Cai Et Al. - 2022 - Determination of Dynamic Capillary Effect On Two-P

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Petroleum Science 19 (2022) 1641e1652

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Review Paper

Determination of dynamic capillary effect on two-phase flow in

porous media: A perspective from various methods
Jian-Chao Cai a, b, Yin Chen b, Jun-Cheng Qiao a, Liu Yang c, Jian-Hui Zeng a,
Chen-Hao Sun a, *
State Key Laboratory of Petroleum Resources and Prospecting, China University of Petroleum, Beijing, 102249, PR China
Institute of Geophysics and Geomatics, China University of Geosciences, Wuhan, 430074, Hubei, PR China
State Key Laboratory for Geomechanics and Deep Underground Engineering, China University of Mining and Technology (Beijing), Beijing, 100083, PR

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: The relationship between capillary pressure and saturation plays a critical role in the characterization of
Received 20 October 2021 two-phase flow and transport in aquifers and oil reservoirs. This relationship is usually determined
Received in revised form under the static condition, where capillary pressure is the only function of saturation. However,
20 January 2022
considerable experiments have suggested that the dependence of capillary pressure on desaturation rate
Accepted 21 January 2022
Available online 27 January 2022
is under the dynamic condition. Thus, a more general description of capillary pressure that includes
dynamic capillary effect has been approved widely. A comprehensive understanding of the dynamic
Edited by Yan-Hua Sun capillary effect is needed for the investigation of the two-phase flow in porous media by various
methods. In general, dynamic capillary effect in porous media can be studied through the laboratory
Keywords: experiment, pore- to macro-scale modeling, and artificial neural network. Here, main principle and
Dynamic capillary effect research procedures of each method are reviewed in detail. Then, research progress, disadvantages and
Capillary pressure advantages are discussed, respectively. In addition, upscaling study from pore- to macro-scale are
Two-phase flow introduced, which explains the difference between laboratory experiment and pore-scale modeling. At
Modeling method
last, several future perspectives and recommendations for optimal solution of dynamic capillary effect
are presented.
© 2022 The Authors. Publishing services by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of KeAi Communications Co. Ltd. This
is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (

1. Introduction a a
Pnw  Pw ¼ Pc ðSw Þ ¼ f ðSw Þ (1)
The constitutive relationship between capillary pressure (Pc) However, static representation by Eq. (1) leads to a poor pre-
and wetting phase saturation (Sw) is the foundation for the char- diction of two-phase flow behavior, especially for the case of high
acterization of immiscible two-phase flow in porous media (Cai and flow velocities (the injected phase) as shown in experimental data
Yu, 2011; Cai et al., 2014, 2021; Ansarinasab and Jamialahmadi, (Topp et al., 1967; Wildenschild et al., 2001; Oung et al., 2005;
2016; Gao et al., 2018; Liu et al., 2019). Pc is regarded as the pres- Camps-Roach et al., 2010; Sakaki et al., 2010). In this case, Pc is
sure difference between the average non-wetting (Pnw a ) and wet-
dependent not only on the saturation but also on the desaturation
ting (Pw ) phases (Bear and Verruijt, 1987). In general, the average rate vS/vt. The saturationerate dependency during two-phase flow
PceSw relationship is determined under the static condition where at non-equilibrium condition is called the “dynamic capillary ef-
desaturation (Zhou et al., 2021) rate (vS/vt) is assumed as zero. A fect”. Several phenomena have been reported as responsible factors
diagrammatic sketch of the non-linear and static PceSw relation is for the presence of a dynamic capillary effect, such as air and/or
given in Fig. 1a. Mathematically, the relation is described as: water entrapment, pore water blockage, air entry effect, and dy-
namic contact angle (Friedman, 1999; Wildenschild et al., 2001).
The difference between dynamic and static PceSw curves was firstly
revealed by Topp et al. (1967). In their experiment, the dynamic
* Corresponding author. capillary pressure is always larger than the static one (Fig. 1b).
E-mail address: [email protected] (C.-H. Sun). Dynamic capillary coefficient t, which refers as the relaxation time
1995-8226/© 2022 The Authors. Publishing services by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of KeAi Communications Co. Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
J.-C. Cai, Y. Chen, J.-C. Qiao et al. Petroleum Science 19 (2022) 1641e1652

Fig. 1. The schematic of PceSw curves: (a) static curves (Pc is only related to Sw); (b) dynamic curves (Pc is related to Sw and its change rate over time) (Topp et al., 1967).

or damping coefficient, is a parameter for directly measuring the phase tensiometer (Pw), and one moisture probe (Sw) are installed
dynamic capillary effect. Specifically, t controls the speed of at different depths. The local values of Pnw, Pw and Sw are then
reaching the equilibrium state. A larger value of t indicates that measured at different depths. To up-scale these local values to the
more time is required for flow to reach the equilibrium after a core-scale, an averaging process is needed. The conventional way of
disturbance (Li et al., 2018). More detailed summarizations on averaging is expressed below:
influential factors of the dynamic capillary effect, the influencing
0Pm   P 1
mechanism and tendency of each factor could consult the recent m 
1  Swj Pnwj Swj Pwj 
review work by Chen et al. (2022).  Bj¼1 C
B j¼1 C
From the perspective of research methods, this work mainly Pcc t ¼ B m  m C (2)
n @ P  P A
reviews laboratory experiments, pore- to macro-scale modeling, 1  Swj Swj 

