Vishesh Mayoor Half Yearly QP

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Maximum Marks: 80
Date : 04.09.2023
Time Allowed: 3 Hours
General Instructions:
5 Sections A-E.
1.This Question Paper hascarrying 1 mark each
2. Section Ahas 20 MCQs carrying 02 marks each.
3. Section Bhas 5 carrying 03 marks each.
4.Section Chas 6 questions carrying 05 marks each. of the values
5.Section Dhas 4 of assessment (04 marks each) with subparts
based integrated units
6. Section Ehas 3 case respectively. marks, 2 Qs of 3 marks and 1
of 1, 1 and 2 marks each
compulsory. However, an internal choice in 1Qs of 5
7. All Questions are provided.
Questions of 2 marks has been required. Take t =22/7 wherever required if not stated.
8. Draw neat figures
Section A (1 Mark Each) Z24
13x + 40 are
Q1. The zeroes of the polynomial x- c) 8,- 5 d) -8,5
a) 8, 5 b) -8,- 5 composite number?
number and the sinaliest
What is the HCF of the smallest prime
c) 4 d) 1
a) 2 b) 3 reciprocal of the other, then the value of
Q3. polynomial p() = 2x+ 13x + k is the
If one zero of the
the k is
a) -2 b) 3 c) 4 d) 2
3 and 15x + 21y = kcoincide is
The value of kfor which the lines 5x + 7y =
a) 5)9 c) -9 d) 1
5. (x+ 1)2-= 0has d) 1 real root
a) 4 real roots b) 2 real roots e no real roots
Q6. The 4th term from the eDd of the A.P. -11, -8, -5......149 is
a) 37 8)40 c) 43 d) 58
The distance of point A(-5, 6) from the origin is
a) 11units b) 6lunits c) V11 units dyV61 units
8 Ifthe vertices of aparallelogram PQRS taken in order are P(1, 2), Q(4, y), R(x, 6) and S(3, 5). Then
(x, y) is
a) (6, 3) b)(3,6) c) (5,6) d) (1, 4)
D9. If2cos 30 = 1, then 0 is
á) 10° b)30° ) 20° d) 45°
10. The value of

a) Not defined b) 1 c) ½ d)o

X/ Mathematics/Set-A/HY/ Page 1 of 6
. In the figure what are the angles of depressionfrom the observation pos
object A?


c)45,60° d)45°,30°
a) 60°,45° b) 30°,45° point on the ground which is 30m awayfrom
ofthe top ofatower tower is from a
Q2 The angle of elevation
tower is 459. The height ofthe
the foot of the d) 10V3 m
b) 30 m c)30v3m
a) 15 m
and SPOR respectively and AB2: PQ2 =4:9,
AABC-APQR. If AMand PN are altitudes of AABC
then AM: PN= (c)4:9 (d) 2:3
(b) 16:81
(a) 3:2
AfAABC~APOR such that ZA= 31° andZR= 699, then
Q14. c) 90°
b) 100°
a) 70° Z0ÌR is
circle with centre Osuch that Z QPR =50°, then
Q15. PQ and PR are tangents to the c) 40° d) 50°
a 25° b) 30°

22 13D


Q16./ The quadratic polynomial whose sum of zeroes is 3 and product of zeroes is -2 is
b)x -2x+3 cx'-3x -2 d) x²-3x + 2
a) x'+3x- 2 will be
Q17. The pair of linear equations is consistent, then the lines
(a) always intersecting (b) parallel
(c) always coincident (d) intersecting or coincident

QL8 The value of J6+V6+ v6 +.. 0is

a) 4 b) 3 c) 2 d) 3.5
DIRECTION: In the question number 19 and 20, a statement of assertion (A) is followed by a
statement of Reason (R).
Choose the correct option
Q15. Assertion: 10th term from the end of the A.P. 6, 13, 20, .,216 is 150.

Reason: nth term from the end of an A.P. is l-(n - 1)d.

