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Answer key

Unit 1 4 Model answer Down: 1 salvage

2 commodity
Vocabulary 3 from the outset
Having successfully run
1 1 prototype 2 innovator their farm for over ten years,
4 waste stream
3 insight 4 gadget these two sisters now see 2 1 g 2 d 3 f 4 a 5 h 6 c
5 unorthodox an opportunity to branch 7 e 8 b
6 well thought out out and generate additional
7 code 8 high-tech Grammar
income. They are experienced
9 researcher at looking after the animals 1 1 P 2 P 3 A 4 P 5 A
2 1 round 2 into that will feature in the petting 6 P 7 P 8 A
3 with 4 on zoo. A major positive is that 2 1 had
5 out 6 on they already own the land 2 being offered
7 about 8 with and have an ample amount 3 been awarded
9 up of natural resources in the 4 was paid 5 is seen
region. In addition, there are 6 celebrating
Grammar no similar businesses in the 3 1 is being changed
1 2, 4, 5, 7, 8 area as their competitors. 2 the report revised by
2 1 a 2 the 3 Ø We have identified two 3 last to be given the news
4 an 5 The 6 Ø weaknesses. The first barrier 4 was taken off the market
7 the 8 The to entry is that neither of the 5 can be upgraded
3 1 There’s interesting data sisters has any experience 6 needs rethinking / to be
about a similar product. working directly with the rethought
2 It’s a nice design, but safety public. And, while the site is 7 are being looked into
is the issue. easily accessible by car, no 8 devices are disposed of
3 You have excellent instincts, public transport options are
so you’ll be a success. available. However, there Reading
4 Not enough imagination are plans to downscale the 1 recycle make use
went into the design. farm in order to focus on this 2 1 reusing, recycling
5 There’s no evidence that the project, and both sisters have 2 expensive, difficult
system will work. signed up for business courses. 3 develop, improve
6 The company he works for They are also considering the 4 are going to cost more, are
has branches across the possibility of running a shuttle more eco-friendly
globe. bus to and from the nearby
3 2
Listening 4 1 c 2 b 3 a
There are clear opportunities
1 a, c, d here. The site features a 5 1 consignors
2 the circular economy
2 1 vaccines 2 remote lake which could later be
3 online
3 solution 4 construction leveraged for boating, fishing
and other leisure activities. 4 The RealReal
5 blueprints 6 electronic
There is solid potential to 5 $10 million
7 inventor 8 remove
6 millennials
3 1 F 2 T 3 F 4 F 5 F 6 T draw locals together and
6 1
7 T 8 F provide an exciting new
venue for community events
4 3
or private parties. On the
Reading other hand, people have the 1 1 takes
option to use public parks 2 abbreviations
1 1 year 2 Neo Hutiri
for free. Furthermore, the 3 omitting
3 medical service 4 Any Other Business
business plan currently has no
2 1 d 2 f 3 e 4 a 5 c 6 b contingency for rainy days or 5 summary
3 a, b, c cold weather, and insurance 6 attendees
costs for this venture are likely 2 1 Matters arising
Writing to be excessive. 2 Scope
1 Strengths, Weaknesses, 5 2 3 Schedule
Opportunities, Threats 4 Cost
2 1 c 2 b 3 d 4 e 5 a Unit 2 5 Overall progress
3 1 They 2 It/This 3 issues
7 Date and time of next
4 one 5 both 6 any
1 Across: 3,7 forward-thinking meeting
5 feed back into 3 1
6 modular
8 upgrade

