Principle of Inheritance & Variations

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Principle of inheritance and variation DPP-08

1. If a progeny having genotype TtRr is selfed than (3) 4 X2 (4) 2 X 2

number of progeny with tall round phenotype out 9. In a trihybrid cross , a progeny is heterozygous at
of total progeny is - two gene loci is undergone test cross, than test
(1) 9/16 (2) 10/16 cross will give -
(3) 5/16 (4) 12/16 (1)1:1:1:1 (2) 1:1
2. If a progeny TtRr is selfed than number of progeny (3) 1:1:1:1:1:1:1:1:1 (4) none
with TtRr genotype is- 10. If a individual with AaBbCc crossed with recessive
(1) 9/16 (2) 10/16 parent give eight type of genotype than result
(3) 4/16 (4) 12/16 indicate-
3. A tall plant when crossed with recessive dwarf parent (1) complete linkage
give all tall then genotype of parent of that tall (2) independent assortment
plant is- (2) linkage
(1) TT x tt (2)TT x TT (4) all
(3) Tt X tt (4) Tt X tt 11.If a individual with AaBbCc crossed with recessive
4. If a plant with genotype TtRR(tall round) is test parent give two type of genotype which is similar
crossed than number of progeny with round seed to parental type than result indicate-
is - (1) independent assortment
(1) 100% (2) 50% (2) linkage
(3) 25% (4) none (3) no independent assortment
5. An allele is (4) both 2 and 3
(1)another word for gene 12. If a individual with genotype TtRr is crossed with
(2)homozygous genotype similar genotype and if both gene T and R is linked
(3) heterozygous genotype and crossing over not occur then probable
(4) one of the several possible forms of gene genotype is-
6. The idea that different pairs of alleles are passed to (1) TTRR,TtRR, TtRr,Ttrr (2) ttrr,ttRr,TtRr,TtRr
offspring independently is mendel’s principle- (3) TtRr,ttrr,TTRR (4) TtRr,ttrr,TTrr
(1)law of dominance 13. In a trihybrid cross result of test cross give
(2)segregation ratio 1:1 than which is true-
(3)independent assortment (1) heterozygous at only two gene loci
(4) none (2) heterozygous at only one gene loci
7. What type of genotype present most if progeny (3) heterozygous at all three gene loci but all three
double heterozygous TtRr is selfed - are linked gene and crossing over not seprate
(1) TTRR (2) TtRR them
(3) TtRr (4)Ttrr (4) all
8. What would be minimum dimensions of a punnett 14. A cross between AaBb with aabb give 700 parental
square of a test cross with a dihybrid parent who is type than percent of recombinant if total obtain
heterozygous at two gene loci progeny is 1000-
(1) 4 X 4 (2) 4 X 1 (1)30 % (2) 70 %

