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JULY 2022


MSEI-021, MSEI-022, MSEI-023 and MSE-024




Course Submission-Schedule Page No.



As per SED Notification

MSEI - 021 5
On IGNOU’s website

As per SED Notification

MSEI - 022 6
On IGNOU’s website

As per SED Notification

MSEI - 023 7
On IGNOU’s website

As per SED Notification

MSE - 024 8
On IGNOU’s website

Guidelines regarding submission of assignments

1. It is compulsory for the students to submit the prescribed assignments. They will not be
allowed to appear for the term-end examination of a course if they do not submit the
assignments in time for that course.
2. The assignment responses should be complete in all respects. Before submission, the
students should ensure that they have answered all the questions in all assignments.
Incomplete answer sheets bring poor grades.
3. The University/ Regional Centre have the right to reject the assignments received after the
due date. Therefore, the students are advised to submit their assignments before the due
4. Students should submit before the last dates prescribed for submission of assignments.
5. In case the students have already done some assignments prescribed in a course, they are
required to do the left-over assignments before taking the Term-end Examination. If
they have qualified in a course on the basis of lesser number of assignments and Term-end
Examination, they will not be eligible to re-do the assignments with a view to improve
the overall qualifying score of that course.
6. In case any student fails to submit the assignments or fails to score minimum qualifying
marks, s/he has to wait for fresh assignments meant for the current batch of students.
7. For their own record, students should retain a copy of all the assignment responses, which
they submit.
8. Once the students get the pass marks in an assignment, they can not re-submit it for
improvement of marks. If the student secured requisite marks in Term-End Examination
and Assignments, but did not get requisite overall percentage, then the student can either
resubmit the assignment or reappear for the term-end examination for securing the requisite
overall percentage.
9. Assignments are not subject to re-evaluation.

Instructions for Doing Assignments

While answering Assignments, the following guidelines are required to be observed:

1. The student should write their Complete correct Enrolment Number, Name, Full Address,
Signature and Date on the top right hand corner of the first page of the response sheet.
2. The students should write the Programme Title, Course Code and Course Title on the left
hand corner of the first page of their response sheet. Course code may be reproduced
from the assignment.

The top of the first page of your response sheet for each assignment should look like this:

PROGRAMME TITLE: ................................... ENROLMENT No.: ……………….

COURSE CODE: ............................................. NAME : ……………………………
COURSE TITLE: .............................................
SIGNATURE: ……………………
DATE: …………………………..

3. The students should write the responses in their own hand. They should not print or type
the answers. They should not reproduce their answers from the units sent to them by
the University. If they reproduce from units, they will get poor marks for the
respective question.
4. The students should write each assignment separately. All the assignments should not be
written in continuity.
5. The students should write the question number with each answer.
6. The students should use only foolscap size paper for their response and tie all the pages
carefully. Avoid using very thin paper. They should allow a 4 cm. margin on the left and at
least 4 lines in between each answer. This may facilitate the evaluator to write useful
comments on the margins at appropriate places.
7. The students should not copy from the response sheets of other students. If copying is
noticed, the assignments of such students will be rejected, and disciplinary action can be
taken against the students as per rules of the University.
8. Please remember that it is compulsory to send the scanned copies of handwritten
assignments through email to the respective Regional Centre email or upload on the link
provided on the respective Regional centre’s website before you can take the Term End
Exams or else you will not be issued hall tickets.
Under no circumstances should they be sent to the (SED) for evaluation.

Course Code : MSEI-021
Course Title : Introduction to Information Security
Maximum Marks : 20
Last date of Submission : As per SED Notification on IGNOU’s website

There are three questions in this assignment. Answer all the questions. You may use
illustrations and diagrams to enhance your explanations.

Question 1: Explain the modes of data transmission.

(5 Marks)

Question 2: What is ethical hacking? Please explain with the help of examples.
(5 Marks)

Question 3: Security policy weaknesses can create unforeseen security threats. Elaborate in
(10 Marks)

Course Code : MSEI-022
Course Title : Network Security
Maximum Marks : 20
Last date of Submission : As per SED Notification on IGNOU’s website

There are two questions in this assignment. Answer all the questions. You may use
illustrations and diagrams to enhance your explanations.

Question 1: Explain the following :-

a) Masquerade
b) Shared Key cryptography
c) Attacks on Digital WaterMark
d) Biometrics
e) Piracy-Driven Networks
(10 Marks)

Question 2: Explain the difference between :-

i) Transport mode and Tunnel mode

ii) Human aided networks and Packet based networks
iii) Application security and data security
iv) HTTPS and HTTP
v) Symmetric Cryptography and Asymmetric Cryptography

(10 Marks)

Course Code : MSEI-023
Course Title : Cyber Security
Maximum Marks : 20
Last date of Submission : As per SED Notification on IGNOU’s website

There are three questions in this assignment. Answer all the questions. You may use
illustrations and diagrams to enhance your explanations.

Question 1: Explain the role of Certificate Authority in transmitting digital information

through the mechanism of cryptography?
(5 Marks)

Question 2: Explain the functions and type of firewalls?

(5 Marks)

Question 3: What is web architecture? Explain the role of IETF, IAB and IESG in
governing Web Architecture

(10 Marks)

Course Code : MSE-024
Course Title : Policy, Standards and Laws
Maximum Marks : 30
Last date of Submission : As per SED Notification on IGNOU’s website

There are three questions in this assignment. Answer all the questions. You may use
illustrations and diagrams to enhance your explanations.

Question 1: Imagine you are working with information security department of your
company and you are required to provide suggestions to develop
information security policy for your company.
(10 Marks)

Question 2: Write the limitations or drawbacks in the amendments to the Information

Technology. Elaborate on the liability of intermediaries under the
amended Information Technology Act.
(10 Marks)

Question 3: Cybercrime spans not only state but national boundaries as well. Perhaps
we should look to international organizations to provide a standard
definition of the Cybercrime. Explain the definition of Cybercrime in
(10 Marks)

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