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1. What is the first name that appears in the first verse of acts.
R. Theophilus Acts 1.1

2. How long did Jesus appear to his disciples before ascending to heaven?
R. 40 days Acts 1.3

3. From whom did the disciples expect the promise in Jerusalem?

R. From the Father Acts 1.4;

4. What promise is the one that the disciples and all those gathered would receive?
R. Baptism with the Holy Spirit Acts 1.5

5. Through the promise that they would receive and who would be the disciples?
R. Power and witnesses Acts 1.8

6. Who stood next to Jesus as he ascended to heaven?

R. Two men in white clothing. Acts 1.10

7. What is the name of the mountain that is near Jerusalem?

R. Olive Grove Acts 1.12

8. How many were those gathered who were waiting for the promise?
R. there were like 120 Acts 1.15

9. What does “Acéldama” mean?

R. Field of Blood Acts 1.19
A) Field of GodB) Large Field C) Blood Field

10. Who was chosen as an apostle to replace Judas Iscariot?

R. Matias Acts 1.26
A) Barsabas B) Matías C) Joseph

11. Once those gathered were filled with the Spirit, what was the first thing they began to do?
R. They began to speak other languages according to the Spirit. Acts 2.4

12. When the crowd, hearing a noise, approached the meeting place, because they were confused?
R. Because each one heard them speaking in their own language.
Acts 2.6

13. While a part of the crowd was wondering what this is. What was the other part doing?

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R. Mocking, if they weren't drunk (must) Acts 2.12-

14. At what time did the outpouring or coming of the Holy Spirit occur?
R. Third Hour Acts 2.15
a) Sixth Hour b) Third Hour c) Ninth Hour

15. What prophet prophesied that the Holy Spirit would be poured out in these days?
R. joel Acts 2.16
a) Isaiah b) Joel c) Jeremiah d) Ezekiel

16. According to the prophet's prophecy, what would the elders do when the Spirit was poured out
on them?
R. They will dream dreams Acts 2.17
a) They will see visions b) They will prophesy c) They will dream

17. To whom did God swear that from his descendants Christ the Savior would arise?
R. David Facts
a) Mary b) David c) Joseph d) Abraham

18. When Peter gave his sermon, to those who repented. In whose name did I send you to be
baptized and for what?
R. In the name of Jesus Christ, for the forgiveness of sins and Acts 2.38
to be able to receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.

19. How many were baptized on the day of Peter's sermon?

R. Three thousand Acts 2.41
a) 1,500 b) 3,500 c) 3,000 d) 2,000

20. After receiving the Holy Spirit, what did the Apostles do?
R. Wonders and Signs Acts 2.43;5.12
a) They were hiding b) Wonders and Signs c) They prayed

21. What time was it, prayer time?

R. Ninth Acts 3.1
a) Third Hour b) Sixth hour c) Ninth Hour

22. Who went up to the temple together?

R. Peter and John Acts 3.1

23. What is the name of the temple where the lame man went to ask for alms?
R. The beautiful Acts 3.2

24. What was the reaction of the lame man when he was healed?
R. I enter the temple jumping and praising God Acts 3.8

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25. What is the name of the portico where the people gathered?
R. Of Solomon Acts 3.11;5.12
a) From David b) The Great c) Of Solomon

26. In the time of Moses God raised up prophets to speak his word and what would happen to the
people who did not listen to the prophet?
R. She will be uprooted from the town. Facts

27. What was the covenant that God made with Abraham?
R. In your seed all the families of the earth will be blessed. Acts 3.25

28. Why were two of the Apostles imprisoned?

R. To teach the people, and they talked about the resurrection of Jesus. Acts 4.2

29. After the imprisonment of the 2 apostles, how many people believed?
R. 5,000 Acts 4.4
a) 3,000 b) 4,000 c) 5,000 d) 5,500

30. What is the only name in which people can be saved? (Full name)

31. The rulers, elders, scribes and high priests recognized that the Apostles John and Peter were
literate. True or false?
R. Fake Facts. 4.13

32. How old was the man who had a miracle of healing?
R. More than 40 years Acts 4.22

33. What was the multitude of those who had believed the word of God like?
R. Of one Heart and One Soul, all in common. Acts 4.32

