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Once you understand the sexual

meaning behind the mysterious and
beautiful symbols of the Tarot, you
will be able to enhance your future
love life. In the Tarot there is power
to evoke thought that wiU help you
make the romantic choices right for


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Theodor Laurence

We should employ our passions in the service of life,
not spend life in the service of our passions.

Copyright © 1971 by Theodor Laurence

All rights reserved. For information address

The Citadel Press, Inc.,
222 Park Avenue South, New York, New York 10003.

This is an authorized reprint of a hardcover edition published

by The Citadel Press, Inc. Published in Canada by George J.
McLeod Limited.

ISBN 0-8065-0242-8
(/) BE018TIDBJCD TllADlllKARB:-lU.llO.A. .11E018T1UJ)A
BM>BO 11:N OllIOAOO, U.8.A.


are published by The New American Library, Inc.,
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Introduction vii

Part One

I The Magician 13
n The High Priestess 17
m The Empress 21
IV The Emperor 25
V The Hierophant 28
VI The Lovers 32
VII The Chariot 35
VIII Strength 38
IX The Hermit 40
X Wheel of Fortune 43
XI Justice 46
XII The Hanged Man 48
XIII Death 51
XIV Temperance 54

The Tarot is a series of 78 playing cards decorated with

symbol-pictures, of which 56 are the equivalents of
ordinary playing cards plus four knights. The remain-
ing 22 are pictorial keys, the symbolic nature of which
is seen on their surface.
The four pre-eminent symbols of the Tarot are:
1. CuPs-corresponding to Hearts in the modem
2. WANDS-COrresponding to Diamonds in the mod-
em cards.
3. SwoRDs-corresponding to Spades in the mod-
em cards.
4. PENTACLES ( OR MoNEY)-corresponding to
Oubs in the modem cards.
In alternate Tarot descriptions Wands may be rep-
resented as Sceptres, Spears, or Lances; Pentacles as
Coins or Money. For the sake of simplicity the four
suits of Wands, Swords, Cups, and Money will be re-
ferred to throughout this work.
As it is with suit renditions, so it is with Tarot packs
themselves, but again, for the sake of simplicity, let us
confine our work to one suitable pack. In this case,
that mystical Tarot pack developed by the British schol-
ar Arthur Edward Waite which under his instruction
was designed by his faithful co-worker, Pamela Col-
man Smith. This pack has become the most authoritative
orden. Bound by vows, sworn to secrecy, none have
disclosed the Sexual Key to the Tarot. Being a frag-
ment of Secret Tradition, the Sexual Key to the Tarot
has not been heretofore publicized. The veil, as afor~
mentioned, is being lifted and sexuality is coming to
the fore, not being magnified but merely disclosed where
it was earlier concealed, cloaked, suppressed, or sancti-
It cannot be denied that even today men and women
seek out fortune-tellers because they are in search of a
mate, sexual satisfaction in life, or both. The three main
reasons cards are consulted are Health, Wealth, and
Sex, not necessarily in that order. The need deemed
cogent by the Querent (he or she who seeks the wis-
dom of the cards) is that which causes him to gravitate
to card-reading.
If you have ever known someone who has consulted
a fortune-teller you may have noticed that though the
Reader (fortune-teller) covered the spiritual, psychic,
and material aspects of the Querent's present atmos-
phere ( realm of life, aura) the Querent, whether male
or female, was quite impressed by such statements from
the Reader as, "There is a man (woman) in your life,"
"I see a dark-haired and passionate person in your im-
mediate future," or "Happiness which you seek will
come to you in the form of a warm, affectionate per-
son." Usually the Querent is elated by such news. Why?
Because the crux of the matter, their motivation, intent,
and hope of the future is sexual fulfillment. Let us recog-
nize maturely once and for all-there is nothing wrong
in that. People want a full, satisfying life and we all
have a divine right to exactly that. The Tarot often re-
veals the path of that promised life. Now, the "fullness
of life" of which we speak is not totally sexual in na-
ture, but since the Spiritual,Psychic,Mystic, and Super-

The Magician

THE Ml\.ClClJ\N.

The first CflTd of the trumps major depicts

a youth/ ul figure in the robe of a magician. .••
SEXUAL KEY The magic of youth which, as a part of
a person's nature regardless of chronological age, mani-
fests itself in youthful vigor and sexual adequacy, which
is objectified in smiles of confidence and shining eyes.
. . . Above the magician's head is the sign of
life, the figure 8 in a horizontal position . ..•
SEXUAL KEY Life force, energy, and vitality, endless
and self-generative, is at the beck and call of the
. . . about his waist is a serpent-cinture,
the snake appearing to devour its own tail . .••
SEXUAL KEY Sexual self-love. The snake, always a
phallic-symbol, has hemipenes located in its tail and is
herein depicted in the act of self-fellation. In oral-genital
fashion the serpent, in a never-ending cycle, is alter-
nately generating and fellating its own semen.
•.. in the magician'sright hand is another
phalUcsymbol, a wand, both end8of which
are pointed. . ••
SEXUAL KEY Sexual vitality is centrally located and
issues forth from that psychical central point, or realm.
The Magician's hands grip the middle of the phallic
symbol, the source of all sexual energy. His hand
divides the wand into two equal parts, one pointing
heavenward, the other earthward, signifying sexual
balance and also sexual opposites.
. . . On the table in front of the magician
are the symbols of the four Tarot suits,
ngnifying on the one hand the elements of
natural Ufe: The wand indicates the fire
signs (depicting Lust, Anger, and Passion);
the cup indicates the water signs ( depicting
Urine, Blood, and Semen) ; the sword, the
earth signs ( depicting Flesh, Force, and
Malleability); and the pentacles, the air
signs (depicting Flatus, Eructation, and
Respiration). On the other hand the four
Tarot suits signify the elements of social
Ufe: The wand indicates power; the cup in,.
dicates intoxicants ( often concomitant with
sexual activity) ; the sword indicatesaggression;
and the pentacle indicmes money.
SBXUAL DY All the elements represented and implied
by the symbols of the four suits are at the disposal of
the Magician, to be drawn upon and utilized at will,
rendering members of the opposite sex of all Zodiacal
signs (Fue, Water, Earth, Air) worthy game for sexual


A person with the Magician-nature possesses the

magic of youth, demonstrating youthful vigor in both
sexual pursuit and sexual activity. He may be disposed
to pedophiliac impulses, seeking to unite his or her
own psychic youth with a child exhibiting comparable
physical youth. The strength, vitality, and sexual en-
durance of the young does not pose problems of sexual
incompatability for the Magician-nature, for no matter
what its chronological age, it recognizes the endless flow
of sexual energy signified by the horizontal 8, which
this nature may call upon at any time. However, when
this ready accessibility of sexual energy is misconstrued
as abiding within the human organism, the Magician-
nature exhibits self-love. Thus enamored of his or her
"own'' sexuality, masturbatory practices are frequently
and secretly perpetrated, and such a nature would, were
it possible, commit a solitary oral-genital manipulation
as represented by the self-fellating serpent. The well-
oriented individual whose nature corresponds with that
of the Magician enjoys a life of sexual balance, although
his methodology may be misunderstood by the masses.
As indicated in the two-headed phallic symbol, the
wand,this nature may fluctuate between periods of celi-
bacy and periods of hypersexuality. This nature's
periods of celibacy are often accompanied by feelings of
guilt, its periods of hypersexuality accompanied by
empirical disregard for existing mores. During the latter,
all members of the opposite sex are totally appealing to
this nature which, under the harmonious circumstances,
can adjust itself to any personality trait or personality
flaw because it is not the means which is important but
the end-the love object. In yet another sexual being

the two-headed phallic symbol, the wand, takes on

different connotations-bisexuality. This Magician-
nature ( and only individual Querents know who they
are) can enjoy sexual activities with either sex with
In a spread ( a reading) this card means: Querent
struggling to control sexual destiny; will power over
opposite sex; trickery and guile in obtaining sex part-
ners. It also means skill and diplomacy used to obtain
sexual gratification, qualities made effective by con-
fidence and will, attributes of the Magician-nature. For
a female, in addition to the foregoing, this card indicates
"magical sexual powers" which may lie in her ability
to create a pleasant sexual atmosphere for and with the
love object of her choice.

The High

She has the lunar cresent at her feet. It

is not yellow in color as in the fl.oor, but
grey, si.gnifying the grey matter of fiesh. .••
SEXUAL KEY The vagina, ever yawning during that
period of receptivity in its never-ending increscence
from unsated to sated, here depicted in its unsated
cycle, signifyinglack and need, but relegated to a lower
position ( at her feet), sensual and sexual use of the
vagina of secondary utility.
Upon her head a crown comprising a globe
'flanked by horns. . • •
SEXUAL KEY Upper, over, foremost, primary, above
all. Hence, the crown. The globe, also grey in color and
symbolizing flesh, signifies completeness of fleshy pur-
suits, fullness of fleshly appetites, a state of carnal
satiation. The High Priestess-nature knows all concern-
ing sexuality and its myriad of uses. In this respect she
represents the "dream girl," the "perfect woman." The
each vibrate, numerologically, to 9, the mystical num-
ber denoting completeness, fn1fi11ment.
. . . She is seated between two pillars,
one dark and one light. ...
SEXUAL KEY The symbolization is threefold. One, like
the half-hidden scroll, the dark and light pillars (phalli)
represent the secret and the obvious respectively, the
two aspects of her total sexuality. Two, as symbols of
erected, sexually-charged phalli, the two pillars signify
her acceptance of man and his penis without discrimi-
nation, yet another indication of her free spirit in sexual
matters. Three, the bloomed, flowering heads of the
pillar-phalli are portents. They symbolize her promise
of eruptive and violent orgasms for men with whom she
cohabits. "'
... Her vestments are fl.owingand gauzy. ...
SEXUAL KEY These represent continuity of sexual ex-
. . . And her mantle is blue. .••
SEXUAL KEY Signifying radiant emanation of mind,
spirit, and body, each of which or all of which insure
sexual fulfi11ment.


In a reading this card represents the Querent (if

female or homosexual) or someone in the Querent's
life ( a female or a homosexual), signifying the perfect
woman all men dream about and long for, the woman
who can satisfy their sexual desires far beyond their
wildest thoughts. She intuitively knows the value to a
man of a loving and sexually expressive female who
can gratify him. She is the spirit of motherhood and is
associated with the earth from which all things flow. A
woman of the High Priestess-nature will please a man
in every way she can, barring no sexual activity. In the
case of unesthetic men lacking higher ideals, men moti-
vated by infantile or primitive sexuality, a woman of
this nature will artfully exploit the sexual field and since
"sin" does not exist for her where love is concerned
she will take active and exuberant part in any sexual
act pleasing to her man. The High-Priestess-nature does
not recognize the term "sexual perversion."
In a spread this card means: Passion, moral or phys-
ical ardor; secrets; the future of sexual union as yet
unrevealed; safety from pregnancy and venereal disease;
strength of sexual knowledge triumphs over evil influ-
ences. A man finding this card in his spread has this
type of woman in his life and she will give him all her
sexual strength to cope with life's problems. If he is a
libidinal lamb she will make him a licentious lion. In a
woman's spread the Querent will realize these qualities
within herself and will feel she has found her ultimate
reason for living. Those of latent homosexuality, male
or female, finding this card in a spread may very well
expect a person of marked concupiscence to enter their
realm of existence.


The Empress


The third card of the Trun1ps Major presents

a stately figure having rich garb
and royal bearing. ...
SEXUAL KEY Typifies the initiator of sexual partner-
ships, the leader in such partnerships, and the mother
of sexual invention during such partnerships .
. . . Her crown is a cluster of twelve stars. ...
SEXUAL KEY Twelve is the mystical number of govern--
ment, here meaning she governs sexual matters, and
because they are stars, her government is shining and
radiant. The acini-form of the stars, like that of grapes,
symbolizes sexual fruitfulness, an abundance of succu-
lent delights.
. . . On the heart-shaped shield beside her
is the symbol of Venus. . . .
SEXUAL KEY At fingertip reach is her passion, her
fertile sexuality, her vibrant sexual organs, comely and

hypersensitive, to be used at will as a shield against

cold-hearted men, impotent men, bestial men-her
Venusian capabilities rendering all men docile and
. . . There is a water/ all beyqnd her and in
front of her a field of ripening corn. . ..

