GED 108 - Module - UNIT 3

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*End of Unit 2*

Unit 3
The Artist and His Medium

This part of Art Appreciation focuses more on the technical aspect of the course
which refers more on the process of creating the art work, the materials and equipment
needed, the techniques applied as well as how to preserve so that it can be appreciated
and utilized for a long period of time.

Learning Outcomes:

After the discussion of the lessons under the unit, students taking the course are
expected to:
1.Understand the different processes of art production
2. Learn the variety of visual art media
3. Know the different art forms and their variations
4. Create basic samples of the different art forms
5. Appreciate the value of art and its variety

Lesson 1 - The Process of Art Production

Production is at the heart of making art. Artists and theorists have long
acknowledged its importance as both an artistic action and an idea to be explored. And as
the role of production has shifted in our lives, so have the ways in which artists
have responded to it. While some contemporary artists foreground production as a tool,

others use their work to explore ideas around production we might otherwise overlook. It
can refer to the making of something, or to a final product, like a theatrical performance.
It can be the process of bringing a song or musical to life or honing that work to
perfection. Production might bring out images of factory production lines, or even the
theories of scientists and philosophers after the mind has conceived it through a certain

Video link:

A. Medium
When an artist is ready to express himself in art and to give shape to his vision, his first
thought would be on what medium to use.

B. The Technique
The technique of the artwork shows the level of familiarity with the medium being

C. Curation
Derived from the word “curare” which means to take care. It is a process that involves
managing, overseeing and assembling or putting together a presentation or exhibit for
some type of artistic collection.

Lesson 2 - The Different Media of the Visual Arts

I. Graphic or Two-Dimensional Arts

A. Drawing
The fundamental skill needed in the visual arts.
a. Different Media for Drawing:
1. Pencils- Made of graphite which comes in different hardness from soft to hard or
thickness from thick to needle-like.

i. Shading Techniques:
✔ Hatching- A series of thin parallel lines that run in the same direction.
✔ Cross-hatching- A series of thin parallel lines and criss-crossing it with another
set of tin parallel lines.
✔ Stippling- Uses the sharp point of the pencil to make dot patterns in some parts of
the drawing.
✔ Blending- May be accomplished by using the finger or a paper stump to gradually
change the tone from dark to light.


2. Ink- It is one of the oldest materials for drawing that is still in use. It allows for a great
variety of qualities, depending on the tools and technique used in the application.

3. Pastel- This is composed of dry pigment held together by a gum binder and
compressed into sticks.


i. 3 Kinds of Pastel:
✔ Soft Pastel
✔ Hard Pastel
✔ Oil Pastel
ii. Pastel Techniques:
✔ Stippling- Using pastel of different colors to produce small marks, thus, creating
a pattern.
✔ Feathering- Using the point of the pastel to make parallel strokes creating a
feather-like effect.
✔ Scumbling- It is like layering but using pastel. The side of the pastel is lightly
drawn on top of an existing color but still making the color of the first layer visible.
✔ Impasto- The technique of thickly applying the pastel by pressing it hard on the
paper creating an opaque effect.
✔ Sgraffito- Technique that applies a thick deposit of pastel on the support then
using a blunt pen, scrapes it off to reveal the underlying color.

4. Charcoal- An organic medium that comes from burnt wood.

i. 2 Kinds of Charcoal:
✔ Compressed Charcoal- The vine charcoal which comes in thin sticks that is easy
to blend and erase.
✔ Manufactured Charcoal- Made from loose charcoal mixed with a binder and
pressed into sticks.

5. Paper- The most common surface used in two-dimensional art.

i. 3 Types of Paper:
✔ Hot-pressed Paper- Smooth

✔ Cold-pressed Paper- Has moderate texture.
✔ Rough Paper- Has the most texture (tooth).

B. Painting
It is the process of applying paint onto a smooth surface (ground/support) like paper,
cloth, canvas, wood or plaster.

a. Pigment- Part of the paint that gives color.

b. Different Media for Painting:

1. Watercolor- Pigments are mixed with water and applied to paper.

2. Gouache- The pigment has been mixed with water and added with a chalk-like
material to give it an opaque effect.

3. Oil Paints- Pigments are mixed with oil as its binder. It is a dense painting
medium and gives rich, beautiful colors. Discovered by a Flemish painter, Jan Van Eyck
in the 15th century.


4. Tempera- Pigment is mixed with egg yolk (sometimes with the white) as binder.

5. Fresco- Pigment is mixed with water and applied on a portion of the wall with
wet plaster. It is used for mural paintings.

6. Acrylic- Modern medium with synthetic paint using acrylic emulsion as binder.
C. Mosaic
Wall or floor decorations made of small tiles or irregularly cut pieces of colored stones or
glass called tesserae.

D. Collage
Derived from a French word “coller” which means to stick. This is a technique of
making art by gluing or pasting on firm support materials or found objects.

