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Second Announcement
Normal Lifestyle of Menopausal
Woman Post Covid-19 Pandemic
th th
October 6 - 8 , 2023
The Stones, Kuta Bali,
Offline Event

Contact Person :
dr. Trinidia (082161888415)
dr. Wistya (081246484523)
Arkan ICM (08112024128)

[email protected]
Welcome Message
President of Asia Pacific Menopause Federation
2021 - 2023
Dear Colleagues
Perspective towards menopause is di erent among women in the world,
based on their faith in reproductive values, language used in describing and
discussing menopause, strong cultural impacts, various knowledge level, and
holistic perspectives combining spiritual, intellectual, physical, and emotional
dimensions. The roles of culture in menopausal women's perspective had a great
impact on women's lives and the roles of spirituality on menopause play an
important role in every Asia-Pacific women's act. It is also revealed that the
development of health service especially for menopausal women in Asia-Pacific
had been made and thus, there were stil l many women who had not been empowered in their menopausal
period. There were still many Asian women who had not possessed awareness and knowledge on
menopause physiology.
The culture regards that it was a taboo to discuss menopausal complaints and thus, it created fear of
negative stigmatization from the environment. Approximately 80 percent Menopausal Women live in a
developing country, and every year menopause women population increase by 3 percent. It means that
women's health needs to take care of so that it can increase life expectancy and achieve happiness and
psychological welfare.
The number of menopause women in Asia in 2025 will be 373 million. Several menopausal
associations from various countries in Asia Pacific have agreed to form the Asia Pacific Menopause
Federation since 1999. Mission Statement ofThe Asia Pacific Menopause Federation exists to promote the
study of all aspects of the menopause and its consequences in women and to promote the study of age
related changes in reproductive hormones and their consequences in adult men in the Asia Pacific region.
The beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic presented challenges that disproportionately impacted
women, stressful for many reasons, including fears of contagion, constant media coverage, and inadequate
supplies of basic necessities, face masks, and disinfectants. The pressure continued through 2020 into early
2022 because of social distancing, self-quarantine, sickness, loss of loved ones, travel bans, and economic
worry. Women are especially vulnerable during times of crises because they are frequently the primary
resource managers for the household and caretakers for dependents, adjusting everyday life during a
disaster to create a sense of security for their families. Pandemics and other large-scale disasters are almost
always accompanied by increases in depression and behavioral disorders, and it appears that women have
been more vulnerable to stress, depression, and anxiety during Covid-19.
But, safe and e ective vaccines are available that provide strong protection against serious illness,
hospitalization and death from COVID-19. Getting vaccinated is one of the most important things we can do
to protect ourself against COVID-19, help end the pandemic and stop new variants emerging. Additionally, in
perimenopausal and postmenopausal women, forced alterations in lifestyle habits resulting from
quarantine such us changes in interpersonal relationships, nutrition habits, exercise, or sexuality could lead
to an aggravation of their menopausal symptoms and a loss of health-related quality of life (HRQoL),
particularly in terms of psycho-behavioral aspects and romantic relationships.
Based on this, it is in accordance with the APMF Scientific meeting in 2023 with theme is "Normal
Lifestyle of Menopausal Women Post Covid-19 Pandemic" to be able to restore the quality of life of
postmenopausal women after the covid pandemic. As the 9th President of the Asia Pacific Menopause
Federation 2021-2023, I invite all my colleagues to participate in the APMF Scientific Meeting 2023 that will
be held in Stone Hotel, Kuta Beach, Bali, Indonesia on October, 6th to 8th 2023.

See you in Bali

M. Fidel Ganis Siregar

Welcome Message
President of Indonesian Society of Menopause
( Perminesia )
Dear colleague and partner,
It is with great pleasure that we invite you to attend National
Congress of Indonesian Society of Menopause In Conjunction With
International Congress of Asia Pacific Menopause Federation to be held in
Bali, Indonesia on October 6th to 8th , 2023.

The pandemic disaster has a major impact on human life from all aspects. Mortality and

morbidity rates have increased, including in the group of menopausal women, especially those who

already have comorbidities such as cardiovascular disorders, metabolism and malnutrition.

Facing the unfinished pandemic period and to continue the new normal life that can be relied

on against the blows of the pandemic, there is none other than maintaining a healthy lifestyle and

getting rid of bad habits in our new normal lives.

With the theme of this congress, “Normal Lifestyle of Menopausal Woman after Pandemic

Covid-19”, we hope to provide some education to help menopausal women in maintaining a healthy

lifestyle during this era with the topic of health management that encourages promotion and

prevention aspects to increase without neglecting curative and rehabilitative aspects.

APMF 2023 is the most influential academic event in the field of perimenopause

management and treatment in Asia Pacific region. We cordially invite you to join us as sponsors and

partners of APMF 2023, an exceptional congress, providing participants and speakers alike with the

opportunity to perimenopause the most important topics in menopause management and


We look forward to welcoming you to participate in this prestigious event. It is only with your

condition that we can ensure the success of the Congress of APMF 2023.