SEXUAL KEY The water denotes her stream of vaginal

fluids, as limitless as mountain streams. The waterfall
depicts power and represents the ferocity and power of
her orgasms. The field of ripening com is the symbol of
her fertility and the ripening fruit of her sensual body.
. . . The globe of this world
surmounts her sceptre . ...

SEXUAL KEY Oearly a phallic symbol, the sceptre is

held gingerly by the Empress, denoting her high regard
for, and fearlessness of, the male penis. She holds the
sceptre aloft as though to exalt it as she does in her life.
The proximity of the symbol to her face suggests her
propensity for fellatio, and is further suggested by the
enlarged and bulbous head of the symbol, representing
the male penis at the point of orgasmic ejaculation, hav-
ing reached such a state by her impassioned and de-
voted fellating. That the head is globular secondarily
suggests her pursuit of worldly pleasures and its green
color denotes the fruitfulness of her sexual pursuits .
• . . She is pictured full-faced . ..•

SEXUAL KEY Symbolized here is openness of character,

frankness and candor in sexual matters, and sexual
engagement with utter abandon. The Empress-nature
conceals nothing, gives all, and greatly enjoys her sexual
expression as much as the male who gleans her sensual
fruit. The card signifies the gate needed to gain entry
into the Garden of Venus, the secret of which is known
many orgasms. It is a card assuring a rich harvest of
sexual' pleasure and dynamic orgasms as a reward for
the physical labor and sensual toil of courtship, fore-
play, and intercourse.
He is a crowned Emperor. He is command-
ing and stately. The arms of the throne on
which he sits are fronted by rams' heads. . .•
SEXUAL KEY The crown, of course, bespeaks mastery
over all. The gems inlaid thereon are five in number,
five being the mystical number signifyinga nature quick,
witty, ingenious, intelligent, scientific, changeable, per-
suasive, and enterprising; qualities the Emperor employs
adroitly to capture the hearts of those females he wishes
to sexually possess. Homoerotically, the qualities are
expertly used to capture the hearts of the members of
the same sex. The rams' heads mark the Emperor's
sexual mastery, capabilities, aggressiveness, and prow-
ess, the ram always used in ancient fertility rites because
of its huge phallus. That there are two heads designates
the dual desiderata of the Emperor's replete phallus-
strength and size.
He is the power of this world, clothed
in its highest rultural attributes. He is
the virile power to which the Empress re-
sponds ...
SEXUAL KEY The ultimate in masculinitiy, sexual
dominance, and source of sensual pleasure for females.
Homosexually, the ultimate in sodomitic endeavors.
In this sense it is he who seeks to rupture the Hymen of
Woman, yet she remains virgo intacta, notwithstanding
the Emperor's profligate endeavors to fornicate all
women. The young males appealing to the masterful
homosexual also remain heterosexual despite the Em-
peror's homoerotic advances.


The Emperor-nature is the male counterpart of the

Empress-nature. When sexually inverted the Emperor-
nature is found in women and manifests itself as Lesbian
sexuality and the Empress-nature is found in males and
manifests itself as homosexuality. Though the state is
often implied it should be understood that the con-
dition of married life is not necessarily represented by
this card and the card of the Empress. The Emperor-
nature is autonomous and is as worldly and in love
with sex as is the Empress-nature. The Emperor-nature,
too, when inspired to lust, invents variations of the
sexual acts which afford him and his loved ones a
harvest of orgasmic fruit. His proclivity for coitus
borders on the satyric al, which is pleasing to the females
in his life. They are smitten of his sexual technique, his
utter worship of female genitalia, which is the source of
repetitive sexual joy for them. Women are sensuously
ecstatic by the endurance of his penile erection and his
fantastically profuse ejaculatory capacity, not to men-
tion bis uncanny copulative ability.
In a spread this card fore tells sexual power and sta-
bility; also authority and will in sexual affairs. It sug-
gests sexual mastery resulting in the dominance over
and satiation of female sexual organs and libidinal de-
mands. This is the card of the masterful lover, the
libertine of ultimate passions, the idol of sexually
frustrated women, and the "dream man" of young
searching virgins.

The triple crown is upon his head, the

sceptre in his left hand terminates in
the triple cross, and there are three
crosses on his vestment . ...
SEXUAL KEY Three is the divine number of trinity,
popularly used to represent God, Father, Son, and Holy
Spirit; and man, mind, body, and spirit. The Hierophant
is spirituality and religion who denies, minimizes,
obviates, and retreats from sexuality. The sceptre phallic
symbol is in his left hand, designating the Hierophant's
negative attitude toward the penis and its sexual func-
tion. Sex, then, is to the left, and "not right." The
phallic symbol, rather than bearing a bulbous head,
bears three crossbars, the third and highest being shorter
than the previous two. Mystically, the three crossbars
imply that beyond the labia majora of the female
genitals ( sex for sex's sake), and beyond psychic and
emotional relationships ( sex for love's sake), there is a
third goal greatly to be desired; a goal absent of sensu-
ality, opposed to fleshly appetites, devoid of orgasmic
pleasure; a goal which promises a sexual ecstasy, sterile
bliss, and elevated union. The succession of the three
crossbars further implies that the third level is reached
by those who have experienced the first two. The three
crosses upon the Hierophant's vestment signify purity-
a cross over the heart, a cross over the solar plexis ( the
seat of emotions), and a cross over the phallus and
genitals, sanctifying each.
. . . He is seated between two pillars. His right
hand is rai,sedin benediction. . . .
SEXUAL KEY The pillars are not those of the High
Priestess, symbolic of highly desirable phalli. The col-
umns of the Hierophant, though in the emblematic state
of ejaculation, are grey and black in color, dark in form,
and, despite the obvious symbolism of their ferocity and
virility, they are relegated to the rear and to the sides,
suggesting they exist only on the periphery of true
reality. While the Hierophant's right hand is raised in
blessing, it is a blessing bestowed upon those away from
sexuality. His hand points back at the phalli in a gesture
condemnatory of sexuality and sensuality and bodily
pleasure. The phallic symbols then receive the back
of his blessing, the reverse of his blessing, i.e. a curse.
• . . At his feet are the crossed keys. Before
him kneel two devotees. ...
SEXUAL KEY The two keys unlock the gates of heaven
and hell, and because the Hierophant has them, he
ostensibly possesses the power to use them. The two
devotees, both male, represent the subjugation of "male--
ness" or masculinity in the Hierophant-nature. That
there are two repeats the symbolism of the first two
crossbars of the Hierophant's sceptre. These two (sex
for sex's sake and sex for love's sake) desire to humble
themselves before God in order to gain inner peace.
They fail to recognize, however, that they are humbling
themselves before doctrine, religion, tradition, and
head of it all, the Hierophant, who, in the final analysis,
is a man like unto themselves.


The Hierophant-nature runs from sex in all its

aspects, treating even thoughts of sex as sin. This nature
is superstitious, fearful, and full of doubt. It is ignorant
of the purpose of its own virility or muliebrity. Penile
erections in the male and clitoral excitation in the
female keep this nature in a constant state of dread of
its own sexuality. Because of this nature's fear of open
and natural sexual relations, masturbatory practices are
frequently perpetrated and these are usually followed by
haunting and debilitating feelings of guilt.
Devoted servitude to mankind is manifested by this
nature, the natural but sublimated sex instinct re-
canalized. The Hierophant-nature excels in occupations
of service and makes excellent clergy. Married men of
this nature engage in sexual intercourse only infre-
quently and then as a matter of conjugal duty. During
the actual sex act these natures will strive, not for com-
plete gratifying orgasm, but for minimal pleasure.
A male of this nature is subservient to women, pas-
sive in love-making, and prefers the female to take the
upper position in coitus, which allows him to divorce
himself from bis erected penis, leaving the woman to
her own "sinful" devices. If the Hierophant-nature
emerges from his cocoon of sexual fear unboldly, he
first manifests lack of confidence in his own mascu-
linitiy. He overcompensates by cowering, bowing, scrap-
ing, coddling, and catering to women. He becomes
adept at cunnilingus, practically an expert at oralism,
a compensatory art developed in hopes that demands
upon bis awkward and reluctant penis will be minimal.
When the Hierophant-nature yields naively to the pull
of his flesh, he overdoes it, and takes on the character-
istics of a pervert, a sexual misfit, or, in the modem
vernacular, "a dirty old man." The sexual technique of
oralism which be perpetrates to convince himself of his
virility appears depraved and anaphrodisiac.He there-
fore attracts females of like characteristics and hence
finds himself in a worse state of sexuality than before.
Because of his or her proclivities, the Hierophant-nature
can be easily abused sexually, and usually is. This is
the basis for this nature's assertion that be has been to
•heaven and hell.
In a spread- this card means: Alliance, captivity,
servitude,overkindness,weakness,superstition, doubt.
Such attributes, though conducive to success in occupa-
tions of service, suggest lack of confidence in one's own
masculinity or femininity. In cases where a female
doubts her own femininity and consequently prefers,
desires, and enjoys oral-genital practices which afford
her gratifying orgasms, the perfect sexual partner is the
Hierophant-nature. This card further means homo-
sexuality, latent or overt. It is the position of the card
in relation to other modifying cards which gives its ulti-
mate rendering, but generally speaking, it is the homo-
sexual card. Because of the card's esoteric symbolism
denoting a nature's deliberate escape from one's own
sexuality, a male of this nature, abhorring the masculine
role of his phallus, may turn to sodomy, playing the
passive role. In a female of this nature, her abhorrence
of fearful penes may turn her to lesbianism, having
preference for the softness and gentleness of female

The Lovers


Above a great winged figure with arms extended,

the sun shines in the zenith. . ..
SEXUAL KEY The sun always represents consciousness
-direct light rather than reflected light-but the brown
color of the sun herein indicates lack of radiance, con-
sciousness dimmed. The serenity of the winged creature,
hands open and gentle in benediction, signifiesall is well
upon the earth, and "all," in this higher sense, means
exactly that. Everything under the sun, that is, is good.
. . . In the foreground are a naked man and a
na,ked woman, as if Adam and Eve in Paradise.
The tree of life, bearing twelve fruits, is
behind the man. Behind the woman, the ser-
pent is twirung around the tree of knowledge
of good and evil. . .
SEXUAL KEY The nakedness of the individuals, openly
exhibiting their genitalia, symbolizes virginity, in-
nocence, and love before it is contaminated by knowl-
edge of gross sexual desire. Virginity herein does not
mean that the man and woman have never copulated,
but rather that in their sexual expression there exists
no sin, disgrace, or shame. These negative elements do
not exist until man eats of the fruit of the Tree of
Knowledge of Good and Evil, that is, until man con-
sciously accepts such elements as real and identifies
with them. The message is: "As you believe, so you
are." The card itself intimates the great mystery of
Womanhood, more a working of a Secret Law of
Providence than a mere manipulation by a willing and
conscious seductress. This Secret Law suggests that it is
through Woman's imputed lapse that Man shall arise
ultimately. This is the card of sexual freedom, and, in
a higher sense, it suggests that only by Woman can
Man complete himself.


Men and women of the Lovers' nature do not believe

in or adhere to traditional, hand-me-down, sexual
taboos. When such natures are in love, they love openly
and without shame, giving their sexual partner all they
have. They will actively share in any sex act without
reservation for they do not recogniz.e "sex for love's
sake" as sinful, disgraceful, or shameful. They have not
eaten of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil, and
therefore continue to enjoy the virginal and innocent
sexual expression of paradise--which is a state of mind.
The Lovers'-nature intuitively knows the Secret Laws
of Providence, which, in essence, is: "God created
sexual union, the ultimate results of which are justifiably
mystical, symbolic, and presently beyond human under-
standing." That which was mystical and which is now
unveiled is this: In nature, the closest thing to the ideal
mystical trance is the point of orgasm. The color of the
sun is significant herein for it indicates sensuality, sex-
uality, and human love, as developmental stages which
may lead one to integration and the fullness of life.
In a spread this card means: Unadulterated love;
attraction; beauty; trials overcome; sexual union, some-
times marriage. It may predict "the other woman" in
a man's life; "the other man" in a woman's life. Here-
in is the desire for virginal love; that is, strong fluid
love with uninhibited sexual expression. The message
of the Lovers is "Love conquers all," and "perfect
love casteth out all fear."

