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Lead Designer: Daniel Hodges
Writers: CJ Gahagan, Brandon Hatcher, Daniel Hodges,
Lauren Hodges, Luc Sterling, Jake Huebsch, Deanna Smit
Editors: Daniel Hodges, Jake Huebsch
Technical Director: Christian Hatcher
Kickstarter Management: Jake Huebsch
Art Director: Lauren Hodges
Cover Art: Lauren Hodges
Graphic and Layout Design: Lauren Hodges
Interior Illustrators: Ridell Apellanes, Mabel Barreto,
Dom Critelli, Leila DeMarchi, Anton Domin, Lauren
Hodges, Nidhi Naroth, Stephen Nickel, Alex Pepper,
Deanna Smit, Katherine Souza, Zhu Jian Zhong, Liu Zis-
han, BelusUAB, Hatalskaya, Marsh0d, NextMarsMedia, T
Studio, Iobard
Social Media Manager: Dani Dewar
Playtesting: Dani Dewar, Zack Dewar, CJ Gahagan,
Trevor Graham, Jaden Hammer, Brandon Hatcher,
Christian Hatcher, Brent Hegwood, Lauren Hodges, Jake
Huebsch, Rayna McGuire, Max Morin, James Morgan,
Deanna Smit, Dillon Whitt, Jesse Wolfe, Tessa Dyson
Maps: Digbrand made in Inkarnate, Saltstone and the
Blood Phoenix illustrated by Lauren Hodges. Aroria Map
by Nidhi Naroth

Ownership & Copyright

This product is compliant with the Open Game License
and is suitable for use with the 5th Edition rules system.
Product Identity: The following items are hereby
identified as Product Identity, as defined in the Open
Game License version 1.0a, Section 1(e), and are not
Open Content: All trademarks, registered trademarks,
proper names (characters, deities, etc.), dialogue, plots,
storylines, locations, characters, illustrations, and trade
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Open Game Content or are in the public domain are not
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Open Content: Except for material designated as
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in the Open Game License version 1.0a Section 1(d). No
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Stargazer’s Guide to Aroria: The Campaign Guide
© 2022, Ink and Lyre All rights reserved. Reference to
copyright material in no way constitutes a challenge to
the respective copyright holder of that material.
Ink and Lyre, the Ink and Lyre logo, Stargazer’s Guide
This cover illustration by Lauren Hodges features the Orrery in to Aroria and the Stargazer’s Guide to Aroria logo are
Niveau Maximum in the city of La Cambria. trademarks of Ink and Lyre.

4 Stargazer’s Guide to Aroria

Contents Heirs...................................................88
Welcome to Aroria................ 7 Conjuration...................................89
Pantheon of Aroria.............................8 Divination......................................89
The Lost Gods...................................11 Enchantment.................................90
Meridium...........................................12 Evocation.......................................90
What's In This Book.........................13 Illusion...........................................91
Ch 1: Character Options..... 15 Necromancy..................................91
Races..................................................15 Transmutation..............................92
Feyfolk...........................................15 Special Circumstances.....................92
Celestisept.....................................16 Ch 4: Cities......................... 95
Subclasses..........................................17 La Cambria........................................95
Bartender Rogue...........................17 Wildwood........................................100
Oath of Sovereignty Paladin.......18 Thrice...............................................103
Dark Practitioner Wizard............20 Emerald Sands................................107
Circle of Micrology Druid...........22 Sable.................................................110
College of Gospel Bard................23 The Crossing...................................113
Ironclaw Barbarian......................23 Elderguard......................................116
Marshal Ranger............................24 Rhea'illia Elderguard NPC.......119
Oracle Sorcerer.............................27 Agubonne........................................121
Planar Domain Cleric..................28 New Reach......................................124
Starfated Martial Fighter.............29 Sunspell...........................................128
Way of the Hive Monk................30 Lazuli Cove.....................................130
Ch 2: Leaders and Factions.. 31 Aleksanda NPC..........................133
Council of La Cambria....................31 Digbrand.........................................135
Sparrowhawks..................................33 Ironburrow......................................139
Sons of Bouclier................................34 Ch 5: Points of Interest.... 143
Niveau Maximum............................34 The Ashen Obelisk.........................143
Platinum Sanctuary..........................35 The Arctic Desert............................147
Mainland Aroria...............................36 The Badlands..................................148
Elderguard Family...........................37 Barvassian Sea................................150
Rylan's Gang.....................................38 Blood Phoenix Ship Map..........151
Guilds of Thrice................................39 Iveria Reefborn NPC..................152
Ch 3: The Stars................... 41 Death's Door...................................154
Overview...........................................41 Dragon's Road................................156
The Signs...........................................17 Azaun Olvinik NPC...................157
Fleurtide | Aries...........................42 Isle of Ghostguard..........................158
Wisterius | Taurus.......................47 Krygos Lake....................................163
Sunbask | Gemini........................50 Mt. Vera...........................................166
Aurous | Cancer...........................55 Saltstone...........................................169
Pyrium | Leo.................................56 Revenir Thorne NPC.................171
Soulstice | Virgo...........................59 Sheppard's Pass..............................179
Rustium | Libra............................60 Triton's Spear..................................181
Duskworn | Scorpio....................65 Ch 6: Mayhem Under the
Lamentium | Sagittarius.............68 Stars Adventure................ 183
Waking | Capricorn.....................73 Appendix A: Magic Items.205
Rimewomb | Aquarius...............74 Appendix B: Monsters...... 210
Frostwane | Pisces.......................77 OGL License..................... 212
Rulers.................................................78 Kickstarter Backers.......... 212

Map by Nidhi Naroth
6 Stargazer’s Guide to Aroria
Welcome to Aroria

roria is a fantasy world where arcane masters, Information for choosing your Sign, Ruler, and Heir can
primordial powers, and destiny define the be found in Chapter 3: The Stars.
lives of adventures. The original setting was
created for use in Ink and Lyre’s Flagship
show, Fate’s End and is one continent among many. The La Cambria, The
stars above and long forgotten divine wars have left a
surplus of malleable magic on the continent. The Weave
Mainland & Aroria north
has sunk deep roots into the world, manifesting in La Cambria is a sovereign pinnacle of civilization which
Meridium veins of Vera, lingering in the blood of ancient has maintained peace throughout Aroria for thousands
families, and replenishing constantly with help from the of years. The stability the Council of La Cambrial brings
celestial bodies above. to the Mainland has allowed for trade and research in
the region to flourish. The island city is just off the west
Aroria is for gamemasters who want to bring variety, coast of the Mainland and is connected to the continent
uncover ancient power, and weave advanced arcane by the marvel of engineering that is Andrin’s Bridge.
knowledge into their storytelling. The continent is Gamemasters can use this hub of commerce and culture
divided into two distinct regions: Aroria Mainland and to invite political intrigue and urban adventuring into
Aroria North. Aroria Mainland is a peaceful land that their game.
values excellence in all forms. Great artists flourish,
dedicated researchers find answers, and legendary Additional information on La Cambria can be found in
adventurers inspire generations with their feats. Chapter 4: Cities.
The North is a hard land where might rules. Three
Dragonborn cities skirmish for power along the fingers The Mainland Aroria comprises about two thirds of the
and fiendish factions strive to ensure chaos rules. Entire continent and includes everything south of Krygos Lake.
campaigns can be run in either region exclusively, or The land is classic adventuring territory. Bandits roam
parties may find good cause to adventure across the the roads, innkeepers speak of enchanted or haunted
entire continent. forests, and fantastic creatures occupy the many ruins
and caves of the rolling landscape. The Sparrowhawks
Aroria is for players who want to play truly unique of La Cambria have the greatest impact on this land and
Adventurers with nuance and destiny. Every it seems each town with more than ten villagers has
Adventurer in Aroria is born under a unique set of a representative from the faction. While Elderguard,
circumstances which are ruled by the celestial bodies of Digbrand, and the Sparrowhawks claim ownership of
the universe. No matter who you are, the sub-class you the Mainland, everyone knows it’s the Thieves' Town of
play, or the backstory you choose, destiny defines you. Thrice that really runs things. The Mainland is a place
Exclusive sub-classes and races in Aroria provide never for low level adventurers to make a name for themselves
before seen characters with intriguing possibilities. or for villains to garner their power.
This combination inevitably results in a wholly unique
Adventurer for your next campaign that is impossible to Additional information on Thrice, Elderguard, and
replicate. Digbrand can be found in Chapter 4: Cities.

Additional information on the Sparrowhawk faction can

Destiny in the Stars be found in Chapter 2: Leaders and Factions.
Every citizen of Aroria is connected to the natural and
If you follow the Triton Road north for a full cycle of
magical world around them. The gravitational aura of
the moon, you will eventually stumble upon Krygos’
stars, moons, portals, forests, oceans, and people pushes
territory, which marks the southern edge of Aroria
and pulls the Weave, influencing all. Whether you are
North. Don’t let the cold and complacency of Krygos
native to Aroria, or your character traveled here from
Lake fool you, this is a tropical climate and is crawling
another world, the time and place you first saw the
with danger. Three Dragonborn cities, Agubonne,
Arorian sun defines your destiny.
Sunspell, and New Reach wage war in this region. This
The Arorian calendar has twelve months and stargazers region is dangerous, and recommended for experienced
have named each month for the Sign that presides over adventurers who aren’t afraid to make enemies. Might
it. Naturally, the month Adventurers are born declares makes right here, and Pirate Lords of the Bay will make
their Sign, influences their personality, and guides their sure you feel them.
fate. Your Sign only tells half the story though.
Additional information on Agubonne, Sunspell, and
The Weave suffices the universe and the eight schools of New Reach can be found in Chapter 4: Cities.
magic that comprise it claim Rulership over Adventures
at the moment of their birth. This Rulership grants a
magical affinity for certain schools of magic and these
Adventures boast unique abilities and detriments because
of their innate power. Most adventurers closely identify
with their ruler, but others identify with other strands of
fate and consider a different school as their Heir.

Welcome to Aroria 7
Players that perform actions which are particularly
Pantheon of beneficial or admired by a Weavmaster associated with
their Ruler may receive a boon or earn an introduction

aroria to that god. On rare occasions, Weavemasters may

pull characters who have proven themselves devout
followers into their magical jurisdiction, twisting the
The gods of Aroria are on a wheel of power that is stars and changing their Ruler or Heirship.
constantly turning. These gods are divided into three
pillars of power and account for the entirety of the divine The Masters of the Weave rose from humanity and
magic in the Weave: The Lost Gods, Masters of the retained many of their human traits, including the
Weave, and The Departed. As written, this setting features ability to change. Adjust anything you see below
the Masters of the Weave in control of the souls of Aroria. regarding the Weavemasters to suit your purpose.
The Lost Gods are waning in power; only Vera still
manifests in a meaningful way on the material plane. The
Departed are nearly nonexistent. Each of these pantheons Bouclier
can interact with Aroria in unique ways and you as the
gamemaster may turn the wheel to suit your purpose.
abjuration | lawful good
"Family, Honor, Glory to the Strong"
Masters of the Weave
God of Protection, Bouclier is a stout dwarven man who
The Masters of the Weave is a pantheon of humanoid
is often depicted with a refined meridium shield. He is
wizards who have ascended to godhood. Long before
the chosen god of most dwarves and soldiers, especially
anyone alive remembers, Aroria had no concept of
veterans, and is said to show favor in battle to warriors
magic or how to control it. Magic was reserved for
who have loved ones waiting at home. Bouclier is widely
the gods. The first wizards of Niveau Maximum
considered the second most influential Weavemaster
developed cantrips at first, then 1st level spells, and so
and his temples can be found all over the continent.
on. Ambition and greed drove the wizards to pursue
Followers of Bouclier are resolute in their faith and
power and they soon discovered that control was nice
steadfast in their morals. They are uncompromising,
but source magic was the ultimate goal. One by one,
unyielding, and inexorable.
the Masters of the Weave began to hunt the avatars of
what would become known as the Lost Gods. Each time
one was slain, ancient magic was divided, dispersed,
and used to power the ascension of a Master. Residual
magic spread into the land, creating enchanted forests, divination | lawful good
bolstering ancient entities, and coalescing on magical
artifacts. After the eight ascended, Niveau spent a "Light the Way"
thousand years searching for them, attempting to call
the debt of knowledge they were owed, but the Masters God of Knowledge, Savion is human. Savion is associated
of the Weave were gone. with light, ambition, truth and goodness. She is the most
common god in Aroria and the patron of La Cambria.
An unavoidable truth was discovered in their pursuit of She is a savant with language. Her spell book contains
knowledge. Something more than analytical logic was every spell ever written and she was known to hold
required to wield the power they now possessed. Even concentration on two spells at once with ease before her
at their strongest, with the memories of deities who ascension. The Great Delegator, Savion sits at the head of
were born with the world written in their journal, they the Masters of the Weave and presides over the squabbles
still could not understand magic. It is unknowable to all. of the others. The most devout of Savion will claim that
Faith was required to wield these magics and it didn’t not only does Savion know everything that ever has been
seem to matter if that was in yourself or something else. but knows everything that ever could happen. Savion's
There was magic in believing without understanding. watchful eye is omniscient, and nothing happens in
Aroria without her knowledge. The two largest structures
Humanity and the Masters of the Weave enjoy a unique in the world are in La Cambria and dedicated to Savion:
relationship. As former members of the mortal world, the Savion’s Sunrise, the flagship temple to Savion, and
Weavemasters retain empathy and compassion for the Niveau Maximum, which Savion built with her own
human condition. It is not uncommon for devout acolytes hands. The pious and agnostic worship her in both places.
of Lavie, Tromperie, or any of the other Weavemasters
to speak directly to their god. Most places of worship
of legitimate size have had at least one visit from their
respective god, and the largest could be graced on a
yearly basis. While this pantheon is active in Aroria it
would be impossible to deny their existence some citizens
quibble over the validity of their godhood.

As with all things in Aroria, the stars impact the gods

as well, though it’s hard to tell whether the world or the
gods have more influence on adventures. Characters
who are ruled by the school of magic associated with
one of the Weavemasters may feel drawn to that god.

8 Stargazer’s Guide to Aroria

conjuration | neutral good
"Masquerade No More"
God of Creation, Lavie is an elf, and celebrates beauty and life in all its forms. They are most
commonly worshiped by elves and they share many of the same ideals. Lavie loves a good
story and encourages their followers to pursue passions that would change the narrative
of their lives. They love secrets. Discovering, sharing, and keeping them for followers is
something they revel in. Secrets are the currency of intimacy and Lavie is said to own one of
Tromperie’s three secrets. Lavie isn’t openly worshiped outside of Elderguard but manages to
have quite the congregation anyway. Anyone who is choosing their own path, following their
heart, or hiding a deep secret may find themselves crossing paths with Lavie.
Lavie by
Deanna Smit

Poid Remblace
enchantment | lawful evil transmutation | true neutral
"Rivers Run with the Land" "Nothing is Ever Lost"
God of Influence, Poid is a half-tiefling, half-elf. The dual God of Change, Remblace is human. The shadow after
nature of Poid leaves him on the outside looking in more Terrer, Remblace is the new growth that comes after
often than not. Among the gods, he’s not clever enough death. Death comes for all in the end and Remblace is
to be considered dangerous, but not regal enough to the ferryman that helps guide a soul from life into death.
command respect. The other Weavemasters sleep on Remblace is a mysterious god and is the least sociable
Poid. He values power, not chaos. He respects those who among the Weavemasters and she is rarely seen outside
wield their strength and skill to garner influence within of her few temples. Remblace and her followers know one
a system. He plays the long game, and aids those who fact above all else: all things eventually come to an end.
share his values. Poid is worshiped by the schemers. He The servants of Remblace are as devoted and ritualistic as
wages war with the pen rather than the sword. He is a any that follow a Weavemaster and superstitious Arorians
favorite among the extremely devout and often attracts call upon Remblace when all seems lost. Like spring,
cult followings in areas where the establishment cannot Remblace is a lighthouse to guide souls from the storms
be trusted. of their life, but when the seas calm and the harvests of
summer and fall come, Remblace is forgotten until she is
needed again.
evocation | true neutral
"Burn the Phoenix" necromancy | chaotic evil
God of Destruction, Terrer is a gnome. The flame before
Remblace, Terrer presides over the destructive forces "Let it Burn"
of nature and the violent nature of the world. It would
be easy to associate Terrer with volcanic eruptions, God of Chaos, Turie is dragonborn. Turie has a level of
hurricanes, or earthquakes, but this would be inaccurate. power he can tap into that the other Weavemaster don’t
Terrer is in the wildfire that reduces an old forest to ash. and he is widely considered the most powerful Master of
They are the virus that eradicates 20% of the population. the Weave. He is the only Weavemaster to slay a Lost God
Terrer is the flooding river that washes away farmlands. in one-on-one combat. Occasionally, destruction comes
Terrer is the destructive, but necessary, harbinger of life. for the pillars of mankind so something better can take
Followers of Terrer appease them by rooting out old its place and Turie is the vehicle of this destruction. He
growth. Existing infrastructure means nothing to them, delights in the annihilation of society and the expulsion
and the abolishment of tradition is necessary for new of humanity. Savion alone has his ear and her wisdom
regimes to rise. Complacency is rejected here and while sets the boundaries for inevitable destruction. However,
devotees of Terrer are few and far between, they are when Turie sets his mind to an outcome, there is no power
willing to go further for their god than typical followers among gods or men that can stop him. There are very
of the other Weavemasters. few acolytes to Turie and he despises those who do. The
worshipers of Turie are often undead vampires and even
revenants who have seen the cruelty of death. Adventurers
Tromperie and priests to Turie worship by engaging in acts of havoc,
illusion | chaotic neutral attempting to impress him by increasing their scope of
carnage each time a prayer falls on deaf ears.
"Love Your Mask"
God of Trickery, Tromperie is a feyfolk. The embodiment
of passion, Tromperie is a favorite among musicians,
storytellers, painters, and artisans of all kinds. When
adrenaline and passion drive a creature into the deepest
depths of their own whim, Tromperie is there to preside
over the debauchery. She loves a good lie, the more
intricate the better. Misdirection is the most valuable skill
a servant of Tromperie can possess. Before she ascended,
Tromperie was said to have three secrets that she kept from
the rest of the Weavemasters, some lost knowledge of great
power. Only her lover, Lavie, is said to have uncovered one
of these. Lavie guards that rare currency with every fabric
of their being. No official temples to Tromperie exist, but
every bar, brothel, amphitheatre and campfire is a place
to worship Tromperie. As such, very few become lifelong
followers of Tromperie but nearly all worship her for at
least a season of life.

10 Stargazer’s Guide to Aroria

The lost gods brise
When the world was new and the ancestors of humanity’s
first souls still slept in the waters, Ardeur, Brise, Vera, and
Vol ruled over Aroria and the dragons who laid claim to Brise is air and music. She is the breeze that blows in
it. The Lost Gods are older than the world and originated from the ocean, the catalyst that lights the campfire, and
as an observational pantheon. As the first believers the tornado tearing across the land. While they associate
witnessed mountains rise, seas rage, and wind tear their positively with Ardeur, she also hates them. Brise loves
lands apart, it is unclear which came first– faith or the cold, darkness and silence; the things Ardeur drives out
gods it was placed in. Recognition of the divine on this with their very presence. Legend says that Brise loves Vol
plane gave power to The Lost Gods and from the start of and their divine souls are eternally bound to one another.
the world to the Masters of the Weave magic belonged to Brise is the current in the ocean and Vol is the lightning in
the gods and the gods alone. the thunderstorm. The Lost Gods are all around us at all
times but Brise is known to be the most elusive of the four
The Lost Gods are shells of their former glory now. and is said to enjoy isolation more than the other gods.
Fragments of their power have been sequestered to the
ancient corridors of nature. They wait in forest fortresses,
deep in oceans and inside mountains for destiny to drive Vol
Adventurers to their tombs. If it weren’t for the idioms divine
surrounding the old faith, one could spend their entire
life in Aroria and never see evidence of The Lost Gods.
Vol is water and passion. He is the open sea on a calm
Their isolation doesn’t imply apathy toward humanity.
day, the river that runs from port to port and the
The Lost Gods are hidden– seek and you shall find.
lightning igniting the wildfire. Vol and Vera take a
If you choose to tell your story with The Lost Gods in power parental approach to the creatures of Aroria and cover
or should the party seek one of The Lost Gods for ancient the entirety of the world with their protection. There
knowledge, use the following information to help inform isn’t a sailor worth their weight in salt that would openly
your story. Each of The Lost Gods is associated with an disrespect Vol while at sea. The seas surrounding Aroria
Element of the Weave: Vibe, Natural, Divine, and Arcane. are vast and deep. Even the Masters of the Weave don’t
Adventurers in a world with The Lost God in power may claim to know the depths of the sea and Vol maintains
feel drawn to the god associated with their Sign’s element. sovereignty there even now.
The extent of this attraction and the scope of The Lost God’s
influence on Aroria is left to the gamemaster's discretion.
The Departed
Ardeur Gods and men have and always will be separated.
vibe While The Masters of the Weave and The Lost Gods
of Aroria are active entities in the world, the existence
of other deities is far from unfathomable. Players and
Ardeur is fire and light. They are the warmth of a NPCs proficient with Religion will recognize deities
sunkissed meadow, the humid air that precedes a from pantheons outside of these as members of The
storm, and the destruction of a volcano. They associate Departed. The inclusion of Departed gods in your
positively with Brise and provide the heat required to game is optional, but encouraged.
generate warm fronts in the weather, creating rainstorms
that replenish the land. Ardeur is in the magma of the
world and violently opposes Vol. Only Vera separates the
two, but even she cannot keep the two apart indefinitely.
Occasionally, Ardeur will pierce the ocean with fire,
creating new islands and continents in Aroria. In return,
Vol uses tides and waves to reclaim the coast and erase
islands. The result is an eternal and fruitless war.

Vera is earth and life. She is the guardian of the woods,
the creatures of the forest, and the steadfast mountain
against the horizon. She has the largest influence on
Aroria today and she is the only member of The Lost
Gods who still has an active following in the world. Many
of the citizens of Aroria and the Druids of the mountain
still hold Vera in high esteem and actively worship her.
During the rise of the Masters of the Weave, it was Vera
and their followers who most opposed the ascension
and it is said they even marshalled an assault on Niveau
Maximum before Vera fell.

There are two forms Meridium takes in Aroria: raw
and refined. Raw Meridium can be found throughout
the world in small quantities but only Saltstone and
Digbrand boast commercial Meridium mines. Outside
of Niveau Maximum, these two are the only known
locations where refined Meridium can be made. The
use of raw Meridium can be dangerous. Adventurers
should use caution when interacting with the substance.
Meridium Refined Meridium is expensive and dangerous to make
by Lauren but nearly limitless in power. Use the following rules
Hodges and tables to resolve interactions with the substance.

raw meridium
When raw Meridium touches a solid non-living
material (stone, iron, gem, fallen tree, etc) it takes on
all physical and magical properties of the material. The
raw Meridium is considered charged in this way. While
charged, touching the raw Meridium to a different
solid material causes the new material to transmute
into the previous material. The new material maintains

Meridium these properties for the duration before returning to its

original form. The raw Meridium becomes stone for the
duration before returning to its original form.
Magic vibrates here. Thin violet veins of Meridium weave
like rivers through the rock walls of this mine. They banish Raw Meridium has no effect on adamantium, magical
the darkness here in favor of a mysterious jester glow. items, or objects a part of a larger piece, such as a brick
Emerald starlight travels the Meridium rivers like energy that is a part of a wall. Raw Meridium cannot affect
moving through a fiber optic cable. It’s warm. A broken objects outside their size limitation. Heterogeneous
box near the exit of the chamber has several raw chunks mixtures, like sand, are magically held together by
of the material. Upon closer inspection, you discover the the raw Meridium while charged, but relax once
rock is soft to the touch. It feels as if it could stretch like transmuted.
rubber, but it stiffens and turns hard as you grip to pull
it. Suddenly, the meridium transmutes into silver. It refined meridium
matches the ring on your finger. All of the rules for using raw Meridium apply to using
refined Meridium with the following exceptions.
Meridium is an innately magical ore which naturally á Requires a command word to charge and transmute.
occurs in Aroria. The druids of Aroria would say the
ore was the lifeblood of Vera and the few mines that á Can take on the properties of liquids.
exist in Aroria mark the locations the Lost Gods fought á Can transmute adamantium, magic items, and
with mankind. Niveau Maximum would tell you that objects even if they are a part of a larger piece (if
magic cannot be created or destroyed and Meridium was they are within the larger size limitation.)
created as a byproduct of the ascension of the Masters
of the Weave. Goldspire would tell you that it’s the most á No Huge pieces of refined Meridium exist. Small
valuable substance on the planet. pieces are Very Rare, Medium are Legendary, and
one piece of Large refined Meridium is on display in
No matter where it came from, Meridium turns one Digbrand.
substance into another and that makes life easier for á Attempting to transmute a solid object outside the
the citizens of Aroria. Artisans transmute glass to clay refined Meridium’s size limitation causes a portion
and mold it to their purpose before letting the glass take of the object to transmute as a cube (max length on
impossible shapes. Blacksmiths forge steel as bronze to each side).
lighten the load on their arm. Explorers might turn their
bedroll into a wooden rowboat to traverse a river in a
pinch. Arcanist turn diamonds into sand to easily sprinkle
them into magic items with intricate enchantments.

Size Duration Size Limitation Rarity

Small (<1 lb) 1 hour No larger than 1ft. on any side Uncommon
Medium (1 - 5lbs) 8 hours No larger than 6 sq ft. on any side Rare
Large (5 - 25lbs) 24 hours No larger than 20 ft. on any side Very Rare
Huge (>25lbs) 7 days No larger than 1 ft. on any side per pound Legendary

12 Stargazer’s Guide to Aroria

What's in this Book
Welcome to Aroria describes the regions of Aroria
and the major political players on the continent and
provides context for what an Adventurer's Sign is. Then,
it describes the Masters of the Weave and The Lost Gods
pantheons and the magical ore, Meridium.

Chapter 1 is for players looking for new character

creation options unique to Aroria. It offers three unique
races and a new subclass for each of the cannon classes.

Chapter 2 frames the major factions and families who

influence the political infrastructure and economy
of Aroria. This chapter is particularly helpful for
gamemasters looking for the pieces necessary to build
a campaign and for players placing their characters'
history and background.

Chapter 3, the most important chapter in this book, is

a step by step mechanic for adding a Sign, Ruler, and
Heir to characters in Aroria. Players should look to this
chapter for inspiration on tying their character to the
world of Aroria and building a one-of-kind Adventurer.
Gamemaster should become intimately familiar with the
Signs and how their manifestations can affect the crucial
moments of the impending campaign.

Chapter 4 is an overview for each of the major cities in


Chapter 5 showcases points of interests that could be

interesting for players to explore and for gamemasters to
paint their story upon.

Appendix A is a list of unique magic items for Aroria.

Appendix B is the bestiary. You can find references and

stat blocks for creatures mentioned elsewhere in the

by Lauren Hodges

14 Stargazer’s Guide to Aroria

character options
The following sections explore some of the races that are
native to Aroria.

Feyfolk saytrson
Ability Score Increase
Born as the offspring of fey and humans, the Feyfolk Your Charisma Score increases by 2.
display more distinct traits of their Fey ancestry than
even the Elves. Simultaneously existing in both worlds, Powerful Hindquarters
they are both mysterious and revered on the material Saytrsons benefit from enhanced muscle around their
plane. In the Feywild they are considered outcasts who quads and calves. Your base movement speed is 40ft and
are unworthy of their lineage. Naturally curious and you jump twice as far as normal.
eager for adventure, the Feyfolk seem to leave their
Silver Tongue
mark wherever they go.
Saytrson naturally know how to lie and have an ear for
Feyfolk maintain a wide range of cultural influence in deception. You gain advantage on Insight and Deception
the world and often mirror the perceptions of their race. checks.
An Archfey might exclusively reside in the highest of
Fey Influence
societies while the Saytrson may prefer the wild and
You gain proficiency in the Performance Skill.
avoid such frivolities as if their lives depend on it.

Like many inhabitants of the Feywild, the Feyfolk are hagborn

naturally curious about those on the material plane. Ability Score Increase
They will often vacation in the culture of the race they Your Intelligence Score Increases by 2.
are most often around by picking up small pieces of
their influence here and there. Races on the material Hidden Form
plane find them equally as interesting and will make Hagborn are notoriously hideous but can maintain any
them the center of any social encounter. form they choose. At dawn each day, you may choose
the exact form you take, provided it is humanoid in
traits nature. When not in this form, you have advantage on
Constitution Saving Throws.
Ability Score increase
Choose any one of your ability scores and increase it by 1. Innate Spellcasting
You can cast Invisibility once per day without the need for
material components and know the Minor Illusion cantrip
Feyfolk mature quickly, reaching adulthood in as few as
(Pg. 260 Basic Rules).
ten years and can live for many centuries beyond that.
Feyfolk do not age while in the Feywild. Hag Influence
You gain proficiency in the Sleight of Hand skill.
Feyfolk can have any moral alignment, but often have a
chaotic nature. archfey
Ability Score Increase
Size Your Wisdom Score increases by 2.
Feyfolk are taller than average humans, between 6 and 7
ft. Your size is Medium. Beauty Beyond Measure
Archfey are blessed with a rare beauty that entrances
Speed those around them. When you force a creature to make
Your base walking speed is 30 ft. a Saving Throw against a spell or feature that would
cause the creature to be Charmed, you may choose to
Darkvision have the creature roll with Disadvantage. You may use
Thanks to your Fey blood, you can see in dim light as if this feature a number of times equal to your proficiency
it were bright and in darkness you can see up to 60 ft. in modifier per Long Rest.
shades of grey. Fey Flight
You have a pair of dragonfly-like wings that wrap
Fey Ancestry around your body when not in use. Provided you’re
You have advantage on saving throws against being not wearing armor you can reveal them and have a Fly
charmed and cannot be put to sleep by magical means. speed equal to half your movement.
Languages Fey Influence
Feyfolk can speak Common and Sylvan. You gain proficiency in the Nature skill.

Zodiac Mind
You immediately recognize any Zodiac manifestation
you see and may communicate with it telepathically.

Celestisept Sign Affinity

Celestisept have a particular affinity for the Zodiac and
the Rulers. Your Sign defines the journey you undertake
Whether you were born on a solstice, the clearest night and destiny guides your fate in Aroria– this is especially
of your month or just when the stars were brightest in true for Celestisept. Work with your gamemaster to
the sky, the Zodiac and its manifestations have blessed ensure your Sign is relevant to the story taking place. You
you. Celestisept are usually born in sets of twelve. gain the following feature with respect to your Sign.
Frostwane may bless twelve births on the same night
in a single city– granting the children strength and Fleurtide
power to face a future threat. Alternatively, a Celestisept Strength score increases by 1 and you are immune to Fear.
may be born on the first of each month for a full year–
intertwining the destinies across the continent. The Wisterius
purpose of a Celestisept is shrouded in mystery and Your Constitution score increases by 1 and you know
speculation but one thing is certain: destiny looms on the sleep spell and may cast it once per day without
their horizon and the only path they walk is toward it. expending a spell slot. When you do so, double the
number of dice you roll.
Celestisept have the same general appearance as their
genetic race but may take on fantastic or unique features Sunbask
dependent on their Sign. Generally, this manifests as Your Dexterity score increases by 1 and as an action,
an unusual skin tone like gold, fuschia or emerald, you may touch a reflective surface and enter the object.
While concealed in this way, creatures who view the
illuminated stars sparkling where freckles or birthmarks object see your face instead of their own, you may not
should be, or a tattoo with prophetic meaning. Other speak and cannot breathe. You may spend an Action to
more unique features may reveal themselves at your shunt yourself from the object into an unoccupied space
discretion. within 5 ft. of the object. If the object is destroyed while
you are within it, you are shunted within 5 ft. of the
Arorians find destiny and fate wherever they look but object and take 5d8 force damage.
especially so after recognizing a Celestisept. Commoners
and travelers on the road will curiously inquire about Aurous
the circumstances of your birth and may offer you aid if Your Wisdom score increases by 1 and you can see in
your story is compelling enough. Adventurers you meet magical darkness as if it were dim light and in darkness
on your journey will often stick around longer than they as if it were day.
should hoping to witness your journey first hand.
traits Your Strength score increases by 1 and you gain
proficiency in three instruments of your choice.
Ability Score increase
Your Charisma score increases by 2. Soulstice
Your Intelligence score increases by 1 and when you
Age target a creature with a healing spell, you may target one
Celestisept age at the same rate as their genetic race. additional target within 30 ft.
Alignment Rustium
Celestisept can have any alignment but tend toward Your Wisdom score increases by 1 and you may cast the spell
neutral morality. Zone of Truth (Pg. 289 Basic Rules) once per day without
expending a spell slot.
Celestisept can be small or medium with respect to their Duskworn
genetic race. Your Constitution score increases by 1 and you learn the
spell Hellish Rebuke (Pg. 250 Basic Rules). Your spellcasting
Speed modifier for this spell is Charisma and you may cast it once
Celestisept have the same speed as their genetic race. per short or long rest.
Genetic Race Lamentium
Celestisept always have a genetic race, such as Human, Your Dexterity score increases by 1 and you may not
Elf, or any race that exists in your campaign. Celestisept become lost by non-magical means.
have the same number of limbs and same physical traits
but replace all features with the traits below. Waking
Your Constitution score increases by 1 and you gain
Languages proficiency with three tools of your choice.
Celestisept speak Common and Celestial.
Destiny Steps Your Dexterity score increases by one and you may
Celestisept are magically connected to other Celestisept. operate ranged weapons at their maximum range
When you are within 30 ft. of another Celestisept, you without suffering from disadvantage.
gain +1 to your AC and gain a +1 to Attack and Damage
rolls with melee or ranged weapons. Frostwane
Your Intelligence score increases by 1 and you feel as
though you can see six seconds into the future. You
cannot be surprised and gain advantage on Dexterity
Saving Throws triggered by non-magical effects.
16 Stargazer’s Guide to Aroria
The following sections explore some of the subclasses
options unique to Aroria.

Bartender Rogue
As a Bartender Rogue, you serve cocktails just as quickly
as you do death. This Charisma based archetype focuses
on supporting the party as well as influencing the
people within your living world.

Starting at 3rd level

You learn to mix magical effects and benefits into the
beverages you make. Each beverage takes one minute
to mix and creatures must consume in its entirety to
be beneficial. You may mix a number of drinks equal
to your Charisma Modifier per day and must have
access to the primary ingredient. All benefits last for 8
hours. While you are under the influence of one of your
beverages, you may add your Charisma Modifier to
your Armor Class.

Specialty Drinks
Drink Effects

Ale The creature gains advantage on Saving Throws Backstabber

(Beer) to resist Fear. Starting at 13th level
Betrayal is your greatest weapon and you benefit when
Roll a 1d20, at any point during the duration enemies don’t see you coming. You may add your
when the creature makes an Ability Check, Charisma Modifier to the damage roll of your Sneak
Sangria Attack. The first attack you make against a creature who
Attack Roll, or Saving Throw, they may replace
(Wine) is friendly to you is a critical hit.
that roll with this result. They may do so after
the roll, but before a ruling is made.
Overwhelming Personality
Starting at 17th level
For the duration, when the creature makes an
Hotty Toddy Once per day, you may cast Dominate Monster (Pg. 235,
unarmed strike, their damage becomes 1d4+
(Tea) Basic Rules) without the need for spell components.
their Strength modifier.
Your spellcasting modifier for this spell is Charisma.

If the creature is about to become exhausted for

any reason, they may postpone that Exhaustion
for the duration.

Mai Tai
The creature’s alignment becomes Chaotic.
Background Option

Old Fashioned
The Whetstone Inn has been in your family
The creature gains 1d10 temporary hit points. for 6 generations, until the fateful day it
was burnt to the ground by a mage with a
black tattoo spiralling outward from their
left eye. You'll never forget that day.
Bonus Cantrip
Starting at 3rd level As the lone survivor, you decided to take
You learn the cantrip Acid Splash (Pg. 211, Basic Rules) up adventuring. Rising from the ashes you
swore to avenge your lost loved ones and
Public Speaker hopefully rebuild one day.
Starting at 9th level
You gain Expertise on either Persuasion or Deception
checks (your choice). When you address a crowd of
three or more, or a creature has consumed a beverage
you prepared for them, you gain advantage on
Persuasion and Deception Checks.

Oath of Sovereignty Paladin
Champion the weak. Protect the innocent. Trust wholly
in oneself. The Oath of Sovereignty is a lonely path
where your judgement reigns supreme. You forge your
own way, and even the Gods cannot protect the wicked
from the consequences of their actions. The Oath of
Sovereignty is committed to the preservation of rights
and privileges of all. Often called Grey Knights, Paladins
of Sovereignty see complexity in all matters. Perspective
and context is a necessity for them to pass judgement.
Grey Knights very rarely swear fealty to Queens or
Lords, opting instead to serve a group of people or
geographical area. A Grey Knight cannot stand idly by
while injustice is served and will wage war against any
foe in the name of the helpless.

tenets of sovereignty
Shades of Gray
Nothing is black and white. Seek to find truth at the
center of chaos.
Surpremacy of Self
I alone know what is best for me. Extend and preserve
that same autonomy to others.
weighs 5 lbs, does not need to eat or breathe, and cannot
Independence of Thought not suffer exhaustion. The Shackles last until you choose
Faith and trust are tools to manipulate the weak willed to release the creature or 24 hours have passed. If 24
and foolish. Deny and expose false prophets who seek to hours pass, you may expend another Channel Divinity
control the helpless. to maintain the Shackles and the creature may repeat the
Denial of Self-Sacrifice Wisdom Saving Throw.
There is no honor in death. No cause is worthy of your
life. At level 10, you may expend two Channel Divinities to bind
any creature regardless of size.
Sovereignty Oath Spells
Aura of Sovereignty
Spell Levels Spells
Starting at 7th level
3rd Hellish Rebuke (Pg. 250, Basic Rules) While you are conscious, all friendly creatures within
5th Detect Thoughts (Pg. 231, Basic Rules) 10 ft. of you are under the effect of the Freedom of
9th Remove Curse (Pg. 271, Basic Rules) Movement spell.
13th Fire Shield (Pg. 242, Basic Rules)
At 18th level, the range of this aura increases to 30 ft..
17th Hallow (Pg. 249, Basic Rules)
Ascendant Liberation
Channel Divinity Starting at 15th level
Starting at 3rd level, you gain two Channel Divinity
options. You ascend to a state of mind beyond morality and gain
the power of liberation. You gain resistance to Psychic
Preserving Health damage and cannot be Charmed. Once per day, you use
When you heal an unconscious target, you may use your Action to magically end the Restrained, Grappled,
your Channel Divinity to double the healing the target Paralyzed, or Petrified condition on a creature you can
receives. Creatures healed in this way make a Wisdom see within 30ft, cast the Knock spell without the need for
Saving Throw. On failure, the creature is frightened and components, or magically force a creature to regurgitate
may only take the Dash and Disengage actions to escape all swallowed creatures.
danger. Frightened creatures may remake this Saving
Throw at the end of each of their turns.

Shackles of Leithlis
You summon iron bonds to bind a creature of Large
size or smaller who is incapacitated, paralyzed or
restrained. The creature becomes incapacitated and
must make a Charisma Saving Throw. On failure,
the creature falls asleep until the sleeper takes
damage or someone uses an action to shake or slap
the sleeper awake and remains this way for 24 hours.
While bound by the Shackles of Leithlis, the creature

18 Stargazer’s Guide to Aroria

At 20th level
Judgement comes for the wicked. You speak the
name of a creature you are familiar with and declare
that creature Condemned. You may only have one
Condemned creature at a time, and the effects last until
you or the Condemned dies. While Condemned, the
following effects and conditions apply.

á The Condemned has disadvantage on Saving Throws

against your spells.
á You have Advantage on Attack Rolls against the
á You score a critical hit on a 19 or 20 against the
á You always know the direction and distance of the
Condemned when you are on the same plane of
existence. If they are on a different plane of existence
from you, you know which.
After a Condemned is slain, you immediately take 3
levels of Exhaustion and fall unconscious.

Once you use this feature, you may not Condemn a new
target until you are no longer affected by the exhausted

Dark Practitioner Wizard
Not all knowledge is meant to be known; not all secrets
meant for the light of day. Dark Practitioners make
it their life's goal to tap into forgotten and forbidden
practices, empowering themselves no matter the cost.
Rupturing reality and bending what is known has
always been a Wizard's business.

Dark Magic
Starting at 2nd level
You have gained knowledge of forbidden practices and
lost knowledge, but at the cost of your sanity. Choose
a number of spells equal to your proficiency bonus to
designate as Dark Magic. Each time you finish a Long
Rest, you may remove one spell from your Dark Magic
list and replace it with another.

Whenever you cast a Dark Magic spell, you gain

1 point of Dark Madness to add one the following
enhancements to your spell.

á Your Spell Attacks gain Advantage.

á You may treat that spell as if it were being cast
with a slot one level higher (Maximum of 9th)
than the spell slot you expended.
á Your Spell Save DC by is increased by 1.
á You gain advantage on Constitution Saving
Throws to maintain concentration on this spell.
á You may change the type of damage (Fire,
Lightning, Force, Etc) to any other type of
magical damage.

If you reach a number of Dark Magic points equal to

your Proficiency Bonus plus 1, roll on the Manifest
Madness table and resolve the effect immediately and
your Dark Madness points are reduced to zero. Each
time you complete a Long Rest, your accumulated Dark
Magic point total is reduced by 1d4.

Resilience of the Mad

Starting at 6th level
The aberrant delirium that plagues your mind helps
distract from your physical ailings. Whenever you gain a
Dark Madness point, you gain 1d6 temporary hit points.

Dark Nature
Starting at 10th level
Dark Magic Spells do not count against the number of
Spells you can prepare.

Madness Mastery
Starting at 14th level
You have gained a modicum of comfort in the confines
of your growing insanity. Whenever you roll on the
Manifest Madness table, you may roll twice and use
either number.

20 Stargazer’s Guide to Aroria

manifest madness table
d100 Effects

Your visage warps and twists horrifically for the next 1d4 days or until Remove Curse (Pg. 271, Basic Rules) or similar magic is
cast on you.

You forget all known languages except Deep Speech for the next 1d4 hours. This does not prevent you from providing the Verbal
components of spells. You are able to understand all spoken and written language for the same amount of time.

You spontaneously grow an extra limb. The gamemaster decides where and which limb this is. The limb harmlessly falls off after
1d10 days.

An Aberration of CR 5 or higher is invited into the material plane and appears randomly in the world as determined by the

Your mind is put into contact with an extraplanar being of immense power. The being has accurate knowledge about your future
21-25 and may choose to explicitly disclose this knowledge to you or speak in vague riddles. Each time you trigger this feature, the
same being appears with new information.

You forget the spell you have most recently cast of 1st-level or higher. You no longer have access to that spell. You remember all
spells that were forgotten in this way after completing a long rest.

31-35 Your mind shatters. You are incapacited for 1 minute or until a creature uses their Action to wake you.

Hallucinations entangle your mind. You are Frightened for 1 minute. While Frightened in this way, all creatures appear as
mindless, mutated beasts to you. You cannot understand spoken language while Frightened in this way.

Your body spontaneously bursts into magical flames. At the start of each of your turns, you take 1d6 Fire Damage. You may use a
Action to end this condition.

A magical eye appears on your forehead for 1 minute. While the eye is there, you have advantage on all Intelligence, Wisdom,
and Charisma Saving throws.

51-55 Magical energy dissipates from you into the ether. You expend your highest unused spell slot.

You scream for the next 1d4 minutes or until Lesser Restoration (Pg. 255, Basic Rules) or similar magic is cast upon you. While
56-60 under this effect, you cannot cast spells that have a verbal component, you are incapacitated, and your screams can be heard
from up to 300 ft away.

You forget a significant person, place, or thing in your life and all associated memories with the subject. This effect ends when
you see the subject or you are the target of a Greater Restoration (Pg. 246, Basic Rules).

66-70 Vitality saps your body. You age 1d4 years.

For the next 1d4 hours, your flesh becomes gelatinous, malleable, and translucent. Your speed is halved and able to squeeze
through openings as small as 1 inch in diameter.

Your steps leave an imprint on reality itself. For 1d4 days, you leave inky footprints that stink with a foul odor. The prints cannot
be cleaned or removed by any means whatsoever. The footprints disappear with this effect.

You turn into a CR 4 or lower Aberration of the Gamemaster's choice for 1 minute. If you drop to zero hit points while in this
form, you revert to your original form with zero hit points.

86-90 Darkness and hallucinations surround you. You cannot see more than 10 ft. in front of you for 1d4 hours.

Ravenous nightmares and visions haunt your mind. The next time you complete a long rest, you do not gain the benefits of a
long rest.

96-100 You regain all of your expended spell slots.

Circle of Micrology Druid
The natural world is inhabited by an infinite number of
creatures, plants, and organisms. Members of the Circle
of Micrology seek to cherish each and every unique
specimen. They value the differences in nature and
believe the loss of any species of creature or plant is an
unforgivable tragedy.

Micrology Druids are hermits or outlanders. The

civilized world is too destructive for their taste and
while they understand the need for humanity to
prosper, Micrology Druids often find themselves at
odds with conquesting nations. Microorganisms and
bacteria live around and within us at all times. Our
relationship isn’t parasitic, but mutualistic. Without
us, they could not survive. Without them, the most
malicious of diseases would wipe us from existence.
Circle of Micrology Druids champion this mindset and
connect with microorganisms in a symbiotic way. They
utilize this impossibly diverse skillset to make the world
prosper, and divine their primal memories for secrets
that were lost long ago.

Starting at 2nd level
You reveal the unique microbiological fingerprint of the Enhanced Wildshape
world around you. Every life form has a Micrology Aura Starting at 10th level
that surrounds it at all times. While a creature is alive, You learn to channel the microbiology of the world
its Micrology Aura leaves a mark or trail on anything around you to magically enhance your Wildshape. When
it touches for 24 hours. The aura cannot be dispelled or you Wildshape, you draw energy from an elemental
removed by any means outside of Wish but creatures source within 300 ft. and consult the Elemental
may suppress their Aura for 24 hours by submerging Enhancement Table below to determine your new
themselves in acid. abilities. When you use the feature, the elemental power
you draw from is negatively affected in a noticeable, but
As an Action, you harmonize with the life around you temporary, way.
to visualize these Micrology Auras for 10 minutes.
Each aura is revealed as a unique color surrounding Earth
every lifeform. If you’re familiar with the creature, you Earth and rock cakes your Wildshape. You gain
recognize their aura. You can see the Micrology Aura resistance Bludgeoning, Piercing, Slashing damage, and
of every lifeform within 10 ft. times your druid level, add a +1 bonus to Attack and Damage rolls.
and you know the condition status or magical effect a
creature is under. You may use this feature a number of Air
times equal to your Wisdom modifier per Long Rest. Gusts of wind are always at your back. Your movement
speed doubles, and you do not provoke opportunity
Adaptation attacks from creatures when you leave melee range.
Starting at 6th level
You manipulate your Micrology Aura to better blend in Fire
with the world around you. You always look like you Flame bursts from your appendages. When you hit with
belong and may add your Wisdom Modifier to Stealth and a Melee Attack, you may add an additional 1d6 fire
Persuasion Checks, and creatures have disadvantage on damage to the total, and your Wildshape’s Constitution
Insight Checks against you. You learn the spell Meld Into Score increases by 1.
Stone (Pg. 259, Basic Rules) and may cast it once per day
without expending a spell slot. When you cast Meld Into Water
Stone using this feature, you may meld into any natural A pool of water magically floats around you as a
substance, such as earth or water. This spell does not count companion, your AC increases by 2, and attack rolls
against the number of Druid spells you have prepared. cannot have advantage against you.

Primal Secrets
Starting at 14th level
Micrology Auras reveal dormant secrets within their primal memories to you. You learn the spell Legend Lore (Pg. 254,
Basic Rules), and may cast it once per day without expending a spell slot or the need for material components. You learn
the spell Commune (Pg. 223, Basic Rules), this counts as a Druid spell for you. While harmonizing with the Auras of
Micrology around you, you may make an insight check (DC 14) against any one Aura within range to identify its owner
even if you are unfamiliar with them. You learn the associated creatures race, alignment, and gain a brief description of
their appearance.

22 Stargazer’s Guide to Aroria

College of Gospel bard Ironclaw Barbarian
Master storytellers, Gospel Bards use parables and Path of Protection
songs to enthrall their audience. They are crusaders
who spread news of great deeds and share their pious Not all barbarians desire destruction. Some find power
message to anyone who will listen. They often enchant through protection. Drawing on their raw power, Path
their audience and take advantage of teachable moments of Protection barbarians standout from divine paladins
to spread their divine message. and skilled fighters by throwing caution to the wind and
inserting themselves into a fight. They often seek to keep
Known as prophets, priests, or disciples, members of the the enemy distracted and will ignore even the plans of
Gospel College can be found in any tavern throughout their allies when faced with danger.
the land with like minded clerics and paladins. Their
role is to preserve the great deeds of these adventures Double Down
and record their efforts to inspire others. In battle, the Starting at 3rd level
Crusader is a fierce fighter who uses a combination of When protecting others, being overwhelmed simply
might and magic to overwhelm foes. Outside of combat, isn’t an option. You gain a +1 bonus to your AC for
they are encouraging and uplifting, cultivating the spirit every enemy creature within your melee range.
of the adventuring party with positivity against a dark
world. Immovable Force
Starting at 6th level
Crusader Your ability to adapt and endure has reached new
Starting at 3rd level heights. As an Action, you gain resistance to nonmagical
When you join the College of Gospel, you gain bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage for 1 minute.
proficiency with Medium Armor and Shields. You also Once you have used this feature, you may not do so again
learn the Cleric spell Guiding Bolt (Pg. 248 Basic Rules). until you finish a long rest.
This counts as a Bard spell for you, but does not count
against the number of Bard spells you know. Better Together
Starting at 6th level
Steel Resolve You can attack twice, instead of once, when you take the
Starting at 3rd level Attack action on your turn.
The relentless tides of battle weigh heavily upon even
the most determined Gospel Bards, but you always find Invigorated Healer
the right words to inspire others. When you are out of Starting at 10th level
Bardic Inspiration dice, you may spend 1 minute centering Though you want to stand between others and harm, you
your thoughts, remembering your purpose, or otherwise realize it occasionally takes the entire team to combat a
preparing yourself against overwhelming odds to regain threat. When you enter a Rage, you may choose a number
one Bardic Inspiration die. After you have used the feature, of creatures up to your proficiency bonus within 30 ft. of
you may not do so again until you finish a Long Rest. The you to gain 1d12 + your Constitution Modifier Temporary
number of dice you recover in this way increases to two at Hit Points.
level 9 and three at level 17.
Beacon of Protection
Extra Attack Starting at 14th level
Starting at 6th level Where others may fail to protect those in need, you’ve
You can attack twice, instead of once, when you take the become a beacon of security. When an ally you can see
Attack action on your turn. is targeted by an enemy Weapon Attack, you may use
your Reaction to take the Dash Action. If you end your
Invigorated Healer movement within range of the attack, you become the
Starting at 6th level target of the attack instead. This attack has Advantage
You learn to use your Bardic Inspiration to be a more against you and allies within 5 ft. of you gain Temporary
effective healer. When you cast a spell to heal yourself or Hit Points equal to the damage you take from this attack.
an ally, you may expend a Bardic Inspiration die to double You may use this feature a number of times equal to your
the number of dice you roll to determine the number of hit proficiency modifier per long rest.
points restored.

Divine Inspiration
Starting at 14th level
Your inspiration keeps your allies alive when they are on
the brink of death. When a creature who is inspired by
you drops to zero hit points, they roll their inspiration die
and gain a number of hit points equal to the roll plus your
Charisma modifier.

marshal Ranger
Bounty Hunter, Constable, Detective, Spy. All of these
titles are interchangeable labels for the Marshal. Built to
root out corruption in your land, the Marshal is always
backed by a larger organization that aids them in their
adventures. Marshals are masters of uncovering intricate
plots, hunting down impossible prey, and discovering
trinkets lost by time. They are deft conversationalists
and a boon for any organization they deem worthy of
their service. There is very little that a Marshal Ranger
can’t accomplish and only you can decide if their hat is
white or black.

Starting at 3rd level

You learn an additional spell when you reach certain
levels in this class, as shown in the Marshal Spells table.
The spell counts as a ranger spell for you, but it doesn’t
count against the number of ranger spells you know.
the Peacekeepers will reimburse members in good
Marshal Spells
Spell Levels Spells You gain proficiency with firearms.
3rd Detect Magic (Pg. 231, Basic Rules)
5th Locate Object (Pg. 256, Basic Rules) Scarlet Sanctuary
The Scarlet Sanctuary is known far and wide for
9th Tongues (Pg. 283, Basic Rules)
their deductive prowess and knowledge. You match
13th Arcane Eye (Pg. 214, Basic Rules) this profile perfectly. You gain access to unique lore
17th Scrying (Pg. 273, Basic Rules) and history of a region. You know of a secret location
where all known history has been recorded, and you
have access to it. You have one sending stone that
organization connects directly to the Sanctuary and may make one
Starting at 3rd level research request at a time. The return time with an
You gain expertise in one of the following skills: answer could be hours or weeks, depending on the
Perception, Investigation, Survival, Arcana, Stealth, complexity and rarity of the information. There are
Religion, History and you choose to join one of the many Sanctums you could have access to around the
following organizations: world, but you must prove your worth to access those
in other regions of the world.
The Sparrowhawks have hideouts all over the world. You gain half-proficiency in all Marshal Traits.
You know their location and have access. Each hideout
is stocked with 2 greater healing potions, 3-6 martial defender
weapons, a map of the surrounding area, and basic
Starting at 7th level
provisions to support 3 humanoids for one week.
You gain expertise in a 2nd Marshal Trait.
Hideouts are magically hidden, come in all shapes and
sizes, multiple hideouts may exist in a large cities, or Marshal Defense
there may only be a single hideout within 100 miles Choose one of the three defensive tactics:
in rural areas. You are expected to leave hideouts
in the same condition you found them or make the á Cover Expert
Sparrowhawks aware if you are unable. You gain an additional +2 to your AC when in ¾ or
½ cover.
You gain proficiency with one of the following: Forgery Kit,
Disguise Kit, Thieves Tools á Disarm
When a creature, large size or smaller, misses a
Peacekeepers weapon attack against you, you may use your
Built to find and stop crime, Peacekeepers are fierce reaction to attempt to disarm the target with a
warriors and deadly bounty hunters. Wherever you go contested Strength check.
you can always find like-minded individuals to help you á Huckleberry
in a fight. You can deputize up to 3 individuals at any If a creature is of a CR equal to or under you player
given time. These can be commoners, veteran guards, level, you may use your action to intimidate them
spellcasters, priests, or anyone who is willing to take up into surrender. The creature makes a Charisma saving
your cause. You must pay deputies 10GP per day each throw vs your intimidation check. On fail, the creature
(or more for particularly dangerous missions). While flees. Additionally, if the creature is alone and can
deputized, deputies will follow your commands to the communicate, you have the option to force it into an
best of their ability. How far they are willing to go for interrogation. Once you have used this feature you
you is dependent upon their alignment and the cause cannot use it again until you finish a short or long rest.
you have conscripted them to. With accurate records,

24 Stargazer’s Guide to Aroria

contacts and confidants
Starting at 11th level
You can utilize friends, organizations, or contractors to
learn information about specific creatures or places. You
choose a target or location you are familiar with and
spend 72 hours using a combination of geographical
deduction, magical divination, and conversations with
contacts to learn key pieces of information. Make a
survival check and consult the following tables on the
next page. If hidden by magical means, make this check
with disadvantage.


10 Learn their exact location and how long they have been there.

15 Your contact will follow and alert you if they leave and they have a working theory of the targets intentions.

You learn 3 rumors about the creature, two of which are likely to be true. You also learn of defenses the target has
20 surrounded themselves with (Guards, Traps, Enfironmental Hazards) if they are on another plane of existence, you
learn which.

Magically Hidden Creatures

10 You find nothing.

15 You learn their location within a 6 mile radius.

You learn how the creature is choosing to hide from you and their location within 1 mile. If they are on another plane
of existence you learn which.


10 You learn the quickest path to that location and any dangers that layou in your way.

15 You learn 3 rumors about the area, two of which are likely to be true.

You learn a single piece of deep lore about the area. This could be a legendary artifact, a prominent family and their
history, or the entrance to ancient ruins.

Magically Hidden Locations

10 You find nothing.

15 You learn the names of 3 people who MAY be hiding in the location, one of which is true.

20 You learn of a path to the location.

Earp's Mark
Starting at 15th level
You learn the spell Hunter’s Mark (Pg. 251, Basic Rules), if you don’t already know it, and can cast it as a first level
spell at will. While concentrating on the spell, you know the exact location of your quarry within 1000ft. They can be
revealed by primeval awareness and you gain an additional 1d6 damage on hit.

You also gain expertise in a 3rd Marshal Trait.

The Frozen Warlock
The Frozen is a powerful entity who resides in the most
secluded regions of the multiverse. They prefer the
solitude of a hermit life and they thrive on the void.
Examples include: Ancient White Dragons, an Elder
Tempest, or an Archdruid. Often your patron needs
you to be the instrument of their will on the Material
Plane. This could include protecting their sanctuary,
discovering mythical artifacts, or destroying all known
records of their existence.

Expanded Spell List

The Frozen allows you to choose from an expanded spell
list when you learn a Warlock spell. The following spells
are added to your spell list for you.

The Frozen Spells

Spell Levels Spells
Alarm (Pg. 211, Basic Rules), Speak with With
Animals (Pg. 277, Basic Rules)
Barkskin (Pg. 217, Basic Rules), Pass without
Trace (Pg. 264, Basic Rules)
Conjure Animals (Pg. 264, Basic Rules), Water
Breathing (Pg. 287, Basic Rules)
Antarctic Aura
Conjure Minor Elementals (Pg. 226, Basic Rules), Starting at 14th level
Freedom of Movement (Pg. 244, Basic Rules) All creatures of your choice within 30ft of you take 2d6
Planar Binding (Pg. 265, Basic Rules), Geas (Pg. cold damage at the start of their turn. If a creature is
5th grappled by you, you may use your action to attempt
244 Basic Rules
to freeze the creature solid. The creature makes a
Frozen Skin Constitution Saving Throw against your spellcasting
Starting at 1st level DC. On a failed save, the creature takes 10d6 cold
Your resting body temperature becomes 52 degrees damage and is affected by the Slow (Pg. 277, Basic
and your skin becomes ice cold to the touch. You gain Rules) spell. On a successful save, the creature takes half
resistance from Cold damage and are not subjected to damage and is not affected by the Slow spell. Creatures
magical or environmental effects related to temperature. reduced to zero hit points in this way freeze solid and
are Petrified. After you have used this feature, you
Bonus Cantrip cannot use it again until after your next short rest.
You learn the cantrip Druidcraft (Pg 236, Basic Rules).
This counts as a Warlock cantrip for you but does not
count against your number of Warlock cantrips known.

Touched by Ice
Beginning at 6th level | Touched by Ice
When you step on the surface of water it freezes Whose woods these are I think I know.
allowing you to walk on it. This ice forms as a 5 ft cube,
lasts for a minute, and can support the weight of two His house is in the village though;
medium sized creatures. He will not see me stopping here
To watch his woods fill up with snow.
You learn to channel the eldritch energy of your patron
into your attacks. When you hit with a weapon attack, My little horse must think it queer
you may add an additional 2d10 necrotic damage to the To stop without a farmhouse near
roll. You may use this feature a number of times equal Between the woods and frozen lake
to your Charisma modifier (minimum of once) per long The darkest evening of the year.
rest. You gain an additional damage die as you gain
levels in this class (3d10 at level 10 and 4d10 at level 14). He gives his harness bells a shake
To ask if there is some mistake.
Chilled Golem The only other sound’s the sweep
Starting at 10th level Of easy wind and downy flake.
You summon a copy of yourself made of ice. It has
your statistics with the following exceptions: It may The woods are lovely, dark and deep,
not cast spells, may only make one attack, has half your But I have promises to keep,
hit points, and cannot speak. The summoned creature
is a construct, follows your commands to the best of And miles to go before I sleep,
its ability, and disappears after one minute, is targeted And miles to go before I sleep.
by the Dispel Magic (Pg. 234, Basic Rules) spell, or if it
is reduced to zero hit points. Once you have used this -Robert Frost
feature it cannot be used again until the next dawn.

26 Stargazer’s Guide to Aroria

Oracle Sorcerer
As a mouthpiece of the Gods, the Oracle is a formidable
talent to have in any adventuring party. Predicting and
countering your enemy’s next move is important and no
one does that better than the Oracle.

Oracles can occur anywhere in the world and are chosen

by Frostwane to influence a future event. Adventurers
who reach 3rd level receive a prophetic vision of
the future about a cataclysmic, world changing, or
a personally significant event. Your GM is in charge
of what this event is and interpreting your actions to
affect the outcome. You gain new information at certain
levels in this class and previously revealed visions are
corrected to their new most probable outcome.

Prophetic Visions
Levels Effect
3rd You learn what happens
5th You learn why it happens
7th You learn who is there
9th You learn where the event will happen
11th You learn the key to stopping it

Expanded Spell List

Starting at 1st level, you learn an additional spell when Clairvoyant
you reach certain levels in this class, as shown in the Starting at 14th level
Oracle Spells table. The spell counts as a Sorcerer spell You learn to channel your sorcery points to be more
for you, but it doesn’t count against the number of successful in and out of combat. Whenever you make
Sorcerer spells you know. an Ability Check, Saving Throw, or Attack Roll you can
expend 1 or more sorcery points to add 1d4 to the result
Oracle Spells for every point spent (1 point= 1d4, 4 points= 4d4). You
may expend sorcery points in the same way to reduce
Spell Levels Spells
the total of Saving Throws made by creatures targeted
1st Alarm (Pg. 211, Basic Rules) by your spells. You must choose to use this feature
Detect Thoughts (Pg. 231, Basic Rules), Bestow before dice are rolled to resolve the action.
Curse (Pg. 218, Basic Rules)
5th Commune (Pg. 223, Basic Rules) Scrying Savant
7th Death Ward (Pg. 230 Basic Rules) Starting at 18th level
9th Scrying (Pg. 273, Basic Rules)
When you scry, you can expend 4 sorcery points to gain
the following benefits: You may Scry without the need
Sixth Sense for material components, the target has disadvantage on
Starting at 1st level their saving throw to block the spell, you may scry on
Your connection to The Weave and social expertise a different plane of existence, and your scry cannot be
gives you a strong read on the world around you. You blocked by magical means.
gain advantage on Insight checks and can cast the spell
Augury (Pg. 215, Basic Rules) once per day without the
need for components.

Starting at 6th level
As a Bonus Action, you peer into the near future and
learn the most probable action that will be taken by
any creature of your choice. You choose a creature you
can see within 120 ft and the GM provides the most
likely action that creature will take on their next turn
from the following options: Attack, Dash, Dodge, Help,
Disengage, Cast, or Hide. If the creature is casting a
spell, you know which. The GM can provide more
specific information at their discretion. You can use
this feature a number of times equal to your Charisma
Modifier per long rest.

Planar Domain cleric
The inner and outer planes that encompass the material
are vast, uncharted, and mysterious. The Hells, Feywild,
and other planes of existence present wondrous and
unfathomable treasure and danger. Planar Domain
Clerics focus on the exploration of these planes and
seek to understand them. Most Gods have their devout
followers seek knowledge to protect the material plane
and often charge their acolytes with a particular plane
to become a subject matter expert. Sometimes, the Gods
will command their followers to make a new plane their
home and give their Priests and Priestesses the power
required to make that existence their native land.

Lawful society has a high regard for the Planar Cleric.

Often, you can find powerful devotees in the courts of
kings and serving on councils. Their broad perspective
on the nature of the planes is invaluable, both from a
protection standpoint and resource acquisition. Many
Planar Clerics finance their pilgrimage through the
planes by seeking rare materials and selling them to
artificers or wizarding schools. Young acolytes of the
planes are drawn to these politically important figures
and devote their lives to the King and Country. Others
are drawn more naturally to the thin veils that separate Portal Warden
worlds, finding faith through the awe-inspiring majesty Starting at 6th level
of a new existence. If you come within 10 miles of a planar portal, your
mind is flooded with divine knowledge from your
God. You know where the portal leads, how to open or
Planar Domain Spells close the portal, and when the portal was most recently
Spell Levels Spells used. You also learn the creature type of the last entity
Command (Pg. 223, Basic Rules), Protection from to pass through the portal, if this changes, you know
Evil and Good (Pg. 270, Basic Rules) immediately.
Locate Object (Pg. 256, Basic Rules), Pass Without
Trace (Pg. 264, Basic Rules) Constable of the Planes
Fly (Pg. 243, Basic Rules), Water Breathing (Pg. Starting at 8th level
287, Basic Rules) No creature can escape punishment within your
Banishment (Pg. 217, Basic Rules), Locate jurisdiction. When you cast Banishment, you may
Creature (Pg. 256, Basic Rules) force the creature to make an Intelligence, Wisdom,
Conjure Elemental (Pg. 225, Basic Rules), Contact
9th or Charisma saving throw, your choice. While you
other Plane (Pg. 226, Basic Rules)
are concentrating on the Banishment spell, you gain
advantage on Constitution Saving Throws to maintain
Divine Traveler concentration. Once you have used this feature, you may
Starting at 1st level not do so again until you finish a Long Rest.
When you hit a creature that is not native to your
Tuning Master
current plane of existence with a Spell or Weapon attack,
Starting at 17th level
you deal an additional 1d8 Force Damage on hit. This
Your deity has granted you sovereignty over existence
damage increases as you reach higher levels in this
and you may walk any plane you wish without
domain. You deal 2d8 at level 5, 3d8 at level 11, and 4d8
supervision. You are granted a divine tuning fork worth
at level 17.
1,000 Gp. When you finish a long rest, you may speak
Channel Divinity: Planar Guardian the command word and attune the fork to any plane of
Starting at 2nd level existence, demi-plane, or extra-dimensional space you
You beseech a single creature within 60 ft. of you to are familiar with. You may use this fork to cast Plane
recognize your sovereignty on this plane of existence. Shift once per day, without expending a spell slot.
The creature then makes a Charisma Saving Throw. On
failure, the creature recognizes you as a Divine Traveler.
The creature is under no obligation to aid you, but may
do so depending on how you treat it. It will not cause
intentional harm to you or your allies. If you or an ally
harms the creature, you take 8d6 psychic damage.

Starting at 14th level, you may target any number of creatures

within 60 ft. of you when you use this Channel Divinity.

28 Stargazer’s Guide to Aroria

Starfated martial Fighter
Driven and destined for greatness, the Starfated Fighter
draws on the power of their fate to bolster their resolve
or change the tide of battle with deadly attacks. Walk the
paths of weal and woe, or blaze your own trail towards
glory. Starfated fighters often travel the world, certain
that strands of fate will guide them on the right path.

Firmament Familiar
Starting at 3rd level
The stars are as much a part of you as your mind and
spirit. You gain proficiency with Navigator's Tools.

Destined by Fate
Starting at 3rd level
No one controls your fate but you. You gain a pool of
Destiny dice equal to your proficiency bonus. Whenever
you or a creature you can see makes an Attack Roll,
Ability Check, or Saving Throw, you may roll a Destiny
die and add the result to the result. You may do this
after roll, but before a ruling is made.

The Destiny die changes as you gain levels in this class.

At 5th level it becomes a d6. At 9th level it becomes a d8.
At 13th it becomes a d10. At 17th it becomes a d12. You Harbor Fate
regain all expended Destiny die when you finish a Short Starting at 18th level
or Long Rest. The tides of destiny ebb and flow in your journey
and each time you get knocked down, you come back
Battle-blessed Mark stronger. When you fail an Ability Check, Attack Roll, or
Starting at 3rd level Saving Throw, you regain one of your Destiny Dice.
á Fated to Rise
At the start of the creature's turn, it may roll a die
equal to your Destiny die and gain an equal number
of temporary hit points equal to the result.
á Fated to Fall
The marked creature is hit by a weapon attack, it
takes damage equal to your Destiny die.
á Fated to Conquer
The marked creature gains Advantage on Attack
The mark lasts for up to one minute. After you have
used this feature, you cannot do so again until you finish
a Short or Long Rest.

Star Omen
Starting at 7th level
The path to your destiny means others have to fail.
Whenever you use your Destined by Fate feature, you may
instead subtract the result of the Destiny Die from the roll.

Answers from Above

Starting at 10th level
When you have questions, the stars may answer. You
may cast the Commune (Pg. 223, Basic Rules) once
per day without expending a spell slot or the need for
material components. Once you have used this feature,
you may not do so again until you finish a long rest.

Starfated Strike
Starting at 15th level
Fate emboldens your constitution and guides your steps.
When you roll a Destiny Die you gain a number of
Temporary Hit Points equal to the result.

way of the hive monk
The Monks of New Reach have many special skills and
abilities, but those who harness the Hive are among
the most feared and respected. A tradition that dates
back almost to the founding of the Monastery, some of
the monks form special bonds with the bees and other
insects who reside in the monastery gardens. Through
this growing relationship, they learn to call upon the
swarm for aid and, should they travel outside of New
Reach, can always find companionship among the bees
of Aroria.

Healing Honey
Starting at 3rd level
You are well-versed in collecting honey from your
swarm. The honey from the swarms of New Reach has
magical properties and though its curative properties are
strongest when harvested from New Reach Monastery
itself. Once per long rest, you may harvest a small vial’s
worth of honey from your swarm, which becomes a
Potion of Healing (common). At 11th level, this becomes
a Potion of Healing (greater).

Call the Swarm

Starting at 6th level
You can use your ki to summon your insect companions
for protection. As an action, you can spend 2 ki points to
summon a Swarm of Insects (Bees) (Pg. 154, Basic Rules)
anywhere within 30ft that you can see. The swarm
acts on your turn, stays for 1 minute,.and follows your
commands to the best of its ability.

A Friend in Bee-d is a Friend Indeed

Starting at 11th level

You can use an Action and spend 4 ki points to cast

Giant Insect (Bees). These bees utilize the Giant Wasp
(Pg. 137, Basic Rules) stat block.

Hive Mind
Starting at 17th level
You may spend an Action to enter a trance like state to
link minds with your swarm. While linked in this way,
you are incapacitated and gain influence over each
individual bee in your swarm. You take full control
over their movement and observe the world through all
their senses simultaneously. This connection lasts for 10
minutes, after which you may expend your own vitality
to maintain the connection. For every minute after the
first 10, you may take 1d6+1 Psychic damage. If you
drop to zero hit points using this feature, you die and
your consciousness permanently transfers to the bees.

30 Stargazer’s Guide to Aroria

Leaders and Factions
council of
la cambria
The Council of La Cambria is the most powerful political
faction in Aroria. If there are strings tied to any given
situation, the Council has a member nearby to pull
them. There are seven members on the Council. Each
is appointed by guild members in the capital city to
represent the interests of their profession. The Council
has two responsibilities: to guide the city of La Cambria
into prosperity and to serve as a steward to the mainland
of Aroria.

While each council member is chosen by their respective

guild in a unique way, council members are always
elected for two year terms, except for the Cambrians
council member who is changed every year. All four new
members, three from the guilds and the new Cambrian
representative, are announced on the Summer Solstice.
Additionally, one of these new members is bequeathed
the title of Supreme Counselor. This title rotates between
the guilds annually except in times of formal war. During
formal war, the Supreme Counselor title is immediately
transferred to the Cambrians. The Supreme Counselor Crest of La Cambria
mitigates disputes between the guilds and is the final
word in the land. The council meets on a bi-weekly unless
an emergency meeting is called.

Each of the following guilds are allotted one

representative on the Council of Aroria. The current Aristocracy, lawful
NPCs are suggestions for who should be on the council
when your game begins. However, the council is
nobility | clarissa rutherford
constantly in flux and any number of characters, factions,
or villains may have a vested interest in who finds The Aristocracy of La Cambria reside within Kingscourt
themselves on the council next Summer Solstice. and is composed of the oldest families in all of Aroria.
They value the history of this land and observe all
manner of courtesy. The guild has strong regency vibes
Spiremen, lawful and it is customary to refer to members of these families
merchants | allsgood murphy as Lord and Lady. The homes within Kingscourt often
resemble luxury vacation homes since most families
The Spiremen are a lawful neutral organization, they are have much larger estates on the mainland. The most
responsible for governing trade in and out of the city, as elite members of the Aristocracy are Barons, Dukes,
well as spending and budgeting for La Cambria. If money Duchesses, and even one King in their respective lands.
is needed to fund a social project or purchase sellswords The council member for the Aristocracy is elected by
for the army, funds must be approved by The Spiremen. popular vote and is often a young, unmarried, heir or
Allsgood Murphy, a lawful neutral human who has lived heiress of one of the proud families of Aroria. Becoming
in La Cambria his entire life, believes the main purpose of a council member for La Cambria is considered a great
the Spiremen is to protect the city's financial interests at honor and marks the recipient as prime candidate to
home and abroad. Operations for the Spiremen take place improve the reputation for their family for generations.
out of Goldspire on the north side of the island. Goldspire Clarissa Rutherford, a lawful evil half-elven Dutchess
is the largest bank in all the world and is said to house more from the Elderguard land currently sits on the Council
gold than the rest of the world combined. The Spiremen and is using her time in La Cambria to champion trade
choose their council representative by sheer mathematics. relations from the two coastal cities.
The guild member who has increased their net worth by the
largest percentage in the past two years is appointed, guild
members who earn fewer than 100,000 GP are ineligible.

Niveau Maximum, neutral cambrians
scholars | trid'illion skyweaver the people | jeff
Niveau Maximum is the greatest library known to man, Someone must keep the common folk in mind and the
home to the greatest wizards and inventors Aroria can masses must have a voice. So the people of La Cambria
find, and is the epicenter of innovation throughout the are given a seat on the council. A new council member
world. Currently, the headmaster and caretaker of the for the Cambrians is chosen every Summer Solstice by
Library is Trid’illion Skyweaver, a true neutral elven popular vote from everyone in La Cambria. An ideal
druid from the villages of Vera. He’s said to be a brilliant Cambrian representative will serve as a consultant for
yet guarded man who values ingenuity above all else. the remaining members of the council, ensuring that
Niveau Maximum focuses on preserving the knowledge the people of La Cambria are always kept in mind for
of civilization and believes the longevity of La Cambria decision making. Jeff, a true neutral human fishmonger
is key to that. The headmaster of Niveau Maximum is from the undercity, is currently representing the
chosen by The Elders of Knowledge and serves on the Cambrians. His election campaign, lifestyle, and vote is
Council and as headmaster until death. bought and paid for by Clarrisa Rutherford and he can
often be found at the Dragon’s Horde.

sons of bouclier, lawful

army | brute hammerjaw sparrowhawks
rangers | kya reed
Viewed primarily as the police of La Cambria, the Sons
of Bouclier serve as the city's primary form of defense. The Sparrowhawks are their own unique faction in Aroria
Within the city, most of their attention is focused on and more information about the Sparrowhawks can be
Andirin’s bridge processing travelers through customs found on Pg. 33 of this book. Kya Reed, chaotic good
and executing the tax to cross. They also run regular human, is the current leader of the Sparrowhawks and
patrols throughout La Cambria’s urban environments to views her role on the council as a necessary formality
keep the peace. Throughout the mainland, the Sons of more than a position of honor. The leader of the
Bouclier maintain fortresses and strongholds for citizens Sparrowhawks is always on the Council of La Cambria,
to retreat to in times of war. The Sons of Bouclier are a and the leader of the Sparrowhawks is selected by
professional army, and do not engage in civil matters Yisgarian.
outside of La Cambria. Each election year, the Sons of
Bouclier host a tournament to appoint their representative
on the council. The tournament is a single elimination,
one-on-one combat with no magic allowed. The winner is
named representative that year, and Brute Hammerjaw,
a chaotic neutral goliath, has been the council
representative for more than a decade.

