Neonatal Hypotonia

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Neonatal hypotonia is defined as CLINICAL PRESENTATION

poor tone in the muscles of the
trunk, limbs and/or face. This
“Floppy but strong” “Floppy but weak”
means that the muscles provide
little resistance when passively q Hypotonic posture but may q Frog-leg posture
moved. Hypotonia can be
respond to external stimuli q Reflexes may be normal or
categorized as central or peripheral
(see clinical presentation). It can
with appropriate power hyporeflexive
also be categorized as axial or q Reflexes normal or hyper- q Diffusely low muscle bulk
truncal, predominantly affecting the reflexive and/or congenital contractures
neck and spinal muscles; q Alertness and consciousness
q Often show other CNS
appendicular, affecting are preserved
predominantly the extremities; or abnormalities: decreased level
q Symmetrical or asymmetrical
global. It may be identified early in of consciousness, seizures,
pattern of weakness
life when the newborn is unable to apnea, feeding difficulties, and
obtain a normal posture during head shape abnormalities
movement or at rest. q +/- Dysmorphic features


q Timing and progression of hypotonia: acute vs chronic Acute Chronic
q Prenatal history: abnormalities on US
(polyhydramnios), chromosomal abnormalities, drug Systemic illness Genetic conditions
exposures, infections during pregnancy, gestational q Sepsis/infection (ie. q Prader-Willi syndrome
meningitis) q Down syndrome
diabetes, hypertension, fetal movements.
q Birth history: gestational age, mode of delivery, Metabolic conditions Neurological disorders
forceps/vacuum, resuscitation, previous p9regnancies q Hypokalemia q Central
q Systemic illness: GBS status, prolonged rupture of q Hypophosphatemia q Hypoxic-ischemic
membranes, maternal fever, electrolyte abnormalities q Hypocalcemia encephalopathy
q Genetic causes: family history, especially neurological q Hypo/hypernatremia q Malformations of
brain development
Genetic conditions q Intracranial bleeds
PHYSICAL EXAM q Prader-Willi syndrome or strokes
q Down syndrome
q General Appearance: Vital signs, level of q Peripheral
q Spinal muscular
consciousness, signs of systemic illness, contractures
q Skin: rashes, jaundice, cyanosis
q Myasthenia gravis
q HEENT: dysmorphic features q Congenital
q Neuro: fasciculations, CN exam, primitive and distal myopathies or
reflexes, observe spontaneous movements muscular
q Horizontal and vertical suspension, traction response dystrophies


q Palmar grasp (a) q Galant (f) Guided by history and physical.
q Plantar grasp (b) q Landau (g) Systemic illness: septic workup, lytes, LFTs, ammonia, lactate
q Rooting (c) q Parachute (h) Neurologic causes: MRI brain +/- EEG; CK,
q Moro (d) q Positive support (i) electromyography/nerve condition study, muscle biopsy.
q Asymmetric tonic q Placing and Genetic/metabolic: karyotype and microarray analysis, genetic
neck (e) stepping (j) testing for specific disorders, newborn metabolic screen and further
*See note on Primitive Reflexes for more information. metabolic testing as indicated.

(a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) (j)

Published March, 2021

Morgan Gregg (Medical Student, University of Alberta) and Dr. Nicole Anderson (Neonatal-Perinatal Fellow,
University of Alberta) for

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