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The Jamaica Urban Transit Company (JUTC) was established in 1998 to provide a
centrally managed state-of-the-art public bus service for commuters in the Kingston
Metropolitan Transportation Region (KMTR). While the JUTC has brought about major
changes in the quality and image of public transportation in Jamaica, the Management of
the JUTC has recently implemented a new initiative to extend the services offered to the
public – a charter service. Now, JUTC buses can be chartered to take any size group
around the KMTR and to various Rural Areas. The JUTC calculates charter rates to Rural
Areas based on the round trip distance. For example, the distance from Kingston to
Ocho Rios is 72KM and 72KM to return to Kingston from Ocho Rios. Therefore, the
round trip distance is 144KM. The JUTC has established charter rates for the various
Rural Area round trips, however, round trips exceeding 200KM will incur an additional
surcharge of 12% of the charter rate.

Section A: Charter Service Module

(30 Points)

Design and Information Specification

The Charter Service Office (CSO) has established charter rates for round trips to many
Rural Areas. However, the viability of charters has not been conducted despite the fact
that the charter service was introduced to improve the financial standing of the JUTC.
Charters considered viable by the CSO should earn a minimum return of 55%. The CSO
is finding it challenging to calculate the viability of each charter because charter rates
and expenses are recorded in a log book. The CSO has asked you to design a Charter
Service Analysis Log, as shown in Figure 1, to help them analyze the viability of
charters. Data for the Charter Service Analysis Log can be found in an incomplete
workbook called MGMT2005_JUTC_Data (found on OurVLE under your instructor
resources). (Note: Figure 1 only shows a sample or subset of the data on which the
Charter Service Analysis Log is based.) Figure 2 provides additional details about the
various fields (columns) in the Charter Service Analysis Log.

As you inspect Figure 1, you realize that each charter incurs expenses and that these
must be calculated in determining the viability of charters. The CSO has provided you
with the following information that they feel will help you in your calculations:

 One of four bus types is used for a charter: Coaster, Standard, Articulated or
Double Articulated. Expenses for each of these bus types are charged at a flat
rate or a percentage of the charter rate.

 Figure 3 provides information about expenses and rates associated with each bus

 Expenses are calculated using the following formulae:

o Tire Cost = Tire Consumption Rate * Distance Travelled.

o Fuel Cost = Fuel Consumption Rate * Cost of Fuel * Distance Travelled.
o Wear & Tear = Wear & Tear Rate * Charter Rate.

 When calculating the viability of each charter, the total income earned from each
charter should be used.

Figure 1. Charter Service Analysis Log

Jamaica Urban Transit Company

Charter Service Analysis Log

<Current Date>
Trip Round Total Wear Minimum
Bus Trip Charter Sur- Fuel Tire Driver
Desti- Trip Charter & Profit Return
Type Distance Rate charge Cost Cost Cost
nation Distance Charge Tear Met?
Articulated 161 $40,000
Standard 72 $25,000
Double Port
30 $20,000
Articulated Antonio

Coaster Negril 205 $43,000

Coaster 64 $19,000

Figure 2. Field Detail

Field Detail
Bus Type The type of bus chartered.
Trip Destination The Rural Area to where the charter is destined.
Trip Distance The distance in KM from Kingston to the charter destination.
Charter Rate The rate charged to charter a bus for the specified destination.
The total distance in KM of the charter, that is, from Kingston to
Round Trip Distance
the charter destination and back.
An amount the customer pays if the round trip distance exceeds
a specified distance. This is a percentage of charter rate.
Total Charter Charge The total amount the customer pays to use the charter service.
Fuel Cost The cost of fuel for a charter.
Tire Cost The tire cost for a charter.
Wear & Tear The cost of the use of the asset for a charter.
The amount the bus driver receives for driving the bus to the
Driver Cost
charter destination. This is a percentage of charter rate.
Profit The profit made on a charter.
Identifies whether the minimum return for a charter was
Minimum Return Met
achieved, "Yes" or "No".

Figure 3. Charter Rates
Wear & Tear
Tire Fuel Rate
Consumption Consumption
Bus Type <= >
Rate Rate
200 200
(per KM) (per KM)
(KM) (KM)
Standard $ 2.20 0.19 16% 19%

Articulated $ 2.88 0.23 18% 20%

$ 3.22 0.22 22% 24%
Coaster $ 1.25 0.20 15% 16.50%

Other Expenses:

Cost of Fuel
(per litre)

Driver Cost 20%

Implementation Requirements

Your workbook solution should be created in a single MS Excel workbook as follows, and
all associated worksheets should have a consistent and professional appearance.

1. Create an input section in a separate worksheet named INPUTS. This worksheet

should contain information you deem applicable for this section.

2. Using the incomplete workbook called MGMT2005_JUTC_Data create the Charter

Service Analysis Log (as shown in Figure 1) in its own worksheet and name the
worksheet ANALYSIS. Create the calculations needed to determine:

 The Round Trip Distance, the Surcharge, the Total Charter Charge,
the Fuel Cost, the Tire Cost, the Wear & Tear, the Driver Cost, the
Profit and the Minimum Return Met.

3. Highlight all charters where the total profits is less than $20,000. Display answer in
a new worksheet called LOW_PROFITS.

