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GRADE 12 - ABM 2 - GROUP 1

Chapter 1



Since the beginning of the COVID-19 Pandemic era, the food service sector in the
Philippines has undergone continual improvement and change as a result of the adoption
of technological advancements, which have led to the replacement of outdated products
with newly innovative ones and the emergence of trends that quickly catch on across all
social media platforms. The sudden changes in the food sector force companies that
manufacture food into consideration in terms of fabricating their products and producing
goods in line with consumer demand. During the time of the pandemic, when the
lockdown was still in place, dining outdoors was strictly prohibited. As a result, food
service operations are the predominant source of COVID-19 transmission (Lee & Ham,
2021). People tend to look for healthier options and adopt behaviors to prevent the spread
of the infectious virus (Lee & Ham, 2021). The COVID-19 outbreak has resulted in a
number of trends in the food service sector (Lee & Ham, 2021). Due to the quick spread
of the virus throughout the entire nation, the need to make more significant adjustments,
and the necessity of adhering to health rules, it was a difficult turning point for everyone.
This was the time that several businesses saw a decline due to the downfall that
happened. The chances of demand have decreased, as well as the changes in people's
preferences and daily routines.

According to IPrice Group, based on keyword searches from October 2019 to

November 2020, interest in chocolates, sweets, and candies has grown compared to 2019
conducted in the Philippines. The group mentioned the increase in the number of searches
over the months. Filipinos' interest in sweets contributed in gaining popularity and
starting food trends until post-pandemic. Humans eat in response to discomfort.
Perceived stress and chronic stressor exposure are associated with a greater desire to eat,
as stated from a research study published in the Journal of Health Psychology on anxiety,
hunger, binge eating, and enjoyable, non-nutritious food consumption.

The healthline also mentioned that eating sugary foods can weaken one's body to react
to stress. As stated in a 2016 study published in the Behavioral Sciences journal, sugar
can reduce fatigue by suppressing the Hypothalamic Pituitary Adrenal (HPA) axis, which
regulates responses to stress. Researchers from the University of California discovered
that sugar prevented stress-induced cortisol release in healthy female participants,
minimizing stress and anxiety. The stress hormone cortisol is known to cause this, the
report continued. As a result, Filipinos are suffering from stress, which leads them to feel
the urge to eat comforting foods, including sweets. When discussing the impact of sugar
on human's health, sugar has a bittersweet reputation. Sugar is naturally found in any
foods that contain carbohydrates, such as fruits and vegetables, beans, and dairy products.
It’s good to consume foods that contain natural sugar. According to Harvard Health
Publishing, plant foods are high in fiber, vital minerals, and antioxidants, whereas dairy
foods are high in protein and calcium.

The researchers must describe the advantages and disadvantages of each main
ingredient as they look forward to a successful beginning and outcome. One banana per
day will provide: 12% of the DV for vitamin C; 10% of the DV for potassium; and 8% of
the DV for magnesium. Eating one banana per day is a healthy option, but eating too
many bananas may result in high sugar levels. Bananas are nutritious, tasty, and versatile
fruits that could help prevent constipation, improve digestive and gut health, and promote
recovery from intense activity (Rdn, 2023). There are potential risks of eating too many
bananas, including tooth decay, allergies, weight gain, ragweed allergies, constipation,
abdominal pain, weight gain, and drowsiness. Consuming too many bananas also
increases the risk of type 2 diabetes, hyperkalemia, and migraines. Ice cream is packed
with vitamins and nutrients, and it can be a part of a healthy diet. Ice cream contains
nutrients that are good for your bones and immune system. Ice cream can also make you
happier. There are several drawbacks to ice cream, including its lack of nutrients, high
added sugar and calorie content, and potential use of artificial ingredients. Ice cream is
high in sugar, which can cause weight gain and health problems; it can also contain high
levels of saturated fat, which can raise the risk of heart disease. It can be a tasty addition
to many meals and a great source of calcium, protein, and other essential nutrients
(Ranafaisalrafiq, 2023).

The fourth most widely produced crop in the world is the Bananas. It originated in
Southeast Asian nations, including Malaysia, Indonesia, and the Philippines. People are
frequently mistaken for trees or palms, although they are actually herbs. Plus, they do not
have woody tissues. Banana is a perennial or long-lasting plant. Bananas do not grow
from a single seed but from a bulb or rhizome. Bananas come in thousands of kinds (e.g.,
Cavendish, Saba, Lakatan (Lacatan) Bananas, and Plantain, also known as cooking
bananas). Cardava (Kardaba) bananas are the traditional choice because they are banana
cultivars that originated in the Philippines. It is primarily for cooking, but it can be eaten
raw. This kind of banana has been popularly used in the Visayas and Mindanao regions.

