP/WiMAX Proxim Mesh Colubris MAC ACL Firmware Compare (Master Console Only)


The APs/Devices pages provide detailed information about all authorized APs and wireless LAN switches or controllers on the network, including all configuration and current monitoring data. These pages interact with several additional pages in AWMS. One chapter to emphasize the APs/Devices pages is Chapter 5, Discovering, Adding, and Managing Devices on page127. NOTE: When specified, device-level settings override the default Group-level settings.

List New Up Down Mismatched Ignored Focused Sub-Menus Manage Audit Compliance Interfaces (Router/ Switch only) Connected All Guest Users User Detail Diagnostics Tags Generated Definition Focused Sub-Menus Details Status Event Log Triggers Alerts Configuration Change Jobs Firmware Upgrade Jobs Performance


The Users pages provide detailed information about all client devices and users currently associated to the WLAN. For additional information, refer to Monitoring and Supporting WLAN Users on page217.


The Reports pages list all the standard and custom reports generated by AWMS. AWMS supports 13 reports in the AMP module. For additional information, refer to Chapter 9, Creating, Running, and Emailing Reports on page251. The System page provides information about AWMS operation and administration, including overall system status, the job scheduler, trigger/alert administration, and so forth. For additional information, refer to Monitoring and Supporting AWMS with the System Pages on page241.


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Table 4 Components and Sub-Menus of the AWMS Navigation Screen (Continued) Main Tab
Device Setup

The Device Setup pages provide the ability to add, configure, and monitor devices, to include setting AP discovery parameters, performing firmware management, defining VLANs, and so forth. For additional information, refer to Enabling AWMS to Manage Your Devices on page50.


Discover Add Communication Aruba Configuration Upload Files General Network Users Roles Authentication WLSE ACS NMS RADIUS Accounting PCI Compliance Overview Rogue APs Setup Rules Score Override Overview Floor Plans Campus/Building Setup Import

AMP Setup

The AMP Setup pages provide all information relating to the configuration of AWMS itself and its connection to your network. This page entails several processes, configurations, or tools in AWMS. For additional information, start with Chapter 3, Configuring the AirWave Wireless Management Suite on page37. NOTE: The AMP Setup pages may not be visible, depending on the role and license set in AWMS.


The RAPIDS pages provide all information relating to rogue access points, including methods of discovery and lists of discovered and possible rogues. For additional information, refer to Chapter 7, Using RAPIDS and Rogue Classification on page185. NOTE: The RAPIDS pages may not be visible, depending on the role and license set in AWMS. VisualRF pages provide graphical access to floor plans, client location, and RF visualization for floors, buildings, and campuses that host your network. For additional information, refer to the VisualRF User Guide. NOTE: VisualRF may not be visible, depending on the role and license set in AWMS.



The AMP Setup tab varies based on your or the users role. The RAPIDS and VisualRF tabs appear based on the license entered on the Home > License page, and might not be visible on your AWMS view.

Activity Section
The Activity section displays all detailed configuration and monitoring information, and is where changes are implemented.

Help Links in the GUI

The Help link is available on every page within AWMS. When clicked, this launches a PDF document with information describing the AWMS page that is currently displayed.

Adobe Reader must be installed to view the settings and default values in the PDF help file.

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Common List Settings

All of the lists in AMP have some common options. All lists are paginated with a configurable number of items per page.

Clicking on the left most down arrow will allow you to set how many rows should appear in one page of the list. The next down arrow is used to jump to a specific page in the list. Clicking it will bring up a drop down menu that allows you to select the exact page you would like to view.

The Choose Columns option allows you to configure the columns that are presented in the list and the order in which they are presented. To disable a column simply uncheck the checkbox. To reorder the columns, click and drag a specific row to the appropriate new position. When you are satisfied with the enabled columns and their order, click on the save button. These settings are user specific. To reset them to the defaults click the Reset List Preferences button on the Home > User Info page.

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Buttons and Icons

Standard buttons and icons are used consistently from screen to screen throughout the AWMS user pages and GUI, as itemized in the following table: Table 5 Standard Buttons and Icons of the AWMS User Page Buttons and Icons
Acknowledge Add Add Folder Alert Apply Attach Audit Bandwidth Choose Create Customize Delete Down Drag and Drop


Acknowledges and clears an AWMS alert. Adds the object to both AWMS' database and the onscreen display list. Adds a new folder to hierarchically organize APs. Indicates an alert. Applies all "saved" configuration changes to devices on the WLAN. Attaches a snapshot of an AWMS screen to a Helpdesk incident. Reads device configuration, compare to desired, and update status. Displays current bandwidth for group. Chooses a new Helpdesk incident to be the Current Incident. Creates a new Helpdesk incident. Ignores selected settings when calculating the configuration status. Deletes an object from AWMS' database. Indicates down devices and radios. Dragging and dropping objects with this icon changes the sequence of items in relation to each other. Refer to Using RAPIDS Rules with Additional AWMS Functions on page 200 as one example of drag-and-drop. Duplicates or makes a copy of the configuration of an AWMS object. Edits the object properties. Links to email reports. Filters rogue list by score and/or ad hoc status. Views device's location in Google Earth (requires plug-in). Manages the object properties. Indicates mismatched device configuration, in which the most recent configuration in AWMS and the current configuration on a device are mismatched. Indicates an access point is in monitor only" mode.

Duplicate Edit Email Filter Google Earth Manage Mismatched Monitor

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Table 5 Standard Buttons and Icons of the AWMS User Page (Continued) Buttons and Icons
Ignore Import Mismatched New Devices Poll Now Preview Print Reboot Refresh Relate Replace Hardware Revert Rogue Run Save Save & Apply Scan Schedule Search Set Time Range Up Update Firmware User View Graph in New Window VisualRF XML


Ignores specific device(s) - devices selected with check boxes. Updates a Group's desired settings to match current settings. Indicates mismatched access points. Indicates new access points and devices. Polls device (or controller) immediately, override group polling settings. Displays a preview of changes applicable to multiple groups. Prints the report. Reboots devices or AWMS. Refreshes the display of flash graphs when settings have changed. Relates an AP, Group or Client to a Helpdesk incident. Confers configuration and history of one AP to a replacement device. Returns all configurable data on the screen to its original status. Indicates a rogue access point. Runs a new user-defined report. Saves the information on the page in the AWMS database. Saves changes to AWMS' database and apply all changes to devices. Scans for devices and rogues using selected networks. Schedules a window for reports, device changes, or maintenance. Searches AWMS for the specified name, MAC or IP address. Sets the time range for flash graphs to the range specified with the time-range bar.

Indicates access points which are in the up status. Applies a new firmware image to an AP/device. Indicates a user. Displays flash graphs in a new window. Links to VisualRF - real time visualization. Links to export XHTML versions of reports.

a. Not all AWMS GUI components are itemized in graphic format in this table.

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Getting Started with AWMS

This topic describes how to perform an initial launch of the AWMS network management solution. This topic requires successful completion of installation, as described earlier in this chapter. This topic prepares the administrator for wider deployment and device support and operations once initial startup is complete.

Completing Initial Login

Use your browser to navigate to the static IP address assigned to the internal page of the AWMS. Once your session launches, the Authentication Dialog Box appears as shown in Figure 7. Figure 7 Authentication Dialog Box

Perform these steps to complete the initial login. 1. Enter User name: admin 2. Enter Password: admin 3. Click: OK

AWMS pages are protected via SSL.


After successful authentication, your browser launches the AWMS Home Overview page.
AirWave recommends changing the default login and password on the AMP Setup > Users page. Refer to the procedure Creating AWMS User Roles on page48 for additional information.


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Chapter 3
Configuring the AirWave Wireless Management Suite

This chapter provides several tasks for initial configuration of AWMS on the network after installation is complete. This chapter describes all pages accessed from the AMP Setup tab and describes two pages in the Device Setup tabthe Communication and Upload Files pages. Once required and optional configurations in this chapter are complete, continue to later chapters in this document to create and deploy device groups and device configuration and discovery on the network. This chapter contains the following procedures to deploy initial AWMS configuration: Required or Important Configurations

Defining General AWMS Server Settings Defining AWMS Network Settings Creating AWMS Users Creating AWMS User Roles Enabling AWMS to Manage Your Devices

Additional and Advanced Configurations

Configuring TACACS+ and RADIUS Authentication Configuring Cisco WLSE and WLSE Rogue Scanning Configuring ACS Servers Integrating AWMS with an Existing Network Management Solution (NMS) Integrating a RADIUS Accounting Server Auditing PCI Compliance on the Network Deploying WMS Offload

Overview of WMS Offload in AWMS General Configuration Tasks Supporting WMS Offload in AWMS Additional Information Supporting WMS Offload

Additional configurations of multiple types are available after basic configurations in this chapter are complete.

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Defining General AWMS Server Settings

The first step in configuring AWMS is to specify the general settings for the AWMS server. Figure 8 illustrates the AMP Setup > General pate, enhanced in AWMS 6.4: Figure 8 AMP Setup > General Page Illustration

Perform the following steps to configure the general AWMS server settings.

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1. Browse to the AMP Setup > General page, locate the General area, and enter the information described in Table 6: Table 6 AMP Setup > General > General Section Fields and Default Values

System Name


Defines your name for the AMP server, with a maximum limit of 20 alphanumeric characters. Launches a drop-down menu that specifies the behavior AWMS should follow when it discovers a new device. Devices are placed in the default group which is defined in the next field. When devices are in Monitor Only mode, AWMS compares the current configuration with the policy, and displays any discrepancies on the APs/Devices > Audit page, but does not change the configuration of the device. When devices are in Manage Read/Write mode, AWMS compares the device's current configuration settings with the Group configuration settings and automatically updates the device's configuration to match the Group policy. Automatically placing devices in Managed Read/ Write mode will overwrite the configuration with the desired configuration in AWMS, and should only be used when you are certain AMP has the correct configuration. This can be risky, and generally, devices should be placed in Monitor Only mode as the default. Sets the device group that this AMP server uses as the default for devicelevel configuration. Select a device group from the drop-down menu. A group must first be defined on the Groups > List page to appear in this drop-down menu. For additional information, refer to Chapter 4, Configuring and Using Device Groups in AWMS on page79. If enabled, this setting defines the interval of AWMS queries, in which each device compares actual device settings to the Group configuration policies stored in the AWMS database. If the settings do not match, the AP is flagged as mismatched and AWMS sends an alert via email, log, or SNMP. AirWave recommends enabling this feature with a frequency of Daily or more frequently to ensure that your AP configurations comply with your established policies. If enabled, this setting automatically reconfigures the settings on the device when the device is in Manage mode and AWMS detects a variance between actual device settings and the Group configuration policy in the AWMS database. If enabled, AWMS automatically emails any system errors to the AirWave Support Center to assist in debugging.

Automatically Monitor/Manage New Devices


Default Group


Device Configuration Audit Interval


Automatically Repair Misconfigured Devices


Send Debugging Messages to AirWave Wireless Nightly Maintenance Time (00:00 - 23:59)



Specifies the time of day AWMS should perform daily maintenance. During maintenance, AWMS cleans the database, performs backups, and completes a few other housekeeping tasks. Such processes should not be performed during peak hours of demand. Sets the amount of time, in minutes, that an AWMS user session lasts before the user must authenticate when a new browser window is opened. Setting the lifetime to 0 requires the user to log in every time a new browser window is opened. Enables AWMS to check automatically for multiple update types. Check daily for AWMS updates, to include enhancements, device template files, important security updates, and other important news. This setting requires a direct internet connection via AWMS.

AMP User Authorization Lifetime (0-240 min) Check Updates from AirWave Wireless



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2. Select the Top Header Stats by checking the corresponding check box. The selected options will be displayed at the top of GUI. For more detailed information about each option, refer to Table 3 on page 28. 3. On the AMP Setup > General page, locate the Display Options section and adjust settings as required. The Display Options section configures which Group tabs and options appear by default in new device groups.

Changes to this section apply across all of AWMS. These changes affect all users and all new device groups.

Table 7 describes the settings and default values in this section. Table 7 AMP Setup > General > Display Options Section Fields and Default Values Setting
Use Fully Qualified Domain Names


Sets AWMS to use fully qualified domain names for APs instead of the AP name. For example, "" would be used instead of "testap." This option is supported only for Cisco IOS, Aruba, and Alcatel-Lucent devices. Displays a drop-down menu that determines which Group tabs and options are viewable by default in new groups, and selects the device types that use fully qualified domain names. This field has three options, as follows: All DevicesWhen selected, AWMS displays all Group tabs and setting options. Only Devices on this AMPWhen selected, AMP hides all options and tabs that do not apply to the APs and devices currently on AWMS. Selected device typesWhen selected, a new field appears listing many device types. This option allows you to specify the device types for which AWMS displays group settings. You can override this setting at the individual group level. Enables AWMS to look up automatically the DNS for new user hostnames. This setting can be turned off to troubleshoot performance issues. Defines the length of time, in hours, for which a DNS server hostname remains valid on AWMS, after which AWMS refreshes DNS lookup. Select a time duration from the drop-down menu. Options are as follows: 1 hour 2 hours 4 hours 12 hours 24 hours The message included in this field is displayed along with the Down if a devices upstream device is up. This applies to all APs and controllers but not to routers and switches.

Show VendorSpecific Device Settings For

All Devices

Look Up Wireless User Hostnames DNS Hostname Lifetime


24 hours

AP Troubleshooting Hint


4. On the AMP Setup > General page, locate the Configuration Options section and adjust settings as required. The settings in this field configure whether certain changes can be pushed to devices in Monitor Only mode. Table 8 describes the settings and default values of this section.

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Table 8 AMP Setup > General > Configuration Options Section Fields and Default Values Setting
Allow Guest User Configuration in Monitor Only Mode


When Yes is selected, new Cisco WLC and Aruba guest access users can be pushed to the controller while the controller is in Monitor Only mode in AWMS. The controller does not reboot as a result of the push. When Yes is selected, you can enable the Aruba WMS offload feature on the Groups > Basic page for Aruba controllers in Monitor Only mode. Enabling WMS offload does not cause a controller to reboot.

Allow WMS Offload Configuration in Monitor Only Mode (for Aruba Networks devices only) Keep Unreferenced Aruba Configuration



Allows AWMS to retain unused ArubaOS configuration profiles. You can define profiles on an Aruba controller but it is not necessary to reference them from a virtual AP configuration or other component of Aruba Configuration. Normally AWMS deletes unreferenced profiles, but this setting retains them when enabled with Yes. NOTE: If this setting is enabled with Yes, then all profiles are pushed to all controllers. In this case, you cannot have different configurations for different controllers.

5. On the AMP Setup > General page, locate the External Syslog section and adjust settings as required. Use this section to configure AWMS to send audit and system events to an external syslog server. Table 9 describes these settings and default values. Table 9 AMP Setup > General > External Syslog Section Fields and Default Values Setting
Syslog Server Syslog Port Include Event Log Messages Include Audit Log Messages Audit log facility

N/A N/A No

Enter the IP address of the Syslog server. Enter the port of the Syslog server. Select Yes to send event log messages to an external syslog server.


Select Yes to send audit log messages to an external syslog server.


Select the facility for the audit log from the drop-down menu.

6. On the AMP Setup > General page, locate the Historical Data Retention section and specify the number of days you wish to keep client session records and rogue discovery events. Table 10 describes the settings and default values of this section. Table 10 AMP Setup > General > Historical Data Retention Fields and Default Values Setting
Inactive User Data (2-1500 days)


Defines the number of days AWMS stores basic information about inactive users. AirWave recommends a shorter setting of 60 days for customers with high user turnover such as hotels or convention centers. The longer you store inactive user data, the more hard disk space you require.

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Table 10 AMP Setup > General > Historical Data Retention Fields and Default Values (Continued) Setting
User Association History (2-550 days) Tag History (2-550 days) Rogue AP Discovery Events (2-550 days)


Defines the number of days AWMS stores client session records. The longer you store client session records, the more hard disk space you require. Sets the number of days AWMS retains location history for Wi-Fi tags.



Defines the number of days AWMS stores Rogue Discovery Events. The longer you store discovery event records, the more hard disk space you require. Defines the number of days AWMS stores Reports. Large numbers of reports, over 1000, can cause the Reports > List page to be slow to respond. Defines automatically acknowledged alerts as the number of days AWMS retains alerts that have been automatically acknowledged. Setting this value to 0 disables this function. Defines the number of days AWMS retains information about acknowledged alerts. Large numbers of Alerts, over 2000, can cause the System > Alerts page to be slow to respond. Defines the number of days AWMS retains information about SNMP traps from Managed Devices. Setting this value to 0 disables this function. Sets the number of archived configurations to retain for each device.

Reports (2-550 days)


Automatically Acknowledged Alerts (0-550 days) Acknowledged Alerts (2-550 days)



Traps from Managed Devices (0-550 days) Archived Device Configurations (1-100) Guest Users (0-550 days) Closed Helpdesk Incidents Inactive SSIDs




Sets the number of days that AWMS is to support any guest user. Setting this value to 0 disables this function. Sets the number of days that AWMS is to retain records of closed Helpdesk incidents once closed. Setting this value to 0 disables this function. Sets the number of days AWMS retains historical information after AWMS last saw a client on a specific SSID. Settings this value to 0 disables this function.



7. On the AMP Setup > General page, locate the Default Firmware Upgrade Options section and adjust settings as required. This section allows you to configure the default firmware upgrade behavior for AWMS. Table 11 describes the settings and default values of this section. Table 11 AMP Setup > General > Default Firmware Upgrade Options Fields and Default Values Setting
Allow Firmware upgrades in Monitor Only mode


If yes is selected, AWMS upgrades the firmware for APs in Monitor Only mode. When AWMS upgrades the firmware in this mode, the desired configuration are not be pushed to AWMS. Only the firmware is applied. The firmware upgrade may result in configuration changes. AWMS does not correct those changes when the AP is in Monitor Only mode. Defines the number of jobs AWMS runs at the same time. A job can include multiple APs.

Simultaneous Jobs (1-20)


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Table 11 AMP Setup > General > Default Firmware Upgrade Options Fields and Default Values Setting
Simultaneous Devices per Job (1-1000)


Defines the number of devices that can be in the process of upgrading at the same time. AWMS only runs one TFTP transfer at a time. As soon as the transfer to a device has completed, the next transfer begins, even if the first device is still in the process of rebooting or verifying configuration. Sets the default number of upgrade failures before AWMS pauses the upgrade process. User intervention is required to resume the upgrade process. Setting this value to 0 disables this function.

Failures Before Stopping (0-20)

8. On the AMP Setup > General page, locate the Additional AMP Services section, and adjust settings as required. Table 12 describes the settings and default values of this section. Table 12 AMP Setup > General > Additional AMP Services Fields and Default Values Setting
Enable FTP Server


Enables or disables the FTP server on AMP. The FTP server is only used to manage Cisco Aironet 4800 APs. AirWave recommends disabling the FTP server if you do not have any Cisco Aironet 4800 APs in the network. Enables or disables the RTLS Collector, which is used to allow AOS controllers to send RTLS packets to VisualRF. The RTLS server IP address must be configured on each controller. This function is used for VisualRF to improve location accuracy and to locate chirping asset tags. This function is supported only for Aruba and Alcatel-Lucent devices. With selection of Yes, the following additional fields appear: RTLS PortSpecify the port for the RTLS server. RTLS UsernameEnter the user name supported by the RTLS server. RTLS PasswordEnter the RTLS server password. Enables or disables the embedded mail server that is included with AWMS. This field supports a Send Test Email button for testing server functionality. Clicking this button prompts you with a To and From field in which you must enter valid email addresses, and a button to send a test email. AMP now parses client association and authentication traps from Cisco WLC controllers to give real time information on users connected to the wireless network.

Enable RTLS Collector


Use Embedded Mail Server


Process User Roaming Traps from Cisco WLC


9. On the AMP Setup > General page, locate the Performance Tuning section. Performance tuning is unlikely to be necessary for many AWMS implementations, and likely provides the most improvements for customers with extremely large Pro or Enterprise installations. Please contact AirWave support if you think you might need to change any of these settings. Table 13 describes the settings and default values of this section. Table 13 AMP Setup > General > Performance Tuning Fields and Default Values Setting
Monitoring Processes

Based on the number of cores for your server

Optional setting configures the throughput of monitoring data. Increasing this setting allows AWMS to process more data per second, but it can take resources away from other AWMS processes. Please contact AirWave Support if you think you might need to increase this setting for your network.

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Table 13 AMP Setup > General > Performance Tuning Fields and Default Values (Continued) Setting
Maximum Number of Configuration Processes


Increases the number of processes that are pushing configurations to your devices, as an option. The optimal setting for your network depends on the resources available, especially RAM. Please contact AirWave Support if you think you might need to increase this setting for your network. Increases the number of processes that audit configurations for your devices, as an option. The optimal setting for your network depends on the resources available, especially RAM. Contact AirWave Support if you are considering increasing this setting for your network. Enables or disables logging detailed records of SNMP configuration information.

Maximum Number of Audit Processes

Verbose Logging of SNMP Configuration SNMP Rate Limiting for Monitored Devices



Enables or disables a maximum bandwidth consumption threshold for each port for monitored devices. This setting prevents unnecessary SNMP traffic from compromising device performance. AirWave recommends enabling this setting when monitoring Aruba controllers. Defines the processing and system resource priority for RAPIDS in relation to AWMS as a whole. When AWMS is processing data at or near its maximum capacity, reducing the priority of RAPIDS can ensure that processing of other data (such as client connections and bandwidth) are not adversely impacted. The default priority is Low. You can also tune your system performance by changing group poll periods.

RAPIDS Processing Priority


10. Click Save when the General Server settings are complete and whenever making subsequent changes. What Next?

Navigate to additional tabs in the AMP Setup section to continue additional setup configurations. Complete the required configurations in this chapter prior to proceeding to ensuing chapters of this document. AirWave Support remains available to you for any phase of AWMS installation. Refer to Contacting AirWave Wireless and Aruba Networks on page14.

Defining AWMS Network Settings

The next step in configuring AWMS is to confirm the AMP network settings. Define these settings by navigating to the AMP Setup > Network page. Figure 9 illustrates the contents of this page. Figure 9 AMP Setup > Network Page Illustration

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Perform the following steps to define the AWMS network settings: 1. Locate the Primary and Secondary Network Interface sections. The information in these sections should match what you defined during initial network configuration and should not require changes. Table 14 describes the settings and default values. Table 14 AMP Setup > Network > Primary and Secondary Network Interface Fields and Default Values Setting
IP Address


Sets the IP address of the AWMS network interface. This address must be static IP address. Sets the DNS name assigned to the AWMS server. Sets the subnet mask for the AWMS primary network interface. Sets the default gateway for the AWMS network interface. Sets the primary DNS IP address for the AWMS network interface. Sets the secondary DNS IP address for the AWMS network interface. Select Yes to enable a secondary network interface. You must also define the IP address and subnet mask.

Hostname Subnet Mask Gateway Primary DNS IP Secondary DNS IP Secondary Network Interface

None None None None None No

2. On the AMP Setup > Network page, locate the Network Time Protocol (NTP) section. The Network Time Protocol is used to synchronize the time between AWMS and your network reference NTP server. NTP servers synchronize with external reference time sources, such as satellites, radios, or modems.
Specifying NTP servers is optional. NTP servers synchronize the time on the AWMS server, not on individual access points. Secondary network interface options may include multiple telnet terminal configurations, DHCP/BOOTP auto-configuration, time zone offsets, daylight savings time, and NTP addressing modes such as unicast, broadcast, and multicast. Secondary NTP information is only supported on AMPs with multiple interfaces.


To disable NTP services, clear both the Primary and Secondary NTP server fields. Any problem related to communication between AWMS and the NTP servers creates an entry in the event log. Table 15 describes the settings and default values in more detail. Table 15 AMP Setup > Network > Secondary Network Fields and Default Values Setting


Sets the IP address or DNS name for the primary Network Time Protocol server. Sets the IP address or DNS name for the secondary Network Time Protocol server.


3. On the AMP Setup > Network page, locate the Static Routes area. This section displays network, subnet mask, and gateway settings that you have defined elsewhere from a command-line interface.

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This section does not enable you to configure new routes or remove existing routes.

4. Click Save when you have completed all changes on the AMP Setup > Network page, or click Revert to return to the last settings. Clicking Save restarts any affected services and may disrupt temporarily your network connection. What Next?

Navigate to additional tabs in the AMP Setup section to continue additional setup configurations. Complete the required configurations in this chapter prior to proceeding to ensuing chapters of this document. AirWave Support remains available to you for any phase of AWMS installation. Refer to Contacting AirWave Wireless and Aruba Networks on page14.

Creating AWMS Users

AWMS installs with only one AMP userthe administrator or admin user. The admin user has these parameters authorizations within AWMS:

The admin user is able to define additional users with varying levels of privilege, be it manage read/write or monitoring. The admin user can limit the viewable devices as well as the type of access a user has to the devices.

For each general user that you add, you define a Username, Password and a Role. You use the username and password when logging into AWMS. It is helpful to use unique and meaningful user names as they are recorded in the log files when you or other users make changes in AWMS.
Username and password are not required if you configure AWMS to use RADIUS or TACACS authentication. You do not need to add individual users to the AWMS server if you use RADIUS or TACACS authentication.


The user role defines the user type, access level, and the top folder for that user. User roles are defined on the AMP Setup > Roles page. Refer to the next procedure in this chapter for additional information, Creating AWMS User Roles on page48. The admin user can provide optional additional information about the user including the user's real name, email address, phone number, and so forth. Perform the following steps to display, add, edit, or delete AWMS users of any privilege level. You must be an admin user to complete these steps. 1. Navigate to the AMP Setup > Users page. This page displays all users currently configured in AWMS. Figure 10 illustrates the contents and layout of this page. Figure 10 AMP Setup > Users Page Illustration

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2. Click Add to create a new user, click the pencil icon to edit an existing user, or select a user and click Delete to remove that user from AWMS. When you click Add or the edit icon, the Add User page appears, illustrated in Figure 11. Figure 11 AMP Setup > Users > Add/Edit User Page Illustration

3. Enter or edit the settings on this page. Table 16 describes these settings in additional detail. Table 16 AMP Setup > User > Add/Edit User Fields and Default Values Setting


Sets the username as an alphanumeric string. The Username is used when logging in to AWMS and appears in AWMS log files. Specifies the User Role that defines the Top viewable folder, type and access level of the user specified in the previous field. The admin user defines user roles on the AMP Setup > Roles page, and each user in the system is assigned to a role. Sets the password for the user being created or edited. Enter an alphanumeric string without spaces, and enter the password again in the Confirm Password field. Because the default user's password is identical to the name, AirWave strongly recommends that your change this password. AirWave strongly recommends that you immediately change the default AWMS "admin" password for admin users. Allows you to define an optional and alphanumeric text field that takes note of the user's actual name. Allows you to define an optional email address. This email address propagates throughout many additional pages in AWMS for that user, to include reports, triggers, and alerts. Allows you to enter an optional phone number for the user. Enables you to cite any additional notes about the user, including the reason they were granted access, the user's department, or job title.







E-Mail Address


Phone Notes

None None

4. Click Add to create the new user, click Save to retain changes to an existing user, or click Cancel to cancel out of this screen. The user information you have configured appears on the AMP Setup > Users page and the user propagates to all additional AWMS pages and functions relevant to that user.

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AWMS enables user roles to be created with access to folders within multiple branches of the overall hierarchy. This feature assists non-administrator users who support a subset of accounts or sites within a single AWMS deployment, such as help desk or IT staff. In prior AWMS versions, user roles could be assigned only to a single top folder, such as "West Coast" or "European Stores", for example. User roles can now be restricted to multiple folders within the overall hierarchy, even if they do not share the same top-level folder. Non-administrator users are only able to see data and users for devices within their assigned subset of folders.


What Next?

Navigate to additional tabs in the AMP Setup section to continue additional setup configurations. Complete the required configurations in this chapter prior to proceeding to ensuing chapters of this document. AirWave Support remains available to you for any phase of AWMS installation. Refer to Contacting AirWave Wireless and Aruba Networks on page14.

Creating AWMS User Roles

The AMP Setup > Roles page defines the viewable devices, the operations that can be performed on devices, and general AWMS access. VisualRF uses the same user roles as defined for AWMSusers can see floor plans that contain an AP to which they have access in AWMS, although only visible APs appear on the floor plan. Users can also see any building that contains a visible floor plan, and any campus that contains a visible building. When a new role is added to AWMS, VisualRF must be restarted for the new user to be enabled. Refer to the VisualRF User Guide for additional information. User Roles can be created that have access to folders within multiple branches of the overall hierarchy. This feature assists non-administrative users, such as help desk or IT staff, who support a subset of accounts or sites within a single AWMS deployment. In prior AWMS releases, AWMS user roles could only be assigned to a single top folder (such as "West Coast" or "European Stores"). You can restrict user roles to multiple folders within the overall hierarchy even if they do not share the same top-level folder. Non-admin users are only able to see data and users for devices within their assigned subset of folders. Perform the following steps to view, add, edit, or delete user Roles: 1. Navigate to the AMP Setup > Roles page. This page displays all roles currently configured in AWMS. Figure 10 illustrates the contents and layout of this page. Figure 12 AMP Setup > Roles Page Illustration

2. Click Add to create a new role, click the pencil icon to edit an existing role, or select a role and click Delete to remove that role from AWMS. When you click Add or the edit icon, the Add Role page appears, illustrated in Figure 13.

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Figure 13 AMP Setup > Roles > Add/Edit Role Page Illustration

3. Enter or edit the settings on this page. Table 16 describes these settings in additional detail. As explained earlier in this section, Roles define the type of user-level access, the user-level privileges, and the user viewability for device groups and devices in AWMS. Table 17 describes the settings and default values of this section. Table 17 AMP Setup > Roles > Add/Edit Roles Fields and Default Values Setting


Sets the administrator-definable string that names the role. AirWave recommends that the role name give an indication of the devices and groups that are viewable, as well as the privileges granted to that role. Disables or enables the role. Disabling a role prevents all users of that role from logging in to AWMS. Defines the type of role. AWMS supports the following role types: AMP AdministratorThe AWMS Administrator has full access to AWMS and all of the devices. The administrator can view and edit all settings and all APs in AWMS. Only the AWMS Administrator can create new Users or access the AMP Setup page. AP/Device ManagerAP/Device Managers have access to a limited number of devices and groups based on the Top folder and varying levels of control based on the Access Level. AirWave Management ClientDefines the AWMS user. The user information defined in AMC must match the user with the AirWave Management Client type. Guest Access SponsorLimited-functionality role to allow helpdesk or reception desk staff to grant wireless access to temporary personnel. This role only has access to the defined top folder of APs.




AP/Device Manager

AP/Device Access Level


Defines the privileges the role has over the viewable APs. AWMS supports three privilege levels, as follows: Manage (Read/Write)Manage users have read/write access to the viewable devices and Groups. They can change all AWMS settings for the devices and Groups they can view. Audit (Read Only)Audit users have read only access to the viewable devices and Groups. Audit users have access to the APs/Devices > Audit page, which may contain sensitive information including AP passwords. Monitor (Read Only)Monitor users have read-only access to the devices and groups. Monitor users cannot view the APs/Devices > Audit page which may contain sensitive information, including AP passwords. Monitoronly users also have read-only access to VisualRF.

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Table 17 AMP Setup > Roles > Add/Edit Roles Fields and Default Values (Continued) Setting
Top Folder


Defines the Top viewable folder for the role. The role is able to view all devices and groups contained by the Top folder. The top folder and its subfolders must contain all of the devices in any of the groups it can view. NOTE: AWMS enables user roles to be created with access to folders within multiple branches of the overall hierarchy. This feature assists nonadministrator users who support a subset of accounts or sites within a single AWMS deployment, such as help desk or IT staff. Prior to Version 6.3, AWMS user roles could be assigned only to a single top folder, such as "West Coast" or "European Stores", for example. User roles can now be restricted to multiple folders within the overall hierarchy, even if they do not share the same top-level folder. Non-administrator users are only able to see data and users for devices within their assigned subset of folders.



Sets the RAPIDS privileges, which are set separately from the APs/Devices. This field specifies the RAPIDS privileges for the role, and options are as follows: NoneCannot view the RAPIDS tab or any Rogue APs. Read OnlyThe user can view the RAPIDS pages but cannot make any changes to rogue APs or perform OS scans. Read/WriteThe user may ignore, delete, override scores and perform OS scans. Sets the role to support helpdesk users, with parameters that are specific to the needs of helpdesk personnel supporting users on a wireless network. Enables the Adobe Flash application for all users who are assigned this role. Adobe Flash supports dynamic graphics on the Home > Overview page, VisualRF, Quickview functions, and additional AWMS pages. NOTE: This field is only visible if a specific flag is set in the AWMS database. By default this option is hidden and flash is enabled for all users.



Enable Adobe Flash


What Next?

Navigate to additional tabs in the AMP Setup section to continue additional setup configurations. Complete the required configurations in this chapter prior to proceeding to ensuing chapters of this document. AirWave Support remains available to you for any phase of AWMS installation. Refer to Contacting AirWave Wireless and Aruba Networks on page14.

Enabling AWMS to Manage Your Devices

Once AWMS is installed and active on the network, the next task is to define the basic settings that allow AWMS to communicate with and manage your devices. Device-specific firmware files are often required or are highly desirable. Furthermore, the use of Web Auth bundles is advantageous for deployment of Cisco Airespace/WLC wireless LAN controllers when they are present on the network. This section contains the following procedures:

Configuring Communication Settings for Discovered Devices Loading Device Firmware onto AWMS (Optional)

Overview of the Device Setup > Upload Files Page Loading Firmware Files to AWMS
Overview Loading

of the Device Setup > Upload Files Page

Firmware Files to AWMS

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Web Auth Bundles in AWMS

Configuring Communication Settings for Discovered Devices

To configure AWMS to communicate with your devices, to define the default shared secrets, and to set SNMP polling information, navigate to the Device Setup > Communication page, illustrated in Figure 14.

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Figure 14 Device Setup > Communication Page Illustration

Perform the following steps to define the default credentials and SNMP settings for the wireless network. 1. On the Device Setup > Communication page, locate the Default Credentials area. Enter the credentials for each device model on your network. The default credentials are assigned to all newly discovered APs.

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The Edit button edits the default credentials for newly discovered devices. To modify the credentials for existing devices, use the APs/Devices > Manage page or the Modify Devices link on the APs/Devices > List page.
Community strings and shared secrets must have read-write access for AWMS to configure the devices. Without read-write access, AWMS may be able to monitor the devices but cannot apply any configuration changes.


2. Browse to the Device Setup > Communication page, locate the SNMP Settings area, and enter or revise the following information. Table 18 lists the settings and default values. Table 18 Device Setup > Communication > SNMP Settings Fields and Default Values Setting
SNMP Timeout SNMP Retries


Sets the time, in seconds, that AWMS waits for a response from a device after sending an SNMP request. Sets the number of times AWMS tries to poll a device when it does not receive a response within the SNMP Timeout period. If AWMS does not receive an SNMP response from the device after the specified number of retries, AWMS classifies that device as Down.

3. On the Device Setup > Communication page, locate the Telnet/SSH Settings section, and complete or adjust the default value for the field in this section. Table 19 lists the setting and default value. Table 19 Device Setup > Communication > Telnet/SSH Settings Fields and Default Values Setting
Telnet/SSH Timeout (3-120 sec)


Sets the timeout period in seconds used when performing Telnet and SSH commands.

4. On the Device Setup > Communication page, locate the HTTP Discovery Settings section. Complete or revise the default values for the settings in this section. Table 20 lists these settings and default values. Table 20 Device Setup > Communication > HTTP Discovery Settings Fields and Default Values Setting
HTTP Timeout (3-120 sec)


Sets the timeout period in seconds used when running an HTTP discovery scan.

5. On the Device Setup > Communication page, locate the ICMP Settings section. Complete the settings or revise the default values as required. Table 21 itemizes the setting and default value of this section.

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Table 21 Device Setup > Communication > ICMP Settings Fields and Default Values Setting
Attempt to ping down devices


Enables a function that applies when an AP is unreachable over SNMP. When Yes is selected, this option has AWMS attempt to ping the AP device. Select No if performance is affected in negative fashion by this function. If a large number of APs are unreachable by ICMP, likely to occur where there is in excess of 100 APs, the timeouts start to impede network performance. NOTE: If ICMP is disabled on the network, select No to avoid the performance penalty caused by numerous ping requests.

6. On the Device Setup > Communication page, locate the Colubris Administration Options section You only need to provide this information if you use Colubris APs on your network. Select one of the options listed. Figure 15 illustrates this section and Table 22 explains related fields. Figure 15 Device Setup > Communication > Colubris Administration Options Section Illustration

Table 22 Device Setup > Communication > Colubris Administration Options Fields and Default Values Setting
Do not modify security/HTTPS settings Replace existing user with specified user New Colubris Username and Password


Enables AWMS to use only an existing user account on the AP. This user account must have all permissions set. The user accounts are defined in the Colubris Username/Password section in the Default Secrets area. When enabled, this setting allows you to define a new Colubris username and password on each Colubris AP.



Specifies the username and password to be used only if the option Replace existing user with specified user is selected.

7. On the Device Setup > Communication page, locate the Cisco Aironet VxWorks User Creation Options section. You only need to provide this information if you use VxWorks-based Cisco APs on your network, as follows:

Aironet 340 Aironet 350 Aironet 1200

Select one of the three options listed. Table 23 describes the settings and default values of this section.

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Table 23 Device Setup > Communication > Cisco Aironet VxWorks User Creation Options Fields and Default Values Setting Default Description
Enables AWMS using only an existing user account on the AP, as defined in the Cisco VxWorks Username/Password section in the Default Secrets area. This user account must have all permissions set. Enables AWMS to create a new user account, specified below, on each AP, with all permissions enabled.

Do Not Modify N/A Security/SNMP Settings Create and Use Specified User N/A

8. On the Device Setup > Communication page, locate the Symbol 4131/Intel 2011b and Cisco Aironet IOS SNMP Initialization area. You only need to provide this information if you use Symbol 4131, Intel 2011b, or Cisco Aironet IOS access points. Select one of the options listed. Table 24 describes the settings and default values. Table 24 Device Setup > Communications Fields and Default Values Setting
Do Not Modify SNMP Settings


When selected, specifies that AWMS not modify any SNMP settings. If SNMP is not already initialized on the Symbol, Intel, and Cisco IOS APs, AWMS is not able to manage them. When selected, and when on networks where the Symbol, Intel, and Cisco IOS APs do not have SNMP initialized, this setting enables SNMP so the devices can be managed by AWMS.

Enable Read-Write SNMP


9. On the Device Setup > Communication page, locate the Symbol 4131/Intel 2011b and Cisco Aironet IOS SNMP Initialization area. You only need to provide this information if you use Symbol 4131, Intel 2011b, or Cisco Aironet IOS access points. Select one of the options listed. Table 25 describes the settings and default values. Table 25 Device Setup > Communications Fields and Default Values Setting
Do Not Modify SNMP Settings


When selected, specifies that AWMS not modify any SNMP settings. If SNMP is not already initialized on the Symbol, Intel, and Cisco IOS APs, AWMS is not able to manage them. When selected, and when on networks where the Symbol, Intel, and Cisco IOS APs do not have SNMP initialized, this setting enables SNMP so the devices can be managed by AWMS.

Enable Read-Write SNMP


Loading Device Firmware onto AWMS (Optional)

Overview of the Device Setup > Upload Files Page
AWMS enables automated firmware distribution to the devices on your network. Once you have downloaded the firmware files from the manufacturer, you can upload this firmware to AWMS for distribution to devices via the Device Setup > Upload Files page.

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Figure 16 illustrates the Upload Files page, which lists all firmware files on AWMS with file information. This page also enables you to add new firmware files, to delete firmware files, and to add New Web Auth Bundle files. The following additional pages support firmware file information:

Firmware files uploaded to AWMS on this Upload File page appear as options in the drop-down menus on the Group > Firmware page and on individual AP/Device > Manage pages. These firmware files can be applied automatically to devices through AWMS. Use the AMP Setup page to configure AWMS-wide default firmware options.

Figure 16 Device Setup > Upload Files Page Illustration

Table 26 below itemizes the contents, settings, and default values for the Upload Files page. Table 26 Device Setup > Upload Files Fields and Default Values Setting


Displays a drop-down list of the primary AP makes and models that AWMS supports with automated firmware distribution. Displays the user role that uploaded the firmware file. This is the role that has access to the file when an upgrade is attempted. Displays a user-configurable text description of the firmware file. Displays the file transfer protocol by which the firmware file was obtained from the server. Displays the name of the file server supporting the group.

Owner Role


Description Server Protocol

None None

Use Group File Server Firmware Filename Firmware Version Firmware MD5 Checksum



Displays the name of the file that was uploaded to AWMS and to be transferred to an AP when the file is used in an upgrade. Displays the firmware version number. This is a user-configurable field.



Displays the MD5 checksum of the file after it was uploaded to AWMS. The MD5 checksum is used to verify that the file was uploaded to AWMS without issue. The checksum should match the checksum of the file before it was uploaded.

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Table 26 Device Setup > Upload Files Fields and Default Values (Continued) Setting
Firmware File Size HTML Filename


Displays the size of the firmware file in bytes.


Supporting HTML, displays the name of the file that was uploaded to AWMS and to be transferred to an AP when the file is used in an upgrade. Supporting HTML, displays the version of HTML used for file transfer. Supporting HTML, displays the MD5 checksum of the file after it was uploaded to AWMS. The MD5 checksum is used to verify that the file was uploaded to AWMS without issue. The checksum should match the checksum of the file before it was uploaded. Supporting HTML, displays the size of the file in bytes. The firmware file is set as the desired firmware version on the Groups > Firmware Files page of the specified groups. You cannot delete a firmware file that is set as the desired firmware version for a group.

HTML Version HTML MD5 Checksum

None None

HTML File Size Desired Firmware File for Specified Groups

None None

Loading Firmware Files to AWMS

Perform the following steps to load a device firmware file onto AWMS. 1. Browse to the Device Setup > Upload Files page. 2. From the Upload Files page, click the Add button. The Add Firmware File dialog box appears. Figure 17 illustrates this page. Figure 17 Device Setup > Upload Files > Add New Firmware Page Illustration

3. Click the Supported Firmware Versions and Features link to view a list of supported firmware versions.
Unsupported and untested firmware may cause device mismatches and other problems. Please contact AirWave Support before installing non-certified firmware. Refer to Contacting AirWave Wireless and Aruba Networks on page14.


4. Enter the appropriate information and click the Add button. The file uploads to AWMS and once complete, this file appears on the Device Setup > Upload Files page. This file also appears on additional pages that display firmware files (such as the Group > Firmware page and on individual AP/Device > Manage pages). 5. You can also import a CSV list of groups and their external TFTP firmware servers. Table 27 itemizes the settings of this page.

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Table 27 Supported Firmware Versions and Features Fields and Default Values Setting


Indicates the firmware file is used with the specified type. If you select an IOS device from the Type drop-down menu, you have the option of choosing a server protocol of TFTP or FTP. If you choose FTP you may notice that the firmware files are pushed to the device more quickly. With selection of some Types, particularly Cisco controllers, you can specify the boot software version. Provides a user-configurable field to specify the firmware version number. Provides a user-configurable text description of the firmware file. Selects the TFTP server that access points use to download their firmware. The built-in TFTP server is recommended. If you choose to use an external TFTP server, enter the File Server IP Address and the Firmware Filename. You can also choose to assign the external TFTP server on a per-group basis. If you select this option, you must enter the IP address on the Groups > Firmware page. Complete the Firmware File Server IP Address field. NOTE: With selection of some Types, you are prompted with the Server Protocol field that lets you select which protocol to use, and this varies from device to device. NOTE: If you select FTP, AWMS uses an anonymous user for file upload. If you opt to use an external firmware file server, this additional option appears. This setting instructs AWMS to use the server that is associated with the group instead of defining a server. Provides the IP address of the External TFTP Server (like SolarWinds) that is used for the firmware upgrade. This option displays when the user selects Use a Different TFTP server option. Enter the filename of the firmware file that needs to be uploaded. Ensure that the firmware file is in the TFTP root directory. Click the Browse button to locate the appropriate Intel or Symbol HTML firmware file on your network.

Firmware Version Description

None None

Upload firmware Built-in files (and use builtin firmware file server) Use an external firmware file server N/A

Use Group File Server

Disabled (not selected) None

TFTP Server IP

Firmware Filename None


Additional fields may appear for multiple device types. AWMS prompts you for additional firmware information as required. For example, Intel and Symbol distribute their firmware in two separate files: an image file and an HTML file. Both files must be uploaded to AWMS for the firmware to be distributed successfully via AWMS.

6. Click Add to import the firmware file. 7. To delete a firmware file that has already been uploaded to AWMS, return to the File Upload page, select the checkbox for the firmware file and click Delete.
A firmware file may not be deleted if it is the desired version for a group. Use the Group > Firmware page to investigate this potential setting and status.


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Using Web Auth Bundles in AWMS

Web authentication bundles are configuration files that support Cisco Airespace/WLC wireless LAN controllers. This procedure requires that you have local or network access to a Web Auth configuration file for Cisco Airespace/WLC devices. Perform these steps to add or edit Web Auth bundles in AWMS. 1. Navigate to the Device Setup > Upload Files page. This page displays any existing Web Auth bundles that are currently configured in AWMS, and allows you to add or delete Web Auth bundles. 2. Scroll to the bottom of the page. Click Add New Web Auth Bundle to create a new Web Auth bundle, or click the pencil icon next to an existing bundle to edit. You may also delete Web Auth bundles by selecting that bundle with the checkbox, and clicking Delete. When you add or edit a Web Auth bundle, the Web Auth Bundle page appears, as illustrated in Figure 18. Figure 18 Add Web Auth Bundle Page Illustration

3. Enter a descriptive label in the description field. This is the label by which you identify and track Web Auth bundles on the Device Setup > Upload Files page once they are present in AWMS. 4. Enter the path and filename of the Web Auth configuration file in the Web Auth Bundle field. Click Browse to locate the file with the browsing method, as required. 5. Click Add to complete the Web Auth bundle creation, or click Save if replacing a previous Web Auth configuration file, or click Cancel to abort the Web Auth integration. 6. The Device Setup > Upload files page displays your changes. For additional information and a case study that illustrates the use of Web Auth bundles with Cisco Airespace/WLC controllers, refer to the following document on

Wireless LAN Controller Web Authentication Configuration Example, Document ID: 69340 technologies_configuration_example09186a008067489f.shtml

Configuring TACACS+ and RADIUS Authentication

As an optional configuration, you can set AWMS to use an external user database to simplify password management for AWMS administrators and users. This section contains the following procedures:

Configuring TACACS+ Authentication Configuring RADIUS Authentication and Authorization Integrating a RADIUS Accounting Server

Configuring TACACS+ Authentication

For TACACS+ capability, you must configure the IP/Hostname of the TACACS+ server, the TCP port, and the server shared secret. This TACACS+ configuration is for AWMS users, and does not affect APs or users logging into APs. Perform these steps to configure TACACS+ authentication: 1. Navigate to the AMP Setup > Authentication page. This page displays current status of TACACS+. Figure 19 illustrates this page when neither TACACS+ nor RADIUS authentication is enabled in AWMS.

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Figure 19 AMP Setup > Authentication Page Illustration

2. Click No to disable or Yes to enable TACACS+ authentication. If you click Yes, several new fields appear. Complete the fields described in Table 28. Table 28 AMP Setup > Authentication Fields and Default Values Field
Primary Server Hostname/IP Address Primary Server Port Primary Server Secret


Enter the IP address or the hostname of the primary TACACS+ server.

49 N/A

Enter the TCP port for the primary TACACS+ server. Specify the primary shared secret for the primary TACACS+ server, and confirm in the Confirm field. Enter the IP address or the hostname of the secondary TACACS+ server.

Secondary Server Hostname/IP Address


Secondary Server Port 49 Secondary Server Secret N/A

Enter the TCP port for the secondary TACACS+ server. Enter the shared secret for the secondary TACACS+ server.

3. Click Save to retain these configurations, and continue with additional steps. 4. To configure Cisco ACS to work with AWMS, you must define a new service named AMP that uses https on the ACS server.

The AMP https service is added to the TACACS+ (Cisco) interface under the Interface Configuration tab. Select a checkbox for a new service. Enter AMP in the service column and https in the protocol column. Click Save.

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5. Edit the existing groups or users in TACACS to use the "AMP service" and define a role for the group or user.

The role defined on the Group Setup page in ACS must match the exact name of the role defined on the AMP Setup > Roles page. The defined role should use the following format: role=<name_of_AMP_role>. One example is as follows:

As with routers and switches, AWMS does not need to know usernames. 6. AWMS also needs to be configured as an AAA client.

On the Network Configuration page, click Add Entry to add an AAA client. Enter the IP address of AWMS as the AAA Client IP Address. The secret should be the same value that was entered on the AMP Setup > TACACS+ page.

7. Select TACACS+ (Cisco IOS) in the Authenticate Using drop down menu and click submit + restart.
AWMS checks the local username and password store before checking with the TACACS+ server. If the user is found locally, the local password and local role apply. When using TACAS+, it is not necessary or recommended to define users on the AWMS server. The only recommended user is the backup administrator, in the event that the TACAS+ server goes down.


What Next?

Navigate to additional tabs in the AMP Setup section to continue additional setup configurations. Complete the required configurations in this chapter prior to proceeding to ensuing chapters of this document. AirWave Support remains available to you for any phase of AWMS installation. Refer to Contacting AirWave Wireless and Aruba Networks on page14.

Configuring RADIUS Authentication and Authorization

For RADIUS capability, you must configure the IP/Hostname of the RADIUS server, the TCP port, and the server shared secret. Perform these steps to configuration RADIUS authentication: 1. Navigate to the AMP Setup > Authentication page. This page displays current status of RADIUS. Figure 19 illustrates this page when neither TACACS+ nor RADIUS authentication is enabled in AWMS.

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Figure 20 AMP Setup > Authentication Page Illustration

2. Click No to disable or Yes to enable TACACS+ nor RADIUS authentication. If you click Yes, several new fields appear. Complete the fields described in Table 28. Table 29 AMP Setup > Authentication Fields and Default Values Field
Primary Server Hostname/IP Address Primary Server Port Primary Server Secret


Enter the IP address or the hostname of the primary RADIUS server.

49 N/A

Enter the TCP port for the primary RADIUS server. Specify the primary shared secret for the primary RADIUS server, and confirm in the Confirm field. Enter the IP address or the hostname of the secondary RADIUS server.

Secondary Server Hostname/IP Address


Secondary Server Port 49 Secondary Server Secret N/A

Enter the TCP port for the secondary RADIUS server. Enter the shared secret for the secondary RADIUS server.

3. Click Save to retain these configurations, and continue with additional steps in the next procedure.

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Integrating a RADIUS Accounting Server

AWMS checks the local username and password store before checking with the RADIUS server. If the user is found locally, the local password and local role apply. When using RADIUS, it is not necessary or recommended to define users on the AWMS server. The only recommended user is the backup administrator, in the event that the RADIUS server goes down.


As an optional configuration, AWMS supports RADIUS server accounting. Use the AMP Setup > RADIUS Accounting page enables this configuration. This capability is not required for basic AWMS operation, but can increase the user-friendliness of AWMS administration in large networks. Figure 21 illustrates the settings of this optional configuration interface. Perform the following steps and configurations to enable AWMS to receive accounting records from a separate RADIUS server. Figure 21 illustrates the display of RADIUS accounting clients already configured, and Figure 22 illustrates the Add RADIUS Accounting Client page. Figure 21 AMP Setup > RADIUS Accounting Page Illustration

Figure 22 AMP Setup > RADIUS > Add RADIUS Accounting Client Page Illustration

1. To specify the RADIUS authentication server or network, browse to the AMP Setup > RADIUS Accounting page and click Add, illustrated in Figure 22, and provide the information described in Table 30. Table 30 AMP Setup > Radius Accounting Fields and Default Values Setting
Nickname IP/Network

None None

Sets a user-defined name for the authentication server. Cites the IP address or DNS Hostname for the authentication server if you only want to accept packets from one device. To accept packets from an entire network enter the IP/Netmask of the network (for example, Sets the Shared Secret that is used to establish communication between AWMS and the RADIUS authentication server.

(Confirm) Shared Secret


2. Click Add.

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What Next?

For additional information about configuring WLAN Gateways or WLAN Controllers such as BlueSocket, ReefEdge, or ProCurve wireless gateways, refer to Third-Party Security Integration for AWMS on page293. Navigate to additional tabs in the AMP Setup section to continue additional setup configurations. Complete the required configurations in this chapter prior to proceeding to ensuing chapters of this document. AirWave Support remains available to you for any phase of AWMS installation. Refer to Contacting AirWave Wireless and Aruba Networks on page14.

