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Class – 4 Mathematics
1. Find the sum of the values of the digit 9 in 59701, 20892
and 15889. ______
(A) 9909 (B) 9990 (C) 9999 (D) 9099
2. 94560 in words is _______.
(A) Ninety-four hundred and fifty-six
(B) Nine thousand, four hundred and fifty-six
(C) Nine thousand, five hundred and sixty
(D) Ninety-four thousand, five hundred and sixty
3. Estimate the value of 3321 + 45678 + 13145 by rounding
off each number to the nearest hundred.
(A) 62100 (B) 6200 (C) 62144 (D) 62140
4. Choose the difference between the ninth multiple of 8
and the second multiple of 9.
(A) 90 (B) 54 (C) 72 (D) 82
5. A number is between 47 and 63. It is also a multiple of
8. When divided by 9, the remainder is 2. What is the
number ?
(A) 48 (B) 56 (C) 40 (D) 60
6. What is the missing number in the box ?

70 tens ÷ 5 = tens

(A) 14 (B) 20 (C) 10 (D) 140

Paper Code : UM9254 1


7. Ashwin bought 6 packets of sweets. Each packet

contained 495 sweets. He gave 60 sweets to his sister
and divided the remaining sweets equally among 5
friends. How many sweets did each friend get ?
(A) 582 (B) 495 (C) 2910 (D) 2970
8. Tom has thrice as much money as his sister, Sharon. If
Sharon has 45, how much money must Tom givee
Sharon so that they will have an equal amount of
money ?
(A) 90 (B) 130
(C) 180 (D) 45

9. Mrs. Lasya has 48 sweets. She gave of them to Tarun.
How many sweets had she left ?
(A) 12 (B) 24 (C) 36 (D) 50
10. Choose the missing value.
4 4
+ has the same value as 1 + _______.
5 5
7 3 8 4
(A) (B) (C) (D)
5 5 5 5
11. Choose the duration from 18:45 to 16:45 the following
(A) 24 h (B) 22 h (C) 20 h (D) 18 h
12. Yamini started washing some dishes at 20:35. She
finished washing the dishes at 21:20. How long did she
take to wash the dishes ?
(A) 40 min (B) 60 min (C) 45 min (D) 50 min

2 Paper Code : UM9254


13. What is the total capacity of the largest container and

the smallest container ?
Container Capacity
Jug 925 ml
Pail 8 l 20 ml
Mug 300 ml
Bottle 480 ml
(A) 8 l 320 ml (B) 8 l 500 ml
(C) 8 l 945 ml (D) 8 l 20 ml
14. There are 3 parcels A, B and C. Parcel A is 3 kg. Parcel B
is twice as heavy as Parcel C but is 500 g heavier than
parcel A. Find the total mass of the three parcels.
(A) 8 kg 250 g (B) 8 kg 200 g
(C) 8 kg 150 g (D) 8 kg 100 g
15. Vinay saves 2 every day. For every 5 saved, his
father gives him another 1. How much will he save
after 2 weeks ?
(A) 31 (B) 33 (C) 32 (D) 30
16. What is the perimeter of the figure below ?
6 cm
8 cm
4 cm 5 cm
8 cm
4 cm

(A) 23 cm (B) 29 cm (C) 31 cm (D) 35 cm

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17. Arjun took 1 h 20 min to travel from Town A to Town

B. He took another 2 h 45 min to travel from Town B
to Town C. What was the total time taken by Arjun to
travel from Town A to Town C ?
(A) 4 h 5 min (B) 3 h 15 min
(C) 3 h 5 min (D) 1 h 25 min
18. The total mass of a box of biscuits and a box of sweets
is 1 kg 840 g. If the mass of the box of biscuits is 850 g
more than the box of sweets, what is the mass of the
box of biscuits ?
(A) 2 kg 690 g (B) 1 kg 850 g
(C) 1 kg 345 g (D) 1 kg 435 g
19. Choose the correct statement(s).
P: A square has 4 right angles.
Q: A triangle has 3 right angles.
R: We can have closed figures with no angles.
S: Some figures are made up of curved and straight
(A) P only (B) P and S only
(C) P, Q and S only (D) P, R and S only

4 Paper Code : UM9254


20. Observe the figures carefully.

400 ml
300 ml

The total volume of water in containers A and B is _____
(A) 560 (B) 550 (C) 505 (D) 500
21. The cube in the figure was cut and separated into three

Which option makes the three pieces of the cube ?





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22. Look at the tessellation below.



Which one of the unit shapes is placed in the wrong

position ?
(A) P (B) Q (C) R (D) S
23. Choose the symmetrical option.