The Chariot

The victorious hero, erect and princely,

carries a drawn sword. He triumphantly
rides in his oncoming chariot bearing a
star-studded can.opyof blue which is drawn
by two sphinxes, one dark, one light. In
the background are many red-roofed buildings
and a 'flowingriver.
SEXUAL KEY His stature signifies great confidence in
his masculinity; confidence home of fulfi11ingand pro-
ficent sexual demonstrations. The star-studded blue
canopy signifies royal vestment but he wears none on
his person. UoJikethe Emperor who inherits rulership
regardless of merit, and the Hierophant who graduates
to leadership by dint of seniority, the Charioteer earns
his kingship by virtue of sexual excellence and indomi-
table sensuality. Therefore, he is more a king than he
who possessses hereditary or unearned royalty. The
sphinx indentifies with conquest and on this account,
two pull his chariot. The color of the sphinxes has

further symbolism, typifying the degree of sensuality

of the females he has conquered and will conquer in
the future, ranging from the meek and demure female
(dark), to the precocious and demonstrative female
(light); from the sexually retiring female to the sex--
ually puissant female.
In the background are many red-tipped buildings,
some taller than others, all phallic symbols, and yet all
represent one phallus, that of the Charioteer. The
variegated height and breath of the structures denote
the many conditions of penile erection demonstrated
by the conqueror, suggestinguncanny sexual adjustment
to many different female tastes and conditions. Not--
withstanding his adaptability, the structures are red-
tipped, signifying complete and impassioned orgasms
with every female in his past. The diamond-tipped
phallic symbol in his right hand promises similar
orgasms with females yet in his future.
The blue wings and brown circle on the face of his
chariot symbolize his readiness to fly to the next female
orifice, be it oral, vaginal, or anal. The bright red
coupling depicted just below the wings and circle
represents the erect clitoris within the cincture of an
inflamed vagina. That the females in the Charioteer's
life realize sexual satiation is symlbolizedby the great
wide river, a continuous and rampant flow of v~gioa1


The Charioteer-nature wins the heart and body of

any female who excites his libidinal intrests. He is a
conqueror of women, but also the conqueror of barriers
between him and the sexual object of his choice. This
quality, plus that of being a king by conquest rather



A woman, over whose head is a horizontal 8,

the sign of infinity, is closing the jaws of
a red lion which is being led by a chain of
fiowers. In the background, a purple mountain.
SEXUAL KEY The horizontal 8 indicates the creativity
of Woman, which is endless. The red lion represents
the fiery passion and burning lust of man. That the
woman is closing the lion's mouth with her bare hands
indicates that man is willing to have bis passions tamed
by Woman. The secret of her strength lies in the chain
of flowers, each flower representing an orgasm. The
chain, therefore, is a series of dynamic and pleasurable
orgasms linked together by her insatiable lust. The
presence of the chain presupposes much sexual plea-
sure, frequent oral-genital play, and consummate



Woman's creativity is manifested by her atavistic

demonstration of feminine wiles and coital use of her
genitalia to create a life of happiness and sexual bliss. A
woman of this nature is a danger to the Charioteer-
nature, or to any man enjoying sexual freedom, for she
possesses the means to sate his every sexual appetite. If
a man be her choice of a mate, she will and can go to any
sexual lengths to tame him. This nature knows the man
of her choice has already enjoyed various sex acts with
various simpler women, so she, broadminded and hyper-
sexual, incorporates all sex acts, perpetrating each with
agile precocity, dazzling her lover into submission. That
she can and will satisfy the most voracious penis is sym-
bolized by the purple mountain behind her.
In a spread this card means: Sexual power and
energy; coital activity and creativity; courage in the
face of competition; generous exhibition and utilization
of the sexual organs; complete success in the pursuit of
genitalia. It denotes willpower in affairs of the heart,
and a winning attitude of mind and body over matter
and obstacle. A man finding this card in his reading
will have such a female in his life. A woman finding it
in her reading is being told that she has the sexual
strength, coital ability, and feminine wherewithal to
overcome the obstacles separating her from the man
she desires at the moment.


The Hermit


The Hermit is seen on a white eminence, hold-

ing up his beacon. In his left hand is his
staff, and his bowed head is topped with a
cap of blue. The backdrop is also blue.
SEXUAL KEY Blue always signifies attainment. The
Hermit lives in a world of attainment. He is not a seeker.
He is not lost. Some have rendered the meaning of this
card as such but they are in error. The Hermit has
found what men seek. He has arrived. He is home. He
is a knower. The light he carries is not used to find his
own way. He stands upon a high place above the world.
The light is for those who follow, that they may see
where they are going. The Hermit's message is: That
where I am, ye may also be. The staff, a phallic symbol,
in his left hand does not relegate sexuality to obliv-
ion as in the case of the Hierophant, but rather signifies
that sexuality, once mastered, need no longer occupy a
place of supreme importance.


Dutch uncle. The rampart, domineering Charioteer may

not kiss and tell, but the fact of sexual conquest will
show in his demeanor and often on his face, like the cat
that ate the canary. But the Hermit-nature will never
reveal anything. His countenance and bearing will con-
ceal the fact of sexual escapades forever. This secretive
quality greatly enhances the Hermit-nature's desirability.
Secretiveness, coupled with his unassuming behavior,
makes the Hermit-nature an ideal bed partner for love--
hungry housewives. The Hermit-nature is not unattain-
able, the true mystical meaning of the eminence and
the beacon. The card says: What I know and experience,
you also may know and experience.
In a reading this card means: Sexual enjoyment of
the highest degree; attainment of libidinal knowledge;
understanding of the needs and desires of the opposite
sex; prudence in illicit affairs.

Wheel of


Inscribed on the wheel is the transliteration

of TARO as ROTA. The counterchanging letters
signify the divine name . ...
SEXUAL KEY Basically, the Wheel means that life as
we know it is a constant fluctuation and is in a constant
state of change, i.e., tumescence and flaccidity; passion
and passivity; celibacy and hypersexuality; love and
hate. The Divine Name signifies that unchangeable
Providence exists throughout life's changes.
. . . A serpentine creature fianks the left of the
Wheel while the Wheel itself seems to be supported
by a fiery-red lupine creature. A blue sphinx,
holding a sword, sits atop the Wheel. ...
SEXUAL KEY The elongated form of the snake sym-
bolizes the constancy of penile utility and genital
activity as an apropos form of man's expression. The
lupine creature represents the raw animal passions of
man as a separate entity from penile administrations
and sexual intercourse (the snake), implying that
passion need not necessarily be satiated or appeased.
On the other hand, it signifies that both lust and
sexual activity are counterparts and that each follows
the other endlessly. The sphinx is emblematic of stabil-
ity amidst fluctuation and symbolizes the immutability
of the phallus amidst changing mores and ethics. This
certainty is signified by the blue color of the sphinx,
blue once again denoting mastery, leadership, attain-
ment. The sword is power.
. . . The four corners are occupied by winged
characters, each of which is reading a book . ..•
SEXUAL KEY Sexual knowledge is not always obtained
experientally. More often than not such knowledge is
acquired through the reading of books on the subject.
As long as man has eyes there will be books. The wings
of the creatures denote flight to knowledge, the salvation
of man.kind.The two characters of the lower comers
are anim~s, depicting man's baser, beastly nature, and
the books they read, the knowledge of sex they acquire,
are often detrimental to them. Above, occupying the two
higher comers of the card, are a bird and what appears
to be an angel but is not. It is man in yet another form,
at another stage. All four symbols mean man, in different
stages. The two above are higher and achieve stature
by reading books on the subject of sex which reach
the inner man and teach of unselfish sex. The message
of the lower characters is: sex for me. The message
of the higher characters is: sex for us.


Life's ups and downs are symbolized herein. The

card says that though a person has his cake and is eating
it too (which is possible), such a state of ecstasy cannot
be prolonged indefinitely. Though sexuality is here to
stay, each person cannot enjoy it always. Though male
and female genitalia shall always meet, individual men
and women ( as in an illicit affair), cannot expect their
genitalia always to meet. What is universally true is not
individually changeless. The passion-symbolizing crea-
ture followed by the phallus-symbolizing snake suggests
that the confluence of passion and phallus is what
makes the world go round. In a never-ending cycle of
desire, gratification, desire, gratification, man pursues
woman and woman pursues man.
In a reading this card means: Ever-changing sexual
partners, changeable sexual proclivities; new and inter-
esting cohabiters; success in sexual pursuits; an increase
of sexual partners. The turning, hence changing, aspect
of the Wheel, advises: Face changes in partners with
courage; be alert for sexual opportunities; exercise cau-
tion in coital excesses; maintain sexual equilibrium;
guard against discordant members of the opposite sex.
Further renderings are: Patience in passion will be re-
warded; new sexual contacts require adaptability;
unexpected escapades may occur.



A crowned woman is seated upon a throne

between two pillars, an upright sword in
her right hand, a pair of scales suspended
from her left hand. Behind her, a purple curtain.
SEXUAL KEY That she is crowned denotes excellence,
attainment, leadership. The darkened pillars, phallic
symbols, are depicted without burgeoning heads and
orgasmic proportions. The upright sword in her right
hand, though symbolizing the male sexual organ, is also
darkened. The scales express the need for equality and


The word Justice itself speaks out for balance and

equilibrium in sexual affairs. Therefore, the message of
the darkened phalli is that they arrived at this state
through sexual intemperance. Their orgasmic heads are
not honored here for these represent unruly and indis-
criminate male sexual organs which have and will
penetrate any orifice without regard for the higher law
of moderation. The Justice-nature disapproves of law-
less genitals but she does not deny the supremacy of the
phallus, particularly in its erected form, which infers
sexual foreplay on her part and therefore a tempering of
even her hypercritical spirit. The Justice-nature cannot
be coerced into sexual intercourse but will give freely of
her body and passion to the deserving. She will not re-
spond to a stolen or forced kiss, but will melt in the
arms of an ardent suitor, who, in the face of all odds,
has adamantly pursued her favor.
The Justice-nature believes labor should be rewarded
and she will see to it that a man gets what he has
diligently worked for. On the other hand, the Justice-
nature does not believe that a man should enjoy sex
simply because sex exists. When this nature has two
suitors, because of her sense of equality and justice,
both will taste the fruits of their labor. When her sense
of probity blankets ten men, however, this nature
experiences hardships, is often accused of sexual im-
moderation and promiscuity, which in a higher sense is
not true. She merely gives each man his just deserts.
The Justice-nature will not give of her body, passion,
love, or sexualityuntil she feels it is right and just. She
is very critical of animal passion and derives no pleasure
from aggressive phalli no matter how gross or esthetic,
but the phallus which justly deserves her submission will
find her more passionate than the lustiest of females.
In a spread this card means: Equity of passion; right-
ness of dispersed affection; probity in selection of sexual
mates. It suggests that sexual activity is directly pro-
portionate to sexual pursuit, that orgasmic ecstasy is
not a plaything but an equitable result for armorous
The Hanged


There is a nimbus about the head of the

seeming martyr, who is suspendedfrom a
cruciform gallows.
SEXUAL KEY The tree itself is a phallic symbol, but
rather than terminating in a glans penis, it ends with a
crossbar, denoting cessation of sexual activity. That the
crossbar bears living foliage suggests that though the
phallus is inactive, it is not dead. The hanged man, it
should be noted, suggests life in suspension, but life and
not death, as is often erroneously concluded. This is
suspended sexuality, not asexuality or impotence.


