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In the country called Kosalas, there was a king named Dasharatha. The king had three wives
but none of them could bear a child. Worried for the future of his kingdom and hoping to have a heir,
he performed a fire sacrifice to the god Vishnu. As a result, each of his wives gave birth to a boy.
Kausulya has Rama, Kaikeyi has Bharatha and Sumithra has the twins Lakshmana and Sathrugma. A
few years passed and the boys became a young man. Rama heard a story about a girl named Sita in
the neighboring king of Janaka. Sita’s father decided that in order to marry his daughter, he must lift
and wield the heavy bow. Rama lifted it with at ease. He does not only string the bow but breaks it.
Rama then married Sita and returned with his wife to his country. King Dasharatha who was old now,
chose Rama as his heir and Rama accepts it. On the night of the great celebration one of Dasharatha’s
wives claimed two boons that the king had granted her a long time ago. For the first one she
demanded Rama to be banish to the forest for 14 years and crown Bharatha king instead. The king
doesn’t want to agree but he fees he must. Then Rama accepts his father’s decision and prepares for
leaving. Though Rama convinced Lakshmana and Sita to stay but they insisted to join Rama in exile.
On the next day when Dasharatha finds out that Rama leave, he dies. As they travel away from
Ayodhya, they meet Jatayu, a great eagle was a friend of Dasharatha who promised to protect Rama
until he can return home. They were visited by a demon Soorpanaka who convince Rama to marry
her, but he refused. Soorpanaka was heartbroken and decided to kill Sita in order Rama will love her.
Lakshmana capture her before committing the murder and cut her nose, ears and breast. When the
news reached Ravana, King of demons, he plotted to ruin Rama by capturing Sita. He ordered one of
his minions to take the form of a golden deer and appear before Sita. Mesmerized by beauty of the
dear, Sita ask Rama to capture it for her, leaving Lakshmana to guard her. Rama chased the deer and
realizes that it was a trap. After a few hours, Sita started hearing Ramas’s voice asking for help. Sita
asks for help to Lakshmana to find Rama. And when he was gone, Ravana disguise himself as a
Brahmin and kidnap Sita. Jatayu attempts to save Sita but the demon chops off his wings and died
before he can tell them where Ravana was going with Sita. In their search for Sita, they meet
Hanuman and Sugreeva. Sugreeva is the king of kiskinda but his brother Vali banished him for
misunderstanding. After hearing his story, Rama offers help to kill Vali then Sugreeva calls Vali for a
fight and as the battle continues, Rama gets involve and shots Vali from a hidden spot which causes
him to die in the reason to right past wrongs and Vali accepts it and names Sugreeva his successor.
Sugreeva summons his armies and Vali’s sons Angada and Hanuman to sent in the south to look for
Sita. When they reach in Lanka where Ravana live, they find her in garden where rakshasa women are
tormenting her and Ravana torments her to. Sita insist to commit suicide but Hanuman shows himself
and tells that Rama is coming. Rama and Lakshmana arrived at Southest Asia with the help of the
apes, they built a bridge cross the water in the land of demons and also was helped by Vibishana
( Ravana’s youngest brother) who has a good heart, helping Rama in planning. Rama officially
declares war, the battle rages for days. Ravana finally decides to join the battle himself. Ravana sent
her brother Kumbakarna to the battle, when it died, Ravana cried and Laksmana kills Ravana’s son,
Indrajit. Ravana decides to finish the battle himself. In the final battle between the two of them, the
prince shot a divine arrow that had the power of god in it which hit Ravana I the heart and killed him.
When Rama met his beloved Sita again, she insisted on going through with the test of fire to prove her
chastity and silent rumors about her purity. Rama accepts her, but his test worries the gods. They
address him and remind him that he’s divine. They then send Dasharatha to earth to meet Rama and
tell to return to Ayodhya as Baratha will kill himself if he doesn’t return on time. And they finally
back to the city with Vibisha magical vehicle.

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