Configuring Cisco WLSE and WLSE Rogue Scanning

The Cisco Wireless LAN Solution Engine (WLSE) includes rogue scanning functions that AWMS supports. This section contains the following topics and procedures, and several of these sections have additional sub-procedures:

Introduction to Cisco WLSE Configuring WLSE Initially in AWMS Configuring IOS APs for WDS Participation Configuring ACS for WDS Authentication Configuring Cisco WLSE Rogue Scanning

You must enter one or more CiscoWorks WLSE hosts to be polled for discovery of Cisco devices and rogue AP information.

Introduction to Cisco WLSE

Cisco WLSE functions as an integral part of the Cisco Structured Wireless-Aware Network (SWAN) architecture, which includes IOS Access Points, a Wireless Domain Service, an Access Control Server, and a WLSE. In order for AWMS to obtain Rogue AP information from the WLSE, all SWAN components must be properly configured. Table 31 describes these components.

Table 31 Cisco SWAN Architecture Components SWAN Component

WDS (Wireless Domain Services)

WDS Name Primary and backup IP address for WDS devices (IOS AP or WLSM) WDS Credentials APs within WDS Group NOTE: WDS can be either a WLSM or an IOS AP. WLSM (WDS) can control up to 250 access points. AP (WDS) can control up to 30 access points.

WLSE (Wireless LAN Solution Engine) ACS (Access Control Server) APs

IP Address Login IP Address Login APs within WDS Group

Configuring WLSE Initially in AWMS

Use the following general procedures to configure and deploy a WLSE device in AWMS:

Adding an ACS Server for WLSE

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Enabling Rogue Alerts for Cisco WLSE Configuring WLSE to Communicate with APs Discovering Devices Managing Devices Inventory Reporting Defining Access Grouping WDS Participation Primary or Secondary WDS

Adding an ACS Server for WLSE

1. Navigate to the Devices > Discover > AAA Server page. 2. Select New from the drop-down list. 3. Enter the Server Name, Server Port (default 2002), Username, Password, and Secret. 4. Click Save.

Enabling Rogue Alerts for Cisco WLSE

1. Navigate to the Faults > Network Wide Settings > Rogue AP Detection page. 2. Select the Enable toggle. 3. Click Apply. Additional information about rogue device detection is available in Configuring Cisco WLSE Rogue Scanning on page67.

Configuring WLSE to Communicate with APs

1. Navigate to the Device Setup > Discover page. 2. Configure SNMP Information (click for additional information). 3. Configure HTTP Information (click for additional information). 4. Configure Telnet/SSH Credentials (click for additional information). 5. Configure HTTP ports for IOS access points (click for additional information). 6. Configure WLCCP credentials (click for additional information). 7. Configure AAA information (click for additional information).

Discovering Devices
There are three methods to discover access points within WLSE, as follows:

Using Cisco Discovery Protocol (CDP) Importing from a file Importing from CiscoWorks

Perform these steps to discover access points. 1. Navigate to the Device > Managed Devices > Discovery Wizard page. 2. Import devices from a file (click for additional information). 3. Import devices from Cisco Works (click for additional information). 4. Import using CDP (click for additional information).

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Managing Devices
Prior to enabling radio resource management on IOS access points, the access points must be under WLSE management.
AWMS becomes the primary management/monitoring vehicle for IOS access points, but for AWMS to gather Rogue information, the WLSE must be an NMS manager to the APs.


Use these pages to make such configurations: 1. Navigate to Device > Discover > Advanced Options. 2. Select the method to bring APs into management Auto, or specify via filter (click for additional information).

Inventory Reporting
When new devices are managed, the WLSE generates an inventory report detailing the new APs. AWMS accesses the inventory report via the SOAP API to auto-discover access points. This is an optional step to enable another form of AP discovery in addition to AWMS' CDP, SNMP scanning, and HTTP scanning discovery for Cisco IOS access points. Perform these steps for inventory reporting. 1. Navigate to Devices > Inventory > Run Inventory. 2. Run Inventory executes immediately between WLSE polling cycles (click for additional information).

Defining Access
AWMS requires System Admin access to WLSE. Use these pages to make these configurations. 1. Navigate to Administration > User Admin. 2. Configure Role and User.

It is much easier to generate reports or faults if APs are grouped in WLSE. Use these pages to make such configurations. 1. Navigate to Devices > Group Management. 2. Configure Role and User.

Configuring IOS APs for WDS Participation

IOS APs (1100, 1200) can function in three roles within SWAN:

Primary WDS Backup WDS WDS Member

AMP monitors the APs WDS role and displays this information on AP Monitoring page.

APs functioning as WDS Master or Primary WDS will no longer show up as Down is the radios are enabled.

WDS Participation
Perform these steps to configure WDS participation. 1. Log in to the AP. 2. Navigate to the Wireless Services > AP page.
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3. Click Enable participation in SWAN Infrastructure. 4. Click Specified Discovery and enter the IP address of the Primary WDS device (AP or WLSM). 5. Enter the Username and Password for the WLSE server.

Primary or Secondary WDS

Perform these steps to configure primary or secondary functions for WDS. 1. Navigate to the Wireless Services > WDS > General Setup page. 2. If the AP is the Primary or Backup WDS, select Use the AP as Wireless Domain Services.

Select Priority (set 200 for Primary, 100 for Secondary). Configure the Wireless Network Manager (configure the IP address of WLSE).

3. If the AP is Member Only, leave all options unchecked. 4. Navigate to the Security > Server Manager page. 5. Enter the IP address and Shared Secret for the ACS server. 6. Click the Apply button. 7. Navigate to the Wireless Services > WDS > Server Group page. 8. Enter the WDS Group of AP. 9. Select the ACS server in the Priority 1 drop- down menu. 10. Click the Apply button.

Configuring ACS for WDS Authentication

ACS authenticates all components of the WDS and must be configured first. Perform these steps to make this configuration. 1. Login to the ACS. 2. Navigate to the System Configuration > ACS Certificate Setup page. 3. Install a New Certificate by clicking the Install New Certificate button, or skip to the next step if the certificate was previously installed. 4. Click the User Setup button in the left frame. 5. Enter the Username that will be used to authenticate into the WDS and click Add/Edit button. 6. Enter the Password that will be used to authenticate into the WDS and click the Submit button. 7. Navigate to the Network Configuration > Add AAA Client page. 8. Add AP Hostname, AP IP Address, and Community String (for the key). 9. Enter the Password that will be used to authenticate into the WDS and click the Submit button. For additional and more general information about ACS, refer to Configuring ACS Servers on page70.

Configuring Cisco WLSE Rogue Scanning

The AMP Setup > WLSE page allows AWMS to integrate with the Cisco Wireless LAN Solution Engine (WLSE). AWMS can discover APs and gather rogue scanning data from the Cisco WLSE. Figure 23 illustrates and itemizes the AWMS settings for communication that is enabled between AWMS and WLSE.

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Figure 23 AMP Setup > WLSE > Add WLSE Page Illustration

Perform the following steps for optional configuration of AWMS for support of Cisco WLSE rogue scanning. 1. To add a Cisco WLSE server to AWMS, navigate to the AMP Setup > WLSE page and click Add. Complete the fields in this page. Table 32 describes the settings and default values. Table 32 AMP Setup > WLSE Fields and Default Values Setting
Hostname/IP Address


Designates the IP address or DNS Hostname for the WLSE server, which must already be configured on the Cisco WLSE server. Specifies the protocol to be used when polling the WLSE. Defines the port AWMS uses to communicate with the WLSE server. Defines the username AWMS uses to communicate with the WLSE server. The username and password must be configured the same way on the WLSE server and on AWMS. The user needs permission to display faults to discover rogues and inventory API (XML API) to discover manageable APs. As derived from a Cisco limitation, only credentials with alphanumeric characters (that have only letters and numbers, not other symbols) allow AWMS to pull the necessary XML APIs. Defines the password AWMS uses to communicate with the WLSE server. The username and password must be configured the same way on the WLSE server and on AWMS. As derived from a Cisco limitation, only credentials with alphanumeric characters (that have only letters and numbers, not other symbols) allow AWMS to pull the necessary XML APIs. Sets the method by which AWMS uses WLSE to poll for discovery of new APs and/or new rogue devices on the network. Displays the last time AWMS was able to contact the WLSE server. Determines how frequently AWMS polls WLSE to gather rogue scanning data.

Protocol Port Username

HTTP 1741 None



Poll for AP Discovery; Poll for Rogue Discovery Last Contacted Polling Period


None 10 minutes

2. After you have completed all fields, click the Save button. AWMS is now configured to gather rogue information from WLSE rogue scans. As a result of this configuration, any rogues found by WLSE appear on the RAPIDS > Rogue page. What Next?

Navigate to additional tabs in the AMP Setup section to continue additional setup configurations.

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Complete the required configurations in this chapter prior to proceeding to ensuing chapters of this document. AirWave Support remains available to you for any phase of AWMS installation. Refer to Contacting AirWave Wireless and Aruba Networks on page14.

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Configuring ACS Servers

This is an optional configuration. The AMP Setup > ACS page allows AWMS to poll one or more Cisco ACS servers for wireless username information. When you specify an ACS server, AWMS gathers information about your networks wireless users. Refer to the Configuring TACACS+ and RADIUS Authentication on page59 section if you want to use your ACS server to manage your AWMS users. Perform these steps to configure ACS servers: 1. Navigate to the AMP Setup > ACS page. This page displays current ACS information, as illustrated in Figure 24. Figure 24 AMP Setup > ACS Page Illustration

2. Click Add to create a new ACS server, or click a pencil icon to edit an existing server. To delete an ACS server, select that server and click Delete. When clicking Add or edit, the Details page appears, as illustrated in Figure 25. Figure 25 AMP Setup > ACS > Add/Edit Details Page Illustration

3. Complete the settings on the AMP Setup > ACS > Add/Edit Details page. Table 33 describes these fields: Table 33 AMP Setup > ACS > Add/Edit Details Fields and Default Values Field
IP/Hostname Protocol


Sets the DNS name or the IP address of the ACS Server. Launches a drop-down menu specifying the protocol AWMS uses when it polls the ACS server. Sets the port through which AWMS communicates with the ACS. AWMS generally communicates via SNMP traps on port 162. Sets the Username of the account AWMS uses to poll the ACS server. Sets the password of the account AWMS uses to poll the ACS server.



Username Password

None None

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Table 33 AMP Setup > ACS > Add/Edit Details Fields and Default Values (Continued) Field
Polling Period

10 min

Launches a drop-down menu that specifies how frequently AWMS polls the ACS server for username information.

4. Click Add to finish creating the new ACS server, or click Save to finish editing an existing ACS server. 5. The ACS server must have logging enabled for passed authentications. To configure your ACS server to log the required information, you must enable the Log to CSV Passed Authentications report option, as follows:

Log in to the ACS server, select System Configuration, then in the Select frame, click the Logging link. Under Enable Logging, click the CSV Passed Authentications link. The default logging options function and support AWMS. These include the two columns AWMS requires: User-Name and CallerID.

What Next?

Navigate to additional tabs in the AMP Setup section to continue additional setup configurations. Complete the required configurations in this chapter prior to proceeding to ensuing chapters of this document. AirWave Support remains available to you for any phase of AWMS installation. Refer to Contacting AirWave Wireless and Aruba Networks on page14.

Integrating AWMS with an Existing Network Management Solution (NMS)

This is an optional configuration. The AMP Setup > NMS configuration page allows AWMS to integrate with other Network Management Solution (NMS) consoles. This configuration enables advanced and interoperable functionality as follows:

AWMS can forward WLAN-related SNMP traps to the NMS, or AWMS can send SNMPv1 or SNMPv2 traps to the NMS. AWMS can be used in conjunction with Hewlett-Packards ProCurve Manager. The necessary files for either type of NMS interoperability are downloaded from the AMP Setup > NMS page as follows. For additional information, contact AirWave Support.

Perform these steps to configure NMS support in AWMS: 1. Navigate to the AMP Setup > NMS page, illustrated in Figure 26.

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Figure 26 AMP Setup > NMS Integration Page Illustration

2. Click Add to integrate a new NMS server, or click the pencil icon to edit an existing NMS server. Provide the information described in Table 34: Figure 27 AMP Setup > NMS Integration Add/Edit Page Illustration

Table 34 AMP Setup > NMS Integration Add/Edit Fields and Default Values Setting
Hostname Port

None 162

Cites the DNS name or the IP address of the NMS. Sets the port AWMS uses to communicate with the NMS. NOTE: AWMS generally communicates via SNMP traps on port 162. Sets the community string used to communicate with the NMS. Sets the SNMP version of the traps sent to the Host. Enables or disables trap logging to the specified NMS.

Community String SNMP Version Enabled

None v2C Yes

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Table 34 AMP Setup > NMS Integration Add/Edit Fields and Default Values (Continued) Setting
Send Configuration Traps


Enables NMS servers to transmit SNMP configuration traps.

3. The AMP Setup > NMS Integration Add/Edit page features the Netcool/OMNIbus Integration link. IBM Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus is operations management software that enables automated event correlation and additional features resulting in optimized network uptime. Click this link for additional information, specifications, and brief instructions for installation with AWMS. Figure 28 illustrates this page. 4. The AMP Setup > NMS Integration Add/Edit page features the HP ProCurve Manager Integration link. Click this link for additional information, zip file download, and brief instructions for installation with AWMS. Figure 28 illustrates this page. Figure 28 Netcool/OMNIbus Integration and HP ProCurve Manager Integration Information

5. Click Add on the AMP Setup > NMS Integration Add/Edit page to finish creating the NMS server, or click Save to complete configuration of an existing NMS server. What Next?

Navigate to additional tabs in the AMP Setup section to continue additional setup configurations. Complete the required configurations in this chapter prior to proceeding to ensuing chapters of this document. AirWave Support remains available to you for any phase of AWMS installation. Refer to Contacting AirWave Wireless and Aruba Networks on page14.

Auditing PCI Compliance on the Network

This section describes PCI requirements and auditing functions in AWMS, with the following topics:

Introduction to PCI Requirements PCI Auditing in the AWMS Interface Enabling or Disabling PCI Auditing

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Introduction to PCI Requirements

AWMS supports wide security standards and functions in the wireless network. One component of network security is the optional deployment of Payment Card Industry (PCI) Auditing. The Payment Card Industry (PCI) Data Security Standard (DSS) establishes multiple levels in which payment cardholder data is protected in a wireless network. AWMS supports PCI requirements according to the standards and specifications set forth by the following authority:

Payment Card Industry (PCI) Data Security Standard (DSS)

PCI Security Standards Council Website

PCI Quick Reference Guide, Version 1.2 (October 2008)

PCI Auditing in the AWMS Interface

PCI Auditing in AWMS allows you to monitor, audit, and demonstrate PCI compliance on the network. There are five primary pages in which you establish, monitor, and access PCI auditing, as follows:

The AMP Setup > PCI Compliance page enables or disables PCI Compliance monitoring on the network, and displays the current compliance status on the network. See Enabling or Disabling PCI Auditing on page75. The Reports > Definitions page allows you to create custom-configured and custom-scheduled PCI Compliance reports. See Reports > Definitions Page Overview on page253. The Reports > Generated page lists PCI Compliance reports currently available, and allows you to generate the latest daily version of the PCI Compliance Report with a single click. Refer to Reports > Generated Page Overview on page255. The APs/Devices > PCI Compliance page enables you to analyze PCI Compliance for any specific device on the network. This page is accessible when you select a specific device from the APs/Devices > Monitor page. First, you must enable this function through AMP Setup. See Enabling or Disabling PCI Auditing on page75. The PCI Compliance Report offers additional information. Refer to Using the PCI Compliance Report on page272. This report not only contains Pass or Fail status for each PCI requirement, but cites the action required to resolve a Fail status when sufficient information is available.


When any PCI requirement is enabled on AWMS, then AWMS grades the network as pass or fail for the respective PCI requirement. Whenever a PCI requirement is not enabled in AWMS, then AWMS does not monitor the networks status in relation to that requirement, and cannot designate Pass or Fail network status.

Table 35 PCI Requirements and Support in AWMS PCI Requirement Description

1.1 Monitoring configuration standards for network firewall devices When Enabled: PCI Requirement 1.1 establishes firewall and router configuration standards. A device fails Requirement 1.1 if there are mismatches between the desired configuration and the configuration on the device. When Disabled: When this PCI requirement is disabled in AWMS, firewall router and device configurations are not checked for PCI compliance in firewall configuration, and Pass or Fail status is not reported nor monitored.

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Table 35 PCI Requirements and Support in AWMS PCI Requirement Description

1.2.3 Monitoring firewall installation between any wireless networks and the cardholder data environment When Enabled: A device passes requirement 1.2.3 if it can function as a stateful firewall. When Disabled: When this PCI requirement is disabled in AWMS, firewall router and device installation are not checked for PCI compliance. Monitoring the presence of vendor-supplied default security settings When Enabled: PCI Requirement 2 establishes the standard in which all vendor-supplied default passwords are changed prior to a devices presence and operation in the network. A device fails requirement 2.1 if the username, passwords or SNMP credentials being used by AWMS to communicate with the device are on a list of forbidden default credentials. The list includes common manufacturer default passwords, for example. When Disabled: When this PCI requirement is disabled in AWMS, device passwords and other manufacturer default settings are not checked for PCI compliance. Changing vendor-supplied defaults for wireless environments When Enabled: A device fails requirement 2.1.1 if the passphrases, SSIDs, or other securityrelated settings are on a list of forbidden values that AWMS establishes and tracks. The list includes common manufacturer default passwords. The user can input new values to achieve compliance. When Disabled: When this PCI requirement is disabled in AWMS, then network devices are not checked for forbidden information and PCI Compliance is not established. Using strong encryption in wireless networks When Enabled: PCI Requirement 4 establishes the standard by which payment cardholder data is encrypted prior to transmission across open public networks. PCI disallows WEP encryption as an approved encryption method after June 20, 2010. A device fails requirement 4.1.1 if the desired or actual configuration reflect that WEP is enabled on the network, or if associated users can connect with WEP. When Disabled: When this PCI monitoring function is disabled in AWMS, then AWMS cannot establish a pass or fail status with regard to PCI encryption requirements on the network. Using intrusion-detection or intrusion-prevention systems to monitor all traffic When Enabled: AWMS reports pass or fail status when monitoring devices capable of reporting IDS events. Recent IDS events are summarized in the PCI Compliance report or the IDS Report. When Disabled: When this function is disabled, then AWMS does not monitor the presence of PCI-compliant intrusion detection or prevention systems, nor can it report Pass or Fail status with regard to IDS events.





Enabling or Disabling PCI Auditing

Perform these steps to verify status and to enable or disable AWMS support for PCI 1.2 requirements. enabling one or all PCI standards on AWMS enables real-time information and generated reports that advise on Pass or Fail status. The PCI auditing supported in AWMS is reported in Table 35. 1. To determine what PCI Compliance standards are enabled or disabled on AWMS, navigate to the AMP Setup > PCI Compliance page, illustrated in Figure 29.

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Figure 29 AMP Setup > PCI Compliance Page Illustration

2. To enable, disable, or edit any category of PCI Compliance monitoring in AWMS, click the pencil icon next to the compliance category you wish to change. The Default Credential Compliance page displays for the respective PCI standard. 3. Create changes as required. Specific credentials can be cited in the Forbidden Credentials section of any Edit page to enforce PCI requirements in AWMS. Figure 30 illustrates one example. Figure 30 Default Credential Compliance for PCI Requirements

4. Click Save to retain the settings. The PCI Compliance page should reflect changes on the next viewing. 5. To view and monitor PCI auditing on the network, use generated or daily reports. See Chapter 9, Creating, Running, and Emailing Reports . In addition, you can view the real-time PCI auditing of any given device online. Perform these steps: a. Navigate to the APs/Devices > List page, click a specific device, and the Monitor page for that device displays. The Monitor page displays a Compliance page in the menu bar. b. Click the Compliance page to view complete PCI compliance auditing for that specific device. What Next?

For additional information about configuring WLAN Gateways or WLAN Controllers such as BlueSocket, ReefEdge, or ProCurve wireless gateways, refer to Third-Party Security Integration for AWMS on page293. Navigate to additional tabs in the AMP Setup section to continue additional setup configurations. Complete the required configurations in this chapter prior to proceeding to ensuing chapters of this document. AirWave Support remains available to you for any phase of AWMS installation. Refer to Contacting AirWave Wireless and Aruba Networks on page14.

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Deploying WMS Offload

Overview of WMS Offload in AWMS
This section describes the Aruba Networks Wireless LAN Management Server (WMS) offload infrastructure. WMS Offload is supported with the following two requirements:

Aruba OS Version 2.5.4 or later AWMS Version 6.0 or later

The Aruba Networks WMS feature is an enterprise-level hardware device and server architecture with managing software for security and network policy. There are three primary components of the WMS deployment:

Air Monitor AP devices establish and monitor RF activity on the network. The WMS server manages devices and network activity, to include rogue AP detection and enforcement of network policy. The AWMS graphical user interface (GUI) allows users to access and use the Aruba WMS functionality.

In AWMS Version 6.1 and Version 6.2, WMS Offload is the ability to offload the WMS server data and GUI functions into AWMS. WMS master controllers provide this data so that AWMS can support rigorous network monitoring capabilities. Additional support for WMS Offload continues with newer versions of AWMS.

General Configuration Tasks Supporting WMS Offload in AWMS

WMS Offload must be enabled with a six-fold process and related configuration tasks, as follows: 1. Configure Aruba Controllers for optimal AWMS monitoring.

Disable debugging. Ensure AWMS server is a trap receiver host. Ensure proper traps are enabled.

2. Configure AWMS to optimally monitor the Aruba infrastructure.

Enable WMS offload. Configure SNMP communication. Create a proper policy for monitoring Aruba infrastructure. Discover the infrastructure.

3. Configure device classification.

Set up rogue classification. Set up rogue classification override. Establish user classification override devices.

4. Deploy Aruba-specific monitoring features.

Enable remote AP and wired network monitoring. View controller license information.

5. Convert existing floor plans to VisualRF, to include the following elements:


6. Use RTLS for increasing location accuracy (optional).

Enable RTLS service on the AWMS server.

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Enable RTLS on Aruba Infrastructure.

Additional Information Supporting WMS Offload

For additional information, to include detailed concepts, configuration procedures, restrictions, Aruba infrastructure, and AWMS version differences in support of WMS Offload, refer to the following resources:

AirWave and Aruba Best Practices Guideprimary WMS Offload support information

Aruba Networks Support Centeradditional WMS Offload support and Aruba-specific information

AirWave Knowledge Basesecondary WMS Offload support information


Registration with Aruba Networks Support and AirWave Wireless Support, with ensuing login, are required for access to these and additional resources.

Chapter 3

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Chapter 4
Configuring and Using Device Groups in AWMS

This chapter describes the deployment of device groups within the AirWave Wireless Management System (AWMS) and AirWave Management Platform (AMP). This chapter describes the Groups > List page and all additional Groups sub-menus and pages. Focused sub-menus can vary significantly from one device group to anotherone or more sub-menus may not appear, depending on the Default Group display option selected on the AMP Setup > General page and the types of devices you add to your AMP. The Groups tab can have the following pages or focused sub-menus:

ListThis page is the default page in the Groups section of AWMS. This page lists all groups currently

configured in AWMS and provides the foundation for all group-level configurations. Refer to Viewing All Defined Device Groups on page81. In the case of Aruba controllers and configuration, refer also to the Aruba Configuration Guide.

MonitorThis page displays user and bandwidth information, lists devices in a given group, provides an Alert Summary table for monitoring alerts for the group, and provides a detailed Audit Log for devicelevel activity in a given group. Several procedures in this chapter cite the Groups > Monitor page.

The Incidents portion of the Alert Summary table only increments the counter for incidents that are open and associated to an AP. The incidents are based on the Top folder on the Groups > Monitor page and on the Home > Overview page. Incidents that are not related to devices in that folder are not counted in this Alert Summary.

To view all incidents, including those not associated to an AP, navigate to the Helpdesk > Incidents page. BasicThis sub-menu page appears when you create a new group with the Add button on the Groups > List page. Once you define a group name, AWMS displays the Basic page from which you configure many

group-level settings. This page always remains available for any device group configured in AWMS. Refer to Configuring Basic Group Settings on page83.

TemplatesThis page manages templates for any device group. Templates allow you to manage the

configuration of 3Com, Alcatel-Lucent, Aruba, Cisco Aironet IOS, Enterasys, HP, Hirschmann, LANCOM, Nomadix, Nortel, Symbol and Trapeze devices in a given group using a configuration file. Variables in such templates configure device-specific properties, such as name, IP address and channel. Variables also define group-level properties. For additional information about using the Templates page, refer to Chapter 6, Creating and Using Templates on page165.

SecurityThis page defines general security settings for device groups, to include TACACS+, RADIUS,

encryption, and additional security settings on devices. Refer to Configuring Group Security Settings on page91.

SSIDsThis page sets SSIDs, VLANs, and related parameters in device groups. Refer to Configuring Group SSIDs and VLANs on page93. AAA ServersThis page configures authentication, authorization, and accounting settings in support of

TACACS+ and RADIUS servers for device groups. Refer to Adding and Configuring Group AAA Servers on page98.

RadioThis page defines general 802.11 radio settings for device groups. Refer to Configuring Radio

Settings for Device Groups on page99.

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Aruba ConfigThis page manages Aruba AP Groups, AP Overrides, and other profiles specific to Aruba devices on the network. Use this page in combination with the Device Setup > Aruba Configuration page. For additional information, refer to the Aruba Configuration Guide. Cisco WLC ConfigThis page consolidates controller-level settings from the Group Radio, Security, SSIDs, Cisco WLC Radio and AAA Server pages into one navigation tree that is easier to navigate, and has familiar layout and terminology. Bulk configuration for per-thin AP settings, previously configured on the Group LWAPP APs tab, can now be performed from Modify Devices on the APs/Devices List page. Refer to Configuring Cisco Controller Settings on page110. PTMP/WiMAXThis page defines settings specific to Proxim MP devices when present. Refer to

Configuring Group PTMP/WiMAX Settings on page111.

Proxim MeshThis page defines mesh AP settings specific to Proxim devices when present. Refer to

Configuring Proxim Mesh Radio Settings on page115.

MAC ACLThis page defines MAC-specific settings that apply to Proxim, Cisco Vxworks, Symbol, Intel

and Procurve520 devices when present. Refer to Configuring Group MAC Access Control Lists on page117.

FirmwareThis page manages firmware files for many devices. Specifying Minimum Firmware

Versions for APs in a Group on page118.

CompareThis page allows you to compare line item-settings between two device groups. On the Groups > List page, click Compare Two Groups, select the two groups from the drop-down menus, then click Compare. The Compare page allows you to edit any line-item configuration for either of the two

groups you compare. Comparing Device Groups on page119. This chapter concludes by providing the following additional procedures for group-level configurations:

Deleting a Group on page120 Changing Multiple Group Configurations on page120 Modifying Multiple Devices on page121 Using Global Groups for Group Configuration on page123

AWMS Group Overview

Important Group Concepts
Enterprise-class APs and controllers are complex devices with hundreds of variable settings that must be configured precisely to achieve optimal performance and network security. Configuring all settings on each device individually is time-consuming and prone to human error. AWMS addresses this challenge by automating the processes of device configuration and compliance auditing. At the core of this approach is the concept of groups, with the following functions and benefits:

AWMS allows certain settings to be managed efficiently at a "Group level" while others are managed at an "individual device level." AWMS defines a group as a subset of the devices on the wireless LAN, ranging in size from one device to hundreds of devices that share certain common configuration settings. Groups may be defined based on geography (such as 5th Floor APs"), usage or security policies (such as "Guest Access APs"), function (such as "Manufacturing APs"), or any other variable appropriate for your business needs. Devices within a group may be from different manufacturers or hardware modelsthe core requirement and benefit of this approach is that all devices within a group share certain basic configuration settings.

Typical group configuration variables include basic settings (SSID, SNMP polling interval, and so forth), security settings (VLANs, WEP, 802.1x, ACLs, and so forth), and some radio settings (data rates, fragmentation threshold, RTS threshold, DTIM, preamble, and so forth). When configuration changes are applied at a group level, they are assigned automatically to every device within that group. Such changes must be applied with every device in Managed mode. Monitor mode is the more common mode.

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Individual device settingssuch as device name, RF channel selection, RF transmission power, antenna settings, and so forthtypically cannot and should not be managed at a group level and must be configured individually to achieve optimal performance. Individual AP settings are configured on the APs/Devices > Manage page. With AWMS, you can create as many different groups as required. AWMS users usually establish groups that range in size from five to 100 wireless devices. Group configuration can be enhanced with the AWMS Global Groups feature; this feature allows you to create global groups with master configurations that are pushed to individual subscriber groups. More information is available in Using Global Groups for Group Configuration on page123 as well as the section on the Supporting AWMS Stations with the Master Console on page230.

Viewing All Defined Device Groups

To display a list of all groups that have been defined in AWMS, browse to the Groups > List page, illustrated in Figure 31. Table 36 describes the contents and functions of this page. Figure 31 Groups > List Page Illustration (Partial View)

Table 36 Groups > List Page Fields and Default Values Column
Add New Group

Launches a page that enables you to add a new group by name and to define group parameters for devices in that group. For additional information, refer to Configuring Basic Group Settings on page83. The wrench icon for any existing group provides a hyperlink to the Groups > Basic configuration page to begin editing Group configuration settings for that group. Displays a user-defined name that uniquely identifies the group by location, manufacturer, department or any other identifier (such as "Accounting APs," "Floor 1 APs," "Cisco APs," "802.1x APs," and so forth). Identifies whether or not the group has been identified as a global group that can be used to configure subscriber groups. Global groups cannot contain APs and are visible by users of any role. Displays the global group to which the group is subscribed, if any. Column represents the Service Set Identifier (SSID) assigned to all devices within the group. Column represents the total number of devices contained in the group, including APs, wireless controllers and routers or switches.

Manage (wrench icon) Name

Is Global Group

Global Group SSID Total Devices

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Table 36 Groups > List Page Fields and Default Values (Continued) Column

Column represents the number of access points within the group that are not reachable via SNMP or are no longer associated to a controller. Note that thin APs are not directly polled with SNMP, but are polled through the controller. That controller may report that the thin AP is down or is no longer on the controller. At this point, AWMS classifies the device as down. Column represents the number of access points or wireless controllers within the group that are in a mismatched state. Column displays the number of ignored devices in that group. Column represents the number of mobile users associated with all access points within the group. To avoid double counting of users, users are only listed in the group of the AP with which they are associated. Note that device groups with only controllers in them report no users. Column represents a running average of the sum of bytes in and bytes out for the managed radio page. Column represents the time between Up/Down SNMP polling periods for each device in the group. Detailed SNMP polling period information is available on the Groups > Basic configuration page. Note that by default, most polling intervals do not match the up/down period. Column represents a hyperlink, and the link creates a new group with the name Copy of <Group Name> with the same group configuration.


Ignored Users

BW (kbps)

Up/Down Status Polling Period



When you first configure AWMS, there is only one default group labeled Access Points. If you have no other groups configured, refer to Configuring Basic Group Settings on page83.

Editing Columns on the Groups > List Page and Additional Pages
Perform the following steps to edit the columns that appear on the Groups > List page. All additional list and reports pages in AWMS Version 6.4 and later allow you to edit the presence and sequence of columns in this manner: 1. Above the list or report, click Edit Columns. The supported columns appear in a popup window, as illustrated in Figure 32: Figure 32 Edit Columns Illustration for the Groups > List Page

2. To remove one or more columns from the Groups > List page, click to remove the check mark from the associated checkbox. 3. To change the sequence in which columns appear on the Groups > List page, place your cursor over the drag-and-drop icon, left click, move the column to the new position, and release.

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4. Click Save to retain your settings. The Groups > List page displays your changes. The following pages support editable columns for data display:

Home > Search (results) Helpdesk > Incidents Groups > List Groups > Monitor Groups > Cisco WLC Config APs/Devices > List APs/Devices > New APs/Devices > Up APs/Devices > Down APs/Devices > Mismatched APs/Devices > Ignored Users > Connected Users > All Users > Guest Users Users > Tags Reports > Generated Reports > Definitions (defining report setup) Device Setup > Discover Device Setup > Aruba Configuration (and several additional pages in this section) AMP Setup > NMS AMP Setup > RADIUS Accounting RAPIDS > Rogue APs RAPIDS > Score Override

Configuring Basic Group Settings

The first default device group that AWMS sets up is the Access Points group, but you can use this procedure to add and configure any device group. Perform these steps to configure basic group settings, then continue to additional procedures to define additional settings as required. 1. Navigate to the Groups > List page. Existing device groups appear on this page. 2. To create a new group, click Add. Enter a group name and click Add. The Group > Basic page appears. To edit an existing device group, click the manage (wrench) icon next to the group. The Group > Basic page appears. If you hover your cursor over an existing groups manage (wrench) icon, a popup menu appears after a moment, and allows you to click Basic, Templates, Security, SSIDs, AAA Servers, or Radio to edit those pages as desired. Figure 33 illustrates the Groups > Basic page. Page content differs according to the devices that a group contains. This page may change over time as you add or remove devices from the group.

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Figure 33 Groups > Basic Page Illustration

3. Define the settings in the Basic and Global Group sections. Table 37 describes several typical settings and default values of this Basic section. Table 37 Groups > Basic Page > Basic and Global Group Fields and Default Values Setting

Defined when first adding the group 1

Displays or changes the group name. As desired, use this field to set the userdefinable name to uniquely identify the group by location, manufacturer, department, or any other identifier (such as Accounting APs, Floor 1 APs, Cisco APs, 802.1x APs, and so forth). Sets the number of Up/Down SNMP polls that must be missed before AWMS considers an AP to be down. The number of SNMP retries and the SNMP timeout of a poll can be set on the Device Setup > Communication page.

Missed SNMP Poll Threshold

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Table 37 Groups > Basic Page > Basic and Global Group Fields and Default Values (Continued) Setting
Regulatory Domain Timezone

United States AMP System Time No

Sets the regulatory domain in AWMS, limiting the selectable channels for APs in the group. Allows group configuration changes to be scheduled relative to the time zone in which the access points are located. This setting is used for scheduling group-level configuration changes. Allows AWMS to talk to the devices on a different IP address than the one configured on the device. NOTE: If enabled, the LAN IP Address listed on the AP/Devices > Manage configuration page under the Settings area is different than the IP Address under the Device Communication area. Auditing and pushing of configuration to devices can be disabled on all the devices in the group. Once disabled, all the devices in the groups will not be counted towards mismatched devices. When enabled, this field allows you to define the device group to be a global group. Refer also to Using Global Groups for Group Configuration on page123.

Allow One-toOne NAT for Groups

Audit Configuration on Devices Global Groups



4. Complete the SNMP Polling Periods section. The information in this section overrides default settings. Table 38 describes the SNMP polling settings. Table 38 Groups > Basic Page > SNMP Polling Period Fields and Default Values Setting
Up/Down Status Polling Period

5 minutes

Sets time between Up/Down SNMP polling for each device in the group. The Group SNMP Polling Interval overrides the global parameter configured on the Device Setup > Communication configuration page. AirWave recommends an initial polling interval of 5 minutes for most networks. Radio button enables or disables overriding the base SNMP Polling Period. If you select Yes for this field, then the other settings in the SNMP Polling Periods section are activated, and you can override default values. Sets time between SNMP polls for User Data for devices in the group. Sets time between SNMP polls for Thin AP Device Discovery. Controllers are the only devices affected by this polling interval. Sets time between SNMP polls for Device-to-Device link polling. Mesh APs are the only devices affected by this polling interval. Sets the interval at which AWMS polls for the bandwidth being used by a device. Sets time between SNMP polls for 802.11 Counter information. Sets time between SNMP polls for Rogue AP and Device Location Data polling. Sets the frequency in which this group polls the network for Cisco Discovery Protocol (CDP) neighbors.

Override Polling Period for Other Services


User Data Polling Period Thin AP Discovery Polling Period Device-to-Device link Polling Period Device Bandwidth Polling Period 802.11 Counters Polling Period Rogue AP and Device Location Data Polling Period CDP Neighbor Data Polling Period

5 minutes 5 minutes 5 minutes 5 minutes 5 minutes 5 minutes

30 minutes

5. Record additional information and comments about the group in the Notes section.

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6. To configure which options and tabs are visible for the group, complete the settings in the Group Display Options section. Table 39 describes the settings and default values. Table 39 Groups > Basic Page > Group Display Options Fields and Default Values Setting
Show device settings for:

Only Devices on this AMP

Drop-down menu determines which Group tabs and options are to be viewable by default in new groups. Settings include the following: All DevicesAWMS displays all Group tabs and setting options. Only Devices in this groupAWMS hides all options and tabs that do not apply to the APs and devices in the group. If you use this setting, then to get the group list to display the correct SSIDs for the group, you must perform a Save and Apply action on the group. Only Devices on this AMPAWMS hides all options and tabs that do not apply to the APs and devices currently on AWMS. Use system defaultsUse the default settings defined on the AWMS configuration page Selected device typesAllows the user to specify the device types for which AWMS displays Group settings. If you chose to display selected device types, then this option appears, allowing you to select the device types for which AWMS displays group settings. Click Select devices in this group for a quick way to display only devices in the current group being configured.

Selected Device Types


7. To assign dynamically a range of static IP addresses to new devices as they are added into the group, locate the Automatic Static IP Assignment section on the Groups > Basic configuration page. If you select Yes in this section, additional fields appear. Complete these fields as required. Table 40 describes the settings and default values. Table 40 Groups > Basic Page > Automatic Static IP Assignment Fields and Default Values Setting
Assign Static IP Addresses to Devices Start IP Address Number of Addresses Subnet Mask Subnet Gateway Next IP Address


Enables AWMS to statically assign IP addresses from a specified range to all devices in the Group.


Sets the first address AWMS assigns to the devices in the Group.


Sets the number of addresses in the pool from which AWMS can assign IP addresses. Sets the subnet mask to be assigned to the devices in the Group. Sets the gateway to be assigned to the devices in the Group.

Blank Blank


Defines the next IP address queued for assignment. This field is disabled for the initial Access Points group.

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8. To configure Spanning Tree Protocol on WLSE devices and Proxim APs, locate the Spanning Tree Protocol section on the Groups > Basic configuration page. Adjust these settings as required. Table 41 describes the settings and default values. Table 41 Groups > Basic Page, Spanning Tree Protocol Fields and Default Values Setting
Spanning Tree Protocol Bridge Priority


Enables or disables Spanning Tree Protocol on WLSE devices and Proxim APs.


Sets the priority for the AP. Values range from 0 to 65535. Lower values have higher priority. The lowest value is the root of the spanning tree. If all devices are at default the device with the lowest MAC address will become the root. Sets the maximum time, in seconds, that the device stores protocol information. The supported range is from 6 to 40. Sets the time, in seconds, between Hello message broadcasts.

Bridge Maximum Age Bridge Hello Time Bridge Forward Delay



Sets the time, in seconds, that the port spends in listening and learning mode if the spanning tree has changed.

9. To configure NTP settings locate the NTP section and adjust these settings as required. Table 42 describes the settings and default values. Table 42 Groups > Basic Page, NTP Fields and Default Values Setting
NTP Server #1,2,3 UTC Time Zone Daylight Saving Time


Sets the IP address of the NTP server that is to be configured on the AP.

Sets the hour offset from UTC time to local time for the AP. Times displayed in AWMS graphs and logs use the time set on the AWMS server. Enables or disables the advanced daylight saving time settings in the Proxim and HP ProCurve 420 sections of the Groups > Basic configuration page.


10. To configure settings specific to Cisco IOS/VxWorks, locate the Cisco IOS/VxWorks section and adjust these settings as required. Table 43 describes the settings and default values. Table 43 Groups > Basic Page, Cisco IOS/VxWorks Fields and Default Values Setting
Cisco IOS SNMP Version Cisco IOS CLI Communication


Drop-down menu specifies the version of SNMP used by AWMS to communicate to the AP. Sets the protocol AWMS uses to communicate with Cisco IOS devices. Selecting SSH uses the secure shell for command line page (CLI) communication. Selecting Telnet sends the data in clear text via Telnet. Sets the protocol AWMS uses to communicate with Cisco IOS devices. Selecting SCP uses the secure copy protocol for file transfers. Selecting TFTP will use the insecure trivial file transfer protocol. The SCP login and password should be entered in the Telnet username and password fields.


Cisco IOS Config File Communication


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Table 43 Groups > Basic Page, Cisco IOS/VxWorks Fields and Default Values (Continued) Setting
Track Usernames on Cisco Aironet VxWorks APs


Configures VxWorks APs to send SNMP packets to AWMS.

11. To configure settings specific to Cisco WLC, locate the Cisco WLC section and adjust these settings as required. Table 44 describes the settings and default values. Table 44 Group > Basic Page, Cisco WLC Fields and Default Values Setting
SNMP Version CLI Communication

2c Telnet

Drop-down menu specifies the version of SNMP used by AWMS to communicate to WLC controllers. Sets the protocol AWMS uses to communicate with Cisco IOS devices. Selecting SSH uses the secure shell for command line page (CLI) communication. Selecting Telnet sends the data in clear text via Telnet.


When configuring Cisco WLC controllers, refer also to Configuring Wireless Parameters for Cisco Controllers on page110.

12. To configure Proxim/Avaya specific settings locate the Proxim/Avaya section and adjust these settings as required. Table 45 describes the settings and default values. Table 45 Groups > Basic Page, Proxim/Avaya Fields and Default Values Setting
SNMP Version Enable DNS Client Primary DNS server Secondary DNS server Default DNS domains HTTP Server Port Country Code


Drop-down menu specifies the version of SNMP used by AWMS to communicate to the AP. Enables the DNS client on the AP. Enabling the DNS client allows you to set some values on the AP by hostname instead of IP address. If you select Yes for this setting, additional DNS fields display. Sets the IP address of the Primary DNS server.




Sets the IP address of the Secondary DNS server.


Sets the default DNS domain used by the AP.


AWMS sets this port as the HTTP server port on all Proxim APs in the group.

United States

Configures AWMS to derive its time settings based on the country of location, as specified in this field.

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13. To configure HP ProCurve 420 specific settings, locate the HP ProCurve 420 section and adjust these settings as required. Table 46 describes the settings and default values. Table 46 Groups > Basic Page, HP ProCurve 420 Fields and Default Values Setting
SNMP Version ProCurve XL/ZWeSM CLI Communication SNMP Version

2c Telnet

Drop-down menu specifies the version of SNMP used by AWMS to communicate to the AP. Sets the protocol AWMS uses to communicate with ProCurve XLWeSM devices. Selecting SSH will use the secure shell for command line page (CLI) communication. Selecting telnet will send the data in clear text via telnet. Drop-down menu specifies the version of SNMP used by AWMS to communicate to the AP.



DST Start Month, Start Day, End Month and End Day are only visible if Daylight Saving Time is enabled in the NTP section of the Groups > Basic configuration page.

14. To configure Symbol or Intel-specific settings, locate the Symbol/Intel section and adjust these settings as required. Table 47 describes the settings and default values of this section. Table 47 Groups > Basic Page, Symbol/Intel Fields and Default Values Setting
SNMP Version Symbol/Intel Client Inactivity Timeout (3-600 min) Symbol Controller CLI Communication Web Config Interface

2c 3

Drop-down menu specifies the version of SNMP used by AWMS to communicate to the device. Sets the minutes of inactivity after which a client associated to an Intel or Symbol AP will be considered "inactive." A lower value typically provides a more accurate representation of current WLAN usage. NOTE: For other APs, AWMS has more precise methods to determine when inactive clients are no longer associated to an AP. Select which connection type is to support the command-line interface (CLI) connection. The options are Telnet and secure shell (SSH). This is supported for WS5100 and RFS7000 devices only. Enables or disables the http/https configuration page for the Symbol 4131 and Intel 2011 devices.



15. To configure Aruba/Alcatel Lucent-specific settings, locate the Aruba/Alcatel Lucent section and adjust these settings as required. Table 48 describes the settings and default values of this section. Table 48 Groups > Basic Page, Aruba/Alcatel Lucent Fields and Default Values Setting
SNMP Version Offload Aruba/ Alcatel Lucent WMS database

2c No

Drop-down menu specifies the version of SNMP used by AWMS to communicate to the AP. Configures commands previously documented in the Aruba and AirWave Best Practices Guide. See the current Best Practices guide for more information about this feature. When enabled, this feature allows AWMS to display historical information for Aruba controllers. Changing the setting to Yes pushes commands via SSH to all Aruba controllers in Monitor Only mode without rebooting the controller. The command can be pushed to controllers in manage mode (also without rebooting the controller) if the Allow WMS Offload setting on the AWMS configuration page is changed to Yes.

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Table 48 Groups > Basic Page, Aruba/Alcatel Lucent Fields and Default Values (Continued) Setting
Aruba GUI Config


Enables or disables AWMS support for the ArubaOS GUI configuration interface. This setting relates to the Device Setup > Aruba Configuration page and all related operations. For additional information, refer to the Aruba Configuration Guide.

16. To configure settings for 3Com, Enterasys, Nortel, or Trapeze devices, locate the 3Com/Enterasys/Nortel/ Trapeze section and adjust these settings as required. Table 48 describes the settings and default values of this section. Table 49 Groups > Basic Page, 3Com/Enterasys/Nortel/Trapeze Fields and Default Values Setting
SNMP Version


Drop-down menu specifies the version of SNMP used by AWMS to communicate to the AP.

17. To configure support for routers and switches in the Access Points group, locate the Routers and Switches section and adjust these settings as required. This section defines the frequency in which all devices in the Access Points group poll for IP routing information. This can be disabled entirely as desired. Table 48 describes the settings and default values of this section. Table 50 Groups > Basic Page, Routers and Switches Fields and Default Values Setting
Read ARP Table

4 hours

Sets the frequency in which devices poll routers and switches for Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) table information. This setting can be disabled, or set to poll for ARP information in a range from every 15 seconds to 12 hours. Sets the frequency in which devices poll routers and switches for Cisco Discovery Protocol (CDP) information. This setting can be disabled, or set to poll for CDP neighbor information in a range from every 15 seconds to 12 hours. Sets the frequency in which devices poll the network for bridge forwarding information. This setting can be disabled, or set to poll bridge forwarding tables from switches in a range from every 15 seconds to 12 hours. Sets the frequency in which network interfaces are polled. This setting can be disabled, or set to poll bridge forwarding tables from switches in a range from every 15 seconds to 12 hours.

Read CDP Table for Device Discovery Read Bridge Forwarding Table Interface Polling Period

4 hours

4 hours

5 minutes

18. To configure settings for universal devices on the network, including routers and switches that support both wired and wireless networks, locate the Universal Devices, Routers and Switches section of the Groups > Basic page and define the version of SNMP to be supported. Table 51 Groups > Basic Page, Universal Devices, Routers and Switches Fields and Default Values Setting
SNMP Version


Drop-down menu specifies the version of SNMP used by AWMS to communicate with universal devices on the network.

19. Click Save when the configurations of the Groups > Basic configuration page are complete to retain these settings, but without pushing these settings to all devices in the Access Points group. Save is a good option if you intend to make additional device changes in the Access Points group, and wish to wait until all configurations are complete before you push all configurations at one time.
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Click Save and Apply to save and push these configurations to devices immediately in the Access Points group, or click Revert to return to the most recently saved settings.

What Next?
Continue to additional sections in this chapter to create new groups or to edit existing groups. Once general group-level configurations are complete, continue to later chapters in this document to add or edit additional device-level configurations and to use several additional AWMS functions.

Configuring Group Security Settings

The Groups > Security page allows you to set security policies for APs in a device group. Perform these steps. 1. Select the device group for which to define security settings from the Groups > List page. 2. Select the Groups > Security page. Some controls on this page interact with additional AWMS pages. Figure 34 illustrates this page and Table 52 explains the fields and default values. Figure 34 Groups > Security Page Illustration

Table 52 Groups > Security Page Fields and Default Values Setting
VLANs Section



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Table 52 Groups > Security Page Fields and Default Values (Continued) Setting
VLAN Tagging and Multiple SSIDs


This field enables support for VLANs and multiple SSIDs on the wireless network. If this setting is enabled, define additional VLANs and SSIDs on the Groups > SSIDs page. Refer to Configuring Group SSIDs and VLANs on page93. This setting sets the ID for the management VLAN when VLANs are enabled in AWMS. This setting is supported only for the following devices: Proxim AP-600, AP-700, AP-2000, AP-4000 Avaya AP-3, Avaya AP-7, AP-4/5/6, AP-8 ProCurve520WL; ProCurve420 Enterasys AP3000 This setting enables dynamic VLANs to be assigned by the RADIUS server. This setting is supported only for HP ProCurve 420. This setting defines the naming convention for VLANs to be supported in AWMS. The supported naming formats are ASCII and Hexadecimal. This field defines the VLAN that will use untagged Ethernet. The VLAN must be a number between 1 and 4094, and defines the untagged VLAN ID for the RoamAbout AP3000.

Management VLAN ID


Permit RADIUSAssigned Dynamic VLANs VLAN ID Format Ethernet Untagged VLAN ID (1-4094) General Section Create Closed Network


Hex 1


If enabled, the APs in the Group do not broadcast their SSIDs. NOTE: AirWave recommends creating a closed network to make it more difficult for intruders to detect your wireless network. If enabled, this setting blocks client devices associated with an AP from communicating with other client devices on the wireless network. NOTE: This option may also be identified as PSPF (Publicly Secure Packet Forwarding), which can be useful for enhanced security on public wireless networks.

Block All Inter-client Communication


EAP Options Section WEP Key Rotation Interval Session Key Refresh Rate Session Timeout 300 Sets the frequency at which the Wired Equivalent Privacy (WEP) keys are rotated in the device group being configured. The supported range is from 0 to 10,000,000 seconds. Sets the frequency at which the general session key is refreshed in the device group being configured. The supported range is from 1 to 40 minutes. This setting is supported only for HP ProCurve 420. Sets the time at which the session times out for the device group being configured. The supported range is from 0 to 65,535 seconds. This setting is supported only for HP ProCurve 420. Sets the device group to use the Cisco Temporal Key Integrity Protocol (TKIP). If enabled, TKIP provides per-packet key mixing, a message integrity check and a re-keying mechanism, thus fixing the flaws of WEP. NOTE: TKIP can only be enabled when EAP-based security is used. Sets the device group to use the Cisco Message Integrity Check (MIC). Selecting MMH encryption enables this function. If enabled, Message Integrity Check (MIC) adds several bytes per packet to make it more difficult to tamper with the packets.

Cisco TKIP


Cisco MIC


RADIUS Authentication Servers Section

92 | Configuring and Using Device Groups in AWMS

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Table 52 Groups > Security Page Fields and Default Values (Continued) Setting
RADIUS Authentication Server #1 - #4 Authentication Profile Name Authentication Profile Index

Not selected AMPDefined Server #1 1

Defines one or more RADIUS Authentication servers to be supported in this device group. Select up to four RADIUS authentication servers from the four drop-down menus. For Proxim devices only, this field sets the name of the authentication profile to be supported in this device group. For Proxim devices only, this field sets the name of the authentication profile index to be supported in this device group.

RADIUS Accounting Servers Section RADIUS Accounting Server #1 - #4 Authentication Profile Name Authentication Profile Index Not selected Defines one or more RADIUS Accounting servers to be supported in this device group. Select up to four RADIUS accounting servers from the four drop-down menus.

Accounting For Proxim devices only, this field sets the name of the accounting profile to be supported in this device group. 3 For Proxim devices only, this field sets the name of the accounting profile index to be supported in this device group.

MAC Address Authentication Section MAC Address Authentication MAC Address Format No Single Dash If enabled, only MAC addresses known to the RADIUS server are permitted to associate to APs in the Group. Allows selection of the format for MAC addresses used in RADIUS authentication and accounting requests: Dash Delimited: xx-xx-xx-xx-xx-xx (default) Colon Delimited: xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx Single-Dash: xxxxxx-xxxxxx No Delimiter: xxxxxxxxxxxx This option is supported only for Proxim AP-600, AP-700, AP-2000, AP4000, Avaya AP3/4/5/6/7/8, HP ProCurve 520WL, ProCurve 420 v2.1.0 and higher. Sets the amount of time a user can be connected before reauthorization is required. The supported range is from 900 to 43,200 seconds. Specifies the time (in minutes) that the AP awaits responses from the primary RADIUS server before communicating with the secondary RADIUS server, and so forth

Authorization Lifetime Primary RADIUS Server Reattempt Period

1800 0

3. Click Save to retain these Security configurations for the group, click Save and Apply to retain and push these configurations, or click Revert to return to the last saved security settings for this group. 4. Continue with additional security-related procedures in this document for additional TACACS+, RADIUS, and SSID settings for device groups, as required.

Configuring Group SSIDs and VLANs

The Groups > SSIDs configuration page allows you to create and edit SSIDs and VLANs that apply to a device group. Perform these steps to create or edit VLANs and to set SSIDs.


WLANs that are supported from one or more Cisco WLC controllers can be configured on the Groups > Cisco WLC Config page.

