Eveningchanting Wide4

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Namo puttaya

kaa wai pra putta jao

I bow to the Buddha I bow to the Dhamma

I bow to the Sangha

Namo Thammaya
kaa wai pra tamma jao

Namo Sanghaya kaa wai pra sangha jao

Special Chanting for Lay-people on the Buddhist Holy Day

Imin sakkrena buddha abhipjyami Imin sakkrena dhamma abhipjaymi Imin sakkrena sagham abhipjaymi Araha samm-sambuddho bhagav; buddha bhagavanta abhivdemi.

(Brief) Salutation Of The Triple Gem

With these offerings, I pay respect to the Buddha. With these offerings, I pay respect to the Dhamma. With these offerings, I pay respect to the Sagha. Blessed is He, the Accomplished One, the Perfectly Enlightened One. To the Buddha, the Blessed One, I pay homage.

Svkkhto bhagavat dhammo; dhamma namassmi.


Well-Proclaimed is the Teaching of the Blessed One. To the Dhamma I pay Homage.

Supaipanno bhagavato svaka-sagho; sagha nammi.


Perfectly Practiced are the Disciples of the Blessed One. I bow low to the Sagha.

Evening Chanting
Yo so bhagav araha samm-sambuddho svkkhto yena bhagavat dhammo supaipanno yassa bhagavato svaka-sagho. tam aya bhagavanta sa-dhamma sa-sagha imehi sakkrehi yathraha ropitehi abhipjayma. sdhu no bhante bhagav sucira-parinibbuto pi, pacchimjanatnukampa-mnas, ime sakkre duggata-pakrabhte paigahtu, amhka dgha-ratta hitya sukhya.

Paying Respects To The Triple Gem

He truly is the Blessed One, The Accomplished One, the Perfectly Enlightened(Buddha) . Well-Proclaimed is the Holy Teaching of the Blessed One. Perfectly Practiced are the Holy Disciples of the Blessed One. To the Blessed One, to the Dhamma and to the Sagha, with these properly presented offerings, we pay homage.

May the Blessed One, even through he has long since entered Total Nibbna, please accept these meager offerings with a heart of sympathy for later generations, for our long-term welfare & happiness.

Araha samm-sambuddho bhagav; buddha bhagavanta abhivdemi.


Blessed is He, the Accomplished One, the Perfectly Enlightened One. To the Buddha, the Blessed One, I pay homage.

Svkkhto bhagavat dhammo; dhamma namassmi.


Well-Proclaimed is the Teaching of the Blessed One. To the Dhamma I pay Homage.

Supaipanno bhagavato svaka-sagho; sagha nammi.


Perfectly Practiced are the Disciples of the Blessed One. I bow low to the Sagha.


Preliminary Passage In Homage (to the Buddha)

Now let us chant the preliminary passage in homage to the Blessed One, together with the guide to the recollection of the Buddha.

Handa maya buddhassa bhagavato pubbabhga namakra karomase.


Namo tassa bhagavato arahato samm- sambuddhassa; namo tassa bhagavato arahato samm- sambuddhassa; namo tassa bhagavato arahato samm- sambuddhassa.

Homage to the Blessed One, the Worthy One, the Perfectly Self-awakened One. Homage to the Blessed One, the Worthy One, the Perfectly Self-awakened One. Homage to the Blessed One, the Worthy One, the Perfectly Self-awakened One.

[Ta kho pana bhagavanta] eva kalyo kitti-saddo abbhuggato: Iti pi so bhagav araha samm-sambuddho vijj-caraa-sampanno sugato lokavid anuttaro purisa-damma-srathi satth deva-manussna buddho bhagavti.

A Guide To The Recollection Of The Buddha

This fine report of the Blessed Ones reputation has spread far & wide: He is a Blessed One, a Worthy One, a Perfectly Self-awakened One, consummate in knowledge & conduct, one who has gone the good way, knower of the cosmos, unexcelled trainer of those who can be taught, teacher of human & divine beings; awakened; blessed.


Verses In Celebration Of The Buddha

Now let us chant in celebration of the Buddha:

Handa maya buddhbhigti karomase. (ALL:) [Buddhavrahanta]-varatdigubhiyutto,

The Buddha, endowed with such virtues as highest worthiness:

Suddhbhia-karuhi samgatatto, Bodhesi yo sujanata kamala va sro, Vandmaha tam-araa siras jinenda. Buddho yo sabbapna saraa khemamuttama Pahamnussatinyhna vandmi ta sirenaha, Buddhasshasmi dso1 va buddho me smikissaro. Buddho dukkhassa ght ca vidht ca hitassa me. Buddhassha niyydemi sarra jvita cida. Vandanto ha2 carissmi buddhass eva subodhita. N atthi me saraa anya, buddho me saraa vara; Etena sacca-vajjena vaheyya satthu-ssane. Buddha me vandamnena3 ya punya pasuta idha, Sabbe pi antary me mhesu tassa tejas.

In him, purity, supreme knowledge, & compassion converge. He awakens good people like the sun does the lotus. I revere with my head that Peaceful One, the Conqueror Supreme. The Buddha who for all beings is the secure, the highest refuge, The first theme for recollection: I revere him with my head. I am the Buddhas servant, the Buddha is my sovereign master, The Buddha is a destroyer of suffering & a provider of welfare for me. To the Buddha I dedicate this body & this life of mine. I will fare with reverence for the Buddhas genuine Awakening. I have no other refuge, the Buddha is my foremost refuge; By the speaking of this truth, may I grow in the Teachers instruction.

Through the power of the merit here produced by my reverence for the Buddha, May all my obstructions cease to be.

Kyena vcya va cetas v, Buddhe kukamma pakata may ya, Buddho paiggahatu accayanta, Klantare savaritu va buddhe.

Whatever bad kamma I have done to the Buddha by body, by speech, or by mind, may the Buddha accept my admission of it, so that in the future I may show restraint toward the Buddha.