Tita Husnitawati Madjid

Welcome Message
Chairman of the Congress Committee
Dear all congress Participant
Om Suasti Astu,
Asallamualaikum WR
Salam Sejahtera
Namo budaya
Salam kebajikan

Welcome to Bali Paradise Island,

We are very pleased to meet you on the Famous Beautiful island of Bali to attend you to discuss health
issues related to menopause and the entire female life cycle.
First of all, on behalf of the steering committee “The National Congress of the Indonesian Menopause
Association together with the International Congress of the Asia Pacific Menopause Federation, I would like
to welcome all participants, for their participation, I also express my deepest gratitude. Thanks to all the sta
for their hard work in preparing this congress.
The emerging Covid-19 pandemic causes some forced alterations in lifestyle habit due to quarantine
policy. These conditions may lead to an aggravation of menopausal symptoms and a loss of health-related
quality of life from many aspects. Therefore, menopausal women need more knowledge to be able to prepare
themselves appropriately in facing such problems that may happen
during Covid-19 pandemic.
With the theme of this congress, “Normal Lifestyle of Menopausal Woman after Pandemic Covid-19”.
Providing opportunities for gynecological and endocrinology experts and scholars menopause to engage in
in-depth discussions and interactive exchanges about the latest advances and hot issues in particular the
e ects of covid-19 for menopausal women. We, The committee will prepare and welcome all congress
participants as well as possible, where this event will take place in the Kuta Bali area which is well known to all
of us.
Kuta is one of the most beautiful tourist attractions in Bali with beautiful beaches and complete
hospitality and entertainment facilities. But also no less interesting other tourist attractions. Bali is a world
icon, because of the beauty of the island and its nature and unique culture, making it a tourist attraction. This
will be even more interesting so that we hope to increase the interest of participants and maybe with their
families, where colleagues can have scientific discussions, while families can also enjoy the beauty of Bali.
Especially after 3 years the world has been hit by the COVID-19 pandemic and now there are easing due to
successful vaccinations and strict health protocols, so the longing for sightseeing will be very high.

We hope that as the committee, let's make this event a success by coming to discuss, have fun while
on vacation with family, which has not materialized for a long time.

Thank you

Warm greetings from Bali,

See you in Bali

I Wayan Kesumadana

General Information

Time : October 6th – 8th, 2023

City/ Country : Bali/ Indonesia

Place : The Stones Kuta

Address : Jl. Raya Kuta Beach Banjar Legian Kelod Legian, Bali, Kuta District,

Bandung Regency, Bali

Sponsor : Asia Pacific Menopause Federation

Indonesian Menopause Association

Committee : Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology,

: Faculty of Medicine, Udayana University

Email : [email protected]

Participants : 500 people (offline)

Registration Date : st
Early bird February 1 – April 30 2023

st th
Regular May 1 – October 5 2023
th th
Onsite October 6 – 8 2023

President of APMF
Muhammad Fidel Ganis Siregar
President of Indonesian Society of Menopause (PERMINESIA)
Tita Husnitawati M
Ichramsjah A Rachman Rama Tjandra
Muharram Natadisastra I Ketut Suwiyoga
Hendy Hendarto Muhammand Ilyas Angsar
M Sjarief Darmasetiawan I Nyoman Rudi Susantha

Steering Committee
I.P.G. Wardhiana A.A.N. Anantasika
Putera Kemara Putu Doster Mahayasa
IB Putra Adnyana Made Darmayasa
Made Suyasa Jaya I Nyoman Gede Budiana

I Wayan Kesumadana
1st Vice Chairman : I B Karta
2nd Vice Chairman : Cok Candra Giram
1 Secretary : Anom Suardika
2 Secretary : Ni Luh Wita Astari Widhusadi
Treasurer : Luh Ketut Ariasih
Scientific & Workshop Commitee
Chief : I Gede Deni Surasandi
1. Corazon Zaida N. Gamilla (APMF)
2. Ang Seng Bin (APMF)
3. Masakazu Terauchi
4. Atul Munshi (APMF)
5. Unnop Jaisamrarn (APMF)
6. Yu Qi (APMF)
7. Achmad Mediana
8. Mulyanusa Amarullah Ritonga
9. Sutrisno, Subsp
10. Angga Diningrat
11. Suka Antara
12. Bramartha Kusuma
13. Anditha Namira Rezky Sitompul
14. Immanuel Dio Tobing
15. William Alexander Setiawan
16. Hartanto
17. Eric Gradiyanto Ongko
18. Mochammad Imam Santoso
19. I Komang Yogi Arta Sualin
20. I Gusti Ngurah Agung Trisnu Kamajaya
21. Ida Bagus Aditya Mayanda
22. Anthony Stephen Halim
23. Putu Bagus Darmayasa

Secretariat Committee Events Commitee
Chief : Pande Made Angger Prameswara Chief : Made Primawati

1. I Wayan Rusdiana Eka Putra 1. Tjok. Astawa Pemayun

2. Novi Martha 2. Pasek Soema Gauthama
3. Trinidya Lubis 3. Irwin Lamtota Lumbanraja
4. Winty Septiani 4. Putri Wulandari
5. Albert Lawu 5. Nicholas Renata Lazarosony
6. Amanda Sherman 6. Made Yudha Ganesa Wikantyas Widya
7. Divika Silvana 7. Vidya Saraswati Putri Duarsa
8. Ni Nyoman Wistya Tri Mayasari 8. Seyla Kresentia Mangowal
9. Fenyta Christyani 9. Bagus Maharta
10. Graciela Ysabel Locquiao 10. Johan Qalaba
11. Santi 11. Juventius Anggoa
12. Made Ayu Prabawaty Indraswari