Apart from this, there are plenty of health benefits offered by Cardava bananas. It was
revealed by SafePac Corporation Davao that Cardava contains potassium, which aids in
the circulation of the blood delivering oxygen towards the brain. Helps in maintaining a
normal heartbeat and your body’s water levels are balanced. Did you know that only
eating two bananas can provide you enough energy to perform exercises? They are a
great source of energy for about an hour and a half. Rather than drinking any kind of
product that has caffeine or eating any sweet snacks, this type of banana offers a degree
of energy that lasts longer without a sensational collapse resulting from intaking too
much of those products. Because it has this type of fiber that repairs and preserves regular
bowel processes, it can stop constipation. The effects of nicotine withdrawal can be
reduced by vitamin B and other minerals. Bananas include vitamin B6, which can also
lessen period discomfort and control women’s psychological effects. Bananas are often
consumed by pregnant women to relieve morning sickness due to their relaxing effect.
Cardava banana has the highest content of supplements, given that it has the deepest roots
among banana plants, which can collect a greater amount of nutrients from the soil.

Introducing the Turon Split, a unique sweet delicacy that represents a new approach
for individuals with a sweet tooth. Turon Split is a combination of two sweet treats:
Turon and Banana Split. It is defined by its innovative use of healthy and sweet
ingredients and a distinctive production process that is changing the confectionery
business. In this study, let us explore the materials and processes structural to Turon
Split, offering a detailed explanation of the process and its utility in creating this sweet
masterpiece. It defines the potential of Turon Split to build a position in the culinary
sweets market while supporting healthy behaviors. It also intends to dig into the inner
aspects of these manufacturing methods, providing transparency into the techniques that
make Turon Split a one-of-a-kind taste experience. Adding a little twist to the product
means attentively preserving the essence of Filipino culture while enhancing it to an
unmatched level of taste, texture, and appeal. The path to Turon Split’s invention does
not end with material selection. It also includes the food preparation methods that turn
these ingredients into delectable confections.

This sweet lumpia version, called banana lumpia or turon, is always sold by street
food vendors. Turon also consists of different varieties, such as sweet potatoes, mango,
cheese, and more. Filipino cuisine and customs are firmly rooted in the culture
surrounding turon food. It is frequently eaten as a dessert or as a “Merienda” which
means an afternoon snack in Filipino. During local festivals and celebrations, Its
preparation and consumption now reflect the country's love of sweet treats and the rich
flavors of local fruits. Turon has an impact on the Filipino practice of creative and
resourceful cooking as it makes use of these ingredients and showcases the ingenuity of
Filipino cuisine. Turon Split, a delicious combination of the traditional Filipino snack
"Turon" and ice cream, offers a variety of flavors, warmth and coolness, and crispy
texture. Turon Split envelops the staples of Filipino food with a creative twist by
combining these two favorite cuisines. This invention not only focuses on traditional
flavors but also expresses the imagination of a brilliant remake. Turon Split, located at
the crossroads of history and innovation, distinguishes rich Filipino cuisine. With the
information provided, the researchers will conduct a feasibility study of Turon Split at
Liceo de Cagayan University - RNP Campus and determine the product growth for Turon
Split and whether there would be a market for the product in the area.

Figure 1: Business Logo

A. Executive Summary

Since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, Filipinos have been into sweets. It
has kept increasing up until this day. Because of the demand, entrepreneurs took the
opportunity and were able to innovate and give satisfaction to every individual fond of
eating sweets. Such a company makes turon split, where it is made with banana, flavored
with Langka (jackfruit) and added some Ice cream on top of it. So that cold and hot food
will spark and sweetness explode. However, it has not mentioned in this study the
nutritional benefits of all ingredients and missed some additional toppings to make it
more attractive and delicious (Baker 2022). Same with the “Turon Split” Company,
creating something new to try that can attract our fellow students at Liceo de Cagayan
University. Moreover, this product should be affordable and adequate for the customers’
pockets. In particular, there could be a significant impact on the economy. Additionally,
eating sweets has a positive impact on people's mental health. It provides nutritional
content that fuels your body with energy to continue functioning throughout the day. It
can also reduce tension, but it should be done in a controlled manner (Dillon, 2023).
Finally, since we will be utilizing fruit for our product, which plays a crucial role in
maintaining our health and reducing the risk of heart disease and high blood pressure,
consuming desserts can positively affect brain processes (Dillon, 2023). The business
management team chose a nutritious ingredient for our product, the Cardava or Cardaba
Banana. A Philippine banana cultivar originated in the Philippines, with most of its
varieties grown in Visayas and Mindanao. Putting a twist on the Filipino delicacy called
“Turon” with the concept of an American dessert, Banana Split, Basically, Turon Split is
a combination of these two desserts. Our company’s mission is to provide a creative and
good-quality snack and to gain trust for the growth and success of our company’s vision
for the business.

B. Company Profile

There are many suggestions for developing a company’s unique qualities to be

recognized by the public and the food industry. Several factors should be taken into
account, especially when starting a food business, particularly the environment, such as
conducting extensive research on the market, choosing trusted suppliers, studying the
sales processes thoroughly, taking care of some financial matters, and developing
marketing strategies. This will help ensure the company operates smoothly and is
carefully managed so as not to be exposed to any unanticipated circumstances. Turon
Split falls under the category of business partnerships. It is a formal agreement associated
with two or more parties that fairly shares profits and liabilities for the management and
operation of a business (Kopp, 2023). The best-quality product at an affordable and
sufficient price would be provided by the “Turon Split” company. On an advantageous
note, it is capable of making customers purchase the product again. Its vision, mission,
and objectives serve as guidelines for success for the company and lay a good foundation
for those who will benefit from them. Turon Split is a business that cooks and sells
appetizing desserts that may satisfy people’s food cravings to survive the hot weather in
Cagayan de Oro City, Philippines. This constitutional partnership business was run by the
Grade 12 - ABM 2 students of Liceo de Cagayan University - RNP Campus. Turon Split
recognizes the demand for budget-friendly snacks and the delectable quality of this
product,which is suitable for all age groups. In addition, the company wants to promote
Filipino culture through food innovation.