A Guide To The Recollection Of The Dhamma

Handa maya dhammnussati-naya karomase.


Now let us recite the guide to the recollection of the Dhamma.

[Svkkhto] bhagavat dhammo, sandinyhiko akliko ehipassiko, opanayiko paccatta veditabbo vinyhti.

The Dhamma is well-expounded by the Blessed One, to be seen here & now, timeless, inviting all to come & see, leading inward, to be seen by the wise for themselves.


Verses In Celebration Of The Dhamma

Now let us chant in celebration of the Dhamma.

Handa maya dhammbhigti karomase.


[Svkkhtat]digua-yogavasena seyyo, Yo magga-pka-pariyatti-vimokkha-bhedo, Dhammo kuloka-patan tad-adhri-dhr. Vandm aha tama-hara vara-dhammam eta. Dhammo yo sabba-pna saraa khemamuttama Dutiynussatinyhna vandmi ta sirenaha Dhammasshasmi dso1 va dhammo me smikissaro Dhammo dukkhassa ght ca vidht ca hitassa me. Dhammassha niyydemi sarra jvita c ida. Vandantoha2 carissmi dhammass eva sudhammata. N atthi me saraa anya, dhammo me saraa vara

Superior, through having such virtues as being well-expounded, Divided into Path & Fruit, study & emancipation, The Dhamma protects those who hold to it from falling into miserable worlds. I revere that foremost Dhamma, the destroyer of darkness. The Dhamma that for all beings is the secure, the highest refuge, The second theme for recollection: I revere it with my head. I am the Dhammas servant, the Dhamma is my sovereign master, The Dhamma is a destroyer of suffering & a provider of welfare for me. To the Dhamma I dedicate this body & this life of mine. I will fare with reverence for the Dhammas genuine rightness. I have no other refuge, the Dhamma is my foremost refuge:

Etena sacca-vajjena vaheyya satthu-ssane. Dhamma me vandamnena3 ya punya pasuta idha, Sabbe pi antary me mhesu tassa tejas.

By the speaking of this truth, may I grow in the Teachers instruction. Through the power of the merit here produced by my reverence for the Dhamma, May all my obstructions cease to be.

Kyena vcya va cetas v, Dhamme kukamma pakata may ya, Dhammo paiggahatu accayanta, Klantare savaritu va dhamme.

Whatever bad kamma I have done to the Dhamma by body, by speech, or by mind, may the Dhamma accept my admission of it, so that in the future I may show restraint toward the Dhamma.


A Guide To The Recollection Of The Sagha

Now let us recite the guide to the recollection of the Sagha:

Handa maya saghnussati-naya karomase.


[Supaipanno] bhagavato svaka-sagho, uju-paipanno bhagavato svaka-sagho, ya-paipanno bhagavato svaka-sagho, smci-paipanno bhagavato svaka-sagho, yad ida cattri purisa-yugni anyha purisa-puggal, esa bhagavato svaka-sagho huneyyo phuneyyo dakkhieyyo ajali-karayo, anuttara punya-kkhetta lokass ti.

The Sagha of the Blessed Ones disciples who have practiced well, the Sagha of the Blessed Ones disciples who have practiced straightforwardly, the Sagha of the Blessed Ones disciples who have practiced methodically, the Sagha of the Blessed Ones disciples who have practiced masterfully, i.e., the four pairs the eight types of Noble Ones: That is the Sagha of the Blessed Ones disciples worthy of gifts, worthy of hospitality, worthy of offerings, worthy of respect, the incomparable field of merit for the world.


Verses In Celebration Of The Sagha

Now let us chant in celebration of the Sagha:

Handa maya saghbhigti karomase.


[Saddhammajo] supaipatti-gudiyutto, Yonyhbbidho ariya-puggala-sagha-senyho, Sldidhamma-pavarsaya-kya-citto: Vandm aha tam ariyna-gaa susuddha. Sagho yo sabba-pna saraa khemam uttama. Tatiynussatinyhna vandmi ta sirena ha, Saghasshasmi dso1 va sagho me smikissaro. Sagho dukkhassa ght ca vidht ca hitassa me. Saghassha niyydemi sarra jvita c ida Vandanto ha1 carissmi saghassopaipannata. N atthi me saraa anya, sagho me saraa vara; Etena sacca-vajjena vaheyya satthu-ssane. Sagha me vandamnena2 ya punya pasuta idha, Sabbe pi antary me mhesu tassa tejas.

Born of the true Dhamma, endowed with such virtues as good practice, The supreme Sagha formed of the eight types of Noble Ones, Guided in body & mind by such principles as morality: I revere that group of Noble Ones well-purified. The Sagha that for all beings is the secure, the highest refuge, The third theme for recollection: I revere it with my head. I am the Saghas servant, the Sagha is my sovereign master, The Sagha is a destroyer of suffering & a provider of welfare for me. To the Sagha I dedicate this body & this life of mine. I will fare with reverence for the Saghas good practice. I have no other refuge, the Sagha is my foremost refuge; By the speaking of this truth, may I grow in the Teachers instruction. Through the power of the merit here produced by my reverence for the Sagha, May all my obstructions cease to be.

Kyena vcya va cetas v,

Whatever bad kamma I have done to the Sagha

Saghe kukamma pakata may ya, Sagho paiggahatu accayanta, Klantare savaritu va saghe.

by body, by speech, or by mind, may the Sagha accept my admission of it, so that in the future I may show restraint toward the Sagha.



Reflection After Using (The Requisites)

Now let us recite the passage for reflection on the past (use of the requisites).

Handa maya atta-paccavekkhaa-pha bhamase.