Funding Commitee
Chief : Ketut Darmayasa

1. Pariartha 7. The Angela Prisilia Taroreh

2. Gd. Ngr. Harry Wijaya Surya 8. Belinda Carlisa
3. I.G.N. Made Wedagama 9. I Gde Ketut Fendy Indrapermana
4. Clara Amanda Schram 10. Fransiscus Ronaldo
5. Gusti Ayu Made Putri Hitasari 11. Ernest T.B. Sianturi
6. Monica Leonardi

Accommodation & Transport Commitee

Chief : Agus Wijaya

1. Ketut Suardana 6. Dewa Nyoman Krisna Arijaya

2. I Gusti Mayun Surya Darma 7. Aditya Damanik
3. Wayan Sumardhi 8. Cokorda Gde Angga Ary Nugraha
4. Anak Agung Gde Kiki Sanjaya Dharma 9. Ida Bagus Yudhistira Anantasurya Vidhisvara
5. Daniel Victor Harrista 10. Anak Agung Ngurah Alit Jaya Wardhana

Publications & Documentation Committee

Chief : Purnama Adi Merta

1. Agus Kurniawan 8. Putu Ngurah Aeland Prilaksana Kalimantara

2. Wenata Jembawan 9. Ida Bagus Agung Widnyana Putra
3. IGN Darma Putra 10. Putu Taradipa Permana
4. Atikah Zahra M Nasution 11. I Gusti Ngurah Agung Satria Wibawa
5. Afrilia Rosada Lubis 12. I Gede Kadek Candra Mahardika
6. Vania 13. I Gusti Agung Ari Wiweka Nanda
7. Wayan Angga Wiadnya 14. Frenky Imanuel Hermanus

License Officer
Chief : I.G.N. Bayuningrat

1. Putu Sudarsana 6. I Made Agus Cakhantara Sumada

2. IGN. Wiranta Permadi 7. I Wayan Rivandi Pradiyadnya Mardana
3. Nyoman Ardi Widiatmika 8. Steven Yosiardo Purnama
4. Anak Agung Gde Marvy Khrisna Pranamarta 9. A.A. Pt. Sanjaya Putra A
5. Putu Aditya Indra Ardana

Consumption Committee
Chief : Ida Ayu Andayani

1. Wayan Sukadana 4. Indra Kumara

2. Ni Gst A.A. Sri Mertha Puspawaty Wetan 5. Chatrine Sutandi
3. Putu Pradnya Paramitha Dewi 6. I Made Aryasa Mugi Raharja

Equipment Commitee
Chief : Made Bagus Dwi Aryana

1. I.B Udyoga Manuaba 10. Glenn Kristie Wanaditya

2. Made Budiarta 11. Nyoman Krisna Tri Wijaya
3. Hendra Sujana 12. Putu Gede Agus Surya Mahardika
4. Indra Pratama 13. Charles Richard Thene
5. Rai Wiwa Negara 14. Edwin Aryanto
6. Ida Bagus Made Andy Wiraputra 15. Godefridus Paulo Bay
7. Michael William Ramschie 16. Putu Harrista Indra Pramana
8. Alit Darma Asmara 17. Ida Bagus Arjuna
9. Bernas Arion Napitupulu

President :
M. Fidel Ganis Siregar (Indonesia)
Immediate Past President :
Yu Qi (China)
President-Elect :
Choon Moy Ho (Malaysia)
Secretary :
Chua Yang (Singapore)
Deputy Secretary :
Tita Husnitawaty Madjid (Indonesia)
Treasurer :
Corazon Zaida N. Gamilla (Philippines)
Assistant Treasurer :
Prudence V. Aquino-Aquino (Philippines)
Auditors :
Kobchitt Limpaphayom (Thailand)
Ko-En Huang (Taiwan)

APMF Council Member :

• Australia/New Zealand: Sonia Davison (Australia/New Zealand)
• Philippines: Ma. Corazon Zaida N. Gamilla (Phillippines)
• China: Yu Qi (China)
• Japan: Masakazu (Masa) Terauchi (Japan)

• Malaysia: Ho Choon Moy, (Malaysia)

Ng Beng Kwang (Malaysia)

• Thailand: Techatraisak Kititrat (Thailand)

• Vietnam: Dang Quang Vinh (Vietnam)
• India: Atul Munshi (India)

• Pakistan: Sumbul Sohail (Pakistan)

Rubina Hussain (Pakistan)

• Korea: Professor Hee-dong Chae (Korea)

• Indonesia: Tita Husnitawati Madjid (Indonesia)
• Taiwan: Yung-Chieh Tsai (Taiwan)
• Singapore: Ang Seng Bin (Singapore)
• Mongolia: Enkhee Sodnomdor (Mongolia)
• Sri Langka: Mangala Dissanayake (Sri Langka)

October 6th
2023 Workshop 1
Main Topic: Management Menopause: The Latest Update on Menopause Management Workshop
Meeting Room 1 ( Lt .2 )