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Figure 35 illustrates an example of the Groups > SSIDs page. Figure 35 Groups > SSIDs Page Illustration


AWMS reports users by radio and by SSID. Graphs on the AP and controller monitoring pages have check boxes that display bandwidth in and out based on SSID. Furthermore, AWMS reports can also be run and filtered by SSID. There is an option on the AMP Setup > General page to age out SSIDs and their associated graphical data; by default, this is set to 365 days.

Multiple VLANs and SSIDs are supported only on Cisco access points.

1. Navigate to the Groups > List page and select the group for which to define SSIDs/VLANs by clicking the group name. Alternatively, click Add to create a new group, define a group name. In either case, the Groups > Monitor page appears. 2. Select the Groups > SSIDs configuration page. Table 53 describes the information that appears for SSIDs and VLANs that are currently configured for the device group. Table 53 Groups > SSIDs Fields and Descriptions Setting
SSID VLAN ID Name Encryption Mode First or Second Radio Enabled First or Second Radio Primary Native VLAN

Displays the SSID associated with the VLAN. Identifies the number of the primary VLAN SSID on which encrypted or unencrypted packets can pass between the AP and the switch. Displays the name of the VLAN. Displays the encryption on the VLAN. Checkbox enables the VLAN, SSID and Encryption Mode on the radio control. Specifies which VLAN to be used as the primary VLAN. A primary VLAN is required. NOTE: If you create an Open network (see Create Closed Network below) in which the APs broadcast an SSID, the Primary SSID is the one that is broadcast. Selects this VLAN to be the native VLAN. Native VLANs are untagged and typically used for management traffic only. AWMS requires a Native VLAN to be set. Some AP types do not require a native VLAN. For those APs, you need to create a dummy VLAN, disable it on both radio controls and ensure that it has the highest VLAN ID.

3. Click Add to create a new SSID or VLAN, or click the pencil icon next to an existing SSID/VLAN to edit that existing SSID or VLAN. The Add SSID/VLAN configuration page appears as illustrated in Figure 36 and explained in Table 54.

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Figure 36 Groups > SSIDs > Add SSID/VLAN Page Illustration

4. Locate the SSID/VLAN section on the Groups > SSIDS configuration page and adjust these settings as required. This section encompasses the basic VLAN configuration. Table 54 describes the settings and default values. Table 54 Groups > SSIDs > SSID/VLAN Section Fields and Default Values Setting
Specify Interface Name


Enables or disables an interface name for the VLAN interface. Selecting No for this option displays the Enable VLAN Tagging option. Sets the interface to support the SSID/VLAN combination. Sets the Service Set Identifier (SSID), which is a 32-character userdefined identifier attached to the header of packets sent over a WLAN. It acts as a password when a mobile device tries to connect to the network through the AP, and a device is not permitted to join the network unless it can provide the unique SSID. Sets a user-definable name associated with SSID/VLAN combination. Indicates the number of the VLAN designated as the Native VLAN, typically for management purposes Identifies the delivery priority which packets receive on the VLAN/ SSID (VxWorks only). Indicates the maximum number of mobile users which can associate with the specified VLAN/SSID. NOTE: 0 means unlimited for Cisco and none for Colubris.

Interface SSID

None None


None None

Service Priority (Cisco VxWorks only) Maximum Allowed Associations (0-2007)



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Table 54 Groups > SSIDs > SSID/VLAN Section Fields and Default Values (Continued) Setting
Broadcast SSID (Proxim only)


For specific devices as cited, this setting enables the AP to broadcast the SSID for the specified VLAN/SSID. This setting works in conjunction with the Create Closed Network setting on the Groups> Security configuration page. Proxim devices support a maximum of four SSIDs. NOTE: This option should be enabled to ensure support of legacy users. For Proxim only, this setting enables to AP to send its SSID in every beacon, but it does not respond to any probe requests. For Proxim only, if more than one SSID is enabled, this option enables them to be sent in separate beacons. For Colubris only, this setting blocks communication between client devices based on SSID.

Partial Closed System (Proxim only) Unique Beacon (Proxim only) Block All Inter-client Communication




5. Locate the Encryption area on the Groups > SSIDs page and adjust these settings as required. Table 55 describes the settings and default values. Table 55 Groups > SSIDs > Encryption Section Fields and Default Values Setting
Encryption Mode

No Encryption

Drop-down menu determines the level of encryption required for devices to associate to the APs. The drop-down menu options are as follows. Each option displays additional encryption settings that must be defined. Complete the associated settings for any encryption type chosen: Optional WEPWired Equivalent Privacy, not PCI compliant as of 2010 Require WEPWired Equivalent Privacy, not PCI compliant as of 2010 Require 802.1xThis encryption type is based on the WEP algorithm. Require LeapLightweight Extensible Authentication Protocol 802.1x+WEPCombines the two encryption types shown LEAP+WEPCombines the two encryption types shown Static CKIPCisco Key Integrity Protocol WPAWi-Fi Protected Access protocol WPA/PSKCombines WPA with Pre-Shared Key encryption WPA2Wi-Fi Protected Access 2 encryption WPA2/PSKCombines the two encryption methods shown

6. Locate the EAP Options area on the Groups > SSIDS page, and complete the settings. Table 56 describes the settings and default values. Table 56 Groups > SSIDs > EAP Options Section Fields and Default Values Setting
WEP Key Rotation Interval (seconds) Cisco TKIP

120 No

Time (in seconds) between WEP key rotation on the AP. If enabled, Cisco Temporal Key Integrity Protocol (TKIP) provides per-packet key mixing, a message integrity check and a re-keying mechanism, thus fixing the flaws of WEP. NOTE: TKIP can only be enabled when EAP-based security is used. If enabled, Cisco Message Integrity Check (MIC) adds several bytes per packet to make it more difficult to tamper with the packets.

Cisco MIC


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7. Locate the RADIUS Authentication Servers area on the Groups > SSIDS configuration page and define the settings. Table 57 describes the settings and default values. Table 57 Groups > SSIDs > RADIUS Authentication Servers Fields and Default Values Setting
RADIUS Authentication Server 1-3 (Colubris, ProCurve420, Proxim only) Authentication Profile Name (Proxim Only) Authentication Profile Index (Proxim Only)


Drop-down menu to select RADIUS Authentication servers previously entered on the Group > RADIUS configuration page. These RADIUS servers dictate how wireless clients authenticate onto the network.


Sets the Authentication Profile Name for Proxim AP-600, AP-700, AP2000, AP-4000, Avaya AP3/4/5/6/7/8 and HP ProCurve 520WL APs.


Sets the Authentication Profile Index for Proxim AP-600, AP-700, AP2000, AP-4000, Avaya AP3/4/5/6/7/8 and HP ProCurve 520WL APs.

8. Click Save when the security settings and configurations in this procedure are complete.

You may need to return to the Security configuration page to configure or reconfigure RADIUS servers.

9. Locate the RADIUS Accounting Servers area on the Groups > SSIDS configuration page and define the settings. Table 58 describes the settings and default values. Table 58 Groups > SSIDs > Radius Accounting Servers Fields and Default Values Setting
RADIUS Accounting Server 1-3 (Proxim Only)


Pull-down menu selects RADIUS Accounting servers previously entered on the Group > RADIUS configuration page. These RADIUS servers dictate where the AP sends RADIUS Accounting packets for this SSID/VLAN. Sets the Accounting Profile Name for Proxim AP-600, AP-700, AP2000, AP-4000, Avaya AP3/4/5/6/7/8 and HP ProCurve 520WL APs. Sets the Accounting Profile Index for Proxim AP-600, AP-700, AP2000, AP-4000, Avaya AP3/4/5/6/7/8 and HP ProCurve 520WL APs.

Accounting Profile Name (Proxim Only) Accounting Profile Index (Proxim Only)



10. Click Save to retain these Security configurations for the group, click Save and Apply to retain and push these configurations, or click Revert to return to the last saved security settings for this group. 11. Continue with additional security-related procedures in this document for additional TACACS+, RADIUS, and SSID settings for device groups, as required.

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Adding and Configuring Group AAA Servers

Configure RADIUS servers on the Group > AAA Servers page. TACACS+ servers are configured as a part of Cisco WLC configuration, In that case, refer to Configuring Security Parameters and Functions on page110. Once defined on this page, RADIUS servers are selectable in the drop-down menus on the Groups > Security and Groups > SSIDs configuration pages. Perform these steps to create RADIUS servers.
TACACS+ servers are configurable only for Cisco WLC devices. Refer to Configuring Wireless Parameters for Cisco Controllers on page110.


1. Navigate to the Groups > List page and select the group for which to define AAA servers by clicking the group name. Alternatively, click Add from the Groups > List page to create a new group, define a group name. In either case, the Monitor page appears. 2. Select the AAA Servers page. The AAA Servers page appears, enabling you to add a RADIUS server. Figure 37 and Figure 38 illustrate this page for AAA RADIUS Servers: Figure 37 Groups > AAA Servers Page Illustration

3. To add a RADIUS server or edit an existing server, click the Add New RADIUS Server button or click the corresponding pencil icon to edit an existing server. Table 59 describes the settings and default values of the Add/Edit page. Figure 38 Adding a RADIUS Server Page Illustration

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Table 59 Adding a RADIUS Server Fields and Default Values Setting

Hostname/IP Address Secret and Confirm Secret


Sets the IP Address or DNS name for RADIUS Server. NOTE: IP Address is required for Proxim/ORiNOCO and Cisco Aironet IOS APs. Sets the shared secret that is used to establish communication between AWMS and the RADIUS server. NOTE: The shared secret entered in AWMS must match the shared secret on the server. Sets the RADIUS server to perform authentication when this setting is enabled with Yes. Sets the port used for communication between the AP and the RADIUS server. Sets the RADIUS server to perform accounting functions when enabled with Yes. Sets the port used for communication between the AP and the RADIUS server. Sets the time (in seconds) that the access point waits for a response from the RADIUS server. Sets the number of times a RADIUS request is resent to a RADIUS server before failing. NOTE: If a RADIUS server is not responding or appears to be responding slowly, consider increasing the number of retries.


Authentication Authorization Port Accounting Accounting Port Timeout (Seconds) Max Retries (0-20)

No 1812 No No None None

4. Click Add to complete the creation of the RADIUS server, or click Save if editing an existing RADIUS server. The Groups > AAA Servers page displays this new or edited server. You can now reference this server on the Groups > Security page. AWMS supports reports for subsequent RADIUS Authentication. These are viewable by clicking Reports > Generated, scrolling to the bottom of the page, and clicking Latest RADIUS Authentication Issues Report.

AWMS first checks its own database prior to checking the RADIUS server database.

5. To make additional RADIUS configurations for device groups, use the Groups > Security page, and refer to Configuring Group Security Settings on page91.

Configuring Radio Settings for Device Groups

The Groups > Radio configuration page allows you to specify detailed RF-related settings for devices in a particular group.
If you have existing deployed devices, you may want to use the current RF settings on those devices as a guide for configuring the settings in your default Group.


Perform the following steps to define RF-related radio settings for groups. 1. Navigate to the Groups > List page and select the group for which to define radio settings by clicking the group name. Alternatively, click Add from the Groups > List page to create a new group, define a group name. In either case, the Monitor page appears. 2. Navigate to the Groups > Radio page. Figure 39 illustrates this page.

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Figure 39 Groups > Radio Page Illustration

3. Locate the Radio Settings area and adjust these settings as required. Table 60 describes the settings and default values. Table 60 Groups > Radio Fields and Default Values Setting
Allow Automatic Channel Select (2.4, 5 GHz and 4.9GHz)


If enabled, whenever the AP is rebooted it uses its radio to scan the airspace and automatically select its optimal RF channel based on observed signal strength from other radios. NOTE: If you enable this feature, AWMS automatically reboots the APs in the group when the change is implemented.

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Table 60 Groups > Radio Fields and Default Values (Continued) Setting
802.11b Data Rates (Mb/sec)

Required: 1.0 2.0 Optional: 5.5 11.0

Displays pull-down menus for various data rates for transmitting data. NOTE: This setting does not apply to Cisco LWAPP devices. The three values in each of the pull-down menus are as follows: RequiredThe AP transmits only unicast packets at the specified data rate; multicast packets are sent at a higher data rate set to optional. (Corresponds to a setting of yes on Cisco APs.) OptionalThe AP transmits both unicast and multicast at the specified data rate. (Corresponds to a setting of basic on Cisco APs.) Not UsedThe AP does not transmit data at the specified data rate. (Corresponds to a setting of no on Cisco APs.) If enabled, this setting enables packets to be sent as several pieces instead of as one block. In most cases, AirWave recommends leaving this option disabled. If Fragmentation Threshold is enabled, this specifies the size (in bytes) at which packets are fragmented. A lower Fragmentation Threshold setting might be required if there is a great deal of radio interference. If enabled, this setting configures the AP to issue a RTS (Request to Send) before sending a packet. In most cases, AirWave recommends leaving this option disabled. If RTS/CTS is enabled, this specifies the size of the packet (in bytes) at which the AP sends the RTS before sending the packet. If RTS/CTS is enabled, this specifies the maximum number of times the AP issues an RTS before stopping the attempt to send the packet through the radio. Acceptable values range from 1 to 128. The maximum number of attempts the AP makes to send a packet before giving up and dropping the packet. Time between beacons (in kilo microseconds). DTIM alerts power-save devices that a packet is waiting for them. This setting configures DTIM packet frequency as a multiple of the number of beacon packets. The DTIM Interval indicates how many beacons equal one cycle. This setting selects either the RFC1042 or 802.1h Ethernet encapsulation standard for use by the group. This setting determines whether the APs uses a short or long preamble. The preamble is generated by the AP and attached to the packet prior to transmission. The short preamble is 50 percent shorter than the long preamble and thus may improve wireless network performance. NOTE: Because older WLAN hardware may not support the "short" preamble, the "long" preamble is recommended as a default setting in most environments.

Frag Threshold Enabled


Threshold Value


RTS/CTS Threshold Enabled


RTS/CTS Threshold Value RTS/CTS Maximum Retries



Maximum Data Retries Beacon Period (19-5000 Ksec) DTIM Period (1-255)


100 2

Ethernet Encapsulation Radio Preamble



4. Certain wireless access points offer proprietary settings or advanced functionality that differ from prevailing industry standards. If you use these APs in the device group, you may wish to take advantage of this proprietary functionality.

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To configure these settings, locate the proprietary settings areas on the Groups > Radio page and continue with the additional steps in this procedure.


Proprietary settings are only applied to APs in the group from the specific manufacturer and are not configured on APs from manufacturers that do not support the functionality.

5. To configure HP ProCurve 420 settings exclusively, locate the HP ProCurve 420 section and adjust these settings as required. Table 61 describes the settings and default values. Table 61 HP ProCurve 420 Fields and Default Values in Proprietary Settings Setting
Slot Time


Short-slot-time mechanism, if used on a pure 802.11g deployment, improves WLAN throughput by reducing wait time for transmitter to assure clear channel assessment. Sets the maximum data rate of the multicast data packets. If enabled the 420 APs in the group will scan for rogues. If rogue scanning is enabled, this setting controls the frequency with which scans are conducted (in minutes). Frequent scans provide the greatest security, but AP performance and throughput available to user devices may be impacted modestly during a rogue scan. NOTE: This setting only applies to Periodic scans. Specifies the amount of time, in milliseconds, the AP should spend performing the rogue scan. If the duration is set too high users may start to experience connectivity issues. NOTE: This setting only applies to periodic scans. Specifies the Rogue Scanning mode. When set to Dedicated, users are unable to associate to the AP.

Multicast Data Rate Rogue Scanning Rogue Scanning Interval (15-10080 min)

5.5Mbps Enabled 720

Rogue Scanning Duration (50-1000 msec)


Rogue Scan Type


6. To configure the HP ProCurve 240, Enterasys AP 3000 and AP 4102 Operational Mode and Max Station Data Rate, locate the HP ProCurve 240, Enterasys AP 3000 and AP 4102 section of the Proprietary Settings area, and define the settings. Table 62 describes the settings and default values of this page. Table 62 HP ProCurve 240, Enterasys AP 3000 and AP 4102 Fields and Default Values in Proprietary Settings Section Setting
Operational Mode

802.11b + 802.11g

Sets the radio operational mode for all of the ProCurve 420s, Enterasys 3000s and 4102sin the group to either b only, g only, or b + g. The maximum data rate at which a user can connect to the AP.

Max Station Data Rate

54 Mbps

7. To configure settings specific to Enterasys AP3000 and Enterasys AP4102, locate the Enterasys AP3000 and Enterasys AP4102 section of the Proprietary Settings area, and define the settings. Table 63 describes the settings and default values of this page.

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Table 63 Enterasys AP3000 and Enterasys AP4102 > Proprietary Settings Fields and Default Values Setting
802.11a Multicast Data Rate 802.11b/g Multicast Data Rate Rogue Scanning

6 Mbps

Drop-down menu that specifies the a radio multicast data rate.

5.5 Mbps

Drop-down menu that specifies the b/g multicast data rate.


If enabled AP 3000s and 4102s in the group with firmware 3.1.20 or newer will passively scan for rogue access points at the specified interval for the specified amount of time. This rogue scan will not break users' association to the network. Specifies the time, in minutes, between rogue scans.

Rogue Scan Interval (30-10080 min) Rogue Scan Duration (200-1000 msec)



Specifies the amount of time, in milliseconds, the AP listens to rogues before returning to normal operation.

8. To configure radio settings for Cisco VxWorks devices in the group, locate the Groups > VxWorks section and adjust these settings as required. Table 64 describes the settings and default values of this page. Table 64 Groups > VxWorks Proprietary Settings Fields and Default Values Setting
Use Aironet Extensions


When enabled, this option allows Cisco APs to provide functionality not supported by 802.11 IEEE standards, including the following: Load balancingAllows the access point to direct Aironet clients to the optimum access point. Message Integrity Check (MIC)Protects against bit-flip attacks. Temporal Key Integrity Protocol (TKIP)Key hashing algorithm that protects against IV attacks. Pull-down menu that specifies the action to take when the Lost Ethernet Timeout threshold is exceeded: No ActionNo action taken by the AP. Repeater ModeThe AP converts to a repeater, disassociating all its clients while the backbone is unavailable. If the AP can communicate with another root AP on the same SSID, its clients will be able to re-associate and connect to the backbone. If the AP cannot communicate with another root AP, clients are not allowed to re-associate. Disable RadioThe AP disassociates its clients and disables the radio until it can establish communication with the backbone. Restrict SSIDThe AP disassociates all clients and then allows clients to reassociate with current SSID. Specifies the time (in seconds) the AP waits prior to taking action when its backbone connectivity is down. Actions are defined in the Lost Ethernet Action field. If enabled, this setting mandates that the radio firmware be upgraded to a firmware version compatible with the current version of AP firmware.

Lost Ethernet Action

Repeater Mode

Lost Ethernet Timeout (1-1000 secs) Upgrade Radio Firmware When AP Firmware Is Upgraded


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9. To configure settings specific to the Proxim AP-600, AP-700, AP-2000, AP-4000; Avaya AP-3/4/5/6//7/8, and ProCurve 520WL, locate the appropriate section of Groups > Radio page and define the required fields. Table 65 describes the settings and default values. Table 65 Groups > LWAPP APs, Proprietary Settings Fields and Default Values Setting
Load Balancing


If enabled, this setting allows client devices associating to an AP with two radio cards to determine which card to associate with, based on the load (# of clients) on each card. NOTE: This feature is only available when two 802.11b wireless cards are used in an AP-2000. If enabled, this option will fragment packets greater than 500 bytes in size to reduce the impact of radio frequency interference on wireless data throughput. This setting adjusts the receiver sensitivity. Reducing receiver sensitivity from its maximum may help reduce the amount of crosstalk between wireless stations to better support roaming users. Reducing the receiver sensitivity, user stations will be more likely to connect with the nearest access point. This setting sets the operational mode of all g radios in the group to either b only, g only or b + g. This setting sets the operational mode of all abg radios in the group to either a only, b only, g only or b + g. This setting specifies the minimum transmit rate required for the AP to permit a user device to associate. This setting specifies the minimum transmit rate required for the AP to permit a user device to associate. This setting specifies the minimum transmit rate required for the AP to permit a user device to associate. If enabled, any ORiNOCO, or Avaya access points in the group (with the appropriate firmware) will passively scan for rogue access points at the specified interval. This rogue scan will not break users' association to the network. NOTE: This feature can affect the data performance of the access point. If rogue scanning is enabled, this setting controls the frequency with which scans are conducted (in minutes). Frequent scans provide the greatest security, but AP performance and throughput available to user devices may be impacted modestly during a rogue scan.

Interference Robustness Distance Between APs



802.11g Operational Mode 802.11abg Operational Mode 802.11b Transmit Rate 802.11g Transmit Rate 802.11a Transmit Rate Rogue Scanning

802.11b +802.11g 802.11b +802.11g Auto Fallback Auto Fallback Auto Fallback Yes

Rogue Scan Interval

15 minutes

10. To configure settings specific to Proxim 4900M, locate the Proxim 4900M section and define the required fields. Table 66 describes the settings and default values. Table 66 Proxim 4900, Proprietary Settings Fields and Default Values Setting
4.9GHz Public Safety Channel Bandwidth 802.11a/4.9GHz Public Safety Operational Mode


This setting specifies the channel bandwidth for the 4.9 GHz radio. It is only applicable if you are running the 802.11a/4.9GHz radio in 4.9GHz mode. This setting specifies if the AP will run the 802.11a/4.9GHz radio in 802.11a mode or in 4.9 GHz mode. Please note that 4.9 GHz is a licensed frequency used for public safety.


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11. To configure Colubris-only settings in this device group, locate the Colubris section and define the required fields. Table 67 describes the settings and default values. Table 67 Colubris-only Fields and Default Values in Proprietary Settings Section Setting
Rogue Scanning


If enabled, Colubris access points in the group will passively scan for rogue access points at the specified interval. This rogue scan will not break a users association to the network. If rogue scanning is enabled, this setting controls the frequency with which scans are conducted (in minutes). Frequent scans provide the greatest security, but AP performance and throughput available to user devices may be impacted modestly during a rogue scan. Sets the frequency by which APs monitor radio channels for availability and activity. Sets the operational mode and multicast data rate for the first Colubris radio.

Rogue Scanning Interval (10-600 secs)


Automatic Channel Interval First Radio

12 Hours

802.11b only 1 Mbps 802.11b only 1 Mbps

Second Radio (CN330 only)

Sets the operational mode and multicast data rate for the second Colubris radio, supported only for the Colubris CN330.

12. To configure Symbol-only settings, locate the Symbol section and define the required fields. Table 68 describes the settings and default values. Table 68 Symbol-only Fields and Default Values in Proprietary Settings Section Setting
Rogue Scanning


If enabled, Symbol access points with 3.9.2 or later firmware in the group will passively scan for rogue access points at the specified interval. This rogue scan will not break a users association to the network. If rogue scanning is enabled, this setting controls the frequency with which scans are conducted (in minutes). Frequent scans provide the greatest security, but AP performance and throughput available to user devices may be impacted modestly during a rogue scan.

Rogue Scanning Interval (5-480 min)


13. To configure Enterasys R2 settings, locate the Enterasys R2 section and define the required fields. Table 68 describes the settings and default values. Table 69 Enterasys Section Fields and Default Values Setting
Operational Mode

802.11b + 802.11g

Drop-down menu defines the 802.11 settings to support with the Enterasys radio devices in this group. Supported options are as follows: 802.11a only 802.11b only 802.11g only 802.11b + 802.11g

14. Click Save when radio configurations as described above are complete, or click Save and Apply to retain changes and push them to network devices. Click Revert to return to the last saved changes.

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An Overview of Cisco WLC Configuration

The Groups > Cisco WLC Config page consolidates the settings from all group pages. In Version 6.4, the Groups > SSIDs subtab applies to all device types except for Cisco WLC, which have WLANs configured on the Cisco WLC Config page. It is not recommended to have HP Procurve 420s, Symbol 4131 and Proxim APs in the same group as Cisco devices. Also, it is recommended that users set device preferences to Only devices in this group. This topic describes how to access and navigate the Groups > Cisco WLC Config page.

Accessing Cisco WLC Configuration

Navigate to the Cisco WLC Config page in one of these two ways: 1. Navigate to the Groups > List page and select a group that has been defined to support Cisco devices. Click the group name, or the Manage (wrench) icon, and the Cisco WLC Config option appears in the navigation pane at the top. 2. Navigate to the Groups > List page and create a new group to support Cisco devices with these steps:

Click Add from the Groups > List page to create a new group, enter a group name, and click Add. Once AWMS prompts you with the Groups > Basic page, ensure that you enable device specific settings for Cisco WLC. Once you click Save or Save and Apply, then the Groups > Cisco WLC Config sub-menu appears in the navigation pane at the top in association with that group.

Navigating Cisco WLC Configuration

The navigation pane on the left side of the Groups > Cisco WLC Config page is expandable, and displays the Cisco configurations supported and deployed. Figure 40 and Figure 41 illustrate this navigation pane. Figure 40 Groups > Cisco WLC Config Page Illustration, Contracted View

Figure 41 Groups > Cisco WLC Config Page Illustration, Expanded View

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Configuring WLANs for Cisco WLC Devices

In Cisco WLC Config, WLANs are based on SSIDs or VLANs that are dedicated to Cisco WLC controllers. Perform the following steps to define and configure WLANs for Cisco WLC controllers. 1. Navigate to the Groups > Cisco WLC Config page, and click WLANs in the navigation pane at left. This page displays the SSIDs or VLANs that are available for use with Cisco WLC devices, and enables you to define new SSIDs or VLANs. Figure 42 illustrates this page. 2. To change the ID/position of a WLAN on the controller by dragging and dropping, set the toggle to yes. Note that the by setting this flag to yes, AMP will display a mismatch if the WLANs in the desired and device config differ only on the order. Figure 42 Groups > Cisco WLC Config > WLANS Page Illustration

3. To add or edit SSIDs or VLANs that are dedicated to Cisco WLC devices, either click the Add New SSID/ VLAN button, or click the pencil icon for an existing SSID/VLAN. A new page appears comprised of four tabs, as follows:

GeneralDefines general administrative parameters for the Cisco WLC WLAN. SecurityDefines encryption and RADIUS servers. QoSDefines quality of service (QoS) parameters for the Cisco WLC WLAN. AdvancedDefines advanced settings that are available only with Cisco WLC devices, for example,

AAA override, coverage, DHCP and DTIM period.

Refer to Cisco documentation for additional information about Cisco WLC devices and related features.

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Figure 43 Groups > Cisco WLC Config > WLANs > Add New SSID/VLAN > General Tab Illustration

Figure 44 Groups > Cisco WLC Config > WLANs > Add New SSID/VLAN > Security Tab Illustration

Figure 45 Groups > Cisco WLC Config > WLANs > Add New SSID/VLAN > QoS Tab Illustration

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Figure 46 Groups > Cisco WLC Config > WLANs > Add New SSID/VLAN > Advanced Tab Illustration

Defining and Configuring LWAPP AP Groups for Cisco Devices

The Groups > Cisco WLC Config > WLANs > Advanced > AP Groups page allows the user to add/edit/delete AP Groups on the Cisco WLC. LWAPP AP Groups are used to limit the WLANs available on each AP. Cisco thin APs are assigned to LWAPP AP Groups.

Viewing and Creating AP Groups

1. Navigate to the Groups > Cisco WLC Config page, and click WLANs > Advanced > AP Groups in the navigation pane at left. This page displays the configured LWAPP APs. Figure 47 illustrates this page. Figure 47 Groups > Cisco WLC Config > WLANS > Advanced > AP Groups Page Illustration

2. To add a new LWAPP AP group, click Yes in the AP Groups section. Additional controls appear. 3. Click the Add button to create a new LWAPP AP group. To edit an existing LWAPP AP group, click the pencil icon next to that group. Add one or more SSIDs and the interface/VLAN ID mapping on the Add/ Edit page of the LWAPP AP Group. 4. Click Save and Apply to push these settings to the Cisco WLC controllers immediately, or click Save to retain these changes to be pushed to controllers at a later time.

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Configuring Cisco Controller Settings

The Groups > Cisco WLC Config > Controller page defines general Cisco WLC settings, Cisco mobility groups to be supported on Cisco controllers, Network Transfer Protocol (NTP), and Spanning Tree Protocol settings. Navigate to the Groups > Cisco WLC Config > Controller page. This navigation is illustrated in Figure 48. Figure 48 Groups > Cisco WLC Config > Controller Navigation

Configuring Wireless Parameters for Cisco Controllers

This section illustrates the configuration of Wireless settings in support of Cisco WLC controllers. The navigation for Wireless settings is illustrated in Figure 49. Figure 49 Groups > Cisco WLC Config > Wireless Navigation Illustration

Configuring Security Parameters and Functions

AWMS enables you to configure many security settings that are specific to Cisco WLC controllers. This section supports four overriding types of configuration, as follows:

AAA, to cover both RADIUS and TACACS+ server configuration Priority Order Wireless Protection Policies Web Auth

Figure 50 illustrates these components and this navigation:

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Figure 50 Groups > Cisco WLC Config > Security Navigation Illustration

Configuring Management Settings for Cisco Controllers

AWMS supports the configuration of SNMP and Syslog Server settings for Cisco WLC controllers. Users should be able to configure up to four trap receivers on the Cisco WLC including the AMP IP that can be used in global groups. To define SNMP and server settings, navigate to the Groups > Cisco WLC Config > Management page, illustrated in Figure 51. Figure 51 Groups > Cisco WLC Config > Management Navigation Illustration

Configuring Group PTMP/WiMAX Settings

The Groups > PTMP/WiMAX configuration page configures Point-to-Multipoint and WiMAX settings for all subscriber and base stations in the device group. Subscriber stations must be in the same group as all base stations with which they might connect. Packet identification rules (PIR) are used to identify traffic types. Service flow classes define the priority given to traffic. Subscriber Station classes link traffic types (PIRs) with service flow classes to fully define how packets should be handled. Perform the following steps to configure these functions. 1. Navigate to the Groups > List page and select the group for which to define PTMP/WiMAX settings by clicking the group name. Alternatively, click Add from the Groups > List page to create a new group, define a group name. In either case, the Monitor page appears. 2. Click the PTMP/WiMAX tab in the AWMS navigation menu. Figure 52 illustrates this page.

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Figure 52 Groups > PTMP/WiMAX Page Illustration

3. Define the settings on this page. Table 70 describes the settings and default values. Table 70 Groups > PTMP/WiMAX Fields and Default Values Setting
Proxim MP.16 Section 3.5GHz WiMAX Channel Bandwidth BSID 3.5GHz Sets the frequency used by the WiMAX devices in the group.



00:00:00:00:00:00 Defines the BSID used by the subscriber stations in the group. To define the BSID for a base station, refer to its APS/Devices > Manage configuration page. N/A This link takes you to the list of packet identification rules for the group being configured. You can select rules to apply and add new rules, then return to the Group WiMAX page. This link takes you to the list of service flow classes for the group being configured. You can select service flow classes to apply and add new classes, then return to the Group WiMAX page. This link takes you to the list of subscriber station classes. You can select subscriber station classes to apply and add new classes, then return to the Group WiMAX page.

Configure Packet Identification Rules

Configure Service Flow Classes N/A

Configuration Subscriber Station Classes


Proxim MP.16 Section 802.11a Radio Channel 802.11g Radio Channel Channel Bandwidth Network Name Network Secret 58 Selects the channel used for 802.11a radios by the devices in this group. Selects the channel used for 802.11g radios by the devices in this group. Defines the channel bandwidth used by the devices in this group. Sets the Network name, with a range of length supported from two to 32 alphanumeric characters. Sets a shared password to authenticate clients to the network.



Wireless Network


4. To configure packet identification rules, click the Configure packet identification rules link on the Groups > PTMP/Wimax configuration page and define the settings as required. Packet identification rules are used to define which packets match a subscriber station class. Figure 53 illustrates this page and Table 71 describes the settings and default values.

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Figure 53 Groups > PTMP/WiMAX Configuring Packet Identification Rules Page Illustration

Table 71 Groups > PTMP/WiMAX Configuring Packet Identification Rules Fields and Default Values Setting


Text field defines a name for the PIR. The name should be meaningful and descriptive. The name is used to define the subscriber station class. Identifies packets based on IP Type-of-Service for the PIR. Specifies the minimum TOS used to identify packets.

Use IP TOS Minimum TOS Value (positive integer) Maximum TOS Value (positive integer) Mask (positive integer) Use Ethernet Type Ethernet Type Ethernet Value (positive integer) Ethernet Priority Ethernet Priority Minimum (0-7) Ethernet Priority Maximum (0-7)

No 0

Specifies the maximum TOS used to identify packets

Specifies the TOS mask used to identify packets.


Identifies packets based on Ethernet type settings. Drop-down menu specifies the Ethernet types used to identify a packet. Identifies packets that have a specific ethernet value.

No None

Identifies packets based on Ethernet Priority settings. Identifies packets that meet a minimum priority.

Identifies packets that meet a maximum priority.

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Table 71 Groups > PTMP/WiMAX Configuring Packet Identification Rules Fields and Default Values Setting
Use VLAN ID VLAN ID (positive integer) Use Source IP Address Source IP address Use Destination IP Address Destination IP Address Use IP Protocol IP Protocol (0-255) Use Source MAC Address Source MAC Address Use Destination MAC Address Destination MAC Address

No 0

Identifies packets based on the VLAN ID. Specifies the VLAN that will be used to identify packets.

No None No

Identifies packets based on source IP address. Defines the source IP addresses that will be used to identify packets. Identifies packets based on destination IP address.


Defines the destination IP addresses that will be used to determine identify packets. Identifies packets based on IP protocol. Identifies packets that have a specific IP Protocol value. Identifies packets based on Source MAC address.

No None No

None No

Defines that packets from this MAC address match this PIR. Identifies packets based on Destination MAC address


Defines that packets to this destination MAC address match this PIR.

5. To configure service flow classes, click the Configure service flow classes link on the Groups > PTMP/ Wimax configuration page, and define the settings. Service flow classes are used to describe how the device handles traffic. Figure 54 illustrates this page and Table 72 describes settings and default values. Figure 54 Groups > PTMP/WiMAX Configuring Service Flow Classes Page Illustration

Table 72 Groups > PTMP/WiMAX Configure Service Flow Classes Fields and Default Values Setting


Text field defines the name of the Service Flow Class. The name should be meaningful and descriptive. The name is used to define the subscriber station class.

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Table 72 Groups > PTMP/WiMAX Configure Service Flow Classes Fields and Default Values Setting
Scheduling Type

Best Effort

Drop-down menu specifies the scheduling priority for the Service Flow Class. There are two options as follows: Best EffortMaximum sustained data rate and traffic priority Unsolicited Grant ServiceMaximum sustained data rate, maximum latency and tolerable jitter. Defines the direction of the service. Sets the maximum sustained data rate for this service class. The base station does not allow the data rate to exceed this value.

Service Flow Direction Maximum Sustained Data Rate (in Kbps) Traffic Priority (0-7)

Uplink 0

Sets the priority of the traffic from 0 - 7 with 7 getting the highest priority.

6. To configure subscriber station classes, click the Configure subscriber station classes link on the Groups > PTMP/Wimax configuration page. Subscriber station classes link packet identification rules and service flow classes. Figure 55 illustrates this page and Table 73 describes the settings and default values. Figure 55 Groups > PTMP/WiMAX Configuring Subscriber Station Classes Page Illustration

Table 73 Groups > PTMP/WiMAX Configuring Subscriber Station Classes Fields and Default Values Setting


Text field that defines the name of the Subscriber Station Class. The name should be meaningful and descriptive. Defines the VLAN mode. Checkbox field that defines the service flow classes that apply to this Subscriber Station Class. Define the priority for all of the packet identification rules.

VLAN Mode Service Flows

Transparent None

Packet Identification Rules


7. Click Save and Apply when configurations are complete and to push this configuration to controllers, or click Save to retain these settings prior to pushing to controllers at a later time.

Configuring Proxim Mesh Radio Settings

1. Navigate to the Groups > Proxim Mesh configuration page to configure Mesh-specific radio settings.
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2. Define the settings as required for your network. Figure 56 illustrates this page. Table 73 and Table 75 describe the settings and default values. Figure 56 Groups > Proxim Mesh Page Illustration

The General section contains settings for mesh radio, number of mesh links, RSSI smoothing, roaming threshold and de-auth client. Table 74 Groups > Mesh Radio Settings > General Fields and Default Values Setting
Mesh Radio Max Number of Mesh Links Neighbor RSSI Smoothing Roaming Threshold

4.9/5Ghz 6 16 80

Drop-down selects the radio that acts as the backhaul to the network. Sets the maximum number of mesh links allowed on an AP. This number includes the uplink to the portal as well as downlinks to other mesh APs. Specifies the number of beacons to wait before switching to a new link. Specifies the difference in cost between two paths that must be exceeded before the AP roams. To switch to a new path it must have a cost that is less by at least the roaming threshold. A high threshold results in fewer mesh roams. With Yes selected, clients have authentication removed (are deauthenticated) if the uplink is lost.

De-auth Client when Uplink is down


The Security section contains settings for SSID and enabling AES encryption. Table 75 Groups > Mesh Radio Settings > Security Fields and Default Values Setting

None No

Sets the SSID used by the Mesh Radio to connect to the mesh network. Enable or Disable AES encryption.

3. The Mesh Count Matrix configuration section contains settings for hop factor and maximum hops to portal, RSSI factor and cut-off, medium occupancy factor and current medium occupancy weight. Adjust these settings as required for your network. Table 76 describes these settings and default values. Table 76 Groups > Mesh Radio Settings > Mesh Count Matrix Fields and Default Values Setting
Hop Factor


Sets the factor associated with each hop when calculating the best path to the portal AP. Higher factors will have more impact when deciding the best uplink.

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Table 76 Groups > Mesh Radio Settings > Mesh Count Matrix Fields and Default Values (Continued) Setting
Maximum Hops to Portal RSSI Factor Minimum RSSI Cutoff Medium Occupancy Factor Current Medium Occupancy Weight

4 5 10 5

Set the maximum number of hops for the AP to reach the Portal AP. Sets the factor associated with the RSSI values used when calculating the best path to the portal AP. Higher factors will have more impact when deciding the best uplink. Specifies the minimum RSSI needed to become a mesh neighbor. Sets the factor associated with Medium Occupancy when calculating the best path to the portal AP. Higher factors will have more impact when deciding the best uplink. Specifies the importance given to the most recently observed Medium Occupancy against all of the previously viewed medium occupancies. Lower values place more importance on previously observed Medium Occupancies.

4. Click Save when configurations are complete to retain these settings. Click Save and Apply to retain these settings and push them to devices in the group. Click Revert to cancel out of these changes and return to the most recently saved changes.

Configuring Group MAC Access Control Lists

This configuration is optional. If you use Symbol 4121/4131, Intel 2011/2011b, Proxim AP-600, AP-700, AP2000, AP-4000, Avaya AP-3/4/5/6/7/8, or ProCurve 520WL wireless access points, AWMS enables you to specify the MAC Addresses of devices that are permitted to associate with APs in the Group. Other devices are not able to associate to APs in the Group, even if the users of those devices are authorized users on the network.


If User MAC ACL is enabled for Cisco VxWorks, AWMS does not disable this feature on the AP; but the MAC list entered is not populated on the AP. The individual MAC addresses must be entered manually on the AP. If you have APs from other manufacturers in the Group, the ACL restrictions do not apply to those APs.

Perform the following steps to use the MAC ACL function. 1. Browse to the Groups > MAC ACL configuration page. Figure 57 illustrates this configuration page. Figure 57 Groups > MAC ACL Page Illustration

2. Select Yes on the Use MAC ACL drop-down menu. Enter all authorized MAC addresses, separated by white spaces.

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3. Click Save when configurations are complete to retain these settings. Click Save and Apply to retain these settings and push them to devices in the group. Click Revert to cancel out of these changes and return to the most recently saved changes.

Specifying Minimum Firmware Versions for APs in a Group

This configuration is optional. AWMS allows you the option of defining the minimum firmware version for each AP type in a group on the Groups > Firmware configuration page. At the time that you define the minimum version, AWMS automatically upgrades all eligible APs. When you add APs into the group in the future, you will be able to upgrade APs in manual fashion. The firmware for an AP is not upgraded automatically when it is added to a group. Perform the following steps to make this firmware configuration. 1. Browse to the Groups > Firmware configuration page. Figure 58 illustrates this page. Figure 58 Groups > Firmware Page Illustration (Partial View)

2. For each device type in the group, use the pull-down menu to specify the minimum acceptable firmware version. If no firmware versions are listed, you must browse to the Device Setup > Firmware configuration page to upload the firmware files to AWMS. 3. Click Upgrade to apply firmware preferences to devices in the group. Refer to the firmware upgrade help under APs/Devices > Manage configuration page for detailed help on Firmware job options. 4. Click Save to save the firmware file as the desired version for the group. 5. If you have opted to assign an external TFTP server on a per-group basis on the Device Setup > Firmware configuration page, you can enter the IP address in the Firmware Upgrade Options field on the top of this configuration page. 6. Once you have defined your first group, you can configure that group to be the default group on your network. When AWMS discovers new devices that need to be assigned to a management group, the default group appears at the top of all drop-down menus and lists. Newly discovered devices are place
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automatically in the default group if AWMS is set to Automatically Monitor/Manage New Devices on the AWMS configuration page. 7. Browse to the Groups > List configuration page. See Figure 31 for the Groups > List configuration page. 8. From the list of groups, check the Default radio button next to the desired default group to make it the default.

Comparing Device Groups

You can compare two existing device groups with a detailed line-item comparison. Group comparison allows several levels of analysis to include the following:

Compare performance, bandwidth consumption, or troubleshooting metrics between two groups. Debug one device group against the settings of a similar and better performing device group. Use one group as a model by which to fine-tune configurations for additional device groups.

This topic presumes that at least two device groups are at least partly configured in AWMS, each with saved configurations. Perform the following steps to compare two existing device groups: 1. From the Groups > List page, click Compare two groups. Two drop-down menus appear. 2. Select the two groups to compare to each other in the drop-down menus, and click Compare. The Compare page appears, displaying some or many configuration categories. Figure 59 illustrates this page. Figure 59 Comparing Two Devices Groups on the Groups > List > Compare Page (Partial View)

3. Note the following factors when using the Compare page:

The Compare page can be very long or very abbreviated, depending on how many configurations the device groups share or do not share. When a configuration differs between two groups, the setting is flagged in red text for the group on the right. The default setting of the Compare page is to highlight settings that differ between two groups.

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To display settings that are similar or identical between two device groups, click Show Similar
Fields at the top left of the page. The result may be a high volume of information.

Click Hide Similar Fields to return to the default display, emphasizing configuration settings that differ between two groups.

You can change the configuration for either or both groups by clicking Edit in the corresponding column heading. The appropriate configuration page appears. If you make and save changes to either or both groups, navigate back to the Groups > List page and click Compare two groups. Select the same two groups again for updated information. Additional topics in this document or in the Aruba Configuration Guide describe the many fields that can appear on the Groups > List > Compare page.

Deleting a Group
Perform the following steps to delete an existing Group from the AWMS database: 1. Browse to the Groups > List configuration page. 2. Ensure that the Group you wish to delete is not marked as the default group. AWMS does not permit you to delete the current default Group. 3. Ensure there are no devices in the Group you wish to delete. AWMS does not permit you to delete a Group that still contains managed devices. You must move all devices to other Groups before deleting a Group. 4. Select the checkbox and click Delete.

Changing Multiple Group Configurations

Perform the following steps to make any changes to an existing group's configuration: 1. Browse to the Groups > List configuration page. 2. Click the Manage link (the pencil icon) for the group you wish to edit. The Groups > Basic configuration page appears. 3. Select the fields to be edited on the Basic configuration page or navigate to Radio, Security, VLANs, or MAC ACL configuration page and edit the fields. Use the Save button to store the changes prior to applying them, or click Save and Apply to save and push configurations. 4. When all changes for the group are complete click the Save and Apply button. Figure 60 illustrates the confirmation message that appears. Figure 60 Configuration Change Confirmation

5. AWMS displays a Configuration Change screen confirming the changes that will be applied to the group's settings.

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6. There are several action possibilities from within this confirmation configuration page.

Apply Changes Now This button applies the changes immediately to access points within the group. If you wish to edit multiple groups you must use the Preview button. ScheduleThis button schedules the changes to be applied to this group in the future. Enter the desired change date in the Start Date/Time field. AWMS takes the time zone into account for the group if a time zone other than AWMS System Time has been configured on the Group > Basic configuration page. CancelThis button cancels the application of changes (immediately or scheduled).


To completely nullify the change request, click Revert on one of the group configuration pages after you have clicked Cancel.

7. Apply changes to multiple groups by selecting the appropriate group or groups and clicking Preview.

Modifying Multiple Devices

AWMS provides a very powerful utility that modifies all APs or a subset of access points unrelated to AWMS' normal group construct. This utility provides the ability to delete simultaneously multiple devices, migrate multiple devices to another group and/or folder, update credentials and optimize channels. Perform these steps to modify multiple devices. 1. To modify multiple devices, navigate to one of the following pages:

APs/Devices > List APs/Devices > Up APs/Devices > Down APs/Devices > Mismatched Groups > Monitor configuration pages

Each of these pages displays a list of devices 2. Click Modify Devices to make the checkboxes at the left of all devices appear. In addition, a new section appears in this page location to display various settings that can be configured for multiple devices at one time. Figure 61 illustrates this page.

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Figure 61 Modify Multiple Devices Section Illustration

3. Select one or more devices that are to share the configurations. Click inside the checkbox for each device to modify. 4. In the Modify Multiple Devices section, click any button or use any drop-down menu for the supported changes. Any action you take applies to all selected devices. Each action you take will direct you to a new configuration page, or prompt you with a confirmation page to confirm your changes. 5. You are taken to a confirmation configuration page that allows you to schedule the change for a time in the future. Enter a start date and time in the scheduling field and select when the change should occur from the drop-down menu (one time is the default, but you may select recurring options for many of the actions). Scheduled jobs can be viewed and edited in the System > Configuration Change Jobs tab. 6. Using the neighbor lists, AWMS is able to optimize channel selection for APs. Select the APs to optimize and AWMS minimizes the channel interference while giving channel priority to the most heavily used APs. Table 77 describes these action and controls. Table 77 Modify Multiple Devices Section Fields and Default Values Action
Set Group Move to Aruba AP Group Update Cisco Thin AP Settings

Move the selected APs to a new group. If the AP is in managed mode when it is moved to a new group, it will be reconfigured. Moves the selected APs to a new group or folder. If the AP is in managed mode when it is moved to a new group it will be reconfigured. Bulk configuration for per-thin AP settings, previously configured on the Group LWAPP AP tab can be performed from Modify Devices on the APs/Devices List page. Make changes to LWAPP AP groups, including the option that was under Modify Devices, is now available here. Update... changes the credentials AWMS uses to communicate with the device. Update... does not change the credentials on the AP.

Update the credentials AMP uses to communicate with these devices Audit selected devices

Fetches the current configuration from the device and compares it to AMPs desired configuration. The audit action updates the Configuration Status.

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Table 77 Modify Multiple Devices Section Fields and Default Values (Continued) Action
Import settings of selected devices

Audit updates a number of the AP specific settings AWMS initially read off of the AP including channel, power, antenna settings and SSL certifications. AWMS recommends using this setting if APs have been updated outside of AWMS. Most settings on the APs/Devices Manage configuration page are set to the values currently read off of the devices. Ignores selected APs, preventing AWMS from generating any alerts or including the AP in an up/down count. The device's history is preserved but it will not be polled. Ignored devices can be seen and taken out of ignore status by navigating to the New Devices configuration page and clicking the View Ignored Devices link at the bottom. Places the selected APs into management or monitored mode. APs start to be reconfigured when they are put into Management. Enables or disables the radios on the selected device. Does not apply Cisco IOS APs. Reboots the selected devices. Use caution when rebooting devices because this can disrupt wireless users. Configures the controller to send provisioning parameters such as radio, antenna, and IP address settings to the selected APs. Please note that APs will be rebooted as part of reprovisioning. Upgrades firmware for the selected devices. Refer to the firmware upgrade help under APs/Devices > Manage configuration page for detailed help on Firmware job options. Cancels any firmware upgrades that are scheduled or in progress for the selected APs. AWMS uses the APs neighbor table to determine the optimal channel for the selected APs. Removes the selected APs from AWMS. The deletes will be performed in the background and may take a minute to be removed from the list.

Ignore selected devices

Change management level of selected devices Modify Radio Status Reboot selected devices Reprovision selected Aruba devices Upgrade firmware for selected devices Cancel firmware upgrade for selected devices Optimize channel assignment to reduce overlap Delete selected devices

Using Global Groups for Group Configuration

To apply group configurations using AWMS' global groups feature, first navigate to the Groups > List configuration page. Click the Add button to add a new group, or click the name of the group to edit settings for an existing group. Click the Duplicate icon to create a new group with identical configuration to an existing group.

To have global group status, a group must contain no devices; accordingly, access points can never be added to a global group. Global groups are visible to users of all roles, so they may not contain devices, which can be made visible only to certain roles. Figure 62 illustrates this configuration page.

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Figure 62 Groups > List Page Illustration

To set a group as a global group, navigate to the Groups > Basic configuration page for an existing or a newly created group. Select Yes for the Is Global Group field under the global group section. When the change is saved and applied, the group will have a check box next to fields on the Basic, Security, SSIDs, AAA Servers, Radio, Cisco WLC Config, LWAPP APs, PTMP/WiMAX, Proxim Mesh and MAC ACL tabs. Figure 63 illustrates this configuration page.

Figure 63 Groups > Basic Page for a Global Group

When a global group configuration is pushed to subscriber groups, all settings are static except for settings with the checkbox selected; for fields with checkboxes selected, the value or setting can be changed on the corresponding tab for each managed group. In the case of the Groups > SSIDs configuration page, override options are available only on the Add configuration page (navigate to the Groups > SSIDs configuration page and click the Add button). Global templates are also configurable as part of global groups; see Creating and Using Templates on page165 for more information. Once global groups have been configured, groups may be created or configured to subscribe to a particular global group. Navigate to the Group > Basic configuration page of a group and locate the Use Global Groups section. Select the Yes radio button and select the name of the global group from the drop-down menu. Then click Save and Apply to push the configuration from the global group to the subscriber group. Figure 64 illustrates this page.

Figure 64 Groups > Basic > Managed Page Illustration

Once the configuration is pushed, the unchecked fields from the global group appears on the subscriber group as static values and settings. Only fields that had the override checkbox selected in the global

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group appear as fields that can be set at the level of the subscriber group. Any changes to a static field must be made on the global group.

In the example below, the field Name was overridden with the checkbox in the global group, so it can be configured for each subscriber group. The other four fields in the Basic section were not overridden, so they are static fields that will be the same for each subscriber group. These fields can be altered only on the global group.

Figure 65 Groups > Basic > Managed Illustration for a Subscriber Group

If a global group has subscriber groups it cannot be changed to a non-global group. A global group without subscriber groups can be changed to a regular group by updating the setting on the Groups > Basic configuration interface. The global groups feature can also be used with the Master Console. For more information about this feature, refer to Supporting AWMS Stations with the Master Console on page230.

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Chapter 5
Discovering, Adding, and Managing Devices

The previous chapter, Configuring and Using Device Groups in AWMS on page79, describes the configuration and implementation of device groups. A group sets configuration for all devices in the group. Individual devices can also maximize their vendor-specific attributes and benefits when these are supported. This chapter describes the methods for device-specific configuration and activity. This chapter emphasizes, but is not limited to, the following AWMS pages:

Device Setup

Device Setup > Discover Device Setup > Add Device Setup > Communication APs/Devices > List APs/Devices > New APs/Devices > Audit APs/Devices > Manage APs/Devices > Monitor


This chapter contains the following device-oriented topics and procedures: Discovery of Devices Overview Defining Networks for SNMP/HTTP Scanning

Adding Networks for SNMP/HTTP Scanning Defining Credentials for SNMP/HTTP Scanning Defining a SNMP/HTTP Scan Set Executing a Scan by Running a Scan Set

Manually Adding Individual Devices Adding Access Points, Routers and Switches with a CSV File Adding Universal Devices Assigning Newly Discovered Devices to Groups

Overview Adding a Newly Discovered Device to a Group Verifying That Devices Are Added to a Group

Troubleshooting a Newly Discovered Device with Down Status Replacing a Broken Device Verifying the Device Configuration Status

Moving a Device from Monitor Only to Manage Read/Write Mode

Configuring Individual Device Settings

Overview of Individual Device Configuration Configuring AP Settings

Configuring AP Communication Settings

Using the AWMS APs/Devices Pages for AP Communication Settings

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Discovery of Devices Overview

Once you have deployed AWMS on the network and defined at least one device group, the next step is to discover all existing APs connected to your network and to assign them to a group. AWMS supports multiple methods to discover devices, as follows:

SNMP/HTTP scanningThis is the primary method for AWMS to discover APs on your network, and this discovery method contains four specific procedures. The interface that configures this discovery method is the Device Setup > Discovery page. Refer to this topic for additional information:

Defining Networks for SNMP/HTTP Scanning.

