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About the Tutorial

SAP Business Warehouse (BW) powered by SAP HANA refers to using BW software suite
on top of HANA database. This functionality explores all the key features of HANA database
technologies and uses BW as a modeling tool for data modeling and analytical reporting.

BW software supports various databases like Oracle, Microsoft, IBM DB2, Teradata, and
many more. BW on HANA suggests that you are using HANA as database for BW data
modeling capabilities and no other database is required.

This tutorial has been prepared for those having advanced level knowledge on SAP BW
functions and SAP HANA Native modeling. After completing this tutorial, you will find
yourself at a moderate level of expertise in maintaining BW on top of HANA database, and
exploring some key capabilities on BW powered by HANA.

Before you start proceeding with this tutorial, we assume that you are well-versed with
basic BW and HANA concepts, like DataStore Objects (DSO), Data Transformations,
InfoCubes, Query optimization, HANA Modeling and HANA DB features using HANA Studio.
If you are not aware of these concepts, then we recommend that you first go through our
tutorials on BW and HANA.

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 Copyright 2018 by Tutorials Point (I) Pvt. Ltd.

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We strive to update the contents of our website and tutorials as timely and as precisely as
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Table of Contents
About the Tutorial .................................................................................................................................. i

Audience ................................................................................................................................................ i

Prerequisites .......................................................................................................................................... i

Disclaimer & Copyright ........................................................................................................................... i

Table of Contents .................................................................................................................................. ii

1. BW ON HANA − OVERVIEW ................................................................................................ 1

Drawbacks of Using SAP BW with Other Databases ............................................................................... 1

BW on HANA − Key Customers .............................................................................................................. 2

BW on HANA: Important Transactions................................................................................................... 3

2. BW ON HANA − BW BASICS................................................................................................ 4

DataStore Object ................................................................................................................................... 5

DSO Architecture ................................................................................................................................... 5

InfoCube ................................................................................................................................................ 6

3. BW ON HANA − HANA BASICS ............................................................................................ 7

Getting Started with SAP HANA Studio .................................................................................................. 7

SAP HANA Studio −AFeatures ................................................................................................................ 8

HANA Studio Administration View ....................................................................................................... 9

Adding a HANA System to Studio .......................................................................................................... 9

4. BW ON HANA − ARCHITECTURE ....................................................................................... 12

Layered Scalable Architecture (LSA and LSA++) ................................................................................... 13

5. BW ON HANA − BENEFITS ................................................................................................ 14

6. BW ON HANA − NATIVE HANA MODELING ...................................................................... 15

SAP HANA − Attribute View ................................................................................................................. 16


Create an Attribute View ..................................................................................................................... 17

SAP HANA − Analytic View .................................................................................................................. 19

Create an Analytic View ....................................................................................................................... 19

SAP HANA − Calculation View .............................................................................................................. 22

Create a Calculation View .................................................................................................................... 22

7. BW ON HANA − BW DATA WAREHOUSING ...................................................................... 25

Star Schema & Extended Star Schema ................................................................................................. 25

InfoArea & InfoObjects ........................................................................................................................ 26

8. BW ON HANA − BW DATABASE VERSION ......................................................................... 27

Check on Which Database the BW System is Installed On and its Version ........................................... 27

9. BW ON HANA − MODELING TOOLS .................................................................................. 29

Create a New BW Project in HANA Studio ........................................................................................... 29

10. BW ON HANA − MIGRATION ............................................................................................ 35

Issues During Migration ....................................................................................................................... 36

11. BW ON HANA − MIGRATION TOOLS ................................................................................. 37

Software Provisioning Manager .......................................................................................................... 37

SAP BW Migration Cockpit for SAP HANA ............................................................................................ 37

Data Migration Option of SUM ............................................................................................................ 38

12. BW ON HANA − DATA MANAGEMENT ............................................................................. 40

Hot Data .............................................................................................................................................. 40

Cold Data ............................................................................................................................................. 40

Warm Data .......................................................................................................................................... 41

Monitor Non-Active Data Concept in SAP BW System ......................................................................... 42

13. BW ON HANA − HANA OPTIMIZED INFOCUBES ................................................................ 45


14. BW ON HANA − COMPOSITE PROVIDERS ......................................................................... 48

Create Composite Providers ................................................................................................................ 48

15. BW ON HANA − COMPOSITE PROVIDERS IN HANA STUDIO ............................................. 52

16. BW ON HANA − ADVANCED DSOS .................................................................................... 56

Create an Advanced DSO Based on HANA Database ............................................................................ 56

17. BW ON HANA − HYBRID MODELING................................................................................. 58

Hybrid Provider Based on DataStore Object ........................................................................................ 58