E. Printmaking
Process used for making reproductions of graphic works. Allows for the repeated transfer
of a master image from a printing plate (matrix) onto a surface.

a. Printmaking Techniques:
1. Relief Painting (Raised)- The oldest method of printmaking. The technique
involves cutting away certain parts of the surface and leaving the ‘raised’ part to produce
the image.
2. Intaglio Printing (Depressed)- Instead of the surface of the plate for the image,
the lines of the image are cut or incised to a metal plate.
3. Surface Printing (Flat)- Includes all processes in which printing is done from a
flat surface.

II. Plastic or Three-Dimensional Arts

A. Sculpture
Originated from the Latin word “sculpere” which means to carve . It is defined as the art
or practice of creating three-dimensional forms or figures.

a. 3 Kinds of Sculptures:

1. Freestanding- Sculptures which can be viewed from all sides.

2. Relief- Sculptures in which the figures project from a background.

Two Variations of Relief Sculpture:

✔ Low Relief (bas relief)- Figures are slightly raised/projected from its
✔ High Relief- Almost half of the figures project from its background, more
shadows are created.

4. Kinetic (mobile)- A sculpture that is capable of movement by wind, water or

other forms of energy.

Lesson 3 - The Process of Creating Sculptures

A. Subtractive Process
Involves removing or cutting away pieces of the material to form the figure.

B. Additive Process
The process involves the construction of a figure by putting together bits of the material
or by welding together metal parts to create figures.

C. Process of Substitution
This process is also known as casting. This method involves using a mold to produce a
3D figure in another material.

D. Different Media of Sculpture:

a. Stone- A natural medium.Hard and relatively permanent.
b. Wood- Also a natural medium. It varies in hardness and durability depending on
the kind of tree it came from.
c. Metal- It has three unique qualities: tensile strength, ductility and malleability.
d. Plaster- It is finely ground gypsum mixed with water and poured into mold.
e. Terra cotta (cooked earth)- Baked clay or clay fired in a kiln at a relatively high
f. Glass- Made by heating and cooling a combination of sand and soda lime.
g. Plastic- Synthetic medium made from organic polymers.
Lesson 4 - Architecture
Art of designing buildings and other structures which will serve a definite function.

A. Construction Principles
a. Post and Lintel- Makes use of two vertical supports (post) and spanned by a
horizontal beam (lintel). It was invented by the Greeks.
b. Arch- A Roman invention that consists of separate pieces of wedge-shaped
blocks called voussoirs arranged in a semi-circle.
i. Structures that can be Built from the Principle of Arch:
✔ Barrel Vault- A succession of arches.

✔ Groin Vault- A structure that is formed by intersecting arches resulting in four
✔ Dome- Structure with the shape of an inverted cup.
c. Truss- System of triangular forms assembled to form a rigid framework.
d. Cantilever- A structure that makes use of a beam or slab that extends horizontally
into space beyond its supporting post.
e. Buttress- A structure that is built as a support for the wall.

Lesson 5 - Media of Architecture

A. Compressive Strength- Refers to those materials that can support heavy weights
without crumbling or breaking down.

B. Materials that are used for Creating Building and Infrastructures:

a. Stones and Bricks- Stones are favored over other materials for its durability,
adaptability to sculptural treatment and its use for building simple structures in its natural
b. Lumber (wood)- All parts of a building can be constructed using wood except
the foundations.
c. Iron and Steel- Provide stronger and taller structures with less use of material
when compared to stone or wood.
d. Concrete- Mixture of cement and water, with aggregates of sand and gravel.

Activity 1 for Unit 3

Task Description: Students will choose a medium based on the previously discussed topics
and create a simple actual representation of the chosen artwork. The piece must reflect the
relevance to the current social scenario along with a written reflection regarding the artwork
that will awaken and move the viewers emotional state regarding the art piece. The output will
be presented before the class through Google slides or JamBoard.

Lesson 6 - Literature and the Combined Arts

A. Literature
Art of combining spoken or written words and their meanings into forms which have
artistic and emotional appeal.

✔ Groin Vault- A structure that is formed by intersecting arches resulting in four
✔ Dome- Structure with the shape of an inverted cup.
c. Truss- System of triangular forms assembled to form a rigid framework.
d. Cantilever- A structure that makes use of a beam or slab that extends horizontally
into space beyond its supporting post.
e. Buttress- A structure that is built as a support for the wall.

Lesson 5 - Media of Architecture

A. Compressive Strength- Refers to those materials that can support heavy weights
without crumbling or breaking down.

B. Materials that are used for Creating Building and Infrastructures:

a. Stones and Bricks- Stones are favored over other materials for its durability,
adaptability to sculptural treatment and its use for building simple structures in its natural
b. Lumber (wood)- All parts of a building can be constructed using wood except
the foundations.
c. Iron and Steel- Provide stronger and taller structures with less use of material
when compared to stone or wood.
d. Concrete- Mixture of cement and water, with aggregates of sand and gravel.

Activity 1 for Unit 3

Task Description: Students will choose a medium based on the previously discussed topics
and create a simple actual representation of the chosen artwork. The piece must reflect the
relevance to the current social scenario along with a written reflection regarding the artwork
that will awaken and move the viewers emotional state regarding the art piece. The output will
be presented before the class through Google slides or JamBoard.

