Parallel MAC

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Shankey Goel. et al.

/ International Journal of Engineering Science and Technology (IJEST)

Parallel MAC Based On Radix-4 & Radix-8

Booth Encodings
Student, Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering
National Institute of Technology, Kurukshetra
[email protected]

Faculty, Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering
National Institute of Technology, Kurukshetra
[email protected]

ABSTRACT- Parallel MAC is frequently used in digital signal processing and video/graphics applications. The
MAC provides high speed multiplication and multiplication with accumulative addition. This paper presents a
combined process of multiplication and accumulation based on radix-4 & radix-8 booth encodings. In this
Paper, we investigate the method of implementing the Parallel MAC with the smallest possible delay.
Enhancing the speed of operation of the parallel MAC is a major design issue. This has been achieved by
developing a new Radix-5 Kogge stone adder for parallel MAC.

Keywords: Radix-4 and Radix-8 based Booth multiplier; carry save adder (CSA) tree; computer arithmetic;
digital signal processing (DSP); multiplier and- accumulator (MAC); Adders.

1. Introduction
In this paper, we study the various parallel MAC architectures and then implement a design of parallel MAC
based on some booth encodings such as radix-4 & radix-8 booth encoder and some final adders such as CLA,
Kogge stone adder and then compare their performance characteristics. A Digital multiplier is the fundamental
component in general purpose microprocessor and in DSP [1], [2]. Compared with many other arithmetic
operations multiplication is time consuming and power hungry. Thus enhancing the performance and reducing
the power dissipation are the most important design challenges for all applications in which multiplier unit
dominate the system performance and power dissipation. The one most effective way to increase the speed of a
multiplier is to reduce the number of the partial products. Although the number of partial products can be
reduced with a higher radix booth encoder, but the number of hard multiples that are expensive to generate also
increases simultaneously.
To increase the speed and performance, many parallel MAC architectures have been proposed. Parallelism
in obtaining partial products is the most common technique used in the above implemented architecture. There
are two common approaches that make use of parallelism to enhance the multiplication performance. The first
one is reducing the number of partial product rows and second one is the carry-save-tree technique to reduce
multiple partial product rows as two "carry-save" redundant forms. An architecture was proposed in [4] to
provide the tact to merge the final adder block to the accumulator register in the MAC operator to provide the
possibility of using two separate N/2-bit adders instead of one N-bit adder to accumulate the N–bit MAC results.
The most advanced types of MAC has been proposed by Elguibaly [8] in which accumulation has been
combined with the carry save adder (CSA) tree that compresses partial products and thus reduces the critical
path. Later on a new architecture for a high-speed MAC is proposed by Seo and Kim [9]. The difference
between the two is that the latest one carries out the accumulation by feeding back the final CSA output rather
than the final adder results.
The rest of the paper is organized as follows. In section second, an introduction to the general MAC is given
along with basic MAC algorithms. In section third, entire process of parallel MAC based on radix-4 and radix-8
booth encodings [7] is explained. Section four shows implementation result and the characteristics of parallel
MAC based on both of the booth encodings. Finally, the conclusion will be given in section five in which we
provide summary of our proposed approach and discuss scope of future extensions.


In this section, we discuss basic MAC operation. Basically, multiplier operation can be divided into three
operational steps. The first one is booth encoding to generate the partial products. The second one is adder array
or partial product compression and the last one is final addition in which final multiplication result is produced.

ISSN : 0975-5462 Vol. 3 No. 8 August 2011 6692

Shankey Goel. et al. / International Journal of Engineering Science and Technology (IJEST)

If the multiplication process is extended to accumulate the multiplied result, then MAC consists of four steps.
General hardware architecture for MAC is shown in Figure 1. It executes the multiplication operation by
multiplying input multiplier X and input multiplicand Y. After that current multiplication result is added to the
previous multiplication result Z as accumulation step.


∑ Register

Fig. 1. Hardware architecture of general MAC

The N-bit 2’s complement binary number X can be expressed as

Y   2 N 1 y N 1  y 2

If “Eq. (1)” is expressed in base-8 type redundant sign digit form in order to apply the radix-8 booth’s algorithm,
it would be
 N 1 3  2 
Y  d i 8i

di{±4, ± 3, ± 2, ± 1, 0} (3)
If “Eq. (1)” is expressed in base-4 type redundant sign digit form in order to apply the radix-4 booth’s algorithm,
it would be
N 2  1 
Y   di 4i
i 0

di{±2, ± 1, 0} (5)
Here di refers to the select signals for the partial product. If “Eq. (2)” is used, then multiplication can be
expressed as
 N 1 3  2 
XY  
d i 2 3i Y

If these equations are used, then multiplication accumulation result can be expressed as
 N 1 3  2  2N 1
P  XY  Z  d 2
X z 2
j 0

Here the MAC architecture implemented by “Eq. (7)” is called standard design.

Now in this section we will derive the expression for new MAC By using the standard design, and also with the
help of above mentioned results, VLSI architecture for the new MAC will be proposed.