Answer key

4 Model answer 7 Date and time of next significantly hotter than usual,
meeting leading to a rise in demand for
Full circulated meeting notes
The next meeting will be on 20 cold drinks. Secondly, our new
Meeting: Review at growth
August at 10 a.m. in meeting flavour combinations and,
room four. If you are unable in particular, our new range
Product: FitWat
to attend, please inform JF of low-sugar drinks, were
Date: 08 August
promptly. considerably better received
Time: 11.00
than expected.
Present: MW, SP, HT, LD, KB
In chair: JF
Unit 3 This increase in gross profit
was slightly offset by a small
Apologies: AR Vocabulary
increase in operating costs
1 Matters arising 1 1 floor 2 currency for one specific reason. On a
The Chief Executive Officer 3 field 4 investment positive note, salaries were
would like to receive detailed
feedback from the focus group
2 1 investment 2 backers flat because our workforce
3 ballpark 4 profit remained unchanged, and
as soon as possible. This was
5 rewards 6 yield our marketing costs were
2 Scope
3 1 b 2 a 3 a 4 b 5 b slightly lower than anticipated
because of a billboard
It was noted that a younger Grammar campaign scrapped in favour
demographic is missing from
1 1 d 2 e 3 g 4 c 5 b 6 h of product placement at
our target market. To address events. However, general
7 a 8 i 9 f
this, a new technical feature expenses went up due
has been developed by LD’s 2 1 anticipate 2 likelihood
to unexpected repairs to
team which, it is believed, will 3 plan on 4 strong
equipment, resulting in
help to grow market share. 5 bound to 6 expected
a slight increase in total
Furthermore, new distribution 3 1 at on operating costs.
channels are being explored 2 possible possibility
Overall, operating profit was
by SP. Her findings will be 3 in of
up by £5,000, a considerable
emailed to the team. 4 slightly slight
increase on the forecast
3 Schedule 5 cutting cut
figure. This is expected to
(see Exercise 3) 6 anticipation anticipate
have a positive impact on
7 likely likelihood
4 Cost our investment plans. Extra
8 as to
While MW’s report shows that revenue will be required for
all costs are currently within Reading our planned CapEx investment
in more environmentally
budget, he did point out that a 1 c
friendly packaging. We also
cost overrun is to be expected
in December. This is because 2 a 5 b 7 c 1 d 3 e 2 have OpEx investments
the marketing campaign will f 6 g 4 planned for increased rent
be ramped up ahead of the 3 1 T 2 F 3 T 4 T 5 T 6 F and the anticipated rise in
holiday season. 7 F 8 F the minimum wage to be
5 Overall progress 4 a introduced next quarter.
Although sales figures have
come in almost four percent
Writing Unit 4
above projections, KB would 1 1 c 2 b 3 c 4 a 5 b 6 a
rather not reduce the price 2 1 Budget 2 Actual
1 1 c 2 a 3 c 4 b 5 a
point until next year. We are 3 Favourable 4 REVENUES
confident about our next 5 sales 6 EXPENSES 2 1 mainstay 2 dedicated
sales milestone in November, 7 Marketing 8 PROFIT 3 agile 4 lifespan
at which point HT’s holiday 3 Model answer
5 fragmented
campaign will be launched.
Executive summary
3 1 innovation 2 approach
6 AOB 3 venture 4 changer
In the third quarter, ending
A competing product called 5 established
30th September, gross profit
FirstFit is expected to launch 6 transformation
was up by £6,000 on the
in mid-September. More 7 landscape
budgeted figure, representing
information can be found in a ten percent increase on the
SP’s document, attached. From Grammar
forecast £60,000. This is in
initial research, it appears spite of sales costs going up
1 1 Let us just imagine that all
to be of inferior quality and companies operated in the
due to our weakened currency
with limited features. A full same way.
making the price of fruit from
analysis will be circulated by 2 Had they dropped the price,
overseas higher. The increase
SP tomorrow. the product might have
in revenue is the result of two
factors. Firstly, the summer
3 If only I had invested in this
months in the UK were

