Octane Booster

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New Octane Booster Molecules for Modern Gasoline Composition

J. H. Badia, E. Ramírez, R. Bringué, F. Cunill,* and J. Delgado
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ABSTRACT: In the framework of reducing GHG emissions and accelerating the

decarbonization of the road transport sector, vehicle efficiency is a key factor for
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competitiveness. In this sense, the refining industry can make its contribution by
reformulating high-octane petrol fuel. The impact of this type of gasoline from
CO2 emission balance, technical feasibility, and economics standpoints has
recently been assessed by the petroleum industry with promising results, and new
potential boosters that could improve the octane number of standard gasoline are
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more needed than ever. The present work summarizes a comprehensive review
aimed at collecting available data regarding chemical molecules that can be used
in advanced gasoline formulations for modern spark-ignited car engines focusing
on ash-free technologies. Potential boosters are divided into two categories: high-
octane gasoline components and octane enhancer additives, with 2 vol % the
considered frontier concentration between them. Targeted chemical compounds
examined in the screening for high-octane components include isoparaffins, olefins, aromatics, alcohols, ethers, esters, ketones,
furans, and carbonates. Chemical families assessed as additives were anilines, hydrazines, amines, pyridines, quinolines, indoles, N-
nitrosamines, iodine compounds, selenium compounds, phenols, formates, oxalates, and, in lesser extension, other families. The
scope of the analysis includes not only anti-knock effectiveness but also associated side effects for the engine, possible effects on both
human health and the environment, current applications, and compatibility with existing infrastructure, among others. Promising
opportunities in the medium- and long-terms for every family of chemical compounds that can potentially improve the anti-knock
character of modern gasolines well beyond current specifications worldwide are presented. Furthermore, a few chemical families are
identified as the most promising ones to be used in future gasoline formulations, either as high-octane components (such as ethers,
ketones, and esters) or as octane booster additives (such as anilines, N-nitrosamines, and phenols).

1. INTRODUCTION fuel consumption and gaseous and particle emissions but also
As is known, vehicle efficiency is a key factor for competitiveness does not produce any detrimental effects on commercial three-
that can contribute to greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions way catalytic converter (TWC) performance over the short
reduction and acceleration of the decarbonization of the road catalyst aging acceleration test in comparison to a current
transport sector. The refining industry could help achieve this commercial gasoline fuel used as the baseline.5,6
Accordingly, fuel and engine technologies interact synergisti-
goal by the formulation of high-octane petrol (HOP). The
cally, with HOPs enabling the engine to work in more efficient
impact of this type of gasoline from CO2 emission balance, the
conditions leading to an effective GHG emissions reduction.
technical feasibility of its production in the EU refining system,
Molecules that could improve the octane number of standard
and economic standpoints have been theoretically assessed by
gasoline are needed more than ever, and their availability to the
Concawe (Environmental Science for European Refining, an
refining industry needs to be forwarded. For this reason, works
association of companies that operate petroleum refineries in the
reflecting on the state of the art in this field are essential at this
EU) with promising results. For instance, when compared to
point. Notwithstanding, there are many works and patents to be
standard 95- and 98-grade gasoline, one can observe that an
quoted, many of which are set out in recent reviews. Boot et al.
optimized engine operating with a high compression ratio
studied the chemistry behind octane boosters and deduced
presents a 1% engine efficiency increase per 1 point of research
generic design rules to guarantee good anti-knock performance,
octane number (RON) increase, with a reduction in CO2
emissions.1,2 A recent engine modeling and vehicle study also
carried out by Concawe has confirmed that the thermal Received: March 25, 2021
efficiency and tailpipe pollutant emissions benefits previously Revised: June 9, 2021
predicted could be attributed to the use of HOPs in spark- Published: July 6, 2021
ignited (SI) engines.3 A newly designed high-octane rating fuel
(Efitec 100 Neotech, an additivated gasoline) has been already
launched successfully to the market.4 This fuel not only reduces

© 2021 American Chemical Society https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.energyfuels.1c00912

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Table 1. Previous Relevant Review Papers Related to Vehicle Efficiency

Author(s) Topic reviewed Date to which literature covered
Zhao et al.10 Spark-ignited direct-injection gasoline engines 1999
Salvi et al.16 Alternative fuels 2013
Alagumalai11 Internal combustion engines 2014
Trindade and dos Santos17 Butanol as fuel in internal combustion engines 2016
Boot et al.7 Relationship between molecular structure and autoignition behavior 2016
Awad et al.18 Alcohol and ether as alternative fuels in spark ignition engine 2017
Farrel et al.9 Potential fuel blendstocks to optimize gasoline engine performance 2017
Dunn et al.8 Evaluation of bio-blendstocks for economic viability, scalability, and energy and environmental 2017
Johnson and Joshi13 Vehicle engine efficiency and emissions 2018
Zhu et al.12 Water injection in internal combustion engine for combustion improvement 2018
Safieddin Ardebili et al.19 Fuel oil as a renewable fuel for internal combustion engines 2020
Stančin et al.20 Alternative fuels 2020

considering recent advances in engine technology.7 They potential blendstocks (Section 1.2), to offer a historical
concluded that highly unsaturated cyclic compounds are the perspective on anti-knock additives (Section 1.3), and to
preferred octane boosters for modern SI engines. Multibranched present and define a set of metrics that allow proper comparison
paraffins come in a distant second place, and depending on the among candidate molecules (Section 1.4). Sections 2 and 3
type and location of the functional oxygen group, oxygenates can present the main properties of the assessed chemical families,
have a beneficial, neutral, or detrimental impact on anti-knock which have been divided into two main categories, that is, high-
quality. The review of Dunn et al. focuses on biomass-derived octane components (Section 2), which include potential
blendstocks that could be blended with gasoline and used in SI molecules to be added to gasoline formulations in concen-
engines, regardless of the possibility that they could also be trations higher than 2 vol %, and octane enhancer additives,
produced from petroleum or natural gas feedstocks.8 Those which deal with potential molecules to be included in lower
promising bioblendstocks, with RON exceeding 98, were concentrations (Section 3). Both sections include information
previously identified by the Co-Optimization of Fuels & regarding physical and thermochemical data, as well as
Engines (Co-Optima) research initiative.9 They were evaluated associated hazard information, together with available informa-
by means of 17 metrics, developed for economic viability, tion on associated side effects, distribution system compatibility,
scalability, and energy and environmental impacts. For each and current technology readiness, among other aspects. Section
metric, three categories were established, into which each 4 is devoted to the future scope and trends in the field. Finally,
blendstock fell: favorable, neutral, or unfavorable. They sowed concluding remarks leading to preferred chemical compounds to
key knowledge gaps including the degree of purity needed for be used in modern gasoline formulations are presented in
use as a bioblendstock and the uncertainty about their blending Section 5, according to the previously defined metrics.
level. 1.1. Modern Spark-Ignited engines. During the past
Together with the mentioned works, references can be found several decades, different strategies aimed at improving engine
in the literature dealing with several aspects related to vehicle efficiency have been developed and adopted by car manufac-
efficiency which are of paramount relevance, such as technical turers. The main targets have been to reduce specific fuel
progress in internal combustion engine technologies (e.g., refs consumption and to prevent knocking, as well as to comply with
10−12), emission control (e.g., refs 13−15), and, in significantly the increasingly more restrictive legislation requirements on
superior number, advanced fuel formulations (e.g., refs 16−20). pollutants emissions. Concerning the knocking phenomenon,
However, to date, scarce relevant references can be found the most widely adopted strategy is based on the fact that by
focusing on identifying potential molecules able to boost HOPs. modifying the engine operation conditions, the octane require-
Recent relevant review papers covering different aspects related ments for a given fuel are lower. As is further discussed in Section
to gasoline boosters and/or topics directly linked to efficiency in 1.2.6, octane requirement (or octane appetite) refers to the
car transportation engines are listed in Table 1. minimum fuel quality needed to prevent knocking for a given
Thus, the goal of the present review is aimed at collecting engine or engine operating conditions.7
available data regarding chemical molecules that can be used in Among the different strategies adopted to improve efficiency,
advanced gasoline formulations for modern SI car engines direct injection, turbocharging coupled with engine downsizing,
focusing on ash-free technologies. By this, more than 22 and higher compression ratios with new valve timing to shorten
chemical compound families are assessed concerning their the compression stroke have been successful in lowering
potential improvement on the anti-knock character of modern unburned gas temperatures relative to pressure, which in turn
gasoline, well beyond current specifications worldwide. have resulted in reducing the actual octane appetite of modern
However, not only anti-knock effectiveness is considered when cars and thus effectively reduce knocking.7,21,22
analyzing potential boosters but also associated side effects, With gasoline direct injection (GDI), the air−fuel mixture is
distribution system compatibility, technology readiness, and injected in the form of a spray into the cylinder. As a
applications, including production viability, sustainability of use, consequence, mixture vaporization is mainly driven by the
and associated toxicology according to the Globally Harmon- absorption of heat by the charge, rather than by heat absorption
ized System of Classification and Labeling of Chemicals (GHS). from the surfaces of elements in the engine (such as the walls or
A brief introduction is conducted in Section 1, which is the intake valve), as is the case with port fuel injection, which
devoted to reviewing trends in engine and octane booster results in a reduction of the air−fuel mixture temperature before
technology by presenting various indicators to assess the the compression stroke. Also, when compared with carburetors
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(an earlier technology), GDI avoids freezing of less volatile, binary mixtures, according to an arbitrarily established scale.
more knock-resistant, fuels.7,10 These mixtures present different concentrations of n-heptane
Initially, turbocharging was meant to boost the engine power (for which ON = 0 was defined since it autoignites easily) and
output. However, with time, it became evident that fuel 2,4,4-trimethyl-pentane (or isooctane, which, by definition, has
economy highly benefitted from downsizing, which involves ON = 100 because it exhibits high knocking resistance).
displacing smaller volumes, and the consumer’s demand grew According to its knocking performance, the ON of a given fuel is
considerably due in part to legislation requirements. In principle, presented as the volumetric percentage of isooctane of the
turbocharging an engine involves a slight increase of the air−fuel standard binary mixture that produces the same knock intensity
mixture temperature because of the higher compression. as the tested fuel.21,28 However, some chemicals present higher
However, the associated presence of an intercooler over- anti-knock resistance than isooctane, giving rise to fuels with ON
compensates such a rise due to heat losses, and globally, the greater than 100. In such cases, the tested gasoline is compared
mixture temperature drops.7,23 to reference fuels composed of isooctane and different amounts
Concerning compression ratios, the higher the ratio is, the of tetraethyllead, an anti-knock additive, using empirical
greater the temperature drop relative to pressure is. Even relationships defined by either RON or MON tests.26
though, generally, higher ratios involve both higher temper- ON of pure compounds are often noted as ONC, whereas ON
atures and pressures, at high ratios, the end gas volume is of mixtures are ONM. On the other hand, the ON of a
reduced in size. As a consequence, hot combustion gases are component in a gasoline mixture is part of what is often referred
expelled to a greater extent during the exhaust stroke. Thus, to as blending octane number (BON). BON is useful because
there is less hot gas to be cooled during the intake stroke. ONM cannot be calculated directly from ONC. After all, either
Therefore, temperature relative to pressure is reduced at higher synergistic or antagonistic effects can arise when blending fuel
compression ratios.7 components that result in nonlinear ON responses for real fuels.
On the other hand, application of the Miller cycle (i.e., BON is related to ONM according to27
shortening compression stroke in relation to expansion stroke)
ONM − ONBG(1 − x)
has proven to reduce both temperature and pressure at the end BON =
of the compression stroke. Such a cycle can be implemented by x (1)
altering the closing timing of the intake valve. Either late or early where ONBG is the ON of the base gasoline and x the volume
intake valve closing has the potential to suppress knocking and fraction of the component. Here, base gasoline refers to the
to enhance fuel consumption economy.22 gasoline mixture to which the component is added. Equation 1 is
Future trends also include spark controlled compression based on attributing all the differences between ONM and ONBG
ignition (SPCCI) engines, which operate at a high compression to the blended component, and it provides a fictitious BON
ratio (at about 16:1) and with an extremely lean air-to-fuel ratio value obtained by linear extrapolation. Two possibilities can take
to achieve more complete combustion of the gasoline place when the ONC of the blended component is measured:
throughout the cylinder. In SPCCI engines, compression ratios Either the obtained value is higher than BON, or it is lower. If
are just below those in homogeneous charge compression BON is larger than ONC, a synergistic effect further improves the
ignition (HCCI), typical of diesel engines. This is achieved by gasoline anti-knocking quality by the addition of the component,
using controlled autoignition of gasoline to take advantage of the and conversely, if BON is smaller than ONC, the addition of that
consequential pressure rise. HCCI technology offers a wide component poses an antagonistic effect.27,28
range of fuel flexibility, higher thermal efficiency, and low 1.2.2. Road Octane Number. During the second half of the
emissions (NOX and soot emissions are suppressed from the 20th century, the Coordinating Research Center (CRC)
engine).24 conducted studies aimed at assessing the octane requirements
1.2. Fuel Quality Testing. 1.2.1. Research and Motor of U.S. cars, and new tests were developed. CRC carried out tests
Octane Number. Among gasoline quality testing, octane on chassis dynamometers, with the cars being run at part or
number (ON) is the most known measure of the autoignition wide-open throttle that provided a more informative insight on
character of a fuel. As early as 1932, two tests were defined to the actual octane requirements of more realistic engines, and the
assess ON: research octane number (RON) and motor octane road octane number (RoadON) was defined thereof. RoadON
number (MON). Nowadays, both tests are run in cooperative is determined by the knocking performance of the tested engines
fuel research (CFR) engines worldwide according to EN ISO under the specified operating conditions when fueled with a
25164 (or the equivalent ASTM D2699) and EN ISO 25163 (or standard fuel with known RON and MON, which was designed
ASTM D2700), respectively. CFR engines are standard single- to emulate commercial gasolines. RoadON can be expressed as a
cylinder, four-stroke engines, specially developed for this function of RON and MON as follows
purpose. RON is used to assess ON in normal road performance,
RoadON = a + b·RON + c· MON (2)
i.e., at mild conditions of air inlet temperature (52 °C) and
revolutions per minute (600 rpm), while MON corresponds to where a, b, and c are parameters obtained by least-squares
high-speed performance at more severe conditions (i.e., 149 °C regression. CRC data allowed observing that, over the years,
of air−fuel mixture and 900 rpm).7,21,25 RON became more important than MON, probably due to the
RON and MON values of pure hydrocarbons decrease in the generalization of newer technologies. As a consequence,
order: aromatics > isoalkanes (isoparaffins) > alkenes (olefins) > RoadON is now considered almost an equivalent of RON.7
cycloalkanes (naphthenes) > n-alkanes (n-paraffins). Increasing 1.2.3. Octane Index. As commented, the knock resistance
molecular complexity (branching), decreasing molecular defined by RON and MON is based on CFR engine tests,
weight, and presence of unsaturation each tend to increase representative of 1930s car engines. Therefore, in such testing,
octane number.26,27 the engine operating conditions are far more severe than in
ON is established by comparison of the autoignition modern car engines. This is particularly evident for temper-
performance of a given fuel in a CFR engine to that of standard atures, which nowadays are way lower (in the range of 30−50 °C
10951 https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.energyfuels.1c00912
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on average) since current technology is no longer run by heated the engine cylinders, especially when port fuel injectors are
carburetors and includes more adequate cooling systems. used.35
Consequently, a newer measure of the anti-knock quality of 1.2.5. Distribution Octane Number. The distribution octane
fuel was defined to take this fact into account: octane index (OI). number (DON) is related to the octane requirement increase
OI can be formulated as follows due to specific engine conditions. When operating at low speed
and with a wide-open throttle, the fuel vaporization in the intake
OI = (1 − Κ) ·RON + Κ·MON (3)
system is poor, and therefore, fractionation of the fuel is
where the parameter Κ depends not on the fuel but on the observed. DON is meant to evaluate anti-knock performance
engine conditions, that is, on the end gas temperature−pressure under these conditions because the octane quality of the fuel
history before the autoignition takes place. By definition, Κ injected into the cylinder might be substantially different than
equals zero for RON conditions and 1 for MON. Tested values that of the fuel in the tank.36
of Κ using real engines rose from 0.5 in 1930 to 1 during the DON tests measure the knocking performance of the different
1940s. The historical Κ value of 0.5 led to the definition of the gasoline fractions, which are obtained either by distillation or
anti-knock index (AKI), still used nowadays, as can be deduced condensation, in single-cylinder laboratory engines designed for
from eq 3 RON determinations.36
DON and FON are related to one another by ΔRON, which is
RON + MON defined as the difference in RON values between the heavier and
2 (4) the lighter gasoline fractions, the lighter fraction being the one
From CRC data, it has been determined that, on average, Κ that boils below 100 °C. The determination is carried out in
equaled zero by 2000 and is negative for current engines. three stages: (1) conventional determination of RON, (2)
Negative values of Κ imply that, for a given RON, gasolines with ASTM distillation up to 100 °C and recovery of the distillate,
a high-octane sensitivity (S) have better anti-knock perform- and (3) measurement of RON of this volatile fraction. Values of
ance, and consequently, they do not necessarily improve when ΔRON for most commercial gasolines are between 5 and 15. A
RON or MON are increased. Sensitivity is defined as the value below 10 is considered satisfactory (Germany requires a
difference between RON and MON (S = RON − MON), which minimum ΔRON = 8).37
gives rise to the following reformulation of OI.7,29 1.2.6. Octane Requirement Increase. First, it is convenient
to define the octane requirement (OR) as the lowest octane
OI = RON − Κ·S (5)
number reference fuel that will allow an engine to run without
S is a measure of “octane depreciation” at increasing engine knocking under standard conditions of service. This is a
speed and temperature, which is the tendency of hydrocarbon characteristic of each individual vehicle.38
fuels to exhibit anti-knock behavior that becomes increasingly The accumulation of carbon deposits in the combustion
worse as conditions are more severe (i.e., high engine speed and chamber increases octane requirements for a given engine and
temperature).7,30 Typically, aromatics, olefins, and oxygenates fuel. The difference between the new OR and the original one is
have S values that are greatly larger than those of paraffins,7 the octane requirement increase (ORI). The formation of
which encourage their usage in fuel formulation meant for deposits increases with car mileage and depends on several
modern engines. Currently, 10 point sensitivity is generally aspects, such as driving conditions, engine design, gasoline
prescribed for every gasoline.31 composition, lubricant oils, and weather. Deposits are piled up
Interestingly, an empirical correlation has been reported on the piston top, on the intake and exhaust valves, on the end
between gasoline’s sensitivity and the blending ON that it will gas region, and on spark plugs. The effect of deposits on ORI is
exhibit,27,32 according to which an increase in S would entail a based on three possible mechanisms: (i) As deposits
decrease in BRON or BMON (that is, blending research or accumulate, the available cylinder volume decreases. (ii)
motor octane number, respectively). Presence of deposits may alter the normal combustion process
1.2.4. Front End Octane Number. The front end octane chemistry. (iii) Deposits store heat through the different cycles,
number (FON or R100) is the RON determined for the fuel which gives rise to the formation of hot spots.21,39
fraction that boils at temperatures below 100 °C. This measure is High molecular weight additives usually increase the level of
useful for fuels presenting a nonhomogeneous concentration combustion chamber deposits, particularly those with higher
distribution (hence octane distribution). Light fractions tend to ratios of mineral oil carriers. Detergents with optimized
vaporize swiftly once in the intake system and to be well synthetic carrier fluids and compounds like polyether amines
distributed among all cylinders. However, heavier fractions (PEA) minimize combustion chamber deposits build-up.40
usually condensate on the intake system walls, and therefore, ORI tests are performed with CRC chassis dynamometers
their distribution in the engine cylinders can be nonuniform.33,34 (Section 1.3.2) after the car has been driven for a specified
Historically, FON was particularly important during the era number of kilometers.39
when lead-based compounds were used as octane enhancers Since the phase-out of leaded gasoline, and with the newer car
(until the 2000s, approximately). Among lead-based com- engine designs, the problem posed by ORI due to the formation
pounds, tetraethyllead (TEL) tended to concentrate in the of deposits has notably been reduced.21
heavier fuel fraction, whereas tetramethyllead (TML) improved 1.2.7. Supercharged. The term “supercharged” refers to a
FON greatly due to its lower boiling point.27 Thus, to cover a modification of the basic engine design (naturally aspirated) that
broad range of gasoline fractions, mixed alkyl lead compounds includes a mechanical compressor connected to the crankshaft
were used. to increase the pressure of the air supplied to the engine. The
Today, FON is still useful to ensure enough knocking basic concept is similar to that of turbocharged engines, that is,
resistance during the cold start warming up period since, at low to increase the engine efficiency and power output by forcing
ambient temperatures, vaporization of the different gasoline extra air into the combustion chamber. The main difference
fractions might result in nonuniform octane distribution among between these two options is that in turbocharged engines the
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Table 2. General Properties of Alkylleadsa,47