08.30 – 09.00 Opening by APMF

09.00 – 09.20 Latar Belakang
Muhammad Fidel Ganis Siregar
09.20 – 09.40 Modul 1: Dasar-dasar Menopause
Mulyanusa Ritonga
09.40 – 10.00 Modul 2: Fisiologi dan Pathologi Menopause
Tita Husnitawati Madjid
10.00 – 10.20 Modul 3: Evaluasi masa menopause
Anita Rachmawati
10.20 – 10.40 Modul 4: Manajemen Menopause
Rima Efriyanti
10.40 – 11.00 Modul 5: tool kit untuk manajemen menopause: Mendirikan klinik menopause
Hanom Husni Syam
10.00 – 12.30 Ringkasan & Penutupan
Tita Husnitawati Madjid

October 6
2023 Workshop 2
Main Topic: Laser's Fotona Aesthetic and Clinical Gynaecological Hands on Workshop
Meeting Room 2 ( Lt .2 )

08.30 - 09.00 Opening by AMPF

90.00 - 09.40 Zdenko Vizintin (Laser Tissue Interaction & Application in Gynecology) Datuk Dr. Mohamed Rafi
Bin Dato Mohammed Faizal MBBS (MANG), FAGE (MAN), M.MED O&G (UM), AM (MAL), FICS (USA),
09.40 - 10.00 MED (USA), FRSPH (UK), LCP AEST. MED. (MAL)
10.00 - 10.15 Q&A
10.15 - 10.45 Hands on Vagina Rejuvenation (dr. Rafi)
10.45 - 11.15 Hands on Stress Urinary Invontinance (dr. Rafi)
11.15 - 11.45 Hands on Vagina Athropy (dr. Rafi)
11.45 - 12.30 Hands on Aesthetic Gyne (Stretch Mark, Vulva Brightening, etc) by dr Natalia Wahyudi
12.30 - 13.00 Discussion & Closing

12.30-13.30 Lunch

October 6th
2023 Workshop 3
Main Topic: Bone Densitometry: Radiofrequency Echo graphic Multi Spectrometry:
A New Era in Bone Densitometry Ultrasonography Workshop
Meeting Room 2 ( Lt .2 )

13.30 – 13.35 Pembukaan Ketua Perminesia

Tita Husnitawati Madjid
13.35 – 13.40 Pembukaan Sekretaris Perminesia
Achmad Meidiana
13.40 – 13.45 Pembukaan Bidang Ilmiah
13.45 – 14.00 Presentasi produk
14.00 – 14.30 Presentasi medical/osteoporosis
Bagus Putu Putra Suryana
14.30 – 16.00 Hands on alat USG
Peserta, PIC dr Putra
16.00 – 16.30 Q&A
Peserta, PIC Pak Dicky

October 6th
2023 Workshop 4
Main Topic: Women Wellness Multidiscipline: Live after 40: Healthy and Happy Workshop
Meeting Room 1 ( Lt .2 )

13.30 – 13.45 Pembukaan

13.45 - 14.05 Recent Management of Depression
Teddy Hidayat
14.05 – 14.25 Early Detection of Alzheimer & Cognitive Function
Moch. F. Afif Mochyadin
14.25 – 14.55 Nutrition Strategy for Elderly Women
Lazuardhi Dwipa, Sp.PD-Kger
14.55 – 15.15 The Best Tips dan Current Tricks to Tackle Metabolic Syndromes
Maya Kusumawati
15.15 – 15.35 Recent Approach in Management of Menopause
Anita Rachmawati
15.35 – 16.30 Q&A


October 6th
2023 Workshop 5
Main Topic: Balancing Act For Menopause Women :
A Holistic Approach to Well-Being Meeting Room 3 ( Lt .2 )

08.00-08.05 Opening
08.05-08.30 Hormonal changes in menopause women
Maya Kusumawati, dr, Sp.PD, KEMD. FINASIM
08.30-08.55 Mental illness in menopause women
Sri Diniari, dr.,Sp.KJ(K)
08.55-09.20 Osteosarcopenia in Menopause women
Dr. Med. Sc. Irma Ruslina Defi, dr, Sp.KFR, K-Ger
09.20-09.35 Coffee Break
09.35-10.00 Exercise to maintain healthy muscle and bone in menopause women
DR. I Gusti Ngurah Dedi, Sp.KFR. K-Ger
10.00-11.00 Case Discussion
And tools aplication

IMS Board Meeting Meeting Room 3 ( Lt .2 ) 14.00-17.00

( 16 Pax Ushape , Extention per Table )

APMF Council Meeting (26 Pax) Meeting Room 3 ( Lt .2 ) 19.00-21.00

Summary symposia day 1-3
Saturday October 6th - 8th, 2023
October 7th
Day 1
Main Topic: Menopause in Pandemic COVID-19 Era Ballroom 2&3 (Lt.3)
Moderator: Corazon Zaida N Gamila, Co-Moderator: Muhammad Fidel Ganis Siregar