Manual device entryThis method of discovery applies when the devices are known to be on the network. The admin user adds devices manually with known AP device information. Refer to the following procedures for manual device discovery:

Manually Adding Individual Devices Adding Access Points, Routers and Switches with a CSV File Adding Universal Devices Assigning Newly Discovered Devices to Groups

Controller-driven device discoveryWhen there are thin APs on the network, you may add controllers to the network, then to AWMS, and the controller then discovers thin AP devices. Automatically assigning new devices to a groupThis configuration enables new devices to be assigned to groups without manual configuration. Refer to the following topic:

Assigning Newly Discovered Devices to Groups

Cisco Discovery Protocol (CDP)CDP is another common method by which to discover devices on the network. AWMS enhances support for CDP by discovering a devices CDP neighbors when the IP address for that device is known Refer to the following procedure:

Adding Access Points, Routers and Switches with a CSV File.

This chapter describes each of these device discovery methods.

Defining Networks for SNMP/HTTP Scanning

SNMP/HTTP scanning is the primary method to discover devices on the network, to include discovery of rogue devices. Deploy this scanning method with the Device Setup > Discover page. This page contains three sections, as follows:

Scan Sets sectionlists the scan sets that have been defined in AWMS, and allows you to add new

scan sets. Scan sets combine networks and credentials when scanning for devices.
Networks sectionlists the networks that have been defined for scanning, and allows you to define

new networks for scanning. A network must be added to AWMS prior to defining a scan set.
Credentials sectionlists the network credentials defined in AWMS, and allows you to define new

credentials for network scanning. Credentials must be created prior to using them in scan sets.

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Figure 66 illustrates the Device Setup > Discover page. Figure 66 Device Setup > Discover Page Illustration

Adding Networks for SNMP/HTTP Scanning

The first step when enabling SNMP/HTTP scanning for APs is to define the network segments to be scanned. Perform these steps. 1. Navigate to the Device Setup > Discover page, and locate the Networks section. 2. In the Networks section, click Add New Scan Network. The Scan Network page appears, as shown in Figure 67. Alternatively, you can edit an existing scan network by clicking the corresponding pencil icon. The New/Edit Networks page appears. Figure 67 Device Setup > Discover > New Network Section Illustration

3. In the Name field, provide a name for the network to be scanned (for example, Accounting Network). 4. In the Network field, define the IP network range, or the first IP address on the network, to be scanned. One example would be, as an illustration.

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5. Enter the Subnet Mask for the network to be scanned (for example, The largest subnet supported by AWMS is 6. Click Add. 7. Repeat these steps to add as many networks for which to support device scanning. All network segments configured in this way appear in the Network section of the Device Setup > Discover page. These networks comprise one of two elements that comprise scan sets. 8. Complete the configuration of scan credentials, then combine scan networks and scan credentials to create scan sets. The next two procedures in this section describe these tasks.

Defining Credentials for SNMP/HTTP Scanning

The next step in SNMP/HTTP device discovery is to define the scan credentials that govern scanning of a given network. New APs inherit scan credentials from the System Credentials that you configure on the Device Setup > Communications page. Perform these steps to define scan credentials for SNMP/HTTP scanning: 1. Locate the Credentials section on the Device Setup > Discover page. This section displays scan sets, networks, and credentials that have been configured thus far, and enables you to define new elements for device scanning. 2. To create a new scan credential, click Add New Scan Credential. Figure 68 illustrates this page. Figure 68 Device Setup > Discover > Add/Edit New Scan Credential Section Illustration

3. Provide a name for the credential in the Name field (for example, Default). This field supports alphanumeric characters, both upper and lower case, and blank spaces, hyphens, and underscore characters. 4. Choose the type of scan to be completed (SNMPv1, SNMPv2, or HTTP). In most cases, it is advisable to use SNMP scans for device discovery, but the differences are as follows:

SNMPv1 and SNMP v2 differ between in their supported traps, supported MIBs, and network query elements used in device scanning. HTTP discovers devices using the HyperText Transfer Protocol in communications between servers and additional network components. HTTP is not as robust in processing network events as is SNMP, but HTTP may be sufficient, simpler, or preferable in certain scenarios.

5. Define and confirm the Community String to be used during scanning. In this section, the community string used can be either read-only or read/write, as AWMS only uses it for discovering APs. To bring APs under management, AWMS uses the credentials supplied in the Device Setup > SNMP page.

AWMS automatically appends the type of scan (SNMP or HTTP) to the Label.

6. Click Add. The Device Setup > Discover page displays the new scan credential or credentials just created or edited. 7. Repeat these steps to add as many credentials as you would like. 8. Once scan networks and scan credentials are defined, combine them by creating scan sets using the next procedure titled Defining a SNMP/HTTP Scan Set on page131.
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Defining a SNMP/HTTP Scan Set

Once you have defined at least one network and one scan credential, you can create a scan set that combines the two for device discovery. Perform these steps to create a scan set. 1. Locate the Scan Set area at the top of the Device Setup > Discover page. Figure 66 illustrates this page. Figure 69 Device Setup > Discover > Scan Sets Section Illustration

2. Click Add New Scan Set, and the Scan Set section displays. Below the Scan Set section, the Networks and Credentials sections display all scan components configured thus far. If you wish to create a new network, or new scanning credentials, you can click Add in either of these fields to create new components prior to creating a scan set. Figure 70 illustrates the Add New Scan Set page. Figure 70 Device Setup > Discover > Add New Scan Set Page Illustration

3. Select the Network(s) to be scanned and the Credential(s) to be used. You may select as many networks and credentials as you would like. AWMS defines a unique scan for each Network-Credential combination. 4. Click the Add button to create the selected scans. The newly defined scans appear in a list at the top of the Device Setup > Discover page.

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5. To edit an existing scan, click the pencil icon next to the scan on the Device Setup > Discover page. 6. When ready, proceed to the next task, Executing a Scan by Running a Scan Set on page132.


Scheduling an HTTP scan to run daily on your network can help you to discover rogues. Some consumer access points, most D-Link, Linksys, NetGear models, do not support SNMP and are found only on the wired side with an HTTP scan. These devices are discovered only if they have a valid IP address. Proper credentials are not required to discover these access points. Wireless scans and the AirWave Management Client discover these rogues without any special changes.

Executing a Scan by Running a Scan Set

Once a scan has been defined on the Device Setup > Discover page, AWMS can now execute the scan. Perform these steps. 1. Browse to the Device Setup > Discover page and locate the Discovery Execution area at the top of the page. This section lists all scan sets that have been defined thus far. Figure 71 illustrates this page. Figure 71 Device Setup > Discover > Executing a Scan Illustration

2. Check the box next to the scan(s) that you would like to execute. 3. Click Scan to execute the selected scans, and the scan immediately commences. The Stop column displays In Progress. 4. For future scans, click Show Scheduling Options and enter the desired date and time to schedule a future scan. 5. After several minutes have passed, click the Refresh button in your browser to refresh the page and view the results of the scan you have just run. When the Start and Stop columns display date and time information, and no longer display In progress, the scan is available to display the results. 6. Click the Pencil icon for the scan you have just run to display the results. Table 78 describes the scan results and related information. Table 78 Device Setup > Discover > Discovery Execution Fields Column
Network Credentials Total APs Found

Displays the network to be scanned. Displays the credentials used in the scan. Displays the total number of APs detected during the scan that AWMS has the ability to configure and monitor. Total includes both APs that are currently being managed by AWMS as well as newly discovered APs that are not yet under management. Displays the number of newly discovered APs that are not yet under AWMS management but can be managed by AWMS.

New APs Found

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Table 78 Device Setup > Discover > Discovery Execution Fields (Continued) Column
Total Rogues Found New Rogues Found Start Stop Scheduled

Displays the total number of APs detected during the scan that AWMS could not configure and monitor. Total includes both APs that have been discovered on prior scans as well as newly discovered APs from the most recent scan. Displays the number of rogue APs discovered on the most recent scan. Displays the date and time the scan was most recently started. Displays the date and time the scan most recently completed. Displays the scheduled date and time for scans that are scheduled to be run.

7. Navigate to the APs/Devices > New page to see a full list of the newly discovered devices that the scan detected. Figure 72 illustrates this page. Figure 72 APs/Devices > New Page Illustration

From this page, you can perform the following tasks with new devices:

Select one or more devices with the corresponding check box for each, then select a Group, Folder, and mode (Monitor or Manage), and click the Add button. This action adds the device to the APs/ Devices > List page for additional processing as desired, and this action adds the device to the group specified. Select one or more devices with the corresponding check box for each, and click Ignore. This action removes the device or devices from AWMS processing and pages, and adds such devices to the APs/ Devices > Ignored page. Select one more devices with the corresponding check box for each, and click Delete to remove such devices entirely from AWMS. They will not reappear in AWMS unless they are present during a future scan.

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Manually Adding Individual Devices

Some deployment situations may require that you manually add devices to AWMS. You can add APs manually with a CSV file, or by using the Device Setup > Add page. This section describes both methods:

Adding Devices with the Device Setup > Add Page Adding Access Points, Routers and Switches with a CSV File

Adding Devices with the Device Setup > Add Page

Perform these manual steps to add devices to AWMS with device-specific parameters, depending on the make and model of the device: 1. The first step to add a device manually is to select the manufacturer and model.Browse to the Device Setup > Add page and select the manufacturer and model of the device to add. Figure 73 illustrates this page. Figure 73 Device Setup > Add Page Illustration

2. Click Add, and the Device Communications and Location sections appear, illustrated in Figure 74. Figure 74 Device Setup > Add > Device Communications and Location Page Illustration

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3. Complete these Communications and Location settings for the new device. Table 79 further describes the contents of this page. Note that settings may differ from device to device. In several cases, the default values from any given device derive from the Device Setup > Communication page. Table 79 Device Setup > Communications > Add > Device Communications and Location Fields and Default Values Setting
Name IP Address (Required)


AP Type

This is a user-configurable name for the AP (maximum of 20 characters). This is the IP address of the AP's Ethernet page. If One-to-One NAT is enabled, AWMS communicates with the AP on a different address (the IP address defined in the Device Communication area). This is the port AWMS uses to communicate with the AP via SNMP. This is a community string used to communicate with the AP. NOTE: The Community String should have RW (Read-Write) capability. This provides a read-write user account (SNMP, HTTP, and Telnet) within the Cisco Security System for access to existing APs. AWMS initially uses this username and password combination to control the Cisco AP. AWMS creates a user-specified account with which to manage the AP if the User Creation Options are set to Create and user Specified as User. NOTE: New, out-of-the-box Cisco APs typically have SNMP disabled and a blank username and password combination for HTTP and Telnet. Cisco supports multiple community strings per AP. This is the SNMPv3 privacy password.



SNMP Port Community String (Confirm) SNMPv3 Username Auth Password (Confirm)

161 Taken from the Device Setup > Communication page

All All Except Cisco VxWorks Cisco VxWorks

Taken from the Device Setup > Communication page

Privacy Password (Confirm) SNMPv3 Auth Protocol Telnet/SSH Username & Password (Confirm)

Taken from the Device Setup > Communication page Taken from the Device Setup > Communication page Taken from the Device Setup > Communication page

Enterasys R2

Cisco VxWorks Cisco IOS, Acton, HP 420, RoamAbout AP-3000

Drop-down menu allows you to set the SNMPv3 protocol to be supported by the device being added. This is the Telnet username and password for existing Cisco IOS APs. AWMS uses the Telnet username/password combination to manage the AP and to enable SNMP if desired. NOTE: New, out-of-the-box Cisco IOS-based APs typically have SNMP disabled with a default telnet username of Cisco and default password of Cisco. This value is required for management of any existing Cisco IOS-based APs. This is the password that allows AWMS to enter enable mode on the AP.

Enable Password (Confirm) HTTP Username & Password

Taken from the Device Setup > Communication page Taken from the Device Setup > Communication page

Cisco IOS

Colubris Intel 2011b Symbol 4131 Enterasys R2

This is the HTTP password used to manage the AP initially, and to enable SNMP if desired. NOTE: Enter Intel if you are supporting new, out-of-the-box Intel APs. This is the SNMPv3 authentication password. NOTE: SNMPv3 supports three security levels: (1) no authentication and no encryption, (2) authentication and no encryption, and (3) authentication and encryption. AWMS currently only supports authentication and encryption.

Auth Password

Taken from the Device Setup > Communication page

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4. In the Location field, select the appropriate group and folder for the AP. Refer to Table 80. Table 80 Device Setup > Communications > Add > Location Section Fields and Default Values Setting
Group Folder

Default Group Top

AP Type
All All

This is a drop-down menu used to assign the AP to a Group. This is drop-down menu used to assign the AP to a Folder.

5. At the bottom of the page, select either the Monitor Only + Firmware Upgrades or Management read/write radio button. The choice depends on whether or not you wish to overwrite the Group settings for the device being added.
If you select Manage read/write, AWMS overwrites existing device settings with the Group settings. AirWave recommends placing newly discovered devices in Monitor read/only mode to enable auditing of actual settings instead of Group Policy settings


6. Click Add to finish adding the devices to the network. 7. The device is now visible on the APs/Devices > New page.

Adding Access Points, Routers and Switches with a CSV File

Adding routers and switches to AWMS as managed devices allows AWMS to perform the following functions:

Leverage CDP to discover new access points in a more efficient manner. Read the ARP table to correlate MAC addresses of client devices and rogue APs to IP addresses on your network. Read the bridge forwarding tables to discover rogue APs.

AWMS needs read-only access to a router or switch for all subnets that contain devices. As each router or switch is added to AWMS, AWMS pings that device and initiates an SNMP connection with the specified community string. This verifies that the proper IP address and community string have been provided.
This is an optional step to enable AWMS to track client devices by IP address, auto-discover Cisco APs and/or enable RAPIDS MAC scanning. It is not required for basic AWMS operation. If you are using a VPN client to get username info, you must enable ARP scanning. Colubris access points using the VPN on the AP automatically provides this information to AWMS.


You can use a comma-separated values file to import lists of devices (access points, routers and switches) into AWMS. The CSV list must contain the following columns:

IP Address SNMP Community String Name Type Auth Password SNMPv3 Auth Protocol Privacy Password SNMPv3 Username Telnet Username Telnet Password Enable Password SNMP Port

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Table 81 illustrates these requirements in a hypothetical configuration. Table 81 Sample Configuration of Adding Access Points, Routers and Switches with a CSV File Item
1. IP Address 2. SNMP Community String 3. Name 4. Type 5. Auth Password 6. SNMPv3 Auth Protocol 7. Privacy Password 8. SNMPv3 Username 9. Telnet Username 10. Telnet Password 11. Enable Password 12. SNMP Port

Example private Router/Switch nonradiance md5 privacy sv3user telnetuser telnetpwd enable 161

1. To import a CSV file, navigate to the Device Setup > Add page. 2. Click Import Devices via CSV. The CSV Upload page displays, as illustrated in Figure 75. Figure 75 Device Setup > Add > Import Devices via CSV Page Illustration

3. Select a group and folder into which to import the list of devices. 4. Click the Browse... button and navigate for the CSV list, and then click Upload to add the list of devices into AWMS. The AWMS user interface provides additional instructions, supporting links, and examples of CSV file contents. 5. Click the Upload button, and the file uploads into AWMS.

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Adding Universal Devices

AWMS is able to get basic monitoring information from any device that supports SNMP including switches, routers and unsupported access points. This allows monitoring of key elements of the wired network infrastructure, including upstream switches, RADIUS servers and other devices. While AWMS can manage most leading brands and models of wireless infrastructure, UDS also enables basic monitoring of many of the less commonly used APs. Perform these steps to add universal devices to AWMS. The first step to manually adding an AP is to select the manufacturer and model. 1. Browse to the AWMS Device Setup > Add page and select the manufacturer and model. Figure 76 Device Setup > Add Page Illustration

2. Click Add. Large numbers of Universal Network Devices can be added from a CSV file by clicking the Import Devices via CSV link. 3. Enter the name, IP address and read-only SNMP community string for the device. 4. Select the appropriate group and folder. 5. Click Add. All universal devices are added in Monitor Only mode. AWMS collects basic information about universal devices, including name, contact, uptime and location. Once you have added a universal device, you can view a list of the device's interfaces on the APs/Devices > Manage page. By clicking the pencil icon next to an interface, you can assign it to be non-monitored or to be monitored as interface 1 or 2. AWMS collects this information and displays it on the APs/Devices > Monitor interface. AWMS supports MIB-II interfaces and polls in/out byte counts for up to two interfaces. AWMS also monitors sysUptime.

Assigning Newly Discovered Devices to Groups

Once you have discovered devices on your network, you must assign these devices to a group. To configure a new group, refer to Configuring and Using Device Groups in AWMS on page79. When you add a device to a group, you must specify whether the device is to be placed in Manage read/write or Monitor only mode. If you place the device in Manage read/write mode, AWMS compares the device's current configuration settings with the Group configuration settings and automatically updates the device's configuration to match the Group policy. If you place the device in Monitor read only mode, AWMS compares the current configuration with the policy, and displays any discrepancies on the APs/Devices > Audit page, but does not change the configuration of the device.
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AirWave recommends putting devices in Monitor only mode when they are added to a newly established Group. This avoids overwriting any important existing configuration settings. Once you have added several devices to the Group, and verified that no unexpected or undesired configuration changes will be made to the devices, you can begin to put the devices in Manage read/write mode using the APs/Devices > Manage or the Modify these devices link on any list page.

Adding a Newly Discovered Device to a Group

Perform the following steps to add a newly discovered device to a group. 1. Browse to the APs/Devices > New page. The APs/Devices > New page displays all newly discovered devices, the related controller, when known, and the device manufacturer, model, MAC Address, IP Address, and the date/time of discovery. Figure 77 illustrates this page. Figure 77 APs/Devices > New

2. Select the device(s) to be added to a group. 3. Select the group and folder to which the device will be added from the drop-down menu (the default group appears at the top of the Group listing). Note that devices cannot be added to a Global Group; groups designated as Global Groups cannot contain access points. 4. Select either the Monitor only or the Manage read/write radio button and click the Add button.
If you select Manage Select Devices, AWMS automatically overwrites existing device settings with the specified Group settings. AirWave strongly recommends placing newly discovered devices in Monitor mode until you can confirm that all group configuration settings are appropriate for that device.


5. If you do not wish to manage or monitor a discovered device, you may select the device(s) from the list and click either Ignore Selected Devices or Delete Selected Devices. If you choose to Ignore the devices, they will not be displayed in the APs/Devices > New list if they are discovered in subsequent scans. You can view a list of all Ignored devices on the APs/Devices > Ignored page. If you choose to Delete the device, it will be listed on the APs/Devices > New list if discovered by AWMS in a subsequent scan.

Verifying That Devices Are Added to a Group

When you add a newly discovered device to a Group in either Monitor or Manage mode, you should verify that the process completed, as verified by that device appearing in the group to which it has been added. Perform the following steps: 1. Browse to the APs/Devices > List page, which lists all devices that are managed or monitored by AWMS. Using the drop-down menu at the top of the Activity Area, you can determine whether to view all devices or only the devices from a specified Group. Figure 78 illustrates this page.
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Figure 78 APs/Devices > List (Partial Split View Accounts for Horizontal Scrolling)

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2. Verify that the devices you added are now appearing in the devices list with a Status of Up.
Immediately after you have added the device to a group, notice the device Status change to Down while AWMS verifies the configuration of the device and compares it to group settings. The device Status will change to Up when verification is complete.


The same section also appears on the Groups > Monitor page, and is linked from a controller's monitoring interface. 3. Navigate to the Alert Summary section of the APs/Devices > List page. The Alert Summary section cites the number of events that have occurred in the last two hours, the last 24 hours, and total. There are four categories of alerts as follows:

AMP Alerts IDS Events Incidents RADIUS Authentication Issues

The Alerts Summary table is also a feature of the Home > Overview page, and has the same links in that location.

Figure 79 APs/Devices > List > Alert Summary Section Illustration

The Incidents portion of this Alert Summary table only increments the counter for incidents that are open and associated to an AP. The incidents are based on the Top folder on the Groups > Monitor page and on the Home > Overview page. Incidents that are not related to devices in that folder are not counted in this Alert Summary.

To view all incidents, including those not associated to an AP, navigate to the Helpdesk > Incidents page.

4. You may view details and incidents by clicking the specific Alert Type. The alert types and detailed information available for each are as follows:

AMP AlertsClicking this link takes you to the AMP Alerts Summary page, which cites detailed

information for the current AMP Alerts. Figure 80 illustrates this page.

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Figure 80 APs/Devices > List > AMP Alerts

IDS EventsClicking this link takes you to the IDS Events Summary page, which cites detailed

information according to folder. Figure 81 APs/Devices > List, Alert Summary, IDS Events Summary Page Illustration

IncidentsClicking this link takes you to the Incidents Summary page, which cites all Helpdesk incidents and provides detailed information. Helpdesk incidents are opened with the Helpdesk tab.

The Incidents portion of this Alert Summary table only increments the counter for incidents that are open and associated to an AP. The incidents are based on the Top folder on the Groups > Monitor page and on the Home > Overview page. Incidents that are not related to devices in that folder are not counted in this Alert Summary.

To view all incidents, including those not associated to an AP, navigate to the Helpdesk > Incidents page.

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Figure 82 APs/Devices > List, Alert Summary, Incidents Summary

RADIUS Authentication IssuesClicking this link takes you to the related Summary page, to include

groupings of RADIUS Authentication issues by type, and all such issues listed in chronological sequence and by folder. Figure 83 illustrates this page. Figure 83 RADIUS Authentication Issues Summary

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Troubleshooting a Newly Discovered Device with Down Status

If the device status on the APs/Devices > List page remains Down after it has been added to a group, the most likely source of the problem is an error in the SNMP community string being used to manage the device. Perform the following steps to troubleshoot this scenario. 1. Click the Name of the down device in the list of devices on the APs/Devices > List page. This automatically directs you to the APs/Device > Monitor page for that device, illustrated in Figure 84: Figure 84 APs/Devices > Monitor Page Illustration for a Down Device

2. Locate the Status section. If the Status is Down, there is an onscreen error message indicating the cause of the problem. Some of the common system messages are as follows in Table 82: Table 82 Common System Messages for Down Status Message
SNMP Get Failed

The SNMP community string specified for that device is incorrect or an incorrect SNMP port is specified. If SNMP is not enabled on the device you will also receive this message. Some factory default APs, including Cisco IOS devices, do not have SNMP enabled by default. The telnet username and password specified for that device is incorrect or an incorrect telnet port is specified. The device is not responding on the network and is likely non-operational.

Telnet Error: command timed out ICMP Ping Failed (after SNMP Get Failed)

3. If the SNMP Get Failed message appears, click the APs/Devices > Manage tab to go to the management page for that device. 4. If visible, click the View device credentials link in the Device Communications area. This displays the credentials AWMS is using unsuccessfully to communicate with the device. This link can be removed from the AWMS for security reasons by setting a flag in AWMS. Only users with root access to the AWMS command line can show or hide this link. If you are interested in disabling this feature, please contact AirWave Support. Figure 85 illustrates this page.

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Figure 85 View AP Credentials

The View AP Credentials message may appear slightly different depending on the manufacture and model.

5. If the credentials are incorrect, return to the Device Communications area on the APs/Devices > Manage page. Figure 86 illustrates this page. Figure 86 APs/Devices > Manage > Device Communication Section Illustration


The Device Communication area may appear slightly different depending on the particular manufacture and model.

6. Enter the appropriate credentials, and click Apply. 7. Return to the APs/Devices\ List page to see if the device appears with a Status of Up.

Replacing a Broken Device

When a device goes down due to hardware failure, AWMS provides a simple process to replace the device.
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1. The first step is to replace the broken hardware. 2. Once the new device is on the network, run a discovery scan in AWMS. 3. When the new AP is discovered, add it to the same group as the broken device. Navigate to the broken devices APs/Devices > Manage page and click Replace hardware. 4. You will then be asked to specify the new device that is replacing the broken hardware. Select the new hardware in the drop-down menu and click Replace. The two device records will be merged and the new device will inherit the broken devices history. 5. If the new device has the same IP address as the broken device, you will need to add it manually to AWMS via the Device Setup > Add page before it appears in the Replace Hardware drop-down menu.

Verifying the Device Configuration Status

When you have added a newly discovered device successfully to a Group in Monitor mode, the next step is to verify the device's configuration status. Determine whether any changes will be applied to that device when you convert it to Managed read/write mode. Perform these steps to verify the device. 1. Browse to the APs/Devices > List page. 2. Locate the device in the list and check the information in the Configuration column. 3. If the device is in Monitor mode, the lock symbol appears in the Configuration column, indicating that the device is locked and will not be configured by AWMS. 4. Verify the additional information in the Configuration column for that device.

A status of Good indicates that all of the device's current settings match the group policy settings, and that no changes will be applied when the device is shifted to Manage mode. A status of Mismatched indicates that at least one of the device's current configuration settings do not match the group policy, and will be changed when the device is shifted to Manage mode.

5. If the device configuration is Mismatched, click the Mismatched link to go to the APs/Devices > Audit page. The APs/Devices > Audit page lists detailed information on all existing configuration parameters and settings for an individual device.
After upgrade to AWMS version 6.4, the APs/Devices > Audit page, and certain additional pages, show only Mismatched status by default for non-template devices.


The group configuration settings are displayed on the right side of the page. If the device is moved from Monitor to Manage mode, the settings on the right side of the page overwrite the settings on the left. Figure 87 illustrates this page. Figure 87 APs/Devices > Audit Page Illustration

6. Review the list of changes to be applied to the device to determine whether the changes are appropriate. If not, you need to change the Group settings or reassign the device to another Group.

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To change Group settings, return to the Groups > List section, select the Group to be edited from the list, and go through the Group configuration pages to change the Group configuration policies. When complete, return to the APs/Devices > Audit page for the AP and click the Audit button to refresh the screen. If the new AP Configuration status is not Good, review any remaining discrepancies between the AP's current configuration and the Group policy to ensure that the changes are appropriate. You can also click Import to update many of the group's settings based on the device's current configuration. This will take you first to a confirmation page where you will need to enter shared secrets manually, with security credentials that cannot be read from the device. To ensure you have the current device configuration, click Audit. This causes AWMS to reread the device configuration and to compare it against the group's desired configuration. To ignore specific mismatches, click the Customize button. AWMS is able to ignore specific settings on specific APs when calculating mismatches. Once you have clicked Customize, select the settings you would like to ignore and click Save. To reassign the AP to another Group, go to the APs/Devices > Manage page for that AP and reassign it to a different Group using the drop-down menu. Click Apply to add the AP to the new Group. Remember to ensure that the AP remains in Monitor mode if you do not want configuration changes to be applied automatically to the AP. The Manage This AP field on the APs/Devices > Manage page should be in the No position. Return to the APs/Devices > Audit page to review any configuration changes before shifting the AP to Manage mode.

Moving a Device from Monitor Only to Manage Read/Write Mode

Once the device configuration status is Good on the APs/Devices > List page, or once you have verified all changes that will be applied to the device on the APs/Devices > Audit page, you can safely shift the device from Monitor Only mode to Manage Read/Write mode. Perform the following steps. 1. Navigate to the APs/Devices > List page and click the wrench icon next to the name of the AP to be shifted from Monitor Only mode to Manage Read/Write mode. This directs you to the APs/Devices > Manage page. 2. Locate the General area. Figure 88 illustrates this page. Figure 88 APs/Devices > Manage > General Section Illustration

3. Click Manage Read/Write on the Management Mode radio button to shift the device from Monitor Only to Manage Read/Write mode. 4. Click Save and Apply to retain these settings and to push configuration to the device. Click Revert to cancel out of changes and return to the last saved changes. Click Delete to remove this configuration from the device. Click Ignore to disregard configuration changes from this page but otherwise retain pre-existing device configurations. Click Import Settings to add new configuration settings from another location. Click Replace Hardware to replace this device on the network but to retain configuration changes. 5. AWMS presents a confirmation screen reminding you of all configuration changes that will be applied to the device in Manage mode.
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6. Click Confirm Edit to apply the changes to the device immediately, click Schedule to schedule the changes to occur during a specific maintenance window, or click Cancel to return to the APs/Devices > Manage page. 7. Some device configuration changes may require the device to reboot. Use the Schedule function to schedule these changes to occur at a time when WLAN users will not be affected. 8. To move multiple devices into managed mode at once, use the Modify these devices link. Refer to Modifying Multiple Devices on page121 for more information.

Configuring Individual Device Settings

This section contains the following topics describing individual device configuration within device groups:

Overview of Individual Device Configuration on page148 Configuring AP Settings on page148

Overview of Individual Device Configuration

While most device configuration settings are managed by AWMS at a Group level to enable efficient change management, certain settings must be managed at the individual device level. For example, because devices within a Group are often contiguous with one another, and have overlapping coverage areas, it would not make sense to configure RF channel settings at a Group level. Instead, channel settings are managed at an individual device level to avoid RF interference between two or more devices.

Any changes made at an individual device level will automatically override Group level settings.

AWMS automatically saves the last 10 device configurations for reference and compliance purposes. Archived device configurations are linked on the APs/Devices > Audit page and identified by name. By default, configuration is tracked by the date and time it was created; devices are also archived by date. On the APs/Devices > Audit page, click the pencil icon next to the configuration name to change the name, add notes, or view the archived configuration. It is not possible to push archived configurations to devices, but archived configurations can be compared to the current configuration, the desired configuration, or to other archived configurations using the dropdown menus on the APs/Devices > Audit page. This applies to startup or to running configuration files. Compare two configurations to highlight the specific lines that are mismatched. The Audit page provides links to the AWMS pages where any mismatched settings can be configured.

Configuring AP Settings
1. Browse to the APs/Devices > List page and click the Name of the device. This directs you to the APs/ Devices > Monitor page for that device. 2. Click the APs/Devices > Manage tab and locate the Settings area. Figure 89 illustrates this page.

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Figure 89 APs/Devices > Manage Page Illustration

If any changes are scheduled for this AP they appear in a Scheduled Changes section at the top of the page above the other fields. The linked name of the job takes you to the System > Configuration Change Job Detail page for the job. 3. Locate the General sectionthis section provides general information about the AP's current status. Table 83 describes the fields, information, and settings. Table 83 APs/Devices > Manage > General Fields and Default Values Message
Name Status

Displays the name currently set on the device. Displays the current status of an AP. If an AP is Up, then AWMS is able to ping it and fetch SNMP information from the AP. If the AP is listed Down then AWMS is either unable to ping the AP or unable to read the necessary SNMP information from the device. Displays the current configuration status of the AP. To update the status, click Audit on the APs/Devices > Audit page.


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Table 83 APs/Devices > Manage > General Fields and Default Values (Continued) Message
Last Contacted Type Firmware Group Template

Displays the last time AWMS successfully contacted the AP. Displays the type of AP. Displays the version of firmware running on the AP. Links to the Group > Monitoring page for the AP. Displays the name of the group template currently configuring the AP. Also displays a link to the Groups > Template page. This is only visible for APs that are being managed via templates. Displays the name of the folder containing the AP. Also displays a link to the APs/Devices > List page for the folder. Displays the current management mode of the AP. No changes are made to the AP when it is in Monitor Only mode. AWMS pushes configurations and makes changes to an AP when it is in Manage Read/Write mode. Provides a free-form text field to describe device information.


Management Mode


4. Review and provide the following information in the Settings area. Devices with dual radios display radio-specific settings in the Slot A and Slot B area. If a device is dual-radio capable but only has one device installed, AWMS manages that device as if it were a single slot device.


Devices from different manufacturers have different RF settings and capabilities. The fields in the Settings section of the APs/Devices > Manage page are context-sensitive and only present the information relevant for the particular device manufacturer and model.

Table 84 describes field settings, default values, and information for the Sections area of this page. Table 84 APs/Devices > Manage > Settings Fields and Default Values Setting
Name Domain

None None

Device Type

User-configurable name for the device (max. 20 characters) Field is populated upon initial device discovery or rereading settings. Enable this option from AMP Setup > Network page to display this field on the APs/ Devices > Manage page, with fully-qualified domain names for IOS APs. This field is used in conjunction with Domain variable in IOS templates. The SNMP location set on the device.

Location Latitude Longitude Altitude (meters) Group

Read from the device None



Text field for entering the latitude of the device. The latitude is used with the Google earth integration. Text field for entering the longitude of the device. The longitude is used with the Google earth integration. Text field for entering the altitude of the device when known. This setting is used with the Google earth integration. Specify altitude in meters. Drop-down menu that can be used to assign the device to another Group.





Default Group


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Table 84 APs/Devices > Manage > Settings Fields and Default Values (Continued) Setting


Device Type
All All

Drop-down menu that can be used to assign the device to another Group. Selecting Yes enables automatic detection of upstream device, which is automatically updated when the device is polled. Selecting No displays a drop-down menu of upstream devices. Enter a text message that provides information to be conveyed if the device goes down. Enables or disables administrative mode for the device.

Auto Detect Yes Upstream Device

Down Status Message Administrative Status Mode







Designates the mode in which the device should operate. Options include the following: Local H-REAP Monitor Rogue Detector Sniffer

5. Complete additional settings on the APs/Devices > Manage page, to include H-REAP, certificates, radio settings, and network settings. Table 85 describes many of the possible fields. Table 85 APs/Devices > Manage Page Illustration, Additional Settings Setting
Mesh Role:

Mesh AP

Device Type
Mesh Devices

Drop-down menu specifies the mesh role for the AP. Mesh AP The AP will act like a mesh client. It will use other APs as its uplink to the network. Portal AP The AP will become a portal AP. It will use a wired connection as its uplink to the network and serve it over the radio to other APs. None The AP will act like a standard AP. It will not perform any meshing functions Select Static if the AP is static placed for example mounted on a light pole or in the ceiling. Select Roaming if the AP is mobile. Two examples would be an AP mounted in a police car or utility truck. Base Station units provide backhaul connections for satellite units, to which wireless users connect. Units can operate in bridge or router mode.

Mesh Mobility


Mesh Devices

Bridge Role Mode of Operation Ethernet Interface Configuration Dynamic Data Rate Selection Subscriber Station Class Uplink Modulation

Base Station




100 Mbps Full Duplex


Bandwidth rates for uploading and downloading.



Allows subscribers to receive the maximum data rate possible.


WiMAX Subscriber Stations WiMAX Subscriber Stations

Defines the subscriber station class for the AP. Subscriber station classes are defined on the Groups > WiMAX page.


Drop-down menu that defines the uplink modulation type for the subscriber station.

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Table 85 APs/Devices > Manage Page Illustration, Additional Settings Setting

Downlink Modulation VLAN Mode


Device Type
WiMAX Subscriber Stations WiMAX Subscriber Stations Cisco

Drop-down menu that defines the downlink modulation type for the subscriber station.


Drop-down menu that defines the VLAN mode of the AP. Inherit - The AP will inherit the VLAN settings from the subscriber class. Transparent - Tagged and untagged traffic is passed along unless blocked by a PIR restriction. Drop-down menu for the receive antenna provides three options: Diversity Device will use the antenna that receives the best signal. If the device has two fixed (non-removable) antennas, the Diversity setting should be used for both receive and transmit antennas. Right If your device has removable antennas and you install a high-gain antenna on the device's right connector (the connector on the right side when viewing the back panel of the device), use this setting for both receive and transmit. Left If your device has removable antennas and you install a high-gain antenna on the device's left connector, use this setting for both receive and transmit. See description in Receive Antenna above.

Receive Antenna Diversity

Transmit Antenna Antenna Diversity



Primary Only

Intel 2011, Symbol 4131

Drop-down menu provides the following options: Full DiversityThe AP receives information on the antenna with the best signal strength and quality. The AP transmits on the antenna from which it last received information. Primary OnlyThe AP transmits and receives on the primary antenna only. Secondary Only: The AP transmits and receives on the secondary antenna only. Rx DiversityThe AP receives information on the antenna with the best signal strength and quality. The AP transmits information on the primary antenna only. Transmit Power Reduction determines the APs transmit power. The max transmit power is reduced by the number of decibels specified. Represents the AP's current RF channel setting. The number relates to the center frequency output by the AP's RF synthesizer. Contiguous APs should be set to different channels to minimize "crosstalk," which occurs when the signals from APs overlap and interfere with each other. This RF interference negatively influences WLAN performance. 802.11b's 2.4-GHz range has a total bandwidth of 80-MHz, separated into 11 center channels. Of these channels, only 3 are non-overlapping (1, 6, and 11). In the United States, most organizations use only these non-overlapping channels. Represents top five contiguous access points calculated by summing the number of roams to and from the access point and the access point of focus. Contiguous APs should be set to different channels to minimize "crosstalk," which occurs when the signals from APs overlap and interfere with each other. This RF interference negatively influences WLAN performance. Determines the power level of radio transmission. Government regulations define the highest allowable power level for radio devices. This setting must conform to established standards for the country in which you use the device. You can increase the coverage RADIUS of the access point, by increasing the Transmit Power Level. However, while this increases the zone of coverage, it also makes it more likely that the AP will interfere with neighboring APs. Supported values are: Cisco (100mW, 50mW, 30mW, 20mW, 5mW, 1mW) Intel/Symbol (Full or 50mW, 30mW, 15mW , 5mW, 1mW) Colubris (High or 23 dBm, Med. or 17 dBm, Low or 13 dBm) Determines how far a user can roam before roaming to another AP.

Transmit Power Reduction Channel



Neighboring APs Blank


Transmit Power Level

Highest power level supported by the radio in the regulatory domain (country)

Cisco, Colubris, Intel, Symbol, Proxim AP600, AP-700, AP-2000 (802.11g)

Distance Between APs



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Table 85 APs/Devices > Manage Page Illustration, Additional Settings Setting

Notes (Optional) Radio (Enable/ Disable)


Device Type

Free form text field for entering fixed asset numbers or other device information. This information is printed on the nightly inventory report. The Radio option allows you to disable the radio's ability to transmit or receive data while still maintaining Ethernet connectivity to the network. AWMS will still monitor the Ethernet page and ensure the AP stays online. Customers typically use this option to temporarily disable wireless access in particular locations. This setting can be scheduled at an AP-Level or Group-Level. If enabled, the AP will be assigned a new IP address via DHCP. If disabled, the AP will use a static IP address. For improved security and manageability, AirWave recommends disabling DHCP and using static IP addresses. The IP Address of the AP's Ethernet interface. If One-to-One NAT is enabled, AWMS will communicate with the AP on a different address (the IP Address defined in the "Device Communication" area). If DHCP is enabled, the current assigned address will appear grayed out and the field cannot be updated in this area. Defines the BSID for the base station. This BSID should match the BSID on the Groups > WiMAX page if you want subscriber stations to associate with the base station. Subscriber stations use the BSID defined on the Groups > WiMAX page to determine which base stations to associate with. Provides the IP subnet mask to identify the sub-network so the IP address can be recognized on the LAN. If DHCP is enabled, the current assigned address will appear grayed out and the field cannot be updated in this area. The IP address of the default internet gateway. If DHCP is enabled, the current assigned address will appear grayed out and the field cannot be updated in this area.





All (except Colubris)



All (except Colubris)


00:00:00: 00:00

WiMAX Base Station

Subnet Mask






6. Locate the IOS Template Options area on the APs/Devices > Manage page.

This field only appears for IOS APs in groups with Templates enabled.

Table 86 describes field settings, default values, and additional information for this page. Table 86 APs/Devices > Manage > IOS Template Options Fields and Default Values
Setting WDS Role


Device Type
Cisco IOS

Set the WDS role for this AP. Select Master for the WDS master APs and Client for the WDS Client. Once this is done you can use the %if wds_role= % to push the client, master, or backup lines to appropriate WDS APs. AWMS will read the SSL Certificate off of the AP when it comes UP in AWMS. The information in this field will defines what will be used in place of %certificate%. Defines the lines that will replace the %ap_include_1% variable in the IOS template. This field allows for unique commands to be run on individual APs. If you have any settings that are unique per AP like a MOTD you can set them here.

SSL Certificate None

Cisco IOS

Extra IOS Commands


Cisco IOS

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7. For Cisco WLC Controllers, navigate to the interfaces section of the AP > Manage page. Click Add new interface to add another controller interface, or click the pencil icon to edit an existing controller interface. Table 87 describes the settings and default values. Table 87 APs/Devices > Manage Fields and Default Values Field
Name VLAN ID Port IP Address Subnet Mask Gateway Primary and Secondary DHCP Servers Guest LAN Quarantine

None None None None None None None

The name of the interface on the controller. The VLAN ID for the interface on the controller. The port on the controller to access the interface. The IP address of the controller. The subnet mask for the controller. The controller's gateway. The DHCP servers for the controller.

Disabled Disabled

Indicates a guest LAN. Enabled indicates it is a quarantine VLAN; used only for H-REAP-associated clients.

Configuring Device Interfaces

AWMS Version 6.4 will introduce the new APs/Devices > Interface page.

Configuring AP Communication Settings

Perform the following steps to configure AP communication settings for individual device support. 1. Locate the Device Communication area on the APs/Devices > Manage page. 2. Specify the credentials to be used to manage the AP. Figure 90 illustrates this page. Figure 90 APs/Devices > Manage > Device Communication


The Device Communication area may appear slightly different depending on the particular manufacture and model of the APs being used.

3. Enter the appropriate Auth Password and Privacy Password.

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4. You can disable the View AP Credentials link in AWMS by the root user. Contact AirWave Support for detailed instructions on disabling the link. 5. Click Apply. AWMS presents a confirmation screen reminding you of all configuration changes that will be applied to the AP. Click Confirm Edit to apply the changes to the AP immediately, Schedule to schedule the changes to occur during a specific maintenance window, or Cancel to return to the APs/ Devices > Manage page.


Some AP configuration changes may require the AP to be rebooted. Use the Schedule function to schedule these changes to occur at a time when WLAN users will not be affected.

6. Click Upgrade Firmware to upgrade the device's firmware. Note that for Aruba firmware upgrades, AWMS does not check whether a device is in Master or Local configuration, and it does not schedule rebooting after the upgrade. AWMS users should consult Aruba Networks best practices for firmware upgrades and plan their upgrades using AWMS accordingly. Figure 91 illustrates this page and Table 88 describes the settings and default values. Figure 91 APs/Devices > Manage Firmware Upgrades


Table 88 APs/Devices > Manage Firmware Upgrades Fields and Default Values Setting
Desired Version Job Name Use "/safe" flag for Cisco IOS firmware upgrade command Email Recipients


Drop-down menu specifies the firmware to be used in the upgrade. Firmware can be added to this drop-down menu on the Device Setup > Firmware Files page. Sets a user-defined name for the upgrade job. AirWave recommends using a meaningful and descriptive name. Enables or disables the /safe flag when upgrading IOS APs. The /safe flag must be disabled on older APs for the firmware file to fit in flash memory.




Displays a list of email addresses that should receive alert emails if a firmware upgrade fails.

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Table 88 APs/Devices > Manage Firmware Upgrades Fields and Default Values (Continued) Setting
Sender Address


Displays the From: address in the alert email.

Using the AWMS APs/Devices Pages for AP Communication Settings

This section describes optional components of the APs/Devices page, with explanation to controls, settings, and default values. This section has the following inter-related procedures:

Using Device Folders (Optional) Monitoring APs with the Monitoring and Controller Pages

Using Device Folders (Optional)

The devices on the APs/Devices List pages include List, Up, Down, and Mismatched fields. These devices are arranged in groups called folders. Folders provide a logical organization of devices that is unrelated to the configuration groups of the devices. Using folders, you can quickly view basic statistics about devices. You must use folders if you want to limit the APs and devices viewable to AWMS users. Figure 92 and Figure 93 illustrate this component. Figure 92 APs/Devices > Up Page Example

In Figure 92, observe the APs/Devices > Up page for the East Cost folder. There are currently eight up devices in the East Coast folder and five up devices in each of the subfolders. Folders are created in a standard hierarchical tree structure. Folder views are persistent in AWMS. If you select the East Coast folder and then click the Down link at the top of the page, you are taken to all of the down devices in the folder.

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If you want to see every down device, click the Expand Folders to show all devices link. When the folders are expanded, you see all of the devices on AWMS that satisfy the criteria of the page. You also see an additional column that lists the folder containing the AP. Perform the following steps to add a device folder to AWMS. 1. To add a folder, click the Add New Folder link. Figure 93 illustrates the page that appears. Figure 93 Folder Creation

2. Enter the name of the new folder. 3. Select the Parent folder. 4. Click Add. Once a new folder has been created, devices can be moved into it using the Modify Devices link or when
New Devices are added into AWMS.

Monitoring APs with the Monitoring and Controller Pages

The APs/Devices > Monitoring page can be reached by navigating to the APs/Devices > List page and clicking any device name. The APs/Devices > Monitor page provides a QuickView of important data regarding the AP. Figure 94 illustrates this page. Figure 94 APs/Devices > List > Monitor Page Illustration (Partial View)

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Some data on this page is displayed based on the device type.


The AP Monitoring page has seven distinct sections, as follows:

Text Status Graph Statistics QuickView (hidden by default) Associated Users Alerts Recent Events Audit Log

Figure 95 illustrates the Controller page that appears by clicking the name of a controller in the Controller field. Figure 95 APs/Devices > Monitoring > Controller Page Launched by Clicking Controller Name

Perform the following steps to use this page: 1. Locate the General area on the APs/Devices > Monitor page. Table 89 describes the fields and information displayed.
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Table 89 APs/Devices > Monitor > General Fields and Default Values Field
Poll Controller Now

Button immediately polls the individual AP or the controller for a thin AP; this overrides the group's preset polling intervals to force an immediate update of all data except for rogue information. Shows attempt status and last polling times. The Status field displays AWMS' ability to connect to the AP. Up (no issue) means everything is working as it should. Down (SNMP get failed) means AWMS can get to the device but not speak with it via SNMP. Check the SNMP credentials AWMS is using the view secrets link on the APs/Devices > Manage page and verify SNMP is enabled on the AP. Many APs ship with SNMP disabled. Down (ICMP ping failed after SNMP get failed) means AWMS is unable to connect to the AP via SNMP and is unable to ping the AP. This usually means AWMS is blocked from connecting to the AP or the AP needs to be rebooted or reset. Good means all the settings on the AP agree with the settings AWMS wants them to have. Mismatched means there is a configuration mismatch between what is on the AP and what AWMS wants to push to the AP. The Mismatched link directs you to this specific APs/Devices > Audit page where each mismatch is highlighted. Displays the firmware version running on the AP. Displays the controller for the associated AP device. Click the controller name hyperlink to display the APs/ Devices > Monitor page, which contains detailed controller information. Controller information includes Status, operational metrics, Controller Client Count by SSID, Controller Bandwidth by SSID, CPU Utilization, Memory Utilization, APs Managed by this Controller, Alerts, and Recent Events. Figure 95 illustrates the Controller page. Specifies the mesh AP acting as the wired connection to the network for this mesh AP. Specifies whether the AP is a portal device or a mesh AP. The portal device is connected to the network over a wired connection. A mesh AP is a device downstream of the portal that uses wireless connections to reach the portal device. Displays the number of mesh links between this AP and the portal. Displays the make and model of the access point. Displays the most recent time AWMS has polled the AP for information. The polling interval can be set on the Groups > Basic page. Displays the amount of time since the AP has been rebooted. This is the amount of time the AP reports and is not based on any connectivity with AWMS. Displays the MAC address of the Ethernet interface on the device. Displays the serial number of the device. Displays the serial number of the radios in the device. NOTE: This field is not available for all APs. Displays the SNMP location of the device. Displays the SNMP contact of the device. Displays the IP address that AWMS uses to communicate to the device. This number is also a link to the AP's web interface. When the link is moused over a pop-up menu will appear allowing you to http, https, telnet or SSH to the device.



Firmware Controller

Portal a Mesh Mode b

Hop Count c Type Last Polled


LAN MAC Address Serial Radio Serial

Location Contact IP

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Table 89 APs/Devices > Monitor > General Fields and Default Values (Continued) Field
SSID Total Users

Displays the SSID of the primary radio. Displays the total number of users associated to the AP regardless of which radio they are associated to, at the time of the last polling. Displays the Radio type of the first radio. (802.11a, 802.11b or 802.11g) Displays the Radio type of the second radio (802.11a, 802.11b or 802.11g. Displays the channel of the corresponding radio. Displays the number of users associated to the corresponding radio at the time of the last polling. Displays the number of bridge links for devices that are point-to-multi-point (see the Groups > PTMP/ WiMAX page for more details). Displays the total number of mesh links to the device including uplinks and downlinks. Displays the amount of bandwidth being pushed through the corresponding radio interface or device at the time of the last polling. Displays the MAC address of the corresponding radio in the AP. Displays the last time the device performed a wireless rogue scan and the number of devices discovered during the scan. Provides a free-form text field for entering fixed asset numbers or other device information. This information is printed on the nightly inventory report. Notes can be entered on the APs/Devices > Manage page.

First Radio Second Radio Channel Users Bridge Links Mesh Links d Bandwidth

MAC Address Last RAD Scan


a. b. c. d.

Field is only visible for Mesh APs. Field is only visible for Mesh APs. Field is only visible for Mesh APs. Field is only visible for Mesh APs.

2. Locate the Statistics link on the APs/Devices > Monitor page. This link launches the dot11counters graphs which include the following information:

Max and Average users on the Radio Bits per Second In and Out Frame Check Sequence Error Rate - increments when an FCS error is detected in an MPDU. Frame Duplicate Rate - increments when a frame is received that the Sequence Control field indicates is a duplicate. WEP Undecryptable Rate TX Frame Rate Multicast TX/RX Frame Rate TX/RX Fragment Rate Retry Rate Multiple Retry Rate Failed Rate ACK Failure Rate RTS Success/Failure Rate

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3. Locate the Graphical Data area on the APs/Devices > Monitor page. This area displays flash-based graphs of users and bandwidth reported by the device, as well as graphs for CPU and memory utilization for controllers. Table 90 describes graph information displayed in this page. Table 90 APs/Devices > Monitor > Graphical Data Fields and Default Values Graph

Shows the max and average user count reported by the device radios for a configurable period of time. User count for controllers are the sum of the user count on the associated APs. Checkboxes below the graph can be used to limit the data displayed. Shows the bandwidth in and out reported by the device for a configurable period of time. Bandwidth for controllers is the sum of the associated APs. Checkboxes below the graph can be used to limit the data displayed. Reports overall CPU utilization (not on a per-CPU basis) of the controller.


CPU Utilization (controllers only) Memory Utilization (controllers only)

Reports average used and free memory and average max memory for the controller.

4. Locate the Connected Users area on the APs/Devices > Monitor page. The Connected Users area provides details about the users associated to devices. This information also appears on the Users > All and Users > Connected pages. Table 91 describes the fields and information displayed. Table 91 APs/Devices > Monitor > Connected Users Fields and Default Values Field

Provides the name of the User associated to the AP. AWMS gathers this data in a variety of ways. It can be taken from RADIUS accounting data, traps from Cisco VxWorks APs and tables on Colubris APs. Displays the Radio MAC address of the user associated to the AP. Also provides a link that redirects to the Users > Detail page. Displays the radio to which the user is associated. Displays the first time AWMS recorded the MAC address as being associated.

MAC Address

Radio Association Time Duration Auth. Type

Displays the length of time the MAC address has been associated. Displays the type of authentication employed by the user. Supported auth types are as follows: EAPExtensible Authentication Protocol, only reported by Cisco VxWorks via SNMP traps. PPTPPoint-to-Point Protocol, supported by Colubris APs acting as VPNs. RADIUS accountingRADIUS accounting servers integrated with AWMS provide the RADIUS Accounting Auth type. Authenticateda general category supporting additional authentication types. AWMS considers all other types as not authenticated. The information AWMS displays in Auth Type and Cipher columns depends on what information the server receives from the APs and/or controllers it is monitoring. The client devices may all be similar, but if the APs to which they are associated are of different models, or if security is set up differently between them, then different Auth Type or Cipher values may be reported to the AWMS server. If all APs are the same model and all are set up the same way, then another reason for differing Auth Types might be the use of multiple VLANs or SSIDs. One client device might authenticate on one SSID using one Auth Type and another client device might authenticate on a second SSID using a different Auth Type.

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Table 91 APs/Devices > Monitor > Connected Users Fields and Default Values (Continued) Field

Displays the encryption or decryption cipher supporting the user, when this information is available. The client devices may all be similar, but if the APs to which they are associated are of different models, or if security is set up differently between them, then different Auth Type or Cipher values may be reported to the AWMS server. Displays the how long ago the user authenticated. Displays the average signal quality the user enjoyed. Displays the average bandwidth consumed by the MAC address. Displays the QuickView box allows users to view features including heatmap for a device and location history for a user. Displays the IP assigned to the user MAC. This information is not always available. AWMS can gather it from the association table of Colubris APs or from the ARP cache of switches discovered by AWMS. Displays the VPN IP of the user MAC. This information can be obtained from VPN servers that send RADIUS accounting packets to AWMS.

