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This Leave & License Agreement is made at New Delhi on this day of


and residing at No.

Grantor of the License (hereafter referred to as
“LICENSOR(s)”), (which expression shall unless repugnant to the Law or expressly excluded by context be
deemed to be and to include their respective heirs, legal representatives, successors and assigns), of ONE


M/s. INSIDE TOWERS, a Company registered under the Companies Act, 1956, having its Registered Office
at Building No.8, Tower-B, DLF Cyber City, Gurugram-122 002 Haryana , represented by its Authorised
Signatory, hereinafter referred to as “LICENSEE(s)”, (which term or expression shall unless otherwise
excluded by or repugnant to the subject or context hereof be deemed to mean and include its successors,
group companies, subsidiaries and associates), of the OTHER PART.

The Licensor and Licensee are hereinafter collectively referred to as “the Parties” and severally
as “the Party”)

WHEREAS the LICENSOR(s) is the absolute, legal and bonafide owner/ co-owner and in possession
of the property and premises comprised in Survey No. & Patta No.
situated at with its roof
and terrace rights vide Registered Sale deed dated __ ___ under Doc. No. _
___ hereinafter referred to as the “Premises”)

AND WHEREAS the Licensee is Category-I (IP-1) infrastructure Provider vide registration obtained
from Department of Telecommunication, Ministry of Communications and is in the business
establishment and maintenance of granting the same on lease/ rent/ sale basis to various Telecom
Services providers;

AND WHEREAS For furtherance of its business interest, the Licensee is interested in obtaining
Premises from the Licensor on leave and license basis for the purpose of establishing, installing and
maintain Telecom Equipment/ Cell Site/ Tower and other permissible assets in order to provide the same
on lease/ rent/ sale basis to various and several Telecom Service Providers.

AND WHEREAS the LICENSOR(S) has agreed to permit and hereby permits the LICENSEE(s) the use
of the said plot of land/ roof and terrace of the Premises and the land/ premises appurtenant thereto
including common passages, corridors, staircases, lobbies etc. (hereinafter referred to as the “Licenses
Premises”) as mutually decided purely on leave and license basis to enter the Licensed Premises and to
bring in or upon the Licensed Premises all relevant and necessary telegraph appliances, apparatus,
equipments, lines, poles, generator etc. required for establishing, installing and maintaining telegraph
equipment/ cell site/ tower on the Licensed Premises. The total area utilized by the Licensee for the
installation of the telecom equipment/ cell site/ tower shall not be more than 500 sq. fts, on a combined



1.1 The LICENSOR(S) hereby grants to the LICENSEE(S) and the LICENSEE(S) hereby accepts from the
LICENSOR(S), a License to enter in or over or upon the Licensed Premises and to use the same at any time,
for the purposes of establishing, installing, maintaining, inspecting, repairing, altering or removing any
telegraph line or post or equipment, appliances, apparatus, etc. on the Licensed Premises under, over,
along, across, in or upon which the line or the post has been placed.

1.2 For avoidance of doubt, it is clarified that the LICENSOR(S) shall have a right at all times of ingress
and egress in the Licensed Premises but the LICENSOR(S) shall not in any way hinder or damage or
interfere with the operation of the Equipment/ Cell Site installed in the Licensed Premises.


This Agreement shall be operative for a period of Ten (10) Years commencing from the date of Agreement
and renewable for additional term periods upon mutual consent of both the Parties.


3.1 In consideration of the LICENSOR(S) permitting the LICENSEE(S) to use the Licensed Premises, the
LICENSEE(S) has agreed to pay LICENSOR(S) a license fee of Rs. per month. There will
be 10% increase in the license fee at the expiry of every year vide bank transfer on account of
It is clarified that the
license fee is compensation in terms of Section 10 9d) of Indian Telegraph Act, 1885 for the damages
caused to the Licensed Premises.