07.00-08.00 Registration
08.00-08.10 Opening Ceremony
Opening By MC
Indonesia Raya National Anthem
08.10-08.20 Balinese Dance Performance
08.20-08.30 Welcome Adress from Chairman Congress of Indonesian Menopause Society and APMF
Kesuma Dana
08.30-08.40 Welcome Adress from President Indonesian Society of Menopause
Tita Husnitawati Madjid
08.40-08.50 Welcome Adress from President APMF
M. Fidel Ganis Siregar
08.50-09.00 Welcome Adress from Governor of Bali
09.00-09.05 Ringing "The Gong" by Governor of Bali, President PERMINESIA and President APMF
to indicate the event is starting
09.05-09.50 Special session , Society Report video from 15 countries
09.50-10.10 Hand Over of The Presidential Flag from M. Fidel Ganis Siregar to Ho Choon Moy ( Malaysia )
10.10-10.30 Plenary Lecture : President IMS : Nick Panay (BESINS )
Optimizing Tolerance and Risk Through Individualize MHT ( Menopause Hormone Therapy )
10.30-11.00 Coffee Break
10.10-10.30 Speech from Head of BKKBN( 5 minutes coffee break )

Ballroom 2 (Lt.3)

11.00-11.20 The Impact of The COVID-19 Pandemic on Menopausal Women?

Rosella Nappi
11.20-11.40 The Impact of The COVID-19 Pandemic on Menopausal Women in Asia- Pacific
M. Fidel Ganis Siregar
11.40-12.00 The Impact of The COVID-19 Pandemic on Indonesian Menopausal Women
Budi Wiweko
12.00-12.20 Indian Menopausal Women Post Pandemic: Myths, Fears, HRQol & Resilience
Neelam Aggarwai
12.20-12.40 The Role of Menopausal Women's Hormonal Status in Epidemic Attacks
Corazon Zaida N Gamilia
12.40-13.00 Mind Body Medicine at Midlife
Sunila Khandelwal
13.00-13.20 Discussion

Summary symposia day 1-3
Saturday October 6th - 8th, 2023
October 7th
Day 1
Main Topic: Optimizing The Management of The Menopause Transition
Moderator: Sjarief Darmasetiawan, Co-Moderator: Rama Tjandra

Ballroom 3 (Lt.3)
Parallel Session 1

13.40-14.00 Has COVID-19 Affected Menopausal Women's Health?

Duru Shah
14.00-14.20 Menopausal Transition, What to Watch Out For?
Amanda Vincent
14.20-14.40 To What Extent Can Cardiovascular, Metabolic, and Malnutrition Be Controlled During
The Transition Period?
14.40-15.00 Menopause Body Composition , Metabolism and Long-term Management
Xiangyan ruan
15.00-15.20 Menopause Transition: Preventive and Therapeutic Opportunities
Sonia Cerdas
15.20 - 15.35 Discussion

October 7
Day 1
Main Topic: Changes in The Social Life of Menopausal Women
Moderator: Hendi Hendarto, Co-Moderator: Hermanus Suhartono

Ballroom 2 (Lt.3)
Parallel Session 2

13.40-14.00 Does COVID-19 Cause AUB ? if So How Best to Evaluate

Steven Goldstein
14.00-14.20 The Biopsychosocial Model: Improving Health and Quality of Life in Menopausal Women
Nicole Jaff
14.20-14.40 Management of GSM : Empowering Women
Marla Shapiro
14.40-15.00 Menopause Problems in The Workplace
15.00-15.20 The Socioeconomic Impact of Menopause in Symptomatic Women
Wendy Wolfman
15.20 - 15.35 Discussion

Summary symposia day 1-3
Saturday October 6th - 8th, 2023
October 7th
Day 1
Main Topic: Be Aware of Gynecological Malignancies
Moderator: Rizani Amran, Co-Moderator: Made Mahayasa

Ballroom 1 (Lt.3)
Parallel Session 3

13.40-14.00 Women’s Life Expectant, Menopause and The Incidence of Reproductive Organ
Malignancies- is There Any Correlation
Yudi Mulyana Hidayat
14.00-14.20 Risks of Ca Endometrium in Women with Hormonal Therapy
Wendy Wolfman
14.20-14.40 Risks of Ovarium Cancer in Menopausal Women
I Nyoman Gede Budiana
14.40-15.00 Cervical Cancer Treatment Induced Early Menopause
Cut Adeya Adella
15.00-15.20 Risks of Colorectal CA In Postmenopause Women
Zinnat Nasrain
15.20 - 15.35 Discussion

October 7
Day 1
Main Topic: Changes in Pelvic Organs and Sexual Activity During Menopause
Moderator: Budi Iman Santoso, Co-Moderator: Fatmawati Madia

Ballroom 1 (Lt.3)
Parallel Session 4

16.00-16.20 Are Menopause and Pelvic Floor Diseases Linked?

R.M Sonny Sasotya

16.20-16.40 Meeting The Needs of Postmenopausal Women with Pelvic Organ Prolapse
I Wayan Megadhana

16.40-17.00 Non Medication Management for Pelvic Organ Prolaps

I Gede Mega Putra

17.00-17.20 Hormonal & Non-Hormonal Options to Treat Genitourinary Symptom of Menopause (GSM):
A Pathophysiologic Perspective
Tita Husnitawati Madjid

17.20-17.40 Changes in Pelvic Organ and Sexual Activity During Menopause

Mulyanusa Ritonga

17.40-18.00 Changes in Sexual Function in The Climacteric

Oky Prabudi

18.00-18.15 Discussion

Summary symposia day 1-3
Saturday October 6th - 8th, 2023
October 7th
Day 1
Main Topic: Reproductive Endocrinology
Moderator: Suhartono, Co-Moderator: Pinda Hutajulu

