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Learner’s Licence
1 The learner’s licence test 4 7 Guidance and information signs 72

2 Defensive driving (K53) 5 8 Road markings 83

• Controls of the vehicle 7

3 Rules of the road 9 9 Traffic signals 88

4 Road signs 44 10 Additional signs 92

5 Regulatory signs 46 11 Learner’s practice test 99

6 Warning signs 60 12 Answers 106

DrivING Licence
13 The driving licence test 107 17 The yard test 119

14 The K53 defensive driving system 109 18 The motorcycle test 126

15 The pre-trip inspection 111 19 The road test 133

16 Using the vehicle controls 117 20 Practical driving test 141


WHAT THE TEST COVERS Disqualification

To pass your learner’s licence test, you must know: You will not be able to obtain a learner’s licence if:
• the rules of the road; • you have been previously disqualified by a court of law and this
• road traffic signs, signals and surface markings; disqualification is still in force; or
• the controls of the vehicle. • you already have a licence for the same class of vehicle; or
• your licence has been suspended temporarily and the
suspension has not yet expired.

Pre-test requirements

To do the learner’s licence test, you must: • comply with all instructions given by the testing officer;
• be of the minimum age required (see details below); • have acceptable identification, or a Traffic Register Certificate
• pass the health and eyesight requirements; issued by the licencing authority;
• not be addicted to narcotic drugs or the excessive use • have two recent black-and-white or colour identity photographs
of intoxicating liquor; of passport size.

The licencing authority will give you all the details you need in this regard, and will tell you about the different codes of licences for the
different classes of vehicles, as well as the fees you must pay. Be sure to contact them before booking your test.

Minimum age requirements

The minimum age for obtaining a learner’s licence is:

• 16 years: for a motorcycle without a side-car, and with an engine cylinder capacity not exceeding 125 cc;
• 17 years: for light motor vehicles with a mass not exceeding 3 500 kg;
• 18 years: for all other vehicles, including motorcycles with an engine cylinder capacity exceeding 125 cc.

What the licence authorizes

When you have a learner’s licence:

• you may drive on public roads, including freeways, only under the supervision of a person in possession of a valid driving licence for
the same category of vehicle which you intend to drive – this person should be seated right next to you, or directly behind you if they
are not able to sit next to you;
• passengers are allowed in the vehicle provided they do not pay a fare;
• in the case of a motorcycle without a side-car, you may not carry a passenger and therefore your instructor may not sit on the same
motorcycle as you.

Duration of licence validity

Your learner’s licence will be valid for 18 months from the date of issue. Once you have obtained it, turn to the driver’s section (page 107)
of this book so that you can start preparing yourself to take driving lessons with a qualified driving instructor.

3 Rules of
the road

•T  o make driving on public roads as safe as possible, there are rules that must be adhered to by all road users.
• Concentrate on understanding the meaning of every rule in this chapter. You will then be able to answer questions no matter how they
are phrased in the test.
• The illustrations above each rule will help you to understand and remember the statements given below them. The things you must
do often have a green tick; those you must not DO have a red cross.

1 2 3

 lways obey the directions of a •O
 bey all the rules of the road. If you •T
 he rule of the road is to drive on
traffic or police officer. They overrule don’t, you are committing an offence the left half of the road.
any road sign or rule of the road. and may be prosecuted.

Driving signals

1 2 3

 ignal your intention early enough to •M
 ake sure your signals can be • Use the brake lights to indicate
warn others by using, for example, clearly seen from the front, from that you are slowing down or
indicators, stop lights or hand signals. behind and from the side. intend to stop.

The following abbreviations are used in this book: Note: Drivers of medical and fire-fighting response
HMV = Heavy Motor Vehicles vehicles, and persons specifically authorised to do
LMV = Light Motor Vehicles so, are permitted to exceed the speed limit and to
disregard road signs, but only if this is necessary
during the course of their duties.

Seat belts

1 2 3

 he driver is responsible for ensuring •W
 here no seat belt is fitted on the • If seat belts have been removed,
that seat belts are worn by all front passenger seat, children up te vehicle may not be used on
passengers, front and rear. to the age of 14 must sit on the a public road.
back seat.


Defensive driving means…

A. Defending yourself on the road.

B. Maintaining a clear space around
your vehicle at all times.
C. Making sure that the indicator
has cancelled after completing
• If there is a vacant seat that has a •Y
 ou may unfasten your seat belt a manoeuvre.
seat belt fitted, no one may occupy while parking or reversing and during
a seat that isn’t fitted with a seat belt. the yard test part of the driving test.

Driving off/reckless, negligent and inconsiderate driving


Signal whenever you intend


A. Move to another lane.

B. Accelerate.
C. Neither of these.

 rive off from a stationary position • It is a criminal offence to disregard
only if it is saf to do so, and without the safety of people or property
causing any danger to other traffic. when driving, or to drive recklessly,
negligently or without reasonable
consideration for other road users.

Reckless or negligent driving is a criminal offence that will result in a criminal record. If you collide with the
back of another vehicle, or with a State vehicle, you will be prosecuted for reckless or negligent driving.

Emergency red triangles


To slow down or stop, you


A. The brakes only.

45 m
B. The brakes and gears.
C. None of these.

 t least one double-sided reflective • In an emergency, the triangle must
triangle, meeting SABS specifications, be displayed on the road at least
must be carried in all motor vehicles. 45 m behind the vehicle, facing
(Motor cars first registered before approaching traffic.
1 July 2006 are exempted.)


1 2 3
150 m

•A  lways switch on your vehicle •S

 witch on your vehicle headlights •T
 he headlight of a motorcycle must
headlights when driving between whenever visibility is not clear for be on all the time while riding on a
sunset and sunrise. at least 150 m. (Having headlights on public road (even during the day).
• The beam must light up objects at dipped beam during the day makes
least 100 m ahead. you more visible and is safer.)