C. Business Name

The Turon Split was inspired by Banana Split, which is an American dessert
consisting of peeled bananas cut lengthwise and served with ice cream and sauce in
between the two pieces. Turon is derived from the name of a popular Filipino snack,
“Banana Turon”, which is a banana wrapped in a spring roll wrapper.


Our objective is to seek new and creative methods of creating turon and experiment
with diverse flavors that complement the product. Promoting unique and wholesome food
that will let every customer discover this special type of Filipino dessert.


Our mission is to provide excellent culinary experiences to our consumers by creating

and serving delicious, nutritious, and locally sourced meals. We are dedicated to creating
community engagement and promoting the secure well-being of our staff and consumers.
Serving our consumers with good-quality, wholesome food and to gain their trust in order
to grow our business.


The company aims to:

Enhance Customer Experience: To increase customer satisfaction by a given

percentage as assessed via surveys or feedback, as well as by instituting improved service

Maintain Food Safety Standards: To establish and maintain the highest food safety and
hygiene standards possible through frequent audits, staff training, and regulatory

Build Brand Awareness: To raise brand recognition and awareness among a specific
demographic, measures like website traffic, social media participation, or customer
surveys are assessed.

A. Product Description

Turon Split is a Filipino dessert inspired by the Banana Split, but it will be made in a
different way. Banana Split is made with Lakatan banana only and ice cream, while
Turon Split is made with fried cardava banana, which is high in potassium and dietary
fiber due to its banana content, wrapped in a spring roll wrapper with ice cream on top.
Turon is a popular sweet, crispy, and filling snack in the Philippines. Ripe saba bananas
are wrapped in a spring roll wrapper and deep-fried until crisp and golden. Ice cream is a
frozen delicacy made from milk or cream and usually flavored with sugar or a sugar
replacement, a spice such as chocolate or vanilla, or some fruit. Only vanilla ice cream
will be used in the Turon Split as an ice cream. The ingredients to be considered on this
product are mainly cardava bananas, lumpia wrapper, canola oil, brown sugar, and vanilla
ice cream. There are some extra toppings including peanuts, corn flakes, candy-coated
chocolates, and chocolate condensed. In order to make the product possible, following
the process or procedure is strongly recommended. The basic step is to add brown sugar
to a medium-sized bowl and a small bowl with water, place the banana slices on the
wrapper, and lift the bottom corner of the lumpia wrapper to envelop the banana. Next in
progress is pouring the oil in a frying pan, putting the banana rolls on the pan once the oil
is heated enough, and taking them out of the pan. For the toppings and the final plating,
put a square shaped clean banana leaf on the container, add the vanilla flavored ice cream
with a single scoop, and fill it with some toppings such as peanuts, nips, cornflakes, or
chocolate condensed milk. The selling price of the Turon Split is P65.00 per serve. The
pricing strategy used in Turon Split is cost-plus pricing by calculating all the costs and
adding a mark-up.
Figure 2: The product

E. Management Team

1. General Manager
A general manager is expected to improve efficiency and increase profits
while managing the overall operations of a company or a division (Banton, 2023).
All aspects of the company's operations, e.g., daily functioning, administration
functions, and financial matters, will be under the responsibility of Mr. Janryl

2. Production Manager
It is someone who keeps a company functioning at the highest level of
efficiency to minimize risk and maximize profit (Indeed, 2023). To ensure that the
staff can meet their potential and work at the highest possible efficiency. The
primary duties of the production manager will be assigned to Ms. May Abigail
Cabunoc, such as drafting policies, procedures, schedules, etc. To improve
productivity, minimize disruption, and increase profitability while reducing costs.
This job entails the management of company resources. The members/staff of the
production team would be Mr. Hayato Araki and Mr. Rodge Gabriel Salloman.

3. Financial Manager
A financial manager is someone who supervises the financial health of an
organization as well as assists in ensuring that it remains financially sustainable
(Emeritus, 2023). These essential tasks of a financial manager, which include
monitoring money flow, expenditure management, and strategies for making a
profit, will be managed by Ms. Khaye Natalie Arnoco and Ms. Queenie Ruchin

4. Sales manager
The role of a sales manager is to organize and manage a team of
representatives to achieve revenue and sales targets within an organization or
company. The management and direction of a team of sales representatives on
achieving the company or organization’s revenue objectives falls under Mr. Jishai
Benedict Eblacas. They are primarily responsible for formulating sales strategies,
establishing targets, and coordinating the team's effort to effectively promote and
sell products or services.

5. Cashier
A cashier is a customer service and retail professional who facilitates
customer’s transactions via the scanning of purchaseable goods and payment
collection (Indeed, 2023). The duties of the cashier in a retail establishment are
mainly to process all forms of payment. This position is being assigned to Ms.
Adrienne Sie Cuenca.