Ballroom 2 (Lt.3)
Parallel Session 5

16.00-16.20 Premature Ovarian Insu ciency (POI), New Guidelines

Nick Panay
16.20-16.40 Does it Help to Predict Ovarian Ageing?
Duru Shah
16.40-17.00 Major Challenge : Ovarian PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma) Injection for Follicular Activation
Budi Wiweko
17.00-17.20 Uterine Transplantation - The First Treatment for Absolute Uterine Factor Infertility
Hilma Putri Lubis
17.20-17.40 Non Hormonal Optimisation of The Health of Women with Premature Ovarian Insu ciency
Ang Seng Bin
17.40-18.00 Ovarian Preservation
Agung dewanto
18.00-18.15 Discussion

Summary symposia day 1-3
Sunday October 6th - 8th, 2023
October 8th
Day 2
Main Topic: Neurological Changes During Menopause
Moderator: Yung-Chieh Tsai, Co-Moderator: Linda Mamenko

Ballroom 3 (Lt.3)
Parallel Session 1

08.00-08.20 Perimenopausal Symptoms in Neuro-hormonal System

Pauline Maki

08.20-08.40 Brain Aging and Cognition

Pauline Maki

08.40-09.00 Neuro-hormonal Basis of Brain Ageing.

Andon Hestiantoro

09.00-09.20 Neuroplasticity and Reversal of Ageing

Nirja Chawla

09.20-09.40 Menopause and Neuropathy

Sonia Davidson

09.40 - 09.55 Discussion

October 8th
Day 2
Main Topic: Changes in Dental and Oral, Eye and Vision Health, Hearing Function,
and Skin Health in Menopausal Women
Moderator: Muharram, Co-Moderator: Suty Nasution

Ballroom 2 (Lt.3)
Parallel Session 2

08.00-08.20 Oral Health in Pre and Post- menopause Women: an Overview

Hendra Dian Adhita Dharsono
08.20 - 08.40 Oral Changes in Menopause

08.40-09.00 Changes in Vision and Eye Health During Perimenopause and Menopause
Arief Kartasasmita

09.00-09.20 Translational Implications of The interactions Between Hormone and Age-Related Hearing Loss
Sally Mahdiani

09.20-09.40 Skin Changes and Hormonal Deficit in Menopause

Ang Seng Bin
09.40 - 09.55 Discussion

Summary symposia day 1-3
October 6th - 8th, 2023
October 8
Day 2
Main Topic: Psychological Changes During Menopause
Moderator: Mulyanusa, Co-Moderator: Bambang Gunawan

Junior Ballroom 2
Parallel Session 3
08.00-08.20 Emotional Changes in Menopause: During and After COVID-19 Era
Corazon Zaida Gamila
08.20-08.40 Family Support for Women in The Perimenopause
Chua Yang
08.40-09.00 Premenstrual Syndrome / PMDD in Perimenopause
Nick Panay
09.00-09.20 Sexual Dysfunction and Quality of Life in Menopause Period
Wimpie Pangkahila
09.20-09.40 Psychological Changes During Menopause
Prudence V Aquino-Aquino
09.40 - 09.55 Discussion
09.55 - 10.15 COFEE BREAK

October 8th
Day 2
Main Topic: Lifestyle Management and Rehabilitative Aspect of Menopausal Women
Moderator: Ichramsjah, Co-Moderator: Rama Tjandra

Ballroom 3 (Lt.3)
Parallel Session 4
10.00-10.20 Pathophysiology of Post menopausal Osteoporosis
I Ketut Suyasa

10.20-10.40 Screening for Osteoporosis in The Perimenopause

Putu Astawa

10.40-11.00 Bone Loss , Oxidative Stress, and Estrogen Deficiency in Post

Menopause Women and Protection
Masakazu Terauchi

11.00-11.20 Menopause and Sexuality

Rosella Nappi

11.20-11.40 Testosterone Roles to Low Libido in Post Menopause Women

Susan Davis

11.40-12.00 Tips for Dealing with Bone Loss During Menopausal Transtition
Unnop Jaisamrarn

12.00-12.20 Discussion

Summary symposia day 1-3
Sunday October 6th - 8th, 2023
October 8
Day 2
Main Topic: Prevention of the Development of Metabolic Syndrome and Cardiovascular Disorders
Moderator: Syamsul, Co-Moderator: Ahmad Mediana

Parallel Session 5 Junior Ballroom 2

10.20 - 10.40 Metabolic Changes at Menopausal Transition and After Menopause

Sonia Cerdas
10.40-11.00 Impact of MHT on Body Weight and Body Composition
Wira Gotera
11.00-11.20 Menopausal Hormone Therapy in Women with Metabolic and
Immune Diseases
Pande Dwipayana
11.20-11.40 Cardiovascular Protection in Menopause Women
Cut Aryfa Andra
11.40-12.00 CAD Risk in Women with Endogenous Estrogen Deficiency
Jignesh Shah
12.00-12.20 Association of Menopausal Symptoms with Body Composition Pattern and Body Mass
Index in Post Menopausal Women
Hartanto Bayuaji
12.20-12.35 Discussion

October 8th
Main Topic: Investigations and Vaccinations
Moderator: Rubina Hussain, Co-Moderator: Hari Cahyanto