4 5 6

12 m

•D  on’t use the driving or main (bright) •U

 se the parking lights at night only •U
 se your vehicle’s emergency
beam when the brightness will cause when the vehicle is parked outside warning lights only in an emergency,
a glare to approaching traffic. a demarcated parking area or if it is or when your vehicle is standing in a
• It should strike the road surface not 12 m or more from a lit street lamp. hazardous position.
more than 45 m ahead of the vehicle.
• No more than two after-market spot
lamps may be fitted.

4 Road Signs


A system of road traffic signs, signals and surface markings guides and directs the traffic flow, or warns motorists of traffic conditions ahead.

Understand the system

If you understand the system, you will find it much easier to remember the meaning of each of the many road signs that form part of it.

Forms of road signs

Road signs take three basic forms:

Signs Markings Signals

(usually mounted on poles (painted on the (traffic lights, warning flashing
or overhead structures) road surface) lights, hand and flag signals)

Categories of signs
To make it easier for the motorist to see, interpret and quickly respond to a road sign while driving, they have
been grouped into four broad categories:

1 Regulatory: 2 Warning: 3 Guidance: 4 Information:

to tell you what you must do or to warn you of potentially to guide you in respect of to give motorists useful information
may not do (i.e. to regulate traffic). dangerous conditions on the destination, routes, distances, about the road situation ahead,
Obey all regulatory signs, road ahead. places of interest, etc. which is not of a warning or
signals and markings. regulatory nature.

5 Regulatory

• Regulatory signs control the actions of motorists by giving instructions.

• You MUST obey all regulatory road signs. If you don’t, you are committing an offence and can be fined or prosecuted.

Gro upi ngs

• Regulatory signs are grouped according to the type of message conveyed. Each group has its own shape and colour combination to
help you to quickly read and interpret the sign while driving.
• Learn the meaning of each grouping of shapes and symbols in the tables below.
• Then cover up the right-hand column and test yourself to make sure you understand the type of message conveyed by each group.

Shape and colour group MEANING

Control signs tell you:

• where you must stop;
• where you must yield (give way);
• in what direction you must travel;

Hexagon Triangle Round disc R4.1

Rectangle Square on • what special rules apply.

Command signs give commands. They tell you:

• what actions you must take;
• what road or lane you must use.
Permanent Temporary

Prohibition signs tell you what is not allowed:

• what must not be done;
• which class of road user is not allowed on that
roadway or lane.
Permanent Temporary

Limit signs tell you what limits are allowed:

• the maximum speed, vehicle mass, height, length, etc. allowed
on the road;
Permanent Temporary • where access is limited to authorized vehicles only.

Reservation signs tell you about reserved areas:

• that the roadway or lane (R), or the parking area (P) is reserved
for certain classes of vehicle only;
• other classes must not use that lane, roadway or portion of the
roadway, or the parking area.

Permanent Temporary

Shape and colour group MEANING

Comprehensive signs tell you that there is a comprehensive set of

several regulations and restrictions that must be adhered
to ahead, for example, when:
• the roadway ahead is a freeway;
• the area is designated as a residential area.
Permanent Temporary

De-restriction signs tell you:

• that the comprehensive sign regulations no longer apply.

Permanent Temporary

141/R602 141/R602

Exclusive secondary signs may appear below a regulatory sign to

indicate that the sign applies:
• only during certain times of the day or night or week;
• only to vehicles moving in a certain direction;
• only to certain classes of vehicle;
Permanent Temporary • only under certain conditions.
155/R107+R511 155/R107+R511

C ont rol signs

These signs control driving actions and tell you:

• where you must stop;
• where you must give way;
• in what direction you must travel;
Stop Pedestrian Stop/Go R1.2
Stop/Yield Yield to

priority • what special rules apply. (usually hand-held pedestrians

at roadworks)

Colour codes:
• Red and white, except the (temporary) Stop/Go sign.

No entry One-way R1.3 3-way stop Railway

roadway crossing stop

How to read these signs

+ = eg:
Background R4.1
Icon R4.1
Red with white White insert specifies One-way roadway.

border indicates which control applies, in You must drive only

a control sign. this case the compulsory in the direction of
direction of travel. the arrow.

Control signs (Cont.)

1 2 3


Stop 3-Way or 4-Way Stop No entry

• Stop completely and wait, with the •S  top as for every Stop sign. • Don’t drive beyond this sign.
front of the vehicle in line with the • Proceed only after the vehicles
sign, or before the painted stop line. that stopped before you on any of
Proceed only when it is safe to do so. the roads at the intersection have
• If the sign is controlled by a person, cleared the intersection, and only
proceed only when instructed to do so. when it is safe to do so.

4 5 6

Yield Yield at mini-circle Stop/yield

 low down, or stop before the •S  low down and give way to any • If you want to turn left, slow down and
broken line to give way to: vehicle that will enter the mini-circle give way to all traffic from the right.
– cross traffic (and trains) close before you and cross your path. • Proceed only if it is safe to do so.
enough to pose a danger; • Proceed in a clock­wise direction • If you want to cross over or turn
– pedestrians crossing or about to when it is safe to do so. right, regard the sign as a Stop sign
cross the roadway. • Don’t drive over the mini-circle. and respond accordingly.

Study all the road signs
illustrated in the pictures
and make sure that you
understand them.
Next, revise each row
of signs as already
explained on page 45.
Additional road signs
Yield to oncoming traffic Pedestrian priority
that must be studied are
•Y  ield to any oncoming traffic at the • At an area set aside for pedestrians.
provided on pages 92–98.
narrow section of the roadway. • Service and emergency vehicles
• Proceed only when the road is clear may enter only if they give way to
of oncoming traffic. pedestrians, do not go faster than
15 km/h, and deliver/load only in a
marked loading zone.