j¼1 j¼1
and artificial neural network (ANN). The research procedures of tn
each method for determining the dynamic capillary effect are
introduced. For pore-scale modeling, the application condition, where Pcc jtn represents the core representative capillary pressure at
disadvantages and advantages of lattice Boltzmann method (LBM), a specific saturation and experimental time, tn denotes the time at
pore network model (PNM) and pore-unit assembly model are nth count of data generated, j ¼ 1, 2, …, m, with m being the total
discussed systematically. For macro-scale modeling, the in- number of measurement depths in the whole sample column. Next,
novations (taking different factors into account) of each model are dynamic capillary coefficient can be determined by:
presented, which contributes to adopting appropriate model in
specific case. In addition, the cause leading to the deviation be- Pcd ðSw Þ  Pcs ðSw Þ ¼ t ðSw Þ (3)
tween pore-scale modeling and laboratory experiment is also vt
explained. Lastly, several challenges for future research directions
are presented. where Pcd refers to the dynamic capillary pressure (the instanta-
neous local pressure difference between the two phases), Pcs sig-
nifies the static capillary pressure (Pc in a static displacement).
2. Laboratory experiments for dynamic capillarity effect Thus, Pcd eSw, Pcs eSw and vSw/vteSw curves are required to obtain
the value of t.
In laboratory, flow experiments are better performed by To determine the PceSw curves, a filter system should be
changing boundary conditions monotonically since such changes equipped with a tensiometer. Such a choice is based on two con-
prevent the occurrence of hysteresis interference (Sakaki et al., siderations. On the one hand, the filter system prevents the micro-
2010). In addition, packed soils in laboratory can reduce the com- particles in porous media from transporting to the tensiometer. On
plications that might arise from soil heterogeneity. Meanwhile, the other hand, it allows the tensiometer to contact with one fluid
noise of surrounding environment can be minimized, which im- solely, thus determining the pressure of each phase, respectively. A
proves the accuracy of measurement data (Diamantopoulos and common filter system is shown in Fig. 3 (Oung et al., 2005), whose
Durner, 2012). As demonstrated by Lo et al. (2017), acoustic exci- core component is a semi-permeable membrane (hydrophilic or
tation results in a change in contact angle and air-entry pressure, hydrophobic). The membrane is too thin, where a filter plate is
thus affecting the dynamic capillarity effect in sample column. required to support it. One of the major drawbacks of this filter
However, experimental approach is time and cost consuming. system is the limitation of applied pressure (<0.1 MPa). To assess
Meanwhile, laboratory experiments are difficult to determine some this issue, a tensiometer is developed by connecting ceramic porous
micro-scale parameters, such as interface tension and wettability. cup to pressure transducer (Camps-Roach et al., 2010), however,
Additionally, the deviation in experiment is unavoidable owing to this arrangement may damage the structure of the porous medium.
manual operation errors. To determine the PceSw curves more rapidly, the sample column
The schematic of the experimental apparatus is shown in Fig. 2. is always placed between the hydrophobic and hydrophilic mem-
Along the vertical direction of pressure cell, a set of probes con- branes (Topp et al., 1967; Kalaydjian, 1992; Sakaki et al., 2010).
sisting of one non-wetting phase tensiometer (Pnw), one wetting Nevertheless, several studies have speculated that membrane may
J.-C. Cai, Y. Chen, J.-C. Qiao et al. Petroleum Science 19 (2022) 1641e1652

Fig. 2. (a) A schematic of experimental set up (Goel and O'Carroll, 2011), wetting phase saturation and pressure difference of two-phase are mainly measured; (b) The measured
pressure difference of non-wetting and wetting phases at different depths through pressure transducers (Bottero et al. 2011); (c) The measured water saturation at different depths
through water probe (Bottero et al., 2011). P.T. refers to the pressure transducer.

Fig. 3. The illustration of filter system in experimental set up (Camps-Roach et al., 2010; Li, 2018).

obviously affect PceSw curves through disturbing the fluid distri- plates have several flow channels in both radius and tangent di-
bution (Hassanizadeh et al., 2002; Bottero et al., 2006; Goel et al., rections, which ensure fluid to flow evenly. Thus, the disturbance to
2016). In this regard, Li et al. (2020a) designed a special pressure flow that resulted from filter system can be eliminated. In addition,
measurement system, including semi-permeable metal plates and the maximum test pressure of this special system can reach up to
pressure transducers, on both sides of the sample. When compared 1000 psi. It is therefore able to study the dynamic flow in low
with the traditional semi-permeable plates in Fig. 3, these metal permeability reservoirs.

J.-C. Cai, Y. Chen, J.-C. Qiao et al. Petroleum Science 19 (2022) 1641e1652

Table 1
Experimental studies dealing with dynamic capillary effect.