[Ajja may] apaccavekkhitv ya cvara paribhutta, ta yvad eva stassa paightya, uhassa paightya, asa-makasa-vttapa-sirisapa-samphassna paightya, yvad eva hiri-kopina-paicchdan attha. Ajja may apaccavekkhitv yo piapatto paribhutto, so neva davya na madya na maanya na vibhsanya, yvad eva imassa kyassa hitiy ypanya vihisuparatiy brahmacariynuggahya, iti pura ca vedana paihakhmi nava ca vedana na uppdessmi, ytr ca me bhavissati anavajjat ca phsuvihro c ti. Ajja may apaccavekkhitv ya sensana paribhutta,

Whatever robe I used today without consideration, was simply to counteract the cold, to counteract the heat, to counteract the touch of flies, mosquitoes, wind, sun, & reptiles; simply for the purpose of covering the parts of the body that cause shame. Whatever alms food I used today without consideration, was not used playfully, nor for intoxication, nor for putting on bulk, nor for beautification, but simply for the survival & continuance of this body, for ending its afflictions, for the support of the holy life, (thinking,) thus will I destroy old feelings (of hunger) and not create new feelings (from overeating). I will maintain myself, be blameless, & live in comfort. Whatever lodging I used today without consideration, was simply to

ta yvad eva stassa paightya, uhassa paightya, asa-makasa-vttapa-sirisapa-samphassna paightya, yvad eva utuparissaya-vinodana paisallnrmattha. Ajja may apaccavekkhitv yo gilna-paccaya-bhesajja parikkhro paribhutto, so yvad eva uppannna

counteract the cold, to counteract the heat, to counteract the touch of flies, mosquitoes, wind, sun, & reptiles; simply for protection from the inclemencies of weather and for the enjoyment of seclusion. Whatever medicinal requisite for curing the sick I used today without consideration, was simply to counteract any pains of illness that had arisen, and for maximum freedom from disease.

veyybdhikna vedanna paightya, abypajjhaparamatyti.


Offering Merit
Let us now recite the verse of dedication & determination.

Handa maya uddisandhinyhna-gthyo bhanmase


Imin punya-kammena upajjhy guuttar criypakr ca mt-pit ca tak suriyo candim rj guavant nar pi ca brahma-mr ca ind ca lokapl ca devat yamo mitt manuss ca majjhatt verik1 pi ca Yama, sabbe satt sukh hontu punyni pakatni me sukha ca tividha dentu khippa ppetha vo mata imin punya-kammena imin uddisena ca khippha sulabhe c' eva tah-updna-chedana

By this act of merit, may my highly virtuous preceptors, teachers, benefactors, mother, father, & relatives, the gods of the sun & moon, virtuous people, Brahmas, Mras, & Indras, devas who are protectors of the cosmos, human beings friendly, neutral, & hostile: may all beings be happy. May the meritorious deeds done by me give threefold happiness.2 May you all quickly attain your wish. Through this act of merit, through this dedication, may I be quickly & easily cutting through craving & clinging.

ye santne hin dhamm yva nibbnato mama nassantu sabbad yeva yattha jto bhave bhave uju-citta sati-pany sallekho viriyamhin mr labhantu n' oksa ktu ca viriyesu me buddhdi-pavaro ntho dhammo ntho varuttamo ntho pacceka-buddho ca sagho nthottaro mama tesottamnubhvena mr' okasa labhantu m.

As long as I am on the way to Liberation, may any low qualities in my character be entirely destroyed, wherever I am born in one state after another. May I have an upright mind, mindfulness, discernment, strictness, persistence. Through my effort, may Mra have no chance to do anything to me. The Buddha is my foremost mainstay, the Dhamma my excellent, high mainstay; private Buddhas are my mainstay, the Sagha my superior mainstay. Through their power, may Mra get no opportunity.


The Auspicious Awakened Ones

Handa maya sarabhanyena buddha-magala-gthyo bhanmase.


Let us recite, in the Srabhanya mode, the verse of the auspicious awakened ones.

Sambuddho dipada senyho nisinno c' eva majjhime koanyo pubba-bhge ca ganeyye 3ca kassapo srputto ca dakkhie haratiye4 upl ca pacchime pi ca nando byabbe ca gavampati moggallno ca uttare sne pi ca rhulo; ime kho magal buddh sabbe idha patinyhit vandit te ca amhehi sakkrehi ca pjit etesa anubhvena sabba-sotth bhavantu no.

The Buddha, foremost of two-footed beings, is seated in the middle Koanyo to the east, Kassapa to the southeast, Srputta to the south, Upl to the southwest, nanda to the west, Gavampati to the northwest, Moggallna to the north, Rhul to the northeast. These auspicious awakened ones are all established here, venerated by us, honored with offerings. By their power may all prosperity be ours.

Icc evam accanta-namassa-neyya namassamno ratana-ttaya ya punybhisanda vipula alattha tassnubhvena hat' antaryo.

In paying homage thus to the Triple Gem, worthy of the highest homage, a vast amount of merit is accumulated: By its power, may danger be destroyed.


(replace the underlined word in each new verse)

Burapaa rasaming praputtakunang Burapaa rasaming pratam metang Burapaa rasaming prasangkaanang Tukkarock kapayang wiwan chaiye sappatuuk sappasock sapparock sappapai sappakroh seniad janrai wiwanchaiye sappatanang sappalaapang pawantuu te rackantuu suurackantuu 2. Aakaney 3. Taksin 4. Horadii 5. Pachim 6. Paayap 7. Udorn