Ballroom 2 (Lt.3)
Parallel Session 6
10.20-10.40 The Implications of The Pandemic on Self-Monitoring Awareness Through Laboratory
Screening Tests for Healthy Menopause
Ida Parwati

10.40-11.00 Obesity and Non Alcoholic Steato Hepatitis (NASH) or Prevention of Complications of Cirrhosis
in Elderly/Menopausal Women
Yogesh Chawla

11.00-11.20 The Differences of Post Menopause Women Care , in The Pandemic Era and After The Pandemic Era
Mee Ran Kim

11.20-11.40 Associaton Between Vaccination Against COVID-19 and Postmenopausal Bleeding

Dian Tjahyadi

11.40-12.00 Post Menopausal Bleeding after COVID-19 Vaccines

Ho Choon-Moy

12.00-12.20 Discussion
12.20-12.35 LUNCH BREAK

Summary symposia day 1-3
Sunday October 6th - 8th, 2023
October 8th
Day 2
Main Topic: MHT and Adjuvant Therapy for Menopausal Women
Moderator: Tita Husnitawati Madjid, Co-Moderator: Sri Ratna Dwi Ningsih

Ballroom 3
Parallel Session 7

13.30-13.50 Menopausal Hormone Therapy (MHT)

Putu Doster Mahayasa

13.50-14.10 The Usage of Phytoestrogen Therapy for HRT


14.10-14.30 Are Endogenous Androgens Linked to Female Sexual Function

Hermawan Wibisono

14.50-15.10 Isoflavones and S Equol For Women's Midlife Health

Masakazu Terauchi

15.10-15.30 The Effect of Soy Isoflavones in Metabolic Syndrome

Muhammad Fidel Ganis Siregar

15.30-15.55 Discussion

15.55-16.25 Closing Ceremony

October 8th Day 2

Main Topic: Be aware of Malignancies and Hormonal Disorders That Increase During Menopause
Moderator: Hilwah Nora, Co-Moderator: Anto Sawarno

Junior Ballroom 2
Parallel Session 8

13.30-13.50 Menopause Management in Women with Ca Mammae

Ida Bagus Made Suryawisesa

13.50-14.10 Does Menopause Affect Collorectal Cancer Risk?

Made Mulyawan

14.10-14.30 Chemotherapy & Radiotherapy: Effects on Cancer in Menopause

Adeya Adella
The risk of menopause in endometriosis women
14.30-14.50 Muharam
The Choice of Progestogen to Balance The Safety of Endometrium and The Risk of Breast Cancer
14.50-15.10 Yu Qi
Which are The Best of Non Hormonal Option to Treat Women with Climacteric Symptoms After
15.10-15.30 Breast Cancer
Khunying Kobchitt Limpapayom
15.30 - 15.55 Discussion


1.Nick Panay 40. Zaida Gamilam

2.Muhammad Fidel Ganis Siregar 41. Santiago Palacio
3.Budi Wiweko 42. Wimpie Pangkahila
4. Neelam Aggarwai 43. Prudence V Aquino-Aquino
5. Corazon Zaida N Gamilia 44. I Ketut Suyasa
6. Sunila Khandelwal 45. I Ketut Siki Kawiyana
7. Duru Shah 46. Masakazu Terauchi
8. Amanda Vincent 47. Rosella Nappi
9. Sutrisno 48. Susan Davis
10. Xiangyan ruan 49. Unnop Jaisamrarn
11. Sonia Cerdas 50. Santiago Palacio
12. Steven Goldstein 51. Gede Kambayana
13. Marla Shapiro 52. I Ketut Suastika
14. Joanna Brewis 53. Mangala Dissanayake
15. Wendy Wolfman 54. Atul Munshi
16. Yudi Mulyana Hidayat 55. Ida Parwati
17. Martin Birkhauser 56. Ng Beng Kwang
18. I Nyoman Gede Budiana 57. Yogesh Chawla
19. Zinnat Nasrain 58. Mi Ran Kim
20. R.M Sonny Sasotya 59. Sumbul Sohail
21. I Wayan Megadhana 60. Ho Choon-Moy
22. I gede Mega Putra 61. Putu Doster Mahayasa
23. Tita Husnitawati Madjid 62. Sustrisno
24. Amos Pines 63. Wayan Arsana
25. Enkhee Sodnomdorj 64. Chua Yang
26. Ang Seng Bin 65. Wulf H Utian
27. Georg Griesinger 66. M. Fidel Ganis Siregar
28. Mats Brannstrom 67. I Wayan Sudarsa
29. Prof. Rodney Baber, M.D 68. Ida Bagus Tjakra Wibawa
30. Agung Manuaba
31. Rebecca Chesire 69. Putu Anda Tusta Adiputra
32. Pauline Maki 70. Muharam
33. Andon Hestiantoro 71. Yu Qi
34. Nirja Chawla MBBS 72. Khunying Kobchitt Limpapayom
35. Sonia Davidson
36. Hendra Dian Adhita Dharsono
37. Arief S Kartasasmita
38. Sally Mahdiani
39. IGAA Praharsini


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In addition, Bali is also better known for its blend of nature with humans and its unique cultural

customs, which are based on the concept of harmony and harmony which has created an ideal

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Culture and education are a complete part that cannot be separated. With the existence

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elements that characterize Bali. This dance performance is one of the attractions for tourists.