If an operation of multiplication of two N-bit numbers and accumulating them into a 2N-bit number is
considered, then the critical path is totally determined by accumulation operation. If pipeline scheme is applied
for each step, then the delay of last accumulator must be reduced by combining the accumulation operation with
the CSA function. The aforementioned concept is applied to “Eq. (7)” to express the proposed MAC arithmetic.
First “Eq. (6)” is decomposed and rearranged, it becomes

ISSN : 0975-5462 Vol. 3 No. 8 August 2011 6693

Shankey Goel. et al. / International Journal of Engineering Science and Technology (IJEST)

X  Y  d0 2X  d123 X  d2 26 X  ......... dN1 31 2N2 X (8)

“Eq. (8)” can be re-expressed into equation (9) by dividing it into first partial product, sum of the middle partial
products and the last partial product. Thus

 N 1 3  2  
X  Y   d 0 2X 
 
d i 2 3i X  d N 1 3 1 2 N  2 X 

 i 1 
Now “Eq. (9)” is applied “Eq. (7)” in which Z is divided into upper and lower bits and rearranged “Eq. (10)”
and “Eq. (11)” will be derived.

N 1 2N 1
Z z 2 z 2
i 0

i N

The second term can be further separated into sum and carry terms, thus we get

2N 1 N 1 N 2

i N
z i 2i  
z N i 2 i 2 N   c
i  s i 2 i 2 N (11)

If equations “Eq. (9)” and “Eq. (11)” are used, then the MAC arithmetic in “Eq. (7)” can be expressed as

 N1 32   N1 N 2 N2 

P   d0 2X 
 di 23i X  dN1 31 2N2 X    zi 2i  si 2i 2N  ci 2i 2N 
   
(12)  
 i1   i0 i0 i0 
If each term of “Eq. (12)” is matched to its bit position and rearranged, it can be expressed as “Eq. (13)”, which
is the ultimate equation for the proposed MAC. Thus, we get

 N1   N1 32 3i N2   N2 

P   d0 2X  zi 2i   
      
di 2 X  ci 2i 2N    dN1 31 2N2 X  si 2i 2N 
  (13)
 i0   i1 i0   i0 


The hardware architecture of the proposed MAC satisfying the aforementioned equations is shown in Figure 2.
The n-bit MAC inputs, X and Y, are converted into group of partial products by passing through the booth
encoders based on radix-4 and radix-8 booth algorithms.

P [n-1:0]
CSA & Accumulator
Booth Encoder

Final Adder

P [2n-1: n]

Fig. 2. Hardware architecture of proposed MAC

After that accumulation is carried out along with addition of partial products in CSA and Accumulator. As a
result n-bit S, C and, Z are generated. These three values are fed back and used for accumulation operation. P
[2n-1: n] is generated by adding S and C in the final adder which would be either CLA (carry look ahead adder)
or RCA (ripple carry adder) or Kogge stone adder. At last, by combining P [2n-1: n] with P [n-1: 0] we get the
final result.

ISSN : 0975-5462 Vol. 3 No. 8 August 2011 6694

Shankey Goel. et al. / International Journal of Engineering Science and Technology (IJEST)


The modified Booth’s algorithm based on a radix-4, generally called Booth-2 [7] is the most popular approach
for implementing fast multipliers using parallel encoding [1]. It uses a digit set {0, ±1, ±2} to reduce the number
of the partial products to n’= [(n+1)/ 2]. Radix- 4 encoding start by appending a zero to the right of multiplier
LSB. Triplets are taken beginning at position x –1 and continuing to the MSB with one bit overlapping between
adjacent triplets.
Table 1. Radix-4 booth encoding
Yn+1 Yn Yn-1 Zn Partial Product
0 0 0 0 0
0 0 1 1 1× Multiplicand
0 1 0 1 1× Multiplicand
0 1 1 2 2× Multiplicand
1 0 0 -2 -2× Multiplicand
1 0 1 -1 1× Multiplicand
1 1 0 -1 1× Multiplicand
1 1 1 0 0

This recoding scheme applied to a parallel multiplier halves the number of partial products so the
multiplication time and the hardware requirements decrease. Radix-8 recoding [5], [7] applies the same
algorithm as radix-4, but now in this we take quartets of bits instead of triplets. The Booth-3 scheme is based on
a radix-8 encoding to reduce this number to n’ = [(n+1)/3]. All digit sets {0, ±1, ±2, ±3, ±4} are obtained by
simple shifting and complementary operations, except generation of the multiple 3X, which is computed by an
adding and shifting operation, 3X = 2X+X and -3X can be generated by complement 3X. Radix-4 booth
encoding that generates partial products is shown in Table 1 respectively.


The architecture of CSA and accumulator based on radix-4 modified booth encoder is shown in Figure 3 which
performs 8×8 bit MAC operation. In Figure 3, Ni is to compensate the 1′s complement number into 2′s
complement, Si is to specify the sign expansion of the corresponding partial product and (~Si) is 1′s complement
of Si. S[i] and C[i] corresponds to the ith bit of the feedback sum and carry whereas Z[i] is the ith bit of the sum
of lower bits for each partial product. S′[i], C′[i] and Z′[i] are the previous result for accumulation. In addition,
Pj[i] is the ith bit of jth partial product.