8. Issarn 1. (replace the underlined word in each new verse) Imasaming mongkon jackawaan tang baed tid prasitii jong maa pen kampaeng geaow tang jed chan ma pong gan horm lorm rorp krorp tua anataa racha seimaanaa keitei sa man taa satayo chanasatsaha saanii putta chala parick keitei rackantuu su rackantuu 2. dhamma 3. Paccheka 4. Sangha *** _/I\_ chiiwit noy _/I\_ chiiwit noy nag naa chiiwit yang pen pai sin lom koh tong tai kwarm huang pen niworn duan pii mai tong nab kon gert yorm jack tai pung ruu wa lom hai jai lom hai jai chipajon tong tam lai tong muay mon koh bor horn pong gan dai tang gam gap mai tong mai na pai nai haeng roy pii

puu dai yuu gern dai pung ruu kam not mii lom kao la lom ork kwarng sock la yaaw waa duan pii naa tii mong roy pii kao jai pid muu chon yorm sao sock sao sock pro' yert ter chiiwit korng rack krai kwarm tur suung chiiwit kwarm tur chur tua ton ***

charaa sai tong dai tii chiiwit nii noy nag naa nan la bork kam not naa curb nung naa tua chiiwit mai chai kong haeng chiiwit chai chiiwit korng rao lery la wipayok plad plaak eey nan la weey hai sao jai yorm tur wai pen korng ton kur duang jit wa pen ton yorm tuk ton sao sock eey nai kam mer pen huang yai

kwarm rack kwarm kuun keey

orgassa orgassa na orgart bat nii karba jao kor samatarn suung pra gammatarn kor kanitta samadhi uppachara samadhi appanna samadhi la vipassana yarn jong bang gert mii nai kanta santarn korng karba jao karba jao ja tang satii wai tii lom hai jai kao ork hai jai kao ruu hai jai ork ruu saam hon la jet hon

rooy hon la pan hon duay kwarm mai pramart tang tair bat nii pen ton pai terd ************(sitting meditation)******************* ittang powanaa gammang nippanna paccayo hontu mei naccang kor pon anisong an gert jark garn suat mon powanaa tii karba jao dai bam pen maa leaow nii jong pen patjai dair pra nippaan tiang tair dair terd kor buun guuson an gerd jark garn suat mon powanaa tii karba jao dai jam rern maa leaow nii jong pai banloo tuung taan puu mii uuppakarra kuun tang lai mii mardar bidar puu bang gert glao korng karba jao pen ton jong dai rap la seway pon hai pon jark tuug hai dai tuung suug tarm somkuan gair taana korng ton tuuk tuuk tarn terd (evenings) karba jao kor tang satcha attitarn kor aanuuparb heang buun guuson tii karba jaodai bam pen maa leaow nai wan nii mii garn tawwai tarn racksaa sin la jarern powanna gra tam pra gammatarn jong pen pallawa patjai pen nissai tarm song hai gert pannyaa yarn tang chart nii chart naa talord chart yaang ying jon tuung kwarm pon tuuk ker pra nipaan terd


Offering Merit (Northern Thai Style)

Ida dna-kamma nibbna-paccayo hotu, no nicca; ida sla-kamma nibbna-paccayo hotu, no nicca; ida bhvan-kamma nibbna-paccayo hotu, no nicca.

May this action (kamma) of giving be for us continuously a condition for Nibbna. May this action (kamma) of virtue be for us continuously a condition for Nibbna. May this action (kamma) of meditation be for us continuously a condition for Nibbna.

Ya kinci kusala kattabba kamma sabbehi katehi kata punya no anumodantu, suantu bhonto ye dev asami2 hne adhigat dghyuk sad hontu sabbasattna sukh attna pariharantu; mt-pit sukhit hontu dukkh pamucantu; sabbe tik sukhit hontu dukkh pamucantu; sabbe atik sukhit hontu dukkh pamucantu; sabbe pis sabbe yakkh sabbe pet sukhit hontu dukkh pamucantu; sabbe nakkhatt sukhit hontu dukkh pamucantu; sabbe dev sukhit hontu dukkh pamucantu; sabbe cariypajjhy sukhit hontu dukkh pamucantu; sabba-sampattna samijjhantu vo.

Whatever wholesome action (kamma) will be done (by us), may they (the following beings) rejoice in the merit produced by all (these) deeds; listen, Lords! May the devas who stay at this place always have a long life, and live happily for themselves and (the benefit) of all beings May (my) mother & father be happy and liberated from all suffering. May all (my) relatives be happy and liberated from all suffering. May all (who are) not (my) relatives be happy and liberated from all suffering.

May all goblins, all demons and all ghosts be happy and liberated from all suffering. May all (beings of the) stars be happy and liberated from all suffering. May all devas be happy and liberated from all suffering. May all teachers & preceptors be happy and liberated from all suffering. May all (their) good fortune prosper.

"Buddho magala-sambhto" ...

Buddho magala-sambhto sambuddho dpa-d-uttamo

"The Buddha has arisen due to good fortune" ...

The Buddha has arisen due to good fortune, he is fully awakened, a perfect lamp & island.

buddha-magalam gamma sabba-dukkh pamucare. Dhammo magala-sambhto gambhro dudasso au dhamma-magalam gamma sabba-bhay pamucare.

Thanks to the blessing of the Buddhaone may get liberated from all suffering. The Dhamma has arisen due to good fortune, it is deep, difficult to see, & subtle. Thanks to the blessing of the Dhamma one may get liberated from all suffering.

Sagho magala-sambhto (vara-)dakkhieyyo anuttaro The Sagha has arisen due to good fortune, it is incomparable, worthy of (best) offerings. sagha-magalam gamma sabba-rog pamucare.
Thanks to the blessing of the Sagha one may get liberated from all suffering.



Asking For Forgiveness From The Triple Gems And All Devas
I revere the Buddha. Forgive me all my faults, Venerable Sir. I revere the Dhamma. Forgive me all my faults, Venerable Sir. I revere the Sagha. Forgive me all my faults, Venerable Sir. I revere (my spiritual) teachers, preceptor & teacher. Forgive me all my faults, Venerable Sir. I revere the meditation-object. Forgive me all my faults, Venerable Sir.

