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Name of the Topic No.

of Periods Time
Lesson/Unit Required Fro
Introduction 1
Human body and its movement 1
Activity 1 with table writing in T.B 1
Chapter Textbook Marking 1
5. Joints, types of Joints 4
Body The Human Skeleton 2
movemen Activity 2
t Gait of animal- Earthworm 2
Snail 1
Cockroach, fish ,birds 3
How do snake move? 1
Textbook Marking 1
Textual exercise 2
Textual exercise

Worksheet 4
Total periods: 26
The following health lessons helps students work to improve age-appropriate
physical fitness, and demonstrate motor skills required for individual and team
activities. Students will be able to create a visual representation of the human body
and recognize the difference between the ways animals move compared to the ways
humans move. Students will also learn about and participate in a circle dance and
song to help develop knowledge of their body parts. This lesson integrated health
with physical education, music, and art. This is a great lesson to integrate many
subjects and keep the students active and learning.

– Large paper Markers/Crayons
– Animal Pictures

Physical Education
– Body movement with the human body. – Music- Circle Dance
– Art- Recognizing and drawing the human body.

Student Objectives:
Students will
1 . Create a visual representation of the human body.
2. Recognize the difference between the ways animals move compared to the way humans
3. Learn about and participate in a circle dance.
4. Develop knowledge of their body parts.

Teaching Procedure:
1 . Introduce body parts.
Sing “Head, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes.” (5 minutes)
1 . Get into groups of three and have one person lay flat on a large piece of paper and the
other two will trace them. Once the body is drawn out the group members will draw pictures
on the main body parts (head, arms, hands, fingers, feet, toes, and legs). The pictures can be
of ways that they use those parts. ( 1 5 minutes)
2. With pictures of different animals (bird, monkey, snake, elephant,
rabbit, and frog) they will pantomime how the animals move their T similar body parts. (5
3. Learn a circle dance that helps to show the different parts of the body. They will move
around showing the different parts. (7-10 minutes) Conclusion
4. The students will present their picture of the human body. Each student will tell about a part
that they drew on the picture.

Assessing the students would have to be done through observations that the teacher makes.
A checklist of their participation, knowledge of material, fine motor skills, and group work
would be the criteria that they would need to meet to move on.

Human Skeleton
Key Questions What do you think your skeleton looks
like? What jobs (functions) does your
skeleton do?
If you didn’t have a skeleton, what would it stop you doing?
 Input – Give children a blank outline of a human body. (Appendix 1)
 Will ask children to visualise what their skeletons look like.
 Will ask children to draw inside the outline and discuss with a partner what they know
about the skeleton.
 Will show children ‘Bones Presentation’ (attached) and discuss the different bones.
 Will ask children to feel the bones through their skin – can they feel their ribs, skull,
pelvis, spine?
 What function/job does the skeleton do?

 Movement
 Protection
 Support
Will discuss what children have learned – can they point to skull, ribs, spine and pelvis on their own
Objective: By the end of this lesson, students will be able to:

1. Describe the major components of the human musculoskeletal system.

2. Explain how muscles and bones work together to produce movement.
3. Identify different types of joints in the human body.


1. Whiteboard and markers or a projector for visual aids.

2. Diagrams or pictures of the human musculoskeletal system.
3. Real or model bones and muscles (optional).
4. Printed worksheets with questions and activities.
5. Internet access for supplementary videos or interactive resources.

Introduction (10 minutes):

1. Begin by asking students what they know about how their bodies move. Encourage them to share
their thoughts.
2. Explain that in this lesson, they will learn about the musculoskeletal system, which includes the
muscles and bones that enable our bodies to move.

Body of the Lesson (30 minutes):

Activity 1: Musculoskeletal System Explanation (10 minutes):

1. Use visual aids like diagrams or pictures to introduce the major components of the musculoskeletal
2. Explain the roles of muscles (contracting and relaxing) and bones (providing support and structure)
in movement.
3. Discuss the concept of muscles working in pairs (agonist and antagonist) for controlled movement.

Activity 2: Types of Joints (10 minutes):

1. Discuss different types of joints in the human body (e.g., hinge joints, ball-and-socket joints, pivot
joints, etc.).
2. Show examples of these joints using your own body (e.g., bending your elbow to demonstrate a
hinge joint).
3. Ask students to identify joints on their own bodies as you explain them.

