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Cyber Security and Ethical Hacking Internship Program

Cyber Security and Ethical Hacking

Internship Program
Frequently Asked Questions

© Brain4ce Education Solutions Pvt. Ltd.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What are mentorship sessions?

Mentorship sessions are conducted during weekdays to resolve any technical issues or doubts that a learner
has. These doubts can be related to the assignments, or the concepts taught during weekend classes.

2. How can I raise a ticket to ask doubts?

You can go through the following steps to raise a ticket:

1) Click on the “Go to Course” option

2) Click on the support option present at the right-top side of your LMS

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Frequently Asked Questions

3) Select the category of your doubt (Technical, non-technical, general discussion) and fill the other
details Such as title of the doubt and its description. Also, please attach the file, code, screenshots
so that we can understand your issues better. Refer the screenshot for better understanding

4) Click on the SUBMIT button

3. Where can I find the class recordings?

To view the class recordings, you must go to the desired course from the LMS i.e.,Internship/
Mentorship Program.

Method 1:
● Open the course by clicking on “Go to Course”

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Frequently Asked Questions

● Click on the module of your interest. Let us say you want to watch the recording of the first
then click on “Class 1 Recording”

Method 2:

● Click on the “Class Recordings” section

● Click on the video of your choice to watch it

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Frequently Asked Questions

4. Can I contact the instructors personally?

You cannot contact your instructor personally, but

● If you are facing any issues, you can raise your query/ ticket through LMS. These tickets will be
taken up in the weekday mentorship sessions. You will also get an automated email notification
once the issue has been resolved and closed from Edureka support portal. You can provide your
valuable feedback regarding the doubt resolution process.
● You can post your doubts on the telegram group for instant clearance.

5. Do Edureka provide us placement after completing the training?

No, Edureka will not guarantee any placement after completing the training but if you perform well in the
final evaluation, we will surely recommend you to the partner companies and share your resume with them.

6. What are the different certifications provided by Edureka at the end of this course? On what basis are
they awarded?

1) Course Completion Certificate: This certificate will be awarded to everyone, irrespective of their
performance and scores.
2) Edureka Internship Certificate: This certificate will be awarded to candidates who will complete the
capstone project (i.e., Ethically Hack an Amazon-like E-commerce Website), within the timeline.
3) Edureka Super Intern Certificate: This certificate will be awarded to candidates who will complete the
capstone project along with all mini projects, and have an excellent performance (i.e., good attendance
percentage for the classes as well as good assignment submission rate). They will also get a chance to
become an Edureka Teaching Assistant.

7. How is final evaluation conducted?

We will be having the final evaluation towards the end where in all your projects will be evaluated. Each
of you will be having a one-on-one meeting with the instructor, where you will be asked to share your
screen and show your project. Please note that you should be having an end-to-end knowledge of your
project, as the questions will be purely based on what you have done.

8. Do all units have assignments?

No, separate assignments will not be provided for each of the modules. We have included assignments
after every important topic is completed during the weekend classes.

9. Will my assignments be evaluated?

All your assignments will not be evaluated, but we will be conducting a final evaluation towards the end
of this course where your projects and your assignments will be checked. Edureka’s internal team will also
conduct surprise checks on the assignments submitted to understand learners’ issues. We will be
discussing some of the commonly made mistakes during the mentorship sessions.

The solutions to the assignments will be discussed in the mentorship sessions, after the submission
deadline. Please make sure you complete all the assignments on time. The quality and completeness of

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Frequently Asked Questions

your projects will itself be an indicator of how well you have attempted the assignments.

10. What if I miss my assignment/project deadline? Will there be any marks deduction?
If you are unable to submit the assignment/projects within the deadlines due to any reason, you will have
to inform the same to the admins of the Telegram group along with an appropriate reason. No marks will
be deducted if informed before the deadlines.
However, if it is not informed, it will affect your final evaluation. We recommend you submit the
assignment/project even if it is not 100% complete. You can improvise on it later as well. Attempting the
assignments/projects will be a great way to learn as it has been designed and structured in a way that it
covers the all-round aspects of Cyber Security and Ethical Hacking.

11. Where can I find the assignments? How to submit the assignment?

● Go to your LMS and navigate through the units. You will find the assignment document if the unit
contains an assignment. This assignment document will contain the problem statement.

● Click on the assignment. You will find the ‘Submit Assignment’ button on the top-right corner

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Frequently Asked Questions

● Click on the ‘Browse Files’ button and choose the file from your local system to upload on the LMS

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