Vandmi buddha sabba me dosa khamatha me bhante; vandmi dhamma sabba me dosa khamatha me bhante; vandmi sagha sabba me dosa khamatha me bhante. Vandmi gurpajjhycariye sabba me dosa khamatha me bhante; vandmi kamma-nyhna sabba me dosa khamatha me bhante; vandmi rme baddha-smya sabba me dosa khamatha me bhante;

I revere the consecration ground in the monastery. Forgive me all my faults, Venerable Sir.

vandmi cetiya sabba sabba-nyhnesu patinyhit sarradhtu I revere every stupa [chedi], established in every place, (every) relic of the mah-bhodhi buddha-rpa sakkata1 sad ngaloke deva-loke brahma-loke jambu-dpe lak-dpe sarradhtuyo kes-dhtuyo arahanta-dhtuyo cetiya gandhakui
honored in the Nga world, Deva world & Brahma world, in India & Sri Lanka; bodily relics, hair relics & relics of Arahats, the stupa [chedi], the

perfumed room (occupied by the Buddha statue), the 84 000 chapters on

catur-siti-sahassa-dhamma-kkhandhe sabbesa pda-cetiya aha vandmi sabbaso.

Dhamma and every footprint-shrine2, I revere them always. (Buddhas) body, (every) great Bodhi tree, (every) Buddha image, always

(PROSTRATE 3 TIMES)......................................turn to face Ajarn and bow once more



Asking For Forgiveness From The Abbot

I revere you, Venerable Sir. May you forgive me all my guilt, Venerable Sir. May the master rejoice in the merit I have done. May the master transmit the merit to me, he has done. Well! Well! I rejoice in it.

Vandmi bhante; sabba apardha khamatha me bhante; may kata punya smin anumoditabba; smin kata punya mayha dtabba; sdhu sdhu Anumodmi.

Morning Chanting

Namo puttaya
kaa wai pra putta jao

I bow to the Buddha I bow to the Dhamma

I bow to the Sangha

Namo Thammaya
kaa wai pra tamma jao

Namo Sanghaya kaa wai pra sangha jao Paying Respect To The Triple Gem
Yo so bhagav araha samm-sambuddho svkkhto yena bhagavat dhammo supaipanno yassa bhagavato svaka-sagho. tam aya bhagavanta sa-dhamma sa-sagha imehi sakkrehi yathraha ropitehi abhipjayma. sdhu no bhante bhagav sucira-parinibbuto pi, pacchimjanatnukampa-mnas, ime sakkre duggata-pakrabhte paigahtu, amhka dgha-ratta hitya sukhya.
He truly is the Blessed One, The Accomplished One, the Perfectly Enlightened(Buddha). Well-Proclaimed is the Holy Teaching of the Blessed One. Perfectly Practiced are the Holy Disciples of the Blessed One. To the Blessed One, to the Dhamma and to the Sagha, with these properly presented offerings, we pay homage. May the Blessed One, even through he has long since entered Total Nibbna, please accept these meager offerings with a heart of sympathy for later generations, for our long-term welfare & happiness.

Araha samm-sambuddho bhagav; buddha bhagavanta abhivdemi.


Blessed is He, the Accomplished One, the Perfectly Enlightened One. To the Buddha, the Blessed One, I pay homage.

Svkkhto bhagavat dhammo; dhamma namassmi.


Well-Proclaimed is the Teaching of the Blessed One. To the Dhamma I pay Homage.

Supaipanno bhagavato svaka-sagho; sagha nammi.


Perfectly Practiced are the Disciples of the Blessed One. I bow low to the Sagha.


Preliminary Passage In Homage (To The Buddha)

Now let us chant the preliminary (passage in) homage to the Blessed One.

Handa maya buddhassa bhagavato pubbabhganamakra karomase.


Namo tassa bhagavato arahato samm- sambuddhassa; namo tassa bhagavato arahato samm- sambuddhassa; namo tassa bhagavato arahato samm- sambuddhassa.

Homage to the Blessed One, the Worthy One, the Perfectly Self-awakened One. Homage to the Blessed One, the Worthy One, the Perfectly Self-awakened One. Homage to the Blessed One, the Worthy One, the Perfectly Self-awakened One.


Praise For Buddha

Now let us give high praise to the Awakened One:

Handa maya buddhbhithuti karomase.


[Yo so tathgato] araha samm-sambuddho, vijj-caraa-sampanno sugato lokavid,

He who has attained the truth, the Worthy One, Perfectly Self-awakened, consummate in knowledge & conduct, one who has gone the good way,knower of the cosmos,

anuttaro purisa-dam ma-srathi satth deva-manussna

buddho bhagav;

unexcelled trainer of those who can be taught, teacher of human & divine beings; awakened; blessed; who made known having realized it through direct knowledge this world with its devas, mras, & brahmas, its generations with their contemplatives & priests, their rulers & common people;

yo ima loka sa-devaka sa-mraka sa-brahmaka, sa-ssamaa-brhmai paja sadeva-manussa saya abhiny sacchikatv pavedesi yo dhamma desesi di-kalya majjhe-kalya pariyosna-kalya sttha sa-bayanjana kevala-paripua parisuddha brahma-cariya paksesi: tam aha bhagavanta abhipjaymi, tam aha bhagavanta siras nammi.

who explained the Dhamma fine in the beginning, fine in the middle, fine in the end;

who expounded the holy life both in its particulars & in its essence, entirely complete, surpassingly pure: I worship most highly that Blessed One, To that Blessed One I bow my head down.


Praise For Buddha's Teaching

Now let us give high praise to the Dhamma:

Handa maya dhammbhithuti karomase.


[Yo so svkkhto] bhagavat dhammo, sanditthiko akliko ehipassiko, opanayiko paccatta veditabbo vinyhi, tam aha dhamma abhipjaymi, tam aha dhamma siras nammi.

The Dhamma well-expounded by the Blessed One, to be seen here & now, timeless, inviting all to come & see, leading inward, to be seen by the wise for themselves:

I worship most highly that Dhamma,To that Dhamma I bow my head down.