Activity 3: How Muscles and Bones Work Together (10 minutes):

1. Explain how muscles are attached to bones using tendons.

2. Use simple demonstrations or models (if available) to show how muscles contract to move bones.
3. Discuss examples of daily activities where the musculoskeletal system is used (e.g., walking,
writing, jumping).

Group Activity (10 minutes):

Divide the class into small groups and provide each group with worksheets or questions related to
the lesson. They should discuss and answer the questions together.

Conclusion (5 minutes):

1. Recap the main points of the lesson: the musculoskeletal system, types of joints, and how muscles
and bones work together.
2. Ask if there are any questions or if anything is unclear.

Homework (if applicable):

Assign a short homework assignment related to the lesson, such as researching a specific joint in
the body or writing a paragraph on the importance of exercise for maintaining a healthy
musculoskeletal system.


Assess students' understanding through their participation in class discussions, group activities, and
their ability to answer questions during the lesson.

Extension Activity (if time allows):

Show a video or conduct a hands-on experiment (if materials are available) to further illustrate how
muscles and bones work togethe to produce movement.
Unit CH-8 Body Movement

Class DAY -4 35min

Topic Fixed joint
Pre-requisite The topic requires basic knowledge of joints
for the course
Assessment of Written test Group
qualifying Discussion
knowledge HW notebook
Objective Students will be able to identify and explain Fixed joint and its importance.
Outcomes Students will know and understand about Fixed joint
SKILLS- Students would be able to
Explain the importance and working of Fixed joint

Transaction Transaction would proceed in the following manner-

(The teacher The facilitator will use smart board and ask the students to draw a neat and
can use the well labeled diagram of human skeleton and showing Fixed joint
mentioned Think pair and Share-After student teacher interaction, students will
techniques, read the concept from the book and then think for a minute and share it
wherever with their partner for better understanding.
applicable, and
can use any Techniques to be used:
other too.) Quiz
Daily Practice Problem
Student-teacher interaction,
silent/ loud reading, collaborative learning,

Guided practice followed by Independent Practice- NCERT questions to

be discussed in the classroom.

Resources Text Book

NCERT text book for Science
Reference Book
NCERT Exemplar
Self-Study, Independent Practice: Students would do the questions in their H.W
Home Work, notebooks as mentioned in the monthly planner.

Assessments Assessment will be done on the basis of oral test

Marks The weightage would be given by CBSE

Unit Ch-8 Body Movements

Class DAY 5 35min

Topic Cartilage and muscles
Pre-requisite The topic requires basic knowledge of human muscles
for the course
Assessment of Facilitator will ask the students about the presence and functions of
qualifying muscles and cartilage in human skeleton
Objective Students will be able to understand the importance of muscles and cartilage
in human skeleton
Learning KNOWLEDGE- Students will know and understand
Outcomes  Importance of cartilage and muscles in a joint
 Role of muscles in the movement of bones
SKILLS- Students would be able to
 Explain the importance of cartilage and muscles in a joint
 Analyze critically the working of muscles.
Transaction Transaction would proceed in the following manner-
(The teacher After student -teacher interaction and explanation by the teacher, following
can use the strategies will be followed for concept building
mentioned . Questioning- Multiple level question- Teacher will prepare a list of
techniques, question about the conservation of water resources and will ask these
wherever questions during discussions. (Critical thinking, Communication)
applicable, and
can use any Techniques to be used:
other too.) Quiz
Daily Practice Problem
Student -teacher interaction,
silent/ loud reading, collaborative learning,

Guided practice followed by Independent Practice- NCERT questions to

be discussed in the classroom.