3.2 The payment of all Property taxes/ Municipal taxes and other taxes, levies dues, duties, charges
by whatever name called imposed by Central, State or Local Authorities including any increase thereon by
virtue of this Agreement that may be levied by the respective Government bodies/ authorities as well as
the charges for the permission to use common areas and facilities of the said building/ plot of land shall
be the responsibility of the Licensor(s). The payment of license fee shall be subject to the deduction of
income tax at source, if applicable. If any permission charges are to be paid on account of the said Cell
Site to the local authority/ies the same shall be paid by the LICENSEE(S)

3.3. The LICENSEE(S) shall also deposit with the LICENSOR(S) an interest free refundable security of
Rs. /- (Rupees Only) Equivalent to 7 to 10 year/s compensation. The
Security Deposit, lying in trust with the LICENSOR(S), shall be repaid to the LICENSEE(S) forthwith without
any protest or demur on the day of expiry or earlier determination of this Agreement without any
deductions there from, notwithstanding any disputes pending between the parties. In the event the
Licensor fails or neglects to refund to the LICENSEE(S) the said security deposit upon notice by the
LICENSEE(S) of termination of this Agreement or on expiry of the terms(s) as envisaged by this Agreement,
the license shall continue and the LICENSEE(S) shall not be under an obligation to pay any license fee or
any other charges as envisaged herein so long as the said security deposit remain unpaid. The total
security deposit shall be refundable through Demand Draft favoring the LICENSEE(S), payable at NEW

3.4. The license fee will be affected only after completion of work or a week from the date of
agreement or date of possession, whichever is later.


4.1 The LICENSOR(S) permits the LICENSEE(S) to install, establish, maintain and work on the Licensed
Premises, including but not limiting to the following:-

a) Transmission Tower/Poles of with multiple antennas;

b) Civil/Pre-fabricated equipment shelter;

c) Air Conditioners

d) DG Set upto 25KVA

e) Earthing connections as required and laying of the other cables to ground, lighting arrestor, and
aviation lamp, necessary cabling and connectivity to each antenna/ equipment, and space for
installation of electricity meter and power connectivity etc. The above are collectively referred to
as ”Equipment/ Cell Site”.

f) Guard room

g) Network equipment (such as Radios, batteries, antennas, cables etc.) of Telecom Operators to
whom the Licensee has leased the facilities.

4.2A. The Licensor hereby grants permission to the Licensee to lease the facilities for use of Telecom
Operators who have authorized license to provide telecom services in that service area

4.2B. The Licensor hereby grants permission to the Licensee, as well as to the Telecom Operators to
whom the Licensee has leased the facilities, to install Equipment, apparatus, appliances, generator, etc.
on the said Licensed Premises or such additional equipments etc. that may be required from time to time
at their own expenses and cost. The Licensor hereby grants unconditional and unrestricted permission to
the Licensee, as well as to the Telecom Operators to whom the Licensee has leased the facilities, to engage
the services of vendors, contractors, engineers, supervisors, workmen, employees, authorized personnel,
sub-contractors, security guards, caretakers etc. (hereinafter referred to as “Authorized
Representative/s” of the Licensee) at the Licensed Premises of the purpose pf installing, maintaining or
working on the Equipment / Cell Site. The Licensor hereby undertakes that he shall provide unhindered
ingress and egress, to the Licenses Premises, for the Authorized Representatives of the Licensee. The
Authorized Representatives of the Licensee shall be entitled to carry tools, tacPLIPT-1es, heavy machinery,
raw materials, cranes, anchorage equipment, winches, pulleys, ropes, scaffolding, brackets, clamps,
welding and cutting equipments etc. and to use the same on the Licensed Premises. The Licensor also
permits the Licensee to dig trenches, gutters, chambers and carry out all other plumbing, civil/ mechanical
and electrical works that are deemed necessary by the Licensee, for the installation of cell site/ equipment
etc. Licensor also permits the Licensee to use the facilities for display of logos, signages, glow signs,
hoardings etc. on the tower infrastructure at no extra cost.

