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This fact sheet explains how windows impact on a home's energy performance and the different
types that can be used in Nationwide House Energy Rating Scheme (NatHERS) assessments.

Window Performance Figure 2

Windows alter the energy efficiency of a home’s design

through two heat transfer mechanisms: conduction and He
in (
solar heat gain. C)
Solar Heat = 500 W/m
(Solar heat will vary depending on Transmitted
Conduction is expressed as a ‘U-value’ and is a measure of location, orientation and season)
the rate that non-solar heat is lost or gained through the
window unit. The lower the U-value, the greater a window’s
resistance to heat flow and the better its ability to insulate.
Exterior Temperature - 30
Solar heat gain coefficient (SHGC) is a measure of how Interior Temperature - 20

readily heat from direct sunlight flows through a window Conductive Heat (U-Value)
system. SHGC is expressed as a number between 0 and 1.
The lower a window’s SHGC, the less solar heat it transmits.

Types of glass
There are four categories of glass in NatHERS software tools:
Source: Australian Window Association
• Clear glass.
• Tinted glass: This glass is best used to reduce solar heat
gain in hot climates.
• High-solar-transmittance/gain (low-e) glass: This
Double and triple glazing
glass is normally used in cool climates. The high solar Double and triple glazing (also sometimes referred to as
transmittance means it will allow solar heat gain through insulated glass units (IGUs)) are made from multiple panes
in winter and the low-e reduces heat loss from the of glass. The panes may be the same or different types of
interior. glass. The gaps between panes may be filled with air, argon
• Low-solar-transmittance/gain (low-e) glass: This glass is or krypton gas. The performance of double glazing is
normally used in hot climates. The low solar improved when the air fill is replaced with argon. Argon is a
transmittance means that it will reduce solar heat gain denser gas and is used to reduce heat loss in IGUs by slowing
through in summer and the low-e reduces heat gain into down convection inside the air space. It works efficiently
the interior. with low-e glazing. July 2019 - ENR026.0717

Types of NatHERS Windows Default Windows
In NatHERS software tools there are two different groups of There are 136 default windows to choose from in the
windows available for use to establish a rating: NatHERS software, comprising six frame types and
12 glazing types. The full list is provided in Table 1. The
1. Custom Windows: The custom windows ‘library’ default windows were developed by analysing the windows
consists of windows that are actual windows available in the AFRC database for frame types, glazing combinations
on the market in Australia. This library is managed and and window or door operating type, to generate a selection
provided to NatHERS software tool developers by the of representative windows.
Australian Fenestration Rating Council (AFRC), who
have been tested and approved the windows using AFRC Default window groups
protocols. If a custom window is used in a NatHERS
assessment, it will be displayed on the Universal Default windows are divided into two groups (A and B),
Certificate and can be checked off for compliance. which represent window operating type and style. These
2. Default Windows: Default windows are a group of groups are important because windows in group A have
statistically-derived windows that can be used when different frame fractions (the proportion of frame to glass
full information about the windows that will be used in a window) than windows in group B. For each default
in the home are not available at the time of rating. If a window, representative performance values (U and SHGC)
default window is used in a NatHERS assessment, an were created and are listed in Table 1.
allowable tolerance for the U-value and SHGC value
will be shown on the Universal Certificate and the final • Group A is for windows and doors with a larger frame
window product will need to conform within that range fraction including: awning windows; bifold windows
to be compliant. and doors; casement windows; tilt’n’turn windows; entry
doors; french doors; and hinged doors. (Figure 2)

Custom Windows Figure 2

There are over 10,000 custom windows in NatHERS
software tools. Each custom window is a unique product Awning Casement Bifold Tilt’n’turn

with specific performance values for the frame material,

operating type and glazing. Access to the custom windows
library gained by successfully completing an approved course
or training.

Each custom window consists of a 9 digit alpha-numeric

code, comprising:
• the manufacturer’s three letter abbreviated name
• three numerals for the frame type
• two numerals for the glazing type sequence number
Hinged or entry door Bifold doors French doors
• one letter for the frame material code.

AAA-111-01 A

Manufacturer Code Glazing Sequence

Frame Type

Each code is unique to the frame, operating type, glazing

and manufacturer.