6. Sales clerk/staff
A sales clerk’s duties include assisting customers in making purchases,
responding to their questions, and providing recommendations about the product.
To provide customers with the best service and retain good customer feedback for
the business with excellent communication skills to deliver the best services to the
customers (Zippia, 2023). This position is being assigned to Ms. Ella Mae Edrote.

F. Type of business

A famous Filipino snack called “Turon'' was being upgraded by the food company's
innovation. The team quickly drew up an idea to combine these two delicious treats after
being inspired by the American Snack known as Banana Split, which resulted in the final
product of Turon Split. People of any age can consume this product as a snack or dessert.
Banana is widely known for its convenience and accessibility, which includes its health
benefits. This feasibility study applied the type of business structure – partnership for
Turon Split owned and operated by the Grade 12 Senior High School students of
Accountancy, Business, and Management. Turon Split is a business arrangement that is
classified as a partnership. It is a formal contract between two or more parties. In a
general partnership, for the management and operations of a business, both parties fairly
split the company’s profits and liabilities (Kopp, 2023). The teammates agreed to equally
share and work as a team and anticipate the growth of this business, with the help of
those marketing strategies achieved by strengthening each business’ access to resources,
information, and other expertise.

The Industry
A. Industry Overview

Turon Split belongs primarily to the food industry, specifically within the category of
sweets and desserts. In the Philippines, sweet treats are enjoyed throughout the day, both
as desserts and as snacks. The local term for dessert in the Philippines is “Pang
himagas,” but generally most Filipinos use the word “dessert” as well (Tee, 2023). There
is a wide range of snacks to enjoy. "Halo-halo" is a Filipino-style shaved ice with milk
made with sweetened beans, fruits, and jellies. "Buko Pandan" is a chilled dessert
prepared with pandan jelly, shredded young coconut meat, cream, and sweetened
condensed milk. "Leche Flan" is the Filipino version of "creme caramel." It is made with
milk, sugar, and eggs, as well as vanilla flavoring. It is commonly used as a topping for
shaved ice, such as halo-halo, or in other treats, such as Graham de Leche. Finally, "Puto"
is a rice flour-based Filipino steamed sweet cake. These are enjoyed by people of all
ages, and it is often served at celebrations, gatherings, and as an everyday snack.

The COVID-19 pandemic clearly had a significant negative influence on the food
industry. It had a rapid effect on the foodservice industry's earnings. This resulted in the
unprecedented shutdown of several food establishments and reduced on-premises sales
for those that remained open. Meanwhile, several full-service restaurants began offering
takeout choices and developed ready-to-cook or ready-to-eat meals that their customers
could enjoy in the comfort of their own homes. With many people stuck at home during
the pandemic, there was a surge in demand for comfort foods like Turon (Beaton, 2021).
The sweet and crispy nature may have provided comfort and nostalgia for many Filipinos
during the pandemic. Furthermore, several street food vendors and small businesses
adapted to the pandemic by selling their products via online food delivery services. This
enabled customers to order turon and other refreshments to be delivered to their homes.
Turon Split is a food business that entails wrapping sliced bananas in a lumpia wrapper,
frying it until golden brown, coating it with sugar, and topping it with vanilla ice cream.
Aside from the consistent demand for it and its cultural significance, it promotes
accessibility. Since the ingredients are quite few and there are no special tools needed to
cook it, Turon Split is easily produced.

Overall, entrepreneurs must create a strong brand identity that resonates with their target
audience and sets them apart from competitors, embrace digital marketing to effectively
reach your target audience and build a compelling online presence, and prioritize
financial management to ensure a healthy cash flow and long-term growth. Turon Split's
success is contingent on these.

B. Competitive Analysis

The food industry encompasses the production, processing, distribution, and sale of a
wide range of edible products to meet the nutritional needs and preferences of consumers
worldwide. Being creative and unique is important in this sector because every other
competitor is looking for ways to differentiate themselves. Turon Split has existing
competitors in the turon business, just like any other food-related business. Since it's a
well-loved treat, there may be multiple businesses or individuals offering turon in the
same local market. Competitors in the turon business could include local bakeries and
cafes, malls, restaurants, online sellers, and home-based businesses.

The average price of turon in SM and other malls ranges from 15 to 30 pesos, while the
turon you buy from a street vendor will be 10 pesos from the walking street vendors, or
12 pesos if they have a fixed stand somewhere (Ino, n.d.). Turon prices vary depending
on the seller and the amount of supplies, time, and effort required to make it.
Businesses attempt to differentiate themselves in a competitive market. What makes
Turon Split different is that instead of the usual turon, we innovated it by serving it with
vanilla ice-cream, topped with peanuts, nips, cornflakes, and chocolate condensed milk,
depending on the customer’s preference. Currently, there are few prominent Turon
businesses in Cagayan de Oro City. This provided us with a solid base for establishing
our brand in Cagayan de Oro City.