6 warning signs

•  arning signs indicate that there are hazardous conditions ahead, which require extra caution.
• They indicate that it may be necessary to slow down or make some other manoeuvre to maintain safety while driving.
• A warning sign may be used with other road signs, surface markings or advisory plates such as ‘recommended speed’.
• If you disregard a warning sign, this could result in a charge of negligent or reckless driving.
• Whenever you see a warning sign you should look out for other road signs as well, such as regulatory signs or other warning
signs, and respond accordingly.

G e n e r a l r e s p o ns e to al l warni ng s i gns
•A  pproach with caution and take note of any other road signs.
• Anticipate any possible hazard according to the nature of the warning, for example children or animals running into the road,
dangerous road surface conditions, movements of other traffic or weather-related hazards.
• Slow down if necessary, and be prepared to take evasive action.
• Change down to a lower gear if necessary.
• Obey any regulatory signs in the vicinity.

Gro upi ngs

•L  earn the meaning of each shape and symbol grouping in the tables below.
• Then cover up the right-hand column and test yourself to make sure you understand the type of message conveyed by each group.

Shape and colour group MEANING

Advance warning signs warn of hazards

some distance ahead.
• Hazards might include, for example, changes
in the road layout or traffic flow, animals or
pedestrians ahead, regulatory signs ahead.

Permanent Temporary

Hazard marker signs are placed at or

near the hazard itself.
• They indicate the position of, for example,

a sharp curve or a T-junction, or an


obstruction on the side of the road.
Permanent Temporary


R oa d l ay o ut s i gns
These signs depict the layout of other roads ahead, in relation to the
road on which you are travelling.

Permanent Temporary
Each road is depicted by a solid black line.
* 501W/461

Colour codes:
• Black symbol on a white background, with a red border. * An asterisk after a sign name
means that the road may angle
• Temporary versions have a yellow background. to the left or the right.

Permanent Permanent

How to read these signs

+ = eg:
170/W101 170/W101

Background Icon Meaning

White triangle with a red Black icon specifies the There is a crossroad
border means advance type of hazard ahead. ahead. Approach with
warning of potential caution and be prepared
hazard ahead. to stop or yield.

1 2 3

Crossroad ahead Secondary crossroad Priority crossroad ahead

•A  nother road crosses the road on ahead •A  priority road ahead crosses the
which you are travelling. •A  secondary road ahead crosses road on which you are travelling.
• Approach with caution and look out the road on which you are travelling. Vehicles on that road have priority.
for any ‘Stop’ or ‘Yield’ signs. Your road has priority. • You will have to yield to cross-traffic.
• There may also be a ‘Right-of-way’ • Look out for a ‘Stop’ or ‘Yield’ sign
information sign ahead to confirm ahead.
that you have right of way.

(B) Moving hazards ahead (Cont.)

2 ‘moving hazards ahead’ warning signs

Horses and riders Elephants ahead  Warthogs ahead Hippos ahead


Wild animals ahead

•T  here may be wild animals on or
about to jump onto the road ahead. Farm animals Farm animals Farm animals
210/W310 ahead ahead
208/W311 ahead

• Slow down and drive with caution.

(C) Road or weather condition hazards ahead

Signs that warn of hazards associated with road or weather conditions ahead. Approach with caution, and
respond as indicated below.

1 ‘road or weather condition hazards ahead’ signs

Speed humps ahead

Gravel road ends 
Loos e stones Motor gate ahead*
•T  here are speed ahead ahead
• There is a motor gate

humps on the road •T  he road surface is •T  here may be loose (cattle grid) ahead,
ahead to control about to change to stones or gravel on and the thorough­fare
vehicle speed. a hard surface, for the roadway ahead. may be narrow.
• Obey any speed example tarred. • Avoid severe • Pass on the side to
Gravel road begins ahead limit sign. • Approach with braking, and which the arrow is
caution. maintain a safe pointing.
• The road surface is about to following distance.
change to a gravel surface.
• Check in the mirrors and slow
down to avoid throwing up stones
which can damage windscreens.
• Avoid sudden braking, and keep a
safe following distance. Gate ahead  ailway crossing
R Tunnel ahead
 teep descent
•T  here is a gate,
ahead •T  here is a tunnel ahead*
railway boom or •T  here is a railway ahead. •T here is a steep

barrier ahead. crossing ahead. • Obey any regulatory downhill ahead.

• Approach with • Approach with sign. • Heavy vehicles may
caution in case the caution. • Switch on the have to change to a
gate or boom is • Obey any regulatory headlights. lower gear.
closed. sign. • Don’t overtake.

Examples of direction signs

•P  roceed straight ahead to travel •T  he crossroad at the T-junction is •Y  ou are travelling along Regional
towards Cape Town on National Regional Route 34. Route 568 which, at this point, is
Route 7. • Turning right will take you towards also Route 26.
• At the junction ahead, turning right Richards Bay along Route 34. • The town of Vanderbijlpark is 8 km
will take you along Regional Route 45 • Turning left will take you towards further on along Route 568.
towards Hopefield and Vredenburg. Empangeni along Route 34. • The town of Heilbron is 66 km further
• Turning left will take you along on along Route 26.
Regional Route 45 towards

•A  t the junction ahead turn right into •C  ontinue straight on if you wish •T  urning right will take you into
Victoria Street to take the Regional to travel on Regional Route 103 Queens Terrace into the town
Route 33 to Vryheid or Route 68 towards Estcourt. called Riverside.
towards Melmoth. • Turning left at the junction ahead will • Turning left will take you into
• Turning left into Victoria Street will take you to National Route 3, which Robinson Road, which will become
take you along Route 68 towards is a freeway (blue sign and freeway Regional Route 58 leading into the
Newcastle. symbol) and a toll road. town of Burgersdorp.
•T  his is Freeway On-ramp number 146.


•Y  ou are travelling along Regional •P  rince Edward High School is to •Y  ou have reached the town of
Route 50. the left. Virginia.
• The distance to the town of • Lanseria Airport is 6 km along the • Venter Avenue is 0.8 km ahead.
Bapsfontein is 25 km. road to the right. • Sand River Road to the city centre
• The distance to Pretoria is 63 km. • The harbour is 3.5 km along the road is 1.7 km ahead.
to the right. • Harmony Drive is 2.5 km ahead.