Reference Length, cm Fluid Media t, Pa$s Permeability, m2

Oung et al. (2005) 18 Water and PCE Fine sand 0e8  103 5.7  10-5
3  10-5
Camps-Roach et al. (2010) 20 Air and water Sand 1  105e6.7  105 1.47  10-11
5.3  10-11
Goel and O'Carroll (2011) 20 Oil and water Sand 4.85  105e2.74  106 1.47  10-11
O'Carroll et al. (2005) 9.6 Water and PCE Sand 5.64  107 1.58  10-11
Zhuang et al. (2017) 3 Air and water Sand 1  105e1  107 1.7  10-11
Abidoye and Das (2014b) 4 Oil and water Sand 1.72  105e9.08  106 5.66  10-11
8 4.01  105e1.31  106
12 1.08  107e1.25  107
Goel et al. (2016) 8 Oil and water Sand 4.2  105e1.3  106 5.66  10-11
12 6.2  105e1.82  106
Hou et al. (2012) 1.27 Gas and water Fine sand 0e103 2.27  10-12
1.88  10-10
Zhang et al. (2015) e Standard brine and kerosene Rock 3.14  1011e6.10  1013 0.33e1.22  10-16
Tian et al. (2012) 20 Oil and water Rock 7.92  106 2  10-16
Li et al. (2020c) 4 Oil and water Rock 1  1010e5  1011 1.9e7.1  10-16
Topp et al. (1967) 7.6 Gas and water Fine sand 2  107 e
Sakaki et al. (2010) 2.9 Water and PCE Fine sand 5  105e1  107 e
Bottero et al. (2011) 18 Water and PCE Sand 1.5  106e2.5  106 e
Lo et al. (2017) 100 Air and water Sand 0e4  105 e

Note: PCE refers to the perchloroethylene.

Table 1 summarizes various experiments concerning the dy- 3. Modeling

namic capillary effect in two-phase flow. To sum up, there are
mainly three deficiencies in the existing experiments. Firstly, sandy 3.1. Pore-scale model
soils are selected in the majority of experiments. Whether the dy-
namic capillary effect is more significant in sandy materials when Pore-scale models are generally categorized by two types: (i)
compared with clay soils? Nonetheless, none of investigations have models that divide the pore space into pore bodies and throats,
confirmed that dynamic capillary pressure has ignorable differ- such as PNMs (Thompson, 2002; Joekar-Niasar et al., 2010; Qin,
ences with the static one in clay soils (Diamantopoulos and Durner, 2015; Xu et al., 2022) and pore-unit assembly models (Mason and
2012). Secondly, the length scale of sample column is limited Mellor, 1995) and (ii) models that employ fully resolved simula-
(100 cm). In most cases, the length scale is below 20 cm (Table 1). tions of flow within the pore geometry (i.e., direct simulation
Although various upscaling methods are proposed, it is still difficult methods), such as LBM (Vogel et al., 2005), smooth particle hy-
to reach the field scale. Lastly, few experiments are conducted on drodynamics (Tartakovsky and Meakin, 2006; Kunz et al., 2016),
low-permeability reservoir rocks. As shown in Fig. 4, dynamic computational fluid dynamic simulations (Ferrari and Lunati, 2012;
capillary effect is more significant in lower permeability reservoirs Rabbani et al., 2017), dissipative particle dynamics method (Groot
due to their small pore throats. Thus, excellent pressure resistance and Warren, 1997), bundle-of-tubes model (Dahle et al., 2005),
of experimental apparatus is required to apply higher injection and volume of fluid method (Raeini et al., 2014a, 2014b). Among
pressure for injecting fluid into these small pore throats. them, PNM, LBM, and pore-unit assembly models have been widely
performed to investigate the dynamic effect in two-phase flow.
Pore-scale model achieves outstanding advances in high-
performance computing. Moreover, the accomplishment of pore-
scale model requires a comprehensive acquaintance of the
morphology of pore geometry and the physical processes at the

3.1.1. LBM
LBM simulates the fluid through virtual particles, which can
continuously transmit and collide in discrete lattice mesh (Zhang,
2011). It includes the color-gradient model (Gunstensen et al.,
1991; Ba et al., 2016; Liu et al., 2020), the Shan-Chen model (also
called the pseudo-potential model) (Shan and Chen, 1993; Jiang
and Xu, 2021; Zheng et al., 2021), the free-energy model (Swift
et al., 1996), and the mean-field model (He et al., 1999). Among
them, the Shan-Chen model has advantages of simplicity, flexibility,
and clear description of the basic microscopic physics of phase
segregation, which is a favorable alternative to investigate the dy-
namic capillary effect in two-phase flow.
The basic idea of the Shan-Chen model is to utilize a pseudo-
potential that depends on local density and interaction strength
Fig. 4. The difference between dynamic and static capillary pressure with different
to represent the pair-wise microscopic molecular interactions at
permeabilities K: high-permeability reservoir, medium-high permeability reservoir, mesoscopic scale (Huang et al., 2007). Yan et al. (2018) first estab-
low-permeability reservoir (Zhang et al., 2015). lished a Shan-Chen model to investigate the dynamic effect of two-
J.-C. Cai, Y. Chen, J.-C. Qiao et al. Petroleum Science 19 (2022) 1641e1652

