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OF TWO THOUSAND NINETEEN (2019) GRANTED IN _______________________________

ACT OR CONTRACT:___________________________________________________________

AUTHORIZATION TO LEAVE THE COUNTRY.______________________________________

PEOPLE INVOLVED____________________________________________IDENTIFICATION

In the city of Bogotá, Capital District, Republic of Colombia, at the Notary Office

Thirty (30) of the Circle of Bogotá, Capital District,

on the date indicated in the heading; the public deed was executed as follows:______________

Appeared: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, of legal age, identified with

citizenship card number xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx issued in xxxxxxxxxxxxxx,

of Colombian nationality, of civil status xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, acting on their

own behalf and xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, of legal age, identified with

citizenship carddula number xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx issued in xxxxxxxxxxxx , of

Colombian nationality, of civil status xxxxxxxxxxxx, acting on their own behalf,

and stated:___________________________________________________________________

FIRST: That Messrs. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx and

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, are the parents of the minors

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, registered under the serial number

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxyNUIP xxxxxxxxxxxx of the Notary Office Thirty (30) of the

Circle of Bogotá, D.C., and xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, registered under the serial

code number xxxxxxxxxxxxx and NUIP xxxxxxxxxxx of the Notary Office

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xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ( ) of the Circle of Bogotá, D.C., as evidenced by the Civil Birth

Records submitted for notarization with this instrument.________________________________

SECOND: That due to the fact that the parents xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

and xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, it is impossible for them to regularly grant

permission to leave the country for their minor children, by means of this public

instrument they grant PERMANENT AUTHORIZATION to their minor children

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, registered under the serial indicative number

xxxxxxxxxxxxxx of the Notary Office Thirty (30) of the Circle of Bogota, D.C.,

and XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX, registered under the serial code number xxxxxxxxx of

the Notary Office xxxxxxx ( ) of the Circle of Bogotá, D.C., to leave the country

with their father or mother, separately or jointly. This permit can be used for any

place in the world.______________________________________________________________

THIRD: This authorization is issued based on the ninth (9th) article of Decree two

thousand one hundred and fifty (2150) of December five (5) of nineteen hundred

and ninety five (1995), which in its fourth clause says textually "The authorization

to leave the country may be granted in general by public deed with a record of its

NOTARIAL CERTIFICATES: Article 9 Decree Law 960 of 1970: The Notary is

responsible for the formal regularity of the instrument he/she authorizes, but not

for the veracity of the declarations of the interested parties. Nor is it liable for their

legal capacity or aptitude to enter into the respective act or contract. Arts 35 and

102 of Decree Law 960 of 1970: The grantors of this deed were warned of their

obligation to read the entire text, in order to verify the accuracy of all the

information contained in it, with the purpose of clarifying, modifying or correcting

what they deem necessary; the signature of the same demonstrates their total

approval of the text. As a consequence, the Notary assumes no responsibility for

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errors or inaccuracies established after the signature of the grantors and the

Notary. In such a case, they must be corrected by the execution of a new deed,

signed by all those who participated in the initial deed and paid for by the same._____________

VAT TAX: In accordance with the provisions of the Tax Statute, for the execution

of this deed the amount of $_________ is paid.

Sales tax at the rate of nineteen percent (19%) on notary fees.__________________________

WARNING NOTES: Grantors are advised that they are legally responsible in the

event that this instrument is used for fraudulent or illegal purposes._______________________

AUTHORIZATION AND AUTHORIZATION: The present public instrument having

been read by the grantors, they sign it in proof of their assent, together with the

undersigned Notary, who hereby authorizes it._______________________________________

This public deed was drawn up on sheets of notarial paper numbers:_____________________



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