Formula (C2H5)4Pb (CH3)4Pb CH3(C2H5)3Pb (CH3)3(C2H5)Pb (CH3)2(C2H5)2Pb
Molecular weight (kg/kmol) 323.4 267.3 309.4 281.4 295.4
Boiling point (°C) 200 109 70 27 51
Melting point (°C) −133 −30.2 −30 n.a. n.a.
Vapor pressure at 20 °C (Pa) 35 3000 100 973 293
Density at 20 °C (kg/m3) 1660 2000 1710 1880 1790
Solubility in water (mg/L) 0.25 15 1.9 7.65 4.6
Flash point (°C) 85 38 n.a. n.a. n.a.
Odor fruity odorless n.a. n.a. n.a.
TEL, tetraethyl lead; TML, tetramethyl lead; TMEL, trimethylethyl lead; MTEL, methyltriethyl lead; DEDML, diethyldimethyl lead; n.a., not

extra pressure is given by a turbine powered by the exhaust flow TEL, and nowadays, it is the only compound used for the
of the engine.41 niche markets where lead is allowed.
In car engines, turbocharging has been the preferred option Lead-based additives formed solid combustion products that
because turbochargers tend to be more efficient. However, in caused the accumulation of deposits on valves, spark plugs, and
aviation engines, supercharging provides better results because, combustion chambers, shortening the life of the engine. As other
at high altitudes, temperature and pressure are lower. octane enhancers, they were prone to oxidation over long
This said, a specific octane quality protocol was developed to storage periods, leading to the separation of solid residues that
assess the knocking performance of fuels for supercharged could lead to blockages in the fuel system. To solve these
aviation engines. This protocol consists of assessing the fuel problems, coadditives are used, and they are discussed later in
behavior under two different conditions: those at takeoff, when this work. Another unwanted side effect of using tetraethyllead
maximum power is required and therefore a rich mixture is fed to was related to its antagonism with sulfur. Gasolines containing
the engine, and those at cruising speed, when a weak mixture is significant amounts of sulfur gave significantly smaller increases
more efficient. The ASTM D909 test allows quantifying the fuel in octane number on the addition of tetraethyllead than sulfur-
knock resistance when rich mixtures are used, and ASTM D2700 free gasolines with similar hydrocarbon composition and base
(MON) is the test of choice for the weak mixture performance.42 octane number.49
1.2.8. Preignition Measurement. In today’s cars, the On the other hand, a positive side effect of using lead alkyl
occurrence of preignition has gained importance due to the compounds is that they protected unhardened valve seats,
general trend of downsizing and turbocharging. Some tests have present in older engines. In this sense, lead compounds formed
been developed to induce preignition in modern engines. In in the combustion chamber inhibited erosion and wear of the
these tests, the engine is run at relatively high speeds (i.e., 1750 valve seats because they avoided high-temperature corrosion,
rpm), and the pressure charge is increased until preignition
and they acted as solid lubricants.27
occurs for a given air−fuel mixture. Optical measurements can
By the late 1970s, the once-massive use of lead-based
be employed to observe the formation and development of hot
additives began a steep decrease, especially in more developed
spots that trigger preignition.43,44
1.3. Historical Perspective on Metallic Anti-Knock Table 3. Relative Anti-Knock Effectiveness of Different
Additives. 1.3.1. Lead Alkyls, MMT, and Ferrocene. The anti- Compounds on a Mole Basis, with Aniline = 148
knock effect of lead alkyl compounds was discovered in 1921 by
Tetraethyllead 118 tetraethyltin 4.0
Thomas Midgley, and the use of these compounds as additives
Tetraphenyllead 73 triphenylarsine 1.6
to boost octane was finally patented in 1926.45,46 Since then,
Iron pentacarbonyl 50 xylidine 1.6
their use as anti-knock additives was massively adopted
Nickel carbonyl 35 diphenylamine 1.5
worldwide until their phase-out, which ended by the turn of
Diethyl telluride 27 n-methylaniline 1.4
the century. General characteristics of lead alkyl compounds are Triethylbismuth 24 dimethylcadmium 1.2
listed in Table 2. Diethyl selenide 7.0 aniline 1.0
Lead alkyl compounds were the most predominantly used Stannic chloride 4.1 ethanol 0.1
metallic anti-knock additives because they met most of the
technical and economical requirements and also thanks to the
joint introduction of other additives (antioxidants and Table 4. General Properties of MMT47
scavengers) that improved their properties.27 As seen in Table MMT
3, tetraethyllead possesses relative anti-knock effectiveness
Formula C9H7MnO3
which, on a molar basis, is far superior to that of many other
Molecular weight (kg/kmol) 218.1
Boiling point (°C) 231.67
With regard to other lead alkyl compounds different from
Melting point (°C) 2.22
TEL, the most important one in terms of their degree of
Vapor pressure at 20 °C (Pa) 933
implementation was tetramethyllead (TML). TML was
Density at 20 °C (kg/m3) 1390
introduced in the 1950s due to the predominance in the car
Solubility in water (mg/L) 29
market of engines with higher compression ratios, which
Flash point (°C) 96
increased the octane number demand.47 Nevertheless, no
Odor herbaceous
alkyl−scavenger combination provides better results than
10953 https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.energyfuels.1c00912
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Table 5. General Properties of Ferrocenesa

Dicyclopentadienyl iron (ferrocene) Iron pentacarbonyl
Formula C10H10Fe C5FeO5
Molecular weight (kg/kmol) 186.0 195.9
Boiling point (°C) 245.9 102.9
Melting point (°C) 175.0 −21
Vapor pressure (Pa) 6.6 (40 °C), 340 (100 °C) 5333 (30.6 °C)
Density at 20 °C (kg/m3) 1107 1453
Solubility in water (mg/L) insoluble insoluble
Flash point (°C) n.a. n.a.
Odor camphor-like musty
n.a.: not available.

countries, due to the population’s growing environmental alkylferrocenes and dimethylferrocenylcarbinol have been the
awareness that ended up translating to more restrictive most widely used.50
legislation, like the U.S.’s Clean Air Act in 1970. Actually, it Iron compounds were widely used as anti-knock compounds
had been proved from the start that tetraethyllead was highly in Russia in 1960−1970, but they were considered unfit due to
toxic (e.g., fatal poisoning of several workers already occurred in ferrocene main drawback: the iron-containing deposits formed
the mid-1920s). In addition, inorganic lead compounds from ferrocene can lead to the formation of a conductive coating
resulting from its combustion were also highly toxic and on the spark plug surfaces.25,50 No effective iron evacuators
environmentally hazardousand about three-fourths of lead could be found, and consequently, the only measure that could
burned in the engine is emitted as inorganic lead.48 be applied was to limit the maximum concentration at 0.038 g
However, it was not until General Motors announced that Fe/L, at which high fouling is not observed.50 Moreover,
they were planning to install catalytic converters in all new cars ferrocene oxides are abrasive, which entails rapid engine wear.51
in order to meet the air quality requirements of the engine Furthermore, iron oxide was reported to act as a physical barrier
exhaust that leaded compounds stopped being so massively used between the catalyst/oxygen sensor and exhaust gases and led to
due to their incompatibility with the noble metal oxidation erosion and plugging of the catalyst, resulting in poor
catalysts in the converters. In particular, 1,2-dibromethane (one functioning thereof.52
of the lead scavengers) was proven to be responsible for 1.3.2. Co-Anti-Knock Additives. The historical role of
decreasing the catalyst activity, especially of catalysts containing scavengers as co-anti-knock additives in the era of leaded
palladium.48 gasoline was to reduce the deposits formed by lead upon
Another set of historically relevant octane booster additives combustion. Such deposits accumulated on valves, spark plugs,
were manganese compounds. Particularly, methylcyclopenta- and combustion chambers, which entailed shorter lifespans for
dienylmanganese tricarbonyl (MMT) has been commonly used engines. The most widely used scavengers were halogenated
as octane booster additives in some countries such as Russia compounds, such as 1,2-dichloroethane and 1,2-dibromoethane.
These halogens reacted with lead, forming lead bromide and
until 2013 (see Table 4 for general properties of MMT), when
lead chloride, which had great volatility at high temperatures and
the Worldwide Fuel Charter forced oil companies to stop using
therefore helped to evacuate lead from the engine. As a result,
it for unleaded gasoline in the main developed countries (i.e.,
the amount of lead deposits could be reduced by about 70%−
U.S., Canada, Europe, India, Japan).27
80%.27 Numerous patents claiming huge lead deposit reductions
In this regard, a typical manganese concentration of 0.0165 g/
with several scavenger compositions, including halides, sulfides,
L of gasoline enhanced the anti-knock index by 0.5−1.0 units, arsenides, and/or phosphines (e.g., U.S. Patents 2398281,
depending on the gasoline composition. In Russia, 0.050 g Mn/ 2479901, 2479902, 2557019, 2750267, 2797153, 2999739, and
L was established as the maximum allowed concentration.50 3126261, among others53−60), can be found. Similarly,
Initially, MMT was meant to be used as a supplement to lead scavengers for manganese anti-knock additives were also
alkyl compounds, especially in paraffinic fuels.51 It had been designed with the same purpose. For instance, some references
hoped that the use of MMT would not collide with the indicate that phosphates were useful in this regard (e.g., U.S.
implementation of the noble metal catalyst technology in Patent 2018/0119037A161).
exhaust systems following the 1970s Clean Air Act, because On the other hand, the term “anti-knock extender” refers to
manganese oxides only caused mild damage to the catalysts. co-anti-knock additives different than scavengers that, without
However, manganese is responsible for wear and fouling, which being able to increase the octane quality of fuel by themselves,
pose detrimental effects on engine deposits, and it is suspected were capable of increasing the efficiency of an octane booster
to be a strong neurotoxin and respiratory toxin.38 For all these additive. To avoid confusion, this concept should be well
reasons, MMT ended up being either prohibited or strongly differentiated from that of the so-called “fuel extenders”, which
limited for standard motor gasoline in most territories refer to high-octane components such as oxygenates. Originally,
worldwide.21,50,51 Concerning aviation gasoline, ASTM working anti-knock extenders were meant to increase TEL anti-knock
group 69284 is discussing the specification of an unleaded test efficiency in raising the octane quality of fuels. Two reasons
fuel containing MMT with an appropriate scavenger coadditive, explain the use of extenders in gasoline. On the one hand, adding
but balloting is not yet concluded. a chemical that could improve the effectiveness of TEL was
Ferrocenes (see Table 5 for general characteristics) emerged economically more attractive than adding larger doses of the
as cheaper alternatives to MMT to boost octane numbers. more expensive TEL. On the other hand, along the years that
Among the ferrocene compounds in anti-knock compositions, followed the introduction of leaded gasolines, major changes
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Table 6. General Characteristic of Relevant Isoparaffins67−69

Estimated by means of the Garvin formula: ΔHnet,Garvin = ∑i aiwi ∑j bj(nj /M ).70 bAccording to the Globally Harmonized System of Classification
and Labeling of Chemicals (GHS).

occurred in both gasoline composition and engine design which, effectiveness of compounds included in a chemical family
for obvious reasons, had not been considered in the early which for obvious reasons is a pivotal metric in the present
development of lead-based additives. Therefore, a reevaluation workbut also on more collateral aspects that, thanks to the
of the anti-knock needs of more modern cars had to be aforementioned historical perspective, are known to have an
undertaken.62 impact on the field. For instance, the side effects of a potential
Among anti-knock extenders, carboxylic acids (such as acetic candidate on current engines need to be known so that potential
and ethylhexanoic acids) were singled out because they could coadditives are designed to be coupled with the anti-knock
improve the anti-knock quality of high-octane gasoline in about booster. Likewise, the compatibility of the candidate molecule
2.5 RON units.63 A synergistic effect between the acid and TEL with the existing gasoline distribution system or its sustainability
was clearly observed experimentally in their work. The of use is also of the utmost importance. Specifically, the metrics
mechanism to explain the action of TEL extenders is related that have been used in the present work to assess chemical
to their interaction with the actual anti-knock species resulting families are the following:
from TEL addition, that is, lead oxides. Assuming that TEL anti- 1. Antiknock effectiveness: This category relates directly to
knock effectiveness would diminish as lead oxides agglomerate octane boosters. In this sense, chemical families with
forming deposits, it seems reasonable to anticipate that the compounds that have been quoted to provide blending
octane-enhancing action of the extender can be explained by its octane numbers higher than 100 are considered attractive
interference with lead oxides, which would prevent (or at least octane boosters. Depending on the available data, relative
retard) their accumulation and would prolong the oxide particles anti-knock effectiveness has also been taken into account.
action from effectively anchoring free radicals in the combustion 2. Side effects: This metric relates to the available data on
chamber. It hence follows that excessive extender concentration potential additional effects that can arise when using
would pose a negative effect on the anti-knock ability of TEL for compounds of the considered chemical family on the
it would consume TEL before suppressing free radicals.62 engine combustion chamber, injection system, or post-
Besides scavengers and extenders, other co-anti-knock treatment exhaust gases.
additives that were highly relevant, such as antioxidants to 3. Distribution system compatibility: This has to do with a
prevent TEL oxidation during storage and transportation, were global overview of some key features for the blending of
used. As TEL antioxidants, the most quoted ones are phosphine compounds of the considered chemical family with
sulfides, hydroperoxides, alkylated phenols, or hydrogenated gasoline (similar boiling point range, 35−205 °C; low
quinolines, among others.64,65 water solubility; high log P value).
1.4. Definition of General Metrics to Select Candidate 4. Technology readiness: This provides a global overview
Molecules. To establish a proper comparison among molecules regarding the existence of already implemented industrial
of different chemical families, a rather straightforward approach processes to obtain compounds of the considered
has been adopted. It mainly consists of comparing their general chemical family.
behavior according to selected key features that must be 5. Sustainability of use: This category relates to the existence
evaluated when considering new gasoline formulations. These of biobased routes to produce compounds of the
features have been selected based not only on anti-knock considered chemical family.
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Table 7. RON, MON, BRON, and BMON Values of Several Paraffins and Isoparaffins
Group Compound RON MON BRONa BMONb
c c
C4 isomers isobutane 102 97.6 122

C5 isomers pentane 62b 62b 62b 67

isopentane 92c 90.3c 99 104
2,2-dimethyl propane 100 90

C6 isomers hexane 25b 26b 19b 22

2-methyl pentane 83
3-methyl pentane 86
2,2-dimethyl butane 91.8b 93.4b 89 97

C7 isomers heptane 0 0 0 0
2,2-dimethyl pentane 98.2d 89 93
2,3-dimethyl pentane 91.1d 87
2,4-dimethyl pentane 83.1d 77
2,2,3-trimethyl butane 112d-112.8b 101.32c 113 113

C8 isomers 2,2,4-trimethyl pentane 100 100 100 100

2,2,3-trimethyl pentane 100b 100b 105 112
C8 trimethyls 105c 98.8c

C9 isomers 2,2,5-trimethyl hexane 91

C9 trimethyls 100c 93c
2,2-dimethyl-3-ethyl pentane 108
2,2,3,3-tetramethyl pentane 123

C10 isomers C10 trimethyls 95c 87c

2,2,3,3-tetramethyl hexane 126

C11 isomers C11 trimethyls 90c 82c

C12 isomers C12 trimethyls 85c 80c

BRON calculated for a reference fuel with RONBG = 60 with 20 vol % of the target hydrocarbon from73 unless otherwise indicated. bReference 74
Reference 28. dReference 72.

6. Associated toxicology: Health and environmental hazards knock performance, and since isomerate is free from aromatics,
to be taken into consideration when dealing with a it is gaining importance.21 Isoparaffins use and production have
chemical family are included in this category. Due to the been, therefore, studied extensively.71,72
different natures of the hazards typically included in this RON and MON values for several paraffins and isoparaffins
category, it has been deemed appropriate to treat human are presented in Table 7, together with blending RON values
health hazards and risk toward the environment (BRON). As can be seen in the table, more branched molecules
separately. Both aspects have been categorized based on present higher octane values.
a CLP Regulation (Regulation (EC) No. 1272/2008). Isoparaffins are obtained in the petrochemical industry from
For more information on the toxicology of every natural gas and crude oil. Catalytic reforming allows the
compound, see Tables S1 and S2 in the Supporting transformation of normal paraffin and cycloparaffins into
Information. isoparaffins and aromatics.75 The buildup of long-chain n-
paraffins using the Fischer−Tropsch synthesis and isomer-
2. HIGH-OCTANE GASOLINE COMPONENTS (>2 VOL ization of such paraffin into isoparaffins constitutes a viable
%) biomass-derived route when syngas is of renewable origin.21
2.1. Isoparaffins. Isoparaffins are acyclic saturated hydro- 2.2. Olefins. Olefins or alkenes are unsaturated hydro-
carbons having the general formula CnH2n+2. A typical carbons with at least one carbon−carbon double bond. Acyclic
distribution of classes of compounds in crude oils can be alkenes with only one double bond and no other functional
found in the work of Barker et al.66 group present the general formula CnH2n.76 Some general
The main distinguishing feature of isoalkanes is their relatively characteristics are shown in Table 8.
low reactivity due to lack of unsaturation. Some general Olefins are the main contributors to octane in cracked
characteristics are shown in Table 6. gasoline. Olefin content in FCC gasoline generally varies
Since the 1970s, low-octane straight-run gasoline has been between 40−60 vol %. As seen in Table 9, olefins present high
increasingly converted into the higher octane isomerate RON values and very large sensitivity. As a general trend, the
(consisting mainly of isoparaffins) to boost the gasoline anti- more branched the olefin is, the higher its RON value is.
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Table 8. General Characteristics of Relevant Olefins67−69

Predicted value.69 bEstimated using the Garvin formula.70 cAccording to the Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labeling of
Chemicals (GHS).

process through metabolically engineered Escherichia coli at high

Through comparison of the values listed in Table 7 and those yields without significant byproducts.86
in Table 9, it can be checked that branched olefins present far 2.3. Aromatics. Aromatics are organic compounds consist-
superior RON values than isoparaffins with the same number of ing of carbon and hydrogen atoms with carbons arranged in a
carbon atoms, particularly more so as the branched character ring (Table 10). Aromatic compounds are characterized by
increases. Furthermore, this trend is self-evident when linear having large resonance energies and by reacting through
olefins are compared to their paraffinic counterparts (note, for substitution rather than addition.87 Petroleum contains between
instance, that RON of 1-heptene is 54.5, whereas heptane RON 3 wt % and 30 wt % of aromatics depending on its origin.25
is, by definition, zero). More evidence in this regard can be Straight-run gasoline, obtained by simple distillation of crude oil,
retrieved from Magyar et al.,78 where differences between RON contains 5 vol % on average.21
or MON values between olefins and their paraffin derivatives as The knock suppression ability of aromatic hydrocarbons is
high as 72.6 are stated. The fact that olefinic C bonds provide a higher than that of paraffins, olefins, and naphthenes.88 Both
site for addition reactions is what explains such divergence.7 RON and MON of gasoline are increased by the addition of
Gasoline with high olefin content presents some drawbacks, aromatic compounds. RON and MON values for some aromatic
such as higher olefin content in the exhaust emissions, which compounds are listed in Table 11. Alkyl-benzenes have a
have a higher tropospheric ozone formation potential, and an stronger impact on increasing MON than RON. Mesitilene
increased tendency to form deposits in engine injectors and (1,3,5-trimethylbenzene) has a very high potential for unleaded
intake valves.79 high-octane aviation gasoline; a fuel test specified on ASTM
On the other hand, increasing the olefin content of gasoline
tends to reduce exhaust VOC emissions because olefins burn Table 9. RON, MON, and S Values of Several Olefins77
more easily and more completely than other hydrocarbons in
gasoline. However, increasing olefin content also tends to Group Compound RON MON S
increase NOX formation and increases the concentration of C5 isomers 1-pentene 91 77 14
olefin in evaporative emissions. As a consequence, measures to 2-methyl-1-butene 103 82 21
reduce the total olefin content in gasoline have been undertaken. 2-methyl-2-butene 97.5 85 12.5
Olefins are typically obtained by thermal cracking of long-
chain paraffins. Products distribution in this process is highly C6 isomers 1-hexene 76.5 63.5 13
dependent on the conditions; i.e., the higher the temperature 2-methyl-1-pentene 94 81 13
and pressure applied, the more severe the cracking.76 A large 3-methyl-1-pentene 96 81 15
number of patents can be found related to the production of trans-3-methyl-2-pentene 97 81 16
olefins; e.g., U.S. Patents 5171921A,80 2426829A,81 and 4-methyl-2-pentene 99.5 84.5 15
4849575A.82 2-ethyl-1-butene 98.5 79.5 19
On the other hand, the Fischer−Tropsch process has been 2,3-dimethyl-1-butene 101.5 83.3 18.2
targeted as a cost-effective biomass-based synthesis route to 3,3-dimethyl-1-butene 112.5 94 18.5
obtain olefins.83 Steam cracking of naphtha by Bio-Synfining is 2,3-dimethyl-2-butene 97.5 80.5 17
another interesting process since it provides high yields for light
olefins without traces of oxygenates.84 C7 isomers 1-heptene 54.5
Other possible biotechnological pathways to obtain olefins
include, for example, the dehydration of biomass-derived C8 isomers 1-octene 28.5
isobutanol,85 which can be obtained in a commercially viable
10957 https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.energyfuels.1c00912
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Table 10. General Characteristics of Some Aromatics67−69

Predicted value.69 bEstimated using the Garvin formula.70 cAccording to the Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labeling of
Chemicals (GHS).