Hybrid Provider Based on Direct Access .............................................................................................. 59

18. BW ON HANA − HANA VIEWS FOR BW INFOPROVIDERS .................................................. 60

Create SAP HANA Views for Queries as InfoProvider ........................................................................... 60

19. BW ON HANA − HANA LIVE .............................................................................................. 63

HANA Live Architecture ....................................................................................................................... 63

Technical System Landscape for SAP HANA Live .................................................................................. 65

20. BW ON HANA − DATA PROVISIONING .............................................................................. 66

21. BW ON HANA − SLT REPLICATION HANA .......................................................................... 67

Advantage of SLT Replication .............................................................................................................. 67

Create a Trusted RFC connection in ECC System .................................................................................. 68

Configure RFC Connection ................................................................................................................... 70

22. BW ON HANA − SLT REPLICATION BW.............................................................................. 72

23. BW ON HANA − DB CONNECT .......................................................................................... 73

DB Architecture ................................................................................................................................... 73

Create DBMS as a Source System ........................................................................................................ 74

24. BW ON HANA − HANA VIEW FOR INFOCUBE.................................................................... 76


25. BW ON HANA − PROCESS CHAIN ...................................................................................... 78

Monitor Periodic Process Chains ......................................................................................................... 78

View the Log for Runs of a Process Chain ............................................................................................ 79

Perform Process Chain Maintenance for a Process Chain Run ............................................................. 79

26. BW ON HANA − HANA VS BWA ........................................................................................ 80

27. BW ON HANA − AUTHORIZATION .................................................................................... 82

Create Analytic Privileges in SAP HANA ............................................................................................... 82

Object Privilege in SAP HANA .............................................................................................................. 83

28. BW ON HANA − CONSULTANT RESPONSIBILITIES ............................................................. 84

1. BW on HANA − Overview SAP BW on HANA

SAP Business Warehouse (BW) powered by SAP HANA helps you speed up data analysis
by consuming data via a Data Warehouse (DW) for analytical reporting and data analysis.
You can achieve key opportunities like real-time data integration and data modeling, and
hence real-time BI reporting on large amount of data in the database.

SAP Business Warehouse continues to act like a powerful data warehouse tool to
consolidate master data and provide flexible reporting options. With SAP HANA underneath
BW system as a database, you can use a combination of DW capabilities with fast in-
memory database to achieve performance improvements and exceptional modeling

HANA in-memory database is much faster as compared to other common databases like
Oracle, SQL Server, and hence DW performs much faster when powered by HANA as
database underneath it. It combines the power of both the tools - BW Modeling and HANA
in-memory computing engine to process huge amounts of data.

BW on HANA supports various exceptional databases and reporting capabilities that are
not possible using other databases - like transformations and DSOs are moved to HANA
database to provide much faster processing of data, data load performance, query
processing and optimization, exceptional HANA modeling capabilities, etc.

Drawbacks of Using SAP BW with Other Databases

Following are the drawbacks when you use SAP BW with other databases such as Oracle,
SQL Server, and IBM DB2.

 Real-time Reporting − Using BW with other databases, you can’t perform real-
time reporting as real-time data is not available in the data warehouse. Data is
moved to Business Warehouse in batches and hence is not available for real-time

 Implementing Structural Changes − To implement any structure changes, it is

very time consuming and a tough task as compatibility is not available with other
DB vendors. To implement any structure changes in Business Warehouse, it takes
2-12 months’ time.

 Report Performance − You have to perform report performance optimization and

tuning for each application.

 Compatibility − Data in Business Warehouse is aggregated and materialized and

you can’t get the data at different granularity level. HANA supports aggregations
on the fly when the report is executed.


As mentioned, HANA is much faster as compared to other databases like Oracle and SQL
Server. Hence, when you combine HANA capabilities with BW, you get an exceptional data
processing and reporting features.

BW on HANA − Key Customers

As per SAP, organizations of all sizes and industries around the world are using the power
of SAP HANA platform to transform their business and create new value. It includes a list
of companies from all domains and regions who have adapted HANA as database and used
in-memory power of HANA database with BW data warehouse features. You can see the
list of all organizations who have adapted SAP BW on HANA using the following link.


Procter & Gamble

Procter & Gamble has adapted to SAP BW on HANA with the following business

 Reliable, real-time reporting and Better Business Decisions with SAP Software and

 55% database reduction from 36 TB to 16 TB.

 400% increase in data loading speeds.

 35,000 business users supported.

CenterPoint Energy
CenterPoint Energy uses SAP HANA as the foundation to realize their strategic vision.

 10 minutes to create marketing targets, down from four weeks.