Lesson 6 - Literature and the Combined Arts

A. Literature
Art of combining spoken or written words and their meanings into forms which have
artistic and emotional appeal.

B. Types of Literature
a. Poetry- It used to follow strict rules s to the number and length of lines and
stanzas but in recent years they have become more free-flowing
b. Fiction- Written work that is not real and which uses elaborate figurative
c. Non-fiction- Subject matter comes from real life.
d. Drama- Includes all plays or any written works that are meant to be performed.

Lesson 7 - Music, Media in Music, some Genres of Music

A. Music
Defined as the art of combining and regulating sounds of varying pitch to produce
compositions that express various ideas and feelings.

B. Media in Music
a. Vocal Medium- The oldest and most popular medium for music is the human
i. Classification of Human Voice (Komien,2008):
✔ Soprano- Highest female singing voice.
✔ Contralto- Female singing voice that is low and rich in quality.
✔ Tenor- Highest adult male singing voice.
✔ Bass- Male singing voice that is low and rich in quality.

✔ Baritone- Male singing voice that is between tenor and bass.
b. Instrumental Medium- Materials that produce/create sound
i. Traditional Instruments of Music:
✔ String Instruments- Provide basic orchestral sounds. Two kinds are: Bowed
strings that produce tones by means of a bow of horse hair and Plucked strings that
produce tones by plucking the strings with a finger or with a plectrum held in one’s hand.
✔ Woodwind Instruments- Create sounds by blowing into them.
✔ Brass Instruments- Have cup-shaped mouthpieces and expands into a bell-
shaped end.
✔ Percussion Instruments- Makes sound by hitting them.
✔ Keyboard Instruments- Make sound by means of a keyboard which consist of a
series of black and white keys.

C. Some Genres of Music:

a. Classical Music- European tradition that covered the years of 1750 to 1830.
Forms such as the symphony, concerto, and sonata were standardized.
b. Folk Music- Originated in the traditional popular culture or is written in such a style.
c. Pop Music- Began in the 1950s and is inspired in the tradition of rock and roll.
d. Jazz- Originated in the African-American communities in the late 19th and early 20th
e. Blues- Originated from the African Americans in the deep South of the United States
in the late 19th Century.
f. Rock Music- Form of popular music that evolved from rock and roll and pop music.
g. Alternative Music- A style of rock music that emerged from the independent music of
the 1980s and gained popularity in the 1990s.

Lesson 8 - Dance, Types of Dance

A. Dance
Is said to be the oldest of the arts. It is the man’s gestures that express emotions through
rhythmic movements.

B. Types of Dance:
a. Ethnologic (ethnic)- Includes folk dances associated with national and/or cultural
b. Social or Ballroom- Type of dancing that are generally performed in pairs.
c. Ballet- Originated in the royal courts of the Medieval era.
d. Social or Ballroom- Sometimes called contemporary or interpretative dances.
They represent rebellion against the classical formalism of ballet.
e. Musical Comedy (musicale)- Refers to those dances performed by one dancer or
a group of dancers.

Lesson 9 - Drama and Theatre and Genres of Drama

A. Drama
Genre of literature that is intended to be acted-out or performed on stage in front of an

B. Theatre
Combined art that includes music, dance, painting, sculpture, and architecture.

C. Genres of Drama (DiYanni, 2000):

a. Tragedy- literature’s greatest dramatic genre.
b. Melodrama- Emphasizes the never ending battle between good and evil wherein
good always wins.
c. Comedy- Exact opposite of tragedy.
d. Satire- Portrays human weakness and criticized human behavior to pave the path
to some form of salvation for human actions.
e. Farce- Light humorous play in which the emphasis is on the jokes, humorous
physical action, exaggerated situations and improbable characters.

Lesson 10 - Cinema, Genres of Motion Pictures and People Behind Motion Pictures

A. Cinema
Series of images that are projected onto a screen to create the illusion of motion.

B. Genres of Motion Pictures:

a. Feature Films- Commonly shown in movie theaters.
b. Animated movies- Use images created by artists/ animators.
c. Documentary movies- deal primarily with facts, not fiction.
d. Experimental films- Sequence of images, literal or abstract, which do not
necessarily form a narrative.
e. Educational Films- Specifically intended to facilitate learning at home or

C. People Behind a Motion Picture

a. Actors- Play the roles of the characters.
b. Producer- handles finances.
c. Screenwriter- develops stories and ideas for the screen or adapts interesting
written pieces of work as motion pictures.
d. Director- Studies the script, plans and visualizes how the film should be
portrayed and guides the actors and the production crew as they carry out the project.

Activity 2 for Unit 3

Task Description: From all the discussed topics from lesson 6 to 10 (literature, music, dance,
theater, and cinema), select one example for each and create a complete documentary report
based on the following format: genre, artist, history/background and message or meaning. Use
Google spreadsheet in presenting your work.


Ferrer, Maria Cristina D., Art Appreciation. Panday Lahi Publishing House, Inc.
Sucat, Muntinlupa City.


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