phase flow in two-dimensional (2D) porous media. In their work,

the D2Q9 lattice cell was selected, then a package of the circular dWpe  dWv  dEk
Pcd ¼ ðQ s 0Þ (7)
disk was filled into a 500  500 square lattice domain to simulate qdt
the two-phase flow (Fig. 5). This operation was performed to
replicate the displacement phenomenon in two-phase flow. where q is the flow rate. The input energy induced by external
When the simulation initiates, fluids will invade into the pore pressure (Wpe ) is dispersed on the viscous force (WV), kinetic (Ek),
space under the action of pressure boundary between top and and Pc. Taking contact angle into account, they performed simula-
bottom until the equilibrium is reached. Then, Pc, two-phase tion under 105 and 140 , respectively. They found more wetting
saturation (Sw, Snw), and interfacial area (anw) of the two-phase phase remained under large contact angles. With larger contact
meniscus at the end of each time interval are obtained. Subse- angle, dynamic capillary pressure increases and the change rate of
quently, the static or dynamic PceSw/Snweanw can be extracted saturation decreases, thus leading to a larger t.
from equilibrium and non-equilibrium flow conditions. On this Likewise, Cao et al. (2020) simulated the dynamic two-phase
basis, they manifested that the variation of Pcd and anw both increase flow in tight sandstone by constructing a D3Q27 model. Tang
with larger pressure boundary during a non-equilibrium process. et al. (2018) applied the machine learning method to extract pore
Although this model is relatively simple, it still arouses interest in information, while Cao et al. (2020) adopted the U-net model.
applying the Shan-Chen model to study the dynamic flow. The Comparing with the machine learning method, the U-net model
deficiency is that the dynamic capillary effect was not quantified by can record the 3D representation parameters of all pores, and take
t. both the gray threshold and topological structure of the pore space
To fill this knowledge gap, Tang et al. (2018) established a D3Q27 into account. Therefore, the U-net model can greatly improve the
model to investigate the value of t. Such a choice is based on two accuracy of pore structure characterization, which contributes to
considerations. On the one hand, the D3Q19 model is not coinci- simulate the two-phase flow more reliably.
dent with the Galilean invariance (Kang and Hassan, 2013). On the When compared with other pore-scale approaches, LBM can be
other hand, the Reynolds stresses will occur in both D3Q19 and implemented easily for performing parallel computation (Liu et al.,
D3Q15 models while this problem can be ignored in the D3Q27 2012). Meanwhile, it could recover the incompressible Navier-
model (Kuwata and Suga, 2015). Stokes equation when the fluid velocity is much lower than the
According to Eq. (3), a dynamic PceSw curve, a static PceSw curve sound speed (He and Luo, 1997; Dellar, 2003). More importantly,
and vSw/vt are required to calculate the value of t. To obtain the LBM can solve equations corresponding to arbitrary-complex pore
static PceSw curve, simulations with ultra-low flux rates are geometry without simplification. Thus, it represents an actual
needed, which consume considerable computational resources. entire porous medium.
Therefore, Tang et al. (2018) modified Eq. (3) as follows:
3.1.2. Pore network model
vS1 In 1985, Koplik and Lasseter (1985) established the first dynamic
Pcd1 ðSw Þ  Pcs ðSw Þ ¼ t w ðSw Þ (4)
vt PNM to simulate dynamic flow of the imbibition process. Since
then, great attention has been paid to simulate two-phase flow
(drainage and imbibition processes) through the dynamic PNM.
Pcd2 ðSw Þ  Pcs ðSw Þ ¼ t ðSw Þ (5) Generally, the research process can be summarized as four steps
(Gielen et al., 2004, 2005; Joekar-Niasar et al., 2010; Joekar-Niasar
By subtracting Eq. (5) from Eq. (4), the static term can be and Hassanizadeh, 2011):
removed, which yields:
! (i) Establishing the PNMs to simulate porous media. Note that,
vS2w vS1 the construction of network should be based on the con-
Pcd2 ðSw Þ  Pcd1 ðSw Þ ¼ t ðSw Þ  w ðSw Þ (6)
vt vt nectivity, shape, and aspect ratio of real pores.
(ii) Solving the local-scale variables (Pc and Sw). The local capil-
After finishing the simulation, the resulting Pc in each lattice cell lary pressure pic is expressed as:
is at the micro-scale. When the dynamic capillary effect at the  
Darcy-scale is discussed, an upscaling method is required. In this pic ¼ pinw  piw ¼ f siw (8)
aspect, Tang et al. (2019) presented an explicit definition of Pcd at the
Darcy-scale based on the energy conservation law:
where pinw and piw represent the local pressure of non-wetting and
wetting phases in pore body i, respectively. siw denotes the local
saturation of wetting phase in pore body i.
siw is calculated from the continuity equations, which are writ-
ten as:

Qijnw þ Qijw ¼ 0 (9)

