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NR No: 002 Date: 10/OCT/2023

SHOTLIST: Head of ATMIS joins Ugandan nationals in Somalia to mark 61st

Independence Day



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1. Wide shot – Guests from the African Union Transition Mission in Somalia
(ATMIS), standing in respect of the Uganda national anthem during the ceremony
to mark Uganda’s 61st Independence anniversary in Mogadishu, Somalia.
2. Close up shot – The commander of the Uganda ATMIS contingent, Brig. Gen.
Peter Omola salutes as the anthem plays.
3. Med shot – Somalia's Deputy Prime Minister Salah Ahmed Jama and Uganda
State Minister of Foreign Affairs John Mulimba standing as the anthem plays.
4. Med shot – Guests standing in respect of the Uganda national anthem.
5. Med shot – Guests standing in respect of the Uganda national anthem.
6. Med shot – The AU Special Representative for Somalia and Head of ATMIS,
Amb. Mohamed El-Amine Souef and ATMIS Force Commander Lt. Gen. Sam
Okiding, standing as the anthem plays.
7. Wide shot – Guests standing in respect of the Uganda national anthem.
8. Wide shot – Guests attending the ceremony to mark 61st Independence
9. Med shot – Guests attending the ceremony.
10. Wide shot – Cultural performers entertain guests.

For more information please contact:

Snr. Communications Officer or Force Spokesperson
Ms. Gifty Bingley or Lt. Col. Abdullahi Ganale, Email: [email protected]
Cell phone: (Somalia) +252 617 682 175/+252 613 665 356; (Nairobi) +254 722 586 005
Web: | Follow Us: Facebook | Twitter | Instagram | YouTube
11. Med shot – Uganda’s Ambassador to Somalia Prof. Sam Turyamuhika
welcoming Amb. Souef.
12. Wide shot – Ambassador Prof. Turyamuhika and his deputy Maj. Gen. Nathan
Mugisha welcome the Italian ambassador to Somalia at the new Uganda
chancery building in Mogadishu.
13. Med shot - Ambassador Prof. Turyamuhika welcomes the ATMIS police
14. Med shot - Ambassador Prof. Turyamuhika welcoming the Ethiopian ambassador
to Somalia.
15. Wide shot - The new Uganda chancery building in Mogadishu.
16. Close up shot – Court of arms.
17. Med shot – Cultural performers dancing.
18. Wide shot - Ambassador Prof. Turyamuhika, Deputy Prime Minister Jama and
State Minister of Foreign Affairs, Mulimba cut a ribbon to officially open the new
Uganda chancery building.
19. Wide shot - Deputy Prime Minister Jama, signs a visitors' book at the embassy.
20. Med shot - Ambassador Prof. Turyamuhika and Uganda State Minister of Foreign
Affairs, Mulimba looking on.
21. Tilt down shot - Deputy Prime Minister Jama signing.
22. Close up shot – A Federal Government of Somalia Minister looking on.
23. Wide shot - Deputy Prime Minister Jama being taken on a tour of the chancery
24. Wide shot - Deputy Prime Minister Jama, making his remarks.
25. Wide shot – Guests attending.
26. Close up shot – Amb. Souef and Lt. Gen. Okiding listening.
27. Med shot - Deputy Prime Minister Jama speaking.
28. Med shot – Somali Federal Ministers listening.
29. Close up shot – Ambassador Prof. Turyamuhika listening.
30. Close up shot - Deputy Prime Minister Jama speaking.
31. Wide shot - Deputy Prime Minister Jama speaking at the anniversary.
32. SOUNDBITE: (English) Salah Ahmed Jama, Somalia's Deputy Prime

“Your support has enabled us to develop although it still needs improvement in

the capabilities to successfully fight these dangerous terrorist group that does not
only risk the survival of the Somali State and the society but also is a threat and a
menace to the region and to the globe. I think the case of Somalia with your
support offers a successful story where countrymen and women with support
from their regional brothers are at last winning against a very deadly enemy.”

33. Close up shot – Uganda and Somalia national flags.

For more information please contact:

Snr. Communications Officer or Force Spokesperson
Ms. Gifty Bingley or Lt. Col. Abdullahi Ganale, Email: [email protected]
Cell phone: (Somalia) +252 617 682 175/+252 613 665 356; (Nairobi) +254 722 586 005
Web: | Follow Us: Facebook | Twitter | Instagram | YouTube
34. Wide shot – Guests listening to Uganda State Minister of Foreign Affairs, John
35. Med shot – Ambassador Prof. Turyamuhika and Deputy Prime Minister Jama.
36. Wide shot – Uganda State Minister of Foreign Affairs, Mulimba addressing the
37. Close up shot – Commander of the Uganda ATMIS contingent, Brig. Gen. Omola
38. Close up shot – Commissioner of Police Hillary Sao Kanu, ATMIS Police
Commissioner attending.
39. SOUNDBITE: (English) John Mulimba, Uganda State Minister of Foreign

“Uganda remains an ardent supporter for strengthening the regional and sub
regional organizations such as African Union, East African community, and many
others. From 2007, Uganda was the first to contribute troops for the liberation of
Somalia and remains a major troop contributing country in the fight against
terrorism in Somalia. We fully support the Federal Government of Somalia and its
commitment to fight terrorism.”