Court of savion, Chaotic

priests | elladeen von becker
Savion is The God of most humans in Aroria and the
Divination leader of the Masters of the Weave. The
devout here worship her above all others and Elladeen
Von Becker, a lawful evil human, is the most pious of all.
Ellie welcomes all into the light of Savion and is willing
to extend a hand to all those within her power. The Court
of Savion has built a strong reputation that is reflected in
their outward appearance and Ellie would much rather
focus on the frills and pageantry of her religion and
bask in her seat of power than expend Temple resources
on those she deems unworthy. The Court of Savion is
also the judicial branch of La Cambria and their chosen
council member sits as the lone judge for the highest
crimes in La Cambria. Any priest or priestess to Savion
can be named to the Council by Savion herself through
divine intervention.

32 Stargazer’s Guide to Aroria

The Sparrowhawks are the eyes and ears of La Cambria.
They are spys, detectives, scouts, diplomats, and
anything else they need to be. The vast network of
Sparrowhawks touches even the most remote portions
of Aroria and their safehouses can be found all over the
world. The silver sparrow pin is more protective than
any shield and is respected by all but the most criminal
individuals. The Sparrowhawks stand for justice and
peace, they value freedom, autonomy, and opportunity.

In every small village, quiet woodland, and sanctioned
road in Aroria, you can find a Sparrowhawk keeping the
peace. The Sparrowhawks see themselves as the altruistic
caretakers of both the land of Aroria and its people. They
are the constable in pursuit of bandits on the road. They
are the diplomat in a foreign court reporting intelligence
back to La Cambria. They are the conservationists Crest of the Sparrowhawks
advising local farmers to plant wheat instead of cotton
because Elderguard has made it their cash crop this year.
A Sparrowhawks job is never done and the prosperity of
all within Aroria is the ultimate goal.

relationships notable figures

Kya Reed
The Sparrowhawks work to maintain functional Human She/Her, Lamentium. Leader of the
relationships across the known world. One of the seven
seats on the Council of La Cambria belongs to the Sparrowhawks and Council Member for La Cambria.
Sparrowhawks and there is at least one member in the Kya Reed is at the top of the two of the most powerful
courts of Elderguard and Digbrand. These relationships organizations in Aroria for a reason– She is a naturally
fund Sparrowhawk operations across the land. The charismatic leader. She is pensive and calculated in her
Sparrowhawks provide intelligence, information, and planning, bold and courageous when necessary, and a
the subtle services most regimens cannot ask for openly. functional combination of cautious and trusting with
In return, powerful leaders provide the necessary her peers. Kya values the history of the Sparrowhawk
gold for the Sparrowhawks to operate with autonomy organization and believes there is power in their name.
and in the best interest of the mainland. Charitable Maintaining their reputation and legacy is the only ideal
donations to the Sparrowhawks are also commonplace.
Sparrowhawks never demand payment for services that holds her full loyalty.
rendered, but it is considered good luck to do so and
providing a roof for a rain soaked Sparrowhawk Bartholomew Sterling
virtually assures a bountiful harvest. Changling They/Them, Aurous. Pirate scourge of the
sea and undercover Sparrowhawk. Known simply as
Sterling, the shapechanger has mastered the art of rising
among the ranks of criminal organizations and has
A little bird, with plumage brown, become a fixture dozens of times throughout their life.
Beside my window flutters down, Each time Sterling identifies a target, earns their trust, and
A moment chirps its little strain, sets the perfect trap, they send a single Sparrowhawk pin
Ten taps upon my window–pane, addressed to the current Sparrowhawk Council Member
And chirps again, and hops along, with a place and time to Niveau Maximum. The resulting
To call my notice to its song; disruption to unscrupulous organizations in Aroria is
But I work on, nor heed its lay, incalculable. Sterling then fakes their own death, takes on
Till, in neglect, it flies away. a new form, and begins the process all over again.
So birds of peace and hope and love
Come fluttering earthward from above,
To settle on life’s window–sills,
And ease our load of earthly ills;
But we, in traffic’s rush and din
Too deep engaged to let them in,
With deadened heart and sense plod on,
Nor know our loss till they are gone.

-Paul Laurence Dunbar

Sons of Bouclier Niveau Maximum
overview overview
Bouclier is a god of protection, defense, and war. His Niveau Maximum is first and foremost, a university.
sons are the professional army in Aroria and are charged Located in the heart of La Cambria, the tower is a beacon
with the safety and security of all. They are not to be of knowledge that draws scholars from all over Aroria
confused with police and do not meddle in the affairs and across the Barvassian Sea. The magicians who study
of state or attempt to influence criminal activities– the at Niveau call the tower home more often than not and
Sons focus on larger conflicts. Leadership is focused utilize its vast dormitories as a respite from their many
on building and maintaining the army to stand against adventures. Niveau Maximum is one of the most well
foriegn invaders, aberrations or undead from the respected entities in Aroria and their declarations and
underdark, and dragons who have decided that Aroria influence can be felt in all corners of the Mainland.
is their new home. You can expect that if a world
altering event occurs, the Sons of Bouclier will respond goals
to protect the Arorian way of life.
The school serves three purposes. First, Niveau is
dedicated to the collection and spread of knowledge.
goals Those who lead the university adamantly believe the
The Sons of Bouclier have one goal: Protect Aroria. key to Aroria’s prosperity is written in the books of
However, maintaining and running an army is easier their library. Second, fostering magical talent among the
said than done. Recruiting young men and women Arorian population and cultivating the advancement
into the soldiers lifestyle takes coin, and lots of it. The of the arcane arts. A predisposition to magic can
capital provides most of these funds from taxes paid by manifest anywhere at any time and the Gizli (Pg. 211),
Goldspire, but the Sons often accept gold from Great arcane scouts, identify individuals who possess such
Houses to settle border disputes or provide additional abilities and invite them to Niveau Maximum. Finally,
protection from a unique threat. Soldiers can be hired as the leadership at Niveau Maximum serves on the La
bodyguards for merchant caravans or as mercenaries for Cambrian high council. Traditionally, the Headmaster
a particularly dangerous endeavor. At times, these money of Niveau Maximum sits on the council, but primarily
making activities cause brothers to fight. Killing a fellow serves in an advisory role to many of the other council
Son is considered a great dishonor and in these situations, members.
the Sons of Bouclier always stop short of death.
relationships The intellectual advancements being made under the
The headquarters for the Sons of Bouclier is in La dome are admired by all and the curriculum alumni
Cambria and their General sits on the high council. The achieve mastery over is rigorous. As such, every Great
Sons keep Aroria and the capital city safe above all else. House on the mainland who can afford one has a former
Every major city has barracks for the Sons, but most student of Niveau on staff, some who have graduated and
of the Great Houses and settlements on the mainland some who have not. Students who secure these positions
reserve their forts and strongholds for personal guards or are often granted title and land to continue their academic
armies. In each of the four dukedoms, dormant fortresses pursuits. Life inside estate walls isn’t enough for many
are staffed with the barest of skeleton crews. These magicians. Students of Niveau Maximum can be found
footholds are large enough to house all the citizens in the among the Sparrowhawks, in adventuring parties or
surrounding area and support an army of 10,000 or more sailing the Barvassian Sea.
in times of war or global strife.
notable figures
notable figures Trid'illion Skyweaver
Brute Hammerjaw Elf He/Him, Duskworn. Current Headmaster of Niveau
Goliath He/Him, Duskworn. The mountain of a man is Maximum, Trid'illion Skyweaver is an archdruid from
a curt and sharp leader with a no-nonsense approach to the mountains of Vera. Brillant, but guarded, Trid'illion
all things. He has sat on the high council for nearly two has empowered the Gizli by doubling their numbers so
decades and his iron fist has kept Aroria from appearing they may find as many magical users as possible. He
vulnerable. Most of the Sons of Bouclier fear him. He has champions the idea that magic can be found in even the
a tactical mind for battle and a ferocity in single combat. most humble of beginnings.
It’s said that no soul has ever forced Hammerjaw to drop
his guard and his lone defeat as a commander was a
naval battle against the pirate king Stewart Arc. It was his
first engagement on the high seas and the pirate king’s
casualties forced him to fall back to his islands when all
was said and done. Many consider the battle a draw,
Brute calls it his greatest failure.

34 Stargazer’s Guide to Aroria

Platinum sanctuary
“To Watch, To Defend, To Live.” These are the ideals
that every member of the Platinum Sanctuary takes
up when they join the Apidea Order. Founded in New
Reach, the Platinum Sanctuary has always operated on
a small scale and is often unnoticed in regional affairs.
To those who do know them, the Platinum Sanctuary
is a beacon of security and wisdom, stalwart protectors
against the beasts surrounding New Reach and those
emerging from Death’s Door. The order is overseen by
Tillidain “Tilly” Silverscale, a short aasimar who loves
the thrill of adventure and delights in mentoring the
order’s members. Members of the order often roam
the world in pursuit of their ideals, protecting those in
need, promoting life and action, or finding a home and
watching over it for the remainder of their lives.

Founded by Tillidain Silverscale upon the discovery of Crest of the Platinum Sanctuary
Death’s Door, the Platinum Sanctuary’s primary goal is
to watch over the strange, abyssal doorway and protect
the world from the monsters within. All members of the
order are required to spend a minimum of two years
traveling the Death’s Door region, hunting monsters or
protecting those who are there. For many, the unending notable figures
adventure of Death’s Door is enough, and they continue Tillidain “Tilly” Silverscale
their career as permanent defenders of the region, but Aasimar She/Her, Pyrium. A short aasimar with brown
for others, they discover a need to see the world and skin, bleach white hair and silver eyes that appears in
to challenge the dangers beyond New Reach. Every her late 40s. Tilly is a boisterous, friendly individual
year, Tillidain tearfully sends away members to new with a knack for talking for long periods of time without
assignments throughout the world, reminding them realizing it. She is fiercely loyal to the other members of
of their vows. As a result, members of the Platinum the order and will often go out of her way to mentor or
Sanctuary can be found nearly anywhere in Aroria. support them as needed.

relationships Cameron Thistle

Half-Elf He/Him, Frostwane. Cameron is an average sized
The Platinum Sanctuary is well liked and often welcomed
half-elf in his early twenties. He is lithe and muscular,
anywhere it goes. Given their small scale and simple
giving off a demeanor of naivete when he talks with
values, the Platinum Sanctuary has few political alliances.
others. A new member of the order, Tillidain has taken
Instead, relationships with the Sanctuary are personal
him under her wing, training and mentoring him before
and many who meet a member of the order find a
his two years of service at Death’s Door begins. Cameron
devoted friend and valuable ally. Members of the order
is a willing and eager recruit, often looking for ways to
will often team up with other organizations in pursuit of
help others even when they are not the wisest decisions.
a common goal.

Duchess Clarrissa Rutherford,
Mainland Aroria Countess of the South, Queen of Ice
Half-Elf She/Her, Aurous. Duchess Rutherford’s estate
lies at the edge of the Arctic Desert within eyesight of
overview the Barvassian Sea. Her lands are bound by the southern
bank of the Languid River and stretch further south than
The Mainland is the largest of the three regions in anyone has ever been. Her lands are the largest of the
Aroria. Thousands of miles of farms, forests, and four Dukedoms, yet much of it is covered by the ice of the
riverlands are bordered by Krygos Lake to the north, Arctic Desert.
Vera’s Mountains to the east, and the Barvassian
Coastline to the west. Though it has fewer people overall The young Queen of Ice was titled by the many
than La Cambria, Elderguard, and Digbrand combined, vassals who are extremely loyal to her. Life in Duchess
the landmass is too vast to be governed by a singular Rutherford's domain is difficult and the Duchess
monarchy or these cities alone. A Peerage system exists leverages her political influence as a La Cambrian Council
with four Dukedoms at the corners of the Mainland Member to protect and improve the lives of those under
overseeing the Great Houses. While traveling in the her power. In her Dukedom, it is widely known that
mainland, Adventurers are expected to abide by the Great Houses who have suffered setbacks or tragedy in
sovereign laws of the Duke or Duchess and their vassals. the warmer months of the year may winter at her estate
in times of need. As a result Duchess Rutherford’s estate
goals routinely doubles or triples in size each winter as she
plays host to those most in need. Family matters most to
Dukedom goals and aspirations vary across the Mainland Duchess Rutherford and she considers all those in her
and between Great Houses. More nuanced desires can be Dukedom family.
found for the specific Dukedoms below, but all share the
universal desire to lead Aroria into prosperity. Duke Onvyr Ambrosia,
Marquis of the Barvassian Sea, The Kraken
dukes and duchesses Human He/Him, Lamentium. The Ambrosia lands are a
Duchess Gianna Demiadi, long stretch of coast from Elderguard to New Reach, the
Marquess of the North, The Dragon’s Bane great capital and port of La Cambria, and every island
Dragonborn She/Her, Lamentium. Duchess Demiadi is amid the Barvassian Sea. 98% of his territory is ocean and
a proud woman who is constantly forced to defend her it is the primary responsibility of the Marquis to protect
vassals from the armies of Agubonne to the north. She Aroria from invading armies across the sea and unknown
claims all lands north of Thrice as her own, including the threats beneath it.
great peak of Vera.
Duke Onvyr has the wildest heart of all the Dukes
In her youth, Duchess Demiadi was an exceptionally and Duchesses in Aroria. He does not keep a lavish or
adventurous Ironclaw commander. She and her calvary powerful estate, preferring to spend his life on the sea
of Ironclaw howlers rode Carom’s across the sprawling aboard his ship, The Admiral. He loves hunting pirates
grasslands and among the dark forests. Together, they and is committed to punishing those who threaten life
rooted out bandits, hunted dangerous criminals, and above and below the ocean. When he must take meetings
sang songs of freedom around campfires and under on dry land, he does so in La Cambria, in a small
stars. Those years of wanderlust are far behind her now. townhouse near the port. Occasionally, Duke Onvyr will
Now, the Marquess of the North spends most of her days dive deep into the libraries of Niveau Maximum, where
gathering her power for wars yet to come he studied as a young wizard, for weeks. When he’s done
researching, The Admiral sets sail for parts unknown and
Duke Damien Ullish, Earl of the East, Father of Wine the Duke isn’t seen for weeks or months at a time.
Human He/Him, Pyrium. The Ullish lands lie between
the northern and southern duchess and encompass the
vast majority of the Vera mountain range, the foothills
that surround it, and the Badlands stretching east. Sable is
the last piece of civilization in the desert that Duke Ullish
makes an effort to support but his jurisdiction extends as GM Note
far as the endless sands do. Transitions of power often occur while
Adventurers are present. If a Viscount
Duke Ullish is a young man with an old face. He has or Baroness transition occurs in your
spent his life living fast and drinking deeply. The game, consider the ramifications of a new
Badlands to the east are teeming with prehistoric heir to the Great House who may have a
creatures and dangers that he and his vassals must battle different ideal than their predecessor. For
in perpetuity. The vineyards in his valleys produce the instance, how might the people react when
famous Ullish Red wine that high scale taverns in Aroria a pious leader makes way for a lover of the
flaunt. So when the Father of Wine isn’t fighting raptors humanities or when a wealth driven Lord
and spitters, he can be found lounging and resting on his precedes a militaristic one?

36 Stargazer’s Guide to Aroria

Elderguard Family
The city of Elderguard is the jewel of the Barvassian
Sea and the Elderguard Family is its caretaker. The
ancient family of archfey feyfolk is as old as Aroria
itself and has dedicated its legacy to Elderguard’s
prosperity. Archfey enjoy incredibly long lifespans and
the stewards of Elderguard play the long game to ensure
the preservation of their society. The family always
rules in pairs. The first is a leader with thousands of
years of experience who ultimately decides the fate of
Elderguard and their lone heir. Occasionally there are
other members of the Elderguard family, but these two
bear the full responsibility of their families burden.

The preservation and prosperity of Elderguard is always
the number one priority for the Elderguard family. The
people of Elderguard are artistically inclined and enjoy
the benefits of an incredibly socialsit economy and the
family does everything it can to keep this true. Secretly,
the great serpent, Apep, lingers beneath the city and the
creating a great house family must continue to provide wealth to the dragon to
Dozens, if not hundreds of Barons and Viscounts maintain the safety of all Aroria.
serve as Vassals to each of the four Dukedoms and are
collectively known as the Great Houses. These houses relationships
wield power over several thousand, or tens of thousands Ensuring investments and relations with La Cambria and
of, acres and all the people who live there. All Great the Mainland stay profitable is pivotal to maintaining
Houses are titled for their namesake family and titles that lifestyle. The leader and heir of Elderguard are too
are passed on in a variety of ways. Great Houses often valuable to spend time in La Cambria, so they bestow
play pivotal roles in player backgrounds or can be used favor and wealth upon Great Houses in their domain
as the background for early level adventuring. Consider who can sit on the high council for the Aristocracy. Other
the following notes when creating a Great House to suit than those who owe fealty to Elderguard itself, the family
your needs. takes an isolationist approach to political affairs and will
typically let non-Elderguard matters remain that way.
House Name
The House name is always the last name of the family in
charge and comes with title and fealty. The most common
notable figures
title is Baron or Baroness, but a larger House may take on Rhea'illia Elderguard
the Viscount or Viscountess title. Feyfolk (Archfey) She/Her, Fleurtide. The Windwalker,
Rhea’illia is a fierce warrior and shimmering
Size conversationalist. She spent a thousand years as the
All Great Houses have well defined borders they oversee, heir to her father, Dorren, and garnered a tremendous
usually defined by natural landmarks like rivers or reputation among the people of Elderguard. She is
woods. In general, a smaller house will sprawl several confident, powerful, and recklessly protective of her
square miles, while a large house could oversee hundreds. people. Rhea’illia believes that Apep cannot be held in
check for too many more millennium and seeks to end the
Population ancient serpent before her reign is complete.
Depending on the resources and safety of the Great
House, the population density can very greatly. Usually,
a House will have at least 500 citizens to be considered a
part of the regency.

Leader Aspirations
Every Baron and Viscountess has a unique personality,
and each will prioritize different facets of power. This
bond should influence what this Great House is known
for and what value they can bring to the Duke or Duchess
of their region. Typically, a house will value one of
the following above all others: money, military, social
influence, religion, cultural arts, and family.

notable figures
Rylan's Gang Rylan Valchar
Tiefling He/Him, Waking. Rylan is a short tiefling that
overview appears to be in his late 20s. Rylan speaks with airy,
excitable charm that disguises the ruthless nature he
From back alley thieves to nobles or diplomats down possesses. Rylan is not evil but firmly believes in seizing
on their luck, Rylan’s Gang is a loose conglomerate of any and all opportunities before others. Rylan is happy
unlikely members unified by a singular goal: keep the with his current position in The Crossing and will work
status quo. Considered the de facto governing body hard to maintain his power.
in The Crossing, Rylan’s Gang reaps the benefits of
their power and prestige, actively stamping out any Vladimir Quill
resistance to their rule while keeping up pretenses of Dwarf He/Him, Pyrium. Accountant for Rylan’s Gang
their kindness and generosity. At the heart of this gang and Rylan’s right hand man. Nicknamed “The Quill,”
is Rylan Valchar, a charismatic and ruthless opportunist Vladimir has a bristling and antisocial personality. Often
with a penchant for winning or stealing the hearts and found scribbling behind a tower wall of receipts and
minds of those he meets. Having grown in prominence papers, the dwarf is renowned for his ability to remember
and notoriety, Rylan’s Gang is well known for its love of any number told to him and what it is related to. Moving
coin, duplicity, and loyalty. quietly through the ranks of Rylan’s Gang, Vladimir
became the teifling’s most trusted ally after saving Rylan
goals from an assassination attempt. In the process, Vladimir
lost the use of his legs and now travels via wheelchair.
“Keep things as they are, with us in control.” That is If Rylan is the charming face of his gang, Vladimir is the
the motto of nearly every member of Rylan’s Gang. extensive web of figures, plans, and schemes that cast
Maintaining strong control over the people of the a wide net of control across the city. No deal happens
Crossing, Rylan’s Gang seeks to keep their humble within the city without “The Quill” recording it.
fortress city and the surrounding land as it is and enjoy
the fruits of the people’s labor. Disinterested with
expansion, Rylan has positioned himself governor
and plans to keep it that way. As the gang grows and
shrinks, its members either leave the Crossing to seek
their own fortunes or are quietly removed when Rylan
believes them too ambitious for their own good. With the
population of the Crossing increasing, Rylan’s Gang has
begun to consider how to prevent the inevitable change
that comes with growth. At their core, the Gang seeks
stability and control.

Rylan’s Gang valuables relationships within and beyond
their small fortress city. Frequently making deals with
surrounding villages or cities, the Gang works to keep
their people safe, happy and docile. Their most valuable
agreements are with the capital city of La Cambria,
where they provide information about the goings on of
Aroria North in exchange for a handsome sum as well
as less formal dealings with the Sparrowhawks who
inform them of potential troubles on the roads leading
to and from The Crossing. Within the city, Rylan’s Gang
has a loose agreement with local merchants, demanding
a small tax on all transactions made in exchange for
protection. Those who are new to the city, or who
operate without making a connection quickly find
themselves “invited” to a conversation.

38 Stargazer’s Guide to Aroria

Guilds of thrice
Thrice is a city left to its own devices. Anyone who
spends enough time in the thiefdom will develop
connections with one of the three guilds of thrice: the
Rooks and Bishops, Northenders, or Coin Counters.
Each and every establishment in the city is owned or
operated by one of the guilds and any job an adventurer
would want is requested by one of them. While the
triumvirate claim Thrice as home, the guilds can be
found all over Aroria and their influence is felt in every
black market, quiet corner, and shadow soaked heist.

coin counters
“Coin Counters are all the same, they look at you in terms of
your weight in coins and it's hard to guess what plans they
have for you.”

northenders Crest of the Rooks & Bishops

“Northenders want you to run. They love the chase and love
catching you more. No one knows the streets better than
The guilds of Thrice try to fly under the radar as often
rooks and bishops as possible, but organized crime can only stay hidden
so long. The Sparrowhawks and Northenders have
“Only one thing is ever constant with the Rooks and an extremely strained relationship and often find
Bishops... nothing stays the same. Easier to divine the gods themselves at odds. Northender methods are often
than it is to know what a Rook and Bishop is thinking.” extremely aggressive and their presence is detrimental
to even the largest cities. The Coin Counters and
goals Goldspire are in the middle of an economic cold
Coin Counters war. Publically, Goldspire preaches the importance
Each of the guilds has their own secret and unique goal, of transparency in accounting and failure to do so is
but in general, the guilds tend to stick to what they immoral and destructive to the economy. Privately,
know best. The Coin Counters monitor and maintain the they’re jealous of the Coin Counters' secrecy.
various transactions and licenses granted throughout the
town. The coin counters favor those who are cunning notable figures
and smart, and their schemes are vast and complicated. Compassion
They believe that one day they will own every coin in Tiefling He/Him, Wisterius. Master of Compassion’s
Thrice, and take the city. Their headquarters are based in Counting House and Casino, pale blue eyes and feminine
Compassion’s Counting house. features. Calculating and precise, but unable to turn away
from a shining treasure.
Bouncers, brawlers, the Northenders act as the town’s Barrett "Pretty Face" Buxton
muscle, making sure that debts are paid and rent is Elf He/Him, Fleurtide. Tall and muscular, missing one
collected on time. The Northenders favor those who are hand. Beautiful face and long blond hair. Hard and loyal,
strong and quick, and their plans are straightforward but often tests the loyalty of those around him.
and blunt. They believe, correctly, that the other guilds
fear their strength and try to display it frequently. Their Lady Audrey Cast
headquarters are located in the north district of the town. Halfling She/Her, Rustium. Spectacles and multicolored
hair, with a series of short scars across her chest. Calm
Rooks and Bishops and kind, but changes interests and plans on a whim.
Wild and chaotic, the Rooks and Bishops are made up
of actors, artists, and story-tellers. This group acts as the
town’s entertainers and ambassadors, often drawing
crowds from outside the town, or smoothing over the
tensions when residents grow restless. The Rooks and
Bishops favor those with silver tongues and their plans
are ethereal and ever-changing. They believe that without
them, the town would never grow and that they will rule
through popular demand. Their headquarters are located
at Cast’s Stage.

40 Stargazer’s Guide to Aroria
the stars
Magical energy ebbs and flows through the universe
like the tide. The world of Aroria is influenced by the
gravitational energy of planets and moons, the position
of celestial bodies and stars, and the kinetic vibes of
rivers, mountains, air, and flame. All living creatures are
bound to this energy, one another, and the gods who Elements of the weave
manipulate it. Adventurers who travel to Aroria are not Second only to the stars, the natural energy of the world
defined by their astrological connections, but cannot in your immediate vicinity pushes you toward your
deny an affinity for their respective Element, Ruler and destiny, this energy is known as the Weave. The Weave is
Heir. All of this is determined by the exact and unique the magical energy that suffices the universe, and many
circumstances of one's birth. could argue that it has more bearing on your day-to-day
life than your Sign. This is partially true, however, while

signs your Sign and Circumstances are yours, and yours alone,
the Weave is shared. For this reason, it has less bearing on
your destiny.
The position of planets, stars, and moons on the day of
your birth are the greatest cosmic forces in Aroria and The Weave is divided into four source magics: Natural,
they define your Adventurer’s Sign. As these celestial Divine, Vibe, and Arcane. Natural magic is most often
bodies move around the sun, their exact positioning has associated with the Druids and ritualistic magic, but can
an impact on the world and can be felt by Adventurers in also be attributed to most alchemy and potion making.
a countless number of ways. There are twelve months in It is found deep in the ocean, lost in the woods, atop
the Arorian calendar, and the twelve astrological signs are mountains, and beside rivers. Divine magic was pushed
bound to each. The month you are born defines your sign into our weave by the gods and the infernal, and is the
as an Adventurer. most powerful raw magic in the Weave. Vibe is the
innate magic that exists in powerful creatures, across
Determining your Adventurers sign can be achieved the Feywild, and within your heart. We all tap into the
one of two ways– randomly or by design. Only you Vibe of our world in some way or another, and Vibe
can choose what is right for your player character. To signs more than any. The final element, Arcane magic,
randomly select your Sign, roll a 1d12 and consult the is in itself, not a source of magic, but it is the control and
Sign Table below. Otherwise, you may choose a Sign that manipulation of the other three source magics.
best fits your desired character concept. Refer to your
Sign specific details on the referenced page to further Natural Signs mesh well with Divine Signs. The ritualistic
expand upon your character.
and traditional nature of the two Elements creates a
mutual understanding of how each taps into the Weave.
Sign Table Vibe Signs connect with Arcane Signs. The Vibe can
be difficult to understand, and Arcane Signs relish the
1 Fleurtide Flaming Ram, Vibe, Aries opportunity to understand them. Conversely, Natural
Signs are disconnected from Arcane signs. They often see
2 Wisterius Muse of Reverie, Natural, Taurus the need for control or manipulation as a fruitless goal at
best, and an egregious assault at worst. Arcane signs look
3 Sunbask Swindle Twins, Arcane, Gemini at the wild Natural Sign and wonder how they can exist
in that state of chaos. Divine and Vibe signs are at war as
4 Aurous Dawning Moon, Divine, Cancer well. Vibe signs prefer to accept the world for what it is
and have no need for purpose or goal, while the Divine
5 Pyrium Firelight Assembly, Vibe, Leo Signs can find meaning and destiny in even the most
mundane coincidences. The Arcane Signs sometimes feel
6 Soulstice Hive, Natural, Virgo disconnected from the other Elements of the Weave, since
they are not innately part of it and are the furthest away
7 Rustium Honest Seraph, Arcane, Libra from the Weave itself. Of all the Elements, Vibe Signs can
be considered a personification of the Weave itself. As
8 Duskworn Hand of Retribution, Divine, Scorpio such, Vibe is the most universal Sign and can most closely
relate to the Weave and other Elements in turn.
Stag Who Knows All Paths, Vibe
9 Lamentium
Forge of the Covenant, Natural,
10 Waking
11 Rimewomb Wandering Star, Arcane, Aquarius

12 Frostwane Oracle, Divine, Pisces

Fleurtide | aries
Fleurtide is a natural Adventurer. A quintessential
type-a personality, they are action-first Adventurers with
endless reserves of energy and can always be found at the
head of a pack. They have the natural grit, competitive
desire, and burning passion to be first in all things.
Socially, the Fleurtide’s personality is contagious and
they strive to make quick friends with other Adventures,
often successfully. They can be aggressive when more
rational party members mistake their desire for speed
as impatience. The Fleurtide is inexorable, and will
sometimes put their desires and goals above that of the
party. To the Fleurtide, there is only one way forward– Zodiac Association | Aries
their way, right now, with everything they have. Destiny Weave | Vibe
pulls Fleurtide in a singular direction their whole life, and Compatibility | Waking, Wisterius
that is the only justification a Fleurtide needs to uproot Symbology | Flaming Ram
everything they are and run.
As the youngest element of Vibe, Fleurtide shines the
brightest. They are the wide open flame of a bonfire
as it soars after being doused with oil or gas. Fleurtide bonds and flaws
is a high-tempo song in a rowdy tavern with drinks
flowing and infectious dancing. It is easy to get caught Regardless of their Ruler, all Fleurtide Signs share similar
up in their passionate disposition. Their aura reaches ideals and flaws. Determining your Bond and Flaw can be
the furthest into their social circle and can easily engulf achieved one of two ways– randomly or by design. Only
those who dare venture too close. Party members may you can choose what is right for your player character.
find themselves dedicated to a Fleurtide cause without To randomly select your Bond, roll 1d4 and consult the
motivation or explanation– It’s just the right thing to do. Fleurtide Bond Table below. To randomly select your
Regardless of a party member's motivations, the Fleurtide Flaw, roll 1d4 and consult the Fleurtide Flaw Table below.
can see their own desires reflected in them, as if they are Otherwise, you may choose the Bond and Flaw that best
looking in a magic mirror. As a result, party members fits your desired character concept.
around the Fleurtide feel as though they have “found”
themselves when around the Fleurtide, and the Fleurtide
can cultivate this realization toward its own goals. Fleurtide Bond

manifestation 1 Something calls to me. I will seek it in this life and the next.
Fleurtide manifests in Aroria as the Flaming Ram. It’s
coat is typically snow white, representing the purity of
The two most valuable things in the world are the
simple truths, and the horns are flaming, showcasing the 2
admiration of a crowd, and the gratitude of a friend.
leading passion Fleurtide follows throughout their life.
The Flaming Ram can appear to Fleurtide Adventurers at
a life changing moment or decision. It is a call to action, a I love a good race, or any competition for that matter. I
symbol that destiny is inviting the Fleurtide to pursue their 3 believe you don’t truly know someone until you have
passion regardless of consequences. It does not appear competed against them.
randomly or out of place. It would not appear on the open
sea or on an airship. The Flaming Ram prefers to manifest
among a herd of sheep, a sign to stand out in the crowd or I have a patron that supports my adventuring lifestyle. We
go against the grain, or alone on a mountainside, a call of don’t always agree, but their gold keeps me on my path.
determination for a road less traveled.

For players, seeing the Flaming Ram is the reason many Fleurtide Flaw
Fleurtide choose to become Adventurers, using it as an
excuse to set out on the open road. Sheltered Fleurtide 1
I am the greatest Adventurer to ever live, and I will prove
may be seeking the Ram while searching and looking it– one way, or another.
for destiny and purpose. Finally, it can be a reason for
characters to stop Adventuring, recognizing a new pursuit The third option in negotiations is to fight. Right after
is more important than their vagabond lifestyle. doing it my way, and them getting out of the way.

For gamemasters, the Flaming Ram can demand a change

out of indecisive players, allowing them to take the stage You are either with me, or against me– there is no
and create character defining moments. Fleurtide NPCs 3
may easily justify their actions because of an encounter
with the Flaming Ram. Alternatively, all Adventurers in
Aroria should have heard of the Flaming Ram and parties I am easily frustrated when asked to wait and will do
who lack a Fleurtide among them may witness the Flaming 4
everything in my power to avoid it.
Ram at pivotal moments in your campaign.

42 Stargazer’s Guide to Aroria

Special | Vernal Equinox
The Vernal Equinox falls on the new moon of Fleurtide. It
marks the first day of spring, the start of a new year, and
is one of two days during the year when day and night
are the same length– Autumnal Equinox. Fleurtide Signs
always have the chance to be born on the Winter Solstice.

To determine if your Fleurtide Adventurer was born on

the Vernal Equinox, roll 1d20. On the result of a 20 on the
die, your date of birth becomes the 1st of Fleurtide, and
when you start your turn with more than 0 hit points, you
gain 1d4+1 hit points. Fleurtide Manifestation by Stephen Nickel

Fleurtide - The Flaming Ram
Huge Celestial, Chaotic Neutral Actions
Multiattack. Fleurtide makes three attacks, one with its Hooves,
Armor Class 23 Natural one with its Horns, and one Flaming Vibe
Hit Points 533 (26d20 + 260)
Speed 60 ft., 120ft. Fly Hooves. Fleurtide crushes a creature within range. +18 to hit,
range 20ft, 26 (3d8 +10) Bludgeoning damage. If the creature is
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA Large or smaller, the creature makes a Strength Saving Throw. On
30 (+10) 22 (+6) 30 (+10) 18 (+4) 18 (+4) 22 (+6) failure, the creature is pushed into the ground, knocked Prone,
and Restrained. On a successful save, the creature is pushed
Saving Throws STR +18, CON +18, CHA +14 back 10 ft..
Damage Resistances Psychic
Damage Immunities Radiant, Fire, Bludgeoning, Piercing, Horns. Fleurtide gorges a creature within range. +18 to hit, range
Slashing from Non-Magical Weapons 10ft, 30 (5d8 +10) Bludgeoning damage. If Fleurtide moves 10ft
Condition Immunities Charmed, Frightened, Grappled, in a straight line before making this attack, the creature takes an
Paralyzed, Poisoned, Stunned, Exhausted additional 22 (5d8) Bludgeoning damage.
Senses Truesight 300ft, Passive Perception 17
Languages All Flaming Vibe. Fleurtide hurls a fireball at a point it can see
Proficiency Bonus +8 within 120ft. All creatures within 20ft of the point make a
Challenge 26 (90,000 XP) Strength Saving Throw (DC 23). On failure, the creature catches
fire and takes 14 (3d8) Fire damage at the start of their turn.
Legendary Resistance (4/day). When Fleurtide fails a Saving Creatures who are on fire in this way have disadvantage on
throw, it can choose to succeed instead. Attack Rolls and Ability Checks. Creatures may take an Action to
end this condition.
Divine Form. Fleurtide’s Avatar form cannot be altered by
magical means unless it chooses to allow it. Once summoned,
Fleurtide cannot be forced from its current plane of existence
Legendary Actions
unless it chooses to allow it. Fleurtide can choose to be any Fleurtide can take 4 legendary actions, choosing from the options
size, from Tiny to Gargantuan, but is always treated as if it below. Only one legendary action option can be used at a time and
were Gargantuan. only at the end of another creature's turn. Fleurtide regains spent
legendary actions at the start of its turn.
Element: Vibes. Fleurtide automatically succeeds on any
magical or non-magical effect that forces a Strength saving Attack. (1 Action) Fleurtide can use one of its attack options
throw. Spells and magical effects of 5th level and lower have no listed above.
effect on Fleurtide, even if cast using a spell slot of a higher level.
Fleurtide's attacks are magical. Flare. (2 Actions) Fleurtide releases a flaming cloud of smoke
in all directions. Creatures with 30 ft of Fleurtide take 14 (3d8)
Scorching Earth. When Fleurtide drops to zero hit points, or Fire Damage and make a Constitution Saving Throw (DC 23). On
its purpose is complete, the Avatar explodes and each creature failure, the creature is Blinded until the start of its next turn.
within 60ft must make a Strength Saving Throw (DC 23). On
failure, creatures take 70 (20d6) Fire damage and 70 (20d6) Cauterize. (2 Actions). Fleurtide ends all conditions on itself and
Bludgeoning Damage or half as much on a successful save. gains 20 (2d20)+10 Hit Points.
Creatures and objects that drop to zero hit points in this way are
turned to dust. Charge. (1 Action) Fleurtide takes the Dash action.

Siege Monster. Fleurtide does double damage to structures

and objects

Hot-Headed. Creatures who strike Fleurtide with a melee attack

take 1d8 Fire damage.

Flame Breath (Recharge 5-6). Fleurtide breathes Vibes in a 90-

foot cone. Each creature in that area must make a Strength Saving
Throw (DC 23). On failure, creatures take 45 (10d8) Bludgeoning
damage and 45 (10d8) Fire damage or half as much damage on a
successful one.

44 Stargazer’s Guide to Aroria

Summoning Ritual
Those who summon Fleurtide are seeking strength,
power, and the sheer force of will to achieve their
goals. The raw power of the Flaming Ram can be
summoned from anywhere in Aroria, but simply
calling to and wanting something is not sufficient
to bring Fleurtide to your side, one must convince
Fleurtide that your cause is worthy. To summon
Fleurtide, complete the following steps.

step one
Begin at dawn. Travel a stretch of road that is at least 10
miles long that leads to a fork in the road. Where the road
meets the fork, construct an altar using only ram horns.

step two
Over the altar, lay an article of clothing or piece of
equipment you were wearing when you died for this
cause, a reminder of why you began this journey, and all
things that hold you back.

step three
On the back of an Ancient Red Dragon’s Scale, use
adamantium to carve a command to Fleurtide that will
resolve your cause. This command must be fewer than
25 words and accomplishable in your lifetime. Place the
dragon’s scale and adamantium on the altar and douse
the entire altar with water from a non-magical source.

step four
Light a single candle and place it at the base of the altar,
do not add oil, do not use magic, do not coax the fire in
any way.

step five
Speak out loud and state your case to Fleurtide. Convince a
ruling power of the universe to come to your side, do your
bidding, and fight for your cause. Speak with passion and
conviction and demand the stars burn for you.

This works best if you are a Fleurtide and speak Celestial.

As you speak, the altar will begin to burn, if it is
consumed in full, Fleurtide will appear to you. Fleurtide
will remain until the task written on the dragon’s scale is
complete or it has been reduced to zero hit points. If the
candle has been lit, but the altar has not been consumed
by sundown, the altar bursts into flames as per Fleurtide’s
Scorching Earth feature and you may never attempt the
summoning of Fleurtide again.

Stargazer’s Guide tobyAroria
Manifestation Katherine Souza
Wisterius | taurus
Those born under Wisterius lead lives in pursuit of
comfort. This can take many forms, but often they
dedicate themselves to the pursuit of wealth and luxury
itself. Some might clutch their pearls at the idea of an
adventurer motivated by financial gain, but a Wisterian
considers themself a resident of the real world, and they
work hard for their creature comforts.
Wisterius is a member of the Natural weave, and
individuals may very well find their comfort more in
the beauty and bounty of the land than the coffers of the
bank. Even the most miserly among them still believe
there is beauty worth cherishing in dew on the grass,
the first buds of spring, or a dandelion boldly growing Zodiac Association | Taurus
through a crack in the pavement. Many are capable Weave | Natural
gardeners or herbalists. Others may devote themselves Compatibility | Aurous, Duskworn
to cooking or brewing, though even those who do not Symbology | Muse of Reverie
train in these crafts tend to admire and appreciate a well-
cooked meal or a fine vintage wine.
They are generally gracious, well-dressed, and well-
groomed. They are by nature calm and well-mannered, Wisterius Bond
but are not to be underestimated. Once a Wisterian has
set their mind to a belief or a path, even the gods could All I want is to be unimaginably wealthy. Is that so much
do very little to sway them from it. Poking and prodding 1
to ask?.
at their decisions or demanding access to things the
Wisterian has deemed private will quickly introduce you I have a family to look after, and there is not enough
to the Wisterian wall of stony silence. Any party would 2 money back home. Everything I do is to provide them a
benefit from the level-headed stability of an adventurer secure and comfortable life.
born under this sign.
manifestation I was barred from wedding my first love due to my low
The Muse of Reverie manifests as a trap or reprieve. position and lack of resources.
It is a place or environment more than it is a creature
or object. Dreamy and ethereal, it’s a place you never
want to leave and compels itself to the base desires of
I was looked down on in the town I grew up in. One day
our hearts. This could be a bountiful garden, a ship that
I’ll return there, and show all those rich snobs that I’m
never makes port, a bountiful island or lagoon. The Muse 4
their better now. The best revenge is living well and
of Reverie enhances these places as a place for recovery making others watch you do it.
or a distraction. Occasionally, the Muse of Reverie will
appear in one of these places as a minotaur to test the
determination of the Wisterius.

For players, the Muse is an opportunity to showcase vices Wisterius Flaw

and flaws that otherwise perfect characters may have.
The Wisterius who finds the Muse has an opportunity to I am immensely bullheaded and not particularly
define their character more thoroughly and display how 1
interested in hearing other points of view.
determined they can be.

For gamemasters, in addition to the plot implications a Practicality comes first ‒ I didn’t set down this path
trap like this could provide, the Eden you create for players 2 out of charity, and it would take a hell of a sob story to
is a chance to invite party members to engage with one sway me.
another in a safe and ideal environment. The limits to how
inviting it can be are limited only by your imagination and
downtime spent here can be a welcome change up from an I am lazy and unashamed. I revel in doing the bare
intense arc in your campaign. minimum.

bonds and flaws

All Wisterius Signs share similar ideals and flaws. My dislike for change lets me turn a blind eye to the
Determining your Bond and Flaw can be achieved one of 4 people who suffer under the current conditions. It would
two ways– randomly or by design. Only you can choose be easier for me if they stopped complaining.
what is right for your player character. To randomly
select your Bond, roll 1d4 and consult the Wisterius Bond
Table below. To randomly select your Flaw, roll 1d4 and
consult the Wisterius Flaw Table below. Otherwise, you
may choose the Bond and Flaw that best fits your desired
character concept.
Wisterius - Fylaki
Gargantuan Celestial, Neutral Good the creature experiences may coax it one direction or another.
Creatures who succeed on this check are immune to The Fylaki's
Armor Class 30 Natural Inexorable Charm until the next Dawn.
Hit Points 210 (28d4 + 140)
Speed 60 ft. After 10 days, The Fylaki may choose to extend the charm
regardless of the charmed creatures location. If it chooses to
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA maintain the charm, the creature repeats the Charisma Saving
20 (+5) 20 (+5) 20 (+5) 20 (+5) 20 (+5) 30 (+10) Throw (DC 24). The creature may also end this effect by finding
the poppy flower hidden within the illusion.
Senses Darkvision 120, Passive Perception 20
Languages All Actions
Proficiency Bonus +8
Multiattack. The Fylaki makes two attacks, one with its Fist, one
Challenge 28 (120,000 XP)
with it's Trample.
Legendary Resistance (4/day). When the Fylaki fails a Saving
Fist. The Fylaki punches a creature within range. +18 to hit,
Throw, it can choose to succeed instead.
range 5ft., 15 (1d8 +10) Bludgeoning damage.
Divine Form. When Wisterius' Divine Avatar form is summoned,
Trample. The Fylaki takes the Dash action in a straight line,
The Fylaki appears. The Fylaki's form cannot be altered by
treating creatures in it's path as difficult terrain. Creatures on
magical means unless it chooses to allow it. The Fylaki cannot
this path make a Charisma Saving Throw (DC 24). On failure,
be forced from its current plane of existence unless it chooses
creatures fall prone and are paralyzed until the end of their
to allow it. The Fylaki can choose to be any size, from Tiny to
next turn.
Gargantuan, but is always treated as if it were Gargantuan.

Element: Natural. The Fylaki automatically succeeds on any Reactions

magical or non-magical effect that forces a Charisma Saving Divine Retribution. When The Fylaki is hit with an Attack Action
Throw. Spells and magical effects of 5th level and lower have no or Spell Effect, The Fylaki can force the creature to make a
effect on The Fylaki, even if cast using a spell slot of a higher level. Charisma Saving Throw (DC 24). On failure, the creature takes 18
The Fylaki'a attacks are magical. (4d8) Psychic Damage.

Unstoppable Force. The Fylaki can move through the same

physical space of creatures Huge and smaller. When The Fylaki Legendary Actions
moves through a creature in this way, the creature takes 14 (4d6) The Fylaki can take 4 legendary actions, choosing from the options
Bludgeoning Damage. below. Only one legendary action option can be used at a time and
only at the end of another creature's turn. The Fylaki regains spent
Inexorable Charm. The Fylaki targets a creature it can see legendary actions at the start of its turn.
within 30 ft. and forces it to make a Charisma Saving Throw (DC
24). On failure, the creature is Charmed by The Fylaki for 10 days. Unsettling Image. (2 Actions). The Fylaki sends a disturbing or
While Charmed in this way, the creature's perception of the world enticing image into the mind of creature it can see within 60 ft.
is lost to The Fylaki's whim and it experiences reality in any way The creature makes a Charisma Saving Throw (DC 24). On failure,
The Fylaki wishes. The creature maintains its free will and is not the creature takes 16 (3d10) Psychic Damage and is Frightened or
under The Fylaki's direct control, but the illusions and influence Charmed by The Fylaki, it's choice, until the end of its next turn.

48 Stargazer’s Guide to Aroria

Summoning Ritual
Wisterius is associated with the Muse of Reverie
and the city of Sunspell, but there is more than
dreamy relaxation to the Sign. Wisterius values
autonomy and will seek to remove oppressors
and lead the charge to freedom. Wisterius doesn't
care what you do with your time, what your
purpose in life is, or what mortal laws you've
broken, if free will is taken away from you, it will
unleash the Fylaki to right the wrongs.

The Fylaki is a minotaur like entity that can

be found in the northern city of Sunspell. The
Avatar prefers to lounge in the decadence of
Sunspell and rarely leaves its sanctuary. The
Fylaki wants to do absolutely nothing. It has a
stubborn desire to enjoy the apathy within weeks
and months of an empty schedule. The Fylaki
will fight for your right to do whatever you want,
but only if your need is greater than its will.

Adventurers who need Wisterius to draw The

Fylaki from it's reverie must visit The Fylaki
in Sunspell and rouse the immovable. First,
Adventurers must enter it's reverie and survive
The Fylaki's Charm. This works best by finding
the poppy seed within the charm and destroying
it. Once the charm is broken, you have The
Fylaki's attention. Adventurer's must then
present an individual who has been directly
affected by the loss of autonomy to tell their
story. Finally, Adventurers must bind themselves
to The Fylaki for the duration of the quest to
right this wrong. Failure to complete any of these
requirements may send adventurers spiraling
back into the Fylaki's charm.

Sunbask | gemini
Sunbask is where social encounters meet the exploration
pillar of play. They love to explore and adventure
throughout the world and ravenously seek new
experiences. They love to meet new people and are quick
to entangle their lives with the adventures of others. This
desire to expand their horizon leads to a fear of missing
out and can cause a Sunbask to abandon a quest as
quickly as they attach to it. This dual nature leads to fickle
Adventurers who struggle to earn the trust of others.
There is never enough time for a Sunbask. There is always
something calling a Sunbask further into parts unknown, Zodiac Association | Gemini
and always a piece of them that wants to stay home. That Weave | Arcane
being said, party members who learn to love the duality Compatibility | Lamentium, Rimewomb
of a Sunbask may find two treasured friends instead of Symbology | Swindle Twins
one, and the joy in their life is multiplied.
As the first element of Arcane, Sunbask is the rampant
curiosity that drives inquisitive minds. They are
relentless in their pursuit to know what is out in the
world and are determined to find out. They make Sunbask Bond
fantastic archaeologists, cartographers, and authors.
When you find a lost journal whose notations are paired 1
I have a friend or family member who is closer to me than
with maps, theories, and wild speculations, you can be anyone.
assured it once belonged to a Sunbask. The duality of the
Sunbask shows in their academic pursuits as well. They Someone or something is out there waiting for me. I can
are specialists in their field, preferring to seek all the never be truly happy until I find it.
intricacies of their chosen field while maintaining an aloof
disposition to curiosities outside of their discipline.
3 I love dogs (or cats) and hate cats (or dogs).
The Swindle Twins manifest in natural lifelong pairs.
Lovebirds, penguins, grey wolves, foxes, any mammal An academic organization I represent has entrusted
that typically mates for life is a common manifestation of 4 me with a once-in-a-generation assignment. It’s more
important to me than anything else in my life.
the Swindle Twins. The Twins are said to be the original
source of Doppelgangers, but no one knows for sure. The
Twins manifest most often in situations where secrets and
lies are being hidden. As tricksters, they seek to be the
cause of self-incrimination or sabotage. Sunbask Flaw

For Sunbask players, the manifestation of the Swindle There’s a part of me that I’ve hidden from everyone I’ve
Twins are found in all corners of the world. Rather, the ever known, physical or emotional.
Sunbask will find the Swindle Twins in everything, seeing
both sides of any situation and may imagine them even
I don’t understand people who can’t let go and move on
when they aren’t there. 2
from situations and people easily.
For gamemasters, the Swindle Twins appear as a warning
or signal that something is wrong. They make mischief
for those in power who are corrupt and will continue to 3 It’s hard for me to call a place home.
do so until something is done about it.

bonds and flaws Everything is so temporary. Nothing seems to matter. If it

All Sunbask Signs share similar ideals and flaws. won’t matter in 5 years, it doesn’t matter today.
Determining your Bond and Flaw can be achieved one of
two ways– randomly or by design. Only you can choose
what is right for your player character. To randomly
select your Bond, roll 1d4 and consult the Sunbask Bond
Table below. To randomly select your Flaw, roll 1d4 and
consult the Sunbask Flaw Table below. Otherwise, you
may choose the Bond and Flaw that best fits your desired
character concept.

50 Stargazer’s Guide to Aroria

Swindle Twins Manifestation by Nidhi Naroth
Sunbask - The Swindle Twins
Gargantuan Celestial, Chaotic Good communicate telepathically with the creature. Creatures may
attempt to reject this connection by making a Intelligence Saving
Armor Class 18 Natural Throw (DC 25). On a successful check, the creature is immune
Hit Points 276 (29d6 + 174) to the effects of Connected Minds until the next dawn. Creatures
Speed 30 ft., Fly 60 ft. may not attempt this save more than once per day.


18 (+4) 28 (+9) 22 (+6) 30 (+10) 26 (+8) 30 (+10)
Multiattack. Sunbask makes three attacks, two with its Cerebral
Saving Throws INT +19, WIS +17, CHA +19 Dagger and then uses Mind Shatter if it can.
Damage Resistances Bludgeoning, Piercing, and Slashing from
Cerebral Dagger. Sunbask reaches into the mind of up to three
Nonmagical Attacks
creatures under the effect of it's Connected Mind feature. The
Damage Immunities Psychic
creatures must make an Intelligence Saving Throw (DC 25). On
Condition Immunities Blinded, Charmed, Deafened, Paralyzed
failure, the creatures take 21 (6d6) Psychic Damage and gain
Senses Darkvision 120, Truesight 30, Passive Perception 26
3 (1d4) Shatter Points. On success, creatures take half as much
Languages All
damage and gain no Shatter Points.
Proficiency Bonus +9
Challenge 29 (135,000 XP)
Mind Shatter (Recharge 5-6). Sunbask targets a creature it
can see with Shatter Points. The creature makes an Intelligence
Legendary Resistance (4/day). When Sunbask fails a Saving
Saving Throw (DC 25). On failure, the creatures Intelligence
Throw, it can choose to succeed instead.
Score is decreased by the number of Shatter Points it currently
has. The Shatter points a creature has are not decreased with this
Divine Form. Sunbask's Avatar form cannot be altered by
effect and creatures who reach a Intelligence Score of zero in this
magical means unless it chooses to allow it. Once summoned,
way become incapacitated. This ability score decrease may not be
Sunbask cannot be forced from its current plane of existence
restored by any means outside of Wish.
unless it chooses to allow it. Sunbask can choose to be any size,
from Tiny to Gargantuan, but is always treated as if it were
Gargantuan. Reactions
Now You See Me. When Sunbask is hit with a Weapon Attack
Element: Arcane. Sunbask automatically succeeds on any or Spell Attack, it may duplicate its form 1d4+1 times. These
magical or non-magical effect that forces a Intelligence Saving forms appear anywhere within 30 ft. of Sunbask. Sunbasks then
Throw. Spells and magical effects of 5th level and lower have no chooses any the new forms becomes its true form. Duplicates
effect on Sunbask, even if cast using a spell slot of a higher level. may be identified with a successful Investigation Check (DC 25)
Sunbask's attacks are magical. or by dealing damage to the duplicate. All duplicates move in
unison with the true form until they are destroyed or dispelled.
The Twins. Sunbask's Divine Avatar is a single creature, but
appears as two identical creatures– only one of which is real. Now You Don't. When Sunbask ends it's turn, it may turn
Sunbask and the illusory twin appear visually, tactilely, and invisible until the start of it's next turn.
auditorily the same and are indistinguishable from one another
outside of Truesight or similar magic. Sunbask perceives the
world simultaneously through the eyes of both its avatar and the Legendary Actions
illusion, it can make attacks and cast spells through both, but can Sunbask can take 4 legendary actions, choosing from the options
only take damage or be forced into saving throws which target below. Only one legendary action option can be used at a time and
the true form. Effects and attacks that target the illusion miss or only at the end of another creature's turn. Sunbask regains spent
fail automatically. legendary actions at the start of its turn.

Blackmail Hounds. Sunbask can duplicate the form of any Cerebral Daggers. (1 Action) Sunbask can use its Cerebral
creature it has seen perfectly. The assimilation of this form Daggers attack against a target within range.
is so thorough, Sunbask assumes the creatures personality,
identifying mannerisms, and memories the creature has made Gardener. (1 Action) Sunbask attempts to recharge Mind Shatter.
in the last thirty days. Sunbask can dive into the entirety of the
creatures memory and subconscious by establishing physical Tricksy. (2 Actions). Sunbask switches places with its illusion or
touch with the creature. any illusions it has created.

Connected Minds. Sunbask establishes a tether between Plant the Seeds. (3 Actions). Any number of creatures of
its mind and all creatures within 120 ft. of its true form. Sunbask's choosing under the influence of the Connected Minds
While connected in this way, Sunbask experiences the world feature make an Intelligence Saving Throw (DC 25). On failure, the
through the eyes and ears of all connected creatures and itself creatures gain 3 (1d4) Shatter Points.
simultaneously, can read the creatures active thoughts, and may

52 Stargazer’s Guide to Aroria

Summoning Ritual
Unlike the other Divine Avatars, Sunbask cannot
be summoned by mortality. The chaotic nature
of the Swindle Twins draws them to secrets–
especially those held by high ranking officials
or clergy members. The more scandalous the
secret is, the more likely Sunbask is to manifest
in Aroria. Discovering the secret is child's play
for Sunbask. It can sense embarrassment locked
hidden away in a creature's mind and it only
needs to get close to the creature to pry their
mind open.

Knowing the secret is only half the fun though.

The Swindle Twins take the secret and share it
with Adventurers and locals who present the
best opportunity for fun and chaos. Sometimes,
Sunbask will hold the secret hostage, asking
party's to prove their chaotic worthiness before
spilling the beans. Rarely, the secret isn't as fun,
and Sunbask discovers something truly world
altering. In these situations, Sunbask seeks only
the most altruistic of heroes to share secrets
with, allowing them to influence the future of
the free world.

Aurous Manifestation by Katherine Souza

54 Stargazer’s Guide to Aroria

Aurous | Cancer
Those born under the Sign of Aurous are guardians by
nature. Aurous is a member of the Divine weave and are
often called to adventure by a higher power. This could
be a church, but it is equally likely for an Aurian to stake
their identity in their homeland, culture, or family tree.
They are keepers of history and consider themselves
stewards of memory.
Aurian Adventurers are deeply nostalgic and sentimental,
and they may be haunted by the loss of a home. They are
often initially closed off to new people and experiences,
Zodiac Association | Cancer
but once an acquaintance has become a friend, and then
Weave | Divine
family, an Aurian would walk the globe to get them the
blade of grass they wanted. They are drawn to care for Compatibility | Pyrium, Rustium
those who cannot care for themselves, often children, Symbology | Dawning Moon
but sometimes just those that the Aurian has decided are
not making the best decisions for themselves. Though
generally compassionate and gentle, they have a steel-
wrought spine and unshakeable beliefs on the correct and Aurous Bond
incorrect way to lead one's life.
Their skills tend to lie in whatever their home of origin 1 Everything I do, I do for my family back home.
expected of them ‒ an Aurian born to a carpenter would
spend years mastering the craft; born to a land of war,
they would mold themselves into a formidable martial My people have lost their homeland, and I am working
to preserve our culture and find us a new home.
combatant. Those born into a more quiet life often devote
their energy to home-making, cooking, and weaving.
Whatever task they set themselves, they hope their
ancestors would be proud. I am the last in my family line, and I will carry on its
noble traditions.
For adventurers, you can witness her yourself, as the last My people are persecuted or in hiding, and all I do is to
of the moon visible in the sky as a new day dawns. Some 4
protect them.
claim to have seen her in a more defined form, as a vision
of a woman, nestled in the crescent of the moon. The
woman glows in reflected light, all white and grey, with
kind eyes but armored, chitinous skin, like mother-of-pearl. Aurous Flaw
She watches over the world and remembers everything: she
remembers you as you once were, and she loves you for it, There is always a rain cloud over my head, and I am often
but she also remembers every grudge she could ever hold. melancholy.

Gamemasters, the Dawning Moon is a guardian of lost Most people I know are living their life incorrectly, and if
and forgotten things. The party may find her a defender of 2
they took my advice they would be much happier.
a lost land or a discarded people. She is a fundamentally
loving figure, but she is stern and unbending, as all
parents must sometimes become. She does not care for I am suspicious of strangers, especially anyone who
capriciousness, and will firmly remind characters where 3 comes from a culture I do not understand. It takes me a
they came from, and the promises they have made. long time to accept people who are not just like me.

bonds and flaws

4 I often feel a failure, and I am hounded by insecurity.
All Aurous Signs share similar ideals and flaws.
Determining your Bond and Flaw can be achieved in
one of two ways– randomly or by design. Only you
can choose what is right for your player character. To
randomly select your Bond, roll 1d4 and consult the
Aurous Bond Table below. To randomly select your
Flaw, roll 1d4 and consult the Aurous Flaw Table below.
Otherwise, you may choose the Bond and Flaw that best
fits your desired character concept.

pyrium | leo
Many of the grand heroes spoken of in folktales and
shared through bard song were adventurers born under
the Sign of Pyrium. For them, the promise of acclaim
was their original call to adventure. Pyrians likely grew
up dazzled by such tales, imagining themselves in the
shoes of the great heroes of old. There’s nothing they
love more than a good story, and they revel in their
chance to live one.
Pyrian adventurers tend to like to be looked at, and
fortunately for them, they tend to be easy on the eyes.
They are almost universally charming and attractive
people, with a cocky glint to their eye and youth that has Zodiac Association | Leo
nothing to do with age. The time not spent on daring-do Weave | Vibe
is commonly dedicated to recreation ‒ games, but also Compatibility | Rimewomb, Sunbask
art, storytelling, and, often, romance. Pyrians believe in Symbology | Firelight Assembly
enjoying life, loving easily, generously, and often, and
they love their friends and party members nearly as much
as they love themselves.
Pyrium is a member of the Vibe weave, meaning these Pyrium Bond
adventurers find power and purpose within themselves.
Their sometimes frivolous appearance may not let on My exploits will go down in the history books, and the
just how deep their roots go. Their principles are iron- 1
whole world will tell my story.
clad, and they approach opposition with discipline and
determination alongside their zealous passion. There is
an innate dignity to the Adventurer born under the sign 2 I want to be just like the heroes I read about growing up.
of Pyrium, regardless of whether they choose to present
themselves as a rakish playboy or a sparkling debutante.

manifestation 3
Life is a game, and I’m an excellent player. I get what I
want and have fun doing it.
When stories are told, something magical entrances the
audience and immerses them in a world that is not their
own. The Firelight Assembly is the manifestation of I’m looking to make someone in particular proud -- they
this feeling, and manifests as noticeable changes to the 4
think the world of me, and I want to live up to that.
sensory experience. Temperatures change appropriately,
smoke from candles or fires twist into shapes, and small
twinkling lights flicker in time with the music or cadence
of the performance. This can happen around campfires, in
taverns, on theatrical stages, or at ceremonial events. Pyrium Flaw

For players, the Firelight Assembly is a reminder of how 1

I think other people take life too seriously. Why not bang a
magical the world they live in is. When the vibes are right, few gongs, jilt a few lovers, flake on a few commitments?
any moment in Aroria can be enhanced and blessed by the
2 I am very, very good-looking, and very, very aware of it.
For gamemasters, the Assembly is an opportunity to
reward players at the table. Whether it’s a particularly
strong role play moment or a natural 20 on a performance
I am not here to ‘do the right thing’ or ‘help the needy’. I
check, the Firelight Assembly is an enhancement to make 3
am here to get famous.
that moment more memorable.

bonds and flaws I am extremely confident that my own point of view is

All Pyrium Signs share similar ideals and flaws. 4 the correct one, and I don’t think it’s necessary to get a
Determining your Bond and Flaw can be achieved one of second opinion.
two ways– randomly or by design. Only you can choose
what is right for your player character. To randomly select
your Bond, roll 1d4 and consult the Pyrium Bond Table
below. To randomly select your Flaw, roll 1d4 and consult
the Pyrium Flaw Table below. Otherwise, you may choose
the Bond and Flaw that best fits your desired character

56 Stargazer’s Guide to Aroria

Pyrium Manifestation by Nidhi Naroth
Soulstice Manifestation by Katherine Souza

58 Stargazer’s Guide to Aroria

Soulstice | virgo
Adventuring is a particularly attractive profession to the
Soulstice and many find their way into the field early in
life. They are practical, hard working adventurers who
methodically find solutions to even the most difficult
situations on the road. There is a stubbornness about
them, and the Soulstice may find themselves over
analyzing and easily lost in detail, especially when
innocent lives are at stake. That being said, when they are
met with failure one too many times, the Soulstice has no
problem swiftly cutting themselves off and taking the next
train out. Zodiac Association | Virgo
Weave | Natural
Soulstice is a member of the Natural weave, and finds
spiritual connection in simple things. Amid the whirlwind Compatibility | Frostwane, Aurous
of detail and minutiae of their life, there are moments of Symbology | The Hive
calm and objects or activities that bring clarity. For some,
this could be an animal companion or a morning workout
routine. For others, it’s a simplistic habit that just helps
reset their aura. Self care is important to the Soulstice and Soulstice Bond
they always make time for it.
There are two types of Soulstice. The first is a habitual 1 I’m working on a book, it’s non-fiction, you wouldn’t get it.
note taker who is naturally strong at organizing
information. They make excellent chroniclers or writers.
Theatre troupes are an ideal environment for this I have a family member who is the only person I truly
Soulstice and many that roam the lands of Aroria are led
by a Soulstice. They thrive when surrounded by their
found family and are as loyal to them as possible. The I made a simple mistake once earlier in my life that I
second has placed just the smallest distance between 3 should have seen coming and I’m doing my best to fix
themselves and everyone around them, never allowing what I broke.
anyone too close. They often travel alone and keep a
portion of themselves secret from everyone they meet.
These Soulstice are mirrors and extremely charismatic– There is a group of people I know who can do no wrong.
they may find themselves drawn to the life of a Bard I’m fiercely loyal to them.
or performer. It will take a special person or group to
break down the walls of this Soulstice and reveal the
vulnerability and personality beneath the mask.
Soulstice Flaw
I always wear a mask, no one can truly know who I am
Bees. The Hive is community and synergy. It is when 1
the whole is greater than the sum of its parts. The
manifestation is a benevolent being, assisting in places
where entire communities would fail without their I’m not afraid to ask the rude questions that lead to
presence, usually in times of strife or natural disaster. A 2
answers. Leave no stone unturned.
family trapped inside by deep snow might find bushels
of berries growing close by. A farmland whose crop was
destroyed by floods will find fishing significantly easier 3 It’s difficult for me to ask for help.
for the rest of the summer. A community, ravaged by war,
may rally around a particularly inspiring leader to protect
themselves. When communities need magical help to Even when I’m the one best suited for a task, I don’t like
survive, the Hive may gather. being in the spotlight.

bonds and flaws

All Soulstice Signs share similar ideals and flaws.
Determining your Bond and Flaw can be achieved one of
two ways– randomly or by design. Only you can choose
what is right for your player character. To randomly
select your Bond, roll 1d4 and consult the Soulstice Bond
Table below. To randomly select your Flaw, roll 1d4 and
consult the Soulstice Flaw Table below. Otherwise, you
may choose the Bond and Flaw that best fits your desired
character concept.

Rustium | libra

Rustium are diplomatic individuals who feel a sense of

responsibility to see both sides of an issue. They are not
natural Adventurers and will often reject the call if they
can find an adequate reason to do so. They like their
peaceful life and they understand that life is fair, even
if that means it’s unfair to everyone. Rustium wants to
harmonize with their community and live. However, a
Rustium sign cannot and will not sit idle while injustice
reigns. They are inexorable in the face of oppression and
will dedicate their lives to correcting imbalances. Zodiac Association | Libra
Rustium is a member of the Arcane weave and ferocious Weave | Arcane
in their desire to acquire knowledge. They love a deep Compatibility | Fleurtide, Lamentium
lore dive and a good mystery. A Rustium is especially Symbology | The Honest Seraph
curious about the motivations of others and they are
genuinely interested in the nuance that leads to unusual
or impossible conclusions. Once the Rustium uncovers
all that can be uncovered about a situation, they begin to
Rustium Bond
second guess themselves. Most Rustium have a mentor
or partner they turn to in these situations to help ground
My friends or mentor grounds me to reality. When things
them and prevent too much objectivity. 1
get tough, I go to them.
As with all things, Rustium seeks balance in life. They
make excellent court officials, lawyers, and emissaries
I am in the service of a Lord or Lady in this land and I
and they have an uncanny ability to find common ground 2
make my decisions with their reputation in mind.
with even the most unique cultures. They believe in a
clear separation of their personal and professional life
and seek to split their time evenly between the two. When 3
I don’t like conflict and harmony, especially between my
either of these responsibilities is neglected, the Rustium friends, is important to me.
becomes askew and internal turmoil ensues until the
issue is addressed.
Justice above all. Regardless of my personal feelings, I
manifestation will do what is right in the eyes of the law or my god.

The six winged celestial. The Honest Seraph appears

in extreme moments of conflict to rule upon matters of
universe altering importance. The sovereign entity has
the capacity to sit in judgment over all in Aroria and Rustium Flaw
will magically enforce its ruling with, or without, the
knowledge of those involved. 1 I am too forgiving, I don’t believe anyone is irrecoverable.

bonds and flaws

All Rustium Signs share similar ideals and flaws. Sometimes, there’s too much nuance to make a decision
and I’d rather do nothing than make the wrong choice.
Determining your Bond and Flaw can be achieved one of
two ways– randomly or by design. Only you can choose
what is right for your player character. To randomly
select your Bond, roll 1d4 and consult the Rustium Bond When people are passionate about their side of an
argument, I find it difficult to tell them no.
Table below. To randomly select your Flaw, roll 1d4 and
consult the Rustium Flaw Table below. Otherwise, you
may choose the Bond and Flaw that best fits your desired
character concept. I expect too much from people and are easily
disappointed when they fall short.

60 Stargazer’s Guide to Aroria

Rustium Manifestation by Nidhi Naroth

Rustium - The Honest Seraph
Gargantuan Celestial, Lawful Neutral

Armor Class 22 Natural Actions

Hit Points 392 (27d12 + 216) Spellcasting (Divine). FRustium casts one of the following
Speed 30 ft., 120ft. Fly spells, requiring no spell components and using Wisdom as the
spellcasting ability (spell save DC 24):
23 (+6) 18 (+4) 26 (+8) 24 (+7) 30 (+10) 30 (+10) At Will: Scry, Legend Lore, Commune, Bestow Curse, Banishment,
Feeblemind, Forbiddance, Imprisonment, Magnificent mansion,
Saving Throws INT +15, WIS +18, CHA +18 Mental Prison, and Power Word Kill.
Damage Resistances Lightning
1/day each: Wish, Meteor Swarm, Disintegrate, Wall of Force,
Damage Immunities Radiant, Thunder; Bludgeoning, Piercing,
Planar Binding, Plane Shift, Power Word Heal, True Resurrection.
and Slashing from Nonmagical Attack
Condition Immunities Charmed, Exhaustion, Frightened,
Multiattack. Rustium makes three attacks, two with its
Grappled, Paralyzed, Petrified
Longsword and one with its Radiant Eye.
Senses Truesight 120ft, Passive Perception 30
Languages All
Longsword. Rustium slashes a creature within range. +18 to
Proficiency Bonus +8
hit, range 5ft., 16 (1d10 +10) Slashing Damage and 22 (4d10)
Challenge 27 (105,000 XP) Radiant Damage.
Legendary Resistance (4/day). When Rustium fails a Saving Radiant Eye. Rustium opens a third eye on its forehead and
Throw, it can choose to succeed instead. shoots Radiant light in a 120 ft. line. Creatures Rustium chooses
within the area make a Wisdom Saving Throw (DC 24). On failure,
Divine Form. Rustium's Avatar form cannot be altered by
the creature takes 28 (8d6) Radiant Damage and half as much on
magical means unless it chooses to allow it. Once summoned,
a successful save.
Rustium cannot be forced from its current plane of existence
unless it chooses to allow it. Rustium can choose to be any
size, from Tiny to Gargantuan, but is always treated as if it Reactions
were Gargantuan. Reveal Falsehood. When a creature makes a Stealth, Deception,
or Slight of Hand Ability Check within 60 ft., Rustium may choose
Element: Arcane. Rustium automatically succeeds on any for that check to fail.
magical or non-magical effect that forces a Wisdom Saving Throw.
Spells and magical effects of 5th level and lower have no effect on
Rustium , even if cast using a spell slot of a higher level. Rustium's Legendary Actions
attacks are magical. Rustium can take 4 legendary actions, choosing from the options
below. Only one legendary action option can be used at a time and
Judge. Rustium always attempts to pass objective and honest only at the end of another creature's turn. Rustium regains spent
judgement on matters it presides over and uses the following legendary actions at the start of its turn.
features to do so. Rustium always knows when it is lied to.
Creatures who knowingly lie or otherwise attempt to deceive Attack. (1 Action) Fleurtide can use one of its attack options
Rustium take 14 (4d6) Psychic Damage. Rustium may cast the listed above.
Scry, Legend Lore, and Commune spells at will.
Approach the Bench. (1 Actions) Rustium choose one creature
Jury. Those who seek he judgement of Rustium willingly subject it can see within 120 ft. to make a Wisdom Saving Throw (DC
themselves to its final ruling. Rustium's verdict absolves or 24). On failure, the creature is placed within an unoccupied space
condemns the defendants of all crimes, this supersedes any and within 5 ft. of Rustium.
all mortal law. Those who enter into the proceedings of Rustium
are irrevocably and magically bound by its ruling. Spellcaster. (2 Actions). Rustium casts a spell.

Executioner. Rustium ensures all of its judgements are carried

out to the letter of the law. Whether imprisonment, reparations,
or execution is required, Rustium will attempt to complete the
proceedings. Rustium remains until the verdict is completed or
it drops to zero hit points. Rustium may cast the spells Bestow
Curse, Banishment, Feeblemind, Forbiddance, Imprisonment,
Magnificent Mansion, Mental Prison and Power Word Kill at
will. These spells with a duration greater than instantaneous
have a duration of Rustium's choosing, ranging from 1 minute
to eternity.

62 Stargazer’s Guide to Aroria

Summoning Ritual
Law and order is a mirage. Rules are guidelines set
out by one ruler this decade can be swiftly discarded
once that leader is gone. In some places, there are no
laws and might makes right. Many in La Cambria
would dispute this, but the truth and law only apply to
truthful and lawful citizens.

Then there is Rustium. The Honest Seraph is the rule

of law that sovereignly judges all in Aroria. They are
the judge, jury, and executioner of their decrees and
they hold power over any entity large or small in the
world. The Honest Seraph does not simply appear to
resolve all matters, but when the unjust in power need
to be held accountable, The Honest Seraph can be an
alternative to war or revolution. Rustium can only
be summoned by the highest priest or priestess of a
neutral aligned deity, such as Remblace, Tromperie, or
Terrer. The ritual summoning varies from god to god,
but must always take place in the most holy of sites to
that specific deity.

Duskworn Manifestation by Katherine Souza

64 Stargazer’s Guide to Aroria

Duskworn | scorpio
Those born under the Sign of Duskworn are often
called to adventure by tragedy. Life, for them, has
been generally unkind ‒ their pasts are often marred
with darkness, whether death, abuse, or manipulation.
Whatever form their troubles took, they forced the
Duskworn to recognize the corruption around them and
ignited in them a fierce desire to root that corruption out.
Whatever is hiding from consequence and their idea of
justice will be dredged up and weighed.
Duskworn are generally pretty intense. They are members
of the Divine weave, and they dedicate their lives to a
higher purpose. This is often vengeance, the toppling Zodiac Association | Scorpio
of a corrupt structure, or the freeing of an oppressed Weave | Divine
people, though they may also follow a path of faith. It Compatibility | Wisterius, Aurous
is difficult for the Duskworn to turn their mind from Symbology | Hand of Retribution
their goal, even in downtime, and they are often habitual
brooders. It's sometimes up to their inner circle of friends
and party members to steer them away from a dark path,
especially if that dark path is an efficient one. How well
the Duskworn responds to a party member gingerly Duskworn Bond
bringing up the poisoner's kit found in the communal bag
of holding is down to the individual. 1 I will have vengeance against those who betrayed me.
They are not all darkness. Duskworn adventurers are
not cold or unemotional, whatever way they choose to
present themselves. They have deep compassion for the 2
I was a part of a force that I now know used me for evil
suffering of others and a fierce and loyal love for those means. I will see this force destroyed.
they grow close to.

manifestation 3
I will see my people free from their current persecution
or enslavement.
Some crimes are too egregious for humanity to punish. In
these cases, the Hand of Retribution marks a creature for
a punishment and eventual death that is equal or greater
than the atrocities committed. Manifesting solely as a black I have seen corruption in the government or church that
hand tattooed on the back, the mark is irrevocable and 4 is being kept secret from the people. I will see their sins
no power in Aroria or any plane of existence can stop the revealed.
revenge that is coming.