Turon Split’s competitor is SM Markets. In 2016, SM Markets sold 24 million pieces of

turon, exceeding the 18 million pieces sold in 2015, for a growth of 33 percent (Inquirer,
2017). For only 30 pesos a piece, the 8-inch SM Turon is offered in all SM Markets (SM
Supermarket, SM Hypermarket, and Savemore Market) stores nationwide. The team
conducted research to better understand certain circumstances in whether aspects of our
business might be threatened by our competitors. Our company made certain that we
utilized fresh and high-quality ingredients, as this can have an important influence on the
taste and overall appeal of Turon Split. In addition, our company aims to build an online
presence through social media platforms and, if applicable, a dedicated website or online
In summary, the Turon market is expanding, with several competitors.

Table 1: SWOT Analysis

C. Target Market

The people we aimed to reach with our Turon Split product included all senior high
school students from Liceo de Cagayan University, both at the RNP and Main Campus.
We picked them as our target audience because we wanted to gather various opinions
about our product. We seek to get their precise, explicit, and logical feedback and
suggestions to improve the taste of our snacks for future customers. The people we aimed
to reach with our Turon Split product included all senior high school students from Liceo
de Cagayan University, both at the RNP and Main Campus. We picked them as our target
audience because we wanted to gather various opinions about our product. Seeking to get
their precise, explicit, and logical feedback and suggestions to improve the taste of our
snacks for future customers.
The target market for Turon food in schools can vary depending on the location and
demographics of the school. However, some potential target markets could include:

1. Students: Turon is a popular Filipino snack that is commonly enjoyed by students. Its
sweet and crispy texture makes it appealing to younger individuals.

2. Parents/Guardians: Parents who are looking for nutritious and delicious snacks for
their children may be interested in Turon as it is made from bananas and can be a
healthier alternative to other sugary snacks.

3. Filipino community: If the school has a significant Filipino population or if there is a

demand for Filipino cuisine, Turon can be marketed towards this community as a familiar
and traditional food option.

4. Staff and faculty: Turon can also be marketed to the school staff and faculty as a quick
and convenient snack option during their breaks or for events and meetings.

5. School events: Turon can be targeted towards school events, such as fundraisers,
cultural celebrations, or club activities, where there may be a higher demand for diverse
food offerings. It is important to conduct market research and understand the specific
demographics and preferences of the school community in order to effectively target the
market for Turon food in schools.

D. Costing

Table 2: The Costing Table

Ingredients/ Quantity Prices Total

Banana Cardava 5kg 25/kg. P125
Lumpia Wrapper 2 packs 22.50/pack 45
Canola Oil 1 Liter 140.20/L 140.20
Brown Sugar 1 kg. 78.65/kg. 78.65
Vanilla Ice Cream 1.3 Liter 310/L 310
Peanuts 500 grams 20.60 20.60
Nips 4 packs (100 grams) 18/pack 72
Corn Flakes 1 pack (150 grams) 141.30 141.30
Box 50 pieces 18.85/5pcs. 188.5
Disposable Fork 60 pieces 19.40/20pcs. 58.20
Chocolate 2 cans 55 110
Ice Cream Scooper 1 piece 149 149
Flipper (Optional)
Electric Stove
Cooking Pot

These are the ingredients and materials needed for Turon Split. In the figure above shown
the prices and quantities of the products including the total costing.

Business Strategies

A. Operation and Management Plan

The business, Turon Split, follows a production process outlined in the figure above.
They have allocated production personnel and ensured profitability for their snack. The
company operates from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., with selling activities starting at 9:00 a.m.
and closing and cleaning the stall at the end of the day. To operate effectively, the
company organizes its daily operations, which include the following anticipated tasks.

● Cooking and Serving snacks with outstanding service

● Providing utmost courtesy and outstanding service to Customers
● Ensuring the consistency of the taste of Turon Split
● Financial Management (business activity reports, record of financial
receipts and expenditure, and forecasts)

The company takes great care in making its snacks, emphasizing safety and dedication in
each step of the cooking and serving process. They prioritize preparing supplies in
advance to efficiently meet customer demands. Employees must adhere to proper cooking
etiquette, maintain material quality (especially the freshness of bananas), and ensure
perfect frying for the turon to deliver a high-quality product. Additionally, the company
strives to provide customers with the fastest and best possible service from their team.
Figure 3: Production Paradigm

B. Marketing Strategies

For the business to be successful, marketing strategies must be implemented to attract

consumers and have them make the decision to purchase the product after trying it, so
they can become your customers sooner. Some ways to make customers attract the
product are branding and marketing, online presence, and a unique selling proposition.
These strategies were the most effective ways, mostly in launching a business, to engage
the customers in trying and gain their trust in the product.

The following are the marketing strategies for promoting the product:

1. Branding and Marketing - The business team will create a memorable logo and
packaging as part of a strong brand identity. Promoting the company and
widening its audience by using social media, a website, or advertising to invite
more possible customers. Creating brand awareness is an important step in
promoting a new product or reviving an old brand. Brand awareness is a
marketing term for the extent to which consumers recognize a product by its
name. Ideally, consumers' awareness of the brand may include positive
perceptions of the qualities that distinguish the product from its competition
(Kopp, 2022). It is the degree to which people become familiar with a specific
commodity or service and aims to distinguish a new or updated product from the
competition by educating the public about it.