X/ Mathematics/Set-A/HY/ Page 2 of 6
Qof th
ngure what are the angles of depression from the observation positions Pand
object A?


c) 45°, 60° d) 45°, 30° away from

a) 60°, 45°
b) 30°, 45° point onthe ground which is30 m
tower from a
angle ofelevation of the top of a the tower is
The is 45°. The height of c) 3043 m d) 10/3 m
the foot of the tower
a) 15 m b) 30 m
respectively and AB2: PQ2 =
4 : 9,
and APOR
altitudes of AABC
AABC~APQR. If AM and PN are
If (d) 2:3
then AM: PN =
(c) 4:9
(a) 3:2
thatZA= 31° and R=69°, then d 80°
Q14. Af AABC~APOR b) 100°
c) 90°
a) 70° Z0QR is
such thatOPR = 50°, then
tangents to the circle with centre O d) 50°
are c) 40°
Q15. PQ and PR b) 30°
a) 25°
2 2e


zeroes is 3 and product of zeroes is - 23x + 2 a 3 2
d) x -
polynomial whose sum of r?-3x-2
Q16. The quadratic b)x - 2x +3 be
a) x+ 3x 2 equations is consistent, then the lines will
Q17. The pair of linear (b) parallel
(a)always intersecting (d) intersecting or
(c) always coincident

6 + v6 +..0 is
Q18 The value of J6 + c) 2
d) 3.5
a) 4 b) 3
followed by a
number 19 and 20, a statement of assertion (A) is
DIRECTION: In the question
statement of Reason (R).
Choose the correct option the A.P. 6, 13, 20, ..,; 216 is 150.
QL8 Assertion: 10th term from the end of
A.P. is l- (n1)d.
Reason:nth term from the end of an
X/ Mathematics/Set-A/HY/ Page 2 of 6
Sserb) Bottionh asser
(A) tion (A) and reason(R) are true and reason (R) is the correct

(c) io n asser
(A ) tion (A) and reason (R) are true and reason((R) is not the correct

J Assertion (A)(A) isis false

true but reason (R) is false.
but reason (R) is true
Q40. Statement A(Assertion): If product oftwo numbers is 5780 and their HCFis 17,.thentheir LCM
is 340
Statement R(Reason) :HCF is always a factor of LCM. T
(a) Both assertion (A) and reason (R) are true and reason (R) is the correct explanation of
assertion (A)
(b) Both assertion (A) and reason (R) are true and reason (R) is not the correct explanation of
assertion (A)
(C) Assertion (A) is true but reason (R) is false.
(d)Assertion (A) is false but reason (R) is true.

Section B(2 Mark Each)

Q21. There is a circular path around asports field. Sania takes 16 minutes to cycle one round of the
field. Ankita takes 24 minutes while Meera takes 32 minutes for the same. Suppose they all start at
thesame point and at the same moment, and go in the same direction. After how many minutes
willthey meet again at the starting point? LM
-Q22. Form the pair of linear equations for the following situation
Five yearsago, Nuri was thrice as old as Sonu. Ten years later, Nuri will be twice as old as Sonu.

Q28. If-5 is a root of the gquadratic equation 2x' + px- 15 =0 and the quadraticequatíon p(x +x) + k= 0
has equal roots, find the value ofk.

Q24. Given 15 cot A= 8,find sin Aand sec A.

Ifx acos0, y = bsin9,then find the value of b'x? +a'y'- ab'
Q25 Prove that the lengths of tangents drawn from an external point to acircle are equal.
Section C(3 Mark Each)
Q26. IfV3is irrational number then prove that 2 +5V3 is an irrational number.
Q27. Ifa and Bare the zeros of the quadratic polynomial f(x) = x' 4x + 3, find the value
ofa'ß² + a²ß*.
Q28. Apole has to be erected at a point on the boundary of a circular park of diameter 13 metres in
such a way that the differences of its distances from two diametrically opposite fixed gates Aand B
on the boundary is 7 metres. Is it possible to do so? If yes, at what distances from the two gates
should the pole be erected?


