Examen de Ingles

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Kevin Obed Osornio Eguis

Total Score
16/05/2023 _______ / 50 points

A [Track 06] Listen to two conversations. Circle the correct answer to

complete each sentence.
Conversation 1
1. Jenny thinks that Manchester is / isn’t as exciting as London.
2. She says that going out in Manchester is as expensive as / less expensive than
going out in London.
Conversation 2
3. Nick thinks that San Francisco is busier / slower-paced than Seattle.
4. He believes that people in Seattle are / aren’t fun-loving.
A _______ / 8 points (2 points each)

B Complete the sentences with the correct words from the box.

culturally diverse open-minded world-famous

densely populated well-planned

1. With more than 16,000 people per square kilometer, the tiny country of
densley populated
Monaco is the most _____________________ country in the world.
2. My relatives like people with different opinions.
They’re very _____________________ people.
3. You’ll find people from all over the world in this city.
It’s very _____________________.
culturally diverse
4. All of my foreign friends have heard of the Statue of Liberty.
It’s a _____________________ landmark.
5. It’s easy to get around here because it’s a
very _____________________ city.
B _______ / 5 points (1 point each)

C Circle the correct words to complete the paragraph.

What a terrible trip! First, my flight was expired / delayed three hours. Next, the
airline lost my luggage. And then, the hotel didn’t have a room for me because
it was overbooked / overpriced, so I had to go to another hotel. By that time,
I was really hungry, so I went to the restaurant in the hotel. But it was
guaranteed / packed, and I couldn’t get a table. After that, I had to go to a
store to buy new clothes. The hotel manager said it was the best store in town,
but I didn’t like it at all. It was very overrated / discounted. The next day I went
to a meeting, and then I went to the airport to get a flight home. That was the
only good thing about the trip. When I told the woman at the ticket desk about
my lost luggage, I was issued / upgraded to first class at no extra cost.

C _______ / 5 points (1 point each)

© Cambridge University Press photocopiable Four Corners 4 Unit 5 Quiz 1

D Complete the conversation with the correct comparative or superlative
forms of the adjectives in parentheses. Add the or than where needed.

Tim: What’s your favorite capital city in Europe, Eve?

Eve: I like London. I love large cities, and London is one of

_____________________________ (big) in Europe. It’s probably one of
the most culturally diverse
_____________________________ (culturally diverse) cities there, too.

What about you, Tim?

the best
Tim: I love Paris. It has _____________________________ (good) restaurants.

I’ve ever been to. And you, Amy?

Amy: I like Berlin. I think it’s _____________________________

more high-tech than (high-tech)

London or Paris.
D _______ / 8 points (2 points each)

E Your friend has given you some travel tips for your next vacation.
Rewrite his advice using the reporting verbs.
1. “Book your flight and hotel early.”
to book my fligth and hotel early
He told me _____________________________________________________.
2. “Take your credit card.”
to take my credit car
He reminded me ________________________________________________.
3. “Buy a good map of the city.”
to buy a good map of the city
He advised me __________________________________________________.
4. “Don’t leave your passport in the hotel.”
not to leave my passport in the hotel
He warned me __________________________________________________.
5. “Don’t walk in the park at night.”
not to walk in the park at night
He advised me __________________________________________________.
E _______ / 10 points (2 points each)

F Number the lines of the conversation in the correct order.

3 A: Yes, there seems to be a problem with the TV, too. It’s not working.
____ A: Hello? This is Ms. James in Room 201. I’m calling to report a problem
with the lights in my room. I can’t turn them on.
2 B: I’m sorry. I’ll have someone get on it right away. Is there anything else
I can help you with?
4 B: OK. I’ll get someone to take care of that, too. I’m very sorry.
F _______ / 4 points (1 point each)

© Cambridge University Press photocopiable Four Corners 4 Unit 5 Quiz 2

G Read the magazine page. Then answer the questions with the travelers’ names.

Best place for a weekend away?

Share your travel experiences and tips with our other readers!
The best weekend trip I’ve ever taken was to New York City. It’s so culturally diverse! I’d
recommend staying in one of the smaller hotels. The bigger and better-known five-star
hotels are expensive and sometimes overrated. One tip: don’t take a taxi from the
airport. Take the airport bus or a van – they’re much cheaper. –Sam (Henning, U.S.A.)
Istanbul is the most fascinating city I’ve ever visited for a weekend. The architecture is a
really interesting mixture of Eastern and European styles. You can buy wonderful
jewelry and silk carpets in the Grand Bazaar. Don’t forget to bargain for better prices.
–Alicia (Madrid, Spain)
Our weekend in Hong Kong was a huge adventure. Although it’s one of the most
densely populated cities in the world, there’s wonderful green countryside nearby. We
took a train north and visited old villages and amazing forests. We also liked the street
markets in the city. We ate some of the most exotic food we’ve ever tasted! –Brett
(Sydney, Australia)
Paris is the place to go if you love museum-hopping. This city is not only home to the
Louvre (one of the biggest art museums in Europe and home to the world-famous Mona
Lisa), but it also has the Pompidou Center and the Orsay Museum with its amazing
collection of paintings. One tip: it’s cheaper to get around by Metro if you buy a pack of
ten tickets. –Jill (New York, U.S.A.)

1. Who recommends a city that would interest people who like art?
2. Who had a good time exploring areas outside of a big city?
3. Who had some shopping tips?
4. Who was not very impressed with a city’s famous hotels?
5. Which two people found ways to save money on transportation?
_____________________________ Jill
and _____________________________
G _______ / 10 points (2 points each)

© Cambridge University Press photocopiable Four Corners 4 Unit 5 Quiz 3

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