Dsia XNi
Vi ¼  Qija ; a ¼ w; nw (10)
Dt j¼1

Fig. 5. A package of the circular disk in 500  500 lu2 2D lattice domain (Yan et al.,
2018): the various disks represent the soil particles, and the green background de- where Vi refers to the volume; Ni is the set of pore throats con-
notes the pore space. nected to the pore body i, Qijnw and Qijw designate the non-wetting
and wetting phase flux from the pore body i to j, which are
J.-C. Cai, Y. Chen, J.-C. Qiao et al. Petroleum Science 19 (2022) 1641e1652

expressed as: 3.1.3. Pore-unit assembly model

In the pore-unit assembly model, a pore unit is surrounded by
  the tetrahedron, whose zeniths are formed by four interfacing
Qija ¼ Kaij pja  pia ; ða ¼ w; nwÞ (11) spherical particles. The pore geometry of spherical particles is
abstracted by regular triangulation. The whole pore space is rep-
resented by the assembly of pore units (Mason and Mellor, 1995). A
pR4ij large number of researches reveal that the pore-unit assembly
Kaij ¼ ; ða ¼ w; nwÞ (12) model can be applied to the PceSw curve in porous media (Gladkikh
8ma Lij
and Bryant, 2005). Subsequently, some efforts have been devoted to
investigate the dynamic capillary effect in two-phase flow. In this
where Knw
ij and Kw
ij stand for the non-wetting and wetting phase
regard, Sweijen et al. (2018) simulated dynamic drainage in the
conductivity from the pore body i to j. Rij and Lij represent the radius
packing of spheres by coupling a pore-unit assembly model with
and length, respectively.
the discrete element method. The effectiveness of this model was
verified by the quasi-static PceSw curve. In their work, they
(iii) Averaging the local-scale variables to the macro-scale,
analyzed the effect of averaging, boundary condition, domain size,
and permeability on the dynamic capillary effect. The results were
> P
N thereby compared with existing experimental results.
> siw Vi
> Vw Similar to the PNM, the pore-unit assembly model also sim-
< Sw ¼ ¼ i¼1
plifies the pore geometry. However, the combination of the discrete
Vw þ Vnw P
> Vi element method and the pore-unit assembly model can success-
> i¼1 fully incorporate the deformation and coupling flow (Yuan et al.,
Snw ¼ 1  Sw 2016).

3.2. Pore-scale flow behavior

pic Ai
3.2.1. Capillary valve effect
Pc ¼ i¼1 (14) Porous media always include substantial pores with different
Ai sizes. Large pores are connected by small throats, thus forming a
sudden geometrical expansion along pore-throat interface. This
expansion will impede the movement of invading fluid. At expan-
where N is the total number of the pore bodies, Vw and Vnw denote
sion interface, invading fluid will remain stagnant until the inter-
the volume of wetting and non-wetting phases, Vi is the volume of
face pressure difference exceeds a threshold value Pt, which is
pore body i, Ai represents the interfacial area between the wetting
called the “capillary valve effect”.
and non-wetting phases in pore body i.
Due to the capillary valve effect, there are two types of invasion
pattern, namely bursting and merging invasion. Bursting invasion
(iv) Calculating the value of t from Eq. (3).
occurs when invading fluid advances from a throat to a pore. The
threshold value for bursting invasion is written as (Wu et al.,
Table 2 summarizes the studies of the dynamic capillary effect
from different PNMs. The PNMs established by Gielen et al. (2005)
have poor simulation results and strong instability under the con-  
sin½maxð90 ; qa Þ cos qa
dition of very small capillary numbers. Meanwhile, many physical Pt ¼ 2s þ (15)
F h
processes such as snap-off, capillary diffusion, and local counter-
current flow could not be observed in these simulations. To avoid where s is the surface tension coefficient, qa represents the
this, Joekar-Niasar et al. (2010) presented three improvement advancing contact angle, F and h are the width and height of micro-
points: a) allocating two separate pressure fields to the two fluids, channel, respectively. Merging invasion occurs when invading fluid
so the pic of each pore body was considered; b) considering the enters a pore from two throats. In this case, menisci at two
pore-scale flow mechanisms (i.e., snap-off and cooperative pore neighboring throats are merged, thus forming a new meniscus in a
filling); c) updating saturation by semi-implicit method to enhance pore. The threshold value for merging invasion is calculated as:
the simulation stability at low flow rates. However, their results
were only suitable for the drainage process. Subsequently, Joekar- 1 2 cos qa
Pt ¼ s þ (16)
Niasar and Hassanizadeh (2011) discussed the dynamic capillary R h
effect of two-phase flow under both drainage and imbibition pro-
cesses. Meanwhile, they could simulate a larger pore space by where R is the curvature radius of new meniscus in a pore.
adopting the truncated octahedrons as pore bodies.
PNM has been mainly utilized to investigate the influence of
3.2.2. Snap-off
various parameters on two-phase flow. It can easily obtain some
During imbibition process, two-phase fluid interfaces at corners
variables that are difficult to determine from the experiments. In
will become unstable when local capillary pressure in a pore throat
contrast to LBM, PNM simplifies the pore geometry of real porous
media, which obviously reduces computational effort and simu- pijc is smaller than a critical value, and thus leading to the occur-
lates a much larger domain (Golparvar et al., 2018). Synchronously, rence of fluid snap-off. As for square cross-sectional pore throat,
this simplification will lead to the omit of pore structure informa- Vidales et al. (1998) proposed a criterion:
tion. Another ubiquitous deficiency of PNM is that the pore ge- ij s
ometry of porous medium is assumed to be rigid, regardless of the pc  ðcos q  sin qÞ (17)
deformable characteristic of pore geometry and the frequent
occurrence of coupled flow in porous media. It is always assumed that as soon as snap-off appears, wetting
J.-C. Cai, Y. Chen, J.-C. Qiao et al. Petroleum Science 19 (2022) 1641e1652

Table 2
The summary of the literature for PNMs.