4.3. The Licensee, as well as to the Telecom Operators to whom the Licensee has leased the facilities,
shall be entitled to carry out technical test and upgradation of the Equipment, appliance, multi-operator
usage and shall be entitled to modify, alter, remove or all or any of the equipment, appliances and/ or
apparatus, etc., that may be installed by the Licensee on the Licensed Premises, without paying any
additional compensation to the Licensor in that behalf and without taking any additional permission and/
or consent from the Licensor.

4.4. The LICENSEE(S) shall be entitled to carry out technical tests and up gradation of the Equipment,
appliance, apparatus, etc. on the Licensed Premises, for better communication and for multi-operator
usage and shall be entitled modify, alter, remove or add all or any of the Equipment, appliances and/ or
apparatus, etc. that may be installed by the LICENSEE(S) on the Licensed Premises, without paying any
additional compensation to the LICENSOR(S) in that behalf and without taking any additional permission
and/ or consent from the LICENSOR(S)

4.5 Based on the technical requirement, LICENSEE(S) is hereby permitted by the Licensor to change
the location of the Equipment of the Licensed Premises and to add to or remove the aforesaid appliances,
apparatus, equipments etc. The LICENSEE(S) is further permitted by the LICENSOR(S) to establish,
maintain, work, repair, transfer, shift, withdraw or disconnect the telegraph line, appliances or apparatus,
its electricity connection etc.

4.6. The LICENSOR(S) further permits the LICENSEE(S) and its Authorised Representatives to have
twenty four hours a day uninterrupted, unobstructed and unhindered access to the Licensed Premises
throughout the terms of this Agreement (including Sundays, National Holidays and other holidays), as the
services provided by the LICENSEE(S) are essential and are in public interest.

4.7. The LICENSOR(S) or any other person acting on his behalf or at his instructions or claiming under
him shall not in any manner create or cause to be created, any hindrance or obstruction or interference
or objection to such entry.

4.8. In case the LICENSOR(S) or any third party, claiming under him or not, causes any hindrance or
restriction or objects to the entry of the LICENSEE(S) and its Authorized Representatives, the LICENSEE(S)
shall intimate the LICENSOR(S) about the same. It is expressly agreed by the LICENSOR(S) that immediately
upon intimation by the LICENSEE(S), the LICENSOR(S) shall remove or cause to be removed all such
obstructions, hindrance, interference in the free ingress and egress of the LICENSEE(S), its Authorized
Representatives, does not make necessary arrangement to remove or cause to be removed such
hindrance, etc. immediately or within specified time, if any, the LICENSOR(S) shall be liable to pay losses
on actual, if any suffered by the LICENSEE(S) on account of the such hindrance, obstructions, etc.

4.9. The Licensee shall obtain a separate electric connection/s, at its own cost, (with separate meter)
in the name of the Licensee for its use, for the Licenses Premises. The Licensor shall render all necessary
assistance to the Licensee for the said purpose.

4.10. In the event any renovation, repair, construction/ demolition is required to be carry out on the
Licensed Premises, the LICENSOR(S) shall serve a notice in writing of its intention to commence such
renovation, repair, construction or demolition at least 30 days prior to such commencement, to the

The LICENSOR(S) and the LICENSEE(S) shall in good faith discuss and agree on the measures to be taken
by the Licensor for protection of the Equipment/ Cell Site during the said renovation, repair or
construction/ demolition. Any additional cost to be incurred for safeguarding the LICENSEE(S)’s
Equipment, installed the Licensed Premises, as a result of the said renovation, repaid or construction/
demolition shall be borne by the LICENSOR(S).