Please note that this code is for NatHERS software tool

identification only and is not a code used to order windows
from a builder or window supplier. ENR026.0717
• Group B is for windows and doors with a smaller The next three digits of the window code represents the
frame fraction including: fixed windows; double hung group the default window is assigned to, the type of glazing
windows; louvre windows; sliding windows and doors; (single or double glazing) and the type of air gap
and stacker doors. (Figure 3) (air or argon):

Figure 3 001 Group A single glazing

Fixed Double Hung Louvre Sliding

002 Group B single glazing

003 Group A double glazing with air fill

004 Group B double glazing with air fill

005 Group A double glazing with argon fill

006 Group B double glazing with argon fill

Sliding door
The last two digits indicate the coating of the glass:
Stacker doors

01 clear

02 tint

03 high solar gain low-E (HSG low-e)

04 low solar gain low-E (LSG low-e)

The last letter is used by the NatHERS software tool

Default window codes when calculating the frame material in the rating
simulation process.
Default window codes are built in to NatHERS software.
Each default window has a code consisting of three letters, A aluminium frame with no thermal break
five digits and an additional letter. B aluminium frame with thermal break
Please note that this code is for NatHERS software tool I composite frame
identification only and is not a code used to order windows from
a builder or window supplier. W uPVC, timber or fibreglass frame

The first three letters of the window code represent the For example, a window with an aluminium frame and
material of the default window: Group A single clear glazing would have a code of
ALM-001-01-A, and a timber awning window with double
ALM aluminium glazing and argon fill with high solar low-e would have a
ATB aluminium thermally broken code of TIM-005-03-W.

CMP composite

TIM timber

uPVC unplasticised polyvinyl chloride

FIB fibreglass ENR026.0717
The following table lists all the current default windows.

Table 1 Listing of all current default windows

Type Code Frame Glazing Uw SHGCw
Aluminium ALM-001-01 A Aluminium A Clear 6.7 0.57
Group A single ALM-001-02 A Aluminium A Tint 6.6 0.41
ALM-001-03 A Aluminium A HSG low-e 5.4 0.49
ALM-001-04 A Aluminium A LSG low-e 5.6 0.36
Aluminium ALM-002-01 A Aluminium B Clear 6.7 0.7
Group B single ALM-002-02 A Aluminium B Tint 6.6 0.49
ALM-002-03 A Aluminium B HSG low-e 5.4 0.58
ALM-002-04 A Aluminium B LSG low-e 5.6 0.41
Aluminium ALM-003-01 A Aluminium A DG Clear/air fill/clear 4.8 0.51
Group A double ALM-003-02 A Aluminium A DG Tint/air fill/clear 5.2 0.35
glazing air fill
ALM-003-03 A Aluminium A DG HSG low-e/air fill/clear 4.3 0.47

ALM-003-04 A Aluminium A DG LSG low-e/air fill/clear 4.9 0.33

Aluminium ALM-004-01 A Aluminium B DG Clear/air fill/clear 4.8 0.59
Group B double ALM-004-02 A Aluminium B DG Tint/air fill/clear 5.2 0.39
glazing air fill
ALM-004-03 A Aluminium B DG HSG low-e/air fill/clear 4.3 0.53
ALM-004-04 A Aluminium B DG LSG low-e/air fill/clear 4.9 0.33
Aluminium ALM-005-01 A Aluminium A DG Clear/argon fill/clear 4.5 0.5
Group A double ALM-005-02 A Aluminium A DG Tint/argon fill/clear 5.1 0.32
glazing argon fill
ALM-005-03 A Aluminium A DG HSG low-e/argon fill/clear 4.1 0.47
ALM-005-04 A Aluminium A DG LSG low-e/argon fill/clear 4.8 0.34
Aluminium ALM-006-01 A Aluminium B DG Clear/argon fill/clear 4.5 0.61
Group B double ALM-006-02 A Aluminium B DG Tint/argon fill/clear 5.1 0.36
glazing argon fill
ALM-006-03 A Aluminium B DG HSG low-e/argon fill/clear 4.1 0.52
ALM-006-04 A Aluminium B DG LSG low-e/argon fill/clear 4.8 0.34
Aluminium ATB-003-01 B Aluminium TB A DG Clear/air fill/clear 3.6 0.47
thermally broken ATB-003-02 B Aluminium TB A DG Tint/air fill/clear 3.6 0.23
Group A double
ATB-003-03 B Aluminium TB A DG HSG low-e/air fill/clear 3.1 0.39
glazing air fill
ATB-003-04 B Aluminium TB A DG LSG low-e/air fill/clear 3.1 0.27
Aluminium thermally broken

