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Philippine State College of Aeronautics

Piccio Garden, Villamor, Pasay City


1) Normalizing is a process of heat treating _____.

a. non-ferrous metals aside from aluminum
b. aluminum alloys only
c. ferrous metals only
d. both ferrous and non-ferrous metals

2) What does an ‘X’ on a cable indicates?

a. AC power
b. Auxiliary power
c. Control system
d. Close-tolerance structure

3) At what temperature should steel be tempered?

a. Above annealing temperature
b. At annealing temperature
c. Below annealing temperature
d. 1.5 times the annealing temperature

4) If a material is found to be in the tertiary phase of creep, it _____.

a. should be stop drilled and be condition-monitored
b. should undergo dye-penetrant inspection for evaluation
c. should be replaced immediately
d. is still safe to be used

5) Unless otherwise specified, torque values for tightening aircraft nuts and bolts
relate to _____.
a. clean, dry threads.
b. clean, lightly-oiled threads
c. clean, oil-soaked threads
d. both dry and lightly oiled threads

6) Why is Nickel Chromium used in many exhaust systems?

a. Lightweight and flexible
b. Corrosion-resistant and low heat conductivity
c. Corrosion-resistant and high heat conductivity
d. Corrosion-resistant and low expansion coefficient

7) How are pressure hoses categorized?

a. According to the outer diameter
b. According to the inner diameter
c. According to the max allowable load
d. According to the max applied pressure

8) The dimensions of an MS20430AD8-6 rivets are _____.

a. 3/8 inch in length and 1/4 inch in diameter
b. 1/2 inch in length and 3/16 inch in diameter
c. 1/4 inch in diameter and 3/8 inch in length
d. 3/16 inch in diameter and 1/2 inch in length

9) A category of plastic material that is capable of softening or flowing when reheated

is described as a _____.
a. thermocure
b. thermoplastic
c. thermoset
d. thermoflow

10) The side clearances of piston rings are measure with a _____.
a. dial gauge
b. micrometer caliper gauge
c. protractor
d. thickness gauge

11) A light aircraft is weighed in the flying position with the following weights
recorded: left wheel is 800 lbs, right wheel is 810 lbs, and nose wheel is 150 lbs.
The nosewheel is 12 inches behind the firewall (datum line). The distance between
the main wheels and the nose wheel is 68 inches. The CG of the aircraft is located
at _____.
a. 62.2 inches behind the firewall.
b. 73.2 inches behind the firewall.
c. 75.2 inches behind the firewall.
d. 5.8 inches ahead of the main wheels.

12) In what direction/s are composite fabric materials considered to be strongest?

a. All
b. Bias
c. Weft
d. Warp

13) Why is steel tempered after being hardened?

a. To increase its hardness and ductility.
b. To increase its strength and decrease its internal stresses.
c. To relieve its internal stresses and increase its brittleness.
d. To relieve its internal stresses and reduce its brittleness.

14) What is the color code for fire-extinguisher lines?

a. Black
b. Brown
c. Red
d. Yellow

15) What is the color of an AN fitting?

a. Black
b. Brown
c. Red
d. Yellow

16) In Gas Tungsten Arc welding, a stream of inert gas is used to _____.
a. attract oxygen to the puddle of molten metal
b. concentrate the heat of the arc and prevent its dissipation
c. lower the temperature required to properly fuse the metal
d. prevent the formation of oxides in the puddle

17) A squib, as used in a fire-protection system, is a _____.

a. device for causing the fire-extinguishing agent to be released
b. probe used for installing frangible disks in extinguisher bottles
c. temperature-sensing device
d. wizard-born muggle

18) How should a welding torch flame be adjusted to weld stainless steel?
a. Slightly carburizing
b. Slightly oxidizing
c. Neutral
d. Welding stainless steel is not acceptable for aircrafts.

19) Which heat-treating operation would be performed when the surface of the metal is
changed chemically by introducing a high carbide or nitride content?
a. Welding
b. Tempering
c. Normalizing
d. Case hardening

20) Impact resistance measures the material’s _____.

a. toughness
b. hardness
c. fusibility
d. ductility

21) The replacement of a damaged vertical stabilizer with a new identical stabilizer
purchased from the aircraft manufacturer is considered a _____.
a. major alteration
b. minor alteration
c. major repair
d. minor repair

22) What is likely to occur if hydrated wash primer is applied to unpainted aluminum and
then about 30 to 40 minutes later a finish topcoat, when the humidity is low?
a. A glossy, blush-free finish
b. A dull finish due to the topcoat ‘sinking in’ to primer that is still too soft
c. Corrosion
d. Reflection of ultraviolet from the fabric

23) An aircraft had an empty weight of 2,886 lb with a moment of 101,673.78 in-lb before
several alterations were made. The alterations included: removing two passenger
seats (45 lb) at +69”; installing a cabinet (97 lb) at +71”; installing a seat and
safety belt (30 lb) at +71”; installing radio equipment (45 lb) at +94.” The
alterations caused the new empty weight to move _____.
a. 36.6 inches aft of the original empty weight CG
b. 2.81 inches aft of the original empty weigh CG
c. 1.40 inches aft of the original empty weight CG
d. 1.88 inches aft of the original empty weight CG

24) The most important consideration when selecting welding rod is ______.
a. ambient conditions
b. amount of acetylene
c. flame temperature
d. material compatibility