4.11. The LICENSOR(S) shall extend all co-operation and facilities to the LICENSEE(S) in obtaining all
clearances/ certificates/ permissions/ sanctions as may be required all statutory, government and
municipal authorities, time to time. The LICENSOR(S) shall provide from time to time, to the LICENSEE(S),
on demand, the necessary document/ applications, duly signed, to enable the LICENSEE(S) to apply for
and obtain necessary permissions & No Objection Certificates from all concerned authorizes, including
electricity board, and sign necessary authorization for the said purpose. In case the LICENSOR(S) is
required to appear before any authority for obtaining any permission, sanction, NOC etc. he shall appear
within a reasonable period or the scheduled time and at the appointed place, upon intimation being given
by the LICENSEE(S).

4.12. The Licensee shall take all reasonable steps so that the Equipment, appliances, apparatus,
materials, assets etc. of the Licensee in the Licensed Premises are protected. The Licensee shall be entitled
to post its own security guard at such place, on or around the Licensed Premises, as may be necessary.

4.13 The LICENSEE(S) shall not be responsible or liable in any manner whatsoever for any injury or
damage which may be caused to any person, allowed by the LICENSOR(S) or who otherwise enters the
Licensed Premises unauthorisedly.

4.14 The LICENSEE(S) shall ensure that no damage is caused to the Licensed Premises during the
installation of the Equipment and in case of damage, the same shall be repaired by the LICENSEE(S) at its

4.15 This Agreements is subject to structural stability of the Premises, in which Licensed Premises is
house, to withstand the load of the tower/ poles/ antennas/ Equipment etc. and in case the Licenses
Premises is not structurally stable, the LICENSEE(S) shall have the right to terminate this Agreement with
immediate effect.

4.16 To avoid any adverse effect or interference with the telegraph/ Cell Site and further to ensure
unobstructed operations, safety and security of any and/ or all of the Licensee’s Equipment, apparatus,
appliances etc. the Licensor shall obtain a No Objection Certificate from the Licensee before giving away
for usage or otherwise any other part of the Premises not in occupation of the Licensee to any entity
engaged in the business of communication, radio, telephone, paging VSAT, telegraph etc. or installing or
causing to install any hoarding/ neon sign or other structure etc. on the said part of the Premises.

4.17 The Licensor has unequivocally agreed to allow Licensee to have multi-operator arrangements/
agreements with various telecom operators and entities (hereinafter referred to as ‘Associates’ for the
sharing/ leasing, use of its Equipments etc. installed in the Licensed Premises. In accordance with the
arrangements such entities shall be entitled to put in their equipments in the Licensed Premises. For the
limited purposes of this Agreement, all such equipment shall be deemed to be the Equipment of the
Licensee. No additional permission shall be required nor any objection shall be raised by the Licensor, at
any point of time, for the above purpose, nor shall the Licensee be liable to pay any additional
compensation/ fees or other charges thereof.

4.18 The Licensor shall ensure that no hindrance is caused for any reason whatsoever during the
construction of the Cell Site and thereafter in provision of Services including uninterrupted, unobstructed
and unhindered access to the Licensed Premises at all times of the day to the Licensee/ its Authorized
Representatives; however, in case of any default on part of the Licensor to adhere to any of the above
conditions, the Licensee shall not be obliged to pay any license fees for the such period the said default
exists. The Licensor further hereby agrees to pay a minimum fixed sum of Rs.20,00,000/- (Rupees Twenty
Lakhs only) as quantified liquidated damages to the Licensee in case the Licensee is compelled to remove
its Cell Site/ Equipment from the Licensed Premises for any reason whatsoever attributable to the

4.19 The Licensee shall be entitled to have all rights and entitlements conferred upon an infrastructure
Provider Category-1 (IP-1) or any rules or regulations framed thereunder or by any other law.

4.20 The Licensor acknowledges that the service provided by the Licensee is an essential service and
that the Licensee shall be entitled to all the rights conferred by any law upon any provider of essential
service with respect to its Telegraph/ Cell Site.