Reference Pore body/throat Basic assumption* Domain size (width/length/ K, 10-12 m2 Process t, Pa$s
height), cm

Gienlen et al. (2005) Spherical/cylinder Local capillary pressure is 0.3/0.3/1 e Drainage 5  103
zero e4  104
Joekar-Niasar et al. (2010) Cubic/square Local capillary pressure is 0.5/0.5/0.5 150 Drainage 102e104
Joekar-Niasar and Truncated octahedrons/ Local capillary pressure is 0.19/0.19/0.19 1.43 Drainage 102e104
Hassanizadeh (2011) parallelepiped considered. imbibition

Note: * Gravity is neglected, and flow in the pore throats is laminar.

phase fully occupies pore throat, and the nonwetting phase !2

immediately retreats into the two neighboring pore bodies. afmeff P d
t¼ (20)
Both capillary valve effect and snap-off will greatly affect lk rw g
interface shape and interface force, and in turn altering the Pc.
Theoretically, these pore-scale flow behavior also have influence on
where mnw is the viscosity of non-wetting phase, meff depends on
the dynamic capillary effect. In this aspect, Wu et al. (2016b)
the fluid viscosities and spatial fluid distribution, which is linearly
demonstrated that flow pattern is capillary fingering when
weighted by saturation. Eq. (20) is only valid for the case where a
bursting invasion is dominated, while it is stable when merging
piston-like movement is dominated.
invasion is dominated. Xu et al. (2017) presented a LBM color-
gradient model to study the dynamic constant angle, indicating
that the difference in threshold pressure is the origin of preferential 3.3.2. Hassanizadeh and Gray model
flow paths due to the capillary valve effect. Hence, qualitatively As shown in Eq. (3), Hassanizadeh and Gray (1993) proposed a
discussing the effect of capillary valve effect and snap-off on the thermodynamically-based relationship between Pcd and Pcs . For a
dynamic capillary effect is proposed to be the focus for future drainage process, the rate of desaturation (vSw/vt) is negative. Thus,
research. the Pcs is smaller than Pcd . The opposite is true for the wetting pro-
cess. The relationship between (Pcd  Pcs ) and vSw/vt is a straight line
with a slope of t. When vSw/vt is zero, Eq. (3) is simplified to Eq. (1).
Eq. (3) has been the subject of several previous studies,
computationally using the Darcy-scale models (Manthey et al.,
3.3. Macro-scale models
2005; Das et al., 2006) and the pore-scale models (Joekar-Niasar
et al., 2010; Joekar-Niasar and Hassanizadeh, 2011) as well as ex-
3.3.1. Stauffer model
periments (Oung et al., 2005; Bottero et al., 2006; Camps-Roach
To describe the dynamic PceSw relationship, Stauffer (1978)
et al., 2010). Strictly, dynamic effect includes the dynamic capil-
replaced the static Pc by dynamic one in the Brooks and Corey
lary effect and the relative permeability effect, but only the dy-
(1964) model. Based on experimental observations, the dynamic
namic phenomenon in PceSw relationship is involved in Eq. (3).
capillary effect is described as:

!2 3.3.3. Barenblatt model

afmw P d Taking the relative permeability effect and the dynamic capillary
t¼ (18)
lk rw g effect both into account, Barenblatt (1971) assumed that dynamic
relative permeability (kdr ) and Pcd can be expressed by their static
where a is a constant (a ¼ 0.1), f designates the porosity, Pd stands counterparts at a certain situation:
for the entry pressure, l denotes the pore size distribution index, mw
reflects the viscosity of the wetting phase, k represents the intrinsic kdrw ðSw Þ ¼ ksrw ðSew Þ
permeability, g and rw are the gravity constant and the density of
kdro ðSw Þ ¼ ksro ðSew Þ (21)
wetting phase, respectively. In Eq. (18), t is defined by the prop-
erties of fluids (mw, rw) and porous media (f, l, k, Pd). Since these Pcd ðSw Þ ¼ Pcs ðSew Þ
properties are considered constant, the value of t in Eq. (18) is also
regarded as constant in laboratory. Gielen (2007) stated that Pd/rwg where kdrw , ksrw denote the dynamic and static relative permeability
is defined as a characteristic length scale Ls of the porous medium. of the water phase, kdro , ksro reflect the dynamic and static relative
Then they found t varies linearly with mw and Ls. permeability of the oil phase, Sew is the effective water saturation. A
In Eq. (18), the contribution of non-wetting phase properties on relationship between the actual saturation Sw and effective satu-
the dynamic capillary effect is neglected, regardless of the signifi- ration Sew is demanded to apply Eq. (21):
cant influence of these properties on two-phase flow
(Hassanizadeh and Gray, 1993; Das et al., 2007; Joekar-Niasar and vSw
Sew ¼ Sw þ tB ðSw Þ (22)
Hassanizadeh, 2011; Hou et al., 2014). In addition, no dependence vt
on saturation is included. Subsequently, Joekar-Niasar and
Hassanizadeh (2011) modified Eq. (18) by incorporating an effec- where tB represents the relaxation time, which is defined as the
tive viscosity meff: time to reach an equilibrium of fluids in porous media. As stated by
Barenblatt et al. (2002), dynamic capillary effect is caused by the
redistribution processes at the pore-scale. At the equilibrium state,
meff ¼ mnw Snw þ mw Sw (19)
Sew is equal to Sw.
Subsequently, Juanes (2008) found that the relationship
J.-C. Cai, Y. Chen, J.-C. Qiao et al. Petroleum Science 19 (2022) 1641e1652