Praise For The Sagha

Now let us give high praise to the Sagha:

Handa maya saghbhithuti karomase.


[Yo so supaipanno] bhagavato svaka-sagho, uju-paipanno bhagavato svaka-sagho, yya-paipanno bhagavato svaka-sagho, smci-paipanno bhagavato svaka-sagho, yad ida cattri purisa-yugni attha purisa-puggal; esa bhagavato svaka-sagho huneyyo phuneyyo dakkhieyyo anjali-karayo, anuttara punyakkhetta lokassa; tam aha sagha abhipjaymi, tam aha sagha siras nammi.

The Sagha of the Blessed Ones disciples who have practiced well, the Sagha of the Blessed Ones disciples who have practiced straightforwardly, the Sagha of the Blessed Ones disciples who have practiced methodically, the Sagha of the Blessed Ones disciples who have practiced masterfully, i.e., the four pairs the eight types of Noble Ones: That is the Sagha of the Blessed Ones disciples worthy of gifts, worthy of hospitality, worthy of offerings, worthy of respect, the incomparable field of merit for the world:

I worship most highly that Sagha, To that Sagha I bow my head down.

Salutation to the Triple Gem & Passage Expressing A Sense Of Urgency


Handa maya ratana-ttaya-ppama-gthyo c eva savega-vatthu-paridpaka-pha ca bhamase.

Now let us recite the stanzas in salutation to the Triple Gem together with the passage on the topics inspiring a sense of chastened dispassion:


Salutation To The Triple Gem


Buddho susuddho karu-mahaavo, Yo ccanta-suddhabbara-ya-locano, Lokassa pppakilesa-ghtako: Vandmi buddha aham darena ta. Dhammo padpo viya tassa satthuno, Yo magga-pkmata-bhedabhinnako, Lokuttaro yo ca tad-attha-dpano: Vandmi dhamma aham darena ta. Sagho sukhettbhyatikhetta-sanyito, Yo dinyha-santo sugatnubodhako, Lolappahno ariyo sumedhaso: Vandmi sagha aham darena ta. Icc evam ekantabhipjaneyyaka, Vatthuttaya vandayatbhisakhata, Punya may ya mama sabbupaddav, M hontu ve tassa pabhva-siddhiy.

The Buddha, well-purified, with ocean-like compassion, Possessed of the eye of knowledge completely purified, Destroyer of the evils & corruptions of the world: I revere that Buddha with devotion. The Teachers Dhamma, like a lamp, divided into Path, Fruition, & the Deathless, both transcendent (itself) & showing the way to that goal: I revere that Dhamma with devotion. The Sagha, called a field better than the best, who have seen peace, awakening after the one gone the good way, who have abandoned carelessness the noble ones, the wise: I revere that Sagha with devotion. By the power of the merit I have made in giving reverence to the Triple Gem worthy of only the highest homage, may all my obstructions cease to be.

Idha tathgato loke uppanno araha samm-sambuddho, Dhammo ca desito niyyniko upasamiko parinibbniko

Passage Expressing A Sense Of Urgency

Here, One attained to the Truth, Worthy & Perfectly Self-awakened, has appeared in the world, And Dhamma is explained, leading out (of Sasra), calming, tending

sambodhagm sugata-pavedito. Mayan ta dhamma sutv eva jnma: Jti pi dukkh jar pi dukkh maraam pi dukkha, soka-parideva-dukkha-domanassupys pi dukkh, Appiyehi sampayogo dukkho piyehi vippayogo dukkho yam p iccha na labhati tam pi dukkha. Sakhittena pac-updna-kkhandh dukkh, seyyathda: Rppdna-kkhandho, vedanpdna-kkhandho, sanypdna-kkhandho, sakhrpdna-kkhandho, vinypdna-kkhandho.

toward total Nibbna, going to self-awakening, declared by one who has gone the good way. Having heard the Dhamma, we know this: Birth is stressful, aging is stressful, death is stressful, Sorrow, lamentation, pain, distress, & despair are stressful, Association with things disliked is stressful, separation from things liked is stressful, not getting what one wants is stressful. In short, the five clinging-aggregates are stressful, Namely: Form as a clinging-aggregate, feeling as a clinging-aggregate, perception as a clinging-aggregate, mental processes as a clinging-aggregate, consciousness as a clinging-aggregate. So that they might fully understand this, the Blessed One, while still alive, often instructed his listeners in this way; many times did he emphasize this part of his admonition: "Form is inconstant, feeling is inconstant, perception is inconstant, mental processes are inconstant,

Yesa parinyya, dharamno so bhagav, eva bahula svake vineti; eva bhg ca pan assa bhagavato svakesu anussan, bahula pavattati: "Rpa anicca, vedan anicc, sany anicc, sakhr anicc,

vinya anicca, rpa anatt, vedan anatt, sany anatt, sakhr anatt, vinya anatt, sabbe sakhr anicc, sabbe dhamm anatt ti." Te1 maya, otimha jtiy jar-maraena, sokehi paridevehi dukkhehi domanassehi upysehi, dukkh oti dukkha-paret, "App eva nm imassa kevalassa dukkha-kkhandhassa antakiriy panyyethti!"

consciousness is inconstant, form is not-self, feeling is not-self, perception is not-self, mental processes are not-self, consciousness is not-self; all processes are inconstant, all phenomena are not-self." All of us, beset by birth, aging, & death, by sorrows, lamentations, pains, distresses, & despairs, beset by stress, overcome with stress, (consider),

"O, that the end of this entire mass of suffering & stress might be known!"

Cira-parinibbutam pi ta bhagavanta uddissa arahanta samm-sambuddha, saddh agrasm anagriya pabbajit. Tasmi bhagavati brahmacariya carma (bhikkhna sikkh-sjva-sampann).