2. Utilizing Social Media - Businesses that don't utilize social media marketing
effectively are losing out on a potential asset for their overall marketing plan. You
can interact with your customers on social media and learn what people are saying
about your company. Social media can assist your business in attracting clients,
obtaining client feedback, and cultivating client loyalty. The business team will
create a social media account and follow marketing methods to promote Turon
Split to the target market and potential clients.

3. Unique Selling Proposition (USP) - Differentiate the dessert business by offering

a unique product or service. Whether it's a signature dessert flavor, a specific
theme, or a focus on using organic ingredients, making sure to stand out from the
competition. A Unique Selling Point (USP), also known as a Unique Selling
Proposition (USP), is a marketing claim that distinguishes a product or brand from
its rivals. A USP may boast the lowest price, the highest quality, the most
experience, the first in its product class, or another characteristic that distinguishes
the offering from the competition (Sheldon, 2022). The USP may boast that the
product is the most affordable, the best in its class, the most experienced, or
possess some other attribute that makes it stand out from the competitors. You
might think of a unique selling point as "what you have that competitors do not
C. Sales Strategies

Online Presence

By using a website or social media platforms, it will keep up an active online

presence. It showcases the treats on these platforms, provides client endorsements, and
engages the audience in conversation. Quality over quantity is the key to successful
online presence. Businesses can build a reputation and degree of customer trust with an
online presence, which can boost tales and bring in new clients. Due to an online
presence, customers in Turon Split can get in touch with businesses more readily with
questions or feedback.

Customer Experience

Customer experience refers to how customers feel about your brand overall throughout
the entire purchasing process. An excellent client experience can help you stand out from
the competition. It offers a technique to position your product and brand at the forefront
as more brands compete for consumers' attention and as more options are easily
accessible. Offer options for customization and engage with customers on social media to
build a loyal customer base will continuously gather feedback from customers and adjust
the offerings and strategies accordingly. Adapt to changing trends and customer
preferences is really important.

D. Production Procedure

Turon Split is created in a clean and well-maintained facility. Equipment and

materials are sterilized beforehand to ensure a tidy and elegant workspace. Production
team is well oriented for proper cooking etiquette. Our company focuses on both
production and sales of cooking food and serving snacks to our customers. Emphasizing
the importance of preparing food with care and ensuring efficient service to meet
customer demands.


1. First, gather and prepare the materials and ingredients. Add brown sugar to a
medium-sized bowl and a small bowl with water.
2. Next, set the lumpia wrapper on a level flat surface closest to you. Place the
banana slices on the wrapper.
3. Lift the bottom corner of the lumpia wrapper to envelop the banana. Fold both
sides of the wrapper and roll into a log using both hands. To tightly seal the
wrapper, moisten the top edge with some water.


4. In a frying pan or a cooking pot, pour the Canola oil. Place it on the stove over
medium heat and heat the oil until it is ready to fry.
5. Put the banana rolls on the pan once the oil is heated enough. Make sure that each
side is cooked for about 90 seconds or until golden brown.
6. Take them out of the pan and put them on a clean plate over paper towels to
absorb any leftover oil. Continue doing these steps with the remaining banana
7. In a separate pan, start the stove and add the brown sugar on the pan. In a medium
heat, stir the brown sugar for a few seconds before adding some water. Continue
stirring until it begins to dissolve and turn darker.


8. Put a square shaped clean banana leaf on the container before placing the fried
banana rolls.
9. Add the Vanilla flavored ice cream with a single scoop. Fill it with some toppings
such as peanuts, nips, cornflakes, and chocolate condensed (letting the customers
decide their preferences.)

10. Make sure the product is well-paced. Lastly, Serve it with love and delight.

Rationale of the Study

The history and cultural influences behind the Filipino snack known as turon, as well
as its potential combination with ice cream are believed that Chinese culture introduced it
as part of SouthEast Asian Country. This influence may have contributed to the
development of turon, a popular Filipino snack (Regienasiy, 2022). The abundance of
Cardava bananas in the Philippines, specifically in the areas of Visayas and Mindanao,
has contributed to the popularity of turon as a snack option. It is often served for
merienda, which is a traditional Filipino afternoon snack or dessert. As Filipinos are so
creative and idealistic in terms of various food styles, turon can be enhanced by serving
it with ice cream. This combination is intended to create a contrast between hot and cold
foods, providing a unique and satisfying culinary experience.

Ice cream is known as triggering feelings of nostalgia, and the act of trying to finish it
before it melts is portrayed as a playful and enjoyable experience. The researchers behind
this study aim to experiment with the complement of turon when served with ice cream.
Their goal is to provide excellent culinary experiences to consumers by creating and
serving delicious, nutritious, and locally sourced meals.
Overall, the cultural and culinary aspects of turon in the Philippines emphasize its
historical roots, popularity, and potential for innovation through creative flavor
combinations like turon with ice cream.
Significance of the Study

This research will be introduced to the Liceans students as a new food variety on turon
snacks of Filipino. We want to introduce the new and improved taste of different flavors
of cardava turon to the students. We want to unleash a new wishlist from their budget
snacks and assist them with this new Filipino food discovery.