Table 11. RON and MON Values for Pure Aromatic tion of aromatic compounds through pyrolysis of biomass has
Hydrocarbons also been reported using zeolites as catalysts.22−24 It is also
worth mentioning that a noncommercial synthetic process
Compound RON MON
exists, named the Cyclar process, consisting of the cyclization of
Benzene 90a, 101b, 102.7c 92a, 93b, 105c propane and butane over zeolite catalysts.26
Ethylbenzene 107a 124a 2.4. Alcohols. Alcohols (Table 12) are hydrocarbons that
Propylbenzene 129a 127a have at least one hydroxyl group (OH) bonded to a saturated
1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 137a 124a carbon atom.87 Methanol and ethanol are the simplest
Toluene 112a, 120b, 118c 124a, 109b, 103.5c monoalcohols, which present the general formula CnH2n+1OH.
o-Xylene 103a 120a Since the early 21st century, its use in the energy sector has
m-Xylene 124a 145a gained importance.27
p-Xylene 127a, 124b 146a, 97b Alcohol compounds heavier than methanol and ethanol, such
p-Cymene 124b 101b
as 1-propanol and 1-butanol, have also been considered as
C8 aromatics 112c 105c
potential octane enhancers due to their higher energy content
C9 aromatics 110c 101c
and because they present more similarities with gasoline
C10 aromatics 109c 98c
properties compared to methanol and ethanol.
C11 aromatics 105c 94c
a 25 b 7 c 28
It has been reported that the addition of amounts of alcohol
, , . less than 10 vol % provides a disproportionately large and
nonlinear increase of the ON in the resulting gasoline. This fact
D7719 supported a blend composed by mesitylene (79−84 wt indicates that BON values for alcohol-blended gasolines are
%) and isopentane for volatility control. much higher than measured ONC of pure alcohols.26 Individual
Increasing aromatics content significantly increases carbon RON and MON values for some alcohols are provided in Table
monoxide, nonmethane hydrocarbon, particulate matter mass, 13.
particle number, and black carbon emissions. Blending ON values for methanol have been reported to reach
Traditional approaches for obtaining aromatic compounds 133 and 99 for RON and MON, respectively.27 Ethanol presents
are based on coal and oil extraction and further processing of the BON values of 130 and 96 for RON and MON, respectively.27
obtained benzene.89 For economic reasons, toluene is extracted Some blending values for ethanol blends up to 50 vol % (E50)
from reformates, from pyrolysis of hydrocarbons (steam can be found in Table 14 as reproduced from a study that also
cracking), or from liquid products from the gasification or investigated the suitability of isobutanol blends.92 BON values
coking (pyrolysis) of coal, lignite, and more.25 for isopropyl alcohol (IPA) are 121 for the RON test and 96 for
Using catalytic cracking, a product with 30% aromatics can be MON.27
obtained. As for catalytic reforming, about 60% of aromatics are Some vehicles can be run with methanol−gasoline mixtures of
obtained after partial dehydrogenation.19 Recent studies show up to 85% methanol (M85).93 Adding low amounts of methanol
the potential production of aromatic compounds through in commercial gasoline does not require any further
bacterial fermentation of lignocellulosic biomass.20,21 Produc- modifications on SI engines. It improves engine cold start
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Table 12. General Characteristics of Alcohols67−69

According to the Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labeling of Chemicals (GHS).

Table 13. RON and MON Values for Pure Alcohols Blends containing up to 10 vol % of anhydrous ethanol (E10)
can be used in most modern engines without further
Compound RON MON
modifications. E20 to E25 blends are mandatory in Brazil. E85
Methanola 109.5 86 blends can be found in the U.S. and Europe for flexible-fuel
Ethanolb 109 90
vehicles, and E100 blends are used in Brazilian neat ethanol
1-Propanolb 104 89
vehicles.98 Ethanol-blended gasoline allows higher compression
2-Propanolb 106 99
ratios, shorter burn time, and weaker air-to-fuel ratios, which
1-Butanol 96c, 98b 78c, 85b
theoretically entails efficiency gains.25 The main disadvantages
tert-Butyl alcoholc 105 89
of a direct blending of ethanol are quite similar to those cited for
Isobutanol 105b, 113c 90b, 94c
a methanol. Also, major biomass-derived ethanol production
Reference 26. bReference 90. cReference 91.
today competes with food supplies and promotes invasive
Technically, using 1-butanol instead of ethanol is favored
performance, and lower emissions of carbon monoxide, nitrogen because it can be processed in the existing refinery units, is less
oxides, unburned hydrocarbons, and particulate matter are corrosive than ethanol, does not dissolve in or absorb water, and
achieved.94,95 The main drawbacks of blending methanol are does not increase fuel vapor pressure.100
related to its high hygroscopicity and solubility in water, which The industrial production of methanol is mainly derived from
entails the potential separation of phases in the engine with synthesis gas.45 Natural gas is the most common feedstock, but
subsequent engine damage.96,97 also coal-based synthesis gas is used to produce methanol.101

Table 14. Blending Octane Numbers for Ethanol and Isobutanol Blends92
Base fuel Dose (vol %/wt %) Oxygen (wt %) RON MON BRONa BMONa
Ethanol 9.3/9.9 3.5 93.0 84.1 143 106
26/27.6 9.6 99.1 87.4 131 103
47.1/49.2 17.1 102.6 88.7 119 96

Isobutanol 15.5/16.7 3.6 92.3 82.8 116 88

Blending values calculated according to eq 1.

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Table 15. General Characteristics of Ethers67−69

Predicted value.69 bEstimated using the Garvin formula.70 cAccording to the Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labeling of
Chemicals (GHS).

Table 16. RON and MON Values for Some Ethers Alcohols like 1-propanol, 1-butanol, sec-butanol, and
isobutanol are interesting because they can be obtained through
Compound RON MON (RON + MON)/2
the Fischer−Tropsch process of any carbon source, for instance,
Methyl tert-butyl ether, MTBEa 118 100 municipal and agricultural waste. Isobutanol can be also
Ethyl tert-butyl ether, ETBEa 118 102 prepared from biomass.107
Propyl tert-butyl ether, PTBEb 103 Alternatively, some higher alcohols can be produced from
Butyl tert-butyl ether, BTBEb 81 biomass through the Guerbet catalysis process (condensation of
tert-Amyl methyl ether, TAMEa 111 98 ethanol and/or methanol) and through ABE fermentation,
tert-Amyl ethyl ether, TAEE (105)c (95)c 111d which produces acetone, 1-butanol, and ethanol.108 Biomass-
Isopropyl tert-butyl ether, IPTBE (109)e (101)e 113d based butanol production at an industrial scale has been
Diisopropyl ether, DIPE (105)c (98)c 105d accomplished early in the 20th century.100
Reference 109. bReference 110. cInstead of pure compound values, 2.5. Ethers. Ethers are hydrocarbons with the general
blending ON is given instead.111 dReference 112. eInstead of pure formula ROR′, where R and R′ are alkyl (or aryl; that is,
compound values, blending ON is given instead.113 aromatic) groups. General characteristics of some ether
compounds are provided in Table 15.
Together with alcohols, ethers are commonly employed in
Methanol can also be recovered from raw glycerin, a waste significant extents as octane improvers due to their high ON
product from biodiesel production.102 From environmental and (Table 16), low toxicity, good distillation behavior, and better
economic perspectives, the most promising strategy to produce material compatibility than alcohols.27
methanol is via integrating carbon dioxide recovery units in Aromatic-containing ethers also provide good ON. Among
power plants, which are among the major contributors to CO2 this group, anisole derivatives have received some attention. An
emissions.103 anisole mixture is claimed to successfully improve the anti-knock
Ethanol is produced both in the petrochemical industry, by behavior of unleaded gasoline.114 For instance, Table 17 lists
hydrolysis of ethylene, and through fermentation of biomass, results from a recent study that analyzes the effect on RON of
mainly from edible feedstock like sugar cane, corn, or wheat. To anisole, MTBE, and three glycol ethers.115
overcome issues raised by the use of edible biomass, the Due to ethers lower oxygen relative content, they can be
production of biomass-based ethanol from cellulosic resources is blended in greater amounts and still meet fuel regulations
a promising alternative.104 relative to maximum oxygen content (e.g., 3.7 wt % in EU).
Isopropyl alcohol (IPA) is obtained from acetone, but Furthermore, the specific fuel consumption associated with the
advances in biotechnology make it possible to synthesize IPA blending of ethers is far lower than that of the corresponding
from biomass-derived sugars.105,106 In a closer horizon, refiners alcohols (e.g., blending of ethanol leads to 40% higher fuel
with an excess of propylene can opt to produce IPA, since consumption than a blending of ETBE or TAEE).99,116 Ethers
propylene is an immediate precursor to obtaining IPA.96 present low vapor pressure values compared to alcohols, and
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Table 17. Effect on RON of Different Ether Compounds at Several Concentrations and Calculated Blending Values Thereof115
Concentration (% vol) anisole 2-ethoxyetanol 2-butoxyethanol 2-(2-butoxyethoxy)-ethanol MTBE
0 82.1 82.1 82.1 82.1 82.1
0.50 82.4 84.5 84.3 85.8 83.2
1.00 82.7 88.0 87.7 90.0 85.2
2.00 83.1 89.5 89.1 91.7 86.4
4.00 84.8 91.3 90.7 93.9 89.0
7.00 87.4 93.4 92.9 96.5 94.5
Concentration (% vol) anisole 2-ethoxyetanol 2-butoxyethanol 2-(2-butoxyethoxy)-ethanol MTBE
0.25 122.1 482.1 482.1 802.1 282.1
0.50 142.1 562.1 522.1 822.1 302.1
1.00 142.1 672.1 642.1 872.1 392.1
2.00 132.1 452.1 432.1 562.1 297.1
4.00 149.6 312.1 297.1 377.1 254.6
7.00 157.8 243.5 236.4 287.8 259.2
BRON calculated according to eq 1.

Table 18. General Characteristics of Ketones67−69

Predicted value.69 bEstimated using the Garvin formula.70 cAccording to the Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labeling of
Chemicals (GHS).

Table 19. RON and MON Values for Some Ketones they do not have azeotropic behavior with gasoline, which
Compound RON MON
accounts for their compatibility with the already existing
petroleum refining and distribution systems.117
Acetone (dimethyl ketone)a 115
2-Butanone (methyl ethyl ketone)b 117 107
Well-known processes have been operational for decades now
2-Pentanonec 105.7 103 to obtain MTBE, ETBE, or TAME.99,116 Provided that the
3-Pentanonec 106.8 designated alcohol is obtained from biomass, the produced ether
3-Methyl-2-butanonec 108.9 102.2 is considered a “bioether”, and consequently, it is a good
3-Hexanonec 101.9 93.5 candidate to accomplishing the biofuel target. Industrial-scale
4-Methyl-2-pentanone (methyl isobutyl ketone)c 105.7 105.5 processes aimed at obtaining “bio-olefins” are not still
2,4-Dimethyl-3-pentanonec 99 92.5 implemented, even though recent advances have demonstrated
Cyclopentanonec 101 89.4
the viability of obtaining biomass-derived olefins.84,118 For
Reference 121. bReference 122. cReference 123. instance, isobutene, the immediate precursor for MTBE, ETBE,
TAME, or TAEE, can be obtained from 2-methyl-1-propanol
(isobutanol) which in turn is obtained from the fermentation of
biomass-derived sugars at high yields.85
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Table 20. Effect on RON of Addition of Acetone at Different is produced by the reaction of ethylene oxide and n-butanol with
Dosesa an alkaline catalyst.
2.6. Ketones. Ketones (Table 18) include a carbonyl group
Acetone dose (vol %) RON BRONb
(CO) bonded by its carbon to two other carbons on each side,
0 82.1
that is, R(C O)R′, with R and R′ being either the same
0.25 82.3 162
or different alkyl groups.87
0.50 82.5 162
Ketones have been reported to provide high ON when mixed
0.75 82.7 162
1.00 82.9 162
with commercial gasolines (see Table 19 for individual ON
2.00 83.7 162
values of some ketone compounds and Table 20 for the effect of
3.00 84.6 165 acetone addition to RON of commercial unleaded gasoline).
4.00 85.6 170 In particular, 2-butanone (methyl ethyl ketone) has raised the
5.00 87.0 180 most interest.123−125 It has been found that by adding 10 vol %
6.00 87.6 174 of 2-butanone to conventional E10 gasoline (i.e., a gasoline with
7.00 88.0 166 10 vol % ethanol), RON over 98 is achieved, and increasing the
Base gasoline specifications can be found in Nikulin et al.115 amount of 2-butanone to 20 vol % ensures S > 8, which is
Calculated according to eq 1. considered a favorable threshold for modern SI engines.123 In
terms of engine efficiency compared to standard RON95
Table 21. Effect on MON of Addition of Ketone Compounds gasoline, gains of 20% at full load have been quoted when
at Different Doses126 blending 2-butanone, due to the higher effective compression
Antiknock agent Dose (vol %) MONa ΔMON BMONb
ratio enabled by its high anti-knock resistance.
Another example of the anti-knock capability of ketone
Methyl isobutyl ketone 10 49 8 121
compounds can be appreciated in the ON results listed in Table
25 59 18 113
21, extracted from U.S. Patent 2210942.
Methyl isopropyl ketone 10 48 7 111
Ketones usually present high boiling points, high acidity, low
Methyl tert-butyl ketone 25 59 18 113
a material compatibility with other gasoline components, and high
Base fuel is a Pennsylvania straight-run gasoline with MON = 41.
b toxicity.27 Also, ketones tend to be unstable, which makes them
Calculated according to eq 1.
unsuitable fuels.7
On the other hand, as is well known, MTBE was either limited 2-Butanone has a low boiling point (79.9 °C) and a gasoline-
or banned in several regions, particularly in U.S. states due to the like enthalpy of vaporization, which entails better performance
risk of contamination of groundwater reservoirs.119,120 at low engine speed and cold conditions compared to ethanol.125
With regard to the mentioned glycol ethers, 2-ethoxyethanol Although most acetone is made by the chemical industry,
can be synthesized by the reaction of ethylene oxide with acetone can be produced utilizing renewable-based synthesis
ethanol. 2-Butoxyethanol is commonly obtained through two routes. A well-established biotechnological route that yields
processes: the catalytic ethoxylation reaction of butanol and coproduction of acetone, ethanol, and 1-butanol is the ABE
ethylene oxide or the etherification of butanol with 2- fermentation process. This technology is being revived by
chloroethanol. On the other hand, 2-(2-butoxyethoxy)-ethanol genetic engineering methods to ferment sugars to biobutanol.127

Table 22. General Properties of Some Alkyl Levulinates67−69

Predicted value.69 bEstimated using the Garvin formula.70 cAccording to the Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labeling of
Chemicals (GHS).

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Table 23. Comparison of Anti-Knock Effect of Some Alkyl Levulinates136

ES 1 96.6 85.0 − −
ES 2 97.3 85.0 − −
ES 3 97.2 86.4 − −
ES 4 97.0 85.3 − −
ESP 99.3 88.0 − −
N 91.3 83.0 − −
1 ES 3 + 10 vol % ML 98.8 87.8 113 100
2 ES 1 + 10 vol % EL 97.9 87.0 110 105
3 ES 2 + 10 vol % PL 98.4 86.9 108 99
4 ES 4 + 10 vol % iPL 98.3 86.8 110 100
5 ES 4 + 10 vol % iBL 98.0 86.6 107 98
6 ES 4 + 10 vol % sBL 98.0 86.5 107 98
7 N + 10 vol % ML 92.9 84.6 107 99
8 ES 2 + 10 vol % ML/MF 1:1 98.3 86.4 107 99
9 ES 2 + 10 vol % ML/MF 2:1 98.3 86.5 107 100
10 ESP + 10 vol % ML 100.2 89.0 108 98
11 ES 2 + 10 vol % EF 98.3 86.3 107 98
12 ES 1 + 10 vol % MTBE 98.4 86.4 115 96
13 ES 1 + 10 vol % MF 97.6 86.1 107 96

Table 24. Effect of Amount of ML Added to Unleaded Fuel RON of 116 has been reported for ethyl acetate125 or butyrates
(Example 14)136 as suitable to be blended in aviation kerosene.133
However, it seems clear that, among esters, alkyl levulinates,
which traditionally have been used in fragrances and food
0 97.1 85.5 flavors, are the group of interest. For instance, they have been
5 97.7 85.8 110.0 92.0 proposed as additives to conventional diesel,90,134−139 gasoline
10 98.2 86.3 109.0 98.0 fuels, 134−136,140 oil-based fuels, 141 and even biodie-
20 99.2 88.7 108.0 101.0 sels.134,135,142−144
30 101.2 110.6 Among possible candidates, long alkyl chain levulinates (4−
40 102.5 93.1 110.6 105.6 10 carbons) are currently in the spotlight due to greater
60 105.6 100.7 111.2 111.2 solubility in the hydrocarbonated fraction concomitant to lower
80 113.0 117.0
water solubility. However, a compromise between the above
90 109.0 111.6
properties and other requirements, like density, viscosity, and
boiling, flash, and cloud points of the final mixture, has to be
2-Butanone can be obtained by fermentation of glucose with
found (Table 22). For that, ethyl to butyl levulinates seem to be
either Escherichia coli or Saccharomyces cerevisiae to obtain, first,
2,3-butanediol and then 2-butanone,128,129 but low yields have the main studied esters, and the addition ratio (alkyl levulinate/
been reported so far. Industrially, 2-butanone is obtained mainly fuel) falls in the range of 0.5−20 vol %.145
by catalytic dehydrogenation of 2-butanol (some process Several examples were reported by Jungbluth et al. testing
licensors are ABB Lummus Global-Petroquisa, IFP, and Tessag quantities of levulinate esters in four Eurosuper gasolines (ES),
Edeleanu), which in turn can be obtained from biomass through one Eurosuper plus gasoline (ESP), and one normal gasoline
Fischer−Tropsch or by fermentation.130 2-Butanone can also be (N), with improved octane numbers (both RON and MON).136
obtained through direct oxidation of n-butene, as a byproduct in Examples 1−13 of that work are listed in Table 23. Resulting
the manufacture of acetic acid from butane, or in a process BRON and BMON values for the addition of 10 vol %
developed by Shell that yields controllable amounts of phenol, 2- levulinates to the tested base gasolines are shown in that table. In
butanone, and acetone by co-oxidation of cumene and sec- the case of examples 8 and 9, a 10 vol % of mixtures of methyl
butylbenzene.131 levulinate and methyl formate (MF) are employed in 1:1 and 2:1
Dunn et al. proposed the synthesis of 2-butanone by using as ratios, respectively. In example 14 (Table 24), a range of
feedstock a synthesis gas obtained from biomass gasification.8 proportions from 5 to 90 vol % of methyl levulinate in unleaded
After conditioning, the synthesis gas is fermented to obtain 2,3- ESP gasoline was used. Similar increments of blending octane
butanediol and small amounts of ethanol. Then, 2,3-butanediol numbers have been reported by other researchers, such as refs
is catalytically dehydrated to 2-butanone. 90, 134, and 146.
2.7. Esters. Organic esters are compounds with the general It has been stated that gasoline blends containing up to 5%
formula RCOOR′, where R and R′ are the same or different ethyl levulinate, 1% water, and 2% nonionic surfactant have
aliphatic, aromatic, or heterocyclic groups. similar Reid vapor pressures to those of the used base gasolines,
Esters have attracted some attention lately regarding their and little or no effect has been observed on the blended gasoline
potential use as fuel anti-knock components. In particular, small flash point.137
esters are considered interesting candidates among the biofuels It has been shown that gasoline compositions containing ethyl
pool.125 In this regard, some references can be found targeting levulinate together with particular nitrogen-containing deter-
acetates as possible anti-knock promoters. For example, tert- gents can give surprisingly enhanced engine cleanliness
butyl acetate is mentioned in U.S. Patent 4191536,132 and a performance and that gasoline compositions containing ethyl
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Table 25. General Properties of Some Alkyl Furans67−69

According to the Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labeling of Chemicals (GHS).