For players, the Hand of Retribution holds them to a

higher standard than those outside of the Sign. It’s easier Duskworn Flaw
for a player to gain the mark and crimes against the
Duskworn are more likely to trigger it. Duskworn are also I have a difficult time letting my hair down, and am often
significantly more likely to be the instrument of justice 1
uncomfortable in social or recreational settings.
coming for the marked.

For gamemasters, the Hand of Retribution is a storytelling

I believe that the ends justify the means, and am willing
tool. It’s a punishment for good aligned players who stray 2
to take unsavory actions to accomplish my goals.
away from their true nature and a reward for evil players
and NPCs who complete their nefarious tasks. It is a signal
to show they have crossed the point of no return and that I can be jealous, possessive, and suspicious, and
consequences are coming their way. 3 become very upset if I believe secrets are being kept
from me.
bonds and flaws
All Duskworn Signs share similar ideals and flaws. I expect total transparency from others within the party,
Determining your Bond and Flaw can be achieved one of 4
but I vigilantly guard my own secrets.
two ways– randomly or by design. Only you can choose
what is right for your player character. To randomly
select your Bond, roll 1d4 and consult the Duskworn
Bond Table below. To randomly select your Flaw, roll 1d4
and consult the Duskworn Flaw Table below. Otherwise,
you may choose the Bond and Flaw that best fits your
desired character concept.

Duskworn - The Ekdisi
Gargantuan Celestial, Neutral by any means. The soul may not return to the material plane by
any means.
Armor Class 20 Natural
Hit Points 435 (30d8 + 300) Dagger of the Hand. Once the Ekdisi is summoned to destroy
Speed 60 ft., Levitation, Fly 60 ft. a Marked creature, it cannot abandon its goal for any reason–
including death. If the Ekdisi drops to zero hit points, it does not
18 (+4) 30 (+10) 30 (+10) 23 (+6) 17 (+3) 19 (+4) die, but disappears into shadow instead. The Ekdisi reappears
randomly on the material plane after the next sunset to continue
Saving Throws CON +19, WIS +12, CHA +13 its pursuit.
Damage Resistances Cold, Force
Damage Immunities Necrotic, Poison; Bludgeoning, Piercing, Actions
and Slashing from Nonmagical Attacks
Multiattack. Duskworn makes four attack, all with
Condition Immunities Blinded, Charmed, Grappled, Paralyzed,
it's Deathblade.
Senses Truesight 60ft, Passive Perception 26
Deathblade. Duskworn slashes a creature within range. +19 to
Languages All
hit, range 5 ft., 24 (4d6 +10) Slashing damage. Creatures hit by
Proficiency Bonus +9
this attack make a Constitution Saving Throw (DC 25). On failure,
Challenge 30 (155,000 XP) the creature takes 28 (8d6) Necrotic Damage and is Poisoned.
On a success, the creature takes half as much damage and is not
Legendary Resistance (4/day). When the Ekdisi fails a Saving
poisoned. Creatures who drop to zero hit points as after taking
Throw, it can choose to succeed instead.
damage from the Deathblade immediately die.
Divine Form. Duskworn's Avatar form cannot be altered by
magical means unless it chooses to allow it. Once summoned, the Reactions
Ekdisi cannot be forced from its current plane of existence unless Shadowform. When the Ekdisi takes damage, its form splits into
it chooses to allow it. the Ekdisi can choose to be any size, from mist and it gains resistance to all damage until the start of its
Tiny to Gargantuan, but is always treated as if it were Gargantuan. next turn.

Element: Divine. The Ekdisi automatically succeeds on any

magical or non-magical effect that forces a Constitution Saving Legendary Actions
Throw. Spells and magical effects of 5th level and lower have no Duskworn can take 4 legendary actions, choosing from the options
effect on the Ekdisi, even if cast using a spell slot of a higher level. below. Only one legendary action option can be used at a time and
the Ekdisi's attacks are magical. only at the end of another creature's turn. Duskworn regains spent
legendary actions at the start of its turn.
Marked Assassin. While summoned, the Ekdisi devotes the
entirety of its time, energy, and magic to the extermination of Attack. (1 Action) Duskworn can use its Deathblade on a target
the Marked. It is inexorable in its pursuit of the Marked and it within range.
knows the exact location of the Marked at all times. The Ekdisi
is invisible to the Marked, has Advantage on Attack Rolls against Flare. (1 Action) Duskworn takes the Dash Action.
the Marked, and the Marked has disadvantage on all Saving
Throws while within 120 ft. of the Ekdisi. Death Stare. (3 Actions). One creature Duskworn can see makes
a Constitution Saving Throw. On failure, the creature is paralyzed
Death from Darkness. When the Ekdisi attacks a creature until the end of its next turn.
who is surprised, the creature takes an additional 45 (10d8)
Necrotic Damage.

Death to Darkness. Creatures who are killed by the Ekdisi

forfeit the right to an afterlife of any kind. The kiss of death from
the Ekdisi supersedes the actions of the creature in life, infernal,
fey, or celestial deals, and any divine connection the creature
may have. Creatures killed by the Ekdisi have their soul sent to a
demi-plane comprised totally of darkness that is inaccessible

66 Stargazer’s Guide to Aroria

Summoning Ritual
When atrocities transcend civil law and order and
break into the realm of pure evil and destruction,
Duskworn marks the villain with the Hand of
Retribution. The mark signifies that your crimes are
so egregious that magic itself has decreed you are a
threat to all of mortality and must be removed from
the world to maintain balance in the weave. It is well
known in Aroria that once you are marked, your life
is forfeit. There is no escape. Often, this comes in the
form of a good aligned paladin or cleric tasked with
your destruction in service to their god. Sometimes,
it's a loved one or close friend who carries out your

Rarely, perhaps once a generation, an evildoer is

marked who cannot be killed or removed by brave
heroes without assistance. In these circumstances,
Adventurers may turn to the Ekdisi to help carry
out the Hand of Retribution's will. Duskworn will
not release its divine avatar lightly. The Ekdisi is a
creature of death and shadow capable of slaughtering
thousands of misguided fools who protect the Marked
if necessary. To summon the Ekdisi, the following
requirements must be met.

step one
The Marked must bear the Hand of Retribution for one
full year.

step two
The Marked must embrace the Hand of Retribution,
wielding that power as its own.

step three
The Marked must continue to commit atrocities after the
Hand of Retribution is earned. Earning the mark twice

step four
One with a personal connection to the Marked must
become the writer on the wall. Go to the Cave of Terrer in
La Cambria and scribe the true name of the Marked on its

step five
The writer on the wall must die attempting to kill the

When all five of these requirements are met, the Ekdisi

will rise from the corpse of the writer on the wall and
deal justice to the Marked that humanity could not.
Once the Marked is killed, the Ekdisi returns to shadow.

Lamentium | Sagittarius
Those born in the month of Lamentium are called to
adventure from the moment they first open their eyes.
The unknown whispers to them from the lost corners of
the world. A great many find their joy on the open sea,
cresting the waves to far-distant shores, but others delight
in trawling through the great libraries of the world,
uncovering arcane secrets long forgotten (or, preferably,
not yet discovered at all). The one place you are unlikely
to find a Lamentian is home.
Lamentians are generally enthusiastic and honest, with Zodiac Association | Sagittarius
tactlessness and good humor in equal measure. Their easy Weave | Vibe
confidence lets them get away with a proud disinterest Compatibility | Sunbask, Fleurtide
in being anywhere adjacent to ordinary. Lamentians are Symbology | Stag Who Knows All Paths
exceptionally well-suited to the adventuring lifestyle and
many will remain on the road their entire lives.
As members of Vibe, Lamentians find power and purpose
within themselves. They pursue their own interests and
bonds and flaws
expect others to do the same. Many Lamentians are All Lamentium Signs share similar ideals and flaws.
drawn to sailing, navigation, cartography, or astronomy, Determining your Bond and Flaw can be achieved in
anything to help broaden their understanding of the one of two ways– randomly or by design. Only you
world outside of themselves. Others may find more can choose what is right for your player character. To
interest in dice, cards, or some other tool to entice randomly select your Bond, roll 1d4 and consult the
conversation from strangers. Lamentians often prefer Lamentium Bond Table below. To randomly select your
strangers to friends– particularly odd strangers from Flaw, roll 1d4 and consult the Lamentium Flaw Table
exotic places. They are respectful and open to those who below. Otherwise, you may choose the Bond and Flaw
walk a different path. that best fits your desired character concept.

Lamentium manifests in Aroria as the Stag That Knows Lamentium Bond
All Paths. The Stag can be a massive beast that towers
above the trees or an innocent spike. It’s hide is so deep 1
I want to see the world. Seeing bizarre and exotic new
a brown that it’s nearly black, letting him slip easily into places is the only joy I need.
shadow. The Stag has been sought for time immemorial
and is clever and quick on his ft., mischievous in his I left home and abandoned my responsibilities. There
avoidance of the hunt. Those who claim to have caught are still people out there looking for me.
the Stag say that he has raced them through all the quiet,
hidden places of the world, stumbled them through the
There is a particular esoteric field of research I have
vastness of the air and sea as easily as the land, before 3
devoted my life to, and I'll be the one to reveal its secrets.
delivering them to the path they always knew they
should be walking.
I want to inspire others with my lifestyle and
For players, a glimpse of the Stag can easily lead a 4 philosophy. I aim to publish books or form a commune
Lamentian to a life of adventure, just to learn where it to share my beliefs.
is you are meant to go. The Stag often appears to those
lost, trapped, and those who must be shown a path to
the bright lightness of the open world. Those born under
Lamentium often spend their entire lives searching for the Lamentium Flaw
path that the Stag would lay before them.
I am a flake, and I cannot be trusted to follow through on
For gamemasters, the Stag can represent a guiding light in 1
my promises.
a dark place. If the party is trapped or lost, the Stag may
appear as a silhouetted shadow on a far wall, a reflection
of the late afternoon sun, or a great antler pointing them I have no patience and am likely to leap into action
without discussion.
towards escape. He may also appear when the party
seems a bit too settled, to stir the wanderlust in them, and
remind them of the many corners of the world that they
I have no tact, and I assume that my opinions are
are called to explore. At the same time, the Stag is not 3
always a necessary addition to any conversation.
always an ally. Those that would harm the natural world
may easily find themselves on a wild goose chase or spun
round in all directions in a maze.
I don’t like to be tied down. I get restless when others
expect commitment out of me.

68 Stargazer’s Guide to Aroria

Lamentium Manifestation by Stephen Nickel

Lamentium - The Stag Who Knows All Paths
Gargantuan Celestial, Lawful Neutral Legendary Evasion. When Lamentium takes damage from
a weapon or spell attack, it may choose to teleport to an
Armor Class 22 Natural unoccupied space within 60 ft.
Hit Points 313 (25d12 + 150)
Speed 30 ft., Fly 60 ft.
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA Multiattack. Lamentium makes three attacks, two with its
18 (+4) 30 (+10) 22 (+6) 27 (+10) 30 (+10) 18 (+4) Antlers, one with its Lashing Vines.

Antlers. Lamentium pierces a creature within range. +17 to hit,

Saving Throws DEX +18, WIS +18
range 5ft., 17 (2d6 +10) Slashing damage. If the creature is Large
Damage Resistances All
or smaller, the creature makes a Dexterity Saving Throw. On
Damage Immunities Psychic
failure, the creature is pushed into the ground, knocked Prone,
Condition Immunities Blinded, Deafened, Incapacitated,
and Restrained. On a successful save, the creature is pushed
back 10 ft..
Senses Blindsight 120 ft., Passive Perception 30
Languages All but cannot speak
Lashing Vines. Lamentium flings thorny vines towards a
Proficiency Bonus +8
creature it can see within 60 ft. All creatures within the path of
Challenge 25 (75,000 XP)
the vines make a Dexterity Saving Throw (DC 22). On failure,
creatures take 13 (4d6) slashing damage, half as much on a
Legendary Resistance (4/day). When Lamentium fails a Saving
successful check.
Throw, it can choose to succeed instead.
Paralyzing Breath (Recharge 5-6). Lamentium breathes
Divine Form. Lamentium's Avatar form cannot be altered by
Vibes in a 90 ft. cone. Each creature in that area must make a
magical means unless it chooses to allow it. Once summoned,
Dexterity Saving Throw (DC 22). On failure, creatures take 46
Lamentium cannot be forced from its current plane of existence
(12d6) Poison damage and are Paralyzed until the end of your
unless it chooses to allow it. Lamentium can choose to be any
next turn, or half as much damage and are not Paralyzed on a
size, from Tiny to Gargantuan, but is always treated as if it
successful one.
were Gargantuan.

Element: Vibes. Lamentium automatically succeeds on any Legendary Actions

magical or non-magical effect that forces a Dexterity Saving Lamentium can take 4 legendary actions, choosing from the options
Throw. Spells and magical effects of 5th level and lower have no below. Only one legendary action option can be used at a time and
effect on Lamentium, even if cast using a spell slot of a higher only at the end of another creature's turn. Lamentium regains spent
level. Lamentium's attacks are magical. legendary actions at the start of its turn.

The Stag Who Knows All Paths. Lamentium knows its exact Charge. (1 Action) Lamentuim takes the Dash Action.
location and the path to any specified location or object on any
plane of existence. Lamentium cannot become lost by any means Fade Into Forest. (1 Action) When Lamentium takes damage, it
and no creature or object may be physically or magically hidden may choose to become invisible until the next turn.
from it within the multiverse.

70 Stargazer’s Guide to Aroria

Summoning Ritual
Lamentium always exists within Aroria, but
might be the most difficult to obtain help from
by Adventurers. The Stag Who Knows All
Paths can be found in the foothills of the Vera
Mountain range, hidden deep in the shadows
of the forest. Lamentium is capable of finding
any person or object anywhere on the material
plane or otherwise. Adventurers who seeking the
impossible to find may seek or the improbable to
catch Lamentium to achieve their goals.

The challenge of Lamentium is simple: catch

the stag. The Stag Who Knows All Paths will do
everything in it's power to avoid and escape any
and all Adventurers who seek them. Many will
spend years, or a lifetime, attempting to catch the
Avatar and fail. However, if a party manages to
catch Lamentium, the Stag will assist the party to
the best of its ability finding one singular object
or person of their choosing.

Waking Manifestation by Nidhi Naroth

72 Stargazer’s Guide to Aroria

Waking | Capricorn
Waking Adventurers are ambitious, traditional, and
serious. They are notorious for solo adventuring and take
a no-nonsense approach to achieving their goals. You
won’t find Waking adventurers drunk in a tavern when
there is reconnaissance or research to be done. Waking
Signs often have personal ambitions that go beyond the
party’s scope and will work diligently during downtime
to achieve individual goals. The Waking needs to be Zodiac Association | Capricorn
successful in all things, and leverages hard work and Weave | Natural
expertise to meet that self-actualization. The Waking sees Compatibility | Aurous, Wisterius
itself as competent and powerful, and will seek out party Symbology | Forge of the Covenant
members that share those qualities.The stronger a party
member is, the further out of line they can stray from the
Waking’s moral alignment.
Waking Bond
As an element of Nature, Waking signs look to the
bounty of the world to further their purpose. The Waking
may find itself scavenging the world for rare materials The world is a resource that should be managed and
and resources for crafting or resell. Waking signs often rationed for the good of all mankind.
take up leathercraft, blacksmithing, or cooking. Not
wanting to waste what the world has provided, it would
My family is legendary in my hometown. I must
not be uncommon for a Waking to take up all three
2 uphold their legacy not only for myself, but for future
professions. However, this completionist lifestyle can lead generations.
to indecision and a Waking may find itself in analysis
paralysis more often than not.
Several rare artifacts were stolen during a long
manifestation 3
forgotten war from my people. We have found all but
one, and recovering the last would mean everything
Waking is a unique Sign that does not manifest throughout to me.
Aroria, but rather in one singular place. The Forge of the
Covenant is deep beneath the dwarven city of Digbrand I believe there is a secret society that pulls the invisible
and is the most sacred location to Digbrand’s citizens. The 4
strings of our civilization. I must join them.
Forge is capable of creating artifact level magic items and
is capable of summoning many of the Divine Avatars. The
centerpiece of the forge is a humble anvil of meteorite that Waking Flaw
is chained to a pure meridium hammer.

For players, the Forge is a tool to complete destiny level Jokes aren’t funny. All they do is entertain the foolish and
tasks. It is well known that all Waking Signs may use the distract the wise.
forge without considerable effort. Occasionally, destiny
may demand that a non-Waking Sign use the forge. If they
I saw the most powerful person I have ever met commit
do so, they do so with great pain or personal cost. 2
an unspeakable atrocity. We are still best friends.
For gamemasters, the forge is a solution to impossible
challenges. It is a place where items of extraordinary power
I would rather patiently execute the best plan
may be created to assist the party. The forge is connected
3 tomorrow than violently execute any plan today, even if
to the celestial bodies in a direct way and it can be used to waiting gets others hurt.
summon other Manifestations.

bonds and flaws Rare gemstones always catch my eye. I will commit gold I
4 do not have, circumvent the law, and betray others' trust
Regardless of their Ruler, all Waking Signs share similar to acquire them.
ideals and flaws. Determining your Bond and Flaw can be
achieved one of two ways– randomly or by design. Only
you can choose what is right for your player character.
To randomly select your Bond, roll 1d4 and consult the
special | winter solstice
Waking Bond Table below. To randomly select your The Winter Solstice always falls on the new moon of
Flaw, roll 1d4 and consult the Waking Flaw Table below. Waking. This is the time of year when Aroria is tilted as
Otherwise, you may choose the Bond and Flaw that best far away from the sun as possible, it is the shortest day of
fits your desired character concept. the year, and marks the first day of Winter. Waking Signs
always have the chance to be born on the Winter Solstice.

To determine if your Waking Adventurer was born on the

Winter Solstice, roll 1d20. On the result of a 20 on the die,
your date of birth becomes the 1st of Waking and you gain
Resistance to Cold damage.

rimewomb | Aquarius
Built different, the Rimewomb adventurer is in a league
of its own. They are independent, energetic, spontaneous
and courageous. Rimewomb separates itself from the rest
of the Signs by engaging with the world in an altruistic
and idealistic way, sometimes to a fault. It’s just as likely
for the Rimewomb to take on an impossible, but worthy,
cause as it is for them to recuse themselves to a life of
intellectual bliss.
Rimewomb is a member of the Arcane weave and is an
independent and thorough thinker. It’s not uncommon
for them to engage in thoughtful conversation about
subjects they know nothing about, often bringing Zodiac Association | Aquarius
a unique and fresh perspective to the subject. The Weave | Arcane
Rimewomb is just as comfortable rubbing elbows with Compatibility | Pyrium, Lamentium
kings as they are addressing commoners on the road, and Symbology | Wandering Star
they treat both just the same. They are adaptable to any
environment and shine the brightest in new and unusual
Money and career hold little to no value for Rimewomb
adventurers, so they tend to lead lives centered around Rimewomb Bond
the arts and the beauty of the world. Occasionally, a
tactically minded Rimewomb may take up artificing or I am my own person, I am not defined by my royal title or
inventing and bring the world new and unimagined circumstances of birth.
treasures. Others are just as likely to rely on friends and
strangers for financial support while spending their time 2 The worst thing in the world is to be normal.
and attention on social or cultural causes.

manifestation There is a group of people or a city I know that is

Rimewomb manifests on the material plane as the 3 oppressed and I will never stop seeking an end to their
Wandering Star. It is a being of crackling energy and suffering.
light, commonly seen as a fast-moving star in the night
sky. When it manifests earth-side, it may take the form of
simple glints of light, a firework display, blinding flashes I’m destined for greatness. I know it and so does
and shocks of electricity. Someone who the Wandering everyone I meet.
Star has chosen to visit may witness a stunning meteor
shower – or be struck by lightning, depending on the
Star’s whim. Those who claim to have carried on a
conversation with the Star say it took the form of a
Rimewomb Flaw
pulsing, amorphous body of crackling light.

bonds and flaws 1 People don’t get me, and they never will.

All Rimewomb Signs share similar ideals and flaws.

Determining your Bond and Flaw can be achieved one of It’s my way or the highway, I’m not interested in your
two ways– randomly or by design. Only you can choose 2
“traditional” solutions.
what is right for your player character. To randomly
select your Bond, roll 1d4 and consult the Rimewomb
Bond Table below. To randomly select your Flaw, roll 1d4
and consult the Rimewomb Flaw Table below. Otherwise, I get bored easily. If nothing is happening, I will make
you may choose the Bond and Flaw that best fits your it happen.
desired character concept.

There’s nothing I can’t do, especially if someone tells me

I can’t.

74 Stargazer’s Guide to Aroria

Rimewomb Manifestation by Katherine Souza
Frostwane Manifestation by Stephen Nickel
76 Stargazer’s Guide to Aroria
Frostwane | pisces
Frostwane adventurers are rare. Those born under this
Sign have a natural inclination to let themselves be led by
life, trusting that wherever they land is where they are
meant to be. Choosing an adventurer's life entails taking
ownership over their destiny.
Frostwane is a member of the Divine weave, so it is often
through the church that these adventurers find their Zodiac Association | Pisces
calling. Even those who do not consider themselves Weave | Divine
religious are often guided by a higher power, whether Compatibility | Wisterius, Soulstice
that is a spiritual belief, social movement, or patron. They Symbology | Oracle
are strong of faith which gives them courage in their
darkest hours, but also may leave them at a loss when
deciding what powers are altogether trustworthy or
deserving of their devotion.
bonds and flaws
Whatever path they are led down, Frostwane tend to All Frostwane Signs share similar ideals and flaws.
walk gently. They are usually kind and compassionate Determining your Bond and Flaw can be achieved one of
with a genuine interest in the happiness and well-being two ways– randomly or by design. Only you can choose
of others. Others often recognize them as fish-out-of- what is right for your player character. To randomly
water. To admirers, they can be disarmingly charming, select your Bond, roll 1d4 and consult the Frostwane
as though they have just wandered out of a dream; to the Bond Table below. To randomly select your Flaw, roll 1d4
less admiring, their gormlessness can be off putting. and consult the Frostwane Flaw Table below. Otherwise,
you may choose the Bond and Flaw that best fits your
At rest, Frostwane find joy in art, whether poetry,
desired character concept.
music, or painting. There is also a rumored knack for
clairvoyance – whether they are actually magical or just
particularly perceptive or insightful comes down to Frostwane Bond
the individual. Many enjoy the hobby of soothsaying,
growing adept with palm-reading, tarot, or interpreting I owe everything to the church that took me in, and I will
the migration of animals. They are also generally less sacrifice anything to aid them.
sensitive to cultural taboos than others. A Frostwane
artist can just as easily find their muse in experimental
taxidermy or the orchestral flute. I have had a vision of my destiny, and I will do whatever
I must to fulfill it.
Frostwane manifests in Aroria as the Oracle in Reverie. She I am fascinated with the veil between the mortal
travels in dreams, taking many forms and faces. Most often 3
and the divine, and have dedicated my life to better
she appears as a great, pale fish, opalescent and faintly understanding it. I hope to one day speak to my god in
glowing under everpresent moonlight. Those who have their home plane.
seen the Oracle say that there is a haze all about her, in the
mind and in the eye, likening it best to seeing the world
I have been led to actions I am not proud of by an
through sea glass.
4 institution I put my trust in. I now feel I must atone for
The Oracle is, as her title would suggest, a divinatory what I have done.
figure. She sees what is now, what was, what may yet
come, and what could have been and may reveal or or
none according to her whim. Those born under Frostwane Frostwane Flaw
catch her gaze more easily and may even have been visited
by her in their dreams. Any glimpse of the Oracle is a I am very naive, and I’m led easily to believe obvious
harbinger of a fundamental change in your beliefs and 1
understanding of the world: she has come to you to reveal
that which you do not yet see.
I am always a follower, never a leader. I prefer it when
For gamemasters, the Oracle can be a vehicle for shocking others tell me what to do.
truths. If the party is unwilling to face the truth of
themselves or their beliefs, she is a devoted bearer of bad
news. For characters questing for truth, you may offer I find it difficult to sort the real from the imaginary, and
up an avenue to seek out the Oracle within her home– 3
will often choose my daydreams over solid evidence.
provided that the party is willing to walk through the
bizarre dreamscapes of her domain and face the most
interior truths of themselves. The Oracle is benevolent,
but not necessarily helpful; she often speaks in riddles and I have an unhealthy relationship with escapism, and I find
imagery, should she speak at all. She will always see the 4 myself drawn to alcohol and mind-altering substances of
larger horizon beyond the small emotions of mortals. all kinds.

The power of magic is unknowable– full stop. It is beyond Rulership Table
understanding. However the most devout wizards, while
understanding they could never begin to fully define 1 Abjuration: Protection and Restoration
what magic is, how it works, or feel in full control of its
awesome power, have haphazardly classified the Weave 2 Conjuration: Creation and Travel
into eight schools. Magic undeniably rules over the Signs.
The Weave swirls and mixes as the celestial bodies of the 3 Divination: Foresight and Research
universe move within it. Magic is more, or less, effective
depending on how the Weave is currently configured, 4 Enchantment: Manipulation and Deceit
with respect to stars. As such, all Signs are subject to the
tides of the Weave, and gain beneficial or detrimental 5 Evocation: Power and Destruction
effects due to its power.
6 Illusion: Concealment and Distraction
The Ruler of your Sign can be most closely defined as a
school of magic, and your Sign can be bound to any of
the eight schools of magic. To determine your Ruler, roll 7 Necromancy: Life and Death
a 1d8 and consult the Rulership table to determine your
Ruler. Adventurers will use this Ruler to determine their 8 Transmutation: Change and Adaptation
Ruler benefit and detriment.

abjuration evocation
Abjuration is the school of magic that focuses on the Evocation is the school of magic born of primal, elemental
prevention of nonsense. Adventurers are often tangled up power. The force behind the weave sparks forth in the
in bizarre adventures and life-or-death tarrasque battles, hands of those that are born under its rulership. It cannot
and it is Abjuration’s oversight that keeps their limbs in be tamed, and it may only sometimes be befriended: those
the relatively correct configuration. This school watches best acquainted with this power simply allow this magic
over those on the front lines, shielding their bodies and made of motion, force, heat, and crackling energy to flow
warding their minds. through them. Evocation is an ancient power constantly
reborn, sparking and dying like the wick of a candle or
the fuse of a bomb.
Conjuration is the school of magic that takes joy in peeking
around veils, skipping between the planes, and making illusion
light of the laws of being that govern our material plane. Illusion is the school of magic made of glamour, trickery,
An adventurer may draw upon Conjuration to find the and phantasms. It understands the hand life deals you
most efficient path– whether that means teleporting or doesn’t matter, all that matters is the hand others think you
calling a creature or item from beyond the veil to assist have drawn. Those born under its rulership are immensely
them. Conjuration allows you to play with a different deck creative and often markedly charismatic, dealing in
from the rest at the three dragon ante table, and those born shadows or fantasies according to their need. Illusion is a
under its guidance take what advantages they have. theater, and every being in Aroria, Acacia, and beyond is in
its audience, whether they know it or not.
Divination is the school of magic that sees beyond necromancy
sight, that pierces beyond the veil, revealing secrets Necromancy is the school of magic that acknowledges the
and naming that which may rather go unnamed. fragility of the mortal body. It is the inescapable entropy of
Those born under its rulership must be receptive to the flesh that loosens the grip a vessel has on the soul. Those
machinations of fate, allowing it to guide them where born under its rulership face the world as it is, and are not
they will; in return, they sometimes receive a glimpse discouraged by societal taboo. Necromancy is a steady,
beyond the veil. Divination is a fickle, mysterious thing, pitiless force, and its callousness is part of the draw.
and it does not part with its secrets lightly.
enchantment Transmutation is the school of magic that celebrates
Enchantment is the school of magic that graciously (and accelerates) the inevitability of change. Those
cajoles the mind into passing off control. It can be fun born under its rulership do not only see the world the
or frivolous and those born under its rulership are way that it is, but recognize how it could be -- through
often seen as immensely charming, if not completely metamorphosis, the alchemical shift of one matter to
harmless. This underestimation allows them to compel another, or even through the manipulation of time
and dominate with no crack in their social mask. itself. Transmutation is adaptable and uncompromising
Enchantment is a merry web-spinner, and those born as one: the only unchangeable fact in the world is that
under its rulership have a knack for weaving. everything is changeable.

78 Stargazer’s Guide to Aroria

Abjuration Ruler

When rolling a saving throw against a spell, you may roll with advantage. You may use this feature once per
1 Deny Defeat
long rest at 1st level, increasing to twice at 9th level, and three times at 17th level.

You may spend ten minutes performing a ritual on a willing creature. The creature is granted a warding aura with
a number of charges equal to your proficiency modifier. Every time the creature is hit with a melee attack, a charge
2 Arcane Aegis
is expended, and the attacker takes 2d4 force damage. The aura disappears after the final charge is expended. This
feature may only be used once per long rest, and only one creature may be under its effects at a time.

Constant Your rulership fortifies you against all but the truest of strikes. Your AC is increased. You gain a +1 bonus to your
Chiton AC at level 1, increasing to +2 at level 9, and +3 at level 17.

You hold an eternal vigil. You have advantage on perception checks made while you are on watch during a short
or long rest, and all allies gain a +5 to their passive perception while you are within 60 ft. during a rest.
4 So constant is your vigilance that you may choose to forego your sleep or trance and still gain the benefits of
a long rest. At level 1, you may use this feature once before needing to sleep or trance again. At level 9, this
feature increases to two consecutive nights. At level 17, it increases to three.

You may spend ten minutes performing a ritual on a willing creature. For the next eight hours, the creature’s hit
5 point maximum cannot be decreased, nor can any of their attributes be decreased as an effect of an attack or
spell. Only one creature may be under the effects of this feature at a time.

You parry a gaze as easily as a blade. You may cast the spell Pass Without a Trace (Pg. 264, Basic Rules) without
6 material components and you have advantage on constitution saving throws made to maintain concentration
Against Sight
on this spell. Once you have used this feature, you may not use it again until you finish a long rest.

There is strength to be found in the bond between comrades-in-arms. You may spend four hours binding yourself
Bond Born to another willing creature. While you are within fifteen ft. of one another, you may both add +1 to your AC and
of Battle Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution saving throws. This bond lasts ten days or until one of the following events
occurs: one member dies, one member chooses to end the bond, or you choose to bind yourself to another creature.

When an ally within ten ft. of you that you can see is targeted by an attack roll, you may use your reaction to add +5
8 to their AC. You may use this ability a number of times per long rest equal to your proficiency modifier. This ability is
considered a magical shield, and cannot be combined with the effect of the Shield spell (Pg. 275, Basic Rules).

1 You move slowly and deliberately. Your movement speed is permanently reduced by 5 ft..
Open-Eyed Your constant vigilance can make it difficult for you to fall asleep. Roll a D100 each time you take a long rest. On
Sleep a result of 97-100, your sleep is fitful, and you wake with one level of exhaustion.
Minus 1d4 from any attack rolls you make while an ally within 30 ft. of you that you can see is unconscious. The
3 distraction ends when the ally is brought back to consciousness or dies. This effect does not stack if multiple
allies are unconscious, and this detriment can only be triggered once per short rest.
Being surprised throws you off your rhythm. When you are surprised, you may only take an action or a bonus
4 Stunned Slow
action on the first turn you get to act in this encounter.

The guardianship of Abjuration can make one feel invincible — when an enemy does get a good hit on you, it’s
Breach in the
5 wounding in more ways than one. When a creature scores a critical hit on an attack against you, you take one
additional damage die.

You are very cautious in the dark corners of the world. When you roll a total of 8 or lower on a perception or
6 investigation check while in dim light or darkness, your speed is halved and you make all ability checks with
disadvantage for the next five minutes. This detriment can only be triggered once per long rest.

Upon receiving damage from an ally, you must make a DC 12 wisdom saving throw. On a failure, you have
Reflexive disadvantage on attacks made against any creature other than the triggering ally. You may attempt the saving
Rebuke throw again at the end of each of your turns, ending the effect on a success. This detriment can only be
triggered once per long rest.

Fireball If you are in the radius of an area effect spell that requires a save and you are within ten ft. of at least one other
Hubris creature, you make the save with disadvantage. This detriment can only be triggered once per short rest.

conjuration Ruler

You have your own pocket-dimension pocket. It is capable of holding a single non-living object that is no larger
Interdimensional than 5x5 ft. and no heavier than 500 pounds. Any item that you store in this pocket may be called into your
1 Pocket hand using a bonus action, and re-stowed with a command word of your choosing. Stowing an item in this
pocket for the first time takes ten minutes, and any object already within the pocket is immediately ejected.

Intangible Your movements phase in and out of the material plane. You add an additional five ft. to any movement
Step speeds you possess.

On your first successful attack roll against a creature not on its home plane, you may add 2d6 additional
Planar damage. The damage is your choice of radiant, necrotic, thunder, cold, or fire. This damage increases by 2d6 at
Gatekeeper 5th level (4d6), 11th (6d6), and 17th (8d6). Once you have used this feature, you cannot use it against the same
creature again until the next time you roll initiative.

Helping You learn the Mage Hand (Pg. 256, Basic Rules) cantrip. The range of the cantrip extends to 90 ft. and the duration
Hand becomes one hour.

Extraplanar You are knowledgeable about a particular outer plane. You learn one language spoken there and have advantage
Awareness on arcana checks relating to objects or creatures from that plane.

When a creature you can see misses you with a melee attack, you may use your reaction to magically teleport
6 Wack-a-Mole up to 15 ft. away to an unoccupied space that you can see. Once you have used this feature, you cannot use it
again until after your next long rest.

You can create magical passageways. Once per day, you may trace the outline of a door up to 10 ft. tall and 10 ft.
wide onto any solid surface, creating a passage through the material. The passage can cut through a barrier made
7 up of up to 5 ft. of stone, 1 ft. of common metal, or 15 ft. of wood, but is automatically stopped by a thin sheet of lead.
The passage remains for ten minutes or until you dismiss it with a command word. Once you have used this feature,
you may not use it again until you finish your next long rest.

In your moment of need, you may call forward an extraplanar creature -- though you never know who will answer the
8 call. Once per long rest, you may use an action to summon one extraplanar creature of CR 1 or lower. The summoned
creature disappears when it falls to zero hit points or after one hour.

Summon Summon's Gamble Creature Status Upon Summon

1 Blink Dog
1 The creature is hostile to you. At the GM’s discretion, it will attack or flee.

2 Dretch
The creature is ambivalent towards you. As a part of the summoning action, you may attempt to
3 Dust Mephit 2 convince the creature that you are an ally with a Persuasion, Intimidation, or Animal Handling
check (if appropriate), DC 14. On a failure, the creature will attack or flee at the GM’s discretion.

4 Ice Mephit

The creature is ambivalent towards you. As a part of the summoning action, you may attempt to
5 Magma Mephit
3 convince the creature that you are an ally with a persuasion, intimidation, or animal handling
check (if appropriate), DC 14. On a fail, the creature will attack or flee at the GM’s discretion.
6 Dryad

7 Imp
The creature is friendly to you and will follow any commands you give. It takes its turn
immediately after yours in initiative order.
8 Sprite

80 Stargazer’s Guide to Aroria


Feeble Your form is easily untethered from your position on the material plane. Any saving throw you make to avoid
Tether being magically moved, teleported, or banished is made with disadvantage.

Passenger Any time you are the subject of a teleportation spell, willing or otherwise, roll 1d20. On a natural 1, you are
Slingshot flung 3d10 ft. away from the target location in any direction.

Whenever you come in physical contact with any item linked with an extradimensional space, roll 1d20. On a
Thanks, it roll of 5 or lower, any non-magical items on your person that weight less than five pounds are sucked into the
has Pockets item. You may prevent this effect by spending at least one hour communing/pleading with the object, after
which you will no longer be required to roll. Each item of this type has to be pleaded with individually.

You hover in and out of reality. Whenever an ally attempts to target you with a spell with multiple targets, roll
4 Ephemerality
1d20. On a natural 1, the caster must choose another target and you are unaffected by the spell.

At the end of each long rest, roll a 1d100. On the result of a 97-100, a random non-magical item from your
How Did that inventory is replaced by a random mundane trinket for the next 1d4 hours. Additionally, whenever you retrieve
Get in There? an item from a Bag of Holding or similar, roll 1d20. On a roll of 5 or lower, you retrieve a random item from the
Trinket Table instead.

You are not truly tied to any plane, material or otherwise. For the purposes of spells and abilities, you are
6 you Hang
considered native to another plane of existence (GM’s discretion which).
your Hat

If you roll a natural 1 on a check made during a move action or a check that uses your movement speed, you
Glitch in the
7 automatically fail, and are moved half of your movement speed in the opposite direction to an unoccupied, non
harmful space.

You often feel like you do not belong in this world. You have a very strong connection to a particular outer
plane, and have difficulty raising a weapon to those native to that plane.

When you attempt to target a creature native to that particular plane with an attack or harmful spell, you must
make a wisdom saving throw, DC 10. On a failure, you must choose another target or take a different action.
8 Farsickness
You may attempt the save again once on each of your subsequent turns. On a success, the effect ends, and the
detriment cannot be triggered again until after you finish your next long rest.

To see which plane and creature type you are attached to, roll 1d8 on the table below, or select the plane which
best fits your character concept.

Farsickness Effects

1 You feel called to the heavenly host in the Upper Planes. You must make your save against Celestial creatures.

2 Something in you relates to the clamor of the Lower Planes. You must make your save against Fiendish creatures.

3 The material plane is dreary -- you feel like you belong in the beautiful, mocking Feywild. You must make your save against Fey creatures.

4 You would do well in the Shadowfell. You must make your save against Undead creatures of CR 1 or higher.

It never feels quite right to have your ft. on the ground, and you long for the Elemental Plane of Air. You must make your save
against Air Elementals.

You are made of sterner stuff, and have a deep respect for the age and constancy of the Elemental Plane of Earth. You must make
your save against Earth Elementals.

Chaos, rage, destruction and creation are all bundled together for you, and you long for the blazing of the Elemental Plane of Fire.
You must make your save against Fire Elementals.

8 The vast crushing quiet of the Elemental Plane of Water calls to you. You must make your save against Water Elementals.

Divination ruler

When you make an Ability Check, Attack Roll, or Saving Throw, you may add an additional 1d4 to the result. You must
1 Fate’s Favor do so after the roll, but before a ruling has been made. After you have used this feature, you may not do so again until
you finish a Short Rest. You may use this feature twice per short rest at 9th Level and three times at 17th.

Once per long rest, you may target a creature that is both familiar to you and on the same plane of existence as you.
Ear of the The target must make a DC 13 Wisdom saving throw. On failure, you can hear what the target hears for the next ten
Moirai minutes. This feature requires concentration, and during this time you are deaf regarding your own senses. If they
succeed, the feature fails, and you may not attempt to use it again until after your next long rest.

When you see a written language you do not know, you may take 10 minutes to interpret the purpose or
3 meaning of the text. When you hear a language you do not understand, you may make an Intelligence Check (DC
10). On a success, you may communicate with the language in a rudimentary way.

in ten or fewer words, you may specify a course of action you or the party plan to take within the next 24 hours.
Glimpse The GM then rolls a D20: on a 1-10, they will tell you the most likely negative outcome of your course of action.
Beyond On a 11-20, they will tell you the most likely positive outcome. Once you have used this feature, you may not do
so again until you finish your next long rest.

As an action, you scan the area around you to detect the effects of illusory effects within 30 ft. If a magical
5 effect from the school of Illusion or Enchantment is within range, you know it exists and have advantage on
investigation and perception checks to determine where it is.

When you score a critical hit on a creature with an Intelligence score of at least 4, you may add 1d10 Psychic
6 Blindsider
damage to the damage roll. This damage increases by 1d10 at 5th level (2d10), 11th (3d10), and 17th (4d10).

Survival Unless you are surprised, when you roll initiative to enter battle, you may take the Dash action or use a Bonus
Instinct Action before combat begins. Once you use this feature, you may not do so again until you finish a Short Rest.

Once per day, you may spend 1 minute performing a ritual to give a creature you can see one Luck point. Once you
I Know How
8 have used this feature, you may not do so again until the next dawn. At 9th level you may choose two creatures. At
This Goes
17th level you may choose 3 creatures.


Frequent You are acutely sensitive to your sleep cycle and demand your time to recharge. When you gain a point of
Fatigue Exhaustion due to lack of a Long Rest, you gain two levels instead of one.

2 Open Minded When you are affected by a spell from the divination school you make the check with disadvantage.

Midnight Confidence in your intuition can get the better of you. When your party is traveling at night, roll a d20. On a
Meandering Natural 1, your party becomes lost.

You get lost in the details of your environment and forget to see the big picture. Your Passive Perception and
4 Nearsighted
Perception scores decrease by 1.

Mother You can understand no more than two languages. This feature supersedes character creation rules and if you
Tongue learn a new language by any means, you forget one language of your choice in 1d4 days.

Lagging It takes you an extra step to consider your actions in combat. When you take the Dash action, you lose 10 ft. of
Advance movement speed.

Twilight Lack of light is particularly detrimental to your sight. You treat Dim Light as if it were Darkness. If your race
Blindness normally has Darkvision, you no longer do.

Evident When you are hit with a Melee Attack Roll that was made with Advantage, you take an additional 1d6 Psychic
Vulnerability Damage.

82 Stargazer’s Guide to Aroria

Enchantment Ruler

1 You gain expertise in your choice of either deception or persuasion.

You may spend ten minutes casting Bless (Pg. 219, Basic Rules) on one willing creature. The duration of the spell
Faith of a
2 becomes one hour and it does not require concentration. You may not use this feature again until your next long

Inspiring When an ally within thirty ft. of you that can see you makes a saving throw, you may use your reaction to add
Presence 1d8 to that saving throw. You can do this a number of times per long rest equal to your proficiency modifier.

Stirring Once per day, you may perform for at least one minute to give up to six friendly creatures within 60 ft. who can
Performance see and hear you a number of temporary hit points equal to half your level, rounded down.

Enchanting You may use your reaction to give a creature you can see within 60 ft. disadvantage on its save against a charm
Distraction effect. Once you have used this feature, you may not use it again until after your next short rest.

As an action, you may target one creature within 15 ft. that can see and hear you and require them to make a
Honest wisdom saving throw, DC 10 + your proficiency modifier. On a fail, the creature is subjected to the effects of the
Aspect Zone of Truth (Pg. 289, Basic Rules) spell for one minute. The target is unaware that they are under any magical
effect. Once you have used this feature, you may not use it again until after your next long rest.

When a creature that you can see within thirty ft. uses its movement to move in any direction that is not towards
Get Back you, you can use your reaction to force the creature to make a wisdom saving throw, DC 10 + your proficiency
Here modifier. On a fail, the creature is instead compelled to move as close to you as possible and end its movement there.
You may use this feature a number of times per long rest equal to your proficiency modifier.

Any creature who attempts to target you with an ability before you have acted for the first time in initiative must
8 make a DC 13 intelligence check or choose another target. This ability is not triggered if the creature is familiar with
you or the creature has an intelligence below 4.

You have disadvantage on insight checks against creatures who are actively rolling a charisma skill check
1 Will Get You
against you.

When an ally attempts to give you the help action, you must roll 1d20. On a result of 7 or less on the die, you
2 I've Got This refuse the help and gain no benefits from their expended action. This detriment can only be triggered once per
long rest.

You have disadvantage on saves against divination spells. Once this detriment has been triggered, it cannot be
3 Open Book
triggered again until after your next long rest.

Noble When you roll a natural 1 on a deception check, you become under the effects of the spell Zone of Truth for the
Backpedal next minute.

Where is My You have disadvantage on saving throws against being charmed. This detriment can only be triggered once per
Mind long rest.

When you come within 15 ft. of a reflective surface that you can see, you must make a DC 10 wisdom saving
Curse of throw. On a fail, you are transfixed by your own image, and become paralyzed for one round. Once a player has
Narcissus succeeded on this Saving Throw, they may not be affected by this feature until the next dawn. This detriment
can only be triggered by a surface once.

Hypnotic When you fail on a saving throw to avoid the frightened or charmed condition, you have disadvantage on
Stasis subsequent checks to end the effect.

You Just
8 Don't Seem Choose from Deception, Intimidation, or Persuasion. You suffer a -2 penalty to ability checks using this skill.
the Type

Evocation Ruler

As an Action, you may force one humanoid within 30 ft. of you to make a Wisdom Saving Throw (DC 13). On
1 failure, the creature is charmed by you for 1 hour. You may use this feature once per long rest at 1st level,
increasing to twice at 9th level, and three times at 17th.

Speed You establish a connection to a number of creatures equal to your Proficiency bonus. While connected to these
Dial creatures, you may cast the Sending spell to each of them, without the need for material components, once per day.

Heat runs through your bloodstream and you’re warm to the touch. You cannot become exhausted by extreme
Jacob’s cold or heat. When you take Fire or Cold damage, you may use your reaction to reduce the damage taken by
Tent 1d6. This increases to 2d6 at level 9 and 3d6 at level 17. Once you have used this feature, you may not do so
again until you finish a Short Rest.

You can smell Glyphs of Warding and other arcane traps that would deal elemental damage within 30ft. When
Sulfur and
4 you detect a glyph or arcane trap in this way, you know where it is, the school of magic associated with it, and
you have advantage on investigation checks to determine the trap's triggers.

As a reaction, when you are forced to make a Saving Throw against an area of effect that deals elemental
5 damage, you summon a shield of force that surrounds your body. You automatically succeed on the Saving
Throw and take no damage. Once you have used this feature, you cannot do so again for 7 days.

You know the Light (Pg. 255, Basic Rules) cantrip and may cast it without the need for material components.
Pocket Full While your Light cantrip is shining, you may use an action to release a burst of sunlight. This light dispels
of Sunshine magical darkness of 3rd level or lower, illuminates invisible creatures within range, and lasts until the end of
your turn. Once you have used this feature, you may not do so again until you finish a Short Rest.

As a bonus action, you harness the magical energy in your body and charge it into an offensive release. The next
Draining time you hit with an attack, you may add elemental damage (your choice) to the roll equal to twice your level. When
Soul you use this feature, make a Constitution Saving Throw (DC 14), on failure, you are stunned until the end of your
next turn. You may use this feature once per long rest at 1st level, twice at 9th level, and three times at 17th.

You pull upon your life force to sustain yourself and others in times of great danger. For one minute, you may use
your bonus action to grant one creature you can see within 60 ft. 1d6 plus your Constitution modifier temporary
Font of hit points. Each time you grant a temporary hit point in this way, you age 1 day and temporary hit points gained in
Vitality this way disappear at the start of your next turn. Once you have used this feature, you may not do so again until you
finish a Short Rest. At level 9, the temporary hit points granted increases to 2d6, at level 17 the temporary hit points
granted increase to 3d6.


Elemental Cursed by the gods, you are vulnerable to one elemental damage type of your choice
Susceptibility (Fire, Cold, Lighting, Acid, or Thunder).

Healing When you drink a Potion of Healing (Pg. 187, Basic Rules), you gain fewer hit points than normal. Common
Resistance potions give 1d4+2, Greater give 3d4+4, Superior give 6d4+8, and Supreme give 8d4+20

Fear When you are in dim light, you have disadvantage on Dexterity Checks and make ranged and spell attack rolls
Darkness with disadvantage.

Overwhelming When you do 25 or more damage to a creature with a single attack or spell, your speed becomes zero until the
Force start of your next turn. You may negate this effect by taking 1d6 psychic damage.

Intimidating Your ambiance causes people to be a little more guarded around you. Creatures within 30 ft. of you must
Presence subtract 1d4 from Insight checks.

You cannot be targeted by Message (Pg. 259, Basic Rules), Sending (Pg. 274, Basic Rules), or any other spell or
6 Disconnected
feature that allows creatures to communicate telepathically.

You get sick easily when eating magical food. If you consume magical food make a Constitution Saving Throw
7 Homebody
(DC 10). On failure, you are poisoned for 1 hour.

8 Off Balance When you are affected by an action, feature, or spell that pushes or pulls you more than 5 ft., the distance is doubled.

84 Stargazer’s Guide to Aroria

illusion Ruler

Weapons you carry may not be revealed by magical means and you may conceal any weapon with the Finesse
1 Thin Blades
property in such a way that it is undetectable by physical inspection.

You may attempt to have a creature remember details about your appearance differently than they are. You force
2 one creature within 60 ft. to make an Intelligence Saving Throw (DC 14). On failure, you are remembered as taller, a
different race, or similar physical characteristic of your choosing.

You can enter the dreams of any willing creature you are familiar with. Creatures who allow you into their
3 Dreamstrider dreams rationalize your presence, recognize you are not a part of their subconscious, and may revoke
authorization at any time. Otherwise, the extent of the communication is determined by the dreamer.

You summon a Shadow (Pg 344 Basic Rules) to fight by your side in combat. This Shadow deals Psychic instead
4 Archbane of Necrotic damage. Once you have used this feature, you may not do so again until you finish a Long Rest. The
number of Shadows you may summon increases to two at level 9 and four at level 17.

Eyes of
5 You have Truesight to a range of 5ft.

You forge a bond with a golem of your own design that resides in a location that is known only to you. The
golem has Hit Points equal to 10 + 5 times your level, regains all their hit points at dawn, but otherwise has the
6 Life Golem statistics of a Homunculus (Pg 322 Basic Rules). When you take damage, you may choose to transfer all damage
you take to the golem. Once you have used this feature, you may not do so again until you finish a Short Rest. If
the golem drops to 0 Hit Points, so do you.

7 Any attack roll of a natural 4 or lower misses you.

8 Mimic You may choose any benefit in the 8th slot on any other rulership table.


Tactless You have no idea how much things cost and make all checks to appraise the value of an object with
Negotiator disadvantage.

Now You When you make a Stealth check and you roll a natural 1, any attacks or checks that target you are made with
See Me advantage until the end of your next turn.

You are susceptible to Fear effects more than most. When targeted by a Fear effect that requires a saving throw,
3 Gullible
you must roll a 1d4 and subtract that from your total.

That Was When you fail an Ability Check or Saving Throw to identify an illusion, you are Charmed by the caster for 1
Totally Real minute.

Dungeon When you walk in darkness, make a Charisma Saving Throw (DC 12). On failure, you are Frightened for 10
Denier minutes.

Bad at When you are subject to a spell that would disguise your form, you cannot specify the exact form. You can
Disguise always achieve a similar form, but never replicate an exact copy and the form you describe is always slightly off.

I'm Sorry, When you take Psychic damage from a critical hit, you become confused for until the end of your next turn.
What? While confused in this way, you may not move or take actions.

8 Mimic You may choose any detriment in the 8th slot on any other Detriment table.

Necromancy Ruler

Blood of the Once per long rest, you may elect to take 2d8 Necrotic damage. One creature of your choice that you can see
Covenant within 30 ft. of you regains hit points equal to double the amount of necrotic damage that you take.

Siphoned When you strike a killing blow against a creature, you may gain a number of temporary hit points equal to your
Spirit level. This ability can be triggered only once per round.

When you take Necrotic damage, you may use your reaction to gain resistance to Necrotic damage until the
3 Indifference
start of your next turn. You may use this ability a number of times per long rest equal to your proficiency

You have advantage on saving throws against any effect, ability, or spell that would cause you to become
Reliable possessed or cursed. Additionally, when you are targeted by a spell that involves trapping or transporting the
Vessel soul, you have advantage on the check to combat the spell. If you already have advantage on the check for any
reason, you become immune.

You may spend ten minutes performing a ritual on a willing creature. The target treats any number 15 or higher
as a critical success when rolling death saving throws: they return from unconsciousness with 1 hit point
5 and may immediately take their turn. When this ability is triggered for the first time, the effects of this ritual
end. Otherwise, the effects last for eight hours. You may perform this ritual once every long rest, and only one
creature may be under the effects of this ritual at a time.

Inevitable When you roll a critical success on an attack that deals Necrotic damage, when you would normally roll one or
Decay more dice to determine the Necrotic damage, you instead use the highest number possible for each die.

As an action, you may determine whether one creature that you can see within 60 ft. of you is undead, unless the
7 Recognize
creature is protected from divination magic.

You may harm yourself to harm others. You may elect to take 1d4 Necrotic damage to add 2d4 Necrotic damage to a
Bringing You
8 successful melee attack. This ability can only be triggered once per turn, and it may only be used a number of times
With Me
per long rest equal to your proficiency modifier.


Whenever one or more dice are rolled to determine the number of hit points you regain that would bring
Ready for you up from unconsciousness, the dice are rolled twice, and the lower total is used. This detriment does not
Death supersede the Grave Cleric’s ‘Circle of Mortality’ domain feature. In addition, medicine checks to stabilize you
while you are unconscious are made with disadvantage.

There is a part of you that has already passed on. When a creature within 30 ft. of you uses the Channel Divinity:
Walking Turn Undead action, you must also make a wisdom saving throw against the caster’s spell save DC. On a fail, you
Dead are forced to use your full movement to take the safest route to get as far away from the caster as possible at
the start of your next turn.

Fragile When you critically succeed on an attack that deals Necrotic damage, you become vulnerable to Radiant
Darkness damage for the next 1d4 rounds. This effect can only be triggered once per long rest.

You understand how powerful necromancy can be, and both fear and respect it. You have disadvantage on
4 saving throws against being frightened by an undead creature. This detriment is only triggered by your first of
such saves of the day.

Against the Any time you roll at least one die to determine the number of hit points regained by a creature other than
Black Tide yourself, roll 1d6 Necrotic damage against yourself.

Morbid You find yourself bewitched by those who blur the lines between the dead and the living. You have disadvantage
Fascination on insight checks made against any undead with an intelligence of 8 or above.

Your body sometimes simply does not have the energy to continue. When you roll a saving throw to prevent
The Flesh is
7 exhaustion or magical sleep, you make the roll with disadvantage. This detriment can only be triggered once
per long rest.

Something in your constitution is more comfortable in the dark, cold corners of the world. When you spend more than
8 It Burns Us one uninterrupted hour in direct sunlight or extreme heat, make a DC 12 constitution saving throw. On a fail, you gain
one level of Exhaustion. This detriment can only be triggered once per long rest.

86 Stargazer’s Guide to Aroria

Transmutation Ruler

1 Your movement speed is increased by 10 ft. and you may jump twice as far as normal.

You have Darkvision out to a range of 60 ft.. If your race already grants Darkvision, your range is doubled and you
2 Stygian Sight
can see in darkness as if it were bright light.

Aquatic You gain a swim speed equal to your walking speed and can hold your breath for 10 minutes.
3 Adaptation If you already have a swim speed, it is doubled.

During a Long Rest, you may alter one mundane melee weapon or 20 pieces of ammunition, with which you
4 are proficient, to be more effective. The weapon gains a +1 bonus to Attack and Damage rolls for the next seven
days, the weapon gains no monetary value, and you must spend another long rest to maintain the weapon.

Channeled When you score a critical hit, you may add an additional 2d6 elemental damage of your choice to the damage
Energy roll– Fire, Cold, Lightning, Acid, or Thunder. This damage increases to 4d6 at 9th level, and 6d6 at 17th level.

6 Regeneration
If you lose a limb, it grows back in 1d4 days.

7 Stout You have advantage on Ability Checks and Saving Throws that would cause you to be forced from your space.

While in possession of a creature's biological material, you may spend 10 minutes performing a ritual to divine
their location. When the ritual is complete, you know their exact distance and direction from the ritual location for
8 Bloodhound
1 hour, if they’re on another plane of existence, you know which, and if they’re traveling, you know how fast. After
completing this ritual, all biological material of the creature in your possession is destroyed.


Man's Worst Animals dislike you. You have disadvantage on all animal handling checks made towards beasts with a CR of 1
Enemy or lower.

Uninvited Magical lairs have strange effects on you. In a creature's lair you cannot benefit from a short rest, you do not
Guest regain hit dice on a long rest, and your movement speed is reduced by 10 ft.

3 If you are benefiting from Darkvision, you may only see half as far as normally.

4 When you drop to zero hit points, you come under the effects of the Blink spell ( Pg. 219, Basic Rules).

Obstinate You are resistant to magic that would alter your form. When you are subject to a shapechange effect you have
Form half of the number of hit points a typical creature of that type would have.

6 Long Slog While in combat, it costs an additional 5 ft. of movement for you to move through difficult terrain.

Bestial There is an off putting bestial nature to your form– reptilian eyes, wolf fangs, elongated arms, or sunken
Features features. You have disadvantage on Persuasion checks.

Very Specific
8 You cannot wear metal armor or use metal weapons.

Destiny is inevitable and Rulership has an undeniable
effect on a character, but some Adventurers don’t associate
with, or outright reject, their Ruler. For these Adventurers,
they often look to their Heir for inspiration. While your
Ruler reigned on the day you were born, your Heir was
strongest at the exact moment of your birth. However
fleeting that hour might have been, it burned brightest.

Determining your Heir can be achieved one of two ways–

randomly or by design. Only you can choose what is right
for your player character. To randomly select your Heir, roll
a 1d20 and consult the Heir Table below. Otherwise, you
may choose an Heir that best fits your desired character

Once your Heir is selected, roll 1d8 and consult the

associated Heir Table:
Abjuration Heir
Heirs Heir Features

1 2am Abjuration
You have an affinity to protecting yourself from the
elements, if only slightly. As a bonus action, you may
2 3am Divination
cause the rain, wind, dust, or any minor natural effect
to stop for 1 round. Any negative effect the condition
3 4am Conjuration
may have caused will not affect you for the round. You
may do this once per short rest.
4 5am Transmutation

5 6am Enchantment You may channel your defensive affinities to manifest

2 upon your body. You may make your body appear
6 7am Illusion harder than it is, as if made of stone or scales.

7 8am Evocation
You can see a rippling effect emanating from magical
barriers the first time you see them.
8 9am Necromancy

9 10am Enchantment
Once per long rest, you may roll an insight check
4 with advantage to determine if someone is hiding
11am - something.
10 Abjuration

11 2pm Divination
You are naturally attuned to creating small wards and
defensive measures. You may take 10 minutes to set up
12 3pm Conjuration 5
a rudimentary security system that requires a DC 15
Stealth check to bypass.
13 4pm Transmutation

14 5pm Enchantment Your connection to warding magic allows you to reduce

6 damage you take slightly. Once per long rest, you can
15 6pm Illusion reduce one source of damage by 1d4.

16 7pm Evocation

17 8pm Necromancy You may spend an action to place a basic arcane lock on
an object which lasts for 1 minute.
18 9pm Conjuration

19 10pm Abjuration
Once per long rest, you may spend one minute bolstering
yourself with a weak magical barrier. The barrier lasts for
11pm - ten minutes. When targeted with a spell that has a single-
20 Divination
1am target effect, you have advantage on the saving throw.

88 Stargazer’s Guide to Aroria

Gamemaster Note
No one can choose the day or time of their birth, but
fate and gods often influence the circumstance of an
Adventurer's birth. This mechanic is best utilized by
having players randomly roll a Ruler and specifically
choosing an Heir, or vice-versa. That being said,
we encourage gamemasters to allow players to
select their own Sign, Ruler, and Heir if doing so
will reinforce their character concept. Alternatively,
randomly assigning all three may provide strong
roleplay inspiration for players who do not already
have a strong concept in mind.

Conjuration Heir divination Heir

Heir Features Heir Features

You have an affinity to how objects are designed and You intrinsically know the locations of the stars in
1 created. You may spend a minute inspecting an object to your sky and have an affinity for cartography. On a
determine any flaws or unique elements of its design. 1 clear night, you may spend one hour studying the
constellations and determine your location within a
ten mile radius.
When near a creature that is from another plane, you
become aware of a unique smell in the air. You always know what phase the moon is in and can
2 take advantage of its light. At night, you gain a +1
(Check with your GM about unique smells linked to
extraplanar entities). 2 bonus to Perception Checks during a full moon, and a
+1 bonus to Stealth Checks during a new moon
(GMs discretion).
Faint elemental energies follow your movements. You
3 may have these appear as small streaks of lightning, When you touch a magical object for the first time, you
heat waves, or crystallized frost. 3
hear a very high pitched hum.

You are attuned to the strangeness of planar languages Traveling comes naturally to you. You have an eye for
4 and can add a 1d4 to any Arcana checks to determine shortcuts and can take advantage of favorable terrain.
types of planar languages written or spoken. 4 While on the Material Plane, your party can move an
additional 6 miles per day and may maintain stealth at
a normal pace.
You have the ability to summon small, mundane objects
for a minute. As an action, you may call into existence
5 You gain a +1 bonus to your Passive Insight.
5 one small mundane object, such as a quill, a hammer,
or a needle. You may only have one object appear at a
time. You have uncanny luck while gambling and nearly
always turn a profit. For each hour you spend gambling,
make a Dexterity Check (DC 8). On success, you gain
The power of conjuration moves through you, allowing 1d4+1 Gold Pieces. On failure, you break even.
you to conjure a small insect that travels with you.
6 This insect is visible only to those you select and be
Declare one subject you are intimately familiar with (your
resummoned as a ritual. The insect cannot take any
GM is responsible for determining the scope of this). You
actions or impact material objects. 7
gain advantage on History Checks when attempting to
recall information about the chosen subject.
You have advantage on any arcana checks when
7 inspecting summoning circles or any runes related to the As a Ritual, you may take 1 minute to inspect the palm
summoning/conjuration of creatures. of a willing humanoid. You are in tune with how the
divine fates manifest themselves physically on others
bodies. You have advantage on medicine checks on
8 humanoids that you are able to study their palms for at
As a ritual, you may summon one non-magical item, no least 1 minute. If you roll a natural 20, you can estimate
8 larger than 5x5 ft. or heavier than 200 pounds, for 1 the remaining lifespan of the humanoid within a month.
minute. This accounts for sickness, age, magical curses, and other
passive effects, but ignores violent or accidental death.

Enchantment Heir evocation Heir
Heir Features Heir Features

You are attuned to the natural elements of the world,

You have an affinity with getting what you want when particularly any related to storms or natural disasters.
1 you ask for it. Once per long rest, you may roll with 1 You may spend 10 minutes studying your surroundings
advantage when making persuasion checks. and gain advantage on your next survival check to
predict storms or other weather events.

You are well aware of the power and energies of your

You gain a +1 bonus when making saving throws own body. Once every hour, you can project your
2 2
against charm effects. voice for one minute so that it is audible and easily
understood up to 2 miles away.

When you touch an enchanted humanoid for the first

When you near another creature with the evocation
time, you can immediately tell that they are affected by
3 3 heir for the first time, your hair stands on end for a
an enchantment spell, seeing a unique color represents
moment as if electrocuted.
the effect.

You have a knack for moving through crowds and

You recognize the capacity to tap into the energies
speaking to people without them remembering you.
that drive the world. You may spend an hour to locate
Once per long rest, you can require a target that you
4 4 a nearby powerful magical aura. This must be done
have met within the last eight hours to roll a DC 8
in a location laden with magic and is subject to GM’s
Wisdom Check to recall or remember you. On a fail,
they are unable to remember your name or appearance.

You always know how to conduct yourself in social

You gain a +2 bonus to your Passive Insight when
5 settings and are able to make a good impression on 5
noticing a creature’s attitude.
nearly everyone you meet for the first time.

When passing by a reflective surface, your image offers You can channel an inner light to guide you. As a free
6 affirming, supportive gestures. Other creatures can see 6 action, for 1d4 rounds, you may emit a faint light that
this effect. illuminates a 5ft. Radius space around you.

You gain a +1 bonus when making Arcana checks You are closely connected to the energies of the magical
7 to determine the precise nature and identity of an 7 Weave and acquire a personal taste, smell, feel, or sound
enchantment spell. associated with each spell you cast.

As a Ritual, you may take 1 minute to prepare a single

You may infuse a single sentence with the power to
trinket (a pebble, a ring, a marble) and channel your
enthrall a creature. Any creature you choose who hears it
magic to cause the object to be freezing cold, searing
8 must make a DC 10 Wisdom Saving Throw or be charmed 8
hot, or infused with a small electrical shock for the next
by you for 1 minute. Once you have used the feature, you
5 minutes. The object cannot be used to inflict damage
may not do so again until you finish a Short Rest.
from this effect.

90 Stargazer’s Guide to Aroria

Illusion Heir Necromancy Heir
Heir Features Heir Features

You have a close connection with illusions and the way

1 you perceive the world. Once per long rest, you can As a command, you can turn your flesh icy cold and
make a check with advantage to identify an illusion. acquire a faintly offal odor.

You are acutely aware of how to change the sound and You have an affinity to the weakness of the dead. You
smell of material objects. Once per long rest, you can may spend one minute inspecting an undead creature
2 change the smell of an object or the sound an object within 100 ft. that you can see. On a successful DC 14
makes. This effect lasts for one hour and requires a DC investigation check, you may learn one of the following:
20 perception to dispel the illusion. a single resistance, vulnerability, damage immunity, or
condition immunity.

You are skilled at guiding the way that people

remember details about you. Once per short rest, When you enter hallowed/unhallowed ground for the
3 3
you can ensure a creature remembers or does not first time, you see the magical aura for a few seconds.
remember your name.

You have an affinity for shadows and manipulating

When casting necromantic spells, each spell impacts
them. Once per long rest, you may command the
4 4 your body, leaving small, permanent aesthetic effects
shadows around you to gain advantage on a deception
upon you of your choosing.
or intimidation check.

You have an affinity for poisons and preservatives, and

any checks you make for detecting these are made
5 You have proficiency in disguise kits. 5
with a 1d4 bonus. This bonus does not stack with any
beneficial enchantments.

You're naturally attuned to speaking with undead. Once

Once per short rest, you can change the denomination per long rest, you may make a persuasion check with
6 of one coin, raising it's denomination either one value 6 advantage when speaking to an undead creature. The
up or down. This effect lasts for an hour. creature immediately learns that you have an affinity
to necromancy when you do this.

You may speak to your shadow and have it move around

You may select three magical tricks that you are
you upon your command. The shadow may not leave you
7 proficient in. You may perform these tricks to gain 1d4+1 7
but may grow in length (up to 10 ft.) and make gestures
silver per hour.
on its own.

As a Bonus Action, you may bestow a small blessing

to reinforce their life on another creature other than
8 You can throw your voice up to 30 ft away. 8 yourself. For 1 minute, that creature may make one death
saving throw with advantage. This may affect only one
creature at a time.

Transmutation Heir special
Heir Features
You understand the nature of change in your body. You When most Adventurers enter the world, the stars
1 may spend a minute to determine the precise location look down with indifference, the sun shines brightly in
and type of any wounds or damage a body has taken. arrogance, and the moon is ignorant for the entirety of
its nightly journey. However, there are rare occasions
when destiny veers, the Moirai turn their gaze, and the
mountain lends its ear the cries of birth. The birth of
Adventurers during an equinox, solstice, meteor shower
You have always been drawn to alchemical arts and can or eclipse is a yolk of destiny, and these Adventurers are
2 learn to use alchemical symbols as a secret language born to shape the world.
that only you and those you teach understand.
To determine if your character was born under a Special
Circumstance, roll a d100. On a result of 99-100, roll a d4
Once per day, you may touch a nonmagical item that and consult the Special Circumstances table.
3 weighs less than 10 pounds and change its color for 1
Special Circumstances

Eclipse - Roll a d120. On the result of a 20, roll a 1d4

You are capable of detecting the subtle metals that are 1 and consult the Solar Eclipse Table. Otherwise, roll a
4 found in objects. You may spend 1 minute to determine 1d4 and consult the Lunar Eclipse Table.
what base metals (gold, silver, copper) are in an object.

Meteor Shower - Roll a 1d4 and consult the Meteor

Shower Table.
You may have the color of your hair or eyes change in
intensity when you are feeling a strong emotion.
Eclipse - Roll a d20. On the result of a 20, roll a 1d4 and
3 consult the Solar Eclipse Table. Otherwise, roll a 1d4
Once per day, you may alter a physical feature about and consult the Lunar Eclipse Table.
6 yourself (e.g. lengthen your hair, change your eye color,
lengthen your fingernails).

Meteor Shower/Planet Alignment. Roll 1d100. On the

You are attuned to your emotional states, and the 4 result of a 100, roll 1d6 on the Planet Alignment Table.
7 emotional states of others. As a ritual you may cast calm Otherwise, roll 1d4 and consult the Meteor Shower Table.
emotions as the spell on an ally.

You may spend a minute to determine if an object or

living creature has been affected by transmutation magic. Gamemaster Note
Even the gods cannot force planets to
align and bend time. If you choose to
allow Special Circumstances for your
Adventurers, the results must be earned by
the will of the dice. Powerful non-player
characters, villains, and plots may be built
around Special Circumstances, but players
may not choose to be born under them.

Additionally, some special circumstances

limit Sign options for characters born under
them. For example, Fleurtide marks the
start of spring, Aurous contains the summer
solstice, Rustium is the start of autumn, and
Waking is the home of the winter solstice.
We recommend that players who would
experience a Sign change with their Special
Circumstance have the option to deny that
benefit for roleplay purposes.

92 Stargazer’s Guide to Aroria

Solar Eclipse Table

1 You gain Expertise in Perception

You know the spell Burning Hands (Pg. 220, Basic Rules),
and may cast it once per day without expending a spell
slot or using material components. Your spellcasting
modifier for this spell is Charisma. At level 5, Burning
Hands is replaced by Fireball (Pg. 241, Basic Rules). At
level 9, Fireball is replaced by Wall of Fire (Pg. 285, Basic
Rules). At Level 13, Wall of Fire is replaced by Fire Storm
(Pg. 242, Basic Rules).

Lunar Eclipse Table 3 You are immune to Fire damage.

Your Constitution Score increases by 2. Your Maximum

A wise man fears a night with no moon. You vibe 4
Constitution Score increases by 2.
with Fey creatures and gain the following benefits.
You recognize Fey creatures, regardless of illusions
or enchantments, Fey creatures have disadvantage
on Attack rolls against you, and you have advantage Meteor Shower Table
on Saving Throws against spells and magical effects
1 generated by Fey creatures. While on the Material
At night, you may add 1d4 to the result of any Ability
Plane, you always know where the nearest portal to 1
Check, Attack Roll, or Saving Throw.
the Feywild is. While in the Feywild, you always know
where the nearest portal to the Material Plane is, you
gain 1d8+1 temporary hit points when you finish a
Short or Long Rest, and you gain a +1 bonus to attack When you cast a spell that has a range of 5ft or greater,
and damage rolls. you may double the range of the spell. Once you have
used this feature, you may not do so again until you
finish a Short Rest.

You have an affinity for rituals and may improvise most

rituals without prior knowledge. You may cast any spell You know when humanoid creatures are intentionally
that has the Ritual tag without the need for a spellbook deceitful.
or spell scroll. Your spellcasting modifier for these spells
is Charisma, the spell must be of a level you can cast, and
you must have all material components associated with At dawn each day, roll 1d20. You may replace the roll
the spell. Once you have used this feature, you may not on the die of any Ability Check, Attack Roll, or Saving
do so again until you finish a Short Rest. Throw made within 60 ft. of you with this result until
your next Long Rest.

You can see in darkness as if it were bright light, and

can see in magical darkness as if it were dim light. Planet Alignment Table

Your Strength score is 22, and your Maximum Strength

Score is increased to 30.
4 You gain Expertise in Stealth

Your Dexterity score is 22, and your Maximum

Dexterity Score is increased to 30.
Equinox/Solstice Table

Vernal - When you start your turn with more than 0 hit
points, you gain 1d4+1 hit points. Your Constitution score is 22, and your Maximum
Constitution Score is increased to 30.
Summer - When you take a Long Rest, you only need to
2 rest half the number of hours as required by your Race. Your Wisdom score is 22, and your Maximum Wisdom
You may complete a Short Rest in 10 minutes. 4
Score is increased to 30.

Autumnal - You have advantage on Death Saving Your Intelligence score is 22, and your Maximum
3 5
Throws Intelligence Score is increased to 30.

