Srednji 2 - Revision I

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Word Formation

Use the correct form of the word in brackets to complete the sentences.

1. We spent a wonderful ten days in ____________ (south) Spain.

2. It’s _______________ (tradition) in America to eat turkey for Thanksgiving.
3. Her hair soon grew back to its ____________ (nature) colour.
4. It was an exceptionally __________ (taste) meal.
5. It’s ____________ (hope) trying to convince her, she’s too stubborn.
6. The _____________ (exhaust) climbers were rescued by a helicopter.
7. We were ___________ (relief) to learn nobody was hurt.
8. Can I make a _____________ (suggest)?
9. Buckingham Palace is a major tourist ______________ (attract).
10.He’s a _____________ (lecture) in French at Oxford.

Article the

Red Sea …is the capital of Egypt.

Pacific …is between Europe and America.
Mount Everest …is a country in northern Europe.
Andes …is a river in South America.
USA …is the largest continent in the world.
Cairo …is the largest ocean.
Tokyo …is a river in Europe.
Malta …is a country in East Africa.
Amazon …is between Canada and Mexico.
Bahamas ...are mountains in South America.
Asia …is the capital of Japan.
Atlantic …are mountains in central Europe.
Alps …is between Saudi Arabia and Africa.
Kenya …is an island in the Mediterranean.
Rhine …are a group of islands near Florida.
Sweden …is the highest mountain in the world.
Put the verb into the correct form, past continuous or past simple.

1 Jenny ___ (wait) for me when I ___ (arrive).

2 ‘What ___ (you / do) at this time yesterday?’ ‘I was asleep.’
3 ‘___ (you / go) out last night?’ ‘No, I was too tired.’
4 How fast ___ (you / drive) when the accident ___ (happen)?
5 Sam ___ (take) a picture of me while I ___ (not / look).
6 We were in a very difficult position. We ___ (not / know) what to do, so we ___
(do) nothing.
7 I haven’t seen Alan for ages. When I last ___ (see) him, he ___ (try) to find a
8 I ___ (walk) along the street when suddenly I ___ (hear) something behind me.
Somebody ___ (follow) me. I was scared and I ___ (start) to run.
9 When I was young, I ___ (want) to be a pilot. Later I ___ (change) my mind.
10 Last night I ___ (drop) a plate when I ___ (do) the washing up. Fortunately, it
___ (not / break).

Rewrite the stories beginning with the underlined sentence. Use the Past
Perfect when necessary.

1 (a) Somebody broke into the office during the night.

(b) We arrived at work in the morning.
(c) We called the police.
We arrived at work in the morning and found that somebody had broken into the
office during the night. So we called the police.

2 (a) Laura went out this morning.

(b) I rang her doorbell.
(c) There was no answer.
I ___ to Laura’s house this morning and ___ her doorbell, but there ___ no answer.
She ___.

3 (a) Joe came back from holiday a few days ago.

(b) I met him the same day.
(c) He looked very relaxed and tanned.
I ___ Joe a few days ago. He ___ from holiday. He ___ very relaxed and tanned.

4 (a) James sent Amy lots of emails.

(b) She never replied to them.
(c) Yesterday he got a phone call from her.
(d) He was surprised.
Yesterday James ___. He ___. He ___ lots of emails, but she ___.

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