4.21 The LICENSOR(S) shall not object the LICENSEE(S) or its authorized representatives from entering
the schedule premises for the purpose of installation, modification, replacement, addition to the
infrastructure as may be required by the LICENSEE(S) which may result in increase of load, maintenance
and operation of the equipment/s. In the event the LICENSEE(S) is unable to use/ operate/ install/ enter
upon the premises for a continuous period of more than 2 days, after delivery of a written notice by the
LICENSEE(S) to the LICENSOR(S) in that behalf, due to the default solely attributable to the LICENSOR(S) in
performing its obligations under this agreement or otherwise in respect of the Schedule Premises, the
LICENSEE(S) shall be entitled to liquidated damages in the sum of Rs.500/- (Rupees Five Hundred only) for
every day during which the default continues, after expiry of the notice period of 2 days and in addition
the LICENSEE(S) shall not be liable to pay the rent to the LICENSOR(S) during the period such default
continues. This is without prejudice to the LICENSEE(S)’s right to claim damages.

4.22 The LICENSOR(S) indemnifies and agrees to continue indemnifying the LICENSEE(S) for each and
all damage, action, proceedings etc. as the LICENSEE(S) may face or incur due to any direct or indirect act
or omission and/or any violation/ breach, of this Agreement or any Statutory Law, Rule, Bye-Law,
Notification or Direction issued by Central, State or Local Authorities, on part of LICENSOR(s)

4.23 The LICENSEE(S) shall keep indemnified the LICENSOR(S) only to the extent of Public Liability
Insurance Policy against any losses occasioned to the building or any person owing to any mishap/
accident pertaining to such telecommunication towers/ antennae etc. owing to any negligence
attributable to the LICENSEE(S), act of God being excepted.


5.1. The LICENSOR(S) has represented that the Licensed Premises is free from any encumbrances,
charge, lien or mortgage and no third party interest has been created thereupon. However, if at any time
during the subsistence of this Agreement any third party claims its right in any manner whatsoever, on
the Licensed Premises which prevent the use of the said Licensed Premises by the LICENSEE(S), the
LICENSOR(S) shall hold the LICENSEE(S) harmless of all such demands, claims, actions or proceedings
arising there from. In the event of any such claims etc. this Agreement shall be terminable at the options
of the LICENSEE(S) by giving seven days notice in writing to the LICENSOR(S).

5.2 The LICENSOR(S) represents and warrants that no officer, director, employee of the LICENSEE(S)
or immediate family member thereof was offered and received any thing of value of any kind from the
LICENSOR(S) or his/ her officers, directors, employees or agents in connection with this Agreement and
that no personnel of the LICENSEE(S) have any business relationship of any kind with the LICENSOR(S) or
his/ her officers, directors, employees or agents.


This Agreement is not intended to and does not create any right, title, Patta, Kabuliyat or Interest, in
favour of the LICENSEE(S), in respect of the Licensed Premises or any other part of the Licensed Premises,
either of a tenant, sub-tenant, joint or co-tenant or otherwise in or over or upon the Licensed Premises
or any part thereof. It is the express intention of the parties hereto that this Agreement creates a mere
license and the LICENSOR(S) shall not be construed as an Agreement of Lease. The Parties to the
Agreement shall not claim or be entitled to claim any Landlord tenant relationship between them. The
intention of the parties to create a license and any clause to the contrary shall be void ab-nitio.


The Licensee may, at any time hereafter, for any reason whatsoever, after giving six months’ notice
terminate this Agreement. During the term of this Agreement and upon termination of this Agreement,
the Licensor shall not claim any lien, charge or any other right on the Equipments, apparatus, appliances,
etc. installed by the Licensee in the Licensed Premises, who shall be entitled to remove it, without any
hindrance, obstruction and objection and after successful removal of all movable equipments, apparatus,
appliances, etc. shall leave the Licensed Premises on as is where is basis. Upon the notice of termination
being given, the Licensor shall not be entitled to any further monthly license fee, as aforementioned failing
which the Licensee shall be entitled to continue the license without the obligation to pay any license fee
or charges thereof until the security deposit is partially refunded.