Auth. Time Signal Quality BW Location



5. Locate the CDP Neighbors area on the APs/Devices > Monitor page, if the device supports the Cisco Discovery Protocol (CDP). This section provides detailed CDP information. 6. Locate the Alerts Summary area on the APs/Devices > Monitor page. The Pending Alerts area displays all unacknowledged alerts for the AP. 7. For Aruba devices, Remote Access Monitoring is displayed on the AP > Monitor page. AWMS displays wired interfaces as well as the user count for wired ports in tunnel mode. These users also appear in the User Session report. 8. Locate the Mesh Links area on the APs/Devices > Monitor page. The Mesh Links section displays detailed information about all of the mesh links on the device. 9. Locate the View in Google Earth area on the APs/Devices > Monitor page. This section is only present for APs with latitude and longitude data configured on the APs/Devices > Manage page. If you have at least version 4.0 of Google Earth installed, clicking this button opens Google Earth and displays the location of the AP. Google Earth also displays mesh and bridge links. 10. The QuickView tool allows users at lower levels of administrative permissions (such as helpdesk staff) a window into AWMS' VisualRF tool. By clicking the location map on the APs/Devices > Monitor page you can see the heatmap for a device. 11. QuickView runs faster than VisualRF because it has fewer features. It is geared toward resolving issues with single clients or single access points. Table 92 further describes the fields of this QuickView page. Table 92 QuickView Fields Field
AP Name MAC Address Link Time

Displays the name of the AP that is linked with the currently viewed AP. Displays the radio MAC address of the AP that is linked with the currently viewed AP. Displays the day and time when the link was initiated.

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Table 92 QuickView Fields Field

Duration Link Type

Displays the length of time the two APs have been linked. Specifies the type of link, either uplink or downlink, connecting the two APs. An uplink leads to the portal AP. A downlink connects serves the viewed APs connection to the portal AP to other APs. Displays the RSSI observed between the two linked devices. Displays the number of hops between the device and its portal.

RSSI Hop Count

12. Locate the Recent Events area on the APs/Devices > Monitor page. The Recent Events area lists the most recent events specific to the AP. This information also appears on the System > Events Log page. Table 93 describes the fields in this page display. Table 93 APs/Devices > Monitor > Recent Events Fields and Default Values Field
Time User

Displays the day and time the event was recorded. Displays the user that triggered the event. Configuration changes are logged as the AWMS user that submitted them. Automated AWMS events are logged as the System user. Displays a short text description of the event.


13. Locate the Recent Events area on the APs/Devices > Monitor page. The Audit Log area lists the most recent changes made to the AP. Table 94 describes the components of this display. Table 94 APs/Devices > Monitor > Recent Events Fields and Default Values Field
Time User

Displays the day and time the event was recorded. Displays the user that triggered the event. Configuration changes will be logged as the AWMS user that submitted them. Automated AWMS events are logged as the System user. Displays a text description of the change made to the device. Please contact AirWave Support for detailed explanation of any events logged.


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Chapter 6
Creating and Using Templates

This chapter provides an overview and several tasks supporting the use of device configuration templates in AWMS. This chapter contains the following topics: General Template Use

Group Templates Viewing and Adding Templates Configuring General Template Files and Variables

Configuring General Templates Using Template Syntax Using Directives to Eliminate Reporting of Configuration Mismatches

<ignore_and_do_not_push>substring</ignore_and_do_not_push> <push_and_exclude>command</push_and_exclude>

Using Conditional Variables in Templates Using Substitution Variables in Templates Using AP-Specific Variables

Templates for Cisco IOS Devices

Configuring Cisco IOS Templates

Applying Startup-config Files WDS Settings in Templates SCP Required Settings in Templates Supporting Multiple Radio Types via a Single IOS Template Configuring Single and Dual-Radio APs via a Single IOS Template

Templates for Symbol and HP ProCurve WeSM Devices

Configuring Symbol Controller / HP WESM Templates

Global Templates

Configuring a Global Template

For additional information, refer to the AirWave Wireless Knowledge Base, which requires registration and login.

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Group Templates
Supported Device Templates
Templates are powerful configuration tools that allow AWMS to manage virtually all settings on an AP device. A template uses variables to adjust for minor configuration differences between devices. The Groups > Templates configuration page allows you to create configuration templates for the following types of devices:

Alcatel-Lucent Aruba


AirWave recommends using the graphical AOS Config feature in support of Aruba and Alcatel-Lucent devices, particularly for AOS 3.3.2.x and AOS 3.4.x. Refer to the Aruba Configuration Guide for additional information.

Cisco Aironet IOS and 4800 autonomous APs HP ProCurve 530 and WeSM controllers Hirschmann LANCOM Nomdix Symbol Trapeze

3Com Nortel Enterasys

Template Variables
Variables in templates configure device-specific properties, such as name, IP address and channel. Variables can also be used to configure group-level properties, such as SSID and RADIUS server, which may differ from one group to the next. The AWMS template understands many variables including the following:

%ap_include %channel% %hostname% %ip_address% %ofdmpower%

The variable settings correspond to device-specific values on the APs/Devices > Manage configuration page for the specific AP that is getting configured.
Changes made on the other Group pages (Radio, Security, VLANs, SSIDs, and so forth) are not applied to any APs that are configured by templates.


Viewing and Adding Templates

Perform these steps to display, add, or edit templates. 1. Navigate to the Groups > List page, and select a group for which to add or edit templates. This can be a new group, created with the Add button, or you can edit an existing group by clicking the corresponding pencil icon. The Groups > Basic page for that group appears.
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Additional information about adding and editing groups is described in Chapter 4, Configuring and Using Device Groups in AWMS on page79. 2. From the AWMS navigation pane, click Templates. The Templates page appears. Figure 96 illustrates the Groups > Templates configuration page, and Table 95 describes the information columns. Figure 96 Groups > Templates Page Illustration for a Sample Device Group

Table 95 Groups > Templates Fields and Default Values Setting


When applicable, this section lists devices that are active on the network with no template available for the respective firmware. Click the link from such a note to launch the Add Template configuration page for that device. Displays the template name. Displays the template that applies to APs or devices of the specified type. If Cisco IOS (Any Model) is selected, the template applies to all IOS APs that do not have a version specific template defined. If there are two templates that might apply to a device, the template with the most restrictions takes precedence. Displays the status of the template. Sets the date that the template was originally fetched from a device.

Name Device Type

Status Fetch Date

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Table 95 Groups > Templates Fields and Default Values (Continued) Setting
Version Restriction

Designates that the template only applies to APs running the version of firmware specified. If the restriction is None, then the template applies to all the devices of the specified type in the group. If there are two templates that might apply to a device the template with the most restrictions takes precedence. If there is a template that matches a devices firmware it will be used instead of a template that does not have a version restriction.

3. To create a new template and add it to the AWMS template inventory, navigate to the Groups > List page,
and select the group to which you will apply the template. Click the group name and the Details page appears. Templates, and click Add.

4. Complete the configurations illustrated in Figure 97, and the settings described in Table 96.

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Figure 97 Groups > Templates > Add Template Page Illustration

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Table 96 Groups > Templates > Add Template Fields and Default Values Setting
Use Global Template


Uses a global template that has been previously configured on the Groups > Templates configuration page. Available templates will appear in the drop-down menu. If Yes is selected you can also configure global template variables. For Symbol devices you can select the groups of thin APs to which the template should be applied. For more information about global templates see the Groups > Templates section of the User Guide. Selects an AP from which to fetch a configuration. The configuration will be turned into a template with basic AP specific settings like channel and power turned into variables. The variables are filled with the data on the APs/Devices > Manage configuration page for each AP. Defines the template display name. Determines that the template applies to APs or devices of the specified type. If Cisco IOS (Any Model) is selected, the template applies to all IOS APs that do not have a version specific template specified. Determines reboot when AWMS applies the template, copied from the new configuration file to the startup configuration file on the AP. If No is selected, AWMS uses the AP to merge the startup and running configurations. If Yes is selected, the configuration is copied to the startup configuration file and the AP is rebooted. NOTE: This field is only visible for some devices. Restricts the template to APs of the specified firmware version. If Yes is selected, the template only applies to APs on the version of firmware specified in the Template Firmware Version field. Designates that the template only applies to APs running the version of firmware specified.



Name AP Type

None Cisco IOS (Any Model)

Reboot APs After Configuration Changes


Restrict to this version Template firmware version Community String Telnet/SSH Username Telnet/SSH Password "enable" Password SNMPv3 Username Auth Password




If the template is updating the community strings on the AP, enter the new community string AWMS should use here. AWMS updates the credentials it is using to communicate to the device after the device has been managed. If the template is updating the Telnet/SSH Username on the AP, enter the new username AWMS should use here. AWMS updates the credentials it is using to communicate to the device after the device has been managed. If the template is updating the Telnet/SSH password on the AP, enter the new Telnet/SSH password AWMS should use here. AWMS updates the credentials it is using to communicate to the device after the device has been managed. If the template is updating the enable password on the AP, enter the new enable password AWMS should use here. AWMS updates the credentials it is using to communicate to the device after the device has been managed. If the template is updating the SNMP v3 Username password on the AP, enter the new SNMP Username password here. AWMS updates the credentials it is using to communicate to the device after the device has been managed. If the template is updating the SNMP v3 Auth password on the AP, enter the new SNMP Username password here. AWMS updates the credentials it is using to communicate to the device after the device has been managed. If the template is updating the SNMP v3 Privacy password on the AP, enter the new SNMP Username password here. AWMS updates the credentials it is using to communicate to the device after the device has been managed. Specifies the SNMPv3 Auth protocol, either MD5 or SHA-1.






Privacy Password SNMPv3 Auth Protocol



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Table 96 Groups > Templates > Add Template Fields and Default Values (Continued) Setting
SNMPv3 Privacy Protcol


Specifies the SNMPv3 Privacy protocol, either DES or AES.

Configuring General Template Files and Variables

This section describes the most general aspects of configuring AP device templates and the most common variables:

Configuring General Templates Using Template Syntax Using Directives to Eliminate Reporting of Configuration Mismatches

<ignore_and_do_not_push>substring</ignore_and_do_not_push> <push_and_exclude>command</push_and_exclude>

Using Conditional Variables in Templates Using Substitution Variables in Templates Using AP-Specific Variables

Configuring General Templates

Perform the following steps to configure Templates within a Group. 1. Select a Group to configure.
AirWave recommends starting with a small group of access points and placing these APs in Monitor Only mode, which is read-only. Do this via the Modify Devices link until you are fully familiar with the template configuration process. This prevents configuration changes from being applied to the APs until you are sure you have the correct configuration specified.


2. Select an AP from the Group to serve as a model AP for the others in the Group. You should select a device that is configured currently with all the desired settings. If any APs in the group have two radios, make sure to select a model AP that has two radios and that both are configured in proper and operational fashion. 3. Navigate to the Groups > Templates configuration page. Click Add to add a new template. 4. Select the type of device that will be configured by this template. 5. Select the model AP from the drop-down list, and click Fetch. 6. AWMS automatically attempts to replace some values from the configuration of that AP with variables to enable AP-specific options to be set on an AP-by-AP basis. Refer to Using Template Syntax on page173 These variables are always encapsulated between % signs. On the right side of the configuration page is the Additional Variables section. This section lists all available variables for your template. Variables that are in use in a template are green, while variables that are not yet in use are black. Verify these substitutions to ensure that all of the settings that you believe should be managed on an AP-by-AP basis are labeled as variables in this fashion. If you believe that any AP-level settings are not marked correctly, please contact AirWave Technical Support at 866-WIFI-AMP before proceeding.

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7. Specify the device types for the template. The templates only apply to devices of the specified type.

Specify whether AWMS should reboot the devices after a configuration push. If the Reboot Devices after Configuration Changes option is selected, then AWMS instructs the AP to copy the configuration from AWMS to the startup configuration file of the AP and reboot the AP. If the Reboot Devices after Configuration Changes option is not selected, then AWMS instructs the AP to copy the configuration to the startup configuration file and then tell the AP to copy the startup configuration file to the running configuration file. AirWave recommends using the reboot option when possible. Copying the configuration from startup configuration file to running configuration file merges the two configurations and can cause undesired configuration lines to remain active on the AP.

8. Restrict the template to apply only to the specified version of firmware. If the template should only apply to a specific version of firmware, select Yes and enter the firmware version in the Template Firmware Version text field. 9. Click the Save and Apply button to push the configuration to all of the devices in the group. If the devices are in monitor-only mode (which is recommended while you are crafting changes to a template or creating a new one), then AWMS will audit the devices and compare their current configuration to the one defined in the template.
If you set the reboot flag to No, then some changes could result in configuration mismatches until the AP is rebooted.


For example, changing the SSID on Cisco IOS APs requires the AP to be rebooted. Two other settings that require the AP to be rebooted for configuration change are Logging and NTP. A configuration mismatch results if the AP is not rebooted. If logging and NTP service are not required according to the Group configuration, but are enabled on the AP, you would see a configuration file mismatch as follows if the AP is not rebooted: IOS Configuration File Template:
(no logging queue-limit)

Device Configuration File on APs/Devices > Audit Configuration Page

line con 0 line vty 5 15 actual logging actual logging actual logging facility local6 actual logging queue-limit 100 actual logging trap debugging no service pad actual ntp clock-period 2861929 actual ntp server radius-server attribute 32 include-in-access-req format %h

10. Once the template is correct and all mismatches are verified on the AP Audit configuration page, use the Modify Devices link on the Groups > Monitor configuration page to place the desired devices into

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Management mode. This removes the APs from Monitor mode (read-only) and instructs the AP to pull

down its new startup configuration file from AWMS.

Devices can be placed into Management mode individually from the APs/Devices > Manage configuration page.

Using Template Syntax

Template syntax is comprised of the following components, described in this section:

Using AP-Specific Variables Using Directives to Eliminate Reporting of Configuration Mismatches Using Conditional Variables in Templates Using Substitution Variables in Templates

Using Directives to Eliminate Reporting of Configuration Mismatches

AWMS is designed to audit AP configurations to ensure that the actual configuration of the access point exactly matches the Group template. When a configuration mismatch is detected, AWMS generates an automatic alert and flags the AP as having a Mismatched configuration status on the user page. However, when using the templates configuration function, there will be times when the running-config file and the startup-config file do not match under normal circumstances. For example, the ntp clock-period setting is almost never identical in the running-config file and the startup-config file. You can use directives such as <ignore_and_do_not_push> to customize the template to keep AWMS from reporting mismatches for this type of variance. AWMS provides two types of directives that can be used within a template to control how AWMS constructs the startup-config file to send to each AP and whether it reports variances between the running-config file and the startup-config file as "configuration mismatches." Lines enclosed in <push_and_exclude> are included in the AP's startup-config file but AWMS ignores them when verifying configurations. Lines enclosed in <ignore_and_do_not_push> cause AWMS to ignore those lines during configuration verification. <ignore_and_do_not_push>substring</ignore_and_do_not_push> Instead of using the full tags you may use the bracketed shorthand, [substring]. The ignore and do not push directive should typically be used when a value cannot be configured on the device, but always appears in the running-config file. Lines enclosed in the ignore and do not push directive will not be included in the startup-config file that is copied to each AP. When AWMS is comparing the running-config file to the startup-config file for configuration verification, it will ignore any lines in the running-config file that start with the text within the directive. Lines belonging to an ignored and unpushed line, the lines immediately below the line and indented, are ignored as well. In the example below, if you were to bracket NTP server, the NTP clock period would behave as if it were bracketed because it belongs or is associated with the NTP server line.
The line <ignore_and_do_not_push>ntp clock-period</ignore_and_do_not_push> will cause lines starting with "ntp clock-period" to be ignored. However, the line <ignore_and_do_not_push>ntp </ignore_and_do_not_push> causes all lines starting with "ntp" to be ignored, so it is important to be as specific as possible.


<push_and_exclude>command</push_and_exclude> Instead of using the full tags you may use the parenthesis shorthand, (substring). The push and exclude directive is used to push commands to the AP that will not appear in the running-config file. For example, some no commands that are used to remove SSIDs or remove configuration parameters do not appear in the running-config file of a device. A command inside the push and exclude directive are included in the

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startup-config file pushed to a device, but AWMS excludes them when calculating and reporting configuration mismatches.

The opening tag may have leading spaces.


Below are some examples of using directives:

line con 0 </push_and_exclude>no stopbits</push_and_exclude> line vty 5 15 ! ntp server <ignore_and_do_not_push>ntp clock-period</ignore_and_do_not_push> end

Using Conditional Variables in Templates

Conditional variables allow lines in the template to be applied only to access points where the enclosed commands will be applicable and not to any other access points within the Group. For example, if a group of APs consists of dual-radio Cisco 1200 devices (802.11a/b) and single-radio Cisco 1100 (802.11b) devices, it is necessary to make commands related to the 802.11a device in the 1200 APs conditional. Conditional variables are listed in the table below. The syntax for conditional variables is as follows, and syntax components are described in Table 97:
%if variable=value% %endif%

Table 97 Conditional Variable Syntax Components Variable


Dot11Radio0 Dot11Radio1

2.4GHz radio module is installed 5GHz external radio module is installed Installed 5GHz radio module is 802.11a Installed 2.4GHz radio module is 802.11b only Installed 2.4GHz radio module is 802.11g capable The wds role of the AP is the value selected in the drop down menu on the APs/Devices > Manage configuration page for the device.


a b g


backup client master



IP address of the device is set statically on the AP Manage configuration page. IP address of the device is set dynamically using DHCP


Using Substitution Variables in Templates

Substitution variables are used to set AP-specific values on each AP in the group. It is obviously not desirable to set the IP address, hostname, and channel to the same values on every AP within a Group. The variables in Table 98 are substituted with values specified on each access point's APs/Devices > Manage configuration page within the AWMS User page.
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Sometimes, the running-config file on the AP does not include the command for one of these variables because the value is set to the default. For example, when the "transmission power" is set to maximum (the default), the line "power local maximum" will not appear in the AP's running-config file, although it will appear in the startup-config file. AWMS would typically detect and flag this variance between the runningconfig file and startup-config file as a configuration mismatch. To prevent AWMS from reporting a configuration mismatch between the desired startup-config file and the running-config file on the AP, AWMS suppresses the lines in the desired configuration when auditing the AP configuration (similar to the way AWMS suppresses lines enclosed in parentheses, which is explained below). Below is a list of the default values that causes lines to be suppressed in this way when reporting configuration mismatches. Table 98 Substitution Variables in Templates Variable
hostname channel ip_address netmask gateway antenna_ receive antenna_transmit cck_power ofdm_power power location contact certificate ap include

Name Channel IP address Subnet mask

hostname %hostname% channel %channel% ip address %ip_address% %netmask% or ip address dhcp ip default-gateway %gateway% antenna receive %antenna_receive% antenna transmit %antenna_transmit%

Suppressed Default


Receive antenna


Transmit antenna


802.11g radio module CCK power level 802.11g radio module OFDM power level

power local cck %cck_power% maximum power local ofdm %ofdm_power% power local %power% snmp-server location %location% snmp-server contact %contact% %certificate% %ap_include_1% maximum

802.11a and 802.11b radio module power level The location of the SNMP server.

maximum -

The SNMP server contact.

The SSL Certificate used by the AP The AP include fields allow for configurable variables. Any lines placed in the AP Include field on the APs/Devices > Manage configuration page replace this variable.

Using AP-Specific Variables

When a template is applied to an AP all variables are replaced with the corresponding settings from the APs/ Devices > Manage configuration page. This enables AP-specific settings (such as Channel) to be managed effectively on an AP-by-AP basis. The list of used and available variables appears on the template detail configuration page. Variables are always encapsulated between % signs. The following example illustrates this usage:
hostname %hostname% interface Dot11Radio0
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power local cck %CCK_POWER% power local ofdm %OFDM_POWER% channel %CHANNEL%

The hostname line sets the AP hostname to the hostname stored in AWMS. The power lines set the power local cck and ofdm values to the numerical values that are stored in AWMS.

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Configuring Cisco IOS Templates

Cisco IOS access points have literally hundreds of configurable settings. For simplicity and ease of use, AWMS enables you to control them via the Groups > Templates configuration page. This configuration page defines the startup-config file of the devices rather than utilizing the AWMS normal Group configuration pages. AWMS no longer supports making changes for these devices via the browser-based page, but rather uses templates to configure all settings, including settings that were controlled formerly on the AWMS Group configuration pages. Perform these steps to configure a Cisco IOS Template for use with one or more groups, and the associated devices within those groups.

Applying Startup-config Files

AWMS instructs each of the APs in the Group to copy its unique startup-config file from AWMS via TFTP or SCP.

If the Reboot Devices after Configuration Changes option is selected, then AWMS instructs the AP to copy the configuration from AWMS to the startup-config file of the AP and reboot the AP. If the Reboot Devices after Configuration Changes option is not selected, then AWMS instructs the AP to copy the configuration to the startup-config file and then tell the AP to copy the startup config file to the running-config file. AirWave recommends using the reboot option when possible. Copying the configuration from startup to running merges the two configurations and can cause undesired configuration lines to remain active on the AP.

For additional information, refer to Access Point Notes on page297 for a full Cisco IOS template.
Changes made on the standard AWMS Group configuration pages, to include Basic, Radio, Security, VLANs, and so forth, are not applied to any template-based APs.


WDS Settings in Templates

A group template supports Cisco WDS settings. APs functioning in a WDS environment communicate with the Cisco WLSE via a WDS master. IOS APs can function in Master or Slave mode. Slave APs report their rogue findings to the WDS Master (AP or WLSM which reports the data back to the WLSE. On the APs/ Devices > Manage configuration page select the proper role for the AP in the WDS Role drop down menu. The following example sets an AP as a WDS Slave with the following lines:
%if wds_role=client% wlccp ap username wlse password 7 XXXXXXXXXX %endif%

The following example sets an AP as a WDS Master with the following lines:
%if wds_role=master% aaa authentication login method_wds group wds aaa group server radius wds server auth-port 1645 acct-port 1646 wlccp authentication-server infrastructure method_wds wlccp wds priority 200 interface BVI1 wlccp ap username wlse password 7 095B421A1C %endif%

The following example sets an AP as a WDS Master Backup with the following lines:
%if wds_role=backup% aaa authentication login method_wds group wds aaa group server radius wds server auth-port 1645 acct-port 1646
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wlccp authentication-server infrastructure method_wds wlccp wds priority 250 interface BVI1 wlccp ap username wlse password 7 095B421A1C %endif%

SCP Required Settings in Templates

A few things must be set up before enabling SCP on the Groups > Basic configuration page. The credentials used by AWMS to login to the AP must have level 15 privileges. Without them AWMS is not be able to communicate with the AP via SCP. The line "aaa authorization exec default local" must be in the AP's configuration file and the AP must have the SCP server enabled. These three settings correspond to the following lines in the AP's configuration file.

username Cisco privilege 15 password 7 0802455D0A16 aaa authorization exec default local ip scp server enable

The username line is a guideline and will vary based on the username being set, in this case Cisco, and the password and encoding type, in this case 0802455D0A16 and 7 respectively. These values can be set on a group wide level using Templates and TFTP. Once these lines are set, SCP can be enabled on the Groups > Basic configuration page without problems.

Supporting Multiple Radio Types via a Single IOS Template

Some lines in an IOS configuration file should only apply to certain radio types (that is, 802.11g vs. 802.11b). For instance, lines related to speed rates that mention rates above 11.0Mb/s do not work for 802.11b radios that cannot support these data rates. You can use the "%IF variable=value% %ENDIF%" construct to allow a single IOS configuration template to configure APs with different radio types within the same Group. The below examples illustrate this usage:
interface Dot11Radio0 %IF radio_type=g% speed basic-1.0 basic-2.0 basic-5.5 6.0 9.0 11.0 12.0 18.0 24.0 36.0 48.0 54.0 %ENDIF% %IF radio_type=b% speed basic-1.0 2.0 5.5 11.0 %ENDIF% %IF radio_type=g% power local cck %CCK_POWER% power local ofdm %OFDM_POWER% %ENDIF%

Configuring Single and Dual-Radio APs via a Single IOS Template

To configure single and dual-radio APs using the same IOS config template, you can use the interface variable within the %IF% construct. The below example illustrates this usage:
%IF interface=Dot11Radio1% interface Dot11Radio1 bridge-group 1 bridge-group 1 block-unknown-source bridge-group 1 spanning-disabled bridge-group 1 subscriber-loop-control no bridge-group 1 source-learning

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no bridge-group 1 unicast-flooding no ip address no ip route-cache rts threshold 2312 speed basic-6.0 basic-9.0 basic-12.0 basic-18.0 basic-24.0 36.0 48.0 54.0 ssid decibel-ios-a authentication open guest-mode station-role root %ENDIF%

Configuring Symbol Controller / HP WESM Templates

This section describes the configuration of templates for Symbol controllers and HP WESM devices. Symbol controllers (5100 and 2000) can be configured in AWMS using templates. AWMS supports Symbol 5100 firmware upgrades for 3.x. A sample running-configuration file template is provided in this topic for reference. A template can be fetched from a model device using the Cisco IOS device procedure described in Configuring Cisco IOS Templates on page177. Certain parameters such as hostname and location are turned into variables with the % tags so that devicespecific values can be read from the individual manage pages and inserted into the template. There is an option on the Group > Templates page to reboot the device after pushing a configuration to it. Certain settings have integrated variables, including ap-license and adoption-preference-id. The radio preamble has been template-integrated as well.

// // WS2000 Configuration Command Script // System Firmware Version: // / passwd enc-admin b30e1f81296925 passwd enc-manager a11e00942773 / system ws2000 // WS2000 menu set name %hostname% set loc %location% set email %contact% set cc us set airbeam mode disable set airbeam enc-passwd a11e00942773 set applet lan enable set applet wan enable set applet slan enable set applet swan enable set cli lan enable set cli wan enable set snmp lan enable set snmp wan enable set workgroup name WORKGROUP set workgroup mode disable set ftp lan disable set ftp wan disable
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set ssh lan enable set ssh wan enable set timeout 0 / "templatized-running-config-static" 1309L, 28793C 1,1 Top set port 8 primary 1812 set server 8 secondary set port 8 secondary 1812 / // Hotspot Whitelist configuration network wlan hotspot white-list clear rule all // Hotspot Whitelist 1 configuration // Hotspot Whitelist 2 configuration // Hotspot Whitelist 3 configuration // Hotspot Whitelist 4 configuration // Hotspot Whitelist 5 configuration // Hotspot Whitelist 6 configuration // Hotspot Whitelist 7 configuration // Hotspot Whitelist 8 configuration / / network dhcp // network->dhcp menu set firmwareupgrade 1 set configupgrade 1 set interface s2 set dhcpvendorclassid / Save

A sample Symbol thin AP template is provided below for reference and for the formatting of if statements.
set mac %radio_index% %radio_mac% set ap_type %radio_index% %ap_type% set radio_type %radio_index% %radio_type% set beacon intvl %radio_index% 100 set dtim %radio_index% 10 set ch_mode %radio_index% fixed %if radio_type=802.11a% set primary %radio_index% 1 %endif% %if radio_type=802.11b% set short-pre %radio_index% disable %endif% %if radio_type=802.11b/g% set short-pre %radio_index% disable %endif% set div %radio_index% full set reg %radio_index% in/out %channel% %transmit_power% set rts %radio_index% 2341 set name %radio_index% %description% set loc %radio_index%
180 | Creating and Using Templates AirWave Wireless Management Suite User Guide | Version 6.4

set detectorap %radio_index% %detector% %if radio_type=802.11a% set rate %radio_index% 6,12,24 6,9,12,18,24,36,48,54 %endif% %if radio_type=802.11b% set rate %radio_index% 1,2 1,2,5.5,11 %endif% %if radio_type=802.11b/g% set rate %radio_index% 1,2,5.5,11 1,2,5.5,6,9,11,12,18,24,36,48,54 %endif%

Configuring Clustering and Redundancy

The following redundancy parameters can be considered 'device' parameters, and the %ap_include variables can be used to represent them:

interface-ip mode member-ip enable

The following redundancy parameters can be considered 'group' parameters, and should not be mad into a variable in the template:

group-id heartbeat-period hold-period discovery-period handle-stp

The following is an example template (redundancy section only):

redundancy group-id 5 redundancy interface-ip %ap_include_2% redundancy mode %ap_include_3% redundancy heartbeat-period 60 redundancy hold-period 120 redundancy discovery-period 10 redundancy handle-stp enable %ap_include_1% %ap_include_4%

Put the controller-appropriate values into the relevant fields on the APs/Devices > Manage pages.

Changing Redundancy Configuration

This procedure presumes an operable configuration from which you can build additional and redundant templates. To configure an Active/Active vs Active/Standby template, perform the following steps: 1. On the APs/Devices > Manage page of the device that is or will be the Standby device, change the ap_include_4 variable to no redundancy enable.

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2. Put device in Manage mode, then click Save and Apply. The configuration is pushed to the device. There should be no mismatches with this approach. 3. On the APs/Devices > Manage page for that same device, change the ap_include_3 variable to Primary or Standby. Click Save and Apply. The configuration is pushed to the device. There should be no mismatches with this approach. 4. On the APs/Devices > Manage page of same device, change the ap_include_4 variable to redundancy enable. Click Save and Apply. The configuration is pushed to the device. There should be no mismatches with this approach.

Adding Clustering Members

This template configuration changes group-level parameters. 1. On the APs/Devices > Manage page of each of the devices in the group, change the ap_include_4 variable to no redundancy enable. Put device in management mode. Click Save and Apply. 2. Configuration will be pushed to the devices. There should be no mismatches. 3. Edit one or more of the 'group' redundancy parameters in the template. Click Save and Apply. 4. Configuration will be pushed to the device. There should be no mismatches. 5. On the APs/Devices > Manage page of the devices, change ap_include_4 to "redundancy enable". Click Save and Apply. 6. Configuration will be pushed to the devices. There should be no mismatches.

Configuring a Global Template

Global templates allow AWMS users to define a single template in a global group that can be used to manage access points in subscriber groups. Such a template enables turning settings like group RADIUS servers and encryption keys into variables that can be configured on a per-group basis. Perform the following steps to create a global template, or to view or edit an existing global template: 1. Navigate to the Group > Templates configuration page for the global group that owns it. 2. Click the Add button to add a new template, or click the pencil icon next to an existing template to edit that template. 3. Examine the configurations illustrated in Figure 98. Figure 98 Group > Templates > Add Page Illustration

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4. Use the drop-down menu to select a device from which to build the global template and click the Fetch button. The drop-down menus are populated with all devices that are contained in any group that subscribes to the global group. The fetched configuration populates the template field. Global template variables can be configured with the Add button in the Template Variables box, illustrated in Figure 99. Figure 99 Template Variables Illustration

The variable name cannot have any spaces or non-alphanumeric characters. The initial variable value entered is the default value, but can be changed on a per-group basis later. You can also populate global template variables by uploading a CSV file (see below). 5. Once you have configured your global template, click Add at the bottom of the configuration page. You are taken to a confirmation configuration page where you can review your changes. 6. If you want to add the global template, click the Apply Changes Now button. If you do not want to add the template, click the Cancel and Discard Changes button. Canceling from the confirmation configuration page causes the template and all of the template variables to be lost. 7. Once you have added a new global template, you can use a CSV upload option to configure global template variables. Navigate to the Groups > Templates configuration page and click the CSV upload icon for the template. The CSV file must contain columns for Group Name and Variable Name. All fields must be completed.

Group Namethe name of the subscriber group that you wish to update. Variable Namethe name of the group template variable you wish to update. Variable Valuethe value to set.

For example, for a global template with a variable called "ssid_1", the CSV file might resemble what follows:
Group Name, ssid_1 Subscriber 1, Value 0

8. Once you have defined and saved a global template, it is available for use by any local group that subscribes to the global group. Navigate to the Groups > Template configuration page for the local group and click the pencil icon next to the name of the global template in the list. Figure 100 illustrates this page. Figure 100 Groups > Templates Edit, Topmost Portion

9. You are not be able to edit the template itself from the subscriber group's Groups > Templates tab. To make template changes, navigate to the Groups > Template configuration page for the global group and click the pencil icon next to the template you wish to edit.

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10. If group template variables have been defined, you are able to edit the value for the group on the Groups > Templates, Add configuration page in the Group Template Variables box. For Symbol devices, you are also able to define the template per group of APs. For more information on using templates in AWMS, see the previous section of this chapter. It is also possible to create local templates in a subscriber groupusing global groups does not mean that global templates are mandatory.

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Chapter 7
Using RAPIDS and Rogue Classification

RAPIDS is used to secure your wireless network. One of the core components of wireless security is rogue device detection. RAPIDS leverages your existing infrastructure to perform wired and wireless scans for rogue devices. Once the rogue devices are discovered, RAPIDS will alert your security team of the threat and provide the key information needed to eliminate the threat. The RAPIDS module and rogue device classification are detailed in the following sections:

Overview on page185 Monitoring Rogue AP Devices on page186 Configuring RAPIDS on page192 RAPIDS Rules on page195 The RAPIDS OUI Score Override on page200

RAPIDS leverages an existing wired and wireless infrastructure without requiring separate rogue-scanning devices to detect and locate devices that pose a security threat to your network and users. RAPIDS discovers unauthorized devices in your WLAN network in the following ways:

Over the Air

Using your existing enterprise APs (Aruba, Alcatel, Cisco WLC, Symbol for example) RF scanning using AirWave Management Client (AMC)Optional Using HTTP and SNMP Scanning Polling routers and switches to identify, classify, and locate unknown APs

On the Wire

Furthermore, RAPIDS integrates with external intrusion detection systems (IDS), as follows:

Cisco's WLSE (1100 and 1200 IOS)AWMS fetches rogue information from the HTTP interface and gets new AP information from SOAP API. This system provides wireless discovery information rather than rogue detection information. AirMagnet EnterpriseFetches a list of managed APs from AWMS. AirDefenseUses the AWMS XML API to keep its list of managed devices up to date. WildPackets OmniPeekFetches a list of managed APs from AWMS.

The RAPIDS tabs are:

OverviewThis is a starting point for detection and monitoring of rogue devices on the network. This

page summarizes IDS events, rogue device data, acknowledged devices, system events, and RAPIDS events. For more information, see Viewing a Rogue AP on page188.

Rogue APsProvides a summary of rogue data for each unmanaged device discovered by RAPIDS. The information can be sorted and filtered so that you can isolate the devices you need to investigate. For more information, see Monitoring Rogue AP Devices on page186. SetupThis tab presents the basic RAPIDS configuration, classification options, and filtering option.

For more information, see Configuring RAPIDS on page192.

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RulesThis tab is where you configure and manage the rules that govern device classification. This tab

also defines the default classification of rogue devices that do not match any RAPIDS rules. For more information, see RAPIDS Rules on page195.

Score OverrideThis tab allows you to change the OUI scores assigned to MAC addresses detected during scans of bridge forwarding tables on switches or routers. For more information, see The RAPIDS OUI Score Override on page200.

Additional Rogue Device Resources

The following AWMS tools support RAPIDS:

System Triggers and AlertsTriggers and Alerts that are associated with rogue devices follow the classification-based system described in this chapter. For additional information about triggers that support rogue device detection, see to Creating and Using Triggers and Alerts on page204. ReportsThe Rogue Devices Report displays summary and detail information about all rogues first discovered in a given time period. For more information, see Defining Reports on page278.

Additional Security-Related Topics

For additional security-related features and functions, see the following topics in this guide.

Configuring Group Security Settings on page91 Configuring Group SSIDs and VLANs on page93 Creating and Using Triggers and Alerts on page204

Monitoring Rogue AP Devices

This section contains the following topics about the Rogue APs page:

Monitoring Rogue AP Devices on page186 Configuring RAPIDS on page192 Viewing and Configuring RAPIDS Rules on page196 Using RAPIDS Rules with Additional AWMS Functions on page200

The Overview tab displays a page of RAPIDS summary information (see Figure 101). This page also includes links to the AirWave Management Client, an optional utility that reports wireless discovery information to AWMS. Table 99 defines the summary information that appears on the page.

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Figure 101 RAPIDS Overview page

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Table 99 Overview Fields Summary

IDS Events Rogue Data

Displays a list of IDS events for the designated folder (Top is the default) and subfolders. Field displays events from the past two hours, the past 24 hours, and total IDS events. A summary of rogue device counts by RAPIDS classification in a color coded pie chart format and listed summary. View additional details for rogue devices via the RAPIDS > Rogue APs page. Detected operating systems represented in both a color coded pie chart and a summary listing. OS scans can be run manually or enabled to run automatically on the RAPIDS > Setup page. A color coded pie chart comparing the number of acknowledged devices to the unacknowledged devices. This section provides links to other pages and downloads: x groups have wireless scanning enabled. The information here is also a link to the detailed Groups > List page. x wireline scans are scheduled. Configure wireline scanning. Displays the number of wireline scans that are scheduled. Select the Configure wireline scanning link to configure and schedule HTTP scans. x WLSE is being monitored Displays the number of WLSE devices that are being monitored by AWMS. WLSE provides RF statistics including Rogue scanning information for 1100 and 1200 IOS access points. Select the x WLSE link to add new devices or view additional details about the monitored devices.

Operating System Acknowledge Devices System Information

AirWave Management Client RAPIDS Changes

Provides links for the AMC module in AWMS: Download the AirWave Management Client View the Airwave Management Client user guide

RAPIDS change log tracks every change made to the RAPIDS system including changes to rules, manual classification, and anything on the RAPIDS > Setup page.

Viewing a Rogue AP
To view a rogue AP, select the RAPIDS > Rogue APs tab and select a rogue device type from the Minimum Classification drop-down menu (see Figure 102). You can sort the table columns (up/down) by selecting the column head or filter data using the column head drop down menus. Figure 102 Viewing a Rogue AP by Classification


The page displayed in Figure 102 may require a moment to load; no rogues displayed for a given classification means that no such rogue device was discovered on your network.

Table 100 details the column information displayed in Figure 102. For additional information about RAPIDS rules, refer to RAPIDS Rules on page195.

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The active links on this page launch additional pages for RAPIDS configuration or device processing. Table 100 RAPIDS > Rogue APs Column Definitions Column

Displays whether or not the rogue device has been acknowledged. Devices can be acknowledged manually or you can configure RAPIDS so that manually classifying rogues will automatically acknowledges them. Rogues should be acknowledged when the AWMS user has investigated them and determined that they are not a threat (see Using the Basic Configuration Section on page192). Displays the current RAPIDS classification. This classification is determined by the rules defined on the RAPIDS > Rules page. This field displays the numeric threat level of the device, in a range from 1 to 10. The definition of threat level is configurable, as described in Rogue Device Threat Level on page196. The threat level is also supported with Triggers (see Creating and Using Triggers and Alerts on page204). Displays the alpha-numeric name of the rogue device, as known. By default, AWMS assigns each rogue device a name derived from the OUI vendor and the final six digits of the MAC address. Displays the RAPIDS Rule that classified the rogue device (seeViewing and Configuring RAPIDS Rules on page196). Displays the classification of the device based on the controllers hard-coded rules. NOTE: This column is hidden unless Offload Aruba/Alcatel-Lucent WMS Database is enabled by at least one group on the Groups > Basic page. Displays whether the rogue device has been discovered on the wire. This column displays Yes or is blank if wired information was not detected. Displays the number of AP devices that have wirelessly detected the rogue device. A designation of heard implies the device was heard over the air. As with all List pages in AWMS Version 6.4, the RAPIDS > Rogue APs page includes the Location column. Click the location associated to the rogue device to view the device in the VisualRF floor plan. RAPIDS and VisualRF must be licensed on the AMP for this functionality to be supported. Displays the most recent SSID that was heard from the rogue device. Displays the strongest signal strength detected for the rogue device. Displays Received Signal Strength Indication (RSSI) designation, a measure of the power present in a received radio signal. Displays the type of network in which the rogue is present, for example: Ad-hocThis type of network usually indicates that the rogue is a laptop that attempts to create a network with neighboring laptops, and is less likely to be a threat. APThis type of network usually indicates an infrastructure network comprised of ceiling-mounted APs, for example. This may be more of a threat. UnknownThe network type is not known. Displays the encryption that is used by the device as known. Possible contents of this field include the following encryption types:

RAPIDS Classification Threat Level


Classifying Rule Controller Classification Wired #APs Hearing Location

SSID Signal RSSI Network Type

Encryption Type

OpenDefinition pending WEPWired Equivalent Privacy WPAWi-Fi Protected Access

Generally, this field alone does not provide enough information to determine if a device is a rogue, but it is a useful attribute. If a rogue is not running any encryption method, you have a wider security hole than with an AP that is using encryption. Ch Indicates the RF channel on which the rogue device was detected.

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Table 100 RAPIDS > Rogue APs Column Definitions Column

LAN Vendor Radio Vendor OS

Indicates the LAN vendor of the rogue device, when known. Indicates the radio vendor of the rogue device, when known. This field displays the OS of the device, as known. OS is the result of a running an OS port scan on a device. An IP addresses is required to run an OS scan. The OS reported here is the best guess. Displays the model of rogue device, if known. This is determined with a fingerprint scan, and this information may not always be available. Displays the IP address of the rogue device. The IP address data comes from ARP polling of routers, switches and fingerprint scans. Displays the most recent AP to discover the rogue device. The device name in this column is taken from the device name in the group. Displays the switch or router where the devices LAN MAC address was last seen. Indicates the physical port of the switch or router to which a rogue was last seen. Indicates the date and time the rogue device was last seen.

Model IP Address Last Discovering AP Switch/Router Port Last Seen

To view the details for any rogue device, select the device name to launch the devices detail page (Figure 103). Figure 103 Rogue APs Device Detail Page

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The historical information displayed on the device detail page indicates the most recent discovery event per discovering device.

Important things to remember regarding the information in the device detail page are:

Users with the role of Admin can see all rogue AP devices. Users with roles limited by folder can see a rogue AP if there is at least one discovering device that they can see. The discovery events displayed are from APs that you can see on the network. There may be additional discovery events that remain hidden. Each rogue device typically has multiple discovery methods, all of which are listed. As you work through the rogue devices, use the Name and Notes fields to identify the AP and document its location. You can use the global filtering options on the RAPIDS > Setup page to filter rogue devices according to signal strength, ad-hoc status, and discovered by remote APs. VisualRF uses the heard signal information to calculate the physical location of the device. If the device is seen on the wire, RAPIDS reports the switch and port for easy isolation. If you find that the rogue belongs to a neighboring business, for example, you can override the classification to a neighbor and acknowledge the device from this page. Otherwise, best practices strongly recommends that you extract the device from your building and delete the rogue device from the system.

To update a rogue device: 1. Select the device name from the list on the RAPIDS > Rogue APs page to launch the device detail page (see Figure 103). 2. Determine if the device has been acknowledged; acknowledge the device manually if required. 3. If an IP address is available for a given device, click the Identify OS for Suspected Rogues option to obtain operating system information. 4. Select the Ignore button if the rogue device is to be ignored. 5. Select the Delete button if the rogue device is to be removed from AWMS processing.

Viewing Ignored Rogue Devices

The RAPIDS > Rogue APs page allows you to view ignored roguesdevices that have been removed from the rogue count displayed by AWMS. Such devices do not trigger alerts and do not display on lists of rogue devices. To display ignored rogue devices, perform the following steps. 1. From the RAPIDS > Rogue APs page, click View Ignored Rogues (at the bottom left of the page) to launch the Ignored Rogues page. 2. From the Minimum Classification drop-down menu, select the type of ignored rogue devices to display. Table 100 explains the fields on this page. Figure 104 Ignored Rogue Devices Page

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Once a classification that has rogue devices is chosen from the drop-down menu, a detailed table displays all known information.

Using RAPIDS Workflow to Process Rogue Devices

One suggested workflow for using RAPIDS is as follows:

Start from the RAPIDS > Rogue APs page. Sort the devices on this page based on classification type. Begin with Rogue APs, working your way through the devices listed. Click Modify Devices, then select all devices that have an IP address and select Identify OS. AWMS performs a port scan on the device and attempts to determine the operating system (see Configuring RAPIDS on page192) You should investigate devices running an embedded Linux OS installation. The OS scan can help identify false positives and isolate some devices that should receive the most attention.

Find the port and switch at which the device is located and shut down the port or follow wiring to the device. To mitigate the rogue remove it from the network and delete the rogue record. If you want to allow it on the network, classify the device as valid and update with notes that describe it.


Be aware that not all rogue discovery methods will have all information required for resolution. For example, the switch/router information, port, or IP address are found only through switch or router polling. Furthermore, RSSI, signal, channel, SSID, WEP, or network type information only appear through wireless scanning. Such information can vary according to the device type that performs the scan.

Configuring RAPIDS
The RAPIDS > Setup page allows for RAPIDS configuration on your wireless network. Complete the settings on this page as desired, and click Save.

Using the Basic Configuration Section

On the RAPIDS > Setup page, the Basic Configuration section allows you to set RAPIDS performance settings. Figure 105 illustrates this page and Table 101 describes default values.

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Figure 105 RAPIDS > Setup Page Illustration)

Table 101 RAPIDS > Setup Page Fields Field

Basic Configuration Section ARP IP Match Timeout RAPIDS Export Threshold 24 Suspected Rogue Defines the size of the time window in which RAPIDS will correlate MAC addresses and IPs. Advises VisualRF and the rogue XML APIs of the minimum rogue classification to display on VisualRF sites. Note that this setting does not define the classification that appears on the RAPIDS > Rogue APs page. Discovered BSSIDs and LAN MAC addresses which are within this bitmask will be combined into one device. 4 requires all but the last digit match (aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:fX). 8 requires all but the last two digits match (aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:XX). Defines the bitmask used to correlate wireless discovery events. When neighboring devices are broadcasting multiple BSSIDs, this setting is used to determine when those BSSIDs are coming from the same device. Setting this value too high may cause RAPIDS to think 2 physical devices are actually the same device. Defines if RAPIDS will automatically perform an OS scan on a device when an IP address is discovered. If Yes is selected than RAPIDS will perform an OS port scan of the device to determine the operating system. Displays and defines rogues not heard on the network for more than a certain number of days. These are deleted automatically from AWMS. This setting cannot be larger than the Rogue Discovery Event expiration, which is configured on the AMP Setup page. Defines if RAPIDS will automatically perform an OS scan on a device when an IP address is discovered. If Yes is selected, then RAPIDS will perform an OS port scan of the device to determine the operating system.



Wired-to-Wireless MAC Address Correlation (0-8 bits)

Wireless BSSID Correlation (0-8 bits)

Automatically OS Scan Rogue Devices


Delete rogues not detected for...

0 (disabled)

Automatic OS Scan Rogue Devices


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Table 101 RAPIDS > Setup Page Fields Field

Classification Options Acknowledge Rogues by Default Manually Classifying Rogues Automatically Acknowledges them Filtering Options Filter ad-hoc rogues Filter rogues by signal strength No No Option filters rogues according to ad-hoc status. Option filters rogues according to signal strength. It is recommended that signal strength be used as a classification criteria in the rogue rules defined on the RAPIDS > Rules page. If this filter is enabled then no information is recorded about rogues below this level. The only time this filter should be enabled is if you are running into RAPIDS performance problems. Option filters rogues according to the remote AP that discovers them. Enabling this option causes AWMS to drop all rogue discovery information coming from Remote APs. No Yes Sets RAPIDS to acknowledge rogue devices upon initial detection, prior to their classification. Defines whether acknowledgement happens automatically whenever a rogue device receives classification.



Filter rogues discovered by remote APs


Using the Classification Options Section

On the RAPIDS > Setup page, the Classification Options section allow you to categorize and sort rogue AP devices in one of several categories. The Rogue Devices report supports these rogue classifications.
Changing the controller classification pushes a reclassification message to all Aruba controllers that are managed by the AWMS server, and that are also in Groups with the Offloading the WMS database setting set to Yes. To reset the classification of a rogue device on AWMS, change the classification on the AMP GUI to unclassified.


The following table compares how default classification may differ between AWMS and ArubaOS, for scenarios involving WMS Offload. Table 102 Rogue Device Classification Matrix AWMS
Unclassified (default state) Rogue Suspected Neighbor Neighbor Valid Contained

Unknown Rogue Interfering Known Interfering Valid DOS

Configuring Additional RAPIDS Settings in AMP

In addition to the many settings you define with RAPIDS pages, you define additional RAPIDS settings on two other AMP pages, as follows:

Use the AMP Setup > Roles > Add/Edit Role Page to define the ability to use RAPIDS by user role. Refer to Creating AWMS User Roles on page48.

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Use the AMP Setup > General > Performance Tuning page to define the processing priority of RAPIDS in relation to AWMS as a whole (see Table 13 on page 43).

The RAPIDS > Rules is one of the core components of RAPIDS. This feature allows you to define rules by which any rogue device on the network is classified. This section describes how to define, use, and monitor RAPIDS rules, provides examples of such rules, and demonstrates how they are helpful. This section contains the following topics:

Controller Classification with WMS Offload on page195 Device OUI Score on page195 Rogue Device Threat Level on page196 Viewing and Configuring RAPIDS Rules on page196 Common RAPIDS Rules Enabled by Default on page200 Using RAPIDS Rules with Additional AWMS Functions on page200

Controller Classification with WMS Offload

This classification method is supported only when WMS offload is enabled onAruba controller. Controller classification of this type remains distinct from RAPIDS classification. Aruba controllers feed wireless device information to AWMS, which AWMS then processes. AWMS then pushes the WMS classification to all of the ArubaOS controllers that are WMS offload enabled. WMS offload ensures that a particular BSSID has the same classification on all of the controllers. WMS offload removes some load from master controllers and feeds 'connected-to-lan' information to the RAPIDS classification engine. RAPIDS classifications and controller classifications are separate and often are not synchronized.

RAPIDS classification is not pushed to the devices.


For additional information about WMS Offload, refer to the Aruba and AirWave Best Practices Guide.

Device OUI Score

The Organizationally Unique Identifier (OUI) score is based on the LAN MAC address of a device. RAPIDS can be configured to poll your routers and switches for the bridge forwarding tables. RAPIDS then takes the MAC addresses from those tables and runs them through a proprietary database to derive the OUI score. This classification method is viewable from the Rogue APs tab and additional AWMS pages. Table 103 provides list the OUI scores. Table 103 Device OUI Scores Score
Score of 1 Score of 2

Indicates any device on the network; this is the lowest threat level on the network. Indicates any device in which the OUI belongs to a manufacturer that produces wireless (802.11) equipment. Indicates that the OUI matches a block that contains APs from vendors in the Enterprise and SOHO market. Indicates that the OUI matches a block that belonged to a manufacturer that produces SOHO access points.

Score of 3

Score of 4

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Rogue Device Threat Level

The threat level classification adds granularity for each general RAPIDS classification, as the two can be combined. Devices of the same classification can have differing threat scores, ranging from 1 to 10, with a default value of 5. For example, two different devices that are both classified as Rogue can have differing threat scores that are based on additional parameters. This combined classification can help identify which of two rogues is likely to be a greater threat. Alerts can be defined and based on threat level; this is helpful for sorting rogue devices. Threat level and classification are both assigned to a device when a device matches a rule. Once classified, a devices classification and threat level change only if a device is classified by a new rule or is manually changed. The threat scores can be customized via the RAPIDS > Rules tabs.

Viewing and Configuring RAPIDS Rules

To view the RAPIDS rules that are currently configured on AWMS, navigate to the RAPIDS > Rules page (Figure 106). Table 104 defines the content of the RAPIDS > Rules page. Figure 106 RAPIDS > Rules Page Illustration

Table 104 RAPIDS > Rules Page Field

Default Classification Add New RAPIDS Classification Rule Rule Name Classification Threat Level Enabled Reorder Drag and Drop Icon

Sets the classification that a rogue device receives when it does not match any rules. Click this button to create a RAPIDS classification rule. Displays the name of any rule that has been configured. Rule names should be descriptive and should convey the core purpose for which it was created. Displays the classification that devices receive if they meeting the rule criteria. Displays the numeric threat level for the rogue device that pertains to the rule. Refer to Rogue Device Threat Level on page196 for additional information. Displays the status of the rule, whether enabled or disabled. Changes the sequence of rules in relation to each other. Click, then drag and drop, the icon for any rule to move it up or down in relation to other rules. A revised sequence of rules must be saved before rogues are classified in the revised sequence. Note: The sequence of rules is very important to proper rogue classification. A device gets classified by the first rule to which it complies, even if it conforms to additional rules later in the sequence.

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To create a new rule, select the Add button next to New RAPIDS Classification Rule to launch the RAPIDS Classification Rule page (see Figure 107). Figure 107 Classification Rule Page

Fill in the settings:

Rule NameAlpha-numeric text field to enter a name for your rule. This name appears on the RAPIDS > Rules page, and elsewhere within AWMS when any device is classified by the rule you

create here.

ClassificationSets the classification when any device matches this rule is detected. Threat LevelSets the numeric threat level for devices that match this rule. The threat level range is 1 to 10, the default is 5. For additional information, see Rogue Device Threat Level on page196. EnabledEnable or disable the rule once it is created.