Your Charisma score is 22, and your Maximum

4 Winter - You gain Resistance to Cold damage. 6
Charisma Score is increased to 30.

La Cambria by Ridell Apellanes

94 Stargazer’s Guide to Aroria

La Cambria
La Cambria is the capital city of Aroria and is connected
to the west coast of the mainland by Andrin’s Bridge.
The island metropolis is a hub for art and culture, boasts In Goldspire, a humble magic shop built from worn wood
the largest library in all the world, and prides itself features a low pitched roof, four evenly spaced windows,
on the quality of life provided to its citizens. Densely and looks to be in slight disrepair. Painted in fading blue
packed wooden and limestone buildings stack three letters over the threshold is the name Manguin’s Magical
stories tall along nearly every street. Long beaches Mysteries. Stepping onto the wraparound porch, you can see
stretch down the bay coast for miles. Taverns and the windows are covered completely by red velvet curtains
bakeries are around every corner and serve the finest ale
inside, and it’s impossible to get a good look at the interior.
and cuisine in the world.
The main door opens up into a massive room, far larger than
imports, exports, and markets the building itself is capable of holding. Pristine marble floors
shine like glass. Floating blue and white orbs of light dance
La Cambria is heavily influenced by trade from around above. Books and magical trinkets of all kinds line the walls
the world. As the western most city on the continent, the
and cover the tables in the space, and young mages with the
northern port is the busiest in the world and sees dozens
of ships pass through the docks each tide. Magic items traditional blue robes of Niveau Maximum meander about,
from all over the world flow into Manguin’s Magical assisting patrons and filling orders.
Mysteries, and the finest luxury items are brought
here to auction to the highest bidder. La Cambria itself
The scholars from Niveau
benefits from a massive underwater mining operation.
Maximum always have special
The Undercity takes advantage of the magical prowess
commissions or component
of Niveau Maximum to mine the island and surrounding
requests of Manguin so the shop is
coast for precious gems, metals, and other raw materials.
often home to extremely rare items
The mainland of Aroria is an abundant resource of
that were leftover or unclaimed.
grain, cotton, corn, and other cash crops. Homesteads
and large farming operations will bring any excess they Common magic items and most
produce hundreds of miles to the city to sell. While uncommon can be acquired at
providing resources for the capital is important, every Manguin’s Magical Mysteries
farmer on the mainland knows a bag of flour will fetch nearly on demand, in rare cases
nearly two silver pieces in La Cambria, and a gold piece patrons may be asked to come
if it’s pure. back the next day for these items.
Manguin’s is open for commission and characters
religion should be able to place orders for nearly any magic item
with a large enough down payment. Players who do not
The official religion of La Cambria is the Masters of wish to wait may view the rare item inventory below.
the Weave. Savion holds the largest influence over the This inventory is constantly changing, use the list below
city, and her cathedral, Savion’s Sunrise, is one of the as a template for items currently available at Manguin’s.
most visited pilgrimage sites in the world. Legend
says during the Ascension Savion stood together with á Uncommon Weapon +1 Dart
Bouclier on that very spot, and the two dueled with a (Basic Rules, Pg 213)
Kraken of Vol to save the city. No religion is banned in
La Cambria. However, servants of evil aligned deities á Very Rare Weapon +3 Great Axe
are certainly frowned upon and could be subject to (Basic Rules, Pg 213)
investigation by the court. á Rare Armor Hide of Resistance (Force)
(Basic Rules, Pg 152)
locations in la cambria á Uncommon Spell Scroll: Scroll of Branding
Smite (Basic Rules, Pg 219)
manguin's magical mysteries á Rare Spell Scroll: Scroll of Freedom of
Movement (Basic Rules, Pg 244)
Manguin’s Magical Mysteries is a magic item shop. It’s
adjacency to the port provides a diverse and unique á Rare Wondrous Item Boots of Speed
inventory from incoming traders as well as a strong (Basic Rules, Pg 155)
customer base for low level potions and magic items. á Rare Wondrous Items Chestpiece of Verdant
Wisdom (Pg. 206)

La Cambria by Ridell Apellanes

golden pearl
A long flat brothel overlooks the Barvassian sea and you
can see dim flickering light inside. Notably, the back wall of
the pearl is missing. The absence invites crashing waves of Menu
the sea against the cliffside that caresses and serenades each
patron. Dark wood furniture with gold and black upholstery sparkling auric
creates a sleek and cozy atmosphere. Scattered randomly, A delightful golden sparkling wine to tickle and
guard ropes protect stumbling patrons from holes in the floor tease the senses. The bubbles in the glass change
and the steep stone steps that lead to the rooms below.. Each color from gold to purple as they rise within the
of these tunnels into the earth leads to a private chamber of glass. A fine vint from the Ulish estate.
debauchery or respite, your choice. The patrons here are very FLAVOR: Slightly tarte, crisp, herbal and
well dressed. They recline on plush pillows sipping bubbling refreshing. Semi-sweet with notes of almond,
golden wine. Soft laughter can be heard as beautiful men and rosemary, and a subtle plum finish.
women alike whisper sweet words into the ears of the patrons
here. Seen with the occasional blush and backroom allure. rose rhubarb honey
A deep fuschia colored beverage garnished with a
single rose petal. Imported directly from Saltstone
The Golden Pearl is the most upscale entertainment venue itself and a seasonal
in La Cambria. The spectacular views over the ocean
and fresh seafood from the port make the Golden Pearl a FLAVOR: Slightly tarte, herbacious with a subtle
frequent destination for the elite of Kingscourt. Travelers floral note and a warm honey finish.
and adventurers looking for an upscale inn will find the
accommodations of the Pearl some of the finest in the food specialties
world. The opulence of the Golden Pearl has a disarming Steamed mussels with a slice of lemon, dovetail
quality to it. Patrons are encouraged to explore personal tartelettes, and fresh baked rosemary bread.
boundaries and are extended freedoms otherwise
considered taboo. Outside of the objectively evil, nearly
any desire can be satisfied at the Golden Pearl.
room and board
Pillowed Suite
notable figures Cliffside Room with Servant &
Giselle Goldeveil Private Bath House
Elf She/Her, Rustium. Her long golden hair is tied back
into a tight bun. Owner of the Golden Pearl. She has
multiple curved ivory hair pins jetting out of the bun like
solar flares. She bought the inn off of Clove Whetten who
didn’t have a keen mind for business or how to run an inn
properly. Like a butterfly emerging from a cocoon, Giselle
elevated and transformed the old ‘Whaler’s Wagon Inn' Adventure Hook
into the Golden Pearl. After an evening of revelry and debauchery at the Golden Pearl,
you wake with a headache and a knock at the door. Sliding softly
Jeff under the door is a light brown piece of parchment with your bill
Human He/Him, Wisterius. Council Member of La from last night. Eighteen gold pieces isn’t much for adventurers
Cambria, spends many of his nights with the fellowship like yourselves, but unfortunately, as you reach for your purse, you
of Golden Pearl courtesans. He loves a good drink and a grasp at nothing but air.
risky wager.

96 Stargazer’s Guide to Aroria

dragon's horde pits of power
The streets of Crowsban are some of the filthiest in La On the east side of the island, far from the watchful eyes
Cambria. Urchins and cutpurse lurk around every corner, of Niveau Maximum, the Pits of Power wait to test the
and every home without a stone roof has a leak. However, strength of any combatant. Three twenty foot deep pits
there is one shining beacon of light amongst the shadow; the are spaced around a circular bar in the middle. Several
Dragon’s Hoard. The bleached white skull of a black dragon individuals with leather vests and scars on their arm are
looms over the casino and long curving tusks almost brush serving beer, registering names for the afternoon brawl, and
the hair of guests. Inside, table games of chance are accented taking bets for the next fight.
by bright chromatic cards, strong honey whiskey, and dark
ale. A Brass Dragonborn places a pewter mug of ale in your
hand as you enter and the multi-floored casino is begging for This arena is both a source of entertainment and income
you to be entertained. for many in La Cambria. Anyone with a free day off may
visit the Pits of Power to pass the afternoon enjoying
the combat sport. Many of the combatants are Sons of
This casino has card games, dice, and all other manner of Bouclier, veterans, or former bullies looking for a little
games of chance. The dragon theme is a favorite among extra coin on the side. You can place bets on matches in
the travelers from the mainland and extends into the the Pits of Power at the Dragon’s Horde or may visit the
architecture, cutlery, and decor. The dragonborn who Pitmaster to sign up for a match.
operate the Dragon’s Horde are refugees from the war
in Agubonne and have no plans to ever return north. mini-game | pits of power
Dealers at the Dragon’s Horde create games that are as The Pits of Power is a one-on-one combat arena.
fair as possible and cheating is cause for a lifetime ban. Participants must compete in single combat, unless a
Though the Horde itself does not partake, the casino has special tournament is held, and spellcasting is cause for
a reputation for serving unscrupulous ne'er-do-wells disqualification. Players do not use their full hit points,
from Thrice, the port, and the mainland and is often the may not wear armor, or use weapons when competing in
background for criminal negotiations. the Pits of Power. Players have a hit point total equal to
their hit die plus their Constitution Modifier.
notable figures
To resolve a match, players choose what level of
competition they wish to face: easy, medium, hard, or
Silver Dragonborn She/Her, Waking. Owner and operator
very difficult. Wins in easier matches earn less gold but
of the Dragon’s Horde. Delilah is quiet and reserved. Her
losses pay nothing. Then, players enter the Pits of Power
watchful eyes are well practiced at spotting cheaters and
and roll initiative against their chosen competitor. The
she always seems to know more than she’s letting on.
fight continues until one competitor has 0 hit points.
Competitors in the Pits of Power come in all shapes and
sizes. Competitors use the Bandit (Pg. 162, Basic Rules)
Adventure Hook with the following modifications.
You’re down on your luck at the poker table. Hand after hand isn’t
going your way, and you’ve lost more than a hundred gold pieces Competitors in the Pits of Power
this evening. It isn’t long until you’ve spent everything you’ve
brought to the Dragon’s Horde and there’s not another copper á Easy (d6): 8 Hit Points, +4 to hit, 2 damage, one attack.
piece to wager. Seeing your great loss, Delilah approaches you and á Medium (d8): 10 Hit Points, +5 to hit, 3 damage, one
the party. She offers five hundred gold pieces to help her with a attack.
‘little task’. If you decide to take it, she will give you a sealed scroll
entrusting you to deliver it to a ship in the port. The scroll is a á Hard (d10): 13 Hit Points, +5 to hit, 4 damage, two
demand for payment and threatens the Captain with violence if attacks.
they won’t pay up. á Very Difficult (d12): 16 Hit Points, +6 to hit, 5
damage, two attacks.

La Cambria by Mabel Barreto

98 Stargazer’s Guide to Aroria

fool's gold inn and tavern
Located at the end of Andrin’s bridge, the gateway into La Menu
Cambria is the Fool’s Gold Inn and Tavern. This three story
tavern is unique as the first level is at ground level, but the off yer'boots
guest quarters dig down into the earth two additional levels. Made from the secretions of large sea-life, this
Each room uses the natural cave formations below to its coastal inn sells this oily black beverage in small
advantage. Some rooms within the inn are more cramped but potent portions. Players must immediately
than others. The most luxurious rooms are large with high make a Constitution save DC10 to keep it down.
ceilings. Stalactites drip down fresh water to hollowed out If spilled or wretched you must make a Dexterity
bowles on top of stalagmite columns that guests use as wash DC10 Saving Throw to not slip and fall prone.
basins. Back on the ground level, specklings of platinum FLAVOR: Very salty and metallic. The texture
coins lay haphazardly on the floor. They shine against the is similar to olive oil, but slighly thicker. Leaves a
warm fireplace and lantern light. coating on the back of the throat for 1 hour.

yawn'n prawns
The Fool’s Gold Inn is one the many popular tavern Freshly caught prawns in a tomato brine broth
style inns in La Cambria. It’s name recognition in with cut turnips and purple potatoes. Sprinkled
Aroria makes the Inn a common meeting place for long with Thyme and a splash of lemon. Penny likes to
lost friends and casual acquaintances. Upon entering use squid ink to draw smiley faces on the prawns
the Inn, the innkeepers and servers inform patrons before serving them to guests.
that the coins littering the ground are available to any FLAVOR: Subtle salty brine flavor of the ocean
patron. The inside joke is that all the coins are stuck with a hint of citrus soaked into the turnips and
to the ground with Sovereign Glue (Pg. 200, Basic potatoes. Warm and comforting on the coldest of
Rules). This is a surefire way to point out newcomers nights. The thyme brings a nice fresh herbaceous
and tourists to La Cambria and makes one the butt of note to the dish.
many jokes from the staff. The bond can be broken only
by the application of Universal Solvent (Pg. 209, Basic
Rules) or with the Wish spell (Pg. 288, Basic Rules).
room and board
Typical Room
notable figures Large Private Cavern Suite
Penny Coppertoe
Dwarf She/Her, Pyrium. Great sense of humor. Braided
red hair down her back with a plump as a peach round
face. She’ll tell guests if they can get a coin off the
ground they’ll be entitled to free room and board for the These rooms are filled with average furniture pieces. They
night. While playful, she is very hospitable to her guests.
aren’t lavish or highly decorated at all. You see a simple
Her father was a miner in Digbrand and her knowledge
of natural cave systems is what made Fool’s Gold what wooden four post bed with two goose feathered pillows, side
it is today. tables, desk, chair. You do notice the blankets are thicker
than the typical inn. Being below the Earth, the temperature
typically ranges around 55-60 degrees. However, that’s not
this inn's most distinct feature. As you all enter your rooms,
you are greeted by a large chamber with at least 20 foot high
ceilings. Stalactites drip down fresh water to hollowed out
bowls on top of stalagmite columns that guests use as wash
basins. No two rooms are the same as each one showcases
different calcite formations. Iron forged lanterns are bolted
into the cave walls and cast a golden glow around the room.

Adventure Hook
One of the lowest rooms within the inn has a small collapse
revealing a passageway further down into the earth. Penny
originally thought it nothing more than a simple repair and
potential expansion project. However, strange occurrences have
proven that false. People have bad dreams. Some patrons claim
they hear things in the walls late at night. Others swear they see
foreboding shadows in the corners of their rooms. She’s trying to
handle things quickly and quietly for the sake of her business and
will pay handsomely to anyone willing to investigate the tunnel and
take care of whatever is causing these disturbances.

Wildwood is a thin forest of fir trees and rocky hills
at the base of Velmire’s Peak. Sprawling meadows of
rye grass and wildflowers are home to honey bees and
butterflies. The woods are alive with scurrying squirrels
and prowling wolves.

imports, exports, and markets

Wildwood’s official trading post is the Quail’s Cup.
Rangers and Homesteaders bring pelts, gemstones,
and dried meats to the Tavern to exchange for other
necessities like sugar, salt, or medicine. The Quail’s Cup
is always looking to offload the Hide and Leather armor
it produces with these raw materials and will pay top
dollar to couriers willing to travel to the nearest city for
supplies. The finest archers in Aroria seek Kit’s Roost for locations in wildwood
immaculately made longbows and his gryphon fletched
arrows. the quail's cup
religion An old arrow sign is fastened to a pine tree with a single
The people of Wildwood don’t live in solitude to be rusted nail. The white letters on the sign read “Quail’s Cup:
restrained by gods, but none can deny their presence
Adventurers Wanted” and the arrow points to an A-frame
out here. All but the most foolish in Wildwood
acknowledge Vera and know better than to disrespect style log tavern with a large porthole window above the
her. The Cave of Terrer is a common pilgrimage site open arch. Smoke rises slowly from a stone chimney on the
for those who worship the Masters of the Weave. right side of the building and candlelight flickers from the
Unfortunately, the cave has seen a decline in visitors polished bar inside. Circular tables and stools are made from
lately due to the Destruction Gods’ lack of popularity. the trunks of ancient and young pines respectively. The
age rings on the tables have been smoothed with time and
sterling and the sparrowhawks stained with ale. Antlers, bear claws, deer heads, and other
Everything that happens in Wildwood occurs under the taxidermied trophies prowl the walls of the Quails Cup and
watchful eye of the Sparrowhawks. Wildwood is an easy remind you of how deep into Wildwood you are.
beat, The Sparrowhawks see very little poaching, the
predatory creatures are manageable, and the weather is
nice. All would be perfect, except for the infernal hotel of notable figures
Mistress Tenebress near Bluebird Hollow. Ned
Human He/Him, Sunbask . First Ranger of the Quail’s Cup,
broad shoulders and deep receding hairline. Appreciates
his position, but misses time alone in the woods.

Adventure Hooks

á The Quail’s cup has a standing order to purchase

every wolf, grizzly, or owlbear pelt in Wildwood
for 10GP, 25GP, and 50GP respectively. The
Sparrowhawks offer this bounty not only to limit
the growth of dangerous predators, but to test new
Rangers in the guild.
á News has reached Ned's ears of a group of Bandits
harrowing those traveling the Path of Yisgarian. The
trail is dangerous enough as it is and a rogue arrow
from the darkness doesn’t help. Ned is offering 250GP
to anyone who can make the trail safe again.
á Downtime Activity
Part of the Sparrowhawk’s interest in Wildwood is the
abundance of hide and leather. Adventures may make
a Survival Check (DC 12) to spend a week hunting the
wood in the service to the Sparrowhawks. After three
successful checks, Ned will provide a set of +2 Hide or
Leather Armor engraved with the Quail’s Cup crest
for their effort.

100 Stargazer’s Guide to Aroria

tenebress hotel cave of terrer

Bluebird Hollow is on the east side of Wildwood below the The Path of Terrer is trod by the steps of the ambitious.
rockiest foothills of Velmire’s Peak. Honeycombs of natural The trail snakes over hills, through thickets, and deep into
springs form languid lakes where meadows should be. Trees Wildwood. The mouth of the cave itself is humble. Fifteen ft.
grow twisting and vine-like here, and the path is muddy tall and thirty ft. wide, the opening breathes cool air out of
and slick more often than not. Warnings speak of an Infernal the hillside. Tall pines stretch to the sky above and a granite
Hotel in these parts, a half-way house for wayward devils overhang drips long roots to the dirt below.
and demons. The closer you get to the Tenebress Hotel,
bluebirds flutter across your path. They are a warning. The
everpresent flock is always in your peripheral, snapping notable figures
twigs and cawing softly.
Half-Elf He/Him, Duskworn. Rocolle, affectionately
When you finally reach the cursed spot, there’s not a chirp known as Roco, is short for a Half-Elf and has a stocky
to be heard, only the wind and the soft whinny of a horse. build, hazel eyes, and brown hair. Notably, Roco has a
The Victorian homestead is noticeably out of place. A long scar stretching from his right earlobe to the left side
gravel road passes under a wrought iron gate, river rock of his collarbone.
columns are spaced ten ft. apart around the property, and
small stone gargoyles are the eternal watch dogs of the Adventure Hooks
Tenebress Hotel. Ancient gravestones are like random teeth
growing in the yard. In each of the hotel windows, a single á A family of Goblins have taken up residence in the
red candle flickers. Amid the darkness, something about its Cave of Terrer and are preventing pilgrims from
glow draws you closer. entering. You know the Sparrowhawks at the Quail’s
Cup will pay a bounty of 25GP per goblin ear
returned to them, but there’s more to this story. The
notable figures Goblins have been displaced from their home near the
Path of Yisgarian by bandits. They will leave willingly
Mistress Tenebress if the bandit threat can be removed.
Mistress Tenebress is a Hag that runs a Half-Way Hotel for
the infernal on the Material Plane. Her domicile has been á You find a wayward pilgrim, Rocolle, in the Quail’s
the home to all manner of devil and demon. Most of these Cup traveling to the Cave of Terrer. Getting to know
fiends are in Wildwood to draw upon the raw magic of them, you discover Rocolle’s journey started halfway
The Cave of Terrer, but others are just laying low, trying across the world in the port city of Trench and they
to escape the inevitability of a contract gone bad. Either have traveled all this way just to see the cave. They
way, the chaos brewing within Bluebird Hollow is almost share with you a myth about an Aurumvorax that is
always the source of evil in the Wildwood. said to inhabit the cave and believe it to be the last of
its kind. Rocolle will pay 500 GP for escort into the
cave, under the condition that no one is to mortally
Adventure Hooks harm the creature.

á Mistress Tenebress, like all Hags, is always looking to

make a deal. In exchange for one favor of the party’s
choice, the Mistress needs an escaped devil slain. She
would go herself, but her residents need tending to
and she can’t very well leave them alone.
á Sterling is fed up. Sparrowhawks and travelers alike
have been going missing in Bluebird Hollow for
far too long. He’s offering lifetime lodging at any
Sparrowhawk tavern across the world, 1,000 GP, and
a +2 Longbow to the first adventuring party that can
send the mistress back to the Nine Hells.

kit's roost
Velmire’s Peak is the longest and most tumultuous trail
traveling wildwood
in Wildwood. The path twists like a serpent up the spine All locations in Wildwood are accessible by three
of the mountain and loose rocks and wayward branches hiking trails, Velmire’s Peak, Bluebird Hollow, and
threaten to turn your ankle at every bend. While the journey Path of Yisgarian. These trails are inaccessible by
wagons and travel difficulty varies from path to path.
is treacherous, the view is spectacular. Cresting onto the
While hiking, make a Survival Check (DC Varies), on
plateau at Velmire’s peak, you see Kit’s Roost, a gryphon failure, the trail becomes difficult terrain. For every
sanctuary and messenger service. The double-decker four hours spent on a trail, roll a d6. On a 1, introduce
style stables are full of gryphon nests and the baby flying one of the random encounters from the Path’s Table
creatures. A grey and white feathered gryphon drinks from below. Optionally, if the party takes a long rest in
a magically fueled lake in the center of the grounds. Smoke Wildwood, roll on the Path Table.
plumes from a humble stone home with a roaring fire within.
As you get closer, you notice a set of stone stairs that wrap
Path Table
around the home and lead to a rooftop patio. You imagine
that the unencumbered view from atop Kit’s Roost is nothing
short of breathtaking.
1d6+1 Wolves (Pg. 159 Basic Rules)begin stalking the
party and will attack if the party does not run.
notable figures
Arakocra He/Him, Waking. Kit’s jet black wings are
accented with grey undertones and white specs. He and You stumble across an Owlbear’s (Pg. 147, Basic Rules)
his two sons own and operate Kit’s Roost.

Adventure Hooks

á Wyverns (Pg. 160, Basic Rules) on the west side of 3

1d4+2 Bandits (PG 162, Basic Rules) attempt to
Velmire’s Peak have grown more aggressive lately. ambush the party.
They make their nests in the coves along the cliffside
and usually scavenge the ocean for food. Lately they
have been moving inland, even killing one of the
Gryphons. Kit needs adventurers to saddle up to deal
1 Treant (Pg. 315, Basic Rules) is disturbed by the
with the beasts and will offer a pair of Gryphons as 4
party’s presence and attacks.
mounts in exchange.
á An anonymous source has requested a pick up
and delivery to the Quail’s Cup. Apparently, the
information is either too sensitive or too dangerous It begins to rain, the path is considered Difficult Terrain
to be trusted to a typical courier. Kit will provide for the remainder of your journey. If the path was
already Difficult Terrain, you must stop or take a point
Gryphons to facilitate the delivery and offer to split the
of exhaustion.
delivery fee, a total of 200 GP.
á A Stone Giant (Pg. 313, Basic Rules) has taken up
residence near the waterfall on the east side of the You stray from the path and become lost. The
mountain. It’s not necessarily a problem, but the boys 6 consequence of a lost party in the woods near Bluebird
like to go swimming near there and the Giant scares Hollow is left to your imagination.
them. If the Giant could be convinced to move or
eliminated, Kit will pay 500 GP.

102 Stargazer’s Guide to Aroria

locations in Thrice
compassion's counting house
Marbled stairs lead past three pairs of alabaster pillars,
stopping at a series of dark oak doors that mark the entrance
to Compassion’s Counting House. A fountain crafted from a
glimmering brass scale stands at the center of the entryway,
the water pouring out into the two pans, where decorative
copper, silver and gold coins are stacked. Inside the counting
house is a short, grandiose foyer filled with teller’s desks and
the continuous scratching of quills on parchment. Beyond
the foyer is a large vault door, with gilded lettering that says,
“Abandon all ye coin here”. Those who pass through these
doors enter Compassion's casino, an open layout filled with
tables, high back chairs and opulent fountains.

Compassion’s Counting House is a bank and casino. Wise

guild members throughout Thrice come here to deposit
Ivory Coin of Thrice by Lauren Hodges a portion of their unscrupulously acquired funds and
gamble the rest away. Unwise, or unlucky, rogues find
themselves owing both the casino and bank at the same
time, these unfortunate souls end up in the service of the
Coin Counters who use the venue as a base of operations.
Thrice notable figures
Master Kagish Marcone
Thrice, the Den of Rogues, is advantageously positioned Half-Orc He/Him, Soulstice. Kagish is dressed in a fine
on Dragon’s Road on the Mainland of Aroria. It is dark suit and frequently smokes a long pipe. He greets
surrounded by rich farmland to the south and dense guests cordially and never forgets a face or name.
forests to the north. Thrice has made a name for itself as
a town rich in trade and corruption. Thrice is divided downtime activity
into three districts: the Gilded Path, Northend and Compassion’s Counting House doubles as a bank and
Upper East Garden, each of which is under the control of casino and welcomes anyone to spend their coin there.
a different guild. A perpetual tension exists between the Characters may play games of three dragon ante, dice,
triumvirate and each hopes to gain an advantage over and other games of chance. If characters decide to take
the others. In public, the guild leaders treat one another part in these games, ask them to declare an amount of
with begrudging respect but behind the scenes, each money wagered and then make three DC 14 Wisdom
guild works complex machinations to bring about the (Insight) checks to spend a few hours playing the games.
fall of the others. Refer to the following table to determine how well the
characters do upon leaving the casino.
imports, exports, and markets
á 0 Successes | Character loses 1.5x the money that they
Shops and trading posts can be found throughout intended to gamble.
Thrice, but nearly every significant transaction makes
its way through Compassion’s Counting House. á 1 Success | Character loses all money that they’ve
Surrounding farmers haul their harvest, trappers bring gambled
furs, and traveling merchants bring information, to á 2 Successes | Character breaks even
purchase trading rights in town. While collecting the tax á 3 Successes | Character gains additional 1.2x gold pieces
on trade goods, food, and rent, Thrice’s main export lay
in its vast network of information and anyone willing to
pay can find it here.

religion Adventure Hook

While there are a number of rules throughout Thrice, Recently, Master Kagish learned that the counting house had
none relate to who and what a person may worship. a discrepancy between the ledgers and the money in the vault,
Information is gold in the Thrice and the gods who resulting in a small sum of coins missing. Included in the missing
seek or harbor knowledge call Thrice home. To practice coins was the coveted Ivory Coin, the coin used in the biennial
religion requires a license issued by the Rooks and Harvest Hunt and a symbol of esteem and respect throughout
Bishops, which is only issued after an interview has been the guilds. Nervous that the other guilds will learn the truth of
completed and their fee has been paid. Tromperie, Lavie, the coin, Master Kagish is offering 1000gp and a licence of their
and Poid have strong influences over the guilds and have choosing to those willing to discreetly assist him in the search.
significant influence among thieves. Already a few folks have gone missing who no doubt have failed in
tracking down the Ivory Coin.

the honest cup
Located on the south side of Thrice near the southern
entrance is a small tavern called the Honest Cup. Over the
door hangs a simple sign showing two tankards clashing
together, beer sloshing from both. Gentle laughter and the
sounds of low conversation fill the air as you enter. Emblems
of Thrice, three coins shaped into a pyramid, hang from the
rafters of the room. The savory smells of pie hang in the air
and long tables, lined with stools and benches run down the
center of the room. On the west of the room is a short bar
above which is a large chalkboard with names and numbers
running across it. Over the names and numbers are the
words, “please donate here” with an arrow pointing to a
small bucket on the counter. Nearby the bar is a worn, small
table stained with grime, food, and beer on top of which is an
empty pie tray.

Adventurers passing through Thrice often find

themselves with room and board at the Honest Cup.
The inn and tavern is a common meeting place for
guild members and is considered neutral territory. Adventure Hooks
Most evenings a traveling minstrel can be found with Recently the Honest Cup has fallen under hard times, unable
an open lute case at their ft. waiting for tips. to pay its rent, liquor license and the occasional damages from
bar fights. The other day, a small pack of Northenders led by
notable figures Maxwell Montegue appeared in the tavern saying that the rent has
been increased.
Cathilda “Cathy” Merryweather
Gnome She/Her, Frostwane. Heavy set, faded dyed Desperate, Cathilda is holding weekly pie competitions in hopes of
blue hair, nose piercing with a chain running to an ear bringing in more customers. Meanwhile, she has been wagering
piercing, green eyes. Owner of the Honest Cup. money at Compassion’s Counting House in hopes of getting enough
to pay her debts though it hasn’t been going well. She will reward
downtime activity anyone who can help her deal with her debts by giving them the
lodgings above the tavern.
Cathlida’s Pie Extravaganza. Weekly Cathilda bakes
a number of pies to attract patrons and advertise her
Master Kagish has a soft spot for Cathilda and her taven, and has
tavern. If they would like, characters can participate in the
problems in the past with Maxwell Montegue. Characters that
competition. “deal” with Maxwell would be rewarded with the total of Cathilda’s
gamblings, 1000 gp and an invitation to play at the best tables of
In order to join the event, competitors must pay 5 gold
Compassion’s Counting House.
pieces. The competition has two phases. The first is a
contest of speed. The contestants are paired off and must
eat two pies before the other. The first competitor to fail
three checks, is out of the race and the other wins. During
this phase competitors may choose any ability check to
compete, and you should invite them to explain how their
ability check assists in eating the pies.

The second phase is a test of fortitude, requiring

constitution checks. Each round, the competitors must
eat heavy meat pies, and make constitution checks.
The DC for these checks begins at 9 and progressively
increases. Once a character fails the check, they are out
of the competition.

Winners of the competition have their name written on the

chalkboard wall and are given a small fruit pie as a reward.

104 Stargazer’s Guide to Aroria

lunar stage
Located in the eastern district, this small circular theater sits
on a small hill overlooking much of the town. The outer walls
and gate are decorated with vibrant, multicoloured flags and
banners of Thrice, three coins shaped into a pyramid, hang at
random intervals along the walls. Above the gate are gilded
words reading, “Let us entertain you!”

As you draw close, you can hear the sounds of trumpets,

drums and string instruments playing a soft, lilting tune as
if attempting to entice you though there is no source to the
sound. You quickly notice that the tune appears to match
the rhythm of your steps, stopping when you stop and
increasing its pace as you do.

Inside the theater is a large multilevel stage and props of

castles, monsters and weapons scattered about the grounds.
Box seats look down on the stage where a prop wall and a
graveyard setting sit empty.

notable figures
Richard Wesselton Crownthorn IV
(aka Wess to friends)
Kenku They/Them, Pyrium. Multicolored dyed wings,
with additional vibrant pink feathers extensions that flare
out from them like a cape. Wears anklets and toe rings.
Speaks in multiple voices but with dramatic flare. Lead
actor of Cast’s Stage.

Adventure Hooks
With the Harvest Hunt fast approaching, members of the Rooks
and Bishops have decided to put on a play depicting the very first
Harvest Hunt, where the town’s founders each stole an Ivory Coin
from a passing Queen and how two of those coins have been lost
to time. Lady Cast, wanting to put on an amazing show, has sent a
call out for the greatest actors throughout the city. Many including
Richard Wesselton Crownthorn IV answered the call and rehearsals
are now underway. Yet recently, members of the cast have started
to disappear and one has turned up killed in the same manner that
they were to be “killed” on stage.

While Lady Cast is too busy preparing her own schemes for the Gamemaster Note
Harvest Hunt and the newly arrived Circus Fantasma, Richard
Wesselton Crownthorn IV has offered to pay 1000 gp for
information about the mysterious disappearances of the actors and The Lunar Stage in Thrice is the perfect
actresses and fears that this could be foul play from the rival guilds origin location for any player looking to
or something more sinister. play a Bard or have downtime.

Recently, a young actor accidentally left Cast’s Stage with the well- Looking to introduce a new character into
known Mask of Whispers. Rumors tell of a strangely moving figure a preexisting Stargazer's Guide to Aroria
wearing that mask moving through the city streets at night, trying game? The adventure hooks are a perfect
to convince people to follow them into the dark. More than one way to drop in any new bard!
person swears that they’ve heard more than one voice talking to
them from shadowed alleyways.

downtime activity
While seeing a play at Cast’s Stage is always a treat, the
theater company is always in need of more trinkets, props
and “realistic” scenery. They will pay for unused magic
items and will offer 50gp for trinkets from far off lands or
that are tied to great stories.

the pound
A simple rectangular building of grey stone located in the
corner of the Thrice, the Pound appears modest and practical.
The sign of the city watch, a bloodhound snarling, is woven
on banners that hang on either side of the iron front door.
Inside, are a series of desks and a set of stairs leading to the
dungeons. The smell of dogs hangs in the air and there are
easily over a dozen large hounds in various states of rest or
play in this room. The city watch members are serious and
stoic, often working on paperwork or training one of the
many dogs.

Like a ship lost in a storm, The Pound is the only safe

haven for the lawful citizens of Thrice. The Pound
understands that fighting the organized crime of
the guilds is a fruitless endeavor, but defending
commoners from petty larceny and assault is within
their power. As such, they respond promptly to violent
crime, but may turn an blind eye to the illegal trade
and larger endeavors. Daily operations at The Pound
are mundane and it is primarily a place for the City
pocketful of lint Watch to file paperwork between patrols.

Near the central square of Thrice is a small shop displaying

notable figures
various trinkets, oddities, and unique wares. A small sign Corra Nightingale
hangs above the shop showing a hand reaching into a pocket. Human She/Her, Lamentium. Tall and muscular, with
The faint smell of cinnamon hangs in the air around the short-cut hair and an eyepatch over her left eye. She is
shop, though you cannot tell where the source is. Inside are loyal to the city watch and loves Thrice.
lines of shelves each displaying a variety of wares with tiny
placards denoting prices or descriptions. Adventure Hooks
With the upcoming Harvest Hunt, Corra has found herself hard
pressed to maintain a sense of order throughout the city. As each
When a character enters into Pocket full of Lint, roll a guild begins to carry out their various schemes and plans, the
1d20. On a roll of 1-5, one of the character’s items in city watch has had to work to monitor the guilds’ movements. As
their inventory, determined randomly, is teleported a result, Corra Nightingale has offered to pay 100 gp to anyone
into a display case in the shop with a price tag of willing to work as a city watch member for the next few weeks.
15 gold pieces. Nigel will not explain how the item
showed up, but will offer character’s discounts to buy A member of the Northenders, Karina Crackjaw has been causing
the item back. If threatened with violence, Nigel will problems throughout the city, attacking residents and members of
ask the characters to take it up with the local watch. the Coin Counters and Rooks and Bishops and leaving them near
dead. Hoping to keep the Northenders from provoking the other
notable figures two guilds, Corra has set a bounty on Karina’s head, paying 1000 gp
for her alive and 500 gp if she is killed.
Nigel “Silvertongue” Kingston
Human He/Him, Aurous. Long hair in a ponytail, coffee-
stained teeth. He is often playing with a deck of cards or
a quill and likes to talk in a fake accent. He wears a Robe
of Useful Items (Pg. 159, Basic Rules) that seems to be
heavily frayed and stitched back together.

Adventure Hook
Nigel has recently found himself in possession of a rare, but cursed
Bag of Devouring (Dungeon Master’s Guide Pg. 153), which, until
recently, belonged to the infamous guildmaster, Lady Aubrey Cast.
Nervous that he will incur the wrath of the Rooks and Bishops guild
and their guildmaster, Nigel is looking for someone to take the item
off his hands. He is selling the bag for only 70 gold pieces, telling
anyone who is interested that the bag will “bring good luck” to
them. If the characters refuse to buy the bag, Nigel will instead ask
them to deliver it to Cast’s Stage, with a letter of apology.

106 Stargazer’s Guide to Aroria

Most residents of the Emerald Sands worship Vera, but
very little of it is organized. Most in Emerald Sands
have a spiritual understanding of the gods and choose
to worship in subtle or silent ways. The people here
are keen to leave well enough alone when it comes to
spiritual matters, but due to their connection to the sea
and land, will not stand for a cross word against Vol.

locations in Emerald Sands

davy's crock
No one could ever own Emerald Sands. The marsh is her
own, and she answers only to the tides. If you’re new to
Emerald Sands, go see Davy at the Crock, no one in the
marsh knows more about its comings and goings. He’ll
tell you all about the day's catch, what the Sunken City
is up to, and who has been seen passing through.
Emerald Sands notable figures
The coastline of Emerald Sands stretches into the horizon for Tiefling He/Him, Waking. Blue Green Skin, black hair,
miles. Seagulls fly in a cloudless sky of half gray blue, and a gold eyes. Friendly and kind, has a cool demeanor and
hint of seaweed green tints the coast. Long wooden piers are has a pious respect for the sea.
crooked fingers reaching into the surf. Skiffs and small boats
with canvas sails are rings on each of the dock's knuckles. Adventure Hooks
Generously spaced along the bank of Emerald Sands are If it doesn’t look like rain, Davy wakes every morning half an hour
before sunrise and walks to his boat. He spends the next four or five
several stone and driftwood structures. The humble homes
hours cruising the waves, diving for scallops, and casting his net
are decorated with shells from the sea and flora for the day's catch. If you’re short on coin for ale or lodging, Davy is
from the marsh. The largest of the buildings is a pavilion willing to barter both for an extra set of hands at sea the next day.
with a long “U” shaped bar overlooking the sea. A sign
hanging from the mouth of a massive taxidermied crocodile Davy is an ambassador for the fortress beneath the waves. He
on the roof reads: “The Crock”. keeps the only map to its secret location locked in a crab trap deep
in his mind. Adventurers with a worthy purpose may prove their
intentions and earn his guidance to its location. He cannot be
Emerald Sands is a marsh. Brackish water flows in bribed and will die with the secret if threatened.
and out of wide estuaries, into dark green lagoons and
through thin fingerlike waterways with the tide. Birds,
beasts, and predators of a thousand species rely upon
the marsh for survival. Tall grasses line the banks. sunken city
During the evenings, bioluminescent bacteria come to
life, basking the waterways and namesake coastline in
Below the surface, dimly lit at the tips of the sun's rays, just
a dusky green glow. The Emerald sands are situated to
the north of Sunspell on islands in the Barvassian sea. As a hundred ft. from the drop off, is a fortress. The pink coral
if the once large island has been swallowed by the sea, castle arrogantly peers into the ominous darkness of the deep
dozens of smaller islands are connected by long emerald sea. There are no walls around the Sunken City, only stone
sandbars. towers With interlocking bridges that support a marble slab
that is twice the size of the fortress itself. There’s something
imports, exports, and markets wrong though. Perhaps it’s just the unfamiliarity of being so
Emerald Sands is a self-sustaining community and far beneath the waves, or maybe it’s the ancient personality of
rarely, if ever, looks to the outside world for support. this place, but chill and goosebumps are universal symptoms
Most locals engage in barter economy and come to the of proximity to the Sunken City.
beach to trade goods. Those that choose to visit the
islands do so for it’s spectacular sunrises and unique
access to shellfish, crab, and other seafood. Davy’s The Sunken City is an undersea fortress on the seafloor,
Crock, an inn located on the largest of the islands, serves just a hundred yards from the drop off. The warrior
up some of the best crawfish on the planet to those merfolk who inhabit the watery walls call the fortress
seeking a relaxing vacation The few tourists who do “Moirer”. Their ways are secretive and they are cautious
make it onto the islands may stay for months at a time, around outsiders, but their purpose is public knowledge
filling Davy’s pockets with more than just coin. Davy in Emerald Sands. The fortress guards a portal to the
often accepts new books as payment for a stay at the Elemental Plane of Water, and the merfolk see it as
Crock, which ensures his library is fully stocked with their sacred duty to guard the material plane from the
dangers within.
new and adventurous tales from the world at large.

notable figures
Amara Reefborn
Merfolk She/Her, Soulstice. Dark purple skin, blue
eyes, thinning silver hair. Mother to Iveria Reefborn.
Fierce and guarded, she takes her commitment as
guardian of this portal as seriously as possible.

Adventure Hooks
A fierce storm blew through Emerald Sands and raged for more
than two days. Rief and a group of scavengers went out looking for
sunken ships to resupply the city, and they haven’t been seen since.
That was three weeks ago and Amara is willing to trade a diamond
worth 1,000 GP to anyone who can bring them home or discover
what happened.

Every four years the tide of Emerald Sands rises at midnight during
a full moon. Pulling with its full might, the veil between the Water
and Material Plane is torn. They call it Taua Vai, and warriors of the
Sunken City protect the Material Plane from whatever may come
until the sun rises. Adventurers who fight for more than just coin
may find themselves overwhelmed with honor and pride after a
successful defense of the city.

dylia's lagoon

In the marshland of Emerald Sands, all rivers flow from

Dylia. In the natural center of the marsh is a crystal blue
lagoon with a small island in the middle. Indigenous life
blooms here. Herrings, cranes, and owls perch near the
water's edge or in trees. Long trout circle the island and
crocodile beach on the bank. On the island, a massive red
maple has its arms stretched out to hug the lagoon in
cool shade. Shack-sized gray stones with druidic runes
carved into them encircle the tree. Atop the closest rock,
you can see a white tiger sleeping on one of these sun
soaked runic stones.

Dylia is the benevolent cultivator of the marsh and its

inhabitants. There is a single freshwater lagoon, deep
in the forest, that Dylia calls home. From there, her
presence flows into the waters and keeps the brackish
darkness in the bay. She is the tide. Her presence rises
over the marsh, nurturing its people and life. Then
it’s gone, for months or years at a time, waiting to be
needed again, always returning when the marsh is
most fallow. Adventure Hook
notable figures The man the locals call ‘Punch’ has been stirring up trouble in the
marsh. The man’s got a temper, that much is true, but Dylia left him
Dylia alone until he started overfishing the estuary. At low tide, the water
Druid She/Her, Lamentium. Never far from her tigress creates shallow pools where young marine life can thrive. The pools
companion, Mel. Ally of the marsh and its people, sees create wonderful nurseries and provide food for cranes and gulls,
them as if they were any other inhabitant. Dedicated to but Punch has been scooping the hatchlings out by the netful, says
the balance, will not tolerate those who take more than he’s using them to flavor his soup. His disruptive behavior must
their share. be stopped, preferably by non-lethal means. The benefits of an
Archdruid’s favor are left to your imagination.

108 Stargazer’s Guide to Aroria

lady shady's lighthouse

If you ride horseback north along the coastline of

Emerald Beach, you’ll reach Shade Pointe in half
a day. The waves on the north side of the marsh
are strong and choppy, barreling into the coast,
crashing against a lighthouse that rises directly from
the ocean floor. The structure is about three hundred
ft. from shore, and jagged rocks play peek-a-boo as
the waves rise and fall between it and the beach. No
light swirls from the top of this lighthouse, no candle
burns in the window, and no soul enters without
permission. No one has been in the old lighthouse
for a decade or more, but the locals know an ethereal
green bridge appears between the mainland and
lighthouse every night at low tide.

The Lighthouse has three floors, each with various

rooms that should be filled with appropriately leveled
undead. In addition to these creatures, players will
find The Shady Lady (Banshee, Pg. 118, Basic Rules)
and the following treasure.

Floor 1
A chest with 10d12 Gold Pieces, a +1 Longsword, and
a +1 Shield

Floor 2
Two Potions of Healing (Greater) (Pg. 187, Basic
Rules), Two Silver Rings.

Floor 3
The Shady Lady’s Crown (Headband of Intellect, Pg.
173, Basic Rules)

The children of Emerald Sands have a nursery rhyme

that applies to Shade Pointe. You may overhear some
of them singing while playing tag, or you can find it
written on the wall of Davy’s Crock. It reads.

Lady Shady's Rhyme

Lady Shady gives a fright!

Lady Shady in the night!

Lady Shady! Hide from sight!

Lady Shady! Burn your light!

sable hypothesized that the chasm leads to a demiplane or
other world filled with sand. Not inherently dangerous,
To enter into Sable is to endure a trial of fire and sand. the people of Sable built around the chasm, letting it
serve as a drain for the falling sand above.
First you must walk into the desert, under scorching sun
and searing heat until your ft. blister and you taste nothing Unlike other cities in Aroria, Sable is a sovereign
but the sand around you. Then you will see an olive tree monarchy with power firmly in the hands of the
standing alone amid the sand. It is here where the trial Corviri family. Queen Anetha Corviri and her two
begins. Protected by a magical sandstorm and the vicious children, Prince Resh and Princess Zahra, rule the city
creatures of the desert, Sable is an oasis paradise often efficiently and cautiously. Queen Corviri is the most
beyond the reach of those hoping to visit it. Build under outspoken in keeping Sable secluded from the world,
the swirling sands in a massive stone chamber, Sable is a while her children enact policies that conservatively
sprawling city boasting the finest species, oils, and a library invite outsiders into the city. Beyond their politics, the
royal family are avid patrons of the arts, the library,
to rival the great Niveau Maximum of La Cambria. Sand
and music, devoting a large sum of their treasuring to
pours from large vents in the ceiling down into the streets cultivating these ventures.
below, where it flows in long rivers towards the Alhawi, a
great chasm leading down deep into the earth. For those who
see Sable for the first time, the flow sand appears like a great
imports, exports, and markets
hourglass, the movement of people and sand becoming one. Sable’s exports consist primarily of glass, silver, salt and
premium spices. As isolationists, Sable prefers to be self-
sustaining and its imports are far fewer than its exports.
Sable’s scholars and scribes help spread the city’s deep
Sable is a glimmering oasis hidden amid the rolling reservoir of knowledge to the surrounding world. Books
dunes. Nicknamed the “Timeless Treasure” for those are published in bulk to be sold across the continent.
traveling to the city and to the residents living there, Markets throughout Sable overflow with trinkets,
Sable has grown in notoriety and has become a valuable
resting place for those traveling throughout the region. furniture, and alchemical supplies.
Sheltered from the surrounding world, Sable wrestles
with a growing sense of isolationism and a desire to be religion
a force in the world. Given the dangerous environment Sable is loyal to Remblace and though all religions are
beyond their chamber, many of the city’s residents find welcomed, the other Masters and Lost Gods are not
themselves happy to remain in the city for their entire officially supported. Believing in the power of growth
lives, though younger generations often seek freedom and developing the self, many in Sable make offerings to
from the confining dome of their home. Remblace as they change and take on new opportunities.
The Living Terrace is the primary church in Sable, its
In the center of the city is an expansive chasm into which many tiered gardens creating spaces for residents to tend
sands from the desert above steadily flow into. Explorers to various crops while worshiping.
who ventured into the chasm discovered that it descends
forever into darkness. Scholars and scientists have

110 Stargazer’s Guide to Aroria

locations in sable alluring embers
the diamond of sable
Carved into the sandstone building is a large oak leaf with
smokey wisps, bearing the words “Alluring Embers.” A
Amid the sandstone, beige buildings that make up a majority simple building on the market road, it appears, at first, like
of the city stands the “Diamond” of Sable, a majestic lapis any other residential building throughout the city, except for
lazuli tower adorned with thousands of panes of glass. This a steady stream of smoke that billows lazily out of windows
structure is peculiar as magic has been imbued on the glass carved above the door. Entering into the shop, visitors are
panes, causing them to reflect various images or colors based assaulted by the strong smells of tobacco and ammonia, the
on the whims of the Corviri family. When not displaying shelves lined with ornate soapstone boxes filled with cigars
a specific thing, this structure appears to be transparent, of every type and flavor. Bundles of incense hang from the
though this is an optical illusion, and it is how it gained its ceiling and in the back of the store is a small counter full of
nickname. From this tower, the Corviri family spreads their aged brandy. A small counter flanks the front door, behind
policies throughout the city, watching over their people and which the owner, Kehpri, watches the word between puffs of
sprawling kingdom. her jade pipe.

The Diamond of Sable, commonly known as “Diamond” A building nearly as old as Sable itself, the Alluring
is a magically constructed tower of near pure glass. Embers is owned and operated by Kehpri, a human
Crafted when Sable was young, the tower’s original merchant who’s worked hard to develop a large
creator was a wizard named Jasmine Al-Dahir, who following of devoted patrons. Having served the Corviri
was said to be a genius artificer. Within the building family on multiple occasions, the Alluring Embers has
are hundreds of chambers of glass, each of which can become something of a tourist destination for those who
be adjusted to make them obscured or visible as those visit Sable. Many who enter the store come for the fine
inside wish. The Corviri family lives in the upper floors brandy and finer cigars, but nearly an equal amount
of the tower while the lower floors are used for political of visitors come to speak to Kehpri, herself. More than
and bureaucratic business. once those, both young and old, will seek out Kehpri’s
wisdom over a cigar, drink, or glass of water. Rumor
notable figures has it that if you are lucky, Kehpri will share one of
her many stories of years past, their message always
Queen Anetha Corviri seeming to guide you to the best decisions.
Human She/Her, Duskworn. Anetha is a tall woman with
a strong, muscular physique. She has long black hair
down to her waist, often bound in a long braid. Formerly
notable figures
a warrior priest in her young age, Anetha truly entered Kehpri
royalty in her late teens when her siblings perished Human She/Her, Soulstice. Kehpri is a slender human
under mysterious circumstances in Northern Aroria. appearing in her late twenties. Her hair is jet black and
Anetha easily claimed rulership of Sable through political her eyes are calm, but sharp and hard. She often wears
maneuvering and has won the hearts of many throughout a long purple robe embroidered with gold. She is never
the city. She easily laughs at jokes and is prone to playing without her jade pipe, carved in the shape of a soaring
games of chess while talking politics. Those who spend phoenix, from which she frequently smokes a variety
time with her discover that under a laid-back mask is an of tobaccos or other herbs. No one in Sable knows how
extremely calculating and strategic woman, driven to old Kehpri is, and there is currently a 1000 gold bet that
support her family and city. Kehpri runs for anyone who can guess her age. While
the truth behind her agelessness is unknown, she enjoys
cultivating various rumors, including the most recent one
that she brokered a deal with a demon in exchange for
some of her rarest tobacco.

library, many are traveling professors, who host classes
strands of saffron inn in large lecture halls in exchange for room and board.
Anyone wishing to learn of the outside world or who
A simple building of red sandstone, Strands of Saffron, has a day off often finds themselves attending these
nicknamed, “Saffron” is a popular bed and breakfast in lectures.
Sable. Humble on the outside, the interior gives off a
welcoming, home-like feeling. Granite floors, and magical
notable figures
cooling devices keep the building a pleasant temperature Sabaset
while lounge sofas and a long dining room table create Androsphinx. Sabaset is the head librarian in the Halls
spaces for visitors to rest and chat in comfort. A small staff of Myrrh. Carved from pure jade and imbued with life
from a long past wizard, Sabaset now curates the wealth
of attendants move throughout the inn, working to fulfill the
of knowledge gathered by Sable and its scholars. Sabaset
requests of their patrons under the watchful eye of Lazarus has large, hawk-like jade wings, and an intricate crown
the innkeeper. of gemstones that drift lazily around his head. He enjoys
greeting new visitors to the library and invites them to
wander the halls. He does not appreciate the oversight the
A simple, well established inn, the Strands of Saffron
Corviri family impedes on him, and he will often treat the
is usually the first place visitors are directed to when
emissary with open disdain.
they arrive in the city. Well equipped to help those not
accustomed to the heat of Sable or the surrounding area, Adventure Hook
the Strands of Saffron caters predominantly to foreigners. Kareema has always struggled to return the books she's reserved
The inn is owned and operated by Lazarus who often on time, despite the repeated punishments Sabeset has decreed.
invites those visiting to sit down and share their stories Many say that the mighty Sphinx has deemed her his favorite.
with him. Built nearby the great gorge in the center of Yet, this time, she has failed to return a valuable first edition
the city, Saffron is often facing legal troubles regarding which has greatly annoyed the library's master. Having placed a
building codes and safety regulations. Lazarus is quick tracking spell on the book, Sabaset wants someone to track down
to dismiss and deal with these issues but the continued Kareema and return the book in one piece.
streak of hearings and court dates has become something
of an inside joke amongst the neighbors.
cobra's embrace and the scales
Adventure Hook
While Saffron’s perpetual legal woes are a joke to some, for
If you walk through Sable long enough, you will eventually
Lazarus it often means that visitors and potential patrons avoid discover that the streets and alleys begin to twist around,
the inn and seek out other options instead. His main competitors leading to deadends, looping in on themselves or seeming
have started taking many of his clients to his annoyance. He has to intentionally lead you astray. People call this effect, the
asked anyone willing to help him spread the word about Saffron Cobra’s Embrace. At the center of this strange phenomenon
so that he can gather more clients while also removing any is a statue of a Cobra, carved of lapis lazuli that presides over
advertisements from his competitors. Lazarus has no doubts that
a small but bustling market locals call the The Scales. Here
the innkeepers are doing the same thing back to him and warns
those who help him that there could be a fight or two in the alleys.
visitors can find nearly anything for sale for the right price.
Among the various wares, rumors of other nations and their
political maneuverings will always fetch a high price. Once
halls of myrrh you find yourself in the Cobra’s Embrace, something must be
bought or traded to leave.
The sound of clattering sand fills the air as you approach the
Halls of Myrrh, the grains bouncing from grand domes of Sable’s “black market” isn’t technically illegal in the letter
cobalt and red laterite to the ground below. The outside of the of the law but isn’t openly accepted either. Discovered
hall is adorned with intricate mosaic designs that have been by its merchant founders when they became lost in the
carved into the stone, depicting scholars of old and divine city streets, the Scales have grown into a bustling secret
beings bestowing knowledge to the people. Entering the market that can only be accessed by chance. Those hoping
to sell or buy in the market must wander the city’s streets
building, the mosaics continue, lining the walls, ceiling, and
for days hoping that they will be pulled into the Cobra’s
floor, leading off into various hallways and bookshelves. The Embrace, a partial demiplane in which the market
sounds of scribbling quills mix with the steady tick from the operates. Visitors discover that nearly anything can be
sand above, and from the entryway, you can look down upon bought or sold here, though anyone trying to sell must
rows of busy scribes. In the center of the building is a moving first acquire the patronage of a merchant currently in the
jade sphinx, who appears to be directing the library staff, a market. This prevents outsiders from ruining the market
large hourglass embedded into the creature’s chest. and helps hold those there accountable.

The Halls of Myrrh is one of the cornerstones of Sable,

notable figures
drawing visitors and residents alike to its magnificent Desmadonna and The Cobra
halls. Staffed by dozens of libraries and scribes, many Halfling Twins, Duskworn & Fleurtide, with olive skin,
who visit purchase wills, peruse books, or seek the yellow dyed hair, and lithe, muscular builds. Information
advice of Sabaset the sphinx. The Corviri family are the brokers in The Scales and entertainers. They take turns
patrons of the library, and frequently send emissaries to performing a dance called Desmadonna and The Cobra,
check on the work done inside, much to the annoyance taking turns playing each role. When not performing, the
of the librarians. Amid the scholars working in the two use their appearance to extract information from those
visiting the market.
112 Stargazer’s Guide to Aroria
imports, exports, and markets
The Crossing The Crossing trades primarily in tourism and
hospitality, generating capital from the many travelers
The Crossing always seems to surprise those who see it for that move through its walls. Given its position in the
the first time. Approaching from the Triton’s Spear allows continent, The Crossing relies heavily on imports from
surrounding regions, often sending large trade caravans
you to take in the village-made-fortress from a distance, its
to barter and trade. Given its highly diverse population,
two districts overlapping and building on each other above visitors to the Crossing can find a nearly endless number
towering stone walls. If you approach from the freezing of markets and bazaars throughout the city, though
Dragon’s Road to the north, the Crossing appears as if none is more famous than the Aldahmar, commonly
out of nowhere. From the higher vantage point, the roads known as the Market of Red and Gold.
make beautiful patterns amid the snow-covered roofs of the
apartments and longhouses. In both directions, travelers religion
speak of the overwhelming smell of savory food that hangs
The Crossing is home to many faiths and practices, each
like a cloud over the settlement.
operating freely under the blessing of Rylan's Gang.
Temples and shrines can be found throughout the
A humble fortress at the intersection of the Triton’s settlement, offering alms and support to refugees and
Spear and the Dragon’s Road - two major roads that weary travelers alike. Evil-aligned temples are tolerated
span much of Aroria, the Crossing has become a hub for throughout the Crossing, though if these organizations
Adventurers, pilgrims, refugees, and anyone moving grow too large or cause noticeable trouble, they will
across the country. Straddling the mountainous border attract the attention of Rylan’s Gang.
between Aroria North and the mainland, it serves as
one of the best resting places for travelers looking to
recharge after weeks on the grueling road. The Crossing
is extremely diverse and is the perfect place to find
friends, foes, and fantastic stories.

The Crossing Map by Alex Pepper 113

locations in the crossing
aldahmar amber gate
The heavy aroma of spice hangs thick in the Aldahmar and Offering entry into the Crossing via Triton’s Spear, the
the bustling bazaar is filled with the friendly chatter of Amber Gate is a wrought-iron gate supported by a pristine
merchants. Entering you are met with piles of spices laid out amber arch. Each segment of the arch holds a different
on sprawling, multicolored rugs, high brass-gilded ceilings, creature encased in the beautiful resin, ranging from insects
and market stalls offering everything from glassware and to a dragon wyrmling. Every morning, the Amber Gate is
imported delicacies, to recovered relics from the wartorn host to a dozen or more food stands, each waiting to collect
north. Coin and gossip flow easily here, and it is easy to coins from weary travelers.
spend an entire day in the Aldahmar, perusing the shops and
speaking with the merchants there. For those looking, one
can find nearly anything for the right price. Created from the generous donations of a wealthy lord
years prior, Amber Gate stands as a prominent attraction
in The Crossing. Visitors enjoy viewing the unique
fossils encased in the resin while enjoying the delicious
Located in a large building in the southern part of the delicacies offered by surrounding food stands. In
Crossing, the Aldahmar hosts hundreds of market stalls, addition to the food stands, historian Nour Safar offers
rented by visiting and local merchants. For the right historical tours for the amber stones, regaling those
price, visitors to the Aldahmar can find nearly anything who would listen with fantastical stories regarding the
for sale, legal or not. The Aldahmar is loosely governed fossilized creatures.
by Rylan’s Gang, with many of the laws and guidelines
being created and managed by the merchants themselves. notable figures
Rylan’s Gang will only step in when internal disputes
cannot be resolved. Given its popularity throughout the Nour Safar
region and the relatively relaxed laws throughout the Half-Orc He/Him, Fleurtide. Nour is an eccentric man of
Crossing, merchants can easily make their fortunes or middling years. He is well read and very perceptive, often
valuable connections while in the Aldahmar. sizing people before they have a chance to speak. Nour
enjoys telling wild stories to gather crowds and weaving
notable figures real facts in his tales.

Zara Tawil
Human She/Her, Frostwane. Master Merchant of Tawil’s Adventure Hook
Tapestries, Zara is a long standing merchant of the Nour Safar has been offering tours for years now, so he was very
Aldahmar. She is very charismatic and intelligent. She surprised when he discovered a new piece of amber containing
does not forget a face and occasionally donates money to a strange, ancient coin, hidden among the stones. Wanting to
charity throughout the Crossing. know when and how that piece was added, Nour has offered an
“opportunity” to anyone willing to steal the piece and return it to
him. Nour has offered free tours for life and a small amount of pay
Adventure Hook for anyone willing to steal the piece right under the city guard’s
Illegal trade is ever present in the Aldahmar. Rumors spread of watchful eye.
dangerous weapons, some with the capacity to destroy multiple
districts of the Crossing, moving through the Aldahmar. Zara
and other master merchants would like to discreetly handle this
situation, offering to pay anyone willing to take on this task. Go
undercover as journeyman merchants and learn where these
weapons are being hidden and what they will be used for.

114 Stargazer’s Guide to Aroria

highgate asham's almshouse
Located in the upper district of the Crossing, Highgate Located near the heart of The Crossing, underneath the
provides access via the Dragon’s Road. Highgate is well shadow of the upper district, is a one-story church with
guarded and well-maintained, with a constant patrol the faded letters scrawled on the front of its stating, “Come
of guards standing watch on dual watchtowers and the Hungry, Come Wanting, Find Home.” A small, but steady
surrounding battlements. Simple in design and purpose, bustle of men and women move around the building cleaning
Highgate sees a steady stream of exhausted, beleaguered up the street, repairing nearby apartments or handing out
travelers passing through it, seeking refuge from the harsh scraps of food to those in need. Overseeing this work is a
mountain pass. frail man in his late 80s dressed in simple robes, a wide smile
across his face.
Unlike the Amber Gate, Highgate prioritizes function
over flare. The more fortified of the two gates, Highgate
Asham’s Almshouse, commonly known as “The
has become a stomping ground for mercenaries,
Almshouse” is a site for the poor, vulnerable, and
guides, and bandits picking out vulnerable targets or
injured to receive aid and sanctuary. For over 50 years
unprepared nobles to offer their services. While nothing
the Almshouse has helped people find homes, jobs, and
happens within the walls of the Crossing, the rules
other necessities throughout The Crossing, while also
vanish once travelers enter the Dragon’s Road. avoiding the ire of Rylan’s gang. Managed by Asham
Said, the Almshouse has built a positive reputation
fortune and favors throughout the community and has recently seen an
influx of refugees from Northern Aroria.

Located in the upper district of the Crossing, overlooking notable figures

much of the settlement is a quaint, simple courthouse with Asham Said
large letters painted across its roof - “Fortune and Favors”. Human He/Him, Pyrium. Asham is an elderly man in his
Every morning a small line of honest merchants, refugees, late 80s. He is intelligent and soft-spoken, often choosing
and less-honest merchants forms in front of the polished to listen to others before offering an opinion. Asham is
doors, hoping to acquire a boon from the master of The deeply devoted to the people of The Crossing and has
Crossing, or pay off some long-standing debt. made his home here after fleeing a war in his hometown
decades before.

Governed and operated by the tiefling Rylan Valchar

Adventure Hook
and his gang, Fortune and Favors acts as the settlement’s With the increase of refugees from Northern Aroria and rumors
courthouse and official bank. Rylan and his gang live in of dangerous dealings happening in the Aldahmar, Asham and his
the upper floors of the building, using the lower floors of volunteers have been hard pressed to acquire resources for the
the building to conduct “business” with the people of The steadily growing poor that are entering the settlement. Asham is
Crossing. Rylan’s gang is opportunistic, often providing calling for volunteers to clear out a long-abandoned apartment
deals and contracts to the various peoples who come to complex of vermin and monsters so that he can offer its rooms to
them seeking aid or fortune. Often these deals favor Rylan incoming refugees.
and his gang, and over the years Rylan has established
himself as a powerful figurehead of The Crossing.

notable figures
Rylan Valchar
Tiefling He/Him, Waking. Rylan is a short tiefling that
appears to be in his late 20s. Rylan speaks with airy,
excitable charm that disguises the ruthless nature he
possesses. Rylan is not evil but firmly believes in seizing
any and all opportunities before others. Rylan is happy
with his current position in The Crossing and will work
hard to maintain his power.

Adventure Hook
A day after arriving at The Crossing, you are woken by the sounds
of knocking at your door. You find a letter inviting you to the
Fortune and Favors at the behest of Rylan Valchar, offering an
“opportunity of a lifetime.” Along with the letter is a hand drawn
image of a well-dressed Elf and a bag of 500 gold pieces.

material wealth to do so. While this may be a difficult
Elderguard choice for wealthy adventurers, it’s a godsend for
the impoverished and orphans of the mainland. As
expected, those who come to Elderguard with nothing
The Jewel of the Barvassian Sea, Elderguard is the make up the vast majority of Eldgaurdians and are the
oldest and most culturally diverse city in Aroria. The most loyal to its success.
city’s stonework is a pearl-like limestone with deep
blue sapphire accents on the renaissance architecture.
While Eldguardians come in all shapes, sizes, colors,
and creeds, the namesake Elderguard family bears the All of the Lost Gods are highly respected by the
exclusive responsibility of governance. The ancient elven Elderguard family and shrines to all four can be found
family has ruled over the city since its founding and in the city. Vol’s is to the west on the sea. Ardeur’s to the
they serve as compassionate stewards of the land and south by the mountain, Vera’s to the east overlooking the
sea surrounding the city. mainland. Brise’s to the north facing into the winds. These
urban structures to the Lost Gods are the only man made
imports, exports, and markets structures of their kind. The four shrines are built directly
into the walls of Elderguard and serve as the official gates
The economy of Elderguard is wholly unique and of the city. The largest and most commonly used shrine
entirely apart from the rest of Aroria for one chief is to the east, where Vera’s outstretched arms welcome all
reason– money cannot buy anything within the walls from the Mainland into Elderguard.
of Elderguard. All goods and services in Elderguard
are paid for by the Elderguard family and provided to The Masters of the Weave are recognized in all of
residents and visitors at no cost. Housing is provided, Aroria, but Tromperie calls Elderguard home. With
food is readily available, and cultural arts are actively basic needs like food, shelter, and safety a non-factor,
encouraged and promoted. As wise stewards, the the people of Elderguard have the free time to pursue
Elderguard family holds a firm belief that humanity is artistic endeavours and vices. Tromperie thrives on this
designed to create and, if their base needs are met, will overabundance and some in the artistic community aim
contribute willingly to the common good. to put on a grand enough show or performance to draw
her presence.
Elderguard accomplishes this idealist society in two
ways. First, every ship, wagon, and traveler that enters
the city gifts 10% of their gold for the right to enter the
city. Elderguard is always buying and traders happily
pay this fee for the promise of offloading expensive
or hard to sell goods. Travelers also find refuge from
hard times on the road and full bellies for as long
as they need to recover. Many find the economic
simplicity of Elderguard amicable and choose to stay
long term. Those who do so may simply relinquish all

116 Stargazer’s Guide to Aroria

locations in elderguard
rhea'illia elderguard and apep
Water flows from the Barvassian Sea, past a jetty of
limestone, into a bay of glass, until it invades the palace
of Elderguard to a pool around a statue of Charithra Gamemaster Note
Elderguard. From there, water dives down a staircase deep
into the earth, circling coral stairs into darkness, deeper and Apep is a secret entity with patron level
deeper into the earth until it bursts into an alcove the size of power on par with the Masters of the
a country. There, water blindly runs through a salty river Weave. His presence beneath Elderguard is
beneath all of Elderguard, touching the four gates, lurking justification for Elderguard’s prosperity and
magical capacity to maintain its lifestyle,
beneath the crops of gold, and hungerly stretching into
but this source of power is known only
portions of the mainland. For three days the water travels to Rhea’illia. Players could adventure in
the darkness, breaking the banks and filling the chamber, Elderguard for years and never hear a
threatening to poison all that is above. Apep stirs. The water whisper of his existence. However, should
returns to the sea. Elderguard’s sovereignty or prosperity be
threatened by any means, Apep will rise to
defend its treasure.
Long ago, when the Lost Gods were still in power and
the Masters of the Weave were unborn, monsters ruled
the land. Great beasts, planar visitors, and dragons
wielded power that mortality could not match and
they suffered under the thumb of power. That is until
Charithra Elderguard sought sanctuary from the chaos
in civilization. She believed in the power of mortal
innovation and if given a safe haven to grow, they could
rise up and defend themselves. She founded the city of
Elderguard on the sea and for 100 years the city grew.

Apep, the great serpent of the Barvassian Sea, saw

Elderguard’s growth and was envious. All the treasures
of his hoard in the sea wrought material wealth
worthless, so he admired Elderguard from afar and
marveled at what Charithra was building. Slowly, beasts
began to descend upon the city. Wyverns, giants, and
monstrosities foretold the coming of Arathorn, Heir to
the Black Flame, an Ancient Red Dragon who would
enslave all that Charithra had cultivated.

Arathorn was banished and the details of their contract

are lost to time, but the spirit of the deal is honored
by the Elderguard family to this day. In exchange for
protection and prosperity of Apep, all of Elderguard
would become a part of his hoard. In perpetuity,
Charithra dedicated the Elderguard line to growing
civilization and polishing the jewel of the Barvassian
Sea until it satisfied the great serpent. Hidden beneath
Elderguard, Apep soaks in the brilliance of Elderguards
culture and joy while Queen Rhea’illia Elderguard
serves as his secret stewardess.

notable figures
Rhea'illia Elderguard
Elf She/Her, Frostwane. Rhea’illia Elderguard goes by
many names: Your Grace, Captain, The Windwalker.
However, she is affectionately known as Rhea to those who
know her best.

118 Stargazer’s Guide to Aroria
Rhea'illia Elderguard Rhea'illia elderguard

Medium Humanoid, Neutral Good To truly understand Rhea’illia Elderguard, one must
understand her family. The Elderguard family has
Armor Class 18 Plate Armor overseen the existence of the human city of Elderguard
Hit Points 85 (12d10 + 24) in Aroria for nearly three millennia. In a wonderful
Speed 30ft. combination of human ambition and elven foresight, the
city of Elderguard is the crowning jewel of the continent.
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA Rhea inherited the throne from her father, Dorren, and
13 (+1) 19 (+4) 15 (+2) 14 (+2) 20 (+5) 16 (+3) has pioneered Elderguard’s diplomatic transition from
isolationism to approachability. She is fierce, feisty,
Saving Throws Dexterity +7, Charisma +6, Wisdom +6 smart, and fights with moxie and flourish in battle while
Skills Acrobatics +7, Investigation +5, Persuasion +6, Stealth +7,
Insight +7
maintaining a regal tact in conversation.
Passive Perception 20
Languages Common, Elven, Halfling, Dwarvish motivation
Challenge 8 (3,900 XP) Rhea is close to three hundred years old and has
Actions dedicated her entire life to the safety and prosperity of
Elderguard’s people. Often, Rhea is forced to ignore
Multiattack. Rhea'illia makes 2 attacks or casts one spell.
the kindness in her heart and delay gratification for the
Rapier. Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. greater good. In rare situations, Rhea has been forced to
Hit: 8 (1d8+5) slashing damage. sacrifice the joy of an entire generation for the prosperity
Longbow. Ranged Weapon Attack: +9 to hit, range 600 ft., one of the next. That unwavering commitment to the success
target. Hit: 10 (1d8+5) piercing damage. of Elderguard motivates Rhea in everything she does.
However, one duty reigns above all else: Discovering
Spellcasting her heir. In Elderguard, traditionally your heir is a
Rhea is a 5th level spellcaster and knows the following spells. Her birthright, but Rhea is set to change that. She has chosen
spellcasting ability is Wisdom. +8 to hit, DC 16. to name her heir based on merit and is perpetually
Catrips (At Will): Guidance, Mage Hand, Word of searching for the perfect candidate.
Radiance, Firebolt
1st Level (4 Slots): Bless, Detect Magic, Healing Word,
Cure Wounds Rhea'illlia's Adventure Hooks
2nd Level (3 Slots): Spiritual Weapon, Silence, Hold Person. Rhea has heard of an elven child with druidic powers far beyond
3rd Level (2 Slots): Mass Healing Word, Revivify, her years. Her name is Diawynn. She and her family live in the
Spiritual Guardians woods just beyond the borders of Elderguard. If the party will
investigate, learn the source of her power, bring her back, and she
Special Abilities proves to be strong of heart, Rhea’illia will provide a favor that is
only limited by the power of Elderguard.
War Caster. Rhea'illia makes Constitution Saving Throws to
maintain concentration on a spell with Advantage. Pirates have been harrowing merchant vessels off the coast. A
Windwalker. As a bonus action Rhea'illia teleport to an goblin captain named Glux has been raiding the boats, taking
unoccupied space within 30 ft. their food and water, and slashing their sails leaving them adrift
on the waves. If the rumors can be believed Glux takes no gold
and kills no passengers/crew if it can be helped. Rhea will gift the
party a vessel of their own if they can eliminate this problem.

A council member is planning a coup, but his future betrayal was

quickly guessed at by Rhea. He has served faithfully for almost
thirty years, and his human ambition is getting the better of him.
She would prefer to see him alive rather than executed. The people
of Elderguard respect him greatly, and he’s more useful if scared
into loyalty over death. Rhea offers a Carpet of Flying (Pg. 157,
Magic Items Basic Rules) in exchange for his new ‘understanding’. His estate
Windwalker (Requires Attunement) lies on the north side of town, and he is often seen throwing lavish
These boots allow the wearer to teleport to an unoccupied space parties to flaunt his wealth.
within 30 ft.

Ring of Free Action

While you wear this ring, difficult terrain doesn't cost you extra
movement. In addition, magic can neither reduce your speed nor
cause you to be paralyzed or restrained.

Shield +1
While holding this shield, you have a +1 bonus to AC. This bonus is
in addition to the shield's normal bonus to AC.

lady vera's gate dorren's doors

The sounds of travel and the earthen scent of fresh cut grass The final crescendo of violin, brass, and light reaches its peak
accompany you all the way to the eastern gate of Elderguard. just as the concert comes to a close. The performance was
Lush wheat fields of verdant gold a week away from harvest spectacular. You revel in the shared experience with the other
flank both sides of the road as you walk. Looming in the attendees as your ears ring and wine runs in your blood.
distance, thirty foot high pearlescent limestone walls When the adrenaline fades, you realize your ft. hurt and
converge from the left and right to the arch of Lady Vera. It’s just then that you begin to dread the walk home. That
This gate to Elderguard lacks a portcullis of any kind, this only lasts a moment, because you remember the medallion
gate is always open. In place of guards, dozens of elven around your neck and the beauty of Elderguard. Grasping
auditors with long azure blue robes greet travelers with the medallion firmly in your palm, it begins to glow a faint
smiles and hope as they process hundreds or even thousands emerald green. Shimmering before you in the same light, a
of people into Elderguard. Above the gate, with outstretched doorway to a humble room. Stumbling in, you flop onto the
arms, is a colossal statue of Lady Vera. Her arms stretch double bed and your head spins.
toward the golden fields in welcome. Her eyes appear closed–
face turned unto the heavens. There are no taverns with rooms for rent in Elderguard.
Instead, each Medallion of Elderguard connects to its
own extradimensional space. For travelers, the room
There are four entrances to Elderguard open to the always appears as a 15x15 humble room with a double
public but 90% of all the traffic passes beneath Lady bed, desk, and wardrobe. For citizens of Elderguard, the
Vera’s Gate. Each time an individual or adventuring room can be any size or layout and multiple medallions
party enters into the city, they are subject to a 10% tithe can connect to the same door. While Dorren’s Doors can
of their net worth. To determine this value, auditors be entered from anywhere, one can only exit at one of
simply touch visitors with an osten, a black glove with the four gates or a location listed in this section.
jeweled meridium woven into the fabric so it refracts
a purplish light. This revelation is non-negotiable,
impossible to cheat, and includes magic items, notable figures
property, and other material wealth while subtracting Tanner
debts owed. For most, this entire process can be Half-Elf He/Him, Frostwane. Butler of Dorren’s Door.
completed with a quick handshake and the exchange Tanner is relaxed, charismatic, and helpful with almost
of a few silver pieces, others are simply waved any task while in one of Dorren’s Door.
through to orientation with no transaction involved.
Those fortunate enough to pay a significant amount
of gold to enter the city are escorted into the walls to
complete their transaction. Once the tithe has been
paid, travelers are escorted to orientation where each
member is provided a Medallion of Elderguard. The Gamemaster Note
medallion is your key to the city. Adventurers use this
medallion to acquire goods and services, attend artistic Dorren’s Doors are incredibly useful for
performances, and enter Dorren’s Doors. Travelers any party, but can introduce extreme
and citizens of Elderguard are required to keep the complications for finding hideouts and villains
medallion on them at all times and being caught who may be lurking in the city. Antagonists
without a medallion inside the city is a great crime. who lurk in their own Dorren’s Door may be
plotting and planning completely out of sight.
notable figures If this is the case, it is possible that only Tanner
can help the party into and out of someone
Valendra else’s Dorren’s Door.
Elven She/Her, Aurous. Extremely short for an elf.
Attempts professionalism but often devolves into silly
behavior. Orientation leader, Valendra process all high
value travelers into Elderguard.

Adventure Hook
Valendra nervously informs the party that three individuals were
processed yesterday and forgot to take their medallions. This
happens from time to time, but guards usually return them to the
gate within a few hours. The medallions are traceable and she is
beginning to think she was swindled by the Genasi, believing they
knew about the tracer and left them behind for some nefarious
purpose. In exchange for their capture, Valendra will upgrade the
party’s medallion’s from visitors to citizens at no cost, allowing
them free access to Elderguard in perpetuity.