 200% increase in productivity by replacing manual data replications with scheduled

data loads into SAP HANA.

 98.8% faster predictive analytics engine runtime (from 90 seconds to 1 second).

 15% more calls handled by IVR rather than by agents.

Adidas leveraging SAP HANA platform stays ahead of consumer demand utilizing SAP
Fashion Management application.

 Complete visibility from the factory to the shop floor and e-commerce channels.
 Point of sale data analysis that provides a better understanding of consumers.
 Significantly faster nightly replenishment and allocation runs.

BW on HANA: Important Transactions

Following are the key transaction codes to be used in BW on HANA system.

RSA1: To open BW workbench

RSMIGRHANADB: To convert in-memory optimized BW

SM59: To configure RFC connection for SLT

Ltr: To configure Trusted RFC

RSPCM: To monitor periodic process chains


RSPC: To view the log for runs of a process chain

RSLIMO: BW Lean Modeler Test UI

2. BW on HANA − BW Basics SAP BW on HANA

SAP BW integrates data from different sources, transforms and consolidates the data,
performs data cleansing, and stores data. SAP BW also includes data modeling,
administration and staging area.

Data in SAP BW is managed with the help of a centralized tool known as SAP Business
Intelligence (BI) Administration Workbench. The BI platform provides infrastructure and
functions to include:

 OLAP Processor
 Metadata Repository
 Process Designer and other functions

Business Explorer (BEx) is a reporting and analysis tool that supports query, analysis, and
reporting functions in BI. Using BEx, you can analyze historical and current data to
different degree of analysis.

SAP BW is known as open, standard-based tool which allows you to extract data from
different systems to BI system. It evaluates the data with different reporting tools and you
can distribute this to other systems.

When you go to SAP BI Administration workbench, the source system is defined there. Go
to RSA1 -> Source Systems.


As per the type of data source, you can differentiate source systems:

 Data Sources for transaction data

 Data Sources for master data
 Data sources for hierarchies
 Data sources for text
 Data Sources for attributes

You can load the data from any source in the data source structure into BI with an
InfoPackage. The target system where the data is to be loaded is defined in the

DataStore Object
DataStore Object (DSO) is known as a storage place to keep cleansed and consolidated
transaction or master data at lowest granularity level. This data can be analyzed using
BEx query.

A DSO contains key figures and characteristic fields. Data from DSO can be updated using
Delta update or other DataStore objects or master data. DSOs are commonly stored in
two-dimensional transparent database tables.

DSO Architecture
DSO component consists of three tables:

Activation Queue
This is used to store the data before it is activated. The key contains request id, package
id, and record number. Once activation is complete, the request is deleted from the
activation queue.


Active Data Table

This table is used to store the current active data and it contains the semantic key defined
for data modeling.

Change Log
When you activate the object, changes to active data are stored in the change log. Change
log is a PSA table and is maintained in Administration Workbench under PSA tree.

InfoCube is defined as a multidimensional dataset, which is used for analysis in a BEx
query. An InfoCube consists of a set of relational tables which are logically joined to
implement star schema. A Fact table in star schema is joined with multiple dimension

You can add data from one or more InfoSource or InfoProviders to an InfoCube. They are
available as InfoProviders for analysis and reporting purposes.

InfoCube Structure
An InfoCube is used to store the data physically. It consists of a number of InfoObjects
that are filled with data from staging. It has the structure of a star schema.

The real-time characteristic can be assigned to an InfoCube. Real-time InfoCubes are used
differently than standard InfoCubes.

3. BW on HANA − HANA Basics SAP BW on HANA

HANA database takes advantage of in-memory processing to deliver the fastest data-
retrieval speed, which is enticing for organizations struggling with high-scale online
transactions or timely forecasting and planning.

Disk-based storage is still the enterprise standard and the price of RAM has been declining
steadily. Thus, memory-intensive architectures will eventually replace slow, mechanical
spinning disks and will lower the cost of Data storage.

In-memory column based storage provides data compression up to 11 times, reduces the
space to store huge amount of data.

The speed advantages offered by RAM storage system are further enhanced by the use
multi-core CPU’s multiple CPUs per node and multiple nodes per server in the distributed

Getting Started with SAP HANA Studio

SAP HANA studio is an Eclipse-based tool that runs on development environment and
administration tool for working on HANA.

SAP HANA studio is both the central development environment and the main
administration tool for HANA system. It is a client tool which can be used to access local
or remote HANA system.

It provides an environment for HANA Administration, HANA Information Modeling and Data
Provisioning in HANA database.