Table 106, Table 106, and Table 107 define the drop down menu options that are at the bottom left of the RAPIDS Classification Rule dialog box (see Figure 107). Once all rule settings are defined, click the Add button. The new rule automatically appears in the RAPIDS > Rules page. Table 105 Wireless Properties Drop Down Menu Option
Detected on WLAN

Classifies based on how the rogue is detected on the wireless LAN.

Discovering AP Count

Classifies based on the number of managed devices that can hear the rogue. Enter a numeric value and select At Least or At Most.


Classifies based on the rogue matching a specified encryption method.

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Table 105 Wireless Properties Drop Down Menu Option

Network type

Rogue is located on a specified network type, either Ad-hoc or Infrastructure.

Signal Strength

Rogue matches signal strength parameters. Specify a minimum and maximum value in DBm.


Classifies the rogue when it matches or does not match the specified string for the SSID.

Note: For SSID matching functions, AWMS processes only alpha-numeric characters and the asterisk wildcard character (*). AWMS ignores all other non-alpha-numeric characters. For example, the string of ethersphere-* matches the SSID of ethersphere-wpa2 but also the SSID of ethersphere_this_is_an_example (without any dashes).

Table 106 Wireline Properties Drop Down Menu Option

Detected on LAN

Rogue is detected on the wired network. Select Yes or No.

Fingerprint Scan

Rogue matches fingerprint parameters.

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Table 106 Wireline Properties Drop Down Menu Option

IP Address

Rogue matches a specified IP address or subnet. Enter IP address or subnet information as explained by the fields.

OUI Score

Rogue matches manufacturer OUI criteria. You can specify minimum and maximum OUI score settings from two drop-down lists. Click remove to remove one or both criteria, as desired.

Operating System

Rogue matches OS criteria. Specify matching or non-matching OS criteria as prompted by the fields.

Table 107 Wires/Wireline Properties Drop Down Menu Option


Rogue matches the manufacturer information of the rogue device.

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Deleting or Editing a Rules

To delete a rule, select the check box next to the rule you want to delete, and click the Delete button. The rule is automatically deleted from the RAPIDS > Rules page. To edit any existing rule, click the pencil icon next to that rule to launch the RAPIDS Classification Rule page (see Figure 107). Edit or revise the fields (see Table 106) as necessary then select the Save button. To change the sequence in which rules apply to any rogue device, drag and drop the rule to a new position in the rules sequence.

Common RAPIDS Rules Enabled by Default

If Any Device Has Your SSID, Then Classify as Rogue The only devices broadcasting your corporate SSID should be devices that you are aware of and are managed by AWMS. Rogue devices often broadcast your official SSID in an attempt to get access to your users, or to trick your users into providing their authentication credentials. Devices with your SSID generally pose a severe threat. This rule helps to discover, flag, and emphasize such a device for prompt response on your part. If Any Device Has Your SSID and is Not an Ad-Hoc Network Type, Then Classify as Rogue This rule classifies a device as a rogue when the SSID for a given device is your SSID and is not an AdHoc device. Windows XP automatically tries to create an Ad-hoc network if it can not find the SSID for which it is searching. This means that users laptops on your network may appear as Ad-Hoc devices that are broadcasting your SSID. If this happens too frequently, you can restrict the rule to apply to non-adhoc devices. If More Than Four APs Have Discovered a Device, Then Classify as Rogue By default, AWMS tries to use Signal Strength to determine if a device is on your premises. Hearing device count is another metric that can be used. The important concept in this scenario is that legitimate neighboring devices are only heard by a few APs on the edge of your network. Devices that are heard by a large number of your APs are likely to be in the heart of your campus. This rule works best for scenarios in large campuses or that occupy an entire building. For additional rules that may help you in your specific network scenario, contact AirWave Technical Support or refer to the AirWave Wireless Management Suite Knowledge Base.

Using RAPIDS Rules with Additional AWMS Functions

Rules that you configure on the RAPIDS > Rules page establish an important way of processing rogue devices on your network, and flagging them for attention as required. Such devices appear on the following pages in AWMS, with additional information:

RAPIDS > Rogue APsLists rogue devices as classified by rules. RAPIDS > RulesDisplays the rules that classify rogue devices. RAPIDS > OverviewDisplays general rogue device count and statistical information. System > TriggersDisplays triggers that are currently configured, including any triggers that have been defined for rogue events. Reports > DefinitionsAllows you to run New Rogue Devices Report with custom settings. VisualRFDisplays physical location information for rogue devices.

The RAPIDS OUI Score Override

On RAPIDS > Score Override page you can change the scores that are given to MAC addresses detected during scans of bridge forwarding tables on routers or switches. Figure 108, Figure 109, and Table 108 illustrate and describe RAPIDS Score Override. Perform these steps to create a score override.

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The RAPIDS > Score Override page allows you to override the score assigned to a MAC address prefix by AirWave. If you have devices that receive a higher score than they should, you can adjust the score. Once a new score is assigned, all devices with the specified MAC address prefix receive the new score.
Note that rescoring a MAC Address Prefix poses a security risk. The block has received its score for a reason. Any rogues that fall within this block receive the new score.


1. Navigate to the RAPIDS > Score Override page. This page lists all existing overrides if they have been created. Figure 108 RAPIDS > Score Override Page

2. Click Add to create a new override or click the pencil icon next to an existing override to edit that override. The Score Override add or edit page appears(Figure 109). Figure 109 Add/Edit Score Override Page

Table 108 RAPIDS > Add/Edit Score Override Page Fields Field
MAC Address Prefix Score

Use this field to define the OUI prefix to be re-scored. Use this field to set the score that a device, with the specified MAC address prefix, will receive.

3. Enter in the six-digit MAC prefix for which to define a score, and select the desired score. Once the new score has been saved, all detected devices with that prefix receive the new score.

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4. Click Add to create the new override, or click Save to retain changes to an existing override. The new or revised override appears on the RAPIDS > Score Override page. 5. To remove any override, select that override in the checkbox and click Delete.

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Chapter 8
Performing Daily Administration in AWMS

Daily WLAN administration often entails network monitoring, supporting WLAN and AWMS users, and monitoring AWMS system operations. This chapter contains the following administration procedures: Creating and Using Triggers and Alerts

Overview of Triggers and Alerts Viewing Triggers Creating New Triggers Viewing Alerts Responding to Alerts

Monitoring and Supporting WLAN Users

Overview of the Users Pages Monitoring WLAN Users With the Users > Connected and Users > All Pages Supporting Users on Thin AP Networks With the Users > Tags Page Supporting Guest WLAN Users With the Users > Guest Users Page

Evaluating and Diagnosing User Status and Issues

Evaluating User Status with the Users > User Detail Page Evaluating User Status with the Users > Diagnostics Page

Supporting AWMS Stations with the Master Console Monitoring and Supporting AWMS with the Home Pages

Monitoring AWMS with the Home > Overview Page Viewing and Updating License Information with the Home > License Page Searching AWMS with the Home > Search Page Accessing AWMS Documentation with the Home > Documentation Page Configuring Your Own User Information with the Home > User Info Page

Monitoring and Supporting AWMS with the System Pages

Using the System > Status Page Using the System > Configuration Change Jobs Page Using the System > Event Logs Page Using the System > Performance Page

Upgrading AWMS

Upgrade Instructions Upgrading Without Internet Access

Backing Up AWMS

Overview of Backups Viewing and Downloading Backups Running Backup on Demand Restoring from a Backup AWMS Failover
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Adding Watched AWMS Stations

Creating and Using Triggers and Alerts

This section describes triggers and alerts with the following topics:

Overview of Triggers and Alerts Viewing Triggers Creating New Triggers Delivering Triggered Alerts Viewing Alerts Responding to Alerts

Overview of Triggers and Alerts

AWMS monitors key aspects of wireless LAN performance. When certain parameters or conditions arise that are outside normal bounds, AWMS generates (or triggers) alerts that enable you to address problems quickly, frequently before users have a chance to report them. AWMS deploys two types of alerts:

Viewing Triggers
To view defined system triggers, navigate to the System > Triggers page. Figure 110 illustrates this page. Figure 110 System > Triggers Page Illustration (Split View)

Creating New Triggers

Perform the following steps to create and configure one or more new triggers. These steps define settings that are required for any type of trigger. 1. To create a new trigger, click the Add New Trigger button from the System > Triggers page. AWMS launches the Trigger Detail page, illustrated in Figure 111.

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Figure 111 System > Trigger Detail Page Illustration

2. Configure the Trigger Restrictions and Alert Notifications. This configuration is consistent regardless of the trigger type to be defined. a. Configure the Trigger Restrictions settings. This establishes how widely or how narrowly the trigger applies. Define the folder, subfolder, and Group covered by this trigger. Table 109 describes the options for trigger restrictions. Table 109 System > Trigger Details Fields and Default Values Notification Option Description
Folder Sets the trigger to apply only to APs/Devices in the specified folder or subfolders depending on the Include Subfolders option. NOTE: If the trigger is restricted by folder and group, it only applies to the intersection of the twoit only applies to APs in the group and in the folder. Sets the trigger to apply to all devices in the specified folder and all of the devices in folders under the specified folder. Sets the trigger to apply only to APs/Devices in the specified group. NOTE: If the trigger is restricted by folder and group, it only applies to the intersection of the twoit only applies to APs in the group and in the folder.

Include Subfolders


b. Configure the Alert Notifications settings. In addition to appearing on the System > Triggers page, triggers can be configured to distribute to email or to a network management system (NMS), or to both.

If you select email, you are prompted to set the senders email address and recipient email addresses. If you select NMS, you are prompted to provide the IP address of the NMS Trap Destinations. Define the Logged Alert Visibility, in which you can choose how this trigger is distributed. The trigger can distribute according to how is it generated (triggering agent), or by the role with which it is associated.

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The Suppress Until Acknowledged setting defines whether the trigger requires manual and administrative acknowledgement to gain visibility.

Table 110 System > Trigger Condition Detail Alert Notifications for Defined Alerts Notification Option Description
Notification Type Selects the action AWMS should take when an alert is triggered. When the NMS checkbox is checked AWMS sends an SNMP trap to the NMS servers defined for the role. When the Email checkbox is selected, AWMS sends an email to the specified address. Displays the originators email address in the From field of alert emails. NOTE: This field is only visible if the Email checkbox is selected. Displays the user, users or distribution lists that receive any email alerts. NOTE: This field is only visible if the Email checkbox is selected. Defines which users are able to view the alerts. When limited by role only users with the same role as the creator of the alert will be able to view it. When limited by triggering agent, any user who can view the device can view the alert. Determines how often a trigger will fire. When No is selected a new alert will be created every time the trigger criteria are met. When Yes is selected an alert will only be received the first time the criteria is met. A new alert for the AP/device is not created until the initial one is acknowledged.

Sender Address

Recipient Email Addresses Logged Alert Visibility

Suppress new alerts until current alerts are acknowledged/ deleted

3. In the Trigger field, choose the desired trigger Type and the desired Severity, according to your needs. Figure 112 illustrates the trigger types supported in AWMS. Severity levels are included in the email alerts. The alert summary information at the top of the AWMS screen can be configured to separately display severe alerts. Please see the Home > User Info section for more details. Figure 112 System > Triggers > Add Trigger Type Drop-down Menu

Once you have selected a trigger type, the Add Trigger page changes. In many cases, you must configure at least one Condition setting. Conditions, settings, and default values vary according to trigger type. Complete the creation of your trigger type using one of the following procedures for each trigger:

Setting Triggers for Devices on page207 Setting Triggers for Radios on page208 Setting Triggers for Discovery on page210 Setting Triggers for Users on page211 Setting Triggers for RADIUS Authentication Issues on page213
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Setting Triggers for IDS Events on page214 Setting Triggers for AMP Health on page215

Setting Triggers for Devices

After completing steps 1-3 in Creating New Triggers on page204, perform the following steps to complete the configuration of device-related triggers. a. If you have not already done so, choose a device type from the Devices listed in the Type drop-down menu. See Figure 112. Table 111 itemizes and describes device trigger options and condition settings. Table 111 Devices Trigger Types Devices Trigger Options
Device Down

This is the default type whenever configuring a new trigger. This type of trigger activates when an authorized, managed AP has failed to respond to SNMP queries from AWMS. To set the conditions for this trigger type, click Add in the Conditions section. Complete the conditions with the Option, Condition, and Value drop-down menus. The conditions establish the device type. Multiple conditions can apply to this type of trigger. This trigger type activates when an authorized, previously down AP is now responding to SNMP queries. To set the conditions for this trigger type, click Add in the Conditions section. Complete the conditions with the Option, Condition, and Value drop-down menus. The conditions establish the type that a device is or is not. Multiple conditions can apply to this type of trigger. This trigger type activates when the actual configuration on the AP does not match the defined Group configuration policy. To set the conditions for this trigger type, click Add in the Conditions section. Complete the conditions with the Option, Condition, and Value drop-down menus. The conditions establish the type that a device is or is not. The conditions establish the type that a device is or is not. Multiple conditions can apply to this type of trigger. This trigger type activates when the user count on a given AP device reaches a specific threshold. The number of user devices associated to an AP has exceeded a predefined threshold for more than a specified period, in seconds (such as more than 10 users associated for more than 60 seconds). Selecting AP User Count displays an additional Duration setting. Define the Duration, which can be expressed as hours, minutes, seconds, or a combination of these. Click the Add New Trigger Condition button to create one or more conditions for the User Count trigger.

Device Up

Configuration Mismatch

AP User Count

Figure 113 Sample of Trigger Condition for AP Device User Count

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Table 111 Devices Trigger Types Devices Trigger Options

Device Bandwidth

This trigger type indicates that the total bandwidth through the AP has exceeded a predefined threshold for more than a specified period, in seconds (such as more than 1500 kbps for more than 120 seconds). You can also select bandwidth direction and page/radio. Selecting Device Bandwidth as the trigger type displays the following new fields in the Type section. Define these settings.

Figure 114 Trigger Type Section for Device Bandwidth Type

Alert if Device Bandwidth >= (kbps)This threshold establishes a devicespecific bandwidth policy, not a bandwidth policy on the network as a whole. Bandwidth DirectionChoose In, Out, or Combined. This bandwidth is monitored on the device itself, not on the network as a whole. Interface/RadioChoose either First or Second. SeverityThe Severity level is likely defined already from an earlier step in this procedure. See Creating New Triggers on page204. DurationThe Duration level is likely defined already from an earlier step in this procedure. See Creating New Triggers on page204.

Device Resources

This type of trigger indicates that the CPU or memory utilization for a device has exceeded a defined a defined percentage for a specified period of time. Selecting the Device Resources trigger type displays a new Duration setting. Define the Duration, which can be expressed as hours, minutes, seconds, or a combination of these.

b. Delete conditions as desired by clicking the trash can icon to the right of the condition to be removed. c. Click Save. The trigger appears on your next viewing of the System > Triggers page with all other active triggers. d. You can edit or delete any trigger as desired from the System > Triggers page.

edit an existing trigger, click the Pencil icon next to the respective trigger and edit settings in the Trigger Detail page described in Table 111. delete a trigger, check the box next to the trigger to remove, and click Delete.


e. Repeat this procedure for as many triggers and conditions as desired. Refer to the start of Creating New Triggers on page204 to create a new trigger.

Setting Triggers for Radios

After completing steps 1-3 in Creating New Triggers on page204, perform the following steps to complete the configuration of radio-related triggers.

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a. If you have not already done so, choose a trigger type from the Radios category, listed in the Type drop-down menu. Table 112 itemizes and describes the Radios-related trigger types, and condition settings for each. Table 112 Radio-Related Trigger Types Radio Trigger Options
Radio Down

This trigger indicates when a devices radio is down on the network. Once you choose this trigger type, click Add New Trigger Condition to create at least one condition. The Radio Down trigger requires that a radio capability be set as a condition. The Value drop-down menu supports several condition options. The following example illustrates a Radio trigger that has 802.11a capability:

Figure 115 Sample of Trigger Condition for Radio Type

802.11 Frame Counters

This trigger type enables monitoring of traffic levels. When 802.11 Frame Counters is the trigger type, there are multiple rate-related parameters for which you define conditions. The rate of different parameters includes ACK Failures, Retry Rate and Rx Fragment Rate. See the drop-down Field menu in the Conditions section of the trigger page for a complete list of parameters. Click Add New Trigger Condition to access these settings. Define at least one condition for this trigger type. Selecting this trigger type displays a new Duration setting. Define the Duration, which can be expressed as hours, minutes, seconds, or a combination of these. This trigger type enables monitoring of Quality of Service (QoS) parameters on the network, according to traffic type. The rate of different parameters includes ACK Failures, Duplicated Frames and Transmitted Fragments. See the drop-down field menu in the conditions section of the trigger page for a complete list of parameters. Click Add New Trigger Condition to access these settings. Define at least one condition for this trigger type. Selecting this trigger type displays a new Duration setting. Define the Duration, which can be expressed as hours, minutes, seconds, or a combination of these. This type of trigger indicates that the neighboring AP is within a specified number of channels. This is calculated based on the AP with the most roams as reflected on the APs/Devices > Manage page, the Neighbors section. Selecting this trigger type displays a new option which you can enable as desired: Alert if neighbor within channels.

802.11 QoS Counters

Overlapping Channel

Figure 116 Trigger Type Section for Overlapping Channel Type

NOTE: There is no Conditions configuration for Radios: Overlapping Channel triggers.

b. Delete conditions as desired by clicking the trash can icon to the right of the condition to be removed. c. Click Save. The trigger appears on your next viewing of the System > Triggers page with all other active triggers. d. You can edit or delete any trigger as desired from the System > Triggers page.

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edit an existing trigger, click the Pencil icon next to the respective trigger and edit settings in the Trigger Detail page described in Table 111. delete a trigger, check the box next to the trigger to remove, and click Delete.


e. Repeat this procedure for as many triggers and conditions as desired. Refer to the start of Creating New Triggers on page204 to create a new trigger.

Setting Triggers for Discovery

After completing steps 1-3 in Creating New Triggers on page204, perform the following steps to complete the configuration of triggers related to device discovery. a. If you have not already done so, choose a trigger type from the Discovery category, listed in the Type drop-down menu. See Figure 112. Table 113 itemizes and describes the Discovery-related trigger types, and condition settings for each discovery trigger type. Table 113 Discovery Trigger Types and Condition Settings Discovery Trigger Options
New Devices Discovered

This trigger type flags the discovery of a new and manageable AP connected to the network (an AP that AWMS can monitor and configure). Once you choose this trigger type, click Add New Trigger Condition to specify a device type. The following example illustrates the Add Condition section for a New Devices Discovered trigger.

Figure 117 Sample of Condition for New Device Discovered Trigger Type

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Table 113 Discovery Trigger Types and Condition Settings (Continued) Discovery Trigger Options
New Rogue Device Detected

This trigger type indicates that a device has been discovered with the specified Rogue Score. Ad-hoc devices can be excluded automatically from this trigger by selecting the Yes button. See Using RAPIDS and Rogue Classification on page185 for more information on score definitions and discovery methods. Once you choose this trigger type, click Add New Trigger Condition to create one or more conditions. A condition for the Rogue Detected trigger enables you to specify the nature of the rogue device in multiple ways. All menus change according to the setting you define in the Options dropdown menu. You can define the rogue trigger according to the device type or according to the rogue score, or both if you set two or more conditions. See the Options drop-down menu for these choices. You can define the discovery of a rogue device according to whether it meets certain mathematical parameters, or whether it is or is not a specific device type. See the Condition drop-down menu for these options, and note that they change according to your choice in the Options drop-down menu. You can define either the rogue score or the rogue device type in the Value drop-down menu, according to what you chose in the Options drop-down menu.

Figure 118 Sample of Trigger Condition for A Rogue Detected Trigger

b. Delete conditions as desired by clicking the trash can icon to the right of the condition to be removed. c. Click Save. The trigger appears on your next viewing of the System > Triggers page with all other active triggers. d. You can edit or delete any trigger as desired from the System > Triggers page.

edit an existing trigger, click the Pencil icon next to the respective trigger and edit settings in the Trigger Detail page described in Table 111. delete a trigger, check the box next to the trigger to remove, and click Delete.


e. Repeat this procedure for as many triggers and conditions as desired. Refer to the start of Creating New Triggers on page204 to create a new trigger.

Setting Triggers for Users

After completing steps 1-3 in Creating New Triggers on page204, perform the following steps to complete the configuration of user-related triggers. a. If you have not already done so, choose a trigger type from the Users category, listed in the Type drop-down menu. See Figure 112. Table 114 itemizes and describes the User-related trigger types, and condition settings for each discovery trigger type.

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Table 114 User Trigger Types and Condition Settings User Trigger Option
New User

This trigger type indicates when a new user has associated to a device within a defined set of groups or folders. Note that the New User trigger type does not require the configuration of any condition settings, so the Condition section disappears. This trigger type indicates when a device (based on an input list of MAC addresses) has associated to the wireless network. It is required to define one or more MAC addresses with the field that appears.

Associated Users

Figure 119 Example of Associated User Configuration Section

User Bandwidth

This trigger type indicates that the sustained rate of bandwidth used by an individual user has exceeded a predefined threshold for more than a specified period, in seconds (such as more than 1500 kbps for more than 120 seconds). Once you choose this trigger type, click Add New Trigger Condition to specify the bandwidth characteristics that triggers an alert. You can apply multiple conditions to this type of trigger. The Option drop-down menu provides these options: Bandwidth kbps (Combined) Bandwidth kbps (in) Bandwidth kbps (out) The Condition drop-down menu provides these options: = Bandwidth count equals... > Bandwidth count is greater than... < Bandwidth count is less than... > = Bandwidth count is greater than or equal to... < = Bandwidth count is less than or equal to... The Value field requires that you input a numerical figure for kilobits per second (kbps).

Figure 120 Sample of User Bandwidth Trigger Condition

Inactive Tag

This tags flags events in which an RFID tag has not been reported back to AWMS by a controller for more than a certain number of hours. This trigger can be used to help identify inventory that might be lost or stolen. Set the time duration for this trigger type if not already completed.

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b. Delete conditions for any trigger as desired by clicking the trash can icon to the right of the condition to be removed. c. Click Save. The trigger appears on your next viewing of the System > Triggers page with all other active triggers. d. You can edit or delete any trigger as desired from the System > Triggers page.

edit an existing trigger, click the Pencil icon next to the respective trigger and edit settings in the Trigger Detail page described in Table 111. delete a trigger, check the box next to the trigger to remove, and click Delete.


e. Repeat this procedure for as many triggers and conditions as desired. Refer to the start of Creating New Triggers on page204 to create a new trigger.

Setting Triggers for RADIUS Authentication Issues

AWMS first checks its own database prior to checking the RADIUS server database.

After completing steps 1-3 in Creating New Triggers on page204, perform the following steps to complete the configuration of RADIUS-related triggers. a. If you have not already done so, choose a trigger type from the RADIUS... list in the drop-down Type menu. See Figure 112. Table 115 itemizes and describes the condition settings for each RADIUS Authentication trigger type. Figure 121 RADIUS Authentication Trigger Condition Settings

Table 115 RADIUS Authentication Trigger Types and Condition Settings RADIUS Trigger Options
User RADIUS Authentication Issues

This trigger type sets the threshold for the maximum number of failures before an alert is issued for a user. Click Add New Trigger Condition to specify the count characteristics that trigger an alert. The Option, Condition, and Value fields allow you to define the numeric value of user issues. This trigger type sets the threshold for the maximum number of failures before an alert is issued for a device. The Option, Condition, and Value fields allow you to define the numeric value of device issues. This trigger sets the threshold for the maximum number of failures before an alert is issued for both users and devices. The Option, Condition, and Value fields allow you to define the numeric value of device and user issues combined.

Device RADIUS Authentication Issues Total RADIUS Authentication Issues

b. Delete conditions for any trigger as desired by clicking the trash can icon to the right of the condition to be removed. c. Click Save. The trigger appears on your next viewing of the System > Triggers page with all other active triggers.

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d. You can edit or delete any trigger as desired from the System > Triggers page.

To edit an existing trigger, click the Pencil icon next to the respective trigger and edit settings in the Trigger Detail page described in Table 111. To delete a trigger, check the box next to the trigger to remove, and click Delete.

e. Repeat this procedure for as many triggers and conditions as desired. Refer to the start of Creating New Triggers on page204 to create a new trigger.

Setting Triggers for IDS Events

After completing steps 1-3 in Creating New Triggers on page204, perform the following steps to complete the configuration of Intrusion Detection System (IDS)-related triggers. a. If you have not already done so, choose the Device IDS Events trigger type from the drop-down Type menu. See Figure 112. Table 116 describes condition settings for this trigger type. Table 116 Device IDS Events Authentication Trigger Types and Condition Settings IDS Trigger Options
Device IDS Events

This trigger type is based on he number of IDS events has exceeded the threshold specified as Count in the Condition within the period of time specified in seconds in Duration. Click Add New Trigger Condition to specify the count characteristics that trigger an IDS alert. The Option, Condition, and Value fields allow you to define the numeric count of device IDS thresholds.

Figure 122 IDS Events Trigger Condition Settings

b. Delete conditions for any trigger as desired by clicking the trash can icon to the right of the condition to be removed. c. Click Save. The trigger appears on your next viewing of the System > Triggers page with all other active triggers. d. You can edit or delete any trigger as desired from the System > Triggers page.

To edit an existing trigger, click the Pencil icon next to the respective trigger and edit settings in the Trigger Detail page described in Table 111. To delete a trigger, check the box next to the trigger to remove, and click Delete.

e. Repeat this procedure for as many triggers and conditions as desired. Refer to the start of Creating New Triggers on page204 to create a new trigger.

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Setting Triggers for AMP Health

After completing steps 1-3 in Creating New Triggers on page204, perform the following steps to complete the configuration of IDS-related triggers. a. If you have not already done so, choose the Disk Usage trigger type from the drop-down Type menu. See Figure 112 for trigger types. Table 117 describes the condition settings for this trigger type. Table 117 Disk Usage Trigger and Condition Settings AMP Health Trigger
Disk Usage

This trigger type is based on the disk usage of the AMP (AWMS) system. This type of trigger indicates that disk usage for the AWMS server has met or surpassed a defined threshold. Click Add New Trigger Condition to specify the disk usage characteristics that trigger an alert. The Option, Condition, and Value fields allow you to define the numeric count of partition percent used.

Figure 123 Condition Settings for Disk Usage Trigger

b. Delete conditions for any trigger as desired by clicking the trash can icon to the right of the condition to be removed. c. Click Save. The trigger appears on your next viewing of the System > Triggers page with all other active triggers. d. You can edit or delete any trigger as desired from the System > Triggers page.

To edit an existing trigger, click the Pencil icon next to the respective trigger and edit settings in the Trigger Detail page described in Table 111. To delete a trigger, check the box next to the trigger to remove, and click Delete.

e. Repeat this procedure for as many triggers and conditions as desired. Refer to the start of Creating New Triggers on page204 to create a new trigger.

Delivering Triggered Alerts

AWMS uses Postfix to deliver alerts and reports via email, because it provides a high level of security and queues email locally until delivery. If AWMS is located behind a firewall, preventing it from sending email directly to a specified recipient, use the following procedures to forward email to a smarthost. 1. Add the following line to /etc/postfix/
relayhost = [] where is the IP address or hostname of your smarthost

2. Run service postfix restart. 3. Send a test message to an email address:

Mail -v [email protected] Subject: test mail . CC: <press enter>

4. 4. Check the mail log to ensure mail was sent

tail -f /var/log/maillog

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Viewing Alerts
AWMS displays alerts and provides additional alert details in two ways, as follows: 1. The Alerts Summary table is one way to monitor and process AWMS alerts. The Alert Summary table is available on the following AWMS pages, and is illustrated in Figure 124:

APs/Devices > List Groups > Monitor Home > Overview Users > Connected Users > User Detail

Figure 124 Alert Summary Table Illustration

This table displays alerts as follows; click the alert Type to display alert details:

AMP AlertsDisplays details for all device alerts. IDS EventsDisplays details of all Intrusion Detection System (IDS) events and attacks. IncidentsDisplays recent helpdesk incidents in which the incidents are open and associated to an AP. For a complete listing of incidents, navigate to the Helpdesk > Incidents page.

The Incidents portion of this Alert Summary table only increments the counter for incidents that are open and associated to an AP. The incidents are based on the Top folder on the Groups > Monitor page and on the Home > Overview page. Incidents that are not related to devices in that folder are not counted in this Alert Summary.

To view all incidents, including those not associated to an AP, navigate to the Helpdesk > Incidents page.

RADIUS Authentication IssuesDisplays RADIUS-related alerts for devices in the top viewable folder

available to the AWMS user. The detailed list displays the MAC address, username, AP, radio, controller, RADIUS server, and time of each event. Alerts can be sorted by any column. 2. The second way to display and process alerts is to use the Alerts and Severe Alerts counters in the Status bar at the top of all AWMS pages, illustrated in Figure 125. Figure 125 Alerts in the AWMS Status Bar

Click the Alerts or the Severe Alerts counter or navigate to the System > Alerts page. Figure 126 illustrates this page. Figure 126 System > Alerts Page Illustration

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For each new alert, the System > Alerts page displays the items listed in Table 118. Table 118 System > Alerts Fields and Default Settings Field
Trigger Type Trigger Summary Triggering Agent Time Severity

Displays and sorts triggers by the type of trigger. Provides an additional summary information related to the trigger. Lists the name of the AP that generated the trigger. Clicking the AP name to display the APs/Devices > Manage page for that AP. Displays the date and time the trigger was generated. Displays the severity code associated with that trigger.

Responding to Alerts
Once you have viewed an alert, you may take one of the following courses of action:

Leave it in active status if it is unresolved. The alert remains on the New Alerts list until you acknowledge or delete it. If an alert already exists, the trigger for that AP or user does not create another alert until the existing alert has been acknowledged or deleted. For example, if device AP 7 exceeds a maximum bandwidth trigger, that trigger does not create another alert for AP 7 until the first alert is recognized. Move the alert to the Alert Log by selecting the alert and clicking the Acknowledge button at the bottom of the page. You may see all logged alerts by clicking the View logged alerts link at the top of the System > Alerts page. Click the New Alerts link to return to the list of new alerts. Delete the alert by selecting the alert from the list and clicking the Delete button at the bottom of the System > Alerts page.

Monitoring and Supporting WLAN Users

The AWMS Users pages support WLAN users in AWMS. This section describes the Users pages as follows:

Overview of the Users Pages Monitoring WLAN Users With the Users > Connected and Users > All Pages Supporting Guest WLAN Users With the Users > Guest Users Page Supporting Users on Thin AP Networks With the Users > Tags Page See also Evaluating and Diagnosing User Status and Issues.

For information about creating AWMS users and AWMS user roles, refer to the following sections in this guide:

Creating AWMS Users Creating AWMS User Roles

If you need to create an AWMS user account for frontline personnel who are to support Guest WLAN users, refer to Supporting Guest WLAN Users With the Users > Guest Users Page on page220.

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Overview of the Users Pages

The Users pages display multiple types of user data for existing WLAN users. The data comes from a number of locations, including data tables on the access points, information from RADIUS accounting servers, and AWMS-generated data. AWMS supports the following Users pages:

Users > ConnectedDisplays active users that are currently connected to the WLAN. For additional information, refer to Monitoring WLAN Users With the Users > Connected and Users > All Pages on page218. Users > AllDisplays all users of which AWMS is aware, with related information. Non-active users are

listed in gray text. For a description of the information supported on this page, refer to Monitoring WLAN Users With the Users > Connected and Users > All Pages on page218.

Users > Guest UsersDisplays all guest users in AWMS and allows you to create, edit, or delete guest users. See Supporting Guest WLAN Users With the Users > Guest Users Page on page220. Users > User DetailDisplays client device information, alerts, signal quality, bandwidth, and association history. This page appears when you select a users MAC address from one of the following pages:

Users > Connected Users > All Home > Search page results or Search field results that display the user MAC address

See Evaluating and Diagnosing User Status and Issues on page224.

Users > DiagnosticsDisplays possible client device issues, diagnostic summary data, user counts, AP

information, 802.11 counters summary, and additional information. This page appears when you select a users MAC address from one of the following pages:

Users > Connected Users > All Home > Search page results or Search field results that display the user MAC address

See Evaluating and Diagnosing User Status and Issues on page224.

Users > TagsDisplays a list of wireless tags, such as Aeroscout, PanGo and Newbury, that are heard by

thin APs, and reported back to a controller that is monitored by AWMS. AWMS displays the information it receives from the controller in a table on this page. Supporting Users on Thin AP Networks With the Users > Tags Page on page223.

Monitoring WLAN Users With the Users > Connected and Users > All Pages
The Users > Connected page displays all users currently connected in AWMS, and is illustrated in Figure 127 and described in Table 119. The information displayed on this page can be adjusted in the following ways:

You can expand or customize the graphics to show maximum users, maximum average users, and additional custom view options. You can expand bandwidth to include custom view options. You can display all users, a specific number of users per page, or another custom setting. The Alerts section displays custom configured alerts that were defined in the System > Alerts page.

AWMS enhances the Users > Connection page to include SSID information for users. This enhancement applies to additional graph-based pages in AWMS. Furthermore, the Users > Connected page can display wired users using remote Access Point (RAP) devices in tunnel and split-tunnel mode.

Data that was gathered prior to an upgrade may be reported under an unknown SSID.

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Figure 127 Users > Connected Page Illustration

Table 119 Users > Connected Fields and Default Values Field

Displays the name of the User associated to the AP. AWMS gathers this data in a variety of ways. It can be taken from RADIUS accounting data, traps from Cisco VxWorks APs and tables on Colubris APs. Usernames appear in italics when a username for that MAC address has been stored in the database from a previous association, but AMP is not getting a username for the current association. This may indicate that the user has not yet been authenticated for this session (as indicated if you mouse over the username) or AMP may not be getting a username from an external source like a RADIUS server for this association. Specifies the role by which the user is connected. Displays the radio MAC address of the user associated to the AP. Also displays a link that redirects to the Users > Detail page. Displays the name of the AP to which the MAC address is associated Also displays a link that takes you to this AP's Monitoring page. Displays the group containing the AP that the user is associated with. Displays the SSID with which the user is associated. Displays the VLAN assigned to the user.

Role MAC Address



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Table 119 Users > Connected Fields and Default Values (Continued) Field
AP Radio Connection Mode Ch BW User Radio Mode

Displays the radio type of the radio that the user is associated with. Displays the 802.11 mode by which the user is connected. Displays the channel bandwidth that currently supports the user. Displays the Radio mode used by the user to associate to the AP. It will display 802.11a/b/g/bg. 802.11bg is reported when the AP does not provide AWMS with enough information to determine the exact radio type. Displays the first time AWMS recorded the MAC address as being associated. Displays the length of time the MAC address has been associated. Displays the type of authentication employed by the user: EAP, PPTP, RADIUS accounting, or not authenticated. EAP is only reported by Cisco VxWorks via SNMP traps. PPTP is supported by Colubris APs acting as VPNs. RADIUS accounting servers integrated with AWMS will provide the RADIUS Accounting Auth type. All others are considered to be not authenticated. Displays WEP with keys. Cipher options are as follows: WEP with 802.11x WPA PSK (TKIP) WPA with 802.11x WPA2 PSK (AES) WPA2 with 802.11x (AES) This data is also displayed in the User Session report. Displays the how long ago the user authenticated. Displays the average signal quality the user enjoyed. Displays the average bandwidth consumed by the MAC address. Displays the QuickView box allows users to view features including heatmap for a device and location history for a user. Displays the IP assigned to the user MAC. This information is not always available. AWMS can gather it from the association table of Colubris APs or from the ARP cache of switches set up in AWMS. Displays the LAN hostname of the user MAC. Specifies whether the user is a guest or not. Displays the VPN IP of the user MAC. This information can be obtained from VPN servers that send RADIUS accounting packets to AWMS. Displays the VPN hostname of the user MAC.

Association Time Duration Auth. Type


Auth. Time Signal Quality BW Location


LAN Hostname Guest User VPN IP

VPN Hostname

Supporting Guest WLAN Users With the Users > Guest Users Page
Overview of the Users > Guest Users Page
AWMS supports guest user provisioning for Aruba and Cisco WLC devices. This allows frontline staff, such as receptionists or help desk technicians, to grant wireless access to WLAN visitors or other temporary personnel.
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The first step in creating a guest access user on the WLAN is to define a role for the AWMS users who will be responsible for associated tasks, if those users are to have a role other than Admin. Perform the following steps in the pages described to configure these settings. 1. Navigate to the AMP Setup > Roles page and create a new role of the type Guest Access Sponsor. Click Add New Role, select this role type, and enter a role name. Also, select the top folder for which this role should have access. Figure 128 illustrates this page. Figure 128 AMP Setup > Roles Page Illustration

2. Next, navigate to the AMP Setup > Users page and create a new user with the role that was just created for Guest Access Sponsors. Figure 129 illustrates this page. Figure 129 AMP Setup > Users Page Illustration

3. The newly created login information should be provided to the person or people who will be responsible for creating guest access users. Anyone with an Admin role can also create guest access users. 4. The next step in creating a guest access user is to navigate to the Users > Guest Users tab. From this tab, you can add new guest users, you can edit existing users, and you can repair guest user errors. This page displays a list of guest users and data, to include the expiration date, the SSID (for Cisco WLC) and other information. Figure 130 illustrates this page and Table 120 describes the fields and information displayed. Figure 130 Users > Guest Users Page Illustration

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Table 120 Users > Guest Users Fields Field

Repair Guest User Errors button Add New Guest Users button Username Enabled

Sets AWMS to attempt to push the guest user again in an attempt to repair any errors in the Status column. Adds a new guest user to a controller via AWMS.

Randomly generates a user name for privacy protection. This name appears on the Guest User detail page. Enables or disables the user status. Set the status of the guest user as active (enabled) or expired (disabled). Configure the user on the Guest User edit page by clicking the pencil icon. Displays the optional email address of the user. Set the email address with the Guest User edit page by clicking the pencil icon. Displays the optional company name for the user. Set the company name with the Guest User edit page by clicking the pencil icon. Displays the name of the sponsor for the guest user. This setting is optional. Set the sponsor with the Guest User edit page by clicking the pencil icon. Displays the date the guest user's access is to expire. Set the expiration with the Guest User edit page by clicking the pencil icon. Sets the SSID that the guest user can access. This setting applies to Cisco WLC only. Set the SSID with the Guest User edit page by clicking the pencil icon. Reports current status by the controller. If error messages appear in this column, select the user with the checkbox at left, and click the Repair guest user errors button. Sends the selected guest user's information to an external printer.

Email Company Name Sponsor Name Expiration Profile/SSID Status Print button (for checked users) Delete button (for checked users)

Removes the selected guest user from AWMS and from the controller.

Guest users associated to the wireless network appear on the same list as other wireless users, but are identified as guest users in the SSID column, when this column is present for Cisco WLC. The User Detail page for a guest user also contains a box with the same guest information that appears for each user on the Users > Guest Users list. 5. To add a new guest user, click Add, and complete the required and optional fields in the User Detail page, illustrated in Figure 131. Table 120 describes most fields. The first three fields are required, and the remaining fields are optional.

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Figure 131 Users > Guest Users > Add New Guest User Page Illustration

To make the Username or Password anonymous and to increase security, complete these fields then click Generate. The anonymous and secure Username and Password appear in the respective fields. 6. Click Add to complete the new guest user, or click Cancel to back out of new user creation. The Users > Guest Users page appears and displays results, as applicable.

Supporting Users on Thin AP Networks With the Users > Tags Page
Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) is an industry-standard method that supports identifying and tracking wireless devices with radio waves. RFID uses radio wave tags for these and additional functions. Active tags have a battery and transmit signals autonomously, and passive tags have no battery. RFID tags often support additional and proprietary innovations that improve network integration, battery life, and other functions. The Users > Tags page displays a list of wireless tags, such as Aeroscout, PanGo and Newbury, that are heard by thin APs, and reported back to a controller that AWMS monitors. AWMS displays the information it receives from the controller in a table on this page. Figure 132 illustrates this page, and Table 121 describes fields and information displayed. Figure 132 Users > Tags Page Illustration

Table 121 Users > Tags Fields Field

Name MAC Address Vendor Battery Level

Displays the user-editable name associated with the tag. Displays the MAC address of the AP that reported the tag. Displays the vendor of the tag (Aeroscout, PanGo and Newbury)display all or filter by type. Displays battery informationfilterable in drop-down menu at the top of the column; is not displayed for Aeroscout tags.

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Table 121 Users > Tags Fields Field

Chirp Interval

Displays the tag chirp frequency or interval, filterable from the drop-down menu at the top of the column. Note that the chirp interval from the RFID tag influences the battery life of active tags as well as search times. If a tag chirps with very long chirp interval, it may take longer time for the location engine to accurately measure x and y coordinates. Date and time the tag was last reported to AWMS. The AP that last reported the tag to the controller (linked to the AP's monitoring page in AWMS).

Last Seen Closest AP

To edit the name of the tag, or to add notes to the tag's record, click the pencil icon next to the entry in the list. You can then add or change the name and add notes like "maternity ward inventory" or "Chicago warehouse," as two examples. There is also a Tag Not Heard trigger, which can be used to generate an alert if a tag is not reported to AWMS after a certain interval. This can help to identify lost or stolen inventory. For more information about enabling this trigger, refer to the section Creating and Using Triggers and Alerts on page204.

Evaluating and Diagnosing User Status and Issues

If a WLAN user reports difficulty with the wireless network, the administration or Helpdesk personnel can view and process related user information from the User Detail and Diagnostic pages. This section describes these two pages as follows:

Evaluating User Status with the Users > User Detail Page Evaluating User Status with the Users > Diagnostics Page

Evaluating User Status with the Users > User Detail Page
The Users > User Detail page is a focused sub-menu that becomes visible when you select a specific user. Access the Users > User Detail page in one of the following ways:

Click the MAC Address for a specific user from one of the following pages:

Users > Connected Users > All

Search for a user and click the associated MAC address in the search results, then select the User Detail page from the navigation pane.

Figure 133 illustrates the contents of Users > User Details page. This page provides information for the wireless device, signal quality, and bandwidth consumption. This page also provides an AP association history and current association status. Finally, when VisualRF is licensed and enabled, this page provides a graphical map of the user location and facility information. If you have deployed Aruba controllers and have WMS offload enabled on the network, the Users > User Detail page allows you to classify the device in the Device Information section, and to push this configuration to the Aruba controllers that govern the devices. The classifications are as follows:

UnclassifiedDevices are unclassified by default. ValidDesignates the device as a legitimate network device. Once this Valid setting is pushed to the Aruba Controller, and if the Protect Valid Stations option is enabled on the Aruba controller, then this

setting prevents valid stations from connecting to a non-valid AP.

ContainedControls the user on the device, as defined with containment configurations set with

WMS Offload in AOS.

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Figure 133 Users > User Detail Page Illustration

Using the Deauthenticate User Feature

Some displays of the User > User Detail page includes the Deauthenticate User feature in the Current Association field. Click the Deauthenticate User button to use this feature. Refer to Figure 134 as an illustration: Figure 134 Users > User Detail > Deauthenticate User Page:

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Evaluating User Status with the Users > Diagnostics Page

Introduction and Overview of the Diagnostics Page
The Users > Diagnostics page is a focused sub-menu that becomes visible when you select user-specific information. Access the Users > Diagnostics page in one of the following ways:

Click the MAC Address for a specific user from one of the following pages:

Users > Connected Users > All

You can search for a user and click the associated MAC address from the search results.

This page provides an overview of a users general status and connectivity on the network. Each section of the Users > Diagnostics page displays information by which to evaluate possible user issues. Refer to Table 122 for explanation and illustration of page components.

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Table 122 Users > Diagnostics Page Sections Section

Possible Issues

This section summarizes the most likely items to create issues for a user on the network. Figure 135 illustrates this section.

Figure 135 Groups > Diagnostics > Possible Issues Illustration

Low signal qualityIf signal quality falls outside of ideal range, then possible resolution might be installation of more or better antennas on the APs, adding APs, increasing the transmit power of the APs, investigating intermittent RF interference, such as the startup schedule of a nearby air conditioning unit, or evaluating the client settings. Excessive roaming in last 2 hoursRoaming means that a users connection moves from one AP to another. Excessive roaming is generally classified as 10 or more roaming instances in the past two hours. If there is excessive roaming, but the user has been stationary, then the user might be located where there is weak coverage from two overlapping APs. In this case, adjusting the signal strength for one of those APs may resolve the issue. High User BandwidthIf a user reports issues with network performance, the issue could derive from excessive bandwidth consumption. Additionally, another user on the same AP might be consuming excessive bandwidth. In that latter case, investigate user bandwidth consumption for all users on a given AP, not strictly the user who reports an issue. Unauthenticated UserThis section conveys the users current authentication status and the actual authentication type. If a network deploys RADIUS authentication, then the RADIUS server could be experiencing issues even if a user attempts to log in with valid authentication credentials but shows as Unauthenticated on this page. High user load on AP/radioThis field indicates if the number of users on a given AP has exceeded that APs functional capacity. Excessive users on an AP could degrade performance for all users on that AP. Some users will start to experience performance issues, may start to drop off, You may need to add an additional AP in that area, or take other steps to distribute the user load more evenly across multiple APs. Refer to the Current User Counts section on this page for additional details. High AP radio bandwidthThis figure derives from how groups of users share radio bandwidth on a shared AP. You may get a high figure in this category if nearby APs have gone down. You may not need to add an additional AP to resolve this issue, but you would need to determine why neighboring APs are not functioning properly. 802.11 radio parametersThese two sections indicate the likelihood that a users issues are derived from mismatched 802.11 deployment. That is, an 802.11ab or g user who is connected through an 802.11n radio might not benefit from full 802.11n functionality. These two fields indicate the likelihood of such an issue impacting a users experience on the network.

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Table 122 Users > Diagnostics Page Sections Section

Possible Issues (Contd)


High FCS error ratesFrame Check Sequence (FCS) errors indicate that frames of data that transmit across the network are experiencing corruption. A high FCS error rate indicates wireless link interference in the area. Frames that are transmitted by APs managed in AMP are susceptible to interference from other devices with radios operating in the same frequencies range (same channel), or electromagnetic interference from electronic devices such as power cables in the office. The 802.11 MAC layer uses the Frame Check Sequence (FCS) field to determine if errors have occurred during the transmission. Each MAC layer frame has a FCS field that is used to store a checksum. The checksum is added at the source AP, and verified at the destination. If the FCS checksum included in the frame does not match the recalculated number, then an error has occurred during the transmission, the frame is discarded, and the destination host requests it to be resent. This can effectively reduce the bandwidth and throughput in the network. A high FCS error rate in this field could indicate that the APs are experiencing a high level of link interference and the clients are getting less bandwidth and throughput due to MAC layer frame retransmissions.

One response is to assign a different channel to the AP to improve the performance from your AMP server. Use the Optimize feature to assign the best available channel to the AP. 1. Log in to your AMP. 2. From the AP/Devices > List page, click the Modify Devices link. 3. Select the APs that are running into channel interference problems by checking the corresponding box for each. Several new settings appear below the device list by which to configure these devices. 4. Toward the bottom of this section, click Optimize for the Optimize channel assignment to reduce overlap setting. A confirm changes page appears by which to apply and schedule this change, or to cancel out of this setting. NOTE: This explanation derived from the following location: Airheads Online Forum, explanation by bjacobs: Diagnostics Summary This section summarizes bandwidth, user count, and signal quality parameters for specific windows of time. This section is useful when diagnosis or troubleshooting follows issues that had been observed a few or several hours prior. Figure 136 illustrates this section.

Figure 136 Users > Diagnostics > Diagnostics Summary Illustration (Partial Display)

The following categories link to additional details pages: User Bandwidthclick this link to display flash graphs for user bandwidth metrics. Radio Bandwidthclick this link to display flash graphs for radio bandwidth consumption. AP Bandwidthclick this link to display flash graphs for AP bandwidth consumption. Radio User Countclick this link to display flash graphs for user count metrics. AP User Countclick this link to display flash graphs for user count metrics. Signal Qualityclick this link to display flash graphs for signal quality.

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Table 122 Users > Diagnostics Page Sections Section

Current User Counts

The Current User Counts section displays user counts for APs and radios, and includes additional summary information for APs. Figure 137 illustrates this section:

Figure 137 Users > Diagnostics > Current User Counts Illustration

Use this section in combination with the Possible Issues section. 802.11 Counters Summary The 802.11 Counters Summary section conveys the same information that is available from the Radio Statistics link from the APs/Devices > Monitor page. Figure 138 illustrates this section.

Figure 138 Users > Diagnostics > 802.1 Counters Summary Illustration

NOTE: This section is supported for Cisco devices. AMP does not gather device counter information from certain other device vendors. For additional information, click a Cisco device from the APs/Devices > List page, and on the Monitor page for that device, click Statistics. The ensuing page displays the 802.11 Counters Summary table, which summarizes counters on the AP level. Scroll down on this page to convey additional information from which the counters summary on the Diagnostics page is derived. Some of the sections on the Statistics page only populate when there is a user when an associated user is generating traffic on the network. Other sections convey information if there is no user associated and the device is strictly listening for traffic. Radios That Can Hear This User The Radios That Can Hear This User section summarizes the AP correspondence to Radios, with SNR values, user count metrics, bandwidth consumption and additional information that collectively describe the users device-level activity on the network. Figure 139 illustrates this section.

Figure 139 Users > Diagnostics > Radios That Can Hear This User Illustration

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Supporting AWMS Stations with the Master Console

The Master Console (MC) is used to monitor multiple AWMS stations from one central location. The Master Console is designed for customers running multiple AWMS servers. Once an AWMS station has been added to the MC, it will be polled for basic AWMS information.

Reports can be run from the Master Console to display information from multiple AWMS stations; because such reports can be extremely large, reports can also be run as summary only so that they generate more quickly and finish as a manageable file size. The Master Console can also be used to populate group-level configuration on managed AWMS installations using the Global Groups feature. The Master Console supports:

The Master Console offers a display of devices that are in a down or error state, anywhere on the network. This information is supported on Master Console pages that display device lists, to include Home > Overview, APs Devices > List, RAPIDS > Rogue APs, and additional such pages. The Public Portal of the Master Console supports configuration of the iPhone interface. This can be configured using the Master Console AMP page. See Defining General AWMS Server Settings on page38. The Master Console and Failover servers can be configured with a Device Down trigger that generates an alert if communication is lost to a managed or watched AWMS station. In addition to generating an alert, the Master Console or Failover server can also send email or NMS notifications about the event. See Creating and Using Triggers and Alerts on page204.

The license key determines if the server will behave as a Master Console or as a standard AWMS server.

The Master Console also contains an optional Public Portal, which allows any user to view basic group-level data for each managed AWMS. This feature is disabled by default for security reasons, no AWMS or Master Console login is required to view the public portal. It can be enabled by navigating to the AMP Setup > General and then to the Master Console section. Once enabled, a new Portal tab will appear to the right of the Groups tab. The URL of the public portal will be Upon upgrading to AWMS 6.4, the public portal is disabled by default, regardless of the type of license. Figure 140 illustrates the Home > Overview page of a Master Console.

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Figure 140 Master Console Home > Overview Page Illustration

Much like the normal Home > Overview page, the Master Console Home > Overview page provides summary statistics for the entire network at a glance.

Adding a Managed AMP with the Master Console

Perform the following steps to add a managed AWMS console. 1. Navigate to the Home > Managed AMPs page, illustrated in Figure 141. Figure 141 Master Console > Manage AMPs Page Illustration

2. Click the Pencil Icon to edit or reconfigure an existing AWMS console. 3. Click the Add New Managed AMP button to create a new AWMS console. The Managed AMP page appears. Complete the settings on this page, as illustrated and Figure 142 and described in Table 123.

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Figure 142 Add New Managed AMP Page Illustration

Table 123 Master Console > Manage AMPs > IP/Hostname Fields and Default Values Field
Hostname / IP Address Polling Enabled Polling Period Username Password (Confirm Password) HTTP Timeout (5-1000 sec) Manage Group Configuration

N/A Yes 5 minutes N/A

Enter the IP address or Hostname of the AWMS server that will be managed. Enables or disables the Master Console polling of managed AWMS server. Determines how frequently the Master Console polls the managed AWMS server. The username used by the Master Console to login to the managed AWMS server. The user needs to be an AP/Device Manager or AWMS Administrator. The password used by the Master Console AWMS to login to the managed AWMS.



Defines the timeout period used when polling the managed AWMS server. Defines whether the Master Console can manage device groups on the managed AWMS server.