120 Stargazer’s Guide to Aroria

the Gaol before it is put to market. The people of
agubonne Agubonne are not well off and have little to spend,
which does not encourage merchants to make the
all glory in battle - trek to the city. Plunder obtained as the spoils of war
under dolerite to victory or when commandeering pirate ships is distributed
amongst the people of Agubonne based on need, often
The stormy coast of Agubonne is not for the faint of decided by the politicians and those who work at the
heart. Built up on land that overlooks the Barvassian Distribution Center. With highly limited or restricted
Sea, the higher portions of Agubonne rest atop Basalt imports and exports, foreign luxuries are rare and often
columns, formed thousands of years ago and shaped by highly sought after by those with the coin to buy them.
the insistent battering of the waves. Much like the land Visitors to the city may find themselves hard pressed
itself was formed from strife, so too was the city. Built by residents to donate supplies to those in need, while
by a militaristic clan of Dragonborn, Agubonne retains others are robbed at sword point, or blackmailed out of
its roots as a combative civilization. Once a smaller their supplies.
community, Agubonne now technically consists of
"upper" and "lower" Agubonne, primarily separated for
means of defense. Upper Agubonne rests high atop the
Basalt columns, and Lower Agubonne in the more fertile Agubonnians officially hail themselves as the followers
soil just a short distance below, built up around the of Dolerite Agubonne, though there are many who
reinforced harbor. The walk between the two portions also worship Bouclier due to his focus on strength. Not
of the city is also fortified by a long, wide wall that actually a god, Dolerite Agubonne was the original
guides citizens down onto the top of the fortifications military leader of the Dragonborn clan that founded
for Lower Agubonne. Though this strategic construction the city of Agubonne. Throughout the city, there are
of the town allowed the centering of defense structures various statues and temples devoted to Dolerite. Homes
in Upper Agubonne whilst Lower Agubonne could are expected to have shrines of Dolerite where weapons
focus on industry and community, the available land of fallen family members will be displayed. When a
for farming within the walls is unable to sustain the warrior passes in battle, their family is provided with
Agubonnians. Now the people of Agubonne fight not an etching in basalt with the common phrase "All glory
only outside their walls, but within - as they seek to in battle under Dolerite to victory." Though Agubonne's
improve their quality of life. citizens do not attend any formal religious gatherings,
they are expected to pledge their loyalty to Dolerite and
imports, exports, and markets the city of Agubonne every morning in front of their
shrines. Beyond Dolerite and Bouclier, small sects and
With natural resources sparse, Agubonne’s primary cults worshiping other deities can be found in Agubonne,
export comes from their navy. Merchants traveling though these groups are secretive and highly selective
the area can hire Agubonnian frigates or galleys as towards new followers. Since the city’s founding, there
protection against marauding pirates. Beyond this has been a strong presence of cultists devoted to the lost
export, Agubonne struggles to maintain a lucrative god Vol. Anyone caught worshiping the kraken god are
trade economy. Everything that arrives in Agubonne tried and sentenced to a minimum of 10 years in prison.
for trade must go through a thorough inspection at

Battered by fierce winds, mighty waves, and knife-like hail, the northern coasts of Aroria test the will of everything living there. Those
born in the region faced adversity from their first, bone-chilling breath, and this has hardened their bodies, minds, and souls. The
Agubonne region, named for the large settlement, is a land of strife. Strength and the will to survive define life in Agubonne, and is
reflected in its people. Originally settled by small bands of dragonborn, the region’s history began with these tribes raiding one another
and legends of great heroes rising from these skirmishes. Eventually, the ever-worsening weather and the rise of Warlord Dolerite
Agubonne forced the tribes together, founding the city of Agubonne.

locations in agubonne
the gaol/courthouse the youngling's home
An imposing Upper Agubonne structure among the One of the more sobering facts of war is the number
fortified buildings, the Gaol is not merely a place to of orphans that it leaves behind, and Agubonne is no
hold prisoners, but also the place where their sentences stranger to this reality. The Community Youngling's
are conducted, and where political decisions for Home is a place where trained and designated
Agubonne are made. It is in the dungeon of this place, caretakers look after children who are orphaned by
dug out of the solid rock on which the city stands, the constant military campaigns of Agubonne. This is
where everyone from petty criminals to prisoners of a two-story building in Lower Agubonne - the bottom
war are held - sometimes indefinitely. In stark contrast floor consists of everything one might need to house
to the cold, damp dungeon, the rest of the Gaol may be children. This includes a reception room with a large
one of the more comfortable buildings in Agubonne. fireplace, where the children are known to play and
Decorated with furs and skins to warm the primarily- relax during Agubonne's many stormy days, as well as a
stone building materials, the above-ground interior kitchen, a dining hall, a schoolhouse, and a few smaller
consists of a courthouse on the first floor, and the offices administrative rooms. Upstairs, there are dormitory
of commanders and other important politicians on the rooms for the children, and private rooms for the
second. The only building that is more well-defended caretakers. It is not simply a home for orphans, however.
than the Gaol is the nearby barracks, a fact which has Many children stay at The Youngling's Home if all of
likely deterred its fair share of attacks. their guardians are away serving mandatory military
service. Though the rations are as tight as anywhere
notable figures else, most of the children growing up in The Youngling's
Home have relatively fond memories of it. Supposedly,
Gargiban Rockhand the caretakers are warm and kind, though there is a
Dragonborn He/Him, Waking. Grand Marshal and rumor that they sow political mistrust and encourage
head of the Agubonne military, Gargiban Rockhand is rebellion in their teachings.
Dragonborn with dark, shining obsidian scales flecked in
silver. He is a tall and imposing figure, with many scars
- including a deep gash over one eye. Gargiban is rarely
notable figures
seen without some form of chainmail, despite the fact Serbina Shalearm
that he primarily works in the Gaol. He rose through the Dragonborn He/Him, Rimewomb. Serbina Shalearm works
ranks of the Agubonne military steadily throughout his as a Youngling Caretaker at the Community Youngling
young adulthood, and found himself in the position of Home in Lower Agubonne. She is a small dragonborn, her
Grand Marshal when the former Grand Marshal passed. bronze scales matte, save for the tips. She is well-regarded
He is ruthless, bordering on sadistic, and takes great in Lower Agubonne, always willing to go out of her way
pleasure in torturing the prisoners who have committed to help someone, even if they have no relation to the
more heinous crimes. It is well known that even his closer Youngling Home. A jack of all trades, she has been known
subordinates are afraid to find themselves on his bad to mend clothing, teach the younglings, assist on the farms
side, and because of this power, he rules the military and of Agubonne, and bring herbal remedies to the ill and
therefore the city with an iron fist. elderly. Though Serbina does what she can to keep Lower
Agubonne running, she knows that it is still too little. She
often visits the Barvassian Overlook to listen to Axan the
Adventure Hook Bard and swap ideas. She is not shy to share her opinions
Bavarssian Pirates have been plundering the coastline and Grand with her students, and it is by her own usefulness and luck
Marshal Rockhand wants them stopped. Anyone looking to fight
that she has not run into trouble for it.
with pirates are invited to the Goal and learn of the Marshal’s
latest plans to put an end to the pirate menace.
Adventure Hook
Recently, Serbina Shalearm has noticed that a few of the children
are sneaking out at night. She would like someone to investigate
why they are sneaking out and what they are up to. What she
does know is that the group is led by their ring leader, Melrose
Everbar, and that some residents in the nearby district have been
complaining about loud noises in the night. She is offering a small
reward to anyone able to figure out what is going on.

122 Stargazer’s Guide to Aroria

distribution center weaponsmith and armory
The Distribution Center is a fact of life for the majority It is, perhaps, no surprise that a renowned warrior
of those who live in Agubonne. Due to the limited city would have an equally impressive Armory and
resources available to the people of the city (both by Weaponsmith. Agubonne has exactly that, both
their own low production and their limited trade positioned together in Upper Agubonne. The two
agreements), Agubonnians are granted a certain industries are headed up by families that have been
percentage of the city's yield based on their family size crafting for generations, which is shown in the quality of
and perceived need. A representative from each family the products. Even those who do not fight for Agubonne's
reports weekly at their designated time to receive their military often seek to have weapons and armor made in
rations. Like much of the city, The Distribution Center Agubonne, but because of strict trade restrictions, they are
is well defended, which deters any disagreements about not common for anyone who has not originated from or
portioning. Agubonnian opinion of the distribution lived in the city. Primarily outfitting Agubonne's military,
center varies wildly depending on their views of the if citizens happen to come into some money or something
current leadership, but the building itself is stark and of trade value, the Weaponsmith and Armory are open to
cold, with a warehouse in the back and a large room their needs. In fact, because of their quality workmanship,
with a built-in queue up front. Most people of Agubonne both have branched out into other work, as well. It is not
have memories of waiting in The Distribution Center all that uncommon for an Agubonnian family to have a
line with their caretaker as children. prized stock pot or fire stoker made or reinforced by the
craftsmen at the Agubonne Weaponsmith and Armory.
Adventure Hook
There is always a need for aspiring adventurers to enter into notable figures
the Distribution Center and help clear out giant rats and other
Moris Flinttail
vermin from the stockpiles of food and other wares. Those looking
Dragonborn He/Him, Aurous. Moris Flinttail is the
to ingratiate themselves to the people of Agubonne, or who are
hoping for reliable coin are invited to the Distribution Center.
youngest of a long line of Flinttail craftsmen, working as
a weaponsmith in Agubonne. A tall but lithe dragonborn
with bronze scales, Moris is well-known for his superior
quality of work, and is both aware of it and proud. It is
barvassian overlook his life's goal to find stronger, better materials and craft
them into weapons that are unheard of in other areas of
Easily one of the most strikingly beautiful places in Aroria. He has already gained quite a name for himself,
Agubonne, the Barvassian Overlook in Upper Agubonne even outside of his family's repute, and his craft is his
looks out over the Basalt columns that descend into the pride and joy. However, things are not so cut and dry
sea. A large open space makes up the overlook, with for Moris. Close to several of the Youngling Caretakers,
a stone balcony jutting out from the cliff-face, giving including his cousin Serbina Shalearm, Moris is privy to
viewers the chance to look down to the rocks below. On the realities of Agubonnian life that escapes many of those
days without rain, this area becomes a popular place for who live and work in Upper Agubonne. Knowing the strife
Agubonne's citizens, soaking up a chance at sunshine of the citizens, he finds himself contemplating a difficult
as well as the breeze and views from the seemingly dilemma: does his work feed a regime that cares more for
endless sea. Though the starkness of Agubonne is not its battles than its people?
lost in this area, benches have been placed around some
of the perimeter, and there is a green space designated
for recreation nearby. There is not much frivolity in
Agubonne, but The Barvassian Overlook is a breath of
fresh air from the strife and work of a commoner's typical
Adventuring Tools
day, and is shadowed only in a literal sense by one of the Flinttail Weaponry
many guard towers in strategic locations nearby. Etched with an interlocking geometric design
signature to the Flinttail family, the weaponry
notable figures created in Agubonne has the ability to cause an
enemy to bleed out quickly.
Axan Ravodhall
Dragonborn He/Him, Fleurtide. Axan is one of the few Weapons created with this feature that would
local performers in Agubonne and the only performer normally create piercing damage deal an
born and raised in the city. Over the years, Axan gathered extra 1d4 damage on the enemy’s turn after a
a large crowd of local and visiting fans through his songs successful attack.
and oratories. Growing up in the harsh environment and
under the rule of the callous Dolerite regime, Axan has Silverskull Armor
become a prominent figure speaking out in support of the Emblazened with the Silverskull crest, this armor
people. Axan uses the Barvassian Overlook as a platform appears like the scales of a dragon and can be
to gather followers and rally movements to benefit the adjusted to jut out from the body like spikes or
people of Agubonne. become sleek and smooth.

Agubonne armor is typically designed to be

worn by Dragonborn, but can be re-tailored to
almost any size. Silverskull armor is designed
to protect against ranged attacks, and is worn
faithfully by Agubonne’s Navy. Those who don
this armor may force a ranged attacker to roll at
disadvantage once per day.

new reach Though the New Reach Monastery is devoted to Savion,
New Reach began merely as a remote monastery, and the inhabitants of the city itself vacillate primarily
operated this way for many years. Though it was self- between good and neutral. The Apidae Order keeps law
sufficient in its own right, the beauty of the area and and order, but does not insinuate their belief system on
the renown of the monastery's order began to attract the people of the city. Due to the fact that people have
pilgrims to the site. As the monastery grew, those who settled in New Reach from across the world, there are
did not wish to join their ranks began to settle on the a variety of other religions in the city, though they still
outcropping from which it was built. Now a bustling constitute a minority as many of the settlers were once
city, the only ways to visit New Reach are the path up pilgrims. The arcane is widely accepted as well, and even
from the river valley below, or down from the nearby practiced by many of the devotees of Savion. Though it is
mountain pass. Entering through the main gate, visitors not a place of complete peace, the mutual understanding
are immediately greeted by a lively marketplace of that the Monastery has with the people of New
colorful stalls that display a wide variety of goods Reach involves a general acceptance of all beliefs and
from the furthest reaches of the continent. Fountains, backgrounds, as long as they are not aligned with evil.
colorful tiles, and bunting decorate the common areas,
even as they extend past the market into the shops and
residential district. Beyond this lies the monastery, built
sturdily into the cliff-face, surrounded by several tiers of
rice paddies that help to feed the people of the city.

imports, exports, and markets

Trade is overseen by the monastery and tithes must be
paid to the Apidae Order to set up a stall. Aside from
the fee and the enforcement of fair trade, the people of
the monastery do not meddle much in economic affairs.
Rice is not only a staple of the people in New Reach,
but also one of their main exports. Over the years the
market has grown into a flourishing square, filled with
laughter and the steady exchange of coin. Beautiful
clothes of lavish material, incense, fruits, vegetables, and
even magical items attract visitors to the district. Beyond
their markets New Reach boasts two unique sights for
tourists and locals alike. The Apidae Order has kept
bees for many generations and exports a curative honey
that is found nowhere else in the world. New Reach is
also known as the origin of a musical instrument called
a Lyote, a small hand-held string instrument that plays
a tune reminiscent to that of life in New Reach. Locally
invented, anyone native to New Reach can instantly
tell when a Lyote is being played, often stating that the
music is unlike anything else in the world.

124 Stargazer’s Guide to Aroria

locations in new reach
the monastery the night market
Carved into a towering cliff face, New Reach’s monastery Lighting up in the evening, the night market is full of
is a sight to behold and many who visit the city flock to countless food stalls, each unique and full of tasty treats.
witness this artistic and engineering marvel. The Monastery Lanterns fill the night air with an inviting light while
itself is six stories tall, its many levels disappearing and re- Glitterdew Spores, phosphorescent fungi dance in the
emerging from the rock face. One of its defining features, the darkness like shooting stars in the wind. Locals say that the
Monastery’s facade is made of white stone, which contrasts night market brings out the best of everyone in New Reach,
starkly with the surrounding darkened stone of the cliff face. and those looking for authentic, regional cuisine find only the
Reflecting ages long past, the building itself is a beautiful best here. In addition to lanterns, the night market is notable
and imposing masterwork of architecture, sturdy and well- for being lit up by the Glitterdew Spore, a region-specific
maintained despite the weathering of time. creature that floats about the area at night, casting additional
light from their phosphorescence. These friendly creatures are
a small, sentient fungus that live and breed on the cliff-face.
The icon of New Reach is also the home of a small
The night market is both a local staple and an attraction
but powerful military group called the Apidea Order
(composed primarily of monks, paladins and fighters). to visitors, full of both local and distant foods brought by
It is considered a pilgrimage site to Savion and several pilgrims and settlers to New Reach. The Monastery, itself,
very skilled clerics tend to the needs of their devoted even operates a stall, where it provides simple but tasty
followers who make the journey to the temple. Many rice dishes as well as sweets made from the curative honey
of Savion’s devotees train here at the New Reach produced by the order.
Monastery before being sent to their respective
temples– only the best of the best are allowed to stay in
perpetuity, training new recruits and defending against The New Reach Night Market extends out from the
the evils of Agubonne. The city and the monastery are marketplace in the old square, down a wide side-street
both highly defensible due to their strategic location on that dead-ends at the cliff-wall. It is primarily abandoned
the cliff wall and New Reach has gained the nickname, during the day, but is lit with activity and life at night.
“The Unbroken Hive.” Disciples of Savion often tell Hosted for three months out of the year, this market has
stories of how Savion showed the cliff to a faithful become an opportunity for the people of New Reach to
architect before instructing her to build the monastery to celebrate the passing of Winter and welcome Spring.
defend the world from Agubonne. During this season, Glitterdew Spores, a region-specific
fungus that floats about the cliff-sides at night, casts
notable figures additional light from their phosphorescence. These
friendly creatures are a small, sentient fungus that live
Korel the Wise and breed on the cliff-face. The people of New Reach
Halfling They/Them, Aurous. Korel is the head cleric at see these Spore as a blessing from Savion and a sign
the New Reach Monastery. They appear rather young of a vibrant summer. In addition to the hundreds of
for the position, but their wisdom and skill have quickly merchants, cooks, and performers who work the market,
moved them up the ranks. Korel has a commanding the Monastery, itself, operates a stall. Here the Apidea
presence despite their stature. They keep their chestnut- Order provides simple but tasty rice dishes as well as
brown hair kept in a loose, high-bun and their blue eyes sweets made from the curative honey.
framed by round silver spectacles.
Adventure Hook
Adventure Hook While walking the main streets of the Night Market is relatively
Rumors have been spreading both within and beyond the safe, those who step off the beaten path often draw the attention
Monastery's walls that Korel is too young for the position they of thieves and pickpockets. As you walk through the busy market,
have earned. With the recent passing of a few senior members of a shout tears through the air, drawing the attention of everyone
the monastery and Master Peitr falling ill, many eyes have fallen around you and a figure bursts past you, clutching a bulging,
on Korel with suspicion and expectation. Hoping to clear their jingling bag in one hand. As you watch the figure vanish around a
name and dispel these rumors, Korel has called for adventures to corner, you realize that your own purse has disappeared.
help conduct an external investigation on the Monastery.
notable figures
Xor Tunna
Human They/Them, Pyrium. An enthusiastic disciple of
Savion, Xor works more in the aspects of humanitarianism,
working the night stall in the evening and a community
feast table during the day. He is charismatic and charming,
always remembering the faces of those he meets. He wears
his brown hair in a topknot with the sides close-shaven,
and his dimpled, smiling cheeks are dotted with freckles
from the sun.

the (warlock's) consortium the adventurer's inn
At the end of a street near the Old Square, there is a rather True to its name, The Adventurer's Inn and Tavern is the
unassuming building nestled amongst a row of stately gathering place for many notable adventurers. Run by
residences. It is well-appointed so as not to stick out in folk hero Maya Ralson, the energetic redhead is often seen
contrast to the lavish homes, but a few things would strike a amongst the patrons, playing cards or challenging them
particularly observant onlooker as odd: there is no doorknob, to drinking games and arm wrestling matches. The setting
no address, and no light from the windows. Those lucky itself is not as remarkable as the energy lent by the patrons
enough to go inside discover that there is an abundance of and owner, but it is serviceable for the needs of travelers and
luxurious rooms for both relaxation and study, decorated adventurers looking to rest their head in New Reach. The
in dark velvets and silks. If you wait long enough in the bottom floor primarily consists of a large room filled with
evening, you may see a passerby step up to the door, and long, sturdy tables and many chairs, as well as a worn but
knock a strange sequence before the door opens and the figure reliable bar. Behind the bar, a doorway amongst the shelves of
disappears inside. liquor leads to a reasonably large kitchen and several storage
areas. Upstairs, there are a number of rooms to accommodate
A secret society where warlock and warlock-hopefuls visitors of various size and number, and each guest of The
gather to study and socialize, the Society of the Endless Adventurer's Inn is treated to breakfast and dinner as
Word is run through a board of members, headed prepared by the resident cook. Prior to leaving everyone is
up by the owner of the mansion, Gurian Banewood. invited to sign their name in the massive “Guestbook” that
Banewood and the Society have a trove of connections sits beside the hearth.
to otherworldly beings willing to give contracts to the
right candidate. Admittance is strictly on invitation,
and initiated members are provided with a magic ring A simple place for those looking to stay in New Reach,
that will open the door to the manor. While Banewood the Adventurer’s Inn and Tavern has become a place
and the Society do not strictly perform illegal acts for merriment, rumors, and everything else an aspiring
in New Reach, the society’s interests do not align adventurer might want. A relatively recent addition to
with those of the Monastery. As a result, the society New Reach, the inn has had its share of strife with town
is careful to avoid attracting the wrong people and locals and is currently involved in a number of basic
will often go into hiding if they catch wind of any legal suites. While visitors and adventurers love the
investigations into their work. place, locals hoping for a quieter city, can be heard often
complaining about the place as they pass by.
notable figures
Gurian Banewood notable figures
Human He/Him, Soulstice. Gurian is a wealthy and Maya 'May' Ralson
timeless figure, somehow maintaining the look of his Human She/Her, Lamentium. May for short, Maya Ralson
youth even as the years pass. His long, dark hair is is a spirited redhead with energy, vigor, and a long list
rarely seen out of a ponytail, and his piercing eyes are of adventuring accomplishments. Having not yet truly
of an equally dark shade, framed by thick brows and a outgrown her former station as a fighter, she is often
serious countenance. found challenging patrons to contests and can't resist a
good bar fight.
Adventure Hook
One of the monastery monks, Kotel the Wise, has heard rumors
that the Society of the Endless Word is operating again. Interested
Adventure Hook
A good night of drinking and a potential fight are synonymous
in their work, Kotel has asked a group of adventurers to find the
with the Adventurer’s Inn, but that isn’t the only thing. Now
Society’s place of business and create an opportunity for the monk
people talk about all the legal troubles May and her people face
and the Society members to talk in private.
with the city, the most recent being that the Inn’s neighbors are
complaining of burglaries with the only culprit being May and
her patrons. May has asked for someone to help her solve these
burglaries before her neighbors add another thing to her growing
list of lawsuits.

126 Stargazer’s Guide to Aroria

the old square arcanus darcanus-
the crystal shop
The Old Square marks the original center of the town. Here
you can find shops, the market, a couple of restaurants, and Located on a small side road away from the bustling
a small museum. The Museum tells of the first settlers to the marketplace, Arcanus Darcanus is a small, cluttered and
region and how, from a small pillar on display in their VIP fragrant shop filled with knick-knacks and the occasional
exhibit, the city has since expanded. The center of the Old rare item. The crystal shop, which is what the locals call it,
Square is decorated by a beautiful water fountain and plaza, is larger than it looks from the outside. Glittering sunlight,
both adorned with colorful tiles in intricate designs. Lining refracted by hundreds of crystal baubles and glass ornaments
the center of the Old Square are several green spaces, where dances through the floors of this building, leaving rainbow
children are often found playing and laughing. Nearby prisms on the walls and floors. The atmosphere of the entire
the square is The Olive Tree - a casual cafe open all day shop is very whimsical, aided by the soft sound of a lyre that
where older residents frequently place dice and chess. In the magically plays on its own, and the wafting of various heady
afternoons, a group of aspiring bards come to the square to and floral fragrances throughout the various rooms.
practice the Lyote and sing tales of heroes long passed.
Arcanus Darcanus, commonly known as “The Crystal
Shop” is a popular store in New Reach. Filled, almost to
The Old Square is a meeting space for the residents of bursting, with oddities and tchotchkes, The Crystal Shop
New Reach, and many come here to relax, read, enjoy is deceptively spacious compared to what you initially
their lunches and socialize. Many of the buildings see from its storefront. The shop is three stories tall; the
directly surrounding the Old Square are businesses, third floor serving as the owner’s home while the other
among which include a music shop, a papermaker, two are filled to the brim with mundane and magical
and a cartographer. There are several restaurants in curiosities. Mora Darcanus owns and operates the
the Old Square as well, including the Marrow - the store and has made a name for herself throughout New
place to enjoy a high-end evening meal. The New Reach. Everyone and anyone looking for something
Reach museum is adorned with banners boasting magical starts with her knowing that if she doesn’t
new exhibits (often small) that teach about the town’s already have it, she’s probably heard of whatever they
history. They also offer an hour-long walking tour of are looking for.
the Square and surrounding neighborhoods to anyone
willing to pay.
notable figures
notable figures Mora Darcanus
Tiefling She/Her, Duskworn. A coppery-red tiefling who
Trurio the Bard adorns her large, curved horns with chains, rings, and
Half-Elf He/Him, Frostwane. Trurio is well into his jewels. She is often seen in flowing robes of many layers,
middle age, but has a soft countenance and expressive somehow managing both comfort and style. Her hair and
dark brown eyes. The original inventor of the Lyote, eyes are matching burgundy, and she favors letting her
Trurio has become famous throughout New Reach and curly hair flow loosely around her shoulders.
bard colleges, though he is rarely seen outside of his
music shop. Considered a recluse, Trurio is soft spoken
and comes off as shy to those he first meets. While polite
and short-winded to non-musician patrons, any bard or
aspiring performer that walks into his shop experiences
an entirely different man. To those with an ear for music,
Trurio often talks excitedly and openly about his craft
and about the magic of song, stories, and art. Novice and
veteran bards often visit Trurio to have their instruments
tuned and repaired, while they try to learn the secret
designs that give the Lyote its unique sounds Adventuring Tools
The Lyote
The Lyote is a small, handheld string instrument
that is easy to carry and conceal. When played,
it seems to match the ambient volume of
your surroundings, making it easier for bards
to be heard in busy taverns or in bustling
marketplaces. The Lyote was first created in
New Reach by a Half-Elven Bard named Trurio,
and those pieces that are made and enchanted
by him carry his signature on the handle. It
lends a +1 to performance checks while in use,
and the instrument itself is a masterwork of
craftsmanship, often inlaid with gold or silver to
enhance its beauty.

sunspell locations in sunspell
Situated on the middle finger on the Dragon’s Claw, prisms of the port
Sunspell is a city of vibrant limestone amid a luscious
jungle and luxury. The city is famous for its decadent
food, generous citizens, and picturesque beaches. Seven docks reach out into the calm bay between Sunspell
Sunspell is a place to get away from the rough, tumbling and New Reach. Each of the docks is home to a long
adventures filled with monsters, fiends, and danger. It monochromatic floating barge. The siblings are nearly
is a place to dip your toes in the sand, sit a spell, and identical to one another, save for their color. Each is
deepen party relationships. decorated and themed for one of the great chromatic and
metallic dragons in the history of Aroria.
imports, exports, and markets
Tourism is the largest economic industry in Sunspell.
Only about ten percent of the homes in Sunspell are The Prisms are a set of booze cruise barges owned by
occupied by permanent residents, the rest are rentals Hostus Brightscale. A few hours after sunrise, each of
or vacation homes for the wealthy. The city is most the prisms sets out on a four hour cruise full of dancing,
populated in the winter months. Many of the families drinking, and all sorts of frivolous activities. Tourists
from the mainland will make the long trek north to enjoy a day in the sun and return to Sunspell good and
avoid the harsh southern winter. Tourists and warm truly drunk. Later that evening, when the sun is set
weather birds flock to the city and spend their coin and the tide is in, the ships take turns embarking on an
on elaborate theatrical performances, unnecessarily invite only night cruise. The extravaganzas thrown on
intricate food, and the occasional booze cruise to the these night voyages are said to be legendary.
Emerald Sands or surrounding islands. Outside of the
tourism industry, the surrounding bays and marshes notable figures
are ideal for scallop, shrimp, and oyster farming and the Hostus Brightscale
jungles are ripe with tropical fruits. Local restaurateurs Dragonborn He/Him, Pyrium. Bubbly and boisterous,
combine these unique ingredients with sweet-heat spices Hostus owns each of the Prisms and takes the fun and
for a one-of-a-kind culinary experience. entertainment of his guests personally. Hostus loves
dragons and is quite the historian to their nature.
Like most cities in Aroria, nearly all deities are welcome
in Sunspell, but Tromperie is preferred by those who Adventure Hook
live here. Tromperie and Sunspell are a match made in The Prisms, like all of Sunspell, are designed for fun and relaxation
heaven. She and her followers yearn for the opportunity and danger should not lurk in the bowels of these ships. However,
to enjoy the luxuries wealth and time provide and the names and lore of each ship are a perfect foreshadowing
Sunspell is constantly feeding that urge. Artists get to opportunity and are omitted intentionally. Use the ships to
showcase a great Red Dragon in the Badlands or a scourging
share their work with new travelers each and every day
White Dragon in the Arctic desert.
and their passions are multiplied from the exposure to
the eclectic audience. Additionally, Tromperie loves a
good story and the idealistic location is prime for drama
and storytelling. Visitors come to Sunspell seeking peace
and quiet and often find themselves caught up in an
accidental adventure or winter romance.

128 Stargazer’s Guide to Aroria

the bowl
No vacation in Sunspell is complete without a trip to
Sunbeach. The shore is nearly a hundred yards wide and The Bowl is the hottest ticket in town. A pier on the
languid waves roll over a third of it packing the sand hard northside of Sunspell leads far out in the ocean and then
beneath toe-deep water. Vibrant shades of sapphire, ruby, and drops below the surface. A glass tunnel leads you into a coral
emerald dot the dress of all those who have come to enjoy the reef to a large chamber beneath the waves. Sparkling blue
merriment of the waves. Depending on your location, upbeat refractions bathe the chamber in dim light and a circular
music is either faint on the wind or pounding in your heart. stage turns slowly on its own in the middle of the room.
Most wish their day on the sands would never end, and the Thousands of tiny tangs, several schools of silvery fish, and
sunset seems to oblige most nights. Locals say that when the a few sharks circle above The Bowl expecting to eavesdrop on
music is right and the beach is full, the sun will pause on the the show with you.
horizon, lingering to glimpse one last look upon the reverie.
Sunspell is home to many theatrical and musical
troupes, and all of them fight tooth and nail for the
On the west coast of Sunspell, there is a beach that chance to play at the bowl. Located beneath the waves,
stretches for miles and miles. This is where all the fun The Bowl is an intimate environment for audiences
happens in Sunspell. Bards and bands set up stages with no larger than a few dozen. Magically enhanced glass
large audiences and dance floors. Impromptu bars are protects the performers and audience from the sea
established wherever the people are gathering and bikes above and the coral reef that surrounds The Bowl could
with snacks and cocktails ride the coast, servicing clients. be an entertainment source all its own. Tickets to a
Beautiful people in extravagant attire soak in the sun and show in the Bowl are extremely expensive, but those
frolic on the sand here. who have spent a night there will assure you that it’s
worth the price of admission.
notable figures
Kaeso Maro
notable figures
Gnome He/Him, Rimewomb. Kaeso operates a mobile bar Oriana
he affectionately calls The Boozemobile. His little gnome Dragonborn She/Her, Duskworn. The white dragonborn
legs can be seen pedaling all along Sunbeach with some is sleek and slender with an ear for musical talent. She is
of the sweetest cocktails in Sunspell. solely responsible for selecting which performers make it
onto The Bowl’s schedule.

Adventure Hook
This morning, visitors to Sunbeach were greeted by an unseemly Adventure Hook
sight. Driftwood and trash covered the beach from sea to shore A local troupe has been attempting to play The Bowl for over two
and it took volunteers hours to clean up the mess. When the years now. It’s said that Oriana will be at their show tomorrow
tide rolled in, more debris began to coat the beach. Officials night and it’s their chance to show off. They want to add a little
suspect that someone is dumping rubbish nearby and they need extra flair to the performance and are enlisting adventurers to
adventurers to investigate. enhance their performance.

blackbear trail
Deep in the heart of the jungle surrounding Sunspell, at
the end of Blackbear Trail, there is a tavern in the trees.
Above a natural spring, where shallow clear water flows
pools widely before falling a hundred ft. to a river below,
two large treehouses are connected by a swinging bridge.
Made from bamboo and boat rigging, the Inn is almost notable figures
always filled to the brim with all manner of visitors getting Statia Blackbear
out of the city for the night. Half-Orc She/Her, Lamentium. Half-Orc, Half-
Dragonborn, Statia Blackbear is a goliath individual with
thin bronze scales covering her entire body. She enjoys
Famous for its exposure to wildlife and beautiful a cold mug of ale after a good brawl and is extremely
waterfalls, Blackbear trail is a must see for anyone in protective of those visiting her tavern.
Sunspell. The trail could be walked in just a few hours,
but may find themselves there all day. Around each
and every bend, there’s a bright new flower, lingering Adventure Hook
animal, or thundering waterfall and accompanied by a Blackbear Cove is under siege. Beasts in the surrounding wood
swimming hole. Once you are halfway done with the have been attacking travelers along the trail and ambushing
trail, you’ll find Blackbear Cove. Swimming hole is never those who stray too far from the cove. Beasts lurk in the
more than two ft. deep and the natural spring keeps the darkness and are being controlled by some unknown entity deep
water crystal clear. Statia operates a small tavern here in the jungle.
where weary hikers may stay the evening and drink to
their heart's content.
Anyone who cares to look can find members of the
lazuli cove Order lurking about in the Satin Sapphire.

As you approach Lazuli Cove, a tunnel large enough for Close proximity to large quantities of Lapis Lazuli
three ships to pass side-by-side breathes cool air onto the sea. can cause feelings of self reflection and confidence for
The tunnel is surrounded by a massive carving that depicts adventurers. For this reason, many seek the cove for its
beauty and inspiration. Worshipers of Brise flock to the
Vol, God of the sea. A harbor lies within the gaping mouth,
cove to reconnect with their deity in the forgotten temple
and you are swallowed by Vol as your ship sails into Lazuli within the mines. Some say she is the force that drives
Cove's Harbor. As the ship pulls into port, you see dozens the ever-present wind out of the cove, others point to the
of massive iron lanterns hanging from a vaulted cavernous natural phenomenon of ‘Cave Breathing’.
ceiling. The lanterns illuminate the inviting cove, and their
light is reflected off vibrant cobalt blue striations of Lapis
Lazuli glittering in the walls and on the ceiling. locations in Lazuli cove
grom's clock tower
Lazuli Cove is an independent port town outside
the jurisdiction of all but the most encompassing Nearly adjacent to the harbor, Grom’s Clock Tower overlooks
authorities. The people here enjoy a comfortable
the bay and serves as a beacon for drunken sailors returning
lifestyle and are afforded the luxury of free time
and frivolity. Located in the northern portion of the to their ship. Steam billows out from awkward pipes that
Barvassian Sea, Lazuli Cove is just a three day sail from protrude from the walls, and the mechanism behind the clock
the western shores of New Reach Two figures dominate face squeaks with every tick. Surrounding the tower are three
the political scene of Lazuli Cove: Commodore well maintained saltwater wells. Upon closer inspection, the
Etheridge and Lord Rouvalin. Commodore Etheridge wooden buckets are reinforced with Lapis Lazuli bands that
is a jovial man with a charismatic smile. Born into give off a subtle radiant glow.
privilege, the Commodore has made Lazuli Cove his
home for four decades and uses his merchants wit to
gain wealth and power in the cove. He often throws The Clock Tower is home to Grom Scrivit, a creator and
lavish parties at his estate to boost his ego and flaunts master of arcane invention. Most in Lazuli Cove know
his riches to buy more votes in the elections to come. better than to bother the eccentric artificer, but the
Obsidian Order can’t help but be drawn to the valuable
Lord Rouvalin is the opposite. A miner by trade, the materials and creations he makes. Grom spends an
Lord of the Dirt has dug for every diamond he owns equal amount of time on his personal projects as well
and keeps quite a collection of gems in his home. The as community service and many of his clever tricks
father of six sons, Lord Rouvalin doesn’t make time can be found around the city benefiting the citizens of
for politics or trade, but the bounty of his mines have Lazuli Cove.
made him abundantly wealthy. Some say he has more
wealth than the Commodore, but no one knows for notable figures
sure. The Commodore and The Lord are rarely seen Grom Scrivit
together. They do not seem fond of one another, but Halfling, He/Him Rimbwomb. Thick glasses and spindly
they say opposites attract. Together, they maintain hair trademark the apparent introvert. He comes alive
control over Lazuli Cove and ensure its long-term with chatter when speaking about his wild inventions and
survival and prosperity. contraptions. He is almost always seen with his Jeweled
Jaeran, Plato.
imports, exports, and markets
Lazuli Cove exports luxury Lapis Lazuli products such
as fine jewelry, artisan boxes, pigments, crafts, and Adventure Hooks
clothing all in the vibrant Lapis Lazuli within the cove. Grom is seeking adventurers to retrieve an elemental power
Merchants are always looking to purchase raw materials source within the Rouvalin Mines. He believes that an ancient
like silk, cotton, and leathers and often have the gold to temple to Brise exists within the mines and that a remnant of her
buy high value magic items. Locally, fishmongers offer power is hidden there. Adventurers who recover the remnant are
an array of Yellowfin Tuna, Snapper, and Grouper, fresh, given access to the Airship he intends to build with it.
on a daily basis. The Cobalt Cask offers a signature blue
tinted ale for sailors. Outside of these traditional trade On the far side of town is an old abandoned well. Grom is willing
goods, you can find magic items of all sorts, including to enhance the well with his purification system. It would certainly
Lapis Lazuli at the Blue Bauble. make life easier for citizens on that side of town. However, the
beast that guards the well will need to be dealt with.
Black markets and black daggers, the Lazuli Cove
economy would be incomplete without mentioning the Several weeks ago, Grom ordered parts for tinkering from the
Obsidian Order. The Obsidian Order is organized under Mainland and they haven’t arrived yet. The merchant ship they
Aleksanda and is a small group of thieves responsible were aboard was supposed to dock three days ago. Without the
for most of the larceny, mugging, and crime within parts, Grom can’t tinker, and that would drive him mad! He’s
Lazuli Cove. They’re not an ambitious group, preying offering 100 gp to anyone who can find them.
on fat merchants and feasting on crimes of opportunity.

130 Stargazer’s Guide to Aroria

the cobalt cask silken sapphire
If it’s your first visit to Lazuli Cove, you might think the Adventurers get their first glimpse of the Silken Sapphire
Cobalt Cask was a horrible accident. Situated directly as they enter the harbor. The ladies of the Sapphire call
adjacent to the port is the wreckage of a grand caravel themselves ‘Gems’ and have made a habit of enticing sailors
that has been drug up onto the shore, laid on its side, from outcroppings overlooking the harbor. The Silken
and renovated. The belly of the ship has been torn out to Sapphire is built into the east wall of Lazuli Cove. The
make room for dockside dining. The mast has been sanded windows are always latched tight and magical sapphire
down and converted into a long bartop and the helm is light emanates from sconces flanking the open door. Inside,
free spinning, apparently converted into a drinking game conversation pits honeycomb the floor and intricate rugs line
of some kind. No matter where you go inside the Cobalt the paths between.
Cask, lapis lazuli glistens and shimmers among the cutlery,
furniture, and decor.
The Silken Sapphire is an upscale brothel for the
nobility in Lazuli Cove and the most successful
The Cobalt Cask is a two-story tavern that services pirates privateers. Madame Tourmaline runs a tight ship
and merchants who frequent the cove. The interior and all manner of pleasure and delights can be found
resembles a ship's cargo hold with barrels for stools and within its walls. It is a place to let loose and recharge
nets lining the weather worn bar. Lapis lazuli accents after long weeks at sea and the gems are renowned for
every mug, fork, tap, and key given to guests. Bravis their skill and beauty. Many of the important people
owns and operates the Cobalt Cask with his son Revio. in Lazuli Cove frequent the Silken Sapphire and make
regular visits. Secrets become rumors quickly at the
notable figures Silkens Sapphire and for the right price, Madame
Tourmaline can sell you either.
Human He/Him, Fleurtide. Former sailor, medium build with
a more grey than black beard. Speaks with salt in his voice. notable figures
Revio Madame Tourmaline
Human He/Him, Sunbask. Tall but slender boy no older Tiefling She/Her Sunbask. The Gems of the Silken
than 16. Clean shaven face with dark black hair and Sapphire are constantly under the protective eye of
brown eyes. Has short-term memory loss from a run in Madame Tourmaline. Her dark hair is often pulled up
with a malicious traveler. into a tight bun behind curved horns and her dark tanned
skin is freckled with small sun spots. A sailor in a past
life, she runs a tight ship and is known to have little
Adventure Hooks patience with unruly guests.
A poster is pinned to the wall of the Cobalt Cask. It reads: “ The
semi-annual Spice Showdown begins next Saturday, two hours
before sundown. Participants must register with Bravis at The Adventure Hooks
Cobalt Cask and pay their entrance fee. 100 gold pieces. Lord Rouvalin’s sons and daughters are getting too comfortable
around the Gems and some reports reveal direct harassment.
A dwarf named Bronze limps from table to table in the Cobalt Madame Tourmaline can’t publicly humiliate a member of the
Cask. He smells like dynamite and his dirty blonde beard nearly Rouvalin family, but she will pay with good coin and her undying
drags the floor. He’s looking for adventurers to travel into the gratitude to anyone who can talk (or beat) some sense into them.
mines to recover a pocket watch he dropped on his last day in the
mines. A cave-in crippled his leg and nearly claimed his life. Now, Jade is trying to get out of this town. She hates seafood, it’s
he’ll pay 50 GP to anyone who can bring it back to him. always dark in here, and the salt air makes her nauseous. She’d
be on the next boat out of here if she could pay off her debt to the
You find Thieves Cant carved into the wall of the bathroom. It Obsidian Order. She needs 500 gold pieces to pay the debt and
reads: “Lord Rouvalin is not what he seems. If you agree, come book passage on a ship. If someone could settle the debt or make
find us." -Jarvis, Obsidian Order. other arrangements, she’d be willing to part with her Cobalt Ring
(Lazuli Stone) as a token of gratitude.

Madame Tourmaline believes she has a thief in her midst. Vintage

bottles of wine have been going missing from the cellar and last
week she had to order new silverware for the common room. She
suspects it’s one of the Gems but she can’t accuse one unless she
knows for sure. She’s offering free lodging to anyone who can
solve the mystery and reveal the thief.

Aleksanda by
Deanna Smit
132 Stargazer’s Guide to Aroria
Medium Human, Chaotic Good

Armor Class 15 Leather

Hit Points 30 (4d8 + 12)
Speed 30ft. Walking, 30ft. Climbing


8 (-1) 16 (+3) 17 (+3) 12 (+1) 14 (+2) 17 (+3)

Saving Throws Dexterity +5, Intelligence +4

Skills Acrobatics +5, Stealth +5, Perception +4
Passive Perception 14
Languages Common, Thieves Cant
Challenge 4 (1,100 XP)

Dagger. Aleksanda slashes a creature within range. +5 to hit,
range 20ft/60ft, one target, Hit 6 (1d4+3) Piercing damage.
Unarmed Strike. Aleksanda strikes a creature within range. +5
to hit, range 5ft, one target, Hit 2 (1d4-1) Bludgeoning damage

Aleksanda is a 3rd level spellcaster and has the following spells
prepared from the Sorcerer spell list. +5 to hit, Spell Save DC 13
Cantrip (At Will): Friends, Firebolt (1d10), Prestidigitation, Green-
Flame Blade

1st Level (4 Slots): Absorb Elements, Distort Value, Sleep,

Charm Person

2nd Level (2 Slots): Blur, Knock

Special Abilities
Sneak Attack. When Aleksanda has advantage on an attack roll
or an ally is within 5 ft. of her target, she may add an additional
1d6 to her Dagger attack.

commodore's estate blue bauble
The Blue Bauble is a magic shop owned by the quirky
A cobblestone road winds up a small hill to a lake in front of Half-Elf Gigi. The structure vaguely resembles a
the Commodore’s Estate. Dammed water rushes from seven church bell and is adorned with trinkets and mirrors
small cut outs, falling to town level nearly thirty ft. to the that languidly twirl in the breeze. Swinging saloon
base of the estate, forming a small river that pours into the doors are the only known entrance to the shop. Inside,
harbor. The building itself has Gothic architecture and is well driftwood shelves along the walls display potions of all
lit from a large opening in the ceiling.Simple gardens grow sorts, carved pieces of Lapis Lazuli, and fossilized sea
creatures Gigi has found within the mines.
about the grounds and stone benches wait for weary walkers.
notable figures
The Commodore’s Estate is the ideal backdrop for a Gigi
masquerade, wedding, or get-together of any kind in Half-Elf She/Her, Pyrium. Born Grivina Daevalur, Gigi
Lazuli Cove. The Commodore adores beings surrounded has lived in Lazuli Cove for the past half-century. A
by new and exciting people and will throw party after geologist by trade, Gigi came to Lazuli Cove to study the
party at his own expense to satisfy that thrill. The Lapis Lazuli more closely and operates the Blue Bauble to
Commodore is often in search of Adventurers to solve a fund her research.
few of his many problems. For party’s with a more lavish
lifestyle, or those who simply do not wish to stay at the magic items
crowded Cobalt Cask, the Commodore’s Estate could serve
as a base of operations while adventuring in Lazuli Cove. In addition to healing potions appropriate for your
players level, Gigi has the following items available for
notable figures players searching for something interesting.
Commodore Etheridge Lazuli Stone
Elf He/Him, Pyrium. Stocky for an Elf, Commodore When attuned to this Lazuli Stone, you gain resistance to
Etheridge has a charismatic smile to pair with his blonde one magical damage type of your choice. After you finish a
hair and cloudy eyes. Always the center of attention, the Long Rest, you may choose to switch your current magical
Commodore is famous in Lazuli Cove for his lavish parties resistance to a different one.
and gluttonous drinking habit. As Lazuli Cove’s prime
overseer, the Commodore has a great many connections in Robes of Rapid Oxygenation
town and doesn’t hesitate to exploit them when necessary. An oxygenated breeze seeps through the fibers of this
bright aquamarine robe. While wearing this robe, you
may call upon the power of the Elemental Plane of Air to
disperse non-magical gas and fog within 60 ft. of you as a
Adventure Hooks bonus action.
At last night's party, Commodore Etheridge had one too many
margaritas and misplaced his familial sword. Such carelessness Wand of Jumbles
is bad for his reputation, and he can’t have that. He’s offering While touching this wand to a document, you speak the
1,000 gold pieces to find his sword and frame someone, anyone, command word and distort its image with an illusion
for its theft. unique to the wand until you repeat this action. While
distorted in this way, the document cannot be deciphered
A Mysterious Murder? At one of Commodore Etheridge’s lavish or destroyed by any means outside of Wish. If the
parties, a citizen was murdered! Someone in the Spice Showdown document is on the same plane of existence, you know
poisoned the plate presented for judging. Who could it be? its location. If the document is on a different plane of
We’ll soon find out because no one is going anywhere until the existence, you know which. If you use the Wand to distort
culprit is hanged. a second document, the illusion fades.

134 Stargazer’s Guide to Aroria

digbrand religion
The official religion of Digbrand is dedicated to the god
Towering pyres and magnificent stone statues of mighty Bouclier, though nearly all religions are welcomed and
dwarven warriors flank a finely crafted road that leads supported. Recently, the Royal Family has become deeply
towards the mountain’s heart. Those who travel this devoted to Bouclier, and as a result, the official religion
promenade are reminded that they are small in comparison has only recently been changed. Small shrines to Vera are
also found scattered through each district, serving as sites
to the statues, the mountains, and the stone doors that
of prayer to miners and the superstitious. Evil-aligned
lead into Digbrand, and as they draw close to the city’s deities have also taken root within Digbrand, though with
doors, they find themselves encased in shadow. Beyond the recent shift of Bouclier as the dominant religion, all
the doors, however, visitors bear witness to the brilliant evil-aligned temples have vanished, their followers going
crystal chandeliers of the metropolis, washing the city with into hiding throughout the city.
flickering light. All through the city, visitors can note the
fusion of old architecture with new inventions. Digbrand is
a city of discovery and a city of tradition. To those hoping
locations in digbrand
to find adventure, or an opportunity to prove themselves,
Digbrand never fails to deliver.
sovereign peak
Rising from the city is a polished, stone temple. Onyx steps
The Dwarven city of Digbrand is a sprawling metropolis spread from the temple in every direction and a large, stone
carved out of the heart of a mighty mountain, known as statue of Bouclier stands sentry in front of the palace’s doors.
the Relentless Rise. Located amid the Vera mountains, Home to the Digbrand royal family, Sovereign’s Peak is a
Digbrand has become known as the “Diamond in the
place of subtle opulence. Stone accented with gems, coins,
Rough” for many who travel the region. Composed of
multiple districts, Digbrand constantly negotiates the and precious metals make up the entirety of the palace. A
ancient traditions of the first settlers who carved out its fence of reinforced brass surrounds the palace, frequently
streets and buildings and the influx of newcomers, who patrolled by royal guards. Within the palace grounds stands
bring with them the inventions of the world. a squat tower that overlooks the city, where the Onyx
Conclave frequently meets.
Digbrand is home to King Argentus and Queen Kalium
along with their children, the prince and princess of the
city. Acting as the figureheads of Digbrand, the royal Sovereign Peak is home to Digbrand’s parliament,
family observe the management and operations that the Digbrand royal palace, and is one of the beating
happen throughout the city. They host grand gala’s hearts of the city. Well-organized gardens surround
and attend festivals held in their names. While the the palace, ranging from glittering gem-encrusted
Royal Family is held in high esteem throughout the flower fields, to a small grove of petrified trees and
city, seven ancient houses hold the true political power sculpture garden. Sycophants, guards, and politicians
in Digbrand. These families are known as the Onyx move through the palace grounds, talking quietly with
Conclave and they each manage a branch of the city’s one another about ongoing events throughout the city.
government, making decisions on behalf of the Royal Those hoping to walk the palace gardens or step into
Family. Digbrand palace require an invitation from either the
Digbrand royal family or the Onyx Conclave.
imports, exports, and markets
Digbrand’s imports and exports consist primarily
notable figures
of raw materials - stone, coal, and marble– though Kurim Silverhide
precious metals are also gathered and refined in the city. Dwarf Male, Frostwane. Kurim is a member of the royal
Managed by the Burnsilver family, Digbrand’s markets guard and lives on the palace grounds in a small barracks
overflow with local and exotic goods, aimed at fulfilling that houses some of his colleagues. While not on duty
nearly every of those who visit the markets. Digbrand patrolling the grounds and surrounding walls, Kurim
suffers from a lack of lumber and water, both of which sculpts various statues and pieces of art, hoping to be
are imported into the city from the surrounding region. noticed by the royal family.
A majority of the imported water is used to run massive
waterwheels, furnaces, and in the refining processes
of the local breweries scattered throughout Digbrand. Adventure Hook
Recently, new sculptures have been appearing on the palace
Prices for freshwater and lumber are always marked
grounds. At first, the royal family and visiting diplomats found the
up, and visitors find Digbrand ale often cheaper than
statues exquisite, enthralled by their masterwork design. However,
water itself. Finally, Digbrand’s artificers and engineers
as more sculptures have begun to appear, they’ve grown more and
frequently find opportunities to trade their inventions more gruesome in their depictions and now it's become a problem.
with the surrounding world and aspiring entrepreneurs Royal guard Kurim Silverhide has called for assistance to find out
discover that there is a robust patent trade in Digbrand. who or what is making these statues while also protecting himself
from suspicion.

136 Stargazer’s Guide to Aroria
the amethyst garden the fuzzy navel inn
An indoor garden of vast amethyst spires, trees and Nestled on the corner of a bustling thoroughfare stands the
monuments, the Amethyst Garden is a sight to behold. Fuzzy Navel; a three-story building weathered by time,
Created at the behest of the Digbrand royal family, and years of boisterous patrons. The sounds of clinking
everything in this chamber is made of amethyst. In the glassware, laughter, and song spill from the saloon style
center of the chamber runs a roaring waterfall of crystal, its doors of the tavern. Stepping inside, visitors see a series of
soft clatter filling the chamber with a steady ring. The only alcoves carved into stone walls, with finely polished wood
features of this room that are not created out of amethyst tables and mahogany floors. Torches burn bright throughout
are two statues that flank the glittering waterfall. Carved the tavern, illuminating a series of long tables and a small
from frost marble, the statues pay homage to members of dance floor in the center of the room. Barhands and waiters
Digbrand family. bustle around the room, tending to the needs of the inn’s
many patrons. A bard is always on staff in the Fuzzy Navel,
their songs matching the mood of the patrons within.
The Amethyst Garden is a prime attraction in the city
and recognized as a national monument. The garden
was conceived and founded by Lady Lolite Digbrand
The Fuzzy Navel inn is a favored spot by both locals and
and her daughter Amia Thystia-Digbrand, whose
visitors alike. One of the original buildings carved when
statues stand in the garden, who were both killed in an
Digbrand was founded, the inn reflects old traditions and
assassination attempt. Maintained by local taxes, the
modern conveniences. The inn is owned and operated by
Amethyst Garden is open to the public, though heavily
Belgain Vigor, a prominent figure throughout Digbrand.
guarded. Any who enter are searched meticulously to
Those who visit the inn or stay there are bound to meet
ensure that they do not attempt to leave with any of the
Belgain and have a chance to try the specialty drink of the
precious crystals inside. A small sect of clerics, called
inn - the Fuzzy Navel which is described below. Often,
the gem wardens, work in the garden, maintaining
visiting diplomats or aspiring merchants will stay at the
the amethyst and carving new statues into the ever-
Fuzzy Navel, giving those ambitious enough a chance to
expanding monument.
create strong connections in Digbrand.
statues notable figures
Statue of Amia Thystia-Digbrand
Belgain Vigor
Dwarf He/Him, Rustium. Innkeeper and Last Vigor
A young dwarven girl is carved from the marble. Her hair is in the Dwarven Legacy. Belgain is the innkeeper of the
wavy, flowing to just under her chin. A wreath of gemstones Fuzzy Navel and lives in one of the rooms of the Inn. He
sits atop her head. She has plump cheeks with a cherry nose. has gingery blonde hair tied up like a top knot and has a
She has a thick dress on with thick straps over the shoulders beard braided, neat and trimmed. Belgain is a member of
and large buttons clasped on each side with the symbol of the Vigor family house - a disappearing, ancient dwarven
Digbrand on them. The little girl has a pile of gems pulled up household.
in her dress as she stands near the waterfall to wash them. A
plaque beneath the statue reads: ‘The Heart of the Mountain.
The Gem of Digbrand.’
Statue of Lady Iolite Digbrand
fuzzy navel
Looking over the statue of the little girl and carved from Fizzy, tastes heavily of peaches, on the sweeter
similar frosted marble stands a regal woman in middle-age. side. and as it hits your belly the bubbles kind of
A wreath of gems are braided around her brow and her face bubble back up. Tickling your stomach and you
shows a discerning but soft countenance. Her clothing speaks must make a DC 14 Constitution Saving Throw
of royalty but the artist who carved this statue also managed or immediately start to laugh and giggle as it
tickles your belly.
to represent humble origins for this woman. Intricately
carved on her robe is the symbol of Digbrand, and a brilliant
diamond broach is wrapped around the statue's stone neck.
A plaque beneath the statue reads: “Warrior. Mother. The
City’s Whetstone.”
Adventure Hooks
notable figures Normally, Belgain Vigor, the innkeeper of the Fuzzy Navel moves
through the inn and tavern floor laughing with guests and making
Brooke O'Leary sure the patron’s cups are always full. But over the course of the
Gnome She/Her, Aurous. Brooke serves one of the last week, the once cheery manager has appeared more somber,
gem wardens. She lives in a small apartment complex and in the last few days, he hasn’t been seen on the tavern floor.
nearby the Garden and works the early morning shift. Rumors from the barhands and waiters tell of Belgain facing some
She is soft-spoken and introverted, often preferring legal issues and are offering a small reward to anyone able to
to talk to the rocks that she tends to rather than the check in on the innkeeper while they maintain the tavern.
people around her. Brooke always carries around a
small mole named “Peridot” who she allows to wander
the garden while she is working.
the earthen basin
tenacity textiles Located in a lower section of Digbrand is the Earthen
Basin, a spa and bathhouse for all who live and visit the
Digbrand. Great bath chambers are carved into the stone,
A small brick and mortar building on the east side of
with steam vents rising up and helping heat the city. Private
Digbrand, Tenacity Textiles brings in a devoted group of
and public clay baths, saunas, and massage parlors line a
tailors, merchants, and socialites. Designed in the fashion
series of hallways that make up the Earthen Basin. Visitors
of traditional Digbrand architecture, the building is orderly
pass through an archway of glittering quartz as they enter
and utilitarian. Inside, colorful fabrics drape from the
the Basin. Attendants of all races move through the spa,
ceilings and hang from the walls. A small sign greets visitors
practicing their healing arts on those in need. A dwarven
as they enter the building stating, “Please ring the bell for
woman with light brown hair greets all who enter with the
service.” Beside this sign is a small, silver bell. Somewhere
same phrase, “Welcome to the Earthen Basin. We revitalize
in the building you can hear the sounds of people going
the strength of the mountain. Glory to the Strong.”
about their work.

Tenacity Textiles is very clean and traditional. Large The renowned spa of Digbrand, the Earthen Basin has
columns line the building, with many fabrics hanging from maintained the people of Digbrand for decades. The
them. Operating for over 20 years, Tenacity Textiles has spa imports water into great vaults deep beneath the
gathered a small crowd of dedicated patrons that swear city, which is then warmed by lava flows that have been
by the quality and price of the fabrics sold there. Tourists carefully channeled for this purpose. The Earthen Basin is
looking for a unique experience can visit the shop and accessed via three elevators that move up and down a vast
receive a custom fitting by designer extraordinaire and chasm, and foreigners to Digbrand require a reservation to
owner, Marbelle Pebblegrit. access the spa. Owned and operated by Deedra Goldlight,
the Earthen Basin has been passed down from generation
notable figures to generation within the Goldlight family.
Marbelle Pebblegrit
Dwarf She/Her, Sunbask. Marbelle is a short woman in notable figures
her mid-forties. She wears thick spectacles and has a tattoo Raine Peltier
of measuring tape running up her left arm. Marbelle is Orc They/Them, Lamentium. Raine is one of the attendants
eccentric and devoted to her work, often talking in depth in the Earthen Basin. Born and raised in Digbrand, Raine
about the latest fashions while working with her patrons. started working at the Basin as an adolescent and found
joy in talking with their fellow staff and the patrons. Raine
is tall and lanky, with a soft face and black hair cut at
shoulder length. They are a little awkward around new
people but are friendly and occasionally too informal with
those they’ve met before.

clay baths- 3gp
communal baths- 5sp
massage- 1gp
healing stone therapy- 2gp

Adventure Hooks
Recently, patrons and staff in the Earthen Basin have been
complaining about the baths being overly hot and a visiting
ambassador was scalded by the searing heat. Hoping to respond
quickly and efficiently, Deedra Goldlight has called for a small
group of adventurers to enter into the chambers beneath the
baths to investigate why there are heating issues. In her call, she
has directed them to speak to attendant Raine Peltier to gain
access to the tunnels.

138 Stargazer’s Guide to Aroria

ironburrow religion
The official religion of Ironburrow is devoted to Vera,
Built into the side of a mountain, exemplary of dwarven though a large population also worships the Masters
craftsmanship and ingenuity rises in the cavern around you. of the Weave. Temples connected to Vera are scattered
You struggle to comprehend how much time and effort was throughout the city, commonly known as singing halls,
needed to carve the enormous, smooth dome that reaches where the faithful gather to sing and pray. Bouclier and
high above the buildings and towers. Multiple city levels, Lavie have gained a foothold in Ironburrow, and new
connected by grand, iron and stone ramps sit above and temples to these Masters have been built recently. Evil-
aligned deities are discovered, investigated, and often
below you and you can see both up and down the entire
removed from Ironburrow.
height of the city
locations in ironburrow
The sounds of chorus singing, ringing hammers,
and the sonorous toll of bells fill the glittering city of
the stitkbro
Ironburrow. Located amid the vast mountain range
of Mt. Vera, Ironburrow is home to many who've On the uppermost level of Ironburrow stands the Stitkbro,
discovered their love for precious metals and cavernous a polished marble bridge that seems to stretch out into the
mines, including powerful dwarven, gnomish, and void above the entirety of the town. Tourists, and residents
drow families. Carved beneath and through a mountain,
alike flock to the bridge, to take in the sites of Ironburrow and
Ironburrow is made of four major districts stacked atop
one another. Visitors easily marvel at the architectural enjoy the various street performers that work on the bridge.
genius of the city and enjoy standing on the Stitkbro- a
polished, marble bridge that grants a view of the entire
The Stitkbro is the main tourist attraction of Ironburrow.
city, top to bottom.
Appearing as a bridge between two sections of the Silver
Strand, with a glass viewing platform at its center, An
imports, exports, and markets iron-wrought anvil stands as a statue at the center of this
Iron is the primary resource collected and traded from platform, laden with hundreds of rings. Rumor states that
Ironburrow, though precious metals including: gold, if you and your partner leave a ring on this statue, you
silver, and copper are also mined and minted in the will have good luck and happiness for years to come. The
city. As a large trade center, visitors can find a diverse street entertainers vary widely here, from human statues,
range of markets and nearly everything may be found fire breathers, dancers, and impressionists. Due to its
if the buyer looks hard enough. Wood is one of the few position in town, jugglers are banned.
resources that Ironburrow predominantly imports from
the surrounding region, using in their expansive mines notable figures
and as support for their elaborate structures. Visitors Tonral Mizzruae
hoping to purchase any object made of wood or with Drow He/Him, Pyrium. Fire Dancer on the Stitkbro.
wooden components finds the price easily 25 to 50 He is a lithe, silver-haired man in his late 40s. Tonral is
percent higher than normal. Finally, religious idols of very charismatic and enjoys chatting with visitors.
Vera and other deities can be easily found throughout
Ironburrow as the culture holds the old god and all Adventure Hook
religions in high esteem. Rumors have been spreading that the ghost of Terje the
Magnificent has started appearing before those who walk the
Stitkbro late at night. Much to the dismay of the entertainers,
more tourists have begun walking the bridge at night. Tonral
believes that the rumors are a stunt put on by his rival, Galna
Swiftbell. Tonral is offering a reward to any who reveal the truth
of this rumor.

silver strand second level of ironburrow-
the furnace
The street you stand upon is flecked with silver gilding, and
torchlight gleams off of the metal like tiny stars at night.
Traveling to the end of the Silver Strand leads to the second
Even at midday, the Silver Strand of Ironburrow feels
level of Ironburrow, which is dominated by the district
timeless with little natural light streaming into the city, save
called The Furnace. The Furnace is the beating heart of
through tunnels drilled through the roof near the city gates.
Ironburrow, an endless drum of hammers on iron rings
A group of dwarves, dressed in priestly robes of rich gold
throughout the district. Great plumes of smoke and ash hang
and indigo pass you as they walk the main street, singing
in the air before rising into long funnels bored into the rocky
cheerily. The priests' song mixes with the ring of hammers,
ceiling, creating an ever-present smog that threatens even
merchants shouting, and sounds of industry.
the hardiest of visitors. Those who work in the sweltering
factories wear specialized leather hoods and tunics to protect
The Silver Strand is a bazaar and the main street running them from the heat and ash. At the center of the Furnace is a
through the upper level of Ironburrow. Nearly anything soot-stained brass guildhall, where all manner of crafts folk
can be found in the Silver Strand and always at the gather to trade knowledge and advice.
highest quality. The Silver Strand is made of mixed use
buildings, with shops lining the street level and the shop
owners living above. Visitors to Ironburrow might find The second level down in Ironburrow, connected to
themselves spending an entire day wandering from the end of the Silver Strand, the Furnace a series of
storefront to storefront. Common magic items can be factories, guildhalls, smithies, and forges, all designed
found in the Silver Strand and occasionally uncommon to process and refine the raw iron and other precious
magic items may appear on display in storefront metals that are harvested from the mines. For those
windows. unprepared, traveling through the Furnace is a grueling
task. Characters that enter this area must make a DC 14
Constitution Saving Throw or suffer 1 level of Exhaustion.
hall of stone Every hour that passes, the characters must repeat the
In the Upper Level of Ironburrow, lay the Hall of saving throw, on a success, nothing happens, on a failure,
Stone, a towering cathedral of gold, silver, and copper. they take another level of Exhaustion. If a character
The Hall of Stone is the largest church of Ironburrow succeeds in two Constitution saving throws in a row,
and is the primary place of worship for Vera. Built as all levels of Exhaustion they had are removed and they
an octagonal church, visitors sit amid the hundreds cannot be affected again for 24 hours. Characters may
of pews to attend service and pay homage to Vera. A acquire specialized leather hoods and tunics that make
massive brass organ dominates the back of the building them immune to the surrounding heat.
and music pours from the Hall of Stone every night.
The Hall of Stone is maintained and guarded by the second level of ironburrow-
Priests of Song, an order of clerics devoted to Vera and
Ironburrow. At the center of the building stands the
house of resonance
Singing Stone, a magical relic imbued with Vera's power.
Rising from the sea of smoke and ash is a soot-stained brass
notable figures building gilded with silver and platinum. An iron-wrought
Singer Bellick Basalt sign hangs over two heavy stone doors, with the name,
Dwarf He/Him, Lamentium. Singer Bellick serves as the “The House of Resonance” emblazoned beside a sigil of a
high priest for the church. He is serious but optimistic, spike breaking a mountain. Beyond the din of surrounding
tending to err on the side of a laugh than to give into factories, you can make out the sounds of amiable shouts
despair. Bellick has a fondness for sweets and often will go and arguments from within the building. Various carts and
too far to acquire them.
wagons surround the building, filled with merchandise and
smith’s tools. Barred windows reveal long rows of weaponry
Adventure Hook and armor lining the walls within the building and you can
Important music belonging to the Chorus has been taken and
make out the shadows of various folks milling around inside.
Singer Bellick has called for its recovery. The only clue they have
was a symbol of Lavie scratched into the stone. Join as one of the
many search parties and spread out throughout the city to track This building acts as a market and home to the
down the thief. most expert crafts folk of Ironburrow. Led by Volga
Steelpike, the House of Resonance built its reputation
by selling equipment to residents and adventurers
alike. The building’s first floor is filled with various
stalls, all specializing in weaponry, armor, and tools for
melting and refining various metals. Characters may
buy nearly anything here except for magic items above
common rarity. Characters may also request items or
designs to be created but most creations have a base
charge of 75 gold pieces.

140 Stargazer’s Guide to Aroria

Adventure Hook
notable figures Wandering through the Foundry is both difficult and dangerous,
Volga Steelpike especially when you weren’t planning on it. After a particularly
Dwarf She/Her, Waking. Volga is a stocky, powerful dwarf fun night in the Silver Strand, you’ve accidentally stumbled into
of middling years. She is the chief overseer of the Foundry a Steelpike smithy. The following morning, you awake to a knock
and owns the House of Resonance. Volga is business-like at your door, and a gruff dwarven voice informing you that Lady
and quick to correct those who err in front of her. Volga would like to see you.

third level of ironburrow-

the pit
Beneath the glimmering streets of the Silver Strand and
notable figures
the Furnace’s smoke filled halls is Ironburrow’s third Fenwyn and Fanwyn Cobblestep
district – the Pit. The district streets are often empty and Fenwyn She/Her, Gnome, & Fanwyn Cobblestep He/
Him, Gnome. The Cobblestep twins are jovial trickers and
visitors frequently feel isolated in this district. But, when
shrewd owners of the Iron Hook. They are quick to joke
the roar of the steam whistles signal the start of a new shift and offer you a beer but as soon as talk turns to business or
the streets are flooded with ore laden carts, overseers, and to an opportunity, they are quick to appear at your table to
miners moving like clockwork. At the center of the Pit, far join in the conversation.
below the Stitkbro bridge above, stands the Iron Hook, a
tavern and diner that serves many of the working class. Adventure Hook
The constant sounds of off duty workers echoes from this Recently, there has been growing trouble in the mines beneath
building, sweeping into the nearby streets and calling to Ironburrow. Miners have been disappearing more frequently, and
any who feel alone. there is an increase in monster sightings. The Cobblestep twins
don’t want trouble for their customers and would like some extra
help in dealing with the issue. Go into the mine and find the source
Located in the third level of Ironburrow, this portion of these monsters.
of the city is filled with apartments and barracks that
the miners of Ironburrow call home. The Pit’s buildings
and streets are built in rough utilitarian style, with fourth level of ironburrow-
everything falling into a predictable grid pattern. the mines
The residents here are suspicious of newcomers and
frequently visitors find themselves approached and
questioned before they get far through the district. A vast network of tunnels make up the mines of Ironburrow,
Churches to Vera and other divinities are easily found which are worked for nearly every hour of the day. Miners of
here, with many of the miners often seeking a blessing all kinds dig, gather, and transport the precious metals that
before their shift in the mines. make up Ironburrow’s chief commodities. Unlike the levels
above, the mines are terribly dark, and only the dim glow of
the iron hook lanterns offer solace against the encroaching shadows.

At the center of the Pit stands the Iron hook, a four story
tavern and restaurant. The endless laughter of its patrons The mines of Ironburrow are nearly endless and
fills the nearby streets and the soft yellow lamp light offer many opportunities for workers and adventures
appears as a beacon against the surrounding darkness. alike to seek out opportunities for riches, combat, or
Inside the tavern, long tables sweep across the room, and a adventure. While there are no unique locations in the
well stocked bar stands against the west wall. A small stage mines, their expansive reach provides ample chances
occupies a corner of the room with live music every night. for encounters with ancient ruins, deadly dungeons.
This design is copied on the second and third floors, though Any attempt to make a map of mines, other than those
with increasing opalescence. Two fire-haired gnomes move possessed by volga Steelpike are utterly useless as the
mines often twist and turn upon each other.
through the room effortlessly, seeming to bring cheer and
energy to everyone around them.

This building serves as one of the most popular taverns

in The Pit. Serving anyone, most folks who are asked
direct newcomers to this establishment and its owners
- the Cobblestep twins. Characters that inquire further,
learn that the Iron Hook can help anyone acquire a
space to live, somewhere to work or specialized tools,
provided you have enough coin.

142 Stargazer’s Guide to Aroria
Points of interest
The Ashen Obelisk
The tower before you was once the Mystic Conservatoire,
through the forest encounter winding, challenging paths
a symbol of knowledge among mages. What you see now is
and unprepared adventurers find themselves quickly
far from an institute of learning; it is a crumbling blackened lost amid the trees. Within the Barenhad Forest lies the
ruin, burnt out in places, but still climbing aimlessly toward Northern Outpost, temporary home to Ranger Heloyn
the sky. The immediate area around it matches in both Whiteclaw of the Whiteclaw Rangers.
content and color, the Ashen Obelisk emerging from ashen
ground where nothing will grow. Outside of the radius notable figures
of ash, however, is a thriving wilderness to the North and Heloyn Whiteclaw
West, foothills to the South, and low mountains to the East. Half Elf She/Her, Sunbask. Heloyn has been keeping a close
Well into both the forest and the hills, forming a rough watch on the newly developing zombie situation and can
circle around the Ashen Obelisk, lies a number of former be found in a small outpost north of the Ashen Obelisk.
mines called the Deeprock Tunnels, laden with deposits Though it seems to pose no immediate threat to any nearby
settlements, where one zombie walks out of a tunnel, there
of Meridium. In the forest to the North you will find the
are surely more to follow. Should adventurers wish to enter
Northern Outpost, a checkpoint for rangers, and in the the mines, Heloyn and the rangers at the Northern Outpost
foothills to the South you will find the small trade village of are able to provide the safest and most direct route.
Cordelay, a once booming mining town.

Once a beautiful, thriving wildflower meadow, the

northern outpost
area immediately surrounding the Ashen Obelisk is The outpost is a place of function rather than form,
now desolate. Nothing grows here, and there are few made up of several simple wooden cabins on stilts with
alive who remember a time when it did. Like a rotting a central watchtower, but there is space for travelers to
bullseye in the center of a ring of black grit, the Ashen stay for the night. The Ranger Heloyn Whiteclaw lives
Obelisk is the crumbling remains of what was once a in the central tower with a few of their fellow rangers,
thriving Wizard’s tower. In antiquity, this tower was watching over the Barenhad Forest and the surrounding
known as the Mystic Conservatoire. Though most region. Heloyn’s presence is not one that is easily
of its history is lost to the annals of time (perhaps overlooked in the setting of the outpost, often dressed
purposefully so), it is generally agreed that the Mystic in furs or leathers that help them blend into the natural
Conservatoire was once a small but well-respected surroundings of the forest. They stand at a slightly
institution of magic, frequented by studious and above-average height, with a dark complexion and
powerful wizards who would take up mostly-temporary piercing brown eyes, their brown hair often in braids or
residence to focus on their areas of study. pulled back to keep it tidy as they work. The Northern
Then, there was the accident. Little is known about Outpost is an orderly place and visitors find themselves
what happened, but in one great explosion, the Mystic occasionally drawn into daily chores and tasks that
Conservatoire became what is now simply known as the Heloyn and their comrades perform.
Ashen Obelisk. The most likely cause of the explosion
lies deep below the ground - a Meridium mine, now long notable figures
abandoned. A ring of soot and ash surrounds the once- Candelza Morrowyn
beautiful tower, spanning out to the edges of nearby Human She/Her, Wisterius. Indeed, according to some,
forest, foothills, and low mountains. Though adventurers these stories are not simply fables. Candelza Morrowyn, a
have explored the area, few (if any) have yet been able to lithe, strawberry-blonde bard who wanders nearby towns
ascertain the fate of the Mystic Conservatoire or, indeed, and delights in regaling jumpy listeners with tales of the
all those who were lost in the explosion. ghosts she has encountered on the grounds of the Ashen
Obelisk. She is often found in the corner of a tavern
locations strumming her lute, her long, wavy hair loose over her
signature burgundy tunic.
barenhad forest
Once outside the ring of ash and dead land, you will
find forests, foothills, and even low mountains. To the
North and West of the Ashen Obelisk lies the Barenhad
Forest, full of old growth evergreens and other such
flora to suit a cool but temperate climate. The forest is
home to wild beasts including roaming wolves, herds of
moose, and the occasional bear. Those who travel

cordelay deeprock tunnels
Upon heading into the foothills to the South, you will Survey of the area surrounding the Ashen Obelisk has
eventually come upon Cordelay, a close-knit, trade produced one unusual feature: a number of underground
village that once was filled with eager minors and their tunnels leading directly to the Ashen Obelisk from a
families. However, it now relies primarily upon the fruits series of man-made caves in the nearby foothills and
of the land in other ways, and Cordelay truffles and forests, spread out in a rough circle around the former
mushrooms are well respected in the region. The village Mystic Conservatoire. With plentiful Meridium veins
of Coredelay consists mainly of wattle and daub cottages, in the area, it is no doubt that mining was one of the
their white exteriors standing out in a picturesque fashion motivations for creating these tunnels. Though it is
against their thatched roofs. Though it is not nearly the clear that the tunnels led into the basement of the
size it once was, the people who remained seem happy Conservatoire at one time, there is no record regarding
and relatively prosperous. The Blue Piglet, the town’s inn what else they may have been used for, or what their
and tavern, is popular with locals and travelers alike, and intended purpose may have been.
you can usually find the bard Candelza Morrowyn there,
regaling patrons with tales of the Ashen Obelisk. Inside these tunnels, it is not unusual to encounter wild
animals who have made these places their homes, or more
rarely, cave and underground-dwelling monsters. Even
the blue piglet these creatures tend to stay toward the tunnel entrances,
using the man-made caves and the openings close to the
An often-rowdy but generally friendly inn and tavern, hills and forests as their dens rather than venturing into the
The Blue Piglet is the haunt for Cordelay locals and vast emptiness underneath the Ashen Obelisk.
visitors. Constructed of wattle and daub (like most of
the town), it is clear that the tavern was once a one-story Despite its barren dereliction, the area surrounding the
building, and that its addition was built with somewhat Ashen Obelisk is not always quiet. It is said that in the dark
questionable workmanship. The second story leans of night, or on the anniversary of the explosion (though
slightly to one side, but Mardo the innkeeper swears that no-one knows when that was, exactly), visitors are likely
it’s perfectly stable. A tall, broad, intimidating human, to encounter a host of spirits and monsters, the grand
Mardo is actually quite amicable. If you’ve been to The majority of which are incoherent and uncommunicative. It
Blue Piglet more than once or twice, he knows your name, is not uncommon for the light of the moon to brighten the
your order, and he’ll greet you with a booming voice as area around the Ashen Obelisk, shining oddly in corners of
you walk through the door. Inside, you’ll find roughly the ruin, causing your eye to catch a glint of something….
constructed wooden benches and tables, with some Or perhaps, nothing. Was it just a trick of the light?
smaller ones pushed into quiet corners, and larger tables
out in the center of the room, lending to the community
atmosphere. It’s unlikely to see this tavern empty, but
it truly begins to boom in the evenings as the townsfolk
wrap up their daily work.