Banana farmers. Furthermore, this research extends its impact to the local banana
farming community in Cagayan de Oro (CDO) by providing avenues for market
expansion. The diversification of product offerings, centered around Cardava Turon,
offers an opportunity for banana farmers to reduce their dependence on a singular
commodity market. This diversification, coupled with the year-round nature of the
dessert industry, ensures a stable income source for farmers, contributing to local
economic development through job creation and subsequently enhancing the overall
quality of life in rural areas.
Entrepreneurs. Particularly street vendors and home-based businesses, stand to gain
valuable insights from this study. By elucidating consumer preferences for Turon
Cardava Split, vendors can tailor their offerings to align with customer demand.
Furthermore, the relatively low overhead costs associated with the preparation of Turon
Cardava Split make it an attractive prospect for vendors with limited resources,
accentuating its viability within the entrepreneurial aspect.
Target Market/Consumers: The students in Liceo de Cagayan University - RNP
Campus are the number one top list of beneficiaries of this feasibility study as it further
expands their knowledge of this study, while helping them develop and acquire essential
knowledge about the business. Then the second beneficiaries are the faculty and
staff/administrators. It will help to evaluate the product and contribute to the refinement
of recipes that reflect our cultural heritage and originality. This collaboration ensures that
the knowledge and traditions are passed on effectively.

Public: Banana Turon Split can serve as catalysts for encouraging us to stick on
Filipino delicacies that embodies our culture. This approach holds the potential to
contribute significantly to a sustainable future for both the entrepreneurs and the
customers. Filipino people benefit from Banana Turon Split as it provides a delicious and
affordable snack option, supports local banana farmers, and promotes the preservation of
Filipino culinary traditions.

Furthermore, in culinary education, including Cardava Turon is important because it not

only helps to raise awareness about different cultures and diversity but also encourages
new and creative ideas for menus. This means students can learn more and become better
at cooking various types of food from different cultures. By introducing Cardava Turon,
students are encouraged to think creatively and experiment with diverse flavors and
techniques. This hands-on experience equips them with a broader culinary skill set,
enabling them to excel in preparing a wide range of dishes representing various cultures.
In essence, banana turon split can help them better at cooking and lets them explore many
different types of food.

Scope and Delimitations of the Study

Turon Split differs from the inspiration product by using a different type of banana,
which is the cardava banana, to replace the Lakatan. It is also different by having cooked
banana as a combination with the ice cream in one serving. The researchers can
effectively market and introduce the product to reach our target audience by doing their
best to develop communication skills and taking advantage of social media.

The scope of this study is a product manufactured from cardava wrapped in a spring
roll wrapper with ice cream. The turon utilized in this study has some nutritional value
because it contains banana, which is high in potassium and fiber. The feasibility research
will focus on the outcome and conclusion of utilizing Cardava banana as a substitute for
Lakatan on banana splits as Turon Split at Liceo de Cagayan University - RNP Campus.
The study is limited to Liceo de Cagayan University - RNP Campus, and random
participants can utilize the product, but it will primarily involve the students, faculty, and
staff. Due to population size and the possibility of not convincing every single Licean to
purchase the product offered by the company, the researchers in Group 1 of Grade 12 -
ABM 2 must limit the number of participants. All people with diabetes are strictly
prohibited from consuming our food product.

Definitions of Terms

● Turon Split - an inspiration coming from a well-known dessert called Banana

Split, using turon as an alternative to banana.

● Cardava - A banana cultivar native to the Philippines. Because they are used for
cooking bananas or plantains, they frequently get harvested while unripe.
● Turon - A popular Filipino snack with bananas or other types of fruit rolled in a
spring roll wrapper, deep-fried and coated with caramelized sugar.

● Vanilla Ice Cream - A frozen treat made with milk or cream, sugar, and vanilla
flavoring made from vanilla seeds, pure vanilla extract, vanilla seed paste, or a
combination of the three.

● Sugar - A sweet substance composed entirely and primarily of sucrose, which is

translucent or white when natural and derived from plants (like sugarcane or sugar
beets), is a source of dietary carbs, and is utilized as a sweetener or preservative in
● Sweet tooth - A strong preference for sweet-tasting foods
● Nutrients - Are chemical substances found in food that the body uses to function
well and stay healthy.

● Perennial plants - There are plants that live for more than two years, usually with
fresh herbaceous growth from a section that survives from one growing season to
the next.

● Culinary - It has something to do with learning how to cook

● Resourceful - capable of finding immediate and inventive solutions to problems

● Innovation - The ability to envision, create, launch, and scale new goods,
services, processes, and business models for customers.

● Invention - A whole new creation of something that has not been created before.
● Manufacture - The transformation of unprocessed supplies or parts into
accomplished things using tools, manual labor, machinery, and the processing of

● Fabricate - To compensate for misrepresentation.

● Chronic stressor - A persistent feeling of being pressed and overwhelmed over a

lengthy period.

● Hypothalamic Pituitary Adrenal Axis (HPA) - It is the neuroendocrine

relationship between feeling stressed and physiological responses to stress, and it
is also the primary stress-reaction system.