between t and tB is written as: increase with an increasing temperature, while a1 decreases as
 s temperature increases.
tðSw Þ ¼  c tB ðSw Þ (23)
dS w
3.3.7. Li model
From the perspective of pore-scale, it concludes that the dy- Considering the effect of fracture, Li et al. (2020b) confirmed the
namic capillary effect should be ignored for the slow flow processes existence of fracture leads to a decrease of pressure imposing area
whose time scale is in the order of tB. However, it must be (Fig. 7), thus weakening the dynamic capillary effect. Then, dy-
considered for the fast flow processes whose time scale is smaller namic capillary effect of fractured rocks can be expressed as:
than tB (Barenblatt et al., 2002). sffiffiffiffiffi
L2 Lc
3.3.4. Das model
t ¼ uðSw Þb2 c P d (28)
k g
To consider the lumped effects of various fluid properties, Das
et al. (2007) proposed a model to describe the relationship be-
tween t and flow direction, viscosity as well as density ratio: V V pR2 L 4L2 ff
Lc ¼ ¼ ¼ ¼L (29)
Ac A1 þ A2 þ A3 pR2 þ 4RLff pR þ 4Lff
P d V 1=6 f rnw mw a k
t ¼ C pffiffiffi  ðSw Þc (24) frw meff
g l rw mnw V 2=3 u¼h (30)
lrnw mw
where V is the domain scale, rnw denotes the fluid density of the
non-wetting phase, C represents a dimensionless constant of pro- where u, h, and b2 are the fitting parameters, ff is the fracture
portionality, a ¼ f ðk =V 2=3 Þ, b ¼ f ðSw Þ, and c are the dimensionless porosity, Lc means the effective pressure imposing length, L denotes
coefficients. In Eq. (24), a scaling relationship is found, indicating the rock length, R signifies the rock radius, Ac is the pressure
that t varies with Sw and V. The reliability of Eq. (24) was demon- imposing area. Note that, the orientation, aperture, and other
strated by numerical results, but its applicability on heterogeneous properties of fracture also influence the dynamic capillary effect.
domains needs further studies. Targeting different scenarios, the Thus, further studies are demanded to establish the dynamic
values of C, a, b, c are different. capillary coefficient models, which incorporate the lumped effects
of various properties of fracture.
3.3.5. Abidoye and Das model
Based on the Buckingham’s G-theorem, Abidoye and Das 3.4. Upscaling from pore- to Darcy-scale
(2014b) determined sets of dimensionless parameters from cho-
sen variables. Then, two dimensionless groups of variables were Pc is a pore-scale phenomenon, and refers to the pressure dif-
demanded to describe the combined effect of various variables on ference across the two-phase fluid interface at the static state:
8 Pc ¼ Pnw  Pw (31)
> t g
> P
> 1
¼ In a porous medium, it is more difficult to measure Pc at the
k1=4 P d pore-scale owing to the more complicated internal construction
Vk 2 rnw mnw (Ferrari and Lunati, 2013). Thus, a macro-scale Pc defined in Eq. (1)
: P2 ¼
flSw rw mw is proposed. In laboratory experiments, the average macro-scale Pc
in Eq. (1) is calculated as the pressure difference between the non-
According to the non-linear form of P1 ¼ a½P3 b , the dynamic wetting phase at the inlet (Pin) and wetting-phase at the outlet
capillary effect model can be written as: (Pout). Therefore, Eq. (1) can be rewritten as:

pffiffiffi " 3
t g Vk 2 rnw mnw
¼a (26)
k1=4 P d flSw rw mw

This approach has the advantage that it is possible to find out

how many dimensionless groups are required to replace the vari-
ables, which affects the dynamic capillary effect.

3.3.6. Civan model

Taking the temperature into account, Civan (2012) considered
that t is a function of irreducible wetting-phase saturation, which
depends on temperature:

mw ð1  Snwi  Swi Þa1

t¼ ; a1 ; b1 > 0 (27)
o wðS  S Þb1
2Enw w wi

where Swi, Snwi are the irreducible saturation of wetting and non-
wetting phases, Eonw denotes the empirical coefficient; w repre-
sents a rate coefficient, a1, b1 are the empirical fitting parameters.
Among them, a1, b1, Swi, and Snwi are dependent on temperature. As
shown in Fig. 6, a linear relationship is found between the scaled Fig. 6. The relationship between temperature and parameters in Eq. (27) (am, bm, Swim
parameters and temperature. To be more specific, b1 and Swi are the maximum values of a1, b1, Swi).