levulinate are surprisingly more compatible with certain The octane numbers of blends of 2-MF and DMF with a
elastomeric seal materials than gasoline compositions contain- reference fuel containing n-heptane, isooctane, and toluene in
ing similar concentrations of methyl levulinate.147 various concentrations show a maximum blending RON at an
There are several synthesis routes to obtain levulinic esters. additive concentration of 10 vol %, representing a 13% increase
Probably, the two most interesting ways are (1) reaction of relative to basic fuel. At the same conditions, a mixture of fuel
levulinic acid with an alcohol, which constitutes a very clean with 10 vol % MTBE gives an increase of only 6.9%. The
reaction with high yields (see the work by Tejero et al. as an sensitivity (S = RON − MON) of the fuel increases to a small
example148) and (2) reaction between furfuryl alcohol and an degree when 2-MF is added.152
alcohol. In both cases, all reactants can be obtained from Recently, 2-MF has been confirmed as an excellent octane
biomass. booster.153 A blend of fuel representative of refinery naphtha
2.8. Furans. Furan is a compound with a 5-membered with 2-MF (80/20 v/v) exhibited longer ignition delay times
heterocyclic and unsaturated ring that contains oxygen. The compared to blends with the same percentage of ethanol or
term “furans” often refers to all chemicals containing the furan
Table 26. Reported Effect on RON of Furans Addition to
ring (or the tetrahydrofuran ring).149 General characteristics of
Base Gasoline150
alkyl furans are listed in Table 25.
According to published data on physicochemical and RON
operational properties, 2-methylfuran (2-MF), 2,5-dimethylfur- Low-octane base gasoline High-octane base gasoline
an (DMF), and furfurylamine (FAM) are the most promising Additive (RONBG = 60−80) (RONBG = 90−97)
compounds within this family in enhancing the knock resistance Furfural 131
of gasoline.150,151 FA 115−150
The introductions of 2-MF (RON = 102) and DMF have 2-MF 170−180 130−140
become particularly important due to the ban of the use of n- DMF 170−180 119−140
methylaniline. Both products have excellent anti-knock FAM 194 126
characteristics and will probably over time be able to compete
with MTBE, ETBE, and TAME (Table 26). In this regard, two toluene as an octane booster. 2-MF shows a blending octane
studies related to fuel and engine co-optimization have been number (BON) closer to 208, as opposed to 146 for ethanol. In
released recently, which include the participation of nine contrast to ethanol, the BON of 2-MF continues to increase with
departments of the U.S. Department of Energy National increasing the blend ratio, a testament to the better utilization of
Laboratories, 13 universities, an external advisory board, and the fuel as a blending agent.
industry partners by the name of Co-Optima Project.9 The first It has been found that the addition of 2-MF and DMF
study “Fuel Blendstocks with the Potential to Optimize Future deteriorates gasoline oxidation stability and increases gum
Gasoline Engine Performance: Identification of Five Chemical content.154 This fact may impose serious restrictions on their
Families for Detailed Evaluation” identified eight high-octane use. The induction period of gasoline as a parameter of its
blendstocks from five families. One of the bio-blendstocks, oxidative stability can be used for the assessment of the ability of
belonging to the family of furans, is a 40:60 mixture (by weight) gasoline components to form gum upon storage. The minimum
of 2-MF and DMF. permissible time of the induction period for gasoline is 360 min.
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The lower the induction period is, the lower the chemical diphenyl carbonate (DPC), and more. Among them, DMC has
stability of gasoline is. Table 27 shows the induction period of been considered as the most important due to its interesting
blends with a 10 vol % of oxygenates. Thus, the presence of physical−chemical properties and a wide range of applications.
furans increases the potential gum formation and, therefore, DEC is considered a promising replacement from ethyl tert-
decreases chemical stability. Gum levels for 10 vol % blends were butyl ether (ETBE) as an attractive oxygen-containing fuel
10−100 times higher than seen on specification conventional additive due to its high oxygen content (40.6%). General
gasolines.155 Peroxides were observed to be present in gums properties of DMC and DEC are provided in Table 28.
formed under ambient conditions. It is undetermined whether Carbonates are one of the chemical additives considered as
these pose a shock hazard. Antioxidant additives can be effective oxygenates for fuel reformulation. There are indications that it
at limiting the oxidation reaction in gasoline but require much might be possible to produce a completely smoke-free operation
higher concentrations in the presence of 2-MF and DMF than of a diesel engine by the incorporation of 38 wt % oxygen into
are commonly used in commercial gasolines. the fuel.158 It has been demonstrated that the use of oxygenated
On the other hand, 2-MF and DMF do not enhance the compounds as fuel additives attributes considerably less soot
corrosion activity of the fuel toward metals, although they than hydrocarbons.159 Results from studies by Amoco
somewhat increase the extent of the effect of the fuel on the researchers are shown in Table 29 which indicates DMC having
mechanical rubber goods. Anyway, the above effects do not Clean Air Act properties.160
suggest the appearance of major restrictions on the use of these The use of dimethyl carbonate, and more generally alkyl
fuel additives. However, for the unambiguous conclusion about carbonates, as fuel additives was put forward in numerous
the possibility of using gasolines with the 2-MF and DMF patents,160 the first occurrence being in a patent by Standard Oil
additives, their effect on gum formation (chemical stability) and Development Co. in 1943 which reported that adding 3 wt % of
polymer materials should be studied in more detail. Another diethyl carbonate and butyl carbonate to gasolines allowed both
factor restricting the growth of the global 2-MF market is its high Table 28. General Properties of Dimethyl and Diethyl
flammability and lower flash point, which complicate its Carbonate67−69
The widest method used to produce DMF from lignocellulose
biomass involved pretreatment and subsequent decomposition
Table 27. Induction Period of Blends with a 10 vol % of
Fuel Induction period (min)
Base gasoline >1500
+ MTBE >1500
+ MF 335
+ DMF 108

of the biomass with the formation of glucose and fructose, which

are then dehydrated to produce 5-hydroxymethylfurfural.152
The intermediate product is then hydrogenated selectively to
DMF. Many methods of reducing 5-hydroxymethylfurfural with
the use of various catalysts have now been developed
2-Methylfuran is also produced from lignocellulosic feed-
stock, but unlike DMF, the starting material is xylose, which is
present in lignocellulose in the form of the polysaccharide xylan.
After decomposition of the feedstock, the xylose undergoes
catalytic dehydration with the formation of furfural, which is
then hydrogenated selectively to MF.154 Both processes have
been well studied, and catalysts and conditions that secure yields Estimated using the Garvin formula.70 bAccording to the Globally
of about 96% were selected. Harmonized System of Classification and Labeling of Chemicals
The bioethanol production from lignocellulose raw material is (GHS).
obtained after fermentation of C6 monosaccharides. C5
traditional fermentation does not give good results for Table 29. List of Blending Properties of Alkyl Carbonates
bioethanol production, and its transformation in furfural by Measured at Amoco Research Center160
hydrolysis and dehydration could be a way to obtain a large
Parameter DMC DEC
tonnage of this building block.
2.9. Carbonates. Organic carbonates are known for their ULR gasoline
simple structure, high polarity, low viscosity, low toxicity, and RON 111 114
easy degradability.156 These remarkable properties make them MON 95 98
an important group of chemicals as a potential substitute for RVP 8.0 1.0
toxics that are flammable and harmful for the ecosystem.157 On ULP gasoline
the basis of commercial value and their properties, organic RON 109 111
carbonates are broadly distinguished as dimethyl carbonates MON 102 101
(DMC), diethyl carbonate (DEC), cyclic carbonates (CC), RVP 5.4 −3.6

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injection and vaporization of gasolines to be improved by Table 31. RON, MON, and Calculated Blending Values for
reducing their surface tension.161 Although butyl carbonate was Addition of Several Carbonates to Mixtures of Isooctane and
preferred, dimethyl carbonate was also mentioned. n-Heptane (80:20 vol)163
European Patent EP0082688A2 reported on high-octane
fuels mixtures consisting of 90:10 (volume) gasoline:dimethyl Additive (vol %) RON MON BRONa BMONa
carbonate or diethyl carbonate. The 90:10 aromatic gasoline− Dimethyl carbonate 0 80.0 80.0
dimethyl carbonate had RON of 95.2, compared to 93.7 for the 3 81.5 80.6 130 100
gasoline alone.162 In another European patent (EP0098691A2), 5 82.6 81.0 132 100
specific data on RON for different blends of carbonates with
gasoline can be found (Tables 30−32).163 As can be seen in the Diethyl carbonate 3 81.0 80.7 113 103
tables, DMC provides a much higher RON improvement than 5 81.4 81.1 108 102
other dialkyl carbonates, both in leaded and unleaded gasolines.
Fang et al., who studied the effect that oxygen-containing Di-n-propyl carbonate 3 80.8 80.3 107 90
compounds could have on the anti-knock ability in the gasolines 5 81.7 81.1 114 102
they were blended in, observed a clear synergistic effect with
blends of dimethyl carbonate and cresol (a phenolic compound, Di-n-butyl carbonate 3 80.1 80.0 83 80
see Section 3.10).164 An increase in RON of 2.9 units could be 5 80.2 80.1 84 82
achieved by the addition of 3 vol % of the combined additive. Calculated according to eq 1.
Several other research studies and patents can be found
reporting that significant gains in gasoline anti-knock ability can Table 32. RON, MON, and Calculated Blending Values for
be achieved by the addition of carbonates.165−167 For instance, Addition of Several Carbonates to Leaded Premium-Grade
ΔRON values of 3−6 were achieved by the addition of 4.7 wt % Gasolines163
dimethyl carbonate to gasoline.166 Dose
It has been claimed that dimethyl carbonate helps mitigating Additive (vol %) RON MON BRONa BMONa
CO, SOX, and NOX emissions.164,168 Its low vapor pressure also Dimethyl carbonate 0 97.0 87.7
helps in reducing evaporative emissions. The low freezing point 3 97.9 88.3 127 108
of DMC (<1 °C) is also counted among its characteristics of 5 98.3 88.8 123 110
interest regarding its potential use as a gasoline additive or
component. Diethyl carbonate 0 98.5 88.1
3 98.9 88.3 112 95
Table 30. RON and BRON for Addition of Dimethyl 5 99.2 88.5 113 96
Carbonate to Pure Isooctane163
Di-n-propyl carbonate 0 97.4 88.6
Additive Dose (vol %) RON BRON
3 97.8 89.0 111 102
Dimethyl carbonate 0 100
5 98.3 89.1 115 99
3 100.9 130
5 101.6 132
Di-n-butyl carbonate 0 97.7 88.1
3 97.7 88.1 98 88
The distribution of DMC in gasoline/water two-phase 5 97.7 88.2 98 90
systems is another interesting physical characteristic. The values a
Calculated according to eq 1.
of DMC distribution calculated by Amoco Research Center are
highly positive compared to C1−C3 light alcohols (Table 33).
Carbonates toxicological effects and associated health and Table 33. Comparative Results of Distribution Coefficient
environmental hazards are remarkably low. On the other hand, Properties in Gasoline/Water Two-Phase Systema
carbonates emit acrid smoke and fumes when heated to Oxygenate Distribution coefficient
decomposition.169 ETBE >20
Dimethyl carbonate (DMC) was historically formed by the TAME >20
reaction of methanol with phosgene or methyl chloroformate in DEC ≈ 20
the presence of a concentrated sodium hydroxide solution in a MTBE 18
two-phase reaction in high yield and purity (eqs 6 and 7 and DMC 2.0
overall eq 8). Other alcohols can also be phosgenated. IPA 0.24
COCl 2 + CH3OH → CH3OCOCl + HCl (6) Ethanol 0.18
Methanol <0.01
CH3OCOCl + CH3OH → CH3OCO2 CH3 + HCl (7) a
Basis: unleaded premium gasoline with 2 wt % oxygen.
COCl 2 + 2CH3OH → CH3OCO2 CH3 + 2HCl (8)
route uses the Enichem process, where carbon monoxide,
This process is nowadays undesirable because of phosgene methanol, and oxygen react to form dimethyl carbonate at a
toxicity and has been largely replaced by other synthesis routes. temperature ranging from 120 to 140 °C and under a total
Therefore, DMC is now produced industrially by trans- pressure of 20−40 bar.170
esterification of ethylene carbonate or propylene carbonate On the basis of its large experience in the dimethyl oxalate
with methanol, which also affords, respectively, ethylene glycol (DMO) synthesis from nitrogen monoxide, a similar process
or propylene glycol. A second large-scale commercial synthesis was developed by the UBE society for synthesizing dimethyl
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Table 34. Main Physicochemical Properties of Some Aromatic Amines67−69

Estimated using the Garvin formula.70 bAccording to the Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labeling of Chemicals (GHS).

carbonate in the gas phase through a catalytic redox process. The the same time, it presents the lowest gum formation, which is
process is practiced commercially by Ube Industries in Japan one of the aromatic amines main drawbacks.50
using a palladium-supported catalyst.171 Furthermore, data are provided in U.S. Patent 2012/
Like DMC, since the conventional synthesis method of DEC 0279112A1 regarding the anti-knock effect of several anilines,
involves the use of extremely poisonous phosgene, considerable particularly of 2,4-dimethylaniline (2,4-xylidine), in different
effort has been devoted to the development of alternative unleaded base gasolines, as listed in Table 36.184
technologies such as transesterification of methanol,172 In addition to a blending of a single aromatic amine, several
oxidative carbonylation of ethanol,173 carbonylation of ethyl synergistic or antagonistic effects on the anti-knock effect have
nitrite,174 reaction of ethanol with urea,175 and decarbonylation been reported when a combination of an aromatic amine and
of diethyl oxalate.176 Nevertheless, the practical application of other octane-enhancing additives are blended with a given
these nonphosgene routes is still restricted due to several gasoline. For instance, Table 37 shows several RON values
disadvantages, such as the toxicity of carbon monoxide and ethyl obtained for a gasoline after adding different compositions of
nitrite, deactivation of the catalysts, and low product yields. both n-methylaniline and methylcyclopentadienyl manganese
DEC is considered an important homologue in the family of tricarbonyl (MMT), which are superior to RONs obtained after
dialkylcarbonates possessing eco-friendly features such as blending the same concentrations of each additive separately.182
biodegradability to ethanol and carbon dioxide. Moreover, the Contrarily, the combination of n-methylaniline (or aromatic
fact that it can be prepared from bioethanol gives a “bioderived” amines, by extension) with other additives can give rise to
label to DEC and all the processes in which it is applied. certain antagonistic effects, as reflected in Table 38. Other
antagonistic effects have been reported in RU 2235117, RU
3. ASH-LESS OCTANE ENHANCER ADDITIVES (<2 VOL 2117691, FR 1255840, and RU 2129141.185−188
%) On the other hand, with higher aromatic amines doses (that is,
up to 7 vol %), higher RON values can be achieved, as listed in
3.1. Anilines. Aniline (C6H5NH2) is the prototypical Table 39.190
aromatic amine; it presents a phenyl group attached to an Burns reported on liquid hydrocarbon fuel compositions
amino group. In comparison to alkylamines, aromatic amines are containing anti-knock quantities of ash-less anti-knock agents
much weaker bases due to the more electronegative carbon comprising selected n-allylic aromatic amines and acetylenic
atoms in the phenyl group. In general, aromatic amines have low amine compounds intended for use in internal combustion
solubility in water (general properties of some aromatic amines engines.191,192 Specific anti-knock agents included were n-
are provided in Table 34). methallylaniline, n-allyl-o-toluidine, and n-crotyl-p-toluidine
Several aromatic amines have been identified as potential because these compounds have suitable solubility and volatility
octane boosters because of the high octane numbers resulting characteristics to permit their application as additives for
from their blending with gasoline (see examples in Table 35). hydrocarbon fuels. In general, those compounds were employed
The anti-knock ability of aromatic amines is explained by their from 0.5 to 10 wt % of the total fuel composition. The base fuel
tendency to form stable molecules during combustion that are used was an unleaded Kansas premium pipeline gasoline (FT-
unable to react to regenerate active radicals again, which, as a 175) with a MON of 83.9 and RON of 91.5 (ASTM D2599-47).
consequence, reduces the overall combustion rate.177,178 Within Table 40 presents the increase in RON over the untreated fuel
aromatic amines, n-methylaniline has drawn the most attention produced by the addition of the n-allylic aromatic amine
because it is responsible for an important octane boost, and at compounds.
10967 https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.energyfuels.1c00912
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Table 35. Effect of Different Doses of Selected Aromatic Amines on Several Base Gasolines179−183
Additive Base gasoline Dose RON (ΔRONa) BRONb (ΔMONa) Source
Aniline RON 85.6 1 vol % 88.5 376 5
2 vol % 91 356 5

2,4-Dimethyl-aniline RON 85.6 1 vol % 89.5 476 5

2 vol % 92.7 441 5
3 vol % 93.4 346 5

n-Methylaniline RON 85.6 1 vol % 90 526 5

2 vol % 95.3 571 5
3 vol % 96 432 5

unspecified 5000 mg/L (−0.8) (0.4) 6

RON 90 0.5 vol % 91.8 450 7

1.0 vol % 91.9 280 7
1.5 vol % 93 290 7
2.0 vol % 94.7 325 7
2.5 vol % 96.8 362 7

RON 91.6 (MON 80.8) 0.5 wt % 92.5 272 8

1.0 wt % 93.5 282 8
1.5 wt % 94.4 278 8
2.0 wt % 95.2 272 8
2.5 wt % 95.8 260 8

RON 93.8 (MON 84.7) 1.3 wt % 96.8 325 9

2.0 wt % 97.2 264 9
3.0 wt % 98.4 247 9

RON 95.6 (MON 86.0) 1.3 wt % 98 280 9

2.0 wt % 99.2 276 9
3.0 wt % 100 242 9

n-Methyl-o-toluidine unspecified 5000 mg/L (0.3) (0.4) 6

n-Methyl-p-toluidine unspecified 5000 mg/L (1.2) (0.8) 6

n-Methyl-p-methoxyaniline (p-anisidine) unspecified 5000 mg/L (1.8) (0.2) 6

2,4,6-Trimethyl-n-methylaniline unspecified 5000 mg/L (0) (−0.8) 6

2-Methylindoline unspecified 5000 mg/L (−0.2) (−1.4) 6

Ethanox 4720 (n,n′-disec-butyl-p-phenylenediamine) unspecified 5000 mg/L (−0.4) (−2.1) 6

Calculated according to eq 1.

Further data on the influence of the atoms or radicals attached were the nitrogen-substituted para-phenylenediamines, 4-sec-
to nitrogen on its effect upon detonating combustion values of a butyl-o-phenylenediamine, and n-nitroso-diphenylamine (anti-
number of derivatives of aniline were also studied. Replacing one knock effectiveness as much as 2.3 times that of NMA). The
of the hydrogen atoms of the amine group by an organic radical most effective of the monoamines tested were the n-methyl-p-
increases the effectiveness in the cases of the methyl, ethyl, and alkylanilines, n-methylaniline, p-ethylaniline, p-butylaniline, and
phenyl radicals. Thus, methylaniline is 40 mol % more effective xylidines. All tests were based on the CFR knock-test engine
than aniline, and diphenylamine is 10 mol % more effective than (ASTM D908-51 for RON and ASTM D357-49 for MON).
methylaniline. However, when an alkyl radical larger than ethyl While no detailed amine oxidation mechanism could be found
is substituted in the amine group, the anti-knock effect is in the literature, some clues are provided by Cullis et al., who
lowered. Brown et al. correlated the change in anti-knock linked amine anti-knock performance to the formation of stable
effectiveness in automotive fuels with aromatic amines intermediates.193 N−H bonds are relatively weak and therefore
structure.178 Taking a synthetic fuel mixture containing 6 wt % readily facilitate H atom abstraction. This process competes with
n-methylaniline (NMA) for comparison purposes (RON, 94; H atom abstraction from fuel compounds by consuming active
MON, 86), they found that the most effective compounds tested radicals. The aromatic amine radicals yielded as a result of the
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Table 36. RON and MON Values for the Addition of Anilines to Different Base Gasolines.184
Additive Base gasoline Dose (wt %) RON/MON BRONa/ BMONa
2,4-Dimethyl-aniline RON 98.8 (MON 88.7) 0.5 99.6/89.1 259/169
1.0 100.9/89.8 309/199
1.5 101.6/90.2 285/189

RON 91.0 0.26 91.9 437

0.8 93.7 429
1.3 95.5 437

RON 93.5 0.2 94.4 544

0.9 96.0 371

RON 69.4 1.0 73.2 449

3.0 79.9 419
6.0 88.0 379

RON 80.0 1.0 82.8 360

3.0 87.6 333
7.0 97.3 327

RON 63.0 1.0 65.6 323

3.0 69.4 276
5.0 73.8 279
7.0 78.0 277

n-Methyl-2,4-dimethyl-aniline RON 98.8 (MON 88.7) 0.5 99.3/88.95 199/139

2,3-Dimethyl-aniline RON 98.8 (MON 88.7) 0.5 99.2/88.9 179/129

2,5-Dimethyl-aniline RON 98.8 (MON 88.7) 0.5 99.12/88.85 163/119

o-Toluidine RON 98.8 (MON 88.7) 0.5 98.95/88.78 129/105

Calculated according to eq 1.

Table 37. Synergistic Effect of Blending n-Methylaniline and amines. Relative to aniline, small differences are observed in
MMT182 terms of octane enhancement when hydrogen atoms of the
Base gasoline Additive composition RON BRONa
aromatic ring are substituted by methyl or ethyl groups, but if
they are substituted by longer aliphatic chains, the octane
RON 91.6 1 wt % n-methylaniline, 3 mg/kg Mn 93.9 322
enhancement worsens. Primary (e.g., aniline) and secondary
MON 80.8 1 wt % n-methylaniline, 6 mg/kg Mn 94.5 382
(e.g., diphenylamine) amines lead to much better anti-knock
1 wt % n-methylaniline, 9 mg/kg Mn 94.9 422 performance than tertiary amines (e.g., n,n-dimethylaniline).32
1 wt % n-methylaniline, 12 mg/kg Mn 95.0 432 Similar conclusions can be drawn from the observation of the
1 wt % n-methylaniline, 15 mg/kg Mn 94.8 412 values in Table 42, where the relative anti-knock effect of several
1 wt % n-methylaniline, 21 mg/kg Mn 95.1 442 nitrogen-containing compounds is listed, using as a standard the
2 wt % n-methylaniline, 6 mg/kg Mn 95.5 287 effect of 3 vol % aniline in kerosene as the fuel.194
2 wt % n-methylaniline, 9 mg/kg Mn 96.0 312 The use of n-methylaniline, which is tagged as a nontraditional
2 wt % n-methylaniline, 12 mg/kg Mn 96.5 337 gasoline additive (NTGA), has been documented to form gum,
2 wt % n-methylaniline, 18 mg/kg Mn 97.0 362 drastically shorten the induction period, and sharply increase
2 wt % n-methylaniline, 24 mg/kg Mn 96.8 352 seal swell. Large levels of gum, caused by n-methylaniline
2 wt % n-methylaniline, 30 mg/kg Mn 97.0 362 oxidation, are responsible for higher carbon deposits in engine
2 wt % n-methylaniline, 42 mg/kg Mn 97.1 367 parts (e.g., pistons, fuel intake manifolds, and/or combustion
Calculated according to eq 1. chambers). Shorter induction times can cause gasoline stability
to decline. Swelling of seal rings may cause oils to leak from
aforementioned H atom abstraction are resonance stable and engine pipes.32,50,196
thus tend to slow the overall reaction rate. On the other hand, a study has been found that compares
In this regard, a list is provided in Table 41 containing different aniline−gasoline blends.197 Such a study concludes
blending RON and MON values for several aromatic amines. that blends with up to 20% aniline can perform well in outdated
Also, from Brown et al.,178 a qualitative overview of the anti- car engines without further modifications. According to Usmani
knock ability of amine derivatives allows one to observe a general et al., lower temperature in the exhaust gases is achieved by
trend in relation to the anti-knock effect of several aromatic aniline-blended fuels.197
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Table 38. Antagonistic Effects in Enhancing ON for Combination of n-Methylaniline, Fe, Mn, and K
Base gasoline Additive composition ΔSRON ΔSMON Source
RON 95.0 (MON 83.9) 12 g/L Fe, 4.5 ppm K −0.7 −1.6 189
12 g/L Fe, 0.3 vol % n-methylaniline −0.3 1.0
12 g/L Fe, 4,5 ppm K, 0.3 vol % n-methylaniline −0.2 −0.8
12−18 g/L Mn, 0−4.5 ppm K, 0−0.3 vol % n-methylaniline Unquantified antagonistic

Table 39. RON and MON of Different Fuel Compositions190

Component Fuel composition (vol %)
Isooctane 45.5 45.5 45.5 40.5 − −
Toluene 23 23 23 15 15 34
m-Xylene 21 21 21 14 14 15
Isopentane 3.5 3.5 3.5 9.5 −
Aniline 7 − − − 7 7
m-Toluidine − 7 − − − −
n-Methylaniline − − 7 7 − −
ETBE − − − 14 14 −
Alkylate − − − − 50a 44b
RON 116.33 116.0 115.0 117.67 118.0 114.0
MON 105.33 116.0 96.93 104.67 101.9 105.0
Alkylate composition: >30 vol % naphtenes, <70 vol % isoparaffins, <1 vol % normal paraffins, < 1 vol % aromatics. bAlkylate composition: <3 vol
% naphtenes, >90 vol % isoparaffins, <4 vol % normal paraffins, 0 vol % aromatics.

