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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education




1. What is the process of arranging an organization’s structure and coordinating its managerial
practices and use of resources to achieve its goals.
a. Organizing
b. Commanding
c. Directing
d. Planning

2. It is a function of Management that ensures that everything is carried according to plan.

a. Organizing
b. Commanding
c. Controlling
d. Planning

3. What directing function of management implies to the choice below?

A. Planning
B. Leading
C. Staffing
D. Motivation

4. What directing function of management implies to the choice below?

A. Planning
B. Leading
C. Staffing
D. Motivation
5. Which of the following is CORRECT about organizational effectiveness?
a. Successful organizations focus on the goal approach
b. One indicator of effectiveness is efficiency
c. Ability to acquire raw materials at a low cost is a measure of the strategic constituents
d. Internal process approach focuses on the human relation approach

6. Why do you think management is a science?

a. Because it is systemetized body of knowledge
b. Because it is a pure science
c. Because it implies application of knowledge and skill trying to have a desired output.
d. Because it deals with human being

7. Jhen operates a travel agency. She has 20 people in her business. However when one is
absent in other department. The other person will do the job to finished the work even if it is
not her assigned task Jhen’s business? What action would you take to make the management
achieve its mission and vision?
a. Planning
b. Organizing
c. Controlling
d. Leading

8. What action in Management Function does Planning serves?

a. it identifies and select the company’s goals and determine the corresponding courses of
action in order to achieve them.
b. It helps the company achieve its objectives by influencing their subordinates to perform.
c. It measures actual performance with pre-determined standards.
d. It refers to recruiting, training and developing personnel.

9. What action would you take as a Manager to be an outstanding Manager?

a. Lead by an example
b. Manage the creation of solutions over finding fault
c. Build the confidence among your people
d. All of the above are correct

10. Which of the following is not a characteristic of an organization?

a. Coordination of Effort
b. Common Goal or Purpose
c. Hierarchy of Authority
d. Perfection through Practice

11. What is the central element in the management process which requires minimum amount
of resources to be used in order to achieve organizational goals?
A. Accuracy
B. Effectiveness
C. Planning
D. Staffing

12. Who was the Father of Scientific Theory?

a. Elton Mayo
b. Henry Fayol
c. Frederick Taylor
d. Max Weber

13. What is the process of recruiting, placing, training and developing personnel?
a. Controlling
b. Directing
c. Organizing
d. Staffing

14. Which describe best a management?

a. Successful organizations focus on the goal approach
b. One indicator of effectiveness is efficiency
c. Ability to acquire raw materials at a low cost is a measure of the strategic constituents
d. Internal process approach focuses on the human relation approach

15. Teamwork is needed in order to achieve the goal of organization. What principle of
management is needed?
a. Centralization
b. Equity
c. Esprit de Corps
d. Scalar Chain

16. What would the result be if a management will use Bureaucratic Theory?
a. It will acknowledged the need for flexibility among managers and for recognizes ways of
motivating groups and individuals
b. It will improve productivity that laid the foundation for the human relations
c. It will have an overall management of an organization, emphasizing the roles of. managers
and administrators
d. It will have well defined line of authority that the rules and regulations will strictly follows

17. A team meeting was held in an organization. The team leader gave some suggestions
regarding improvements to the current project plan. These suggestions, however, require an
employee to lead a team on a challenging task. One eager team member volunteered himself
for the task and promised to do his best to accomplish it.
a. Authority and responsibility
b. Centralization
c. Esprit de corps
d. Initiative

18. What Management Theories would you take if you believe that forcing people to waork
hard is not the best way to optimized result but providing an economic incentive to the worker
to produce high productivity?
a. Administrative Management Theory.
b Bureaucratic Theory
c. Scientific Management Theory.
d. Systems management theory

19. Why do lower level managers have a more interpersonal role than the higher levels of
a. They work most closely with the general workforce.
b. hey must work closely with upper management.
c. They must interact often with the media.
d.They are most responsible for achieving organizational goals.

