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Audit Checklist - Condition Audit Gasketed Plate Heat Exchanger (Three tool kit 3350 100 005)

Plant Location 1 Location 2

Serial no. Customer item no.

PHE type Manufactured year

Plate material & thickness Start-up year

No. of plates acc. to drawing Gasket mtrl & manuf. year


number: 1 mm
2 mm
3 mm
4 mm

Condition check
Check for leakage comment, identify leakage location

Plate Alignment Gaskets

comment comment

Plate hanger Actual no. of plates

comment comment

Tightening bolts Length ______ mm / _____ mm Thread size = M___ / M___ Socket Width = NW_____ / NW_____

Tightening bolts comment

Bolt protection tube comment

Bearing box, washers comment Roller/Roller holder comment

Frame comment Carrying/Guiding bar comment

Connection lining Insulation

comment comment

Fouling comment

Service accesibility

Utillities on site □ Air >3 Barg / □ 220V / □ Water / □ Steam

Availability of tightening tools □ pneumatic / □ electrical / □ manual ratchet spanner

Availability service tools □ nut runner & thread cleaner / □ lifting device for big plates

Special requirements □ EX Zone / □ personal protection needeed / □ other (specify)

Transport on site □ Elevator / □ Crane / □ Forklift / □ Pallet transporter

Audit Checklist - Condition Audit Gasketed Plate Heat Exchanger

Page 1 of 5
rev: 2014-05-14
Audit Checklist - Condition Audit Gasketed Plate Heat Exchanger
Plant Location 1 Location 2

Serial no. Customer item no.

Condition check - Other comments

Connection point hot side, size DN = Isolation valves □ yes / □ no

Connection point cold side, size DN = Isolation valves □ yes / □ no


Operational data side 1 side 2


Media concentraion (if applicable)

Operational pressure inlet outlet inlet outlet

Operational temperature inlet outllet inlet outlet

Operational flowrate


Audit Checklist - Condition Audit Gasketed Plate Heat Exchanger

Page 2 of 5
rev: 2014-05-14
Audit Checklist - Condition Audit Gasketed Plate Heat Exchanger
Plant Location 1 Location 2

Serial no. Customer item no.

Gasket Life Gasket height Measure 5 plates at hot inlet

Measurement number Gasket hardness
Prediction (mm) acc. to picture below

1 Hot media field gasket

Months in operation 2 Hot media field gasket

Operating temperature °C 3 Hot media field gasket

Ambient temperature °C 4 Hot media field gasket

5 Hot media field gasket


Plate deformation check measurement

Gasket groove deformation point (mm)
Measure 5 plates at the number
1 2 3 4 5
5 points marked here
(on the backside of the 1
plate). Choose the part
of the plate where 2
deformation is worst
(usually hot inlet). 3


Plate visual check

Visual inspection:
Check 5 plates in
selected areas for A - Hanger section
deformations, fatigue,
erosion/corrosion B - Dist. area + contact points close to diagonal

C - hot in/out - erosion/corrosion

D - dist. area/heat transfer area - stress/fatigue


Audit Checklist - Condition Audit Gasketed Plate Heat Exchanger

Page 3 of 5
rev: 2014-05-14
Audit Checklist - Condition Audit Gasketed Plate Heat Exchanger
Plant Location 1 Location 2

Serial no. Customer item no.

Spare Parts Comments:

Field gasket Part number


Stock condition

Ring gasket Part number


Stock condition

End plate gasket Part number


Stock condition

End plate 1 Part number


Stock condition

End plate 2 Part number


Stock condition

Channel plate Part number


Stock condition

Part number

Stock condition

Date: Location:

Alfa Laval Name Signature

Customer Name Signature

Audit Checklist - Condition Audit Gasketed Plate Heat Exchanger
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rev: 2014-05-14
Audit Checklist - Condition Audit Gasketed Plate Heat Exchanger
Plant Location 1 Location 2

Serial no. Customer item no.

Other comments

Audit Checklist - Condition Audit Gasketed Plate Heat Exchanger

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Email Print Form Clear Form rev: 2014-05-14

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