34. Who did the apostles nickname Barnabas?

R. José Fact 4.36
to Juan b) Matías c) Joseph d) Fair

35. What does the name Barnabas mean?

R. Son of Consolation Acts 4.36

36. From what place was Barnabas (named after the apostles) and who sold his inheritance?
R. Cyprus Acts 4.36
a) Galilee b) Cyprus c) Syria d) Malta

37. What is the name of Ananias' wife?

R. Safira Acts 5.1

38. Why did Ananias and Sapphira die?

R. For lying to God (Holy Spirit) when presenting part of his sale. Acts 5.3-4

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39. Who lifted and buried the bodies of Ananias and his wife?
R. Some young people Acts 5.6;10

40. What did they put the sick in so that when Peter passed by he would heal them?
R. Beds and bedding Acts 5:15-16

41. Why did the Sadducees put the Apostles in prison?

R. They were filled with jealousy
Acts 5.17

42. Who freed the Apostles from prison?

R. An Algel of the Lord Acts 5.19

43. That Pharisee was a Doctor of the law and revered by all the people?
R. Gamaliel Acts 5.34

44. What was the name of the man who claimed to be important and who was joined by 400 men?
R. Theudas Acts 5.36
a) Theudas b) Judas c) Barsabas d) Joseph

45. What work cannot be destroyed by men?

R. The work that comes from God. Acts 5:38-

46. How many men did the disciples send to the crowd to look for among the brothers for a work of
R. 7 males Acts 6.3
a) 9 men b) 6 men c) 7 men d) 12 men

47. What characteristics should men have for service work.

R. Of Good Testimony, Full of the Holy Spirit and Wisdom. Acts 6.3

48. Who of the 7 men was from Antioch.

R. Nicholas. Acts 6.5

49. Name 3 of the men chosen to work within the work.

R. Esteban, Felipe, Prochorus, Nicanor, Timón, Parmenas and Nicolás. Acts 6.5

50. What qualities (characteristics-gifts) did Esteban have.

R. Full of faith and Holy Spirit, Full of Grace and Power, Wisdom. Acts

51. That the people who disputed against him turned against Stephen.
R. False Witnesses Acts 6.13

52. What those of the council saw when they turned to see Stephen.
R. They saw His face like that of an angel. Acts 6:15

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53. In the book of acts (ch. 7) Who tells the story of Abraham, Isaac, Joseph etc.?
R. Esteban Facts. 7.2;54-57

54. According to the story told in chap. 7 of facts, how does it refer to the sons of Jacob?
R. The 12 Patriarchs Acts 7.8-9
a) The 12 Kingdoms b) The 12 Patriarchs c) The 12 Tribes

55. What is the name of the young man on whom they put Stephen's clothes while he was being
R. Saul Acts 7:58

56. What were Esteban's last words minutes before he died.

R. Lord, do not take this sin into account. Acts 7.60

57. Who consisted or agreed with the death of Stephen.

R. Saul Acts 8.1

58. Those who took Esteban to bury.

R. Godly Men Acts 8.2

59. When Saul Persecuted the church. In what way did he take those of the church to deliver them
to prison?
R. He entered house by house and dragged men and women. Acts 8.3

60. Who went down to the city of Samaria to preach about CHRIST?
R. Philip Acts 8.5

61. What was the name of the Man who practiced magic in Samaria?
R. Simon Acts 8.9
a) Nicanor b) Epaphras c) Simon d) Alexander

62. Who of the apostles did they send to Samaria when the word of God was strong?
R. Peter and John. Acts 8:14

63. For what reason did they send apostles to Samaria after receiving the word of God?
R. To pray for them and that they would receive the Holy Spirit. Acts 8:15-

64. Who offered money in exchange for receiving the power of the Holy Spirit.
R. Simon Acts 8:18

65. What did the Angel of the Lord tell Philip to do?
R. Let him get up and go to Gaza in the desert. Acts 8:26

66. What was the name of the queen of the Ethiopians, whose eunuch was an official?
R. Candace Acts 8:27
A) Baeda b) Makeda c) Candace

