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THIS TRUST Deed made at ………..the ……… of ..................20………..between A, son of

………..resident of……….. (hereinafter called the Donor) of the ONE PART ………..and Shri B,
son of ………..resident of ………..and Shri C, son of ………..resident of………..(hereinafter
called the Trustees) of the OTHER PART.

WHEREAS the donor is entitled to and otherwise seized of the plot of land more particularly
described in the Schedule hereto.

AND WHEREAS the donor is desirous to establish a temple and the trustees have agreed to
act as members of the Committee of Management of the said temple and to establish the
temple by the money to be provided by the Donor and to maintain and manage the puja and
festivals to be conducted in the said temple.


In consideration of the premises, the Donor hereby conveys and grant………..transfers unto
the trustees all that piece of land bearing plot No.........................Survey No . ………..situate,
lying and being at village ………..Taluka ………..District ………..and………..more particularly
described in the Schedule hereto and delineated by All estate red coloured boundary line on
the plan annexed hereto, together with clause rights, trees, yards, buildings, out buildings,
easement, privileges attached to or appurtenant to the same and all the rights, title and interest
of the donor therein and the donor has also paid the trustees to hold the same
unto and for the use of the trustees free from encumbrances upon trust, to permit the same and
all the building or buildings that may be erected thereon to be used as a temple subject to rules
and regulations as shall be for the time being in force for the management thereof and subject
also to the following provisions:

(2) The objects of the trust are

(a) to construct a Hindu temple and install the Hindu deities of Lakshmi, Saraswati and
Gaytri for worship;
(b) to permit all Hindus to worship in the said temple of the said deities;
(c) to celebrate festivals on the occasion of navratri every year;
(d) to develop, propagate and encourage the Hindu philosophy and to protect the interests
of Hindus;
(e) to all other acts necessary and conducive to the attainment of the above objects.

(3) The trustees will construct a temple by the money provided by the donor on the land
mentioned in Schedule hereto in accordance with the plan annexed at Annexure. The trustees
will install the deities of Goddess Lakshmi, Saraswati and Gaytiri in the said temple in
accordance with the ceremony prescribed by the Hindu Shastras. The trustees will allow Hindus
of all castes and creeds in the temple for worship.
(4) The trustees will be authorised to engage and employ such priests as they think fit for
performance of puja and celebration of annual festival in the temple on such salaries or
otherwise as they think fit and to suspend and remove them and appoint others in their place to
perform puja, etc. The trustees will also be authorised to engage other employees for other
miscellaneous works of the temple.

(5) The expenses for maintenance of temple, performance of pooja, celebration of annual
festival, payment of salaries of priests, and other servants and other necessary expenses of the
temple will be defrayed out of the income of the temple. If the income of the temple is not
sufficient, the trustees can defray such expenses out of the corpus of the trust fund. The
Trustees may also borrow money for the necessary expenses or purposes on the security of the
trust property except the temple. If some money remains surplus, the same will be invested in
the securities, as the trustees deem fit.

(6) If any of the trustees becomes bankrupt, insolvent, insane or found guilty of an offence
involving moral turpitude or goes out of India for a period exceeding three months or
resigns from his office or otherwise incapacitated, the new trustee will be appointed by the
of now remaining trustee with the consent of the donor during his life time.

(7) The management and control of the trust property shall be vested in the trustees.

(8) The matters relating to the trust will be decided by the decision of the majority of the
trustees, but the trustees will not be personally liable for any loss to the trust property by their
decision, unless they are found guilty of fraud.

(9) In case of failure of the trust for want of its object or trust having become impossible of
performance due to any reason, the trustees will apply to the Court for applying the trust funds
for similar objects.

(10) This trust is a public charitable trust and its property will not be reverted back to the donor
or his descendants or any other person.

(11) In case any property belonging to the trust is acquired or requisitioned for public purposes,
the compensation received shall be invested by the trustees in such securities as they deem fit.

(12) The trustees will keep proper accounts of all income and expenses of the trust property and
deposit all moneys offered to the deities every week in a bank account. The box in which
offerings will be made by the worshippers will be locked and sealed and shall be opened every
week by the head priest of the temple in the presence of one trustee, who will sign the register
of offerings kept by the trustees.

(13) The fund of the trust, including corpus and income of the trust shall not be utilised for any
other purpose, than that of the trust hereby created.
(14) The approximate value of the property dedicated and comprising the trust estate is Rs .

IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties have hereunto set their hands the day and year first above

The Schedule above referred to

1 Signed and delivered by the within named Donor A
2 Signed and delivered by the within named Trustees B
3. and C

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