8 Road markings

•R  oad markings serve the same purpose as road signs. They are painted on the surface of the road instead of being on a sign-post.
• Regulatory markings must be obeyed in the same way as regulatory road signs.

1 2 3

Stop line Yield line block pedestrian

• Indicates the position for stopping. • Indicates the point at which motorists crossing
• Stop your vehicle immediately must give way. • Indicates the place where pedestrians
behind the line. • If required, give way to other vehicles, cross the road.
pedestrians or traffic by stopping your • Yield to pedestrians on or about to
vehicle behind the broken yield line. enter the crossing on your half of the
road from either side.

4 5 6

No overtaking No crossing Channelizing line

•O  vertaking is prohibited. •C  rossing the solid lines is prohibited. •C  rossing the line is prohibited.
• Don’t cross onto the right-hand side • Don’t allow any part of your vehicle • Don’t allow any part of your vehicle
of the solid line, except to get to or to cross onto the right-hand side of to cross the marking for any reason
from a property on the other side of the marking for any reason at all. at all.
the roadway, or to pass a stationary
obstruction in the roadway, and then
only if it is safe to do so.

9 Traffic

Traffic signals serve the same purpose as road signs. They vary according to traffic flow, road conditions or time of day.
Note that traffic light signals at intersections and pedestrian crossings are often also referred to as traffic lights or robots.

Ove r h e a d l a n e di re cti on control s i gnal s

These regulate which lanes may be used and which may not be used. (Regulatory Signal)

1 2

When approaching
this road‑marking a
vehicle must‑stop...

A. After it has crossed the line.

B. Behind the line.
C. As it approaches the line.

red cross green arrow

•T  his lane is not open for your use •T  his lane is open for your use, as it
because it is open to oncoming traffic. carries traffic in the same direction
• Don’t drive in this lane. Choose as you are travelling.
another lane. • You may drive in any lane over which
this sign is displayed. A B C

t r a f f ic l i ght s i gnal s
These signals apply to motor vehicles and motorcycles, and in some cases to pedestrians as well.

1 2 3

Steady red light Flashing red light Steady yellow light

•S  top your vehicle immediately behind •S  top before the white line. •S  top before the white line.
the stop line. • Proceed as for a 4-way stop, but yield • If you are too close to stop safely,
• Wait for a green light before to any pedestrians crossing your path. you may proceed with caution if it is
proceeding. • This signal is also used when a traffic safe to do so.
light is out of order. • Wait for a green light to proceed.

11 learner’s
Pract ice

Do-It-Yourself Test

Once you have finished studying the information on pages 4–98, complete the following test within a time limit of one hour. Try to get all
the answers correct. The test is designed to help you prepare for the various ways in which the questions may be asked in the official
test. Sometimes the question itself is not straightforward, and sometimes when you read the three options given you might become a
little confused, so it is useful to have a strategy for approaching each question.

tips for answering the questions

• There is enough time to answer all the questions, so there's no need to rush the test.
• It is important that you first read the question very carefully and make sure you clearly understand what is being asked. If necessary,
read the question again … and again.
• Where possible, try to answer the question in your mind without looking at the three options below the question. (Sometimes this isn't
possible because the question does not indicate the topic and you need to read the three options for the question to make sense.)
• When you feel you have a clear idea in your mind of what the correct answer should be, read the first option carefully and make sure
you understand it before reading the next one, and so on.
• Don't mark the correct answer until you have read all three options carefully.
• There is always only one correct answer for each question. So if two answers appear to be correct, read the question and the
options again and only then decide which answer is the most correct one for that question.
• Place your mark in the space provided beneath A, B or C, as applicable (see the example on page 5).

How to mark your test

Once you have completed the test, check your answers by referring to the list on page 106. Score one mark for each correct answer. You
should aim to score 100% by getting every answer correct. If you chose a wrong answer, go back to that question and read it again. Study
the related information and picture again to make sure you understand why you were wrong. Mark that page and study it again.

1. Which sign means 2. To slow down or stop, 3. The directions of 4. How should the
delivery vehicles must you use... a traffic officer take driver react to this
use this portion of the precedence... sign?
roadway only? A. The brakes only.
B. The brakes and gears. A. Only at robots that are out A. No reaction.
A. B. C. Neither of these. of order. B. Keep to the left of the sign.
B. Where there has been C. Turn left.
an accident.
C. Always.
C. Both of these.


licence test


The driving licence authorizes you to drive a vehicle on a public road without being accompanied by another licenced driver. The vehicle
must be of the same category as specified on the licence.


During the test, you must demonstrate your ability to:

• control and handle the vehicle safely and competently;
• apply the K53 defensive driving system;
• obey the road traffic rules, road signs and signals, and road markings, and respond appropriately in a real-life driving situation;
• cope with traffic, pedestrians and route conditions;
• be courteous to other road users.


The driving licence test consists of two separate parts, each of which must be successfully completed. If you fail either of these parts
the test will be discontinued immediately and you will have to apply for a full re-test at a later date. You may ask the examiner any
questions about the test. Use of cellular phones and smoking are not allowed. On completion of the test, whether you have passed
or failed, you must sign the test report and be given a copy after it has been discussed with you.

Light and heavy motor vehicles

The test for light and heavy motor vehicles includes:
Part One:
• a pre-trip inspection of the vehicle;
• a yard test, which inludes reversing, parking and moving off on an incline.
Part Two:
• a practical driving test in traffic (road test).

The time allotted for the yard activities – the interior and exterior inspections and the yard manoeuvres – is 20 minutes in total
(plus 59 seconds grace period). If you pass these two aspects of the test, you will continue with the practical driving test on a public
road, which should take between 20 and 45 minutes.