The Hanged Man is a card of profound significance,

but all the significance is veiled, often by misinterpre-
tation of one's initial view of the card, and by the card's
name. It should be noted that the hanged man's face
does not express suffering, but entrancement. This is
the card of all sexual narcissists into which category all
masturbators fall. The Hanged Man-nature, early in
life, adopts an idea of what his penis should look like,
feel like, function like, respond like, and act like, not-
withstanding biological facts to the contrary. This is the
card of self-lovers who feel their genitals are meant for
some great and grand purpose, usually other than
sexual intercourse. Thus the nimbus about the Hanged
Man's head. This nature would rather have the head of
his organ (glans penis, clitoris) "martyred" than func-
tioning in an unworthy manner. This nature usually
experiences a post-pubertal collision with the "facts
of life" and is henceforth disillusioned. Since these
"facts of life" do not conform with this nature's idealistic
outlook, it would rather suffer celibacy.
Some of this nature turn to chronic masturbation,
finding autoerotism more to their liking than hetero-
sexual activities with the impassioned and demanding
sexual organs of the opposite sex. Some do nothing at
all, suspending their sexuality temporarily and perhaps
enjoying only nocturnal emissions. The Hanged Man-
nature thinks "all women (men) are alike." He feels
that the opposite sex does not understand him, which
is true because they are normal, red-blooded humans
who desire their fires of passion extinguished regularly.
Further, the Hanged Man-nature arrives at his suspen-
sion of sexuality in a unique manner. He sees Woman
(Man) as ideal and places the opposite sex on a
pedestal, but, during maturation, he stumbles over the
sex act, finding it impossible to reconcile orgiastic pas-
sion and pulsating organs with serene perfection and
Utopian bliss.
In a reading this card suggests a dreamer who cannot
accept everyday sexual responsibility, and though this
card denotes a person of indecision, it also represents
an individual at the crossroads of ideal and actual sex.
It represents youth ( chronological or psychological) in
need of sexual guidance and sex education. The Hanged
Man-nature is one worthy of a female's (male's) pa-
tience and understanding, for with the proper guidance
this nature can become a veritable dynamo in the sex-
ual bed. The card in a spread also means: Too much
discernment in sexual matters; trials with the opposite
sex; sacrifice of sexual pleasure for ideals; emotional
sorrow; sexual disappointment. This card advises the
Hanged Man-nature forgive the opposite sex their "in-
firmities"; choose a sexual partner only after taking
into consideration your tendency to expect too much;
apply the imagination and not idealism to a prospective
assignation. This card further intimates an awakening
after suspension and predicts the possibility of a highly
pleasurable sexual future.


A mysterious horseman moves slowly, carrying

a black fiag on which is represented the
mystic rose. He carries no visible weapon
and yet one man is falien, a prelate awaits
his end with clasped hands, and a child and
a maiden kneel before him. In the background
is a fl.owing river and two pillars between
which the sun shines radiantly.
SEXUAL KEY As with the card of the Hanged Man, the
card of Death must be explained. It does not mean
death in the common sense of the word, for no mere
card can predict the physical cessation of life. The
Death card signifieschange, transformation, and passage
from lower to higher. The Mystic Rose emblazoned on
the banner signifies ever-blossoming vaginas, and the
sun, between two phallic symbols, represents ever-rising
phalli, so, mystically, the Death card does not predict
doom. It does, however, predict an end to something.
The fallen king, for example, has lived to see the end
of his rulersbip, his crown removed. This could very
well be the Charioteer-nature, after his heyday. The
snail-like form in front of the child and the maiden
symbolizes the slowness ( as some men count time) but
the certainty that a penis will reach them both. Even-
tuality is the message of the snail-phallic. It is highly
symbolic of death and of life, denoting the death of the
little girl's childhood and the birth of her puberty. Be-
hind the child, the young maiden modestly turns her
head from Death and the phallic symbol, as though
turning her head from the fact of life that her hymen is
to be ruptured, her vagina to be penetrated by the
heretofore dreamed-of penis. She shall witness the death
of her maidenhood and the birth of womanhood. The
prelate, unkneeling, of the Hierophant-nature, is not
quick to accept change and therefore attempts to pray
his way out of the inevitable. The flowing river, again
symbolizing the incessant effluence of vaginal and penile
excretions, denotes life, change, and progress.


A Death-nature is a "changer." The change may be

welcomed or unwelcomed. lliustrative of the former is
a desired lover; of the latter, unexpected or ill-received
sexual attention, as from. a rapist. Death signifies the
gamut of sexual perversions in that the card denotes
the inevitability of change, whether desired or not.
Therefore, the Death-nature may very well be a sexually
perverted person. Change or transformation, however,
does not always occur in a perverted manner. It may
also occur as a matter of growth. The presence of the
Death card may foretell imminent change in one's life.
Therefore, a young virgin who knows full well that she
shall not be virginal forever, can, by the upturning of
the Death card, prepare herself for the object of her
desires,or, should she prefer, she can be forewarned
by the Death card and postpone the loss of her virginity.
Likewise, the pubescent boy, desiring to be a "man,"
may, by the upturning of the card, realize the proximity
of impending sexual intercourse. The Death card is as
often good as bad, for whereas it may foretell the
cessation of some supposed sexual happiness in one
reading, it may foretell the cessation of sexual despair
in another. The despairing female, a slave to the pas-
sions of a bestial mate, may be blessed by the presence
of the Deatli card which promises an end to her sexual
slavery; and the frustrated female, despairing for lack
of sexual intercourse, may realize renewed hope of
deliverance from the bonds of chastity by the presence
of the Death card.
In a spread this card means: End, finish (which, as
explained, foretells birth, beginning); great change in
sexual atmosphere; transformation of sexual expression,
from lower to higher; the conclusion of part of one's
sex life will make way for new vistas of sensual plea-
sure; a new sexual venture; death of sexual selfishness;
death of autoerotism and birth of sexual activity; new
and vigorous sexual organs imminent. The card further
denotes: Faced with a door to new ecstasy; energetic
sexual activity; end of a despairing sex life; new creative
trends of libido. The free will of man is demonstrated
in a further rendering of the Death card. A person who
faithfully and diligently seeks change may find this card
in a spread as "an answer to prayer." In such a case
the card's message is: Change your thoughts and you
change your life. ,




A winged angel with the solar sign upon its

head and a fran-1edtriangle upon its breast,
is pouring fiuid from chalice to chalice.
A rainbow arcs over its wings. ...
SEXUAL KEY The angel symbolizes a higher knowledge
of human nature and its sexual behavior, neither con-
doning it nor condemning it, representing the mystical
Neutrality. The solar sign signifieslife; that is, birth and
rebirth, procreation and reproduction. The arcing rain-
bow is emblematic of the divine promise that man shall
never again perish by water; that is, the seminal fluids
of copulating Mankind will not again be cause of an
inundation of sinfulness. The triangle within a square
symbolizes Consummate Vagina. The fluid which the
angel pours symbolizes effusive female excretion and
ejaculatory male semen, the very essencesof life. One
would be hard put to tell in whch direction the fluid is
running and where the female and male meet. Tribades
erroneously interpret the fluid as female liquescence
only, manifested during their genital-to-genital per-
version. The fluid is male and female orgasmic juices,
ever-intermingling, ever interfiowing.
. . . The angel has one foot in the water
and one foot upon the earth. . . •
SEXUAL KEY This is highly illustrative of the very
meaning of Temperance; that is, tempering earth
(fleshly desire) with water (seminal fluids). It is the
mixture which produces orgasmic fruit, for it is the one
which causes the other. It is the watering of the earth
which produces flowers of sexual joy.
. . . Beyond the angel a path arises to certain
heights on the verge of the horizon. Above,
a crown is vaguely seen through a great light.
SEXUAL KEY The path symbolizesthe ascendant great-
ness and nobility of orgasms from sexual experience to
sexual experience. The great light and the crown de-
note the culmination of all sexual experience in superior
sexual knowledge, like unto the Neutral angel's, that is,
neither condoning nor condemning human nature or its
sexual behavior.


The Temperance-nature never bites off more than it

can chew; its orgasmic delights are directly propor-
tionate to impassioned desire, overindulging in neither.
Harmony of biological need and emotional desire is
enjoyed by this nature through the practices of sexual
self-control and the discipline of fleshly appetites. The
reward for such a regimen is symbolized by the as-
cendant path, for the Temperance-nature, though
temperate in individual sexual excursions, enjoys suc-
cessivelyfiner and more satisfying orgasms. This nature
knows that the heights of sexual and sensual pleasure
are not reached successfully and gratifyingly by helter-
skelter, impetuous, intemperate flight into wild and
vicious sex acts, but rather by gourmet-like tastes,_
snail-like deliberation, and astute dissemination of
In a spread this card means: Life will be balanced,
with all sexual pursuits bearing the fruit of satiating
orgasms; balanced sexual expression; wild orgasms and
tame orgasms enjoyed with equanimitiy. It also fore-
tells sexual goals reached through wisdom; orgasms
achieved through circumspect courtship; sexual balance
is ultimately rewarded with ecstasy. It warns: Temper
burning lusts with therapeutic copulation; coite no
oftener than passion dictates.
The Devil

Standing on a black altar is a horned goat

with the wings of a bat. The right hand is
open and in the le/ t hand there is a great
flaming torch, inverted. A reversed pentagram
is on the beast's forehead. There are
two figures, one male, one female, chmned
to the altar. The figures are tailed, the
female with fruit, the male with fire.
SEXUAL KEY The black altar symbolizes the meta-
phorical altar of supreme sacrifice where male and
female relinquish their right to wholesome and healthy
sexuality. The homed goat, or Devil, represents the
baser side of human nature. He symbolizes raw sexual
craving, lust, inordinate desires, sexual perversion, evil
thoughts, desires, and deeds. The open right hand de-
ceivingly suggests that sex is its own justification and
needs no other, that there is naught but sex as a basis
for living. It implies that there is no higher calling, no
elevated human nature, no freedom from the bonds of
lust and sexual depravity. The wings on the Devil mean
night and darkness, for the bat is a nocturnal creature.
The wings symbolize that time and place when de-
pravity and wickedness are best manifested; that is,
at night, in darkness, surreptitiously, clandestinely,
secretly. The flaming torch in the left hand denotes the
animal nature of humankind, the burning lust and fiery
passions of the depraved. The torch is inverted so as
to light the consuming fires of sexual deviation, sadism,
bestiality, and inhuman degeneracy.
The inverted pentagram is the symbol for excellence,
but excellence in perverse sexuality. This bastard crown
is for those who neither aspire for nor believe in the
crown of gold. The two figures are chained to the altar
of infamy, but take note how loosely the chains are hung
about their necks. These chains can be readily removed
but only by themselves, by an act of will. As long as
they keep their chains they shall grow the horns of
animalism. The man's tail of fire symbolizes the flames
of vice and corruption which catapult him into sexual
excess and debauchery. It is by this fire that the de-
praved woman bears fruit, symbolized by her tail; red
fruit of blood and passion which drive her on and on
to greater and greater sexual evils.