Regional effect
No matter how you first approach the Ashen Obelisk,
its dark visage leaves an imprint on your memory. Even
as you leave the grounds, you are haunted by a deep
feeling of unease, that creeps into your subconscious
thoughts. Adventurers who have spent too much time
in the tunnels discover that their perception seems to
temporarily change, and they may notice distortions in
solid materials - almost if their very composition could
be shifted with a simple effect. If you are the sort to
dream, you may find yourself questioning if you are
asleep or awake as you return to the Ashen Obelisk
in your nightmares - a side effect of the Meridium
essence that lingers there - finding yourself among
those trapped, wandering the barren wastes, hopeless
for so long that you’ve forgotten who you are. Though
you wake in a cold sweat to find yourself comfortable
in your bedroll with the campfire crackling nearby,
something pulls you back toward the former Mystic

Adventurers with nightmares of the Ashen Obelisk may incur

one point of Exhaustion.

144 Stargazer’s Guide to Aroria

The Ashen Obelisk Adventures
They Come From The Deep
You’ve heard talk of zombies emerging from the Deeprock Tunnels,
and your group has been sent to investigate. Liaise with Heloyn
Whiteclaw at the Northern Outpost or investigate on your own,
choosing one of the many entrances to the Deeprock Tunnels to
start from. Navigate your way through the maze-like Deeprock
Tunnels, through the former Meridum Mines and under the Ashen
Obelisk to discover the origin of the undead.

Ghost Stories
The bard Candelza Morrowyn often tells ghostly tales of the Ashen
Obelisk, but she’s running out of new material. She’s asked you to
accompany her to the grounds of the Ashen Obelisk to observe the
spooky goings-on, but warned you that you should probably come
armed - it wouldn’t be the first time she’s run into trouble.

The Lonely Revenant

The bard Candelza Morrowyn often tells tall tales, which was what
everyone assumed the Ballad of the Lonely Revenant was. Much
to the shock of the regulars at the Blue Piglet, a traveler burst
into the tavern, claiming to have had an encounter with the very
phantom from the ballad. Now, the townspeople want an answer
once and for all - and have asked you to return with proof of the
Revenant’s existence.

The Lonely Revenant, Part 2

Upon finding the Revenant, you believe that it may truly be trapped
on the grounds of the Ashen Obelisk. Explore the former Mystic
Conservatoire for clues to discover what dark magics keep it
bound. Will you fight and destroy the Revenant, or will you help it
find absolution?

Lost to History
What really happened at the Mystic Conservatoire? Starting in the
tunnels and working your way up each level of the tower, can your Treasures of the Mystic Conservatoire
party make it all the way to the top and discover what catastrophe Rod of Unyielding Ambition
befell the mages who once took up residence there? A black rod imbued with Meridium. It is a sentient rod that cannot
speak, but can convey emotion to the user. The Rod of Unyielding
Ambition allows the wielder to add +2 to one Charisma roll per
long rest. When the wielder reaches level 7, the Rod also allows the
user to add an additional 2d6 to one damage roll per long rest. It
requires attunement.

Ring of Minor Respite

A dark grey band that shimmers like stars under the moonlight.
This ring allows the user to heal 1d4 hit points once per long rest.

Mage’s Bracers
A pair of leather bracers with intricate designs burned into the
edges, these bracers provide a +1 bonus to AC and automatic
proficiency to anyone who attunes to it.

Fire Pendant
A beautiful red gem on a chain that seems to speak to you. with
a successful Investigation Check (DC 16), the owner learns that
they can break this gem to release a Fire Elemental (Pg. 126, Basic
Rules) which cannot be healed but will accompany you until it dies.

Pickaxe of Endurance
Heavy, two-handed weapon. 2d6 piercing damage, 7lbs. Allows
the user to ignore the first point of exhaustion. However, when
a second point of Exhaustion is reached, the user will take both
conditions as normal.

Amphora of Flowing Water

A small clay pot with an unending supply of water, held in
a woven bag.

146 Stargazer’s Guide to Aroria
The arctic desert
A snow-filled tundra stretching for miles around, many
come to the Arctic Desert for adventure, rumors of strange Originally an Elven settlement, Pleati had long ago
ghost sightings, and some come with an ambition to seek opened its doors to other residents, and is now a small,
out the legendary, elusive Lusherum of the lake. With harsh, multi-cultural village. Composed primarily of wooden
frigid conditions, the people of this region have grown up structures, the buildings are built almost entirely on
hearty and filled with a love for food, drink, and a warm stilts in order to accommodate for the snowfall that the
hearth. Those visiting the region for the first time find a area receives. The residents of Pleati are dedicated to the
land of simple hospitality and locals who are welcoming power of nature, and do not necessarily worship a god
but highly superstitious. Given its proximity to the or goddess, but rather the power of the life around them.
There are four annual festivals in Pleati, each to mark
enigmatic Ashen Obelisk, the region sees a large number of
the progression of the year. Though snow can occur for
ghost hunters and those willing to risk everything for lost more than a third of the year, there are still four distinct
knowledge or treasures buried within the snow. seasons, indicated by temperature change and the
transformation of deciduous plants. The inhabitants of
Pleati have a great community feast at the end of every
Snowy year round, the Arctic Desert has still developed week to celebrate the hard work they have all done. The
many livable settlements. Most notably is the former people of Pleati are predominantly vegetarians and,
mining town of Cordelay, now well-known as a food as a result, they have a great number of creative and
lover’s village. Cordelay truffles and mushrooms tasty herbivorous dishes. They are happy to teach their
are foraged from the nearby Barenhad Forest, are a foraging and cooking skills to visitors.
staple of the town and attract visitors from across the
continent. The Arctic Desert was also once home to the murtokk-leai base camp
Mystic Conservatoire, which was reduced to a husk
of its former glory after an accident. It now stands as Having reached the height of its popularity about a
a grim reminder of the cost of magic, known as the century ago, the Murtokk-Leai base camp was the
Ashen Obelisk. The bards and townsfolk who gather epicenter of the mountain climbing craze that swept
in Cordelay’s tavern, The Blue Piglet, often tell tales of through Aroria after Dwarven adventurer Buren
the hauntings of the Ashen Obelisk, and of the many Stronghand and his team were the first to fully ascend
creatures that inhabit the less populated areas of the Mt. Leai. Thousands of climbers followed suit, hoping to
Arctic Desert, including the Lusherum, a lake monster claim glory or discover new weather patterns, creatures,
sighted only rarely. and magic. However, as time passed, the urge to climb
died down, with curious tourism giving way to the
The settlements in the Arctic Desert are hearty and exploits of serious climbers and researchers. Though
jovial, as many of the people who have settled here are the Murtokk-Leai base camp is still in operation, there
steadfast and believe in playing just as hard as they are many abandoned cabins and only small cohorts of
work. To the far south, hills lead into mountains that climbers moving through the area. In the off season, the
are virtually impassable. Deep in the Barenhad Forest, base camp is maintained only by a skeleton crew, and it
adventurers may stumble upon Pleati, a log cabin village becomes incredibly difficult to traverse the region during
built on stilts due to the significant annual snowfall. that time, isolating the permanent residents and forcing
About a day’s trek from Cordelay is the largest town in them to rely on food prepared to last until the thaw.
the Arctic Desert, Murtokk.
notable figures
Buren Stronghand
locations Human He/Him, Lamentium. Buren Stronghand is a
blizzard valley retired adventurer that has now settled in the Murtokk-
Leai base camp. He spends his days selling maps of the
Blizzard Valley was named due to its unpredictable, area, advising potential climbers, and generally assisting
intense, and dangerous blizzards. One of the valleys with the day to day operations of the camp. He also
on the route to Murtokk, travelers are warned not to raises a small herd of Fleetram that can be hired out to
stray from the main road while they move through this climbers and explorers in order to carry their supplies.
area of the Arctic Desert. Due to a strange supernatural About a century ago, Buren and his party were the first
phenomena, common magical and scientific instruments to ascend Mt. Leai to the summit, gaining renown and
become useless. It is easy, even for the most proficient acclaim for their act of stamina and athleticism. Though
of rangers, to become lost here. It is also one of the he and his party explored many areas of Aroria, he chose
most likely places for those on the road to encounter to settle down at the Murtokk-Leai base camp, fond of
intense blizzards, including unending white outs. the atmosphere of nearby Murtokk and surrounded by
Many adventurers have gone missing whilst trying to pleasant memories of his success and younger years.
understand the strange phenomena in Blizzard Valley,
and so far, no one has been able to discern the cause. For
now, it remains a dangerous mystery.

murtok The Arctic Desert Adventures
Once a small settlement of humans, Murtokk continued Monster of the Deep
to grow into a diverse and bustling town located at the Some of the visitors to the Arctic Desert come to try and catch a
end of major roads in Aroria. Not far from the Murtokk- sighting of the Lusherum, a mythical lake monster that has been
spotted by adventurers, but never caught, cataloged, or interacted
Leai Base Camp, this town serves as a starting point for
directly with. To what degree these rumors are true is hotly debated
many mountaineers hoping to make new discoveries or
but one is certain: something is out in the lake. Aspiring artist and
to summit Mt. Leai. Several stores focus on the sale and
known gossip, Victoria Lanceret wants to see the Lusherum and
trade of supplies, dried foods, furs, game, equipment, has offered a handsome reward to any group willing to protect
and other necessary accouterments for traversing her and camp with her for a week while she searches out the
the harsh conditions there. The short climb up to the mysterious creature.
Murtokk-Leai Base Camp becomes almost impassable
during the harsher months, but when the weather is Surprise Storm
nicer, trade and tourism passes freely between the two. A vicious storm has blown into the region trapping a group of
Much of the Arctic Desert is relatively unexplored, and it climbers caught unawares on Mt. Leai summit. Buren Stronghand
is considered one of Aroria's frontiers. It is unsurprising, has called for any brave group of adventurers to go on a rescue
of course, to run into adventurers, explorers, scientists, mission to try and save the trapped climbers. Can you climb
aspiring mages, druids, and rangers here, all using the mountain without succumbing to the elements or getting
Murtokk as home base for their work. In addition to trapped yourself?
the various shops, there are two inns, several taverns,
restaurants, and other municipal utilities seen in larger The Wails in the Wind
towns and cities. Local folklore speaks of a cursed adventurer lost in a blizzard long
ago. Legend says their spirit hunts anyone foolish enough to wander
the partway shelters out into the arctic desert during a storm. Perhaps you can finally
put their soul to rest and find out what cursed them so long ago.
With the town of Murtokk at the end of the main road,
the popularity of it increased the need to traverse the
long and sometimes treacherous path there. The Partway
Shelters are small stone cottages scattered throughout
the Arctic Desert, primarily along the main road.
Marked with the sign of a horseshoe above the door,
they are open for any travelers to rest, especially as
conditions are known to be unpredictable and volatile.
They are equipped with basic needs, a fireplace, wood
(unless it has run out), and often extra blankets. It is
not uncommon for those who regularly make the trek
to leave things for others in the huts, so a snowed-in
adventurer may find themselves in possession of some
freshly baked bread, or necessary provisions for their
travels. There is a general understanding that these are
left for adventurers and travelers, and at times, multiple
parties will find themselves sharing the accommodations
at one time. This can lead to tension, but more often than
not, leads to new acquaintances and camaraderie.

The badlands
Aroria knew of their creations. However, they were
An endless expanse of dust and dried dead plantlife, the soon consumed by their greed and harvested everything
Badlands are dangerous to any who attempt to traverse they could from the land. Eventually, this caused the
them. The badlands is a land of extremes, with ruthless land to turn against the giants as the excessive mining
heat during the day and bitter cold at night. Long ago, the and foresting eroded the ecosystem. The community
badlands were lush and fertile, until endlessly mined by collapsed and most of the Fire Giants migrated to other
industrious fire giant settlements. Those traveling through areas. Those who remained were ultimately scattered
the land see the battered ruins of long lost civilizations after brutal confrontations with a flock of Giant Roc
that have tried, and failed to stand the test of time. Now, which have laid claim to the land. Now all that is left are
mighty rocs roam the land and scattered bands of small the ruined structures.
fire giants rove throughout the territory. This barren land
The Badlands is a dangerous place for unprepared
has given the hardiest adventurers a chance to carve out
adventurers but for those ready for a challenge, there
their own stories and stalwart cities to rise from the dust.
is no place better to test your strength. Facing both
The Badlands were once home to a thriving community of grueling weather conditions and vicious monsters, the
Fire giants (Pg. 126, Basic Rules), who all shared a passion Badlands offer endless adventure and chances for rare
for craftsmanship. At the height of their civilization, all of and unique encounters.

148 Stargazer’s Guide to Aroria

locations notable figures
last oasis and selia Stoneskin Barbarians
Led by Shale, the Stoneskin Barbarians are a group of
the whisperer nomads that roam the Badlands. Having adapted to their
harsh environment, Shale and her people have become
Hidden amid a ruined fortress lives Selia the Whisperer, well known to any who traverse this region, either seen as
a lamia (Pg. 325, Basic Rules) illusionist who tempts the helpful guides or a danger to be avoided. The Stoneskin
unwary into the surrounding wilds of the Badlands. Barbarians are a matriarchal society: with leadership being
Creating her lair in the halls of an ancient fire giant castle, passed down each generation. Recently, Shale’s mother, the
Selia rules over her children, her slaves, and a pack of Gnoll current leader of the tribe, has fallen ill and Shale has now
begun to step into a position of leadership. During these
(Pg. 137, Basic Rules), who she uses to raid nearby villages transitions of leadership, the clan grows more volatile, as
and traveling caravans. Over the years, her name has grown dissenting groups seek opportunities to seize power or
in infamy and many travelers now question whether the leave the group altogether.
oasis they approach is real or a cunning trap. Driven to feed
her hungry followers, Selia sometimes ventures into the Jodo the Radiant
nearby towns, posing as an expert guide to the area, or a rich A myth on the lips of many who live in the badlands,
noble seeking “safe passage” through the desert. She’ll pull Jodo is a Dao that was bound by the Fire Giants years
any number of schemes to allure her victims back to her lair. ago. Trapped on the Material Plane, Jodo has made
the Badlands their domain, wandering the region as a
traveling merchant in search of any who may free them
tarne from their imprisonment. Unfortunately for Jodo, the
Fire Giants that created the binding spell prevented Jodo
Nestled on the edge of the badlands lies the small town from speaking of their plight. Those who tell stories
of Tarne. One the last stops for weary travelers, Tarne of the genie, speak of a nomadic being that speaks in
boasts a simple, rustic hospitality to those who need it. metaphor, riddles, and doubletalk, all in an effort to
Many who pass through stay at the Sinking Sands Inn, return home. The years of imprisonment have not been
and spend their coin at The Mirage, the local tavern kind to Jodo, whose mind has begun to leave them. Their
and brothel where their signature drink makes you see mood and actions are often chaotic, governed by their
visions of your greatest desires. Everything in Tarne is mood day-by-day. The Stoneskin Barbarians consider
owned by the innkeepers, Simone Halloway and their Jodo a trickster god, testing those they encounter, while
the Hallowdays consider the genie simply a myth on the
family. Often looking to recruit passersthrough to help same level as Selia the Whisperer.
remove the nearby monsters and raiders, the Halloways
are keen to warn everyone of local troubles and rumors. The Forger
Those who travel deep into the badlands swear of
la cambria hearing the “clang” of metal on metal, and often see
illusory furnaces burning brightly in the night. Many of
archeology society these reports are unfounded, those lucky few discover
a hermetic Fire Giant calling himself the Forger living
Recently, the Halloways started hosting a group of amid the ancient ruins of his ancestral home. The
archeologists, explorers, and rangers calling themselves Forger has long forgotten his real name, and offers
the La Cambria Archeology Society “CAS” for short who aid to any foolish enough or brazen enough to be lost
are interested in uncovering the secrets of the ancient amid the endless expanse of the region. The Forger is
fire giant society that once lived in the area. Led by an Introverted craftsman who has a deep reverence and
naturalist Carson Cunningham, this group has started understanding of his work. Those who tell stories of him
speak of a grumpy old caretaker who’s gruff demeanor
successful research and trading ventures with local hides a deep well of sadness.
fire giant settlements. In the process they’ve begun to
uncover relics from the surrounding ruins.They are in
constant need of adventurers willing to protect them The Badlands Adventures
Mining Expedition
from Selia’s pack, roaming Stoneskin barbarians, and to
Carson Cunningham and his team have a new digsite that they
carry their heavy equipment to the next digsite.
want to start working on immediately. Travel out to the area before
Carson’s team gets there and clear out any beasts that may be a
skybreaker threat. When the archeology team arrives, protect their work for
the next week from anything that tries to attack them.
A colossal roc that nests in the Badlands, Skybreaker is
the last Roc that once fought with the Fire Giants over Talking with Fire Giants
this territory. Over the years Skybreaker has grown more Recently, both the Hallowdays and the La Cambria Archeology
intelligent, learning more about the land and people Society have had bad interactions with the local Fire Giant clan,
that live below him. Skybreaker has an Intelligence of 7 with some of the exchanges resulting in violence. Both Simon
in addition to the normal Roc stat block (Pg. 342, Basic Hallowday and Carson would like you to liaise with the Fire Giants
Rules). Colored in dark blues and grays, Skybreaker and see if you can come to an amendable agreement. Hopefully
appears like a thunderous cloud while in flight. things won’t go badly.
Everything in the Badlands cower in fear when they
hear Skybreaker’s call and the massive bird has grown Hallowday's Holiday
accustomed to occasionally feasting from shrines built Every 5 years the Hallowday family travels into the Badlands in
throughout the Badlands by the Stoneskin Barbarians. search of the mysterious wanderer Jodo the Mad. Part of a family
tradition rooted in wishes, dreams, and fantastic treasures, the
locals of Tarne call this Hallowday’s Holiday. While the family is
away the general rules of Tarne fall away and the town becomes
lawless and wild, usually resulting in a massive party put on by the
residents. The Hallowdays would like adventurers to help maintain
a semblance of peace while they are away and to prevent their
liquor stores from being entirely emptied.

Barvassian sea
The bow of your ship bobs up and down softly with the
the blood phoenix
waves of the Barvassian Sea as you make headway toward The small ketch was built to be quick and agile rather
adventure on the horizon. The turquoise ocean shimmers than fast and strong. It takes a skilled captain like
in the Arorian sun like a dragon’s horde and you can’t help The Scorned Siren, Iveria Reefborn, to maneuver the
but imagine the gold that might glisten beneath those waves. joystick of a vessel between the islands the northern
Freedom. Treasure. Adventure. The sea offers all of this and part of the Barvassian Sea. The Blood Phoenix is a pirate
more, but this isn’t a fairytale. Warships, pirates, and beasts ship. Though the crew would never call themselves
lurk above and below the surface and only the boldest and that, they plunder and ravage the islands and ships
bravest sail these seas for long. around Sunspell nonetheless. The Blood Phoenix sails
are known up and down the Sunspell peninsula and
merchants often pay double for bodyguards when she is
Aroria is on the west side of a large landmass and waves quiet for too long.
from the Barvassian Sea crash all along its coast from
Elderguard to New Reach. Ships on the sea typically notable figures
remain close to the coast, popping between ports in La Iveria Reefborn
Cambria, Sunspell, and Agubonne. The further out to Merfolk She/Her, Duskworn. Her lavender skin is
sea you go, the more dangerous your travels become contrasted by deep purple hair that covers turquoise eyes.
and many have made a career of braving those waters. Under each, a black tattoo lines the lid and drips down
Islands of all sizes with treasure, danger, and magic wait to a point. Her right ear is pierced in several places with
for the bold to discover them. a gold chain draping between each piercing. A golden
Travel on the sea is commonplace in Aroria and most rough coral necklace is wreathed upon her neck. She dons
captains will ferry passengers from city to city for a a dark red overcoat cinched with black leather around a
relatively low cost, less if they can contribute to the corset with gold buckles. Dangling around her waist is a
crew. Travel to the islands in the western sea is rare gold coin with a foreign language, a cork with a symbol
though and only swift ships made for running sail those burned into it, a rusted small broken circular mirror, a
waters. Ancient powers bait souls to the western sea pencil thin leather cylinder, and other trinkets. To most
with legends of magic and wealth, but typically just on this freezing ocean, she is known as The Scorned Siren
introduce budding heroes to a watery grave. The north but you just call her Captain.
is safer, but not for your purse. The islands in this area
are much closer together, many within eyesight of one Map of the Blood Phoenix
another. Schooners and agile ships with pirates surprise The Blood Phoenix is captained by Iveria Reefborn and can typically
unsuspecting merchants and travelers with the sole be found near Sunspell in the Barvassian Sea. However, Iveria is
intention of sending them into poverty. known to travel the globe and could be anywhere on the Barvassian
at any time to serve your purpose. Additionally, time may have
marched past The Scorned Siren and The Blood Phoenix could have

locations passed to a new captain, should your story require it.

the grand storm alcindair

A cross between a Man-O-War and a trireme, The Grand
Long before the fall of the Lost Gods, deep in the depths
Storm is a battleship built for speed. Captain Devlin
of the Barvassian Sea, a city was forged from Meridium
has commanded the great ship for half a century and
and magic. Alcindair was a utopian society mythically
amassed a fortune guiding explorers and academics
renowned for its integration of magic in everyday life.
into the dangerous waters to the west. No one on the
Wells of fresh water flowed from nowhere into rivers
Barvassian Sea knows those waves like Devlin, and even
protected by magical barriers to keep children from
the scholars of Niveau Maximum heed his warnings,
falling in. Levitating carts with complex propulsion
when he chooses to give them. If adventure and mystery
systems dotted the streets and the protective shield
calls you to the western sea, and you need a crew to get
over the city kept the city a brisk 68°. Clerics in the city
you safely there and back again, The Grand Storm is up
were said to have discovered the secrets to all disease,
for the challenge.
including those currently thought to be incurable.
notable figures All this was due to the intrinsic knowledge of Meridum
Seaward Blue Cindarians were said to have. They were the first to mine
Merfolk He/Him, Lamentium. Seaward Blue is all the substance and their city was built upon that spot,
bravado and all muscle. The boson is fearless in a raging deep under the ocean. In today’s gold, Alcindair would
storm and generous with open liquor. Seaward spent have more wealth than the rest of the world combined
nearly a decade in Niveau Maximum researching the three times over. Unfortunately, all of these wondrous
lost city of Alcindair, but no evidence of the city could be ideas are myth and legend. Everyone in Aroria treats the
found, so he enlisted his services to The Grand Storm and legendary city as a child’s dream and a fool’s fantasy. The
is hoping to discover the city with firsthand experience. city, if it ever existed, is lost to time and prophecy.

150 Stargazer’s Guide to Aroria

Iveria's Adventure Hooks
Captain Kenley, a notoriously vicious pirate and his crew have
occupied a peaceful village on the coast. Liberation is a common
theme among Iveria’s travels, and she has a soft spot for the
innocent under the rule of the unjust. To double down with a
personal connection, this village is the home of Everiss, the Blood
Phoenix’s navigator.

The party finds Iveria in a tavern. She is deep in her cups and more
trusting than usual. Soon, the party is invited to come along on
a day trip to her island where the sweetness of the pineapples is
matched only by the strength of the agave moonshine. When you
arrive, Iveria’s hideout has been ransacked! All that remains is a
cryptic note from an anonymous source.

Once wild and arrogant, Iveria Reefborn has aged gracefully onto
the right side of the law as an admiral of her own fleet. The Scorned
Siren is now Protector of The Barvassian Sea. Some scars never
truly heal though, and Marwin, the man who made the Siren, is on
this side of the world for the first time in a century. There’s a secret
bounty on his head of 2500 GP, 5000 GP extra if it’s still breathing.
Iveria Reefborn by Deanna Smit
152 Stargazer’s Guide to Aroria
Iveria Reefborn Iveria Reefborn
Medium Merfolk, Neutral Good
Captain of the Blood Phoenix, Iveria "The Scorned Siren"
Armor Class 17 Studded Leather Reefborn has captured the hearts of many men and
Hit Points 128 (14d8 + 56) women who have fallen in love with her. Those that
Speed 30ft. hold her attention the longest are individuals that are
strong, fierce, decisive, and unfaltering. Long ago, this
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA gorgeous vixen fell in love, and her heart was broken
16 (+2) 16 (+3) 19 (+4) 13 (+1) 13 (+1) 20 (+5) in the most brutal heart-wrenching way possible. Her
hardened heart is immune to ‘Romantic’ love and has
twisted her view of it. Love is foolish, unrealistic, and
Saving Throws Dexterity +8, Charisma +10, Constitution +9
naive. Truth is loyalty and she is loyal to her crew alone.
Skills Survival +11, Persuasion +15, Insight +11
Passive Perception 16
They are her family of choice.
Languages Common, Primordial
Challenge 14 (11,500 XP) motivation
Every decision The Scorned Siren makes is carefully
Actions calculated with her crew in mind. Often, she places their
Kraken's Bane. Iveria slashes at a creature +9 to hit, range 5ft, needs above her own, enabling them to prosper and
one target, Hit 12 (1d8+4) slashing damage. grow. She finds joy in the sexual attention of men or
Dagger. Iveria throws a dart at a creature +8 to hit, range 30ft, women. The more arrogant, attractive, or resistant of her
one target, Hit 6 (1d4+3) piercing damage. pursuit, the better. She enjoys making these individuals
look foolish or silly, and embarrasses them for the
Spellcasting opportunity to be with her. She promptly sends them on
Iveria is a 14th level spellcaster and knows the following spells their way before dawn.
from the Bard Spell List. +10 to hit, DC 18.
Catrips (At Will): Vicious Mockery, Light, Message
1st Level (4 Slots): Cure Wounds, Disguise Self, Fog Cloud
2nd Level (3 Slots): Gust of Wind, Hold Person
3rd Level (3 Slots): Counterspell, Lightning Bolt, Speak with Dead
4th Level (3 Slots): Storm Sphere, Dimension Door
5th Level (2 Slots): Mass Cure Wounds, Scrying, Wall of Force
6th Level (1 Slot): Programmed Illusion
iveria's sea shanty
7th Level (1 Slot): Magnificent Mansion
The wind at our backs and depths down below.
Special Abilities Where do we sail oh where do we go?
Kraken's Whip (5/day). As part of an Attack action with
A home on the seas and a home on the reef.
Kraken's Bane, Iveria can extend the range to 30ft and add an
With crewmates so fair and nary a grief.
additional 3d6 force damage to the attack. The creature makes a
DC 14 Strength Saving Throw or is knocked prone. Sing way oh way! My bonnies my crew.
The ones with flames in their hearts.
Lucky. When Iveria makes an Attack Roll, Ability Check, or Saving
Throw, she may choose to roll with Advantage. Iveria may use How loudly we sing, our voice in the sky,
this features 3 times a day. Our lady, the wind, in the night hears our cry.
Skilled. Iveria adds a +2 bonus to all ability checks. Our lips are sweet and sinful as rum.
They’ll make you forget where it is you hail from.

Sing way oh way! My bonnies my crew.

The ones with flames in their hearts.

Magic Items A storm on the seas is vicious and fierce,

Kraken's Bane But pales to a heart of the sea you dare pierce.
This Rapier adds a +1 to damage and to hit. As a bonus action The cold of the depths as you’ll sink down below,
combined with an attack action, the range of the rapier extends to The siren who caught you in her undertow.
30 ft as a magical whip of water strikes a target. On hit, the target
takes an additional 3d6 force damage and makes a strength saving Sing way oh way! My bonnies my crew.
throw, DC 14, or is knocked prone. The player can use this feature a
The ones with flames in their hearts.
number of times equal to their proficiency modifier per day.

Ring of Water Walking (Pg. 193 Basic Rules)

A ring with a bright blue glowing gem surrounded by filigreed
seaweed. When worn grants the wearer the ability to walk across
the surface of water.

This coin is platinum on one side and copper on the other. As an
action, you flip the coin in the air and cast Wish using three words
or less. Roll a d20, 1-10 the wish is interpreted as poorly as possible.
On an 11-20 the wish is interpreted as advantageously as possible.
After casting, this feature cannot be used again for 7 days.

death's door The canyon known as Death's Door does indeed look
like the world simply opened up: a wide crack on
“As the door opened, stones screamed, trees shattered, and one end with high canyon walls leads in to the gorge,
a mighty maw tore open in violent roars across the earth. narrowing over miles and miles and sloping subtly
Silence followed. A silence of disbelief as our eyes adjusted downward before, at its narrowest, it simply sinks into
to the vast darkness of that gorge. And there, in the umbral unfathomable darkness. From above, you can follow the
mass, something writhed, waking from a deep slumber, its canyon to Death's Door, where the split in the land leads
into a cave. Here is where you can find the portal to the
limbs stretching wide before us. A howl broke the silence,
abyss. This gateway has had a powerful effect on the
ripping through the chasm with a growing hunger that drove land and nothing is quite right in the area surrounding
us near to madness. Then nothing. The gorge was empty Death's Door. The closer you get, the stranger it is.
save for a solitary door beyond which devastation lies.”
Very little is known about the origin of Death's Door,
though it is surrounded with many rumors, tales, and
the canyon
legends. Located in a deep gorge, It is said that an One of the most notable and unavoidable facts about
unnatural earthquake caused the land to split open, Death's Door is that, being a portal to the abyss, you're
revealing a portal to the abyss. This is based on some never entirely certain what you might encounter. The
verifiable truth as a fissure must have happened at some Abyss itself being a place of chaos and danger, it is not
point in time and within this canyon there is, indeed, a unusual to enter the canyon only to come face to face
portal to the abyss. with abyssal horrors, abominations, or even dangerous
The most common legend regarding Death's Door demons. The outer edges of the canyon are relatively
involves two Masters of the Weave: Terrer and safe. It is not uncommon to find mages and researchers
Remblace. Terrer and Remblace once joined together visiting the Shrine of the Gods, or monitoring the
to hunt the avatar of the Old God Ardeur in order to unusual activity of the Death's Door portal. A small river
usurp their power. After a long pursuit, they drove that runs into the canyon before it, too, disappears into
the avatar of Ardeur into a canyon, cornering them the Abyss. The researchers working in the Canyon are
at the end of the gorge where the land had remained quick to warn anyone wishing to approach the river of
stitched together. Slaying the avatar, Terrer and the terrible creatures hiding within it. Though the land
Remblace absorbed its power, but doing so threatened seems relatively unaffected at the outskirts, scholars will
to tear the world asunder. tell you that even the air is laden with chaotic energy.

154 Stargazer’s Guide to Aroria

above the canyon Death's Door Adventures
Hauntings in the Shrine
The area above the canyon is not exempt from the A strange, ghostlike being has been seen around the Shrine of the
strange happenings caused by the portal to the abyss. Gods on more than one occasion. It is still a rare enough sight
Death's Door creates rifts in the planes and may even that it is a folktale rather than accepted fact. This being is not
alter the flow of time. Adventurers who follow the corporeal enough to be described as a revenant, banshee, or even
edge of the canyon encounter strange and unusual ghost - rather it is a shimmering, vaguely humanoid shape, like a
beings, and sometimes discover that their travel has glitch in the fabric of the material plane. This being appears only
taken longer or shorter than expected as time moves within the shrine, and seems to move about, touching the mural and
erratically. Though relatively harmless, travelers have the tomb, seeming to pause and appreciate it as the many visitors
reported losing anywhere from an hour to several days do. Then, just as suddenly as it arrived, it disappears. Believing
while traveling along the canyon's edge, and often that this spirit is part of the anomalies coming from Death's
report strange dreams if they dare to sleep nearby. Door, researchers would like a group of adventurers to track and
encounter this being.
shrine of the gods Visitor from Beyond
Travelers have reported an increasing number of wanderers
The Shrine of the Gods is a small, one-room monument claiming to be lost and looking for cities that are not from this
erected in honor of the Legend of the fall of Ardeur, a world. Researcher Camden Lockwell would like to know who these
favorite origin story of Death's Door Canyon. Inside people are and has called for adventurers to help gather these
the modestly-sized obelisk, there is a decorative burial "visitors" so that the Death's Door researchers can talk with them.
vault dedicated to the Old God Ardeur, as well as a
breathtaking mural on the wall, depicting the Masters of Demons, Monsters, Oh My!
the Weave Terrer and Remblace. Though the occasional It is no unusual for travelers in the region to go missing and it is
disciple of Terrer or Remblace will stop by to tend to the an accepted risk that you may be attacked by wandering monsters
shrine, it is unknown how it remains protected and in coming from Death's Door, but recently the number of missing
good condition. persons has increased. Rumors are spreading that something
malicious has been directing a new hoard of beasts, intentionally
notable figures targeting those who are vulnerable. Many of the people throughout
the region are willing to offer a handsome reward to anyone bold
The Caretaker enough to travel into the canyon and discover who or what is
Humanoid Unknown. Called only to care for the behind these attacks.
shrine, Caretaker’s exposure to Death’s Door and the
surrounding air has left them inexorably devoted to their Timeslip
charge. It is not uncommon for adventurers in Death’s Door Canyon or
along the Canyon rim to experience timeslips. It is an unsettling fact
death's door for those that spend time near Death’s Door, and is one of many
reasons that few venture close to the canyon, let alone into it.
Death's Door itself is the portal to the Abyss. What looks
For every full day adventurers spend in the vicinity, roll 1d6 and
like a very dark cave at the end of a canyon is actually
consult the Timeslip Table below. Adventurers perceive this timeslip
an unstable opening in the Abyssal Plane. Very few
relatively and do not benefit from the effects of rest and magic
people seek to travel this far into the canyon or get close items do not recharge as a result of the slip.
to Death's Door, lest they find themselves encountering
terrifying beasts or be pulled through the Door to Timeslip Table
another world. Even for curious adventurers, there are 1 Adventurers lose one hour
few who make it to the very precipice. The closer you 2 Adventurers lose eight hours
get to Death's Door, the stranger the world around 3 Adventurers lose three days
you seems. It is an ever-changing domain of chaos, 4 Adventurers lose one week
where one journey may lead you past a wall of eyes, 5 Adventurers lose two weeks
yet another finds you passing a river of green ooze. The 6 Adventurers lose one month
portal itself is unstable and there is no guarantee where
in the Abyss you may end up. Even most interested
researchers do not venture this far, and it is strongly
advised against stepping beyond this realm.

dragon's road
Krygos the Pale settled on the east side of the road
The Dragon’s Road is a terrible beast. At the head, Agubonne thousands of years ago and claimed the road and
and the other Dragonborn cities in the north fight tooth everything within five hundred miles as his own. The lair
and claw to shred one another making your passage itself is only a few miles around the lake, but Krygos’ cold
south fraught with biting terror. You twist and dodge the is felt all the way to the coast. At first, travelers thought
predatory eyes of Krygos as you travel down the spine, criss moving closer to the sea would help avoid becoming
crossing the wings and back again to avoid detection. From prey, but wyverns and beasts hunted them anyway.
there, it’s smooth sailing as you coast down the tail past La Then they attempted to find the quickest path between
Cambria to Saltstone. Most who walk with the dragon choose La Cambria and The Crossing, but the open fields left
not to travel this way again, choosing the Triton for future them exposed. Now, the road twists, curves, and sprints
to the safety of wolf infested forests. The trip between
endeavors, though some like the danger and wouldn’t have it
La Cambria and The Crossing is a week of hard riding,
any other way. restless nights, and more than one skirmish, but it’s a lot
quicker than taking the long way around.
The Dragon’s Road is an efficient highway in Aroria
that forks away from the Triton in Saltstone and runs No one takes the Dragon’s Road unless they have a
up the west coast of Aroria along the Barvassian Sea all good reason to. Time sensitive travelers make use of
the way to Agubonne. In the south, It’s a beautiful road. the road to shave weeks off their journey, merchants
One is never more than a day's ride from the sea, travel send caravans along the road to expedite their profits,
along the coast is temperate and smooth, and the traffic and smugglers use it to avoid detection on the Triton
is sufficient to keep all but the boldest of bandits away. or in The Crossing. In all these cases, Adventurers
However, once you cross into the north, this changes are commonly recruited to accompany groups as
dramatically– and it’s all thanks to Krygos. bodyguards or mercenaries.

locations a simple altar to Bouclier. The cavern is the only location

in Aroria North on the Dragon’s Road where travelers
azaun's promise don’t need to take watch, though many do anyway.
On the north and south side of Krygos’ territory Dragons are too large to get in, beasts find no value
are twin outposts with the same purpose– to help in the shelter, and ne'er-do-wells refuse to disgrace
travelers get from one side of the continent to the other. the ancient temple with their treacherous intent. Most
Sparrowhawks and other proficient woodsmen offer suspect the statue was erected by priests to bring
their services to would-be travelers who are unfamiliar comfort to those who needed the cave, but it’s possible
with the dangers of the Dragon’s Road. The guides the statue was put there just to ward off bandits.
are free to all those who ask due to the benevolence of Regardless, the cave is safe and seems to always be
Azaun Olvinik. The retired adventurer acquired quite just big enough for anyone who seeks shelter and is a
the fortune guiding adventurers through the pass in his welcome respite from a dangerous journey.
younger days, but after the death of his partner, decided
safe travel along the road should not be reliant on coin.
the nightingale
notable figures Between Saltstone and La Cambria, there is a pier that
Azaun Olvinik reaches a quarter mile into the Barvassian Sea. At the
Tiefling He/Him, Waking. Short and thin with small end of that pier, there is a tavern made of driftwood and
goat horns on his forehead, old Azaun Olvinik is more fishnets. The Nightingale shines with a warm yellow
clever than quick these days. Azaun’s sole purpose in light, drawing travelers from the road and coaxing
his remaining days is to establish a long term future for fishing ships to its bar before they return home. The water
Azaun’s Promise. While his attention is pulled to the surrounding the Nightingale is unnaturally smooth and
politics of transitioning his creation into public service, even as waves crash in the distance, no misty salt spray or
Azaun still ferries the occasional group from one side of stray droplet dares to dampen your spirits.
the road to the other.
notable figures
alderis' respite Kassie Lane
Half-Elf She/Her, Pyrium. Kassie is from Saltstone and
Saving time on the north portion of the Dragon’s Road her family has owned the Nightingale for as long as
is paramount and guides sometimes debate which any of them can remember. Her father spends all day
shortcuts are best to take. The occasional sprint across an plundering the sea for pearls and scallops while her
open plain or trip through a marsh may improve their mother can be found behind the bar serving drinks to
time, but no one avoids Alders’ Respite if they can help friendly patrons. Kassie’s job, is to keep watch on the
it. The cave entrance is so small, you might miss it if you main attraction of The Nightingale, a single piece of
weren’t looking for it. Inside, the entrance opens up into meridium the size of a golf ball, which sits on display
a dry cavern lit by glowing amber crystals which seem to in the middle of the Tavern. It gets boring watching a
warm the space as well. At the end of the sanctuary is rock all day, so Kassie passes the time by barding and
156 mingling with guests.
Stargazer’s Guide to Aroria
Azaun Olvinik
Medium Tiefling, Lawful Neutral

Armor Class 15 Leather

Hit Points 40 (5d10 + 10) Azaun Olvinik by Lauren Hodges
Speed 30ft. Walking
Dragon's Road Adventures
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA Salt on the Roads
16 (+3) 17 (+3) 14 (+2) 18 (+4) 7 (-2) 18 (+4) Salt is a dangerous party drug in Aroria and is typically sold in the
slums of Thrice and other cities. The Sparrowhawks have gathered
some intelligence linking a large distribution ring in La Cambria to
Saving Throws Dexterity +6, Charisma +7
a supplier in Saltstone. Travel along the road is being monitored,
Skills Stealth +6, Persuasion +7, Acrobatics +6
but the Sparrowhawks can’t seem to narrow their search any
Passive Perception 11
further and need adventurers who pinpoint the exact location of
Languages Common, Infernal
the supplier.
Challenge 5 (1,800 XP)

Actions Something's Gone Wrong

Two weeks ago, one of the guides at Azaun’s Promise failed
Scimitar. Azaun slashes at a creature +6 to hit, range 5ft., one to report at the northern outpost. The guide was helping a
target, Hit 8 (1d8+3) Slashing damage. particularly vulnerable group of priests from Savion’s Sunrise get
Obsidian Dart. Azaun throws a dart at a creature +7 to hit, range to Agubonne. Some think the guide pledged his sword to their cause
30ft., one target, Hit 7 (1d4+4) piercing damage. and simply forgot to check in, others think they’re all dead. Azaun’s
Promise wants you to discover the truth.
Azaun is a 5th level half-caster and knows the following spells
from the Ranger Spell List. +7 to hit, DC15.
1st Level (4 Slots): Cure Wounds, Hunter's Mark, Jump
2nd Level (2 Slots): Locate Object, Lesser Restoration Magic Items
Azaun's Scimitar
This +1 Scimitar is carved with druidic runes down the side of the
Special Abilities blade. Once per short rest, as part of an attack action, the blade
Hellish Rebuke. Azaun points a finger, and the creature that lights a flame to do an additional 2d6 fire damage.
damaged him is momentarily surrounded by hellish flames. The
creature must make a Dexterity saving throw. It takes 2d10 fire Eyes of the Eagle
damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a success. Crystal lenses fit over the eyes. While wearing them, you have
Channel Dryad (3/day). Azaun casts Greater Restoration advantage on Perception checks that rely on sight. In conditions
without the need for spell components. of clear visibility, you can make out details of extremely distant
creatures and objects as small as 2 ft. across.
Devils Surprise (3/day). Azaun casts the Spell Dimension Door
without the need for spell components.

isle of ghostguard
The Isle of Ghostguard holds a dark secret. A labyrinth
Iveria is facing away from you, leaning heavily on the of man made caves and tunnels are a cobweb of mystery
railing overlooking the bay. In front of her is a sheer cliff side just beneath the surface of the cay. The labyrinth is
almost 200ft high that is split vertically by a fissure down home to a powerful monstrosity known as Aspira.
the middle. Two large sockets are recessed on either side of The minotaur is the protector of the isle and uses its
the fissure creating a jagged face that is smashed by violent considerable strength, intimate knowledge of the
waves spraying the spit of the sea into mist. Sharp teeth-like labyrinth, and magical enchantments to ward it's
rocks rise from the mouth of the ocean, preventing the Blood domicile. Dozens of legends and myths surround the
Phoenix’s approach. The fissure continues deep into the treasures that may lie at the heart of Aspira’s Labyrinth,
island with the wind breathing hard on your face. but no living soul has passed into the mists of the maze
and returned.

Rising like a fist from the sea, the Isle of Ghostguard is Ghostguard is a marriage of two of the lost gods of
a large cay north of the Arorian coast. Sheer cliff faces Aroria, Brise and Vol. It is commonly known that
surround the isle and the sharp reefs hide just below the when Brise divorced from Vol in the ancient lore, the
turbulent surface of the coast make approaching the isle storms that raged flatten forests and buried islands,
an adventure all on its own. The only safe way onto the but Ghostguard was immune to the break up. Acolytes
island is through the Throat of Vol, a cavernous fissure that of both Brise and Vol speculate that the cay is home to
bisects the island. There are no natural inhabitants on the something, or someone, of hereditary value to both gods.
island outside of the occasional flock for birds or oceanic
roc. During storms, salty waves rise to drown the isle and
convert any fresh water that has gathered to brackish.

The Labyrinth
The tunnels and caves that snake through the Isle of
To represent the danger that lurks around every corner of
Ghostguard are unmapped, unknowable, and impossible
this Labyrinth, take a standard set of cards and choose two
to navigate outside of any means outside of Divine
suits, numbers Ace-10, 20 cards total. Shuffle and lay them
Intervention by a Cleric of the Lost Gods. Divination magic
face down in five rows of four. Roll 1d20 and resolve the
used to decipher the labyrinth, teleportation into or out
puzzle, riddle, or encounter described below. If the party
of the labyrinth, and destructive magics that may damage
succeeds, have them flip one card and leave it face up before
the labyrinth, fail upon casting. Creatures who enter the
moving on to the next challenge. After they have three
labyrinth are immediately lost by magical means and are
matching number sets (For example: 3 of hearts and 3 of
subject to the judgment of Aspira if they wish to escape.
spades) they are found by Aspira.
Unless otherwise specified, the Labyrinth is in total darkness,
and a thin fog causes the entire area to be lightly obscured
when lit.

158 Stargazer’s Guide to Aroria

labyrinth encounters
1. a ten foot gap 6. braziers
The mist forms a waterfall of smoke falling deep into the Five levers are attached to five unlit braziers lined against an
crevasse. A gap about 10 ft. wide separates you from unbroken wall blocking your path.
continuing into the maze.
Players must pull the levers to light the Braziers. Pulling
It is possible to jump this gap with a DC 12 Athletics or a lever will light or extinguish that brazier, all adjacent
Acrobatics check. However many spells will help solve braziers, and brazier 3 (i.e. Pulling lever 5 would light
this problem as well. braziers 3, 4 and 5, then pulling lever 2 would light
Brazier 1 and 2 and extinguish brazier 3). The exception
2. riddle is that lever 3 only alternates brazier 3. Many solutions
exist, after three pulls, if all braziers are not lit, players
pulling levers take 1d6 piercing damage as a cloud of
Script is carved into a solid wall with Dwarven runes darts are shot from the walls. Once all braziers are lit,
surrounding. Written in common is a riddle “What the stone walls split, revealing a path forward.
brightens the room, is a lie when forced, and breaks into
laughter?“ 7. werewolf
The solution is "Smile" Behind you, the faint scraping of iron on stone sends
goosebumps up your spine. A high pitched howl waves
3. pumpkins through the air and the pounding of paws quicken. You turn
just in time to see a massive wolf on it’s back legs snarling
with a gnarled spear, ready to sever your skull from your
A patch of many green pumpkins opens the claustrophobic body. Roll Initiative.
path about 50 ft. wide. Each is rotted and sickly pulsing
in place, connected by thorny black vines. Your path
continues 80 ft. across the field. Use the Werewolf stats (Pg. 158, Basic Rules). The spear
it wields is a +2 Spear and fights until death.

Crossing this field is a perilous journey and players must 8. riddle

make an Dexterity (Acrobatics) Check DC 10 to cross the
field without touching a pumpkin. The pumpkins are all
enchanted to explode with acid if touched. Players who Script is carved into a solid wall with Elven runes
do so make a Dexterity Saving Throw (DC 12) or take surrounding. Written in common is a riddle, “I’m tied
2d8 acid damage. with two knots or slung over your shoulder. Wield me with
accuracy and grace or lose your composure. What am I?"
4. skeletons
Solution "Bow" spoken in Elvish only
A horrible stench of bile, blood, and sinew is engulfing
this corridor. Pieces of rib, tibia, and femur litter the 9. poison path
ground and begin to shake at your presence. 9 (3d4+1)
skeletons begin to rise.
A cylindrical tunnel is about seven ft. tall and five ft.
wide. You look into the darkness and don’t see the end.
The skeletons fight until death. If destroyed, the The air smells of sulfur and bleach.
skeletons rise after 1 hour with all of their hit points.

5. acidic water The Chamber that fills with poisonous gas if someone
enters, disperses after 30 seconds naturally then resets
after an additional 30 seconds. Players who enter take
The path leads to a small entrance that you must crawl 2d6 poison damage and make Constitution Save (DC
on your hands and knees to enter. The ground is clean, 10) or become poisoned.
smooth, and opens up into a cylindrical chamber about
10 ft. in diameter. A ledge to continue is 20 ft. in the air 10. lucky you
up the polished wall. Suddenly, a rock wall blocks your
retreat and smoking water begins to fill the chamber, what Your legs begin to tire from walking among the skeletons
do you do? and ghosts of the Labyrinth. For the time being, you don’t
feel immediate danger and could take a rest if you wish.
The chamber fills with acidic water in 1 minute. Players
could float up with the water to the ledge to pass
through, players take 1d4 acid damage for every 6 The players may take a short rest without fear.
seconds in the water.

11. glass lock 16. dragon
An indestructible door reinforced with bands of hardened A cobbled stone archway leads into a new chamber. The
steel and bolts of titanium blocks your path. The keyhole bleached skull of a dragon ornaments the entryway.
to unlock the door is an intricate ballet of levers and pins
made of glass. On the ground is a corked bottle with a
matching glass key. A young black zombie dragon (Pg. 281, Basic Rules) is
asleep, chained to the center of the 60 ft. square room,
scorched bones litter the floor. If they awaken the dragon
The bottle is indestructible, immune to magic, and the read, the 2nd flavor text. The dragon cannot break its
the cork cannot be pulled. Players must simply push the chain and only has 84 HP.
cork in, at which point the bottle fades, and the key falls
to the ground unharmed. Players may attempt to pick
the lock, DC 25 thieves tool check, one fail yields the lock
unusable and players must find a new way around. You hear the rumbling of the great black dragon stir among
the dust. Its chains creak and turn upon you. A deafening
12. death river roar forces your heart to skip as sickly green glowing acid
spills from the side of its mouth. Roll Initiative.

The music of bone and teeth gnashing together is worse

than the sight of this undead monstrosity. A river of
skeletons march right to left down a 30 ft. wide crevasse.
17. griffon
There must be hundreds of them down there, luckily none
What strange place have you walked into now?
of them have noticed you yet, what do you do?
Spellcasters, arcane energy drains from the weave, and
your focus turns sterile. Clerics and Paladins, the holy
Most players will find a way across without disturbing symbol of your God grows dark. A single Gryphon Feather
the skeletons. But those who fall into the pit will be floats alone next to a 100 ft. wide chasm, the bottom of
overwhelmed by skeletons if they stay. The horde is which cannot be seen.
endless and escape is the only option, they will not
pursue players.
Any spell cast in this area by a player fails before a spell
13. banshee slot can be expended. Spells that require concentration
drop. Holding the Gryphon Feather puts whomever is
holding it under the effects of a Fly spell. The feather
For a moment, the mist clears, revealing tall oak trees cannot support the weight of creatures with a combined
and underbrush in this subterranean maze. How could a strength score of 25 or greater at any given time. The
thicket exist in a place like this? The question fades from player holding the feather makes a DC 12 Strength
the forefront of your mind as a ghostly figure crosses the Check at advantage to hold onto another player as they
path several hundred ft. in front of you, disappearing into cross the chasm. If the task proves impossible or too
the woods. What do you do? risky with the party make-up, the players may always
choose an alternate route. The feather magically returns
to the other side of the chamber when all players have
The Banshee (Pg. 118, Basic Rules) has not seen the crossed the chasm.
party, but attacks on sight.

14. eerie pool 18. spiders

The first silk thread you see hangs from the ceiling
This strange room is teeming with magical energy as like beads in a doorway. The second is similar, just
you enter. The dust and dirt seems suspended in the air, ahead. Then, the weave of webbing thickens, creating
adding to the eerie ambiance. A five foot pool of water is a dreamcatcher pattern with blankets of spider webs
on the floor, unrippling. covering the walls. The silence speaks volumes here. What
do you do?
An underwater tunnel leads from this chamber to
another, players need only to swim through it to advance. Dexterity (acrobatics) Check DC 15 to avoid the webbing
as they cross. Players who fail take 1d6 poison damage
15. candles as poison stings fall from the ceiling. Repeat the save
until they succeed.
Three candles sit on an old salted table. Left is red, the
middle one green, and the right is blue. A stone door is
closed until this puzzle is solved.

Each candle must be extinguished with a corresponding

magical energy (Red= Fire, Radiant. Green= Necrotic,
Poison or Acid. Blue= Lightning or Cold)

160 Stargazer’s Guide to Aroria

19. gluttony
Squalor personified begins to chase you from the shadows.
Cockroaches, beetles, and locusts swarm at you from
the mouth of an infested lumpy sack of filth. It laughs
maniacally. Roll Initiative.

A Shambling Mound (Pg. 345, Basic Rules) approaches–

it fights until death.

20. death river

The path opens up into a Victorian graveyard surrounded
Medium Minotaur, Lawful Good
by dormant apple trees. The mist becomes more dense and
falls to your knees, revealing the entirety of the yard by Armor Class 18 Plate
shielding your boots from sight. A few headstones seem Hit Points 117 (13d12 + 39)
newer than the rest. You see the labyrinth continue on Speed 30ft. Walking, 30ft. Climbing
100 ft. or so away.
19 (+4) 13 (+1) 17 (+3) 12 (+1) 16 (+3) 11 (+0)
The newest headstones have the names of the party
members on them. A spector attempts to possess the
Saving Throws Constitution +7, Dexterity +5
first party member who looks at a headstone. The target
Skills Perception +7, Athletics +8, Religion +5
player must succeed on a DC 15 Wisdom Saving Throw
Passive Perception 16
or become possessed. Possessed players may repeat this
Languages Common, Elvish, Deep Speech
throw when they take damage and attack the party until Challenge 13 (10,000 XP)
they are no longer possessed. The specter disappears
into the mist if the possessed player succeeds on its Actions
saving throw or drops to 0 hit points.
Multiattack. Aspira makes three attacks. Two with her Horns
and one with her Greataxe.

Horn. Aspira slashes at a creature within range +8 to hit, range

5ft, one target, Hit 7 (1d4+4) Piercing damage.

Greataxe. Aspira smashes a creature +9 to hit, range 10ft, one

target, hit 12 (1d12+5) Slashing damage

Special Abilities
Gore. When Aspira moves at least 10ft before hitting a target
with a Horn attack the creature takes an additional 1d6
Bludgeoning damage and is knocked prone.

Judgement. As a bonus action, Aspira focuses her blue eyes on

a creature within 30ft. If that creature has an alignment other
than good, Aspira has advantage on attacks against the target
for 1 minute.

Heart of Vol. When Aspira drops to 0 hit points she relinquishes

the Heart of Vol to a good aligned character and demands they
return the Heart when their noble quest is complete.

Legendary Actions
Aspira can take 3 legendary actions, choosing from the options
below. Only one legendary action option can be used at a time
and only at the end of another creature's turn. Aspira regains
spent legendary actions at the start of its turn.

Charge (1 Action). Aspira moves up to her full movement and

makes a Horn attack with the Gore feature.

Judgement (1 Action). Aspira uses the Judgement feature.

Lightning Bolt (3 Actions). Aspira casts Lightning Bolt at 5th

level (10d6) with a DC of 16

162 Stargazer’s Guide to Aroria
Krygos Lake locations
krygos lake
Krygos Lake is surrounded by ever-creeping snow and ice
that claims everything it touches. Long ago, an ancient white A fog envelops you, chilling you to the bone. The sounds
dragon, Krygos the Pale, made the lake his home before being of the forest fade until all you can hear is the ice-covered
attacked and nearly slain by the local inhabitants. Hiding in ground cracking beneath your footsteps. The long dead trees
his lair of ice at the center of the lake, the hatred of the great cast shadows through the mist until you come upon a vast
wyrm seeps into the surrounding land, corrupting all that frozen lake that stretches into the horizon. As you approach
it touches.The region around the lake is blanketed in bitter the frozen edge there is silence. Total, frozen, silence.
cold, chilling travelers to the bone and transforming the
once verdant forests into frozen woodland. Further from the Krygos Lake appears like a vast mirror of solid ice.
lake, runs a glittering river that seems to magically shimmer Beneath the frozen surface of the lake is a labyrinth of
on sunny days. The residents of Oar’s Rest, a small village tunnels and chambers, making up the twisting lair of
nearby the lake, frequent the river, collecting the treasures Krygos the Pale. Unlike most dragons, who hoard all of
that pass downstream. While the seasons have been kind their treasures in a single, large chamber, Krygos lines
these last 100 years, all fear that Krygos will awaken again the walls of his entire lair with his hoard. The tunnels
and continue his revenge upon the land. are lined with glittering coins and pristine gems, as
well as prizes like ivory tusks, whale-bone sculptures,
various magic items, and foolish hunters that are
frozen alive into the wall. The tunnels criss-cross over
Many years ago, Krygos the Pale was wounded in battle,
themselves, with no real rhyme or reason, created in
landing in Aroria North. As soon as he touched down,
madness. In the tunnels, it’s easy to get lost and there
the climate began to change. Snow began to fall before
is a high risk of dying from frostbite, starvation, and of
winter and the once stable seasons were soon dominated
course, Krygos himself. There is a frozen cavern to the
by bitter cold. The local inhabitants attempted to drive
south of the lake that serves as the only safe entrance
Krygos away, if not kill the beast themselves. They drove
to what lies underneath. The entrance is pure ice, rising
Krygos into the lake and thought they drowned him, but
unnaturally out of the surrounding region.
overtime, the lake began to freeze. The creeping frost
spread over the entire land, forever changing the terrain Traveling Around the Lake
of the region. Krygos slept, healing himself and regaining
his strength, until, finally, he rose from the lake, taking á The bitter cold of a Dragon’s lair is unforgiving.
vengeance on those who had tried to end his life, and Characters traveling around the lake must make a
claimed this land as his own. DC 15 Constitution Saving Throw to resist the effects
of extreme cold.
Krygos Lake was once a temperate climate, though it
has been warped by the presence of the dragon. At the á While walking across the lake, characters have a 25%
heart of the region lay Krygos Lake, seeming to stretch chance of falling through the ice. If a character falls,
endlessly across the land. Here the temperatures are the they must succeed a DC 15 Dexterity Saving Throw
coldest and unprepared travelers may find themselves or take 4d10 falling damage and find themselves in
freezing to death within an hour. A light winter fog rests one of Krygos’ tunnels.
over the frozen grass and wisps around the barren trees. á Whenever a character dashes while on the lake, they
Traveling away from the lake, you will find a hearty must make a DC 10 Dexterity Saving Throw. On a
forest and the temperatures begin to warm slightly. The failure, they slip and fall on the icy floor, reducing
surrounding valley is rich in unusual game for the area, their speed to 0 and leaving them prone and must
elk, deer, wolves, walrus, seals, arctic foxes, and the make a 1d100 roll to determine the effects above.
occasional bear.
á In the summer months, as the ice melts, some of the
Travelers come from all over Aroria to Krygos Lake to see chambers may be flooded.
the natural wonder and to participate in the flourishing
fur trade that has become the staple for the people of
Oar’s Rest. Every year, the people of Oar’s Rest flock to
the Glittering River to gather the treasures that flow down
from Krygos’ lair and take their chances with roaming
bandits. Would-be adventurers come to the region
seeking a challenge, daring to face the more monstrous
creatures that wander the forest including Bugbears,
and Goblins or challenging the ever-growing bands of
marauders that populate the region.

Random Events at Krygos Lake
Use the following table to determine random events while
traveling around the lake.

Krygos Lake Travel Table

The party spots a deer eating a bushel of goodberries. They are ripe and only slightly frosted. The deer runs off if approached.
The party can pick 2d12 goodberries.

11-20 A local ranger gives the party directions to their next destination, reducing travel times by half.

The party finds an encampment of well armed, friendly humans. They may stay the night here and avoid a random encounter for
the night.

31-40 The party encounters a polar bear stuck in a hunters trap. Do they let him go? Kill it and take the spoils? Let him be?

The party feels like they are being watched. Characters can make a DC 20 Perception check. On a success, the characters see the
Yeti Man Adventure Hook.

51-60 The arctic winds are strong. DC 10 Constitution Saving Throw to resist extreme cold.

61-70 The party is attacked by a pack of 2d6 Goblins.

The party is being stalked by 1d6 wolves (If the party succeeds on a DC 15 Perception check, they notice the wolves. Otherwise, when
the wolves attack, the party is surprised.)

81-90 The party is attacked by 1d4 bugbears.

91-100 Krygos flies overhead and requires a DC 15 Stealth check or else he will attack the party.

the glittering river Glittering River Loot Table

A large river that feeds into the Lake. Krygos’ lair is 1-10 50 silver pieces
filled with treasures that are frozen into the literal walls
of the cave and into the frozen icy ground beneath. In
the summer months, and occasionally when Krygos 11-20 1 Platinum pieces
sleeps for extended periods of time, the ice begins to
melt, and the waters of the river flow. Sometimes it
brings the treasures of the hoard with it. Platinum, 21-30 Gem (+1 Arcane Focus)
diamonds, sapphire, gems, and silver can all be found
floating down the river into any surrounding towns 31-40 Crystal worth 50GP
or villages. The people there may hold festivals and
parties around these events, completely unaware of the
treasure’s origins. When winter returns the river freezes, 41-50 Aquamarine worth 100GP
once again trapping the treasures in a tomb of ice. This
constant melting, and freezing gives the river an icy,
reflective, mirror-like surface that looks like still water. 51-60 Sapphire worth 500GP

Use the following table to determine the types of treasures 61-70 Diamond worth 1,000GP
randomly found in the river:

71-80 Ring of Warmth

81-90 Ring of Free Action

91-100 Crystal Ball of Mind Reading

164 Stargazer’s Guide to Aroria

the ruined village Krygos Lake Adventures
The “Yeti Man”
Deep within the forest, what’s left of a ruined village sits The party hears stories of a beast that lives in the forest and are
in total solitude. Half-standing overgrown structures are asked to investigate after the last group failed to return. Stories say
all that’s left of a culture that once populated this ruin. that the creature is a “Yeti,” an “Ice Giant,” or maybe the vengeful
Half village, half reclaimed wildlife, these ruins are far spirits of the forest. No one is fully certain but all agree that the
from the lake itself. Elk, deer, and other forest creatures venture will be dangerous.
congregate here regularly. Sometimes Goblins may run
off the wildlife to set up camp for the night or wolves Festival of the Glimmering River
stalk the vacant alleys searching for prey. Far from the The people of Oar’s Rest are gathering to collect the treasures of the
Dragon’s lair, the terrain is less ice and more snow and river before it begins to freeze again. During the festival, a woman
slush. Wildlife is prevalent here. Flowers bloom, berries rushes to anyone who will listen and eventually approaches the
can be picked from bushes, and a nearby stream flows party, frantic and crying. Her young son has ventured too far up the
more often than others. An explorer may find remnants river and was chased by Goblins (Pg. 138, Basic Rules). She offers
of the civilization that once lived in this place, such as everything she’s found in the glittering river as a reward to get
wooden tableware carved from trees, dolls made from her boy back.
tree roots and flower stems, even signs of a Fey circle that
Simple Hunting Quest
was once here, now broken and scattered. Some older
Take an opportunity to join a hunting party leaving Oar’s Rest.
magic items may also be found buried underneath some
Hunting near Krygos Lake is not easy and one wrong step may
of the ruins. There is a Sylvan language carved into the result in an attack from a bear, the “Yeti Man,” or worse, the white
surrounding trees that depict a culture of druids with a dragon himself. Characters may travel throughout the region
very deep reverence for the land and it’s creatures. taking on any game they believe will fetch them the best price.

notable figures This Belongs in a Museum

The Hermit The party is contracted by a pair of archaeologists requesting
The “Bigfoot” of the area, there are lots of stories that protection as they travel through the forest. They are searching for
evidence of a lost civilization that once called this lake home. One
come from residents of Oar’s Rest. He has many names
of them, Oliver, wants to become famous for this discovery. He has
depending on who you ask: “Old Man Woodley,” “The
no issue digging up graves, excavating items and taking books to
Yeti,” “The Wolf-man,” “The spirit of the forest.” The
display in a museum. The other, Ruth, only seeks knowledge. She
only thing folks agree on is his ferocity when protecting would rather not disturb the site any more than necessary. Will
the land and its creatures. the party support the archeologists in their drive for knowledge or
challenge them as they uncover the secrets of the land?
In reality, “Old Man Woodley” is the last of the first
inhabitants who lived here before Krygos made this The Most Dangerous Game
land his Lair. The Druid was young when the dragon A group of seasoned, ruthless hunters stalk the party around Krygos
first appeared and he helped drive the dragon into Lake in an attempt to hunt the most dangerous game of all…..the
the lake, where they believed he was killed. To their player characters. The hunters don’t engage directly. They set traps,
terror, Krygos rose from the lake and sought vengeance, ambush, and attack with ranged weapons from the shadows until
ravaging the village, leaving nothing standing. Those one or all of the party is low on health, then they go in for the kill.
who survived the attack fled the land, all but “Old (This adventure can be layered over any other adventure hook to
Man Woodley.” This Druid is short, and stocky, with add more suspense, danger, and challenge for the players)
intelligent eyes and sharp features. He does not speak
common, only guttural grunts, growls, and incoherent Krygos Attacks
speech to anyone who doesn’t speak Sylvan. He speaks A cocky adventurer in a local tavern boasts about stealing a great
to animals more than anyone else and he uses his entire treasure from Krygos’s lair – a white dragon mask made of scale
body when he speaks. His body language is arguably and bone. While Krygos doesn’t usually know or care about the
more important than his spoken words. things that leave his horde, the loss of this item in particular drives
him to anger. Krygos emerges his lair, ravaging the land in an
He hunts small game only to survive, and he has been endless rampage until he is driven back to his lair.
seen walking with a local Dire wolf (Pg. 123, Basic
Rules). Characters that treat the land poorly will draw
his attention and provoke him into attacking. He will
also protect travelers who do no harm to the land from
the Dire wolves. If the characters befriend him, he may
take them back to his ruined village where they will
have safety from the roving enemies.

Mt. Vera
Rising above the mountains like a monolith of days long past Aspiring adventurers and suspicious townsfolk from the
is the primordial peak known as Mt. Vera. Trees claw up nearby villages occasionally attempt to travel through
the surrounding forest and scale the great mountain,
the mountain in scattered clumps, stopping before the ring
though none make it to the top. Those who pass through
of snow that encircles the towering stone before being lost the cloudtop can never return to the ground below.
amid the constant swirl of clouds that obscure the top of the Those who’ve tried the journey are transformed into the
mountain. The bones of Atym the Dread lay across the side forest creatures that populate the Dawn Wood. Beyond
of Mt. Vera from where the great dragon was killed. Visitors the folktales and gossip, the surrounding foothills are
to the mountain tell of legends, magic, and mystery. Though protected by a small band of druids, led by Novus the
there are many who claim to have climbed to the summit, Mad; a hulking humanoid that is half man and half beast.
none who have attempted to scale the mountain have Any who draw too close to the mountain encounter the
succeeded. Some say the mountain is protected by the ancient druidic circle and are either driven away or conscripted
magics of the old gods, others claim druids prevent anyone into Novus’ strange machinations. Only the boldest or
most arrogant explorers attempt to scale the mountain side.
from reaching the top, and a few say the top is home to wild,
dangerous beasts who slay all who draw too close.

A massive mountain that towers over everything in the

region, Mt. Vera was formerly the site of power for the
old gods. The touch of the ancient gods has left the region
fertile and wild, filled with mystery and adventure.
Legends literally rise and fall within the region, as the great
blue dragon, Atym the Dread was slain by a band of heroes
before the wyrm could retreat into the clouds surrounding
the mountain. Atym’s bones now lay on the mountain side,
the spine of the dragon forming a set of stairs that seem to
lead up into the vast emptiness of the clouds.

166 Stargazer’s Guide to Aroria

Mt. Vera Adventures witching groves
Lost in the Woods
Cathilda Honeywell recently learned that a group of children Scattered throughout the Dawn Wood are mysterious
ignored their parents' advice and have gotten lost in the Dawn glades infused with magic. The druids and locals call
Wood. She's asked you to go and recover the children before these the Witching Groves and reports tell of those
something happens to them. She advises you to bring supplies and traveling them encountering wild, monstrous creatures.
weapons because the Dawn Wood is vast and hopefully you will be Witching Groves can range from 10 ft. to 60 ft. in
the first to find the children. diameter. When traveling through a Witching Grove,
adventurers must be careful as any woodland creature
Walking to their Death that enters the grove will be affected by the ancient
Cathilda and Elring heard that a group of pilgrims passed through magic as if through the true polymorph spell. Woodland
town and plan to climb the Dragonspine Steps to appease their creatures may be transformed into wicked monsters
obscure deity. Cathilda and Elring believe the pilgrims are walking or harmless insects. This transformation is left to the
to their deaths and want you to go out and try to stop them. The gamemaster's discretion.
worshippers are being led by a young man who calls himself "The
Chosen." Go out to the Dragonspine Steps before the fools start The magical power of the witching grove only exists
walking the path. in the grove itself. If a monster leaves the grove, they
return to their original form. If an adventurer leaves
Storm of the Century
the grove, they immediately lose sight of anything
A one-hundred year storm fast approaches Mt. Vera and the Dawn
inside. To discover the same grove again, players
Wood. The elders of Westhallow tell of the destruction that this
storm will bring to the surrounding region. Novus’ druids speak of
may spend 1 hour in the Witchling Groves searching.
a ritual to rise above the storm and survey the mountain top, where Players then roll 1d100. On a result of 97-100, the
there is rumored to be a great city that hides above the clouds atop players discover the same grove. Players may attempt
the mountain. this search once per day.

locations westhallow
the dawn wood A small hamlet nestled under the western shadow of
Mt. Vera, the people of Westhallow make their living
Mt. Vera is a towering array of steep cliffs, but below it hunting, trapping, and providing tourist attractions to
stands the Dawn Wood - a majestic forest of redwood pilgrims hoping to visit the towering mountain nearby.
trees that fill the air with the scent of earthy pine. For the Everyone knows each other in Westhallow and news
most part it’s calm, beautiful even, a vibrant, temperate travels fast. Residents of the town seem happy and live
forest. There’s a rich supply of wild berries and relatively peaceful lives. Every year, the townsfolk put
mushrooms to be found, streams run along the base of on a play titled, "Dreadsfall Chronicles" – honoring the
the mountain, teeming with seasonal salmon runs. The brave adventurers that slew Atym the Dread. The play is
Dawn Wood is home to wild beasts including wild hare, preceded by three days of feasts and revelry.
foxes, deer, and wolves. Mighty moose and brown bears
roam land, and the forest is filled with birdsong. Those notable figures
traveling the Dawn Wood are likely to encounter the Cathilda Honeywell
Witching Groves, or see the majestic Dragonspine Steps. Half-Elf She/Her, Rustium. Oversees the day-to-day
dealings within the hamlet itself. A silver-haired woman,
notable figures with a sharp, discerning face and powerful build,
Novus the Mad Cathilda holds court from her long-standing cheese cart
Humanoid He/Him, Frostwane. Novus stands over 7 in the hamlet square. Nothing happens in Westhallow
ft. tall, and strikes an impressive figure. His legs are without Cathilda hearing about it and newcomers to the
mismatched, one humanoid and one hairy and cloven. village are quickly greeted by her warm smile.
His left arm appears like that of a brown bear's claw, tufts
of feathers sprout from his chin and his head is crowned
by deer horns. Novus is mysterious and enigmatic, often
forgetting what he was talking about and never speaking
of his origins. The druids that follow him believe that
he is a divine being sent down from the mountain
top, and some believe that Novus, alone, can walk the
Dragonspine Steps without succumbing to the curse.

dragonspine steps
Beyond the Dawn Wood lay the foothills of Mt. Vera and
on them, the majestic bones of Atym the Dread. The Ribs
of the dragon rise from the ground like long worn pillars
of some forgotten ruin flanking the dragon's spine which
lead up the mountain like endless stairs before being lost
amid the clouds. Locals say the Dragonspine Steps are
the only way to truly reach the top of Mt. Vera. While
many have tried, none have returned to confirm the

Traveling along the Dragonspine Steps is a dangerous

venture. Prior to his death, Atym the Dread screamed
a curse to his destroyers and all who live beneath the
mountain, denying them access to land above the
clouds. Any who step upon the skeletal stairs find
themselves struggling for energy, weakening with each
step. Amid the pock-marked bones of the dragon are
the scattered skeletons of those foolish few who failed
to turn back before collapsing. Each step up the skeleton
is an arduous process, the energy seeming to be sapped
into the surrounding pillars.

While in the area, it is not uncommon to encounter

the envious, spiteful shades who've failed to traverse
the steps. Additionally, wild animals and predators
are drawn to this place, either looking for refuge from
hunters or looking to make an easy meal of weakened
adventurers. These animals are careful never to tread on
the wide dragon bone stairs, their natural senses telling
them of the dangerous magic imbued into the bones.

notable figures
Elring "El" Oakenridge
Wood-Elf He/Him, Duskworn. An imposing, black-
haired ranger from the village of Westhallow adamantly
dismisses any rumors of curses, vile magics, or tall
tales of adventurers climbing the great mountain. El is
obsessed with the hunt, frequently going out into the
Dawn Wood in search of Witching Groves or any creature
he can sink an arrow into. El is adored by the people
of Westhallow and it is considered a great honor to be
invited to his exclusive hunting trips.

168 Stargazer’s Guide to Aroria

Saltstone sits steadfast on the shores of the Barvassian Sea.
The dark granite stone has streaks of white salt caked to the
sides of its walls in dripping parallel waves. Wood, clay, and
straw covers the roof and two tall towers stand on the front
right and back left of the building.

Saltstone is on the western coast of Aroria between La

Cambria and Elderguard and was designed with the
adventuring party in mind. The multi-level stronghold
has accommodations for half a dozen adventurers or
more and features a training room for testing new skills, a
greenhouse for growing herbs and poisons, a grand library
for planning, and an enchanting grotto for relaxation.
Locals around Saltstone service the castle by farming the
surrounding fields, offering their trade skills for coin, and
working the nearby Meridium mines.

Each of the rooms in Saltstone could be repurposed to

fit your specific adventuring needs, but the descriptions
below are a great place to start. The owners of Saltstone are
intentionally left out of this book to allow the stronghold
to be a reward for a worthy party of Adventurers who
have served Aroria in a world-altering way. Alternatively,
you could fill the occupancy with a Lord or Lady of your
choosing to facilitate some other adventure.

revenir thorne by Lauren Hodges

170 Stargazer’s Guide to Aroria

Revenir Thorne
Medium Humanoid, Lawful Good 7th Level (2 Slots): Fire Storm, Draconic Transformation
8th Level (1 Slot): Control Weather, Sunburst
Armor Class 20 Leather 9th Level (1 Slot): Storm of Vengeance
Hit Points 150 (20d8 + 60)
Speed 30 ft.
Special Abilities
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA Legendary Resistance (3/Day). If Revenir fails a saving throw,
12 (+1) 18 (+4) 16 (+3) 15 (+2) 22 (+6) 16 (+3) she can choose to succeed instead.