The test for motorcycles includes:
Part One:
•a pre-trip inspection of the motorcycle;
•mounting and dismounting, starting, speed control, moving off and turning, lane change to the right and an incline start.
Part Two:
• moving off, turning speed judgement, an emergency stop, an emergency swerve and a controlled stop.

There is no time limit for part one of the test. Both parts of the test are conducted on a track at the testing centre. There is no practical
riding test in traffic.


You must be 18 years or older to apply for a driver's licence for all classes of vehicle, with the exception of motorcycles with an engine
cylinder capacity not exceeding 125 cc for which you must be 16 years or older.

On the day of the test you must report to the driving licence testing centre with:
• a roadworthy vehicle;
• your identity document;
• your valid learner’s licence;
• three passport-sized photographs;
• the prescribed fee for the licence to be issued when you successfully complete the test.


• It is strongly recommended that you take a pre-defined course of at least 10 to 20 hours of formal training with a driving instructor and
school that has been accredited by the Southern African Institute of Driving Instructors (SAIDI).
• During your driving lessons you should satisfy yourself that you can perform every procedure for the test. The driving test is a practical
test. To help assess your ability, an example of the official test assessment checklist is included at the back of this book (pages 141­–144).


Light and heavy motor vehicles

The test will be stopped immediately in the event of any of the following:
• using a vehicle that is not licenced;
• using an unroadworthy vehicle;
• a violation of any traffic law, road sign, signal or road marking;
• an uncontrolled, dangerous action on your part;
• an avoidable collision;
• bumping any obstacles, mounting the kerb or touching boundary lines during the test;
• not successfully completing a manoeuvre within the maximum number of attempts allowed;
• allowing the vehicle to roll forwards or backwards during the test;
• inability to perform a hand signal when instructed to do so;
• mechanical failure of the vehicle during the test;
• scoring more than 50 penalty points in the yard test (penalty points are indicated in brackets on the test assessment checklist
at the back of the book);
• exceeding the absolute time limit of 20 minutes 59 seconds allowed for the Pre-Trip Inspection and Yard Test.

The test will be stopped immediately in the event of any of the following:

Part One: Part Two:

• using an unroadworthy or unlicenced motorcycle; • falling off or allowing the motorcycle to fall;
• falling off or allowing the motorcycle to fall; • exceeding 90 penalty points;
• exceeding 50 penalty points (see page 143); • touching a boundary line;
• touching a boundary line; • rolling backwards or forwards when moving off;
• rolling backwards or forwards during the manoeuvres; • disregarding a traffic law, road sign, signal or road marking;
• disregarding a traffic law, road sign, signal or road marking; • carrying out an uncontrolled or dangerous action;
• carrying out an uncontrolled or dangerous action; • not wearing a suitable safety (crash) helmet.
• not wearing a suitable safety (crash) helmet.

Only one attempt each is allowed for moving off, turning left and Only three attempts are allowed for each of the manoeuvres in
lane change to the right, and three attempts for speed control, this part of the test, provided that no immediate disqualification
provided that no immediate disqualification has occurred. has occurred.

If you are disqualified for any one of these items the test will be stopped immediately and you will have to re-apply to do the test at a
later date after more training and practice.

14 THE K53

An important aspect of the driving test is the application of the defensive driving system already explained in detail in Chapter 2. You
will be expected to know this system thoroughly and to apply it in the correct sequence during each manoeuvre and aspect of the test
while maintaining a clear space around your vehicle at all times.

The defensive driving system consists of the following elements:


Continually look ahead, behind Classify the type of hazard in Evaluate the dangers associated Choose a reaction that ensures
and sideways for any hazards. terms of how it might affect your with the hazard and how you everyone’s safety.
A hazard is anything that could speed or direction of travel. could react to it. EXECUTE
cause you to reduce speed or Carry out the chosen action.
change direction.
Hazards include: intersections,
vehicle and pedestrian entrances,
pedestrians, animals, other
vehicles, cyclists, poles, signs
or any other fixtures.

Each manoeuvre has its own specific sequence of actions that form part of the defensive driving system. These sequences, which are
explained in the pages that follow, must be followed. The following table explains the terminology used to describe the sequence, and
shows the icons that will be used to help you.

Icon Action Explanation

Observe This is a 360° observation. Look to the front, to the sides, in the mirrors and the blind
spots so that you know what’s going on all around your vehicle and to see if it is safe
behind you. Your wheels should always be straight when you check in the blind spots.

Look in the mirrors Look in the rear-view mirrors to see if it is safe behind and alongside the vehicle.

Turn your head and look over your shoulder into the blind spot on the side to which
Check the blind spot(s)
you intend moving to ensure that it is safe to change direction. Your wheels should
always be straight when you check in the blind spots.