The Devil-nature, as opposed to the nature of the

preceding card, always bites off more than he or she
can chew. This nature seeks orgasms compulsively, as
though driven by some inner demon which cannot be
sated. The Devil-nature mistakes quantity for quality
and it therefore copulates indiscriminately. A man of
this nature will stop at nothing to achieve orgasm. He
holds nothing sacred, and to gain his end he will defile
a virgin, rape the wife of a friend by guile or force,
debase a young girJ or force her to practice fellatio
upon him. li all else fails he will tum to sodomy or
pederasty, even bestiality. Orgasm is his god.
Under circumstances prohibiting sexual partners, the
Devil-nature will indulge in every autoerotic practice
known to man, from masturbation to the introduction
of foreign objects into his anal cavity. Any and all
erogenous zones are put into full play in the name of
orgasm. Likewise in the female of this nature. She,
seemingly insatiable, will seduce even the youngest of
boys when necessary. No man is safe from this nature's
greedy sexuality. She will vamp any married man, any
single man. li she is married, her marriage is used as
a front for extramarital relations with friends and
strangers alike. Her own husband's brothers and father
are fair game in her quest for orgasm. As with her male
counterpart, the Devil-nature will, when all else fails,
achieve her indispensable orgasms via whatever means
available to her, barring nothing. She is not above turn-
ing to a pet for sexual gratification, be it canine or
feline. Failing this, no phallic-shaped object is beyond
her use vaginally and anally. The Devil card is the card
of nymphomaniacs, satyrs, the incestuous, the hyper-
sexuals. Secondly, it is the card of those who, notwith-
standing an apparently acceptable way of life, compul-
sively harbor evil thoughts and daily indulge in fantasies
of a perverse nature. Thirdly, it is the card of Man, in
his stage of animalism, the stage which can be passed or
surmounted only by an act of will.
In a reading this card means: Triumph by deceit;
amatory successes and orgasmic riches obtained by
trickery and dishonest means; destruction of others.
The Devil-card implies, however, that sexual triumph
will be temporary and that it will be fallowed by a
talion punishment. In short, evil sexuality brings on
damaging results, not only to the sexually abused, but
to the sexual perpetrator. The card also means: per-
verse sexual life; disregard for human dignity; erotic
vehemence; ravage; violence; weakness of will; blind-
ness to the needs of others; pettiness. This is the card
of the Marquis de Sade, of Lucretia Borgia, of sex
criminals. In a less vibrant sense, it is the card of all,
for as humans we possess a dark side.

The Tower


A bolt of lightning has struck a grey tower,

dislodging its crown and setting it in flames.
Two figures fall from the flaming building.
SEXUAL KEY The card has dual meaning throughout.
The bolt of lightning, because it comes from above, is
firstly Authority, and secondly, Intellect. The tower is
first a penis and secondly a House of Sexual Doctrine.
The crown is the physical pre-eminence of that Doc-
trine, and also symbolic of the glans penis. The two
figures, on the one hand, are living sufferers of the
destruction, and, on the other hand, they symbolize the
male and female aspects of one individual. That the
Tower card depicts ruin is obvious. It is the rending
of the House of Sexual Doctrine; that is, the ruination
of concepts and practices which have been harmful.
Alternately, it depicts the destruction of the false penis;
that is, the bestial, unloving, orgasm-motivated phallus.
The grey color, too, speaks of waning virility and utility.
The message is: Unless Love erect the penis (clitoris),
they labor in vain who erect it. The Tower card speaks
of the chastisement of the sexually proud and the in-
stinctually perverted. In a sense, the catastrophe is a
reflection from the Devil card, the talion punishment for
selfish, base, and lascivious living. It is not necessarily
a bad card, despite its ominous apeparance. It depends
upon the Querent in whose reading it occurs. It may
predict the intrusion of law-enforcement authorities
into a life of perverse libertinism, or it may predict the
light of reason and intellect into an otherwise depraved
existence. The former can be a curse, the latter a bless-
ing. The falling figures, in a positive reading, could
mean the falling from sexual depravity; the fall to be
followed by sexual bliss. In a negative reading, as in the
case of an obdurate vice king, the figures can mean a
falling to destruction; that is, prison, or even death.


The Tower-nature has been riding high sexually at

the expense of others. Because this nature's sexual
habits and propensities are damaging to others, a price
must be paid for its enforced and stolen joys. A harvest
of ill-gotten orgasms, no matter how enjoyable at the
time, requires the rapacious recipient to pay.
. In a reading this card means: Cessation of sexual ac-
tivities; loss of sexual prowess and power; sexual abuse
abruptly halted; castration; venereal disease; shattered
dreams of sexual fame; self-imposed celibacy; disgrace;
ruin; adversity; distress; misery. It can also mean: Free-
dom from the bonds of lust; re-evaluation of one's
mores; and the end of sexual slavery; sudden and re-
juvenating love.

The Star


Seven white stars su"ound a golden radiant

star.A naked feniale is in the foreground,
her right foot upon water, her left knee upon
earth. She i"igates land and sea by pouring
liquid from two pitchers. Behind heris red

bird alighting on a tree.

SEXUAL KEY The seven white stars, of lesser magni-
tude than the eighth, signify the seven aspects of man's
sexuality: infantilism, narcissism, fetishism, perversion,
desire, passion, love. The eighth star symbolizes the
radiant stage of man's sexuality, and it incorporates all
seven of the lesser aspects in perfect unity and balance
and it signifies sexual maturity. The naked female char-
acterizes Woman, open to Man, without whom life
would cease. Her body, symbolized by her knee and
foot, marks the interrelation of earth (fleshly desire)
and water ( seminal fluid) . The two pitchers represent
phalli, male and female, and the Star freely pours
orgasmic juices, irrigating desire and orgasm that both
may flourish. The motto of the card is: Fluids of life


Those of the Moon-nature lack conscience and there-

fore indulge rather naively in sexual perversion. This
nature has little understanding of the value of love.
They have a sense of fear of true love and, like lambs
to the slaughter, are easily led into damnable sexual
relationships. The Moon-natures manifest a false joy
for the sake of onlookers. These are the "swingers,"
the "lives of the party," those who exhibit for public
view a life of pesudo-sexual freedom. In privacy, away
from a public, lights, and exhibitionism, this nature
experiences great fear and dread. Aloneness is their
enemy, for it is in the dark of night that they see ghosts
and spirits, all specters of themselves. They keep hor--
rific secrets and make a pretense of serenity and inner
peace. They actually fear the shadows of their own
minds, for it is hidden in those shadows that they see
themselves as lurking beasts.
The Moon-nature does not necessarily lie, but it al-
ways conceals. The Moon-nature is terribly insecure, is
often neurotic, and sometimes psychotic. Most paraphi-
liacs are Moon-natures, endeavoring to escape and con--
ceal truth by recklessly engaging in such sexual perver--
sions as pedophilia, sadomasochism, oralism, sodomy,
and gerontophilia. Pryromaniacs are among the Moon-
natures. Each perversion to the Moon-nature is escape;
sexual activity for the sake of diversion. They invariably
mistake action for progress and growth and they abhor
inactivity as though it were death itself. Lacking insight
and higher ideals, this nature is easily lured into vileness
and is easy prey for seasonal sexual perverts.
In a reading this card means: Unforeseen perils to
sexuality; danger to sexual security; insanity may follow
great mental instability; playful perversion may lead to
perilous paraphilia; illusory love; a scandal or secret
betrayed; inactive conscience; slander; sickness; hidden
enemies; calumny; deceptive sexual partners; error in
mating: darkness; terror. There can be a bright side to
this card in that the moon is increasing to the right of
the observer on what is called the side of mercy. In this
case, the card represents life of reality apart from life
of fantasy, and the path between the phallic symbols is
the entrance into the unknown.
The animals symbolize the fears of the fantastic
natural mind in the presence of that gate, particularly
when there is only reflected light to guide it. The moon
is reflecting the guiding light of conscience and beyond
it is the unknown which it cannot illuminate because
that which lies beyond is a mystery, a potential finale
for those who relentlessly pursue a life of sexual per-
version. The card has two forces at work. The moon
illuminates the animal nature which is responsible for
unnatural lusts, and the creeping thing, man's hideous
sexual tendencies, strives to attain power, symbolized
by crawling from the liquid abyss. If it were to succeed,
the Moon-nature could commit horrible murders or
perpetrate the lowest of perversions-necrophilia, but,
as a rule, the crayfish sinks back. The face of reflected
conscience directs a calm gaze upon the sexual tumult
below and it may be that the wild animal nature will
be calmed, while the creeping horror shall cease striving
to manifest itself. The Moon card then may mean:
Peace; sexual visions become sexual reality; calmness
of libido; victory of conscience and self-control over
animal passion and sexual perversity. The Moon card
in a spread often serves as a warning. Fear, symbolized
by the crayfish, and borne of man's depravity, can be

driven back to the place from which it had no right to

emerge, the imagination. Love, after the capacity to
love is almost destroyed by lust and fear of evil desires,
may win out.

The Sun

Mounted on a white horse is a naked child.

He displays a red banner. Behind him is a
black wall and bossoming fiowers. A bright
sun shines upon all.
SEXUAL KEY The sun radiates strength and symbolizes
renewal of consciousness above the natural mind. The
lad represents the heart of a child; that is, base humanity
has become like a child-innocent in the sense of wise,
a child in the sense of simplicity. The horse represents
man's potential sexual power. The wall symbolizes dark
thoughts, deeds, and desires which confront man and
bar him from the higher realization of the meaning of
sex. Flowers of fruitful orgasms, and leaves of love,
blossom nevertheless. The red banner of passion and
sexual need is flown innocently by the child as only a
child in its simplicity can do. The naked child, un-
ashamed of his needs or of his sexual organs, has
mounted the horse which symbolizes his reign over
animal nature. Any man, activating his conscience, be-
comes as a little child, and thereby reigns over his un-

checked passions. He becomes renewed. He may then

lead forth his animal nature, his Devil-nature, not in
captivity, which is repression, but in a state of perfect


The Sun-nature has received the direct light of con-

science. This nature's darkest thoughts create no
debilitating fear for it knows from experience that love
conquers all. The Sun-nature enters into wholesome
sexual relations and is a great lover. It activates and
de-activates its animal nature at will and does not allow
them to cloud its reason. The Sun-nature produces
abundant orgasms but for lover's sake. Sexual activity
conforms to love's dictates. Love, not lust, excites the
genitals. Mutual orgasm and reciprocal ecstasy are
musts for this nature.
In a spread this card means: Sexual happiness;
Cyprian contentment; fortunate unions; triumph and
success in sexual endeavors; assured orgasms; comple-
tion of all copulations; pleasure in simple sex; healthy
coition. This card further signifies the transit from the
love of this world, represented by sexual orientation, to
the love of the world to come,
.. typified by the innocent
heart of a child.


An angel sounds his bannered trumpet and

men, women, and children arise
from black caskets.
SEXUAL KEY The angel symbolizes conscience and the
trumpet produces the voice of conscience. All men re-
spond, naked and unashamed. Their bodies are grey in
color denotes the subjugation of carnal desire. The
people appear to be adoring, ecstatic. At the call of
conscience, some men and women, children at heart,
arise from coffins of perversion and prisons of sexual
slavery. Judgment is the card symbolizing the accom-
plishment of the great work of transformation in reply
to the summons of conscience, the summons which is
heard and answered from within. The card implies ac-
tual judgment only in the sense that every man must
eventually judge himself. Indeed, when the summons is
sounded, man must judge himself, must make a choice
by effort of will. The pedophiliac is called from his
sexual abuse of little girls; the pederast is invited away
from anal intercourse with young boys; the depraved
woman is requested to cease her immoral sexual prac-
tices; the lecher is called from his extortion of sexual
intercourse. Whether they respond or not is up to
them. Not all caskets open.


The Judgment-nature is on the threshold of discovery

and choice. No matter what his present sexual habit
may be, if it is wrong for him or harmful to others, he
will hear a call from within. Heeded, it promises a safer,
saner sex life. Unheeded, it spells disaster. Those with
a hardness of heart tantamount to the hardness of their
penis (clitoris) are headed for disaster. Those who
yield to the call soon have something to which they can
relate their old life. They receive new sexual perspec-
tive, renewed virility, fresh sex partners, and the past
life takes on the appearance of death itself. Heeding
the summons, these individuals rise from tombs of
errant sex practices.
In a spread this card means: Regeneration of virility
and the sexual organs after a period of suffering and
waste; sexual friendships multiplied; gratifying orgasms
through sex well done; sexual judgment in one's favor;
change of sexual tastes; renewed interet in wholesome
sexualitiy; passion rekindled; freedom ·from sexual im-
prisonment; new, prolonged orgasms.