40. Wide shot – Guests tasting Ugandan coffee.

41. Med shot – The Minister trying out the Ugandan coffee.
42. Wide shot – Guests tasting Ugandan coffee.
43. Wide shot – Deputy Prime Minister Jama visiting a Uganda Airlines stall.
44. Med shot – Deputy Prime Minister Jama receives gifts at the Uganda Airlines
45. Med shot – Deputy Prime Minister Jama visits a fruits and spices stall.
46. Close up shot – Uganda pineapples on display.
47. Wide shot – Cutting of the cake at the new Uganda chancery to mark Uganda’s
61st Independence anniversary.
48. SOUNDBITE: (English) Ambassador Souef, The AU Special Envoy to
Somalia and Head of ATMIS

“I take this opportunity to congratulate Uganda, to congratulate the government

and people of Uganda and on top of today they opened embassy a new mission
a new chancery here in Mogadishu which show a lot of things that they are with
the Somalis and that they will continue to be with the Somalis,”

49. Wide shot – Cultural performers entertaining guests.

For more information please contact:

Snr. Communications Officer or Force Spokesperson
Ms. Gifty Bingley or Lt. Col. Abdullahi Ganale, Email: [email protected]
Cell phone: (Somalia) +252 617 682 175/+252 613 665 356; (Nairobi) +254 722 586 005
Web: | Follow Us: Facebook | Twitter | Instagram | YouTube
Head of ATMIS joins Ugandan nationals in Somalia to mark 61 st
Independence Day

Mogadishu, October 10, 2023 - Ugandan peacekeepers serving with the African
Union Transition Mission in Somalia (ATMIS) on Monday, joined their countrymen
to celebrate their country’s 61st Independence anniversary in Mogadishu.

The ceremony hosted by the Ugandan Ambassador to Somalia Prof. Sam

Turyamuhika, was attended by the African Union Special Representative for
Somalia and Head of ATMIS Amb. Mohamed El-Amine-Souef and Somalia’s
Deputy Prime Minister Salah Jama.

Also in attendance was Uganda’s Minister of State for Foreign Affairs John
Mulimba, senior ATMIS officials and representatives from the UN, European
Union, Kenya and Somalia’s international partners.

At the event which also marked the official opening of the Ugandan embassy
chancery building, Amb. Souef commended Uganda for its commitment to lasting
peace and stability in Somalia.

“I take this opportunity to congratulate the government and the people of Uganda
for allowing their troops and police officers to serve under ATMIS. This is a show
of their unwavering solidarity with the people of Somalia,” said Amb. Souef.

The Somalia Deputy Prime Minister, who presided over the event, thanked
Uganda for standing with Somalia during its most difficult times, through ATMIS
and its precursor mission AMISOM.

“We are very grateful for the support you have given us throughout the years in
fighting the Al-Shabaab terrorists. Through the selfless efforts of your countrymen
and women and other regional brothers we are now winning the war against the
enemy,” said Deputy Prime Minister Jama.

In his remarks, Uganda’s Minister of State for Foreign Affairs John Mulimba,
noted his country’s long standing relations with Somalia and its commitment to
peace and stability in the region and Africa as a whole.

“Uganda remains an ardent supporter for strengthening the regional and sub
regional organizations such as East African community, and many others. We
fully support the Federal Government and the people of Somalia and their
commitment to fight terrorism,” said Minister Mulimba.

Uganda which was the first country to commit troops to Somalia in 2007, is
among the five ATMIS troop contributing countries alongside Burundi, Djibouti,

For more information please contact:

Snr. Communications Officer or Force Spokesperson
Ms. Gifty Bingley or Lt. Col. Abdullahi Ganale, Email: [email protected]
Cell phone: (Somalia) +252 617 682 175/+252 613 665 356; (Nairobi) +254 722 586 005
Web: | Follow Us: Facebook | Twitter | Instagram | YouTube
Ethiopia and Kenya. Uganda also has a contingent of police officers serving in
Somalia under ATMIS.

The East African country attained its independence from British colonial rule on 9
October 1962.


For more information please contact:

Snr. Communications Officer or Force Spokesperson
Ms. Gifty Bingley or Lt. Col. Abdullahi Ganale, Email: [email protected]
Cell phone: (Somalia) +252 617 682 175/+252 613 665 356; (Nairobi) +254 722 586 005
Web: | Follow Us: Facebook | Twitter | Instagram | YouTube

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