3 1
12 3
4 2 10 9
10 18 13
1 2
9 16 11
6 6
12 11 5 17 4

13 14 1

7 8

Exterior inspection Interior inspection

1. On approach, check under the vehicle for leaks or obstructions. After the exterior inspection you will be asked to get into the vehicle
2. Unlock all the doors. and operate the lights, indicators, wipers and hooter (horn). Operate
3. Inspect the vehicle for possible damage from the top to bottom, in the controls as required and then conduct the interior inspection.
an anti-clockwise direction.
4. Ensure that the mirrors are not broken, and are secure and clean. 1. F rom the driver's seat, ensure that the parking brake is applied
5. Check the windows and windscreen for damage and cleanliness. and that the gear lever is in neutral (or P or N for automatic
6. Check the wiper blades for damage and leave them extended vehicles).
during the inspection. 2. Check for obstructions inside the vehicle.
7. Check the tyres for damage, wear, tread depth, valve cap and 3. Check for warning lights and gauges, where applicable.
inflation. 4. Adjust the seat to the correct driving position and set the
8. Check the wheels for damage, grease or oil leaks, and the mirrors for maximum rear-view vision.
wheel nuts (if no hub cap is fitted) – visual inspection only. 5. Turn the ignition key to the ‘on’ position without starting the engine.
9. Check all the lights, lenses and reflectors for damage, and that 6. Check the operation of any electric windows.
they are secure and clean. 7. Check all the instruments on the instrument panel and mention
10. Check the vehicle for damaged or loose panels or grilles. any changes.
11. Make sure that the bonnet, bumpers and exhaust are secure. 8. Check the operation of the front and rear lights, indicators,
12. Make sure that the number plates are secure and clean and that horn and wipers.
the light is working. 9. Switch the ignition off and return all switches to the ‘off’ position.
13. Check that the licence disc is valid and secure. 10. Check the steering for excessive free-play.
14. Check the doors for opening, and the operation of the window 11. Check the pressure on the brake and clutch pedals.
winders and seat belts for stability and damage. 12. Return the wipers to the normal position.
15. Check any information plates and chevrons for damage, 13. Check that the doors are properly closed and that any
cleanliness, stability and validity. passengers know how to operate them.
16. Mention that the oil, water, brake fluid and fan belt have been 14. Fasten your seat belt and request any passengers to fasten theirs.
checked. 15. Ensure that the passengers know how to operate the seat belt
17. Mention that the spare wheel, jack and wheel spanner should be release mechanism.
18. Check that the fuel cap is secure.


1. From the driver’s seat ensure that the handbrake is applied and
4 that the gear lever is in neutral (or in P or N for automatic vehicles).
2. Check for obstructions inside the vehicle.
12 8 7 3. Check for warning lights and gauges, where applicable.
3 5 4. Adjust the driver's seat for the correct driving position and set
9 the mirrors for maximum rear-view vision.
10 5. Turn the ignition key to the ‘on’ position without starting the engine.
2 6. Check the operation of any electric windows.
11 13
6 7. C heck all the instruments on the instrument panel. Mention any changes.
8. Check the operation of the front and rear lights, indicators, horn
and wipers.
9. Switch the ignition off and return all switches to the ‘off’ position.
14 15
10. Check the steering for excessive free-play.
11. Check the pressure on the brake and clutch pedals.
12. Return the wipers to the normal position.
13. Check that all the doors are properly closed and that
passengers know how to operate them.
14. Fasten your seat belt and request any passengers to fasten theirs.
15. Ensure that the passengers know how to operate the seat belt
release mechanism.
Interior inspection (The interior inspection is often
conducted before the exterior inspection. Be prepared for either Note: In the event of there being a minor defect,
sequence of inspections.) you may be allowed to rectify it.


4. Check the brake disc(s) for wear, if possible.

5. Check the shock absorbers/forks for damage, security and
oil leaks.
6. Check the mudguards for damage and security.
7. Check the lights and reflectors for damage, cleanliness and security.
8. Check the indicators for damage, cleanliness and security.
9 9. Check the windscreen/fairing for damage, cleanliness and security,
8 if applicable.
7 10. Check the controls, cables, mirror and clutch fluid level, if
12 19 16
20 applicable, for damage, cleanliness, security and operation.
6 17
11. Check the fuel tap/valve for damage, security, leaks and operation.
21 13
22 12. Check the gear lever for damage and security.
11 14
5 13. Check any side-covers for damage and security.
4 14. Mention that the battery should be checked for damage, security
15 18 and fluid level.
2 1 15. Check the footrests, chain guard, chain (tension and
lubrication) and the exhaust for damage and security.
16. Check the rear number plate for damage, cleanliness and security,
and that the number plate light is working.
Off the motorcycle 17. Check the seat for damage, cleanliness and security.
1. O n approach, check under the motorcycle for obvious leaks 18. Check the foot brake for free play, damage and security, and the
and/or obstructions. brake fluid level, if applicable.
2. Check for damage, preferably from top to bottom, and from left to 19. Check the fuel tank and filler cap for security and leakage.
right, while moving in an anti-clockwise direction. 20. Mention that the coolant and engine oil levels should be checked,
3. Check the wheels for tread depth, wear and damage, sidewall if applicable.
damage, inflation, valve cap, spokes, wheel hub, oil and grease 21. Check any radiator for damage and security.
leaks (visual inspection only). 22. Check the licence token for validity, cleanliness and security.


For light motor vehicles, heavy motor vehicles and vehicles towing a trailer over 750 kg


The purpose of the yard test is to check how well you handle your vehicle in the time allowed. Some testing centres allow learner drivers
to practise the manoeuvres after working hours in the yard where the official test is conducted. Ask your driving instructor to arrange for
you to use the yard if this is permitted in your area. This will give you the opportunity to become familiar with the test area.


During this part of the test, which is done in an area that is closed to normal traffic, stopping will be permitted at any stage during
certain manoeuvres. Should the test be terminated at any stage, the full test must be repeated. Touching any obstacle or mounting
a kerb is not allowed. The examiner will give you the instructions for each manoeuvre. The test includes the following:

Light motor vehicles Heavy motor vehicles and vehicles towing

a trailer over 750 kg (licence code EB)

20 minutes for the pre-trip inspection and test. 30 minutes for the pre-trip inspection and test.

Signalling and observing, as if on a public road, is required. Signalling and observing, as if on a public road, is required.

Wearing seat belts is not necessary. Wearing seat belts is not necessary.

All traffic signs, signals and markings must be obeyed. All traffic signs, signals and markings must be obeyed.

No uncontrolled or dangerous actions may be made. No uncontrolled or dangerous actions may be made.

The principles of defensive driving must be applied. The principles of defensive driving must be applied.

The push-pull steering method is not required. The push-pull steering method is not required.

Alley docking to the left and right (2 attempts each). Alley docking to the right (2 attempts).

A three-point turn in the road (1 attempt). A left turn (1 attempt).

Parallel parking from the left and the right (2 attempts each). Parallel parking without a trailer from the left and the right (2 attempts
each) – code EB only.

– Reversing in a straight line (1 attempt).