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Acottage industry produces a certain number of pottery articles in a day. It was observe
particular day that the cost of production of each article (in rupees) was 3 more than twice
number of articles produced on that day. If the total cost of production on that day was Rs. 9
the number of articles produced and the cost of each article,
Find the ratio in which the line 2x+3y-5=0 divides the line segment joining the points(8,-9) and
(2, 1). Also find the co-ordinates of point of intersection.
tan A cot A
Q30. Prove that + =1+ sec A coscec A
1- cot A 1- tan A
from him at an
Q31 Aboy standing on a horizontal plane finds a bird flying at a distance of 100 m elevatíon of
findsthe angle of
elevation of 30° . Agirl standing on the roof of 20 mhigh building sides of the bird.
the same bird to be 45°. Both the boy and the girl are on opposite
distance of the bird from the girl. 'h'.
vertical flagstaff of height
Avertical tower stands on a horizontal plane and is ssurmounted by the flagstaff are a andß
top of
the angles of elevation of the bottom and the:
Ata point on the plane, h tan a
respectively. Prove that the height of the tower is (tan B-tan a)

Section D(5 Mark Each)

they move in the
simultaneously from Aand B. If one hour. Find
Points Aand Bare 70 Km apart. Two cars starts they meet in
each other,
same direction, they meet in 7 hours. If they move towards
tiespeed of the cars at A and B.
row, 18 in
the bottom row, 19 in the next
Q33/ 200 logs are stacked in the following manner: 20 logs in
on. In how manv rowe are the 200 logs placed and howmany logs are in
ie row next to it and so
the top row?

Q34. In Fig.,CM and RN are respectively the medians of AABC and APQR. If AABC~ APQR,
prove that:(i) 4AMC ~ APNR (ii) RN = PO (iii) ACMB ~ ARNQ


X/Mathematics/Set-A/HY/ Fage 4 of 6
des AB and AC and median AD of atriangle ABC are respectively proportional to sides PQana
and median PM ofanother triangle PQR. Showthat AABC ~APQR.
supplementary angles
circie subtend
Prove that opposite sides ofaf quadrilateral circumscribing a
at the centre of the
circle. Section E
(Case Study Questions)
incidence is
(4 Marks each)
reflects off a surface, the angle of
Q36. The law of f reflection states that when aray of
equal to the angle of reflection.

inciden angle of 'angle of reected ray


pole (with traffic light fired

to determine the height ofa
pole reflected from
on level ground of the
Ramesh places a mirror he can see the top the pole from
stands at a certain distance so that ground. The distance of Ramesh and
on it). He level is 1.5 m above the
mirror. Ramesh's eye
6 m respectively. questions:
the mirror are 1.8 m and information,answer of the following (1)
On the basis of the similarity is applicable to similar triangles? (1.5)
Which criterion of
i) pole?
ii) What is the height of the pole and Ramesh is 13 meters. He
distance between
behind such that position.
NowRamesh move the reflection of light in right
pole to see
mirror between him and (1.5)
What is the distance between mirror and fixed witha monthly
ii) football tournament is
that the World Cup's
Q37. Tharunyawas thrilled toknow for the first time in the FIFA Women's understood if
2023 and
from20th july to 20th August venues. Her father felt that the game can be better
history, two nations host in 10 plane.
points on a coordinate
represented as
the position of players is



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(0) At an instance,the midfielders and|forwardformed a parallelogram. Fíndthe
paral eloposyrairtinÛhof
Ccentral midfielder (D)ifthe position of other players who formed are,
A(12), B(4.3) and C(6,6) G Sweeper H(3,1) and Wing-back K(0,3)(allon a1sarne stralat
(1Y Check if the Goal keeperrG-3,5), (2)

Check the following

centre-back I(-4,6)are equidistant from forward (0,1)
a)The Full-back J(5,-3) and
b) Cis the mid-point of J.
mídficlder B(2,-3) and Striker E(a,b) lie on the same
(G) If Defensive midfielder A(1,4), Attacking postion of E (1)
equidistant from A and E, find the
straight line and Bis
that is used to measure the angle of elevation, or angle from tallthíngs
Q38. Aclinometer is a tool height of
angled triangle. We can use a clinometer to measure the
ground, in aright - top of, flag poles, buildings,
and trees.
can't possibly reach to the
that you

and started the measuring

elevation angle in surrounding
school lab P on the
Ravigot a clinometer from
society logo is painted on wall of building. From a point
of cevaisn of the
He saw a building on whích
ofelevation of the roof ofthe building is 45o, The
the base of the
ground lavel, the argle
same point. The point P is at a distance of 24 m from
centre of logois 30° frorn

P 5

What is the height of the building logo from ground?

top of the building?
(1)What is the aerialdistance of the point P from the
the building, then if the angle of
(iii) If the point of observation P is moved 9 mtowards the base of
elevation is of the logo on building, then find tan 0

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