(3) 15% (4) 20% (1) 3:1:1:3 (2) 7:1:1:7

15. In a dihybrid test cross if number of parental type is (3) 15:1:1:15 (4) 1:15:15:1
greater than number of recombinant than – 24. If result of cross between TtRr with ttrr give ratio of
(1) presence of linkage progeny 1:3:3:1 than what does it implies–
(2) independent assortment (1) recombinant greater than 50 percent
(3)complete absence of crossing over (2) parental type less than 50 percent
(4) all (3) T and R located together cis
16. If linked genes are not seprate through crossing over (4)T and R are located as trans
than- 25. If result of cross between TtRr with ttrr give ratio of
(1) 100 %parental type (2) 50 % parental type progeny 1:7:7:1, then progeny with parental
(3) 50% recombinant (4) 100 % recombinant combination is-
17. If linked genes are seperated through crossing over (1) Ttrr and ttRr (2) TtRr and ttrr
than probable result is – (3) TtRr and Ttrr (4) ttRr and ttrr
(1) parental 50% 26. Result of dihybrid test cross TtRr x ttrr give progeny
(2)recombinant 50 % TtRr and ttrr is 250 out of 1000 than percentage of
(3)parental below 50% parental type is-
(4) recombinant below 50% (1) 75% (2) 25%
18. If in YyRr have complete linkage than probable (3) 50% (4)cannot be determined
result of test cross is- 27. ++/ab individual is test crossed with ab/ab give ratio
(1) 1:1 (2) no recombinant 3:1:1:3 , if total progeny is 100 than which is
(3) 100 % parental (4) all correct –
19. If in YyRr have incomplete linkage than probable (1) ++/ab is 25 progeny and ab/ab is 50 progeny
result of test cross can be - (2) ++/ab and ab/ab is 75 progeny
(1) 4:1:1:4 (3) +b/ab and a+/ab is 25 progeny
(2) recombinant less than 50% (4) both 2 and 3 correct
(3) more than 50 % parental 28. If distance between two linked gene A and B is 25
(4) all map unit than percentage of parental type is –
20 . If result of test cross is 3:1:1:3 in dihybrid , than (1) 75 percent (2) 25 percent
percentage of recombinant and parental type (3) 50 percent (4) 12 percent
respectively is- 29. If a cross between TtRr with ttrr give 125 progeny
(1) 25% and 75% (2) 50% and 50% with Ttrr genotype out of 1000 progeny than
(3) 25% and 50% (4) 25% and 60% distance between T and R is –
21 If RrTt undergo test cross give ratio of 7:1:1:7, than (1) 12.5 map unit (2) 125 map unit
number of progeny with Rrtt out of total progeny (3) 25 map unit (4) 50 map unit
is............ If total progeny is - 30. If a cross between TtRr with ttrr give 63 progeny
(1) 63 (2) 125 with ttRr genotype out of 1000 progeny than
(3) 250 (4) none distance between T and R is –
22. If result of cross between TtRr with ttrr give ratio of (1)12.5 centimorgan (2) 125 centimorgan
progeny 3:1:1:3 , and progeny obtained with Ttrr is (3) 25 morgan (4) 50 morgan
250 ,than total number of progeny is – 31 ++/ab individual is test crossed with ab/ab give ratio
(1) 1000 (2) 500 7:1:1:7 , than distance between two linked gene a
(3) 2000 (4) 4000 and b is-
23. If result of test cross of RrYy with rryy give number (1) 12.5 centimorgan (2) 25 centimorgan
of progeny with parental type is 9375 out of 10000 (3) 50 centimorgan (4) none
progeny than probable ratio obtained after cross is
– 32. A cross made between parent A and parent B

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which is dihybrid , give only two type of progeny unit calculate number of ++/ab individual.
round green and round yellow and if progeny A is
rryy then phenotype of progeny B is- 40 If +a/ab individual is 230 and b+/ab individual is 220
(1) RRYY (2) RrYy than calculate number of parental type and
recombinant individual out of total 500 individual
(3) Rryy (4) RRYy
.also give distance between two linked gene.
33. Consider the following statement in gamete
formation in dihybrid-
42.If ++/++ is wild type pure and ab/ab is recessive pure
(a) Segregation of two different allele of same
than give type of gamets and test cross of progeny
character occur in all condition except non-
and difference in gamets in parental type in cis and
trans configuration.
(b) independent assortment of allele of different
character can be prevented by linkage
Which of the following is correct-
(1) only a (2) only b
(3) both a and b (4) neither a and b
34. Three linked gene A,B,C are present in heterozygous
condition when crossed with similar genotype give
four different type of phenotype than this implies-
(1)complete linkage
(2)incomplete linkage
(3)can’t say
(4)independent assortment
35. Four linked genes P,Q,R,S are when present in
homozygous condition crossed with individual of
same genetic make up in heterozygous condition
give two different type of genotype, if we consider
there is no crossing over than which is correct-
(1) independent assortment occur in case of two
(2) no such result is possible without crossing over
(3) result is like selfing of monohybrid
(4) all of the above
36. Three genes X,y,Z are linked genes no crossing over
in diploid organism and present in heterozygous
condition crossed with similar genotype will give
how many different type of genotype-
(1) 9 (2) 6
(3) 3 (4) 16
37. If ++/++ individual is cross with recessive ab/ab than
F1 progeny is crossed with recessive parent and no
crossing over occur give type of genotype produce.

38. If ++/ab individual is test cross with recessive parent

than give type of recombinant.

39. If +a/ab individual is equal to b+/ab out of total 200

individual if linked gene have distance of 12 map

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Answer key - 30(1)


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