Answer key

4 Were they to offer, we ordering department, to no 6 having considered

would decline. avail. Secondly, the distance 3 1 implemented
5 Given that it was your Thornton’s must travel in 2 unaddressed
innovation, would you order to reach our restaurant 3 Studying 4 introduced
accept the award? is considerable. Given the 5 causing 6 Seeing
6 I wish they had waited ethos of our business, we are
before launching the uncomfortable contributing Listening
product. to global warming with these 1 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8
2 1 has developed food miles.
2 1 Jack Swain 2 commerce
2 had told 5 Risks and benefits 3 third-party
3 had We may not achieve cost 4 endorsements
4 thought savings by switching suppliers, 5 stars 6
5 had organised but it is a necessary step to 7 Alibaba 8 groceries
6 to complain maintain our positive image
7 failed in the community. In fact,
3 1 large and growing
2 Opinion 3 Brands
8 had cancelled taking this step is a risk, to
4 short
3 1 were 2 Given some extent. On the plus
5 recommendations
3 wish 4 imagine side, identifying a more local
6 more personalised
5 had 6 Supposing supplier would reduce our
7 logistics 8 consumers
carbon footprint, but, on the
9 data 10 analyse
Listening down side, we risk starting
1 1 food, plants a new relationship with a 4 c
company that may not be as
2 food, plants, sustainability Reading
3 food, sustainability reliable as Thornton’s. And
while it has been agreed 1 a 3 b 4 c 1 d 2
2 1 b 2 b 3 a 4 a 5 b
that we should increase the 2 1 d 2 c 3 a 4 e 5 b
6 b 7 a 8 c
3 1 healthier
number of organic dishes 3 b, d
on our menu, it must be
2 unenterprising understood that we will Writing
3 African
4 agricultural development
have to invest more in our 1 1 feature
purchasing budget, although 2 rhetorical question
5 commitments these costs will largely be 3 contrast
6 absence passed on to the customer. 4 benefit
4 1, 3 6 Summary 5 opening hook
In summary, I am strongly 6 customer viewpoint
Reading 7 feelings/emotions
in favour of ending our
1 1 D 2 B 3 F 4 A 5 E partnership with Thornton’s. 8 repetition
N/A: C On the whole, this company 2 1 c 2 e 3 a 4 f 5 b 6 d
2 1 concept has been an excellent
3 Model answer
2 starting point for supplier and we appreciate
Travel is exciting, but
3 the public its consistency over the years.
long journeys can be
4 firms such as Uber But, on the other hand, as
uncomfortable, can’t they?
3 c our restaurant becomes
That’s why we’ve created
more established as a planet-
BestPillo, a brand new travel
Writing friendly business, a continued
pillow so convenient you’ll
1 1 in 2 on 3 in relationship with Thornton’s
wonder how you ever survived
4 on 5 on 6 in would damage our green
a trip without it!
7 as 8 in 9 on credentials.
Made from the highest-quality
10 in 11 as 12 in 4 a
organic cotton, BestPillo is
2 1 significantly filled with millions of soft
2 However Unit 5 organic beads to bring you
3 challenge maximum support and
4 requirements
comfort. And the long and
5 recommend 1 1 b 2 a 3 c 4 b
narrow design gives you the
6 Clearly 2 1 c 2 a 3 d 4 f 5 b 6 e freedom to use BestPillo in a
7 Furthermore 3 1 b 2 a 3 b 4 a variety of different ways.
3 Model answer Unlike the bulky travel
4 Reasons for switching
Grammar pillows you see people
Firstly, we now have a much 1 1 b 2 b 3 a 4 b 5 a carrying in airports, BestPillo
increased demand for organic 6 a is lightweight and easy to
produce, which Thornton’s 2 1 Having discussed transport in a handbag or
cannot supply, leaving a 2 trialled backpack. Why risk neck
significant gap in our supply 3 making pain on overnight flights
chain. I have broached this 4 having reviewed or on bumpy cross-country
need three times with their 5 Rushed buses? With BestPillo you