The World


Centrally located is a naked woman whose

vagina is concealed. She holds a pair of
wands, each double-headed. Around her is
a green wreathlike oval bearing red entwinings.
The corners each have a figure.
, SEXUAL KEY The physical world in all its glory. The
four figures symbolize the four elements and are
analagous to the Tarot symbols: Wand-Fire (Lust,
Anger, Passion); Cup-Water (Urine, Blood, Semen);
Sword-Earth (Flesh, Force, Malleability); and,
Pentacle-Air (Flatus, Eructation, Respiration). The
green of the woman's enclosure represents fecundity.
The red indicates periodical menstruation. That the
woman's genitals are concealed by a purple banner
means that Woman, in the universal sense, has her
vagina sated by phalli purple with use. This woman,
then, is all women, or the Ideal Woman. Herein she
is depicted holding two phallic symbols gingerly, almost
playfully. They are the toys of Woman. The symbolism
behind the four heads of the phalli is Woman's insatiety.
She can receive four phalli--one to be masturbated by
hand, one to be fellated, another for vaginal penetra-
tion, the fourth for anal intercourse. She can take them
one at a time or all four simultaneously. She can bring
all four to frenetic orgasm. The card denotes Woman's
capacity to accept four phalli at once, and then four
more, and four more, ad infinitum. She appears to be
dancing, a carefree young woman, and therein she is
the personification of Fun, Pleasure, Excitement,
Gaiety, Hypersexuality. The sexual elements around
her, symbolized by the four figures, are implemented
for her diversions.


The World-nature rides high on the waves of Paphian

joy. This nature has "the world by the tail," "life in
the palm of her hand." For a woman of this nature,
the card typifies her personality and not her thoughts.
She identifies with the sexual rendering. For a man of
this nature, the card represents his thoughts and not his
personality-an infinity of erotic pleasures.
In a spread this card means: Femininity; complete
pleasure; erotic fulfillment; Fescennine success; trium-
phant sensuality; sexual desires sated; amatory excel-
lence; assured coitus; change of sexual partners; flights
from the unerotic; voyage upon the sea of sensuous
delight. In a man's reading, this card represents the way
he thinks of women. In a female's reading it represents

The Fool


Light of step, as tho(.lgh obstacles in life

do not exist, a gaily dressed young man
pauses at the brink of a precipice. He is
in motion, though stationary at the moment.
His dog is still romping. The youth looks
skyward, unterrorized by the depths which
open before him, as though failing froni
the precipice was impossible. He has a long
wand in one hand, from which hangs over his
right shoulder a sack. In his left hand is
a white rose. The sun shining
behind him is white.

SEXUAL KEY He is the spirit of youth in search of

sexual experience. He represents the sensate life, the
world of the flesh. He symbolizes the phallic stage of
human development w~erein everything in life is seen
as sexually based, wherein sexual activity is the only
endeavor worthy of effort, wherein sex is the solution
for every problem. The rose he carries emblemizes the
vagina, white for purity, blossomed for penetration.
The wand typifies the Fool's version of the penis, its
length symbolic of size and duration. The sack hanging
from the phallic symbol represents the scrotum, which
the Fool sees as a veritable "semen factory." The world
below him is the world of responsible action and higher
ideals. The white sun, maturity in symbolism, knows,
him, knows where he came from, where he is going,
and how he will return via the path of sexual knowledge
after many days.


The Fool-nature is in love with sex. No matter his

chronological age, the Fool-nature is an impetuous
youth with an enlongated penis, a scrotum filled with
semen, an itch for coitus, and a Pollyanna concept of
sexuality. He cherishes the indefatigable capactiy of his
scrotum and testicles to produce abundant semen and
he adores his penis. He deifies the sex act. The Fool-
nature, in short, is Freudian in every sense of the world.
He develops a penis erectus at every opportunity, and
he feels every hole should be filled. The Fool-nature is
the counterpart of the World-nature. For a man of this
nature the card represents his personality. For a woman,
it represents her thoughts concerning men.
In a reading this card means: Journey through sexual
life; sexual independence; erotic adventures; blind
concupiscence; sexual forces in full play; psychosexual
creativity; will to orgasm; rebellion against sexual
taboos; undisciplined erotism; thoughtless sexual esca-
pades; phallic-worship; hypersexuality; orgasmic ex-
travagance; licentious folly; erotomania; intoxicating
ecstasy; sexual and sensual delirium; satyriasis. In a
male's reading it represents him.self. In a female's read-
ing it represents her view of men at large.
Part Two


The Lesser Arcana consists of 56 cards corresponding
to the modem playing cards, plus four Knights. These
cards are complementary to the Major Arcana. Indeed,
as will be seen in a spread, the more Major Trumps
present the more meaning have the Lesser Arcana.
These 5 6 cards, if you will, are extensions of the 22
Major Trumps. They ameliorate or intensify a Major
Trump card and its meaning. They add to or detract
from the message of the cards.
The Suit
of Cups


Auguries: A man, fair of complexion, endowed with
an esthetic phallus; he is a man of responsibility and
does not shirk his sexual duties; a man disposed to
oblige the Querent's sexual needs, his love objects are
usually church-going females; also, a businessman or
a man skilled in law; also, creative sexuality.
Inverted: A double-dealing man; a liar; a seducer;
also, a businessman who uses his power and authority
to extort sex; a cuckold; also, false love to gain orgasm;
dishonesty in sexual relations; erotic exaction; two-
facedness; scandal; vice; loss of virginity or reputation;
Auguries: A woman, fair in form and figure; a
dreamer who also acts; a woman of rich sexual powers;
a romantic woman; a woman who will sexually serve
the Querent; a perfect mistress or lover; a woman who
encourages coitus and gains pleasure from the orgasms
of others; she has wild sexual fantasies but she is prac-
tical in bed; also, sensual happiness, success, pleasure.

Inverted: Perverse woman; a woman skilled in the

art of sexual pleasure but one not to be trusted; a
beautiful and sensuous woman who can lead a man to
financial ruin; a "homebreaker"; also sexual perversion;
vice; depraved activities for self-gain; a fellatress; a
scrotolinctress; analinguist; a woman who engages in
paraphilia for personal aggrandizement.

Auguries: A young man, sexually imaginative; also,
the beginning of new sexual relationships; provocative
proposals; sexual arrival; excitement; amatory advances;
new throes of passion; sex in the name of business; las-
civious propositions; invitations to the sexual bed; new
contacts; message of impending joy; hopeful orgasms;
a fresh new phallus.

Inverted: A wife-seducer; a pedophiliac; trickery; a

sex-swindler; a fraud; a sly and cunning young man
whose only aim is to rape and deflower; duplicity; arti-
ficial friendship for sexual gain.
Auguries: An effeminate young man; a catamite; a
youth impelled to render sexual service and with whom
the Querent will be sexually united; a young lover; also,
news of invigorating copulation; reflection, meditation,
and application directed to sexuality; new conquests.
Inverted: A deceptive young man; a rebellious youth;
a gay seducer; the lover of young girls whom all
mothers dread; a young defiler of mothers and wives
who takes advantage of alcoholically or drug-induced
intoxication; false friendship for sexual gain.
Auguries: Carnal contentment; sexual perfection;
perfect sexual unions; fruitful orgasms; perfect states
of erection, clitoral and penile; genital harmony; suc-
cessful sexual pursuits; repose of the libido; if with
several Trumps Major, a person who will take charge
of the Querent's sexual interests; also, the atmosphere,
miasma, or circumstances of the sexually inclined
Inverted: Hysterical passion; corrupt love; criminal
sexuality; rape, sexual extortion; forced orgasm; drastic
sexual involvement; licentious rage; fanatical phallic-
worship; abused genitals; sexual violence.
Auguries: Sexual goodwill; satisfaction and happiness
with one's erotism; also, victory of passion over reluc-
tant sex partners; copulative success; abundant orgasm;
physical and erogenous wealth; advantage over sexual
competitors; also, sexual delight for the Querent.
Inverted: Mistakes in sexual technique; coital imper-
fections; false pride, too great a sense of sexual prowess;
danger of impotence; possible lack of sexual mates;
sentimentality over a sexual relationship leading to iso-
lation and masturbation.
Auguries: Sexual timidity; shyness; unnatural fear of
plentiful orgasms; amatory meekness; modesty causing
sexual isolation; enjoyment of masturbation; also, au-
toerotic practices favored over coitus.
Inverted: Orgasmic joy; felicitous sex relations;
genital feasting; also, there is a possibility of happiness
through sensual company perhaps via troilism or bisexu-
ality; hedonism; Dionysian escapades; copious seminal
Auguries: Vivid sexual imagination; fantasies of ex-
tortionate orgasms and hypersexual partners; visions of
subjugated phalli, male or female; fantasies of prolific
penises and vaginas; superhuman sexual properties
ascribed to mere humans; dreams of sexual mastery;
also, sexual knowledge obtained through contemplation
of sexual organs, copulation, and their meaning; also,
past visions of sexual joy have not brought peace but
the future holds deep and beautiful sexual experiences.

Inverted: Visionary sexuality will not come to pass;
excessive masturbation leads to failure in healthy sexual
relationships; vital passion spilled through masturbatory
overindulgence; wasted orgasm; weak ejaculation; poor
climax; also, impotence due to undermining thoughts of
evil and violent sexual practices.
Auguries: The past and memories of sexual joy;
recollections of copulations gone by; looking back upon
virulent erections and violent orgasms; sexual nostalgia;
preoccupation with thoughts of younger, sweeter sexual
playmates; sexual happiness and sensual enjoyment, but
coming from the past; lovers that have vanished; also,
this card may represent lewd love letters from the past
or mementos of days gone by, such as panties in the
case of a lingerie fetishist.
Inverted: Copulation presently coming to pass; re•
newal of passionate endeavor; desire to change sexual
partners and to create a new vibrant sex life; new sexual
horizons; future ecstasy.
Auguries: Partial sexual loss; some sexual partners
no longer available; temporary impotence; sexual play-
mates growing away; also, a card of promising future
sexual conquests but not corresponding to expectations;
also, bitter sexual relationships; frustrated desires; mar-
riage with troubles.
Inverted: Amatory news; promising sexual alliances;
transmission of passion; sexual affinity; incestuous rela-
tions; return to virility.
Auguries: Sexual weariness; disgust with copulating
organs; imaginary sexual vexations; sexual discontent;
sexual satiety; boredom with orgasms; sex for sex's
sake wearies one; disgust with demanding sexual desire;
impatience with voracious sexual partners and rapacious
genitals; bitter coital experiences; also, desire to find
new sexual happiness, refreshing sexual experiences,
and titillating sex mates.
Inverted: New sexual relations; exploratory sex;
sexual initiation, perhaps into perversion; new erotic
instruction; sexual novelty; also excesses and fatigue;
bad health due to overindulgence in drinking, partying,
and copulating.
Auguries: Extreme pleasure of the senses; sexual
plenty; orgasmic fn1fillment;sensual solace; victory over
obstacles to sexual joy and victory over reluctant sex
mates; sexual intercourse concluded in powerful
orgasm; therapeutic. climaxes; effulgent vaginas;
adamantine penises; sexual gaiety; happiness; over-
abundance; all will end well; orgasmic harvest; sexual
comfort; speedy copulations.

Inverted: Sexual excess; rut; estrus; hypersexuality;

intoxication; depravity; riotous sexual practices; un-
natural lusts; insatiableness; sex for the sake of orgasm
and self-pleasure; also, corollary impotence, delays,
onanism, loss of virility.
Auguries: Copulation; passion; love; sexual union;
concordant orgasms; vaginal penetration; anal inter-
course; mutual masturbation; tribadism; interrelation of
the sexes; mutual oral-genital practice; freedom in sex;
sexual togetherness; like sexual sympathies; lasting
sexual friendship.
Inverted: Separation of genitals; male divorced from
female; a husband or wife unfaithful; the end of sexual
union between two lovers; promises of orgasm broken;
also, a friend will tum against the Querent; penis and
vagina parted; unkept promises of sexual bliss; pretense
of sensuousness; a penis of promising physical propor-
tions is deceptive and cannot deliver supposed satisfac-
tion; likewise, a flirtatious vagina is frigid.
Auguries: Ultimate sexuality; fertility of sexual com-
panionships; sensual joy; orgasmic nourishment; also,
this card predicts a glorious mating of two lovers and
a bountiful harvest of orgasms for both; fruitful coition;

Inverted: Sexual instability; asexuality; sterility;

frigidity; unwilling sex partners; refused coition; loss of
desire; sexual inertia; suspended sexual animation;
penile flaccidity; vaginismus.