Resources Text Book

NCERT text book for Science
Reference Book
NCERT Exemplar
Self Study, Independent Practice: Students would do the questions in their H.W
Home Work, notebooks as mentioned in the monthly planner.
Assessments Assessment will be done on the basis of one -minute test

Marks The weightage would be given by CBSE

Unit Ch-8 Body Movements

Class DAY 6 35min

Topic Ribcage and backbone
Pre-requisite The topic requires basic knowledge of human skeleton
for the course
Assessment of Facilitator will ask the students about the previous day’s lesson
Objective Students will be able to understand

 The structure and importance of ribcage

 The structure and importance of backbone

Learning KNOWLEDGE- Students will know and understand

Outcomes  Importance of ribcage in our body
 Role of backbone in the movement
SKILLS- Students would be able to
 Explain the structure and importance of ribcage
 Analyze critically the structure and importance of backbone
Transaction Transaction would proceed in the following manner-
(The teacher After student -teacher interaction and explanation by the teacher, following
can use the strategies will be followed for concept building
mentioned . Questioning- Multiple level question- Teacher will prepare a list of
techniques, question about the conservation of water resources and will ask these
wherever questions during discussions. (Critical thinking, Communication)
applicable, and
can use any Techniques to be used:
other too.) Quiz
Daily Practice Problem
Student -teacher interaction,
silent/ loud reading, collaborative learning,

Guided practice followed by Independent Practice- NCERT questions to

be discussed in the classroom.

Resources Text Book

NCERT text book for Science
Reference Book
NCERT Exemplar
Self Study, Independent Practice: Students would do the questions in their H.W
Home Work, notebooks as mentioned in the monthly planner.

Assessments Assessment will be done on the basis of one minute test

Marks The weightage would be given by CBSE

Unit CH 8 : Body movements

DAY 7 35 min
Topic Movement in earthworm and snail
Pre-requisite This topic requires basic knowledge of movement in animals.
for the course
Assessment of Facilitator asks the students to make a list of animals and how they move
qualifying from one place to other
Objective Students will be able to understand the body parts required for movement
in earthworm and snail
Learning KNOWLEDGE- Students will know and understand
Outcomes  Body movements in earthworm and snail
 Explain the parts required for movement.
SKILLS- Students would be able to
 Collaboratively discuss the body movements in earthworm and

Transaction Transaction would proceed in the following manner-

(The teacher The facilitator initiates a conversation with the learner by asking them
can use the about human body parts
mentioned The facilitator will start with body movements and take examples of
techniques, different body parts. The facilitator will relate human body parts with other
wherever animals by taking examples of other animals body movements and the parts
applicable, and involved. After discussing body movements the facilitator will help students
can use any with vertebrates and invertebrates
other too.) After the discussion the students will be made aware of body parts
involved in the movements

The following questions will be asked to check their understanding

Do all animals have skeletons?
List some vertebrates and invertebrates.
How do bones move with the help of muscles?

Guided practice followed by Independent Practice- NCERT questions to be

discussed in the classroom.

Techniques to be used:
Daily Practice Problem
Peer Assessment
Student -teacher interaction / loud reading, collaborative learning

Resources Text Book

NCERT text book for Science
Reference Book
NCERT Exemplar
Self Study, Independent Practice: Students would do the questions in their H.W
Home Work, notebooks from NCERT questions

Assessments Assessment will be done on the basis of class test

Closure Summarization by the students.
Marks The weightage would be given by CBSE

Unit DAY 8 – Gait of animals

Class Transaction 35 min

Pre-requisite for The topic requires basic knowledge of the movements of birds, fish
the course and snake
Assessment of Facilitator will ask the recap questions about the movements of
qualifying earthworm and snail
Objective Students will be able to appreciate gait of animals
Learning Outcomes KNOWLEDGE- Students will know and understand-
 the body parts required for the movement of birds
 How the bone of a bird is different from other animals
SKILLS- Students would be able to
Critically categorize the function of bones and muscles in the body
movements of birds and other animals
Transaction Transaction would proceed in the following manner-
Methodology (The Brain storming on comparison of movement in earthworm and snail
teacher can use the (Communication, Collaboration)
mentioned Think pair and Share-After student teacher interaction, students will
techniques, read the concept from the book and then think for a minute and share it
wherever with their partner for better understanding.
applicable, and can
use any other too.) ACTIVITY:-diagram of bone in a bird
COMPETENCY MAPPED: Creative and Critical thinking

Techniques to be used:
Daily Practice Problem
Student -teacher interaction,

Resources Text Book

NCERT text book for Science
Reference Book
NCERT Exemplar
Self Study, Home Independent Practice: Students would do the questions in their H.W
Work, Assignments notebook from NCERT book
Assessments Assessment will be done on the basis of the peer assessment.
Closure Recap of characteristics features in fish, birds and reptiles for
Marks The weightage would be given by CBSE

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