Answer key

can settle down to sleep and 3 Model answer Unit 7

awake at your destination To: hector.radcliff@delvocars.
relaxed, refreshed and pain- com Vocabulary
free! Available in a variety From: lucy_maggiore@ 1 1 line manager
of colours, BestPillo is both 2 micromanaging
attractive and practical. Subject: Re: Delvo vehicle 3 morale
Why wait? Order your launch 4 raise (the) issue
BestPillo online today! Hi Hector, 5 top (of) your game
4 b Lovely to hear from you again. 2 1 At work I must toe the line
It was a pleasure meeting you regardless of my personal
Unit 6 to discuss the launch. opinions.
2 There is a fine line between
Vocabulary Thank you for confirming
anger and frustration.
the number of attendees
1 1 national 2 World
and for attaching their
3 Complaining is OK, but you
3 spot 4 guide cross the line when you
contact information. I can
5 breakfast 6 houses shout.
liaise directly with them
2 1 T 2 F 3 F 4 T 5 T and make all the necessary
4 Conflict is normal, but
6 F 7 F extreme behaviour is out of
3 1 f 2 d 3 h 4 a 5 c
6 b 7 e 8 g
With regard to your questions:
3 Across: 1 empathy
1. I’m afraid the proposed 4 confrontational
Grammar budget will need to be 7 mediator
1 1 e 2 b 3 c 4 f 5 a 6 d
reviewed given Delvo’s 8 provocation
preference for a city-centre Down: 1 escalate
2 1 a, c 2 a, b 3 b, c 4 a, c venue, which, as I’m sure 2 struggle
5 a, c 6 b, c 7 a, c 8 a, c you’re aware, will have higher 3 blame
3 1 had been living / ’d been rates than the venues we 5 resolution
living had been exploring. I can 6 clashes
2 have increased put together a closer price
3 correct 4 was booking estimate, if you would like. Grammar
5 correct 6 wanted 2. I understand that a 1 1, 3, 4, 6, 7
Listening more centralised venue is 2 1 may be
preferable, and I can certainly 2 fairly unlikely
1 d arrange that for you. Thank 3 think it would be better to
2 1 b 2 a 3 b 4 a 5 b 6 a you for the feedback on the 4 And, possibly,
7 b 8 b mix of hotels for the last event 5 a few minor
3 1 T 2 F 3 T 4 T 5 T 6 F we worked on. Because that 6 might seem quite
7 T 8 F 9 F 10 T was a sales conference with 7 to a certain extent
4 2, 5, 6
a much higher number of 8 It’s conceivable
attendees, and also because 3 1 It appears there are
Reading it was peak tourist season, 2 suggesting
1 1 Svaneti 2 Georgia availability was very limited 3 may have
3 Shkhara 4 Enguri at the time. Fortunately, 4 are probably aware
5 Julien Pebrel the Gemini launch will not 5 I would hope you might
present the same issues, and
2 1 wildlife
I am confident that we can
6 Let’s all try to
2 visited many times before 7 quite likely
accommodate the entire 8 possibly
3 main cities
group in one location.
4 Georgia’s government
We are committed to ensuring Reading
3 a
that the company launch of 1 1 conflict 2 colleague
Writing Gemini is a great success, and 3 insulting 4 senior
1 1 R 2 I 3 R 4 B 5 R 6 B
that your colleagues from 2 1 B 2 C 3 E 4 G 5 H 6 I
overseas will have all their
7 B 8 I 9 I 10 I
needs met. We look forward
3 1 i 2 a 3 d 4 j 5 b 6 f
2 1 I would like to thank you organising everything for this
7 h 8 c 9 e 10 g
2 would like important event as well for as 4 c
3 I also have a couple of many more events to come.
questions for you: Writing
With best wishes,
4 can you confirm that 1 1 internal 2 soft
5 impressive Lucy Maggiore 3 mentor, offered
6 Would it be possible to find Event Planner 4 micromanages, defensive
7 Apparently, there was some 4 c 5 confidential
dissatisfaction 2 1 i 2 a 3 d 4 c 5 f 6 g
8 I would appreciate 7 e 8 h 9 b