Though the total Liberation of the Blessed One, the Worthy One, the Perfectly Self-awakened One, was long ago, we have gone forth in faith from home to homelessness in dedication to him. We practice that Blessed Ones holy life (fully endowed with the Bhikkhus training & livelihood). May this holy life of ours bring about the end of this entire mass of suffering

Ta no brahmacariya imassa kevalassa dukkhakkhandhassa

antakiriyya savattat ti.


& stress.

Cira-parinibbutam pi ta bhagavanta saraa gat, dhamma ca bhikkhu-sagha ca,

Though the total Liberation of the Blessed One, the Worthy One, the Perfectly

Self-awakened One, was long ago, we have gone for refuge in him, in theDhamma, & in the Bhikkhu Sagha, We attend to the instruction of the Blessed One, as far as our mindfulness & strength will allow, and we practice accordingly. May this practice of ours bring about the end of this entire mass of suffering & stress.

Tassa bhagavato ssana yath-sati yath-bala manasikaroma, anupaipajjma, s s no paipatti, imassa kevalassa dukkha-kkhandhassa antakiriyya savattat ti.


Reflection at the Moment (of Using the Requisites)

Handa maya takhaika-paccavekkhaa-pha bhamase: (ALL:) Paisakh yoniso cvara paisevmi, yvad eva stassa paightya, uhassa paightya, asa-makasa-vttapa-sirisapa-samphassna paightya, yvad eva hiri-kopina-paicchdan- attha. Paisakh yoniso piapta paisevmi, neva davya na madya na maanya na vibhsanya,
Considering it thoughtfully, I use the robe, simply to counteract the cold, to counteract the heat, to counteract the touch of flies, mosquitoes, wind, sun, & reptiles; Simply for the purpose of covering the parts of the body that cause shame. Considering it thoughtfully, I use alms food, not playfully, nor for intoxication, nor for putting on bulk, nor for beautification, Now let us recite the passage for reflection at the moment (of using the requisites):

yvad eva imassa kyassa hitiy ypanya vihisuparatiy brahmacariynuggahya, iti pura ca vedana paihakhmi, nava ca vedana na uppdessmi; ytr ca me bhavissati anavajjat ca phsuvihro c ti. Paisakh yoniso sensana paisevmi, yvad eva stassa paightya, uhassa paightya, asa-makasa-vttapa-sirisapa-samphassna paightya, yvad eva utu-parissaya-vinodana paisallnrmattha. Paisakh yoniso gilna-paccaya-bhesajja-parikkhra paisevmi, yvad eva uppannna veyybdhikna vedanna paightya, abypajjha-paramaty ti.

but simply for the survival & continuance of this body, for ending its afflictions, for the support of the holy life, (thinking,) thus will I destroy old feelings (of hunger) and not create new feelings (from overeating). I will maintain myself, be blameless, & live in comfort. Considering it thoughtfully, I use the lodging, simply to counteract the cold, to counteract the heat, to counteract the touch of flies, mosquitoes, wind, sun, & reptiles;

simply for protection from the inclemencies of weather and for the enjoyment of seclusion. Considering them thoughtfully, I use medicinal requisites for curing the sick,

simply to counteract any pains of illness that have arisen,


Offering Merit To The Devas

Let us recite the verse for dedicating merit:

Handa maya pattidna-gthyo bhanmase:


Ya devat santi vihra-vsin thpe ghare bodhi-ghare tahi tahi t dhamma-dnena bhavantu pjit sotthi karontedha vihra-maale. ther ca majjh navak ca bhikkhavo srmik dnapat upsak gm ca desa nigam ca issar sappa-bht sukhit bhavantu te. Jalbu-j ye pi ca aa-sambhav saseda-jt atha v' opaptik niyynika dhamma-vara paicca te sabbe pi dhukkhassa karontu sakhaya. thtu cira sata dhammo dhamma-ddhar ca puggal sagho hotu samaggo va atthya ca hitya ca amhe rakkhatu saddhammo sabbe pi dhammacrino vuhi samppueyyma dhamme ariyappavedite. Pasann hontu sabbe pi pino buddha-ssane samm dhra pavecchanto kle devo pavassatu vuhi-bhvya sattna samiddha netu medhani

May the devas dwelling in the temple, here and there in the stupa, the buildings, the Bodhi tree enclosure, be honored with the gift of Dhamma. May they bring about well-being here in the monastery. Elder, intermediate, and new monks, temple attendants, donors, lay followers; towns, cities, and principalities: may all sentient beings be happy. Whether born from a womb, from an egg, from slime, or spontaneously arising: may they all, in dependence on the foremost Dhamma for leading out, make an end to suffering and stress. May the Dhamma stand firm for long, along with those individuals who maintain it.

May the Sagha live in harmony, for our welfare and benefit. May the true Dhamma protect us, together with all who practice the Dhamma. May we flourish in the Dhamma taught by the Noble Ones. May all beings have faith in the Buddha's teaching. May rain fall in season, in moderate streams. May it lead the prosperous earth to the flourishing of living beings.

mt pit ca atraja nicca rakkhanti puttaka eva dhammena rjno paja rakkhantu sabbad.