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67. Which book of the Bible's prophets did the eunuch read?
R. Isaiah Acts 8:28

68. What requirements had to be met for the eunuch to be Baptized?

R. Water and believe wholeheartedly in Jesus. Acts 8:36-

69. What happened to Philip after he baptized the eunuch?

R. The Spirit of the Lord Raptured Philip. Acts 8:39

70. Where was Saul surrounded by a flash of light from heaven?

R. Near Damascus Acts 9.3

71. How many days did Saul go without seeing, eating or drinking?
R. 3 days. Acts 9.9

72. What is the name of the Man who had to pray for Saul so that he would regain his sight?
R. Ananias Acts 9:12
73. In the house of whom was Saul praying, who in vision hoped would regain his sight?
R. At Judas' house. Acts 9.11

74. What did the disciples have to do so that the Jews did not kill Saul?
R. They lowered him over the wall in a basket. Acts 9:25

75. Who told the apostles in Jerusalem about how Saul had an encounter with Jesus?
R. Barnabas. Acts 9:27

76. What was the name of the man who was paralyzed for 8 years and Peter healed?
R. Aeneas Acts 9:34

77. FROM where was the woman named Tabitha whom Peter resurrected?
R. From Joppa Acts 9:36

78. What did Peter do after resurrecting the woman Tabitha?

R. I call the saints and the widows and present her alive.
Acts 9:41

79. What is the name of the company of which Cornelius was a centurion?
R. The Italian Acts 10.1

80. Where did Peter go up to pray around the sixth hour?

R. on a roof Acts 10.9

81. What did Peter see in vision while he prayed?

R. A large canvas that came down from the sky tied by the ends.
Acts 10:11

82. What did Cornelius do when Peter arrived at his house and welcomed him?

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R. He fell at his feet and worshiped him.
Acts 10:25

83. What happened when Peter was speaking to Cornelius and those gathered, about how Jesus died
and rose again and manifested himself to his disciples, telling them to preach the gospel of God?
R. The Holy Spirit fell on those gathered. Acts 10:44

84. Why were those who accompanied Peter stunned when they saw what happened?
R. That also in the Gentiles there was the gift of the Holy Spirit. Acts 10:45-46

85. What did God make Peter understand through the vision where he showed him four-legged
animals and of which he ordered him to eat?
R. Let no Man be called common or unclean. Acts 10:11-15;28

86. When Philip was at the place where the Eunuch would pass. Who told you to approach the cart?
R. The spirit Acts 8:29

87. Where was Cornelius from?

R. Caesarean section Acts 10.1

88. What was Cornelius like (character, qualities)?

R. Pious, fearing God with all his household, Acts 10.2
He gave a lot of alms to the people and prayed to God Always.

89. How many people did Cornelius send to go and bring Peter?
R. To 3, 2 servants and a soldier. Acts 10.7

90. What happened to Peter or what he had before seeing the vision?
R. He was very hungry Acts 10:10

91. At what time did Peter go to the house he was in at night?

R. the sixth hour Acts 10.9

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Extra Questions.

1. Who is the author of the Book of Acts and to whom was it addressed?
R. Author Lucas, Addressed to Teófilo. Luc. 1.3
Facts 1.1

2. What were Jesus' last thoughts on Earth a few moments before ascending to heaven?
R. That they would receive power while the Holy Spirit visited them and that they would be
witnesses in all Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria and all the earth.
Acts 1.8

3. What was or does the Day of Pentecost mean?

R. 50 days after the Passover Sabbath. Lev. 23.15-16
Also called the festival of weeks. Deut. 16.16

4. What was the life of the first believers (Christians) like when they believed the word that the
apostles preached?
Ans. Open: They were together, they had everything in common,
Acts 2:44-47
They distributed everything according to each one's need, unanimous in the temple,
They ate together with joy and simplicity of heart, they praised God.

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5. How many chapters does the Book of Acts have, and which of its chapters has the most verses?
R. There are 28 Chapters. *Chapter 7, has 60 verses.

6. What did God make Peter understand through the vision where he showed him four-legged
animals and of which he ordered him to eat?
R. Let no Man be called common or unclean. Acts 10:11-15;28

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