An incline start (1 attempt). An incline start (1 attempt).



Stopping and moving off in the same direction


during a manoeuvre is not counted as an

additional movement.

If you stop for more than 5 seconds you must do

40 m
a complete observation before moving off again.

for Reversing in a straight

line (HMV only)
An area 40 m long and 4 m wide.


3 Signal your intention

4 Select the correct gear

 btain clutch control
(manual vehicles)

6 Observe 360°


In the yard test you must position the A MANOEUVRE
vehicle in preparation for each manoeuvre. When you have completed a manoeuvre,
you must drive out of the demarcated area 8 Steer out of the area
without touching any obstacles, and follow
1 Stop where instructed the examiner’s instructions.
9 Cancel the signal
1 Check the mirrors
2 Cancel the signal if applicable

2 Check the blind spot

3 Apply the handbrake

4 Select neutral (N) or park (P)


� 1C
 heck the mirrors and the
2.5 m blind spot

� 2 Signal

3 Select the appropriate gear

 btain clutch control
(manual vehicles)

three-POINT TURN IN THE ROAD ALLEY DOCKING (LMV from the left 5 Observe 360°
(LMV only) and right; HMV from the right only)
You will be instructed to drive to a particular You will have to reverse into a demarcated
area and execute a turn in the road. parking bay and then drive out again (LMV 6 Release the handbrake
This manoeuvre must be completed in – from both the left and the right). You will
three move­ments only, without bumping any be allowed only two attempts to complete
kerbs, and the vehicle must end up facing the manoeuvre provided that no obstacle 7 Move off
in the opposite direction, on the left-hand has been touched. You must not bump the
side of the road. You will be allowed only kerb or any obstacles, or change direction
one attempt to complete the manoeuvre during the manoeuvre. 8 Check the blind spot
successfully. Stopping is allowed at any stage. One
Repeat this sequence for each of the forward movement may be permitted for
three move­ments: each attempt by combination vehicles 9 Steer
(i.e. a truck pulling a trailer) only. Should
 heck the mirrors and the you touch the line with any wheel, the test
blind spot wil be discontinued. 10 Stop as instructed
The testing officer will direct you to the
2 Signal testing area and instruct you to perform
the manoeuvre. 11 Apply the handbrake

3 Select the correct gear

12 Select neutral (N) or park (P)

 btain clutch control
(manual vehicles) 13 Cancel the signal

5 Observe 360°

6 Release the handbrake

 ove off towards the other
side of the road
Make sure your signals can be clearly seen
 ounter-steer in the other from the front, from behind and from
direction as you stop the side.
9 Stop
Always check the blind spot/s just before
changing direction.
10 Apply the handbrake

18 THE


•T  he test is conducted off the road. A specially prepared track is used to test your riding skills. You will be required to perform certain
manoeuvres without stalling or rolling, and respond to different light signals. Each manoeuvre must meet certain standards that are
measured in respect of distance and/or time.
• During the test you must perform observations and give signals as though you were on a public road and you must wear a properly
fastened crash helmet. Immediately after moving off, both feet must be placed on the rider’s footrests. Both wheels must remain in
contact with the road at all times, and all road signs, signals, rules and markings must be obeyed.

The testing officer will be examining:

• How well you control the motorcycle.
• How you comply with the rules of the road, road signs, signals and road markings.
• Your use of the system of vehicle control: observation, signalling and road safety.


 heck the gauges and REMEMBER
OFF ON warning lights

 nsure neutral (N) is selected Both wheels must
(green light) remain in contact
with the road at all
 ove the engine ‘kill’ switch to
the ‘run’ position
times, and all road
signs, signals, rules
6 Operate the choke if necessary and markings must
be obeyed.
 tart the engine and release
You must demonstrate your ability to use the the starting mechanism
controls correctly to start the engine and to
check the working of the lights, indicators 8C
 ancel the choke once the
and horn while maintaining your balance. engine is running smoothly

1 Open the fuel valve

 urn the ignition switch to the
‘on’ position without starting


For light motor vehicles, heavy motor vehicles and vehicles towing a trailer over 750 kg.


The purpose of the road test is to evaluate how well you handle the vehicle in traffic and your compliance with the rules of the road,
road traffic signs and signals, and road markings. The examiner will also want to see how well you cope with other traffic, hazards
and route problems in a practical driving situation on public roads. In addition, the examiner will want to see your application of the
defensive driving system in the correct sequence, as well as your courtesy towards other road users.

Sixty five percent of the route must be on public roads in an urban area. The test route should consist of the following:
• a tarred multi-lane road containing a minimum of two controlled intersections and clearly demarcated road markings;
• at least one 4-way stop intersection;
• at least four intersections controlled by stop signs or traffic lights;
• two right turns must be made at these intersections where there are no flashing green arrows;
• at least one intersection controlled by a Yield sign where the applicant must give way;
• at least one intersection controlled by a Yield sign where the applicant has right of way;
• a quiet street for the emergency stop.


The following pages cover the manouevres and driving situations on which you will be tested. You must follow
the K53 procedure in the correct sequences as shown in the panels.

1 Check the mirrors 7 Stop if necessary

2 Signal 8 Select 1st gear

3 Obey the traffic signal 9 Observe 360°

4 Check the mirrors 10 M

 ove off when signalled
to do so

TRAFFIC control SIGNALS 5 Slow down Note:

You must demonstrate the correct response Authorised individuals include: police or
to traffic control signals given by authorised traffic officers in uniform, scholar patrols,
individuals. Be sure you know the rules of 6S
 elect a lower gear if necessary road workmen, persons leading, riding
the road and the meaning of all the signals. and proceed if it is safe or driving bovine animals, signalmen at
level crossings and drivers of emergency
vehicles sounding a device or bell.

THE TEST (Cont.)

