(TEMPLATE) Truth in Lending Act Recission Letter

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Date: 10/11/2023



c/o 1234 Some Highway
College Park, Georgia [34567]


VIENNA,VA [22180]

Notice To Agent is Notice To Principal

Notice To Principal is Notice To Agent

Attention Lending Team Supervisor:

On 10/11/2023 I applied for a Navy Federal Credit Card and got

denied. Regardless of the reason for being denied, I have the
right to credit. Withholding my access to my securities is
securities fraud. You are violating the Equal Credit Opportunity
Act and Consumer Credit Protection Act. Since you are denying me
access to my credit, please retract my application.

Pursuant to the provisions of the Truth and Lending Act (“TILA”),

15 U.S.C. Section 1635, I hereby rescind the above-referenced
loan contract, due to violations of TILA, including but not
limited to the unlawful failure to give timely and proper notices
required under TILA.

With this letter, I hereby exercise my rights under the Federal

Truth in Lending Act, 15 U.S.C. § 1635 and Regulation Z, 12
C.F.R. 226.23(b)(5) to rescind the above referenced credit card
loan contract. The Truth in Lending disclosure statement and
credit card loan contract was defective for the following reason:

15 USC 1602 & 15 USC 1602 (l) which reveals that I am the
original creditor who extended the credit via the social security
number and electronic signature on the instrument yet this
material fact was not fully and honestly disclosed to me ab

15 USC 1602 (P) Unauthorized use by a person other than the

cardholder who does not have actual implied or apparent authority
and from which the cardholder receives no benefit. The inquiry
placed on my credit report and/or consumer profile after this
consumer credit transaction is considered unauthorized use.

I was not given proper disclosure or the appropriate forms of my

right to rescind the credit card application, disclosure form, or
consumer credit transaction contract which is a violation of 15
USC 1635 Right of recission as to certain transactions,

Pursuant to 15 U.S.C. § 1635(f), my right to rescind this loan

extends for three-years as a result of this defective Truth in
Lending disclosure statement. This rescission notice has been
sent to you within that time period.

In accordance with 15 USC 1635 (b) Return of money or property

following rescission within (20) days after receipt of a notice
of rescission, the creditor shall return to the obligor any money
or property given as earnest money, down payment, or otherwise,
and shall take any action necessary or appropriate to reflect the
termination of any security interest created under the
transaction. If the creditor has delivered any property to the
obligor, the obligor may retain possession of it. Upon the
performance of the creditor’s obligations under this section, the
obligor shall tender the property to the creditor, except that if
return of the property in kind would be impracticable or
inequitable, the obligor shall tender its reasonable value.
This includes the right to my full faith & credit due to there
being no lawful money to pay debts under HJR-192, and my right to
receive my credit card which is due to me after my signature was
given and securitized the application.

I am prepared to tender the payoff amount in lawful money once

the proper credits have been reflected in my account.

Please be advised that your security interest in my property is

now void per 15 U.S.C. § 1635; Regulation Z § 226.23 and you have
twenty-days to return all of the payments I have made on this
loan and to do your part to terminate the security interest in my
credit card.

Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter. You may
contact me via email at [email protected] if you require any
further information or would like to discuss this matter further.


Attorney-in-fact for JOHN SMITH DOE


State: Georgia

County of_______________________

On this_____/_____2023 before me personally

appeared______________________________whose identity was proven
to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person
who he/she claims to be and acknowledged that he/she signed the
above/attached document.


Signature of Person Taking Acknowledgment

Title or Rank:________________________________
Serial Number (if any):_______________________
My Commission Expires:________________________

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