Chapter 2

General Objective

This study aims to identify if Turon Split is in demand for Turon Split and
determine the marketability of the product and whether the proposed business is feasible
to the market.
Specific Objectives
The study has the following specific objectives:
1. To identify the target market by knowing there:
1.1 Daily Allowance
1.2 Purchasing Ability
1.3 Income
2. To understand the campus' demand for Turon Split in terms of:
2.1 Price
2.2 Personal Choice
2.2.1 Taste
2.2.2 Flavor
2.2.3 Price
2.2.4 Quality
2.2.5 Quantity
2.3 Sustainability
2.4 Place
3. To assess whether this business can sell high-quality turon products for a reasonable
price and to be able to:
3.1 Produce a profit/loss
3.2 Generate customer loyalty
4. To promote Filipino cuisine
5. To determine the product’s overall feasibility
Chapter 3

Research Setting
This study will be conducted at the Liceo de Cagayan University - RNP Campus. It is
one of the three campuses of the school, along with the Paseo del Rio Campus and the
Main Campus. Liceo de Cagayan University is a private, non-sectarian university in
Cagayan de Oro, Philippines, that offers a wide range of opportunities and activities. The
company operates from 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., with selling activities starting at 9:00 a.m.
and closing and cleaning the stall at the end of the day. Random participants can utilize
the product, but it will primarily involve the students, faculty, and staff of Liceo de
Cagayan University.

Research Design
The researchers used a quantitative, descriptive design and applied it using modified
survey questionnaires. The survey was conducted by administering structured
questionnaires to a set of respondents from the Senior High School students of Liceo de
Cagayan University - RNP Campus. The participants who were randomly selected will be
asked to evaluate survey questionnaires from Turon Split.
Respondents and Procedure
It is critical to select an acceptable sample size while doing a feasibility study on an
invention for senior high school students on the Liceo de Cagayan University - RNP
campus with a population of 1,879 pupils. The sample size will help in ensuring that the
results of this research are statistically significant in addition to being representative of
the total population. The researchers use a sample size calculator, such as Raosoft’s
Sample Size Calculator, to calculate the size.

Research Instruments
The data gathering instrument was a modified survey questionnaire. It was influenced
by Bojkov (2022). The objective was to gather information and insights into Turon Split's
potential in the market. The questionnaire featured questions on the customers'
preferences, opinions, suggestions, and pricing. Participants' views at the Liceo de
Cagayan University RNP Campus were calculated using a four-point Likert rating scale.
The scale ranges from 1 to 4, with 1 indicating strongly disagreeing and 4 indicating
strongly agreeing. The survey questions are aimed at collecting relevant information
concerning the 319 participants in the study. Participants completed the questionnaire in
between 10 and 15 minutes.In summary, the survey questionnaire was a useful tool for
gathering information on the feasibility of Turon Split’s.It provides data that can be used
to improve the product and make it appealing to potential customers.

Research Protocol
To ensure the quality and reliability of the study, the Liceo de Cagayan University
Senior High School Department - Rodolfo Neri Pelaez Campus, Grade 12 - ABM 1
researchers observed the following University Research Protocol to ensure the
smoothness of the proposed feasibility study. The procedure was as follows:
First, the research adviser carefully assessed and reviewed the paper. Second, the
school principal authorized the schedule for the research proposal defense after a
assessment and review of the finished paper. Third, after the proposal defense, the
researchers completed the study ethics application form and sent it along with the
research proposal to the Vice President for Research, Publication, and Extension. Fourth,
Research Ethics Form and proposal were analyzed by the Deputy Director of the
and Publishing Office to ensure accuracy and adherence to university formatting
The Research Ethics Committee further examined and approved the research ethics form.
Fifth, permission to conduct the study was obtained from the college dean, principal,
department chairman, director, or head of the office where the study will be conducted.
the survey questionnaire was field-tested with 320 randomly selected Senior High School
respondents from Liceo de Cagayan University, RNP Campus. Based on the pre-test
The necessary changes were made to the questionnaire. Lastly, the study's findings were
structured and presented in the final paper, which was authorized by the research adviser
submission to the research coordinator.
This research protocol ensured that the Turon Split feasibility study is carried out
according to academic research standards to assure its dependability and quality. The
design, technique, and procedures shall be used ethically and methodically to provide
and valid results.

Statistical Technique
One statistical technique that could be used to analyze Turon food is cluster analysis.

Cluster analysis is a multivariate statistical technique used to classify objects or cases into
groups or clusters based on their similarity. In the context of turon food, this technique
can be used to identify similar types or variations of turon based on different attributes
such as ingredients, cooking methods, or taste profiles.

First, data would need to be collected on the different variations of turon available. This
could include information on the ingredients used, such as different types of fruits, nuts,
or sweeteners, as well as any additional elements like chocolate or cheese. Other data
points may include the cooking method (fried or baked), the size of the turon, and any
specific regional or cultural variations.

Once the data is collected, a cluster analysis algorithm can be applied to identify groups
or clusters of turon that have similar characteristics. This can help in understanding the
different types of turon available and potentially identifying patterns or trends in the data.
For example, cluster analysis may reveal that there are certain clusters of turon that use
similar ingredients or cooking methods, which could be useful for categorizing and
marketing the products.

Additionally, cluster analysis can also be used to identify outliers or unique variations of

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