Table 40. Octane Enhancement Posed by N-Allylic Aromatic nitro group to an amino group. To reduce the nitro group,
Amines Blended in FT-175 Gasoline191 multiple methods exist; the most frequent one involves catalytic
hydrogenation with iron, zinc, tin, or a metal salt like SnCl2.87
Compound Concentration (wt %) RON increase
N-Methylaniline was used as an octane enhancer for a short
N-Methallylaniline 2.0 1.7 period after World War II in Germany.32 Aromatic amines have
N-Allyl-o-toluidine 2.0 1.2 been popular in countries lacking refining units producing high-
N-Crotyl-p-toluidine 2.2 1.3 octane gasoline (e.g., Russia, Kazakhstan, African countries, and
more), but Russia (and China) has already banned their use after
Table 41. Blending RON and MON Values for Several the implementation of the Euro V standard. On the other hand,
Aromatic Amines several events of vehicle fires, mainly motorbikes, in Vietnam,
Aromatic amine BRON BMON owing to the poor quality of gasoline have ended in a prohibition
Anilinea 310 290
of n-methylaniline.27
n-Methylanilinea 280 250
Since n-methylaniline is not an oxygenate, it is not mentioned
2,4-Xylidineb 297 187
in World Wide Fuel Charter, and therefore, its use is permitted
Diphenylaminea 310 300
in several jurisdictions (e.g., U.S., EU). However, due to its
o-Toluidineb 247 197
associated gum formation, when n-methylaniline is allowed, it
p-Toluidinea 340 305
needs to be mixed with detergents and fuel combustion
p-Ethylanilinea 320 300
modifiers to, allegedly, reduce such formation of gum.127
p-tert-Butylanilinea 280 250
3.2. Hydrazines. The term “hydrazines” refers to a group of
3,4-Xylidinea 370 320
compounds that contain two nitrogen atoms joined by a single
3,5-Xylidinea 340 210
covalent bond. Included in this group are, among others,
p-tert-Butylanilinea 300 206
hydrazine, 1,1-dimethylhydrazine (known as unsymmetrical
Indolinea 300 150
dimethylhydrazine, UDMH), monomethylhydrazine (MMH),
n,n-Dimethylanilinea 95 84 1,2-dimethylhydrazine (or symmetrical dimethylhydrazine,
a SDMH), and 1,2-diphenylhydrazine (DPH) (see Table 43 for
2.0 wt % addition to premium base gasoline.32 b1.0 wt % addition to
base fuel with RON 96.6 and MON 87.195
general characteristics of hydrazines). The simplest compound,
hydrazine, a simple pnictogen hydride, is an inorganic
compound with the chemical formula H2N−NH2. It is a
Aromatic amines show toxicity and a bad smell.27 From an colorless flammable liquid with an ammonia-like odor.
environmental point of view, it should be highlighted that all Hydrazine has been reported to present a RON value of
nitrogen-containing compounds increase nitrogen oxide 110.198 This said, concerning the use of hydrazines in gasoline
emissions in the exhaust gases, due to nitrogen partial oxidation formulation, scarce literature has been found on their effect on
in the combustion.32 Nevertheless, toxicity varies significantly the anti-knock quality of the fuel. However, some patents have
depending on functional groups and structure. Some examples been found that either directly or indirectly deal with this topic.
of different levels of toxicity are detailed in Table S1 of the For instance, U.S. Patent 1883593 mentions hydrazine as an
Supporting Information. additive to improve ON in gasolines, but no further details are
The most widely used method for preparing aromatic amines provided on the subject.199 Contrarily, U.S. Patent 2969278
involves nitration of the ring and subsequent reduction of the indicates that “the presence of minor amounts of unsubstituted
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Table 42. Relative Anti-Knock Effect of Nitrogen-Containing Compounds Compared to That of 3 vol % Aniline in Kerosene194
Compound Formula Amount for given effect (g) Relative effectiveness (mol %)
Aniline C6H5NH2 1.00 1.00
Cumidine (CH3)3C6H2NH2 0.96 1.51
Diphenylamine (C6H5)2NH 1.21 1.50
m-Xylidine (CH3)2C6H3NH2 0.92 1.40
Monomethylaniline C6H5NHCH3 0.83 1.40
Toluidine CH3C6H4NH2 0.94a 1.22a
Amylaminobenzene C5H11C6H4NH2 1.53 1.15
Ethylaminobenzene C2H5C6H4NH2 1.14 1.14
Aminodiphenyl C6H5C6H4NH2 1.60 1.14
Methyl-o-toluidine CH3C6H4NHCH3 1.15 1.13
n-Butylaminobenzene C4H9C6H4NH2 1.44 1.11
n-Propylaminobenzene C3H7C6H4NH2 1.32 1.10
Monoethylaniline C6H5NHC2H5 1.27 1.02
Mono-n-propylaniline C6H5NHC3H7 1.95 0.75
Ethyldiphenylaniline C2H5N(C6H5)2 3.65 0.58
Mono-n-butylaniline C5H6NHC4H9 3.10 0.52
Diethylamine (C2H5)2NH 1.59 0.495
Di-n-propylaniline C6H5NH(C3H7)2 7.15 0.27
Monoisoamylaniline C6H5NHC5H11 7.10 0.248
Diethylaniline C6H5N(C2H5)2 6.70 0.24
Dimethylaniline C6H5N(CH3)2 6.20 0.21
Ethylamine C2H5NH2 2.40 0.20
Triethylamine (C2H6)3N 7.95 0.14
Triphenylamine (C5H6)3N 30.0 0.09
Ammonia NH3 −2.00b −0.09b
Isopropyl nitrite C3H7NO2 −0.085b (aprox.) −11.5b (aprox.)
Average of o-, m-, and p- values. bNegative values indicate pro-knock action.

Table 43. General Characteristics of Some Hydrazines67−69

Estimated using the Garvin formula.70 bAccording to the Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labeling of Chemicals (GHS).

hydrazine drastically reduces the octane rating of gasoline by 10 and MON values of different base gasolines when hydrazines are
or more octane units”,200 and in a previous patent by the same used as additives (Table 44).202
author, U.S. Patent 2942957, the following statement can be According to this patent, the use of DPH entails significantly
found: “the use of unsubstituted hydrazine as an additive is larger ON values than UDHM, which worsens gasoline anti-
highly impractical as hydrazine is substantially insoluble in knock performance to unacceptable levels. It should be
hydrocarbons”.201 On the other hand, U.S. Patent 4695292, highlighted, though, that the interest of hydrazines as gasoline
which deals with gasoline-alcohol blends, provides data on RON additives in U.S. Patent 4695292 is not as much focused on their
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Table 44. RON and MON Values for Base Gasolines with Table 46. Influence of Some Groups Attached to an Atom on
Hydrazines According to U.S. Patent 4695292202 the Anti-Knock Effect of Nitrogen211
Base fuel (Rel. Vols.) Hydrazine additive (wt %) RON MON Reciprocal of moles required to give anti-knock
Compound effect equivalent to 1 mol of anilinea
Gasohola + MeOHb (70:30) 1,1-DPH (2) 95.1 81.1
Gasolinec + MeOH (60:40) DPH (1) 97.3 83.7 Ammonia 0.09 (negative effect)
Gasohol + MeOH (70:30) DPH (1) 98.0 83.8 Ethylamine 0.20
Gasoline + MeOH (60:40) DPH (2) 95.4 81.4 Diethylamine 0.495
Gasoline + MeOH (63:37) phenylhydrazine (7) 72.8 66.0 Triethylamine 0.14
Gasoline + MeOH (63:37) UDHM (5) 67.7 58.2 Diethylaniline 0.24
a Ethyldiphenylamine 0.58
Gasohol: 90 vol % unleaded regular gasoline + 10 vol % ethanol
Triphenylamine 0.09
(MON 92). bMeOH: 90 vol % reagent-grade methanol + 2.5 vol % n-
propanol + 2.5 vol % n-butanol. cGasoline: unleaded regular gasoline Diphenylamine 1.5
(MON 89). Phenylamine (aniline) 1.0
On the basis of concentrations of aniline of 3 vol % in kerosene as
effect on the octane quality as it is on the enhanced miscibility,
low-temperature stability, and reduced corrosiveness toward
engine parts when compared to the same gasoline-alcohol regulations have been established for hydrazines by various
blends without such additives. international and national agencies.208
From Table 44, the low ON when phenylhydrazine is used Among other applications, hydrazines are used in military,
seems to be confirmed by an earlier publication, which indicates orbital, and deep space rocket fuels because they are storable
that phenylhydrazine is a knocking promoter rather than an anti- liquids for long periods at reasonable temperatures and
knock additive.203 pressures and because they are excellent propellants. Hydrazines
The main quoted uses of hydrazines in gasoline formulation are also used within both nuclear and conventional electrical
are to help reduce deposit formation,204 as an anti-icing agent,205 power plant steam cycles as oxygen scavengers to control
and as a corrosion inhibitor.206 concentrations of dissolved oxygen in an effort to reduce
Hydrazine and its derivatives are highly toxic and dangerously corrosion.
unstable in an anhydrous form. Hydrazine has a noxious effect 3.3. Amines. In organic chemistry, amines are compounds
on bacteria, algae, and aquatic wildlife. As a consequence, the and functional groups that contain a basic nitrogen atom with a
emission of hydrazine-containing wastewater is not allowed.207 lone pair. Amines are formally derivatives of ammonia, wherein
Since this family of compounds potentially causes severe adverse one or more hydrogen atoms have been replaced by a
effects on human health and the environment, numerous substituent such as an alkyl or aryl group (these may,

Table 45. Main Physicochemical Properties of Some Amines67−69

Estimated using the Garvin formula.70 bAccording to the Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labeling of Chemicals (GHS).

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Table 47. Physical and Chemical Properties of Automotive Fuels Used Along with ASTM D357 Tests Results212
MON (mL TEL/gal) RON (mL TEL/gal)
Fuel Base MIPA percent 0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3 MON (2.9 mL TEL/gal) RON (2.9 mL TEL/gal)
A 100 0 58.8 67.1 71.0 73.8 62.6 70.9 75.6 78.4
A 95 5 63.6 68.0 77.1 82.5
A 90 10 67.8 74.2 80.0 86.4

Table 48. Octane Enhancement Posed by Acetylenic Amine ignition internal combustion engines.212 A fuel of superior anti-
Compounds Blended in FT-175 Gasoline.192 knock rating over a broad range of fuel, air, and compression
ratios consisted essentially of 80%−99% gasoline, 1%−20%
Compound Concentration (wt %) RON increase monoisopropylamine, and from 0 to 7 mL of tetraethyllead
N-Methylpropargylamine 1.0 0.7 (TEL) per gallon of fuel. The physical and chemical properties
N-Benzyl-propargylamine 2.0 0.6 of automotive fuels upon which ASTM D357 tests were run are
N-Phenylpropargylamine 1.8 1.2 presented in Table 47.
Dipropargylamine 1.3 0.3 The addition of 5% MIPA to unleaded gasoline provided a
N,N′-Diethyl-2-butyne-1,4-diamine 1.9 0.5 substantial increase in both MON and RON. An additional
improvement was obtained upon the addition of 10% MIPA to
Table 49. Gasoline Final RON and MON with Addition of 2.0 the unleaded gasoline. Considerable higher MON and RON
wt % of Polyaryl Amine214 ratings were obtained upon the addition of 2.9 mL per gallon to
the fuels containing the MIPA than were obtained with the base
Experimental base Experimental base fuel plus 2.0 wt %
Sample fuel RON polyaryl amine RON fuel containing 3 mL TEL per gallon.
1 81.5/72.7 84.0/75.4 U.S. Patent 3197292 reported that amine salts of selenious
2 81.8/73.1 83.0/75.0 acid, having the formula H2SeO3·(RNR′R′′)x, improve the
3 81.5/73.3 82.7/75.5 octane rating of motor fuels.213 R is a C3−12 hydrocarbyl radical.
4 81.5/73.5 83.0/75.3 R′ and R′′ are either a C3−12 hydrocarbyl radical, an alkoxy
d5 81.5/73.3 83.3/75.3 hydrocarbyl radical, or a C3−12 amino hydrocarbyl radical, and x
Average 81.6/73.2 83.2/75.3 is 1−2. The additives were prepared by mixing 1 mol H2SeO3
with 1 mol hydrocarbylamine, e.g., tert-BuNH2, or Primene 81-
respectively, be called alkylamines and arylamines).209 In R, a mixture of tertiary C11−C14 primary aliphatic amines. The
general, aromatic amines have low solubility in water. General addition of 0.33 vol % of such an additive to regular-grade
properties of some amines are provided in Table 45. Important gasoline and premium-grade gasoline increased their corre-
amines include amino acids, biogenic amines, trimethylamine, sponding RON by 2.1 and 2.4, respectively.
and aniline. Inorganic derivatives of ammonia are also called In the case of acetylenic amine compounds, n-methylpro-
amines, such as chloramine (NClH2).210 pargylamine, n-benzyl-propargylamine, n-phenylpropargyl-
Anilines are a specific type of amine, but due to their relevant amine, dipropargylamine, and n,n′-diethyl-2-butyne-1,4-dia-
potential as octane boosters, they have been discussed mine were used. Table 48 shows the efficacy of the ash-less
previously in a specific section. They are also included in anti-knock compounds added.
some discussions of this section for comparison purposes. U.S. Patent 5468264 claims to have used a nonmetallic anti-
Organic amines have been known since 1919 to present knock fuel additive based on polyaryl amines.214 A gasoline fuel
certain anti-knock properties. In 1924, Boyd described the composition comprising a major portion of gasoline and a minor
relative effects of some nitrogen compounds upon detonation in portion of one or more polyaryl amines (particularly, between
engines (Table 46).211 The data presented in that published about 0.5 and about 2.0 wt %) effectively increased the octane
work show that in general the nitrogen compounds which are number of the fuel.
most effective for suppressing detonations are the primary and The preferred mixture of polyaryl amines which can be
the secondary amines. Of these, arylamines or those that contain employed as the anti-knock agent in that patent is commercially
at least one aryl group have a much larger influence for available under the name Naugalube-680, available from
eliminating detonation from internal combustion engines. Uniroyal, Inc. of Naugatuck, Connecticut. A six-component
From these data, the best performances were achieved by reference gasoline blend (isopentane 30 wt %, n-heptane 10 wt
diethylamine and diphenylamine, both secondary amines, and %, i-octane 5 wt %, n-dodecane 7 wt %, toluene 25 wt %, and i-
by ethyldiphenylamine, a tertiary amine. The superior effect of butylbenzene 10 wt %) was used to test the additive (2.0 wt %).
the phenyl radical for influencing the anti-knock action of Table 49 lists reported results regarding RON and MON
nitrogen explained the highest values for those compounds. Two repeatability for samples of the base fuel and base fuel plus the
compounds with intermediate performance were primary additive, using ASTM D2700 and ASTM D2699 for RON and
amines, ethylamine and aniline and the other tertiary amine, MON, respectively.
phenyldiethylamine (diethylaniline). The greater effect of aryl Thus, at a concentration of 2.0 wt %, the additive of the
than the alkyl radicals for influencing the anti-knock value of invention provides a significant average RON increase of 1.6
nitrogen is illustrated in the relative values for ethylamine and units and a significant average MON increase of 2.14 units. It
aniline; the latter of which is much more effective than the provides this octane increase without recourse to metallic anti-
former. knock additive agents.
U.S. Patent 2653862 reported an invention based on the use U.S. Patent 5962738 describes an improved method for the
of monoisopropylamine (MIPA) as an octane improver in lean formation of a polymeric-amine fuel and lubricant additive with
and rich mixtures of gasoline for supercharged aviation spark an increased nitrogen content.215 Generally, polyamines are
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produced by reacting a polyolefinic halide with a substantial shows a renewed interest in this compound for its knock
stoichiometric excess of amine to reduce, although not totally suppressant effectivity, e.g., refs 124, 218, and 219.
eliminate, the formation of dimers and trimers. It is known that Chinese Patent CN105296027 describes a preparation
oil-soluble polyamines containing at least one olefinic polymer method of an octane value enhancer for gasoline.220 The
chain or oil-soluble polyether can be employed to improve the enhancer composition was as follows: 50−55 wt % of an active
detergent properties of fuel and lubricant compositions. The use component, 1.5−4 wt % antioxidant (4,6-dinitro-2-sec-butyl-
of such compositions, their utility in providing a fuel with phenol and/or n,n′-disalicylidene-1,3-diaminopropane), 1−3 wt
significantly reduced octane requirement increase (ORI) % dispersant (polyisobutylene amine and/or polyisobutylene-
characteristicsremoval and/or beneficial modification of bis-succinimide), 4−7 wt % costabilizer (any two of tetra-methyl
deposits in the combustion chamber, intake valves, and the piperidine, di-methyl malonate, diethyl malonate, and methyl 2-
likeas well as potential improvement in fuel efficiency is ethylhexanoate or a mixture of any two and xylene), 5−10 wt %
already described by several prior U.S. patents, such as 3275554, cosolvent (ethyl acetate, butyl propionate, or others), and 30−
3565804, 3574576, 3898056, 3960,515, 4022589, and 4039300. 35 wt % solvent (mixed aromatic hydrocarbons, mixed xylenes,
Such polyamines have been used both alone and in combination or others). The active component was dissolved in the solvent.
with other additives, particularly polymeric additives. The Then, a catalyst was added, and a reaction at 120−130 °C for 2−
polyamines used to form the polyamine compounds include 3 h took place. Then, after separation of the catalyst and cooling,
primary, secondary, and tertiary low molecular weight aliphatic antioxidant, dispersant, and costabilizer were added while
polyaminesethylene diamine and tetraethylenepentamine stirring. The active component is selected from one of the
being the preferred onesand polymeric agents used as starting following aromatic ester compounds: phenethyl 2-ethylhex-
materials including polyolefins, polyoxyalkylenes, and poly-
ethers. The invention also encompasses the fuel additive product Table 50. Estimated Octane Number Gain with Addition of
produced by the foregoing process and a novel motor fuel Primary and Secondary Amines217
composition containing an amount of this additive of 0.5−5.0 ΔON
ppm, expressed as basic nitrogen, which inhibits ORI and cleans Additive (2 vol % additive) BONa,b
up the induction system. Primary amines aniline 4.6 321.5
Japanese Patent JP2002-110093 describes an environmentally toluidines (mixed) 5.1 346.5
friendly gasoline composition for combustion engines with p-toluidine
improved exhaust gas.216 The claimed improvement regarding m-toluidine
the exhaust gas is related to the suppression of engine chamber o-toluidine 5.1 346.5
deposits with polyetheramines, which would act as a detergent. 1,3-diaminopropane 2.8 231.5
The fuel described in the patent would contain ≤1.5 wt % of m-xylidine 3.6 271.5
aromatic hydrocarbon and 100−300 ppm polyisobutene amine. p-xylidine 3.4 261.5
The claimed content of actual gum would be ≤1 mg/100 mL ethylenediamine 1.6 171.5
and 11−20 mg/100 mL after and before washing, respectively, 1,4-diaminobutane 2.0 191.5
and the fuel is expected to have RON ≥ 98, sulfur content ≤ 10 t-butylamine 2.4 211.5
ppm, Reid vapor pressure ≤ 65 kPa, and 70% distribution o-xylidine 1.04 143.5
temperature ≤ 128 °C. methylamine
Skobelev and co-workers made a phenomenological approach ethylamine
to the anti-knock effect of amines.217 For enhancing octane n-butylamine
number and improving ecological characteristics of internal isopropylamine
combustion engines nitrogen-containing compounds of the benzylamine 0.56 119.5
amine class were applied. Although these additives are inferior to isobutylamine
the additives based on iron and manganese (e.g., dicyclopenta- cyclohexylamine
dienyl iron and methylcyclopentadienyl manganese tricarbon- t-octylamine 0.33 108
yl), they are superior to oxygen-containing additives (e.g., low
alkanes, MTBE alone, or mixed with tert-butanol). The influence
Secondary N-methylaniline 6.2 401.5
of primary and secondary amines on the estimated octane amines N-methyl-p-toluidine
numbers of a fuel with an octane number 86−90 was considered.
All data on additives were recalculated and assigned to a 2 vol %
concentration and normalized per mole (Table 50).
An increase in the octane number for fuels with various
amines as additives was attempted to correlate with the N,N,-dipropyllamine
molecular weight of amine, with the value proportional to the N,N,-diethylamine
rate of heat motion of molecules and with the value proportional t-butylfurfurylamine 3.2 251.5
to the relative rate of molecular motion of a trapping molecule piperidine 1.26 154.5
(amine) and rate of motion of active radicals (hydroperoxides N,N,-dimethyl-t- 1.26 154.5
with molecular weight 40). Those correlations showed that the butylamine
most active amines are those with the highest negative charge on N-ethylbenzylamine 0.74 128.5
the nitrogen atom, or, respectively, the highest positive charge dibenzylamine 1.0 141.5
on the amine proton. diisobutylamine 1.2 151.5
Despite that N-methylaniline (NMA) has been known as an a
effective knock suppressant since the 1920s, recent research Calculated according to eq 1. bBase fuel with ON = 91.5.