25) What is the usual cause of runs and sags in aircraft finishes?
a. Low atmospheric humidity
b. Material is being applied too fast
c. Material is being applied too slow
d. Too much material applied in one coat

26) The strength classification of fabrics used in aircraft covering is based on _____.
a. bearing strength
b. compressive strength
c. shear strength
d. tensile strength

27) A female fastener with internal threads.

a. Bolt
b. Joggle
c. Nut
d. Washer

28) What kind of bolt has a head symbol of a single line?

a. Clevis
b. Corrosion-resistant
c. Low-strength material
d. Special

29) Which statement is true regarding a cantilever wing?

a. It has non-adjustable lift struts.
b. It requires only one lift strut on each side.
c. External bracing is needed.
d. No external bracing is needed.

30) Bolt grip lengths should be _____.

a. the sum of the thickness of the material which is fastened together and bolt’s
b. equal to thrice the thickness of the material to be fastened
c. one and one half times the thickness of the material to be fastened
d. equal to the length of the unthreaded portion of the bolt shank

31) This rivet is known as an “icebox rivet” because it must be kept in cool places to
retard ageing.
a. 2017
b. 2024
c. 5056
d. 7050

32) An aircraft grade rivet with the code MS20430DD4-8 rivet is to be used in a military
aircraft. The rivet head is _____.
a. countersunk
b. flat
c. round
d. universal

33) When approaching the rear of an idling turbojet or turbofan, the hazard area extends
_____ aft of the engine.
a. 25 feet
b. 50 feet
c. 75 feet
d. 100 feet

34) Nickel-cadmium battery cases and drain surfaces that have been affected by
electrolyte should be neutralized with _____.
a. aliphatic naptha
b. aromatic naptha
c. boric acid
d. linseed oil
35) The shop head of a rivet should be _____.
a. one and one-half times the diameter of the rivet shank
b. one-half times the diameter of the rivet shank
c. one and one-half times the diameter of the manufactured head of the rivet
d. one-half times the diameter of the manufactured head of the rivet

36) Which fiber to resin (percent) ratio for advance composite wet lay-ups is generally
considered the best for strength?
a. 40:60
b. 60:40
c. 50:50
d. 70:30

37) It is a non-electrolytic chemical treatment for aluminum alloys that increases its
corrosion resistance and paint-bonding qualities.
a. Alodizing
b. Anodizing
c. Dichromating
d. Galvanizing

38) The useful load of an aircraft is defined as the _____.

a. difference between the maximum gross weight and empty weight
b. sum of the maximum gross weight and empty weight
c. difference between the ramp weight and weight of fuel used for ground
d. difference between the maximum take-off weight and the weight of fuel used

39) The minimum grain count for softwoods is _____.

a. six rings per inch
b. eight rings per inch
c. twelve rings per inch
d. sixteen rings per inch

40) The smallest allowable edge distance is _____.

a. 2D
b. 3D
c. 4D
d. 12D

41) The testing medium that is generally used in magnetic particle inspection utilizes a
ferromagnetic material that has _____.
a. high permeability and high retentivity
b. high permeability and low retentivity
c. low permeability and high retentivity
d. low permeability and low retentivity

42) Aircraft bolts are usually manufactured with a _____ for the threads.
a. free fit
b. interference fit
c. loose fit
d. medium fit

43) What load causes most rivet failures?

a. Bearing
b. Bending
c. Compression
d. Shear

44) Alloy within the _____ utilize Magnesium as the principal alloying agent; alloy
within the _____ utilize Manganese as the principal alloying agent.
a. 3000 series; 5000 series
b. 3000 series; 4000 series
c. 5000 series; 3000 series
d. 5000 series; 4000 series

45) A particular component is attached to the aircraft structure by the use of an

aircraft bolt and a castle tension nut combination. If the cotter pin hole does not
align with the recommended torque range, the acceptable practice is to _____.
a. tighten below the torque range
b. let it be because it is a normal practice
c. change the washers and try again
d. exceed the maximum recommended torque range by no more than 10%

46) Aircraft bolts with a cross or asterisk on the bolt head are _____.
a. close-tolerance bolts
b. made of aluminum alloy
c. magnetically inspected
d. standard steel bolts

47) Statement 1: The installation of permanent ballast results in a decrease in the

aircraft empty weight and an increase in the useful load. Statement 2: A permanent
ballast remains in the aircraft for a long period of time.
a. Both statements are correct.
b. Both statements are incorrect.
c. Statement 1 is correct; Statement 2 is incorrect.
d. Statement 1 is incorrect; Statement 2 is correct.

48) In selecting a torch tip size to be used in welding, the size of the tip opening
determines _____.
a. material compatibility
b. temperature of the flame
c. melting point of the filler material
d. amount of heat applied to work

49) What is the location of the center of gravity in %MAC if the center of gravity is
295 inches from the datum, LEMAC is 270 inches from the datum, root chord is 70
inches, and tip chord is 35 inches?
a. %MAC is between 39 and 42
b. %MAC is between 42 and 45
c. %MAC is between 45 and 48
d. %MAC is between 48 and 51

50) One of the purposes of the ailerons is to provide stability about the _____.
a. directional stability
b. longitudinal stability
c. lateral stability
d. horizontal stability

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