J.-C. Cai, Y. Chen, J.-C. Qiao et al. Petroleum Science 19 (2022) 1641e1652

Fig. 7. The variation of pressure imposing area with fracture (Li et al., 2020b).

different heterogeneity intensity w. The simulation results indicate

DP io ¼ Pin  Pout ¼ Pc ðSw Þ (32) that an increase in w leads to a larger t.
Most of the experimental and computational flow-physics-
where DP io is the total pressure drop across the porous medium based techniques employed to describe and quantify the dynamic
between the inlet and outlet. Conventionally, DP io is equal to the capillary effect are very resource-intensive and extremely time-
pore-scale Pc in Eq. (31) under all conditions. However, consider- consuming for complex three-dimensional (3D) fluid flows. Sur-
able studies have demonstrated that this is not the case when the prisingly, ANN is easily and conveniently to be established, so it can
fluid pressures within the pores vary with time and space due to obviously reduce the cost and computational time. Meanwhile,
the dynamic capillary effect. Under the dynamic flow, macro-scale studies have further shown that ANN is capable of offering the
Pc includes the pore-scale Pc and pressure head caused by the physically realistic values of t, which ensures the accuracy of the
viscous effects: application of ANN on dynamic two-phase flow. Note that, ANN has
great advantages of studying the dynamic capillary effect in het-
DP io ¼ DP in þ Pvis (33) erogeneous domains where experiments and other numerical
models are difficult to solve.
where DP in represents the pore-scale capillary pressure, Pvis is the
pressure head caused by the viscous effects. In fact, pore-scale Pc is
the “true capillary forces” in porous media, which should be up- 5. Discussion
scaled to obtain the macro-scale PceSw relationship. In laboratory
experiments, it is difficult to measure the true capillary forces Accurate representation of the PceSw relationship under dy-
without accounting for the viscous pressure head. Fortunately, this namic two-phase flow is essential for improving the oil recovery in
difficulty can be overcome through the pore-scale simulations. low-permeability reservoirs. Up to date, impressive advances have
been made to account for the dynamic capillary effect. As for lab-
oratory experiment, macro-theoretical model, and PNMs, some
4. ANN future directions are summarized as follows:

ANN is a certainly useful modeling tool to extract desired in- (1) Dynamic capillary effect is extremely obvious in low-
formation from data, which can mimic the labor of the human brain permeability reservoirs, especially for ultra-low perme-
and the ability of the nervous system to perform functions. It ability reservoirs. Due to the presence of the dynamic
mainly consists of various “neurons”, which are divided into capillary effect, the oil recovery of these unconventional
interconnected subsets, including input, hidden and output layers, reservoirs will greatly reduce. Hence, more experiments
having respective biases, weights, and transfer functions (Mueller should be done for low-permeability reservoirs. Low-
and Hemond, 2013). Then, comprehensive neurons constitute a permeability reservoirs have the characteristic of small
network, which builds the relationships between the inputs and pore throat, hence the required displacement pressure is
outputs through transfer functions and controls the values of biases relatively higher. In this case, the requirements for the filter
and weights. As for two-phase flow system, the corresponding system are higher. More improved apparatus should be
modeling parameters have complicated relevance, however ANN designed to apply the high displacement pressure without
can guarantee the accuracy of relevant functions (Hanspal et al., destroying the structure of porous media.
2013). Therefore, it is worth considering that the ability of ANN (2) Pc at the pore-scale is the pressure difference between the
for predicting the dynamic capillary effect. interface between two fluid phases. It represents the “true
This ability was first demonstrated by Hanspal et al. (2013). They capillary forces” in the system, which is only related to pore
found that ANN can describe the relationship between the changes shape and interfacial energy of the two phases. In experi-
in porous media and fluid properties, so it can predict the dynamic ment, final measured Pc at the macro-scale always includes
capillary effect in two-phase flow accurately and ensure that t is a the viscous pressure head. Many studies have demonstrated
function of water saturation. Unfortunately, the dependency of that macroscopic Pc only agrees well with “true capillary
dynamic capillary effect on domain scale and heterogeneity was force” at the equilibrium state. However, macro-scale Pc
ignored. To address these issues, Abidoye and Das (2014a) utilized contains the pore-scale Pc at fluid-fluid interface and viscous
ANN to investigate the effect of domain scale on t using the pub- pressure head at dynamic state.
lished experimental data, the results show that the magnitude of t (3) Inspection of aforementioned macro-models, the value of t is
increases as domain size increases. Concerning heterogeneous closely related to the porosity, entry pressure, and perme-
porous media, Das et al. (2015) developed a new ANN approach to ability, thus it significantly relies on the micro-structure of
quantify the magnitude of t in heterogeneous porous media with porous medium. Therefore, an accurate description of
J.-C. Cai, Y. Chen, J.-C. Qiao et al. Petroleum Science 19 (2022) 1641e1652

microstructure is beneficial to investigate the dynamic scales. Water Resour. Res. 47, W10505.
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already been developed, while the network structures of
Chen, Y., Mao, Y., Yang, L., Wei, W., Meng, Q., Cai, J., 2022. A comprehensive review of
dynamic PNMs are still quite simple. This may lead to a de- factors affecting dynamic capillary effect in two-phase flow. Transport Porous
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6. Conclusion Das, D.B., Gauldie, R., Mirzaei, M., 2007. Dynamic effects for two-phase flow in
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and saturation. Thus, the dynamic capillary effect has been a sub-
ject of global interest with huge investment and research. This re- Das, D.B., Thirakulchaya, T., Deka, L., Hanspal, N.S., 2015. Artificial neural network to
view systematically summarizes various methods to investigate determine dynamic effect in capillary pressure relationship for two-phase flow
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