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anoate, cresyl 2-ethylhexanoate, diphenil oxalate, phenylmethyl Hydroxypyridines (2-, 3-, and 4-hydroxypyridine), which are
oxalate, bis(2,6-di-tert-butyl-4-methylphenyl)phthalate, bis(p- solid at ambient temperature, are also quoted as octane
ethylphenyl)phthalate, bis(o-methylphenyl) 4-methylphthalate, boosters.227 Their main handicap is their relatively poor
bis(p-ethylphenyl) 3,5-dimethylphthalate, bis(2,6-di-tert-butyl- solubility in gasoline which entails a need for a solubility
4-methylphenyl) 5-methylphthalate, and bis(2,6-di-tert-butyl-4- promoter. Good solubility promoters are alcohols correspond-
methylphenyl) 3,5-dimethylphthalate, or the active component ing to the formula ROH in which R is an aliphatic or
is dibutyl carbonate or diamyl carbonate. This improver of a cycloaliphatic hydrocarbyl radical having 1 to 24 carbon
gasoline octane number is claimed to be environmentally atoms. Hydroxypyridine is employed in amounts ranging from
friendly and to have good compatibility with gasoline. 0.01 to 5 vol %. However, the presence of TEL seems to be
In another Chinese patent, CN107523366A, a gasoline necessary to observe improvements in fuel anti-knock behavior.
additive is disclosed which has the advantages of improving 3-Hydroxypyridines derivatives can also be employed as RON
the octane value, saving energy, and being environmentally enhancers.191 Specific examples of these derivatives are 2-
friendly.221 The gasoline additive includes the following raw (dimethylaminomethyl)-3-hydroxypyridine, 2-(diethylamino-
materials (in weight parts): 0.2−0.25 parts methylcyclopenta- methyl)-3-hydroxypyridine, 2-(pyrolidinomethyl)-3-hydroxy-
dienyl manganese tricarbonyl, 10−60 parts tert-butyl methyl pyridine, 2-(piperidinomethyl)-3-hydroxypyridine, and 2-(mor-
ether, 5−40 parts anhydrous ethanol, 5−30 parts anhydrous pholinomethy)-3-hydroxypyridine. These compounds have
methanol, 5−15 parts monomethyl aniline, 5−15 parts xylene, limited solubility but suitable volatility characteristics to permit
5−40 parts naphtha, and 5−20 parts polyether amine. their application as additives for hydrocarbon fuels. Tested
In Chinese Patent CN108251167, a highly efficient anti- amounts of 3-hydroxypyridines range from about 0.5 to 10 wt %
knock compound for gasoline is reported which includes the of the total fuel composition. In all mentioned cases, other
following components (in weight parts): 0.15−1.5 parts of conventional fuel additives can be added to the formulated fuels.
lithium metal compounds, 40−70 parts of ester compounds, With regard to alkylpyridines, some examples are presented to
10−45 parts of amines compounds, and 0.5−2 parts of phenolic show the performance improvement of some alkylpyridines (or
compounds. This mixture shows many advantages, such as a picolines) in aviation fuels. A 100-octane number aviation fuel
high-octane value, low vapor pressure, high heat of combustion, was prepared according to blending formula A (Table 52).226
and good oil solubility, which makes gasoline combustion more The alkylate used was a cut from the product of a commercial
complete and reduces noxious gas emissions.222 hydrogen fluoride alkylation unit in which isobutene had been
Finally, according to the website of the Canadian company alkylated with butylenes to produce a mixture comprising largely
Ole Bardahl, the use of a knockout octane booster as a fuel Table 51. 2-Methylpyridine General Properties67−69
additive for gasoline engines based on polyether amine (PEA) is
highly recommended.223 They claim that this product increases
the octane number up to 7 units, in all 2- and 4-cycle gasoline
engines. It also reduces dramatically the knocking and pinging
and ensures more complete combustion. In addition, PEA cleans
power and intake valves, improves throttle response, cools the
combustion chamber for better ignition, and maximizes engine
Aromatic amines have been signaled to show toxicity and bad
smell.27 From the environmental point of view, it should be
highlighted that all nitrogen-containing compounds increase
nitrogen oxide emissions in the exhaust gases, due to nitrogen
partial oxidation during combustion.32
3.4. Pyridines. Pyridine is a basic heterocyclic organic
compound with the chemical formula C5H5N. It is structurally
related to benzene, with one methine group (=CH−) replaced
by a nitrogen atom (Table 51). In organic reactions, pyridine
behaves both as a tertiary amine, undergoing protonation,
alkylation, acylation, and N-oxidation at the nitrogen atom, and
as an aromatic compound undergoing nucleophilic substitu- a
Estimated using the Garvin formula.70 bAccording to the Globally
tions. Pyridine derivatives are part of the basic nitrogen Harmonized System of Classification and Labeling of Chemicals
compounds in crude oils.224,225 (GHS).
With respect to the pyridine derivatives anti-knock abilities,
some publications deal with the use of methylpyridines, also
known as picolines, (mono-, di-, tri-, tetra-, and pentamethylpyr- Table 52. Performance Improvement of Some Alkylpyridines
idine) as RON enhancers.226 Schulze and Mahan recommended in Aviation Fuels226
the use of mixtures of methyl-substituted pyridines together with Additive
tetraethyl lead (TEL).226 They also recommended using Formula Alkylate Isoheptane Isohexane Isopentane 10 vol %
mixtures of isopentane−pyridines due to the relatively high A 21.3 41.0 22.6 15.1 none
boiling points of pyridine derivatives. The quantity of methyl- B 21.3 41.0 22.6 15.1 benzene
substituted pyridines in their work varies from 1 to 20 vol % of C 21.3 41.0 22.6 15.1 2-picoline
the blend, with a narrower range of between 1 to 10 vol % D 21.3 41.0 22.6 15.1 3-picoline
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isooctanes. Formula A was modified with the additives shown in Table 54. Increased RON for Addition of 2-Hydroxypyridine
Table 52, and 4.6 mL TEL per gallon was added to reach a 100 or 3-Hydroxypyridine227
octane number.
Hydroxypyridine (vol %) Alcohol (vol %) ΔRONa
Blends in Table 52 were rated with Army−Navy test method
AN-VV-F-746 (used for lean mixtures) and also according to the 2-Hydroxypyridine (0.5) methanol (2.0) +1.0
supercharged engine method AN-VV-F-748a, in both cases with isopropyl alcohol (2.0) +0.5
4.6 mL TEL per gallon (Table 53). tert-butyl alcohol (2.0) +0.8
n-amyl alcohol (2.0) +0.7
Results in Table 52 indicate that picolines provided a
iso-amyl alcohol (2.0) +0.3
significant improvement, compared to both fuel A alone and
n-hexyl alcohol (2.0) +0.5
fuel B, which contained benzene. The effect of monomethylpyr-
cyclohexanol (2.0) +0.5
idine additives is very slight in the conventional (F-746) rating,
2,2-dimethyl-1-hexanol (0.5) +0.5
which is also a measure of the lean mixture performance. The
oleyl alcohol (2.0) +0.2
three picolines, when rated in blends with reference fuel A
without the addition of lead by the ordinary engine test (AN-
3-Hydroxypyridine (0.5) methanol (5.0) +0.5
VV-F-746) gave blending octane numbers of 93.0, 89.0, and 91.0
for 2-, 3-, and 4-picoline, respectively. Ratings in motor fuel base
ΔRON is the difference between the octane number of the fuel
containing hydroxypyridine and alcohol and that of the fuel
blends by the usual motor fuel test method (ASTM-D357-43T) containing only alcohol.
gave octane numbers of only about 72 to 83.226
For the case of hydroxypyridines, a reference has been found
reporting tests performed on premium gasoline with a RON of Table 55. Effect of 2-Hydrodypyridine Compared Both in
101 and containing 3 cm3 of tetraethyl lead mix per gallon.227 Leaded and Unleaded Gasolines227
The base fuel consisted of 35.5% aromatics, 9.5% olefins, and 2-Hydroxypyridine Methanol ΔRON with 3 ΔRON unleaded
55% aliphatic hydrocarbons as determined by FIA analysis and (vol %) (vol %) cm3 TEL gasoline
had an initial boiling point of 34 °C and an endpoint of 188 °C. 0.10 1.0 +0.1 −0.2
Different formulations were tested adding 0.5 vol % of 0.20 1.0 +0.3 −0.2
alternatively 2- and 3-hydroxypyridine and different alcohols 0.30 1.0 +0.4 −0.0
(typically 2 vol %). As shown in Table 54, RON increased in all 0.40 1.0 +0.5 −0.0
cases. 0.50 1.0 +0.7 −0.0
The effect of 2-hydrodypyridine was compared to both leaded 0.60 1.0 +0.7 −0.0
and unleaded gasolines. RON increased on increasing the 0.70 1.0 +0.7 −0.0
amount of alkylpyridine in the leaded gasoline, while no
significant effect was observed for the unleaded gasoline (Table Table 56. Effect of 2-Hydroxypyridine on RON Using
55). Methanol as Solubility Promoter227
The effect of the concentration of 2-hydroxypyridine on RON 2-hydroxypyridine (vol %) ΔRON
was tested using methanol as a solubility promoter at a
0.1 +0.1
concentration of 2 vol %. The maximum increase in RON was 0.3 +0.3
achieved when 0.5 vol % of 2-hydroxypyridine was added (Table 0.4 +0.5
56). 0.5 +1.0
Table 53. Results of Army−Navy Test Method AN-VV-F- 0.6 +0.6
746226 0.7 +0.4
0.8 +0.3
Anti-knock rating 0.9 +0.2
AN-VV-F-748a 1.0 +0.3
Calculated rich
mixture blending Table 57. Gasoline Tests191
Formula AN-VV-F-746 Rating mL TEL Index no. index of additivea
Compounds Conc. (wt %) RON increase
A 100 0.54 115.2 −
B 100 1.01 125.2 215.0 I 2.1 2.3
C 100 1.17 128.4 247.2 II saturated < 2.4 1.0
D 100 1.12 127.4 237.2 III 2.4 1.0
E 100 1.14 127.8 241.2 IV saturated < 2.6 0.8
a V saturated < 2.6 0.3
The rich mixture blending index is adopted to reconcile the
nonlinearity of the concentration−performance relationship of the
two methods used to rate octane numbers when this value is above or On the other hand, the amines 2-(dimethylaminomethyl)-3-
under 100. Rich mixture blending index numbers are so assigned and hydroxypyridine (tagged as compound I), 2-(diethylamino-
tabulated that they may be used directly with the volumetric
percentage of the constituents to give the performance rating of the
methyl)-3-hydroxypyridine (compound II), 2-(pyrolidinometh-
blend. Thus, a fuel with very poor performance, which is equivalent to yl)-3-hydroxypyridine (compound III), 2-(piperidinomethyl)-
a blend of 83.0% fuel S in fuel M has a blending index of 4. Pure 3-hydroxypyridine (compound IV), and 2-(morpholinomethy)-
isooctane has a blending index number of 100, while a superior fuel 3-hydroxypyridine (compound V) were dissolved in gasoline.191
whose performance is equal to that of isooctane with 6.0 mL of TEL A concentration of 0.1 molar was sought. Only compounds I and
has a blending index number of 162. III were completely soluble with gasolines. Other compounds
formed saturated solutions, and the actual concentration
10976 https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.energyfuels.1c00912
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Table 58. General Properties of Quinoline67−69

Estimated using the Garvin formula.70 bAccording to the Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labeling of Chemicals (GHS).

dissolved in gasoline was not determined. RON tests according RON was determined for some mixtures of an ASTM primary
to ASTM D2599-47 were carried out on test gasoline with the reference fuel (60/40 isooctane/n-heptane; named Base fuel in
following composition: 69.03 vol % paraffins, 15.01 vol % Table 59) and 3 wt % of some tetra-hydroquinoline derivative.
olefins, 6.63 vol % naphtenes, and 9.33 vol % aromatics. Base Furthermore, results were also compared when adding 3 cm3 of
gasoline had RON of 91.5, MON of 83.9, lead content of 0.005 tetraethyl lead (TEL) per gallon of fuel.
g/gal, and sulfur content of 0.04 wt % Test results showed As can be observed in Table 59, all tetrahydroquinoline
significant RON increases that are listed in Table 57. derivatives are octane improvers for both the leaded and
As indicated previously, pyridine derivatives present high unleaded-based fuels. Tetrahydroquinoline, 6-methyltetrahy-
boiling points. Hydroxypyridines are solid at ambient temper- droquinoline, and 6-methoxytetrahydroquinoline present sim-
atures and present low solubility in gasoline, and 3- ilar RON improvement as n-methylamine on a weight basis. If
hydroxypyridines derivatives have limited solubility but suitable the molar basis is considered, tetrahydroquinoline was 10%
volatility characteristics to permit their application as additives better, while 6-methyltetrahydroquinoline and 6-methoxyte-
for hydrocarbon fuels. trahydroquinoline were 30% better than n-methylamine.228
3.5. Quinolines. Quinoline (or 1-aza-naphthalene or In the same publication,228 the performance of tetrahydro-
benzo[b]pyridine) is a nitrogen-containing heterocyclic aro- quinoline was checked on two types of base fuels, namely, Fuel
matic organic compound. Its structure is basically that of A, a blend of 70% catalytically cracked gasoline and 30% of
naphthalene except for the replacement of one carbon atom with thermally reformed gasoline, having an initial boiling point of 40
nitrogen. Quinoline is a weak tertiary base; it can form a salt with °C, a 50% point of 108 °C, and a 90% point of 177 °C, and Fuel
acids and displays reactions similar to those of pyridine and B, 100% catalytically reformed gasoline (44% paraffin, 3% olefin,
benzene (see Table 58 for some general properties of
and naphthalene, and 53% aromatics), having an initial boiling
quinolines). Together with indoles and pyridine derivatives,
point of 43 °C, a 50% point of 121 °C, and a 90% point of 160 °C
quinolines are part of the basic nitrogen compounds in crude
(Table 60).
The authors conclude that the anti-knock action of quinolines
One publication was found concerning the use of quinolines
as anti-knock agents, U.S. Patent 2881061.228 The authors derivatives is independent of other anti-knock agents of either
found that if the n-alkyl group is made to form a ring attached to the metallic or nonmetallic type, and they may be used with
the benzene ring ortho to the amine function, the resulting other additives used to improve other properties of the fuel. In
substance is an anti-knock agent. Such a compound, for example, general, they propose an amount of additive ranging 0.1−10 wt
is tetrahydroquinoline, in which its anti-knock effectiveness is %, depending on the fuel.
equal to n-methyl aniline. Furthermore, replacement of the Quinolines adversely affect the stability of gasoline, and there
nuclear hydrogens of the aromatic ring with lower alkyl or alkoxy is research showing that nitrogen compounds are among the
groups in positions meta (position 5 or 7) or para (6) to the main factors promoting gum formation.229,230 Actually, quino-
amine function does not lower the anti-knock effectiveness of lines have been signaled as gum formation promoters in both jet
the compound. However, the substitution in position ortho (8) fuels and diesel.231,232
or in the nonaromatic ring, as well as the length of the alkyl From an environmental standpoint, quinoline is not persistent
group, does decrease its performance. In the cited patent, the in surface waters, and it is biodegradable in soil when conditions
authors give 12 examples of tetrahydroquinoline derivatives favor microorganism’s growth. However, there is evidence
compounds that could be considered but for only seven suggesting that quinoline is less biodegradable by micro-
compounds do they show data of their knock suppression organisms present in deep soil and groundwater, due to low
ability: tetrahydroquinoline, 2,2,4-trimethyltetrahydroquiniline, oxygen levels, low temperatures, and few carbon sources.
2,4-dimethyltetra-hydroquinoline, 2-methyltetrahydroquino- Quinoline is considered a persistent chemical when released to
line, 8-methyltetrahydroquinoline, 6-methyl-tetrahydroquino- the atmosphere (in wintertime, it has an atmospheric half-life
line, and 6-metoxytetrahydroquinoline. exceeding 99 h), but it has a low potential to bioaccumulate.233
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Table 59. Obtained RON Values for Tetrahydroquinoline Derivatives228

Dose RON BRONa (wt %) BRONa (mol %)
Compound wt % mol % clear with TEL clear with TEL clear with TEL
Base fuel − − 60 84.3
n-Methylaniline 3 3.3 78 93.4 660 388 605 360
Tetrahydroquinoline 3 2.7 77.3 94.4 637 421 701 458
2,2,4-Trimethyl tetrahydroquinoline 3 2 64.6 86.3 213 151 290 184
2,4-Dimethyl tetrahydroquinoline 3 2.3 70.7 88.3 417 218 525 258
2-Methyl tetrahydroquinoline 3 2.5 72.2 90.5 467 291 548 332
8-Methyl tetrahydroquinoline 3 2.5 74.6 547 644
6-Methyl tetrahydroquinoline 3 2.5 77.5 93.1 643 378 760 436
6-Methoxy tetrahydroquinoline 3 2.2 78 92.5 660 358 878 457
Calculated according to eq 1.

Table 60. Performance of Tetrahydroquinoline on Two ignition in spark-ignited engines.240 Some references can be
Types of Base Fuels228 found indicating the use of indoles in the preparation of metal
salts to be used as additives for gasoline engines, e.g., U.S. Patent
Fuel blend clear with 3 cm3 TEL/gal
No records have been found on the effects of indoles in
Base Fuel A 83.3 93.2
gasoline composition. In the case of diesel fuels, indoles and n-
Fuel A + 1.5% tetrahydroquinoline 87.6 (370) 95.9 (273)
Base Fuel B 89 97.7 alkyl indoles are important constituents of deposits from
Fuel B + 3% tetrahydroquinoline 95.2 (296) iso +0.13b ambient temperature storage.242
Calculated according to eq 1. bIndicates fuel of same values as Indoles’ main uses are in the fields of dyes, synthetic flavors,
isooctane plus 0.13 mLTEL. and pharmaceutics (many alkaloids are derived from indoles).
There are several mature routes of production of indol
Quinoline itself has few applications, but many of its depending on the raw material: o-nitrotoluene (reaction with
derivatives are used as dyes, pesticides, and pharmacological formaldehye, N,N-dimethylformamide, dimethyl acetal, or
drugs,234 e.g., quinolones antibiotics. There is very scarce open
dimethyl oxalate), aniline (reaction with chloroacetonitrile),
literature concerning the use of quinoline derivatives as fuel
additives, e.g., as anti-knock agents228 or as oxidation inhibitors or phenyl hydrazine (with acetaldehyde). Plants and micro-
for gasolines or lubricants.235−238 organisms can produce indole by tryptophanase or its analogs in
3.6. Indoles. Indoles are characterized by having a bicyclic the presence of indole-3-glycerol phosphate and tryptophan;
structure in which a benzene ring is fused to a five-membered thus, indole is present in plants and bacteria-rich niches, such as
pyrrole ring. Its simplest compound, indole, presents the soil, rhizosphere, sludge, and intestinal tracts.243
formula C8H7N (general properties are listed in Table 61).
Indole is produced naturally by several bacteria and can be found Table 61. General Properties of Indole67−69
in coal tar.
Concerning the anti-knock activity of this family of
compounds, only one publication was found, U.S. Patent
2881061, that recommends the use of indoles as knock
suppressing additives,228 but, unfortunately, no data are
provided in this regard. The following indoles are mentioned
in that patent: 2-methyldihydroindole, 3-ethyldihydroindole, 5-
methoxydihydroindole, 6-methyldihydroindole, 3-ethyldihy-
droindole, 5-propyldihydroindole, 5-butyl-dihydroindole, 5-
butoxydihydroindole, and 2-methyl-6-butyldihydroindole.
On the other hand, U.S. Patent 2844520 identifies indoles as
part of the nonbasic organic nitrogen compounds present in the
feedstock of catalytic cracking operations.239 According to this
patent, nonbasic nitrogen compounds do not need to be
removed before cracking because they do not pose any
detrimental effect on yields and product distribution in
hydrocarbon cracking operations. On the contrary, the author
proposes adding controlled amounts of pyrroles, indoles, and
carbazoles to crude oil before starting the cracking process
because the obtained gasoline thereof would present enhanced
anti-knock ability (Table 62).
Another patent has been found that has, among other
aromatic amines, indoles proposed as anti-knock additives, Estimated using the Garvin formula.70 bAccording to the Globally
included in a lubricating composition which the authors claim Harmonized System of Classification and Labeling of Chemicals
that can be used to advance the spark timing and therefore tune (GHS).

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Table 62. RON of Catalytic-Cracking Gasoline with Indole

RON after catalytic cracking
− with 2.7 wt % indole with 5.2 wt % indole
Crude oil distillate (bp range: 260−566 °C) 93.5 94.8 95.1
Crude oil distillate (bp range: 260−566 °C) + 3 mL TEL 98.3 99.6 99.7

Table 63. General Properties of N-Nitrosamines67−69

Estimated using the Garvin formula.70 bAccording to the Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labeling of Chemicals (GHS).

Table 64. Additive (n-Nitrosodiphenylamine) Response in Terms of RON

Amount (wt %) Base gasoline 1 Base gasoline 2 Base gasoline 3 Base gasoline 1 Base gasoline 2 Base gasoline 3
0 95.9 102.4 95
0.175 96.9 667
0.185 103.4 643
0.25 97 895
0.35 97.5 553
0.375 103.7 449
0.5625 104.0 387
0.75 104.4 369
1.125 104.7 307
Calculated according to eq 1.

