Food Truck Lease Agreement

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The lease agreement entered into by ______________________, identified with C.C., on the one
hand, is hereby recorded. Nº ________________ and domiciled at _________________________,
hereinafter referred to as THE LESSOR; and on the other hand _________________________,
identified with C.C. No. __________, with address at _______________, hereinafter referred to as
THE LESSEE, under the following terms:
FIRST: THE LESSOR is the owner of a used FOOD TRUCK, no make, no model, year of
manufacture ________, color ________. SECOND: THE LESSOR confirms that the FOOD TRUCK
referred to in the preceding clause is in good working order and condition of bodywork,
paintwork and accessories, with no more wear and tear than that produced by normal and
ordinary use. THIRD: By the present contract, THE LESSOR undertakes to assign the use of
the property described in the first clause in favor of THE LESSEE, by way of lease. For its
part, THE LESSEE undertakes to pay THE LESSOR the amount of the rent agreed upon in the
following clause, in the manner and at the time agreed upon. FOURTH: The parties agree that
the amount of rent to be paid by THE LESSEE as consideration for the use of the property,
amounts to the sum of _______________ payable (monthly, weekly.....); amount to be paid in cash
(cash, consignment....) (describe if paid on the first or last day of the month as agreed).
FIFTH: The parties agree to fix a fixed term for the present contract, which shall be
____________ to be computed as of the date of execution of this document; However, the
contract may be terminated at any time by either party upon written notice delivered at
least fifteen (15) calendar days prior to the date of termination. However, the contract may
be terminated at any time by either of the parties, prior written notice delivered at least
fifteen (15) calendar days prior to the termination date. If at the expiration date of the
contract, neither of the parties has notified the other of its intention not to renew it, the
contract will necessarily be extended for a further ___________. SIXTH: THE LESSOR
undertakes to deliver the property which is the object of the performance at its own expense
on the date of execution of this document, with no other evidence than the signatures of the
parties on it. This obligation shall be verified with the physical delivery of the FOOD TRUCK.
SEVENTH: THE TENANT undertakes to pay punctually the amount of the rent, in the form,
time and place agreed upon, subject to the provisions of the fourth clause. EIGHTH: THE
LESSEE undertakes to use the leased property solely and exclusively for the sale of fast food.
Consequently, it is hereby established that THE LESSEE is the only person authorized to
work the FOOD TRUCK, without being able to use it for any other purpose. NINTH: On the
other hand, THE LESSEE is obliged to carry out, at its own cost and expense, the repairs and
maintenance necessary to keep the FOD TRUCK in the same condition in which it was
received, in which case it shall opt for spare parts and equal or better service of the elements
of the leased good. TENTH: The LESSEE is also prohibited from introducing improvements,
changes or internal and external alterations to the leased property and its accessories,
without the express written consent of the LESSOR. Eleventh: It is understood that while the
vehicle is in possession of THE LESSEE, THE LESSEE shall be exclusively and exclusively
liable for damages caused to third parties; for damages caused to private or public property.
TWELFTH: THE LESSEE may not assign the property covered by this contract to third
parties under any title, nor sublease it, nor assign its contractual position, unless it has the
express written consent of THE LESSOR, in which case the necessary documents shall be
signed. THIRTEENTH: THE LESSEE undertakes to return the leased property within the
term and under the terms stipulated in clause five of this contract. Once the return has been
made, THE RENTER shall not be liable for the deterioration, destruction, loss or theft of the
goods and valuables of any kind, property of THE RENTER or of third parties, left in the
FOOD TRUCK. FOURTEENTH: For the validity of all communications and notifications to the
parties, on the occasion of the execution of this contract, both indicate as their respective
addresses those indicated in the introduction of this document. The change of domicile of
either party shall take effect from the date of communication of such change to the other
party, by any written means. FIFTEENTH: In all matters not provided for by the parties in
this contract, both parties submit to the provisions of the Civil Code and other applicable
legal provisions.

As a sign of conformity, the parties sign this document in the city of _____________________, on
the ___ day of the month of ___________ of the year __________.


C.C. N°


C.C. N°

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