Saving Throws Wisdom +12, Intelligence +12 Vera's Champion (1/Day). Revenir awakens 3 Shambling
Damage Resistances Cold, Lightning, Psychic Mounds (Basic Rules, Pg. 345) to fight alongside her.
Skills History +8, Insight +12, Perception +12, Persuasion +9,
Survival +12 Magic Resistance. Revenir has advantage on saving throws
Passive Perception 22 against spells and other magical effects.
Passive Insight 22
Wildshape. Twice a day, Revenir can use an Action to magically
Languages Celestial, Common, Druidic, Dwarvish, Quori, Sylvan
assume the shape of any Beast of CR 1 or lower for one hour.
Challenge 9 (5,000 XP)
While in this form, Revenir maintains her mental statistics, but
Actions uses the physical statistics of the beast. Revenir remains in this
form until she chooses not to be. If Revenir drops to zero hit
Multiattack. Revenir makes three attacks with her scimitar. points in Wildshape, she is forced back to her humanoid form
and any excess damage not taken by the Wildshape is applied to
Scimitar. Revenir slashes at a creature within range. +10 to hit, her humanoid form.
range 5ft, (1d6+4) slashing damage.

Legendary Actions
Spellcasting Revenir has 3 legendary actions per round of combat, she can
Revenir is a 20th level spellcaster and knows the following spells. choose from the following.
+12 to hit, DC 20.
One with the Roots. (2 Actions) Revenir may teleport to any
Catrips (At Will): Druidcraft, Produce Flame, Message tree she can see within 60 ft. of her. Any creature within 20 ft. of
1st Level (4 Slots): Cure Wounds, Faerie Fire the tree she teleports to takes 2d10 piercing damage.
2nd Level (3 Slots): Moonbeam, Hold Person
3rd Level (3 Slots): Dispel Magic, Lightning Bolt, Speak Cast Spell (1 Actions). Revenir casts a spell of 3rd level or lower.
with Plants
4th Level (3 Slots): Blight, Locate Creature, Polymorph A Rose of a Thorne (1 Action). Revenir uses Thorn Whip. +12 to
5th Level (3 Slots): Greater Restoration, Mass Cure Wounds, hit, range 30ft., 14 (4d6) Piercing damage.
Wrath of Nature
6th Level (2 Slots): Sunbeam, Druid Grove

First floor
1| foyer 3| courtyard
Forget-me-nots surround a stone fountain as ivy grows
A runner leads your eye to a lush courtyard in the middle of
up the interior walls. Lush green grass is accented with
the space. To your right lies a door and a hallway curves left.
small white flowers. The trickling of water from the
Behind you, two sets of stairs lead to a 2nd floor and to your
fountain tickles your ears.
left are two common swinging doors hiding the servants
quarters. Directly across the courtyard you can see several
long wooden tables.

4| ballroom
2| guest parlor Three glorious chandeliers are forever lit in magnificence
as you enter. White crystals dangle from the ceiling and
This small room feels warm and welcoming. Two duchess matching gold filigree accents the piece. A continuous
style leather chairs face a simple fireplace. A small shelf slab of white marble with hints of amber and black
of books are here to spark your imagination and it looks speckled throughout serves as a dance floor while rich
like someone has been doing research on the wooden table mahogany frames the room. On the left wall, a mantle
to you left. more than 20 ft. long displays trophies and wonders the
Lords and Ladies of Saltstone have acquired.

172 Stargazer’s Guide to Aroria

5| training room 11| orune's tower 1st floor
Sand covers the floor. The stone walls are scuffed and Three bookshelves encircle the room. They seem
the interior wood is chipped. An assortment of blunted organized by cover color. In the center of the room on
weapons lay neatly against the wall. Two bamboo a wooden table, a glass vase supports three lilies. An
dummies wear the worst studded armor you’ve ever iron ladder continues vertically in Saltstone giving
seen and matching archery targets anticipate your you access to both the 2nd Floor of Orune’s Tower and
marksmanship thirty paces from the back wall. Orune’s Basement.

6| feast hall 12| kragus's tower 1st floor

Two small wooden tables have space for about two dozen The first floor is barren and broken. Vacant discolorations
guests. The head table, intricately carved with gears mark the places on the wall where trophies have been
and flowers, has room for five members of the family. A removed. A spiral staircase leads to the rooftop floor.
large stone fireplace crackles warming the room, keeping
guests warm for even the most extravagant of feasts.
13| northeast staircase
7| greenhouse Accessed from the Training room, this staircase leads to
the second floor north stone balcony.
The wooden lattice that covers the exterior walls is
overgrown with ivy. Blue and yellow flowers surround
the base of the small greenhouse. Inside, rare herbs and
spices grow in individual pots on tables, some of which
14| secret staircase
seem to be spliced together into new species of plants. Hidden completely from sight, this narrow staircase
The entire room is tinted green from the glass and smells connects Revenir’s Room to her private Grotto in the
of basil and rosemary. basement of Saltstone.

8| kitchen
There’s nothing like the smell of freshly baked bread, and gm note
this room is smothered in that beautiful smell. Several The Ultimate Party Keep
casks of butter wait to enhance your morning breakfast Saltstone is terrific for an infiltration, assault, or
and a large stone oven is still radiating heat from the tower defense encounter. However, we believe it
previous batch of biscuits. is best when given to your party as a gift for their
heroic deeds. Five spacious bedrooms, a secret
war room vault, wine cellar, rooftop garden,
secret grotto, training room, and MORE help
9| storage room make this the best loot a GM could give out.

Not much lies within this room outside of a few simple

crates. The nearby stairs lead down to wine and ale cellar.

The left wall seems ordinary at a glance, but further

inspection reveals an illusory entrance to a hallway
leading to the back left tower. Upon discovery.

10| servant's quarters

Six simple single beds rest in a row in the long barracks.
The linens on the bed are freshly pressed.

second floor
15| second floor 17| asriel's room
Either set of stairs lead you to a less glamorous floor designed A formal mud room is out of place in this tranquil
with relaxation in mind. A banister allows a peek down into domicile. The bed has two small pillows and a simple
the courtyard on the first floor or a beautiful view up to the grey pullover. Chairs that would normally face a small
stars at night. A variety of doors line the walls and corridors shrine have been moved to the wall and the centerpiece to
of this floor. the deity is missing.

16| southern staircase 18| revenir's room

A simple room with deep green linens covers a king
Leading to the third level and rooftop floor is a wrought
sized bed. A folding wooden separator with metal
iron staircase. The handrails twist in swirls of blackened
filigree stands between an intricate hand carved wooden
metal. Running your hand along rail you can feel sharp
bathtub. Behind the tub, bookcases with a variety of tales
imperfections pinching at your palm.
line the wall.

Upon close inspection, pulling the book titled ‘The

Garden in the Desert’ reveals this secret entrance.

174 Stargazer’s Guide to Aroria

19| secret bookcase door 22| guest room
You hear a few clicks and the creak of the wood squeaks A simple large room perfect for any guest of Saltstone.
revealing a secret entrance. A set of stairs lead down into The king bed in this room is adorned with the white sigil
this dimly lit hallway. of Saltstone on freshly pressed grey linens. A bookshelf
on the far wall presents you with a series of poems and
short stories.

20| grand library

23| orune's bedroom
This room is scented with a variety of aged parchments
from the knowledge currently aging on the shelves. The
Library is domed by a glass ceiling and has stone arches A single bed is unused and dusting on the far wall. An
providing a direct view of the Barvassian Sea. A bear iron ladder leads two stories down and Two Stories up.
skin rug lies beneath two wooden reading chairs. Connecting areas 11, 23, 28, 32, 37.

21| kragus's study 24| northern outer balcony

A stone table has draconic runes carved around the The Barvassian Sea sparkles in the sun as you look over
side, and paired with it, a metal chair with two pieces of the cliffs that naturally protect Saltstone from invasion.
driftwood for arm rests. Two lounge pillows await your The salted mists from the crashing waves kiss your
leisure on the other side of the room. cheeks as you look out from the balcony.

25| northwest outer stair

Leads to room number 21, Kragus’s Study.

third floor roof
26| moving painting room 30| filigree gazebo
This small room separates you from the rooftop of Saltstone. You marvel at the craftsmanship of this intricate Gazebo.
At the top of the stairs, a single large oil painting hangs from Four hand carved stone columns hold up an intricate
the wall in front of you. The scene depicts a beautiful forest filigreed dome. The weaving of the metal filigree paints
in the evening speckled with fireflies and glowing florals that the ground underneath with the shadows it casts.
climb the tree trunks and hang down from the branches. You
can’t be sure, but at first glance you could of swore you saw
a beautiful figure dart behind one of those trees.
31| zen koi pond
27| rooftop garden A tranquil koi pond lies to the south filled with a
vibrancy of life. These particular koi glow slightly with
magical energy, swimming in and out of the ethereal
Nothing could have prepared you for the first sight of plane. Lilypads and their blossoms rest gingerly on the
this rooftop eden. The morning dew intensifies the fresh water’s surface.
scent of florals, soft grasses, shrubberies, and as if by
magic, blooming cherry trees. In the center, a stone
railing allows you to peek down into the courtyard on
the first floor, and also allows a glimpse of the second
floor hallways. Various stone benches are peppered 32| orune's beacon library
throughout the area. Each one providing a new
refreshing view of the entire rooftop garden.
Climbing the ladder to the very top of Orune’s tower
is the only 4th floor level in all of Saltstone. Glass
windows encircling the entire tower floor gives a
360° breathtaking view of the ocean and surrounding
28| orune's reading lounge area. Short bookshelves under and mounted above the
windows line the walls. In the center of the room, a very
large beacon light is housed. On stormy or foggy days,
A plush divan sofa invites you to grab a novel from one of the beacon is lit to safely guide sailors.
the nearby bookshelves and relax. An iron ladder leads two
stories down and Two Stories up.

29| kragus's bedroom

A single full bed rests in this room with a door leading
out to a private balcony. The linens are blue and are
immaculately kept. A lead book sealed with a bronze
lock depicts the image of Bahamut on the cover and is
the only material possession in the room. A ladder leads
down to the other Northwest tower floors.

176 Stargazer’s Guide to Aroria

34| secret war room
The heavy lead door swings open. The torches lining the
walls igniting magically upon your entrance revealing the
basement/cellar floor protected secret plans of the Lords and Ladies of Saltstone.
33| wine and ale cellar The large oak table is covered in the news at hand. Crystal
glasses wait to be filled on the far table, and a large heavy
chest rests with it’s lid closed tightly.
A library of wine ages quietly and casks of ale are evenly
spaced along the walls of this massive room. A table and two
small crates that serve as chairs are the first thing you see
upon your arrival. Two wine glasses sit empty, encouraging
35| holding cells
you to taste the finest from Saltstone’s vineyards. Upon discovering the Northwest wine rack’s secret
door, read the following:

Upon discovering the Northwest wine rack’s secret

You notice the torch is slightly askew. The metal in the
door, read the following:
handle is slightly worn.

Looking at this rack of wine, you find no dust blanketing

the glass. This is a typical telling sign of undisturbed Straightening the metal wall torch reveals the
aging wine. These bottles, however, are quite clean. holding cell area.
Looking behind one of the bottles on the 4th rack down.
A small circular indentation has been carved into the
wall. It looks to be the exact size of the bottle base in As the large stone door swings open, stale musty air
front of it. fills your nostrils. Four solitary prison cells line the
walls. Each cell locked with thick iron bars that all have
a magical glow to them. Inside the cells, the lowest of
Pushing the bottle into the wall indenture will reveal
Saltstone comforts. Rooms reserved for those that threaten
the secret lead lined war room.
the Lords and Ladies of Saltstone.

36| workshop entrance
This room is bare with only Candelabra’s keeping it dimly
lit. You notice a single door leading out in front of you.

37| shooting range

This room is long and narrow but brightly lit. Torches line
the walls. A bamboo training dummy lodged with bullets can
be seen at the far end of the room.

38| workshop
Sawdust and wood curls litter the room. You see a variety of
tools and supplies for building sitting on racks, on top of the
nearby workbench, and on the wooden desk.

39| testing room

A bizarre empty stone room that is scarred with burn marks,
chipped from explosion impacts, and littered with various
metallic fragments.

40| orune's secret room

The word is written in druidic. Upon discovering the
secret door, read the following:

Difficult to see in the dim light, you notice a small word

carved into the cave wall with an indenture that looks
like a hand. 40| revenir's grotto
As you make your way down the stairs, the scent of salt
Placing a hand and speaking the word ‘Return’ opens
greets your nostrils. Stepping into the room, you feel the
this door.
heat from magically enhanced springs dissipating into the
cavern. Magical plants cover every inch of walls and ceiling,
The rock shifts revealing a slightly smaller tunnel. support small flowers that shed soft purple light all over the
Faint light coming from the other side. Beautiful space. An opening in the grotto showcases a gorgeous view of
carpets of moss and glowing flowers hang from the the ocean. Every now and then, you notice the mist from the
ceiling and blanket the walls. As you walk through crashing waves drifting inside.
the tunnel, it opens to a small private cove. There, you A private section of vintage wines rests in the southwest
see a comfortable plush reading chair looking out to a corner of the cove. Nearby, a table with two wine glasses
gorgeous view of the ocean. A single bookcase sits by the ready to be filled with the finest vints. Lastly, a dresser filled
back wall. Some standing candelabras illuminate a side with robes, fine linen towels, and fine clothes sits in the
table next to another chair. Northwest corner of the room.

178 Stargazer’s Guide to Aroria

sheppard's pass
Once a difficult pass to traverse, a group of wealthy
Guiding travelers between the Arorian Mainland and merchants and Adventurers banded together to secure the
the Badlands is Sheppard's Pass, a narrow road of ghost pass and create a gate between Aroria’s Mainland and the
Badlands. It was a difficult and dangerous undertaking, but
stories, bustling thoroughfares, and adventure. The land
now the pass is relatively safe. Remaining on the main road
surrounding Sheppard's Pass is dark and haunted, dotted is safe enough, but off the main road, howling creatures
with withered trees and cold winds. Those traveling the lurk in the dark. One such creature, the Sheewald, is only
Pass swear they see shadowy travelers walking the edge of found in Sheppard’s Pass, and is believed to be manifested
the roads, following them for a while before disappearing. from the souls of long dead adventurers who resorted to
Wicked howls tear through the pass, though whether they are cannibalism. Despite its dark history, the most common
the wind or something worse, no one knows. threat from Sheppard’s Pass now is a sleepless night from
a scary story.

observatory market wagons
Reaching the highest point, travelers are greeted by the There is no room for dedicated shops along the trail
sight of a dedicated warehouse for the market wagons, of Sheppard's Pass, but it’s common to find Market
the top of the tramway, and an observatory. The Wagons. These merchants keep their wares in a small
observatory is operated by a staff of three; a scientist, warehouse at the top of the pass, load up their wagons
a wizard, and a cleric all who specialize in reading the for their shifts, and travel down one of the sides of the
stars. They liaise with the Sheppard's Pass Authority pass to find a reasonable place to set up. The market
ranger station, which operates out of the few offices wagons sell a variety of things: dried foods, hardtack,
on the ground floor of the building. Within the station, torches, simple weapons, oil, lanterns, and occasionally
there are always two rangers on staff, as well as a even a unique item or two. The prices are less affordable
records-keeper, and a sorcerer who often accompanies than in most towns and cities, and you would be hard-
the rangers on calls. pressed to find something that isn't presented with an
notable figures
Mildren Bilam
memorial for the first
Half Elf She/Her, Aurous. It is widely understood that a expedition
werewolf inhabits the wilderness surrounding Sheppard's
Pass, but there have never been any werewolf attacks The memorial is ironically located toward the far end of
reported. In fact, though no one is quite sure who the pass, and is sadly in a place none of the original crew
the werewolf is, there have been several stories of the ever reached. The large man-made monolith is etched
werewolf helping lost travelers, guiding (or even scaring) with the names and visual representations of each
them back to the path. In reality, the Werewolf is one of member. Passers-by often leave flowers and trinkets
the Rangers of the Sheppard's Pass Authority, Mildren at the base, honoring the sacrifice these adventurers
Bilam, a half-elf ranger, who applied for the position in made in the quest to make Sheppard's Pass safe and
order to keep their distance from highly populated areas. convenient for future travelers. Though there are
many urban legends surrounding the loss of the initial
tram Sheppard's Pass team, histories were able to confirm
that at least some of the losses were due to starvation
The Sheppard's Pass Tramway was an enthusiastic and cannibalism. There is an odd and somber mood
undertaking by the merchants who were first developing surrounding the memorial, and remembering the dark
the Pass. As the area was particularly steep, merchants end some of these adventurers faced often creates a
realized that the only way to make it truly the most melancholy ride on the tram.
utilizable and accessible route for everyone was to find
a way to move passengers through the narrowest parts
easily and effectively. The Tram is a simple mechanism
itself - wooden carriages on wheels, set into a track Sheppard's Pass Adventures
and rope system, driven by the pull of several beasts of The Hungry Ghoul
burden. Adventurers are likely to run into Tramway Jim, Stories abound of how the Sheewald came to be and what drives
an elderly conductor who always has stories to tell about them. Every story that is told about them ends in the same way,
the pass and how he helped build the original track. talking about a creature only known as the Hungry Ghoul. More
local legend than truth, many tell of the ghoul as the last wicked,
notable figures cannibalistic survivor of the original adventuring crew that carved
Sheppard's Pass. Recently stories of the Hungry Ghoul have grown
Tramway Jim throughout the region and more sightings of the enigmatic creature
Human He/Him, Rimewomb. Tramway Jim is a human have arisen. Fear has washed over the region and the Sheppard's
inventor in his late 70s, though he is rather spry for his Pass Authority has called for adventurers to lay the rumors to rest.
age. He is the mastermind behind the tramway and now
lives nearby to operate and care for his invention. He Fix the Tramway
resides at the top of the Sheppard's Pass, operating the The tram is down and Tramway Jim swears that this is the first
Tramway for long shifts, despite having other workers time the tramway has ever broken. Chaos reigns. Tramway Jim will
who are also able to do it. He loves every opportunity compensate you if you locate the source of the breakdown (A split
he has to tell others about the creation of the tramway, rope? a bent track?) and also track down the escaped beasts that
caring for the beasts of burden, and making sure that usually pull the tram. Hoping to get the problem solved before the
everything is in tip-top shape. lines to board get too long and the customers get angry.

Sheppard's Bride
While many dark spirits haunt the pass, none is more feared than
the black widow bride of Sheppard's Pass. Legend speaks of a bride
betrothed to the former wealthly lord of the largest lumbermill in
all Aroria. On their wedding day, he gifted her a beautiful hand axe,
and she gifted him the swift release of death, staking claim to his
fortunes. She continues to hunt the pass for wealthy travelers to this
day. Her soul will never rest until her axe is found and destroyed.
Can the party find the long lost lumbermill gravesite of all the lives
the widow claimed? Can they find her mausoleum and finally put
her to rest?

180 Stargazer’s Guide to Aroria

triton's spear
obscurity, began planting rose bushes, then hedges,
The grand expanse on route between the Mainland and then trees, and eventually created an entire garden as he
Aroria North is both teeming with life and deceptively dealt with his bereavement. However, there are many
plain. Stretching for miles across the continent, the roadway tales of this garden having magical properties– ones that
Thom will not substantiate. Upon entering the walled
known as Triton’s Spear is a well-trod road of stories,
garden through a flower-covered archway, visitors are
adventure, and diversity. All who travel these roads should treated to a stunning array of flowers, each arranged
prepare for nearly every climate as Triton’s Spear moves beautifully in their own designs. At the far end, another
through blistering deserts and frigid mountain passes. Those archway through the walls of shrubbery leads to a vast
traveling north toward Agubonne, Sunspell and New Reach, garden maze. Visitors say that time passes differently in
or those southbound often find friends passing them by or the maze, and those who enter may meet any manner of
enemies laying in wait on this road. fey creature, or find themselves magically healed of an
affliction. It’s easy to get lost in the Garden of Wishes,
and many adventurers never find their way out.
A vast roadway connecting the north and south of Aroria,
Triton’s Spear acts as a highway through many of the
continent’s regions. Triton's Spear is a place of natural
itinerant camps
biodiversity with areas of great interest to botanists and The Itinerant people are a culturally rich and self-
anthropologists alike. Stretching for hundreds of miles, sufficient group. They are almost always accompanied
Triton’s Spear hosts many small villages, towns, wayside by a herd of Hippogriff, and have formed deep bonds
inns, and encampments, each teeming with opportunities with these animals– caring for, protecting, and using
for adventure, mischief or much more. Characters that their remains for tools, clothing, and housing. The
travel this road find Aroria to shrink slightly, as this Itinerant live in tents made of cloth and animal hide,
highway provides them access to much that the continent supported by wooden pillars that are easy to take down
has to offer, provided they are willing to travel for a time. and move in large bundles with the help of their carts
and the hippogriff. These tents are not made to blend in
Before many of the inn’s, village, and towns began to dot with their surroundings, but rather are patched, brightly
the road, Triton’s Spear was home to the nomadic people colored, and cheerful. If you are fortunate enough to
called the Itinerant. Nomadic in nature, the traveling stumble upon an Itinerant camp, you will likely be
people of Triton's Spear move camps throughout the welcomed with open arms. They love stories of other
seasons, herding hippogriff and living symbiotically cultures and enjoy sharing their food and folklore.
among them. There are two major biomes of Triton's Spear: Open-minded adventurers will often find kinship
desert and forest. However, the rocky terrain that acts as with the Itinerant people through mutual respect and
a bridge between the two has a mix of both influences not conservation of the land.
seen anywhere else in Aroria. Itinerant folklore is rich with
stories of hauntings and sightings of strange creatures on notable figures
the road. It is unclear if the area is more active than other
areas of the world, or if the Itinerant are simply more Eira Kiryik
superstitious. Either way, intrepid adventurers hoping to Dragonborn They/Them, Soulstice. Growing up as a
discover something new often find it on the Triton's Spear. Dragonborn Itinerant, Eira learned many of the skills
of a nomad, but particularly excelled in caring for the
Hippogriff herd. They spent some time away from their
locations family, living for a few years in the monastery of New
Reach, where they met the man who would become their
bandit's hideaway future husband. They spent several years in New Reach
before returning to Eira’s family to live the nomadic
In the rocky outcroppings that meld together the desert lifestyle, where Eira and their husband Recke eventually
and forest of Triton's Spear, there are many small caves. became the lead shepherds of the Hippogriff herd.
An ideal shelter from the elements, they’ve become a
convenient base of operations for a small company of
bandits that frequent the main thoroughfare of Triton's
Spear, calling themselves the Redwood Bandits. These
bandits regard travelers as fair game, often targeting
trade caravans and refugees fleeing south. Having
established a larger cave in the area as their home, the
Redwood Bandits drive anyone who draws close to the
region away.

garden of wishes
Looked after by an elderly human gentleman who calls
himself Thom Morroe, the caretaker claims that the
beautiful garden was planted by hand by a young man
who had lost his loved ones to a plague several hundred
years ago. The man, whose name has since passed into

ambrose botany
research center
Located in an unpretentious building nestled amongst
the forests of Triton's Spear is the Ambrose Botany
Research Centre, or the ABRC. A dirt path is the only
indication of its location, jutting off from the Triton's
Spear main thoroughfare. Inside, a small collection
of dedicated mages and scientists use the facilities to
research the native flora and plants from the more
far-flung regions. Despite botany being well-respected
throughout Aroria, with many plants being used by
alchemists and healers, there is no match to the Ambrose
Botany Research Centre when it comes to reputation and
output. The ABRC is often looking for adventurers to
accompany the researchers and botanists that live and
work at the center.

notable figures
Moriara Ambrose
Human She/Her, Aurous. Brought up as the daughter of
nobles, Moriara was a shy child who spent most of her
time at home. She bonded more with plants than with
other children, and began to develop a deep interest in
understanding their structure and caring for them. Sent
off to study when she reached maturity, she began to
develop some friendships with her fellow students. From
there, she traveled Aroria to conduct her research, and
eventually settled in Triton’s Spear, opening her Research
Centre and inviting scientists and mages from across the
world to partake in what she had created.

Triton's Spear Adventures

Flora and Fauna, Oh My!
The Ambrose Botanical Research Center has recently discovered
a new and rare herb growing amid a rocky region of the Triton’s
Spear. Unfortunately, their botanists have not been able to collect
or research the herb in depth as the herb appears to attract
the attention of the dreaded basilisk. The ABRC has offered a
handsome reward and a chance to use any tincture created from
the herb to anyone willing to travel into the foothills to remove the
dangerous basilisk.

Caravan Robbers!
Clear out the bandit caves! The Redwood Bandits have been
menacing supply caravans that are bound for the Ambrose Botany
Research Centre. Moriaria Ambrose, head of ABRC, has hired you
to get rid of them once and for all. Locate the stronghold and clear
them out - one way or another.

The Cabin Calls

News has spread telling of more and more travelers disappearing
into the Triton Spear woods. Many speak of bandits or monsters but
the Itinerant and those living on the road speak only of the cabin
and its call. A large sum has been offered to any willing to travel
into the forest, seek out the cabin, and find out where the travelers
have gone and what is happening.

182 Stargazer’s Guide to Aroria

Mayhem Under the Stars
Beyond the bustling streets and boisterous calls of La Cambrian merchants lay the secluded
halls and musty books of Niveau Maximum. Librarians and staff hesitantly prepare to open
their newest attraction– the Stars of Aroria. Strange sightings in the newest wing have caused
unrest among the librarians and staff have abruptly quit, refusing to describe what they
saw. With Headmaster Trid’illion Skyweaver on sabbatical, it's up to you to enter Niveau
Maximum’s newest attraction and solve the mysteries before opening night!

Social Encounter: Arriving on Time or Staying Late

gamemaster Before beginning this encounter, give the players
an opportunity to introduce themselves, what their

overview character looks like and what reasons they’ve had to

stay late at Niveau Maximum. If necessary, many of
the characters can use the call for aid presented by
Mayhem Under the Stars is a 4-hour adventure set Lea Treyber as their reason. After introductions, the
for 1st level Adventurers in Niveau Maximum. In this characters are approached by Lea Treyber, one of the
adventure, the party plays as visitors and staff hired night librarians and a steward of Niveau Maximum. Use
on behalf of Headmaster Trid’illion Skyweaver to the following information for this scene:
investigate strange events happening in the newest
exhibition of the library– the Stars of Aroria. The á Lea Treyber is one of the night stewards of Niveau
Swindle Twins, a manifestation of Sunbask, have Maximum and lead designer of the exhibit and she
infiltrated the exhibition and started playing pranks fears that she will be fired or worse if this exhibit
on those who enter. The party must make their way cannot be fixed in time.
through three challenges in the newest exhibition and á The exhibit is a highly immersive experience
put an end to the chaos created by the Swindle Twins, celebrating the 12 Signs of Aroria. The exhibit can be
while also making it out alive. The shaded text in this dangerous, but magical fail safes will prevent anyone
chapter is descriptive, to be read to your players, the rest from dying while inside.
is a guideline for this adventure.
á Lea is worried that one of the zodiac avatars is
tampering with the exhibit. She hopes that the party
chapter 1 can drive the avatar away.
night at niveau maximum á There are twelve rooms and a central room in the
exhibit. Lea thinks that the party won't have to search
through many of the rooms to find out what the
Welcome to Niveau Maximum, one of the great wonders of problem is.
Aroria. As you walk through the grandiose halls, you take
in the ornate, book-filled library that makes up the southern á Lea’s assistant, Marcus was the last person to enter
the exhibit but he hasn’t returned for a few hours. If
wing. The prestigious mage college of La Cambria in the
possible, Lea would like the party to return with him.
eastern wing, where many throughout the country come
to study under Headmaster Tri’Dillion Skyweaver and the á The exhibit is set to open in the morning, so the party
northern wing where other scholars of magnificent magics has only this evening to solve the issue.
gather to share secrets and practice spellwork. But the west á This is a huge opportunity for her career and will
wing is where this adventure begins and is home to the likely draw positive attention to the party as well.
museum of Niveau Maximum.
Once the party is ready, Lea will open the exhibit to them.

You’ve answered a call for adventurers announced by

Curator Lea Treyber. Tomorrow, a new exhibit, “The
Stars of Aroria” will open, but all of the staff have been
quitting unexpectedly and rumors tell of something strange
occurring in the museum. Each of you now wait for the
museum to close and to meet with Curator Treyber to start
this investigation. As the last of the museum guests leave
for the evening, you can hear Curator Treyber approaching
to brief you of your task.

chapter 2
entering the exhibit
The Hall of Stars
Following behind Curator Treyber, you are led to a large
archway on which a gleaming placard reads, “COMING The Swindle Twins have fled into one of the three
SOON! THE STARS OF ARORIA. The archway shimmers chambers that have opened and the hallway that led to
with magical energy as you draw close, and the twelve runes the Hall of Stars is missing. Now, it is up to the characters
of the zodiac Signs flare to life. Beyond the archway is a long to chase the twins, find a way to stop them, and escape.
hallway, the walls adorned with blinking stars appearing Characters that would like to inspect the arcane engine
to lead you through a series of constellations. At the end of in the center of the room can determine that the Swindle
Twins have magically manipulated it to remain on
this hallway, you can barely see the exhibit room and a panel
randomly open and closed doors when activated. A
sitting in the center of the room. Curator Treyber points character that makes a successful DC 12 Arcana Check can
down the hallway, “Please enter the exhibit through this determine that this effect cannot be reversed without the
hallway. I’ll remain here, just in case,” she clears her throat, Swindle Twins’ help.
“you fail to return and I need to send others to fetch you. Not
that I believe that will happen.” She gives you a weak smile Choose three rooms, or roll 3d12 (rerolling duplicates)
and gestures for you to enter the hallway. and consult the Signs, in Chapter 3 of this Adventure
to determine which doors have been opened in the
chamber. Adventurers must complete the one-hour
After speaking with Lea and learning what the problem adventures to find the Swindle Twins and convince them
is, the party is led into the hallway leading to Niveau to fix the machine. This module has been designed so
Maximum’s newest exhibit - the Stars of Aroria. Quickly, that the party must deal with three of these encounters
the party confirms that the Swindle Twins are behind the before the final encounter with the Swindle Twins, but
troubles here and that leaving is not so simple. The party feel free to increase or decrease the number of rooms
learns which rooms they must venture through to escape the party must face as needed. The central room of the
the exhibit and put things right.The hallway leading to chamber is a great place for the characters to plan for
the exhibit chamber is 50 ft. long After a short walk, the their next encounter. After each room, the party will
characters find themselves entering the Exhibit Chamber. battle briefly with the Swindle Twins as described below.

Encounter: The Swindle Twins á Fighting the Swindle Twins

After each chamber, the party will encounter the
Swindle Twins in the Hall of Stars and have one round
EXHIBIT CHAMBER of combat to battle them. The Swindle Twins statistics
and tactics for each encounter are written below.
Entering this chamber, you find yourselves in a dodecagon á After Chamber One
room. Twelve doors surround you, each bearing a massive After completing the first chamber, the party will
sigil of the zodiac signs. High above you, you can see a surprise the Swindle Twins. The Twins will not fight
mosaic of the zodiac avatars: the flaming ram of Fleurtide, back and will automatically retreat into another
the Oracle of Frostwane, the Forge of the Covenant, and the chamber at the end of the round.
rest painted in brilliant colors on the ceiling. At the center of á After Chamber Two.
the mosaic is a prismatic glittering chandelier. Multicolored After the second chamber, the Swindle Twins will
light illuminates the chamber casting rainbow patterns engage the party in combat and attack once on each
across the polished, marble floors. In front of you, in the of their turns. On an initiative count of 0, the Swindle
center of the room is a strange, arcane machine designed Twins will retreat into the final chamber.
to appear as a pedestal covered in arcane runes. Currently á After Chamber Three (or final Chamber)
tampering with the machine are two women in their late After the party completes the final chamber, the
teens, dressed in ethereal blues and whites. Their movements Swindle Twins will fight the party with their
seem to mirror one another as they tamper with the machine remaining hit points. If the Swindle Twins are
and, as you enter the room, they both look at you with reduced to 0 hp, they will give up and help the party.
dangerous grins. “You are here to ruin our fun?” The twins
speak in unison, “We want to play more! Catch us if you
can!” As the twins say this, the arcane pedestal flares to life
and three doors open in the chamber. With a snap of their
fingers the Twins vanish their laughter echoing through the
three open doors.

184 Stargazer’s Guide to Aroria

The Swindle Twins
Enthralling Laugh. One creature of the Swindle Twin's choice
Medium Celestial, Chaotic Neutral within 60 ft. is forced to make a Wisdom Saving Throw (DC 11) or
become charmed for 1 minute. A creature can repeat the saving
Armor Class 14 Leather Armor throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself
Hit Points 40 (9d8) on a success. If a creature's saving throw is successful or the
Speed 30 ft. effect ends for it, the creature is immune to the Swindle Twin's
Enthralling Laugh for the next 24 hours.
12 (+1) 16 (+3) 11 (+0) 12 (+1) 10 (+0) 14 (+2)
Special Abilities
Damage Resistances Bludgeoning, Psychic, Piercing, and Twin Form. When one Swindle Twin receives damage or reduces
Slashing from Nonmagical Attacks. their hit points, the other Swindle Twin suffers the same effect.
Passive Perception 12
Condition Immunities Blinded, Charmed, Frightened, Paralyzed Return to the Weave. When the Swindle Twins drop to 0 hit
Senses Blindsight 10ft., Darkvision 30ft. points or dies, their bodies are destroyed but their essence
Proficiency Bonus +2 travels back to the weave and are unable to return to the Material
Languages All Plane for a time.
Challenge 4 (1,100 XP)
Innate Spellcasting. The Swindle Twin's innate spellcasting
Actions ability is Charisma, Spell Save DC 10, +4 to hit with Spell
Attacks. It can innately cast the following spells, requiring no
Chaotic Grasp. The Sindle Twins swipe at a creature material components:
within range. +5 to hit, reach 5ft., one target. Hit: 5 (1d8)
Slashing damage. At Will: Vicious Mockery
3/day each: Misty Step

chapter 3
exhibition rooms
Steam Meter. The steam meter sits above the ram’s head.
FLEURTIDE It currently reads 5. At an initiative count of 10 the meter
will count down one level as the ram’s head uses its action.
The Steam Meter has 20 hp and an AC of 10. Characters
Entering into the chamber, a loud hiss of steam blasts against can attempt to attack the steam meter. If the steam meter
you, nearly searing your skin and almost deafening you. The reaches zero or the party succeeds in breaking it, all
doors slam shut and vanishing, leaving you stranded on a remaining steam will be released and the ram’s head will
stone ledge overlooking a dark abyss below, beside which you stop moving.
stand precariously. On the far side of the chamber you see
the towering doors that exit the chamber and you can make complications
out the Swindle Twins giggling as they skip merrily towards While the characters push against the ram’s head,
it. As you take a step to chase them, you hear the whirl of potential complications may occur if they are not
clockwork and see a massive, gargantuan metallic ram’s successful in their efforts. If the party fails three or more
head lower between you and the Twins. Handles seem to be Strength Checks required to push the Ram’s Head in one
built into the front of the ram’s head, designed for a group of round, apply one of the complications below.
people to hold the machine. A gout of steam billows from its
nostrils and the ram head begins to move steadily towards Gouts of Steam
you, threatening to push you off the ledge. Above the ram's The Ram’s head blasts a spray of searing steam out from thin grates
head, you can see a pressure gauge that appears to be slowly along its face threatening to burn anyone too close.
emptying: the gauge now reading the number five. The
Swindle Twins jeer at you as they leave the chamber, “You Characters within 10 ft. of the Ram’s head must make a
are all so pushy! Let’s see if you can press your luck!” The DC 10 Dexterity saving throw or take 1d6 fire damage.
ram head, blocking your path, sprays jets of steam and moves Characters within 5 ft. of the head make the check with
forward towards you. disadvantage. Characters can disable this effect with a
successful DC 9 Intelligence or Wisdom throw.

Roll initiative and let’s solve this problem! Slippery Floors

The polished stone floor has grown slick from steam and sweat. As
The party stands next to a dangerous void. They must you push against the massive Ram’s head, you find that each step
work together to push against the ram’s head before slips and fails to get traction.
it knocks them all into the pit. The chamber is 25 ft.
wide and 50 ft. long. The party has 15 ft. of free space Characters attempting the strength check to push
between them and the ram. 5 ft. behind the party is an against the Ram’s Head must make the check with
endless pit. disadvantage. Additionally, characters that make a dash
action must make a Dexterity saving throw or fall prone.

Pit. The pit is surrounded by smooth stone walls. A Broken Cog

Inside the massive machine, you can see many whirling cogs and
Characters that are pushed into the pit fall for a few
complex clockwork machinery. One larger gear catches your
minutes before triggering a teleportation rune, returning
attention and you realize that if you damage it, you could slow
to the Hall of Stars.
the Ram’s head.
Ram’s Head. The Ram’s Head is made of polished steel
plates. It has 60 hp and an AC of 14. Every round at Characters can make a DC 10 Intelligence or Dexterity
an initiative count of 10, the ram’s head will move 5 check to attempt to damage some of the internal pieces
ft. towards the party. Characters can attempt to resist of the Ram’s Head. If they are successful, the party
the Ram’s Head by making three successful DC 11 requires only two strength checks to succeed for the
Strength checks. If three successful checks are made round. If they succeed this check by 5 or more, players
before initiative count 0, the characters may push the may make their strength checks with advantage. If they
Ram’s Head 5 ft. back. For every successful check after fail this check by 5 or more, they cannot retry this check
the first three in a round, they can push the ram’s head for 2 rounds. This check can be repeated each round.
backwards an additional 5 ft.
Characters that do not want to make strength checks can
attempt to impede or contest the Ram’s Head in alternative If the characters stop the Ram’s Head, they are returned
ways but do so with a DC 13 to any roll they make. to the Hall of Stars and encounter the Swindle Twins as
Examples of potential alternative challenges include using described in the “Swindle Twin Showdown” section.
a Dexterity-based check to attempt to break the clockwork If this room was not rolled as part of the three initial
driving the ram’s head, or using an Intelligence-based rooms, this room does not count towards the “Swindle
check to try and manipulate the steam power of the ram’s Twin Showdown”.
head. Successful attempts at these alternative checks count
toward the Strength Checks above.

186 Stargazer’s Guide to Aroria

notable figures
Marcus Torral
Entering into this chamber, the doors shut softly behind you
Dressed in Niveaux Maximum uniform, this half-elf man
as the soft sounds of a running spring and chirping birdsong
sleeps soundly on the ground. As you approach you can hear
fill the air. The room before you has changed into a vista
him snoring and appears to be caught in a deep slumber.
of gentle hills and broken stone pillars covered in vines of
vibrant flowers. Stone doors leading out of the chamber stand
at the far end of the room, a massive symbol of Wisterius,
embedded into a stained glass window hanging above it. In If the characters inspect the chamber they discover Lea
the distance you can see the slowly setting sun, reflecting Treybor’s assistant, Marcus Torral sleeping nearby the
pool of water, having succumbed to the magical sleep
through the colorful glass, casting the chamber in a soft pink
of the chamber. When encountered Marcus has been
hue. A small creek flowing into a pool is located in the center sleeping for four hours and will remain asleep for two
of the room with various deer and other small creatures more hours. If the characters decide to wake him up,
drinking from it. A sense of peace and relaxation surrounds he will thank them for rescuing him and tell them the
you, as you find a powerful feeling of calm settling on the following information:
á He entered the chamber earlier that day and
What would you like to do? discovered that the Swindle Twins were behind the
á Following them into this chamber, he was suddenly
overcome by sleep. He doesn’t know how long he
If this room was not rolled as one of the three available has been asleep but was worried that he would
rooms at the start of the adventure, this room will eventually be found by Lea or Trid’illion himself.
become available after the characters complete their
first chamber. This is the chamber of Wisterius and á He will provide the players with a Potion of Healing
serves as a potential safe haven and resting place for (common) (Pg. 187 Basic Rules) for rescuing him.
the characters while they complete their adventure. á After talking with the party, Marcus will join the
players in leaving the room and flee from the exhibit.

Wisterius Time. Time moves differently in this chamber. Oversleeping

For every two hours that passes in this chamber, one hour
If the entire party falls under a magical sleep, read the
passes outside it.
following text:
Aura of Perfect Rest. Characters may take a short rest over
the course of 10 minutes. If the characters take a short rest, Each of you, one by one, collapse as the restful aura of the
they regain the maximum health when rolling their hit chamber overwhelms you. Eventually, you are shaken awake
by a man dressed in Niveaux Maximum uniform. You have
Aura of Resolve. Characters may take a long rest over the no idea how much time has passed but you have a sinking
course of 1 hour. If the characters take a long rest, they gain feeling that your quest is in jeopardy.
all the benefits of a long rest, and have immunity to the first
level exhaustion they would receive. Effect can only trigger
once every 24 hours. If every member of the party falls asleep, they will
be woken up by Marcus. Increase the DC of all other
The Long Sleep. When characters take a short or long challenges throughout this adventure by 2 as the party
rest while in this chamber, they must make a DC 10 must now rush to complete their job.
Constitution saving throw. For every visit to the chamber
after the first this DC doubles. On a failed or successful ESCAPING THE CHAMBER
save, the character gains benefits of either Aura of Perfect
Rest or Aura of Resolve. If, however, the character fails the If the characters escape from the chamber they are
save by five or more, they are knocked unconscious and returned to the Zodiac Hall and encounter the Swindle
fall into a magical sleep for 2d10 hours. Characters that are Twins as described in the “Swindle Twin Showdown”
in a magical sleep can only be awakened by someone else section. If this room was not rolled as part of the three
or until the duration of the sleep ends. initial rooms, this room does not count towards the
“Swindle Twin Showdown”.

Characters that make a successful DC 14 Intelligence
SUNBASK (Investigation) check can determine that there are
very subtle differences between the sunbask runes on
the handle and the button. Characters that notice this
Entering this chamber, the doors slam close behind you. difference can make a contested Insight or Arcana check
The chamber is dark, though you can sense a vast emptiness against the Swindle Twins. If successful the character
beyond the darkness that seems to call to you. Soft sounds can determine which option is the safe option. Only
of chittering, as if from gnashing teeth, whisper in the one character can do this per encounter in this chamber
surrounding darkness. The only thing illuminated in this and the Swindle Twins roll with a +4 bonus to their
room are two simple, wooden doors that stand before you. As Deception check.
you inspect them, you hear the voices of the Swindle Twins
The Handle. If a character choses this option, the
echoing throughout the chamber, “Eeny, meeny, what a
handle will begin to swing around, revealing a massive
show, make a choice and on you go! Good or bad, let’s wait warhammer flying towards the party. A moment later,
and see. No one knows what it will be!” the warhammer shrinks, becoming a regular sized, two-
handed weapon. Characters can keep this weapon and it
What would you like to do? is considered a magical warhammer.

The Button (Warped Sunbask Rune). If a character

pushes this button, the massive handle of the
The darkness surrounding the characters is a magical warhammer will spin around and all characters in the
darkness as if via the Darkness spell. Characters that room must make a DC 11 Dexterity Saving Throw or
attempt to move into the darkness are quickly lost in it take 1d8 bludgeoning damage.
and are under the blinded condition. Characters that
remain in the darkness can roll a d100. On a roll of 51- After resolving either option, the pool of light moves,
100, the characters discover the second series of choices revealing in the next option.
presented by the Swindle Twins. On a roll of 1-50,
the character suffers 2d6 piercing damage as invisible
creatures bite and scratch them and they are returned Two steel strongboxes sit alone in the center of the empty
to the pocket of light. Characters can attempt this roll floor, a pool of light illuminating them. Large padlocks are
again on their next turn. attached to both strongboxes with two gleaming silver keys
protruding from them. The locks and keys are covered in
ROOM FEATURES ornate runes. As you look at them, the chattering sounds of
teeth grow louder in the surrounding darkness and you can
Doors. The two doors are made of simple wood. The
hear the gleeful laughter of the Swindle Twins.
characters must choose between the two doors. The doors
and what is behind them are described below. Characters
that make a successful DC 14 Intelligence (Investigation)
check can determine that there are very subtle differences The darkness surrounding the characters is a magical
between the sunbask runes on both two doors. Characters darkness as if via the Darkness spell. Characters that
that notice this difference can make a contested Insight or attempt to move into the darkness are quickly lost in it
Arcana check against the Swindle Twins. If successful the and are under the blinded condition. Characters that
character can determine which option is the safe option. remain in the darkness can roll a d100. On a roll of
Only one character can do this per encounter in this 51-100, the characters discover the next stage of choices
chamber and the Swindle Twins roll with a +4 bonus to presented by the Swindle Twins. On a roll of 1-50,
their Deception check. the character suffers 2d6 piercing damage as invisible
creatures bite and scratch them and they are returned to
Left Door (Warped Sunbask Rune). Opening the left door, the pocket of light. Characters can attempt this roll again
all of the characters within 15 ft of the door are targeted by on their next turn.
the Color Spray (Pg. 222 Basic Rules) spell.
Characters that make a successful DC 14 Intelligence
Right Door. This door leads to the second part of the (Investigation) check can determine that there are
chamber. very subtle differences between the sunbask runes
on the handle and the button. Characters that notice
Once a door is opened and the effects occur, the door this difference can make a contested Insight or Arcana
vanishes and a new portion of the room is illuminated. check against the Swindle Twins. If successful the
character can determine which option is the safe
option. Only one character can do this per encounter
Entering into the next pool of light, you see the massive in this chamber and the Swindle Twins roll with a +4
handle of some weapon floating in the air. The handle bonus to their Deception check.
stretches out into the darkness, and you cannot see what
the handle is connected to. Wild runes cover the handle of
the weapon. There appears to be a clear space on the handle
for you to place your hand, surrounded by glowing runes.
Beside the floating handle is a small pedestal with a stone
button built into it. Again the Swindle Twins’ voices echo
through the dark, “Here’s the news for when you choose.
One is good, the other bad. You won’t be too sad!”

188 Stargazer’s Guide to Aroria


Left Chest. This chest contains a jack in the box which

springs up to startle the characters. The Jack-in-the-Box
is holding a Potion of Healing (Pg. 187 Basic Rules) in its
hands. If the characters deal over 20 damage to the Jack-in-
the-Box in one turn while it is holding the healing potion,
the healing potion is destroyed.

Right Chest (Warped Sunbask Rune). This chest is a

Mimic (Pg. 332, Basic Rules) in disguise. When opened,
the mimic will release a fleshy Jack-in-the-Box which
will laugh with a slimy, guttural call. The Mimic has an
initiative roll of 7 and will fight the party until killed.

Once the characters have resolved this room, the lights will
shift for a final time to the last stage of this chamber.

The light in the room shifts one more time, revealing the
entirety of the chamber. A large, glowing orb hangs high
above the chamber, hundreds of holes are bored into it
emitting the light into beautiful constellations across the
ceiling and floor. Two runic circles shine with arcane light
on the floor. Beyond them are massive stone doors that exit
the chamber. As you look, you watch a magical script run
across the stone doors and hear the Swindle Twins call,
“Only one way out you see, but which circle will it be?”
With those words, the arcane circles on the floor flare with
energy, one red and one blue.

Characters that make a successful DC 14 Intelligence

(Investigation) check can determine that there are very
subtle differences between the sunbask runes between the
two circles. Characters that notice this difference can make
a contested Insight or Arcana check against the Swindle
Twins. If successful the character can determine which
option is the safe option. Only one character can do this per
encounter in this chamber and the Swindle Twins roll with
a +4 bonus to their Deception check.

Red Teleportation Circle (Warped Sunbask Rune) - This

teleportation circle infused with a weaker version of a
glyph of warding. Any character within 15 ft. of the rune
when a creature steps on it must make a DC 14 Dexterity
saving throw or suffer 1d6 fire damage. On a successful
save, the character takes half the damage. Creatures on
the circle have disadvantage on the check. After the rune
triggers, the glyph of warding will trigger again in 4
rounds with an increased radius of 30 ft. The rune triggers
on an initiative count of 18.

Blue Teleportation Circle - This teleportation circle

functions as intended. Characters that stand on this circle
and activate the magical rune are teleported back to
the Hall of Stars. The rune recharges after 3 rounds and
requires an action to activate.


If the characters escape from the chamber they are

returned to the Zodiac Hall and encounter the Swindle
Twins as described in the “Swindle Twin Showdown”
section. If this room was not rolled as part of the three
initial rooms, this room does not count towards the
“Swindle Twin Showdown”.

AUROUS Entering the forest, you see the giant chandelier above slowly
dim and eventually go dark, the candles flickering out and
Entering this chamber, you are immediately assaulted by leaving great trails of smoke that seem to hang in the air like
a blazing chandelier, crafted to appear like the radiant sun. clouds. Night descends on the forest, making it difficult to
Taking a step, you notice that the brightly burning candles follow the Swindle Twin’s trail. Ahead of you, his head low
on the chandelier seem to dim slightly. The chamber stretches to the ground is Gnaz, who seems to be tracking, like some
out before you, appearing as a windy field of wildflowers sort of animal, the trail. “They went this way.” He points at
leading towards a dark forest. A solitary figure runs ahead of a narrow path through gnarled, prickly bushes.
you, their shouting reaching you, “Give it back! I need that!”
Just before they disappear into the forest, you can make out
the pale forms of the Swindle Twins laughing and waving The party should make skill challenges to assist Gnaz in
a glimmering object in their hands. The large doors of the tracking the Swindle Twins. The party must succeed in
chamber close behind you and you see the vast doors at the three checks before failing two to find the trail without
other end of the chamber, far in the distance. incident. If the party fails two checks before successfully
supporting Gnaz, the smoke coming from the chandelier
will begin to fill the chamber, causing each character to
Stop the Swindle Twins and escape this room.
succeed on a DC 10 Constitution saving throw or take one
level of exhaustion. After the characters complete this skill
The Flowering Field is filled with a variety of wildflowers challenge read the following encounter below.
commonly found in hot, dry climates. As the characters
move through the field, they can make a DC 14
Knowledge (Nature) check to notice that hidden among After 30 minutes, the trail comes to a small circular clearing.
the flowers are tufts of aconitum (wolf’s bane) hidden The call of an owl blares overhead and Gnaz stops tracking,
amid the flowers. They will also determine that these staring up at the sky. Following his gaze, you can see that
flowers have been artificially cultivated in this chamber. the chandelier, once representing the blazing sun, now
has the pale illumination of the moon surrounding it. The
When the party enters this room, they will quickly
discover that every step they take towards the dark candles burn with a pale blue flame and the “moonlight”
forest causes the chandelier to progressively dim. The pours through the trees. Suddenly, you begin to hear
characters can remain in the flowering field for as long snarling, and the gleeful laughter of the Swindle Twins
as necessary, but as they approach the forest, read the nearby, “Uh oh! Look out for your new best friend! Instead
following statement: of besty, he is looking rather beasty! Maybe he needs this!”
You see the gleaming amulet fly from the trees and get
With each step you take towards the forest, you can see the
caught on a branch above you. Turning, you see Gnaz
chandelier grow darker and darker.
doubled over, shaking violently. Fur bursts from his neck
and back and large rat ears have grown from his head. As
notable figures quick as the transformation started, his shaking stops and he
Gnaz the Wererat turns, snarling at you. Roll initiative!
After the party has situated themselves in the chamber,
they are quickly approached by the figure they saw
running earlier. His name is Gnaz and here is a wererat, THE DARK FOREST BEAST
though he will not reveal this to the party immediately. The circular clearing the party finds themselves has a
Gnaz is a fixture of the chamber, though he is not aware
of it. Any character that succeeds in a DC 10 Arcana check diameter of 20ft. The amulet is hanging on a tree branch
can determine that Gnaz is a magical construct that serves above the clearing. Characters can try to climb the
to showcase this chamber. tree and reach the amulet with two successful DC 14
Acrobatics checks. Characters can also try to break the
Gnaz is a young elf, with soft, mouselike features, long black branch holding the amulet or target the amulet itself. In
hair, and a pair of silver glasses. After approaching the party, both cases, the branch or amulet has an AC of 16 and will
Gnaz will ask for their help and explain the following: fall from the tree after taking 15 points of damage.

á Two twins snuck up on him while he was walking The party can decide to try and save Gnaz or fight and
through the field and stole his magical amulet. destroy him. The choice is theirs. Gnaz is a wererat (Pg.
327 Basic Rules) and has an initiative count of 11. As
á The amulet has abjuration magic connected to it and a magical construct, Gnaz cannot give lycanthropy to
helps protect Gnaz. characters he bites. He also cannot change from his hybrid
á The twins ran into the forest with the amulet and form. Gnaz will fight the characters until defeated. Once
Gnaz needs their help to enter the forest and get Gnaz is either saved or defeated the characters will be
back the amulet. able to escape through the chamber doors.
á Gnaz has never been in the forest and is scared. Some
terrible beast hides in the forest waiting for prey. ESCAPING THE CHAMBER
á If the party help Gnaz, he offers to give them If the characters escape from the chamber they are
something from his home after retrieving the amulet. returned to the Zodiac Hall and encounter the Swindle
Twins as described in the “Swindle Twin Showdown”
If the party rejects Gnaz’s offer, he will enter the forest section. If this room was not rolled as part of the three
before them anyway, complaining that the party is initial rooms, this room does not count towards the
uncaring and cruel. If the party joins Gnaz, he will lead “Swindle Twin Showdown”.
them into the forest to look for the twins.

190 Stargazer’s Guide to Aroria

First Part
PYRIUM After two rounds, on an initiative count of 0 read the
following description:
Entering this chamber, the doors shut softly behind you.
The sound of a crackling fire fills the air and you see a small
campfire burning nearby. Flickering feebly and dimming The fire crackles to life again, the reedy voice echoing into
slightly as you watch, the fire casts long shadows across the darkness, “One monster attacked Vaan and his friends
the surrounding campground. Every shadow appears to in the night, but it proved no match for them. Generals in
be humanoid, dancing wildly in tandem with the flames. the Siege of Agubonne, few were as skilled at combat as
As soon as you notice it, the dancing stops, and all of the Vaan or his allies. Our heroes laughed, and celebrated their
shadows turn to stare into the fire. The flames flicker again, luck, but as they did so, more of the shadows crept from the
and a strange, soft snarl begins in the surrounding darkness. night, hungry for their prey. ‘Forget the fire friends!’’ Vaan
Then the crackling of the fire becomes a voice, raspy and motioned his allies back into battle with the beasts, ‘We will
weak, “Listen to the tale of Vaan the Breaker and the brave smite them in no time.’Vaan and his friends leapt back into
adventurers whose hubris led them to be eaten in the night.” battle, but their fire grew dimmer and the darkness closed
With every word the fire dims a little more, and the snarl in.” Again every word the fire dims a little more, and as it
grows louder. The fire continues to speak, “Only those who dims, you can see two more of the umbral spiders scuttling
hear the end of this tale may leave this place and I may only towards you. Further in the darkness, the strange snarling
speak if I am fed.” Beyond the fire, just on the edge of the continues to grow louder, clearly closer now.
light you see a pile of chopped wood. Suddenly, the malicious
faces of the Swindle Twins appear as they flee, giggling, into
The fire will take 1 point of damage as described above.
the darkness, toppling the wood pile. Before you can give
Two more spiders join the fight with initiative counts of
chase, an umbral creature with glittering eyes, multiple legs, 7 & 15. If the party does not immediately engage with
and gleaming teeth charges from the darkness towards you. the spiders, they will use their turn to move towards the
fire and use an action to attempt to smother it.
Roll initiative!
Second Part
After four rounds, on an initiative count of 0, read the
A DANGEROUS STORY following description:
This party must survive three waves of enemies as the
fire tells its story. Additionally, the party must prevent
the fire from being extinguished or else their encounters The fire sputters, the croaking voice continuing the story,
will grow much more difficult. The entire encounter will “Emboldened by their battle, Vaan’s friends ignored the
last seven rounds of combat, after which the party will shrinking fire and chased the beasts into the darkness. ‘Hey!
be able to escape the chamber. After two rounds, the fire Leave some for me!’ Vaan laughed as he caught his breath
tells another part of its story and more enemies will join before following his friends. In that moment, he heard
the combat. strangled cries, and the thunderous steps of something large
moving through the dark. ‘Vaan! Help!’ Vaan looked on in
á The campfire is magical and has 3 hit points,
horror as his friends, lost in the growing darkness screamed
indicating its current strength. Any creature that
touches the fire will take 4d6 radiant damage and and howled. ‘Run to my voice! Come to me!’ Vaan could see
deal 1 damage to the fire. If the fire hits 0 hit points it a shape crawling towards him, just as the fire fizzled away,
will extinguish. Every two rounds, the fire will speak, and all fell dark.” Again every word the fire dims a little
taking 1 point of damage to do so. If a character uses more, and as it dims, you can see two more of the umbral
an action to add a log to the fire, it will heal 1 hit point spiders scuttling towards you.
to a maximum of 4.
á The fire spreads light in a 30 ft radius. All darkness The fire will take 1 point of damage as described above.
beyond this is considered magical darkness and Three more spiders join the fight with initiative counts of
characters with darkvision cannot see through it. 4, 7, & 15. The spiders will use their first action to try to
á At the start of combat, two Giant Wolf Spiders (Pg. pin the characters and then drag them into the darkness.
137, Basic Rules) made of shadow appear. If the spiders are ignored by the characters, they will
move towards the fire to attempt to smother it.
á Every two rounds, at the initiative count of 0, the
campfire will use an action to tell more of the story.
Below are the statistics for the monsters, and a
description of how to run this encounter.

Final Part
After six rounds, on an initiative count of 0 read the Shadow Abomination
following description:
Huge Aberration, Unaligned
The fire sparks violently, the sound seeming to mimic a
Armor Class 16 Natural
laugh, before the grating voice continues the story, “As
Hit Points 33 (6d8+6)
darkness overtook him, Vaan watched his friends, the Speed 40ft.
generals of his army vanish one by one. Seconds passed
and the shouting stopped. A solemn silence surrounding STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
Vaan. ‘I am Vaan the Breaker,’ the lone warrior whispered 14 (+2) 16 (+3) 13 (+1) 3 (-4) 12 (+1) 4 (-3)
to himself, ‘I’ve seen great battles, and saw my foes flee
before me.’ The steady rhythm of a great beast’s steps echoed Skills Perception +3, Stealth +7
Senses Darkvision 60 ft., Passive Perception 13
through the dark. Vaan turned to the dead fire, and picked Languages None
up a few embers. ‘I will see the face of my foe,’ he whispered, Proficiency Bonus +2
clutching the remaining coals and throwing them into the Challenge 1 (200 XP)
air. The flickering coals reflected like stars on a million black
bulbous eyes, Vaan let out a terrible scream that faded as Actions
did the mighty general of the north.” As the fire finishes the Maw of Teeth. The Shadow Abomination bites a creature within
final line, a glowing doorway appears across the field and range. +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one creature. 6 (1d6 + 2) Piercing
through the darkness, cracking open slightly. Then you see damage, and the target must make a DC 11 Wisdom Saving
Throw or be Frightened and take 1d4 Psychic damage.
the terrible form of some massive creature moving towards
you from the darkness, hundreds of eyes glittering in the Break the Mind. The Shadow Abomination may target a creature
remaining light. that is frightened. That creature must make a successful DC 10
Wisdom saving throw taking 5 (1d8) psychic damage on a failed
save and half as much on a successful one.
The fire will take 1 point of damage as described above.
The doorway leading out of the chamber is 50 ft. away
from the campfire and will remain open until all of Special Abilities
the characters retreat from the room or are defeated. A Shadows Everywhere. Creatures that are affected by the
Shadow Abomination will join the fight, acting on an frightened condition while nearby the Shadow Abomination,
initiative count of 10. believe that the creature is everywhere around them. The
creature is considered to be in line of sight of the Shadow
Abomination even if they are blinded or looking away from it.
If the characters escape from the chamber they are returned
to the Zodiac Hall and encounter the Swindle Twins as
described in the “Swindle Twin Showdown” section.

192 Stargazer’s Guide to Aroria

the character may use any other attribute based skill
SOULSTICE but must succeed in a DC 13 check. Invite players to
explain how they are using a different skill.
Entering this chamber, you are assaulted by shouting voices,
wails of pain, and the clatter of equipment as you take in Directing Patients (Performance or Survival)
the sight of a bustling hospital. The sick and wounded
are everywhere, crowding the hallway you stand in and Almost bursting with patients, those in the hospital are lost,
overflowing from various rooms. Clerics, priests, and gathering in inconvenient hallways and blocking the medics
monks move chaotically through the crowd, trying in vain trying to move through the space. You catch glimpses of the
to respond to calls for help, and those who need immediate Swindle Twins directing people to crowd together. This is a
attention. Amid the crowd you see the Swindle Twins chance for you to help clear walkways and direct the traffic of
smirking at you before disappearing. “Hey! Don’t just stand the hospital.
there, help out where you can!” A young man in hospital
uniform shoves uniforms into your hands and points you
Characters attempting this check must succeed in a skill
towards a crowd, “You all look healthy enough so go bandage
check to direct the people standing around or gathering
people, carry something, or help direct those waiting. It will in crowds. This check is made in competition against
take all of us working together, not that McDavis is helping the Swindle Twins. The Swindle Twins roll this check
at all. Help us and finish the work so that you can go home! with a +3. Alternatively, the character may use any other
The faster you do it, the quicker you get to leave.” The medic attribute based skill but must succeed in a DC 14 check
moves away and people begin to approach you asking for and not compete with the Swindle Twins. Invite players
help. What do you do? to explain how they are using a different skill.

Contacting Missing Staff (Arcana or Intimidation)

The party has been transported to a simulated hospital

where the staff are extremely overtaxed and they must A relay station filled with arcane quills and parchment is
help them aid all those in need before leaving. This staffed by one clerk. He is desperately trying to manage
encounter functions as a skill challenge and the party multiple ongoing messages which he explains are requests
must succeed in six primary checks before failing four. being sent to other hospitals nearby in an attempt to discover
Characters can make these checks using any skill but where the hospital’s missing staff went. He hands you a quill
there is a recommended skill provided for each section. and tells you to start writing to staff who did not show up to
With each failure, additional complications will occur in work today.
the hospital. If the party is successful in this challenge,
they can open the door and continue chasing the
Swindle Twins. If they fail the challenge read the “Night Characters attempting this check must succeed in a DC 11
Shift” section below. The following are recommended skill check to write compelling requests to the missing staff.
actions for the party, but additional help could be Alternatively, the character may use any other attribute
provided with different skills checks at your discretion. based skill but must succeed in a DC 13 check. Invite
players to explain how they are using a different skill.
Missing Supplies (Perception or Investigation)
Helping Heal (Medicine or Nature)
Moving through the hospital, you keep hearing rumors that
much needed supplies have gone missing and a pair of twins Among all of the tasks that need to be done, the most needed
were last seen carrying it. Calls for the supplies continue is more pairs of healer’s hands. Stepping into the role you
to grow and you feel an urgency to track down some of the begin to bind wounds, stitch cuts, or administer remedies.
missing supplies.

Characters attempting this check must succeed in a DC 11

Characters attempting this check must succeed in a DC skill check to write compelling requests to the missing staff.
11 skill check to locate some of the missing supplies. Alternatively, the character may use any other attribute
Alternatively, the character may use any other attribute based skill but must succeed in a DC 13 check. Invite
based skill but must succeed in a DC 13 check. Invite players to explain how they are using a different skill.
players to explain how they are using a different skill.
Overbearing Family Members
(Persuasion or Deception) With each failure, additional complications will
occur in the hospital. If the party is successful in this
challenge, they can open the door and continue chasing
As you try to complete various tasks in the hospital you are the Swindle Twins.
suddenly stopped by angry family members demanding to
hear about their relatives. They refuse to let you pass until
you talk with them. How will you handle interacting with
this family?

Characters attempting this check must succeed in a DC

11 skill check to talk with the family. Alternatively,


You hear shouting and the clamor of a crowd as more A clock begins to toll throughout the hospital and you
patients surge into the hospital. The already stressful realize that you could not finish everything in time. The
environment shifts into utter chaos and you can hear medic from earlier comes up to you, clearly sharing in
the sounds of the Swindle Twins directing more people your exhaustion. “We need you to stay for a while longer.
towards you. Unfortunately the doors,” he points to the doors at the
far end of the hospital which you realize are the exit to the
The party has disadvantage on all skill checks until one chamber, “won’t open until later. Welcome to the night
of the members succeeds in completing the “Directing shift.” He strides away, going back to his work and you
Patients” skill challenge. If a character successfully return to dealing with the various problems of the hospital
completes this skill it counts towards the total number of for a while longer, growing more and more tired.
successful skills needed to escape the chamber.

notable figures If the party fails four skill checks before completing six
checks, they are assigned to the night shift of the hospital
and must make a DC 11 Constitution Saving Throw or
Amid the chaos, you see one doctor clearly not helping. suffer one level of exhaustion.
Instead, he is flirting and talking with many of the staff
throughout the building. He is a tall elf with a salt and ESCAPING THE CHAMBER
pepper beard, piercing blue eyes, and a chiseled chin.
He has his hair tousled and messy, and wears a pristine
white doctors’ coat with the name badge, “McDavis Finishing the long day of tasks, you find yourselves
MD.” written on it but the “M” and “D” in his name resting in a side room of the hospital. The medic from
are underlined by golden stitching. As you pass by before approaches you and smiles, “Great work out there
performing your own work, McDavis winks at you and today. Go home and rest.” You see the stone doorways
drinks from a coffee mug before distracting another healer leading out the chamber now stand nearby. They are
working nearby. As you look you feel compelled to talk to slightly open, soft light emanating from them.
him, as if there is a charm emanating from him.

If the characters escape from the chamber they are returned

Doctor McDavis to the Zodiac Hall and encounter the Swindle Twins as
Doctor McDavis is a terrible distraction in the hospital described in the “Swindle Twin Showdown” section. If
and characters must make a DC 11 Wisdom Saving Throw this room was not rolled as part of the three initial rooms,
or be charmed by his presence. Any action taken by the this room does not count towards the “Swindle Twin
character while charmed by Doctor McDavis is done with Showdown”.
disadvantage. At the end of each round they can attempt
to break free of this charm. Characters that succeed the
Wisdom Saving Throw are immune to this effect for the
next 24 hours.


Coughing turns to wheezing, then to even worse

reactions and you watch in horror as you believe that
whatever this patient has is a disease you’ve not yet
heard of in this world. Then, suddenly, you begin to
cough and a shiver of fear runs through you as you begin
to feel the disease’s effects.

A new disease has appeared in the hospital and everyone

is starting to suffer the effects. Everyone must make a DC
11 Constitution Saving Throw or be Poisoned until the
end of the chamber.

194 Stargazer’s Guide to Aroria

Dali Wendels
RUSTIUM Wisterius, Half-Elf Male, Late 80s. He has short, straight
brown hair and brown eyes. He has a lisp and has been
Entering this chamber, the sounds of a lively party surround drinking.
you as the doors are closed softly. You see before you a
Secret: He heard that Branson Caldwell had met
large party is underway, with various guests and servants
with two identical twins the other day while walking
moving freely throughout the chamber. All of these guests through the market and they told him to visit Lady
are half your size, appearing more like the figurines from Briarthorn’s home.
various museum dioramas. You feel a tension throughout
the room. Every guest seems stressed, their movements stiff Cecilia Carwyse
and nervous. On the far side of the room, you can see the Fleurtide, Half-Orc, Mid 40s. They have a bald head, with
towering doors leading out of the chamber and between them, an intricate web of jewelry webbing across their face.
the vast dance floor where couples spin merrily to the music. They have a tall, powerful build and blue eyes.
“Announcing the ambassadors of New Reach.” A well-
Secret: Lady Briarthorn and Branson Caldwell were
dressed butler calls beside you. She then gestures for you to always close business partners, though some say that
step into the party, where many of the passing guests look at they’ve had romantic partnerships as well.
you with interest. High above you, the sigil of Rustium, the
Honest Seraph hangs on the banners. A handsomely clad orc Millicent McKinnon
steps up to one of you and shakes your hand, welcoming you Aurous, Human female, Early 20s. She has brown eyes
happily. As he walks away, you feel a slip of paper crumpled and black skin. She is lean and enjoys drinking her drinks
into your fingers. You can see a short message written on through loud sips.
the parchment beginning with the words, “I NEED YOUR
Secret: Dealing with Lady Briarthorn is almost
HELP, Lady Briarthorn will publicly meet with Branson impossible since you usually have to go through
Caldwell tonight. They are rivals and hate one another. You Branson first. They have some sort of trading
are ambassadors. You must help keep the peace else all in arrangement established, or at least they used to.
this hall will suffer Briarthorn’s wrath. Two twins have been
spreading false rumors, prepare yourselves for the meeting Wilhelm Westerbrook
30 minutes from now. Some of the guests may know the Pyrium, Teifling Male, Late 50s. Wilhelm has vibrant
truth of the matter. Help. Us. All.” red eyes, and a number of gold teeth. He often stutters
slightly while speaking.
What would you like to do? Secret: Branson Caldwell has never missed a shipment,
a trade meeting, or anything else pertaining to his or
Lady Briarthorn’s affairs.
In this encounter, the party has fallen into the middle of
Lumie Lafferty
an important party as the ambassadors to a distant city.
Duskworn, Human Male, Mid 30s. Lumie has a heavy
As soon as the characters arrive in the party, they will
accent and is often rude to those he speaks to.
have an opportunity to talk with the guests and mingle,
before overseeing a very tense and important meeting Secret: Branson Caldwell owes a fair bit of money that
between Lady Briarthorn, the owner of the estate, and he has yet to pay. Lumie is not the only one who has
a visiting dignitary named Branson Caldwell. The recently loaned him money.
characters will be called to smooth over the meeting or
face dire consequences. If you would like, you may set
a timer for 30 minutes and give the players a chance to TENSE MEETING
talk with each NPC and try to gather information before After the characters have settled into the party and spoken
the meeting. Otherwise, it is recommended that each with the guests, they are called to the center of the chamber
player character has a chance to interact with an NPC at to oversee the meeting between Lady Briarthorn and
least once. Branson Caldwell. In this encounter, Lady Briarthorn and
Branson Caldwell have short stat blocks below which
This encounter should be fairly freeform, with the indicate their current disposition towards one another and
characters able to participate in the party as they see bonuses the players can receive for mentioning certain
fit. Below is a list of five NPCs that the characters may details from their earlier investigation.
choose to interact with. If you have NPCs that you
would like to substitute for these below, feel free to do Over the course of the conversation, the players will
so. Each NPC has a secret that the characters can learn to influence these dispositions for better or worse. Each
help them prepare for the exchange. round one or two characters may make a Charisma-based
skill check to try and change the dispositions of Lady
notable figures Briarthorn or Branson Caldwell, rolling against the Social
Ella Rafferty DC in the NPC’s stat block below. If the character succeeds
Rimewomb, Human Female, Early Thirties. She has black two checks the NPC will move one disposition level from
hair with an undercut, green eyes, and dark black skin. Hostile to Indifferent or Indifferent to Positive. After five
She is amiable to those she meets. rounds, consult the consequences chart below to determine
what happens.
Secret: She heard that the two individuals who met
with Lady Briarthorn were identical twins and were
members of Thrice.

á Positive Statements
backstory to the conflict If the characters mention anything about Branson’s
devotion to his work or the Swindle Twins, they
Lady Briarthorn and Branson were once close business
receive advantage on their roll.
partners and friends. However, recently, Lady
Briarthorn heard rumors, spread by the Swindle Twins, á Negative Statements
that Branson Caldwell had seen her conducting illegal If the characters mention anything about Branson’s
trade deals with thieves from Thrice in the comfort debts or the thieves from Thrice, they receive
of her home and was telling everyone. Meanwhile, disadvantage on their roll.
Branson Caldwell had heard that Lady Briarthorn was
selling exclusive trade deals that he currently owned. CONSEQUENCES OF THE CONVERSATION
The Swindle Twins told him that Lady Briarthorn was
backing out of their deal and had called him a cheat and Both Hostile. Lady Briarthorn curses them for their failure
liar. Both now would like an apology from one another, as ambassadors and the characters have disadvantage
and neither is willing to admit that they may have on all Charisma-based skill checks 1d4+1 days. Branson
misunderstood the situation. Caldwell curses the players for their failure and casts a
spell on them. For 1d4+1 days, the next 10 coins that the
LADY BRIARTHORN characters touch is reduced to one denomination smaller.
á Disposition One Hostile. The party receives one detriment from below
Hostile based on which NPC has a positive disposition.
á Social DC 14
Both Indifferent. The conversation is postponed to a later
á Goal date and the characters are released from the chamber with
To Gain a Public Apology from Branson no effect.
á Positive Statements
If the characters mention anything about Lady One Positive. The party receives one benefit from below
Briarthorn and Branson’s friendship, or the Swindle based on which NPC has a positive disposition.
Twins, they receive advantage on their roll.
Both Positive. Lady Briarthorn blesses them for their work
á Negative Statements as ambassadors and the characters have advantage on
If the characters mention anything about business all Charisma-based skill checks for 1d4+1 days. Branson
deals or connections to Thrice, they receive Caldwell blesses the character for their work and rewards
disadvantage on their roll. the players with 5 platinum pieces.


á Disposition If the characters escape from the chamber they are
Hostile returned to the Zodiac Hall and encounter the Swindle
Twins as described in the “Swindle Twin Showdown”
á Social DC 14 section. If this room was not rolled as part of the three
á Goal initial rooms, this room does not count towards the
Be Paid 1,000 Gold Pieces for Damages to Character “Swindle Twin Showdown”.

196 Stargazer’s Guide to Aroria

The chamber is 25 ft. in diameter.
Entering this chamber, the doors shut quietly behind you
Lighting. The chamber is dimly lit and is considered
and you stand in a single pool of light. Weapons racks slide
towards you from the surrounding darkness, the gleaming
armaments clattering softly. You hear the crack of arcane Walls. he chamber walls are covered in spikes,
energy and then a voice begins talking, “If you are currently characters that touch the spikes take 4 (1d6) piercing
unarmed, please select up to two weapons from our stock. damage.
You will need them for what is ahead.” Lights flare around
the room revealing a door carved into the floor and a cage Clockwork Fist. The clockwork fist is 50 ft. in the air and
containing a large mechanical automaton. Above you, is a has 100 HP and an AC of 20.
large crimson hand. Its metallic fingers are splayed out.
The voice speaks again, “Prepare to fight! Be aware that you If the characters escape from the chamber they are
are each marked by Duskworn which means…” the arcane returned to the Zodiac Hall and encounter the Swindle
static picks up again, then you hear the chiming laughter of Twins as described in the “Swindle Twin Showdown”
the Swindle Twins, “Uh oh! You’ve been marked! The only section. If this room was not rolled as part of the three
way out is to fight but remember… what goes around comes initial rooms, this room does not count towards the
around! Will one of you bear the burden or will all of you? “Swindle Twin Showdown”.
Hahaha!” At that moment, you hear the cage door open.

Roll initiative!