4. Using one pivot table, the JUTC wants to see the number of times the minimum
requirement was met and the number of times the minimum requirement was not
met for each bus type. The table should be in a separate sheet named

Section B: Route Module

(30 Points)

Design and Information Specifications

In an attempt to live up to their motto, “Your Route to Excellence”, the JUTC has
decided to reorganize its operations to increase efficiency. The company feels that the
existing route structure is inefficient and plans to reorganize the existing structure to
ensure the most convenient service to commuters, in keeping with up-to-date origin and
destination patterns. The JUTC has established benchmarks and wants to identify
uneconomic routes so that they can be reconfigured.

The JUTC also wants to ensure that travelling by bus is safe, efficient and economical.
The Smart Card and Mobile App options have been introduced as a convenient way for
passengers to pay fares. The JUTC Smart Cards can be procured at popular outlets in
the Corporate Area and offers an automatic 10% discount on cash fares whereas Mobile
App fares is a 20% discount, making it more economical to travel using the Smart Card
and Mobile App. Fares for the KMTR routes are established based on the services offered
by the JUTC, which are Regular, Regular Express and Premium Express.

Not only does the JUTC want to identify uneconomical routes but they also want to know
the financial impact of the introduction of Smart Cards and the various services on their
financial operations. The JUTC has therefore solicited your assistance and has asked you
to design a database to help them analyse the efficiency of routes in the KMTR and
financial impact of Smart Cards and the various services offered. The company has
provided you with information in an Excel file on OurVLE named
MGMT2005_Route_Data to create three (3) tables: ROUTE, TICKET_FARES and

Tables 1 and 2 contain information about some of the routes operated by the JUTC.

Table 1. Route Table Structure

Field Name Data Type Field Description Field Size Comments
RouteID Text Identifies the bus route and 4 Is Required
serves as the PK.
ServiceType Text Identifies the service type. 20 Is Required
Origin Text Identifies the bus terminal or 30 Is Required
starting point of the route.
Via Text Identifies the location traversed 30 Is Required
on route to destination.
Destination Text Identifies the route end point. 30 Is Required

Table 2. Route Sample Records

RouteID ServiceType Origin Via Destination
21A RegExp Spanish Town New Kingston Cross Roads
46B Reg Meadowbrook Constant Spring Road HWT
315 PreExp Greater Portmore Daytona City
45 PreExp Meadowbrook HWT New Kingston

ServiceType Key: Reg = Regular, RegExp = Regular Express and PreExp = Premium
Tables 3 and 4 contain information about passenger Ticket types and associated Fares.

Table 3. Ticket_Fare Table Structure

Field Name Data Type Field Description Field Size Comments
TicketID Number PK Single Is Required
TicketCat Text Identifies the ticket type. 15 Is Required
ServiceType Text ServiceType 20 Is Required
Fare Currency Identifies the cost to travel a Currency

Table 4. Ticket_Fare Sample Records

TicketID TicketCat ServiceType Fare
1 CA Reg $50
2 SC Reg $45
3 CA RegExp $120
4 MA Reg $40
TicketCat Key: CA = Cash, SC = Smart Card & MA = Mobile App

Tables 5 and 6 contain information about JUTC’s Ridership related to various routes.

Table 5. Ridership Table Structure

Field Name Data Type Field Description Field Comments
RidershipID AutoNumber PK Long
RouteID Text RouteID 4 Is Required
TicketID Number TicketID Single Is Required
Date Date/Time Identifies the end of the week in
which passengers travelled.
NumPassenger Number Identifies the number of Long
passengers who travelled a route Integer
in a particular week.

Table 6. Ridership Sample Records

RouteID TicketID Date NumPassenger
315 5 01/12/08 4,000
46B 2 01/25/08 3,800
97 4 02/23/08 2,700

Note: Dates are entered in the format month/day/year.

Implementation Requirements

5. Create and populate the ROUTE, TICKET_FARE and RIDERSHIP database tables in a
single Access database according to the design specifications and data in the Excel
file on OurVLE named MGMT2005_Route_Data. Relate the tables and enforce
referential integrity.

Construct the following queries and name as indicated:

6. [query name: qry1_Revenue] JUTC wants to know which route earns the most
revenue. Show only the highest earning route and include the RouteId and the
number of passengers in the output. Since revenue is a dollar value, it should be
appropriately formatted.

7. [query name: qry2_Traversed] The JUTC wants to know the most popular
location traversed on route to destination (Via). JUTC wants to see all records
generated in the output with the most popularly traversed location displayed first.

8. [query name: qry3_SmartCard] JUTC wants to know how much money they
earned from passengers who used Smart Cards during the period January 18, 2008
– February 9, 2008. Include the number of passengers, fare and ticket type in the

9. [query name: qry4_NoRider] JUTC wants to know if all routes had riders. Include
the origin, via and destination in the output.

10. [query name: qry5_Route] Managers at JUTC are responsible for managing
specific routes. At the end of every week each manager reports the number of
passengers that ride their route. Using the week starting January 5, 2008 design a
query that prompt managers to specify routes when the query is executed.

Construct the following report and name as indicated:

11. [report name: rpt_ServiceType] JUTC wants to analyze the performance of each
of its service type. They would like a Service Type Analysis Report showing the
routes and associated number of passengers and earnings for each service type.
Additionally, the company wants the total number of passengers and earnings for
each service type displayed. Figure 4 provides a tentative sketch for this report.

Figure 4. Service Type Analysis Report

Jamaica Urban Transit Company

Service Type Analysis Report
<Current Date>

Number of
Service Type Route ID Passengers Earnings
125 4,400 $277, 200.00
130 2,900 $182,700.00
Sub Total 16,900 $1,092,700.00
46B 3,800 $171,000.00
49A 3,600 $180,000.00

******** THE END ********

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