The Suit
of Wands

Auguries: A dark man, handsome, well-built, and
the possessor of an overactive phallus; a physically
minded man; an emotional man; an honest and friendly
man; also, a man who understands the needs of others;
also, honesty; news concerning an unexpected sexual
Inverted: Good orgasms but via violent sex; strict
sexual partners; also a man of high sexual principles;
a severe man, often ruthless in bed; also, a man
foolishly tolerant of sexual playmates who will do him
more harm than good; a likely victim for sexual ex-
Auguries: A dark woman, friendly, loving, but also
exotic, sensual, and magnetic of personality; if the card
beside her signifies a man, she is impassioned by him;
a beautiful woman after whom men chase, but she is
faithful and confines her sexual activities to one
. man
at a time; a woman of great charm, devoted to servicing
the phallus of her choice; also, dark sexuality; a loving
Inverted: A jealous woman; a woman of unstable
emotions; deceitful woman; unfaithful lover; also,
sexual opposition; infidelity; lying; also, a woman not to
be trusted; a friendly but deceptive woman; a husband-
stealer; a home-wrecker; if married, she is a woman
who at the slightest hint of sexual coolness from her
husband will take a lover.
Auguries: A dark young man, attractive to women;
a young man who "hits and runs" but never "kisses and
tells"; also, hurried copulation, quick orgasm, speedy
erection; sudden flight from one bed to another; de-
parture from socially acceptable sexuality; change of
sex partners; temporary coital abstinence; also, change
of residence or sexual tastes.
Inverted: Onanism; partial orgasm; rupture; genital
separation; sexual quarreling; breaking up of a sexual
alliance; also, an impetuous youth with an equally im-
petuous phallus.

Auguries: A dark youth; a possible lover; also a
young messenger or mailman who either brings news of
a lover or is himself a likely sexual candidate; if followed
by the Page of Cups, a dangerous rival phallus; also, a
young heartbreaker who bas nothing for women but a
stiff sex organ; a youthful gigolo; a secret love. •

Inverted: Indecisive lover; reluctant phallus; emo-

tional instability; coitus interruptus,· also, a young lover
who tells all; a sexual gossip; also, bad news concern-
ing desired orgasms.

Auguries: Satiety; guilt over evil sexual practices; the
burden of satisfying many sex partners; the burden of
too many orgasms; pregnancy worries; fear of discovery
by cuckolded husbands; sexual oppression; also, ve-
nereal disease as a result of sexual greed.

Inverted: An unfaithful lover, a liar; one who causes

pregnancies and disappears; one who breaks promises;
a false penis; a lover who promises orgasm but achieves
only his own; also, sexual success is restricted if the
Nine of Swords follows; in a paternal lawsuit, there will
be certain loss.
Auguries: Strength of phallus in opposition of phalli;
bidden penile enemies near; strength to overcome
sexual opposition is within the Querent; fearless passion;
inflamed lust met with inflamed lust; equal passion;
also, formidable orgasms; nymphomaniacal insatiety
equalled by satyrical desire.
Inverted: Obstacles to orgasm; sexual adversity; sus-
pension of desire; orgies delayed; paternity worries; bad
luck with love objects; sexual competition weighty;
calamity in love; also, opposing phalli predominate.

Auguries: Arrows of love; activity in sexual under-
takings; the path of sexual activity; also, copulative mo-
tion; changed sexual taste or sex mates changed; hurried
orgasms; swift coition; great hope of phallic conquest;
speed towards orgiastic climax; moving penis; vibrant
clitoris; also, sexual decisions made hurriedly.

Inverted: Arrows of jealousy; quick reaching out for

orgasm without thought of the sex partner; fights over.
who possesses the love object; in cases of troilism and
orgies, quarreling over who shall do what to whom and
when; for couples, disputes over orgasmic achieve-
ments; also, guilty conscience.
Auguries: Many sexual enemies or competitors; ad-
vantage over these; the idom.itable phallus is victorious
over all others; success for the sexually aggressive; su-
perior sexuality challenged; love-fights; success in
sexual jousts; mastery over attacking phalli; sexual

Inverted: Sexual embarrassments; perplexing sexual

demands; also, hesitancy in copulation will bring about
great loss; anxiety; distress; impotence; also, a caution
against erotic indecision.


Auguries: Promising news of great orgasms; victori-

ous coitus; triumphant climaxes; copulation crowned
with its own desire; the crown of sexual mastery; sexual
gratification follows patient waiting; sexual supremacy.
Inverted: Apprehensive sensuality; fear, as of a vic-
torious penis at the entrance to a lover's vagina; vague
fears cloud optimistic coition; treacherous lover; vagina
opened to the enemy; disloyalty; phallus (penis or
clitoris) erecting for competitors; also, jealousy may
lead to discord between rival phalli.

Auguries: Games of sexual pursuit lead to misery;
worthless fighting, as over possession of penis or vagina;
imitation love; spurious desire; also, violent competition
for orgasmic riches; the battle of sex after sex; also,
unquenchable lust; the lusts of many for the favors of
one; lusting leads to failure; this is the card of the lover
who will not quit while be is ahead and who will in
time lose the sources of orgasm now at his disposal.

Inverted: A cheating sex mate; sexual trickery; vi-

tality sapped by quarrels; contradictory demands from
the sex partner; loss of virility through the deceit of
a lover.

Auguries: Orgasmic security; haven of sexuality; a
houseful of lovers; sexual concord; genital harmony;
prosperous affairs; a bounty of orgasms; also, em-
bellished phallus; beautiful genitals; increased love
juices; lovely sexual organs.

Inverted: Masturbation; loss of paramours; flaccid

phalli and unresponsive clitorises; everything gone for
those who have made sex the foundation of their life;
autoerotism; autoerotic practices.

Auguries: Sexual discovery; established duration of
copulation; orgasmic effort; sexual mastery; abundant
semen for multiple coitus; also, sexual help will come
in time of frustration; a man of passion will copulate
and end problems of passivity or frigidity.
Inverted: Spilled semen; wasted orgasms; unfulfilled
climaxes; masturbation; rejection by desired phalli;
sexual outcast; in time of great sexual need, one will
try to lure you to perversion.


Auguries: Erotic fantasies realized; sexual riches;
virile genitals; beautiful phalli; orgiastic bliss; a fortune
of orgasms; victorious copulations; sated desires; abun-
dant penile ejaculations; prolific vaginal excretions;
also, lust and sex rather than love and marriage; a pas-
sionate woman will be asked to copulate with a wealthy
man; a man with a large phallus will come into the
Querent's life.

Inverted: Sex acts devoid of excitement; loss of faith

in genitally-produced happiness; passion cooled; lack of
lust; desires thwarted; also, the Dionysian spirit will be
denied, causing unhappiness despite frequent copula-

Auguries: Vtrility; fertility; sexual creativity; many
orgasms; playful sexual inventions; enterprising sex-
uality; the starting point of sexual escapades; playful
phalli; birth of new coital partners; beginning of exciting
sexual alliances; childlike sensuality; original sexual
diversions to please the senses.

Inverted: Masturbation; venereal disease; castration,

perhaps circumcision; void wombs; empty vaginas;
weak phalli; impotence; frigidity; sexual stupor; insensi-

The Suit
.of Swords


Auguries: Sexual potency; command of robust
orgasms; peerless phalli; incomparable sexual technique;
unparalleled passion; erotic power; militant sexuality;
also, a man possessing these; a man who will take com-
mand of sexual pursuits; sexual authority; hyper-

Inverted: A brilliant but sadistic man; one who would

plan the overthrow of a happy sexual relationship; a
sadist; also, cruelty; perversity; sexual aberrations; bar-
barous sex acts; evil intention; also, this is the card of
sadists and flagellants.

Auguries: Disunion; solitude; female sadness; insensi-
tiveness; frigidity; in a sense, lesbianism; sterility; em-
barrassment; separation from sexual joy; phallic priva-
tion; masturbation due to aloneness; also, mourning
over a lost lover; painful desire for past phalli.
Inverted: Treacherous female deceitful vagina;bigoted
love; sexual malice; artificial sensuality; also, prudish-
ness; bigotry; suppressed desires; false virginity; false


Auguries: A forceful man; a cold and efficient man
whose depth of emotion manifests itself only in the
sexual embrace; a man who conquers the sexual objects
of his choice; also, sexual skill; bravery in the face of
opposition; great orgasmic capacity; passion; sexual
determination; fearless coition; dedicated libertinism.

Inverted: Sexual troubles; impulsive sex; erotic im-

prudence; lack of finesse; unskillful copulation; awk-
ward phalli; also, a young man representing these; an
extravagant young man who spends entirely too much
money for sex he can enjoy through other means; an
impulsive young man who "goes too fast."
bation; tears of loneliness; flaccid phalli; miseries of un-
requited passion and desire.

Inverted: Sexual authority: orgasmic profit; sexual

successes; erotic power; favor in the eyes of desired sex
mates; but none of these are permanent.

Auguries: Sad news, as of a sexual partner who has
died, is sexually cheating, has other lovers, or has con-
tracted venereal disease; also utter desolation; castra-
tion; celibacy; pregnancy when not desired; miscarriage;
sexual shame; disgrace; orgasmic delays; disappointing
phalli; coital failure; inefficient copulation; false phalli.

Inverted: A broken hymen; a young girl will lose her

virginity; also, a sexual relationship broken by another
man or woman; reasonable fear of venereal disease;
doubt about sex partner's genitals; suspicious lover;
sexual shame due to diseased sexual organs; confined
genitals, medically speaking.
Auguries: Sexual slavery; temporary confinement;
forced patterns of sexuality; sexual cruelty; domination
by a person sexually perverted; abuse of sexual organs;
flagellation; sadism; white slavery; sexual extortion;
also, a sexual crisis; coilfH~tof morals and desires; bad
news concerning one's sexual propensities; also, sick-
ness; venereal disease.

Inverted: Laborious copulation; sexual disquiet; un-

ruly genitalia; hypersensitive penis or clitoris; difficulty
with an overactive libido; opposition between lust and
morality; also, terror of unknown phalli; treacherous
hungers; unforeseen orgasms.

Auguries: Lewd designs; concupiscent wishes; hope
of orgasm; sexual confidence; faith in one's amatory
technique; reliable phalli; also, the card predicts sexual
fantasies realized; new phalli; new sexual partners;
wealth of penile ( clitoral) erections followed by new
and confidence-building orgasms.
Inverted: Quarrels over orgasms that have failed;
arguments about sexuality; displeasure with phalli;
phallic faultfinding; babbling and slander connected
with one's sexual technique.

Auguries: Sensuous journey upon the fluids of Barth-
olin glands; prolific seminal discharges; the fluidity of
casual intercourse; sex mates easily acquired; an afflu-
ence of orgasms; also, the Querent will meet a new
sex mate while on a trip or journey; also, expedient

Inverted: Be prepared for an unexpected proposal of

sexual union. This may come from a homosexual or
lesbian or from a neighbor least likely to fomicate;
also, sexual confessions or confessions of secret lust; in
a lesser sense, beware of public disclosure.
Auguries: Degrading sexuality; penis destruction;
vaginismus; dishonor; sexual loss, either of potency or
of sexual playmates; sexual deviation; also, rape or
multiple •copulation; also, conquering phalli; warning
to be considerate of those sexually unfortunate or those
who are less beautifully endowed phallically.

Inverted: Death of sex; castration; frigidity; impo-

tence; also, phalli falling into disuse; necrophiliac
tendencies; funereal erotism; sexual excitation at a
funeral; also, meeting sexual partners at a funeral.

Auguries: Sexual retreat; solitude; inactive phalli;
tranquility of lustful desires; peace in the face of turbu-
lent sexuality; sensual repose; also, the card of religious
bigots who endeavor to deny sexuality; self-exile from
passion; masturbatory practices perpetrated secretly;
temporary seclusion for sexual reflection.

