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Basketball is a team sport in which two teams, most commonly of five

players each, opposing one another on a rectangular court, it can be played
outdoor or indoor area.
The main objective of the game is to make a goal and score points. Each
team should not only try to make a goal and prevent the opposite team from
taking control of the ball, but should also protect the basket in their court and
prevent the opponent from making a goal.

The game basketball was invented by Canadian physical education

instructor at YMCA or Springfield College,
Dr. James A. Naismithl in the year 1891, month of december, at Springfield

1891 was the 1st basketball game ever in the history of basketball played
between naismith students, Using only and Soccer ball, Peach Basket and a
10ft pole. And the final score is 1-0.

1892, James Naismith published his rules for the game of BasketBall that he
invented. and this rule are called The 13 rules.

March 22, 1893

Senda Berenson, the "Mother of Women's Basketball," officiated at the first
women's basketball game.

By 1893, the first backboards were created to keep fans from interfering.
They were originally made out of chicken wire, as were the baskets.

1894, Naismith called on A.G. Spalding & Bros. to come up with a ball
specifically for the game of basketball or we can called the 1st official
"Basket Ball"

Basketball popularization starts in the year 1895.

1906 invented the new basketball iron ring with net.

Year 1936, Basketball became an Olympic Sports,

1937 The 1st Official basketball league was created and named (NBL)
Nations Basketball League

1939 National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) 1st official Basketball


1946 Basketball Association of America (BAA) was Founded by Walter

1946-1949 The NBL and BAA competed to be the top basketball league in
Then august of 1949 the 2 competitive league merge and National
Basketball Association (NBA) was created.

1954 - 24sec. shot clock Rule.

1992 - Danny Biasone innovated a 24sec. shot clock.

Inventor of 3point line - Howard Hobson

1st women referee - Violet Palmer

Greatest player of all time - Michael Jordan

Greatest player of his time - Wilt Chamberlain

NBA logo - jerry west

PBA logo - Robert Jaworski

The International Basketball Federation, more commonly known by the

French acronym FIBA (Fédération Internationale de Basketball) or
(Federation International Basketball Association), is an association of
national organisations which governs international competition in basketball.
The association was founded in Geneva on 18 June 1932,

"Founded basketbal fed"


Rules and regulations

Offensive Rules
-The player must bounce, or dribble, the ball with one hand while moving
both feet.

-If, at any time, both hands touch the ball or the player stops dribbling, the
player must only move one foot.

-The foot that is stationary is called the pivot foot.

-The basketball player can only take one turn at dribbling. meaning, once a
player has stopped dribbling they cannot start another dribble.
-A player can only start another dribble after another player from either team
or opponent, touches or gains control of the basketball. This is usually after
a shot or pass.

-The ball must stay in bounds.

If the offensive team looses the ball out of bounds the other team gets
control of the basketball.

-The players hand must be on top of the ball while dribbling.

-Once the offensive team crosses half court, they may not go back into the

Defensive Rules -
-The team on defense is the team without the basketball.

-The main rule for the defensive player is not to foul.

-Preventing the offensive players to gain points from their hoop.

-Tries to return their team in to offensive position

Rules for everyone

-Although the foul rule is described above as a defensive rule, it applies
exactly the same to all players on the court including offensive players.

-Basketball players cannot kick the ball or hit it with their fist.

Basketball Court dimensions

-The size of the court depends on the playing level. The size of the court for
NBA and College games is 94 feet long and 50 feet wide. It is smaller for
High School and Junior High.
High School Basketball court is typically 84 feet long and 50 feet.
Junior High School court will measure 74 feet long and 42 feet wide.

Parts of the basketball court:

*Basket pole
-Front Court
-Center Cirle
-Three Point line
-Painted area / Key
-Restricted area
-Low Block

*29.5 inches in circumference
*22 oz in weight
*28.5 inches in circumference
*20 oz in weight

-18 inches
-10 feet
-72 inches in Length
-48 inches in Wide
-Inner rectangle
-24 inches Wide
-18 inches Tall
Other Equipment.

5 Basketball Positions:
1. Point Guard
2. Shooting Guard
3. Small Forward
4. Power Forward
5. Center

Basic and Advance Skills in Basketball

*Normal Dribbling
*Low Dribble
*Behind the back
*Between the legs
*Cross over
*Spin move
*Change of pace
*Chest pass
*Bounce pass
*Overhead pass
*Baseball pass
*Free Throw Shot
*Jump Shot
*Lay up
*Alley Oop
*3 point shot
*Offensive Rebound
*Deffensive Rebound

Types of Basketball Violation

-Double Dribble
-Carrying the ball
-Three Seconds
-Five Seconds
-Eight Seconds
-Twenty Four Seconds
-Back Court
-Deliberate Foot Ball
-Out of Bounds
-Jump Ball

Types of Foul
-Illegal use of hands
-Blocking foul
-Excessive swinging of elbow
-Pushing / Charging W/O the ball
-Charging With the ball
-Double Foul
-Technical Foul
-Unsportsmanlike Foul
-Disqualifying Foul

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