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8/23/23, 1:48 PM JLPT N2 Grammar List – JLPTsensei.


Learn Japanese with

JLPT N2 Grammar List

Although there is no official JLPT N2 grammar list, most grammar points that have been featured on
previous tests are included in this list.

Each lesson is arranged in English romaji alphabetical order. In total, there are over 195 grammar
lessons that you need to know in order to pass the N2.

Click on the lesson link for detailed notes about grammar structure, how-to-use, conjugations, example
sentences, interactive aids, and more.

Bonus downloads for supporters on Patreon:

Printable PDF N2 grammar list

Ebook – N2 Grammar Master Complete Study Guide.
N2 grammar flashcard batch download, and more!

# Lesson 文法レッスン Grammar Meaning

nuki ni shite / 抜きにして / 抜きで(ぬ

nuki de きにして/ ぬきで) without; leaving out; cutting out ~

122 nuku 抜く(ぬく) to do something from beginning to end;

completely, extremely ~

123 o keiki ni を契機に(をけいきに) as a good opportunity/chance to; as a

result of; make the best of ~ 1/4
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# Lesson 文法レッスン Grammar Meaning

124 o megutte をめぐって concerning; in regard to ~

125 o moto ni をもとに based on; derived from; building on;

beginning with ~

126 o nozoite を除いて(をのぞいて) except; with the exception of; excluding ~

127 o towazu を問わず(をとわず) regardless of; irrespective of; no matter

128 o~negau お~願う(お~ねがう) please do; could you please…; I ask of you
to ~

129 omake ni おまけに to make matters worse; besides; what's

more; in addition; on top of that​

130 osoraku 恐らく(おそらく) perhaps; likely; probably; I dare say ~

恐れがある(おそれがあ it is feared that; to be in danger of; to be

131 osore ga aru
る) liable to ~

132 oyobi 及び(および) and; as well as ~

133 roku ni~nai ろくに~ない not well; not enough; improperly;

insufficiently; unsatisfactorily​~

134 saiwai na koto ni
なことに) fortunately; luckily; thankfully ~

135 sei ka せいか perhaps because ~

136 sekkaku せっかく especially; (thank you for) troubling to,

going to great pains for ~

137 semete せめて at least; at most ~

138 shidai 次第(しだい) as soon as, dependent upon

139 shidai de 次第で(しだいで) depending on; so ~

140 shidai ni 次第に(しだいに) gradually (progress into a state); in

sequence; in order 2/4
8/23/23, 1:48 PM JLPT N2 Grammar List –

# Lesson 文法レッスン Grammar Meaning

141 shikamo しかも moreover; furthermore; and yet; what’s

more ~

142 sono ue その上(そのうえ) besides; in addition; furthermore ~

143 sore na noni それなのに and yet; despite this; but even so ~

144 sore nara それなら if that’s the case; if so ~

145 sore ni shitemo それにしても nevertheless; at any rate; even so; be that
as it may ~

そう言えば(そういえ come to think of it; now that you mention

146 sou ieba
ば) it ~

147 sou suru to そうすると having done that; if that is done; if it is

done in that way

148 sue ni 末に(すえに) finally; after; following; at the end/

conclusion of ~

149 sukoshi mo~nai
~ない) not one bit; not even a little ~

150 sukunaku tomo
も) at least ~

151 tadachi ni 直ちに(ただちに) at once; immediately; directly; in person;

automatically ~

152 tamae たまえ do~; order somebody to do something

te bakari wa
てばかりはいられない can’t keep doing ~

154 te demo てでも even if I have to; by all means ~

155 te irai て以来(ていらい) since; henceforth ~

156 te ite wa ていては if one keeps doing ~ 3/4
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# Lesson 文法レッスン Grammar Meaning

157 te koso てこそ now that; since (something happened)

158 te made てまで even; will go far so as to ~

159 te naranai てならない can't help but; dying to; extremely ~

160 te tamaranai てたまらない can't help but; dying to; extremely ~

JLPT N2 Grammar List total: (197)

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*NOTE* Officially, there are no kanji, vocabulary, or grammar lists for the JLPT. As a result, it is
not possible to be certain which kanji, words, or grammar will or will not appear in a given test. Our
study lists are based on prior test data and comparisons with other available lists of JLPT kanji,
vocabulary, grammar, etc.

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© 2015~2023 JLPT Sensei.
Created by Two Wheel Cruise

日本語能力試験に合格しましょう! 4/4

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