Aluminium ATB-004-01 B Aluminium TB B DG Clear/air fill/clear 3.6 0.54

thermally broken ATB-004-02 B Aluminium TB B DG Tint/air fill/clear 3.6 0.3
Group B double
ATB-004-03 B Aluminium TB B DG HSG low-e/air fill/clear 3.1 0.49
glazing air fill
ATB-004-04 B Aluminium TB B DG LSG low-e/air fill/clear 3.1 0.27
Aluminium ATB-005-01 B Aluminium TB A DG Clear/argon fill/clear 3.5 0.47
thermally broken ATB-005-02 B Aluminium TB A DG Tint/argon fill/clear 3.4 0.32
Group A double
glazing argon fill ATB-005-03 B Aluminium TB A DG HSG low-e/argon fill/clear 2.9 0.44
ATB-005-04 B Aluminium TB A DG LSG low-e/argon fill/clear 3 0.27
Aluminium ATB-006-01 B Aluminium TB B DG Clear/argon fill/clear 3.5 0.64
thermally broken ATB-006-02 B Aluminium TB B DG Tint/argon fill/clear 3.4 0.4
Group B double
glazing argon fill ATB-006-03 B Aluminium TB B DG HSG low-e/argon fill/clear 2.9 0.51
ATB-006-04 B Aluminium TB B DG LSG low e/argon fill/clear 3 0.26 ENR026.0717
Composite CMP-001-01 I Composite A Clear 5.9 0.57
Group A single CMP-001-02 I Composite A Tint 6.2 0.41
CMP-001-03 I Composite A HSG low-e 4.6 0.36
CMP-001-04 I Composite A LSG low-e 4.6 0.36
Composite CMP-002-01 I Composite B Clear 5.9 0.65
Group B single CMP-002-02 I Composite B Tint 6.2 0.45
CMP-002-03 I Composite B HSG low-e 3.7 0.61
CMP-002-04 I Composite B LSG low-e 4.6 0.46
Composite CMP-003-01 I Composite A DG Clear/air fill/clear 3.9 0.51
Group A double CMP-003-02 I Composite A DG Tint/air fill/clear 3.9 0.32
glazing air fill
CMP-003-03 I Composite A DG HSG low-e/air fill/clear 3.4 0.47

CMP-003-04 I Composite A DG LSG low-e/air fill/clear 3.4 0.32

Composite CMP-004-01 I Composite B DG Clear/air fill/clear 3.9 0.59
Group B double CMP-004-02 I Composite B DG Tint/air fill/clear 3.9 0.37
glazing air fill
CMP-004-03 I Composite B DG HSG low-e/air fill/clear 3.4 0.53
CMP-004-04 I Composite B DG LSG low-e/air fill/clear 3.4 0.33
Composite CMP-005-01 I Composite A DG Clear/argon fill/clear 3.9 0.5
Group A double CMP-005-02 I Composite A DG Tint/argon fill/clear 3.9 0.33
glazing argon fill
CMP-005-03 I Composite A DG HSG low-e/argon fill/clear 3.2 0.46
CMP-005-04 I Composite A DG LSG low-e/argon fill/clear 2.2 0.32
Composite CMP-006-01 I Composite B DG Clear/argon fill/clear 3.9 0.63
Group B double CMP-006-02 I Composite B DG Tint/argon fill/clear 3.9 0.4
glazing argon fill
CMP-006-03 I Composite B DG HSG low-e/argon fill/clear 3.2 0.49
CMP-006-04 I Composite B DG LSG low-e/argon fill/clear 2.2 0.39
Fibreglass Group FIB-001-01 W Fibreglass A Clear 5.4 0.56
A single glazing FIB-001-02 W Fibreglass A Tint 5.4 0.41
FIB-001-03 W Fibreglass A HSG low-e 4.3 0.42
FIB-001-04 W Fibreglass A LSG low-e 3.7 0.35
Fibreglass Group FIW-002-01 W Fibreglass B Clear 5.4 0.63
B single glazing FIW-002-02 W Fibreglass B Tint 5.4 0.49
FIW-002-03 W Fibreglass B HSG low-e 4.3 0.5
FIW-002-04 W Fibreglass B LSG low-e 3.7 0.38
Fibreglass Group FIB-003-01 W Fibreglass A DG Clear/air fill/clear 3 0.48
A double glazing FIB-003-02 W Fibreglass A DG Tint/air fill/clear 2.9 0.33
air fill
FIB-003-03 W Fibreglass A DG HSG low-e/air fill/clear 2.3 0.26

