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Subject: English

Grade Level: Grade 9

Objective: Differentiate Bias and Prejudice

Learning across curriculum:

1) Social Studies - Discuss historical events where bias and prejudice played a
significant role, such as the Civil Rights Movement or the Holocaust. Connect these
events to literature and analyze how bias and prejudice are portrayed in related

2) Psychology - Explore the concept of implicit bias and how it affects our thoughts
and actions. Connect this understanding to the analysis of characters in literary
works and discuss how bias and prejudice are depicted.

3) Media Literacy - Examine how bias and prejudice are perpetuated in media, such
as through stereotypes and misrepresentation. Connect this to the analysis of media
texts in English class and discuss the impact of bias and prejudice on society.

Review Motivation:

1) Role-Playing: Divide students into groups and assign each group a scenario
where bias and prejudice are present. Have them act out the scenario and discuss
the emotions and consequences that arise from bias and prejudice.

2) Picture Analysis: Show students a series of images that depict bias and prejudice.
Engage them in a discussion about the images, encouraging them to analyze the
messages conveyed and the impact of bias and prejudice.

3) Guest Speaker: Invite a guest speaker who has experienced bias and prejudice
firsthand to share their personal story and engage students in a meaningful dialogue
about the effects of bias and prejudice.

Activity 1: Exploring Bias and Prejudice in Literature

[Teaching Strategy: Cooperative Learning]


- Selected literary texts that depict bias and prejudice


This activity aims to deepen students' understanding of bias and prejudice in

literature and how it reflects societal issues. It also encourages critical thinking and


1) Provide students with selected literary texts.

2) In small groups, have students analyze the texts and identify instances of bias and

3) Discuss as a class the impact of bias and prejudice in the texts and the relevance
to real-life situations.


- Identification of bias and prejudice: 5 pts

- Analysis of the impact of bias and prejudice: 5 pts

- Participation and collaboration: 5 pts

Assessment Questions:

1) How does the author portray bias and prejudice in the text?

2) How does bias and prejudice affect the characters and the overall story?

3) Can you relate the instances of bias and prejudice in the text to real-life

Activity 2: Media Analysis and Bias

[Teaching Strategy: Inquiry-Based Learning]


- Various media texts (e.g., advertisements, news articles, video clips)


This activity aims to develop students' critical media literacy skills and their ability to
recognize bias and prejudice in media. It also encourages them to question the
messages conveyed in media texts.


1) Provide students with different media texts.

2) In pairs or small groups, have students analyze the texts and identify instances of
bias and prejudice.

3) Facilitate a class discussion on the impact of bias and prejudice in media and its
influence on society.


- Identification of bias and prejudice in media texts: 5 pts

- Analysis of the impact of bias and prejudice in media: 5 pts

- Presentation and communication of findings: 5 pts

Assessment Questions:

1) How does bias and prejudice manifest in the selected media texts?

2) What are the potential consequences of bias and prejudice in media?

3) How can we challenge and counteract bias and prejudice in media?

Activity 3: Debunking Stereotypes

[Teaching Strategy: Discussion]


- Stereotypes related to various social groups


This activity aims to challenge stereotypes and promote empathy and understanding
among students. It encourages critical thinking and reflection on the impact of


1) Provide students with stereotypes related to various social groups.

2) Facilitate a class discussion where students analyze and question these


3) Encourage students to share personal experiences and challenge stereotypes

they have encountered.


- Active participation in the discussion: 5 pts

- Critical analysis and questioning of stereotypes: 5 pts

- Reflection on personal experiences: 5 pts

Assessment Questions:

1) How do stereotypes contribute to bias and prejudice?

2) What are the potential consequences of perpetuating stereotypes?

3) How can we challenge and debunk stereotypes in our daily lives?


Activity 1: Through the analysis of literature, students were able to identify

instances of bias and prejudice and understand their impact on characters and
the overall story. This activity deepened their understanding of bias and
prejudice in different contexts.
Activity 2: By analyzing media texts, students developed critical media literacy
skills and recognized the presence of bias and prejudice in media. They were
able to discuss the influence of media on society and the importance of
challenging biased portrayals.

Activity 3: Through the discussion on stereotypes, students reflected on their

own experiences and questioned the validity of stereotypes. This activity
fostered empathy and understanding, and encouraged students to challenge
stereotypes in their daily lives.


The objective of differentiating bias and prejudice involves understanding their

presence in different contexts, such as literature, media, and personal interactions.
By analyzing and questioning bias and prejudice, students can develop empathy,
critical thinking skills, and the ability to challenge stereotypes.


Task 1: Role-Playing - In small groups, students will create and act out
scenarios that depict bias and prejudice. They will then reflect on the emotions
and consequences that arise from these scenarios.

Task 2: Real-Life Scenario Analysis - Students will analyze a real-life scenario

where bias and prejudice are present, such as a news article or social media
post. They will critically analyze the situation and propose ways to address
and counteract bias and prejudice.


[Teaching Strategy: Differentiation]

[Instructional Materials: Rubrics]

Question 1: How does bias and prejudice manifest in literature?

Question 2: How can media influence bias and prejudice?

Question 3: What are some strategies to challenge and counteract bias and
prejudice in real-life situations?


1) Research and write a reflective essay on a personal experience with bias and
prejudice, discussing the impact it had on you and how you addressed it. [Teaching
Strategy: Experiential Learning]

2) Create a multimedia presentation that challenges a specific stereotype and

promotes understanding and acceptance. [Teaching Strategy: Technology

Note: The guiding overview for the teacher and the actual assessment
questions for the assignments will be provided separately.

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