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24. It took 4 min to fill Tank A completely. It took 3 min 31

s longer to fill Tank B completely. How long did it take
to fill Tank B ?
(A) 451 s (B) 351 s (C) 271 s (D) 29 s
25. A number line is shown below. What is the missing
mixed number in the box ?

4 5 6 7

7 3 1 1
(A) 4 (B) 4 (C) 5 (D) 5
8 4 8 4

8 Paper Code : UM9254


26. ABCD is a square.

3 cm 2 cm 3 cm

3 cm

5 cm
3 cm

Choose the perimeter of the shaded region.
(A) 23 cm (B) 32 cm (C) 46 cm (D) 64 cm

27. If + + = 4041

+ + = 5118

then + =?

(A) 2335 (B) 2353 (C) 2533 (D) 3523

28. Arrange the fractions in order, from the greatest to
the smallest.

8 8 8 8
, , ,
6 4 3 5
8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8
(A) , , , (B) , , ,
3 4 5 6 3 5 4 6

8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8
(C) , , , (D) , , ,
6 3 4 5 6 5 4 3
Paper Code : UM9254 9

29. What is the next number in this pattern ?

56389, 56289, 56189, 56089, _______

(A) 46089 (B) 55089 (C) 55189 (D) 55989

30. The total marks that Shiva and Rakesh scored in a
Mathematics test was 171. Shiva scored 23 more marks
than Rakesh. How many marks did Rakesh score in the
test ?
(A) 74 (B) 85.5 (C) 97 (D) 194
31. During a school excursion, there were 2 teachers
attending to every 9 pupils. How many teachers are
required if there were 216 pupils ?
(A) 72 (B) 56 (C) 48 (D) 36
32. Which option is the best estimate for 5788 × 39 ?
(A) 5000 × 40 (B) 5500 × 40
(C) 6000 × 30 (D) 6000 × 40
33. Thrice a number is greater than half the same number
by 30. What is the number ?
(A) 12 (B) 6 (C) 30 (D) 15
34. Jaya is thinking of an even number that is a multiple
of 4 and a factor of 56. It is greater than 10 but smaller
than 30. What number is Jaya thinking of ?
(A) 16 (B) 20 (C) 24 (D) 28

10 Paper Code : UM9254


35. 4× is the same as _______.

4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4
(A) + + + (B) × × ×
7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7

32 44
(C) (D)
7 7

Paper Code : UM9254 11


Class – 4 Reasoning

36. Complete the matrix.

(A) (B) (C) (D)

37. Which shape is similar to the group ?

(A) (B)

(C) (D)

12 Paper Code : UM9254


38. Select the missing number in the series.

(A) 18 (B) 21 (C) 25 (D) 29

39. Which option will come in place of question mark ?

: :: : ?

(A) (B)

(C) (D)

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40. Choose the odd one out from the following.

Book Newspaper Magazine Pamphlet Letter Pen

(A) Pen (B) Newspaper

(C) Magazine (D) Letter
41. Select the option which is exactly same as the given

(A) (B)

(C) (D)

42. If the following words were written BACKWARDS and

then put into ALPHABETICAL order: which word would
be THIRD from left ?

14 Paper Code : UM9254


43. Which one of the following sentences correctly describes

the picture ?

(A) There are as many circles as squares

(B) There are fewer circles than triangles
(C) There are twice as many circles as triangles
(D) There are two triangles less than circles
44. If 'MEAT' is written as 'TEAM', then 'BALE' is written as
45. What will come in place of question mark ?

+ – =?

(A) (B)

(C) (D)

Paper Code : UM9254 15


Class – 4 Critical Thinking

46. If the speed of all the cars is same then which car will
reach the other side first ?

(A) A (B) B
(C) C (D) They all will reach together
47. Which option is the least from greatest ?
Four friends have all been saving money. Bharat has
more than Arjun but not as much as Ganesh. John has
more than Ganesh. List in order of who has the least
to the greatest.
(A) Arjun, John, Ganesh, Bharat
(B) John, Arjun, Ganesh, Bharat
(C) Arjun, Bharat, Ganesh, John
(D) John, Ganesh, Bharat, Arjun

16 Paper Code : UM9254


48. You are alone in the house and there is quite a danger
of thieves around. Just then, you hear a knock at the
door. You would :
(A) open the door to see who is there.
(B) ask the servant to see who is there.
(C) not open the door.
(D) first peep out from the window to confirm whether
you know the person.
49. Ahalya has to place different shapes in the table so that
each distinct shape appears exactly once in each row
and each column.

What shape should Ahalya place in the shaded square ?

(A) (B) (C) (D)

50. Choose the essential part of the word ‘Cage’.

(A) Lock (B) Animal
(C) Enclosure (D) Prisoner

Paper Code : UM9254 17

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