FIB-003-04 W Fibreglass A DG LSG low-e/air fill/clear 2.3 0.19

Fibreglass Group FIB-004-01 W Fibreglass B DG Clear/air fill/Clear 3 0.56
B double glazing FIB-004-02 W Fibreglass B DG Tint/air fill/Clear 2.9 0.42
air fill
FIB-004-03 W Fibreglass B DG HSG low-e/air fill/clear 2.3 0.32
FIB-004-04 W Fibreglass B DG LSG low-e/air fill/clear 2.3 0.25
Fibreglass Group FIB-005-01 W Fibreglass A DG Clear/argon fill/clear 2.6 0.5
A double glazing FIB-005-02 W Fibreglass A DG Tint/argon fill/clear 2.5 0.25
argon fill
FIB-005-03 W Fibreglass A DG HSG low-e/argon fill/clear 2 0.25
FIB-005-04 W Fibreglass A DG LSG low-e/argon fill/clear 2 0.18
Fibreglass Group FIW-006-01 W Fibreglass B DG Clear/argon fill/clear 2.6 0.53
B double glazing FIW-006-02 W Fibreglass B DG Tint/argon fill/clear 2.5 0.28
argon fill
FIW-006-03 W Fibreglass B DG HSG low-e/argon fill/clear 2 0.31
FIW-006-04 W Fibreglass B DG LSG low-e/argon fill/clear 2 0.23 ENR026.0717
uPVC Group A PVC-001-01 W uPVC A Clear 5.4 0.56
single glazing PVC-001-02 W uPVC A Tint 5.4 0.41
PVC-001-03 W uPVC A HSG low-e 4.3 0.42
PVC-001-04 W uPVC A LSG low-e 3.7 0.35
uPVC Group B PVC-002-01 W uPVC B Clear 5.4 0.63
single glazing PVC-002-02 W uPVC B Tint 5.4 0.49
PVC-002-03 W uPVC B HSG low-e 4.3 0.5
PVC-002-04 W uPVC B LSG low-e 3.7 0.38
uPVC Group A PVC-003-01 W uPVC A DG Clear/air fill/clear 3 0.48
double glazing PVC-003-02 W uPVC A DG Tint/air fill/clear 2.9 0.33
air fill
PVC-003-03 W uPVC A DG HSG low-e/air fill/clear 2.3 0.26
PVC-003-04 W uPVC A DG LSG low-e/air fill/clear 2.3 0.19

uPVC Group B PVC-004-01 W uPVC B DG Clear/air fill/clear 3 0.56

double glazing PVC-004-02 W uPVC B DG Tint/air fill/clear 2.9 0.42
air fill
PVC-004-03 W uPVC B DG HSG low-e/air fill/clear 2.3 0.32
PVC-004-04 W uPVC B DG LSG low-e/air fill/clear 2.3 0.25
uPVC Group A PVC-005-01 W uPVC A DG Clear/argon fill/clear 2.6 0.5
double glazing PVC-005-02 W uPVC A DG Tint/argon fill/clear 2.5 0.25
argon fill
PVC-005-03 W uPVC A DG HSG low-e/argon fill/clear 2 0.25
PVC-005-04 W uPVC A DG LSG low-e/argon fill/clear 2 0.18
uPVC Group B PVC-006-01 W uPVC B DG Clear/argon fill/clear 2.6 0.53
double glazing PVC-006-02 W uPVC B DG Tint/argon fill/clear 2.5 0.28
argon fill
PVC-006-03 W uPVC B DG HSG low-e/argon fill/clear 2 0.31
PVC-006-04 W uPVC B DG LSG low-e/argon fill/clear 2 0.23
Timber Group A TIM-001-01 W Timber A Clear 5.4 0.56
single glazing TIM-001-02 W Timber A Tint 5.4 0.41
TIM-001-03 W Timber A HSG low-e 4.3 0.42
TIM-001-04 W Timber A LSG low-e 3.7 0.35
Timber Group B TIM-002-01 W Timber B Clear 5.4 0.63
single glazing TIM-002-02 W Timber B Tint 5.4 0.49
TIM-002-03 W Timber B HSG low-e 4.3 0.5
TIM-002-04 W Timber B LSG low-e 3.7 0.38
Timber Group A TIM-003-01 W Timber A DG Clear/air fill/clear 3 0.48
double glazing TIM-003-02 W Timber A DG Tint/air fill/clear 2.9 0.33
air fill
TIM-003-03 W Timber A DG HSG low-e/air fill/clear 2.3 0.26

TIM-003-04 W Timber A DG LSG low-e/air fill/clear 2.3 0.19

Timber Group B TIM-004-01-W Timber B DG Clear/air fill/clear 3 0.56
double glazing TIM-004-02 W Timber B DG Tint/air fill/clear 2.9 0.42
air fill
TIM-004-03 W Timber B DG HSG low-e/air fill/clear 2.3 0.32
TIM-004-04 W Timber B DG LSG low-e/air fill/clear 2.3 0.25
Timber Group A TIM-005-01 W Timber A DG Clear/argon fill/clear 2.6 0.5
double glazing TIM-005-02 W Timber A DG Tint/argon fill/clear 2.5 0.25
argon fill
TIM-005-03 W Timber A DG HSG low-e/argon fill/clear 2 0.25
TIM-005-04 W Timber A DG LSG low-e/argon fill/clear 2 0.18
Timber Group B TIM-006-01 W Timber B DG Clear/argon fill/clear 2.6 0.53
double glazing TIM-006-02 W Timber B DG Tint/argon fill/clear 2.5 0.28
argon fill
TIM-006-03 W Timber B DG HSG low-e/argon fill/clear 2 0.31
TIM-006-04 W Timber B DG LSG low-e/argon fill/clear 2 0.23 ENR026.0717

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