Fig. 3. CSA architecture for 8-bit MAC based on radix-4 booth encoder

Proposed CSA consists of full adders, half adders and carry look ahead adders as shown in Figure 3. In this,
series of CLA adders are used to generate the lower 8-bits of the final result. The white square in Figure 3
represents an FA and the black square is a half adder (HA). The rectangular symbol with five inputs is a 2-bit
CLA with a carry input.

ISSN : 0975-5462 Vol. 3 No. 8 August 2011 6695

Shankey Goel. et al. / International Journal of Engineering Science and Technology (IJEST)


Final adders are digital circuits that compute the addition of variable binary strings of equivalent or different
size. Two types of adder are used for the addition of upper sum and carry bits. These are CLA and radix-4
Kogge stone adder (KSA) [10]. In carry look-ahead adder, carry signal is calculated in advance based on input
signals. The result is a reduced carry propagation time. The second adder i.e. radix-5 Kogge stone adder is a
parallel prefix form carry look ahead adder. In KSA, carries are computed fast by computing them in parallel at
the cost of increased area but reduced delay. A Parallel Prefix Adder (PPA) is equivalent to the CLA adder. The
two differ in the way their carry generation block is implemented. Rdaix-5 Kogge stone adder structure and their
symbol representation are shown in figure 4 and 5.
When large numbers of groups are combined then that in valency 5 group logic the equations for PG logic
Pi : j  Pi : k  Pk  1 : l  Pl  l : m  Pm  1 : n  Pn  1 : j (14)

Gi : j  Gi : k or Pi : k Gk -1:l or Pk -1:l Gl-1:m or

Pl - 1 : m Gm-1:n or Pm-1:n and Gn -1: j (15)
where i  k  l  m  n  j
The sum can therefore be computes using the following equation:

S i  Pi  G i 1:0 (16)

a 5 b5 a 4 b4 a 3 b3 a 1 b1 a 0 b0

Pre - processing

Prefix Cell
PP 5 PP PP Dummy
PP 4 3 2
Post - processing
Fig. 5. Symbols used in Radix-5 Kogge stone adder
Fig. 4. Radix-5 Kogge stone adder structure

The 16×16 bit parallel MAC based on both the booth encodings (i.e. Radix-4 booth encoding and Radix-8 booth
encoding) and some final adders (such as CLA adder and Radix-5 Kogge stone adder) is designed in Verilog
and the functionalities of the algorithms are verified by XILINX ISE 8.2i using Virtex 2p with XC2VP7 family
with FF896 package & -7 speed grade [11].

Fig. 6. Simulation result of Pipelined 16-bit MAC based on radix-4 modified booth encoder

ISSN : 0975-5462 Vol. 3 No. 8 August 2011 6696

Shankey Goel. et al. / International Journal of Engineering Science and Technology (IJEST)

Simulation result for the 16-bit parallel MAC based on radix-4 booth encoder and using Radix-5 Kogge
stone as a final adder is shown in Figure 6 respectively and performance characteristics in terms of speed and
area are shown in table I. It could be seen from table that the parallel MAC based on Radix-5 Kogge stone adder
is having more area as compared to others but having less delay. Higher would be the no. of slices, higher would
be area. Thus, MAC based on Radix-5 Kogge stone adder shows higher performance than others but at the cost
of area.

Table 3. Comparison result of 16-bit parallel MAC

MAC using Radix-4 MAC using Radix-8
Performance Booth encoding & adder Booth encoding & adder
Parameters and their
CLA adder Radix-5 CLA adder Radix-5
Kogge stone Kogge
adder stone adder
Max. Operating 111.495 126.231 100.553 112.04
Delay (ns) 5.112 4.264 7.990 6.789
Number of occupied 404 (8%) 423 (8%) 784 (15%) 814 (16%)
Slices (4,928)
Total equivalent gate 5,868 6,096 10,938 11,223

The primary objective of this thesis has been to present a new type of Parallel MAC using Radix-5 Kogge stone
adder, to reduce the implementation to practice, and to show through simulation and design that this algorithm is
competitive with other more commonly used algorithms when used for high performance implementations.
Secondarily, this thesis has shown that algorithms based upon the Radix-4 Booth partial product method are
distinctly superior in performance when compared to Radix-8 Booth encoded method. From above thesis, we
conclude that Parallel MAC based on Radix-4 booth encoder and using Radix-5 Kogge stone adder has higher
speed of operation and thus can be used in high performance systems. This work can be utilized in any of the
following such as in DSP applications, Numerical co-processor, Calculators (pocket, graphic etc), Filtering,
Modulation & Demodulation etc. As the summation networks and partial product generation logic results in
higher delay and most of the area of a MAC. Thus in future, some more techniques and advancement needs to
be done which further improves the performance of MAC. Also some measures should be taken which minimize
the area consumption.


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ISSN : 0975-5462 Vol. 3 No. 8 August 2011 6697

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