Inverted: Suspended use of genitals; economical

copulation; wise methods of coitus; vigilant phalli;
cautious coition; temporary self-imposed celibacy for
recuperative reasons.

Auguries: The meaning of the design is implicit:
Heartbreak; rupture in sexual companionship; phal-
licism denied; copulation refused; orgasmic delay;
absenc,e of willing genitials; upheaval in the sexual life;
removal of a cherished source of passion and orgasm.

Inverted: Sexual incompatibility; copulative errors;

loss of potency or lack of erections; sexual disorder;
confusion of sexual interests; strife in the erotic bed.

Auguries: Fusion of compatible phalli; sexual bal-
ance; coital harmony; tender loving relations with
erectile sexual organs; tender copulation; affectionate
embraces and gentle copulation; phallic friendship;
sexual concord.

Inverted: Masochistic tendencies at work; danger of

impending sexual cruelty; sexual impostors; lying to
dominate sexually; unfaithful phalli; bisexuality; sexual
duplicity; disloyal sex mates.

Auguries: Triumphant penis or clitoris; sexual suc-
cess; conquest of obstacles, such as the love object's
inhibitions, reservations, and clothes; triumphant of the
erected phallus over hesitant sex mates; also, it is a
card of great force in hatred as well as in love; strong
emotions; winning sexual ways; orgasm the crown of
penile dexterity.
Inverted: The same as above but with disastrous
results; pregnancy; violent sex; tom hymens; bruised
phalli; sexual anomalies; misused sexual organs; also,


The Suit
of Pentacles

Auguries: A virile dark man; an affectionate mate;
an intelligent man who can reason his way into any bed;
•also, sexual bravery; aptitude for surmounting obstacles
to orgasm; sexual successes; monetary gifts bring genital
gifts in return.

Inverted: Bribery for orgasm; vice; purchased sexual

favors; misuse of money for orgasmic gain; sexual and
monetary extravagance; drunkenness and orgiastic sexu-
ality; corruption of youth; sexual perversion; perilous
sexual activities; epicurism; gluttony; also, sexual weak-
ness; ugly or uncleanphalli.

Auguries: Orgasmic opulence phallic generosity;
sexual freedom; sex for sex's sake; also, a woman mani-
festing these; a woman of magnificent beauty; beauty of
the phallus; generous copulations; fruitful coitus; wealth
of sensual pleasures; exciting sexual escapades; titillated
phalli; piqued erogenous zones; also, a woman who
worships the male phallus.

Inverted: A sexually cruel woman, sadistic in the

bed of love; a fellatrix; a vicious, licentious woman; an
unsated woman who lives in a constant state of sexual
anxiety; also, mistrust of sexual partners; evil sex; fear-
ful erotic fantasies; relationships without trust; sus-
picious passion and desires.

Auguries: A young man, qualified to teach sexual
techniques;a young sensualist;a young man who will
buy a woman's love, not with money but by providing
her with numerous gratifying orgasms; also, sexual
service; utility of phalli; orgasmic responsibility; sur-
roundings of beauty; the good things of life; sexual
achievement and orgasmic plenty.

Inverted: Narrowmindedness; sexual inertia; stagnant

sexual technique; impotent copulations; idle masturba-
Inverted: Loss of virginity; loss of potency; frigidity;
loss of sensual pleasure with a sex mate; minimal
orgasms; also, danger of rape; pursuit of the sexual
favors of another man's wife is a gamble and will be
lost; also, an illegitimate child; bastard sex; unholy

Auguries: Safety in penile possession; a youth whose
lover is true; also, certain orgasm; fulfilled promises of
sexual bliss; erotic successes; copulative accomplish-
ments; sexual foresight; the accumulation of orgasms.

Inverted: Danger of stolen orgasms; orgasms arti-

fically produced; stormy passion; sexual fruit destroyed;
desecration of sexual union; deceiving lovers; onanism;
wasted semen; abused phalli.

- Auguries: Genital manipulation; skillful coition;
copulations of art; industrious sexual labor; plodding
passion; coital craftsmanship; dextrous phalli; also, the
beginning of fruitful sexual relations; new sexual de-
mands met; also, skill at sexual foreplay.

Inverted: Vain phalli; voided sexual ambitions; false

promises of orgasm; phallic disillusionment; also, a
person of vanity who boasts of magnificent or promising
sexual organs but fails to deliver; the card of the

Auguries: The card of the procurer or pimp; money
talks; orgasms are purchased; also, the card of the
proverbial dirty old man who pays young girls for
sexual intercourse; also, barter; trading sex for some-
thing one wants; orgasms provided in return for social
success; the prostitute's card.

Inverted: Impud~nt sexual activities; orgasms will not

be mutual; unrequited passions and desires; foreplay
does not result in seminal emission.
Auguries: The Querent will be looked upon favorably
by a desired love object; sexual kindness; beneficent
copulation; orgasms shared; the sexually underprivi-
leged treated equally; a just phallus; also, this is the card
of interracial sex; phallics for one and all; nondiscrimi-
nating coitus.

Inverted: Raw lust; passionate desire; lewdness; de-

pravity; jealousy over sex partners; illusory fears about
superior phalli; evil deeds; sadism; sexual torture.

Auguries: Sexual destitution; loss of wife, husband,
lover, or mistress; absence of contraception at the point
of dire need; undesired pregnancy; hysterectomy; cir-
cumcision; castration; also, rejection by family, friends,
cohorts, or sexual playmates.
Inverted: Sexual intercourse interrupted; impotence;
frigiditiy; a desired mate is lesbian or homosexual;
sexual chaos; a hernia; rupture; order threatened by an
unhappy extramarital sex partner; incompatible organs
of sex.

Auguries: The surety of status quo; clinging to sex
partners which one now has; enjoyment of present
methods of orgasm; certain copulation.

Inverted: Sexual opposition in the offing; guard one's

genitals or virginity or chastity; genitalia in danger;
sexual suspense; threatening evildoers, such as rapists,
perverts, pederasts, etc.

Auguries: Orgasms received through artistic love-
making; the Querent, or someone in the Querent's life,
is highly skilled in the art of love; sexual renown; or-
gasmic glory; skillful copulation; lithe phalli; manipula-
tive genitals; capable sexual techniques; glorious cli-
maxes; sex mates obtained through reputation.

Inverted: Mediocre coitus; ineffective phalli; insipid

passion; sexual daydreams undermine sexual creativity;
debilitating masturbation; liquefied semen; petty desires.

Auguries: Celebrations, parties; orgies; much gaiety;
carefree sex relations; intersexual relations; genital
recreation; exploratory sexual activities for fun; laughter
and music and wine and dancing; playful seductive
girls; sensuous boys and men; strip poker; troilism;
swinging; happy orgasms.

Inverted: False gaiety; drunkenness leading to im-

potence; intoxications sap passion and desire; outward
fun, inward misery; excessive sexual intercourse but
minimal orgasms; simulated success and satiation.
Auguries: Money in the bank; superior phalli; excel-
lent genitals; sexual contentment; ecstasy; sensual bliss;
speedy orgasms; fruitful coitions; happiness with all sex
mates; full understanding of the beauty of sex and the
phallus; enduring erections; lasting orgasms; pleasant

Inverted: Money used for evil purposes; paid inter-

course; prostitution; evil sex; sexual greed; extortionate
desires; jealousy; envy of other phalli; ill-gotten sexual
slaves; the young corrupted by money; young girls paid
to commit perverse sex acts; young boys corrupted
sexually with money.

How to Make a Spread

The Dealer first selects a card to represent the matter

or person in question. This card is called the Agent.
Place the Agent on a table, face upwards, and shuffle
and cut the rest of the pack three times.
Taking the top card of the shuffled and cut deck,
cover the Agent with it. This card represents the per-
son's or the matter's general atmosphere and it sym-
bolizes the influence presently surrounding the Agent.
Next, take the second card from the deck. Lay it
across the first. This is the Obstacle Card and it crosses
the Agent, symbolizing the obstacles in the matter at
Take up the third card and place it above the Agent.
This is the Crown card and represents the best that can
be expected under the circumstances.
The fourth card is the Foundation Card and is placed
below the Agent. It shows what has already passed and
whatthe Agent identifies with.
The fifth card is the Past Card and should be placed
behind the Agent, that is, away from where he is
looking. This card represents a past influence or an
influence or influences now passing.
NOTE: H the Agent Card cannot be said to face
either way, the Dealer should determine beforehand
which way it is facing.
Taking up the sixth card, place it before the Agent.
This is the future Card and it depicts the influence which
will come into operation shortly.
The cards now form a cross. The Agent is in the
center, covered by his Atmosphere Card. Now the
next four cards are turned up. Place them to the right
of the cross, one after the other, so the tenth card is
To enumerate, the seventh card is the Attitude Card
and signifies the Agent and his position in the present
situation. The eighth is the House Card and represents
the influence of the Agent's immediate family and
friends. The ninth card represents the Agent's hopes
or fears in the matter being considered. And the tenth
card is the Culmination Card and it means what will
come. It represents the final result of the combined in-
fluences of the other cards.
In this type of spread it is possible to ask particular
questions, the answers alluded to by the tenth card.
Or, if desired, the cross spread can be used for a life
reading, divination of a person's present condition.
The Tarot can do only so much. It is wise to remem-
ber that much depends upon the Reader's or Dealer's
intuition. The greater a Reader's intuitive faculties, the
better the reading.
Choosing an Agent

Choosing the Agent is the most important step in

divination by cards. There are many ways of accom-
plishing this. There is the concept at large which
suggests that the Court Cards (Kings, Queens, Knights,
Pages) of the four suits correspond to various classi-
fications of people. It comes out thus:
PENTACLES--Swarthycomplexion, dark brown or
black hair, dark eyes.
WANDS-Fair complexion, blond or auburn hair,
blue eyes.
SwoRDs-Dull complextion, dark brown hair, grey or
hazel eyes
CuPs-Fair complexion, dull fair hair or light brown
hair, grey or blue eyes.
The above method may be used but we argue the
validity of the procedure in that the color of one's
skin, eyes, or hair, rarely influences ones sexuality.
Therefore, for our purposes, a more exacting method
of choosing an Agent must be devised. In concert with
the mystics of old, we maintain that a person's sexuality
is as close as his very act of respiration. Therefore we
turn our attention to other sources of identification.
It has been noted in the commentary on the Magician
Card at the begiooine of this book that the four suits
of the Tarot correspond to the four elements; that is,
Wands and Fire, Cups and Water, Swords and E~
Pentacles and Air. It is from this ancient mystical truth
that a method for choosing an Agent arises.
To begin, the Agent's age and birthdate should be
determined. A Queen should be chosen as the Agent
for a woman who is over forty years of age; and a
Page for any female less than forty. If the subject is a
man over forty, a Knight should be chosen as Agent;
and a King should represent a man under forty.
Now to the suits. If the Agent was born between
March 21 and April 20 or July 23 and August 22 or
November 22 and December 22, the suit is Wands,
corresponding to Fire, the sign of Aries, Leo, and

li the Agent was born between April 21 and May 22

or August 23 and September 22 or December 23 and
January 20, the suit is Swords, corresponding to Earth,
the sign of Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn.
li the Agent was born between May 23 and June 21
or September 23 and October 22 or January 21 and
February 19, the suit is Pentacles, corresponding to Air,
the sign of Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius. .
If the Agent was born between Jµne 22 and July 22
or October 23 and November 21 or February 20 and
March 20, the suit is Cups, corresponding to Water,
the sign of Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces.
As an example: A woman, thirty-six years of age,
born on the tenth of August would be represented by
the Page of Wands.
With the Agent chosen properly, the ensuing cards
of the spread will be more meaningful, informative,
and revealing.
Down through the ages great men and women
have availed themselves of the sexual mysteries of
the Tarot, but behind the closed doors of mystical
orders shrouded by secrecy. Now
is the first book to penetrate the secret sexual meaning
behind the cards. Let these strange and beautiful
symbols of the Tarot reveal your path to gratifying
Jove and sexual fulfillment.






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