4. To push configurations to managed groups using AWMS' global groups feature, first navigate to the Master Console's Groups > List page. 5. Click the Add button to add a new group, or click the name of the group to edit settings for an existing group. 6. Click the Duplicate icon to create a new group with identical configuration to an existing group. Groups created on the Master Console will act as global groups, or groups with master configurations that can be pushed out to subscriber groups on managed AMPs. Global groups are visible to all users, so they cannot contain APs (which can be restricted based on user role). Figure 143 Master Console > Groups Page Illustration

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Figure 144 Master Console Groups > List Page Illustration

Clicking the name of an existing group on the Master Console loads the subtabs for Basic, Security, SSIDs, AAA Servers, Radio, WLC Radio, LWAPP APs, PTMP/WiMAX, Proxim Mesh and MAC ACL pages, if such pages and configurations are active for the devices in that group. These subtabs contain the same fields as the group subtabs on a monitored AWMS, but each field also has a checkbox. The Master Console can also configure global templates that can be used in subscriber groups. The process is the same as described in the Chapter 6, Creating and Using Templates , except that there is no process by which templates can be fetched from devices in the subscriber group on managed AMPs. Instead, the template must be copied and pasted into the Master Console global group. Figure 145 Master Console Groups > Basic Page Illustration

When a global group is pushed from the Master Console to subscriber groups on managed AMPs, all settings will be static except for settings with the checkbox selected; for fields with checkboxes selected, the value or setting can be changed on the corresponding tab for each managed group. In the case of the Groups > SSIDs page, override options are available only on the Add page (navigate to the Groups > SSIDs page and click the Add button). Once global groups have been configured on the Master Console, groups must be created or configured on the managed AMPs to subscribe to a particular Global Group. It will take several minutes for changes to global groups on the Master Console to be pushed to the managed AMPs; make sure that the Manage Group Configuration option is enabled for each managed AWMS.
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To configure subscriber groups, navigate to the Group > Basic page of a group on a managed AWMS and locate the Use Global Groups section. Select the Yes radio button and select the name of the global group from the drop-down menu. Then click Save and Apply for the configuration from the global group to be pushed to the subscriber group on the managed AWMS. Figure 146 Master Console > Groups > Basic > Managed Page Illustration

Once the configuration is pushed, the non-overridden fields from the global group will appear on the subscriber group as static values and settings. Only fields that had the override checkbox selected in the global group will appear as fields that can be set at the level of the subscriber group. Any changes to a static field must be made on the global group. In the example below, the field Name was overridden with the checkbox in the global group on the Master Console, so it can be configured for each subscriber group on the managed AWMS. The other four fields in the Basic section were not overridden, so they are static fields that will be the same for each subscriber group. These fields can only be altered on the global group on the Master Console. Figure 147 Master Console > Groups > Basic > Managed Subscriber Group Page Illustration

The global groups feature can also be used without the Master Console. For more information about how this feature works, refer to the chapter Configuring and Using Device Groups in AWMS on page79.

Monitoring and Supporting AWMS with the Home Pages

Overview of the Home Pages
The Home section of AWMS provides the most frequent starting point for monitoring network status and establishing primary AWMS functions, once AWMS configuration is complete. Access the following pages in the Home section of the AWMS graphical user interface (GUI):

The Home > Overview and the Home > License pages condense a large amount of information about your AWMS. From these two pages you can view the health and usage of your network as well as click common links and shortcuts to view system information. Refer to Monitoring AWMS with the Home > Overview Page on page235. The Home > Search page provides a simple way to find users and managed devices. AWMS enhances searching by adding an ability to search for rogue devices by multiple criteria. Refer to Searching AWMS with the Home > Search Page on page237.

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The Home > Documentation page provides easy access to all relevant AWMS documentation. Refer to Accessing AWMS Documentation with the Home > Documentation Page on page239. The Home > User Info page displays information about the users logged in to AWMS, including the role, authentication type (local user or TACACS+) and access level. Refer to Configuring Your Own User Information with the Home > User Info Page on page240.

Monitoring AWMS with the Home > Overview Page

Navigate to Home > Overview page with the standard AWMS menus. Figure 148 illustrates this page, and Table 124 describes the contents. Figure 148 Home > Overview Page Illustration

Table 124 Home > Overview Sections and Descriptions Section


The Users section displays a graphical summary of the number of users on the network during a period of time. The time can be adjusted. Click Show All to display a complete list of users. Remove the check in the Max Users option to change the display of the graph. The graph displays the maximum number of users by default. The Bandwidth section displays bandwidth data, and this display can be adjusted. To remove bandwidth in or out from the graphical display, clear the check box for In or Out. To display details for specific devices, click Show All and select the devices to be included in the graphical bandwidth summary chart.


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Table 124 Home > Overview Sections and Descriptions Section

Monitoring Status Configuration Compliance

This Monitoring Status chart displays the percentage of devices that are up and down on the network. This chart covers 100% of the known devices on the network. To review devices that are down, click Down, and the APs/Devices > Down page displays. The Configuration Compliance chart displays all known device configuration status on the network. Devices are classified as Good, Unknown, or Mismatched. Click the Mismatched link to obtain additional information, and the APs/Devices > Mismatched page displays.

Alert Summary The Alert Summary section displays all known and current alerts, as previously configured and enabled in the System > Alerts page. Alerts can be sorted using the column headers (Type, Last 2 Hours, Last Day, Total, or Last Event). The Alert Summary field displays four types of alerts, as follows: AMP Alerts IDS Events Incidents RADIUS Authentication Issues Click any alert type, and the Alert Summary page appears for that alert type, enabling further analysis and investigation. NOTE: The Incidents portion of this summary table only increments the counter for incidents that are open and associated to an AP. This is also the case if you click Incidents and view incident details. To view all incidents, including those not associated to an AP, navigate to the Helpdesk > Incidents page. Quick Links The Quick Links section of the Home > Overview page provides drop-down menus that enable you to move to the most common and frequently used pages in AWMS, as follows: Go to folderThis menu lists all folders defined in AWMS from the APs/Devices List page, and enables you to display information for any or all of them. See Using Device Folders (Optional) on page156. Go to groupThis menu lists all groups defined in AWMS, and enables you to display information for any or all of them. Use the Groups pages to edit, add, or delete groups that appear in this section. See Configuring and Using Device Groups in AWMS on page79. View latest reportsAWMS supports 13 reports, enabling you to generate custom reports, or to display the latest daily version of any report. Click any report type to display the daily version. See Creating, Running, and Emailing Reports on page251. Common tasksThis menu provides an inventory of and quick links to the most heavily used task-oriented pages in AWMS, to include the following: Configure Alert ThresholdsThis link takes you to the System > Triggers page. See Creating and Using Triggers and Alerts on page204. Configure Default CredentialsThis link takes you to the Device Setup > Communication page. See Configuring Communication Settings for Discovered Devices on page51. Discover New Devices on Your NetworkThis link takes you to the Device Setup > Discover page. See Discovering, Adding, and Managing Devices on page127. Supported Devices and FeaturesThis link launches and displays a PDF file that summarizes all supported devices and features in chart format for AWMS. Adobe Reader is required. Upload Device FirmwareThis link launches and displays the Device Setup > Upload Files page. See Overview of the Device Setup > Upload Files Page on page55. View Event LogThis link launches and displays the System > Event Log page. See Using the System > Event Logs Page on page243.

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Viewing and Updating License Information with the Home > License Page
Navigate to the Home > License page using the standard AWMS menu. Figure 149 illustrates this page, and Table 125 describes the contents. Figure 149 Home > License Page Illustration

Table 125 Home > License Fields Field

System Name Organization Hostname IP Address Current Time Uptime

Displays a user-definable name for AWMS (maximum 20 characters). The System Name can be configured from the AMP Setup > General page. Displays the organization listed on your license key. Displays the DNS name assigned to AWMS. Displays the static IP address assigned to AWMS. The IP Address can be configured from the AMP Setup > Networking page. Displays the current date and time set on AWMS. Displays the amount of time since the operating system was last booted. AWMS processes get restarted daily as part of the nightly maintenance. Displays the version number of AWMS code currently running. Displays the version of Linux installed on the server.

Software Version Operating system

Searching AWMS with the Home > Search Page

The Home > Search page provides a simple way to find users, managed devices, rogue devices, groups, folders, and more. Search performs partial string searches on a large number of fields including the notes, version, secondary version, radio serial number, device serial number, LAN MAC, radio MAC and apparent IP address of all the APs, as well as the client MAC, VPN user, User, LAN IP and VPN IP fields. Figure 150 illustrates this page.

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Figure 150 Home > Search Page Illustration with Sample Hits on 00:

1. Enter the keyword or text with which to search. If searching for a MAC address, enter it in colondelimited format.

The AWMS Search utility is case-insensitive.


2. Click Search, and the results display after a short moment. Results support several hypertext links to additional pages, and drop-down menus allow for additional filtering of search returns. Search results are categorized in the following sequence. Not all categories below may offer returns for a given search:

APs/Devices Users Rogues Tags Folder Group

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Accessing AWMS Documentation with the Home > Documentation Page

The Home > Documentation page provides easy access to all relevant AWMS documentation. All of the documents on the Home > Documentation page are hosted locally by AWMS and can be viewed by any PDF viewer. Figure 151 illustrates this page. Figure 151 Home > Documentation Page Illustration

If you have any questions that are not answered by the documentation please contact AirWave support at 866-WiFi-AMP or 1-408-419-4098 internationally or email [email protected].

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Configuring Your Own User Information with the Home > User Info Page
The Home > User Info page displays information about the user that is logged into AWMS. This page includes the authentication type (local user or TACACS+) and access level. This page also provides the user with the ability to customize some of the information displayed in AMP and change their password. To create new users, navigate to the AMP Setup > Users page, and refer to Creating AWMS Users on page46. Users can customize the information displayed in the AWMS header. Figure 152 Home > User Info Page Illustration

Table 126 Home > User Info Fields Field

Customize Header columns

Enables/Disables the ability to customize the data displayed at the top of every AWMS screen.

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Table 126 Home > User Info Fields (Continued) Field

Stats Severe Alert Threshold

Select the specific data you would like to see in the header. Configures the minimum severity of an alert to be included in the Severe Alerts count. Note: The severe alerts count header info will only be displayed if Severe Alerts is selected in the Stats section above. Configures the types of devices that should be included in the header stats. If a device type is not selected then it will not be included in the header stats. Defines the number of rows to appear in any list that has not had a row count manually set. If a row count is manually set it will override the default setting.

Include Device Types Default Number of Records per list

Reset List PReferences Reset all list preferences including number of records per list, column order and hidden column information. Customize Columns for Other Roles Allows admin users to determine the columns that should be displayed and the order they should be displayed for specific user roles. To customize lists for other users, navigate to that list and click the Choose Columns for roles link above the list. Make the desired column changes; select the roles to update and click save. Specifies the minimum classification that will cause a device to be included in the Rogue count header information.

Filter Level For Rouge Count

Perform the following steps to configure your own user account with the Home > User Info page: 1. In the User Information section, enter the following information:

NameEnter the ID by which a you logs into and operate in AWMS. Email AddressEnter the email address to be used for alerts, triggers, and additional AWMS

functions that support an email address.

PhoneEnter the area code and phone number, if desired. NotesEnter any additional text-based information that helps other AWMS users or administrators

to understand the functions, roles, or other rights of the user being created.

Monitoring and Supporting AWMS with the System Pages

The System pages provide a centralized location for system-wide AWMS data and settings. Apart from Triggers, Alerts, and Backups pages that are described elsewhere in this chapter, the remaining pages of the System section are as follows:

System > StatusDisplays status of all AWMS services. Refer to Using the System > Status Page on


System > Event LogThis useful debugging tool keeps a list of recent AWMS events, including APs

coming up and down, services restarting, and most AWMS-related errors as well as the user that initiated the action. Refer to Using the System > Event Logs Page on page243.

System > Configuration Change JobsManages configuration changes in AWMS. Refer to Using the System > Configuration Change Jobs Page on page244. System > PerformanceDisplays basic AWMS hardware information as well as resource usage over

time. Refer to Using the System > Performance Page on page244.

System > Firmware Upgrade JobsDisplays information about current and scheduled firmware


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Using the System > Status Page

The System > Status page displays the status of all of AWMS services. Services will either be OK, Disabled, or Down. OK and Disabled, displayed in green, are the expected states of the services. If any service is Down, displayed in red, please contact AirWave support. The Reboot button provides a graceful way to power cycle your AWMS remotely when it is needed. The Restart AWMS button will restart the AWMS services without power cycling the server or reloading the OS. Figure 153 illustrates this page. Figure 153 System > Status Page Illustration

The link diagnostics.tar.gz downloads a tar file that contains reports and logs that are helpful to AirWave Support in troubleshooting and solving problems. AirWave support may request that you submit this file along with other logs that are linked on this page. Logs that are contained in diagnostics.tar.gz include cron_stopped_maintenance, AMP_events, AMP_watcher, async_logger, ssl_error and pgsql. Similarly, the VisualRFDiag.tar.gz link downloads a diagnostic file containing VisualRF information that might be requested by Airwave support

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A summary table lists logs that appear on the System > Status page. These are used to diagnose AWMS problems. Additional logs are available via SSH access in the /var/log and /tmp directories; AirWave Technical Support Engineers may request these logs for help in troubleshooting problems and will provide detailed instructions on how to retrieve them. Table 127 describes the log information.

Table 127 System > Status Log Log

pgsql ssl_error_log

Logs database activity. Reports problems with the web server. This report is also linked from the internal server error page that displays on the web page; please send this log to AirWave support whenever reporting an internal server error. Applies in cases where emailed reports or alerts do not arrive at the intended recipient's address. Displays error messages associated with RADIUS accounting. Tracks many device processes, including user-AP association. Logs device configuration checks. Logs errors in pushing configuration to devices. Details errors and messages associated with the VisualRF application.

maillog radius async_logger config_verifier config_pusher visualrf.log

Using the System > Event Logs Page

The System > Event Logs page is a very useful debugging tool. The event log keeps a list of recent AWMS events, including APs coming up and down, services restarting, and most AWMS-related errors as well as the user that initiated the action. Figure 154 illustrates this page, and Table 128 describes the page components. Figure 154 System > Event Logs Page Illustration

Table 128 System > Event Logs Fields Field

Time User

Date and time of the event. The AWMS user that triggered the event. When AWMS itself is responsible for the event, System is displayed as the user.

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Table 128 System > Event Logs Fields Field


Displays the Type of event recorded, which is one of four types, as follows: APAn event localized to one specific AP. GroupA group wide event. SystemA system wide event. AlertIf a trigger is configured to report to the log an alert type event will be logged here. The event AWMS observed useful for debugging, user tracking, and change tracking.


Using the System > Configuration Change Jobs Page

Schedule configuration change jobs are summarized on the System > Configuration Change Jobs page. Perform the following steps to use this page, illustrated in Figure 155. Figure 155 System > Configuration Change Jobs Page Illustration

1. To edit an existing configuration change job click on the linked description name. On the subsequent edit page you can choose to run the job immediately by clicking the Apply Changes Now button, reschedule the job using the Schedule box, delete the job using the Delete button, or cancel the job edit by clicking the Cancel button. 2. Click the linked AP or group name under the Subject column to go to the monitoring page of the AP or group. 3. Click the linked group and folder names under Folder or Group to go to the AP's folder or group page. 4. Scheduled configuration change jobs will also appear on the Manage page for an AP or the Monitoring page for a group.

Using the System > Performance Page

The System > Performance page displays basic AWMS hardware information as well as resource usage over time. AWMS logs performance statistics such as load average, memory and swap data every minute. The historical logging can be used to help determine the best usable polling period and track the health of AWMS over time. Figure 156 illustrates this page and Table 129 describes fields and information displayed.

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Figure 156 System > Performance Page Illustration (Partial Screen Shown)

Table 129 System > Performance Page Fields Field

CPU(s) Memory Kernel RAPIDS Device Polling

Basic CPU information as reported by Linux. The amount of physical RAM and Swap space seen by the operating system. AWMS requires a minimum of 1 gigabyte of physical RAM The version of Linux kernel running on the box. Displays how long it took to process the last payload of MAC address. Displays some AP/Device polling statistics.

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Table 129 System > Performance Page Fields (Continued) Field

System Load Average

The System Load average is the number of jobs currently waiting to be processed. Load is a rough metric that will tell you how busy a server is. A typical AWMS load is around 3. A constant load of 5 to 7 is cause for concern. A load above 10 is a serious issue and will probably result in an unusable AWMS. To lower the load average try increasing a few polling periods. Increasing the polling period for APs, routers/switches, WLSE, ACS, etc will decrease the amount of work AWMS needs to perform and lower the load average. If you have a load that is consistently below 3 you might consider shortening your polling period and observing. NOTE: If the load is less than one the y scale will be 1 to 1000 m standing for milliseconds or 1/1000ths of 1. The amount of RAM that is currently used broken down by usage. It is normal for AWMS to have very little free RAM. Linux automatically allocates all free ram as cache and buffer. If the kernel needs additional RAM for process it will dynamically take it from the cache and buffer. The amount of data read from the disk and written to the disk. The amount of Swap memory used by AWMS. Swap is used when the there is no more free physical RAM. A large performance penalty is paid when swap is used. If an AWMS consistently uses swap you should consider installing additional RAM for the box. The percentage of CPU that has been used by the user and the system as well as the amount that was idle. CPU usage broken down by application. AWMS services includes all AWMS processes except the database and the webserver. All traffic in and out of Eth0 measured in bits per second.

System Memory Usage System Disk Utilization Swap Usage

System CPU Usage Application CPU Usage System Network Bandwidth (Eth0) Bandwidth by Protocol (Eth0) Legacy SNMP Fetcher (SNMP Get/walk Requests) Legacy SNMP Fetcher (SNMP OIDs Received) High Performance SNMP Fetcher (SNMP Get/walk Requests) High Performance SNMP Fetcher (SNMP OIDs Received) Top 5 Tables (by row count) Database Table Scans Database Row Activity

Displays the amount of traffic used by Telnet, HTTPS and SNMP on Eth0. The number of SNMP get and walk requests per second performed by the legacy (v1 and v3) SNMP fetcher.

The number of SNMP OIDs received per second performed by the legacy (v1 and v3) SNMP fetcher. The number of SNMP get and walk requests per second performed by the high performance SNMP (v2c) fetcher.

The number of SNMP OIDs received per second performed by the high performance SNMP (v2c) fetcher.

The five largest tables in AWMS. Degraded performance has been noticed for in some cases for tables over 200,000 rows. AirWave recommends decreasing the length of time client data is stored on the AWMS page if a user/client table exceeds 250,000 rows. The number of Database table scans performed by the database. The number of insertions, deletions and updates performed to the database.

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Table 129 System > Performance Page Fields (Continued) Field

Database Transaction Activity Disk Usage

The number of commits and rollbacks performed by the database.

Pie charts that display the amount of used and free hard drive space for each partition. If a drive reaches over 80% full you may want to lower the Historical Data Retention settings on the AWMS page or consider installing additional hard drive space.

There are several initial steps that you can take to troubleshoot AWMS performance problems, including slow page loads and timeout errors. Initial troubleshooting steps would include the following:

Increasing the polling period settings on the Groups > Basic page. Increasing the polling period time for groups with routers and switches. Adding additional memory to the server. Please consult the sizing information in the latest edition of the AWMS User Guide or contact AirWave support at 1-408-419-4098 or [email protected] for the latest recommendations.

Upgrading AWMS
The AWMS upgrade process may change. Please consult support of the latest AWMS release announcement for detailed instructions. The following is sample instructions from the 6.4 announcement email:

Upgrade Instructions
To upgrade your AWMS: 1. Login to the AWMS server as the root user. 2. Run the following command
# start amp_upgrade -v 6.4.0

Upgrading Without Internet Access

If your AWMS cannot get to the Internet: 1. Download AWMS 6.4.0 from our download page: 2. Copy the file to AWMSs /root directory using WinSCP. 3. On the AWMS, run the following command:
# start amp_upgrade -v 6.4.0

The start_amp_upgrade script will check the /root directory for the latest update. If the update is not found, the script will attempt to download it from the AirWave support page. The script will then extract the version specific upgrade script. The version specific script will deploy all needed files, update the database, perform any data migrations and restart the AWMS services.

Backing Up AWMS
Overview of Backups
AWMS creates nightly archives of all relational data, statistical data, and log files. This occurs by default at 4:15 AM, but is configurable on the AMP Setup > General page under the Nightly Maintenance Time setting. Although AWMS only keeps the last four sets of archives, the archives can be downloaded manually or automatically off-site for more extensive backup strategies. AWMS creates one data backup file each night.

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The data backup file contains all of the device and group information as well as historical data and system files, including IP address, NTP information, mail relay hosts, and other AWMS settings.

Viewing and Downloading Backups

To view current AWMS backup files, go to the System > Backups page. Figure 157 illustrates this page. Figure 157 System > Backups Page Illustration

To download a backup file, click the filename URL and the File Download popup page appears. Proceed as prompted. AirWave recommends regularly saving the data backup file to another machine or media. This process can be automated easily with a nightly script.


Nightly maintenance and amp_backup scripts back up the full AMP data and save the file as nightly_data001.tar.gz. In previous AWMS versions, the scripts created both config backup and data backup files. In order to restore the AMP data, it is only necessary to have most recent data backup file, and AWMS no longer uses or supports the config backup file, effective with AWMS 6.3.2 and later AWMS versions.

Running Backup on Demand

To create an immediate backup, use the following procedure: 1. Log into the AWMS system as root. 2. Change to the scripts directory by typing 'scripts'. 3. Run the backup script by typing /bin/sh amp_backup. This creates a backup of the system located in /alternative/databackup.tar.gz.

Restoring from a Backup

To restore a backup file on a new machine use the following procedure: 1. Use your AWMS Installation CD to build a new machine. The new machine must be running the same version as the AWMS that created the backup file. 2. Copy the nightly_data00[1-4].tar.gz file to the new AWMS. The /tmp directory is an appropriate destination. A good open source Windows file transfer client that supports SFTP and SCP for is WinSCP which is available from WINSCP allows you to transfer the nightly00[1-4].tar.gz file from your local PC to the new AWMS using the secure copy protocol (SCP). 3. Log onto the new server as root. 4. Change to the scripts directory by typing scripts. 5. Run the restore script by typing ./AMP_restore -d /tmp/nightly_data00[1-4].tar.gz.

AWMS Failover
The failover version of AWMS provides a many to one hot backup server. The Failover AWMS polls the watched AMPs to verify that they are up and running. If the watched AWMS is unreachable for the specified

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number of polls the Failover AWMS will enter failover mode. When AWMS enters failover mode it automatically restores the most recent saved backup from the watched AWMS and begins polling its APs.

Navigation Section of AWMS Failover

The Navigation section displays tabs to all main GUI pages within AWMS Failover. The top bar is a static navigation bar containing tabs for the main components of AWMS, while the lower bar is context-sensitive and displays the sub-menus for the highlighted tab. Table 130 describes the contents of this page. Table 130 Contents of the Navigation Section of Failover Main Tab

The Home page provides basic AWMS Failover information, including system name, hostname, IP address, current time, running time, software version, and watched AWMS information.


Overview Watched AMPs License (viewable only by demo versions) Status Event Log Backups Performance General Network Users TACACS+


The System page provides information related to AWMS operation and administration (including overall system status, performance monitoring and backups).

AMP Setup

The Setup page provides all information relating to the configuration of AWMS itself and its connection to your network.

Adding Watched AWMS Stations

Navigate to the Home > Watched AMPs page to begin backing up and monitoring AWMS stations. Once an AWMS installation has been added to the Watched AMPs list, the Failover AWMS will download the most recent backup and begin polling. The Failover AWMS and the Watched AWMS must be on the same version or else the watched AWMS will be unable to restore properly. If any of the watched AWMS are not on the same version of AWMS you will need to upgrade. The Failover AWMS will need HTTPS access (port 443) to the watched AWMS to verify that the web page is active and to fetch downloads. Once the Failover AWMS determines that the Watched AWMS is not up (based on the user-defined missed poll threshold) it will restore the data backup of the Watched AWMS and begin monitoring the watched AWMS' APs/Devices. There are many variables that affect how long this will take, including how long client historical data is being retained, but for an AWMS with 1000 APs it might take up to 10 minutes. For an AWMS with 2500 APs it might take as long as 20 minutes. The Failover AWMS will retain its original IP address. In summary, the Failover AWMS could take over for the Watched AWMS in as little as five minutes; it might take up to an additional 10-20 minutes to unpack the watched AWMS' data and begin monitoring APs. The most important factors are the missed poll threshold, which is defined by the user, and the size of the watched AWMS' backup, which is affected by the total number of APs and by the amount of data being saved, especially client historical data. To restore the Watched AWMS run the backup script from the command line and copy the current data file and the old Watched AWMS configuration file to the Watched AWMS. Then run the restore script. More information about backups and restores can be found in Backing Up AWMS on page247. Figure 158 illustrates the Home > Watched page.

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Figure 158 Home > Watched Page Illustration

Table 131 Home > Watched Page Fields and Default Values Setting


The IP address or Hostname of the watched AWMS. The Failover AWMS needs HTTPS access to the watched AMPs. A username with management rights on the watched AWMS. The password for the username with management rights specified above. The amount of time before AWMS considers a polling attempt failed.

Username Password HTTP Timeout (5-1000 Sec) Polling Enabled

None None 60


Enables or disables polling of the Watched AWMS. NOTE: You do not need to disable polling of the watched AWMS system if it is set to be down during nightly maintenance or is being upgraded.

Polling Period

5 minutes None

The amount of time between polls of the Watched AWMS.

Missed Poll Threshold

The number of polls that can be missed before the failover AWMS will begin actively monitoring the Watched AMPs APs.

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Chapter 9
Creating, Running, and Emailing Reports

This chapter describes AWMS reports, including report access, creation, scheduling, and distribution via email and XML processing. This chapter contains the following sections: Overview of AWMS Reports

Supported Report Types in AWMS Reports > Definitions Page Overview Reports > Generated Page Overview

Using Daily Reports

Viewing Generated Reports Using the Capacity Planning Report Using the Configuration Audit Report Using the Device Summary Report Using the Device Uptime Report Using the IDS Events Report Using the Inventory Report Using the Memory and CPU Utilization Report Using the Network Usage Report Using the New Rogue Devices Report Using the New Users Report Using the PCI Compliance Report Using the RADIUS Authentication Issues Report Using the User Session Report

Defining Reports Emailing and Exporting Reports


Emailing Reports in General Email Applications Emailing Reports to Smarthost Exporting Reports to XML


AWMS ships with several reports as enabled by default. Default reports may run each night or weekly, depending on the AWMS release. AirWave recommends that you review the list of defined and scheduled reports with the Reports > Generated and Reports > Definition pages to determine if default reports are desired. If not, you can delete, disable, or reschedule any report.

AWMS supports additional and more specialized reports as follows:


System > Status page supports the diagnostic report file for sending to customer support: diagnostics.tar.gz. System > Status page supports the VisualRF diagnostics report file: VisualRFdiag.tar.gz. VisualRF > Network View supports the Bill of Materials (BOM) report. Refer to the VisualRF User Guide.
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Overview of AWMS Reports

AWMS supports a wide variety of reports. These reports are powerful tools in network analysis, user configuration, device optimization, and network monitoring on multiple levels. These reports provide an interface for multiple configurations, allowing you to act upon information in the reports.

Supported Report Types in AWMS

Table 132 summarizes the report types supported in AWMS, and provides links to additional topics that describe each. Most of these reports can be custom-configured. Table 132 Report Types in AWMS Report Type
Custom Capacity Planning Report Configuration Audit Report

Allows for creating custom reports using information from all other report types. Tracks bandwidth capacity and consumption according to thresholds for data throughput. This is a device-oriented report. Provides an inventory of network device configurations, enabling you to display information one device at a time, one folder at a time, one device group at a time, or complete device inventory. Identifies the most heavily used devices and the most under-used devices on the network. Monitors network performance and availability as measured by uptime. This report monitors uptime by multiple criteria, to include the following: Total average uptime by SNMP and ICMP Average uptime by device group Average uptime by device folder Lists and tracks IDS events on the network according to Access Point (AP) or controller device. Itemizes all devices and firmware versions on the network, to include manufacturer information and graphical summary. Displays CPU and random access memory (RAM) utilization on the network by device and the top memory usage by device. Contains network-wide information of three categories: Bandwidth usage Number of users by device (maximum and average) Number of users by time period (to include average bandwidth in and out) Summarizes rogue device information in a number of ways, to include time, associated AP, enhanced classification supported in AWMS, and additional parameters. Lists all new users that have appeared on the network during the time duration specified for the report. Displays current PCI configurations and compliance status when AWMS enables such monitoring on the network. Contains RADIUS-related issues that may appear with AP controllers, RADIUS Servers, and users.

Additional Information
Using Custom Reports Using the Capacity Planning Report Using the Configuration Audit Report

Device Summary Report Device Uptime Report

Using the Device Summary Report Using the Device Uptime Report

IDS Events Report Inventory Report

Using the IDS Events Report Using the Inventory Report

Memory and CPU Utilization Report Network Usage Report

Using the Memory and CPU Utilization Report Using the Network Usage Report

New Rogue Devices Report

Using the New Rogue Devices Report

New Users Report PCI Compliance Report RADIUS Authentication Issues Report
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Using the New Users Report Using the PCI Compliance Report Using the RADIUS Authentication Issues Report

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Table 132 Report Types in AWMS Report Type

User Session Report

Tracks user-level activity by session. Session information can be established and tracked by multiple parameters.

Additional Information
Using the User Session Report

AWMS reports have the following general parameters:

AWMS runs daily versions of all reports during predefined windows of time. All reports can be scheduled so that they run in the background. The daily version of any report is available instantly using the Reports > Generated page and scrolling to the report links at the bottom of the page. The Inventory and the Configuration Audit reports are the only reports that do not span a period of time. Instead, these two reports provide a detailed snapshot of the current state of the network. Users can create all other reports over a custom time period on the Reports > Definitions page. All reports can be emailed or exported to XML format for easy data manipulation using a spreadsheet.

Reports > Definitions Page Overview

The Reports > Definitions page allows you to define new reports and to take inventory of reports already defined. The Definitions page has these sections:

Report DefinitionsThis section lists all reports that are currently defined in AWMS. AddThis button launches a report definition page to create and schedule a new report of any type. RunThis button allows you to run any report that has been defined. DeleteThis button enables you to delete the definition of any report. Reports Definitions for Other RolesThis section, supported for admin users, displays additional reports that have been scheduled for other roles. This section of the page adds the Role column, and other columns are the same.

Once custom reports have been created with the Definition page, these appear on the Generated page. AWMS Version enhances this page by displaying reports for other user roles.

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Figure 159 illustrates the Report > Definition page, and Table 133 describes the fields. Figure 159 Report > Definitions Page Illustration (Split View)

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Table 133 Report > Definition Page Fields and Descriptions Field
Title Type Subject Latest Report

Displays title of the report. This is a user-configured field when creating the report. Displays the type of the report. This can be one of 13 report types in AWMS. Displays the scope of the report, to include groups, folders, SSIDs, or any combination of these that are included in the report. When the latest report is available, clicking the link in this field displays the latest version of a given report. When the latest version of a given report is not available, this field is blank. In this case, a report can be run by selecting the report and clicking Run. Displays the beginning of the time period covered in the report. Displays the end of the time period covered in the report. Displays the date and time of the last time the report was run. Displays the frequency in which the report is configured to be run. Added to the Reports definitions for other roles section, this column cites the roles for which additional reports are defined.

Report Start Report End Last Run Time Scheduled Roles

Reports > Generated Page Overview

The Reports > Generated page displays reports that have been defined in the Reports > Definitions page. Additionally, this page enables you to display the most recent daily version of any report with a single click. Reports comply with the access permissions defined for AWMS users. An Admin user can see and edit all report definitions in AWMS. Users with Monitor Only roles can see reports and definitions only if they have access to all devices in the reports. The Reports > Generated page contains four primary sections, as follows:

Generated reports configured for the current role and for additional roles Generated reports for other roles The option to view the latest daily reports with a single click for immediate online viewing

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Figure 160 Reports > Generated Page Example

Figure 161 Reports > Generated Page with Single-click Report Viewing Options


Clicking any report from the list shown in Figure 161 displays the Detail page for the most recent version of that report.

Using Daily Reports

This section describes the reports supported in AWMS. These reports can be accessed from the bottom of the Reports > Generated page, and are presented in alphabetical order as follows in Table 134:

Viewing Generated Reports

To display all generated reports that are currently scheduled on AWMS, navigate to the Reports > Generated page. Figure 160 and Figure 161 illustrate this page. This page supports the following general viewing options:

By default, the reports on the Reports > Generated page are sorted by Generation Time. You can sort reports by any other category (column header) in sequential or reverse sequential order. Click a report title to view details for each scheduled report. Click Add to create new generated reports. Generated reports are scheduled and custom configurable. Scroll to the bottom of the Reports > Generated page, and click any of the 13 report types to view the most recent version of any report. This function is independent of scheduled reports. The Reports > Details page launches when you click any report title from this page. The content of the Reports > Details page varies significantly according to the report type.
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The Generated Reports page contains less columns and information than the Definitions page. Table 134 describes each column for the Reports > Generated page. Table 134 Report > Definition Page Fields and Descriptions Field
Generated Time

Displays the date and time of the last time the report was run, or when the latest report is available. Clicking the link in this field displays the latest version of a given report. When the latest version of a given report is not available, this field is blank. In this case, a report can be run by selecting the report title and clicking Run. Displays title of the report. This is a user-configured field when creating the report. Displays the type of the report. This can be one of 13 report types in AWMS. Displays the scope of the report, to include groups, folders, SSIDs, or any combination of these that are included in the report. Displays the beginning of the time period covered in the report. Displays the end of the time period covered in the report. Added to the Reports definitions for other roles section, this column cites the roles for which additional reports are defined.

Title Type Subject Report Start Report End Role

Using Custom Reports

Custom reports allow users to specify the data that should be included in a report and how it should be displayed. Perform these steps to create a Custom Report. 1. Navigate to the Reports > Definitions page. 2. Click the Add button. 3. Select Custom in the type drop down. The Custom Options section will open up as shown in Figure 162. Figure 162 AWMS Custom Options Illustration

The left pane of the Custom Options window lists all available data that can be included in the report. The data is broken down by report. If for example, the data you want to include is in the Inventory report, click Inventory to view a list of all available inventory information. Then, simply drag the desired data from the Available Options list on the left to the Selected Options pane on the right. The order of the data in the Selected Options section is the order that it will appear in the report. The data can be reordered by dragging an item up or down the list.

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Using the Capacity Planning Report

The Capacity Planning Report tracks device bandwidth capacity and throughput in device groups, folders, and SSIDs. This report assists in analyzing device capacity and performance on the network, and such analysis can help to achieve network efficiency and improved experience for users. This report is based on interface-level activity. The information in this report can be sorted by any column header in sequential or reverse-sequential order by clicking the column heading. Refer also to the Using the Network Usage Report on page268 for additional bandwidth information. Perform these steps to view the most recent Capacity Planning Report. 1. Navigate to the Reports > Generated page. 2. Scroll to the bottom, and click Latest Capacity Planning Report to display Detail device capacity information for all devices. The report provides multiple links to additional device configuration, folders, and additional AWMS pages. The following figures and Table 135 illustrate and describe the contents of the Capacity Planning Report. Figure 163 AWMS Capacity Planning Report Illustration (Split View)

Table 135 Capacity Planning Report Fields and Contents, Top Portion Field
Device Interface Group Folder Controller

Displays the device type or name. Displays the type of 802.11 wireless service supported by the device. Displays the device group with which the device is associated. Displays the folder with which the device is associated. Displays the controller with which a device operates.

Time Above 1% of Capacity Displays the time duration in which the device has functioned above 0% of capacity. A low percentage of use in this field may indicate that a device is underused or poorly configured in relation to its capacity, or in relation to user needs. Capacity Combined (b/s) Usage While > Threshold (Combined) Overall Usage (Combined) Displays the combined capacity in and out of the device, in bits-per-second. Displays the time in which a device has functioned above defined threshold capacity, both in and out. Displays the overall usage of the device, both combined in and out traffic.

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Table 135 Capacity Planning Report Fields and Contents, Top Portion (Continued) Field
Usage While > Threshold (in) Overall Usage (In) Usage While > Threshold (Out) Overall Usage (Out)

Displays device usage that exceeds the defined and incoming threshold capacity.

Displays overall device usage for incoming data. Displays device usage for outgoing data that exceeds defined thresholds.

Displays device usage for outgoing data.

Using the Configuration Audit Report

The Configuration Audit Report provides an inventory of device configurations on the network, enabling you to display information one device at a time, one folder at a time, or one device group at a time. This report links to additional configuration pages. Perform these steps to view the most recent version of the report, then to configure a given device using this report. 1. Navigate to the Reports > Generated page. 2. Scroll to the bottom, and click Latest Configuration Audit Report to display Detail device configuration information for all devices. The ensuing Detail report can be very large in size, and provides multiple links to additional device configuration or information display pages. 3. You can display device-specific configuration to reduce report size and to focus on a specific device. When viewing configured devices on the Detail page, click a device in the Name column. The devicespecific configuration appears. 4. You can create or assign a template for a given device from the Detail page. Click Add a Template when viewing device-specific configuration information. 5. You can audit the current device configuration from the Detail page. Click Audit when viewing devicespecific information. 6. You can display archived configuration about a given device from the Detail page. Click Show Archived Device Configuration.

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Figure 164 and Table 136 illustrate and describe the general Configuration Audit report and related contents. Figure 164 Reports > Generated > Daily Configuration Audit Report Illustration, Abbreviated Example

Table 136 Information Categories in Reports > Generated > Daily Configuration Audit Report Field
Name Folder Group

Displays the device name for every device on the network. Clicking a given device name in this column allows you to display device-specific configuration. Displays the folder in which the device is configured in AWMS. Clicking the folder name in this report displays the APs/Devices > List page for additional device, folder and configuration options. Displays the group with which any given device associates. Clicking the group for a given device takes you to the Groups > Monitor page for that specific group, to display graphical group information, modification options, alerts, and an audit log for the related group. This field displays configuration mismatch information. When a device configuration does not match ideal configuration, this field displays the ideal device settings compared to current settings.


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Using the Device Summary Report

The Device Summary Report identifies devices that are the most or least used devices, and a comprehensive list of all devices. One potential use of this report is to establish more equal bandwidth distribution across multiple devices. This report contains the following five lists of devices.

Most Utilized by Maximum Number of UsersBy default, this list displays the 10 devices that support the highest numbers of users. This list provides links to additional information or configuration pages for each device to make adjustments, as desired. Most Utilized by BandwidthBy default, this list displays the 10 devices that consistently have the

highest bandwidth consumption during the time period defined for the report. This list provides links to additional information or configuration pages for each device.

Least Utilized by Maximum Number of Simultaneous UsersBy default, this list displays the 10 devices

that are the least used, according to the number of users.

Least Utilized by BandwidthBy default, this list displays the 10 devices that are the least used,

according to the bandwidth throughput.

You can specify the number of devices that appear in each of the first four categories in the Reports > Definitions > Add page. DevicesThis list displays all devices in AWMS. By default is sorted alphabetically by device name.


Any section of this report can be sorted by any of the columns:

Rank AP/Device Number of Users Max Simultaneous Users Total Bandwidth (MB) Average Bandwidth (kbps) Location Controller Folder Group

For example, you can specify a location and then sort the Devices list by the Location column to see details by location, or you can see all of the APs associated with a particular controller by sorting on the controller column. If the AP name contains information about the location of the AP, you can sort by AP name. If sorting the Devices list does not provide you with sufficient detail, you can specify a Group or Folder in the report Definition of a custom report. If you create a separate Group or Folder for each set of master and local controllers, you can generate a separate report for each Group or Folder. With this method, the summary sections of each report contain only devices from that Group or Folder. Perform these steps to view the most recent version of this report, and to adjust configurations for overused or under-used devices. 1. Navigate to the Reports > Generated page. 2. Scroll to the bottom, and click Device Summary Report to display Detail device information. You can use this report as the central starting point to reconfigure over-used or under-used devices. 3. To generate more reports that cover a greater span of time, refer to Viewing Generated Reports on page256.

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Figure 165 and Table 137 illustrate and describe the Reports > Generated > Device Summary Detail page. Figure 165 Reports > Generated > Daily Device Summary Report Illustration

Table 137 Reports > Generated > Daily Device Summary Report Fields and Descriptions Field

The rank column for any section of this report establishes the top 10 devices for any category, and these are listed in sequential or reverse-sequential order. Displays the name of the device, which can be a MAC address or other identifier. Displays the number of users associated with each device. Displays the maximum number of users that were active on the associated device during the period of time that the report covers.

AP/Device Number of Users Max Simultaneous Users

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Table 137 Reports > Generated > Daily Device Summary Report Fields and Descriptions Field
Total Bandwidth (MB)

Displays the bandwidth in megabytes that the device supported during the period of time covered by the report. Displays the average bandwidth throughput for the device during the period of time covered by the report. Displays the location of the device that is included in any category of the report. Displays the controller to which any included device is associated. Displays the folder with which a device is associated. Displays the device group with which a device is associated.

Average Bandwidth (kbps) Location Controller Folder Group

Using the Device Uptime Report

The Device Uptime Report monitors device performance and availability on the network, tracking uptime by multiple criteria to include the following:

Total average uptime by SNMP and ICMP Average uptime by device group Average uptime by device folder

You can use this report as the central starting point to improve uptime by multiple criteria. This report covers protocol-oriented, device-oriented, or SSID-oriented information. This report can help to monitor and optimize the network in multiple ways. This report can demonstrate service parameters, can establish locations that have superior or problematic uptime availability, and can help with additional analysis in multiple ways. Locations, device groups, or other groupings within a network can be identified as needing attention or can be proven to have superior performance when using this report. Perform these steps to view the most recent version of the Device Uptime report. 1. Navigate to the Reports > Generated page. 2. Scroll to the bottom, and click Device Uptime Report to display report Detail information. 3. To generate more reports of this type that cover a greater span of time, refer to Reports > Definitions Page Overview on page253.

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Figure 166 and Table 137 illustrate and describe the Reports > Generated > Device Uptime Detail report. Figure 166 Reports > Generated > Device Uptime Report Illustration

Table 138 Reports > Generated > Device Uptime Report Fields and Descriptions Field
Device Group Folder SSID SNMP Uptime ICMP Uptime

Displays the name of the device. Displays the name of the device's group. Displays the folder to which the device belongs. Displays the Service Set Identifier (SSID) set on the device. Displays the percentage of time the device was reachable via ICMP. AWMS polls the device via SNMP at the rate specified on the Groups > Basic page. Displays the percentage of time the device was reachable via ICMP. If the device is reachable via SNMP it is assumed to be reachable via ICMP. AWMS only pings the device if SNMP fails and then it pings at the SNMP polling interval rate. The uptime as reported by the device at the end of the time period covered by the report.

Time Since Last Boot

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Using the IDS Events Report

The IDS Events Report lists and tracks IDS events on the network involving Access Points (APs) or controller devices. This report cites the number of IDS events for devices that have experienced the most instances in the prior 24 hours, and provides links to support additional analysis or configuration in response. The Home > License page also cites IDS events, and triggers can be configured for IDS events. Refer to Setting Triggers for IDS Events on page214 for additional information. Perform these steps to view the most recent version of the IDS Events report. 1. Navigate to the Reports > Generated page. 2. Scroll to the bottom, and click IDS Events Report to display report Detail information. 3. Clicking the AP device or controller name takes you to the APs/Devices > List page. Figure 167 and Table 139 illustrate and describe the Reports > Generated > IDS Events Detail page. Figure 167 Reports > Generated > IDS Events Report Illustration

Table 139 Reports > Generated > IDS Events Detail Fields Field
AP Total Events First Event Most Recent Event Attack Controller Attacker Radio Channel SNR Precedence Time

This column lists the AP devices for which IDS events have occurred in the prior 24 hours, and provides a link to the APs/Devices > Monitor page for each. This column cites the total number of IDS events for each device that has experienced them during the prior 24-hour period. This column cites the first IDS event in the prior 24-hour period. This column cites the most recent or latest IDS event in the prior 24-hour period. Displays the name or label for the IDS event. This column lists the controllers for which IDS events have occurred in the prior 24 hours, and provides a link to the APs/Devices > Monitor page for each. Displays the MAC address of the device that generated the IDS event. Displays the 802.11 radio type associated with the IDS event. Displays the 802.11 radio channel associated with the IDS event, when known. Displays the signal-to-noise (SNR) radio associated with the IDS event. Displays precedence information associated with the IDS event, when known. Displays the time of the IDS event.

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Using the Inventory Report

The Inventory Report itemizes all devices and firmware versions on the network, to include manufacturer information and graphical pie-chart summaries. The primary sections of this report are as follows:

Vendor SummaryLists the manufacturers for all devices or firmware on the network. Model SummaryLists the model numbers for all devices or firmware on the network. Firmware Version SummaryLists the firmware version for all firmware used on the network. APs/DevicesLists all devices on the network.

Perform these steps to view the most recent version of the Inventory report, illustrated in Figure 168 1. Navigate to the Reports > Generated page. 2. Scroll to the bottom, and click Daily Inventory Report to display report Detail information. 3. The Details page allows you to view device or other information by clicking the device name, IP address, MAC Address, Group, Folder, or associated controller links. Figure 168 Reports > Generated > Inventory Report Illustration (Split View)

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Using the Memory and CPU Utilization Report

The Memory and CPU Utilization Report displays the top memory usage by device, and CPU utilization on the network by device. The usage for any given resource, whether CPU or RAM usage, is listed as a percentage.

To create a scheduled and generated report of this type, refer to Using Daily Reports on page256. Perform these steps to view the most recent version of the Memory and CPU Utilization Report. 1. Navigate to the Reports > Generated page. 2. Scroll to the bottom, and click Daily Memory and CPU Utilization to display report Detail information. 3. The Details page allows you to view device or other information by clicking the device name, IP address, MAC Address, Group, Folder, or associated controller links. Figure 169 illustrates the Reports > Generated > Daily Memory and CPU Utilization Detail page. Figure 169 Reports > Generated > Daily Memory and CPU Utilization Report Illustration (Contents Rearranged for Space)

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Using the Network Usage Report

The Network Usage Report contains network-wide information in three categories:

Bandwidth usage by devicemaximum and average bandwidth in kbps Number of users by devicemaximum and average by connection instances Number of users by time periodaverage bandwidth in and out

Perform these steps to view the most recent version of the Network Usage Report. 1. Navigate to the Reports > Generated page. 2. Scroll to the bottom, and click Network Usage to display report Detail information. 3. The Details page allows you to view bandwidth and device usage in three sections, illustrated below. Figure 170 illustrates the Reports > Generated > Daily Memory and CPU Utilization Detail page. Figure 170 Reports > Generated > Network Usage Report Illustration (Partial Example)

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Using the New Rogue Devices Report

The New Rogue Devices Report summarizes rogue device information in a number of ways, to include the following categories of information:

Rogue devices by RAPIDS classificationdescribed in Chapter 7, Using RAPIDS and Rogue Classification on page185 Top rogue devices by number of discovering APs Top rogue devices by signal strength Graphical summary of rogue devices by LAN MAC address vendor Graphical summary of rogue devices by radio MAC address vendor Text-based table summary of rogue device counts Detailed and text-based table of rogue devices discovered only wirelessly with extensive device parameters and hyperlink interoperability to additional AWMS pages Detailed and text-based table of all rogue devices supporting all discovery methods with extensive device parameters and hyperlink interoperability to additional AWMS pages Detailed and text-based table of discovery events pertaining to the discovery of rogue devices with extensive parameters and hyperlink interoperability to additional AWMS pages

Perform these steps to view the most recent version of the New Rogue Devices Report. 1. Navigate to the Reports > Generated page. 2. Scroll to the bottom, and click New Rogue Devices to display report Detail information. 3. The Details page allows you to view bandwidth and device usage in multiple sections, illustrated below. Several figures below illustrate the multiple fields and information in the New Rogue Devices Report. Figure 171 Reports > Generated > New Rogue Devices Report Illustration, Top Half of Report

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Figure 172 Reports > Generated > New Rogue Devices Report Illustration, Bottom Half of Report (Partial View)

The rogue device inventories that comprise this report contain many fields, described in Table 140. Table 140 New Rogue Devices Report Fields Field
Name RAPIDS Classification

Displays the device name, as able to be determined. Displays the RAPIDS classification for the rogue device, as classified by rules defined on the RAPIDS > Rules page. Refer to Using RAPIDS and Rogue Classification on page185 for additional information. Displays the numeric threat level by which the device has been classified, according to rules defined on the RAPIDS > Rules page. Refer to Using RAPIDS and Rogue Classification on page185 for additional information. Displays whether the device has been acknowledged with the network. Displays the date and time that the rogue device was first discovered on the network.

Threat Level

Ack First Discovered

First Discovery Method Displays the method by which the rogue device was discovered. First Discovery Agent Displays the network device that first discovered the rogue device.

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Table 140 New Rogue Devices Report Fields (Continued) Field

Last Discovering AP Type Operating System IP Address SSID Network Type Channel WEP RSSI

Displays the network device that most recently discovered the rogue device. Displays the rogue device type when known. Displays the operating system for the device type, when known. Displays the IP address of the rogue device when known. Displays the SSID for the rogue device when known. Displays the network type on which the rogue was detected, when known. Displays the wireless RF channel on which the rogue device was detected. Displays Wired Equivalent Privacy (WEP) encryption usage when known. Displays Received Signal Strength (RSSI) information for radio signal strength when known. Displays signal strength when known. Displays the MAC address for the associated LAN when known. Displays LAN vendor information associated with the rogue device, when known. Displays the MAC address for the radio device, when known. Displays the manufacturer information for the radio device when known. Displays the router or switch port associated with the rogue device when known. Displays the last time in which the rogue device was seen on the network. Displays the total number of APs that detected the rogue device. Displays the total number of instances in which the rogue device was discovered.

Signal LAN MAC Address LAN Vendor Radio MAC Address Radio Vendor Port Last Seen Total Discovering APs Total Discovery Events

Using the New Users Report

The New Users Report lists all new users that have appeared on the network during the time duration defined for the report. This report covers the user identifier, the associated role when known, device information and more. Perform these steps to view the most recent version of the New Users Report. 1. Navigate to the Reports > Generated page. 2. Scroll to the bottom, and click New Users to display report Detail information. 3. The Details page allows you to view information for new users that have appeared on the network during the time period defined for the report. Figure 173 illustrates the fields and information in the New Users Report.

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Figure 173 Reports > Generated > New Users Report Illustration

Table 141 Reports > Generated > New Users Report Fields Field
Username Role MAC Address Vendor AP/Device Association Time Duration

Displays the username when known. Displays the role with which the user is associated. Displays the MAC address of the AP device by which the user connected. Displays vendor information for the AP device by which the user connected. Displays the device type by which the user connected. Displays the time in which the AP device associated with the controller. Displays the duration of the users connection.

Using the PCI Compliance Report

AWMS supports PCI requirements in accordance with the Payment Card Industry (PCI) Data Security Standard (DSS). The PCI Compliance Report displays current PCI configurations and status as enabled on the network. In addition to citing simple pass or fail status with regard to each PCI requirement, AWMS introduces very detailed diagnostic information to recommend the specific action or actions required to achieve Pass status, when sufficient information is available. Refer to the Deploying PCI Auditing on page211 for information about enabling PCI on the network. The configurations in that section enable or disable the contents of the PCI Compliance Report that is viewable on the Reports > Generated page. Perform these steps to view the most recent version of the PCI Compliance Report. 1. Verify that AWMS is enabled to monitor compliance with PCI requirements, as described in the Deploying PCI Auditing on page211. 2. Navigate to the Reports > Generated page. 3. Scroll to the bottom, and click PCI Compliance to display Detail information.

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Figure 174 illustrates the fields and information in the most recent PCI Compliance Report. Figure 174 Reports > Generated > PCI Compliance Report Illustration, Pass or Fail Example

Figure 175 Reports > Generated > PCI Compliance Report Illustration, Diagnostics Example

Defining and Generating PCI Compliance Reports

Perform these steps to define and generate PCI Compliance generated reports in AWMS. These steps are a modification to general report creation procedures, with an emphasis on PCI requirements.
Only admin users have complete access to complete PCI Compliance information. The AWMS reports and online displays of information can vary with configuration, User Roles, and Folders.


1. Navigate to the Reports > Definitions page, and click the Add New Report Definition button. The Report Definitions page appears. 2. Complete the Report Definition section.
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a. In the Title field, provide a name for this PCI compliance report. Useful terms to include in a title might be include the report frequency, such Daily, Weekly, or Monthly. b. In the Type field, select PCI Compliance in the drop-down menu. The Definitions page changes to PCIspecific configurations once you select this report type. Figure 176 Report Type Drop-down Menu in Reports > Definitions > Add Illustration

3. Use the Group and Folder sections to define the scope of the PCI Compliance report. These report parameters apply to any AWMS report that supports groups. a. If you choose Use selected Groups in the Group down-down menu, then all groups that have been defined in the Groups page appear, and you can select the specific group or groups for which to generate PCI Compliance data. Refer to Auditing PCI Compliance on the Network on page73 for additional information. b. If you choose Use selected Folders in the Folders drop-down menu, then all folders that have been defined appear, and you can select the specific folder or folders for which to generate PCI Compliance data. Refer to Using Device Folders (Optional) on page156 for additional information. 4. Use the PCI Requirements section to define the PCI Compliance standards to include in tracking and reports generation. Table 135 describes each standard, and you have the option of including these explanations in reports by clicking Yes in the Include Details... field. 5. Specify the Scheduling Options to establish how often and over what period of time a report is to include data. 6. Specify the Report Visibility settings, to generate report information by role or by subject. 7. Specify the Email Option settings as required. 8. Complete the remainder of this Definitions page and specify report details. 9. Click Add or Add and Run to complete the configuration of the PCI compliance report, and repeat these steps as desired to create as many PCI Compliance reports as desired.