3.7. N-Nitrosamines. N-Nitrosamines are chemical com- N-Nitrosodiphenylamine has been reported not to cause any
pounds with the chemical structure R1N(−R2)−NO. General damage to the anti-emission devices of recent internal
characteristics are shown in Table 63. combustion engines.179 Nitrosamines have also been proposed
In Brown et al., N-nitrosodiphenylamine is tagged as a highly as lubricants for fuel compositions to reduce combustion
effective anti-knock additive, and n-nitroso-n-methylaniline is chamber deposits244 and as oxidation inhibitors.245
slightly as effective compared to n-methylaniline.178 The authors N-Nitrosamines can be formed through the reaction of several
consider that the nitroso group in n-nitrosodiphenylamine could nitrosating agents with primary, secondary, and tertiary amines,
act as a hydrogen atom, neutralizing a free radical, and the as well as from amides, in the gas phase. Synthesis can be
remaining amine portion of the molecule as a nonpropagating accomplished in both acid and basic media and in organic
free radical. solvents.246 However, the nitrosation of secondary amines with
Few other references have been found regarding the anti- sodium nitrite in the presence of acids is the most widely used
knock effect of n-nitrosamines.7,179 U.S. Patent 2012/ method for the preparation of n-nitrosamines.247
0279112A1 (and, subsequently, U.S. Patent 8894727B2) More recently, alternative synthesis methods have been
proposes using n-nitrosodiphenylamine as an octane enhancer reported, such as the iodide-catalyzed process to obtain n-
additive for several unleaded base gasoline compositions, with nitrosamines from amines and nitromethane using tert-
RON ranging from 95 to 102.4 to reach levels as high as 104.7 butylhydroperoxide (TBHP) as the oxidant, which is operated
for a small addition of the additive, as listed in Table 64.31,184 under mild conditions and has operational simplicity.
10979 https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.energyfuels.1c00912
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Table 65. General Properties of Iodine and Some of Its Derivatives67−69

According to the Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labeling of Chemicals (GHS).

Table 66. Relative Effectiveness of Anti-Knock Compounds was required.249 Also, as shown in Table 66, the relative
and Some Anti-Knock Fuelsa,254 effectiveness of ethyl iodide is slightly superior to that of aniline.
Iodine and its derivative have been signaled to be corrosive for
Benzene 0.085 some car engine constituents.254 On the other hand, iodine
Isooctane (2,2,4-trimethylpentane) 0.085 derivatives can be useful in inhibiting smog formation due to car
Triphenylamine 0.090 exhaust emissions.255
Ethanol 0.101 Iodine is obtained from brine containing iodide ions in
Xylene 0.142 Oklahoma and in Japan and from nitrate ores in Chile. In China,
Dimethyl aniline 0.210 almost all iodine is produced as a byproduct of seaweed
Diethylamine 0.495 processing.
Aniline 1.00 When it is obtained from brines, iodine is purified and
Ethyl iodide 1.09
acidified with sulfuric acid. It is then chlorinated to liberate the
Toluidine 1.22
iodine. Three methods are employed to purify iodine: blowing
Cadmium dimethyl 1.24
out, carbon adsorption, and ion-exchange.
m-Xylidine 1.40
In Chile, iodine occurs as iodate ions in nitrate deposits. The
Triphenylarsine 1.60
ore typically contains 95% sodium nitrate and 5% sodium iodate.
Titanium tetrachloride 3.20
After removing the sodium nitrate by crystallization, iodate
Tin tetraethyl 4.00
solutions are extracted from the caliche ore, and the iodate is
Stannic chloride 4.10
then reduced to iodine.
Diethyl selenide 6.90
Methyl iodide is prepared by reaction of methanol with
Bismuth triethyl 23.8
phosphorus and iodine, from potassium iodide and methyl
Diethyl telluride 26.6
Nickel carbonyl 35
sulfate or methyl p-toluenesulfonate, by reaction of dimethyl
Iron carbonyl 50
sulfate with an aqueous iodine slurry containing a reducing agent
Lead tetraethyl 118
such as iron or sodium bisulfite, by reaction of methanol and
MMT 2000
hydrogen iodide, and by reaction of methanol, iodine, and
a diborane.256 Methyl iodide can also be obtained from
Based on aniline = 1.00.
seawater257−261 and from biomass with engineered micro-
organisms.262 Ethyl iodide is prepared by reactions similar to
those used for methyl iodide production.
Commercially available and inexpensive catalysts and oxidants 3.9. Selenium Compounds. Selenium is a member of
are used in this method.248 group 16 of the periodic table; it belongs to the chalcogen family.
3.8. Iodine Compounds. Elemental iodine was the first Since it is placed between the nonmetal sulfur and the metalloid
anti-knock discovered by Midgley and Boyd,249 but it was soon tellurium, it has mainly nonmetallic properties as shown in Table
discarded because it was found to be too expensive to use as an 67.
anti-knock additive on a wide scale.250 Table 65 shows the Numerous references can be found quoting selenium
general properties of these compounds. compounds as being effective anti-knock agents.263−265 In
Iodine, methyl iodide, ethyl iodide, and cyanogen iodide have particular, diethyl selenide and selenium oxychloride appear to
been quoted as effective anti-knock additives, but unfortunately, be very effective anti-knockers but also of interest are dipropyl
no quantitative data have been found in such regard.249,251−253 selenide, diphenyl selenide, and selenium tetrachloride.266
As a qualitative reference, 1.6 vol % ethyl iodide was needed to Likewise, selenium cyanide is mentioned as a potential anti-
appreciate knocking suppression, whereas only 0.04 vol % TEL knock additive.253 Phosphorus sesquiselenide, PSe3,267 and
10980 https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.energyfuels.1c00912
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Table 67. General Properties of Selenium and Selenium Compounds67−69

According to the Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labeling of Chemicals (GHS).

Table 68. RON Values for Unleaded and Leaded Fuels after Addition of Different Amounts of Diisobutyl Selenide271
Unleaded fuelb Leaded fuelb (3 cm3/gallon TEL)
diisobutyl selenide (vol %) I II III IV V VI VII VIII
RON 0.00 100.0 97.5 52.0 91.2 94.7 94.0 99.4 106.0
0.50 103.2 99.2 53.6 94.0 99.4 95.4
0.75 96.4 100.5 108.3
1.00 105.4 101.7 58.0 96.4 100.7 97.4 101.3 109.6
1.50 99.5 104.3 110.5
2.00 107.4 106.0 66.0 102.6 105.4 111.1
2.50 106.4

BRONa 0.50 740.0 437.5 372.0 651.2 1034.7 374.0

0.75 414.0 246.1 412.7
1.00 640.0 517.5 652.0 611.2 694.7 434.0 289.4 466.0
1.50 460.7 426.1 406.0
2.00 470.0 522.5 752.0 489.7 399.4 361.0
2.50 379.4
Calculated according to eq 1. bTested fuels: I, pure isooctane; II, alkylate fuel, boiling range of 52−187 °C; III, heavy straight run naphtha; IV.
platformate fuel, boiling range of 54−201 °C; V, motor fuel, boiling range of 36−190 °C; VI, regular-grade gasoline, boiling range of 40−214 °C;
VII, premium-grade gasoline, boiling range of 33−188 °C; and VIII, super premium-grade gasoline, boiling range of 31−188 °C.

Table 69. Comparison of Anti-Knock Effect of Mono- and Di- Table 70. Relative Effectiveness of Anti-Knock
Selenide Compoundsa Compounds273
Benzol equivalent (%) Benzol 1
Additive amount (g/L) Diphenyl diselenide Diphenyl selenide Toluene 1.1
Xylene 1.2
5.0 31 10
Ethanol 1.8
2.5 16 6
Aniline 11.5
1.2 8 2
Toluidine 11.9
0.6 5 1
Xylidine 12.0
Adapted from Rosenstein and Hund.272 Ethyl iodide 13.9
Tetraethyl tin 20.4
trialkyl lead selenides268,269 are effective at improving the anti- Diethyl selenide 62.5
knock character of lead compounds. Diethyl telluride 250
Diethyl selenide anti-knock action is similar to that of TEL. It Iron carbonyl 250
reduces the concentration of free radicals, and as a result, Nickel carbonyl 277
combustion reaction rates are slowed. In this regard, selenium Tetraethyl lead 528
seems to act as an antioxidant or free-radical trap.270
U.S. Patent 1575436A ensures that diethyl selenide, dipropyl tetrachloride can be successfully employed as anti-knock
selenide, diphenyl selenide, selenium oxychloride, and selenium additives.266 In the more recent U.S. Patent 3240577, several
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Table 71. General Properties of Some Phenol Derivatives67−69

Predicted value.69 bEstimated using the Garvin formula.70 cAccording to the Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labeling of
Chemicals (GHS).

Table 72. Blending RON and MON Values for Selected 1933 claim to have used satisfactorily selenocyanates (N≡C−
Phenols32 Se−), diethyl diselenide, and diphenyl diselenide, among others.
To quantify the anti-knock effect of diselenide compounds, a
Component BRON BMON comparison is provided using benzol as the reference
3,4-Dimethylphenol 180 180 compound. Benzol consists primarily of benzene, toluene, and
Phenol 190 160 xylene, as well as some sulfur (depending on the source, it can be
m-Cresol 160 150 assumed that benzol has a RON of approximately 110). As
o-Cresol 160 140 shown in Table 69, diphenyl diselenide is up to 5 times more
effective than diphenyl selenide.
Table 73. RON Values of Several Mixtures of Two Gasolines The relative effectiveness of selenium compounds regarding
with and without 5 wt % p-Cresol and Methyl Methoxy their anti-knock action can also be checked by observation of
Propane277 Table 66 in the previous section, where diethyl selenide was
Base composition found to be 6.9 times more effective than aniline.254 Also, as
(vol %) shown in Table 70, another reference has been found that
Base Base stock RON RON provides a relative measure of the anti-knock effectiveness of
Mixture stock I II (Cleara) (Additivatedb) BRON diethyl selenide using benzol as a reference.273
A 100 − 83.7 89.05 191 U.S. Patent 2151432 states that residual deposits can be left by
B − 100 96.25 97.8 127 selenium compounds in the combustion chamber when the
C 85.7 14.3 85.3 90.5 189 containing fuel is burned in the operation of the engine.274
D 71.4 28.6 87.0 91.7 171 Selenium occurs in low concentrations (i.e., 1−5 g/t) in some
E 57.1 42.9 88.85 93.0 172 types of coal and mineral oil. Selenium production is closely
F 42.9 57.1 90.35 94.6 175 linked to copper production because most copper concentrates
G 28.6 71.4 92.0 95.6 164 from ore flotation contain about 100−400 g/t selenium and are
H 14.3 85.7 93.6 96.9 160 therefore the most important sources of selenium.270 Selenium
“Clear” refers to RON of mixture without additives. b“Additivated” is commercially produced by either soda ash roasting or sulfuric
refers to RON of mixture containing 5 wt % p-cresol included in base acid roasting of the copper slimes.275 Also, recycling of the
stock I and 5 wt % methyl methoxy propane included in base stock II. selenium contained in photocopying drums and rectifiers is
becoming an important source of selenium.270
RON values are provided concerning the effect of diisobutyl Organic selenium compounds are often synthesized from
selenide addition to gasoline, as shown in Table 68.271 dialkyl selenides (R2Se) or dialkyl diselenides (R2Se2), which are
U.S. Patent 1906724 indicates that diselenide compounds are formed from the corresponding alkyl halide and sodium
suitable for use as anti-knock agents. Rosenstein and Hund272 in selenide. Sodium selenide is prepared through the reaction of
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Table 74. RON and BRON Values for Addition of Several Phenol Derivatives on Three Base Fuels and Relative Effectiveness of
Their Anti-Knock Performance on a Molar Basis Compared to Reference Compound MTBE278
Base fuel
Additive Dose (vol %/wt %) UN-1 UN-3 UN-4 BRON Relative effectiveness
MTBE 2.0 92.1 117 1.0
4.0 95.5 126 1.0
7.0 95.4 128 1.0

2-(α-Dimethylamino)-methylene-4-methyl-phenol 2.0 93.8 202 8.3

2-(α-Diethylamino)-methylene-4-methyl-phenol 2.0 92.7 147 4.8

2-(α-Diisopropylamino)-methylene-4-methyl-phenol 1.0 91.5 82 −

2-(α-Dimethylamino)-methylene-4-t-butyl-phenol 1.0 92.4 172 7.5

2-(α-Diethylamino)-methylene-4-ethyl-phenol 2.0 92.8 152 5.7

6-(α-Diethylamino)-methylene-2,4-dimethyl-phenol 2.0 93.0 162 6.6

p-Cresol 2.5 95.4 176 2.9

1.0 95.2 161 2.5

4-tert-Butyl-phenol 0.7 93.6 163 3.3

1.4 95.6 141 2.5

4-Ethyl-phenol 1.3 95.5 159 2.8

selenous acid with the corresponding hydroxides or oxides, 3.10. Phenols. The term “phenol” refers to both
hydroxybenzene and any other molecule comprising at least
followed by crystallization, and is an important additive in glass
one hydroxyl group attached to an aromatic ring. Table 71 shows
manufacture.270 the general properties of these compounds.
The anti-knock ability of aromatic compounds was tradition-
Table 75. Experimental and Computed RON Values for
ally explained by the electronic properties of the ring. It has also
Different Blends of Phenol Derivatives279
been reported that phenols would present an anti-knock
Experimental Computed mechanism similar to that of aromatic amines, with their ability
RON RONa to destroy chain-propagating radicals being the reason for their
Dose knock-suppressing effect.276 As seen in Table 72, blend octane
Dose(g/L) (mol %) numbers of some phenol derivatives are between 140 and 190.32
Compound 0 20 0 2 ΔRON relative error (%) Phenol derivatives, particularly p-cresol, have been tagged as
2,4-Xylenol 95.6 97.3 97 98.5 12 potential anti-knock additives in several research papers and
p-Cresol 95.6 97.2 97 97.8 50 patents.277−279 For instance, U.S. Patents 3836342 and 3976437
o-Cresol 95.6 96.9 97 97.8 38 include gasoline compositions containing methyl-substituted
m-Cresol 95.7 96.6 97 97.3 67 phenols and ethers to obtain motor fuel of improved octane
2-Ethylphenol 95.7 96.2 97 97.5 0 rating.277,280 The methyl-substituted phenols mentioned in
Guaiacol 95.7 95.5 97 96.1 350 these patents include cresols (e.g., p-cresol, which is preferred
a over the o- and m- isomers), xylenols (e.g., 2,3-dimethyl phenol),
RON simulations are referred to blending of additives with pure
butane (experimental RON = 94). and trimethyl-substituted phenols (e.g., hydroxy pseudocu-

Table 76. ΔRON and ΔMON When Blending p-Cresol and Organo-Cerium Chelates with Regular Unleaded Gasolines282
Ceriuma Rare earth metalsb p-Cresol ΔRON due to ΔRON due to ΔMON due to ΔMON due to
(g/gal) (g/gal) (g/gal) ΔRON p-cresol synergistic effect ΔMON p-cresol synergistic effect
1.0 11.6 0.9 0.3 0.6 0.4 0.1 0.3
1.0 23.2 0.9 0.7 0.2 0.7 0.3 0.4
1.0 30.9 1.1 1.0 0.1 0.7 0.4 0.3
1.0 46.3 0.7 1.4 −0.7 0.4 0.6 −0.2
1.5 5.8 0.5 0.0 0.5 −0.1 0.0 −0.1
1.5 11.6 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.1 −0.1
1.5 23.2 0.3 0.4 −0.1 0.0 0.4 −0.4

Added as ceric 2,2,6,6-tetramethyl-3,5-heptanedionate. bMixture of rare earth metals containing 50% cerium, added as the 2,2,6,6-tetramethyl-3,5-
heptanedionate chelate.
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mene, hydroxy mesitylene, and hemimelitol), and they are to be values of several mixtures of these two gasolines with and
blended in amounts ranging 0.5−10 wt %, preferably. They without the additives are presented.
report synergistic effects in the anti-knock ability of the fuel Gouli et al. concluded that substituted phenols constituted a
very effective class of compounds in terms of their knock
when p-cresol and methyl methoxy propane are blended into suppressing ability.278 According to their findings, increasing the
gasoline. In U.S. Patent 3836342, data are given on some number of carbon atoms in the substitute group of para-phenols
examples. For instance, 5 wt % p-cresol is added to a low-RON leads to a decrease in their BRON value and their anti-knock
gasoline (base stock I in Table 73) and 5 wt % methyl methoxy efficiency relative to that of MTBE, which they used as the
propane to a high-RON gasoline (base stock II), and the RON reference compound (Table 74). They also tested Mannich base
phenols, which are substituted phenols that include one amino
Table 77. RON of Leaded and Unleaded Gasolines with o- group, and found that these compounds show superior anti-
Azidophenol283 knock performance. Similar to substituted para-phenols, the
anti-knock effectiveness of Mannich base phenols is dependent
Base gasoline o-azidophenol (g/gal, wt %) RON
on the size of the substitute groups containing the nitrogen
Unleaded 0 91.2 atomincreasing the number of carbon atoms of those groups
5.0 | 0.17 92.6 leads to lower BRON values (Table 74). Another reference to
15.1 | 0.52 94.6 the anti-knock effect of Mannich base phenols can be found in
GB Patent 2308849A.281
Leaded (2.4 g Pb/gal as lead alkyls) 0 92.9 In another study, the anti-knock ability of different phenolic
5.7 | 0.20 93.6 additives was arranged as follows: 2,4-xylenol > p-cresol = o-
11.4 | 0.40 94.0
cresol > m-cresol > 2-ethylphenol > guaiacol.279 Interestingly,
engine-like simulations were performed to predict the anti-
Table 78. ΔRON after Addition of Azidophenols and Similar knock performance of phenols, which fairly agrees with the RON
Compoundsa,283 change promoted by the additives (Table 75).
Additive Dose (g/gal) ΔRON
On the other hand, U.S. Patents 3976437 and 4133648
mention the synergistic effects on octane enhancement of using
o-Azidoaniline 4 +0.29
cerium and phenols. In particular, U.S. Patent 4133648 discloses
p-Azidoaniline 4 −0.10
the use of an additive consisting of p-cresol (or an alkanediol) in
o-Azidophenol 4 +0.29
combination with an organo-cerium(IV) chelate.282 According
p-Azidophenol 4 −0.51
to the authors, observed octane changes can be attributed to the
o-Azidoanisole 9 −0.10
o-Azidobronobenzene 9 −0.40
synergistic effect of the added compounds (Table 76).
o-Azidobenzoic acid 2 0.0
U.S. Patent 4280458 claims that the incorporation of ortho-
trans-2-Azidocyclohexanol 8 0.0
azidophenol to unleaded gasoline stocks results in octane quality
o-Azidothiophenol 4 0.0
improvements of about 0.29 RON units per gram per gallon of
a gasoline.283 As listed in Table 77, different amounts of o-
Negative signs note proknock action.
azidophenol to both leaded and unleaded gasolines enhance

Table 79. General Properties of Formates67−69

Estimated using the Garvin formula.70 bPredicted value.69 cAccording to the Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labeling of
Chemicals (GHS).
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Table 80. RON and MON Values for Gasoline Compositions with Methyl Formate and/or MTBE and Methanol and Calculated
BRON and BMON Values Thereof296
Base gasoline Methyl formate (vol %) MTBE (vol %) Methanol (vol %) RON MON BRONa BMONa
Regular gasoline 0 0 0 90.3 81.6
5 0 0 91.1 82.3 106.3 95.6
10 0 0 91.8 83.0 105.3 95.6
20 0 0 93.1 84.2 104.3 94.6
30 0 0 94.2 85.1 103.3 93.3
40 0 0 95.2 86.1 102.6 92.9
50 0 0 96.1 87.0 101.9 92.4
0 10 0 91.9 82.4
0 20 0 93.1 84.0
0 30 0 94.3 84.8
5 5 0 82.0 83.3
10 10 0 94.5 84.9
5 5 5 92.1 83.6
10 10 10 94.4 85.0

Eurosuper gasolinec 0 0 0 96.0 84.5

5 0 0 96.6 85.1 108.0 96.5
10 0 0 97.1 85.6 107.0 95.5
20 0 0 98.1 86.9 106.5 96.5
30 0 0 99.0 88.1 106.0 96.5
40 0 0 99.9 89.0 105.8 95.8
50 0 0 101.0 89.9 106.0 95.3
0 10 0 97.0 85.9
0 20 0 98.2 86.2
0 30 0 99.1 87.7
5 5 0 98.0 86.2
10 10 0 98.7 86.7
5 5 5 98.0 86.6
10 10 10 99.3 87.9
Calculated according to eq 1. bBoiling fraction from 30 to 180 °C of a petroleum base stock with density 0.740 g/cm3. cBoiling fraction from 30 to
185 °C of a petroleum base stock with density 0.745 g/cm3.