When the party enters the chamber, one member of the

party acquires the following feature:


This mark appears as a dark, red fist on the back of your

hand. Out of the corner of your eye, you believe that the
hand seems to move slightly.

While bearing this mark, the character suffers the Mark of

Vengeance. As a bonus action, you may transfer the mark
to another willing creature that you touch. On an initiative
count of 20, one of the five fingers of the metallic hand will
close, slowly forming a fist. After five rounds, all fingers
will close and the fist will cast the spell, Vengeful Wrath.
Characters can make a DC 9 Intelligence (Religion) check to
determine that the zodiac sign of Duskworn is known for
dealing out justice or vengeance. (GMs are encouraged to
read the following effect aloud to the party).

Vengeful Wrath
Range 30ft. Somatic Components
A creature bearing the Mark of Vengeance must make a DC 13
Charisma Saving throw or suffer force damage equal to the
maximum hit points of a creature that has been killed within
500 ft.. On a successful check, the creature takes half as much
damage, rounded up.


The party must battle a powerful enemy: a clockwork
monstrosity, which uses the statistics of a Shield Guardian
(Pg 345, Basic Rules). to escape the chamber. The clockwork
creature has 79 hit points and will fight until defeated. If
the party is defeated they will be thrown from the chamber
and heal a quarter of their health. After the clockwork
automaton is defeated, the chamber door in the floor will
open and the players can jump down and appear in the
Hall of Stars exhibit.
Rotting Stumps
LAMENTIUM Rotting Stumps. The rotting stumps scattered around the
bog hide the key that can open the stone door. Characters
Entering this chamber, you see a blue line of arcane can use an action to tip a stump over, revealing a small
energy stretching before you towards the far end of the pocket underneath.
chamber where it passes behind the chamber exitway. Four
intersections span the line, each with a different glyph á Stump 1
beside it. Sneering at you beside the far door, you can see the Nothing is under this stump.
Swindle Twins pointing at you and laughing maliciously. á Stump 2
Then the first arcane intersection flares to life, and the A healing potion is underneath.
chamber shifts, becoming a serene forest. á Stump 3
A Giant Centipede (Pg. 131, Basic Rules) scuttles out
The buzzing of insects fills the air, and you can see a series and attacks the character with a +4 to its attack.
of rotten stumps scattered around you, rising from the
á Stump 4
ground. Further from you, roughly 50 ft., you can see a stone A key is underneath.
doorway marked with arcane runes and bearing a simple
lock that requires a key. As you take a step, you realize that á Stump 5
the ground has become a fetid bog that threatens to pull Nothing is under this stump.
you downward. Steeling yourself, you see that one stump á Stump 6
has been overturned, a small piece of parchment stuck to its A scribbled map is underneath.
underside, a skeletal hand protrudes from the marsh beside it.
Your ft. sink a little more into the bog with each second.
A large stone doorway stands on the edge of the bog. The
What do you do? door is locked and can be opened with the hidden key or
with a successful DC 20 Sleight of Hand check. It takes an
action to attempt to open the door. Characters that open the
door may leave the bog and enter into the “Path of Fire”.
"Into the Muck"
In this encounter, the characters find themselves sinking
into the bog and must find a way to open the stone The bog claims any who wait too long and pull
doorway and escape the marsh. The characters will have everything down into the damp dark below. Characters
to use their cunning to move through the bog before it that fail their third skill check to avoid being devoured by
consumes them and possibly discover a key hidden among the bog teleport to the next part of the chamber and are
the stumps. poisoned for the next hour.
Terrain. The muddy ground is considered difficult PATH OF FIRE
terrain and requires double movement to traverse. On
the edge of the marsh are a ring of fetid gnarled trees
with long vines that reach 15ft. Stepping out of the bog, the air turns acrid and reeks of
sulfur. The arcane line stretches out before you again,
Light. Daylight pours into the marsh, and creatures can leading towards the large chamber doors in the distance.
see clearly everywhere. The second arcane intersection flares to life, the stone
floor cracking and breaking. You watch as five rows of
Sound. The buzzing insects are loud and annoying but
symbols stretch across the ground in a grid pattern. The
otherwise not a problem.
symbols appear to be different images of stags. Beyond the
Smell. There is a powerful smell of rotting vegetation grid, you see another, smaller doorway like the one before,
throughout the area. closing as a glowing blue hand of the Swindle Twins
disappears behind it. A symbol of a stag is carved at the
The bog slowly pulls everything into it. At the start of top of the stone doorway.
a character’s turn, they must make a DC 11 Athletics or
Acrobatics check to avoid being restrained by the bog.
If the character is wearing medium or heavy armor, Characters must traverse the puzzle without falling into
they make this check with disadvantage. Characters can the dangers below. This puzzle can be completed by trial
use their action to give an adjacent character advantage and error and is not meant to take too long.
on their check.
Stag Symbols. The symbols show a stag in various
Characters can repeat this check at the start of their emotional states. If characters inspect the stags closely,
next turn and if successful free themselves for the they will notice that one of them is entirely unique. Any
round. If the character fails the check again, they are character that stands on this symbol will open the door
considered paralyzed. If the character fails the check to the next room.
three times in a row, they are sucked into the bog, see
“Into the Muck” below.

198 Stargazer’s Guide to Aroria

Fiery Path. In order to approach the stone doors, the The Clock machine requires two people to use an action
characters must step across the symbols carved in the to operate it. In doing so the characters can move the
floor. There is a specific pathway that the characters can dial to any sign they would like on the machine. If the
travel along the path. If a character steps on a panel not characters successfully rotate the dial to the correct
on the path, they must make a DC 11 Dexterity Saving zodiac sign, they reveal the doorway and can escape the
Throw or fall into a searing steam filled vault below. chamber. If the characters move the dial to the Duskworn
Characters that fall into the chamber are teleported to symbol, the secret door will be revealed.
the “Endless Sea” and suffer two levels of exhaustion for
the next hour. If a player asks, they can use an action to make a DC 10
perception check and inspect the stars in the sky. If the
Stone Door. A large stone doorway stands at the other character succeeds they can see that the candle-like stars
end of the puzzle. The door is locked and can be opened are aligned in the shape of the zodiac sign - Duskworn. If
with the hidden pressure plate in the puzzle or with a they fail the check, they discover this information at the
successful DC 20 Sleight of Hand check. It takes an action start of their next round
to attempt to open the door. Characters that open the door
may leave the path and enter into the “Endless Sea”.

This is one solution to this puzzle and you are
Stepping through the small stone doorway a final time,
invited to adjust this puzzle to create alternative
the sounds of creaking wood and the flutter of sails fill the solutions or clues for the players to use. Feel
air. You stand on the deck of a ship in the middle of an free to also adjust the Duskworn symbol to any
endless sea. The chandelier high above you gives off the pale symbol that supports your narrative.
illumination of the moon. The candles burn with a pale blue
flame and more candles, floating high above you appear
as stars in the sky. Positioned in the center of the ship is
a large clockwork machine that bears many symbols of
different constellations, the dial currently twisted to one of
the symbols. As you take in the scene, the sound of cracking "Shipwreck"
wood fills the air and you feel the ship buckle slightly. Then If the characters fail to prevent the ship from sinking they
the faint laughter of the Swindle Twins echoes through the are pulled under the water by the vacuum of the sinking
chamber. There is no clear way out of the room, and you ship. Any character that attempts to swim discovers that
realize that the ship has begun to sink! the water magically pulls them downward. The characters
begin to sink and then are teleported magically to the
Roll Initiative! Zodiac Hall and suffer two levels of exhaustion.


Characters must solve the constellation puzzle in order If the characters escape from the chamber they are
to reveal the hidden doorway leading out of the chamber returned to the Zodiac Hall and encounter the Swindle
before the ship sinks beneath the waves. This puzzle Twins as described in the “Swindle Twin Showdown”
may go very quickly which is welcomed. If the players section. If this room was not rolled as part of the three
successfully solve this puzzle, they will return to the initial rooms, this room does not count towards the
Zodiac Hall. “Swindle Twin Showdown”.
Sinking Ship. The ship is steadily sinking into the sea. If
the ship has 10 or more holes at the start of the round the
ship will sink, see the “Shipwreck” section.

At the start of this encounter, the ship has four holes in

its hull. On an initiative count of 20, the ship will gain
three more holes. Characters can use a move action to
move between the upper and lower decks. While in
the lower deck, characters can use an action to patch
one hole in the bottom of the ship. While in the upper
deck, characters can assist one another and operate the
Clockwork Machine.


This strange contraption appears like the mural in the Zodiac

Hall. Various zodiac symbols adorn its face and a central
dial can rotate between them like a clock. The machine is
large and complex, filled with various levers, switches, and
clockwork devices. As you inspect the machine, you can see
that the dial is set to the sign of Lamentium. A phrase is
carved into the dial, wrapping around its edge, “There is
always a guide for those who are lost.”
Primary Skills
WAKING Athletics.
Entering this chamber you are hit by a blast of heat. The
sounds of hammers smashing against metal and the rattle of In the smoke and heat you see a larger than normal
chains echo throughout the room. Lit by a dim, red haze, you smithing hammer. You know that this tool needs to be
see a colossal anvil in the center of the chamber, a half-forged used in forging this key but will you or your friends have
key laying in a rune covered mold and a variety of forging the strength to lift it?
equipment. A large bellows stands nearby, a contraption
built into the top that appears to hold molten steel. On the
Characters using this skill must succeed in a DC 11
opposite side of the room to this, you see chains attached to a Athletics check to lift a large smithing hammer to help
large vat of molten steel that you think you could move using mold the key. If the character fails the check by five or
the chains. Finally, you see a large runic smithing hammer more, they take 1d6 fire damage and cannot take any
leaning beside the anvil. Stone dwarven faces surround you other actions this turn.
with molten lava flowing from their open mouths. As you
take in the scene, you can hear the laughter of the Swindle Acrobatics.
Twins nearby. Looking, you spot the twins peering from a
comically large keyhole in the center of a large metal door. A web of chains weave throughout the rooms, all leading
The twins call, “Work, work, work! That’s what they say. back to a massive metal vat that you can see brimming
We don’t like it. We want to play!” You hear a loud click and with molten steel from the burning furnace. Someone
see one of the dwarven mouths open wider, lava beginning to skilled and dexterous will need to use the chains to
flow out a spill across the floor. You will need to work fast. position the vat above the mold and successfully pour the
molten metal without spilling it everywhere.
What do you do?

Characters using this skill must succeed in a DC 11

Acrobatics check to manipulate the chains and pour
In this encounter, the characters will need to work together molten steel into the mold in the center of the room.
to finish building the large key in the center of the room. If the character fails the check by five or more, they
This encounter functions as a skill challenge and the party immediately start “The Floor is Lava” complication if
must succeed in six primary checks before failing four. it hasn’t started already and must wait until the next
Characters can succeed or fail secondary skill checks with round to try again.
no penalty to the final total. With each failure, the Swindle
Twins will add more challenges to the encounter which are Constitution.
rolled on the table below. If the party is successful in this
challenge, they can open the door and continue chasing
the Swindle Twins. If they fail the challenge read the “No A towering bellows is connected to the forge. Someone
Escape” section below. hardy and capable of exerting great effort for long periods
of time will need to work this device.
The party must use their skills and knowledge to finish Characters using this skill must succeed in a DC 11
crafting the large key. There is a variety of forging Constitution check to work the mighty bellows in the
equipment available for the characters to use. Below is room. If the character succeeds the check by five or
a list of key skills that the party can use to craft this key more, the next character to make an athletics check does
and description to be read aloud to the characters. These so with advantage.
are not the only skills that the characters can use and it is
recommended that the GM allow the party to get creative Secondary Skills
with their skill checks. The skills below should serve
as a reference to other actions the party may take. It is Any Intelligence Skill.
recommended that the DCs for skills outside those below
are decreased or increased by a maximum of 2. Anyone in the party can use a knowledge skill to help
them and their party with this task. Invite the character
to explain how their knowledge assists in the creation of
Spreading Flames this key while making the roll. If the character succeeds
in a DC 11 Knowledge check, they provide advantage to
Lava continues to pour from the dwarven mouths, pooling one other characters in the room. This skill can be used
once per round.
on the floor and beginning to cover portions of the room.

At the end of each round, lava spreads from a dwarven

head. Roll 1d4 and cover that many squares with lava.
These spaces become dangerous terrain. Characters that
attempt to wade through the lava or fall in immediately
take 2d8 fire damage. If the character is knocked
unconscious, the chamber will teleport them away and
place them back in the Hall of Stars.

200 Stargazer’s Guide to Aroria

Secondary Skills Continued one level of exhaustion until the end of the encounter.
Perception. Characters with fire resistance (dragonborn for example),
do not need to make this check.

Making sure that everything falls into place, and LOOK OUT BELOW!
overseeing the work of many people is challenging. As you
scan the room, you see valuable equipment that can speed Some of the chains begin to rattle and not by your hand.
up the work. You see as the swindle twins are shooting small balls
of magic towards the chains, causing hanging suits of
This skill may be used once during the encounter armor, swords, and other objects to fall around you.
and requires a successful DC 15 perception check to
complete. If successful, the character may provide a +5
bonus to either the Athletics, Acrobatics, or Constitution The Swindle Twins are causing objects to fall around the
check. If the character fails, they can attempt this skill characters. Each character must make a DC 8 Dexterity
again the next round. saving throw. On a success, they avoid the falling
debris, on a failure, they are knocked prone and take 1d4
Persuasion or Performance. bludgeoning damage.

Don't Worry! I'm Helping!

Your voice and sense of command help bolster your allies
and keep order in the room. Through each step, you help
As you work on the key, you see your companion place a
coordinate everyone effectively.
valuable tool nearby you before going to find more things.
Seconds later, the same companion appears, taking the
Anyone in the party can use the persuasion or performance tool and throwing it away. In disbelief you see your friend
skill to help them and their party with this task. Invite the morph into a Swindle Twin, who sneers at you before
character to explain how their action assists in the creation vanishing in a cloud of steam back into the keyhole. No
of this key while making the roll. If the character succeeds doubt they keep trying to ruin your plans unless you
in a DC 13 persuasion or performance check, they provide coordinate with your team.
advantage to two other characters in the room. This skill
can be used once per round.
The party has disadvantage on all primary skills until one
complications of the members succeeds in a secondary skill.
With each failure, additional complications will No Escape
occur in the hospital. If the party is successful in this
challenge, they can open the door and continue chasing
the Swindle Twins. Dread falls on you as you realize that you and your
companions are not escaping this dire situation. As the
room steadily fills with lava you hope that what Lea
The Floor is Lava Treyber said was true and that you would be rescued by
As molten metal and lava flood into the room from the surrounding
dwarven facade, you can hear the cackling of the Swindle Twins as
the chamber itself.
they clearly delight in your danger. Within seconds, you realize that
you will not be able to complete the key before the floor is covered
with searing magma. Fortunately, you all can jump onto smithing The characters have failed to escape the room in time
supplies or heat resistant surfaces as the floor is entirely covered. and each fall into the lava. They are all returned to
the Exhibit Chamber and take 2d8 fire damage if they
haven’t already.
The room is filled with lava across the floor. Characters
can jump between the various platforms in the chamber. ESCAPING THE CHAMBER
Each platform can support a medium and small creature
at the same time, if two medium sized creatures attempt to If the characters escape from the chamber they are
share a space, they must make a DC 15 Dexterity Saving returned to the Zodiac Hall and encounter the Swindle
Throw or fall from the platform. Characters that attempt Twins as described in the “Swindle Twin Showdown”
to wade through the lava or fall in immediately take 2d8 section. If this room was not rolled as part of the three
fire damage. If the character is knocked unconscious, the initial rooms, this room does not count towards the
chamber will teleport them away and place them back in “Swindle Twin Showdown”.
the Hall of Stars

Growing Heat
The heat is becoming unbearable and the work gets harder and
harder. If you don’t complete your task soon, you will likely succumb
to the heat. Through sweat stung eyes you can see the Swindle
Twins making faces at you through the keyhole.

As the heat increases, the characters must each make a DC

8 Constitution saving throw. On a successful check, they
resist the heat but on a failed check, the character takes

order to activate a switch it requires an action which
RIMEWOMB consists of priming and working the various other
features of the panel. Switches may not be deactivated
Entering this chamber, the doors shut quietly behind you once they are flipped.
and you stand in a single pool of light. You hear the crack
The character may also use a bonus action to try and
of arcane energy and then a gentle voice begins talking,
determine what the switches may do. Performing this
“Welcome to the Chamber of Rimewomb. Please select one action requires a successful DC 11 Intelligence check
of your party to enter into the observation booth. You will be and the character may use an intelligence based skill to
assisting your party from this location.” A light flares and aid in this check. Alternatively, the character may use
you see a small booth nearby filled with levers, switches, and any other attribute based skill but must succeed in a DC
clockwork features. The voice continues, “For everyone not 13 check. Invite players to explain how they are using
chosen, you will be fighting against a prototype creation. a different skill. Characters using this action may only
Thank you for your assistance in this test. Upon completion learn the effect of two switches each round and may
of the test, you will be released.” Lights flare around the repeat this action every round.
room revealing a small room made of differently designed
Each round, the voice will offer advice to the character
plates of metal. On the other side of the room are the in the booth for what switch to activate next. The arcane
towering doors leading out of the chamber. As you look, you voice has been tampered with by the Swindle Twins and
can see the Swindle Twins darting behind them. Between the is lying to the character. If the character in the booth
door and your team is a strange looking clockwork creature begins to rebel against the voice, it will try to convince
that begins to click as it stands, a large sword coming out them to do what it says, growing increasingly more
from its arm. distressed each round.

Who is going into the booth and everyone else roll initiative! Below are the switch and their effects:

Red Switch. As an action, you may activate this switch.

The prototype activates a second sword in its other arm
A DANGEROUS TEST and the prototype may now make two attacks each turn.
The party must deal with a new prototype automaton
while receiving the help from one of their members. This Orange Switch. As an action, you may activate this
combat will last approximately 5 rounds or until either the switch. Arcane armor appears around the characters
automaton or the party is defeated. After completing this fighting the prototype, granting a +1 to their AC for the
chamber, the party will be able to exit through the large duration of the fight.
doors on the far side of the room. The chamber is 30 ft.
Yellow Switch. As an action, you may activate this
in diameter and is made of iron. The booth is 5 ft. by 5 ft.
switch. The room fills with water. The prototype
square and also made of metal.
acquires a swim speed of 30 ft..

Prototype Tactics Green Switch. As an action, you may activate this

switch. An arcane turret appears within 5 ft. of one of
The statistics for the automaton are below. It will attack a your allies. As an action, the turret may be used to shoot
character with two attacks before moving to a new target. a lightning bolt that deals 3d8 lightning damage and
The automaton will try to remain mobile during this fight, requires a successful DC 15 Dexterity saving throw.
programmed to force the party to think outside the box in Creatures that succeed in the save take half damage.
order to assist with the test.
The prototype activates a crossbow feature and may use
The Booth a ranged attack as described in its statistics block.
As the combat begins read the following description:
Blue Switch. As an action, you may activate this switch.
The room fills with positive healing energy, all members
Stepping inside the booth, you see a complex panel of of the party heal 2d4+2 health. The automaton is
buttons, switches and levers and as you look you can see immune to this effect.
eight prominent switches at the top of the panel. Each has
Indigo Switch. As an action, you may activate this
a unique rune underneath it and are all painted a different
switch. Jets of fire shoot through the room, the characters
color. Below the panel you can see a series of strange, in the room must make a successful DC 10 dexterity
arcane cables and clockwork gears mixed together. As you saving throw taking 2d6 fire damage on a successful
hear your allies begin the fight with the prototype, the save or half as much on a failed save.
arcane voice crackles to life inside the box. “Thank you for
your cooperation. As you can see there are eight switches Violet Switch. A small automaton appears in the room
that you will control to aid your allies. As we begin this and begins to heal the prototype. Each round on an
test, you should begin priming the red switch as this will initiative count of 0 the small automaton heals the
offer a strong item for your allies to use when fighting the prototype for 1d4 health. The small automaton has AC 8
and 5 HP.
prototype. Please begin priming the switch now.”
White Switch. The doors at the far end of the chamber
open. If the prototype is still alive, it activates its flame
The character in the booth will act on an initiative spray ability.
count of 20. The booth contains eight switches that the
character can use to support or hinder their allies. In

202 Stargazer’s Guide to Aroria

If the characters escape from the chamber they are returned
to the Zodiac Hall and encounter the Swindle Twins as
described in the “Swindle Twin Showdown” section.

Medium Construct, Neutral
Shortsword. Prototype slashes a creature in range +4 to hit,
Armor Class 16 reach 5ft., 6 (1d6+2) Slashing damage.
Hit Points 22 (3d8+9)
Speed 25 ft. (Deactivated) Crossbow. Prototype shoots a creature in range.
+2 to hit, 30ft., 5 (1d8) Piercing damage.
15 (+2) 6 (-2) 16 (+3) 3 (-4) 6 (-2) 5 (-3) (Deactivated) Flame Spray. As an action, the Prototype may
release a blast of fire from itself in a 30ft. cone. All creatures
Damage Resistances Poison within this attack must make a Dexterity Saving Throw DC 10 or
Senses Darkvision 60ft., Passive Perception 10 take 7 (2d6) fire damage on a failed save and half as much on a
Condition Immunities Charmed, Exhaustion, Frightened, successful save..
Paralyzed, Petrified, Poisoned
Languages None Special Abilities
Challenge 1 (200 XP)
Prototype Resilience. If damage would reduce the Prototype to
Actions 0 hit points, it may make a Constitution saving throw with a DC
of 5 + the damage taken, unless the damage is lightning or from
(Deactivated) Multiattack. When activated, the Prototype may a critical hit. On a success, the Prototype drops to 1 hit point
make two attacks, as an action, with its Shortsword attack against instead. This effect can trigger three times.
the same target.

FROSTWANE Distorting Walls.
Entering this chamber, you stand in a solitary circle of light.
A moment passes before there is a click and the floor falls As you travel through the maze, vibrant colors twist and
away beneath you, dropping you into a slide. All of you swirl, becoming shapes, familiar landscapes, and faces.
tumble down the tube for a few minutes before splashing These scenes begin to shift, tearing themselves apart,
into a chamber filled with water. You struggle for a minute, dissolving into chaos and the faces of those you know
then two before being forced to take in a breath of air and are wracked with pain as they distort. At the center of
find that you can breath despite water around you. Before this chaos, you see your face, laughing and crying. A
you stretches a labyrinth composed of ethereal, multi-hued shiver runs down your spine as these images seem to be
walls of water, each with different colors inks swirling and indicating something that has not yet happened.
mixing within them. Above you can make out the shadows
of some large fish circling in the water. At the far end of the The distorting walls warp character memories into
labyrinth, you see the Swindle Twins making faces at you malefic visions that test the character’s resolve. Any
and swimming gleefully around before passing through the character that looks into or through the walls must make
large stone doors that lead out of the chamber. To give chase, a DC 11 Wisdom Saving Throw or suffer the effects of
you will need to travel through the labyrinth. the Bane spell for the remainder of the encounter.

Nothic's Gaze
What do you do?

Moving through the maze, a green mote of light drifts

A TEMPTING MAZE towards you. Right before you pass it by, it spins sharply,
The party must navigate through an illusory maze in revealing itself to be a glowing eye with a bright yellow
order to chase the Swindle Twins. As the characters move pupil. Its stare bores into you, seeming to peer into the
through the maze, they encounter illusory temptations core of your being. You have only a moment to resist as
and encounters that will draw out the secrets of their you feel long held secrets wanting to be spoken.
characters. Players must complete the four obstacles below
to pass successfully through the maze. There are possible
encounters below that you can use in this maze, though The Swindle Twins have invited a Nothic’s gaze to harass
you are invited to add any encounters or obstacles for your the party. When the Nothic’s eye targets a creature
party to deal with in addition to those offered here. within 15 ft. the target must make a DC 14 Charisma
Saving Throw. If the nothic’s eye wins, the Swindle
Twins magically learn one fact or secret about the target.
The character must speak this secret aloud. The target
automatically wins if it is immune to being charmed.

Obstacles Continued á Cry
Characters that focus on this version are struck with
Tempting Pool.
grief and have a -1 to their next Charisma based
skill check.
Before you is a whirlpool of vibrant colors that flickers á Laugh
and flares with magical energy. Even from this distance Characters that focus on this version are filled with joy
you can see that a series of images flash in the center of and gain a +1 to their next Charisma based skill check.
the whirlpool. As you look on, you see the Swindle Twins
captured with you victorious above them. Then the image
flickers again, flashing images of things that you desire. One the party has moved through the maze, they will each
You can feel yourself being drawn to these images and to encounter a doorway made of water that blocks their path
stare into them forever. As you look closer, you begin to from the chamber door. In order to pass through the doors
the characters must step through the doorway and leave
see visions of those you love calling for you to stay.
the dreamscape behind. When a character leaves through
the doorway, they may roll a d20. On a roll of 11-20, they
are healed 2d4+2 hit points. If the character describes
The characters are seeing possible options for their future, a dream that their character had that connects to their
shown in uncertain but enticing ways. Invite the player to experiences in the chamber, they may roll with advantage.
explain what they may see in this pool, offering options
including potential riches, characters from their past,
or a chance to capture the Swindle Twins. If a character ESCAPING THE CHAMBER
decides to go into the pool, the character is warped to the If the characters escape from the chamber they are
Zodiac Hall and acquires the following feature: returned to the Zodiac Hall and encounter the Swindle
Twins as described in the “Swindle Twin Showdown”
Uncertain Fate. There is uncertainty in your future, section. If this room was not rolled as part of the three
causing fate to distort strangely for you. Imbued with initial rooms, this room does not count towards the
Frostwane’s blessing, the future you seek is fickle and “Swindle Twin Showdown”.
fleeting or almost at hand. Once for the remainder of
this adventure, the GM may roll a d20 and replace
a roll that you’ve made. The GM must declare this
completing the adventure
prior to rolling the die but after you’ve rolled yours If the party successfully defeated the Swindle Twins,
as the power of Frostwane warps your destiny. the Twins repair the machine for the party through
magical means and leave the Hall of Starts without
Infinite Mirrors.
revealing any of their secrets. The party may then
exit the exhibit and meet with Curator Treybor, who
rewards them with 300 gold pieces, free rooms at the
You are faced with a strange liquid mirror as you round
Golden Pearl Inn, and free tickets to the grand opening.
this corner. In the mirror is a perfect reflection of yourself. She will then escort the party out of the museum and
As you look on, a similar mirror appears suddenly behind thank them for their services.
you, casting a perfect reflection behind you and stretching
into infinity as the two mirrors reflect off another. For a
Leaving the exhibit chamber, you see Curator Treybor
moment, you are entranced by the mirror as each version
waiting for you. She appears deep in thought as you
of you appears slightly different: a version wields a sword,
approach but a smile spreads across her face. “Glad
while another a staff, and yet another appears to cry and the
to see you made it out. I assume things have been put
one next to it laughs wildy. You feel an urge to focus on a
back together?” She begins to escort you away from the
version that appeals most to you.
exhibit as you recount the adventure. “I’ve been thinking
about why this happened? I think something or someone
The character has a chance to focus on a version of would’ve attracted the Swindle Twins and I am nervous.
themselves that they connect to most in the infinity We should talk about it later.”
mirror. Created by Frostwane, these mirrors bring a
small boon to those who encounter them. Below are four
options for what small boon a character may acquire
when completing this encounter. It is recommended that
you invite the player to make up their own version of
their character and use the boons below as a template.

á Sword
Characters that focus on this version are filled with
confidence in their martial abilities and gain a +1 to
their next attack roll.
á Staff
Characters that focus on this version are filled with
confidence in their magical abilities and gain a +1 to
their next spell attack roll

204 Stargazer’s Guide to Aroria

Magic Item appendix

the Bride's lace

Weapon (Handaxe), Uncommon (Requires Attunement)

This +1 handaxe was given as a wedding gift to the bride

of a rich lumbermill owner on their wedding day. The
blackblood metal of the axe head was crafted to match the lace of the
bride's dress. As a bonus action, you speak the command
word and transform the axe into a ghastly shade of itself.
Weapon (Glaive), Very Rare (Requires Attunement) For the next minute, when you hit with a melee attack
you may add an additional 3 (1d4) Necrotic damage to
This +2 glaive is made of hardened flesh and bone. A wild the hit. After you have used this feature, you may not do
eye moves randomly in the pommel and the crimson so again until you finish a long rest.
blade drips blood continuously from purple veins in the
steel. While attuned to Blackblood, you gain the following CURSE
abilities and are subject to the following effects: After landing a killing blow on a creature while The
Bride's Lace is active, roll 3 (1d4), and consult the
ENVY OF EVIL madness table below:
Blackblood does an additional 4 (1d6) Force damage on
hit. If attuned to by an Evil aligned creature, this damage
increases to 7 (2d6) force damage on hit. You are unaffected by, and do not attempt to
1 clean, any blood or gore that has splattered
BLOODTHIRSTY upon your person as a result of your violence
Your movement speed increases by 10 and you are not
affected by difficult terrain.
You cannot stop smiling or laughing for
STARVING 1d10 minutes
Blackblood thirsts for death. Each day you fail to slay
a creature, your maximum hit points are reduced by 4
You spend your entire next turn striking the
(1d4+1). You regain all of these hit points after you slay 3
corpse again.
a creature and you take a short or long rest. If your hit
points are reduced to zero in this manner, you die.
You must immediately take an additional
4 melee attack against any creature within 5ft.
of you. (Other than the slain target.)

chestpiece of verdant wisdom Eagle bone whistle
Armor (Light Armor), Rarity Varies Wondrous Item, Uncommon
(Requires Attunement by Druid or Ranger)
This whistle is made from the hollow bone of an eagle
This chest armor is made entirely of intertwined branches and has three fluted holes. When you take a short rest,
from the tree it is made from. Magically living leaves, you play the whistle and choose to forgo healing to
flowers, or fruits sprout from the chest piece from time yourself and grant healing to friendly creatures around
to time. While wearing this armor, your Wisdom score you. All creatures other than you within 30 ft. gain a
changes to the Wisdom score granted by the armor. The number of hit points equal to half the healing your dice
armor has no effect on you if your Wisdom score is equal would have rolled. After you have used this feature, it
to or greater than the armors score. cannot be used again until the next dawn.

Fir Wisdom Apple Wisdom

Rare, 19 Very Rare, 23

Oak Wisdom Willow Wisdom

Very Rare, 21 Legendary, 25 Fastus
Weapon (Firearm), Legendary (Requires Attunement)

Latin for 'Pride', Fastus is a +2 Pepperbox. When you

misfire with Fastus, make a strength saving throw, on a
fail you fall prone. While attuned to Fastus, you gain the
following features:


While Fastus is fully loaded, as an action, you empty the
chambers in a 30 ft. cone. All creatures within the cone
make a Dexterity Saving Throw (DC 16). Creatures take
33 (6d10) piercing damage on a failed save, and half
as much on a successful one. Using Fastus in this way
damages the weapon and it cannot be used again until
you spend 10 minutes repairing it.

When you use Fastus to make an intimidation check,
you gain advantage on the roll. If you roll a 6 or lower
on the die, you take the Spin the Chamber action against
the target.

206 Stargazer’s Guide to Aroria

Weapon (Greatsword), Legendary (Requires Attunement)

When attuned, use your bonus action to summon

the blade from the hilt. Blade adds a +3 to attack and
damage rolls and has the following features, which
depend on the alignment, which is subject to change.

If you are True Neutral or become True Neutral,

the blade does nothing. The blade telepathically
communicates with the attuned, has a True Neutral
alignment, can see/hear out to a range of 60 ft., and will
always play devil's advocate with its wielder.

Alignment Benefit Alignment Benefit

The blade appears green and deals an You gain advantage on all melee attack rolls
additional 3 (1d6) cold damage on hit. You against evil aligned creatures. When you
Lawful Good
Ctake 8 (2d8) Psychic damage when you drop to zero hit points, you automatically
make a Deception check. fail one death saving throw.

The blade appears blue and deals an

Once per day, you may choose to re-roll any
additional 4 (1d6) Force damage on hit.
ability check, attack roll, or saving throw,
When you deal the final blow to an enemy Neutral
Neutral after the roll but before a ruling is made.
with this weapon, make a DC 10 Wisdom
Your passive perception is reduced by 5.
Saving Throw. On a failure, you are stunned
until the start of your next turn.

As an action, all creatures you choose within

120ft of you make a contested Wisdom save
The blade appears red and deals an against your intimidation check. Creatures
Chaotic additional 4 (1d6) Fire damage on hit. You who fail are frightened of you for 1 minute.
are vulnerable to fire damage. They may re-roll this saving throw at the
Evil end of their next turn. Once a creature
has succeeded on this saving throw they
may not be affected by this feature for
24hrs. If you die while attuned to the blade,
your soul is forgeit and you cannot be
resurrected by any means outside of Wish.

kraken's bane Robes of rapid oxygenation
Weapon (Rapier), Rare (Requires Attunement) Armor (Cloth), Uncommon

This Rapier adds a +1 to damage and to hit. As a bonus An oxygenated breeze seeps through the fibers of this
action combined with an attack action, the range of the bright aquamarine robe. While wearing this robe, you
rapier extends to 30 ft. as a magical whip of water and strikes may call upon the power of the Elemental Plane of Air to
a target. On hit, the target takes an additional 10 (3d6) Force disperse non-magical gas and fog within 60 ft. of you as a
damage and makes a Strength Saving Throw DC 14, or is bonus action..
knocked prone. The player can use this feature a number of
times equal to their froficiency modifier per day.

As an Action, you may transform into a rabbit

1 for 1 hour. You retain your mental statistics
while in this form.

As a bonus action, you double your

movement speed for 1 minute.

When you fail a Saving Throw, you may use

your Reaction to add a +5 bonus to the result.

4 You cast the spell Bless at 3rd level.

Re-roll on the table and assign the new benefit

5 to a willing creature within 30 ft. of you. If no
such creature exists, you gain the benefit.

Shrine of the most blessed bunny 6

You gain advantage on Ability checks that
rely on sound until the next dawn.
Wondrous Item, Very Rare (Requires Attunement)
You gain a burrow speed equal to your
This small stone statue is warm to the touch with arcane walking speed.
energy. While attuned to this item, you roll 1d8 each day at
dawn on the table below and gain the corresponding benefit. You may replace any Ability check, Saving
If you fail to use this benefit before the following dawn, the 8 throw, or Attack roll you make with a
benefit is replaced with the new days roll. Natural 20.

208 Stargazer’s Guide to Aroria

sticky stones Stymphalian Arrows
Wondrous Item, Common Ammo, Rare

These stones are about two inches across and are coated These arrows (or bolts) add a + 1 to attack and damage
with a strange sticky rubber material. rolls. On hit, the creature makes a Constitution Save, DC
14. On fail, the creature is wounded and takes 4 (1d6)
One stone has the capacity to hold up to 100 lbs of weight. Piercing damage at the start of each of its turns. This effect
Creatures who use an Action to attach or objects that step, lasts for 1 minute or until the creature uses an action to
press, fall, or otherwise adhere to the stone are grappled stop the bleeding. Stacked wounds can be stopped with
and must make a DC 12 Athletics check to escape. This a single action. After an arrow has been fired it becomes
DC increases by 2 for each additional stone grappling the unusable.

10 Per Pack

sweet mesa farewell dust

Wondrous, Very Rare

Sweet Mesa wine leaves behind a dark lilace residue

when boiled away. This fine powder is delicately
gathered and held in a thick black leather pouch.

As an action, you may pull from the pouch and speak

the name of a creature you know who has passed from
life, you then blow the dust into the wind and call their
soul. If the soul is willing, they return as a tangible
spectral figure of their former self for 5 minutes. Souls
summoned in this way cannot be damaged, have a
movement speed of zero, and may only converse with
the creature who summoned them.

After a soul has been summoned in this way, they may

never be summoned in this way again and the remaining
dust becomes mundane.

Monster appendix

Verdant trees mark the edge of the
Summer Woods in the distance. There’s
a rumble in the earth, the breeze stops,
and the reeds themselves hold their
breath. A creature on the horizon is
barreling toward you, clawing and
ripping dirt into the air as it pounces
with every step. It’s roaring like a
hippo, head shaking in rage. You see
a four legged monstrosity covered in
skin made of bark and saplings. The
creatures' movements display unnatural
agility. A spiked tail bounces as it
gallops, claws the length of longswords
rip the soil, and the reeds turn from
gold to crimson in an instant. Its
reversed pyramid skull violently shakes
Abreous by as it stands on its hind legs roaring.
Leila DeMarchi

Huge Fey, Any Chaotic Alignment Special Abilities
Gorge. If the Arbreous moves at least 10 ft. before making its
Armor Class 16 Natural Horns attack, the Arbreous adds an additional 7 (1d12) to the
Hit Points 204 (17d12+102) attack roll.
Speed 50 ft.
Quick on its Feet. Opportunity attacks taken against the
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA Arbreous have disadvantage.
24 (+7) 18 (+4) 22 (+6) 5 (-3) 11 (+0) 13 (+1)
Natural Defense. When the Arbreous is hit with a melee attack,
it may use its reaction to release a cloud of poison spores. All
Saving Throws Dex +8, Wis +4, Con +10
creatures within 5ft must make a Constitution Saving Throw
Damage Resistances Bludgeoning, Piecing, Slashing from non-
DC17. On failure, the creature is incapacitated and cannot move
magical weapons.
until the start of its next turn.
Skills Athletics +11, Perception +4, Intimidation +11
Passive Perception 14
Condition Immunities Grappled, Restrained, Stunned, Poisoned, Legendary Actions
Blinded, Deafened The Arbreous has 3 legendary actions per round of combat, it can
Languages Understands Sylvan but can't speak it. use its Horns attack or choose from the following.
Challenge 13 (10,000 XP)
Pound. (2 Actions) The Arbreous makes a Spike Tail attack
Actions against a creature who is prone. On hit, the creature makes a DC
17 Strength Saving Throw. On a failure, the creature is stunned
Multiattack. The Arbreous makes three until the end of its next turn.
attacks, two with its Horns, and one with its Spike Tail.
Child of the Feywild (3 Actions). The Arbreous draws healing
Horns. The Arbreous slashes at a creature within range. +11 to from the Feywild to heal 2d12+7 hit points.
hit, range 10 ft., 20 (2d12 +7) slashing damage.
Dash. The Arbreous moves up to is movement.
Spike Tail. The Arbreaous smashes a creature within range. +11
to hit, range 20 ft., 25 (6d6+7) bludgeoning damage. On hit, the
creature makes a Strength Saving Throw (DC 17). On failure, the
creature is knocked prone.

210 Stargazer’s Guide to Aroria

Dismule by
Leila DeMarchi

Dismule Dismule
A black scaled beast appears from its camouflage within
Large Beast, True Neutral
the collar. Sticky feet are coated in the dusty tent and
poison drips from its gritty gums as it screams silently
Armor Class 14 Natural
Hit Points 56 (8d8 + 16)
with a bright pink mouth. A line of burning green liquid
Speed 40ft. Walking, 40ft. Climbing shoots your direction.


15 (+2) 10 (+0) 14 (+2) 3 (-4) 10 (+0) 6 (-2) Gizli
Saving Throws Constitution +5 Medium Monstrosity, Lawful Neutral
Skills Acrobatics +3
Passive Perception 12 Armor Class 12 Natural
Languages None Hit Points 27 (6d8)
Challenge 5 (1,800 XP) Speed 30ft. Walking
Multiattack. The Dismule makes two attacks, one with its Tonge 14 (+2) 15 (+2) 11 (+0) 4 (-3) 17 (+3) 3 (-4)
or Bite, and one with its Slam.

Tongue. The Dismule pulls a medium or smaller creature Saving Throws Wisdom +5
within range towards itself. +5 to hit, range 60ft, one target, Hit Skills Stealth +4
4 (1d4+2) Poison damage and the creature makes a Strength Passive Perception 13
Saving Throw DC 13. On failture, the creature is pulled within five Languages None
ft. of the Dismule and is prone. Challenge 3 (700 XP)

Bite. The Dismule bites a creature within range. +5 to hit, Actions

range 5ft, 5 (1d6+2) Piercing damage and the creature makes Claw. The Gizli slashes a creature within range. +4 to hit, range 5
a Constitution Saving Throw DC 13. On failure, the creature ft., 6 (1d6 +2) Slashing damage.
is stunned.
Nullify. The Gizli neutralize a magical effect within 30 ft. Magical
Slam. The Dismule strikes a creature within range. +5 to hit, effects of 2nd level and lower are suppressed until the end of
range 5ft, 6(1d8+2) Bludgeoning damage. the Gizli's next turn. Magical effects of 3rd level or higher are
unaffected by this ability.
Special Abilities
Mysterious Visage. At the end of its turn, if the Dismule has Special Abilities
taken 0 ft. of movement, it becomes invisible until it moves or Magical Bloodhound. The Gizli can cast Detect Magic at will
takes damage. and will do so at every available opportunity. Gizli naturally seek
magic and attempt to identify magical objects and people under
Helpless Insect. If a prone creature is within 5 ft. of the Dismule, magical effects.
it can replace its Slam attack with a Bite attack.
Sorcerer Identification. The Gizli knows if a creatures is
Sticky Skin. The Dismule can move along vertical surfaces and innately magical or if it has Adventurer levels in Druid, Sorcerer,
ceilings as if they are the ground and has disadvantage on Ability or Warlock.
Checks to avoid being Grappled or Restrained.

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Legal Information this License, including translations and derivative
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Permission to copy, modify and distribute the Product Identity. (e) "Product Identity" means product
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212 Stargazer’s Guide to Aroria

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15. COPYRIGHT NOTICE Open Game License v 1.0a

Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast, LLC. System
Reference Document 5.1 Copyright 2016, Wizards
of the Coast, Inc.; Authors Mike Mearls, Jeremy
Crawford, Chris Perkins, Rodney Thompson, Peter
Lee, James Wyatt, Robert J. Schwalb, Bruce R. Cordell,
Chris Sims, and Steve Townshend, based on original
material by E. Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson.


Kickstarter Thanks
Thank you to all of the Kickstarter backers who helped make this possible. Stargazer's Guide to Aroria is a reality
because of your support!

-Keltic- Adam Hamm Alex Amber

~Rob H. Adam Hanson Alex Brewer Amber LK Vincent

007FridgeRaider Adam Koszela alex gaynor Amelia Parsons

A Smart Odyssey Adam Messner Alex King Amethyst Peavy

A. L. Williamson Adam Toulmin Alex Lancaster Amy Depazos

aaron Adi Alex Lo-Ro Amy Florence

Aaron Beck Adria Pares Alex Martin Amy Nguyen

Aaron Donahoo Adrian Alex Ornelas AnansiDragon

Aaron F Stanton Adrian Money Alex Rambaut Andaclacter

Aaron Graham Ágúst Jóhann Ágústsson Alex S. Anderson Betances

Aaron Harmaty Aidan Bailey Alex Shepard Andre Canivet

Aaron Jones Aidon Slaney Alexander Biggs Andrea

Aaron Myhre Airsaber Alexandra Long Andrea

Aaron Quintanilla AJ Street Alexandra Washick Andrea Judy

Aarón Sarrión Akachim Alexandre Trudel Andrea Nobles

Aaron Smith Akeera Alexandre Valois Andreas Haas

Aaron Thacker Akio Naga AlexExiled Andres Yuhnke

Aaron Waterson Akiyo N. Alexis Andrew

Abby Alain Bourgeois Alexis Victorious Andrew

Abby Dee Alan Cranston Alfred Andrew Anderson

Abigail Alan Valdez Alice Conway Andrew Giaquinto

ABZ1278 Alanna Fawcett Alistair Andrew Hayse

Acadia Brulant Albion Kawakami Kuki Alistair Andrew Henderson

Ace Ochoa AlchemicFox Allan S. Andrew Hovanec

Adam Alec Lara Benitez Allison Baker Andrew Kirk

Adam Aleksei Teo Yatserovitch Allison Becker Andrew Logue

Adam Barnes Alewijn Alycia Icenroad Andrew Lotton

Adam Bennett Alex Alyx Beauchamp Andrew Mauney

Adam Conner Alex Amanda Atkins Andrew McWilliams

Adam Easterday Alex Amanda Bell Andrew Obrigewitsch

Adam Epstein Alex Amanda Cindric Andrew Graham Russell

Adam H-B Alex Amaya Ells Andrew Stacy

214 Stargazer’s Guide to Aroria

Andrew Steinke Ash Wells Belén Almeyda Bobby Carpenter

Andrew Williams Ashardalon89 Ben Balestra Bobby Millican

Andy Ashleigh Katchadourian Ben Beaver Bonnie Trinh

Andy Ben Cameron Bonnsy Vue
Ashley Russell
Andy DeVilbiss Ben Clarke BookShopCat
Ashley Schoenborn
Andy Nguyen Ben Hutchings Brad Barco
Andy Ramos Ben Jackson Brad McMullen
August Pennington
Andy Robert Ben Petitt Brad Straight
Angel Gomez Ben Riggs Braden Templin
Austin Aumend
Angel Sianez Ben Roscoe bradhickey
Austin Backman
Angela Basset Ben Tasker Brady
Austin Holweger
Angelina Sarina Ben Wagner Brady Combs
Austin Johnessee
Anita Nielsen Benjamin Aitken Brandi
Austin Siagian
Anna Benjamin Charlet Brandon
Austin Steiner
Anna Gailey Benjamin Saxton-Ruiz Brandon Mihelic
Austin Watts (VelocityVIP)
Anne Benoit-David Dufresne
Avery Germain Brandon Allen
Anthony BenSuss
Avery Maijala Brandon Aten
Anthony Davis BerkeCanatar
Axel Frost Brandon Clayton
Anthony James DuBois Bernie
Ayput Brandon Marques
Anthony Lazaroski Bethany Daugherty
B.J. Pomerleau Brandon Munkers
Anthony Perkins Bethany Maynard
Backer Number 9 Brandon Purstell
Anthony Simpson Bev Nelson
BadassBritches Brandon Simpson
Anton Berg Bex Ciantelli
Bailey Branndon
Antone Iv Fernandez BFletcher
Baily Michel brazen.sigilos
Antoni Angon Wicke Bharath
Balastia Bre
anyaman111 BL
Banecowboy Breanna
Apaphous Blackpine Adventure Co.
Barbara Adams Brendan Flanagan
Ariel Blair Gaffney
Barbara Smith Brett
Arlais Blair Wallace
Barbara Soto Brett Gonta
Arson Blake Benefield
Bard McMullen Brett Harris
Arthidon Blake Stemen
Barry Brett Hecksher
Artiom Blake Strealy
Baumgrotte Brian Benjamin
Arvinraaj Kanagalingam Blake Taylor
Beau Meingossner Brian Delaney
ASB BoanDot
Bec Lin Brian Eric Taylor
Ash Monogue BoardGameAristocrate
Bekah Pierce Brian Kim

Brian Maher Captain of the Trigati Chip Poole Christopher Tarrand

Briana Carfly T. Coulson Chloe Christopher Wayne

Brice_T Carissa Chris Chrystal Christman

Briceson Tollison Carissa Black Chris Cindy Luu

Bridgitte Rivers Carl Cederholm Chris Alvarez CJ Gahagan

Brittany Meyer Carl S. Stone Chris Carter CJ1997

Brittney Carmine Laudiero Chris Castillo Claire

BrlyGudEnuph Caro Tebia Chris Flagel Clare Joyce

Broc Atkinson Carolyn Reid Chris Hearne Clayton Decker

BRUCE CAWDRON Carrie Murphy Chris Jahn clear

Bruce H. Carrington Chris Jessee Clément Bâcle

Bruce Wolf cary layton Chris Jordan Clifford Holloway

Bryan Ballard Cat Chris Maloney CnutTheGreat

Bryan Kurpierz Catherine Greenway Chris Marine Cody

Bryan Laubenthal Catherine Simmons Chris Ploog Cody Farmer

Bryan Smith Jr. Celeste Kirk Chris Richter Cole

Bryce Celtic Surfer Gaming Christian Andreassen Cole Higgins

Bryce Leland Carlson Cerise Montague christian correa Colin Beck

Bryce Volk CesiumKitty Christina Colleen

Buckaroo Chad Duncan Christina Collin Chamberlin

Buford Perry charles Christina Alley-Payne Colton

C.R. Day Charles B. Christine Balne Colton Hattersley

Caelan Lynette Charles Foster III Christine Muir Comradeus

Caharian Charlie Christopher Albrecht Connor

Caitlin Charlie III Christopher Aviles Connor

Caleb Charlie Maxwell Christopher Brown Connor

Caleb Bickel Charlotte Christopher Darren Connor Evelich

Caleb Martin Chase Connor Pitta
Christopher Hydle
Caleb Smith Chase Bruder Connor Smith
Christopher John
Calen Chase Humphrey Cora Tallant
Christopher Jose Duarte
Calliope Quessenberry Chase Ramage Corey
Christopher Mangum
Callum Campbell Chase Waters Corey Brown
Christopher McDowell
Cameron Chelsea M. Smith Corey Collins
Christopher Mihelich
Cameron Chelsea Rae Colburn Corinne Kimball
Christopher Morrison
Candace White Chelsea Smith
Christopher Salinas
Canezar Cheryl

216 Stargazer’s Guide to Aroria

Cory Garms Danielle Thuen Dawn Calderwood Donny August

Courtland kryschuk Danilo Pereira Franco de Dean Donovan

Courtney Savage Dean M Lewis Doomgrin
Danny Awalt Jr.
Craig Kitching Deanna Smit Doug Schepers
Danny Gonzalez
Cris Michel Debbie Howard Douglas Blume
Danny Kiregbaum
crispin harris Laursen Deep Cover Drake Broussard

crowfeatherwolf Danny Wilson Demonpenpen DrDogeMD

Crystal Moller Daphne demontamer131 Dreamflux

Crystal_Lilly Darien Dennis Drew Emmetts

Curt Kremer darimont.thomas Deonte Rainey Drew Peirce

Curtis Harper Darío Prado Santos Derek Hammer Drew Schreiner

Curtis Rea Darko Manasiev Desiree A. Naranjo Drew Williams

Daegan Lundstrom Darren F. Dessal Drezkin

Dai Darren Hart Destiny DeLancey Dromeos

Dallas Hetrick Dart Delagarza detlef hallermann DrValkyron

Dallas Ladd Dave Baughman Devin DualBladerX

Damon Wright Davester Devin Fowler Duarte Cruz

Dan Hess David Devin Jessup Dug Miller

Dan Janowicz David Diana Bainbridge Duke Davidson

Dani Dewar David Diana Sandres Martinez Duncan Paterson

Daniel David A Wendt Diego Trejo DuskOrange

Daniel David A. Holloway Dillon Morse Dustin Armond

Daniel David Benkarski Dillon Raborn Dustin Knight

Daniel Bode David Cox Docahbear Dustin Laughlin

Daniel Drapp David Dalton Doge Dustin Samuel Arritt

Daniel Ford Beavis David Dolph Dom Cleary Dwaine Straight

Daniel Goldberg David Hazzard Domi uwu Dyami Chiasson

Daniel Goucher David Lewis Dominic Rumsey Dylan Crawford

Daniel Squires David Peacock Dominique Dylan Petterson

Daniel Tapanes David Sharp Dominique C. Declerck Dylan Rollo

Daniel Thomas David Smith Dominique Nieves Dylan Vasseur

Daniel To David Stephenson Dommy Dzekap

Danielle Carroll David Szafran Don E Frith

Danielle Gaisior David Valdez Donald Hopkins E.J Ryder III

Danielle Laman David Willits Donna Wilson Eagleam

Ed Proch Eric Pernerewski Cervera General _ZomZom

Edwin Sanchez Eric So Filipe Passos Coelho GentlestGolemn

Eetu Kilpeläinen Eric Stones Fiona McLoughlin Geo0111

El J. Eric Ware Fire Archon Geoffrey Schumann

Elhyareno Erick Fitzgo George A. Jones

Elias Astra Levieon Erik Flávio Stresser George Yuki Papa-sama

Elijah B. Gist Erik Foss Gerard

Elisabeth Duwe Erik Martinez foxthefox Gerben van Essen

Elizabeth Erik Tiveskog Francine Beattie Gerd Hauser

Elizabeth Grove Erika Frank Kergil Gérome Wüthrich

Elizabeth Horsebane Erika Whaley Franki Gian Domenico Facchini

Elizabeth Robel Erin Fraser Anderson Giovanni Melandri

Elizabeth Widauf Erin Fordham Fred Hansen Giuseppe

Elliott P Eryk Ferrere Frederick Cheng Gleb Masaltsev

ember Esteban David Turrys Fredrik Rosberg Glendan78

Emelyne Keay Friedrich glitch
Ethan B.
Emil Olofsson Fucklebutte Q Shitlord Glupakkur
Ethan Chandler
Emily Furry Dragon Glynn Hunt
Ethan Fardoux
Emily Gabe Eiter Golan perez
Ethan Mercer
Emily Gabriel Casillas Gordon Clayton
Etienne Meylan
Emily Dees Gabriel Mendoza Gordon Milner
Eva Hernandez
Emily Hawkins Gabriel Svensson Gordon Pfeil
Eva Kroon
Emily Mills Gabrielle S. GornSpelljammer
Evan Barrow
Emily Price Gabrielle Showalter Grace Miller
Evan Carroll
Emily Yeates Gage Patterson Graham Cheshir
Evan Himes
Emma Galanoble Grant Brown
Evan Lundstrom-Yurdin
Emma Spring Gale Grant Greene
Everly Conrad-Baldwin
Emmanuel Guerrero garrett moynihan Grayson
Fabien Montegut
Emmily Lusz garvin anders Graziano Zanichelli
Falk Künzel
Erebus Gary Oak Greg Maroda
Family Gill
Eric Gary Turner Gregorio Munoz III
Eric Gavin Gregory McCarthy
Felix Rosenberger
Eric Gavin Graham Greta
Eric GB Moffitt Grey
Eric Fager Gearstorm Griffin Voltmann
Fernando Villamil

218 Stargazer’s Guide to Aroria

Guglielmo Sudati Holly Van der Poel Jack Frost James Appleby

Guidrion holybalz Jack Hall James Arnold

Guilherme Mello Horizon Jack Morton James Burgess

Guilty44 Hudson de Jesus Borges Jack N. James Dalen

Gustavo Ignacio Jack Stallone James Eckenrode
Cevallos González Hugo Ulivieri
Jack Wren Wolfe James Jenkins
Guy Edward Larke Hunter Bardusk
Jackson James Meredith
Hades Hunter Smith
Jackson Helwege James Michael Bays Jr.
Hal Stewart Hunter Stewart-
Newman Jacob James Quinn
Haley Nicole
I. J. Dean Jacob James RIce
Ian Jacob James Sullivan
Hamish Elmer
Ian Burruto Jacob james tillman
Hannah Holloway
Ian Dodd Jacob Antunes James Worley
Hannah Lampe
Ian Fiore Jacob Glass James Yonemura
Harpal Khalsa
Ian Hiddleston Jacob Henson Jamie Eiichi Yoshida
Ian Zebarah Shears Jacob Kelly Jamie McClure
Harry Meier
imaginecochins Jacob May JamieXIII
Hayley Tow
Ina_K Jacob Price Jamison Johnstone
Headless Hydra Press
India Lee Jacob Ross Jan Giannis
Ingrid Emilsson Jacqlyn Jane McConnell
InkyRaccoon Jade Janick
Heather Chamberlain
Insanator Jade Jared Boles
Heather Headrick
Ireilas Jade Stenberg Jarred Bruggeman
Heine Juhl Jensen
Irving Jaden Hamer Jasen Szekely
Helder Oliveira
Isaac McClellan Jaden Pretorius Jasherel
Helen Cheevers
Isaac VanBuren Jahaan V Balan Jasmine De Vore
Helen Goosby
Israel price Jaime Leigh Harvey Jason
Helena M
Ivo Goudzwaard Jaina Hunt Jason
Izuma Elias Jake Jason Allard
Henrik Augustsson
J.L. Jake Lesnau Jason Allen
J.R. Biche Jake Nelson Jason Atter
J.r. Lonergan Jake Perrin Jason Colby
Jaben Wood Jake Sandford Jason Dawson
Holly Abair
Jack Jakub Jason Gabel
Holly Field
Jack Clark James Jason Hawks
Holly Koponen

Jason Hennigan Jensen Yamaguchi Joanna Meshensky Jonathan Brown

Jason Horvitz Jeremiah Flaco'Bama Joanna Piatt Jonathan Chiaravalle

Jason Moscatello Joanna Wierzbicki Jonathan Herman
Jeremy Pinske
Jason Skal Joaquim Kastrup Jonathan Hill
Jeremy Ragan
Jason Stephens Joedie Lynn Mitchell Jonathan Martínez
Jeremy Williams Miranda
Jason VandenBerghe Joey D Finley
Jerfrey Martinez Jonathan Rust
Jasper Griffett Johanna Duke
Jericho Jonathan Santerre
Javan Appleby john
Jerrett Johnson Jonathan Turpin
Jay R. John
Jerry Perez Jonathon Hill
Jay Steinbock John
Jesse Jonathon Seiler
Jaycey Reinhold John "johnkzin" Rudd
Jesse Kimmel-Freeman Jonathon Steinke
jaymi elford John A Walz and Katie
Jesse Spence Walz Jonny Oehrlein
Jayson Bennett
Jesse Wolfe John Bookwalter Jr. Jono Hosking
[email protected]
Jessica John C Jordan
Jessica John Chandler Jordan
Jessica John David Dunn Jordan Brown
Jeanine Marie
Jessica John Dema-ala Jordan Knieff
Jessica Burke John R Jordan Schreck
Jeff Goldplum
Jessica Davis John Rogers Jordan Velthouse
Jeff Herrold
Jessica Lohr John Simmons Jorden Carlson
Jeff Mone
Jessica Martin John Swanson Jorge Ciprés
Jessie Ortiz John Terrell Jose Angel Lopez JR
Jeffrey Maynard
JesterTheChester John W. Joseph
Jelle Keysers
Jesus Christian Cruz John Zhang Joseph Catrone
Jemma Doe Acono
Johnathan Kenny Joseph Goslin III
Jen Jesus Guzman
Jojo Elliot Joseph Grim Ii
Jen Caddick Jethro Teal
jokomaisu Joseph Harvey
Jeniffer Lopez Jezebell
Jon "Meerkat Manor" Joseph McNamara
Jenn Jflowaz Bingham
Joseph R. Blackmon-
Jenna Catherine Robles Jill Meyer Jon Terry Dishaw
Jennapher Ragain Jimmie Jonah iden Joseph Scuderi
Jenni Bravo Jimmy Rosacker Jonah Smith Joseph Shepherd
Jennifer Jindawg Jonah White Joseph Theis
Jennifer Dooloukas Jirat Rymparsurat Jonathan
Jenny Reed JJ Anthony Jonathan Bergwick
jenny schäfer Jo Kollewyn Jonathan Blackmore

220 Stargazer’s Guide to Aroria

Joseph Webster Kai Keith L. Ellison Kiridan

josh KaiserNephilim Kellen Kisha Paiso

Josh Blair Kaitlyn Kellm Kit

Josh Elliott Kaitlyn Buck Kelly Scott Kit Rose Farmer

Josh Parda Kale Sims Kelsey Ketcham Kitty

Josh Scheibe Kaley Egan Kelsey Porritt KJ Johnson

Josh Smith Kamoria Kelsey Smith Kodi MacLeod

Josh Wakeling Karel Koranda Kelsi Heckler KorvusRock

Joshua Karen Kronick Ken Sanders Kostadis Roussos

Joshua Karen Martindale Kendra Murray Krimzen

Joshua Karen Matthews Kenneth Cunningham Krisstarah Edwards

Joshua Bright Karl Peterson kennethhsv Kristian D Noble

Joshua Fields Karl Smith Kennon Pogue Kristian Øien

Joshua Hunnex Karla Byers Kenny Beecher Kristian Zirnsak

Joshua Kudo Kumar Karyk Stiles Kenny Lynch Kristin

Joshua Kurvers Kasey Kenny Murray Kristina Bextel

Joshua Nypaver Kassie Kenzie Kristina Plate

Joshua Ridge Kat Williams Kergonan Kristoffer Vestrup

Joshua Tipping Kate Kerri Kristy davis

Joy Kate Huebsch Kevin Dziuba Ksan

Juan A Hofmann Kate Lindstrom Kevin Martin KShadowFang

Juan Gutierrez Katharine Kevin McDonnell KT

Julia Aleksandra Katharine Kevin Niemczyk KT Pappas

Katherine Frein Kevin Pagliarini Kurt
Julia Augusta
Katherine lugo Kevin schilling Kurt Piersol
Julia Marie
Katherine Page Kevin Yap Kyle
Julian Christensen
Kathleen Crawford Kianne Newton Kyle Arnold
Kathryn Hendrickson Kiera Kyle Avery
Julie Wincott
Kathy Kiera Janoski Kyle Haines
Justin Batson
Katie Messer Kim Hiel Kyle Hawthornthwaite
Justin Bojarski
Katrina L. Halliwell Kimba Rose Williams Kyle Kolbert
Justin Melroy
Kayci Keenan Kimber Kyle Langs
Justin Risolio
Kayla Walsh KingOfLeaves Kyle Lemons
Justin Thomas
Kaylee Nikole Varner KipTheOtt Kyle Penland
Kaylene S Kira A Wetuski Lacey Marie
KCrepin Kira Lynn

Lachlan Lily M Mark Crosland

Lance Lily Werts M. A. McElaney Mark Mcilroy

LandisTheThief LilyRosetheDreamer M. Trout Mark Mobbs

Landon Jamieson Lindsay Cullen Mackenzie Mark NightStar Bennett

Lane Merkley Lindsey Davies Madeline Marko Burns

Larry Hetrick Lisa Harding Madison Reyes Markus

Lars Blumenstein Liz Siewerth Mads Henriksen Marren MacAdam

Lars König Lloyd Broughton Madz Bamford Martina Moscoloni

Laura Patel LMcCurrin Maggi Glasscoe Mary G. Puppo

Laura Picou Logan Halford Mahmoud MaryAnn Fletcher

Laura Shull Logan Maynard Makayla Thomas Maryanne DellaSalla

Laurel Ritscher Logan Olson Malayna Chatigny Maryanne Lambert

Lauren Logan Sisson Manta MaskedAngel

Lauren Lola Johnson Mara Crim Mason

Lauren Bailey Lorenzo Scatena maraudingMagi Mason Troy Hebert

Lauren McCauley Lorisia MacLeod Marc Massimo Gandola

Lauren T Lotta Robeson Marc Kassouf master_necrosis

Lazislacker Louis Pasillas Marc Wendisch Mathúin [‘Ma-Hoon’]

LB LP Marco Matt

LB Luc Rowe Marco Cernuschi Matt Andres

LC Lucas Fitzgerald Marco Generoso Matt Beck

Leah Myers Lucas Schoenemann Marcus Aurelius Matt Gregory

Leah Ruchlin Luckieluuk Matt Ross
Marcus Funke
Lee Whitaker Lucy Matt Zimmermann
Marcus Martinez
Leila DeMarchi Ludvig Hammarstedt Matthew
Margaret Faynberg
Lena Luis Leal Matthew
Maria DeFillipi
Leo Tulloch Luis Penn Matthew Adickes
Maria Storm Smith
Leon Adrian Luke Matthew Bittinger
Marie - The catless
Leroy Brown Luke La Padula wonder Matthew Burns

Leslie Luke Roberts Marie P. Neault Matthew Byron

Lewis Hicks Luke starbrook Marieke Bout Matthew Diaz

Liam DiPilla Lumla Mario Delano Matthew Hayward

Liam Males Lyani La Santa Marjorie Dawson Matthew Hemler

Liam McGowan Lydell Storm Mark

Liathan Lydia Gildehaus Mark

222 Stargazer’s Guide to Aroria

Matthew Hermosillo Melmoth Mikko R Natasha Lester

Matthew Howells Melodee Chicoine Mildra The Monk Nate

Matthew Man Melody Miranda Drake Nate Ayronis

Matthew Newman Melynda Hernandez Miranda Painter Nate Lentz

Matthew Pemble Mercystar MistehMoses Nathan Borst

Matthew Phillips Meredith Mitchacho Nathan Cook

Matthew Sharun Meredith Carstens Mitchel Nathan Fischer

Matthew Stroh Merlin Clark Mitchell Nathan Grainger

Matthew Sullivan MEW2908 Mitchell Fullerton Nathan Hemelgarn

Matthew Tate Mia Duff Mitchell Porteous Nathan Lords

Matthew Whiteacre Micah Moore Miyu Stone Nathan Mei

Mattholomew Michael mlguthrie98 Nathan Wayne Holt

Mattia Negroni Michael Modular Realms Navrkalc

Max Michael Carrig Mohit Sadhu Neil Wager

Max Brinson Michael Corr Mollie Baldus Nelianne

Max Krembs Michael Edward Monica Belle Nemrex

Max Turner Michael G Monika Morales NerdLordOllie

Maxime Bombardier Michael Gionfriddo MooBenKoe Nessa Formica

Maxine Tong Michael Gregg MoomaSnow Nevena Radjenovic

Maya Sternberg Michael Hansen Morgan Ngina wa Kaai

mbexploring Michael Jacobson Morganna Hennessey Niccolo Javier

McKay Brown Michael L Diaz MoroArt Nicholas

Mckinley Michael Loubier Morten Cornelsen Nicholas Baughman

mechanaght Michael Millian Mota Nicholas Dao

meerkatx Michael Neumann MsMoon Nicholas Falzarano

Meg Jones Michael Russell Mychal Nicholas Harvey

Meg Marie Michael Ryenolds Myth Nicholas King

Megan Donecker Michael Schwab Name Nicholas Miley

Megan Kate Parsons Michael Swords Nanakago Nicholas Smit

Megan Patterson Michael Whyte Naomi Durall NicholasSid

Megan Vidan Michal Dariusz Friedrich Nat Rennalls Nick

Mel Gage Micheal Meyers Natalee Nick Civitello

Mel Rose Oppenheim Michelle Hodges Natalia Tabisaura Nick Gomez

Melinda Yin Midnight Quills Natalie Nick Miller

Melissa Daniels Mike Daugherty Natalie Renee P.J. Nick Morganella

Nick pater Octavio Partida Peter Chunis Rachel Pitts

Nick Pony Taylor Oliver Peltier Peter Opdahl Rachelle Louise

nickkeane Olivia Nürnberg Phaedra Clements Raeden2020

Nicla Phi Man Raf Bressel
Olivia Roads
Nicola philip treier Rasberry Ashley
Omar Ismail
Nicolas Desjardins Phillip Cualing Raymond Chan
Nicolas Justicia Perez Phillip Schulte- Raymond Harrig
Ooritsu Hordelhoff
Nicole Rayna Daven McGuire
Ordwin Rahl Phoebe
Nicole Rebecca
Otto VanLeeuwen Phoenix
Nicole Conrad Rebecca
OverlyHandsomeKermit Phoenix Hailin De
Nicole Hancock Mohun Rebecca Chappell
Oz Ben Moshe
Nicole Rook Picklei Rebecca Gibson
Pablo Barría Urenda
Nicole Schmult Piero Rebecca Golden
Panicked Play
Nicole Schuck Pierre Gabriel Dumoulin Rebecca Solem
Nicole Stanzini pinvendor Rebekah
Nicole Zaunbrecher Poor Seal Rebekah Conley-Hunter
Parker Stapley
Nik Makkar possiblejr Rebekah McCarty
Nika Preston Galban Rebekah Vogel
Pascal Dick
Niki Priscilla Lagares Rebekkah Klandrud
Nikiya Garrison Probably Chance Reginald Mora
Patricia Hildebrandt
Nikkikeaton7 PugaMaster Reina Paez
Patrick Campbell
Nilanjan Chowdhury Purple Renard Souciant
Patrick Higgins
Nine Realms Gaming Pyrixiana Flame Rene Gutierrez
Patrick Marran
NinjaDuckie Rachael Ele Retrograde Monkey
Patrick Monroe
Noah Acierno Rachael Gould Reynard Louernia
Patrick Seymour
Noah Braganca Rachael Supinski Rhiannon Camilleri
Paul Copenhefer
Noah Morrison Rachel Rhinorulz
Paul Leone
Noah Mullette-Gillman Rachel Rhyian
Noctis Rachel Ricardo Figueroa
Peach Hatt-Beattie
Noelle Jordan Rachel & Michelle Speer Riccardo Sartorato
Nogarde76 Rachel Burdyn Richard
Nokowire333 Rachel Dechamplain Richard Dahlby
Penelope Smith
Nola Pfau Rachel Goines Richard Malena-Webber
Penni Walker
Norrita Rachel Montondo Richard Quitadamo
Persephone McNair
NortherlyNote Rachel Panella
Oberon D'Argo Rachel Paul

224 Stargazer’s Guide to Aroria

Richard Rivera Rowena Lam Santos Morales Jr Sethofruin

Richelle Hamment Roy Alarcon-Gemser Sara & Brad Shadoler

Rick Warren Ruben Brandt Sara Abis ShadowMoon

Ricky Mohl RuinRuler Sara Baum Shaked

Ricky R Ruslana Stolbova Sara Treible Shamrock

Ricky West Russell McQuade Sarah Shane Forman

Rigatoni Russell Ventimeglia Sarah Shannon Collins

Rikku San Ruth Sarah Barker Shannon Savisky

Riley Ryan Sarah Dueltgen Shannon Winey

Riley Barber Ryan Burbridge Sarah Ferguson shasow mortal

Riley Wowk Ryan Crabtree Sarah Grill Shavone Johnson

Rin Ryan Fiero Sarah Swafford Shawn Hanf

Riot Fae Ryan McGregor Savan Gupta Shawn Rose

RoaTheEternal Ryan Mcinnes-Beadle Savi0red Shayla

Rob Andre Ryan Peacher Scott Erdoesy Shayna Atsales

Rob Keder Ryan Rampersaud Scott F Shei

Rob Medley ryan roesch Scott J. Dahlgren Shelby White

Robbie Lee Summers ryan treangen Scott M. Sheldon Mattson

Robert Ryu133 Scott McGloughlin Sherrie Vigil

Robert S. Thomie Scott McIntosh Shinxtails

Robert Sadie L Seamus O'Hara Shirley Wellington

Robert Sae-von Morrow Sean SideQuestPress

Robert Bruckner Sam Sean Bradley Sidherun

Robert H Hare Sam Johnson Sean Donnelly Sierra

Robert Paine Sam Knowles Sean McEown Sierra

Robyn Sam McCabe Sean Pelkey Simon

Roger Birescik Sam Porter Sean Robbins Simon Holland

Roghn Sam Runolfson Sebastian Weichelt Simon Napoleon

Ron Carter Samantha H. secondrevan Simona Günther

Ronald Taylor II Samantha Michaels Selina Gowin Sinarak

Rory Samantha Sopher seraphim_72 Sinead O'Rourke

Rory O'Neil Samantha van den Sergio Lopez Snarkayde (Philip)

Rose Laflen Sergio Sampaoli Sofia Lindström
Samantha Walkowiak
Ross Sery Seraphical Soirgriffe
Ross Eric Bercot Seth Ero Sonia
Grinvalds Samuel Lahar

Sophie Hunter T Michael Johnson The Morrigan Tom Jones

Spellarena Taiga Brenerman TheBearisDriving Tom Krohne

Sporky Taimat.panda TheGecoNextDoor Tom Maaswinkel

Spyridon Tamara Theo P. Tom Mirowski

Tamara Hillier Theraptor42 tommaso
Stacie Nugent
Tamara Rentner Therena Carlin Tommy Doyon
Stacy M Weidmann
Tanya Bowers-Dean Theresa Tony Baci
Stefan Hinterdorfer
Tanya Klowden Thibaud Huber Tony Dane
Steph Spitzy
Tanya Schofield Thlaylie Tony Gonzales
Tara Thomas Bryant Tori
Stephane Gelgoot
Tara M. Clapper Thomas Dillard Tori Ungerer
Stephanie Shero
Tara Pealer Thomas Draper Torrence Holmes
Stephen John Lawrence
Lagniton Taryn Moore Thomas Ebert Travis Frisbie

Stephen Sale Tasha Smith Thomas Lippke Travis LaVanway

Stephen Streeter Tate Melito Thomas Reese Travis Spencer

Steve Arensberg Tatyana Vogt Thomas Signer Jr Trevor

Steve S. Taylor Thomas Talamini Trey Byerly

Steven Taylor Smith Thomas Townsend Trey Dear

Steven Taylor Stout Thomas Uhlenhake Trip Space-Parasite

Steven Taysia Brinkley Thomas Warren Drury Trista Morris

Steven Chan Tegan Thor Kolbrunsson Tristan White

Steven Hansen Temor Amin-Arsala ThtJuanAsianGuy Troy Sabo

Steven Jacobs Terence Tim Griffin Trueth Verou

Steven Kaplan Terran Empire Tim Junge Tucker Bruce

Steven Locke Tim Loput Tuft
Steven Lord Tim Mushel Tuva Grimlycke
Terrance Nelson
Steven Muniz Tim Peterson Tyler
Terri Mortenson
Steven Nesmith Tim Pudoff Tyler
terry roberts
Steven Setzer Tina Cochran Tyler Buzz Newcomb
Terry Victory
stewart burwood Tina Koster Velez Tyler Chase
Storm Titan Tyler DeLuca
Stuart Brookfield Todd Tyler Feinberg
That Nerdy Witch
Summer Hoppenworth Todd Jones Tyler Harkins
The Creative Fund by
Suzanne Rischard BackerKit Tom Tyler Morrow

Sydney Adams The Hungry Halfling Tom Henderson Tyler Possin

226 Stargazer’s Guide to Aroria

Tyler Robert Freeman- Will Dolmatoff Zack Christiansen
Will Ke zack pahl
Tyler S.
William Zagreus Nyx
Tyler Scholz
William Zahaab
William Zak Kotlow
William Alexander Zakary Shively
Unlimited Realms Ltd
William Crewe Zander Day
V. Krug
William D. Sharpe III Zane Brink
William Doetsch Zeke DeLeon
William Dunbar Zerrakas Ba’alphegos
Vance Kunze
william eagle Zhengran Wang
Vaughn Allen
William Schoenberger Zhul
Verdant Tide Publishing
William Z. Cohen Zoe
wintersmith057 Zoraxx Astrea
Wolf & Raven ZTombur
Wolfgang Von Painfist
Victoria Chernecky
Victoria Goodwin
Victoria Spin
Wyatt Anderson
Xavier Jansen
Vijay Deguzman
Xavier Sierra
Víkingur Brynjar
Vincent Baler
Vincent Mojta
Virgil Légaré
Yunus Emre Akay
Yusif Bensreti
Walmsley Family
Zach Eb
Walt Whiteside
Zach Graham
Wayne Marshall
Zach Jensen
Wayne Naylor
Zach Pennington
Wendy Espinoza
Zachary Dragan
Wes Mangum
Zachary Lee
Zachary Wagner


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