20. Which of the following is not a Taylor Management Principles?

a. Develop a science for each element of an individual’s work, which will replace the
old rule-of-thumb method.
b. Divide work and responsibility almost equally between management and workers.
c. Heartily cooperate with the workers so as to ensure that all work is done in accordance with
the principles of the science that has been developed.
d. Managers should look into the needs of their employees.

21. What role does a manager need in order to perform effective communication?
a. Interpersonal
b. Personal
C. Decisional
d.. Impersonal

22. Motivation is related to what function?

a. Planning
b. Organizing
c. Leading
d. Controlling
23. Which of the following would be included in the controlling function?
a. Measuring results against organizational objective
b. Explaining routines
c. Setting standards
d. Giving assignments

24. Where do Supervisory manager spend most of their time?

a. Planning and Controlling
b. Directing and controlling
c. Planning and organizing
d. Organizing and Controlling

25. Shirley the shop clerk is upset about the longer hours she must work during the holiday
season. She really would prefer to have extra time off. Her manager is able to help Shirley see
how important her work is to the success of the store and explains to her that she is one of the
best workers he has. He assures her that if she can make it through this season, he will reward
her with time o in the upcoming months. Which skill has the manager used to help Shirley in
this situation?
a. Goal setting
b. Human Skills
c. Conceptual Skills
d. Technical Skills

26. Maria manages a team that has missed their production goals for the past three months.
After reviewing each employee's performance record, Maria has adjusted the sales goal to take
additional quality control measures into consideration. Why is this an example of controlling?
a. Because somebody will likely get red as a result of this analysis
b. Because it is the only element that is important in developing the long-term strategy of the
c. Because Marial acted as a leader and took responsibility for the project
d. Because additional control measures cover the path to potential corrective measures

27. Identify which of the following is an example of organizing.

a. Tom is a director at a large IT company, and he is trying to determine how his employees
have performed in the past quarter.
b. Tom is a lawyer at a large PR company and is preparing all his co-workers for depositions that
they will have to face.
c. Tom is a project manager at an IT company and is determining how he should distribute the
resources and allocate the roles.
d. Tom is a manager at a large PR company, and he is trying to determine which people he
should hire to work on his company's new promotional line.

28. It is a business with two or more partners. What form of business is it?

A. Corporation
B. Conglomerate
C. Partnership
D. Public Corporation

29. Burger King would most likely show which type of ownership.
A. Sole Proprietorship
B. Partnership
C. Corporation
D. Cooperative

30. Which of the following is the most important reason for incorporating?
A. Limited liability of shareholders
B. More money for investment
C. Increased flexibility
D. Shared Management

31. Which of the following is a drawback for an entrepreneur setting up a business as a sole
a. Profit is shared.
b. Limited liability
c. Financial accounts are kept private.
d. Unlimited liability

32. Which of the following is NOT one of Rostow's five stages of economic development?
a. Traditional society
b. Take-off
c. Drive to maturity
d. Technological society

33. Which ONE of the following statements is not true?

a. Sole proprietors are not permitted to take on employees.
b. Sole proprietors can be subject to certain provisions in the Companies Act 2006.
c. Sole proprietors are personally liable for the debts and liabilities of the sole proprietorship.
d. The sole proprietor owns all the assets of the business and is entitled to all of the profits that
the business generates.
34 . The Dow Jones industrial average swept past 12,000 for the first time. Investors are
increasingly optimistic about corporate earnings and the economy. This achievement MOST
likely involved which type of business organization?
a. Sole Proprietorship
b. Corporation
c. Partnership
d. Cooperative

35. Changes in demographics results in shifting demand away from products, this is classified as
a _________.
a. Strength
b. Weakness
c. Opportunity