Table 81. MON and BMON Values for Addition of Ethyl or Several records can be found regarding the use of phenolic
Isopropyl Formate to a Motor Fuel with MON = 90297,298 derivatives as antioxidants or as lubricants in internal
combustion engines with both gasoline and diesel fuels (e.g.,
Additive Dose (vol %) MON BMON Base fuel refs 267 and 285−292).
Ethyl formate 25 92.9 101.6 MON 90 Together with ester and ketone derivatives, phenolic
compounds are stand outs for their high BON values, but due
Isopropyl formate 25 93.9 105.6 to other inappropriate properties (such as high boiling points,
50 100.0 110.0 high acidity, low material compatibility, and high toxicity), their
usage in gasoline composition at high concentrations is not
RON. In Table 78, the effect on RON of several related Phenol is commercially obtained by oxidation of cumene. The
compounds is shown. process is divided into four stages, namely, oxidation,
On the other hand, substituted dimethylaminomethyl concentration, cleavage, and distillation. Oxidation is carried
phenols are the ash-less anti-knock agents proposed in U.S. out under overpressure at temperatures between 90 and 120 °C
Patent 4378231, to be added in amounts of preferably 1−5 wt % or at atmospheric pressure below 100 °C.
to unleaded gasolines.284 When blended with an unleaded base Provided that the world demand for phenol rises, alternative
gasoline (RON = 91.5, MON = 83.9, lead content = 0.005 g/ processes able to obtain coproduct-free phenol will become
gal), addition of 2.4 wt % of 2-dimethylaminomethyl-4- economically more viable, such as benzene oxidation or toluene
methoxyphenol provides a RON gain (ΔRON) of 2.6, and 2.3 oxidation with benzoic acid, developed by the California
wt % 2-dimethylaminomethyl-4-fluorophenol gives ΔRON = Research Corp. and Dow Chemical.293
2.7. This octane rise contrasts with the worse anti-knock Alkylation of phenols is industrially achieved mainly by
enhancement provided by other compounds, given for catalytic alkylation of phenol, cresols, or xylenols with olefins
comparative purposes, such as p-hydroxyanisole (ΔRON = which are readily available petrochemicals.294 On the other
0.4), anisole (ΔRON = 0.3), phenol (ΔRON = 0.7), n,n- hand, four well-established synthetic routes exist for the
dimethyl-benzylamine (ΔRON = −0.6), and p-fluoro-phenol industrial production of cresols: (1) alkali fusion of toluenesul-
(ΔRON = 0.9). fonates, (2) alkaline chlorotoluene hydrolysis, (3) splitting of
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Table 82. Main Physicochemical Properties of Oxalates Used As Octane/Cetane Number Improvers67−69

Estimated using the Garvin formula.70 bAccording to the Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labeling of Chemicals (GHS).

Table 83. Relative Effect of Anti-Knock Action of Several carried out in converted phenol plants, whereas process 4 was
Compounds Compared to That of 2 vol % Aniline on a Molar specifically developed to produce cresols and xylenols.295
Basis194,254,311 3.11. Formates. The term “formate” (or methanoate) refers
to the anion derived from formic acid (CHOO−), and by
Compound Relative anti-knock effect (mol %) extension, it is used to describe any salt or ester of formic acid.
Benzenea 0.085 Some general characteristics are shown in Table 79.
Isooctane (2,2,4-trimethylpentane)b 0.085 Scarce references have been found regarding the potential use
Triphenylaminec 0.090 of formate esters as anti-knock additives, and available
Triphenylphosphinea 0.91 information relates, mostly, to relatively high concentrations
Ethanol 0.101c−0.104a (>2%). In U.S. Patent 5232464, RON and MON values are
Toluenea 0.112 provided for several fuel compositions including methyl formate
Xylenea 0.142 both as a sole additive and in combination with MTBE and
Dimethyl anilinec 0.210 methanol (Table 80). As described in the patent, pure
Diethylaminec 0.495 compound RON and MON values of methyl formate are 115
Aniline 1.00 and 114.8, respectively, which are superior to the calculated
Ethyl iodidea 1.09 blending values (also included in Table 80 as BRON and
Toluidinec 1.22 BMON, respectively).296
Cadmium dimethyl 1.24c, 1.25a U.S. Patents 2228662 and 2334006 both relate to the addition
Triphenylarsine 1.35a, 1.60c of esters to motor fuels consisting essentially of branched
m-Xylidinec 1.40 paraffin hydrocarbons, such esters being either acetates or
Triphenylstibinea 2.42 formates to be added in 25−50 vol %.297,298 Values of MON and
Titanium tetrachloridea 3.20 BMON of ethyl formate and isopropyl formate provided in these
Tin tetraethyl 3.80a, 4.00c patents are listed in Table 81.
Stannic chloridec 4.10 On the other hand, U.S. Patent 3009793 indicates that tertiary
Diphenylselenidea 5.2 alkyl esters are useful octane improvers, particularly for leaded
Diethylselenidea 6.9 gasolines. tert-Butyl formate is included among the tertiary alkyl
Triphenylbismuthinea 21.5 esters cited in the patent, but unfortunately, no data are provided
Diphenyl telluridea 22.0 in this regard.299 Likewise, methyl formate, ethyl formate, n-
Bismuth triethyla 23.8 propyl formate, and n-butyl formate are included in U.S. Patent
Diethyl telluridea 26.6 6076487 as potential constituents of a secondary fuel stream
Nickel carbonyla 35.0 aimed at increasing the octane number of a dual fuel system,
Iron carbonylb 50.0 whose primary stream would be constituted by acetylene.300
Lead tetraphenyla 69.5 Formates can be used as anti-icing agents. For instance, U.S.
Lead diphenyl diethyla 110 Patent 5232464 claims that the addition of 2 vol % methyl
Lead tetraethyla 118
formate avoids turbidity due to low-temperature storage and
MMTc 2000
a 194 b 311 c 254
sedimentation of the gasoline mixture at room temperature for
; ; . several days.296
Carbonylation of alcohols at a pressure up to 700 bar in the
cymene hydroperoxide, and (4) methylation of phenol in the absence of olefins gives formates. For instance, methyl formate is
vapor phase. Processes 1 to 3 were developed from the obtained by carbonylation of methanol at 70−80 °C and 20−
corresponding benzene−phenol syntheses and are mainly 200 bar.301
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Table 84. General Properties of Some Compounds67−69

According to the Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labeling of Chemicals (GHS).

Also, in the absence of strong acids, like sulfuric or production was sulfuric acid, oxalates are often considered to
hydrofluoric acid, formic acid reacts readily with olefins to be unavoidably corrosive and highly susceptible to water.181
give formate esters,302 which gives rise to potential biological Dimethyl oxalate can be obtained by esterification of oxalic
routes to obtain formate esters, since formic acid can be acid with methanol using sulfuric acid as a catalyst. There is also
obtained by aqueous catalytic partial oxidation of wet biomass an oxidative carbonylation route that has attracted much interest
(OxFA process).303 since it requires only C1 precursors.308
3.12. Oxalates. Oxalate (IUPAC: ethanedioate) is the Alternatively, the oxidative carbonylation of methanol can be
dianion with the formula C2O42−, also written as (COO)2−2. carried out with high yield and selectivity with 1,4-
Either name is often used for derivatives, such as salts of oxalic benzoquinone (BQ) as an oxidant in the system Pd(OAc)2/
acid. General properties of some oxalates are provided in Table PPh3/benzoquinone with a mass ratio of 1/3/100 at 65 °C and
82. 70 atm CO.309
Diisopentyl oxalate is mentioned as an octane number Ube Industries has used a liquid phase Pd-catalyzed process
improver, which can be synthesized with oxalic acid and for the manufacture of dibutyl oxalates since 1978 at a capacity
isopentyl alcohol as raw materials using titanium sulfate doped of several thousand tons per year.310
with lanthanum oxide as the catalyst.304 3.13. Other Ash-Less Octane Improvers. Several anti-
Chinese Patent CN103254949 reported on an efficient knock compounds are listed in Table 83 by ascending order of
gasoline octane number accelerant.305 Its formulation comprises anti-knock ability on a molar basis, with aniline as the reference
the following components: 10−18 wt % active ingredient compound.
(benzyl isooctoate or phenyl isooctoate or dimethyl oxalate), 1− Among the compounds listed in Table 83, those of interest for
3 wt % detergent, 0−3 wt % antioxidant, 15−26 wt % synergist, the present section are the nonmetallic organic compound
and 50−70 wt % cosolvent. The gasoline octane number triphenylphosphine and the metalloid-containing compounds
accelerant has easily accessible raw materials, good anti- triphenylarsine, triphenylstibine, diphenyltelluride, and dieth-
knocking performance, no heavy metals, strong dispersion, yltelluride. General properties for some of these compounds are
good miscibility with naphtha and nonhydrocarbons, large listed in Table 84.
octane number amplification, and is environmentally friendly. With regard to the use of phosphines as anti-knock
Chinese Patent CN107118814 disclosed the application of a compounds, scarce references can be found except for that of
novel oxygenated fuel or fuel additive of oxalate.306 The Boyd,194 where triphenylphosphine is found to be slightly less
invention also reported on a process for screening compounds or effective than aniline on a molar basis (Table 83), and U.S.
components for fuel oil or fuel additives. Among them, dimethyl Patent 2953596, which states that secondary alkylphosphine
oxalate, ethyl methyl oxalate, dibutyl oxalate, and isopropyl oxides containing more than three carbon atoms in each alkyl
methyl oxalate were included. The invention also disclosed a radical, such as di-n-butyl phosphine oxide, di-n-octylphosphine
preparation method of the oxalate compounds for fuel oil. The oxide, and didodecylphosphine oxide are useful as anti-knock
oxalate fuel oil has the advantages of environmental friendliness agents in gasolines and as antifriction additives for lubricating
and good combustion property. oils.312
The use of oxalates as octane enhancers has attracted some In U.S. Patent 1575438, several arsines, such as diethylarsine,
attention because they present excellent blending capabilities triethylarsine, trimethylarsine, and triphenylarsine, are signaled
since they are miscible with gasoline in any proportion at a to be effective as knock suppressors.313 Also, in U.S. Patent
temperature above −10 °C and due to positive environmental 2151432 and Charch et al., the authors indicate that organic
effects, such as reduction of soot emissions and easy degradation compounds of arsenic, among others, present anti-knock
in the natural environment in the event of fuel leakage.307 As properties.251,274 No literature references have been found
main drawbacks, since the traditional catalyst for their providing quantitative data in this regard. Trimethylarsine
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((CH3)3As) can be prepared by treatment of arsenic oxide with Table 86. Antiknock Effect of Halogenated Additive
trimethylaluminum. Triphenyl arsine (As(C6H5)3) is prepared Compared to Reference Compounds*,322
by reaction of arsenic trichloride with chlorobenzene using
sodium as the reducing agent. Trialkylarsines can also be
prepared from arsenic trioxide through reaction with trialkyla-
luminums at 60 °C.314 Dimethylarsine can also be synthesized
by methanobacterium through reduction and methylation of
arsenate under anaerobic conditions.315
As for stibines, triphenylstibine (C18H15Sb), triisobutylstibine
(C12H27Sb), tricyclopentadienylstibine (C15H15Sb), and trioc-
tylstibine (C24H51Sb) are mentioned in at least one literature
reference as useful anti-knocking compounds for gasoline.314
U.S. Patent 2151432 and Charch et al. mention antimony
compounds as being antiknockers.251,274 Trialkylstibines can be
synthesized by the conversion of antimony trihalides with
organometallic compounds in ether tetrahydrofuran or benzene.
Triarylstibines are also formed by treating antimony trihalides
with aryl halides and sodium or magnesium in benzene or
On the other hand, many references can be found in the
literature indicating the suitability of the metalloid tellurium as
an effective knock suppressor (e.g., refs 249, 251, 274, and 316).
The use of 0.2% diethyl telluride increases the octane rating of
gasolines and is said to eliminate carbon deposits.317 Midgley
and Boyd stated that just one molecule of diethyl telluride in
about 50,000 molecules of the total mixture was sufficient to
exert a noticeable anti-knock action.249 The authors claim that 1
volume of diethyl telluride is equivalent in effect to 250 volumes
of benzene (Table 85). In U.S. Patent 1575437, Midgley
Table 85. Relative Effect of Anti-Knock Action of Several
Compounds Compared to Benzenea
Amount required to suppress knock in kerosene
Element Compound (vol %)
benzene 25.00
Iodine C2H5I 1.60
Nitrogen xylidine 2.00
Tin (C2H5)4Sn 1.20
Selenium (C2H5)2Se 0.40
Tellurium (C2H5)2Te 0.10
Lead (C2H5)4Pb 0.04
Adapted from Midgley and Boyd.249
Additive dose was 0.1 M in 1 L base gasoline. a0.1 M of the additive
claimed to successfully have used diethyltelluride, dipropyltel- in 1 L gasoline. Base gasolines were unleaded Kansas City premium
pipeline gasoline from Phillips Petroleum; RON 91.5−92, MON
luride, dimethyltelluride, and diphenyltelluride to suppress
Three main routes exist to obtain symmetrical alkyl or aryl
tellurides: (i) direct reaction of nucleophilic telluride dianions
(usually as Na2Te) with alkylating or arylating reagents, (ii) chlorophenyl)fulvene as anti-knock additives for unleaded
oxidation of tellurolate anions, and (iii) reduction of the gasolines.322 As seen in Table 86, when a fluorine atom is
corresponding organyltellurium trichlorides.319 Also, the added to toluene or aniline, RON decreases, but when a fluorine
production of dimethyl telluride by facultative anaerobe bacteria atom is added to a substituted fulvene, RON increases. The
Pseudomonas fluorescens K27 has been quoted.320 chlorine atom also increases RON. However, as seen in the table,
Halogen compounds, like ethylene dibromide (C2H4Br2) and none of these halogenated additives exerts a better anti-knock
ethylene dichloride (C2H4Cl2), have been extensively added as effect than the reference compound aniline. Halogenated
anti-knock agents in leaded gasoline.321 According to Brown et fulvenes can be prepared from cyclopentadiene and the
al., p-fluoroaniline and n-methyl-p-fluoroaniline are very corresponding halogenated aceto- or propiophenone, as
effective anti-knock additives, while m-trifluoromethylaniline described in the same patent.
presents slight anti-knock activity.178 The use of cyanides has been historically linked to metallic
U.S. Patent 4264336 quotes p-fluorotoluene, p- and o- antiknockers (e.g., refs 323−326), but U.S. Patent 1948449,
fluoroaniline, and halofulvenes 6-methyl-6-(p-fluorophenyl)- which also deals with the anti-knock action of organometallic-
fulvene, 6-ethyl-6-(p-fluorophenyl)-fulvene, and 6-methyl-6-(p- cyanides, quotes the nonmetallic isobutyl isocyanide (C5H9N)
10988 https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.energyfuels.1c00912
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Table 87. Qualitative Comparison of Chemical Families in Section 2 (High-Octane Components)*

Green, amber, and red circles represent favorable, neutral, and unfavorable categorizations, respectively. Gray circles reflect a lack of information
to categorize the substance for the established metric.

as an effective anti-knock agent.253 No quantitative data are distribution compatibility, technology readiness, sustainability
provided in this regard. of use, and, just as important, health and environmental hazards.
In the case of C-nitroso compounds, U.S. Patent 3647777 Although the first octane boosters used on a large scale were
describes a method for producing nitrosoalkanes and nitroso metallic, their use is limited or forbidden due to their toxicity and
aromatic compounds and states that such compounds are useful impact on vehicle exhaust catalysts. Ash-less octane improvers
as anti-knock agents.327 are preferred to metallic ones. N-Nitrosamines show high
efficiency, and bibliographic results are very favorable to them,
4. FUTURE SCOPE AND TRENDS IN THE FIELD including technology readiness. Phenols are also efficient
additives, but their handling is worse because of their limited
High-octane petrol for half of the EU market could save more distribution system compatibility. The conclusions of this work
than 3 Mt/year of CO2 emissions on a well to wheel basis. An support deeper research on both families. With respect to the
effort to increase RON from 95 to 102 supports fuel aniline family, this study demonstrates the very different
consumption benefits in advanced engines of 4%; this properties depending on the specific molecule; therefore,
improvement can be higher when a transition from less some further research on this type of chemical product could
advanced engines is considered.3 Although higher octane is pave the way to some molecules with acceptable side effects and
not the only solution to cut CO2 from road transport, it is one of toxicology.
the most cost-effective and technology-neutral strategies High-octane components, which are efficient at concen-
available to reach climate and energy goals by 2030. trations higher than 2 vol %, are also very valuable. They do not
From the energy industry standpoint, the production of high- have the advantages of cost and potential to high volume
octane gasoline is regarded as an opportunity to contribute to production of octane boosters; nevertheless, they could add
CO2 reduction goals. Concawe has investigated the feasibility of value to fuels in some specific cases, associated with local low
high-octane gasoline production and its cost for EU refining.4 costs or renewable origin opportunities. Furthermore, they
Considering current specifications of gasoline (EN-228), could be used as coadditives for ash-less octane improvers. The
hydrocarbon, and oxygenate components, including ETBE high solvent capacity of glycol ethers is a very valuable property
and bioethanol, it is possible to supply high-octane products for this purpose. The renewable production potential of some
(RON 102) to 50% of European demand, with a RON 95 price high-octane components such as aromatics, alcohols, and ethers
differential of 33 $/t. Nevertheless, if demand rose over 70% of is well known, and sustainability could be the deciding factor in
the gasoline market, the production would be strongly some scenarios.
constrained. Therefore, the energy industry needs alternative The recommended next steps in high-octane research are to
solutions. work, both in silico and experimentally, on the most promising
In this regard, high efficiency octane boosters could solve the octane boosters in combination with high-octane components,
in order to identify the best combination to help the industry
two critical barriers of the enhanced anti-knocking product, for
obtaining high-octane gasoline that is technically, economically,
they reduce significantly the cost and increase the volume
and environmentally viable.
capacity of supply. Octane enhancer research is not new,
However, the systemic approach of this work adds very high
value to the current state of the art, and it is the cornerstone for 5. CONCLUDING REMARKS
any further research. Effectiveness is the most important factor, A schematic qualitative comparison of the chemical compounds
but other considerations are the key to success: side effects, presented in Sections 2 and 3 is presented familywise in Table 87
10989 https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.energyfuels.1c00912
Energy Fuels 2021, 35, 10949−10997
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Table 88. Qualitative Comparison of Chemical Families in Section 3 (Ash-Less Octane Improvers)*

Green, amber, and red circles represent favorable, neutral, and unfavorable categorizations, respectively. Gray circles reflect a lack of information
to categorize the substance for the established metric. aAnilines, nitrosamines, or any other type of chemical that is already included in a separate
category is excluded from the category “Amines”.

(for high-octane components) and Table 88 (for ash-less About the suitability of the compared chemical families,
octane-enhancer additives). For the sake of simplicity, taking into account the defined metrics, ethers, ketones, and
information on each chemical family accounting for the different esters are the considered families presenting a larger number of
metrics defined in Section 1.4 is presented on the basis of favorable categorizations (i.e., five out of seven). Among these,
favorable, neutral, or unfavorable categorizations. Thus, green, ethers seem to be the most favored compounds to be added to
amber, and red circles in the table represent favorable, neutral, gasoline as high-octane components since no unfavorable
and unfavorable categorizations, respectively. Gray circles reflect categorizations have been identified for them. On the other
a lack of information to categorize the substance for the hand, given that esters present a relatively more modest effect on
established metric. the anti-knock behavior of gasolines, their suitability appears to
As seen in Table 87, regarding the global outcome of the be lower than that of ethers, provided that anti-knock
different considered metrics, it can be identified that most of the effectiveness is regarded as the most important feature for
selected families present positive effects on the anti-knock high-octane components. Regarding ketones, reported negative
behavior of gasoline and that all of them are technologically side effects would make them less eligible compounds compared
available nowadays. Stronger differences among families can be to ethers and esters, unless coadditives were designed to palliate
appreciated regarding the rest of the defined metrics. such effects.
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According to results depicted in Table 88, strong differences heterogeneous catalysis, kinetics determination, and biomass trans-
can be appreciated when comparing the available information on formation for the production of platform chemicals and biofuels.
ash-less additives for the different metrics. As in the previous Dr. Roger Bringué is an associate professor at the University of
case, technological readiness does not appear to be an issue, but Barcelona and currently the coordinator of the degree in chemical
environmental hazards can be, as a general rule, more severe for engineering at this university. His present research focuses on the study
considered additives than for high-octane components (Table of different reactions to obtain bioproducts from biomass using ion
87). Regarding compounds, eligibility as octane-enhancer exchange resins as catalysts. His published work covers oligomerization
additives, anilines, iodine compounds, N-nitrosamines, and reactions of C5−C8 olefins, alcohol etherification, and esterification
phenols are the most favored ones since they present between reactions, including kinetic and thermodynamic studies. He has
four and five favorable categorizations out of the seven defined participated in many industrial-funded projects.
metrics. Among these compounds, iodine compounds could be
discarded due to their high cost. For some of the presented Dr. Fidel Cunill is professor emeritus of chemical engineering at the
compounds within families of anilines, N-nitrosamines, and University of Barcelona, Spain. His main area of research is acid
phenols, the promising results reproduced in this work should catalysis by ion-exchange resins on reactions such as etherification of
motivate further research. alcohols with olefins, dehydration of alcohols, esterification biomass-

derived acids, and oligomerization of linear and branched olefins. He
ASSOCIATED CONTENT has published more than 140 research papers and three textbooks on
sı Supporting Information
chemical engineering and has collaborated on teaching innovation
projects. He has been the supervisor of 10 Ph.D. students.
The Supporting Information is available free of charge at
https://pubs.acs.org/doi/10.1021/acs.energyfuels.1c00912. Dr. J. Delgado finished his academic studies (Ph.D.) in 1994 in the
Department of Chemical Engineering and Environmental Technolo-
Information regarding toxicology associated with high-
gies at the University of Zaragoza, Spain, and Royal Institute of
octane components and ash-less octane-enhancer addi-
Technology in Stockholm, Sweden. He has worked along all the value
tives (PDF)
chains of Repsol (crude production to fuel dispenser) since 1991,

Corresponding Author
focused mainly on R&D activities. He has published fuel formulation
patents used successfully in the market and has recently presented ones
related to octane enhancers.

F. Cunill − Chemical Engineering and Analytical Chemistry
Department, University of Barcelona, 08028 Barcelona, ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
Spain; orcid.org/0000-0002-1349-0286; Email: fcunill@
ub.edu Present work is included in the Project “Desarrollo de gasolina
para motores eficientes”, partially funded by Spanish CDTI
Authors (Centro para el Desarrollo Tecnológico Industrial), identified as
J. H. Badia − Chemical Engineering and Analytical Chemistry IDI-20180217.

Department, University of Barcelona, 08028 Barcelona,
Spain; orcid.org/0000-0003-2904-590X REFERENCES
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