5 Signal

6 Check the mirrors again

7 Apply the brake if necessary

8 Select a lower gear if necessary

CHANGING LANES OVERTAKING 9 Check the blind spot

You must demonstrate the correct and safe You must demonstrate your ability to
use of traffic lanes. Don’t change lanes overtake vehicles and hazards safely.
while crossing an intersection. Maintain a clear space and safe approaching/ 10 S
 teer past the hazard while
following distance for maximum visibility. maintaining a clear space
 heck the mirrors and both
blind spots 1O
 bey all roads signs, signals, 11 Cancel the signal
rules and markings
2 Signal
2 Check the blind spot 12 Accelerate if necessary

 bey all traffic signs and
markings 3P
 osition the vehicle for 13 If intending to return to your
maximum visibility lane, check the mirrors and
4 Check the appropriate blind spot relevant blind spot before
 heck the mirrors and the signalling
blind spot
5 Steer

6 Cancel the signal

 heck in the mirrors and the
NoteS: relevant blind spot
Where more than one lane is changed in
one movement, the appropriate blind spot 2 Position the vehicle in the centre
must be checked prior to crossing each or far side of your lane
lane line.
Where the lane next to you does not 3D
 o not accelerate while being
continue, you will be penalised for not overtaken
checking the blind spot to that side.

being overtaken The test will be discontinued if you increase
note You must demonstrate the correct response speed while being overtaken on the right-
when being overtaken. hand side of a road with two-way traffic.
When being overtaken,
check the mirrors
and blind spots and
move to the other side
of your lane without

20 practical
driving test

This section gives you the opportunity to do a practical driving test similar to the one that you will do for the official driver's licence test.
•Y  ou should do this test only once you and your instructor are confident that you can handle the vehicle competently in all the required
manoeuvres and that you know all the requirements for defensive driving that have been included in the previous sections of this book.
•T  o gain extra confidence, you should do this test more than once before going for the official test. Allow your instructor to check each
point on this list and tick either ‘yes’ or ‘no’ for each question as you do the test.
•T  he actual test is scored in terms of ‘penalty points’ that are allocated in respect of infringements of the test requirements. In some
cases, a single infringement will result in up to five penalty points.
•Y  ou will fail the pre-trip inspection and yard test if you take longer than 20 minutes (30 minutes for heavy motor vehicles) to carry them
out, and you will fail the driving test if you are allocated 50 or more penalty points.
•Y  ou will fail the road test if you are allocated more than an average of 8 penalty points per minute. This means that if the test took
20 minutes (the minimum time allowed), you may not have more than 160 (20 x 8) penalty points.
• In the test below, the number of penalty points per infringement is indicated in brackets. The shaded boxes indicate critical areas
(immediate failure).

T h e p r e - t ri p i ns pe ct i o n

This part of the test is divided into two sections and must be carried out in a place away from traffic.

The exterior inspection The interior inspection

(LMV and HMV only) (LMV and HMV only)
Did the candidate: YES / NO Did the candidate: YES / NO
Check under the vehicle for oil leaks/obstructions? (1) Check that all the doors were closed? (2)
Check the condition of the wipers? (1) Check that the handbrake was on? (1)
Check the fuel cap? (1) Select ‘neutral’ or ‘park’? (1)
Check the condition of the tyres/wheels (HMV only)? (1) Check for obstructions in the vehicle? (1)
Check the reflectors? (1) Adjust the seat? (1)
Check all the lenses? (1) Adjust the rear-view mirrors? (2)
Check the engine compartment for oil leaks? (1)
Check the fifth wheel couplings (HMV only)? (5) Did the candidate check the operation of: YES / NO
The lights? (1)
Motorcycles only The indicators? (1)
Did the candidate: YES / NO The wipers? (1)
Check under the motorcycle for leaks and obstructions? (1) The hooter? (1)
Check the mirrors for damage, cleanliness and security? (1)
Check the chain tension and lubrication? (1)
Check the condition of the tyres (wheels)? (1)
Check the forks and shock absorbers for damage,
security and oil leaks? (1)

Our sincere thanks to the Southern African Advanced Driving Academy, in particular RW Chandler, for carefully reviewing the technical
and instructional content of the first edition of this manual, and for endorsing and recommending it for use by all aspirant learner’s and
driver’s licence candidates. We also wish to thank Pat Allen, national president of the Southern African Institute of Driving Instructors,
and Howard Dembovsky, director, Justice Project South Africa, for their assistance with the latest content updates.
Clive Gibson, Gavin Hoole, Bata Passchier

Struik Lifestyle
(an imprint of Random House Struik (Pty) Ltd)
Company Reg. No. 1966/003153/07
80 McKenzie Street, Cape Town 8001
PO Box 1144, Cape Town, 8000, South Africa

First published in 2005 by Struik Publishers

Reprinted in 2006
Second edition published in 2007. Reprinted in 2007, 2008, 2009
Third edition published by Struik Lifestyle in 2011

Copyright © in published edition: Random House Struik (Pty) Ltd 2005, 2007, 2011
Copyright © in text: Engage the Brain Training Systems 2005, 2007, 2011
Copyright © in illustrations: Engage the Brain Training Systems 2005, 2007, 2011

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted, in any form
or by any means, electronic, digital, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior written permission
of the publishers and the copyright holders.

Publisher: Linda de Villiers

Managing editor: Cecilia Barfield
Editors: Samantha Fick, Joy Clack, Gill Gordon
Designers: Janine Cloete, Beverley Dodd
Illustrator: Darren McLean
DTP: Clinton Griffin

ISBN 978-1-43170-031-8 (Print)

ISBN 978-1-43170-036-3 (Epub)
ISBN 978-1-43170-038-7 (PDF ebook)

Please note:
The National Road Traffic Act and regulations, and the test requirements, are revised by the authorities from time to time. This book is
constantly updated to incorporate such changes, and every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy and current validity of the
information provided therein. Nevertheless, the Publishers and the Authors shall not be held responsible or liable in any way whatsoever
for any omissions or errors contained herein, whether due to timing of the release of the updated editions or for any other reason.

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