Any notice or communication with reference to this Agreement unless otherwise specified herein, shall
be deemed to be validly sent if dispatched by registered post acknowledgement due to the other party at
the following addresses :-

If made to LICENSEE(S)

M/s. Inside Towers
Building No.8, Tower-B,
DLF Cyber City,
Gurugram-122 002 Haryana

If made to the LICENSOR(S)



The failure of either party to enforce at any time any of the provision of this Agreement shall not be
considered to be waiver of the right of such party thereafter to enforce each and every such provision.
Waiver, if any, shall be in writing, signed by the then duly authorized signatory of the concerned party.


If any provision of this Agreement is determined to be void or unenforceable under any law applicable for
the time being, such provisions shall be deemed amended or modified or deleted in so far as is reasonably
inconsistent with the provisions of this Agreement and to the extent necessary to conform to applicable
law and the remaining provisions of this agreement shall remain valid and enforceable in accordance with
these terms.


This Agreement along with all annexure thereto constitutes the entire agreement between the parties
and revokes and supersedes all previous discussions/ correspondence and arrangement/ agreements
between the parties, if any, concerning the matters covered herein whether written, oral or implied. This
Agreement shall not be changed or modified, except by amendment(s) in writing duly agreed to and
executed by both the parties hereto.


This Agreement shall construe in accordance with applicable laws of India and any dispute arising from
the subject matter of this Agreement shall be adjudicated in Court of competent jurisdiction at New Delhi.


The Licensee has/ may take, procure loans from third party or financial institution, bank etc. from time to
time by creating pledge and hypothecation over all the Equipment, apparatus etc. at the Licenses
Premises. The Licensor shall not have any claim, lien or charge on the Equipment, apparatus, either for
arrears, fees and compensation or otherwise. In respect of Equipment, apparatus etc. pledged and
hypothecated to such third party or financial institution etc. as by way of security for realization of the
loans, the Licensor agrees not to create any obstruction in the said third party or financial institution, Bank
etc. in exercising their rights under the loan Arrangement/ Agreement.


Neither Party shall be held responsible for any delay or failure in performance of any part of this
Agreement to the extent such delay nor is failure in performance of any part of this Agreement to the
extent such delay nor is failure in performance caused by fire, flood, war, embargo, governmental
directions or orders by civil or military authority or any Act of God.

This Agreement is a culmination of the discussions and negotiations between the parties and constitutes
the final bargain between them and all rights and obligations with respect to the Licensed Premises shall
be governed only by this Agreement No offer, counter offer or communication made or exchanged
between the parties, contrary to or inconsistent herewith, prior to this Agreement shall bind the parties.





This is to certify that M/s. Inside Towers/ Licensee(s) has been permitted to dig 2 earth pits at the

distance 3 meter for laying earth for the safety equipment installed at the premises comprised in Survey

No. & Patta No. situated at


We, and residing at

, do hereby certify that I have No

Objection if Municipal Corporation or any other Authorities accord approval for installation of Cell Site in

the name of my/our LICENSEE(S) M/s. Inside Towers , for the premises comprised in Survey No.

& Patta No. situated at



Mr. and residing at No.

herein after referred to as the


M/s. Inside Towers, having its, Office at Building No.8, Tower-B, DLF Cyber City, Gurugram-122
002 Haryana represented by its Authorized Signatory, hereinafter referred to as LICENSEE(S), (which
term or expression shall unless otherwise excluded by or repugnant to the subject or context hereof be
deemed to mean and include its successors, group companies, subsidiaries and associates), of the OTHER

S.No. Particulars Details

1. Address of Premises
2. Monthly License Fee
3. Security Deposit
4. Escalation
5. Date of commencement of
6. Duration _____ Years
7. Provisions to be made by
8. Payment to be transferred
on account of




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