Exploring the city of Bali in all its beauty can be a fun new experience

The Stones Kuta Hotel

PERMINESIA National Congress & APMF International Congress 2023 will be held at The
Stones Hotel, Kuta.
The Stones Hotel Kuta
Address : Jl. Raya Kuta Beach Banjar Legian Kelod Legian, Bali, Kuta District, Badung
Regency, Bali
Phone : (0361) 30058888
Web :

The Stones Hotel is a five-star hotel strategically located in the Kuta section, This location
is close to Bali's tourism and shopping centers such as Kuta Beach, Ground Zero Monument and

Estimate from hotel to location

I Gusti Ngurah Rai International Airport : 20 minutes
Kuta Beach : 16 minutes
Ground Zero Monument : 14 minutes
Beachwalk : 14 minutes
GWK Monument : 38 minutes


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February 1 – April 30th May 1 – October 5th October 6 – 8
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Specialist Rp 5.000.000 Rp5.250.000 Rp5.500.000

USD338 USD 354 USD 372
Rp3.500.000 Rp3.750.000 Rp4.000.000
USD 236 USD 252 USD 270
Rp2.000.000 Rp2.250.000 Rp2.500.000
USD 135 USD 152 USD 170
*10 Registration + 1 Free
for Group Registration *10 Registration and get 1 Free
Participant Applyed Early Bird Registration Rate
Website :

Payment can be transferred to the account:

Mandiri Branch RSHS, No. 1320088877726 On behalf of
PT Kongres Manajemen Indonesia



Normal Lifestyle of Menopausal Woman Post Covid-19 Pandemic
October 6th - 8th, 2023


The main article and additional files must
be provided in Microsoft Word and pdf format Up to 3 awards each of Conclusion: answers to research questions, must be
IDR 10.000.000 written in descriptive sentences short and clear.
Article Title for the best papers Guidelines for preparing case reports Case report
Title maximum 12 words text should be divided into the following sections:
title, author's name, abstract, introduction, case, and
Structured Abstract
Authors must provide structured abstracts which include:
case management supplemented with descriptive
• Objective photos/ illustrations, discussion endi ng with
• Method conclusions, references
• Results Title: titles should be concise, with a clear indication of
• Conclusion the di erences between the title hierarchies.
The abstract must be between 200-250 words, excluding Picture: all Images must be of high quality, legible and
sequentially numbered with Arabic numerals. Graphics
Keywords may be rendered in color to facilitate their appearance
The author must provide precise and concise keywords that in online databases. Don't forget to put the figure
summarize the main topic of the paper. Should be between 3-5 legend below the graph. Make sure the order of the
words/phrase. pictures corresponds to the actual order in the article,
or give a number to the description of the pictures
Article Length
Articles must be between 2500-3000 words, excluding
Table: make sure the table legend is above the table
references. body. Make sure the table order matches the actual
order in the article, or assign a number to the table
Article Organization legend.
The body of the article must be organized (at least) into the Reference prefer articles that refer primarily to journal
IMRAD structure as follows: articles, research reports, and conference
proceedings(at least 85% of total references), rather
Introduction: Covers the background of the problem, than relying heavily on textbooks or handbooks to
formulation, and research objectives, as well as
show the novelty of the article on the subject being
prospects for the future
discussed. We accept articles with references for the
Method: contains clarifications about the materials
last 10 years. Authors may include old references, but
used and the research scheme. Method which should
be explained in such detail as to enable another tester
no more than 15% of the total references. There are at
to re-run the trial if necessary. Reference should be least 10 references in each article. The use of Mendeley
provided for unknown methods. as a tool for reference is preferred and encouraged.
Results and Discussion: should be presented in a References should be carefully checked for
logical order with the minimum number of tables and completeness, accuracy, and consistency. Authors
illustrations necessary to summarize only the must cite publications in the text following the system
important observations. Vertical and horizontal lines Vancouver.
in tables should be made at least to simplify viewing. •
Mathematical e uations must be stated clearly.
Decimals must be separated by a period (.). Tables,
illustrations, and photographs must be cited in the
text sequentially. Explain in the footnotes all non-
standard abbreviations used and explain the meaning
of the examination results, in what way the reported Abstract’s submission deadline 31 August, 2023
results may be completed problems, di erences, and The submitted abstracts will be under a review process; The
similarities with previous possible studies and presenting authors of accepted abstracts will be notified by
d eve l o p m e nt s . Th i s s e c t i o n s h o u l d i n c l u d e 4 September, 2023 whether their abstract is accepted.
Speakers whose abstracts have been accepted must complete
conclusions from the reported work and suggestions
their congress registration before 10 September, 2023;
for further study if needed. failure to do so will result in exclusion from the Scientific Program
For More
Contact Person : Sent your Free Paper to : scan me
dr. Trinidia (082161888415)
dr. Wistya (081246484523) @apmfbali23 [email protected]
Arkan (08112024128)



Normal Lifestyle of Menopausal Woman Post Covid-19 Pandemic

October 6th- 8th, 2023

Contact Person :

Organizer by :
dr. Trinidia (082161888415)
dr. Wistya (081246484523)
Arkan ICM (08112024128)

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