Using the RADIUS Authentication Issues Report

The RADIUS Authentication Issues Report contains issues that may appear with AP controllers, RADIUS Servers, and users. Perform these steps to view the most recent version of the RADIUS Authentication Issues Report. 1. Navigate to the Reports > Generated page. 2. Scroll to the bottom, and click RADIUS Authentication Issues Report to display report Detail information. 3. The Details page allows you to view information for RADIUS issues that have appeared on the network during the time period defined for the report. Figure 177 illustrates the fields and information in the RADIUS Authentication Issues Report.

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Figure 177 Reports > Generated > RADIUS Authentication Issues Details Illustration

Using the User Session Report

The User Session Report itemizes user-level activity by session. A session is any instance in which a user connects to the network. Session information can be established and tracked by multiple parameters, to include the following:

Connection mode and multifaceted parameters in this category SSID session data VLAN session data Cipher data more

Perform these steps to view the most recent version of the User Session Report. 1. Navigate to the Reports > Generated page. 2. Scroll to the bottom, and click User Session Report to display report Detail information. 3. The Details page allows you to view multifaceted information for user sessions during the time period defined for the report. The figures that follow illustrate the fields and information in the User Session Report.

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Figure 178 Reports > Generated > User Session Detail, Connection Mode Information

Figure 179 Reports > Generated > User Session Detail > SSID Information

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Figure 180 Reports > Generated > User Session Detail > VLAN Information

Figure 181 Reports > Generated > User Session Detail > Cipher Information

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Figure 182 Reports > Generated > User Session Detail > Summary and User Information (Partial View)

Defining Reports
AWMS allows you to create reports for any time period you wish, to be run when you wish, and distributed to recipients that you define. Perform these steps to create and run custom reports. Reports created with the Reports > Definition page appear on this and on the Reports > Generated page once defined.

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1. To create or edit a report, browse to the Reports > Definition page and click the Add button, or click the pencil icon to edit an existing report definition. Figure 183 illustrates the Report Definition page. Figure 183 Defining a Report with Reports > Definitions > Add Button

2. Complete the fields described in Table 142 and additional Report Restrictions. The Report Restrictions section changes according to the report type you choose. Additional information about each report type is described in Using Daily Reports on page256. Table 142 Report > Definitions > Add Page Fields Field


Enter a Report Title. AirWave recommends using a title that is a meaningful and descriptive, so it may be found easily on the lists of reports that appear on either Generated or Definitions pages. Choose the type of report you wish to create in the Report Type drop-down menu. Specify the groups and folders to be covered in the report by choosing All Groups (or All Folders) or specifying Use selected groups (or Use selected folders) in the dropdown menu. If Use selected groups is chosen, a menu with checkboxes appears, allowing you to choose the groups to include in the report. This field displays for most report types. When this field appears, and when you select Use Selected IDs, a new list of SSIDs displays. Check (select) the specific SSIDs to be included in the report.

Type Group Folder

Capacity All Groups All Folders



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Table 142 Report > Definitions > Add Page Fields (Continued) Field
Report Start Report End


These fields establish the time period to be covered by the report. These fields are supported for most report types. When these fields do not appear, the report provides a snapshot of current status rather than information covering a period of time Times can be entered in relative or absolute form. A start date of 6 months 3 weeks 5 days 9 hours ago and an end time of 4 months 2 weeks 1 day ago is valid, as is a start date of 5/5/2008 13:00 and an end date of 6/6/2008 9:00. Absolute times must be entered in a 24-hour format. Other reports, like the Inventory Report, give a snapshot picture of the AWMS at the present time. When you select Yes, new fields display that allow you to define a specific time for report creation. The report schedule setting is distinct from the Report Start and Report End fields, as these define the period of time to be covered by the report. These Schedule fields establish the time that a report runs, independent of report scope: Current Local TimeDisplays for reference the time of the AWMS system. Desired Start Date/TimeSets the time the report runs, which may often be separate from the time period covered by the report. This allows you to run a report during less busy hours. OccursSelect whether the report is to be run one time, daily, weekly, monthly, or annually. Depending on the recurrence pattern selected, you get an additional dropdown menu. For example, if you select a recurrence of monthly, you get an additional drop-down menu that allows you to pick which day of the month (day 1, day 2, and so forth) the report should run. This field allows you to display the report either by user role, with the report appearing in User Role lists on the Reports > Generated page. Alternatively, this field allows you to display reports by Subject on the Reports > Generated page. Selecting Yes for this option displays additional fields in which to specific email addresses for sender and recipients. Enter the Sender Address. The sender address is what appears in the From field of the report email. Enter recipient email addresses separated by commas when using multiple email addresses.



Generated Report Visibility

By Role

Email Report


In the report restrictions section you can customize any detailed information contained in a chosen report. Figure 184 shows a sample Report Restrictions page. Figure 184 Report Restrictions Illustration

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By default all data will be included. Deselect the checkbox to hide specific information. The list can also be reordered by dragging and dropping the separate lines. The order displayed here will match the column order in the report. 3. Click Add and Run to generate the report immediately, in additional to scheduling times that may be defined. 4. Click Add (only) to complete the report creation, to be run at the time scheduled. 5. Click Cancel to exit from the Add page. Table 143 describes the configurable settings for the custom report to be created. Table 143 Report Types and Scheduling Options Supported for Custom Reports Report Type
Capacity Planning

Can by Run by Time Period


Can be Run by Group/Folder


Summarizes devices based on which have exceeded a defined percentage of their maximum bandwidth capacity. Pulls data for AP radios or interfaces of universal devices (ifSpeed value). Provides a snapshot of the configuration of all monitored access points in AWMS, at one specific point in time. Summarizes user and bandwidth statistics and lists devices in AWMS. Summarizes device uptime within defined groups or folders. Summarizes IDS events; can be limited to a summary of a certain number of events. Provides an audit of vendors, models and firmware versions of devices in AWMS. Summarizes utilization for controllers for defined top number of devices; can be run with or without perCPU details and details about device memory usage. Summarizes bandwidth data and number of users. Shows new rogue devices by score, discovering AP, and MAC address vendor. Provides a summary list of new users, including username, MAC address, discovering AP, and association time. Provides a summary of network compliance with PCI requirements, according to the PCI requirements enabled in AWMS using the AMP Setup > PCI Compliance page. Summarizes RADIUS authentication issues by controller and by user, as well as a list of all issues. Summarizes user data by radio mode, SSID and VLAN, as well as lists all sessions.

Configuration Audit



Device Summary Yes Device Uptime IDS Events Inventory Memory and CPU Utilization Network Usage New Rogue Devices New Users Yes Yes No Yes

Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

Yes No No

PCI Compliance



RADIUS Authentication Issues User Session





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Emailing and Exporting Reports

This section describes three ways in which distribute reports from AWMS:

Emailing Reports in General Email Applications Emailing Reports to Smarthost Exporting Reports to XML

Emailing Reports in General Email Applications

Perform these steps to set up email distribution of reports in AWMS:

All reports contain a link to export the report to an XML file and a text box where you may specify email addresses, separated by commas, to which reports are sent. Click Email This Report to email the report to the address specified in the text box above the button.

Additional information about email-based report generation is described in Defining Reports on page278, and in Emailing Reports to Smarthost on page282.

Emailing Reports to Smarthost

AWMS uses Postfix to deliver alerts and reports via email, because it provides a high level of security and locally queues email until delivery. If AWMS sits behind a firewall, which prevents it from sending email directly to the specified recipient, use the following procedure to forward email to a smarthost. 1. Add the following line to /etc/postfix/
relayhost = [] Where: is the IP address or hostname of your smarthost.

2. Run service postfix restart 3. Send a test message to an email address.

Mail -v [email protected] Subject: test mail . CC: <press Enter>

4. Check the mail log to ensure mail was sent

tail -f /var/log/maillog

Exporting Reports to XML

AWMS allows users to export individual reports in XML (xhtml) form. These files may be read by an HTML browser or opened in Excel. Perform the following steps to export reports to XML and MS Excel: 1. Navigate to the Reports > Generated page and click the name of the report you wish to export. You can also click on the link at the bottom of the page for the latest version of a report. The corresponding Detail page displays. 2. On the top right of the page, click XML (XHTML) export. After a moment the XML page appears in your browser. 3. In your browser, click File > Save As. Define the filename and location, select Web Page Complete as the file type, then click Save. A brief Save Webpage status box appears to display the saving process. Allow the process sufficient time, particularly for reports that contain many links or large graphics. 4. Open the resulting file in MS Excel. You may need to display files of all type to access the file. 5. From Excel you can save the report as a single file using the Save As > Excel Workbook option (Excel 2007). You can also save it as a .xls file for compatibility with older versions of Excel though some formatting in the report might not be supported.
This method of exporting files supports graphics and links, and prevents Missing File C:\filename.css error messages.


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Chapter 10
Using the AWMS Helpdesk

This chapter presents the functions, configuration, and use of the AWMS Helpdesk. This chapter contains the following sections: AWMS Helpdesk Overview Monitoring Incidents with Helpdesk Creating a New Incident with Helpdesk Creating New Snapshots or Incident Relationships Using the Helpdesk Tab with an Existing Remedy Server

AWMS Helpdesk Overview

The Helpdesk module of the AirWave Wireless Management Suite allows front-line technical support staff to take full advantage of the data available in the AirWave Wireless Management Suite. The AWMS Helpdesk includes the following features and functions, with additional functions described in this chapter:

The Helpdesk tab appears to the right of the Home tab. Users with an Admin role have the Helpdesk option enabled by default.
Admin users can make the Helpdesk available to users of any role by selecting the enabled radio button on the role detail page. To edit existing roles, click the pencil icon next to a role on the AMP Setup > Roles page.

The AWMS Helpdesk allows you to document incidents associated with users on the network. If an external Remedy installation is available, the Helpdesk functionality can be disabled, and the AWMS can be used as an interface to create, view and edit incidents on the existing Remedy server. Snapshots can also be associated with Remedy incidents and stored locally on the AWMS server. By default, the option to use an external Remedy server is disabled; navigate to the Helpdesk > Setup page to enable Remedy. Refer to Using the Helpdesk Tab with an Existing Remedy Server on page287 for more information on how to configure AWMS to integrate with a Remedy server.

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Monitoring Incidents with Helpdesk

For a complete list of incidents, or to open a new incident, navigate to the Helpdesk > Incidents page. Figure 185 illustrates the components of the AWMS Helpdesk Incidents page. Figure 185 Helpdesk > Incidents Page Illustration

The table in Helpdesk > Incidents displays the count of incidents by state and by time. You can sort incidents from within any category of information, whether in sequential or reverse-sequential order. You can display all incidents, or strictly open or closed incidents, and you can display incidents according to the person who created them. Finally, the Helpdesk > Incidents page allows you to add or delete incidents. Table 144 Helpdesk > Incidents > Topmost Table Column

Displays three states as they apply, as follows: Open (currently under investigation) Closed (resolved) The total incident count Shows the count of incidents in the last two hours, the last day, and the total count.

Period of time and Total

The table at the bottom of the page, as described in Table 145 below, summarizes the incidents that have been reported thus far, and which AWMS has not yet purged. Use the AMP Setup > General page and the Historical Data Retention page. Using the Closed Helpdesk Incidents field, set the number of days that AWMS is to retain records of closed Helpdesk incidents. Settings this value to 0 disables this function.

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Clicking the pencil icon next to any incident opens an edit page where you can modify and update the incident. An incident can be deleted by selecting the checkbox next to it and clicking the Delete button at the bottom of the table. Table 145 AWMS Helpdesk > Incidents > Bottommost Table Column

Displays the ID number of the incident, which is assigned automatically when the incident is logged. Presents a summary statement of the issue or problementered by the AWMS user when the incident is created. The current state of the incident - this can be either open or closed. The drop-down menu at the top of the column can be used to show only open or closed incidents. The default is to show incidents of both states. Displays the username of the AWMS user who opened the incident. The Helpdesk can be made available to users of any role by selecting the enabled radio button on the role detail pageclick the pencil icon next to a role on the AMP Setup > Roles page. Displays the number of items that have been associated to the incident. These link different groups, APs or clients to the incident report. Displays the time and date the incident was created. Displays the time and date the incident was last modified by an AWMS user.



Opened By


Created Updated

Creating a New Incident with Helpdesk

To create a new Helpdesk incident, click the Add New Incident button underneath the top table. This launches and displays an incident edit page, as illustrated in Figure 186. The contents of this page are described in Table 146. Figure 186 Add Incident Page Illustration

Table 146 Helpdesk Incident Edit Page Fields Field

Summary State Description

Displays user-entered text that describes a short summary of the incident Provides a drop-down menu with the options "Open" or "Closed" Provides a longer user-entered text area for a thorough description of the incident.

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The Incidents portion of the Alert Summary table on other AWMS pages only increments the counter for incidents that are open and associated to an AP. This field displays incidents based on folder, which is the Top folder on this page and on the Home > Overview page. Incidents that are not related to devices in that folder are not counted in the Alert Summary table on other pages. To view all incidents, including those not associated to an AP, use the Helpdesk > Incidents page. Helpdesk icons appear at the top of other AWMS pages, allowing graphical snapshots and other records to be associated to existing incidents. These appear in the upper right-hand corner next to the Help link. Refer

to Figure 187. Figure 187 Helpdesk Icons on Additional Pages

Table 147 describes the Helpdesk icon components. Table 147 Helpdesk Icon Components Icon
Current Incident

(ID number and description) Identifies the current incident of focus in the Helpdesk header. Clicking the link brings up the Incident Edit page (see above). Mousing over the incident brings up a summary popup of the incident. Relates the device, group or client to the incident (see below for more details).

Attaches a snapshot of the page to the incident. This feature can be used to record a screenshot of information and preserve it for future troubleshooting purposes. Creates a new incident report.

Choose a new incident from the list of created incidents to be the Current Incident (see description of icon above).

Creating New Snapshots or Incident Relationships

Snapshots or relationships can be created by clicking the Helpdesk header icon (see Table 147) on the screen that needs to be documented. Snapshots or relationships can then be related to the current incident in the ensuing popup window. In order to attach snapshots or relationships to another incident, click the Choose a New Incident icon to select a new current incident. Relationships and snapshots appear on the Incident Edit page after they have been created. When a relationship is created the user can enter a brief note, and in the Relationships table the name of the relationship links to the appropriate page in AWMS. Clicking the snapshot description opens a popup window to display the screenshot. Figure 188 illustrates these GUI tools.

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Figure 188 Relationships and Snapshots on the Incident Edit Page

Using the Helpdesk Tab with an Existing Remedy Server

If an external Remedy server exists, the AWMS Helpdesk tab can be used to create, view and edit incidents on the Remedy server. AWMS can only support integration with a Remedy server if it is a default installation of Remedy 7.0 with no changes to the web service definitions. To use the Helpdesk tab with a Remedy server, first navigate to the Helpdesk > Setup page. In the BMC Remedy Setup area, click the Yes button to enable Remedy. This launches a set of fields for information about the Remedy server. Once enabled to use Remedy, the Helpdesk header icons work in the same way for a Remedy-configured Helpdesk as they do for the default AWMS Helpdesk. Refer to the prior topic for more details on their operation. Figure 189 illustrates this appearance, and Table 148 describes the components. Figure 189 Helpdesk > Setup with Remedy Enabled

Table 148 Components of Helpdesk > Setup with Remedy Enabled Field
Remedy Enabled

If no (default) is selected, the existing AWMS Helpdesk functionality is available. If yes is selected, the Helpdesk functionality is disabled and the Helpdesk tab can be configured for use with an existing Remedy server. Fields for server data appear only when Remedy is enabled. The location of the Remedy installation's web server.

Middle Tier Host

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Table 148 Components of Helpdesk > Setup with Remedy Enabled Field
Port SOAP URL Server Timeout Username Password and Confirm Password

The port for the HTTP interface with the web server (this is likely 8080, but there is no default value in AWMS). Gateway for web services on Remedy's middle tier host. This is usually arsys/services/ ARService, but there is no default value in AWMS. The location of the backend server where Remedy data is stored. The timeout for HTTP requests (60 seconds by default). Username for an existing Remedy account; the role of this user defines the visibility AWMS will have into the Remedy server. The password for the Remedy user account.

Once the server settings have been saved and applied, the AWMS Helpdesk functionality is disabled. AWMS then displays incident data pulled from the Remedy server and push changes back. With the exception of snapshots, AWMS does not store any Remedy data locally. To view Remedy incidents in AWMS, navigate to the Helpdesk > Incidents tab. Figure 190 illustrates the appearance and Table 149 describes the components of this page. Figure 190 Helpdesk > Incidents with Remedy Enabled

Table 149 Components of Helpdesk > Incidents with Remedy Enabled Field
Incident Number Summary Status

Displays a unique identifier for each incident; assigned by the Remedy installation. Contains a brief incident summary as entered by AWMS or Remedy user. Displays the status as chosen by AWMS or the Remedy user: New Assigned In Progress Pending Resolved Closed Cancelled Assigned by Remedy installation; cannot be changed in AWMS.


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Table 149 Components of Helpdesk > Incidents with Remedy Enabled Field

Displays the urgency level, as chosen by the AWMS or Remedy User: 1 - Critical 2 - High 3 - Medium 4 - Low.

To change the current incident in the Helpdesk header, click the Unsettle Current Incident button. To add a new Remedy incident, click the Add button. To edit an existing Remedy incident, click the pencil icon next to the incident you wish to edit. Refer to Figure 191 and Table 150 for additional illustration and explanation. Figure 191 Helpdesk > Incidents > Add a New Remedy Incident Page Illustration

Table 150 Components of Helpdesk > Incidents > Add a New Remedy Incident Fields Field
Customer First and Last Name Impact

These must match exactly a customer that already exists on the Remedy server. There is no way to create a new customer from AWMS or to search Remedy customers remotely.

1 - Extensive/Widespread (default) 2 - Significant/Large 3 - Moderate/Limited 4- Minor/Localized 1 - Critical (default) 2 - High 3 - Medium 4 - Low



Free-form text field.


A new incident is not created if the customer First and Last name do not exist on the Remedy server. However, in this scenario, there is no failure message or warning that the incident was not created.

Once an incident has been created, click the pencil icon in the incident list to edit the information. The status or urgency can be changed as the case progresses, and more detailed information about the incident can be added. Snapshots can also be related to Remedy incidents in the manner described in the Helpdesk section above. However, snapshots are only stored locally on the AWMS serverthey are not pushed to the Remedy server.

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Appendix A
Package Management for AWMS

This brief appendix describes the Yum packaging management system, and provides advisories on alternative methods that may cause issues with AWMS.

Yum for AWMS

AirWave recommends running Yum to ensure your packages are up to date, and so that your AWMS is as secure as possible if you are running RHEL 4/5 or CentOS 4/5. Yum is an automated package management system that verifies AWMS is running the most recently released RPMs and upgrades any out-of-date packages. Yum accesses the Internet, and downloads and installs new versions of any installed RPMs. It is important to keep AWMS' RPMs as current as possible to close any known security holes in the OS as quickly as possible. Check the Operating System field on the Home > Overview page to determine if AWMS can safely run Yum. Perform the following steps to run Yum with AWMS. To run Yum on a CentOS 4 machine, use the steps below; for a CentOS 5 machine, yum-cron is also required. 1. Before running Yum for the first time, you need to install the GPG key. The GPG key is used to validate the authenticity of all packages downloaded by Yum. 2. To install the GPG key, type rpm --import /usr/share/doc/fedora-release-3/RPM-GPG-KEYfedora. 3. To run Yum manually, log in to the AWMS console and type yum update and press Enter. If the packages seem to be downloading slowly, press ctrl-c to connect to a new mirror. 4. To configure Yum to run nightly, type chkconfig yum on and press Enter. The chkconfig command instructs yum to run nightly at 4:02 AM when the yum service is running, but chkconfig does not start yum. 5. Type service yum start and press Enter to start Yum, or restart the server and Yum automatically starts. 6. In some instances, running Yum may cause a problem with AWMS. If that happens, a good first step is to use SSH to go into the AWMS server as root, and issue the following command:
# root; make

If that does not resolve the issue, please contact AirWave Support at [email protected] for further assistance.

Package Management System Advisories for AWMS



AirWave does not support Yum or Up2date on Red Hat 8 or 9. Running Yum on RH8 or RH9 will cause serious problems.

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Appendix B
Third-Party Security Integration for AWMS

This appendix describes the optional integration of third party security products for AWMS, as follows:

Bluesocket Integration ReefEdge Integration HP ProCurve 700wl Series Secure Access Controllers Integration

Bluesocket Integration
A Bluesocket security scheme for AWMS has the following prerequisites:

Bluesocket version 2.1 or higher AWMS version 1.8 or higher Completion of AMP Setup > RADIUS Accounting page

Bluesocket Configuration
Perform these steps to configure a Bluesock security scheme: 1. Log in into the Bluesocket Server via HTTP with proper user credentials. 2. Navigate to the Users > External Accounting Servers page. 3. Select External RADIUS Accounting from the Create drop-down list. 4. Click Enable server onscreen. 5. Enter the user-definable Name for the AWMS server. 6. Enter the Server IP Address or DNS entry for AWMS. 7. Accept the default Port setting of 1813. 8. Enter the Shared Secret (matching AWMS's shared secret). 9. Enter Notes (optional). 10. Click the Save button. 11. If you are you using an External LDAP Server, ensure that the accounting records are forwarding to AWMS upon authentication. 12. Navigate to Users > External Authentication Servers. 13. Modify the LDAP server. 14. Ensure under the Accounting server matches the server entered in step 5. 15. Click the Save button. 16. To verify and view the log files on the Bluesocket server, proceed to Status > Log. 17. To verify and view the log files on AWMS, proceed to SYSTEM > Event Log.

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ReefEdge Integration
A ReefEdge security scheme for AWMS has the following prerequisites:

ReefEdge version 3.0.3 or higher AWMS version 1.5 or higher Completion of the AMP Setup > Radius Accounting page configurations, as described in Integrating a RADIUS Accounting Server on page63.

ReefEdge Configuration
Perform these steps to configure a ReefEdge security scheme: 1. Login into the ReefEdge ConnectServer via HTTP with the proper user credentials. 2. Navigate to the Connect System > Accounting page. 3. Click Enable RADIUS Accounting. 4. Enter the Primary Server IP Address or DNS entry for AWMS server. 5. Enter Primary Server Port Number 1813. 6. Enter the Shared Secret (matching AWMS's shared secret). 7. To verify and view the log files on the Connect Server proceed to Monitor > System Log. 8. To verify and view the log files on AWMS, proceed to System > Event Log.

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HP ProCurve 700wl Series Secure Access Controllers Integration

Figure 192 Diagram of HP ProCurve Network Architecture

A ProCurve security scheme for AWMS has the following prerequisites:

HP 700 version or higher AWMS version 3.0.4 or higher Completion of the AMP Setup > Radius Accounting page configurations, as described in Integrating a RADIUS Accounting Server on page63.

Example Network Configuration

In this example, the APs are connected to the Access Controller. The Access Controller routes wireless user traffic to the Employee Network, while bridging AP management traffic. Each AP is presumed to have a static IP address. Perform these steps for HP ProCurve 700wl Series Configuration, allowing AWMS to manage APs through Control pages. 1. Log in to the Access Control Server via HTTP with proper credentials. 2. Navigate to Rights > Identity Profiles.
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3. Select Network Equipment. 4. Enter the Name, LAN MAC and ensure the device is identified as an Access Points in the Identity Profile section for all access points in the network. The Access Points Identity Profile is the default profile for network equipment. Enabling this option instructs the Access Controller to pass management traffic between the Access Points and the Customer's wired network.

HP ProCurve 700wl Series Configuration

This procedure enables the sending of client authentication information to AWMS. Perform the following steps to enable this configuration. 1. Login to the Access Control Server via HTTP with proper credentials. 2. Navigate to the Rights > Authentication Policies configuration page. 3. Select Authentication Services. 4. Select New Services. 5. Select RADIUS. 6. Enter Name - Logical Name. 7. Enter Server - AWMS's IP Address. 8. Enter Shared Secret. 9. Enter Port - 1812. 10. Enter the Shared Secret and Confirm (matching AWMS's shared secret). 11. Enter Reauthentication Field - Session Timeout. 12. Enter Timeout - 5. 13. Select the Enable RADIUS Accounting RFC-2866 check box. 14. Enter Port - 1813 for RFC-2866. 15. To verify and view the log files on AWMS, proceed to System > Event Log page.

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Appendix C
Access Point Notes

Resetting Cisco (VxWorks) Access Points

When using any WLAN equipment, it may sometimes be necessary to recover a password and/or to restore the default settings on the equipment. Unlike other access points, the Cisco Aironet hardware and software sometimes do not permit password recovery. In these instances, you may need to first return the equipment to its default state, from which it can then be reconfigured. For any Cisco VxWorks AP, regardless of the software version being used, you must first connect to the AP via the serial console and then perform the required steps to reset the unit. Note that Cisco changed the procedure for resetting the AP configuration beginning with software version 11.07. The procedure below helps you determine which software version your AP(s) is currently running and which procedure to use to reset the AP.

Connecting to the AP
Perform these steps to return VxWorks Access Points to their default state and to reset the unit. 1. Connect the COM 1 or COM 2 port on your computer to the RS-232 port on the AP, using a straightthrough cable with 9-pin-male to 9-pin-female connectors. 2. Open a terminal-emulation program on your computer.


The instructions below assume that you are using Microsoft HyperTerminal; other terminal emulation programs are similar but may vary in certain minor respects.

3. Go to the Connection Description window, enter a name and select an icon for the connection, and click OK. 4. Go to the Connect To window field, and use the pull-down menu to select the port to which the cable is connected, then click OK. 5. In the Port Settings window, make the following settings:

Bits per second (baud): 9600 Data bits: 8 Parity: None Stop bits: 1 Flow Control: Xon/Xoff

6. Click OK. 7. Press Enter.

Determining the Boot-Block Version

The subsequent steps that you must follow to reset the Cisco AP depend on the version of the AP's bootblock. Follow the steps below to determine which boot-block version is currently on your AP, then use the corresponding instructions detailed below.

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When you connect to the AP, the Summary Status screen appears. Reboot the AP by pressing CTRL-X or by unplugging and then re-plugging the power connector. As the AP reboots, introductory system information will appear onscreen. The boot-block version appears in the third line of this text and is labeled Bootstrap Ver.
System ID: 00409625854D Motherboard: MPC860 50MHz, 2048KB FLASH, 16384KB DRAM, Revision 20 Bootstrap Ver. 1.01: FLASH, CRC 4143E410 (OK) Initialization: OK

Resetting the AP (for Boot-Block Versions from 1.02 to 11.06)

Follow these steps to reset your AP if the boot-block version on your AP is greater than or equal to version 1.02 but less than 11.07: 1. If you have not done so already, connect to the AP (see above), click OK, and press Enter. 2. When the Summary Status screen appears, reboot the AP by pressing CTRL-X or by unplugging and then re-plugging the power connector. 3. When the memory files are listed under the heading Memory: File, press CTRL-W within five seconds to reach the boot-block menu. 4. Copy the AP's installation key to the AP's DRAM by performing the following steps:

Press C to select Copy File. Press 1 to select DRAM. Press the selection letter for AP Installation Key. Press CTRL-Z to reach the Reformat menu. Press ! (SHIFT-1) to select FORMAT Memory Bank. Press 2 to select Config. Press upper-case Y (SHIFT-Y) to confirm the FORMAT command. Press CTRL-Z to reach the reformat menu and to reformat the AP's configuration memory bank. Press C to select Copy file Press 2 to select Config. Press the selection letter for AP Installation Key. Press R to select Run Select the letter for the firmware file that is displayed.

5. Perform the following steps to reformat the AP's configuration memory bank:

6. Copy the installation key back to the configuration memory bank as follows:

7. Perform the following steps to run the AP firmware:

The following message appears while the AP starts the firmware: Inflating <firmware file name>. 8. When the Express Setup screen appears, begin reconfiguring the AP using the terminal emulator or an Internet browser.

Resetting the AP (for Boot-Block Versions 11.07 and Higher)

Follow these steps to reset your AP if the boot-block version on your AP is greater than 11.07: 1. If you have not done so already, connect to the AP (see above), click OK, and press Enter. 2. When the Summary Status screen appears after you have connected to the AP, reboot the AP by unplugging and then re-plugging the power connector. 3. When the AP reboots and the Summary Status screen reappears, type :resetall and press Enter.

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4. Type yes, and press Enter to confirm the command.


The :resetall command is valid for only two minutes after the AP reboots. If you do not enter and confirm the:resetall command during that two minutes, reboot the AP again.

5. After the AP reboots and the Express Setup screen appears, reconfigure the AP by using the terminal emulator or an Internet browser.

IOS Dual Radio Template

A dual-radio Cisco IOS AP template is included as reference.
! Template created from Cisco Aironet 1240 IOS 12.3(11)JA1 'newName' ! at 2/12/2007 10:14 AM by user 'admin' <ignore_and_do_not_push>ntp clock-period</ignore_and_do_not_push> version 12.3 no service pad service timestAMPs debug datetime msec service timestAMPs log datetime msec service password-encryption hostname %hostname% enable secret 5 $1$ceH2$/1BN2DQpOoBAz/KI2opH7/ ip subnet-zero ip domain name ip name-server no aaa new-model dot11 ssid OpenSSID authentication open power inline negotiation prestandard source username newpassword password 7 05050318314D5D1A0E0A0516 username Cisco password 7 01300F175804 bridge irb interface Dot11Radio0 %enabled% no ip address no ip route-cache ssid OpenSSID speed basic-1.0 basic-2.0 basic-5.5 6.0 9.0 basic-11.0 12.0 18.0 24.0 36.0 48.0 54.0 channel %channel% station-role root bridge-group 1 bridge-group 1 subscriber-loop-control bridge-group 1 block-unknown-source no bridge-group 1 source-learning no bridge-group 1 unicast-flooding bridge-group 1 spanning-disabled %if interface=Dot11Radio1% interface Dot11Radio1 no ip address no ip route-cache %enabled% ssid OpenSSID dfs band 3 block speed basic-6.0 9.0 basic-12.0 18.0 basic-24.0 36.0 48.0 54.0 channel %channel%
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station-role root bridge-group 1 bridge-group 1 subscriber-loop-control bridge-group 1 block-unknown-source no bridge-group 1 source-learning no bridge-group 1 unicast-flooding bridge-group 1 spanning-disabled %endif% interface FastEthernet0 no ip address no ip route-cache duplex auto speed auto bridge-group 1 no bridge-group 1 source-learning bridge-group 1 spanning-disabled interface BVI1 %if ip=dhcp% ip address dhcp client-id FastEthernet0 %endif% %if ip=static% ip address %ip_address% %netmask% %endif% no ip route-cache %if ip=static% ip default-gateway %gateway% %endif% ip http server no ip http secure-server ip http help-path access-list 111 permit tcp any any neq telnet snmp-server view iso iso included snmp-server community public view iso RW control-plane bridge 1 route ip line con 0 line vty 0 4 login local end

Speed Issues Related to IOS Firmware Upgrades

AWMS provides a very robust method of upgrading firmware on access points. To ensure that firmware is upgraded correctly AWMS adds a few additional steps which are not included in vendor-supplied management software.

AWMS Firmware Upgrade Process

1. AWMS reads the firmware version on the AP to ensure the firmware to which the AP is upgrading is greater than the actual firmware version currently running on the AP. 2. AWMS configures the AP to initiate the firmware download from AWMS 3. AWMS monitors itself and the AP during the file transfer. 4. After a reboot is detected, AWMS verifies the firmware was applied correctly and all AP configuration settings match AWMS's database 5. AWMS pushes the configuration if necessary to restore the desired configuration. Some firmware upgrades reconfigure settings. Cisco IOS access points take longer than most access points, because their firmware is larger.
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Appendix D
Initiating a Support Connection

The Support Connection Manager establishes a secure point-to-point connection between the customer AWMS and AirWave's support organization. Using this secure connection, AirWave support engineers can remotely diagnose problems or upgrade software without breaching security and exposing AWMS to the Internet.

Network Requirements
AWMS's Support Connection initiates a TCP connection on port 23 to AirWave's support server. Please ensure your firewall allows this. The connection can be configured to run on 22,80,443 and a few other ports if necessary. Please contact AirWave support if you need to make any changes.

Initiating the support connection will create a point to point tunnel between AWMS and a support server at AirWave.

Perform these steps to initiate a support connection for AWMS: 1. Sign into the serial or regular console with your root login. 2. Type service support_connection start at the command line interface. 3. Type service support_connection status to verify that the connection is running properly. 4. To end the connection to AirWave Support, type service support_connection stop at the command line interface. If you have any questions, please contact AirWave Technical Support at [email protected] or 866-9434267 (866-WiFi-AMP).

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Appendix E
Cisco Clean Access Integration (Perfigo)

Integrations of Cisco Clean Access into the AWMS deployment has the following prerequisites:

Clean Access Software 3.5 or higher AWMS version 3.4.0 or higher Completion of the AMP SETUP > RADIUS Accounting section on AWMS

Adding AWMS as RADIUS Accounting Server

Perform these steps to configure Cisco Clean Access integration: 1. Log in to the clean machine server and navigate to the User Management > Accounting > Server Config page.

Select Enable RADIUS Accounting. Input the AWMS Hostname or IP Address. For Timeout (sec) - leave default 30. Ensure the Server Port is set for 1813. Ensure that the input Shared Secret matches AWMS's shared secret.

2. Select Update button to save.

Configuring Data in Accounting Packets

1. Navigate to User Management > Accounting > Shared Events. 2. Map the following attributes to corresponding data elements as seen in the graphic:
Framed_IP_Address = "User IP" User_Name = "LocalUser" Calling_Station_ID = "User MAC"

These attribute element pairs are mandatory for username display within AWMS.

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Appendix F
HP Insight Install Instructions for AWMS Servers

Perform the following steps to install HP/Compaq Insight Manager on the AWMS: 1. Use SCP to move the two files over to the server:
hpasm-7.8.0-88.rhel4.i386.rpm <- This is the actual HP agents hpsmh-2.1.9-178.linux.i386.rpm <- This is the HP web portal to the agents

2. Type rpm -i hpasm-7.8.0-88.rhel4.i386.rpm at the command line interface. 3. Type hpasm activate at the command line interface. Take the default values. You will need the SNMP RW and RO strings at this point. 4. Type rpm -i --nopre hpsmh-2.1.9-178.linux.i386.rpm at the command line interface. The nopre syntax component is required to keep the rpm from erroring on CentOS, as opposed to RedHat. This rpm must be run after the hpasm rpm, because the pre-install scripts in the hpsmh rpm are not being run. 5. Type perl /usr/local/hp/ at the command line interface. This configures the web server. Configure the Add Group > Administrator page with a name '0'. Enable IP Bindingtype 1 at the command line interface. At the next interface enter the IP address and mask of the server. 6. Type /etc/init.d/hpasm reconfigure at the command line interface. When going through this menu this time, select 'y' to use the existing snmpd.conf. 7. Type vi /etc/snmp/snmpd.conf at the command line interface. Change the following two lines:
rwcommunity xxxstringxxx rocommunity xxxstringxxx

Change these lines to read as follows:

rwcommunity xxxstringxxx rwcommunity xxxstringxxx

8. Type service snmpd restart at the command line interface. 9. Type user add xxusernamexx at the command line interface. 10. Type passwd xxusernamexx at the command line interface and enter a password for the user. 11. Type vi /etc/passwd at the command line interface. Scroll to the bottom of the list and change the new users UID and GroupID to 0 (fourth and fifth column). 12. Connect to the server using and the username and password that you created in steps 9 and 10.

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HP Insight Install Instructions for AWMS Servers | 305

306 | HP Insight Install Instructions for AWMS Servers

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Appendix G
Installing AWMS on VMware ESX (3i v. 3.5)

Creating a New Virtual Machine to Run AWMS

1) Click Create a new virtual machine from the VMware Infrastructure Client. 2) Click Next to select a Typical > Virtual Machine Configuration. 3) Name your virtual machine (AirWave Management Platform) and then click Next. 4) Select an available datastore with sufficient space for the number of APs your AWMS will manage, choosing the right server hardware to comply with the hardware requirements in this document. Click Next. 5) Click the Linux radio button and select Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 (32-bit) from the drop-down menu, then click Next. 6) Select a minimum of two virtual processors, then click Next. 7) Enter 3072 as the minimum virtual RAM (more virtual RAM may be required; refer to the section Choosing the Right Server Hardware for a table listing RAM requirements for AWMS). Click Next. 8) Accept the VMware default virtual network adapter and click Next. 9) Allocate a virtual disk large enough to contain the AWMS operating system, application and data files (refer to the best practice guide Choosing the Right Server Hardware for suggested disk space allocations for typical wireless network deployments). Click Next. 10) Review the virtual machine settings, then click Finish when done.

Installing AWMS on the Virtual Machine

Running the AWMS install on a VMware virtual machine can be done in one of three typical ways: 1. Write an AWMS ISO to CD, inserting the CD into a physical drive on a VMware server, then configure the AWMS virtual machine to boot from the CD. 2. Copy the AWMS ISO to the VMware server's datastore, or to a networked filesystem available to the VMware server, then configure the AWMS virtual machine to boot from the ISO file. 3. Use either a local physical CD or an AWMS ISO file from the VMware Infrastructure Client, then create a virtual CD on the virtual AWMS to point to and boot from that device. Overall, the second option is likely the most efficient method to install AWMS. In addition, after booting the AWMS virtual machine with either a physical CD or a ISO image file, the installation process with this method is identical to the steps outlined in the AirWave Quick Start Guide.

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Installing AWMS on VMware ESX (3i v. 3.5) | 307

AWMS Post-Installation Issues on VMware

By default, AWMS runs the Linux 'smartd' service for detecting physical disk errors using the S.M.A.R.T. protocol. However, virtual disks do not support the S.M.A.R.T. protocol, so the AWMS's smartd service will fail at startup. The service can be prevented from starting at boot by running the following commands at the AWMS's command line. Note that the first command prevents the service from starting, the last two commands remove the smartd service from the list of services to shutdown during a reboot or a complete system shutdown.
mv /etc/rc.d/rc3.d/S40smartd /etc/rc.d/rc3.d/Z40smartd mv /etc/rc.d/rc0.d/K40smartd /etc/rc.d/rc3.d/Z40smartd mv /etc/rc.d/rc6.d/K40smartd /etc/rc.d/rc3.d/Z40smartd

To install VMware Tools on AWMS, perform these steps: 1. From the VMware Infrastructure Client, select Inventory > Virtual Machine > Install/Upgrade VMware Tools. 2. At the AWMS console type mkdir /media/cdrom. 3. Then type mount /dev/cdrom /media/cdrom. 4. Next, type cd /tmp/; tar -xvzf /media/cdrom/VMwareTools-3.5.0-67921.tar.gz\.

The VMware Tools filename may be different, depending on the version of VMware installed.

5. Run the VMware Tools setup and install script by typing the following statement: /tmp/vmwaretoolsdistrib/ 6. During the text-based VMware Tools install, select all default options. 7. Reboot the virtual machine once the VMware Tools install is complete.

308 | Installing AWMS on VMware ESX (3i v. 3.5)

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Appendix H
Third-Party Copyright Information

AirWave Management Platform contains some software provided by third parties (both commercial and open-source licenses). Source code to third-party open-source packages are available on AirWave's website and by request:

Copyright Notices
This product includes software developed by the Apache Software Foundation ( Google Earth and the Google Earth icon are the property of Google.

Copyright (c) 1999 - 2002 All Rights Reserved Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear in supporting documentation, and that the name of the author not be used in advertising or publicity pertaining to distribution of the software without specific, written prior permission. RIPE NCC


---- Part 1: CMU/UCD copyright notice: (BSD like) ----Copyright 1989, 1991, 1992 by Carnegie Mellon University Derivative Work - 1996, 1998-2000 Copyright 1996, 1998-2000 The Regents of the University of California All Rights Reserved Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright notice appears in all copies and that both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear in supporting documentation, and that the name of CMU and The Regents of the University of California not be used in advertising or publicity pertaining to distribution of the software without specific written permission.

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Third-Party Copyright Information | 309

CMU AND THE REGENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA DISCLAIM ALL WARRANTIES WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE, INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL CMU OR THE REGENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, INDIRECT OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM THE LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. ---- Part 2: Networks Associates Technology, Inc copyright notice (BSD) ----Copyright (c) 2001-2003, Networks Associates Technology, Inc All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: *Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * Neither the name of the Networks Associates Technology, Inc nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission.


---- Part 3: Cambridge Broadband Ltd. copyright notice (BSD) ----Portions of this code are copyright (c) 2001-2003, Cambridge Broadband Ltd. All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * The name of Cambridge Broadband Ltd. may not be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission.


310 | Third-Party Copyright Information

AirWave Wireless Management Suite User Guide | Version 6.4


---- Part 4: Sun Microsystems, Inc. copyright notice (BSD) ----Copyright 2003 Sun Microsystems, Inc., 4150 Network Circle, Santa Clara, California 95054, U.S.A. All rights reserved. Use is subject to license terms below. This distribution may include materials developed by third parties. Sun, Sun Microsystems, the Sun logo and Solaris are trademarks or registered trademarks of Sun Microsystems, Inc. in the U.S. and other countries. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * Neither the name of the Sun Microsystems, Inc. nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission.


---- Part 5: Sparta, Inc copyright notice (BSD) ----Copyright (c) 2003-2004, Sparta, Inc All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.

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Third-Party Copyright Information | 311

* Neither the name of Sparta, Inc nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission.


---- Part 6: Cisco/BUPTNIC copyright notice (BSD) ----Copyright (c) 2004, Cisco, Inc and Information Network Center of Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications. All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * Neither the name of Cisco, Inc, Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications, nor the names of their contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission.


Crypt::DES perl module (used by Net::SNMP):

Copyright (C) 1995, 1996 Systemics Ltd ( All rights reserved.

This library and applications are FREE FOR COMMERCIAL AND NON-COMMERCIAL USE as long as the following conditions are adhered to.

312 | Third-Party Copyright Information

AirWave Wireless Management Suite User Guide | Version 6.4

Copyright remains with Systemics Ltd, and as such any Copyright notices in the code are not to be removed. If this code is used in a product, Systemics should be given attribution as the author of the parts used. This can be in the form of a textual message at program startup or in documentation (online or textual) provided with the package. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. 3. All advertising materials mentioning features or use of this software must display the following acknowledgement: This product includes software developed by Systemics Ltd (


Copyright (c) 1999 - 2002 RIPE NCC All Rights Reserved Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear in supporting documentation, and that the name of the author not be used in advertising or publicity pertaining to distribution of the software without specific, written prior permission.


AirWave Wireless Management Suite User Guide | Version 6.4

Third-Party Copyright Information | 313

Berkeley DB 1.85:
Copyright (c) 1987, 1988, 1990, 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994, 1996, 1997, 1998 The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved.

Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. 3. All advertising materials mentioning features or use of this software must display the following acknowledgement: This product includes software developed by the University of California, Berkeley and its contributors. 4. Neither the name of the University nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission.


SWFObject v. 1.5:
Flash Player detection and embed - SWFObject is (c) 2007 Geoff Stearns and is released under the MIT License

mod_auth_tacacs - TACACS+ authentication module:

Copyright (c) 1998-1999 The Apache Group. All rights reserved.

Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. 3. All advertising materials mentioning features or use of this software must display the following acknowledgment: "This product includes software developed by the Apache Group for use in the Apache HTTP server project ("

314 | Third-Party Copyright Information

AirWave Wireless Management Suite User Guide | Version 6.4

4. The names "Apache Server" and "Apache Group" must not be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without prior written permission. For written permission, please contact [email protected]. 5. Products derived from this software may not be called "Apache" nor may "Apache" appear in their names without prior written permission of the Apache Group. 6. Redistributions of any form whatsoever must retain the following acknowledgment: "This product includes software developed by the Apache Group for use in the Apache HTTP server project ("


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Third-Party Copyright Information | 315

316 | Third-Party Copyright Information

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AAA servers ........................................................ 98 access control lists .............................................. 117 access points adding with CSV file ...................................... 136 ACLs ................................................................. 117 ACS integrating with AWMS ................................... 70 servers ............................................................. 70 AirWave Support ........................................................... 21 AirWave Management Platform ............................ 16 AirWave RAPIDs ................................................. 17 AirWave VisualRF ............................................... 17 Alcatel ............................................................... 166 alerts viewing ......................................................... 216 Aruba ................................................................. 166 AWMS additional interfaces and tools ......................... 203 assigning IP address ......................................... 24 changing default root password ......................... 25 checking installation ........................................ 24 configuring date and time ................................. 23 configuring mesh radio settings ....................... 115 core components .............................................. 16 defining a scan ............................................... 131 executing a scan ............................................. 132 getting started with ........................................... 35 hardware requirements ..................................... 21 initial login ...................................................... 35 installing ................................................... 21, 25 integrating into network ............................. 18, 19 naming the network administration system ........ 25 Package Management ..................................... 291 unified wireless network command center ......... 15 Watched AWMS stations ............................... 249 AWMS interface AMP Setup ...................................................... 31 AMP Setup > General ...................................... 38 AMP Setup > Network ..................................... 44 AMP Setup > NMS .................................... 71, 72 AMP Setup > RADIUS Accounting .................. 63 AMP Setup > Roles ....................................... 221 AMP Setup > Users ......................................... 46 AMP Setup > WLSE ........................................ 68

APs/Devices .................................................... 30 APs/Devices > Audit ...................................... 146 APs/Devices > List ........................................ 140 APs/Devices > Manage .................................. 145 APs/Devices > New ....................................... 139 Authentication Dialog Box ............................... 35 Buttons and Icons ............................................ 33 Configuration Change Confirmation ............... 120 Device Setup ................................................... 31 Device Setup > Add ....................................... 137 Device Setup > Aruba Configuration ................. 16 Device Setup > Communication ...... 52, 53, 54, 55 Device Setup > Discover ........................ 130, 132 Device Setup > Firmware Files ......................... 56 Failover ......................................................... 249 flash graphs ..................................................... 29 Group SNMP Polling Period ............................. 85 Groups ............................................................ 30 Groups > Aruba Config .................................... 16 Groups > Basic ................ 84, 86, 87, 88, 89, 124 Groups > Firmware ........................................ 118 Groups > List .................................................. 81 Groups > MAC ACL ..................................... 117 Groups > PTMP/WiMAX ...... 112, 113, 114, 115 Groups > Radio ............................................. 100 Groups > Templates ............... 167, 169, 182, 183 GRUB screen .................................................. 22 Help ................................................................ 31 Helpdesk > Incident ....................................... 287 Helpdesk > Incidents .............................. 284, 288 Helpdesk > Setup ........................................... 287 Home ...................................................... 29, 234 Home > Documentation ........................... 21, 239 Home > License ............................................. 237 Home > Overview ................................. 231, 235 Home > Search .............................................. 238 Home > User Info .......................................... 240 Home > Watched ........................................... 250 Home Overview .............................................. 29 Master Console .............................................. 230 Master Console > Groups ............................... 232 Master Console > Groups > Basic ........... 233, 234 Master Console > Groups > Basic, Managed ... 234 Master Console > Manage AMPs .................... 231 Master Console > Manage AMPs, IP/Hostname 232 RAPIDS .......................................................... 31 RAPIDS > Rogue APs (Detail), Score Override 201

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Index | 317

RAPIDS > Score Override .............................. 201 Reports ........................................................... 30 Reports > Definitions ............................. 256, 279 sections ........................................................... 27

loading device firmware ................................... 55 specifying minimum firmware ........................ 118 global templates ................................................. 182 groups assigning newly discovered devices to groups .. 138 changing multiple group configurations ........... 120 configuring and using ....................................... 79 configuring basic group settings ........................ 83 configuring group AAA servers ........................ 98 configuring group SSIDs and VLANS ............... 93 configuring group templates ........................... 166 configuring PTMP/WiMAX settings ............... 111 configuring radio settings ................................. 99 configuring security settings ............................. 91 deleting a group ............................................. 120 global groups ................................................. 123 MAC access control lists ................................ 117 overview ......................................................... 80 viewing ........................................................... 81 Helpdesk ............................................................ 283 creating a new incident ................................... 285 creating snapshops and incident relationships .. 286 monitoring incidents ...................................... 284 using with remedy server ................................ 287 Hirschmann ........................................................ 166 host name assigning host name ......................................... 25 HP ProCurve ........................................ 89, 102, 166 incidents creating ......................................................... 285 installation checking .......................................................... 24 IP address adding to the AWMS system ............................ 24 iPhone ............................................................... 230 Lancom .............................................................. 166 Linux CentOS 5 installing ......................................................... 22 MAC access control lists ..................................... 117 Master Console .................................................. 230 Master Console and Failover ................................. 17 network settings defining ........................................................... 44 NMS .............................................................. 71, 72 integrating with AWMS ................................... 71 Nomdix .............................................................. 166


Activity section ........................................... 31 Navigation section ...................................... 29 Status section .............................................. 28 System .................................................... 30, 241 System > Alerts ............................................. 216 System > Backups .......................................... 248 System > Configuration Change Jobs .............. 244 System > Event Logs ..................................... 243 System > Performance ................................... 244 System > Status ............................................. 242 System > Status Log ...................................... 243 System > Trigger Detail ................................. 205 System > Triggers .......................................... 204 Triggers and Alerts ........................................ 204 Users ....................................................... 30, 218 Users > Connected ......................................... 218 Users > Guest Users ....................................... 221 Users > Tags .................................................. 223 View AP Credentials ...................................... 145 VisualRF ......................................................... 31
backups .............................................................. 247 Cisco configuring IOS templates ...................... 172, 177 Cisco IOS ........................................................... 166 Cisco WLC .......................................................... 88 Cisco WLSE configuring ...................................................... 64 Colubris ............................................................... 54 CSV File ............................................................ 136 date and time configuring ...................................................... 23 devices ............................................................... 127 adding discovered devices to groups ................ 138 adding manually ............................................ 134 communication settings .................................... 51 discovering, managing, and troubleshooting .... 127 modifying ...................................................... 121 replacing ....................................................... 145 troubleshooting a newly discovered device ...... 144 verifying ............................................... 139, 146 failover ................................................................ 17 firewall configuring ...................................................... 26 firmware

318 | Index

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NTP ..................................................................... 87 password changing default root ........................................ 25 PCI Compliance Default Credential Compliance ......................... 76 PCI Requirements ............................................ 74 protocol and port diagram ...................................... 26 Proxim 4900 ....................................................... 104 Proxim/Avaya ...................................................... 88 PTMP ................................................................ 111 radio settings configuring for groups ...................................... 99 RADIUS .............................................................. 98 accounting ....................................................... 63 adding a server ................................................. 98 authentication .................................................. 59 configuring authentication and authorization ...... 61 integrating with AWMS ................................... 63 RAPIDS ....................................................... 31, 185 reports ................................................................ 251 creating, running, and emailing ....................... 251 defining custom reports .................................. 278 rogue classification ............................................. 185 rogue devices configuring WLSE scanning ............................. 64 WLSE rogue scanning ...................................... 64 root password ....................................................... 25 routers and switches adding with a CSV file ................................... 136 scanning defining credentials ........................................ 130 security auditing PCI compliance .................................. 73 configuring ACS servers .................................. 70 configuring group security settings .................... 91 configuring group SSIDs and VLANs ............... 93 configuring RADIUS ....................................... 59 configuring TACACS+ .................................... 59 integrating NMS .............................................. 71 RAPIDS and rogue classification .................... 185 using triggers and alerts .................................. 204 servers specifying general settings ................................ 38 Smarthost ........................................................... 282 SNMP polling period .................................................. 85 SSIDs .................................................................. 93 Symbol ...................................................... 105, 166 Symbol/Intel ......................................................... 89

TACACS+ ........................................................... 98 adding a server ................................................ 98 configuring authentication ................................ 59 integrating ....................................................... 59 templates ............................................................ 166 adding ................................................... 169, 182 configuring a global template .......................... 182 configuring Cisco IOS templates ..................... 177 configuring for groups .................................... 166 global template variables ................................ 183 variables ........................................................ 183 Trapeze .............................................................. 166 user roles creating ........................................................... 48 users creating ........................................................... 46 VisualRF .............................................................. 31 VLANs ................................................................ 93 WiMAX ............................................................. 111 Wireless LAN components ..................................................... 18 WLSE configuring ...................................................... 64 WLSE rogue scanning .......................................... 64 Yum .................................................................. 291


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Index | 319

320 | Index

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