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Republic of the Philippines

Region III
Province of Pampanga
Municipality of Floridablanca
Barangay Paguiruan

_____________________ (name)
________________________ (title/position)

Dear Ma’am/Sir,
Greetings from our Heart , In preparation for the incoming Jaja’s Cup 2022.
The Barangay Paguiruan will have a Basketball League on ______________. The aim of this
tournament is to uphold the value of sportsmanship, Likewise, this is also organized to make them
Physically Fit and Mentally Fit as well as to improve their social and emotional aspects of well-being.
In view of this, may we request from your Generous Heart for financial assistance to help us in
acquiring our needs such as payment of referees, trophies, and prizes.
Your financial support would be a great help in fulfilling the said tournament.
Thank you in advance and God Bless!

Very Truly Yours,

Raquiel Garcia
Barangay Captain

John Kevin Ferrer

SK Chairman

Jeric Lopez
Republic of the Philippines
Region III
Province of Pampanga
Municipality of Floridablanca
Barangay Paguiruan

Hon. Raquiel Garcia

Barangay Captain of Paguiruan

Dear Ma’am,
Greetings in the name of the Lord, I Jeric Lopez is active in engaging recreational activities as
one way of saving youth from any illegal activities like drugs and criminalities.
In line with this, I am requesting for your approval to have a Basketball League namely Jaja’s
Cup 2022, which will be conducted in our Barangay.
In the light of the aforementioned event, we humbly come to your aid with the fervent hope that
you may help us on our main concern. We firmly believe that your kind heart will not fail our prayer,
especially for the benefit of your fellowmen. Rest assured, It plays a big impact of their life as we are
supporting the skills enhancement, and it is our great appreciation on your supports towards the sport
development of our young generation.
Thank you very much for your generosity and may the intercession of God bring forth more
blessings to you.

Very Truly Yours,

Jeric Lopez

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