Just as mother and father always protect their own children, In the same way may the government always protect its citizens with righteousness.

orgassa orgassa na orgart bat nii, karba jao kor samatarn, suung pra gammatarn, kor kanitta samadhi, uppachara samadhi, appanna samadhi, la vipassana yarn, jong bang gert mii, nai kanta santarn, korng karba jao, karba jao, ja tang satii wai, tii lom hai jai kao ork, hai jai kao ruu, hai jai ork ruu, saam hon la jet hon, rooy hon la pan hon, duay kwarm mai pramart, tang tair bat nii, pen ton pai terd ***************(sitting meditation)****************** ittang powanaa gammang nippanna paccayo hontu mei naccang kor pon anisong an gert jark garn suat mon powanaa, tii karba jao dai bam pen maa leaow nii, jong pen patjai dair pra nippaan, tiang tair dair terd, kor buun guuson an gerd jark garn suat mon powanaa, tii karba jao, dai jam rern maa leaow nii, jong pai banloo tuung, taan puu mii uuppakarra kuun tang lai, mii mardar bidar puu bang gert glao, korng karba jao pen ton, jong dai rap la seway pon, hai pon jark tuug,

hai dai tuung suug, tarm somkuan gair taana korng ton, tuuk tuuk tarn terd (Evenings) karba jao, kor tang satcha attitarn, kor aanuuparb heang buun guuson, tii karba jao dai bam pen maa leaow nai wan nii, mii garn tawwai tarn, racksaa sin, la jarern powanna, gratam pra gammatarn, jong pen pallawa patjai, pen nissai tarm song, hai gert pannyaa yarn, tang chart nii, chart naa, talord chart yaang ying, jon tuung kwarm pon tuuk, ker pra nipaan terd


Ida dna-kamma nibbna-paccayo hotu, no nicca; ida sla-kamma nibbna-paccayo hotu, no nicca; ida bhvan-kamma nibbna-paccayo hotu, no nicca.

Offering Merit (Northern Thai Style)

May this action (kamma) of giving be for us continuously a condition for Nibbna. May this action (kamma) of virtue be for us continuously a condition for Nibbna. May this action (kamma) of meditation be for us continuously a condition for Nibbna.

Ya kinci kusala kattabba kamma sabbehi katehi kata punya no anumodantu, suantu bhonto ye dev asami2 hne adhigat dghyuk sad hontu sabbasattna sukh attna pariharantu; mt-pit sukhit hontu dukkh pamucantu; sabbe tik sukhit hontu dukkh pamucantu; sabbe atik sukhit hontu dukkh pamucantu; sabbe pis sabbe yakkh sabbe pet sukhit hontu

Whatever wholesome action (kamma) will be done (by us), may they (the following beings) rejoice in the merit produced by all (these) deeds; listen, Lords! May the devas who stay at this place always have a long life, and live happily for themselves and (the benefit) of all beings May (my) mother & father be happy and liberated from all suffering. May all (my) relatives be happy and liberated from all suffering. May all (who are) not (my) relatives be happy and liberated from all suffering.

dukkh pamucantu; sabbe nakkhatt sukhit hontu dukkh pamucantu; sabbe dev sukhit hontu dukkh pamucantu; sabbe cariypajjhy sukhit hontu dukkh pamucantu; sabba-sampattna samijjhantu vo.

May all goblins, all demons and all ghosts be happy and liberated from all suffering. May all (beings of the) stars be happy and liberated from all suffering. May all devas be happy and liberated from all suffering. May all teachers & preceptors be happy and liberated from all suffering. May all (their) good fortune prosper.

"Buddho magala-sambhto" ...

Buddho magala-sambhto sambuddho dpa-d-uttamo buddha-magalam gamma sabba-dukkh pamucare. Dhammo magala-sambhto gambhro dudasso au dhamma-magalam gamma sabba-bhay pamucare.

"The Buddha has arisen due to good fortune" ...

The Buddha has arisen due to good fortune, he is fully awakened, a perfect lamp & island. Thanks to the blessing of the Buddhaone may get liberated from all suffering. The Dhamma has arisen due to good fortune, it is deep, difficult to see, & subtle. Thanks to the blessing of the Dhamma one may get liberated from all suffering.

Sagho magala-sambhto (vara-)dakkhieyyo anuttaro The Sagha has arisen due to good fortune, it is incomparable, worthy of (best) offerings. sagha-magalam gamma sabba-rog pamucare.
Thanks to the blessing of the Sagha one may get liberated from all suffering.



Asking For Forgiveness From The Triple Gems And All Devas
I revere the Buddha. Forgive me all my faults, Venerable Sir. I revere the Dhamma. Forgive me all my faults, Venerable Sir. I revere the Sagha. Forgive me all my faults, Venerable Sir. I revere (my spiritual) teachers, preceptor & teacher. Forgive me all my faults, Venerable Sir.

Vandmi buddha sabba me dosa khamatha me bhante; vandmi dhamma sabba me dosa khamatha me bhante; vandmi sagha sabba me dosa khamatha me bhante. Vandmi gurpajjhycariye sabba me dosa khamatha me bhante;

vandmi kamma-nyhna sabba me dosa khamatha me bhante; vandmi rme baddha-smya sabba me dosa khamatha me bhante;

I revere the meditation-object. Forgive me all my faults, Venerable Sir.

I revere the consecration ground in the monastery. Forgive me all my faults, Venerable Sir.

vandmi cetiya sabba sabba-nyhnesu patinyhit sarradhtu I revere every stupa [chedi], established in every place, (every) relic of the mah-bhodhi buddha-rpa sakkata1 sad ngaloke deva-loke brahma-loke jambu-dpe lak-dpe sarradhtuyo kes-dhtuyo arahanta-dhtuyo cetiya gandhakui catur-siti-sahassa-dhamma-kkhandhe sabbesa pda-cetiya aha vandmi sabbaso.
honored in the Nga world, Deva world & Brahma world, in India & Sri Lanka; bodily relics, hair relics & relics of Arahats, the stupa [chedi], the

perfumed room (occupied by the Buddha statue), the 84 000 chapters on

Dhamma and every footprint-shrine2, I revere them always. (Buddhas) body, (every) great Bodhi tree, (every) Buddha image, always

(PROSTRATE 3 TIMES)............ turn to face Ajarn and bow once more



Asking For Forgiveness From The Abbot

I revere you, Venerable Sir. May you forgive me all my guilt, Venerable Sir. May the master rejoice in the merit I have done. May the master transmit the merit to me, he has done. Well! Well! I rejoice in it.

Vandmi bhante; sabba apardha khamatha me bhante; may kata punya smin anumoditabba; smin kata punya mayha dtabba; sdhu sdhu Anumodmi.

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