36. ABM company concentrates more on selling the products it produces. What factors
affect ABM Company?

A. Economic
B. Political
C. Social
D. Technological

37. A company that has been established and successful for 10 years doesn't need to conduct a
a. True
b. False
c. Maybe
d. Both True and False
38. What aspects of PEST analysis does a shift in consumer taste, away from the firm's product
is considered as a __________?
a. Political Factor
b. Economic Factor
c. Social Factor
d. Technological Factor

39 Which of the following is true about preparing a SWOT Analysis?

a. It should focus on where the organization is today, not where it could be in the future.
b. SWOT analysis is a technique that identifies the Strength, Weaknesses of a company as
well as the Opportunities and Threats
c. A SWOT Analysis is objective
d. The entrepreneur must be able to “perfect’ the product or service

40. Which of the following could be a threat?

a. A market vacated by an ineffective competitor

b. Location of your business
c. Lack of marketing expertise
d. High inflation rate

41. How can you describe Cost - Benefit Analysis?

a.T his is a technique used in weighing the financial ramifications of each alternative to
determine the most beneficial from an economic perspective.
b. This is used by business leaders in determining consumer preferences when making
c. This helps businesses create marketing strategies that answer the present and
d. This is used for marketing and business strategies that focus on development

42. How identifying your goals is the first step in decision making?

a. Because, when goals are not identified this might lead to misalignment
b. Because, this may also strengthen the identified situation and the degree of seriousness of
the situation.
c. Because, this can gather all relevant information as a decision-maker
d. Because You can also choose a combination of the alternatives if you think this would be the
best solution to the problem.

43. Yohan is a Marketing Manager of RainHeart Hotel. He is working on the firm’s

marketing plan. His forecast shows that, if they carry on as they have been doing, they
are likely to miss their sales revenue target by 2.5 million. He needs some more ideas.
What best tool of analysis will Yohan use?

A. SWOT Analysis C. T-Chart

B. PEST Analysis
C. T-Chart
D. Pareto Analysis

44. Who are considered Blue Collar workers?.

a. Secretary, Accountant, Physician
b Managers
c. Electrician, Plumber
d. Clerks
45. Which of the following is not an example of a financial reward that can be given to an employee?
a. Employer contributes to an employee retirement plan.
b. Employer offers to sell company stock to its employees at an amount that is less than the current
market value.
c. Employer pays the total amount of the employee's health care cost.
d. Employer congratulates its employees for doing a great job on their last project.
46. Ms. Perez is a recruiter who offers KIsha a Programmed Manager position at her faculty. Kishaa says
that she is honored to have the opportunity to take on a management position, but she will be unable to
take the position unless she is given an annual opportunity to attend training to improve her
performance. The training opportunity that she is asking for is an example of _____.
a. A factor that can reduce job dissatisfaction and performance.
b. An intrinsic factor of motivation that can lead to improved performance.
C, An extrinsic factor of motivation that can lead to improved performance.
D. A demand on the organization that can lead to improved performance.

47. Which manager’s skills refer to the ability to think in abstract terms and to see how parts fit
together to form the whole?
a. Human Skills
b. Technical Skills
c. Conceptual Skills
d. Leadership Skills

48. What techniques of communication shows where the message flow from the higher levels
of authority to lower levels?
a. Downward Communication
b. Upward Communication
c. Horizontal Communication
d. Vertical Communication

49. What is the meaning of Cost Control in Food and Beverage?

a. Having only one person manage all the costs of goods.
b. Spending as much money needed to acquire the goods needed.
c. The practice of identifying and reducing business expenses to increase profits, and it starts
with the budgeting process.
d. Purchasing the most inexpensive goods and services to save money.

50. If your sales budget shows that you sold 10,000 units of Christmas lights last November and
you ran out at your warehouse, what does that tell you about customer expectations?
a. You should repackage the Christmas lights as 'Winter Wonderland' lights in January so more
people will buy them then.
b. You need to make more Christmas lights for this year because your customers bought them
c. No one likes your Christmas lights.
d. You should diversify into lawn ornaments.

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