Answer key

3 Model answer Unit 8 was to improve our response

times to customer queries.
Vocabulary Collaborating with the IT
Inez Weber joined the
company eleven years ago 1 1 a 2 b 3 a 4 a 5 b 6 b department, I initiated and
executed a new alert and
and has always been a valued 2 1 with 2 admit
prioritisation system for
member of the marketing 3 maintain 4 from
customer queries, resulting
team. When the position 5 at 6 up
in shorter response times for
of Marketing Director 7 second 8 doubt
80 percent of queries. Moving
became vacant last July,
Inez was appointed against
Grammar forward, I hope to increase

competition from a number 1 1 c 2 e 3 a 4 f 5 b 6 d

this figure to at least 90
percent next year.
of other internal candidates, 2 1 that 2 started I implemented and executed
including Sean Smith. 3 what 4 to a dedicated staff training
She has many qualities, but 5 bullying 6 how programme, and effectively
her interpersonal skills can 3 1 a 2 a 3 b 4 a 5 b 6 a mentored two new staff
present some difficulties,
members. I also led a series
mainly because she is shy by Reading of practical workshops for my
nature. When the Marketing 1 1 D 2 C 3 A 4 E 5 B team. Although these didn’t
Assistant, Jenny Jordan, left
the company in January, she
2 1 a 2 e 3 d 4 f 5 b 6 c go completely to plan, as

mentioned general negativity 3 1 T 2 T 3 NG 4 T 5 F

many staff felt the techniques
weren’t always relevant, on
from Inez in her exit interview, 6 T 7 F
the other hand this gave me
though she did not give that 4 b an opportunity to find out
as her main reason for leaving.
Writing exactly what they feel they
Jenny felt that Inez was slow
need. I therefore compiled a
to praise other people for 1 a, b, d, e and g should be
questionnaire for all staff to
their ideas, which some team included
complete, in order to more
members resented. 2 The following points should effectively deliver workshops
A year ago, another Marketing NOT be included: that will be valuable to them.
Associate asked for a – most of these were Janice’s I learnt from the experience
confidential meeting with me. – aim to become head of UK and now ensure that
He felt that Inez was not a division in next five years workshops deliver exactly the
team player and that she set – especially from Chris who skills that staff need.
expectations for others which just complained about
were unreasonably high. everything Spoken English
Action taken so far 3 1 proactive
In late September I had an 2 Although, valuable Unit 1
informal meeting with Inez. I 3 executed 1.2
began by asking her how her
first few months in the new
4 flexible
1 1 10
5 ensure
job had been. She immediately 2 prescriptions
became defensive, and asked
4 Possible answer: 3 difficult to use
Self-assessment 4 TV
if Sean Smith had complained
Jodie Doyle, Customer 5 on purpose
about her. She claimed that he
Service Manager
was not open to constructive
Over the last year I have Unit 2
consistently demonstrated 2.4
Conclusion a proactive attitude towards
From an HR perspective, meeting my performance 1 1 a 2 b 3 b 4 a 5 b
we have an excellent goals. I implemented an
employee in Inez. She is overhaul of our online system Unit 3
hard-working, reliable and for communicating with 3.2
consistent. However, her lack
of confidence makes her feel
customers, and customer 1 1 F
satisfaction has improved by 2 F (every month)
insecure at times. She feels 15 percent. Some staff had 3 F (one of the women does not)
threatened by Sean who is initial difficulties adapting 4 T
very talented and popular, so to the system, but additional 5 F
she tends to undermine his training meant that they
work as a means of asserting are now able to use it
herself. competently and efficiently.
4 c Although the new system
was over budget, I believe
the long-term savings for the
company outweigh this.
Another performance goal

Answer key

Unit 4
1 1 T
2 F (retailers are selling less)
3 F (They don’t sell samples.)
4 T
5 F (not necessarily positive)

Unit 5
1 1 a 2 a 3 a 4 b 5 a

Unit 6
1 a 4 b 3 c 1 d 2

Unit 7
1 1 systematic
2 concentrating on
3 knows their responsibilities
4 single-colour
5 responsibility

Unit 8
1 a 4 b 3 c 1 d 2


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