SAP HANA Studio can be used on the following platforms:

 Microsoft Windows 32 and 64 bit versions of: Windows XP, Windows Vista,
Windows 7

 SUSE Linux Enterprise Server SLES11: x86 64 bit

However, in Mac OS, HANA studio client is not available.

Depending on HANA Studio installation, all features may not be available. At the time of
Studio installation, specify the features you want to install as per the role. To work on the
most recent version of HANA studio, Software Life Cycle Manager can be used for client


SAP HANA Studio −AFeatures

SAP HANA Studio provides a perspective to work on the following HANA features. You can
choose the Perspective in HANA Studio using the following path, HANA Studio -> Window
-> Open Perspective -> Other

SAP HANA Studio Administration

The toolset for various administration tasks, excluding transportable design-time
repository objects. General troubleshooting tools like tracing, the catalog browser, and
SQL Console are also included.

SAP HANA Studio Database Development

It provides the toolset for content development. It addresses, in particular, the DataMarts
and ABAP on SAP HANA scenarios, which does not include SAP HANA native application

SAP HANA Studio Application Development

SAP HANA system contains a small Web server which can be used to host small
applications. It provides the toolset for developing SAP HANA native applications, like
application code written in Java and HTML.

By default, all features are installed.


HANA Studio Administration View

To perform HANA Database Administration and monitoring features, SAP HANA
Administration Console Perspective can be used.

Administrator Editor can be accessed in the following ways:

 From System View Toolbar: Choose Open Administration default button

 In System View: Double-click HANA System or Open Perspective

In the Administration view, HANA studio provides multiple tabs to check the configuration
and health of the HANA system. The Overview tab provides General Information such as:
the operational status, the start time of the first and last started service, the version, the
build date and time, the platform, the hardware manufacturer, etc.

Adding a HANA System to Studio

One or multiple systems can be added to HANA studio for Administration and Information
modeling purposes. To add a new HANA system, the host name, the instance number, and
the database username and password is required.

 Port 3615 should be open to connect to Database

 Port 31015 Instance No 10
 Port 30015 Instance No 00
 SSh port should also be open

Following are the steps to add a System to HANA studio:

Step 1: Right-click in the Navigator space and click Add System. Enter HANA system
details, i.e. the host name and the instance number. Click next.


Step 2: Enter the database username and password to connect to SAP HANA database.
Click Next and then Finish.


Once you click Finish, HANA system will be added to System View for administration and
modeling purposes. Each HANA system has two main sub-nodes, Catalog and Content.

Catalog: It contains all available Schemas, i.e. all data structures, tables and data, column
views, and procedures, which can be used in the Content tab.

Content: The Content tab contains design time repository, which holds all information of
data models created with the HANA Modeler. These models are organized in Packages.
The Content node provides different views on the same physical data.

4. BW on HANA − Architecture SAP BW on HANA

When SAP BW is powered by HANA, all the tasks are performed using HANA database
optimized techniques. SAP HANA is responsible to perform key tasks related to Data
Warehousing delivering excellent performance while performing analytical reporting.

In the following figure, you can see BW on HANA architecture where all the key activities
of BW are HANA optimized:

 HANA-Optimized Data Modeling: InfoCubes

 HANA-Optimized Data Modeling: Advanced DataStore Objects
 HANA-Optimized Data Modeling: Composite Providers
 HANA-Optimized Data Staging
 HANA-Optimized Analytic Manager
 HANA-Optimized Analysis Processes


Layered Scalable Architecture (LSA and LSA++)

In SAP BW, LSA makes it more robust, flexible, and scalable solution to perform enterprise
data warehousing functions. LSA is the corporate framework for BW to reliably manage
the entire data and metadata life cycle:

 Data delivery
 Data modeling
 Data staging
 Authorizations
 Solution delivery

When BW is implemented on SAP HANA, you can create a different LSA which is more
dependent on virtual objects. This is known as LSA++ and it consists of three key layers:

Open Operation Data Store Layer

This layer is similar to the data acquisition layer in SAP BW. The open ODS layer is used
to integrate data into the Data Warehouse and provides the same functionality as the
classic data acquisition layer, but with more flexible data integration possibilities.

Core Data Warehouse Layer

This layer is responsible to perform functions like data transformation, data cleansing and

Virtual Data Mart Layer

This layer is responsible to combine the data from other layers and to make it available
for reporting purposes. This layer contains all the InfoProviders that combine data using
join or union, without saving the result: MultiProvider, Composite Provider, etc. You can
use this to access data directly in the SAP HANA database, to allow queries on Composite
Provider, Open ODS View. Composite provider allows you to merge the data from BW
InfoProviders with HANA Modeling views. Union and Joins are performed in SAP HANA and
queries can be run on composite providers, like BW InfoProviders.


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