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San Pedro High School

Lesson Plan
SUBJECT: Physical FORM: 2
TEACHER: Mr. Francisco. DEPARTMENT HEAD: Mr. Alex. Norales
CLASS: 2A,2C,2E,2G,2H, DEPARTMENT: Humanities
WEEK: 4 DATE:11-15September
TOPIC: Factor affecting
Day: Monday/Thursday Sub-topic:
Previous Knowledge:
Learning Outcomes: Student will learn:
 Define and understand common sports injuries.
 Identify risk factors contributing to sports injuries.
 Recognize signs and symptoms of sports injuries.
 Discuss methods for preventing sports injuries.

Learning Aids:
1) video 2) ppt 3) cones 4) balls 5) plates 6) information sheet

Teaching Strategies/Learning Strategies/Activities

Introduction (5 minutes):

Begin with a brief discussion about sports and their popularity.

Ask students if they have ever played sports or witnessed sports injuries.
Explain that today's lesson will focus on sports injuries, their causes, and prevention.

I. Understanding Sports Injuries (10 minutes): A. Define sports injuries and their significance. B. List and briefly explain common sports injuries (e.g., sprains,
strains, fractures, concussions). C. Show images or videos of different sports injuries for visual reference. D. Discuss the importance of immediate medical
attention for serious injuries.

II. Risk Factors for Sports Injuries (5 minutes): A. Explain various risk factors that contribute to sports injuries: 1. Lack of proper warm-up and cool-down. 2.
Overtraining and fatigue. 3. Poor technique and form. 4. Inadequate protective gear. B. Ask students to share any experiences they have had or witnessed
related to these risk factors.

III. Recognizing Signs and Symptoms (10 minutes): A. Provide a list of common signs and symptoms for different types of sports injuries. B. Discuss the
importance of early recognition and not ignoring pain or discomfort. C. Use case studies or scenarios to practice identifying signs and symptoms. D.
Emphasize that early intervention can prevent worsening of injuries.

IV. Preventing Sports Injuries (7 minutes): A. Share tips for preventing sports injuries: 1. Proper warm-up and cool-down routines. 2. Regular strength and
flexibility training. 3. Using appropriate protective gear. 4. Listening to your body and avoiding overtraining. B. Discuss the role of coaches and trainers in
injury prevention. C. Highlight the importance of reporting injuries and seeking medical advice.

V. First Aid for Sports Injuries (3 minutes): A. Briefly discuss basic first aid measures for common sports injuries: 1. R.I.C.E. method for sprains and strains
(Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation). 2. Head injury protocol for concussions. B. Demonstrate simple first aid techniques if possible using a first aid kit.

Conclusion and Q&A (5 minutes):

Summarize the key points of the lesson.

Open the floor for questions and encourage students to ask about any specific concerns or experiences related to sports injuries.
LESSON Two & three (Double period physical part)
Day: tuesday/Friday Sub-topic : Understanding and Developing Motor Skills
Previous Knowledge: Student has knowledge of what is meant by mental preparation and motivation regarding playing football .
Learning Outcomes:
 Define motor skills and differentiate between fine and gross motor skills.
 Understand the importance of motor skills in daily life and various activities.
 Demonstrate an improvement in their own motor skills through practice.

Content :

(83) The Top 7 Most Common Sports Injuries (& How To Prevent Them) - YouTube

(83) 3 Activities para EDUCACION FISICA PRIMARIA - YouTube

First Aid Knowledge:

Students should understand basic first aid measures for common sports injuries, such as the R.I.C.E. method for sprains and strains or the appropriate steps
to take in the case of a head injury.

Recognition of Signs and Symptoms:

Students should be able to identify signs and symptoms of common sports injuries, such as swelling, pain, bruising, and loss of consciousness.

Skills: team player, communication skills and Cooperative work .

Learning Aids:

 Whiteboard
 Markers
 Printed handouts or worksheets.
 Stopwatch or timer
 Cones or for setting up activity stations.
 Sports equipment (e.g., balls, ropes, hula hoops, etc.)

Assessment Strategies:

Teacher’s Reflection:

Strengths: Students are doing excellent both in theory and Practical

Weaknesses: Some student of the class of 2G do not like to do Physical education because they prefer to seat down and waste time.

Areas of Improvement/Modifications: My method to tackle the problem of 2 G was to contact parents and have a meeting one on one .
Head of Department Comments:

Checked: Date:

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