Bookworms Movies 4

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Bookworms at the Movies – Stage 4 recommended reading 2 Bookworms

Read your way to better English

The African Queen (1951) The Big Sleep (1978) Black Beauty (1994) Little Women (1994) Lord Jim (1965) The Scarlet Letter (1995) Treasure Island (1990)
Humphrey Bogart – Charlie Robert Mitchum – Philip Marlowe Sean Bean – Farmer Grey Winona Ryder – Jo March Peter O’Toole – Lord Jim Demi Moore – Hester Prynne Charlton Heston – Long John
Allnutt Sarah Miles – Charlotte Sternwood David Thewlis – Jerry Barker Gabriel Byrne – Friedrich Bhaer James Mason – Gentleman Gary Oldman – Rev. Arthur Silver
Katharine Hepburn – Rose Sayer Trini Alvarado – Meg March Brown Dimmesdale Christian Bale – Jim Hawkins
conditional clauses, indirect questions, relatives with where/when, clauses of purpose/reason/contrast, gerunds after prepositions/phrases …
Stage 4 syllabus B1–B2 Average word count 16,000 1,400 Headwords Grammar: past perfect continuous, simple passive, would


The African Queen The Big Sleep Black Beauty Little Women Lord Jim The Scarlet Letter Treasure Island

Stage 4 Stage 4 Stage 4 Stage 4 Stage 4 Stage 4 Stage 4

C. S. Forester Raymond Chandler Anna Sewell Louisa May Alcott Joseph Conrad Nathaniel Hawthorne Robert Louis Stevenson
Retold by Clare West Retold by Rosalie Keer Retold by Rosalie Keer Retold by John Escott Retold by Clare West Retold by John Escott Retold by John Escott

The African Queen is an General Sternwood has When Black Beauty is When Christmas comes for A hundred years ago a Scarlett is the colour of sin, ‘Suddenly, there was a high
old, dirty, ugly, unreliable four million dollars, and trained to carry a rider on the four March girls, there seaman’s life was full of and the letter ‘A’ stands for voice screaming in the
steamboat. No one would two young daughters, both his back he finds it hard is no money for expensive danger, but Jim, the first ‘Adultery’. In the 1600s, in darkness: “Pieces of eight!
expect a missionary’s sister pretty and both wild. He’s at first. But he is lucky his presents and they give away mate on board the Patna, Boston, Massachusetts, Pieces of eight!” It was
and a rough, uneducated an old, sick man, close first home is a good one, their Christmas breakfast to a is not afraid of danger. He love was allowed only Long John Silver’s parrot,
mechanic to take a boat to death, but he doesn’t where his owners are kind poor family. But there are no dreams of great adventures between husband and Captain Flint! I turned
like that down a dangerous like being blackmailed. So people, who would never happier girls in America than - and the chance to show wife. A child born outside to run …’ But young Jim
river through the forests he asks private detective be cruel to a horse. But Meg, Jo, Beth, and Amy. They the world what a hero he marriage was a child of sin. Hawkins does not escape
of Central Africa. But Rose Philip Marlowe to get the in the nineteenth century miss their father, of course, is. But the sea is no place Hester Prynne must wear from the pirates this time.
Sayer and Charlie Allnutt do blackmailer off his back. many people were cruel to who is away at the Civil War, for dreamers. When the the scarlet letter on her Will he and his friends find
just that. She and Charlie Marlowe knows the dark their horses, using them but they try hard to be good chance comes, on a calm dress for the rest of her life. the treasure before the
set off down the river and side of life in Los Angeles like machines until they so that he will be proud of his moonlit night in the Indian How can she ever escape pirates do? Will they escape
come close to death many well, and nothing much dropped dead. Black Beauty ‘little women’ when he comes Ocean, Jim fails the test and from this public shame? from the island, and sail
times, but they survive surprises him. But the soon finds this out and, as home. This heart-warming disappears into the jungles And what will happen to her back to England with a ship
all dangers – except the Sternwood girls are a lot he describes his life, he has story of family life has been of south-east Asia … sinful lover? full of gold?
danger of falling in love … wilder than their old father many terrible stories to tell. popular for more than a
realizes … hundred years.

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